#the spray bottle thing has probably been done before but oh well
breadmercury · 2 years
Keeping a water bottle on hand to help Will work through his imposter syndrome. Like a cat. "Blah blah i have to stir up drama so i can write something worthy of my name-"
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They named the sonnet format u used after u even though u weren't even the first known to use it u little shit
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justfangirlstuffs · 1 month
For Your Thoughts
Weighty thoughts continue to plague you. While out on a walk, you get another visitor who has plenty on his mind to share. (Takes place after So Much More.)
You x Sea Slug Sun wordcount: 3030
Sea Slug AU belongs to @scarredlove
Hello, mortification, you're old friend. A friend you were currently shaking hands with as you sat on your bed, Moon hovering over you, with Sun standing there holding your spray bottle as he observed the pair of you with his gleaming, opalescent eyes. You normally kept it on hand to cool yourself off if need be, but Sun had decided to use it to squirt his brother like he were a misbehaving cat.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Moonie,” Sun said, setting the bottom back on your desk. “You just seemed so distracted I wasn't sure how else to get your attention."
Moon's sharp teeth were bared in annoyance. Whatever moment Moon had been trying to build was effectively ruined by his brother's appearance. His antennae twitched as he glowered at Sun with sour petulance. "Well, you've definitely got my attention now. Is that what you wanted?"
"Indeed... you didn't tell us you were going to visit our old friend." Sun's tone was sweet but the undercurrent of irritation was glaringly apparent. He subtly wiped his hands over his robes. "We were... worried."
Moon's gaze narrowed slightly. "Oh, you were worried? How sweet of you," he replied sarcastically, sounding anything but grateful. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you were worried I'd mess up something, right?"
Oh, gosh.... the tension was unbearable. You glanced between the pair of them and hurriedly spoke up. "Um... it's fine. Everything is fine.” You sat up, scooting away from Moon to put some distance between the two of you. “Moon, thank you for coming to visit. Though... it is getting late and I should probably sleep soon."
Moon glanced at you, his eyes softening as you thanked him, and you could tell he was trying his best not to act upset. "Aw, are you kicking me out?" he asked with a playful smirk, clearly hoping to lighten the mood before he left.
You gave a weak laugh, feeling the tension lighten some. "I don't wanna keep you from them," you said, giving Moon an excuse to leave so he could sort things out with Sun. You carefully pulled your hand away from his. "But... thanks again. It really meant a lot."
He stared at you as you slipped your hand away. For a second it seems that he had something to say, almost like he wanted to pull you back. But then he sighed, slowly leaning back.
"Yeah...you're welcome," he said softly, standing up from the bed.
"Sorry for the intrusion, pearl," Sun said, shooting a bright smile your way. It sounded like he was apologizing on both his and Moon's behalf. "I promise I'll find some way to make it up to you next we meet."
Before you could tell him that it wasn't as big of a bother as he made it out to be, Sun began shepherding Moon towards and out the window from whence they came. They were speaking to each other in their own language, and even though you couldn't understand the words, you could tell they were arguing. A frown was plastered on Moon's face - you could hear his voice, slightly raised but barely so. Once they were gone, you heard the window being closed and then silence. The only sound in the room was you, the sounds of you inhaling and exhaling.
You got up from your chair then walked over to the window. The window that was now closed and the window that separated you and them.
Dammit... you missed them already.
The next day passed both agonizingly slowly and swiftly. You spent a few hours applying for jobs, but when it came to your spare time... well, you had tried to do things. You'd already done most of the chores around the house earlier that week. You thought about all the things you wanted to do, yet you could never quite motivate yourself to get started. Like being stuck in quicksand or a tar pit.
It was getting late in the day and you had decided to take a walk on the beach, just to do something. Just so you could trick your mind into believing that you had done something, accomplished something. You bullied yourself into putting on clothes and leaving the house. Once you were outside, the idea of taking a walk came easier. Like, you were already outside so may as well follow through.
Roughly ten minutes later you were walking along the shoreline. It was close to the golden hour, and most people had gone home or back to their hotels due to the evening chill. Being outside, with the smell of the salt and sand, and the breeze on your face, you felt a little calmer.
Or at least you had, until a voice spoke up from right behind you. “Greetings, pearl!”
You hadn't expected sudden company. Although perhaps you probably should have. It still scared you though. Enough to where you jumped and cursed out loud, very loudly. Whirling around, you caught sight of Sun emerging from the frothy waves, glistening with droplets of sea water. He easily shook them off like a spray of tiny diamonds.
He laughed as you scolded and cursed in the evening, his wide smile bright and infectious. "I must say, it's always such a pleasure to witness your reactions. You always look so cute, the way you jump at the most trivial things." He stepped closer to you, completely undeterred by the glower you were leveling at him.
"It's not trivial when you sneak up out of the water like that," you griped. "Give me a dang heart attack why don't you?" Despite the initial irritation of being caught off guard and jump scared, you were actually.... relieved to see him? Was relief the right word? Content? Whelmed? …Happy? You pulled out your water bottle to take a drink.
Sun smirked and chuckled softly, looking at you with bright and sparkling white eyes. His aura was relaxing and calming. "Well, it's all for the charm, right? The element of surprise. It gets you all riled up, your... heart starts beating so fast..." His grin widened as he continued in a more teasing tone. "You could say I make your heart... skip a beat."
You nearly choke, coughing as a burst of guffaws erupted from your throat. "I cannot believe you actually just said that, oh my gosh..." You continued to giggle, covering your mouth to stifle the noises. Wow... this was the second time you'd laughed this month. Like full on laughing. It felt so wild. Like tasting your favorite treat for the first time in months.
Sun beamed as he watched you giggle. You didn't know it, but oh, how he loved it when you laughed. The sunset was just as beautiful as the sound of your giggles, and to experience both at the same time was truly a treat.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I say something funny?" he asked with a sly grin, leaning in a bit closer so your cheeks flushed from his nearness.
"No, no, not at all," you said, taking a deep breath to compose yourself. "So... were you and Moon able to clear the air?" The last time you had seen them, Sun had seemed really upset by the fact that Moon apparently had snuck out to see you without letting his brothers know.
Sun chuckled under breath but didn't respond immediately as he gazed out towards the sea, looking thoughtful. "It was a bit messy, but overall... yes." He finally looked back at you, his pupils disappearing as his bright eyes absorbed the fading sunlight. "Moon was forgiven. Not that I could stay mad at him... but let's not talk about that silly drama for now. I'd much rather hear about you," he said, adjusting his robes as he spoke.
While you were happy to hear that things weren't rocky between the two, when Sun suggested talking about you, well, you immediately shied away from the idea. "Oh, things are... you know.... fine."
Sun tilted his head slightly, his eyes studying your behavior as the frills surrounding his face twitched slightly. "Are they, really?" he whispered, leaning closer. "You seem quite... distant, as if something is bothering you."
"Nothing interesting has been going on with me," you insisted. "What about you? What have you and the others been up to all these years?"
"Nothing interesting?" Sun repeated, his gaze attentive, studying yours. "Don't lie, I know when you're lying. What's wrong?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.
You sighed heavily. The real answer was: a lot. Too much. But maybe you could just start small. "I haven't been sleeping very well," you confessed. "I'm exhausted, like all the time."
"You look it." Sun nodded, looking at your face, at your tired, sleepless expression, and the dark circles under your eyes. "What's been keeping you up? Bad dreams, perhaps?"
You shook your head. "Insomnia, it's a disorder that makes it hard to sleep. I've been dealing with it for a while now." It was a side effect of the medicine that you were on but he didn't need to know that for right now.
"Insomnia..." he murmured, nodding slowly. “That sounds difficult. You do seem to have a mind that constantly thinks things. Overthinks." His rays twitched and his next words sounded almost sad. "Can't sleep when your head is filled with thoughts."
You gave a weak laugh, dragging your nails through your hair. “Ain't that the truth? Most nights my head feels like... like a tide pool, where the sediment is getting constantly stirred up. The water is always cloudy, nothing was clear. Just a murky mess.”
"There, my friend. Exactly. You said it yourself. Your head is too crowded, too noisy. Mind's a mess, right? Can't sleep when your head's a messy mess." His hands smoothed over the ruffles of his robes. "What usually goes inside it? Do you think a lot about something or nothing at all?"
"Hey, how about we talk about you for a bit?" you suggested, fidgeting back and forth restlessly. You appreciated that Sun was trying to understand but you just weren't in a good head space to discuss it right now.
"Me? Really? You want to know about me?" He looked genuinely surprised at your question before his voice turned teasing again right away. "You really want to know what I think all day?"A tiny, coy smile played around his lips.
You managed a smile in return. "Sure, that'd be a great place to start. Penny for your thoughts. Or maybe a seashell since I don't have a penny right now. But I'm pretty sure I could find a seashell if you give me a few minutes."
Sun chuckled, his bright eyes shining with amusement. "I'll wait as long as necessary for the sea shell."
You smiled, finding some solace in the fact that you'd managed to make him smile. You dug your heels into the damp sand as you rocked back and forth. “I'll find you a really good one, promise.”
His body shifted towards you as he hummed thoughtfully. "Well then, what do you want to know? My thoughts? My fears?” As he spoke his hand slowly, almost cautiously came into contact with yours. It was such a delicate touch, just a light brushing of his knuckles against yours. Yet it sent a tremble through you. A weird, delightful tremble. He looked like he wanted to hold your hand, but something was stopping him. “My desires?"
"What are you thinking about right now?" you asked curiously.
Sun smirked, his eyes locking on yours again, watching you and your movements. "Right now?" he asked, pondering the question. His eyes were almost hypnotizing in the evening light. "I'm... thinking about you. Your company. The way you move, how your hair sways with the wind. How light the sand is around your feet, how the sun looks in your eyes." He sighed, a long and wistful sigh. "I'm just thinking about you, thinking about us, about right now."
You were admittedly taken off guard by that. Like... wow. Were those... were those butterflies in your stomach? You weren't even sure how to respond. You were too busy preoccupied with how hot your face felt against the cool evening air. "Ah.... that is quite a thought. Worth two sea shells at least." Oh my gaud, why am I like this? You thought.
Sun giggled, feeling positively delighted. He was unsure if his teasing was going a bit too far, but he couldn't resist seeing your reaction. Your cheeks were so pink now, like two fresh roses planted on your cheeks. Seeing such an adorable sight made him positively giddy. The way you played with the air, trying to look casual and relaxed, he had to suppress another laugh, his eyes sparkling brighter and brighter.
"I would have to buy a full beach to pay for the seashells I owe you for how precious you look right now."
You spluttered a few incoherent noises before turning fully away from him so he didn't have to see the red splotch that was your face right then. "You can't just say things like that unprovoked. Are you trying to end my life?"
"But you're adorable when you're blushing like this. Did you look in the mirror recently? Your beauty is enough to kill a man." His voice was soft, his gaze was warm and playful, his expression was amused, but he was genuine in his compliments. "Let me see your face again, pretty pearl. Please."
"Stop it," you said softly, covering your burning face with your hands. "If you're just fooling around, please stop." Because there was just no way he could truly feel that way. Not when you felt like such hot garbage.
Sun paused, he looked at you and realized that you were serious. Your blushing expression, your face that was heating up, and your attempt at hiding it; he could tell that you felt insecure and thought less of yourself, and he decided that he can't just let it be. Not when he genuinely saw you as an extraordinarily charming and beautiful person.
"I'm not fooling around," he spoke, his bright eyes locking on yours as he reached forward with trembling fingers. Carefully but firmly, he removed your hands from your face, keeping them trapped between his own as he stared at you seriously.
"Y... you're just saying all this because we were friends all those years ago. But I'm not that person anymore." Gods, how you wished you could be. Things felt so much easier than they did now. You had missed Sun and his brothers dearly and desperately. But that didn't change the fact that they didn't know you anymore and you certainly didn't know them as they were now.
Sun's expression softened for a second keeping a light but firm grip on your hands. "That's the thing. I can see that you've changed, I can see that you don't see yourself as beautifully as I do. But you're still the same person. Yes, time changes everyone, it's inevitable, but that doesn't mean that your core is different. So I know you might not see how lovely that core of yours is. But I can see it clearly, and you better bet that I'll keep reminding you."
Don't cry, don't cry, just.... just take the damn compliment. You take a very, very deep breath, until you thought your lungs might pop, and then exhaled slowly. "I missed you all, a lot. I thought about you so much..." You had never stopped blaming yourself for them getting lost and separated from you.
"I missed you too," Sun spoke softly, as your breathing slowed down, he finally felt like he was getting through your shell. Your fear. Now was the time to push a little, but not be too overbearing. He squeezed your hands with his, but he didn't move any closer. He wanted to make you comfortable with being this close, to feel safe by his side.
"Did you miss us all equally?" he asked suddenly, curiously, as he kept waiting for your answer, your breath. His eyes were sparkling with curiosity again.
You gave a snort and looked up at him. "Sun, really? I never played favorites with you back then, I'm not gonna start now."
"Oh, really?" he snickered, his grip tightening only slightly but enough for you to notice. "You never showed any extra fondness for any of us? Or maybe... extra fondness for one of us?"
You rolled your eyes, slipping your hands away from his, but you couldn't help but smile fondly as the memories started trickling in like a clear water spring. "Still the little attention whore I see. Except not so little anymore."
"Ohhh... You've noticed how tall and handsome I've gotten?" He straightened up to his fullest height, the red spots on his chest gleaming in the waning light, his grin widening. "Now I'm a big attention whore. Positively huge, even!”
You laughed so hard you were clutching your sides. At least he was self aware.
Sun chuckled along with you, enjoying the moment, the two of you laughing together. He was so happy to hear the sound of your mirth, that you seemed to become more relaxed than before, and the way your dimples flashed when you laughed. It all served to make this moment even more beautiful.
"Gods, I'm so glad I've found you again." His voice was soft, the look in his eyes warm and gentle, he paused before speaking again, looking away and scratching the back of his neck. "I hope you still feel the same way about me?"
Honestly, you felt so much lighter than when this conversation started. And it was true. You had missed them, and you were grateful you'd found them again. Just as you opened your mouth to answer, from out of nowhere, an octopus came flying and smacked Sun in the face, clinging to him.
After getting over your shock, a quick glance around and you spotted Moon's gleaming red eyes lurking in the shallows.
To be continued...
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topguncortez · 2 years
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First Ultrasound pairing: Jake Seresin x shy!wife synopsis: Jake sees his baby for the first time word count: 1k (short n sweet) Opposites Attract World | Main Masterlist note: my baby fever is strong and must be stopped. . . but not really. . . send in cute (or angsty) baby requests pls
Jake’s heart was pounding in his chest as he sat next to Y/N in the waiting room. He tried to get his knee to stop bouncing but he couldn’t no matter how hard he tried. He was still in his flight suit, coming to the doctor’s office from base. Y/N, of course, paid no mind to her anxious husband as she flipped through the pages of a magazine. 
“If you don’t stop,  you’ll put a hole into the floor,” Y/N said. 
“I’m sorry I’m nervous, Mrs Calm and Collected,” Jake said and Y/N giggled, setting the magazine down, “I’m going to see my baby for the first time ever.” 
“I know, I know, it’s just weird to see you so nervous,” Y/N grabbed his hand. 
“Well, I have missed a lot, I feel like I’m behind,” Jake put his free hand on your growing belly. 
Jake had gotten home about two weeks ago, and Y/N was already six months along. He had been on an extended mission when Y/N found out she was pregnant. He could remember the phone call and how terrified he had been. Jake had done the best he could over the phone to help Y/N calm her nerves as she took a pregnancy test at home by herself. 
“You haven’t, I promise,” Y/N said, right as she felt a kick from within her, “See, even Baby agrees.” 
“You agree with me, pumpkin,” Jake said and leaned down to place a kiss on her belly. When Y/N’s name was called, Jake helped her up and walked behind her. She already had that pregnancy waddle and Jake thought it was the cutest thing ever. Jake helped her settle up on the exam table, listening as she filled in her midwife, Elizabeth on everything that has happened in the past two weeks. 
“How often do you think they kick?” Elizabeth asked, taking Y/N’s vitals. 
“Too often,” Y/N said, “Probably every twenty to thirty minutes. Worse at night. Oh, are they active at night. Jake usually has to talk them down.” 
“Already defying momma,” Elizabeth smiled, “Alright, lay back Y/N and let's take some measurements.” 
Y/N nodded and Jake helped her lay back against the crinkling paper. No matter how many times Jake has seen it, he was always in awe of the bump Y/N was growing. He couldn’t help but brush his fingers over the skin as Y/N lifted her shirt and tucked it up underneath her breasts. Jake’s green eyes were locked on the bump, rubbing it softly. 
“Obsessed?” Elizabeth asked Y/N and she nodded enthusiastically, “So was my husband when he came back. Almost had to start spraying him with a spray bottle to keep his hands back.” 
“Might have to consider that.” 
“Oh hush,” Jake blushed, realizing he had been caught. Y/N giggled and Jake placed a kiss on her forehead. Elizabeth took measurements of Y/N’s belly, pushing down softly on the skin. Jake held his breath as he watched her, but she assured him that it wasn’t hurting the baby. Y/N had watched in the past weeks since Jake’s been home and he started to transition into this papa-bear. Every little thing that Y/N did, Jake was sure to follow after her. It was starting to kind of annoy her, but she knew that Jake was just protective. 
“Alright, I think this is the part dad has been waiting for,” Elizabeth said and Jake nodded. Y/N flinched a bit as the cold jel hit her stomach and Elizabeth moved the transducer around. Jake leaned closer to the screen as a black and white picture filled the screen. The second his green eyes saw the picture of his baby, Jake broke out in tears. 
“Look,” He sniffled and grabbed Y/N’s hand, “That’s our baby.” 
“I know,” Y/N said. Jake looked from the screen to her and kissed her lips, “Can we hear the heartbeat?” 
“Of course,” Elizabeth smiled. The room was silent for a moment before a whooshing sound filled the air. Jake let out a gasp as he looked at the screen seeing the baby move around. It was like magic, and Jake didn’t know that he could fall deeper in love with Y/N and their baby, but he did. Y/N reached up and wiped a tear from Jake’s cheek. 
“I love you, so fucking much.” 
— — — 
Jake felt his wife shift for what was probably the fifteenth time that hour. A soft groan left her lips as she turned on her side and fluffed the pillows around her. The baby was keeping her up again, kicking and moving in her belly. Jake was a light sleeper and could feel every time she would move. He opened his eyes and looked over at her, Y/N was still asleep, soft snores leaving her lips. He debated on whether or not he should do this, not wanting to wake her, but he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
Jake shuffled his way down the bed, until he was eye level with her bump. Y/N quit wearing pajamas to bed about four weeks ago, saying she got too hot and opted for a sports bra and a pair of Jake’s boxers. Jake smiled and gently ran his hands over her belly. She stirred a bit and Jake looked up to see her still asleep. He kissed her belly lightly. 
“You need to not keep your mom up,” Jake said to her belly, “It’s not nice. She needs her rest before you get here, little baby. Gosh, we can’t wait for you to be here, but don’t you come early. You stay right there until it’s time, you hear me. I got to see you today for the first time. You are already so big and I can tell you are going to be just like your momma. The doctor said you’re shy and don’t like to show us your face. But that’s okay, I’ll see your beautiful face soon enough, pumpkin. I love you so much, you will never know how much I love you.” 
He placed another kiss on her belly, before wrapping his arms around her and snuggling into her belly. Y/N, who had woken up hearing his voice, let out a content sigh and ran her hand through Jake’s soft blonde locks a couple of times, before resting her hand on the top of his head and whispering.  
“We love you too.”
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
"no one understands me like you do"
mushy may ; day sixteen !! (approx. 1.6k words)
read under the cut or on ao3 :)
(i'm still obsessed with @crimsonclergy's coffee shop au fic, thanks for asking :) and i haven't thanked crow in a while, so thank you @forlorn-crows for putting the mushy may prompt list together <3)
this one contains: they/them rain, hypermobile rain, hypermobile(?) dew, post-self harm dew, discussions of self-harm, hurt/comfort, australian mountain
Dew wanders around the cafe, rearranging the tables, collecting dirty cups and plates, and wiping empty tables down while there’s a lull in customers. Well, maybe it would be more accurate to say that he limps around the cafe. His leg hurts like a fucking bitch and he can’t wait until he can rest on his break; there’s nowhere to sit down while he’s working unless he’s sitting on the floor and restocking the lower shelves behind the counter.
Admittedly, giving in to the urge to cut himself right before his shift was probably not the smartest idea he’s ever had, but he’s proud to say that, somehow, it’s also not the dumbest. Every time he moves, he can feel the cuts stretching, and little trickles of blood run down his leg, smudging between his thigh and the inside of his jeans. He hasn’t covered or cleaned them properly, and he knows he’s going to be dealing with red, angry scabs on his thigh for at least a week because of it, but he didn’t have the time to look after the cuts properly. By the time he’d washed his blade and wiped the blood off of his thighs—and fucking carpet—where it had dripped down, he was already almost late for his shift.
Besides, even if he’d waited to do it at work, it’s not like there’s a place at the cafe he could have done it; the staff toilets have a faulty lock, and Dew’s lost count of the amount of times Rain has come barging in while he’s been in there. He’s not willing to risk the door banging open and Rain staring at him while he explains to them why he’s got the blade from a children’s pencil sharpener slicing through his skin.
“Are you… alright, Dew?” Rain’s voice startles him out of his thoughts, and he looks up from the table he’s wiping to see them staring at him in concern, the spoon in their hand frozen over the box of tea leaves. “You look like you’re limping.”
“Hmm? Oh,” Dew laughs. “Yeah, I’m okay. My, uh– My hip’s flaring up I think.” It’s a good lie. Believable, convincing.
Rain winces in sympathy, their knees do a similar thing to Dew’s hips; they deem it a good day if their knees only give out once or twice. “You need a heat pack?” They ask, raising their voice over the sound of the coffee machine boiling water. “I think I’ve got a wearable one with an adjustable strap in my bag, it might fit ‘round your waist.”
Dew’s touched by their concern, but—since his hip isn’t actually flaring up; small mercies, and all that jazz—he shakes his head. “I think I’ll be okay,” he assures them, “but I’ll let you know. Thanks, though.”
“No worries,” they smile, pouring the finished tea into a takeaway cup and sliding it across the counter. “This is Mountain’s, by the way.” Dew perks up at the mention of his partner’s name, placing the spray bottle down and walking—limping, wincing, whatever—over to the counter. “I know you’ll say no,” Rain starts, “but since you’re in pain, do you want me to walk it over?”
Dew smiles and shakes his head, swiping the cup off of the counter. “She’ll be right. His shop’s only next door.”
“She’ll be right?” Rain parrots in confusion.
“Picked it up from Mount,” Dew explains. “I dunno why he says it. Some kind of weird Australianism, maybe?”
“Christ, that man confuses me,” Rain mutters under their breath.
Dew snorts in agreement and begins making his way towards the door. Now that Rain can’t see his face, he winces openly, screwing his face up tightly with every step on his right leg. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Have fun,” Rain sing-songs.
“I will,” Dew replies in the same tone. The moment the door swings shut behind him though, and he’s out of Rain’s view, he sags against the wall and takes a deep shuddering breath. On the exhale, he pushes himself off the wall and wills himself not to cry as he walks the few metres to Mountain’s florist.
When he gets there, Mountain is ringing a customer through at the register, so Dew places the tea on the counter with a small nod in Mountain’s direction to make sure he actually sees the tea, and begins to walk out.
“Sorry, one moment,” he hears Mountain tell the customer “Dew! Wait a minute, will you?”
Dew nods and hobbles over and leans on the counter-slash-workbench to wait while the customer finishes paying for their flowers. It’s a lovely bouquet they’re buying; all bright reds, cheerful yellows and fiery oranges arranged neatly, but in a way that looks intentionally hap-hazardous—what with all the extra stems, leaves, and clusters of small white flowers trailing lazily out from in between the main flowers. It shouldn’t look nice, but it does, and Dew doesn’t know how Mountain does it.
It’s only when the bell above the door rings to signal the customer’s departure from the shop that Mountain speaks to Dew. “Okay, what’s going on?”
“What?” Dew furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he moves behind the counter to sit down. He’s never been more jealous of the fact that Mountain is allowed a chair behind the till.  “Nothing’s going on, everything’s fine.”
“You’re limping,” Mountain notes, pointing to Dew’s thigh.
“Y– yeah… My hip’s flaring up?” It comes out as more of a question than a statement, but Dew thinks his point still gets across well enough. 
“When your hip’s sore, you shuffle. You’re not shuffling, love. You’re limping.” Dew should be touched by the concern shining in Mountain’s eyes, as well as the fact that Mountain seems to understand him and his functions more than anyone else, but it only makes him feel bad. Mountain crouches down in front of the chair, placing a  hand delicately on Dew’s good leg. When he speaks, his voice is impossibly kind and gentle. “What’s going on, sundew?”
Dew tries to stop the flood of tears, really, he does, but once the dam is opened, there’s no going back. He falls into Mountain’s arms and starts crying in earnest, sobbing when his leg moves the wrong way and he feels his cuts all over again. “I’m sorry,” he sobs. “I’m really fucking sorry.”
“Hey, hey, no. You don’t have to apologise, love. This isn’t something you need to apologise for.” Dew barely hears him; just keeps forcing apologies from his lips as he cries into Mountain’s shoulder. “I’m going to go tell Rain that you’re having your break now, okay? Will you be fine here on your own? I’ll be as quick as I can.”
Dew sniffles and nods up at Mountain through the tears. “Yeah, I’ll– I’ll be fine,” he says through a watery smile.
Mountain leans down and presses a kiss to Dew’s forehead. “I’ll be back in a minute.” The door jingles on his way out, and through the window Dew can see Mountain locking it, in case anyone were to come in looking for flowers and find no one but a crying employee from the cafe next door.
True to his word, Mountain returns in about three minutes, a hot chocolate clutched in his hand. He hands it to Dew, who accepts it—with shaky hands and a whispered “thanks”—gratefully. He takes a sip and lets the warmth seep into his body, focussing on the way it blooms out from his throat and stomach into his limbs and chest. It’s a strangely calming feeling, which is probably why Mountain brought it for him, he supposes.
He lets Mountain pull him up and waits as his partner rearranges the chair’s positioning until it’s in a more convenient spot for him to still get work done. “I told Rain your hip got worse,” Mountain explains as he helps Dew back into the chair, careful to ensure his leg doesn’t twist awkwardly and makes the cuts worse. “They said you can be on break for as long as you need to, okay? They’ll cover for you.”
The warmth that spreads through Dew’s chest isn’t the hot chocolate’s doing. Rain is too good to him. Dew makes a mental note to cover every shift they need covering for until the end of time as a thanks. “Can I–“ Dew starts, tentatively. “Can I stay here? Just– Just for a bit, then I’ll get out of your hair,” he laughs; it’s not a happy sound.
“‘Course, love. That’s why I moved the chair. Stay for as long as you need to, yeah?”
Dew nods and takes another sip of his drink. “Yeah,” he says, softly.
“Now,” Mountain crouches down in front of him again, “I don’t have any customers in the shop right now, and I’m guessing you didn’t have enough time to take care of your cuts before work, right?”
“I was going to,” Dew protests, weakly. “But, I–”
“I’m not mad at you, sundew,” Mountain reassures him. “I’m just taking care of you.” Oh. Dew didn’t even think of that. “Right. I’m going to go find a clean cloth, and then we’ll get you all cleaned up. How does that sound?”
“Good, yeah.” Dew nods, moving to set his drink down in preparation of cleaning himself up.
“No, no,” Mountain says, pushing the drink back into Dew’s hands gently. “I’m gonna do the cleaning, if you’ll let me?”
Dew nods slowly, pulling the cup closer to himself. “You– You can do it. If you– If you want.”
“Good,” Mountain smiles. “Now, relax,” he orders, playfully. “Let me take care of you for a bit, sundew.”
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[Communications commence, Boris seems to have a little hope_] 
Day Thirteen, salvage ship The Wretched. The beacon started making noises and for a minute I thought my engine fuckups yesterday had wrecked it. No, it’s picking up radio static - radio static from ships that aren’t this one! It’s something! Maybe… Maybe I will get heard in time. 
Today we don’t waste all our time fucking around and finding out_
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What would Arkady do?_
What would Arkady do right now? What would he say? I find myself asking it over and over. Before any of my tasks I just… I think about him and what he’d say and do. How would he react to all this? I wonder if he’s watching me right now from wherever you end up when you die in space. I wonder if he’s judging my choices_ 
What would Arkady do? I don’t know. That’s why I keep asking_
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[An alert begins blaring through the ship, echoing around the recorder and there’s the sound of spray going off. Boris’ footsteps echo_]
One day. Can I ask for one day - one FUCKING day without shit going down? What is this this time?!_
[Pause, typing and then a fist slammed on the desk_]
FIRE!? Shit shit shit shit… The sprinklers came on at least… oh fuck fuck it’s one of the backup engines. Probably from all my shitty tinkering before. This is not fucking good… Holy fuck_
[The alarms cease, Boris breathes a huge sigh_]
Okay, fire out. Now to inspect damages… aaand it won’t let me do it remotely because of course not this rustbucket just hates me at this point. Okay, stay calm. Breathe… Breathe deep. Go down and check the extent of the damage. Maybe you can just jettison off that engine and be done with it - go send it out for the thing to play with_
Maybe I just send it off without looking. The fuck do I need a broken engine for anyways?_
[He types and there’s a beeping noise. The sound of warning alarms and a low rumbling. The engine presumably is jettisoned and Boris laughs_]
There! Not my problem!_
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[Recording resumes and Boris sounds as if he has definitely been crying. His speech is periodically interrupted by coughing and what is assumed to be suppressed sobbing.]
I realised it’s been nearly two weeks and I haven’t actually… Gone to see them properly. Like, yeah… I’ve returned items to them when I found them and I’ve been past the room they’re all in but I haven’t… 
[Long pause, several sniffs_]
I put them in AIRLOCK-10 it’s the one closest to our habitat module. Made sense that they needed to be somewhere I wouldn’t smell rotting corpses but also… Somewhere close. I don’t know how to let go exactly. Or how to say goodbye. Or I’m sorry. Or any of it_
So there’s six bodies in that airlock. It’s actually vaccum sealed too. There’s no oxygen in there so they’re not really… Decaying. I think some stuff gets in when I open it but it’s minimal. They’re not fresh but they’re not… They’re not as bad as some of the other corpses I’ve found on here anyway_
[Pause, a heavy sigh and Boris shuffling_]
I went for the last time. Told myself I’d make this my proper last time. Say goodbye and then… Let them go. I went to the airlock with the last of the personal items I found and I went over each one. I don’t know how long it took but it will never feel like enough time, will it?_
[He breaks for a moment, crying hard_] 
Gave the commander his rifle back first. I got another one out the armoury to replace it. I can’t just go running around with it, it’s not mine and well… It felt disrespectful. I put it with the bear I found and a couple of his record books. Commander Stanisław kept really detailed notes on our course and trajectory so I know he’d prefer to have them on him. I apologised for all the times I’d annoyed him and been stubborn. I was probably a massive headache to him_
Hollis I carried over from the armoury back when I found him. He’s not in the best shape but I tried. I wonder if he thinks I’m really funny that I kept the half-drunk bottle of wine I found in his hand with him when I put him in there. Hollis liked to mess around. We both joked sometimes - he and Arkady actually got along really well too. I hope he’s somewhere he can drink and debauch to his heart’s content now_
Ada was in the systems room. I found her under the mainframe desk with ADAM’s motherboard in her arms. I think she was hiding. It didn’t feel right to examine the cause of death for anyone and I didn’t want to speculate on it. But I think the thing got her from behind. She’s got ADAM with her now still, I put her diary in her other hand too. Turned over her entire room for her bubblegum stash and added it in - she wouldn’t want to go anywhere without some. It felt… Better that she had it_
Douglas, Doug to friends, was actually more difficult. Idiot had to hide somewhere tight fitting and I almost didn’t find him at all. He’s fine now, aside from a little rigour mortis. I found all his comms equipment when I fixed the beacon and set this recorder up so he’s got his own things with him. Personal recordings - I listened to a few. It’s hard to hear his voice and not cry, and I hate crying. He really did drive Mary up the fucking wall… Ah_
[Pause, Boris breaks again to cry for a moment, trying to regain himself_]
Mary… She’s next to Arkady, the two of them sort of ended up leaning on each other. That’s fine, they can stay together that way. She wasn’t far from the storage unit either. She got so close too, the three of us we could have all- No. Don’t dwell on that_ 
I regret not telling her how I felt. I regret not kissing her more. I miss the time we danced in the observatory under the stars. I miss her_ 
[Long silence. Boris’ voice is barely above a whisper_]
How do you say goodbye to a part of yourself? Your own brother, your own twin? The person who’s never not been with you ‘til now. You don’t just… You don’t just stop and let go. He’s my twin and he’s still me and I’m still him. Half of me died two weeks ago. Half of me is lying cold in that airlock_
I told him to keep Mary safe. Told him thank you for saving my life but that he’s an idiot for throwing his own life away. Told him I love him, I miss him I- I said I’d keep trying. Keep trying to live for him. Hoping and praying that my own life isn’t thrown away in vain after all he did_
I said all my goodbyes but… When I said I’d jettison them I… I couldn’t do it. They’re still there. I can’t just yet. Not yet_
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Crying is extremely dehydrating and all I’ve done these past two weeks aside from suffer is cry - a lot. The water system has been working but this time, after a needed drink from earlier, I noticed the taste was off. Not by much but, slight_
It smells funny too_ 
[He sniffs, sighing_]
Piss. Okay not actual piss. Ammonia. Great. It’s not purifying exactly anymore. It’s not dangerous yet, I hope, but still unpleasant. It almost makes me tempted to see what remains of the ship’s alcohol stores and just let it all go. But maybe not yet. Maybe once this water is truly undrinkable_
Least no one is alive to make piss jokes at me_
Flight Engineer Boris Strugatsky Signing off_ 
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The MC Accidentally Kisses the Brothers
Due to incredibly popular demand (and because it’s a cute prompt).
It was just a childish prank, but pretty much all of Satan’s pranks were childish at their core (even the more homicidal ones).
This one wasn’t even that bad in the grand scheme of things. The angry boi was just trying to see if he could get Lucifer to fall down the stairs...
...admittedly, saying it out loud makes it sound much more cruel than intended. But this is Lucifer we’re talking about. A tumble down a flight or two wouldn’t leave him too injured… Unfortunately for Satan, he wasn’t the only one who took a tumbling.
The plan was pretty simple, put an enchantment on the stairs to the Conference Hall, lay in wait, and trigger it right as Lucifer was leaving a meeting. He’s always the last to go, so it should have been foolproof.
But the MC hung back to leave with Lucifer that day and just so happened to jump forward right as Satan was timing his step… getting themselves thrown down along with him.
Fortunately for them both, the firstborn’s reflexes were astounding. He was already holding the MC in his demon form and cushioning their fall before they could even hit the first stair. And it was quite a long way down…
By the time they hit the bottom, Lucifer had them fully wrapped up in his wings and Satan couldn’t what had happened until they unfolded… whereupon he saw the MC laying on top of Lucifer with their lips far FAR too close together for his liking…
Yeah, that backfired pretty hard and Satan was left fuming over it for days… Not that Lucifer minded in the slightest.
Sometimes when Mammon does his photoshoots he brings the MC along as one part cheerleader, one part pit crew. It’ll be their job to hold onto his stuff, make sure he has enough to drink, and generally stand there and be impressed by his awesomeness until they leave.
Well that day things had been going well… until a particularly nosy worker started hovering around the MC too much for Mammon’s liking.
He tried to put it past him, since he had a shoot to do and all, but he snapped about halfway through when the guy kept trying to force a conversation with the very not interested MC.
Oh, he was ready to tell him off. He made the photographer stop mid-shoot just so he could march over there himself and give that asshole a piece of his mind! He was going to absolutely tear him to shreds and then-!!
Okay, that didn’t exactly happen because right as he got up to the MC, ready to start shouting, our lovable moron tripped… again…
But unlike the first time, where he more or less face-planted the floor, this time he smacked lips first into a surprised MC in front of the jerk he was trying to scare off.
… Yeah. He meant to do that.
And that’s exactly how he played it off, keeping his lips right where they were and flipping the other guy off so he’d leave them alone (which, thankfully, he did).
Totally what he intended to do and he'll swear so to this day.
… how in the world do you mess up the Kabedon?
Levi had seen the move done hundreds of times before in anime. It’s a very simple concept: put someone up against a wall, put one of your hands by their head, and just lean. That’s it. Not rocket science.
Levi had been mentally preparing himself for this moment for days… He may or may not have even practiced this (very simple) move in his room countless times. He genuinely thought he was ready to try it on the MC.
So, on one of those rare days he went to RAD, he gave it a shot. He waited until he and the MC were walking alone together, got them up against the wall, annnnd…
...rather than touching the wall next to them, his hand completely missed any sort of hard surface because in his panic he stopped them right next to a blind corner…
Naturally, his body fell forward some but since there wasn’t that much space between them by that point he uh… he… well he now knows their preferred Chapstick.
No matter what the MC’s reaction ultimately was, he leapt away from them like he just licked an electric fence and bolted.
His embarrassment genuinely cannot be overstated... He practically broke a window in his attempt to get the hell out of there and back to his room, where he didn’t leave for three days straight… Poor Levi...
It started out as easily one of the best days of his life. 
The MC, the exchange students, and the Royal Court had all decided to surprise him on his birthday with a Devildom-style cat cafe… Kitties were on practically every surface around him! 
Admittedly, Satan had been pretty distracted throughout most of his time there. There were just so many kitties for him to see that he sort of forgot about the MC in the process…
So in order to get his attention a little, the MC thought it would be cute to pick up one of the furry bundles and hold it in front of their face, doing that little thing where you pretended to “talk” for the cat and even waved one of its little paws at him.
They hadn’t predicted that Satan would find the display utterly, heart-meltingly adorable...
He attempted to plant a kiss on top of the furry critter’s head at the exact time that the MC brought the cat down their face entirely.
It took Satan a second or two to register that his lips were not, in fact, on a cat. And when he pulled back to see the MC’s shocked expression, the full gravity of his actions smacked him in the face like a falling log…
Cue a flustered rush to apologize while the MC hid their face back behind the confused kitty… Getting an accidental kiss in front of the prince of Hell and literal angels was pretty dang embarrassing...
At least the incident was taken in good spirits by most of the people in attendance (minus Luke, who was desperately trying to give MC his bottle of holy water like it was pepper spray by that point). 
Though after that point, Satan noticed that his “guests” kept passive-aggressively giving him cats until he was literally so buried in fluff he could barely move… probably not related, though. Probably.
It was another party night with Asmo and the MC at the Fall having a good time.
Now, Asmo was no stranger to Demonus and other assorted demonic beverages. You could say his tolerance is decent enough, but get a few too many in him and he does start to get a little off…
And a drunk Asmo is a very troublesome Asmo. 
The MC, bless their heart, was pretty much playing the sober babysitter to their demon friend when Asmo decided that he HAD to leave the club and get cupcakes right then. Being the good person they were, MC agreed to go with him, as long as he promised to stay with them and not wander off…
But they somehow managed to lose him within three blocks from the club. All they did was check their phone for directions and the guy bailed!!
Little did the MC know, while they were frantically searching for him Asmo hadn’t run away completely… He had just decided it was a great idea to play hide-and-seek at 2am and hid behind a nearby building.
It was his drunken giggling that eventually gave away his position, but he jumped out from behind the corner right as the MC was rounding it. Naturally, they both to collided. If hugging hadn’t been an instinctual action to Asmo by they point, they would have fallen down…
All they did ended up doing instead was getting caught in lip-lock due to Asmo’s sudden vice-grip.
Apparently he laughed and laughed all the way back to the House but his memory of it is pretty hazy… He’ll just have to get the MC to reenact it with him a few dozen times, that ought to jog his memory!
The MC was helping Beel out with his workout yet again and things had been going well.
Since Beel is pretty much a one-man army, his weights and routine are usually waaay too advanced for any human to be able to handle. So the MC is less his spotter and more a casual supporter/motivator than anything else.
And motivation was just what they were trying to provide with a fun little experiment of theirs… 
Ever heard of the “carrot-on-the-stick”? Well they decided to try something like that… literally. Just replace the carrot with a roast ham!
They put ham on a fishing pole, set Beel up on a treadmill, and dangled it closer or farther away based on his speed. In theory, it wasn’t the worst idea in the world... but in practice…? 
Well. Someone should have told them not to stand in front of him during this little trial...
Their motivation experiment did work for a few minutes… But soon enough Beel’s stomach got the better of his (marginal) self-control. They just weren’t expecting him to leap over the top of the treadmill...!
The smart thing to do would have been to drop the fishing pole or to just keep it still so Beel could grab the meat, but the MC reflexively drew the pole back behind them… thus putting them right in Beel’s path instead.
And that’s how they ended up caged under lord knows how many pounds of Beelzebub, thankfully kissing their lips rather than trying to chew them off…
Needless to say, Beel climbed off of them, red as a cherry, and the MC let him have that ham before the two agreed to never try this again. Whoopsie!
Belphie likes sleep. 
Belphie likes cuddles. 
Belphie likes cuddling in his sleep.
Really this was bound to happen eventually…
The MC and Belphie were having a nice nap together in the attic and there wasn’t anything nefarious about it. Just two people snuggled up together in the same bed.
...snuggled up very close together in the same bed.
So close, in fact, that when the MC finally woke up and rolled over some to reposition themselves, they felt the soft lips of their companion brush up against their own.
They, of course, had the appropriate reaction of shock and embarrassment to this… but this cheeky fucker just smirked at them and let one eye slip open.
“What…? Is that it? It’ll take more than that to wake me up…”
Never mind the fact he was awake the whole time...
He really should have expected that pillow to the head, but after they struck the first blow, it was on now.
Don't worry. As it would turn out, an impromptu pillow fight also wakes him up just fine. Who'd have guessed?
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luimagines · 3 years
Hi! I have a request, but first i wanna say your writing is absolutely amazing! The length + amount of time you put into these prompts is insanely good. Now! Onto the request, how would the boys react to a reader from a more modern era? Maybe a more modernized hyrule or our current point in time?
Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm happy to see the response even if this blog is still relatively new.
I hope I do your prompt justice.
I probably could have done a headcanon list but I was hit with inspiration.
I also might have given Reader some backstory.
Scenario below the cut! It’s long, take caution.
It was a cool night, but you didn't mind. Your bed was warm, the WiFi was fast and even if it was three AM on a school night, you managed to keep yourself giggling with cat videos and blursed memes until the words and colors merged.
A night well spent.
But it led to questionable decisions.
Even if the shredded cheese in the fridge was beginning to seem a more and more enticing snack, your body was tempted to succumb to slumber.
Until a large purple light encompassed the entirety of your window.
Something was in your backyard.
Aliens. Your tired brain supplies and you sprint to the glass and push away the curtains. Is this it? Is this where I'm kidnapped and never seen or heard from again?
You pull out your phone and open up the camera.
"Pics or it didn't happen." You remind yourself and snap a few before showing your face.
What you see isn't what you're expecting. Instead of a flying saucer in the sky beaming down a laser or a weird pear shaped space craft on top of the grass, there's a single panel of glowing light, swirling with black accents that creeps in a circular motion.
"Cheese and crackers...." You gasp and begin to blatantly stare at it with no regard to whether something may be coming out of it.
You wait and nothing happens.
You wait some more and nothing happens.
You spend an hour watching this portal that has appeared out of nowhere, waiting for something to happen, willing for something to happen. But you get nothing.
The unknown stares right back at you, unblinking and unchanged.
Go through it. A voice tells you. What if there's something on the other side?
"I'm going to die." You gulp and take a deep breath.
Who else gets a chance like this? The voice talks again. This could be a grand step towards a more modern society. A whole new world could be on the other side, waiting, reaching out, calling to humanity!
You think you a see a shadow move behind the portal and out of sight but it’s gone before you can even process it.
"Should I call the police?" You step away from the window, ignoring the thoughts, the voice- you're too tired to know if it's your own any more. What's the plan? How does one go about something like this?
Where’s your sense of adventure? Pack a bag and go! What if it goes away?
That last thought seems to get through to your tired brain and for a reason beyond your understanding, it latches onto it.
Now you’re excited.
You run to the closet and take out your old backpack. It used to be for school but it was fancier since it was the only one you could get. The bag had a replaceable water bag with a plastic straw connected through the back of it and the straps have just worn down enough to where they’re actually comfortable. It doubled as a hiking backpack and came with its own insulated lunch box that clasped on the back of it.
It’ll finally serve its purpose.
You quickly roll up your favorite blanket and strap it in tightly beneath the lunch box. You’re quick to take out two extra outfits and pack them as well as change out of your pajamas.
Ok. What would you need? You don’t know where you’d be going so this has to a catch all kind of deal.
You pack away your swiss army knife first for good measure. A solar powered charger for your phone and an extra pair of socks follow suit even after you’ve picked out the extra clothes.
You take out the water bag and run to fill it all the way to max capacity as you think of any other necessities.
You’d need food. You have a small jar of peanut butter and granola bars that can fit in the lunch box. You can bring your extra water bottle and put in the side pockets of the backpack, and maybe bring some of those powered flavor packets your brother loves so much. You think he has lemonade and some green tea ones.
Those would be great. He won’t mind, hopefully.
You let the bag overfill momentarily before running back to shove it in your bag. with the lid screwed tight.
Next you run to the kitchen, grabbing the first things that you thought of already and begin to look around for more.
You grab an unopened pack of beef jerky, a bag of veggie sticks and a half eaten bag of dried mangos.
During your search you grab the water bottle and fill that too.
You return to your room with your bounty and begin to carefully put everything in the box. With some more deliberation, you run back to the kitchen and make yourself a quick sandwich, eat it, make another one and pack that as well.
You look out side the window and the portal is still there.
The sun is beginning to rise now so you’re trying to go as fast as you can, unless you want to neighbors to think something is going on.
Even if it is.
You’re about to leave but in a stroke of brilliance, you run to pack sunscreen and bug spray as well. You see a small first aid pack that was bought recently for when you would take your family vacation but you reason that it might one of the most important things you’d have if you got hurt.
Into the bag it goes.
You grab your hoodie before you leave the door, wrap it around your waist and pocket your phone, your headphones and your wallet.
You feel immediately under packed when you step outside and see the portal up close.
It’s weirdly triangle shaped, you think and step closer.
You reach your hand out and try to touch it. It feels as if you put your hand through a humidifier but it’s not wet. It’s misty and cold but not necessarily unpleasant.
An idea hits you right before you take your first step through.
You pull up one of the earlier photo’s you took and send it to your friend’s group chat. It showed up in my backyard. I decided to make a bad late night decision and I’m going through. If you never hear from me again, I want you all to fight over my electronics. Winner takes all. Godspeed.
And you step through.
You had first assumed that it would merely take you tot he other side but very quickly realize that you have to walk through it.
The first part still had a little light but with time, it got darker. So dark that you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face.
You kept walking.
As fast as the light disappeared, it came back and you stepped into the light of an open field, right in front of one, two, three, four, nine males that had appeared to be traveling towards you or rather, towards the portal.
The portal disappears in the process.
“Oh so we didn’t have to go through it! We had to gain another member!” One of them yells. “Would have been nice to know before we packed everything up!”
“Ho boy, where am I?” You ask and tighten your grip on your backpack. Why didn’t I bring a weapon?
They all had long tunics and swords on their backs. Old fashioned leather boots and hand bracers were the norm in this group and you realized very quickly that your jeans and t-shirt had wildly missed the memo.
“Dang, I didn’t think I’d walk into a LARP group. Sorry about that.” You sheepishly smile. “I had no idea where the portal was going to take me. But if you would be so kind-”
“Wait, what’s LARP?” One of them speaks up. He was a dirty blond and somewhere in the middle of the group height wise. He wore a white cape like thing with blue designs on the back but you didn’t recognize the symbol.
“Live Action Role Play?” You tilt your head. “It’s why you’re all dressed like that? Right?”
“This is just our clothes.” What appears to be the youngest bounces up to you. “What are you wearing?”
“First I could grab in my closet.” You admit and look down on it. It’s one of your comfiest shirts and best looking pants. You’re a little proud of yourself for finding those in the dark.
“We’re heroes. We’re all named Link.” Cape guy speaks up again. “Is it safe to assume that you’re in the same boat?”
“Heroes?” Your eyebrows furrow together. “I’m not a hero and my name’s not Link.”
You’re quick to tell them your name and you watch as the confusion covers their faces. “My brother’s name is Link though if that helps anything.”
“Oh we needed him!” The youngest groans and it instantly irks you.
“What would you need with a five year old?” You deadpan and cross your arms. 
The information stuns the group.
“The portal showed up in the middle of the night and I’m the one that went through it. I’m pretty sure I was the only awake to even see it. Are you telling me that it was for my little brother?” You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t a little pissed. “My baby brother was supposed to go through it? He was asleep! He’s five. What kind of logic is that?!”
“Well...” The biggest and oldest of them runs a hand over his face. You think he has some cool tattoos and sick scar going across his eye but he looks about as angry as you feel, so you don’t say anything. “It appears the gods truly do not care for the hero’s maturity, only his existence.”
“Ok...What’s with all this hero talk?” You bite back. “What did... Where am I?”
“Hyrule.” The second with cool face tattoos speaks up. He’s got a large fur pelt around his shoulders and you have to tighten your grip against your backpack again to keep from reaching out to touch it.
Even so you feel yourself deadpan even more. “Hyrule? Like the ancient empire? The one that collapsed more than two thousand years ago? That Hyrule?”
You’re inclined to not believe them and write all of them off as crazy... but you also walked through a portal. And your grandma did say that magic existed in the strangest forms.
They all share looks of concern and some begin to murmur quietly amongst themselves but you’re too far gone to even notice.
“Did I time travel?” The idea hits you like a bus and you feel your eyes widen as you stare beyond the group. You quickly take our your phone and unlock it.
No signal.
“Is that a type of Sheikah slate?” Someone asks you.
“I don’t know what that is.” You reply automatically. “Wait, hold on, what year is it?”
“Why don’t you tell us what year you’re from and we can start from there?” The darkest brunette of the group speaks up.
“202x PC” You say robotically, not really processing the world around you anymore.
“That’s...” The blond with a long blue scarf speaks up with a slight hiss. “...Beyond any of our timelines. You see, we all come from different worlds and eras of Hyrule’s history.”
“I don’t think you’re the farthest down anymore, Wild.”
“This would then make them my successor, right?”
“It would make their brother your successor.” Someone amends. “I think they just jumped in his place.”
“Leave my brother alone.” You snap back into the present, pocketing your [hone again. “Ok, you know what, screw it. I don’t know what you’d want my brother for but I’m here now. I’d gladly take his place if it means he gets to stay home!”
“Hey.” A boy with pink hair stalks up to you looking a little more serious than you’d like.
“Nice hair dude, way to defy the gender norms.” You smirk a little before genuinely grinning, hoping to quell the tension. “What product do you use? It looks like Artic Fox but not every place sells their brand.”
“...I have no idea what you’re talking about but what happened to Ganon in your world? How have you been handling it?” He snaps and places his hands on his hips.
“Ganon? Like my old principle? That’s a name I haven’t heard in forever.” You’re confused again. “Last I heard he joined the police force only to be reassigned out of state. I don’t know what’s happening with him. Kinda hope he gets fired though. He’s not a bad guy but he’s not someone you’d want in that kind of position of power, you know.”
“Police force?”
You blinked and look them all over. They look very medieval. “Oh... You don’t have that...”
You begin to think about your history lessons and what they might be familiar with if they’re telling the truth about being from Hyrule.
“Ya’ll got knights?”
Many, almost all of them nod, a few with face of despair already on them before you finish speaking.
“It’s kind of like that. Mixed with a towns guard position... kinda. They enforce laws... at least they’re supposed to but the whole system is flawed and racist and really needs to be dismantled for the abuse of power that they have-”
“Abuse? Of power?” You have their attention again.
“It’s stupid and it won’t really make any sense if I try to explain because I doubt you have anything similar but it’s basically a group of people given the right to treat the public in anyway they like for their own benefit because they have no one telling them that they can’t.” You groan and slowly begin to feel your lack of sleep catch up to you. 
You slowly reach to behind you and sit down on the dirt, looking at all of them. “Mr. Dragmire wasn’t like...Demise or anything but he was a huge jerk. No one liked him. He liked me though. I remember that. I was the envy of the whole school because I somehow got on his good side while everyone else wants to strangle him. I think he was transferred for some misdemeanor or something like that... like he might have been throwing hands with someone he wasn’t supposed to. I never heard all the details. I didn’t really care for it when it happened either. I’m pretty sure he lost that fight though. The dude looked like a blast of wind could have knocked him over let alone someone’s knuckle sandwich.”
“I would love to hear more about this.” The youngest sits next to you with a large grin on his face. His eyes are bright and his body language reminds you of your cousin Zelda. You instantly think they’d get along like a house on fire. “What are your monsters like?”
“Monsters?” You tilt your head. “Be a little more specific bud, it depends on where you’re from.”
“You have that many?!”
“It depends on if you believe they’re real or not.”
“Speaking of monsters, can you fight?” The shortest walks up to you. You like that his tunic is stitched up with multiple colors and designs. It gives it personality, you think. “Do you have a weapon you’re more comfortable with?”
The question throws you off your rhythm and you don’t fight your wince. “What would happen if I say that I do not, in fact, have any sort of weapon on me?”
“I wouldn’t believe you.” Pink guy speaks up again. “That pack is huge, there has to be something in there.”
“It’s food, water and extra clothes my guy.” You lean back against said backpack since it won’t let you lay down with it still on. “Not a lot of space for anything else. I’m pretty good at hand to hand combat though. Karate’s a good way to fight out stress.” 
“Your bag’s not magic?”
“Why the hell would it be magic? ...Are you trying to tell me magic actually exists?” You raise an eyebrow as your eyes begin to close against your will. “I know my grandma said it does but I thought she meant like fairies and shadow demons.. and bigfoot. Can’t forget him, he’s the real MVP... You know...Children’s bedtime stories and stuff like that, it’s not real. But like magic magic? Magic items and the like? Find me Tinkerbell and I’ll show you Neverland, that’s what I say.”
“Are you serious?”
“Second star to the right, straight on till morning.” You respond.
There’s a moment of silence as the group in front of you processes your words. It’s hard to tell their reaction since you’re not looking at them but you no longer have the energy to do anything else.
“Are you falling asleep right now?” It’s the one they called Wild.
“I...” You try to open your eyes. They don’t budge. “I haven’t slept in nearly 20 hours... I think. I might have past 24 hours a while ago actually. Portal showed up at like four in the morning... I had to get up at six and I didn’t sleep at all before then.”
More silence.
“Great another one.” Someone scoffs.
You snort.
“Why did we pack up camp again?”
“No one kill me.” You say right before you lose consciousness. “Please and thank you.”
“They’re doomed.”
“Have some faith Vet. They stepped in for their little brother. That has to mean something?”
“They’re in for a rude awakening, and that’s all I have to say about it.”
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bnhabadass · 3 years
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So excited to be sharing my piece for this months bnharem collab!!! The theme for this is, you guessed it, sex worker!au. I am so honored to be writing along with everyone else who put so much time and energy into writing these pieces. Please please please check out their collab pieces here. Everyone has put so much work into these so give them a read through and some warm and fuzzy notes 😊💕✨
Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Reader Genre: NSFW Warnings: Coercion, Dubcon, Anal fingering, Hardcore sex, Deepthroating, Dabi is a Todoroki Word Count: 6,166 Synopsis: Rich ceo Enji Todoroki gives you the offer of a lifetime on one condition. You have to sleep with his eldest son.
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Working at a strip club was the last thing you pictured yourself doing after you graduated high school. After graduating and moving into a cheap apartment on the outskirts of town, you decided to start working immediately to support yourself. At first, you first got a job working at a cute little Italian restaurant that paid quite well. Waiting tables helped pay the bills and save up for college a little, but after two years of working at the same restaurant, it unfortunately went out of business.
That was one of your worst months, constantly looking for new work and facing rejection after rejection to the point that you were plagued by the phrase, “not enough work experience.” By the time a month and a half went by of you scoping out newspapers and checking all of the job finder apps on your phone, you had gone through most of your savings.
One of your best friends, after realizing how bad your situation was, decided that it couldn't hurt to see if you wanted a position at the joint she ran.
You were very skeptical at first, since she happened to run an insanely popular erotic dance club (aka, a strip club) in town, but she assured you that you wouldn’t be stripping, just bartending and dishwashing. As soon as she explained everything, you immediately took her up on the offer and decided from then on you would owe Mina Ashido your life.
You were able to pick things up easily, make conversation with customers and become friends with many of the dancers who worked at the club. The only downside to working the job was, well, you’re cute. And that meant you got a lot of unwanted attention from guys who initially came for the strippers.
Mina assured you that if you ever needed to take a step away, that that was perfectly fine. But the attention you got wasn’t so bad, you thought. At least there was a bar counter separating you from the wandering hands and predatory words of these people.
Bartending, while it was enough to pay the bills and save up for some nicer furniture, did not pay as much as you would have liked it to. While you wouldn’t have dreamed of asking your friend for a raise, you still felt somewhat resentful watching the dancers at the club walk home with stacks of cash from tips meanwhile you had to wait every two weeks to get your next paycheck.
You were astonished when, on your twenty-first birthday, Mina offered you a job as a dancer. “A lot of our regular customers have been asking about that ‘cute bartender,’” she said. “And I think you would actually really enjoy it. Plus, it pays a lot more.” She ended that last bit in a sing-song voice, as if that in and of itself would be enough to convince you.
You were tempted to say no, you really were, but you’ve seen how much fun the dancers have and how much money they walk away with every night. You knew next to nothing about stripping or pole dancing, but Mina assured you that she’d teach you and that you’d pick it up fast.
And she wasn’t wrong. After a month of her teaching you how to sway your hips and gyrate your body, dip down and caress every exposed inch of skin with your supple fingers, you were ready to hit the audience with everything you had.
You didn’t realize how much fun you would have as a pole dancer. It was a great form of exercise and you kind of liked having lots of people cheering for you to show off your sexy moves. Plus, walking home with a stack of cash each night was one of the greatest perks it came with.
There was only one rule that you had, which you made abundantly clear to Mina. All you would be doing was pole dancing. No lap dances, no touching the audience, and for the love of god, no sleeping with the audience.
And she respected your wishes, even going as far as asking some customers to leave who have tried to touch you without your consent. She keeps a hawk eye over you and every audience member and their wandering hands. You’re nothing but grateful for everything she has done for you.
After the first few months of pole dancing and wearing revealing costumes, you moved into a new apartment and bought nicer furniture. Things were definitely starting to turn around for the better.
“Hey,” you greeted your fellow coworkers as you made your way into the locker room. The club was about to close up for the night and you were more than ready to flop onto your bed at home and sleep until your next shift. “Have any of you seen Mina?”
The other girls looked around at one another. No one seemed to have an answer for her whereabouts.
“Oh!” Nejire popped up. “I think I saw her talking to some guy in her office. Yeah, yeah. Some big guy wearing a business suit.”
Tsu frowned. “I wonder what that could be about.”
You nodded, a sudden feeling of anxiety washing over you. You really hoped she wasn’t being bought out or something. If she wasn’t the one running the club anymore, or worse, if the club was demolished, you would be surely out of a job.
A knock on the locker room door made you swallow your thoughts. “Is (Y/n) in here?” Mina’s voice rang through the room.
“I’m here,” you piped.
She looked scared, and a bit pale. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her look fearful before, even when dealing with rough customers who refuse to leave the building. “Could you come with me for a sec?”
“Sure.” The anxiety you were feeling was bubbling back in your stomach. “Just let me get dressed.”
“Actually,” her voice was shaking. “If you could come here now that would be better.”
You paused, then nodded and followed her to her office. On the way there, she squeezed your hand, slipping something inside.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “Please, please forgive me for doing this.”
“Mina, what’s going on?” You were worried. Never in the time that you knew her had she ever been so apologetic.
At her office door, you looked at what she slipped into your hand. A small pink bottle of pepper spray stared back at you. What could she have done that you would need this?
She opened her office door and on the other side, like Nejire said there would be, was a big, beefy businessman clad in a suit that was probably worth more than your rent.
“Mina,” you whispered to your best friend. “What is going on?”
The man turned around and you shrunk at his intimidating appearance. You felt the need to cross your arms and cover up your exposed skin of which there was a lot of. “Hello,” the man bellowed with such a low timber. “You must be (Y/n).”
How did he know your name? What did Mina tell him? Who is this man?
You meekly nodded your head and clutched onto the pepper spray until your knuckles couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Forgive me for not introducing myself first.” He extended a hand. “My name is Enji Todoroki and I am the ceo of Todoroki Enterprises.”
You gulped. What the hell did Mina get herself into? You croaked out an “oh” before extending your hand and shaking his. “That’s nice.” You didn’t really know what to say. Was he considering buying the building from Mina? You looked at her and she shrunk back at your gaze.
“Ashido,” he said with a stern demeanor. “If you would please.”
She nodded and squeezed your shoulder one last time. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered in your ear one last time before leaving the room.
And then there was silence. You took a moment to breathe and look around Mina’s office, find something to calm your nerves with. Her office was usually like a little safe haven for you and the other dancers. She deemed a corner of the room the “zen area” where she set up cushions and a kettle and tea boxes. You stared at the fuzzy pink cushion you were so used to sitting on. You were sure your butt had made an imprint.
“Please, take a seat,” Enji Todoroki said, gesturing to the other side of Mina’s desk, away from the cushion that brought you so much comfort.
You frowned at his tone of voice, as if he had been there many times before and as if he owned the damn office himself. At least there was a nice fuzzy blanket on that side of the desk which you could use to cover yourself.
“I can tell that my presence is intimidating you,” he said. “But please, allow me to make my offer before jumping to any conclusions.”
Why was he making an offer to you? What did he want from you?
“As I am sure you are aware, Todoroki Enterprises is a million dollar company run by me and my other associates.”
You nodded. You were not aware of that but you were afraid of what would happen if you asked too many questions.
“And once I retire, the company will fall on the shoulders of my eldest son, Touya.” Enji Todoroki sighed and rubbed his eyes and the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “At the moment, he is being rather difficult.”
You nodded. You weren’t sure what was going on, why he was telling you this, but hearing about this rich ceo’s family drama did spark a bit of interest in you.
“He is not doing what I ask of him. He spends all day sleeping in and wasting my money and he refuses to take any part in working for the company.”
That sounded like typical teenage behavior to you. You weren’t sure why this man was being so pessimistic about it, or why he was even telling you in the first place. Surely it’s just a phase he would grow out of. “I’m sorry,” you started, feeling incredibly out of place with the conversation. “I’m not really sure why you’re telling me this information.”
Enji Todoroki let out another sigh. It wasn’t so much that he was fed up with your inability to understand, but really he seemed reluctant to be there talking to you in the first place. “I believe that if he were to have some, well, motivation, he may actually perform his tasks as a part of the company and as future head.”
“Motivation?” What on earth did he mean by that?
“I watched you and your co-workers perform tonight, and from watching your movements paired with his type, you seem like you would be best suited for the job.”
Your face flushed. He couldn’t be suggesting that, could he?
“(L/n), I would like to hire you to have intercourse with my son.”
Your eyes widened. He wanted what? There was no way, no way you could do that. “I’m sorry,” you said with staggered breath. “I don’t think I’m comfortable having sex with a teenager.” You smiled and nodded, thinking that would be the end of it.
“A teenager? My son is twenty-six years old.”
You paused for a moment before letting out an incredibly articulate, “uhhhhh, what?”
“My son is a fully grown adult, older than you in fact. So if your concerns lie within the legality of this exchange I can assure you that he is not a minor.” Enji Todoroki’s booming voice had just shattered your resolve.
Still, he couldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to. All you had to do was tell him no and it would have been fine.
But you didn’t get a chance to. Before you could even think of what to say next, Enji Todoroki spoke up yet again. “I presume you are wondering what kind of compensation you will be receiving in return.”
You stayed silent.
“Your boss tells me that you are saving up to attend university and intend on furthering your education. I can only admire that kind of work ethic.”
Why? What could he possibly do with that information to make his offer worthwhile? It dawned on you then that that is why Mina was acting so weird, apologizing constantly as she led you to her office. She must not have been able to find a way out of this for you. Either that or the deal was too good to speak on your behalf of. But what could it even be?
“If you are willing to spend a night with my son and get him to take more responsibility in the company, Todoroki Enterprises will pay for your full college tuition at any institution you decide to attend.”
Your jaw fell onto the floor. This had to be a prank, right? Was he seriously offering to pay your full tuition for you?
“So, do we have a deal?” Enji Todoroki leaned forward against the desk and folded his hands together, large hands that could probably hurt you if you decided to say no.
“This is...” you trailed off. You didn’t know what to say or how to respond to an offer like that. He must be pretty desperate for his son to work in order to pay for your tuition in full.
His son.
If you took up this offer, then you would have to… “What if I say no?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “While I would tell you that saying no to this offer would not be in your best interest,” he started. “I cannot force you to say yes or do anything you are uncomfortable with.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. This was an impossible decision. You didn’t know his son, what he looked like or if he would even want to have sex with you. “It would only be for one night, right?”
Enji Todoroki nodded and let out a sort of grunt out of confirmation.
The thought of being with someone you didn’t know was scary. But at the same time, you would never get an opportunity like this again. Taking a deep breath in and keeping your dream school in mind, you nodded. “I’ll do it.”
“You made the right choice.” He stood up and you followed suit, assuming he’d have you shake his hand and schedule a time and place. “If you’d follow me, the car is waiting out front.”
“Wait, you mean right now?” No, you needed more time to prepare, to figure things out and to take it all in.
“Unless you have something important to attend to, which I doubt you do since you just finished your shift at work, then yes right now.” His eyes, which you hadn’t realized were such a remarkable shade of blue, bore deep into you. “I don’t like to be kept waiting, and neither does my son.”
“Right,” you flinched. “Um, if I could just grab my stuff and get dressed–”
“There will be no need. I already asked your boss to gather your things. We will provide a covering for you so there is no need to get dressed.” The authoritative tone to his voice made you feel so small, like there would be no way for you to even say no against his gaze. “Now if you’ll please follow me.”
You nodded and followed him out of the office and past the locker room where Mina and the other girls watched as you walked away. You barely had any time to watch them or wish them a good night before Enji Todoroki’s bellowing voice spoke up again.
“Our car is waiting out front. In the meantime, you can cover yourself with this.”
Another stranger, someone you presume works for Todoroki Enterprises, handed you a long, tan trench coat. You swiftly threw it over your shoulders and fastened the tie tight against your stomach. He also presented the boots that you wore to work that morning. Mina must have given them your things.
“If you’ll follow me this way,” the stranger said.
He led you outside where you could see the sun begin to poke its way up from beyond the horizon. You hadn’t realized how early in the morning it was. Would Enji Todoroki’s son even be awake at this point?
You were ushered into the backseat of a sleek black Tesla. You had never been in a car that nice before. It made the whole ordeal more harrowing and unreal. “Is Todoroki-san not coming with us?” you asked.
“He’ll be in the car right in front of us. Don’t worry, ma’am.” You usher closed the door and entered the driver’s side of the vehicle. He was a smooth driver, which helped with the nervous bubbles in your stomach that refused to calm down.
Free college, you had to remind yourself. This really was an incredible offer. You hadn’t even let it sink in until you were alone in the backseat of the Tesla, only accompanied by your usher and the light classical music that played on the radio. You would be able to go to any school you wanted to, free of charge. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that played its way onto your lips. This felt like a dream you were scared to wake up from.
“We’re here,” your usher said. Looking out your window, you saw that he had pulled up in front of a tall building reaching more stories than you could count. He opened the door for you and you stepped out into the cool, early morning breeze.
Enji Todoroki had also stepped out of his vehicle and gestured for you to follow him. The wind tickled your legs and you hugged the trench coat tight against your figure. He led you into the lavish building where one of the receptionists handed you a small paper cup of coffee. You were then brought to the elevators where you, Enji Todoroki, and your usher brought you up to one of the tops floors.
The elevator ride felt like it lasted forever. Your hands gripped the coffee cup and shaky lips sipped the beverage as Enji Todoroki talked your ear off. You knew that the receptionist gave you the drink because she figured you would be tired, but you were sure that your nerves would keep you awake regardless of the caffeine.
“I called my son in for an early meeting so he should be here.”
You nodded at the man’s words. This was really happening.
“And if he refuses to show up then we will provide a room for your lodging until he arrives.”
So you would be camping out here until the deed was done. A thought popped into your head, one that hadn’t even come to mind when you were given the offer. “What if he doesn’t want to have sex with me?” you asked.
Enji Todoroki paused. He didn’t really know what to say. “Knowing my son, he will.” As if that was supposed to give you any reassurance. “But on the off chance that he doesn’t, we will still compensate you for your time here.”
But no free college. The thought lingered in your mind. Of course you were doing this for the perks. You wanted to be able to make the most out of your young adulthood and part of that meant furthering your education. But you were still scared shitless by the bright fluorescent lights of the building as the grand elevator doors opened up on your destination.
“Wait outside the door,” Enji Todoroki directed at your usher, and you assumed you were supposed to wait with him. He led you through the halls and stopped at a door that's placard read “Touya Todoroki.”
You leaned against the wall and downed the rest of your coffee.
“I can take your empty cup for you, ma’am,” your usher said with a bright smile.
You smiled back and shaky hands dropped the empty paper cup in his own. You needed to stop shaking so much, but you didn’t think you could if you tried.
You could hear Enji Todoroki’s authoritative voice from outside the door and another one, you presumed him son. He sounded bratty, from what you picked up on their conversation. The more you picked up on it, the more nauseous you felt. “Is there a–”
“Bathroom?” your usher finished for you. “Right around the corner. But I would make it quick.”
At least he had a friendly smile that put you at ease. If this person you were supposed to sleep with was anything like him then maybe you wouldn’t mind it, but you had a feeling that was not going to be the case.
You stumbled into the bathroom and untied the trenchcoat, letting it fall to your ankles. You pulled your panties down and sat on the toilet, relieving your bladder. Your legs trembled. Not even you placing your hands over your thighs could stop them. A chill ran up your spine. How long had you been in there? No, you just sat down. Not much time had passed. But you should get back quickly. Enji Todoroki and his son, Touya, would be waiting.
By the time you got back to your usher, they were still arguing in Touya’s room? Office? You weren’t sure whether or not it was a bed or a desk behind the closed door.
“You’re just in time,” your usher said. “Any minute now.”
He had probably been working for Todoroki Enterprises, Enji Todoroki specifically, for a long time, because as soon as he said that, his boss’s booming voice called for him.
“Yamamoto,” he said, “bring her in.”
Your usher, Yamamoto, opened the door to Touya’s office and you tentatively stepped in. The office was spacious. A cluttered desk sat center in the room. On the other side there was a small couch facing a flat screen TV, although you couldn’t see the screen from where you stood.
And then, there was Touya. A young man with dyed black hair and white roots springing up from the center of his head looked your way. He was quite attractive. He had a much more lean figure compared to his father. He wore a tight fitting black dress shirt that accentuated his muscles, but what really set him apart from anyone you had ever seen was his face. Beautiful teal eyes, much like his fathers, stared back at you. The piercings in his nose and over his lips reflected the light from overhead. He would have to be one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen.
“What is this,” he asked. “Another marriage arrangement?”
“No,” Enji, you think you know him well enough by now to start referring to him by just his first name, sighed. “This is not a marriage arrangement. After all, you threw aside the last twelve options I’ve given you.” He seemed to mumble the last part. He cleared his throat and spoke again. “I have hired her to take care of any of your...needs, and in return I expect you to finally pick up your slack and take part in this company.”
Touya scoffed. “So what is she then? A hooker?”
You felt incredibly out of place, and you averted your eyes to the dark hardwood floors you were standing on. “I’m not a hooker,” you mumbled.
“What was that, sweetheart? I couldn’t really hear you.” Touya snickered as you flinched at the nickname.
“Touya, I expect you to treat her with dignity and respect while you two are enacting in your...activities.” Enji turned to Yamamoto and nodded. “With that settled, I will leave you two alone.”
He and Yamamoto walked out the door and left. That was it? He wasn’t going to assure your safety any more than that? You were left alone in a strange room with this man you didn’t know who you were supposed to fuck. And you were completely and utterly defenseless.
You wish you still had that pepper spray Mina handed you. You’re pretty sure you left it on her desk when you had your initial chat with Enji. If only you had thought ahead enough to remember to bring it with you.
“So what’s your name, doll?” Touya, who was now on the couch, asked. His cheek rested on his fist and a lazy expression was splayed across his face.
“(Y/n),” you said, turning to look at him.
“That your first name?”
You nodded.
He chuckled. “So, what did my old man pay you to do this for me? A hundred k? Two hundred?”
“Free college tuition.”
His eyes widened. “Wow. He must really want me to start taking part in this company.” Leaning back. He patted his lap. “Why don’t you come over and take a seat, sweetheart.”
You didn’t want to comply, but your legs moved on their own as they walked towards him. Your butt found its place sitting on his lap and you pretended not to notice his semi erect cock pushing into your cheeks.
“Aren’t you a little obedient one,” he teased. One of his hands rubbed down your exposed thigh and up your trench coat. He thumbed over the collar of the coat. “So are you gonna take this off for me, or do I have to be the one to take it off you?”
You shuddered and he chuckled at how nervous he made you. Touya emanated so much warmth but even under the trench coat you had never felt so cold.
“Lemme guess, this is your first time whoring yourself out?” He grinned like the fucking cheshire cat as you squeezed your eyes shut out of embarrassment. “Nothing to be ashamed of,” he said with a cocky grin. His thumbs trailed up to the tie on your coat and his fingers pulled it open. “And I gotta admit.” He pulled the sides of the coat off and let it fall off of your shoulders onto the couch. “My dad has got my type pegged down to the nail.”
You were now fully exposed to the man in front of you. Your black bra accentuated your bosom and if it weren’t for the end of the trench coat you were still sitting on, you would have been able to feel the rough material of Touya’s slacks rutting against your ass.
He leaned down to lick a long stripe against the skin peeking out of your bra. “Although I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone who is this compliant.” His hands traveled further up until his fingers were wrapped around your panties, tugging at the elastic keeping them up. He moved up to pepper kisses up your neck, and you let out a sharp gasp when he bit your ear lobe.
“Sorry,” you mumbled when he stopped to let out a laugh.
He moved you off his lap so you were sitting next to him. “You’re not used to this. I get it.”
And you let out a sigh of relief at hearing those words. He was less scary then you thought he’d be. His kisses were gentle up until he bit you and the way he stroked his fingers up and down your exposed skin was comforting in a way.
But just as soon as you began to relax, his eyes narrowed with an evil tint. His hand reached down to unbuckle his pants. “So let's start with you getting on your knees to suck at my cock, shall we?”
Your body was frozen. His demeanor changed in an instant. You didn’t know what to do.
“Come on, doll. I don’t like asking twice.” Now, his hand was making its way up and down his dick. It was bigger than any you had seen before, not that you had seen many to compare it to to begin with.
You stood up from the couch and made your way in front of him, bracing your hands on his thighs as you lowered yourself down.
“That’s it. Now why don’t you pick it up and give it a few good strokes.” He guided your hand towards his dick and stroked it with your soft palm. It took a few strokes before you managed to get a hold of the rhythm. “That’s it. Now why don’t you give the tip a little kiss, hmm?”
Give it a kiss? You didn’t know how to put your feelings in words. His dick was impressive in length and width. There was a series of piercings lining the underside and the thought of them inside of you made you squirm. You leaned your head down and gave the tip a kiss.
Touya smirked. “That’s a good girl. Now open your mouth, sweetheart.”
You parted your lips slightly only to have him grip your hair and shove your head down against his length. You gagged and tears sprung out of your reddening eyes as you tried to push up for your release.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t you want that free tuition? If you want it, you gotta earn it.”
Gripping onto his shaft with one free hand, you hollowed your cheeks and tightened the shape of your mouth.
As he hesitantly loosened his grip on the back of your head, you realized what kind of person he was. He liked to be in control at all times, he’s the kind of person to take what he wants, and you knew that the act of him giving you gentle kisses not even five minutes earlier was just a facade.
Running your tongue up his pierced dick wasn’t as horrid as you thought it would be. You almost smiled at the sharp inhale he took when you swirled your tongue around the tip and lowered yourself onto him fully, using one of your hands to grip his balls and the other to keep your balance against him.
Breathe through your nose, you had to remind yourself.
The soft grunts that Touya made and the way he squeezed your ass may have gone over your head. Especially when he snuck his fingers under your panties and began to prod at your little asshole with his middle finger.
It took you by surprise, and you almost clamped your teeth around his cock out of shock.
“Easy easy,” he said, lifting your head off of his member. He took a moment to stare at your ruined face. Drool and slobber spilled down your chin and your makeup, which had been slowly rubbing off throughout the night, was completely gone as your tears had dragged it across your cheeks. “Look at you, you fucking whore.”
He’s right. You were a whore, selling your body for free education. What was wrong with you? And what was wrong with him getting off on this?
You wanted to speak up, but he beat you to it. “Why don’t you bend over the couch, sweetheart. I’ll show you what guys like me do to little whores like you.”
You hated how you could feel a rush of pleasure between your thighs at his words. Nevertheless, you obediently made your way over to the arm of the couch as he stood up, and you leaned over it so your ass was in the air and stomach was pressed flat against the cushy material.
Touya ran his hands over the fabric of your panties before ripping them off, tearing them to shreds. “Don’t worry about it, doll. I’ll buy you a new pair.”
He fucking better. Lace briefs are expensive for how little skin they cover. But your thoughts on the prices of various pieces of lingerie were pushed out of your mind when you felt something wet prodding at your exposed cunny. His tongue pushed past your folds and lips sucked around your clit.
Your hips pushed into the side of the couch and he snickered at how much he was affecting you. He slipped his thumb into your hole and you squeezed around the digit. “You’re so tight. I’d have expected you to be a bit more worn out.” The pads of his fingered rubbed quick little circles into your clit as his tongue dragged up to flicker against your bumhole, which fluttered against his touch. “Never had anything up here before?”
You shook your head vigorously against the couch and squirmed around as he ate out your ass with the full intent to make you cum. His fingers picked up the pace and if you didn’t have the couch to support you, you were sure you’d collapse into a heap onto the floor. You were edging closer to your orgasm, so close, so damn close, and then he pulled away.
Touya removed his thumb from inside your hole and sucked it clean. He laughed as you mumbled something about being close to cumming, but you shut up when you heard him tossing his shirt aside and dragging his pants further down his thighs. “I gotta say, after every shitty thing my dad has done to me, I gotta thank him. This is the best present he’s ever gotten me after all.”
You didn’t have time to think about what he just said as he lined his dick up between your cheeks and slid it up and down, gathering up his saliva and bits of your vaginal juices. He wasn’t planning on shoving his whole dick up your ass, was he? You didn’t think you’d be able to take that without any lube, or at least without anything other than spit.
It was almost as if he was so in tune with your body that he could hear your thoughts. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t stick anything too big up there for now.”
For now? What did that mean?
He lined up his tip with your entrance and carefully pushed his way in. He thought to himself that he’d always remember the way you cried out in pain and pleasure as he snapped his hips forward once the tip was snuggly in place.
The way his piercing rubbed against your insides caused your toes to curl. Chills ran up your back and Touya rubbed a large palm over your spine to ease some of the pain.
He was raw and merciless as he pushed your head down into the couch cushions and thrusted into you at an alarming rate. You barely had time to catch your breath as he pushed balls deep inside of you.
Touya inched one of his fingers inside your tight little back hole to the first knuckle, and curled the digit up and down as you squeezed around him. He continued to push further and further in until you let out a sob of pleasure and the pace of his thrusts quickened.
Your body felt so hot yet so cold as you were pushed back and forth against the couch. It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm build up again, but this time Touya didn’t stop. He wormed his finger around and continued thrusting into you until he felt you squeeze against him and your fluids gush out around him.
You laid limp against the couch as he pulled his finger out of your back hole and gripped both of your hips, continuing to thrust at a hard and fast pace until he came inside of you.
There was a moment of eire silence between the two of you as he settled down and pulled his cock out. You could hear him shuffling over to the other end of the room and typing something on his phone. “Yamamoto should be up with a towel to clean you up soon.”
You let out a groan of acknowledgement and sat up. Your body was still shaky, but not with nerves. You felt as though you had been thoroughly recked.
Touya couldn’t help but laugh at how pathetic you looked. “Was it worth the free college, babe?” he chided.
“Yeah,” you smiled to yourself. “Yeah it was.”
His smirk grew wider and a more devious glint in his eyes appeared. “Good. Now next time, let’s see if we can get something a little bigger in that back hole of yours.”
Your smile dropped and you could feel any contents in your belly churning around. “Next time?”
“What,” his eyes lowered in amusement. “You didn’t think this was a one time thing, did you? If you want that free college then you gotta earn it, doll.” He made big strides over to where you sat on the couch and gripped your chin, making sure you were staring into his bright teal and devious eyes as he spoke. “That was the best fuck I’ve had in weeks. I’m not planning on throwing you away any time soon, sweetheart.”
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neoculturetravesty · 3 years
We met in online class - Part 3
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Image taken from here.
Pairing: Renjun x Reader Genre: College AU, romance, fluff, angst, maybe humor???? Warnings: Strong language, drinking Word Count: 5.2k
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 | You are on Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Last Part
A/N: Happy birthday to Huang Renjun, the boy who lights up the world. Sorry for making him so angsty in this fic. Tried something a bit light for him on this occasion.
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You’re embarrassed beyond belief. 
You had expected maybe an awkward moment or two. But the look Renjun is wearing on his face as the two of you exit the restaurant is one that makes you queasy. You feel so bad. The poor boy had tried so hard to make this date special; and you’d done everything you could to make it cumbrous. You tried, you really tried to act naturally. But, everything about tonight had made your words get caught in your throat. The fact that he’d chosen your uncle’s restaurant of all places… the fact that he had prepared all that he had… the fact that he looked the way he looked tonight. All of it had you taken aback because you’d never been on a date this nice before. This boy had really put you off your A game.
Still, you didn’t like seeing him wear this expression. You weren’t sure what part had irritated him the most: that you kept fumbling over your words? He’d usually been kind and patient with you, so that couldn’t be it. Maybe his pride had been hurt by how it had ended? Renjun didn’t come across to you as a spiteful person but he had made so much effort on this date. Oh man, maybe he was angry. 
To be fair, the poor boy hadn’t said anything since you’d left the table. Perhaps it was in what he didn’t say that you felt most embarrassed. You feel so terribly guilty, but walking out into the fresh air helps you get your act together. You stride ahead and grab his arm. You two needed a moment. 
“Renjun, wait. I… I need to explain myself.” you begin but gauge his reaction first.
He turns to you and you can’t read the expression on his mask covered face. He doesn’t say anything, so he’s probably letting you talk. Whilst you can’t read him, you pull your own mask down so he would see you fully and understand what you mean.
“Renjun, I’m so sorry. When you texted the address, I thought about telling you to choose another restaurant. But I didn’t want you to think I was blowing you off or having second thoughts. I just… oh my God, I am so embarrassed and I just…” you take his hand in both of yours because you really want him to feel the sincerity in your words “... I’m so sorry. I just went along because I was really excited to see you… like this… on a date…” 
Renjun is looking at the ground, like he’s weighing your words, or thinking about what to say. You wait for a beat, or two or three. But on the fourth beat, you say,
“Tell you what, this date doesn’t have to end like this. I know you didn’t eat at all, and honestly, neither did I. My apartment is just around the corner. Do you maybe wanna come over for some ramyeon?” you look at him, your eyes hopeful. You really don’t want him to be mad at you. Your stomach feels uneasy, and you’re pretty sure the French food had nothing to do with it. 
“What, no condoms this time?” he finally looks up to ask and now, his eyes are smiling. 
“Huh?” you begin but then your eyes widen as realization hits and suddenly, you’re much too aware of his hand in both of yours. You drop it right away and you’re blushing intensely when you say “No, no condoms this time. I mean actual ramyeon.” you cover your face with your hands because yes, you’re embarrassed, but also, you’re grinning because Renjun is teasing you again and you prefer it way more than his silence. 
You hear the sound of his amused laugh and then feel his hands close around both your wrists, gently pulling them down. “I’d like that. Let’s have that ramyeon.” he says with a kind voice.
You didn’t realize you’d been holding your breath till you let it out and give him a relieved smile.
“Great! I’m actually really good at making ramyeon. Don’t be too surprised when all other ramyeons are ruined for you forever.” you say just as the valet brings your car around.
“Honestly, Y/N L/N, after our French cuisine extravaganza, I’m pretty sure I’d thankfully eat sand if you cook it for me well enough.”
You laugh because you’re happy he’s talking again. You get the sudden urge to hug him, because you’re thankful he’s giving this date a second chance. You don’t, though. You’re not sure how he’d react and you didn’t want to ruin the moment when it had only just turned around.
So you choose to hop in the car instead, waiting from him to get in and put his seatbelt on. You pause for a moment after he’s settled in and then you turn to him.
“I, uh… I didn’t bring condoms on that day because like, uh, I was expecting anything or whatever. I just, um, my… my roommate. She put it in my purse as like a joke.” you feel so stupid having to explain it but you feel like you need to because ugh, ugh, ugh. 
Renjun is laughing silently and you get the feeling that this time he’s laughing at you. 
“I mean, it was pretty forward for a first date. And you know, I’m not that kinda guy.” He shrugs his shoulders, shaking his head, still laughing. 
“Ughhh.” you bury your face into the steering wheel but it only makes your head honk the horn, which makes you jump. 
“Hey…” Renjun reaches out his arm to touch your shoulder and you turn to peak at him, an embarrassed grin on your face. “I’m only kidding. But yes, the quality of my jokes is really going down because now I’m fully starving.”
“Say no more, Huang Renjun.” you say and put the car into drive.
It’s only a five-minute ride and you’re glad for it, because you really, really want to turn this day around. You just couldn’t have your first proper date end on such a sour note. You pull into your building’s garage and silently hope that you had everything you needed to make the perfect ramyeon. With Yeri stress-eating her way to her thesis, your stock would run out way earlier than either of you expected. If that were the case, you would have to very sneakily order some in; you mentally start to calculate how long it would take the grocery app to get you your stuff, given the time of day.
In your planning, you haven’t noticed that the two of you are already in the elevator and it’s Renjun’s voice that brings you back to Earth.
“You live in the penthouse?” he asks.
“Yeah. It was the only place they had available at that time. Super inconvenient. It was hell trying to move all our stuff all the way to the top.” you try to make small talk because the elevator seems to be going on and on. Why did you have to live so far up top? 
“Okay, here we are!” you say as you lead Renjun down the hallway and unlock your door. “Um… do you mind if I like… spray you down? My roommate is kinda really particular about having people in the apartment these days…” you ask apologetically.
“Oh, no, absolutely. Do what you have to do.” Renjun says, a bit absentmindedly. His eyes seem to be going past you and towards your living room. You pray to the heavens that it wasn’t a big mess. You had modelled way too many outfits for Yeri before you had left the house.
“Okay, here you go.” you hand Renjun a pair of lounge shoes as he pulls his mask down. “Close your eyes, please. Yeri made this concoction with Lysol and sanitizer and God knows what else.”
Renjun closes his eyes obediently and stands in a T-pose and you can’t help but smile. By the time you’re spraying him, you’re fully giggling. 
He giggles back and peaks with one eye open “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. You’re just. You look so cute, Huang Renjun!” you almost squeal and fuck, you can’t stop giggling.
“Heyyy!” he groans and grabs the spray bottle from you and aims it at you. You shield your face with the backs of your hands while Renjun attacks you. “I’m not cute, okay? You’re the one that’s cute.”
“Okay, that’s enough! I think I’m as sanitized as I will ever be.” you squeal and start to move away but Renjun grabs your waist and sprays you some more. He’s basically drenching you to death, and it’s just as well, because your breath has once again been caught in your throat. He is close to you, too close. Suddenly, your heart is thumping in your chest and you wonder if he can hear it.
He notices your stillness, looks at you and pauses. Like he can feel the electricity in the air. Everything stills and your throat is dry, because your freaking breath won’t let out. You think you’ve forgotten to breathe; almost as if the Lysol is creeping down your airways. He’s holding your gaze and you can swear he’s moving closer. But your stupid throat won’t stop bothering you.
All of a sudden, your head turns out of it’s own accord and you’re clearing your throat into the abyss. Renjun straightens up, his hand leaving your waist. Dammit. Maybe it was all that damn Lysol that was choking you, after all. 
“Let’s make that ramyeon.” you choke out, turning your back to him and heading in.
“Yep, ramyeon. Lets.” Renjun nods his head like you’ve said the most logical thing in the world. The two of you pretend like nothing even happened.
You lead him into the kitchen. “What would you like to drink? I’ve got soda, beer, soju.” you say as you open your fridge and do a quick inventory.
“I’ll just have a coke.” Renjun says and you nod. You grab a couple of cans and your ice box and set it down for him on the island. 
“Have a seat because what you’re about to witness is pure magic.” you tell him as you grab your apron and suit up to impress the boy in front of you. Renjun runs his fingers through his hair and gives you an expectant smile and your brain choses that exact moment to tell you that your crush is at your place. For the very first time. And the two of you are all alone. You turn around before he can see you blush and you get to work.
“Those are big words, Y/N L/N. I hope you won’t be eating them. I’d much rather have you eat the ramyeon with me.” he snarks as he sits on the barstool on the kitchen island, sipping on his coke. 
“Oh, I just love the cynics of my cooking. There aren’t many of them left in this world, so it’s nice to meet the survivors.” You mean business, so you’ve already tied up your hair and laid down your pots and pans. All the time you’ve spent watching Masterchef auditions has prepared you for this moment. You’ve put the noodles to boil and are already heating up a sauté pan. You throw in mushrooms and look up to see Renjun studying you in amusement.
“Damn, you’re not playing around.” Renjun says and you could bet money that he almost sounds impressed. “Hey, be careful with that.” his tone is one of worry now as he watches you chop up some more vegetables.
“I’m always careful, Huang Renjun.” you say as you work the chef’s knife across the bok choy, peppers, ginger and tofu. You throw them in the pan one by one, trying not to be too distracted by the fact that your crush was worried about you. “Can you handle a bit of heat?” you hold up the spicy sauce that Yeri’s mom would always bring for you. 
“I can handle it.” he cocks an eyebrow and you grin.
“I’ll keep it mild because I don’t wanna take any more food risks today.” you laugh and add some broth to your noodles.
“That’s fair. It smells amazing already so my expectations have really skyrocketed, by the way.” Renjun tells you, licking his lips. 
You grin as you set down two bowls. If the boy didn’t like you after this, then he was probably a really tough cookie to crack. “Honey, you’ve got a big storm comin’.” You mimic as you ladle in the broth over the noodles and start arranging your vegetables in the bowls. You slice your boiled eggs and mutter “Success!” as they come out to be the exact texture you were looking for. You top everything with some sesame oil and sesame seeds. You step back to look at your work. It looked like the most Instagramable bowl of noodles you’d ever created, if you said so yourself. 
You lay some side dishes on the counter then proudly set your creation before the artist. If anyone knew how to appreciate aesthetics, it was probably him. You look up at him, expectant. Waiting for your result.
“Whoa.” is all he says, almost like he’s taken aback.
“I think this might be my magnum opus.” you say, nodding seriously as you sit on the barstool next to him.
“This looks like it came straight from an anime.” Renjun makes an impressed face and picks up his chopsticks. He takes a bite and for a moment says nothing. “Oh my God.” he turns to you.
“Oh my God?” 
“Y/N L/N. You’re gonna have to marry me now. There is no other way around it.” he says deadpan.
You grin and punch the air with both fists like you’ve won a Michelin star, not just the Masterchef audition. “Huang Renjun, I don’t mess about with ramyeon.” You say and begin to eat. Your eyes close as you let out a satisfied moan because yep--you’ve really done well. To be fair, there was a lot riding on it. You had to perform well today, of all days.
You both eat comfortably and deeply, a striking contrast to how you’d eaten at the French restaurant. Renjun gives you more compliments as he eats and you keep grinning like an idiot, heart exploding with joy. At one point, you have to tell yourself to chill out, to not let a boy’s compliments make you feel so validated. But how could you not be on cloud nine when the boy in question is cute as fuck and you’ve just cooked for him for the very first time? So you just smile wide at him and hope he can’t see the hearts in your eyes or the victory in your attitude that you’ve really managed to turn this around. All the awkwardness from earlier seemed to have evaporated. 
“Okay, Y/N L/N. You were right. This is the best ramyeon I’ve ever eaten in my entire life.” he admits and you’re way too happy to see that he’s basically licked his bowl clean. 
“Oh man, Huang Renjun. I thought you were a survivor. But here you are, another cynic that I’ve managed to convert.” you say proudly.
“Yes. Here I am.” he smiles at you. 
And there it is again. The electricity in the air. Because Renjun is holding your gaze and once again, you become much too aware of his proximity. Were your bar stools always this close? Maybe you had to talk to Yeri about remodeling this area. You’re turning toward him and he’s sliding off the stool, his eyes never leaving yours. He comes closer and your heart thumps against your ribcage again. Your mind is clouded by his perfume because he’s so close that your hands find home on his shoulders. You forget to think for a moment; your blood throbbing hot in your ears as he leans in.
“I’m hooome!” 
The two of you jump, your heads turning in the direction of the loud voice. You turn back to look at each other, then you jump away from one another, almost as if the spell has been broken and you’ve realized how close you were and how dumb an idea this was. 
You lament your luck. You can’t believe you’ve been cockblocked out of your first kiss with Renjun by your stupid roommate. 
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It was almost a week later that you heard from Renjun again. Not that you hadn’t really talked in between. If sending one another memes over Instagram counted as meaningful communication, then yes, you’d been in contact. But then a couple of days ago, he had texted you more than a full sentence:
“Hey! Remember the 127 party Donghyuck (Haechan) talked about? It’s this Friday. Do you maybe wanna go with me? If you don’t want to hang out with frat boys on your Friday night, I totally understand! We could hang out some other time.”
Sometimes, you really wondered if you had any sort of an inkling of pride within you at all, because you didn’t even wait another second to reply:
“You know I wouldn’t miss a single chance to hang out with Haechan. Text me the address and I’ll be there! (Also, what sort of a party is this? I don’t want to be underdressed like last time hehe.)”
Turned out the 127s were hosting some sort of an outdoor Sports Day, except with drinks a plenty so everyone would be knackered as they played. The setup reminded you of every ill-fated Sports Days you’d ever been to at school, except with a lot more booze than you remembered. The two of you had barely walked into the grounds when Haechan jumped in to greet you with the same unrestrained energy.
“My friends! The Coronial lovers! Mr. Huang Renjun!” Haechan had leaned in to kiss Renjun on the cheek but he had really skillfully dodged it, like he had predicted what he would do. “Ms. Y/N L/N.” your reflexes hadn’t been quite as quick as Renjun’s because you had ended up with a mask covered smooth on your cheek. It made you cringe and laugh at the same time. Haechan had very animatedly told you of all the games they had planned for today and had pushed you in, forcing you to mingle with the rest of the crowd. 
Renjun was currently being swarmed by the group of rowdy boys and you were watching with an amused expression on your face.
“Embarrassing. Some people should just not be let out in public.” you hear a voice just above your shoulder. You turn around and chuckle.
“Hendery. Didn’t think you were the kind to kick it with the 127s.” you chuckle.
“Neither did I. They’re cool I guess. I like Haechan. More people need to be as shameless as him.” he comments, knitting his brows together.
You smile wide. “I like him, too. He really keeps everyone together, doesn’t he?” you muse as you watch the boy work the room (or playground), currently attacking everyone with more cheek kisses. “Hey, who’s that boy over there? The one in the blue-ish shirt?” 
“That’s Kim Jungwoo. He graduated a couple of years ago but he keeps coming to these parties.” Hendery says, scrunching his nose.
You laugh and then let out a long sigh. “I don’t blame him. When I start thinking about life after graduation, it makes me want to fail my courses just so I could repeat them. The future is scary.”
He nods knowingly, then says, “Hey, speaking of which. I heard we’re going to be partners in the SMK Trainee Drive.” 
Suddenly, you feel your belly do a summersault. Whenever your college hosted a recruitment drive, SMK was always the hardest to get in, especially for business majors. Not only was it super competitive, but people dreamed of getting chosen because it almost always guaranteed a job once you had graduated. 
You blow air from your mouth and square your shoulders. “Wong Hendery. Let’s show them how it’s done.” you hold your hand up to give him a high five but he grips your fist with his and puts his game face on.
“We’re going to crush the competition.” He declares and you feel reassured. You felt way more driven with a partner than working solo, anyway.
“Hendery, don’t waste all your arm energy now, save it for the wrestling match!” Haechan interrupts, thumping him on the back. “Go find your team, we’re about to start! 00 liners, this way!” he says, throwing an arm around you and walking to your team. You look over your shoulder and give Hendery a thumbs up. 
You join the 00 liners and look at Renjun amongst them. He looks the most uninhibited you’ve ever seen him. He’s smiling without concern and seems to be enjoying himself. You get the feeling that he’s surrounded by friends he trusts and it fills you with warmth. That boy deserved the world as far as you were concerned. 
“Okay, team. Here we are. The moment of truth. We can sit around like a bunch of shmucks or we can leave this ground knowing that we owned this fucking school! So what are we gonna do?” he yells like a sports coach.
“We’re gonna stop being embarrassing.” Lee Jeno gives Haechan a death smile and Haechan thumps his chest.
“That’s right brother! Okay, first order of business. Everybody take a shot! No one enters the battlefield sober!” He gives his commander’s speech and passes around bottles of something. You’re not sure what it is but it smells strong. 
“Down on 3. 1, 2, 3!” he yells and without thinking, you down whatever you’d been handed. You groan out as it hits and look up to realize that your groans are harmonizing with the others. 
“Ohhhh yes! Now we’re ready! Okay, second order of business. We need an entrance song. I was thinking, Girl’s Generation…” Haechan goes on and you see that it has made Renjun laugh. You laugh along as Haechan makes the team learn the cheesiest dance moves. A boy in a headband you’ve never met seems to be fully into it; a few girls seem to be tagging along amused. Na Jaemin looks like he’s humoring his friends at best.
“Okay! Let’s get ittttt!” Haechan drags the last part and leads the charge towards the center of the ground for an arm wrestling battle. There is excitement in the air now, and you have a feeling that it has less to do with the match itself and more to do with whatever liquid courage Haechan had injected in everybody’s veins. You find yourself walking at pace with Na Jaemin.
“You doing alright there, buddy?” you ask him because the poor boy looks like he was once again dragged out here.
He gives you a kind smile “Yep. I’m all good.”
“Not really your scene, huh?” you ask empathetically.
“I mean, I’d much rather stay indoors but Jeno said I needed some fresh air. Renjun was going to stay in with me but he betrayed me last minute by deciding to be social.” He notes, throwing some kind of a look your way.
You give him an apologetic grimace. “Oh man, I’m sorry for ruining your plans. But where’s your girlfriend? Why didn’t you invite her?” 
“She’s quarantining.” he tells you patiently.
“Oh no! Is she okay?” you look at him, almost stopping in your tracks.
“She says she’s mostly all the way okay now, though she still doesn’t have her sense of smell back. But I guess any day now.” he nods, looking ahead.
You look at this profile and your heart goes out to him. “Hey, I know of a place that’s making these really cute care packages for people that have been affected. They’ve got a super safe system of delivery as well. I can hook you up if you like. They’ve got the cutest things for you to choose from.” 
He looks at you and gives you a genuine smile. “That would be great. She’s probably tired of all the soup I’ve been leaving at her doorstep.”
You give him a fond look. “Okay, cool. I’ll help you put it together and everything.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” he says before you are interrupted by a loud cheer because the first match has begun and it’s between the boy with the headband and someone else you don’t recognize. The match doesn’t last a full two seconds before the boy with the headband is defeated. Haechan plays up looking crestfallen and “lunges” at the opponent but is playfully stopped by Renjun and the defeated boy. You throw your head back and laugh out loud. You were maybe enjoying these dramatic antics a little too much, but also, it was nice to see Renjun letting loose like that.
Haechan is up next and is defeated just as quickly and you soon realize your team stood no chance. A couple more boys from your team go next and it’s a bloodbath. No matter how much you cheer your teammates on, they’re dropping like flies. By the time Na Jaemin walks up to the stand, you’ve all pretty much accepted your fate. 
But then. Jaemin’s arm slowly starts crossing over the midline and then the 00 liners are on their toes jumping up and down, cheering on top of their lungs and before you know it, Jaemin has earned you guys your first victory.
“Go Nana!” you hear people scream followed by a chanting of “Superstar! Superstar!” 
You cheer along and watch as Jaemin-the-dark-horse defeats two more opponents in a row. And when he earns yet another victory, the 00 liners are going berserk, with Haechan yelling “Victory shots!” making you guys chug down whatever drinks you’re holding. But that becomes your undoing because Jaemin finally loses to Lee Mark, a senior boy.
A few girls from each team have their go and there’s an uproar when it’s pointed out that the boys were letting them win. It’s a loud, drunken commotion now and you don’t realize it is Rejun’s turn till Haechan points it out for you and much to your amusement, he’s up against Hendery.
“Go Renjun! I believe in you!” you cheer at him as he takes his place.
“Go Injuniee!” Haechan yells and you all watch for a moment with bated breath; but as soon as the match begins, you’re all doubling over, laughing. Renjun is no match for Hendery and he knows it, which is why he’s taken the opportunity to turn this into a comedy show. You laugh as Renjun hangs onto Hendery’s arm and wiggles his legs animatedly. But Hendery holds his ground well and let’s Renjun put on a show for everyone before he puts some girth in his hold and flattens Renjun out in one. Renjun walks back defeated and you welcome him back just as dramatically, like he’s a soldier returning from war.
“You did well, Injunie.” you put an arm around him and tell him and he grins at you before he is swarmed by the rest of your team. Your opponents are declared the winners but you guys do your Girl’s Generation dance anyway and take more victory shots.
You guys have no idea how you make it through the rest of the day because by the time you’re on your last game (a strange relay race that involves complicated costumes and eating donuts hanging from strings), you’re stumbling and being rowdier than usual. You’re yelling at one another, trying to get Yangyang (as you’ve learnt is the name of the boy in the headband) in his many legged costume but it is more complicated than usual because none of you are in your right mind. You, in fact, don’t remember the last time you got this drunk... Yeri would be proud. 
There is more commotion and many more arguments over what the actual finish line is, because by the end, even the self-appointed referees are knackered beyond belief. You don’t know how it happens but all of a sudden, Kim Jungwoo has been declared the winner of tonight, though all the games you played were in teams. But this funny result is agreeable to everyone because Jungwoo is being tossed in the air and being presented with a mini beer keg. Turns out, there wasn’t much that college students wouldn’t celebrate... if you’d put enough drink in them.
You find yourself jumping up and down along with the rest and you don’t realize that you’ve stumbled till Renjun catches you and you’re smiling at him so widely. You’re pretty sure your face is flushed a bright, drunk color because Renjun is looking down at you with an amused smile.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You alright there?” he asks and you loop your arms around his neck till you’re basically hanging onto him.
“I’m having the best time ever, Injunie.” you tell him but your words are coming out all sloshed so you try to make yourself clear. “Best time. Best time. Why does it sound so funny in my mouth? Best time. Best time.”
Renjun raises his eyebrows but his smile keeps growing. “Okay, time to take you home.”
“Nooo, Injunie, but Haechan was going to show me how to make his death cocktail and I have to help Jaemin make a package for his girlfriend and I’ve made a new friend and her name is Lia and I can’t leave now!” you whine at him, grabbing a fistfull of his hoodie. Damn, why do your words keep sloshing around in your mouth like that?
Renjun loops an arm around your back and starts walking you “Okay, you can just take a quick nap at home and then when you come back you can do all of those things, okay?”
You consider his words and realize that your eyes were droopier than usual. “You’re a genius, Huang Renjun. I guess I could take a little, itsy bitsy nap.”
The next thing you know, you’re in the back of a cab, your head resting on Renjun’s shoulder. He feels so nice and warm and you feel so damn comfortable. You cuddle closer to him and turn your head to look at him just a bit. “I’ve got such a bad crush on you, Huang Renjun.” you tell him and you see his head snap in the direction of your voice and you want to keep talking to him but your eyes are closing again. 
When you wake up in the morning, you have no recollection of how you got back home but Yeri’s making you her hangover tea and telling you how proud of you she was.
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Copyright © 2021 NeoCultureTravesty. All rights reserved.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Deep Trouble-Wilbur Soot
#83 from this prompt list! Check out my masterlist here!
This is a Wilbur x gn!reader! I hope you enjoy!
TW: I don’t know how to tag this but basically Wilbur doesn’t know you can’t swim and he puts you underwater and then has to pull you out.
Y/N’s never been good with deep water seeing as they can’t swim. But when her friends want to go to the beach, they can’t deny them their request. Trouble ensues as Y/N doesn’t tell their boyfriend of their inability to swim.
I glared in distaste at the swimsuit that sat on the bed that Wilbur and I shared. Today we were going to the beach. Tommy had convinced his father to drive him four hours to come meet up with Wilbur, Philza, Tubbo, and me. Tommy would be here for a few days and he wanted to do a bunch of things that he wouldn’t be able to do in his own city. Going to the beach was one of them. 
Normally, I would have no problem submitting to Tommy’s wishes, it was easier than fighting him about it. But there was one small problem that no one knew about. I can’t swim. When I was little my father took me to a pool and left me on my own for a while. I then went under and almost drowned. I was pulled out but that memory lives in my head rent free. So ever since then, I refused to go near bodies of water and therefore I never learned how to swim. 
Of course I wasn’t going to tell anyone that, let alone Tommy. Do you know how badly I would get made fun of for being my age and not knowing how to swim? Really badly. So I decided to keep my mouth shut and stupidly agree to go to the beach with my friends and boyfriend. 
“Hey darling. It’s almost time to go, are you ready?” I heard Wilbur wonder softly from the other side of our bedroom door. “Oh! Yeah, I’ll be right there!” I called back matching his tone. “Alright, I’ll see you in a few then.” He responded. I listened closely as his footsteps faded away as he walked down the hall. I let out a huff of air and picked up the swim suit. 
I quickly stripped out of my clothes and slipped on the suit, the cold fabric causing chills to run down my spine. I proceeded to slip on some clothes over the suit so I wasn’t just walking around in that. I also quickly packed a bag with an extra set of clothes just in case I wanted to change later. Lastly, I grabbed my towel, sunglasses, and shoes before exiting the bedroom. I slowly made my way down the hall to the living room and found Wilbur there lounging on the couch. 
Wilbur glanced over his shoulder at the sound of my footsteps with a smile. “You ready now baby?” He asked, standing up. I matched Wilbur’s smile and nodded at his question. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Wilbur took a few steps and pressed a small kiss to my lips causing me to grin. “You simp” I teased, walking toward the front door, slipping my flip flops on. Wilbur let out a loud laugh as he followed behind me. “Only for you” 
*Small time skip*
I let out a sigh as I got out of the passenger side of Wilbur’s car. The sound of the waves crashing and birds cawing greeted me as the two of us met at the front of the car. Wilbur gave me an excited grin as he offered his hand to me. “I’m so excited for this.” I fake a grin, taking his hand and intertwining our fingers, “Me too!” I lied.
 “Wilbur! Y/N!” I heard Tubbo’s voice call. The two of us turned and found Tubbo standing down the beach next to Tommy and Phil, waving frantically at us. We both chuckled and waved back with our free hand and began to walk toward them. “Hey guys!” I greeted cheerfully, letting go of Wilbur’s hand and pulling Tubbo into a hug. “Hey!” They all greeted me back matching my enthusiasm. We all quickly exchanged hugs before making our way down the beach a little further. 
The five of us quickly set up our little spot. Each of us laid out a towel and stripped off our outer clothes. Tubbo and Tommy immediately began running toward the water, “Boys!” I called, stopping them in their tracks, “Forgetting something?” I questioned, shaking a bottle of sunscreen. The two slowly walked back to me and stood in front of me holding out their arms. I let out a laugh but began spraying the boys down with the sunscreen. Once I was done, I shooed the boys away and they ran back to the water. 
After I sprayed myself down, I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind. “I didn’t know you were a parent” Wilbur murmured in my ear, pressing a kiss to the side of my head. I giggled and turned around to face him, placing my hands on his now bare chest. “Well someone has to take care of them. And if it’s me so be it.” I hummed, grinning at his smiling face. Wilbur chuckled before he leaned down and pressed our lips together in a quick kiss. “Come on now. Let’s get in the water.” He said, attempting to pull me to the water. His attempts didn’t work though because I remained where I was. “You go ahead. I’ll catch up in a bit.” I lied, knowing I probably would never get in the water. “You sure?” Wilbur questioned, his steps hesitating. I gave my boyfriend a reassuring smile and nod. “Yeah, go!” I insisted, pushing him to the water. Wilbur gave me one last smile before turning and jogging toward our three friends. 
I quickly laid down on the towel that I previously laid out and closed my eyes. I let out a deep breath as I relaxed at the feeling of the warm sun on my body. My hope was that I could get by just laying here sunbathing until they got done with the water. I should have known better. 
After a while of me just chilling on the blanket, I was startled by arms scooping me up from my towel. My eyes shot open and found my boyfriend with a stupid grin on his face. “Wilbur, what are you doing?” I questioned, slightly panicked as he began to walk back toward the water. “I have decided you’ve been sunbathing enough and you will now be joining us in the water.” He announced. My heart pounded as his feet hit the edge of the water and he kept wading in, me still trapped in his arms. “Wilbur please. I don’t want to go in. Set me down now.” I begged. Wilbur didn’t listen and kept going deeper in the water. “You ready?” He questioned once the water was just barely touching me. “No! Wilbur please!” I pleaded softly with the giant. He didn’t seem to hear me over the roar of the wave. “Go!” He yelped getting ready to launch me. “Wilbur I can’t swim!” I finally shouted hoping it would stop my boyfriend.
It was too late though, Wilbur had let me go and I was flying through the air. I let out a scream as I flew into deeper water. Right before I went under, I caught sight of my boyfriend. His eyes were wide and he was as pale as a ghost. My body slammed into the water and I was submerged. I was in too deep of water to just stand up. Wilbur had taken me out to where the water met the middle of his chest and then threw me even further. The man is 6’5 so it’s no surprise I couldn’t reach the bottom. I flailed as hard as I could. Trying desperately to reach the surface again. But I just felt like I was sinking more. A pit formed in my stomach as the memory of my dad leaving me in the pool flooded my mind. My lung ached as my body began to run out of oxygen. I couldn’t believe this was how I was going to die. 
As my vision began to darken, something grabbed my arm. With one big motion, I was pulled out of the water. I coughed as I scrambled to wrap myself around whatever had just pulled me out of my watery panic. I took deep breaths trying to restore my oxygen intake but also to calm myself down. A gentle hand found its way on my back, rubbing up and down. As I calmed down, I was able to hear Wilbur whispering sweet nothings in my ear trying to reassure me and calm me down even more. 
Wilbur quickly brought the two of us back to the sand. He attempted to set me down, but I wouldn’t let him. My arms remained wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist tightly. So instead, Wilbur simply sat down on his towel. “You guys can go back to playing” I heard him tell the others. 
A few minutes passed as we sat there in silence before I let out a shaky breath and slightly pulled away from the embrace. “Y/N. I am so so so sorry. I had no idea you couldn’t swim. I know that’s no excuse because I should have listened to you when you said to stop. I feel so horrible. I’m so sorry.” Wilbur apologized, his eyes glossy from unshed tears. “Thank you,” I croaked out, “for apologizing. I know you didn’t know and I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. But you’re right. You should have stopped when I said so. But I forgive you, just don’t let it happen again. Or you’ll be in deep trouble” I teased, a weak smile adorning my face. 
Wilbur let out a small laugh, a single tear rolling down his cheek, “Believe me. It never will.” I let out a small laugh as well before leaning back in close and hugging him tightly. “I love you” I murmured into his neck. Wilbur’s hand came up to the back of my head and tugged me tighter to him. “I love you too.” 
“Are you guys done being gross? I would like to check on Y/N as well.” I heard Tommy pester from behind me. The two of us laughed as we broke apart. I slowly stood from Wilbur’s lap and turned around and found the other three standing there, looks of concern planted on their face. “I’m okay guys.” I confirmed walking forward, “Really.” Tubbo was the first to move. He ran forward and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I quickly hugged the boy back. It didn’t take long for Tommy and Phil to also join our hug. “I’m alright. I just think I’ll stay away from water I can’t stand up in for a long time.” I joked. A chuckle ruffled through the group.
The hug broke up after a few more minutes of just standing there. The five of us decided that we’d had enough excitement for one day and chose to leave and go grab something to eat somewhere. As we packed up, Tommy turned to me with a confused look, “Hey Y/N… Why would you agree to come to the beach if you hate deep water and can’t swim.” I shrugged as I laid my towel over my arm, “You and Tubbo really wanted to and I would do anything for my boys.” 
“Awwww!” The four boys let out, giving me a fond look. I rolled my eyes and pushed the shoulder of the person closest to me, which just so happened to be Tommy. “Shut up.” I muttered, walking away from the group toward the car. “Y/N! Wait! Come back!” Tubbo called. “No! I’m hungry, let’s go!” I called in return causing a rush of footsteps to pound toward me. I let out a squeak as arms wrapped around me and lifted me off the ground, swinging me around. I giggled as my feet returned to the ground once more. I turned around and of course found Wilbur standing there with a goofy smile on his face. Wilbur’s head ducked down and he pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. I sighed in contentment at the feeling and leaned further into the kiss. 
“You know, when you said you were hungry, I thought you meant for food.” Phil teased beside us. Wilbur and I broke apart, a blush adorning the both of our faces. “Phil! There are children around!” I exclaimed, pushing his shoulder slightly. Phil let out a loud laugh before responding, “I think you need to remember that as well.” I looked over and found Tubbo and Tommy with a fake grossed out look on their faces. I rolled my eyes and giggled at their nonsense…. “Last one to the car is a rotten egg!” I yelled out before booking it to the car. “Hey! Not fair!” I heard Tommy shout from behind me. Today may not have gone the smoothest. But I’m glad I got to spend it with the people I care about most. 
There you go! I hope you enjoyed! If so, be sure to leave a like. 
And remember kids: If someone says no, they mean no. Don’t try to convince them to do it anyway. No means No. Do not be responsible for someone’s death because you pushed them in deep water and they couldn’t swim.
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yamigooops · 3 years
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pairing: shotō todoroki x gn!reader genre: fluffy smut bby words: 2.3k warnings: none, just a blowjob hehe
a/n: uuuuuh hi, here’s something that i had in my writing folder that i completely forgot about, so hopefully this will placate you until i start posting my kinktober stuff WHICH I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT BTW. please enjoy :)
The water seared your tired skin as you stepped into the shower. You’d haphazardly thrown your clothes to the ground, putting on some music to fill the silence to make you feel mildly less alone in your big high-rise apartment. Settling in the center of the spray, you stood there for a moment, eyes shut, and head thrown back as you let the water roll down your chest. You lifted your hand and trailed your fingers down the valley between your breasts, pretending that the heat from the water and the touch of your hand was that of your lover.
Just the thought of him had your heart fluttering. You had barely seen Shōto at all this week, almost exclusively seeing him first thing in the morning or as you were falling asleep. You couldn’t blame him though, being the number 3 hero was a time-consuming job, especially since he and Deku were in the middle of a large investigation. He wasn’t able to tell you much about it, but from what you could gather from both him and the news, it was something big and probably very dangerous. So, every night he came home had you saying a silent prayer that he was safe, at least until tomorrow came.
Usually, he tried to send a few texts every day, but today there weren’t any, and it had you a bit on edge. As you soaked your hair, you thought about what he’d said this morning. The room was illuminated with the first rays of morning sun, casting him in soft golden light that had his hair shining and his skin glowing.
“Today is going to be difficult,” he murmured, pulling you closer into his chest. “We’re moving in on the suspect, and I’m not totally sure how it will go. But I don’t want you to worry, alright? I’m going to be just fine.” He pressed his lips to your hair, and you felt your heart constrict in your chest. “I know you probably will anyway, though.”
“You know me so well, Shō,” you chuckled softly. You traced your fingertips across his chest, mind wandering as you imagined all the things that could go wrong on his mission. “Just promise me you’ll come home tonight. Even if I’m asleep, you have to wake me up and let me know you’re back.”
He was quiet for a moment, prompting you to look up at him. His face was calm, eyes meeting yours with a soft determination that you had seen on him many times before. “I will come back to you, Y/N. I swear it.”
He hadn’t returned yet, but it wasn’t unusual for him to come home late on a normal day, much less one with a big mission like this. You tried to keep your worries at bay, tried to remind yourself that he was one of the strongest heroes in all of Japan. He could handle himself, and he was going to come back home, where he belonged. But that worry was still there, all too real and clawing at your heart no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
Picking up the shampoo you were about to squirt some into your palm when the shower door opened quietly behind you. Spinning around, you were met with Shōto’s familiar smile. Gasping, you threw your arms around his neck, earning a quiet grunt from the hero. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling your torso flush against his as you buried your face in his neck. You stayed there, simply breathing in each other’s presences as the water ran down your back from the ceiling.
“You’re alright,” you whispered, relief flooding your veins at the feeling of his skin against yours once again.
“A little battered and tired as hell, but yes, I’m alright little one.” His voice sounded slightly strained, like he’d done quite a bit of yelling today, and as he’d suggested he sounded exhausted. But his fingers were gentle against your skin as he pulled back slightly to look at you. “I hope you didn’t drive yourself crazy worrying about me like you always do?” His lips raised in a small smile as he quirked one eyebrow.
“Oh, you know I did. Who would I be if I didn’t?” You chuckled. You pressed your forehead to his, closing your eyes and saying a silent prayer of thanks that he was back in your arms. You gently kissed him, heart soaring now that it was out of the grip of fear and worry, at least for now. Pulling back after a moment, you surveyed the damage. He had a bandaged bicep and calf, as well as numerous bruises blossoming on his fair skin, but nothing appeared to be broken. Gesturing to the bandages, you gave him a questioning look.
“The villain got in a few lucky shots with some blades,” he said, looking down sheepishly. “Nothing too bad though. Just a few new scars to add to my collection.”
“A collection which I wouldn’t mind never adding to again,” you chided playfully, but knowing full well he grasped your meaning.
“As you wish, I’ll just tell the villains you said they aren’t allowed to hurt me ever again.” His voice was colored with a dry humor that was reserved almost exclusively for you, and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face.
“You do that, won’t you?” You pressed another chaste kiss to his lips before stepping back. “Now, let’s clean up yeah? I’m sure you’re exhausted and want to get to bed.” You lifted the shampoo bottle yet again, but he plucked it from your grasp, pouring some into his hand and gesturing for you to turn around. Rolling your eyes, you obliged, welcoming the feeling of his fingers as they worked the shampoo into your hair and gently massaged your scalp. When he finished and you’d rinsed the suds under the waterfall spray, you returned the favor, taking care to get out the grime that had gotten into his hair thanks to the battle. He had his eyes closed as you rinsed it out, the picture of relaxation and bliss.
“Time to scrub down that sweet little body,” he murmured, picking up a loofa and putting his body wash on it. He knew you liked using his instead of the one you’d gotten for yourself, which stood nearly untouched and was essentially a waste of a few good yen. After getting it sudsy, he started scrubbing your back in slow, careful motions moving down until he reached your ass, which he playfully squeezed as he placed a kiss to the back of your head before turning you around. He washed the rest of you before it was your turn to return the favor.
You got to work on his back, fingers gliding easily over the contours of his muscles as you admired his physique for the millionth time. You brought the loofa over his arms, careful to avoid the bandage on his left one but making sure to scrub away all the grime from the day before you turned him around. You brought it over his chest, the silence almost palpable between the two of you as music played softly in the background. As you finished cleaning off his stomach, you looked up to meet his gaze, which you found squarely on you. Despite having been together for almost two years now, that two-toned gaze never failed to make your insides squirm and your cheeks heat up.
That heat drove you to your knees as you brought the loofa down his uninjured leg, eyes holding his the whole way down. You saw his shoulders tense slightly as he gulped, catching the meaning behind your actions before you even acted. You finished washing his legs, taking care around his calf before tossing the loofa to the ground. You guided him to step back into the stream of water, helping wash away the suds running down his body, before you smiled wickedly and pushed him down onto the stone bench that ran the length of the wall.
“My Shōto, I’m so glad you’re home,” you murmured, pressing gentle kisses to the insides of his thighs. “I’m so sorry you got hurt, so I just want to make you feel better.”
“I know, little one.” His voice was low as he threaded his fingers into your hair, holding it out of your face as you placed one hand around his hardening length. “You always make me feel so good, even when I’m hurt.”
As your lips met the junction of his thigh and his member, you paused, looking up at him. “Thank you for keeping people safe, Shōto. You put yourself in harm’s way to save others. And I will forever be grateful for that,” you sighed, a smile spreading across your features as your hand slowly pumped him. “Even if it means I’m always worrying about you. I’ll gladly do that if it means you get to fulfil your life’s goal.”
“I never mean for you to worry, my love,” he sighed. His other hand cupped your chin gently, thumb running over your lips as he looked down on you with hooded eyes. “But knowing that I get to come home to you each night makes what I do so much easier.”
You ducked your head to kiss his palm before moving to press your lips to the now swollen head of his dick. A bead of precum had gathered there, and you swiped your tongue over it, eyes closing in bliss at the taste of him. Unable to wait any longer, you wrapped your lips around him, tongue swirling around his head for a few moments before you moved further down.
He grunted as you hollowed your cheeks, taking things slow but not too slow. You wanted to savor the moment, cherish the fact that he came home from his mission and was back in your arms safe and sound. You wanted to make this memorable, wanted him to think about it for the days to come as he went off to fight villains and keep unknowing citizens safe. So, you took your time, drawing out every moment as you swirled your tongue around his shaft, fingers tightening around the base as you sunk further down.
“So warm,” he moaned, fingers tightening in your hair. You looked up to find his eyes screwed shut, head lolled forward as he bathed in the pleasure of the moment. Steam curled around him as beads of water rolled down his chest. The shower was hot on your back, and you off-handedly wondered if he was cold before remembering his quirk and shrugging the thought off.
Moaning around him, you ran your free hand slowly up his stomach, running your nails over his skin and coming to a stop at one nipple. You circled it with your middle finger for a moment, teasing it as you bobbed up and down on his length. He sucked in a sharp breath as you took it between your fingers and pinched, rolling the bud between your fingers. He had such sensitive nipples, and you always tried to pay attention to them when you went down on him.
“Y-Y/N I-” he choked out, head leaning back against the shower wall as you pushed further down his cock, nose brushing his stomach as he hit the back of your throat. The hand that had been pumping him moved to cup his balls, fingers running over them softly. “Feels so good!” If you could have smiled, you would have. His chest was heaving harder now, a flush running from his cheeks down his neck.
You pulled off him for a moment to catch your breath, a line of thick saliva and precum connecting your bottom lip to his cock. “You’re doing so well Shō, almost there,” you encouraged in a hushed voice between gasps for air. He let out a whimper as you pumped him before you sank back onto him all the way to the hilt. Your eyes watered slightly, but Shōto was worth watery eyes. He was worth so much more than that, and you knew you had to show him.
So, you went hard. You gave him everything as he began to buck up into your waiting mouth. His hand pressed down, and you took all of him with each thrust. It was a bit overwhelming, and your jaw was beginning to ache, but it was worth it as soon as you looked up at him again.
“I’m c-close, Y/N! Almost there-” he groaned, brows knitting together as he grimaced. You gave his balls a squeeze at the same time as his nipple and he cried out. It was just enough to send him over the edge, and he spilled hot cum down your throat. It coated your tongue, and you savored the taste of him as you continued to bob up and down, letting him ride out his high. You continued until he moaned in overstimulation, and you pulled off him with a sly grin and a pop.
He peeled his eyes open, gaze hazy with lust and weariness as he moved his hand from your hair to your cheek. “God, I love you so much, Y/N.” His voice was hoarse, and you smiled at the sound of it.
“I had to give you some sort of reward for your hard work today,” you chuckled, pushing off your knees to kiss him. His tongue was hot in your mouth as you wound your fingers into his two-colored hair.
Breaking off, he looked at you with a glint in his eyes. “Well then I suppose I should thank you properly for that reward then, shouldn’t I?”
Despite how tired he was, you had a feeling tonight would be a long night…
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 - 𝑃.𝑆𝐻
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⩥𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛!𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎 (𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧) 𝑥 𝑠𝑜𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
⩥𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡, 𝑛𝑜𝑛-𝑖𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝐴𝑈
⩥𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 4,0𝑘
⩥𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦: „𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛’𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒’𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑦“, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒…
⩥𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦 & 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑒, 𝑗𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑦, 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦, 𝑒𝑥ℎ𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑚, 𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 (𝑓!𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔), 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥, 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘
⩥𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛: 𝑆𝑜𝑜𝑗𝑖𝑛 & 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒: 𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒
Being a resident of Hera Palace, a luxury apartment building with 100 floors in the middle of the city, had many advantages. Living around all those politicians, celebrities, businessmen and prominent doctors and lawyers, helped you develop a lot of precious contacts, that over time helped you become a part of the upper class and one of the world's best-known soprano singer and leading prima-donna all over the world. After a while of living there, you and your doctor husband Yoonchul became a part of the building's private club called Hera Club, consisting of four influential households that lived there. There was this little tradition that once a month, one of you hosted a dinner for the Hera Club at one of your places, where you could freely talk about anything regarding your life.
All of the Hera Club members were all right, a lawyer and his wife, a single-living woman with a rich overseas businessman husband, you and your husband, but the most influential family in the whole Hera Palace was a businessman Park Seonghwa, the owner of the building and basically half of Korea and his overly nice and naive wife.
Putting on the top layer of powder to prevent your base makeup from rubbing off, you finished doing your make-up for the night. The bloody shade of lipstick making your face stand out, even more, clasping your diamond ear-rings, spraying on the expensive perfume, you finished embellishing your look. And with that your husband stepped in, checking himself in the mirror, to make sure there are no imperfections, clearing his throat to remind you of his presence. Dressed in a lacy black shirt and leather black skirt, you tugged it down a bit, to accentuate your curves more.
„Wear something else. How many times must I tell you that's too drab? The host should look classy.“ the lack of interest hearable in your voice. „I have enough taste to pick out an outfit.“ As if. „Don't you think you went over the top, Y/N? It's just a dinner with people we see every day. You make such a huge fuss of things.“ you couldn't help but turn around, looking at him with an annoyed expression. „Are you criticizing my style too? Are you that displeased about your wife looking pretty?“ Smug smirk on his face as you basically spitted your words on him. „I don't like how it's just too much. How could you still expect to look pretty? You practically showered in perfume.“ Leaving the room, he left you standing there alone, ruining your mood for the night. Sighing and scoffing at his pathetic complaints you put on your heels to welcome the guests.
Anyone could see that your marriage with him wasn't good at all, you couldn't even look at or compliment each other, you didn't even have anything to talk about together, all you did was argue, the last time you two had sex together or even touched each other out of honest love, was about eight years ago, this marriage already hopeless. But until you take over the corporation your father run, you had to be married, your father won't let you take over the company if you two divorced, since getting a divorce was a humiliation for the whole family in his opinion.
Picking the best bottle of red wine out of the wine cabinet, you took it along with meals prepared for this night and placed it on the splendid black table. The present people already deep in a talk.
Sitting down next to your husband, you brushed the arm of his jacket, to show off that you were a caring wife to the others, a fake smile adorning your beautiful face. He only rolled his eyes at your pretentiousness and took a sip of his wine. Listening to the compliments to your food, you smiled and thanked politely. Listening to the snobby and drunk blabbering, you couldn't get more bored.
„What's taking the couple from penthouse so long?“ asked Mari, the single woman, you could feel your husband tensing, you knew how much he hated Seonghwa, but deep down you knew it wasn't hate but just jealousy at how successful he was. And with that, Seonghwa and his wife stepped in, with apologies for being late. Rolling your eyes at how everyone now paid attention to Seonghwa's beautiful wife, you rolled your eyes, taking a sip of the expensive champagne with strawberries.
„Oh Suryeon, it's nice that you're here, it's always so hard to see you, you should come over when we go shopping.“ Seonghwa cut his wife before she said anything, answering the request instead of her. „She always wants to go, but I'm the one who makes her stay. I want to keep her for myself.“ whines filled the room at how caring and romantic Seonghwa was.
„Y/N the food looks delicious, it must've been hard to prepare all this.“ you were looking at Seonghwa, dressed in a tapered suit, getting annoyed at how his hand was on top of his wife's lap, his wife's question bringing you back to the reality. „I couldn't serve just anything. I put in some extra care.“
„Actually there wasn't much to do. You know how delivery food is.“ Giving your husband, who has now ruined the mood with his nagging comments that were trying to humiliate you, a death glare.
After a while, when you were all done eating you took the dirty plates to the kitchen, putting them in a sink and trying to get yourself together and not express any annoyment and angriness. Your husband looking through the cabinet to find the best wine, you approached him with your arms crossed on your chest. „Are you having fun humiliating your wife in front of others? Do you feel better now?“
„Why don't you take it easy? Why are you acting so pretentious? Isn't it tiring?“ walking past you with two bottles of wine in his hands. „Do you wish for your wife to be belittled? I'm doing this for your sake...“
„Can you please be honest? All you think of is yourself. I'm just a mere accessory you use to decorate yourself. Suryeon is the type that truly cares for her husband. Look at how well Chairman Park's business is going.“ Taking one of the bottles from his hand, you smashed it on the floor out of angriness, the burgundy coloured liquor spilling and staining the floor. „Does complimenting other women make you feel any better?“ Turning around, to leave you were met with Seonghwa's wife standing in front of you, probably eavesdropping on your whole conversation. „Ah, I couldn't find the restroom...“ rolling your eyes, you walked past her, and leaving her with your husband.
As the night went on, your husband laughing and celebrating with the lawyer and his wife, along with the single-living lady - Mari, Seonghwa chatting and giggling with his wife and you sitting there alone, with a glass of red wine in your hand, eyeing Seonghwa occasionally. When Mari stood up, to go to the restroom, she almost fell on the ground, from the intoxication of alcohol, Seonghwa's wife immediately stood up to help her as the sweet soul she was, leaving the dining room.
Seonghwa right away knew, what you were doing, when you unbuttoned the top of your shirt, bending around to fill his empty glass while licking your lips seductively. Lips forming into a smirk on his handsome face, tilting his head, no doubt checking you out, your cleavage on display for him. You were indeed a very beautiful woman, exactly his type. „I'll pour you a glass Chairman Park.“ locking contact, with his shining eyes full of desire.
„Let me do the same.“ Standing up and coming to you, he stood by your side, pouring your glass with the sweet burgundy liquor. Clicking your glasses together, you held it on the level of your soft lips, about to drink from it when you 'accidentally' spilt the drink on your shoulder, staining your shirt. Everyone gasped, asking if you were okay. „Yes, I'm fine. I should get changed.“ mischievous smile in your face as you stood up
Looking at Seonghwa with a deep glare, to let him know that he's welcomed to follow you, you walked past him, brushing softly against his back. He was looking at you as you swung your hips teasingly on purpose.
Re-applying your lipstick, you stood in front of the mirror, in a beautiful black dress, that hugged your curves tightly, with a frilly on the shoulders. The dress still unzipped, because you needed help with zipping it, and you knew that Seonghwa would come and help you.
And as luck would have it, there he was, you could see him in the mirror, standing in all his beauty in that black suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and a smirk on that handsome face, black hair brushed into a side-part.
You brushed your hair into a side, tilting your head so that your hair doesn't get into the zipper. „Could you assist me?“ Walking to you, he stood behind you, looking at your face in the mirror. Feeling his cold fingertips caressing your back, made shivers run all around your body. His lips dangerously close to your neck, as you turned your head to look at him, your lips getting closer and closer. But with that, the annoying voice of his wife that was looking for him could be heard.
Weeks have passed since that night at your place, seeing Seonghwa only occasionally at the entrance-hall, you tried to forget about that night, instead of having to bother with constant jealous and annoying comments of your husband, that was trying to put him down. And you didn't want to miss the opportunity to impress Seonghwa, tonight was another Hera Club meeting, this time at his Penthouse.
Dressing in a beautiful curve-hugging black dress, that exposed your shoulders and had white flowers on it, you stepped into the Penthouse, being greeted with the housemaids that took care of the place. Coming into the living room where all the women of Hera Club were, praising your look. „Gosh, Y/N, you look like a different person. Did you always have such a beautiful neckline?" Smiling at the comments and answering politely, roaming your eyes all over the place, to see if Seonghwa was present, instead of landing your eyes on his wife. „I dressed up for the occasion. It's been such a long time since I came to the penthouse. Only our men used to come here. I hope you invite us, girls, more often from now on.“ Toasting with a glass of champagne with strawberries, you tasted the bitter but sweet drink, the door of Seonghwa's study room opening, the handsome man stepped out in all his glory.
Smirk finding its place on his face, when you two locked eye contact, you two were flirting with your glances, as his wife's phone buzzed, with a text message. Noticing Seonghwa's presence, telling him something urgent came up, she left, to finish some things at the company she ran. Not caring what it was about you sat on the couch next to the others, signalizing for Seonghwa to sit next to you.
As the night went on, the men celebrating the success of their investments, you rolled your eyes, annoyed at not having any attention, seeing that wide smile on your husband's face, disgust filled your veins.
Walking past Seonghwa who sat on the opposite of you, annoying you even more, you deciding to look around the place designed in a minimalistic style. Going up the stairs of the place, you saw how Seonghwa stood up in your peripheral vision.
The others not even noticing that the two of you left, amused by playing golf with balls made from checks. When you looked around the whole place, deciding to leave, you were met with Seonghwa standing in the hallway, waiting for you. Playing hard to get by walking past him, acting like you were not delighted by his presence at all, he grabbed your arm and turned you around, so you were facing him, pushing you against the cold wall and keeping you caged with his arms and lust-filled eyes. „Are you insane? What do you intend to do here?“
„Is there a reason we shouldn't be doing this? They can't see us anyway. I thought you'd like something like this, Ms. Y/L/N.“ his deep voice sending shivers down your spine as you bit your lips seductively. „Park Seonghwa. I didn't know you were such a bad man.“ letting out a small laugh, he smirked at your words, knowing well how much he affected you. „I don't think I can stop now.“
When he tried to close the gap between your lips slowly, you stopped him and pushed him away softly, hesistantly looking deeply into his eyes before pulling him closer by the back of his neck and kissing him hungrily. Your tongues slipping into each other's mouths hungrily. His arms caging your body and holding you by your waist. Breaking the kiss to catch your breath and kissing again, still pressed against the marble wall, his arm holding your leg, bending it a bit to wrap it around his tiny waist.
His fingers getting closer and closer to your core, throbbing from all the pent-up sexual tension. Rubbing your bud with his thumb through your lacy panties, you moaned into his mouth. „We shouldn't be doing this right now, they'll notice we are gone, sooner or later.“ you said as you broke the kiss, landing your leg back on the floor. Seonghwa slid his hand into the pocket of his trousers, obviously looking for something. Picking out a small leather sack, he held it in front of your eyes.
„If you are brave enough to continue, take this. I'm giving you a chance to back out when you still can before you do something you'll regret. The key in the sack can get you into any place in the Hera Palace. Meet me tomorrow at 7 pm on the 35th floor, next to the elevator, there's a glass door there, open it with this key and wait for me there if you want to continue with this...“
Stepping out of the elevator in a cream-coloured satin dress, the basic black high-heels with a strap on it accentuating your legs and making them look longer, a pearl necklace decorating your bare neck. Opening the door with the key Seonghwa gave you, you stepped into a room full of different kinds of plants, almost like a garden spot.
There was a couch with soft and puffy cushions, a glass table with two glasses and a bottle of wine in the middle, precisely covered by the surrounding plants. Seonghwa greeted you in the front, his arms wrapping around you, to bring you closer so he could kiss you. Taking your hand into his he motioned for you to sit down. The place was dark, the only light in the room was created by some candles and a small star-looking shining that entered the room through the glass wall, giving you a view of the city.
„I had no idea this place existed in Hera Palace. I'm surprised.“ Seonghwa chuckled, your amazement giving him a space to brag about the fortune he owns. „I participated in designing the building. Feel free to come here whenever you want.“
Kissing you again, his hand landed on your collarbones, wrapping around your neck, before tugging at the necklace you wore rather powerfully enough to disrupt it, the pearl beads falling on the floor and rolling all over the floor. Gasping, you immediately took your hand off his thigh and went to caress your neck, looking at him in shock. „What are you doing?“ His hand grabbed the box that was by his side, which you haven't noticed before.
Opening the box, you were met with a beautiful diamond necklace and earrings with a ruby in them. „I thought that this might look good on you. Aren't you sick of the necklace your stupid husband got you?“ Sighing you took the box into your hands. „What is this necklace supposed to mean? Don't tell me... you want me all to yourself.“ Chuckling at your words, his eyes moving off of you. „No, of course not.“
„I want this to be simple. Let's not put a leash on each other or be blingy. I want this to end the moment one of us decides to end it. What do you think?“ Tilting your head to the side, to get a better view of his handsome face your hand landed on the top of his muscular thigh. „It looks like we've just settled on our own set of rules.“ Landing his hand on your back, he pushed you down to the couch, getting on top of you, his long legs on both side of your body, lips connected.
His fingers rubbing circles along your hips, digging into it, not too harshly. Lips breaking the contact with yours, instead going lower, down to your neck, you gasped, when his teeth sunk into your neck softly. His hand going under your dress and caressing the inner side of your thigh. „Let me undress you, Y/N.“
His fingers untied the ribbon on top of your satin dress, sitting so he can pull them over your head, leaving you only in your lacy set, you picked for tonight. Seonghwa unbuttoned his white shirt, showing off his sculpted chest and stomach. Undoing his belt, he put it down on the table along with his trousers being left only in his briefs.
While he was undressing himself, you took off your bra and panties, too aroused to wait any longer, noticing it, he chuckled at your neediness and did the same with his briefs. Biting your bottom lip as you took in the size of his cock, well above average, for sure thicker than any you've ever had. Reaching out to touch it, his hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you from getting any closer to him, grabbing your other wrist as well, he pinned them both above your head, pushing you down to the couch. „Not so fast, princess, don't think I'd let you be in charge and touch me whenever you want. Now relax and don't make me tie those wrists.“
He released your wrists from his grip, lips attaching to your breasts, twirling his tongue around your nipples, sucking on them, pushing his knee between your legs, to part them. His lips went lower, brushing past your ribcage and stomach down to your thighs, he began kissing up to your inner thighs, his teeth grazing along the sensitive skin of your legs.
„You have no idea, what you do to me, I've been crazy about you, since the first time I saw you I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I can't believe you're mine now, the most perfect woman... everything my wife isn't.“
Pushing your legs up, to put on his shoulders, gripping them firmly, his face dived into your glistening core. Your body jolting up, toes curling, from the sudden pleasure of Seonghwa's tongue licking up your folds, spreading them apart with his tongue. You couldn't even remember the last time someone had eaten you out, less so, eat you out this good. Your hips bucking up whenever his tongue brushed past your clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. Your desperate whines and moans leaving your mouth, only made him smirk in satisfaction, your thighs closing around his head. You were at the brim of your climax, a knot forming and pulsing in your stomach.
„I bet your pathetic husband can't even unclip your bra, gosh, how could a woman as breath-taking as you, marry someone as deplorable.“ Your lewd moans intensified as you were about to spill on Seonghwa's mouth at any second. Although having you cum on his tongue, lap at your juices and lick you clean off your tasty juices sounded good, he would rather have you cum from the godly work of his hips, snapping against your sweet spot. Detaching himself from your core as he broke the high of finally having your anticipated orgasm, you haven't felt in years. You whined, looking at him in disbelief, scoffing him. „What is it darling? Don't give me that bitter look.“
He slid his tip along your folds, lubricating himself with your wetness, your legs wrapped around his tiny waist, he propped himself in front of your clenching hole. Pushing himself into you, you both hissed, and spewed at the feeling. „Fuck, he hasn't fucked you in a long time, right? Ah, you're so fucking tight, clenching around me, you're taking me so well, that I don't think I'll be able to even move.“ You groaned in agreement to his statements, trying to stabilise your breathing and get used to the stretching feeling. „Ah, y-you can move now.“ Your legs were shaking from only the feeling of his dick inside you.
Seonghwa set a rather mellow and tame pace at the beginning, however after a while, pushing into you deeper and rougher, with a great intensity of each thrust. „What would your husband say if he saw you like this? Fucking another man to satisfy the needs he can't satisfy?“ Angling his hips a bit more upwards to hit your sweet spot better, your arms wrapped around his back, nails digging harshly, probably about to leave tiny marks. Your moans getting caught in your throat as his hips slammed into you, your back arching at the feeling. Seonghwa couldn't explain how much confidence this intercourse gave him, when he slept with his wife, which did not happen often at all, all she did was lay back down and not react to him in any way, only trying to get through it and 'satisfy his needs'. But you were different, the way you were clenching, arching and moaning, he missed the euphoric feeling of having good sex with someone who enjoyed it and gave him the overwhelming pleasure he needed.
His thumb reached down to your bundle of nerves, massaging it in a circular motion, your body responding with trembling to the additional pleasure. „Ah, fuck Seonghwa, please keep doing that, I'm gonna cum soon!“ warning him your head fell back, mouth opening agape. „Really? You're gonna make a mess and milk my cock? Clench your velvety pussy around my girth? Then do that darling, cum all over me.“ His hips frantically plunged into your walls, delivering pleasure to you both. Clenching your hands into fists, you felt yourself get over the edge, spasming under his frame. Your body shook at the forgotten feeling of orgasm taking all over you. Grunts leaving Seonghwa's lips as he spilt his seed into your desperate cunt, you both riding out your orgasms.
His breath steadied as he sat at the opposite side of the couch, leaving you laying there to let you collect yourself. „It was visible by how needy you were, that your sex life with your stupid husband must be awful, but I just hope he'd go down on you, so he could see my cum dripping out of you. See how it is when a real man fucks a woman.“ Brushing your hair with your fingers, to not look that ruffled, licking your fingertips to clean your chin off the smudged lipstick, you saw him already half-dressed, you did the same, his lips attaching to yours yet again, biting on your bottom lip.
„I'm sure you know that there's a gala next week, to celebrate the Hera Palace's first anniversary. I hope you wear that necklace I gave you, but don't dress too gorgeously, which might be problematic, since you're gorgeous in everything, because I don't think I'll be able to hold back, even in front of my wife and your husband, on the other hand, at least they'll know, who this beautiful woman belongs to from now on.“
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overly-b · 4 years
Say It Again - JJ Maybank
In which JJ questions if he is deserving of you and your love. 
Warnings: swearing, sad JJ, fluff, awful editing don’t come for me
Word Count: 3.5k(whoops) 
Author's note: this is my first time writing in so long, be gentle with me friends. I know that a lot of people have done similar prompts of JJ feeling undeserving of love and the reader helps him through it, so this is a little bit unoriginal but, this is my take on it. 
Bold italics is a flash back. 
Thank you to @maybe-maybanks​ to the late night inspiration!
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As you, Kie and Pope approached the yard of the chateau, it became undeniably clear that JJ had gone off the rails with extravagant spending since you had seen him last. 
“What did you do JJ?” Pope questions the boy sitting in the hot tub. Looking at you through his sunglasses, he smirks. 
“I got a jet going straight in my butt right now” He ignores Pope. “Y’all, should get in here immediately, you hear me?” His sentence slurs slightly. “Salud!” He toasts his plastic champagne flute in the air, but opts to take a swig from the bottle in his other hand. 
JJ scans the faces of his three friends, eyes lingering at yours a moment longer than Kie and Popes. 
You see, just days ago, after getting arrested, then beaten by his father, JJ found you, and poured his heart out, to find that you shared his feelings, and the two of you started seeing each other in secret. 
Being that it was a secret, the two of you had yet to put any kind of label on it, but you loved that blonde boy to the ends of the earth, despite what had happened earlier that day. 
“You know what, that's exactly what I’m gonna do. Go off, by myself.”  
You watched as JJ began walking away. Pope attempted to stop him, but Sarah and John B had halted his efforts. You stood silently fuming at the actions of the boy you had such strong feelings for. How could he be doing something like this? This wasn’t the JJ you knew, had been friends with for years, and were now in love with. Though if you were being honest with yourself, you had loved him for years prior. 
“JJ!” You seethed, shaking off John B’s attempts to hold you back from running after him. He was already a good distance away from the group, he probably couldn’t even hear you yelling, so you started speed walking. It soon became apparent that he was simply ignoring you. 
“JJ!” You were merely twenty feet from him, screaming at his back. “JJ stop!” His strides continued. 
“You were real quiet back there princess, finally decide to comment?” You stepped in front of him, shoving his shoulders to force his walk to a stop. “What the fuck Y/N!” 
“What the fuck me? What the fuck you! What has gotten into you right now JJ what are you doing?” 
“Nothing has gotten into me Y/N I’m simply paying back what I owe.” He states, trying to walk past you. 
“By stealing the money from the drug dealer that just jumped us?” Your brows raise as you interrogate him. 
“He jumped us, he has this coming.” He nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders, succeeding in getting past you, as you stand shocked by his words. 
“JJ you and I both know that you’re not that goddamned stupid.” His steps slow, he stands still. “Stealing money from a drug dealer? JJ I know that you owe money because of Pope but this isn’t right! You’re better than this-” 
“Am I?” He turns on his heels to face you again, this time squaring his shoulders to be purposeful in standing tall over you. Him standing over you made you feel small in comparison to the raging blond. “Am I better than this?” He repeats his question. 
“JJ what are you-” 
“Because I’m starting to think that you, and your high standards, and your perfect life, only think that I am better than this because you want me to be better than this.” 
You knew what he was referring to. You were by no means a kook, but your family was financially stable enough to afford a nice house, you had your own car, and if you wanted, you could afford to go to college on the mainland. Your life was unlike most lives on the cut, but JJ knew that your life was far from perfect. 
“What the hell-” 
“And that if we’re gonna be together,  you need me to be better than this so that I can fit in with your life.” You had no idea what he meant. Your life was on the cut, with the Pouges, with him, and the difference of financial well beings of your familys never changed that before, so why was it now? 
“What the fuck JJ stop-” 
“Well you know what Y/N! I’m not better than this, this is who I am! I get into fights, I steal, I have a criminal record, when I get hit, I hit back this is who I am!” 
“We both know that stealing twenty five thousand dollars from a drug dealer is never going to make anything better.” You attempt to reason with him. “This isn’t hitting back this is loading the gun that's already in your face!” 
“Y/N I have to!” He spits. “I know you could never understand being in so much debt but this is my only option.” His words hit you like a punch to the stomach. He looks down to his boots before continuing. “So I’m sorry that I’m not what you pictured as a boyfriend, but this is what I do Y/N. Maybe you trying to fight it means you deserve better than me.” 
And just like that, it was clear that he was more mad with himself then he was with you. However, everything that he said was uncalled for, and nasty, and he had no right. You watch as he storms away, even more tense than before, and you couldn’t help but wonder how this affects your newfound relationship. You blink away the water from your eyes, and do your best to compose yourself as you slowly wander back to your friends. 
“How much did this cost?” Pope asks. Your head was spinning as he listed all of the things that he had purchased since he left you standing in the woods. 
“Uh, well. With the generator, the petrol, and, oh, hey, express delivery,” You knew the answer before he even had time to speak. “Pretty much all of it, yeah.” 
“All of it?” Pope exclaims. 
“Oh my god” You whisper, mostly to yourself, rubbing your forehead with your palm. 
“Yeah all of it.” 
“You spent all the money in one day?” “Yeah burned a hole right through my pocket.” He confidently explains. “But, I mean like come on guys, look at this!”  The tone in his voice told you that he was holding back, it was alway his biggest tell when he would hold back his feelings. “Finest in jet based massage therapy, that's what they told me.” 
The three of you are left speechless. 
“Kie what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in life?” JJ still could not bring himself to look you in the eyes for more than a moment. “Come on, all this scrimping’ and scraping’” you notice his voice falter again. “I mean like, guys, we, you only live once. Right?” JJ finally locks eyes with you, and he reacts spastically, your dreaded look having the gravest effect on him.  
“Y/N, stop, why are you looking at me like that?” He knew full well, but he was trying too hard not to show it. “I know that you’re mad about earlier okay, but, everything is fine now!” His voice was louder now, concealing the breakdown you knew was coming, sooner or later, here with the three of you or somewhere else. “Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat’s Ass come on.” He smiles, waving you to join him. 
“The what?” Kie furrows her brows. 
“The Cat’s Ass.” JJ smugly replies, proud of himself. “That's what I named her. Oh hey yo, I almost forgot,” JJ leans forward, pressing a button that makes water spray across the tub, and even more colorful lights flash in front of him. “Huh! Yeah that's right, disco mode, thats right baby!” His eyes scan yours, noticing that they were clouding with tears. He quickly looks away from you, not wanting to see the damage that he had done, and was still doing. 
“JJ,” Your voice is low and hushed as you blink back tears. 
“Are you kidding me?” Popes harsh voice overpowers yours, cutting off you and your tears. “You could have paid for restitution!” 
“Or literally given it to any charity” Kie fumes at the sight before her. 
“Guys,” You mutter, wanting them to stop being so hard on the broken boy you secretly called yours. You were mad too, if not more than Pope and Kie due to your argument. However, you could see straight through the smug grins and happy fasad that JJ was trying to project. He was hurting, and you knew it wasn’t just about the fight the two of you shared. 
“Or better yet, you could have helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!” 
“Guys!” You spoke up louder this time, only to be cut off by JJ. 
“Okay well you know I didn’t do that!” As JJ’s swimsuit clad body surfaces from the hot water, you are confronted with what you knew would be there, and the tears pour from your eyes. “I got a hot tub!” JJ shakes in what appears to be anger, but you know it isn't anger he's reeling from. “For my friends,” 
Kie and Pope gape at JJ’s bruised abdomen and instantly connect the dots as to who is responsible. 
“I bought a hot tub for my friends.” He repeats. “You know what, no, you know what, screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family.” 
“JJ what the hell-” Kie gasps.
“I got this for you! Guys look what I did for you! Alright?” JJ spins and gestures to everything he bought. “Look at this!” When he turns back, he finds that you were no longer holding back the tears your eyes once held. 
“Y/N stop being emotional don’t, don’t cry okay? I know that I hurt you before,” His voice fails him as he recalls the words that he said to you. “But I did this for you,” He hangs his head, he knows how bad he fucked up, and it was hitting him all at once that this was not the way that he needed to make things right. This was not the way back to you, and the high of his twenty five thousand dollar spending spree was dissapating at his realisation, and at the sight of you before him. 
“I mean, it’s sweet right?” JJ hadn't even realized that as he began talking, you had climbed into the hot tub. He looks into your eyes for a moment as you stand before him, and lets out a sob as you gently wrap your arms around him. His forehead falls to your shoulder, and  all of his pent up energy released in the form of tears and heaves. 
“I’m sorry. Baby I’m so sorry.” He whimpers to you, only for you to shush him tenderly. Kie and Pope share a confused glance at the nickname. “I couldn’t do it.” You rub his hair and hold him close as he convulses. “I can’t take it anymore!” JJ wails, your tears land on his shoulders, and his tears land on yours. “I was gonna kill him!” 
Kie is next to join you, jumping into the steaming water and embracing the both of you. Pope follows. 
“I just want to do the right thing.” 
“Shh, JJ, I know. I know” You coo him, trying to calm his weeping. 
After minutes of holding him, Kie announces that she has to head home, and Pope offers to drive her. JJ rests in a nearly catatonic state in your arms, no doubt exhausted and knowing JJ, not ready to face the fact that he just broke down in front of his friends. 
The pair leaves bidding reassuring words to JJ, and a few more hugs. 
You are left in the hot tub, holding the blond boy as he clutches onto you. He wasn’t crying anymore, but his breaths were rapid and heavy as he was shaken, the events of the day had caught up to him in the form of you and your tears. He begins to spew soft “I’m sorry”s and other apologises, but his panic makes him stutter and his sentences start to lack direction. 
You shush him and direct the boy to listen to your heartbeat, trying your best to bring his shattered thoughts back to earth. 
“JJ, we should get out of the hottub.” You tell him, to which he simply sniffles and nods, unsure of how to speak to you after the horrible things he said to you, and his inability to form a proper apology. He knew that you were nothing like he had depicted, yet he said what he said, and there was no taking it back. 
His skin was red from the overheated water, and it itched with chlorine, so as the two of you entered the chateau, you started the shower. 
“You should rinse off the chlorine.” You told him, not sure of how to speak to him either. He followed your order and stripped of his bathing suit. You were able to track down clothes for him to sleep in, and as you waltzed back into the bathroom, you decided you couldn’t leave him alone in the shower.  
Taking off your soaked clothes quickly, you slip into the shower to find JJ standing still under the water. You snake your arms around his torso, careful of the bruises pressing your chest to his back. His hands find yours he holds them tight. You place a kiss on his spine, then rest your head where your lips touched. 
“I’m so sorry” He croaked, his voice was tired, worn out from the day. 
“No stop Y/N” He turns around to face you, grabbing your face in his hands. “I’m sorry. I should have never said any of those things about you, none of them were true, it's just that, its,” He stumbles on his words. You rub his back to ground him again, he takes a deep breath. “It's just that you do deserve better than me.” 
“JJ please-” He doesn’t let you continue. 
“No you do, Y/N you do. You deserve so much better than me, than this life, than what I can give you. You don’t deserve some, broken kid that's never getting off the cut, you don’t deserve, to, have to watch as I steal money from drug dealers, you don’t deserve any of the shit that I know that I put you through you just, you deserve better, better than someone who doesn’t come close to deserving you.” 
The tears streaming down both of your faces mix with the water coming from the shower and you have no idea how to make his saddening speech stop. 
“JJ” You sob, he pauses. “You deserve so much more, than what your life has given you. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved JJ, you deserve everything that you want, why can’t you see that?” 
And instantly you feel stupid for asking. JJ’s eyes wander and find the bruises littering his body, answering your question. You stifle another sob as your eyes graze his battered skin. 
“Listen to me.” You demand his attention. “You are not worthless.” His eyes divert from yours as he realises what you’re referring to. “JJ look at me,” After a moment or two, his gaze wearily finds yours. “You are not worthless, you are worthy of love, and affection, and someone who takes care of you, and not only are you worthy but you deserve it too. Do you hear me?” 
JJ swallows thickly, nodding in acceptance of your beautiful words. He embraces you tightly, having no words of his own. No one had ever made him feel like this. No one had ever made him feel worthy of the good that was before him. 
He was hesitant to think that he deserved you. To him, no one was good enough to actually deserve you, especially not him. However your speech made him open to the idea that maybe he was at least worthy of your love. 
Your love. 
You both realised in the same moment that the word was shared between you. You had never shared the faithful declaration of love to each other since you had been together romantically, and yet now you had mentioned love twice in the span of thirty seconds. JJ smiled as he held you. You loved him, and this was one of the ways that you showed it. 
“Let's get the chlorine out of your hair J.” 
He let you massage his scalp with the shampoo that he's seen you use before to get pool chemicals out of your hair. He didn’t really know what it did or how it was different from other shampoos but, it smelled like you and he loved getting his head rubbed. His breathing was still shaky, but he finally felt some of his anxiety from the day wearing off. Fighting with you was something he never wanted to do again. Fighting with his dad was something he knew he would have to do the next time he went home. He elected to ignore those thoughts, as your fingers worked magic on his hair, seemingly drawing all of the negative ideas out of his head along with the chlorine. 
As JJ rinsed his hair of soap, he noticed you reaching for the bottle again, no doubt to wash your own hair. He holds out his hand, wordlessly asking if he could wash your hair for you, like you had done for him. This makes you grin as you hand him the bottle. JJ then realises that he doesn’t really know how to do what you did for him. That kind of small, soft, intimate touching was foreign to him. 
He squeezes way too much shampoo into his hand, but you pay that no mind. He starts slow, trying to remember the way your fingers moved on his scalp, but in the end knowing that he just wasn’t good at giving head massages. 
“I used way too much.” He states, watching as suds continue to produce from your locks.  
“It’s okay.” You hum watching the bubbles disappear down the drain. “I set out clothes for you when you’re ready, I’m probably gonna be another minute” You tell him, referring to the other bottles you had in the shower that you still had to use. 
“Okay, thank you” He kisses you as he exits the shower. You finish up quickly, wanting to be next to him, and hoping that his thoughts as he sits alone don’t carry him away like they had before. 
You find that he left his tee shirt for you, like he had on nights before. You wear the shirt that smelled of him along with a pair of comfortable running shorts and head to the spare bedroom of the chateau that JJ called his most nights. 
You spot JJ sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for you. You slowly and carefully climb onto his lap, straddling him and holding his head close to your chest. You notice anxiety still radiating off of him. 
“Hey,” You start softly. “It’s okay, everythings okay-” 
“I love you” He states bluntly as he picks up his head from your chest. 
“What?” You stumble, surprised at his outburst. 
“I love you, and I want to be with you, like, publically, or whatever. I wanna tell the Pouges and-” before he starts rambling, you stop him. 
“I love you too JJ.” This pauses him. 
“Say it again.” 
You giggle, but inhale, knowing that he needs to hear it. 
“JJ.” You start. “I love you.” 
He lets out a breath you didn’t realize he was holding, eyes watering for the millionth time. 
“I still don’t think that I deserve this.” He admits, looking into your eyes with his crystal clear blue ones. 
“You do.” You push his hair back from his face. “And I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you that you do.” 
He was hesitant to accept everything that you had said to him that day, but he never doubted that you would give him your all. This was all he needed to know before he allowed himself fully over to you, kissing you with more desperation and love than ever before. 
“I love you so much.” You muttered into his lips, and from that day on, you would say it again and again, as many times as he needed to hear it. A constant reminder to him that he was deserving and worthy of good, of love, and of you.
Taglist:  @maybe-maybanks​  @myrandom-fandomlife​
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
Rose Colored Cheeks
word count: 3,657
summary: days before the l’manburg vs. dream team war, wilbur and eret decide to have a toast to how far they’ve come. in the process, eret points out how easy it is to make wilbur blush, and the commander decides to have some fun of his own.
woooo! this fic is done, and it’s the longest fic i’ve ever written for this account so far! enjoy one of my favorite duos :D
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
cw: alcohol
“Eret, I have a question.”
“Wilbur, I likely have an answer.”
“When was the last time you drank alcohol?”
Eret huffed, leaning against the outside of the camarvan as she thought of an answer for her leader. She pondered in her head, not quite being able to come up with a clear answer.
“...I can’t come up with an exact date. It was more than quite a few months ago, but...it was definitely within the past year.” She nodded. “I don’t exactly remember what happened or where I was, my memory is a little hazy. Although... I believe I was likely drinking because of a celebration of some sort, perhaps?”
“A celebration?” Wilbur repeated.
“Yeah. I usually only drink when it comes to special occasions.” She shrugged, glancing at the sunset that was slowly spreading over the sky. “What about you? When was the last time you drank?”
“Not fairly long ago.” Wilbur shook his head. “Probably only a month or two ago.”
“Why do you ask?” Eret questioned curiously, before she suddenly felt Wilbur take her hand in his own.
“Come inside with me, Eret.” He said with a smile. She smiled as well, letting Wilbur guide her inside of the camarvan. Once they were inside of the van, Wilbur let go of her hand to walk into the back room. The eyeless entity leaned against the wall, being able to hear her friend rummaging through various things to find what he was looking for.
“Ah, there we go.” She could hear Wilbur mutter quietly. The young man returned from the back of the room, holding two empty champagne glasses, one in each hand, and setting them down in front of him.
“Are those for what I think they’re for?” Eret asked with an eyebrow raised.
“They might be.” Wilbur chuckled, heading back into the back room momentarily. She could hear more rustling, and he reentered, holding a bottle of champagne in his hands.
“In a few days time, we go off to war with the Dream Team. I wanted to have a proper gathering of some sort, where we celebrate our triumphs one last time before the war, before we have even more to celebrate.” Wilbur exclaimed, placing the bottle on the table. “However, not only are we the only ones awake right now, we’re also the only ones on our side who can legally drink. So... I think that we should have a toast.”
“A toast?” Eret repeated curiously, stepping forward towards her comrade.
“A toast, to how far we’ve come. You’ve been a good person to me, Eret. You’ve been a friend, a comrade, a brother. While I didn’t want to have to come to the terms of war with the other side, I know this battle will bring us closer than ever before.” Wilbur continued to speak as he attempted to twist the cork off of the bottle. “So, because of that, I believe... that we should... should have a toast- ugh. A toast to our-“
“Do you need any help with that, Wilbur?” She interrupted, watching her leader struggle to get the cork off.
“Nonono, I’ve got it.” Wilbur insisted, still struggling to twist off the cork on the bottle, shaking it to see if that would get it loose.
“Are you sure?” Asked Eret, entertained by her commander’s struggle.
“I promise you Eret, I’m fine, I-“
“Oh no!” Eret laughed as she felt a stream of cold champagne spray onto her jacket. She rushed over to help control the spray as Wilbur panicked, quickly dipping the bottle down and spraying the insides of the glasses with the cold, sparkly liquid. Afterwards, he grabbed an empty potion bottle nearby, attempting to spray the rest of the champagne into it. It filled up quickly, and Eret laughed more when Wilbur started to repeatedly curse out loud when it started to overflow. Eventually, the champagne stopped spraying out of the bottle.
“Wilbur, are you drunk already? The champagne is supposed to go in the bottle.” Eret joked.
The commander’s face suddenly turned a bright pink. “Sh-Shut up.” He stammered with a chuckle, shoving Eret’s arm before rushing off to find something to clean up the mess with. She giggled, following him to the back room.
“Has anyone ever pointed out how easy you are to fluster?” She asked with a shit-eating grin.
“Eret, stop talking.” Wilbur demanded as he rummaged through the chest.
“Your face is like, bright pink. Like a peony. That’s how much you’re blushing.”
“I’m not blushing!” He insisted. Eret simply laughed at him, doubling over and clutching her stomach as Wilbur rolled his eyes.
“Relax, I’m just teasing you.” She giggled, placing a hand on his shoulder. “How about we clean this up later, and just go ahead and celebrate, like you said?”
Wilbur couldn’t help but smile when he saw Eret taking enjoyment in the situation, chuckling quietly. “Alright… I suppose this mess can wait.” He said, handing her one of the glasses. He picked up his own, holding it up.
“A toast to the future.” Eret said with a smile, holding her glass up as well.
“And to how far we’ve come, my friend.”
“Hehey. Hey. Wilbur. Wilburwilburwilbur.”
“Oh my god, what?”
“This was a great idea.”
“Hmm… judging by how you’re acting, I’m not quite sure.”
“I’m not acting! I’m saving my acting skills for the stage and the spotlight.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes, but couldn’t fight back a grin. They had a few…refills, he wouldn’t lie.
And while he was still in a somewhat of a decently regular headspace, Eret was another story.
She’s on a whole different astral plane, he thought. His friend beside him had been cracking jokes and snarky remarks, her speech was slurred, and hiccupy giggles were seemingly always pouring out of her mouth. They had moved out of the camarvan, and were now sitting next to each other outside in the grass, under the stars.
“Wilbur… y’know, I think the last time I was like this, I was at a party, and…” Eret paused, staring at Wilbur as she giggled, the continued. “And- and there was this guy there, and he told me about this thing called updog. It was really cool, and I think someone like you might wanna hear about it~!” Dragging out the last word, she rested her arm on her friend’s shoulder. Wilbur watched the other explain her story with amusement, even giggling a bit himself before he rolled his eyes.
“Hmm, really Eret? Well, now that you’ve told me, I must know…what…” He sighed, wondering if it was really a good idea to go along with this. “…What’s updog?”
While it wouldn’t be able to be seen from behind her sunglasses, Eret’s blank eyes widened in amusement, and she snorted before cracking up with laughter. “Y-Yohou- Yohou fehehell fohor ihihit!” She hiccuped, laughing as she leaned back into the grass.
“Oh my gohod.” Wilbur snickered, laying down next to Eret in the grass. Her reaction was only making him beam more. “Eret, if you keep laughing this loud, you’re going to wake up Tommy, Fundy, and everyone else here in L’Manburg.” He chuckled.
“Sihince whehen dihid yohou cahare *hic* abohout Tohommy’s sleheheep schehedule?” Eret asked through hiccupy, hysterical giggling.
“Oh, shut it.” Wilbur grumbled as he could feel his cheeks heating up.
“Yohou’re bluhushing! Agahain!” She observed, pointing at Wilbur’s pink face. She sat up and gently held his face, eyes widening in surprise. “Wohow, you’re a bit warm, actually!”
“Am not.” He scoffed, leaning into the touch of Eret’s hand.
“Are too.” She snapped back.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am noHOHOT-!” Wilbur jumped in place when he felt a hand squeeze at his side. The pink blush on his face only grew deeper. “Eret!”
“I win!” Eret threw her hands in the air, once again going back to a giggly state afterwards. Wilbur crossed his arms, grumbling under his breath as his friend laughed with victory.
She lowered her hands and her giggles slowed down as she looked back at Wilbur. “You really are easy to fluster. What is that, the third time I’ve made you blush tonight?” She asked, grinning softly at her commander.
“Oh, shut it.” Wilbur groaned, before coming up with a question to ask. “Actually, Eret, how easily would you say you blush?”
“Hmm… not that much. I take pride in not being a big flustered person like you.” Eret responded, her speech slurred as she giggled once more and poked Wilbur’s cheek. He hated that he could feel his cheeks heating up, and could see Eret’s smile grown more in amusement.
However, he did come up with an idea.
“I bet I can make you blush.” Wilbur challenged.
Eret’s eyebrows raised up, curious about this idea of Wilbur’s. “Oh, really?” She asked, leaning towards Wilbur. “And how do you plan to do that?”
“I have my ways.” Wilbur shrugged, a smirk creeping onto his face.
“And your ways are not going to work. However, I would be very, very entertained to see you try!”
“Alright…” Wilbur shrugged, glaring at his friend. “You better prepare yourself though. I’m not going to be nice.”
“…Huh? What do you mean by thAT-?!”
Before Eret could continue, she was knocked into the grass, landing with a thud. Opening her eyes, she saw Wilbur’s grinning face, and took notice of the fact that he was straddling her legs, and she couldn’t move them.
“Now, Eret, I’ll have you know, I like to pride myself in being an observant person. And just about a week ago, I observed something very interesting.”
“And what would that be?” Eret asked before a hiccup stopped her from saying anything else.
“…Do you remember that one day, where Tommy was just… I dunno, being more of a pest than usual? He was being super loud, and he kept poking me. And at one point, I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine…and it escalated to one big, childish tickle fight between everyone in the camarvan that day.”
Oh no.
Any but of confidence Eret had before this had dropped. Wilbur could easily tell.
“You remember that, right? Surely, you do, because, out of the corner of my eye, I caught you getting tag-team wrecked by Fundy and Tubbo.” Wilbur smirked, chuckling as he saw Eret’s confident smile suddenly drop.
“I-Is that your plan? Tickling me until I blush?” Eret asked, trying to regain her confidence back. “That’s not going to work.”
“Stuttering already, are we? Are you a bit embarrassed, Eret?” Wilbur asked.
“Of course not.” She responded a bit too quickly, shaking her head.
Wilbur simply laughed at her predicament, already planning things in his head. “Anyway, no. I’m not going to tickle you…yet. Seeing as you’re already a bit nervous…I think that I should make you a bit more anticipated for what’s to come.”
Oh no. Oh fuck.
“You see, I had to do a bit of…convincing, to get Fundy to tell me about your spots. As your commander, I think that there are certain, important things that a leader should know about his comrades.” Wilbur’s smirk grew, and he adjusted his hands so that the were resting in the crevice to Eret’s armpits.
“You know the keep your arms up game? Classic game to play? Yeah, Fundy told me that you were playing this game, and you were horrible at it. Like, you moved your arms down instantly, he said.”
Eret scoffed. “Okay, says you. I literally helped wreck you the other day, and your arms instantly went down when we played that game.” Wilbur recalled the memory, and knew that his face was going red from the way Eret was now laughing at him.
“Yohou’re bluhuhshihing agahain.” She pointed out with a grin.
“D-Don’t get confident with me.” He stammered. He was stuttering! He was the one supposed to be doing the flustering right now! This wasn’t fair!
Whatever. He shook off the feeling of flusteredness, sliding his hands down Eret’s body, his confidence coming back when he heard her inhale sharply as his fingers glided across her hips.
“Oooh, your hips are a good spot, I’ve heard.” Wilbur said in a low tone of voice. He knew Eret always purposely lowered the tone of her voice when wrecking to make people flustered, both from first hand experience and from observation, so maybe it would work on her as well. “Eret, how would it feel if I just…ever so lightly traced my fingers around your hips?” He proceeded to do as he said, watching Eret grin and cross her arms over her chest.
“This is nothing, Wilbur! I’ve *hic* had worse than this.” She smiled at him, her confidence restoring.
“Oh? So there are spots that are worse?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow, then found himself laughing at how quickly Eret’s smile dropped. However, he still didn’t get that sweet, rosy hue across her cheeks that he was looking for. She snickered as well, giggling along with him.
“Yohou’re so sihilly, Wihilbur.” She said lazily, her slurred speech continuing to shine through.
“Silly?” Wilbur questioned, suddenly stopping the light tracing on her hips. “You know what I think is silly, Eret? How ticklish your stomach is.” He smirked, moving his hands and resting them on top of the named area, watching as Eret’s giggles started to die down.
“Your stomach…oh, man. Fundy said that you were such an adorable little mess here. He said that he scribbled all over your stomach and your sides, you just would not stop laughing and giggling! And your sides…they’re just as bad. If not, worse!” Wilbur tapped his fingers on top of Eret’s stomach, watching the other’s nervous grin grow.
“Scribbling, squeezing, poking, clawing. Anything will work here, that’s what Fundy told me. And the button! The giggle button, I like to call it. You’re just so fucking giggly whenever someone presses the button! However, I guess that’s it’s job, isn’t it?” The commander lightly tapped one hand on Eret’s side, the other having a finger trace circular motions around her belly button. “How are you feeling, Eret? Feel like blushing yet?”
“You’ll nehever break me, Wilbur. I’ll never blush! Never!” Eret spoke with firmness and assurance.
“Oh, trust me. I will break you, Eret. And I know exactly how I’ll do it.” Wilbur grinned, slowly moving his hands upwards on her body, and tapping along one final spot: her ribs.
“Now, tell me, Eret. Fundy said that this is your worst spot. You instantly lose control whenever someone scribbles and pokes and prods at your ribcage. Digging in between each rib makes you squeal, and a raspberry? Ohoho, a raspberry, just one singular raspberry, makes you scream. So, is it true? Is this your worst spot?” Wilbur asked, his voice laced with mischief.
Eret simply grinned, shaking her head. Fuck. Wilbur hated to admit it, but he would’ve been a flustered, giggling mess at this point. How had she not broken yet?! It was kind of impressive, in all honesty. There was one final chance, one last idea that Wilbur had.
“…I can tell that you’ve been giggling this whole time, and have been holding back your emotions. You really want to laugh, don’t you, Eret? Well…I’d just love to help with that.” Wilbur smirked, quickly pushing up her shirt, lowering his head down, taking a deep breath of air, and blowing the biggest raspberry he could on Eret’s stomach. She shrieked, clasping both hands over her mouth, muffled giggles spilling out.
“Oh, don’t be like that!” Wilbur lifted up his head, taking advantage of what Fundy had said about the keep your arms up game, quickly shooting his hands into her underarms and scribbling at the hallows. Eret instantly drew her arms down, bubbly laughter flowing out of the young soldier’s mouth.
“AHAHAHAHA!! NOHO, WIHIHILBUHUR, QUHUIHIT IT!!!!” Eret yelled, attempting to grab his wrists and push his hands away.
“Quit? But I just started!” Wilbur said, a wide grin on his face as he moved to Eret’s hips, squeezing and pinching at the flesh. He then quickly moved to her thighs, scribbling and scratching at them, delighted when he felt Eret’s legs attempt to kick out from underneath him.
“YoHOuou- *hic!* yohohou baHAstAHARD!” Eret threw her head back, hugging herself across the chest.
“Oho, namecalling now, are we?” A cheeky grin was on Wilbur’s face as he continued to rapidly move spots, now squeezing up and down her sides. After a few moments, he dug a finger into her belly button with one hand, and spidered the fingers on his other. Eret did her best to squirm away from the touches, but anywhere that Eret leaned, Wilbur would simply skitter his fingers there to push her back into the position he wanted.
“WIHIHILBUR! ThAHaht- AHAHAHA! SHIHIHIT!” Eret tried pushing away her commander’s nimble fingers, but had no success. She then let out a noise that neither of them had expected. Wilbur paused his hands in surprise, giving Eret the time to grip onto his wrists.
“…Was that a snort?” He asked with a shit-eating grin on his face. Eret shook her head, denying the truth. “…Do it again.” Wilbur smirked, blowing another raspberry on her stomach. Eret was quick to break, her laughter the only thing that could be heard throughout the empty fields.
“CuhuHUHUT ihit ohohout!” She said before another snort escaped from her.
“I’m going to get you to blush, Eret!” Wilbur insisted, wiggling fingers across her torso.
“Thahat’s nohohot gohonna hahaHAPPEHEN- NONONONO! WAHAHAIT!!” Eret screamed with laughter, suddenly feeling Wilbur’s fingers dig in between the bones of her ribcage. She thrashed back and forth, trying to escape Wilbur’s wiggling fingers.
“Awww, is Eret a little bit ticklish on her ribs? Can she not handle it? I don’t think she can!” Wilbur smirked.
“Please continue? Your wish is my command!”
With that, he ducked down his head once again, a raspberry planted right onto her ribs this time. Eret screamed, throwing her head back as her laughter momentarily became silent, then came back in hysterics. She hugged her stomach, too tired to fight back, laughing with the goofiest grin that Wilbur had ever seen from her.
“Having fun?” Wilbur smirked.
“Thahahat wahahas ahawfuhul!” She refuted, now able to look at her commander directly in the eyes.
“Awful? You never told me to stop, not even once!” He commented, his eyes widening as a realization set in. “You enjoyed every second of that, didn’t you?”
And with that, Wilbur finally got what he oh-so desperately wanted. A rosy pink blush, quickly spreading across Eret’s cheeks. Both of them knew it was there, and no words needed to be exchanged. Eret groaned, placing both hands over her face to hide the new color.
“Yes! I told you I could do it!” Wilbur grinned triumphantly, finally getting off of Eret and laying next to her in the grass. He listened to her catching her breath, and saw the rosy blush still there when she removed her hands.
“And that’s what happens when you make fun of Commander Wilbur Soot! You get punished for iHIT- AAAHAHAHAH!” The commander was suddenly greeted with scribbling fingers in his armpits, shrieking loudly and trying to squirm away. “EHEHEREHET! WHAHAHAT THE FUHUHUCK?!”
“Don’t think I don’t know where your worst spots are, Wilbur!” Eret smirked, taking her revenge. “While you had to use your ways to get Fundy to tell you my spots, Tommy just told me yours, no questions asked!”
“Very serious!” Eret grinned, moving her hands down to his sides and planting a raspberry on his neck. She lifted her head back up, stopping her fingers when she saw a bright red blush across his grinning face.
“Ohoho my gohod, I lasted so much longer than you!” Eret laughed. “What was that, thirty seconds?!”
“Shut the fuck up.” Wilbur groaned through the leftover giggles that spilled out of his mouth.
Eret laid down next to her commander, the two of them looking at each other before laughing. Neither of them were exactly sure while laughing. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was because they both got wrecked. Maybe it was the sheer stupid silliness of the situation. But what they both knew was that this would be a night to remember. That is, if the champagne would let them remember it at all.
“You look like shit.”
“What?! It’s true!”
Eret sighed, rolling her eyes at the young boy’s behavior as she entered the camarvan, closing the door behind her. The liquid mess from last night had been cleaned up, and she was feeling groggy from the events of the previous night.
“Good morning, Eret.” Wilbur greeted with a nod. “How are you feeling this morning?”
“Not the best.” Eret chuckled, taking her place at the table in the middle of the van.
“You and me both, big man.” Tubbo groaned.
“Everything okay, Tubbo?” She asked, her eyebrow lifting up curiously.
“Yeah, I’m mostly fine. I just woke up with-“ Before he could finish, Tubbo paused, covering his mouth and coughing. “I just woke up with, like, a really bad cough. Out of nowhere.”
“Are you feeling okay?” Wilbur asked Tubbo, then turned directly to Eret as he spoke, a smirk creeping onto his lips. “Would you say you have a tickle in your throat?”
“Yeah, exactly!” Tubbo agreed. Wilbur didn’t focus on him, only smiling as he noticed that rosy hue on Eret’s cheeks from the night before return.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay, Eret? Your face is quite red~” He dragged out the last word of the sentence in a teasing tone.
“I’m fine, Wilbur.” Eret groaned, glaring at Wilbur from across the table.
He was never going to let her live this down, wasn’t he?
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nanatsumu · 3 years
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pairing: akaashi keiji x f!reader
genre: tooth rotting fluff
synopsis: despite the chaos in your busy week, akaashi is always there to remind you that no matter what the inconvenience, he’ll always be there by your side seven days a week one way or another.
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YOU KNOW IT’S MORNING when the golden rays of sunshine filters through the blinds of your shared bedroom with akaashi and you can’t help but mutter a small ‘5 more minutes’ when you feel a hand try and shake your body awake.
“babe it’s 7:20 right now,” he says with a deep chuckle as he rubs his eyes. “we both know that if you fall back asleep now then you’re never gonna wake up again.”
you peek your head out from under the blanket and when you see your boyfriend’s bed head, (that makes him look even more adorable than he already does and you mentally curse him for being able to work a bed head) you find it difficult to shoot back a snarky remark to his comment— and it is proven especially difficult when he’s looking at you with the most love struck expression on his face.
“fine! you win!” you sigh before sitting up, letting the blanket fall down to your lap.
akaashi extends his hand out to fix the strap of your pajama top when he notices that it slipped off your shoulder: to which you thank him by placing a small kiss onto his jawline, causing his lips to curve into a smile.
his hand cups your cheek, which startles you for a moment, but then he gently guides your face closer to his so that he can pull you in for a sensual kiss that leaves your mind feeling fuzzy.
when you two finally pull away and you’re able to recollect your thoughts, a lopsided grin makes its way onto your face and akaashi playfully rolls his eyes as he can practically feel the words that are about to leave your lips in his bones.
“ew morning breath,” you cackle and even though you think that it’s the most ugliest laugh in the world, akaashi thinks that it’s one of his favorite things to hear because it’s your most genuine form of laughter. “you must reaaally be in love with me!”
“i am really in love with you y/n.” he says, deciding to give into your ego for just one day.
“that’s good,” your eyes crinkle as you give him a soft smile. “because i’m really in love with you too.”
“...but don’t think that your love confession is gonna land you an extra 5 minutes of sleep.”
“way to kill the mood keiji!” you pout.
“c’mon let’s go freshen up together.” he says while ushering you out of bed and into the bathroom.
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“no i’m just saying, if you’re gonna bitch about my work being ‘inadequate’ then you should really be worrying about yourself more than other people cause boy do i have some news for you.” you complained as you lathered your hair in shampoo before massaging it into your scalp.
“your co worker... sounds like... a real handful.” akaashi says in between breaks while he’s brushing his teeth.
“that’s what i’m saying— oh! can you pass me my face wash keiji?”
you hear a bit of shuffling before akaashi sticks his arm into the shower from behind the curtain with a bottle in his hand.
“babe...” you push his hand back out. “that’s moisturizer.”
“oh my bad.” he lets out a small ‘oops’ before going back to the cabinet above your sink and maneuvering around your other numerous skincare products, reading all the labels to make sure he grabs the facial wash this time and hands you it.
“thanks!” you’re about to grab the face wash from his hand when an idea suddenly pops into your head.
you quickly twist the shower knob so that the water goes from hot to cold before grabbing his hand, along with your face wash which was still in his hand as well, and pulling it under the water coming from the shower head.
akaashi lets out a shriek as the water practically hits his entire arm while you’re laughing your ass off with your hair in a makeshift bun using the shampoo that was still in your hair.
“y/n!” he yanks his arm out of your grasp and you peek out into the outside world from behind the shower curtain, where you can see akaashi holding his arm to his chest on the other side of the bathroom.
“you’re being such a baby keiji!” you giggle.
“ha ha very funny, you better be careful because who knows,” his lips curl into a mischievous smirk. “after your shower tonight you may or may not have hair afterwards.”
“you wouldn’t!” you gasp dramatically. “don’t nair me, please! i’m sorry!”
you’re gripping onto the shower curtain, spewing out apology after apology while akaashi stands there amused with how you can go from a devious little thing to an apology spitting machine within a just a few seconds.
“i’ll forgive you, but only because i’m a much more mature person than you.” he teases.
“yeah right! remember when i forgot to record your favorite tv show that one time and then you ate all of my snacks the following week?” you try defending yourself as you go back to finish washing your hair.
“no way, that never happened.” he lies straight through his teeth— which you do not appreciate.
“yes it did! i even have the video of you being all whiny to prove my point and if you don’t admit to your actions then i’ll send it to the group chat with bokuto, kuroo, and tsukishima!”
“fine it did happen! just don’t send it to them or else i’ll never hear the end of it,” he puts his hands up in mock surrender before spitting out the rest of the toothpaste in his mouth into the sink and rinsing it out. “i’m trying to keep the cool and aloof persona going you know?”
you snort.
“just imagine when they find out that akaashi keiji isn’t actually the cool guy type they think he is but instead a dorky sap who’s in love with l/n y/n!”
“but i don’t blame you,” you add. “who wouldn’t be in love with me?”
“i sure hope no one is because you’re my girlfriend.” he scoffs.
“ooo possessive, i like that look on you keiji.” your laughter fills the entire bathroom.
“yeah? less talking more washing y/n, it’s 7:55 now.” he reminds you.
“oh shit! why didn’t you tell me before!?” you cry out as you frantically wash out the rest of the shampoo in your hair and rub in some conditioner into the ends of your hair before completely rinsing out the rest of the product in your hair.
“maybe if you weren’t so busy planning to prank me then you would’ve been out of the shower 5 minutes ago.”
“i said i’m sorry!” you wring out all the water in your hair before grabbing a towel to wrap around your entire body and then running into your bedroom to quickly get dressed.
after you slip into some jeans and a loose button up, you sit down in front of your vanity to begin putting on some makeup— but remembering to keep it light enough so that it doesn’t feel heavy over the course of the long day you’re going to have at work.
as you’re about to reach for your concealer, you can see akaashi pop up from behind you in the mirror and you immediately take notice of the blow dryer in his hands.
“want some help? your hair is still wet and i don’t think you want to show up to work with it wet.” he asks as he saunters up to the electrical outlet next to the vanity.
“yes please keiji, you’re a life saver.” you press a chaste kiss onto his cheek before turning around and getting to work on your face.
as akaashi plugs in the blow dryer and begins to dry your hair for you, he makes sure not to ruffle it too much in fear of messing up your makeup and having you re-do it, resulting in you being late for work.
“your fingers feel really nice,” you say out of the blue and just as he’s about to make a sexual comment, you’re quick to interrupt him by adding along to your previous statement. “not in that way idiot, it’s just... i feel like i wanna fall asleep or something.”
“i think that’s the last thing we both want happening.” he jokes which prompts you both to laugh at the same time.
“mhm, i’m just really glad to have you here with me though,” you grin and he catches it when he looks at you through the mirror. “like what boyfriend is willing to blow dry their girlfriend’s hair for them when they’re running late for work?”
“i’m sure there are plenty of other good guys out there.”
“but good thing i have the one and only akaashi keiji all to myself.” you smile sheepishly.
“oh and i’m the sap in the relationship? i’m starting to think you’re the real sap here.”
“as if! says the guy who practically spews out love confessions for his girlfriend while he’s completely wasted after 2 bottles of beer.” you snicker.
instead of trying to start a banter with you, he decides to focus at the task at hand and finishes drying your hair before turning the blow dryer off and then proceeding to grab a brush and brush your hair out in order to get rid of the knots he created while he was drying it.
"thanks babe!" you give him another kiss, this time on his lips, after he announces that he was finished with your hair.
you spray a bit of perfume on yourself, grab your purse and then slip on a pair of shoes when you get to the front door.
"wait, y/n!" you see akaashi run out of your bedroom and make his way over to you before pulling you in for a hug. “stay safe and call me when you’re done with work alright?”
“yes i will, and ramen tonight? i’ve been craving some and i’ll probably stop by the grocery store today after work so i can pick up some other stuff.” you pull away a bit so that you can look up at his face but still have your arms wrapped around his mid section.
“sounds good, do you want to just come home first and we can just go together?” he starts to sway your bodies back and forth.
“and you can pay for us? deal!” you give the male one last kiss on his lips before slipping away, not giving him the chance to protest (not that he was going to anyways, he would never let you pay for anything while you were in his presence.)
“i love you, have a nice day at work!” was the last thing he heard before you completely shut the door on him.
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+ a/n: hey y’all so i’m currently in a writers block for rent a boyfriend and so what better way to cure that than to write an akaashi fluff? this idea has been stuck in my head for the past week and i’m just in love with the idea of boyfriend!akaashi blow drying your hair while you’re running late to work T^T
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lavenderbexlatte · 4 years
more & more
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stray kids 2.6k words female reader insert FemDom!Reader x Sub!3RACHA mature
🖤 warnings: light degradation 🖤
Series Masterlist (Parts 1-7)
connect with me! / masterlist
It’s all three of them. 
When that happened, you’re not quite sure. This is why you hate house parties, hate being messy drunk all on your own. There’s so many people milling around, crashing on couches, watching movies in the low light, disappearing into bedrooms to do God knows what.
You’re leaning on the wall, just watching the room at large. It’s a den, of some sort, a living room. A family room? You don’t know. There are long, worn, slouching sectional couches and a coffee table laden with bottles and cups. A television playing some movie casts a gentle bluish light over everything. It’s the quietest room in the house by far; you can hear loud laughter from the kitchen and bumping music from the backyard. You were content to just people-watch, enjoy being innocently drunk on your own and watching other people be less-innocently smashed.
This isn’t your first solo party, but it’s by far the most boring. Usually by now you’ve made a few friends who’ll carry you through the night, fun to dance and drink with and probably never see again. Not tonight. Up until now, it’s just been you, a series of drinks that you fished out of the fridge yourself, and lots of empty space.
But now, you’re surrounded by all three of them. On your left, Chan, propped casually on the wall himself, like he just happened to be there. On your right, Jisung, looking at you with that stupid grin, the really big one that shows his crooked tooth and pushes up his round cheeks. And right in front of you, Changbin, just regarding you coolly.
You know them. Everyone knows them. It’s far more surprising that they know you.
Because those three, they’re popular. Popular in a way that you didn’t really know could happen on an enormous college campus. Everyone knows them: Chan the music production major, president of the business honors frat; Changbin the creative writing whiz, Model UN president; Jisung, music major, only a sophomore but already leading the music honors society. They formed a project group once for a music production class project, as the legend goes, and the rap song they wrote, performed, and produced went Soundcloud viral. The rest is history. They’re local celebrities now, inseparable and insufferable.
They sit in front of you in your Physics 101 lecture. It’s a science class for nonscience majors, so you do alright for yourself, but you have no idea how these three are acing it the way they are. They talk and joke and write rap lyrics during class; Chan always has his production software open on his laptop, and Jisung is constantly scribbling down verses and bits. You’d think it was Changbin keeping them afloat, but he’s usually half asleep, propped up on one elbow as he nods off.
Not that you pay attention. Not that you care.
You’d care less if they weren’t so attractive. They’re all colored hair and big personality and annoying loud laughs while you’re trying to remember how to calculate redshift, apologies and soft smiles when their chairs bump into your desk.
The four of you even did a class project together once, a small star observation thing that only took a few hours, but it was a few hours of nighttime with them. But you were never close, you never even really talked beyond the basic chit-chat of classmates. You can barely remember their last names. You’re sure they don’t know yours.
So there’s really no reason for the three of them to be looking at you the way they are right now, on either side and directly in front of you, eyes trained on you.
You’re caged in, but you don’t hate it. You kind of like it. Really like it.
Changbin doesn’t say anything. None of them do. You don’t either. You just look at Changbin, your back pressed against the wall. He lifts one arm, all biceps and triceps and shoulders in a tight t-shirt, and rests his palm flat on the wall over your shoulder. He’s barely taller than you, but you feel pinned there, thoroughly caged in. It’s not a feeling you’re used to, and it sends a funny little thrill down your spine.
You break the silence first. “What are you doing?”
Changbin just keeps looking it you. It’s Chan who answers.
“Taking a risk.”
You don’t say anything to that, just fixing Changbin with an even stare back. He leans forward, just enough that you think, oh Christ, he’s gonna kiss me.
He keeps coming until he doesn’t.
He veers to the side, right as your eyes flutter shut, and you open them to find his lips on Jisung’s, just a short tender press that leaves Jisung laughing after him. The big arm keeping you against the wall, holding you without even touching you, drops back down, and Changbin leans to the other side. With a little smirk as though he knows exactly what he’s doing to you, he kisses Chan, just the same.
You’re not quite sure what that’s meant to signal to you, or why they’re choosing to mess with you like this, but seeing them be so casual and tender sends an embarrassing wave of arousal through you. You wonder why you haven’t seen this part of their relationship before, if you’ve just been oblivious of it these months sitting behind them.
Chan, Changbin, and Jisung, local celebrities, inseparable bros…more than friends?
Changbin regards you again, grinning smooth and sneaky. He pauses, and you nod your consent ever so slightly, egging him on. With a little huff of a laugh, a little bit of alright, alright, he finally kisses you, all firm pressure and warm confidence. One of your hands goes up to touch him, hold him, but Jisung grabs your wrist as it rises beside him and holds it back down firmly against the wall. You don’t try it with the other hand. Chan will probably do the same.
He pulls away, still grinning. You’re breathless, but clear-headed.
“There’s that pretty blush,” says Chan, cavalier, “You got all pink-cheeked and flustered like that when ‘Bin walked into you in the Starbucks the other week, you remember that?”
You barely do. It was weeks ago, just a brush against you that sent your books tumbling out of your arms when you realized who it was, sneaking behind you with their hand on the small of your back. It had surprised you, more than overwhelmed you, but you do remember your cheeks burning in embarrassment as you collected your books and notes from the floor.
“We decided we wanted to see it again,” says Jisung.
And suddenly it’s clear. They’ve underestimated you. Cornered you at a party, decided it would be easy to get the shy girl from Physics to fuck around with them a little. Three handsome and popular guys, versus little old you. No contest, right?
Oh, this will be fun.
You glance around at the three of them, taking in their expressions and stances, the way they lean into you or away. It’s clear that Jisung is the least sure of himself, whether for his age or his personality, you don’t know.
It’s easy enough to turn toward Jisung, wrenching your arm around his grasp. You lean in close, until you’re practically nose-to-nose with him. He’s always doe-eyed, but right now you swear you can see your own cocky little grin reflected back in his pupils.
“Only Changbin gets to have fun?” you ask, quietly, relishing the way Jisung twitches toward you.
Changbin scoffs, but Jisung surges forward to kiss you, too, much more eagerly. You barely let him touch your lips before you back off, and he chases you as you lean back, giving away his own desperation.
“Aw,” you coo.
He raises the hand that isn’t still holding fast to your wrist, as if you grab you, cup your face, bring you closer, and you pull back all the way.
“No,” you say sweetly.
Immediately, his hand darts back down to his side. Good. Very good. You press your lips to his again, just barely any pressure at all, and repeat your little game, pulling back and making him chase you.
After a moment, Jisung seems to realize what you’re doing, that you’re not going to let him any closer, and he relaxes again, his expression equal parts confused and intrigued. The other two are watching you with wide eyes. Changbin might as well be drooling.
“Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not that easy to push around,” you say, smiling brightly.
“Figures,” says Chan, amused.
He’s still not touching you, hasn’t touched you at all. He’s just leaning there, a warm presence by your side. For some reason, that interests you even more. Maybe he’s going to be a challenge.
“And anyway, we shouldn’t cause a scene in front of all these people,” you turn slightly, meeting Jisung’s eye, “You gonna let go?”
Surprised, Jisung releases your wrist that he’s been squeezing all the while, and you cross your arms over your chest. You turn to face front again, forcing a little more space between yourself and Changbin.
Chan laughs. “You were wrong, ‘Bin.”
“It’s always the quiet ones,” Changbin mutters. “Find someone sweet and quiet, they wanna do you up in shibari and peg you. Every single time.”
He’s giving you ideas, which is dangerous and delightful. You wonder who’s done that stuff to them before. You kind of want to send that person a congratulations card, give them a high-five.
“Must just be our type,” Jisung muses.
Changbin rolls his eyes. “Just once, can’t we actually be into a sub?”
“Cuz that would work so well for us,” Jisung replies. “Another sub. Perfect.”
“So what are we doing here?” you ask, curiosity truly bursting, “What is this?”
“Whatever you want it to be,” Chan says smoothly.
“You’re not just out here preying on innocent girls, are you?” you ask.
You don’t think they are. Everything you know paints them as harmless, more than a little dorky, good-natured and boisterous. But it’s easy to imagine someone less strong-willed than you getting swept away by the charm pouring off these three like Axe body spray off a middle schooler. They probably don’t even know how this looks, cornering someone and planting one on them.
Chan shakes his head, letting his hand wander over to tug Changbin into his side. “Nah. We were out for a few drinks, catching up with some people. And we saw you. Figured it was worth a shot.”
You scoff out a laugh. “Soft dom me into fucking you?”
Chan’s grin is rakish and ridiculously confident as he strokes Changbin’s shoulder. “It’s worked before.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” you say again.
You spare a glance around the room. Nobody has even noticed the four of you doing this very strange dance of power in the corner. The television is still blaring some old comedy, and people still recline on the assorted chairs and sofas. You’re in the clear to keep this going. You smile to yourself.
“I’m not disappointed,” says Jisung. “Are you two disappointed?”
Changbin shakes his head. Chan just keeps looking at you, still grinning bright and confident.
It occurs to you then, what Jisung has just said. About another sub not working out, with the three of them. They must all lean more submissive, then. Even Chan, under this thick layer of brat. You can work with that. He just needs a bit of an attitude adjustment.
So you move toward him, reaching for his face. He leans into the touch, until you move up to grab him by the hair. You remember when he was blonde, earlier in the school year, and an odd bluish grey before that. Somewhere in the middle was a shocking red that only lasted a day, a washable hairspray color. But now, his hair is inky black waves, and you twist your fingers into the curls that flyaway over his forehead and tug gently, tilting his chin up, until he’s backed himself against the wall, palms scrabbling at the wallpaper for purchase.
You just hold him like that, his hair a dark streak in your fist, not even pulling. Just holding him, letting the anticipation work its magic. Before long, he’s squirming ever so slightly in your hold, still meeting your eye stubbornly, pretending that he doesn’t want you to pull his hair, manhandle him more, do something.
“Is this it?” he scoffs.
“I don’t want to come on too strong,” you shrug.
Chan has the boldness to look bored. “You’re not doing anything. Maybe we were right the first time, and you’re just putting us on.”
You tug on his hair at the root, just once, hard enough that he jumps. Your other hand goes to the beltloop on his jeans, tugging his hips toward you just the slightest bit. It’s satisfying to watch him struggle, torn between rocking forward into you and staying put where the hand in his hair holds him up against the wall.
“Hm,” you hum, “Is this too much?”
You’re teasing him, and he knows it, since you’ve barely done anything at all. You can tell that he hates the way you’re patronizing him, from the way his lip curls into a sneer.
“No,” he rasps, “More.”
Changbin makes a small noise from just behind you, a groan or maybe even a moan, but you ignore it in favor of really driving your point home. You tug at the hair in your grip again, harder, and Chan arches that long pretty neck back with the tiniest gasp.
“More,” he says again.
“More and more,” you tease, fake sympathy dripping from your voice.
He nods eagerly, which tugs again at his own hair, making him gasp. You take that opportunity to kiss him, and he responds in kind, keeping his hands neatly by his sides without needing to be told. Where Changbin was measured, trying to impress you, and Jisung was surprised, Chan is eager to please.
You pull back, smacking your lips appreciatively. “Peach flavor, huh? Flavored lip balm. Aren’t you just a sweet peach.”
The way that Chan’s eyes blow wide when you say that is poetry. Oh, yes.
“You like that,” you say, “Don’t you, peach?”
Jisung lets out a desperate little sigh behind you, “Fuck.”
Oh. You’d forgotten that you’re putting on a show not just with Changbin and Jisung’s friend, but their partner. All the more reason to make it a good show.
“Tell me you like it,” you demand.
“I like it,” he says, almost before you’re finished speaking.
“Kiss him again,” comes Changbin’s voice. “Please.”
You oblige, just for a moment.
All at once, you break the kiss and pull away, letting go of his hair and backing all the way out of the little circle they’ve made around you. You take a second to appraise the three of them. Changbin is ruffled, far cry from the guy who’d made to pin you to the wall just a short while ago. Jisung is already hard in his tight jeans. And Chan is just a mess, still pressed to the wall where you’d left him, pink peach-flavored lips swollen from your handiwork.
You turn to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Chan asks, and you’re delighted to hear just a hint of a whine in his tone.
You fix the three of them with your best innocent look.
“You said you wanted more.”
As you turn again and saunter out of the family room(…den…living room?), you can hear the telltale sound of several desperate pairs of feet following you out.
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