#but that time it’s unwillingly
bramblequeen · 2 years
I am once again reminded of the incredible potential that Deep Jungle/the Tarzan World could’ve had in future Kingdom Hearts sequels but couldn’t due to licensing agreements (and Disney being slimy bastards with their properties)
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For those who are unfamiliar with Deltarune
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This is Kris, they're the main character of nutdealer 2
(their skin's not usually blue. it just does that sometimes)
we know almost nothing about them. However, we do know this:
They are nonbinary
They like (most of) their friends
They do NOT like us
They enjoy eating moss
They are going to touch the cheese
that's it that's all we know
Other additions:
They play piano (probably) courteousy or @/mystykmarigold
They are "normal" courteousy of many people
They like to flush bath bombs down the toilet. Their mom doesn't like that courteousy of @/sacrificialcat
They are a knife enjoyer, as well as a chocolate enjoyer
They like(d) to mess with their childhood friend both courteousy of @/the-beasts-have-arrived
They use apple shampoo, and apparently smell enough like apples that a friend associates it with them courteousy of @/spyret-the-shitposter
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average-riot · 9 months
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Piece I did for a fanfic I'm writing called Fire in Cairo <3 It's still not out but I'm jus so proud of this piece so I had to post it cuz gosh...
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ricky-mortis · 23 days
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I have a lot of thoughts about Tinky fucking Ted up- have some doodles about it
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ventiswampwater · 10 months
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
Fandom: Stiles hates derek!!! They never once got along!!
Stiles: gazes fondly at Derek's initials, complete with a lil smile and eyelash flutter
not only did this run parallel to scott adding allison's initials under his but those weren't even derek's initials. he wasn't there for his senior year.
stiles just saw the same initials and got all gooey about it because he misses derek.
one episode later in parasomnia scott and stiles have their benefit of a doubt conversation where scott makes this entire face before bringing up derek to stiles.
there's a significant pause between scott saying derek and kira than liam too.
scott is aware stiles is in his Feelings about derek and by this point it has been months since mexico.
the face of a person who knows he's about to poke at a sore spot and is calculating on how worth it is.
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cryptocism · 1 month
love that Thad interprets inertia to mean continuing at all costs and Three takes it to mean stagnancy, bc theyre both right!! objects in motion saty in motion objects at rest stay at rest just like newton said
exactly yeah! because i knew i wanted Thad to reclaim the name for himself (with the whole "it means what i say it means" mantra) it needed to mean more to him than just a representation of Thawne Legacy Kill The Allens etc.
a reoccurring thing in Frequency that i liked to lean into was this idea of Good Inertia and Bad Impulses (bc Bart and Thad as narrative foils continues to rotate in my brain forever). i think Bart's solo does a cool exploration of both good and bad impulses throughout the run, it's kind of the central conflict of the whole thing, but it's usually in regards to Bart either unwittingly getting himself into trouble or accidentally solving problems by just leaping into everything without thinking twice. but the concept of inertia is pretty exclusively portrayed as negative. which is fair, the phrase "coasting on inertia" is in the lexicon for a reason. but i think it deserved a fair shot - the concept of continuing in spite of everything can actually be a really good instinct when you're in a bad situation. keeping up that momentum, moving forward no matter what, there's definitely something inspirational there that appeals to me.
and an aspect of impulses that didnt get as much spotlight in Bart's solo was the kinds of impulses that recoil at the thought of unpleasantness. the impulse to hide from responsibility, the impulse to distract from pain, to avoid discomfort, etc. (big part of that is because in Bart's solo, most of the worst moments of his life hadn't happened to him yet) so i wanted to explore it a little in Frequency
anyway yeah, Bad Impulses and Good Inertia. which was kinda in conversation with Bart and Thad's dispositions, and how they run counter to typical hero/villain narratives. (Bart doesn't really get people, goes his own way, has pretty emotionally selfish and sometimes violent tendencies when he's pissed off. Thad's much more of a people person, lives for praise and pleasing others, seems to forget to do violence when he's supposed to i.e. that time he put Bart in VR jail even though Bart was completely incapacitated and by Thawne logic Thad should've just killed him. it just... doesn't occur to him as a thing he should do lmao)
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kaaaaaaarf · 8 months
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The Killing Time (unwillingly mine) - Epilogue
Wolfstar. Murder Husbands. 3/3. 17.5K words. Mature. Complete. + Series: Love, Blood, and Wham: The Life and Death(s) of Remus J. Lupin
Their first anniversary comes around surprisingly fast. Years of blood, gore and dancing around each other have made their time together as an actual couple seem both like an eternity, and like they got together yesterday.
There is a very special playlist at the end of the epilogue, which you can find here.
The original playlist has been updated and is here.
This whole fic is dedicated to @kaleidoscopexsighs & @butcherbacterium, without whom it simply would not exist. They have been cheering me on, and helping me make bomb-ass playlists from conception. Love you, wives. Mean it.
If you haven't read this fic yet, start at Chapter 1.
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masao-micchi · 1 year
Okay, so I was going through some of your older Kid Jon au (because omg I’m in love with it) and one of them said he was basically banned from the institute because he attracted trouble. What I think would be funnier is if Elias and Gertrude made the decision to keep him in the archives as an employee (because helicopter relatives and they need to keep an eye on him) Beholding would love it because he’s there and that opens the door to the other hijinks with the original archives crew because they were trying to get him to not be in the Archives but he’s already there and apparently doesn’t remember anything. So they have to workshop new plans and the other Avatars and such come to the institute for whatever reason. It just freaks the S1 archives crew out. (Plus Sasha doesn’t remember all the much because OG Sasha died early on)
Also does Danny live in this AU because Tim has his memories? And what’s going on with the not S1 archives crew (Georgie, Melanie, Daisy, and Basira. Oh, Not Sasha too just for the fun of it)
omg i have a whole comic planned on that,, like w elias and jon regarding the archives i think its in my drafts and got buried with everything else
oH and the s1 team regain memories slowly while working in the institute,, so tim wont remember to save danny
but.... jon and gerry have a plan for it ALHASHDJA i thought of a comic on that too but havent started on it,,, tbh im mostly enjoying the fun stuff about this au and sometimes forget to try and make it make more sense as a whole HAAHAH
and yea the other archives crew do eventually somehow at least interact with the original s1 crew but i havent thought that far... yet
imma need more imagination juice tbh
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
who among us HASNT panic lied about themselves to try to appeal themselves, revealed actual personal details and information under distress, and them immediately splashed everyone in the radius with acid damage
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r0bita · 3 months
Everybody saying Cahara is the only character who didn't get their S ending because he would have been the only character left to have taken the girl to the depths are probably overlooking an equally, or even more, depressing implication.
Any of the playable characters would have achieved their S endings, but the girl still becomes the God of Fear and Hunger - no matter what. The girl's fate was set the moment she was born and everyone else was simply an unwilling participant in the grand scheme, even Le'garde.
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infizero-draws · 9 months
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widow's curse
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maedhrus · 1 year
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“we reconfigure. we reinvent. we rearrange.”
THE TERROR + modes of ethics | cont.
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forcedhesitation · 8 months
there's just something about the love between a woman whose impending death is inevitable and a man who's an immortal undead...
#bg3 spoilers#thoughts about media#starlach is so beautiful but so fucking tragic#apparently you cannot save karlach as astarion unless you've ascended#you cannot join her in avernus as a spawn :(#bro and it kills me karlach has been unwillingly celibate for 10 years#but that doesn't matter. she loves astarion SO MUCH she just wants to be with him. however she can.#AND THE FUCKING KISSES????? dude she is SOOO gentle with him!!!!!!!!#makes me think of this one short french film. which is obv a bit different from karlach and astarion's romance.#but it's still about valuing the love you have while it's there. because it can be lost so so easily.#basically a husband is cheating on his wife but then his wife falls terminally ill. and so he takes care of her.#and while taking care of her he realises just how much he loves her. he stops seeing the other woman. and stays with his wife to the end.#just the devotion he shows her in her remaining time alive and then the final shot where he's alone and just. dumbstruck with grief....#I saw this film years ago and it still sits with me. it was so beautiful and tragic. very french! lmao.#just makes me think of starlach in a way though. like the beauty of that limited time karlach and astarion would have together.#and the fucking tragedy that would be karlach dying and astarion...immortal astarion.... being alone again.#ugh MAAAN!!!! starlach and wyllstarion and wyllach are all SUCH good pairs#they offer a veritable buffet of the most wonderful. tender. and tragic romance tropes T____T#I have to give credit where credit is due. thank you larian for two VERY fucking good m/f pairings.#so easy for writers to come up with piss poor m/f romances that have no chemistry but karlach works SOO well with either astarion or wyll.#i wish the fandom wasn't. well as fandoms normally are. you know. 😒#literally any of these three pairs SHOULD be the most popular imo.#if you disagree- that's your own opinion. I am not here to fight with people.#also one last thing? the youtube poster's icon fucking KILLED me. please look at it.
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decompose1 · 4 months
Im Not Seeing My Non Transfem Mutuals Sharing Posts About How Actually Callout Posts Are So Cool And OK Because They Cited Some Rare Edge Case About A Cartoonishly Evil Person To Justify Their Right To Fucking Callouts In The Face Of Transfems Telling Them They Are In Danger Right. That Would Be A Fucked Up Thing To Be Happening!
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christnarr · 18 days
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marriage counselors HATE THEM!
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