#the time my mom got me a very cute expensive bag that is very cute sure but way too fancy and expensive for me
femmesandhoney · 8 months
being a woman means asking for gifts that aren't conventionally feminine gifts and being gifted conventionally feminine gifts because others think that's what you "really" wanted or needed underneath your obviously fake and stupid real wants that cannot possible be satisfactory enough for you, a woman.
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zombholic · 1 year
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“dude you raided your closet for like the millionth time, you have cute things!” dina groaned trying to help you find a cute outfit for your lunch date with the doctor. “yeah but dina it’s a fancy restaurant! i have nothing fancy oh my god i will kill myself” you sat on the floor defeated.
“wait, wait this is so cute! and so simple what the fuck” she held up a small, plain black spaghetti strapped dress, taking the dress for her you quickly threw your pajamas on the floor and slipped into the fitted dress “dina i look like a slut” the dress riding up your legs making you pull it down only for it to ride back up.
“bro hello? where was this damn body hiding?” looking at yourself in the mirror you turned to the side to check if your ass looked good “where was all this ass y/nn?!” dina laughed slapping your ass in a friendly way “stop being gay weirdo” you laughed grabbing your makeup bag “can you get my jewelry? just like a few rings and earrings, should i wear a necklace?” you started to apply a small amount of makeup but enough to make a difference.
“yeah wear a necklace, show your tits” she joked handing you small sliver hoops, silver rings and a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “wow can i fuck you?” dina bit her lips and rubbed her hands trying to be seductive “girl i will kill myself” she rolled her eyes before you both bursted out laughing at her stupidity.
“ok lightskin justin beiber, which shoes should i wear?” dina told you to stand up before grabbing a pair of wedged heel boots that stopped at your shins “but wear your slippers cause i don’t need you crashing while driving in those” she handed you the boots.
“girl you got legs for fucking days” and yes you did, long legs that stood out “i’ll invite you to my wedding if you behave” you messed with her before slipping in some slipper and heading out to your car.
buzz buzz
starting your engine you checked to see if it was dina trying to be annoying.
Hey Y/n, I’m about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I’ll see you there Sweetheart ❤️
hiii doc, im heading out right now, cant wait 2 see you! 🫶🏼
parking at the closest parking spot you could find on a saturday, you quickly slipped into your boots, grabbing your one and only expensive black coach purse that your mom got you for your birthday you threw your keys in the bag. walking into the restaurant you approached the hostess stand “welcome to vue rooftop, may i get your last name for your reservation?”
oh shit
you didn’t know abby’s last name “i’m so sorry give me one second” you moved to the side to quickly text abby.
hey, what’s your last name?
Anderson, are you here?
forgetting to respond to her question you told the hostess the last name “ok ma’am please follow me to the rooftop and i’ll show you your table” she gave you a sweet smile, guiding you to a very fancy elevator that seemed to go up for a good minute “i’ve never seen an elevator be so fancied up” you commented making the hostess giggle “i know, it’s really nice, you’re with doctor anderson right?” you raised your eyebrows surprised she knew abby.
“yeah, i am! do you know her?” “yeah! she comes here all the time but never have i seen her bring someone else” you felt something explode in your stomach, your face heating up as you tried to hide your smile. finally reaching the rooftop she guided you to abby’s table “a waitress will be with you shortly, have a pleasant day” she softly placed the menu on your side.
your heart beating fast when you see abby, “hey sweetheart, let me get that for you” she got up and pulled out your chair for you before going back to hers “you look stunning y/n” you placed your phone down by the table near your glass cup “and you look amazing doctor anderson” she chuckled at the name “you can call me abby” “i know but whats the fun in that?” you shrugged, giggling as you looked down at the menu, abby’s blue orbs never leaving you.
you stared at the menu wondering what the actual fuck majority of it says, you being you the facial expressions said it all “you look confused sweetie, what’s wrong?” she farrowed her brows “i’m not dumb i swear but-“ you whispered to her not wanting the other tables to hear “what does this even say? i can’t read it” you huffed out a confused laugh “here, you can get the same thing i do when i come here” she closes your menu.
the waitress came by to take your guys order “oh and can we a bottle of bourbon please” abby smiled sweetly at the girl before handing her both of the menus “i get to choose where we go our next date” you laughed messing around with the ring wrapped around your index finger “and where would that be?” she looked you up and down.
basically eye fucking you
“chilis, my favorite restaurant” she giggled at your choice “you’re so simple” you puckered your lips giving her a silly look “not really, not reallllyyy” she raised her brows before a waiter came by to drop off the expensive alcohol that was basically your whole paycheck.
she poured you both half a glass of it, handing you your glass you twiddled with the cup, smelling the alcohol as you tried your best to hide your ‘fuck this is strong as hell’ expression “do you drink? i’m so sorry if you don’t, i should’ve asked you beforehand” she apologized profusely “no no, abby i drink but i like very fruity drinks, i’ve never had strong liquor before” you took the smallest sip from the cup almost before pushing it away slowly trying your best to hide your very expressive face.
abby laughed even harder “you’re so cute, i’ll drink it for you babe, i’ll get you sweet tea?” you nodded preferring that instead.
the waitress came by with the bill and placed it on the table “just flag me down whenever you’re set” she smiled before walking off “i can pay half of it at least” you took out your card, abby grabbing your hand and pushing it down, shaking her head “no, i said i would pay, don’t even think about it” you huffed “ok but can i at least tip her?” she chuckled handing you the book, opening your wallet you pulled out a fifty dollar bill and placed it in the book “you think that’s a good tip?” “i think that’s more than enough ms. generous” she smiled.
after paying you guys headed back down “do you want to grab something sweet? i can show you a great ice cream place” she put her black leather jacket on before you two headed over to her car “oh my god is this a vintage bronco?” you gawked at her black car, amazed at how intact and beautiful it is “yeah, i restored it myself, i have a thing for fixing older cars” she opened the door for you to get in “oh we’ll have to come back because i parked my car in the garage” you hopped in dying at the beige leather interior.
she pulled up to this small outdoor soft serve place, waiting in line you felt yourself getting shivery and cold, feeling your nose and fingertips get colder by the minute, abby taking a notice quickly slips off her jacket to wrap around you “how are you cold sweetie? it’s only sixty-five degrees” she rubbed your shoulders trying to warm you up, you giggled looking up at her “sorry, i just get cold so fast out of nowhere it’s so annoying because i can never wear anything cute” you fake pouted “my friends like to make fun of me and call me cold blooded because i’m always cold” you two giggled.
“c’mere” she wrapped her giant arms around your frame, pulling you into a warm embrace, her hand on the back of your head rubbing your hair.
after getting your ice creams you guys sat in her car, as she heated the car up a tiny bit for you “what flavor was yours again?” you were licking up your ice cream cone making sure nothing dripped onto her car.
abby sucked in the air watching you, jaw tensing up, eyes never leaving your mouth “uh, sorry uh” she let out a breathy laugh “i got strawberry shortcake” you looked at her with your big doe eyes, confused why she was acting strangely.
“you got something on your face” she wiped her thumb slowly against the side of your sweet lips “thank you” you smiled sweetly at her “oh shit” she checked the time on her watch “work?” you questioned “mhm, i’m so sorry sweet girl, i’ll drop you off to get your car then i’ll have to head out ok?” you nod a little sad the date ended already.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall dont EVEN my adhd is hyping me up so much im already writing part 4 SHORTIES
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taavisplushies · 1 year
some of my childhood stuffed animals!!!
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let’s go!!! nostalgia time!!!
first up we will look at all the webkinz (except for my frogs bc those ones are on a shelf)
there was this lil store in town that would sell webkinz for cheaper than meijers, so if i got good grades or something my mom would take me there and let me choose 2! but meijers always had a better selection so sometimes we would go there, but they were more expensive so i could only get 1.
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lil kinz grey n white cat my beloved… i got her from my aunt for christmas one year :’) first ever webkinz, i was so excited!!
my mom hated the mohawk puppy because she thought mohawks were a sin
the signature clouded leopard introduced me to the animal and i was obsessed with them for a while!
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the clydesdale horse is kinda special! my dad got it for me from ebay :) he normally never got me stuffed animals because he thinks they’re a waste of money. i also thought it was cool, because the internet was new to me, and i didn’t know you could buy stuff online!
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not going into details about the traumatic event obviously but it’s kinda funny, because basically i had to pack a bag super quick and i spent forever deciding which plush to take with me lol (i think i was in shock or something, because i was not thinking clearly)
okay that was a lot of plushies… now i am tired… oof.
claw machine prize time!
i love claw machines, i would play them all the time! my favorite was this little one at little caesar’s in the next town over. the machine was really easy to win! i also remember walmart used to have a bunch of claw machines!
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not going through the whole box, because most of them aren’t very interesting.
my first ever claw machine win is the little angry tiger! i was probably 4?? and it was at walmart. my dad moved the claw into position and i pressed the button :) i was so excited!!!!
the black and white bunny was a win from the little caesar’s i mentioned earlier. i loved it! the plush is super soft and good quality. normally claw machines have cheap toys so i was impressed!
the carrot farmer bunny is super cool! she originally had a straw hat, but the claw ripped it off :( i was never able to get it…. but that’s okay! also one of her legs is sewn on backwards. weird. but i still think she’s super cute!
next is miscellaneous plushies
i am even more tired now, so i’m not going through the entire box… sorry
these are mostly from garage sales! some of them were bought brand new though (and those ones were always so cool to me)!
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i loved that chipmunk so much. i carried him with me around the house and i would sleep with him every night. i got him from the zoo on a field trip! i remember there was so many plushies, it was hard to choose just 1! unfortunately i did puke on him once, so my dad put him in the washer then dryer. when i saw him after he came out of the dryer i was so upset. he’s different! i hate change. i cried. he’s not soft anymore. i still loved him though, because it’s not his fault that his fur got messed up.
i don’t remember where the white dragon is from, but she’s so cool! i’ve heard it could be worth money but idk.
okay i’m done. super tired now. gonna sleep on the floor. goodnight <3
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generalluxun · 3 months
Gift Giving- An Aro Alix Kubdel Ficlet
Second Pride Month ficlet. This one taking pace in what is very clearly an early divergence AU so, the specific time doesn't matter much. 😁 This one was longer than the 750 limit, but I didn't want to shave any off so, oh well, 978 words it is.
“Should I get her chocolate? Chicks dig chocolate, right?”
“Alix, you’re a ‘chick’ too, you know.”
“Ehn, still up in the air.”
Marinette leaned around the display to peer at her friend. Alix was setting down a small gold-wrapped and expensive looking box. Caught, she snatched her hand back quickly, sticking her chin out and tilting her head up at the same time.
“What?” She challenged.
Marinette blinked, “What what? You literally pulled me here after school.” She rubbed one wrist as she looked around the gift shop and mumbled, “How do you do that on wheels.”
Alix shuffled over to some cards. “You were just going to go moon over some new pictures of Adrien anyway.” 
Marinette adjusted her backpack, which completely coincidentally happened to contain the latest issue of La Verve Paris and a 10 page spread on Adrien. The scrapbooking tools already laid out on her desk at home could be for anything.
“Why me though?” She deflected.
Alix was frowning at a card she’d picked up. She opened it, made a face, and put it back down again. Her hand moved back to it, but became a fist. She let out a frustrated growl.
“Because you and Alya are like, best friends. You’ll know what she would like.”
Marinette beamed at the thought of being helpful. “Okay, you got it! So what’s the occasion?”
Alix shuffled to a shelf with some figurines on it and poked one despondently. “Three month anniversary.”
“So cool! The three month anniversary is very important. You have to-” Marinette’s brain caught up with her mouth, “Wait, whaaat?”
She grabbed Alix by the shoulders, looking her in the eyes, “Anniversary? Dating? You and Alya? How do I not know about this?”
Alix squirmed free, “I don’t know. It’s not like… a thing.”
Marinette took a deep breath, calming herself. She was fine, it wasn’t a thing, no big deal…
“When did you start dating?” She yelped.
Alix shrugged, siddling to another shelf. “Iunno. It just kinda happened. She’s cool, right?”
Marinette followed, “Cool, right, very cool. You know that, I know that, but…” she pleaded with her eyes for more.
Alix sighed and gestured vaguely. “Well, she was always running off after Ladybug -Did you know she can do some wicked Parkour?- and getting herself in trouble. I just… followed her a couple times, my wheels made it easy. I pulled her fat out of the fire, but she would keep at it. She always wanted those pictures, and the latest scoop. Nothing slowed her down. Eventually I had her give me the camera. Wheels, right? I can get in and get out. She’d want info though after an akuma so she’d spend all night grilling me. Her mom makes awesome food by the way. Since we already hung out a lot, and she’s a hottie, when she asked I said yeah.”
Alix shrugged again.
“It’s no big deal.”
It was a lot to take in, but it made Marinette smile, “That sounds so cute! A match made in danger!”
Alix grimaced.
Marinette scooted back in, taking a porcelain elephant out of Alix’s hands and swapping it with a half kilo bag of fine ground coffee and a mug that read, ‘I’ll sleep when I’m published.’ The mug had a stuffed bear stitched to look like it was sleeping tucked inside.
Alix examined the offerings, “This is good for an anniversary?”
Marinette nodded, “You see the bear is a classic and coffee she likes but it also says ‘I want to stay awake and spend more time with you’ and-”
“Ouch!” Alix had looked at the price tags while Marinette rambled.
Marinette wilted a little, “Too much? I can pick out something cheaper…”
Alix glared at the numbers a moment longer as if she might intimidate them into vanishing. “It doesn’t matter, I can kiss new bearings for my skates goodbye for a while, no matter what.”
Her expression shifted from anger to resignation, and even timid.
She asked, “She’ll like them though?”
Marinette nodded, but also tried gently to take the mug from Alix. “You know, Alya’s not like that. If it’s a problem right now, I’m sure you don’t need to get her anything.”
Alix pulled it back quickly, snapping, “Yes I do. You don’t understand.”
Marinette held up her hands, “Seriously, Alya won’t think you love her less, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Ugh!” Alix threw down the gifts.
Marinette saved the mug by a quick dive. She blinked at Alix’s back as the other girl stalked away. In five steps though she’d turned around and trudged back. She crouched and helped Marinette up.
“Sorry,” She grated, brushing Marinette off. “You don’t get it though.”
Marinette held onto the gifts, “Tell me?”
Alix pulled her cap off and ran a hand through her hair. She gave the bag in Marinette’s hand a desultory swat with her hat. “I hate this stuff. Well, not hate, I just think it’s lame. it’s all schmoopsy junk to me. Alya likes it though, and she deserves it. It’s just not easy for me. Some people know when you are just supposed to. I don’t, but I can remember dates and times. One month, three months, six months, birthdays, holidays, you get the idea.”
Alix replaced her cap and took the gifts.
“That way, she gets what she deserves, even if I don’t understand it.”
Marinette thought about that long enough for Alix to start shuffling her feet awkwardly. Finally Marinette plucked the coffee from Alix’s hands and replaced it with a card. “Write what you just told me, in here. This’ll cost you half as much and she’ll like it ten times more.”
Alix fumbled the card uneasily, opening it to the blank interior. Her features set slowly and she glanced hopefully up at Marinette, “You really think so?”
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mlobsters · 2 months
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supernatural s1e14 nightmare (w. sera gamble, raelle tucker)
dude being in that smoky exhaust vintage car reminded me of b dylan hollis showcasing his '78 lincoln continental mark v, it's a boat of a car (longer than the impala but 2 doors and puny backseat, no less). he mentioned it gets 7mpg. always thinking about baby and fuel expenses
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see there's the advantage of being in arm's reach i was talking about, shake him right out of bed
DEAN Yeah, that makes sense. You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before? SAM No. DEAN No. Exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan.
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sam with the "i was right, jerk" stare lol
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rolling my eyes thinking about that's some peak post 9/11 hyper patriotic bullshit with the giant flag on the police car, then noticed it's also an ugly modern impala ha
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SAM I don't know what it was. I don't know why I'm having these dreams, I don't know what the hell is happening Dean. What. DEAN Nothing. I'm just, I'm worried about you man. SAM Well, don't look at me like that! DEAN I'm not looking at you like anything. Though I gotta say, you do look like crap. SAM Nice. Thanks.
so begins the sam starting to get freaked out over (dean) thinking he's a freak storyline?
SAM Dean, you saw them, they're devastated. They're not going to want to talk to us. DEAN Yeah, you're right. But I think I know who they will talk to.
excuse to play dress up
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pretty sure i commented on this first time watching but it cracks me up that for his priestly getup, sam combs his bangs to the side. extra forehead also means extra sympathetic face via forehead crinkles
i know the mom (beth broderick) from something, all i can figure is sabrina the teenage witch, but i didn't think i'd seen much of that show? but she's so familiar and i definitely know her voice. ah well
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i definitely know these ladies though?? the 5 mrs buchanans???? 17 episodes in 1994-5. focus, nic. the dumbass green laser gadget is soon
SAM I know it's rough, losing a parent. Especially when you don't have all the answers.
uh huh
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s1e14 brendan fletcher as max miller / the killing s3e3 as goldie
thought he played belko in the killing for a minute and was very confused. both actors are named brendan too! lol
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truly the green lasers that does me in every time. it's just so out of step with the general vibe of this show lol and thankfully never to be seen again
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sweaty jared sighting
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jensen was givin a lot of neck in this little gun cleaning situation
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the classic grab for the amulet/chest. rewatched the clip from 2x11 because i know you can see the amulet sorta flash by like he had it gripped before he grabbed dean's face but wasn't sure if we see him grab him (we don't) but noticed that it's the mushy music theme at the end of that scene!! (also little insight into why the music reminded me of top gun!)
DEAN If you're gunna hurl I'll pull the car over you know, cause the upholstery…
surely they've got towels or blankets for protecting the precious upholstery being how often they're covered in blood and viscera. also, plastic bags aren't just for trash
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sam sweaty and freaked out, dean doing a bad job at not looking freaked out
SAM Dean, I'm scared, man. These nightmares weren't bad enough, now I'm seeing things when I'm awake? And these, visions, or whatever, they're getting more intense. And painful. DEAN Come on man, you'll be all right. It'll be fine. SAM What is it about the Millers? Why am I connected to them, why am I watching them die? Why the hell is this happening to me? DEAN I don't know, Sam, but we'll figure it out. We've faced the unexplainable every day. This is just another thing. SAM No. It's never been us. It's never been in the family like this. Tell the truth, you can't tell me this doesn't freak you out. DEAN (After staring straight ahead for a long moment) This doesn't freak me out.
some cute little parkour there getting up dude's building, will i make gifs no one cares about again? maybe so
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had to go brighten this up, look at those jeans pockets. how very 2000s lol. and i think sam's actually wearing boots in this sprint up the fire escape
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of course i made the gifs. parkour!
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sammy bout to walk into traffic, i'm sure dean taught you better :p
SAM Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people. DEAN What's that? SAM Both our families are cursed. DEAN Our family's not cursed! We just...had our dark spots. SAM Our dark spots are...pretty dark. DEAN You're....dark.
okay that was cute and i laughed
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man, this actor that plays max is really good at this. i remembered him being he was really good at crying/playing sad but this conversation where sam and dean are trying to gently push for info on his dad and uncle, everyone does such a good job. max seems genuinely upset and scared but trying to put on a good front unsuccessfully, dean pushes but not too hard and then also is the one to be pretty soft about suggesting they should head out and let max get some rest.
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fun fact i used this moment for my tiny sam and dean in my motel acrylic painting, you can take the first shower
MAN Well, in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean I'd hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street, he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of. SAM This was going on regularly? MAN Practically every day. In fact that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy but the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good.
cps has problems too but that's who they should have been contacting
SAM These visions, this whole time -- I wasn't connecting to the Millers, I was connecting to Max! The thing is I don't get why, man. I guess -- because we're so alike? DEAN What are you talking about? The dude's nothing like you. SAM Well. We both have psychic abilities, we both... DEAN Both what? Sam, Max is a monster, he's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third. SAM Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people? I'm sorry, man, I hate to say it, but it's not that insane. DEAN Yeah but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family! SAM Dean... DEAN He's no different from anything else we've hunted, all right? We gotta end him. SAM We're not going to kill Max. DEAN Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say 'Lock him up officer; he kills with the power of his mind.' SAM No way. Forget it. DEAN Sam...
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dean's face to the "promise me" line lol
SAM Dean. He's a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one. DEAN All right fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else.
this had to go down in only way where someone's hand is forced, painted themselves into a corner. far from the days where they can be like, if we catch wind if you killing someone, it's curtains 😠 (like kate in bitten 8x04) classic slip slide around a moral quandary
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what a beautiful shot of him. and interesting with their pushing sam to admit that john never hated him, with this conversation. john raised them like soldiers, stole their childhoods, neglected them, etc. but he never hated them
MAX It wasn't about getting away. Just knowing they would still be out there. It was about...not being afraid. When my Dad used to look at me, there was hate in his eyes. Do you know what that feels like? SAM No.
feels like jared is *this close* to really hitting this conversation where he realizes max's mom got killed by azazel too, but felt kind of clunky. but it's also kind of an awkward vibe generally because sam's in puzzle solving mode and kind of fired up because he's figuring it out but max is still crying (and doing really well at keeping that despair and fear going so long). i think all the times in the rewatch i felt a little wobbly about jared's performance is portraying this type of emotion, think he just hasn't quite nailed down where to go with it
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more sweaty sam out of nowhere which i'm blaming on sweaty jared
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floating gun effects are rough. the knife wasn't great but it was easier to ignore but this is big and bright and shiny all over and they're rotating it and it's like mmmmkay. that's a real gun!
sammy with his one-time (other than when he's juiced up on demon blood) telekinesis, because if there's anything that's gonna bring out the psychic powers it's gonna be saving dean
ugh i forgot max killed himself. blugh.
SAM Well, I'll tell you one thing. We're lucky we had Dad. DEAN Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that. SAM Well, it coulda gone a whole other way after Mom. I little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we woulda had Max's childhood. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him. DEAN All things considered.
in spite of him, bro! john's lucky dean was able to take care of everyone. as a child! sure, it could have been worse, that doesn't make it good either :p
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my goodness sam giving the babiest sweetest puppy face in all the lands
SAM Yeah, maybe. Aren't you worried, man? Aren't you worried I could turn into Max or something? DEAN Nope. No way. You know why? SAM No. Why? DEAN Cause you got one advantage Max didn't have. SAM Dad? Because Dad's not here, Dean. DEAN No. Me. As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.
moment of despair over how very much this is not the case, despite all his efforts
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innytoes · 2 years
Oooh sleepy prompts. 17, you still sleep with a stuffed animal? sweet tarts
When she came back to her bedroom, Reggie was on her bed, his feet hanging off the end, making what looked like snow angels on her fuzzy top blanket. He looked blissed out and happy.
"Ahem," she said, and he shot upright. At least he wasn't snooping. When Nick was her boyfriend, he'd lost 'can be left alone in the bedroom' privileges after he unearthed a picture of her mom and asked her about it. "Come here to get your snacks, because if you get crumbs on my bed they'll never find the body."
He followed her to the little seating area she had set up, flopping down on the beanbag, because of course he did. They ate their snacks in peace, before getting back to work. Carrie was determined to get and A+ on this history project no matter what, and she wasn't going to let Reginald Not-Peters-Anymore-But-Molina ruin it for her. Luckily he seemed very on board with following orders, going so far as to raise his hand when he had a suggestion.
Except his eyes kept drifting back to her bed. And finally, she rolled her eyes. "Seriously? You need a nap or something?"
"No!" Reggie pouted. "It's just that... your blanket is so soft... and comfy..."
"We still need to finish this project," she said sternly.
"You have a laptop," he said, blasting her with the full force of his puppy eyes.
"Fine, but if you start slacking, I'm taking this laptop downstairs and making you sit on the really uncomfortable designer chairs," she threatened. She wasn't sure why Dad even had those chairs, except that they looked expensive. Nobody ever sat on them.
Reggie cheered, yanking off his shoes before taking a flying leap onto the bed, burying his face in her fuzzy pink blanket for a second.
"Scoot over," she commanded, and he did, scooting up to the headboard and holding an arm out for her to snuggle under.
They did finish their first draft, even with Reggie running his hands over her blanket the whole time, the other one toying with her hair. Not that she was into that or anything. And the snuggling closer was just so he could see the screen better.
"I'm going to get more snacks because we deserve them," she said. She wanted something chocolate-y. "And if you promise not to wipe your hands on the bed, you can stay here."
"I would never defile the sanctity of the fuzzy blanket, Carebear," Reggie said, holding his hand over his heart and the other up in the air. She rolled her eyes at him, but pressed a kiss to his cheek before hurrying out of the room.
Only when she got back, she nearly dropped the giant bag of Maltesers. Because Reggie was still on the bed, but now, he was holding Mister Bun in his lap, gently stroking his ears. Mister Bun who she had hidden safely under her pillows to keep this exact thing from happening.
"You still sleep with a stuffed animal?" Reggie asked, and he sounded so excited about it. Like he thought it was funny. Was he going to make fun of her? Or tell everyone at school? Scary Carrie, still sleeping with her childhood plush bunny, haha, everyone laugh. "He's cute."
At the thunderous look on her face, Reggie blanched. "Or she," he corrected. "Or they. I respect your bunny's pronouns either way." He carefully set Mister Bun next to him on the bed, propped against the pillow.
When Carrie still didn't say anything, Reggie kept rambling. "I'm sorry I touched him, I wasn't snooping, I know you hate snooping. I was just rearranging the pillows for better snuggling and he - or she! - was under one of them and I'm not making fun of you I swear I think it's sweet I have one too."
He stopped, but only because he ran out of breath. Before he could continue, Carrie interrupted. "You have a stuffed bunny too?"
"Well, no," Reggie said. "I have a doggy. My Meemaw gave him to me before we moved. His name is Woof."
"I've never seen him in your room," Carrie said, before mentally cursing herself. Maybe he hadn't been able to take Woof with him when he moved in with the Molinas.
"I ah..." Reggie smiled shyly. "I hid him under my pillow because I was afraid you'd think I was uncool."
Finally, Carrie was able to move again. She moved to the bed, gently catching Reggie's face between her hands and kissing him. Of course he wouldn't judge her, or make fun of her, or spread rumours. Reggie was the sweetest guy she'd ever met.
"His name is Mister Bun," she said. "And I don't think you're uncool. I think you're amazing."
His beautiful smile said everything she needed to hear, and they spent the rest of the afternoon eating chocolate and snuggling while watching a show on her laptop. Mister Bun included.
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storybounded · 9 months
15 Questions For The Writer
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1. Are you named after anyone? Off of tumblr, my family named me after a character from the soap opera, 'D.ays of our Lives'.
2. When was the last time you cried? Mmmm. Christmas eve? Not going to divulge in that though haha. Just out of frustration.
3. Do you have kids? No.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh yes, though I try not to use it against people who I don't know or who aren't keen with it. But if I hear someone use sarcasm, I'll do it right back.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Mainly what clothes they are wearing. Or if they have a cute bag. Or listening to them react to their environment, whether it's positive or negative.
I can't look into faces of strangers I don't know. I know in interviews with a stranger for a job, it's a lot different, but I still have to force myself to give eye contact. Otherwise, it makes me physically uncomfortable if I don't know a person. So my eyes are usually drawn by colors of apparel first, or the sounds going on around me.
6. What’s your eye colour? Hazel Green
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings rn. I cannot physically stomach scary movies (or even shows with 'everyday' scary themes currently, but I know I will get back to those eventually).
But I was ruined with scary movies in 4th /5th grade when one of my old friends forced me to watch em'. I never recovered and C.huckie still is the stuff of nightmares to me, I cannot look at a baby doll the same way again 😂
8. Any special talents? ...falling up the steps rather than falling down. I swear, the amount of times I do it. Even my dog does it from time to time ( though she is very fine, she just slips on one step up but never falls completely.)
9. Where were you born? USA, Georgia.
11. Have you any pets? I am on my second pupper! First one passed of old age after high school, and I got the second a year and a half later and she is still going strong 😊
12. What sport do you play/have played? Oh my god. I am a limp noodle when it comes to sports and I don't play anything currently. I would be 'THAT kid who would be the last one to be chosen' type of bad LMAO
When I was little, my parents tried to force me to do sports, which is probably why I hated them for so long (though I have grown to appreciate them a decade ago and will not say no to trying out new things).
I know I did gymnastics in like...early elementary school years...I have a few plastic participation trophies from them l m a o. But I honestly cannot remember anything about it but the big foam cube pool. Ballet, but that did not last long at all despite also having two or three participation trophies. Little me HATED it. I felt so embarrassed wearing those frilly tutus during recitals... I was not that kind of little girl. It even came up during Christmas recently, and my grandpa admitted to me that I NEVER looked like I was having fun during those show recitals, I always had this look of ' 'I have no clue what I am doing' and 'why am I here' while my mom and grandma always raved about how cute I look in that heavy makeup lmao. Because apparently I never looked out to the crowd, I always watched what the other kids were doing and tried to keep up. 😂 I think I must've been like. 5 at the time.
I think?? I did one lesson with horse riding, but even though I enjoyed it, I was never taken back to it. But I was so little and I realize now that costs are expensive l m a o.
I think I went to tennis practice two times in elementary and was done. They tried to put me in cheerleading classes, which was laughable, I did one class and said no. Karate...was more interesting in middle school since it was the first time I chose it, but I was frustrated that I could never remember what to do during performances and my parents were never supportive anyway since they wanted me to be in the "girly girl" sports.
All in all, all the personal sports memories I have are rather negative, which was unfortunate.
13. How tall are you? 5 foot 3 inches. s m o l l.
14. Favourite subject in school? Other than art, I loved when the football coaches in high school taught history because they made it fun.
15. Dream job? I would absolutely love to do something with my art. Currently, taking baby steps to make them feel achievable. Current SMALL dream is to open up an etsy to run on side while working a job. I got a heat press to make shirts, and I got a cricut to make all sorts of others things.
tagging: YOU tagged by: @yukikorogashi (thank you friendo!)
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flipchild · 1 year
It Is The Exclamation Mark In The Happiest Sentence I Have Ever Been Able To Write.
It Was Like A Moon, Part Of It Has Always Been Hidden.
Be Careful Whom You Push In. Some Of Us Do Not Come Back.
They Asked, What Is Loyalty? I Replied We Are Humans. Ask A Dog, It Knows Better.
If You Have Been Hurt Too Many Times, But You Still Smile, Trust Me You Are Damn Strong.
Be Savage, Not Average.
It’s A Mess Of Great Chaos, And It’s Visible In Your Eyes.
He Put You Through Hell, And You Called It Love.
Just A Bitch And A Blonde With An Unbreakable Bond.
I’m The Queen Of My Own Little World.
The Eyes Of A Girl Have Their Vocabulary.
Never Let Anyone Stain Your Shine.
Beauty Never Asks For Attention.
It Is Men Who Cannot Keep Secrets, We Can All See Who Ate The Apple!
Girls Are Intellectual Paintings, Even If You Do Not Understand Them, They Are Admired.
Her Attitude Kinda Savage But Her Heart Is Pure Gold.
Smile With Your Eyes.
You Are The Puzzle Piece To My Lego House. Basically, Useless.
If It Requires Smiling, I Probably Won’t Come.
Cinderella Never Asked For A Prince.
If You Cannot Handle The Thick Thighs, Hit The Gym.
Let’s Say Darwin Would Not Have Written About Evolution Had He Met You First.
Make Yourself A Priority.
Create Your Happiness.
Divas Don’t Do Drama. We Do Business.
Darling, Your Looks Can Kill.
I Never Forgive Or Forget, Always Watch Your Back.
Silence Speaks More Than A Thousand Words.
Beauty Never Asks For Attention.
I Must Destroy You With Hugs And Kisses!
There Is Great Beauty In Simplicity.
Smile, You’re Adorable.
There Is A Princess Within All Of Us.
Beautiful Nightmare.
Broken Crayons Keep Coloring.
You Are Not Fully Dressed Until You Shine.
Her Attitude Kinda Savage But Her Heart Is Pure Gold.
Be An Esteemed And Rare Diamond, Not A Stone Found Anywhere.
Beauty Is Power, A Smile Is Your Sword.
I Don’t Beg, I Fight For What Is Rightfully Mine
I Got Hot Sauce In My Bag Swag.
With Or Without You, Life Must Go On
I’m Just A Girl Looking For My Heart.
If You Can’t Be The First Be Different!
Wasn’t It Beautiful When You Believed In Everything?
I Am Proud Of The Woman I Am Today Because I Went Through One Hell Of A Time Becoming Her.
Don’t Be Ashamed Of You. It’s Your Parent’s Job.
They Told Me I Couldn’t. That’s Why I Did.
Not Everyone Likes It, But Not Everyone Counts.
You Cannot Do Amazing Things With Basic People
Beauty Is Power; A Smile Is Its Sword.
I Am At A Whole New Level In Life
My Makeup Is Too Expensive To Cry Over A Man
Stop Looking For Happiness In The Same Place Where You Just Lost It.
We Found Wonderland – You And I Got Lost In It.
We Could Be A Story In The Morning, But We’ll Be A Legend Tonight.
My Personality Is Sassy And Cheeky.
50% Savage, 50% Sweetheart.
It Is Wastage Of Time To Cry Over Guys Like You.
She Has A Savage Attitude But A Pure Heart.
I See Your Jealousy.
Proof That I Can Take The Best Selfies Than You.
If You Leave Without Reason, Don’t Come Back With An Excuse.
It Is Not A Must For Everyone To Like Me As Not Everyone Is Important In My Life.
Every Path Has Obstacles, But It Is Up To You To Continue To Smile And Walk That Path.
Too Occupied To Be Stressed With Very Small Things Like These.
There Is Nothing Like We, And Never Will It Be.
Beauty Within Emits Positive Waves.
Some People Are Not Your Friends; They Are Just Too Scared To Be Your Enemy.
My Mom Says I’m A Fighter, A Fierce Competitor, And I Think I Am, Too.
I Know I’m A Handful, But That’s Why You Got Two Hands.
Be A Mermaid In See Full Of Fishes.
Cute Smile Is A Girl’s Secret Weapon.
I’m Kinda A Beachy Girl.
Lady With Class Never Goes Out Of Style.
Well Dress Women Is A Beauty Spot.
No, I Checked My Receipt. I Didn’t Buy Any Of Your Bullshit.
I Swear I’m A Nice Girl Until You Do Something That Pisses Me Off. Then The Bitch Will Come Out To Play.
I Am Unable To Understand The Language You Are Speaking Because It Sounds Like Bulls*it.
I Won’t Cry For You, My Mascara Is Too Expensive.
Don’t Try Hard As The Feelings Are Already Gone.
If You Fear Being Hurt, Don’t Stand Close To The Heart. It Will Melt.
I Don’t Regret And Neither Am I Sorry.
She, Who Dares……….wins.
My Hair Is Silky And My Smile Is Milky.
My Beauty Flaunts In Front Of Haters.
I Am A Warrior, I Am Not Afraid To Defect.
Just Because I Started The Conversation, It Doesn’t Mean, Am Dying To Talk To You.
I Don’t Have To Prove Shit To You.
Shine In Your Own Light.
Girls Beauty Is Hidden In The Way She Makes Her Hair.
Be Who And What You Want, Period.
Once You Destroy My Trust It Will Never Be The Same.
Behind Every Successful Woman Is Herself.
You The Best I Ever Had.
There Was A Time When I Was Mad For You And Now There Is A Time, I’m Not Even Sad For You.
Ones Is A While, We Girls Blow Your Mind.
It’s You Vs You, Make Sure You Win.
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zivzap · 1 year
⁅ Author’s Note: Hello, everyone! This story was commissioned by the wonderful pickleherring. He writes too, so give his stuff a look. (〃 ̄︶ ̄) ⁆
﴾Google Doc Link with additional tags﴿
Part One
“Here we are!”
Justine awoke with a start at her mother’s announcement, half-lidded eyes rolling around to the blurry figure in the driver’s seat.
“Hwuh?” She mumbled, rubbing the imprint that the seat belt had left on her cheek as she slept against it.
“Here you go, sleeping cutie…” Her mom laughed, pulling Justine's glasses down from the sunglasses holder, "I took your glasses off when you fell asleep so they wouldn’t smush into your face."
She slipped them onto her half-conscious face. With a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, Justine’s mom hopped out of the car and began to rifle through the trunk. By the time Justine finally got out of the car, she had already closed it and approached her sleepy daughter with gym bags in either hand.
“Here’s yoouuuurs⁓♪” With a sing-song voice and a big smile, she put the bag in Justine's hands with characteristic insistence, “Now let’s get inside and get changed. We don’t want to be laaaaa-aaaaate⁓♪”
Justine yawned and reached down to scratch herself as her body walked behind her mother on auto-pilot. The slap of her flip-flops soon quieted as they transitioned from the sidewalk to the soft carpet. The cool whoosh of an air-conditioned room signaled their entrance, which beckoned Justine’s eyelids to open.
A rather insistent voice drew Justine’s attention to a rail-thin woman in her mid-50s. She looked down the end of her long nose, her pale and powdered cheeks stretching in an opaquely insincere smile.
“Oh… c-can I h—uh… I mean… what can I d—” Justine
“I’m afraid you’ll have to leave, ma’am,” the smiling woman interrupted.
“Wh—” Justine’s eyes shot open as she suddenly felt very awake. As she clutched her bag in front of her chest, the young woman glanced around the room. She found nothing but the stares of the many older patrons, their breakfast interrupted by the intrusion.
“I’m afraid that your… attire…” Her beady eyes rolled down her long nose and back, scanning Justine condescendingly, “…does not meet our dress code.”
Justine looked down over her bag in horror as she realized that she was still in her pajamas—and not cute ones either. No, she was wearing a T-shirt that was a couple of sizes too big, a pair of very loose boxer shorts, and flip-flops. The half-chub that remained of her morning wood made a rather obscene arch down one side towards her leg, millimeters from breaching containment.
Nervous sweat began to bead on her forehead as she realized how well-dressed the average person in this room was, as well as the stunningly expensive-looking décor that surrounded her. With a mouth that felt like it was stuffed with peanut butter, she struggled to explain herself. Nervousness progressed into full-on panic as she realized that she had no idea what she was doing here—or even where ‘here’ was.
“Excuse me, is something the matter?”
Noticing that Justine had been stopped, her mother turned back with a sense of urgency that made her curls bounce as she approached. She stood beside her daughter, a bag over one arm and two brand-new tennis rackets tucked under the other.
“Oh, this young lady wandered in, and I was—”
“Wandered in? Good god, some things never change.”
“Is there a problem here?” A suited man entered the conversation from behind them, and he positioned himself alongside the doorwoman.
“Indeed there is. This woman has been very rude to my daughter—”
“This club is for members only, ma’am.”
With that, her mother’s expression darkened to the new man as it had with the long-nosed woman.
“Mom… People are staring…” Justine whispered, shrinking with embarrassment.
“You should be used to it, dear. Eyes tend to follow the glow,” Minerva pulled out her phone, angrily tapped the screen a few times—taking care to turn up her fingernails to avoid the screen—and put it to her ear. She glanced at either of the two employees in turn, “That’ll be all from the both of you, thanks.”
“Ma’am, we’re going to have to ask you to lea—”
“Annie? It's Minnie. Hi, I’m sorry to call you like this, but it seems we’ve arrived a little early, and—… Yes. Exactly. This under-stuffed screech owl and her frat boy fling are being very rude to me and Justine—… Thank you, honey. Hugs and kisses. See you in a few.”
Minerva tapped the end call button with a bit of flourish to her motion, spreading her fingers out to show off her immaculately-styled nails again. She turned from the two as if they had vanished from her sight and proceeded inside, grabbing Justine's arm to pull her along. They started to pursue in protest, but both of them ground to a halt as their pockets started vibrating.
“Mom… I could’ve just gotten changed in the car if you’d—”
“They have a changing room for a reason, dear. So we’ll change there.”
“But the dress code—” Justine began to protest.
“Trust me, dear—if you were a white girl with straight hair, they wouldn’t have given a shit about their dress code.”
"But I'm barely dres—"
"Then they should be grateful they don't have to pay for the privilege. Ah! Here we are!"
Minerva led Justine through the entryway, the fancy dining room, the bar area, and the locker rooms before they finally arrived at a private changing room with a small reserved sign on it.
“Mom… we were going to go get the rest of my stuff. From the dorm…?” Justine grumbled—shaken, but now thoroughly awake.
“Oh of course we are, College Queen! Annie called while you were sleeping—she's my girl from way back in my college days—and she invited us to play a game or two with her and her daughter Elaine. I haven't seen Annie in so long, so I just couldn't refuse!" She held her phone up next to the knob, causing the red LED above it to turn green.
"Mom, I didn't pack any clothes to play tennis. I don't have anything but flip-flops and hiking boots."
"Oh, I know dear. That's why I stopped off and bought us some equipment for the occasion! What did you think was in that bag you're carrying? Silly…"
“Great…” Justine mumbled, her mood still thoroughly soured from the rude awakening at the entryway.
“What was that, honey?”
“Oh… it was nothing. Sorry. I’m just really tired, is all…”
“I’ll grab you a coffee while you’re getting changed, then,” Minerva held the door open and waved her daughter inside.
Justine hesitated for a moment but proceeded inside regardless. She didn't want anything to do with this, but given all the equipment her mother had bought, she would feel pretty bad turning her down. Then again, knowing her mother, there was a pretty good chance that was part of the plan.
"Mom… I don't really want to play…" Justine rubbed the back of her neck in the uncomfortable silence, "I mean, I haven't practiced in a long time. So I bet I'm gonna be super rusty. I don't want to drag you down."
"Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, sweetie; this is just for fun! Just a friendly game between old friends and their beautiful, talented daughters," She patted Justine on the shoulder with a broad smile, "The stakes couldn't be lower, dear!"
Somehow Justine still had doubts. Her mother was the woman that shame forgot. Her face was never without a veneer of infectious confidence. She was a star athlete, a part-time model, one of the most accomplished trial attorneys on the east coast, and an incredibly shrewd investor besides.
Justine, on the other hand? She often joked that she must’ve been adopted. She inherited none of her mother’s natural charisma or confidence, and certainly none of her outgoing personality. Justine was a bookish, awkward, kissless virgin at the age of 22.
That’s not to say she lacked friends—she had plenty of those that she cared for very deeply. But the moment of complete exposure and vulnerability that came with expressing romantic or sexual feelings towards another person seemed like an insurmountable anxiety.
One thing she did inherit from her mother was her natural talent on the tennis court. However, love of the sport was not something they shared—much to her mother's chagrin, Minerva had been trying to convince her daughter to pick up the racket again ever since she left for college to no avail.
Then again, Minerva had done her more favors than she could count during her college years. As she had a few minutes prior, Justine’s mother always had her daughter’s back, and Justine doubted that she’d ever have made it through the roughest parts of exam season without her. So she tried not to make too big of a stink about the mild subterfuge used to get her here. Just a couple of games? She could do that. Besides, there was no arguing with her mother anyway, as many an unprepared prosecutor had figured out the hard way.
Minerva closed the door behind them as Justine sat the bag on the bench facing a row of lockers and started to undress.
“Oh, that reminds me—when was the last time you masturbated, dear?”
Justine was caught so off guard by the question that she nearly fell over while stepping out of her shorts.
"Mom!" Justine hissed, instinctively looking around the empty room to make sure no one heard.
“You have a condition, sweetie," Minerva explained with a patience seen only by her daughter, "Asakura Syndrome isn’t a joke, and I know we’ve been stuck in the car for the past couple of days. Maybe you should consider… loosening your strings… before we hit the court?”
Asakura Syndrome, for the unaware, is a genetic disorder that affects girls with dicks. In short, the condition is caused by a chronic hormonal imbalance, which can itself have a wide range of potential causes. Common symptoms include hyperspermia, hypergonadism, and aggressive sexual urges—each of which will steadily increase in severity without treatment. In extreme cases, this can result in a compulsive pursuit of sexual release. Thankfully, patients with this condition usually respond well to simple medication and manual stimulation therapy, so such cases are extremely rare.
“I’ll be fine,” Justine assured her, “I can handle it.”
“I know you can, Justine. You can do anything. Whether or not you will is more my concern,” Minerva crossed her arms, eyebrow raised.
"My new meds keep it under control, Mom. So just let me do my own thing, please?” Justine scoffed.
"You do your own thing ten to fifteen times a day, Justine. I'm just asking you to do it once before we head out to the court. You know you embarrass easily, so…"
“Mom, I’m not jacking off in a country club locker room. E—… end of discussion!” Justine’s voice got a little shaky at the end, but she stuck to it nonetheless.
“Sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with having a strong sex drive—especially for someone with your condition,” Minerva glanced down only briefly, and Justine’s gaze followed hers.
Justine’s face turned pink as she discovered the very visible tent in her pajama pants. She averted her eyes with an indignant scoff—intent on further protest but found her tongue frozen with embarrassment. Closing her legs a little tighter, she pulled the bag onto her lap to hide it from view.
“Now I’m going to go get us some coffee,” Minerva announced, walking toward the door, “I’ll be gone for twenty minutes.”
Minerva stressed the last couple of words, giving her daughter a pointed stare. The implication was clear.
“Okay…” Justine grumbled.
“I’ll knock when I come back, okay?” Minerva told her, already halfway out the door.
“Okay!” Her mother smiled and closed the door behind her.
Justine rolled her eyes with a sigh as she turned the shower on and began to disrobe, neatly folding her PJs into a pile next to the bag. She briefly considered taking her mother’s advice. On any other day, she probably would have. But the incident at the door along with her mother’s embarrassing (though not necessarily untrue) remarks had left her feeling somewhat obstinate.
She huffed with the kind of frustration that comes with being told what you don’t want to hear. Still stewing, she ransacked her bag for her pills and bitterly struggled with the cap. After a few frustrated grunts, both the cap and the bottle popped free of her grasp. Justine could do naught but watch in horror as a half-dozen pills shot across the room and began to dissolve on the damp shower floor.
“Fuck!” Justine cursed in a scramble to pick up at least one, but they had all been reduced to foamy splotches on the tile before she could reach them.
Hesitantly, she looked into the bottle to confirm what she already knew. She cursed again, finding it empty. Taking a deep breath, Justine tried to stay positive. The next week wouldn’t be pleasant, but she would survive. She just had to get through today. With a sigh, she stepped into the falling water and turned the knob until the water began to run out cold.
Part Two
“Mom… are you sure about this outfit?”
Justine glanced down at herself, feeling a little self-conscious. The shorts that Minerva had bought barely reached her thighs, and it had left her feeling more than a little exposed. Stuffing her ample endowment into them was quite the task, and she found herself repeatedly checking to make sure nothing had slipped. If she managed to keep it soft, she was sure she would be fine…but that was a very big if.
“You promised not to be a stick in the mud…” Minerva whispered, well out of earshot of the approaching duo. Giving her daughter no time to respond, she waved her old friend over excitedly, “Annie! Over here!”
Justine waved nervously, trying to stifle her embarrassment as her mother hopped up and down like a child in the middle of the court. Her friend for her part waved warmly. Unable to contain her excitement, Minerva ran to meet them halfway, nearly tackling them to the ground.
“Oh hello, Minnie!” Anabel gasped, warmly returning the embrace as soon as she had regained her footing, “It’s been far too long, dear.”
“Couldn’t agree more, girl… couldn’t agree more,” Minerva laughed.
After a short exchange outside Justine’s range of hearing, she threw an arm around each of their shoulders and walked them back toward the court.
“Justine, this is my best friend from college: Anabel Descoteaux…”
Anabel wasn’t entirely a stranger; She was a constant presence in Minerva’s stories and photo albums, and they maintained almost daily contact via Facebook and text messages. This was the first time that Justine had met her in person, however. She was an active woman in her mid-40s, much like Minerva. However, where Justine’s mother was energetic and approachable, Anabel had the presence of royalty. Justine found herself feeling very small and under-dressed in her presence.
Justine extended her hand, only to be pulled into a tight hug instead. The girl’s mind briefly left her body as a multitude of sensations hit at once: the softness of her skin, the warmth of her embrace, the sweet smell of her perfume, and the caress of her womanly curves. Justine absentmindedly wrapped her arms around Ms. Descoteaux’s back as Anne nuzzled her cheek into her shoulder.
“Sorry, dear,” Anabel chuckled as they parted, “I hope your mother warned you. I’m very much a hugger.”
Her eyes darted downward for just a split second, and then rose back to meet Justine’s. Her expression was unchanged, but Justine instinctively checked herself to make sure that she hadn’t fallen out of her shorts. Thankfully, all was well.
“Nah… no worries! I uh… I like hugs!” Justine laughed nervously.
“…And this is her daughter, Elaine!” Minerva concluded, gesturing to the hooded girl with her nose buried in her phone.
As if unsettled by the sound of her name, Elaine raised her head with a start, nearly dropping her phone in the process. She looked from Minerva to Anabel, and finally to Justine. They exchanged an awkward glance. Elaine went for a handshake. Justine went for a hug. Both laughed nervously and stalled, feeling foolish as they tried to correct their incompatible greetings. Justine went for a handshake. Elaine went for a hug.
They silently agreed to cut their losses and settled on an awkward wave in lieu of embarrassing themselves further.
“Nice to meet you,” Justine smiled as genuinely as she could manage.
“Y—yes!” Elaine nodded, before adding, “Me uh… me too…”
Justine turned and took her place down the court. She took a few practice swings in hopes that her body would remember the proper motions. Anabel bounced the ball a few times as she prepared to serve from the opposite side of the net.
“Best of three, dear?” Anabel called across the court to Minerva.
“Sounds good!” She responded with a sweet smile, “You just pick how many games you want to lose, Annie!”
The pleasantries quickly faded as Anabel readied up her serve. She cast a final, confident glance at Justine and tossed the ball skyward.
“Haaaaa—UNGH!” With an unrestrained grunt of exertion, she fired the serve from her racket, clearing the net with practiced form. A smile crossed her lips…
The return was a sharp contrast. Justine hit the ball back with a criminally precise slice, giving the ball barely any bounce as it unceremoniously rapped twice against the clay court before Anabel could even begin to approach it. Wide-eyed, her gaze darted to Justine, then to Minerva, and then back.
Minerva burst into laughter.
“I guess it’s our serve now—right, Annie?” She yelled to her dumbfounded friend.
Anabel grumbled, retrieved the ball that now rolled lazily across the court, and tossed it back to Justine with a scalding glare. Justine laughed nervously under her breath and attempted to avoid eye contact with her gloating mother.
“The stakes couldn’t be lower,” she said.
“Just for fun,” she said.
Justine did not want any part of her mother’s ravenous competitive appetite, but she knew that if she intentionally threw the game, the ride home would be torturous. And Minerva would know—she always knew. Justine took a deep breath and tossed the ball up to serve.
Anabel tensed as Justine’s backswing reached its full extension, and she darted forward as soon as the lanky girl’s racket made contact, intending to intercept the low bounce as she had failed to do seconds earlier.
Justine tilted her racket at the last second, sending a moonball bouncing fast and high over Anabel’s head—far beyond her reach.
The older woman jumped with a growl of equal parts exertion and frustration. She swung her racket high overhead, hitting naught but air as the ball sailed past and lodged itself in the chain link fence. Clearly rattled but unbroken, Anabel straightened her visor and took her place back on the court; a determined look fixed on her face.
“Love-15!” Minerva cackled.
“M—Mom?” Elaine piped up, finally getting her mother’s attention.
“What is it, Elaine?” Anabel responded, trying her best to hide her embarrassment.
“W—…would you like me… to um—… Should I return the serve?” Elaine asked somewhat apprehensively—clearly concerned about further bruising her mother’s ego, “She’s… pretty good…”
“Thank you, dear, but no,” Anabel flashed Elaine a smile, “I simply underestimated little Justine, that’s all. My mistake. Knowing her mother, I should’ve been more prepared…”
“You’re doing great, sweetie!” Minerva waved to her daughter from across their side of the court, “She’s got them old lady reactions though, so don’t go too hard on her!”
“D—don’t be like that, Mom…” Justine smiled nervously, refusing to make eye contact with Minerva, “It’s just like… a parlor trick. Everyone falls for it once…”
Elaine’s expression mirrored Justine’s. Though Anabel wore a warm smile, the look in her eyes was downright wrathful, and that made both daughters very nervous. Their mothers were clearly taking this far more seriously than they were. What’s more, Minerva’s antagonizing remarks were clearly finding purchase, adding extra powder to this already overfilled keg.
“Justine, dear?” Anabel called across the court.
“Y-Yes, Ms. Descoteaux?” Justine called back.
“Doctor,” Anabel corrected.
“D-Doctor Descoteaux, my bad…” Justine apologized, “Wh—… I mean… what did you—”
“I have a suspicion, dear. That you’re planning to ‘accidentally’ give me a sub-par serve. To take it easy on me, as it were…” Anabel loosened her white-knuckled grip on her racket, exhaling softly to re-center herself. The look on her face hadn’t lost an ounce of its original intensity, however, “That would frustrate me. Quite a bit. You understand, dear?”
Justine swallowed hard and nodded. They used different words, and their outward personalities couldn’t be further from each other… but suddenly Justine completely understood why Anabel and her mother had been so close for so long. Because the look on Anabel’s face was very familiar. It told Justine that she would accept no handicap.
“You heard her! She asked for it, J!” Minerva cheered, “Serve this old bat up a few more aces. The sooner we’re done using her tennis balls, the sooner she can put them on her walker where they belong.”
“Still ever the joker, Minnie…” Anabel laughed with a shake of her head and looked to Justine, “Come now, girl. We haven’t all day.”
* • •
Anabel dived for the return, merely grazing the ball with her racket. The fuzzy little ball flew up and bounced off of the empty umpire’s chair, landing squarely back in their court. Set point—McVie.
After she failed to return Justine’s initial serves, the set had more or less devolved into an awkwardly paced singles match. Anabel wished to prove that she could consistently return Justine’s surgically precise serves, and as such had given Elaine a rather wilting look every time she had tried to assist.
To her credit, Anabel had managed to return a fair few… but she simply didn’t have the speed to both react and put herself in a position to return much of the time. The individual games were never blowouts, but before long, the McVies had captured set point before the Descoteauxs had managed to capture even a single game.
Justine wanted to be swallowed up by the Earth. The tension on the court could’ve been cut with a knife. That probably had something to do with the fact that her mother hadn’t stopped her snide jabs for even a second, and continued cackling at her exhausted rival’s unsuccessful effort.
Anabel picked herself up off of the court. She rolled over onto her backside and leaned back on her arms, gazing up at the clouds while she tried to catch her breath. Sweat poured down her neck and ample chest as it rose and fell, her white tank top already soaked and sticking to her body. She pulled off her visor and fanned herself with it in an attempt to cool down.
Justine could feel it happening. The crackling tingle in her tummy happily sizzled like a lit fuse as it slowly traveled south, making its way to her chemically-restrained testes. Her medicine was wearing off… and now she had second thoughts regarding what she’d like to be swallowed up by.
“It’s my turn to serve now, isn’t it?”
Elaine called across the net for the first time, which took everyone by surprise. Her mother nodded from the ground. Elaine held her hand out for a ball—jaw clenched tight, eyes narrowed, and eyebrows furrowed.
Justine jumped a little as Elaine’s icy stare turned to her, as she scrambled to fish a fresh tennis ball out of the canister. After she dropped it a few times, further embarrassing herself, Justine finally managed to pass it across the net.
“Thank you,” Elaine responded with a robotic, warmth-less pleasantry.
Justine’s shoulders fell. This was the reason she didn’t play anymore. She didn’t care if she won or lost. It was a game to her. It always had been. She didn’t even practice beyond the amount that she was forced to tolerate for her mother’s sake.
And that was fine… until she played against someone who it wasn’t just a game for. Someone who practiced constantly and put their heart and soul into it. For someone like that, losing to her was just a never-ending cycle of confusion and frustration… and Justine couldn’t help but acknowledge that it felt more than a little unfair, in a cosmic sense.
In short, playing didn’t make Justine happy… and it made a lot of others very unhappy. So she quit.
Elaine set her racket and the new ball down on the ground and grabbed the hem of her baggy shirt with both hands. Justine’s eyes were sucked to her midsection like a magnet as each tiny motion of her body made her abdominals ripple through her sun-tanned skin. Her lower body pulled a similar trick as she bent over to kick off her shorts, leaving her only in her leggings and a bright-orange sports bra.
The tingling had turned into a rumble, and Justine pinched her legs together in anticipation of the imminent failure of her tuck work. She could feel her heart beating faster by the second. Her medicine was fighting a losing battle. She could already feel her panties stretching uncomfortably.
Elaine picked up her equipment and shook her hair out of her face, sending a pleasant shiver down Justine’s spine. Though she’d never been particularly religious, she found herself praying that Elaine wouldn’t flash her that cold stare again. Her libido was rapidly becoming more and more of a problem by the second, and there was a non-zero chance that she might cream her shorts if Elaine stared her down again.
As Elaine tossed the ball skyward to serve, Justine was snapped from her daydream by the horrible realization that she couldn’t move—not without flashing her leaky half-chub to a dozen sentient polo shirts, anyway. She tried to get her mother’s attention, but Minerva was already poised to react and return.
Elaine’s serve sounded like a gunshot, and the ball fired off her racket with comparable speed. Minerva moved just a little too late, and the serve bounced at the edge of her box and into the fence.
Minerva did a bit of a double take between young Elaine and the ball, eyes widened, equal parts surprised and impressed. Elaine flashed her a toothy grin, her braces shining in the bright sun.
* • •
With Anabel still catching her breath and Justine desperately fending off her libido, the match once again devolved into a mostly one-on-one affair. However, Minerva and Elaine played a much more athletic contest than their inverse pair had. While there were few aces to be found, Elaine dashed and leaped around the court with the speed of a pronghorn, and had the endurance to match.
Minerva’s rally was powerful and precise, but she, unfortunately, possessed the mortal weakness of finite stamina. Elaine seemed to share no such weakness. She was a brace-faced terminator—utterly relentless. Minerva may as well have been playing against a brick wall for all the hope she had of getting the ball past her.
The second set ended in much the same way as the first—one player exhausted, another barely breaking a sweat, and their respective doubles partners standing around awkwardly like racket-wielding trees had sprung up from the court. Set Point—Descoteaux.
Minerva paced around her box, malding at the rather decisive loss she had just suffered. Justine finally managed to catch her eye and shot her mother a pleading look.
Part Three
“Time out, Annie!”
“Hm? Don’t you even consider ending this on a tie, Minnie,” Anabel yelled, “I know where you live!”
Though Minerva couldn’t resist flashing a momentary “I told you so” smile in her daughter’s direction, she didn’t labor the point otherwise. She marched over to Justine and snatched her racket from her hand. After a brief inspection, she shook her head.
“I told you to loosen your strings for this court, Justine,” Minerva performatively scolded.
“What? No, you di—” Justine suddenly realized her meaning as she desperately kept her legs pinned together, “Oh, right! I—… I forgot…”
“Well, hurry up!” Minerva shooed her daughter away from the court, “You remember how to do it, right?”
“Yes!” Justine blurted out, already making a beeline back to the locker room, “I’ll be right back!”
“Fuck…” Justine cursed through her teeth, a condom wrapper held between them as she worked at freeing her cock from the uncomfortable-bordering-on-painful confines of her shorts. They didn’t even make it to the ground before her hand gripped the base of her cock and rolled the rubber over.
Justine began to stroke furiously. For a few seconds, she didn’t even open her eyes. Familiar fantasies and favorite porn scenes flashed through her mind, the salacious sights and sensations spurring her on. That’s when she felt it. A surge traveled through her body like she had put a finger in a light socket—down her chest, through her tummy, and finally came to rest in her aching balls.
Her medicine had worn off completely… and the feeling of pop rocks crackling inside her testes told her that her problem was about to get a lot bigger.
Her conscious restraint began to fade as she started to massage her lightly swelling nuts in time with her strokes, slowly making her way onto her back as she kicked off her shorts. As the warm water from the shower flowed over her, the true culprits of this overflow of lust began to invade her usual mental movies.
“You didn’t take your medicine!? Oh, god… that looks painful!” Elaine gasped in her head and revealed a duet of hypnotic handfuls from the concealment of her top, “Will this help? I mean… if you like looking…”
Another tingly explosion inside her nuts made her hips buck as the milky skin of Elaine’s untanned pussy flashed into her mind.
“H—how about this? You… do like girls, right?” The fantasy Elaine blushed, spreading her pussy as she leaned back against the wall for balance, “I spend a lot of time practicing… outdoors you know… so I’ve got some tan lines. Please don’t laugh, okay?”
Justine’s tongue fell out of her head as she nodded, enticing this fantasy Elaine to continue.
“M—maybe… I don’t know if it’ll fit, but… you can try to put it in—Ohhh gooddd~”
Justine slammed her hips up into her grip as she fantasized about slamming balls deep into Elaine’s tight hole. Elaine arched her back as she moaned, accentuating the tiny bump just below her belly button. Another surge of lust came at the sight of her cock poking a bump into Elaine’s perfectly toned stomach. She thrust into her hands, stroking like mad as her fantasy cock fucked the shy athlete in every way she could imagine—and Justine grew very creative at times such as these.
Her nuts churned a final time and began to ascend.
“I—…it’s probably safe, so—”
Even in Justine’s lascivious fantasy, Elaine didn’t have the chance to finish her sentence. Justine pushed her cock all the way in and shot it full.
Her release bloated the rubber like a latex balloon with thick, distending spurts as Justine smashed her pelvis against her fist. Only her shoulders and the tips of her toes touched the ground, her back arched in a rapturous, spasming climax. Moans echoed through the empty locker room—her restraint and shame eroded to the point of nonresistance by surging, overwhelming lust.
Justine covered her face with her off-hand, sighing heavily as she milked the last bit of runoff from her under-vein and into the dangerously bloated condom. She shook her head with an embarrassed squint in her eyes as her post-nut clarity turned her fantasy from a sizzling hot daydream into an embarrassingly indulgent bit of sleaze.
She couldn’t even get through a single set without eye-fucking her opponent until she literally couldn’t control herself. Justine covered her face with her other hand, fuming. She tried to tell herself that it wasn’t a big deal; it wasn’t like she had hurt anyone.
Even still, her condition made her feel like such a sex pest. It was why she had been such a shut-in for most of her teenage and young adult life. No matter how careful she was, it would always break through. Whether she forgot a dose, or just had an unexpectedly intense flare-up, she would always find herself trapped in a conversation with someone that she could not stop undressing in her mind—no matter how hard she tried.
Truthfully, she usually handled these situations rather well, all things considered, but her anxiety wouldn’t allow her to see it that way. No, in her mind, they could see it. In her eyes. In her body language. In her suspiciously clenched thighs. Her utterly concupiscent mental pictures may as well have been projected onto her rapidly perspiring face. They could see Justine turning them into obscene caricatures of themselves to properly suit whatever fetish suited her ravenous libido’s desires.
Then she would make up an excuse to leave. When they would call or text her, she would be too mortified to answer. Eventually, they would stop calling.
Trying to recover from her spiral, Justine posed to herself that it could’ve been worse. After all, Elaine was the type of girl that could drive most woman-loving libidos insane. She wasn’t being weird about it or anything. They were the same age, Elaine was exactly her type, and they had gotten along…relatively well in their short interaction. Add in her condition, and it sort of made sense.
And it wasn’t surprising, looking at Elaine’s mother. She had to be in her mid-forties at least, but Anabel was like royalty in every sense of the word. The shift in her figure past motherhood put the extra weight in all the right places. Her breasts were comfortably the size of small melons, and she no doubt had a very expensive sports bra to keep them compressed and supported enough to play.
Justine’s eyes shot open as she felt another ticklish crackle bubbling down in the dregs of her stewing cum tanks. Desperately, she tried to think of something—anything to take her mind away… but to no avail.
“Oh? What size are they?” Anabel put a finger to the cute dimple on her cheek, grinning sweetly as she looked to the sky to consider, “Hmm… how about you guess, dear?”
Anabel’s eyes lidded as she bit her perfect, crimson lip and rolled her sticky, sweaty t-shirt up to her chest. Stopping only for a moment to hook her perfectly manicured nails under the elastic of her bra, she lifted… and lifted… and lifted…
Justine pinched the base of her cock as she felt it surge to life, desperately trying to banish the sporty MILFs glistening, voluminous underboob from her mind’s eye. She curled her toes and sat up, resisting climax with every muscle in her body as her nuts churned and boiled with a freshly-cooked load that threatened to burst forth at any second.
The elastic had finally stretched too thin to contain the tsunami of sun-kissed, milk-swollen, pillow-soft breasts that spilled through. The tumultuous flesh rippled lewdly as Anabel’s oh-so-suckable nipples and sweet pink areolas flowed from containment and took their rightful place at the lead of her gargantuan milkers.
Justine’s nuts rapidly grew another centimeter in diameter just before her scrotum clenched them so tight against her body as to cause a jolt of pain. Her grip loosened for only an instant, but that was all it took. Justine screamed, at first in shock and discomfort. The rolled band shot up her shaft as a veritable deluge of thick, viscous spooge distended the rest of the overwhelmed latex barrier, the relentless jet of her release creating a swirling, sloshing current within. Justine briefly panicked, but it was too late. A hole became a tear, one tear became many, and the poor little condom was shortly obliterated by the twisting whirlpool of opaque white jism. The fat gob it had formerly contained splashed down onto the shower floor, coating Justine’s legs and tummy. She covered her mouth to stifle herself, inadvertently slathering her face with her own cum.
Justine’s eyes rolled back as the salty, slimy facial crawled around on her tastebuds, the heavy scent overwhelming her nostrils, provoking her mind to remix the lewd fantasy.
“Look at this mess! Young lady, you clean this up right now!” Anabel scolded, Justine’s sizable cock barely peeking out from between the MILF’s titanic breasts. Rope after rope of salty milk shot into Justine’s face from her throbbing cock as Anabel directed the business end of it toward her. Anabel had held her head in place until it was clear that Justine wouldn’t dare disobey, dutifully accepting the self-facial with an open mouth and eager tongue.
Another explosion ripped forth as Justine’s eyelids began to fall, a thick rope of cum striping the shower wall just before she fell onto her back—deep, satiated breaths reaching her ears in the darkness behind her closed eyelids…
Part Four
After Justine’s shameful return to the court, the match resumed. Unsurprisingly, when the two teams played in proper form, the match suddenly grew quite competitive. Justine’s ability to control the ball with microscopic precision proved quite a unique challenge for the much more athletic Elaine, as Elaine’s relentless, untiring playstyle had provided a similar challenge for Justine. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she was actually having fun.
Elaine bounced the ball in her off-hand, and looked toward Justine. Their eyes met one another, as they had many times in this game alone. But then… she smiled. Her braces flashed a little in the bright sun as she stifled a giggle, and Justine nervously waved in response.
Elaine took a breath and put her game face back on. Her sweat-glistened skin shined in the sun as she leaned back for the serve. The perfect, fluid motion in her follow-through highlighted every working muscle in the athletic machine that was her body. Even her grunt seemed to have Justine enraptured.
Justine was shaken from her daze by the sound of the ball hitting the court. She had been watching Elaine instead of the ball. By the time she began to consciously look for it…
The ball slammed into Justine’s orbital bone before she could even flinch, which sent her stumbling backward for a few steps before she lost her balance.
“Oh my god!” Elaine gasped as Justine’s back hit the court. With equal parts guilt and concern, Elaine rushed over to check on her.
“Eye on the ball, dear!” Anabel cackled as she turned to Minerva, “She’s a real chip off the old block, ain’t she, Minnie?”
Justine’s face started to burn with embarrassment as she looked up at the clear blue sky, and her eye had already begun to puff up. When Elaine’s face suddenly appeared, looking down at her with concern, it became even warmer.
“Are you okay? I’m s—so sorry! I—I guess I g—got a little too into it…”
“I—I’m fine. I just—” Justine’s cheeks were on fire, “—got a little distracted… sorry.”
“I—it’s okay!” Elaine smiled warmly and offered her a hand, “It—uh… it happens to the best of us.”
Justine averted her eyes from Elaine as she caught herself staring, unaware of how long she had been doing so. She took Elaine’s hand and pulled herself up.
“You’ve got quite a serve…” Justine laughed, attempting to break the ice.
“Oh… thanks,” Elaine responded, awkwardly shuffling her feet, “I was surprised that you kept pace. I didn’t know that you played.”
“In high school, but that was mostly because of my mom.”
“You should play more! I’d be happy to help you uh… y’know… shake the rust off,” Elaine bounced with excitement.
There was an awkward silence and mutual nervous laughter as the two of them walked toward the locker rooms. Their mothers stopped their trash talk to exchange a knowing glance.
“I uh… might have to take you up on that,” Justine responded, “Maybe we could get some dinner afterward?”
“There are some great restaurants around here,” Elaine blurted out, “I could show you…”
“Oh… I have to clear out my dorm room by 7 o’clock…” Justine blushed a little at Elaine’s obvious disappointment.
“I’ve got like… sponsor meetings all this week… b—but I’m free on the weekend, maybe…” Elaine smiled as they reached their lockers—coincidentally located right next to each other.
Justine disrobed as slowly as she could manage, trying to conceal her hidden glances up and down Elaine’s increasingly exposed body.
Much like what had happened on the court, Elaine’s body seemed to go into autopilot as she stripped down without a trace of her usual hesitation and awkwardness. Justine reasoned that she must have done this countless times, so it shouldn’t have surprised her. Yet even still, Elaine’s confident disrobing had Justine somewhat fascinated. As did what lay beneath…
Elaine’s form-fitting tennis gear hadn’t left too many surprises regarding her figure, but the few that remained were more than worth the wait. Her breasts practically tumbled out of their restraints as Elaine rolled her sports bra across her moist and glistening skin. Her panties fought a similar battle, the sweaty cloth clinging to her damp body. After a bit of awkward wiggling which made her bounce in all the right places, she finally stepped out of them.
As she turned to toss her dirty clothes into her bag, though, Elaine’s eye caught Justine’s and froze.
Justine only then realized that she had been so captivated by the other girl’s body that she had been staring slack-jawed for at least the last minute or so. Her shirt and shorts lay in a heap on the floor, one shoulder slipped from her bra strap. Her face heated up even more as she realized that her weighty cock was close to half-mast, and nigh inconcealable from such close proximity.
“O—…” Justine began, with the mortifying realization of how creepy Elaine must find this.
“N—…” Elaine began, cutting Justine off with the last thing she expected to hear, “Nice…”
Before Justine could even process what happened, Elaine flashed her a smile and hurried off to the showers, leaving the confused girl with several questions and very mixed feelings.
Part Five
After stowing her clothes and grabbing her shower bag and towel, Justine proceeded to the showers. She was somewhat disappointed to find that the showers were separated into individual stalls, complete with sliding glass privacy doors. She had hoped to explain herself a little bit before the awkward moment got too far away, but it looked like that wasn’t going to happen.
Briefly, she considered knocking on the foggy glass and asking Elaine’s permission to join her… but her stomach tied itself in knots at the mere thought. With a sigh of defeat, Justine proceeded past the first stall that Elaine currently occupied and into the next shower, closing the door behind her.
Anxiety and hope played a rather frustrating tug of war within as Justine lazily stuffed her braids beneath a shower cap, adorned with pink bubbles and bunnies. She allowed her mind to drift as the warm water washed over her body. The white noise of the falling liquid and rising steam gradually coaxed her eyes closed. A hum came from her lips as she finally started to relax.
The schoof of the sliding door and a rush of cool air on her wet skin made Justine’s eyes open with a start. Her shock became twofold upon seeing Dr. Descoteaux stepping into the spacious shower and shutting the door behind her.
“D—! Doct—!?”
“Hello, Justine. Your mother wished me to examine your eye,” Dr. Descoteaux interrupted with a firm, clinical tone, seemingly paying little mind to their mutual state of undress.
The white noise of the falling water became deafening in the silence that followed. Justine—caught so completely off guard—simply froze. Thighs pinched together to restrain her rapidly swelling femme-ber, back pressed firmly against the cold tile, and desperately trying to keep her eyes above the doctor’s neckline.
“May I see it?” She asked, though her tone was far more of an imperative than a question.
“Oh,” Justine responded, utterly devoid of the understanding that such a response usually implies, “When?”
There was a pause while the doctor’s eyes shifted slightly, the tilt of her head implying that she was giving Justine the chance to realize her rather dim-witted question and answer properly. She did not, so the doctor proceeded.
“Now, dear,” Anabel clarified, clearly unsure if Justine was simply shy or an utter moron.
“S—… uh… c—could it wait, Mrs—er… Dr. Descoteaux?” Justine babbled, still frozen in a knock-kneed stance—one hand over her crotch, and the other arm across her breasts, shielding her intimate areas from view.
“No,” Anabel responded flatly, refusing to offer further comment in the awkward pause that followed.
"C—could you hand me a towel? I’ll just dry off and cover up—”
“Justine, really! I am a medical professional with over two decades of experience. What part of your body do you believe is so unique that I haven’t seen its kind before?” Anabel huffed, putting a hand on one of her wide, child-bearing hips.
Justine found herself without an answer for the insistent doctor’s question—or at least not one that didn’t make her feel like a stubborn child. Reluctantly, she nodded.
Anabel produced a penlight from her bag, stowed the bag on one of the hooks on the back of the door, and hurried over to Justine. She began her examination—poking, prodding, and shining a light into the injured pupil.
“Is it okay?” Justine finally asked, “I mean, it’s only a tennis ball, right?”
“Well, unfortunately for you, Elaine is a professional. Her average serving speed is around 120 miles per hour, and the serve that hit you was markedly above that. Had it struck you near the net, a hit like this could’ve caused a detached retina or even permanent loss of vision. As it stands, you only have some mild corneal irritation and the beginnings of a deep bruise around your eye socket. You’ll have a nasty-looking black eye in a day or so, but you’ll most likely survive…”
“Most likely???” Justine exclaimed.
“It’s a joke, dear. You’ll be completely fine, I assure you,” Anabel chuckled.
Justine sighed in relief.
“Thank you, doctor. I didn’t know it could’ve been so serious…” Justine sighed in relief, “I’m sorry about being so fussy. You were just trying to help…”
“It’s quite alright, dear,” the doctor reassured her as she stowed her penlight in the hanging bag.
Justine looked at the floor, her anxiety not yet appeased by her apology.
“Is there… um… any way I could make it up to you?” Justine offered, “It’s just that you’re my mom’s best friend. And I don’t want to make a bad first impression.”
“Really, dear,” Dr. Descoteaux laughed, “It’s alright. I am a mother too, after all. I’ve dealt with my share of ‘fussy’ patients.”
“Oh, okay…” Justine looked down again.
“But if you insist…”
Justine looked back up at the doctor.
“Yes? Yes. I do insist, Doctor,” Justine beseeched with an almost comically dramatic tone.
The older woman started to laugh but quickly realized that Justine’s plea wasn’t at all in jest. She stifled her laugh, not wanting to hurt the poor girl’s feelings.
“Well, I have something of a phobia; showering alone—outside my own home, of course—leaves me quite anxious. Furthermore, I have forgotten my toiletries. Would it bother you immensely if I showered here?”
“Not at all, Mrs—I mean… Dr. Descoteaux,” Justine corrected, “There’s plenty of room… and I have soap and shampoo if you need it.”
As the doctor smiled gratefully, Justine seemed to forget her anxiety, seemingly distracted by her relief that she hadn’t offended. The doctor approached and Justine fumbled through her bag. Finally locating the shampoo, she squirted some onto her hands and passed the bottle to Anabel—probably a little faster than she needed to.
“S—sorry…” Justine shrugged, “I guess I’m just on edge today…”
“There’s no need to be so nervous, dear,” Anabel chucked as she lathered up her hair, “I don’t bite.”
“Oh,” Justine laughed, “Of course not.”
But, obviously… it wasn’t a bite she feared. Justine kicked herself once again for forgetting her pills. Every glance at Anabel’s nude form was a potential disaster, and the older woman’s curves grew more magnetic by the second as water and suds made rivers down all of her most tempting hills and valleys. Justine felt her lust begin to strain against her squeezing thighs. She redoubled her efforts to keep it in check.
“Dear?” Anabel asked.
“Yes, Ms—er… Mrs—uh…—DOCTOR… Descoteaux?”
“Please just call me Anne, dear… for both of our sakes” Dr. Descoteaux smiled warmly, eyes closed as she rinsed herself, “Are you holding that… puddle of shampoo for any particular reason, or…?”
Anabel was already rinsing the conditioner out of her hair. Justine must have spaced out. Embarrassed, she put her hand in the water and let the shampoo wash down the drain.
“Decided not to wash your hair, dear?”
“Nah… I’ll wash it at home…” Justine sighed.
“Probably for the best. It can be difficult to get all the soap out of braids like yours. Best to take your time in your own shower rather than a strange locker room.”
“Yeah…” Justine agreed.
“They are beautiful, by the way,”
“Your braids,” Anabel clarified, “Did your mother teach you?”
“Yeah… and if I’m being honest, she usually helps me. I have no coordination in a mirror at all…”
“Justine, if your mother lived within a hundred miles of here, it would put my hairdresser out of work,” Anabel sighed, “Even Elaine’s father is better with her hair than I am.”
This brought a question to Justine’s mind.
“M—… Doctor… Why didn’t you shower with Elaine? N-Not that I mind or anything! It’s just… Well, I’m not always here… obviously… so…” Justine trailed off as she caught sight of Anabel rubbing soap over herself. The young girl’s eyes seemed to have quite a struggle to tear themselves away from Anabel—her body now covered and dripping with white, foamy suds.
“I’m surprised you didn’t hear,” The older woman tittered with a shake of her head.
“Hear what, Mrs—… Anne,” Justine stumbled as she second-guessed her choice of address once again.
“Cup an ear against that wall, dear,” Anabel chuckled, tilting her head toward the eastern corner of the shower, “You’ll understand.”
Confused and intrigued enough to follow the doctor’s odd directions without argument, Justine cupped her hands around an ear and placed them against the indicated surface. At first, she heard nothing. But after a moment, a droning tone began to stand out from the constant hiss of running water. The wall vibrated every second or so as if someone were kicking the other side. Only when she heard the restrained but audible gasps and moans did she put two and two together.
Once she heard it, she found it impossible to tune out. She wondered how she had ever done so before. Elaine was masturbating. Vigorously masturbating. Just mere feet on the other side of the tiled wall. Anabel must have seen the realization on her face because she giggled softly.
“I’m sure you understand why showering with her while she’s in this state would be rather… uncomfortable for the both of us,” Anabel explained.
“Yeah, I get it,”
Justine nodded understandingly, unable to look at Anabel while increasingly pornographic visions of the good doctor’s daughter danced through her head. Nor could she banish the question, “Was that because of me?” Had the mere sight of each other naked driven them both into the depths of sexual frustration? Justine suddenly regretted not having the nerve to knock on her shower stall…
“I should explain; Elaine is…—” Anabel trailed off, making circles with her hands to draw the proper words from her mind, “—She becomes quite alarmingly aroused after matches. The sweat, the physical exhaustion, the heavy breathing… they all—shall we say—produce a particular itch; An itch which is thusly scratched…”
The doctor gestured to the eastern wall once again. Justine’s legs were beginning to burn with exertion, her cock intent on making its presence known. She felt like a total degenerate. Anabel was confiding in her a potentially embarrassing secret of her daughter’s, and her cock drooled precum with every new detail, painting increasingly salacious scenes in her mind.
“I’ve been trying to play matchmaker for some time, but none can seem to keep up with the poor thing’s libido. In my desperation, I’ve even tried sending two or three at a time. She’s proved to be somewhat insatiable…”
That latest anecdote certainly didn’t help much.
“You look frightfully uncomfortable, Justine…—Oh dear me, I apologize if I’ve over-shared,” She approached with some concern as Justine’s back pressed against the tile in an attempt to take some of the weight off of her awkwardly-positioned legs currently tasked with concealing her arousal, “I hope you won’t think any less of dear Elaine.”
Justine certainly wouldn’t be thinking any less of Elaine. In fact, she might be thinking of Elaine at least once a day for the rest of her life.
“Are you sexually active, dear?”
That question popped Justine out of her lustful haze and put a flush in her cheeks. She stumbled for an answer for a moment or two but finally shook her head.
“Dear? You’re looking a little ill…” Anabel worried, “Let me look at—”
Justine’s legs wobbled as the doctor drew close, huge motherly breasts softly compressing against her own. Her resistance crumbled as Anabel’s nipples brushed over hers. Justine’s cock lept free and slapped between the older woman’s legs with a wet slap.
Justine’s heart stopped in the instant that followed. The doctor’s eyes slowly panned downward. She felt a little faint as time seemed to slow, though she could do nothing to stop the slow pan of the doctor’s eyes down to ground zero.
“Oh my… god~!” Anabel exclaimed in a whisper much too loud for Justine’s comfort. She turned her head away and covered her mouth, but her cheeks began to rouge as she found herself unable to keep her eyes off of it for long.
Anabel wrapped her fingers around Justine's traitorous cock. Justine vocalized a small apology but was still far too stunned to protest—or even come to a decision about whether or not she wanted to, for that matter.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so strangely, dear?”
"Nyeahnuh…uh…” Justine vomited out, still looking a little faint.
“Aw, sweetie—did you perhaps neglect your medication?” Anabel clicked her tongue, “tsk tsk tsk.”
“Iforgotit’msosorry—” Justine’s mind raced as she desperately tried to explain.
“Would you like my assistance?”
“…e—excuse me?” Justine’s thoughts all seemed to stop dead at the unexpected question. Anabel couldn’t mean what Justine thought she meant… could she? Surely, Justine reasoned, she must have misunderstood.
“Elaine. What do you think of her, dear?” Anabel prodded.
Justine struggled for words as several less-than-decent answers to the doctor’s question jumped to the front of her mind.
“I like her,” Justine plumped out, “Um… we had a nice convers—”
“Did you get a look at her body?” Anabel pressed on.
“P—Pardon?” Justine’s face blanked.
“When you were changing, dear. Did you look at her naked body?”
The blank look on Justine’s face took on a hint of panic.
“W—Well, I’m sure I saw a little, but I promise I wasn’t staring or anythin—“
Anabel silenced her with a finger to her lips.
“Do you find her attractive?”
Justine nodded with a flush in her cheeks.
“I’ll be frank, dear—This particular 'frustration' of hers has begun to affect her athletic performance. I was hoping that you might be willing to help… soothe her… assuming you’re up to the task,”
“Oh,” Justine monotoned once more, her body language showing only confusion and mild panic.
“Dear, are you quite alright?”
“W—I mean—… Yea—Just—”
“Justine, if you’d like me to leave—”
“No!” Justine blurted out, far more imperatively than she had intended to.
As powerful as her anxiety regarding the situation was, her desire was far stronger. The dull ache of unsatisfied lust radiated from the lowest depths of her overburdened nuts to the pit of her stomach. As increasingly salacious visions played through her mind, the objections of her anxiety were soon completely unhearable—buried beneath the symphony of moaning MILFs that echoed through her mind.
“In which case… I believe you and my Elaine might just be a rather fortuitous solution to each other’s problems. Now would be the perfect opportunity to test that, as well as provide you some relief.”
Justine made several sounds—unfortunately, none of them words—as her brain began to melt down. Anabel put a finger to the younger girl’s lips.
“I’m going to make you ejaculate, Justine,” she stated matter-of-factly, “Is that okay with you?”
Justine hesitated for a split second, but slowly began to nod. Anabel smiled as she snuggled up closer, pressing her full, pillowy lips to Justine’s. Her hands danced their way down the lithe girl’s body. Justine stood stiff as a board with her back pressed against the wall, completely lost for what to do with herself. After a second or two, Anabel pulled back and looked at her.
“Dear, is everything alright?”
“Yes!” Justine whispered back.
Anabel raised an eyebrow, obviously less than convinced.
“Sorry… I—I’m just a little nervous…”
“It’s quite alright, Justine,” Anabel reassured, “You just let me know if I make you uncomfortable, alright?”
Justine nodded, eager for the doctor to continue. Anabel resumed her deep kiss, playfully prodding Justine’s tongue with her own as her hands reached Justine’s bouncing cock once more. Upon wrapping her hand around it, her eyes popped open. She stepped back, holding the impressive shaft in her hands as she looked down to examine it.
“Oh my…” Anabel gasped, slightly in awe as she sank to her knees, “Why, look at the size of it…”
“I—it’s not that big…” Justine muttered.
“Dear, I know my hands are rather petite, but…” Anabel gripped it with both hands to illustrate her point, “…I’d need about four of them to cover all this. Where I come from, we consider that quite large…”
Justine didn’t have a response to that, so she couldn’t manage to look at Anabel. The doctor giggled at Justine’s shyness.
“Have you measured?”
“Huh?” Justine asked reflexively, “N—No.”
Anabel directed a disbelieving smirk up toward Justine. Justine looked away.
“It’s only like… 8 inches…” she said quietly.
“8 inches around, maybe…” Anabel chuckled.
Justine hid her face behind a hand to hide the flush in her cheeks and the guilty look in her eyes.
“Your mother told me it was large, dear… but I never expected such an obscene… monstrous thing…”
“My… m—mom told y—you?” Justine stuttered, utterly mortified.
“…And your father… dear lord, she was nowhere near this large. My husband was bigger than her, but you…”
“Wait… how do—”
“That’s not to say she was unskilled, mind you—Kris knew her way around the bedroom, to be sure… and she curled my toes at every opportunity given—but this…” Anabel’s hands continued to explore her cock, “…This is a masterpiece…”
Justine cried out in pleasure as the creamy-skinned MILF pinched her shaft just around the base with her left hand and gave it a deep, rough stroke up and down with her right.
“Mrs—Doct—Anne…!” Justine began, trying to explain her current predicament.
“Do you want me to suck your cock, dear?”
Justine froze as she felt the sporty MILF’s words echo in her mind. The protests of her rational mind had long been silenced. Her head began to slowly rock back and forth in a slow, silent nod.
“Mmm… good girl. Now, you’ll have to excuse me. My pace might be a trite slow. I haven’t handled one this size since undergrad…”
Justine vocalized in an attempt to assure the vixen that her efforts would be appreciated regardless of their speed, but what came out was mumbling gibberish and another slow nod.
Anabel wore an infectious smile as she guided Justine’s cock through her parted lips. Humming softly in delight, she repeatedly engulfed the glans with her soft lips, planting a kiss at the tip with each retreat.
Justine’s mouth fell agape. Her fingers grasped and slipped across the wet tile, trying in vain to find something to grab onto. With weak knees, she braced herself against the wall, breath catching with every note of Anabel’s delightful melody.
Anabel grasped Justine’s shaft around the base with both hands. With a devilish grin, she sucked hard on the virgin glans. Her cheeks sunk inward until the convex dimples grew deep enough to touch Justine’s swollen cockhead. Then she began her retreat.
Justine slapped both hands over her mouth as Anabel’s velvety soft mouth vacuum sealed around her throbbing prick. She weakly protested the cruel overstimulation, shaking her head while her feet had begun to slip out from under her. Her muscles clenched and spasmed, dousing Anabel’s throat in a liberal coating of sticky precum. Just when she thought she might explode…
“Oh godddd…” Justine moaned through her clenched fingers, half in relief and half in disappointment.
“I’m sorry, dear—you’re just too big!” Anabel released Justine’s shaft and sat back on her knees, observing the twitching mass and the heavy, throbbing burden stored in the tanks below with predatory rapture.
“P—please don’t stop…” Justine whined pathetically.
“Okay… okay… I’ll stop teasing you…” Anabel chuckled playfully, “Hand me the soap, dear.”
Anabel gave the glans a rather wet kiss and smothered the shaft in between her more than generous breasts. Justine gasped in surprise as her hips needily lurched forward, thrusting into the soft, pillowy cleft of the doctor’s bosom. With a liberal coating of soap, the sudsy, slippery cleavage around her cock quickly drew her back to the rapturous peak of climax.
“Enjoying yourself, dea—”
Anabel didn’t get to finish her question before a gooey jet painted a white stripe across her face. Justine twitched and trembled silently against the wall, both hands clasped tightly over her mouth as her orgasm overpowered her.
It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She had always understood that sex would feel better than going solo, but to experience it was something else entirely. Powerful urges from deep within her core propelled her viscid lust down her bulging under-vein and out the tip of her rock-hard cock—the creamy ropes either splattering across Anabel’s encouraging smile or gurgling loudly as they shot between the smothering cleft of her tits.
“Oh… g—god…” Justine finally gasped as her orgasm finally tapered off.
“Oh, dear! What a mess!” Anabel giggled, milking the last from Justine’s softening cock.
Anabel stood up and began to wash herself in the shower stream. Looking down at Justine’s slumping form, she clicked her tongue.
“You’ve certainly got the equipment and the gusto, sweetie…” She shook her head and closed her eyes to rinse the shampoo from her hair, “…but you’ll have to work on that stamina if you hope to keep up with Elaine.”
“Can I go again?”
Anabel jumped a little, surprised to feel Justine’s body pressed against her back. She glanced down between her thighs as Justine rubbed her shaft between them.
“Oh… y—…you’re already hard…? Again…?” Anabel stumbled, quite surprised.
Justine nodded, her fingers sinking into the soft flesh of Anabel’s breasts, freshly rinsed of her generous release.
"Justine…?" Anabel prodded cautiously, "Ready for another round already?"
"Y—yeah… sorry, Doct—I mean uh…—Anne," Justine corrected, slightly short of breath, "I'm a little… y'know…it's been a while—well no… I guess I kinda… took care of it… earlier… but—"
Justine trailed off, her speech somewhat slurred beneath her increasingly ragged breathing. Her hips thrust slowly back and forth, rubbing her rigid meat between Anabel's creamy thighs.
"I see… not your first time today?"
"N—no, ma'am…" Justine confessed, "S—sorry…"
"No need to apologize, sweetie," Anabel placed a hand on Justine's cheek and a quick kiss on the other, "It's impressive to have so much left. You practically gave me a second shower. I can't imagine what you left in the shower this morning…"
Justine smiled at the attention and affirmation.
"What set you off, hmmmm~?"
Justine stammered for a moment.
"Don't be shy, dear…"
"Y—you and Elaine…" Justine bashfully admitted, "When my mom told me to tighten my strings… I was… yeah…"
Anabel was briefly amused but soon came to a realization.
"You… dear, that was less than an hour ago…"
"Mm—hmm…" Justine grunted, trying and failing to be patient, and continued humping Anabel's thighs.
"And… you came once before…?"
"T—twice…" Justine clarified, "I forgot… um… my pills. Well, I dropped them… s—so…"
“Oh my… quite the marathoner, aren’t you?” Anabel trailed off in realization, muttering to herself, "Just like her father…"
“S—sorry? Did you say som—” Justine began.
“Oh, it’s nothing, my dear,” Anabel giggled.
"C—can I put it in now, Dr. Descoteaux?" Justine badgered, her thrusts now rapid enough that their wet skin lightly clapped on contact with one another, "I—I'll do better this time! Promise!"
"A—alright, dear. Just take it sl—" Anabel trailed off into a breathless moan as Justine pushed inside without hesitation, "Oooh… oh my god…"
"A—are you okay?" Justine leaned forward to peek over Anabel's shoulder—her expression both concerned and apologetic. She worried that she had hurt the doctor in her eagerness, and felt more than a little embarrassed at herself.
"Fffff—… fine.," Anabel responded, taking a few deep breaths, "You're just a bit… larger than I realized…"
"D—do you want me to stop, Doct—I mean…"
"No, dear…" Anabel interjected, "Just… keep still for a moment? While I get used to you…"
Justine nodded, cautiously wrapping her arms around Anabel. A soft hum of contentment escaped her lips, and she nuzzled her cheek into Justine's, which was still perched gently on her shoulder. Emboldened, Justine began to explore her partner's body with sweeping, gentle caresses.
"Hmhnh…" Anabel mumbled, biting her lips together.
Just as it was on the tennis court, Justine's precision was of the sort that is engineered rather than performed. Her fingers steadily worked Anabel's clit through the increasingly slick folds of her hood, prodding and caressing in small circles in time with her first few cautious thrusts.
“O—Oh… oh fu—… d—dear—” It was Anabel’s turn to struggle for words. Justine’s pace quickened steadily with every bit of encouragement that Anabel’s moans provided. Justine sank deeper and deeper into her slavering depths and planted soft kisses on her neck and shoulders as she slid an exploratory finger or two across her partner’s swollen little bud. Before long, the doctor’s generous breasts were pressed firmly to the tile, her hands flat beside them to brace herself on the wall as Justine pounded her equally generous backside.
“I’m… I’m close, Annie…” Justine panted into Anabel’s ear.
Justine’s words pulled Anabel’s mind back to earth just in time for her orgasm to begin. As it arced through her body like a flowing current, she managed to utter only a single word.
Justine’s eyes widened briefly as her climax arrived ahead of schedule, the cum-trembling MILF’s breathless command setting a torch on her already simmering lust. She thrust hard into Anabel, which drew a final wet clap from her bouncing booty, and pressed her face against the cool tile alongside her hands and breasts. Anabel’s wetness squirted out as Justine’s load poured in, the both of them shuddering and twitching with climax.
Moans bordering on screams echoed in the small shower stall. Justine thrust deeply as her cum poured into Anabel. With her mons already pressed firmly against the doctor’s ass, she continued to buck her hips—wishing every last millimeter of her cock to sink inside. Her clitoral ministrations continued, pushing Anabel to a second orgasm—the sensation of being filled so generously priming the creamy MILF to peak once more.
When Justine withdrew, a deluge of white followed her wilting erection, pouring from Anabel’s well-fucked pussy not unlike a small stream—The sight of which already had Justine’s cock pumping back to attention. When Anabel slid sensually down the wall and got down on all fours, it had already begun to throb and leak once more.
Anabel put a hand under the stream of leaking cum from her pussy, then smeared the slimy release between her spread cheeks—lubing her asshole methodically and thoroughly.
“Whu… One more test…” Anabel slurred, her breath heavy with need, “I hope you’re not spent just yet…”
Anabel got her answer in short order. Justine practically pounced onto the MILF’s milky-white ass. She dragged her cock across Anabel’s lower back, across the thong-shaped tanline, and finally into the cleft of her spread ass. With a hand braced against the wall for balance, Justine lined her leaking glans up with Anabel’s tight little starfish.
A tentative thrust made Anabel’s breath catch as Justine carefully prodded her entrance. A second one made her squirm. By the third, she kicked her feet impatiently—practically begging Justine to continue.
“I suppose turnabout is fair play, but please dear…” Anabel glanced back at Justine, face flushed as she held her lascivious pose, “…don’t tease me.”
Truthfully, Justine hadn’t intended to tease—far from it. While 90% of her brain cells were currently fixated on sinking balls deep into Anabel’s ass, the remaining 10% were somewhat concerned. Her overeagerness had already caused the doctor serious discomfort once, after all. She was merely being careful, not vindictive.
“W—wh—… oh, I wasn’t—… I was just try—” Justine’s attempts to communicate this seemed to fall on deaf ears, as Anabel promptly interrupted.
“Please fuck my ass, Justine.”
It was the sort of request that simply bypassed the brain. Before Justine had even consciously processed what Anabel had said, her hamstrings had already contracted. Her hips thrust violently. Anabel’s poor little back door squeezed with all it had but could do nothing against such an onslaught. It twitched around Justine’s wide base as her rapidly filling nuts made a wet slap against Anabel’s freshly fucked pussy.
Anabel squealed with delight as Justine took an unprompted fistful of her hair.
“I’m… I’m gonna move now…” She huffed with a heretofore unseen sternness in her voice.
“Mmmhmmm…” Anabel moaned through her bottom lip, pinched between her wide smile, “Pay special attention, dear…”
Anabel raised off the floor and whispered over her shoulder into Justine’s ear.
“This is Elaine’s favorite~”
Justine’s fingers sunk into the soft flesh of Anabel’s wide hips as she withdrew, directing their sway as their rhythm’s tempo rapidly escalated. Within a few seconds, Justine was full-on reaming the older woman’s generous backside. Anabel’s fingers slid down to her swollen clit, and she rubbed her cum-drenched jellybean in vigorous circles as Justine’s cum continued to drip down from her pussy.
Climax wasn’t far for either of them. Justine’s sack had been swollen and heavy since the start of the second game, and the problem had only gotten worse with her two opponents bouncing around the court in their form-fitting gear. Now that the fantasies dancing in her head had seemingly come true, she could never hold back for long.
The same was true of Anabel, however. The surprisingly forceful ass fucking had scratched her itch, and Justine was giving her exactly what she had craved. Her muscles began to twitch as she writhed in pleasure, unable to keep her moans quiet any longer.
“Fu—…fu—…fuck me… oh god, fuck me, Daddy!”
“CUMMING…” Justine growled with failing restraint as her aching balls flooded Anabel’s guts with spurt after spurt of hot, claggy white cum. She continued to thrust deeply as Anabel’s pussy squirted her release, tinged with the white of Justine’s previous deposit.
“Oh… oh my god… are you still…?” Anabel asked over her shoulder, out of breath and somewhat astonished.
“Mhm…” Justine grunted with obvious heat in her cheeks, her self-consciousness returning with every ounce of jism she released, “S—sorry…”
“Oh god… Don’t apologize, dear. It’s just—URP!” Anabel covered her mouth in embarrassment as she eyed her slightly bloated midsection, “I’m getting rather… full…”
As her spurts were beginning to taper off, Justine thrust hard and deep one last time. The final rope seemed to fire twice as hard and twice as much, eliciting another little squirm from Anabel. Completely spent, Justine finally pulled her softening cock free, leaving a river of white pouring from both of Anabel’s freshly fucked holes.
“Ooooh… fuck…” Anabel sighed, chewing her bottom lip with a wide smile, “I think I quite like you…”
“So, did you have fun with Annie?”
“W—what?” Justine startled from her daydream and looked over to her mother, “What um—what do you mean?”
“Your little song and dance. With all the aces you served? She was soooo mad!” Minerva laughed, drumming her hands happily on the steering wheel.
“O—oh… haha yeah…” Justine sighed in relief, “I’m sure it was just an off day for her.”
“Hardly. You wore that ass out, J!” Minerva laughed, “Annie told me her legs felt like jelly before you even finished the first round.”
Justine didn’t respond and dodged the interaction by taking a long sip from her water bottle. She looked out the window, feeling heat rush to her face again.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You get your stamina from your father, you know…” Minerva talked with her hands as always, and put a hand on Justine’s shoulder, “And Annie? God, she was always a sweaty, panting mess after Kris got done with her.”
Justine’s eyes practically bulged out of her head. Her water shot out of her nose as she choked, and a fit of breathless coughing soon followed. Minerva patted her back with concern.
“Oh, sweetie. Are you alright?”
“F—fine,” Justine nodded, still coughing as her body tried to clear her airway of liquid, “D—did Anabel… um… tell you…?”
“Tell me what, sweetie?” Minerva asked, “I haven’t talked to her since she went to the shower.”
“Oh, just y’know…” Justine breathed a sigh of relief, “You asked her to check my eye. She said I got lucky, so I should be fine.”
“That’s good to hear, sweetheart,” Minerva smiled.
The radio played over the silence that followed for a few minutes. Justine had learned more about her parent’s sexual exploits that week than she ever wanted to know. Thankfully, they were almost home.
“So, did she call you Daddy?” Minerva prodded with a knowing smirk.
“M—… Mom!” Justine gasped, covering her face, “Oh my god…”
“She did! I knew it! Bitch owes me $50!” Minerva cackled.
“Oh my god, kill me…” Justine whined, curling into a little ball of embarrassment.
“Oh, don’t be like that, honey,” Minerva laughed.
“How did you—”
“Baby, I set the whole thing up,” Minerva proudly announced, “Annie said she was going nuts ever since her husband went to Hong Kong for business. You needed to get some ass so you could stop being so weird about it. So I made sure you two had the opportunity.”
Justine refused to un-ball herself and pouted as she looked out the window.
“That was a nasty trick, Mom. Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is? I made myself look like an idiot…”
“Sorry, sweetie. Mother knows best,” Minerva chuckled as they pulled into the driveway and parked. “Besides, I think you’ll forgive me.”
“Hmph. And why is that?” Justine glared.
“Because I put Elaine Descoteaux’s number in your phone for you,” Minerva grinned, unhooking her seatbelt, “She asked me to give it to you before she left. Said something about a sponsorship meeting being canceled .”
“Wh—” Justine glanced down at her phone, “Uh… would it be okay if we unload my stuff… later?”
“You want to leave it in the car for now?” Minerva raised an eyebrow, “Got somewhere else to be?”
“J—just need to um… loosen my strings…”
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mikaylawilson25 · 4 days
My Summer 2024 Seoul Trip!
This summer I took a long flight over to South Korea! This is a trip that has been on my bucket list for the longest time. So, after months of planning, my brothers and I finally made it happen. I would definitely recommend visiting South Korea at least once in your life. I’ll share a few tips that helped me through my travels, as well as some places in Korea I would highly recommend!
Flights and Other Expenses
When looking for flights, where I live does not have access to a one-way flight straight to South Korea. We flew to Toronto and had a layover there, then from Toronto to Incheon Airport. The sooner in advance you look for flights, the cheaper they will be. So, it’s always important to plan beforehand! Another thing I wish someone told me was what to pack on my flight. If you have a carryon bag, be sure to keep these things in mind: a pillow, headphones, charger, book, snacks, water, a toothbrush/toothpaste, and a blanket. Our entire flight was over 15 hours. They give you food on the plane, but you won’t know if it’s something you’ll like so be mindful. Also, whatever you do, do not drink out of a public water fountain. It’s also important to keep in mind where you will be staying. In Korea, it’s easier (and way cheaper) to book an Airbnb. Our Hosts were very sweet and helpful for us, considering we were traveling to a whole other country, where we barely knew the language. It was very convenient as well, right in the middle of Seoul.
I am a very observant girl. A few things I noticed are different in Korea and in the US, is that small talk is nonexistent. Everyone just minds their own business, which personally I love. I hate small talk. In Korea, public transportation is so convenient and efficient. The subway systems were very easy to pick up on and got us from point A to point B quickly. There are apps you can download to find your subway route. You could walk anywhere as well. The city was very safe, it felt like. There were CCTV cameras on every corner. At first, I was nervous that it would be hard to fit in because of the language barrier, but I had no problems at all. Everyone in stores, restaurants, or on the subway was very sweet and had no problem helping us out if we needed. Also, a lot of things were electronic. At restaurants, you could just order your food on a tablet and then send it in that way.
Gyeongbokgung Palace
This was one of my favorite days. My brothers and I took the wrong subway route and ended up on a random street. We kept walking and they stopped at a cute little store with a cherry blossom tree in front of it. There were two ladies working and they motioned me into the building, showing me some beautiful dresses. One lady asked me to try it on and I agreed. Why not? She gave me a jacket and a purse as well. The clothes were the Korean traditional Hanbok. She took me toward the front of the store and asked if she could do my hair. Of course, I said yes to that, too. I got to pick a hairstyle, and I chose a French braid with flowers. When she was done, and my brother got his outfit on too, she pointed down the street and told us to go take pictures down there. I was confused at first because, again, this was not our stop. We followed the crowd of people, and it took us to Gyeongbokgung Palace. It was so beautiful. There were so many people in their traditional clothing taking pictures. We took pictures, of course. My mom was a very happy lady that day. I would highly recommend taking a few hours of your trip to visit Gyeongbokgung Palace!
Lotte world
If I’m being honest, this might have been my favorite part of the trip. I watched videos and read about Lotte World before we came, but it was even better in real life. It was an enormous mall, with its own theme park next door, and the connected Lotte World Tower. Oh, and also an aquarium! There was one building with about 6 stories, and then a connecting building, also with 6 stories, specifically for food. I originally thought the aquarium was going to be lame because it was in a mall. I was so wrong. It was so beautiful and there were so many animals I’ve never seen. My favorite were the axolotls and the beluga whale. The connected lotte world tower is in the top 10 tallest buildings in the world. We took an elevator to the top and you could see the whole city from up there. There were so many stores and restaurants in this mall that we had to come back a second day just to walk through the whole thing. There are so many places to shop in Seoul, so it’s important to be mindful of that when budgeting.
I look forward to going back to Seoul, and I want to visit Busan as well. South Korea is very beautiful, and this was definitely my favorite trip I have been on.
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3monthsineurope · 2 years
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December 15, 2022
Thursday was an early morning. Ingvar and I were flying to Queretaro, Mexico, for one of my best friend’s weddings! Ingvar and I woke up around 5, took a Lyft to the Bellingham airport by 6am, for our 7am flight. It was so nice to fly out of Bellingham, I rarely do it! But the price difference between Seattle was minimal, so that was nice! Our flight was really expensive to get to Queretaro though—$1,050 each! And I watched flights for more than six months. Oh, well!
We shared a coffee and breakfast sandwich, then boarded the plane. We each hand a roller suitcase, and a personal item. Ingvar’s personal item was a garment bag with my dress and heels inside it, and his suit and all the fixings. Our first flight was just a small flight to Seattle, where we both snoozed a bit. In Seattle we went to the American Express Centurion Lounge for breakfast. We had about a two hour layover, then boarded our flight to Dallas Fort Worth. I meant to catch up on blogging on the flight, but I mostly relaxed, listened to music, and snoozed.
The flight to Dallas was about four hours. Then we had a three hour layover, so we took the inter-terminal train to a lounge for lunch/dinner. We hung out in the lounge for a few hours, then took the train back to our terminal. Our next flight was the last! Dallas to Queretaro. It was about two and a half hours to Mexico. Right before boarding, we met up with Nicole’s (my best friend who was getting married) mom, Lizzy. Nicole had asked me to help her out, by getting into Mexico and to the hotel. Even though Lizzy had visited Nicole in Querétaro (just like I had in 2016), Nicole just wanted to make sure her mom was taken care of. Ingvar and Lizzy met, then we all boarded our flight. This flight I did blog a bit! I’ve just been so behind on blogging this last year or so.
We landed in Queretaro around 9:30pm. Lizzy got off the plane before us and through customs, so she waited for us. Once we got through, Lizzy and I went to find an ATM. I always like to have cash in the currency of the country I’m visiting. While I was helping her and getting my own cash, Catherine and Brad showed up! It was so nice to see them both! We had planned on meeting each other at the airport and taking a taxi or Uber to the hotel that we were all staying at together. Once we met back up with Ingvar (he was with our bags while we got cash), the five of us tried to get an XL Uber, so we could all be together for the ride to the hotel, in a suburb/area of the big city of Queretaro, Jurica.
Unfortunately, Uber was really having a hard time finding us a ride. Eventually, Ingvar and I took a regular Uber to the hotel with Lizzy, while Brad and Catherine got a taxi from the airport. The ride took more than an hour, through what seemed like a really roundabout way to Jurica. My phone stopped having data, even though our plan includes Mexico, which made me a little nervous. We went down some really dark and country roads, but eventually we did get to the hotel safely! Even though Catherine and Brad had left after us, they arrived at the hotel before us! They said they had a crazy driver, hahah.
Ingvar and I checked into our room, then I helped Lizzy check in, too. Ingvar helped Lizzy to her room with her bags, then we went to our room. It was cute and nice! I had messaged Nicole on the hotel wifi that we had arrived and our room number, and was so happy when she stopped by the room! I think we were some of the last to arrive in Queretaro. I had missed her so much! What I hadn’t mentioned was that Nicole was seven months pregnant! It was my first time seeing my best friend pregnant—she was so lovely! I gave her a small Christmas present of socks with her dog on them, then she left so we could crash. It was a very long day, but I was so happy to be in Mexico, ready to celebrate Nicole and Oscar! :]
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daisyvstheworld · 2 years
Day 16 - Jan 16 - Zurich/Grindelwald
I woke up super freaking early bc I was nervous that the train was gonna be late and I wasn’t gonna make it on time for my train from Zurich to Grindelwald. So I got up at 5:15am and packed up, checked out, and checked the status of the train which seemed like it was on time.
I went to the REWE grocery store at like 6:05am and bought HELLA gummies and pre packed food for the next few days bc I had like 25 euros left. Technically I still have 10 euros but I did want some extra cash on hand just in case for like lockers and stuff.
The train was there super early so I just hopped on and finished Love is Blind haha
Slept a bit but kept getting woken up by random people boarding.
We finally got to Zurich after what felt like FOREVER and I got off, crossed the ENTIRE train station to get to the lockers and dropped off my bags. I started walking around and omg it’s freezing. I cannot wait for the 9 degree weather at Jungfrau 🙃
The city is really pretty! Kinda plain and not much to do but pretty! I wish I had time to visit the Swiss museum but I’ll save that for another time I guess. There are actually a bunch of museums here that I wanna visit but I couldn’t because they weren’t open on Mondays 😂
I bought some expensive ass chocolates for my mom and I think they’re a good souvenir! They’re in a tin box with a picture and the name Zurich engraved. I also bought 3 truffles/pralines to try. I had the pistachio praline - 4.5/5!! I’m usually not impressed by chocolates but this was good. The chili whiskey truffle thooughhhh - 2/5. It was fine.. just not that impressive. I definitely tasted waves of the chili and whiskey but it wasn’t anything amazing..
Anyways I got back to the station, found out which spot my train was, and found a migros grocery store and stepped in just to check. They had SMOKED SALMON RICE SANDWICHES!!! I was like omg RICE. They had onigiri and a bunch of other stuff too but I was like no I get this. Then I got bluebs. But tgod I bought my food in Munich bc this shit is 2x the price and in francs.
The train went by fairly quickly, I sat on the top level and fell asleep pretty instantly. We had 3 major stops before getting to the mountains. There was a guy in the first leg who was freaking composing music. I took a picture, pretending to take a pic of the background, because it was all very poetic. From there, the views were inSANE. The mountains, greenery, snow, bright blue lakes, cute mountain houses, ugh I DIE.
We arrived a little late but it was a quick walk to my hotel and took a bit to check in bc the there was another huge tourist group, but eventually I got in.
The room was freaking AMAZING - especially after backpacking for so long!! I immediately laid my stuff out and unpacked. I wanted to get to the infinity pool so I changed and put on the big ass robe and slippers. I think I pooped first which was also really nice.
The pool was SO nice, it was slightly heated at 50 degrees Celsius and had the most incredible view of the mountains. I took so many videos and pics.
I didn’t stay too long bc I wanted to walk around town before the sun set, so I wrapped up and quickly rinsed before walking around. It’s a small town so I finished pretty quickly but I stopped to pick up some local IPAs, a postcard, and I found ORANGINA HARIBOS. I’ve never seen those before!! I feel like they shmack so I bought 2 bags.. lol
Walked back and decompressed a bit. Tidied up and just cherished the privacy and space. I scrolled my phone and shit, drank my beer, then went back out to the infinity pool. I thought it might be pretty but it was so dark and the mountains were also cloudy.. but I took some pics nonetheless and then as I was heading back, I discovered the SPA IS OPEN FOR EVERYONE TO USE. So I sat in the hot tub, went through the ice shower, then discovered the sauna and forced myself to sit in the 85 degree CELSIUS sauna for 15 mins and then stood under the ice shower for like 15 seconds. The wet sauna was too much for me, so I just toweled off and went back to the room to shower. It was sooooo nice though. Truly felt like a pampering day - took a full shower, did my eyebrows, did a nose strip, sweat out all the gunk, ate a healthy dinner, and had a peaceful sleep. Since I messed up and accidentally booked it in December, this cost like $270 lmao but for the normal price of $138, TOTALLY worth it!
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oncominggstorm · 2 years
How do I not feel guilty about having meltdowns?
My twin sister & I had our mom & little sister over tonight for dinner & xmas presents. Everything was going well, people liked the presents I gave them even more than I thought they would, I was really happy about it. And I got some gifts I was excited about too (a new super cute tote bag from my sister, and an super cute enamel pin to put on it that says “actually autistic,” and like 4 different types of slime). Well at the end of the night, to make things easier to gather up & bring to my room, I threw my slimes & pin into the new tote bag.
But it turns out the lid on one of the slimes wasn’t on good enough, and it got ALL over my brand new tote bag.
I’ve been very overwhelmed the past few days, there’s been way too much going on & not enough time for me to unwind, and that was the last straw & I ended up having a melt down.
And now I feel guilty & like I ruined xmas for everyone.
My twin sister was visibly/audibly annoyed with me. My mom basically just completely ignored me. Little sister tried to help a bit but I could tell she was strained & uncomfortable too. And what had been a good night ended terribly because of me.
And in addition to feeling like I ruined the night for everyone, and the general bad feelings that come with a meltdown, I am also having to deal with the horrible feeling of immediately ruining a gift I was really excited to receive.
Also to top off the night my headphones broke 🙃 There is no sound at all in the right ear anymore 🙃 They’re beats headphones, that I really really wanted & had been asking for for xmas/my birthday every day for YEARS, and then last year (or maybe the year before idk im bad with time) my mom saved up for a while & bought them for me (cuz they are pretty expensive & no one in my family has much money), and I love them so much & use them literally for hours every day & now they’re fucking broke too & i just cannot handle this 🙃
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eadanga · 2 years
Christmas Memories
Summary: Jack and Nicki enjoy Christmas together
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Nicki walked towards her office as her assistant handed her some coffee
“Thanks Kel” She took a sip and opened her office door. She grins as she sees the big bouquet of flowers and a note
To my beautiful Christmas angel:
I can’t wait to spend the holidays with you
You’re amazing and I’m so glad to have you
Bring your presents and spend the holidays at my place
I’ve got everything ready
I love you beautiful
Nicki blushes as she giggles Jack is so cute holidays with him? I love that
Her phone buzzes
You’re cute when you blush
How did you know that? Are you watching me?
Ugh this is why you should have moved your office further away 😝
And miss out on seeing my favorite view? Not a chance
You cutie
So I take it that’s a yes?
I’ll be there Jack can’t wait to eat the Christmas dinner you have planned
Who said I’m making dinner?
You’re the host so you make dinner
Lol ok babe
Nicki tries not to smile as she rolls her eyes and sits down. Then she looks next door and sees a familiar face grinning at her. He waves and blows kisses Nicki giggles and blows kisses back
Nicki packs her gifts and a homemade lasagna and heads over to Jack’s apartment. She knocks on the door
Jack opens it slowly and he grins “Oh hello there sexy”
Nicki giggles “Can you open the door please this thing is hot”
Jack chuckles as he opens the door “Right this way beautiful”
Nicki enters the beautifully decorated apartment “This is lovely Jack”
“I’m glad you love it” Jack takes the food from her and places it on the table “And I’m glad you’re here”
“Anything for you babe” Nicki kisses his cheek
Jack smiles as he kisses her passionately He pulls away smiling “God you’re gorgeous”
Nicki smiles “And you’re amazing”
Jack grins then steps away “Now let’s get dinner started I can’t wait till you try this”
Jack hands her a plate of food and they head over to sit at the dinning table. Nicki takes a bite of the food and smiles “This is delicious you cooked this yourself?”
“Yup mom always said a way to a woman heart is through stomach”
“I think it’s they way to a man’s heart Jack”
Jack shrugs “Ah well either it’s a man or a woman it still works the same I worked hard on it for you babe”
“Well it’s amazing I love you”
Jack extends his hand towards her and takes her hand in his “I love you too beautiful”
“Tell me Jack how was Christmas for you as a kid”
Jack grins “Oh it was fun I used to play in the snow all the time making snow angels and snowman and showing the older kids who’s boss in snowball fights”
Nicki giggles
Jack chuckles “What about you baby?”
“Well dad and I would always drive to my grandma’s and have coco and then we’ll all watch a Christmas specials together”
Jack chuckles “I can imagine you little Nicki running around”
Nicki giggles
After they eat they sit on the couch Nicki grins and hands him a gift “For you baby”
Jack grins as he takes the gift he quickly opens it then he smiles as he sees the watch “I love this babe where’d you get this it looks very expensive”
“Well I have a friend who works at the store she gave me a discount”
Jack puts on the watch and grins “This is perfect I love it thank you” He kisses her softly then hands her a gift
Nicki takes it and unwraps it “Oh Jack…” She takes out the black leather bag “This is so nice you knew how much I wanted one of these”
“Of course I saved up some money just to get you exactly what you wanted”
Nicki hugs him tightly “You’re amazing” She kisses him softly “This is the best Christmas I’ve had”
“Me too Merry Christmas Nick”
“Merry Christmas Jack”
Tags: @indiacater​ @mfackenthal​ @the-soot-sprite​
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
4 weeks - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, needy Bakugou, 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!f!reader, oral, use of viagra, NOT SPELL CHECKED (sorry >w<)
Summary: Bakugou done fucked up and now he has to pay the price..sorta
A/N: just for the sake of the story, your quirk is “Command.” As long as you come into physical contact with your opponent, even for a second, you can command them to do your bidding until you say “rebel.”
You could’ve sworn the whole house, scratch that, the whole world shook as Bakugou screamed at you.
Bakugou had fucked up. During a little heated session, things got a little too rough. As Bakugou was railing you from the back, he tugged at your hair. However, along with your soft locks, he pulled on your thin necklace chain that was gifted to you by your precious 5 year old son. The chain broke and Bakugou didn’t even tell you. He opted to have you both finish before he even mentioned the broken gift.
And now it was the next day and Katsuo, your son, had noticed the missing necklace. It did hurt him a bit especially considering he did so much to earn money and go with grandma to buy the necklace but he assured you it was okay. You sent him off to his room to play as you walked to the kitchen to scold and punish your husband. As you complained to him, he conversed with you as his back was facing you and only turned when he heard your punishment for him.
“You heard me. 4 weeks. No sex, no touching, no hugs or kisses, no nothing. No. Physical. Contact.” You said with a stern and nonchalant face. Your arms were crossed as you faced your husband who looked at you with an open mouth and open palms.
“Wha- but- WHY???” He whined.
“Katsuki come on! You broke my very expensive necklace!” You said, gesturing to your now bare neck.
“Who cares if it was expensive, I could buy you another one! We’re pros Y/N, we could buy a unicorn if we wanted!” Bakugou argued as he was still trying to get out of his punishment. You only crossed your arms and pressed your fingers into your forehead.
“That’s not the point! It’s the fact that even though it was so expensive, our 5 year old son still bought it! And so because you broke it, this is your punishment.” You explained. Bakugou groaned as he threw his head back and huffed towards the ceiling when an idea came to his mind.
“You know..” he began as he walked towards you, “I broke that necklace, on accident, because I was so focused on pleasuring my queen. Anndddd I could make it up to you in the exact same way~” He attempted to wrap his arms around your waist but you spun around and stepped behind him resulting in him stumbling forward. He turned towards you and growled.
“Really Katsuki? You’re gonna snarl at me? Look, you know the rules, so follow them. Now I’m going with Katsuo to get him a new toy to cheer him up, you just...heh, sit in your room and think about what you’ve done.” You teased. You grabbed your purse and had Katsuo get ready. Once he was done you told him to get into the car and you walked to Katsuki to say bye. You smirked as you looked at him and pressed your hands against his chest. You slowly went in for a kiss and Bakugou looked at you in shock before he smirked and leaned in too. But just as your lips were about to touch, you pulled away and walked to the door. As you opened it you turned to him and spoke.
“No kisses. Remember?” You grinned at him. He snarled and picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it towards you but you shut the door before it could reach you. This was gonna be a long 4 weeks for Katsuki.
Katsuki awoken to his gorgeous wife....sleeping on the other side of the bed far..far away from him. No touching meant no sleepy time cuddles either. It had already been like this for a week. He looked a little closer at her sleeping figure and smiled at her peaceful state. He scooted closer and he tucked his head into your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist. Or more like he tried to. The second his arm made contact with your body for cuddles, you woke up and smacked his hand away.
“Ah! Y/N!! This isn’t fair!” He whined. He looked at his arm and saw a little red shade forming as he pouted at you. You turned towards your doting husband and just gave him a stern look.
“Who broke my necklace?” Bakugou sighed and flopped onto the bed on his back as he faced the ceiling.
“And now who has to pay the price?”
“Me.” He pouted again. You chuckled as you got up and stretched.
“Stop pouting Suki. You’re not Katsuo.” You giggled but he only looked at you with the same pout.
“He’s my carbon copy, we’re basically the same person.” You smiled at your humorous husband and he smiled seeing the grin that bestowed your face. You kneeled on the bed and leaned into him. You placed your hands on his chest as you got close to his face.
“You’ll survive, Love.” You said and then gave him a loving kiss. His eyes went wide at the surprise contact but he quickly smiled into the kiss and returned it as he shut his eyes to enjoy it. You intensified the kiss but when Katsuki went to pull you in closer by your neck, you quickly backed away. He looked at you in shock before whining again.
“Okay, first of all, I thought you said no touching.” He growled as he clenched his fist.
“I said you couldn’t touch. Never said anything about me,” you said with a cocky grin. Bakugou’s face went red at your devious actions.
“Okay well what the fuck? You can’t just kiss me like that and stop after I already went a whole week without touching you. Come back here,” he said as he tried to grab onto your wrist but you backed up and walked to your bedroom door.
“Get ready for the day love, this is just the beginning.”
Mitsuki and Masaru had just arrived. Katsuki was sitting on the couch trying to distract himself with the TV while you were in the kitchen making a smoothie when door bell rang. You opened the door greeting your in-laws with love and expectance.
“Hi Mom! Dad! Come in! Katsuo is almost done packing his bags,” you happily said as you stepped to the side to allow your mother and father in law to enter.
“Umm, what? Why is my son packing his bags?” Katsuki asked as he stood from the couch.
“Y/N didn’t tell you? We called a few nights ago asking to bring Katsuo on a trip. She said yes and told us she’d tell you about it later,” Masaru explained. Katsuki jerked his head towards Y/N in disbelief as she placed her hand on the side of cheek and spoke.
“Oops! I guess I forgot,” you said with sarcasm dripping in your voice. Mitsuki and Masaru believed you but when they turned to face their son again your mischievous grin returned as you also faced Katsuki. He was silently fuming as he watched you go from angel to devil in a second.
“Ah well, who cares. Point is, we’re here to pick up my grandson!” Mitsuki said as she took a seat on the couch. You all made small talk but Katsuki continued to stand as he processed just how conniving his wife was.
“Mama! I’m all set!” Katsuo said as he came down the stairs with his little suitcase and teddy bear in hand.
“Hi baby! Grandma and Grandpa are already here,” you said and Katsuo excitedly ran to his grandparents.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Katsuo said as he jumped into their arms.
“Ohh, hello my little firecracker!” Mitsuki said, greeting her grandson. “Ready for a vacation in Rio?”
“Mhm!” Katsuo quickly replied but Katsuki just stuttered in shock before he spoke again.
“Woah- wait? Rio? You’re taking him to Brazil? That’s across the globe, how long are you guys gonna be gone?” Katsuki asked with concern. Not for his son, he completely trusted his parents with his child and he knew they would have fun. He was worried for himself. Taking care of Katsuo was a distraction for Katsuki. Watching his son kept his mind off of wrecking Y/N. If his son was away for too long, he didn’t know how long he would survive his punishment.
“We’ll be gone for about 3 weeks. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.” Masaru said.
“Wha- huh? 3 WEEKS?! .....Y/N you little satan,” he whispered the last part. He turned to face you and saw a Cheshire grin on your face. His face turned red and you swore you could see steam leave Katsuki’s ears but you continued as if everything was normal.
“Alright well, we’ll be going now!” Mitsuki said as she stood alongside her husband. Katsuo said his partings with his parents and they said their “I love you’s” before their son walked out the door with his grandparents. Katsuo was about to have the time of his life while Katsuki was left to suffer.
Y/N was seated on the couch as Katsuki was still seething. She held a grin on her face as Katsuki slowly turned to look at her.
“You got some explaining to do, princess,” he said adding poison to the loving nickname. You only smiled some more as you stood and walked to your husband. He towered over you but right now, you were above him because you held all the power now. You got in his face as you spoke words that would set him off.
“Whatchu’ gonna do now without your little distraction running around, daddy?” You softly but sinisterly and seductively said as you chuckled and purposely bumped into his shoulder as you walked away.
Bakugou has slowly been losing his mind. He was on the last day of the second week and it’s been killing him. When he sat down he would spazz a little and his fingers would be having a little seizure. His eye would twitch at night as he kept his back to you to restrain himself. The soft quiet moans you would release in your sleep every now and then would send Bakugou into the bathroom in the middle of the night to relieve himself. Just the sight of you was daring Bakugou to pounce.
You weren’t making it any easier for him either. First you send his son AKA his distraction from his hot wife away, then you tease him constantly, you also allow yourself to touch him but refuse to let him cop a feel on you, and now, you walk around after work in his t-shirt and a pair of cute panties. Your plump ass on display and the sight of your plush thighs drove him wild.
You were sipping tea in the kitchen when your frantic husband came in. You took notice of him and greeted him with a smile before it quickly dropped at the sight of him. He looked awful. Bags under his eyes, a twitching eye, a crooked line for a smile, disheveled hair, and his posture was horrendous. He took a seat next to you saying nothing as he just tapped his foot against the floor.
“Umm...baby? Are you okay-“
“NO! I’m not! I’m not okay, not at all!” He snapped as he looked at you with wide eyes. You stared back at him with the same eyes as you slowly took another sip before continuing.
“What’s the problem, love?” You asked as if you didn’t know.
“What’s the problem?” He began with a whisper. “What’s the problem?! Oh, like you don’t know you TEASE!” Bakugou stood from his seat as he clapped his hands to dramatically to explain.
“HOR-NY!” He said as he brought his hands together for each sound. “I am insanely horny, you shitty woman! I can’t get myself off, I don’t have my son around to keep me busy, work is just annoying now, and my fine ass wife won’t let me touch her!”
You laughed a little as he explained and Katsuki had his jaw dropped at your rude behavior.
“You’re laughing? Oh you think this is funny? Oh okay,” he said and walked away.
“WHEN THIS BULLSHIT IS OVER, YOU’RE SUCKING MY DICK Y/N!” He slammed the door to your shared bedroom but he screamed loud enough for you to hear all the way from the kitchen. “ON SOFT!”
The end of the third week. It was almost too much for Katsuki. Katsuo would be back in another week but it would be pointless because the punishment would be over by then. I mean yeah, he’d get to have his son back again (yayy familyyy) but when Katsuo would be back, Katsuki would be completely indulging himself in Y/N. How the fuck were they supposed to keep quiet?
Whatever though. Katsuki had no time to think of the future. He was living in the now, and so he had to come up with a plan to get Y/N to break. In the beginning of the 4th week, Katsuki spent time and time again tweaking his plans and coming up with new tactics until he realized....his damn wife was just as stubborn and hard headed as he was. Nothing was gonna break her. And so we’ve been led to this.
Bakugou resorted to being a puppy that basically had separation anxiety. He would yell and shout and whine at every chance he had. He would do whatever if it meant getting you to break. He missed you. The last time you made physical contact with him was during that kiss and man did it send Katsuki into a frenzy.
Considering Katsuki’s quirk contained nitroglycerin, a chemical commonly found in viagra, it was safe to say it was very easy for you to rile him up. And as he thought about that, it hit him like a train. If he can’t go to you, then he’ll make you come to him. He’ll set you up and he knows exactly how to do it.
Bakugou left the bedroom and ran down the stairs to find you in the living room. You were cozied up with yourself under a blanket that covered your booty shorts that you wore. You were entranced by the story of a book as you allowed the TV to play at a low volume for background noise and Bakugou’s heart swelled at such a domesticated moment. “Hi baby.”
You looked up to your husband and rolled your eyes with a smile as you looked at him. You wondered what trick he had up his sleeve this time around. “Hey. You need something?” You asked.
“Mm mm,” he shook his head with a soft smile, how cute. “Just was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Get some snacks, sit in bed, and just enjoy some time together.”
You smile grew wider at the thought of a little date night in your shared bedroom and you were quick to agree to his offer. “I’ll get the snacks,”
“No don’t worry about. I’ll get it. I already have everything set up. Picked a movie and everything. All you have to do is just be there with me.” You awed at your husband’s kind gestures as you went up to peck his cheek.
“Thanks Suki!” You happily said as you walked away. Bakugou watched your form disappear into the master bedroom before he quickly ran through all the cabinets and fridge. He frantically looked for viagra but when he couldn’t find any he whipped out his phone. He called a number that he knew was going to be able to help him.
“Listen Dunce Face. Don’t ask any questions, just do as I say if you want to fucking live. I know you have female viagra on you and if you don’t, get your ass to the store right now and pick some up for me. Bring it to me ASAP!” He quickly said and hung up before giving Kaminari any time to reply. Bakugou slowly prepared snacks to eat and in 5 minutes a knock was heard on the door. He ran to it and opened the wooden piece to find a huffing electric blonde.
“I....I....I got it!” Kaminari tiredly breathed out as he held a bag over his head to show the items he brought. Bakugou snatched it out of his hand before giving a quick ‘thanks!’ To show his appreciation and slammed the door.
Katsuki took the pills out of its containers and crushed 2 into a powder. He mixed it in with your bottle of water and finally brought the snacks and drinks up to you. He walked in to find you waiting on the bed for him and you smiled at the sight of him. He placed the bags of junk on the bed as he quickly joined you until he realized something was off.
“Umm...Y/N?” You smiled as you knew what he was going to ask and considering you guys were gonna have a little movie date, you gave in.
“Fine.” You happily said as you gave in and Bakugou was quick to pull you into his arms and become the big spoon. He finally got to hold you after so many weeks but this was not his main goal. No he wanted much more. This was only a stepping stone to his victory.
The movie began and Bakugou had you cuddled in his arms. You were enjoying the warmth of your husband as your eyes were drawn to the screen and you couldn’t help but smile at these sweet intimate moments like this. Yeah. You’ve missed him over the past few weeks but a punishment is a punishment. So you decided to savor this time with him before going back to cutting off physical contact once more.
Time had passed and Bakugou watched as you picked at the snacks and swallow down sips of the contaminated water. He smirked every time you downed a gulp and now the best part was coming up. See, Bakugou chose everything so that he knew exactly how everything would turn out. With that being said, he chose a movie that he knew would help the viagra in your system to get you going.
The erotic scene played and Bakugou watched as you rubbed your thighs together for friction. You bit your lip from time to time to hold back a needy groan and you began feeling heat all over you. And it wasn’t coming from Katsuki. Seeing you in this state, Bakugou slowly went to place a hand on your bare thigh. You didn’t push him away and Bakugou grinned at the fact that you were breaking. He soothed and rubbed at your thigh as he would squeeze it every now and then as well. The whole time you were asking yourself why the explicit scene was so detailed and so long.
Out of nowhere, you felt Bakugou’s hand travel up your leg and to your core but just for a second. The teasing touch had you silently gasp and you craved for more. You turned to Bakugou to see he was leaning against the headboard and he would release a grunt every so often which didn’t help relieve your growing heat. He didn’t seem bothered by anything or affected at all as he watched the movie continue.
Enough was enough, you picked up the remote and turned off the TV. Bakugou turned to look at you with a raised brow but openly smirked once he saw you straddle his lap. You shamelessly began to grind yourself against his core as you both released sighs and moans at the friction. His hands went straight to your hips as he spoke.
“What’s wrong princess? What happened to my punishment?” He teasingly asked.
“Shut up,” was all that you said before you quickly dove in for a hungry kiss that Bakugou happily returned. It was all teeth and tongue as you both pressed against each other, grinding against one another’s clothed centers. Moans were released into the kiss as you began to undress yourself. You both pulled away for a second to remove your tops but quickly went back in for the kiss. You removed your shorts as Bakugou remained in his sweats. You were left in nothing but panties before Katsuki decided to rip those off.
“Katsuki...nobody said anything about you being able to touch me again,” you clarified with sharp eyes. Bakugou’s eyes went wide. He thought this was the end of the punishment. He thought you gave in.
“What do you-“
Before he could finish, you placed your hand on his shoulder and activated your quirk.
And just like that, Bakugou was out like a light. While he was unconscious, you took the opportunity to tie his wrists to the headboard using one of his dress ties. You removed his sweats and briefs as you allowed his member to stand tall. You stared at the red, angry tip that was drenched in pre-cum. You smirked as you sat yourself on his waist as your hand went to stroke his member the slightest bit. He moaned in his sleep and you giggled as you spoke again.
Bakugou slowly woke up, but once he fully came to, he was completely submerged in pleasure. His eyes were blessed with the view of your naked body, with a beautiful face that adorned a smirk. And he understood why you held the malicious smile. He groaned as he felt your pace at his dick speed up. You leaned down to his ear as Katsuki held heavy breaths with a flushed and red face.
“No touching, remember Suki?” You whispered as you then licked the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“F-fuck! Fuck, Y/N please. Please just do something...Ahh~” You trailed your thumb up to his tip as you focused on it. The feeling sent Bakugou into heaven.
“Awww, you thought you could tell me what to do? If you didn’t notice, tonight, I’m in charge.” You said with a grin and devious eyes. Bakugou groaned even more as he waited for you to do..anything! “I’ll tell you what though, Suki. You have been pretty decent for the past few weeks so I’ll give you a little something. And maybe if you’re a good boy for me, I’ll let you have the main course.”
Bakugou watched as you stopped your hand movements and scooted back. You were face to face with his dick as you jerked him off some more. You held his member in your hand as you made eye contact with him. You licked the base of his cock all the way to the tip causing Bakugou to sigh and moan. You kissed the tip before taking it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around.
“Oh s-shit! Baby! Fuck-“
You went down on him one time and moaned around his cock, allowing the vibrations to have full affect on your trembling husband. You pulled off him with a pop as you smiled up at him.
“Oh I’m sorry. You wanted me to suck your dick on soft, right?...Mm, well it’s not my fault you can’t control your hard on.” You teased to which Bakugou growled at you. “Again with the snarling? That’s not what good boys do Suki. Good boys do what they’re told so they get to cum inside a pretty pussy~”
Bakugou perked up at the temptation. Cumming inside you. Breeding you. Pumping you full until you give him another brat. The thought of you walking around beautifully swollen with his kid drove him mad and desperate.
“Let me cum inside you Princess.” He asked with a soft but stern tone.
“Ah ah, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not the one giving orders tonight, Katsuki. So listen up. I’ll go down on you for about 5 minutes. If you don’t come in those 5 minutes, I’ll let you cum inside. However, if you do, I’ll be leaving you here with a cock ring for the next few hours while I go and pleasure myself somewhere else. Understand?” You watched as he attempted to fight against his restraints.
“No.” He refused to give in. He turned his head down, avoiding your gaze and you sighed in return.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself,” you said and slid off him. You were about to walk away before Bakugou called out for you.
“No wait!” You turned to him and gave a little curl with your lip. “Tch....please.” He said while blushing and staring off.
“Please what suki?” You said, acting dumb. Bakugou really didn’t wanna beg but he’s so close to getting what he’s been craving all month. Screw his damn pride. He was gonna get laid and he was gonna get it tonight!
“Please! ....Fuck me, touch me, suck my dick, let me cum inside you, do something to me! Please Y/N,” he begged. His member still stood erect and you smiled as you walked towards him.
“That’s my good boy,” you said as you caressed his jaw and gave him a quick and passionate kiss before moving down to suck him off. You kissed his tip multiple times before taking him in. He gasped and sighed at the contact and feeling of your warm cavern but he’ll be damned if he came undone in less than 5 minutes. He needed to cum inside your sweet little cunt and he was gonna do whatever it took to do so.
You bobbed your head at a steady pace causing Bakugou to plead for more. You swallowed his pre-cum, which left him gasping. Your hand went to fondle his balls as he fought against his restraints. He wanted to use his hands to take control but he couldn’t, not with them being tied up.
“P-please baby. Faster! Please!” He begged. And who were you to deny your good boy. You sped up your movements and moaned with his cock seated in your throat. “Ohh god! Yess!”
His legs shook as he was close to cumming. He looked at the time and saw he only had 1 minute left. Just 1 minute. Hold it in and he gets to cum inside you. However, he didn’t know you had a little trick up your sleeve.
When you walked away before, you grabbed a mini vibrator. Seeing he only had 1 minute left, you turned it on and placed it at the base of his cock while you sucked him off and moaned some more.
“F-fuck baby! S’too much! Stop- stop! ...ohh fuck I’m-I’m gonna cum!” Bakugou screamed with his head thrown back. He jerked his hips up as he attempted to fuck your mouth but you squeezed and scratched at his bare thighs to get him to stop. And finally, with your permission..
“You can cum now, good boy,”
He filled your mouth as he screamed in pleasure. His legs shook in pure ecstasy as he filled your mouth with his sweet-salty release. You pulled off him with a stuffed mouth and watched as his chest puffed up and fell down. He sighed before he looked at you with rosy cheeks. You smirked at him, opening your mouth to show him his work before swallowing it all. The erotic scene caused him to bite his lips and throw his head back as he puffed some more.
He can’t believe he was at his limit and all because of a blowjob. His dick grew soft but rose once more as vibrations came in contact with his shaft again. He flinched at the sudden feeling and looked at the cause of it and saw you holding the vibrator against him. “Baby? W-what? W-hy?”
“Aww Suki. Don’t you remember? It’s time to give you what you’ve wanted all month,” you smirked at him. His eyes went wide. How could he forget? He wanted to cum inside you so badly, but he didn’t know if he had any left. He didn’t know if he would be able to take it after his extreme climax.
“W-wait! Wait Y/N. I-..I need a break for a second. I can’t-“
“Excuse me?” You cut him off. “So you’re the only one that gets pleasure out of all this? I don’t think so.”
“No baby, that’s not what I meant. I just- it’s just...s’too much!” He cried out as he watched you hover over his erection. You lined his dick up with your entrance and smirked some more.
“You can handle it. I know you can. You’ll be my good boy and pleasure me too, right?” You sweetly said. Bakugou didn’t know what it was. He was never the submissive one but you calling him a ‘good boy’ did something to him. It made him want to completely submit to you and do whatever you pleased. You slammed down completely on his cock as you both cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Bakugou screamed. You began a fast pace bouncing up and down on him. Your hands found placement on his bare chest as he threw his head back and made an abundant amount of noise. “Oh baby! Baby- slow down! F-fuck too much!”
“Mm..c’mon Suki..I thought you wanted this. Fuck- I thought you wanted..to be my good boy,” you teased while moaning. You held a devious grin as you rode him and he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Poor baby was so overstimulated.
Bakugou released sobs of pleasure but he enjoyed it all nonetheless. “S-shit! Oh my godd Katsuki! S-So big!”
“Ahh! Fuck! Y-Y/N..baby please! Let me touch you! Please!” Bakugou seethed out. He had his feet planted on the bed as he attempted to thrust up into you. You, growing a soft spot for the man below you, gave in.
“Heh...be a good boy and please me Suki.” You released his wrists from their ties as you never stopped your motions and his hands were quick to find home around your waist.
Bakugou was quick to take control and bounce you up and down on his shaft, controlling the pace. Now it was your turn to scream and cry in pleasure as Bakugou slammed you down on his cock while ramming up into you at the same time. He was going to be a good boy and please you.
“F-fucking shit! You like that? Huh?” He gave your ass a quick and hard smack before continuing. “You like the way my dick feels inside your sweet pussy?”
The pleasure was too much for you. You could barely form words as he catered to your body. His thrusts were beginning to bring you to your end as you felt the familiar tight feeling grow stronger in your stomach. You pussy clenched around his shaft as he released a gruff moan at the squeeze.
“Shit..you gonna cum baby? Gonna cum on my dick? ...fuck yess~ let me fill you up princess,” he said as his thrust grew sloppy. He was close to his end as well and you nodded in approval to his desire.
“Ka-Katsuki! I’m gonna cum..fuck baby I’m cumming!” Bakugou sped up the slightest bit to help you reach your climax until you finally came. You both released cried of euphoria as you both met your orgasms and met each other for a hungry kiss. At the same time, Bakugou stopped his thrusts as he shot his load in you, and a mix of your releases seeped out of your cunt. Your kiss was sloppy as your tongues fought for dominance. Bakugou let his hands travel to your ass where they helped you grind on his dick a little more and smacked it once again.
You both had moaned into the kiss until oxygen became necessary. You separated from each other with small pecks before finally stopping. Bakugou remained inside you as you settled into his chest. He had his arms wrap around you as you both spent time catching your breaths. Once you both finally settled, you bathed in the comforting feeling of the after sex glow and cuddled in a comforting silence. Bakugou had kissed the crown of your head before he spoke up and broke the quiet.
“So much for a punishment,” he teased. You looked at him with slanted eyes as a way of telling your husband to shut up but he only chuckled at you. He lifted your chin and brought your lips to meet his once more for a loving kiss before separating to tell you sweet words.
“I love you, princess.” He said with his husky voice.
“I love you too, Suki.” You sent your hand to intertwine with his and he gladly accepted. He was right though. So much for a punishment. Oh well, you’ll get him next time he fucks up.
A/N: EW THE ENDING WAS SO BAD!!!! WTFFFFF! Whatever. I hope you enjoyed it bear Cubs! I’m sorry I’ve been in my lil slump but I feel myself getting better and I’ll be back soon!💗🧸 And now...to start on the ninth chapter of my series. Yayyyyy😓
A/N: I think my favorite part is when Katsuki yells “Suck my dick!...on soft!” Cuz I be walking around and saying that to mfs who test me. If you disrespect me, SUCK MY DICK..ON SOFT! 🤣 am I a female? YES! But you will suck my soft non-existent dick if you decide to act like a prick for no apparent reason. Thank you!😂
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thesolferino · 4 years
⤷ dream x f!reader.
⤷ genre: angst, fluff
⤷ word count: 8.4k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon!
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— summary: dream asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for a day. things only seem to go downhill from there.
It started as a favor.
On a quiet night in your apartment when you stared at your phone for way longer than your eyes could physically take and rolled around on the bed, talking to one of your best internet friends, Dream, he asked you for a favor. His voice was muffled through the mic on his phone, the one connected to his computer way cleaner, but neither of you could bother getting off FaceTime and call on Discord instead - yet you still heard him loud and clear, because you burst out laughing right after.
“What the hell did you just say?” you laughed, turning on your stomach and opening the call, now entirely focused on the timer that counted every second you spent talking to him instead of your Twitter timeline.
“It’s embarrassing, don’t make me repeat it!” And for that sole reason, you wanted him to repeat it, loud and clear.
“Is this why you were so insistent on me coming down to Florida? So I could pretend to be your girlfriend at your cousin’s wedding so your family doesn’t think you’re a loser?” you laughed, finding the situation entirely absurd as he sputtered, words mashing together, trying to defend himself.
“No! No, I wanted you to come here because we’re friends and I-I wanna meet you, this is just a… benefit, of sorts.” he replied, and you couldn’t help but laugh even harder at his poor attempt of trying to save face.
“Alright, I’ll bite.” you chuckle. “What’s in it for me?”
“Whatever you want.” he responded, much too quick. Your eyebrows raised.
“Whatever I want?” you parroted.
“Yes.” he confirmed. “I’ll buy you something, if you want; I’ll even pay you-”
“Pay me?! I’m not a whore, Dream!” 
“That is not AT ALL what I was saying!” he cut in, yelling as you burst into a new fit of laughter. “It’s just… I sort of already told them I have a girlfriend and I was just hoping you’d say yes ‘cause it’s gonna be very awkward if I show up without the girlfriend in question.” 
You put your head in your hands and he sort of dryly laughed at himself when he heard your palm hit your forehead. “What is wrong with you, man?” 
“Listen, it’s not gonna be so bad! Just stay by my side for a bit, look pretty, we’ll get some drinks, and then dip. That’s it, I promise.” he reasoned.
“And here I thought we were gonna make out in front of everyone. What’s a fake relationship if we don’t make a show out of it?” you sarcastically snickered, and could practically see his eyeroll from miles away.
“If that’s what you want, then we’ll do it, by all means.” he replied and you laughed, shaking your head in mild disbelief.
“Alright, well, if you already told them, I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” you huffed, pretending to be way more bummed out about it than you really were. “I’ll do it.” 
“Thank you so much, oh my God.” he replied and you chuckled at the sheer relief in his voice.
A few seconds of silence pass. “What’s the catch?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“How do you want me to publicly embarrass myself in exchange for this favor?”
“Personally, I think that forcing you to tweet that tweet about pissing yourself in bed again and also tweeting that everyone should subscribe to me isn’t “publicly embarrassing” at all.” 
“Maybe I should’ve picked a different fake girlfriend.”
“Sucks to suck, pissbaby.”
The weeks leading up to your meetup felt like years, with every treacherous minute of you two talking over muffled mics and shitty webcams feeling longer than it should, your empty apartment feeling emptier and emptier by the day. Was it even possible to miss a person you hadn’t even met yet? 
It turns out that it very much was, because as soon as the painfully long weeks were up and you were finally metres away from him, you jumped in his arms like a woman finally seeing her soldier husband after the war, standing on your tiptoes while he bent down the best he could to hug you back. His chest rumbled with a warm laugh when you turned your head ever so slightly towards his ear.
“Hello, boyfriend.” And just like that, the warm turned into a groan of faux annoyance while you burst into laughter and he pulled away, scanning your face with an equally annoyed look.
“I should’ve never asked you for that. You’re never letting it go, are you?” Yeah, you were kind of annoying with the amount of corny boyfriend jokes you threw his way - you had to give him that. But then again, he crafted his own fate and now he must accept the consequences.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise your majesty wasn’t appreciating the work I’m doing! I just won’t show up at that wedding, how about that?” you bit back, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“You’re such an idiot.” he laughed. “Give me those bags.”
A blissful week had passed, and he hadn’t pissed you off in real life nearly as much as you thought he would. It took a bit of getting used to to his family calling him Clay instead of his beloved internet username, and you did get a couple of suggestive looks from his mother the first few times she visited - you had a couple of “eye conversations” in which she never exactly asked if you were his girlfriend, and you never exactly denied it, but you knew both of you felt the weight of the unspoken words yet you had to keep everything secret and ambiguous. Or at least you thought you did, before he revealed to you that he told his mom the two of you were dating already. Seems like the glances were knowing and not questioning. Maybe you weren’t as good at eye conversation as previously thought.
Living with him was fine, mostly because he had godly air conditioning and a house that was probably way too big for him, and also a very cute cat that followed you everywhere and made living with a man for a full two weeks way more bearable. Finding out that he can’t cook was one of the most bizarre revelations about him that you’d had in the years of your friendship, and you demanded he watched as you made chicken wraps. You complained about how he was 21 and couldn’t cook for himself, he complained about how it’s 2021 and he can just order from Chipotle or something, dude.
A week of goofing around and trying to hide the fact the two of you temporarily lived together from the internet had passed quicker than it should’ve, and for the first time in seven days, Netflix was turned off and the two of you were dressing up for the wedding, ready to set off with his parents and younger sister. He spent ages trying to convince you to match with him, which was quite literally impossible because he wore a black suit and you brought a red dress, which resulted in the two of you roaming around a local mall at 10 am, half asleep, looking for a reasonably formal black dress, because of course Dream always got his way.
An hour of arguing and your fashion tastes clashing later, you picked an off shoulder black dress with a high slit, along with a pair of pumps, both of which you forced him to pay for, and went back home, ready to glam both of you up as much as humanly possible because you were not ready to let him show up in some horrendous pair of shoes and claim to be your boyfriend. 
“Is this okay?” you questioned, turning from the mirror to face him and let him be the judge of your shimmery black and white eyelids, spending way too much time on a makeup look for a wedding of someone whose name you didn’t even know. He blinked at you as his judging gaze washed over you like a wave, scanning you up and down while you nervously cocked your head, leg tapping in faux impatient annoyance to cover up the fact that you felt like prey under his eyes. 
“It’s… yeah, it is. You look good.” Dream confirmed, nodding his head at you in a movement that was way too quick and snappy and you turn back to the mirror with a huff, watching him stare right back at you. 
“Too much, right? I should try something else.” You say, grabbing your makeup remover wipes, but he cuts in before you can even wipe a single smudge.
“No, no, it looks good, I promise. Really good. Don’t touch it.” Something way too sincere in his voice makes the air tense, more tense than usual, but you drop it, deciding to just take the compliment with a tight lipped smile.
“Okay. You ready?” you ask, and he nods, nervously straightening out his suit before looking back at you with an anxious grin.
“Yeah, I think so. Do I look fine?” 
He did. He looked more than fine. You’d never seen him actually dress up for something and put proper care into his looks - he was practically forced into doing it by you this time as well - so seeing him in an actual black suit, all formal and expensive looking, messy dirty blond hair properly combed for the first time in ages, made you gulp and look away. You sort of never understood the argument that women and men can’t be friends because you were never attracted to one of your male friends, ever. Dream was born to be an exception to every rule, it seemed. 
Realising that you abruptly looked away, you attempted to awkwardly clear your throat and smile at him.
“Yeah, you do. Let’s go.”
During the ride there, his mother seemed to finally explode and the words that have clearly wanted to pour out of her mouth for ages finally came out. You supposed it was better for the poor woman, and did your best to suppress a laugh when Dream dramatically sighed and leaned against the window when she nosily spoke up. 
“So… since when have you and Clay been together? He’s told us absolutely nothing!” She spoke up from the passenger seat, shifting to look at you, excited smile plastered on her face and you politely smiled back, mentally noting that you’d have to bully the shit out of him for acting like his mom is embarrassing him in front of his 8th grade crush.
“Ah, we’ve been friends for a long while, but we only started dating a month or so ago, because it’s hard doing long distance and all that.” you said, hoping it would sound believable enough because the two of you rehearsed this a few days ago, writing out a whole backstory from how you started dating to what exact words he used when he asked you out. There were a couple of arguments here and there, such as the fact you refused to say you confessed you’ve been in love with him for years and he refused to say he admitted he’s been your “bottom bitch” for 3 years but in the end, you somehow managed to agree on a cohesive timeline of events.
“Oh, does that mean you’re going to move here?” she questioned, and that one didn’t surprise you either, Dream having prepared a full list of answers to questions that people might ask in your notes app. He was a perfectionist to the point it got on your nerves, but that had its own perks.
“No, but I’ll definitely visit more often, and if it goes well, I might as well move here.” you smiled back at her and she nodded, going back to staring through the windshield. You and Dream exchange a relieved glance that you hope his younger sister doesn’t notice.
“Let me tell you, I was waiting for you two to get together! He always talked about you, I was getting tired of him, you know that?” she giggled and you widened your eyes at Dream who, snapping out of somewhat of a daze, immediately jumped to protest, light blush adorning his pale cheeks. 
“No, I didn’t! I did not, mom, don’t lie to her.” he argued while all she did was laugh.
“Oh come on, it’s not embarrassing now that you’re together!” she kept going, and his younger sister joined in, to make it even worse.
“Yeah, you do talk about her a lot, not gonna lie.” she spoke up and his cold glare directed her way told you everything you needed to know, hanging on by a thread not to burst out laughing. He refused to even look your way, turning back to the window as his cheeks started heating up. You couldn’t help but let out at least a bit of a giggle, placing your hand on his arm in fake comfort.
“It’s okay, you can admit it now.” your tone borderlined on mocking and he knew you’d make fun of him for days to come so he stayed silent while the rest of the car burst into laughter.
The wedding was truly beautifully set up, set in a hotel wedding venue, walls painted in pure innocent white with hints of gold here and there, and you nudged Dream as the two of you observed in awe, asking what sort of money the groom had to be able to afford this sort of expensive venue. Nudging him proved to be way easier now, because you linked arms - you originally made fun of him for suggesting to walk like that instead of holding hands like normal people, telling him you’d look like you were at your high school prom, but he persisted, and you didn’t end up looking as goofy as you thought. 
“He’s a doctor or something, pretty sure.” he replied, quick feet trudging down the long hallways, your own struggling to keep up with him, especially in your heels. He seemed to be in a rush to sit and get it over with as soon as possible so he could avoid any nosy family members, but bad luck followed him everywhere, it seems, because as soon as you two entered the place where the bride and groom would unite, at least three different pairs of eyes locked on you, and you immediately saw a fairly elderly woman get up with open arms, staring at Dream with a grin on her face. You saw him immediately tense up, and almost laughed right then and there.
“There’s my boy! Oh, you’ve grown so much, come here!” The woman looked to be in her fifties and Dream let go of your arm to nervously laugh and fall into her hug, the two rocking from side to side as she kept going on about how it seemed that he grew taller and taller every time she saw him. 
When the two pulled away, her eyes fixed on you, judgingly scanning from head to toe and you suddenly realised why Dream tensed up the way he did - old white women sure had a way to make you anxious. Thankfully, he stepped in. 
“Aunt Bessie, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is aunt Bessie, my mom’s older sister.” he generously offered the explanation you were so obviously lacking and you grinned, as if that information helped you in any way, and stuck out your hand in an offer of a handshake. However, she seemed to have different plans, because as soon as she heard the words “my girlfriend” her face lit up as if she won the lottery and her lips stretched into a smile, opening her arms for you the same way she did for him. 
“Oh my God, you finally got a girlfriend? Come here!” she said, shaking her head at your outstretched hand and gesturing you to return the hug which you quite hesitantly did, politely laughing as she hugged you tighter than you’d deem appropriate. Dream came from a family of huggers - that much was apparent from him, you guess, but you weren’t exactly prepared for this.
Aunt Bessie seemed to be way louder and screechier than expected, because the word “girlfriend” boomed through the room and off the snowy walls, and at least five other family members of his turned around to check who the lucky fellow that finally got a girlfriend was. Another one of his aunts seemed to notice the commotion and suddenly, another older woman with shoulder length, dyed blonde hair, along with her two younger kids, was hurling at you as well. 
“I always complained to him that it was about time he got a girlfriend! He’s a fine young man, no wonder you picked him, honey.” Aunt Bessie shot you a knowing look and you closed your mouth in a tight lipped smile in a feverish attempt to keep down the laugh that threatened to escape you. 
“Oh yeah, he definitely is.” you giggled, looking up at Dream again who looked like he wanted the earth below his feet to open and swallow him whole. Before you could nudge him in the ribs and tease him for hours to come, the other aunt suddenly spoke up.
“Clay! Oh my gosh, is that you?” she exclaimed, shocked grin on her face, and you briefly wondered if Dream ever even visited his family. He nervously smiled, obviously not really sure who this woman even is, but he hugged her back anyway, clearly walking the line between ‘happy to see his family’ and ‘insanely uncomfortable’.
“I haven’t seen you in so long, your dad hasn’t visited since we moved to Toronto! Look at how tall you are, you’re taller than my husband now! You used to be so tiny, whatever happened to you?” Upon hearing the word Toronto he seemed to realise who he was talking to as his eyes softened, and you wondered if he really was so expressive or you could just read him that well.
“I grew up, I guess.” He awkwardly laughed and she laughed harder than she should’ve before turning to you.
“Oh, and who is this?” She said, gaze periodically switching between him and you, a knowing smile on her face which told you she definitely knew who you were.
“Ah, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is… my dad’s cousin, Mabel.” He introduced, large hand landing on your back, and you felt like you were experiencing déjà vu at the way her face lit up at the mention of a girlfriend. 
“Wow, it’s so nice to meet you, Y/N!” She said, energetically shaking your hand, before turning back to Dream. “You never told us you got a girlfriend! You’re finally planning on settling down, huh?” 
Your head snapped in his direction at the speed of light when she mentioned settling down, and you could see him tense up as well as he nervously laughed.
“Yeah, we haven’t visited in a while, so nobody from the family really knew. And, uh… we haven’t really thought of that yet, we’re taking it slow and everything.” He said and you were almost in awe at how good he was at bullshitting. The woman did nothing but laugh.
“Ah, don’t lie to me, I see the way you two look at each other! It’s your wedding we’ll be attending next!” She winked, and just as Dream got ready to fake laugh once again, her family called her over and she excused herself, walking off.
The two of you hurried to your seats as well, sitting down next to his younger sister. 
“Your family is insane, man, holy shit.” You laughed in disbelief, staring at him as he shook his head, clearly as distressed as you were.
“Literally nobody in this family gives a single fuck if I’m single or not except the old aunties. And I seem to have a shit ton of those.” He muttered under his breath. “The way you look at each other - I literally didn’t even look at you properly that whole time!” 
You cackled at that one, hitting his arm. “She’s right, Clay. You’re one fine young man, eh?” You nudged him as he groaned in embarrassment, only turning your way to glare at you. 
You didn’t get to tease him for much longer, though, because the organ started playing and the bridesmaids and groomsmen lined up, the groom standing at his designated place. The bride walked in, arms locked with her father, thin white veil covering her face as she walked down the aisle, looking angelic in her puffy wedding gown. Silky brown hair fell down her shoulders, curled towards the ends, and you could see the hint of blood red lipstick beneath the veil. She looked beautiful - the groom seemed to think so as well, because you could see him tapping the corner of his eye lightly, wiping any stray tears.
She finally made it to the end and stepped to face her soon-to-be husband as her father moved away, sitting back in his chair. The wedding officiant stepped up, and held a speech much longer than it should be, which just led you to zone out. 
One day you’d be beneath that veil, wouldn’t you? One day, you’ll face your fiancé the same way she is, and you’ll let your hearts link with a string that nobody but the two of you could snap. Who would that be, though? Who could you even trust with your heart in their hands? And you’re not aware of how and why and when, but your eyes shot up at Dream, whose eyes also glinted in that way where you knew he wasn’t paying attention, and maybe he was thinking about the same thing as you. Maybe one day, you’ll be attending his wedding, forcing one of your friends to play a fake boyfriend as he wipes his tears, waiting for his bride to get to him. 
It was disheartening, the thought of being a bystander while he locks lips with somebody else. You supposed you just liked being the center of attention, so you let yourself pretend you were his bride in your daydreams. Separating daydreams from rational thoughts was mandatory, because you weren’t sure how you’d explain to yourself that you can’t stand seeing Dream marry someone else. 
Dream, the infamous hopeless romantic, still seemed out of it, maybe even a little emotional, despite not being that close with either of the two. He was probably thinking about his own wedding as well, thinking about his future, the face he’d see when he pulled back the veil.
Just then, his eyes darted to yours, and you realised you were caught staring, snapping your head back to the couple that started reading their vows by now. You started going red from the neck up, cheeks on fire as you could feel his gaze burning into you. He turned back after a few seconds, though, probably assuming you stared at him because you were bored, and neither of you spoke, even though you kind of wish you did. What even is there to say, though? 
By the time you snapped back, the “I do”s were already being said, and her veil was getting lifted, showing her beauty to everyone present, and as they kissed the whole room bursted into cheers and applause in support of the newlyweds. The two exit, teary eyed, their parents follow close behind, and that’s when Dream’s family rushes both of you to your feet, following the two into the reception hall where the actual party would take place. 
From then on, the wedding is the same as any other. The two have their first dance, they give a welcoming speech, and Dream lets you stuff your face with cake and repeatedly refills your wine glass as repayment for dragging you into this whole thing. At some point, he stretches his hand out to you and asks for a dance like a rom-com main character, and you’re not sure exactly why he did that because he’s mostly terrible at dancing, but you had fun letting him twirl you until you got dizzy anyway.
You also realised just how much he did actually need a fake girlfriend, because it seemed like every twenty minutes some sort of relative of his would walk up to the two of you and congratulate him on “finally getting a girlfriend”. You ended up bullying him for that as well, wondering just how long he’s been single for if they’re all this surprised that he’s got a girlfriend, to which he just downed the glass of water he’d been sipping for half an hour and asked you about the weather.
His family took a few pictures with the new couple - you even got to speak to the bride at some point, congratulating her and wishing the two of them well, but in the span of a few hours, the wedding was over and the newlyweds made a great exit, signifying the end of the party. The two of you were driven home by his parents, and you waved them goodbye as you stumbled to the front door, your heels insanely uncomfortable and the red wine in your stomach weighing down on you; you just wanted to get out of this dress and into a pair of pajamas and pass out on his couch in the living room. 
That’s sort of exactly what you did - you half-assed taking your makeup off, wiping down your face a couple of times, deciding that was enough before changing into some worn pajamas and plopping down on the couch next to Dream who already claimed his place and sunk into the cushion while a random movie played on the TV. The two of you basked in the comfortable silence that surrounded you, the exhausted, tired type. You both appreciated the quiet and fell asleep sitting next to each other, wedding already forgotten.
That night, he went from Dream to Clay.
The departure was bittersweet. You left two days after that, your hug at the airport tight, warm, filled with a sugary sweet feeling you couldn’t quite place and sour acid that ate away at you because you didn’t want to leave in the slightest. His arms were warm, inviting, whispering for you to stay but you left anyway, waving him goodbye, setting off to home. 
It seemed like all your problems came and went with him, because a week later, at 3 in the morning while you were up editing a video, you got an all caps message on your Discord from Sapnap.
You blinked at your computer screen, white letters blinding you in the dark, brain trying to keep up with why he even thought that. Within 10 seconds, another message, this time from Dream.
“so i told george and sapnap that we’re dating”
“don’t kill me pls” 
Yeah, you weren’t going to kill him, per se, but he definitely made your life a lot harder than it should be. You opened Discord, Premiere Pro and the unedited video abandoned, typing back to Clay quickly.
He responded immediately, as one panicked man does.
“they’ve been making fun of me for being single for ages now :(“
“we already did this fake dating thing before and it went perfectly fine”
“just play along for a month or so”
You audibly sighed. And as if he could hear you, he started typing again.
“i’ll promote you on my channel more”
“just pls do it”
“you love me, right” 
Another sigh fell from your lips before you could stop it. Of course you did, because if you didn’t, there’s no way you would be playing into this. You typed back.
He messaged back immediately.
“LOVE YOU <333”
With a shake of your head, you mumbled “idiot” with the ghost of a smile flashing on your face, switching back to your video, opting to ignore Sapnap for a little bit. He could wait. 
Fake dating seemed pretty damn easy during the first week - you thought you were killing it by sending corny tweets and staged selfies so he could screenshot them and send them to the groupchat, giggling on call about how oblivious they are and how you’re fooling them so good, both of you opting to ignore the parts where they claimed they knew the two of you were gonna get together eventually. It was fun, lighthearted, and an excuse to flirt with someone you had nothing official with.
As much as all your problems came and went with Clay, though, they came and went with his friends as well, especially that hopeless man Clay called his best friend. 
Because yeah, of course Sapnap was the one to accidentally spill to the public that the two of you were “dating”.
George was streaming at what was apparently a normal time in the UK, not so much for Florida, and Clay was sleeping while you were watching his stream while making some food for yourself. It was going fine, a bit of a chill stream, and you leaned against the fridge as your oven preheated, tired eyes following his Minecraft skin. 
“Sophie, thank you for the dono! ‘Hey George, I love your videos, just wanted to ask if you were speedrunning with Dream today?’” he read out, and you could faintly hear Sapnap join the stream through your headphones. 
“No I’m not, Dream’s… I don’t know what Dream’s doing right now, actually. He’s not responding to me, though. Probably talking to his girlfriend still.” he continued, exaggerating the last part mockingly, still playing into the whiny role of being upset that Clay was ditching the two of them for you. That majorly woke you up, though, as you stood straight on your feet immediately, because oh no, nobody was supposed to know.
You exited out of the Twitch app quickly, letting the stream play in the background as you tried to fish for Sapnap’s profile on Discord and text him as quick as possible, trying to warn him to not let anybody know, but before you could do it, you heard his laughter clear in the stream.
“Yeah, Y/N, his sweetie poo.” Sapnap said, causing George to laugh even louder, before moving onto the next topic, and your heartbeat picked up an insane amount, nails loud and probably damaging your phone screen as you typed as quickly as humanly possible to yell at him because this was not planned, at all.
You heard him go quiet after you shot him a couple of messages over Discord (“SAPNAP” “ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID” “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU” “NOBODY KNOWS YET” “IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU”), type something to George who then fell quiet as well for a few seconds, pure horror on his face, and then went back to streaming as if nothing happened while Sapnap profusely apologised to you on his and George’s behalf.
No apology could fix what had already been done, though, and you were left alone with the warzone that was Twitter who had already speculated the two of you were dating long before while Clay peacefully slept somewhere in his house at 4 am in Florida. You bombarded him with messages and waited until he woke up ‘cause what were you even supposed to do?! 
You chose to spend your time finishing the pizza you were originally supposed to make and almost burnt your whole apartment down because you forgot the oven was on for a whole hour while yelling at Clay’s idiotic best friends. You yelled at Sapnap, who kept apologising to you, you yelled at George, who yelled back that it’s not that big of a deal because people were bound to find out anyways, and you yelled at Clay, because he was the guilty one somehow for not being awake during your breakdown. 
He did eventually wake up though, to the shitshow that were his notifications with at least thirty messages from each of you, messages from his other YouTube friends who were fairly surprised, and his entire fanbase going ham on Twitter. He was surprisingly calm about it - calmer than you were, anyways, and sheepishly said over the phone that the fake dating thing may have to go on for a little longer since you couldn’t just date for a month and then break up, and you were sort of okay with that.
And of course, the business side of him awoke at that moment, and he giddily told you about the amount of views the two of you could pull if you did the same shit you do with George and Sapnap anyway, but on livestream. 
You rolled your eyes.
And then agreed anyway. 
And so, the charade began.
His Twitter statement was up shortly, telling the people that you’d been dating for a couple of weeks and weren’t planning to tell anybody yet until a certain someone spilled their guts live, and the fact Dream was dating someone, let alone another popular streamer, took the internet by storm. You expected hate, and you got quite a bit of that, but the people that had shipped the two of you before were certainly more than delighted and a lot of Clay’s fans were supportive. 
Now, both of you had excuses to do chill streams together and just hang out and you took the opportunity and ran with it. 
You’d sit and play Geoguessr or just try and speedrun Minecraft a bunch of times for hours on end, doing stupid bits and things you’d be doing offline anyways, with a little more flirting than usual, because that’s what made it interesting.
“Oh this is France, for sure.” you claimed one night, two or three weeks after the secret was officially out, chewing on the fries you bought for this specific occasion, streaming on his alt to a few thousand people. 
“You think so? It could be Belgium, too.” he responded, humming in thought as he looked around.
“I know so.” you responded.
“I just do. Gamer intuition, babe.” you said, and he wheezed at your response, repeating the words gamer intuition under his breath.
“No, seriously. It is France, I know it is, I’ve seen so many pictures of that place I know it like the back of my hand now. That’s Lyon, or something.” you continued, plopping another french fry into your mouth.
“You have? Why do you know so much about France, that’s so random.” he responded, opening the map and pointing to France, although he keeps looking around, unsure of his decision.
“I dunno, I like it there. I wish I could move there.” you replied.
“Why, though?” 
“It’s pretty and heavily romanticised! Just like me!” you joked and he laughed, before letting you continue. “I dunno, it’s the city of love. Be a little romantic.” 
“The… the city of love is whatever city the two of us are in.” he said, and it took a few seconds for you to process the joke before letting out a fake disappointed sigh.
“I can’t believe I’m dating someone as corny as you.” 
At that, he bursts into wheezes, and you follow along, enjoying the sound of his laughter coursing through your headphones more than you used to a few weeks back. It feels nice, feels right, acting like this. You like calling him your boyfriend more than you think you should. 
A few weeks go by, and it feels all too natural. It feels too natural, talking to him first thing in the morning when you’ve barely even had your coffee, calling him pet names, throwing sweet words at each other publicly like they mean nothing. It feels all too natural, and nice, and all too right, and you don’t even notice when the two of you cross the line between public and private, and you’re stuck making stupid jokes about making out when you first see each other when there’s nobody to witness them except the walls of your rooms, but you don’t like thinking about that, because you know it’ll bring nothing but confusion. The current this that the two of you have is perfect to you, perfectly lighthearted and funny and fun, and you intend on keeping it that way, refusing to think about it in any way past jokes.
That is, until you can’t anymore.
It’s late, again, and you’re staring at his contact name on your phone screen, lazily lying on the bed. It reminds you of a night from roughly 3 months ago, when your whole friendship seemed to change in the few seconds it took you to process what he’d asked of you, and it feels weird, but nice.
“My mom really likes you, you know?” Clay breaks the quiet that you’ve learned to appreciate in his presence, and you exhale through your nose, the noise just short of a chuckle.
“Yeah?” You laugh, and he does as well.
“Yeah.” He reaffirms. “She thinks you’re a great girlfriend. Apparently I seem brighter ever since we got together.”
You laugh again. “I am a great girlfriend, to be fair. She’s totally right.” 
“Well, I wouldn’t know that. If you’re as good of a girlfriend as you pretend to be, though, then you’re amazing.” He says, and words fly out of your mouth before you can stop them. 
“Yeah? You wanna find out?” The flirty nature is nothing strange to the two of you, but this time it feels kinda different, it feels like you’re stepping into dangerous territory that there’s no coming back from. You feel like you’ve ruined everything, for some reason.
He laughs, like normal, though. He laughs like nothing happened at all, and you’re so, so grateful for that.
“Sure, let’s do it. You’re about to unpack the full Clay boyfriend experience.” He snickers and you laugh as well. 
“That means I just unlock the dick as well as the personality.” you respond, quick as always, and the wheeze that escapes him is so loud that it makes you laugh too.
“...Unlock the dick…” he repeats through another wheeze and you nod, laughing.
“Yeah! I mean I’m literally experiencing the boyfriend experience without actually having a boyfriend, it’s fuckin’ great.” you say and he hums.
“You could have one, though.” 
The implications are crazy, his words are crazy, he’s crazy and everything that he could mean and couldn’t mean by that is driving you crazy too, brain faltering and heart seeming way too big for your chest to contain it. It’s silent.
“I could, I guess.” 
You choose to say, and he switches the topic naturally, like he never said anything.
Things are never the same again.
It’s not in a bad way. Sure, it is kind of a bad way for the feelings you’re trying to push down inside you, a bad way for hot nights when the unbearable heat forces you to stay up even when you don’t want to and you have no choice but to think about why you feel the way you feel as you melt into the burning sheets below you, a bad way for when he jokes about finding somebody else and you feel your stomach churning. A bad way for realising that this fake dating thing is really getting to you, but not a bad way in general.
Maybe it’s in a good way. Maybe the underlying implications whenever he makes jokes about making the relationship real are good, maybe the way he calls you in the middle of the night when he’s anxious and freaking out and defends himself by saying: “You’re my girlfriend, you’re always there for me, I just figured I could call you.” and you end up wondering if it’s possible to say jokes in such a vulnerable state or if he’s serious is good, maybe the way it’s been a few months and he won’t tell his own best friends that it was a joke the whole time is good, maybe the way you confronted him about it and he said he likes having you as his girlfriend is good. 
Maybe the way the two of you are always walking the line between joking and being serious, between being friends and something more, between lies and pranks and emotional investment and fear of committing, and the way you’re always trying to push the other off, is good. 
The fans love it. The fanart is incredible (serves especially well for those hot nights when you can’t fall asleep and you scroll, watching yourself fall in love with Clay in every universe, tales told by people who observe your story and find it worthy enough to retell in their own words, to take the love you pretend to have and turn it into something real), people love to gush over the compliments he sprinkles in at random times during conversation and the general flirty dynamic is loved by many, pulling in more views and attraction for you. 
And you suppose that’s good too, but at some point, the good warps into bad, bad warps into terrible, and you wonder if this is all even worth the sleepless nights, wondering if he feels the same way.
Those thoughts haunt you more and more often every day. When you wake up, and text him first thing in the morning, your brain acknowledges that the camera is off - nobody’s around, people aren’t listening, so why are you still playing the role of a girlfriend and starting up a conversation with him when you haven’t even brushed your teeth properly? When you’re editing in the middle of the day and he calls to keep you company, making more stupid boyfriend jokes, your stomach flips in a weird way that makes you hate him, hate the way he can joke about these things so freely, like it doesn’t hurt him. Like it doesn’t affect him like it affects you. 
But, as much as you wish you could hate him, you couldn’t bring yourself to, and that was the worst part. Because, in reality, whenever he laughed you’d smile without realising you did, whenever anything exciting happened to you he was the first one you went to, whenever you wanted to laugh or cry or sit in silence for hours or complain you always went to him, the one person who you know would listen. In reality, whenever he made a joke about giving up on the fake dating and making it real, you wished so bad that he was serious this time, that this was what it took and he’d crack and all of your suffering would end.
It eventually happens.
It’s a pretty chilly morning, birds chirp outside and the sun that slowly rises is covering the kitchen floor in a golden hue as you pour milk into your cereal with one hand and hold your phone in the other, letting Clay ramble about whatever it was this time, when he brought it up.
“So, when do you wanna come down to Florida again?” he asks casually, and you almost drop the gallon of milk in your hand. 
“I said, when are you coming down to Florida again? Last time you came was pretty fun.” he says, and an empty silence follows. There’s an unsaid “I miss you” that you don’t hear, and he’s too afraid of saying it. 
“Florida wasn’t exactly on my schedule this month, man.” you say, placing your phone on the counter for a second. Clay sure knew how to surprise a person.
“Well put it down, then.” he jokes, and you hum.
“What, you got another wedding coming up?” you giggle and he groans - you never really stopped making fun of him for that wedding.
“No, I don’t. Can’t a man just miss seeing his beloved girlfriend?” It’s unbelievable how quickly dread can wash over you as soon as he makes one of those jokes. You were convinced the mix of anxiety and butterflies that appears in your stomach was gonna kill you sometime soon.
“He can, he’s just being weirdly insistent.” you argue nonetheless. “But sure, I’ll consider it.”
You do more than consider it - in a few weeks, you’re back at the airport, and falling into his arms has never given you such an adrenaline rush in your whole life. Something about having him wrapped around you, close to you, the warmth of his body radiating into yours sent you spiraling, head clouded with nothing but love and the fact that you wish you could stay there forever. You wished you could press pause and cherish the moment, let yourself bask in that feeling of pure love, pure adoration that you helplessly drowned in. But you couldn’t, and you left his arms feeling oddly empty. 
Hiding the fact that you were unapologetically head over heels for him proved to be a hundred times more difficult when you were right there, next to him, talking to him, when you could just kiss him any second, feel his lips on yours and nobody would stop you - the opportunity was right there, looming over you, the devil on your shoulder taunting you, telling you to do it. 
You got to wake up in the same house as him, watch his hair stick out in different directions and his raspy morning voice as he complained about the smell of your coffee, watch his eyes glint whenever he talked about something he liked and observe as he carried around Patches like a little baby. You got to experience every bit of domestic without the consequences of committing, and you wondered just how far this would go. For how much longer would the two of you blatantly ignore the fact that you were a couple that slapped the title “fake” on it because you were cowards who refused to admit what this truly was. 
Not for long, apparently, because you grew tired, and decided to put an end to everything on one random Thursday night - and if he hated you forever for it, then so be it. 
You were sitting on his couch, watching a random movie together, drowning in one of his Dream hoodies while you chewed the popcorn he made. It was dark outside, just past midnight, and you could see the branches of a tree swaying calmly through one of the nearby windows - the silence while he scrolled through his phone lazily was comforting too, everything was lazy and serene and it would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for the constant anxiety that gripped you by the throat whenever you were in his close proximity, the nervousness that killed you, the upset feeling of wanting to cuddle up with him but knowing you can’t because you guys are just friends, and nothing more.
The couple on the screen kiss while a violin plays in the background - how fitting. Maybe that’s what pushes you to the edge, or maybe you were just that sick and tired.
You were exhausted, beyond exhausted. Your eyes were tired, the anxiety was morphing into annoyance and anger and you were ready to give up on it all. If this ended the friendship, at least you two had a good run. Your heart couldn’t take it anymore.
“You know, you still owe me a favor in return for pretending to be your girlfriend.” you say, and you sound gone, zoned out, more than you wish you were. You hear his phone turn off with a click.
“Yeah? What do you want?” Clay asks, and you blankly stare at the TV for a few seconds before turning to face him, eyes burning. 
“Kiss me.” 
It’s silent. The characters on screen are arguing. You hear the wind through one of his open windows.
“What?” he asks, voice cracking, and his expression falls. You’ve fucked it. Oh well.
“I want you to kiss me. Kiss me like you mean it. Kiss me like someone’s watching and you wanna make it believable.” you say, eyes boring into his, your words having nowhere near as much of an effect on yourself as they do on him. Your eyes sting like they’re being lit on fire, and your throat is sort of closing up, but it’s fine. “Let me have this before I go, because once I leave, I don’t wanna do this anymore, Clay. I can’t pretend like I don’t want you to introduce me as your girlfriend and fully mean it. I can’t lie to your face anymore.” 
Silence. Deafening silence, once again.
“I love you.” he blurts out, and you don’t even register it at first. “I don’t want this shit to be fake either. God, I really don’t. It hasn’t been fake for a while now, at least not on my part. I’m sorry, it’s just- it was easier to keep this bit going than it was to actually admit that I’m… into you.”
And once again, the room falls into silence, much like it always does whenever the two of you share moments like these.
And then, you burst into laughter.
“So… so you mean to tell me, that both of us have liked each other this whooooole fucking time, and just refused to admit it and ‘pretended to date’ instead?” you burst into giggles, and he looks sort of hesitant to laugh, but he does anyway.
“I mean… yeah? I was waiting for you to call me out for doing all that when nobody was watching! Why did you never call me out?! Don’t blame me, I made it so damn obvious that I wanted you!” he protests, and you almost can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“Excuse me? You should’ve just fucking told me instead of making a million and one jokes about how I’m your girlfriend! We’re not in middle school, Clay!” you argue.
“Yeah, but I thought you’d catch on and talk to me about it at some point! You never called me out for anything!”
“So what, I’m supposed to just read your mind now? You’re fucking unbelievable.” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest and turning away in annoyance. As soon as a warm hand lands on your shoulder, though, the annoyance melts like wax under fire, leaving nothing behind.
“I still haven’t returned that favor, you know?” he whispers in your ear, breath fanning your neck, closer than he should be. The hairs on your neck stand up as you turn back to Clay, who wore a mischievous grin and a glint in his eyes that suggested no good. 
You suppose bad can be good, sometimes. 
As his lips press onto yours, that theory is proven true, because he sends a flicker of fire burning down your spine, spreading into your limbs, making your fingertips electric as you pulled him in closer, hand snaking up to grip at his hair - the everlasting grin against your own proves, once again, to be no good as his hands slip under your hoodie and grip your sides, but you think you enjoy this sort of bad. 
They sneak up further, and you hear him chuckle into the kiss as your insides melt at his touch. The two of you silently agree that maybe he should ask for favors more often.
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