#the sims 4 faq
aurora--sky · 1 year
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
A list of FAQs, troubleshooting and basic definitions for my translations, installations, etc.
Polish version of my FAQ can be found here -> FAQ in Polish.
1. What is translation? Translation is a file that changes the mod's English language to Polish after installation.
2. Do I also need to download the mod for the translation to work? Yes. Translation won't work without the mod. I personally do not include mod files in my translation. My translations are only text files called “strings”. Translation alone without the mod won't make the mod work.
3. Where can I download your translations from? I only publish my translations on my Tumblr blog or on CurseForge.
4. How can I download your translations? The translation file can be downloaded from the post you are interested in. I include such a file at the bottom of the post under the word CF or SFS. By clicking on one of the options, it will take you to the page where you can download the file.
5. What is CF and what is SFS? CF - CurseForge. SFS - SimFileShare. CurseForge is a site where mods/cc/translations for The Sims 4 are available for free download. SimFileShare is a file hosting site for The Sims players.
6. Are your translations free? Yes. My translations have always been and are free.
7. Is it safe to download translations? Can I download a virus by accident? Downloading my translations is completely safe and virus-free as long as you download them from my sources.
8. How to unpack a translation (.zip or .rar file)? My translations are often packaged in a ZIP file. If you are using Windows 11, the unpacker is built into your system. You only need to double click on the zip file.
However, if you don't have such a program, you can open a .zip translation after downloading and installing a program such as WinZip, 7-Zip, etc. There are plenty of choices on the Internet.
9. How to install the translation? The translation must be installed so that it is as close as possible to the main mod files.
In short: the translation file(s) should be inserted (and if they are in a .zip file after downloading - unpack them first as described in point 6) to the mod folder in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. (The path may differ.) If the mod and the translation contain folders, then the translation files from the folder named i.e.  Objects PL must be put into the folder with the same name - Objects.
If you still don't understand, I refer you to my guide “How to install translations for The Sims 4?” here (in Polish).
10. Can I change the translation name? Better not. Translation may stop working after renaming.
11. What does “translation is (included) in the mod” mean? The translation included in the mod files is a translation that does not need to be downloaded separately. After installing the mod, it will be in Polish immediately.
Sometimes translators work with mod creators and send them their translations. The creator of the mod then puts such a translation into their mod.
12. Are your translations included in mods? Some of them are. Maybe three. Personally, I don't like collaborating with mod creators because at some point the creator stops communicating with me. After sending my translations, the creator adds them to the mod, after a few months I update the translation, send it to this person and they ignore me / don't notice / don't have time. Result: my old, unsuitable translation is “stuck” in the mod, and I have no control over it.
13. How to uninstall a translation? To uninstall a translation, all you need to do is delete the file from the folder where you installed it.
14. Can translation break the game? Does it conflict with other files? No. Translation can never corrupt game files, saves, Sims, CCs or mods. It also does not conflict with other translations.
In case there are two translations from different translators in the mod folder, only one translation will work. The latter will be ignored by the game. There will be no errors or conflicts.
15. Can I download and use non-updated translations (e.g. old translation + newer version of the mod)? Yes. However, it is possible that the translation will only work partially if the creator have added new text to their mod.
16. Why does the translation sometimes have more files than the mod itself?
This is sometimes the case because the translation needs to be broken up into more parts for it to work. Some modifications contain several files in one. But I can't do that with the translation. First I need to un-merge the mod in Sims4Studio, and then I can start translating it.
Issues with downloading and with translations, i.e. “translation is not working”
17. Translation doesn't work at all.
If the translation does not appear in the game, there are several reasons:
the translation was installed incorrectly
the translation was not extracted from the .zip file
the mod has not been installed
the mod was installed incorrectly
the translation is incorrectly translated
translation name was changed after download
there are several translation and/or mod files in the Mods folder and/or in the mod folder, e.g. previous, outdated versions
18. Translation works partially.
If the translation is correctly translated but only works in part, it is possible that the text of the mod is contained in the mod's .sctipt file. As a translator, I am unable to open and translate such a text. It is mod’s creator’s fault.
19. What to do if the translation does not work (partially or not at all)?
When the translation does not work, you need to check that it has been unpacked and installed correctly. This tutorial may help you.
Remember that you should always remove outdated, old versions before installing an updated version of a translation/mod. It also won't hurt to delete a file called “localthumbcache” which can be found in The Sims 4 folder.
If the translation still doesn't work, please contact me.
20. I found an error in your translation.
In this case, please contact me via ask or report an error in this form.
21. I can't download a translation from Simfileshare.
This is a common error that occurs, for example, when we enter the SFS link for the second time. When you can’t download the translation because the page won't load, all you have to do is remove “everything before http://...”. For example: https://href.li/?http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3794136/ - in this case, remove the part of the link that I marked in red.
If there is different error on this page then the page is probably having problems. You can then contact me.
22. I can’t download a translation from CurseForge.
If you can't download the translation from CF, the site is probably having problems.
It's also possible that my translation project hasn't been approved by the CF admins yet.
Other/Personal questions
23. How to translate mods for The Sims 4?
If you want to learn how to translate, you can check out my tutorial here (in Polish). You can also find useful information on the Internet.
Personally, I also think that as a translator you need to know the foreign language from which you want to translate quite well.
24. How did you learn to translate?
I found (very little) information on the Internet in English. I tried but I can't find that website right now. Fortunately, this information helped me get started, and then I somehow managed on my own.
25. How long have you been translating mods?
I started translating mods in June 2019.
26. What programs do you use for translations?
Lately I've been using mainly The Sims 4 Translator. Sometimes I also use DP STBL Editor and S4PE.
27. How long does it take you to translate 1 mod?
It depends on the amount of text and whether the mod interests me, whether it contains any specific terminology, whether there are errors in the text or creative, long descriptions. When a mod is interesting to me and when it doesn't contain very complicated text, I think I can translate 200 strings in an hour. However, this does not happen often.
28. Do you accept mod suggestions for translation?
Yes. You can always ask me via ask.
29. Are there any specific mods that you would not like to translate?
Yes. I am almost never interested in careers, traits and events mods. I do not like translating mods that are very short – less than 100 strings. I also do not translate “banned” (by The Sims 4!) mods with themes, such as paedophilia, rape, bestiality, etc.
30. Do you also translate mods for The Sims 3, The Sims 2 or other games?
No, and I don't think that will change in the near future.
31. What are the terms of use of your translations?
do not claim my translations as your own.
if you want to share my translation with others/upload to the website, please include my link to my translation (to my Tumblr, Simfileshare or CurseForge) and my name (AuroraSky).
you can modify and correct my translations for your own use.
don't work on my translation - don't claim my translation after making only a few changes.
if you have some problems with translating a mod that I have already translated, you can use part of my translation after asking for my permission first.
32. Is it possible to support you financially?
Yes. If you want, you can “buy me a coffee” on my Buycoffee.to page
33. What mods and CC do you use?
If anyone is interested in mods and CC that I like, I reblog them on my tumblr blog: aurorasky-ccfinds.tumblr.com
12.4.2023 Aurora Sky
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buglaur · 2 years
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tutorial contents:
1 ‣ gshade & photoshop actions 2 ‣ template or cropping & colouring 3 ‣ notifs & pop-ups
okay hi! i have a really old editing tutorial from back in january that i've been linking people to, but it's pretty outdated by now. i also keep getting anons asking about the same things, which is fine, but i always have to go searching for the post explaining it, so having it all in one place will be a lot more convenient lol
i use a ☠ copy of photoshop cc 2017 to edit my screenshots, however the majority of everything i'm doing also works on photopea
photopea is an online version of photoshop that's 100% free and works very well! i can't recommend it enough, it's fantastic
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first things first, you're going to need some screenshots to edit. for the sake of this tutorial i'll be working with this one of raffy:
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in all honesty, gshade will do most of the work for you. of course it's not needed, but i definitely don't think i could live without it! in this screenshot i used sunset n' vinyl by nesurii
when opening the screenshot, the first thing i do is run it through 2 photoshop actions:
butter action by early-grape
smooth sharp (no topaz) by poolbrop
to add actions in photoshop go:
windows > actions > the 4 lines at the upper right corner of the newly opened window > load actions > your downloads folder > open up the .atn files!
if you're using photopea, as far as i'm aware you can't use photoshop actions, but i've found that 'filter > stylize > oil paint' and 'filter > sharpen > smart sharpen' have a very similar effect when using the right settings. try these:
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i like these two actions because they smooth everything out nicely, but keep it sharp at the same time! i always run butter before i run smooth sharp, however butter may leave you with 2 layers. make sure to merge these layers before running smooth sharp to achieve the full effect.
here's a before and after (of the photoshop action):
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from here you can move on to step 2
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before anything else i want to share the template that i use to make editing a lot faster. you don't need to use it but it's definitely made things a lot easier for me! it's a .psd file and will work perfectly in photopea
download (simfileshare)
if you're using the template you can skip right on to the next section, as it's already cropped to the right size and has the colouring folder included. just drag your screenshot into it and resize to fit the height.
if you're not using it, crop your edited screenshot to:
1707 width x 1280 height
then adjust the colours to your liking. it always varies slightly depending on the picture but my regular process for each screenshot would be:
up the saturation by 8%
up the lightness by 3%
up the contrast by 12%
all of this can be done by looking in the 'images > adjustments' tab
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you should end up with something similar to this!
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if you want to add a moodlet or social interaction or anything similar, it's all the same process. what you'll need is a screenshot of it straight from the game. i just press the 'c' key to capture them! i'll be working with these two:
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for the blue notification i'm going to select it using the box select tool. try to get it as exact as possible. one you have it selected
for photoshop users:
click on the 'select and mask...' option located at the top
adjust the global refinements at the side as follows:
smooth: 70 feather: 0.0px contrast: 50% shift edge: 0%
for photopea users:
go to select > modify > smooth
set it to 15
select 'ok' and press 'ctrl + c' to copy it, then 'ctrl + v' to paste it into your screenshot. adjust the size and position and you should end up with something like this:
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next you want to add the transparent border around the notification. if you're using my editing template, right click on the reference notif in the layers tab and select 'copy layer style' (photopea > 'layer style > copy'). from there you can paste that layer style onto your own notif through the layers tab.
if you're not using the template, here's how to set it up on photoshop:
right click your notification layer and select 'blending options'
under styles, tick the checkboxes for stroke and drop shadow
input these settings:
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on photopea, it should be more or less the same. repeat the exact same process with the social menu option, but instead of selecting it with the box select tool, use the magic select tool. in the end you should end out with this!
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from here you're finished! thanks for reading! go to file and export as png
if you've got questions never hesitate to ask, just make sure to read the faq in my pinned. i might edit this post soon to include the gen intro traits and aspirations bit, but this is all for now. hope it helps, my editing process post has been in need of a revamp for a very long time. i haven't proof-read this so apologies for any mistakes!
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axiisims · 8 months
Hi! What reshade / gshade preset are u using? Your pics are stunning!
Hi! First of all, thank you so much! 🤍 At this moment I am using G-Shade and I did my own preset. Unfortunately this is not public. But if I have to do a recommendation, I will say "Dove 2.0" by kindlespice, because I used to use that a lot for my old pictures and I really like it. Here is a picture of mine using that preset:
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aleniksimmer · 8 months
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Polymouse is finished!
I had to remove the reflection from the rope cause the texture is really small (it's all in the bracelet space) and it wasn't working right (but the handle has it!). TSR changed the submission system that's why I can only use the space related to the CAS category of the object and not the "extra top" space for the weapons as I used to do. Anyway I'm pretty happy with the result! Hope you like her too!
Next one will be Rose and Pigella. I'll probably make the previews and the pose tomorrow and then upload so in 3 days she should be available for download (I'm too tired right now to make them, sorry!).
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beachyserasims · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
Yay! I am so happy to get an ask from you, thank you <3
I guess I will just specifically talk about my story posts because sometimes I like to do renders too, but they're not my specialty.
Play the game/create the characters!! I do have a bit of a storyline planned out in my head before I go in game. My characters all have their own arcs that I want to show them working through at some point in time, so I do a lot of monitoring to make sure they don't go too off course with autonomy. But a lot of the time I do just allow whatever happens in the game to add a new direction or expand on a scenario I've already had in mind (it's so nice when the game works and things happen the way I imagine it would IRL). With things like segs, I almost always let it play out.
Write out storyboards with dialogue. I imagine important scenes in my head the way that I would ideally want them to have gone down in the game. I like to picture it all as a movie, going through the specific camera angles and dialogue moment to moment. Then, I will write it all down with good ol' pen and paper (lol). A small intro of the scene followed by dialogue, then a very rough storyboard of shots, angles, and poses I want to use alongside the dialogue.
I re-create the important scenes/scenarios. Before I go in game, I add all the animation mods that I think might work well for the scene I'm about to make, along with all the poses. I use whatever cheats are necessary to get the shots cause I never save while I'm doing this.
Editing. I take all the screenshots and put them into photoshop to add text and small things like light leaks or bokeh. Sometimes I have to adjust the contrast or brightness, but gshade does most of the work for me beforehand.
That's it! The posts will usually sit in a folder undisturbed for about a month or so until the queue catches up.
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pixelplayground · 6 months
What are some of your favorite ways to add personality to an interior room/space in your builds?
Hello, @ellemant!
This is such a neat question thank you for sending! I will try to explain without sounding too much like a nonsense columnist, lol.
I've sat and pondered this for a while, and I think the way I approach a build is what translates as personality for those who enjoy my stuff. I think for me, my process always first involves understanding what the home or space is supposed to convey. Lately, that has been an exploration of transitional and timeless luxury. Every time I build and decorate, I do so with myself mentally standing within the room, waiting to interact with the space.
First I start with the structure, and I place a ton of emphasis on designing rooms that make use of light (because in real life, there is nothing more calming to me than being able to bask in a room bathed in the golden hour) and that alone can bring so much majesty and presence to a space. A good structure should be it's own living entity, while objects and fixtures enhance it, if the building itself doesn't speak or invoke an emotion, then I feel it lacks personality. Adding in some beams, or crown molding or paying a lot of attention to balanced proportions are good tips to improve physical builds.
Lastly, in terms of actual furnishing, I used to subscribe to the color palette everything must match theory. I've since moved on to treating each room as it's own space, and focusing on variation that compliments but doesn't match. I feel this has given a lot more maturity and depth to my most recent builds and I'm really enjoying exploring textures, patterns, and styles I wouldn't normally select. I hated checkered floors, for example, and now, I have fallen in love with them. Mustard wasn't a color I would consider to be nice, and yet, an injection of it in luxurious textures like velvet feels exciting and decedent in a room.
Sorry this was super long, and probably didn't answer the actual question because TLDR, I'm not sure what outside of obvious things like, placing sims personal in game photographs or adding clutter makes a space seem different.
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pickypikachu · 6 months
can you please please please make a infant version of the no EA lashes? i have seen NO ONE make one and im desperate lol! EA lashes are so not cute
I literally cannot with the current tools available afaik, there is a very unfortunate glitch where a whole eyelid goes missing. I have a few more things to explore to maybe remedy the situation but my only real hope is an update to some tools. In the meantime, please be patient with me, I'm coming back after many years, I'm still getting my sea-legs and on top of it the next few days are busy for me as tomorrow is my birthday lol.
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oluchionline · 10 months
hiii! i'm new to asking wcif type of questions, but if it's okay with you, do you mind sharing what's your most used skin overlays for your sims?
Hey! My most used skin overlays:
Agave skin blend by Nesurii
Dawn skin by Mochibuns
Cartoon genetics style set by Northern Siberia
About Face Kit by PYXIS
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simeffable · 18 days
Frequently asked questions to eeeaaasseee your mind :)
1. Can I recolour your CC?
Yes! Recolours and retextures are a-okay in my book, you don’t even have to ask first! Just please credit me and link to the original CC. My full TOU can be found here.
2. Is your CC free?
Yes! My stuff will ALWAY be free unless it is a commission. I sincerely doubt I will ever start a Patreon, although maybe one day I will have a Kofi donation page.
3. How do you start making a sim? What’s your process?
If it is a celebrity sim, or a sim of a fictional character like Arthur Morgan, I will always go CC shopping first! I usually start with the hair, then if the sim has particularly iconic outfits (e.g. Fran Fine) I will find as close as possible. Sometimes this is really easy, as with @plazasims RDR2 Outfits, but sometimes I have to be a little creative! Then, I always try to create the sim from Pinterest references first. I usually take a few hours away from it so I can see it again with fresh eyes, and it is usually at this point where I will introduce a photo overlay. Essentially, I will overlay an image onto The Sims 4 window and have my sim and the photo side by side. Laying the photo directly on top and ‘tracing’ is a BAD idea! You can’t see the real sim underneath! Usually looks WEIRD afterwards. If I’m feeling stuck, finding a reference on Pinterest at a 3/4 angle and editing my sim in that view helps a lot! It gives you a fresh perspective and often sorts out problems you didn’t even know you had.
4. What’s your main save?
My main save is (totally cliche, I know) actually my Simself in PlumbobKingdom’s save file! It’s INCREDIBLE, and makes the game so much more fun and interesting with the variety of locations, and everything just looks SO much nicer!
5. Who’s the favourite sim you’ve made so far?
I secretly LOVE my Maxwell Sheffield sim, I think he looks awesome. I love my Arthur Morgan Redux, too, and I’m really looking forward to making Bree Van De Kamp! Might develop it into a DH series if the response is positive enough :)
6. How do you edit your screenshots and/or do you render your sims in Blender?
I don’t render my sims in Blender, as I can’t use TS4 Sim Ripper! I am a Mac user. My photo editing process; taking screenshots in CAS using Trait poses, and photos in game using poses and @ravasheencc Full Control Camera. I then use Picsart on iOS to knock up the composition, Snapseed to clean up the photo (sharpen, colour balancing, glow, vignette etc) and Clipdrop Relight (online) for the lighting.
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raven-blends · 11 months
Sim Requests!- Open!
If you'd like to request a sim from me, please note I DO NOT recreate real people or people from movies or tv shows (simply because I suck at recreation lol). Requests are free!
To request a sim:
DM me with what you'd like your sim to look like, such as height, face shape, body shape, aesthetic etc. Reference pictures are helpful if you have any!
Tell me what you'd like me to name your sim and what traits to give them, along with anything else you'd like me to add to them.
If there's anything specific (such as a piece of cc) you'd like me to use, I'll do my best to adhere to this.
What kind of CC you would like to be used (e.g. Maxis Match, Alpha, Maxis Mix)
Let me know if you'd like the sim to be private, or if I can share it publicly to my Patreon. Also let me know if you'd prefer me to not post pictures on my Tumblr.
In case you're confused, these sims are for in-game use only. The Blender tags are just there because I enjoy rendering sims for fun to get pictures and because they're some of my default tags.
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bunsbunss · 5 months
How do you make your sims? I really like the style of how you create your sims but I can never make mines similar to that.
This question is kind of interesting to answer, because you honestly just have to find cc/mods and play around in CAS to get your personal sim style.
My sim style has changed a bit since last year and it will likely keep changing, however what I like to do is to use presets made by other simmers, which currently I have been using a lot from NothernSiberiaWinds, Obscurus, Kashisun, and Evoxyr. I also have A LOT of skin details (nose mask, eye mask, lip mask, etc), because they can change your sim's face or body up quite a bit even with a skin overlay on. It also helps A LOT with preventing same face syndrome when you have a plethora of skin details and presets to choose from.
Another thing is by using sliders which allows you to manipulate your sims beyond what EA originally allows. These are my best friends in CAS. Luumia, Cmar (Rest in Peace), Obscurus, Miiko, and MagicBot are also my go-to's for this as well!
I wish I could go more in depth but, this post would be extremely long. If you'd like I would say, go to my resource post because I have my skin details and the creators, I tend to use most for CAS cc and go from there.
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aurora--sky · 1 year
FAQ - Najczęściej zadawane pytania
Lista najczęściej zadawanych pytań, rozwiązania problemów oraz podstawowe definicje dotyczące moich tłumaczeń, instalacji, itp.
English version of my FAQ can be found here -> FAQ in English.
1. Co to jest tłumaczenie? Tłumaczenie to plik, który po zainstalowaniu zmienia język angielski moda na język polski.
2. Czy muszę też pobrać moda, aby tłumaczenie działało? Tak. Bez moda tłumaczenie nie zadziała. Ja osobiście nie włączam plików moda do swojego tłumaczenia. Tłumaczenie to tylko pliki z tekstem, tzw. „strings”. Samo tłumaczenie bez moda nie sprawi, że mod będzie działał.
3. Skąd mogę pobrać twoje tłumaczenia? Moje tłumaczenia publikuję tylko na moim blogu Tumblr lub na CurseForge.
4. Jak pobrać tłumaczenie? Plik tłumaczenia można pobrać z interesującego Ciebie postu. Plik taki zawieram na samym dole postu pod napisem CF lub SFS. Klikając w jedną z opcji, przeniesie cię na stronę, z której pobierzesz plik.
5. Co oznacza CF, a co SFS? CF - CurseForge. SFS - SimFileShare. CurseForge to strona, na której znajdują się mody/cc/tłumaczenia do The Sims 4 za darmo do pobrania. SimFileShare to strona-hosting plików dla graczy The Sims.
6. Czy tłumaczenia są darmowe? Tak. Moje tłumaczenia zawsze były, są za darmo.
7. Czy pobieranie tłumaczeń jest bezpieczne? Czy mogę pobrać wirusa przez przypadek? Pobieranie moich tłumaczeń jest całkowicie bezpieczne i wolne od wirusów pod warunkiem, że pobierasz je z moich źródeł.
8. Jak rozpakować tłumaczenie (plik .zip lub .rar)? Moje tłumaczenia są często pakowane w plik ZIP. Jeśli korzystasz z systemu Windows 11, program do rozpakowywania jest wbudowany w twój system. Musisz jedynie kliknąć 2 razy na plik zip.
Jeżeli jednak nie masz takiego programu, tłumaczenie .zip możesz otworzyć po pobraniu i zainstalowaniu programu, np. WinZip, 7-Zip, itp. Na Internecie jest duży wybór.
9. Jak zainstalować tłumaczenie? Tłumaczenie trzeba instalować tak, aby znajdowało się jak najbliżej głównych plików moda.
W skrócie: plik(i) tłumaczenia należy włożyć (a jeśli po pobraniu znajdują się w pliku .zip - to najpierw rozpakować jak opisałam w pkt. 6.) do folderu z modem w folderze \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. (Ścieżka może się różnić.) Jeśli mod i tłumaczenie zawierają foldery to pliki tłumaczenia z folderu o nazwie np. Objects PL trzeba włożyć do folderu o tej samej nazwie, czyli Objects.
Jeśli nadal nie rozumiesz, odsyłam Cię do mojego poradnika „Jak instalować tłumaczenia do The Sims 4?” tutaj.
10. Czy mogę zmienić nazwę tłumaczenia? Lepiej nie. Tłumaczenie może przestać działać po zmianie nazwy.
11. Co to znaczy, że „tłumaczenie jest (zawarte) w modzie”? Tłumaczenie zawarte w plikach moda to takie tłumaczenie, którego nie trzeba pobierać oddzielnie. Po zainstalowaniu moda będzie on od razu po polsku.
Czasami tłumacze współpracują z twórcami modów i przesyłają im swoje tłumaczenia. Twórca moda wtedy „wkleja” takie tłumaczenie do swojego moda.
12. Czy twoje tłumaczenia są zawarte w modach? Niektóre z nich tak. Obecnie może trzy. Osobiście nie lubię współpracować z twórcami, ponieważ w pewnym momencie twórca przestaje się że mną komunikować. Po wysłaniu moich tłumaczeń, twórca je dodaje do moda, po kilku miesiącach ja aktualizuję tłumaczenie, wysyłam do tej osoby, a ona mnie ignoruje/nie zauważa/nie ma czasu. Rezultat: moje stare, niepasujące tłumaczenie „siedzi” w modzie, a ja nie mam nad nim kontroli.
13. Jak odinstalować tłumaczenie? Aby odinstalować tłumaczenie, wystarczy jedynie usunąć plik z folderu, w którym go zainstalował*ś.
14. Czy tłumaczenie może popsuć grę? Czy wywołuje konflikty z innymi plikami? Nie. Tłumaczenie nigdy nie może uszkodzić plików gry, zapisów, Simów, czy CC lub modów. Nie powoduje także konfliktów z innymi tłumaczeniami.
W przypadku, gdy w folderze z modem znajdują się dwa tłumaczenia od różnych tłumaczy, tylko jedno tłumaczenie będzie działać. Te drugie zostanie zignorowane przez grę. Nie pojawią się żadne błędy lub konflikty.
15. Czy można pobierać i korzystać z niezaktualizowanych tłumaczeń (np. stare tłumaczenie + nowsza wersja moda)? Tak. Możliwe jednak jest, że tłumaczenie będzie działało tylko w jakiejś części, jeśli twórca dodał nowy tekst do swojego moda.
16. Dlaczego czasami tłumaczenie ma więcej plików niż sam mod? Jest tak czasami, bo tłumaczenie musi być podzielone na więcej części, aby działało. Niektóre modyfikacje zawierają kilka plików w jednym w środku. Jednak z tłumaczeniem nie mogę tak postąpić. Najpierw muszę rozdzielić mod w Sims4Studio, a dopiero po tym mogę zająć się tłumaczeniem.
Problemy z pobraniem i tłumaczeniem w grze, czyli „tłumaczenie nie działa”
17. Tłumaczenie nie działa w ogóle. Jeśli tłumaczenie nie pojawia się w grze, istnieje kilka powodów:
tłumaczenie zostało źle zainstalowane
tłumaczenie nie zostało rozpakowane z pliku .zip
mod nie został zainstalowany
mod został źle zainstalowany
tłumaczenie jest nieprawidłowo przetłumaczone
zmieniono nazwę tłumaczenia po pobraniu
w folderze Mods i/lub w folderze z modem znajduje się kilka plików tłumaczenia i/lub moda, np. poprzednie, nieaktualne wersje
18. Tłumaczenie działa częściowo lub w połowie. Jeśli tłumaczenie zostało prawidłowo przetłumaczone, ale działa jedynie w jakiejś części, możliwe jest, że tekst moda jest zawarty w pliku .sctipt moda. Jako tłumacz nie mam możliwości otworzenia i przetłumaczenia takiego tekstu. Wina leży po stronie twórcy moda.
19. Co zrobić, jeśli tłumaczenie nie działa (częściowo lub w ogóle)? Gdy tłumaczenie nie działa, musisz sprawdzić, czy zostało rozpakowane i zainstalowane prawidłowo. Ta instrukcja może Ci pomóc. Pamiętaj, że zawsze przed instalacją zaktualizowanej wersji tłumaczenia/moda należy usunąć nieaktualne, stare wersje. Nie zaszkodzi także usunąć pliku o nazwie „localthumbcache”, który można znaleźć w folderze The Sims 4.
Jeżeli tłumaczenie nadal nie będzie działało, skontaktuj się ze mną.
20. Znalazł*m błąd w tłumaczeniu. W takim przypadku proszę skontaktuj się ze mną przez ask lub zgłoś błąd w moim formularzu.
21. Nie mogę pobrać tłumaczenia z Simfileshare. Jest to częsty błąd pojawiający się np. w chwili, gdy wchodzimy w link SFS po raz drugi. Gdy nie możesz pobrać tłumaczenia, bo strona się nie wczytuje, jedyne co musisz zrobić to usunąć „wszystko co znajduje się przed http://....”. Dla przykładu: https://href.li/?http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3794136/ - w tym przypadku usuń część linku, którą zaznaczyłam na czerwono.
Jeśli wystąpi inny błąd na tej stronie to prawdopodobnie strona ma problemy. Możesz wtedy skontaktować się ze mną.
22. Nie mogę pobrać tłumaczenia z CurseForge. Jeżeli nie możesz pobrać tłumaczenia z CF, prawdopodobnie strona ma problemy.
Możliwe też jest, że mój projekt tłumaczenia nie został jeszcze zaakceptowany przez adminów CF.
Inne / Osobiste pytania
23. Jak tłumaczyć mody do The Sims 4? Jeśli chcesz nauczyć się tłumaczyć, możesz zajrzeć do mojego poradnika tutaj. W Internecie też można znaleźć przydatne informacje.
Osobiście też uważam, że jako tłumacz musisz znać dość dobrze język obcy, z którego chcesz tłumaczyć.
24. Jak ty nauczyłaś się tłumaczyć? Znalazłam (bardzo mało) informacji na Internecie w języku angielskim. Niestety nie mogę teraz odnaleźć tej strony. Na szczęście te informacje pomogły mi zacząć, a potem już jakoś poradziłam sobie sama.
25. Jak długo tłumaczysz mody? Mody zaczęłam tłumaczyć w czerwcu 2019 roku.
26. Jakich programów używasz do tłumaczeń? Ostatnio używam głównie The Sims 4 Translator. Czasami przydają mi się też DP STBL Editor oraz S4PE.
27. Jak długo zajmuje Ci przetłumaczenie 1 moda? To zależy od ilości tekstu oraz czy mod mnie interesuje, czy zawiera jakąś specyficzną terminologię, czy są błędy w tekście, kreatywne, długie opisy. Gdy mod jest dla mnie ciekawy i gdy nie zawiera bardzo skomplikowanego tekstu, myślę, że mogę przetłumaczyć 200 linijek w ciągu godziny. Jednak nie zdarza się to często.
28. Czy przyjmujesz propozycje modyfikacji do przetłumaczenia? Tak. Zawsze możesz mnie poprosić o to przez ask.
29. Czy są jakieś konkretne mody, których nie lubisz tłumaczyć? Tak. Prawie nigdy nie interesuję się karierami, cechami i wydarzeniami. Nie lubię tłumaczyć modów, które są bardzo krótkie – mniej niż 100 linijek. Nie tłumaczę też „zakazanych” (przez The Sims 4!) modów z motywami takimi jak pedofilia, gwałt, zoofilia itp.
30. Czy tłumaczysz też mody do The Sims 3, The Sims 2, czy innych gier? Nie i nie wydaje mi się, żeby to się zmieniło w najbliższej przyszłości.
31. Jakie są warunki korzystania z Twoich tłumaczeń?
Nie przywłaszczaj sobie moich tłumaczeń.
Jeśli chcesz podzielić się moim tłumaczeniem z innymi/dodać na stronę, podaj mój link do mojego tłumaczenia (do mojego Tumblra, Simfileshare czy CurseForge) oraz moje imię (AuroraSky).
Możesz edytować i poprawiać moje tłumaczenia dla własnego użytku.
Nie pracuj na moim tłumaczeniu - nie przywłaszczaj sobie mojego tłumaczenia, po wpisaniu tylko kilku zmian.
Jeśli masz problem z tłumaczeniem, które ja już stworzyłam, za moją zgodą możesz użyć części mojego tłumaczenia.
32. Czy jest możliwość wsparcia Cię finansowo? Tak. Jeśli chcesz, możesz „postawić mi kawę” na mojej stronie Buycoffee.to
33. Z jakich modów i CC ty korzystasz? Jeśli kogoś to interesuje, mody i CC, które mi się podobają rebloguję na moim tumblrze: aurorasky-ccfinds.tumblr.com
12.4.2023 AuroraSky
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Why do some people in the sim community gatekeep???? Like it’s just a fucking cc link just tell me it’s not a big fucking deal 🙄
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lifebyyounews · 1 year
Life by You shares their first blog post about life stages.
At this moment only Teens, Adults, and Elders will be in the game. Children may be in the initial launch of early access if they can fix some bugs. Infants and toddlers are planned by full launch, however aren’t up to the standards the team wants.
You may be wondering why there’s no Young Adult and that’s because there will be actual ages tied to characters. They haven’t yet decided on the age ranges, but because of this Young Adult will be included in the Adult life stage.
Some other mentions are that interactions will be age appropriate, for example teen romances will be different from adult romances. This includes interactions and conversations. As well as having actual schools. Similar to no rabbit hole jobs, schools will work the same way.
The post also mentions the potential future for university. Due to the depth of university it is not planned to be in the base game, but university lovers will be happy to know it is on their radar for future content.
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aleniksimmer · 10 months
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In the end I made the mesh for the belt......the LOD0 is 14k (LOD1 6k, LOD2 1k, LOD3 300 I think) but the curves are smoooooth and I love it. It moves with the spine/pelvis so it's going to clip when sitting/walking like any other tail. It works extremely well with bodymorphs and sims' weights, the only small issue is that if you make the bum too big is going to clip a bit.
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I kinda love the range of emotions when I was testing it in game.
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simssocietyinfo · 7 months
For Rent FAQ with Devs 👇 Learn More @ https://wp.me/p5itYC-4un
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