#i need a tag for the fever dream thoughts that hit me in the middle of schoolwork bc this makes 2 and if i had a nickel etc etc
breadmercury · 2 years
Keeping a water bottle on hand to help Will work through his imposter syndrome. Like a cat. "Blah blah i have to stir up drama so i can write something worthy of my name-"
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They named the sonnet format u used after u even though u weren't even the first known to use it u little shit
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eliashirsch · 6 days
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (4/3)
More Top Gun fic recs:)) Different pairings ahead.
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
4. Honorary Mentions (4/3)
Honorary Mentions
gold rush by gamerring @asimmutableasgravity
All his life, Jake Seresin has wanted to live his life as loud as possible. So that when he dies, people can place flowers on his casket. When the light hits him, sunbaked and smiling and grinning. He's whole and happy and everything he could ever want. He bites down on his teeth. Later, he hunches over the porcelain, petals falling out of his mouth, and is already one step in his grave. - Flowers, fighter pilots and the true fatality of your feelings spilling out.
Jake angst:)) And here’s another one from gamerring:
it's nice to have a friend by gamerring
"Will you marry me?" Ice is on his knees. His posture screams military, but his face is genuine. His eyebrows are furrowed in worry and a hesitant smile plays at his lips. The ring sits in a green velvet box. The band is gold and shiny, with a diamond inlaid in the middle. The rock seems to glow under the sunset, and Maverick's heart starts beating against his chest. This- it's spectacular. It's breathtaking. It's not for him. He bites his cheek for a microsecond, and then forces a smile."That's great. She can't say no to that." And a traitorous part of his soul hopes she does. - Three times Maverick should have said something, and the one time he did.
Just read the summary:) (This is canon.)
Lessons in pushing boundaries by will_thewisp
Maverick never needed lessons in pushing boundaries. Not if those boundaries are about going faster, further or screwing up on an ever increasing scale, because he'd run off the edge of the world before he'd let a thought that scared him shitless take root in his mind. It was enough that it was already in his heart. Or Maverick crashes the Darkstar and needs a very long time to learn that there's things that can and should be fixed. And that he's always had the tools to do it.
Don’t forget a tissue when reading this!
Amen by demiclar @demiclar
"What do you want done with your body when you die?" Pete Mitchell grieves his best friend.
Can you tell I love Mav angst?:)
Vanilla Milk by Specter_Ross
After the mission, Rooster is struggling to sleep so Maverick pulls some old methods out from when Bradley was a kid, in hopes of helping him.
I never get tired of reading MavDad and Bradley:)
A Perch Built for Two by chase_acow @cowsalot
Rooster is well known for keeping his own company, but between Maverick's reemergence and the suicide mission, Hangman manages to weasel his way into Bradley's attention. He's never let an alpha so close to him before, but Hangman might be the best choice - experienced and unlikely to ask for more than Bradley was willing to give. Unfortunately for him, it's Bradley who wants more, and he has no idea how to ask for it.
Another win for Hangster!
A Little Unconventional by McDanno50
Maverick didn’t know how he ended up here a month after the mission – on his back with his legs spread for not one, but two, hungry alphas. These alphas wanted Maverick so much that they no longer fought but worked together all in the name of mutual pleasure. It felt too good to be true, like a fevered dream conjured up by a broken mind. But even if he couldn’t believe his eyes, he had four other senses to rely on. A self-indulgent fic in which Omega!Maverick gets fucked by Alpha!Bradley and Alpha!Jake. That's literally it.
Not Clamorous For Pardon by Arsenic @arsenicjade33
Okay, but what if the Navy didn't outlaw flogging as a punishment in 1896? Asking for a friend.
Another one of my favorite tropes: Mav being bullied by the Navy:(
still dangerous by cygnettine
Where was he? Jake was to his right, Bradley in front of him, the girls between their dads. Someone was missing. He was missing. Why was he missing? He was supposed to be there; that was a family dinner and he was family, he was his whole soul, why wasn’t he there? *** Maverick loses himself and wanders helplessly in his own mind until someone finally comes to his rescue.
Mav has Alzheimer's Disease:(
take a chance on the edge of life by Lacerta
It was a suicide mission. Of course they didn't succeed on their first try. - When Maverick dies, he loops back to the morning before.
An Edge of Tomorrow AU. Love this one. 
you've got the win in your bag by discosleaze @paulmezcal
“I’m going to go in and get something pierced, and if you’re a good boy, it’ll be my nipple. If you’re not, it’ll be my tongue.” Speaking of tongues, Bradley just about swallows his. “Why would that be a bad thing?” he croaks out, not enjoying how amused Jake is, mocking, even. “Well, Bradshaw, because I wouldn’t be able to blow you for weeks afterwards.” Jake contemplates a second piercing, Bradley contemplates nothing.
asdfghfghjkjhgfdsadfg. This one’s too hot for me.
How Big? by thenofutureshoe
"Most people would have had to give themselves a pep-talk, most people would have been nervous or unsure of the whole thing, Maverick Mitchell was not most people. He was a fucking power bottom and proud of it. This was not his first rodeo, pun intended. And he always got his man." Once Maverick hears the story behind Slider's callsign, it sounds more like a challenge than anything else.
This one… I never thought their difference in size could be this hot…
a dream of crashing by thefireplanet
Maverick buys a plane. Somehow, this becomes Iceman’s problem.
THIS ONE’S NOT COMPLETED! But it’s still so fun to read and the characterization is spot on!
and the bunny goes 𝒽𝑜𝓅, 𝒽𝑜𝓅, 𝒽𝑜𝓅 by Meadow_Wanderer
Contrary to expectation, he rarely measures time by the number of years he's lived without his father. Instead, he appraises in happenings. Every birthday, school graduation, and precious firsts; every milestone passing as the memory of his father becomes fainter and fainter until finally he reaches the last occasion where the end and the beginning meet, the son and the sire a breath's width apart, like reaching to touch one's reflection in the mirror. The very same one he'll face in just shy of a few hours.
Weird and fun!
you are not alone (i watch over you) by redwithlove
“Bradley, do you remember the time when you were eight and you wouldn't let me near your Pops for two days?” “What, really? Why?” “Yeah, for two whole days, can you believe it? And it all started over a can of Pringles.” Or—Bradley with Ice and Maverick over the years.
Mav and Ice and Bradley being family:) My favorite genre of topgun fics:))
PHEW! That's all the fics I've got! Thanks for reading until the end! Don't forget to leave a comment on these fics if you enjoyed them!
Here's my google doc for all four categories! >> God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions: A Masterlist
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chasingpj · 3 years
“Buen provecho, mijo.”
pairing: leo valdez x gn reader
requested?: yes!
warnings: a little angsty, discussing the death of a parent
category: fluff, one-shot, a slice of life
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts forever. i'm so excited to finally have it posted and i hope you guys like it!
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Leo’s shivering body is engulfed in a soft duvet until the crown of his head. His brown curls sprawled on the stark white cloth are the only evidence of his presence, the sheets swallowing his body so well that it appears to be stacked messily and not holding a groggy Leo.
Despite your protests of wrapping himself up like this, he couldn’t help it. The chills that came with his fever were too much to ignore, which says a lot; Leo’s rarely cold. You’d be able to keep him warm, he considers, and there’s a deep urge to hold your frame against him. With a weak groan, he shifts in the tunnel of sheets.
Stupid Flu.
The last thing he’d want is to get you sick. Having your shared bed all to himself for the past few days as he persists through the discomfort of illness has been lonely. At first, it was a little fun. Getting a break from your occasional kicks and shifts that would wake him up throughout the night was nice, but he began to miss it after a while. Those pesky sleepy habits were worth it as they came with the comfort of your presence, the sweet scent of your body, and the softness of your skin. He ached at the absence of your company even though you were literally in the next room over.
He wondered what you could be doing having that this ache for you isn’t a new occurrence. Just a few minutes ago, he had called your name only to receive a “one second!”
So he waited, and well, it’s been much longer than a second.
As if he summoned you with his thoughts, the creaking of the door hinges catches his attention, drawing a soft hum from Leo’s lips. Feeling too weak to lift his head, he instead tugs down the duvet just enough to reveal his puppy brown eyes that sag with fatigue. “Lee, I have a surprise for you.” The ringing sound of your sweet voice makes his mouth curl up in a smile. Leo furrows his eyebrows, eyes averting from your pretty face as he notices your hands are hiding behind your back. “What is it, cariño?” He croaks, flinching at the dull soreness in his muscles as he pulls himself up to rest against the headboard.
“Close your eyes,” you demand with a giddy tone, and Leo complies with a short laugh. “Don’t peek!” A clinging of metal follows the sounds of pattering footsteps and a giggle of excitement before he receives the okay to open his eyes again.
Through thick eyelashes, he's met with stretched-out arms, presenting a deep blue bowl of soup on your palms. “It’s Caldo de Pollo!” The nostalgic aroma hits his senses the moment you confess what it is. He leans in, getting a better view of chunks of potato, carrots, corn, and chicken that peek through an orange broth. The sight makes his mouth water, and to your surprise, his eyes too.
The dish reminded him so much of his mother. Suddenly, he was a kid again. His small eyes watch Esperanza place a bowl filled to the rim of the familiar dish on the table in front of him.
“Buen provecho, mijo.”
Leo grinned, revealing the gaps of teeth that haven’t grown in yet. "Gracias Mama," he chimed, swinging his stubby legs in his chair. For a second, there is a look of caution across his mother’s face as Leo picks up his spoon and shovels the soup into his mouth. But as it becomes clear that neither the hot liquid nor the sweltering heat of the day bothered him, she relaxes and settles in the chair across from him.
His mother’s eyes filled with adoration, a soft giggle comes from her lips as Leo, too hungry to care, has dampened his shirt in the midst of eating. In his memory, the image of her is hazy, but he can make out the rosy tint on her lips as she smiles at him, her long nose, her silky hair that's usually pulled up in a ponytail, cascading over her shoulders.
The memory is more vivid than any of his dreams. He could make out the glow of the setting sun from the curtains. Under his forearms, he could feel the stickiness of the plastic cover over the table cloth. Every detail of his childhood home was exactly where he remembered it.
One of Leo’s biggest fears is that one day he’d forget his mother’s face, her voice, the little memories he had of her. Already, day by day, the recalling of his mother’s comforting scent becomes weaker. Sometimes, he’d get a whiff of it when he’s on a quest or when he’s alone. He’d like to think that those moments meant that his mother was watching over him, that she truly wasn’t all gone.
Though this soup, the one you’ve presented in your arms, confirmed that the remaining pieces of her existence didn’t solely live in his memory but in everything. She lives in the stars that she was always so fond of. She lives in the Tejano music she used to sing along to when she worked or cleaned. She lived in the running engine of everything he’d ever created. She lives in this soup, the same soup she made him when he was sick or often, to his dismay, in the middle of the summer.
He never needed a moment to freeze in time to remember all that was his mother.
Leo’s eyes glisten with tears. The silence, the bleakness of his expression, made you look down at the soup yourself. You didn’t think your soup looked bad at all, especially not bad enough to bring Leo near tears. You even plated it nicely, garnishing the soup with cilantro and a lime wedge.
"Is it wrong? Bad? I had to look up the recipe, and I-"
"No, no. It's just- it reminds me of my mom." He smiles sadly at you, and you frown, taking a seat beside him on the bed. His expression softens, eyes studying your face. What did he do to get so lucky? "You made this for me?"
You nod. "I thought I should make you soup since you're feeling so sick today." You balance the bottom of the bowl in one hand as the other reaches over, pressing the backside against his forehead. A tsk leaves your lips; the heat radiating off of Leo's forehead was much warmer than usual. "I was looking at soup recipes, and I came across a recipe for Caldo de Pollo. Try it; I think you'll like it!"
Leo reaches over with weak hands, grasping the bowl of soup before bringing it to his chest. He leans in to take in the aromas.
“I didn’t poison it,” you joke. A watery laugh comes from Leo, the vibrations sending a few tears down his cheeks. Your stomach flutters at the sound, but your heart aches at the sight of his tears. You hated seeing him cry. Your thumbs gently wipe away the stray tears on his face as he admires you. “I don’t know. I’ve seen you burn a lot of things in the past couple of years,” he teases. You cross your arms over your chest, not having enough times when you didn’t burn any food to defend yourself so you wave him off.
“Whatever,” you huff playfully. Leo chuckles as he brings the spoon full of broth up to his lips, and you shift in your place. You’re filled with anticipation, hoping that the recipe was authentic enough. “How is it?”
The flavors of the soup are almost the same as his mother’s, and he hums, a soft sigh of satisfaction leaves his lips.
“It’s amazing, mi amor.” The pet name you love rolls off his tongue slow and smooth. You sit up proudly at the praise, taking in Leo’s lovestruck expression. Before you know it, the other leans in for a kiss, and you scrunch your face. A scoff of playful offense leaves Leo’s lips.
“Why would you kiss me?” Leo whines with a cute pout. As much as you want to kiss him, you knew you shouldn't. “You’re sick,” you remind him, and he dramatically sits back against the wall, playing with his spoon.
“Kiss me, and then we can be sick together.” Leo wiggles his eyebrows, trying to convince you with a smile that drops the moment you shake your head.
“No way. Keep your cooties to yourself.” To your surprise, Leo sticks his tongue out at you. The action makes you snort as you rise from the bed. “I won’t kiss you, but I’ll sit and eat with you.” Leo shrugs, the solution is not as satisfying as a kiss, but he’ll settle with spending time with you. With a nod from him, he watches as you disappear past the doorway to get your bowl of soup.
In your absence, he takes a few more sips, the memory of his mother flickering in his mind. There’s a familiar gloominess that lingers at the fact that he will never be able to hug his mom or see her face again but being aware that her presence will always remain brings a sense of closure that Leo didn’t know he needed.
In his darkest hours, there was always a glimmer of hope that kept him moving forward. There was always a feeling that things would get better in time. This dull light, the voice that told him to pick himself back up, perhaps, it was his mother being true to her namesake all along.
masterlists taglist: @nct127bee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @cartocns @slytherclaw-kitten @s0urcru5h @percysbluehairbrush @hermioneswifeee @quteez @drayshadow @ashookykooky @anything-forourmoony @loverstyless @yelenabel0vaswife @ohmydamgods @jordannfields @amy-writes-blog @muted-mayham @dreamerball @earthtokace @thehighladyofday @lala-llama123 @tootsdoll @slytherindaughterofposeidon0 @black-rose-29 @somekidnamedkai @possiblylostchasecousin @hamdehlesmis @cami05sworld @does-anyone-hear-me @sol-the-salmon @atryx0-tal @iamparou @afidiofobia @lacunaanonymoused @pest-ill-ence @mika-sage
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nadisabug · 3 years
Anything You Want
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Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x reader
Warnings: reader is kinda depressed, idk she convinces herself that no one (Kei) could like her, so warning for that, no spoilers though, ooc Tsukki, I am so sorry this was a one am fever dream im sor-
Summary: As old childhood friends of Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, it doesn’t make sense why Tsukishima and you fight so much.
A/N: Ahh I’m so sorry I woke up out of a cold sweat to write this whole thing in one sitting at one am im just 💛love💙 him!! Also!!! I hit 150 followers!! So excited!!! I love you all so much!! Thank you!!!!! (ps requests are open pls send some in)
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Haikyuu!! Masterlist
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"Kiss me Kei!"
"What? Tch, no that's gross."
"But I'm the mommy!"
"You're the daddy! You gotta!"
"I don't even wanna play this dumb game."
"It's not dumb! Pleeaaasseee Kei-chan! For me?"
"Fine, come here."
The slap of the ball hitting the gym floor startled me out of my daydream. My eyes snapped up quickly to the game before me. Did we score? It took me a minute to even register what was going on and who I was looking at. I looked to the referee on his stepladder, waiting for him to call the point.
The whistle blew. He raised his arm. Boys in black and orange jerseys shouted. I clapped and cheered.
It all felt so robotic. But then I looked at him. Then the world shifted into slow motion and began to flow more naturally.
He raised his arm to wipe the sweat off of his brow, the movement mesmerizing. Even the jerk of his body when a teammate patted him on the back seemed graceful. Elegant. He pushed his glasses up a bit and glared at the offender. He turned to say-
"Y/n?" Once again I was startled from my thoughts. My head snapped to the right side where Yachi was standing next to me. She had a concerned look on her face. I swallowed, my dry mouth only producing a lump in my throat. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," I responded quickly and looked back to the game. "Just focusing is all." This time I fought not to look at the boy. I didn't want to look at him anyway. I didn't. I didn't.
Finding my eyes drifting back to him, I launched into conversation to pull my mind from him.
"How's the girls team going?"
I was on the girls volleyball team as a first year. I only made the team because I was the only libero and, being honest, I was the best at receiving. I was abnormally short, so I knew I couldn't pull off many other positions.
Well, maybe I could.
I watched as the short, orange haired boy flew across the court and landed an impossible to receive spike. I still wasn't used to that combo no matter how many games I watched. Then again, I only had reflexes, not the raw power that that boy had.
I sighed and tore my eyes from the game to look at Yachi. I slumped onto the railing a plopped my head in my hands. "We need more practice games, honestly. The way we're going we're not going to win our match."
"Don't say that Y/n!" Yachi cried.
I shrugged and looked back at the game. My eyes found blonde hair naturally. "Its true. The girls don't practice enough. I think getting our asses completely handed to us will turn the team around. I just feel bad for the third years who will suffer from it."
Yachi didn't have a response to that. She changed the subject quickly and we chatted until the game ended, the whole time I focused on the freakish number ten instead of the boy I knew deep down in my heart I really wanted to watch.
"Nice net drop, broccoli brain," I smirked and clapped my best friend on the shoulder.
His shoulders slumped and he sighed. "I didn't even mean to do it," he bereaved.
"Fucking who cares?" I snorted. "Got us a fat point and they never saw it coming. Just remember how it felt and do it again."
"Y/n," Yama whined and tried to shake me off.
"Y/n giving you crap again?" A rich voice came from behind me, sending shivers down my spine. "That's rich coming from Pipsqueak."
"Says Mr-cant-block-for-shit," I shot back, turning around so that I could stick my tongue out at him.
"I'd like to see you try to pick up a real serve, not that-"
"Hey, hey, cut it out!" Yama stepped in between us, putting a warning hand on us both. "We're all friends."
I glared at Tsukishima but backed down. I didn't want to upset Yamaguchi. I knew how much he hated it when we fought, seeing as it was his two best friends.
I had known Yama since elementary school, when I saved him from some bullies. One day when we were clearly out matched, Tsukishima saved us in his aloof, roundabout way. From then on we were inseparable.
That is until the second year of middle school when Tsukishima and I started fighting all the time. Despite that, we still hung out together. Who knows why he put up with my constant antagonism, but he always reciprocated and never complained.
We got on the bus soon after the game, headed to the school. I was on the girls bus, them on the boys. When we got back to the school we met up again.
When we came to the usual splitting point, Yama spoke up.
"So I'll walk Y/n home," Yama offered like always. I was about to accept when Tsukishima spoke up.
"Nah, I'll do it." Yama cocked an eyebrow. "It's out of your way, Yamaguchi. She lives closer to me."
We all knew this, but the point had never come up before.
"Okay," Yama said warily. "Are you sure you don't want me to come anyways?"
"Tch, we're fine, I don't need a babysitter." Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"Okay," Yama shrugged. He took a few steps backwards before he said goodbye and started off in the opposite direction.
Tsukishima wordlessly took off in the direction of our houses, so I followed. I was wondering why he suddenly offered to walk me home, but he offered no clues as to why. He used to walk me home before we always fought, but after that he stopped. This was the first time he walked me home in years.
So we walked in complete silence.
When we reached my house, we stood there awkwardly for a moment, looking at it. I wasn't sure what to say, but before I could figure it out, he spoke.
"Why do you hate me?"
I was startled by both the question and the sudden shattering of silence. I turned to look at Tsukishima. He wasn't looking at me, just straight ahead. I tried to read his facial expression, but like always, it was stone cold.
"I don't?" I answered uneasily.
Tsukishima sighed. "Yes you do, you always act so pissy towards me. You even tense up when I'm near."
"I do not," I frowned. I tried to think if I have ever done anything like that, but I drew blank.
"Yes you do," Tsukishima sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. "We..." He paused. He brought he other hand up and rubbed his eyes, pressing his two fingers into his eye sockets. After a moment he threw his hand down, clearly having made up his mind, and turned to look at me. I felt hot under his intent gaze, his eyes searching mine for an answer I was afraid I didn't have. "We used to be close when we were little. What changed."
It wasn't a question. It was more of a statement. It was like he meant to say something different.
So I said it for him.
"We changed."
He scoffed, his face twisting into his signature cynical look. "Bullshit."
"No, that's the answer. Maybe you're not asking the right question," I shot back, confidence fueled by his venom.
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it soon after. His brows furrowed and his lips pressed together. It was more emotion than he was exhibiting earlier, and for some weird reason, it made something in me happy.
"Why are you so mad at me?" He finally asked, face relaxing a bit. He seemed genuinely curious as to the answer.
His sincerity almost made me explode with anger. How could he not know? He was the most insufferable person in the entire world, what wouldn't I be mad about.
But then again, that was wrong. He never mad me mad with his snide comments and dirty looks. It was all in play and it never really bothered me, ever since we were kids, and he knew that too. So I couldn't lie and say it was his personality because I loved his personality. It was something else. Something I was afraid of admitting.
I grit my teeth. What did it matter if I said it or not? It's not like he'd understand anyway.
Once I made up my mind I met his eyes.
"Because you will never give me what I want."
"And what is that?" His voice was soft, wispy, breathless. Afraid.
Your love.
I couldn't say it. Bile rose in my throat and tears prickled at my eyes. I opened my mouth but quickly shut it. I wouldn't say it. I was too afraid.  My eyes fell to the ground, and with them, all my confidence.
All at once my mind began to barrage me. He will never love you, he could never love someone like you. He-
He laughed.
He fucking laughed.
My mind was thrown to a complete and total standstill by the absurdity of it. I looked back up at him with watery eyes in confusion.
"I thought you were smarter than that," he grinned, one corner of his mouth charmingly quirked upwards. "Than to decide what I think."
"What?" I mumbled nearly incoherently.
"We both know if you ask I'll do anything for you, so quit your crying, Pipsqueak."
I opened my mouth, completely surprised by his confession. He'd do anything for me? That couldn't be right...
But the more I thought about it the more I realized it was true. He had always done everything for me. Whenever I needed him he was there. It was me that started the fighting, all because I let my mind tell me that he could never love me, that he never would.
I met his eyes once again, this time brimming with happiness.
"Kiss me, Kei."
"Fine," he dramatically sighed, hiding a small grin. "Come here."
And he did.
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Taglists are open! Shoot me an ask or a dm with what fandom you want to be tagged in and I’ll do it right away! :)
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
11:00 PM [kita shinsuke]
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pairing: kita shinsuke x fem reader
genre: fluff
warning(s): just a hint of cursing
word count: 2.1k
overview: you learn more about kita with every evening stroll the two of you take together
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At 11:00 PM on the dot, Kita arrives at your front door with a knock for the evening walk he said he wanted to take with you. Of course, he’s always right on time, whereas you’re tripping over the sweats you're pulling up as you rush to the door to answer it.
“Hey Shin,” you greet him a bit more breathlessly than you would’ve liked. His dark gaze meets your own (e/c) one before drifting down to where your hands are still adjusting the waistband of your pants. A small chuckle bubbles in his throat once he’s gathered that, as per usual, you’ve gotten prepared at the last possible second.
Swooping down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, he asks, “Ready to go now, sweetheart?” Your body flushes with warmth at the tender pet name that leaves his lips, though it’s been spoken before many, many times, and you nod. “Don’t forget yer jacket.” He grabs it from the coat rack near the doorway and slides it over your arms for you in another one of his kind gestures before you bend down to tie the shoelaces of the sneakers you’ve stepped into.
After shoving your keys into your pocket and locking up, you wonder, “So, where do you wanna go?”
His warm palm slides against yours, prompting your fingers to weave themselves between his as he shrugs. “Not sure.”
“Kita Shinsuke? Not sure? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” you tease, mocking surprise in a way that brings another smile to his face.
“How’s the park up the street sound?”
“Ah, there he is.” You give his hand a playful squeeze and move closer to him as the two of you make your way out of your apartment complex, into the cool, dark night.
In spite of your earlier teasing and urge to grill your boyfriend about his intentions behind suggesting that the two of you go on a walk at a time when he’d usually want to be settled down in bed, you find comfort in the silence that fills the air. In between the whistles of chilly gusts that sweep over your cheeks and past your ears, you can hear the leaves of the trees above you whispering as they brush against each other and the gentle hum of the still bustling city in the distance.
Due to your housing situations and busy schedules, the times when the two of you get to fully enjoy each other’s company without any distractions are relatively few and far between. He understands and appreciates the value of the time he’s spending with you now, as he always does, by walking with a slow and relaxed pace rather than a quick, rushed one. It’s refreshing, you think, to simply stroll down the sidewalk with a destination in mind but no scheduled time for when you have to arrive, and Kita seems to feel the same way.
There’s an ease to his demeanor that you can sense, and which quiets your own thoughts for a few minutes. You enjoy seeing him this way since you understand the mostly self-inflicted burdens Kita likes to place on himself with his ideals and expectations of the way his life should be.
Beneath the pale, fluorescent lights in the park, his hair glows a haunting shade of white that makes you wonder, for a moment, if this whole experience is just some fever dream. If you’re really just fast asleep in your bed, so desiring of your boyfriend’s company that your subconscious has manifested him. But a glance he sends down towards you accompanied by the sensation of his warm lips against your temple reminds you that—thankfully—everything you’re experiencing just happens to be a pleasant part of your reality. A tender moment that will soon become a fond memory in time.
His hand unclasps yours for a moment as the two of you gravitate towards the swings hanging in the middle of a sand pit nearby to sit down. The cool plastic of the seat seeping through the rear of your sweatpants makes you shiver slightly, and you use your legs to rock yourself forward and back as your hands wrap around the chains keeping it suspended.
When you turn your attention to your boyfriend once more, you find that his gaze is glued to the playground nearby, as if he’s trying to find his thoughts hiding somewhere amongst the metal structure. Before you can ask him what’s on his mind, he gives you the answer. “Remember our high school team’s motto?”
With a small chuckle that sends a small cloud of steam into the air in front of you, you answer, “Ironically enough, yeah. Why?”
“Remember how I always disagreed with it?”
“Of course.”
He sighs a deep and heavy sigh, as if there’s a giant weight on his back pushing all the air in his lungs out at once. Dark brown eyes turn away from the play structure to focus on yours instead as he mentions, “I remember thinkin’ how disrespectful, in a sense, it was to ask a question like that. Who needs memories?” His light hair shifts against his forehead as he shakes his head in a self-deprecating manner. “But now, I kinda wish that I’d appreciated it a bit more. Memories help you grow, shape ya into the person you wanna be, ‘nd all, but they make it impossible to live a life without regrets.”
Your heart sinks in your chest at his words, and you somewhat instinctively reach across the gap separating your swings to latch onto his hand. He shows his appreciation towards your action by ensconcing yours in both of his, surrounding it in warmth. “Is there something you regret?” you wonder softly, voice barely above a whisper.
A low, contemplative hum echoes behind his lips as he presses them to your knuckles. “Not regret, per se, but wish I did differently,” he admits, “I wish I’d allowed myself a bit more freedom back when I was a teenager. I mean, I appreciate havin’ routines, of course, since they help give my actions a sense of purpose and meaning, but I really don’t think my life woulda turned out much different if I’d’ve let myself go a bit more ‘nd been less concerned about makin’ some of those stupid, teenage mistakes, ya know?”
“Stupidity doesn’t have to be limited to your teenage years. Just look around you. It’s everywhere, at all ages. You still have a chance.”
He snickers. “I know, sweetheart. But what I’m sayin’ is that a little bit of spontaneity wouldn’t’ve hurt me back then. Wouldn’t hurt me now, either.”
“Well,” you say with a devilish smirk as you scoot out of the swing, your shoes sinking into the sand when you stand up once more, “it’s a good thing I’m here, then, ain’t it?” Maintaining eye contact with him, you saunter over to him and slide your hand out of his before moving your head towards his. Placing your palms on his shoulders prompts him to lean down closer to you, and you murmur, “What do you say to a friendly game of tag, huh? Because—” you turn on your heels quickly and shout over your shoulder—“you’re it!”
Without turning to look behind you again, you sprint through the sand towards the grass field nearby to put as much distance between the two of you as you can. Over the sound of your own breathing and the wind whipping past you, you’re sure you can hear the clinking of metal indicating he’s left his seat on the swings to pursue you. Sure enough, a few moments later, you feel a firm tap against your shoulder that marks a switch in your roles. When you whirl around to find him, he’s already jogging away, a small smile playing on his lips as he casts a sneaky glance over at you.
“You’re too damn fast, Shin!” you whine breathily as you run after him.
He replies, “You’re the one who wanted to play, (f/n).”
Eventually, after a series of fake outs and narrow escapes, you manage to tag him again and sprint away. However, while you bolt across the grass, you feel droplets of water splashing against your skin that start out small, but soon grow larger and larger. “It’s raining!” you squeal, abandoning your mission of running away from your boyfriend to make a beeline for the gazebo you spot not too far away.
As you speed through the field, you feel Kita’s hand wrap around yours, keeping you close to him while he runs with you. Upon reaching one of the tables tucked beneath the metal roof of the small structure, you plop down onto a bench and try to recover from your sudden stint of exercise. Clearly, as a result of the spontaneity, you hadn’t thought the entire thing through; because if you had, you might’ve decided on a different game given how spry Kita is.
“Truce!” you breathe heavily, waving a packet of tissues from your pocket up in the air as a white flag.
He laughs at your quick surrender but accepts it, nonetheless, and seats himself beside you. As he watches you flash a bright smile at him while you work on slowing down your breathing once more, he feels heat rush through his body in a wave that radiates from his chest. His heart thumps quickly, but not just with exertion, and the sound echoes in his ears over that of the rain hitting the earth as the heavens open above the two of you.
“What’re you looking at me like that for, huh?” you ask, cocking an eyebrow at him rather teasingly in spite of the butterflies flitting around in your stomach.
Placing one arm over your shoulders to bring your warm body closer to his while his other hand comes to rest on your cheek, tilting your chin up towards his face, he makes a simple yet powerful proclamation: “I love you.”
He kisses you harder than you think he ever has before you can respond. It’s searing, the sensation of his lips on yours, and you’re robbed of your breath in what feels to be an instant. The quiet gasps of air you take each time your lips part for a few, painstaking seconds is lost beneath the downpour of rain pounding on the metal roof and the pavement surrounding the gazebo. You melt into his arms and drape yours around his neck to keep the distance separating your faces to a minimum. It’s been too long since you’ve shared a kiss this intense and passionate, and you both lose yourselves in the moment, choosing to focus on the now rather than the then or the next.
However, just as quickly as the sudden torrent of rain comes and goes, his kisses grow gentler and softer until his lips disconnect from yours entirely to trail along your cheek while he pulls you into a tight hug. Breathlessly, you tell him, “I love you too,” as you nestle your face in the crook of his neck and relish in the familiar comfort he always brings. “What brought that on, though, baby?”
“Just felt like kissin’ my girlfriend, is all.”
You chuckle against his skin before moving your head away from him so you can plant another, tender kiss on his lips that he reciprocates without hesitation. When you pull away again, you both take a quick look at your surroundings to see droplets of rain still pattering against the now soaked pavement. Its sudden arrival seems to be an unspoken invitation for the two of you to stay out longer and enjoy each other’s company, so you suggest, “Wanna wait it out?”
“Yeah,” Kita answers with a nod, raising his hand to brush a few strands of dampened hair away from his eyes. Shooting him a small smile, you rest your head on his shoulder and allow him to welcome you back into his arms.
“Do you have any other regrets, Shin?” you ask as you watch the rain form patterns of ripples across the puddles pooling on the paths.
“I think sayin’ I wished I did things differently earlier was a bit harsh.” The hand he has around your waist gives you a gentle, affectionate squeeze. “At the end of the day, I don’t regret how I lived my life because all the things I did somehow led me to you.” 
His lips meet the crown of your head before he continues, “And all of my favorite memories are the ones I’ve made with you.”
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when night falls masterlist ⭐︎ treat me to a coffee!
taglists (send an ask to be added to the when night falls taglist!)
when night falls: @aoyukai, @why-aminot-dead, @yamagucji, @toutorii, @shibayamasbae, @tsukkisbean, @devlovesiwa-channn, @captain-shittykawa, @ghblh, @postsfromthe6, @omibaby, @deerixiie
general: @dinablossom, @newfriendjen, @ohbyunhunn, @aftcrlust, @mister-future, @kyleclxin, @kac-chowsballs, @osamusmiya, @nit-sir-hc, @arixtsukki, @shinsurou, @ichorizaki, @dominikmagnus, @tendo-sxtori, @krynnza​
kita: @pretty-setters​, @misora-msby​, @heyhinata​, @caxsthetic​
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weathergirl8 · 3 years
Master of Deflection - Part 6
Finally found time to post this sucker during this crazy week of graduation prep! Graduation practice tomorrow and actual ceremony Friday night for my associate's degree!
This is for you @ak47stylegirl and anyone else who enjoys Alan whump/smothering. Of course, there will be some extra Virgil in there too, because I just love the big guy.
@misssquidtracy @gumnut-logic @godsliltippy Thank you for your support on this fic!!
I bring you some Sky Turnip and Land Cabbage 💙💚
As a friendly reminder, I originally came from the TOS and TB 2004 era. I’ve tried to write a few TAG point-of-views, but my comfort zone is the previous. This will take place with Gordon as the redhead, and Virgil as the middle bro. Sorry!
Summary: Being the youngest of five is always hard, especially when they pounce at the slightest hair out of line. Sometimes the art of deflection can sting.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Virgil tried to suppress a yawn as he grabbed the needed medication from the infirmary. Alan’s fever had climbed nearly another degree. The medic of the family instinctively made the call to start antibiotics quickly. Virgil was confident they were now dealing with more than the common cold and that a bacterial infection was beginning to set in.
Entering Alan’s room, the middle Tracy was concerned to see the bed empty. Only the sight of the strewn sheets and a pile of used tissues remained. “Allie?”
“I’m in here,” Alan’s hoarse voice called from the bathroom.
Virgil sat the meds down and met the crumbled form of his baby brother. Alan sat on the bathroom floor, the wall seeming to be the only thing holding him up. “Sick again?”
“Yup,” Alan grumbled as he reached to flush the toilet. Virgil handed him a towel to clean himself up. “Thanks.”
Virgil helped him up but quickly took hold of his younger brother’s waist as the teen’s legs nearly crumbled. “Alan, you okay?”
“Yea,” the teen panted as another cough erupted from him. “Brain and body just don’t want to cooperate at the moment.”
“C’mon, let’s get you back in bed,” Virgil urged as they made the short walk to Alan’s bed. “If you don’t start keeping things down, I’m going to have to start an IV, kiddo. I’m worried about dehydration.”
“You’re preaching to the choir. This isn’t exactly a party,” Alan wheezed, letting his head sink back into his pillow.
Virgil observed him as Alan coughed and tried to take in a deep breath. “How long has that been going on?”
“I dunno,” Alan shrugged. “Awhile, I guess. It’s not like I’m writing all of this down.”
The middle Tracy handed Alan two pills, motioning for the teen to take the antibiotics. “When you’re not exerting yourself, is it hard to breathe?”
Alan gave his older brother a weird look but decided against the first thought that entered his mind. He wouldn’t exactly call laying in bed exerting himself, but who was he to judge? “If you call breathing with my mouth mostly, then sure.”
Virgil now wished he had kept the kid in the infirmary so he could ease his mind and have all of his equipment at his disposal. Knowing it wasn’t something the baby of the family would do, he opted for what he had in front of him. “Alright, if it gets worse, let me know immediately. Here’s something that will help with nausea, and something to hopefully help with that cough,” he said, handing Alan the tiny pill and cup of cough suppressant.
“Why do these always have to taste so gross?” Alan complained as he quickly swallowed several gulps of water.
“That’s how you know it’ll work,” Virgil smirked, winking at his annoyed sibling.
The sunrise was Scott’s favorite part of his morning run. The smell of the morning dew across the island jungle and the colorful orange and yellow hues that rippled across the water.
He slowed his pace to a jog as he came across the broadest part of the beach on the Island. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, the oldest Tracy paused as he noticed a figure ahead. Confusion met him as he recognized the build of the person. Scott quickly jogged forward, calling out to his younger brother. “Virgil?”
“Hey, Scott,” the chestnut-haired Tracy greeted, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel.
Scott struggled for a moment. He knew he was treading on thin ice for his brother to be up this early. Virgil was always active, but athletically the medic was more of a gym guy. He found more solace in lifting weights and punching bags. Sprinting and running were always something the other brothers had enjoyed, barring John. It was rare to catch Virgil on a run outside of the gym, especially on one before the sun had been up for at least one hour in the sky.
“Pretty view, huh?” Virgil interrupted his thoughts, almost sensing his brother’s unease.
“Always is,” Scott smiled in appreciation. “No sunrise seems to be the same.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Virgil replied, taking a seat along the sand.
Scott’s concern only increased, but he followed his brother along the cool sand. His blue eyes searched the ocean while taking small glances at Virgil.
“You can ask,” Virgil exhaled, surprising the elder. “I know you’re wondering why I’m out here so early.”
Scott tried to suppress the grin that he knew was also on Virgil’s face. “Didn’t want to push.”
Virgil nodded in understanding, letting his hands rest on his raised knees. “Bad dreams and worried about Alan,” he stated plainly.
“I checked in on the kid before I started my run. Al was sound asleep, but he still felt warm and sounded congested. I think that humidifier might be helping,” Scott said, watching Virgil as he stared out into the water. “I didn’t want to disturb him. He needs his rest.”
“Allie’s exhausted,” Virgil admitted. “Between the coughing, vomiting, and congestion, his sleep has been interrupted. I gave him a round of antibiotics and something to help with the other symptoms. Alan’s definitely caught something bacterial for sure. Those cold waters from the rescue didn’t do him any favors.”
“I’m sure those will help,” Scott reassured. “He just needs time for the meds and his immune system to work.” The elder Tracy studied his brother once again. “Do you want to talk about the dreams?”
Virgil sighed as he threw a rock he had been playing with toward the water. “It was about the last mission.”
“I figured,” Scott added. “I would’ve been surprised if you didn’t. I know what it felt like being on the receiving end. I can only imagine what it was like in the moment physically.”
“Definitely won’t be in my top 20,” Virgil chuckled solemnly.
“Who said it was getting past the top 50?” Scott laughed, nudging Virgil.
“Point taken,” the middle Tracy smiled.
“All jokes aside,” Scott started. “Are you okay?”
“Okay is a relative term, Scott. We compartmentalize and move on-“
“-Virg, you know that’s not what I meant.”
“I do,” Virgil acknowledged meeting Scott's intense gaze. “Look, you know what happened. I don’t have to tell you again. I just…. I can’t get the image of the gun shoved against Alan’s neck out of my head and that look on his face. That look… Damnit, Scott. He’s too much like you!”
Scott tried not to laugh but empathized.
“I could tell Alan was scared, but the kid refused to show it. He was so trusting. Trusting of me to get us out of that situation.”
“You did, Virgil. Allie is safe because of you, and so are you. I was just as worried about you as I was our baby brother,” Scott countered. “You did what you had to, and no one was harmed.”
“That’s not the point, Scott. You have no idea how close it came.”
“What do you mean?” Scott asked, confused.
“There’s a bullet hole in the floor of the rescue platform. A hole that was inches away from hitting Alan when he hit the deck.”
Realization dawned on the oldest Tracy. “Is that what your dream was about? That the bullet actually hit Alan?”
Virgil remained silent as he collected his thoughts. He felt Scott turn to face him, the older pilot’s knees resting against one of his own. “Mostly, but what stuck with me most was that look. Like I said, having a hard time getting it out of my head.”
Scott placed a comforting hand along Virgil’s knee, squeezing it. “I know you don’t need me to tell you about how great you are when quick decisions need to be made. That goes without saying, but Allie trusted you with his life because so would I. Any of us would. The next time a lunatic threatens one of my brothers with a gun, he’ll wish neither one of us were around.”
Virgil smiled. “Thanks, Scott.”
“Anytime. You good?”
“I’ll be fine,” Virgil replied. “We probably should head in. Breakfast will be started soon, and I need to check on Alan and make sure Dad isn’t camping at his side.”
“Dad was still asleep when I checked on Al,” Scott said as they began to walk up the path that led to the main villa. “Besides, he has an early call with one of the new brokers, if I remember correctly.”
“Good, that should keep him occupied,” Virgil grinned.
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amlovelies · 3 years
“don’t you dare walk away.” for Serena and Mason please❣️
Five word prompts
Thank you so much for the prompt anon 💜 The natural instinct with this one is to go with angst, but Serena believes that everyone will eventually leave her/walk away, so I had to go in a different direction with this one. Thanks to @tracing-freckled-constellations for reading this over and for helping me with my nerves 🥰
pairing: mason/f!oc (Serena Willis)
rating: M (this is among the smuttiest thing I’ve ever written so minors dni), plus cursing because of who Serena is as a person. 
words: 1k
a/n: This would take place between what desire will make foolish people do and finders-keepers and is a part of my Just another liability au 
              No one has ever kissed me the way that Mason does. That’s not to say there haven’t been some good kissers, but there’s something about the way his mouth moves over mine that is just more. More intense, more consuming, more overwhelming.
               It scares me a little, but not enough for me to tell him to stop. God, I never want him to stop.
               Part of me knows I should push him away, the middle of the kitchen is hardly the place for this, but then again, I live with a bunch of vampires what the fuck do they need the kitchen for anyway?
               I’m the only one who uses the fridge really anyway, so it doesn’t matter that Mason has me pressed back against it.
               He stops kissing me and I whine in protest, but it quickly turns to a moan as his mouth descends on my neck. He leaves a trail of hot wet open kisses down it and I feel goosebumps erupt all over my body.
               He chuckles as he pulls back and I want to scream. I need him closer; I need him everywhere. How did I ever think this could be a onetime get it out of my system type of thing? To be fair that was before he’d touched me, that was before I knew what his hands could do, that was before I’d heard the way he groaned when he tasted me for the first time.
               “You don’t look so tired now,” he says with a smirk.
               “Oh, shut up,” I pull his head down for another kiss. I can feel him smiling against my lips until I knot my hands in this hair and deepen the kiss. I’m rewarded with a groan as he presses himself against me. His thigh slotting itself in between my legs pressing against me where I desperately need the friction. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this turned on before. I feel more than a little mad.
               His hands begin to roam, dipping underneath my tank top, cupping my breast. His thumb moves over my nipple drawing a gasp out of my kiss swollen lips as the sensation shots right to my core.
               “What do you need, sweetheart?” his voice whispers before pulling my earlobe into his mouth and nibbling along its edge. He presses his leg against me and it’s almost enough. Almost.
               “I need,” the words come out as a strangled grasp. Does he really expect me to talk right now? AS if I’m capable of thought with his hand caressing my breast and my entire body throbbing with need?
               “Tell me,” he growls and how is that so sexy?
               “Touch me, Mason, please.”
               And he does, his hand sliding down my body and slipping under the waist band of my sweatpants. I sigh in relief at the pressure.
               He takes his time, alternating the pressure and drawing teasing circles against me that leave me half mad. When he finally slides a finger inside me, I have to bite my lip to stifle my moan. I lose myself in the rhythm he sets. All I can feel is Mason. I can feel myself getting close, the tight anticipation building in my core, my breath coming in shorter faster gasps. My legs are shaking and I’m grateful for his firm grip around my waist. I don’t think I would be capable of staying upright otherwise.
               Suddenly he pulls back, his arm still keeps me upright, but he pulls his other hand away and steps back.
               “What are you doing?” I whine as he keeps his distance.
               “As fun as this has been,” he says with a smirk, “we will have to continue it later.”
               He pulls his arm away and starts to leave the kitchen.
               “Don’t you dare walk away,” I try to hiss but it just comes out in pitiful groan.
               He only laughs as he pushes open the door to the kitchen. As he does so I hear voices in the hall. A wave of panic hits me like a bucket of cold water and I run hands over my clothing to make sure everything is covered. To make sure I do look like I was just letting Mason have his way with me at 9am on a Sunday.
               “There you are Serena; we were just looking for you.” Nate says.
               “Oh?” I ask as I take a sip of my coffee. It’s cold and I have to school my features to not grimace.
               Apparently, there are some additional reports that the agency needs completed, I’m only listening with half an ear, my mind and body still stuck in a few minutes ago. Farah is looking at me with a raised brow, and I find myself unable to meet her gaze. I can only imagine what her vampire sense are picking up on.
               I don’t think I was too loud. I was trying to stay quiet, but in a house full of vampire is there such a thing as quiet?
               At least Nate seems to be ignorant. Thank god.
               “We should have grabbed Mason; he’ll need to update his reports as well.” Nate muses almost to himself. “I should have thought about it before, but it was just surprising to see him coming out of the kitchen.”
               I make a noncommittal sound as I take another sip of the nasty cold coffee.
               “There must have been something he wanted in here. Isn’t that right, Serena?” Farah asks with a smirk.
               “We should probably get to work on those reports.” I say with enthusiasm I do not feel as I attempt to change the subject.
               From the look in Farah’s eyes, I know that my hope that last night’s hookup with Mason would stay between us was a fever dream. Well, maybe it could have if it had stayed only last night, but any illusion of that being the case is rapidly fading. I might be in trouble.
tagging: @lord-king-saint, @tracing-freckled-constellations, @southernvampire @lilyoffandoms @freckles-spangledvampire, @utterlyinevitable, @whippedforethanfreakingramsey (if you’d like to be tagged/not tagged for the au please let me know)
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op-peccatori · 4 years
autoc(rat) | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice (and Ratatouille?)
Pairing: Reader & rat!Victor | chef!Victor
Rating: General
Word Count: 1275
Summary: Victor remains the same no matter what size he comes in.
Warnings/tags: alternate universe, chef!Victor, chef!Reader, and can’t cook!Writer, inspired by Ratatouille...the  movie
a/n: this idea came to me and gave me an excuse to rewatch one of my favourite movies~ 
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“I need plates!” 
“Is the sauce ready?”
“One soupe à l’oignon, one salade niçoise!”
Not quite used to the organized chaos around you, it’s with a slight wince that you drag your focus back to skinning the tomatoes. Kiki’s cheerful humming reaches you as she comes near your station, grabbing the bottle of wine Willow had left on the counter.
You’re confident enough when it comes to cooking, but admittedly far from perfect—which just won’t do. Sure enough, you’re wincing again as your hair suffers for your wandering mind.
“Too thick. Stop daydreaming, you’ll ruin the dish. Thinner.” There’s a slight pause, filled with the soft, rhythmic sounds of your knife hitting the chopping board. “Yes, good.” 
A small, unbidden smile curls along your mouth at the praise. 
“The zucchini.” 
You reach for the mandoline, slicing the yellow zucchini, then the green. Once the eggplant is done, the low-pitched voice of your mentor drifts down once more.
“The saucier should be nearly done with the sauce. If he’s messed with my recipe…” The warning is clear. 
Unable to help it, you tilt your head to the side, catching your reflection in the glass window, and that of your helper. Eyes reminiscent of stormy skies glower at nothing in particular, and then over at Lucien’s station, where he is indeed working on the sauce. 
You would be afraid—you should be afraid, for he has the wrath of Zeus and his pettiness too—if it weren’t for the physical signs of his ire. Because a pissed off Victor means: little whiskers, quivering with vexation, his tiny nose twitching with constant feedback from the rich scents in the room, and his beady eyes narrowed suspiciously. 
It doesn’t exactly make you scream with terror. Even so, you know to keep your thoughts to yourself, because the last time you had mocked him, you were stuck cleaning your bedroom for a while. 
You will never forget waking up to the sight of him perched on your chin, staring down at you with a menacing gleam in his beady eyes. 
He tugs at your hair, impatient, and you make your way over to Lucien’s station, passing by Willow arguing with Minor, who had just come back with a new order. 
“No, Willow, I didn’t mishear! He really did order coke and pepsi. Mixed.”
Victor’s ears twitch at the words, followed by a quiet mutter of something terribly uncharitable.
He can be a bit high-strung. Thankfully, a trip to the supermarket is usually enough to appease any bristling; you avoid angering him anyway, because those trips are terrible for your wallet. 
According to the rodent himself, Victor grew up in the sewers and whatever kitchens he could find. You’re not sure how that experience turned him into one of the biggest food snobs you’ve ever met—and you work in the food industry—but it’s probably for the best, since it contributes to his brilliance with cooking.
Still, him turning his bulbous nose up at the cheese you’d been eating for years did sting. He also forced you to clean out half of the ingredients in your refrigerator and bullied you into buying fancy cheeses you’d never even tasted before.
“Well, well,” he says now, peering down from your head at the bowl Lucien presents to you. “That doesn’t look half-bad.”
“I wouldn’t dare mess around with y/n’s dish,” Lucien responds evenly, offering you a quick wink as you take the bowl. 
“Thank you, Lucien.” If your tone is a tad warmer than usual, it’s between the two of you. Well, three, you amend hastily as Victor digs his feet into your scalp lightly.
“I told you, you can’t give him the time of day until he passes the test,” Victor hisses at you, glaring back when Lucien waves. 
“No one is ever going to match your standards for cooking,” you mutter, spooning some of the sauce into the pan. 
“Certainly not him,” he sniffs, watching over you as you arrange the sliced vegetables in the pan. He’s careful to not tug on your hair when you slide the dish into the oven.
“But he’s cute,” you whisper plaintively, watching Lucien chop some very lucky carrots. Not that you want to be chopped up, but he does handle his ingredients well. 
“Is that why you’re staring at his hands?” 
“They’re beautiful hands.”
“I suppose his chopping skills are up to par,” Victor muses, whiskers twitching as he thinks. “Better than yours, at least.”
“Maybe you should sit on his head,” you suggest cheerfully.
“I’m pretty sure he’d cook me,” he says flatly, and you both have to wince at that. He may be a tiny jerk, but Victor is a dear friend. You’ve developed some very protective tendencies over the course of your friendship, what with every other cat looking to take a bite out of him.
The neighbour’s cat, Hades, has been something of a nightmare. As a result, you’ve also developed fantastic reflexes and a strained relationship with Helios, the cat’s owner.
“What do you want for dinner tonight? I was thinking quiche,” Victor thinks aloud, examining his claws critically. His coat, as always, is dark and glossy. People are skeptical enough due to what he is, there’s no need to give them more reason to doubt him, he says.
Somehow, though, throughout all of this, you’ve also been spoiled to bits.
Getting to eat such wonderful food everyday? It’s a blessing. 
If only things could stay this way forever.
“Wake up, you dummy.”
With a choked gasp, you sit bolt upright, looking around wildly. It takes a moment for you to reorient; you’re in the kitchen, you place of work. You had been in the middle of cleaning up and then—
The back of a hand touches your forehead, and your panicked eyes follow the length of a long arm before coming to rest on a familiar face. 
“A fever,” he murmurs, kneeling next to where you seemed to have collapsed on the floor. “Why did you not inform me?”
The Chef de Cuisine, Victor Li, whose kitchen you had joined about a month ago, frowns down at you. Victor, who had just made a frankly bizarre appearance in your dream.
You study him carefully, your hazy mind imagining whiskers wiggling over his perfect cheekbones. He raises a single, sculpted brow in response. 
“I was supposed to be cleaning up…” you recall, looking around nervously. You had managed to clean up most of the kitchen before you had apparently blacked out, but there are a few dishes left next to the sink.
“Yes, I know,” he says, patient, before standing up and offering you a hand. You take it with a little trepidation, expecting meticulously groomed claws instead of blunt fingernails. “Go wait outside, I’ll finish up in here and give you a ride home.”
Left to gape as he turns to the sink, you flail your arms and sputter in protest. Your throbbing head offers its own protest. “No! I mean—I can do it, I’m so sorry—” 
He presses one, slender index finger to his lips, and the words die in your throat. He points the same finger at the doors, where the moonlight peers in through the two circular windows.
“I...okay,” you grab your bag and head for the exit, shoulders slumped. Still, you can’t accept a ride home, knowing it’ll be way out of his way.
“If you leave, you’ll be on scrubbing duty for a whole week.” The borderline peremptory words are eerily reminiscent of the ones from your dream.
They’re oddly comforting.
“Yes, chef,” you call back, trying not to smile.
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being able to type the words ‘rat!Victor’ gave me so much joy
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myherowritings · 5 years
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© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize. thank you and have fun reading!
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i. animal instincts
with your shapeshifting quirk, you take on the duty of becoming the resident undercover therapy cat for class 1-a. one day, you see todoroki restless in the middle of the night and try to comfort him in cat form. but what happens when he confides in you his feelings you weren’t meant to hear?
ii. into your arms
you’re prone to tripping and todoroki is prone to being there to catch you. or, in which you’re a bit of a klutz and, for a reason he can’t explain, shouto wants to make sure you never get hurt.
iii. an otome addiction
you become obsessed with the characters in the otome game, mystic messenger, and your boyfriend todoroki gets a little bit jealous.
iv. strawberry scented dreams
the 3 times todoroki falls asleep on you + the 1 time you fall asleep on him. shouto is always sleepy and needs some rest, and your shoulder just happens to be the comfiest place to get it.
v. can you keep a secret?
you and shouto are secretly dating and none of your classmates know. during a study session in todoroki’s dorm, kaminari, sero, and midoriya find your lacy thong under shouto’s desk and try to figure out whose it is.
vi. frosting fights
midoriya has been feeling sad lately, so you and todoroki (try to) bake him a cake in the middle of the night. 
vii. the panty thief
modern au. “my cat steals underwear and i come home to find you chasing my cat to get your underwear back.” in which todoroki is a new cat parent and you’re his new neighbor whose panties keep disappearing.
viii. overheated 
it’s super hot out and you feel like you’re dizzy and about to faint. todoroki is there to cool you off with his right side.
ix. jealousy for dummies
jealous of all the time shouto has been spending with yaoyorozu, you hatch up a plan with bakugou to give todoroki a taste of his own medicine.
x. ghostwriter masterlist [smau]
college au. you’re an aspiring writer with a longtime crush on the ghost hunter on campus, todoroki shouto. when you two are paired up for a semester-long journalism project, you come up with the perfect, foolproof plan to get him to fall for you.
xi. hearts intertwined
roommate au. you and todoroki have been roommates for months now but have barely had more than a two minute conversation. when quarantine hits and everyone is on lockdown, you find yourself forced to spend more time with him and actually end up…enjoying it?
xii. fictional crush
class 1-a has an avatar: the last airbender marathon and you can’t help but swoon over your fictional crush, prince zuko, leaving todoroki feeling a little jealous.
xiii. letters of my love [smau]
tatbilb au. you and your friends mail out your past love letters because you want to see your old crushes’ reactions. on accident, you mail your current crush’s letter. to make it seem like your crush on bakugou is gone, you fake date another letter recipient, todoroki shouto. 
xiv. eat the rich [series]
ceo/barista au. todoroki shouto was a wealthy, young ceo who inherited his father’s enterprise. you were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. one day, shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. to your surprise and complete pleasure: it was not.
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i. one hell of a knockout
boxer au. bakugou is a young pro boxer climbing his way to the top of the charts. one day, his friends kirishima and ashido invite you to a match. unbeknownst to you, you end up accidentally distracting katsuki during a fight and he gets a punch landed on his face.
ii. take you out
you ask bakugou out on a picnic date to the park, but he thinks you’re challenging him to a fight. you can’t tell who is more confused when the day finally comes.
iii. kitty kisses
your boyfriend and your cat don’t get along. bakugou keeps trying to come up with different ways to get your cat to finally warm up to him. (or, in which katsuki spends 3 hours baking treats for a tsundere cat.)
iv. “you’re hot when you’re angry”
you and bakugou get into a disagreement, you get pinned underneath him, and he smirks and realizes just how hot you are when you’re pissed.
v. a soothing touch
pro hero au. katsuki is sore and stressed from a long day at work but is too stubborn to let you give him a massage.
vi. “she’s my wife”
pro hero au. when bakugou forgets his lunch in the refrigerator, you decide to deliver it to him at his agency. but when you’re there, the new receptionist calls you a bitch. bakugou responds appropriately. 
vii. cold shoulder
pro hero au. whenever you and bakugou get into a disagreement, he blasts the air conditioner until you have no choice but to ask him to cuddle.
viii. the appreciation post
pro hero au. one of the responsibilities of being a pro hero in this day and age is having a social media presence. you tag bakugou in an appreciation post while he’s out in public and he gets embarrassed in the best way possible.
ix. slip of the tongue
pro hero au. during a charity interview with the top three heroes, deku and shouto “accidentally” give away ground zero’s crush on you. you’re asked about bakugou in an interview of your own and, during a fit of excitement, accidentally let your crush on him slip.
x. the jealous type | fanart
class 1-a has a game night in the common room. bakugou sees you and todoroki getting too close for comfort and can’t stop himself from getting jealous.
xi. a forgotten anniversary
pro hero au. it yours and bakugou’s one year anniversary, but he’s so busy with hero work that he forgets. you’re hurt and upset, but katsuki may have a few tricks up his sleeve…
xii. shirt on, bra off 
aged up au. bakugou sees you take off your bra, one-handed, and he can’t help but be in a bit of awe. 
xiii. bear hugs
you see your childhood friend, bakugou, for the first time in years and you greet him with a giant bear hug...only to find yourself in the nurse’s office right after. 
xiv. call me b-a-b-y
bakugou absolutely hates when you call him pet names. he hates the smile on your face when you say it, hates the way he can’t stop blushing-- he hates it. right?
xv. fever talk | fanart
pro hero au. “side effects may include: light-headedness, disorientation, and accidental confessions of love.” you help nurse a fever-ridden ground zero back to health, but little did you know it should have come with a warning.
xvi. the language of flowers
you decide to make the most of your nature quirk by giving your crush, bakugou, endless bouquets of flowers. 
xvii. fact or fiction? [18+]
pro hero au. ground zero’s crush on you has become painfully obvious to everyone, leading to an incessant amount of shipping. one day, he gets himself off to one of the many lewd stories about the two of you and you find out.
xviii. paparazzi
pro hero au. you and ground zero go on your first date as a public couple and the paparazzi won’t stop harassing the two of you. bakugou decides to take you to his house to cook for you and things begin to heat up in the kitchen.
xix. number neighbor masterlist [smau] 
college au. in which bakugou katsuki is a grumpy and sarcastic college student just trying to get his degree and you are his bubbly number neighbor who is determined to become his new “bestie.”
xx. all that ass [nn scenario] | fanart 
a number neighbor bonus fic. one night at the gym, you see a handsome guy with so much ass, you take a picture on the sly and send it to your number neighbor, bakugou, to freak out over. but what you don’t expect is for bakugou to reply with a picture of you from the same gym.
xxi. honey, honey
pro hero au. ground zero, deku, and shouto are scheduled to have a meet-and-greet at a primary school to boost their rankings. there, bakugou unexpectedly meets a kindergarten teacher with a sweet smile who likes to call people honey.
xxii. under my patrol
pro hero au. after seeing your boyfriend cheat on you on a night you were supposed to be on a date, you mope alone at a bar. stumbling home, you crash into the famous hero, ground zero.
xxiii. found a treasure
modern au. “it’s nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today.”
xxiv. mistletoe kiss
holiday au. after a few weeks of dating, you and katsuki still haven’t kissed. you hope that will change under the mistletoe this holiday season.
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i. the pizza delivery guy
modern au. your roommate orders a pizza with the special instructions, “send your cutest delivery boy ;)” and you’re left in begrudging awe when it actually works.
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i. you suck at gaming masterlist [smau]
youtuber au. you’re a youtuber known for your chaotic yet wholesome content and shinsou is a gamer who keeps getting accused of being an eboy. one day you upload a video trying your hand at gaming and shinsou tweets out about how much you suck.
ii. borrowed sweaters, stolen kisses
aged up. in a game of truth or dare, you’re dared to sneak into your crush’s dorm and steal one article of clothing to wear the next day. it just so happens that the hoodie you snatched was shinsou’s favorite sweater.
iii. turn on your airdrop masterlist [smau]
modern au. you’re at a theme park when kaminari dares you to airdrop memes to the first device that pops up and reluctantly, you give in. but never would you have thought they’d send you memes back… nor could you have guessed the person you were feeling a meme-connection with was your first love and first heartbreak, shinsou hitoshi.
iv. maybe it’s fate [toya pt. 25]
a turn on your airdrop written chapter. after discovering the mememate you fell in love with was your ex-boyfriend who broke your heart, you find yourself alone in a bar with a dead phone in a poor attempt to cope. the person who helps you at 3 a.m. is the last person you want to see.
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i. play me a song [smau]
youtube/celeb au. you’re an actress and singer who is highly adored by youtuber, kaminari denki. after his endless simping and thirsting on twitter, you finally decide to reply to one of his tweets.
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i. pinky promise
a quirk sends todoroki back in time and there he sees a four year old midoriya crying in the park. what better way to cheer him up than with some strawberry ice cream?
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HC: bakugou meets his s/o’s unsupportive parents
HC: pro hero shouto meets his quirkless s/o working at a hospital
HC: todoroki absolutely does not get along with his s/o’s male best friend
HC: shouto takes care of sore s/o
HC: bakugo + kirishima get a surprise kiss from s/o
HC: todoroki and s/o bake brownies and things get a little messy
HC: todoroki and s/o go to hanami (flower viewing)
HC: s/o peppers kisses all over todoroki’s face + he turns bright red
HC: todoroki and s/o have your first date at the aquarium
HC: iida + midoriya + todoroki react to their s/o whose nose twitches when cold/concentrated
HC: sleep deprived s/o with todoroki + bakugou
HC: getting high with kirishima + bakugou + todoroki [18+]
HC: baku + kiri + todo react to s/o being catcalled
HC: you’re harassed by a stranger and, to make them stop, you grab your friend [shouto + katsuki] and give him a kiss to prove he’s your boyfriend
HC: boyfriend!denki headcanons
HC: how baku + todo + kami kiss their s/o and what they taste like
HC: bakugou + todoroki cuddling headcanons
HC: bakugou + todoroki react to their s/o squeezing their butt
HC: bakugou + todoroki find their crushes diary and accidentally read it
HC: bnha as fuckboys (kami + todo + kiri + shin)
HC: autumn with todo + baku + kiri
HC: valentine’s day with baku + todo + shin
HC: shin + todo + baku replying to flirty anons
FT: prank texts on your crush todoroki
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conaionaru · 4 years
Honor and Blood (Ivar the Boneless)
A wooden axe
Synopsis: Vanya spends some time with Helga and Floki and finds something out.
Warning: Angst, forced marriage, dark thoughts, Ivar, fluff
Tagged: (hopefully they will work now, I always copy and paste the begging and that’s why the tags didn’t work. I am sorry and I hope it works)
@shannygoatgruff​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @heavenly1927​ @lol-haha-joke​ @queenbeeta​ @didiintheblog​
P.S. Everything in cursive is in Old Norse. Flashback are in bold and cursive.
(From now on there will be probably big time jumps to hurry the story along a bit... There will be min. 5 chapters before we reach season 4B)
I don’t own the gifs. Also, thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.
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It's official. Vanya hates pregnancy. At first, she liked not having her monthly blood, but then came then she started eating like Hvitserk, then the vomiting, then the aching bones, then the tiredness. Now she must make water all the time, and it is so annoying. Everything is really, even the way Bjorn breaths at during meals is driving her insane.
Ivar has been very overprotective, which in turn makes Vanya very angry. No matter how much Aslaug and Torvi reassure her it's normal, Vanya is pretty sure her hair will go gray by the time the child is born.
To ease the tension, Ubbe asked Helga and Floki if they would spend some time with her, while he took Ivar hunting. Bless that boy, because that's what the married couple needed, some breathing space very far away from each other.
And the Saxon liked Helga, she had not seen the nice woman in a long time, and her only company nowadays was the Queen, the Ragnarssons and Brynja. The poor girl was threatened by Ivar, who always trailed them whenever Vanya wanted fresh air, that if anything happened to his wife, Brynja would pay for it with her life. He was being overdramatic, like always. But she still cared for him nonetheless.
So now here she is picking berries with Helga, while Bjorn and Floki talked about ships outside. The oldest Ragnarsson was ordered to go with her by Ivar, to keep her safe. As if somebody might attack her on her way here. "Are these poisonous or not?"
"No, those are alright. It's the red ones that are bad. Do you not have Fläders in England?" Helga asked her with her hands full of berries. She dumped the small dark blue fruit into the basket, set down by Vanya's feet.
Vanya plucked the blue berries from the low hanging branches. "We do. I am sure I saw them in the gardens. I just never ate them. But we call them Elderberries." The ginger explained to the Viking, the sounds of the wild calming her headache instantly. Maybe she just needed some time away from the Great Hall, as Ubbe said.
The blonde woman them walked towards Vanya and showed her a weird root and mint leaves. "Ivar said you get sick in the mornings. Maka tea out of these, and it will help. Peel the ginger and cut it into small pieces, and then pour warm water on both."
Vanya looked at the kind blonde in adoration; she was truly godsent. The redhead thanked her before they took the full basket and moved back to Helga's and Floki's hut.  They could hear the boatbuilder and Ragnarsson talking near the fire while the two women walked around the kitchen. Helga showed her all sorts of remedies made from plants. It was so fascinating for the Princess to see how much meaning every plant really held. Every plant was of use and help, even the poisonous ones, if you thought about it.
The ginger was delighted with learning so much from the woman Ivar saw as a second mother. She was so kind-hearted and shy; it reminded a little bit of herself. Maybe Vanya and Ivar are the second coming of Helga and Floki.  The two slightly crazy Vikings, who love the Norse Gods with all their heart, and the two kind women who love them nonetheless no matter how much pain they might bring them.
Vanya froze in the middle of cutting carrots for a stew. Did she love Ivar? Until now, the redhead liked him and cared for him, yet never did she call it love. Vanya loved the way he was around her, the sweet, caring man who worried for her and their child, even if he went overboard with it at times. She loved the way she felt safe in his arms, but sometimes she feared him because of his temper.
But she felt stupid. Ivar was cruel and angry, but never did he threaten to hurt her. The only time he was mad at her was because of her faith. Well, her father's faith. She didn't believe in God, but she clung to the stories she was taught as a child. He couldn't expect her to forget everything so fast. She didn't pray like a Christian anymore, she spoke to the Norse Gods now, asking them to keep her child safe.
He cared for her too, not because he had to, but because he chose to. And she loved that as well. But did Vanya love Ivar himself? Not just the safety and the child he gave her? Could she truly fall for a man that fast?
Helga looked up from the pot of stew when the chopping noises stopped and looked at the ginger. The said Girl stared blankly at the wall, too deep in thoughts to hear Helga call her name. "Vanya? Vanya, are you alright?"
The Saxon shook her head to clear her thoughts and smiled at her in reassurance. "Sorry, I was thinking. That's all." Helga nodded with her own little smile on her lips and returned to her work as the sound of careful and slow chopping of carrots continued behind her. She stirred the pot, smelling the aroma of her cooking; she lifted the wooden spoon to her lips to taste the stew. "How do you know so much about children, Helga?" The spoon fell from the blonde's hands and hit the floor.
Vanya ran to her side and apologized frantically, thinking she said something wrong. "It's alright..." Helga said softly, picking the spoon up. She inspected the utensil in silence before she looked at the worried blue eyes of Ivar's wife. "I had a daughter. Angrboda. A fever took here when she was three."
"I am so sorry, Helga. I didn't know. I am so sorry." Vanya apologized as tears gathered in the older woman's eyes. She should have kept her mouth shut; it tore at her heart to see such a gentle person suffer.
Yet Helga shook her head and wiped her tears away, smiling a sad smile. "I do miss her, but it is not your fault." The brave Viking stood back up and brightened her smile; she looked like the sun, so bright and warm. "I am sure you will be a great mother, Vanya."
The Saxon shook her head and walked back to the table, but all the carrots were finished. So she couldn't hide behind a meaningless task. "I don't know what a good mother looks like. Expect you. And the Queen."
Helga chuckled and put her hand on Vanya's shoulder. "That means you will have help. And you are a good person, with lots of love in her heart. A person like that can't be a bad mother." The reassurance was a nice thing, yet Vanya wasn't so sure she could be a good mother. Her own was distant and turned a blind eye to anything that displeased her.
"Stop dreaming, child. You are of royal blood. Love was never an opinion. You don't have to love that man. All you have to do is stand by his side, smiling and carry and raise his children. You never have to love him. Only love your children. In that, you will have no choice."
Did Queen Siflæd love her children, or did she just say it to make her shut up? It was a wonder if a woman like her ever knew love. She was married off at sixteen to an older man; she bore him a son because she had to. But she said she used to love him until he slept with another woman—a servant when Silas was four and Siflæd too sick from pregnancy to satisfy him herself. She grew to resent him, and after Vanya was born, she resented both her children also. Now all Siflæd cares about is looking her best while enjoying the freedom to sleep with whoever the Queen wanted to. And the church, for a woman of her past she is a devoted Christian.
Did she ever love anyone? Truly? Blindly? She didn't mourn her husband; she ignored her children and changed her suitors too fast to truly love them. Vanya didn't want to be anything like her. Her mother was wrong. She loves Ivar! She loves everything about him, inside and out. Vanya doesn't have to be the best mother, as long as she will be better than Siflæd.
"I am sure my child will be very loved. So many people love it already, and it is not even born yet. Queen Aslaug is very excited; sometimes, she is worse than Ivar. A few days ago, she wouldn't let me see the orphan children, said they could bump into my belly and could lose my child." Vanya explained remembering Aslaug's nervous attitude anytime Vanya stood up from the table and wanted to move somewhere.
Helga chuckled at the explanation as she made Vanya taste the stew. "She is very eager to have a babe in her arms again. She didn't want to have anymore after Ivar was born so that she could care for him. And now that he will be the first to give her a grandchild, she must be overjoyed."
The two women carried the pot outside and called Floki and Bjorn over to eat. They ate in partial silence, sometimes breaking it to talk of Bjorn's plans. He seemed so determined to explore that foreign place it made her excited with him. She hopes he will be successful on his raid and see the world.
"I got a gift for you, Christian." Floki suddenly said, standing up and walking away. Vanya looked at Bjorn in question, but the tall Viking only shrugged. Helga smiled as Floki walked back with something wrapped in a cloth.
She took the bundle from his hands and slowly opened it, scared of what she might find. Floki still wasn't that fond of her after Ivar told him he caught her praying. Inside the cloth laid a small wooden axe with beautiful carvings on it. On one side of the blunt wooden blade were Odin's two wolves Geri and Freki, while on the other was the Lothbrok raven. A serpent was carved around the handle, its jaws swallowing the axes head. Vanya looked up from the breathtaking craft to look at the giddy Viking. "This is beautiful, Floki. A piece of art."
"It is my gift for the child, a toy. Every man should have an ax. Especially if your father is so fond of them."
"And what if it will be a girl?"
Floki scoffed at that and pointed at the ax again. "Girl or not, she can fight. She will need a real one if she wants to be around boys one day. To fend off Ivar away from killing them." He giggled, happy that the ginger liked the gift he made with a lot of care.
Vanya ran her fingers over the wood, appreciating the masterpiece that laid in her hands. Never could she think that a weapon could look so pretty. She tested the grip on it, noting the lightness of it. It felt good to hold it in her hand, so different from what she imagined a weapon to be like. Maybe it's the fact that it's only toy changed it. Or it was something else. Perhaps all her prayers to be a brave Viking were coming true. She looked up at Floki and thanked him a thousand times till he halfheartedly told her to shut up.
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pineapplekween · 4 years
Soulmate AU
Sugawara Koushi x reader
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                                      ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was commonly believed that moles were marking the places where your soulmate loved to kiss you the most in your past life.
After decades of believing those beautiful mark will show the affection you two shared it became quite common to share one secret spot which will help you find your past lover. 
Well, at least that's what you've been told. 
For whole 18 years of your life you tried to find your 'secret mole' but every time you thought you found it, it became clear that it was common place for a mole. 
But love always strikes in the most unexpected moments. In your case quite literally. 
  "Watch out!" 
You heard the warning as something hit you in the back of your head hard enough to make you fall face down. 
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
You saw someone kneeling beside you when you tried to sit up. 
"Not really." You massaged back of your head. "But I'll manage." 
"Let me take you to nurse's office." 
You looked at man sitting beside you. He was quite tall. Halo around his silver hair as his figure towered over you. He had really pretty smile and mole under his eye. 'Ah, must be his soulmate mark.' You assumed. 
"Okay." You grabbed his extended hand and let him help you stand up. His arms supported you when you lost balance and you couldn't help but notice how gentle his touch was. 
He walked you to nurse's office and left you with elder woman after she suggested for you to rest. 
Before you knew you were fast asleep and silver haired boy was gone. 
You dreamed about strange men kissing you by your ear. 
When you met silver haired boy for the second time the rain was pouring hard. You stayed in your club a bit longer and now you were stuck in school with no umbrella and no way of getting home without catching cold. 
"Need a hand?" You heard as you saw someone handing you umbrella. 
"Huh, but what about-"
"It's okay." Said silver haired boy. "I don't live that far so I'll be fine." He smiled. "Besides, let this be my way of apologising for hitting you in PE class." 
"Oh." You felt blush creep onto your cheeks. "That's alright I wouldn't want to bother you or be the reason you catch cold though." You tried give him his umbrella back but he pushed it away. 
"It's okay. If anything you can always take care of me if I'm sick." He smiled once more and walked into the rain. 
  He's weird. You thought. But cute. 
You couldn't help but smile on your way home. 
The third time you met the boy was when you sprained your strained your wrist while helping in gardening club. It happened two days after umbrella incident and you just got to nurse's office when you heard familiar voice. 
"It's just a cold. I'll just rest for a bit and be as good as new." 
He didn't seem to notice your presence as you approached closer to them. 
His cheeks and forehead were rosy, probably because of fever. Eyes watery and his voice sounded a bit different. Must be cold's fault. 
"I can get him hot tea and keep an eye on him if that's okay." The words left your mouth before you knew. Your aquintance looked at you surprised and smiled after he recognized you. The nurse only nodded and left the two of you alone. 
"Stay with him then. I'll bring tea for you two." 
"So you did catch a cold." You raised an eyebrow as you watched him closely. 
"So you will take care of me." He mimicked your actions 
"Y/L Y/N. But call me Y/N." 
"Sugawara Koushi. Pleasure to meet you." He smiled brightly. "Whats bring you here Y/N?"
  "Oh, it's nothing. Just sprained my wrist and wanted to have it checked." You dismissed his concern. 
"I can help." He said as he tried to leave the bed. "I have experience in taking care of injured hands."
"No!" You rushed to stop him from standing up but felt embarrassed for reacting so abruptly. "I mean, I don't want to bother you. Especially when you're not feeling well." 
He looked at you before pointing towards something. 
"Could you pass me my bag?" You nodded and grabbed his belongings. "Thank you." He said as you handed it to him and he instantly starter rummaging through it. "There it is." He pulled out his first aid kit and ordered you to show him your wrist. "Please sit down." You obliged and extended your hand towards him. 
He took your hand in his with delicacy and you could feel your heart skip a bit. Even though his rough digits his touch was pleasurably gentle. 
He spread cold gel all over your wrist and wrapped it in bandage. It looked neatly and it was clear he had some experience. 
"Thank you." You smiled at him and couldn't help but blush at how close he was to you now. 
"No problem." 
After that you became close friends. You were both seniors, you both carried bandaids with you and you both hadn't found your soulmates.
It was warm day in the middle of April. You just finished cleaning up in your club room and decided to surprise Sugawara at his practice. You also decided to give him potted plant since it's white petals reminded you of his hair.
"Watch out!" You heard and managed to dodge flying ball in time. You looked for whoever threw ball like that and saw ginger haired boy run out of gym.
"I'm sorry! I hope you're okay!" He bowed deeply. 
"It's okay. It just passed me." You tried to calm him down. 
"Hinata! Get the ball." You heard familiar voice as so known head peaked out of the gum door.  "Y/N! Please tell me you're alright." He run towards you and put his hands on your arm as he searched for injury. 
"I-it's okay, I'm fine." You could see his expression to soften. 
From behind him you could hear some giggles and whispers along with some hushes. You wondered what was all the fuss about. 
"Are you already heading home?" He asked, bringing you back to reality. 
"Huh? Oh, yes! I came by to check if maybe you were done too." You looked down at your feet so he wouldn't see your blush. "And I have a flower for you!" You almost shoved it into his face. Lately his presence made you feel nervous and you couldn't help but wonder why. 
 He was just friend, wasn't he? Where did all that uneasiness came from?
"Thank you!" He took the plant from you and planted quick kiss by your ear. "I'll be done in a minute if you don't mind waiting of course."
"N-no, it's fine. I'll wait." 
Your heart skipped a beat and you felt flutter of butterflies explode in your stomach. 
 Ah, was it love? 
 The walk was unusually quiet. You kept on thinking about this newly discovered feeling while Sugawara seemed to be lost in thoughts as well. It was almost time to part your ways when he finally spoke. 
 "Can we talk?" He suddenly said. 
 You nodded in agreement and turned to face him. 
"Not here, let's go to park nearby." 
"So what did you wanted to talk about?" 
 You asked as you sat on a swing. You pushed yourself from the ground so now you were swinging in the air with Sugawara beside you. He was quiet. 
 "Do you believe in soulmates?" 
 You hummed softly before you answered. 
 "I do." you stopped swinging and loomed at him. His eyes were focused on you. "I believe that everyone has someone special in their life. And that person can become their soulmate." 
"Yeah, it's not like I'd choose total stranger over my friend just because he presented themselves as my soulmate. Why?" 
 "Well-" He scratched back of his neck nervously. Seeing him like that made you unease but pressuring him into telling you his worries wouldn't help. " I like you. Like like you. But it's okay if you-" 
"I like you too."  You looked up the sky so he wouldn't see how flustered you are. "I think I did for a while now."
 "I also think we're soulmates."  You felt your heart stop for a moment before it combusted in your chest. 
 "Is the mole by my ear?" 
 You remembered your dream in which unknown man kissed that spot. And the moment that happened just hour ago when Sugawara kissed the same spot. 
 He was surprised. Did you knew you were soulmates? If yes, why didn't you told him anything? 
"Yes." He answered and you smiled. Your heart was beating so hard you wondered if he could hear it.
 You reached for one if is hands and linked your pinkies toghether. 
 "I want to become your soulmate."
 He smiled widely as he heard your answer. His eyes fixed on you as you just stared at each other, pinkies linked and soft light of setting sun creating faint halo about his head. 
                                      ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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lovehugsandcandy · 4 years
Mermaid Magic (ColtxMC, RoD)
A/N: Apparently, if you want something done, you better do it yourself (note: not done well. just done). Based off the amazing idea where MC is a mermaid and Colt is an idiot from @escanorelyon, here. Thank you for letting me write this and for coming up with such a delicious concept. Anyone, if you want to put your own spin on the idea, I would love to see what you come up with! Tag me!
Pairing: Colt x MC, ROD
Length: ~3,000 words
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (Swearing?)
Summary: Is the surprise that there’s a mermaid? Or is the surprise that it takes him so long to figure it all out?
The plunge is weightless, terrifyingly familiar, and his swift reentry to earth, via splash into the Pacific so deep his ears roar with the pressure, never fails to take his breath away. As Colt kicks back to the surface, salt water around him churning with every stroke, he can almost pretend it has taken his stress away, a complete distraction from the rationale behind his trip to LA.
He emerges and shakes the sea from his hair, swiping at the water dripping from his nose and tonguing at his tingling lips. It’s peaceful here, tranquil, miles away from the confrontation he knows awaits. The cliff had always been the opposite of his home life, peace instead of strife, calm instead of stress, and the trips had always been a respite from the turmoil of his youth. After being forced to make the leap time and time again, he came to see this place as a haven of solitude, where he could be alone and process whatever shithole situation he was currently in.
A sudden splash to his left makes him realize his thoughts of solitude were ill-informed.
“Hello?” He spins, water rippling around him, eyes darting around the surface to assess whatever danger lay beneath.
But it doesn’t look like danger as a face slowly comes into view, chestnut hair slowly rising through the sea. She blinks at him, eyes glowing almost otherworldly in the sunlight, and she purses her lips. She looks wary, scared, as if he was the one who impinged on her peaceful time. “Hi.”
“How the hell did you get here?” He cranes his neck up at the cliff; there were no other cars there when he arrived and he sure as hell would have heard someone else diving into the water. And it’s inaccessible from the sides, cliff towering over them, steep rock jutting out in treacherous points, against which the Pacific crashed in rhythmic pulses booming into the sea air. “This is my spot.”
Her plush lips fall open. “Your spot?” she sputters incredulously. “Are you kidding me?”
“I’ve been coming here since I was eight.”
“I’ve been coming here forever. You don’t own this spot, you utter buffoon!” She swims closer, glaring at him, and, had he less experience in dealing with the rage of others, he might have stood down; however, her anger only fuels his.
“How did you even get here? I was swimming here first.”
“You don’t own the sea and you were not here first!” Her movements are choppy with anger as she gets closer, but Colt doesn’t retreat, treading water and glaring defiantly back. “I’ve been here…” Her diatribe fades into the surf as he notices that she is being followed, graceful teal fin swimming after her, flapping over the water.
“Umm, “ he interrupts, “something’s behind you.”
“What?” She spins, and the tail does too, swirling around her, too close to be a normal fish. It doesn’t look like a normal anything, swaying just over the waves, matching her every motion movement-for-movement.
His heart stops and, before he can think, he ducks under the water, eyes stinging as he forces them open. It has to be a trick of the light, some weird fever dream. Maybe he died leaping from the cliff. Maybe he isn’t even in LA, instead still lying in his dorm room having talked himself out of this adventure of paternal reunion. Because anything would make more sense than what he was seeing. 
For, in front of his eyes, there is a fucking tail where her legs should be, swirling gracefully and leaving tiny ripples in its wake. The scales glisten, catching the sunlight filtering through the ocean, and it is strangely compelling: unnatural, alien, gorgeous. He opens his mouth and swallows a gulp of salt water, sputtering to the surface to hack and cough and try to get air to his lungs.
When he can finally see again, she is gaping at him, eyes wide, breath coming in uncertain pants. “Wait…” she murmurs weakly, “I can explain-”
“Oh my God.” He can barely believe his eyes but, at the terrified look on her face, he realizes he wasn’t seeing things. “You’re a mermaid.”
The plan had been simple: get to LA, go to the sideshow, have the requisite argument with his father, probably punctuated by a screaming match at the garage, and then fight his way into the crew and prove his worth.
But everything had changed after his leap into the water, when he had met a goddamned mermaid, a fucking sea creature, floating outside the PCH like she belonged in California, not in the dusty tomes of some piece of shit folklore.
Make no mistake, he still wanted to fight his way back into his father’s good graces (assuming Teppei possessed good grace, Colt would be content with begrudging acceptance instead). But now, he was desperate to solve the mystery. He had begged her to stay, voice dipping into embarrassingly weak pleas, but she had panicked and leapt into the waves, tail flitting behind her in a merry farewell as she fled.
He couldn’t let that be the last time he saw her; he had to talk to her again. He was so distracted, wandering around the sideshow with his mind on the sea, that he almost walked straight into a couple, wandering the cars side-by-side and meandering through the crowd.
“Watch where you’re going,” he shot out, halfheartedly, more instinct than conscious thought. 
“You watch where you’re going.” The kid turned, swinging his hair out of his eyes to size Colt up. He rolled his eyes. Did this punk really want to start something here? Of all places?
The girl in front of him stops short as well but, as soon as she turns, she flinches, damp hair settling in haphazard waves around her fine features as she gawks at him, eyes wide. They gleam, large in her face, an almost otherworldly glow from the dance floor strobe lights, and she looks terrified. Colt scoffs; he might rough up her man, but he wouldn’t lay hands on this tiny brunette. He’s not that much of a prick.
She stares at him and takes a deep breath, exhaling loudly as she studies him. He blinks back, waiting, never dropping the gaze. Finally, she speaks. “Ummm....Hi?”
With the sour intensity painting her features, he expected a better opening line. “What? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” She’s still staring at him in terror, eyes glassy, face pale. 
“What? Ummm… you don’t…” Her tongue pokes out to wet her trembling lips and he follows the movement before remembering the asshole perched next to her. “You don’t know who I am?”
“Sorry,” he scoffs, already bored. “I don’t pay attention to every single pair of losers that has the audacity to get in my way.” He shakes his head and stalks off, mind already returning to the waves and the shadow of a tail underneath the surface.
He is absolutely, completely, world-endingly obsessed.
Colt is no stranger to obsession (motorcycles, video games, reclaiming his place as rightful heir through fists and sweat and blood) but his desperate need to see the mermaid is bordering on insanity. He leaps from the cliff, again and again and again, varying hour of day and day of week based on a detailed spreadsheet he drafted to give him the best probability to see her again. The middle of the day is fruitless, depths of the sea a brilliant reprieve from the sun sweltering overhead, but he doesn’t even notice, feeling only dismay when she doesn’t appear. The middle of the night is no better, moon lighting a solemn path through the trees as its glow echoes softly over the lapping waves, but still no mermaid.
He is starting to lose hope, despair seeping its way into his heart, when he spies a familiar head of hair in the evening sunset.
“It’s you,” he breathes and swims closer, drawn to her in a way that he doesn’t want to examine too hard.
“I’ve been trying to find you, I’ve been coming here almost every day.”
She rolls her eyes. “Is that where you’ve been going?”
“When you take off….” she opens her mouth and closes it again, eyes scrutinizing him as if he were a puzzle to be deciphered and conquered. “This is where you go?”
“When you…” she trails off before shaking her head, dismissively. “Never mind. You are an idiot.”
He ignores the insult as he takes her in, the water tracing gentle paths down her features, the tail glowing luminescent behind her, reflecting the waning rays of sun dipping over the ocean. “Who are you? How did you get here? Where are you from?”
“You are really curious about me.” She smiles sanguinely and her tail flips behind her. Colt feels lightheaded.
“You have no idea.” 
“I’m from LA obviously,” she giggles and the tilt of her laugh pulls him closer, legs kicking out until he is treading water directly in front of her.
“What, a secret coven of mermaids hidden in the Hills?”
She laughs and his fingers twitch, aching to reach out and touch the droplet heavy on her cheek. “Covens are for witches.”
“Do you mean the mythical kind? Do they also live in LA? Or are you referring to the lady who runs the bodega on 92nd cuz she is a real witch?”
She laughs again and he would do anything, absolutely anything, to hear the sound again. “I’m sure you may have instigated something there.”
“Maybe…” The smile still plays on her lips; there is so much he wants to ask, so much he needs to know. 
“I can’t believe there are mermaids. Damn.” A sudden thought hits him; he considered this his secret but maybe it wasn’t just his. “Does anyone else know about you?”
“What? I guess…My dad…” She looks past him, gazing far away at something only she can see. “He knows but he…he doesn’t understand what it’s like. What I’m like.”
Her eyes suddenly water with something more painful than the sea and Colt is stuck by the fact that even mermaids have human problems. “Yeah, I get that.”
“I know you do, Colt.”
“Wait...How did you know my name?”
She rolls her eyes, and the sadness vanishes, replaced by the familiar teasing grin, the sense that she knows some secret that he can’t comprehend. “You are a goddamn…It’s mermaid magic, Colt. Mermaid magic.”
He spends less and less time at the shop.
He’s sure his father is delighted, but he’s also sure Pop harbors secret, unnecessary concerns about his whereabouts. The crew seems the same as when he was shipped out east, as bumbling as ever, but now when he desperately escapes from the crowd, it is with purpose. He yearns to catch yet another glimpse of the girl, tail fleeting in the water, smirk on her face as they banter back and forth.
He isn’t interested in anything but the mermaid. 
Except maybe one thing. One person.
The girl from the sideshow, Ellie, has somehow integrated herself into the crew. At first, he was doubtful, wondering how a careful valedictorian could fit in with a group of hardened thieves, but she seemed to integrate seamlessly into the group, her intelligence a compliment to a crew that was severely lacking.
And apparently even he found it hard to reject her, her toughness and drive reminding him of himself. She’s fast on her feet; they have traded almost infinite barbs, various interchanges and insults, her quick wit keeping pace even with his own. He's also caught her glancing his way, peeking glances from across the shop, interest and confusion painting her face. He looks at her as well, more than he would admit, and he tells himself it is solely curiosity. Sure, she's attractive, but she's also rejecting her cozy home for a shadowed existence in a crew on the edge. Of course, he's curious.
Which is how he finds himself escorting her to her driver’s test which, obviously, she passed with flying colors. Beaming with pride, she insists on using her new paper permit to drive them back to the garage, hands confidently gripping the steering wheel as he watches the highway fly by.
“You know you’re an idiot, right?”
He gapes at her. The insult is familiar; it’s far from the first time she called him that, but it seems rather random this time. “Pot, meet kettle,” he huffs.
“You are just so dumb.” She only smiles wider. “You don’t see what’s right in front of your face.”
“I see another idiot who is gonna waste twenty minutes if she misses the off-ramp.”
”Whatever,” she sighs and dutifully puts her blinker on, plush lips pursing at him. “You think you’re so smart, with your stealthy getaways, your little secret. You’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are.”
“What are you-” His voice fades away as his mind races. How did she know-? She couldn’t know. Right? He hasn’t told anyone about the mermaid, about his trips to the cliff, about flying though the air to find her, waiting for him, wet skin glowing in the setting sun.
“I know you have a secret…” She glances over then quickly averts her eyes to the road. “Maybe I do, too.”
“Ha. Your secret is that you got mixed up in a life of crime.”
“And your secret is even more insane.”
He stares at her, trying to figure out what exactly she knows, but she only winks at him, throwing her car in park. “What are you…” he trails off.
“What’s the one thing you want more than anything?” Her lips play in a sly smirk and he can’t help but incline his head towards her. Colt wants, God, he wants all the time. He is a perpetual raging ball of want, desperate for things he can’t have-access to his father’s life, a place in the crew, the trust of a mermaid-all of it swirling in his mind but, right now, the one thing he wants is to lean even closer, to capture Ellie’s lips in his own and bite at her snarky smile until his name on her lips is the only thing she herself wants.
He inhales, sharp, the desire pulsing through him sharp as a splash of water over his face. He is suddenly as cold as the sea.
“You’ve almost got it,” she inches closer and her eyes positively gleam, brilliantly reflecting the dashboard indicators, and she gives him one last smirk before pulling away, springing out of the seat and slamming the door behind her.
Now that she has moved, Colt feels like he can finally breathe, air rushing into his lungs. It smells slightly of salt, as if the sea breeze had made it all the way to Gramercy Park, even through the closed windows. Strange.
“You are an idiot,” she sings, voice high over the surf.
They splash together in the waves and he peppers the mermaid with questions, most of which she answers in between diving under the surf to pop up behind him, hair swirling as he stutters. Every time they meet up, he has more questions, and she indulges him with a small grin. He has learned that unicorns don’t exist, she has never seen an actual sea monster, and, apparently, her overprotective father is so worried about a human finding out about her that he used to put a GPS locator on her phone.
“But how do you have a phone?”
“Idiot!!! How are you so-urgh!” She blows bubbles through full lips and laughs. “Everyone has a phone.”
“What, you just have a pocket in your tail?” He dives, reaching out to slowly caress the scales under the surface. They are smooth to the touch, like sea glass or river rocks, glowing incandescent in the water. She swats at him, tail flicking playfully, and he swims after it, giving chase until his lungs burn and he needs to emerge, sucking in oxygen.
“I told you, I’m not always a mermaid.”
“So you go to school? Like normal?”
She blinks slowly at him, eyes imploring. “I’m in high school. A senior. I’m gonna be the valedictorian of my class.”
“That’s why you think I’m an idiot, because you’re a nerdy smartypants.”
She rolls her eyes. “Nope. Not why I think you’re an idiot, Colt.”
“Will I ever get to see you as a human?”
“Ummm…” She swallows, hard, and a flash of terror crosses her face. His stomach swoops, deja vu hinting at something in his mind, but she continues before he can examine the sensation. “I don’t know. Can I trust you?”
“I’ve kept your secret so far.”
“You have,” she avers with certainty, nodding to herself. “You have.” She looks around at the ocean, deep in thought and chewing on her lips, before she looks at him resolutely. “Ok. Let’s do this.”
She nods again and ducks under the waves, swimming out in front of him, slowly, so his clumsy human feet can follow her to a shadowy cove hidden in the cliff side. He walks out onto a small strip of sand as she pulls herself up, arms propelling her forward as her tail glistens and picks up damp granules of warm sand.
“Wait here. Close your eyes.”
“Fine,” he huffs but dutifully listens, hearing her slither behind a rock. There’s a quiet rustling, movement, fabric draping over wet skin; he can almost imagine her behind the rock, skin wet from the ocean, salt clinging to every inch his tongue could chase. He swallows the flash of heat down.
“Ok.” Her voice trembles and she sounds intensely nervous, though Colt can’t figure out why. “You can open your eyes.”
He does and, standing right in front of him, the mermaid is clad in jeans and a tank top. Her dark hair is sopping wet as she rings it out, strands tangling over her fingers and draping over her shoulder. He steps closer in shock. “You have legs!”
She blinks at him again, dumbfounded. “You are as dumb as these rocks.”
He is about to retort when she reaches down to grasp a sweatshirt, sliding the familiar blue over her head, rocking back on her heels and crossing her arms right below where the white lettering spells out LANGSTON. 
“Holy shit-”
“I told you you were an idiot.”
“I am so stupid. I am so fucking stupid.”
“Wow, we actually agree on something.” She smiles and he can’t stop his fingers from reaching out to grasp her hips, Ellie’s human hips.
When she kisses him, she tastes like the sea.
Perma @desireepow-1986 @leelee10898 @emichelle @client-327 @choicesgremlin @brightpinkpeppercorn @thequeenofcronuts @lilyofchoices @choicesarehard
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Level 32
Oh my gosh I didn’t think I was going to ever finish this! My week has been insane! Hope you guys are all doing well, enjoy the update :)
Tagging: @loudartanimeeclipse, @ihavenotfallenyet
Master List Here
Happy Reading Honey Bees! <3
Level 32
It had been a productive couple of weeks, excited over the recent developments you took off for home, hoping Edo would be online. Your research was going well, but you’d managed to have an intelligent conversation with the super cute doctor at work, and you had to tell someone. Sure, Edo was one hundred percent not going to enjoy the gossip, but you were sure he’d listen or at least pretend to.
With your game console turned on, you put in an order for a pizza and made your way to the couch to get comfortable. Not even five minutes had gone by before you got a rush of notifications on your phone, all thanking you for signing up for the partner’s battle tournament that was happening tomorrow. Confused and concerned, you stared at your phone, wondering if there had been a glitch, or worse, someone you were trying to avoid has signed up and listed you as their partner without saying anything.
You couldn’t log on faster, the moment the game loaded you dove into your game’s notifications looking for clues on who could have possibly signed you up. Then your controller vibrated off of your lap.
EdoPorcupine5661 → Hope you’re free tomorrow. If not we’ll find a time to destroy my meddling friends… Well that may solve one mystery ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → There’s more than one? Yes actually. First question ← WildCyt0m3try What meddling friend do I need to thank with a smack? ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → OneEyedDrag0n, turned around for five minutes… Sounds like a wonderfully chaotic friend you’ve got ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → That’s one way to put it. Next Question! What were you going to do if I wasn’t free???? ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Forfeit? That would have been the only option….any other questions… What’s our plan? ← WildCyt0m3try
For the better part of three hours, you and Edo put together a strategy that would hopefully cover all your bases. Not that you could predict what every other player was going to do, but you had the advantage of understanding what the major contenders were going to do, which would hopefully give you both a leg up in the tournament. It wasn’t until you had logged off and were crawling into bed that you realized you’d been so concentrated on purchasing new equipment and salves, telling Edo about your week had utterly slipped your mind. Oh well, maybe you’d be able to slip it in tomorrow.
When your alarm went off the next morning, your first thoughts were those of confusion. You didn’t have to go into work, did you? Aggravated, you smacked at your phone until the noise stopped, and you rolled yourself right back over in bed. It wasn’t until your eyes were closed, and you were nearly asleep again that you remembered you had a tournament to attend. Thanking the gods you didn’t have to be anywhere physically, you shot out of bed and ran down the stairs to turn on your console. While you are waiting for the login screen to pop up, you scrounge around your kitchen, looking for anything that would suffice for a decent breakfast. Finally, settling on a comically tall glass of chocolate milk and a bowl of your favorite cereal, you settled onto the couch and readied for battle.
EdoPorcupine5661 → I was beginning to wonder if you’d show. IM NOT THAT LATE OMG! ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Oversleep? Coffee? Boyfriend? First off, good morning to you too sunshine ← WildCyt0m3try Secondly, I’m not late, so even if I did oversleep we’re good ← WildCyt0m3try Third of all. I DON’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND. ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → So you asked, and he got mad and ditched? Has anyone ever told you how pessimistic you are? ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → All the time. What about it? As long as you know lol ← WildCyt0m3try I’ll have you know, he said he knew we weren’t exclusive. ← WildCyt0m3try Said with how long it took for me to agree even to date he knew better ← WildCyt0m3try Then proceed to decide how much free time I was going to have based on work commitments ← WildCyt0m3try I forgot my chill pills that day so yanno...haven’t spoken to him in a hot minute ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → sounds like you What’s that supposed to me? ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → That you didn’t deviate from my perceived opinions about your character That literally sounds worse… ← WildCty0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → It isn’t, I just complimented you Pffff, if you say so ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 →  I do. Now let’s get ready. Roger that best friend ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Stop No, you deserved that ← WildCyt0m3try Also, I mean it <3 ← WildCyt0m3try Now let’s kick some digital ass! I want that prize!! ← WildCyt0m3try
The tournament bracket was released early that morning. Your first battle wasn’t until round three based on their tiering system, and for that, you were grateful. Sure Edo had already come up with a pretty solid plan, but it was nice to see who you could potentially be facing. Fortunately, you knew OneEyedDrag0n wasn’t participating today, so you didn’t have to worry about being surprised by a wayward ax again. The plan was to trick people into being overly confident for as long as possible since Bow Knight and a Pegasis Knight didn’t look like a problematic duo to overcome. That’s why this was going to be fun.
After hours of competition, it boiled down to the final round. You weren’t sure if you were excited or terrified of this. Everything had gone according to plan; you had managed to keep the extensive and unexpected arsenal of weapons and magic hidden just long enough to get you through the less challenging rounds. If everything went the way you had expected it to, the two would be facing off against Kenshin and Sasuke, a formidable duo.
EdoPorcupine5661 → Ready? I think so? ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Not good enough, you’re either ready, or you’re not. I’m ready then ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Good
When the controller vibrated, signaling the start of the battle, you sucked in a breath. Part of the tournament was about getting around the map and collecting specific items. Navigating the map was easy enough with Edo a mounted unit and yourself a flier, but you didn’t want to get too cocky. Sasuke had picked up the lockpicking skill in his previous class, meaning he’d take any treasure he could get to without fail or need for a key, and Kensin’s unit had enough brute strength if your dexterity faltered once you were a goner.
The idea was to split up and take any treasure in your immediate area, once those were in hand the both of you would mount a generally weak attack on Kenshin. Sasuke would hopefully round back after completing the collection mission, which is when Edo planned to break off and corner him—leaving you to deal with Kenshin by yourself until Edo could take out Sasuke. The entire plan hinged on Sasuke being sent to open all the treasure chests and Kenshin being too excited to fight either of you.
Fortunately, it seemed to be working. Your fingers furiously tapped at buttons, trying to will the game into cooperating with your skillful button mash. It didn’t have to be pretty right now; it just had to be a useful distraction. When Kenshin finally landed a hit, you sucked in a breath; quickly, you ran the scenario. You were stuck between healing yourself or bet on your stats and take another crack at Kenshin.
Decision made, you closed your eyes and held your breath, hoping your lance would activate its ability. You didn’t want to look, having decided you’d keep your eyes closed until the next turn you waited. It wasn’t until your phone started vibrating off the hook you thought to look around. Kenshin’s avatar was no longer visible on your screen, and the more you looked, the more you realized that nobody’s stats were available anymore.
Oh gods, had your wifi crashed in the middle of the tournament? Panic rose in your chest, but it was shut down quickly when WINNER flashed across the screen in bold. What? That couldn’t be, right?
EdoPorcupine5661 → Well done Thanks? I honestly don’t know what happened though ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → I hit him with a long-range bow skill, and you delivered a critical hit Oh, really? ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Don’t believe me? Not really. ← WildCyt0m3try I’m convinced this is a fever dream ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Who’s the pessimist now? Still you ← WildCyt0m3try It will always be you lol ← WildCty0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Whatever EdoPorcupine5661 → Don’t forget to accept the prize money I wont ← WildCyt0m3try This was fun. It’s been a good week ← WildCyt0m3ty EdoPorcupine5661 → I guess it has EdoPorcupine5661 → I’m getting off now Same, enjoy your evening! ← WildCyt0m3try Eat something fun to celebrate :) ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Sure EdoPorcupine5661 → you too I guess…. Awe, you do care!! ← WildCyt0m3try EdoPorcupine5661 → Whatever
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from the list of prompts,, #99 for reddie?
This is ridiculous but I liked how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it.
99. “I’ll catch you trust me! So I dropped you one time, we don’t have time to argue about this!”
Eddie was having a very nice dream.
One that was rudely interrupted by his mother's voice and the sound of the door. He groaned, rolling around on the bed only to get a mouthful of hair. Richie's hair. Because he came over last night and forgot to leave. And now his mother was going to find them both in bed, naked and kill Eddie or have a stroke. Maybe both.
"Fuck!" Eddie gasped, now wide awake. He slapped Richie's shoulder. "Wake up Richie!"
Richie grunted, closing his eyes harder trying to ignore Eddie.
"Richie my mom is home!"
"Great, ask her to join us." He said, burrowing his face into the pillow. Eddie hit him upside the head. "Ow!"
"He can't find you here asshole! She'll kill me and then kill you!" 
"Eddie bear!"
"Fuck!" Eddie and Richie both gasped in unison. 
"What do we do?" 
"You're gonna have to jump through the window."
Richie's eyes bulged. "Excuse me? Who do you think I am? James fucking Bond?"
Eddie shrugged nonchalantly. "You've done it before." 
"And nearly busted my kneecap!"
"You just have to you know bend your knees and roll forward." 
"Eddie bear are you home?"
They both jumped out of the bed and hurried to put on their clothes. While pulling up his pants, Eddie caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror and nearly screamed. 
"What?" Richie said, trying to pull up his own pants, nearly losing his balance to turn to look at Eddie. "Jesus christ Eds you look like a fucking leopard." 
"And who's fucking fault is that?" Eddie said, glaring at the myriad of hickeys that covered his neck and collarbone and spread all the way to his chest. 
"I didn't hear you complaining last night. In fact you fucking encouraged it."
Eddie ignored him, putting on a shirt and whimpering when he saw that it didn't cover even half of the marks. "If my mom sees these I'll be stuck in the emergency room for what's left of the summer." 
"Put on a scarf or something." 
"In the middle of summer? She'll think I have a fever and then-"
"Emergency room for the rest of the summer, yeah got it." 
"Fuck fuck fuck. I'm so fucking fucked."
"You? I have to jump from a fucking window." Richie said, he was mostly dressed now even if his shirt was on backwards, only missing his shoes.
Eddie pursed his lips, staring at the door and then at the window weighing his options. "I think I have a better chance to survive if I jump with you than if I face my mother." 
Richie paused while putting on his sneakers, he smiled up at Eddie. "If you jump I jump?"
"The titanic Eds? Jack and Rose?"
Eddie rolled his eyes, putting on his own shoes. "This isn't romantic Rich, this is a life or death situation!"
"I'm pretty sure so was the titanic Eds."
"Eddie bear."
"We have to go now."
Richie groaned, opening the window and looking down. "Do I really have to do this?" Eddie stared pointendly at him, Richie sighed. He took off his glasses and handed them over. "Here, the last thing I need is to break my glasses too." 
He maneuvered his long limbs to fit through the window and gulped. "If I don't make it-" he said looking down and then at Eddie. "Remember that I love you Eds." 
Eddie rolled his eyes. "I love you too Richie, now jump!"
Richie jumped and Eddie made it to the window in time to see him drop like a lanky sack of potatoes. He landed on his feet for half a second -careful to bend his knees- before the momentum made him fall forward, face against the ground. He rolled onto his back giving Eddie a shaky thumbs up. 
"Okay. Now throw me my glasses and then you jump. I'll catch you."
Eddie pressed his mouth into a thin line and tossed the glasses. Richie tried to catch them- and failed miserably. The glasses landed on the floor, three feet in front of him. 
Eddie whined in worry. "And I'm supposed to trust that you'll catch me? You didn't even catch your glasses!"
"I didn't because I need my glasses to catch my glasses." Richie said picking them up and placing them on his face. "Andale Eduardo! I'll catch you trust me."
"I don't know." Eddie said, hesitating on the window sill. He was considering staying in his room and facing his mother. It wasn't that he didn't trust Richie but his boyfriend was clumsy and easily distracted and the last time he had promised to catch Eddie it ended with him on the floor while Richie swatted at a mosquito. "Last time-"
He was interrupted by his mother's voice, coming up the stairs. Eddie's eyes widened. It was now or never. 
"So I dropped you one time, we don't have time to argue about this." 
Richie was right. With a sigh, Eddie let go of the railing and jumped. True to his word, Richie caught him but lost his balance and they both fell to the ground, Eddie landing on top of Richie who let out a winded oof. 
"Told you I would catch you." Richie groaned, grinning up at Eddie. 
"Are you okay?" Eddie asked with a concerned smile, tucking a stray hair behind Richie's ear. It was a mess both from the fall and the fact that they barely just woke up. 
"Fucking dandy. You know how much I like it when you're on top of me." Eddie snorted, hitting him in the chest. "Ow! Careful I think I punctured a lung."
They heard Sonia call for Eddie one more time and Eddie dragged them both around the house in case she decided to peek out the window. "That was close." 
Richie laughed, Eddie had him pinned against the wall, peeking over the side of the house to see if his mother came out, looking for him. He didn't think she would, she probably thought Eddie had already left for the quarry or the arcade. She would talk his ear off about disappearing on her later but that was better than facing her with a naked Richie in his room and his skin covered in hickeys. 
Eddie was surprised when Richie leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose. "What?"
"You're adorable when you're overreacting."
"Shut up asshole." 
"Asshole?" Richie said in faux offense. "I just jumped from a window for you! At the very least I'm a romantic asshole!"
Eddie huffed out a laugh. "You're right." He said, standing on his tiptoes and pecking Richie's mouth before dragging him away from the house. "My romantic asshole."
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh @yes-dillman-yes   @richietoaster @beepbeeprichiellc @its-stranger-than-you-think   @lemonaayyee @pennys-pet-kitty @tinyarmedtrex   @richiefuckfacetozier @sam-i-am2468 @richardtoz @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @constantreaderfool @ripeddiekaspbrak @captainbartholomew @mirandonsky @proton-disaster-blaster @alargedepresso @purplepoisonedgem @pan-ini @reddie-to-cryy (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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kenzieam · 4 years
The Tutor - Chapter Five
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: AU Bucky X Levi
Rating: M (my usual, lovelies)
Warnings: language, drama, angst, mentions of abuse
@iammarylastar​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captstefanbrandt​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jewels2876​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @moonbeambucky​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @badassbaker​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @everythingisoverrated​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @oliviastan17​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @igothroughphasesalot​​​​​​​​​​​ @sashli​​​​​​​​​​ @lorilane33​​​​​​​​ @pinknerdpanda​​​​​​​​
Levi the jock needs help in high school and her twin brother, Steve, volunteers his newest friend, Bucky. Seemingly just to piss her off, Bucky accepts but soon realizes there’s more to the Levi than she lets the average spectator see.
I’m STILL an attention whore with cabin fever, I’d love to hear what you all think about my newest story, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave a review, my Lovelies!
************************************************************************                 Okay…. this has gone off in a new direction…. let’s go with it and….. finally….
“Just open it, Bucky.” Levi instructed, playful exasperation in her voice.
“I know what’s in here.” He countered, fixing Levi with a mulish look.
“Just open it.” She giggled. “Maybe it’s a pony.” Her eyes rounded in exaggeration and she tilted her head mockingly.
Bucky snorted, rolling his eyes, his fingers tightening on the small box in his hands. It was Boxing Day; Steve was over at Peggy’s, Levi’s mom was at her Christmas gift, a fancy spa getaway weekend with her even fancier friends, and Bucky was over, seated in the middle of a nest of blankets and pillows, in Levi’s family room. On the television, Bruce Willis was making ‘fists with his toes’ on the carpet at the Nakatomi Plaza and Levi was still beaming at winning the argument she and Bucky had been engaged in since he’d walked through the door earlier, about whether ‘Die Hard’ was indeed a Christmas movie and which had lasted through their entire meal of Chinese takeout.
In the crush of exams and chaos of the holidays, they hadn’t had much chance to be alone since the mall and Levi’s words to him still smouldered low in his chest. He saw the sparkle in her eyes, the smile on her face as she confirmed what his dumbfounded ears had claimed to hear every night as he fell asleep, relived her kiss in every dream and his body ached to hold her close again, today being the first real chance either of them had had to slow down in a while.
Despite his mom’s look, Bucky had shouldered a small duffel bag on his way out earlier today, hinting at the possibility of him not making it home that night, but she hadn’t said a word. It was hard to argue against it when you saw the results of Bucky’s new relationship, the ease with which he smiled now, the weight of carrying his family lighter on his shoulders now with Levi’s support and love.
“Why are you so smiley today?” Bucky’s mom asked curiously, working on breakfast for the girls, making sure the blueberries lined up properly on the surface of Sarah’s oatmeal.
Bucky paused, debating only a beat before deciding on the truth. “It’s Lev, Ma. She loves me.”
His mom froze, the strawberries for Maddy’s oatmeal dripping juice off the spoon. She seemed at a loss for words for a minute before collecting herself. “She said that?” At Bucky’s nod, she continued. “And you love her?”
Bucky nodded, meeting his mother’s eyes squarely. “I do.”
“Well,” she looked down, studying the oatmeal for a moment before raising her head again. A genuine smile grew on her lips and there might even have been the glitter of sudden tears in her eyes. “You have been floating around on a cloud for the last few days, now I know why. It’s nice to see, Bear; you had to take on a lot when your dad died, and I’ll never be able to make that up to you.”
Bucky cleared his throat, shifting his weight as he rubbed a hand over his mouth. It always hit him low in the chest and made unwanted tears threaten to fall when his mom mentioned his shouldering the burden of keeping the family running while she’d grieved.
“That’s great news, baby.” His mom added. “I’m happy for you, just remember what your father always said.”
Bucky nodded. “I will.” One of his father’s favorite lessons, and one he’d led by example, was to always treat the woman you loved like a queen, for only then could you consider yourself a king.
There had been a twinkle in his mother’s eyes every time she’d looked at him since.
“A pony,” he scoffed, shaking his head. “C’mon, Lev.”
“Just open it!” She squeaked, pounding her fists lightly on his knees as they sat cross-legged in front of each other, not hard enough to hurt but the action making his body itch for her contact again.
Sighing theatrically, Bucky tore the paper off, and, despite his recalcitrance, he couldn’t stop the excited grin that pulled at his lips when he cracked the box open and saw the not-a-surprise gift within. “Lev, I…”
“You deserve it, Bucky. You help so many people; your mom, your sisters, me. I know you say it’s too much, but I wanted to give you this; I know you’d never spoil yourself, so I did.”
Bucky sighed, her words warming his chest, making the pill easier to swallow. “Thank you, baby.” He leaned forwards, capturing the back of Levi’s head with his hand and pulling her close for a kiss. “It’s really sweet of you.” He strapped the watch to his wrist and gazed down at it, grinning widely. It did look amazing. “Here,” he picked up the large box he’d brought with him, passing it to her. “Your turn.” A frisson of excitement shivered up his spine. While he’d never be able to match the monetary level of her gift, he hoped the thought behind it would make up for it.
“What is it?”
“A pony. Just open it.” He teased, laughing when Levi stuck her tongue out and commenced tearing the paper.
Pushing the torn wrapping aside, Levi lifted the lid and stared down at the contents. The lid dropped from suddenly boneless fingers and she gasped, one hand clapping over her mouth while the other reached to brush wonderingly over the gift. Her stunned gaze lifted to Bucky’s, tears filling her eyes and overflowing down her cheeks as her face crumpled.
“Bucky,” she whimpered. “Oh my god… thank you.”
Although he’d hoped for a happy reaction, Levi’s tears were still surprising. “Lev? Are you okay? I remember you mentioned around Halloween how you wanted to find one, I thought you’d be happy-”
“I am. God, Bucky, I am.” Her voice broke as she reached in, pulling out a large leather messenger bag. It was a dark coffee color, faded to a thick caramel at heavy wear points. The leather creaked and flexed under her hands, releasing the wonderful smells of conditioner and saddle soap and Levi pulled it to her face, inhaling deeply even as she started crying harder.
Bucky scooted closer, concerned now and gripped her knee. “Lev?”
Lev set the bag aside and lunged at Bucky, straddling his thighs and wrapping her arms around him, squeezing the breath from his body. Sobs made her shake against his chest and her tears made wet trails on his neck, soaking into his shirt.
“Lev?” He rubbed her back, pulse beginning to speed up in concern, reaching up to cradle her face when she finally pulled far enough away to meet his eyes.
Lev took a deep breath, managing a wet smile as Bucky thumbed away her tears, forehead furrowed, and lips pursed in worry. He tilted his head to regard her. “You said you wanted one of these… I didn’t want to make you cry-”
“No, it’s okay.” Levi sniffled, leaning forwards to kiss him, her tears making it taste salty. She leaned back again and cleared her throat. “I did want one, ever since I was a kid, but I could never find one that was just right.” She took a deep breath, and the smile she gave Bucky was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her hand reached over to caress the bag and draw it closer to herself. “My dad had a bag like this, exactly like this. I loved it when he’d come home at night and let me carry it in the house. Sometimes he’d lift the top flap and there’d be a treat or small gift for Steve and me inside. This smell, good leather, is what I remember my dad smelling like. After he died, Mom went through his stuff and gave everything away, I’ve been trying to find one like it since then. Where did you find it?”
Bucky smiled, teary himself now at Levi’s story. “At a… a junk shop a few years ago. I was going to use it for myself but never did. When you mentioned wanting one, I dug it again and started restoring it. It was dried out and pretty rough, I used a lot of saddle soap and leather conditioner to get it back.”
“A lot of time too.” Levi stated quietly.
“Yeah, you’re worth every hour, every minute I spent on it.”
“Thank you.” She whispered. “This is the best thing I’ve ever been given.” She reached up, trailed along Bucky’s jawline with her fingers, smiling when he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.
“I knew I’d never be able to get you something expensive-” He began, his voice husky.
Levi clasped his face and his eyes fluttered open. “This is better,” she whispered. “This means you listen to me and you’re willing to spend time on me. You and Steve are the only two people who give a shit about me, you know.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it?”
“My sisters love you, your mom…” he trailed off, because Lev’s mom had married a monster and turned a blind eye to years of abuse for her own selfishness.
Lev smiled wetly, understanding why Bucky stopped. “It’s okay, family is who you choose, nothing else. I choose you.” She cleared her throat, audibly and obviously changing the subject. “I have something else to give you.” She murmured, tracing the cleft in his chin, a special touch that was only theirs.
Biting her lip, Levi rolled her hips against him, grinning when Bucky choked on a gasp, eyes going wide.
“You haven’t been keeping up with your studies, young man.” She teased, meeting his dumbfounded gaze demurely, tracing the hammer of his pulse in his throat. “I’m the tutor now, remember?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Bucky murmured, hissing as Levi ground down again. His hands dropped down to her hips, gripping tightly.
Levi pulled away, pushing off Bucky’s lap and giggling at the pout that instantly came over his expression. Rising onto her knees, Levi pushed deliberately at Bucky’s chest and he let himself be tipped onto his back. She rose above him, his hands instinctively moved to grip her waist, lead her to straddle his hips again and he bit his bottom lip as he gazed up into her face. Levi seemed to consider him a moment before a languidness softened her eyes and she rested her hands on his chest, curling her fingers in his t-shirt for a second before rucking them under the hem, her palms brushing his abs and sending electric shock through his torso.
Bucky inhaled sharply, hips bucking involuntarily beneath her and his lips parted as his breath grew heavy. Levi could feel his heart pounding beneath her palms as she smiled wickedly, pushing the front of his shirt up under his chin to expose his heaving chest.
“I haven’t had a chance to teach you anything yet.” She teased, her fingertip tracing around one of his nipples. Bucky bit back a moan, his jeans growing unbearably tight. He rocked his hips up unconsciously, as much as he could, brushing the evidence of his arousal against Levi’s core and she gasped, eyelids fluttering shut. She rolled back, grinding down and Bucky moaned brokenly; his heart hammered under her hands, blood singing in his veins and he wanted nothing more in that instance than to feel Levi sheathed around him, to drive up into her heat and feel himself come apart inside her.
“Baby, I-” words left him as Levi’s nails scratched lightly across his chest and abs, provoking goosebumps and a full-body shiver.
“Do you want me, Bucky?”
He didn’t miss the uncertainty in her voice, the brief waver of low self-esteem that she usually hid so well. “God, baby. I do,” he pulled her down to grind on his cock again, reaching up with one hand to cup the back of her head and draw her down for a kiss. “You’re so fucking hot.” He whispered.
“What do you want?” Levi murmured.
“I want to taste you.” He breathed. Holding her gaze, he trailed a fingertip along her waistband, popping the button of her jeans. “I want to see if you taste as good as I’ve dreamed.”
“Go ahead and find out.” She whispered huskily.
Gripping her hips, Bucky rolled, trapping Levi beneath him. His experience with girls was laughably weak but, with Lev, that didn’t matter. His body was taking over, Levi’s acceptance and acquiescence giving him the confidence to follow it.
She trusted him.
Pushing her shirt up, Bucky kissed her belly then drew her top the rest of the way off. His fingers fumbled with her bra straps, until Levi giggled and sat up, reaching back to do it herself, gazing boldly into his eyes as she flicked it away.
Bucky swallowed hard, his fantasies regarding this never matching up to the real thing. Wonderingly, tenderly, he caressed her breasts, bending forwards to follow Levi as she lay back beneath him. Her fingers coiled in his hair, tugging gently as he kissed first one breast than its twin, then he drew one nipple into his mouth, sucking it into a peak. His hand cupped the other, marvelling at the softness of her skin and, emboldened by her moans, he switched sides; listening for the rewarding sounds she made in response, giving him wordless instruction of what to do. His fingers traveled down her body as his mouth was occupied and he pulled at her jeans, drawing them down her shapely hips. Reluctantly, he left the bounty of her breasts and trailed downwards, leaving open-mouthed kisses in his wake until he reached the ribbon edge of her underwear.
Exhaling heavy, panting breaths through parted lips, a tsunami of emotions and sensations crashed through his body. This was real and it was going to happen, the fantasy of Levi made his finally and no doubt it would far and away exceed any of his dreams.
“Lev,” he whispered in reverence, her skin goose bumping under his breath. Looking up at her, he touched the ribbon edge, his fingers trembling slightly with anticipation and nerves. Levi’s eyes softened, giving him permission and he exhaled raggedly before focussing on the apex of her thighs, revealed as he pulled her underwear down.
“Brazilian?” he murmured, closing his eyes as he pressed a light, tentative kiss to her lower stomach; the fleeting and completely unexpected thought that that would be where their children would one day grow flitting through his mind and back out again before he could be shocked enough about it to pull back and analyze it too closely.
“I like how it feels.” Levi murmured back, lifting her hips slightly as she curled her fingers into his hair, gently guiding him lower.
Bucky didn’t care how Levi preferred to groom herself, it was entirely her choice and a little body hair would not put him off but he couldn’t deny the way her bare state allowed him to see her arousal glistening on her skin, letting him know that he was on the right track and he gave her another kiss, lower this time before daring an experimental lick.
Her taste exploded on his tongue, a sweet tang, and he couldn’t stop a groan. Fuck, was this what it was like, how did people ever get anything done if this heaven was available? Ecstasy on his taste buds, he hoped distantly that Lev liked this as much as him, because this was definitely something he wanted to do on the regular.
Her moan registered in his ears only belatedly and an instinct newly awakened took over his grasping hands. Pushing her thighs further apart he dove in, licking and laving and kissing, sucking along her folds with hungry little groans and growls of pleasure. To hear Levi above him, to feel her fingers coil tightly in his hair and sense her writhing beneath him was an ultimate high and he wondered dimly if he would even survive driving his cock inside her.
Levi convulsed beneath his mouth, her orgasm crashing over her as her hand yanked roughly at his hair, trying to pull him away from her hypersensitive skin and she gasped, jerking once more when Bucky gave her one last worshiping lav with his tongue, feeling like he’d just ran a race, heart hammering in his chest. His cock was painfully pressed to his zipper, throbbing with desperation and he ground against the blankets beneath him for relief as he met Levi’s eyes, almost laughing out loud at the look on her face.
“Shit Bucky…. Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” She panted, dazed.
“Never.” He grinned, riding an amazing high at the thought of pleasing her so thoroughly, nipping at her inner thigh with a snicker, loving the little squeal he earned.
“Oh my god,” she wheezed, still breathless and Bucky crawled up her body, wanting her lips again, lust crashing through him like a tsunami when Levi grabbed him, crushing their mouths together, heedless of her essence still glistening on his face and kissed him with head-spinning desire.
“Ready?” She whispered, pulling her mouth away, panting for breath. Her fingers tickled along his waistband.
Bucky pressed his forehead to hers, chest heaving, balancing on his forearms on either side of Levi’s head.
This was it.
“Yes.” He whispered; eyes locked with hers. He felt her pop his button, pull the zipper down then slide her hand inside. He jolted, hissing through clenched teeth when she cupped him over his boxer briefs, rubbing gently and his eyes squeezed shut, muscles locked as pleasure like he’d never felt before crashed over him. The other two times he’d been with girls, it had been squirming, awkward affairs in the dark, trying to keep from getting his truck’s gear shift rammed in an impolite location and over almost before it had even begun.
“Fuck,” he gasped, not even in control of his mouth right now. “Jesus baby, I need-…  Aw fuck.” His hips rolled in Levi’s hand and she hummed low in her throat, a soothing sound for his beast. “I want…. Inside you-”
“I want you too,” Levi breathed. “But I want to taste you first-”
“Fuck baby,” Bucky ground out. “I couldn’t take that right now; I want to feel you… m’sorry.” The only blowjob he’d ever been on the receiving end of was from a girl who’d either been as completely clueless as him as what to do or they were nothing like guys made them out to be. Either way, Levi’s touch would be too much to handle and he wanted his first time with her to be inside her.
“Don’t apologize for enthusiasm,” Levi giggled. “But Bucky-”
Her tone drew his attention and he bit back a groan. Levi’s hand mercifully paused in its ministrations so he could focus on her words.
Faint pink colored her cheeks. “I should have brought this up sooner,” she murmured regretfully. Her eyes met his. “What about condoms?”
Bucky groaned. He’d packed a small box, teasing himself the whole time for being an overeager dog, but they were safe in his duffel and nowhere near his clenched fists right now.
“I’m on the pill, and I’m clean.” Levi continued. “And I know you are.” She hesitated, and when she continued there was a defensive air to her words, as if she’d been accused in the past of lying. “I react to latex, not all the time but I sometimes get really itchy.” She searched Bucky’s eyes for scorn or disbelief and relaxed slightly when she found none. “If you’re comfortable not using any, I am too.”
Bucky took a moment to process her words. Be bare inside her, when he could hardly hold back from exploding from her mere touch? Fumbling with protection and snapping his tender skin once before had been a definite boner-kill and Bucky didn’t want to relive anything like that again. He’d definitely embarrass himself, but Levi wouldn’t judge him. The thought of making love to Levi, and that’s absolutely what this was, although fumbling and shambolic there was no impersonal fucking here, without any barriers made his blood sing.
“Yes,” he whispered, lowering his head to press a series of gentle kisses along her forehead and down her nose before taking her mouth again. “If you’re sure.”
“I am.” Levi breathed, lifting her gaze to meet his questioning eyes.
“Don’t judge me,” Bucky grinned, pushing and squirming to fully kick off his jeans before settling back down between Levi’s thighs. “What I’m about to do is no indication of what I’m really capable of.”
“I’ll take it as a compliment.” Levi giggled and Bucky relaxed with her words. Although almost wholly inexperienced, even he knew that acceptance and humor in such a compromising and vulnerable position was golden.
Bucky held his breath, fists clenched as Levi gently helped guide him to her. He hissed as she rubbed his swollen head through her folds, collecting her slick then almost whimpered as he pushed past her fingers, the tip suddenly encased in her heat.
“Good boy,” Levi whispered, voice strained. “You’re fucking huge, Bucky. Did you know that?”
“I am?” Bucky panted. He knew he wasn’t little, but huge?
“Biggest I’ve ever had.” Levi murmured, then blushed. “Not that I’ve had that many-”
He cut her off with a kiss. She had more experience than him sure, but Bucky knew that Levi had never sold herself cheap either. His hips surged forwards, completely on instinct, driving into her and Levi arched beneath him, moaning as Bucky gasped a groan, pleasure threatening to completely overwhelm him.
Fuck, this was absolute heaven. He was never leaving. If he’d known the ecstasy waiting for him between a woman’s legs, he would have definitely tried it more often, but at the same time, this was so blissful because it was Levi beneath him and, to experience this with her, he would have waited forever. She tilted her hips and he slid fully inside, bottoming out and he sucked in air like a dying man given salvation, dropping his head to the crook of her neck as his frantic body took over, thrusting into her again and again, a hard rhythm that was going to finish him off all too soon, but Jesus God did she feel good.
Lev murmured to him, one hand curled into the soft stands at the nape of his neck, the other scratching across his back. He tried to obey her gentle commands, tried to slow down but it was near impossible, his body rushing headlong into heavenly release. One hand reached back, gripping Levi’s thigh and drawing it up to his hip and then he hooked his arm around it, spreading her wider for him.
“Touch me, Bucky.” She whispered tenderly. “Help me catch up, baby.”
He groaned an answer, past words and not fully comprehending what she meant.
“Like this.” She took his free hand, the one not hooked around her leg and pressed down into the blankets, supporting his weight, and guided it between them. He felt her wetness, her slippery folds, felt where his cock drove into her, where they were so viscerally connected and understood. His thumb found her clit and began to circle it.
With something else to focus on now, he was able to slow down enough to control himself and he raised his head to gaze into Levi’s eyes, his hair sweat-dampened and hanging in messy waves. She stared back up, her violet eyes boring into his, a window open to her soul. Pleasure darkened her iris’ to amethyst and her lips parted as she moaned his name.
“Right there, oh god…. Right there, Bucky.” Her hands cradled his face as her climax crashed over her, and Bucky watched her greedily, hissing a breath as he felt her walls tighten around him, steadily spasming and then it was too much and he surrendered, giving into his release with a strangled yell, squeezing his eyes shut and slamming one last time inside before letting go, the throbbing of his cock almost painful as he spilled into her.
Levi arched beneath him, crying out with each jet Bucky pulsed inside her, her pleasure infinity looping into Bucky’s, his orgasm triggering another longer, stronger one of hers, which in turn milked him almost to the point of pain.
Finally, it crested and Bucky’s screaming muscles, locked down in the throes of his release, went slack and he couldn’t stop from collapsing on Levi, panting open-mouthed gasps as his body shuddered with aftershocks. Levi trembled beneath him, just as undone, her breath sweet on his temple as she turned her head to kiss him where he had buried his head in the crook of her neck, almost in tears at the emotions and sensations that crashed through him.
He had precious little experience to go on, but Bucky knew this, at the very basement of his soul; what they’d just shared was special, a once in a lifetime connection and he would never, if he lived to be a hundred and slept with thousands of other women, be able to duplicate it with anyone else.
Levi hummed softly, stroking his hair as if she sensed the depth of his thoughts right now, as if she could hear the revelation crashing through his soul and mind and he lifted his head, capturing her mouth in a kiss that held a tinge of desperation, then relief when the passion that had spurred it rushed back in again.
“Thank you.” He whispered, nuzzling back into her nape. What could have been awkward and uncomfortable had instead been sheer beauty.
“I wish,” Levi began, then swallowed and continued. “I wish you’d been my first.”
“Me too.” Bucky breathed. “None of them count anymore, for either of us. It’s just you and me, together.”
“Yes,” Levi replied dreamily, her fingers trailing light magic across his shoulders.
Still inside her, still half-hard, Bucky felt a surge of renewed energy. He wasn’t done, not by a long shot and he hoped Levi wasn’t either. Experimentally, he rolled his hips gently, pushing further into her and lifted his head to search her face.
She grinned lazily up at him, rocking her hips in response, her grin widening when Bucky bit back a strangled groan, hardening instantly, almost painfully inside her again. “You want more?” She teased.
“I want you.”
“Want to try something else?”
“Teacher, teach me.” His eyes crinkled at the corners as Levi laughed out loud then she hooked her leg around him and twisted, in a move that would make any high school wrestling coach proud, pivoting their joined bodies in one fluid motion so Bucky was suddenly on his back beneath her and Levi straddled his hips, him still buried inside her.
“Whoa.” He chuckled, gripping her hips. It devolved into a primal groan as Levi rolled her hips, her hands splayed on his chest. “I like this already.”
Levi rolled her eyes and grabbed his hands, pushing them up above his head so she leaned over him, their faces inches apart and rocked her body sinuously, dancing above him and all coherent thought left him as pure pleasure took its place, jolts of ecstasy skittering through his limbs.
“Lev….” He moaned, rapidly losing himself in sensations, drowning in bliss, eyes rolling shut.
Letting go of his hands, Levi sat back upright and Bucky opened his eyes for a moment; but then Lev pressed her hands to his chest and started to roll her hips and he was lost again, arching his head back into the pillows as he groaned, lids fluttering shut again.
“Fuck, I-” Lifting his hands from above his head, Bucky grabbed Levi’s hips and started to rock them, guided by some animal instinct and his body tensed below hers, ready to explode again.
“Bucky…” Lev’s voice was dreamy and slow, languid with pleasure and he forced through his haze of bliss to see her. His heart, already thundering like a racehorse, damn near exploded as he saw Levi bit her bottom lip seductively then trail a hand down her glistening body to where they joined. His breath caught in his chest as she scratched her nails lightly across his straining lower belly, sweat caught in the fine hairs leading down his cock and a low growl of appreciation and encouragement, really the only sounds he was capable of right now, certainly not words, as she started to rub her clit; hissing when her walls tightened suddenly around him then he was clutching her bruisingly tight and thrusting upwards, holding her down for maximum penetration.
Levi arched above him with a scream, her orgasm hitting like a freight train, walls clamping down on his cock and it was suddenly too much, and Bucky could only surrender, letting the waves of his climax crash over him. The most beautiful pain, raw release and throbbing pleasure, a deep guttural groan as he spilled inside her, feeling each jet of seed until he filled her, and it seeped back out to coat them.
With a whimpering sound, Levi collapsed onto his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, bowing into her and burying his face in her throat as the last clenches of their shared release faded. Muscles shaking and trembling, weak-limbed with exertion, Bucky felt any residual tension leave him and he lay boneless beneath Levi, still holding her to his chest like the purest treasure. She melted against him, languid and soft, breath feathering over his skin, goose bumping it and Bucky could only manage to mumble a few words before sleep claimed them both.
“I love you.”
“Did you hear back yet from anywhere?” Bucky asked, looking up from a pile of homework as Levi entered his bedroom, slinging her messenger bag onto her favored beanbag chair.
“Yeah,” Levi answered, but there was a vagueness in her voice that caught his attention.
In the months since Christmas, they had only strengthened together. Study sessions continued but they usually devolved into making love, their bodies familiar to each other now, knowing the special places and touches to make the other shudder in ecstasy. They were inseparable, attached at the hip, Bucky’s arm a permanent fixture around Levi’s waist or shoulders when they weren’t required to be apart during classes. It became a normal sight to see them studying together, Levi in Bucky’s lap or seated directly in front of him, reading from the same book, Bucky wrapped around Levi, his head resting on her shoulder and looking completely at home.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asked, forgetting the assignment that had had his attention just a few seconds ago. “Lev?”
With a sigh, Lev reluctantly met his gaze. “I got in.”
“Where?” Bucky asked quietly.
Bucky fell silent, his worst nightmare coming true.
Lev snorted, an angry sound. “I only applied to say I could. I never expected to get in without an Athletic scholarship.”
“But that was your dream,” Bucky replied. “You and Steve far away from Brock.”
Lev sighed and raked a hand through her hair. “Yeah, before. I don’t need to leave now; I don’t need that scholarship.”
Lev had quit all her sports teams after Brock’s death. Although naturally talented like her brother, Levi had never enjoyed sports like Steve had, had pursued it only for the scholarship chances it offered.
“But… they have one of the best Architecture programs too. That’s what you want to do now, right?” Bucky was hesitant, the reason for Lev’s distress tickling at the corners of his mind, but he didn’t want to face it anymore than she did right now.
“So?” The petulance was back, hints of the princess she’d once been.
“So… that’s your dream, to be an Architect.”
Levi shook her head. “I want to be with you.”
Bucky fell silent, the elephant in the room finally uncovered. He was attending a local college, had already been accepted. It was necessary, he needed to stay home to help his mom, to watch his sisters; they weren’t ready yet, weren’t stable enough yet after his father’s death for him to go far away. Levi had applied there too, for general studies and, for a lark, never expecting a positive response, to the same university Steve had just received a full boat Athletic scholarship from. Without the promise of her athletic capabilities, she’d not expected good news, it had been more of a ‘I did it to say that I did’ kind of situation and, for a time, while the applications hovered in limbo, Bucky had allowed himself to indulge in fantasies of the two of them together, attending college and perfect in a little bubble of-
“What the fuck am I going to do, Bucky?” Lev’s voice broke into his thoughts and he unconsciously stood and moved to her side, sank down to pull her to him because she was crying, and it rocked the very bedrock of his soul to hear her distressed.
She sniffled, letting out a shaky sigh as Bucky pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I know, First World Problems, right? If that fucker was still alive, I’d been dancing on the ceiling for the chance to get away from him but now… I don’t need to leave; I don’t want to-”
“You have to.” The words burned, sliced his throat as they passed but he closed his eyes and forced them out, because they needed to be said.
“No. Lev, you need to go. It’s too good of an opportunity to pass up.”
“What are you talking-”
Bucky forced himself to continue, despite the growing pain in his chest. “This is your dream, Lev. Architecture. With Brock gone you can actually pursue it. You need to go.”
“No.” Levi’s voice held a hard edge. “I’m not leaving you.”
“There’s no architecture programs here, you’d be putting yourself back years-”
“SO, I CAN’T LET YOU THROW THIS CHANCE AWAY!” Tears burned hot in Bucky’s eyes and he gritted his teeth. “I have to stay, you don’t.”
“I love you, Bucky.” There was a crack in her voice now.
“I love you, too baby. So much it hurts… enough to let you go.” Indescribable pain hit him then, so he could barely focus as Levi suddenly leapt to her feet, whirling to face him. Tears flowed down her flushed cheeks and she looked crushed. She tried to speak but could only choke out a sob, pressing the flat of her fist to her mouth and squeezing her eyes shut. Bucky stumbled to his feet, reaching for her. Levi took a step back, eyes opening to glare at him. Betrayal shone in their violet depths. We were supposed to be in this together, they accused. I thought you had my back.
I do, Bucky replied silently, letting the tears fall. That’s why I’m pushing you now. For you.
Levi’s face contorted, but no words came and she whirled suddenly, disappearing out the door; seconds later, he heard the front door slam and he exhaled a tremulous breath, feeling as lost as he had when the Sheriff had knocked on their door almost three years ago, hat in hand, to tell them that George James Barnes was never coming home.
“Jesus, what the hell did you say to her last night?” Steve asked the next morning.
Bucky’s numerous texts and phone calls had gone unanswered, and only Steve had shown up for school today, zeroing in on Bucky like a Patriot missile; knowing that, where his sister was involved, there was definitely more to the story.
Bucky sighed and scrubbed a hand through his hair, messing up the waves. “Levi got accepted to both schools.”
“And?” Steve asked, puzzled. “I mean, that’s great, but why does that have her-”
“She wants to stay here, with me… and I told her to go, with you.”
Steve went pale as the realization set in. Bucky could hear the gears turning in his head and he waited silently, waiting for Steve to say what hurt too badly for him to say himself.
“She won’t become an Architect if she stays…. I mean, she would, eventually but-”
“She’d essentially be giving up her dream, when she actually has a chance to achieve it. If she stays here, its General Studies and then what? She needs to go, Steve, you know it too. They’re one of the best programs, it’s not even a question.”
“But what about you?”
“What about me?”
“You love her, she loves you-”
Jesus, was this a Roger’s thing? A purposeful blindness to practicality? “That isn’t the point!” Bucky bit his lip, fighting sudden tears, thankful that he’d seen the big blond hulk coming and moved to a quiet corner of the quad, where no one would hopefully see his breakdown. “The point is her dream. She has the opportunity now to go for it. I don’t have the right to hold her back, I don’t want to hold her back.”
“Is it though?” Steve asked quietly.
“Is it what?”
“Holding her back?”
“What? Me?”
“Love.” Steve replied. “She’s alive again Bucky, since she met you. Brock nearly killed her and there was only so much I could do to help. She needs you.”
“I’ll still be here, when she gets back.”
Steve sighed, shoulders sagging.
“This isn’t a fairy-tale, man. You know same as me, shit happens. Sometimes you need to do things because it’s right, not because it’s what you want. I don’t want Levi to go but it’s her dream and I can’t stand in her way.”
Steve was silent for so long Bucky began to wonder if he was even going to say anything, but then he sighed again, like the weight of the world was on him, and Bucky knew exactly what that felt like.
“I see where you’re coming from.” He muttered.
“And you know I’m right.” Bucky said curtly.
“Doesn’t make it easy.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“You really love her, huh?”
“More than anything else.”
“More than your own happiness.”
“Yes.” The confession hung heavy in the air, collecting the torment in Bucky’s voice and growing heavier still.
Steve exhaled hard, scrubbing at his crew cut and looked around for inspiration, or maybe just to avoid the sorrow in Bucky’s eyes. “I’ll explain this to her but man, you know as well as I do, Lev does her own thing.”
“I do. But she listens to you, Steve. If you tell her to go, she’ll do it.”
Steve fixed Bucky with a piercing look, enough that Bucky felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny and shifted his feet, wanting to look away. “I’ll talk to her tonight.”
“Thank you.”
Steve nodded, then slapped Bucky’s shoulder and strode away.
“You’re too damn practical, you know that, Barnes?” Levi snarked, stepping through the bedroom door.
Bucky stood and all but launched himself at her, her scowl not deterring him in the slightest. She stood rigidly in his embrace for a moment, then sighed and relaxed against him, clinging with a sudden desperation.
“I don’t want to leave you.” She whispered.
“You aren’t.” Bucky murmured back, pressing a kiss to her temple. “We’ll call each other night, Skype whenever we can… and you’ll be back on holidays and breaks.”
“It won’t be the same.” She sniffled, rubbing her nose on Bucky’s shoulder.
“Hey,” he breathed. Lifting his head, he cradled her face and tipped it back to meet his eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks but there was new resolve in her amethyst gaze. “I’ll be here, this isn’t the end.” Holding her gaze, fighting his own tears, Bucky brushed hers away with his thumbs and forced a smile.
He did the same a few months later in the airport terminal, just as the final boarding call sounded and Steve stood a few feet away, waiting for Levi to join him.
“Go,” Bucky whispered, thumbs soft on her cheeks. She gripped his wrists with heartbreaking desperation. “I’ll be here. Remember…  I love you, always.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, gazed steadily at her as Levi pulled reluctantly away, moved to join her brother, shouldering her messenger bag and turned, disappearing through the doors to the jetway.
Only then did Bucky let the tears fall.
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verai-marcel · 5 years
The Better To Take You (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x Fem!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You get thrown off your horse and it runs away, spooked by all the howling you hear in the forest. Left alone on the path to the next town in the middle of the night, you have no choice but to walk the rest of the way. But what dangers lurk in the shadows?
Author’s Notes: @horsegirl1h asked me for a werewolf Arthur, and I was incredibly happy to oblige! This is a high honor on the streets, low honor in the sheets kind of Arthur. 
Word Count: ~5000
Tags: werewolf Arthur, red riding hood-inspired, smut, biting, rough sex, supernatural elements, alternate ending, RDR2 spoilers
AO3 Link is here!
Dressed in a riding skirt and a short-sleeved blouse, you wrapped your dark red cloak tighter around you as a light breeze sent the chill of the night past your skin as you rode down the forest path. You looked up at the river of stars running across the sky and sighed. Your parents had sent you alone to check on your aging grandmother. They had to take care of the shop and couldn’t spare the time to check on the old woman, but you could go. You loved your grandma, but she lived on her own in a cabin in the middle of the woods, a full three days’ ride away. 
Well, it was a three-day ride if you only rode while it was light out. Your grand plan was to ride for as long as possible, maybe trim it down to a two day trip. 
You heard the howling of a wolf in the distance. Your horse whinnied and reared back all of a sudden, much to your surprise. He hadn’t been spooked before by the sounds of wolves. Holding desperately to the reins, you tried to calm him down, but he'd have none of it. 
"Easy boy, easy!" you cooed, trying your best to stay calm. But then another howl rang through the forest, and your horse's eyes widened and he jolted through the forest in the opposite direction. You pulled on the reins again, but your horse had enough of you; he kicked and flung you out of the saddle. 
You landed in a bush off the rough trail, scraping your arm. Groaning, you got up gingerly and brushed yourself off, checking for any other injuries. Your ankle hurt a bit, and blood trickled down your arm. Great. Just what you wanted. You tore off a piece of your cloak and wrapped your arm before continuing on, keeping an ear out for the wolf. It had sounded far off, and you wondered why your horse had spooked so bad. You pulled the gun from your haversack and kept walking.
It had been an hour since you lost your horse, and whistling for it didn't help. He had probably ran all the way back home, the coward. No matter. You could get to the next town and send a message to your folks, let them know you were alright. 
But you were getting sleepy, and being on alert this late at night, with you being as tired as you were, wasn't helping your energy levels. As you kept walking, hoping to come across a cabin or a shed along the way, you heard a rustling in the bushes behind you. 
Turning around, you stared dumbly at the giant wolf that slowly walked towards you. It made no sudden movements, no attempts to hide itself. It just stared at you as it plodded along. 
You raised your gun. It paused. 
"Stay back."
It stayed where it was. 
Then you heard howling coming from a different direction. The wolf turned its head, it ears perked up and listening. 
You took this moment to turn and run down the road. You heard the wolf loping after you. 
"Damn damn damn damn!" 
There was a crashing of bushes to your left as three smaller wolves came out onto the path, blocking your way. You quickly skidded to a halt and took a deep breath. This was it, then. A bunch of wolves tearing you apart, all because you wanted to see your grandma. 
Except the wolf that had been behind you walked in front of you and started growling at the other wolves. They, in turn, started growling back.
Taking advantage of the standoff, you took a shot at one of the smaller wolves, hitting it between the eyes. It fell over, causing the other two to back off a few steps. But they quickly regained their composure, both leaping towards you.
The giant wolf went for one of them while you shot at the other. Five shots later, you had completely missed. Shooting a moving target was much harder than a stationary one. Realizing you had no more ammo, the other wolf decided to go after you at full speed.
You turned and ran, adrenaline making you forget your injured ankle as you ducked into the forest and zig zagged through the trees, leaping past rocks and bushes—
Then your cloak got snagged on a branch.
You tore it as you pulled away, but that gave the wolf precious seconds to catch up to you. It barreled into you, knocking you onto the ground. As you stopped rolling and ended on your back, you looked up just as the wolf landed on top of you, its claws digging into your chest. Your death was staring you in the eyes and you stared back, pissed off and scared as hell.
Then the wolf suddenly flew up and hovered in the air above you.
And then you saw behind it.
A giant wolf monster, standing on two legs, held up the wolf and cracked its neck. Hucking the body behind it, the creature turned its golden stare onto you. Its nostrils flared and its breath clouded in the cold night air. The moonlight gave it an unholy halo as it stalked towards you and let out a low growl.
You couldn’t breathe. The last thing you saw was the wolf monster’s large jaws, dripping with blood, and the heavy thump of its paws was the final thing you heard before you fainted.
The sound of a man humming a song gently woke you. You blinked your eyes, noticing that you were in a tent, lying on a bed roll. Your cloak was folded next to you, your bag on top. Sitting up, you checked to make sure all your clothes were intact before crawling out and into the light.
A man was sitting at a campfire, making coffee. His blue shirt had a few mud stains, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His jeans were worn and faded, his boots scuffed.
“Rise ‘n shine, miss.” 
He turned, and you were met with the bluest eyes and warmest smile you had ever seen. He had a short beard and light brown hair that looked soft and feathery. You found yourself wanting to reach out and bury your fingers in his hair.
“G-good morning,” you stammered. Had you dreamed up the whole thing with the wolf monster? “How did you find me?”
“I was out huntin’, found you passed out in the forest. Couldn’t leave a lady alone to get eaten by wolves.”
“Did… did you see any wolves nearby?”
“Just heard some, but I didn’t see any.”
You sat across from him and considered his words. Maybe you had imagined everything last night in a fevered dream, fueled by exhaustion and fear. You looked around and whistled. The man watched as you stood up. You winced when you put weight on your ankle, but you slowly hobbled in a circle, continuing to whistle.
Yup. Your horse was gone.
“Need a ride?”
You looked at the man, somewhat suspicious. “I’ll be fine.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “I find you passed out in the forest with a cut on your arm and your cloak all tore up. Forgive me fer not believin’ ya when ya say you’ll be fine, especially with how you was walkin’ just now.”
You sat back down in a huff, noticing the bandage around your arm. “Thanks for bandaging me up,” you mumbled. “And yes, if you don’t mind. I could use a ride.”
He grinned as if you had said something funny. “Where you off to?”
You told him the name of the town that was closest to your grandmother’s house. At least then you could walk from there, and he wouldn’t know where she lived. 
“That’s two days away on horseback. Were you plannin’ on walkin’ there?”
“I had a horse…” you said, trailing off.
“Wolves, I reckon.”
“Yeah.” You paused before asking, “You ever see a giant wolf around these parts?”
“How giant?”
“The size of a pony.”
The man scoffed. “Nothin’ that big. Maybe just looked bigger at night.”
You sighed. Maybe you really had imagined it all.
“Should we get going then?” you asked. “Gonna be three days if we don’t leave soon.”
The man chuckled. “Let’s finish breakfast first. Git to know one another, at least exchange names.”
“Oh. Yes.” You told him your name, and a little bit about the town you came from.
“Name’s Arthur. I’m just a hunter from out west, lookin' fer some new furs.”
You smiled. “Also rescuer of ladies, it seems,” you joked. “Thank you.”
His eyes carried some heat when he looked at you, and his voice was low and rumbly, stirring something low in your body when you heard him. “My pleasure, darlin’.”
You rode sidesaddle on the back of his horse, a big warhorse that could probably carry a whole family. Holding onto the back of his saddle, you watched the world go by at a slow pace, wondering why he wouldn't go faster. 
Then he stopped altogether. 
He hushed you by turning and placing a finger on your lips as he scanned the forest, his eyes staring out through the trees, the mid-morning sun filtering down. He got off the horse and pulled you down, quickly carrying you towards a fallen tree and hiding you behind it. 
"Stay here. Don't come out unless I come find you. No matter what you hear."
You nodded and hid. 
A few minutes later, you heard other horses approaching. 
"Well well, a lone traveler. Ain't that a shame. Maybe you should give us some of that money you got, and we'll let you leave."
Then you heard gunshots and ducked further down, hoping that Arthur was alright. He had just saved you, and was now risking his life to keep you safe. And you had thought that chivalry was dead. 
You heard the gunshots stop, heard footsteps coming closer to your hiding spot, and braced for the worst. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw Arthur, a little grazed, but otherwise unharmed. 
"It's safe now, miss. We can go." He kneeled down and gently lifted you up, one arm under your knees, the other around your back. He held you as if you were a precious treasure, his grip on you as solid as iron. 
You held onto him tightly as he carried you back to his horse. You felt a warmth go through your body at his touch, and craved more. 
It was nearly sundown when Arthur pulled off the main road into the trees, finding a small clearing far enough from the path where a small tent wouldn’t be bothered. 
Lifting you off his horse and carrying you to a log to sit on, Arthur grabbed the bedroll and tent, setting the bedroll near you while he started putting up the tent. Keeping your weight off your bad ankle, you rolled the bedroll out and sat down upon it, gathering up your cloak to use as a blanket and your haversack as your pillow.
“What’re you doin’?”
You looked up at Arthur. “Setting up my sleeping spot?”
He pointed at the tent he had just finished putting up. “No way am I lettin’ a lady sleep out in the open. Git yer things in there.”
“This ain’t up for debate.”
You grumpily took your bag and your cloak and put them inside the tent. Then you helped Arthur start a campfire while he pulled out some dried meat and a can of vegetables out to share with you. You still had some bread and some dried fruit in your bag for the trip, so the two of you managed to have a somewhat filling meal.
“I’ll hunt somethin’ tomorrow,” he said as he sat on the bedroll next to you, his arm close to yours. All you had to do was lean over an inch, and you’d be touching him. You didn’t dare, although you wanted to.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked, glancing at your arm and ankle.
You nodded. “Of course. I’m not some sheltered lady. If my horse hadn’t ran, I’d have my tent and bedroll.”
Arthur chuckled before he gently nudged your shoulder with his. “Alright then. Head off to sleep, we’ll get up at first light.”
You nodded and crawled into his tent, wrapping your cloak around you and laying your head on your haversack. As sleep took you, you saw Arthur laying back on the bedroll just outside of the tent, his head turned away from you. You fell asleep pretty quick, feeling safe that he was guarding you.
That night, you dreamed of the wolf monster again. Except this time, he wasn’t a blood splattered, growling beast. He looked a bit more docile, but he was still scary.
And you were in his arms, tightly held in his embrace. 
You don’t remember much of the dream, to be honest. It was more like a series of sensations: the soft fur against your skin, the solid heartbeat near your ears, the warmth that surrounded you, making you feel cherished. You didn’t want to leave; you wanted to stay wrapped in that safe cocoon forever, knowing that nothing could hurt you here.
You woke up feeling like you had been rejuvenated; the tiredness that had dogged you the entire day yesterday was gone, and you felt like you could travel for another two days straight with no issue. Even your ankle was feeling a little better. 
Looking outside, you saw that Arthur was still lying on the ground on his side, gently snoring. He must have been keeping watch and probably didn’t sleep through the whole night. You decided to let him sleep a little while longer as you quietly took down the tent for him. As you wrapped your cloak around you, you noticed soft fur clinging to the fabric. You brushed away the golden strands, wondering where that had come from; maybe it was from that wolf a couple of days ago?
You shuddered, remembering the wolf monster. It was definitely a dream; things like that did not exist. You must have passed out after the wolf tackled you, and somehow, had been left alone to be found by Arthur. There was no other explanation.
You turned to see Arthur, awake and looking at you quizzically, his head tilted at a cute angle. It reminded you of your parents' old dog when you were a kid, who would turn his head whenever he was confused by you.
“G’morning,” you said simply, smiling at him. He returned your smile and came to help you take down the tent, gesturing for you to sit down and get off your ankle. 
“You seemed distracted. Somethin’ on yer mind?”
“You don’t hafta tell me if you don’t want to.”
You sighed. “It’s crazy.”
“Maybe it is. Maybe it ain’t. Would you feel better if you got it off your chest?”
You pondered his words for a moment. “Okay. Well. I dreamed. Of a… a wolf-man.”
“And?” Arthur nodded, encouraging you to continue.
“And… he hugged me.”
“Were you scared?”
“No, that’s the crazy part. I felt… safe.”
After a few moments of silence, you finally looked up at Arthur, expecting him to be looking at you like an insane person.
Instead, he was giving you an enigmatic look.
You looked away. "Anyway. Thanks for listening."
Arthur just hummed and pat your shoulder gently.
As the two of you packed up and got back on his horse, you got the feeling that his mind had wandered far away. 
"Smells like rain," Arthur mumbled. 
You sniffed the air; all you could smell was the pine trees and Arthur. Not that he smelled bad. He just had a scent to him that made you want to snuggle into his back and wrap your arms around him. You resisted the urge, no matter how much you wanted to. 
A flash of lightning across the evening sky distracted you from your thoughts. You silently counted to three before you heard the thunder, sonorous and foreboding. 
"Better find some shelter for the night. We won't make it to town before the storm hits."
You looked at Arthur, confused. "We're not that far, are we?" You really didn't want to be trapped in the rain. 
"We're another half a day's ride, sweetheart. The storm'll hit in the next hour."
He sounded like he knew what he was talking about, so you decided to trust him. He took his horse off the road and towards the side of a hill, looking for a cave. He found one, a small cavern just perfect to fit the two of you with a small campfire.
He picked you up off the horse and carried you into the cavern. 
"I can walk," you protested, although you loved being in his arms. 
"Better to stay off your feet until you're healed," he grumbled. "I'll bring you some firewood, so you can make a fire. You can stay seated for that."
You nodded and waited. At least he was letting you help in some ways. 
Arthur came back pretty quickly with a pile of firewood and a rabbit. You got to work making the fire while he skinned the rabbit and cut up the meat to cook. You two had a nice meal, filling and delicious. 
Setting up the bed roll for you, he settled on the other side of the fire and lay down, staring at the cave ceiling. You glanced over at him; he was putting his hat over his head, just as the first drops fell from the sky. Turning your attention to the cave entrance, you watched as the rain picked up in a matter of minutes, becoming a wall of water as the storm hit the area full force. You were very glad for Arthur's natural intuition.
Lost in thought as you stared outside, you barely noticed Arthur staring at you from under the brim of his hat. 
He quickly looked away. "Nothin'."
You considered him for a moment as he turned back and eyed you warily. He sat up quickly when you started to crawl over to him.
"You shouldn't be gettin' so close to strange men," he said, his voice growing husky. 
"You're not strange," you replied, growing bold. You gently touched his arm and leaned against him. "You're kind. Thank you for everything. Truly."
Arthur took a sharp breath when you touched him, and now, as you glanced at him, he was watching you with a hunger in his eyes, something carnal and dangerous that you had seen a glimpse of before. 
A thrill went through your body. You wanted him to keep looking at you like he was starving and you were a feast. 
“I haven’t done anything for you. Let me rub your back at least, for all the work you’ve done keeping me safe.”
He shook his head. “Just yer company is thanks enough, miss.” His voice was low and tremulous, as if he was having a hard time controlling himself.
“Please, let me feel like I’m helping you in return,” you insisted. You slowly shifted over to sit behind him, waiting to see if he’d flee. He didn’t. Tentatively placing your hands on his broad back, you started to knead his muscles through his cotton shirt. You worked out the knots in his shoulders and neck; you were rewarded with soft sighs and groans of relief as you dug your thumbs into a particularly bad knot near his right shoulder blade.
“This would be easier if you took your shirt off,” you grumbled.
Suddenly Arthur turned towards you, leaning forward, his face inches from yours.
“You teasin’ me, girl?”
“N-no, I just thought it’d be easier…” you trailed off when he got even closer to you, the tip of his nose grazing your cheek as he moved towards your neck. You leaned your head back, exposing your pulse to him, and he gently bit down on your soft skin, letting out a low growl.
You breathed his name like a supplication to a dark god, wanting to be consumed by the fire that ignited inside of you.
“Last chance. Tell me to stop.” He moved so he could look directly at you, and you swear you saw a golden glow in his eyes for a split second.
You leaned forward and kissed him.
A deep rumble came from his throat as he kissed you back. He pulled you into his embrace, his hands splayed out on your back. You broke away from the kiss to take a deep breath. Looking into his eyes, he gave you a steamy smile. You smiled shyly back.
"What big hands you have."
"The better to hold you with, darlin'." 
He gently nuzzled your lips with his before kissing you again, sweetly, lovingly. With each kiss, his passion grew. 
"What soft lips you have," you said, quivering, whether from fear or anticipation, you could no longer tell. 
"The better to kiss you with, my dear."
He grew more hungry for you as his mouth urged yours to open for him. He slipped his tongue inside and tasted you, a rumble of pleasure escaping his throat as he pressed harder against you. His warm body felt like heaven compared to the cold air coming from the cave entrance. As the rain fell, he started to unbutton your blouse, following each loosened button with a kiss to your exposed skin.
You were kneeling before him in just your chemise and riding skirt when he pulled away and took off his shirt. He was all muscles and scars, with a light dusting of hair on his chest. You placed your hands on his shoulders and traced the contours of his arms, admiring him. He watched you as you explored his body, placing kisses on his skin as you learned what this man felt like under your hands.
"Darlin', I want to taste you."
You looked at him quizzically, but he started to unbutton your riding skirt, so you helped him, removing all of your clothes under his heated gaze. He tenderly lay you down on the bed roll and spread your legs, settling himself between them. 
"What are you…?" you started to ask, but then all you could do was gasp as Arthur's tongue ran circles around your labia. With his hands caressing your skin, he worshipped you with his mouth, drawing out every sigh and moan from you with his greedy lips. 
As you grew wetter, he slipped a finger inside of you, slowly spreading you open for him. Soon another finger joined the first, and you were gripping his hair tightly as he sucked on your clit until you came, crying out with your hips jolting erratically. Arthur held you down, keeping you in his tight grasp until you had stilled, taking shuddered breaths.
"Looks like you enjoyed yerself," he teased with a wry grin. He licked his lips. “Delicious.”
Then he crawled further up your body, kissing the dip of your curves, the peaks of your breasts, the hollow of your neck. With his body hovering over yours, you realized how big he was compared to you, and you trembled slightly.
He held your face in his hands, looking at you with concern. You responded by putting your arms around his neck and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Yes,” you whispered.
He reached down and guided himself inside of you, his intense stare threatening to make you faint as he slowly slid himself deeper and deeper until he was completely flush with your body, the heat radiating from him making you forget completely about the rain and the cold wind outside. Remaining still as he watched you take deep breaths, he gave you a minute to calm your frantically beating heart.
Then he lifted his hips up and slammed into you.
You cried out in surprise, but it was not an unpleasant feeling. Far from it, in fact. As he continued his rough thrusts, you clung to him tightly, murmuring his name like a prayer; you wanted more, you wanted to completely surrender to him. Leaning your head back, you exposed your neck and he kissed your soft skin once more, licking his way down to where your neck and shoulder met. 
Then he bit you. Hard.
Lost in the heat of his tumultuous desire, you didn’t register the mark he left on you as he pounded into you; the pain was confused for intense pleasure in your addled state, and you just grabbed at Arthur, letting out delicious cries of ecstasy.
“I want you on yer hands and knees, darlin’,” he growled, and pulled away from you, rearranging your body to his liking, with your legs spread and your ass in the air. He shoved himself back inside you, grabbing a handful of your hair and pulling you towards him, making your back arch as he took you once more with steady, rhythmic strokes.
“So beautiful,” he muttered, bending over to wrap an arm around your neck. He reached down with his other hand and stroked your clit. “Come for me again, I wanna feel you let go around me.”
He touched you mercilessly; unable to escape from him, you broke apart in his arms, losing control of your voice as you screamed to the heavens, his cock ravaging you as you spasmed around him. He let you down gently as he continued taking you, until your head was down on the bedroll, his hands on your back and neck, holding you down.
“My sweet darlin’,” he groaned, “Be mine.”
“Yes, yes, Arthur,” you breathed, signing over yourself to him mindlessly.
He let out a low, inhuman growl. Falling upon you, his body crushing yours, he continued to rut into you as he moved your hair to one side of your neck.
“Mine,” he snarled before he bit you once more, his teeth feeling sharper as he broke skin this time, a drop of blood snaking its way down your shoulder. Your senses grew sharper with the pain of his bite; you felt as if his cock was expanding inside you. And was he always this hairy?
Then the moment passed, and he growled as he came inside of you, pressing himself as hard as he could to your body, as if he wanted to meld with you and be a part of you forever.
“Sweet girl,” he whispered lovingly into your ear after a few moments. Then he rolled off of you, pulling you into his arms, and brushed the hair out of your face. Looking at you tenderly, he kissed your lips, the tip of your nose, and your forehead.
You looked at him through the afterglow haze, and blinked a few times. You swear his eyes were glowing a golden hue, and his features were strangely contorted, as if he had some lupine ancestry. But only for a second.
Resting your head against his chest, you fell asleep to the steady beat of his heart.
Waking up, you felt like you were sleeping in luxurious furs, wrapped up in warmth and comfort.
Then you blinked and looked up.
The wolf monster.
Except it wasn’t fair to call him a monster. He looked relaxed, like a dog having a good dream. His arms and legs were curled up protectively around you, his breathing deep and slow. His tail was twitching, the soft fur brushing against your legs.
Then he blinked his eyes open, languidly, like a predator waking up after a large meal.
His eyes shot wide open; you grew up with a dog, and you knew the look of fear when you saw it. He didn’t move, didn’t even breathe.
You caressed his muzzle and cooed softly to him. “There now, don’t be afraid. It’s alright.”
He pushed his muzzle into your hands and closed his eyes, his ears dropping.
Then in the blink of an eye, a man lay next to you, his eyes open and full of love.
You had heard tales of the rougarou, werewolves cursed by witches near St. Denis, and had dismissed it all as nonsense. But now that proof was staring straight at you, you wondered what else was true.
“Were you cursed?” you asked.
“Or saved, however you want to look at it.” He paused for a moment, considering his next words. “A witch gave me this power when I was dyin’ on top of a mountain. Told me it weren’t my time yet.”
He held your hand against his cheek and turned to kiss the palm of your hand. “She said I’d find someone to devote myself to, and that I’d know them when I smelled them.” He leaned in closer to you, touching the tip of your nose with his. “She was right. You smell of wildflowers and honey, fresh rain and spring breezes, shootin’ stars and twilight.”
Your eyes watered, and you took a deep breath to calm your nerves. You just met him. This was insane.
But he had saved your life. And you couldn’t deny the feeling in your heart that swelled when you looked at him.
He reached for your hands and held them oh so gently in his big ones, as if you would break in his grasp. “I know this is sudden, but please, let me stay by your side.”
You found yourself nodding. How could you possibly say no, with him looking at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes?
His face lit up and he hugged you tight. 
“I’m yours, always,” he said into your hair as you held him back just as tightly, and all felt right with the world.
End Notes: Yeah, I know, in A/B/O fics, golden eyes are signs of an omega, but for this fic, all wolves have golden eyes, and Arthur is 100% alpha. Also learned about the rougarou, a Cajun werewolf; since St. Denis is based on New Orleans, I thought this would be fun. @horsegirl1h, I’ve been feeding you teaser snippets this whole time, but I really hope you enjoyed how it all came together. Thank you for the request!
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