#the secret world of og
gingericywolf · 11 months
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Who remembers this wip?
Prob no one anyway sketch phase finished.
This scene is the reason the Au is called carrying the Bull's shadow btw
More of the sketch progress
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whoblewboobear · 1 year
I need a choices book that fucks as hard as Heaven’s Secret
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enderspawn · 2 years
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^ she was forced to finally make a worldbuilding decision in order to do any further worldbuilding
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bramblequeen · 2 years
I am once again reminded of the incredible potential that Deep Jungle/the Tarzan World could’ve had in future Kingdom Hearts sequels but couldn’t due to licensing agreements (and Disney being slimy bastards with their properties)
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abstractreign · 1 year
{ on an unrelated note: here's some thoughts i had and mentioned to a few people over on discord, and i thought they'd be worth sharing here too:
thinking about neku being sent to shinjuku again and ive started to form a sort of theory— since neku had already won the reapers game and chose to return to the RG and live out the rest of his existence there (or it was determined he’d obviously choose to go back to the RG) in the event that he died again in shibuya, he wouldnt be able to play shibuyas game again and wouldve just immediately been processed into Soul. but coco, a reaper, doesnt actually realize this because shes not that high up the food chain. so when coco shot neku, what happened was that joshua took his dying body to shinjuku so that he would die within shinjuku’s bounds and therefore be given a “chance to play the game” within *its* bounds (even though obviously that was no longer possible, because by the time neku came to, he was likely in the ruins of what was shinjuku); ie he exploited a reality-rule loophole of sorts in order to save neku from a very early permadeath, though it did result in the latter being trapped in shinjuku for 3 years because there was no actual game to be played there. cause of the fact it didnt exist anymore. ( also i think he might have had some healing to do in order for joshua to bring his ass back to rg — ) ( and in my joshua’s case, he also wanted to have neku take his place as composer as a last resort, if ever anything went south re:whatever was up with and/shinjuku/neo) anyhoo, perhaps neku had to locate the shibuya river in order to get back?
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ensuists · 1 year
@soulsxng ✯ from here
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The mention of the strip club was an offhand joke at some sort, but he should've figured Py might dig a little bit deeper into it. He pulls back, amused more than anything as he shakes his head at the other's comment. ❝ I dunno, man. ❞ There's a TEASING lilt to his voice, low and husky as he turns around to face the other man. ❝ Private rooms are kinda lame when I could just do everyone a favor and give 'em a good show. Sure they'd appreciate it--hell, you sure seem to like it a lot whenever I do like, literally fucking anything. ❞
A small, playful smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, fingers playing with the hem of Py's pants as he pulls him closer. Thank fuck the bar's empty right now. But really, he doubts it'd stop either of them if it was crowded or completely dead. ❝ Maybe if you did something for me, I'd be more down. ❞
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goldensunset · 2 years
Currently scrolling through your ntwewy tag like it's the news paper. I managed to avoid the brainworms this long but I think I've finally begun to succumb. Your fault btw (affectionate)
realted do you have that post that's like "the wicked twisters killed god, but the ruinbringers remain on top :))" bc I keep thinking about it and I need it
LFHDJDBSNDBDJB i’m so so so glad to hear it. even funnier that it’s only just now happening like. a year ish after we became mutuals? and especially at a time when i’m not even posting very much about it atm. you survived the initial wave and then you survived me liveblogging my replay this summer. now i’m not even in that mode and yet i’ve apparently finally gotten you to crack at this time
enjoy your scroll i don’t mind the spam at all. but you’ll obviously see a ton of spoilers bc i stopped tagging them like a year ago so lol
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Danny from Danny Phantom is the Cold Miser
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Isaac Graves Diary
Resident Evil 3 remake found by Jill in the lab
“The pay was generous, the benefits were good. Most importantly, they promised me I'd be contributing to state-of-the-art medical tech research. For a university teacher stuck working in Nowhere, America, it was a golden opportunity, like winning the lottery. So I went for it. I made the pitch to my family and we agreed to move here to Raccoon City.
Well, hindsight is 20/20, because this lab is a den of monsters who conduct cruel and barbaric experiments for the sole purpose of taking human life in the most sickening way possible. It's messed up. The world needs to know. But every time I work up enough courage to blow the whistle, I think of Penny and Casey and immediately chicken out.
Umbrella owns this town. There was this guy they caught trying to smuggle out company secrets. They essentially fed him to one of the Betas. FED HIM. I saw the whole thing. I got my wife and daughter into this. I just need to do my job. Do as I'm told. For their sake. But let this be testament that I do have a conscience, and that I've learned my lesson.“
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jupiterjunebug · 5 months
I have 2.5 chapters of buffer...i could indulge in this stupid niche concept and not fall behind on my update schedule, yeah?
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variouscolors · 5 months
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will-o-wips · 7 months
Save the Villainess Thoughts by Willow Masterpost Part 1: Jane
So I've decided to be insane. Make a small (lies, it is long, that is why it is divided up into parts) post about the Halloween videos and the lore that they have given us. As well as maybe compile theories/thoughts about these characters. Idk if there is a community for this even, or if anybody's actually obsessed like I am, but I'm having fun thinking about it either way, so... I guess this is for like the 0.0000000000001% of the people (me and only me). Enjoy lmao.
You have been warned: the actual insanity starts under the cut lmao.
So I will start with... Jane. Mostly because her Halloween special video is not as lore-bomb-dropping as the rest. The video itself is mostly about certain aspects of the gameplay so far. It's a neat little thing! Honestly, these are more thoughts/rambles than actual, well, coherent notes, but from what I've noticed (from being insane and watching every single social media post on Tumblr Best Laid Plans Productions ever made about all of them, more or less, even though my memory is spotty and I didn't have time to rewatch them before making this), is that Jane is just unknowingly integrated in this world. I don't notice her having any thoughts about before she was transported into the romance novel she read; it's not like she's thinking about her family home, or that she has any plans of going back. She just knows she doesn't belong in this world as the villainess, which is super interesting to me. She's just... accepted her fate and that she must survive. She's BECOME the villainess, rather than just feeling like an imposter in another person's body. She only knows she's innocent, which is why she's fighting so hard to be freed from such a fate. Another thing that supports this is the fact Jane always says such weird phrases that I'm like 99% sure aren't actual English idioms, but rather phrases that this alternate romance novel universe uses. Such as "By the blood" in the Halloween special specifically, because, what does this mean Jane???? What are you referring to here!!! (Side note: Edmund also uses these odd phrases a lot, so I suppose it's something the nobility of Carcosa are familiar with; some kind of "noble language" to distinguish those of nobility from commoners or whatever. Some kind of pretentious thing that just happens because society is cruel lmao. Either that OR this is just the way Carcosians speak in general and Jane just kinda always knew this ever.)
Another thing, besides just the obvious announcements of how this guideline/tutorial thing works in the gameplay, is the fact that Jane explicitly states that daytime and nighttime are important. Most people would sign this off to, well, gameplay experience. That during the night you can talk to people more intimately and have like rendezvous or whatever with your favourite characters, while at daytime you're solving mysteries mostly. See the thing with that is, is that Servant also somewhat says very similar things in previous instances of videos. And we all know that Servant is like... that one person that gives everyone the creeps, the intrigue and also the insanity. They are, as of now, the most explicit in the fact they are somewhat of a mastermind behind this all. They know what is happening with the lore. They know, but they don't like explicitly telling us what is happening, so... yeah thanks ig Servant? In each case, Jane here is not joking when she says that nighttime and daytime are important; they're probably very much so magically (maybe?) linked to how this story is supposed to progress. Aka gameplay actually impacts lore, and lore impacts gameplay. As to what it is referring to... well, I have my theories about it. But what I'm most confident in is that it is related to some kind of magic about the story. It is relevant to the narrative; relevant to things both Ben and Servant know about this world. And I say Ben because he's also so sus in such a world-altering way but I'll talk about him later... yeah, later lmao.
Now, my notes that I took while watching the videos here are very vague (thank you for that Willow, you are so insane about this you cannot even write in proper English), but there's something about the jewelry and accessories of these characters. Most noticeably, the way they glow. Like Rhythmically Glowing and Shaking. In Jane's case, it's her earrings [her brooch is less important but it still has symbolism on it probably, with how it has a bee etched onto it. Maybe this is her family's like symbol? Like how Renaissance Pope families had different kinds of symbols etched into buildings they funded into existence and all. Who knows]. Maybe this is some kind of glint effect or whatever; but then why is it animated like THAT??? Idk if I'm onto something or not here, I have high suspicions that I am, but maybe I'm also just looking into it too deeply... but there's something wrong with this jewelry. There's something wrong with the way that Servant's Brooch also glows, whenever Edmunds (tie clips? cufflinks for your neck??? what are they I'm not good with fashion, though the game has such good fashion design guys okay) accessories start glowing and shaking, when Izel has his little gem earring (I love that design omg, also + the brooch he has on his tie but like it doesn't shake) shakes and glows as well and how Ben's POCKET WATCH CHAIN (+ the little uhh buttons on his coat but they don't shake the way the other things do) IS GLOWING OKAY (and yes I'm insane enough to pause these videos just to see whether it is true). Something is going on. It's happening (slightly) even during daytime, and I checked this, so there's something fishy with this. There has to be. I'm so convinced there is jfkldsjfks. A possible explanation for this is that because these characters are all main actors in the story, some kind of magic is there to maybe,,, force them to play their part? Maybe they cannot be exempted from the main storyline because of this? Maybe everybody is just here because they have no other choice? Honestly idk. More thoughts on this in the other parts because dude I'm gonna lose my mind if I try to put everything in here. AND MAYBE IT'S JUST AN ARTISTIC CHOICE AND I'M JUST INSANE ABOUT IT??? Who knows.
Anyway, to close off this post, because I know it is long and idk whether there's actually any substance here, I'll try to compile the thoughts about Jane into a few small sentences, without fangirling in between lmao.
She's lovely, and while she is very funny, I find her harder to pin down than the rest of the cast (that we know of as of writing this). She's dead set on surviving, and that's probably because she might have experienced death once already. Either as the Villainess Jane Neville herself, or as the person she (possibly) used to be, that we know absolutely nothing of. She does not show any other hints to her past: just constantly assuring us she desperately needs help. I love her, of course, not only for her character design or the fact that she's funny, but for the fact that she somehow manages to avoid telling us anything concrete about herself. I don't think that this is done because Jane is not a character and is supposed to be a player-insert (that may play a part in it but y'know, that's just the nature of these kinds of games to a degree); she very much so is a character. She knows these phrases and these small courtesy things that no normal person who WASN'T integrated into this fantasy world would know. Maybe she retained only some of the past memories that her villainess self had, but truly... how could she remember those, but not her fiancé? Not the novel she is in? How can she know she is the villainess with certainty, at all, given she does not remember the book, the plot of said book, nor any of the other characters that well? She only knows someone is out to kill her, and that we must save her. Her weird integration with the world as well as the dissonance she presents with it at the same time is suspicious; she's very mysterious in that regard.
Perhaps I'm biased. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. It might be that I'm missing something entirely. Somehow my suspicion/theory, even to me, feels like it's somewhat misplaced. That something is up is clear, but whether there's evidence to support anything is a whole other thing.
But somehow I'm inclined to believe that... Jane is not as forgetful as she might think she is. And that whatever happens to her by the choice of the player (who you romance, what kind of ending you get, what kind of choices you make, how you survive based on your deductions in the mystery, etc.), it always will tie into something she wanted to be. That us controlling her to a certain kind of destiny, is something she wanted to be, but never got the chance to be.
That we might guide her towards a destiny she actually deserved, rather than the one she has gotten.
[ Lmao I have so many more thoughts about what exactly makes a villainess but like... if the LIs/ROs/MLs or whatever you call them are all deconstructions and reconstructions of their specific tropes... Then isn't Jane also one? Shouldn't she be, at least? If she never was a villainess, then what makes her be one? If she was a villainess, what changes should she undergo in order to become a hero? And if she is neither... Or cannot remember whether she is clearly... What truly discerns her as a villainess?
I have so many more thoughts and theories about these people that I have to cover later because otherwise I'd have been sitting here for 2 hours trying to write all of this down somewhat understandably. If I actually had a plan for like any type of structure I might've not lost so much time on it. Will try to do that when it comes to the rest and all. Might also opt for smaller paragraphs lmao I genuinely hope I'm not overstepping something by doing this??? If the developers see this and go like "okay maybe don't", I'll take it down fjkdsjfklds. It's not like I'm dead set on sharing this if it's for whatever reason not good for business or something. ANYWAY THIS IS GETTING ABSURDLY LONG. Hope you enjoyed my rambles; until next time for the rest of them! ]
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nervoussagittarius · 2 months
which triplet is most likely to ft. matts girlfriend y/n!
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matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt invites his girlfriend to a car video with nostalgic vibes
warnings: none :)
you were sitting in the passenger seat of the minivan, you're normal spot when you were driving with the triplets. this time though, a camera sat in front of you on the dash of their car.
being home with the boys in boston was still something you were getting used to. your boyfriend matt had spent a big part of the day taking you around all the iconic spots in the city. the boys had asked you earlier in the if you wanted to participate in a video. you, of course, said yes.
your relationship was no secret to the world. you guys have been together for a couple years, and you had been featured in many og videos.
"gotta turn the world into a dance floor" chris sang, as matt got into the car. he pointed at you to finish the lyric
with a roll of your eyes, "determinate d-determinate" you sang back.
matt and nick looked at the both of you. one in anticipation of you guys to keep singing, and the other in anticipation of starting the video.
nick cut all of you off quickly to intro the video. "hey guys! welcome back to the fridays video"
"today we have a very special guest, drumroll please, my girlfriend y/n" matt said as he looked at you with a stupid smile on his face.
"hi guys! im back" you replied looking at the camera.
chris started from the backseat, "if you're new here, y/n has been in a bunch of our old videos, and were bringing her back to see her take on 'who's most likely to'"
"we've done this before but we figured y/n could give you guys an outside perspective” matt said as he looked at the camera.
“i’m giving y’all the dirt. we’re getting deep… i- okay” the boys laughed at you while nick pulled up the first question.
“okay, which triplet is most likely to get mad at another for chewing to loud?” nick asked as you immediately looked between the camera and matt.
“we already know the answer because the viewers have seen this happen multiple times”
“yeah, i have to say it’s matt. i’m so sorry for coming at you first honey” you said in between giggles as matt rolled his eyes.
“i disagree. i don’t think i’m most likely to do that”
“matt! we’ve witnessed it bro. you can’t say it’s not you when it is. either way it’s a who’s most likely to question not who’s actually doing it! but you’re actually doing it. good god” nick exclaimed.
the car was packed with laughter as nick went in his tangent. you all calmed down as nick asked the next question.
“who’s most likely to not be able to sleep alone”
“all of you.”
“what!?” “no way!” “that’s not even true”
“no it’s so true” you responded to there complaints. “let me explain. nick is probably the least likely. he’s okay sleeping alone i just feel like people come to him the most to sleep with him so he’s used to sleeping with other people.”
“that’s very true. people are always in my bed” nick said giving the camera a little wink.
“matt and chris need to have someone with them at all times. chris can’t sleep in the same place for more then a night. he’s always sleeping everywhere but his own bed. and matt texts me at least once a week that i need to come over and sleep in his bed with him because he can’t fall asleep.”
“let me just clarify,” matt started, “i can sleep alone. i would rather have my girlfriend with me though. and that’s okay. that’s fine”
“yeah and i just don’t like being alone.” chris defended.
a few more questions were answered before you guys decided to call it quits for the night.
matt grabbed the camera off the dash pointing it at you. you smiled and put up a peace sign.
“look at how cute she is” matt said as he put his hand on your cheek.
“alright matt, end the video”
matt screamed in the camera quickly ending the video.
i can’t get over how beautiful matt and y/n are together
i need someone to look at me the way matt looks at y/n
i love nostalgic boston videos
petition to bring y/n back on the channel more.
an: this kinda sucks because half of it was deleted when i tried to save it to my drafts and i don’t really like it but y’all wanted a matt fic. first part of the matt series will hopefully be up soon🤍
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fslurusami · 1 year
thinking abt edosami again. im always thinking abt edosami <3 i luv when a couple of gay little freaks who have never even met in canon get together and act surprisingly cute
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krossan · 6 months
A Brief AU Explanation
I noticed that there are a lot of new followers that do know Danny Phantom, and others that the know very little. I am also aware that I haven't fully explained - maybe NOT in too much detail - the "story" and plots of my AU. You only have the ideas that I've been telling of this story through illustrations.
This AU is all about reconnecting with one self, with Jazz and Dan as the main two of this particular game.
Jazz remains as the same character that is portrayed through the OG show. She has always been the psychology enthusiast of the group, the one that cares for others and help with whatever she can. For her, others come first. First being her family.
On the other hand, we have Dan, an alternate entity of Danny’s ghost half and Vlad’s. A new form of entity that lost his humanity. For him to show any form of emotion is null.
Jazz involvement in this has to do with her putting everyone else first and then herself, and being keen to the study of the human-psyche, and now ghost-psyche, she secretly partakes to the role of Dan’s therapist. This was kept in secret from the rest of her friends and Danny until she can gain more control over Dan.
This, of course, prove to be a VERY difficult task. With her having to hide her constant fears when facing that “particular someone”: he could go on a rampage, have uncontrollable outbursts, cause havoc, and that he could turn against her any day/time without any remorse. She knows this, but she also knows that deep down, her little brother is still there. She’s looking to rekindle that part of him again. Of course, never knowing at what extent this could go.
And this, apparently started to bear fruit, although at a slow pace. As Jazz stood closer and closer to him, she understood that he stayed alone his entire life, and after losing everyone he cared, his violent actions were his significance of showing the world "hurting". The hurt he have been caring so many years. Now he has that second chance. To “live” a new life and Jazz wants to help him out.
With this new information, each time Jazz got close to him, Dan, instead of seeing her as an obnoxious-human-parasite, he slowly starts bonding with her. His interest increasing each day he is with her and grows more comfortable being around her (something Dan originally despised).
Part of this AU, enrolls on a particular context that the ghost of a halfa is sentient. The original show as proven this*. When Danny’s ghost has been separated, his ghost has a mind of his own, but when staying together, human-ghost, the consciousness of the halfa acts as one. *Episodes in question: What You Want, Identity Crisis, The Ultimate Enemy
This part that the ghost plays on the known halfas is a mayor plot point from this AU. Let me explain my concept briefly:
This roll that the ghost is part of the halfa is the one that caries the power of the wielder (human). The human can transform into the ghost and vice versa. The ghost powers remain within the ghost half. The human half acts as a vessel/host to the ghost half.
All living things have the instinct of survival. And on this case, the ghosts would do ANYTHING to keep their host safe as they are the means of a linked connection human-ghost. Not unlike the rest of non-halfa- ghosts that their link/host relies on the Ghost Zone -since they no longer have a corporeal body, the vessel for their survival is ectoplasmic energy, the one that emanates from the GZ.
Since Dan is no longer connected to a human, he became a full-ghost. An entity that merged from two ghost halfas. He can sustain himself alone, but strangely enough, he building a bond with Jazz, it rekindled what Jazz intended, but in an unusual way. Jazz intention was to try and reconnect Dan with his long-lost humanity. Even if he didn’t have a human half, both his ghosts may have some little information stored deep within of what that used to feel like. And even though that started to give results, the ghost also retained that of his original purpose: Protect the host.
And as the bond Dan and Jazz grew more and more, unknown to them, it caused a physical manifestation: a white streak formed in Jazz’s hair. And even if this came up as a surprise to Jazz, she later discovered that this manifestation was much more than just physical.
Dan rekindled his humanity but he, unknowingly, intertwined Jasmine’s humanity to his. Her humanity is part of him. Jasmine’s emotions have an impact on him. Whatever she feels, he can sense it, let them be good or bad ones.
They both are this new form of halfa, both human and ghost are separate life forms, but from the ghost side -Dan’s perspective- Jazz is acting as his human half. His host. That’s is why his instincts respond to protect her at all costs.
No. This new form of a halfa representation doesn't mean Jazz has ghost powers. The one with that power is Dan. This bond is more of a psychic link.
 (i.e. In European folklore, you “could” say Dan is Jasmine’s "familiar", although Jazz is not considered to be a witch, but imagine the possibilities of this small plot causing people or ghosts to think Jazz is a witch… idk… random ideas)
This is why Dan is more sympathetic towards Jazz and why their bond is very important.
It's worth pointing out that I don't have a specific name for this AU, like many people do when they create these stories. And NO. Please refrain from saying this is a romantic relationship. It is a sibling/platonic relationship.
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murdrdocs · 5 months
luke castellan’s world !
☼ fluff. ☽ smut (18+). ☁︎ suggestive. ϟ dark content ☆ favorite full masterlist
note: fem! and gn! labels are given based on the use of pronouns and anatomy; fem! fics use 'she/her' or labels such as 'girl' as well as explicit afab anatomy, GN! has no use of gendered pronouns or labels and anatomy is ambigious.
all works are 18+.
you like to tease luke in many ways ☁︎ GN!
luke and his love for seeing you cry ☁︎ GN!
even more, luke loves to make you cry ϟ ☽ fem!
related or not, it's too good to stop ϟ ☁︎ GN!
luke wants a normal teenage life ☽ GN!
☆ luke’s desperation shows in how he fucks you ☽ fem!
luke loves your tiny shorts ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke likes to watch you shower ϟ fem!
you finally let luke cum inside ☽ fem!
luke fucking you into the mattress ☽ fem!
luke needs just 15 mins ☁︎ fem!
luke is obsessed with you ☼ fem!
giving luke a handjob and licking him clean ☽ fem!
you lost a bet with luke ☽ fem!
images with luke ☽ fem!
luke using your size kink to his advantage ☽ fem!
luke loves to worship you ☽ fem!
repressed luke who has never seen real porn ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke keeps up the facade ϟ ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke and his temper ϟ ☽ fem!
luke making you ride your pillow ☽ fem!
hate fucking luke after sparring ☽ fem!
lukes possessive obsession with you ☽ fem!
stepbro!luke who can't resist temptation ☽ fem!
stepbro!luke and secret rendevous ☽ fem!
stepbro!luke sneaking into your room to let off steam ϟ ☽ fem!
licking luke's scar ☽ fem!
luke begging to go further with you ☽ fem!
getting with luke despite his betrayal ☽ fem!
making out while high with luke fem!
making loser!luke prove himself to you ☽ fem!
beach sex with luke ☽ fem!
luke and his quick refractory period ☽ fem!
OG luke sex pollen drabble ☽ fem!
loser!luke makes you squirt ☽ fem!
luke and his corruption kink ☽ fem!
more luke and his corruption kink ☽ fem!
teasing luke about his inexperience ☽ fem!
loser!luke is a panty stealer ☽ fem!
dirty makeouts in missionary ☽ fem!
frat boy!luke ☽ fem!
frat boy!luke picks you up ☽ fem!
luke + regret my by djats ☽ fem!
drunk luke can't keep his hands off of you ☽ fem!
luke has a crush on aphrodite reader ☽ fem!
luke's girlfriend has a hellhound ☁︎ fem!
luke has the venom symbiote ϟ ☽ fem!
venom!luke is extremely protective ϟ ☽ fem!
you have a crush on spiderman ☼
ares and luke like to argue over you fem!
you are luke at chb's golden couple ☁︎ fem!
you ask luke if you can give him a blowjob ☁︎ fem!
loser!luke doesn't understand why you get worked up over him ☁︎ fem!
beginning of summer with luke ☁︎ fem!
bsf!luke takes you skinny dipping ☁︎ GN!
you're temptation to luke, he likes it this way ☁︎ fem!
luke fixes the necklaces you break ☁︎ fem!
southern!luke and his pickup truck ☁︎ fem!
farmhand!luke and a quickie ☽ fem!
zombie!au luke is a protector
you encounter a really attractive stranger
you and luke get stuck together during a supply run ☽ fem!
seven minutes in heaven w loser!luke ☁︎ GN!
you're usually shy but for once you dominate luke ☽ fem!
summer flings with luke ☽ fem!
luke sleeps with your tits in his hand ☽ fem!
luke castellan p links.
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