#the story is horrifying because of what happened to lestat but also because what happened to poor claudia just to be clear
elvesofnoldor · 8 months
Local vampire (Lestat) thought he snatched the young hot rich single in the area, got trapped in an abusive relationship instead. More at 7 as the story develops
#anyways to the people who didn't unfollow me while i was busy not understanding the text of IWTV(book. 1976): thank you for beliving in me#or rather my reading comprehension skill -_-#alright i purged most of the AMC show's posts that i reblogged#mae overshares#not to be a killjoy but IWTV (book)transformed from 'barely horror' to 'the most horrifying. tragic and disturbing horror fiction i've read#about 3 days ago. when i did a serious re-read of some of the passages in the book. i first read the book more than a month ago smh#the story is horrifying because of what happened to lestat but also because what happened to poor claudia just to be clear#i have since gone through five stages of grief about 70 times at this point i will just have to laugh!!!#you know the crazy thing is that i never liked book version of Louis. i always liked lestat. even though he's an evil girl sometimes#(but we love evil girls in this house)#and yet!!! fuckers who never understood IWTV (book. published in 1976). fuckers who only watched the 1994 film#and fuckers who don't know the definition of an abusive relationship/fuckers who can't sympathize with abuse victims#got me hell bent on thinking louis as the 'good loving father' that he wasn't!!! i felt physically sick.#like i know it's fiction but also!!! i just. you don't have to LIKE someone to get manipulated into sympathizing with them#realizing this got me feeling quite perturbed lol#manipulative lestat this manipulative lestat that. im at my fucking limit. the OG manipulator is louis
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ca-suffit · 11 days
I'm thankful for your call outs, people need to know this kind of thing. I'm not in the fandom tags that oftenly (and usually only read very short text posts and fanart) and before the screenshots blew up in February I didn't even know about these people's beliefs. I was horrified upon reading everything, and suddenly some of the things that I read here and there made a lot more sense.
People need to realize that these racists aren't racist because they like Lestat. Even if it shows in what they say, this is beyond fandom drama. I urge everyone to go read the receipts. I remember one of those ask blogs having liked posts that were against affirmative action, saying that it's the only racism alive in 2024 or something. It's all in the screenshots. We can't just let racists hang around the fandom, it's ridiculous that this even came to be considering the main character of the show and what he's put through on-screen.
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[^ this other ask came in after I wrote this response but it's asking the same thing so I'm throwing it in] thank u!! I've lurked and learned for a long time. they've always been like this. the pre show fandom was like this too. it's usually a bunch of middle aged white women who play victim in public and get that extra polite voice out so u won't suspect they're lying. even tho to most ppl that tone is well known and fucking obvious. but anne rice made them think they're all galaxy brain manipulators lol. it's all typical white fandom shit. these ppl have unhealthy connections to these characters and stories and this is the only place they feel like they have control in their lives. being racist but hiding it behind book excuses and white woman tears makes them feel like amy dunne or something idk. it's not all white ppl doing this either but whatever, same motivation. it's all kisses I have my fandom besties and we uplift each other no matter what as long as we all stay in line together and never think for ourselves!! they hate to see real friendships and joy because they don't know what it feels like. they're v v v much like both anne rice AND lestat, which is why they hate to hear negativity about either of them. they only know self worth through manipulation and threats. sad, empty ppl. also yes eventually receipts always come out because they are not smart at all. just like lestat they're looking one way and thinking they're winning while the real shit is going down somewhere else. ur talking about nalyra too with the affirmative action. I posted some about it as it was happening then but I just shared the link earlier too of the bulk of the first posts calling it out, so have it again!!
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lioncunt · 10 months
i love hearing your opinions on all the characters!!
what do you think about claudia?
thank you so much!!! 🥹🥰
and ohhhhh my. my daughter my GIRL
first impression: kirsten dunst claudia (again when i was 15) and i loved her INSTANTLY she played the fuck out of that part, i loved how gleefully evil she was and her rage and torment and just the LOOK and concept of her was so fucking cool to me!!!!! i was devastated when she died, it broke me to pieces. her and tomstat were my favorite parts of the movie and i think they’re the reason i have such a deep love for claudia’s relationship with lestat, because you could just feel all the complicated love and hate between them in the film. when i read the book, i felt much the same way, but i understood her hatred of lestat even more and i was further enthralled by her predicament. i loved her reasoning for killing him, how it was for HER, how it was revenge for dooming her, for not seeing her beyond anything but a dress-up doll who will never change, for not taking her seriously, for this selfish act of creating her for his and louis’ sake. i loved how she took back her ownership of herself, how she’s the truest vampire because she has no memory of being a human, and how she’s always the smartest person in the room. i also was touched when i read the history behind her character and the tragedy of michele rice, so claudia holds a lot of meaning for me in that way as well.
impression now: just like with louis, the show took this character and elevated her to new heights. i again loved her instantaneously on the show, she was so DELIGHTFUL in episode 4 i fell completely in love with her all over again. the change to her age and backstory adds a whole new dimension to her character, and the acknowledgement of how her predicament affects her love life is soooo horrifying and tragic. episode 4 remains my favorite of the series, i feel like it’s such a complete arc contained in a single episode for her and i love it so much. i adore how bailey played her, her acting is phenomenal ESPECIALLY in her “who am i supposed to love” monologue, the change from her innocent childlike personality to the angst-driven teen to the bitter adult is fucking exquisite, i want everyone to award her for her work it’s better than 90% of performances i’ve seen this year. the relationship between her and louis in this adaptation is sacred, this complicated dynamic from parent-child to brother-sister and then even further where she ends up almost parenting him is so fascinating and disturbing and bittersweet and i tear up if i think about them too hard. my only qualm is i feel she deserved to stab lestat 90000 times more in this version but alas it was not to be. as for book claudia my impression is pretty much the same except that i LOVE her ghost hallucination appearance in body thief i think she should haunt lestat every day of his life and in hell too!
favorite moment: like i said above “who am i supposed to love” brings me to tears every time. also when she mocks lestat choking on his blood fjdksk and in the book “i’ll put you in your coffin father” is the most iconic line i WISH they kept it in
idea for a story: madeleine being the same age and them having a romance is something i’ve wanted for a year now, it’s probably not going to happen in the show given the actress playing maddie’s age but i’d still love to see it in a fic
unpopular opinion: in the book, i feel people get caught up in whether claudia was morally right in killing lestat, and to me, it’s more about how it was an act for HER. she did it for Herself, no one else. it doesn’t matter whether she was right or wrong to do it. she needed to be free of him. in the show, i think she should have killed even more innocent people :)))))) fill up the river with bodies babe drown out the pain ur doing great
favorite relationship: non romantic relationship in the book is her and lestat, and in the show it’s her and louis!
favorite headcanon: she is a LESBIAN
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
How do you think they'll 'rehab' Lestat's image for show fans in s2? Obvs it's hard to gauge quite how non book-readers feel about the characters, the loudest voices don't always represent the majority, but I'm guessing plenty have mixed or negative feelings on him, and even those who enjoyed him aren't exactly 'on his side'. So how do you think they'll pave the way for TVL? Strategic retcons of s1? Raking him over the coals in s2? Or just hoping Sam's charisma will be enough? All of the above?
I think they'll go and do what the book did there.
Which is... the slow, and horrifying realization that Louis (and Claudia) had hated Lestat for the wrong reasons. That he had had his reasons to keep them as they are, and where they are.
That is literally canon, and I think they'll follow that.
They have also already said that they will revisit some key scenes and so... some retcons will come in, likely for those scenes that have been (imho!) rightfully doubted to have happened as shown, and we already have seen a little piece of that in episode 7.
So even though we will not get his POV this next season... we will get more and more of the realization that there is more to this world, this vampiric world, than Louis and Claudia had... hoped for.
I have said it before, I think the vampiric aspects will increase now. And when the horrific shit hits the fan (my guess is episode 5) it will be crystal clear that Lestat's insistence of: "Paris?" "No." was actually... quite sound ruling.
The "rehab" will come with the story itself I think. As said, it started to do so in the book, too, though the second season will probably hold a lot of twists :)) And since we need to segue into season 3... there will be even more to the next season. And that will provide the final push.
But when that happens I think it is already clear to the audience. I'm not sure they're ready yet to "love" Lestat (if they don't now), but that won't matter much I think - because the way they will build it will keep Louis in the story, and Lestat's story... will have its own horrifying aspects. I can easily see him picking it up from what Louis - or Armand - told. With them. And Daniel.
And... in a way... that will be all the "rehab" he'll need.
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xxgothchatonxx · 1 year
I have a theory about what’s going on with Louis in the present-day story. 
So, there’s the theory that Armand is manipulating and distorting his memories. I can see that as a possibility (look, I’m just hoping they don’t go “aaaaand none of what you saw in season 1 actually happened! :D” because that would be really stupid and lazy) but I think Louis might also be doing it himself. 
It goes back to the idea of “real” vampires in this story living without guilt. I think Louis might be trying to do that. When I saw how the “murder” scene played out, I remember thinking “right, this is really well acted but Louis seems a bit off here” but then when Daniel starts probing, we get that brief flash of Louis holding Lestat’s body and screaming in agony. 
And what really got me thinking it’s Louis trying and failing at living without guilt was the brief flash of him slamming Claudia against the wall by her throat and screaming at her. He hurt the girl who he considers to be like a sister. Who has been hurt god knows how many times in the past, so he just contributed to her pain... again.  
It also made me think of the beginning of the second episode where he apologizes for his “outburst” when all we saw was him shedding a tear at the end of the first episode. It’s like showing even the slightest bit of emotion is “wrong”. And look at when he got pissed off about Daniel probing into Claudia’s assault! Which I completely understand, even though it’s horrifying seeing him use Daniel’s illness against him like that, but then “Rashid” comes in like “right, calm down” and Louis switches that anger off. 
Ok I had a point here- I think Louis might be trying to behave like a “proper vampire”, living without guilt, but because he’s Louis, it’s not working. Which I think would be an interesting thing to explore because one huge reason why vampires are drawn to him in the novels is because he’s not like the other girls vampires. And bloody hell, that should make what is presumably going to happen at the end of season 2 (if they keep following the basic structure of the novel) very interesting. If that’s the case I’m also preparing for a massive mental breakdown scene a la the confession in the first episode... *polishes Jacob’s Emmy*
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macgyvertape · 1 year
Vampire Chronicle Movies liveblog/thoughts
Before watching both these movies I had only seen the 2022 show and seen a few posts about the larger fandom. It was very interesting to watch both as part of my "watch any vampire movie a person recommends to me". My commentary on it got long enough I've split it into it's own post
Interview with the Vampire (movie)
Huh going from the show where Louis is a black man to the movie where Louis is a white slave plantation owner with a dead wife & child fundamentally makes him a different person and the framing of the story different. 
I know the 90s were a lot more limited in what they could show of gay romance but no church/wedding scene at all :( 
Lestat still has a great sense of fashion sense in this. I haven’t read the book and don’t know the lore but I’m surprised there’s no mind reading or telepathy in the movie
Was Louis the original confederate vampire where fans are like "he isn't racist look at him free those slaves that one time" and ignore everything else? 
I found the graphic violence in show IWTV crossed the threshold of making me uncomfortable a few times, but it was interesting to read that some audiences found the violence and gore in this movie uncomfortable when I didn’t blink twice.
Claudia in the movie being trapped forever at an even younger age is more horrifying. She can’t even cut her hair and have that bodily autonomy
I’m shocked at how quickly and easily Claudia goes from “we should kill Lestat” to following through and “succeeding”. 
Lestat returning only to be set on fire by Louis protecting Claudia, this is so different than the show, and they escape a lot earlier than WW2. 
The comedy of Santiago’s ceiling walk felt so out of place 
Oh wow there’s a full female nudity scene in the theater performance, I was expecting just a standard vampire movie topless scene
The vampires busting in was so overdramatic with the music. Funny to see the sun room and recognize it it from WWDITS. 
What a fucking brutal way for Claudia and that other woman to go, I think this scene as Louis is walled up is the horror element I found the strongest, because it's just so emotional
Good on Louis for killing all those vampires. Santiago tried the "teleport behind him" and it didn't work at all
This scene between Louis and Armand is SO CHARGED
I think it's interesting what movies Louis watches; Nostferatu, Gone with the wind?, Superman
Random helicopter but I was shocked how weak Lestat was and how Louis was numb enough to just leave him
"I want what you have" a very different Daniel Malloy
Lestat attacked Daniel?! Very on the nose music "I'm a man of wealth and taste" this was not how I expected the movie to end AT ALL
Thinking of this alongside other media that’s gotten a remake where people’s entry point is the newer adaptation, its hard not to watch this and compare it to the show version. Of course the show version has a longer runtime to explore the characters and could be explicit vs the 90s queercoding, so it feels like apples and oranges to compare the two but I prefer the show versions especially with Daniel Malloy. A friend who doesn’t watch vampire movies said this reminded her of “A League of their Own” for similar 90s movie that was queer coded vs modern show remake that is open about it.
Queen of the Damned:
My roommate after seeing the trailer: "Oh no early 2000s really got to them (derogatory)"
"[The world] sounded better" then it's extremely mid rock
Lestat's singing is awful. I cant tell if it's the actor's fault or the directing. (Looking it up: seems the front man for Korn did the singing)
There's a paranormal group that knows about vampires?! What’s their survival rate?
I thought Lestat killed his Maker (but Lestat is also a lying liar who lies). Marius looks incredibly generic like just some dude, I think it's the short hair and this movie's cheaper costumes. 
Its very funny trying to picture this B movie level plot happening with the tv show
It took half the movie for Akasha to appear then her dance scene feels very male gaze. Disappointed she never really got any characterization
I thought the weird flying bit was sex but it was just flying
All of Jesse's lines sound so stilted, is her whole thing she studies vampires so much she’s horny for them?
Oh hey its Disturbed “Down with the sickness” the best music in this movie (aside from the fiddle bit)  even with only 10 second of “Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah”
All these vampires attacking him onstage, wouldn’t that also break the masquerade?
The fight choreography this whole movie has been laughable
The movie is more interesting headcanoning Lestat’s desperate call out to other vampires as a need for Louis to notice him and come back
The best thing this movie did was the number of times vampires stood in the shadows and had their eyes glowing before walking forward
Jesse’s bra strap poking out during this dramatic feeding scene kind of kills the vibe
Why is Akasha so into Lestat she could do better, and the fact she has like 3 full scenes despite being the titular character is really disappointing
Rating: better than Morb but worse than Twilight (I like alt rock)
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vampirelequeer · 11 months
After reading IWTV and TVL as a teenager, I decided before the show came out to start again and slowly make my way through the whole series. I’m about halfway through the fourth book at the moment.
So without further ado, my thoughts on The Tale of the Body Thief so far:
(Spoilers ahead)
( also me special interest dumping oops)
- first off, HUGE trigger warning for a horrible sex scene. I guess (??) it shouldn’t be so shocking that Lestat is a monster and an actual canonical r*pist and seems to brush the whole thing off. But then also I’m sort of putting it down to Anne Rice very being weird in general and ideas about sex maybe (??) being different in the 90s. I don’t know I am reaching here
- Okay so that grimness aside, this is possibly my favourite book so far (I’m about halfway through). Tied with The Vampire Lestat maybe. After the drudgery that was Queen of the damned (oh the drudgery), I am loving the action and silliness of this story, the actual Lestat character development. There is less vampires sitting round a table telling their life stories and more actual stuff happening. There’s also some really beautiful writing and it feels quick and fun and romp-y to read. Pure vampire escapism.
- however I am PISSED that I waited 3 books to read a sex scene and what I got was a horrifying assault scene and…..a straight sex scene. An overly detailed yet somehow blandly vanilla straight sex scene. How dare you, Anne?? I wonder if this is the homophobia of time- Anne may have been all for mlm but felt too uncomfortable to actually write two men having sex. Or most likely it just wouldn’t have gotten published. I know vampires are supposed to be ace but it seems sort of….suspicious that Anne Rice the erotica writer has chosen this rule for only her male/male character relationships. Anyway basically we have been robbed
- There is some really great Louis content in this book. There is an absolutely beautiful scene where we learn more about his living situation and him as a vampire. I think he goes a bit wooden doll-ish character-wise in TVL and QotD and here he is actually his own personality again.
- However where is Armand, my evil rat baby
- I think what a lot of people hate about the books after Qotd ( though I speak as someone early on- I’m sure they will get really terrible soon) is that Lestat doesn’t stay dedicated to Louis. In fact he falls in love with anyone he gets close to. I think it’s easier reading it now, knowing that Lestat and Louis are going to end up together. But also I see them as a poly relationship (ish) and that they are working on their own stuff before being fully together again. As a poly independent person, I think this is great, and would honestly find the relationship a bit boring if it was just happy and monogamous forever. I am all about the drama lol
-on a lighter note god I love Lestat becoming human and remembering the horror of being a disgusting meat sack. Like him accidentally weeing on himself and gorging himself on chocolate. And almost dying of the flu because he’s not realised he needs a coat in the snow. I love that murder himbo
So yes halfway through and probably about to eat my words on supporting this (currently wonderful) vampire trashfire of a novel. David does seem to suck so far, but not more than say, Marius. And I find Marius’s POV fun to read even if he is an arrogant creep.
What do you all think of this novel? Thank you for coming to my tedtalk on old vampire books nobody reads anymore
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lastemberss · 1 year
finished the vampire armand last night and i have so many thoughts. it's definitely the book that had me the most invested so far in the series, maybe because i just can't take lestat's self-inflicted problems too seriously lmao.
i'm going to quit my job to become a full-time marius hater. i didn't like him before (it's the paternalism) but now ohhhh hell for marius!! hell for 10,000 years!!
early marius/armand is such a tasty blend of horrifying and romantic, things got surprisingly explicit! and the drama... armand at like 16 breaking down the door with an axe because marius isn't talking to him? incredible. of course then it's all downhill from there.
the religious stuff was more interesting than expected, except when it got into memnoch territory. i skipped that book for a reason! why are we still talking about this!! but it definitely added to the tragedy of it all.
the indoctrination into the cult and what happened to the other boys is so nightmare-inducing, god.
and then when we get to iwtv uhhhh. armand, beloved, you're really the villain of that story and the justifications are just making it worse. what you did to poor claudia was. not being helpful. really funny that his explanation for not helping lestat when he came crawling to him is that lestat healing by himself would make him stronger. it was all tough love really. tower? what tower?
no mention of nicki either, wow!!
now i'm really really curious about how the show will handle the rest of the interview with armand there. what does louis even know at this point? daniel will for sure notice that louis's version of events is off. is armand going to just blatantly lie and we'll only get the truth from lestat later? if armand confesses his claudia-related crimes louis might just set him on fire. unless of course show armand is a better person but. that's unlikely. or louis already knows and that's why he's so dead inside???
but back to the novel. armand and lestat really both instantly fell for louis because he was just so beautiful and sad huh.
very little new info on louis and armand's relationship? just that they both learned how to be alone from it. ow.
also tragic is the absence of daniel, the few times he's mentioned are so fucking sad. and everybody wandering away from night island...
i know marius is useless in general but he could've at least killed santino. dude had all your children tortured and/or murdered and you're just having a chat with him??? then again as i'm typing this i realize he's not the only one to be remarkably chill about their kid's murderer huh.
it's so funny that armand apparently hates gabrielle. why her of all people. what has she ever done to you, she's just minding her own business.
hilarious that armand has a problem with lestat's "brat prince" nickname and is like "prince of what?? on whose authority???". but then that's because of their collective marius issues.
more fun info: louis likes baz luhrmann's romeo+juliet, because of course he does, and armand watches the x-files apparently.
i love sybelle and benji, their section feels almost wholesome in comparison with. everything else. like yeah ok armand is kinda recreating the relationship he had with marius and bianca with them but. in a healthier way, sort of. he's trying. he's supportive. i hope nothing bad happens to them. well. nothing worse.
fucking. marius.
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semper-legens · 2 years
140. Interview With The Vampire, by Anne Rice
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Owned?: No, library Page count: 308 My summary: In modern-day America, a boy waits in a room for a young man to speak. Well, he appears young. But Louis has not truly been young for a long time. His story stretches back to Louisiana of the mid-18th century, where a chance encounter with a man named Lestat will shape his destiny. Changed, vampiric, lusting for blood, how did Louis become the vampire that sits before the boy today? My rating: 4/5   My commentary:
Well, it’s apparently time to read Interview With The Vampire. I’m technically cheating with this, as it isn’t really a Halloween book, but still. Like most young people on fanfic.net a decade and a half ago, I have harboured something of a grudge towards Anne Rice for her opinions on fanfiction for a while. But hey, I’ve mellowed a bit in my old age, why not try and read a book that genuinely seems like it’d be right up my alley! And, overall, I found it an enjoyable read - though there were a few things I wasn’t so sure about.
Louis is our protagonist and, Christ, if ever any character deserved the description of ‘brooding’ it is this man. He can’t walk down the street without pontificating on morality! I suppose that’s what becomes of being an 18th century vampire who was raised as a Catholic and apparently needs to murder at least one guy every day to live. Still, while his monologue was melodramatic and angsty, he never really annoyed me with it? I prefer my prose on the purple side, and honestly once you’ve acclimated to Louis’ way of speaking, it becomes easier to understand and bear. It’s not as though the things that are being said aren’t interesting, it’s more that I felt that with a less angsty boy as a narrator, this book would be like twelve pages long. Is that a problem? Nah. Just an observation.
Honestly, I’m not sure how I reacted to this. One criticism I did have was that this book didn’t really make the limitations of vampirism clear - this was for a reason, because Louis didn’t know at the time, but it made the tension a little strange when I wasn’t sure if Louis’ refusal to kill mortals would kill him or not, or exactly what effect daylight would have. The book really wasn’t what I expected, more some guys sitting around pontificating on life and death than the vampire drama I was sort of assuming this book was. One thing though, I was not expecting it to be as gay as it was. Seriously, dudes are sharing a coffin by like page 20. And it only gets more homoerotic from there.
Lestat...annoyed me. But not by necessity in a bad way. Claudia I felt was almost an interesting character but she was necessarily too opaque by way of this being Louis’ narration. I am honestly struggling for more to say about this, I’m sure I’d have a more nuanced opinion if I ruminated on it, but for now it’s just...what just happened. It felt like so little was going on, and then suddenly so much was going on. You know?
Next up, something also horrifying, but in a different way - a graphic novel adaption of a modern classic.
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
Continuing my liveblog of the early, 1992 draft of the IwtV movie script~
Okay where did we leave off?
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Ah. Right. And OH boy, that "papa's waiting for us" line has some potentially horrifying implications. (Final version, she says "Papa left us and didn't come back.") Maybe her mother was just lying to her about it, but if she really does have a living father out there somewhere then UH OH everything that's about to happen is even worse than it already was!!
Louis feeding on Claudia and Lestat taunting him about it plays out pretty much the same
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More of Louis being ready to throw hands with Lestat. Wish we could have seen them running on rooftops like this!
... The final cut has Louis holing up in a sewer drain and Lestat mocking him a little bit before trying to reason with him about his vampire nature: "Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are. None so like Him as ourselves." Lestat brings Louis back to the inn and Claudia's already there waiting to be turned.
MEANWHILE, in the early draft:
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The WHOOOOOLE backstory
I can't decide whether this is hilarious or a bummer, honestly. On the one hand, having Lestat as a more sympathetic character from the outset would have been interesting to see. You could make a whole AU out of that and it be really fascinating and fun. The movie(s) could have been a sort of retcon reboot for the series, which may or may not have panned out well, but could've been an interesting experiment.
On the other hand, the pacing of this movie would have been terrible and the framing story with Daniel would have been kind of pointless and confusing, on top of the obvious problems with Louis' and Claudia's reasons for hating Lestat later. It's kind of massively important to the plot that Louis couldn't pry any useful teachings out of Lestat no matter how much he tried, and that he was sure Lestat only wanted him for his money. Doing away with both of those things PLUS making Lestat gentler and more willing to talk about his personal history just makes Louis' intense dislike of him seem unreasonable lmfao
Anyway, let's see how The Vampire Lestat might have been adapted as a film!
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So ANYWAY, we get a quick version of him killing the wolf pack.
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Now she's just fucking with me. Antoine???? Nicolas gets cut completely but Antoine shows up in Auvergne????
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Why are you like this, Anne Rice
Gabrielle gives Lestat some money so he can make it to Paris. He becomes an actor, and one night he notices Magnus watching him from the crowd.
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Abrupt, but appropriate enough. And I know Lestat already said earlier that his maker had gone mad, but I think it still would have been weird to see Magnus "leaping about like a spider monkey" without hearing any of his dialogue first lmao
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aaAHYIGHIDH I mean I GUESS. Definitely one part of the book I can live without seeing on the big screen, thanks!
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Really subtle dig at Louis, there, Lestat.
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God, can you imagine how differently things would have played out if Louis knew all this stuff back at the start of their relationship?? Holy shit lmao
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WHY is Louis going to agree to look for these vampires later? Lestat's telling him everything up front now. I guess Louis could assume he's being lied to.
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Ooh, even cutting back to show Louis' reaction shots! I'd read this fanfic for sure.
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How does this not change the entire rest of the plot lmfao. Also wait, what about making Gabrielle would have been breaking the cult's rules?? Because she was dying? I don't remember them having a problem with her
... So he goes to see Gabrielle on her deathbed, and she is shocked to realize that he's not human anymore.
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Hard to translate all this to the language of film. This whole sequence feels a little awkwardly done.
... Gabrielle asks him to turn her, so he does. They run along the rooftops laughing and embracing.
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Wh... why? I get not wanting to spoil the hair growing back thing so the scene with Claudia later has more impact, but in that case why bring it up at all here? Very sloppy. Glad she wanted to keep Gabrielle's predilection for dressing as a man, though.
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????? Was this a thing?? I don't think this was a thing
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F in the chat for Armand's dignity
This rapid-fire barrage of scenes and exposition dumping is really not fit to cram into a single movie lol. Thank goodness the editors took things seriously
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djsakhjsfdkg ah yes, the ridiculously kindhearted Lestat that Louis definitely knew about early on in their time together.
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Lestat described as an angel, philosophical debates, Lestat aggressively defending the beauty of the world despite his later impatience with Louis over doing the same thing sometimes... This scene really has it all
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Oh here we go...!
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Sure why not just change the entire tone of the story, make Lestat's "death" an outright tragedy before it even happens! Lmao amazing
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Oh, Anne, honey, no. You might want to think twice before using this comparison
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Pfft, and then we're reminded that Gabrielle isn't actually dead, she's just off cavorting. Lestat, your problems may be tragic, but they're not quite as bad as you make them out to be. What must this sound like to poor Louis? Is he replaceable too?
... Gabrielle tells Lestat that she's figured out they can survive the day by digging into the ground, and he's just like "oh that's neat"
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I was going to make a joke about "mumbo jumbo" being anachronistic, but dictionary.com says the phrase is from the mid-1700s so... nevermind
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All right then, keep your secrets
Lol at least there's ONE part of the backstory that he doesn't share with Louis. Kind of hard to bring in Marius without having to get into the whole Those Who Must Be Kept nonsense
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"families", Louis smiling at him... what is this. This is supposed to be Louis' lowest point in the story lmfao
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jgdHSGJSF so Lestat goes on for a bit about how he crossed the Atlantic, and I guess this is his idea of flirting?? oh my god
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He's so GENTLE and REASSURING. What a TOTALLY different dynamic they have in this version
... Ugh, already over the image limit for this post. Let's pick it back up in the next one-!
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