#the tech boom has died down
idolsgf · 5 months
we found a place we really like but of course an offer has already been put in 😖
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bartxnhood · 3 months
escort at the oscars | a.b
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austin butler x fem!actress!reader
summary: getting lost at the oscar’s wasn’t on your roster. neither was getting austin butlers attention.
warnings: definitely poor representation of the oscars but idc this is just for funsies !
w/c: 3.1k
a/n: omg hi everyone !!! long time no see i know, life has been insane. i know no one will read this but ive had some HUGE life changes. i graduated cosmetology school, officially a nail tech now, yay me !! also, unfortunately, ill be having a hand surgery soon. so, im hoping i can write more before i can’t 😭. thank you to everyone who still supports me even though im not ac active as i used to be. one day i promise ill update regularly !!
a/n2: also, austin in the new bikeriders movie had me in a chokehold. the austin butler renaissance is upon us, people !!! (he’s also my bday twin WOO) and i know austin didn’t win an oscar for elvis but for the sake of the fic he did in this !!
not proofread
requests open
Copyright © 2024 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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since the red carpets were only carpets, you could have sworn they were easy to manage. the theater was only accessible by walking through a line, but that wasn't the case. after only thirty minutes, you had to make a big mistake by trying to use the restroom and ending up opening a broom closet.
“hey,” you heard a voice, and you quickly turned around only to find yourself facing austin. “the ceremony isn’t in the closet, darling.”
“right..” you whisper under your breath and close the door. you smile awkwardly turning on your heels and holding your clutch tightly.
“i was just uh..looking for the restroom but i couldn’t find it” you laugh, looking down and shaking your head, and begin walking away from the boom closet.
austin couldn’t help but chuckle, following behind you while holding his hand behind his back as he walked slowly for you to match his stride.
he could tell that you were an up-and-coming actress, something about the way you carried yourself gave it away, and he could also tell that this was your first time on a red carpet by the way you were clutching your clutch bag so firmly like your life depended on it.
“you look nervous,” he said softly, “it’s your first time on a red carpet, isn’t it?”
you smile sheepishly. “that obvious, huh?” you trail behind austin assuming he is taking you to the restrooms.
“never knew how big these places are” you laugh, holding up the end of your dress so it doesn’t drag.
austin could see how nervous you were by the way you were holding your dress up while you were walking, and he thought that it was adorable, honestly.
he chuckled as you mentioned how big the venue is because you weren’t wrong, it is pretty damn big. “ive been to a few oscars now and i still think the venue is too big,” he said with a laugh, as he walked by your side with that perfect movie star strut.
“which movie are you nominated for?”
you had never been to something like this, and you didn’t even have a premiere for your movie. but somehow, critics loved the movie and now your movie was nominated.
it felt like it happened overnight.
“blue moon” you answer, not expecting him to know it.
the movie was set in the second world war and your character was the spouse of one of the soldiers. after he died, your character joined the war.
it was an underground film, your first lead and you didn’t expect anyone to pick up the movie. but someone did, ended up being shown at a film festival and the critics fell in love with your performance. and that’s how you landed a nomination for best lead actress.
austin’s eyes widened as you mentioned the movie you’re up for, blue moon; he enjoyed that movie, and as he thought about it more he really couldn’t deny that you were fantastic in it.
“no way,” he said in disbelief, “no wonder you’re nominated for best actress, you were incredible in that film.”
“thank you” you nod, noticing you have finally made it to the restrooms.
“and thank you for showing me the way” you chuckle, dropping the train of your dress then stuffing your clutch under your arm and sticking out your hand.
austin takes your hand with a gentle yet firm grip and smiles, nodding. “no problem, glad i could be of help.”
“i’m y/n l/n” you introduced. “it was nice to meet you, austin. thanks for this” you grin, retracting your hand.
“i guess ill catch you later..”
“it was a pleasure to meet you, y/n,” he replied with a smile before watching you walk into the restroom, and he couldn’t help but keep his eyes on the door as you disappeared behind it.
he thought you were pretty. very pretty, and he kind of regretted not asking you for your phone number before you disappeared.
so, austin stood there leaning against the wall deciding he would wait on you. just in case you got lost again.
no other reason.
after relieving yourself, you stand in front of the mirror taking in a couple of deep breaths to calm the pounding in her chest, making it hard to breathe.
you open your clutch, picking out a compact and a lipstick. you swipe the color on your lips to touch up the splotches, and quickly powder your face.
you put everything back in your clutch smoothed out your hair and admired your dress.
floor-length satin gown in your favorite color, a ribbed corset look.
“you can do this, y/n/n..” you whisper to yourself then pick up the train of your dress and exit the restroom, hoping you won’t miss the award ceremony.
austin was now pacing in front of the restroom, waiting for you to exit, his eyes fixated on the door, and he found himself running a hand through his styled hair, ruining the gelled look.
he wasn’t sure what had compelled him to wait for you, but here he was, still waiting outside the restroom, tapping his foot anxiously and checking his watch now and then.
austin leaned back against the wall as he waited, trying to look nonchalant as ever, and once the restroom door opened, a soft exhale left his lips.
you let the door shut behind you while smoothing out the front of your dress and began walking down the hallway until you stopped seeing a figure.
you look up from the floor and spot austin, assuming he is waiting for you.
“austin?” you ask softly, taking in a deep breath.
austin’s eyes softened at the sound of his name, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you once he saw you walking towards him, smoothing out the front of your dress and making sure it was wrinkle-free and free of any stains.
“hey,” he replied with a smile and nod, “i was just, uh, making sure you didn’t get lost, again.” austin laughed, looking at you through his eyebrows.
you couldn’t help but chuckle, “no worries, restrooms are pretty simple,” you reply with a toothy grin.
“but, if you wouldn’t mind showing me the way to the theater?” you ask, knowing if you didn’t have the guidance you’d definitely get lost and miss the entire ceremony.
and you didn’t need that kind of embarrassment.
though, deep down you know you wouldn’t win tonight, but still, you wanted to experience being at the freaking oscars!
austin smiled at how eager you were to not get lost again. he chuckled softly as you asked him to guide you to the theater, and he pushed himself off the wall, taking one last look at his watch before walking closer to you.
“and here i was, thinking you’d never ask,” he joked, before holding out his arm for you to grab and wrap your own around.
“don’t wanna risk you ending up in the broom closet again,” he teased.
you drop your head, smiling, and then laugh at his comment about getting lost in the broom closet.
“listen..” you say softly, covering your face with the clutch. “i would say it was one mistake, but with my luck, it’s bound to happen again.”
you carefully take his arm and begin walking towards the theater. you can feel your cheeks warming up.
here you are, lost at the oscar’s and now having the austin butler escort you into the theater.
when you attempted to cover your face with your clutch, he rolled his eyes and gently grabbed it, pulling it away from your face. “no hiding.” he teased.
as you walked side by side, down the halls and towards the theater, austin couldn’t help himself but glance over at you now and then.
he smiled when you laughed at his joke and chuckled even more as you attempted to defend yourself. “just one? you’re sure about that?”
you smile, looking ahead. not being able to look him in the eyes. “no..” you laugh.
“on my first day of filming, i got lost and accidentally locked myself in the hair and makeup trailer” you giggle, recalling one of the most embarrassing moments that’s happened to you. though, this one trumps that.
“no way..” you hear austin laugh wholeheartedly, a sound so beautiful it could turn your legs into jelly.
“yes way” you laugh back, nodding. you weren’t paying attention and almost tripped over the end of your dress.
“here, let me help you with that” austin offers, picking up the train of your dress so you can walk more comfortably.
“see? clumsy.”
austin grins, holding the satin fabric in his hands as you continue towards the theater. “we all have our quirks” he adds. “you’ll warm up to this life, it’ll become easier and if it doesn’t, i’ll help you navigate this journey.” austin spoke without really thinking.
you finally see the two large golden doors which lead into the theater. “ready?” austin grins, raising his eyebrows before opening the door.
when the door opens you’re hit with a soft wind of cool air, the sound of people chattering, and the camera crew getting ready to go live.
“well, let’s hope i can find my seat with ease..” you say walking down the aisle with him towards the seconds for the nominees. “i’ll help,” austin says and begins scanning the row of seats for your name.
y/n l/n
“here you are.” he points to your name plastered on the back of the seat. “right next to mine” he leads you to the two end aisle seats on the front row. your crew sat behind you and austin’s was right next to him.
you were shocked, walking to your seat and letting go of his arm. austin drops the end of your dress gracefully, making sure it doesn’t get dirty.
“what a coincidence, huh?” you take your seat, crossing your legs and placing your clutch in your lap.
austin had what you’d call a shit-eating grin on his face as he sat next to you. “coincidence? or the universe giving us a sign?”
he could tell you were feeling out of place, but he silently tried to make you feel more comfortable by flashing you a reassuring smile.
you shrug, smiling as the staff prepares to go on air. you take in a deep breath, calming your racing heart as you watch the host enter the stage.
“good luck tonight.” austin leans in, whispering. you turn to face him, “you too”. austin winks and then focuses his attention on the stage as the lights dim.
you follow suit, the ceremony officially begins.
a short video montage of all the movies nominated begins to play, and for a second you see yourself.
after the video, the lights come back on, and out steps the host.
“hello, and welcome to the ninety-sixth oscars, everyone! look at these beautiful faces!”
the room explodes into applause and cheers from the guests.
there’s more to the introduction, bad jokes, awkward laughter, and overall a very, very, long introduction before getting into the awards.
tonight was going to be very long.
“and the nominees for the best lead actor” the host announces, letting a brief video play of all the nominees and their movies.
some actors you knew well, others you didn’t.
“and the oscar goes to..” the host drawls, opening the envelope and a smile appears on her face.
“austin butler!”
the crowd erupts into a roar of cheers and applause, people standing up all around, yourself included. austin stands up hugging his team around him and his friends. he turns to you, smiling as if he won the lottery. “congrats!” you pat his shoulder as he walks past you on stage to accept the award.
“wow..” his deep voice rang through the microphone, looking at the audience and fellow nominees. “i’d uh..wow..all my words are leaving me…i’m standing in front of my heroes. i’m so incredibly grateful to be standing here, i just wanted to say thank you to my team, all the producers, writers, directors, costume, and makeup. everyone. and the presley family for guiding me through this whole process. thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. and lastly, thank you to all the new people i’ve met” he looks towards you. “i’m so grateful to be standing here. thank you.” he blows a kiss to the crowd before disappearing backstage.
the rest of the male categories went on in between intermissions. many of your favorite actors won, and movies.
then, before you knew it, the female categories were beginning. you saw austin returning to his seat before the nominees were announced.
“now, let’s take a look at the nominees for best female lead role…” the host begins.
like the male category, there are videos of each nominee and then you’re face pops up in a small montage of your movie with your name announced.
austin looked over at you when your face appeared on the big screen, he saw that look in your eyes. he couldn’t describe it. awe? no, it was something more than that. something he had never seen from any of the people he worked with. he had been to many events like this, but you…something about you.
“and the oscar for best female lead role goes too..”
so many great and talented women in this category, that you feel honored to even be considered as good as them.
what if you didn’t win?
but what if you did win? you didn’t even think you prepare an acceptance speech because there is absolutely no way someone like you could-
“y/n l/n! congratulations!”
the world stopped, people around you standing up and applauding. you.
you sat there, mouth agape staring at the stage with your face on the screens like an idiot. your crew grabbing your shoulders to congratulate you as you stand up. hugging some of your crew, then looking at austin wide-eyed. he’s smiling at you, saying something like “i knew you’d win” but you couldn’t be sure, you were in shock.
you begin towards the stage, austin trailing behind you holding your dress so you won’t trip. if there’s one thing austin learned about you tonight, you were clumsy.
you look back, thanking austin with your eyes approach the host, and accept the award.
“oh man..” you begin, feeling tears prickling your eyes. a quiet laugh escapes your throat, looking down at the golden award and then back to the crowd. “i didn’t have a speech prepared, i didn’t expect to win at all. but i wanted to thank everyone who worked on the set of this movie. thank you to the director who saw my indie films and thought i had the talent to portray my character. thank you to my team who always supported me. thank you to my family who always believed in me..who pushed me to work harder..” you sniffle, lip quivering.
“thank you. thank you so much.” you cry. “and thank you to austin, who helped me when i got lost, otherwise i would’ve missed the best moment in my life”. you look towards austin, your teary eyes glittering underneath the lights. the crowd laughs at this, finding it humorous.
austin smiled as he listened to your heartfelt acceptance speech. he couldn’t help but feel proud of you, watching the way you held the award in your hands and thanked everyone who had helped you along the way.
his heart skipped a beat when you mentioned him in your speech. he chuckled softly as the crowd laughed when you joked about getting lost, and he felt a warmth spread through him as he heard you express your gratitude towards him.
“and to all my fellow nominees, i can’t believe im standing in front of you. i’m so honored to be here with you tonight. and i realize i am rambling so i will accept this and go” you laugh, waving to your crew and exiting the stage.
as you walked off the stage, austin stood up and applauded once again, clapping louder than ever before.
the rest of the night continued without fail, the whole thing continued for about three and a half hours. you knew it was going to be long, but you don’t think you’d ever get used to it.
the ceremony ended, leading you and the other winners backstage to get pictures and interviews.
you stand with your friends, who also are a part of your crew. you’re still absolutely shocked. crying on and off as they congratulate you on one of the biggest achievements of your career.
you weren’t aware of austin approaching you until you felt a hand on your lower back. you look over your shoulder and see his baby blues. “austin!” you grin, turning your body toward him. “hi, darling. congratulations.” he says, gesturing to the award in your hand.
“thank you” you bring the award up to your face, grinning like a proud parent. “and congrats to you”
austin nods, looking down at his award. “looks like we both got pretty lucky, huh?”
you nod, agreeing. “i guess so..” you say softly.
you see austin’s eyebrow raise, his eyes dancing over your figure against the wall. you couldn’t quite place what he was thinking. he could be thinking many things, but you wouldn’t know. he was too hard to read, for you at least.
“say, uh..” he smirks, biting his lip. “how would you feel if i asked for your number?” his extra arm came up to the wall beside your head, entrapping you.
oh boy.
you hold the award close to your chest, looking up at him. “well, i’d feel like i’d be dreaming but im not going to say no.” you answer.
“good because i don’t know what id do if you said no” he chuckles, his eyes not leaving yours.
“i’ll call you, we’ll go out sometime. i wanna know more of you. if it’s anything like i saw tonight, i think i might fall in love with you.”
you can feel your ears burning as he speaks, his raspy voice making your legs feel weak. his eyes looking down on you, god. he was driving you insane. his slightly gelled hair, his grey suit, his cologne.
he was so close.
“then i guess you should be ready for that,” you say, smirking.
you heard your name being called, your manager trying to get you for an interview.
you push yourself off the wall, but before you leave you pause. “call me.” you wink and then walk away, leaving austin’s world rocked. never had he met someone like you, never has he been this intrigued and captivated by someone.
thank god he found you when he did.
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Fic where, in practicing to get edo tensei right, Orochimaru uses Izuna as a test subject and tries to substitute DNA to make it work, using Suigetsu's bc like it's extra flexible or whatever bc shape change
Edo tensei mermaid Izuna locked in a tube somewhere in Oro's lab,,
He's SO mad about it and has literally no information ab what's going on at all bc hes locked in a fucking tube !!
Bonus points if Orochimaru doesn't even specifically know who he is
They unearthed him w the rest of the founders on a whim but bc no one really requested him specifically, the body just kinda sat there and eventually got mixed in w the rest of the Uchiha corpses, till Orochimaru requests an Uchiha corpse and they shrug and send him over
He still has Madara's eyes too (left alone either by oversight / or bc they decided not to pull them before he got mixed in w the other bodies, who had by then already gotten scooped of their eyes so they assumed he'd already been harvested)
Ok but like. No one even tells him what happened/where he is/that madara made the village. Why would anyone?? The only one Izuna sees regularly is Orochimaru, and he doesn't know those facts would matter??
Izuna doesn't even know what Konoha IS, he isn't gonna recognize the name
From Izuna's perspective, he died in his bed and then BOOM. Tank time.
Orochimaru might tell him it's been some years since his death (thinking he died in the massacre) and even if Izuna doesn't believe him bc like, enemy, enemy territory, he sure as fuck probably won't be thinking "Ah yes it's been decades since my death and my brother went against my dying wishes to make that village"
Tho he might get nervous and start picking up those cues when he sees the tech
Oro mentions offhand that the Uchiha were all killed and Izuna immediatley assumes the Senju won the war and loses it
He'd figure it out eventually obviously (probably after being set free, most likley by Sasuke w Suigetsu) But he'd also probably keep that to himself, bc like, enemy territory n stuff
Mermaid shapeshifter Izuna terrorizes the shinobi world,, Sasuke doesn't know what he just unleashed.
Ok actually but like. Suigetsu's shape-shifting but bc Izuna has a fire chalra nature, make it liquid fire shape-shifting. Fuckin, fire mermaid Izuna. He has an awful time retaining his form and actually for the first chunk of time, him being in that tube is genuinley just for the best. He keeps turning into liquid fire with no real solid body and can't put himself back together for hours.
Izuna hears his brother is still alive and running Akatsuki and is so down to clown till he realizes THATS NOT HIS FUCKING BROTHER HOW DARE YOU USE HIS NAME
Anyways oh my god Izuna on team Taka,,
He and Sasuke would be SUCH a dynamic actually, they look alike so much?? Sasuke doesn't recognize him but he's clearly a close relation, so there's some mystery there. Sasuke is like super shaken by finding a member of his clan and Izuna, by that point aware that apparently the rest of his clan is dead, is sticking to him like GLUE. Sasuke is bitchy little brother coded and Izuna understands this is probably karma bc he is also bitchy little brother coded
They probably clash a lot, especially bc both are expecting to be in charge here, but ultimately I think they'd get along better than Sasuke does most people, and there's also that bonus vulnerability of like. Izuna is an older Uchiha boy who's trying to brother him (with a noticeably different brother-ing style to Itachi too) and Sasuke has been alone for so, so long.
Sasuke accidentally calls him nii-san then promptly has several break downs about it
Suigetsu and Izuna either get along ALARMINGLY well or they hate eachother. I think I wanna go with the first bc it sounds more fun. They couldn't talk to eachother in the tanks but they could still see eachother, so maybe they kind of developed some sort of code to communicate?
They are "cause problems on purpose" friends. They're also "wdym I can't kill him???" *looks of genuine confusion* buddies. They're giving Sasuke the biggest headache actually, someone stop them. If you leave them to "take care" of a problem, there will be carnage.
Also, like, Izuna literally has Suigetsu's DNA in him. That's a thing.
Mmm maybe some complex thoughts ab how Izuna has effectively become a bloodline thief against his will (the ULTIMATE taboo for shinobi from his era) and he's like, actually fucked up about it.
Running joke where they refer to each other as cousins, could be funny. They argue over who's the bastard child (it's Izuna obviously but he won't just take that title lying down)
Izuna is like, in his 20s, and Karin is around 16 or 17 at this time I think?? She definatley has a bit of a crush on him (which helps take the edge off Sasuke) but like, he's not acknowledging that beyond patting her on the head. She'll get over it eventually. (Sasuke hides behind Izuna when Karin is trying to flirt w him and Izuna absoloutley laughs at them both)
Izuna is actually really impressed w Karin's sensing abilities specifically. I think he'd be a bit on edge around her at first, bc Uzumaki -> Senju ally. But he'd quickly assume she's a deserter (he has no idea the Uzumaki are pretty much wiped out rip) and becomes cautiously chill after a minute or two (also when he first escapes, he REALLY doesn't have the luxury to pick and choose his allies. He's instantly attached to Sasuke and cautiously fond of Suigetsu, and Karin seems to have Sasuke's trust at least, so he'll keep an eye on it but otherwise trust Sasuke's judgment)
Izuna and Karin besties arc where they paint eachothers nails is a must. I love the take that Izuna is really into fashion n stuff and he and Karin should like, trade hair tips or smthn. Karin knows modern soap brands where as Izuna bought his soaps from clan vendors who no longer fucking exist, so like, it's definatley helpful.
Karin is the only one of them to have any real hint of where tf Izuna came from (tho even she doesn't have the full details) it'd be cool if she was the one to figure out more details ab his general mystery— maybe something about her chakra sensing gives her a hint as to how old he really is?? Or she finds the paper trail that hints towards the bodies being mixed up???? Idk but she deserves to have an "aha!" moment
Also Izuna's medical knowledge/standards are NOT up to modern and Karin is so mad about it, she's giving him hella lessons on first aid n shit and he's very, very interested in all this free medical knowledge
I know the least about Jugo so bear with me on this one pls— I think Izuna would find Jugo to be pretty fascinating as a person actually. He enjoys tentatively poking him with sticks, and comes to genuinley like him as a person (when he's calm) pretty quickly
Also cats love Izuna so he gets bonus points from Jugo bc of that, they can bond while petting Izuna's contracted cats or smthn idk
Yeah I really don't know much ab Jugo so that's all I have to offer sorry
Ok let's backtrack a bit, back to Orochimaru ->
Fun scene towards the very start of the fic, where Izuna still has no fucking clue what's going on, but recognizes Orochimaru as a member of the Orochi clan. He says as much, and Orochimaru has to pause.
No one's mentioned his clan to him in years. They haven't been relevant in Konoha since Orochimaru was born— even before that, they were barley relevant. Izuna should not know who they are.
(The only reason he does know is bc they had a neutral to positive relationship w the Uchiha back in the warring era, and Izuna had visited them once before)
Immediatley, Orochimaru is squinting at this guy. He's giving Danzo a ring asking who exactly he got sent over, but Danzo doesn't actually have anything to offer him??? The paperwork is a mess and there were a LOT of Uchiha. He's not registered as a shinobi tho.
Hmmmm.... ok.
Orochimaru is suddenly aware there's some kind of mystery here now, which is dangerous for Izuna. Izuna is, again, in enemy territory, and he's able to pick up on the fact that Orochimaru doesn't actually know who he is. This ofc means that HE sure as hell won't be telling him.
Maybe he bares his teeth and sarcastically says he's the second coming of Uchiha Madara (not even that big of a lie when u think ab it)
Pivoting time ->
Izuna is listed in the data books as like, being equally as talented as Madara and I think we should talk ab that more actually
I love Tobirama but he really did get him by surprise
Izuna just got cocky and taken by surprise!!
Then he went down in the history books both in canon and out of it as the weakest of the 4, that's so tragic
Izuna gets mermaid edo tenseid and (once people know who he is) everyone is like "Ok well at least he's uhh. The weakest of the 4 right?? I mean tobirama killed him when they were like only 19/20 so we'll probably be fine???"
Then he just fucking bodies them all bc hes a nightmare actually AND on whatever special test trial edo tensei steroids they gave him
Izuna is fueled on rage and spite and he's full up on both
Imagine he gets the full story of everything that happened while he was dead too, like.
Ok so Madara goes against his EXPRESS dying wishes and makes his village. (what the fuck!!) Then backs out (yay!!) but in an awful way that effectively fucks over the entire clan for years to come (nii-san what the FUCK)
Then gets literally backstabbed by Hashirama (HE FUCKING TOLD YOU!!! WHAT DID HE FUCKING SAY!!!!!)
Then the Uchiha seem to thrive and like. Ok. He's still mad about it, but at least something... kind of nice came out of it.
Izuna is SO mad at literally everyone, holy shit. The only one safe from his rage is Hikaku, god rest his poor, poor soul
Actually, I think it'd be funny if Izuna was like, indescribably extra awful mad at everyone— but then is like. Normal mad amounts at Tobirama, who was a bitch but at least didn't seem to carry on a personal fucking vendetta against the Uchiha like EVERYONE ELSE INCLUDING FUCKING MADARA FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON
Izuna is going like, "FUCK you, FUCK you, OH, EXTRA FUCK YOU—" then squints at Tobirama and goes "...fuck you." Then goes back to screaming
To be clear, Tobirama absolutely contributed to the end of the Uchiha, but like. A) it'd be funny, and B) at least his seemed slightly less on purpose than literally everyone else
There's also I think a difference of like. Izuna never expected Tobirama to suddenly turn around and be pro Uchiha
Where as everyone else (again, including his brother!!) Was like. A genuine betrayal
Tobirama fucking over the clan was never a surprise
He never pretended to be on their side (like Hashirama lowkey did)
Tobirama vs Izuna but it's them getting to relive their rivalry where as Izuna vs literally anyone else is emotionally charged as hell and filled with demented screaming
Leaving it there for now, I might actually try to write this one but who tf knows
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winxanity-ii · 4 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 20 Chapter 20 | burning declarations⌟
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The competitive fire ignited by Vlad King's announcement about the Sports Festival still blazed bright within Class 1-B the next day.
The clock ticked painfully slow as the afternoon sun cast long shadows through the classroom windows. The air buzzed with conversations laced with an extra dose of nervous excitement. The Sports Festival loomed large in everyone's minds—a chance to prove themselves on the national stage.
You, however, remained silent, observing this spectacle with a detached amusement. Seeing how excited they were for the competition was almost... endearing.
Half an hour before the final bell, Vlad King grunted in dismissal, his usual stoic expression etched with weariness. "Alright, that's it for today. Enjoy your evenings, but remember, the festival is just around the corner. Train hard, hone your quirks, and don't let me down."
The moment the door shut behind him, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the room. Laughter and lighthearted chatter replaced the studious silence of moments ago.
You then rose from your chair, catching a few eyes. "I believe I have to use the restroom room. I'll be back shortly." Before anyone could respond, you exited the classroom.
The moment the door clicked shut behind you, Monoma slammed his fists against his desk with a resounding crack, commanding the attention of his classmates. The playful chatter died down, replaced by a curious murmur as all eyes turned towards him.
A triumphant grin stretched across Monoma's face. He reveled in the spotlight, his voice booming through the classroom. "Alright, everyone, gather around! Now that our precious President has finally graced us with her absence," he shot a pointed glance towards the empty doorway, "it's time we get down to business!"
"Those smug, self-proclaimed heroes-in-training from Class 1-A," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain, "might think they're hot stuff, basking in the limelight! But let me tell you something," he continued, his voice rising in fervor, "the upcoming Sports Festival is our chance to shove it right back in their faces!"
He paced dramatically in front of the class, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Oh, those 'poor souls' burdened with their enriched hero training and their oh-so-impressive quirks! Don't worry, Class 1-B is here to save the day! We'll show them what real talent looks like, what sheer determination can accomplish!"
Monoma slammed his fist against his desk once more, the sudden bang momentarily silencing the room. "But let's get real here," he continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Half of those stuck-up heroes-in-training in Class 1-A probably coasted their way in on their parents' coattails. Think about it! Todoroki, the son of the number-two hero Endeavor! Yaoyorozu, heiress to a giant tech company, too!"
A wave of murmurs rippled through the class. Kendo shot Monoma a warning look, but a flicker of truth in his words ignited a spark of resentment in some of the students. This wasn't just about proving their talent; it was about proving their worth on a level playing field.
Monoma, sensing the shift in momentum, pressed on. "And where were these so-called heroes when Akuma-san needed them most? Huh?" He jabbed a finger towards the empty doorway, his voice tinged with genuine anger. "Our precious class president, left all alone to face those villains at the USJ! Where was Class 1-A then? Too busy basking in the glory of their fancy teachers to lend a helping hand?"
A collective gasp filled the room. The memory of the USJ attack, still fresh in everyone's minds, was a raw nerve. Monoma's words, laced with a twisted sense of protectiveness, struck a chord.
"They need to be shown what it means to be a true hero, not some pampered product of nepotism!" His voice boomed through the classroom, his eyes flashing with a fiery determination. "We're going to Class 1-A. We're going to show them what happens when you mess with one of us!"
A stunned silence followed Monoma's declaration. Then, as if a dam had broken, the class erupted in a cacophony of shouts and angry yells. The embers of competitive spirit fanned by Monoma had now morphed into a bonfire of righteous fury (fueled by a healthy dose of manipulation, of course).
"Yeah! Akuma-san could have died!"
"Those cowards! We should have been the ones there to protect her!"
"Those lazy bums don't deserve what they got!"
"We'll show them what Class 1-B is made of!"
You, the unwitting catalyst for this sudden outburst, emerged from the restroom completely oblivious.
As you walked down the hallway, a commotion erupted from down the hall suddenly caught your attention. A knot of students clustered around a single doorway. You considered brushing it off, returning to your own classroom, but two things stopped you in your tracks.
The first was the sight of your classmates and many others, surrounding the doorway of Class 1-A. The second was the unmistakable sound of Shinso's voice, his usual montoness laced with an edge of unexpected aggression.
What were they all doing there?
A slow smile spread across your face, hidden beneath a mask of nonchalance. This unexpected turn of events was far more intriguing than you had anticipated.
With a casual gait that belied your growing interest, you approached the crowd, drawn in by the unfolding drama like a moth to a flame. You positioned yourself at the edge of the throng, a silent observer to the unfolding spectacle.
Shinso's tall, lanky figure and tired purple eyes dominated the scene, his voice cutting through the cacophony. "I came to see what the famous Class A was like," he drawled, his monotone delivery a stark contrast to the commotion he'd caused, "but you seem pretty arrogant. Are all the students in the hero course like this?"
Before anyone could respond, a familiar explosion erupted from the crowd. Bakugo, ever the embodiment of explosive anger, bristled with fury. "Huh?!" he roared, his voice tinged with disbelief.
A wave of unease washed over Class 1-A. Shinso's casual dismissal of them, punctuated by Bakugo's simmering anger, felt like a pot about to boil over.
Undeterred by the hostile reception, Shinso continued to push his point, his eyes never leaving the bewildered faces of Class 1-A. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned," he declared, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment. "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?"
Another round of confused murmurs rippled through the crowd. Bakugo, however, remained silent, a scowl etched onto his face.
Shinso didn't miss the apathy. "Didn't you get the memo?" he drawled. "The school has left those of us overlooked, a chance. Depending on the results of the Sports Festival, they'll consider transfers... to the hero course." His voice dropped to a low murmur, sending shivers down several spines. "And it seems they may also transfer people out."
Midoriya let out a strangled gasp, his eyes wide with realization. The implication was clear: Class 1-A wasn't safe from being shuffled around based on their performance.
The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Shinso, sensing the shift in atmosphere, turned his gaze towards Bakugo, a challenge glinting in his purple eyes. "Scouting out the competition, huh?" he said, his voice laced with amusement. "Well, let me be the first to inform you—at least I have the courtesy to announce my intentions and say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you..."
A beat of silence followed, then Shinso arrived his eyes, letting out a theatrical sigh. "...I came here with a declaration of war," he announced, his voice echoing in the stunned silence.
You found yourself slipping away from the commotion just as Tetsutetsu burst onto the scene, oblivious to the tension he was interrupting. Reaching your classroom door, you gently pushed it open and slipped back inside. The familiar sight of your desk and scattered textbooks offered a small distraction amidst the brewing storm.
As you began packing your backpack, a wry smile played on your lips. You hadn't expected U.A. High to be this competitive, even after getting accepted.
The naive image of aspiring heroes working together, forged in the fires of training and camaraderie, had been shattered.
Here, it seemed, it was every hero for themself.
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The afternoon sun cast long shadows as you and Bakugo walked down the street, your house a few feet away. Just as you neared your doorstep, Bakugo finally broke the silence.
"Hey," he began, his voice barely a mutter. "You... you heard about the Sports Festival, right?"
"Okay, so, what's your plan? Are you gonna go for No.1?"
There was a beat of silence as the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink.
You hummed in thought, tapping your chin with your index finger. "Honestly, I haven't really decided yet," you admitted, your voice laced with a hint of amusement.
Bakugo finally tore his gaze away from the sidewalk, his fiery red eyes meeting yours for a fleeting moment, lips falling into a scowl at your flippant response. He seemed about to launch into one of his usual explosive rants, but then, just as quickly, he clamped his mouth shut. Hesitation flickered across his features, an unusual expression for the ever-confident blonde.
Finally, with a gruffness that couldn't quite mask a hint of awkwardness, he blurted, "I want you to win first place." He looked everywhere but at you, a faint blush creeping up his neck, staining his cheeks a barely-there pink.
This unexpected request sent a jolt through you. Once again, here your puppy was with a request.
This wasn't the Bakugo you knew—the self-proclaimed winner who wouldn't dream of asking someone else to claim victory. A slow smile tugged at the corners of your lips, hidden by your usual mask of indifference.
"Pardon?" you repeated, feigning nonchalance. You tilted your head slightly, studying the flustered expression on his face.
Bakugo's scowl deepened, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that seemed more comical than intimidating at this point. The dark blush that had started on his cheeks now dusted the tips of his ears, a testament to his uncharacteristic bashfulness.
Finally, after a moment of what seemed like an internal struggle, Bakugo met your gaze with a fiery intensity. "Look," he began, his voice rough with barely contained emotion, "you don't need to be wasting away with those second-rates in Class 1-B. You belong with the best," he finished, his scowl deepening for a moment before softening back into a hesitant frown. "You belong in Class 1-A...with me."
You sighed, taking a few steps up to him. You weren't as tall as him, so you had to strategically position yourself on your tiptoes to reach his height. With a playful nudge, you cupped his chin, your fingers gently brushing against his cheek. The touch sent a barely noticeable tremor through him, causing him to lean into your touch, his fiery gaze momentarily flickering away.
"I know you mean well, puppy," you said softly, your thumb gently rubbing a circle on his cheek, forcing him to maintain eye-contact, "but the truth is, I already have a plan in motion and I'm afraid joining 1-A isn't part of it..."
A flicker of disappointment crossed the blonde's features. He looked off to the side, a dejected scowl returning to his face. Just as his fiery spirit seemed to dim, you squeezed his chin gently, your touch lingering for a teasing moment. "...But..." you started, extending the word for dramatic effect, "...there are other ways to get pushed to Class 1-A, other than winning the Sports Festival, wouldn't you agree?"
A flicker of hope, faint but undeniable, ignited in Bakugo's eyes. You leaned in even closer, your voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Besides," you continued, "how boring would it be if I joined your class the easy way? Instead, how about a little wager?"
"A wager?" he echoed, his voice rough with interest.
"Yes a wager," you declared. "If you can snag first place at this year's Sports Festival, I promise you that I'll be in Class 2-A by next year. Deal?"
A flicker of surprise danced across Bakugo's fiery eyes. He stared at you for a long moment, his usual bravado replaced by a hesitant curiosity. The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, a challenge wrapped in a promise.
He couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through him at the thought of not only winning the Sports Festival but potentially having you by his side in future hero courses; it was a potent mix that ignited his competitive spirit.
"You better be serious," he finally growled, a subtle tremor in his voice betraying his simmering determination.
A peal of laughter escaped your lips. "Oh, I am," you replied, your voice laced with amusement. "As long as you remember, I don't settle for second best. If you want your dream to become a reality, then winning first place isn't just an option—it's a necessity."
Your words struck a chord within him. His eyes dialated, breath catching in his throat as a flicker of surprise gave away to a steely determination. "...First..." he muttered, the single word laced with a newfound intensity.
You held his gaze, a playful smile dancing on your lips. "Yes, first," you confirmed, your voice a low murmur that sent a delicious warmth spreading through him. "So, if you want me, puppy...you better train harder than you ever have before."
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A/N: ehh, not much once again, but i did sprinkle a lil bakugo!puppy love to make up for it, hehehe. quick update: due to being broke (😔) I had to go back to my part-time job 💔, so updates will be either quick or slow depending on if they piss me off at this damn country club cuz I do be inspired when upset 😂. also, quick question: how would y'all feel about an morally-grey isekai'd!reader x yandere!various!demon slayer fic??? 👀👀
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aliceattheart · 3 months
Vox with a new an uprising tech demon threatening to take his spot that turns into a hate fuck situation with like an enemies to lovers troupe (also I figured out how to request yayyy)
You're making me short circuit
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When clicking the read more you consent that you are 18 I guess. I never followed this when I was younger 🤭 but for real this is adult content so viewer discretion advised ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ
Also drak themes(You have been warned)
Vox x AFAB Reader
Heyyy y'all Alice here
I thought of the perfect idea for this I hope you enjoy. I'm a bit new to writing smut 😼
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You weren't shocked after your unfashionable death did you find yourself spiraling straight down to hell. After countless amounts of murdering of the masses. You're crimes never caught up to you until you died of liver failure due to your obsessive drinking problem.
Your interesting new body that also accompanied you was strange. Your body has a luscious glow from the weird skin like sheet metal. With a small monitor on your wrist that showed you your vitals.
Having no foundation and a slight craft of making something out of nothing. You got yourself a business making Android assistance bots. Who needs Demons and Sinners when you have ready made bots willing to do almost anything. You're still working on somethings but none the less from perfection.
You were a spit fire that's for sure. Finding your place fairly easy. Being the Mastermind behind an Electric business in your recent past. You've learned a few dirty tricks at getting what you want.
Having frequent battles to aquire a turf to call your own. Even if I meant trying to brutally murder other low life's. Who cares? You're in hell and you only live once. Well twice in every Sinners case.
But as of late some asshole of a Poor functioning monitor company wanted to get in your way. He was "Big time" but all of his accomplishments were mediocre at best. Your Android assistance bots gravely out weighted his TV Empire beyond comparison. And he was "friends" with that loser Valentino. Good golly do you hate him and his disgusting business.
He once wanting to combine your business with his. Wanting you to work under him. He honestly thought he was smart. You're not that dumb, he wants the publicity of you joining. You have been the talk of the whole realm. It was truly an honor to the single flower that stuck out. Quite the eye catcher.
Which honestly you would have if he'd ask nicer than just say, "Join my fucking Empire and lavish in all it's charm."
You gently got up from your sit and said this on your way out. "As if I'd join the Three Musketeer and work under your pitiful display of power." Walking out of the door slamming it.
He came up with a brilliant idea. "I'm tired of playing nice with that bitch." Vox took to anger before rationally thinking. He was proud of himself when telling his subordinates to put a tracking device in your car. And it surely didn't take long for him to locate you.
You weren't one to mess around with. Having a zero tolerance for idioc and rambunctious losers who would waste your time. And unfortunately for Vox he fit both categories.
Stepping out of the car. The service bot held your hand to help you out. Closing the door behind you. Without a chance to catch view of the bustling only to see Vox. "What do you want from me? I thought I made it clear that I wanted no part in that bogus deal." Snapping at him as he followed this long strides behind you. "Don't be like that, can't you just see how much more you'll gain working under me? You can't be so stupid to think I won't use force did you?" "Oh no! Whatever shall I do? You know I'm not helpless, correct?" He scoffed at you. Unfortunately for him he recently learned of your alliance with Alastor.
Picking up your pace as you walked into the booming establishment. Hoping to loosen up after your truly eventful week. Quickly finding yourself to the bar. Only to have that insufferable TV sit right next to you.
"What would you like Y/L?" "Take the strongest things you have and mix them together. I want the strongest hangover tomorrow." "Give me what's she's having."
After a few drinks you both shared a unspoken mood. You couldn't quite put your finger on it but the desire you felt at the moment for the very distasteful yet Handsome TV. Perhaps it was the lights, or maybe the music but most definitely the drinks. Checking your arm monitor. [Hammered] That's all you needed to know to put your almost finished drink down.
After putting the money on the table with a nice tip, you turned and started up another conversation with Vox. "Why are you still here? I've already said no to the deal, get it through that think screen of yours."
"Someone is feeling that Martini. I just thought that you might want some company. I've seen the way you've been staring at me all night." "Hop off your high horse. Though you aren't mistaken. Just be warned that I don't play sweetly." "Don't worry sweetheart. I like to play rough."
After that short but sweet conversation you can't even remember how you ended up in your room. But that's a problem for tomorrow.
Your elaborate outfit was long gone, making conversation with the carpet. You knew Vox wasn't a kind man but some decency wouldn't hurt. He littered your skin with sharp nips.
His slick fingers found it's way to your chest. "Remember what you said, what happened to all that bite?" Vox smirked down at you while he pinched at your oh so sensitive nipples. "Oh shut up. You should be greatful that I'm allowing you the pleasure of pleasing me tonight. Many souls have fought for this pleasure." Your legs clamped around his waist, successful flipping both of you over. "But since you asked so nicely, I'll show you some bite "
You made quick work of his tattered clothes. Throwing the button up and pants on the floor to join the conversation with yours. You decided to leave his undergarments on. You being in no rush. You had nothing to do in the morning.
Slowly you started to grind your hips down to meet his. You were quick to make your hands busy with raking them up and down his chest. Feeling naughty you started to traced his cute nipples. He started to look slightly displeased.
"Oh what's wrong cupcake? Is this too much for you already?" He scoffed at you while grinding his hip up to yours. "It's not that it's too much, I've never had someone--Ah !" He cut himself off with a airy moan. You don't spare him any glances as you started to toy with his nipples.
You gave him the same rough treatment he gave you. Pulling and twisting them. Tonight shall be an interesting night. Was all you could think about. While your hands were busy you started to lean down and bite at his shoulders. Leaving deep bite marks in it's wake. Slowly dragging your tongue around the craters. Trailing your tongue to meet your hands. Latching onto his left nipple and gently sucking.
You could tell that Vox was getting impatient with the lack of friction between his legs. Looking him in his eyes he had a deep flush on his monitor. He was cute.
Suddenly out of nowhere he decided that he wanted to take charge again. Mostly likely because he felt humiliated that he was being dominated by you. "I've had enough play time. Let's get the real party started." He snatched your beautiful decorated panties off without a second thought. He were quick to follow.
"Like I've said, I'm not gonna go easy on you." Flashing his pearly sharp teeth at you again. Precisely lining himself up with you soaking wet entrance. Just the tip felt heavy and he had even inserted yet. What have you've gotten yourself into. Too late to back out now.
He slammed his throbbing hard dick into you. All you could do was hold your mouth open as all the air rushed out of you. The sting of the stretch was orgasmic. Your legs pulled him in closer, not wanted to let him go.
His pace was slightly unbearable. The jack ass didn't even give you a change to catch your breath. He was thrusting in so hard and deep. It was the deepest someone has gotten. He grabbed your legs and pulled them down to your chest. "Waait! Slow DOwn!" "What ah happened to you don't play nice? So take what I givve you." He was groaning as he picked his pace up.
You didn't know about him but you were about to cum. He was just being so rough. It was a major turn on for you. "I'm... I'm CUMMING!" The orgasm shook through you. Vox on the other hand did not slow down for a second. He worked you through your first orgasm into your second. It was becoming too much, your legs started to shake. Vox finally emptied himself into your warm cavern. "Ahhh, that was great. But don't think that we're finished yet."
He pulled out. And turned you over flat on your stomach. Pulling your hips up towards his. He reinserted himself into you with on strong thrust. He picked back up his brutal pace again. Your face went straight into the pillows to hide your loud moans. As he slammed his hips into the back of your ass it stung oh so good. Vox pulled at your scalp and yanked your head back. "Don't go quiet on me now. I wanna he your screams." And boy did you not let him down. "AhhaaA, I'm CUMMING AGAIN!"
You couldn't take anymore, he was being so mean. You looked at your arm monitor it said [Error]!? What does that mean? Vox slid his fingers down to meet your painfully throbbing clit and started to play with it. "You like that don't you?" He said proud of himself for successful.aking you cum three times non-stop. Your fourth orgasm was coming in fast. "Give me one more." "I CAN'T!" "YOU CAN." Your vitals started to say"Short circuit!" Along with "ERROR"
Before you knew it you blacked out for a few seconds. When you came to you realized between your legs was a gushing stream of liquid. You were beyond embarrassed. Vox grunted on last time as he slowed his pace down. Having reaching his limit. With you milking his cock just right. His orgasm was trying blissful.
"God we should do this more often." He smiled at your oh so tired body. "Maybe another time when I'm under the influence of a sharp Martini." You chuckled. The rest of your night was quite peaceful as you quickly feel asleep. Who would have thought Vox loves to cuddle.
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electrikworm · 3 months
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I loved writing this request @squad-724! I hope you like it :)
Not Good Enough
Relationships: Crosshair & Wrecker
Content Warnings: Child Abuse, Needles, Medical Experimentation
As a cadet, Wrecker has to go through a number of tests and experiments. He doesn't have a good time, but at least Crosshair is there to comfort him after.
Word count: 3,456
Read on Ao3
Wrecker breathes in deep, shaking out his arms. Tech told him to stretch before the test, so he did.
It's a familiar test, just lifting weights. Wrecker still feels a little nervous. He looks over at the staff members and doctors behind the transparisteel separating them from the room Wrecker's in. They haven't told him to do anything yet.
Wrecker squirms. The wires stuck to his skin are uncomfortable. He knows they need to stay there for the test, but they feel weird. Wrecker has to fight the urge to peel the stickers holding them down off. He does shift one that's brushing against his chest in an irritating way slightly.
“CT-9903, you will cease touching the wires this instant.” A voice booms across the intercom, making Wrecker flinch.
“Sorry.” he mutters, not sure they hear him.
A moment later, the same voice instructs him to begin the test. One after the other, he's told to lift the various weight lined up for him. Some are so light, Wrecker doesn't see the point in using them, surely they know he'll manage with ease. Still, he does as instructed, picking up what he's told to, how he's told to do so. Sometimes Wrecker has to lift them up straight in front of himself, sometimes at his sides or above his head or in a way that makes his legs do most of the work.
Wrecker doesn't understand why, isn't told why. He used to ask, but knows he won't get an answer. Every time Wrecker does something, the examiners take notes on their datapads and exchange a few words that can't be heard through the transparisteel pane. Wrecker would love to know what they're writing and saying about him, even if it's not his place to be privy to those things.
He hopes they're impressed. Not about the small weights, nobody would be impressed by that, but the big ones, the ones Wrecker knows are heavier than any reg his age could lift. They never look impressed. Crosshair says they never will be, but Wrecker still lets himself hope. He allows himself to glance over at the staff testing him when he's lifted a weight that makes even his body burn with strain.
Wrecker's not exactly sure what he's longing for when he looks at the examiners. Not praise, Wrecker's not stupid. He knows he won't get compliments for doing what he was created to do. Maybe a smile or a nod. He's never got anything like that before, but Wrecker's sure he will once he manages to impress them. If he just keeps trying, the day will come eventually.
Today is not that day. When the completion of the test is announced, Wrecker shakes his arms out and stretches as much as the wires allow him to. He's used to the burn training with weights brings, it's familiar, comforting. When three of the staff members he'd seen through the window enter the room to remove the wires, the last hope of having impressed them dies in Wrecker's chest.
Against Wrecker's will, disappointment washes over him. He swallows thickly, willing the emotions to go away. He'll get their approval when he's earned it, it's nobody's fault but his own if he gets none.
Wrecker thanks the examiners for removing the wires, quickly pulling his clothes back on before going to stand at the door and wait for someone to open it for him. A doctor steps in front of him. Wrecker recognizes her. He doesn't know anything about her besides that she's human and always wears her blond hair in a braid. He also knows that she gets annoyed quickly, so he reminds himself to behave.
“You've been scheduled for further enhancement.” She says, tapping the screen of her datapad.
Inhaling sharply, Wrecker takes a big step backwards. He's been improving so much lately, working harder than ever. It can't still be insufficient. “What? When?” Wrecker's voice almost gives out, chest aching as his heart beats against his ribcage.
Wrecker shakes his head. He's not ready, this wasn't supposed to happen today. “No!” Taking another step back, Wrecker slams into another staff member. The blond doctor tries to grab his arm, but Wrecker sidesteps her hand. But after that, there's nowhere left to go, as the third staff member prevents him from going any further. Something akin to panic rises in Wrecker's chest as he's boxed in.
The second attempt to grab him succeeds, and Wrecker is pulled towards the door sharply.
“I don't wanna go!” Bending his knees, Wrecker tries to pull his arm from the doctors grip. The force makes her stumble forwards a step, almost making her fall. Wrecker doesn't get far, as one of the other people behind him puts their hands on his shoulder's firmly, shoving him forwards.
Anger twists the doctor's face as she grabs Wrecker's arm again. “You will not raiser your voice at me, CT-9903!” She tightens her grip on Wrecker's wrist, hard enough to make Wrecker sure he can feel the bones rubbing against each other. “And you most certainly will not get violent with your superiors!”
Wrecker looks away from her, muttering an apology. He didn't mean to do either of those things, but he doesn't say so. She wouldn't believe him. Best to just clench his teeth and wait for her to be done. After a moment, she huffs and loosens the grip on Wrecker's wrist. When she starts dragging him out of the room, Wrecker lets it happen.
Wrecker tries to be well behaved from then on, but the closer they get to the room where his enhancements are done, the faster his heart beats and the harder it gets to breath. At some point, tears start spilling across his cheeks. Wrecker tries to will his legs to keep up as he cries quietly, but sometimes they refuse to move, forcing the doctor to yank him forwards by his arm. His wrist and shoulder are starting to hurt from all the pulling.
The doctor stops walking with a loud sigh when they're only meters away from the lab. “You better not be doing what I think you're doing, CT-9903.” She sounds so annoyed. Wrecker knows what she's talking about, tries to hide the evidence of his tears by wiping his face with the back of his hand.
It's no use. When the doctor turns to look at him, she can tell immediately. Wrecker cringes at the mix of anger and disappointment on her face.
“What are you?” Her voice is harsh, loud.
“A soldier.” Wrecker says, voice weak as he tries to fight back tears. Guilt and shame wash over Wrecker as he suddenly becomes acutely aware of all the people passing them as he makes a scene.
“And what do soldiers not do?” She presses down on Wrecker's wrist again for emphasis.
“Cry.” Wrecker turns his head away from the doctor again, not wanting to see the way she's looking at him any longer. He wants to say that he tried to stop the tears from falling, but knows he should have tried harder.
“Good.” Her voice doesn't make it sound like she means that. “Don't make me write a report on your bad behaviour.”
Wrecker straightens up quickly at her words. He does his best to walk the last few meters to the lab quickly. Once they're inside, Wrecker is pulled to one of the beds. When he was lighter and smaller, one of the staff members would lift him onto the bed. That used to be the only good thing about these enhancements. Wrecker likes being picked up. But now, nobody does that any more. He's too heavy to lift comfortably.
Wrecker waits as the bed is lowered enough for him to climb up, playing with the hem of his shirt as he does. He is asked to strip to his briefs the second time today before he gets on the bed, then it is raised again. Tears threaten to fall as Wrecker watches a medical droid lining up hypos on the table beside him. He quickly looks away.
“You know how this goes, CT-9903.” Another doctor Wrecker recognizes says. He doesn't look up from his datapad, but Wrecker still nods. “We're doing your back first, then your front. Since you've not been able to hold still in the past, we're going to restrain you.”
Wrecker nods again, even if he knows none of what is said is a question, and it would happen if Wrecker agreed or not. As the male doctor sets his datapad aside and checks over the hypos the droid lined up, everyone else vacates the room.
“Where's mistress Nala Se?” Wrecker asks. She's not always here for enhancements, but Wrecker likes it when she is. He knows her the best, and she doesn't get as angry as some of the other members of staff. At least non of the medical staff are as bad as the bounty hunters.
“She is occupied with other matters, CT-9903.” Wrecker's a bit disappointed, but knows her presence wouldn't really change anything. The only thing that would make this better were if his vode could be here.
Wrecker's instructed to lie down on his front. The doctor gives him a weird look when he sees the bruise blooming on Wrecker's wrist, but wraps the cuff around it all the same. With his arms tied, Wrecker can't do anything but lay his face on the bed. He can feel his still wet cheeks stick to the plastic fabric.
First, there's the cold feeling of disinfectant on Wrecker's back, then the sharp sting of a needle sinking into his skin between his shoulder blades. He struggles against his restraints without wanting to. Wrecker clenches his eyes shut as he hears the first hypo of many land in the disposal.
The next needle pierces his back as the medical droid covers the puncture of the first with one of those irritating little plasters that feel itchy when they rub against skin.
By the time the third hypo is injected, the contents of the first really starts to burn. This burn is familiar too, but it doesn't comfort Wrecker. It just makes tears build in the corners of his eyes again, especially at the thought that the feeling won't go away for the next few days. Wrecker wants his vode, or at least Lula, but he's too old to need either.
A firm hand pressing down on his back makes Wrecker pay attention to the doctor. “Stop squirming.”
Wrecker bites down on the inside of his cheek as he tries to obey. He can't get his arms to still fully, but it's good enough for the doctor, as the next hypo is applied. Wrecker wonders if he could break the cuffs is if tried hard enough. Would that be impressive? His brothers would think so. The doctor would probably get angry though, and Wrecker doesn't want to know how much trouble he'd be in.
But it's easier to think about that than the needles.
Wrecker uses that strategy as hypo after hypo are injected into one muscle group after the other. He thinks about training, how to arm and disarm various explosives. He thinks about his brothers, about pictures of bugs Tech showed him, of plans they came up with, stupid jokes they'd made.
It works well. Wrecker's hardly aware of how he'd zoned out when the cuffs are undone. It hurts so much as Wrecker carefully gets onto his back. The doctor sighs when he sees that Wrecker's been crying. There's no hiding it, the clones face and the medical bed wet from the tears. The doctor silently makes a note on his datapad.
“I'm sorry. I know it's not... befitting of my age.” He remembers Tech using those words before. Wrecker's always impressed by how smart his ori'vod sounds, maybe the doctor won't be as disappointed if Wrecker sounds smart too.
The doctor sighs. “Just lay down.”
Wrecker swallows around the lump building in his throat. He does as told quickly, unable to bite back the whimper as more of his burning skin makes contact with the hard bed. He's already going to get in trouble for crying, he doesn't want to add being slow to the list.
The cuffs are reattached, and Wrecker tries hard to keep his eyes closed. This is always the worst part. It's bad enough being poked with needles if you don't have to watch as it's done. It's not that Wrecker doesn't try to look away. He does, willing his eyes to remain shut or look at the ceiling instead.
But every time, he ends up watching.
Any attempt to distract himself with his thoughts fails. Wrecker's eyes are glued to every hypo held up to his skin. He makes the mistake of checking how many are left at one point.
First his chest, then his arms and legs, all whilst Wrecker can do nothing but watch and hope he doesn't start crying again. He wants his brothers, doesn't want to be here. He wants to curl up in the dark and never move again.
Time stops making sense as it goes on. Wrecker doesn't look how many injections are to go again, he just silently begs each one to be the last.
Wrecker knows he looks a mess when the cuffs finally come off. Sweat makes his short hair cling to his head as he bolts upright and swings himself off the bed. Legs almost giving out, Wrecker pulls his clothes back on as fast as he can. Leaving the lab is the only thing on his mind.
The doctor huffs, making Wrecker look at him. He's shaking his head. “Someone's in a hurry.” Wrecker pauses, shoe halfway on his foot. Still shaking his head, the doctor continues. “The standard three rotations of physical respite are in place again, but you are expected to take part in mental tasks. Now you are dismissed, CT-9903.”
Wrecker doesn't wait around for him to change his mind.
As soon as he's out of the room, Wrecker walks as fast as he dares, dozens of little plasters catching on the inside of his clothes with every step. Now all he has to do is make it to their barracks and he'll be fine.
Crosshair eats his evening meal alone. Surprisingly, he managed to avoid any fights. Probably for the best, as his vode are still in training.
Wrecker might have eaten early. He only had a test scheduled for today, and he's always quick with those. Crosshair wouldn't mind not being all alone in their barracks. It's boring alone.
When the barracks are dark as Crosshair enters them, he sighs. Hitting the button for the lights, Crosshair heads straight for his bunk. At least, he plans to until the lump on Wrecker's bed moves.
Crosshair had assumed it was just more of Wrecker's mess, but unless Wrecker somehow managed to smuggle some animal in here, it had to be his older brother. Only by a few minutes obviously. People tend to forget that, but Crosshair won't.
A small grin spreads on Crosshair's face as he suddenly comes up with a great way to annoy his brother. He picks a small piece of scrap, no doubt important to Tech, off the table and walks two steps in Wrecker's direction.
“Sleeping already, sharal di'kut?” Crosshair says, trying not to laugh. After hours of pestering, Tech taught Crosshair a whole bunch of great insults. Crosshair in turn made sure that Wrecker knows their meaning too. He can't be offended if he doesn't know what Crosshair is calling him.
Waiting for Wrecker to sit up and respond, Crosshair gears up to throw the piece of scrap at him. Wrecker will probably be able to catch it, but it'll hardly really hurt him if he doesn't.
Crosshair waits a moment, then another. Did Wrecker not hear him? Crosshair sighs, taking another step forwards.
“Are you sleeping already, sharal di'kut?” Crosshair speaks louder as he repeats himself, arm extended behind himself to throw Tech's scrap metal at Wrecker. He's confident it his ability to aim, with good reason. He's so much better than any reg will ever be, and Crosshair's not even done with training yet.
This time, Wrecker hears him, moving under the blanket he's under. Crosshair patiently waits for his time to strike, but Wrecker doesn't sit up. Crosshair barely hears his response.
“M'not lazy...” Wrecker mumbles. He sounds tired, sad, in pain. As the grin drops from Crosshair's face, the scrap metal falls from Crosshair's suddenly limp hand. All plans of bothering his vod seep from Crosshair's mind as he closes the gap between the two of them as fast as he can.
“What did those regs do to you?” Crosshair snaps. “I'll kill them.” He means it too. Starting fights with Clone Force 99 is one thing, but Crosshair can't stand when they single one of his brothers out.
He tugs the blanket off his brother's shoulders, expecting to see blood and bruises. Wrecker's face is free of either as he turns to look up at Crosshair. He's holding Lula tightly as tears stream down his face.
“Did they make fun of you? I'll still kill them if they did.” Crosshair hisses. Wrecker shakes his head, inhaling through a silent sob.
“No regs...”
Crosshair's about to ask further, if it was one of the trainers that made Wrecker cry, but then he spots the little plasters on Wrecker's arms. More enhancements, experiments. Crosshair was unlucky enough to watch this type done on Wrecker once. He feels a bit sick at the memory.
Nala Se had to check on Crosshair's eyes in the middle of overseeing one of Wrecker's enhancements. She called it a scheduling error. Wrecker was crying the whole time, and all the staff did was tell him off for it. Crosshair asked if he could stay with Wrecker, but was told he'd get in the way.
Now Crosshair knows what the problem is, but has even less an idea of how to help.
“Do you need something? Are you hungry?” Crosshair asks, stopping himself from putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. Wrecker's told him before that what ever they put under his skin burns like fire.
“No.” Wrecker shakes his head, face scrunching up. It's so weird when Wrecker looses his appetite. He's only not hungry when something is wrong.
“I can get you something for the pain!” Crosshair announces.
Wrecker sighs. “I'm not allowed, Cross.”
“Don't care.” Crosshair huffs. “I'll steal something.”
“Pain medication might...” Wrecker pauses for a moment before continuing, thinking so hard that tears actually stop running across his cheeks, “tamper with the results.”
Crosshair hates that rule. If the medicine they have messes with their stupid experiments, maybe they should get better medicine. It's not fair that Wrecker has to stay up all night feeling unwell because nobody bothered to think of a solution to this problem.
“Is there something else I can get?” There must be something Crosshair can do to help.
Wrecker shakes his head. “Please don't leave.”
“I won't.”
“Can I hug you?” Wrecker wipes his face with the back of his hand. He sits up a little.
Crosshair nods, and Wrecker immediately starts moving over to let his brother lay down too. He's as careful as he can be as he puts his arms around Wrecker.
There is one bruise on Wrecker, Crosshair notices. A suspiciously hand-shaped one on Wrecker's wrist.
“What's that?” Crosshair points at the discoloured skin.
“I was being rude.” He sounds guilty.
Crosshair doesn't like the bruise, it makes him feel angry. But it is just one bruise, and clones get those all the time. Nothing any of them can do about that.
Wrecker buries his face in Crosshair's shirt, audibly sobbing as he does. Crosshair just holds onto his vod as hard as he dares as he feels the fabric get soaked by tears. He doesn't know what else to do, doesn't have anything good to say.
“It hurts so much Cross.” Wrecker forces out, muffled by Crosshair's shirt.
“I know.” Crosshair says, the 'I'm sorry.' remains silent.
But Crosshair implies it. Tech taught them that word. It's a good word. Crosshair implies things a lot. He implies 'I'm sorry.' in his tone of voice, in the way he holds Wrecker just a little bit tighter, when he starts running his hand across his brother's hair. Crosshair keeps implying it in every word he says and move he makes, even long after Wrecker's fallen asleep against his chest. It's the only thing he can think to do to make Wrecker feel a little bit better.
Mando'a translation: vod/vode: sibling/siblings ori'vod: older sibling sharal: lazy di'kut: idiot
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din-miller · 11 months
Heyoooo! I’m not sure if you take requests, or if this is where your supposed to ask, it’s my first time doing so :’)
If you do, I was wondering if you could maybe wright an angsty fic, could be platonic or romantic, idm, but after a mission the reader dies similar to how aunt may dies in Spider-Man. Like, everybody gets out alive after a mission, and they’re about to head back on the ship r somthin and then BOOM, the reader falls. They don’t know the are dying and everyone is panicking(or just one of TBB for bonus individual trauma) then after a few, they die. One minute TBB have it all, the next, their world shattered.
Ofc your free to change as much as you want up, and you really don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, it’s just a prompt I’ve been thinking about. Personally its just been nagging me for a while and I love your writing, and would really love to see it done (we all love some heavy angst, no?)
Again, if you don’t want to that’s perfectly fine, just thought I could ask <333
Hello dear, sorry this took so long.
Full disclosure, I’ve never seen Spider-Man. I watched a few videos on YouTube. Both for the movie and the video game not knowing which death of Aunt May you had in mind. Thankfully you provided enough details in the request which helped me hugely!
Thank you for your love and support. It means the world to me ❤️
(Ps. You didn’t mention if you wanted the reader to have a specific pronoun so I’ve chosen to use she/her as the readers pronouns)
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Go Peacefully, It’s Okay
Pairing: The Bad Batch + f!reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warning: Character death, blood mentioned, female reader, fun sibling dynamics THEN hurt with not a drop of comfort to be found, platonic relationships, use of mando’a (translation at the end)
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Sometimes everything you hold dear to your heart, can slip out of your fingertips without out a cause, without a warning, without an explanation
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“Remind me when we get back to Ord Mantell, to tell Sid that being hunted by an unknown animal was not in the job description.” Tech grumbled, re-gaining his balance after tripping over a root hidden in the soil.
You laughed, dodging another tree branch as you raced past him, “I wasn’t aware Sid was handing out job descriptions.”
“It’s probably for the best that she doesn’t, we’d be broke if she did,” Hunter pointed out, “If you haven’t noticed, her missions are getting more dangerous lately.”
“Oh, come on, they’re not all bad,” You flinched when the creatures let out a loud roar, “See, even they’re agreeing with me.”
Your commlink beeped, Crosshair’s voice coming through the speaker, “Take the next left, you should be able to lose them in the tall grass.”
“Lose them?” Echo smirked, enjoying this more than he probably should as he jumped over a fallen log, dodging the sharp claws trying to shred his prosthetic leg into pieces, “The fun’s just getting started!”
“You can say that again!” Wrecker cheered, running beside you; Omega balanced on his shoulders, shooting her bow in hopes that it’ll slow the animal chasing them down.
“Has anyone found their weak spot yet?”
Of course nothing is ever simple with the Batch. The creature's skin ricochet any blaster fire and for the first time in history, Wrecker didn’t pack any explosives. Something he’s still evidently mad about as he complained very loudly: “No need for explosives, Tech said. It’s a peaceful planet, Tech said.”
“It was peaceful until you decided to awaken the den, Wrecker.” Tech pointed out, dodging another pounce from the creature behind him, “This plan isn’t working.”
“Crosshair, I thought you said we’d lose them in the tall grass, not attract more!” Echo growled, annoyed as his prosthetics creaked loudly, “You’ll be in charge of oiling my prosthetics when we get back.”
You let out a snort, because that'll be a sight to behold. The others laughed when all Crosshair replied with was a sneer. With a fond roll of your eyes, you opened your comm link, “I have an idea.”
“If past experiences have proven anything, those words have never been followed by anything good.” Typically Tech response.
“You got a better idea?” You asked, a tad judgemental, “Just trust me, okay. Hunter, grab Omega and run. All of you, out of the grass.”
“Copy,” Echo turned to brothers, “Race you to the ship, last one takes first watch tonight.”
Hunter’s helmet is focused on you and you know underneath it he’s giving you a pleading look to not do anything stupid. You just waved him away in response.
“I’ll be right behind you.” You promised and drew your blaster. He sighed and took off with Omega at his side.
As promised, you followed. Albeit a little further behind them as you shoot at the ground again and again, the blaster shot hot enough for the dry grass to catch on fire, forming a wall of flames that prevent the creatures from continuing their attack. As the fire builds and they begin to retreat, you let out a breath of relief. Then, with a huge grin, you threw your hands in the air, ”Victory!”
“Parjir!” Wrecker cheered, high-fiving the youngest Batch. The kid giggled and gave a cheer herself.
Hunter shook his head at them, but you can see the tiniest hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. The smile disappeared as quickly as it came, your name falling from his lips: “Behind you!”
Before you could turn around, your body is slammed to the ground. A vicious snarl came from right behind your ear and you winced at the loudness of it. You twisted your body and grabbed the blaster off of your belt. In the distance the boys are calling your name and without sparing a second thought you started firing into the creature's stomach, taking no pleasure in the pained screams it let out.
You laid your head back against the ground and tried your best not to gag at the smell and warmth of the blood seeping into your clothes. A second barely passed before a pair of hands pushed the animal off of you, “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” You answered, letting Tech help you up, “Thank you.”
“Next time please eliminate all threats before celebrating.”
“I’ll make sure to triple check my surroundings.” You promised, brushing off the dirt clinging to your pants.
“That would be suffice, thank you.” He said dryly and you chuckled in response, amused with his way of speech.
While Hunter started checking Omega over for any injuries, you pulled Wrecker toward you to do the same. The biggest clone willingly allowed you to poke and prod at various body parts and he doesn’t even complain when you checked a second time despite knowing that other than a bruise or two, he’s fine.
“Your turn,” Wrecker gestured for you to turn around, but before he could begin his check, Hunter called for everyone to grab their packs and start moving out. Wrecker clapped his hands together with a giant grin, “Finally! The heat is killing me! I guess I’ll check you over once we’re back on the Marauder.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” You patted Wrecker’s shoulder and followed him to where the others started preparing for the trip.
You begin the journey back to the ship at Wrecker’s side but the longer you walked, the slower your pace became and eventually you fell behind. The fire is still roaring behind you, the warmth of it faint against your back and despite having felt like you’ve travelled miles, you're not even halfway back to the ship yet.
Echo slowed down to match your pace, arm brushing against yours, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Echo. I think the adrenaline is starting to wear off, that's all.”
“Should I get Tech? He’ll probably have a stim shot.”
“No, there’s no need to bother him. I just need a sec-,” A sharp spasm rippled down your back, the force of it knocking you over, your legs giving out from underneath you.
Echo caught you, his arm wrapping around your waist and you leaned into his embrace, head crashing onto his shoulder. Echo lowered both of you to the ground, “Help, we need help!”
Hunter dropped down beside you, helmet placed on the ground as his eyes scanned over your body, looking for injuries, but he can’t tell if the blood is yours or the creatures, “Echo, what happened?”
“I don’t know, we were talking and then she collapsed.”
“Collapsed?” Wrecker appeared beside Hunter, helmet also off, his brows knitted together, “Is she okay?”
You know what he’s thinking, it’s written across his face. He should have checked you over earlier and you know very well that thoughts like those never lead anywhere good, so you grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “I’m okay, Wrecker. I just need a second.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Crosshair huffed impatiently. He’s out of your line of sight but you know he’s scowling, “Get up.”
“We have time to let her catch her breath,” Hunter surveyed the burning grass. The fire is steady and far enough that it wouldn’t hurt to sit for a few seconds, “When we get back to the ship, Tech is going to check you over, okay?”
Tech eyed the flames with caution, “For once I find myself agreeing with Crosshair. We don’t know what other animals the noise and fire might draw. We shouldn't stay here. It’ll be best to let Wrecker carry her to the ship.”
“First cardio, now a full upper body workout! It’s shaping up to be a good day after all.” Wrecker joked, but he couldn’t hide the anxiety that lingered in his words as he waited for Hunter’s permission.
Hunter nodded and moved out of the way, “Thanks Wrecker.”
“I got ya, ner vod.” Wrecker scooped you up, shifting you in his arms to get a better grip, only before he could find one comfortable enough for the both of you, he froze, his hold on you loosening until you were set back down carefully.
“I-, she’s…,” He stuttered, taking several steps away from you until his back collided with a tree behind him. His eyes desperately searched for his brother, “Tech, she’s… oh maker, please no.”
You frowned, confused at his sudden behaviour. Tech seemed equally confused but he must have seen something in Wrecker's expression that you hadn’t, because suddenly he’s digging through his pack, searching for something of importance judging by the urgency of his movements.
You turned back to Hunter, “What’s wrong? What’s Tech doing?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure everything is fine.” Hunter reassured, returning to his previous place beside you. His hand slipped under your shirt, fingers deftly prodding at your side until they stopped at the bottom of your rib cage, then he’s applying pressure against your skin, cursing as he yelled for his brother to hurry.
Echo grabbed his pack, emptying the contents carelessly onto the ground before lifting your head up and placing the pack on the ground as a cushion for you, “Just relax, everything is okay, you’re okay.”
Tiny footsteps made their way to where you’re laying and Hunter held up his hand, stopping Omega from coming any closer. He doesn’t take his eyes off of her but his words are directed at his older brother, “Echo, take Omega to the ship.”
“No,” Omega fought the hand that grabbed her arm, shoving Echo back, “What's going on? Why aren’t we moving?”
She looked at you, anxiously awaiting an answer and you're quick to reassure the small girl, “Need a sec’, I prob’ly inhaled too much smoke.”
Realising that she isn’t going to go willingly to the Marauder, Hunter sighed, “Omega, go check on Wrecker. That’s an order, kid.”
Omega pressed her lips together and for a second you thought she was about to argue but instead she listened and went to check on Wrecker. The bigger clone’s sat on the ground, head between his legs, but he welcomed Omega into his arms when she hugged him in an attempt to calm him down.
Hunter cocked his head towards the two, “Echo, keep an eye on them.”
“Yes, sir,” Echo stood up and laid a hand on Hunter's shoulder, his voice lowering to a whisper, “Take care of her, vod.”
Tech took Echo's place, a scanner held over your body and he adjusted his goggles in the way he does when something isn’t looking good. The muscle in his jaw twitched before he turned the scanners screen to Hunter.
You tore your eyes away from them and tilted your head back to watch as the fire curled up into the dawn sky. Red and oranges mix with the pale pascals, and the stars, so bright from here, so familiar, blur with every breath you take. You can’t help but let your eyes drift shut.
“Don’t do that,” Crosshair hissed, “Keep your eyes open.”
You blinked them back open and you’re a little surprised to see Crosshair kneeling down beside you, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. When your eyes met his, the corner of his mouth turned up, “Good, keep your eyes on me.”
“Crosshair?” You leaned into his hand, seeking the comfort he’s providing despite his usual nature, “Why aren’t we movin’? Is someone hurt?”
“No, everything is okay,” Crosshair replied, but it’s through clenched teeth. Something he only does when he’s having to say something he doesn’t fully believe and/or agree with. He positioned himself criss-crossed above you and lifted your head, replacing Echo’s pack with his lap, “We’re just taking a break.”
Right, a break. A second to relax and catch your breath, that’s what you needed. You closed your eyes, even though you're pretty sure someone just told you not to, but there’s a heavy fog clouding your mind and you can’t remember who it was.
“I said to keep them open.” Crosshair, right, that’s who said it. The man who’s currently demanding you to look at him.
“Crosshair, keep her awake.”
You're able to open your eyes enough to watch as the sniper glared at Tech, “What do you think I’m trying to do?”
Hunter’s fingers threaded through yours, “You can’t fall asleep, cyar’ika, okay? Hey, look at me, let me see those pretty eyes.”
The fading sun is too bright and your vision struggles to focus but you listened to his words and for that he gave you the softest smile, “There you are.”
“Wrec’ ok’?”
“He’s okay. We’re all okay. You just take another second to relax and don’t worry about anything, we have you.” Hunter pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Echo rubbed the back of his neck, looking anywhere but at his Sergeant, “You have to tell her, Hunter. You have to let her say goodbye.”
You want to ask what he means. Who’s saying goodbye by who. You want to ask why he looks so sorrowful, but your body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate and your voice only comes out in weak gasps.
“Move,” Tech ordered Crosshair, taking his position to support your body up against his chest, helping the air fill your lungs, “Deep breaths, nice and slow.”
You tried to match Tech’s breathing, the strength in his inhale and the sturdiness in the exhale, but your lungs start to fail you as your breathing became weaker, your grip loosened but Hunter doesn’t let go. Not even when your eyes drift shut for the final time and your chest stills.
Hunter lowered his head, pressing his forehead to yours as he whispered a promise: “Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum.”
“Kid-,” Crosshair reached out for Omega, not sure if he was trying to comfort and protect her or hell, maybe even himself, as she dropped to her knees beside your body. It took everything in him to not walk away, far from here, but she needs him. His brothers need him.
They all watched helplessly as Omega finally noticed the blood pooling around your body, “She's bleeding! Tech, why are you just sitting there?! Help her!”
“I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do, Omega. The wound was too deep, she was losing too much blood. I’m… I’m sorry.”
“No, I don’t believe that. There has to be something we can do!” She pressed her tiny hands against the wound while she begged through tears: “Wake up! Talk to me, say something, anything! Please, open your eyes!”
“Ad’ika, she’s gone,” Hunter swallowed around the lump in his throat, his lower lip quivered when he pulled the small clone into his arms, “She’s gone.”
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Mando’a translation
Parjir. – Victory
Ner vod – My sister
Cyar’ika – darling/sweetheart
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum – Daily remembrance of those passed on *I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.*
Ad’ika – Little one
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
bh6 au bh6 au bh6 au!!! AHUAHSF but heya, hope you're doing well, and we dont have a specific name for this au yet, mayhaps we can find one but yesyes bh6 au!! (i am going insane /lh) me is attempting to write rn hehe <3
BH6 AU💪💪💪
It’s so cool, me and the asker have been working on it <333 instead of gifts, they specialize in certain tech and stuff 🗿
Basically Pedro is there. And it’s Antonio’s presentation at the college (he’s still 5, they’re all prodigies and presented at 5, except Mirabel who presented a little later cause she hadn’t decided her science concentration yet 😭😭). Anyway, Pedro sacrifices himself to save Señora Guzmán and boom died.
Alma hid the project he was gonna show the family that he was working on for a long time: Baymax. Basically Mirabel and the grandkids find him and he’s chill, helping them grieve and stuff. The pressure for this au is Alma taking Pedro’s saying “someone has to help” as the family needed to use their tech and intelligence around the city to help other people. And never expand on their tech. Always the same thing.
Anyway, here’s their sciences (all the Madrigals, including the husbands + Alma and Oedro are like. Literal prodigies, mostly in science, but other stuff 🤧):
Fields of Study:
pedro - robotics
alma - forensic engineering
julieta - health sciences
agustin - language and literature
pepa - meteorology
felix - sociology and music
bruno - physics
isabela - botany
dolores - acoustics
luisa - kinesiology
camilo - neuroscience
mirabel - psychology
antonio - zoology
There’s so much more about this au but like. That’s the gist of it <333 if you guys have any ideas LET US KNOWWWWW ‼️‼️‼️ the adults actually later becomes hero’s and funnily enough they’re all hiding it from each other and Alma is entirely clueless 😭😭
Well, the grandkids become super cool heros and obviously Baymax is there (I didn’t draw him YET 💀) and here are their designs <333 COLOR COMING TO TUMBKR DASH NEAR YOU📸📸
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Here’s their tech and stuff:
Isabela, maybe something similar to Honey Lemon, but she uses the chemicals of different plants that has different (non lethal) effects? She throws pollen pods like honey lemon does and whatever plants she makes all disappear after a certain amount of time or something, oh and her vines she uses to swing ofc, they're very durable. CARBON FIBER VINES ❗❗
Dolores, maybe she uses soundwaves and sounds in general, and uses something similar to a giant megaphone and speaks; does a lot of knockback.
Luisa, I feel like she would have attachable enhancements, kinda like gauntlets and boots that allow her to further utilize her strength and stamina etc etc
Camilo, maybe his tech tricks the mind, lots of illusions and stuff, and he definitely has a camouflage suit, so he's good for stealth and sneaking up on enemies. He might also go beyond from just people, might even have animals and objects too since its really illusion (mayhaps an upgrade later down the line in their endeavor) Ohhh, a upgrade would be really good and show how he (and the others) develop his tech further
Mirabel’s tech works with Baymax, so it's pretty similar to Hiro's, though I think she would be a jack of all trades as well. Also mentioned in what i wrote that she has a bag of tech goodies (inspired by her good ol bag in canon and also that one ask i saw about her magic bag)
Antonio, like I said before, uses robot animals. He builds them and sends then out, controlling them maybe via a headset similar to the microbots, and the animals have cameras so he can see what they see. I think maybe when he builds P.A.R.C.E (the giant robot jaguar; a.k.a Precision Automated Robotic Companion Entity) the other grandkids will let him go out to battle. Also lets him be at the final battle.
Still working on the adults 🤭🤭🤭
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infiniteeight8 · 9 months
ironstrange prompt: enemies to lovers?
Obviously I can only do a tiny little piece of enemies to lovers, so you get my very favorite part of my very favorite version of the trope. 😀
Tony has been here before. Not literally, of course. He’s honestly not sure he’s even still on Earth. But held prisoner? Tortured? Yeah, he’s been here before. 
At first, Tony wasn’t even worried. He may be alone in his prison, but he has the Avengers now. They’ll come after him. And while Mordo’s faction of Sorcerers are powerful, the Avengers go toe-to-toe with Strange on a regular basis, and he’s far stronger. And if the Avengers have trouble with Mordo, it’s usually not very hard to split his forces by maneuvering Strange into a battle with him.
So Tony doesn’t worry at first. But days pass and no one comes. Then weeks.
He’s working on his own escape, of course, but magic isn’t his forte, and these captors haven’t been stupid enough to hand him any kind of tech. Much as Tony hates to admit it, he could use an assist. When the third week rolls into the fourth, he has to accept that the assist isn’t coming. The Avengers aren’t coming. 
Three days later, Tony’s cell jumps and shakes like an earthquake has struck. The whump and boom of explosions follow. There’s no door to his cell, but Tony closes his eyes and strains his ears. There’s no ringing of shield on metal or stone. No roar of the Hulk. No crackle of lightning. Instead, he hears the hiss of portals forming. The hair on his arms stands straight up the way it always does when the magic gets heavy in the air. 
The battle lasts for hours. When the noise dies down and the magic dissipates, he wonders if they even know he’s here. Is he going to starve to death, a forgotten casualty of sorcerous infighting?
But no, a portal flares to life just minutes later. Tony pushes himself to his feet, even if he is unsteady. When Strange steps through, Tony realizes he isn’t even surprised. 
“Tony,” Strange says, as warmly as he ever does, even when he’s blasting Tony off his feet. “You’re looking well, for a dead man.” Despite his words his mouth tightens as he looks Tony up and down, taking in the thinness of his frame and the magical burns.
“I always look good,” Tony shoots back. “It’s a gift.” He swallows hard. “So everyone gave up on me?”
Stephen sniffs. “You’d think they’d know better, after Afghanistan,” he says. “I could be standing over your corpse and I’d be wondering if I hadn’t missed something.”
Tony cracks a smile. “Time to go home, then?”
“Of course,” Strange agrees. The portal he opens doesn’t lead to the Avengers Compound, or to any more neutral location. It leads into Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum. A private bedroom. Perhaps Strange’s own. If Tony steps through that portal, will he be any less of a prisoner?
Strange steps close enough for Tony to feel the heat radiating off his body. “Tony,” he murmurs. “I will never give up on you. I promise.”
Tony closes his eyes. Tries to think of Rhodey, of Pepper, of all the people he left behind. (The people who left him behind.)
A warm, trembling hand presses against the small of his back, urging him towards the portal.
Strange’s shoulder bumps into Tony’s. Then their hips collide. He’s walking next to Tony. Not leading him, not pushing him from behind. He’s at his side.
Tony steps out of his prison cell.
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved - Echo! You can read this little chunk as a standalone, or head back to the beginning for the full experience!
Why do these keep getting longer?! I really need to try to tone it back a bit lmfao. References to Panic and Secrets Revealed.
Febuwhump Day 9
Found Footage (Alt) – OC&TBB – A pleasant moment at 79s is shattered when someone tries to blackmail doc with footage of the crash on Agamar.
Warnings: Huge PTSD warning here. Flashbacks, disassociating, past injury description, blackmail, grief, angst, some alcohol use (social, not abuse), cursing
WC: 6227
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The lounges of 79’s weren’t meant to hold a group of six, particularly with a man of Wrecker’s stature, but squeezing into the circular booth was part of the fun, back reclining against the massive clone’s side with his arm absently draped over my chest while my legs sprawled over Echo’s lap to avoid the accidental stomp of the big man’s heel. Tech was squished on Wrecker’s other side as Crosshair had adamantly claimed the end seat.
“-so I ripped the whole ramp clean off and used it to barrel right through ‘em! Clanker’s never even knew what hit ‘em!” I’d heard the story before, but he was already halfway through his fourth mug of something that looked like a sunset and smelled like motor fuel, and the enthusiasm in his thunderous voice was infectious in its own right.
“Technically, the processing speed of B1-series battle droids would have made them fully capable of analyzing your assault well before their demise; however, inadequate maintenance of their internal tactical components has led to compounding decreases in-”
“Ugh! Come on, Tech! Those things can’t process the difference between a tauntaun and a tooka!” Wrecker interrupted, arm swinging so violently that Echo had to duck sharply against Hunter to avoid getting hit. I’d long since abandoned my drink for fear of the man’s expressive gestures knocking the glass from my hand or bumping me at just the wrong moment, but I found very little need for such things in moments like this. If I was drunk, I might not have noticed the knowing look Crosshair offered his annoyed brother, nor the fond exasperation in Echo’s weary gaze as Wrecker’s anticks surely reminded him of his late squad.
“Doc,” I quickly turned my gaze as Hunter’s voice just breached the chaotic rabble of the bar, “Think your comm’s going off.” He nodded to my waist. Wrecker barely noticed my struggle to push him back enough to reach down for the thin device. The quiet alert chimed at regular intervals to indicate a video message. Slipping it partially into a chest pocket, I shifted to begin the process of escaping from the mass of bodies around me.
“Probably some reminder to recertify something,” I guessed, “I’ll be right back.” The Sergeant was already standing to let me out, but I didn’t bother waiting for Echo to do the same, instead simply scooting over his lap much to his surprise, and I couldn’t help but snicker at how he froze in that half-second of movement. I didn’t hear Crosshair’s snide remark, but his laughter was almost as loud as Wrecker’s, and that alone was worth the chastising look Hunter gave me.
“You want one of us to go with you?” He asked, leaning close enough for me to feel the heat of his breath so he didn’t have to shout to be heard. Cocking an eyebrow, I shot him a teasing smirk.
“It’s 79’s, Hunter. I’ll be fine for five minutes.” His expression instantly darkened, as though the words actually had the power to jinx the scant bit of time I’d be out of sight. I bumped my shoulder against his chest with a quiet chuckle and started through the mass of identical faces masking vibrantly different personalities dancing and shouting and enjoying this moment of freedom to the fullest.
The sudden quiet that loomed just beyond the front doors was striking. I could still hear the booming music and raucous voices, but, with just a few steps into the cool night air, it faded enough to allow a displaced sense of stillness that felt almost wrong after so long in the roar of the bar. Dismissing the strange sensation, I slipped the half-concealed comm from my pocket and walked toward the ally for whatever privacy I could find before transferring the file to my datapad to watch the video.
I didn’t understand what I was watching at first; not consciously. I didn’t understand why the dance of blues and grays beneath the occasional flicker of red sent my heart racing, why the line of distant trees too grainy for anyone else to make out trapped the air in my lungs long after it staled. I tried not to recognize the insignia of that sleeping tooka shoddily painted in hot pink and baby blue below the red medic symbol on the stolen Separatist transport; tried not to feel the icy sweet seeping over my skin as my eyes automatically sought out the crumbled door that I’d nearly broken my arm to wrestle open.
I could hear the flames, saw the glow steadily spreading to illuminate every crack in the shattered durasteel hull as the engines flares from fuel leaking precariously through broken pipes; watched the trembling form tumble from the slim opening I’d only just been able to make through welded and ruined machinery. I heard my heart hammering against my chest, felt the chill of panic flood my veins.
“Emmy!” My body crumbled against the wall at the utter hopelessness in the electronic distortion of my own voice breaking through the speakers of my datapad; at the desolate wail that seemed to go on for eternity immediately after. I didn’t realize I’d screamed back then, but the video zoomed in to show my face, deathly pale from blood loss and shock, expression twisted into a grief that tore through me as violently now as it did then.
My mind absently categorized the injuries of the figure on the screen that I found myself almost convinced wasn’t me: burns marred her hands and forearms, the front of her flightsuit nearly covered in black despite the flame-retardant nature of the fabric, likely indicating severe damage to the flesh underneath it; blood covered the right side of her face, hair heavily matted and near black with it – a concussion at the very least; and the amount of crimson-stained fabric wadded around that ankle was enough to leave one wondering if there was enough flesh to be saved beneath it all.
“Emmy!” That figure crawled barely a meter from the wreckage before shrieking that name again. And again despite how her voice shattered and failed.
I didn’t notice the image blur; even if I had, I couldn’t tell if it was from the tears pooling atop my eyes or the violent trembling of my hand, knuckles gleaming white as my fingers gripped the device hard enough to make the metal casing creak.
She was clawing into the scared ground below her, spine arching as though there was some hope of guarding against the agony rending through her chest, body writhing as she cried, unsteady movements slowly dragging her further and further from the burning mass of twisted durasteel.
I didn’t notice the writing begin to creep over the top of the image, barely registered that the video had been sped up. It didn’t feel like it. It felt like I was trapped in that moment; suffocating beneath the overwhelming scent of fuel weighing down the air, body locked in a panic between shivering against the unbearable cold and the memory of that terrible heat; the sound my skin had made as I’d crawled atop blistering metal, and the sickening absence of touch where I should have felt dirt and pebbles and grass. I remembered the way my body convulsed in fits of agonizing coughes from that cool air sweeping down my raw throat; the heavy taste of copper each one brought with it.
Between the disconnect separating my mind from any reliable sense of time and the way the footage seemed to fluctuate between too fast and too slow, I couldn’t begin to guess how long I’d been left like that, weight held precariously atop my forearms as I screamed and screamed and begged for someone to help me; to save her…
When those figures finally appeared from the distant tree line, I immediately recognized Commander Wolffe, his rifle trained carefully on the visage of my ruin. Barely a few seconds passed before General Koon gave a subtle signaled for him to stand down. Wolffe hesitated a moment but didn’t object when the cloaked figure approached me. I don’t think I was screaming anymore, body absently rocking in time to the still rapid flutter of my heart.
“Miss?” I didn’t remember this either. “Miss, I am Jedi Master Plo Koon. Can you tell me your name?” I knew there’d been some kind of conversation between us, but the details had been lost to me. Wolffe stepped protectively nearer as Koon carefully touched his hand to my shoulder. My head jerked only slightly at first, movements disjointed, before managing to look up at the Jedi’s masked face, and the madness-fueled hope in my eyes shone clearly through the grainy recording, mangled hands desperately reaching up for him.
“Pl-please! Please!” I begged. Koon didn’t shy from my blood-stained limbs, even reaching out with his own for me to cling on to. “Help-he… help her! Please! Please!” The way my hoarse voice shattered through my raw throat made even the Commander flinch. Koon glanced passed me to where the flames were finally beginning to fade before turning his attention back to me.
“I am sorry… there’s no one still alive in that ship.” Even then, I’d felt no doubt for the depth of his remorse, and something about that sincerity robbed me of even the taste of denial, head shaking weakly, begging him for something I knew he couldn’t give. For a long while, he said nothing more, merely let me hold onto him as I broke, body shaking amidst fresh sobs as every hope of happiness I’d had was ripped apart.
“What’s your name?” Only after those hiccupped, shuttered gasps began to quell did he press, voice gentle, calm in a way that give some fleeting quiet to my frenzied thoughts, granting me enough clarity to answer him. Hearing him repeat it in that same calm tone a moment later was a balm, eyes slipping closed as I merely existed in the echo of his words. “Why did you come here?” My lips moved without thought, without trepidation of the consequences for the secrets I freely told him.
“We’re medics… we… we help after… heal the ones left behind… find them passage home.”
“You help clones?” He clarified, a note of surprise just touching his voice, and I watched my head nod listlessly in answer. “Why?” He asked, lowering himself more as though he knew how his very presence seemed the only thing allowing me the strength to speak.
“I… I believe in them – in what they’re fighting for.” He was quiet a moment.
“Then why not leave? Defect from the Separatists and join the Republic?”
“Emmy.” Her name ripped another sob from me, but the words kept coming, “She couldn’t leave her family… So this… this was the only way we could help.” His hand shifted slightly against my shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, and, in that instant, I’d known they were the ones who shot us down, and not for even a fleeting second did I blame them. This was war. We’d known the dangers. “I’d like to help you now, if you’ll let us.” He murmured.
I remembered thinking over that offer for a long while, remembered knowing I could deny him, demand they leave me there; that I would die on that field… or, I could join them; fight for the cause Emmy had died for. The faint nod barely registered on the small screen, but Wolffe stepped forward a moment later. My skin prickled at the cry that tore from my lips as he hoisted me over his shoulder, rifle still held ready before he and the General walked out of sight.
There was no pause of static or flash of black before the image of the freshly crashed transport returned to the screen, and my eyes remained trained on the blurry picture with the same obsessive attentiveness as though I was watching it for the first time, yet I somehow failed to notice those callused fingers slide over mine, carefully loosening my grip until he could slowly pull the datapad away. Didn’t matter. I continued staring at the space that screen had been, no longer needing the footage for my mind to replay it all over and over and over
“Emmy!” That first, broken shriek seemed to ripple through me, stomach finally seizing. I barely noticed my body convulse against the violent heaves, mind consumed by the distant shrieks still crying from those speakers. Vaguely, I realized someone turned it off or silenced it or threw the damn thing into the seemingly endless cavern stretching out below 79’s platform. Still, I didn’t need that recording to hear them. They’d been seared onto my consciousness, and I would never unhear them.
Some distorted rumble of an almost familiar voice sounded near me. I knew that voice… I knew… no… Emmy! Was someone touching me? Help-he… help her! The terrible memory of that night replaying in my mind sounded more real than the speech of whoever stood before me.
“We need to get her off the street.” Please! Please!
“There is an inn two clicks from here.” Emmy!
“Why’s she breathin’ like that?” I’m sorry.
“She’s in shock – potentially disassociating.” The scent of burning flesh.
“Five soldiers try to get in a cab with her like that, someone’s going to ask the wrong kind of questions.” The feeling of razors in my throat as I screamed.
“Well, we can’t stay here, Crosshair, so go with Echo and find us transport.” What’s your name?
“Tech, who the kriff did that come from?” The roar of flames and taste of fuel.
“I’m already tracing the connection, but it may take a few minutes.”
“Doc? Come on, Doc, try to come back.” Some fractured corner of my mind recognized the face leaning over me, felt their hands gently grasping my cheeks, but I couldn’t see them beyond the wall of twisted durasteel that I somehow needed to break through before the flames burned me alive.
“She don’t look so good.” Pl-Please!
“When you find who sent it”
“I’ll overclock their processors and short out their coolant systems. If there happens to be security measures in place for the door to their server rooms, I think that may also experience a spontaneous failure.”
“Wha’s that mean?” The terror in that split second before forcing my ruined ankle into the brace.
“He’s going to set their computers on fire.”
“Courtesy of Rex – I’ll owe him a pretty big apology next time I see him, but I doubt he’ll notice until after we’re long gone.” Those voices.
“Alright, Doc, I want you to walk with me, okay?” That touch slipped from my cheeks to wrap around my shoulders, and my body shivered violently against their warmth, legs dragging listlessly beneath me as some driving force eased me forward, and, for a moment, it wasn’t fuel I smelled. Some struggling corner of my mind remembered them, trusted them.
“I… I s…” His gentle, guiding movements froze the instant those stuttered attempts at speech fluttered from my lips.
“Doc?” My eyes wondered blindly over a face I so nearly recognized but couldn’t manage to grasp those thoughts long enough to be sure.
“I-I screamed.” I heard the wisps of words tumble from numb lips but couldn’t understand the sorrow that washed over his face. “I… I didn’t realize I… I screamed her name.”
“That was a long time ago.” He murmured, hands tightening where they held me firmly against his side.
“Do you… do you think sh-she heard me?” I think I recognized the way my name sounded in that smoky voice, briefly noting heartbreak in umber eyes before falling back into those flames.
“Hunter.” A crisp voice interrupted him, and a moment later I belatedly realized he’d begun moving again, felt the hard plane of a chest plate pressed to my cheek.
“Watch your step.” That whispered murmur offered a comfort in its very tone, but the words held no meaning as we came to a stop. The sensation of floating should have been disorientating, but it was barely a thought as he moved an arm beneath my knees and gently lifted me to his chest before handing me off to someone else. And then it was dark again, the world moving around us in time to the hum of an engine.
“I have located the source but will need something stronger to bypass their firewalls.” Numb, I merely existed in the sound of those voices as someone held me, the strong scent of alcohol sharp enough to keep the memory of burnt skin at bay. Someone else wrapped chilled fingers through mine, and still another touch settled over my shoulder
“Park around back, Crosshair. Tech, if I get you access to one of the command centers on base, can you make it untraceable?”
“With Echo’s help, yes.” That grip tightened gently.
“Fryin’ some hunk of metal’s a kriffin’ joke. Where are they? I think we should make sure they ge’ the picture to leave’er alone.” I felt that voice rumble against my cheek.
“Given they are well behind Separatist lines, that is not a viable option; however, I can prevent any future attempts at contact.”
“Tech, you have the best chance at passing for a civi. Put this on and get us a room.” The world seemed to shift slightly, and I vaguely heard the sound of footsteps, the hiss of a door opening and closing, body too disorientated to even flinch at the brief flood of light.
“Echo, send Rex a message. I’d rather we tell him than have him report it stolen.” Those cool fingers started to pull away and some part of me panicked, grip tightening possessively, breath hitching. I didn’t notice the moment of silence, but when another hand touched mine, gently guiding my hold from that cool hand to his, I didn’t question it, again only distantly noting the brief flare of light.
“Doc? Can you look at me?” Something swept slowly along my thumb. The mass of warmth surrounding me shifted until a face came into some fleeting semblance of focus before me. “Hey.” I watched his lips move but couldn’t quite associate them with the quiet whisper of that deep voice. “You don’t need to say anything, but I want you to try to listen to me.” My brows drew weakly together, unsure if his voice was the memory, or if the calm rumble of Koon’s earnest apology was. “You trust us, right?” There’s no one still alive on that ship. Trust. What did he say?
My shoulder felt too cold, and I vaguely realized it was because he’d moved his hand back up to cup my cheek. My eyes blinked, almost surprised to see that face still staring at me when they opened again. For a moment, I didn’t feel the numb agony of burns, the sharp fire tearing through my ankle. Trust… yes. It may have been the only thing I could be certain of, but I knew I trusted him. The unsure movement shifting my head in a nod felt strange, muscles reluctantly remembering their own existence. His hand tightened around mine, briefly drawing my gaze to that contact before hesitantly returning to his face.
“Good.” He breathed, and I think I should have withdrawn from the attentiveness with which those eyes studied me, but, in that moment, I needed to be seen; needed him to see me to keep from vanishing back to that scarred meadow lit only by the dancing flames. “We’re taking care of it, alright? We’re not going to let a damn thing happen to you, so I want you to just take a breath. Do you understand?” He spoke slowly, quietly, as though talking to a frightened animal. That realization struck me seconds before the realization that no, I didn’t understand… I couldn’t…
My jaw shifted listlessly in a poor mimicry of speech but couldn’t manage more than turning my head into his hand in a silent ‘no’, gaze belatedly lingering on the rich tan of the nicked skin covering hard lines of tendons and muscle. His thumb swept over my cheek, touch easing my eyes back to him.
“That’s okay.” He promised. “Do you remember my name?” His… I should… I should know that… I knew his name. Confused panic stole the breath from my lungs, body rocking slightly as my teeth ground together. Why couldn’t I… Where was I? I didn’t hear him call my name, wide eyes darting around the small, dark room, head twisting back at the sudden realization that I was being held by someone, blind to the worry twisting through those kind eyes as frantic awareness jolted through my body, limbs jerking to life.
“Wai-wait, Doc, I wouldn’-”
“For kriff’s sake, Wrecker, let her go.” A third voice chided from further ahead. The instant I realized I was upright, my body surged from them, hands throwing open the door without any conscious understanding of its existence before tumbling to my knees the instant I was free of that dim room, stomach churning anew amidst the rush of turmoil and dread and confusion.
“Whoa! Hey-hey, easy.” How could that voice sound so calm when my heart felt like it was trying to rip itself free of my chest? He whispered my name with such gentle concern, I couldn’t bring myself to pull away when his hand carefully swept along my back. “Shh, you’re going to be alright, Doc.” Something about the knowing sympathy in that murmur consumed me, body straining to still seizing muscles if only to better hear him. “I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but this will pass… I promise you; this will pass.”
He knew... of course he knew… because… I remembered… I remembered holding him through his own nightmares.
“Echo.” His name broke over my lips in a whimpered sob, and I felt the tension leave him in a slow sigh.
“I’m right here.” He whispered, shifting just a breadth closer to me. I didn’t realize I was crying until the sound of my own sobs seemed to drown out the distant hum of the city. That touch on my back offered only the faintest shift in a subtle invitation, and any hesitation fled me. In an instant, I turned into him, burying my face against his neck as I clung to him, and my heart shuttered at how quickly he locked his arms around me. “Alright… it’s alright, I’ve got you.” Those softly spoken words sent a chill down my spine as they fluttered through my hair.
“She was…” I gasped, hiding in his embrace as the wretched ruin my own voice shattered around me, “She was ri-right there! I le- I left her – how could I leave her?!”
“I know,” He murmured, and, in that moment, I loved him. I loved him for not telling me it wasn’t my fault. I loved him for not telling me there was nothing else I could have done. And I loved him for holding me regardless. “But, right now, you’re here. You’re with me and Hunter and Wrecker and Cross, and we’re damn glad for it.” Those words caught me off-guard, mind pausing to work over them for a long while before slowly pulling back to find those amber eyes, to see the truth in them.
“Tech got us a room. Think you can hold onto me for a minute?” He asked, voice only just loud enough for me to hear.
“I can… I can walk.” The feint of confidence wasn’t enough to fool either of us, but the drive to feel my feet beneath me, to move of my own volition balked at the thought of being carried again.
“Doc…” I didn’t give him the chance to argue, trembling legs already straining to remember how to stand. He quickly shifted to pull my arm over his shoulders and slowly eased us both upright. I had to cling to him more than I anticipated, body swaying violently for several seconds before regaining any semblance of stability. He waited patiently until I took that first step and carefully matched his strides with mine, guiding us toward an open doorway.
Those few steps helped shed that lingering sense of displacement, and the clarity that granted threatened me with a far more desperate fear. We’d barely stepped into the room when the very real threat of what I’d seen sent my heart racing.
“Wait…” I could taste the horror dripping from that single word, barely seeing Echo’s attention dart back to me. “W… where… who sent that video? H-How…” The frenzy of everything that footage implicated washed over me in a flood of panic.
“Easy, Doc; we’re already-” Hunter’s reassuring words fell on deaf ears.
“Wh-where’s my… my datapad-where-” Eyes darting around the room, I only vaguely noticed Tech before pushing forward to try to wrench it from his hands, but Echo held me back, quickly stepping between his brother and me.
“Doc, listen to me: there’s nothing on that datapad that you need to see.” He said, voice just hinting at that commanding power of an arc trooper.
“Get out of my way, Echo, and give me my kriffing datapad.” I growled sharply. Writing. There was writing at one point, right? Scrolling along the top of the screen? I tread quickly around Echo, eyes locked on Tech. He glanced uncertainly passed me, and I didn’t have to look to know he’d sought Hunter’s orders before allowing me to pull the device from his hands.
Painfully aware of the attentive stares of the five men crowded into the small room, I forced my attention to the screen; and then it was all I could see. The video was frozen in the moment after that first scream. Instantly, that tremble stole back through me, hand shaking violently mere inches from that nauseating image, muscles refusing to move even enough for the brief tap needed to play it.
“The sender included a ransom note.” I don’t think I’d ever heard Tech’s voice drop into such a gentle whisper, gaze darting to his with a silent, desperate plea. Tell me. Tell me everything so that I didn’t have to live through that nightmare all over again. “They’ve demanded an extravagant sum of credits in exchange for the original footage, and threatened to turn it in to the jedi counsel should you refuse.” My eyes went wide, face falling slack. Tech easily caught the datapad as it slipped from suddenly limp fingers.
“General…General Koon… I h-I have to warn… Wolffe…” I couldn’t hear the terror in my own voice, guilt tearing through my chest. “They’ll… Wolffe – they’ll decommission him for this!” It wasn’t until Hunter shouted my name, hands clasped tight around my shoulders that I even realized he’d been speaking.
“Breathe.” The word left his lips in a measured, firm order, but I could see the concern darkening those eyes. Blinking back the threat of tears, I vaguely realized my chest was fluttering with those shallow, rapid gasps that offered little more than a fleeting taste of air. His hold softened slightly, and his shoulders began to lift in a slow, deep inhale. Jaw tensing, I struggled to follow his lead despite the way my breath shook with each violent shiver, still, the attempt alone was enough to grant him some sliver of relief.
“Tech already traced it.” He explained in that practiced calm of a hardened soldier, and I found myself hanging onto his every word. “He and Echo are going to find every copy of that video, wipe them from the holonet, and fry every computer it’s ever touched, and we’re going to make sure whoever sent it to you is too afraid of us to ever touch a datapad again.” His thumbs shifted gently over my arms, eyes locked pointedly on mine. “No one is ever going to find out about this.” My diaphragm jerked against the tears clawing up my throat at the words still trying to find voice atop my tongue.
“If it doesn’t work,” I started, but his lips parted to interrupt me. “If it doesn’t work,” I said again, louder, leaving no room for him to object, “You have to promise me… all of you… promise me you won’t go down with me.” I demanded, looking to each of them in turn, loathing the way they balked at my words. “If anyone finds out where I’m from… I’ll-” I couldn’t bite back the sob the very threat of those words tore through me, tears finally slipping from my eyes, but I forced myself to continue, “I’ll be removed from the GAR, probably imprisoned…” I stole a quick breath in the vain hope that it might offer some measure of stillness, but my voice shattered over my next words, “but you… what they’d do to you if they found out…” Again, I let my gaze shift over each of their faces.
Hunter’s hands whispered gently over my cheeks, thumbs absently wiping at the lines of tears as his tall form curled around me. He didn’t say anything for a long while, eyes burring into mine as his jaw worked silently over words he couldn’t seem to settle on.
“If it doesn’t work,” he finally started, only just breathing the words, “I promise you, we’ll figure something out.” A broken scowl twisted over my mouth, but, before I could say anything, he gently touched a thumb to my lips. “You and me, and these di’kuts… we’ll figure something out… but don’t you dare ask us to give up on you… and don’t you dare give up on us.” The fierce determination in those eyes robbed me of any will to argue, strength abandoning me with a suddenness that left me staggering.
Without another word, he pulled me harshly against him, chest swelling with a carefully controlled breath. Instantly, I wilted into his touch, unable even to lift my arms to return that crushing embrace, face hiding against the crook of his neck as I wept, overwhelmed by the fear and guilt and exhaustion. His hand swept up my back, my neck, fingers tangling into my hair. I could feel the steady power of his heartbeat thrumming up his throat, let myself be mesmerized by the calm cadence of his breaths as I tried to believe him, tried to remember the depth of my trust for each of these amazing men.
“Rex is here.” Echo’s whisper held a visceral regret in the simple necessity of being spoken aloud, and Hunter let out a deep sigh.
“Alright. Cross, Wrecker, stay here – no one comes through that door but us. You two, with me.” He continued speaking with that gentleness as he turned his attention down to me. “Is it alright if Wrecker holds onto you for a while?” He asked quietly. I tried not to think about why he’d felt the need to ask, unwilling to even pretend I didn’t need this form of comfort in that moment as my head simply nodded. Still, he didn’t release me until Wrecker’s massive hands slipped around my still shaking form, and I turned into the towering man without hesitation as he enveloped me in those powerful arms.
“We’ll be back as soon as we can, but it might be a while.” I didn’t need to look at him to know he was talking to Crosshair, and, without another word, he, Echo and Tech were gone.
“Couldn’t give two kriffs where they are…” It wasn’t a full minute before the quietly growled words rumbled through his chest. “Wish Tech would just tell who they are… I’d make sure they’d never even think about threatening you again.” The anger storming through him was heartbreaking in itself. I treasured the brilliant glee that usually lit up his voice. Knowing I was the reason he was so filled with fury…
“Wrecker.” There was a quiet warning in Crosshair’s voice.
“I know you lot don’t think I can be stealthy, but this’d be worth it! In-an’-out quiet an’ fast; then we wouldn’t even have worry about”
“Wrecker!” The sniper hissed. Belatedly realizing the effect his words had on me, Wrecker’s shoulders sank, arms softening into something almost tentative.
“Sorry.” He whispered, and I broke anew, teeth burring into my lips to stifle the sobs at the guilt for his own remorse. A quick sigh sounded behind us. I didn’t hear his footsteps, but, when those elegant hands pulled me away from Wrecker’s hesitant embrace, I wasn’t surprised to see those harsh eyes studying me.
“They’ve got a shower here, Wrecker. Use it and sober up.” I wanted to say something, to promise Wrecker that he’d done nothing wrong; that I adored him and knew he only wanted to protect me, but, when Crosshair silently pulled me against his chest, I was too taken aback to speak. Wrecker paused for only a moment longer before reluctantly walking away.
“Come on.” It was an order, but there was a foreign softness to his voice that I couldn’t begin to fight, limbs automatically moving to follow him as he guided me across the room to a worn bed. Only then did I realize he’d already stripped his upper body of armor; felt the heat radiating from the broad muscles of his chest. He didn’t bother kicking off his boots though, holding me firmly against him with one arm while absently shifting the pillows with the other before turning to sit atop the edge of the mattress, easily pulling me with him and, mere seconds later, he was reclining leisurely against the wedge of padding, an almost bored expression staring blindly toward the ceiling as he held me casually against him, one leg cocked at my hip as I hid comfortably atop his chest.
“This alright?” I barely heard the whispered words. He didn’t move, eyes still locked on some invisible point beyond the stained paneling above us. I nodded, watching as my hand flared over the soft fabric beneath my cheek. “I think you insulted Tech.” He mumbled, but there was a subtle note of humor in his voice that eased a nearly silent laugh from me before the reasoning behind my doubt crept back in – not in the brilliant man’s capabilities but from the mere weight of the consequences should he fail.
“I ca-I can’t lose you,” I whispered on trembling breaths, fingers shifting to cling to that sleek material, “any of you.”
“We’re soldiers,” He hummed bluntly, but my head jerked so sharply in a silent ‘no’ that whatever else he was going to say was bit back in the absent churning of his jaw. Letting out another sigh, he merely relaxed beneath me, eyes sliding shut.
I couldn’t seem to draw my attention away from the slow dance of this powerful heartbeat against my cheek, from the gentle ebb and flow of his chest swelling beneath me. He was perfectly still at first, arms merely resting around my back, but, as the seconds ticked by, his hand began shifting absently against my shoulder, fingers slipped along the my ribs, his head tucked down to just brush his jaw against my hair; only brief, thoughtless movements, then falling still again for several seconds before allowing himself another stolen touch, and how could I feel anything but safe amidst the silent promises whispered in those fleeting moments?
The chorus of deep, leisurely breaths gave the air a comforting weight. The simple proximity and peace in those unhurried sighs and occasional listless shuffle of a limb spoke of absolute safety in the simple ease of their existence. My eyes parted just enough to see the soft light filling the small, derelict room, and my heart jumped at the sight before me.
Hunter lay tucked along the very edge of the bed, one arm folded beneath his head while the other had reached out to grasp my hand in his. Echo was beneath him, one knee hiked up at the very bottom corner of the bed while the other had fallen over the edge at some point, head pillowed atop one of my thighs. Tech was curled against my legs on my other side, arm draped over me for his hand to rest absently on my hip. I could only just see Wrecker’s legs stretching out behind him. And beneath me… Crosshair.
In perfect silence, he brought a finger to his lips, gaze shifting lazily over the sleeping forms of his brothers sprawled out around us. I followed his gaze for a moment before turning back to him with a small nod. He returned gesture, chest swelling beneath a deep breath, the movement gently rocking me against him, and he settled back into the nest of pillows as though it was the most natural thing in the world. I found myself hesitating barely a second longer before letting the tension slip away from me once more, melting into his warmth and that powerful, slow dance of his heartbeat against my cheek. When his hand shifted to sweep tentatively through my hair, I let out a deep sigh, nuzzling subtly into him with a love and gratitude I knew I’d never be able to speak aloud.
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michygranger23 · 1 year
HI HELLO THERE!! I'm thinking I do this post first about getting to know the different Spider-people that I introduced in my last post before we continue with the discduo center story one, so in that way I can give myself and my readers context about their stories and abilities!! Anyways ONTO THE RAMBLE!!
(Part 1/2)
Spider-Man Tubbo "Web Boom" (Earth 2312003)
Tubbo is a 19 year old boy that lives in New York with his aunt Puffy (his parents died on a fire accident, so Puffy took care of him when he was very little). He also has an uncle who he usually visits, his uncle has an alcoholic problem, and he's not exactly a good guy, but Tubbo knows deep down he has a good heart, he just doesn't show it (but he doesn't know that his uncle is actually an enemy of his)
Tubbo was bitten by a radioactive spider when he infiltrated Alchemax's building to get to see up close some scientific projects that he couldn't get to see properly when he went on a tour for school (he's a tech genius, so he really wanted to see the projects, and it was easy to hack into the system). Puffy knew about his secret about a week when Spider-Man appeared, she knows him very well and when he asked him about it (about 2 months later, to give him time), Tubbo couldn't lie to her because: 1.- He doesn't know how to lie and 2.- He didn't want to keep secrets from her.
His special power is that he's able to manifest two big stings on his wrists (kinda like Miguel, but imagine them coming out like how Wolverine does, but only has one instead of three, and it comes out of the wrist instead of the knuckles). He's able to inject a venom that paralyzes them completely, kinda like if they were frozened and can't move a muscle, this venom has an effect of 1 hour, but he's working on making it take more time to dissapear. He also created some mini bombs that contain lots of webs in them to capture easily enemies (hence why the name "Boom")
This hasn't happened yet, but he will lose Jschlatt when he discovers that his nephew is Spider-Man and Techno kills him (Jschlatt is The Prowler here) (yes I'm incorporating your idea @veyette because I really loved it a lot!!/pos)
Other villains he has: Techno as Kingpin, Dream as The Green Goblin, Niki as Doc Oc, Ranboo as the Lizard, BBH as Carnage.
As you can see, almost every villain he has are the same Spider-People that ended up in his universe (yes I made that half intentional because as I said, I make this up as I write it in the moment lol)
Spider-Man BadBoyHalo "Demon Spider" (Earth 020495)
Bad is a 28 year old man that lives in New York with his partner Skeppy (they're in a queer platonic relationship). They both work at a bakery that they opened themselves, it's a small shop, but they get enough money to live comfortably.
Bad was bitten by a radioactive spider when he visited Alchemax's building because Sapnap, a good friend of his he has known for years and basically considers like a son, invited him for a science exposition that another friend of them was part of, George (they meet after a bit of knowing Sapnap). He told Skeppy he was Spider-Man after a month of patrol.
His special power is that he's able to have 2 pairs of extra arms with claws, have another pair of eyes, and have chelicerae (basically like that one episode of Ultimate Spider-Man where he got poisoned and turned into a savage Man-Spider lol), because of this, he has the title of "demon" (it also contributes this because of the black and red clothing he uses-not Miles suit btw haha-). He only uses this power in extreme cases of emergency, since in this state he can get really agressive and almost losing his sanity and humanity.
He lost Skeppy during a fight with Doc Oc (in this universe George is Doc Oc. Just like in the second movie of Tobey Maguire, in another experiment George did, he lost control of the tenticles and his mind became clouded and corrupted -but not to the point of insanity like Green Goblin is-he killed Skeppy when he collapsed a building)
Other villains he has: Jack Manifold as Electro, Quackity as Kingpin, Slimecicle as Venom, Fundy as Kraven the Hunter, etc.
Spider-Man Ranboo "Arachnid Shadow" (Earth 0211003)
I'm gonna use they/them for Ranboo just to clarify/lh
Ranboo is 19 years old and lives in New York with their friends Tommy and Tubbo (they've known each other since kinder-garden and have a great friendship together)
Ranboo was bitten by a radioactive spider when they visited an old warehouse where they would film some scenes for a project for school they were doing (this would be Generation Loss, but more of a format of a movie than a live-stream). They were visiting the building with other best friends like Aimsey, Freddie and Billzo, since they wanted to tag along. The warehouse was located near an Alchemax building. They only told Tubbo about their secret since Tubbo helped them cure some nasty injuries when he found them in an alleway bleeding without their mask.
Their special power is that their able to manipulate the darkness and shadows. This means that their able to create darkness when they need it, form shadow people for a short period of time, and in extreme cases, teleport through the shadows (they still don't know how to handle well this power, and when they teleport, it makes them faint and bleed from their nose for a bit, so they don't teleport unless is an emergency). Imagine like Whisp from "Monster-High 13 wishes", to give somewhat of an idea haha.
He lost Tubbo while fighting Venom (in their universe, Exdee is Venom). Coming from a meteorite that fell on Earth, he escaped from there and while Ranboo was patrolling, he attached himself to them. Ranboo spend almost a month with the symbiote, he started acting agressive, rude, and even started to sleepwalk when he went to sleep (this would be the enderwalk). When they finally realized what was happening to them, they asked help from Tubbo to get rid of the parasite. While doing this, the symbiote got angry at Ranboo and attached himself to Tubbo, causing the two of them to fight. In a fire that was produced by the chaos of the fight, some fireworks from a near store got activated and went straight to Tubbo. The symbiote got too weak and escaped while he still could, leaving without healing Tubbo, who got too injured by the explosions that he sadly passed away.
Other villains he has: Wilbur as the Green Goblin, AntFrost as Kraven The Hunter, Purpled as Mister Negative, etc.
AND THAT'S IT FOR THIS PART!! I'm really having a lot of fun cming up with the backstories and the lore of this AU hehe, it's also difficult thinking who fits best as villains for different universes haha. Anyways hopefully tomorrow I finish introducing the rest of the Spider-people so I can continue with the discduo main one. Let me know your thoughts, opinions and ideas of this :D!!
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cyberfell-redux · 27 days
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General Character Lore Part 2:
Just because something comes to you naturally, doesn't mean it'll come easy.
Owning and running establishments where monsters can grab a drink and relax has always come easily to Grillby, but it damn well has not come easily. At least underground he'd been able to garner enough respect from his fellow monsters that he knew his rules would be followed - hardly anyone has shown him an ounce of respect since he tried to reopen on the surface.
In spite of everything, he's done his best to play nice. He's tried to follow the rules, ask people to leave instead of dragging them out, calling the police instead of getting into the fray himself, causing minor injuries in self defense instead of charring his would be attackers. He'd tried and tried and tried, so when it all came down he wasn't too shocked.
Stars know these people just cannot leave each other alone, and the rule of law only goes so far when everyone knows the cops won't show up for monsters anymore. When they stopped showing up for humans too though, that's when things got interesting.
Yes, it felt eerily familiar watching the world go up in flames again. He'd been there when the king's son died the first time, he knew how this song and dance went. First tension, then instability, and once that thin string stopping anarchy from overflowing snaps, things go back to how they were how they always would be.
Callous as that sounds, Grillby's never been a fan of the kill or be killed attitude so many monsters foster - he just wants to do business in peace. The more people can safely enter his establishment, the more money flows into his pockets.
Reopening hadn't been easy, and getting everyone on the same page about the rules took more... explaining than he would have guessed, but all in all, things are on the rise for Grillby's.
Undyne had been a surprising hire, stars knows those two have more than enough to bankroll their positions well into the next century, but when Dogamy called in a favor he was inclined to say yes. Who could possibly be more qualified than the captain of the royal guard herself? No one, monster or human, was going to break the rules now. Even better, he wouldn't have to worry about getting rid of the smell of burning flesh anymore. As such, the reinstatement of the his old rules came naturally:
Rule 1: Absolutely no fighting inside of the establishment.
Rule 2: Pay your damn tab.
Rule 3: Don't fuck with the employees, don't fuck with the other patrons, don't fuck with the bartender.
Despite the permanent, lingering smog and the general grime of New Ebott's streets it would be hard for any denizen, monster or human to picture a New Ebott without their host. Oh, yes. The spectacle no one can stop talking about, love him or hate him, you cannot step outside without seeing a billboard of Mettaton.
"Good evening, my miserable masses!", his voice booms across the city, echoing in dark alleyways and bringing life to long, packed elevators. His image, vibrant neon pink complimented finely with gold and red accents, seems to hover in the air, as of his image is so far above the muck of the world below. A sleek silhouette complimented with sharp edges, an icon of sophistication and a known menace.
Even as New Ebott's own leading anchor, the irony of the position was not lost on him. All it took for him to take the human airwaves by storm was to be the last one standing. Man or monster, he's always been the ultimate showman, and with his improved bulletproof body and uncrackable monster tech upgrades provided by Dr. Alphys herself there is no one left to challenge that spot.
And so, with grim delight and a hint of sarcasm, Mettaton once again reports on the state of the city's decay.
"Today's Top Story: Blood and Dust on the Streets - Who's Who in Today's Killings?" Mettaton announces with a tone so cheerful no one in their right mind would buy it. "Oh yes, you heard that right! The numbers are even higher than last year's so far, and it's only June! If you're alive to hear that you're doing better than most, but who's doing the killing this time around? Stay tuned to find out!"
In the background, a nauseating collection of bombed buildings, street fights, and a zoomed in shot from an illegal aug den full of virus fried humans and piles of dust. Mettaton remained unfazed standing in front of it, a stark, shinning contrast to the desperation.
“It seems our ‘esteemed’ citizens are embracing the high-risk lifestyle,” Mettaton continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“It’s almost as if they’ve taken a page from our very own guidebook: ‘MTT Presents: How to Turn Your Short Life into a Grim Spectacle!’ Their dedication to self-destruction is both impressive and... well, a tad foolish, but who can blame them?”
He flashed a blindingly bright smile, one that seemed to mock both the victims and his audience. “Remember, my dear viewers, if you’re planning to join the rising death toll, at least make it memorable. A bit of flair never hurt anyone... maybe you'll even be featured on tomorrow's episode!”
The billboard flickered and dimmed, the elevator feeds transitioned to the next ad, and the city continued to smolder in it's normal gloom. While the sardonic broadcast came to an end, the twisted spectacle of the streets would do no such thing.
It is a shame everything had to crumble for him to get here, but now that he's at the top of the heap Mettaton will do whatever it takes to stay here.
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talentdelunecomic · 1 year
Arc 2.5
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(Part 2) (foreword)
“...Nice one, Chu,” he mutters a couple minutes later, squashed into the corner of the elevator shaft. You’d think a booming business like this could build wider elevators, damn. “We can kiss that dream budget goodbye thanks to—” He gestures at the blood on Ambre. “—all this.”
“Sorry for having scruples,” Sarah grumbles back. The adrenaline crash has left her disappointed and low. She’s stuck in close quarters with two people she’s quite upset at, currently, and she still can’t even see.
Ambre seems to lean over, audibly shuffling in place. “Are you mad at us, Sarah?” She seems younger than she is, like this, her voice disembodied and childish. Granted, Sarah really can’t vouch for her maturity, and that’s not even considering the child-rearing acumen of a top-secret, governmental, child-soldier factory.
When she thinks about that too hard, a buzzing sense of anxiety rises in her chest. Is she a hypocrite, for raising a stink about Talent technology restrictions while averting her eyes from the moral crisis of Ambre’s entire thirteen years of life?
“I’m kind of mad at you,” Sarah responds, curling tighter into a ball and clutching her suitcase like a blanket.
Ambre huffs unhappily.
“Mostly I’m mad at Penwood.”
He’s unbothered. “Great, ‘cause I’m mad at you too. We can all be mad at each other.”
He’s infuriating, sometimes. Sarah has never expected emotional heavy-lifting from Penwood, not even when they first met and she didn’t know him—he was her boss, after all. He was practical and unconventional enough to immediately promote her to the highest position he could bargain for, but it had nothing to do with sentiment. Though he seems to have grown fond of her over these past six years, he hasn’t changed. He’s as stubborn and selfish as ever.
“If I’m that troublesome, why not just let me get killed?” Sarah attacks, and then immediately regrets it. She sounds like a moody teenager. She sounds like his disregard for her objections hurt her. It’s true, but it’s pitiful.
Penwood seems to soften, just a bit. “You’re both troublesome, but I’d get bored if either of you died or disappeared. You’re more important than fully-funded mad science.” He says the last bit with reluctant resignation, but as a whole…
Those were pretty kind words, coming from Penwood. Sarah cracks a smile.
“Yeah,” she says, “you guys need me around to keep you in check.”
“Aww, I hate being in check,” Ambre sighs.
“So what now, kid?” Penwood asks. “You’re the one with the sense of propriety—you decide what we do next. We’re essentially blind, definitely trapped, and every single person in this building wants to track us down and kill us.”
Ambre grins. “The dead ones don’t. Want me to make them all dead?”
Penwood contemplates it.
“Not this time,” Sarah says, and her smile begins to grow as she gets to her feet. “I’ve got an idea.”
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Sarah stands before the Power Room. The only thing between her and that plasma is a 20-character passcode and three feet of solid steel.
…That sounds more intimidating than it actually is.
Hey, the three of them made it out of that elevator shaft and down to the basement with zero tools!
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A little clumsily, perhaps, but they made it down. Now they just need to get inside that room.
Sarah examines the digital lock, Penwood and Ambre hovering over her shoulders to watch. She doubts she’ll be able to guess the passcode, even if she did catch a glimpse when Sec. Malla let them in on the tour. She’s going to have to crack the mechanism open manually and determine a course of action from there.
“Ambre.” Sarah turns to her. “Help me with–”
The three of them freeze.
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“…Just let us do this,” Sarah pleads.
Secretary Sarah Malla offers no sympathy, dry and unforgiving. “What are you planning to do in the Power Room?” she asks.
“You know it’s not right to give this tech to people who might misuse it.” Sarah steps forward and Sec. Malla moves the gun in her direction. Ambre tenses, glances between them, and deliberately untenses. Sarah slows way down.
“When you say things like that, it makes you sound like a child,” Malla says. Sarah is quietly offended. She’s 23. “You think the government won’t misuse your technology? You think they aren’t misusing it right now?”
No, she wants to say, I trust them. They’ve taken care of me since I was 17. But even without saying it aloud, suddenly the words don’t feel good enough.
“I’d still choose one group with scary-ass lasers over two.”
Sarah turns, surprised. Penwood ambles forward, hands in his pockets and genuinely pretty unconcerned by the gun. He sighs at her. “You’re catching flies, kid.” She closes her open mouth.
He continues. “The FHTC’s not perfect, but our boss is actually a total goody-two-shoes. It’s annoying, but in terms of—” He rolls his eyes and finger quotes. “—society’s ethics, she’s a decent person, I guess. And a hard worker.”
Sarah’s heart warms. He’s actually kind of getting it. He’s actually trying to help.
“Well! None of that matters to me,” Ambre chirps, “but Sarah is a grown-up woman! Don’t call her a child, she tries really hard to be responsible!” By the end of the sentence, her voice goes affronted on Sarah’s behalf, and she drops into a rare angry frown. “You’re a woman too, so you should know it’s annoying when people act like you don’t know anything while you’re trying to make a point.”
Malla stares at all of them, unwavering for one heartbeat, two. Then she stops aiming at them and lifts the pistol like she’s showing it off. It’s got the safety on, Sarah realizes. Malla was bluffing.
She sets the gun down and points at the door to the Power Room. “Don’t mess with the digital lock. If you input the wrong code or force it open, it’ll tase you.”
Sarah breaks into an incredulous laugh. Ambre is already grinning, and Penwood huffs in amusement. “So you’ll help us?” Sarah asks, just to be sure.
Malla shrugs, and a small, warm smile settles on her face. “We do have the same name,” she says.
Sarah’s cheeks hurt from smiling in return. “I suppose.”
A loud thud echoes through the chamber. Then again, and again. With a lot of repetitive effort, the main door finally slams open.
“Goodness, people!” Bright shouts, beaming angrily. “Take a little longer, why don’t you? How hard can it be to ram down a door?!”
“It’s three feet of solid, electrified steel,” a security guard points out.
A crowd of employees and guards swarm into the Power Room, sweeping through the aisles. Bright follows, dusting off his already immaculate suit. “Find Sarah Chu and her little friends,” he commands. “And for god’s sake, watch out for that red-haired gremlin! She’s ruthless!” He shudders.
“Hey, Bright!”
His head snaps up, and then his expression drops with dawning horror.
“How’s it going?”
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“Now hold on…” Bright is sweating. “We can talk this out!”
Sarah’s jerry-rigged the control panel for the plasma vats. With one press of a button, the glass covers preventing their contents from ‘evaporating into the air and wasting a million dollars’ will pop open.
“I apologize for trying to kill you!” Bright calls to her, inanely. “Why don’t we renegotiate? I’d love to have you on my payroll, even now! And…and we would be very responsible with your technology, oh yes! Tell her, Malla!”
“He told me he wanted to make Talent suppressor water-guns,” Malla says. “For the youth.™”
“I never said that!” Bright lies. “Listen, I don’t think you understand how much money we’re willing to offer you! You could do anything you wanted! No rules, no restrictions, no one standing in your way. You’d be set for life; your great-great-great grandchildren would be set for life! You don’t need to worry about anyone else!”
Penwood and Ambre listen to his speech, open-mouthed. Of course they would; as much as they care about Sarah on a personal level, Bright’s pitching them their wildest dreams. But this decision isn’t up to them, it’s up to her.
They may be selfish, but Penwood made things clear—they like her better than mad-science and power trips.
And that sort of selfishness is just fine with her.
“No one’s forcing me to worry about people,” Sarah calls down. “No one’s forcing me to worry about anything! And all those rules and restrictions, they don’t bother me. If they make the world a better place, why would I have a problem?”
“They…!” Bright sputters. “They make the world a boring place! They make it a safe place! Don’t you understand, Ms. Chu?!”
“Yeah, better than you!” Sarah yells. “And that’s Doctor Chu!!”
She pushes the button.
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Bright clutches at his skull, gibbering in disbelief while his employees freeze at the loss of guidance. Ambre laughs and tries to grab at the mist like a child. Penwood sighs, grumpy as usual, but he watches the air glow with a sort of wonder. Malla nudges Sarah’s arm.
“Hey. Is this stuff going to poison us?”
Sarah chuckles, “Probably not!”
“How reassuring.”
The air is still purple as the four of them descend to the main floor. Bright is scrambling, trying to push the glass covers back into place, for all the good they’ll do now.
“You…” He turns to Sarah, his expression the utter picture of despair. “Look what you’ve done. I’ll— I’ll sue you! I’ll ruin your life! You’ll be fired!!”
Sarah crosses her arms. “Of course I won’t,” she huffs. “You literally tried to kill me.”
The words seem to spark something in him, and Bright lunges for a nearby guard’s holster. He shoves the gun right in her face, hand shaking with rage, and Sarah’s stomach drops into her feet.
If moments like this move in slow-mo on TV, Sarah realizes that in real life, they’re like a blur. She catches glimpses, Penwoods hair in front of her, his elbow jabbing into her side on accident. Ambre’s hand outstretched, close to the barrel, about to throw his aim up to the ceiling.
Before Bright can fire, however, a raised voice gives him pause.
“When you called me, Chu, I can admit I was hoping to discover that the mess you three have landed yourselves in was the result of a misunderstanding. Clearly, my hopes have been dashed.”
All of them turn. Framed in the main doorway is Miriam Bosser, the head of the science division, and Sarah, Penwood, and Ambre’s direct supervisor.
The goody-two-shoes.
“Stand down, Brandon Bright,” Miriam says. From behind her, FHTC officers file into the room, and the Bright employees quickly surrender their weapons.
“This is…ridiculous,” Bright wheezes, the gun dropping from his hand. Sarah spares it a glance, then does a double-take. Oh yeah, he’s an idiot. It’s got the safety on.
Malla sets a hand on Bright’s shoulder. He stares up at her, pleading, like she can summon up a miracle and fix the disaster he caused.
“Mr. Bright,” Malla says. “I resign.”
Bright’s head drops down in defeat.
It’s over.
“You are not getting off scot free,” Miriam says sternly. “Not this time.”
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The chaos is settling down. Sarah’s heart rate has returned to normal. Ambre is back to being bored. All in a day’s work!
“Sure, sure,” Penwood says, obnoxiously. “Just give us a slap on the wrist and let us get back to work.”
“I don’t think you realize the magnitude of this screw-up,” Miriam insists. “Bright Industries is our main supplier of Talent Plasma, and guess what they no longer have any stock of? Crale is going to rip my head off for allowing you three to run around unsupervised.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sarah asks, offended.
“You’re like children. When the three of you join together, the results are explosive. You’re the black sheep of the FHTC. If you weren’t so important, we’d have fired you—”
“Okay! Damn, that’s harsh!”
Miriam sighs. “My head is going to be ripped off.”
“Sorry for being so troublesome!”
“Don’t apologize.” Penwood grins. “You talk a big game, but you like rushing into danger as much as me and Ambre do. That’s why Miriam’s lumping you in with us.”
“That’s silly,” Sarah sputters. “I do not like danger!”
“You were the one who wanted to destroy all that plasma,” Ambre muses, “instead of running away.”
“I just—!”
Miriam’s eyes laser in on Sarah. “Is this true?” she asks, low and dangerous.
Sarah freezes. No other choice. She turns and runs. “Maybe-it’s-true-but-you-can’t-judge-me-I-was-under-duress-okay-see-you-later!!”
“Sarah Chu!” Miriam yells after her. “Get back here! You are actively being troublesome right now!”
It’s easy to forget her worries, with Ambre and Penwood cackling and the wind in her face and the adrenaline of the day still simmering under her skin. It’s easy to ignore the questions she faced and the answers she couldn’t give.
When you say things like that, it makes you sound like a child. You think the government won’t misuse your technology? You think they aren’t misusing it right now?
Hey, she said it herself! Sarah isn’t the most righteous person in the world.
Eventually, she’ll have no choice but to face herself. She isn’t quite sure what she’ll do, when that day comes. Will she run away again? Will it be right to run?
In the meantime, a few more mistakes can’t hurt.
Later that month, Sarah will have her first encounter with her dream girl. …Maybe her nightmare girl. How ironic!
Well, she does like danger.
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flashfuture · 7 months
What is Mera like? And what is her origin/story?
so Mera's origin comes about in the 1960s shortly after Aqualad came around. Mera is originally from an alternate dimension called Dimension Aqua. Mera was their rightful Queen and everyone there had her hard water powers. Which is Mera can turn water into a solid and use it very similar to how a green lantern makes constructs. This made her easily the most powerful character in the entire aquaman universe until they decided it had to be arthur because he's a man (he can talk to fish come on)
Mera at the start was only obsessed with getting to know Arthur. But then they explored a little bit about her exile from her homeland and trying to get her crown back. Arthur helped her defeat the interloper... but then Mera went back to Atlantis anyways. Garth did his very best matchmaking and Mera and Arthur got married. Had a baby all was well. Mera also has a younger twin sister named Hila who is an evil villain for undefined reasons just is one. Mera didn't have Much of a personality. To the point after crisis she wasn't rebooted at all she was the same woman.
But as her character grew rage became a large factor. Aquababy was kidnapped Black Manta killed him and Arthur after having tried to murder Garth had Topo the octopus bring the baby's body back to Mera. Aquababy wasn't even dead?? Arthur is the worst husband in DC by far. Mera went on a journey this is where her independent character started to develop. Anyways she went to get some healing tech but the guy who stole her original throne threw it all down a big pit or something. Mera went to get it but by the time she came back it was too late Aquababy had died. Almost like if Arthur had stuck around and helped her they could have saved their baby
Mera then is left alone in Atlantis because Arthur is a pussy bitch and can't face the problems he caused so Mera suffers a nervous breakdown. And years later Arthur comes back to try and make peace with Mera but ends up fighting her and spears her onto some metal and thinks he killed her. Mera plays dead in the coffin and then springs out at the funeral and goes home to dimension Aqua.
Some very confusing doppelganger business in the 80s but Mera came back ! And was there to fuck with Arthur basically publicly announce they're not married anymore at the funniest moment possible. During Blackest Night sees Garth dies and lost herself in rage becoming a Red Lantern. But then Arthur comes back they introduce Jackson Hyde and then boom Flashpoint.
So on Prime Earth Mera is still the rightful Queen of another kingdom just not one in another dimension. Maybe DC felt secondary dimensions was too Marvel Fantastic Four, and they wanted to stick with their universe shifting. But in this reality, Mera was raised to defeat Atlantis and kill their king. Who just so happened to be... Arthur. She called herself Aquawoman for like a minute. Then rebirth happened and she and Arthur got married again. She joined the justice league. Basically Mera became a hero in her own right. But then she had a baby and DC is sort of putting her back at home
So Mera is a queen of two nations. Mera is a mother. Mera is a Justice Leaguer. She is happy to fuck with Arthur. She is protective over both Garth and Jackson. She is angry enough to wield a red ring. she loves her friends enough to pull it under control. She loves the ocean but will defend the entire earth with her life.
And I am not all that familiar with all Prime Earth Aquaman stories due my distate for how they're treating Garth but the art is pretty and if you like Mera you'll find a lot more content than the previously timeline had
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN As Kids
Gen ;; Crack + Fluff (??) - Headcanons
Warnings ;; nah
Proofread + Edited ;; nooooo
this idea was literally me trying to figure out wtf the pictures when i was younger were meant to be and then boom, 4*TOWN content babeeyyyyy
Enjoy !! <3
Aaron T - The Weird Kid
You know those kids that just go up to anyone and start spitting some random or sometimes disturbing bs
Like,, kinda reminds me of the of the boy I sit next to in language study tbh
Mans will just start talking about the wirdest of things out of nowhere
Why tf are talking at me about thumbprint and how yours are superior ??
Why do you know that you can burn them off ??
Why have you researched how to organise a crime and get away with it ??
And why on earth are you telling me the details ??
You know,, that kinda stuff
Mans will just start talking, no brain to mouth filter needed
Not a single thought,, just a river of words
Mans was talking before he could even crawl
But he's also the type of kid to just get away with anything but he just has that charm yknow ??
Like,, he could be babbling away and being cheeky to a teacher and it's fine but if someone else even dares to breathe they're sent out
He's the class clown throughout his whole life
Nursery to graduation babeyyyy
Not book smart but street smart definitely
Common sense frrr
Most people wouldn't expect it because he always makes silly comments but T knows what he's talking about
I feel like he picked up an interest in music tech and producing when he was p young
Probably on some school music trip thay was only accepted to get more money out of parents but hey,, it provided T with his passion so..
He is the kid who shows you bugs out of nowhere
Yes he's very proud of them
He tried to keep a pet snail in his room once
That dream soon died in the form of a scolding lmao
Jesse - The Art Kid (obviously)
Never without a sketchbook or some form of paper
If his parents didn't put his art on the fridge he'd put it up himself, covering up all his grades and any other paper on there
Kinda cocky for a kid tbh
People told him often how talented he was and mans ran with it
Suddenly he's god's gift to the world
Golden child vibes tbh
People always asked him to draw them, you know, like how annoying people do
He would literally just ignore anyone who tried to interrupt his art time
Fair enough tbh, art time is art time for a reason,, not socialising time
Hhhhhh some people,, eh ??
Still though, mans did act p arrogantly about his skills
Somewhere along the way someone had to teach this kid the meaning on humility and confidence vs cockiness
So glad that it wasn't me tbh
You do not want a little grumpy Jesse on your hands
When I say fits of rage,, I mean fits of rage
I think Jesse, for the most part was a delight to be around, overly confident at times perhaps but fun either way
But if he was faced with any kind of conflict
Absolutely screamed his head off
I'm sorry but it's true
Also incredibly dramatic
Winning emmies by the age of 4
If he got any kind of sickness, whether it's a slight sniffle or a fever, he's gonna act like he's on the verge of death.
Seconds away from popping his clogs
He will make you feel bad if he doesn't get his way
Puppy eyes turn to daggers in milliseconds fr
He was definitely forced into classical music growing up and as he grew he explored other routes
He also calmed tf down as he grew too, thank all that is good
Mans cycled through many instruments and genres of music before landing on thinsg that stuck
Aaron Z - The Quiet Kid
Literally the stereotype of a quiet kid
He walked so all those quiet kid tiktoks could.. waddle ??
The funny thing is Z is not a quiet person at all really,, he just wasn't interested din any of their asses tbh
Tbh it normally amuses him when people always default to describing him as the quiet kid, or the shy kid, or the silent but deadly kid
Somehow people, at every school he went to, got the impression that he's a delinquent of sorts
That he'd fight anyone who dared to mess either him
Literally no sweetie,, he's just unnecessarily tall lmao
And also just doesn't care about you lmao
You know he does care about tho ??
His grandpappy !!
Being practically raised by him can do that to a kid
His most treasured possession is a harmonica his grandpappy got him with both of their initials engraved in it
Mans literally has a special case for it and everything
His grandpappy is the one who got him into music and all
Grandpappy used to be in a folk band back in the day, didn't you know ??
Z is so proud of his grandpappy, so happy to be related to him
Z wasn't particularly talkative when he was a kid,, he wasn't as quiet as people made him out to be but even around famy and friends he wasn't really loud
But he was, and continues to be, really expressive
In expressions, gestures
It's what makes him such a good dancer
And what makes dancing so fun for him
He can speak without words but instead with his body
Sometimes though, Z can get really passionate and talk for hours about something
Robaire - The True Golden Child
Is there anything little Ro can't do ?? Evidently not
The biggest teachers pet throughout his younger years istg
Probably got teased about it a little bit cause kids are cruel
But Ro literally aced every test he was ever given and it was hard to find an activity he struggled with
Basically a prodigy
I actually think that Robaire was a pretty shy kid though
Like,, people made him nervous and he had a bit of separation anxiety from his parents
Nursery was rough for all parties involved
Definitely a hard worker from day 1 but also a fair bit of a dreamer
Sometimes Ro's head would float up in the clouds and take ages to come back down
A-fucking-nother classically trained baby and he carried it on throughout his life
Mans has muscle memory with the same duration as an elephant
On that topic I feel like Ro has above average memory, maybe not photographic but definitely above average
He can remember practically every lyric he's ever learnt and every piano score he's learnt too
No one knows how he does it
You know the recorder lessons in nursery where you play hot cross buns or whatever tf
Ro somehow managed to make that cheap plastic shit sound good
Honestly astounding
Perfect pitch KING,, move out of the way charlie puth
His talent for it certainly helped but it wasn't the praise that made Ro decide music was his thing
It's the way he felt during his playing,, before he heard any praise about it..
Over the moon
Tae Young - The Cute Kid
Had everyone fooled from day one bro
Everyone's under the impression that he's an angel.. ha ha,, no
Not in any way, shape or form
It literally became a known thing that whenever he's get in trouble or introduced to someone new people would say
"Don't be fooled by his puppy eyes,, he's actually vicious underneath that expression.. "
No one ever heeds the warning until the damage is done
You were warned bro..
Grab a pair of listeners at the door and prepare to use them in the future
Tae was the trouble kid though, always doing things he shouldn't
And he'd always get away with it because of his adorable little face
By age 5 Tae had mastered the way of making any adult fold to his demands with just 1 look
A terrifying child to babysit,, can you imagine ??
I'd rather just be broke tbh
And that's coming from someone who has less than a fiver to their name lmao
Other kids his age would send Tae out as a back up plan to get teachers to derail from their lesson plan and watch above or something instead
Shit worked every fucking time
Pissed off every other class known to man
Another classically trained kiddo and he stuck with the violin
He just really enjoys it tbh
Maybe it's because he had a really good childhood teacher
That teacher instilled a passion in Tae bro
Talented teacher for that fr
Tae struggles with motivation tbh so habits are important,, especially those established when he was young
So yeah, that teacher was p incredible to Tae,, did something that Tae had never seen before lmao
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Gotham Patrol
Part 1
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Bruce Wayne the party boy, billionaire and hot ass is on his way from Wayne Tech to his limousine.
Alfred opens the door to the limousine when his cellphone rings out and he vibrates out of control.
It’s a blocked call some idiot or a prank call he answers anyway to a super shell shock reaction.
The answer freaks out the speaker burst out hitting his ears sending him down a spiral of torment.
His body froze instantly upon impact a past memory floods his mind taking him back to almost a week later.
Alfred is left alone waving his hand in his face to no avail of waking his sleeping boss from a deep state.
Inside his own head Bruce races away to his own downfall through the alley way of death row.
The insanity of images of him walking out of the theatre with his parents holding hands till they part.
It’s crazy to see the man shoot past them to rip a gun out of his jacket pulling it in his face.
The gun shot is triggered sending it splicing it into the air cutting through the pearls the necklace shatters.
Spreading across the floor Bruce is broken in to a irreparable mess.
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“Master Wayne? Master Wayne?”
“Bruce Wayne is no longer home”
“It’s Master Lawrence “
“No! Uh! Oh My Stars!”
“Put the gun down no please”
“Poor pitiful old fool”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Is this the alley way that your parents died in Bruce?”
“Keep running mwahahaha”
“Nobody can see you”
“Nobody can help you”
Part 2
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Bruce has been keep track of Dick Grayson for the last few years since he left all it took
is a simple micro chip place in his neck. It is only fitting Bruce’s most well studied, most proficient fighter and over all best side kick to go down in The City Council.
“Can I help you sir?”
“Call me Dick! I need some intel”
“Such as ?”
“The entire library of Gotham”
“Maps, blue prints, etc”
“Download is In progress give me a few minutes.”
“It would be better if you would”
“Sir? Sir? Are you ok?l
“Dick Grayson is not home”
“This cannot be “
“Mwahahahahaha “
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“Your death will be for the better good”
“Stay back!”
“This will be quick”
“Fuck you!”
“Whatever bitch”
“I love you Master Lawrence “
“I truly do”
“You are my world”
“Join Bruce”
“Of course”
“Kneel at my feet”
The end
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