#the smuggler sews
smugglerofsass · 1 year
i saw your tags and i am dying to know the four GO related costumes, if it isn’t too much trouble to ask? ♥️
Ok ok ok here's the thing, this might be more than you bargained for because it's not four costumes, it's four years worth of costumes and inspired looks I have too many of those lets not talk about that.
Break so I can insert some pictures where I have them.
You see, I started cosplaying Crowley in 2019, like half of the rest of this fandom. I saw the show, I made my best friend watch it, she asked if Aziraphale and Crowley could be our Halloween costume for the year, I agreed exclusively on the grounds I could be Crowley, and the rest is essentially history.....except it's not because if my life isn't one cosmic joke what's the point right. My hair was purple at the time and I insisted I wasn't going to dye it for this, despite everyone I knew asking about it. So we did Halloween, at speed, mind you, so it was more about does it look like them rather than does it look like them, but doing these costumes gave me brain rot bad.
This is genuinely one of the best photos I'm going to be able to share with you rn, because someone took these photos of me intentionally. My best friend/Aziraphale had prior plans and this kinda got dropped on me like what costume can you wear to go to the cemetery approximately now.
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In December, I started dying my hair red, we're all laughing because it's funny.
Obviously this was right before the plague times and I was still in undergrad at the time. We had a socially distanced halloween party the next year between the costume and scene shops, and I wore basically the same thing, just with doc martens and sfx contacts that time because I was working on a much larger costume for my undergrad capstone (tho not my history capstone, that was tragically different.) I started working on a late Victorian women's ensemble in black and green that was intended to be versatile enough to be both historically accurate in settings that needed it, while also being able to be an all out cosplay, just an inspired one. I didn't actually get good picture of it until late last year when I had shifted into what I call "stupidly" red hair dye and cut my hair (I was in grad school when s2 filming pictures started to come out, it does something to your brain, you make interesting choices during Thanksgiving break.)
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(Enjoy a rare film photo of @christinedieae and I, we were working on these outfits together, and mostly in the same work space in 2021, so it was a mission to photograph these two together because they were so different on the dress forms.)
In 2021, I attended Ren Fair for the first time and made pirate inspired looks for my best friend and I. Tragically I don't have any photos from this year other than us at like 8am in my driveway and I'm not willing to share them rn but I made this full length sleeveless coat with fabric i found at joanns that year that has snakes and roses. I also wore it last year but it was very cold and windy that day so the only photo of me is my "Anakin storming the temple" look, peak my red wig and the best garment I've ever made, my cloak.
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Then, some of my favorite ren fair looks from last year. The halo is one of the single best purchases I've made while costuming, and at this point its been a while.
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The only down side to ren fair is that I'm often without an Aziraphale, as my best friend has become a bird (this is a genuine logistical challenge and at times takes between three and four of us to manage at the fair grounds so my full length snake skirt might not be returning to the fair this year.) Said bird also steals my glasses.
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Here's another look with selections pulled from my historical wardrobe for a wizarding event at the museum I work at last year. This was the first time anyone I worked with saw my contacts and I have found it's good to warn people who know me because they find it a serious jumpscare. Some adults also have opinions, but kids really seem to like them.
And then some silly things from an event we attended in May last year. It was Friday the 13th and easily 100 degrees. I made Aziraphale's waistcoat in a week because I wasn't insane enough already (when you get motivation to do something you take it idk). On an even bigger my life is a cosmic joke note, when the first s2 pictures came out with the leather waistcoat I got in my closet and finally begrudgingly admitted my mom was right, because I had a leather waistcoat she had given me from the 80s.
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I feel like I might have posted some of these photos here before, I remember asking for an "angel ( )" caption for my friend dressed as Castiel, and the groupchat soundly rejecting "angel (homosexual)" as too non-specific. It was very hot, we descended into insanity by the end of the night, a group of girls recognized us while we were trapped in the middle of this tiny candy store, chaos at its finest. This is also the night where someone referred to our group as the "most attractive group of queer people" they'd ever seen, and thus named our group chat.
I know there have been sooooo many more, some combination of all of this is how I dress on the daily so I'm kinda always testing new or inspired looks. And our ren fair opens this weekend, and I've been working on making and acquiring some fun new things for some new looks this year, so I'll have more looks very soon.
The last thing I can leave you with, I suppose, is this. I'm going to a wedding in October with costumes encouraged, but all black is off the table. SO I'm recreating an Edwardian gown in a red silk I found that is cross woven with black threads so it has this shift to it while still looking red, the silk is called Omen.
My darling Aziraphale is @jesterjamboree as always. @frameratess also appears here, and is often the only one of us remembering to take pictures. And already mentioned is @christinedieae, we egg each other on with our crazy ideas.
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inklore · 2 years
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prompt: "please don't look at me like that."
pairing: joel miller x smuggler!reader
word count: 1k
warnings: blood and wound mention, stitching, established enemies with benefits, unresolved feelings, the usual banter.
note: thank you @rhettabbotts for requesting this i adore you ily you're amazing, and i cannot wait to explore more of this dynamic because they're slowly growing on me.
part of this world but you don't have to read it to enjoy this!
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“Please don’t look at me like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like you feel sorry for me.” The words slice his expression in two. The worry on his brow morphing into anger. As if he’s pissed at the both of you for caring enough to be in this situation, his fingers wet with your blood as he tries to sew up the gash in your thigh with a steady hand.
The needle nothing compared to how much it makes your stomach twist to think about how he looked when he found you. When he and Tess arrived after the bullets had stopped flying. After Robert had given one last middle finger to the lot of you and started shooting.
Joel’s palm felt searing against your thigh, bent on one knee, pressing against the deep graze. The look on his face, a mix of concern and care that you've never seen before—never seen when the two of you are together, a look that has you looking over at Tess because your chest feels heavy from it—a stark contrast to his bite, "What the hell happened?" 
“I found your battery.” Your smirk morphed into a grimace when his palm pressed harder against you in retaliation for your smart mouth, out of spite. 
Tess grumbled profanities in the hall as she watched on. As she helped Joel drag your sorry self back to their apartment, a kid now in tow. 
Another thorn in Joel's side, it seemed. 
You the deepest thorn he has. 
“I don’t feel sorry for your stupidity.” 
“Stupidity?” You argue, gripping the flimsy mattress underneath you as the needle dips in and out of your burning skin. “You told me to find the battery!” 
“Didn’t tell ya to get shot in the process.”
Your lips pull at the corners: “I didn’t know I meant that much to you.” 
Joel grunts. “You’d be more of a pain in my ass dead than alive.” 
“And who says romance is dead?” You tease and let out a grumble when his fingers squeeze the exposed skin at the side of your thigh—your jeans pulled down to your knees to give him more access to your skin. You didn’t miss how Joel checked your other thigh before he started stitching. 
Letting his fingers run along your arms and sternum, ensuring he only had one wound to close, one wound to be concerned about. 
The sound of gasps and heavy breaths dying in the back of your throat fills the decaying walls of the apartment. Joel having set a clear boundary for his newest house guest to stay in the living room, the tapping of a shoe against the floor barely audible over the noises of stifled pain you’re trying to swallow down. 
You were stupid. 
It had been stupid to insert yourself in the middle of Robert screwing another person over. There was more than one reason you didn’t accompany him when he did the dealings. Why you were only sanctioned in dealing with the mundane creeps, single parents looking for an easier way of living, or Joel. But most of those reasons had the potential of ending exactly the same way it did tonight. 
You could blame it on hormones. On need. Want. Something even more stupid and cliché. Claim that it was honor that drove you to walk into that shitstorm without regard for your own safety—your selfish ways of living, the ways that had kept you alive and breathing and not clicker-bait, suddenly put on hold.
But the truth was unavoidable as your eyes focus on Joel. As you take him in, in the fading light coming in through the windows, paint his face in a blue hue. Something other than the usual darkness you’re used to seeing him in.
The backdrop of the pattering rain on the windows gives the faux feeling of calm, of how if it weren't for the needle pulling your skin closed, taut, bloody, and raw, this moment could turn into something else. If it was just you and Joel, if the stench of copper wasn't staining either of your skins and his touch was tearing you apart rather than reassembling you.
Your eyes trace the curve of his nose, the dip of his eyebrows, the flat line of his lips. 
You had followed Robert to take the battery from him. To double-cross a triple-crosser. Take from a man who deserves it, from someone he had promised to give it to who was just as unworthy. 
Did that make Joel worthy? Of your help? Of something more than a release and praise bit into skin? 
You didn’t want to answer that. 
Didn’t want to face the unavoidable because it made you think too hard, too much about how things started with Joel and where they are now. 
How every touch that’s been felt between the two of you has been rough, hard, and unrelenting. And now his touch is gentle and soft, like he might leave an even bigger gash in your thigh if he touches you any harder. If he’s not careful. 
And you hate it. 
When he’s finished patching you up and tries to help you pull your jeans back up, you swat his hand away. Give him an annoyed “I got it” and pull them up harder than you mean to. Making you wheeze in pain. Making his brows raise in silent condescension. 
No thank you or welcome is shared when Joel moves to the living room and you lie back on the bed. 
He doesn’t make you leave. Doesn’t bark any more angry explanations and questions your way. Allows you to feel the pounding pain in your leg and the icy burn from the wet cloth he used to clean up the bloody fingerprints he had left on your skin in peace. 
Finding yourself wishing he had left the prints there. His touch painted on your skin, something you could look at later after he’s left. When the pain in your leg has faded but the pain in your chest has become more difficult to ignore due to his impending absence.
And you don’t know which pain is worse. Which pain you can live without. 
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leafteaposts · 14 days
I need to get some Aus out of my head in hopes I can continue working on my actual fics om writing.
So have the one that distracts me the most at the moment,
The storyline follows canon but there is no Baratie. No restaurant floating at the sea.
In this au Zeff's trauma of losing his crew, being stuck on a rock with a little feral eggplant and eating his own fucking leg takes a toll. When they are saved he wants to leave all behind but the kid has fixated on him and is, after all the only one that actually understands the horror of almost starving to death and surviving the storm that took all he had left. He can't handle the tempo, the sounds, the teeming life around him anymore, as he has ghosts at every corner and a equally traumatized kid looking at him like he is a saviour, like he is worth something.
They are more co-dependent in this au and when the Marines hear that red leg Zeff might be the man saved with a kid from a rock in the middle of nowhere he flees in the night. Taking Sanji with him.
From there they steal a boat and sets out to sea. They drift for a long time, moving in the night and laying low in the days, Sanji has to steal food and help a still weak Zeff that are equal parts caring and hostile as he still has a nasty infection raging inside due to his self amputated leg.
At the edge of the east blue they find a small island surrounded with jagged cliffs and a wind that never quiets. There stands a lighthouse and they make it their home. They do have a small space that serves as a restaurant /sleeping area/ infirmary when shipwrecked sailors finds them or drift ashore. Mostly smugglers, pirates and other shady people, often in bad conditions and Zeff and Sanji feed them with what they have and steal what they deem reasonable.
Zeff have huge survivors guilt (as does Sanji) Zeff want more for Sanji, for him to leave, to find the all blue, but just can't push him to leave, instead they grow ever more dependent on each other, Sanji's own guilt and issues make him much more quiet, not as aggressive as he doesn't grow up in a rowdy restaurant in his adolescence years. Still anger issues but take the form more introverted.
They have a patch of land they grow vegetables on and have some sheep and goats for wool and milk/meat. (Living quietly on the island when they arrived, no people, the lighthouse seems to be a forgotten blind spot in the sea for most. Having been abandoned for a long time.) Due to their living conditions Sanj is foremost educated in foods that can last long times and harsh weathers, but they still make the best food you ever eaten. This is maybe also why, Sanji muses, why he gets a warm feeling when Zoro (and Luffy) never show any signs of disgust over eating frogs, rats etc. At Skypeia much later, he feels all fuzzy when they all devour the rat stew and he can't stop locking at the swordsman.
Patty and Carne find them as smugglers in need and they keep supplying them and are their only steady visitors. Until a boy with a straw hat crashes the peace and brings change with him.
Nami still steals the Merry but it takes much longer time. They stay longer, and the drama with Don Crieg is still happening, just as Mihawks arrives, etc. They get to know Zeff, Sanji and their small world. After a long time at the lighthouse Nami leave with the Merry and Zeff dares to slowly let Sanji free, pushing him towards his destiny.
This Sanji have longer hair as he can't be as fancy/prissy on the island, have to groom himself/of have Zeff help him. Takes on the role as the care taker a lot as Zeff has serious bouts of depression in periods. Dissociates a lot and compartments his life a lot to handle the loneliness and his own traumas. Wakes up sometimes with Zeffs hands in his hair and the old man humming sea shantys to bring the light back into Sanji's eyes. He dress smart but clear they are poor and lives of the sea and land. He is good at sewing and mending. After Arlong park Nami makes sure Sanji gets a proper suit, heck she makes sure he gets one in each big port. Slowly he can develop his style and image he has inside and we see more of canon Sanju shine through. He is still a lover boy, still heart in his eyes but much more shy. Clashes with Zoro at the regular, bonds with Usopp the most at the start. Usopp and Nami also teach him about the outside world more, giving him books to read and Zoro often asks him to read out loud so he can practice. Sanji takes it as criticism but Zoro loves listening to his voice and also learns himself. Zoro surprises himself with discovering he is secretly a history buff. Zoro also helps Sanji with math as suddenly working with such large quantities and berries is a little daunting in the beginning. This is also one of the reasons they often shop together when restocking the food etc.
A slow, quiet love grows in those moments, often making them feel confused about their feelings as the fights and butting heads doesn't stop. They have different goals and ideologies just as in canon but complement each other and Luffy perfectly.
Phew. Maybe it will now leave me alone?
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Sailor Nicknames
Sew Sew Boys - Sailors who have a special talent in sewing Jack of the Dust- Purser Mate Jack Nasty Face- a low ranking sailor Landlubber- a landsman who has no knowledge of the sea Fireship - a prostitute with a venereal disease Spouter - a Whaler Blubber Hunter- a Whaler Admiral of the Narrow Seas- a Sailor who threw up in the lap of a comrade Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas- a Sailor who has managed to pee on a mate's shoes under the table. Long Tailed Beggar- a Cat Lubber- a lumbering, awkward fellow a stout, clumsy oaf who struggles with seamanship Bone Polisher- a cat of nine tails Bugs- a dirty slovenly sailor Bully Boys- an American sailor Jack Tar - a British sailor Cook`s warrant - an operation that ends in amputation The Croaker- a Surgeon The Doctor - a cook Davy Jones natural children - pirates, smugglers, scamps, scalawags and rovers Hands- Crewmembers Jimmy the One - the first Lieutenant in the Royal Navy Johnny Hawbuck- an officer who dressed like a dandy at sea Landshark - A Lawyer Limey- another name for a british sailor Jollies - A Royal Marine Leatherneck - A Royal Marine Lobster - A Royal Marine Old Salt - a veteran sailor Manxman - a sailor from the Isle of Man Nip cheese - the Purser
to be continued....
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hwalovs · 1 year
A Smuggler and A Jedi 6/?
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Pairing; Luke Skywalker, Reader / Past Lando Calrissian, Reader Warnings; even more pining, even more angst, MENTION OF TORTURE (Not in detail), minor cursing, negative on that kiss captain.  Word Count; 21.7k 
Summary;  It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker have established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space....
AN; Sorry for the large gap in posts, I lost inspiration to write this for a bit, but here it is! Not a lot of Luke in this chapter, sadly. Hopefully it isn’t a long time before chapter 7. I’m also trying a new method of splitting sections so let me know what you guys think :D  thank you for reading! I appreciate each and every one of you and I'm grateful for the support :>>
It was bright outside when Rogue Two landed in the bay, opening the exit ramp to allow other medical droids and doctors in. Han swatted all their hands away, not answering any of their questions as he pushed down his fur laced hood, sniffling. His nose was bright pink, his cheeks a similar color. 
You stood off to the side while Leia ran past, ignoring Han completely to look for Luke. 
“Took you long enough,” you jest, scrunching your nose at the wafting smell of dead Tauntaun.
“Got a little caught up-”
“You smell like a dead Tauntaun.”
He stares at you for a moment before scoffing, shrugging his shoulders, “how else were we supposed to survive?”
You groan, pinching your nose, “that's foul, even for you.”
“They’re taking him to the med wing, after spending time in the bacta tank he should be fine,” Leia sighs, smiling softly. Han nods his head.
“What a welcoming party, Princess, glad to know you care about my well-being.”
She shakes her head, glaring towards him before following the med droids that pushed Luke along on a gurney.
Han places a hand onto your shoulder, giving it a squeeze before sniffling again, “he’ll be fine, no need to get your pants in a twist.”
You glare at him, “you both could have died.”
“But we didn’t!”
“You better apologize to Chewie, he was a wreck without you.”
You didn’t stay long while Luke was in the bacta tank. It was hard to watch, with the cuts on his face and chest slowly sewing themselves back together. He only wore weighted shorts to keep him under the gelatinous slime that was bacta, a breathing apparatus strapped to his face while med droids and doctors scurried around him to make sure he didn’t suddenly flatline. 
Leaning against the wall, you ignore the presence of Han and Leia to your right, their shoulders lightly brushing against each other. Leia was pressing her fingers to her lips, rubbing the skin as she watched the droids work. 
Ever since you woke up yesterday, the days just seemed to get worse and worse. First the Falcon, the ever constant flow of problems from other X-Wings, then the fact Han went after Luke like it was what he’s been preparing for since the day he was born. 
When the droids turn in your group's direction to talk about his vitals, you take it as your time to leave while you can. The last thing you wanted was to hear how Luke was close to death if not for Han. Pushing away the worry, you force yourself down the hallway, passing by lingering pilots and other personnel before finally making it back to the hangar where the Falcon was. 
Chewie was still perched on the wing, swinging his legs back and forth as he messed with the tools. He almost looked small on the Falcon, but as you grew closer, so did his size. 
“Hey, Chewie!” You shout, pausing under his line of sight. He growls, nodding his head in greeting. The hangar was mostly empty, only one or two other pilots visible by their ships. You make your way to the ladder, carefully climbing until you reach the top, stepping over the mess of tools to sit beside him. He hands you a circuit board, waving his hands about as he complains. 
“What, it's not working again?” You ask, using your nail to slowly scrape off the soot from flaming wires. It was dated, a few cycles old by now but it was working fine the last time the ship was in the air. Then again, you can’t seem to place where on the ship the part came from. 
“Which part is this, again?” You look up at the Wookiee, who throws his hands up in annoyance, jerking to point to the open compartment behind you. You nod, crawling over until you can dive head first into the compartment. You feel Chewie grab your ankle, scared of you getting stuck, but you lightly kick away his hand. 
Being in the Falcon gives you a sense of comfort when the galaxy seems against you. It was the best place to be while Han and Leia fought all day, while Luke got himself lost and beaten out in the snowy graveyard they call a planet. 
Chewie’s still talking, his voice muffled through the metal while you look over the other circuit boards and wires. Sticking your hand out, you yell at him to hand you specific tools, and he hands them to you, still talking. 
“I swear I just fixed this,” grumbling, you try and reweld some wires together, effectively connecting them to the now, hopefully, fixed board. 
You don’t leave the Falcon until Han drags you to the medwing. It was a couple hours later, Luke being discharged from the Bacta tank and put into his own room. Han still hasn’t taken a shower, being in a hurry to see Luke before he goes back to sleep. He told you Threepio and R2 were waiting outside his room, while Leia was still talking with the Med-droids. 
“Shouldn’t you shower first?” You cringe, putting Chewie in between you both so you didn’t smell the sour stench.
“I think that Tauntaun did my hair justice, It hasn’t looked this good since Lando gave me that cream.”
You roll your eyes, smiling at the memory, “Lando never did you justice- nothing does your hair justice, Han.”
“I’m offended, (Y/n), really- I am,” he gasps, leaning over to slap your shoulder before entering the room.
Luke looks tired, sitting up in the bed while playing with the stray threads of the thin blanket. He wore an oversized shirt, only pink scars remaining on his face. 
Threepio doesn't hesitate to move past Han, throwing his hands into the air. 
“Master Luke, it's so good to see you fully functional again,” Threepio beams, hands moving about as R2 whistles. 
“How ya’ feeling kid?” Han asks, bending down to look over his face, Chewie placing a hand onto his pillow to softly growl and bark his regards, “you don't look so bad to me. In fact, you look strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark.”
Luke chuckles, his smile not reaching his eyes, “thanks to you.”
You manage to squeeze in between the two before Han points to the younger, narrowing his eyes, “that's two you owe me, junior.”
Reaching a hand, you place two fingers underneath his chin, lifting his head lightly. His smile softens when looking at you, and you can’t help but mirror it. Your thumb barely touches the skin below one scar, brushing across it lightly.
“It was stupid to go out by yourself,” you say. He painfully smiles, shrugging his shoulders. 
“You’re lucky Han was even more stupid to go out after you,” you lightly thumb over the scar under his eye, “but it’ll heal nicely, you’ll be good-to-go in no-time.”
When you pull away to stand, you glare at a smiling Han, who's giving you raised eyebrows and a little shoulder bump. It wasn’t until Leia walked in that Han dropped it, turning to face the Princess. 
“Well your worship, looks like you managed to keep us around a little longer!”
She crosses her arms, haughtily saying, “I had nothing to do with it, General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ship to leave the system until we’ve activated the energy shield.”
Settling onto the foot of the bed, you pinch Luke’s leg, smirking at him when he jerks it away. You look between the arguing pair, their attention solely on each other. 
“That’s a good story, you just can’t let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight,” Han crosses his arms, leaning against the bed. Luke rolls his eyes, looking at you with raised eyebrows. You shrug, frowning. 
Leia finally sighs, “I don’t know where you get your delusions, laser brain.”
Chewie laughs, holding onto the door frame while lightly jabbing Han’s shoulder. He jumps form his spot clearly enjoying himself, “Laugh it up fuzz-ball, you didn’t see us alone in the south passage.”
“South passage?” You snicker softly, smirking at her while she darts her eyes between you and Luke. You could see him frowning, eyebrows furrowed as his arms crossed over his chest.
Han hums, wrapping one arm around Leia’s shoulder while giving a smug smile, “she expressed her true feelings for me.”
Cheeks pink, Leia looks between the three of you before pulling away, stuttering her words, “my-” finally composing herself, she huffs, “why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking’- nerf herder!”
“Nerf herder?” You choke, hand covering your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. Han whips around, glaring at her, “who’s scruffy looking’?”
“Han-” you wheeze, almost grabbing his arm but missing as he moves closer to Luke, bending down to his level. 
“I must’ve hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid?”
You shake your head when you see Leia’s face fall. Her eyes glaze over for just a moment before her shoulders tense, arms dropping to her sides as she marches closer. When you try and grab her arm, she yanks if from your grip harshly, your smile diminishing.
“Well,” she scoffs, looking up at Han with a glare, “I guess you don’t know everything about women yet?”
With that, she leans forwards and grabs Luke’ cheeks, planting her lips on his. It goes silent, Threepio stepping forwards to see, looking at Han, and then you. Mouth parting, you find it hard to breathe all of a sudden, a crushing weight in your chest overtaking the once light hearted feeling. 
Han stares with wide eyes, arms still crossed when Leia pulls away, looking directly at him before leaving the room. He stares at Luke, who was still dumbstruck, and when he looks at you his eyes soften. His arms slowly drop to his sides but you can’t stop staring at Luke. 
He doesn’t look back, just closes his eyes and proudly puts his hands behind his head, sighing in contentment. Your mind seemed to run miles a minute, while also being oddly silent. Maybe it was the smug look he gave to Han, or the way he completely ignored your presence the moment Leia had kissed him. 
You wouldn’t have noticed the pounding in your ears if it wasn’t for the alarm going off in the hall, Han lightly grabbing your arms to pull you along. Luke looks at you, frowning when he sees the glare Han sends him, who lightly pats his chest, “take it easy, kid.”
“Headquarters personnel, report to command center”
“What-” Luke tries to grab your hand, to ask what was wrong, but you’re just out of reach. When he blinks, you’re already gone.
Han and Chewie silently walk beside you towards the control center, your ears still ringing. 
You hold up a hand, glaring over your shoulder, “I don’t want to hear it. It’s fine- I’m fine.”
The walk to the control center didn’t give you enough time to center yourself, trying with all you had to scrub the image from your mind. Rieekan nodded to you both as you walked to the console screen, Chewie peering over your shoulders. 
“Princess, we have a visitor,” he says, gesturing for her to come over. You didn’t want to see her, at least for the rest of the day. Rieekan points to the screen another officer was stationed, “we’ve picked up something outside the base in zone twelve, moving east.”
The senior controller looks up, his headphones only covering one ear, “It's metal.”
Leia was already there, arms crossed as she looked down at the console. Stuffing her hands into her back pockets, head tilting to get a good look at the screen, “then it couldn’t be one of those creatures.”
“Could be one of our speeders,” you choke, clearing your throat. 
The senior controller shakes his head, “no. Wait- there's something very weak coming through.”
You all lean in slightly to try and make out the garbled text, but Threepio steps forwards, raising a hand. 
“Sir, I am fluent in six-million forms of communication. This signal is not used by the Alliance. It could be an Imperial Code.” 
The transmission quickly cut off, leaving your small group in silence. Rieekan takes a moment to look between the three of you, Chewie also looking over the group, and you knew he couldn’t help but notice the tension that was slowly building up.
Han huffs, hands on his hips, “well, whatever it is, it isn’t friendly, common, Chewie- (Y/n), let’s check it out.”
“General, send Rouges Ten and Eleven to station three-eight,” Rieekan nods, pushing himself away from the console. 
“Remind me, when we get back, to never leave the Falcon,” you strain, trudging through the snow with your thick boots. The fur lining of your jacket gets stuck between your lips, and your blaster is freezing in your hand, even though you had thick gloves on. 
“You’re starting to sound like me,” Han jests, crouching behind a snow bank. There was a high-pitched beeping from the other side, and when you peer over, you finally see what was making the garbled transmission. 
It was a small probe droid, floating just a few feet above the snow. Its head continued to rotate slowly, and when its antennas slowly raised, it let out piercing signals before moving on. It was fully black, except for the bright red eye on its front. The Empire's sigil painted on its side, almost too small to see.
“Definitely Imperial,” you grumble, shuffling back down the bank as Han looks over his blaster once more. You were just waiting on Chewie now, who was making his way around to create a distraction. Then, you and Han would shoot it down. 
Han’s eyebrows were furrowed, grumbling softly under his breath, and it was almost drowned out by the wind, but you managed to catch snippets. 
“I’m sure the Princess feels the same way, would you stop drowning yourself over it?”
“Now's not the time for this,” he says. It's silent for a few more moments, then his head snaps in your direction, “how could she, when she kisses another guy in front of me? And what about your pouting about the kid, huh? Doesn’t seem like I’m the only one upset.”
“I’d rather not talk about it right now, Han.”
“You’re the one who brought it up!” He’s teasing you now, the corners of his lips upturning as he reaches out to slap the top of your jacket. 
“If you actually talked to Luke like I told you to months ago, we wouldn’t be in this predicament, now would we?”
“There’s nothing for us to talk about,” you snap, glaring over at him. He’s still smiling, and when he raises a finger at you, your head drops back against the snow bank.
“I know that look, you’re not slick like you think you are.”
Chewie finally making a distraction cuts you short, and you both dive back over the snow to fire at the droid. Its attention was fully on Chewie, and it allowed for you to shoot right at its most vulnerable spot. It sharply spins, managing to fire at the bank of snow before Han manages to get a few shots in, the entire droid blowing into pieces. Sending a look to Han, you both make your way over the bank to inspect the destroyed metal. Chewie meets you, bending down to try and touch it, but it is still smoking. 
Han sighs, lifting his com, “We’ve got the problem.”
“What is it?” Leia’s voice cuts back not too long after. 
“Appears to be a droid of some kind, I didn’t hit it that hard, I must have self-destructed.”
You look back over the snow, wondering how many others were there. Squinting your eyes, you look back towards the base, seeing the closed hanger doors. One one was open, allowing you in and out. 
“An Imperial Probe Droid.”
Scoffing, you shake your head, Han shares your look, “No doubt the Empire knows we’re here.”
There's a pause from the other end, and this time it's Rieekan’s voice that cuts through, “Make your way back, we’re starting evacuation.”
“Evac? Already?” You ask, getting no response from Rieekan or Leia. Han gently grabs the fabric of your jacket, pulling you back towards the base. 
“I thought you knew nowhere was safe for us at this point, kid.”
The snow crunches under your boots, and the wind now blows harshly against your cheeks.
“Yeah, well. Sorry for thinking we were safe on a snowy-death-planet in the middle of nowhere.”
When you make it back to base, you take off the thick jacket, exchanging it for your more comfortable leather one. You, Han, and Chewie now worked on the remaining broken bits of the Falcon, doing your best to get it in the air as fast as you could. Evacuation was starting slow, people still packing up tools and equipment to store onto the ships. 
“Would you please put the helmet on right?!” You groan, watching from the ground as Han only lifted the mask to his face. Chewie was in the cockpit, and Han continued to work on the remaining bits that didn’t allow the Falcon to fly. Han waves a hand in your direction, standing as he drops the mask to his side. 
“Alright! Let's try it!”
When Chewie starts the Falcon, however, the whole compartment Han was fixing burst into flame, an alarm going off when the smoke rose. Han, frantic, yells out to Chewie, “Turn it off! Off!”
After turning it off, Chewie leaves the Falcon to tend to one of the landing gears, ruffling your hair as he passes. Han was talking with one of the repair droids, and you continued work on more wiring by the broken landing gear. 
Turning to exchange your tools with ones you hoped would work, you heard Luke’s voice again, or rather, his laughter as Chewie growled and barked. When you turn back, you take a deep breath when you see him. The last time was when he just got out of the bacta tank, when Leia kissed him. 
Luke doesn’t notice you yet, turning to look up at Han, who stood leaned up against one of the Falcons wings. He wore a flight suit, his helmet in one hand as he spoke to Han. The two didn’t need to say much to get what they wanted to say across. 
It wasn’t until he turned to leave did he see you, and he stopped. There's a nervous look in his eyes when he walks to you, and you only tilt your head. 
“I don’t think you’re evacuating with everyone else,” you say softly, watching his soft eyes flicker between yours.
“They need me out there,” there's hesitation in his voice, hands fumbling with his helmet before continuing, “About what happened-”
“We’ll talk when you get back, okay?”
He sighs heavily, eyes clenching shut before he reaches forwards, grabbing your hand with his free one. 
“It’s important to me, I don’t want-”
“Luke,” you can't help but interrupt, and by the look he has, you were scared at what he was going to say.
Giving a strained smile, you squeeze his hand in comfort, “we’ll talk later.”
He doesn’t say anything else, just nods and begins to pull away. There's still that uncertain look in his eyes, and it makes your heart throb. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, blondie.”
Just nodding, Luke turns and makes his way into the hangar. No doubt going to help the others in the Rogue squadron before going anywhere else. 
“(Y/n)! I could use some help up here!”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumble, making your way up the ladder. Han was crouched over one of the landing gear components, and Chewie was bending himself in half to fix the remaining parts of the wing.
“What is it?”
He throws one of the tools your way, and you catch it, crouching down next to him to rework damaged wires. 
“Did you tell him?”
You throw him a glare, “did you tell her?”
Chewie barks and you watch as he shakes his head. 
“No, Chewie, you need to rework the wires so we can get her back in the air!”
There was an explosion, and Han grabbed your arm, both of you looking to the slowly cracking ceiling. 
“Well, that doesn’t look too good,” you grumble, trying to get your cold hands to work faster. After the wing was done, you would be able to evacuate and rendezvous with Leia and the others. 
You both work in silence, trying to finish the gear before the Empire bursts through the ceiling. Sweating under your jacket, your shaking hands continue to thread the wires. It wasn’t a beautiful job, but it would hold until you were in a safe place, then you would be able to thoroughly fix it. 
“No, Chewie!” Han pushes himself up, throwing the tool down, “that one goes here, that one there, right?”
“Would you stop bickering! We don’t have time for this!” You shout, covering your head when the base is hit once more, snow falling from the ceiling. It smacks against the wings, ice sprinkling over your shoulders. 
“Where's the princess?” You ask.
“Probably still in the control room, I’ll get her to the transport, you two keep working.”
“Han!” You throw the tools down, the wires finished, “Hurry, we won't leave without you.”
“I’m always quick!”
You turn back to Chewie, nodding, “come on, let’s close everything up. Hopefully-” you scrunch your eyebrows, patting the ship lightly, “she’ll actually start.”
Chewie barks, waiting until you climb down the ladder. The panels were shut and screwed back into place, the tools discarded in the snow as you rushed onto the ship, turning into the small closet that held the inner workings. 
“Alright baby,” you whisper, eyes frantically moving, “let me hear you, yeah?”
Your fingers were freezing, almost having lost feeling. It doesn't stop you from reworking the wires, checking the diagnostic from the panel on the wall. You can faintly hear Chewie bark, yelling out the entry ramp before he rushes onto the falcon. 
“Hurry up, goldenrod! Or you’ll be a permanent resident!” Han shouts, going straight to you. 
“How’s it looking?”
“I don’t know! In reality she needs to be on for me to actually fix this stuff!”
Chewie shuts the entry ramp, rushing into the cock-pit. There's another explosion in the hangar, the entire ship shaking as ice crashes onto the roof. Han is busy at the control panel, yelling to you in hopes of getting the ship to start. 
“How’s this?!” He yells, and suddenly you're being sprayed with smoke. Yelping, you shout at him to turn it off, Chewie barking negatively from the cock-pit. Finally leaving the small closet, you join Han at the panel, looking over the multitude of buttons and switches. 
“Try that one,” you say before rushing back. This time, nothing bad happens, and you take it as a win. 
“Would it help if I got out and pushed?” Leia asks sarcastically, Han glaring at her, “it might!”
Threepio makes his way over, hand raised, “Captain Solo! Captain Solo! Might I suggest that-”
Han cuts him off, glaring at the droid with deadly eyes and a raised finger. 
“It can wait.”
Following Han into the cock-pit, you flip the necessary buttons before sitting down in your chair, spinning to raise the deflector shields. 
“This bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade.” Leia hisses, watching Han move around the small space. 
“This baby’s got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart.”
Looking out the window, you spot multiple Stormtroopers rushing into the hanger. Looking at Han with wide eyes, you slap his arm, “we need to go! Stormtrooper’s are coming in!”
Swinging back around, you pull down on a small lever by your feet, a turret dropping from under the wing. Aiming it, you shoot towards the Troopers, all of them scrambling around to find cover. 
Leia straps in next to you, and Han in his seat. Chewie runs in seconds later, strapping himself in while Han starts the Falcon.
“Come on! Switch over,” he calls to Chewie, “let's hope we don't have a burnout.”
A blaster bolts hits the windshield right by Chewie’s head, the Wookiee yelping as he pulls back on the controls. The engine finally fires and a giant smile crawls onto Hans’ face, his head turning to briefly look at Leia. 
“Someday you’re going to be wrong, and I hope I’m there to see it.”
“Let's go!” You shout, pulling the turret back into the ship, kicking Han’s seat, “punch it!”
He didn’t need to be told twice, accelerating out of the hangar. Staying close to the ground, Han waits until he’s a bit further away form the base to make his way out of the atmosphere. But of course, the blockade is waiting. The ship wouldn’t be able to survive any of the firepower from the Star destroyers, so he would have to weave his way through. 
Chewie lets out a howl, and Han quickly checks over the panel before nodding, “I see them.”
“See what?!” Leia asks, hands gripping onto the seat. You continuously checked the state of the Falcon from what was around you, and it didn’t look good. You can hear, and feel, the oncoming fire from the Tie’s on your tail. 
“Two Star Destroyers, coming right at us.”
You can hear Threepio bang and stumble his way into the Falcon, holding onto the door frame for stability. 
“Sir! Sir!” He cries, “Might I suggest-”
Han doesn’t let him finish, again, turning sharply to point at Leia, “shut him up or shut him down!” He turns back to Chewie, sweat running down his temple, “check the deflector shields.”
Readjusting an overhead switch, Chewie barks his reply, causing Han to sigh, “Well great, we can still outmaneuver them.”
This catches your attention, leaning out into the small space between the seats, “what did he say?”
“The shields are down-”
“It's fine! You’re flying with the greatest pilot to ever live!”
Suddenly, Han changes course. The Falcon starts to fly in the direction of two Star Destroyers, before taking a steep nose dive. Yelping, you and Leia try to stabilize yourself, grabbing onto whatever you could as Han flies recklessly. 
“Kriff! Han! I’m gonna kill you!”
From above, the now three Star Destroyers try to maneuver away from each other, and it almost seems like they collide into each other. 
“Prepare to make the jump to light-speed,” Han growls, trying to dodge more of the blaster fire from the oncoming Tie’s.
“But Sir!” Threepio cries, picking himself up from the floor. 
Leia pulls herself in between your seats, eyebrows scrunched, “they’re getting closer!”
“Oh yeah?” Han taunts, rolling his shoulders as he grabs the lever for light-speed, “watch this.”
He presses forwards, but nothing happens. The Falcon only produces a soft whine, your stomach sinks, and you watch with wide eyes as Han looks between you and Chewie. 
“Watch what?” Leia asks, rocking back into her seat when the ship jerks. 
“I think we’re in trouble,” you say softly, and when Han tries it again, the engine stalls. 
“Sir,” Threepio says, “If I may say so, I noticed that the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible for us to go to light speed!”
“We’re in trouble.”
Unbuckling your belt, you follow Han into the main hold, “what's your plan now, Han!” You yell, watching him frantically move about the different panels. He falls to his knees, unlocking the floor panel. It was heavy, and he was barely able to lift it. 
“No clue! Just get up there and fly this ship before we get shot out of space!”
“Kriffing hell,” you grumble, turning back and running to the cockpit. Chewie meets you in the doorway, lightly grabbing your arms before you fall. He growls, motioning behind you before letting go to join Han.
Falling down into his seat, you glance at Leia as she sits beside you, staring at the radar. 
“They’re hot on us,” she says.
Scoffing, you try and maneuver around bolts, but some still manage to hit, “oh really? I thought we lost them!”
The ship shakes once more, “you know how to fly this hunk of junk?”
“I’ve flown it long before Han even knew she existed-” you say, glaring her way before turning sharply, narrowly missing an asteroid. Hissing, you briefly glance at the radar before staring ahead, sighing. 
“That doesn't look too good.”
Leia looks like she’s about to say something, but you point out in front, her eyes following. Ahead of the ship was a wide field of asteroids, the belt spanning across the entire windshield of the Falcon. 
You don’t see the asteroid that looms next to the falcon, yelping when the ship lurches on impact. 
“Get Han up here, “ you stress, looking at her when she doesn’t move, “now!”
“Han!” she calls over the com, “get up here!”
It didn’t take long for Chewie and Han to appear back in the cock-pit, you and Leia both moving out of the way so they could sit. Han whistles slowly, scanning the field before driving into it. He was mad, you thought. Or, he's always been mad and now it's finally showing. 
“Chewie, set two-seven-one.”
Standing behind the Wookiee, you grab onto his seat for support. 
“You’re not actually going into the asteroid field, right?”
Han only scoffs, “they’d be crazy to follow us, wouldn’t they?”
There's a thump against the hold, and you and Leia both wince. Threepio stands behind Han, his golden head shaking back and forth, “Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately three-thousand, seven hundred and twenty to one!”
“Never tell me the odds!” Han growls
The Falcon turns into the belt, now going against the large, looming rocks. Han bobs and weaves through them, stark silent as he piloted. Threepio keeps yelping when one comes too close, shielding his eyes when two collide into each other, smaller rocks scattering across and Han doesn’t hesitate to fly through it. The ship rocks violently, forcing you and Leia to sit back and buckle yourselves in. 
“You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake; well, this could be it, sweetheart.”
Leia shakes her head, “Well I take it back, we’re going to get pulverized if we stay out here much longer.”
“Pulverized?” Threepio echo's softly. 
“I should’ve stayed back on Hoth-” you wheeze, clenching your eyes shut when two asteroids collide into each other. 
Ignoring you, Han cocks his head, “I’m going in closer to one of the big ones.”
“Closer?!” You exclaim, Leia following. 
The large rock floats into view, Han piloting down near the surface until dipping down into a large crater, following it into a small ravine, two Tie’s follow closely. 
“We’re going to die,” you wince, shutting your eyes tightly as the end comes closer. Han shakes his head, “no we’re not!” 
Sharply jerking the ship, it easily slips through onto its side. The ravine went into another crater, Han pulling the ship out of it without any Tie’s following. 
“Oh, this is suicide! There's nowhere to go!” Threepio shouts, hysterical by now. 
“There. That looks pretty good,” Han murmurs, pointing to a large hole. 
“What looks pretty good?” You ask, pulling yourself back up after undoing your belt, following Han’s finger until you spot it. 
“Excuse me, ma'am, where are we going?” Threepio asks, but you don't reply. Watching as the Falcon dives into it. 
The cave is almost pitch black, the lights in the cock-pit the only source of light. 
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Leia says softly, hands grabbing the back of his seat. 
“Yeah,” he replies with a frown, “me too.”
There's a small opening off to the side, and Han carefully sets down the Falcon, slouching into his seat before getting up, leaving the cockpit while grumbling profanities under his breath. Looking out the windshield, you can’t tell how big the cave was since it was pitch black. Chewie flicks on the lights, illuminating a wall of fog that rested over the ground. 
When Han enters the cockpit once more, he and Chewie make haste by turning off all the electronics. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see the worried look on Leia’s face as she watches him. 
“I’m going to shut down everything but the emergency power systems,” Han says, leaning by your side to flip more switches. You give him a side-eye, biting the inside of your cheek. The cave was making your stomach twist uncomfortably, and you didn’t think it was from how dark it was. 
“Does that mean shutting me down too?” Threepio asks, raising his hand. Chewie immediately barks, and you chuckle at the enthusiasm behind it. Blinking to get your eyes to adjust when more lights begin to flicker off in the cockpit. 
Han sighs, “no, I need you to talk to the Falcon, find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive.”
Suddenly, the ship lurches, causing all loose-items to fall. Leia and Chewie grab onto the chairs, while Han catches Threepio. You clutch onto the steering components, waiting until the ship is stable again before kissing your teeth. 
“I think we’re in trouble-”
“Aren’t we always?” Han gripes, worriedly looking out the front towards the fog, glancing down at you with pursed lips. 
“Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable.”
You spin around with wide eyes, “oh really? Well aren’t I happy you’re here to tell us these things!”
“(Y/n), why don't you and Chewie take the professor to the back and plug him into the hyperdrive?”
Huffing, you throw your hands up while walking out of the cockpit, hearing Chewie and Threepio following. The droid's voice filling the corridor. 
“Oh! Sometimes I just don't understand human behavior. After all, I’m only trying to do my job-” He gets cut off, the Falcon lurching to the side once more, sending you straight into the wall. Chewie barks, rubbing his arms before nodding towards you. Nodding, you rub at your side before continuing. 
“Where exactly is the Hyperdrive, Madam?” Threepio asks timidly. Smiling, you glance back at him, leading him to the Control Panel in the Main hold. 
 You could map out the inside of the Falcon like the palm of your hand. You’ve been with her since her seats were white, since her stereo system worked and when the giant closet in Hans’ room was filled to the brim with different capes. 
Flipping more switches, you allow Threepio to look over it, “the Hyperdrive is in the back of the Engine room, under the flooring. It's too small to fit in there with it, so you’ll have to connect to her from out here.”
“I see, thank you, Madam (Y/n).”
After patting his metal arm, you assess the damage in the Main Hold. Chewie opens the ceiling, pulling himself up into the forest of wires while you look over the closet of wires you were in before leaving Hoth. It was worse than before, sparking every second while others hung broken, screws and bolts littering the floor. 
“Kriff- I just fixed that, too,” you mumble, kicking away some of the bolts before getting close to the wires, squinting your eyes when some of the sparks land on your cheek. 
Threepio begins whistling to the panel, it responding before he sighs, flipping another switch before trying again. Chewie holds a hand out the ceiling panel, barking and growling. You walk over, hands on your hips. 
“Oh, where is R2 when I need him?” Threepio huffs. 
Han rushes through the hold just then, brushing past you to the small cabinet with various wires and tools. 
Threepio turns to him, “Sir, I don’t know where your ship learned to communicate, but it has the most peculiar dialect.”
Looking over your shoulder, you watch as Han stands beside the droid, looking over the screens with him. 
“I believe, sir, it says that the power coupling on the negative axis has been polarized. I’m afraid you’ll have to replace it. 
Scoffing, Han shifts the bundled cord in his hands, moving the screen slightly. 
“Well, of course I’ll have to replace it.” Han says sarcastically, walking over to hand Chewie the rolled wire from where he was in the ceiling. 
“Here!” He calls up. Bumping shoulders with him, you jerk your head back towards Threepio, smiling when Han rolls his eyes and turns back, “and Chewie!”
Han waits until Chewie’s head peers down, lowering his voice so it was only heard between the three of you, “I think we’d better replace that negative power coupling.”
Chuckling, you watch Han turn to leave, seeing Leia struggling with a valve she must have been welding. It seemed to be stuck, and you watched with a small smile as Han went to help her, his body blocking your view. 
“Chewie?” you call softly, hearing him whine. “Do you need anything else? I need to get back to the wire closet.”
His head pops back over the side, and he once more points to a tool that was on the floor. Bending you pick it up, hearing Threepio cheering to himself, handing the tool up to him before turning and making your way back to the wires. With a huff, you pat your pockets for your gloves, cursing when you can’t find them. 
Turning, you search the floor for them, and sigh when you find one, but not the other. Sliding on the one you found, you return to mending the wires to where they belong, slowly putting the Falcon back together. 
“Sir! Sir!” Threepio cheers, wobbling past you, “I’ve isolated the reverse power flux coupling!”
You later find Leia sitting in the cockpit, the only light in the room was from the indicators on the control panel in front of her. She sat in Chewie’s chair, lightly dragging her finger across the steering controls. 
Her head spins when the door slides open, lips parting when she sees you. Neither of you had the time to talk since landing. Her and Han seemed to, judging by the way his eyebrows were furrowed and he was drowning himself in repairs. 
“Sorry,” you murmur, walking in the grab the rag Han uses to wipe away soot and grease. 
Leia leans up, grabbing lightly onto your sleeve. Looking at her, you raise an eyebrow. She seems to be deep in thought, and after clearing her throat, she lets you go. 
“I was hoping to talk to you, after what happened-”
Your stomach tightens again, and you lick your lips, “I’d rather not.” You stress, looking anywhere but at her. 
She clenches her hand, resting it back in her lap while turning the chair further in your direction. The distant sound of blaster fire hitting the asteroids, it reminds you to get back to repairs.  
“Look,” she starts, “I wanted to apologize for kissing Luke, I know-”
“You know what?” You cut her off again, tilting your head. Her mouth shuts, looking back out at the vast darkness while you let your thoughts get the better of you. 
Why was she apologizing? 
“I thought we were friends, Leia,” you say softly, watching her lips slowly form into a frown. Sighing, you sit in Hans’ chair, looking out at the darkness. You feel her eyes on you, but you refrain from meeting them. Your eyes are hot, and you find that you can’t remember the last time you talked about your feelings with another woman. 
“We are friends- It was a mistake, and I regretted it the moment after. Han just makes me so mad that I can’t think straight,” she huffs, rubbing at her cheeks while leaning her elbows onto her knees. Smiling, you bite the inside of your cheek. 
You don't know what you’re looking at, but when there’s movement out of the corner of your eye, you decide that this conversation can wait until later. Stilling, you reach over to grab her wrist, stopping her from talking. 
“I saw something,” you whisper, intently watching the darkness for any other movement. Leia grips your hand, also watching. Then it happened again, a form scurrying past the windshield and back into the darkness. Both of you lean forwards in your seats, slowly beginning to stand to lean closer, waiting with bated breaths. 
Suddenly, whatever creature it was latches onto the thick glass, beady eyes twitching every which way while its thick white saliva coated its teeth. There were spines around its mouth, and it released a high pitched screech before letting go, disappearing just as fast as it appeared. 
Leia screams, almost falling back against the floor if it wasn’t for your iron grip on her hand. You're frozen, waiting until the creature disappears before letting Leia drag you from the cockpit. 
Both of you were breathing heavily when entering the Main Hold, Threepio was turned towards Han and Chewie, who wore black goggles and were welding parts back into the frame of the Falcon. Leia let go, choosing to step towards Han while you continued looking around, wondering if there were more creatures. 
“There's something out there,” she states. Han and Chewie both pull off their goggles, Han furrowing his eyebrows while watching her. 
Leia jerks her head towards the Ramp, “outside, in the cave.”
It wasn’t until something started banging on the top of the Falcon that he stood at his full height, fully pulling off the goggles. Chewie barks anxiously and Threepio turns towards you, “there it is! Listen!”
“I’m going out there,” he says, passing by Leia in a rush to grab an oxygen mask on the back of the couch. 
“Well, wait for me!” You call, also grabbing a mask. Han sends you a glare, stopping to turn towards you, “you should stay on the ship-”
“And let you have all the fun? Absolutely not.”
“Are you both crazy?” Leia yells, rushing after the both of you, Chewie hot on her tail. 
Han throws back, “I just got this bucket back together, I’m not gonna let something tear it apart!”
As the exit ramp lowers, both you and Han make your way down it, stopping at the edge until it settles onto the ground. The mask was uncomfortable on your face, the tube that connected the mask to the oxygen box that was strapped to your belt made it hard to turn in some ways. It was extremely foggy, and it was hard for you to distinguish anything. Squinting, you walk around Han and finally step foot into the fog. The grounded squishes under your boots, making you grimace. 
Leia follows behind Han, both taking tentative steps on the surface before joining you in searching for the strange creature. It looked so familiar to you, but you can’t place your finger on it. 
“The ground sure feels strange,” Leia says into the coms, her voice crackling into your ear piece. “It doesn’t feel like rock, at all.”
Han ducks to look under the Falcon, and you can faintly see Chewie go around the other side. Your palm sat against your blaster, which was still sitting in its holster, prepared to shoot at anything hostile. 
“There’s an awful lot of moisture in here,” Han comments, turning to look back at you. You still stood by the ramp, staring out into the darkness. It made you uneasy, how dark it was around you. Usually, cave systems would have dripping water, the sound of different creatures that lived in the dark and the reflection of the light from outside giving just a semblance of light. But it was pitch black, and you couldn’t hear anything. 
“I have a bad feeling about this,” you wince, turning to follow Han and Leia who were rounding to the front of the ship. 
“Yeah, me too.” Han grumbles. 
There's a hiss, and both you and Han draw your blasters, pointing towards the sound. Han makes the first shot, shooting down whatever was latched onto the bottom of the Cockpit’s windows. 
“Watch out!” 
Chewie growls, running from the other side of the Falcon, crossbow in hand, to look over the creature. Grabbing Leia’s elbow, you squint to try and see it, but its body was covered in the thick fog. 
“That’s what I thought- Mynocks,” Han sighs, waving towards Chewie, “Chewie, check the rest of the ship, make sure there aren’t any more attached, they’re chewing on the power cords.”
“Annoying creatures that live in asteroids,” you respond, watching Leia’s face contort into disgust.
“They like to eat ships’ power supply-”
“(y/n), go inside with Leia, we’ll see if there's any more on the ship.”
Scoffing, you turn towards the ramp, rolling your eyes, “You just wanna have all the fun!”
“Oh yeah, killing Mynocks is my favorite pastime!”
When stepping towards the ramp, you’re suddenly overcome with multiple Mynocks, all letting their wings brush over the top of your head. Leia brought her arms up in defense, screaming out while you tried to bat them away, then shooting your blaster, hitting one down.
“Han!” Leia screams, running onto the ship while you continue shooting. Han and Chewie begin to as well, and the cave begins to move once more. Almost knocking you off of your feet, your hand grabbing the side of the Falcon. When the cave does move, the Mynocks all disappear, but you can still hear their whistling voices from the darkness.  
Han gives you a look, his eyebrows furrowed while his eyes scanned the fog. 
“Wait a minute,” he says, looking around once more before shooting into the mushy ground. The cave begins to move once more, throwing you once again off balance. Leia tries to grab onto one of the ramps’ pistons, but she almost falls over. Han rushes to her side, grabbing her waist and pushing her onto the Falcon while reaching out a hand towards you. Grabbing it, you let him drag you inside while you look around for Chewie, who was running to follow. 
“Common, Chewie!”
Inside, you all struggle to stay stable in the shuddering Falcon, but Chewie manages to close to hatch and tear off the mask, rushing towards the Cockpit. Han, followed by you and Threepio, runs into the Main Hold to look over the scopes on the Control Panel.
“All right, let's get out of here!”
Chewie growls, and you follow after Han. 
“The Empire is still out there! I don’t think it's wise-”
Han interrupts her, running to the cockpit, “There’s no time to discuss this in committee.”
Glancing at Threepio to make sure he’s fine, you follow after, discarding your mask onto the couch while trying not to fall. 
“I am not a committee!” Leia growls, following after him. Chewie is already in his seat, starting the Falcon when you all enter. Throwing yourself into your seat, you buckle in and grab onto Leia’s wrist, but she only spares you a glance. 
Han makes quick work in pulling back the throttle, the cave just just beginning to settle. 
“You can’t make the jump to lightspeed in an asteroid field!”
“Sit down, sweetheart, we’re taking off.”
The shaking finally stops when you’re in the air, and you can hear Threepio entering the Cockpit. Chewie barks, looking at the end of the cave, and you have to lean forwards in your seat to see it. 
At the end of the long tunnel, it looks like the cave begins to collapse. 
“Maker, that’s definitely not good,” you say, hearing Chewie grumble. 
Threepio lifts an arm, “Look! Look!”
“I see it,” Han stresses. Suddenly, a row of jagged white stalagmites and stalactites can be seen surrounding the entrance.  And as the Falcon moves forward, the entrance to the cave grows ever smaller.  Han pulls hard on the throttle, the ship surging forward.
“We’re doomed!” Threepio cries, and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
“The cave is collapsing,” Leia says, leaning down in between Han and Chewie’s seats. 
“This isn’t a cave,” you say, watching her head snap to you with wide eyes. 
“What?” She asks, looking back at the entrance. The rocks aren’t rocks at all, but teeth, which were quickly closing in on the ship. Chewie howls, and Han curses. He yanks the steering, the ship tilting onto its side to slide past the gaps in the teeth, flying into the asteroid field once more. 
It doesn’t take long for The Empire to catch up with you, and soon a large Star Destroyer is hot on your tail, flak hitting the sides of the Falcon, rocking it. Han does his best to correct the angle of the ship, and while Leia watches intently out the front, your eyes are glued to the tracking scope next to you. 
“We’re coming out of the field,” you say, Threepio cheering at your side. 
“Oh, thank goodness!”
There's another large hit to the Falcon, and you can hear something explode from the back, causing Chewie to bark. 
“Let’s get out of here.” Han states, glancing at Chewie, who was beginning to flip switches, “ready for lightspeed? One, two, three!-”
When he pulls back on the hyperspace throttle, nothing happens, Han groans. 
“It's not fair!” He sounds frantic. Chewie begins to growl and bark, throwing his hands up after bashing the control panel. Leia groans softly, rubbing her eyes harshly while slouching in her seat. 
“What did you do?!” You yell, pushing past Chewie’s arm to frantically look over the controls. Han glares, “Transfer circuits aren’t working, it's not my fault!”
Leia leans over, “no lightspeed?”
Han turns his chair, his eyebrows tight, “it’s not my fault!”
More flak hits the ship, and Han does his best to steer away. 
“Sir,” Threepio says from behind you, “we’ve just lost the main rear deflector shield, one more hit on the back quarter and we’re done for.”
There's a moment of silence, Han staring down at the levers before nodding his head once, pulling back and turning towards Chewie.
“Turn her around.”
“What?!” You yell, Chewie barking in puzzlement, both of you staring at him. He gets up from his seat, pointing at the Wookiee, “I said turn her around! I’m going to put all power in the front shield!”
He flips almost switch before sitting back down in his seat. 
“You’re going to attack them?” Leia asks, you smacking his arm, “that’s the worst decision by far!”
“Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer-”
Both you and Leia interrupt him, “Shut up!” 
 The Falcon banks, making a steep turn before heading straight towards the Star Destroyer, bobbing and weaving to dodge the flak bursts. The ship narrowly misses the bridge window, before Han turns towards Chewie, pointing to his side. 
“Engage the landing claw!”
Chewie does, and the Falcon is now clinging to the Destroyer, Han shutting off all power before freezing, watching the other Destroyers in the area. 
“We should be invisible now,” he says softly, glancing at you and Chewie. 
There's a few minutes of silence, before Threepio throws his hands up. 
“Captain Solo, this time you’ve gone too far!” Chewie cuts him off, but Threepio only waves his way, “no, I will not be quiet, Chewbacca. Why doesn’t anyone listen to me?”
Han points to the Destroyers, “the fleets starting to break up. Go back and stand by the manual release for the landing claw.” Chewie nods, barking. He struggles to stand from his seat, walking out of the Cockpit. 
Threepio speaks again, “I really don't see how that is going to help. Surrender is a perfectly acceptable alternative in extreme circumstances-”
You’ve stood up by then, sitting Threepio down in your seat before turning to Leia, raising your eyebrows while gesturing towards Threepio. She sighs, reaching forwards to turn him off. Han sighs, nodding his head, “thank you.”
Standing in the doorway, you watch Leia move closer to Han, who was still watching the fleet. 
“So what’s the next move?”
Han only glances her way, “well, if they follow standard Imperial procedure, they’ll dump their grange before going to lightspeed. Then, we’ll just float away.”
You cross your arms, watching the two interact. 
“With the rest of the garbage, then what?”
“Then, we’ve got to find a safe port around here, got any ideas?” He finally turns to look at you after turning on the computer map screen, you shake your head. 
“No. Where are we?” Leia asks. 
“The Anoat system.”
Leia grimaces, “Anoat system. There’s not much there.”
“Well- wait, this is interesting,” he turns to look at you with raised eyebrows, “Lando.”
You chuckle, letting your head fall back against the door frame, groaning softly. 
Leia looks between you both for a moment, “Lando system?”
“Lando’s not a system,” you correct her, “he’s a man, Lando Calrissian.” smiling, you look back at her, “he’s a card player, gambler, scoundrel-”
“You’d like him,” Han cuts in with a smile. 
“Thanks,” she grumbles. 
Han rests his fist against his chin, watching the computer screen.
“Bespin. It’s pretty far, but I’m sure we can make it.”
Nodding, you push away from the door frame, leaning over Leia’s shoulder. 
“A mining colony?” She asks, tilting her head to look at you. 
“Yeah,” Han confirms, “a Tibanna gas mine. Must have conned somebody out of it, we go back a long way- Lando and us,” he nods towards you. 
“Can you trust him?”
You laugh, shaking your head, “absolutely not, but he has no love for The Empire.”
Sitting in Chewie’s seat you watch the garbage slowly start to seep from the Destroyer. Han straightens in his seat, leaning to press into the com.
“Alright Chewie, get ready.” He waits another moment, “detach!”
The falcon detaches from the Destroyer with a lurch, and the ship slowly turns as it floats into the wave of garbage, watching as the Star Destroyer goes off into lightspeed. 
“You have your moments, I'll give you that.” Leia says softly, looking over Han for a moment before leaning down, pressing a kiss onto his cheek. Then, she sits down in her seat, avoiding your gaze. Smiling, you watch as Han smiles softly, and Leia blushes. 
Powering back on the Falcon, Han steers the ship around and begins making way to Bespin. 
You moved back to your seat when Chewie came back and Threepio was turned back on, albeit more calm and quiet after having been turned off for a few hours. You sat in silence, watching the clouds grow in number and the colors shift from black and blue to a dusty orange and pink. this suited Lando, you thought. 
There were two cloud cars following the ship from either side, talking to Han through the coms. 
“No,” Han says, “I don’t have a landing permit! I’m trying to reach Lando Calrissian!” 
Flak hits the side of the ship, and you lean forwards to watch out the window. Leia looks worried, you giving a tight lipped smile. 
“Woah! Wait a minute! Let me explain-” Han yells into the transmitter, but the pilot in the Cloud Car cuts him 
“You will not deviate from your current flight path.”
“Rather touchy, aren’t they?” Threepio says.
Leia huffs, “I thought you said you knew this person.”
Chewie growls and barks at Han, and you wonder what he said for Han to look so offended.
“Well, that was a long time ago. I’m sure he’s forgotten about that.”
“Permission granted to land on platform three-two-seven.”
Han smiles, seething into the transmitter, “Thank you.”
After saying his thanks, he snaps off the intercom, throwing it to the ground as Chewie grunts. 
“Nothing to worry about. We go way back, Lando and me.”
“Who’s worried?” Leia asks, sitting down in her chair. 
As the floating city of Bespin comes into view, you silently wonder how Lando came to own this place. You wonder if it was from a game of Sabacc, or if he did another run and got it as a reward. The Cloud Cars escort you to the landing platform, and Han lands with a sigh, standing from his chair and walking out of the Cockpit, you and Chewie hot on his tail. You can hear Leia and Threepio following, and make sure to glance back at her. 
Han lowers the ramp, and warily looks around the platform as you exit. You’re expecting to see Lando waiting for you guys, but there wasn’t anybody around.
“Oh. no one to meet us,” Threepio voices, looking around the platform. 
Eyebrows furrowed, you place a hand onto your blaster, looking at Han and Chewie. They both have the same looks, hands close to their weapons. 
“I don’t like this,” Leia sighs, shaking her head. Han huffs, turning to look at her. 
“Well, what would you like?”
“They did let us land,” Threepio states, looking between the two.
Han leans against one of the pistons, “look, don't worry, everything's going to be fine. Trust me.”
The door at the end of the platform hisses, opening vertically to present a group of people, Lando at the front. His dark cape laid over his shoulders as he talked with one of the people from the crowd, pointing towards your group. Han makes his way from the ramp, stopping between you and Chewie. 
“Keep your eyes open, yeah?”
Chewie nods his head, growling softly. Han turns to you, smiling, “coming with me?”
You don't reply, but you do follow him when he goes to meet Lando in the middle of the platform. Turning to give Chewie and Leia a two fingered salute. 
Han opens his hands, a bright smile on his face, “Hey!”
You can hear Lando’s voice, deeper from what you remember, his cape billowing behind him. He’s grown older, smile lines creasing around his eyes. The only remaining facial hair left on his face was his mustache, his hair remaining almost the same, just a little longer, smoothed back into waves. The group he was talking to follow at a distance, looking over your group with curious eyes. 
“Why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler!” He stops a few feet away, placing his hands on his hips
“You’ve got a lot of guts coming here, after what you’ve pulled.”
Both you and Han freeze, Hans’ hands pointing to his chest. You stare at Lando with narrowed eyes, but he doesn’t seem to acknowledge your presence just yet. 
“Me?” Han says softly. Lando takes a few steps forwards, jerking towards Han, making his hands fly up in defense, before laughing and pulling him into a hug. Han stands shocked, before beginning to laugh, hugging him back. 
Lando pulls away, smiling brightly, “how you doing, you old pirate! I never thought I’d catch up with you again, where’ve you been? What’re you doing here?”
Han turned to thumb at the Falcon, “ah, repairs, thought you could help.”
Lando replies in mock panic, “what’ve you done to my ship?” 
He finally turns to you, his eyes softening, trying to hide a smile as he finally speaks to you, “What’ve you let him do to our ship?”
Han laughs mockingly, looking between you both with wide eyes, “your ship? Hey- remember, you lost her to me fair-and-square.”
Chewie must catch his attention, his eyes flickering to behind you, “and how you doin’, Chewbacca? you still hanging around with this loser?”
Chewie replies in a series of barks and growls, Leia and Threepio appearing from his side. When Lando finally notices her, he smiles, “hello, what do we have here?” Glancing towards Han, he moves closer. 
“Welcome. I’m Lando Calrissian, I’m the administrator of this facility. And who might you be?” He tilts his head. Crossing your arms, you narrow your eyes at him. Leia flickers to look at you, before setting her gaze on him again, she looks wary, untrusting. Yet, she smiles, tilting her head.
Lando sighs, “Welcome, Leia.” He reaches out, grabbing her hand to press a delicate kiss. 
Han huffs, moving in to softly grab Leia’s hand from his, shaking his head, “all right, all right, you old smoothie.”
Threepio moves closer, slightly bending down before shaking his hand, “Hello, sir. I am see-Threepio, human-cyborg relations. My facilities are at your-” Lando’s already turning around, eyes finding you again with a smile. 
“Finally deciding to work with your real captain, (Y/n)?” he takes your arm in his, leading you into the building. Laughing, you shake your head, looking at him with a smile. 
“You haven’t been a captain for how long, Lando?”
He brushes it off with a smirk, “doesn't matter, you worked under me first didn’t you?”
“You don't remember? Why, how inconsiderate of you!” You feign offense, placing your hand over the other, feeling the cape brush the back of your legs. 
“I could never forget you! After all we’ve done? It would be a crime!”
Lando turns back to Han, and you let go of his arm, clasping them behind your back as Lando's aid nods his head at you in greeting. 
“What’s wrong with the Falcon?”
Lando nods, turning to his aid before looking back, “I’ll get my people to work on her.”
Walking backwards, Lando winks at you before looking at Leia, smiling brightly, “you know, that ship saved my life quite a few times. She's the fastest hunk of junk in the sky!”
When walking across a small bridge that leads into the main city, you finally manage to catch a glimpse of it all. The entire city reminded you of Coruscant, with cloud cars flying around, people walking through the streets, and multiple buildings linking together that stretch out as far as you could see. 
The interior was just as elegant as you expected. While walls and intricate statues and artwork. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling as your group walked down the skinny set of stairs. The windows on the wall to your left showcased the city lights, and you smile at Leia when you see the sparkle in her eyes return, even if it was for a second. 
Han makes busy with talking to Lando, their voices echoing through the hallways, “how's the gas mine? Is it paying off for you?”
Passing a small plaza, you glance at a man working on a power board just behind one of the pillars that held up the ceiling. He didn’t pay you any mind, too engrossed in his work. Another man, who did spare you a glance, was cleaning the walls with a large duster, reaching up as far as he could. 
“Oh,” Lando sighs, “not as well as I’d like. We’re a small outpost and not very self sufficient- not to mention the supply problems of every kind. I’ve had labor difficulties-” Lando stops short, Hans laughter billowing over him. Smiling, he tilts his head, “what’s so funny?”
You almost start laughing too at the way Han claps a hand down onto his shoulder, shaking his head. 
“You! Listen to you, you sound like a businessman, a responsible leader. Who would’ve thought that, huh?” Han looks back at you, then at Leia for a split second before turning back to the front. Lando stops in front of a large wall of windows, the sun casting an orange glow of her busy city. 
“You know, seeing you both here brings back a few things.”
Laughing, you link your arm with his again, smiling. 
“It does, doesn’t it?”
Lando chuckles, dragging you along as Han looks back, eyebrows raised and shoulders shrugging. 
“Yeah, I’m responsible these days. It's the price you pay for being successful.”
Raising a brow, you look up at him, “didn’t you win this place from gambling?”
“Acquiring this beauty doesn’t matter to me anymore, I think being a successful businessman suits me, no?”
You hiss, leaning away to wince, “I don’t know, seeing you like this is like seeing an imposter.”
“You hurt me, (Y/n). When did you get so mean?”
After assigning both you and Leia rooms, you take the chance to finally get cleaned up. The guest quarters was an oval shaped room, lounging all around the room while one door led into the bedroom. 
They provided you with a new set of clothes, perfect to go along with the beautiful city. It was a dark blue jumpsuit, the fabric light enough to be worn with the cape that was folded nicely underneath it. It was white, but had a gold lining and a beautiful design that covered the bottom. The fabric underneath was also gold, the collar wrapping around your shoulders to clasp right in the middle of your chest. You refused to wear the boots they gave, preferring your usual ones instead. 
After finally getting out of there, you make your way towards Leia’s room. You knew Han and Chewie were looking over the Falcon’s repairs, and you were hoping you’d be able to spend some time alone with Leia before you’d have to leave. But, when the doors opened, it revealed Han and Leia already sitting alone together, sitting closely as they spoke quietly amongst themselves. 
Han stood first, hands on his hips as he looked you over, nodding once as he gestured to the cape and jumpsuit. 
“Bespin seems to suit you.”
Looking down, you smooth over the soft fabric, shrugging, “over than it being kind of itchy in some parts, its comfortable.”
“I think you look beautiful,” Leia says, standing as well. She wore a maroon dress, her white cape falling fluidly over her shoulders and down her back. Her hair was down, braids being tied up with ribbons, and the dirt that used to be on her cheeks was washed away. She looked regal, fitting in almost perfectly with the city. 
“You do too, Leia.”
“The ships almost done, just a few more things before we can go.”
Leia crosses her arms, stepping closer while promptly ignoring Han, “have you seen Threepio? Nobody has heard anything from or about him!”
“I thought he was with you? When was the last time you saw him?”
Han raises his arms, “I already told her I’d ask Lando!”
“How long has he been gone?” You ask, hands on your hips. 
“Too long, there's no chance he would be lost. Something is wrong here, I cannot be the only one feeling like this.”
Leia sits back down on the couch, Han crouching next to her. You cross your arms, leaning against the door frame when the door across from you slides open, Chewie rushing in with a basket full of Threepio parts. 
“What happened?” you ask, eyebrows scrunching as you rush over, looking over a broken Threepio. Chewie sets the basket down on the round table in the middle of the room, Leia standing besides you as you begin lifting small parts. 
Chewie barks and growls softly, lifting Threepio's arm and foot. 
“Where?” Han asks, hand resting on the back of the couch. 
Chewie growls again, this time Han scoffs, “found him in a junk pile?”
Leia sighs, tilting her head. “What a mess, Chewie, you think you can repair him?”
Biting your cheek, you push away from the table and look at Han, a perplexed look on his face. Chewie growls, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Lando’s got people who can fix him.”
Leia shakes her head, voice cold, “no thanks.”
Sitting back down onto the couch, you cross one leg over the other as you watch Chewie begin repairs. Leia continues to stand, seeming to be deep in thought. 
Lando walks in just then, eyes flickering over everyone's face, “sorry, am I interrupting anything?”
“Not really, no.”
You give him a strained smile, and he returns it, before his eyes flicker over to Leia. He smiles, his eyes crinkling before he shakes his head. 
“You look absolutely beautiful.”
Leaning back, you look at Han with raised eyebrows while he slowly covers his mouth with his hand, eyes wide as he stares at Lando. 
“You truly belong here with us among the clouds,” he says smoothly, hands appearing from his cape.
“Thank you,” Leia returns coolly, She tugs her own cape closed, tilting her shoulders back towards you. 
Lando reaches a hand out, his smile bright, eyes smooth, “would you join me for a refreshment?”
Barking almost offendedly, Chewie sets down the leg he was working on. Lando adds, “everyone's invited, of course.”
Standing, you watch Han move in to smoothly take Leia’s arm, pulling her away from Lando’s grasp as he moves towards the door. Lando offers you his arm, and you take it with a small smile. 
Finally seeing the parts of Threepio, Lando’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion, “having trouble with your droid?”
“No, no problem. Why?” Han asks from the door frame, waiting for Lando to lead your group. 
When the door hisses closed behind you, Han and Leia pause so Lando can actually lead you to where you’re going. There’s more people in the Halls now, all different species filling the corridor as you walk. Light filters in through the windows, being cut by the large white pillars that stand tall. 
Lando clears his throat, hand tapping against yours before slightly turning his head to see the others. 
“So you see, since we’re a small operation. We don't fall under the, uh, jurisdiction of the Empire.”
You raise your eyebrow, Leia’s voice firm next to you, “so you're part of the mining guild then?”
Leading you down a set of stairs, you turn another corner. Shoulder brushing against Leia’s you look at her, and she meets you with soft eyes. 
“No not actually, our operation is small enough to not be noticed.”
Turning left down another corridor, he continues, “It’s advantageous for everybody since our customers are anxious to avoid attracting attention to themselves.”
There's a large set of doors at the end of the hallway, and you walk down another set of stairs, passing by another set of large windows. 
“Aren’t you afraid the Empire is going to find you out? Shut you down?” You cut in, looking down at your feet so you wouldn't trip over the many capes that billow behind you.  There's barely anyone down this hallway, and Lando begins to slow as you approach the double doors. 
“There's always been a danger looming like a shadow over everything we’ve built here. But things have developed that will ensure security. I’ve just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of her forever.”
There's a small red button outside of the door, and when Lando presses down onto it, the door hisses as it opens. 
Inside stood Darth Vader, he was at the end of the long table, black suit contrasting against the white interior. Ripping your arm from Lando’s grip, you instinctively reach for your blaster, but it wasn’t there. You had taken it off when putting on the clothes Lando provided you. Han was the only one wearing the clothes he arrived in, quickly grabbing the blaster from his side while pulling Leia behind him from her hand. Chewie growls while grabbing your arm, yanking you into his side.
Shooting at the Lord, Han would’ve hit, if it wasn’t for Darth Vader stopping the blaster bolts with his hand, stopping the blast repeatedly before ripping the gun from Hans’ hand, setting it down onto the table calmly.
“We would be honored, if you would join us.”
His voice was deep, mechanically terrifying as you peer over Han’s shoulder, watching Boba Fett himself walk from behind one of the pillars inside the room, standing beside Vader. Stormtroopers appear from behind you, pointing blasters. 
Lando stood to the side, frowning. His eyes were unreadable, but he refused to look at you, only Han. 
“I had no choice,” he said coldly, “they arrived right before you did. I’m sorry.”
Han purses his lips, grabbing Leia’s hand, looking at you before glaring at Lando, nodding.
“I'm sorry, too.”
Chewie growls, barking at him before pushing you forwards nex to Leia, who reaches back, grabbing your hand tightly as your group enters the room, the door hissing shut behind you. 
You were separated from Han and the others shortly after, being strapped to a chair, they didn’t ask you anything, just stared while you screamed in pain. You barely remember what happened, just the pulsating electricity that waved through your body. They tore off your cape, leaving you in your jumpsuit. Your head hurt, and so did your body. The fresh scars on your side from falling into the Falcon’s wires throbbed again, the skin still sensitive. 
They dragged you into another prison chamber after they were done, you pulled against them with the remaining strength you had left before they dropped you to the ground. Han was already laying against a metal bench, Leia brushing his hair back. He looked worse than you, his face pale with dark bags under his eyes. 
Chewie rushes over to you, helping you stand. Smiling, you rub his arm before making your way to Leia and Han. Han looked over you with the little strength he had left, but you swatted his hands away. 
“Did they ask you anything?” he questions, Leia looking over you with concern as well. He reaches out, touching your cheek softly before retracting.
“No, you?”
Leia sighs, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Slouching onto the ground, you close your eyes while rubbing your side. You should’ve listened to Han when he told you to take care of it. 
The door hisses open once more, and two cloudian guards walk in, Lando trailing in after. Chewie growls, and Han does his best to sit up with Leia’s help. Pushing off of the ground, you grab onto Chewie’s arm. 
“Get out of here, Lando-”
“Shut up and listen!” He barks, face stern. “Vader has agreed to turn Leia, (Y/n), and Chewie over to me.”
Han scoffs, “over to you?”
“They’ll have to stay here, but they’ll be safe.”
Leia doesn’t miss a beat, “what about Han?”
Her hands are still gripping his shoulders, her body supporting him. You clench your jaw, already having an idea as to why Boba Fett would want Han.
“Vader’s giving him to the bounty hunter.”
Leia shakes her head, “Vader wants us all dead-”
“He doesn’t want you at all!” His head is shaking, trying to find the words, “he’s after someone else- someone called Skywalker-”
“Luke?” Your voice almost breaks. There's that feeling in your chest again, that tight twist in your stomach before it simmers away. Lando finally snaps his eyes to you, and you see the pain in them, looking at your pale face and worried, betrayed, eyes. 
“Lord Vader has set a trap for him.”
There's a moment of silence, Chewie still growling.
“And we’re the bait-” Leia yells, her voice echoing slightly. 
“Yeah, well. He’s on his way.”
Han is heaving now, his jaw offset as he struggles to look at the man in front of him. He pushes himself off the metal bench, wavering in his stance. 
“You’ve fixed us all up real good, didn’t you?”
Lando shakes his head, looking away from him. But Han wasn’t done, he took a shaky step forwards, “My friend.” He growls. He rears back his hand, punching Lando in the face. The older falls to the floor, Han following after, the guards hitting him with their guns. 
“Han!” You yell, trying to get to him but there's a gun pointed at you before you could move. Chewie is barking again, and at the moment you wish you knew what he was saying. What he was calling Lando. Leia is down by Hans’ side, rubbing his side where the guard hit him. 
As he got up, Lando fixed his cape, calling off his guards while looking over your group once more. 
“I’ve done all I can,” he says, touching his cheek, “I’m sorry I couldn’t do better but I’ve got my own problems!”
Pushing himself onto his side, Han glares from his place on the floor, “yeah, a real hero.”
Lando leaves after that, his guards following after. You finally fall to your knees besides Han, helping him up. Hes wincing, holding onto his side as Leia pushes herself closer to him. Leaning him up against the wall. 
“You certainly have a way with people,” she sighs.
Chuckling, you wipe the blood from Han’s chin, “you should’ve seen him with Jabba, a real people pleaser.”
They both laugh softly, looking at one another before Leia steps over him, Chewie helping her lift him from the floor. They place him back on the metal bench, him softly groaning as his back meets the cold metal. 
After everything seemed to calm down, the door hissed again, Boba Fett entering the room. You stand first, Leia staying by Han while Chewie stops his repairs on Threepio. 
“What a familiar sight,” you tease, tilting your head at the mandalorian. He doesn’t reply to you, just turns his head and nods towards Han. Six stormtroopers enter the room then, quickly placing handcuffs onto your friends before standing close to Boba Fett, who still had his blaster in hand. 
“Let’s go.” Is all he says, his voice mechanical. 
“What a party pleaser,” you grumble, letting Han leave the room first. Leia stands by your side, and Chewie straps a still broken Threepio to his back, the stormtroopers trailing after him. 
Boba Fett led you through Cloud City in silence, turning corners and going down stairs until you entered a dark room illuminated by a red light. Smoke steamed from different pipes, and the sight of even more stormtroopers had you inch closer to the princess. 
Threepio doesn’t seem to be able to read the situation well, his voice carrying throughout the large room frantically, “If only you attached my legs, I wouldn’t be in this ridiculous position. Now, remember, Chewbacca, you have a responsibility to me, so don’t do anything foolish.”
After walking down the final set of stairs, Han stops to stand behind Lando, who was watching the many Ugnaughts working on some kind of machine that stands in the middle of the room. 
“Nice to see you, buddy,” Han hisses, his hands shifting in the tight cuffs. There's another set of stairs on the other side of the room, and you can hear Vader’s mechanical breathing from beyond the smoke. You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was there. 
“They're putting you into carbon freeze,” Lando whispers over his shoulder, eyes flickering to the Dark Lord that now walks down the stairs. A shiver rolls down your back, and you push Leia further away from him. Boba Fett moves away from your group, standing beside Vader to speak softly to him. 
Carbon Freeze? You’ve only heard of it, never actually seeing the machine yourself. You’ve never heard of humans going into it and surviving, and the thought of Han going in there makes your eyes burn. Your chest feels tight, and you finally look at him. He’s looking at Leia with a soft smile, his eyes sad. 
“Han?” You whisper, gaining his attention. His brows furrow, and he tries to make his way over to you, but he’s stopped by Vader's voice.
“The Empire will compensate you if he dies, put him in!”
“No!” you cry, Chewie howling right after. Leia grabs your arms, pulling you away from the stormtrooper that rushed forwards with his blaster raised. Chewie begins to push away the guards, throwing them off the suspended platform. It's chaos, Chewie frantic as Hans' voice tries to speak over him.
“Chewie! No! Stop it, Chewie! Do you hear me?!” Han is standing in front of him now, speaking loudly to gain the Wookie's attention while more Stormtroopers place him into cuffs. 
“This won’t help me,” Chewie tries to struggle again, “Hey!”
Han’s face is stern, “save your strength. There’ll be another time. The princess, and (Y/n), you have to protect them, take care of them, you hear me?”
Chewie provides a woeful farewell, Leia leaving your side to stand next to him. Han looks down at her, then leans down, pressing his lips against hers. She reaches out, touching his cheek before he pulls away. 
You realize your shaking, your vision blurry with unshed tears. Han looks at you with stern eyes, and he reminds you of an older brother. 
“Don’t cry, kid.” He whispers, tilting his head. You can’t reply, throat throbbing. But you shake your head, wrapping your arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as you could. 
“You gotta keep her safe, okay?”
Nodding, you continue to hold him before letting go, swallowing while taking a shaking breath. 
Finally, Han is ripped away by a stormtrooper, and you almost go after him. Leia stops you, grabbing onto your arm firmly, pulling you back towards Chewie. She quickly turns to Han, who was already looking her way, her breathing shaking too. 
“I love you,” she says firmly, and Han tries to hide his smile.
“I know.”
The ugnaughts remove his bindings, and the floor slowly begins to lower into the chamber. 
There's tears rolling down Leia’s face, her hand clutching onto yours as Han disappears into the floor. Chewie begins to cry, it only gets louder as the machine turns on, cold smoke filling the air. The hissing the machine lets out hurts your ears, and you and Leia both turn to cover your faces. 
It only took a few seconds before the large claw above the pit descended, whirring and latching onto something before ascending again. In its jaws, was Han. He was frozen in a sheet of carbon, his face exclaiming in pain while his hands were raised in surrender. Leia gasps, your hand flying to cover your mouth, tears stinging your eyes once more. The Ugnaughts look over it before pushing it down, and Han lands with a thump, the entire floor rattling with the weight. 
Threepio continues to try and look around Chewie’s shoulder, only managing to get peeks in. 
Lando moves around, crouching beside the Carbon block to look at the statistics on the side, his eyebrows tense. 
“Oh, they’ve encased him in carbonite-” you can pick up, but you block him out. 
Vader steps forwards, hand clasped onto his belt, “well, Calrissian, did he survive?”
Lando is staring at the frozen block, his hands holding onto the side. 
“Yes, he’s alive. And in perfect hibernation.”
Turning back to Boba Fett, Vader says, “He’s all yours, bounty hunter.”
Boba Fett bows before turning to the Ugnaughts, motioning for them to continue with placing Han into a coffin-like box. Vader turns to the other Ugnaughts, “reset the chamber for Skywalker.”
One of the Imperial officers walks down to the platform then, only sparing a glance to the people around him before stopping before Vader, “Skywalker has just landed, my Lord.”
Leia turns your way, the tears dried on your face. Sighing, you speak silently with her. You couldn’t let Luke run into his trap. 
Lando moves towards you then, trying to grab your arm but you swat him away, glaring at him. He frowns, Vader’s voice speaks up again. 
“Good, see to it that he finds his way here. Calrissian, take the Princess, the Wookiee, and the other one to my ship.”
Lando doesn’t hesitate to protest, “you said they’d stay in the city under my supervision!”
“I’ve altered the deal.” Vader says, his voice cold, “pray I don’t alter it further.” 
Lando nods, hand lightly touching his throat before turning to you and the others, pursing his lips.
They place Han onto a floating platform, Boba leading a few stormtroopers and Cloud City workers away with it. Lando, an Imperial Officer, and a few stormtroopers lead you and the others out of the chamber, taking a different hallway to Vader's ship. You only watch the floor as you walk. Everyone was silent, your eyes still burning at the thought of Luke being put into the same chamber as Han. Leia continuously tries to look around, slowing enough to be pushed forwards by a Stormtrooper.
The group slows when the sound of blaster fire echo's down the vacant hallway, it sounded close. You raise your head enough to see Lando look back, his hand reaching from under his cape to press along the watch on his wrist before looking forwards once more, walking alongside the Imperial officer. 
Passing an adjacent hallway, the Imperial officer waves Lando forwards, rushing back to grab Leia by the shoulders and drag her towards the door to your right side. The troopers around start to fire down the hallway. Another trooper grabs you, and when trying to wiggle free, he only kicks the back of your knee, tripping you. Gaining your footing again, you can hear Leia yell over the sound of the other troopers’ blaster fire. 
“Luke!” She screams, and you snap your head to look down the hallway, the quickest sight of blonde hair disappearing around the corner makes your heart drop. It was true, he was here. 
“It's a trap!” She screams again before she’s yanked forcefully through the doorway. Chewie starts yelling, and when you try to yell his name, the trooper holding you kicks the back of your knee again, pulling you through the door. 
“Luke, run!” you manage to get out, seeing him peer from behind the wall. When the door shuts behind you, the trooper lets you go, pushing you to keep walking. Leia grabs ahold of your arm, helping you steady yourself. Clenching your jaw, you continue walking. Hoping that Luke heard you, and left as soon as he could. 
“I hope he heard us,” Leia whispers, her face looking back at the trooper’s following. 
Further down the hallway, you enter an intersection, where multiple of Lando’s guards are waiting, blasters already fixed on the Imperial soldiers and officer. Lando pushes the officer into the hands of one of his guards, and begins to grab the blasters from the Stormtroopers, handing them over to his right hand, who was standing behind the pillar in the middle of the room. 
“Well done,” Lando says, taking three more guns from the troopers before turning back to him, “hold them in the security tower, keep it quiet. Move.”
The guards begin to escort the Troopers and officer, handing you and Leia a blaster he took. When he hands one to you, you grab his arm harshly, “just what are you doing, huh?”
Lando gently takes his arm from your grip, moving to Chewie’s bindings, “we’re getting out of here.”
“Oh, I knew it all had to be a mistake!” Threepio cries from Chewie’s back. When the bindings fall from his wrists, he immediately grabs Lando by the throat, choking him. 
Leia smirks, “you think after all you’ve done, we’d trust you?”
“You’re stupid to think I won't just kill you right here, right now,” you sneer, blaster pointed at him. 
“I had no choice!” He chokes, hands clawing at Chewie’s wrists, trying to free himself. 
Chewie barks, almost lifting him from the ground. Threepio starts to protest, his voice frantic. 
“Oh, we understand, don’t we, (Y/n)?” Leia says sarcastically, turning to you with raised eyebrows. 
“Definitely,” you step forwards, “he just had no choice, right Chewie?”
Lando’s face starts to turn red, “I’m just trying to help-”
“That’s what you said when you let us in, isn’t it? Helping an old friend of yours fix his ship? We don’t want your help anymore, Lando.”
He ignores you, making a garbled sound that neither of you could understand. 
“I think he’s trying to say Han!” Threepio cries, his head trying to look over Chewie’s shoulder, who was still choking Lando. 
“There’s still a chance- to save Han- The east platform-”
“Chewie, drop him.” Leia says, Chewie letting him fall to the floor. He heaves, rubbing the raw skin of his throat. 
“I’m terribly sorry about all this. He’s only a wookiee, after all.”
“Shut it, Threepio.” You growl, turning to start rushing down the corridor. Leia was just behind you, Chewie following her, then a still gasping Lando. 
“This way-” Lando wheezes, running to the front of the group to lead you out onto a balcony, the sun setting on the city. You can faintly see Boba Fett’s ship up ahead, and you almost stop when hearing the familiar whistle of another droid. Chewie stops to growl at R2. 
“Artoo! Where have you been? Oh- turn around you wooly!”
Running up a set of stairs, Lando skids to a stop to open the hangar door. It hisses, and Leia and Chewie run through first, watching as Boba Fett’s ship flies away. Yelling out, Chewie tries to fire at the ship with the blaster Lando gave him, but it was no use. Standing beside Leia, your shoulders slump. Leia’s eyes well with tears, and you place a hand onto her back. 
“Oh no, Chewie, behind you!” Threepio cries, the Wookiee turning around with a cry. 
A blaster bolt nearly hits Leia, and you both turn around to see a group of Stormtroopers entering from down the corridor. R2 spins in the hanger doorway, speeding away from the cross fire. Lando takes cover behind the wall, and Leia soon follows. You and Chewie begin to fire at the troopers, Chewie hitting a few before Lando makes a break for the elevator down the hall. More troopers were filling the room, and Leia managed to hit a few before making a break for the elevator as well. Chewie pushes you along, acting as a shield while you peer around him, firing at the troopers before they could shoot Chewie. 
Your hands wouldn’t stop shaking, and with each trooper you shot down, it got worse. Feeling the heat in your cheeks, you step around Chewie to take another shot, a blaster bolt landing beside your head before you finally make it to the elevator. Lando shut the doors before any of them could round the corner. 
The elevator ride up was quick, and you ran off, almost smiling when seeing the Falcon on the landing pad. Just as quickly the doors slam shut, Lando slamming his hands against the metal door before looking at the door pad on the wall. Shaking his head, he looks at you and Leia. 
“The security codes have been changed!”
Chewie howls, grabbing onto the metal door to try and pull it open. 
“Artoo!” Threepio cries, the smaller droid beeping in return, “you can tell the computer to override the security system!”
Lando rushes over to the other wall, hooking into the panel's intercom, his voice ringing through the hallways. 
Taking off the computer cover, R2 tries to hook into the computer system. Suddenly, his short beep turns into a wild scream. R2’s circuits begin to light up, and his head spins wildly. Smoke erupts from under him, and Chewie promptly pulls him away, blue bolts curling around his little body.
“This is just great,” you grumble, hearing Threepio argue with the little droid before Lando lightly touches your elbow. 
“This way.”
Following him, you run against a large crowd of citizens, Chewie firing at Stormtroopers who managed to catch up to you. Lando is quick, running through the halls until coming up to another panel system. This time, there was a port for R2 to connect to, and you rushed him forwards. He whistles, turning his head towards you. 
More Stormtroopers begin to crowd, and you join Leia and Chewie in firing towards them, shooting more down while R2 works on the landing door. 
“Ah!” Threepio shouts, Chewie barely dodging a blaster bolt. “We’re not interested in the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive! It's fixed! Just open the door, you stupid lump!”
“Leia!” You shout, seeing more troopers enter the hallway, “to your left!”
Beginning to retreat down the corridor, you can faintly hear the triumphant beep of R2, the door sliding open seconds later. Lando pulls Leia away, both passing you before you shoot once more down the hallway, following behind them onto the platform. The exit ramp was already down, a small light emanating from inside. 
R2 waits for you to pass before laying cloud fog, blocking the trooper's view before following behind you. 
Reaching the Falcon just as the battalion reaches the doors, you and Leia quickly take cover behind one of the legs, shooting towards the troopers while Chewie rushes onto the Falcon, hitting Threepio's head on his way in. 
The Falcon rumbles, the engine roaring to life as more stormtroopers begin to flood the platform. Lando turns to you, waving “Leia! (Y/n)! Go!”
Find an opening, you push Leia, both of you running on board. Lando shuts the ramp, following behind you into the cockpit. Passing by the  two droids, you sit down in Hans’ seat, flipping on the deflector shields and helping Chewie with preparing the Falcon for hyperspeed. 
“Let's get out of here-”
“Wait!” Leia says, sitting in your usual seat, “what about Luke?”
Breathing heavily, you squeeze your eyes shut, “If he heard us, he should be gone by now-”
“We’ve got to go back!” She cuts you off. Turning sharply, you notice the look in her eyes, the fog that she seemed to be in. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her hand reached out to grab your arm.
“I know where Luke is.”
Chewie barks in surprise, Lando leaning forwards in his chair, “what?”
“We have to go back.” She states, still looking at you.”
Breathing deeply, you clench your jaw, staring back at her. 
“What about those fighters?” Lando voices. Chewie agreeing. 
Shaking your head, you look back to the front, “Chewie, just do it.”
Lando scoffs, looking between the three of you, “but what about Vader?!”
Chewie turns towards him, barking and growling. Lando stands from his chair, hands up in surrender. 
The Falcon does a graceful turn, the sight of Cloud City not bringing anymore comfort. The sun cast a golden glow over the clouds, the lights beginning to turn on in the city. Dark shadows began to form, making it hard to see anything. 
“You better be right,” You murmur. Leia doesn’t respond, but she does move closer to look out the window. 
When getting closer to the city, Leia points to the underside, her eyes sharp, “down there.”
Lando leans down, his face next to yours, squinting to see through the shadows before pointing as well, “There's someone down there.”
Staring, you gasp, seeing the small figure cling to a weather vane.
“Its Luke!”
“Chewie, Slow down and we’ll get under him-” you command, turning towards the other two, “Lando, open the top hatch. Leia, take my spot- I’m gonna go with Lando.”
Standing from the chair, you gently touch Leia’s back as you dash out of the cockpit, following Lando as he makes his way to the top hatch. When he stops to open the sliding door, he looks back, you only waving him off. 
“You grab him, I’m gonna get a blanket or something.” When you see him continue to stare, you almost stomp your foot, “Hurry, you idiot!”
There's a small cabinet a little further down the hall, and you open it quickly, looking over the old clothes, finally coming across a brown blanket. Grabbing it, you slam the cabinet closed behind you when the sliding door closes. You can feel the Falcon slow to a halt, the outside hatch hissing as it opens. 
Seconds almost feel like hours, and when the sliding door finally opens again to reveal Lando and Luke, you almost choke on the newly forming lump in your throat. 
Luke looked terrible, to put it lightly. The skin around his eye was deep purple, the color reaching almost to the side of his jaw. The corner of his top lip was busted, blood almost dripping down his chin. His once blonde hair was darker, soaked and sticking to his forehead from sweat. You quickly throw the blanket over his shoulders, his pretty blue eyes finally looking at you. They screamed exhaustion, his body practically falling into you. Lando speaks, but you can’t hear him over the roaring in your ears as you hold Luke’s frail body closer. One of his arms wraps itself around your waist, using some of his remaining energy to hold you tightly. 
“Oh, Luke,” you whimper, pulling away to grab his face.
“(Y/n),” he whispers back. His cheeks were sweaty, and he almost collapsed when you let go. Using your strength you grab his other hand, but stop when he yelps in pain, yanking the arm from your grasp. Confused, you look to see what wound he could have obtained, but you fall short when seeing his hand completely gone. The skin charred, clothes burned away. 
The ship rocks violently, causing you to grab hold of Luke again, Lando racing towards the cockpit while you carefully pull Luke towards the small medbay. It was only a single bunk, but it had enough supplies to keep someone stable while reaching somewhere more suitable. 
Luke’s breathing starts to become labored when you slowly lower him onto the bunk. You make sure to pull the blanket free from his shoulders, laying it over him while he falls onto the thermal padding. More flak hits the Falcon, the small life support machine shaking. You try your best to attach everything correctly, but you stop when a hand grabs your shoulder. 
Leia stands with a frown, her eyes looking over Luke before nodding towards you. Moving, you let her quickly stabilize him, his breathing beginning to level out while she attached a cuff to the arm with his missing hand. Rubbing your nose, you try and wipe away the tears that cloud your vision. 
You can hear Lando and Chewie shouting to each other, Leia’s voice louder than the flak that hits the ship. 
“Go to the cockpit, help those two idiots.”
Breathing deeply, you look back over, “what about Luke?” 
Her lips pursed at the frailness of your voice, sees the slight shake in your hands when you pull them away from your eyes. Your cheeks are pink and splotchy, tears wetting your lashes.
“I’ve got him- you go.”
“(Y/n). Go, I’ve got him.”
Nodding, you rush to the cockpit. Briefly, you try to spot the two droids, but their nowhere to be found. 
“What’s happening?” You curse your voice for cracking, but the two must pretend they don’t notice. 
“Three TIE’s are on our tail.”
“What about hyperspeed? We can outrun them if your people repaired the ship.”
Lando throws a look over his shoulder, “I don’t know where we’re going! How can I punch in coordinates?”
Groaning, you turn towards the Nav computer, trying to think of any place that would work. Your mind is jumbled, thoughts running a million miles per minute. With shaking hands, you try and type in random coordinates, but they keep coming up invalid. 
Leia rushes in seconds later, the towel she was holding in her hand discarded to the chair next to you. The once cloudy skies turned to stars, the endless expanse of space welcoming you back. 
Pointing, Leia grumbles, “Star Destroyer.”
She turns towards the nav system while Lando steers away from the Star Destroyer. Touching your shoulder to gain your attention. Silent words are exchanged, and you back away, going back to stand between Lando and Chewie. Glancing down, you try to ignore all the muted alarms on the control panel, a new one appearing while Lando fiddles with more buttons and switches. When he switches a wrong one, you click your tongue and reach forwards, slapping his hand away to fix his mistake. 
“Just like old time- eh?”
Glaring, you almost slap him, “Shut up.”
Lando sighs, glancing back at Leia, “Ready for hyperspeed?”
“Yeah, if your people actually fixed it.”
A green light flickers to life next to Leia, and she nods, “The coordinates are set, it's now or never.”
“All right, Chewie. Punch it!”
Chewie reluctantly pulls back on the throttle. And you breathe a sigh of relief when you can hear the engine winding up. The relief is suddenly ripped away from you when the same sound of the engine dying fills the cabin, both Leia and Chewie looking at Lando, who sits in shock. 
“You’ve got to be kriffing kidding me!” you shout, grabbing Lando by the collar when the ship rattles again.
“You told us you fixed it! What happened, huh?!” You throw him back into his chair, storming out of the cockpit. You can hear Lando yelling, Chewie barking over him. 
In the main hold, you briefly glance at the two droids on the floor. R2 was slowly putting Threepio back together. Threepio was holding his own leg, watching you storm past before turning back to Chewie, who was hot on your heels. 
The Wookiee pulls the floor grates up, grabbing one of his tools and dropping into the floor. 
You stop at the system Threepio was hooked up to for what seemed like ages ago, staring at the blinking lights and switches, trying to think of some solution that would get you out of this. 
“Noisy brute, why don’t we just go into lightspeed?” You hear Threepio ask, R2 beeping a reply. Blocking them out, you turn to join Chewie. Dropping down, you shield your face when sparks fly from the panel. Chewie grumbles, and you grab another tool from his belt. 
“Tell me about it, yeah?”
The ship rocks, and Lando’s voice crackles over the coms, “Chewie!”
You and Chewie work around each other, trying to find what could be wrong with the Hyperdrive, but you couldn’t find anything. Anger filled your stomach, and when you slammed your wrench against the panel, sparks flew. 
“Why does this always happen?!” you yell, Chewie replying with a growl. 
Peering out of the trench, you watch R2 speed towards the control panel, beginning to work on a circuit board while Threepio stands off to the side, his leg in hand. 
“Artoo, come back here at once! You haven’t finished with me yet! You don’t know how to fix the hyperdrive! Chewbacca and Madam (Y/n) can do it. I’m here in pieces and you’re having delusions of grandeur!”
Shaking your head, you look back down. Suddenly, the hyperdrive engine roars back to life, the Falcon lurching into hyperspace so suddenly it throws you into Chewie, who was already leaning against the panel behind him. R2 screams as he’s thrown across the Main Hold, and Threepio is yelling in joy.
Pulling yourself out, you walk back to the cockpit, stopping when you see Luke laying back in your chair. Leia and Lando continue to look over the control panel, only glancing back to spare a soft smile. 
“Luke,” you speak softly, his attention turning to you. Standing, he makes his way over, his wounded arm cradled to his torso while the other reaches to rest on your chin.
“Are you all right?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed while looking you over. Scoffing, you grab his elbow, placing your other onto his bicep. 
“I should be asking you that, shouldn’t you be resting? Here, I’ll take you back so you-”
“I’d rather be up here with you guys, I’ll be okay.”
There's a certain look to him you can’t quite place, masked by the tired eyes and slumped shoulders.
“Let’s talk in the Main Hold. Lando, Leia join us when you’re ready.” You slowly help Luke back into the Main Hold, Chewie closing up the floor grate while R2 finishes up Threepio. Settling down next to Luke, you finally breathe a sigh of relief. 
“You know,” Luke says softly, his gaze flickering to you, “you said we’d talk- when we saw each other again.”
Laughing softly, you pinch the bridge of your nose before looking at him, tilting your head. 
“I’d rather wait until you’re in a medbay, again, being looked after so you don't die.”
Scoffing softly, Luke’s head rests against the cushions, “I’m fine-”
Chewie begins barking and growling, Lando scoffing under his breath as he enters the Main Hold. When you look up, you see Leia perched on the engineering station, looking over you and Luke. Tilting your head, you raise an eyebrow, but she waves you off. 
“Han?” Lando’s voice is loud, “Go after Han Solo? We can’t go after him!”
R2 rolls over, bumping into Luke’s leg, but he doesn’t move, just groans softly under his breath while his eyes close. 
“Maybe you forgot already, Chewbacca, but Boba Fett has Han.”
Chewie replies, but Lando seems to get more heated. He throws an arm out, eyebrows furrowed as he looks up at the Wookiee. 
“Honestly, we’re lucky he got away-”
You scoff, “We’re the lucky ones? What a nice thing to say, Lando.”
“Fett’s flying Slave One- Maybe, maybe we could’ve caught him before he went to lightspeed- I mean, this is the Millennium Falcon.”
He pauses, shrugging his shoulders, “but then what? Blast him out of the sky? Iffy- and even if we pulled it off, that’d be the end of our old buddy Han.”
Growling, Chewie pushes Lando, getting into his face. He seems to understand him, holding his hands in surrender, “okay, okay, your old buddy. He was my friend too, though, back in the day.”
“Key word, ‘was’,” you grumble, crossing your arms. Luke tilts his head, confusion crossing his tired features before looking back at Lando and Chewie. 
“We all saw you make your choice, Lando.” Leia says sternly. Lando turns to her, huffing, “so did you, princess. We missed our chance to get Boba Fett because you guys,” he throws a hand your way, “decided to go back to Cloud City for him.”
“Hey! Watch yourself, I’ll make Chewie throw you out the top hatch.”
He ignores you, still facing Leia, “what makes him so important to everyone?”
“His name is Luke Skywalker, Lando. He destroyed the Dead Star.” Her voice is softer, uncrossing her arms to place them on her hips. There's a moment of silence, Lando humming before turning to look at Luke, “Huh. No wonder Darth Vader wanted him so badly.”
“Maker,” you mumble, rubbing your eyes harshly. 
“Look,” Lando sighs, “we all lost a lot today. You lost a friend, I lost an entire city. Lotta people I care about back on Bespin, you know.”
Threepio waddles into the room, his arms raised, “I lost my arms and legs! I was blown apart!”
You all look at him, and he looks at each one of you before bowing his head, “well, for a bit anyways.”
“Listen, this isn’t a total disaster, Han is my friend, and we’ll get him back. After all, we can’t catch Boba Fett now, but Chewie and I know where he’s gonna take Han, right?”
There's an unsettling churn to your stomach, making you shift in your seat.
“Oh dear,” Threepio starts, “To Jabba the Hutt? Oh, he will certainly murder Captain Solo the first chance he gets!”
Glaring at Threepio, you almost jump when Luke’s hand touches your arm. His voice is filled with confusion, “Han? Where is Han? What are you guys talking about?”
The lump from before forms in your throat again, and you can’t bring yourself to explain the events that happened. You didn’t want to, not yet, at least. Leia walks over, giving you a sympathetic smile while tucking her knee under her when sitting down next to him. She grabs his arm, just above the cuff. 
“Darth Vader used Han to test the carbonite chamber, he wanted to use it on you, Luke,” she lets him take in the information for a second before continuing, “He’s still alive but frozen, suspended. Vader gave him to a bounty hunter. Boba Fett.”
Sitting up, Luke’s hand falls from your arm, gripping the couch tightly, “No, no. I was-” he shakes his head, “I think I saw them, Leia- I was right there-”
His voice slowly becomes more frantic, trying to push himself off the couch, “We have to go after him, Leia, we have to-”
You inch forwards, helping him sit back down. 
“We will, Luke,” you say softly, “it won't be easy, but we’ll find Han.”
Leia cuts in, concerned, “what about you? You haven't told us what happened.”
He glances at both of you before looking down at his knees, eyebrows furrowing, “I reached out to bed with the force. He didn’t,” he looks at you, defeated, “He didn’t answer me.”
His hand shakes, moving to grip onto your knee. He rubs the material of your jumpsuit with his fingers, shaking his head. He looked broken, face pale and eyes tired. The blood was cleaned from his face, the bruise slowly fading from the bacta Leia must have applied. 
You grab his hand, “He will, Luke.”
“And if he doesn't,” Leia’s voice is soft, smiling small as she looks at him, “you’ll find your own path, You’re strong.”
She says something under her breath, but you can’t hear her. 
Standing, she turns back to the others, who were looking over the engineering station. 
“Maybe we can’t save Han, not yet.”
“What?” maybe you didn’t hear her right. 
“We can save everyone else. Chewie, set a course to return to the Rebel fleet, Artoo will give you the coordinates.”
Whistling, Chewie bends down to pat the top of the droid. Lando, pushing away from the engineering station, stands tall in front of the princess. 
“Hey, now. The Empire is looking for this ship, and we know damn well they’re hunting the Rebel fleet too. How about we just find a nice quiet spot and wait for the heat to die down a little? I have places we can go. Gal on Nar Shaddaa owed me a favor.”
Frowning, Leia tilts her head. Finally standing, you let go of Luke's hand, “I'm sure she does, Calrissian. But you’re not the Captain, are you? Last I checked, Han was. I doubt he’d trust you with her now, you’d probably be the last person on that very small list. Don’t forget- you betrayed us to the Empire.”
“Oh, come on. I had Darth Vader breathing down my neck, and I still got you all out of there. I should get some credit for that!”
“Credit? For helping others? Gosh,” you say sarcastically, clapping your hands, “do you want a medal? How about we stop everything and have a whole celebration!”
“I’m commandeering this ship for the Rebel fleet, which means you don’t have a say in where it goes,” Leia says, glaring at Lando. He scoffs, looking between the both of you before holding his hands up in surrender. 
“Chewie, (Y/n), I'm sure Mon Mothma and the others are wondering where we are.”
Lando followed as you made your way to the cockpit once more. While Chewie was punching in the codes from R2, you sat in your seat, pulling up the radar and deflector shields. They wouldn’t be online until you dropped from lightspeed, but it was best to have the grids up now. Leia sat in Hans’ chair, lightly touching the arms before flipping switches in preparation for the drop. Lando sat behind her, watching as she checked over the now silent alarms. 
Chewie barks, the green light on the nav computer flickering on. Sitting down in his seat, he grabs onto the hyperdrive, slowly lowering it. 
The Mid-Rim. Rendezvous point Delta-Three. It was located near a star, right between the Vosch Cluster and the trading worlds of Caldra Prime and Caldra Tertius. The rendezvous point had been discovered, the entire fleet being surrounded by the Empire. Squadrons were being chased by TIE’s, others chasing them. The large capital ships were the closest to the star, furthest from the four Star Destroyers that blocked their way out. 
Turning on the radar, you cringe at the amount of bogies, quickly turning on the deflector shields as Chewie steered away from incoming fire. 
Leia slides on one of the coms, connecting into the Rebel link, “This is Leia Organa in the Millennium Falcon, how can we help?”
A voice comes through not long after, voice distressed, “Glad to hear your voice, Princess, but the Imperials have us locked up pretty good. They just called away some of the TIEs, but we’re still getting hit hard from the Capital Ships. We can’t get past their blockade to jump to lightspeed.”
“Okay. We’ll find a way to help. Be ready to move the moment you see an opportunity- you’ll want to head to the next fallback point. Don’t give up hope.” 
“Acknowledged. I’m not sure what you can do, but- May the Force be with you.”
Sliding off the headset, Leia looks out at the fight. 
“Chewie, we have to make a hole in that Cordon big enough to escape.”
Lando scoffs, “Make a hole? We should escape! I count four Star Destroyers out there! You know me, I believe in the cause, but this is suicide! We gotta run, live to fight another day!”
Laughing, you shake your head, “the cause? Oh boy, you’re funny!”
Barking, Chewie steers the Falcon sharply, the radar blaring with multiple TIE’s.
“We’ve got company-”
“How nice, all those TIE fighters, just for us.”
Shaking her head, Leia glares at him, standing from the chair, “stop complaining and help, Lando. I’ll get to the guns.”
She runs from the cockpit, and Lando tries to sit down in her seat, but Chewie growls a warning.
“Chewie, you need to let me pilot. You remember how good I used to be at flying? I’m better now!”
Leaning forwards, you lightly touch his shoulder, “I don’t want him here either, but it's our best chance while I’m on the shields.”
“Just trying to survive here, pal. If I pull anything funny, you can rip my arms off.”
Growling, Chewie points to the chair, Lando smiling briefly before sitting down. He slides on the headset, looking around the controls before nodding. 
“How are we even gonna do this?” Lando asks, “if those Rebel Frigates can’t make a dent in the Empire's ships, how are we supposed to?”
Flak hits the ship, and you check the internal damage, “use the missiles, you idiot.”
“Missiles? The Falcon doesn’t have missiles!”
Chewie barks, flipping another switch. Leaning back in the chair, Lando watches him, “whoa, two ST2 launchers? What the hell were you guys doing with my ship that made you install that much firepower?”
“Your ship?” You snap, glaring. He only smiles, “anyways, yeah, eight missiles, that’ll pack a punch. But even if they all land, they won’t take out a Star Destroyer.”
Barking and growling, Chewie doesn't even spare him a glance. You didn't even notice R2 and Threepio enter the cockpit until you heard his voice. 
“Master Chewbacca suggests that we don't actually need to destroy an entire vessel, merely the gun emplacements on one of the light cruisers. If this succeeds, the integrity of the Cordon will be reduced, and-”
“I understand Shyriiwook, Goldie. I get the idea, doesn’t mean it ain’t crazy.”
“Don’t talk to him like that! Not everyone is so grandiose like you and can understand Chewie.”
Lando frowns, looking at you and Chewie. 
“Spending so much time with Han changed you guys, you used to be so rational-”
The control panel goes up in sparks, alarms beginning to ring as you try and assess the damage. Looking around, you find your com underneath Chewie’s seat, plugging it in, you slide it on. 
“That blast almost cooked us, Leia, Fore shields took a huge hit.”
“You guys need to get a little better at shooting down these ties or this big heroic rescue of yours will be over right quick” Lando cuts in. 
“Lando, we got it!”
“What do you mean ‘We’” You ask, looking at Lando with furrowed eyebrows. He points to the control panel, a small light indicating both turrets were in use. 
“Luke’s on the other gun-”
“Why is he on the other gun?!”
“I'm fine!” Luke's voice cuts in, sounding more energetic, “just hard to do this only one-”
He cuts himself off, and you take off the com, not wanting to hear anything else. Another alarm starts blaring, and you stand from your chair to look over the control panel, flipping another switch to direct more power to the front shields. 
“This ain’t good at all.” Lando grumbles, trying to dodge more flak that hits the front.
“I thought everything was amazing,” you say, smiling, “I was just about to say we should dock and get something to drink!”
Chewie barks, and you get back into your seat, turning to look at the radar. When suddenly, the engines of the incoming TIE’s seem to explode, like each pilot was intentionally running into each other. 
“What the-”
“What’s to understand, princess?” Lando barks into the com, “take the luck you get! Shoot them!”
“We’re coming up on the Cordon,” You get up form your seat again, looking out. The Cordon was quickly coming closer, its guns already firing at the Falcon. Lando steers closer, hands over the missile release, “Leia, Luke, make sure you’re strapped in down there. We’re making our attack run.”
“Kriff,” you curse, turning to make sure the coordinates to the fallback point were set. Not seeing the input, you turn to find R2 already making his way over. Bending down, you open a small panel connecting to the Nav system, and watch as he connects in. His head spins, and in moments the small green light turns on. 
You can feel the missiles fly from the Falcon, and you think you can hear when they hit their target. Chewie roars, pulling back on the steering. Lando turns, “Are we ready for lightspeed?”
“Ready- hit it when you’re ready.”
Lando smiles, “hit it Chewie! I can’t believe this actually worked!”
The backup rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine was located just outside of a milky way. What was left of the fleet at the previous rendezvous point was here. The Falcon was docked on The Redemption, and when you finally stepped foot off of it, Luke was out of your sight. You didn’t know where he went, but R2 was rolling after him. You hoped he was heading towards a medbay, but with the way his eyes were downcast, eyebrows knit tight, and how his shoulders were tense, you knew he was going somewhere to deal with everything that happened. 
Leia guided you and the others to the control room, the two leading officers from The Redemption already waiting. 
“Chewbacca, for the time being, don't let Lando out of your sight.” The commander says, leaning his elbows onto the center console. His gray hair was slicked back, and he had a long beard. Chewie barks in agreement, and Lando holds his hands out. 
“Hey now, I just saved every damn ship here!”
You lean against the wall, rubbing your eyes. Your back was starting to hurt from the day, and your side was beginning to throb again. Fatigue begins to settle in your neck, and you close your eyes, still listening in. 
“Only because we didn’t let you run away,” Leia retorts, “you’re a question, Lando Calrissian. And until we know the answer, consider yourself a guest to the Rebellion.”
“There's another question too.” She turns back to the other commanders, “how did the Imperials find you? When the fleet scattered after Hoth, the rally points were top secret.”
The other leader, a man who had dark skin and a goatee, spoke up, “they didn't find us Leia. We initiated our scheduled contact with another cell- Eighth Division, out near Malastare. Not long after, they reported that the Imperials found them too. Nothing since.”
You try to make sense of what they were talking about, but Threepio beat you to it.
“If I may, Princess Leia- the odds of two cells of the Rebel fleet being found simultaneously are approximately fourteen point five billion to one. The much more likely scenario is that the Imperials have somehow found a way to-”
Leia cuts him off, “Break our codes.”
The older leader, with the gray hair and full beard, speaks with a gravelly voice. 
“If that’s true, it means the moment any Rebel cell communicates with another, the Imperials can pinpoint the location of both groups.”
He sighs, and you can hear him move around. Finally opening your eyes, you watch as Leia begins tapping her foot.
“Must be what happened to us,” he continued, one hand on his hip, “and it's what happened to eight. And we can’t warn the other cells or tell them to switch codes, because as soon as we do-”
“They’ll get attacked, and so will we,” she finishes. 
Pushing off of the wall, you stand beside her, looking down at the unused control panel.
“Hell, for all you know, it's already happened. All those other cells might have sent out their little messages, and the Empire could have swung right in, mopped ‘em up. Hell, for all you know, you might be the only ones left.” Lando sighs.
You shake your head, “this might be the entire Rebellion right here.”
The two leaders leave not long after, and you don’t recall the reason they give. You’re too busy listening to Lando and Leia argue back and forth. You’ve taken your spot back on the wall, leaning your head against it with closed eyes. Your head was starting to pound, and you can’t recall the last time you ate or drank anything.
There's a small touch to your shoulder, and when you turn, Luke is there. He looks more defeated than before, eyes sad and bloodshot. Smirking, you reach up to tap his hand.
“Where’ve you been? Started to make me worried.”
He shrugs, voice hushed “just had to be alone for a little.”
“Everything all right?” 
“You can trust me!” Lando shouts, making you and Luke jump. 
“Can I?” Leia responds. 
“No need to be rude, Leia. I’m trying to do you a favor.” Walking past you, Lando waves her off, “I don't get the hostility. I mean, if I'm trying to pull something- what's my angle? Han’s my friend too, whether you believe it or not. But if you don't want my help- don't want to see your handsome rascal again- fine by me.”
She sighs, turning to face him once more, “Lando. Okay, you can go. Take the Millennium Falcon, we can spare it for a little while. I have to stay here to try to find a way to save the Rebel fleet. But if you think you can learn something from your contacts on Tatooine about whether Boba Fett’s brought Han to Jabba yet-”
“I know I can, Princess. I’ll find out if Jabba has Solo. If he doesn’t, I'll look for leads on Fett. It’ll work. I got friends all over that dust bowl.”
Luke tilts his head, letting go of your shoulder, “you say that like it's a good thing, Calrissian.”
Lando has that smirk on his face again, “oh definitely, Luke. Definitely. I can learn things none of you can. Even Chewbacca. I love the big guy, but he doesn’t speak basic. On Tatooine, communication problems get you killed.”
“I’m aware. I grew up there,” Luke deadpans. 
“Well,” Leia cuts back in, “Chewie’s still going with you. He’ll take you to Tatooine, and he’ll bring you right back. Right, Chewie? You’ll keep Lando flying straight? And if he tries anything, you’ll-” Chewie cuts her off with a roar.
Pushing off the wall, you ignore the pain in your back, “I’m going with him.”
They turn to look at you, then Lando laughs, “No, you’re not.”
“You really think I’m going to let you dictate that? I know that hellscape like the back of my hand, I think I know a lot more people than you-”
“That’s exactly why you can’t go, (Y/n),” Leia says softly, eyes shining with regret. 
Scoffing, you turn to look at her, eyebrows furrowing, “you’re serious?”
“If both you and Chewbacca go, word might get out that you’re back on the planet. Jabba will try anything to have both you and Solo hanging pretty on his wall-”
“Okay!” you shout, silencing Lando, “so what do you want me to do, sit pretty and wait for you to find him?”
“Yes. You have to trust me, second.”
Glaring, you bite the inside of your cheek. Luke touches your lower back, standing next to you, “If Jabba does have Han, let me know. We can Rendezvous at the Jundt Massif, not far from the palace. I know that region, so I can help.”
Lando shakes his head, “Jabba the Hutt ain’t the Death Star, Luke. He needs a subtle touch. And I hate to be blunt, but you’ve only got one hand.”
“I don’t need two hands Lando, I’ve got The Force,” Luke raises his wounded arm, seemingly glaring at the cuff. Lando nods his head once, not believing him, “Uh-huh. Let’s hope so. Because if Boba Fett’s already sold Han to Jabba, it’ll make a rescue mission just about impossible.”
“Getting him out of that palace alive?” Lando smiles softly, “It’d take a miracle. Come on Chewie, time to fly!”
The two talk back and forth as they leave, and you sigh heavily. Leia’s fingers tap against her chin, and Luke watches Lando and Chewie go as well. 
“Can we trust him?” He asks softly, looking at Leia. 
She shrugs, “only if we know he’s going after something he wants. That’s why I sent Chewie.”
“He’s not wrong,” you speak up, motioning down to Luke’s arm, “you should get your hand fixed.”
Leia sighs, “there's a medical bay a few decks down-”
“I know, Leia. I already talked to the surgical droid, they can make me a replacement. But, I haven’t been feeling like myself lately, not since Bespin. I’m not sure getting a new hand would help.”
She gently grabs his arm, “don't worry, Luke. No matter what happens, you’ll always be you.” 
Leia leaves after that, most likely going to follow up with other officers. You stay behind with Luke for a little while longer. He’s looking down at his missing hand, eyebrows furrowed. Stepping closer, you tilt your head to grab his attention. 
“She’s right, you know.”
“About what?” He asks, shoulders slouching. He looks at you with defeated eyes and a broken soul, trying desperately to ground himself back into reality by looking at you. Smiling, you reach out and tap the underside of his chin. The corner of his mouth twitches, but none of it reaches his eyes.
“You’ll always be Luke Skywalker.”
He sighs, “and what about you?”
“What do you mean?”
“What am I to you?”
You take a minute, thinking of what to say. You remember your last conversation on Hoth, how Leia kissed him, how he looked like the happiest man in the world after she fled the room. You also remember the short conversation you had with Leia on the Falcon, and the way Luke was desperate to talk to you in the hangar back on Hoth. You weren’t ready to talk about everything, but you came to understand your feelings when you saw him broken and beaten. When he clung to you and whimpered in pain, how he whispered your name like a prayer only meant for The Force to hear. 
You were in love with Luke Skywalker, and for once your heart sings his name without being shunned into silence by your naïve mind. 
“You’re a man who always does the right thing, no matter what anybody tells you.”
He breathes deeply, breaking eye contact to look down at his hand again, seemingly falling back into the thoughts that cloud his mind.
“Common,” you clear your throat, stepping away from him, “let's get you to the bed bay, yeah?”
Leia joins you when Luke is out of surgery, right by his bedside while you're standing at the large bay windows that overlook the rest of the fleet, Lando’s voice crackles through the com in his hand. 
“Luke, we’re ready for take off.”
“Good luck, Lando.” Luke’s voice is more full of life than it was, the med-droid that was working on his arm worked quickly. Leia, already back in her crisp white dress, hair tied tightly into a low bun, stood next to him, watching over the droids work intently. 
“When we find Jabba the Hutt and the bounty hunter, we’ll contact you.”
Threepio and R2 join you at the bay window, silently watching along with you. 
“I’ll meet you at the rendezvous point on Tatooine.”
“Princess, (Y/n), we’ll find Han.”
You ignore him, clenching your jaw while crossing your arms. You wanted to go, deep down you knew if you pressed harder, you would be in the Falcon too. You’d find Han faster than Lando, but you knew it would be a big risk going to Tatooine when you were wanted as well. Albeit not as much as Han, you’d still be a prize to Jabba. 
“Chewie, I’ll be waiting for your signal.” Luke says, you can hear the faint smile in his voice. 
Chewie wails over the com, and Luke laughs, “Take care, you two. May the Force be with you.”
Leia lightly touches your shoulder, smiling when you turn to her. Luke yelps once, the droid mechanically apologizing before you can hear him shuffle on the bed, his body sliding in between yours and Leia’s, his arm resting around your waist. His smile was light, and when he turns to Leia, she returns it. His hand tightens around you, and his other slides around Leia’s shoulders, pulling the both of you closer. 
You watch as the Falcon begins to fly off, and you raise your hand, giving it a two finger salute just as it jumps into hyperspace. You would find Han, it would just take more time. 
@aliengirl99  @beeblisss​  @fanfics-welcome​  @kaylahat​  @acupnoodle​ @mikeysemowife @ladyrebel25  @stanny-uwu  @citrusmando​  
Wanna be tagged? send a message or comment! I’ll gladly tag you :>>
again, thank you to everyone who stuck around and waited almost a year for this to drop- I appreciate each and every one of you 
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barbwillbrb · 3 months
also please go an unhinged rant about lucile and her papa. please
*cracks knuckles* Here we go.
-Mortimer was a fairly talented young wizard before tragedy struck. He was good at bending/twisting the rules for spells, and liked to tinker with lower level spells/cantrips to see how they could be enhanced. Even though he is not a wizard any longer, this mindset still holds true for his spellwork; he likes efficiently using lower level spells for their maximum potential (and this time has an actual need to do it, least he cause himself physical harm).
- Mortimer and Lucille have been on the run for around 10 years now from the Cult of Bhaal, ever since Mortimer made his pact. Common roles/occupations he’s taken up over the years: in better times mortician and town healer/alchemist, and worse times mercenary/thief/smuggler and sexworker.
- If faced with an opponent/hostage/prisoner who was withholding information, he would not threaten them; he would kill them and have whoever he was working with cast “Speak with the Dead” to get the information.
- His hobbies include reading, sewing/embroidery, fencing, and bird watching.
- He spent at least 75% of Act 1 trying to keep his daughter from doing some of the most bonkers shit, with only half of it being because she’s a Bhaalspawn struggling with the urges. Some things that have happened:
She ate some dwarf at the goblin camp. At least three times. Mortimer was losing his goddamned mind trying to keep that one from the group.
She suggested Lae’zel and Shadowheart resolve their conflict by killing themselves.
While Mortimer fully intended to save the owlbear, Lucille decided he wasn’t going fast enough, wandered off and just murked Krolla. Really, really had to smooth talk his way out of the camp going off.
Lucille never really comments on things, preferring the adult companions to handle things. Except for asking Vlaakith why she couldn’t kill the person inside the artifact.
- Astarion finds Lucille creepy as hell. She finds every excuse to talk to him and Halsin (them being the oldest aside from Withers fascinates her, how people perceive/view life with that kind of pseudo immortality/longevity).
- Lucille really loves cats and definitely snags at least two of the street cats in Act 3/keeps them at camp.
- Lucille really enjoyed the water. Swimming, rain, creating storm clouds/rain.
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kukos-satellite · 7 months
Voltron hcs because I can & will! p, 06 - Takashi Shirogane
I’ve added Adam and Keith in his. I felt like it would be incomplete if I didn’t anyhow, here is Takashi Shirogane everyone, hope you enjoy reading them! The quotes are going to come up and I’ll explain that in the next post :)
he/him homosexual (gay) cisgender
c-ptsd , bpd , ocd
family guy (like Lance and Hunk)
he taught Keith how to shave, drive, tie his shoes
fostered —> adopted Keith
- adopted three more kids along the way; two little boys: William and Willow, and a little girl: Safori
- William is called Will; Willow is called Low; Safori is called For/Four
had moderate pains/aches everywhere
doesn’t sleep too well and snores
- has a sleeping machine to help him with that
has severe ptsd flashbacks at any time
prefers to read and listen to podcasts
a smuggler and anti-no touch rule while sleeping
- he needs his skin-to-skin contact or he won’t be able to sleep at all.
drinks more coffee and tea than anyone on the team
very biased about his music taste; he likes 80s
doesn’t share anything about his political views
hosts get together‘s so he doesn’t miss anything
gives a lot of gifts to Adam, Keith, Will, Low, and Four
accidentally stumbled across Pidge’s Klance ff
- cried while reading it, and I won’t tell you if he found it funny or disturbing, good luck getting that out of me. Discord might find out before Tumblr does tbh.. won’t be surprised
in his free time he has learned two languages also to crochet and sew
likes to draw barnes, houses - mansions, flower fields, Adam, and his children
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toxinspired · 1 year
Tumblr media
[ ID: a character sheet for Elijah Spire, a One Piece self insert OC. His name is written at the top along with his age, 23, and pronouns, he/him. In the center is a full body drawing of him. He is a white man with shoulder length dark blue hair with bright green ends. His outfit, mostly in shades of dark blue, is a collared shirt with lacy sleeves, a vest, tight pants, and knee high platform boots. He also wears a dark cape with a raven skull clasp. A bag is holstered to his hip and he wears heavy eyeliner. Text says he is a traveling clothes designer (also smuggler for the RA).
A bust of him in the top left has his hair half up, his make up smudged, and pins in his mouth. It is labeled tired.
He is pictured from the waist up in the bottom left with a knife in his hand. Text above him says he fights with poisoned knives.
A full body sketch of him in a cropped turtleneck with multiple cut outs and pants with straps is labeled models his own stuff.
In the bottom right, there is a chibi plush drawing of him with several pins sticking out of his head. Text says now avaliable, elijah plushie also pincushion. End ID ]
cringe is dead, it is the era of self insert ocs hey- hey guess why his last name is spire- hey- anyway combo-ing some of my passions (fashion, sewing, style) with my real life field of work (kind of) (im not a smuggler) (ive worked in various states of shipping&receiving for years though) i have an idea of what his ship looks like (basically, the cabin in built smaller to be able to store illegal things in the walls but his cabin is also extremely messy and covered in loose fabric and abandoned projects so good luck telling its supposed to be bigger) BUT the current inability to draw ships (or rooms really). which is something im working on.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
this gold basin with emeralds pressed into the rim is from Radio @vsnotresponding
weathered (tipping into tuesday, 2022)
the weather is turning the sky on its side and I'm on the outskirts always in denial
the evening is waiting to let in the night and I'm on the outskirts a blur in the moonlight
the silence is silence but for every birds' song and I'm on the outskirts still strung along
the moment is heady but passes with rain and I'm on the outskirts and I'll fade with the change
mercy (let's play pirates, 2023)
When her uncle had abruptly dropped her off with some suspicious fishermen and told her she was to sail with them until they didn’t need her anymore, she certainly hadn’t signed up for that. When the fishermen left her behind after a drunk outing and she found herself left at the mercy of a stern seamstress, she hadn’t signed up for that. When she got kicked out of the sewing house for a theft she didn’t commit and wandered until she collapsed in front of a gang’s front door, she most definitely hadn’t signed up to join them. When the strangely compassionate gang leader told her she wasn’t meant to be a smuggler and instead sent her away to become something better, she hadn’t signed up for that either.
hills (can you tell this was written 14 years ago?)
They returned to the village just after sunset that evening, as the twilight and purple-pink clouds shown the stony hills as iridescent peaks topped in multi-colored cotton tufts. It was tradition to watch the sun going to its daily rest, and the three children joined the town folk in gazing at the rosy zenith. When the sky began to deepen into dark, they trod the dusty paths to their homes, to eat supper. Moon-bloom waved to Sun-bird and followed her mother and father and two brothers into their house.
wind (blood enemy, 2020)
Jin Ling considered where to start while the air between them moved lazily with the barest hint of a wind; the waters of the pond rippled and shone in the light of the sunset.
“You said you saw someone you hoped never to see again. Who is that person to you?”
“You have to start with a different question.” Senior Lin folded her hands in her lap. “If you ask the right questions, the answers I give will mean more."
water (twisted, 2017)
"Hold on," Keelan said, bewildered. "You never cry."
Jaino's laugh was a clear, silvery sound, like light on water. Keelan didn't hear it enough. "Of course I cry, Keelan. I just do it when I'm alone."
That made sense. "But," Keelan couldn't help asking, "It's because you just prefer it that way, not because you think we'd view you differently, right?"
play, persuade, plenty, past. BONUS: parcel, pretense. two water drops of pressure tags for @pinespittinink @the-orangeauthor @ziyin @stuffaboutwriting @deciphered-narrator @afoolandathief OR ANYBODY
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wraithsoutlaws · 4 months
🚨☎️✂️🎒? >:)
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
Well, it's not good kfdslajfkdsalj He's openly wanted in NC and several other cities and states though he tends to avoid most of those places anyway. He was arrested a few times when he was younger, but never did any prolonged jail time, although he had been in and out of a handful of different lockups for smaller things like vandalism, pissing in cop car gas tank, drunk/disorderly, fights, etc. He was successful smuggler for a few years and got very good at outrunning them or bribing them. He hates all cops and finds them to be weak, pathetic bootlickers without any spine and believes ""law enforcement"" to be a political joke. Sometime in the mid-late 80's he gets picked up by a bounty hunter and ends up taking a deal that leaves him in an in-patient facility in lieu of hardcore jail time (though not really jail time because they would have essentially just killed him had he not gotten that deal).
☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
He's pretty good with remembering numbers and that's because he spends as little time on the phone as possible. Hes much more old school in that regard, prefers a solid landline to anything else. He'd rather call than text. It's more straightforward and he's not very good with texting and he likes to hear the other person's voice because he can gain more information from that than the dissonance of text. If he's on the phone it's likely something important, some kind of biz, and he finds it easier to conduct that way. But he also hates when his phone is blown up with calls so either way he can't win. The only person he'll probably text or call just to talk is Dum Dum, especially if he's in the badlands. He'll have him on call all night if he can even if its just silence. If you do get texts from him, they'll probably be riddled with mistakes (he doesn't have the patience to fix them) and depending on how close he is with someone there might be a lot of emojis, most of which probably only make sense to him. And he won't explain them either :3
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
Dagger has only ever cut his own hair, even when he was a kid. He's always just been self-reliant with that kind of stuff and he doesn't really care much how it looks. Sometimes at the Wraith camp he'll let Lilith (other wraith oc) give him a nicer trim, but usually he'll just hack away with a knife. Shaves with one too. He used to cut his brother's hair when they were younger, and his brother didn't mind when it looked bad either because he just liked to spend time with him.
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
Dagger keeps all sorts of random things with him. He's always pulling shit off bodies or picking up things he finds that he thinks will be useful (nomadcore hehe). Everything he MIGHT need he likes to keep on hand or close by. He almost never has an actual bag (his car is a nightmare mess), but keeps his pockets full (and he also sews a lot of customized interior pockets into his clothes for extra stuff). He will have probably at least 7-10 knives on him at any time, cigarettes, lighter, playing cards, small mirror, safety pins, sewing needle and thread, some cash, drugs, phone (cracked and dented), gum, the paint he uses for his eyemakeup, and probably either some kind of bandaging or duct tape as well as one of those utility pocket knives.
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ftmerriweather · 1 year
Hey everyone, thought I'd do a little about me and my work!
I'm Merriweather, non binary (fae/ faer or they/ them please) and live in the untied states with my cats. I'm not published yet, but I've gotten some very kind rejections on my werid books.
Beela is my main book, featuring a main character who realizes they're non binary halfway through the series. It's a portal fantasy that spends most of its time on not-earth. Nona is the "sweet one" and Beela's best friend. Ellis is her boyfriend. Santo is the one who taught them how to use magic. Vadeen is the "tough one", but he's sweet, I promise. Maisie, though, will pick a fight for fun. I'll be tagging this one "Beela baby"
Wysteria and Pants follows a witch who's only barely skilled enough to be called that named Wysteria and her familiar, a turtle named Pants. Other notable characters are Priscilla, her fae. best friend, and Ariel, her soon-to-be boyfriend. There is one reoccurring cis-het character in this entire novel and one of the main themes is queer joy, specifically that of aces. I'm adding a few more chapters to this one, then I'm going to try querying it again. It'll be tagged "Wysteria and Pants"
Xie is the Architect and You are Nothing is one I had a lot of fun writing. The MC doesn't remember who they are or how they got where they are. They wake up to a dark room and a sense of panic. One of the fae, a being called the Architect, stole them and put them in a maze. They want to get out, but xie wants them to stay as xyr pet. This one is surrealist horror fantasty but still very queer. I'm on final edits for sending this one out for queries too. Got a few nice rejections, which is more than expected for "overwrought prose about trans identity" to land me, honestly. It's tagged "xie is the architect and you are nothing"
Lastly, I have the project I've been calling "trans pirates" because that is the premise I started with. The piracy is significantly lower than I expected, but it's still been a fun one. Any story that has a character with bad impulse control is fun to write. Riix is enby and kills someone on page for misgendering them. Clementine just wants to learn nice, feminine crafts like knitting and sewing, but she ended up on a smuggler's ship, so there's not a lot of time for that. They're captured by--and escape from--a pirate known as Ambrose Baker and spend quite a lot of time trying to get back to their ship. I'll probably tag this one with "Riix" because I had used "trans pirates" before and it didn't feel like a tag I'd use exclusively for the story
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Star Wars Ultimate Sheet 2.0
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Okay so I have rework slightly on my previous character sheet for Star Wars. Same as the previously, it have made as an help to develop your original star wars character, but also canon etc... I use it to put down all my ideas for a character, as well than picking up some ideas to develop an OC whith competence than I wasn't thinking of before (like picking up details for an unusual weapon, or crafting skill etc)... Of course the sheet isn't fully complete, there is a lot of hobbies, skills, personnality trait that I haven't put there, but please, please, feel free to add anything you wish, or MP me if you have more idea to add or anything to correct! Also of course you can use it as you wish, and don't complete all informations!
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Name - gender – race – age – sexuality – homeworld
 GLOBAL Nickname – place of residence – main languages spoken - their ship/speeder/mount owning name/class – marital status – pet? – education level
BACKGROUND + ERA in which era your character is evolving – summary & main backstory info (ex: your family caste, previous work etc.)
BODY DETAIL shape – height - hair – eyes - skin - freckles – scars – birthmark – cybernetic – tattoo – prominent feature - natural hair color – accent - etc.
DISABILITIES / or chronic heal condition etc.?
RELATIONSHIP family - lover/partner - allies – enemies – friends - famous connection - mentor - student
ALIGNEMENT chaotic/neutral/lawful - good/neutral/evil - faction - religion
ACTIVITY career/ job – etc.
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STRENGHT stamina - athletic
DEXTERITY acrobatics - stealth/sneaky - sleight of hand/thievery - insight - piloting
INTEL investigation – perception - history: native/faction/other culture – quick learner – language – tactical (strategy making) – adaptation – cartology
WISDOM nature knowledge: animal handling/taming, fauna/floral specialist, herbalism, surviving, gardening, farming – biology mastering: emergency medicine, medicine, chirurgical, cyber-prosthesis technician, alchemy, biochemical etc. – teaching – force knowledge: jedi order, sith order, ancient red sith science and magic, planet mystics (Gungan on Naboo, Voss, Nightsister, etc.), minor cult etc. – astrology – geology – protocol - demolition
CHARISMA deception – intimidation - persuasion – debating – diplomacy – leadership – acting
TECH slicing - engineering -tech maintenance – droid/machine technician -
CRAFTING forge: armor/weapons - sewing/embroidery/colorist textile(dye)/leatherworking/ etc. – handcrafting: wood, pottery, plasteel, etc. - cooking/bakery/mixology -
ART writing: lyrics, poetry, books etc. – drawing: tagging/painting/ etc. – dancing (style?) – singing – playing instrument –
INVENTORY does they have a special object of which they are proud? – what contain the bag/ belt pouch they often carry around?
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FIGHT weapon: type, left/right/ambidextrous and medium/heavy/light - explosive - medical fields - night battle - Melee/mid-distance/distance/far distance - riding fight - artillery, etc.
WEAPON one/dual/two hands in one - shaft - cultural weapon - vibroblade/vibrosword/vibroaxe/ vibrostaff - flamethrower - grenade - missile/rocket - combat gloves - sniper rifle - hold-out pistol - blaster rifle - blaster pistol - gatling - energy canon - experimental weapon - laser bow/crossbow - shield, etc.
ARMOR light/medium/heavy/none - stealth and/or technologic suit - secret weapon inside suit (like Theron Shan bracelet/Mandalorian etc.) + outfit style: casual/formal/fancy/plain/comfortable/sportive/smuggler/sithy/jedi etc.
LIGHTSABER barrier - throw - Telekinetic lightsaber combat technique - sith alchemy(DS)/ force weapon ritual(LS) - jedi stance discipline (Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien/Djem So, Niman, Juyo/Vaapad) - new jedi order stance (Strong, Medium, Fast) - wielding style (dual, solo, pike, double-bladed, Lightwhip) - other fighting Forms and Style (Unorthodox and Hybrid Fighting Methods, Trispzest, Tràkata, Sokan, Dun Möch, Lus-ma, Su ma)
Light side: force listening (communicate with someone while not speaking their native tongue) – animal friendship - plant surge – Severe Force/Force light (jedi only user is directly attacking a Dark Side user's connection to the Force and negating their ability to communicate with it)-
‘Gray’: healing (revitalize other ppl, hibernation trance themselves, dark transfer, rez) - psychometry/retrocognition² (feeling memories of people who have touched an object) – telekinesis (force barrier, lightening: shock, lightening channeling; force push², force blast², &force burst, &force grip, &force wave, &force repulse, force destruction, force crush, deflection, whirlwind, &storm,  slow, shadowstrike, stealth², &pyrokinesis, &force travel(DS)  -  &levitation/flight – force sense (tracking, traumatic events, physical danger to a loved one, interconnectivity to the universe) – &force illusion (conjure projections, apparitions, or even Force projections of themselves, hiding their signature from the force)- precognition – body enhancement (running, charging, jump; berserk, agility, strength, unbreakable will, ) - &metamorphosis (shape into that of another person, creature, or entity, mask: reshape an individual's appearance, altering the subject at the molecular level ) –
Dark Side: &force walk (interacting with ghosts, bind them to the user ) - &life manipulation (dark side only, force drain: life sucking from another person; Midi-chlorian Manipulation; dimmish: damage to an opponent's health and vitality) –  control² (mechu-deru: mechanical structures could be bound to the will of the user and imbued with the force, creating technobeast // mind trick/control, emotions, mind probe, crushing darkness/horror/insanity, malacia: troubling opponent equilibrium, stun, stasis²,) -  &Battle Meditation (mass mind control) - &Corruption (force plague) - Dathomir magic (traditional Allyan Magic//Shadow magic: force healing, bubble shield, whirlwind, teleportation, enhance physical, Nightsisters talismans crafting, mommies rez, conjure solid items, communicate with the other realm, rituals, spirit-conjuring techniques linked with Nature, heartshadow: foresee the various possible futures, scrying: peeping, Mesmerism : mind domination) – old sith sorcery (diseases such as rakghoul, rituals) – old sith alchemy (permanently alter an item or living being, nefarious toxins, crafting artefacts, creative dark side creature, enhance the strength of weapons and armor, Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut : waking dead servitor) -
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INTEREST sleeping; romance; friends; one-night stand; imagination; creating; flora; fauna; photography/video; reading; food; conversation; fashion; entertainment; fighting; debating; ruling; credits; pranks; droid; spaceship; etc.
CHARM lively – confident – persuasive – charming – chatty – diplomatic – cheeky – cocky - popular – funny - friendly
NEGATIVE - cruel -  mean - etc.
MOOD active - calm – dynamic - cheerful – lazy -  // childish – mature // aggressive //  adventurous – creative – enthusiastic – intuitive – optimistic
PERSONAL sociable – loud – quiet – reserved - unconfident – self-deprecating – humble – proud - arrogant // authentic – honest – manipulative – ambiguous – helpful – unreliable // shy – extrovert //  neat -  // realistic -
RELATION possessive –insecure - understanding – arrogant // Loyal – respectful - insolent – polite  // affectionate – gentle  // selfish – easy-going – generous - // magnanimous -
R dominating – bossy – ambitious – power-anger -  submissive // careful - conscientious - focused – adaptable – determined – deliberate - impulsive – patient - stubborn - truthful – unpredictable -  hard-working - meticulous// frank – bold – tactless // argumentative – circumspect – //
L lucky – unlucky - clumsy //  fearless – prudent – cowardly  - brave - // spoiled - // silly – crazy - wise //
OUTBURST delusion – berserk - excited - obsessed - despair – angry - belligerent -  stress crisis
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- and // is to separate two ideas
italic is the main idea of something who is developping after the word
& in force abilities means that it's a very very strong technique
² in force abilities means it's a rare and moderate hard technique
DS: Dark Side force technique
LS: Light Side force technique
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All the dividershave been made by the fantastic @firefly-graphics
An old character sheet that I have made some times ago, in a roleplay chart character style for Star Wars
Swtor era: The Alliance personal headcanon & worldbuilding
An awesome name generator for SW, based or races!
SW character generator (Race, faction, homeworld, Ship, weapon)
SW Galaxy Map + ressource for this map
The Ultimate Star Wars reference link, very useful (I don't even know why I have lost my time searching for all my link reference when this guide is just so complete fjsdjdjdjsdk)
More SW resource link because we never had enough
My alt blog SW resource tag in case you search even more references
Medic writing resource: 1 2 3 4
Togruta: * and **
Sith pureblood culture: red sith face, red sith biology, red sith global links of worldbuilding of @fluffynexu
Sith tattoo *
A big SW worldbuilding links by @badsithnocookie (jedi & sith culture, language etc)
GAR: batalion organization;
Jedi resources by GFFA and more jedi
... I will probably add more later or made a special post...
⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Thanks you'all for reading this post, again if anyone wants to add or correct something please feel free to said anything. You can freely use this "sheet" as you please! :)
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sheliesshattered · 9 months
So it turns out I completely forgot to take any pictures of my last sewing project. Oops. In fairness, it's a gift for my mother, whose birthday is tomorrow, and I didn't want to post any pictures until after it had arrived at her house and been opened. But I still meant to take some pictures, if not of the process at least of the final product. It wasn't until I got home from mailing it that I realized I full on completely forgot to take any photos at all. Oh well. Maybe Mom can snap a picture or two for me since I flat out forgot. Pics of that if/when I actually have them, lol.
But I'm already into my next sewing project, and I've resolved not to make that same mistake again. Which, really, is nearly the same mistake as I made with my fleece dress last month, when I didn't take any pictures at all until all the major seams were sewn. After documenting so much of my sewing throughout 2023, I seem to have completely forgotten all about taking photos of my works-in-progress the last couple of months. I aim to get back on course with this project, though!
The project in question is a hooded wrap sort of thing, made from the black and gray brushed cotton herringbone that I got a bolt of on ebay a couple of weeks back. After washing the bolt, it looks to be about 43" wide and roughly eight and a half yards long. I want to make an overdress for my fleece dress out of it too, but I think this wrap project will only take up about a yard and a half, maybe two, so I should have plenty left for an overdress. And then I can wear the wrap and the overdress together, potentially.
But really the thing I'm sewing this for is my birthday, which is coming up in about seven weeks. I have somehow talked Jack into going to Disneyland and spending all day in the Star Wars Galaxy's Edge area so I can pilot the Millennium Falcon as many times as possible, and doing some original costuming "Batuu-bounding" while we're there, too. Because I am nothing if not a costume nerd, and my life-long love for Star Wars has recently been reignited, so what better way to spend my birthday than dressed up in one of the best examples of 360 degree set building that I've ever seen.
After combining a bunch of pieces from my closet and my costume boxes, I've come up with an outfit that I like the look of, for a general purpose Force-sensitive smuggler pilot: my every-day tall Doc Martens with wraps over them, leather-look leggings, the vest from my Moment cosplay, and various accessories from my pirate-core and Wasteland days. I may need a better shirt to go with it, but I'm hoping to hit up Goodwill at least once or twice between now and then and see what I can find. The final choice will depend on a bit on the weather that week, which in late February in southern California can be literally anything from the cusp of freezing to 80 degrees, sunny or rainy or windy or some combination of all of them. I won't really know until the weekend beforehand.
Besides a shirt, the last piece I really want to add is this hooded wrap, both for practicality -- warmth in the morning and the evening, and keeping the sun off my head at midday without messing up my hair too much -- and for just the drama of a big hood and drapey wrap. I based the hood pattern on the hooded Vuvalini jacket I made for Wasteland Weekend way back in 2016, but took it in a bit both in width and depth (since I'm not trying to catch the wind with this one, and won't be wearing a fluffy scarf with it).
Over the weekend I drafted a pattern and made a mock-up, but the mock-up is really kinda ugly, since I used left over fabric and made a part of it significantly smaller just to save on fabric, so it's one of those mock-ups where you have to squint and imagine what the final product will look like. Not going to bother taking pictures of that. But it did serve the purpose of clarifying some design elements and finalizing fit, so still worthwhile.
With the hood pattern drafted and tested, and measurements for the long wrap bits figured out, I went ahead and cut it out of the herringbone fabric. Here it is all cut out, three pieces for the hood and two pieces for the back:
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I'm doing french seams on this project, both to combat the fabric's tendency to fray, and to keep all the inner seams looking pretty when the hood is down, etc. Tonight I sewed up the first set of seams on the center back of the wrap, and all three hood pieces (as modeled by my sewing ham):
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Tomorrow I'll press those narrow seams flat, and then sew each of them again a bit further in to completely encase the raw edges (ie a classic french seam). Next step after that will be attaching the hood to the right angle formed by the wrap pieces coming together in the center back. I did this, with shorter and narrower pieces, in my mock-up, and it's a little bit fiddly but not too bad. I didn't french seam the mock-up though, so we'll see if that adds any headaches to this.
Once both stages of the neck seam are done and the hood is attached, the last step will be hemming! And it's a lot of hemming, lol. The shorter edges of the wrap (starting from the top of the center back, where it meets the hood) are each 48" long and 18" wide. I actually haven't measured the outer, longer edge, nor done the math to figure out what it must be given that the center back is cut on a 45 degree bias, but let's just say it's a lot of inches. And then there's the hood opening too, which was cut to have a generous drape. Many many inches of hemming, really probably better measured in yards.
I need to play around with a couple of options, see if I like the look of top stitching or if I want to do the whole thing by hand with invisible stitches, but right now my assumption is that I'll end up doing this by hand. I actually enjoy handsewing hems, so that's not the worst thing in the world, and I've got plenty of time to get this finished before I plan to wear it at the end of February. I do have at least one other sewing project I'd like to tackle for our Star Wars Batuu-bounding day, and I'd like to leave room for other things to come up at the last minute too, so I'm going to keep buzzing through this just as quickly as I can. More pictures tomorrow, in all likelihood.
After I call my mom of course, and wish her a happy birthday. And beg her for photos of that thing I made for her, lol.
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toast-tales · 2 years
In the World of Monsters, P14
Read on A03  |  Chapter masterlist can be found here
All vore referenced is safe(ish) and soft, but not all willing.
As a plan starts to form for the human rescue mission, Danny and Christopher have some...casual breakfast conversation.
Open Wounds
Danny found her mouth watering when Christopher started cooking later that morning, anxious to see what else the giant could make. The smell of food got her mind wandering.
I wonder what I taste like, she thought idly, then shuddered a bit at the memories of Christopher's tongue wrapping around her body.
My line of work requires a...refined sense of taste, after all. What did humans taste like? Danny found herself morbidly curious, though she'd sooner throw herself off the table than ask Christopher about it.
She found her eyes wandering towards something that looked out of place on the floor—there was a small hole in the baseboard, oddly reminiscent of a mousehole but big enough for a human, and something that looked like a hole-sized door ripped off its hinges and laying next to it.
She gulped nervously, slowly connecting the dots. Was that...where his human smuggler had been staying?
"Hey. What's...what's that on the floor, exactly?"
"Hm?" Christopher looked up from cooking, following Danny's gesturing towards the hole in his wall and its now-defunct door. "Oh, that. That was where our little visitor from last night was staying."
"So he was staying with you," Danny said. "Do...is that...normal? Humans living with giants like that?"
He chuckled. "Well, clearly not, dollface. Considering human possession is illegal, even for people like your pal Nathan."
Nathan could have gotten...arrested for me living in the same house as him? Danny hadn't thought about that before. It made her a little angry, now that she knew about it. What, I can't live with who I want? What a load of absolute, stupid bullsh—
"But it is normal for dealers to pay their human...um...employees, with food and a place to stay. Max had a bit of an extended contract with me, so I made that for him a while back."
"You made that?" Danny asked, incredulous. She wondered between cooking, sewing, and apparently carpentry, just how many random skills Christopher had developed from his line of work.
"Yes, but—" Christopher glanced at the hole in the wall with disdain before returning to the pan in front of him, "even if you were your normal size, you probably wouldn't want to stay in there. It's kind of...let's say minimal." He smirked. "But if you want to be roommates, I could look into getting you nicer accommodations."
Danny scowled. "Bite me." There was a pause as she heard her own words play back in her head, and she felt heat rush into her cheeks. She looked in horror as Christopher, not missing an opportunity to be an ass, raised his eyebrows suggestively at her before laughing loudly at the humiliated, miserable expression on her face. Thankfully, he didn't supply any smart remarks himself and kept his focus on preparing breakfast.
Danny realized she'd never heard him laugh before...like, actually laugh.
Christopher placed the food on the table in front of Danny—separated onto two plates this time, and Danny ravenously started tearing into the smaller portion of scrambled egg. I wonder if this came from a giant-sized chicken. Do they have chickens here?
"So," said Danny, breaking the silence after having cleared her plate, her stomach now pleasantly filled. "Any news on an antidote?"
Christopher shook his head as he stood up, taking the two empty plates to the sink to wash. "The sources I'd normally go through don't have anything in stock. I might end up having to...widen my scope a bit."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, there's two different markets for human-oriented things. Both relatively secret, mind you. One being, of course, in regards to the...ah...recreational trade of humans, and the other being for the human sympathizers. The giants who live with humans, even though it's technically illegal to do so. As you can imagine, there's no overlap between those groups. And I'm a bit notorious in both, so networking might be...difficult." Christopher grinned, though it seemed a bit half-hearted.
"Well..." Danny looked down at the table, turning this information over in her head. "Doesn't that mean Nathan might know someone? Since he's apparently a sympathizer or something?"
"Possibly." Christopher sat back down at the table, but his eyes were looking past Danny as he tapped his fingers absently. "Though Nate doesn't strike me as being very...connected."
Danny felt a twinge of anger at hearing Nathan's name used so familiarly by him. "Don't call him that," she growled quietly. She'd heard Christopher call Nathan that a few times before, but considering she had always been in his goddamn stomach at the time, she'd never been able to address him about it directly.
Christopher looked genuinely confused as he brought his focus back to Danny. "What?"
"Don't say 'Nate' like you're his friend or something. Not after what you did."
"I..." Christopher stopped mid-sentence, glancing sullenly down towards the table for a moment. He looked at Danny with an emotion that sat somewhere between irritation and dejection. "He's never said anything about it."
Of course he wouldn't. She was all too familiar with how Nathan felt in general—no confidence, no self-worth, not able to stand up for himself...and it was pretty clear that's what Christopher had been able to take advantage of up to now.
She squared her jaw and looked Christopher right in the eyes, summoning all the resolve she had left. "Because Nate's a much nicer person than me."
Christopher looked like he wanted to say something, but Danny wasn't done.
"And just because you used to know him doesn't mean shit anymore. Because you're no better than the kids who used to beat him up on the playground. Fuck that, you're worse."
Christopher winced at Danny's cutting insult, but his head tilted in mild surprise. "He...told you about that?"
Danny scoffed. "Yeah. And he told me all about you, too, though I have a hard time picturing that. Funny how that happened, isn't it? Standing up for him like that, and then becoming a monster yourself."
The words dripped out of her lips like acid, flowing freely, but she felt a twinge of regret as she saw the way they seemed to cut right through Christopher's normally impenetrable facade.
There was a painful silence that followed as Christopher's dark eyes hardened, growing cold, and his mouth set in a firm line. He glared at her, his eyebrows lowering. He seemed...almost angry. She'd never seen him like this.
Fuck, did I...did I go too far?
She focused on maintaining her posture, crossing her arms with her chin up, refusing to back down now. She got an uncomfortable memory of the second time she'd met Christopher, where she thought she'd get herself digested to spare Nathan the pain of having to rescue her again.
Would he eat her as punishment? Hurt her? Shut her up for good in his stomach? She'd been so sure he wouldn't dare do anything like that—for Nathan's sake—but maybe she had gotten a little too confident.
Danny quelled the shaking in her limbs. Do your worst, bastard.
But just as soon as the cold look had come upon Christopher, it left. His eyes softened as his shoulders slumped, defeated. He let out a long, tired sigh, laughing softly. "You've really got guts, you know that? It's like you're not scared of me at all anymore."
He folded his arms on the table and laid his head down on them—clearly giving up on any attempts at appearing threatening. "But you're right. I messed up." He swallowed thickly as he stared at the table, then moved his eyes to meet Danny's. "And...I don't think he's the only one I've hurt, either."
Frozen in shock, Danny couldn't move as she watched Christopher sit up slowly, then take her hands gently between his thumbs and index fingers. This conversation had taken an unexpected turn.
"I'm sorry, Danny. I'm sorry for everything." He looked down at the table, unable to meet her eyes as he spoke. "I didn't think about you at all, or how you must have felt. I've never...never thought about it before. Nathan was right," he paused, his voice now low and nearly at a whisper. His body rocked back and forth slightly, and he let go of Danny's hands and let his own fall back to the table limply. "He was right about everything."
I think...that's the first time he's used my actual name.
Danny's hands clenched and unclenched into fists as she blinked, too stunned to say anything. She watched Christopher's chest rise and fall rapidly in clear agitation. She couldn't come up with an angry reply, but she definitely couldn't bring herself to accept his apology. She really hadn't paid attention to her own feelings, she realized—she'd been so wrapped up in defending Nathan all this time that her own hurt had been cast to the side, locked up and out of sight where it wouldn't touch her.
But now, now that box of misery started to creak open and reveal its contents. Anger. Terror. Fear. The claustrophobia, the disgust, the spine-tingling sense of dread she'd felt in the pit of her stomach when Christopher had threatened her life.
But those feelings weren't alone—now there was this terrible sense of...pity. Appreciation. Relief. Her feelings toward Christopher were too complicated to unravel, and she found her mouth opening and closing as she tried to formulate something to say, each sentence seeming woefully inadequate.
"I...still need time to...figure things out myself," she said in a harsh whisper, forcing the words into place. "But. Thank you. For the apology." Not forgiveness. Just acknowledging it. She lifted her face to meet his eyes, which were moist with the beginning of what looked like tears. And there it was, that stupid feeling of pity again, and despite everything she found herself adding: "I meant it when I said I don't think I hate you. I think...I can see...you want to be better. Just...keep doing that."
"I don't think I can trust myself to make the right decisions anymore," he said hoarsely, his voice now almost too quiet for even Danny to hear. He placed a hand on his forehead, clutching at his long hair. "It feels like...everything I've ever known is wrong. And I don't know...what to do about it."
Danny paused, wondering if this was the time to impart some actual advice. "Sounds like you need someone to give you a good kick in the teeth every now and then," she quipped, but without the normal bite behind her words. "Keep you on track."
Christopher smiled genuinely, for the first time since they'd made this unfortunate detour in conversation. "Yeah." He met Danny's eyes, looking at her...almost kindly. "You've been helpful in that regard. Thank you."
Christopher had said I'm sorry and thank you in the same day, to her, without a hint of sarcasm or...ulterior motives. Danny expected to wake up from this clearly nonsensical dream any minute now.
The tension in the air broke as Christopher let out a long, drawn-out breath and leaned back in his chair. He seemed to visibly relax. "Sorry for all that, dollface. I've had a lot on my mind recently." He looked pensively at the ceiling. "I don't think I've been that honest with anyone before. It's really weird," he mused, "because you've seen a side of me I don't show to anyone. When I was at my lowest."
Danny flashed back to where she had witnessed the giant on the verge of breaking down after he threw her back up, before he had put her in that drawer for the night.
"At the time, I guess I...well, I didn't really think of you as a person." He glanced downwards, averting his gaze. "But now...well, here we are. And you know how...how weak I actually am, how pathetic I can be...it's just strange, I guess." He closed his eyes. "But it's therapeutic in a way. Talking to someone else about it."
Danny scoffed, sitting down on the table. She felt utterly exhausted now from all these goddamn emotions. "Yeah. That's what normal people do. Just not generally to someone they've eaten before."
He smirked mirthlessly. "I expect I haven't won your forgiveness, have I?"
"No," said Danny, unsure of what forgiving Christopher would even entail. "But I'll kick you in the teeth when you need it. That's what friends do, right?"
...what the FUCK did I just say?
The word made Christopher's eyes glint with surprise. "Friends? That's...unexpected." He gave her his signature, stupid smirk. "Are we friends, Danny?"
Hearing her name once again stopped her mind in its tracks. "No. But I'll think about it, asshole—" She bit her lip, realizing that in this moment, maybe she could extend a small olive branch back. "...Christopher."
Christopher smiled widely, closing his eyes again, clearly unperturbed by her answer. "That's good enough for me."
* * * * * * * * * * 
Part 15 ->
Thank you for reading! 
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fleeting-sanity · 10 months
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Birb Avion Family Portrait
I made two potat family portraits but none for them shame shame... Anyways this is my OG family, everyone is an OC except for Jaesa. Their ages are all 25 since obviously.... uhm, some of them are dead.
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Individual short bio under read more!
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Rionnic Avion / Aevrel Valius Panteer / Xarethe
Class : Sith Warrior Weapon : Dual Lightsabers
hahahhaha he's the only sith in the fam just a tired boi enabling his twin brother escaping responsibilities by taking on all of those leadership roles when all he wanted was a quiet life with his lil family divorced from the chaotic galaxy. loves to sing SECRETLY, be a clingy dad, compose poems and music, write research journals, and watches musical events. emo variant of emperor's wrath.
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Riornivo Avion
Class : Jedi Consular Weapon : Lightsaber
too kind and caring to a fault. stubborn like his twin in the flavor of not wanting to learn that sometimes helping people needed to be in moderation and can lead to its own repercussions. loves to knit, cook, garden, teach, and clean. boo-boo the fool variant of the barsen'thor.
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Vyria Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Lightsaber
third stubborn, twice brash sister. likes beating up enemies with fists and soles. then you'll get her actually using her lightsaber. often spats and spars with eldest brother. bubbly, loud, and opinionated. loves to exercise, window shopping, swim, and dance.
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Jaesa Willsaam
Class : I'd say she's a... Consular Weapon : Double-bladed Lightsaber
LS version. no master-apprentice dynamics between the two as they are equal. became more self-assured and decisive as she got older. loves to take walks, forage, sew outfits, and record daily footages.
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Vianiel Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Dual Lightsabers
a shy archeologist. she's more proficient in sabers than the force, spends most time on artifacts and crystals. very tragic mom, but the most resilient and compassionate. left the jedi order on her own accord after a tragedy. loves to cook, read literary works, sparring, and crafts crystal accessories. died during the dread war :(
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Jurbiend Pendraig
Class : Jedi Consular Weapon : Double-bladed Lightsaber
a no nonsense jedi master. quite arrogant and unorthodox. his expertise on trakata is controversial amongst his fellow jedi, but challenge him on why it's wrong and you'll earn a debate table. skilled fighter pilot, callsign is "vision" as he likes to take out enemies out of their line of sight. loves to theorycraft, deep research, explore force techniques, and crafts lightsabers. died after the dread war :(
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Enzaran Avion
Class : Smuggler Weapon : Blaster Pistols, Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, Scalpels, Ropes, Scattergun, Vibroknives, Poison Darts, Grenades
your typical fuckboi. quite rich from all the criminal activities he been doing, but hides his wealth somewhere. also hides his force-sensitivity somehow. one of the smugglers in hylo's brigade of ending the mandalorian blockade in hydian way. uses the force to cheat, crimes, charm, con, and cope. loves to gamble, frolick on grass fields, garden something weird, and traveling.
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Eniriva Avion
Class : Bounty Hunter Weapon : Blaster Pistols, Assault Rifles, Grenade Launcher, Electronet, Missile Launcher, Flamethrower
distant and quiet, unlike her dad. her keeping the distance from her family was partly due to her line of job. her cousins are actually accepting of her, and fortunately it wasn't too late for them to get closer to each other. loves sports, code programming, tinkering with gadgets, and practice shooting.
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Rian Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Lightsaber
aspiring geologist & archeologist. perhaps his fascination with rocks was inherited from late grandma. generally a chill dude, not interested in arguing why he's got a sith dad--'sif he can change that, but he knows that he cant just fill his life with what he's passionate about; there be responsibilities. loves spelunking, tomb exploring (read: NOT raiding), watching documentaries, hiking, and gardening.
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aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
The sewing machine as a lifeline
By Maya Freitas
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(Copyrights: photo by Patrick Fouque)
Sami Nouri is humble, determined, and successful. From Afghanistan to the Fashion Week, this 26-year-old refugee is now nicknamed "the little prince of fashion".
Abandoned at the age of 14 by a smuggler in the city of Tours, the young Sami Nouri has lived from home to home, from family to family but does not keep bad memories of his childhood. On the contrary, the latter will be forever grateful for the benevolent help he has always received.
A course with spectacular looks A spectacular course
Trained at the school of the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne (ECSCP), the young Franco-Afghan is quickly propelled to recognized couturiers. It was at the British stylist John Galiano that Sami Nouri began the creative stage; a universe that would allow him to be subsequently spotted by the unmissable Jean Paul Gaultier. The young designer often talks about Jean Paul Gaultier's confidence in him. The young designer often talks about the trust/confidence Jean Paul Gaultier had in him.
Learning the language and alphabet is essential to obtaining a diploma, Sami Nouri is aware. Sami Nouri is aware that learning the language and the alphabet is essential to obtain a diploma. When he arrived in France, he knew nothing except sewing, passed down from his father. But his dream of being able to go to school makes him a student, certainly struggling with history and general culture, but with the sole objective: to obtain his professional certificate diploma. "If I fail my exam, I will retake it as many times as I need to get it, as many times as it takes to pass. In Europe, diplomas count almost more than know-how. »
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(Copyrights: Melly/Photographer: unknown)
A brand, an illustration of its values and history
Sami Nouri will never forget how much fashion has been of great help in his many struggles. For this purpose, he has only one idea in mind: to make women masters of their dignity. What he wants above all is to enter in symbiosis with them and no longer make women an object enslaved to the desires of men, marketing, photographers ...
Thanks to his perfect mastery and his desire to work, Sami Nouri knew how to be surrounded by the right people such as political figures such as Jean-Pierre Raffarin, or Chadi Sleiman, a great figure of the Parisian bar. A much-needed entourage that allowed him the birth of Sami Nouri Paris in 2017, his own label. The signature of the little prince of fashion stands out thanks to a discreet fragment of barbed wire present in his creations, recalling his passion for freedom. This freedom he found in France, his country of integration to which he wants to pay tribute by creating only made in France products. Sami Nouri Paris respects a condition that its creator will never transgress: a luxury of quality, a quality luxury, accessible to a wide audience because he knows how little rare money can be.
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(Copyrights: Own Work /Autor: Sami Nouri)
A momentum that is not about to stop
« Patience is a tree whose root is bitter and whose fruits are very sweet. ». Sami Nouri has long been inspired by this Persian proverb since he was born on March 31, 1996, in Afghanistan. Among the many dangers he went through as a child, the young prodigy aims to take his vision and creations beyond borders. As the latter puts it, (which is the perfect illustration): "it is not because we do not have money that we can not succeed in life! ".
The thirst for work that the young creator shelters allows him to be a jack of all trades The young creator's thirst for work allows him to be a jack of all trades. The examples are numerous: his book published by Robert Laffont entitled La machine à coudre retracing his history, the planned release in 2023 or 2024 of the film of his life whose script is co-written (Franco-American production) or his contribution during the exhibition on François Boucher (painter of Louis XV and favorite of Madame de Pompadour) at the Museum of Fine Arts in Tours, scheduled for early November.
Sami Nouri knows that he will not succeed in changing a country such as Afghanistan, but he intends to put women at the heart of his messages and to restore her greatness and freedom.
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