#the smuggler cosplays
smugglerofsass · 10 months
i saw your tags and i am dying to know the four GO related costumes, if it isn’t too much trouble to ask? ♥️
Ok ok ok here's the thing, this might be more than you bargained for because it's not four costumes, it's four years worth of costumes and inspired looks I have too many of those lets not talk about that.
Break so I can insert some pictures where I have them.
You see, I started cosplaying Crowley in 2019, like half of the rest of this fandom. I saw the show, I made my best friend watch it, she asked if Aziraphale and Crowley could be our Halloween costume for the year, I agreed exclusively on the grounds I could be Crowley, and the rest is essentially history.....except it's not because if my life isn't one cosmic joke what's the point right. My hair was purple at the time and I insisted I wasn't going to dye it for this, despite everyone I knew asking about it. So we did Halloween, at speed, mind you, so it was more about does it look like them rather than does it look like them, but doing these costumes gave me brain rot bad.
This is genuinely one of the best photos I'm going to be able to share with you rn, because someone took these photos of me intentionally. My best friend/Aziraphale had prior plans and this kinda got dropped on me like what costume can you wear to go to the cemetery approximately now.
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In December, I started dying my hair red, we're all laughing because it's funny.
Obviously this was right before the plague times and I was still in undergrad at the time. We had a socially distanced halloween party the next year between the costume and scene shops, and I wore basically the same thing, just with doc martens and sfx contacts that time because I was working on a much larger costume for my undergrad capstone (tho not my history capstone, that was tragically different.) I started working on a late Victorian women's ensemble in black and green that was intended to be versatile enough to be both historically accurate in settings that needed it, while also being able to be an all out cosplay, just an inspired one. I didn't actually get good picture of it until late last year when I had shifted into what I call "stupidly" red hair dye and cut my hair (I was in grad school when s2 filming pictures started to come out, it does something to your brain, you make interesting choices during Thanksgiving break.)
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(Enjoy a rare film photo of @christinedieae and I, we were working on these outfits together, and mostly in the same work space in 2021, so it was a mission to photograph these two together because they were so different on the dress forms.)
In 2021, I attended Ren Fair for the first time and made pirate inspired looks for my best friend and I. Tragically I don't have any photos from this year other than us at like 8am in my driveway and I'm not willing to share them rn but I made this full length sleeveless coat with fabric i found at joanns that year that has snakes and roses. I also wore it last year but it was very cold and windy that day so the only photo of me is my "Anakin storming the temple" look, peak my red wig and the best garment I've ever made, my cloak.
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Then, some of my favorite ren fair looks from last year. The halo is one of the single best purchases I've made while costuming, and at this point its been a while.
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The only down side to ren fair is that I'm often without an Aziraphale, as my best friend has become a bird (this is a genuine logistical challenge and at times takes between three and four of us to manage at the fair grounds so my full length snake skirt might not be returning to the fair this year.) Said bird also steals my glasses.
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Here's another look with selections pulled from my historical wardrobe for a wizarding event at the museum I work at last year. This was the first time anyone I worked with saw my contacts and I have found it's good to warn people who know me because they find it a serious jumpscare. Some adults also have opinions, but kids really seem to like them.
And then some silly things from an event we attended in May last year. It was Friday the 13th and easily 100 degrees. I made Aziraphale's waistcoat in a week because I wasn't insane enough already (when you get motivation to do something you take it idk). On an even bigger my life is a cosmic joke note, when the first s2 pictures came out with the leather waistcoat I got in my closet and finally begrudgingly admitted my mom was right, because I had a leather waistcoat she had given me from the 80s.
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I feel like I might have posted some of these photos here before, I remember asking for an "angel ( )" caption for my friend dressed as Castiel, and the groupchat soundly rejecting "angel (homosexual)" as too non-specific. It was very hot, we descended into insanity by the end of the night, a group of girls recognized us while we were trapped in the middle of this tiny candy store, chaos at its finest. This is also the night where someone referred to our group as the "most attractive group of queer people" they'd ever seen, and thus named our group chat.
I know there have been sooooo many more, some combination of all of this is how I dress on the daily so I'm kinda always testing new or inspired looks. And our ren fair opens this weekend, and I've been working on making and acquiring some fun new things for some new looks this year, so I'll have more looks very soon.
The last thing I can leave you with, I suppose, is this. I'm going to a wedding in October with costumes encouraged, but all black is off the table. SO I'm recreating an Edwardian gown in a red silk I found that is cross woven with black threads so it has this shift to it while still looking red, the silk is called Omen.
My darling Aziraphale is @jesterjamboree as always. @frameratess also appears here, and is often the only one of us remembering to take pictures. And already mentioned is @christinedieae, we egg each other on with our crazy ideas.
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jodio: grilled chese
dragona says:
jodio, you're lactose intolerant. you can't have- don't give me that face...
i want a grilled cheese tho 🥺🥺🥺
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keldae · 1 year
I got to debut my new smuggler costume at a local comic expo this past weekend! I just got approved with The Dark Empire for this costume -- that's a third club for me now, after Rebel Legion and the 501st Legion! It's always a pleasure hanging out with my Legions family at these events. ❤️ (And my mum came out to this expo, too! She debuted her new Jedi costume that I made for her, and loved it.)
Featuring the ever-lovely @legacy-lycanthrope in their kickass Mando!
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miscelliteeous · 21 days
Modern AU: Silco and Jinx at the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser
⦁ Silco saw her watching a compilation of explosions from the Star Wars movies on youtube and thought she must be a fan so the trip became like her 13th birthday gift.
⦁ They get the cheaper rooms because they don't plan to spend much time in there, Silco is driven nuts by the lights on the fake windows at night.
⦁ Silco buys Jinx a cosplay from the gift shop, she picks out one of the mechanics jumpsuits and he winds up having to buy an outfit too because she asked him to and it's her birthday so what she says goes.
⦁ Jinx gets sick from drinking too much blue milk and misses part of the first day.
⦁ They get stuck in the seats behind the pole, Silco winds up just picking Jinx up and carrying her closer so she can see.
⦁ They're on the Smugglers story path and Silco drops his phone in a puddle scanning crates in the rain.
⦁ Jinx "accidentally" smacks someone really hard during lightsaber training and Silco glares at them like it's their fault.
⦁ Jinx gets a remote control droid that she plans to repaint and turn into a bomb as soon as she gets home.
⦁ Somehow, despite trying hard to stay on the Smugglers story path, they wind up put on the First Order path and Silco has to go to the check in counter and get it fixed.
⦁ It turns out Jinx doesn't actually know anything about Star Wars, she just liked watching space ships get blown up.
⦁ Is it worth it in the end? Jinx is happy, and while Silco has a few more gray hairs, he considers it worth it just for that.
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buffshipper8490 · 2 years
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Rating: Mature
Complete! 164k+ words
Summary The Sequel Trilogy reimagined with smuggler Ben Solo reluctant to take on the family mantle of Jedi in the fight against the mysterious Kira Ren and the diabolical First Order...
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(Female Finn by Krissy Victory Cosplay)
Likes ❤️ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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internet-cheesecake · 1 month
Cult of the Lamb Art & Content!
(specifically, the big masterpost :0)
comics are sorted by chronological order and art is sorted oldest to newest !
How Fion (Yellow Cat) joined the Cult
Narinder taking photos of Lamb
The Heritic Rabbit (the written version of an upcoming comic)
OG reference sheet
Losing at knucklebones
Lamb expressions
Pretending the recent crusade went well
Formal wear concept design
Nyan Cat hoodie Lamb
Narinder getting his ass kicked shitpost
New Reference Sheet !
Uses for spare follower uniforms ?
Kallamar favortism
Pre-cult leader Lamb design
possible keychain ? (lamb)
dramatic pose sketch (with fireball)
Lamb fishing in Smuggler's Sanctuary
Cheesecake rambling about Lamb
fancyrat4 drew my Lamb :D
Octtinkk 's lamb Angie
accidental art trade (?) with Renriiren
Jellyseafish drew my Lamb :D
glitchyvoice drew my Lamb :D
i made a cape
Embroidery Lamb
'i made a cape' p2, the cosplay wip
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sheliesshattered · 5 months
So it turns out I completely forgot to take any pictures of my last sewing project. Oops. In fairness, it's a gift for my mother, whose birthday is tomorrow, and I didn't want to post any pictures until after it had arrived at her house and been opened. But I still meant to take some pictures, if not of the process at least of the final product. It wasn't until I got home from mailing it that I realized I full on completely forgot to take any photos at all. Oh well. Maybe Mom can snap a picture or two for me since I flat out forgot. Pics of that if/when I actually have them, lol.
But I'm already into my next sewing project, and I've resolved not to make that same mistake again. Which, really, is nearly the same mistake as I made with my fleece dress last month, when I didn't take any pictures at all until all the major seams were sewn. After documenting so much of my sewing throughout 2023, I seem to have completely forgotten all about taking photos of my works-in-progress the last couple of months. I aim to get back on course with this project, though!
The project in question is a hooded wrap sort of thing, made from the black and gray brushed cotton herringbone that I got a bolt of on ebay a couple of weeks back. After washing the bolt, it looks to be about 43" wide and roughly eight and a half yards long. I want to make an overdress for my fleece dress out of it too, but I think this wrap project will only take up about a yard and a half, maybe two, so I should have plenty left for an overdress. And then I can wear the wrap and the overdress together, potentially.
But really the thing I'm sewing this for is my birthday, which is coming up in about seven weeks. I have somehow talked Jack into going to Disneyland and spending all day in the Star Wars Galaxy's Edge area so I can pilot the Millennium Falcon as many times as possible, and doing some original costuming "Batuu-bounding" while we're there, too. Because I am nothing if not a costume nerd, and my life-long love for Star Wars has recently been reignited, so what better way to spend my birthday than dressed up in one of the best examples of 360 degree set building that I've ever seen.
After combining a bunch of pieces from my closet and my costume boxes, I've come up with an outfit that I like the look of, for a general purpose Force-sensitive smuggler pilot: my every-day tall Doc Martens with wraps over them, leather-look leggings, the vest from my Moment cosplay, and various accessories from my pirate-core and Wasteland days. I may need a better shirt to go with it, but I'm hoping to hit up Goodwill at least once or twice between now and then and see what I can find. The final choice will depend on a bit on the weather that week, which in late February in southern California can be literally anything from the cusp of freezing to 80 degrees, sunny or rainy or windy or some combination of all of them. I won't really know until the weekend beforehand.
Besides a shirt, the last piece I really want to add is this hooded wrap, both for practicality -- warmth in the morning and the evening, and keeping the sun off my head at midday without messing up my hair too much -- and for just the drama of a big hood and drapey wrap. I based the hood pattern on the hooded Vuvalini jacket I made for Wasteland Weekend way back in 2016, but took it in a bit both in width and depth (since I'm not trying to catch the wind with this one, and won't be wearing a fluffy scarf with it).
Over the weekend I drafted a pattern and made a mock-up, but the mock-up is really kinda ugly, since I used left over fabric and made a part of it significantly smaller just to save on fabric, so it's one of those mock-ups where you have to squint and imagine what the final product will look like. Not going to bother taking pictures of that. But it did serve the purpose of clarifying some design elements and finalizing fit, so still worthwhile.
With the hood pattern drafted and tested, and measurements for the long wrap bits figured out, I went ahead and cut it out of the herringbone fabric. Here it is all cut out, three pieces for the hood and two pieces for the back:
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I'm doing french seams on this project, both to combat the fabric's tendency to fray, and to keep all the inner seams looking pretty when the hood is down, etc. Tonight I sewed up the first set of seams on the center back of the wrap, and all three hood pieces (as modeled by my sewing ham):
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Tomorrow I'll press those narrow seams flat, and then sew each of them again a bit further in to completely encase the raw edges (ie a classic french seam). Next step after that will be attaching the hood to the right angle formed by the wrap pieces coming together in the center back. I did this, with shorter and narrower pieces, in my mock-up, and it's a little bit fiddly but not too bad. I didn't french seam the mock-up though, so we'll see if that adds any headaches to this.
Once both stages of the neck seam are done and the hood is attached, the last step will be hemming! And it's a lot of hemming, lol. The shorter edges of the wrap (starting from the top of the center back, where it meets the hood) are each 48" long and 18" wide. I actually haven't measured the outer, longer edge, nor done the math to figure out what it must be given that the center back is cut on a 45 degree bias, but let's just say it's a lot of inches. And then there's the hood opening too, which was cut to have a generous drape. Many many inches of hemming, really probably better measured in yards.
I need to play around with a couple of options, see if I like the look of top stitching or if I want to do the whole thing by hand with invisible stitches, but right now my assumption is that I'll end up doing this by hand. I actually enjoy handsewing hems, so that's not the worst thing in the world, and I've got plenty of time to get this finished before I plan to wear it at the end of February. I do have at least one other sewing project I'd like to tackle for our Star Wars Batuu-bounding day, and I'd like to leave room for other things to come up at the last minute too, so I'm going to keep buzzing through this just as quickly as I can. More pictures tomorrow, in all likelihood.
After I call my mom of course, and wish her a happy birthday. And beg her for photos of that thing I made for her, lol.
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consularmain · 9 months
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some screenshots of the esseles run i did with my sister who graciously cosplayed as my smuggler so i could get shots of these two
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hollymbryan · 1 year
Blog Tour: Top 5 Reasons to Read CITY OF VICIOUS NIGHT by Claire Winn! #tbrbeyondtours
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Hello and welcome to Book-Keeping! I’m happy today to be hosting a spot on the TBR and Beyond Tours blog + bookstagram tour for the conclusion to the Requiem Dark duology by Claire Winn, City of Vicious Night! I’ve got all the details below, plus my top 5 reasons to read the book/series.
About the Book
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title: City of Vicious Night (Requiem Dark #2) author: Claire Winn publisher: Flux release date: 23 May 2023
For the most hated crew on Requiem, the only way out is up. It’s been four months since runaway heiress Asa crash-landed on the matriarchal outlaw colony Requiem, bringing a nasty AI and a host of deadly secrets with her. Now, she runs with her almost-girlfriend Riven’s smuggler crew, stealing kisses between gunfights and heists. But when a mysterious hacker sabotages their latest job, other gangs turn against them, blaming them for the destruction the rogue AI caused. Nowhere in the city is safe. The only way to protect their crew is a series of trials for control of an underworld faction–and vying for a matriarch’s throne is a dream Riven can’t let go. But as the trials intensify, the saboteur hounds Asa and Riven’s every step, determined to kill Asa and right her father’s wrongs. When the saboteur reveals a horrific conspiracy threatening all of Requiem–one involving the crew member they thought they’d lost–the girls must decide whether to risk their own skins for a city that loathes them.
Content Warning: death, violence, body horror, references of sexual assault
Add to Goodreads: City of Vicious Night (Requiem Dark #2) Purchase the Book: Amazon | B&N | Bookshop.org
About the Author
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Claire Winn spends her time immersed in other worlds—through LARP, video games, books, nerd conventions, and her own stories. Since graduating from Northwestern University, she’s worked as a legal writer and freelance editor. Aside from writing, she builds cosplay props and armor, tears up dance floors, and battles with boffer swords.
Connect with Claire: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Facebook
Top 5 Reasons to Read
I had wanted to read the first book in this duology, City of Shattered Light, since it came out but hadn’t done so yet, so I loved getting to binge this series for this tour! What amazing fun this set is! Below are my top 5 reasons to read City of Vicious Night, which really goes for the whole series, just FYI.
1. These books are such a great example of both sisterhood and the power of female friendships. Asa would do absolutely anything to save her sister Kaya, and book 2 really digs deeper into their sisterhood.
2. We have an incredible group of misfits and outlaws that are an amazing example of why I love the found family trope so much! Riven, Asa, Ty, Samir, Diego, Kaya...I love them all separately but together they’re unstoppable!
3. I love the LGBTQ+ rep in this series; kind of like in the best TV show ever, Schitt’s Creek, it’s just a version of the world in which people are what they are and love who they love and there’s not really any need for explanation or justification.
4. We’ve got heists and deadly competitions -- in space! Enough said.
5. AI, cybernetics, and spaceships, oh my! Seriously, everything we love about cyberpunk sci-fi is here and I just love the world Claire Winn has created with this series.
Really there are more reasons to read this (both kick-butt and ridiculously smart women, budding romance, the sweetest pup) but these are my top 5. I hope you’ll check out the Requiem Dark duology today! Both books were 5-star reads for me.
**Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for purposes of this tour.
Make sure you check out the Bookstagram tour too! You can find my post here, and the full schedule is here.
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Such a huge fan of Starcruiser, I made a Tumblr!
Was lucky enough to go on a voyage on GS in August 2022, and planning a new voyage now (after getting an extra gig and matching up with a lot of other superfans to afford to go!) I went into my trip expecting to go hardcore Resistance, but ended up falling in love with the scoundrel path when Raithe Kole recruited me, so I had to play tribute to my favorite conflicted, charming, good-hearted-if-not-self-serving smuggler. Hoping to meet some other Starcruiser fans on here, and always down to write if people are keen! Also happy to answer any questions at any level of spoilers vs non spoilers if folks haven’t been on the ship yet and have burning inquiries about this unique interactive theatre experience.
I’ll be going as an OC Twi’lek smuggler captain next time on Galactic Starcruiser, and already am working on my cosplay!
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smugglerofsass · 9 months
A well intentioned psa from your local Good Omens Crowley cosplayer. Crowley isn't pronounced like supernatural Crowley and it's not pronounced like Aleister Crowley either. I have been attending ren fair in cosplay for three years, I have been counting every mispronunciation for all three years. The whole group I'm with comments on these moments. You live on in infamy when you do this.
I just want you to know that before you approach someone and say it wrong. We remember you.
And to the woman who looked me dead in the face last year and called me Aleister Crowley, I desperately wish we could meet again so I could ask what exactly happened in your brain in that moment.
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bloodsalted · 3 months
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@heartheaded || starter call 2.0 || accepting!
[ SILLY ] starter for charlie? :]
"i'm not coming out of this room looking like this," dean protests from inside the dressing room. he has no idea why he let her talk him into this. they were supposed to be blending. looking for this relic that just so happened to be bought by some comic book nerd guy who owned a comic book store. one that he packed up and stuffed into the back of some shady i-got-candy-get-in sorta van and drove it to a nerd convention in the middle of downtown. where everyone could see.
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charlie insisted that they blend. that they fit in. these con people can sniff out a poser a million feet away and he wants to make sure they get in, get this relic picked up (or stolen) without having to knock comic nerd on his ass or worse. (and so help him if this guy is something weird--this whole thing's gonna get messy while he's...oh son of a bitch!!!) and, thus. he introduced dean into this whole idea of COSPLAY. not like the ren faire stuff. nah. this is. this shoots above that because they're gonna walk around normal people wearing this stuff to get there!
whatever the hell THIS bullshit is? he's not into it. (yeah don't you freaking DARE point out that he ended up picking up two accessories that he didn't need to just because he thought that he really should look the part if he was going in--he might as well BLEND-BLEND) just not half-ASS it). cause that would be being, air-quotes at the nerd store, too obvious. there was zero eye contact made as he rationalized this, by the way. take for that what you will.
"i look stupid..." but the bathroom door inside their room swings open and there he is. in all his smuggler glory. han solo. striped pants, belt, vest. you name it. down to a "t". even has one of those little plastic guns. arms cross over his chest and he looks at her. brow lifts up. "the gun's too much..huh? it's the gun."
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keldae · 1 year
I know Xaja has all of the outfits, so let’s see…
All right! Smuggler-bro, who has ALMOST as many outfits as his favourite big sister does! ;) He has ENTIRELY too many outfits to put in here, so I'ma just pick my favourites of the bunch...
First off, his go-to jacket for hanging out on Carrick Station and making frenemies in Republic Space! Exiled Revolutionary jacket and pants, Advanced Slicer boots.
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And, for when he's doing some work around his ship or HQ... Impulsive Adventurer shirt, Frontline Slicer pants, Canderous Ordo gloves, GAME Security Wristguard bracer, and the Advanced Slicer boots again.
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Feeling more like his Corellian Jedi roots? The Kanan cosplay/Frontline Slicer set has him covered!
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Got a run taking him out to Hoth? He's gonna bitch and complain the entire time, but he'll at least be stylish (and somewhat warm) in the Winter Outlaw outfit!
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More relaxed at home or around the base? The GAME Security Jacket is his go-to outfit!
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And, when he's gotta look business-like and professional, the Cad Bane suit aka Outer Rim Drifter is his look!
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And in all of these, he's using the Mischief and Anarchy blasters. When he's in his Operative loadout, he uses the Amban JP blaster rifle and enough knives to make his dad proud.
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anavatazes · 6 months
A few things
To my Tim Rockford authors , I love you 🥰❤️. My Following page this morning had a slew of Tim, and Oh My! It still amazes me that he was only a few, very brief ads for Merge Mansion, and the Fandom ran with it. It's awesome ❤️🫠🥵.
If Google could stop with the trailer alerts for Gladiator 2, that would be great. They are for a stupid fan made trailer from months ago, and nothing official 😑. Pisses me off. I was suspicious, because none of my socials had blown up, and my one trust worthy YouTbe channel hadn't done a video on it yet, so I dug deeper and didn't bother clicking that click bait. Give me the real one, please. Been waiting on this sequel since the original way back when... and was even more excited when they added Pedro 🫠 to the cast.
Youngest is back in school!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I am going to South Carolina Comic Con to meet Jim Lee. Everyone else, meh. Jim motherfucking Lee?! I feel a case of the vapors coming on! Almost tempted to scrap my Mando Smuggler cosplay to make a Rouge one, but I am so deep into it now... But it is Jim Lee. I remember when he first came out, when he first became popular... man...
Oh, and the Mando Mercs will be there. The Mister's kit should be up to full muster by then, too. But... JIM LEE!!!!!
Ok, older kids want attention, and cats are claiming starvation. Might ask the Mister to bring home some Dunkies on his way home from his appointment... I am hungry and want an actual custard doughnut. They don't know how to do those in the South...
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nocternalrandomness · 3 years
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 Iwen Oyre
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alixero · 3 years
Casually working on a cosplay for my current D&D character trying to ignore the fact that I'll probably never be 100% satisfied with the outcome assuming I ever actually get around to finishing it
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