#the umbreon works at a flower shop
dovewingkinnie · 10 months
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try not to make sylveon and umbreon ocs challenge trying 2 think of names for them, was thinking of naming umbreon 'bree' and sylveon 'leon' but idk yet (wanted to keep them somewhat similar to their pokemon names) this is part of that one story with the mew and shaymin btw
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empressgeekt · 1 year
The Aura is with us - outline
The Aura is With Us (Even if you don’t want it)
please excuse the grammar and spelling
Riley’s imprisonment
Mew and Mewtwo
Chapter 1
Sir Aaron’s awakening
Chapter 2: Goh vs team Rocket
a) Goh’s plan
b) Team Rocket’s confusion
c) Riolu’s confusion
d) Ash’s cage
e) Finding ash   
Chapter 3: Past meets Present
Lucario’s grumblings
Sir Aaron and Ash
Mew and Mewtwo p2
Chapter 4: New and Old Faces
Lucario’s concern
Intro Amanda
Chapter 5: Lab
Ash introduces Sir Aaron and Lucario to lab staff, and giant magicarp soaks all the adults.
Cerise sends the boys to the kalos region
Sir Aaron and Ash talk late at night
Chapter 6: Kalos
Ash meets up with Korrina while Sir Aaron goes looking for Goh
Goh and Sir Aaron meet Korrina’s Grandpa
The battle
Chapter 7: Interlude Oak
Professor Cerise contact Prof. Oak
First Aura Lesson, Ash blows up a tree
Ash has a difficult time bathing Riolu
Chapter 8: To Pallet town we go!
Ash telling everyone about his home
Making it to the lab, meeting up with Tracy and the rest of ash’s Pokémon (Riolu goes with Oak and Tracy, Goh goes through the digital files, Ash, Sir Aaron and Lucario meet with Ash’s crew)
Ash and crew find Gary in the field.
Everyone meets up inside, and find out about the physical files in a storage rom
Chapter 9: In Black Ink
Searching file vault
Ash’s mom shows up and takes them to stay the night at her house.
Chapter 10: A mother’s memory
Lucario and Riolu in the back yard
Aaron and Delia talk after the kids are in bed.
Enter Anwir
Chapter 11: There’s a Ninja in the basement
a) Training in the front yard
b) Ren’s theory and phone call
c) Power outage
d) Meeting Mandy
e) Riolu and Pikachu mess up the kitchen and Mandy sleeps through it.
Chapter 12: Back to kalos
Lumious city
Seeing Clemont and Bonnie again
Clemont’s work shop.
Chapter 13: Eevee and Mandy
Mandy‘s anxiety and control issues / Eevee sneaks out of the van and follows Chloe to school
Mandy explains the situation to her mom’s employees / Chloe gets to keep Eevee
Sir Aaron’s nightmare
Sir Aaron finds Mandy cutting herself
Chapter 14: the aura temple
Arriving in at the temple ad going inside
Opening the door and finding the body
Splitting up: Goh and Ash/ Mandy and sir Aaron
The time flower/realization
Chapter 15: Escape the temple
Team Rocket attack, intro to Anwir
The flash back explaining Anwir’s life after banishment and loss of aura
Escaping through the mail system/ getting separated (Sir Aaron & Goh & Pikachu & Pichu, Ash &Raboot & Umbreon & Mandy, Lucario & Riolu)
Chapter 16: Lost in the woods p1
First group getting their bearings
Goh asking questions as the start walking wile Pichu hides underneath Sir Aaron’s hat to hide form the rain.
The rain picks up and Goh ends up caught in a river
Chapter 17: Lost in the woods p2
Ash finds out Mandy is pretty much blind without her glasses
They start walking, and get into a disagreement
Then they hear Goh screaming
Mandy jumps into the river and fishes Goh out saves him from drowning
They all find out Mandy’s deaf after her hearing-aides get soaked
They set up camp for the night
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods p3
Lucario and Riolu start to walk around end up in the old pup grounds
End up running into a group of toxicroak Riolu gets poisoned
Lucario retreats with Riolu
Riolu tries to walk himself, while their looking for the others but can’t de to the poison
They eventually take shelter in an abandoned burrow
Chapter 19: reunited
Ash and Sir Aaron talk,
Mandy sits away from the others, Unbreon sitting with her, she hears lucario’s telepathy
Lucario finds the camp
Sir Aaron has trouble sleeping after they make it to a Pokémon center.
Chapter 20: A legendary meeting
Arecus summons all the legendaries and mythicals to discuss the recent events (mew gets pissed off at arecus)
Mew and Mewtwo meet again
Chapter 21: That New Old Gang of Mine
Arriving in Alola
The kuki household
Sir Aaron and Kuki talk while the kids play in the ocean
Prof. Bernedette talk with Mandy
Chapter 22: Sunny party
Party at the Pokémon school / Students swarm the new comers
Mandy calls out Kiawe
Kiawe challenges Mandy she declines, shocking everyone
Kiawe and Goh still battle.
Goh catching alolan exggcutor
Chapter 23: Let’s Battle
A call with Clemont
Traveling to Unova and reading about the tournament.
Chapter 24: Round One
Mandy and Lucario try to sneak into the back? Mandy unlocks the door
In the stands
Ash’s battle
Chapter 25: Round two
Goh’s battle
Mandy downloading team rocket data
Chapter 26: Round three
Mandy’s fight/ forfeit
Team rockets attack
Afterward back at the hotel
Chapter 27: Break Through
Breakfast, and Mandy cracking through one of the codes that leads them to Moon Mountain
Mandy and Sir Aaron talk again in the RV ride there
Arriving at mount Moon, sensing Riley inside
Chapter 28: Break in
They find a secret tunnel leading to a hidden Team Rocket base that was once and Aura base
They get surrounded, and separated (Goh and ash, Sir Aaron and Mandy, [Pokémon stay with respective trainer])
Chapter 29: Break down
Ash and Goh find Riley
Sir Aaron and Mandy ended up falling through the floor and deeper into the tunnels, getting separated from the others and loosing her glasses, leaving Sir Aaron to try and teach her how to use her aura sight
Lucario and Umbreon go through the tunnels to try an find a way to get to Mandy
 Fighting their way through team rocket
Chapter 30: Recovery
Back to Pallet Town, going back to Ash’s house, Mandy and Delia meet
Riley wakes up
Discussion of what to do next, Mandy says she has somewhere to go
Team Rocket discussing How to lure Sir Aaron in, Anwir suggests something
Chapter 31: Ryme City
On the train
To the mansion
The twins and miss rose
Lady Emily’s story
Chapter 32: old friends
a) Ash and Goh play in the pool with the Twins
b) Mandy’s old theater group
Chapter 33: Mother’s frost
Lorelei meets the others
A very uncomfortable dinner
Sir Aaron over hears Lorelei fussing at Mandy, and talks again with Miss Rose
Chapter 34: The round house
The battle stadium
Meeting with Bella/ ash challenges Bella
Chaos, by drugs
Mewtwo teleports everyone away
Chapter 35: A mother’s wrath
Lorelei Blames Mandy for what happened
Riley tries to argue with Lorelei Mandy stops him and apologizes to her mother
Riley asked Mandy why she didn’t let him defend her they end up in an argument
Team Rocket kidnaps Delia
Chapter 36: A Brother’s strength
Sir Aaron counsels Riley on What to do about Mandy
Riley and Mandy talk again
Chapter 37: The calm before the storm
Oh, my Arecus we’re jedi
Attack by team rocket! (Lucario gets hit with a dart), twins were taken, and leave a message about Delia
Discussing what’s next.
Miss Rose calls an old friend (Jackie)
Chapter 38: For the Good of the people
Delia being taunted by Anwir
Arriving at the temple and surrendering (enter Mewtwo and mew as back up)
Giovanni and Anwir taunting the others / Anwir explaining the history between Aaron and Delia
Starting the ritual
Chapter 39: Battle in the Temple
Anwir taunts Deila and Goh one last time
Mewtwo starts a fight, and start to take out the grunts
The portal opens, Lucario and the others are shocked
Mew breaks Goh and Delia out
Giovanni ran out with the others only to get arrest by the rangers, while Anwir ran towards our heroes
Mandy breaks out as well as the others, they try to stop the portal from opening
Duel between Anwir and Aaron / while the others battle again the Shadow pokemon
Aercues Emerged from the portal smiting Anwir and the portal closes sending a large wave of Aura throughout the world
Chapter 40: The aftermath
Sir Aaron, Ash and Deila reunite as a family
Mandy and Riley discuss a way to get the twins out of the situation their in.
Mew thanks Mewtwo
0Chapter 41: Epilogue
Sir Aaron and Delia finally get married, and have a daughter
Riley restarts the Aura guild alongside Sir Aaron
Ash ended up achieve his goal of becoming a Pokémon master
Mandy joins the rangers and dies at 29
Twins Go on to run the family company and try to steer it away from their mother’s influence
The Aura wave ended up restoring the descendants of the previous bloodlines and making new ones
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latestdreamgirl · 1 year
hi ......... fire bug rock + bonus for anyone for the pokemon ask game... im all ears
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GRINS SO SO WIDELY. ILL DO DOOM FOR THESE <3 and this got. Super fucking long so ill put it under a readmore
[Fire]: Who’s the better chef between you and your f/o? Do you ever cook together? If so, what’s your favorite dish to make?
DOOM 100%. like i am perfectly fine at cooking ithink but. doom would be like Super fucking good at it i think and knows a Ton of fancy recipes- ALTHOUGH. he does usually just have personal chefs make his food for him ~_~ so i think really the only times he himself cooks is either: if hes out away from his castle/subjects for a prolonged period of time OR for VEERY special occasions for specific people
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^^thinking of these panels specifically w these hcs
[Bug]: How do you comfort one another when you get scared? Is there any teasing involved?
OK SO. neither of us are really good at comforting people At All so when it comes to comforting eachother were both. pretty awkward with it the first few times... like doom would be Very out of his element if hes actively trying to comfort someone bc id imagine hes pretty used to just being. kindof dismissive of others if theyre upset LOL as for how he actually does it; i think hed just hold me until i calm down since he knows that wld probably work better than words :-]c and as for how id comfort doom that is. even more complicated bc doom wld like rather Die than ever ever admit hes scared of something SO. really all i could do (>.> and also probably all he would let me do) would just be being in the same room with him
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^^guy who has so so so many issues.
[Rock]: What kinds of gifts do you get each other for your anniversaries/birthdays/etc?
doom would totally go ALL OUT on his gifts. like he gets me stupidly expensive stuff just be He Can; though he is still sending more personal stuff he knows id like :]c like buying me some super super expensive comic just bc he knows i like the character <3 ALSO i think hed like sending me flowers bc he prefers doing more traditional romantic gestures
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mooore panels 2 go along w my hcs <3 now for the stuff id get him; id like making stuff for him myself since well. shopping for a guy who has the money to buy whatever the fuck he wants would be Super Goddamn Hard 💔 so id make him something like a bracelet orr just make a little trinket out of clay for him :3c ALSO !! this is just a sillay hc but i think doom likes plushies (although. this is another thing hed rather die than admit) so id give him one of my plushies ^__^ probably one that means alot to me aswell bc um. i think that wld be romantic ://]
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doom plushie liker propaganda
[Bonus]: Construct a Pokemon team for you and construct one for your f/o (if they don't already have one!)
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ok so first up is dooms :3c he really strikes me as a guy whod like psychic pokemon bc of the whole. aliens gave him psychic powers once. situation LOL. then umm i think hed also take a liking to ghost pokemon :]c chose lampent specifically bc it reminds me of the aesthetics of castle doom <3 THENN i chose some steel pokemon bc he works w so much robotics stuff
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NOW FOR MINE <3 trevenant, cottonee and muk i all chose bc theyre all from my fav pokemon team ive ever had (.i accidentally levelled up my cottonee from that run and i was SO pissed abt it) thenn the other 3 i chose w my s/i in mind :]c first off i had 2 give him spinarak bc not giving my spidey a spider pokemon wld b a CRIME; then chose venonat bc well. its just one of my fav bug pokemon n i wanted to give him another bug <3 ANND FINALLY. umbreon 2 match dooms espeon!!
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I wanted to wait for Valentines to ask this but i’m to impatient(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) what about a scenario where we surprise Al and Seth with a huge arrangement of flowers, a teddy bear, and a cute little love note <3
Sweet As Sugar
-Al x Seth x listener
-gender neutral listener
-lots of fluff
I’m sorry this came out a bit later than expected! I had so much school work.
It’s a special day. It’s Valentines Day, the day of love. And you had plenty of love to give, especially to your boys.
You usually bake something for them but you decided to go the extra mile this year.
“Okay, let’s see,” you pulled out your checklist. “Stuffed animals…check. Flowers…check. Baked goods… check. Seems like I have everything.”
The boys had their own specialized gift. Alphonse’s basket is pink with a blue ribbon. In his basket, he has an Umbreon plushie, along with a large arrangement of flowers, candy, and a small vanilla cake.
Seth’s basket is brown with a red ribbon. He has a Mothman plushie, flowers, some small cryptid photos and a small dark chocolate cake.
You hand-sewed the plushies and got the flowers from a local flower shop. The owner was a nice young man. You believed his name was Finn? You don’t really remember, though. Then you wrote a special note for the both of them.
Alphonse was working at his store and Seth was working at the machine shop.
You decided to stop by Alphonse first. You carried the basket to the entrance of the store.
And then you dropped it and ran for it.
“Hey,” Alphonse yelled, “Where do you think you’re going?” He sighed and looked down at the bright-colored basket at his feet. He picked it up and brought it into the store.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got for us, boo.”
He picked up the note inside of the basket.
“Hi, Al!!! Happy Valentines Day!!! I love you!!! Have a great day :)”
He unwrapped the covering on the basket.
“Aw, boo, did you do all this yourself?”
Alphonse carefully took everything out of the basket.
He smiled, deciding to repay the favor later.
You next and last stop was the machine shop Seth worked at.
You rung the bell.
“I’m coming!” Seth yelled.
And then you ran. Ran like the wind. At this moment, no one could even catch you. You were running at the speed of light. Lightning McQueen and the Flash were quaking in their boots. You mostly ran this fast because Seth could probably easily catch up to you.
Seth looked down at the basket and tilted his head in confusion. He then took it inside.
“Okay,” Seth said, “let’s hope there’s no bomb in here.”
He carefully unwrapped the basket and viewed its contents.
“No doubt about it, this must be the work of Sugar. It’s got their name written all over it.” He looked carefully at the wrapping. “Literally! It’s got their name on it.”
Seth examined each and every object like they were the most fragile things on earth. That’s probably because they were the most fragile things on earth to him.
He patted the Mothman plushie’s head. “I’m gonna name you…Sugar.” Seth smiled contently.
The boys return to your house with open arms and warm smiles. They set up a pillow fort in your living room, where you spent the rest of your night cuddling and loving.
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kariachi · 3 years
Because I am still working on shit, some info for peeps for this latest pokemon xover. Note that this isn’t complete, and will be continued as I work shit out, and Mike and Elena will get added at some point once I figure out wtf is going on with them.
Edit: Added Mike and Elena, am still leaving an opening for more chars to be added
Pokemon, end of OS- Tangela [starter], Beheeyem, Golett
Pokemon, AF start- Tangrowth [starter], Beheeyem, Golurk, Charizard
Status, AF start- Has been spending his summers journeying and the rest of the time in school, hung up his heroing cap years ago, preparing to challenge the League Championships next summer, still figuring out where he’ll go from there
Pokemon, end of OS- Vaporeon [starter], Shelmet, Ralts
Pokemon, AF start- Vaporeon [starter], Escavalier, Gardevoir, Venusaur, Lampent
Status, AF start- Has been spending her summers journeying and the rest of the time in school, preparing to challenge the League Championships next summer, got her way into an elite trainer school and is loving it, considering branching into a fighting/fairy dual specialty
Pokemon, end of OS- Pignite [starter], Sigilyph, Sableye, Cabink
Pokemon, AF start- Emboar [starter], Sigilyph, Sableye, Carbink, Thievul
Status, AF start- Professional thief and sorceress traveling the region, practically family with the latest Tennyson generation, living her best morally neutral life
Pokemon, end of OS- Umbreon [starter], Zebstrika, Audino
Pokemon, AF start- Umbreon [starter], Zebstrika, Audino
Status, AF start- College student looking to become a pokemon professor, slowly getting back into poke-athletics after a several year break
Pokemon, end of OS- Banette [starter], Lairon, Trubbish
Pokemon, AF start- Banette [starter], Aggron, Trubbish, ?, Espeon [service pokemon]
Status, AF start- Wanders the area going from pokemon center to pokemon center, has dropped battling in favor of contests, supporting himself mostly with contests and low-level crime, close with the hybrids and their families, somehow still rivals with Ben
Pokemon, end of OS- Ninjask [starter], Shedinja, Petilil
Pokemon, AF start- Ninjask [starter], Shedinja, Lilligant, Roselia, Sobble
Status, AF start- Hung up his battling hat a few years back, splits his time between school and helping in the family flower shop he hopes to take over, can still kick your ass backwards and forth
Pokemon, end of OS- Deerling [starter], Psyduck, Skarmory
Pokemon, AF start- Sawsbuck [starter], Golduck, Skarmory, Accelgor,
Status, AF start- Has been journeying during the summer and otherwise focusing on school, is planning on challenging the League Championships come summer, has no real plans beyond that right now
Pokemon, end of OS- Boldore [starter], Darumaka
Pokemon, AF start- Gigalith [starter], Darmanitan, Heracross, Deino
Status, AF start- Journeys in the summer goes to school the rest of the time, still needs one more badge before he challenges the League, a busy little bibarel splitting his time between training, acting classes, and helping in the family butchershop
Pokemon, end of OS- Smeargle [service pokemon]
Pokemon, AF start- Pignite [starter], Klang, Rotom, Smeargle [service pokemon]
Status, AF start- Has set up shop at the local pokemon center and doesn’t intend to leave, making a living off tech, hacking, and the occasional con with Kevin
Pokemon, end of OS- N/A
Pokemon, AF start- Growlithe [starter], Paras
Status, AF start- Hasn’t gone on a journey doesn’t really intend to, parents keep arguing over whether he should, happy to hang out with the older hybrids and help out around the farm and his community
Pokemon, AF start- Floette [starter], Liepard, Persian, Alcremie, Litten, Delcatty [service pokemon]
Status, AF start- Focusing on school and practicing with his powers, was acting but is taking yet another break for ‘my dad died’ reasons, is living up north in his cousin’s gym
Pokemon, AF start- Electrode [starter], Roserade, Bronzong, Dragonair, Morgrem, Torchic
Pokemon, work- Impidimp, Marill, Cutifly, Clefairy
Status, AF start- Going to school while working part time as a gym apprentice, ended her journey a few years ago, is training to challenge the League Championship come summer, is living up north at her place of work
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years
Such a Tease: Chapter 1
Pairing: (Aged) Gary/Blue Oak x Reader
Summary: After a tragedy, you make the decision to quit your career as a trainer and focus on breeding Pokemon for the general population. You are one of the best in the region. You aren’t expecting the have to deal with your childhood rival and crush suddenly popping back into your life. After all, Gary Oak broke your heart and now you are determined to break his… or are you?
NOTES:*This is my very first pokemon story written many many years ago. I’ve decided to revamp it and see what happens! I hope you enjoy a little Gary / Blue love! I will kinda be combing the anime and game versions and I may or may not have just bought the manga to read… It will kinda be my take on these characters. Ash may become more like Red, but I haven’t really decided yet… I’m just having fun with this!*
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Getting Started The alarm sounds much too soon for anyone’s liking and groggily you roll over and hit snooze. Too bad that doesn’t work. The annoying jingling in your ear continues much to your half-asleep dismay, finally opening your eyes you see the source of the noise at such a forsaken time of the morning it’s coming from Jingle Bells your Chimecho. You sigh in exasperation at her before hauling yourself up out of bed making her promptly stop. You roll your eyes as she merely floats in front of you staring up at you with devious innocence; you swear she has been hanging around Missy, your Mismagius for far too long. You yawn as you make your way past her into the bathroom to get ready for the day. 
You had spent all of last night moving into your new center and you were dead. Jingle has been your faithful companion and alarm clock for years at this point, but perhaps she is a little overzealous at times. Especially when it’s five o’clock in the morning and the world isn’t even awake yet. 
After you have prepared yourself for a day of decorating, arranging, unpacking and sorting, you head down the stairs to the oversized kitchen, which you soon realize has yet to be stocked. Upon this realization, your tummy comes to the conclusion that it needs something and now; so to alert you to such feelings it lets out a rather large growl. You sigh for the umpteenth time this morning and grab your purse and keys as you head out the door. Lady saunters after you, since she isn’t ever too far behind, taking her sweet time to meander out the door at her dignified pace. You merely chuckle at her and close the door behind her when she finally reaches the outside. As you begin your walk to the town she matches her pace with yours easily.
Looking down at her you say, “Alright Lady dear, how about we stop at that café I saw in town for breakfast then over to the store? We’ll do some shopping to get us in the mood for decorating!”
“Espi!” she exclaims in agreement as the two of you continue through the gardens toward the forest.
You love the location of your breeding center you must admit. It is rather beautiful and so private. A decent size of the forest had been cleared to make room for it, but you made sure that all the wood that was cleared went to building something. Even a natural spring ran through your property down to a pond that was surrounded by trees and flowers. Flower gardens add to the picturesque front of the house which is at least 3 stories high with a basement as well. Of course, your house will also be housing your staff and several of your Pokémon so you had to have a large house. 
The back of the house wasn’t anything less breathtaking with herb and vegetable gardens for cooking purposes as well as medical. Off to the right side, a massive barn looking structure would be the home of the Pokémon that you would be breeding and training. The entire grounds were enclosed with a high-security system, invisible to the naked eye and impossible to enter or leave except at the designated locations. Oh yes, it is quite a sight to behold and it better be for what you have invested in it. This is your one shot at your dream. You hope that it works considering all of your earnings, winnings, and savings had gone into this sucker.
The sun played through the canopy of the trees as you and Lady make your way to town. Neither of you cares about the time or the distance, after all, the two of you have been travelers for so long that such things have merely become irrelevant. The relaxing silence is what you need considering the hustle and bustle of the past few days. Getting moved in has been an experience all in itself one you don’t need for quite some time. 
The tunnel of trees ends and you are greeted with the sight of Route one and merely ten feet away, Viridian City. The city has grown since your departure several years prior and you rather like the changes made. You allow your memory to lead you to the café you saw while walking through town a few days ago. It’s a cozy place full of big comfy couches and armchairs as well as outdoor tables and chairs under a gazebo. The lighting was bright from the rays coming in through the various windows and skylights. You could see various plants and such growing in the flower beds that surround it giving it a cheery vibe. Upon entering you make your way up to the counter and begin to look up at the drinks posted up on the sign as well as the array of sweet cakes and such that line the pastry case before you.
“Hi! How are you today?” chirps the girl behind the counter, how she chirps at six in the morning you will never know, but appreciate the sentiment anyway.
“I’m good, thanks,” You answer with a pleasant smile.
“So, what can I get for you?”
After you have placed your order and gotten something for Lady as well you make your way over to a table in the corner by a window. You begin to people watch as you sit in a more or less daze just taking in the town.
“Are you new to town?” interrupts a voice beside you.
“Huh?” you question turning to see the girl from behind the counter cleaning a nearby table. She smiles pleasantly and repeats the question.
“Oh, I’m from Pallet town originally, but have been traveling for the past fifteen years. I’ve just recently decided to move back to start my own breeding center.”
“OH!!! So you’re the owner of that new breeding center on Route One! That is sooo cool!!! I’ve always wanted to be a Pokémon breeder just like my brother. And one day I will, but right now I don’t even have a Pokémon.” You frown at how her excitement became disappointment so quickly.
“Well, I do own a breeding center…. And I do need help… And I do have plenty of Pokémon….”
She turns to you her eyes getting very wide with each statement you make.
“Really!? Do you really mean what I think you mean?!?!”
“Well do you have any experience at all with Pokémon?”
“Yeah! My brother taught me a lot!! He’s a great breeder, but he has been traveling for a while trying to get more rare Pokémon to breed. So, I haven’t really got to see him a lot.”
“That’s ok, stop by sometime tomorrow and we’ll see about getting you a job. I’m going to see how you do with some of the Pokémon before I do though ok?”
“Ok!! That sounds great!! Oh! I need to get back to work. Bye, see you tomorrow!!”
You smile and nod at the enthusiastic girl as she runs off behind the counter to serve the next customer. You are a little surprised to find a guy already sitting on the other side of the café sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper with an Umbreon sitting to his right eyeing your Espeon with interest. Lady merely ignores him as she continues to eat the bit of pastry you had given her for breakfast.
“You’re such a heartbreaker Lady,” you chuckle as you glance back over to the Umbreon only to see who his trainer is.
One: Gary Oak.
At the mere sight of him, you are quite sure that every ounce of maturity, intelligence, grace, and confidence that you had collected over the past fifteen years dissolves in a vat of childish hopes and dreams that were crushed beneath his foot. You swallow hard at the feelings swirling around inside of you at the sight of him. Fighting hard against them, you make it a point to get up and leave, slipping your sunglasses on in the process to avoid any unnecessary conflict. Lady sensing your discomfort leaps upon your shoulder and glares both the male and his Umbreon down the whole way out the door. You sigh in relief, letting out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, the moment you are out of sight of the café, your shoulders relax allowing you to calm yourself down. Lady looks up at you questioningly, concern and confusion laced in the waves she is sending you. You look down and smile in reassurance at your best friend, knowing that no matter what happens she will always be there for you.
Shaking off the surprise from seeing the boy who broke your fifteen-year-old heart you continue your day as planned. Lady helps you pick out the decor, sheet sets, and curtains. Thankfully you have already picked out appliances and you don’t need to worry about them. You head to the store to stock up on groceries and giggle when Lady levitates snacks she likes into the cart. You roll your eyes at her antics but allow her to indulge all the same. 
A very sincere part of you can’t get Gary out of your head though. You had adored him when you were younger, definitely against your better judgment. He was arrogant and stuck up, but he was smart, cool and confident as well. As he gained success as a trainer you had just fallen for him even more. Five years after setting out on your journey you ran into him at a competition and worked up the nerve to ask him out. Not only had he rejected you but he had laughed in your face. To this day you recall the embarrassment you felt as you ran from his jeers. 
Despite the passage of time, you still felt like that fifteen-year-old today when you saw him in the cafe. You groan as you roll your eyes at yourself. 
“What is wrong with you?! You went on to be one of the strongest trainers in the region! You are considered one of the best in the business. You don’t care about some stupid boy.”
With a final nod of your head indicating that this internal conversation is over you focus on getting Gary Oak out of your head onto the task at hand. You have a lot to do and you don’t have time to worry about him.
Notes: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I’m pretty excited about revamping this story. Please like reblog and comment to show some love! 
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alolanrain · 5 years
Ash was gone, up and left that Sunday night. Delia knew, she always knew when her son up and left. May it be for a journey or just a simple outing with his friends. What’s strange is that Ash has already been to every Region in the world, there’s nothing left to explore. Plus it was Monday, at ten in the morning no less, and Ash hasn’t shown up to help his mother plant the new flowers he sent her from Galar like Ash had promised the weekend before.
Delia knows her son after all, she’s the one that had to raise Ash mostly all up on her own.
Delia also wasn’t surprised when dead bodies started showing up in the middle of towns and cities, all over the world for every to see. It was quite bloody, in fact, organs on the display for even the youngest babies to see. Nothing was left hidden.
It made it satisfying to her for some reason. Maybe it’s because she knew more than half of the people lying on their back or shoved in a town square water fountain. Or maybe it’s because of the vindictive feeling blooming in her stomach and making Delia smile down into her first cup of Joe in the morning, when she first turned on the current news and at the multitude of giant, or little, ‘R’s stitched into every fabric the corpses were wearing. Always on display.
Instead of whoever was doing this, and she has a pretty good guess who was going out of their way, was working from the near top to all the way down to the bottom. The Admins for Team Rocket were the first to go, all four being placed in their home Region and City or Town center. Stretched or hanged for the people to see, to look upon the traitors of the world and point to them. Scorning their actions as piles and piles of internet doot prints were uploaded everywhere, on what felt like millions of accounts on all kind of apps and forums. No one that was affiliated in any good way with Team Rocket was safe.
Except for two humans, their Pokémon, and a talking Meowth.
Delia woke up at the crack of dawn like she always done, it’s been a habit ever since she opened up her little Deli shop in the middle of Pallet Town. Even though she’s gotten a lot more employees, especially for opening shifts because the older Delia gets the more she finds out how much she loves spending the morning with her Pokémon team since childhood, it’s a hard habit to break.
Leo, her shiny Sylveon, was already walking to the front door with a huff. His silk ribbons wrapping around the door handle while Delia walked up to it with a bit of curiosity and exasperated fondness filling her bones.
“Get in here you three!” Delia laughed. Gently nudging Leo away from the crack with her foot and opening the door up more so that the nervous beings could enter. Her smile was warm and soft as she took in their jump appearance.
“The Twerp said it was okay-“ the purple haired man, James, stuttered our but Delia stopped him.
“If it weren’t for you two, my son would have probably been laying at the bottom of the Primal Current dead and the world destroyed by the three birds and Lugia.” She reached out and pulled them in, kicking the door close with her feet while Delia motioned to Leo to go warm the rest of the tream. “So this home is yours, it’s always been yours since the beginning. Come sit down in the kitchen, I was just about to start breakfast.”
Delia has left them at the table, allowing them to sit in tear jerking silence as she went throug the motion of making breakfast. Delia had, unsurprisingly, no amount of anger towards them and what they’ve done in the past to her son. No, Her anger is directed at the head Honcho of the evil gang that’s been gripping Kanto and Johto long before she was even born.
Delia didn’t say anything, as she left the trio to their thoughts and very full dinner plates and extra in the kitchen, when she found an old tombstone broken and torn to shreds. But marks and cursed purple magic danced a little as she poked the broken cement with a nearby stick. Delia didn’t need to know who, or what Pokémon, went after it. She should have given Ash her team before letting him leave. They really need to get rid of their decades long anger and finally destress after all this.
She chose to ignore the muffled sobbing’s drifting from the kitchen window in favor of kissing Sunny, her beloved shiny Arcanine she had all this time since it was a baby Growlith as her second given starter after her first one was stolen, good morning and letting Miss Blue, Delia’s shiny Ninetails and her most pickiest is Pokenon partners, come between them for her own good morning kisses. Her big fluffy blue tinted tails wrapping around her legs and waist in Miss Blues version of a hug.
She didn’t even think about coming back into her house until all her Pokémon family members had gotten their hellos in and were now actively nudging her back towards the sliding glass door because it was breakfast time and they were hungry.
Soon enough, things changed.
Jessie, or Now just Jess, no longer wears tight fitting clothes and spending hours on end putting her hair up in that ridiculous hair swoop. Delia was proud of how fast she had regained her footing, and just how much faster she and Delia’s Houndoom, Soul, and her Togatic, Spots, has gotten along swimmingly. Jess now joins her for the rare jog-run she does on a few country dirt roads when Delia was feeling up to it. Delia also didn’t question it when an Arbol and a Weezing of all things showed up on her porch the next morning on the following Tuesday.
It also was the first day everyone had singly mindingly read the threat clear: Team Rocket will not survive, their rain is ending now and here. Blood shall run for the innocent who colored the streets by their hands. 
Delia has openly chuckled to herself when her guests were still asleep upstairs in Ash’s old redecorated bedroom. Her cold vicious sneer glared back at herself on the TV reflective screen as she watched the camera pan over Ariana’s cold blood drained body that was hanging off a weird metal sculpture that was in the middle of a Town Square in Johto. Silver had sent her a YouMon link that sent Delia to a video titled “The Witch Is Dead.”
Her laughter was louder and had woken up her guests, Delia made breakfast once more while shooing James our do the kitchen multiple times. Brandishing a spatula the entire time.
James took a little more time, it wasn’t until Tracey came around to study and practice her drawing skill on Delia’s Pokémon and spotted James did his healing transformation started. The poor young man was pulled on by a stubborn Tracey through Oalleg Town and to the Professors Ranch, to then for Tracey to to show James how to use an old polaroid camera and a mission to go talk to a few of Ash’s more friendly Pokémon.
Meowth has been inducted that following Wednesday, when the mutilated bodies of Team Rocket’s loads upon loads of scientist were scattered all over the world, by Gary’s sweet Umbreon. The poor cat Pokémon was picked up by the scruff and was bodily dragged to the ranch with Tracey and James following behind it. Tracey giving suggestions and some smalll pointers to James on how to work his new camera. Meowth was surprisingly greeted with open arms by Ash’s Pokémon, none held too much anger for the cat Pokémon since Ash had expressed time and time again of the trios predicament to them. Meowth has never cried so much in his lifetime, and this is including the moment when his mother had left him on the streets to fend for himself at three weeks old.
Delia has used her money, or just barely a fraction of what Ash sends her every month because he doesn’t know what to do with the money the League gives him besides give it to charity and spending it on his travels, to buy the house next door to her. Not the Oaks house down the road to her left, even when it’s barely used anymore and it’s mostly now just an extra house for Delia to house her sons guests in, no. She bought the one a little less down to her right. It was a two story house with just a smaller yard then Delia’s, though it didn’t stop her from smashing down the wooden fence and expanding her garden into their new backyard for James and Jess to join her getting dirty. It was perfect for them and Meowth, along with their plenty of Pokémon who happily greet her every morning just like her own team.
The following Thursday, over more than half a million Team Rocket members that were spread all over in the upper part of many governments and big name brands were killed or seriously maimed and disfigured in that short amount of time had sent Delia reeling back in over flowing motherly pride and love, Champion Lance and Orange Isles Elite Four Drake had shown up in her door. She had just finished teaching both James and Jessie how to properly set up wet clothes that needed to be hung outside on a clothesline is read of shoving them in a dryer at their new home that Delia practically forced onto them with some slight added Country Morther love.
She ushered them in, shushing Souls quite snarling and nudging Miss Blue our of the way, while asking why they were hear and they were just in time because Delia was about to make dinner!
Lance, ever her dumbest childhood friend, asked where Ash was. Or more like demanded by going off his tone of voice. Stomping his foot and declaring that Ash needed to come to the castle right this second.
Thankfully Gary was out of town visiting some other relatives of his sweet late mothers. He wouldn’t be to particularly angry if Delia had stayed that the newly minted Professor had taken Ash as a support human. It’s not like she’s technically wrong, Delia did know for a fact Ash was the one that’s going to pick Gary up on the incoming Sunday.
She had forced the two League Members into sitting down for dinner, steak with loaded potatoes and seasoned barbecued Leaks, Melony had sent her those in a special delivery when Rose’s shredded corpse was hanging off the Chairman’s main building in front of the sliding glass doors. The roses underneath the glass in the entry way were replaced with Blue Forget-Me-Nots, It was a subtle hint made towards Mr.Goodshow, something Delia had caught extremely quickly.
The next day Friday, where the first and only kill was made in Alola according the the news, the new Galar Head Chairman was appointed outside of all Galars previous Chairmen’s. Delia actually ment Chairwoman, Miss Chairwoman Myoso was a wonderful women from what she appeared on TV already. Maybe now Leon will have a less hectic schedual. That same morning a delicately made box wrapped in the finest of hand painted silk was delivered to Delia’s porch, she knew who had done it but it also wasn’t her place to voice the silent appreciation gift.
Her kitchen has never sparkled so beautifully in the middle of the day during lunch. And all she has to thank were the little flat glass figures of the island Tapu’s closed shells twirling and swaying, hanging from near her kitchen top window.
Delia never liked Faba to begin with when she had met him, while he and Sycamore were both still in college, all those years ago.
More small trinkets were popping up on her doorstep every morning. All wrapped in very nice clothes and one of them in giant thin leaves. They ranged from very beautiful necklaces, to even a few plants and cups, her favorite so far either had to be the colored glass blown Swampert figuring sitting o top of her new fountain in the middle of her garden. One she hadn’t built at all and knew just who exactly did that. Or the little green house but that popped up that morning as well, the only plant in it was a Kalosian flower that was red, white, and black with small pink crystals gently fused into the pot top thick edge.
She had breakfast with the trio on that Saturday morning, they were on the young adults new back patio when a streak for blazing fire crossed the sky. Flashes of green and purples bluish light soon followed after.
Delia chose to ignore it while the other three started to freak out a little. She let them have a few minutes before bringing them back to their cooking breakfast omelets Jess has made for them.
Later that night the reporter stated that multiple unapproved satellites where brought crashing to the Earth crust. Only stopping mysteriously and there were some very blurred photos of a giant green floating snake like Pokémon and two purple floating blurred next to the head. Delia had finally gone for her first and only scotch for that evening, since a thought about getting any more than half a glass had Mr.Mimey skittering out of a random hallway corner and babbling at her while getting Delia a glass of water and a Tylenol before rushing the woman off to bed. 
Sunday was the end all the river full of blood crashing through the streets.
Sunday was the day when the world woke up the sight of Giovanni’s head spreads onto a pole in Pallet Town Square. Directly in the middle of the giant water fountain and the blood slowly dripping down was making the cascading water turn a light pink color like someone just added food dye.
Sunday morning is when she had her son knocking on her door. With Gary, Daisy and her husband, Tracey, Misty, Brock, Ritchie, Professor Oak standing behind him. The trio, who she had fondly started to call them her kids just like Ash and Gary and the wrest of Ash’s friends, Ahmad let themselves in from the slide back door. Everyone ignored when Umbreon and Pikachu both trotted up and twisted themselves around Meowth, the pile for fur and limbs were purring. Especially since Pikachu had grown to half way between Sunny and Souls height.
Sunday was when Ash and Delia walked for an hour and a half out into an old path in the woods. Only to stop by an old broken down house with moss, vines, and even a few small tress growing inside with rubble all around the place. They were visiting Delia’s home before her parents had died, before she had to move in with Lance and his parents if Delia wanted to stay back in Kanto. Visiting a time before her first starter was stolen from her along with her innocence and late teen years as she struggled to get by while pregnant.
Sunday is the day she was reunited with her first starting, the first time she openly cried in front of her son as Delia felt the oh so familiar feeling of a sandpaper tongue licking her hands and face while a deep purring and mewling echoed around the destructed building. amber slots blown wide stared back into Delia’s own amber eyes, before both their eyes closed and Delia leaned forward to plant a lasting kiss onto her sweet Persians glimmering red gem on its silky furred forehead.
Sunday is the day Delia finally starts to heal from her past.
Or better yet! Known as the Heaven Or Hell!AU where Delia’s first starter was a Meowth that got stolen by Giovanni when he ditched her later down the road and Ash found out and decided: fuck it, time to snap. Because no one fucks away with his mom if Ash has anything to say about it.
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copperbadge · 5 years
drgaellon replied to your post “For All Your Flower Shop AUs”
In the US, Medicare maintains a comprehensive database of all hospitals called Hospital Compare. You can search within a radius of a city/town or zip code. https://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html
SWEET. I’ve passed it along! 
knottahooker replied to your photo “THEY’RE BACK. [Description: a photograph of a bag of Trader Joe’s...”
What does that even taste like? Sage and onions?
Sage and turkey boullion, honestly. It’s a bit like eating soup mix. :D
elsajeni replied to your post “!!!! I had one of those little cat-shaped cushions with the printed-on...”
You can still get those occasionally! When I worked in a fabric store, we got them regularly as part of our seasonal/holiday collections. Unfortunately they'd be stocked in with the regular by-the-yard fabric for that holiday, so hard to spot unless you checked every bolt. That said, I never saw one as cute as those cats.
Oh nice! I look every time I’m in the fabric section of the craft store but I never see any. I’ll persevere! 
eimearkuopio replied to your photoset “I finally got a chance to frame this gorgeous Umbreon art print by...”
I love the be good shelf
I do too! It’s not something I trained them to do, it just started happening -- the shelf is actually a shoe rack, and I noticed that whenever she heard me take my keys off the hook by the door, Dearborn would come running to jump up on top of the rack. So I started rewarding her with goodbye pets and telling her to be good, and soon Polk joined in to get one last cheek skritch before I left for the day. I love that they like to come say goodbye to me. Now all I have to do is jangle my keys and at least one, usually both, will come barrelling down the hallway to say goodbye. 
noriannbraindripshere replied to your photoset “I finally got a chance to frame this gorgeous Umbreon art print by...”
The black spot on her lips makes her look so dubious about it XD
Dearborn has Resting Skeptical Face. She looks dubious about life in general, most of the time :D It was even funnier when she was a tiny kitten. 
col1999 replied to your post “omg i can't believe i forgot to ask you about this, but i gotta know...”
Speaking of Hallmark, have you seen there's a Hallmark Monopoly now? (Sorry if someone already pointed it out. I only heard today.)
AHAHAHAH I’m not surprised, in the 90s Hallmark stores always were the ones that sold the weird customized monopoly boards. Oh god, I might have to get one for my parents. 
speedgeek replied to your post “omg i can't believe i forgot to ask you about this, but i gotta know...”
I'm a little disappointed a Hallmark convention is being held somewhere other than Kansas City at Crown Center, owned by Hallmark, right by Hallmark's HQ, with several Hallmark attractions near by. Sure, it's a bit more Hallmark general than Hallmark Movie Channel, but it'd still offer more Hallmark-ness than New Jersey.
It does seem like it would be more fitting, but since it’s an independent convention and Hallmark isn’t involved, I imagine it was way less expensive to get a couple of convention rooms at a random hotel in Jersey :D I’m sure if it goes well, they’ll have a look at moving to KC when they have the size to support it. (Also so much good KC bbq! I would go to a Hallmark Christmas Convention in KC.)  
alsobarebear replied to your photo “GUYS Guys WAIT FOR IT IT'S AZIRAPHALE AND PROWLY (Thanks...”
I'm not even going to try to add to the puns. But I AM curious if the mug is difficult to drink out of? It looks awkward to hold. But also AMAZING and I want one!
That was actually something I was curious about it too when a friend bought one -- drinking out of it is fine, but I was like, how is it to hold? But actually it’s pretty easy. You can pinch your hand around the wings, there are natural interior curves to rest your fingers in, or you can rest the “roots” of the wings on the webbing between thumb and forefinger while holding the mug itself (which I do because I don’t drink hot beverages out of it). 
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sofchii · 5 years
I was tagged by two types! so i’ll put them under a read more! 
thank you @suintor, @ellisimis & @lunchsims for tagging me ♡
People i’d like to know better: a game tag!
tagged by @suintor  ♡ you little star! 
1. name / alias: sofie / sof / sofi (my dad calls me sofi!)
2. where is two? inbetween 1 and 3 <- what tim said! 
3. zodiac sign: leo!! 
4. height: small...but not small small, just small : )
5. hobbies: hobbies? i feel like i don’t have any...joking! i like to play jrpg’s, otome games (haven’t played them in a while omg), shopping, editing! 
6. favourite colours: YELLOW!!
7. favourite books: hmm... i wouldn’t say i have a favourite book. i like to manga but i don’t really have a favourite!!
8. last song listened to: i like instrumental music!
9. last film watched: hmm...i think it was misses doubtfire
10. inspiration for muse: absolutely no idea... oh my word :’)
11. dream job: i don’t think i have a dream job...i just want a job that i’m happy with!! : ) BUT if it had to be one thing, i think it would be working in a cat cafe...that would be the life! 
12. meaning behind your url: sof - my name sofie and chii from my old url seoulchii! : )
i tag @miljamaison, @simplystefi, @ohhiplumbob, @arcanewonder, @galajunkiez! <3
Next one!
Get to know me tag!!
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
I was tagged by @ellisimis & @lunchsims thank you! <3
1. Dogs or Cats? Honestly, both! but I think the older I get the more I’m gravitating towards cats??? oh my lord!
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Uhhh....none, thank you!
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? Seoul, yes please.
4. Disney or DreamWorks? DISNEY!!! MULAN!!!
5. Favorite childhood TV show? DIGIMON!!!
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? Erm erm erm erm erm, there is so many! (I think!)
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? I read a lot in 2019...and I honestly can’t even say which ones I liked because it was months ago!! 
8. Marvel or DC? 
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? 
10. Night or Day? Day, as soon as it starts getting dark I have to be home. I never go outside in the dark. (Unless I absolutely have too which means when I’m on a late shift, but my boyfriend always meets me soooooo!)
11. Favorite Pokémon? Umbreon!
12. Top 5 bands: Erm I don’t really have any?? I like listening to instrumental music mostly. 
13. Top 10 books: 
14. Top 4 movies: Howls Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Mary & the Witches Flower, & A Silent Voice. 
15. America or Europe? Ermmmmm...
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr.
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life? I’m going to be honest, I’ve never heard of this  term before??????? 
18. Favorite YouTuber: callmekevin :D <- oh my god mine too @ellisimis but I also like JohnWolfe!!
19. Favorite author? Any that do amazing romance mangas! :’))
20. Tea or coffee? HOT CHOCOLATE!!!
21. OTP? Erm...
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Nope : (
I tag the following people; @suintor, @miljamaison, @simplystefi, @faaeish, @arcanewonder, @galajunkiez (pretty much the same people as the other tag game! sorry!!) 
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shari-berri · 4 years
Rayquaza crackfic
Your POV
My boyfriend and I came up with a bet, I would have to answer anything and only say yes to whatever I was asked or told.
I am stubborn and wanted to prove to him I could do it so I of course said yes, big mistake.
Here's what happened
We were walking around town when a guy came up to us and asked for a picture so I answered yes. He took the picture and left.
Then we went to the flower shop and the lady working there asked what kind of flower I wanted. Because of the bet I said yes. She looked really confused while my very helpful boyfriend was behind me smirking, what a jerk! I pointed to some daisies and said yes again.
I got another look but she gave me the flowers and I gave her some of my Pokedollars. We left the shop and Star suggested we go to the park.
There were little kids everywhere and I wanted to go on the swings so I tugged at Star's arm and pointed to the swing set. He understood and we went over.
There was a child already on the swings and I wanted to go on so I just stared at him, hoping it would make him get off.
The kid said "you want a turn?" And I nodded.
He laughed and kept sitting there. I was furious at this point. I stomped over to him and grabbed him under the arms. He started squirming and yelling at me. Luckily there were no parents around so I turned him around and punted him across the playground near the sandbox.
I quickly sat in the seat and smirked triumphantly. I looked over at my boyfriend and saw him in shock at what I did. I gave him an innocent smile and started swinging.
After swinging for a while I decided to go to my friend Green's house.
Telling Star to shift, we flew to his house and arrived in no time.
Kicking open his door, I found him laying on his couch surrounded with peanuts. Not questioning it, I tackled him and we rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Startled, Green looked at me and said "What the hell was that for y/n?!"
Grinning, I was about to answer when Star gave me a look and I quickly said yes.
Green was confused at this point and just told me he was taking us to the park where I had punted the child away from the swings, unbeknownst to him.
When we got there, the same child saw me and dragged us to a battling arena, demanding I fight him.
Shrugging, I threw my pokeball, releasing Gardevoir. I didn't know how many pokemon this small child had and I couldn't command my pokemon saying only yes so I threw out my Gardevoir who understood my looks and could hear my thoughts.
This angry kid sent out a Pachirisu, signaling he was ready to battle.
He attacked first, commanding his Pachirisu to use spark. Gardevoir got hit but quickly got up.
Gardevoir read my mind and used moonblast, hitting the small pokemon and knocking it out.
Thinking the battle was over, I was about to withdraw Gardevoir when angry child kid over there threw out his next pokemon, a Beedrill.
Beedrill attacked and used pin missile, missing, and giving Gardevoir a chance to use double team and then use psychic, causing the Beedrill to fall out of the sky and hit the ground hard, knocking it out.
The little child then told me this was his last pokemon and threw out an Umbreon.
Gardevoir took the first move and used moonblast, knocking the Umbreon back but not out.
Umbreon then used pursuit, knocking my Gardevoir out.
I panicked, I didn't have any other pokemon that could read my body language or read my mind. I was doomed.
Searching through my pokemon, I found Yveltal.
Throwing him out there, the small child was in shock as was everyone else watching the battle, even Green and Star.
Looking at Yveltal, I gave him a look of hopelessness and silently begged him to understand me.
Nodding his head, Yveltal turned around and screeched at the opposing Umbreon.
I yelled "Yes!" At Yveltal and he screeched. I hoped he chose a good attack. My prayers were answered and he used foul play hitting the Umbreon hard. The little boy started screaming at his pokemon to get up, and it did to all of our surprise.
Umbreon shouted at us and released feint attack, hitting my poor, helpless, defenseless Yveltal.
Screeching in anger, Yveltal looked at me and I nodded at him.
Yveltal released a full power oblivion wing, knocking the Umbreon out and winning the battle for us!
Cheering, I ran up to Yveltal and hugged him, petting his head and nuzzling it.
He released a coo and nuzzled back, then returning to his ball.
I walked up to the child and went to shake his hand, when he slapped it away and claimed I cheated for using a legendary.
I glared at him and walked back to Green and Star, laughing at their faces, still shocked at the revealing of my Yveltal. They asked to see my entire team so I called out all my friends, well except Gardevoir. Until Green healed her.
Out came Gardevoir and Glaceon.
They looked confused as did the onlookers, questioning where my others went.
Silently asking Star to talk, he nodded.
"All the rest are a bit shocking!" I yelled. The crowd and Green and Star nodding in understanding.
Then out came Yveltal, Darkrai, Suicune, and lastly, as if all my legendaries weren't enough, Arceus popped out and joined my circle of pokemon surrounding me.
Gasps came from everyone, not expecting me to have all those legendaries, let alone Arceus.
Green and Star looked at me shocked, terrified, and amazed.
"There you have it folks, all my pokemon or friends as I like to say!" I belted out.
"Friends!" I cried out, the pokemon surrounding me looked at me.
I held up a finger signaling to wait.
"Arceus dear, lay down so I can ride you."
Everyone started yelling at me, saying how I shouldn't disrespect our god and how he would never listen to me. Others were yelling about how I captured them all against their will.
A little hurt but still going, I shrugged off their words and looked at Arceus expectantly.
Nodding his head, the god of pokemon laid down and let me climb onto him, then standing up again.
Still a little upset about what the people had said, my pokemon could sense it and started shouting at the crowd, proving them wrong.
"See, they are my friends!" I yelled, surrounded by Pokémon who loved me and cared about me.
Dismounting Arceus, my pokemon took that as a sign to all cuddle me, trapping me in love.
A man, woman, and Meowth tried to capture my legendaries for their own bidding.
Growling, I commanded,
"Gardevoir go and use Moonblast, Glaceon use blizzard, Yveltal use oblivion wing, Darkrai use dark pulse, Suicune use hydro pump, and Arceus use Judgement on the count of three! One, two, three! Attack Team Rocket!"
They all released their attack and sent Team Rocket flying off into the distance crying about blasting off again or something.
Laughing and smiling, I kissed each one of my pokemon before returning them. Not bothering about the rude crowd.
Turning around, I dragged Green and Star back to Green's house before dropping Green once more into his couch of peanuts and dragging Star home to the backyard, releasing my pokemon and cuddling with my boyfriend and favorite friends.
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gcttacatchemall · 5 years
Secondary Muse Added: Maia Reinhold (OC/Sw&Sh Protag Mom)!
Tumblr media
✿ Name: Maia Emlyn Reinhold Age: 41 Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual. Birthday: March 4th. ✿ Hometown: Originally from Blackthorn City, but grew up in Kalos and then Galar. Height: 5′3″ Weight: N/A Pokemon on Hand: Roserade, Goodra, Munchlax, Umbreon and Eldegoss. ✿ Personality: Maia is a kind and caring woman, despite having been born in the harsh and cold city of Blackthorn. She had always been a gentle soul, helping those in need without asking for anything in return. But that doesn’t mean she can’t be commanding and harsh, she has had her moments where the dragon in her comes out- and it’s not a pretty sight you want to be on the receiving end of. ✿ Info: Both of Maia’s parents were Dragon Tamers, but Maia had no interest in following their footsteps; she instead set out to find her own path. Which led her to Kalos and eventually to Galar where she settled down. Her ancestors actually came from the Galar region before settling in Blackthorn City.
✿ Her first partner had been a Dratini, but they never truly accepted her- so she left them with her parents. It wasn’t until she was on the road that she came across an injured and abandoned Budew. She quickly rushed it to the nearest pokemon centre, thankfully the Budew made a full recovery and she was planning on returning it to where she found it.
✿ But the Budew didn’t want to leave her, so she ended up catching it and taking it with her. She travelled quite a bit, competed in a few contests with her Roselia. While it wasn’t her calling, her partner Belle seemed to enjoy the limelight. Her contesting took her to Kalos, where she eventually retired from competing to open a small flower shop.
✿ While working at her flower shop known as ‘Roselia’s Bouquet’, she ended up meeting the man that would eventually become her husband. The two had gone on a couple of dates, and Maia had even challenged him to a battle. She didn’t win, but he had gifted her something that would allow her to evolve her partner into their final form.
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Pokemon Card of the Day Schedule: Undaunted
Undaunted was the first set released after a rotation that finally ended the DP-On format. Cards from the set were legal in MD-On and HGSS-On. The set itself wasn’t particularly impressive, though it did bring a very notable Pokemon. Vileplume was a wonderful card for locking down a game, and that was the set’s best card by far. Otherwise, you had several decent Pokemon and some borderline Trainers to work with. Not every set could be filled with game-changers, though, and the big star of the set provided a way to play with more than just big hitters, so it still had a positive impact.
Note that it also had a card with the best attack name ever. More on that on tomorrow’s card of the day.
1390: Forretress #3 1391: Gliscor 1392: Houndoom 1393: Smeargle 1394: Togekiss 1395: Umbreon #10 1396: Dodrio 1397: Drifblim 1398: Forretress #13 1399: Honchkrow #15 1400: Honchkrow #16 1401: Mismagius 1402: Rotom 1403: Vespiquen 1404: Vileplume 1405: Weavile 1406: Flareon 1407: Jolteon 1408: Muk 1409: Unown 1410: Combee 1411: Burned Tower 1412: Energy Exchanger 1413: Flower Shop Lady 1414: Legend Box 1415: Ruins of Alph 1416: Sage's Training 1417: Espeon Prime 1418: Houndoom Prime 1419: Raichu Prime 1420: Scizor Prime 1421: Slowking Prime 1422: Umbreon Prime 1423: Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND 1424: Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND
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shari-berri · 4 years
Staraptor x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend and I came up with a bet, I would have to answer anything and only say yes to whatever I was asked or told.
I am stubborn and wanted to prove to him I could do it so I of course said yes, big mistake.
Here's what happened
We were walking around town when a guy came up to us and asked for a picture so I answered yes. He took the picture and left.
Then we went to the flower shop and the lady working there asked what kind of flower I wanted. Because of the bet I said yes. She looked really confused while my very helpful boyfriend was behind me smirking, what a jerk! I pointed to some daisies and said yes again.
I got another look but she gave me the flowers and I gave her some of my Pokedollars. We left the shop and Star suggested we go to the park.
There were little kids everywhere and I wanted to go on the swings so I tugged at Star's arm and pointed to the swing set. He understood and we went over.
There was a child already on the swings and I wanted to go on so I just stared at him, hoping it would make him get off.
The kid said "you want a turn?" And I nodded.
He laughed and kept sitting there. I was furious at this point. I stomped over to him and grabbed him under the arms. He started squirming and yelling at me. Luckily there were no parents around so I turned him around and punted him across the playground near the sandbox.
I quickly sat in the seat and smirked triumphantly. I looked over at my boyfriend and saw him in shock at what I did. I gave him an innocent smile and started swinging.
After swinging for a while I decided to go to my friend Green's house.
Telling Star to shift, we flew to his house and arrived in no time.
Kicking open his door, I found him laying on his couch surrounded with peanuts. Not questioning it, I tackled him and we rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Startled, Green looked at me and said "What the hell was that for y/n?!"
Grinning, I was about to answer when Star gave me a look and I quickly said yes.
Green was confused at this point and just told me he was taking us to the park where I had punted the child away from the swings, unbeknownst to him.
When we got there, the same child saw me and dragged us to a battling arena, demanding I fight him.
Shrugging, I threw my pokeball, releasing Gardevoir. I didn't know how many pokemon this small child had and I couldn't command my pokemon saying only yes so I threw out my Gardevoir who understood my looks and could hear my thoughts.
This angry kid sent out a Pachirisu, signaling he was ready to battle.
He attacked first, commanding his Pachirisu to use spark. Gardevoir got hit but quickly got up.
Gardevoir read my mind and used moonblast, hitting the small pokemon and knocking it out.
Thinking the battle was over, I was about to withdraw Gardevoir when angry child kid over there threw out his next pokemon, a Beedrill.
Beedrill attacked and used pin missile, missing, and giving Gardevoir a chance to use double team and then use psychic, causing the Beedrill to fall out of the sky and hit the ground hard, knocking it out.
The little child then told me this was his last pokemon and threw out an Umbreon.
Gardevoir took the first move and used moonblast, knocking the Umbreon back but not out.
Umbreon then used pursuit, knocking my Gardevoir out.
I panicked, I didn't have any other pokemon that could read my body language or read my mind. I was doomed.
Searching through my pokemon, I found Yveltal.
Throwing him out there, the small child was in shock as was everyone else watching the battle, even Green and Star.
Looking at Yveltal, I gave him a look of hopelessness and silently begged him to understand me.
Nodding his head, Yveltal turned around and screeched at the opposing Umbreon.
I yelled "Yes!" At Yveltal and he screeched. I hoped he chose a good attack. My prayers were answered and he used foul play hitting the Umbreon hard. The little boy started screaming at his pokemon to get up, and it did to all of our surprise.
Umbreon shouted at us and released feint attack, hitting my poor, helpless, defenseless Yveltal.
Screeching in anger, Yveltal looked at me and I nodded at him.
Yveltal released a full power oblivion wing, knocking the Umbreon out and winning the battle for us!
Cheering, I ran up to Yveltal and hugged him, petting his head and nuzzling it.
He released a coo and nuzzled back, then returning to his ball.
I walked up to the child and went to shake his hand, when he slapped it away and claimed I cheated for using a legendary.
I glared at him and walked back to Green and Star, laughing at their faces, still shocked at the revealing of my Yveltal. They asked to see my entire team so I called out all my friends, well except Gardevoir. Until Green healed her.
Out came Gardevoir and Glaceon.
They looked confused as did the onlookers, questioning where my others went.
Silently asking Star to talk, he nodded.
"All the rest are a bit shocking!" I yelled. The crowd and Green and Star nodding in understanding.
Then out came Yveltal, Darkrai, Suicune, and lastly, as if all my legendaries weren't enough, Arceus popped out and joined my circle of pokemon surrounding me.
Gasps came from everyone, not expecting me to have all those legendaries, let alone Arceus.
Green and Star looked at me shocked, terrified, and amazed.
"There you have it folks, all my pokemon or friends as I like to say!" I belted out.
"Friends!" I cried out, the pokemon surrounding me looked at me.
I held up a finger signaling to wait.
"Arceus dear, lay down so I can ride you."
Everyone started yelling at me, saying how I shouldn't disrespect our god and how he would never listen to me. Others were yelling about how I captured them all against their will.
A little hurt but still going, I shrugged off their words and looked at Arceus expectantly.
Nodding his head, the god of pokemon laid down and let me climb onto him, then standing up again.
Still a little upset about what the people had said, my pokemon could sense it and started shouting at the crowd, proving them wrong.
"See, they are my friends!" I yelled, surrounded by Pokémon who loved me and cared about me.
Dismounting Arceus, my pokemon took that as a sign to all cuddle me, trapping me in love.
A man, woman, and Meowth tried to capture my legendaries for their own bidding.
Growling, I commanded,
"Gardevoir go and use Moonblast, Glaceon use blizzard, Yveltal use oblivion wing, Darkrai use dark pulse, Suicune use hydro pump, and Arceus use Judgement on the count of three! One, two, three! Attack Team Rocket!"
They all released their attack and sent Team Rocket flying off into the distance crying about blasting off again or something.
Laughing and smiling, I kissed each one of my pokemon before returning them. Not bothering about the rude crowd.
Turning around, I dragged Green and Star back to Green's house before dropping Green once more into his couch of peanuts and dragging Star home to the backyard, releasing my pokemon and cuddling with my boyfriend and favorite friends.
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