#the tropefic
jessicas-pi · 9 months
local teenagers' vacation ruined by tropes
(you don't have to do all the ones i'm sending you unless you want to!)
Oh I absolutely want to! :D
This one is a "trope-fic" inspired by some tags @seleneisrising (who also has a fic based on this same idea and it's amazing!) left on a post of mine--basically, it's a fic where Sabezra meets All The Tropes!
In this fic, Sabine and Ezra get sent on an undercover mission to a luxury hotel--basically a vacation--except the whole time, they're being inundated with shippy tropes and they have to deal with it. Here's a snippet!
Ezra woke up with a start as something slammed into him, instinctively scrambling away and barely stopping himself from falling off the opposite side of the bed. It took a moment to register where he was, and what he’d been attacked with. Sabine glared down at him, her pillow still in her hands like she might hit him again. Ezra yawned, rubbing his eyes and then glancing at the clock. It was barely midnight. He hadn’t even been asleep for half an hour. “What was that for?” Sabine tossed the pillow down onto the bed and climbed into the spot he left. “If you’re going to snore like a hovertrain all night long, then I’m claiming the bed as compensation. You can sleep on the couch.” “Hey, no fair!” he protested, crawling back over and trying to push her out of his spot. “Tough,” she said unsympathetically, slapping away his attempts to move her. “I’m older than you, anyway, so I call the shots.” “But I get the bed tonight!” Ezra repeated, and then resorted to drastic measures. He dropped down to lie there, too, sprawling out and crowding Sabine. “And I’m not leaving!” “Well neither am I!” Sabine snapped, shoving him. “And I’m not sharing, either!” “Of course not!” Ezra agreed angrily. “We already agreed that that would be weird!” “Yeah! Duh!” A beat of silence went by, and then Sabine continued: “So, you're just going to have to leave!” “No!”
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Shieldshock trope drabbles: The Meet Cute
Note: I’m playing fast and loose with timelines here.
Steve listened to the angry voice yelling from Phil Coulson’s office, tearing the Shield director a new one in very colorful terms. He’d been a bit concerned when he’d first arrived, but Maria Hill shook her head.
“It’s just Darcy venting. If it gets too much, he’ll take care of it.”
Steve nodded and settled down to enjoy the fiery young woman’s lecture, thankful he wasn’t on the receiving end of it.
“……….and one last thing, if I don’t get my iPod back unharmed, I will personally make sure your idol Captain Spangly-Pants comes into possession of certain compromising photos from that Christmas party.”
Maria snorted and glanced at Steve. “Now that’s a nickname.”
“I’ve heard worse,” Steve grinned, more determined now to meet this Darcy.
“Blackmail, Darcy?” Phil asked, a touch of amusement in his voice.
“A woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do.” Darcy declared. “What’s it gonna be, Agent Poker Face?”
There was a moment of silence and a sound of fingers drumming on desktop. Steve thought they must be Darcy’s.
Finally there was a sigh.
“Alright, Darcy.”
There was a sound of a drawer opening, and a plop as the object was placed on the desk.
Darcy squealed and thanked Coulson profusely.
Seconds later, the door opened and a happy looking brunette pranced out, clutching the iPod triumphantly.
“Woo-hoo! He caved, Maria! I got Agent Poker Face to crack! I…..Oh!!”
Darcy stopped dead at the sight of Steve, mouth falling open as she speechlessly stared.
“Darcy, this is Captain Spangly Pants, aka Steve Rogers,” Maria introduced almost gleefully. “Steve, this is Darcy Lewis. Dr. Foster’s intern. She has strong opinions on Shield protocol.”
Darcy remained mute, but accepted Steve’s handshake.
“Please tell me you didn’t hear that.” she finally said.
“Sorry. Enhanced hearing,” Steve said apologetically. “But I appreciate a good set down. Makes me feel right at home.”
Darcy was still speechless as Steve was ushered into Phil’s office, but it turned out to be the start of something very neither one imagined.
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jedusaur · 1 year
Roy/Jamie(/Keeley) recs, part 3/3
part 1: tropefic part 2: kink fic
part 3: canon-based fic
Waterfalls (R/J/K, 43k) by @andfrecklesandyoursmile Roy and Jamie start texting after Roy's last game. best slow-burn longfic in the pairing, imo (probably got less attention than it deserves because it's mistagged "pre-relationship"—don't worry it's absolutely not, they do get together!)
How To Build A Triangle (R/J/K, 10k) by @itwoodbeprefect this has so many feet-kickingly delightful little details, my favorite of which is Roy googling polyamory in his office with PornHub pulled up in another tab in case someone comes in and he needs to switch to something less embarrassing
the pull of you (R/J, 8k) by @soofyahn if you watched the Uncle's Day scene and came straight to AO3 to find out what happened next, this is the fic you were looking for
if you could redirect my day (R/J/K, 12k) by @theladyragnell my favorite of the broad field of post-S2 "Roy invites Jamie to Marbella" fics
A Change is as Good as a Rest (R/J/K, 7k) by @siriaeve my favorite of the even broader field of post-S2 "Roy doesn't invite Jamie to Marbella but he shows up anyway" fics (one of my favorite lines about Roy and Jamie ever: he admires you so much he can't even tell where that ends and the wanting begins)
he knows so much about these things (R/J, 1k) by @trinityofone my favorite Amsterdam fic, just Roy and Jamie lying in the grass together lookin at the stars
mad comets, fixed (R/J/K, 9k) by @leenik-geelo heroically pounded out and posted during the tragically short-lived Golden Age of OT3 i.e. the week between 3x11 and the finale. some really lovely prose in this one, very atmospheric
so afraid that time will take it all from me (R/J, 10k) by @teddy-after-all in-depth character study of Roy as a closeted gay man dealing with internalized homophobia—I only like this kind of thing when it's executed really well, which this is
With Only Wings (R/J + R/K, 12k) by @icehot13 the aftermath of the hug at Wembley, exploring Jamie's issues with being seen as soft
it's on the table (R/J/K, 10k) by @armadillo1976 in which the three of them visit Oxford, fall off a punt, and end up in a hotel room
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lovemyromance · 1 month
Sometimes I genuinely question the sanity of this fandom. Like I think some people have gone so extreme in one direction ... they've landed right in the same spot again, if that makes sense.
I'm sure regardless of who your favorite character is - we all read these same books so we all love a strong, powerful FMC. We love the chosen one long lost princess who kicks ass, has a bit of a mouth on her, and goes toe to toe with some "my job is sword" Ken.
We love it. Eat that shit up.
But I think the frequency - and bear with me bc imma make this word up - and tropefication of this romantasy genre has really made people lose their grounding, forget our roots and common sense, so to speak.
For example, let's take the enemies to lovers trope. Of course there's something so hot and exciting about two enemies who hate each other but fall in love. I love it. That's arguably my favorite.
But I think people are forgetting that despite the over saturation of this trope in the current market - It doesn't make any "non" enemies to lovers books any less romantic, any less exciting. Love is expressed and can be written in many different ways. Love can and will be written in the way that is most honest to people, and that extends to even fictional characters.
People are just so caught up in what has become the new norm that they are forgetting everything about real life, real people. They've adapted a "if it's not like this - I don't want it" attitude that might be doing more harm than good.
And I say that because I just witnessed all the drama that was Elain week when people were defending fictional abusers with their entire lives instead of just respecting a boundary set by a real person to respect others.
And I say that because I still see the stupid "pliable bones arguement"
And I say that because I mentioned once that I'd rather wait for Gwyn to show interest in someone romantically before claiming all these theories about her since she has very recent SA trauma - and then instead of people saying that makes sense, I had all these people saying I was anti-feminist and disrespectful to SA victims.
In what world is giving someone the time and space they need to recover from SA suddenly a bad thing? It doesn't even have to do with ships - it has to do with a character clearly being not ready to go out into the real world at the end of the book and deciding that maybe she needs more time to heal. Nobody's out here saying SA victims in general can never be in romantic relationships - all I've said is that specific character does not seem ready. When she shows interest in someone, I will take it as she is ready. I personally do not feel comfortable shipping someone with such recent trauma with someone-especially someone who is supposed to be her trainer and someone safe - unless they show me something that signifies actual interest.
And I understand the whole "empowering women" argument. But I want to ask - is that what we're doing?
Are you really empowering women? Or are you being disrespectful and a faux-activist under the guise of "women's empowerment?"
I don't care that these are fictional characters. The minute people start disrespecting real people over these fictional characters means that these characters mean more to those folks than actual people. And therein lies the problem.
These are real people that are getting called such ugly, rude names. And for what? To defend someone's "rights" to draw pictures of abusers? To defend someone's womanhood by disregarding her SA trauma?
It's tasteless. It's not just "fandom behavior". Fandom is not some lawless land where you can be a heinous human being and interact with real people disrespectfully. I've never seen it this bad and I'm genuinely shocked at what it's become.
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somuchwhatever · 17 days
ground rules
EO oneshot tropefic
Tumblr media
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shoesplease · 1 year
in for a penny, in for a pound
Penelope “Maverick” Mitchell has just learned she’s inherited her wealthy aunt’s estate. The only catch? She needs to be married to inherit. Good thing she knows just the guy to ask—her rival-turned-wingman, Iceman.
After working on this for months, Chapter 1 is finally posted! This is Ice x female!Maverick, marriage of convenience, tropefic. Please give it a try if any of those descriptions interest you! Enjoy! 💙
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starrybouquet · 1 year
writing poll tag game
tagged by: @ladywaffles @sluttyhenley - thank you both for thinking of me!! <3
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
Like some iterations of this game I've seen, I will be writing a line for each vote every wip gets. so no matter what you vote, you make me write a line!!
Not sure who's already done this, and I think most of my writer friends are mostly on Twitter now but in any case: no pressure tagging @sententiousandbellicose @formerdetective @tommyjop @delicatelie89 @sharim28 @doodledrawreblogs
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mossyquill02 · 9 months
Intro Post 🌿
Welcome to my main blog!
This blog is a space dedicated to posting positive content only—for times when you need to get away from the depressing global news and just be silly. This is also a safe space for people of all identities, with the exception of bigots (see end of post for DNIs).
Ask box is open if you have questions of just want to say hi :)
🌿 🪴 🪱 🦔 🌱 🌳 🐝 🐞 🍃 🍄 🌻 🐸 ☘️
Online name: MossyQuill (he/they)
I am… trans, asexual, queer, autistic, disabled, university student.
This blog is the center of my chaos—I post about anything and everything here, but I try to keep it generally light and positive in tone. To maintain this blog as a safe and positive online space, discussion of more serious topics will be kept on related side blogs. This includes discussion of all current world issues—such as the ongoing Palestinian genocide, LGBT rights, women’s rights, etc…
If you’re looking for something specific, my side blogs are curated to specific topics/interests:
1. @archaeologistic — current world issues, anthropology, archaeology, and anything vaguely historical.
2. @wordsinto-thevoid — my writing blog, for all things writing. Tips, planning, character development, thoughts and ideas, and more.
3. @thedoctors-hat — Doctor Who fan blog.
4. @terroria — Terraria fan blog and build inspiration.
5. @villagercore — Animal Crossing blog, mainly for island design inspiration.
6. @bungoubongoboys — Bungou Stray Dogs fan blog.
7. @tropefic — (18+) writing blog focused on angst and whump related tropes.
🌿 🪴 🪱 🦔 🌱 🌳 🐝 🐞 🍃 🍄 🌻 🐸 ☘️
Do Not Interact (DNI)
if you support or identify as/with:
1. Bigotry of any kind, including (but not limited to) racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, disability fake-claiming, anti-semitism, religious intolerance towards ANY religion, etc
2. TERFs (this is included under bigotry and transphobia, but it’s worth restating)
3. Being anti-male / anti-men (including blogs stating “men DNI”)
4. Anti-vax, even if it’s “only for COVID”
5. COVID denial, anti-masking, pro-‘let them die’ (disregard and contempt for vulnerable populations)
6. White supremacy, or any theories of racially-based superiority (again, bigotry and racism)
7. Replacement theory (again, racism)
8. Support Neo-Nazism or related movements (how many times do I have to say racism?)
9. Denial of known historical events (including Holocaust denial)
10. Support the IDF, the political entity that is the nation of Israel, the terrorist group Hamas, and/or the targeted killing of civilians, regardless of the nationality of those civilians
11. Oppose humanitarian aid for the people of any country, nation, or group
12. Oppose human rights for ANY group, regardless of reason. Rights include access to food, water, shelter, medical care, education, and general safety (among others). Any group means ANY group—even homeless, addicts, convicted criminals, or any other group you don’t like; any reason means ANY reason—even if you don’t like what someone does with their rights, body, money, or life.
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vamptones · 1 year
im so fucking sick of the tropefication of fiction. “this book has enemies to lovers, academic rivals, sun x moon dynamic, unhinged female character, dark romance” OHHHH MY GOD SHUT UP!!! WHERE’S THE PLOT?
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jessicas-pi · 11 months
12, 13, 21 and 55 for the ask game!!
12. Local Teenagers' Vacation Ruined By Tropes, More At Six
Checking into their hotel was a quick process, and they had shortly carried their bags up to their room. “I know we were worried that this mission would be weird,” Ezra said, once the door was closed behind him. “But the more I see of this place, the more excited I get.” “Oh?” Sabine asked. “Yeah. The beach looks even more amazing than I imagined, and this place is pretty swanky.” He bounced a little as he walked farther into their suite and started listing off everything he saw. “Nice carpet, fancy furniture, gorgeous view from the window, our own tiny kitchen—”
13. And They Were CELLMATES
They got to the kitchens, and the grumpy-looking cook made a grumpy sound, grumpily. He had an attitude problem.
21. Starbirds and Wolves chapter 2
Sabine doesn’t think she’s Force-sensitive—she’s fairly sure she’s not—but she’s never felt more connected to anyone than she feels to Ezra. She feels his feelings. She knows his plans. She can be jumping into action at his side before he’s even started to move. She knows when he wakes up in the night because of dreams he won’t tell her about. Sometimes, when he’s close to her and the world around them is silent, she hears his heartbeats—and they always beat in time with hers. They are connected. She might even say that they are one, but that’s a dangerous phrase for a Mandalorian to use.
55. Lunar chronicles AU!!
“Ezra. As much as you deserve to yell at me—at all of us—right now,” she told him, “I have things to talk to you about.” “Things? Things? What things?” he demanded, the stress and confusion and hurt finally getting the better of him. “The kidnapping? The thing where I’m on a ship with multiple wanted criminals and Lunars? Or the thing where you’re one of the Lunars and never told me? Hey, why don’t you talk to me about how you lied to me for years! I’d love to hear about that! Or how about the war that’s about to start? Let’s talk about that thing! And then let’s chat about the zombie apocalypse, that should be fun! And then we can bring up the thing with the wedding—”
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The main stylistic difference between my floaty fic and my grounded fic is how and whether I use the word "and" when I'm writing a series of actions.
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jedusaur · 1 year
Roy/Jamie(/Keeley) recs, part 1/3
part 2: kink fic part 3: canon-based fic
part 1: tropefic
I think some company is overdue (R/J, 11k) by Blackmustache in which they are stranded in a snowstorm
willing to take my chances (R/J, 28k) by inlovewithnight in which Jamie is a street sex worker and Roy is still Roy Kent
our bodies touch and the angels cry (R/J/K with R/J focus, 19k) by lennynards in which they have to stay within 10 feet of each other at all times
another box with a question mark (R/J/K with R/J focus, 14k) by @irishmizzy in which Roy accidentally buys Jamie at the charity auction
I can’t let it go and I can’t get through (R/J, 11k) by inlovewithnight in which they get married, then regret it, then don't regret it
orchids (R/J/K, 50k) by inlovewithnight in which sex pollen is a club drug and Jamie is extra-sensitive
The Finer Things (R/J, 26k) by @valonia47 in which Jamie is a sugar baby and Roy wants exclusivity
cherries jubilee (R/J, 4k) by @belmottetower in which Roy is a chef and they meet on Grindr
an open book (R/J and R/K, 19k) by inlovewithnight in which Jamie writes trashy mysteries and Roy is a fan
Give All My Secrets Away (R/J/K, 13k) by @valonia47 in which Jamie and Keeley's sex tape leaks and Roy can't resist
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suzukiblu · 2 years
Yesterday we worked on Encanto daemons and then due to voting did some speed demon Palpatine; today we rolled a d10 and as a result start with Dolores/Mariano tropefic and possibly some further speed demon Palpatine and then maaaaaybe Clay Kids? Maybe? Basically I'm trying to knock out some of the little Ko-fi fics I've got in the queue before the end of the month, given that it is nearly the end of the month, so hopefully that goes well!
I need to finish just . . . all of my commissions, really, just . . . absolutely all of them. But we're starting with the littler ones, because obviously those are gonna be quicker to handle and we really need a shorter list of options to be working from right now. Like, REALLY.
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fic writer interview
tagged by the lovely @catty-words and @redbelles!
Name: Ellie
Fandoms: I still love Crazy Ex Girlfriend, but in the last few months have jumped right back into YuYu Hakusho, the shounen anime of my childhood, and has rapidly consumed most of my comfort-seeking brainspace. With the new game, Mass Effect is threatening to do the same thing. I was also in the Naruto and Thor fandoms a few years back.
Where you post: ao3 and here. I used to post on lj and ffn.net, but those accounts are gathering dust now and that’s fine. 
Most popular oneshot: vigil of the loved by like...so much. but that’s what happens when you post a fic right after a decade-plus long manga series wraps up and there’s a crazy fandom rush. But I’m proud of that one, so it’s cool.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: I don’t really do multichapter fics, unless you count oneshot collections, so the winner by default it would be don’t need no ammunition (ain’t the bridge that’s falling down), my Thor AU where everything turns out fine and nothing needs to hurt.
Favorite story you’ve written: gahhh that’s a hard one! I think I still love my soulmark au an ungodly amount, because I feel like it executed so much better than i was expecting it to, plus for once i wrote the tropefic I wanted to write! t just makes me so happy.
Fic you were nervous to post: I’m always nervous about posting fics, but a recent one was definitely gifts (to be coveted), because I don’t really know the canon or the fandom beyond what I read secondhand/snippets of episodes I watched for the Memori dynamic. So I was terrified, to the point that I originally posted the fic anonymously.
...actually, these days I’m going through a whole phase where I am terrified of everything I write, because none of it is meeting my standards, which is deeply aggravating.
How you choose your titles: I’m all over the place with titles. I lean more and more towards poetry and lyrics these days, but I usually tweak a word or two to make it more fun or fit the meaning better.
Do you outline: I do! They aren’t very detailed outlines most of the time, and I don’t feel compelled to stick with them, but they definitely help me organize my thoughts. sometimes it’s just a list of bullet points. what I do more often is freewrite about a character’s state of mind, to help me better get into their headspace.
Complete: 79 complete fics and the rest are all oneshot collections.
In progress: 10...plus, it depends on what you define as WIP. I have 10 WIP that I do plan on posting and are far enough along that posting is an actual possibility. But there’s always more...
Coming soon/not yet started: if I could ever figure out how Rebecca’s curse works, there is the CEG Howl’s Moving Castle AU that lives in my head rent free. Right now, though, my brain is very stuck on YYH, including everything about Kurama and Hiei’s very weird dynamic, Yusuke and Keiko’s normal-but-not romance, Kuwabara being dragged into shenanigans, Kurama + Mukuro’s theoretical conversations—there’s a lot.
…also telepathy au (CEG) will, one day, see the light.
Do you accept prompts: always! while I can’t promise that I will write them, I always appreciate them.
upcoming story you are most excited to write: There’s a Shenanigans-at-the-third-Makai-Tournament fic that I am super excited to get started with. Just need to finish the series first (and get my ideas down for how these characters think).
tagging: @notbang, @coffeesuperhero, and whoever else wants to give it a go
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shoesplease · 1 year
Tagged by @ilsastrenchcoat and @awkwxrdapple - thank you both!!!!
fav color: blue!
last song: playing with the boys by kenny loggins
currently reading: The Baseball 100 by Joe Posnanski
last movie: interstellar (2014)
sweet/spicy/savory: mostly sweet but potato chips are the food of the gods
currently working on: a currently-amorphous ilsa/ethan fic and the icemav genderbent female!mav tropefic!
no pressure tagging @ilsefaust @starryinspace @nicejobkid @ladywaffles @doodledrawreblogs @assignmentimprobable @sluttyhenley @redbelles @alakeeffectgirl <3
(edited because i forgot to tag nine people, oops)
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starrybouquet · 1 year
Ten Random Lines
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
I was tagged by @loudlooks - thank you so much for the tag and I'm sorry I only got around to it now! Threw you a follow :)
Wasn't sure if this was for completed fics or WIPs, so I did a mixture.
i won't let go 'til the end - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, G
Carter pulled their clasped hands between them and closed her eyes again, thumb stroking along his hand absentmindedly.
2. untitled marriage of convenience tropefic - Top Gun, female!Maverick/Ice, T
“Oh, I insist. And Goosey will tell you anything I say goes.” She’d laughed again, and that was that.
3. untitled Five Times fic - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, T
"Oh," Sam says, voice small. Suddenly, she doesn't want to hear him moon over Sara anymore. She turns back to her binoculars and misses the brown eyes pleading with her from a few feet away.
4. a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways - Top Gun, Mav & Rooster (gen), G
Kidnapping Mav and taking him to an enemy base is several bridges too far, but neither of them have ever needed the military to bring them to trouble. They’re plenty capable of getting into it all on their own.
5. Rearview Mirror - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, T
But she's also clutching two tongue depressors and a rubber band in her chubby hands, so Jacob figures they weren't lying when they said Jack was her father.
6. untitled hugs fic - Mission: Impossible, Ilsa/Ethan, T
He stands to pace, only his gaze catches on Ilsa and he can’t seem to look away.
7. untitled Regency AU - Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, T
He'd blurted it without thinking, but suddenly Jack was desperate to convince Sam–Lady Samantha–to dance with him. "I–if we dance, nobody will be listening to us, and you can tell me all about those new lenses and….whatever other doohickeys you’ve found in this damn soot-stained town."
8. For God and Country - Stargate SG-1, gen, G
Daniel doesn’t swear much, but when he does, he makes it count.
9. untitled time travel fic - Top Gun, gen, T
There's something about the way Mav says it that sounds like destiny.
10. wedding fic - Mission: Impossible, Ilsa/Ethan, G
The last time he did this it was in a leather jacket and Julia in her scrubs, a trust, a promise--this, this is real, no matter what. And he kept that promise--still keeps it, through burn phones and emails--but it wasn't enough, not enough for Julia to have a shadow of a husband and not enough for him to trust Julia with his whole ruthless, cunning, desperate self.
And that's ten! No pressure tagging @ladywaffles @sententiousandbellicose @formerdetective @sluttyhenley @tommyjop @doodledrawreblogs @delicatelie89 @curator-on-ao3 @mattatouile @tinknevertalks <3 love you all!
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