#but someone put in an offer and if we wanted a shot we’d have to put in a counter by tomorrow morning
idolsgf · 5 months
we found a place we really like but of course an offer has already been put in 😖
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phantom-0-writer · 6 months
what even is your life danny?
Danny had been shocked awake by Adam practically breaking down the door to Wes’s room as he barged in. “Wake up!” He yelled frantically. 
“What’s wrong?” Danny asked, sitting up at the thought of a ghost attack. 
“Wha-” Wes asked, bleary-eyed from his side of the bed, drool still wet on his mouth. Adam in all his everlasting energy, practically pushed Wes off the bed, making room for himself. 
“Y’know Nightwing’s recent case-” He started excitedly before turning around to face the two of them, his voice more serious, “You know about it, right?” Adam asked. When they both nodded- as if Tucker would have let them go this long not knowing about it- Adam continued in his original energy. “They finally released the names of all the kids that got switched.” Adam started in the same excitement someone would announce they won the lottery in a hallmark movie. “They made this mini-identity check thing, since, y’know it counts as personal medical history, and it legally can’t be free access to the public. It’s actually quite ingenious- yet simple.” Adam’s voice began trailing on the edge of mystification before snapping back to his original energy. “I thought we’d all give it a shot to see if any of us qualify!” He ended happily. 
“Dude, how can you have so much energy so early in the morning,” Wes asked, bundling himself in his blanket, his voice heavy in a sleepy drawl even though he looked much more awake now. 
“It’s 1:30. Regular people like me have been up for hours now,” Adam responded snottily, shoving a hand in his younger brother’s face.  “Also Danny, your phone’s been going crazy all morning. You left it on the couch last night.” Adam said, handing the device to Danny.
“Who was it?” Wes asked, looking over at him. 
“My parents,” Danny put the phone on speaker. Two rings echoed in the still anticipation of the room before the familiar voice of his mom came through the other end. “Hi, sweetie!” She said happily, “Did you just wake up?” 
“Oh, uh Yeah. I did. I was-”
“We got a call this morning and you’d never believe who it was.” Mom started, her voice only marginally louder than the loud work of whatever she was doing. “The FBI! Can you believe it? They said you were one of the children involved with Dr. Kilye’s case-” 
Danny looked up to share a look of shock with Adam and Wes, jaws loose, having pierced the puzzle together. 
“-Apparently the child they swapped you with, mine and Jack’s biological child, had been born with an undiagnosable fatal condition, and hadn’t been able to make it. His name was… Philip. We were quite sad about the news.” The sound of the drill echoed through the room. “But apparently the agent- the FBI agent!- had already talked to your biological parents - you know Jack and I always wondered who it was you took after, and I thought it was my Great Aunt Sally, but Jack always said his late Uncle Bob. Oh right, what was I saying? Oh! Your parents- right! They seemed pretty eager to meet you. Or at least your father, I think -or was it your mother, I can’t remember. The other one went missing a while after you were born. I don’t remember all the details. I sent you the phone number they gave me, I figured you’d want to talk to her.” And before Danny could even get a word out she hung up. 
There was a palpable silence, “I’ll make us some food,” Adam said, being the first to leave his spot. 
Wes jumped up instantly at the declaration, “No!” 
“How about I make us some food.” Danny offered, making his way to the kitchen.
“Yes, that is the better option.” Wes nodded sagely, plopping onto the barstool as Danny took inventory. Adam hauled himself onto the counter, letting his long legs dangle right above the floor as he watched Danny cook. 
“You got your bio mom’s number, right? Are you gonna talk to her?” Adam asked his hyper attitude from the morning replaced with a still-eager yet more restrained and slightly somber one. 
Danny let himself consider it before responding. “I don’t even know her name or anything though. What would I even say?” 
“We could look it up on the thing Adam was tellin’ us about.” Wes offered. “I’ll grab my laptop.”
“Your call,” Adam added. 
“Yeah… I think that’d be good.” Danny looked up from the food he was preparing, “Thanks, guys. I dunno how I would’ve taken this without you.” He smiled softly. 
“You’re the one cooking for us, man. We should thank you.” Adam laughed. Plates wiped clean and in the sink, they all huddled around Wes’s laptop as Danny put his information to the FBI’s server. 
“Dude,” Wes gasped reading the file, placing his hand on Danny’s shoulder as he leaned in closer from behind him.
“Your dad-” Adam spluttered, “Your dad is Bruce Wayne?” He practically yelled, turning to look at Danny for confirmation. As if he had any idea what was going on. “Bruce Wayne.” He said, again amazed. 
“What even is your life Danny?” 
“Did my mom just casually send me Bruce Wayne’s personal phone number?”
“Tucker’s so going to lose his mind.”
except from regular boy: daniel wayne (chap 6)
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lady-october · 2 months
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Pairing : Oli Sykes x Female Assistant Genre : Romance, Smut (18+ Only) Previous Chapters : Available on Ao3 & Tumblr
Story Content : Smut, Drama, Choking, Power dynamics, Romance, Rough sex, Sadism/Masochism, Dom/Sub, Mentions of addiction & self harm, Degradation, Praise kink, Exhibitionism, Orgasm denial, Breath play, Dirty talk.
Summary :
“Don’t you see what a dangerous game you’re playing? Why did you have to look so fucking delicious tonight, I couldn’t stop undressing you in my mind, thinking of all the twisted things I want to do to you.” She had only worked on the touring team for three weeks, but her mind had been hijacked by dirty thoughts of a man she barely even talked to. Sure, he was very attractive, but were there other reasons she was so uncontrollably drawn to him? This is a filthy story of pain, self discovery, and love.
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Chapter 27: You monsters are people
Chapter title is lyrics from “Obey” 
This chapter is from Oli’s perspective. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I can’t believe she stayed. 
As soon as the words had left my mouth, I’d regretted it. But being inside her, being surrounded by her scent, her legs wrapped around me, her large blue eyes set in that flushed, soft face, how was I supposed to keep the words to myself? 
How was I expected to not express my love for such a perfect sight? 
I’d been working overtime for days to keep from telling her I love her, knowing it was too soon, especially for someone like Alice.  
And then I’d gone and told her twice within the span of a couple of hours. 
I let my hands rake over my face as I shook my head under the shower head, the warm water cascading around my vision, turning the tiles wavy. 
I’m so fed up with myself. 
Regardless of my self-indulgent recklessness last night, she’d still stayed, faced her demons, and let me know she’s trying. 
And now it was my turn to return the favour. 
But how was I supposed to deal with my current problems, when dead and buried demons were suddenly crawling out of their overgrown graves, reminding me that maybe they hadn’t been properly dealt with in the first place? 
I thought I’d shed the shackles Fay had put around my ankles at this point, but in so many ways I’m still the same person I was a year ago when I read her texts. I still crave the validation, the attention she offers me so readily. So greedily. 
I’m not completely daft though, I know she’s just manipulating me, just like she’s always manipulated me. Controlling me in ways I feel powerless against. The difference is that I didn’t use to care. In fact, I welcomed it, because I wanted to spend every moment with her regardless of her intentions.  
It only became a problem when we were no longer on the same page. 
I also knew why she was the way she was, which made it even harder to judge her for it. 
You see, I may have always been drawn to troubled women, but Fay’s the most troubled of them all. 
By a long shot. 
She may not be suicidal in the typical sense, but she lives her life like there’s no tomorrow, continuously reckless in ways that usually guarantees becoming worm food prematurely. 
You’d think most of her wild traits could be chalked up to growing up with her addict mum, who were either not home for days on end, or blacked out on the sofa when she was. Or maybe even by the fact that she croaked from an overdose when Fay was barely a teen. 
But personally, I think most of it could be explained by being left in the care of her extremely abusive stepfather once her mum was out of the picture. 
About two years ago when it was still Mat and Fay, we’d all gone to stay in Birmingham to hunker down and spend a full week focused on writing and recording a new EP.  
This also happens to be the week me and Fay fell in love.  
Every night was sleepless, which wasn’t uncommon for me, but it turned out Fay also had her slumber related problems. This meant we’d spend hours every night together, oversharing, getting to know each other on an inappropriately personal level considering her relationship status with my best mate. 
I wasn’t used to opening up to people, but the very first night Fay had told me about her childhood, and it all just spiralled from there. Naturally – and because I’m a fucking mess – I was immediately enthralled by this seemingly mythical being, so fun, yet terrifyingly disturbed. 
What was so shocking about her was how casually she talked about her life, like it was the most normal thing in the world.  
Which, to be fair, to her it was.  
My earliest taste of this came on the second night of the trip.  We’d been talking about our mutual love for animals, when she interjected with a long list of stray pets she’d rescued off the streets and hid from her stepdad.  
Only to follow it up with how she kept coming home to them having their necks broken once he’d found them.  
I’d been horrified, wondering how that would’ve affected her – how it still must affect her, when without skipping a beat, she’d move on with the conversation, going on a passionate tangent about climate change out of nowhere. 
It was bizarre, it was refreshing – it was alarming and worrisome. But in some weird way it was also strangely comforting, knowing that even though she was deeply traumatised, and clearly unhealed, she still had a zest for life.  
Albeit maybe a bit too much zest.  
The last night of the trip was the most memorable to me. 
She’d been laying on the balcony table for about an hour, staring up into the night sky as it slowly shifted and changed to brighter colours. I’d been distracted by the silk robe she’d worn, and how her long, bright red hair was hanging over the edge of the table, halfway to the concrete floor. She was reminiscing about a hike she’d gone on with a group of friends, when she broke out into the most delightful laughter, smiling from ear to ear before rolling over to finally face me. It was like I was staring into the eyes of a deity, some ancient goddess, when she reached out to trace one of the skull-motifs inked into the skin of my arm. 
“I have something so similar to this one,” She’d started, her fingers still playing on my skin, the innocent touch feeling so charged, so forbidden in the deep hours of the night, it threatened goosebumps to form as I fought off the urge to stare straight down her cleavage, “I’d show you, but I don’t think Mat would be too happy about it.” 
While she wasn’t as covered in tattoos as me, she wasn’t too far off. And from her implication that the placement of the art piece in question was somewhere I shouldn’t be looking, I could immediately imagine it on her inner thigh, considering I may have caught a glimpse of the bottom of it earlier tonight. 
Which in turn had me imagine more things that caused blood to flow in places they shouldn’t be as I inevitably allowed my eyes to fall to her chest, so poorly covered by her robe. 
But through the fog of dirty thoughts and fought off impulses, I realised she was trying to seduce me, which forced me to take a step back and analyse what’s been going on the past week.  
And that maybe we’d both been trying to seduce each other. 
“Think it’s time to sleep.” I muttered before getting to my feet, knowing I was in deep, deep shit. 
“Stay,” she breathed, taking hold of the arm she’d been tracing, “It’s our last night here, and you haven’t told me about your addiction yet.” 
I was confused, as I’d already shared how it all started, and about my time in rehab. As far as I was aware, I’d told her everything there was to know about my addiction. 
“What are you on about, of course I have.” I countered, thrown off once again by the continuous sudden change of topics and moods that Fay seemed to come pre-programmed with.  
She let go of my arm, sitting up, and allowed her legs to dangle over the edge of the table before she spoke, “You’ve told me nothing I can’t read online,” She scanned my face with her dark eyes, such a deep brown they were pitch black in most lights, “What’s so terrible about you that you don’t want to be yourself?” 
I wanted to tell her I wasn’t there mentally anymore, that I was better now – happy and recovered.  
But I knew I’d be lying.  
Addiction is like weeds; you can clear them as thoroughly as you want, but if you don’t tend to them regularly, your whole garden will be overgrown before you know it. 
And I was a master of pretending everything was fucking dandy when they weren’t. 
“You sure you want to talk about that?” I asked, thinking of her mother’s history with drugs. 
She let out a laugh I’d heard her do several times before – mostly when discussing a sensitive subject. It was slightly manic, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “Why, because my deadbeat mom overdosed? Oh please. Just tell me, Oliver.” 
I hated it when she called me by my full name, and she knew I hated it from the moment we were introduced. 
Yet she didn’t stop until months into our relationship, claiming that Oli was a stupid British nickname, and since she’s American she was very adamant about rejecting the shortened version of my given name. 
Despite my better judgement, I sat back down, not wanting our week to end on a bad note. 
Even though I knew we’d have to stop hanging out alone after tonight, no matter how sad that thought made me. 
Especially because of how sad that thought made me. 
“It’s not that I think I’m terrible, necessarily. But it’s like my emotions are always dialled up to max, and there’s no shutting them off.” 
She grimaced at my response, “I feel a lot too, but that’s a great thing, and I would never want to turn them off. They’re what makes me feel alive; I cry, I scream, I laugh, I love, I fuck – and I feel better for it.” 
She forgot to mention that she plays Russian roulette with her life every so often by being an adrenaline junkie in the worst of ways. 
And no, I hadn’t overlooked how she put emphasis on the word fuck. Or the way it had me imagine her dark eyes looking up at me as her full lips closed around my shaft. 
“I wish it was that simple for me, love.” I responded under my breath. 
“Why can’t it be that simple?” 
“Because I’m a bomb.” 
There was a short pause as she considered my words, “Explain.” 
I got more comfortable in my seat again, preparing to unpack such a deep part of myself, unsure whether it was the early morning hours that made me comfortable enough to do so, or whether there was just something special about Fay. 
I took a deep breath, “If I let my feelings run amuck, I’d probably burst wide open. I’d get so fucking furious with the state of the world, or with how little anyone seems to give a shit, that I couldn’t think straight. On the other side of that, if I let myself love to my full potential,” I shook my head, “That’s a terrifying thought to be honest with you, cause I don’t know how far I’d take that. Pretty sure I’d completely lose myself, and drive anyone on the receiving end of it fucking mad in the process.” 
As I spoke Fay’s eyes burrowed into me, lighting up with the passion of a thousand suns.  
I’d later found out that it had been those words that made her fall in love with me, that she’d been searching high and low for a man that loved with as much intensity as she does, and after that night she was determined to become mine. 
I had to look away from her deep stare in order to finish making my point, “But when I get high, my feelings shut off, and for a while I’m free of all that. I get to just exist, without being exhausted from keeping myself restrained all the time.” 
“You’re talking about yourself like you’re some kind of monster that needs to be put down.” 
“Not put down, but I don’t think I should be let off my leash.” 
“Unless you’re talking about some kind of kinky play, I disagree.” 
I laughed. 
“You should try it. Next time you want to get high cause you hate your feelings so much, just let them do their thing.” She leaned forward, giving me a better view of her cleavage as her demeanour shifted; it was a very subtle shift, but it was more than enough to highlight the already undeniable sexual tension between us, “And whatever urges you get, give in to them. It might not be as bad as you think.” 
In a desperate attempt to keep my mind out of the gutter, and to prevent myself from pulling her into my lap right this moment, I conjured up images of my parents. 
And thankfully, it worked quickly, and well enough to keep myself in check. 
“Don’t think that’s a good idea, love.” My voice had dropped several octaves, giving away that I’d been considering doing what she was very clearly suggesting. 
A seductive smile bloomed on her lips, “Why?” 
“Because I have enough regrets as it is. I’ve no plans to add to my list of things that keep me up at night.” 
The look she gave me was that of a child who had their favourite toy taken away from them. 
As I got out of the chair to head to bed – alone – I couldn’t help but wonder what had Fay as sleepless as myself.  
Or how much regret she was repressing from living her life the way she did. 
But one thing I knew for sure was that she’d been hurt – badly. And hurt people who haven’t dealt with their pain, very easily hurt others. 
While I didn’t give in to my urges that night, once me and Fay did become a couple, I would quickly discover the full range of ways she’d inflict pain on me. 
It started with harmless manipulations to get her way in minor arguments, which was easy enough to overlook, especially when you’re falling head over heels for someone. 
Which I definitely was. 
Considering how hard and fast I was falling, it didn’t take much convincing for me to do as she’d suggested that night on the balcony. So, I gave in, submitting to my feelings in a way I hadn’t quite done before when it comes to love. 
It was so liberating, so wonderful, to just let myself worship her; to tell her I love her a million times a day without judgement, to have it so readily reciprocated, and allow myself to request as much of her time and attention as I craved. 
I was so convinced that she was the best thing that had ever happened to me, that of course I didn’t bat an eye when I noticed the small white lies. Surely she only lied to protect me, because she loves me so much. 
But the small lies grew bigger, the innocent manipulations turned sinister, and about 10 months into the relationship she’d almost always choose revenge over peace whenever we’d argue. She’d do things like ramp up her thrill-seeking behaviour to get me worried for her safety, or intentionally make me jealous – which, I am not proud of having done to Alice. 
But there’s a reason they call it the cycle of abuse. 
And now I’m the hurt person who apparently hasn’t dealt with their pain, hurting others in the process. 
Turning off the shower I wrapped a towel around myself before stepping in front of the fogged-up mirror over the hotel sink, giving it a wipe to take a good, hard look at myself. 
The eyes looking back at me were bloodshot, accompanied by dark circles and a scowl.  
While I’d fallen asleep fairly quickly last night, I’d been jarred awake by the usual nightmares so early it was still dark out, and I’d spent the hours since pondering what to do next. 
And while there were several pressing matters, all roads seemed to lead back to Alice. 
Do I tell her the truth about everything, or do I share the watered-down version I’d planned to relay last night before we got interrupted? 
I exhaled a shaky breath as the man in the mirror’s features turned increasingly panicked. 
Alice wasn’t wrong; you really are a fucking coward. 
Suddenly a loud bang could be heard from outside the bathroom, and I quickly realised it was the sound of the hotel room door slamming shut. 
Almost as if someone had stormed out of here. 
I launched for the bathroom door, ripping it open only to be met with an empty room. 
In the middle of the floor, I could see my phone lying face down, moved from its original position on the bedside table. 
Dread washed over me, knowing what Alice must have seen on my phone to make her dash out of here in such a rush – the same thing I’d seen every time I’d looked at it since I’d accidentally messaged Fay. 
I wasted no time, collecting my phone and dashed towards Alice’s room, only for the shortest of moments registering that I’m soaking, and just clad in a towel around my waist. 
“Alice!” I yelled after several vigorous knocks on the door, “Let me in, it’s not what you think!” 
I threw a quick glance at my screen to see what Alice might have read. 
“Fay: I can’t wait to see you.” 
“Shit.” I breathed through clenched teeth. 
“Alice!” I yelled louder as more panic set in, knocking the door so hard it rattled. 
Realising she might’ve not even gone to her room, I pressed my ear to the solid wood to listen for any sounds inside, only to almost fall face first into the room when the door suddenly flew open. But instead of falling I was shoved by a furious Liam, who had sent me stumbling backwards, nearly hitting the wall on the opposite side of the hotel corridor from the force he’d used. 
He was clearly a fair bit stronger than he looks. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you did to that poor woman, but there’s not a chance I’m letting you see her.” 
“She thinks I’m chattin’ up another bird – I’m not!” I raised my voice, hoping Alice would hear as Liam had left the door ever so slightly ajar behind him. 
“Whatever.” He muttered, rolling his eyes, clearly not giving a rat’s arse about the specifics of the drama he’d been forced to take part in, before giving me a once over, “I need to go back in there. Get dressed, there’s kids staying here for fuck’s sake.” 
The door shut, and locked, with both Liam and Alice behind it. 
And I’d never felt so helpless. 
I took another step back and let myself lean against the wall I’d nearly slammed into moments ago, sliding down it as I tried to keep my heart from breaking entirely. 
My eyes were so full of tears that it took me a second to realise there was a pair of shoes in my peripheral vision. I looked up to see Mat standing next to me, pity painted all over his face.  
I hadn’t heard any other doors open or shut, which meant he must have been in the corridor for the entire interaction. 
“Would you like a hand?” He asked, sounding sombre. 
I took his stretched-out hand and pulled myself up on unsteady feet, “Did you catch all that?” 
“Yeah. Wanna talk?” 
I wiped the tears away while attempting to keep the towel around my waist from falling to the floor.  
I was torn, because I knew Mat had asked me with the intention of being there for me. 
But it wasn’t just Alice I needed to have a serious discussion with. And I doubted he would want to console me after I come clean to him about everything. 
“Yeah.” I responded after I’d made my decision. 
We walked to my room where we once again took a seat on the floor, leaning against the bed. Only this time it was the bed me and Alice had just spent the night in, made abundantly obvious by her pile of clothes on the floor, next to the bag which she’d left during her swift escape. 
I watched as droplets fell from my soaking hair and hit the carpet as we sat in silence for a while, probably to let me collect myself. The cheery, sun-lit room a stark contrast from my dark and hopeless emotions, which seemed so impossible to fight. 
But I had to start somewhere. 
“I almost got high last night.” I said, breaking the silence. 
I threw a quick glance at Mat; he looked hurt. 
I couldn’t blame him. 
“I almost got high when we were in London too, sent an old dealer a message and everything.”  
The problem with saying things out loud is that they immediately become all too real.  
But since I was walking a dangerously fine line considering I didn’t know if things would work out between me and Alice, I needed it to become real. 
And I needed it to become real right now. 
I looked over at my trousers laying on top of my luggage. 
“I got some,” I started, whispered, the words feeling like acid pushing up my throat, knowing that as soon as I’d let them leave my lips, I wouldn’t have the option of going numb anymore. I inclined my head towards my belongings, “Last night at the club. It’s in my pocket.” 
I’d been staring at the seemingly harmless article of clothing all morning before going for a shower, being so incredibly tempted by it, only able to talk myself out of it because she stayed. 
Which I realise is extremely problematic. 
Mat sighed deeply, leaning forward to rake his hands through his hair. 
“I’m sorry man. I know we said I’d come to you if I ever got the urge to use again.” 
He looked so disappointed, and I hadn’t even gotten to the worst part yet. 
“I had some suspicions you weren’t doing great, but I had no clue you were on this thin ice. I just thought I’d give you a chance to come talk to me when you were ready.” He released a nervous laugh, “Actually I thought that maybe you were doing better the past week or so. You’ve been a bit off, sure, but you’ve also seemed quite happy a lot of the time.” 
I hadn’t expected such a peaceful response after my admission. In fact, I’d suspected him to tear me a new one. 
But then again, I wasn’t done talking yet. 
“Mat, I’m a lying piece of shit, and I have no excuses.” 
“I’m just happy you’re talking to me before you did something, this way—” 
“I’ve been hooking up with Alice since London.” I interrupted, the disbelief on his features adding to my ever-growing mountain of self-hatred, but I knew I needed to continue speaking, to rip the band aid off once and for all. My mouth hung open for a beat, suspended, as I gathered the courage to tell him how I feel, “I’m in love with her.” 
Mats’ features grew cold as he processed what I was saying, readjusting his position on the floor. 
“Why’d you let me look like a twat, thinking I had a shot with her?” He asked, an anger lacing his words. 
I watched more drops fall from my hair as I hung my head low, “I wish I could say it’s cause she wanted to keep it a secret, and sure that’s how it started, but she understood why I needed to be honest with you lot, considering our past.” I took a deep breath and forced myself to face him again, “The long and short of it is that I wanted to see if I could trust her – see if she’d run off to you instead.” 
He watched me under furrowed brows, “So, you were using me.” 
“Yeah.” I confirmed, feeling like a useless wet fucking rat. 
Mat let out a long exhale as he leaned back into the mattress behind us, “You remember that week in Birmingham, when we were recording about two years ago?” 
I tensed, remembering it as the week I wanted to steal his girlfriend, “Of course.” 
He sucked on his teeth, contemplating, “I didn’t sleep much that week. I would sit with the window cracked and listen to you and Fay talk for hours.” I was surprised, not just by what he was saying, but by how guilty he looked as he told me, “The whole week was hell, but I needed to know if I could count on her. Turns out I couldn’t.” 
Apparently, it wasn’t just me who was riddled with trust issues after all our overlapping romances. 
“How come you never told me?” 
Mat shrugged, “I don’t know, bit embarrassing, I guess.” There was another short pause as more guilt made an appearance on him, “Also, I didn’t just want to see if I could count on Fay, but you as well.” 
I could see why, especially with how much lying I’d done over the years. 
“Well, how did I do?” I asked awkwardly. 
“Better than me.” He said with a bitter smile, clearly referring to the fact that he’d slept with Fay when I was technically still with her. 
Appearing as if he remembered something, his features grew worried, “I never slept with Alice, but you should know there was stuff going on.” 
I sighed deeply, “I know.” 
The look he gave me was filled with confusion, “And you’re alright with that?” 
All I could do was shrug, “We’re not a couple. And at this rate I’m not sure we’ll ever be.” I said, knowing there was a real chance I’d scared her off for good this time. 
He opened his mouth, probably to say something hopeful and kind that would only serve to make me feel worse, so I hurried to speak before he got a chance to. 
“There’s one more thing.” I could see him bracing himself mentally for whatever I was about to say, but I knew he’d never expect this to come out of my mouth, “I’ve been talking to Fay.” 
“Fucking hell, Oli.” He looked utterly disgusted with me. 
Which reflected my own feelings about myself perfectly. 
“She’ll be at our next show.” I continued. 
Mat got to his feet. At first, I thought he was about to leave, but instead he just began angrily pacing back and forth in front of me. 
I felt like a kid who was about to get a scolding from their parents. 
He stopped and looked down at my pathetic self on the floor, “Did you invite her?” 
I shook my head, causing more droplets to fall all around me, “No, she was already going. She’s been going to a lot of our shows the past year.” 
His eyes began darting all over the room, his mind obviously racing with thoughts – probably the same thoughts I had when I found out. After a handful of seconds, I could see the anger inside him deflate before he returned his attention to me, “Do you still miss her?” 
I shifted awkwardly, “I’m not sure.” I said honestly, shame filling me at my admission, “Thing is, the thought of seeing her again makes my skin crawl, but there’s just so much unresolved there. I want answers.” 
The pity reappeared in his eyes before he sat back down next to me, “You think she’d actually give you answers?”  
The question could have been perceived as mocking, but I could tell it was asked with sincerity.  
“I don’t know. All I know is that I’m nowhere near as healed as I thought I was.” And it was messing up my life in ways I couldn’t stand anymore. 
It also had me wondering how many unhealed wounds she’d left Mat with. 
“Do you want to meet her?” I asked quietly. 
He let his head fall back onto the mattress, looking almost as defeated as I felt, “I don’t know. She has a way of fucking with your head. I should hate her guts for everything she’s done to us, yet…” 
“You feel bad for her.” 
He huffed out a laugh, “Yeah.” 
“Yeah, me too.” I muttered. 
Mat studied my face for a moment before getting to his feet again, throwing a look towards my pile of clothes on my luggage, then back at me. 
I knew what he was silently asking, so I just nodded. 
He took the short steps over to my trousers, picking the pockets clean and headed towards the bathroom. 
When I heard the toilet flush, I was both relieved and terrified in equal measures. 
“I really need to go check on Lee.” He announced as soon as he came back out, almost as if pretending what he just did for me never happened, “Only the Matt’s of the group have it together lately.” 
Ah, never mind. 
“Why we needed two.” I said with a tired smile. 
He smiled back at me, “I’ll be back in just a couple of minutes, yeah?” 
My tired smile blossomed, feeling incredibly grateful for his continued support, especially when I was pulling so much stupid shit. 
“Mat,” I said right as he was about to leave, “I’m sorry.” 
“I know.” He responded casually before latching the door shut. 
I looked towards the dress I’d peeled off Alice’s exhausted body to help her get ready for bed last night, and I felt as if I was at a crossroads; either I fall apart, wallow in self-pity and let the melancholy take root. 
Or I continue clawing out of the grave I’d dug for myself, and fight. 
Springing into action, I started rummaging through Alice’s bag, to see if she’d left her phone behind or not. 
After having made an absolute mess of the room in record time, I deduced she’d taken it with her, so I sat down on the bed and began taking screenshots. I wasn’t sure if Alice was anything like myself when it came to these sorts of things, but personally I’d require proof. 
Mat came back as I was in the middle of cataloguing my conversation with Fay the past two days, hoping that the context would shine a better light on the situation, destroying any conclusions Alice had drawn from the individual damaging messages that had been present on my lockscreen. 
“Just a minute, mate.” I mumbled to Mat, who collapsed into the chair next to the bed. 
But I must have taken more than a minute, as I suddenly heard the TV turn on, pulling my attention away from the message I was typing up for Alice. 
I looked up at Mat through my now slightly dryer hair, “Sorry, I got a bit caught up.” 
“Wanna tell me what you’re doing?” He asked with an amused smile. 
“I can’t let Alice think I’m trying to get back with Fay, so I’m sending over the whole chat… Along with a message.” 
He stared at me for a beat, “Let me see before you send it.” 
It might seem like an odd request to some, but me and Mat had often helped each other out when it came to delicate communication. It started when we were teens trying to convince our parents we weren’t out partying every night, but it quickly evolved into helping each chat up girls on MSN.  
When we were kids it pretty much only served to get our way, no matter what. But once we got older, we stopped lying, turning the intention behind putting our heads together significantly less self-serving.  
As an example, I helped him write the eulogy for a childhood friend that passed away some years ago. 
“Alright.” I responded without giving it a second thought. 
Once I was done, I handed the phone over to Mat. From the amount of time he took, he was clearly also reading over my chat with Fay. 
I grew increasingly anxious the longer he took, knowing that he was close to reading the things I’d told Fay; how I’d finally responded to her relentless stream of messages, showcasing how pathetic I am.  
Highlighting that she clearly still had some type of hold on me. 
“She seems different.” He finally said. 
“Yeah.” I agreed. 
“Like she’s happier. But who knows if that’s just for show or not.” Mat handed the phone back to me, “How come you haven’t told her about Alice?” 
While the messages I’d sent to Fay were cold, short, and could be counted on one hand – versus the vast amount she’d sent me – I had given her a life update, intentionally not mentioning Alice while doing so. 
“I almost did, but I’m not sure she’d still want to meet up if she knew I’d fallen for someone else.” 
Fay matched me in possessiveness, and considering she was still obsessed with me, I knew she’d take it poorly. 
He took a moment to consider my reasons, “Besides that bit potentially looking a bit sus, I think you’re ready to send that.” 
“You think it’s enough?” 
He shrugged, “Hopefully. Depends on Alice really. Like you said, you two aren’t a couple. But I think that’s the best you’re gonna get – it’s a good message you’ve written.” 
I looked at the message, explaining how I’d accidentally messaged Fay, and my reasons for responding at all, and wondered if it contained some hidden meaning – some hidden trigger that would send her into another spiral, considering I was essentially speaking to Alice like she was already my girlfriend. 
‘Are you breaking up with me?’ 
Her panicked words from last night echoed in my head, a most bewildering concoction of emotions lingering from them.  
Copying everything into Alice’s message box, I pressed send, and fell backwards onto the bed. 
“Don’t get lazy now, you’ve got to hold yourself to your word.” Mat said. 
In the message I’d let Alice know I’d be waiting by her door until she was ready to talk to me. 
My tired eyes met Mat’s, and I told him something I don’t tell him nearly enough, “I don’t know what I’d do without you to be honest.” 
“There are other drummers. None as good as me of course, but I’m sure you’d make do.” He joked, keeping the mood light as always. 
I just shook my head, “You know what I mean, man. I really don’t deserve this type of treatment from you. I’ve been a fucking bellend at every turn, and you’re over here giving me advice about a bird I know you also feel some type of way about. I just want to keep my shit together long enough to feel like a decent friend. Just for once.” 
Mat braced his arms on his knees as he leaned forward, giving him an air of seriousness, “You’ve been a shit friend many times,” he started, pinning me with his eyes, “truly fucking awful actually…” he muttered, and I felt my heart drop for a moment before he continued, “But you’re not like that anymore, and you haven’t been for a long time. You’ve shown me time and time again that you can be trusted – that you care, and that you are trying bloody hard to better yourself; and that’s all that matters to me. You’ve been there for me through some truly horrible times as well, so you’ve got to stop being so hard on yourself Oli. You don’t give yourself nearly as much credit as you should.” 
Silence fell for a beat as I tried to keep the tears out of my eyes. 
“The Oli I knew from five years ago wouldn’t have come clean about any of the things you told me today.” He added, “I would’ve had to pry that out of him, kicking and screaming.” 
I knew he was right, and while I knew I had changed, it just wasn’t good enough. 
“I want to do better than this.” I whispered. 
He slapped his knees and got to his feet, indicating that it was time to get up and deliver on my promises, “And you will – you’ve got an excellent track record for improvement.” 
Once I’d gotten dressed, I grabbed a drink from the mini fridge and sat down next to Alice’s door. 
“Hiya.” I awkwardly said under my breath to the second couple walking past me the last couple of minutes, shuffling my legs out of the pathway to not be more of a nuisance than I had to be.  
Lunch time was coming up so most of the guests were about to head to the restaurant located on the first floor, causing some hope to sprout, that maybe she’d want to head down as well. 
Every so often I’d hear the faint sound of talking coming from behind the wooden door, and butterflies would come to life in my chest whenever those inaudible words were spoken by her soft, delicate voice. 
As I listened to her, my mind wandered back to when my obsession with Alice had developed to the point of no return, about a week before I grabbed her and fucked her on that table in London. 
She’d been using the laundry facilities at a house we were renting down south for a three day stay between gigs – something we did at times as it was often more comfortable than staying at hotels. When she’d suddenly stormed out of the loud utility room, running into the living room where I was currently reading.  
For a moment I’d thought the place was on fire from the way she’d legged it, in combination with the sheer panic all over her flushed face, causing me to bolt upright from my previously sprawled position. 
“Is everything alright?” I asked over the washing machine which was clearly in the centrifuge part of the cycle. 
But Alice just fell to the floor in front of the coffee table between us and began searching through the pockets of a jacket that was bunched up there, too preoccupied with whatever she was searching for to provide me with an answer. I thought that maybe she was having some sort of medical emergency, potentially looking for an inhaler or an EpiPen, but then I saw smoke escaping the utility room door frame, lapping onto the ceiling, which caused me to immediately spring into action. 
Heat smacked me in the face once I stepped into the room, only to realise it wasn’t smoke I’d seen, but steam. The place was like a sauna, and after taking one look at the pile of folded clothes next to the iron, I quickly deducted why. 
Realising that whatever crisis was occurring didn’t have anything to do with the utility room, I turned around, only to immediately be face to face with Alice. 
The panic was gone from her features, instead she appeared embarrassed, and so apologetic you’d think she’d kicked a puppy. While holding her phone, she opened her mouth to explain, and before she even got a word out, I let myself relax, understanding that there was in fact no danger. 
When words began leaving her lips, I was about to interrupt her, to let her know I couldn’t hear a thing she was saying over the loud machinery. Only the faintest, most delicate tone of voice could be heard – which is exactly what I could hear now, listening to her in the hotel corridor.  
But I never got to speak up, as I got incredibly distracted. 
A drop of sweat running down the side of her neck had caught my attention, so clearly visible due to her hair being haphazardly put in a bun. My eyes followed it as it slowly snaked along her skin, enthralled, hungry, only to realise that her whole body seemed to be glistening with sweat, just covered by a flimsy crop top and shorts. 
I felt as if I was going mad.  
Like I’d been wandering in the desert for days and she was a lake, suddenly appearing right under my nose. 
Only it had been over a year since I’d fucked anything but my own hand. 
She hadn’t been talking for more than ten seconds when she gave me a questioning look. Having no way of knowing what she’d asked me, I just nodded in response, hoping it would be appropriate.  
Hoping my erection hadn’t become visible yet. 
It seemed to have worked, as she gave me a shy smile before walking off to the kitchen, shutting the door behind her. I sighed in relief, heading for the bathroom as I had nothing better to do than to use the fresh mental images of her to release some tension. 
But the laundry cycle ended, and the house fell quiet enough for me to hear that she was on the phone. 
I stopped, looking towards the kitchen door, then back to the bathroom, contemplating. 
But curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself taking gentle steps in Alice’s direction, wanting to hear what she was saying. 
Unlike the thick wooden door of the hotel room next to me, the kitchen door was so thin it might as well not have been there at all. And once I got close enough, I could make out her words if I focused hard enough. 
“I can’t believe I just remembered, I feel horrible about it, mum.” 
“You called her, you got her a gift, and we always put your name in the card we give her. I’m certain she’s not expecting a card from you as well.” Her mum had responded, which I’d heard clearer than I’d heard Alice – and the call wasn’t even over speaker phone. 
“But I always give her and all her sisters their own cards, I wouldn’t want her to feel left out. I know it’s been a couple of weeks since her birthday, but should I just send one now?” 
The longer I listened, the more puzzled I grew. 
Could all that panic really have been over a bloody birthday card? 
I was so extremely bewildered by the fact that this creature felt so much guilt over something so extremely trivial – especially since I was used to someone regularly treating me like a doormat and expressing no guilt at all over it. 
Or at least not until they feared losing me – until it affected them. 
Fay was wrong about a lot of things, and until that moment I’d thought she’d been entirely wrong about letting myself relax when it comes to how I experience love. 
But was it possible that I’d simply let myself fall for the wrong person? Given my heart to someone who wouldn’t handle it like the fragile thing it is; so quick to bleed. 
And then the idea of giving into my emotions with someone like Alice consumed me. 
I was terrified, attempting to reject the longing inside me. But it was a pointless battle, the hope that I’d found someone worth handing my aching, scarred heart to was simply too strong. 
Of course, falling for Alice had come with its own set of problems. 
Problems I needed to resolve. 
The hotel room door suddenly opened, jarring me out of my thoughts. 
I shot to my feet, knocking over the empty energy drinks next to me with a clatter. 
Hours had passed, and I’d kept going back to my room for more caffeine as staying awake wasn’t the easiest at this point considering how little I’d slept. 
Disappointment washed over me as I was staring into Liam’s fed-up eyes. 
“She wants to talk to you now.” He proclaimed before pushing past me to head towards the elevator. 
The door slowly swung open, and I finally got to see her. 
Her eyes were slightly puffy, and she was holding her arms defensively. 
She was as beautiful as ever. 
“Hi.” I breathed, leaning against the door frame, feeling disproportionally happy to see her considering I didn’t know if it was just to tell me to fuck off for good. 
She rubbed her arms, her messy blonde locks falling over her shoulder as she did so, “So, are you gonna meet up with her?” 
She sounded so shy, so scared. 
“I think so, yeah.”  
There was a disappointment that settled on her, reflected more in her posture than on her face, which still held a sense of fear. 
I looked around us, wanting to elaborate, wanting to talk to her privately, only to see someone coming from the end of the corridor, “Can I come in?” 
She nodded and moved to the side. 
Allowing me the privilege of her company, and hopefully to set things right. 
... Subscribe to the story on Ao3 for future updates
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chatterbox-73 · 7 months
.Sugar Daddy.
Kenny Ackerman x Reader
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This story is a smut story, I’ll more characters x reader one shots in the future and if you want to see a character please let me know.
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary/inspiration/prompt: you didn’t know you needed someone older until you got him.
Word count: 2.9k
CW: NSFW and adult content, fingering, oral (m&f!receiving), unprotected s*x, filming, drinking, smoking, dirty talk, name calling/degradation,
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You sat in the booth with the hair stylist next to you, “I’m telling you, today’s shoot was really good” slurred the director, as he placed a hand on yours while he leaned over the table, “if you and Kenny had just a little bit more chemistry, we’d all be rolling in money” he hiccuped and looked to Kenny and the older man just puffed on his cigarette, “come on, you enjoyed yourself… you can’t deny that” the director continued on as if he was trying to set you and Kenny up on a date, “director Vanché, I think it’s time we finished, the actors are probably tired and you promised to show me your new kitten” smiled the producers, you looked to the young man and offered him a smile as to say ‘thank you’. The two man left and you sighed in relief, the hair stylist next to you giggled and you looked at her, “what?” You asked with a raised brow and she shook her head, “I don’t think you’re gonna like it, but he’s right… if the both of you had a little more of a spark, you’d be very popular… and not just for our company” she raised her drink to her lips and took a sip of her beer, giving everything a minute before continuing on, “it’d be very big paycheque for both of you… and honestly I think you’d both think it’s more then worthwhile, at least considering how much you’d both enjoy yourself” she chuckled along with the other two stylists sitting at the table, while you could only blush.
Of course you enjoyed it, Kenny has a perfect cock and he knows how to use it perfectly, he’s had many years to become an expert at sex and he’s been with more women then you could ever imagine, while you have really only ever relayed on your looks and body, which is exactly why you got into porn because you didn’t need to be good at pleasing others you just needed to look good while taking it.
You just couldn’t possibly imagine Kenny wanting to be with you outside of work, because why would he waste his time on a little girl who is as useless in bed as a bag of cold sand. You looked down at your drink, before quickly drinking down all of it in one go, your face beginning to instantly heat up as the alcohol began to effect you, “wow… that was quick, what ya so desperate to get drunk for?” Asked the man that had been silently sitting and puffing on his cigarette this entire time, you looked up at him, “can you believe this bullshit? They want us to fuck again… haha! Yeah right, like you’d want to do that” you laugh and throw your head back against the back of the chair, you heard chairs shuffling and moving, when you looked up again you noticed everyone but Kenny had left, “and what if I do, then what? Ya gonna deny me? Not let me have ya?” He asked as he put out his cigarette and stood, “or will ya only open those sweet legs, if yer gettin’ paid? Cause I can arrange that” he chuckled and leaned back in his chair, you stiffen for a moment, “you want to again?” You looked off to the side and he laughed sitting back in the chair before crossing one leg over the other, Kenny eyed you down and waited for more from you, however you just stayed silent and watched one of the wall intensely. “Alright come on… get up, we’re leavin’” he hummed and stood before leaning over the table and grabbing your arm pulling out of the booth with him.
You stayed silent as Kenny led you to some very flashy and modern looking love hotel, you stood on the other side of the lobby watching as Kenny chatted away with the receptionist who happened to be a very beautiful woman who was probably in her mid forties, she hand him the key and a paper bag before looking to you and giving you a wink, you smiled shyly and she chuckled, Kenny ushered for you to follow him down the dimly lit hallway, before you both reached a door with the number 850.
You sat on the bed only in your underwear, Kenny had discarded your clothing somewhere in the room, the man stood before you as he removed his shirt, he grabbed your face as he unbuckled his belt, “ya look so pretty, uh bet people love havin’ such a cute girl under ‘em” he chuckled and tucked some hair behind your ear, however you only blushed and looked away, “no no… don’t look away… look at me… focus on me… only me, doll” Kenny leant down to you and once getting your attention he stood again before opening his pants and pulling out his member.
You watched intensely as Kenny pumped his semi, you noticed he dropped his member and looked at you expectingly, “yer ain’t gettin’ fucked, if ya ain’t workin’ for it, sweetie” he smirked and you looked down at his still slightly soft member.
You move forward on your hands and knees, moving a hand up Kenny’s leg before gripping his shaft, you pumped him slowly as you looked up at him, Kenny chuckled at your doe eyed expression and gently rested a rough hand on your cheek, “suck me, doll” he spoke in a rasped whisper, you felt your cunt clench before you giggled, you bit your lip and shook your head. Kenny gave you a raised eyebrow however before the man could speak, you leaned in and began kissing over his hips, at first you gave his hip soft feather like kisses that made goosebumps form on Kenny’s arms and legs, before you moved onto more sloppy kisses and licking over his hips and lower abdomen, this caused Kenny to pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail and pull your head back and up towards him. The man leant down getting right in your face, “start fuckin’ suckin’ bitch” he grunted out before yanking you back down to his member, Kenny straightened up and looked down his nose at you, you pressed a soft peck to his tip before slowly sliding him into your mouth.
Kenny’s pre-cum tasted funny, it was salty and bitter but it somehow made your cunt tingle and your mouth water, suckled on his tip, licking over his slit and wrapping your tongue around him with shallow bobs of your head, honestly you were more then ready to shove the man onto the bed before climbing him and going to town on his one-eye monster, however he told you to suck him, so that’s exactly what you were going to do.
Kenny groaned and brushed his fingers through your hair, you moaned and took him deeper, gagging and choking in the process, “woah woah, darlin’ yer tryin’ to kill yerself?” He questioned with a grin, looking up at the man had your cunt quivering, you ignore all your throats protecting and took him as deep as he’d allow, until nothing was left, your lips met the scruffy bush of pubs as your nails dug into his thighs, Kenny’s lips were turned up into a smirk and his eyes were narrowed while he watched you, the man took a sharp breath in and let out a hiss before pulling you off him, “that’s enough, yer pretty good at that” he chuckled before grabbing your hips and forcing your hip to the edge on the bed before placing a pillow under them, Kenny grabbed under your knees and forced your thighs apart and then pushed your knees right up to your chest, you groaned at the strain on your hips, however Kenny only chuckled and rubbed his thick tip between your quivering folds, “oh fuck… Kenny please!” You whined as the underside of his shaft rubbed over your clit, however the man only smirked and pulled back.
Whining and complaining you reached a hand down and began rubbing yourself before slipping a finger in, you moaned and moved the finger quickly in a desperate attempt to get off, “ya know, I’m likin’ the look of this… keep playin with that pussy baby girl” the man watched your finger disappear deeper and deeper inside you, though no matter how much you push and press you weren’t able to put enough pressure on your g-spot, “I- I can’t… not enough” you cried and felt Kenny release one of your leg.
Without warning the man push two of his fingers into you, not giving you a chance to pull out your own finger before his hand cupping yours, you gasped loudly at the fullness before the man began to move yours and his fingers in and out guiding them into your spot, you moaned and grabbed his wrist. “I can’t… it’s- it’s too much… dear god!” You cried out and involuntarily rocked your hips into his slow motion of both your fingers, “too much?” Kenny questioned with a chuckle before he leant down and wrapped his lips around you clit, the man switched between suckling and blowing raspberries on your sensitive bud, you cried and moaned grabbing his head pulling him impossibly close to you while your free leg squeezed around his shoulder, you pushed yourself into him as you quickly reached your high, you felt your cunt squeeze tightly around both yours and Kenny’s fingers.
Kenny felt his member throb and pre-cum leak from him, he was certain that if everything kept up like this he’d cum, he honestly began to feel like a young teenager again, desperate and unable to control himself, he felt eager and ready for you, your moans and pleas only encouraging him, Kenny pulled back while keeping his tongue on you, he laid his hot muscle flat on your clit, slowly beginning to massage it while watching you intensely as your body quivered and your face contorted, you fell over the edge as you watched him watching you, “oh dear god…! Fuck me kenny! Please Kenny… please” you cried loudly moaned between every word only getting louder the longer Kenny continued to lick you cunt, even after removing his and your fingers from you, his tongue continued to work you to a other orgasm, pulling away and grabbing your leg that was resting on his shoulder before moving it up to press it against your chest, after a few more slow licks over your cunt Kenny leaned up and quickly slipped his member into you.
It was silent as his hips slowly moved back and forth as his lips captured yours, you moaned and whined against his lips but the sound was just swallowed up, you wondered for moments if this was what your coworkers meant by good chemistry but that thought was quickly forgotten when Kenny pressed into your spot.
You completely lost yourself, your eyes watered and lips quivered as your toes curled and back arced, you moaned nonsense as the man’s hips pressed into yours, it was a stark contrast to your interaction earlier in the day.
Kenny was being sweet, slow and oh so gentle, it felt like heaven, it was so out of the ordinary, you had been railed plenty of times, almost with every partner you’ve had, however this was different in so many ways, “yer so warm baby” Kenny moaned as he pulled back and looked down at where your hips meant, “yer swallowin me up” the man groaned and let go of your legs, moving his hands to your waist holding you tightly in place, he took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, tilting his head back and contacting all his muscles.
Kenny’s muscles on arms and legs flexed and his chest expanded with his deep breathes, while his stomach tightened making his abdomen tensed up and his waist appeared smaller. The man looked like heaven itself, like a Greek statue, you could feel the throbbing of his cock and could tell why the man was calming himself down.
Kenny wasn’t ready to cum, but you sure as hell was ready for him, regaining all your senses you squeeze around him, trying to encourage him to continue, however this caused the man to slowly begin to pull out, in your desperation you wrapped your legs tightly around his hips, while also leaning up and grabbing roughly at his waist, your nails dug and stretched at his skin causing him to hisses sharply and glare down his nose at you. “Kenny… please… back in…” you moaned your legs tightening more and your fingers finally getting a good grip on him, as you push him back into you and locking him in place with your legs, “back in… nice and deep” you moaned as one of your hands move up Kenny’s arm while the other rest on the mattress before helping you raise up from the bed. You wrap your arms around Kenny neck and you lick his earlobe “Kenny… you have to fuck me… you have to fill me” you whisper dirtily and play with the hair on the back of Kenny’s neck, the man raised a leg on to the bed and began to slowly bounce you on his member.
Your hands grip onto his shoulders tightly as he moved his body to sit back on the bed, “yer being real confident baby…” he chuckled breathlessly while he laid flat on his back, he then guided your hips into as soft rock, “ya better get workin for this cum” he looked down at you swallowing him up, you moaned beginning to grind and roll your hips, Kenny’s eyes moved up your body, he seemed to be mesmerised by the way it moved, “ya got some nice tits on ya” he groaned as he moved his hand up your waist and to your chest squeezing and massaging the flesh.
You were certain you’d cum soon, despite your best efforts Kenny still looked calm, relaxed and nowhere near ready to cum, though the occasional twitch or throb made you second guess that, you mustered all the courage you had, “raise those knees for me, would ya?…” You slightly mimic Kenny’s accent still unsure, he look up for your breasts and gave a crooked smile, “now why’d I do that?” He grunted eyes shifting back down to your cunt before quickly back up to your face, “how else ya gonna see my pussy swallow up yer cum” you fully committed to the accent and moved yourself into a squatting position.
With a laugh Kenny lifted his knees and you leaned back resting your hands on them, you opened your legs and began grinding up and down on his cock, giving him a full view of everything. Kenny reach down the side on the bed and grab his phone, resting his other hand behind his head he tapped away on his phone before hitting record, “let’s show the boss how well we’re gettin along” he chuckled looking at you through the phone, you moaned surprisingly enjoying being recorded despite it normally feeling like work, you whined as you quickened your pace, “fuck Kenny… I’m gonna cum” you throw your head back and whined, reaching a hand down you began to fondle Kenny’s sack determined to get him to cum, the man hissed reaching up and grabbing one of your breasts, before giving it a good slap keeping the camera focused on you, “fuckin slut!” He grunted and grabbed you breast, squeezing it roughly this time, “dirty cum hungry slut!” His accent coming through heavier as his words slurred together. Kenny let out a loud groan then a harsh grunt before rutting his hips up, this caused you to lose your balance and almost fall forward, but it hardly mattered as you felt it, Kenny had finally given in, it was hot and felt amazing, you were certain you could get used to this feelings.
You quickly pulled Kenny out of you and turned over, you felt Kenny grab your ass, massaging the flesh before spreading your lips, getting a good view of your abused hole, you then decide to push and force a large amount of Kenny’s cum out of you, the man groaned and your felt his fingers start playing with your folds smearing his cum all over your cunt and then fingering it back in you, “baby, ya think we’re gettin along well enough for ‘em” he asked and you moaned as he scissored his fingers in and out of you, before pulling them out completely and showing the camera just how dirty they were.
“Ya sure…? Uh don’t have to send it, just keep it between us sweetie” Kenny rested a hand on your stomach while the other tap away on his phone, “well does it look good? I only want to send it if it looks good” you moved your foot up and out of the bath water, playing with the tap as it dipped water, Kenny laughed and moved his hand up your body to your throat tilting your head back against his shoulder, “yer fuckin kiddin me, right?!” He laughed more before kissing your cheek and leaning into your ear, “ya looked fuckin perfect” he whispered and moved your phone into your view, before hitting play on the video.
Hours later you sat in your living room watching all the replies to the video, Kenny had opted to sending the video file to the work group chat under the name ‘team building exercise’, and the replies have been coming in ever since, it was safe to say your boss was pleased with the outcome and had already begun planning the next few projects.
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More from the ‘Sugar Daddy’ series:
Masterlist (coming soon)
Previous - Kōtarō Bokuto : Training Exercise.
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Day 13: monster
eldritch Danny
Constantine was not happy. He hated falling back on last resorts, but here they were. Earlier that day they had spotted an alien fleet approaching and all efforts to communicate had ended in violence. It was Manhunter who had finally recognized them. They were a race known as the Zacrin whose goal was to eliminate ‘unworthy’ species. So far, nothing they had done was working.
And so here they are now. About to summon the King of the Infinite Realms.  All accounts of the new King claimed they were peaceful and nothing like the conqueror Pariah Dark. But Constantine despised getting involved with anything to do with the Realms.
Nevertheless, he approached the summoning circle and began chanting. A breeze started up fluttering Batman’s cape. Constantine was halfway through the summoning when the candles around the circle flared, their fire turning green and reaching almost to the conference room’s high ceiling. The wind picked up pushing the heroes back. Constantine held his ground and a swirling green pool started to form at the center of the circle. 
Something began to emerge. Something like feathers and flames began to materialize and then a writhing mass with several mouths full of glinting teeth.
He reached the end of the spell and the creature fully materialized. They towered over everyone, flames dancing above what might be their head. What might have been a face held two black pools that seemed to suck all the light out of the room. Its skin glistened with galaxies, an ever shifting void full of colors that burned their eyes. Below the beings waist there were what seemed like writhing snakes each with a mouth full of sharp fangs. And then unfurling behind the being were two pairs of wings covered in eyes that all gleamed with different colors, none of them found on earth. 
As the wings flared out behind the King some of the Leaguers collapsed their hands covering their faces. Constantine gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, sure that if he were not used to the occult he would have collapsed as well. The Bat was still standing, but well… he was Batman.
“Why have you called me?” came the creature's voice seemingly from all around them and Constantine’s head felt like it was about to crack open, someone behind him let out a muffled shriek and Batman grunted.
“Your majesty,” constantine began, “King of the Infinite Realms, Ancient of Space, Balance of Life and Death, Gateway between the Realms, Protector of–”
“Enough!” a wave of power shot out causing Constantine’s knees to almost buckle.
“Why is it you have called me?”
“We have a deal to offer.”
“A deal?”
“Yes,” he said through gritted teeth. “And we would be bleedin' grateful if you could put a dampener on your form, my companions,” he said gesturing over his shoulder, “are not faring well.” 
There was silence except for the static hissing and crackle of electricity that seemed to emanate from the being. 
“That is a reasonable request.” the creature said and though nothing about his appearance changed there was a drawing in that seemed to happen that made them much more bearable to look at.
“Thank you.”
“Now, what is it that you want from me?”
“There are a bunch of ships that are planning on destroying earth and we’d be really grateful if you could help us deal with it. And we’d of course offer something in return. I’d be willing to give you my soul.”
The sound of crackling ice and static hissed through the room, and when the creature next spoke they sounded amused.
“You’re soul, John Constantine? What use would I have of something with so many holes? As it is, your constant selling of it causes enough paperwork.”
John gulped.
“However, I would be willing to help in exchange for a favor. There may be a time in the future when I may call you,” the being looked over all of them, “and when I call you will come. Does this sound agreeable?”
“It does.” John answered and he could feel Batman glaring at him. But screw that sorry sod, John was not about to tempt fate by asking the King of the Infinite Realms to wait while Batman looked at this from every possible angle and figured out a million contingencies.
“Very well then” The creature said before vanishing. 
The League watched through the monitors as the being appeared in front of the lead ship. They had grown massive, three times the size of the ship, and the League watched in horror as clawed hands emerged from each of the eyes on the beings wings. They latched onto the ship and dragged it toward where the being’s chest might be where a swirling black void lined in teeth opened up. The ship was shoved into the void that then closed behind it. A staticky screeching could be heard even through the thick walls of the Watchtower and the Leaguers watched as the rest of the ships turned and fled.
The creature turned towards them, their face staring directly through each of the screens even though the cameras were all at different angles. 
“Remember our deal.” came the King’s words, the King’s command, echoing in all their heads, before the King vanished.
“Well, I’m leaving, gotta go find a bar.” 
“Constantine! Wait just a moment.” Batman started towards him but it was too late John had reached the Zeta Tubes and was gone.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 16 - “Challenge”
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Tenma: “If he’s a wizard, then maybe he knows something about the fantastical paradise oasis.”
Yuki: “Still haven’t given up on that, have you? Whatever. As your wife, I’m worried, so I’ll come with you.”
Misumi: “If you’re going on a journey, I’ll go with you too. Or rather, I ask that you take me with you.”
*Misumi jumps*
Tenma: “Hey, don’t just hop into my bag without my permission.”
Izumi: Tenma-kun, can you put a little more emphasis on that last line?
Tenma: …
Izumi: Tenma-kun?
Tenma: Ah, yeah, my bad.
Izumi: Alright, that’ll be it for today then.
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Tenma: Okay… Good work.
*Door closes*
Yuki: What’s his deal… Still jet-lagged?
Muku: I haven’t seen Tenma-kun looking like that in a long time.
Kumon: I wonder if something happened.
Kazunari: But he was so hyped when we got the script~.
Misumi: …Actually, I saw Tenma talking on the phone last night and he was acting kinda weird.
Yuki: Jeez… He’s bottling things up again, isn’t he?
Kazunari: Hm~, and for situations like that we need--.
Kumon: Huh? What?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: TenTen, c’mon. c’mon!
Tenma: It’s about rehearsal time, right? We’d better go and get r--.
Muku: We have today off.
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Tenma: Hah?
Yuki: C’mon, let’s go.
Kumon: The car’s already here!
Tenma: The car…?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: C’mon, c’mon~! I’m driving today~!
Tenma: Wait, where are we going!?
Yuki: Just hurry and get in!
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Tenma: --Gh.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Waves crash*
Tenma: The ocean…?
Kazunari: Bingo!
Misumi: We’re taking a break today, so let’s have as much fun as we can~!
Tenma: …I’m not really in the mood for that right now.
Yuki: Ughh~. --Tch.
*Yuki pushes Tenma*
Tenma: UWAGH!?
*Tenma falls into the ocean*
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Tenma: Pfph, don’t just push me outta nowhere!
Yuki: If you’ve got something to say, just say it. It’s a real pain in the ass when you don’t.
Yuki: Rehearsing with you when you’re in this state isn’t gonna get us anywhere. Do you really think we have a chance of winning the New Fleur Award when you’re acting like that?
Tenma: --.
Kazunari: Yukki, dontcha think you’re being a little dramatic~?
Kumon: We’re all worried about you, Tenma-san.
Misumi: Cheer up, Tenma~.
Muku: As Summer Troupe, we really do have to do our best for the sake of the company, but…
Muku: I’m sure you’ve got something other than that on your mind, don’t you, Tenma-kun?
Kazunari: …We’re friends before we’re Summer Troupe, right?
Kazunari: And if a friend’s feeling distressed, it’s only natural to ask them what’s wrong, so don’t worry about it too much and just say whatever you wanna say~!
Tenma: …
Tenma: …Actually, when we went to the U.S., that director I was introduced to offered me a part in a movie.
Tenma: I’ve been overseas for filming before performances before, but it’s a bigger role than I’ve had in the past, and the filming period is longer too.
Tenma: I’ll have to devote more of my time to the movie.
Tenma: But it’s such an important time for the theater company to all come together and put the New Fleur Award first…
Tenma: I know I should’ve refused, but I wanted to give it a shot because I thought it’d be a chance to get one step closer to my dream of winning the Best Actor Award…
Tenma: I’m not qualified to be the leader of Summer Troupe. Sorry.
Yuki: It’s not like someone as full of himself as you to apologize so honestly like that. Well, I guess you really have grown.
Misumi: You don’t have to apologize, Tenma. We’re friends, aren’t we?
Misumi: And everyone wants to support their friends’ dreams, right?
Kazunari: Exactly. You don’t have to give up. You can do both.
Kazunari: ‘Cause that’s who we are, right?
Kumon: I’m sure that everyone in the company would agree that challenges like that lead to growth!
Tenma: You guys…
Muku: If you’re going to do it, then why don’t we all do it together? Take on a “challenge”.
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Yuki: Huh?
Muku: Actually… I’ve been kind of thinking about something like that too.
Muku: When I saw all those different kinds of actors performing in the U.S., it made me think that I also would like to be on a bigger stage.
Muku: I thought I wasn’t good enough to be on a big stage, that I wasn’t ready for it yet, but…
Muku: I feel like if you’re free to take on that challenge, then we all deserve a chance to take on on too.
Muku: It’s scary and I’m not that confident in myself, but I still have to take that first step to get started.
Muku: Tenma-kun, I think you should also do it “now” rather than “someday”.
Kumon: …Then I’m gonna do it too!
Kumon: I was inspired while we were in the U.S., of course, but…
Kumon: When I saw Sumi-san’s performance, it made me wanna become a better actor so that I can perform on lotsa stages like that!
Misumi: I’m sure you can do it, Kumon.
Kumon: Hehe. Thanks! I wanna “challenge” myself more so that I can grow as an actor!
Yuki: …Since we’re on the topic, I got an offer at my part-time job, too.
Yuki: I wanna try to “challenge” myself with the chance to work with a world-class designer.
Yuki: I just feel like I need to do it now. I’m sure there’s something I can bring back to the theater company.
Kazunari: Then I wanna take on my own “challenge” too. I wanna go to Europe to study design again and get inspired to do lotsa things.
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Misumi: I wanna take on a “challenge” too! I wanna do a performance at Syu’s ‘cause he worked with Gramps on stage!
Misumi: That way I’ll get even better-er at performing!
Yuki: This time, we’re not just gonna wait for you to get back, but we’re gonna take on our own “challenges” with you, Tenma.
Yuki: That way, you don’t have to overthink anything.
Tenma: …H-Hmph. So you guys have grown, too, huh?
Yuki: Excuse me?
Tenma: That’s what you just said before.
Kazunari: It’s like Ibukichi said, you only live once, so you don’t wanna waste even a second of it.
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! Let’s do all the things we wanna do!
Muku: Right. These “challenges” will be good for both Summer Troupe and the company.
Misumi: That’s why we’re gonna chase our dreams together, right, Tenma?
Tenma: …Thanks.
Yuki: We’re not doing it just for you, you know.
Tenma: You know, it’s okay not to say things sometimes!
*Tenma splashes Yuki*
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Yuki: --Don’t splash me!
Muku: Ahaha!
Misumi: I wanna do that too~!
*Misumi splashes Kumon*
Kumon: Whoa! My turn--!
*Kumon splashes Misumi*
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bro-atz · 9 months
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word count: 2.9k
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RODDIES group chat — 5 online
choosan: who’s there rn? kikiki: me, jongho, joong gyuday: hwa nd i are literally 3 ft away yeoman: woo is taking forever in the bathroom smh gyuday: if y’all don’t leave soon i’m going to eat all the meat yeoman: we’re now on our way wooah: AH DONT EAT ALL THE MEAT GYU PLS IM SO HUNGRY wooah: MY MEAT wooah: MY HEART wooah: MY LOVE gyuday: someone take his phone away from him.
San laughed at the messages as he got into the building and waited for the elevator. The door opened with a ding, and right as San stepped inside, someone yelled at him to hold the door. San held the door, and in came Iseul. San kind of expected Yunho to follow behind, but he realized that Yunho didn’t have his evening class today, so he stayed at home. Iseul smiled at him as they watched the elevator doors close.
“Are you going to stop at home and then go up?” she asked him.
“I probably should… I have my bag still,” San tried so hard to keep his voice normal— he hadn’t been alone with Iseul in a while.
“Well, I’m going to, so if you want to leave your stuff at home, I’ll come with,” Iseul offered.
“Yeah, okay, sounds good,” San had to refrain from sounding overly enthusiastic.
They stopped at Iseul’s apartment first, and Iseul literally just threw her bag inside. San felt his chest tighten with anxiety— he could never just throw his bag anywhere considering that all of his most expensive possessions resided in his bag. San must’ve been staring a bit longer than he should have because Iseul patted his shoulder, a zap of electricity going down his spine.
“You good?”
“Huh? Uh, yeah, I’m good,” San assured her.
The two went over to San’s apartment, arriving right as Yunho opened the door.
“Welcome home,” Yunho greeted San first. “Oh, Iseul, what’re you doing here?”
“San and I shared the elevator. We decided we’d put our bags back before heading up to Mingi and Jongho’s.”
“Okay, in that case, I’ll wait for you guys and we all can go up together,” Yunho’s smile was blinding.
San forced a less bright smile onto his face as he went into the apartment and carefully put his bag in his room. San loved Yunho, don’t get him wrong, but how is it that every single time he wants to talk to Iseul he’s there? Yunho definitely wasn’t intentionally sabotaging San, but at this rate, San was going to lock Yunho up just so he can talk to Iseul for at least more than five minutes.
The three went to Mingi and Jongho’s place, and they were the last ones there, but usually when it came to ROD parties, they all waited until everyone was there to start drinking. San was the last one in, and the second his body crossed the threshold, everyone immediately started drinking. Within seconds, there was only one can of beer left.
“Hey! Last beer!” Wooyoung pointed at the lonely can sitting on the dining table.
Everyone crowded around the last beer, and honest to God, San could see the can start to sweat. They all put one finger on the can— it was a ritual they started back in their first year of college. They always played fingers with the last can to figure out who would go grab more alcohol on their own dime. Nine times out of ten, it was Mingi who was the unlucky soul, as was the case this time around.
“God fucking dammit. Guys, I’m a broke college student, too,” Mingi tried to appeal.
“Shut up, business major. You lost fair and square,” Hongjoong shot him down.
“Fuck you, Honjoong. I’ll be back” Mingi cursed as he angrily grabbed his wallet and left the apartment, the door slamming on his way out.
Unfazed, the group dispersed to do whatever it is they wanted to do that night. Seonghwa and Wooyoung were always in charge of the food. No one else was allowed in the kitchen, not that anyone complained because no one else really wanted to cook. Sometimes, if Seonghwa or Wooyoung were too lazy or tired, they ordered delivery. They couldn’t always do that, otherwise they’d actually have no money left.
This day, they decided to have a video game tournament, first with Mario Kart, then Super Smash Bros. San, along with Yunho, Jongho, and Yeosang, were playing the first round— much to the dismay of the boys cooking in the kitchen.
“Ah! Not fair! I want to play too!” Wooyoung sulked loudly from the kitchen.
Hongjoong snapped his fingers at Wooyoung and pointed to a board with all of their names on it (except for his and Mingi’s) in a bracket. He tapped the second bracket and said, “You’re in heat two, Woo.”
“I wanted to play first…”
Seonghwa hit him over the head with a towel, Wooyoung turning around to yell at him, only to see that his meat was very close to burning. “Ah! My meat!”
“Please, for the love of God, stop saying “my meat.” It’s sounds way wrong,” Gyuri complained.
“It’s my meat, what are you going to do about it?”
“Hwa, if you don’t beat his ass, I will,” Gyuri cracked her knuckles.
Seonghwa hit Wooyoung over the head with the towel again and said, “Just finish making the food, please. The faster we finish, the faster you get to play.”
San, meanwhile, was in heat one. He decided to partner with Yunho and sabotage Yeosang and Jongho on their last race. They were actually succeeding until San felt something touch his shoulder. He looked to see that Iseul was leaning in between him and Yunho, her hair resting on his own shoulder. San got so flustered that he drove off the map entirely.
“San! What the fuck?” Yunho elbowed San in the ribs as he continued to grip the controller.
“Sorry, I got distracted!”
“By what?!”
“Uh… Wooyoung saying “my meat”?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
“Telling you— oh my God, wait, Yeosang has a blue shell!”
“Fuck!” Yunho directed all of his attention to the screen.
He was racing in first, and after San fell off the map, he fell from second to third, Yeosang in fourth. With an evil grin on his face, Yeosang deployed the blue shell, and with his sheer luck, the blue shell hit San on its way to Yunho. Jongho and Yeosang ended up in first and second respectively in the last race as well as the grand prix all together, Yunho ending in fourth. He put San in a chokehold and yelled, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you? You formed an alliance with me, but it was a fake alliance? How could you betray me like this?”
“Top ten anime betrayals!” Gyuri called from afar.
“Damn right!” Yunho agreed before releasing San from his torturous grip, the choking boy coughing dramatically.
Just then, Mingi burst into the apartment, bags of beer strung along his long arms and two cases of soju in his hands. Everyone started cheering upon seeing him, Mingi bowing several times before he proudly presented his shopping.
“Soju!” Wooyoung tried to run away from his cooking, but Seonghwa had a tight grip on his collar.
“Please, Woo, we’re almost done.”
Gyuri got up from her seat, Mingi immediately throwing himself on the empty seat, his arms dangling. She approached Wooyoung and whispered something in his ear, Wooyoung happily handing her his apron and running over to the mounds and mounds of alcohol Mingi supplied.
“So you do have money…” Hongjoong quipped. “Interesting.”
Mingi seemed too exhausted to retort, so he settled for giving him the stink eye and flipping him off.
San turned to Wooyoung and asked, “What did Gyu tell you?”
“Oh, she said she’d help Seonghwa with the last part,” Wooyoung smiled widely. “She said I could go drink… I love her.”
San rolled his eyes at him. “She’s a bad influence. You should stop drinking.”
“Hush, the heart wants what the heart wants,” Wooyoung pressed a finger against San’s lips.
San attempted to bite Wooyoung’s finger, causing the boy to run off. San lingered near Mingi and the alcohol as he observed Gyuri with Seonghwa. He was leaning over her shoulder and showing her how to do whatever it is that he wanted her to do, and every time he made slight contact with her, she tensed up. San could see that her ears were getting redder by the second, and it took everything in him to not laugh out loud at how coy she was acting with him. This was definitely not the Gyuri everyone knew and loved— heck, this just wasn’t Gyuri. San hypothesized that an alien took over her body at some point during the night, which was why she was acting all sorts of weird. At least Seonghwa was oblivious, and at least no one else seemed to be paying attention to them.
“What are you looking at?” a voice piped up from behind him.
San jumped and turned to see Iseul standing right behind him. He got so startled that his elbow hit a table, his arm immediately tingling painfully. He held his elbow tightly, Iseul’s hands covering her mouth.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” she asked as she touched his elbow.
Another wave of tingles went down his arm, but it was more like electricity than pain this time. San pursed his lips, desperately trying not to blush as Iseul rubbed his arm lightly. Iseul opened her mouth to say something, only for Seonghwa to announce, “Food’s ready!”
Everyone gathered around the kitchen island (because Jongho and Mingi didn’t have enough chairs around the dining table) and ate, conversations flying here and there. They all ate peacefully and happily until all the food disappeared from sight. Game night resumed, and San was surprised to see that Gyuri was not in the second heat, or on the board at all. In front of the TV on the ground sat Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Iseul, and Mingi, the rest of the group sitting in the surrounding sofas. San stood next to Gyuri as they observed the screaming children on the ground.
“You didn’t want to play?” San asked.
“I don’t want to play when…” Gyuri trailed off.
“Lemme guess, when Hwa is around?”
“That’s fair. I’d be careful if I were you, though.”
“Why?” Gyuri furrowed her eyebrows.
“It’s so obvious that you treat Hwa differently than the rest of us. If the wrong person sees, then everyone will know you like him,” San explained.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gyuri crossed her arms over her chest and looked away from him.
“You don’t know or you don’t want to know?”
“…Shut up.”
San and Gyuri ended up sitting at the dining table, watching the game go down from afar. Seonghwa and Iseul ended up winning the second heat, which meant they were going to be going against Jongho and Yeosang for the last heat. Sulking, Wooyoung joined San and Gyuri at the table, Mingi and Hongjoong following closely behind. San looked at the crew on the ground to see that Yunho was cheering everyone (mainly Iseul) on as the third grand prix was about to begin. He could feel a small frown start to form on his face as Iseul giggled at every little thing Yunho did.
“Wooyoung ith thad,” Wooyoung interrupted San’s thoughts, his cutesy lisp and delivery of his words in the third person earning groans from Hongjoong and Gyuri.
“Woo, what will it take for you to stop with the baby voice for the rest of the night,” Gyuri asked.
“Hmm, Wooyoung wanth ithe cream!”
“Come, let’s get you some ice cream,” Gyuri took Wooyoung’s hand as if he were a child and stood up. To the crew on the ground she called out, “We’re getting ice cream!”
“Cool, I want—”
“No! Only cool kids get ice cream,” Mingi interrupted Seonghwa, who was about to put his order in.
Mingi put his arm around Gyuri, and the three of them walked out the door. 
“Hey, wait, I’m a cool kid!” Seonghwa argued.
“You’re a cool mom, that’s different,” Hongjoong shook his head.
Hongjoong grabbed San’s arm and followed the three who left earlier out the door.
“Thank you, Gyu,” Wooyoung grinned happily as Gyuri handed him his ice cream.
The five of them sat outside of the convenience store, eating ice cream that Gyuri generously bought for them. San inhaled his chocolate ice cream as he thought about how close Yunho and Iseul were, and he angrily chewed his spoon as he regretted not taking biology so he could be partnered with Iseul instead of Yunho.
“Ayo, San, chill,” Mingi pulled the now-destroyed spoon out of San’s mouth.
“You good, San?” Hongjoong asked.
San, still unaware that the spoon was no longer in his mouth, nodded and said, “Yeah, why?”
Mingi held up the spoon. San stared at it for a good several seconds and tried to come up with a lie before scratching aimlessly at his face. “Ah, I guess I’m just mad that I didn’t make it to the third heat,” he lied.
San could feel Gyuri’s eyes on him as Wooyoung gave him a big hug. “It’s okay! We can go back and beat them at Super Smash Bros next!”
San hugged Wooyoung back before responding, “Nah, I’m good for tonight. I think I’m just going to go home and sleep. Maybe watch some anime before I do.”
He didn’t put any special emphasis on the word, but he kind of hoped Gyuri would catch his drift— he really wanted and needed her company.
“Wow, you’re such a sore loser,” Mingi laughed at San.
“I wouldn’t be talking if I were you, Mr. Got-So-Angry-That-The-Coffee-Table-Shattered,” Gyuri called Mingi out.
“For the last time, I wasn’t angry, that coffee table was already scratched up! It just happened to break at that moment.”
“Yeah, the moment you put your fist through it,” Hongjoong snorted in derision.
Mingi fumed and sulked as he returned to his ice cream. San hugged Wooyoung and wished everyone a good night before walking back towards 1024UB, his hands jammed in his front pockets. He heard footsteps approaching from behind and saw that Gyuri had caught up to him. “You caught on.”
“Of course.”
“What did you tell them?”
“I said I’d walk with you because I wanted to go home before Wooyoung could beg me to stay and play video games with them,” Gyuri laughed. 
San couldn’t help but laugh too.
As they stood in the elevator, San started to fidget a little. He knew that this arrangement of theirs was originally his idea, but he still couldn’t help but feel nervous. It was much easier to just do it with someone random that he met online or in person even though he thought it would actually be easier to get with a friend. He and Gyuri weren’t necessarily that close, so it was fine, but hooking up with the same person instead of a one-night-stand? He had never really done that before, and he never expected he’d do it for longer than one month.
When they arrived at his apartment and as he typed in the code, he noticed that Gyuri, even though no one was around, still kept a little distance between them. Maybe she was as nervous as he was. That reassured San more than it should have, because the second they entered the apartment and the door shut behind them, San grabbed Gyuri by the waist and kissed her, his other hand supporting the back of her neck. His hand went under her shirt, his fingertips trailing up to her bra hooks, but not touching her bra just yet.
Gyuri offered a little bit of resistance and was able to push him away slightly as she asked breathlessly, “You have protection, right?”
“Yes, of course,” San confirmed.
Gyuri nodded, and the two resumed kissing. There were two things San could say with certainty as he kissed her: one, she was an amazing kisser, and two, he felt nothing. Well, technically he was getting turned on, but his heart wasn’t racing the same way it did when Iseul was around looking at him, touching him.
They got to his bedroom, and Gyuri sat on the bed and undressed herself as San closed the door and made sure the door was locked. He didn’t realize he had sighed until Gyuri pointed it out.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re sighing.”
“Oh… I don’t know…” San sat on the bed next to her and exhaled again. “I think I’m just overthinking her.”
“I guess all I can say is just don’t think about it too much, or you’ll end up upsetting yourself further.”
San nodded and locked eyes with Gyuri. He reached out for her face and pulled her into him, their lips meeting again briefly. He then got undressed and hovered above Gyuri. He hesitated again before he leaned down and kissed her on her lips, then her neck, then her collarbone. He pushed himself up again and looked into Gyuri’s eyes.
“Just tell me what to do,” she whispered.
Iseul’s face flashed in his mind. He resumed his trail of kisses and let his body take control of his mind, letting this agreement of theirs do the work as he let all the worries and anxieties he had let build up throughout the night go.
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ofthecaravel · 1 year
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If Walls Could Talk
The second part to a Danny Wagner/Sam Kiszka oneshot cause I'm a damn dirty liar
Part 1
Summary: Jake and Josh are convinced Sam has a secret, so they rope Danny (the secret) into their investigation.
Tags: Brotherly plotting, goofs, minor steaminess towards the end
Words: 3k
A/N: Yeahhh I decided to expand on this idea. I got the idea of Jake and Josh getting involved and being goofuses and couldn't resist. And maybe I have plans for future installments...
Sam had been 21 for a month now, and something was horribly wrong.
“Alright, I want theories,” Josh said, throwing his bag on a chair as the door to Jake’s apartment slammed behind him and he collapsed on the couch. “Go.”
“Demonic possession,” Jake answered immediately, spinning in his computer chair to face his brother. “Ghost possession.”
“Mmm, I’m not sure,” Josh countered. “Haven’t seen his head spin yet.”
“Doesn’t mean it hasn’t.”
“So true, so true,” Josh muttered, wrinkling his nose in thought. “I was thinking cult indoctrination. We don’t know what he’s being taught at that fancy shmancy school of his. All old, prestigious universities have at least one underground society.”
“They’d be getting to him kind of late,” Jake pointed out. “If I wanted to rope someone into my cult, I’d get them when they were a freshman, not a senior.”
“A cult would explain the cheerfulness, though,” Josh argued, kicking his legs up against the wall, his curls grazing the carpet as he looked up at his twin’s upside down face. “What with the love bombing and all. He’s just so uncharacteristically…”
“Bubbly,” Jake finished for him, giving sarcastic jazz hands. “Bright and happy!”
“I’m so glad it’s not just me who noticed,” Josh said, recalling how his lunch with Sam just hours before had gone by without a single complaint about…well, anything. Usually, Sam had a list of gripes about his professors, his classmates, or his job in the chem lab that he’d go through. But this time, he had just cheerfully tucked into a big cranberry salad and babbled about the many petri dishes he was tending to for his capstone class. 
“We need to consider plain old hysteria,” Jake offered, thinking about how he had taken Sam and Danny out for brunch in the afternoon after the party and observed how the dark cloud that usually accompanied Sam’s hangovers had been noticeably absent. Now that he thought about it, Sam hadn’t seemed hungover at all. He had been practically bouncing out of the booth, giggling and bothering Danny every 3 seconds between bites of pancake. It wasn’t unusual for him to bug Danny, but it had been a little much even for him. Jake had even asked around to see if anybody at the party remembered giving Sam any kind of upper, but he had only been more confused to hear the overwhelming majority had barely even seen Sam that night. Putting pieces together, Jake suddenly sat upright and his eyebrows shot up.
“You don’t think he has a…?” Jake trailed off, Josh picking up what he was insinuating and clumsily climbing back onto the couch so he could see Jake face to face.
“A girlfriend?” Josh whispered, and Jake couldn’t help but let out a low whistle at the possibility. He crossed his legs and arms, his foot bouncing as they quietly pondered the thought. Sam wasn’t one to keep a girlfriend for more than a month. But he had always been a little perkier when he was dating someone, so it wasn’t out of the question.
“Do you think we’d know her?” 
“No way,” Josh said, shaking his head. “Probably one of the super smart nerd babes in one of his classes. I don’t think he’d ever get together with anybody outside of school. He likes girls with brains.”
“And heart,” Jake added. “He’s actually kind of a romantic when he’s not being entirely insufferable.”
“I know.”
“This is so crazy,” Josh marveled. “Do you think he knows we know?”
“No way,” Jake laughed. “He definitely thinks he’s being subtle.”
“Sam is as subtle as a groan tube.”
“Amen to that,” Jake agreed, slapping his knees and getting to his feet. “I need a beer. Want one?”
“Let’s toast to Sammy and his little girlfriend!” Josh crowed, reaching a hand out and catching the can with shocking grace when Jake tossed it from the kitchen. 
“Cheers!” Jake cheered, clinking his can loudly against Josh’s with a celebratory whoop. “You know who we should ask about this?”
“Oh yeah!” Josh hummed through a sip. “That’s a great idea.”
“If anyone would know what’s going on-”
“It’s Danny.”
“Would you happen to know why Josh is spam calling me?”
Danny was laying on his bed with Sam sprawled over top of him, his cheek resting on his chest while they watched a show on his terrible, small TV. This was a new routine of theirs and it was quickly becoming one of his favorites. He selfishly wished that Sam would just stay with him in his crappy little apartment all day everyday just so Danny could devote as much time as possible to raking his fingers through his soft hair and blowing raspberries on the top of Sam’s head that made him squeal in outrage. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on the show and his gorgeous best friend in his arms when his phone on the nightstand kept ringing repeatedly, the vibrations buzzing furiously on the wood like a fly in his ear. Everytime he checked, it was Josh’s contact photo flashing on the screen.
“Beats me,” Sam mumbled against Danny’s shirt. 
“Should I pick it up? He never calls me,” Danny worried, watching his phone start rattling a new round of his ringtone. “Maybe it’s serious.”
“Nah,” Sam drawled, smacking Danny’s hand so his phone fell back on the nightstand. “If it was serious, he’d call me first. More hair playing, please and thank you.”
“That might be the first time I’ve heard you say either of those words,” Danny teased and Sam harrumphed in protest, gently smacking Danny’s face next. “Hey!”
“You’re being a bad cuddler,” Sam whined, nuzzling his cheek more against Danny’s chest and fidgeting. Danny scoffed and smoothed Sam’s hair back, still hopelessly endeared by him even when he was being annoying.
“Then you can go find somebody else to lay on,” Danny leaned in and whispered in Sam’s ear, suddenly shifting and flipping onto his side, sending a screaming Sam flailing off of the bed and onto the floor while Danny scooped up his phone and answered it.
“Hi, Josh,” Danny answered cheerfully while Sam hurled obscenities from the floor. Danny peeked over the edge of the bed, sticking his tongue out when Sam threw him the middle finger with both hands. “What’s up?”
“Finally!” Josh sighed, his voice so loud that Danny had to hold the phone away from his ear. “I thought you were never going to pick up.”
“You couldn’t just text me?”
“Absolutely not,” Josh replied as if it was the most ridiculous suggestion he had ever heard. “This is a matter of the highest security and discretion.”
“Do tell,” Danny said casually while Sam, still on the ground, reached up, grabbed the pillow out from under Danny’s head, and half heartedly tried to smother him with it. “You have my full attention.”
“Jake’s here too, say hi Jake,” Josh said, and after a moment of rustling, Jake’s voice piped up. “Hi, Dan.”
“Hi, guys,” Danny replied, curiosity creeping into his tone. “Care to explain what’s going on?”
“We have a conspiracy theory,” Josh whispered into the phone, and he heard Jake making ghostly noises in the background. “And we need your help investigating it.”
“You’re not with Sam right now, are you?”
Danny looked down at Sam on the floor, who had put the pillow under his own head and was scowling up at Danny, flipping him the middle finger yet again.
“Nope,” Danny answered, giving Sam a kissy face and flopping back onto the bed. “Why?”
“Do you know what he’s up to right now?”
“Uh,” Danny paused. “I think he just said he was busy today. Again, why?”
“Interesting,” Josh hummed. “Has he been vague about his whereabouts with you, too?”
“Sort of,” Danny stammered, rolling over and throwing Sam a concerned look, who gave him a questioning look back. “He’s been busy, that’s all I know. I mean, it’s the end of the semester so that’s not too shocking.”
“We think he might be seeing someone,” Josh proposed amusedly and Danny’s heart started racing anxiously. He sat straight up and did his best to make a shocked noise. 
“You think?” Danny squeaked. Sam sat up and gave him another confused look.
“For sure,” Jake answered, taking the phone from Josh. “Haven’t you noticed he’s been super weird lately? He’s been so cheery and downright merry. He’s usually miserable this time of year.”
“I guess he has been a little more upbeat lately,” Danny agreed, feeling a little warmth in his stomach. Did he really do that to Sam? Did he make him so happy that everyone around them could see it?
“But he hasn’t said anything about a girlfriend to you?” Josh asked.
“Nope,” Danny answered truthfully. 
“Wow. I’m shocked he wouldn’t even tell you. He tells you everything.”
Sam was starting to get impatient and got up and scrambled onto the bed again, straddling Danny and making a move to grab the phone. 
“No!” Danny whispered, palming Sam’s face and holding him back while Sam struggled, whispering obscenities and swinging his arms. “Give me a second!”
“Are you talking about me?” Sam asked, his voice barely audible, both of them still respecting the rules of being on the phone even though both sides had gone silent. 
“Just be patient!” Danny hissed, pushing square against Sam’s chest and pinning him to the bed with one hand while he cradled the phone in the crook of his shoulder and brought it to his ear. “Sorry, Josh, what?”
“Ooh, do you have a guueesst over?” Josh whistled, no doubt wiggling his eyebrows while he said it. Jake wolf whistled in the background and Danny groaned.
“Shut up, you guys,” he complained. “Stay focused. What do you want me to do?”
“We just want you to poke around,” Josh explained as Danny tried to keep Sam quiet, who was still wiggling and grinning wickedly in Danny’s firm grip. “Ask him if he’s been hanging out with anybody.”
“Try and hang out with him as much as you can,” Jake added. “We’re trying to get a name out of this. We want socials we can stalk.”
“Wouldn’t you rather wait for him to bring it up?” Danny countered, making a “ssh!” face as Sam giggled under him. “Maybe there’s a reason he hasn’t said anything.”
“No, we’d rather be nosy,” Josh said in a deadpan, and Danny heard Jake cackle in the background. “He clearly likes her enough to not mention her to us.”
“And that’s so much worse,” Jake continued. “So, are you up for it?”
“I suppose I could do some sleuthing,” Danny smiled, starting to become increasingly distracted by the color flushing in Sam’s face as Danny held him down. “I’ll get back to you with what I know as soon as I can, okay?”
“You’re a peach, Wagner,” Josh grinned through the receiver. “We knew we could count on you.”
“Give him hell, Swaggy!” Jake crowed, and Danny laughed.
“Love you guys, talk to you later!” Danny chirped hurriedly, cutting off Josh’s loud kissing noises by hanging up and tossing his phone onto the nightstand. 
“What did those hippies want?” Sam asked, running his fingers through Danny’s curls as Danny hovered over him, propping himself up on an elbow with a hand still firmly on Sam’s diaphragm. 
“They’re pretty sure you have a girlfriend,” Danny said, and Sam let out a harsh laugh, shaking his head.
“God, they’re the worst,” Sam laughed, rolling his eyes. “I can’t keep anything from them. They’re going to be poking their noses in my business until I’m 102.”
“And they want me to find out who she is,” Danny went on.
“Oh, man…” Sam sighed. 
“Is there any particular reason you haven’t told them yet?” Danny prodded, his thumb swiping soothingly, wrinkling the thin fabric of Sam’s shirt. “They think it’s some kind of a big deal.”
 Sam hesitated, watching the movement of Danny’s hand on his chest before covering it with his own.
“My brothers think everything is a big deal,” Sam muttered. “I don’t know. I mean, they’re going to be jazzed about it, they love you. I just…I don’t know.”
“No, I get it,” Danny replied, his stomach sinking a little bit. He knew Sam wasn’t embarrassed of him or anything, but…
“I’ll tell them soon,” Sam promised, flashing the doe eyes he knew made Danny melt. Danny’s face immediately softened and the jackrabbit panic in Sam’s chest calmed a little at the sight. “I swear. I know it’s important to you.”
“You’re pretty sweet sometimes, you know that?” Danny grinned, dipping his head to plant a kiss on Sam’s cheek, who chuckled at the contact. “Could be fun to play along for a little bit, too.”
“Yeah?” Sam asked, nuzzling his nose against Danny’s. “You wanna do a big, dramatic reveal?”
“It’s probably the last thing they expect,” Danny pointed out, pausing to peck Sam lightly on the mouth, who chased after his lips with a frown when he pulled back just as quickly as he had struck. “Imagine the looks on their faces when I tell them I’ve done all this investigative work just to find out that Sam’s super secret girlfriend is none other than…wait for it…”
“Oh, let me guess!” Sam mocked in Josh’s parroting voice, arching an eyebrow and pretending to think deeply. “The Queen of England?”
“No, no, she’s too good for you!” Danny growled in Jake’s beloved yet atrocious fake British accent. “It’s gotta be…the lady giraffe at the zoo!”
“She’s a little short for my taste,” Sam teased, holding Danny’s hair up over his head and waving it as if caught in a wind. “I like ‘em tall.”
“How tall do you think I am?” Danny scoffed, straightening his arms so he was planking over Sam, his hair falling in a dark curtain that made the rest of the room fall away so the only thing he could see was Sam. And he certainly didn’t mind the view, especially when it was looking up at him with a light in his eyes that seemed to shine only for him.
“Not tall enough,” Sam smiled cheekily and Danny raised an eyebrow at him.
“Whatever.” Danny lowered himself again so that he was draped over Sam, the tips of their noses touching again. “I’m still your super secret special girlfriend.”
“You’re my super secret special dumbass,” Sam assured him with puckered lips, jutting his chin out in a lazy attempt to steal a kiss. “Come here.”
“I want to hear you say it,” Danny breathed, stopping Sam’s lips with his pointer finger, gingerly pressing the tip of his finger against the soft, pink flesh before tapping his nose. “And then I’ll think about it.”
“To be fair,” Sam retorted, biting at Danny’s finger when he pulled it back. “You never officially asked me.”
“I didn’t realize you were expecting a whole big thing.”
“I was expecting bread and circus. Doves and rose petals.”
“I confessed to you under the stars on your birthday, what more do you want from me? Sheesh. Picky, picky.”
“You’re the worst boyfriend I’ve ever had,” Sam declared. 
“I’ll take it!” Danny beamed, colliding the grin that was breaking out over his face into Sam, who accepted it with his own smile. Sam then drowned him in a long kiss, holding him close with his hands tangled comfortably in his curls and his legs slotted between Danny’s in a way that he had started to make a habit. 
In fact, since their night on the roof, Sam had found it extremely difficult to keep his hands off of his best friend. He had been into Danny for what felt like forever, so now that he had his chance to have him all to himself, he was doing everything in his power not to waste it. His brother’s suspicions made sense when he put into perspective just how often he had begun to ignore their texts or offers to hang out in favor of beelining to Danny’s apartment after school or work and staying for as long as he could before his next class. But how could he not? Danny was all over him too. A kiss on the roof had led to a locked door, shirts on the floor, and a few days recycling the same turtleneck until the marks that had bloomed under Danny’s teeth had faded. Not much had changed in that regard, except that now Danny had the restraint and wherewithal to leave bruises where they couldn’t be seen by curious coworkers or ridiculously nosy brothers. 
“Okay, fine,” Sam whined as Danny worked his shirt over his head and left a barrage of light kisses against the achingly sensitive skin on his neck. “Maybe you’re not the worst boyfriend in the world.”
“Gee, thanks,” Danny murmured against his skin, his tongue darting out and making Sam hum as he cradled Danny’s head against him. “Good to know I just need to get you worked up a little bit to be nicer to me.”
“Take me all the way and I’ll be more than nice,” Sam purred, flattening his hands against Danny’s back under his shirt and raking his nails down, making Danny groan into his neck.
“Kinda slutty of you,” Daniel chuckled, coming back up for air and gazing down at Sam with pink cheeks and the freckles on his nose so close that Sam was tempted to nip each and every one. 
“You love that about me,” Sam teased, smoothing his palms over Danny’s lower back and hips as he watched his eyelids flutter and the warm hazel of his eyes get swallowed up by his pupils.
“You have no idea,” Danny groaned lowly, descending on Sam hungrily.
If he was being tasked with keeping an eye on him, he figured he might as well make it both worth their while. 
Taglist:  @s0livagant  @holdingup-fallingsky @t00turnttrauma @the-starcatcher @streamsofstardust @spark-my-nature @joshkiszkashusband
79 notes · View notes
crinkled-emotions · 7 months
Day 31: Free Day (Surprise fic!)
This one... oof. I can't believe it's finally here.
I'm super grateful to those people who have sent in asks or commented on the fics, I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get to 31 🥺 I talked more about it on the Ao3 version of this because tumblr is a NIGHTMARE for hate asks atm.
Warnings: Carole's cancer diagnosis and discussions of cancer-related complications, Goose's accident, Hangman's fear of not being fast enough to get to Mav and Rooster during the Dagger mission. Rooster also puts himself back into therapy.
This fic also contains Hangster and a couple of very special guests!! I really went loose with this one, I didn't edit it particularly hard nor did I think about whether it would be received well. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it 🥹
“Jake Seresin, you have three seconds to get over here and explain yourself!”
Hangman’s head shot up, glancing over the back of the couch in Maverick’s hangar. Coyote frowned from beside him, following his gaze to see three figures coming into the space.
“Oh shit,” Hangman hissed, “I gotta hide.”
He got up and made an abrupt disappearing act into the hangar, Coyote calling after him but to no avail. Phoenix was standing too, beaming as she ran to give one of the people coming toward them a hug.
“Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in forever! How are you?”
“Honey we are doing just fine.”
Phoenix folded into the older woman’s arms, surprisingly affectionate with her which the others were now watching closely considering Phoenix was more likely to bite someone’s head off rather than giving them a hug.
“You’re here!”
Maverick came out of the airstream, Rooster following shortly after. He stopped dead in his tracks halfway down the stairs, eyes widening.
“Mom? Dad?”
Carole surged forward, leaving Goose in his wheelchair for a moment to wrap her son in a hug.
“Bradley,” she breathed. Nothing more needed to be said.
“What the fuck?”
Sorry. Except for that. Thanks Fanboy.
“Uh- guys, uh... meet my parents. This is my mom, Carole... and my dad. Goose.”
Rooster helped his dad join the group, gently touching his shoulder.
“You okay, dad?”
“Better than you,” Goose retorted, earning an eye roll. Carole swatted Rooster’s shoulder and then extended her arms to give Maverick a hug too.
“And you, Maverick, what were you thinking?!”
“Carole, I-“
“-god, if we’d lost both of you...”
She pulled away, tears in her eyes as she looked between Rooster and Maverick, then sighed.
“Is Jake here?”
“Mom...” Rooster started carefully but she held out a hand.
“I just want to talk to him for a moment.”
“He’s down the back, ma’am,” Bob offered. Carole waved at him, pressed a kiss to Goose’s lips and Rooster’s temple then made her way through the collection of vintage cars and a plane or two. The Daggers turned toward Rooster, gobsmacked.
“Why the hell are your parents all buddy buddy with Maverick?” Payback demanded. Rooster just smirked.
“Have you not been listening for the last six weeks?”
“Jake, I know you’re back here.”
Hangman grimaced, slowly turning toward Carole. The older woman stood by the photo wall, arms crossed.
“Ma’am, I-“
“-since when have I been ma’am to you? Honey you were there for three Christmases, you don’t ever need to ma’am me.”
Hangman grimaced, leaning on the workbench.
“I said some really awful things to Rooster- Bradley. I said things I didn’t mean and now he’s mad as hell. How are you not pissed at me for everything I’ve done?”
“I don’t think he is, and I’m certainly not. Yours and Bradley’s relationship ended but that doesn’t mean I stopped worrying about you.”
Carole and Goose had taken Jake in all those years ago when Rooster took him home for the first time, constantly looking to him for reassurance because he didn’t know what it was like to have a supportive, welcoming family. Goose was paralysed from the neck down but he didn’t let it affect his charm and his sense of humour; Carole had survived what was almost terminal cancer and she still held her own against her incredibly stubborn son and husband. Hangman cleared his throat, eyes falling to the concrete flooring.
“I thought they were dead.”
“I can’t imagine how scared you must have been. You and Bradley...”
Carole Bradshaw was fun loving, loud and the life of the party at all times but she also raised what could only be described as a handful of a son with a gentle hand and her maternal instincts came out with almost everyone she met, Hangman included. He’d spent many a night sitting up with her, the two of them the insomniacs of their relationships, just talking about anything and nothing.
She was the mother figure he’d never had.
“Jake. Are you okay?”
“No,” he choked out. Carole’s eyes softened and she stepped forward to pull him into a hug.
“So what Bagman said, about Mav and your dad-“
“-it’s true, my dad and Mav were at TOPGUN when the accident happened. My dad was in a coma for... a really long time. When he did finally come around he couldn’t feel anything from his chest down. All the PT in the world can’t fix the kind of paralysis he has.”
“Man, that must have been really difficult for you. I’m sorry.”
Bob’s voice broke the silence first. Rooster hummed.
“I remember my mom was doing the laundry once and she just started bawling. Mav said she found a load of my dad’s clothes she’d forgotten about and it just... yeah. I don’t actually remember seeing dad all that often, one minute he was gone and the next he was sitting in his new wheelchair at home and he couldn’t pick me up anymore.”
Phoenix’s brows furrowed.
“I can’t even imagine. Your mom was sick too, right?”
“It was three years of hell.”
Maverick and Goose joined the Daggers by the couches, Maverick ruffling Rooster’s hair as Rooster glanced over at his dad.
“You handle the drive alright?”
“Yeah, fine. How about you kid, you doing okay?”
“Just glad to be on the ground,” Rooster said quietly. He felt Goose gently touch his shoulder.
“We’ll talk about this later.”
Rooster hummed, glancing around.
“Where did mom go?”
“I’m here honey. Have you told them about the Walmart diaper story yet?”
“Mom,” Rooster groaned as Carole and Hangman appeared from the back of the hangar. Phoenix’s eyes lit up and she scooted over on the couch to make room for Carole.
“Wait, I haven’t heard this one. I thought I had all the BB Blackmail.”
“The what?”
“Oh, Roos,” Hangman shook his head, “you have no idea.”
That evening Carole and Goose retired to the house beside the hangar- Maverick tended to sleep in the airstream in the hangar itself but the house had been specifically fitted with everything Goose needed for his wheelchair access including the bathroom and kitchen. The Daggers rolled out their swags across the hangar but stayed up a little longer to talk. Everyone started to drift off except Rooster and Hangman, sitting up on the couches together with a beer in hand.
“I don’t get it,” Hangman said, “you almost lost your parents and you still cut Maverick off.”
“Jake I don’t want to get into this with you,” Bradley groaned.
“No, you listen to me. Mav might have a couple screws loose but he must have done it for a reason.”
“I think my mom had something to do with it. She always went quiet when I started talking about the Navy or begging to get my licence.”
“Can you blame her? She almost lost her husband and her best friend in one hit.”
“Yeah, I do blame her. This was so fucking important to me, it was all I could talk about.”
“I know, Bradley, I remember when you found out why you were four years behind everyone else.”
Hangman took a sip of his beer, eyes to his lap.
“Left me in the dust.”
“Jake, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“I’m going to bed. Drink some water before you try to sleep.”
Hangman stood, collecting the beer bottles around the hangar to put in the trash before rolling out his swag. Rooster sighed.
“Jake, I’m sorry.”
Carole and Maverick stood out in the bright morning sunlight just outside the hangar doors, drinking coffee and looking over the desert.
“How long were Hangman and Bradley together?” Maverick asked.
“Almost four years. Bradley was never the same after he found out about his papers.”
“Couldn’t get off his perch?” Maverick supplied. Carole laughed.
Then she turned to face Maverick properly.
“What happened on that mission, Pete? Bradley calls after deployments but he doesn’t spend hours just sitting there listening to us babble. I’ve never seen Jake that haunted either.”
“You really want to know?” Maverick asked. When Carole just glared at him he sighed.
“Alright, we better sit down. Let’s go inside.”
They headed into the house, taking a seat at the dining table. Carole reached over and squeezed Maverick’s hand.
“I know this one was different.”
“I didn’t expect to come home from this one.”
“Pete you say that all the time-“
“-no I mean it. I saw the mission plan and I knew someone wasn’t coming home. If that was going to be the case, I wanted it to be me.”
“Pete, you did that. Everyone made it thanks to you.”
“How much did Bradley tell you?”
“Enough to know I could have lost both of you.”
“It’s a good thing Jake was spare; I knew if it came down to it he would be the one who’d push their jet to the limits to help in time without hesitating. He might be an ass at the best of times but he saved our lives. I’ll forever be grateful for that.”
Carole glanced down at her coffee cup.
“I think something shook loose in Bradley this time.”
“Me too.”
Maverick touched her hand, gesturing toward the bedroom.
“How’s he doing? Anything from the docs?”
“Oh, the usual. The nerve pain isn’t any better but he doesn’t want to tell Bradley.”
“We spent too long keeping secrets from Bradley, Carole.”
“I know, I just... he’s doing so well at work and the way he was last night- that’s the Bradley I know and love. He was smiling and laughing like I haven’t seen him in years.”
Maverick smiled.
“Yeah, I thought so too. Just... talk to him.”
“I will.”
Carole got up, rinsing out her coffee cup.
“You think he’s going to be okay?”
“He’s tough.”
“But is he going to be okay, Pete?”
Maverick frowned.
“I don’t know, Carole. All we can do is make sure he knows we’ve got his back.”
“So your mom looks good.”
“Are you flirting? Phoenix, she’s my mom.”
Phoenix gaped at Rooster for a second, then she burst out laughing and took his cup of coffee from him.
“Shut up, god knows you’re still flirting with Hangman after all these years.”
It was Rooster’s turn to stare hopelessly at her. She elbowed him in the side.
“Seriously. I haven’t seen your mom smile that hard in years-“
“-Bradley! Come help with breakfast!”
Carole called out the front door of the house and Rooster smiled at her over his shoulder.
“Be there in a second, mom!”
He took his coffee back from Phoenix and drained the mug, planting it back in her hand.
“Thanks for... everything, Tash.”
He headed back for the house when Carole yelled again, leaving Phoenix staring blankly after him. She heard someone else approach her from behind and smiled when she realised it was Bob and Fanboy.
“I didn’t think he knew how to smile,” Fanboy started. Bob nodded.
“It felt like I was talking to a brick wall sometimes, but this Rooster? It’s almost unsettling.”
“You know the story about his papers?” Phoenix asked them, both men shaking their heads. Phoenix sighed.
“Well, uh, after Mav and Rooster’s father were in a really awful crash, and Rooster’s mom beat cancer by the skin of her teeth, Rooster thinks she wasn’t down for him risking his life like Maverick still does and his father did. Apparently it was all he could talk about from the moment he was old enough to understand the Navy.”
“My dad’s a rancher, I wanted to be one for years too,” Bob supplied but Phoenix cleared her throat.
“It went so much deeper than that. Mr Bradshaw almost died from his injuries and then the infection he sustained later on. I don’t think Carole could have handled losing Bradley too, so Rooster thinks she might have asked Mav to pull his papers from the Naval Academy. It set him back four years which is how we ended up in the same TOPGUN class with Hangman. I don’t know all the details but I think Rooster’s finally made peace with whatever happened between then and now.”
Bob was quiet for a moment, processing everything, but Fanboy’s brows furrowed.
“Why was he so damn bitchy with Mav if it was his mom that pulled his papers?”
“You’d have to ask him.”
“No thanks,” Fanboy and Bob said simultaneously, earning laughter.
“He lived with him.”
They all jumped when Hangman appeared beside them, eyes on the desert in front of them rather than looking toward his teammates.
“When things got really bad, Rooster moved in with Mav.”
Phoenix sighed.
“That tracks.”
“Is he gonna be pissed you can’t keep your mouth shut?” Phoenix asked Hangman, who just shrugged.
“He’s already pissed.”
“Daggers! Breakfast!”
The conversation was cut short by Maverick calling out for everyone to come eat, Payback and Coyote emerging from the hangar and Phoenix following the others down the hill where they’d been talking.
“Mrs Bradshaw, can I ask- Bradley Bradshaw?”
Carole smiled at Payback, patting his hand.
“He didn’t tell you?”
“Mom,” Rooster started quietly which immediately had everyone’s attention. Phoenix put her fork down, raising an eyebrow.
“No, please tell us. What are we missing?”
“When Bradley was born, his mom was-“
The Cheshire-cat grin on Hangman’s face told the others he hadn’t heard this story either. Goose glanced between the Daggers then he smiled. Rooster put his head in his hands.
“So Mav and I were on base when Carole called to say she was in labour. It was just lucky that we were only a half hour away instead of being deployed so we were able to get to the hospital fast.”
Goose’s eyes met Carole’s and he smiled softly at her. Phoenix wondered what it was like to be that in love, then almost choked when she realised Hangman had a matching fond look on his face... directed at Rooster.
“Anyway, so we get in the room and Carole is doing her thing and she looks me dead in the eye... says she wants to call him Bradley then just starts laughing. I thought it was a joke, but the second Mav held him he says he looks like a Nick Junior. We compromised; my middle name is James, so...”
“Oh my god. Your middle name is James?” Phoenix says. Rooster sighed.
“Alright, let’s hear it.”
“We didn’t mean to call him BJ, it just happened.”
The Daggers frantically tried to avoid eye contact with one another so they didn’t burst out laughing, but Phoenix rested her head on Bob’s shoulder to stifle her giggling and that was it for the rest of them. Rooster rolled his eyes.
“I’m spitting in your food tonight.”
“How sweet, BJ!” Phoenix grinned. Even Maverick was smiling as he shook his head.
“I swear I work with teenagers.”
“How are you doing, kid?”
Rooster glanced over as his dad came into the living room, sending him a soft smile.
“I’m okay.”
“You’ve been quiet.”
“Dad. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I know, B.”
Neither Goose nor Carole called him any variation of Rooster; it was always his first name or a nickname. Bradley’s shoulders relaxed and he shrugged.
“Look, it’s fine, it’s no big deal.”
Goose frowned.
“Well, from experience, almost dying is a big deal. Almost dying twice? I mean, I’m surprised you’re not drunk under a tree kid.”
That earned a snort.
“Bradley, you came home different.”
His eyes dropped to his lap and he took a deep breath.
“I know.”
“Kid, no one expects you to have it all together.”
That seemed to unlock something and Bradley hummed, then cleared his throat.
“Dad I can’t- I can’t breathe.”
“Alright, put your head between your knees. You’ve done this before, it’s okay.”
“Is he okay? Bradley, sweetheart what’s going on? Goose?”
Carole appeared from downstairs, rubbing her hand over her son’s back and cupping his forehead.
“Just breathe, honey. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”
Bradley did as his father had said, focusing on the air moving through his lungs. He heard his mother talking to him and his father softly, her hand firm on his back. He might have been in his thirties but times like these brought him right back to his teenage years when everything was too much, or when he and Jake broke up and the only person more upset had been his mom.
“Fuck, Roos. You good? I thought you said these stopped.”
Somehow Bradley had missed the door opening. His head shot up to find Hangman standing by the entrance to the living room, arms crossed over his chest. He strode across the room and pulled the curtains shut then went into the kitchen. Carole gently brushed Bradley’s curls from his face.
“Say the word and he goes.”
“No, no it’s okay,” he managed to get out, carefully working himself back upright. Goose watched him for a moment.
“Feel okay?”
“God, no.”
“How long has it been since you, your parents and Mav were all in the same room?”
Rooster glanced down at Phoenix’s head on his shoulder as they sat on a picnic blanket, looking over the sunset. She glanced up at him, waiting for an answer.
“Too long,” he sighed. Phoenix smiled.
“It must be weird having all three parents in the same room.”
“Scary to think I could have had none of them. I can’t- if I’d lost them...”
Phoenix touched his shoulder.
“But you didn’t.”
“I almost did. All three of them, at various stages. For a while there it felt like the moment I caught my breath it would all go bad again.”
“I know.”
She did, of course she did. She’d been the one to find him in the barracks, staring helplessly at his phone. Hangman was long gone at that point, so Phoenix had booked him a flight home and urged him to speak to his CO about leave. Initially his leave request was denied but a call from a certain Admiral had made it so he had a couple days to go home and be with his family when his mom had a scare at a check up scan.
“I think I’m going to lose them, Tasha.”
“Oh, Roos.”
“Mom’s been in remission for almost three years and dad’s not in any immediate danger but Mav... it’s so fuckin’ stupid.”
“It’s not; Mav lives life on the edge,” Phoenix reassured. Rooster snorted.
“Well, have you spoken to him about it?”
“Pot, kettle, black.”
Phoenix punched his shoulder.
“Maybe he could use a reminder about what he’s got to come home to. It must have been difficult juggling holidays if you couldn’t even be in the same room together.”
“Oh no, we had it down to a fine art. I got Christmas but I made sure to be busy at Easter-“
“-you mean drunk.”
“I mean drunk.”
Rooster sighed, nudging Phoenix’s shoulder.
“I gotta sort my shit out with Seresin, I’ll come find you later.”
“Go get ‘em, Roo. Get laid.”
Rooster rolled his eyes as he stood, dusting off his jeans before he headed to find Hangman sitting with Payback and Fanboy arguing about college football.
“Hey, Seres- uh, Jake. Can we talk?”
He scooted over on the couch but Rooster shook his head.
“Not here.”
Fanboy and Payback exchanged a look.
“No, man, you guys stay here. We can argue about football elsewhere.”
Payback stood, grabbing Fanboy by the end of his jacket to get him to follow. Hangman stood.
“Look, Bradshaw, I-“
Rooster gently took him by the arm and led into the airstream, closing the door behind him.
Hangman’s brows furrowed.
“What are you doing?”
“Thanks for earlier. When I-“
“-yeah, don’t sweat it.”
A pause.
“So... was that it-“
“-I’m sorry for what I did to us.”
Jake’s eyebrows shot up.
“Bradley... that was three years ago.”
“Did you move on? See other people?”
“Not like I saw you.”
Rooster leaned back against the kitchen counter.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
The tension in the tiny airstream could have been cut with a knife. Hangman crossed his arms over his chest; Rooster reached out to touch him but stopped at the last second. The last thing he wanted Jake to think was that he was apologising for sex. To his surprise Jake met him halfway, lacing their fingers together.
“All I ever wanted was for you to talk to me.”
“I didn’t know how.”
“Do you now?”
“I want to try.”
Jake’s shoulders settled.
“Bradley, this... I can’t go another round if you’re going to get cold feet and leave again.”
“I’m not talking out of my ass, Jake.”
“Fucking prove it, because I won’t do this again.”
Bradley reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, tapping away for a moment. Jake watched him, brows furrowed.
“Are you seriously answering a text right now?”
“No, I’m pulling up an appointment. Look.”
He thrust the phone into Jake’s hand. Sure enough, it was an appointment confirmation booking for a therapy centre in San Diego.
“Wait, this isn’t the VA-“
“-I don’t want to talk to someone who’s associated with the Navy, my... issues aren’t with the Navy. They’re issues from my childhood, shit I never talked about. Not even with my parents or Mav.”
Jake swallowed, passing the phone back.
“Is this some adrenaline thing? Get back on dry land, sleep with your ex, trauma gone and appointment cancelled?”
For some reason, he believed him. Maybe it was because he could hear the sincerity in Bradley’s voice, the way he ducked his head to meet Jake’s eyes. He didn’t tense up when Jake put a hand on his chest, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek.
“If we’re serious about this, we do it properly. No sex, no making out to avoid talking about our feelings. I don’t care if it sounds dumb, I want to know what’s going on with you.”
“I know. I’m going to try. I don’t want to let you down ever again.”
Jake didn’t know if he was a weak man, a dumb man or a whipped man, but he didn’t shy away when Bradley leaned in and kissed him softly.
“I missed you, darlin’,” he whispered, hands finding Bradley’s hips.
“I missed you too. I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
Jake wrapped him in a hug, burying his face against Bradley’s neck. When he opened his eyes, he groaned.
“We have paparazzi.”
Bradley pulled away, glancing over his shoulder.
“Guys,” he groaned
“Carry on!” Phoenix called through the open window, Coyote holding up a bowl of what looked like popcorn.
“Are they back together yet?” Carole called from the couch.
“Yes, mom, we’re back together.”
Jake and Bradley exchanged a look, then Jake took him by the hand.
“We can talk more later when we get back to San Diego.”
“I’d like that.”
“We did good, Goose.”
Goose hummed, watching the Daggers playing dogfight football on the empty tarmac.
“We did, honey.”
Carole squeezed his hand.
“You owe me twenty bucks.”
“You bet they’d be back together when we got here!” Goose protested. She sent him a look and he sighed.
“We share an account honey.”
“You’re no fun.”
“I have a better idea.”
They exchanged a look, then Carole squeezed his hand and stood.
“Mav! You lost!”
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dozenssporks · 1 year
*the video opens with a distant shot of Vash laying in the shade of a sand dune making a ‘snow’ angel*
Wolfwood, speaking from behind the camera: there he is, ladies and gents, the most feared outlaw in the tri-state area
Vash: only that infamous? my ratings have dropped.
Wolfwood slowly zooms in until it’s a close up of Vash’s face as he stares at the sky: you’ve been laying there for, like, an hour. Don’tcha have anything to do, you lazy bum?
Vash: I am contemplating. The life. The Universe. The everything. That cloud looks like a jelly doughnut. Now shush.
the shot slowly zooms out again and wolfwood whispers: I am bored out of my mind so I am going to do something drastic. Ready? Okay. *raising his voice* Hey, needle-noggin! What’s your opinion of America’s public transport system?
Vash, sitting bolt upright in a shower of sand: it’s The Worst! It’s patchy, incomplete, inconsistent! There are hundreds and hundreds of desolate miles where the only option is a car because nobody bothered to put a train there. Do you know what that means when you can’t drive? It means you walk! My boots have racked up more miles than a soccer mom’s SUV--
Wolfwood, whispering again: and off he goes . . .
^Vash gets up and begins to march around, waving his arms dramatically to emphasize his points or express his frustration. The camera calmly follows him back and forth. There are several cuts so Vash’s ranting jumps from point to point and country to country, a timer in the corner of the screen records how long he’s been talking, more than twenty minutes. The smooth dune becomes a a churning sea of footprints*
Vash, pointing sharply: --and that’s why England’s railway--!
Wolfwood, suppressing giggles: what about, dunno, Italy?
Vash: Italy, well, I got pick-pocketed on public transport there actually
Wolfwood: for real? someone picked the humanoid typhoon’s pocket?
Vash: yeah--oh! That reminds me, hang on!
*Vash dives forward, sliding to a stop at his destination on his knees. He pulls open his bag and rifles through the contents. Odds and ends spill out and a couple odd shirt-sleeves are trailing in the sand before he pulls out a wallet*
Vash: so um *pulls an id card out of the wallet and glances at it* Drusilla Zuccaro if you are watching this I’m sorry I took your wallet and forgot to give it back and forgot I still had it until just now. It was going to be a great bit where you thought you’d got my wallet but I’d got yours and I’d give it back and we’d laugh and you’d turn over a new leaf and never pick-pocket again. I, uh, kinda had to hoof it due to various misunderstandings and it slipped my mind. I’d offer to send it back to you but it’s been, uuhhh, five months? You’ve probably got a new id and stuff by now . . .
Wolfwood, voice shaking with suppressed laughter: there wasn’t any cash?
Vash, looking sideways: . . . it was only maybe fourteen euros and a guy on the run has gotta eat, you know
Wolfwood: vash the stampede committing petty theft? you disgust me
Vash, on his knees, hands pressed together: Scusami tanto, ti chiedo scusa dal profondo del cuore. Sono mortificato, chiedo scusa.
Wolfwood: yeah, yeah, so what are you gonna do about it?
Vash, sadly and a little sulky: Ti rimborserei ma non ho soldi
Wolfwood: Imma take a wild guess and say you’re saying you’re broke
Vash, muttering and drawing circles in the sand:  sì
Wolfwood: you’re a total deadbeat you know that, spiky?
Vash, throwing himself down into the sand, tears streaming down his face: leave me and my deadbeat feelings to die
Wolfwood: want some absolution?
Vash: keep your stupid little confession box away from me! Didn’t you hear me? I have no money! I’m already in debt!
*Vash continues to weep noisily as the camera pans over the dunes and setting sun*
Wolfwood: that was fun. next time I’m gonna ask him about, um, types of socks maybe. This is where I’d ask you to like and subscribe but y’all know we don’t work like that. Otherwise we’d be scamming you for donations and ol’ needle-noggin here would have money for bus fare. Buh-bye.
*video ends*
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Communication Breakdown
part 3 of the garvez solstice story is a year old today. In this part Luke takes a drunk Penelope and JJ home from a failed girls night. WC: 2,071 of funny drunken flirting Ao3
“Why’s Newbie here?” It was cool out, it was dark, but neither bothered them much due to the alcohol they'd consumed. It was meant to be a girls night, but Tara and Emily each had something come up, so it was just Penelope and JJ. They’d gotten caught up in shots for shots and then a sweet group of girls bar hopping for a bachelorette party had included them in their celebrations, and then people were buying them drinks… and so they’d both had a bit more than they normally would.
JJ grinned, “I called him. Better someone we can trust, than some rando moonlighting driver.” Penelope didn’t need to know she picked Luke over literally everyone else for slightly devious motives... JJ had noticed how Morgan’s little push at the party a few weeks ago had helped things in the moment, but since being back at work things had gone…cold. Her “fluffy armor” as Luke called it had gone back up, Penelope reverting to her “I grudgingly accept his existence” stance and poor Luke just accepting it. She was hoping arranging them together would encourage someone to make a move. And Penelope couldn’t stop talking about him all night “Did you see what Alvez…” “Could you believe he said that? To ME?!” “You know he puts…”. honestly, even her subconscious sucked at keeping secrets. The girls in the bachelorette party had demanded to see his picture after Penelope emphatically denied being interested in him and insisting they were not dating, that she wouldn’t even if she could, but she “couldn’t anyway because they work on the same team”. The consensus after seeing photos of them together, of course, was “girl quit your job and marry him before I do.”
“Ughh. Have you ever been in the car with Alvez driving?! I think I’m gonna be sick thinking about it...” Her face blanched and she made a retching noise.
JJ laughed walking with Penelope over to Luke, “He's not that bad of a driver.”
“Uh-huh.” she mocked in a sick voice, shuffling along. Secretly, she was happy JJ had asked Luke to get them and that he had agreed, but she wasn’t about to say it. She’d been saying enough all night, she knew, but when she got a few drinks in it was like a broken faucet, she couldn’t stop herself. Plus he’d really been getting on her nerves lately, just doing or saying stupid things, always smiling and laughing and offering to carry things and leaning on Spencer’s desk all relaxed with his arms folded pushing out his muscles and... Tonight might turn out bad...
Luke opened the doors, waiting on the two. He was glad JJ had called him even if he was just getting to sleep (a fact he didn’t let on to, not wanting her to feel bad for disturbing him). He liked being able to help out his team, his friends. And he’d get to see Penelope, talk about things besides work, without the shadow of what they were going into or had just come out of hanging over them. Getting to see her just happy and alive.
“Fun night?” he asked, amused at their disheveled appearances. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Penelope looking anything other than picture perfect. Even barefoot and tousled after the football game, not a thing was out of place, but right now she looked like a storm had hit: one of her feather pompom barrettes was falling out, her cardigan was askew, and she had rolled up tights cascading out of her bag. They clearly had partied hard, she looked like the tail end of prom night.
Penelope turned to him as JJ helped her into the vehicle, dazed smile appearing instead of the scowl she was aiming for and replied, “No, Newbie, it was terrible, we just thought we’d keep going until it got better.” and finished by rolling her eyes and giggling.
“It was supposed to be a girls night,” JJ explained, “well, still was, just different. Thanks for getting us.” JJ gripped his arm and gave a squeeze. “Would you mind dropping me off first?.”
"And leave me alone with this sarcastic monster? Um, why was it you didn’t call Will, again?” he joked helping JJ in to the vehicle.
“Someone had to watch the kids, Alvez, geez.”
They were loaded into the comfy surroundings and quickly on their way, JJ first as requested. Luke had asked, and they immediately launched into a narrative of the night. From first arriving at the bar and finding a trivia night happening, Penelope and JJ deciding to make it into a drinking game against each other drinking each time one of them got an answer wrong, to getting sucked in to the bachelorette party.
“…so they pulled us up on the bar and we were all dancing and singing but some of the words you couldn’t say or else you had to drink!” explained Penelope energetically. "Yeah, I drank a lot for that one…” said JJ. “So is that how Penelope lost her tights?” he asked, glancing back in the rearview mirror. “What? Oh, no!” they said, looking to each other. “That was later when Penelope gave the bride-to-be a lap dance.” JJ said, dead pan. Luke's eyes bulged, choking on it. “You what?!” His head whipped to the back seat. “LUKE ROAD!” shouted JJ pointing, as the backseat erupted into laughter. He had been hanging on every word, only just then realizing they’d been lying.
“For a profiler, you suuuuuck” teased JJ, grinning.
“Yeah, you work for the BAU? Someone should talk to your boss.” added Penelope.
“Excuse me for driving and trusting the two of you. Lesson learned. Was any of that true?” He’d gone a little red from embarrassment at his outburst and at having been so gullible.
“Eh, what makes a good lie?” Asked JJ.
"Heather really was the sweetest girl and pretty! And man can she drink!” Penelope said in awe. “All of them were! And all stewardesses! In their 20s!” Penelope exclaimed, her and JJ laughing.
He shook his head smirking. “I’m not believing anything either of you say for the rest of the night. You are cruel.”
“Well, looks like my nights up any way.” JJ said with a sigh as they approached her house. As JJ got out, Penelope moved to the front seat, not wanting to be alone in the back. JJ kissed Penelope’s forehead before calling out “Night, Alvez, thanks again for the ride. Make sure my girl gets home safe.” and walked up the path. They watched her make it into the house before he put the truck in drive and headed on for Penelope’s apartment.
With JJ gone, the night’s story told, and them all alone now, a strange tension started to grow. Penelope's head lulled to the side of the seat facing him, he could see her watching him in his periphery. She brought a hand up and dragged it down his stubbled face, cheek pulling under the friction. “Yur so pretty, Newbie.” He smiled indulgently, dimples peeking through and let the silence that fell between them fill the car. She was drunk, he knew he was attractive, he knew there was something between them, but this was not the time to bring any of it up or discuss it. He shrugged off the hand, she let it fall to the seat beside her contemplating the planes of his face.
“...It hurts.” she whined after a while, with a little frown. Luke jerked to look at her, instinctively releasing the gas and slowing, eyes darting from road to Penelope, looking her up and down, scanning her body. They hadn’t mentioned anything and there were no obvious signs of injury. “What does? Penelope, are you ok? Should I pull over? Are you gonna be sick?” She’d been fine, she looked fine...
That hand again came up and made contact, pushing his face back towards the road she made a noise of exasperation. “To look at you. Some times. It hurts. 'can’t do it. too pretty. ’Specially when you smile.” Her gaze took on a dreamy quality and the concern that overtook him a minute ago dissipated, mouth quirking as he rolled his eyes. This was too much. If he were a lesser man he’d be plotting all the ways he could bring this up at work tomorrow, as it was he’d just fantasize about it later.
She really should shut up, stop talking, stop touching him, but broken faucet and all that…She wondered if he’d kiss her if she asked, if she kissed him, would he kiss back?
For a third time, she was touching him and it was driving him crazy, her fingers gently running over the side of his head, twisting at his short strands. He always initiated contact between the two of them, never her. His hair raised at her touch. She took a deep breath and let it out, “You’d be prettier if you grew out your hair though. Something to grip.” She growled the word and let her fingers tighten and slip from his hair. His mind helpfully jumped to why she’d need to grip his hair, cheeks heating at the images conjured up. He’d always hated the feel of it behind his ears, but he briefly considered that he’d do it if she wanted. He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, sitting up a bit straighter.
She was drunk she was drunk she was drunk.
“Ohh, not terribly long, just….enough.” She continued, "A few inches of curls to tangle through.” she cooed. It was sweet, and feminine, and high. A side of her he saw from time to time but never got to experience for himself. Would it be selfish or wrong to let her keep going? To not put a stop to her flirting and flattery? It’s what he’d been trying to earn all this time, wasn’t it?
She’s drunk she’s drunk she’s drunk.
He glanced over again head turning a quarter, and smiled “And who would be tangling their fingers through my hair, Chica? You?” his eyes flickered from the road to Penelope. There was nothing wrong with some innocent flirting, he wouldn't let it go further.
She gave a small smirk, eyes lighting up “Naughty, naughty, Newbie.” she chastised, "Careful…could be trouble for HR…”
Luke laughed, “Uh, huh.” He agreed, and turned his attention back fully to driving, not far from her apartment now. Her eyes slipped closed, and he thought about how unfortunate it was that she was drunk. Opportunity was presenting it’s self left and right, but none of it meant anything with her in this state, not really. He knew there could be kernels of truth connected to the things she was saying and doing, inhibitions lowered and all that, but until it was fully present Penelope telling him these things, taking these actions, they were meaningless. And it’s not as if opportunity presented itself much between them in their daily lives. She was right about the HR thing, of course, and they never hungout just them…Not since Phil anyway. He chewed at his lip considering how he could create space for an opportunity, it really would need to be at work unless he wanted to wait for another game night or drinks after a case and hope for the chance of them being left alone for a few minutes. No. He needed to take action. And what was the problem with that anyway? He could do it, he’d done much worse, faced much scarier things than confronting Garcia.
“Whatcha thinking about?” She’d gone back to watching him, he’d been so caught up in contemplating his next move he hadn’t noticed.
He looked back as he pulled to a stop and put the truck in park. “Nothin. We're here. Unbuckle yourself and I’ll walk you up, gotta make sure our queen makes it in safely.”
“Flatterer. Are you my knight?” she asked, not moving.
“One of many, Penelope. Come on, let’s get you home.” Luke undid his buckle and walked around the front of the truck, helped Penelope out, walked her to the door of her apartment and made sure she made it safely in before heading home. Solstice had been a good step forward between them, but it was time he leapt when talking.
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misunderstood-muses · 2 years
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Promise (Part 2)
Waking up beside Seonghwa always felt like a dream. I had seen pretty beings but he surpassed most of them. I still wasn’t sure he was completely human. The sun was just rising, casting blueish light across his face and accentuating his sharp features. I traced my finger lightly over the scar that ran from his right shoulder down across his chest. He’d gotten it from a rival pirate crew when he’d thrown himself in front of Yeosang. It had taken them four days to get him to Marh, but they’d had to get here because they were low on supplies and it was the closest port. Maria had actually gotten them to the Inn.
When four disheveled and distressed men had stumbled through the door, two of them holding another one up, I’d almost spilled an entire bottle of ink across the small desk in the foyer. 
Maria had come in right after so I’d relaxed a little.  I hadn’t questioned her when she said she’d picked them up by the docks, I’d just helped her move them to a room upstairs and we got to work. The gash across Seonghwa’s chest had been brutal and Yeosang had stayed by his side the entire time we’d worked. At some points Seonghwa had woken up, feverish and delusional, and asked what kind of being I was and if he had any chance with me. He hadn’t known how right he’d been to ask, but I’d just laughed and told him if he made it through this he could take me out. It had taken the entire week to pull him back from the brink of death, but he’d made it and had taken me up on my offer as soon as he could walk.
I kissed his bare shoulder once before getting up and slipping on a light shift and a few skirts. The weather was already hot and humid, signaling a storm by the end of the day. I hoped they weren’t planning on sailing out just yet.  
Maria was already in the kitchen when I arrived and grabbed a muffin off the table. She pinned me with a look. Her infamous half smirk made its way onto her face as her brown hair fell out of its messy updo. The look she always gave when she knew someone had done something risky or risque, and she was pleased with them. 
“What?” I asked, feeling heat in my ears. 
“I didn’t say anything, miss.”
I frowned at this. I had tried to get her to stop calling me “miss” for a while now. 
“Your face said enough.”
“Just wondering when you’re going to make him settle down.”
“That would be impossible.” I scoffed. 
“Not for you.”
“He won’t leave the sea. He’s more hers than mine.”
She looked as if she wanted to say something else but finally decided on, “Maybe you should run away with him then.”
“And who is going to run this place? Eliza?”
Both of our faces soured at that before we laughed. Honestly, I knew that Maria could do it. If it ever came down to it or that she could at least make sure that everyone was taken care of. She’d tried to goad me into telling her all the details about Seonghwa and his shipmates the first time they’d come back to visit again, and any time after in fact. While most of the other girls had been scandalized by them, and by me for my nighttime activities, Maria had just shot me that look and asked me who I thought would be better, him or “the mouthy one.” I swatted her away after. 
“Good morning, ladies.” 
We both turned to the door to find the “mouthy one” himself. Wooyoung was leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen. Maria straightened out her skirts and I rolled my eyes. She had a soft spot for Wooyoung. Hell, everyone did, but I’d told him early on not to scare any of my staff away after he’d almost had one swooning his second visit here. I’d been so mad that he had to sleep on his ship that visit. 
“Getting an early start?” I asked him, putting a muffin and some fruits on a plate and setting it down in front of one of the two chairs in the room. 
“I have some things to look for,” He said, sitting and shoving half the muffin in his mouth, “What about you? I’m surprised you're up after your...late night.”
“Say some more, Wooyoung and that’s the last meal you’ll get from me.”
“Are we only talking about food? Because there are other things that are satisfying that I’d like from you.”
“Jung Wooyoung!” I went to actually smack him. This may have been the boldest statement he’d ever said to me. My hand never made it though because long fingers caught my wrist and instead brought my hand up to kiss my palm.
“Good morning, love. You should have woken me.”
“She probably thought you needed the rest.” Wooyoung said, grinning. 
“That’s enough out of you, or I’ll  assign you to barnacle duty.” Seonghwa threatened, voice light but deadly.
Wooyoung quickly focused on his breakfast. 
“Why are we threatening Wooyoung so early in the morning?” Yeosang said, appearing in the doorway. I couldn’t stop the blush that touched my cheeks as we both looked at each other before quickly averting our gaze. 
“He’s being rather rude. He’s lucky I’m not kicking him out again. Breakfast is out. Maria can tell you what you can have. I have guests to attend to.”  
I grabbed the rest of my own breakfast as Maria eyed me, eyebrow raised.
“Interesting.” She said, eyes traveling between all of us.
“Shut up.” 
By mid afternoon I was done with most of my work, and after not hearing anything about anyone new arriving at port, I decided to go into town to buy some supplies we were running low on. Seonghwa had spent most of the day reading in the parlor so he was happy to oblige when I asked for his company. We spent a good part of the afternoon walking the streets hand in hand. We stopped in at a bakery and he bought pastries for us and his crew mates and we paused to eat ours outside the shop, him chasing me down the street after I had licked the powdered sugar from the tip of his nose. It was days like this that reminded me how much I missed him while he was away. It was strange to be so in love with someone that I saw maybe a few days out of a month, if I were lucky. He seemed to feel the same way. He was always finding a way to touch me. Even now as we lingered in a small spice store he was wrapping his fingers with the strings on the back of my dress as I bargained with the owner. It was hard to think about him leaving again soon so I tried to ignore the lump in my throat. 
A deep roll of thunder met us when we stepped out of the shop. I looked at the sky, trying to gauge if we could make it back to the Inn in time before it started to rain. The storm still seemed far off so Seonghwa grabbed the few bags I had and we both nearly ran back to the Inn. The first drops began to fall as we stepped onto the porch and I sighed in relief. 
San, Yunho and Wooyoung weren’t so lucky. All three of them fell through the doorway, sopping wet and laughing. 
“You’re getting my floor dirty.” I told them as I came down the steps, towels in my arms. 
“We’re sorry, Leah.” San said, still grinning. 
“No you aren’t.” 
“You’re right.” Yunho said, and started shaking his head, his longer hair making droplets fly towards me. I shrieked, holding up the towel in defense, which just made it more of a challenge for all of them and soon they were chasing me around the Inn. 
“I have guests,” I called out to them, “I don’t have time to clean up your mess or change. Do not get your rainwater on me or I’ll gut you in your sleep.”
If I thought this would stop them I was wrong. 
They were closing in when a hand shot out and pulled me behind a door, covering my mouth as a squeal tried to escape. I heard them thunder past before I breathed and turned to my savior. Yeosang was smiling. 
“Thank you. Now I just need Hongjoong to call them off.”
“They’ll get tired soon enough. Maria was putting out afternoon tea so I’m sure they’ll be distracted.”
“Thank the goddess.”
He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. We both seemed to realize at the same time the small amount of space that was behind the door. Yeosang cleared his throat before stepping out. 
“Seems like the coast is clear.” 
“Thank you again.” I said and hurried off, finding Eliza on the way and asking her to dry up the mess the boys had made. She glared in the direction of the kitchen and said something under her breath. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she could handle this place.
 They were all in the kitchen when I headed there to get the actual guests’ tea and cakes. 
“You’re on my list.” I told them, eyeing each one of them.
“Worth it. You look beautiful all flushed.” Wooyoung said, not looking up from his cup. 
“San, what have you done to him?” I accused. 
“Me? Why me? He’s always been like this.”
“He has gotten worse though. Probably because Seonghwa doesn’t shut up about you whenever we are getting close to Marh. There are very little details we don’t know at this point.” Mingi said, coming into the kitchen. 
“Excuse me?” I said, blinking a few times. 
“Mingi!” San yelled and I heard Mingi mutter something about giving Seonghwa rum. 
“Miss, the rain has stopped so I’m going to grab a few things for dinner tonight.”
“Maria, don’t leave me with this.” I shouted after her. She just sent me that look. 
“Don’t eat too much. I bought pastries.” Seonghwa said. He’d changed into new trousers and a loose shirt that opened most of the way down his chest that I tried to ignore. When he went to pull me into him I pushed him back and grabbed a tray of cakes. 
“I’ll deal with you later.” I said and left the kitchen. I could hear laughter as the door swung shut. 
When Maria hadn’t returned close to dinner time, I got to work for her. I had done most of the cooking before she’d shown up. I was just about to set some meats into the oven when I heard the front door open and Maria yell for me. I dropped the tray onto the counter and went to meet her in the parlor. She was sweating and breathing hard, like she had run all the way here.
“Maria? What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry, miss. We’re in danger.”
“What? I don’t understand.”
“It’s my fault.”
“Maria, sit down and explain.”
“There’s not time. I know you’ve never asked questions about me and I’ve always been grateful…”
“Of course. It’s not like we all don’t have our secrets.”  
“Yes, but they’ve been searching for me. For all of us and you’ve helped us all. You’re just as bad to them.”
“Slow down please. What is going…”
She didn’t have a chance to say any more because the door burst open and a few of the guys tumbled through.
“What has gotten into everyone?” I asked.
Hongjoong ignored me, giving instructions quickly about grabbing their things. Seonghwa said he’d grab ours.
“Ours? What do you mean ‘ours?’”
“The Navy. They’re coming.” Hongjoong said, ignoring my questions still. 
“I was trying to tell you, miss.” Maria said. She seemed to think that Hongjoong would be able to explain better because she slipped into the kitchen and I heard a few bangs and shuffling. 
“The Navy has been here before.”
“They know that pirates are here. The new Captain is coming down harder on former ‘pirate’ islands. This port is known for harboring all sorts of people.”
“This isn’t a bad town.” I said.
“It’s not. Far from it, but they don’t care, Aleah.”
“Well, if you’re gone then I have nothing to worry about.”
“Not true, miss.” Maria said, coming out of the kitchen, a few sacks in her hands. Her skirts were tied up, a pair of trousers beneath them and over that a short-sleeved tunic. Her long hair was now wrapped in a cloth. Her regular boots were replaced with a more sturdy pair. 
“Have you...where have you been hiding all this?” I asked, dumbstruck.
“Like you said, we all have our secrets.”
Hongjoong looked at me questioningly.
She shoved two of the sacks into Hongjoong’s hands and I saw her tattoo on her inner wrist, unmistakingly that of a pirate crew.  Hongjoong’s crew had one. An hourglass.
“Are you kidding me? How do I keep finding all of you?”
She laughed, setting her hand on my shoulder, “I’m sorry about this, but I have to go and so do you. People in this town will talk.”
“How do all of you know this? They aren’t in port yet I’m assuming.” I eyed both of them.
“I have my sources. Thank you and take care, miss. May our paths cross again someday.”
 Seonghwa came skidding into the room and she walked to the two of them. 
“Take care of her. She’s more special than you know.”
Hongjoong gave a small bow, “I intend to.” 
She shot Seonghwa a look but said nothing before she was gone. I wasn’t sure where she was going or how she was going to get off the island, but she seemed to have a plan and I watched with awed silence as she left.
“I have our things. The others are already headed back to the ship.” Seonghwa said. 
“Alright. Leah, let’s go.” Hongjoong cocked his head towards the door while looking at me. 
“Me?” I asked, half shouting.
“Let’s go, now.” His tone gave no room for argument, but at this moment I was more scared of the thought of the ocean than him. 
I crossed my arms, “I don’t know who you think you are, Kim Hongjoong, but I am not going anywhere. You may be a Captain, but you aren’t mine.”
“I would ask you if she’s always like this but I know the answer.” He said to Seonghwa.
“Love, please. We have to be out of port before they even see the ship.” Seonghwa said softly. 
“Then get going. I’m not a pirate. I have nothing to fear.” I knew that wasn’t true and I could feel the fear creeping up on me, but staying here was better than being on that ship.
“They don’t care. You’ve helped us. Are friends with us. Do you think your staff will keep their mouths shut when you’re all threatened? You’ll be right up there at the gallows with anyone they find guilty.” Hongjoong said.
“I’m not getting on your ship. I’m not going anywhere near the water.” I said firmly.
Hongjoong whispered something to Seonghwa and I could only make out Yeosang and plan, but nothing else. Seonghwa sighed but nodded his head. He moved to me, placing his hands on my elbows.
“Please, Aleah. Please just come with us...with me.” I could feel my heart crumbling. I knew that they were in a lot of danger, that I was as well, but I would be even more dangerous to them on their ship, on the open water with no way to escape.
“I can’t.” I choked out. 
“Okay.” He said. 
“Okay?” I asked, not believing that he’d given up so easily. 
“Yeah, love. I won’t make you make that choice.”
I closed my eyes, sighing as I felt his lips touch mine.
“I just won’t give you one.” My eyes flew open as a cloth was placed over my mouth and nose. Whatever it was laced with took effect immediately and I only got in one weak hit to his arm before everything went black.
“Please forgive me.” I heard his voice say before I knew nothing else.
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Laplace's Angel | AIRika | Trial 2.5 | Re: END, KOKONE, Arakiel | Attn: Hosts, Just Erika, Eri
“Yeah, I’ll say it. It’s relevant now. I voted Eri for Aiding and Abetting. 
I literally only did it because I wasn’t sure if there was a consequence for voting at the start, and it was a Hail Mary. Literally. I just did it for no reason. When I saw Byrne or I got it right, I was pretty shocked. It makes sense, though. Eri has definitely commit identity fraud, which means they’re at least somewhere in the remaining crimes. Of those crimes, there’s only five options.
This makes the options left espionage, attempted murder, regular murder, criminal sabotage, and serial murder. Serial murder and sabotage we never got to vote on, because of the stupid motive… but…”
They turn to look and An and Calluna.
“When will we get our rewards for the crimes that weren’t revealed? If we get them now, we might be able to settle a few things.”
They don’t expect much, but it’s worth a shot. If they suddenly earn points for one of their guesses that was never revealed, they can put more together.
“Also? Erika? Someone could’ve just done your makeup for you. Didn’t I literally offer to give you a makeover a few days ago? I haven’t had time for it yet, but it made me think. You wouldn’t need to know much if someone did it for you. If that person really thought ahead, they could’ve made the errors just to fit the deal better… can someone close to her get a better look at the makeup, or try to feel if there’s any bumps?”
They look to Ae-ra, the only person there that wasn’t a suspect, hoping she’ll follow through— but then, they realize something.
“Hey, wait. The hosts also said that they put us with people that they think we’d get along best with. I was probably out with Lapis and Arakiel since we’re all athletes, KOKONE and Kenshin are together because they got along before here, and we have the science corner over there. Ae-ra and Erika are both sweet, so I get that. Not all the line ups can be perfect, but...
Why the hell are Eri and Erika next to each other? Maybe circumstantial, but there's been too many goddamn circumstances today.“
They cross their arms, looking between the two and sighing. They won't dwell on that point for much longer. They don't exactly have evidence that it's because of some relation.
“One or two gummies will kill, right? A prescription bottle of thirty is enough to kill fifteen to twenty people, which has to be enough to count as a serial murder. If someone for some ungodly reason really needed those for themselves, two would be more than enough. It makes absolutely no sense that someone is prescribed fucking thirty.
You wanna help? Be honest. Don’t deflect. Answer us. Did you feed Cosette those gummies, Erika?”
And that’s when they deliver their final blow.
“One last thing?
I don't think Erika could've set off the trap. The shelf was a tight squeeze and would’ve been too difficult for her to get in with her condition— but also, she doesn’t wear black shoes that could’ve left a scuff mark.
And you know what I noticed? Eri wears black boots.
So help me God, if you’re somehow not in this mess, you can beat the shit out of me after this and we can call it even. But I saw how unstable you were getting. I saw how you easily you broke down. As long as someone says the right thing and validates you, you’ll go with anything.
There's no denying the level of talent you have. I understand more than anyone else in this room does how serious your work is, right? You just want to be someone memorable. Someone who will leave a mark on this world. You want everyone to remember your name, to sing your praises, and to never let your memory die out."
Their voice drops a little, and they speak smoothly. As much as it is still an accusation, there's an undeniable level of charm to their voice. It's almost soothing. Since when could they speak like that?
"And I'll give you all that and more if you prove to me, right now, that you're not involved in this mess."
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edactually · 2 years
Ed POV 1.4
He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head.
“Get up, you useless fucking fucker!”
He didn’t move. The sound of boots stomping away was a blessed relief, and he snuggled back down into the couch of his dressing room, content that he’d be getting a little more nap time.
And then ice-cold water splashed over his face and he shot up with a cry of “Jesus, FUCK!” He had to pull the blanket off his head to avoid waterboarding himself and looked up at the furious face of Izzy Hands. “You were supposed to be kept out of here.”
“Bribed your guard with a hundred.”
“Just a hundred?” Ed groaned, squeezing water out of his hair. “He is so fucking fired. Should have cost you at least a thousand.”
“Edward, be fucking serious for five minutes. Do you realise what you’ve done?”
Izzy was apoplectic with rage in a way that Ed had never seen before, and he had seen Izzyangry . He knew this was coming, still didn’t mean that he wanted to deal with it. He’d hoped to avoid it at least until the morning. Ed glanced at the clock on the wall – just after midnight. Ok, technically morning then. “Hang on, let me get my Izzy’s angry lecture bingo card.”
“This isn’t fucking funny, Ed! The only reason we have gotten to where we are today is through sheer blood, sweat and tears. Most of that mine, might I add?” 
Bit of an exaggeration in Ed’s opinion. 
“We’ve had offers from every record label going, sharks biting at our hands for the opportunity to manage us and we turned every single one of them down at your insistence. Could have made life a lot fucking easier for ourselves by handing bullshit like this over to someone else, but no, you insisted Queen Anne’s Revenge had to be independent. Had to prove that we didn’t need anyone else to make it big, that we’d show anyone who ever doubted us.”
Izzy was seething. “Those were your exact words. You asked me to play the role of band manager, said that I was the only one capable and for years I’ve put up with bullshit like this where you put yourself first and the band second even though you love to say that we’re all in it together.”
“Wow, that’s at least a line, if not a full house. Bingo for me!”
Izzy grabbed him by the front of shirt, his fingers twisting so tightly in the fabric that for a second Ed thought he was going to tear it off him completely, but it was only a means to hoist him to his feet before letting go. 
“Listen to me! The fucking stunt you pulled tonight cost usbig . A sold-out show cancelled in the first five minutes because some stupid fucker fainted? The crucial first show before we go out on tour? The show that was supposed to introduce our new single that drops today, if you remember that? When this gets out, we’re going to lose an absolute fortune in ticket sales from people cancelling because they don’t want to waste their money on a show that could get immediately called off!”
Ed had known Izzy for long enough to be aware that sarcasm and jokes were not the way to put a stop to one of his angry tirades. In fact, it would only make them worse and the proper course of action was to sit and put up with it until he ran out of steam. Still, he couldn’t help it. Making light of a bad situation was his bread and butter. “Sounds stressful, Izzy.”
The anger seemed to subside, at least for a moment. But Ed could see it simmering under the surface. “I used to be proud to be a part of this band.” Izzy sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. Ed did feel the slight twist of a knife in his gut at the words – winding Izzy up was entertaining but he was aware of how much work the man had put in since the very beginning.
“You were always the heart of it, Ed, I knew that. You used to be full of such passion, but now you’re just an insecure shadow of your former glory. You’re not Blackbeard anymore. And I’m not going to stick around and watch you ruin all we’ve worked for because of one of your insane, selfish moods.”
He turned for the door and Ed raised an eyebrow. “Where you going?”
“I am going to do what damage control I can. And once I fix this mess that you got us into, you can take this.” He lifted his middle finger on each hand, jabbing them in Ed’s face like a cowboy waved pistols around in an old western movie. “My fucking resignation, you absolute TWAT!”
The door slammed behind him so hard that the hinges rattled and Ed sighed as he dropped back down onto his (now soaked) makeshift bed.
He’d be back.
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Imagine the Ember Island Players creating a romance between you and Zuko which hits a little too close to home
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You sat beside Katara and noticed how Zuko sat on the other side of her. Aang faltered, obviously wanting to sit there and you smirked as Zuko obliviously missed Aang’s look. Zuko had been with the group a few weeks now but his social skills still weren’t very good and you found it made for some very interesting interactions. His attempt at telling jokes alone made you smile every time you saw him for a full week afterwards and you found Zuko did a lot of things that amused you but apparently not so much the others. “I was going to sit there” Aang whined and Zuko shrugged “so? Just sit next to me”. Aang pouted and you laughed to yourself “here” you said standing up “take my seat Aang” and you moved so he could sit beside Katara. Katara was oblivious and you sat on the other side of Zuko chuckling at Aang’s blush. “What was that all about?” Zuko asked and you smiled “ow nothing you just almost ruined Aang’s evening”. Zuko frowned and went to ask what you meant when the lights dimmed so you knocked his arm shaking your head “i’ll tell you later now shhh”. Zuko folded his arm huffily but stopped talking. The play was wonderfully awful. As you hadn’t joined the gang straight away you knew you had time to just enjoy the first few acts and make fun of the way they portrayed all your friends. Plus what could they do to your character? You didn’t have any old flames like Katara or Sokka and you didn’t have an emotional backstory like Zuko or Aang. So you relaxed arms spread over the back of the bench and waited for *yourself* to make an appearance.
The second your actress walked on stage you knew it wouldn’t be good. They had your character all wrong! Your actress flirted with everyone and acted like a lovesick idiot. You didn’t think it could get much worse and then your character met Zuko’s.
“I’ll save you from the pirates” Zuko’s character purred to yours and you spluttered. “That...that wasn’t even me! That was Katara!” you whispered angrily. You looked to Zuko for confirmation who nodded “yeah I didn’t say that to you...and I certainly didn’t tie you up while staring at you like that”. “And I did not flirt with you like that either”. You both glared as your characters bonded and they actually invented Zuko letting you go voluntarily. As Zuko’s character stared off into the distance and said your name you heard Sokka and Suki wheezing from laughter while you simmered with anger and embarrassment. “I didn’t do that!” Zuko cried and you saw he was blushing vividly. That made you blush too and crossed your arms tightly “they better not stick with this theme”.
Of course they did. By the time act 3 had ended you and Zuko were living a star crossed lovers lifestyle in Ba Sing Sei. They again got you mixed up with Katara and said Azula kidnapped you to lure Zuko to the Earth King’s palace. The act ended with Zuko charging in to save you, offering his own life in exchange for yours, but Azula outmanoeuvred him and arrested him too. As the lights went up for intermission you and Zuko paused before exploding.
“That never even happened!”.
“I knew he was in Ba Sing Sei but we never went on a date”.
“Yeah that was a different girl”.
“And you did not fight with Jet over me”.
“I didn’t even know you knew Jet!” Zuko agreed and you both paused for air.
The gang all looked at each other before bursting into laughter. “What is so funny?” you cried and Sokka smiled. “We all know none of that stuff happened, we were there too remember?”. “Yeah so...can’t we rant?” you asked. “Well yeah but why get so mad about it? Are you trying to convince us or yourselves that the idea the two you flirted is so impossible?”. You and Zuko exploded again at the thought and Sokka and the others burst into laughter again. “All i’m saying is this is a lot of emotion to come from nowhere” Sokka smiled “now i’m going backstage so yell at each other or something” and he disappeared with Suki. Katara and Toph left for snacks and Aang went to the toilet leaving the two of you alone. “But i mean it is ridiculous” you muttered and Zuko nodded “utterly ridiculous”. “Sure we ended up together a few times” you shrugged “but that was completely by chance, it wasn’t like you were hyper-aware of me or vice versa”. “Yeah not at all” Zuko agreed but he wasn’t looking you in the eye for some reason. You stared at him confused and noticed his neck looked slightly red as if he was blushing. “Wait did you?” you asked suddenly “notice me more?”. Zuko looked up and he was indeed blushing deeply “what I....of course not! I never...I mean I did learn your name before anyone else’s but that’s because we spent that time together when I helped the pirates kidnap you and you wouldn’t shut up the whole night”. “Then why are you blushing so much?” you asked and Zuko shrugged “I don’t know I...it’s just them insinuating I like you. I’ve had it a lot”. “You have?” you asked amazed and Zuko nodded “when my uncle heard you’d seen me in Ba Sing Sei and that we’d reached a deal not to tell on one another he had this annoying smirk like i’d done it for any other reason besides the fact it was mutually beneficial. Then when I went back home Azula made it seem like me and you had a thing and Mai got jealous and started asking about you and I had to explain all our interactions and it was very awkward...she wanted me to reassure her by putting you down and making the idea seem impossible but I must have failed because she didn’t believe me. So I guess that’s why it makes me feel weird, everyone keeps telling me I act differently with you and I suppose I do but I have no idea if that’s because everyone keeps saying it or if I always have”. You nodded your head but were unsure what to say. “Well which one do you think it is?” you asked eventually and Zuko paused “what?”. “If you had to guess, would you say you act differently around me because of what people say about us or have you just always acted that way”. Zuko thought, staring at the ground and basically anywhere but at you, “i’m not sure but I guess maybe the second? They must have got it from somewhere I suppose”. “The second?” you asked surprised and Zuko’s blush returned vividly “I’m only guessing, I honestly don’t know”. You nodded your head and went to speak when the others returned which stopped you right in your tracks.  
The second half of the play began of course with you and Zuko reuniting in the prison under Ba Sing Sei. You and Zuko did end up there together but you definitely did less staring at one another. You rolled your eyes as your characters began to passionately speak to one another stepping closer and closer. They finally reached one another and you laughed when your character began yelling at Zuko’s. “Ha maybe they got some things right!” you whispered to Zuko who nodded “you did yell at me a lot”. You smirked and went to apologise when Zuko’s character kissed yours. You and Zuko abruptly shot away from each other. “That is not even close to what happened!” you cried at the others who were all laughing. Zuko nodded “this is just slander! They didn’t even bother to try to get our characters right and anyone with half a brain would realise that!”. Someone shushed Zuko and he glared “shush yourself” he cried before storming from the room. He didn’t return for the rest of the play and honestly you thought that was probably wise. It got worse and worse. They still kept in Zuko’s betrayal of Iroh but changed it making you at the centre of Zuko’s struggle. He chose the crown and they made you react dramatically (even getting a love ballad moment). They then skipped forwards to Zuko at the palace, who got his own song when he realised he’d made the wrong choice. Your characters reunited not long after and promptly confessed their love for one another. Then you were both murdered by Ozai very much in line with the tragic forbidden lovers style.
“I mean I’m just glad she’s dead” you shrugged on your way out “anything to end that romance”. The others smirked when Aang paused “do you think Zuko went back home to the villa?” looking around for the angry fire prince. “No he knows we don’t know this place well, he’s probably just sat outside somewhere” you replied looking around but you couldn’t see him brooding anywhere either. When you walked out the front door and still didn’t spot him Aang frowned “okay everyone split up and look for him, meet back here in five minutes”.
You returned five minutes later to see Katara, Suki, Sokka and Toph all hadn’t found him either. “I wonder where he is” Katara frowned and you shrugged “he’ll be fine, that boy has nine lives”. “He didn’t in that play” Toph commented and you nodded. “True but that play was a mess and there’s one thing I still can’t get over. Zuko said his family and friends thought he liked me that’s where his side of this rumour started but in the play they acted like I encouraged him! Where on earth did they get that idea?”. The group all went quiet and you paused “what?”. “Well...I mean you kinda do encourage him” Sokka frowned and your jaw dropped “I DO NOT! When have I ever...”. “When we got kidnapped by the pirates you teased Zuko constantly and refused to be quiet until he spoke to you” Katara pointed out. “Yes but that was to annoy him not flirt with him!”. “Okay how about when June asked if you were his girlfriend and you replied he wishes instead of no?”. “I was joking” you shrugged and Toph smirked “or how about when I was sneaking out to see Zuko at the Western Air Temple and found you already on your way to see him? What were you popping in to see Zuko for huh y/n? Nice date by the campfire?”. “I was doing the same thing as you! I was going to see if he would tell the truth and given that I knew him best I thought I....”. The gang all erupted and you paused “what?”. “You know him best?” Sokka asked smirking and you nodded “that doesn’t mean anything it’s a fact”. “Ow is it?” Sokka asked and you nodded “It is! Fine if I don’t know him best what was his fake name in Ba Sing Sei?”. Everyone went quiet and you nodded “or how about how long ago he was banished from the fire nation? Better yet just tell me his parent’s names!” you cried. When nobody replied you smirked folding your arms victoriously “told you I know him best”. “Yeah you’ve definitely proved how much you know about Zuko” Suki smirked looking past you. You frowned before you heard someone behind you. You turned to see Aang had found Zuko and by the look on his face he’d heard everything. You blushed and looked down “Zuko we were...”. “Having a competition to see who knows me best?” Zuko asked mildly amused and you paused “well sort of...Sokka started it”. “No I didn’t” Sokka retorted “you declared you knew Zuko the best and when I asked if you were sure you started spouting your favourite facts about him”. “They’re not my favourite facts about him” you snapped and Sokka’s smirk just grew “whatever y/n” and he turned leading the way home. The others all followed and purposefully made it so you and Zuko were at the back. “Why were you talking about me anyway?” Zuko asked and you paused “ow nothing I was just er...trying to work out why the Ember Island Players thought I had a thing for you but the gang was not helpful”. “They couldn’t think of a reason?” Zuko asked innocently and you frowned “no they could actually think of lots of reasons, it appears similar to your family they were also under the impression I held a flame for you as it were”. “Ow really?” Zuko asked. He kept his voice flat but you could swear he was smirking slightly. “Stop enjoying this” you whined pushing him “it’s not funny, it’s embarrassing”. “Liking me is embarrassing?” Zuko asked and you paused “no I didn’t mean that, I just meant having all your friends claim you like someone when you can’t see it”. “You really can’t see where they’re coming from?” Zuko asked and you shook your head “nope not at all”. Zuko looked away and you frowned “I saw that, what did that look mean?”. “Nothing...” Zuko trailed off but you sighed grabbing him by the arm to make him look at you “I’m sick of everyone saying things about me for once just say it to my face!”. Zuko sighed “fine, I just think i’ve been honest with you but you’re not being honest with yourself”. “Not being honest?”. Zuko nodded “Yes, I admitted I could see where my family were coming from and how the rumours started but you’re acting as if they plucked them out of thin air!”. “Well maybe they did! I don’t see how any of our interactions could be interpreted as romantic”. Zuko didn’t look convinced. “You don’t think there’s some truth to what the Ember Island Players said? That maybe there is something here?” Zuko asked gesturing to the small gap between you. “No of course not! Do you?”. “No” Zuko yelled back and you nodded “fine! You are the most infuriating...” you started when Zuko grabbed you kissing you. You initially tensed at the sensation but soon melted into it. Zuko seemed to be trying to prove a point by kissing you passionately and not wanting him to win you kissed him back matching his intensity. Finally Zuko pulled away for air and stared at you “still not want to admit there’s something here?”. You stared at Zuko torn between admitting he was right and your pride. You were annoyed, frustrated, excited and exhilarated all at once. You were breathing rapidly, your cheeks bright red as were Zuko’s and neither of you made to move away. “I...” you started eventually “that was a good kiss”. Zuko nodded, his frustration melting away “it was, I enjoyed it...I’ve been wondering what it would feel like to kiss you for a while now”. “You have?” you asked and Zuko nodded “as annoying as it is to admit my family and friends were right, I like you and I have for a while”. You smiled despite yourself at how adorable Zuko looked all bashful and embarrassed. “I tried ignoring it for a while but then when I joined the group your friends all saw it straight away. Then tonight...the play was bad but I was frustrated that everyone seemed to see it apart from you the person I actually wanted to see it...you”. You looked down wondering how to reply “I’m sorry I bet that was really frustrating”. Zuko nodded “It was and I figured this was just one-sided but that...did you feel it too?”. Zuko looked so unsure and unlike himself it was endearing and gave you confidence. “Yes” you said shakily “after that kiss I can tell you it is definitely not one-sided. I like you too Zuko and probably have since the start”. “Probably?” Zuko asked and you sighed “I’m not good with my emotions, I can be oblivious to them so I can’t with certainty tell you it’s been going on as long as the play made it out to be but I know I like you. Right now in this moment...I hope that’s enough, I know it’s a shit confession and you probably wanted something more solid but I...”. Zuko began laughing and you paused “what’s so funny?”. “Something more solid? Y/n I’m on the run from the Firelord who is my father, my sister is hunting me to kill me and I could very likely be imprisoned for the rest of my life if Aang fails and that’s if i’m lucky...I’m not even sure if I have a future so trust me all I need is the present. To know in this moment right here you like me back” Zuko blushed but he stepped closer and took your hands “that’s more than enough for me”. “It is?” you asked and Zuko nodded “yes and if by some chance it becomes more long-term I’ll be very happy but for now I just want to enjoy this time with you”. You smiled and leant in to kiss Zuko again when someone coughed. “Hey what are you two doing?” Sokka called. Apparently the others had finally realised the two of you were no longer with the group and walked back to find the two of you as you currently were. Luckily it was dark so you moved away from Zuko but still held his hand. “Yeah we thought you’d gotten lost are you okay?” Katara called. Zuko sighed and you smirked at his expression. “We’re fine” you smiled “we were just talking and Zuko’s going to show me this beach he went to a lot as a kid”. Zuko’s eyes shot up to yours and he smiled. “You are?” Aang asked and Zuko nodded “yep, it’s not far from here so we won’t be long. You guys head back to the villa and we’ll meet you there” and with that Zuko tugged you away from the others. You smiled at Zuko and he smiled back at you “quick thinking, I didn’t think we’d get out of there so easily”. “You can thank me later” you replied when you heard Sokka gasp “wait are they holding hands? Y/n are you holding hands?”. “Run!” Zuko cried and you laughed but did as he said. You kept running even after Sokka’s voice trailed off and only stopped when you reached a sandy beach. You both collapsed on the ground and you turned to look at Zuko “did you know this was here or did you get lucky?”. “Totally the former” he smiled and you shook your head “you’re lucky I like you”. “I really am” Zuko agreed and he stared at your face tenderly. His fingers brushed your cheek and you smiled “what are you waiting for?”. “I have no idea” Zuko admitted and he leant in to reclaim the lost kiss from earlier. This time you weren’t interrupted.
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Good Little Helper
Pairing: Season 5! Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader gets assigned to be Spencer’s personal assistant of sorts after he gets shot in the knee. Category: SMUT(18+) Content Warnings: fingering (female receiving), blowjob, praise kink, dirty talk, blink and you’ll miss it cumplay Word Count: 4.7k
NOTE: So, remember yesterday when I posted about how I wished new ideas would stop distracting me from everything I’m currently working on? Yeah. This wouldn’t leave me alone, and I couldn’t work on anything until I got it out of my head, so here! Have a fic! (It was supposed to be a blurb, but I got a little long-winded so now it’s too long to be a blurb oops 😙✌) Also, I apologize for any editing mistakes, I just wrote this out in one go, so hopefully it’s alright!
Being assigned to assist Dr. Reid with practically his every need after he was shot in the knee wasn't exactly how I expected to spend the past few months.
And that's, like... a huge understatement.
In fact, when Agent Hotchner came up to me in the break room and said he'd like me to do the job, I dropped my coffee and shattered a mug. I could tell he was a little impatient with me, even through his kind reassurances that it was quite all right as he helped me clean it up and waited for an answer.
In the end I'd said yes to the job, though the more I thought about it the more I wondered how much lust and naivete had clouded my judgement when I did.
Because there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to survive weeks, possibly months, as Spencer Reid's assistant. Not only because he was intimidatingly intelligent and there was almost nothing I could offer him in decent conversation, but also—and more prominently—the fact that I was pretty sure I was in love with him.
Maybe that was a stretch. I definitely had a stupid major crush on him that felt more like we were in middle school, but I could barely look at him without going warm all over. In fact, I think we had only ever made eye contact once and I averted my gaze immediately, afraid I'd give myself away. If I'd have held it any longer, I was positive I'd have burst into flames.
He'd tried talking to me once, a few months after I started working at the Bureau, and it was only to ask if I'd send some files over to their tech analyst, Penelope Garcia, but when I tried answering, I stumbled over my words and ended up only getting out a squeaked, "Uh huh," before taking the files from him and scurrying off.
I almost cried that day.
Basically every time I was in his presence, I was a total wreck. Even more so than I was on any other given day.
Being his assistant did get fairly easy pretty early on, though. I mostly just stayed out of his way while he worked, and if he need anything that he could've gotten himself if not for the injury, it was my job to get it for him. I worked on my own paperwork most of the time, and he was always busy working on geographical profiles and whatever else, we only ever really had to talk when he asked for something. And that only required a, "Sure," on my end, so I could just get up, get what he needed, and then go back to work.
Still, it didn't help that sometimes I'd get distracted.
He was very distracting.
I usually waited until I was sure he was so busy in work that I wouldn't get caught. And that's when I'd peek over my computer or hide behind a book and stare at him. I know that sounds creepier than it is, but if you had to spend almost every hour of the day with him, you'd have done the same. Even though for months he was put on rest from the field, he always showed up looking more like a college professor than an FBI agent. Which, I suppose suited him more anyway. Regardless, it was a damn fine look. His hair was decently long and extremely pretty, and when he got the cane?
I was a goner.
It was at that point, though, when I started to realize that he probably wouldn't need my help anymore. He'd been allowed back into the filed by then, and even when I went with them on cases it still felt like I was more out of place than usual. Sure, I'd picked up on some minor skills that aided in profiling and otherwise, but at the end of the day I was still only a desk clerk. Sooner or later, I knew there would be a time where Agent Hotchner would inevitably tell me that I'd done a good job and could return to my menial day job.
So, even though Dr. Reid and I had gotten into a pretty regular, non-awkward rhythm, I was being a little more squirrely than usual.
And of course, he noticed.
"Y/N, are you doing alright?" he asked, looking up from his stack of paperwork. That was another thing we'd ended up doing— late into the night after everyone had gone home, we stayed late in the conference room and quietly filled out paperwork.
I barely looked him in the eye when I answered. "O—Oh, mhm. I'm fine."
"Oh... You just seem... a little different today."
On any other day I would have freaked out on the inside like a teenager, excited that he'd noticed me at all enough to notice a difference in my behavior. But that was his job after all.
"Actually, you seem rather... sad."
I did look up at him this time, and the soft glow of the table lamp lit up his features— features that looked me over with concern. I could feel my face grow warmer with every second I looked at him, until I quickly looked back down at my paper and shook my head.
"N—No, I'm okay. Promise. Just a little tired, that's all."
Usually he would have left it at that, given we didn't ever really have longer conversations than that that didn't pertain to whatever case the BAU was working on. But he pushed further, and I swallowed.
"Are you sure? Because... You can tell me if there's something wrong. I'm a good listener..."
Did I dare tell him what was really plaguing me? That I was scared I wasn't going to be able to spend time with him every day, thus most likely giving away my crush? That is, if he hadn't already figured it out by this point... Truthfully it wouldn't have surprised me.
The thought made me go warm again, and still, I kept my head down.
"I'm sure..."
And then I did something I probably shouldn't have. I looked back up at him, just a quick glance, but under his intense gaze I crumbled, flitting my eyes back down and playing with my hands.
"Is it... because of me?"
Afraid suddenly that I'd made him feel bad, I straightened a little. "No! No, not at all I... Um... I—I guess I'm just... A little sad that I'm probably... not going to be of any help to you anymore. You know, now that you're healing up."
A small smile flashed over his face, and I inwardly melted.
"Oh... In that case I... I guess I'm sad, too."
"Really?" I asked softly, my heart jumping.
"Mhm," he answered back in earnest. His features were softer than they'd ever been, eyes wide and kind, smile inviting... "You've been a great help. And you're fun to be around."
I couldn't help but smile shyly at his confession, completely bewildered that he'd think of me as someone he'd enjoyed being around, though I'd offered just about nothing interesting to any conversation we'd had. "Y—You don't mean that..."
"I do."
"C'mon, really? I... I—mean... coming from you that's... that's too generous."
He laughed a little. "How do you mean?"
"I... Well, y—you're you... I mean, you're... smart, and nice, and cu— uh,... n—nice..." I stumbled hard on that last one, squeezing my eyes shut at the thought of almost calling him cute to his face... And then I realized I'd called him nice two times... in a row.
I hadn't even realized he'd gotten up and walked over to me until I felt his cane gently tap my leg. I jumped, looking up at him and almost crumbled again right then and there. He stood over me, tall and clearly amused, and I wanted to just curl up and hide where no one would ever find me.
I also didn't want to be craning my neck so far up to see him, so I stood up, sending my chair rolling back a foot or two. The added height was better, but he was still fiarly taller than me, and with the way were standing so close to each other?
Maybe I'd made a mistake...
"I—I'm sorry," I stammered.
Still amused, Spencer tilted his head a small amount. "What for?"
"I... I don't know, m—making this awkward?"
"It's not awkward."
"It... It's not?"
He shook his head, quiet for a few beats before he nearly whispered. "What were you going to say?"
I paused. "I... What?"
"Before... You said I was smart. And nice... And... What else?"
It sounded like he was trying to get me to confess something, and quite honestly I couldn't tell if it was for humiliation or amusement or clarification purposes. I mean, it was probably safe to assume he wouldn't go out of his way to humiliate me, but... it still made me nervous.
"I—I didn't... I..."
"Y/N... Tell me?"
I'd been cornered. Quite literally, too, as my lower back hit the edge of the table. My hands shook anxiously at my sides as I contemplated what to say. The truth? Embarrassing for me. A lie? I was no good at telling lies, and I'd still end up embarrassed, because he'd be able to tell.
So, after a very long silence in which he waited on me to answer, I blurted out, as quietly as possible, "Cute."
The word sounded juvenile coming from my mouth. Right now, standing under Dr. Reid's intense scrutiny, it didn't even feel like the right word to describe him. Not that it wasn't true... But it just wasn't an elegant enough descriptor for him.
And that alone probably proved just how different we were. How out of my league he was...
"That's what I thought you were going to say," he mused, slightly breaking me out of my self-deprecation.
I would have asked him something then, anything to keep myself from looking like even more of a fool with a childish schoolgirl crush, but all words escaped me entirely. All I could do was look up at him, slowly growing warm under the intensity of his eyes and praying he wouldn't think of me as silly.
Though, it wouldn't have mattered, because he kept talking anyway, his body taking up even more space around me as his arms came around to well and truly trap me against the table.
"You're right, you know... I'm almost completely healed, and pretty soon I think I won't need an assistant anymore."
I was scared that maybe I was wrong before, and he'd actually humiliate me now, though the look in his eyes suggested otherwise. I wasn't sure what to make of all of it. SO I just stood there, trying to breath steadily as Spencer studied my face.
"And I meant it... That makes me sad. You know why?"
I shook my head, afraid to make a sound.
His head dipped lower, close enough that I could feel his breath on my mouth as he spoke. "I probably won't get to see you every day."
"Y—you want to see me?" I couldn't help but ask.
He scanned my eyes, amusement and something else lingering there as he did. "Yes."
And then he kissed me.
It was a short distance, but it felt like we went far. And I hadn't even registered that I whimpered into his mouth until he returned it with a low groan that boiled my insides and absolutely melted me. I was helpless against him as he pressed himself further against me and used his hands to keep my back steady.
The whole time my mind was swimming with dizziness. It felt like my body was covered in butterflies from head to toe, particularly strong where his hands pressed into me and his cane rested firmly along the inside of my thigh.
I leaned forward when he pulled away, because I was afraid that he was saying goodbye. But one of his hands came up to my face and my eyes fluttered open, immediately taking notice of how messy his hair was now that I'd had my fingers in it.
I must have looked scared, because suddenly his eyes changed, and he removed his hands away from me altogether, putting distance in between us. "I—I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you without asking..."
The relief that rushed through my body must have gotten to my head, because I breathed out a demand I'd never have had the courage to get out before.
"Do it again."
One second I was staring at him, admittedly afraid that he'd regretted all of it, and the next I was seeing stars as he came forward and kissed me again. His hands cradled my face as he did so, coming on to me with gentle care while still maintaining that hunger that surprised and excited me.
I hadn't realized how much I missed his touch until he'd given it back to me, my body once again melting into him and allowing him to do whatever it is that pleased him.
Apparently that was lifting my leg off the ground and making me sit on the table.
My body went along with it easily, and I was glad for it because my brain was nothing but mush, unable to process fully how he'd decided that I was worth kissing. All I really knew was that I wanted him. Anything he wanted from me, I was willing to give. And that must have come across very clearly, because when he pulled away and spoke to me, I whimpered at his words.
"Y/N... You've been such a good girl, helping me with whatever I needed these past few months..." Meanwhile his hand danced along the hem of my skirt, the tiny brushes of his skin against mine sending me into a mess of shivers.
"I think it's about time I've thanked you for all your help, don't you think?"
The implications in his tone made me whine again, and I pressed my forehead into his, our noses brushing as I answered. "Please."
I was so taken by the way he groaned as his lips connected with mine once more that I almost didn't realize that his hand was now fully up my skirt, his fingers drawing gentle lines over my panties and practically making me melt again. His hungry kisses contradicted the softness he took to my clothed cunt, a fact that warmed me to my core and made me want him more than ever.
When he slipped the fabric aside and ran the pad of his finger through me, I whined hard against his mouth, something that must have excited him— He nipped at my bottom lip and took a deep breath.
"How long have you wanted this, Princess?"
If not for the kissing and the finger slowly sliding up through my arousal, the nickname would have done me in. By now I was an utter wreck, but I somehow still managed to answer, even through a little stammering. "F—Forever."
It was the best I could come up with.
He breathed a laugh as his finger circled my clit. "That's a long time..."
"Uh huh," was all I could manage in response. My body and my brain were too focused on the things his finger was doing to my body, involuntarily rolling my hips forward for more. I needed more.
Thankfully he picked up on my urgency and reciprocated with slipping his middle finger inside me, one knuckle, then two...
I cried out as my head lurched forward, connecting our mouths once again. My hands clutched around his neck and my fingers tugged at his hair to keep myself from falling, because the slow, searing pace at which he fingered me made me wonder how I'd still been able to breathe.
He added another finger soon enough, picking up the pace and rendering me practically useless in his embrace. Meanwhile I registered the sound of his own little whines, still deeper than mine but little enough to tip me off that he was enjoying this just as much as I was, and that alone helped get me further along in pleasure.
I pulled my mouth from his reluctantly, squeezing my eyes shut as I allowed my forehead to rest against his. "D—Doctor, I'm c... I'm so close."
"His honorific falling breathlessly from my mouth seemed to do something sinister to him, because his fingers sped up and his breathing got heavier.
"Yeah? You gonna come for me, Princess?"
My stomach tightened and I nodded as best as I could, relishing in the sounds coming from below us, wet and downright filthy.
"Go ahead...Be a good girl and come for me... You deserve it..."
Each little sentence was punctuated with a slightly faster pace, each one bringing me closer and closer until I squeaked into his mouth and shook violently around his fingers, my vision going white. My legs had been open wide since he'd started teasing under my skirt, but now they threatened to clamp shut from the intensity. But I wanted nothing more than to be good for him, to make this as easy as possible, so I held out and kept them open as wide as I could stand as my orgasm rocked through me.
Spencer whispered praises into my skin as his hand slowed and his mouth trailed down to my neck. And even though it was more than nice feeling him lick and bite over my skin, I felt rather sad when he removed his fingers from me.
That sadness didn't last long though, not when he pulled back and studied me for a moment, eyes lust-blown and purely ravenous before he brought his glistening fingers up to my mouth.
I didn't even have to think. I brought my tongue out and let him slip his fingers over it, closing my mouth around them and sighing as I sucked them clean. This only seemed to excite him more, his features displaying all sorts of desperation until he couldn't take it anymore.
He kissed me again, bringing both his hands to rest at my waist. And with his hands so low I wondered if maybe he'd take to ridding himself of his own pants, but it never happened. Rather, he pulled away after minutes of more kissing, and sighed quite sadly as his upper body pressed firmly into mine.
Something else pressed firmly against me as well—right along the inside of my thigh—and I gasped, mind running wild through all the possible outcomes of the night.
But Spencer only stood there, occasionally nudging his nose against mine while his hands gently kneaded my sides.
"D—Do you want to stop?" I asked softly, afraid he'd regret what we did.
He proved me wrong. "God, no... It's... It's just that I'm still not cleared enough for any... strenuous activity on my leg, and I don't..."
I didn't want to push him, obviously, but I thought I could make the mood a little lighter. "O—Oh, well on the bright side... I could stay your assistant for a while longer."
The laugh that rumbled in his throat made me smile, though from the way he stood there, I knew he wouldn't risk it.
"Um... Raincheck?" he whispered.
On the one hand, that meant he definitely wanted to see me again, and I was more than happy with that. But also, that meant our fun for the night was done...
Yet... Maybe not...
"Sure," I answered, pecking his lips once more. Then I brought my hand to his chest and slid it down until I reached his belt, and I leaned back to look him in the eye, a boldness I never imagined coming from me in a million years.
"But I can still help you..."
I watched the desperation and disappointment in his features slowly dissolve into a newfound hunger—and an amusement—that grew my confidence tenfold.
"Oh?" Spencer mused. "How do you suppose you can help me this time?"
He wanted me to say it. So, without second guessing myself anymore, I grazed my finger over his erection. "I'm very good with my mouth, Dr. Reid."
He grabbed me by the hand then, dragging me along to the chair I'd kicked back before and sat himself down, one of his hands still gripping the cane. Matched with the desire in his eyes and the swollenness of his lips and the tousled strands of his hair, the sight was truly something to behold. It was something that only ever existed in my dreams, nd now it was real.
Not wanting to waste any time, I sunk to my knees and nestled myself in between his legs. He reached out and caressed my cheek before lifting my chin with his middle finger.
"You like being my good little helper?" he drawled.
I tried to nod, but he clicked his tongue and held my chin in place. "Words, Princess."
"Yes. I—I'd do anything you asked. Anything you want, it's yours..."
He hummed then, removing his hand from my face and moving to undo his belt swiftly with only one hand. The action, the sound, everything... it was enough to make me wet again, and I subtly ground down onto the heel of my foot as I watched him pull himself free from the confines of his pants.
I didn't have time to marvel at him before I was drawn forward like a magnet, my hands crawling up his legs and my eyes batting up at him, ready and eager to please him however he wanted.
"Eager, are we?" he mused once more, gently stroking himself with his hand.
"Yes, Doctor," I breathed, inching closer and kissing the outside of his hand.
His movement stopped then, and it didn't take longer than a second for him to decide to let me work on my own.
"Then have at it, Princess..."
I started by kissing my way up the length of him, taking my time to gauge his reactions as I did so, occasionally darting my tongue out to taste him. Once I reached the tip, I sucked on it gently, using my tongue to swirl around it until I could taste the saltiness of his precum.
And then I started taking him slowly into my mouth, watching above me as Spencer's eyes started to shut, obviously debating whether or not to lay back and enjoy this or watch me intently.
Either way, I was more than happy to keep it up, finally getting him to the back of my throat. I flexed my tongue and held him there as long as I could, promptly gagging over him and blinking tears from my eyes as he let out a loudest sound I'd heard from him yet. His head flew back and his tongue quivered along his bottom lip as he cursed my name.
The act made me proud, so I retreated for air, sucked at his tip again for a few seconds, and then repeated it, taking him down my throat again and watching through teary eyes as he visibly swallowed and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so... Such a good fucking girl..."
The praise caused my insides to burn hot, and I ground down onto my heel again, lifting my mouth to start bobbing up and down.
His eyes opened then, and he looked down at me, using his hand to brush stray hair from my face and the other to grip onto his cane for dear life. I looked up at him the whole time, making sure to convey through not only my actions but also my eyes that I loved this. I thrived off of his praise, I enjoyed the feel of his dick gliding over my tongue and hitting the back of my throat, and I longed to feel him coat the inside of my mouth with his release.
I was so entirely into him in every capacity, it wasn't even funny.
I was so glad he could tell, a smile grazing his features as his hand gently gripped some of my hair. "So eager to please, Princess... And so fucking good at delivering..."
I whined onto his dick as he held me down, rendering me immobile. The only thing I could do was look up at him and choke, and of course, I was more than happy to do it. In turn, I was met with a deep groan and a tug of the hair.
"Hold it, hold it... Atta girl..."
My cunt throbbed at his words, and my throat continued to burn, tears falling down my face at ten-speed until finally, he let up and pulled me off of him.
I coughed a little and blinked away tears as I caught my breath, Spencer's fingers combing hair from my face as he smiled proudly.
He didn't even need to say anything then. I wanted to give him more. So I leaned down again and took him in my mouth, quickly making work of his tip while my hand came up and stroked the rest of him.
"Fuck, Princess, just like that... Make me come just like that..."
Rather than just continuing, I offered him a high whine and a wide gaze, hoping to exceed expectations.
I guess it worked, because he came right then, his dick pulsing over my tongue and in my hand as his warm release shot down my throat and over my tongue. I hummed around him, fluttering my eyes closed at the taste and the feeling, probably enjoying the fact that I'd done this to him more than I should have.
It was worth it to see the look on his face, though, after he'd given me all he had and I purposely spit some of it out onto the tip of his dick so I could lick it up and give him just a little more stimulation after the fact. His mouth hung open, eyes heavy and unwilling to leave me, even as I finished and sat back to wipe the tears and saliva from my face with a satisfied smile.
Though, the longer he looked at me, the more shy I became. Funny when I'd just had his dick down my throat, but I'd never been good with people staring at me for long periods of time.
"Was that... Was that okay?" I asked, suddenly worried I hadn't done something to his standards. "I know I don't do this a lot, so I'm sorry if it wasn't that g—"
I blinked up at him, still on my knees and unwilling to move. Not that I wanted to, but I couldn't even if I had.
"That was fucking perfect... I meant it, you're... so good."
I knew he was capable of better words, but after having the life sucked out of you, I could imagine 'better words' were hard to come by. Still, I laughed a little, playing with the hem of my skirt. "Good. I'm... glad I could help."
He smiled at me, readjusting his pants and then moving to help me off the ground.
"Hey, uh... Even when you go back to your regular job after I get better, I... I hope you know you're always welcome to come visit me if we're not busy."
The words warmed me in a different way, my heart swelling as well. "You... You mean that?"
Spencer nodded, grabbing my hand and dragging his thumb over my wrist. "Of course. I mean, you're more than just a good helper, you know. You're also kind, and smart, and cute..."
I laughed at his emphasis on cute, heat warming my face. "Ha-ha..."
"I really mean it, though," he said softly, removing his hand from mind and bringing it up to lift my chin, so I'd meet his eyes. They were swimming with sincerity, the epitome of warmth and comfort and kindness— the kind that always drew me to him in the first place. "And... If you'd want to maybe ditch the paperwork one day and grab a coffee or something, maybe—"
"Yes," I interrupted without thinking. My heartbeat picked up upon seeing the look in his eyes when I agreed, a mixture of amusement and relief. "Y—Yes, I'd love to."
"Good. Then it's a date?"
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