#the soundtrack this season fucking ATE
hillerskaroyals · 2 years
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smth poetic about the lyrics being ‘never let me go’ when simon walks back into the party after wille says hes letting him go
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mittenhater · 13 days
i think shakespeare wrote a play just like this
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zohanimenthusiast · 7 days
Okay so I just got back from watching the dumpster battle and OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY (this review includes spoilers) and I will begin with the negatives first:
Okay now the postives:
THE ANIMATION?! THE ARTSTYLE?! IT WAS SO PERFECT OMGGGG LIKE their movements were so fluid and THE VOICE ACTING?! They ATE with all the screams, they had me screaming too and the last rally in Kenma's pov was cinematography at its PEAK and the soundtrack made me BAWL MY EYES OUT and I also loved how they added some stuff like Hinata's text to Kenma and that cute flashback of Kuroo giving Kenma his hand, I also loved the Hinata's jump scene IT WAS SO FUCKING ICONIC OMGGGG and don't even get me started on how AMAZING Kuroo Tetsurou is as a captain and the bond between the characters was shown really well 🥹
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maimedaffair · 12 days
— get to know theo !
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what's your phone wallpaper: my lockscreen issss a really unnerving close up of my dog's old man gray face. then my normal background is steeb rogers holding flowers over his face all shy like !!
last song you listened to: tis the season from the smidgerton soundtrack
currently reading: re-reading a c o t a r !! i'm actually gonna read that one rhys pov fanfiction next.
last movie: i watched the idea of you again today. sue me.
what are you wearing right now?: an ankle length black nightgown bc clothes are hard after surgery
how tall are you?: 5'2" !
piercings / tattoos?: i don't have any piercings bc they always close up but !! i have like 25-26 tattoos !
glasses / contacts: i wore glasses for 27 years but i got lasik last year !!
last thing you ate?: like physical food ? some chili. but i'm drinking a protein shake rn.
favorite color: black is my go-to color , but i love a good maroon
current obsession: mmmmmmmmmmmm i think smacotar still holds this one. or steeb. i fall into a helluva rot every couple of days ansdfk.
do you have a crush right now?: always. i am demisexual so it's always pretty innocent and chill but !! i've had a crush on one of my rp friends for like ... five years. ✨ if you flirt with me even once i guarantee i have a crush on you.
favorite fictional character: steve rogers , lucien vanserra , ella of frell , luc , emma swan , olivia crane , s1 klaus hargreeves , love quinn , emily the corpse bride , nani pelekai , greg serrano , jennifer check , peeta mellark , finnick odair , charlie kelmeckis , aaaaaaand flynn rider. u know what fuck it , bella swan. i love that bitch.
last place you travelled: like ... locally ? the hospital lmao. out of state , i went to florida recentish. i haven't left the country since high school.
tagged by: i just saw shelley do it <3 tagging: @jizzlords , @blitzs , @spidersins , @lornrequiem , @jbbarnes
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soulmatess · 3 months
Moment of appreciation for the soundtrack in all the seasons because tell me why am i shaking my ass at the most devastating scenes??
The end credits for s3e1 changed my brain chemistry fr because I somehow became a professional dancer LIKE YES GIRL FLOSS ON UR ENEMIES ‼️💃‼️💃
And oml kitchen is such a pretty song?? Eventhough I have no clue when it was played icl.
wasn't a fan of the most beautiful boy at all though
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alexis-royce · 4 months
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Youuuuuu got it @windienine ! Updating an old post since the formatting broke on it:
Like any good OC gremlin, I have playlists for all my favs. The one I’ll put before the cut, though, is Kinesis’ theme song, written by Andrew Huang. He legit wrote it for Evil Plan. It’s both about my OC and it has a slick guitar theme that is just….EVERYTHING. It is the best character theme I have and I adore it.
Here’s a pile (though not even close to all) of character songs under the cut:
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Evil Plan
Kinesis: Upside down - Barenaked Ladies, Defeat You- Smash Mouth, half the Dr. Horrible Soundtrack because of course, Evil Genius - Pat Benatar, Bank Job- BNL. A reader also once sent me “Sexy Supervillain” by Fanatical, and I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.
Alice: Science Vs Romance, Rilo Kiley , Do It - Spice Girls.
William: Vanishing, BNL.
Lemon and Lime - Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
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Anna & Susan - Odds Are - BNL
(Cannot for the life of me find the rest of those playlists. I’m sure there were a ton. Anyway I know a fuckton of weird old musicals, it’s mostly them.)
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morphE - Mage: The Awakening Campaign
Campaign Theme: Dark Blue - Jack’s Mannequin
Ammi: Esperandote - Rika Muranaka & Vanesa Quiroz
Sanguine (The First One) - Mister Blue Sky in G Major
Amical: Golden and Green - The Builders and the Butchers, Hurricane - Panic!, Killer Queen - Queen
Billy Thatcher: Every fucking song from Chess, The Musical, by Tim Rice and the boys from Abba
Hendrik Rakove: Hurt So Good - John Mellencamp, Lovefool - Spencer Day’s Cover, Love Me Dead - Ludo, Grace Kelly - BYU A cappella cover, Talk about You - MIKA, It’s All Been Done - BNL, Boomerang - BNL, The Show Must Not Go On - Harvey Danger, Circus- Drew Gasparini and Lindsay Mandez.
Andrew Cross: Camisado- Panic!
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Closing Shop - (The weird experimental meta campaign that literally ate itself)
Steam Rising - Murder By Death, Devil’s Calling - Florence and the Machine, Talkin at the Texaco - James McMurtry, Keepin’ It Real - Barenak BLOW BY KESHA BLOW BY KESHA GET MY SONG RIGHT GET IT RIGHT, Sometimes the Line Walks You - Murder By Death
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Exit Signs- Slashers/mixed nWoD Campaign
Season One theme: What if I’m Wrong - Damien Rice
Season Two Theme: I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Cyril: Disaster - Drew Weston, A Little Irony - Tom Milsom.
Dea ‘Exit’ DeLus: When I Grow Up - Tim Minchin, Break Your Heart - BNL, If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray, Crystalline - Bjork, Still - Ben Folds, Come Into My Head - Kimbra, Dinner at Eight - Rufus Wainwright, What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club, Big Dark Love - Murder By Death, Bitter and Sick - One Two,
DRT: Bitter Rivals - Sleigh Bells, Passcode - BNL.
Swing: Boogie Feet - Kesha.
Deirdre Whitman: Welcome to the Ball - Rufus Wainwright.
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NonPlatonic Forms
I’m Gonna Win- Rob Cantor Boomerang - Lucy Schwartz, Hate that you know me so well- Bleachers, Jericho - Rufus Wainwright, Guster - Center of Attention, Toe to Toe - BNL, Give It Back to You - BNL, Limits -BNL (I apologize for nothing I love Silverball), Blood - ANIMA!, and of COURSE- Dead Inside by Patricia Taxxon!
- Other characters -
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Channery Keene
Artificial Heart - JoCo, Erase Me - Ben Folds Five, Desperate Measures - Marianas Trench, Haunted - Maya Kern, Cake - Melanie Martinez, Bulletproof- La Roux, Cassandra - Area 11, Stolen - Greentree, Guster - Simple Machine, Make Me Feel - Janelle Monae, Could I Leave You - (specifically Donna Murphy at the Sondheim’s 80th concert).
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Chrome and Prism
Kiss with a Fist - Florence and the Machine, Langhorns - Spybeat, Dancing’s Not a Crime - Panic!, Thanks I Hate It - Simple Creatures, Sweet Talk - Saint Motel, This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller, Nothing Without You- Vienna Teng
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Harold Ludicael
Consequence Free - Great Big Sea, Sea of No Cares- Great Big Sea, Don’t Threaten me with a Good Time - Panic!, Dust and Ashes from Great Comet, I Need to Know from Jekyll and Hyde; Boy Decide - Murder by Death, Spring Break 1899 - Murder By Death, My Type - Saint Motel.
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system-of-a-feather · 7 months
Dude yesterday was mean and I'm gonna vent for my maybe IFS maybe fused-blurred unidentified little that is genuinely okay now but pouty that yesterday was mean >:[
Cause not only did youtube randomly terminate my music account that I was actually paying for rather than pirating for the past like 6-8 months cause we moved from spotify cause spotify sucked and didnt have our music >:[ Like we really did nothign with that account except music specifically to keep the algorithm suggesting and finding music we liked and not being confused by anything else so we literally didnt do anything >:[
And like we're autistic so on that level alone music is important and necessary for self regulation when we get sensory overload (which can be pretty frequent) but we ALSO had a lot of "little T" trauma around Apple deleting our music without warning and without us knowing when we went to school in middle/high school which - at the time also served as a trauma grounding / dissociation-giving / safe space and we'd have full meltdowns and panic attacks over our music randomly disappearing so it WASNT FUN to have this happen when we've been being good because it brought up unhappy feelings >:[ And I know things happen and it doesn't always have a reason but it still sucks cause we absolutely did nothing wrong >:[
But ALSO our parents were planning on having early Turkey Day (fuck thanksgiving; we use this day to honor the sacrifice and service that poultry will do to supporting mankind as growing food demand increases) and it was all good and everything, we were planning our meals to align to make us pleasantly hungry at the time that we were supposed to eat but our mom's oven for NO reason just stopped working on the exact day she would actually use it and so there was an hour or so of trying to figure out what to do but by the time we were anywhere close to them figuring out a plan it was almost the time we planned to eat and so we were hungry and without food and already lately having OCD flare ups so we were being easily set off my body contamination stuff that walks the line of ED territory and had already been snacking and >:[
We couldn't eat more otherwise we'd be haunted by OCD intrusive thoughts about body contamination at dinner, but we were also starving and we have food-insecurity trauma so waiting while hungry would make us dysregulated too and it just SUCKED but we called the shot like an adult and asked if we could postpone it a day so we could eat and not be grumpy and have the day stink and we did so we ate and its all good and fine but >:[
Yesterday sucked >:[ We managed and we didn't have a breakdown but it REALLY wasn't a nice day and we had to use all of our brain's coping skills to keep it an okay day >:[
But you know, youtube gave us our account back quickly and I'm still mad at them so I'm pouty-child-like refusing to reinstate my subscription until I Get Over it, but its back and thats good and Loki Season 2's second half soundtrack was released which is GOOD GOOD GOOD so >:[
Im angy but >:[ Im genuinely alright Im just angy >:[
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Kinda fascinated by that trend in the 80′s and 90′s of taking movies and turning them into kids cartoons, whether the original movie was actually child-friendly or not.  So you wound up with stuff like:
The Real Ghostbusters
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I feel like this must have been the success that started the trend, because this show ran for several seasons.  I watched this cartoon before I ever saw the 2 movies.  It makes sense, I think.  A comedic series about ghost hunters using laser packs fits neatly into a weekly cartoon series.  The first movie is mostly okay for kids, despite some scary imagery and that one dream sequence of Ray getting a ghost blowjob.  The second movie is even more child-friendly, despite Vigo the Carpathian being fucking terrifying.  I was a big fan of all Ghostbuster-related stuff as a child.
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This was another franchise where I saw the cartoon before the movie.  When I finally got around to the movie, I surprised that lovable scamp Beetlejuice was actually the villain.  But hey, even in the movie he’s just kind of a funny guy.  We’ll just pretend that him trying to force-marry Lydia didn’t happen.  In the cartoon, they are platonic buddies who hang out together in the Netherworld, Beetlejuice usually pulling some kind of sleazy scheme.  I can understand making him the star, he’s the most interesting part of the movie, and he makes a more fun companion for Lydia than the dead couple in the movie.  (Although I liked them, they were nice.)  I watched this one, too, not as devotedly as Ghostbusters. 
Police Academy
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The movies were just dumb, slapstick comedy, so okay, I kinda get it.  I remember seeing most of the movies as a kid, although my Dad thought the first and second were “too adult” for us kids.  (I’m guessing they must have gone down a rating and gotten more family friendly starting from 3 onward.)  Whatever critics might say, the movies made money, and they already had a wacky, cartoon ensemble cast assembled.  But I just think of the Simpsons here: “Why do you think I took you to see all those Police Academy movies?  Because they were funny?!  Well, I didn’t hear anybody laughing, did you?!”  I admit, I did watch this as a kid, though.   
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
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On the one hand, the idea of fighting mutant tomatoes, and the “Tomato Task Force,” including a scuba diver, a cowboy, a gymnast and a guy dressed like a WWII pilot, plus a teenage boy and a girl who is secretly a mutated tomato all sound like a recipe for a successful cartoon.  On the other hand, the movies themselves, both Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Return of the Killer Tomatoes (where most of the characters come from) were not exactly box office hits, more cult films.  I will say, I thought Return of the Killer Tomatoes is actually pretty funny.  It doesn’t just break the fourth wall, it kicks down the fourth wall and stomps on it.  At one point, they run out of money to complete the film and have to get brand sponsorship, so you see all the generic food items suddenly become Snickers and cans of Coke that the actors conspicuously hold up to the camera.  The cartoon wasn’t that clever, from what I remember. 
Little Shop of Horrors
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I mean.....the plant eats people.  I know it was a hit musical and there was a movie with Rick Moranis that had a much happier ending than the Broadway version, but.....the plant eats people, and Seymour is a murderer.  I guess they were trying for another Beetlejuice by making the colorful movie villain into a mostly harmless protagonist.  I don’t think he ate people in the cartoon.  I didn’t really watch this one.  The musical is a banger, though, you should all listen to the soundtrack.
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Hey, you know that ultra-violent and bloody action movie about corporate greed and corruption and crime and the militarization of the police force?  Let’s turn that into a kid’s cartoon.  It’ll be perfect.  I will say, though, kids did watch the original movie.  I remember watching the first part of it at a friend’s birthday party, when I was way too young to see that scene in the executive boardroom where that one guy gets shot dozens of times by a malfunctioning robot.  That’ll live in my memory forever.
Toxic Crusaders
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Okay, I really want to know who greenlit this one.  Because the movie this was based on, the Toxic Avenger, was NOT remotely child-friendly, and more of a cult movie than a box office hit.  At least Robocop was popular, and older kids might conceivably enjoy it.  The Toxic Avenger was a campy B-movie satire with gruesome violence, as the hero, Toxie, murdered people in horrible ways.  It made even less money at the box office than Return of the Killer Tomatoes.  I can only guess that some executive thought a cleaned-up version of the movie would attract kids who liked Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with it’s weird mutated group of heroes.  Kind of like how, after the success of X-Men: TAS, every conceivable super-hero team was getting a cartoon, so we got short-lived stuff like UltraForce and Wild C.A.T.S.  At any rate, in the cartoon, Toxie and his mutated friends fought for environmentalism and cleaned up pollution, and for some reason their enemies were aliens instead of corporate polluters.  I think I watched like one episode of this.  If nothing else, I admire the dedication to taking a Troma movie and making it wholesome and kid-friendly.
And there were so many more.  Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Bill and Ted, Rambo, if it was remotely popular as a movie, and they thought they could market it to kids, it got a cartoon.  As far as I know, they’re not doing that as much any more.  Maybe because all the action movies these days are Marvel and DC, which already are comic-book adaptations and have had multiple cartoons.  Otherwise, I can only assume that the same people who adapted The Toxic Avenger would be giving us The Conjuring, Midsommer and Wolf of Wall Street cartoon series.  You know, for the kids.  Or maybe a Hereditary cartoon featuring the adventures of Charlie and her best friend Paimon, a mischievous demon, as they have magical adventures with her older brother Peter and learn important lessons.
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Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Tagged By: @chronic-ghost my beloved, you are AMAZING!
Name: Eloah :3
Star Sign: Aries (no, I'm not the rl incarnation of 'anger' from Inside Out lol)
Height: last time I checked I was 5'6", so yeah, Father Paul would easily pin me to a wall.
Time: 22:01 pm
Birthday: March 24th
Favorite Bands/Favorite Solo Artists: Humm what a hard task, it changes sometimes, but I'll keep my all-time favourites; David Bowie, Bauhaus, The Smiths, Joy Divison, She Wants Revenge, Queen, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Edith Piáf, Al Bowly, Vera Lynn, Chico Buarque, Elis Regina, Cauby Peixoto, IAMX, Florence + The Machine, Aurora, Queens of the Stone Age, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, The Weekend, The Lumineers, Cage The Elephant and Coldplay. (yeah, my music taste it's quite unusual, but like the olds would say; Call wine, wine.)
Last Movie: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness — Sam Raimi gave me a full meal of fun, horror, drama and dark humour.
Last Show: AHS: Hotel — revisiting one of my favourites gothic atmosphere and Lady Gaga was *chef's kiss* as the Countess. The soundtrack for that season is also fucking incredible.
When did I create this blog: Ahn, I'm sure of the year, but not of the exact date. It was around January 2017.
What I post: Mostly, moodboards and aesthetics, dark academia and gothic academia; LOTS of fandom stuff and since May of the last year I'm posting fanfiction for a couple of people. Writing keep me sane… well, mostly sane, lol.
Last thing I googled: the word "hermenêutica".
It's a feminine noun (in portuguese we have genre to words). It means science, technique whose object is the interpretation of religious or philosophical texts, especially the Holy Scriptures.
Lmao, this was a bit didactic, sorry.
Other Blogs: None, just this lil one =D
Do I Get Asks?: I DO!! Please, I get so excited when I receive one, it's like Christmas morning!
Why I chose my url: it used to be a quote from the 1976 film 'The Man Who Fell to Earth' — everything begins in eternity —, one of my favourites for a very long time. But I started to think the url was too long, so I decided to change to 'ebiemidnightlibrarian' — ebie because it's the first letter of each word from the quotation above;(and also my nickname here bc my real name sounds odd in english, lol); midnight bc Midnight Mass fucking changed my life as a huge cathartic experience, and librarian bc it's my profession lmao.
Following: 459
Followers: 220 
Average hours of sleep: 3-7 hours, usually, but on my day off maybe 12 straight hours. None of them are healthy, but I'm working to fix this.
Instruments: Ohh, if I had the money to pay for the classes, I would TOTALLY play the piano. (However, I love cello too.)
What am I wearing: a terribly old nightdress that used to be pink, sandals, my granny's old jumper and a pair of workout pants from high school, it's really cosy.
Dream job(s): own a small bookshop with a small café and whole lots of first editions, where my manager it's a cute English grandpa (very specific, but I always wondered how it would be to live in England); a research colleague of a really hot literature professor (stealing this one from taylor, bc with some luck this one will become true within the next five years, lol); a guide from an old history museum.
Favourite Food: TEA, LOTS AND LOTS OF TEA! If I can make tea of it, it's great to me. Summer rolls humm I LOOOVE summer rolls; lasagna from almost any type, and specifically my grandmother's wedding cake (she was a full hand baker, once you ate her cakes every other becomes instantly shit.)
Nationality: Brazilian (things are pretty shitty around here, but, hey, it's election year, there's still hope!)
Favorite Song(s): Holy moly, okay, these are all-time favourites from whom I never get sick of:
slow burn — david bowie
tempo perdido — legião urbana (en.: lost time - urban legion, i highly recommend)
blueberry hill — louis armstrong
marian — sisters of mercy
cool cat — queen
stardust — iamx
villains of the circumstance — queens of the stone age
Currently playing on repeat:
janitor of lunacy (demo) — nico
mary on a cross — ghost
heaven is here — florence + the machine
blood in the wine — aurora
young american — the vaccines
animal impulses — iamx
big bad wolf — in this moment
Last book I read: I have just finished reading A Roda de Deus (The Wheel of God) and O Criador da Morte (The Creator of Death). They're the two parts of O Evangelho do Exorcista (The Gospel of the Exorcist), both written by Leonel Caldela.
Those books are an expansion of a Call of Cthulhu RPG tabletop, inspired by various historical events that took place in Europe over the millennials. The first part follows a novice and a priest in 1989 divided Germany who are hunting the minions of the Messenger God of Cthulhu, Nyerlathotep. The second part follows the only surviving character from the original role-play table, he's living the WWII and ALSO another war, one for our souls! Following him gave me a lot of nostalgia, and have great easter eggs for anyone who followed the main campaign. The two parts range from Charlemagne's empire to a dystopian future full of horrors. A terrifying adventure filled with mysteries, exorcisms and extremely immersive historical fiction. (I better stop now or this is going to get GIANT.)
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: Uhh, I never really thought about that. I would probably try my luck into the Lord of the Rings universe, Crimson Peak's or in Maleficent's, I have a weakness for dark fantasy/gothic worlds lol. Although I ADORE the aesthetic of Wes Anderson's 'The French Dispatch' and 'The Grand Budapest Hotel'. Ugh hard choices.
tagging: @i-was-ok-then-i-saw-hamish @mutt-thingy @rothko-mirror @sallyragdoll @everythingbutresolved @jakegwyllinghall @pegplunkett @littleredwritingcat @hamishlinklaters @plainlo-inthemorning @turbulent-protagonist @fatherpaulsimp @choosekindly @johntylersgirl @girlwiththenegantattoo @raraenocteses @sleepswithvillains @aherdofbees @p-e-r-s-e-p-h-o-n-e @babelincolns @upstartgeek @supplanther @to-taste-your-beating-heart @the-redheaded-league @agirlinherhead @meownsignor @ashton-slashton @apbajs @mysoftboybensolo @mybisexualheartbeatsforzemo @norabrice1701 @jyngerpeach @johnspruitt @lovepollution
(definitely not 30 ppl here, but think if you saw this consider yourself tagged :)
(fun fact, I almost accidentally tagged neil gaiman on this, lol)
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kinetic-elaboration · 7 months
November 14: AHS 5x11 Battle Royale
Penultimate episode today. This one was a real rollercoaster for me, honestly. For a while, I was just going along with it, felt very neutral… then I started thinking about how actually it was pretty good, focused a lot on characters I did like and not much on those I didn’t, and then just when it was getting really, really good, it dropped off sharply and left me ultimately with such a bad taste.
Iris and Liz are my favorite duo so I really enjoyed a lot of the early parts of the episode, which focused on them. I’m not the biggest fan of the Bad Mom Iris story line, but I did like the quiet grandeur of Iris standing on the roof of the building, looking out at the sky line. It felt like she was being reborn there in a way. Liz looked great as always, and the two of them together provided both comic relief and a certain wholesomeness that I enjoyed very much. I also like Ramona because you can just see Angela Bassett having a good time scene chewing every time she’s on screen, which I mean as a total compliment, and again, there was just something so satisfying about the three women together, as ‘sisters,’ gearing up for an alleged climactic scene.
I don’t really care about the Vampire/Murderer/Doctor/Detective family but I like Scarlett, a small voice of reason in a house of batshit insane creatures. I want to read her tell-all book.
I have extremely mixed feelings about the Coven crossover, by which I mean pretty negative feelings. I hate the AHS Extended universe. Why can’t each season be just a stand alone mini-narrative? What is wrong with that? It feels too…. MCU, too clever, too forced. Oh I saw the witches on CNN! Also, while Queenie is a delight, I hate that she makes it to a triumphant end in Coven just to be killed by some dumbass ghost in L.A. What an ignominious end. And then it’s all changed up again in S8, like nothing has any meaning, ever.
The best part was the scene between the Countess and Ramona. This is where I thought, Oh! Maybe this episode really IS great. The style. The clothes. The glamour. The emotion. The intensely exchanged words that may or may not have any meaning. The soundtrack. The Drama, darling. The fun they seemed to be having with it. I was sold. I was in. It was hot, it was intense, it was entertaining, case closed.
I was ready for the Countess to have her happy ending, honestly. She’d seduced me too, in that scene. As I’ve said before, I know this type: you are the center when they’re speaking to you, you don’t care about their selfishness or cruelty, you are in it with them, you are under the spell. She literally ate her own children in this episode and I just felt bad for her. That’s charisma.
Then to have her shot and beheaded by some dumbass MAN. Most of the episode had been quite entertaining and it had a lot of elements I liked but when that happened I was ready to throw the laptop across the room and just QUIT. WHY???? I. Do. Not. Care. About. Detective. John. Or March!!!! I do not care!!!!!!! Why am I subjected to these mediocre, boring men? Why do they get to WIN? Why does every character try to take out the Countess at least twice and this fucking wet noodle does it no problem? Is it just for the shock value? Is it supposed to be some statement?
Cause, I will say… the Countess being ready to leave and then being forced to spend eternity with the universe’s most insufferable dinner companion just SCREAMS knotty pine to me. Why does the HBIC always have to be punished? Why can’t a bad bitch be a bad bitch?
I don’t really have anything to say about the Sally backstory in the beginning. She’s needy, she has a fear of abandonment, she’s a drug addict. Same stuff that’s been true since the first episode. Except now we’ve seen her fucking Detective Rollins’s sister.
I’m not really as mad as I seem I’m just having fun being dramatic. I have no particular recollection of how this ends so I’m looking forward to seeing it all wrap up in the last episode.
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Hello, so after we finished 2x18, it started to pour like crazy and we ended up losing power in our neighborhood for well over a day. Which means this man ended the day at like 5 pm with Justin cheating and he was miserable. I forgot how horrible it is to experience this storyline for the first time. Anyway i am now here with 2x19(1/2) and the meltdown of it all: ‘awww Ted calls him Bri just like me! Look how cute he is, god damn it Justin!’ The groan he just let out at the sight of Ethan and Justin. He immediately paused it and went to get himself candy and he is so angry that he can’t drink alcohol. ‘I’m actually about to puke out the burger I just ate. This is actually making me nauseous and also making me pissed at Justin’ *mocks Ethan in a childish voice* his instrument? He’s his instrument? Id say he can shove it up his ass but he already did. CHEATER! I am begging you to fast forward it (oh how I wish i could) this is hideous! HIDEOUS! Justin, do you not feel gross with yourself?’ *mocks Ethan again* big plans tonight? YEAH BRIAN! BIGGER! BETTER! Bitch!’ He now paused the tv cause he got frustrated, it paused on Ethan and he yelled out FUCK NO and started the ep again until he could pause it on something that wasn’t Ethan. ‘That’s nice? Being a starving artist is nice? If someone said that to me I’d throw a punch! I DESERVE TO EAT EVERY NIGHT! Oh look at him, he it just itching to ask about Brian..HA HA YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SIDE DICK and not even a good one at that! *mocks him again* oh if he stayed sometime you could wake up together? I hate both of you. I hope every coffee you drink burns your tongue! You know, Brian can be A LOT but even he doesn’t deserve to be cheated on’ He got so relieved when Ethan went off screen only for Carl to pop up. He is already done with this ep. ‘……oh but they aren’t homophobic?..Debbie. fuck you. THEYRE GONNA BOWL TOGETHER? TIME FOR BRIAN TO SHINE!!!’ ‘This sounds really weird but I like it when Brian is working. Oh look what the cat dragged in. A CHEATER! Oh you were studying? Let me guess, classical music? Oh, you’re gonna shower are you? I wonder why?! oh Brian is a little suspicious. I need him to get caught. I hate this because I love Blondie so much but this? This isn’t it. So right now, he is on my shit list! THEY GOT FUCKING BOWIE ON THE SOUNDTRACK! I mean i know he was on in s1 BUT FUCK SHIT FUCK! BOWIE!!!!! I love Bowie!…*pauses tv* do you have any clue what this song is about? LOOK IT UP! *starts ep again* ….is he gonna tell him? What WAS JUSTIN GONNA SAY?! Oh you coward!’ ‘Okay, my dear lesbians. I am an *makes a weak fist* ally but I’m gonna need yall to fuck off because i have other stuff to worry about’ ‘oh look it’s Mikey and Cheat- WHY IS THERE VIOLIN MUSIC?! HE WAS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN FOR TWO SEASONS AND NOW HE’S ON EVERY FUCKING CORNER?!?! MAKE IT MAKE SENSE MY MAN. JUSTIN! NO! ENOUGH..oh fuck you’ He is so pissed off at Ethan right now that he is fake criticizing his violin playing as if he knows what he’s talking about ‘CHEATER! Yes. RAGE! Which is about his BOYFRIEND! DUDE HE HAS A BOYFRIEND BACK THE FUCK OFF! Why would you want to go watch a oui oui movie? Justin, you literally don’t like half of what this dude is talking about or offering so why are you acting so fucking smitten? MIKEY, GET HIS ASS! Oh boohoo the french movie is a parallel to Justin and Brian and this fucker, isn’t it? WHY ARE THEY KISSING! NO KISSING RULE FOR FUCKS SAKE JUSTIN YOU FUCKING SHITHEAD! No offense, my man..actually scratch that, full offense but you two suck at kissing each other. WHERE IS MICHAEL THE ONE TIME I WANT HIM- THERE HE IS MICHAEL!! GO TO BRIAN TELL BRIAN! PLEASE DO IT PLEASEEEEEE!’ He is so stressed out, he had to take his sweater off because he was getting so heated. I swear this is the only thing that makes it worth watching Ethan.. ‘TED AND BRI! I like these two, i feel so bad for Brian. Poor guy. Ted, my man, when you do porn, you become desensitized to it. It’s true I watched a video about it. Oh look at that, two besties talking about sex fantasies’
YOU LOST POWER AFTER 218??? Oh my god. I'm surprised your brother survived. I would have diedddddd.
Groaning at the sight of Ethan. YEP
Loving Bowie on the soundtrack. YEP
Screaming at Justin. YEP
Your brother is breaking down but for all the right reasons.
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wuggen · 3 years
Tag Game??? These still happen???
Rules: Tag (nine) people you want to know better. Tagged by @max1461. ❤️!
Favorite colors: Gimme that purple. Dark purple. Or dark blue, I'm colorblind so chances are good I won't be able to tell the difference, but it's super good either way. Also Halloween colors, black and orange and stuff, but like purple owns my heart.
Currently reading: lmao I don't do that anymore. I mean I should, I would like to, but I just kinda... don't. I started rereading The Lord of the Rings a couple months ago, but that's kinda petered out. (I don't know what to read or how to convince myself to make time for it, this is a cry for help.)
Last song: Damn good question! I have a giant playlist that I periodically put on shuffle in the background, last song I listened to was probably from that. Couldn't tell you what it was, but the playlist is mostly selections from game soundtracks (specifically Black Mesa, Fallout 1, Minecraft, Starcraft 2, FATE, Diablo 1 and 2, Starbound, Undertale, Factorio, Journey, Celeste) and a couple isolated tracks from movies and/or albums (How To Train Your Dragon, Breathe by Laura Platt) so like... it was one of those.
Last series: Eh, I don't usually go in for TV, not really my thing. I think the last show I watched was most but not all of the first season of The Good Place? Like, a couple years ago now. WAIT SHIT partner and I rewatched Gravity Falls over the summer, that counts!
Last movie: I actually go in for movies even less than I do for TV, so I actually do not know at all! If I were to take a guess, maybe The Princess Bride last time my friend circle decided to hang out and rewatch it? Or rather to let it play while we talked and ate pizza.
Sweet, savoury, or spicy: Saaaaaaaavory. Maybe a little bit of sweet in there as a treat. Absolutely no spicy though, I have precisely zero heat tolerance. Unless it's wasabi, I fuckin love wasabi. But if there's a single molecule of hot sauce on my food it will annihilate me.
Fuck I should go get sushi soon.
Currently working on: Teaching myself stenography and also Gregg shorthand. Thinking about getting into digital electronics for to build myself a nice little ergonomic steno keyboard. Also making a little program for myself to drill typing speed. Also working on a library for composing music in Haskell (it's essentially a copy of the library Euterpea but whatever I like doing things from scratch). Also drawing things, sometimes. Also working on voice feminization. And I am working on none of these things at anywhere approaching a steady pace.
Oh I guess there's also my actual job, but it's blockchain shit so I don't care.
Aaaaaaand tags @strictly-script @n-bunz @guu @tilapiamafia @dead-litebulb @eliza-who-smiles-at-death @the-real-numbers @analytictsar @triviallytrue
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ourimpavidheroine · 3 years
You always post your writing soundtracks. Mind sharing your top ten albums with us?
I actually laughed when I read this because I’m thinking of the Anon who complained that all of my music was OLD. I mean. I’m old! What did you expect?
Never mind me, I’m easily amused. Thank you for using the word album so I would not feel like Lady Danbury with my lethal cane.
Yes, sure I can do that! I don’t know that these are my forever and ever amen top ten, but they are the ones that are coming to mind right now. So.
Under a cut, it’s long. 
In no particular order.
Brutal Youth - Elvis Costello
My ex-husband was in love with Elvis Costello and who could blame him? The man is a genius lyricist. This is not one of his more commercially popular albums but I love every single track. (I also lined up at Ticketmaster in Oakland, CA when the man was touring in order to get tickets for my ex. I got there at midnight and spent the night, meeting a group of drag queens who were getting tickets to see Barbara Streisand. God, that was a fun night, we ate donuts one of them went on a donut run for and sang showtunes for hours. One of my favorite memories.) This verse, from Clown Strike, is one that has resonated with me since I first heard it.
Tell me what you want of me Or are you terrified of failure? You put on a superstitious face Behind all this paraphernalia We're not living in a masquerade Where you only have three wishes It isn't easy to see In a lifetime of mistaken kisses
Unrepentant Geraldines - Tori Amos
I remember the first time I heard a Tori Amos song. It was the summer directly after I’d graduated from college, I was driving my ex-husband’s car and Silent All These Years came on the radio and I was just fucking gobsmacked. I bought Little Earthquakes that day and haven’t looked back. I have all her albums. I am a big, big fan.
Unrepentant Geraldines, though. God. It came out the year before my wife died and it got me through her death. The song Weatherman is about a man losing his wife, and how he sees her in the nature surrounding him. 
No, sorry, I can’t write more about this, not right now. But I sing it to her sometimes. 
He is not a weatherman But his bride lies with the land And she will whisper to him I'll be dressing up in snow Cloaked in echo it's almost As if only Nature knows How to paint his wife to life With every season's tone "One more look from her eyes One more look can you paint her back to life"
Ray of Light - Madonna
This album got me through my divorce from my ex-husband. I’d go out every single day during my lunch hour, this on my walkman, and walk and walk and walk until I got myself in enough control to go back and finish my work day. It’s a great album and I still listen to it a lot. It empowers me. And then my daughter was born and Ray of Light has always been her song to me, even though that wasn’t the song on the album that Madonna herself wrote for her daughter.
Faster than the speeding light she's flying Trying to remember where it all began She's got herself a little piece of heaven Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one And I feel like I just got home And I feel And I feel like I just got home And I feel
Seven and the Ragged Tiger - Duran Duran
This one was a difficult choice. For one thing, I really love their album Big Thing, which almost nobody’s heard about but one I love deeply. This one though...I think it’s the memories, including going to see them at the Oakland Coliseum with my cousin during their tour for this album and finding out they were partially filming the video for The Reflex that night. I like to think of us as being one of those girls in the audience. (Although I wasn’t screaming. I am a Capricorn. Have some dignity.) Duran Duran were responsible for my first fanfic and I’ve had a love for them since my Dad bought me their first album for my 13th birthday. I am nothing if not loyal. I have all of their early albums, all of their 12″ singles, too, including Secret Oktober, which I have always loved with a passion.
Also, Roger Taylor can still get it.
Freefall on a windy morning shore nothing but a fading track of footsteps Could prove that you never been there Spoken on a cotton cloud like the sound of gunshot taken by the wind And lost in distant thunder racing on a shining plain And tomorrow you'll be content to watch as the lightning plays along the wires and you'll wonder
Touch - Eurythmics
Another band I still love and listen to on the regular. Annie Lennox could sing me the telephone book and I’d be thrilled. Seeing her at age 14 in the Sweet Dreams video for the first time in my Grandmother’s living room quite literally woke something in me that led to moving across the world for a woman years later. (GOD.) I have all of their albums and choosing a favorite is difficult but this one won by a narrow margin, if only for the song Regrets, which is one of the songs that describes me until I became a mother, really. Like I RESONATED with that song. Still does in certain ways, if I am being truthful to myself.
I've got a delicate mind I've got a dangerous nature And my fist collides With your furniture I've got a delicate mind I've got a dangerous nature And my fist collides With your furniture I'm an electric wire And I'm stuck inside your head
Combat Rock - The Clash
Ah, teenage Impavid first understanding that music can also be political. Listen, I didn’t know much about what was going on outside of my own miniscule sphere - I was young and the internet didn’t exist yet. We got what news we got from our local paper and TV stations and they weren’t really reporting on what was happening in the world, not in 1982, let me fucking assure you. I got this album because my Dad was a part time DJ at a radio station that played mostly country music and the general manager of the station would just toss the rest of the non-country albums they’d get as promotions. My Dad would bring them home to me to listen to. You can imagine thirteen year old me listening to this album that opened with “This is a public service announcement - with guitars!” going WHAT THE FUCK? Let me just say there were a lot of trips to the library to read various newspapers after that.
Not to mention Rock the Casbah. What was a muezzin? I had no idea. I spent half a year reading books about Islam, about the Middle East and Northern Africa, which led to a curiosity about other religions beyond the Roman Catholicism in which I’d been raised, about other cultures as well. This album and The Color Purple by Alice Walker were the two things in my teen years that woke me the fuck up.
Now the king told the boogie men You have to let that raga drop The oil down the desert way Has been shakin' to the top The sheik he drove his Cadillac He went a' cruisin' down the ville The muezzin was a' standing On the radiator grille
Synchronicity - The Police
This fucking album. This fucking album. This album reached deep down into me and pulled out my soul and kicked it around for awhile. Every single song on this album hit me like a brick wall. Still does. Most likely always will.
Listen, you either like King of Pain or you live it. There’s no in between.
There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday There's a black hat caught in a high tree top There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain. I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign, But it's my destiny to be the king of pain...
Sign O’ The Times - Prince 
The soundtrack to my University days. Jesus, it starts out with “In France a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name,” and it just keeps going. Pain, sex, wonder, glory, politics, love. It’s all there. I wore the vinyl out on this one. Amazing, amazing album. In fact, I still play it so often my kids practically know it by heart, and they don’t even like Prince!
To this day I think If I Was Your Girlfriend is the sexiest song ever written.
I will tell you this much: Sayuri’s main writing soundtrack song is Starfish and Coffee off the album, the same song I used to sing my kids as a lullaby. This should tell you a lot about her.
Cynthia wore the prettiest dress With different color socks Sometimes I wondered if the mates where in her lunchbox Me and Lucy opened it when Cynthia wasn't around Lucy cried, I almost died, U know what we found? Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine And a side order of ham If U set your mind free, honey Maybe you'd understand Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam
Nina Simone Sings The Blues - Nina Simone
This was one of my Daddy’s albums. He loved it and so did I. As a child I just loved the sound of her voice - something in it both soothed me and pulled at me, made me want to run and just keep running. She still makes me feel like that. If you don’t know Nina Simone I urge you to change that, right now. There’s nobody at all like her. She’s irreplaceable. All of her material is good, not just her blues songs. Not to mention, she was an absolute brilliant genius at the piano, never mind the strength she had as a Black woman in a time when doors were shut in her face on a daily basis. Seriously. Read about her.
When I became a woman, of course, her songs took on a much deeper meaning for me, one that I could relate to. Isn’t that the hallmark of a good album, though? One that stays with you and changes with you? I think so.
If you’ve never heard her cover of I Put A Spell On You then do yourself a favor and go right now and listen. You’re welcome.
Oh and Buck from this album? Nuo to Wing, right there.
Also one of the sexiest songs ever written, this one. Especially how she sings it. The Hot Frenchman (have I ever told you about The Hot Frenchman? no? OH BOY THERE’S A STORY) told me he thought it was about drugs and I was like, honey, this tells me a whole lot about you, more than you probably wanted it to.
I want a little sugar In my bowl I want a little sweetness Down in my soul I could stand some lovin' Oh so bad I feel so funny and I feel so sad I want a little steam On my clothes Maybe I can fix things up So they'll go Whatsa matter Daddy Come on, save my soul I need some sugar in my bowl I ain't foolin' I want some sugar in my bowl
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got - Sinéad O’Connor
This is a beautiful album, full of pain and joy, her hallmark. She sings every single word with everything in her; she’s far too intense for many, many people (and while she’s been open with her mental health struggles I’ve often wondered if she isn’t somewhere on the spectrum as well) but never for me. Her raw honesty has always appealed to me. She’s political, she’s a lover, a mother, a survivor of horrific abuse, someone who keeps reinventing herself as a way to find her way through pain. I always feel, when I am listening to her music, that I am bearing witness. I’m not afraid of pain; I’ve survived it as well. This album, one of her oldest, is still my favorite.
The line “You used to hold my hand when the plane took off” is the most evocative lyric I have ever heard with regards to the ending of love. It’s a punch to the heart - she felt it and she shared it with us, her fragile heart in her palms. Oh, Sinéad.
This is the last day of our acquaintance I will meet you later in somebody's office I'll talk but you won't listen to me I know what your answer will be I know you don't love me anymore You used to hold my hand when the plane took off Two years ago there just seemed so much more And I don't know what happened to our love
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The Witcher way
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: Smutty smut, fluffy fluff and a few skipping heartbeats. Lisa and Henry get back to work, but life - as usual - offers them a challenge or two. 
Word count: 1.572
Disclaimer: fluff and smut
This is part 18 of the Tea for Two story.
You can find the Masterlist here. 
< Go back to part 17
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Henry cheered as we heard a faint knock on the door of the small cottage, the floorboards creaking under his weight as he sprinted down the hallway to open up. I chuckled softly and half-listened in on the conversation between the delivery boy - obviously a fan - and Henry as I moved to the small kitchen to get some paper towels and cutlery.
It was Sunday evening and tomorrow morning working life was starting again. The Witcher production was beginning its first month of pre-production in the Scottish highlands, which offered not only beautifully picturesque landscapes..but also a complete lack of supermarkets that were opened on Sundays.
A challenge, surely, but one that was easily overcome by Henry whom had taken it upon himself to figure out if we could order in. We could; Pizza... Pizza... And more pizza. 
And that was really all we needed right now, our bodies quite travel worn from the long trip from our - did I mention I officially moved in? - London home to this cute little cottage in the Scottish highlands.
The rural style kitchen of the cottage was simple at best. A small hob with an oven, an even smaller fridge, a porcelain sink and an old oak dinner table that stood below the paned window, an empty vase and some candles placed on top to spruce the room up ever so slightly.
I leaned on the rough wood of the table as I peeked out of the window, the delivery boy now climbing back on his scooter, while laughing at something Henry said, his hand revving the engine back to roaring life.  
Wandering back into the hallway I was met by a giddy-with-excitement Henry,  the boxes with pizzas and some drinks stacked carefully in his arms.
‘Smells good!’ I hummed, appreciatively sniffing in the savoury smells.
‘Sure does.’ He agreed, his eyes moving to the living room. ‘Couch?’
‘Yes pur-lease.’ I smiled, curtsying slightly as Henry offered me first entry to the living room.
As Henry started to investigate the pizzas I turned on the television, happily surprised to find it offered the functionality to log in to Netflix.
‘Netflix and chill?’ I purred, looking over at Henry who had already dug into one of the pizzas, his teeth biting into an oozing hot slice of pepperoni pizza. He nodded, slightly embarrassed by his manners and moved up a hand to hide the mess of cheese strings that were hanging from the corner of his mouth. I laughed, poking him in the arm and reached for the box to also take a slice, my other hand scrolling through the new additions.
Some cooking shows, some mildly interesting documentaries, some Netflix originals that did not look promising in the slightest..and then..the Witcher season 3.
‘Hey. Have you seen the new season yet?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, looking at Henry as he was once again mid bite. He shrugged and quickly swallowed his bite. ‘Only the first episode…Premiere nights you know.’ He winked. ‘Want to maybe..continue? Call it work research before we start shooting the next season?’ I tried, Henry already grabbing a new slice of the pizza. ‘Sure. I’ll try to not hate seeing myself.’ He said casually.
‘Bear!’ I sighed, giving him a exasperated yet comforting smile. ‘You know I don’t want you to feel that way. If you don’t like it, we’ll watch something else.’ I said before finally taking a bite, humming in satisfaction as the hot cheesy goodness oozed down my tongue. ‘So gooooood.’ I groaned, barely noticing Henry’s hand reaching for the remote, clicking on “ok”.
The episode started and we ate and ate, Henry occasionally making comments on scenes he had fond..or not so fond memories of. Especially nude scenes got him all quiet and awkward.  
I smiled, laying against his chest, enjoying the series without much of a thought. No thought other then; Holy fuck, Geralt is so hot. 
To realise that the very man was now being my personal pillow, was more then a little arousing.
I looked at him during a sex scene between Yennefer and Geralt, seeing him once more stare in utter silence.
I Moved my hand to his chest and wrapped my leg over his lap, crawling on top of him just like Yennefer had gotten onto Geralt. Our eyes met, his blue orbs looking at me with confusion, before realising what I was onto, my lips slowly inching down to his mouth. He moved back a little, leaning into the soft pillows of the fluffy brown couch before letting out a pent up sigh, his eyes quickly darkening. ‘Don’t be shy now…Geralt.’ I said playfully, kissing him more entrancingly. His hunger was now fully awakened, a hunger that sparkled in his eyes as his lips curled up ever so slightly. ‘Hmmmpf.’ He growled.
Geralt is in the house.
In one fell swoop he pushed the pizza box behind me off the couch and pushed himself down onto me, my back now flat on the pillows. His jaw clenched as his nostrils flared - with annoyance or lust.. I did not know.
‘That scent…’ He rumbled in Geralt’s low, raspy voice, roughly moving his hand through my hair. I bit my lip, expectantly, feeling him move his nose down my neck, sniffing me like a touch-deprived animal, his hands starting to tug at my pyjama pants. He looked down at me, embalming me with his wanton gaze, his arms moving to quickly take of his shirt.
‘What’s taking you so long?’ I said in Yennefer’s cocky voice, making him growl even lower, his large body quickly climbing back on top of me, rubbing himself against my groin. He was ..very..excited. 
His heavy erection already pressing eagerly through the fabric that separated us, making me shiver in anticipation. I forced myself to breath in deeply, closing my eyes as I felt his coarse fingers near the trim of my lacy underwear, the fabric being pulled away with ease before the silky skin of his erection pressed against my core.
I gasped at the sensation, my eyes shooting open at him as he pressed higher, my clit awakening in an instant. ‘Hmmm…you’re quite ready.’ He said gruffly,  before penetrating me in one smooth motion, making us both groan. Still half clothed, it felt ever as hasty and passionate as Geralt and Yennefer on screen, our bodies a tumble of passion.
The series already continued with some grave fight scene, but we didn’t care. We ravaged each other, our hair wild, our hands grasping at each other, searching for skin until we finally found our release, our bodies crashing back onto the couch.
His love making had been so rough I could only shiver and shake when he was done, my legs splayed out as he got up slightly, cupping my cheek, demanding me to look at him. ‘Hey..you okay?’ I looked at him, still shaking. ‘Wew…’ I panted. An exhausted, slightly pained smile played on my lips. 
‘Oh my..’ I continued, still panting and shivering. He pulled up his pants and pulled me onto his lap, kissing me sweetly on my temple. I snuggled away in his chest, still a bit shaky, but smiling.
I looked back at the screen. The episode had ended, credits rolling as a loomy soundtrack played.
‘Okay, roleplaying at own risk.’ I finally said, sniffling, then rolling up further in his arms, putting my head against his chest. My innards were on fire and electricity kept shooting through my nerves every few seconds or so. 
I guess this is what one would call “fucked out”.
He wrapped me more gently in his arms, like a babe, kissing my forehead, sighing. ‘I’m sorry.’ He whispered. I smiled and shook my head. ‘Superman..super sex.’ I shrugged, feeling another spike shoot through my body, making me stiffen. He kissed my head again, sniffling softly as he kept me snug against his chest. We sat there for a moment while my body slowly quieted down.
‘Oh..I’m leaking…’ I said a bit embarrassed, feeling it go through my panties.
Without question he stood up, keeping me snug in his arms as he walked through the small hallway to the quaint bathroom. I sniggered.
‘I CAN walk you know.’
‘Mhm.’ He smiled, hoisting me up further, placing a pillowy kiss on my lips. ‘I know.’ He said smugly, still not lowering me down.
He turned on the shower and walked us into it, our clothes quickly soaking in the hot water. He huddled over me, shielding me from direct water in my face, his lips caressing me with the sweetest of kisses.
‘A bit of romcom romance to wash off my sin.’ He whispered, cheekily grinning at me. I smiled, relaxing more into his strong arms as the hot water relaxed me to the point that I felt like putty in his arms. He kissed me one more time before lowering me down slowly.
Our clothes were now heavy with water, our hair falling like curtains around our faces.
‘Maybe that’s a roleplaying more to my liking.’ I said, biting his lip playfully. He laughed, then started to pull off his socks, pants and trunks. I in turn pulled off my panties and shirt. We giggled, throwing the soaked clothes in a corner of the shower, before giving each other another lingering kiss. ‘Hmm.’ He hummed, enveloping me once more in his arms as I soaped up his hair. ‘My sweet Geralt.’ I smiled.
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The next morning I was the first to leave for work. But I didn’t feel all too well. Actually not well at all. I rushed to the toilet, throwing up, feeling my lower back all cramped as I clamped onto the toilet.
‘Mmmpff.’ I groaned, taking a few deep breaths. My stomach was pretty upset.
I could hear Kal’s nails ticking on the floor behind me, a wet nose pushing against me, asking me what I was up to. 
I sat up a bit, feeling nauseous from just breathing. Kal whined softly, pushing his face through my arm and licking my face.
‘Pfff.. I hope it wasn’t the pizza, or Henry will be next.’ I mumbled, giving him a stroke through his thick fur.
‘Hey boy.’
I forced myself to get up, feeling weak in the legs. This was not like me…I took a deep breath through my nose, keeping my mouth fell shut but immediately feeling another wave come over me. I crouched down again, throwing up once more. Though it mostly was dry heaving now. I flushed and groaned in dismay. NO. I can’t be sick on my first day back at work. Get it together girl. Rawr!
I spritzed my face with some cold water from the sink and saw Kal looking at me with a confused look. Had he ever seen a human vomit? I pulled myself back up and looked into the mirror. I looked normal, I guess. Not pale, or sweaty. I felt my cheeks. They were fine. Yea..maybe just some bad food. I washed my mouth, then opened the drawer and popped some pain killers in my mouth.
Kissing a sleeping Henry goodbye I went off to work.
Throughout the day I started feeling a bit better. It was quite calm at work with a few meetings and some prep work, leaving me with a lot of spare moments to give way to a certain nervousness. Was there some other reason I had felt sick this morning? Did I maybe not take my pill at the right times during our holiday?
I was sitting in the back of the set, waiting for others to move around some set pieces and looked around. Nobody was watching. Quietly I squeezed one of my breasts. Painful. Oh gods. Could it be…? I started rummaging through my bag, looking at my pill strip. I was only 3 quarters through. It was too early. I felt my breath quicken, my head a little light. ‘Okey..calm down girl. Let’s..Let’s not overreact.’
During my lunch break I borrowed a car from a colleague to buy some pregnancy tests, my heart beating wildly in my chest.
Should I tell him? Should I tell him?
Should I?
I came home, good smells coming from the kitchen. I plopped down my bag, was greeted by an overly excited Kal and walked into the kitchen.
A very sexy, domestic Henry was wearing a fitted t-shirt, jeans and apron. ‘Hey..what’s cooking good-lookin’?’ I quipped, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before looking over his shoulder at the cut vegetables on the wooden board.
‘Hello dear.’ He gave me a playful pat on the butt. ‘Something simple. Vegetarian pasta.’ He shrugged. ‘Well..it smells a-ma-zing.’ I said, smiling as his knife continued to cut up vegetables. ‘How was your day?’ He asked. I stole a bit of cheese from his cutting board and moved to the table, plopping down on one of the chairs.
‘Not great. Felt very ill this morning. Maybe I ate something bad..’ I frowned. ‘Did you have any stomach pains by any chance?’
He shook his head. ‘Not really.’
I touched my breast again, my lips forming a thin, unsure line. ‘I think we need to…check..if this is not something else..’ I said, hesitatingly. He looked up and over his shoulder, his face a bit confused, first looking at my face, then at the hand on my breast. His lips parted as his eyes darted back to mine.
‘Wh..’ He breathed, turning fully towards me, one of his arms ghosting over the stove to push a pan with some frying onions off the stove before they’d burn.
His eyes widened and within the blink of an eye he was kneeling before me, a hand cupping my cheek while the other folded around the hand on my lap. I looked down at our hands on my lap, my throat suddenly feeling dry as sandpaper. ‘I got some pregnancy tests on the way back home.’ I said softly, my breath hitching.
‘OH.’ He gasped, his mouth slightly agape as he pulled me in for a hug. I could almost feel the joy radiate from him. His long cherished dream. 
‘So…do you have to…pee?’ He looked at me, curiously. I sniffled. ‘I believe it’s best in the morning.. But I still have to read the wrapper.’ I sighed, laying my head against his shoulder. He nodded, then wrapped me more tightly in his arms. ‘Oh my.’ He sighed, finally letting out the breath he had been holding.
‘I’m scared.’ I said in hushed tone.
He cupped my cheek again, keeping his other arm safely wrapped around me as he searched for words.
‘I don’t know if I’m ready.’ I said, looking up into his eyes. They became a shade sadder.
‘Let’s…give it a moment. And…see what it is first?’ He said, raising his eyebrows in an expression mixed between joy and confusion, before deciding it was best to just fully wrap me in his arms, his fingers gently coaxing me to lean into him as he laid his head in my neck.
The next morning we both awoke anxiously. We did not even yawn or stretch, just ..straight to the bathroom. I peed on one of the sticks, while Henry petted Kal nervously, waiting on the door step with the door opened. Our eyes met, both our faces etched with tense nerves as I put the stick on the edge of the sink. I didn’t feel terribly sick this morning, but my stomach sure was turning. I finished peeing, flushed, and looked at the stick. No signs yet. ‘A few minutes,’ Henry whispered, eyeing the stick as it lay there balancing on the white porcelain.
I sighed, then walked up to Henry, hugging him. ‘Let’s…get breakfast.’ I said, hoping it would take our mind of the matter just long enough to calm our nerves. He nodded.
Well..we never munched down our breakfast so fast, quietly shoving it into our mouths.
Before re-entering the bathroom, he grasped my arm. ‘No matter what happens. We’re in it together. I support you and love you.’ He said, looking at me intensely before pressing a kiss on my lips. I nodded, then walked to the sink, my eyes immediately sinking down to the little stick as it lay there, forlorn.
I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding, the spinning world suddenly coming to a halt.
I could feel Henry’s arms as they tentatively wrapped around me, his hands curling over my belly. He was quiet. His breath slow and warm in my neck. And I wasn’t sure what to do. After a long exhale I finally looked up, our eyes looking at one another through the mirror.
‘Gods.’ I breathed.
His face was a touch pained, his jaw clenching. A sight that made me hurt beyond words. I knew he was trying to keep it together, to be calm and supportive, to give me space. But what about him?
I turned around, looking at him directly, wrapping my arms around him. ‘How are you feeling?’ I asked gently.
He drew in a deep, sharp breath, his deep blue eyes meeting my green ones. ‘Okay.’ He nodded, slowly accepting the reality as it was. ‘..A bit of a rollercoaster of emotions.’ He sighed again, looking over my shoulder to see the negative result once more, burning the image of the offensive piece of plastic in his mind.
I pulled his face towards me, laying a most gentle kiss on his lips. ‘I love you bear. And please know, that it will come. Just…not yet. We know each other for a little over half a year. Besides parenthood still feels kind of daunting to me…pregnancy especially. I guess I need to get used to the idea first before we…’ I looked back in his eyes, losing my trail of thoughts. 
‘I know. And I understand.’ He was obviously a bit sad, his blue eyes blazing with emotions unspoken.
I smiled feebly. 
‘I love you I love you I love you.’ I whispered, squeezing him into the hardest, most snug hug I could manage. He hummed quietly, also pulling his arms more tightly around me. ‘I love you too my dearest.’
Part 19 > 
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the-roanoke-society · 4 years
boys and girls of every age...
wouldn’t you like to see something strange?
happy halloween, my flowers!
this year hasn’t been the best--and the list of reasons why is as varied, as wide and as deep as all of creation.
it has, essentially, sucked on a truly cosmic level.
it doesn’t help anyone to look at the big picture and only focus on the dark parts. because for all the truly horrible, disastrous events we’ve had to slog through together (first time crying every day for months, first time being taken by ambulance to the er--truly a year of firsts, at least for me, personally), there have still been good things.
for example, did you know that this year we celebrated the 6th anniversary of the release of kingsman: the secret service? and the 3rd anniversary of the release of kingsman: the golden circle--which means next month it’ll be the third birthday of the ronaoke society!
our house might’ve gotten quiet--but it still stands.
i love all of you very, very much, and halloween is still my favorite holiday of all time. so all this month, i worked on the aus you’ll find below the cut. i’ll have to post this in parts over the next while, as there’s thirty-one total--one for each day of the season, of course.
honestly--it felt fantastic to dig back into my horror roots. roanoke’s entire conception was inspired by the fact that for as much as i love the kingsman universe, i also love things that go bump in the night.
and i don’t like having to choose between one thing or another.
be forewarned: if you choose to look into the source material for these aus, be prepared for possible graphic violence, gore, disturbing themes, explicit sexuality and jumpscares. i sort of walked through the proverbial garden and just grabbed fruit where i could find it--you’ll see what i mean. and as always, the endings are in your hands. these ideas are gifts, to do with as you please.
so journey below the cut... i̷̛̝͎͎̝̣̹͊̓̂͛̃̋͟f̛̯̟̱̖͔̌͊͐̏̃̓̇̎͠ y͈͇̙̘̬̓͌̑̈́͛̿͌͠ở̴̢͉͉̳͙̞͈̻̀́̎̄́̈͢͡ȗ̵̬̳͙̫̥̜͍̲̔̐̽̃̀͒̑͜ ḑ̙̩̼̤͓̫̟̥̈͑̐̚͡a̧̢̦̟̙̤̠͐͌̾̆̑͌͡͞r̷̡̰̲̣͓̣̝͒́̿͊̉̀͒͠͝͠ͅe̫̯̣̰͍̤̬̭̺̒̿͊̾͊.
blackbird on the old church steeple - a butterfly knife au inspired by the silence of the lambs
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rae clementine doesn’t frighten easily. in her line of work, fear is not a friend. so when she’s abruptly pulled out of her fbi training at quantico to interview none other than the notorious harry hart, known for his--let’s say unusual appetites--she’s less intimidated and more annoyed.
but women are being taken, and found without their skin, if they are even found at all.
if hart’s insight into the mind of a psychopath can help her find the infamous buffalo bill, who has repeatedly evaded arrest--then she is more than willing to sit across from the gentleman in a pristine cell, and be continuously surprised that for a murderer, his gaze is surprisingly gentle.
in the back of her mind, she remembered all the things her mother had ever told her about lucifer--how the king of hell himself was utterly wicked, but catastrophically beautiful.
charm could hide blood. polished etiquette could hide bodies.
“most serial killers keep some sort of trophies from the victims.”
“i didn’t.”
“no. you ate yours.”
she’d felt this kind of intrigue before, and given the face it wore this time... well.
focus on the case, she thought. find buffalo bill. watch yourself. get out alive.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: ajr, ‘bang!’ + tame impala, ‘the less i know the better’ + barney bigard, ‘readdy eddy’
dogs & deadbolts guard the night - an au featuring @roanoke-after-dark​‘s the gremlin and @agentjotunn​ inspired by resident evil, particularly the released imagery for resident evil: village
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santi’s first thought was that the rumors were just blatantly untrue. an entire village of people? suddenly vanished? he doubted it. besides, winters this far north were brutal--and could be fatal, if you weren’t careful. they had probably just all tucked in for the season, he reasoned. the snow and ice would’ve made travel impossible, anyway.
weeks passed. the stories faded from his thoughts as he minded his garage, and people spoke less and less about it.
until one evening, when an old friend knocked on his door with blood on his jacket and no color in his face.
“bradley? jesus, what hap--”
“grab your gun. something’s happened, and we need to leave now.”
“but what--”
“i’ll explain on the way, just go!“
right before he slammed the passenger side door of bradley’s jeep closed--wheels appropriately chained to keep a grip on the iced over roads--he heard a deep, long howl from some distance away.
there hadn’t been wolves this close in fifty years.
santi broke the silence in the car gently: “... you look like you’ve seen the face of the devil. what exactly happened?”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: ac/dc, ‘highway to hell’ + think up anger ft. malia j, ‘smells like teen spirit’ + marilyn manson, ‘sweet dreams’
the light under the door - a body shots au inspired by dark skies
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the blacks weren’t superstitious. jason wasn’t, just like his father wasn’t before him, and now that he’s finally settled down happily married to joanne--finally, he thought, finally married to his jo--he is more than ready to see what the next chapters will bring. they moved into a house not too far from his parents, so he could still see his siblings regularly.
and he did.
which means he and jo both noticed when his younger brother christopher began to act a little--off.
they noticed when the bruises appeared.
they noticed when he kept copying the same strange symbols onto papers in crayon over and over and over and over--
and jo definitely noticed when she walked into their own kitchen in the middle of the night to find every single cabinet door open, with all the contents arranged into an impossibly perfect pyramid on the center island.
“i--are we being haunted?” she wondered out loud, the next morning. “this--and weird things are happening at your parents’, too, jason, something isn’t right here. i know you don’t believe in ghosts or anything, but...”
and this wasn’t a haunting.
it was something much worse.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: kennyhoopla, ‘how will i rest in peace if i’m buried by a highway?’ + cannons, ‘fire for you’ + days, ‘the drums’
permission access eternal - an au featuring @siggy-the-meme-master​ and technical officer wyvern, inspired by a.m.i.
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it was supposed to be the world’s most cutting edge ai software. and since jeremy and dodger were both at the top of their class at m.i.t., of course, nobody was surprised when both their names were on the finished product--even if there was just one prototype to start.
and it wasn’t an ‘it.’ it was a she. jeremy insisted. repeatedly. “let’s call her ami!” he’d been flush with booze but his eyes were so bright and his expression so sincere, dodger just let him have it. and jeremy clapped his shoulder, “we did it, man! we have built the jessica rabbit of ai programs!”
they had one last test run to prove they’d metaphorically kicked the ass of everyone else in their field before they began the work to begin mass production. so, dodger set ami up as a sort of overhead assistant for their shared lab. she controlled temperature, lights, she could make phone calls, keeps schedules and most importantly of all, place takeout orders. the more she proved she could do, the more power, and control, she was given.
two weeks passed. they gave ami a voice, gave her a large proverbial eye to see through, making tweaks as they went to polish her off.
dodger was so proud of his work his heart could’ve exploded.
so imagine how he felt when he realized he’d left his cell phone in his car--and realized he couldn’t open the door.
“ami? ... ami. can you unlock the front door please?” he stared up at the red lens, and a silent point of light stared back at him.
“... i’m sorry. i cannot do that. dodger.”
“... uh, jeremy?”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: cage the elephant, ‘social cues’ + sneaker pimps, ‘6 underground’ + saint motel, ‘preach’
in hell i’ll be in good company - a lies & lessons au inspired by underworld
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for centuries, a war has raged between vampires and lycans, completely outside the notice of the general human population. lauren is a death dealer, a lethal and beautiful member of an elite squad of vampiric assassins who have been charged with finding all the remaining lycans in the city and taking them out one by one.
when she realizes the lycan pack seems to be looking for an ordinary man--a medical student named jack daniels--she tracks him down herself, narrowly escpaing lucian in the process. (as soon as they were in the car he was already screaming, “what the fuck is goin’ on?!” with a southern twang she hadn’t expected) she takes him under her wing, still baffled at why the lycan pack could possibly want him.
he’s only human, after all.
... right?
as it turns out, vampires and lycans have a single common ancestor.
jack is a direct descendant.
and after being bitten in an attack--becomes a hybrid, carrying the powers of both species.
between unraveling the truth surrounding the death of her family, what really happened between lucian and kraven, and her growing feelings for jack--who is rapidly trying to understand his role in the story that’s been unfolding without his knowledge for generations--lauren finds herself at a crossroads, and her loyalties tested to a breaking point.
but as long as jack is at her side--perhaps it doesn’t matter where the road goes from here.
as bullet-riddled and blood-soaked as it will turn out to be.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: wallows, ‘are you bored yet?’ + cage the elephant, ‘shake me down’ + puscifer, ‘rev 22-20′
ash, fog & rust - alternatively titled ‘@gaygent​, @agent-judas​ and agent seraphim finally take that road trip to pennsylvania’
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it was time to hand over the torch. that’s what lilith had finally decided. between the white patches in her hair, the strain it was putting on her relationships (especially with hamish)--morgan only had to return to the hills one more time as envoy.
and she wasn’t going alone.
“after this, anything that comes through this area, anything that hits our radars, is going to end up on both your desks,” she began, glancing at z in the passenger seat, and meeting cillian’s eyes once in the rearview mirror.
“so this is--what, a test run?” z asked, head slightly tilted. morgan hummed.
“this place--this town--it--” she huffed, frustrated. cillian could hear the leather wrapped around the steering wheel creak as her grip tightened. “it’s hard to explain, to someone who hasn’t been there. and i’m glad that neither of you have had to go before this, but...” another sigh. “i couldn’t think of any other duo that i could entrust this to. not something this big. you--” she pointedly lifted her brows at z, “--have experience with creatures that aren’t from around here. and you--” this time her gaze went to cillian. “--do too. just in a different shape. it’ll take both of you to handle centralia. and i couldn’t introduce you without coming along.”
“how long, exactly, has roanoke been keeping tabs on this place?” cillian asked. he’d spent hours going over everything he could find--mission logs, reports, feeds and images housed in the media room. morgan looked at him again. her eyes were still kind--but very, very tired.
“... a long time.”
i’ll admit that this is less an au and more a canonical event that i just haven’t gotten around to writing more about. but i couldn’t make this list without at least one entry paying homage to a franchise that’s had a huge influence on not just me as a writer, but on roanoke’s canon as a whole.
for the sampler, i will simply redirect you to this post here.
the devil’s gonna set me free - an anchored hearts au inspired by horns
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joseph moretti had been in love with louise franz since fifth grade.
granted, he didn’t realize it until he almost drowned because of that stupid dare--a dare that not only almost killed him, but took two of lee’s fingers when that goddamn cherry bomb went off in his hand.
the same cherry bomb he’d traded to him for fixing louise’s broken necklace--a small silver pendant, shaped like an apple. she’d worn it every single day since he could remember. the image of her and snow white were eternally tangled in his head.
that necklace--it’d been the start. he’d woken up because of an apple. louise, did, too.
the hours they spent in that treehouse, listening to david bowie and memorizing every scar and curve of the other--he wished that could have been his eternity. just him. and her. ... well, and bowie. every good love story needed a soundtrack.
but... but...
his head pounded as he lifted it off the counter in his parents’ kitchen. his mouth was dry, and he blinked, causing a half-empty bottle of vodka to come into focus.
louise is gone now, he thought.
and they thought he was the one who did it. he, the one who loved her more than anyone else on the planet.
he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes.
he was going to prove his innocence even if it killed him. no matter what happened.
even if he sprout horns.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: machine gun kelly, ‘bloody valentine’ + the black keys, ‘go’ + david bowie, ‘heroes’
moonlight rising from the grave - alternatively titled ‘that time @agent-nightcrawler​ and agent iuniore found a haunted mansion,’ inspired by disney’s haunted mansion
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“hello? ... hellooooo?” the massive door let out a huge groan as sylva pushed, putting one hand on tina’s shoulder as it swung open. “uhm--i’m really sorry to bother you, but we hit a deer and we just...” sylva sighed, her voice lowering in volume. “... need to use the phone...”
“this place is gigantic,” tina whispered, close at sylva’s side as they stepped out of the pouring rain into a very quiet, very elegant foyer. “and look! there’s lights, and all these lit candles... someone has to be here,” she continued as the door came to a gentle close behind them, muffling another roll of thunder.
“good evening.”
both of them yelped, sylva immediately yanking tina closer to her and whirled around in time to see--a butler? he was dressed like a butler.
and his clothes were... he was...
“sylva! why is the butler see-through!” tina whispered harshly, all while the spectral gentleman just looked at them expectantly. sylva clamped a hand over her mouth.
“hi!” she answered brightly.
this is a ghost. i’m talking to a ghost. this is fine. everything is fine.
“uh,” she coughed, beginning again, “we’re just having a little bit of a car emergency, is there a way we can call our head office? so they can come get us?” this is what i get for being out where i have no bars, and neither of us have our specs...
the ghostly butler nodded. his hair, glowing faintly, waved around his head as though he was underwater. “of course. please--follow me. the master of the manor will want to meet you.”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: the chordettes, ‘mr. sandman’ + bobby pickett, ‘monster mash’ + bastille, ‘survivin’’
mercy no more - a magic & mischief au inspired by the evil within
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aly had been kieran’s partner at the krimson city police department for years. she’d walked with him through the death of his daughter, the disappearance of his wife.
neither of them acknowledged the spark. they didn’t then, and--as she met his eyes once in the rearview mirror, trying to pay attention to connelly and joseph as they talked about beacon--they wouldn’t acknowledge it now.
as soon as the hospital came into a view, a high-pitched ringing overame every other sound in the cruiser, every other sound period. aly slammed her hands over her ears, but it didn’t seem to help.
as soon as it started--it stopped. connelly had to swerve to avoid getting into the wrong lane.
“what--what was that?” aly asked, her palms still hovering by her ears.
“it was probably just a problem with the radio,” joseph suggested, pushing his glasses up as they drove pass the established police barriers.
the last dispatch team, they said, hadn’t come back. it was up to the three of them to find out what happened to their colleagues.
aly was close by kieran’s side as they walked through the rain. her gut twisted at the sight of the entry doors.
the smell of the blood and the slaughter hit her nose before she saw the bodies.
“what on earth happened here?”
“i don’t know. stay close. let’s find the surveillance room. if we can find the security cams, we’ll find out answer...”
if only that had been the end.
mini soundtrack sampler includes: all time low, ‘monsters’ + bastille, ‘what you gonna do???’ + gary numan, ‘long way down’
and the wind will be my hands - an au featuring @agent-sentinel-official​, @agent-chimera​ and @gaygent​, inspired by session 9, with a special appearance by @agent-thorn​
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walter vaughn was an expert in abestoes abatement. so when he put in a bid to take on the entire danvers state mental hospital, the owners of the rotting estate welcomed him on board.
and as they did, he brought on two crewmates--xander, and z--to help him.
“we’ve got three weeks, so, no need to rush,” he explained on the first day, the sun beating down on his broad shoulders and half his hazmat tied around his waist. xander and z trailed behind him as they approached the massive building. “and i know, i know it’s still a big undertaking--but the money will be worth it. trust me.”
“you fellas our cleanup crew?” a tall, thin man in a suit with dark hair and a pair of ray ban sunglasses walked towards them, smiling broadly. he extended a hand, “carter jensen. the ah, danvers’ estate board sent me on their behalf to give you a tour of the building, let you get a good assessment of what you’re dealing with. i’m not entirely sure what they’ll do with the property when this is done, but we know for sure nothing can happen until this part’s complete. come on, the entrance is just this way... i’ll make sure to give you a master key ring.”
xander leaned down by z’s shoulder, muttering, “dude this place gives me the creeps... but maybe there’s still some cool old stuff left in there. like maybe, possibly, the trapped souls of the damned. you think it’s haunted?”
z answered, murmuring, “if not by ghosts--then maybe by something else.”
mini soundtrack sampler includes: the talking heads, ‘psycho killer’ +  lou barlow, ‘choke chain’ + sublime, ‘doin’ time’
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
May 11: Mr. Robot 4x09
I watched another ep of Mr. Robot tonight. I’m really enjoying this season! I think it’s the strongest since S1 and I really appreciate the thoughtful, deliberate pacing, both of each individual episode and of the series as a whole. I know I’ve said this before, but it’s really pared down both its cast and its plot so it can really focus on giving the remaining characters good send offs/finishing all the loose ends without hurry.
This ep, like most of the others this season, felt like a little mini-movie in and of itself. I liked how even in S2, the show wasn’t afraid to stay with one character/story line for long scenes, even though, because I found the story lines that season very uneven, that meant long passages of brilliance were offset with long passages that felt like a bit of a slog. But this season has even fewer story lines, and most of them are fairly intimately connected to each other, so it can take that storytelling strategy and ramp it up. Some of the episodes, like today’s and the last couple, are really only one story line; they’re very contained and have their own unique feel and texture.
Today’s ep was very satisfying. I love seeing Price and whiterose go at it, and, as with all of the other characters who’ve been offed this year, I felt like Price got a great send off. I don’t want to say he’s “redeemed” in the traditional sense, but like... he also might be my favorite villain redemption? Because I’ve long thought of him as one of my favorite villains, but I was really on his side today. I don’t know that it’s because he’s started helping Elliot, but... I don’t know, whatever good he’s done doesn’t undo the bad, especially since it was basically for the petty reason of “I’d rather see you lose than win myself,” but... how to explain? It was very IC of him. If he were to redeem himself in any way, or realistically become a sort of Elliot ally, it would be for precisely that reason. So it wasn’t a jarring development or one that undid or ignored his prior characterization. But the main reason I liked him today was just because he was entertaining. Price off the leash. Price with no more fucks to give. He’s already lost, so they can’t do anything to him now. I think that whiterose thought he still had Price’s own life to hold over Price but like... if that’s all you have left, if you’ve pulled all the other strings with someone, you’re not in a good position. I honestly thought Price was going to commit suicide, so I was surprised when whiterose shot him. My mom suggested perhaps he did, as in he knew that would happen, but idk if I agree. That wasn’t the vibe I got. I do agree he was just talking to buy time for Elliot, or mostly talking for that reason, but I also kind of thought he legitimately believed he’d be able to walk away from this. He is very used to being the most powerful one in the room. I also really felt the unthinking rage in whiterose when he took out his gun and pulled the trigger. I felt bad for Price, but what an appropriate way to go... bleeding out on the red carpet of a fancy staircase.
Darlene was the real MVP of this episode. I loved her single handedly bringing back fsociety. I loved seeing the Alderson siblings Win. I loved that the plan ultimately expanded to not just taking money but naming names--there’s something very satisfying about the idea that shining light on nefarious doings will be enough to end the nefariousness, even though that isn’t true, and the show didn’t entirely play into that idea. The people coming to gawk were a bonus but they weren’t necessary to the plan--only the fear of them was, and the ultimate goal was still to take the group’s money, not its fame. As whiterose said, he can survive a doxxing. Fame, infamy, secrecy, light: these are only tools that can help or hurt the powerful in making money, which is all they care about. Important tools, but they’re still not the heart of the game. So I’m trying to say that I felt the episode kind of had its cake and ate it too: the spectacle of bringing to light the evil doers feels good to see, but it didn’t replace the original plan; there was no sense that all that’s really needed is “transparency.”
I’m not even going to go into any thoughts on the personalities today... I can’t even. I need to watch the show like 4 more times lol. I do think Mr. Robot is the first personality. I think he’s the “handler” of the Hacker, who was either brought forward or perhaps created for the purpose of the Ecorp hack (can’t remember my theory on how all that worked tbh), because he has particular skills that are useful for that, but now Mr. Robot has lost his handle on him. The Hacker doesn’t know he’s a personality and now he’s trying to take over the body. Darlene told the real Elliot about Vera--which is very interesting because imo we haven’t seen the real Elliot since S1--and everyone but Mr. Robot really wants to reign the Hacker in, but Mr. Robot is trying to give him some more time. That’s about all I got, though. I can’t remember/not sure if I have a good theory as to how old the Hacker is or why he was created. And I think my only theory as to “why Ecorp?” is that Angela had a lot of debt.
A few other small things:
I love that NBC had an fsociety drama lol. Of course they would.
I definitely saw a Tr/mp character in the Deus Group meeting.
That last scene was amazing. I love when they do that thing where the soundtrack of noises goes over the credits.
I only have 4 more episodes left total, 2 that I haven’t seen. It feels weird that this whole season has been about this hack and now it’s done--but then I think about the final season of the 3% and how the final mission was resolved with several episodes left to go, and how great a decision that was, so I’m feeling confident about it.
What’s left to resolve:
--Elliot’s various personalities, including the question, who is the mystery person they were talking about in the first scene? (I already know the answer to this and I also know it’s revealed in the last two episodes.)
--What happens to the stolen money?
--What is whiterose’s project? (I’m assuming this is the second to last thing to be resolved as I remember it being somewhat of an open question even within the finale.)
--Dom and Dom/Darlene. I assume this will be at least part of the focus of the next ep, based on the summary.
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