#the title is on point the description not so much xD
suqueenaryomen · 1 month
Sukuna Ryomen’s Title Name or Real Name?
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Just a Thought (What if):
Many people claim that Sukuna Ryomen is just a title because it’s supposedly written in the manga. But could it be that we’ve misunderstood it again, just like we’ve seen happen often lately in Jujutsu Kaisen (especially due to those annoying mistranslations)? After all, this wouldn’t be anything new!
Gege Akutami was inspired by the name Sukuna Ryomen from mythology, right? It would be a shame if that name were to just disappear. We’ve become so accustomed to it, and we all agree that it fits the character well. Since Sukuna Ryomen is a real figure from mythology and Gege Akutami deliberately chose this name, could Sukuna Ryomen be a real name and not just a designation?
In the story, Sukuna Ryomen is described as a powerful and terrifying demon or spirit with two faces and four arms. So far, Jujutsu Kaisen points exactly in that direction. His appearance shows no human or normal features, which perfectly match his description. So I see nothing inconsistent with his appearance in JJK.
Why did Gege choose this name? He could have chosen another character that doesn’t bear this name if it supposedly wasn’t that important, right?
If Sukuna Ryomen suddenly got a different name and we had to get used to it, the whole story would somehow lose its value. The name Sukuna would be practically destroyed! It might feel strange because it wouldn’t fit the original character and the JJK story as well anymore, or because the other characters would suddenly address him by a different name. 😅 (How would that even sound?) I don’t want to know. XD 🤣
I’ve also noticed that Gege Akutami never directly says, but rather hints at whether Sukuna is human. The author himself questions this and ponders whether Sukuna is even human instead of confirming it directly. It feels like he wants to encourage us to speculate. Maybe Gege Akutami is deliberately avoiding giving a direct answer so that we question it, or because he can’t reveal too much!
Well, Gege must know what he’s doing…
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feenick · 9 months
JRPG, CRPG, WRPG... these aren't very useful subgenres, and geologically recent arguments have heated up the debate around them even more. So I propose throwing them out and replacing them with these 26 new, flawless categories:
ARPG - Action RPG: Do you perfom actions? Or are you stuck watching the title sequence over and over because the main menu doesn't work? BRPG - Bethesdic RPG: Can you pick up every wheel of cheese in the game and put it into a single room? Does the game needing to keep track of that eventually ruin saves? Then the game's a BRPG. CRPG - Computer RPG/Console RPG: Everyone will know exactly what you mean when you use this acronym. If need be, refer to games like Ultima IV or Final Fantasy VII, games that exclusively exist on either a personal computer or a console. DRPG - Dungeon RPG: Do you go into the prison cells underneath a castle? If you don't, are you really an RPG of any type, much less a DRPG? ERPG - Erotic RPG: A game where you find love. Did you talk to someone on an internet forum about Final Fantasy IV and get into a relationship through that? That goes here. FRPG - French RPG: Wakfu exists. I'm sure there's others. GRPG - Good RPG: They all go in here :) HRPG - Homeric RPG: Is the plot of the RPG directly ripping off 1) The Iliad 2) The Odyssey 3) A Simpsons episode? IRPG - Idle RPG: Okay, honest question. How much do you idle in these games anyway? Certainly you're setting up equipment and parties that'll auto-grind for you, right? The entire subgenre isn't just Progress Quest, right? JRPG - Judeo-Christian RPG: This category is exclusively for the 2008 game The You Testament. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules. KRPG - Kinetic RPG: You know Kinetic Novels, ie a VN that doesn't have any choices at all? Throw any RPG you want to disparge for not giving you choices in here. Alternatively, this is for any RPG that has Kinect support. LRPG - Luddite RPG: Was it released on a console 20 years after that console ceased getting games? Does it look and act like it should have been released 20 years ago? MRPG - Monster-catching RPG: Any game where you catch monsters and have them battle for you. Notably, Shin Megami Tensei is excluded; you talk, bribe, and cajole demons into working for you, which is totally different. NRPG - Natalist RPG: Does the word 'breeding' come up at any point in the game description? ORPG - Orre-game-esque RPG: Like Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, is this game a spinoff of a larger RPG series that changes a major mechanic and has a small but vocal fanbase? PRPG - Panzer Dragoon Saga-like RPG: games that make SHMUP gameplay more approachable by combining them with an RPG. Other games that fit into this category are Undertale and Sigma Star Saga. QRPG - Questionnaire-having RPG: Does the game, at some point, ask you a series of questions in order to determine something? In that case, all other categories are overwritten by this one. RRPG - 'Real' RPG: You know, in your heart of hearts, what belongs here, and everyone else is wrong. SRPG - Strategic RPG: A game in which short-term tactical gameplay decisions [strategy] are the main focus. TRPG - Tactics RPG: A game in which long-term, strategic gameplay decisions [tactics] are the main focus. URPG - Ultraviolent RPG: Can you kill a guy and have a fountain of blood erupt from them? VRPG - VIPRPG: A category reserved for any game made by someone who frequents 2ch's VIP board, or features that :3 cat person that originated there. WRPG - Weeaboo RPG: Was it made by someone outside of Asia but still have anime stylings? XRPG - eXploratory RPG: A generous term for an RPG that throws you out into the world with little direction and expects you to figure out where the game is. YRPG - Yslike RPG: Does it have bump combat? Then there you go! ZRPG - Zero-loving RPG: Are the damage numbers padded to make them look more impressive? Alternatively, does Zero from Mega Man X show up?
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purpleglitch · 2 months
Hi this is a post where I go crazy over stuff I read on c!george's dsmp wiki page 😁👍
Under the read more because it gets a bit long, this is a very unserious analysis(???) ^_^
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King george I never moved on from you,,,,,, and he also never moved on from his kingship, I didn't get to add something because of the image limit but in a introduction to a new character much much later in the lore, the wiki says he introduced himself as "the king of the dsmp still" like GIRLLLL, and that days after the dethronement he was asked about his feelings on it and he said he didn't care about it...... so what's the truth.... ☹️
Also pig george I'm crying icb that's a thing in the wiki agshshdhjfjf, he's just a little guy
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C!George was so based they silenced him....
Hello, he should've stayed in a team with c!dream since the beginning, they had the same goals hello.... Also underrated lore was politician c!gnf, swag2020 was better prepared than pog2020 but because everyone watched from their povs, george and q were seen as the bad guys. Can we talk about how it was c!george the first one to say the whole thing about wanting the server to be one big happy family, I'm crying
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"George took pride in being king and enjoyed his title" he loved being protected by dream and how he did everything for him, they were both freaks in that arc oh my god.... dorry.
c!george's apathy and carelessness were such great parts of his character I'm so serious. Like on one side he doesn't care about anything so he's going to sleep through every drama, but at the same time he cares about everything so he's going to participate and instigate conflict and he just wants his friends...
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I'm not breathing. Can anyone hear me. Can we talk about this. He wanted to visit. Hello. He impulsively went to visit dream. He was angry c!dream was in prison hello. He wanted to go in so badly he risked it all and broke a block from the prison instead of going in and asking c!sam like normal and then he was banned from ever going in
do you think one of the reasons he later was seen standing in front of the prison but never going in was that ban??? I mean, besides the guilt and pain that brought him thinking about c!dream. Is this why on his last lore stream where he dreams about meeting dream post prison and being confronted about never visiting him and george saying he didn't know he could've asked was because Sam threatened him??
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That whole stream where tubbo, ranboo, foolish and george were gambling with XD for items could be seen as not canon lore but think about how funny it would be, like so many streams XD is in are so random (mainly because dream wanted to goof around the server without pulling his mc character out of pandora but shhh) they all could be taken as dreams from c!george or other characters like c!foolish
C!DNF couple goals being both stuck in prisons (c!dream in pandora, and c!george in a bedrock box). also the dethronement already happened by this point but dreamXD proclaming c!george the king of chaos is making me cry so much, what's up with cc!dream giving george the king title again..... idk im gonna overthink this a lot
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"It was given to George by Dream himself and was George's only highly valuable item." let's take a second to process this- c!george's most valuable item was a non enchanted shield that c!dream gave him, in the image it doesn't show but the shield had the blue brick pattern because it represented the obsidian wall c!dream built around new l'manburg after c!george's house was vandalized. AND IT'S HIS MOST PRECIOUS ITEM HELLOOOOOOOOO, it was the only thing he had left of c!dream and it was his most valuable item over his weapons, beckerson and the netherite armor XD gave him...... ok.
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This one is really interesting because the relationship tab is not really accurate with the descriptions lenghts so i find really interesting how they made c!dream's description the longest one while c!sapnap's description was like 2 lines long 😭😭
Ok but this description is so sad, "They stuck by each other's side. [...] But as time flew by, they seemed to get more distant." I don't agree that the dethronement was "spontaneous" because c!dream did say that he did it because he cared about c!george and he didn't want him to keep losing his stuff to assasination attempts and because of the danger of being associated to c!dream... plus the other reasons of c!george not staying neutral to the dsmp faction.
It haunts me that they never got to talk to each other once c!dream got in pandora and their relationship was left like that in "bad terms" because of the dethronement but the way they both thought about each other with c!dream wanting gnf to visit him and talk, and c!george dreaming about dream leaving the prison and being a team together again..... idk c!dnf my doomed yaoi..........
Also cgeorge seeing XD as a stand-in for cdream is the funniest thing he misses him so much he dreamt god looks and sounds like his ex imghjhdkjfhdkfhkghk
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"me and the bad bitch i pulled by being whimsy and heartbroken (im scared of him but dont tell him)" -c!george, probably.
again there's stuff i didnt put because of the image limit but reading the wiki was so crazy there was stuff i didnt remember that are now feeding my cgnf brainrot, he's such a silly guy i really like his character :( aaaa feel free to send me asks to talk about him or dsmp lore in general, i probably have bad takes on other stuff but whatever,,, i stay silly
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alicelufenia · 2 months
A few haphazard post-MSQ thoughts for Dawntrail
okay first of all fuck Zoraal Ja loved your trial
Dawntrail in general makes me want to go back and actually finish FFIX, and part of that is also to actually find out more about Kuja's deal. I was in vc with my static over DT ending and my co-tank pointed out Zoraal Ja's whole arc is a dead wringer for Kuja. Which makes sense based on the wiki summary I found. I just also dreaded the possibility of people comparing him more to Zenos, which thankfully, I haven't actually seen much of. But then I'm not on Twitter, and only just started exploring the tags, so maybe that take is out there. Sorry but as a dedicated Zenos Fucker I still don't see it XD not every violent man with daddy issues is a Zenos.
Speaking of daddies, it's a genuine accomplishment for Dawntrail to bring us both the BEST and WORST dads in the game. Congrats Gaius your seat at the bottom has been taken, but Man did Zoraal have to earn it.
Just one little issue. WHO IS GULOOL JA'S MOM??
I cannot believe this wasn't even at least questioned at any point, they put more words towards reasoning how he must be Zoraal's kid cause of his coloring but didn't question who his mother could be? Especially with Sphene the LITERAL QUEEN right there looking AWKWARD AS HELL when he's brought up.
My guess is this will be explored in the patches, but good GOD you thought FFXIV was shitty with its female characters, Gulool's mom wasn't even a character! Legit negative for me and any further storyline is just going to make me question why it wasn't relevant earlier.
However to shift tracks to GOOD female characters, I freakin' love Wuk Lamat! I love her design her facial expressions her voice good god her VOICE, I love her goals and how she tries to relate to her enemies but will not hold back but also won't sacrifice others to get what she wants.
I know she's every shonen protagonist rolled into an orange tabby, and that's great! They didn't stumble once with her as far as I'm concerned.
I'm probably gonna have to devote a whole other post to thoughts about Sphene and the Twelfth(?) reflection's fate. I appreciate that the stakes have been simultaneously scaled back but also shifted, I guess sideways would be the best description?
I find it interesting that the main threat is very similar to in Endwalker-that of moving on from dead end ways of living. But while Endwalker was finding a reason to go on living, Dawntrail is about finding peace with death. Cause you need both to live a happy life, and to have a society that doesn't eat itself, or everything around it.
Also a quick comment on msq-appropriate jobs; obviously any job is great, but I feel really good about sticking with both Dark Knight and Viper throughout. Viper in particular, for having both its roots in the main setting, and its capstone ability Reawaken has you call upon the memories of your hunter forbears, a kind of healthier version of the regulators' soul consumption ability. And Dark Knight is just my WoL's canon job, but also her self-styled title comes from DRK's quest title The Boundless Dark. So I HAD to finish the expansion as The Boundless Queen standing against The Queen Eternal.
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Unfortunately, the Neo-Ishgardian Top didn't get the texture upgrade, so it clashes a bit too much. I'm gonna have to work out a good glam, but am using the Fallen set plus pieces of the Neo Kingdom Fending set as I get them.
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Viper on the other hand, is perfect as it is and I love it. I don't even have to finish the role quests except for completeness. Look at the worn folds in the leather!
Anyway those are my current thoughts, I've only since unlocked Expert roulette and will start the normal raids later tonight, and then level crafters this weekend. Time to do the mmo bit!
Edit: Also the raid series is gonna be perfect for Alice. "Time to honor the memory of your queen! With Bloodsport! Let's go Zenos!" *Shinryu minion squealing sounds*
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fabrowrites · 4 months
For the ask game: you've got an improbable number of fics I'm not caught up on, so here comes a great big shiny
Hi Lila! tysm! you get the director's cut of Dosimetry!
Together they don their suits, gather their equipment, and ascend the ladder to the topside. Golden light floods down on them from seemingly everywhere at once, leaving no shadows to hide in. Kai’s breath hitches as the ruined point of Borg Tower rises into view. He hasn’t returned since that fateful day. or: Kai and Nya at the end of the world
So Dosimetry was originally written for a writing prompt challenge of "write about a ninja merging with their element." I chose Lloyd :D
The story takes place in an alternate s3, specifically canon-divergent post Enter the Digiverse. We open in media res with Kai and Nya, because I'm predictable XD
“I’m going up,” Kai says, throwing his jacket onto the bed as he enters their shared room.
Two things immediately:
"I'm going up" creates a "below" where Kai and the reader are
He's sharing a room with someone, implying (a) a lack of space and/or (b) a desire to be close to someone else.
Behind him, Nya’s pen clatters to the table.   “I’m coming too.” Kai freezes.  “No,” he says, spinning around.  “No, you can’t.  You don’t have any powers.” Nya gives him a sharp glare.  “Like fire is going to protect you out there,” she retorts, standing.
Dew from NWoD actually commented on this when she was reading Dosimetry, but there's not very much setting or description at the beginning (or really for the whole fic). This is due to the fact that I am (a) bad at descriptions, (b) limited by the challenge's word count, and (c) actually trying to create a sense of emptiness and utility.
Kai shoves the manhole cover aside.  Golden light floods down on them from seemingly everywhere at once, leaving no shadows to hide in.  It sets off his EPD counter’s mechanical clicking – slow, good.  It’s impossible not to trigger it on the topside, but as long as it stays this slow, they’re safe. Well, as safe as one can be when exposed to the criticality.
a little nod to the s3 manhole scene! we're also dropping some more terms that, if you combine them with the title, might start to paint a picture of what's going on.
It’s not the criticality.  Their counters would be going haywire if it were.  But there’s more than just exposure to worry about on the topside – only the desperate linger up here, and he edges in front of Nya, reaching for his sword.  Fire is dangerous here, bright and bold and full of energy as it is.  Behind him, he hears Nya readying her chakram.
This is just me begging Lego to let Nya use chakram again pls pls she'd be so cool
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Click. Click, click, click click clickclick clickclickclickclickclick – Kai’s head snaps up.  His horrified eyes find Nya’s. Light as bright as the sun, light that burns a hole through the universe.  Light that thralls, that dazzles, that kills.
aw ye here we go! it's criticality time baby :D I actually really like how I formatted this part back when I was experimenting with Transfiguration compared to ao3.
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In case it hasn't come together for you yet, we're dealing with an entire nuclear disaster situation here :D
You can actually blame Markiplier for this one, like the dominoes meme. I watched his video playing the Liquidators a summer ago and was hooked (here's my plug to go watch Kyle Hill on YouTube if you want to follow me down this rabbit hole XD) As explained by Wikipedia, which does it much better than I can:
Criticality occurs when sufficient fissile material (a critical mass) accumulates in a small volume such that each fission, on average, produces a neutron that in turn strikes another fissile atom causing another fission; this causes the chain reaction to become self-sustaining within the mass of material.
A critical mass accumulated in a small volume.
All the energy of creation, merged with one small body.
(Dosimetry, by the way, is "the measurement, calculation and assessment of the ionizing radiation dose absorbed by an object, usually the human body" - Wikipedia, emphasis added by me.)
A boy with unseeing golden eyes reaches out his hands. “W H Y  A M  I  A L O N E?  W H E R E  A R E  Y O U?”
The final lines of the criticality are a callback to "Enter the Digiverse."
Lloyd: I am not alone. I am not alone.
So that's Dosimetry! ad;fksjlgasdhjl this got way out of hand but thanks for letting me ramble, lila! this was really fun :D
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ganeshkfp · 5 months
and yeah! your thoughts? (sorry i know this is a lot to dump on you but i saw you reply to my post :D)
OMG HI!!!!
Missing fight scenes actually makes sense since they are older and more capable of taking down monsters. Also this was supposed to be more like a crack book, where they just hang out as teenagers, without more trauma XD
I agree on that old age thing, it was kind of cheesy? But still, made me smile. And tear up 👉👈 They are my kids, thinking of them getting old-
About Grover, I think it would link with the other books because on Read Riordan we know Grover is very sad because he thinks they gonna leave him- I think in next books Percy and Annabeth would realize this and show him that he is wrong :) In toa they left for college all together, Grovar was with them. I think like he would be left alone at Hecate's house since both of them would be in school and maybe we would see his feelings- They are all just guesses tho XD
Other than that, their dynamics were everything! I mean there was almost nothing serious about it and I laughed at every page. Percy's pov are everything and I MISSED it sooo much! The titles too! The new characters are very good too, minor gods( Hebe, Iris, that Lake god, GANYMADE) their were amazing! Them turning to 8 years old babies by Hebe! Omg I LOVED IT. Humor and fluff was everything. And my fav scene: Athena catching Percy XD Like I lost it! It was sooo good. Her helping her future son in law, finally accept him because her love for her daughter :) Love them. Zeus's Llama story... Well, lets say I kinda missed them too XD And of course, Sally, Paul, Annabeth, Percy acting as a family. Annabeth and Paul's interactions were adorable! Grover banging in for tofu was also hilarious lmao. And he was sad there because it was their last summer :( Sally and Annabeth being close, Sally giving THE NEWS. Baby Estelle is on the way! Percy's reaction, also being sad because he would miss many of her early life :(
I only had one problem with the book: Lack of physical decriptions. I didn't really understand the reason because like in every book we had at least one page of Percy gushing over Annabeth, talking about her gray eyes etc. Grover and the gods same too. I mean, this made me a little sad because I really wanted to know what they look like, I am into imagining while reading. I mean, Rick changing the descriptions with the show ones or something? Don't get me wrong I adore the show and the cast but I really think they should have their own canon timelines ❤
Other than that, I can easily say it was now my fav pjo book. I mean I teared up with happiness, nostalgia I felt... I love OG trio more than anything 🥲 I can't wait for the next book-
Thank you so much for the dump, it made me soooo happy ^^ I never miss a change to discuss my fav books with the fans ❤
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cjbolan · 1 year
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The movie’s OK, but here are all the reasons I prefer the book. Mainly because of the title character...
Book!Aquamarine had a unique look different from most mermaids. I loved the descriptions of her turquoise skin, silvery hair, webbed hands, and blue fingernails. Sounds more like something from a horror story, yet instead it’s in this sweet children’s fantasy. Lagoona from Monster High is perhaps the closest thing in appearance to Book!Aquamarine.
Book!Aquamarine has a much bigger character arc. She’s introduced as this mean rude selfish spoiled brat -- even the book calls her spoiled (”she was the  youngest of seven sisters, and had always been spoiled. She’d been  indulged and cared for and allowed to act up in ways no self-respecting  mermaid ever would.“). By the end she’s a nicer and more considerate person, even resucing someone from drowning near the end. Also love how his book points out that being good-looking doesn’t mean you’re a good person (”her watery beauty didn’t mean the mermaid knew her  manners.”)  Always a valuable lesson for kids. Looking back, her bribing Hailey and Claire with wishes felt like the movie’s easy way out of giving Aquamarine any real character flaws.
Book!Aquamarine is a more multifaceted character. Even at her bitchiest she has some redeeming qualities. I like that she’s tenacious and passionate enough to risk death to get what she wants. Also there’s no sea king father or mean girl to keep her from Raymond. Instead, Aquamarine’s biggest obstacle is herself. Only her own stubbornness and bad attitude are stopping her from getting what she wants.
Book!Aquamarine is more resourceful. Rather than rely on magical items (the starfish earrings, shellphones, wishes, etc.) , or her tail turning into legs, she has to build good relations with the people around her to get their help. No magical shortcuts like in the movie. In fact the magic seashells don’t appear until the ending. I imagine as a reward for all the characters’ hard work to reach their goals.
Book!Aquamarine is unapologetically herself. With the exception of Raymond, she never hides her mermaid identity from anyone. And rather than Aquamarine have to learn about the human world, Hailey and Claire had to read about the ocean and Aquamarine’s world in order to help her. 
Book!Aquamarine has much more at stake. I mentioned earlier how there’s no sea king father or mean girl to keep her from Raymond. In the book she has much bigger problems to worry about. Where if she doesn’t get Raymond, she risks sickness from the pool chlorine and certain death from being away from the ocean for more than a week. 
Off topic but Claire has a better arc too. She overcomes her fear of water much more gradually, unlike the movie where all it took was a leap in the ocean with Hailey. Also I like how the book never explains why she’s afraid of water. Because hydrophobia (fear of water) is much more common than people think. Especially in my country. By not giving a reason for it, Alice Hoffman helps normalize hydrophobia, making those with it feel less ashamed and more able to overcome it.
I realize how hypocritical it is of me to love Aquamarine for being a bitch, while hating Mary P. Windsnap for the same reason. But Aquamarine is in a standalone story. I have no prior expectations of her, so I can believe she’s supposed to be bitchy and unlikeable. Also Aquamarine is only 16 years old. We were all bitchy at 16 at some point XD. Unlike Mary P. who is implied to be much older, and should know better.
[Image description. The Becky movie version of Aquamarine with legs, listing all the ways she’s different from her book counterpart, next to the Stacy book version of Aquamarine, wheelchair bound and with a mermaid tail, listing all the ways she differs from her movie counterpart. End description.]
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blackjackkent · 1 month
Food Shopping :)
(From this ask game: “Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!”)
This one's pretty much pure fluff and has been sitting half-done in my drafts for a while. XD After their arrival at Rivington, Karlach gets left behind at camp while Hector scopes things out by the gate, and she and some of the other companions take advantage of the downtime to replenish their food stocks from the Rivington market.
Inspired by this art by @raintides which is incredibly fkn adorable. XD
“Ah, hello and good morning!” Gale calls with a good-natured grin as she emerges from the tent. “Welcome to the realm of mud.” “Holy fuck, no kidding.” She laughs, looking around. The abandoned farm where they’ve made camp is ankle-deep muck. Gale has dried a long pathway around the fire and between the tents, but the surrounding ground is a filthy wasteland that bears only the slightest relation to its former life as a farmyard. Experimentally, Karlach takes a step off the makeshift path and grins at the sucking sound her boot makes as it squishes into the mud. “Nice. Like punching a lemure.” “Well, you’d know better than I.” Gale sits down next to the fire and peers into one of the supply bags pensively. “I'm sure Rivington is an absolutely lovely destination in the general run of things, but our first few days have been altogether too damp for my liking. I think I speak for everyone when I say I am displeased with the accommodations.” “I dunno. I've kind of liked it,” Karlach says with a crooked grin. “Cold rain's a nice balm on the old engine, and the Hells never had much of it.” “That's the spirit,” Wyll puts in good-naturedly. He's sitting in the flap of his tent in trousers and undershirt, pulling his boots on. “At the very least, it's a nice change of pace from the Shadow-Cursed Lands.” “Anything would be,” Shadowheart murmurs. She’s sitting near Gale at the fire, her knees drawn up to her chest, staring into the flames pensively. Karlach cocks her head to one side, then drops down to sit next to her.“You doing all right?” she adds in a lower voice.  Shadowheart flinches slightly at the question. “I'm fine,” she answers, too sharply.  No way she's fine of course. No one falls into the Shadowfell, turns on their goddess, and gets dragged through a torment dimension, and then comes out fine. Fine people don't chop their hair up and dye it white overnight. Fine people don't go completely silent for the whole journey to the city.  But Karlach has plenty of experience being not-fine herself, and she knows there's no point in trying to talk about it before Shadowheart is ready. So she just smiles. “Good,” she says mildly. Then, louder - “What’s for breakfast, Gale?” “Cheese!” Gale says brightly. “About all we’ve got left - and just on the edge of turning, too.”
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quinloki · 1 year
I just wanna say how much fun this host club event is, I hope we get to know about everyone you have plans for. I just noticed that all this is for a fic you're planning so know that I'm already super hyped for it!
For more than one fic at that.
So I'm going to self-promote a tiny bit, but it's relevant, I promise:
Quicksand, A Light Touch, Heart of Gold and Thrice Prophesized are different reader x canon fics that happen in the same AU, at the same time... with some overlap. Once I finish Heart of Gold, I'm going to get into book 2 for all four titles.
The second books are where everything is going to collide. Four readers, four love interests, four books, all not just occupying the same world and time, but in the SAME BUILDING at the same time.
It will be utter chaos.
And how do I write it? How do you juggle FOUR mostly non-descript reader-chans who will statistically talk to one another in the midst of all this chaos? (thank the gods they're all different archetypes and I can at least point at the knight, the secretary, the noble and the scrapper.)
I have notes, but time will tell how well I do.
But! My Birds of a Feather story (different AU) has a sister fic by a different author. We've been bumping two readers into one another with success so far \o/
ALLLLLLLL This experience is going to be dumped into the Host Club AU, in which I mean to write at least 3 full stories (20+ chapters), and a few short stories (3-5 chapters). Maybe even a couple comics if I can get over my often crippling fear of drawing (I've been sharing art a little here and there, but it's such a mental battle)
But yeah, I expect this AU to be a good chunk of my focus next year.
Which means tidying up the 12 open titles I have right now XD
But I'm pretty stronk 🦾and I don't have the same issues with writing that I do with drawing. Which is sheer luck, believe you me ^^;
But yeah, there you go \o/ Not just one fic!
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 months
for the 2023 in review ask game
1, 18, 23
Yay, thanks for the ask!! <3 (2023 in review ask game)
one. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I never thought I'd write about Garak dying in a fic because it makes me too sad to even consider, so that was a new thing for sure. As for how it turned out, the fic ended up amazing tbh (Julian goes full mad scientist and brings him back to life). <3 But I also don't plan to write that particular scenario again lmao. Anyway, the fic in question is save me from the dark (The Wire AU).
In terms of craft rather than content, in nothing to hide (holo!siskarak OMB AU) I used the format of switching back and forth between a series of flashbacks and a conversation about the events in those flashbacks to great effect. I managed to avoid writing all of the tedious descriptions of how characters got from point A to point B, as well as the rehashings of an episode everyone knows by heart, and ALSO skip over the gaps in the dialogue I didn't know how to bridge seamlessly. Felt like such a lifehack when I realized I could structure the fic that way. It won't work for everything, but I really am gonna try to apply what I learned from that experience to writing future fics.
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
home is wherever I’m with you (post-Second Skin garak exile angst + garashir first time). Pretty sure that I had that fic written and postable like weeks to a month before I had a title for it, like, that was the ONLY hold up. And I'm still not fully satisfied with that title tbh, but it's Fine.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
Hmm. One kind and helpful thing that my brain does for me is that I immediately forget all the details of the parts that I struggled to write and/or was not happy with, once I've posted the fic. XD
(I just went back into a fic to try to quickly find a part I struggled with and ended up making minor wording tweaks and typo fixes throughout the whole fic, so at least I can definitively answer the "Are you happy with how it turned out?" part of this question with a resounding "ALMOST, but not entirely," which is basically applicable to every sentence I've ever written+posted lol!)
Anyway, here's some sentences from a section of the world will never take my heart (In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light whumpy hurt/comfort) that I def struggled with:
Julian presses his cheek hard against Garak’s shoulder and greasy tufts of his hair brush the side of Garak’s chin. Under the sharp smell of his blood, there’s an additional sourness that makes it clear that Julian hasn’t had a chance to wash up since his stint in solitary, but Garak doesn’t even consider pulling away.
This bit in the first draft was originally much more focused on Garak enjoying the feeling of having Julian in his arms but I changed that (upon your excellent and much appreciated suggestions, stuffedtiger! <3) in order to better fit the tone that I was going for. I do think it still reads romantic but at least now the romance is not the focus, the focus is more towards the horrible situation they're in.
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novelmonger · 1 year
Okay, 7 from the Star Wars Universe:
Bant Eerin
Mace Windu
Siri Tachi
Lando Calrissian
Mara Jade
Wedge Antilles
Admiral Ackbar
From this ask game
Oh dear, I only know Mara Jade from hearsay/fandom osmosis, and don't really have much grasp on Wedge or Ackbar's personality - I haven't read much of the EU, especially not post-OT ^^' But I'll do my best!
Go grocery shopping with - I really don't know why, but somehow I wanna go with Mara Jade for this one? Maybe just because it would be interesting to see what kind of groceries someone from the galaxy far, far away would go for? Depending on when in the timeline I'd catch her, maybe she'd even bring her son along to ride in the cart, which would be fun. And depending on who's picking up whom, maybe I'd catch a glimpse of Luke.
Have lunch with - Lando is a great conversationalist and likes to talk, so he'd probably keep the conversation going pretty well over lunch, and if I felt awkward (which I probably would at some point), at least I'd have something to do. The only catch is that I'd probably be wondering the whole time if he was going to betray me to the Empire at some point :P I'd also have to make it very very clear that this is not a date.
Have coffee with - I think it would be really interesting to have a little chat with Wedge, find out more about what sort of person he is, hear some cool stories about his time in the Rebellion, and so forth. Maybe I could frame it as an interview, so I could always fall back on pre-determined questions in case the conversation started to flag.
Go thrift shopping with - I don't really like thrift shopping (unless it's thrift books), because I can never find anything that's in my size and not also the most hideous thing you've ever seen in your life, so it would be really good to go with someone friendly who has a calming presence to counteract my growing irritation and grumpiness. Bant fits that description perfectly, and it would also be really interesting to see what sort of clothes a Mon Calamari would go for.
Explore a museum/art gallery/aquarium with - Okay, because it said "aquarium," I immediately thought of Admiral Ackbar XD It would be kind of fun to go to an aquarium with someone of an aquatic species who could probably give some interesting insight into life under the sea. Maybe he could even, like...talk to the whales or something :P
Go the library/bookstore with - I think Siri would be fun for this! She would probably be very focused and driven, knowing exactly what she's looking for, but once we warm up to each other, I think we could have fun laughing over some of the dumber titles we came across.
Have as a plus-one at a wedding - Mace Windu. Okay, first of all, he wouldn't be my plus-one, I would be his plus-one, because the only way this would be happening would be if he asked me. I would be scared stiff at first, but eventually he'd put me at my ease. He has that effect on people. I also like to think that he's not bad at dancing, and if anyone could convince me to go out on the dance floor, it would be Mace Windu. I would be like a duck waddling around a sleek tiger, but still. You can't say no when Mace Windu tells you to do something. Especially if you're not even a Jedi.
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the WIP game
Thank you to the ever-lovely @mihrsuri for the tag! <33333
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I am actually running quite low on WIPs *gasp* as I've finished and posted a few of the ones I talked about last time and the time before, and one of the others has mutated rather. Here:
The TRSB fic about which I can only talk in very abstract terms but is turning into something of a novel-length monster O.O I am going to have to get very stern with it pretty soon and make it get to the point, or I'll never have it done in time for the deadline.
part whateverthehellitisnow of It’s Always Been You
the Twins-make-their-Choice fic (which is now going to be a lot shorter than I originally thought because it's actually turned into a bunch of oneshots for Writers' Month so all I need to do is finish the first bit to turn it into another oneshot)
the original novel (which is not so much in progress as terminally stuck)
the Legolas/Haldir in Ithilien thing for last year’s My Slashy Valentine collection for Keiliss
a fic for Writers' Month involving Glorfindel, Erestor, and the earth trying frantically to make up for not being able to grow flowers on Glorfindel's grave any more by growing them wherever he stands for more than five minutes instead XD
a fic for Barduil Month 2024 involving Bard fluffing his Sindarin and almost causing a diplomatic incident
I've talked about that last one here and here and I haven't really got anything else to say about it at this point as it still isn't behaving, but please do feel free to ask me about any of the others!
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atalienart · 8 months
What are some fantasy books that you genuinely loved and have little criticism about?
What are some fantasy books you have criticisms about and why?
It doesn't work for me that way. I can really like a book but have a lot of criticism about it. Usually I like some aspects of books, like the way the author writes emotional scenes, fight scenes or descriptions. I might enjoy the characters or the mood. For example I liked ACOTAR trilogy because of how fun it was to read, I liked some characters, and how evocative the scenes were. But I'm aware there's a lot of stupid things in it. I didn't like ACOSF because it was so repetitive and edgy for no reason. In Half a Soul I liked the characters a lot but I didn't enjoy some plot elements that much. Fourth Wing was basically not my thing at all, the characters seemed extremely one dimensional to the point I switched off my attention listening to the audiobook. An Enchantment of Ravens had amazing descriptions but after a while I was tired of them and the book focused on something that I wasn't interested in at all. I like the mood of A Far Wilder Magic and Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies (I haven't finished those yet) but I can already tell that the diary entries in the second book feel very off to me because of how they're written. The Cruel Prince was interesting when it's about the politics but the relationships often felt quite ridiculous to me. In The Shadows Between Us I liked the concept of the "shadows" but omg I hated those characters so much and the whole story was soooo disappointing and stupid. I read some Polish fantasy too, it was meh for the most part, or just very overwritten. I also dnf-ed many books because they didn't hold my interest. I generally don't read that much and I switch between genres a lot. Classics, romances, thrillers(?) and other. And there's always something that I like and something that I dislike about them. There's a lot of books the titles of which I forgot too xD Idk if that's a useful answer, sorry.
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lenjaminmacbuttons · 9 months
@javelin-woman do u have any idea what youve unleashed
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. I tend to put multiple wips on one document sometimes so ill just include some of those lol, and just count it as one thing even though its multiple. Most of my wips have actual titles but! not. all. by a long shot XD also i have like ten billion wips so im just gonna post uhh five. the five ive opened most recently. whee
Bg3 fanficshuns owo (includes: raimiliheart, To the Heart Through the Stomach, A Normal Girl Sleepover Where Girls Do Normal Things, aita for expecting my fiance to say being complicit in the gruesome slaughter of a literal city's worth of innocents is a deal breaker??)
werewolf eats cereal
Heaven Weaver
The Senshen Particle
nooo, that duck is Too old
I also have a document titled Baldur's Gate Singles Ward. that is not quite a wip as much as it's just a collection of thoughts which i plan to draw. at some point. someday. lol.
tagging! @sweatersexual @alexanderpearce @thatcatangelwriter @writersstareoutwindows and @onedragontorulethemall if yall want!! love u!!!!
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yukiakaren · 10 months
Kpop title track ranking: Super Junior 
In this series I’ll be ranking kpop groups/soloists title tracks based on my taste.
This time around I actually looked at the lyrics while deciding the order of these songs and it did sway me here and there, I have to admit. I also used this sorter to do most of the work: https://eastseaelfie.tumblr.com/SuJuTitleTrackSorter
A-CHA - For some reason this one has been the one for me for the longest time. Probably due to the incredible catchiness of it. It's a party and I'm here for it! And yes, the lyrics are about not-so-well-going relationship. But hey, the instrumental makes it a banger, so it's a party! xD
Black Suit - Another absolute banger! Only my nostalgia-driven love for A-CHA is keeping this one from going to the top.
It's You - Desperate love song done just right. It's so catchy. Classic for a reason.
SUPER Clap - Seriously, it's so catchy and so much fun! I HAD TO clap along, there was no other option. I had not given this enough credit before it seems.
Devil - I surprised myself with Devil ending up this high. But honestly it's just too catchy for me to deny that this is a fine place for it.
Don't Don - It's so edgy! xD But it just sounds so cool, I love it! xD
Mr. Simple - If this list relied only on lyrical merits of the songs this would probably be the best one. I have to admit it did not know the lyrics before this and wow it's really nice! Who would have thought! Also, it's catchy so xD
Mamacita - This list is just one catchy song after another. The flair that Mamacita has is just so nice and different.
SPY - It's so dumb, I know, I know. But you know what it also is? Catchy. Incredibly so, might I add. So, unsurprisingly, I really like it xD
Sorry Sorry - Iconic. Classic. And... You guessed it. Catchy. xD
U - Quite the basic love song at its core but very SuJu and very catchy as they tend to be.
This is Love - Pretty love song, for sure. I guess just my tendency to gravitate towards more upbeat songs let's this one down a little. There is also the fact that I would have wanted Evanesce to be the title track and get all the love it deserves. That may have some impact here too.
Bonamana - The floor sweeping dance xD Overall quite the ridiculous one, right? Very SuJu though.
Sexy, Free & Single - The terrible high-pitched sounds in the instrumental drop this one quite a bit for me. Again, very SuJu but not the best upbeat one of theirs.
Mango - I need to give it to SuJu for coming back with something that sound so SuJu again. Mango may not be the best SuJu song ever but it's still very distinguishably them. And I do respect that.
One More Time x REIK - The Latin music vibes are cool but also not personally something I go for most of the time. But I do have to say this is the clear winner of the two with this vibe.
Magic - A fine one but there is not too much else for me to say.
Lo Siento ft. Leslie Grace - All is said in the description for One More Time.
2YA2YAO! - This is so dividing for me. Something in it does make me think it works. But at the same time it just isn't SuJu-like at all. Very odd, very hard to rank.
Twins - Unlike Don't Don, that arguably is equally dated edgy-rock sounding song, this one has never really made me a fan. Listenable but not one I would actively go for.
Miracle - Cutesy but quite dated. But hey, better than being dated and uninteresting, am I right?
Celebrate - This was a title track? I completely missed it. Cutesy but very Christmassy so it's hard to put it a lot higher overall.
No Other - Very dated and not very interesting. Also, this one has no nostalgia points coming from me to make it go any higher.
House Party - It's so one-period-in-time-bound that it's actually hard to listen to now, tbh. Instrumentally and with any other average lyrics this would be way higher.
There clearly is a pattern in here: if a SuJu song is catchy there's a good chance that I'll like it. Lucky for them, most of their songs are catchy xD
Lastly, some B-sides that I love:
Evanesce - It's almost ridiculous how much I love this song. Without a doubt my favorite SuJu song. Probably one of my favorite songs of all time. That is not something I say lightly as I'm the type that can't answer the question "What is your favorite song?". Good Day For A Good Day - This one really does put me to a better mood instantly (or I'm unable to listen to it if I'm too down in the dumps because it's too cheerful). Shirt - This is such a fun one! (also catchy) Why I Like You - I quite recently did this grand SuJu discography marathon. This was one of those songs I picked up that day and oh was I correct doing so. I should listen to this more now! Shadow - Another one I picked up that day. A great one for sure.
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blackjackkent · 6 months
For Hector, 2, 3, 8, 18
(30 questions for your Tav!)
2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside?
Very neat and tidy, everything in its place. He has a small makeshift shrine to the Moonmaiden set up in one corner near the head of his bedroll, and you can gain approval by giving him the Selunite idol taken from the owlbear cave at which point it appears on the shrine. Like Lae'zel, he has a training dummy set up and spends a lot of time in camp punching it with rapid fire blows. Over the course of the game, his tent setup slowly accumulates more and more stacks of books, each reflecting one of the places you've been to so far, and he has a camp chatter dialogue tree to discuss each one.
3. What would their character quest be titled? Why?
Thinking about Hector's canonical growth over the course of the game, his companion quest would be similarly about moving beyond his monastery discipline to a greater understanding of the world and his own emotions. It would be more dramatic tho in order to fit in line with the challenges faced by other companions in the game. I am picturing something to do with him spending the first two acts wanting to get back to the monastery on the far side of Baldur's Gate and re-seclude himself, but by the time you take him there in Act 3 (and defend it from an attack by cultists) he realizes that he has moved beyond its teachings and wants to stay with you rather than cloister himself again.
In keeping with the names of other companion quests though, his quest in the journal would have a name that is poetically descriptive of him - something like "The Moonmaiden's Fist". XD
8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
It is interesting to think about this in a scenario where he is not bound so tightly to Karlach. XD But I think, similarly to the squid-Karlach verse I wrote about, I think he probably stays with Jaheira in the city, lending his physical strength and spiritual support to the rebuilding effort. He grows to take a lot of pride in coming to understand the vast variety of the world and its people and how much more he can contribute by not hiding himself away. Every librarian in the city also knows him by name and he slowly works through the incredibly vast collection of books he never knew existed. At least one branch of his epilogue conversation is him excitedly telling you about his discovery of the concept of pulp detective fiction.
18. Where/with whom do they feel safest?
In canon verse, absolutely with Karlach. She is very warm and very comforting in the incredibly scary situation they are handling together, and she makes him smile in the darkest times. He's not lying in the epilogue when he says she is his home.
In companion verse - you, probably. You take the lead on the situation and he is relieved to have someone to follow and take guidance from. This is especially true if you are religious of any sort or particularly if you are Selunite yourself. He's also visibly relieved and more comfortable any time you encounter religious locations - such as the shrine in the owlbear cave, the Open Hand Temple, the Stormshore Tabernacle, and even Umberlee's temple - or academic ones such as Sorcerous Sundries.
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