#the sully's x reader (platonic)
mayhemories · 1 year
Pregnancy baby trope baby daddy Neteyam x reader please
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Tsahik Always Knows
Oh my god!! Daddy Neyetam would be so sweet! Also, I'm sorry for the lack of posts, I've been studying overseas and this course is an intensive fieldwork unit so I have had like no time to think. Additionally, some of my tags are working and some are not - I'm so sorry if I miss out on tagging you!
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none. Vomit? Fluff? 
Words: 1.8k
Author’s Notes: 
Neteyam is 24, reader is 23, established relationship. AU where they never left the forest and Jake is still Olo’eyktan, Neteyam will take that mantle eventually,, happy-happy can’t read or write any more angst for real. 
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Tag List: @lilprettypetite @nyotamalfoy @weasleytwinwheezes @aonungs-tsahik @rainbowsocks @glitterandgoldfinds @bluealiensimp @melsunshine @ussoppl @wondxrgurll @luvlykrispy @myheartfollower @gloryavila
Read Below Cut:
You stared at the remnants of last night’s dinner on the floor. You had vomited, again. This had been happening in the mornings, on and off for the last few weeks. You did not feel sick, so why were you sick? 
Normally the vomit happened at home. Normally Neteyam had already left to tend to his duties. Normally you could clean it up and pretend like it never happened. 
The heat of your embarrassment swarmed over your neck and shoulders, sweeping up into your cheeks and ears. You knelt, frozen in place over the bile you had just produced. 
On Mo’at’s tent floor. 
She was practically, and legally, your grandmother, and had been since you were nineteen-years-old. But you never thought of her like that. She was your Tsahik, your teacher, your elder, your spiritual guide, healer of the Omaticaya. 
And you had vomited on her floor. 
Mo’at cleared her throat, sitting across from you, your shameful vomit between you. Tears welled in your eyes. This was the worst day of your life. 
“Well, luckily it was just you and me here, hm,” Mo’at said with an unusual lightness, a sweetness that was enough to spin you out of your own thoughts. 
“My Tsahik, I am so sorry I do not know-” 
“Don’t be stupid, how can you not know?” The typical biting Mo’at that you were familiar with came back, quickly. The woman leaned forward with a cloth, mopping up your watery bile like a dealdly secret to be kept between the Tsahik and her assistant.
Now, you really did not know what she meant. You sat up taller, finding a cloth to wipe your mouth clean, something tangible to hold onto. 
“My Tsahik, I promise you, I do not know what you think I know.” You whispered into the cloth at your mouth. Mo’at discarded her cloth that blotted your vomit into a wooden bowl. Some poor trainee will deal with it later. She squinted at you, taking you in. Harshly, she grabbed at your wrists, inspecting your palms, and your shaking, delicate fingers. 
She huffed as she held your wrist tightly in her left, her right hand poking at your cheek, breasts and thighs. “Hey!” you had enough of her prodding, as you pulled your wrist from her vice-like grip. 
“Lay down. Now.” The Tsahik made moves to push you back onto the woven mats on the floor. You were scared and confused and honestly, getting rather emotional. You were still reeling over the embarrassment the vomit caused you. More and more these days you found yourself crying over nothing, or getting easily embarsassed. 
You laid still, scared of Mo’at, and, scared of vomiting again. Flat on your back, you stared at the keen weavings of Mo’at’s medical tent. You hissed, looking down, Mo’at has placed a cold hollowed stone on your lower stomach, her ear pressed against it, she furrowed her brow bone. 
The elder woman jerked up once she was satisfied, discarding her stone instrument, she settled back into her seated position on the floor, you mirroring her. 
“You are with child, quite obviously.” Mo’at had cut you off, while simultaneously giving you news that ripped all the air from your lungs. 
Your mind was spinning. You were happy, you were sad, you were excited, you were embarrassed. How could you not see the signs within yourself? Obviously you and Neteyam mated often- 
Oh, Eywa. 
You were going to have to tell him. 
It was not like you both hadn’t spoken on the topic before, you knew you both wanted kids, a family. Additionally, children were expected, a future Olo'eyktan must be secured. 
But the two of you had not planned for it to happen so soon. You had been so careful, tonics and teas. God, Neteyam pulled out most of the time. 
Subconsciously one hand laid across your abdomen, the other covering your mouth. You felt your eyes struggling to focus on Mo’at, on anything really. You felt like a shell. A shell with a small shell inside. 
“How far along?” You whispered, normally you would scold yourself for your informality towards Mo’at, but you would give yourself a break just this once. 
“A month, maybe two. Nothing more, nothing less. You are not physically showing yet but you cannot be far away.” The rare gentleness from Mo’at rose its head once again. You were grateful for it. “Now, my lovely girl, go. Go collect yourself and tell my grandbaby that you’re having my great-grandbaby.” Mo’at said softly, helping you to your feet. 
You couldn’t remember the short walk from Mo’at’s tent to the home you shared with Neteyam. You felt as if you were on auto-pilot, blacking out and teleporting from place to place. You quickly sat on the side of your shared bed. Furs and gossamer blankets providing comfort to your shaking legs. Laying back, you stared at the gossamer canopy Neteyam had only recently erected above your bed, dangling your legs off the side. 
You rested your hands on your stomach, trying to etch into your memory what it felt like now, knowing that it will eventually swell with the growth of your baby. 
Neteyam’s baby. 
Realistically, you knew that Neteyam won’t be angry. Shocked? Maybe. But angry? Neteyam had never, ever been angry with you before. Emotionally? It was a different story, you imagined Neteyam being frustrated and screaming at you. You imagined him being disappointed. You imagined him packing his things and leaving. The passing thoughts alone were enough to put you on edge. 
Sighing aloud, you had a look at the water clock resting on the other side of the room, you still had a few hours before Neteyam was to return. You still had a few hours to pull yourself together and work out how you were going to spit it out. 
Neteyam ran his hands over his face, pulling up his ionar onto his forehead. His whole body burned from that flight. He had missed you today, not usually staying out on patrol this late, but the young recruits needed training, and Neteyam was always eager to please. But, he was a domestic man at heart, he loved being at home with you, loved pulling you to his chest, loved making whatever new thing you asked for. 
He loved nesting, he realised. Loved doing it with you. 
Striding from the Ikran keeper, Neteyam wanted nothing more than to see you. 
The warm lights of your home welcomed him, though when he peered through the gap in the curtain flap, all he saw was your anxious figure, pacing back and forth, muttering to yourself. The air was wrong, Neteyam had never really seen you like this. He watched quietly, confused as to how you had not scent him already, something was wrong with you and he would be damned if he did not find out what. 
“Oh Eywa, what am I supposed to say?” You prayed silently, wringing your wrists. You thought the pacing would bring you clarity, as it often provided your father-in-law. Yet you felt empty. And so unbearably full at the same time. In the few hours you had to wait for your mate you had come to love the little life growing in your womb.
You were so excited. You could hardly contain yourself. Neteyam would be the most perfect father. But as the night grew closer your brain started to pick itself apart. 
It was all too much. You fell to your knees in the middle of your home, letting the tears flow freely now. 
Neteyam did not let that stand for long. He quickly rushed in, picking you up and placing you in his lap. His strong arms snaking around your sobbing form. Your head quickly found is chest. He felt your hot tears streaming down your beautiful face and onto his skin. Neteyam hushed you, like he watched his mother do with his siblings, gently rocking you back and forth. It was so silent, save from your sobbing hiccups. Neteyam did not dare speak until you had stopped. 
“My love, what has happened?” He asked gently, pulling away to cup your delicate face in his large, calloused hands. His eyes found yours, and he could see something was creating great turmoil in the labyrinth of your complicated, intelligent mind. 
You sighed in response, shaking your head. Trying to find any courage at all. Knowing you have news that will change the course of someone’s life was not something you dealt with well. Maybe you were not cut out to be the clan’s spiritual leader as Tsahik. But that was a different problem for a different day. 
Neteyam placed a chaste kiss to your lips, then your cheeks, under your eyes, the tip of your nose, your forehead. You were loved, he said through the gesture. You are safe here. 
“Neteyam,” You started, softly. You were always softspoken. Something of which drove Neteyam crazy in love with you. So gentile, so docile, so calm. “I have something to tell you.” Neteyam’s stomach started to flip at your words, anxiety settling in, but like any good soldier, he willed his face into a blank expression. Giving nothing away. 
And, in turn, giving you nothing. 
“Continue my little love.” He said, putting your baby hairs behind your ears, smoothing your loose hair down as you spoke. 
“Neteyam,” You cleared your throat, forcing that invisible, metaphysical bubble away. “I am with child.” The words hung in the air between you, and all you could do was wait for your mate to respond.
Neteyam felt like he was dreaming. Of all the things he prepared for you to say, you being pregnant was not one of them. 
His tail betrayed him before his mouth did. Rapidly going side to side, the smile that erupted on Neteyam’s face threatened to split his jaw apart. 
You were carrying a baby. His baby. Your baby, together, with him. 
You melted into Neteyam’s searing kiss as he held you flush to his body. Pulling apart, Neteyam’s hands rested on your stomach, bright eyed and smily. He kissed your stomach over and over and over again. Peppering the whole area with his hot lips. You giggled at him. He was perfect. 
“Oh (y/n), I am so happy.” Neteyam kissed you again, your giggles erupting between kisses as he could not decide on what he wanted to look at, your face or your stomach. “How long have you known, sweetheart?” He rested his forehead on yours, his hands resting on your still flat stomach. 
“I found out earlier today.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Your grandmother knew.” 
Neteyam laughed, his shoulders shaking, beads of his braids clinking together. 
“She knows everything.” 
That night as the two of you laid in bed, Neteyam spooning you, you rose out of your slumber briefly. Neteyam’s tail had wrapped itself around your thigh, your own tail sat under your abdomen of its own accord. Neteyam’s fingers splayed over your stomach. He was so protective already. So in love with you and your unborn baby. 
You smiled. Shutting your eyes you thanked Eywa for gifting you with something so precious. 
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lolita-lollipop · 1 year
heyy! i just binged some of your avatar works and im so in love 🥹🫶
could i request a neteyam x reader where she goes with the Sully's to the metkayinas and there she is harrassed like Kiri and the Sully boys come to her rescue? like including neteyam, lo'ak and jake 🥺💟
it's totally fine if you don't wanna write it, no pressure 💝
have a lovely dayyyyy ❤️
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When neteyam had first told you about the sully family leaving, that they were being hunted, including you,  it came as such a shock, you'd known Neytiri all your life, and you'd also known that the goddess of a woman loved this land more than she loved her ikran. You were even further surprised when you learned that jake wanted you to come.
You were there when those Human-NAvi breeds had interrogated Lo-ak , those men yanked your hair and held you up like you were a slab of meat. That was when it all started, with a knife pressed to your throat, and spider being taken away, you knew something big was going to happen. 
You belonged to this family since you were very young, being that your own parents were killed off by the sky people, leaving you as a child with mo-at. Jake took you under his wing, after all, You were only a year younger than neteyam, so they couldn't turn you away. Eventually, sensing the strong relationship between you and their oldest son, you were declared his promised mate. 
Even so, you never truly felt like a part of the family, Jake and Neytiri tried their hardest, but often times you outcasted yourself, trying to prove yourself, trying to show them that they shouldn't regret taking you in. It didnt help that as you grew up, you and their oldest son developed some kind of complicated relationship, something neither of you could explain fully. 
So, even though you loved this land, loved your home, with all of your heart, you left. The clan leadership was passed along to another family, and you all packed up your things, boarded your ikrans, and left. The ride was long, and hard, you didn't dare look back at the forest once you crossed the shoreline, fearing that homesickness would overcome you. 
When you arrived at the metkayina tribe's village, you, along with the entire family, were greeted with a not-so-warm welcome, hostility was laced in every word they said. A woman, clearly pregnant, circled around your family, eyeing all of you down. You unknowingly caught the attention of the only son of the metkayina clan leader. 
“Why have you come upon our land? Forest people belong in the forest” she spoke, hissing out the words, and locking eyes with neytiri. boys behind you grabbed at your tail and arms, yanking you about, commenting on how skinny, how frail it was. Neteyam stepped behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist, shooting a look to the greenish-blue boys. 
“We are seeking refuge, and can't stay with the omaticaya clan.” Your father interjected, stepping in front of Neytiri, who was already hissing at the woman for touching tuk. For touching her. Obviously, you all were desperate, the different clans never mixed. 
“Your arms are skinny, along with your tails, you will move very slow in the water. And you have no knowledge of our ways, you all will be like babies.” She grabbed Neytiri's tail, and yanked. You willed yourself not to go forward and push her off. You were just so scared, and so tired, if they didn't accept you, then you would have no where else to go. You clutched neteyams hand tight, just trying to relieve any of the anxiety you had with his presence. 
“We can learn your ways, please. I’m just trying to protect my family.” Jake begged, locking eyes with you for a split second, then with the woman again, they held gazes for a few ominous moments. You stood in the back, wanting to cave in on yourself like a crab. 
“It is settled, my children will give theirs lessons on our ways, and we will give them a home, treat them like your brothers and sisters.”
It was rough at first, having to abandon all of your traditions, the way you ate, the way you lived, the way you breathed. But as days passed, you got used to it, proving yourself to be a quick learner, catching on to the way of water fairly quickly. You werent as good as tsireya or anuong of course, But you were certainly ahead of lo-ak.
Once the anxiety of moving left you, you were finally able to appreciate the world around. All the unfamiliar excitements that came with a new home. The water that filled your home, the fish, the sand, the plants, the corals, everything was so… beautiful. That was the only word you could use to describe it.
 Often you wished to live under the sea, be part of ey-wa, you grew to be absolutely fascinated with it.  How the ocean could be full of peace, or rage, how it could be as beautiful as it was terrifying. You didn't think that you'd ever been this content before, in a place that you loved, with the people you loved.  
But, there's always a yin to a yang. And for you, that happened to be the children of the clan leaders. Tsireya was kind, and so bubbly, the two of you got along very well, even being able to call yourself somewhat best friends, you would giggle about the sully boys being idiots or gossip about the village and it's people. 
But… anuong and roxto? They were much less than happy to help you and your family, anuong believed that forest people belonged in the forest (like mother like son), and  as roxto idolized his older brother, so did he. While anuong did harbor some strange feeling for you, which made him cut back on his teasing for you (and only you), he still made it a living hell for neteyam, and lo-ak, and kiri. 
They poked fun at the skinniness of your people's arms and legs and tails, bullying lo-ak for having a hard time, at kiri for being a strange girl, and especially at neteyam, just for having you. 
And you. Anuong couldn't find an ounce of reasoning why, but he hated you, because he couldn't stop liking you. Which resulted in only the most loving teasing and bullying from him  and his goonds. You couldn't tell the difference.
They always knew where to find you most of the time, with your head buried in the sand, or sitting on top of corral with a turtle, or picking seaweed for no reason at all. You had the strangest habits.
Like now, you floated on top of the shallow water, a few seashells sunbathing on your back, your hands stuck in the sand below. You didn't even notice the three boys coming up close, commenting on what the hell you thought you were doing. 
“She's looking at the sand! What kind of freak are you?” one of the boys yelled above the water, pulling your tail up, that you did hear. Your head perked up from under the water, and you kicked his hand away from you. Wiping your eyes, you let out a soft
“Huh?” confusion laced through your tone, you stared at the three, anuong stood in the middle, looking strangely meek, while the one pulling at your tail giggled at your “idiocy”, the sight of them towering over you explained enough, and brought fear to you. 
“Huh?” roxto mocked, splaying his hands out “I said- What kind of freak, are. You. “ he repeated, and as you stood up he got close to your face, and placed a hand on your shoulder, sticking his tongue out and hissing. You cowered back, and shrugged his hand off. 
“I’m not a freak.” you spoke, and began walking towards the village and shore, hoping you could lose them, or they would just give up. They didn't, and instead followed you, tugging at your braids, and your tail. 
“Are you sure, looking at stones, playing with fish. Freak.” anuong was the one this time to speak up, pointing at the little pile of seaweed and seashells on the shoreline. He leaned over, and hissed the word in your face, you were on the verge of tears at this point . Footsteps behind him were swift and soft as they came closer. 
“Back off man, leave her alone” Lo-ak smacked him across the back of his head, coming up in front of you to  serve as a barrier from anuong. He'd known that you weren't the most normal person, but it still pissed him off to no end that people like anuong could walk all over you. 
“Awwww, does the freak need her little brother to come and save her?”The boys around teased and pulled on lo-ak, grabbing at his “baby” tail and poking fun at him, lo-ak was dumb, you'd known this since he was young, he was reckless, and didnt think. But, his recklessness made him strong. But also gets him into situations like this. Where the two of you end up in an equal amount of trouble, tears threatening to spill from your eyes , and lo-akabout to set somebody on fire. 
You automatically felt safer seeing neteyam rise frm the ocean waves, clearly hearing the commotion on the beach, he had been out here with you and lo-ak, but the three of you separated for a short moment. Of course anuong had to start something when he wasnt there to protect you. 
“He said, leave her alone” Your mate shoved roxto back from you and set a hand on your shoulder, anuong raised a brow, but hushed his friend when he began mocking you for needing neteyam to come and save you too. The man you loved  locked eyes with you and grabbed your hand, clearly trying to rub it in anuongs face that you were his. Then, he walked, and lo-ak followed. 
“Demon blooded freaks, all of them. You don't belong here.” Anuong hissed, eyes narrowing at the three of you beginning to walk away. You held onto lo-ak, knowing that the remark would set him off the edge further, trying to pull him back when he turned around. He just shook your hand off, and hurried over to anuong. 
You didnt even care to listen to what Lo-ak was saying, knowing damn well that it would just end with him throwing punches, you were proved right when neteyam left a small kiss on your forehead, and sprinted over to jump into the mix. They yanked tails, and ears, and eventually, you sat in the sand and watched, laughing when they wined. 
When both sides had tired out, and anuong and his little trio had run away, neteyam and lo-ak returned, you already had your lecture prepared, which was just a soft version of what Jake and Neytiri would say. 
“What happened to not causing a ruckus? Dad is  going to kill you.”
“I Wouldn't let them talk to you like that, my y/n, not ever.”
You listened to Your father as he talked to the two boys, which turned out to be a lecture exactly as you had predicted, a-lot of yelling and “yes-sir’s”, you were praying to ey-wa that netetayam wouldnt take the blame again as he usually did, knowing that it would only make things worse. But as usual, he did the exact opposite of what you needed, 
“It was my fault, I started the fight. They called y/n a freak,
 told her she was strange.” He spoke, which only made jake angrier that his boys couldn't control themselves. Although he couldnt really blame neteyam, you were his mate, of course, the two of you hadn't completed the ritual, but you were head over heels for each other. Jake would certainly fight a metkayina boy for Neytiri. Anyday. By the end of the lecture, both lo-ak and neteyam were exhausted. 
“Go apologize, he's the clan leader's son, make it count.” lo-ak huffed at that but still walked out, you did feel bad for him, you always did. But there was nothing you could do to change your dad's mind about this. He would just have to do it. When neteyam began to leave the hut, you started sitting up to go talk to him, not before your father could stop him though. 
“Wait, neteyam. How did those other guys look?” 
“Good, thats good.”
You laughed. 
Later that day, when the eclipse darkened the sea, the entire family was all inside, eating dinner and talking about their days. You stayed outside, preferring to watch the fish swim at your feet. You weren't upset, per se, just mildly off-put. You didn't think that anoung hated you THAT much. You did notice the loud footsteps behind you on the wooden peer, clearly belonging to your dad, but you didn't say anything. When he sat next to you, and you lay down with your head in his lap. 
“I heard about what happened today, did they hurt you? I'll beat them myself if they did” He threatened, a way-too serious look on his face for him to be joking. You let out a chuckle nonetheless, letting his hand place itself on the center of your back. 
“No. They just made fun of me.” your voice was hushed, and it was apparent you were at least a little embarrassed by the incident. You didn't think you were a freak, you didn't know as much about this place as the natives did, so you were obviously excited about everything. That's the only reason you liked to collect the seaweed or look at the sand. You let out a sigh. 
“Babygirl?” He spoke, beginning to rub circles into your back in a comforting motion.
“Yeah?” You were relaxed now, being in the arms of the only real father figure you've ever known. You swished your hand in the water  below, watching the glowing little guppies follow it around.
“If one of them boys ever speaks to you like that again, punch them so hard in the nose that they won't be able  breathe for a week.” He threatened, making a fist with his free hand and motioning a punch. You just stared up at him and snickered at how serious he was. 
“Okay, i’ll make sure to do that next time” you laughed at the thought of you even remotely trying to fight, you were good with arrows, knives,  and medicines, but not fists. 
“And if you don't want to, call me, or lo-ak, or even better, 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------wrote this at 5AM this morning with no sleep, so the grammar is probably not the best quality, however. ireallylikethisfic and I hope yall do too.
Anyway, thank you so much for requesting, I really REALLY enjoyed writing this, it kinda follows similar scenes in the movie and I really like writing like that.
ALSO, thank you for reading:) Have a great day, bye!
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~I Love You, I Trust You, I See You~
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(Ao’nung x Fem! Deaf! Sully! Reader)
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Summary: When the Sullys moved to Awa’atlu Ao’nung thought they were weird, knew they were weird. He took a particular hatred towards the older Sully kids, Neteyam was the perfect little follower, Lo’ak was constantly in trouble, Kiri was always off in her own world, and you. Just you. You seemed to always ignore him and never talk, but what he didn’t know was it’s because you couldn’t hear him.
Word count: 4.4k
Author’s note: This is the longest oneshot I’ve written at 4.4k words and 9 1/2 google docs pages… Sign language will be normal font, and bold & italics will be spoken, although I try my best to show which is going on.
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I Love You, I Trust You, I See You
When people thought of the Sully family many thought of your siblings. They thought of Lo’ak who was always a troublemaker, causing chaos everywhere he went. They thought of Kiri who seemed so in tune with her surroundings that she might as well be Eywa herself. They thought of Tuk who was the youngest, still enamored by everyday life. They thought of Neteyam, a strong leader who would someday take on the role of Olo’eyktan after your father.
They never thought of you.
You who always seemed to be in your own little world. You who never had any friends. You who never talked. You who always seemed so attentive to the world around you, yet had no desire to join it.
When you were born after your twin Neteyam, a spike of fear had run through everyone in the room when you began to cry, but no sound came out. They feared you may not be breathing right, you may need your airways cleared. They feared something was wrong, and that was true.
When your parents or siblings thought about your family, they thought about you. They thought about how funny you were, always cracking jokes when there was a chance. They thought about how kind you were, taking a moment to check on everyone daily. They thought about how different you were than most.
They thought about you. You who couldn’t hear.
You always seemed to be in your own world, and that drew many away from you, they didn’t want to be friends with someone who they didn’t think was paying attention to them, and to be fair you weren’t paying attention to people most of the time. You preferred to direct your attention to the world around you, always keeping an eye out as you couldn’t hear danger coming.
When you had been caught by Quaritch and his men you had panicked, more than everyone else at least. You didn’t know what was going on, you didn’t know what they were saying, your lip reading was not dependable, and definitely not in english.
When your siblings arms were bound you couldn’t keep yourself calm, now you had no way of communicating, they couldn’t translate for you. Tears streamed down your face, eyes closed as tight as possible to try to calm yourself by blocking out the outside world.
When you felt your captor’s grip on your release your eyes shot open, looking around at the damage around you, multiple avatars dead on the ground. Then you ran, you ran faster than ever before in the first direction you saw.
You ran and ran, eyes trained on everything around you, and when you ran into someone and they grabbed you again it was like a shock. You let out a scream, the first noise anyone had ever heard you make. A noise nobody was aware you could make.
You turned to dead weight in an attempt to get out of their grasp, panic coursing through you again as your eyes couldn’t come into focus. However, the person dropped to the ground with you, pulling your face towards them and holding it still as you tried to thrash. Then they blew air into your face, and you realized you were safe.
When you were younger you would throw temper tantrums, as children do, where you would close your eyes to refuse to listen to your parents. Not being able to see them meant no sign language, which meant no having to listen to them. However your father found one thing always worked, blowing air on your face. Your eyes would shoot open, highly offended with your mouth dropped open, before you would sign at him, “Your breath is gross.” in retaliation.
You had never been more relieved for your dad’s stupid way of getting you to listen. Your eyes finally came into focus and you calmed down seeing his face, but that calm quickly turned into crying, sobbing. You couldn’t help but let out all of the pent up emotion inside of you, but eventually you calmed down and were able to stand back up, staggering your way home with the rest of your family.
Some time later when your parents had been arguing in your family kelku you hadn’t been paying attention as your siblings were, all huddled against the wall. You had been lost in your own world once again, not wanting to know what was being said as you were still processing what had happened earlier. You didn’t need anything on top of that as you feared it would make your careful stack of emotions you had constructed come tumbling down.
They had come tumbling down though as your parents announced you were moving, leaving. Leaving everything you had ever known, your home, your grandmother, the forest you loved so much. You couldn’t help it as you cried again, being held by your mother this time.
However as you thought about it you weren’t that sad. You had always liked the water, everyone not having to hear underwater made you feel more included, more like you belonged, and you had heard the Metkayina used sign language. Maybe this would be a chance to make friends for the first time in your life. Maybe you would be able to talk to people for once, nobody at home taking the time to learn American Sign Language, as your father had called it, like your family had.
One thing you hadn't taken into account was that they used a different version of sign language, but that had become very apparent when you first jumped into the water with Tsireya, Ao’nung, and Rotxo. They used signs you had never seen before, ones you didn’t recognize. You couldn’t help but feel a little beaten down at dinner, staying quieter than usual, not signing as much.
Afterwards your dad had asked you to step outside, waving a hand towards you as he exited the marui.
He sat down on the pathway, and you knew he expected you to join him, so you did. You sat next to him with your feet dangling in the water, looking out towards the horizon, refusing to look at him so you didn't have to have a conversation.
That didn’t last long though as he poked you in the arm, causing you to look at him offended, mouth open and eyebrows raised. He took this as his chance to speak, “You okay, kid?” He signed.
You sighed deeply, fidgeting with your hands before signing, “I’m okay, dad.”
You could tell he didn’t believe you, lips pressed together in a thin line and eyebrows furrowed, “You’re less talkative. What’s wrong?” He signed, proving he didn’t think you were telling the truth.
A frown came to your face, feeling like it was permanently there after the past few days or so, but you continued, “I’m disappointed.”
He raised his eyebrows, surprise and confusion on his face, “About what?”
You looked away from his face, instead choosing to watch his hands, you didn’t want to see the pity on his face, “We don’t speak the same language. I can’t communicate. Everyone else can at least talk to each other.”
His face softened, but you didn’t see it, “It’ll be okay. You’re a fast learner, so you will learn their language quickly, then you can make friends. If anyone actually wants to be your friend.” He meant it playfully, and you saw him laugh, so jammed your elbow in his ribs.
Then the conversation was over, your mom poking her head out of the doorway and saying something to your dad. He just stood up and gave you a look like he was asking, “You good?” and you nodded, “Yes.” back in return.
After your father’s words of encouragement you decided to work harder, learn faster, determined to be able to communicate with the people around you, and a few weeks later you were excelling whereas your siblings were still struggling. They were caught up on the differences of Metkayina sign language versus ASL but you had grasped that there weren’t differences, or similarities, and you would just be learning from scratch.
Even though you were doing well at it, working your way towards being fluent, you were worried about talking to the people, mostly because of one person in particular, Ao’nung. It was as if Ao'nung was determined to ruin your siblings' lives, and yours, but you didn’t know that.
You had seen Ao’nung’s attempts to cause hell for your siblings, nagging at them, laughing at them, and even trying to start fights, with Lo’ak in particular. Him messing with your siblings made you frustrated, but you weren’t aware of the taunts meant to make you upset, and laughing that was meant to make you feel like a target coming towards you from a distance.
The bullying towards your siblings had become more and more frustrating and you had begun showing your anger at home, being rougher with things than usual, and not wanting to go outside of the shared family marui.
It had been peaceful while you and your mom had been working on dinner, but she noticed you seemed to be far off, handling the food with rougher hands, “Are you okay, (Y/n).” Neytiri signed as you placed another fish over the fire.
You rolled your eyes at her, upset she was even insinuating something was wrong. In reality there was, but you didn’t want to admit that, “Yes mama, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” She had asked back, concern on her face as she looked at you closely.
You signed, “Yes.” Trying to end the conversation, but you knew she would just keep pushing.
You saw your mom think for a moment, her face scrunching up in concentration, “Well I am not.”
You frowned more, once again feeling like it had always been there since you left the forest, “Not what?”
She was frowning too now, “I’m not sure you’re fine. I see you isolating yourself. Even from me and your father.” She grabbed your hands, squeezing them gently to show her love in a little way.
Tears welled in your eyes, frustrated tears, tears that came because with all the stress recently they were the only way your brain knew how to process, to cope.
You pulled your hands from hers to wipe at them, “I’m sorry.” was all you could say.
She wiped the tears falling down your face before saying, “Why?”
You sniffled, running your hands down your face before signing, “I see Lo’ak, Kiri, and Neteyam being picked on, and there is nothing I can do. I can’t stand up to the bullies. I can’t say anything.”
“Okay, well soon you will be able to say something. You are learning their sign language, yes? I’ve heard from your siblings you are out working them.” She smiled at you and you could really see how proud of you she was.
You couldn’t help but crack a little smile although tears still threatened to fall, “Yes, mama. I’m getting better, but I’m worried it will be too late though.”
“I’m sure you will do your best, my ‘ite.” She thought for a second, “Why don’t you go try to talk to these kids tomorrow?”
You sighed, you didn’t want to, but you knew your mom would nag you until you agreed, “Okay. Love you.”
She smiled lovingly at you, “Love you too.” before pulling you into a hug.
When tomorrow came you didn’t even want to leave your marui, but you found the strength to do so. You did some of the breathing exercises Tsireya had taught you to try to calm your nerves, and they worked for the most part, steadying you and clearing your head.
However as soon as you stepped outside your marui you regretted it, not wanting to do what you had promised to your mother, but you knew you had to eventually. Eventually, which meant you could fool around as long as you wanted beforehand, and so you decided to settle down for a quick nap on the beach.
When you laid down and closed your eyes you quickly and easily fell asleep. You were still tired from last night when you struggled to sleep from your anxious thoughts.
When the Sullys moved to Awa’atlu Ao’nung thought they were weird, knew they were weird. He took a particular hatred towards the older Sully kids, Neteyam was the perfect little follower, Lo’ak was constantly in trouble, Kiri was always off in her own world, and you. Just you. You seemed to always ignore him and never talk, but what he didn’t know was that it's because you couldn’t hear him.
Ao’nung tried to not let anything get to him, especially when it came to people he didn’t like, like the Sullys, but for some reason you, (Y/n) Sully, had peeved him more than anyone or anything else. He had grown tired of you ignoring him when he shouted or laughed at you, like you didn’t even notice he was there, tired of you flat out avoiding him sometimes as you scurried away when he tried to approach you.
Of course he knew why, he had the same intentions to bully you and make you feel unwanted in Awa’atlu as your siblings. Of course you didn’t want this so you spent most of your time avoiding him, but for some reason instead of him not caring about it, it made him want to get under your skin even more.
When the sun rose today he decided today was the day to act. Today he would confront you head on, face to face. He would make you notice him, and he would make you feel awful in the process. So he gathered his friends, his goons, and they set off to find you.
They first checked with Tsireya who was with the rest of your siblings, but you were nowhere to be found, they all insisted they hadn’t seen you. Then they combed the beach, going from one end to the other, and on the far end they found you peacefully asleep on the soft sand.
He couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked asleep and peaceful, but he quickly shook it off, shouting at you, “Wake up, freak!”
He was targeting your extra finger and the hair above your eyebrows, like he had your siblings because he knew that got to them, and hoped it would do the same to you.
When you didn’t stir he tried shouting again, assuming you were awake, but trying to act asleep to avoid him, “What is wrong with you? Do you not care or are you stupid avoiding me?”
His friends laughed at you when you still didn’t move, eyes not cracking open and your breathing staying the same, so he took the next step, trying something physical. He kicked sand up and over you and finally you stirred, sitting straight up and looking around for the source of the sand, and when you saw him your heart dropped, a lump forming in your throat.
“There we go, now you are paying attention.” He snickered.
You tried to read his lips, but he spoke too fast, and you just stayed silent. You cocked your head to the side, eyebrows drawn together in a look of confusion.
You hesitated for a second, but were about to sign something when he spoke again. “Do you not speak? A silent freak, interesting.” You still didn’t understand exactly what he was saying, but his friends all laughed at you, and although you couldn’t hear it it made you feel small.
“I’m sorry. I can not hear you.” You signed, using Metkayina sign language this time.
He scoffed, “I do not believe that. I think you just don’t want us to bother you, but here we are.” He laughed in your face.
“Please use your hands.” You tried to communicate, but they just wouldn’t listen to you.
“No.” He sneered, this you understood, one single word.
Your mouth dropped open, offense written all over it. You knew he was disrespectful, didn’t care about others feelings, but you would make him care, “I can not hear. I am deaf.”
He was about to retort against you again, but when he had been searching for you earlier that day Neteyam knew he meant trouble, so when he found you he stayed in the shadows, watching, but now Ao’nung had taken it too far.
He surged forwards, anger consuming him, “Step off bro. She can’t hear you.”
“Yeah that is what she just said.” He rolled his eyes, “I do not care though, it is better if she can not hear me. Means I can make fun of her without her knowing.” He signed the last part so you could understand.
You shrunk back, standing to hide behind Neteyam. You tugged on his arm, “It’s okay.” You signed.
“It’s not okay, (Y/n).” He rubbed a hand down his face, turning to Ao’nung, “You need to leave her alone.”
“Whatever.” Ao’nung scoffed before turning and walking away.
Now he knew why you seemed to ignore him, you just didn’t know he was talking to you. You were probably avoiding him because you didn’t know their sign language yet. He felt bad for some reason. He usually wouldn’t feel bad about his bullying but with you it felt different now knowing this.
He couldn’t show his feelings though, worried about his little group making fun of him, but he slowly started to back off of you, and your siblings some as well. Whenever one of his “friends” would ask why, he would reply something like “We can not make fun of a cripple.” and roll his eyes, still a jab at you, but less so.
At some point you became all that consumed his thoughts, on his mind at all times, and whenever he would see you with his sister, or your siblings, he would feel the need to insert himself into the conversation, but he always refrained. He wanted to talk to you, to apologize, but he feared judgment from his “friends” who are just as nasty as he was.
Eventually he couldn’t hold it in anymore, heading to your marui to ask to talk with you, in the way you would understand. When he knocked on the doorway of the family home Lo’ak was the first to notice him, glaring at him and nudging Neteyam in the side, directing his attention towards Ao’nung.
Neteyam stood before either of his parents even noticed the boy in the doorway, stalking over to him and dragging him down the pathway so they could talk, “What do you want?” He hissed out.
Ao’nung cleared his throat, but the words still came out small, nervous, “I came to apologize to (Y/n)...”
“No.” Was all Neteyam said before turning away and starting to walk back into the Sully family’s home.
Ao’nung grabbed his arm before he got too far away, “Please. Please let me talk to her.” He begged, something he didn’t like to do, but it was necessary.
Neteyam sighed, “Fine, but if you do anything I will chop your head off myself.” He threatened the boy, “I’ll go get her.”
It wasn’t long before you stepped out of the marui, a frown on your face and hands he could see shaking, “What do you want?” You signed, hands shaking with nerves.
“I came to say sorry.” He started off, “I’m sorry for bullying you, and your siblings. I promise I won’t do it any more.”
“And?” You asked, knowing there was more.
He looked nervous now, hands shaking as he signed, “I wanted to extend the offer of friendship.”
You looked shocked now, “You want to be friends with me?”
He nodded his head, smiling shyly, “Yes. Absolutely.”
You smiled this time, relieved he would be leaving your siblings alone, and excited to learn more about him, about what he was really like under the bad boy shell, “Okay, friend.”
He just nodded at you, “I have to go now. See you at lessons with Tsireya tomorrow?”
“Of course.” You responded.
When you entered the marui again everyone's eyes were on you, a light blush on your face, “I made a friend.” You smiled.
You could see your parents cheering and clapping for you, but your siblings' faces were unsure, you would have to reassure them later but for now you were all having a family night, playing games and handing out things you had made for each other with the new resources you were getting used to using. They were clunky and awkward, but you would get better, it reminded you of something, of someone.
As days passed into weeks you and Ao’nung had grown closer, him pretty much taking over your lessons, stealing you away from Tsireya who was sad to see you go, but happy for her brother for making a friend, a real friend, not one of his goons that tended to hover around him at all times. You had seemingly broken down his bad boy aesthetic and his goons had since left him, moving onto another leader to follow, still as nasty as ever.
You were grateful for him letting his walls down around you, allowing you to see him, and soon you did. You saw him as more than you ever had before. You couldn’t help but think about courting him, of trading little handmade gifts, and sharing little intimate moments of happiness throughout the day.
It seemed as if he wanted the same as he began bringing you gifts, starting as a little armband he made from you out of hard to find shells he had spent many hours trying to find, then it moved onto necklaces and bracelets. Each was more intricate than the last.
When this started you began to bring him things too, poorly made things because using dried seaweed and palm leaves were different from the materials of the jungle, but you managed. Even though they weren’t the best quality he proudly wore them, gladly accepting every gift you would give.
Everyone had noticed by now, the traded jewelry, the touches that lingered a little too long, and the longing looks when you weren’t together. What baffled people most however was not Ao’nung’s seemingly peaceful side coming out, but the fact that neither of you had officially come out and asked if you were courting.
You were courting, you both knew that, but Ao’nung wanted to put it into words, he wanted to make it official, but he felt the need to fix a couple things first, to get a couple blessings.
So he went to the person he thought would be easiest first, your mom. She had seen you two from afar and already had talked to you about it, encouraging you to pursue him and get what you wanted. She had said she was not Tsahík, but Eywa had shown her signs. So when Ao’nung asked she immediately gave him her blessing, knowing this was something not just he wanted, but something you wanted too.
Then he went to your dad. He was a fierce warrior who commanded respect, and Ao’nung tried his best to be respectful, carefully wording his proposal of courting his daughter. Of course Jake had been hesitant at first, but eventually he caved after Ao’nung had mentioned he already had Neytiri’s blessing.
Finally he went to Neteyam, your twin brother, your best friend since birth. Neteyam was adamantly against it, wanting nothing to do with Ao’nung, and wanting his sister to have nothing to do with him either. He was still on the edge of forgiving Ao’nung, swaying over a cliff where falling meant forgiving Ao’nung for his wrong doings, and when Ao’nung explained his love for you, his intentions to never hurt you and treat you with the respect you deserve Neteyam fell over the cliff, giving the Metkayina boy his blessing.
Once he had gotten their blessings he had invited you to the beach where he had first intentionally seeked you out. You were hesitant to go back there with him, but you gave in, trusting him wholeheartedly.
You love him. You trust him. You see him.
When you got there he pulled you to sit down with him, you both facing each other, and he signed, letting his heart out, letting his feelings show, “I am sorry for any times I have hurt you. I was an ass and a fool, and I wish I had never caused you upset or harm. I am sorry for bullying your siblings too, they did not deserve it, but I was scared by the new people and what they would bring. I now see I should have helped like my sister. I should have been making you feel at home here, not doing the opposite.”
“It’s okay. We’re past that.” You reassured him.
He nodded, continuing, “Now I see how special you are. I see how much you’ve changed me and my views on life. I am grateful for the person you have shaped me into. I am grateful I got the chance to make it up to you. I want to court you. Officially.”
You felt your heart swell, butterflies in your stomach, and you were sure it was showing on your face, “I would love that.”
You moved your hands carefully to cup his face, holding it there as you looked into his eyes, hoping he understood how grateful you were for him too, then you pulled him in, lips brushing against each other before they fully made contact. It was magical, unlike anything you had felt before, and you were happy it was him making you feel this way. So happy, so loved.
When you pulled apart he smiled widely at you, grabbing your hands and giving them a gentle but tight squeeze before using them to say, “I see you. I see you.”
You sign your thoughts from earlier, “I love you, I trust you, I see you.”
He doesn’t say anything else, just smiles, and pulls you back in for another kiss, and you feel at peace. You know he is yours, and you are his. You know he will never leave you, and you will never leave him. You know he loves you, and you love him. You know he sees you, and you see him.
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Word Bank:
Olo’eyktan (Clan leader)
Kelku (Omatikaya homes)
Metkayina (Ocean Na’vi)
Marui (Metkayina homes)
‘Ite (Daughter)
Awa’atlu (Metkayina village)
Tsahík (Spiritual leader)
Eywa (Na’vi Goddess)
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blue-sadie · 7 months
can I request avatar with a reader who is hard of seeing and needs a seeing the animal and they all freak out because reader somehow managed to find with a rather large group of viperwolves?
I hope this is what you were looking for, I made it platonic to make it more cute but I'll do a romantic one if this isn't what you were looking for.
The Blurriness
Sully family x blind Reader
Summary: the baby of the family is always protected
Warning: kinda yandere?
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Yn/3rd person pov
You were the baby the little princess everyone adored even though you weren't the youngest, neytiri knew something was different when she was pregnant with you, she felt it.
They didn't figure it out straight away, neytiri was scared at first not knowing what is wrong with her child so she did everything in her power to figure it out, even your siblings knew something was wrong so they did everything to protect you but still include you in everything they did.
Norman was the first one to ask them because he watched as you would have your hands on everything and feeling along as you moved, when someone called you you would twist and turn looking for them intill they came closer to you.
Jake and neytiri refused at first but as they watched you more they saw it to and then their feelings of protectiveness increased they would tell your siblings not to take you to the cliffs or on trees because they were scared you'd get hurt, they'd also forbid you going off by yourself because they don't think you'd find your way back.
I listened to my mom hum as she prepared food I could feel her gaze on me every so often from my perch on a few of the boxes that layed around our home "is something the matter" she asked I could see her blurry form move around the small fire the shadow of it darkening my vision.
"Nothing everything is fine" I murmured closing my eyes and leaned my head back against the woven wall "are you excited for your outing with neteyam today" she said and I could hear her footsteps getting closer "yeah I am" I smiled it's been a few weeks since I've been down in the forest.
"Where's my baby sister" I cringed as I heard neteyam call me my nickname "logically tuk is the baby" I mumbled as mom grabbed my hand helping me to my feet "you'll always be a baby to me" he teased and took my hand from mom and slowly lead me out the tent.
He helped me onto his ikran and flew the both of us down to the ground "so how's trainings" I inquired as I slid off his ikran with him right behind me "it's.... challenging" he sighed taking my hand and leading me off into the forest the blurry colors of purple, blue and orange filling my gaze it made me smile.
"Oh I'm sorry" I whispered lightly squeezing his hand in a comforting manner "I'm here for you if you need me" I added making him chuckle "I know you are it's what siblings are for" I could hear the smile as he talked, we fell into a calm silence the ambiance of the forest taking over.
He took us to our normal spot which was by the glowing waterfalls, he sat me on the ground just far enough for my feet to reach the water "I just need to get some stuff for mom stay here and don't move" his voice became a bit stern as he spoke he always said this when we were out.
"Where am I supposed to go" I teased gesturing my hands around me "I can't see anything" he laughed at my words "you know what I mean" he called out as he walked away, I started to hum to myself enjoying the forest air as I waited, neteyam usually took about 3 to 6 minutes but if longer he would come check on me every now and then.
"Neteyam" I called out after hearing a few twigs creak but I knew I was wrong when I heard the chitering of the viper wolf's, I looked around furiously seeing a view black sploges move across my vision my breathing hitching as I felt the wind of one of them moving behind me.
My stomach dropped as I waited for an attack or anything but nothing came I could still hear them moving around me but they weren't attacking my eyebrows frowned in confusion what's wrong with them, I jerked as I felt their cold skin brush against mine as they walked past, my body sat frozen and the only noise I made was my soft breathes I need to stay calm.
They circled around a few times "yeah" neteyam yelled charging from the woods, I could hear the viper wolf's scatter as he ran toward me their chitering fading as they ran into the woods "what the hell was that" he asked breathlessly and I just shrugged, he quickly pulled me to my feet and back to his ikran "I'm gonna get killed" he muttered climbing on.
"What happened" my dad asked as neteyam told him and mom the story I could feel their protectiveness radiating off of them "oh my poor baby" mom cooed as she came to sit at my side pulling my body into her and kissing my forehead.
"I'm not letting you outside again"
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m0chisenpai · 1 year
New Daughter of Mine
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Pre!Avatar Way of Water
platonic!jake sully x human!!reader x platonic!neytiri
Sequel: Goldilocks
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It’s easy to take in a stray animal. A human child being taken in by two aliens is an entirely different narrative and challenge within itself. Neytiri works her best to learn with each day. And there were good ones like now. As she sits with her dear Netayem pressed to her chest and she watches as Jake points to himself, palms pressed to his chest as he slowly sounds out, “sem…pul” 
And she can’t help the smile across her lips as you speak it back pressing your hands atop his, “sempul!”
“And Neytiri is?...” he raises his brow as you huff, pressing your eyes so tight then opening them wide.
“Sa’nok” He flicks your forehead gently. 
“For you I am sa’nul my y/n.” And her heart throbs at the gap toothed smile you flash her. Her own lips turned up. 
You latched onto Neytiri in an instant. And to Jake’s surprise she accepted you immediately. She would bring you on small hunts, teaching you to aim, to track. Crafted a bow with you as she told you the story of the one whose bow she carried. 
She braided your hair affectionately in the warmth of the day. Her fingers gently plaited, and moved with a gentleness you never knew. Slowly you found yourself falling asleep, leaning your small body back to rest your head on her stomach. 
And she didn’t have the heart to wake you, so she adjusted your head gently and continued threading the beads. They were her own ones from her own childhood. A piece of her, now a part of you. 
You shifted in her arms, eyes open half way as a large yawn fell from your lips. By then she was done and you looked into the clear waters with excitement enjoying the sounds of the beautiful beads. 
 “Mother would braid tight when she did my hair at home. And there was another woman, I don’t think she liked me very much. She would do it sometime and it would hurt.” 
And Neytiri cupped beneath your jaw to look into your eyes. “I will always be gentle with you, my y/n.” 
And she was. Jake would raise his brow as she watched how Neytiri would speak with you. It took months to tear down that stoney wall, but with you she was a pile of mush in an instant. 
But when it rains it pours. And when the bad moments come it is when Neytiri realizes that it only strengthens the now four of you.
 It usually happens at night. You would get these night terrors and would scream and cry for your mother and father. It shook her to her core the first night it happened, but somehow you knew Neytiri’s arms and when sh beheld you tight and rocked you gently you would slowly lull back to slumber.
One particular night it was bad and in an attempt to soothe you Neytiri lay her hand atop yours and went to hold you once more. In your haze of a nightmare though you continued to shout “Mama! Mama!!” your shrieks now shake Jake awake who watches as your tiny fists drive into Neytiri your hands collide with hers working to get them off of your body.
“Its ok baby come here, you're fine. You're safe. We’re here” Jake quickly pries your fighting form away from Neytiri and wraps his arms around you. 
And so she pressed Netayem to her chest bouncing him gently as she shushed him and Lo’ak who was woken by your screams. 
Her heart broke as Jake pressed you to his chest, how you grasped his hand as you whimpered. You were scared of her. It was then she realized it. No matter how hard she would try, how hard she could try and heal your wounds, she would never be your birth mother. But for now, she would endure it. Because you were her ite. 
She would not be your birth mother, she would do better. She could feel this task in her bones, from Eywa herself as she knelt before the tree of souls with tears in her eyes. “Free my daughter from these monsters in the night my Eywa. Great Mother help me, guide me. Teach me to do what is needed for my daughter.” Her eyes screwed shut as she clasped her hands tightly.
Tonight she waited. Neytiri was a huntress at heart, the best among the tribe. And she could hear it from the stutter in your breath. And so she sat up, holding you in her lap and rocking you as your breaths picked up. And she sang. She sang your song chord. Whispered it over and over as she brushed your hair out of your face. 
And this time you didn’t fight her. Instead your head slowly fell into her palm, she could feel the gentle puffs of your breath slowing down. You lean into her touch and she smiles as she sings into the night. 
That next day she would add a bead to her song chord. It was a beautiful stone you’d found playing in the waters with Netayem. She smoothed it down once rough and covered in stone turned smooth with deep grooves like a pearl, and now sings a new verse. “My Y/N, my light. Bright star in my life. To you, Great Mother, I thank you each night. Daughter of mine, new joy in my life. My Y/N, My Y/N.”
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whatsthethinking · 1 year
Somebody's Lover
Neteyam x Fem!Reader
◈ Word count: 3.3k
◈ Warning: n/a? Maybe just Neteyam being in love
◈ Note: Second request :) based on this video? Maybe, I tried. I'm finally getting around to the requests that have been collecting dust in my inbox
◈ Lo’ak version
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The elders of the Omatikaya clan were becoming concerned with Neteyam, he was to pass his rites in a matter of weeks and yet, he hasn’t shown any indication of even thinking about choosing a mate. It was no secret that the young Na’vi had many admirers, many fighting amongst themselves to get a sliver of attention from the Olo’keytan’s eldest son.
But none of them seemed to have a chance. Neteyam did not show that he favoured one person over another. Everyone was treated with the same level of respect, and greeted them with perfect manners. Everyone was equal, even if Neteyam didn’t particularly like you.
Some parents would even go as far as having their children befriend Lo’ak or Kiri, even little Tuk and those who were really desperate would seek out Spider but these schemes did not go very far once they were met with Neytiri’s fiery gaze, the protective mother was able to detect their plans from miles away.
It seemed like no one had a chance, Neteyam hadn’t shown interest in anyone within his clan for what seemed like years now, not that anyone was counting. There was a time when the clan thought that Tahé was to be the ‘one’.
Tahé is the eldest daughter of Jake’s most trusted warriors, she would often train alongside Neteyam in their youth and was close to the Sully family growing up but as time went on, it was clear that the Tahé and the Sully children had grown distant. You would no longer see Kiri and Tahé skipping through the forest in search of flowers to weave, or Lo’ak dragging the girl along to get into trouble. You would see Neteyam following clan members around, learning how to forage for food, Tahé would be trailing behind him with a dazed look on her face as Neteyam soaked up all of the information.
But, it was clear that the distance started to form once Tahé had started making friends with the older children in the clan. Those older children would take time out of their day to bully Kiri and Lo’ak for being different, Tahé standing behind them not saying a word. More often than not, it would be Neteyam stepping in to put an end to the teasing, Tahé would bat her eyelashes, dismissing her new friend’s behaviour but Neteyam isn’t stupid, nor is he deaf. He could hear the teasing, he could hear his siblings cry at night. As much as Neteyam disliked the girl, he knew he had to keep up appearances and bite his tongue.
And tonight was no different, the clan was having a communal dinner to celebrate this week's very successful hunt, one that Neteyam had taken part in and was being praised for. Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk sat to Neytiri’s left, conversing with her and their grandmother. Neteyam had been sandwiched between his father and Tahé, Tahé’s father and mother beside her.
“You should be proud of yourself, Neteyam. I was told you worked extremely hard today.” Tahé’s father praised.
“Thank you, sir.” Neteyam replied looking down at his food, “Everyone worked hard.”
“Yes, yes. But you made two sturmbeest kills mere seconds apart from each other.”
“You did?” Tahé’s eyes lit up, “you’re very talented, maybe you can teach me how you did it?”
Even though Tahé’s voice filled the air, Neteyam didn’t hear her, he was too focused on the events happening in the distance. A Na’vi girl his age was swatting a Na’vi boy's hand away from her food, while their parents ignored them, indicating this was a common occurrence. 
The boy stopped his antics when his eyes met Neteyam’s, the boy’s face broke out into a large grin as he waved his hand above his head enthusiastically. The older girl rolled her eyes dramatically before offering a smile in Neteyam’s direction which he returned.
“He would love to,” Jake started, looking at Neteyam and tapping the boy’s arm to regain his attention, “isn’t that right Neteyam?”
Neteyam’s face flushed as he had been caught not paying attention to the conversation. He looked at his father for any indication of what was happening but he was just met with his father’s smirk and a twinkle of mischief in his eye that Neytiri would suggest meant he was up to no good.
“I guess?”
“Great! Tomorrow?” Tahé questioned, clearly not sensing that the boy was not interested.
“N-no. Not tomorrow, I have plans.”
“Oh, the day after then?”
Neteyam looked at Tahé and her family, he felt all eyes on him. He was sure he could hear Lo’ak howling at his expense.
Damn it
Something else about Neteyam that the clan noticed? His inability to say ‘no’.
“No,” Neteyam said flatly, adjusting the bow on his chest
“Bro come on, please, dad’s already on my ass for sneaking out after eclipse, just come with me. Please.” Lo’ak all but begged as he watched his brother saddle his ikran
“That’s not my problem, I told you and Spider not to go but you did anyways and now Spider’s wrist is broken, Lo’ak.”
Lo’ak looked at his brother in confusion, this side of him was different. Yes, he was used to his brother scolding him or helping him cover up his antics or coming along so no one got hurt, but in the past months, Neteyam had been brushing off his plans to cause trouble. 
“You’re gonna ditch me for Tahé, aren’t you? That’s low.”
“Tahé?” Neteyam’s face contorted in confusion, “why would I ditch you for her?”
“You don’t remember?” Lo’ak stared at his brother in disbelief, “You really don’t remember. Oh my. You agreed to help her with hunting or whatever today. She’s been running around telling everyone it’s a date or something. You would know that if you were around yesterday.”
Neteyam lept onto his ikran forming the bond and getting comfortable, “I’ll reschedule.”
Before Lo’ak could make a snide comment, Neteyam and his ikran took off into the sky.
“Oh, I can not wait to see her face.” Lo’ak smiles cheekily as he walks off, excited to tell his old friend that the love of her life stood her up.
“You need to hold the bow like this or you’ll drop the arrows.”
Neteyam nodded trying to focus on the instructions being given to him, but he was distracted by his teachers' close proximity.
Y/n circled Neteyam before stopping beside him, adjusting his fingers and stepping back.
“Okay, shoot.” 
Neteyam took a deep breath before releasing the two arrows, both arrows had hit way off centre, one was right at the edge of the target, a small breeze could send the arrow hurtling into the bush beside it.
“Shut it,” Neteyam blushed, shooting two arrows at once was harder than the girl before him made it seem.
Y/n quickly retrieved the arrows and made her way back towards Neteyam, a teasing smile on her lips, “looks like the mighty warrior needs more practice.” 
Neteyam reached a hand out, placing it on top of y/n’s that were wrapped around the two arrows and pulled her forward gently until she was standing directly in front of him
“I’ll need all the help I can get.”
Neteyam smiled sweetly, taking in his lover's face. 
When he was with y/n it was like time stood still and nothing around him mattered. Being with y/n he felt like he could be himself, he could relax, there was no one to impress, no one holding him to a high standard. Being with y/n he felt nervous but also with her, he felt at peace.
Neteyam leaned down slightly and y/n closed the gap, Neteyam’s hand moved up and gently held the side of her head as their lips met. Y/n’s free hand held Neteyam’s arm, her fingers giving his arm a gentle squeeze. 
Neteyam could feel his heart pick up speed as y/n dropped her arrows and raised her hands to rest them on his shoulders and then slowly around his neck. He followed suit and dropped his bow on the ground, bringing his hands to her waist.
The sound of his ikran chittering brought the pair out of their embrace. Neteyam’s face flushed as he suddenly felt shy, not looking y/n in the eye. The girl grinned, bringing a hand to his chin and moving his head so he could meet her gaze. 
“Always so shy.” She teased placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. 
Neteyam chuckled under his breath, a hand gently caressing the small of her back, “What can I say? You’re absolutely stunning.”
Y/n’s face blushed at the compliment, causing her to look down slightly.
Y/n took Neteyam’s hand, leading him to her ikran. When they arrived, y/n let go of his hand and opened the bag she had attached to its saddle. Reaching in and pulling out a small parcel wrapped in fabric. She handed it to Neteyam, her hands fidgeting nervously as he began to unwrap it. 
“I remember that you said you like the one I have, so I made you your own,” Y/n admitted shyly as Neteyam ran a finger over the woven cords and then the stone sitting in the middle.
Neteyam reached around and quickly untied his beaded choker, replacing it with the necklace. When he was sure that it was secure, he grinned at her before placing his hands on either side of her face and dramatically kissing her forehead.
“Mwah!” He exclaimed as she laughed, “I love it.”
As Neytiri chopped the vegetables, her ears twitched hearing Jake half-heartedly apologise to Tahé’s father for her eldest son's disappearance. Her eldest son had been disappearing more and more recently. She had an idea what could be going on with Neteyam for the past few months but she felt like she should leave it to him to tell him.
“Neteyam’s back!“ Tuk exclaimed, pointing to the sky, sure enough, Neteyam and his ikran were making a slow descent in the distance, moments later, the boy in question stepped through the low-hanging trees into view. As the boy emerged, Neytiri instantly noticed the change in her son’s appearance, his usual beaded choker that he wore with pride had been replaced with a woven necklace, and his hair had changed too. The beads that resided at the front of his hair were now in a different colour order and there was also an orange feather dangling behind his ear.
The whispering was almost instantaneous but it did not seem to affect Neteyam as he made his way towards the family tent. Passing Jake and Tahé’s father in the process. Seeing him, Jake said bye to the other man and followed his son into the tent. Neytiri stood up as well and walked in with Tuk rushing behind.
Just as Neteyam entered the family tent, Jake’s hand reached out toward the boy’s back, pulling a white and blue feathered arrow out of the quiver. Jake instantly noticed that this arrow didn’t belong to his son or anyone in his family and at a stretch anyone in the clan.
Neteyam spun around at the slight weight change and his eyes locked onto the arrow being twisted between Jake’s fingers.
“This isn’t yours.” Jake stated, “Where were you?”
Jake hummed as he took in this lie, he liked to believe he knew his children well and one thing about Neteyam, he was a terrible liar. Something they clearly had to work on.
“Who did you practise with?” Jake questioned with humour in his voice and Neteyam’s eyes failed to keep contact with him.
“A friend.”
“Oh? And does this friend have a name?”
Neteyam’s mouth opened and closed quickly, looking at his mother for help.
“Ma Jake, you’re embarrassing him,” Neytiri interjected, taking the arrow from between her mate’s fingers.
“I am not, I'm just asking questions.”
Neytiri gave Jake a look before handing Neteyam the arrow. Jake cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You ditched Tahé, again.” Jake stated to his son, putting on an authoritative tone, “Her dad was just here telling me how upset she is.”
Tuk rolled her eyes at her father’s antics, taking the arrow from Neteyam, everyone in this tent knew that Jake did not like Tahé around his children but for the sake of keeping the peace, he bites his tongue.
“I forgot.”
“Forgot with your friend?”
Neteyam paused momentarily before nodding, “Yes?”
Jake dropped the act at his son’s hesitant honesty.
“She make you that necklace?” Neteyam nodded
“She do your hair?” Again, Neteyam nodded
“Have you kissed her yet?”
“Ma Jake!” “Daddy!”
“What? I’m just asking.”
The next evening, Neteyam found himself walking confidently through the camp, hoping to not be stopped on the way to his destination. 
Neteyam led the pair through the bioluminescent forest, being sure to brush any low-hanging vines out of the way. 
“Where are we going?” Y/n questioned, looking around, no matter how many times she ran through the forest during the day, it does not dull the beauty it holds at night
“Just a little further, I promise.” Neteyam smiled, squeezing her hand.
Walking along a thick branch, moving the flora away from her legs, he motioned her to step forward onto the mountain edge as he placed a small basket on the ground, the moss beneath her feet lighting up with every step she took.
“Wow.” Y/n breathed out taking in the view. From here, you could see almost the whole forest
Neteyam walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“This is beautiful, Neteyam.” She whispered, placing her arms on top of his and taking in the view. “How did you know to come here?”
“Running around after Lo’ak has some advantages.” He smiled, placing a kiss on her shoulder.
Y/n laughed slightly at the thought of the younger boy that always seemed to attract trouble, he was very similar to her own brother, the only difference was that Lo’ak was the Olo'eyktan’s son so if he was to get in trouble, everyone knew about it.
Neteyam placed another kiss on the girl's shoulder and slowly made his way up her neck. Y/n turned her head and their lips brushed against one another.
“What are you doing?”
“Admiring you,” Neteyam replied softly, “is that okay?”
Y/n nodded, turning around, the boy pulling her into a kiss, much more passionate than the ones shared the day prior.
Y/n straddled Neteyam’s lap, her knees sinking into the moss. Neteyam’s hands ran up y/n’s thighs and rested on her hips.
Y/n placed one arm behind the back of his neck and used her free hand to trace the bioluminous flecks across his forehead, down his nose to his chin. Neteyam looked up at y/n, eyes full of love and admiration.
“I love you,” Neteyam said without a hint of hesitation or the usual shyness in his voice, a gentle smile on his face.
“I love you, too,” Y/n replied, smiling down at him lovingly.
Y/n walked into the clearing where other teens were training, her brother, Kalä, trailing behind her complaining about not wanting to train this early.
“We’re here for you, not for me.” She reminded him, rolling her eyes as he started to complain louder.
Y/n ignored him as she lent her bow against a tree and started to sort out her arrows.
Out of the corner of her eye, y/n noticed Tahé walking into the clearing with her obnoxious group of friends. As the group passes, Tahé eyed the girl before stopping fully next to her.
“Y/n, it’s been so long, are you here to train with us?” Her tone was somewhat condescending
Y/n looked down at the arrows in her hand and then back at the girl, “Did the arrows in my hand tell you that?”
Kalä bit back a smile at his sister's response which didn’t go unnoticed by the other girl who glared subtly at him.
“It’s just that I haven’t seen you around in such a long time, I was concerned, I thought something happened.”
Y/n resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the girl, instead looking to the other side of the clearing where Jake Sully, Neytiri and their two sons had walked in. Tahé’s eyes followed, her eyes lighting up at the sight. The girl quickly ran her hand over her hair and down her outfit before slowly turning away, y/n noticed that Kalä had extended his foot out but she pushed him to the side so he didn’t succeed in tripping the annoying girl.
“Behave.” She muttered, turning away to finish organising the arrows.
Tahé’s friends followed behind, chatting amongst themselves, none of them having the courage to walk up to the Olo'eyktan directly.
“She’s just so, urgh. I can’t stand her. Look at her, drooling over Neteyam, wait until she finds out he’s been shoving his ton-”
Y/n turned to her brother swiftly, hitting him in the arm with the end of an arrow, eyes wide in disbelief.
“Ow! I’m sensitive!” Kalä exclaimed defensively, holding onto his arm.
This caused the siblings to start bickering amongst themselves, which started to draw the attention of some clan members around them.
Neteyam looked around the clearing, he tried to make it seem like he was just surveying the area but in reality, he was looking for the girl he spent the whole night speaking to, the pair only making it back to their tents just as the sun was rising.
At the far end of the clearing, Neteyam spotted a familiar sibling poking each other in the shoulder.
Neteyam smiled, looking down at the grass surrounding his feet.
He raised his head slowly to see Tahé walking toward him and his family, Lo’ak sighed and rolled his eyes as Neytiri nudged him. Jake looked back at his eldest son, s smile creeping onto his face as he saw Neteyam resist the urge to copy his brother.
“Good morning.” Tahé greeted cheerfully, a grin stretching onto her face.
“You’re very chipper this morning, so you must’ve already ruined someone's day,” Lo’ak stated only to receive a stern look from his father.
Tahé was about to retaliate but she was stopped as someone rushed forward, almost knocking her to the floor.
“Sorry! Neteyam! Finally, you’re here!” Kalä announced, skidding to a stop next to the boy, “Save me.”
Neteyam smiled at the younger boy, excusing himself from Tahé and his family, walking towards where y/n was standing, testing a bow.
“Look, Neteyam’s here!”
Y/n turned to smile at Neteyam before glaring at her brother, pushing the bow and an arrow into his chest before crossing her arms, “Go.”
“Go, I’ll join you in a minute.” Neteyam intervened nodding at the younger boy
Kalä smiled smugly before walking off quickly to where other teens were waiting for an instructor. 
“You don’t have to help him, you know,” Y/n sighed, uncrossing her arms, letting them fall to her side and placing her weight onto one leg.
“I want to,” Neteyam confirmed with a smile, watching the boy join his friends.
With their backs to the clearing, everyone was able to see Neteyam’s hand slowly make his way towards y/n’s, taking hold of it and bringing it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles, causing the girl to turn and smile at him.
Jake nodded approvingly while Neytiri smiled fondly.
Lo’ak was proud of his brother for finding someone he liked and he was even happier when he watched Tahé’s face drop and her shoulders sag in defeat.
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Request from @tigermoon3
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asimpwithfreetime · 1 year
Our baby (Yandere! Platonic! Sullys x sickly born! Daughter/sister! Reader)
Summary: Y/n was born sickly, scaring all her family a few times in her life with that condition. Now she is doing better but they are all overprotective of her now. (Just a bunch of cute fluff scenes with them and then yandere stuff)
General warnings: yandere behavior, yandere sully family, manipulating/ fear tripping yandere! Jake, violent! Neytiri, fights between Neteyam and Lo’ak, purring! Loak,
Content warnings: English isn’t my first language and this hasn’t been proofread.
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[ 3rd Person POV ]
The Sully family was really close, all of them orbiting around Y/n. Y/n was born sickly and usually got ill more times in a year.
Everyone took good care of her. From her protective parents to her little sister, Tuk. Do not forget about her three older siblings that would do absolutely ANYTHING for her.
Jake never let her do anything remotely dangerous, what if his baby got hurt? He wouldn’t survive it. Also, why did she need to know that, she already had him, right?
“You ready, baby girl?” Jake asked his daughter, bringing her close to his ikran. She wanted to fly with one but he didn’t let her. Instead, they could fly together. He helped her up and sat behind her. Once she steadied her posture, he held her in place and they started flying.
At first it was fun but suddenly, the ikran almost crashed into the ground a few times. Jake protected Y/n. She didn’t know he was doing it on purpose. She screamed and cried, holding her dad as a life line.
“There, there, my baby” he cooed once on land. “This is why I don’t let you fly, I don’t want you hurt” he said. She hugged him tightly in between sniffles.
Neytiri was at a whole other level. With a simple “NO” and a hiss she would have everything settled. She even blackmailed and threatened a bunch of Na’vi in the clan to tell her daughter off whenever she tried to sneak around. If other people convinced Y/n, she wouldn’t be the bad guy.
She would be always there for her. As the daughter of the Tsa’hìk she new a lot about medicine and she would cure her baby. She knew how fragile Y/n was and she wanted to protect her baby. She never got aggressive against her, but Neytiri would punch to literal pulp anyone who tried to tell Y/n she didn’t need her family on her all the time.
Neteyam needed Y/n as he needed to breathe. She was his everything. Jake was really stern on him and he could always run to Y/n and still be seen as a hero and a role model. He loved the way she admired her big brother. He liked being appreciated.
He has fought Lo’ak over who loved her more in the past, close enough to draw blood. Jake had stopped them but it was always the same. Neteyam would cuddle with Y/n whenever she was sick, even if it was contagious. He didn’t mind. If he got sick taking care and loving his baby sister, then so be it. Eywa sent him the mission of being there with her. And don’t even think about dating. Neteyam would get caught, but he would kill any boy that looked at her more than twice.
Lo’ak teases Y/n’s sickness sometimes, only if she was going to laugh or crack a smile. He loved her laugh, it made him fill useful. Y/n was his reason to go on. He would be lost without her. In a forest of darkness, she was his moon, his night sky and his guide. She didn’t know it, but she was.
He loved holding her close when she got better from an illness, hearing her heartbeat and purring happily lulling her to sleep.
Lo’ak loved to get on fights just to get treated by his sister, she had such a gentle care that he couldn’t deny it. And maybe he didn’t create fights sporadically. He would fight Na’vi he knew had a crush on Y/n. He would teach them a lesson.
Kiri wasn’t violent physically, but verbally. She had destroyed a lot of people just with the power of the word. And whenever someone made fun of her sister for being sickly or for being weak, or someone would DARE to be in love with Y/n, she would make their live a living hell.
With Y/n she was all soft and gentle. As Y/n wasn’t allowed out alone, Kiri would bring her flowers, rocks and everything interesting she found while going for a walk. That way Y/n could experiment the wonders of Pandora form the safety of her home.
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neteyamlover69 · 1 year
atwow characters social media ii
part two bcs i’m in a silly goofy mood.
series masterlist
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tysm for the love on the first post i luh yall
happy lunar new year!!
lmk if y’all want more 😝
i make avatar memes w the papyrus font bcs its so fucking goofy 😭
requests open!!
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Sully Family x human reader Concept.
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I've wanted to write for the sully family for so long, but never got the opportunity because I couldn't see the movie. Now that I have, here are some headcanons. Also please request for Avatar in the future, I won't shut up about it. (Let's just pretend no one dies okay!)
For context, you're younger than Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri, but younger than Tuk. I couldn't find official ages for them, so I had to guess, sorry.
You were like Spider, a human who was left on Pandora after the sky people were force out. Since you were young at the time, you were unable to be sent back to earth, and were given the privilege of living on what's left of the research bases near the Omaticaya clan. I won't go into the details of your parents, but I can another time.
Unlike Spider, as you grew, you preferred to say away from the Na'vi. Not because you thought they were savages like the sky people wanted you to believe, you were smarter than that. You were just...shy. You preferred to say in your little bunker, by yourself, away from the unfamiliar land of Pandora.
However, Eywa had other plans.
It started with Spider, who thought it would be really cool, and definitely not annoying, to bring the Sully kids around the research base. You and spider were not friends, a least, that what you thought. Spider thought you were great, since you were really the only human he could really relate to. You were also left on this unfamiliar land, by yourself, with a bunch of nerds to take care of you. You and Spider were much closer when you were younger, but as you aged, you went separate ways, Spider running headfirst towards Pandora, while you remained stagnant.
Anyway, when Spider would bring Lo'ak and Kiri around, you would hide off in your corner, alone. You didn't want to talk with them, occupying yourself with "homework" that the other scientists would give you, most of which would consist of history on the Na'vi or even earth itself, which you didn't spend a lot of time on.
When you weren't able to escape the Sully children, you were forced to spend time with them. Lo'ak was extremely interested in you, since you knew a lot about the Na'vi and its culture, but never spent any of your time outside the research base. He thought you were strange, but if he was being honest, it was something he liked about you. After a while, he started treating you like a sibling and would encourage you to explore Pandora with him and Spider.
Kiri loved you. You both shared a sort of standoffish nature, and she felt like you could relate to her like no one else could. She liked learning about humans from you and loves watching videos of her mother with you. Often, when she if fighting with her siblings, she'll come to you and rant about them to you. This will last for a while.
As time went on, your relationship with the two Navi grew. However, they both grew frustrated with your reluctance to leave the base. They didn't understand, Pandora is a beautiful place, and with them, you'll be safe. They wanted you to meet their family, since they already saw you as a part of it.
They didn't understand that your reluctance came from their parents. You knew how strong Jake Sully is, how strong Toruk Makto is, and you really didn't want him to know that his children were hanging out with a 'demon'. Neytiri scared you the most though. Humans destroyed her land, her home, and killed her family. You knew she did not like Spider, so why would she like you?
With much corrosion an oxygeen mask was put on you and you were let into Pandora. Honesty, you were like a small child seeing new colors for the first time. It was great seeing all the plants and animals that you've only read about in notes.
Kiri and Lo'ak introduced you to Tuk and Neteyam before introducing you to their parents. They have both already heard of you before your meeting, and while Tuk was excited to meet you, Neteyam was less so. Tuk being just 8 was excited about everything, but oh loud does she love you. She loves to play with you, and like Kiri she loves stories about humans. Sometimes you sneak her game consoles so you can play with her. Overall, she just loves spending time with you.
Neteyam knows that spending time with you is wrong, especially since his parents wouldn't approve of it. However, he just can't help but view you as another sibling in need of his protection. He's usually the one who take you to and from the base, since he's the one most concerned with your safety. He's also the one that helps you with your Na'vi. While he tells you it because you sound like a baby talking for the first time, it really so that his parents will like you better when you meet them.
The kids all have a secret understanding that you in fact, are their sibling. They don't care if you're human, a demon. They believe that you were meant to be a part of their family, and that Eywa drove them to you, so you could all be together. Even though, they knew at least one of their parents would never fully accept you. So, they planned on keeping you a secret for a while. Emphasis on planned. Because they were not prepared for Tuk going on a playful rant about her "super cool human friend who showed her cool toys and read her cool stories." Lo'ak tried to shut her up, but it was no use, because the moment Neytiri heard the word 'human' she was furious, forbidding them from meeting with you again. In an instant, Tuk was crying, Kiri was freaking, her and Lo'ak swearing that you were harmless and just a kid. When Neteyam started defending you was when Jake decided enough was enough and he would go meet you himself and decide whether or not you were fit to be around his children. Neytiri was upset, accusing him of taking the side of a demon, but when she was reminded of her mate's demon heritage, she cooled down a bit.
Jake didn't expect much from you. He expected you to be just like Spider, a child meddling in a culture he understood nothing about. However, when he did finally meet you one day at the research base you called home, he realized how wrong he was. You were like Spider in the curiosity department; however, you didn't take any interest in assimilating with the Na'vi. In fact, you were most interested in the idealist version of Earth the scientist fed to you. It took a while for you to warm up to him, however when you did talk to him, it was almost always questions about Earth, and as he got to know you, he didn't have the heart to tell you the truth about the status of Earth, neither did any of the scientists.
As Jake got to know you, he started to view you as his child. Much to the annoyance of Neytiri and the excitement of his children, he started bringing you around more often. He couldn't deny the since of fatherly love that would fill him when he saw your shy façade break and goof around with his children. Knowingly or not, he was trying to assimilate you into his family. You started spending less and less time with the researchers and more time with the Sullys. Soon, Jake unknowingly became a part of the plan to make you an actual Sully.
The one roadblock in that plan was Neytiri. She firmly believed you were an outsider, a demon, and that you would never be a part of her family. It didn't matter how much time you spent with them; your time was always cut short by Neytiri demanding you to go home. It even got to the point where Neytiri was threatening you to stay away from her children. Her behavior caused you to spend less and less time with the Sully's, and while Neytiri was happy, if eventually caused a fight between her and Jake. Jake said you were a child and needed their protection, while Neytiri claimed that it wasn't their business.
Due to her children, and mates, stubbornness, your presents was common, even if Neytiri didn't like it. Jake suggested that she try and bond with you, and while she barely knew what that met, she attempted for him. She would request your help while preparing meals or assisting with basic task. While it took a while, you began to warm on her. It wasn't until a minor attack by a wild animal where you were barely harmed that Neytiri realized how much you mattered to her. She viewed you as a baby, and eventually agreed that you were safer with them.
(This got too long, so expect a part two soon. Also please request for Avatar I'm obsessed.)
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Tonowari x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: Tonowari doesn’t like the idea of her daughter going off with a boy, but his mate is there to remind him of their youth Warnings: N/A Word count: 1.5k
Taglist: @eywas-heir @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @netherklutz
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“My son, Ao’nung and daughter, Tsireya, will teach you our ways”
“It is decided” Tonowari, Olo’eyktan of the Metkayina welcomed Jake and his family into Awa’atlu. They sought uturu, a sanctuary away from the war back in the forests. He granted them permission to stay, but the Tsahìk Ronal was not happy with his decision, she does not trust these outsiders, especially with how they are part human themselves.
“Come, I will show you our village” Tsireya helped with their bags and led them to an empty marui on the far side of the village. He was glad at least one of his children was hospitable, he would need words with his son later. He knows that Ao’nung takes after his aunts views on them, it is evident in the scowls and remarks he threw at them.
“Who were they? ‘Wari?” a small Metkayinan woman stood next to the man, snapping him out of his trance and placing a gentle hand on his back, urging him to look at her. When he turned his head down he was face to face with his mate, ___. He did not see her with the crowd when the Omaticayans arrived, ‘she must have been deep in the ocean again’, he mused.
“That is Toruk Makto and his family. They seek uturu” he cupped his wife’s face and have her a kiss on the forehead, hand going down to her pregnant stomach, rubbing soothing circles. She was a few months along and the bump was very prominent.
“Sanctuary? why?” the look that Tonowari gave her said everything, the skypeople were back on Pandora, she knew that and she knew the forest clans were heavily affected, she just did not expect them to come here, expecting them to fight back just as she heard 15 years ago. “I will go and greet them”
“Be careful, sister” Ronal walks up to them after calming down a few worried Na’vi, glare on her face “I do not trust them, the children inherited demon blood, hair on their face and extra fingers”. ___ simply nodded, not wanting to argue with her older sister, her Tsahìk, and simply watched her as she left to her marui.
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“I am ___, Tonowari’s mate” ___ introduced, her hands on her daughters shoulders and they smiled at the family, placing down a basket of freshly caught fish. The blue Na’vi did not look happy to be here, but they smiled back nonetheless. The little one, Tuktirey said her greetings out loud. It made ___ chuckle. “I am sorry if my sister, our Tsahìk, was too harsh on you all. She means well”
Neytiri huffed but nodded, she did not like Ronal after what she said about her children, therefore she did not know how to feel about the sister. Only time will tell. But for now it is best to keep up good impressions.
“Yes, thank you. I am sure she does” Jake nodded his head, hair bouncing on his shoulders. His arm was around his youngest, bringing her to his chest. She was tired from the long journey and yawned.
“We will leave you to settle in. There is no communal dinner tonight, but I have brought some fish your way. Come, Tsireya” They bid their goodbyes and walked back to their marui, speaking of the Omaticayans and what they would do to help them settle in more comfortingly.
“I will go diving with them tomorrow, show them our reefs” Tsireya bounced on the walkway, excited at the prospect of new friends, and hopefully a new lover. Her tail swayed at the thought of him, the boy. He was sweet even if they’ve only met today for a few mere moments.
“That is a good idea, and ‘Reya, I have noticed you staring at that boy, do you like him?” like mother like daughter, ___ read her mind. She saw the look on her child’s face when they were back with the forest Na’vi, watching at Toruk Makto’s youngest son, the one they call Lo’ak.
There was no point in lying to her Sa’nok, so Tsireya decided to say the truth. “He said ‘hey’ to me mama! You should have seen him!” ___ giggled, one word and she was already captured by him, like fish in a net.
“Who said ‘hey’ to you?” Tonowari was sat by the side of the pod, his legs dangling over the water as he sharpened his spear, preparing for an afternoon hunt. His ears perked up at the sounds of his girls walking into their home, watching the little flush his daughter had grow on her face.
Tsireya’s eyes widened “no one ma sempul” and she scurried out of the house, going to see what her brother was up to, hopefully nothing terrible.
___’s mate looked towards his wife, eyes questioning, hands stopping their ministrations. “Our daughter may have fallen for someone” the woman went to sit beside him, holding the underside of her full tummy, rubbing the skin and feeling larger hands atop hers.
Tonowari hummed, not liking the idea of his only daughter going off with some boy, he had a suspicion it was with Jake’s, seeing the way the boy looked at his kid. It was the same look he gave ___ when they were properly introduced for the first time. “I do not know how to feel about that. Tsireya is just a baby”
“She is thirteen my love, soon she will entertain the prospect of boys and relationships, and in the future a mate”
The Olo’eyktan’s shoulders and ears visibly drooped, a large sigh escaping his chest, his wife was right. “Where did the time go, flower? She was just a small bundle merely yesterday. Now she is a beautiful, strong, independent women”
“Our child has grown up, just like Ao’nung…do you remember when we were in the same situation?” ___ grinned, blue eyes shining at the memories of a teenage Tonowari trying to court her with pretty woven necklaces and bags of pearls he spent hours collecting in the reef. Trinkets she held very dear then, and still holds now, one of which is wrapped around her neck.
Tonowari leaned into his mate and pecked the bridge of her nose, smiling at her, hand coming up to hold the back of her neck, feeling the shells of her necklace digging into his fingers. “I will never forget the first time I saw you, really saw you. You looked so beautiful at the party, the Tulkun returned and you were in the waters singing with your spirit sister, I could not take my eyes off of you for hours”
“So she told me” ___ giggled, briefly remembering when her tulkun spoke of the boy watching her from the shores. “She said you were a creep”
“Did she now?” Tonowari’s forehead raised, eyes widening.
“And I agreed” he bellowed out a laugh, eyes crinkling at the sides. “You never left me alone after that, always accompanying me around the waters. Ronal said you asked of me all the time”
“Ronal is the equivalent of a sea snake”
___ gasped and slapped his shoulder, grin spreading across her pretty face “I am telling her you said that!”
“Kehe! Please do not! She would kill me” the man visibly shuddered. There is nothing more frightening than her older sister, who is so overly protective of ___. It took her forever to accept their relationship, afraid that he would take advantage and hurt her younger sister in some way.
___ smooched his mouth, cupping his face “do not worry ‘Wari, I will protect you”
“My strong warrior” he mused, about to give her another kiss when their children entered the marui, Ao’nung visibly shuddered at the sight of his parents being so lovey with each other, sticking his tongue out at them, Tsireya noticed and slapped his shoulder.
Tonowari straightened up, still needing to give him the talk, asking him to sit next to them. Ao’nung noticed his fathers serious demeanour and slowly crept next to his mother for protection. “Son, you will treat the Sully’s with respect, I have asked you to help them become Metkayina so I expect no quarrels. As future Olo’eyktan I need you to take this seriously”. The boy furiously nodded, not wanting to disappoint his father any further, “And I want you to watch over the youngest boy, I do not like how he has been eyeing your sister”
“Sempul!” Tsireya screeched from the other side of the hut, round cheeks turning a deep shade of purple, hiding behind the woven basket of fish she brought out.
___ held her swollen belly and laughed loudly, slowly getting up from her position over the edge of their home and walking towards her daughter, taking the fish and getting ready to cook dinner. “‘Wari, what did we just talk about earlier?”
“I know, flower. But I still do not like his staring!”
Ao’nung just shook his head and sighed, this was going to be a long night.
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mayhemories · 1 year
Neteyam x readers kids to lovers eventually, before WOTW bc I carnt handle his death
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Eywa, A Sign
Ohhh it kills me, I love this boy. He died for what? Pandora Jesus better resurrects him next time, or I will have words with Mr Cameron. Not sure if I did your request justice, hope I did <3 
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: None? Just straight fluff. Reader is an orphan trope/parental death. Mentions of death. 
Words: 1.58k
Author’s Notes: Neteyam is roughly 18/19 here, Reader is 18, Lo’ak and Kiri are 17, and my girl Tuk is still the same. Set before Way of the Water. 
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Read below the cut
Many Na’vi died following Toruk Macto. Either due to the impact of the battlefield violence or, their wounds upon return to their clan. Your parents, two brave Omatikaya warriors, died at the hands of the Sky People during a routine raid on supply shipments. 
Jake and Neytiri were quick to take you under their care, love and protection. Practically becoming one of their own. Being a few months younger than Neteyam and a year older than the twins, Kiri and Lo’ak, you slipped right in.
Jake was never afraid to reprimand you like you were his own, either. Like the time you were twelve, Lo’ak eleven:
“Now what did I tell you two?” Jake had you and Lo’ak lined up against the wall of the clan stronghold, sprung by the Olo’eyktan from the moment you came sneaking back in after curfew. 
“Don’t be in the forest after eclipse-” You and Lo’ak mumbled under your breaths, knowing that Jake wouldn’t let up.
“Yes! That’s right, don’t be in the forest after eclipse!” he said, exasperated, holding his hands above his head, dragging them down across his face. “And where were you two knuckleheads?” His face was annoyed, though his eyes were soft. We were his kids, god forbid anything happened to us. 
“Look dad (y/n) had nothing to do with it, it was all me-” Lo’ak started, but you finished,
“Sir, Lo’ak didn’t want to go, I wanted to go.” You and Lo’ak shared a small smile, he was your brother, through and through. 
Jake shook his head, hands on hips. 
“Go, go, both of you. Wash up.” He was stern, but as you two skxawngs ran past him you saw the gentle smile lay on his lips. 
As you got older you noticed Jake becoming harder and harder on his boys. For whatever reason Lo’ak almost gave up on pleasing Jake, felt like he could never be enough for him, a spec of dust compared to Neteyam’s glittering gold. Maybe that was why, why he was so impulsive and reckless, consistently. Any attention being good attention for Lo’ak. Regardless of his intentions, you liked that about him. He encourages your sense of adventure like a brother should, was always there to catch you when you fall. Neteyam and Lo’ak were different sides of the same coin, both living to please Jake in one way or another. Jake saw himself in Lo’ak and that scared him, you knew that,
But Neteyam…shit, Neteyam. 
You always saw Neteyam differently. As kids, he felt too cool for you to be around. This developed over time as you, yourself developed. As you felt awkward and out of place in your body, tail giving away every thought and feeling, Neteyam got taller, got broader, got sweeter. As an awkward teenager, your little soft spot evolved into a full-blown crush. You kept it under wraps sure, Lo’ak teasing you here and there but he never thought anything serious of it. Shit, you tried not to think anything of it. He was the future Olo’eyktan, he was the future of the clan. 
Now, freshly eighteen you were considered a woman: A relatively fierce Ikran rider, bow made from wood of the tree to replace the Hometree that was lost to the Sky People, a hunter. You surpassed any ritual trail of clan-life easily, save for one. Save for probably the most important one. 
Finding a mate. 
So, here you were, kneeling on the beautiful deep green moss surrounding the base of the Tree of Voices. The tree was glowing purple, fading to a light pink and back again, streaks of white travelled up and down the tendril of the tree, where you’ve made the bond. The hum of the ancestors created a white noise in you mind, helping to create a true vision. Praying to Eywa always gave you a sense of calm, like all anxieties were being blown right through your body, energy settling itself back into the world. 
“My dear All-Mother Eywa, I come to you now for guidance, for advice.” You started, clamping your eyes shut to encourage any kind of vision, so that you may see into the realm beyond that of physical sight. 
Neteyam knew it was wrong, to listen to your private prayers with Eywa. But he did not make a move to leave his advantageous spot, hidden amongst trees and rocks, he could watch you freely. His whole life felt like it revolved around you, and your alluring presence, strong heart, strong mind. 
Neteyam officially became a man the year prior, it was expected of him as the future clan leader to have already chosen a woman. And, in some ways he had. It had always been you, it was always you. Neteyam loved you, and it was never as a sister as Lo’ak has. When you were children you would play family. Neteyam was the dad, you the mum, Kiri and Lo’ak the kids. Neteyam knew from a young age that he didn’t want to play family with anyone else. 
He assumed Neytiri always knew, too. She never pressured him in claiming a mate, or even talking about it. Jake, well he was less switched on when it came to Neteyam’s shy nature. He was always pestering Neteyam about it-
Jake had flown Neteyam and himself to a floating mountain so that him and his first born son could speak freely: “Look, I’m not even saying you have to mate straight away! But at least court someone Neteyam, you’re the future of this clan-” Jake started, but for the first and last time in his life, Neteyam cut his father off.
“I am waiting for (y/n)!” Neteyam yelled, holding the bridge of his nose, anticipating that Jake would come back with a raised voice as he most often did. It did not come. Instead Jake closed the distance between him and his son, wrapping his arms around his beautiful baby boy, who wasn’t a baby anymore. Neteyam loosened, wrapping his still lanky arms around his father. With his chin resting on Neteyam’s head, Jake chuckled:
“Well then, wait for her as long as you need.” 
“I love her.” Neteyam admitted quietly. 
“I know you do, kid.” 
Neteyam shook the memory from his mind, and focused back on your kneeling, praying figure in front of him. 
“My mother Eywa, what am I to do?” You felt exasperated, lost. “I… I am afraid that the one I love does not love me Eywa.” 
Neteyam’s chest tightened, although he always knew it was a possibility that you may not want him, he tried his hardest swaying anyone else’s decision in the matter. The glares he had sent to all the young na’vi during their teen years, and at your own ceremony of womanhood, Neteyam made it clear with growls and possessive hovering that he was waiting for you. Although, maybe he could’ve made it clearer to you. 
“Great Eywa please, please show me a sign that Neteyam and I will be named mates.” you whispered, scared to admit his name in the scenario, aloud. 
Neteyam felt like he could vomit. He slowly approached you, kneeling beside you, as if he were beginning to pray, himself.
You could feel his heat, his being as he sat down, you didn’t need to open your eyes to confirm. Besides that, you could feel all the blood drain from your body and rush back up to your cheeks and ears. Clearing your throat, you decided that this was a good a sign as any. 
“Neteyam” You opened your eyes, his beautiful warm honey ones already locked on your face, “how much of that did you hear?” 
Neteyam hung his head in shame, shaking some of his braids from their resting places, blood rushing to his cheeks. 
“I am so sorry, I know I shouldn’t have listened to your private words spoken with Eywa.” Neteyam spoke softly, like he always did with you. “But I could not help it, especially knowing you have not chosen a mate yet.” Neteyam spoke around a lump in his throat, “I needed to know why.” 
Your mind was rushing a million miles per minute. But fake bravado was something that Lo’ak taught you, and something you could hide behind.
“You know, you haven’t chosen anyone either. My ceremony was last week, yours was last year.” You said, catching his eye again, with a slight smile on your lips. Neteyam laughed. Shit, you loved that sound. You could die happy now, hearing his laugh. 
“I have chosen,” your stomach dropped at his words, though sensing your anxiety Neteyam wove one of his hands with yours, and pinned you to the spot with his warm eyes. “I just had to wait a year for her to choose me too.” 
And all at once it felt like Eywa had breathed life into you, and Neteyam. Like your soul was made of milk and honey and you were going to flow on forever. 
You kissed him, your hands cupped his beautiful face, his slender fingers settling on your waist, nestling between beads and cloth. 
He came out of the kiss laughing, needing air. You let out a laugh too, keeping your foreheads together. 
“I see you.” You whispered, still scared that if you speak too loud this dream will dissipate into the colours of Pandora’s jungle, floating away from you entirely. 
“I have only ever seen you,” Neteyam said, smiling. His silver freckles set alight from the glow of the Tree of Voices. 
Happiness was simple.
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lolita-lollipop · 1 year
Oh, oh! I have an avatar idea/request. I haven't seen the new movie yet but I always loved the idea of maybe a teen reader getting dragged to Pandora with their semi-negligent parents. Like they love their parents but they never have anytime for the reader. Reader gets signed up for the avatar program as a way to keep them entertained and out of the way of their busy scientist/military parents. They don't usually get to leave the base but sometimes they get to go on little excursions not far from it to do test runs and see what their avatar body is capable of and how their age effects things. However, on one of these trips something bad happens and the reader gets separated from the scientists and their escorts and now finds themself lost and scared in the jungle (and possibly unable to return to their human body).
PLATONIC JAKE SULLY (+ a lil sully family) X READER
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(A/N I don’t know why I ended up feeling weird this, I think it’s because it reminds me of wattpad days. Kinda long, enjoy)
Mayday mayday- theres a fire in the engine- the chopper is coming down.
You were always told by your parents to keep quiet, to stay on the sideline as to not hoard any attention that could reflect badly upon them, stay silent, stay obedient. Thats always how it was with them. You knew they loved you, even if they had a hard time showing it, even if it meant they talked to you about ten minutes in a day.
At least you were guaranteed a safe home, food, clothes, and a comfortable life. That is, until you were volunteered (voluntold) by your parents in the avatar program, it was supposedly a test to try the DNA pairing on a younger subject. And your parents had said it would be good for you to see where they work, but you knew that it was just because you were too “needy” in their eyes.
Of course, when you were told that you would be accompanying them on their work trips, you were elated, theyd never invited you before! Then you learned it was on another planet. After a few fights, as always, you ended up agreeing. After all, they said it was safe.
So two months later, a billion tests later, and a new blue humanoid created with your DNA, you had settled into pandora. It was strange to be honest, you were possibly one of the only people on the planet under the age of 21, and not educated as if you were a harvard professor.
Everything was out of bounds, you couldnt ever go to your parents lab, couldnt go outside, couldnt even meet your new blue body. Most of the time you sadly sat, turning into a human statue in your small room with your books. Of course you didnt complain, you never would,
you never did.
Then, you got to integrate yourself into your new body. And your brain, along with your DNA, was finally conjoined. You were wary at first, it was so surreal, after all you were changing bodies. But once you actually did it, you were so glad your parents signed you up.
All of a sudden you were strong, not just strong, but coursing with energy, you felt as if you could fly, or crack boulders in half, it was so surreal. The same feeling you might get as if you were underwater your entire life, and finally got your first breath of fresh air.
You never wanted to leave, never wanted to go back into your cubicle of a bedroom where you could barely breath without feeling inferior. Your legs moved before your mind did, and before you could comprehend, you were standing in the middle of the strange fruit fields with the nurses chasing you down. Your parents would be pussed if they saw you. But at this point? You didnt even care.
You didnt even care
As the months passed by your place at the laboratory had been established, you were correct in assuming that you were the youngest here, and that made the research you were contributing to far more interesting. You learned so much about these people, this species.
Primarily, the function of your avatar was completely optimal, you could walk, talk, breathe, and act like all of the others could. There was just one little thing.
Your life was better than it ever was, you didnt even need your parents to love you, you had so many people who already did. 90% of the time you spent beong tested on while doing daily activities. Youd only left the base to go into pandora twice, and that was just to see the land, see the place youd be living for a long time. While it could sometimes be boring, it was far better than your life back home.
After some time, your parents requested that you be taken to a farther laboratories in the mountains, which hurt a lot, but you couldnt say no. they had to transfer yur human, and your navi body. It was so strange to see yourself. Your human self, in other eyes.
So, here you are now. Clutching tight onto the seat of the large helicopter, your human body was encased in an airtight bed, an oxygen mask pressed tightly to your face. Your eyes were practically glued onto your human body, and you were barely able to peel them away, you looked so different when seeing yourself from different eyes, so weak.
It made you sad to know how everybody else saw you. You just stared, at least you got to be away from the two scientists you wished you could call your parents.
In your trance, you hadnt noticed the pilots in the front yelling at eachother, or the scientists rushing around the aircraft seemingly in a panic. It wasnt until the leather seat underneath you began shaking aggressively that you looked up.
There was smoke, but no visible fire, and the aircraft seemed to be dragging, instead of darting swiftly through the air like youd seen all the other planes do, almost like it was too heavy. It slugged, and slowly drifted down.
Panic slowly overtook your senses, you werent sure what was happeningm but by the looks of it, it was very bad. Understanding that you knew absolutely nothing about emergency procedures, You tried to stay put as well as you could, knowing anything you tried to do would just make things worse. But then, a large pop bellowed through the sky, and instead of dragging slowly, the helicopter began to plummit. Then you had to start moving.
Gravity threw you into the other end of the helicopter, and you frantically had to grip at the edge of the opening in attempts to not fly out. THings flew out of the sides, including a few screaming scientists… and the white bed with your human body in it. You watched it fly though the air towards the forest floor with wide eyes, slowly letting your grip slip. In your distraction, you didnt pay any attentuon to the other large objects flying out of the plane.
A large box containing some kind of lab supplies crashed against you, smashing you in the face, and knocking the breath right out of your lungs. And like the rest of the helicopter, you too began falling so abruptly that you couldnt even do anything more than scream. Clutching your head with your hands, you curled up, and just fell.
When you hit the ground, it was pain. And then nothing but black.
The flutter of your eyes, the feeling of your fingers against hard dirt, the smell of smoke and burnt flesh wafting in the air. You werent quite conscious, but you werent nececarilly unconscious either. Just there.
When you were finally able to peel your eyes open, there was so much green. Glowing mushrooms strungs across trees, large leaves dripping water, little bugs littered throughout the dirt, white veins growing across your hands and feet. Little glowing bugs that looked like dandelion fuzzthat bounced around across you.
That peace only kept for so long though, and as you realized the depth of your situation, that your helicopter crashed in the middle of a pandora forest, your human body had to be dead so it's amazing that youre even alive right now, and you have no contact to anybody who could save you.
And so, you cried. Unsure of what else to do.
Soft sobs slowly transitioned into rough, ugly crying. Maybe it was the panic, or maybe it was just pent up anxiety being given the oppurtunity, maybe even both. But you cried, without any reguard for what could be watching.
Naturally, as you were face down in the dirt, crying to your hearts content like a baby, you payed no care, nor attent to the sound of hooves traveling your way, or the sight of the native people stampeding towards the disturbance, the noise. They came came to a halt upon seeing you though, covered in seeds from ey-wa. The deity clearly did not want them to harm you, after all, you were just a young girl. Even if you were a human. \
“Call jake.” a womanly voice announced amongst the group in a foreign language, she was loud enough to alert you of their presence. Your head perked up, and in doing so made the pain in your back shiver through in small bursts, a wince left your lips.
You stared at the group in fear with wide eyes, trying to push yourself farther an farther away, which did nothing but unsettle the little white bugs all over you. They floated away towards them, and they stared back with even wider eyes. They werent really sure what to do, usually they would kill any trespassers, but you were protected, so should they grab you and take you back? Or do they leave you alone? They would have to let jake decide.
They stared at you, trying to get close, you stared at them, they muttered in their language, sounding far more than confused. You slowly scooted back, wincing the entire time out of pain. Any attempts to stand up were halted, as the white roots around your feet made the ground slippery, and just made you clumsily fall back down. It was humiliating, like watching a fish flop around out of water.You stayed quiet, you always did.
They all went silent within a few moments though, and the sound of more hooves echoed through the forest around. You didnt know what was happening, but clearly it was important, and you got the impression that it was not good for you. So you clutched the tree next to you, and stretched as far as you could to see what was happening.
And it struck fear in you. One of the largest Na-vi people youve ever seen, at least 10 or 11 feet, with braids that had long strands of silver interlocked, and the piercing green eyes of a hunter. He stared at you, and you stared right back. When he opened his mouth you expected more of that fooreign language, but instead, it was english.
“Why are you here? What happened?” he questioned, dismounting the horse like creature, and pulling out his braid from the connection. He was wearing some kind of beaded shirt, unlike the others,
The Navi around seemed to await every word he spoke. You perked up at the sound of english, happy to find the familiarity, however, youre pretty sure half of the bones in this body were broken, and it just caused you pain. YOure body let out a whimper before you could stop it.
At the noises that left you, the male quirked an eyebrow, and instead of the angry, almost terrifying look that was spread on his face, was a face of concern. You were so young, so small, he very well couldnt hurt you, and you had to be important, eywa wanted you safe, even if the goddess of the land didnt, he felt the need to protect you.
He had many children, and his youngest was soon growing old, and would eventually leave him. You were just so small, and you looked so young, you reminded him of kiri, abandoned, alone. He couldnt leave you.
He began growing closer, catching your gaze and holding it, he put his hands up and put his weapon down. Just trying not to scare you. When he opened his mouth you were expecting that language you couldnt understand, but to your pleasure, it was english.
“How bad are you hurt kid? I saw the smoke, eywa can heal you. I just need you to come with me” he reached his hand towards you, motioning for you to latch on. When you made no motion top grab it, he held your unrelenting gaze, and scooped his arm under your torso, shushing you when you cried out in pain. He held you tightly, tucking you in the knook of his arm. For a moment he seemed distracted, his eyes drawn to the floating white puffs above. What were those anyway?
You held your breath as he remounted the horse, and spoke a few words in that awful language you couldnt understand, with a squeal from the thing you were on top of, it began moving, along with the navi around you. The man gripped you tightly and pressed you close to his chest, one hand on the horse, one around your waist. You winced again, trying to hold back tears, everything hurt.
“It's okay, youll be alright, we can heal you, got it?”, you stayed quiet.
And in nothing but a few moments, It was calm again. Youd never actually met any of the natives, but you had thought it would be far more scary than this, your parents said they would snap and try to kill you. They didnt, in fact, and this man, this navi seemed so human. So kind. You felt so comfortable, he made you feel so comfortable.
The sound of the hooves against the dirt, this mans light breathing against your ear, the warmth soaking from him to you, his hand pressing you close, the way he looked down at you, amking sure you were comfortable. How he seemed to hover, to protect. Like a father should. At least thats what you thought.
You stared at him, and his eyes locked with yours, a small smile flashing at you. It just made him squeeze you tighter, god, it was just so endearing, so adorable how you stared. You looked so much like neytiri.
It only took a few minutes of him holding you for you to fall unconscious, probably because of the excessive blood leaving your system, or the physical attatchment you were already beginning to feel, or the lack of sleep. Either way, you ended up dozing off, and curling closer to him.
Once again, you had to peel your eyes open, but this time it wasnt as unpleasant. Instead of a muddy, veiny floor, covered in bugs, in agony. Instead, you were wrapped in some kind of cocoon, on top of a warm blanket or some kind of plant.
There was a woman sitting next to the pod you were in, smashing down some string smelling plant in a bowl. Her eyes were so green, and she was so beautiful. When she noticed you were awake, she put the bowl down, and hovered closer.
“That is my son, nateyam” the woman pointed to you, or more to the thing under you, in which you had previously mistaken for a plant, but instead, which you probably shouldve realized sooner. Was a navi. He looked to be a few years older than you, at least 17 or 18.
You shifted and sat up, trying to exit the cocoon, but to your embarrassment, your foot got caught in the edge, and you flew over, the boy you had been lying on top of grabbed you and hoisted you back up. You shook his hands off and stood up. Now realizing that there were other navi around too, they also looked young, maybe a family?
The man from earlier, who you assumed was their leader of some sort, appeared around behind the woman, and wrapped his arms around her waist with a smile, holding your gaze. You panicked, understanding now that you were with a bunch of strangers, and your parents, if they even cared, probably thought you were dead.
“I- i have to get back- they wont know that im okay-” you croaked out, your voice was hushed, and rough, like youd been screaming for hours on end, you shook nateyams hands off of you, and stood up straight, meeting the woman in the eye, she looked worried.
“Who is they? Do you have family where you live?” the woman answered, clearly she was his wife, or his mate, as they would call it. She had a thick accent, and a strong voice, commanding. So that man, jake, he couldnt be a native, he talked l
“Uh- yeah- i guess. I lived where the labs were. Uh- the humans? They have a building somewhere- i don't know-” you rushed out, not knowing how long youd been gone, they mightve already pronounced you dead. Meaning they wouldnt look for you. The boy behind you hushed you, tryign to calm your panic, and placed a hand on your shoulder. Only for you to shrug it off.
The navi around locked eyes, contemplating their next words. of course they knew where the humans stayed, jake lived there for half a year, they hated them, when they werent burning down their forests, they were killing their animals, their people. They would kill you. You couldnt go back. Even if it meant lying to you.
“There havent been humans on this planet for a long time”
What were you supposed to do now?
Where were you supposed to go?
You were stuck.
Oh god.
Can somebody please comment with an honest opinion- I’m gonna take this down if y’all think it’s bad.
I think I’m being coo coo for cocobonks insecure right now but I need to know.
Thanks for requesting, and for reading! Have a wonderful day!
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luxthestrange · 9 months
Avatar Incorrect quotes#1 Family Reunion
Imagen You Jake's younger sibling, with whom he lost contact long before arriving in Pandora given a feud, Basically all three sully kids went their separate ways in life...So When Norm told him someone had been stealing supplies and setting up traps for the scientists and such...hell this person stole a whole link lab and has managed to hide it...so what Jake, Neytiri, and some of the na'vi don't expect when they find the was a small human in a chair with some of grace old books about na'vi language...
Jake then stands back and kicks the door open with a loud slam. He was completely appalled when he found out about the scene before him
Jake*Angrily* Y/N!?!
Y/n*Confused for a second seeing a bunch of na'vi but notices familiar features in one disgusted*JAKE!?!
Neytiri's head peeked over, completely confused by the ordeal, and looked over at the door
Neytiri: You know this small demon?!
Jake: Do I know them? That's my sibling
Upon hearing that the human infront of the two,Neytiri face grew into total shock
Neytiri notices you don't seem fond of seeing her mate in the lab. She stared at them with narrowed eyes while Jake and You were doing the same thing, but their arms crossed as if your such a disappointment
Y/n: What the fuck are you *gesturing to your brother* doing here, shithead?
Jake: I should be asking you the same thing! You check yourself out of rehab, no call, no note, and I have to track you down to this shithole with- what the fuck is this?...*Seeing all the research and many devices crammed in the lab*
Y/n*Rolls eyes putting your notes down*-Nothin, It's my stuff, and who's the Hunter goddess here?~
Jake: Eeeeh...My mate, She is with me
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The family reunion is leaving the na'vi very uncomfortable...
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blue-sadie · 6 months
Sorry this was a request but Tumblr being Tumblr I lost the post and had to rewrite it, I don't do part 3s but I made it very similar to it
Sully Family x Sibling Reader
Summary: the sullys always protect one another especially the baby (you)
Warning: platonic
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Yn/3rd person pov
The adrenaline was wearing off, my panting breath was the only thing I could hear through my ringing ears, i looked through my blurry eyes up to the top of the hill which I fall down.
I was a long ways down I groaned as I slowly rose to rest on my elbows so I could see my surroundings I don't know where I am nothing looks familiar, I raised one of my hands to my forehead letting out a shakey breathe as I felt the hot crimson liquid.
"F-fuck" I cursed bringing the hand infront of my eyes, the blood dripped down my fingers I watched a drop slide down the palm of my hand.
"I'm never gonna be let out again" I muttered breathlessly and brought my hand to the communication device attached to my neck "d-dad" i sighed in pain and closed my eyes tightly.
"What's wrong yn are you hurt" his voice sounded fizzy through the radio but I could still hear the concern in his voice "I was out l-looking for stuff for mom and I I fell" I murmured and groaned as i sat up straight.
"Are you hurt my yn" mon spoke "just a little but I'll live" I said and slowly tried to stand up but lost my balance each time "where are you so we can come get you" this time it was neteyam speaking his voice somewhat panicked.
"I don't really know the last thing I know was just passed the abandoned shack where we get the nice fruit I like from" u sighed I heard faded voices through the radio probably lo'ak and kiri "ok we're on our way hold on tight".
Neteyam and jake both rushed to their ikrans and lo'ak came closely behind trying to reason with their father "dad I know where she is" he tried going to his ikran but jake stopped him "enough, go home and stay put do you understand me".
Lo'ak sighed and nodded defeatedly watching them mount their ikrans and dive into the afternoon sky, his eyes twitched debating his next move "fuck it" he muttered running to his ikran and flying out, lo'ak made sure to avoid his father and older brother in the sky using all the short cuts he knew.
Lo'ak was the first to get to me "yn" he yelled jumping off his ikran and running to my side "l-lo'ak where's dad" I felt dizzy from the loss of blood, my body trembled as he held me "close i-i think" he stammered looking towards the sky I looked up at him he differently gonna be in trouble.
He grabbed some cloth from his satchel and wrapping them around my wounds somewhat slowly the blood flow "thanks-" I was interrupted by the sound of dad's ikran "lo'ak" dad called making lo'ak cringe.
Dad and neteyam hoped off their ikrans and came towards us dad's eyes fill with anger intill he saw my wrapped wounds "good job but next time listen to me" he hissed and lo'ak nodded "let's get you home baby girl" dad turned to me, neteyam and lo'ak grabbing my sides helping me to my feet.
They brought me over to neteyams ikran and helped me on "don't fall... again" lo'ak tried to joke making me love sarcastically "funny" I muttered and groaned as neteyam settled behind me.
"Are you ok" he murmured as he wrapped his arms around me preparing to fly "just dizz-" my vision slowly turned black and my body limp "yn" his voice faded into nothing.
-Time skip-
My eyes slowly fluttered open and a pained groan left my lips as I felt a dam cloth being layed on my forehead "w-who" I whispered trying to left my hand but he clasped my hand gently keeping it down.
"You need to rest sister" his voice was low and caring as I heard water being rung out and another cloth pressed over my shoulder "neteyam" I hissed the medicine stinging my wound making him chuckle lightly "next time maybe watch where your going".
I huffed rolling my eyes "next time I'll just make you get the stuff for me you skxawng" he chuckled again shaking his head as his arm moved under my body helping me to sit up.
"Maybe next time tell me where your going so I can go hunting while you collect things ewya knows moms never letting you leave alone again"
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skeletondeerart · 2 years
You’re One of Us Now.
Sully Family x GN!Reader (platonic) | Word Count: 1816 Words
Tw: Minor mention of Self Harm.
Written before the release of Avatar: The Way of Water, some facts may be inaccurate. 
Synopsis: Having grown up in the confines of the RDA, you plan to fake your death on a data collection expedition to become one with the Pandoran jungle, yet you stumble across an unlikely family of Na’vi who take you in as one of their own.
The reader is seventeen.
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Pandora was all I had ever known, having grown up in the RDA’s base I understood the dangers of the world outside. Yet despite this I yearned for the embrace of the forest, yearned to live as one of the people, to leave humanity behind and forge a new life among the Omaticaya.
But I was a soldier, a weapon of war against my will… and I wanted out.
Yet for now I have to pose as a perfect cog in the machine. I conform to Quaritch’s rules to earn the privilege to be selected for intel expedition. Whist being a soldier, I was exceptional in navigation and botany. I hoped that my skills would put me as a candidate for the upcoming expedition in three days.
Standing at attention on the training grounds Quaritch marched back and forth eyeing us all off. He was more imposing than ever, the towering Navi body he embodied was enough to strike fear into even the toughest of men.
“All right ladies and gentlemen, in light of last expeditions failure in attempting to gather subsequent data of neurotoxins used by the Omaticaya, it has resulted in the loss of five of your fellow soldiers.”
My breath was caught in my throat as Quaritch listed off the names of the next team, that was until the final candidate was called, it was my own. I held in my smile as I knew it was my only chance of getting out of the program.
After being sent back to my room, I lay down on my cot and watch the raindrops dribble down the windowpane, I watch the wind sway the trees and animals call out into the night as the as I finalise my plan to escape under the noses of my squad.
Before I knew it, I was wearing the oxygen mask and prepped with my botany data collection devices. Stepping out of the pressure lock we march single file out of the gates and into the wilderness. My squad and I marched for what felt like hours before we reached a zone reading high levels of toxicity, as the five of us spread around the location collecting data on the flora I call out.
“I’m heading North-west as I see a specimen not yet recorded on the data bank.” My squad not even rearing their heads from their specimens made noises of understanding, one even calling out to “Watch out for the locals”.
Treading carefully, I come to a stop once I was sure I was out of sight before preparing my diversion. Taking my pocket knife out I slashed at the tress nearby mimicking the claw marks of a Thanator and spraying Thanator scents around the area. I then nicked my hands and smeared my blood around the scene, kicking the dirt around to mimic a struggle and my data devices leaving them strewn across the ground.
With a last bitter smile, I took the blade to my uniform and sawing off the crest of the RDA and leaving it as the scene. I then ran off into the unknown leaving my old life behind, blissful tears accumulating in my mask as I free myself from the shackles of humanity and let my mind and soul become one with the forests of Pandora.
I ran until my legs gave in as I collapse into a field of plush grass and I gaze up at my surrounds, trees loom over me shielding me from the light rains that wash over the lands. That’s when I heard a gasp and scampering nearby. My head darts to my left as I watch carefully for movement. That’s when I see her, a young Omaticayian girl crouched and almost invisible against the bioluminescence of the forest she dwells in.
“Hi, I won’t hurt you, I’m not with them.” I call as I see her eyes dilate and ears twitch with recognition of my words.
“Your human.” The Na’vi states yet remains hidden.
“Indeed I am.” I smile gently but I make no indication of moving as not to frighten the girl away.
After a moment of reflection, the Na’vi stands and walks towards me apprehensively, she towers over my sitting form as I gaze upwards. She points to herself.
“I’m Kiri, and you?”
“I’m (Y/n)”
“-(Y/n), what a strange name” Kiri mutters to herself but I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at her words. Her eyes dart back to mine from my sudden noise. Kiri’s wide eyes trail down my figure, as if she was analysing me for any threat.
“KIRI, WHERE DID YOU GO?!” A man’s voice calls in Na’vi tongue from deeper in the forest.
“COMING FATHER!” Kiri calls back as she races towards the forest line, that was until her Father beat her there alongside two young boys trailing close behind, his eyes scan her form for injury as his eyes observe his surroundings… until his gaze lands on me. I sit there petrified of the look in his eyes.
Weariness and protective.
My breath catches in my throat, even if I wanted to run I couldn’t, it was like I was paralysed. He pulled Kiri behind him as the younger boys peeked out from behind their Father.
“Who are you and what are you doing this far in the Omaticaya’s lands” He spoke in fluent English.
“My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I was a soldier and botanist, I’ve abandoned the RDA to dedicate my heart to the forest and everything living within it.” I spoke with complete resolution despite my heart thumping in fear of what he would do to me.
He approached me as I remained sitting in fear that he would strike me down if I moved an inch. I gazed upon his imposing figure as his dreadlocks framed his stern eyes that flickered over my body.
His face contorted in a scowl once he spotted my pocket knife nestled in my boot. My gaze follows it, my gaze widened as I came to this realisation.
“Here.” I spoke curtly as I pulled the knife out and handing it to him keeping it closed. He took it and caught sight my wound on the palm of my hand.
“Your injured.” He spoke his tone softening as he gathered that I wasn’t a threat to his kin.
His eyebrows furrowed in what appeared to be a hint of concern. I elaborated.
“I had to fake my death to escape… I used my blood to mimic a Thanator attack.”
“I see.” He said. He mulled over his thoughts for a moment before continuing.
“I’m Jake Sully. These are my some of kids, Kiri, Neteyam and Lo’ak.” He introduced gesturing behind him.
Kiri smiled back at me as she stuck up a little thumbs up in approval.
“So why did you leave the RDA (Y/n).”
I let out a sigh as my mind flashed back to my childhood within the RDA as I spoke carefully.
“I- I was born in the base, confined to its walls for years before being forged into a soldier. Yet despite this I always had a passion for botany – plants – I had yearned to be able to freely explore the forest and grew an appreciation for the Na’vi through the data files… I never thought I fit in… I felt like an outcast.” I took another breath to calm myself, “I understand if you want to kill me due to my affiliation, and I won’t hold any resentment to you or your people if you so decide.”
“Come.” Jake stated and offered me a hand. I accepted it without a second thought, my hand only wrapping around two of his fingers. Jake pulled me to my feet and proceeded to lead me deeper into to forest. Neteyam – I came to learn who was the oldest of the boys – spoke to me in curt English.
“Hello, I am Neteyam. You are short.” He stated, he seemed quite proud of himself for speaking to me. I smiled gently at his attempt of communicating with me.
“Hello Neteyam, I’m (Y/n). Nice to meet you. You are correct I am short.” I replied.
“I’m Lo’ak!” The shorter boy piped up. “I’m great at speaking Sky People language.”
“English Lo’ak. These Human’s speak English.” Jake corrected from his position from the front. Neteyam laughed and gave his younger brother a punch to the arm, which resulted in a yelp from Lo’ak. Jake spun around at the noise and glared at Neteyam as he deducted what happened.
“Apologise Neteyam.” Jake spoke in Na’vi.
“What!” Neteyam exclaimed.
“Now –” Jake growled baring his teeth. With a stutter Neteyam apologised picking at his fingers.
“S-sorryyy Lo’akkkk –” Neteyam apologised as he continued walking.
We soon reached a point where Jake motioned Kiri, Neteyam and Lo’ak to begin their accent up into the trees, they fly up the trunk with ease. Jake looked at me as I gape as how far the climb is. He then bent down and motioned me to climb onto his back. I gently pull myself onto his back careful not to bump his queue. We quickly reach the top and I see an intricately woven home nestled into the trees canopy. Standing on the edge of the home is Kiri, Neteyam, Lo’ak, an older Omaticayian woman I figured was their Mother with a small child in her arms… and a human boy.
“Neytiri, Spider, Tuktiery, I’m home” Jake called as he carefully slid me off his back. I nervously hide behind Jake at the look Neytiri was giving us.
“Jake why is there a human on your back.” She hissed in Na’vi.
“I can explain ‘Tiri.”
“Explain what? that you brought another human into our home.” My eyes widened as I try and quell the tremors of her wrath. The toddler – I assumed was Tuktiery – began to whine in her Mother’s arms as the commotion.
“They are not one of them, I can sense they are good, please trust me!” Jake begged his lover.
Neytiri glared down at me and let out a sigh.
“One chance Jake, one.” Neytiri caved.
“Thank you, my love.” Jake turned to me with a smile.
“You’re one of us now” He smiled his gaze falling down to my wound again. “Let’s get you cleaned up now.” Jake offered as he grabbed some medicinal berries, I had never seen in the data files before. My eyes shone and he crushed them into a paste and applied it before wrapping it in cloth. As he finished tying the knot Jake looked down to me and smiled softly.
“Your safe here, I understand what’s it’s like to not fit in.” He whispered for only me to hear.
“You were from the Avatar program weren’t you.” I stated in a whisper.
Jake could only smile knowingly at my statement.
“Welcome to the family.”
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
Plationic Yandere-ish (Protective) Sully Family X Human Child Reader
~A/N: I haven't even watched the new Avatar movie, but I AM OBSESSED!!! It's mildly yandere, but I'm still including that just in case. Reader is mostly gender neutral, but implied female. Very few details talk about features other than you being tiny!
Part 1 , Part 2
CW: Protective Sully Family, mild kidnapping, obsessive behavior, protective behavior
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-You came to Pandora with your Aunt when you were five. Very interested to see and explore a new place.
-You mostly interacted with Norm and Max because none of the other scientists tolerated your questions while they were working. But Norm and Max were very happy that you were so interested in the world they fell in love with.
-You hated wearing the mask and asked around for how you could not wear it anymore. They didn’t want to do it, but you insisted they help you with it. They did some experiments and eventually found a way to change your lungs enough to be able to breathe the air on Pandora. It was a slightly painful process, but you were just happy to get rid of the annoying mask. 
(Don’t ask details, I just don’t wanna write in the oxygen mask)
-Of course because you were so close with those two, you had met Jake at some point.
-He loved being around you. You were such a cute and curious kid. Plus, you were younger than all of his kids were.
-He made an effort to introduce you to Neytiri. She was wary of you at first, but quickly warmed up to you. She saw that you were just a kid. So curious about the world around you, and saw how in love with Pandora you were.
Neytiri was taking you out of the lab for a walk through the forest, to keep you entertained. She was holding you in her arms like a baby while watching how amazed you were with the beauty of the nature around you.
“Hey, Tiri? What’s that?” You were asking while looking at a rustling bush. 
Neytiri looked over and just sighed while looking at her children trying and failing to hide behind a bush and spy on her. “Nothing, baby. Those are just my children. Who should be at home!” She said very loudly to let them know that they were caught. 
With that said, they all came towards them from behind the bush. 
-Once they all came out, you were looking at all of them with wide eyes. You gripped Neytiri’s top from the nerves you had meeting so many new people at once.
-Neytiri noticed your nerves and cradled you a bit closer to her, but didn’t stop her kids from coming closer. She just slightly smiled at them while subtly moving you to face them better.
-She nudged you to talk to them when they got to be right in front of you. You quietly told them your name once you gained a bit of courage. They all smiled at how cute you were.
-One by one they all introduced themselves to you, also talking a bit quieter to not startle you more. By the end you weren’t as tense and were smiling a bit. Though you were surprised that the youngest was so big while only being three years older than you.
-They saw how you were probably more willing to talk, so Kiri asked you how old you were. They each were surprised that you were five, being so tiny.
-They asked if you wanted to come hang out with them for the day. And you said yes!
Neytiri wasn’t happy that they were cutting her time with you so short, but couldn’t deny them the joy of being with you. She did want to talk with Jake about having you stay with them though. She really wanted you to be part of their family now that all of her children had met you and clearly liked you. 
So, with a sigh, she handed you over to Neteyam and walked off to find her husband.
Neteyam was so happy he got chosen to hold you. You felt like nothing in his arms, smaller than the newborns he had seen. He just smiled down at you while cradling you. The group of siblings just walked to their favorite part of the stream and started splashing around together.
You saw this and started squirming to get down so you could play too. Neteyam didn’t want to, but set you down anyway. You immediately ran, more like quickly waddled, to the stream and went into the water. It was only to their calves, but it went up to your hips. They started splashing you as well, which made you giggle and splash them back.
-They had been playing for almost an hour before you started getting tired. You were yawning while wading through the water and tripped on a rock on the bottom. You fell forward and got completely submerged in the cool water. You also scraped your forehead on a rock. You immediately stood back up and started rubbing your head.
-All of the siblings ran to you and were looking you over for injuries. When they saw the scrape on your forehead, Kiri immediately snatched you up and started sprinting back to their home, with the rest of the group following you two.
-She burst into their home and immediately got to work cleaning and bandaging the scrape. Jake and Neytiri heard the commotion and ran in to check on what was happening. They gasped when they saw what was wrong.
-The went to you and frantically checked if you were okay. You told them what happened and assured them you were fine. Right after you stopped talking, you let out a huge yawn. Everyone internally cooed at the sight.
Jake had then picked you up and laid down with you on his chest. “I think you need a nap baby.” He had whispered once you settled down. You just groaned, but snuggled further into him anyway. He motioned his wife to grab a blanket for him to put over you. She went and got one of the human blankets that you liked, that she had stored in an out of the way place in their home. Once she had it, she walked over to Jake and covered you with it. 
She laid down next to Jake to look over you while you slept. And slowly, the rest of the family sat around Jake and watched you sleep as well. Eventually, after about half an hour, Neytiri shooed them away to help her make lunch for everyone. This left You sleeping on Jake’s chest until lunch was made.
-Once he noticed the food was ready, Jake gently woke you from your nap. He knew you would still be groggy, so he carried you over to where the food was and sat with his family.
-He sat with you in his lap as the food was served. He made you a plate with a tiny, to him and his family, portion of food on it for you. However, he knew you really couldn’t eat anymore than what he put on it.
-His children side eyed him when he finished putting food on your plate, but didn’t question him. You had started to fully wake up when you smelled the food in front of you. You had eaten with Jake and Neytiri before, so you were excited for more of the food they make. You sat up straighter and reached to take the plate from Jake.
-He smiled and held it away from you to watch you pout at him. You ‘yelled’ at him, “Jake-Jake, give it!” He just chuckled and kissed your head then handed it to you. You smiled and started to eat.
-You got done with what was on your plate when everyone else was almost done with theirs. Neteyam asked if you wanted any more food and you just shook your head. He said okay, and side eyed you while you sat back against his dad. He and the rest of the family were kind of jealous of him for it.
-From then on you had slowly started to spend more and more time with the Sullys. Not because you asked to, but because they just took you with them to do stuff everyday.
~mini timeskip~ 
-You had been worried because of how many times you had to stay with Mo’at while the Sullys were fighting with humans. You really didn’t like any humans besides your Aunt, Norm, and Max at this point.
You were still with Mo’at in the healers tent when Kiri came in and picked you up to hand you to Neytiri. As she walked to the Sullys’ home you saw Jake, Neteyam, and Lo’ak looking really beat up. This made you really worried. You looked up at Neytiri and asked, “Hey Tiri? Are the boys okay?” She looked down at you and gave a strained smile while telling you that they would be fine. 
She sat with you and Tuk in their home, with you in her lap and stroking Tuk’s hair to keep you two calm. The rest of the family came in a few hours later, Kiri annoyed and tired, and all of the boys bandaged up. You were concerned, but stayed where you were because you knew that Neytiri was also upset about this and that having you and Tuk near her was helping keep her calm. 
You were present for dinner with them before Jake took you back to the lab for the night, which was odd for him now. 
-Jake took the walk back home to discuss taking you with their family to the Metkayina. Neytiri didn’t want to leave the forest, but knew going would keep their family safer, including you.
-They both agreed to get you and your stuff the next day so you could make the move with them. Whether you wanted to or not. You were part of their family. 
-They let their kids know the plan when they made it home. None of the kids were excited, but were happy that you would be going with them
-They had all packed all the stuff they could so they could leave as soon as they got you. They knew it would be better to just tell Mo’at and get you and your stuff as soon as Norm and Max got to work so they couldn’t be questioned for where they were taking you. 
-As morning came, they loaded their stuff onto their Ikrans. Tuk would be riding with Neytiri and you would be riding with Jake. They came to the lab, and had you talk to Tuk while they packed your stuff and brought it out to the Ikrans. Jake got a blanket to wrap around you before he strapped you to him so you didn’t get cold during the flight over to the reefs. 
-The flight took until the next day and you were getting tired of not being able to move around when you were awake. Though you slept for a lot of the ride because of the soothing motions of flying. 
You could see that you were almost there, and were squirming in excitement. You were frustrated with being swaddled for so long. Once the Ikrans landed you were moved to be strapped on Jake’s back, which you whined about. At least they took away the blanket so you wouldn’t get overheated. 
You were peeking over his shoulder to look at the new place and navi people. Two of them came to the front of the group, so you knew that they must be important. You looked at Jake from your strange angle as they greeted him and copied him by bowing your head as well. 
The rest of the family saw this and smiled at you. This also made Ronal notice you and glare at Jake while saying he brought a demon here. Jake immediately defended you by saying you were just a child and part of their family. You smiled at his words. But still squirmed to get down. Jake sighed and untied you from him to set you down on the dock. 
You were happy to stand on your own, but still stuck to Jake and gripped his leg. You looked up at the two navi and shyly waved your hand at them and bowed your head again. This made the man’s eyes soften at you, so you slightly smiled at him. He introduced himself and his wife, “I am Tonowari, and this is my mate Ronal. Why have you come here?”
Jake explained that they were seeking something called ‘uturu’ to protect their family from the bad humans. This just made Ronal angry and accused him of bringing war there. He denied it and said he just wanted his family to be safe. Tonowari caved and allowed them to stay, as long as they learned the Metkayina’s ways. 
You smiled and said thank you to them for allowing you to stay. This finally made Ronal soften. She stopped glaring at you and gave you a fond look. This just made Neytiri glare at her from behind you. And with that, you got picked up again and got brought to the ‘marui’ by the pretty navi that was the two metkayina’s daughter.
-The kids were gonna be taught something by the chief’s kids and you wanted to go with them. It had been a while since you got to swim. You asked Neytiri to help you into a swimsuit so you could go with them. 
-She helped you with it and told you to be careful before kissing your forehead and having you go while holding Kiri’s hand. That got hard for you so she carried you with them. 
-You were excited to swim even if you wouldn’t be able to keep up with the Sully siblings. You went into the shallow water to wade around and look for shells while the chief’s children made their way over.
-They introduced themself again and you finally caught their names. Tsireya and Aonung. You told her she had a pretty name and got a large smile in return. Afterwards she asked if you wanted to try to learn the lesson as well. The Sullys weren’t happy, but you said you would try anyway. 
-Tsireya was happy to have you join them, but didn’t expect much from you. She motioned you to follow them to the deeper water, so you started to slowly swim over to them. She was impressed at your ability to swim, but thought that you wouldn’t be able to do much else.
-She gave instructions for the forest navi on how to hold their breath properly to dive deep, and Kiri got it right away but the others were struggling a little bit. It only took the others a few more tries to get the hang of it. She then went over to you, who she found just floating on your back with your eyes closed and a smile on your face. This made her very happy for some reason.
-She pushed water towards you to get your attention. Once you looked at her while treading water, she asked if you wanted to learn the breathing lesson with her help. You smiled at her and nodded.
Tsireya gently took your hand and dragged you closer to her in the water. You were so tiny compared to her, she found it adorable. She re-explained the lesson while you intently listened to her. You nodded after she was done talking and took a breath how you thought she explained it before diving under the water. 
She dove right after you to watch over you and saw you looking around under the water with wide eyes and a big smile. She followed you under the water, surprised at how well you were holding your breath for such a tiny human. You only lasted a few minutes before going back to the surface. She came up at the same time as you and held you up as you gushed to her about how beautiful it was. 
She giggled as you went on about how amazing it was. Neteyam and Lo’ak were silently fuming watching you talk with Tsireya. They made eye contact before making their way over to you. They grabbed you to drag you with them. You giggled as they tickled you once you came over to the group of Sullys. Tuk and Kiri resurfaced when they noticed you with their brothers. Tuk came up beside your tiny group and started gushing with you about the beauty of the reef. Kiri decided to startle you by grabbing your ankle as she came back up. 
You shrieked when your ankle was grabbed, but just pouted when Kiri started laughing once she was at the surface again. You shouted, “Not funny Riri!” Everyone just laughed at that, which made you pout more. You then huffed and dragged Kiri with you to go look at shells in the shallows. 
You were pretty slow, so Kiri started dragging you with her as she swam to the shallows. Once you were able to stand in the water you went to the place where you could see shells before and called Kiri over to you. Tsireya ended up coming over to you two to ask what you were doing. You excitedly told her you were looking for pretty pink shells to take back to the marui to have Neytiri help make into a top for you. 
-She said she would help you find all the pink shells you wanted, happy to see you so excited about it. You continued telling her about how pretty you thought the shell and pearl tops were that you had seen earlier. She giggled at your excitement. 
-Aonung was watching his sister in confusion. He did see how cute you were, but didn’t understand his sister’s fascination with you. Their parents had told them to behave with the Sullys and especially the tiny one. He agreed, because he recognized how fragile you could be.
-He continued helping the siblings learn to dive while watching his sister with the girl and child. He just furrowed his brows at how happy she looked just finding shells with a random child she just met.
-He huffed and turned back to the other siblings to find them also looking at you. Which they always seem to be doing. He huffed and decided to end their lesson for the day.
-They all then swam over to you to help with finding more shells.They all had smiles on their faces while searching for shells with you. He just didn’t quite understand them and their borderline obsession with you.
-Tsireya went to get a small basket to put all your shells in. Once you decided you had enough shells, you took the basket and ran to find Neytiri. 
-You found her in a tent with Ronal. You walked up to her and held up your basket to her. “Tiri, can you help me make a top with these?” You asked her very sweetly. She looked at your basket of shells and smiled while nodding at you. You looked at Ronal and asked if she wanted to help make you make a shell top too. 
-Ronal went over, looked into your basket full of pink shells, and nodded at you with a fond look in her eyes. You told her all about how pretty you thought the shell and pearl tops metkayina women were wearing in the crowd of people. She just patted your head before getting some string to start weaving your top with.
You beamed at Neytiri as you described how you wanted the top to look like. With the shells dangling a little so they would jingle as you moved. She smiled and kissed your head before Ronal came back in with a good amount of string. 
The two older women got started on making your top as you talked to them. You talked about how pretty the shells were, and how gorgeous the reefs were. When it was time to start making dinner, the top was finished and you had Neytiri help you put it on. You were beaming at the both of them because of how pretty you thought it was. You thanked both of them before running to find the Sully siblings or Jake. 
You ran into Jake first. He was on a big thing with wings in the water with Tonowari with him. You got his attention by calling his name. He looked over at you and smiled while being confused at your new shirt. You began excitedly telling him about your day. About swimming and diving with Tsireya, looking for shells with her and the siblings, and having Neytiri and Ronal help make the top for you. He smiled and went over to you to pick you up and kiss your cheek. Tonowari was smiling at you too. He thought you were such a cute and kind child. 
When you finished your rant, you looked at the creature in the water and asked what it was. Tonowari told you it was called a skimwing. You said that it was a cool name and looked harder at the creature. Tonowari smiled and asked if you wanted to get a closer look at it. You just nodded and Jake brought you closer to it. You made eye contact with the creature before reaching towards it. Both men were extremely surprised that it sat still and allowed you to pet it. It still puts a smile on Tonowari’s face though. It proved to him that you were such a sweet child even a skimwing could see it.
Seeing how it reacted, he made eye contact with Tonowari before they both nodded and he gently set you on its back. They let go of it and it swam in gentle circles with you, which made you smile and giggle. It got bored after a while and gently went under the water so you could swim off of it and away. You slowly swam back to Jake and he picked you up again.
You rested your head on his chest and yawned. He smiled and started walking back to the shore so you could take a nap before the communal dinner. You fell asleep on him while he was walking over to his children that were still with Tsireya and Aonung in the shallow water. He motioned to you before handing you to, surprisingly, Tsireya, who was the one that reached for you first. She nodded at him before he walked back to Tonowari to continue his own lessons before dinner.
-The Sully siblings were glaring at Tsireya while she was holding you to her. They had wanted to be the ones to hold you, she just happened to be closer to where Jake stood when walking over. 
-She saw the glares and just smiled while looking down at you. She walked a little further into the water and swayed while holding you to her chest. You snuggled further into her when she did this. Her heart melted from how sweet of a child you were. 
-She walked back to the siblings to ask how old you were. They told her you five. She was surprised that this was how tiny human children were at that age. 
-She was holding you for about 40 minutes before their mothers came to tell them the communal dinner was ready. She sighed as Neytiri took you from her to bring you to where the Sullys would be eating. 
-Tsireya went to her family and watched you sit in Neytiri’s lap while Jake made you a plate. Her whole family periodically looked over at you. It seems you had left an impression with all of them. 
-Her and her parents had been frowning at how little food is put in the bowl meant for you. But if the Sullys found it fine, it must be okay. They ate on their own as the other family made conversation while they were all eating. You finished before the rest of the family and leaned back into Neytiri. Lo’ak asked if you wanted any more food, but you just shook your head.
-The other family just seemed content that you got enough food. They figured that it made sense with how tiny you were. You probably couldn't eat much at once. 
-After dinner you went back to the shallows with the siblings and the chief’s children. There are no more lessons for the day, you just splashed in the shallows with the siblings. You started floating again as everyone else swam further in. 
-You peacefully floated while looking up at the sky. After a while the sun started setting and you continued looking up at the beautiful colors going across the sky. You heard the water moving close to you and you looked around to find Neteyam coming over to you. You stood up and walked onto the shore with him
Neteyam called his other siblings over as well as he picked you up and brought you back to the marui with him. He went in to see that his mom had brought Tuk with her. He nodded at her while she went to put Tuk into the family bed. He had changed you into some of your night clothes while his mom went to call the others into the marui. 
When everyone was in and dried off, they all got ready to sleep as well. They had all laid down before bundling your blanket around you and setting you on top of their sleep pile. They all fell asleep fast from all of the excitement of the day. 
-They had all gotten used to living there and had gotten you to think of them as your family. You eventually called Jake and Neytiri ‘Dad’ and ‘Mama’, and the siblings your brothers and sisters. 
-This made them all very happy, and they had started smothering you with affection because of it.
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