#the universe said this bitch gonna be consistent
debbiechanclub · 2 years
After I've been fixating on someone new for a bit I always get curious about their sign and they almost always end up being a scorpio or a fellow earth sign
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dalesramblingsblog · 5 months
Oh for fuck's sake Voyager are we doing the Great Replacement now? Really? "Don't trust seemingly confused and helpless aliens because they might secretly be scheming masterminds who want to subvert your entire culture?" Christ almighty.
Look, I really do try and give Voyager the benefit of the doubt. From the third season alone, episodes like Distant Origin, Remember, and even Future's End rank as some of my favourite pieces of Star Trek ever. I'm not some guy who's gonna go around blithely hating Voyager for the sake of its being Voyager.
But this ugly reactionary streak keeps manifesting and I'm really getting tired of it.
Warlord: "Oh man Kes is in a skintight jumpsuit and might want to kiss Galyn Görg, isn't that so creepy but also kinda hot?" Why thank you Warlord, I'm glad we could make up for Deep Space Nine's not having any Mirror Universe episodes this year.
The Q and the Grey: "Oh man wouldn't it be so funny if Q's ex showed up just to call the franchise's first female captain to headline a TV series a bitch? Let's also have Q make dated '50s sitcom ahh references to his newfound wife as 'the ball and chain.'"
Blood Fever: "Now listen, don't go repressing your sexuality, because that might lead to bad things. But also if you try to force yourself on your superior officer we're not gonna reprimand you in any way because you're just following your biological urges. And feel free to beat the snotters out of each other by the way."
Favorite Son: "Wouldn't it be so cool if you got to hang out with Howard Hamlin on a planet of smoking hot women and practise polyamory? No, it wouldn't! Because female sexuality is an inherently corruptive and evil force and only evil space vixens would dare wield it against our poor stout male heroes!"
Real Life: "Aren't *those people* with their hip ho- sorry, Klingon opera and their gang initiations so scary? I sure am glad we can all come together as a white heterosexual family unit, which is the only worthwhile family unit by the way. No, what even is a gay person, somebody call David Livingston to stop those extras holding hands. Anyway, since you didn't ask, here's what *I* thought about the 1992 LA riots."
Look, to a certain extent I'm just dicking around here, and I know that there are all manner of problems of this kind to be found in the long history of Star Trek. Deep Space Nine, just this same season, did Let He Who Is Without Sin..., and we're barely a year away from Profit and Lace, so please don't think that this is just a case of me . But equally, when you lay it out like this... I dunno, man. The third season of Voyager seems, to me at least, particularly regressive.
And I know I've said this before but what the hell happened to Lisa Klink between Seasons Two and Three? Like, four of the episodes I cited were written by her, and nothing prior to Warlord gives off the vibes of "Yep this person has weird views about the world." What, did she spontaneously pick up reading 4chan as a hobby over the summer? Is it just a case of being handed awful scripts and trying desperately to craft a functional teleplay out of them? In all honesty, probably.
But even so, it's very unfortunate, particularly for someone who proved they could write some truly great episodes with Hippocratic Oath, Resistance and Remember.
I know I've got some people in my audience who seem to consistently enjoy Voyager a lot more than I do so I do apologise if I've caused offence with this one, but it just... really wouldn't leave my mind.
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missmitchieg · 1 year
That's How You Get The Guy
She hadn't planned on doing this. It was more a spur of the moment thing.
Penelope was just sitting at her vanity and staring at her bare face and undone straight hair in the mirror. One minute, she was berating herself for the horrid mistake she made six months prior. The next, she was in her car headed toward Luke's.
But of course, The Universe was determined to consistently fuck her over. Halfway there, it had started pouring rain. And she didn't have an umbrella with her. But she had her purple floral dress, her cardigan and white heels.
So nevertheless, Penelope Grace Garcia was intent on righting her wrong, mending Luke's heart along with her own.
Her breath stopped as she parked in front of Luke's house, knuckles going white as she held the steering wheel with an iron grip. She was frozen in the seat of her car, suddenly terrified to confront Luke. To apologize for shutting them down before she could even give them a proper try. To ask for a second chance at love with Luke.
Wait. Love?
She loved Luke. She was in love with Luke.
Once the fact sunk in, a sob tore through Penelope's throat and she slapped her hands over her mouth, shoulders shaking. She loved him. Well, fuck.
She reached a hand up to wipe her tears away and looked up to watch him through the window, casually walking in his house and drinking some water. Her lips turned up in a sad smile before she steeled herself up to go and talk to him.
You can do this, Garcia. You are a boss bitch. You've survived much worse before. You literally lived through getting shot, after all. This is nothing. This is just Luke. It's just Luke.
She took a deep breath and climbed out of her car, walking to the front door. She shivered at the cold rain, rubbing her left arm. She bit her lip as the door opened, looking at him through her lashes.
She was certain she must have looked like a sad, wet cat or a creepy ghost from a horror movie.
"Garcia?!" Luke's jaw dropped, his eyes wide as he took her hand and pulled her inside. "Are you insane, chica?" He huffed as he shut the door, crossing his very toned, Penelope noticed with a flush of her cheeks, arms over his Heather gray t-shirt clad chest.
"Um-" Penelope tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and swallowed the lump in her throat, the confidence from her internal pep talk gone. "I-I just wanted to talk to you. It started raining when I was already on the road. I didn't have an umbrella." She shivered, her teeth chattering as she looked down to pet a concerned Roxy and calm her nerves.
Luke sighed, pressing a light kiss to her forehead. "We can talk after you have a warm shower and get into some dry clothes. I don't want you getting sick." He said before giving her a closer look. "Hey," he cupped her cheeks in his hands gently as she sniffled. "Baby, have you been crying?" He asked in a concerned tone and she nodded before being pulled into a tight comforting hug. "It's gonna be ok, Penelope." He whispered in her ear. "Whatever it is, it's gonna be ok." He winced as that only seemed to make her cry more, wiping her own tears away.
Penelope nodded slightly, wrapping her arms around herself and letting Luke lead her to the bathroom.
"I'm gonna leave some clothes for you to wear and put yours in the dryer for you." Luke told her and walked to his bedroom to pick clothes for her to wear, leaving her alone in the bathroom.
With another sigh, Penelope noticed she had been doing that a lot lately, she stripped out of her wet clothes and left them folded on the floor outside of the bathroom, letting the warmth of Luke's shower wash all over her.
After she showered, she found a neatly folded pile of Luke's clothes to wear outside of the bathroom where she had left her clothes, the blush not leaving her cheeks as she put on Luke's maroon t-shirt, gray sweatpants and adorable white socks with little dogs on them. She looked in the mirror as she put her glasses back on, shyly lifting the collar of the sweatshirt to take a whiff.
Oh, it smells good.
Penelope sighed again and shook her head, walking out of the bathroom.
God, I'm like a teenager with a crush. Get it together, Penelope.
She walked into the kitchen to find Luke holding a plain white mug. "Hey, Pen. I, um, made you some peach tea." He gave her a warm smile, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as they walked to the living room where Roxy was lying down. "Sorry that it's not as cute as any of yours."
"Oh." Penelope blushed again, taking a small sip of her favorite tea. Oh, he knew her so well. "Thank you, Luke." She said quietly as they both sat on Luke's couch, not wanting to mess with their quiet moment.
"You know I'd do anything for you, chica." Luke waved her off casually before realizing what he said with a blush, ducking his head. "Sorry. I know you don't-" He cut himself off, wringing his hands.
Oh, but I do. If only you knew how much I do, Luke. Of course, I would have to tell you that for you to know.
She frowned guiltily at that and hung her head silently, staring at her warm tea. She only looked up when she heard Luke's sweet laughter ringing through the silence. "What?"
"I thought you said you wanted to talk, Pen." Luke smiled fondly at her, the crinkles by his eyes showing. "I haven't seen you this quiet since..." His smile faltered but the tenderness never left his eyes as he reached around Penelope to wrap a blanket around her shoulders.
Penelope squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, taking a much needed deep breath. "Since dinner six months ago." She said simply, snuggling into the blanket that had Luke's scent all over it.
"Has it been six months?" Luke asked, watching her intently.
"Yeah. A long-" She sighed again, adjusting her glasses, "long six months of being too afraid to tell you what I want." She averted her eyes as she drank her tea, her lips set in a tight line. She didn't think she could look at Luke right now. She was too scared if she did, she might crying again.
Silently, Luke tilted his head, curiosity in his eyes.
"Hey, you remember how..." A sad smile stretched over her face as Penelope reminisced, her fingers tapping against the mug in her hand. "You used to always kiss my cheek when something really exciting happened?"
Luke snickered at that and nodded. "Yeah, baby. I remember." His lips curled up in a smile.
Her smile turned into a small smirk. She couldn't take anything she already said back. She was too far gone to stop herself now. "Well, I really liked it whenever you kissed me." She admitted, her face heating up as she laughed at herself.
With raised eyebrows, Luke pinched her cheek gently, pressing a soft kiss to her face. "You never told me that."
"I know I didn't." Her breath caught in her chest as she felt Luke grab her thigh and squeeze gently, Luke was always so gentle with her, turning her head to him as he spoke her name.
She winced at his soft tone, hunching her shoulders as she kept her gaze to the ground.
"You never told me why." He sounded so wounded, Penelope couldn't stop herself looking up at him.
"What?" She frowned, her heart pounding in her chest as she placed her hand on top of Luke's.
"You never told me why you can't talk to me without dunking on me." Luke told her, his other hand reaching up to tuck the strand of hair behind Penelope's ear again. "You never told me-" He gulped, blinking tears away, "You never told me why you haven't talked to me in six months."
Penelope's heart shattered at that, tears filling her eyes. "Luke." She sobbed, squeezing his hand. "Honey, I-I'm so sorry. I-" She bit her lip, her chest aching. "I shouldn't have done that to you." She put the mostly empty mug on the coffee table and turned her body toward Luke, taking both of his hands in hers.
Luke sniffled and felt a tear roll down his left cheek, his thumbs rubbing circles in Penelope's hands. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting her to lose her nerve if he interrupted her.
Her face scrunched up in pain as she considered her next words carefully, staring at their hands. "Love, I only said that because-" Her voice cracked and she blinked a tear away. "-because it's really hard to be vulnerable with you." She admitted and took a shaky breath, pressing her forehead against Luke's as they both cried.
"Why, baby?" Luke asked softly, not mad but curious. "You seemed so excited for dinner, but then you iced me out again. Why?"
"Because you're so..." Penelope furrowed her eyebrows, her lips pursing. "Nice. You're so nice and so... Guys like you don't go for women like me."
"Guys like me? Women like you?" Luke questioned and raised a hand to caress Penelope's cheek. "Chica, what are you saying?"
Instead of answering, Penelope looked down at her stomach, covering herself with the blanket.
Luke followed her gaze and his jaw dropped, his heart breaking. "Oh, baby." He shook his head, scooting closer to Penelope to wrap her up in a hug. "Penelope, no! You're gorgeous, love."
Penelope let out a frustrated groan and pulled away, pointing a finger at Luke as she stood from the couch. "This! This is exactly what I'm saying! You're so nice!"
"But why is that a problem?" Luke asked desperately, wanting to understand why Penelope couldn't just let herself have this, why she couldn't let him in.
"Because it's going to hurt if you leave!" Penelope yelled with a sob, her chest heaving with every breath.
Luke slowly stood up and shook his head. "I'm not going to leave, Pen." He promised.
"Sure, you say that now but what about when you get sick of me? Or what if you wake up one day and you don't love me?" Penelope asked, baring her teeth. "Listen, I have been left by people before. I could deal with it then because they were awful people, but you. You…" She laughed humorlessly, her finger shaking. "Luke, if you left..." She shook her head, her eyes shining with tears. "That would devastate me."
Luke sobbed and wrapped his arms around Penelope, giving her a kiss on the forehead. He tightened his grip when she buried her face in his neck, rubbing circles in her back.
"Honey, I've literally been shot before and you leaving me would hurt more than that." Penelope told him, her knuckles turning white as she gripped Luke's shirt in her hands. "I had to beat you to the punch because I couldn't watch you leave. You're so important to me. So special."
"Penny love, can you look at me, please?" Luke asked softly, stroking his left thumb over Penelope's cheek.
Penelope looked up at Luke with a small sniffle, eyes wide and lips forming a pout.
Luke gave her a small smile as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Hi, chica." He whispered.
"Hi, honey." Penelope hiccuped, making her laugh a little as she leaned into Luke's gentle touches.
"Do you remember when you first met Roxy?"
Penelope nodded.
You know you were one of the first in the team to meet her?" Luke revealed casually, his head cocked to the left.
"Really?" Penelope asked with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah." He smiled. "Emily was first. You were second. I think she liked you better." Luke chuckled and booped her nose playfully.
Penelope blushed and giggled at that, loosening her vice grip on Luke's shirt. "That makes me feel special."
"You are special."
She giggled more and hid her face in his neck again, her heart racing. "Luuuke."
Luke laughed in delight, biting his lip. "What? I'm just reminiscing."
"You're being all cute!"
"You're cute."
Penelope gave him a breathy laugh, wiping her last tears away.
"Remember the first gift you got her?"
"The treats and the little sweater." Penelope grinned.
"They were some good treats." Luke raised his eyebrows as he nodded.
"What did you do with the sweater?" She asked out of curiosity.
"Roxy uses it as a blanket." Luke admitted.
"Yes, it is."
She looked down at the dog sleeping like a rock, squinting when she noticed the collar around her neck. "Is that-"
"Yeah." Luke nodded. "She really likes it."
"You know, I still have every selfie we took on my phone." Luke admitted shyly.
"Me, too." She ducked her head shyly, biting her lip. "Luke?"
"Yeah, love?"
"Are you sure? That you want me? That you... Love me?" Her voice shook with nerves as she asked her question, eyes wide with hope.
Luke's eyes softened as he looked at her and he nodded slowly. "Yes."
"I-I need to hear you say the words, Luke. Please."
"My dear Penelope Grace Garcia." Luke started without hesitation, a grin on his face as he looked at her. "I am stupidly, hopelessly, desperately in love with you, chica. All I want is you, forever and ever. Nothing would make me happier than that."
Penelope sucked in a breath, her hand reaching up to caress Luke's cheek. "Oh, honey, if you only knew how long I've wanted to hear that sexy, delightfully husky voice of yours say those words." She told him with a new twinkle in her eyes. "My darling Luke Pablo Alvez, I am wildly, unconditionally, eternally in love with you. All I want is you, forever and ever." She grinned as she admitted it out loud for the first time. "Love, kiss me. Please." She whispered breathlessly as they both leaned in, pressing their lips together.
Luke sighed blissfully against Penelope's mouth, both hands reaching up to run his fingers through her soft blonde hair.
"God, I'm so in love with you." He mumbled into her mouth, stepping closer as Penelope gripped his waist.
"I love you so much." She replied breathlessly, keeping her eyes shut as she pressed against him.
"Mm, I was thinking." He hummed, twirling Penelope's hair around his pointer finger.
"What?" The corners of Penelope's mouth turned up in a smile as she used their close proximity to take in his scent. In this moment, she was so happy she felt like her heart might actually burst out of her chest.
"You look so good in my clothes."
"Yeah?" Her smile turned into a smirk.
"Yeah." He whispered.
"I should wear your clothes more often, then."
"You should."
"I will." She nodded decisively.
And that's how Penelope (finally) got the guy.
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Hellooo! I'm a new atiny and I was wondering if you could help me get to know the boys a bit, if you could describe them in a few words, what you think about them, who's ypur favorite and why. I'm also curious who are the trouble makers and who are the mom and dad of the group who keep them in check.
oooo hellaurrrrr welcome to the mess <3
in a nutshell, ateez is... pretty... self explanatory ??
you only need to know that within ateez is a group of fuckboi wannabe dorks called 99z (구구즈/gu-gu-jeu) which literally translates to the 99 liners and a duo called matz (맏즈) which consist of the two oldest members (both 98 liners) and yeah they left the youngest who's the only 00 liner but frankly ion think he gives a fuck because he's always either with mom and dad (matz) or pulling some shit with 99z.
- matz
seonghwa > the oldest is the mom. he's a boomer trying to become a genz, you'll see him constantly wanting to join in on weird ass 99z antics or with wooyoung circling around him like a chicken doped up in coccaine. soft cute babie off stage like literally lactates whenever he sees kids but on stage looks like he's possessed. I dare you to watch his guerrilla fancam.
hongjoong > captain (not leader), 2nd oldest and the "dad". bc fr he's a workaholic, 9 times out of 10 you'll find him camping in his studio. Dedicated and talented as fuck, produce every ateez songs despite being worse than tone deaf when he first got into kq. the embodiment of the word "tired. and he's possessive as fuck so don't even mention other singer or celebrities near him. he'll pop a vein or smth. stage possession pt. 2
- 99z
yunho > tallest boy. golden retriever who thinks he's a daschund or smth idk. easily excited, so fucking cute, handsome, can kill you with love and kindness. literally don't join his private message on universe, you'll get delulu. soft and lovable yet people wanna fuck with him because they're petty jealous bitches haha pendejo ANYWHAM the way he moves on stage is just... holy fucking shit ???? mesmerising. watch ateez's guerrilla on killpo on 1thek (yt) and you'll get what i mean
yeosang > looks like he can murder you simply by flicking the air near your forehead because HAVE YOU SEEN HIS ARMS ??? kq srsly need to shut down the gym. if you see him during predebut/early debut era and compare to his present look, you'd think he was swapped or smth bc where the fuck is the innocent naive nerd that woo said won't survive this world without him ???
san > DON'T GET TOO CLOSE, YOUR EYES WILL BURN. off stage he's san :D but on stage he's san >;). cheeky lil shit who used to sing in a church choir despite being not religious because he has the voice of an angel. and the body and moves of satan. istg don't watch his cyberpunk fancam in public, you're gonna wanna take a shower after that. master of performance like fr possessed on stage pt. 3
mingi > THE OTHER TALL BOY and the love of my life. looks like he could stomp you and will stomp you. by accident. tol boi makes many many clumsy steps. sexy on stage but off stage makes you wanna swaddle him and feed him cookies. obsessed with abura soba and he's your go-to guy for comfort in terms of like feeling better about yourself or when you feel like a loser. recommends songs A LOT on his pm
wooyoung > sly little bastard. he looks mischievous. AND HE IS MISCHIEVOUS. L O U D A S F U C K, i suggest you don't watch his videos in public because i deadass watched ateez whilst in the bus and Wooyoung's voice penetrate through my earphones. at 0% volume you can still hear him. but he's iconic, memorable, gay as fuck (in the best way) but ion wanna assume his sexuality because he calls his fans his wife. men women nonbinary trigender, EVERYONE'S woo's wife (영부인/young-bu-in). calls his dude friends honey (jagiya) like yeonjun (txt), changbin (skz) and many more methinks. man's a social butterfly like i believe he can befriend putin or smth
- babie <3
jongho > BEAR <3 literally the stylists are doing him justice this comeback bc he looks SO FUCKING GOOD istg he's turning my brain into mush. idk what's above angel voice because that's the fuck he has. so fucking talented and so damn fucking done with his hyungs's antics. but everyone loves him <3 <3 he's still everyone's baby <3 <3 but fr don't mess with him because he splits apples in half without having to try so i do believe he has the power to break spines, limbs, and mental
this is all i can think of so far pls let me know if you have more things you wanna know <3
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kmhnsecretexchange · 2 years
Title: My World is Better with You
Author: kwriterintraining
For: wlw-izuru
Pairings/Characters: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime & Kuzuryu Natsumi
Rating/Warnings: General Audience / No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompt: hajime hinata is the most normal guy in his year, and he wants to stand out more. so naturally, he turns to the weirdest dude in school, nagito komaeda (who happens to think that hajime is more than fine as he is)
Author’s notes: I had fun coming up with this light and fluffy fic, I hope you enjoy your gift ^^
Hajime ate his sandwich, the chatter of the building fading into white noise as he became lost in thought. Suddenly, a loud slam brought him back to reality. A burning pair of green olive eyes were staring daggers into his soul.
What were they even talking about? Fashion? Exams? Celebrities?
Who cares?
Should he care?
Hajime couldn’t say for sure.
“Ugh! Why do I even put up with you?” Natsumi Kuzuryuu screeched in his face.
If it was anyone else, they would probably cower away or beg for mercy. But Hajime knew better. They had known each other since freshman orientation. Even though it was an event to help the new students get along, Natsumi apparently made it her mission to scorch the earth she walked on the moment she arrived at Subaseka university.
She gave a verbal lashing to everyone she came across and glared at anyone who talked behind her back. Soon enough, everyone who wasn’t pissed off at her was too scared to even acknowledge her. Hajime’s first impression of her wasn’t the best, but he admired her courage. She had the guts to stand out and make sure everyone in the room would know who she was.
Hajime, on the other hand, was just another forgettable face in the background. His life mainly consisted of studying and working part-time jobs. He didn’t care to follow celebrity gossip or trends. He just lived his simple normal life like any other person in the world.
He didn’t even think Natsumi would remember him until they found out they shared a lot of classes. Since no one else was willing to work with her, they got paired up in group projects and bonded over their frustrations. Hajime admired her charisma and confidence, while Natsumi appreciated having a friend who was brave enough to tell it to her straight.
So, something like this was normal to Hajime now. The two of them had a staredown, neither of them yielding to the other. Hajime never broke contact as he finished his sandwich. Eventually, Natsumi yielded. 
She huffed and crossed her arms, “Listen, you dick! I’m spending my time on your sorry ass, so the least you can do is pay attention. You’re the one bitching about wanting to be different, so at least try to pick something.”
Natsumi gestured to the fashion magazines laying on the table in front of him. That was when Hajime remembered what they were talking about. He felt a little embarrassed for spacing out when she was doing her best to help him.
He quickly glanced over the covers and felt a weight on him pushing him further into himself. Those models posed with such confidence as they modeled the trendy outfits on them. How could someone make a white t-shirt with ripped jeans look like the coolest thing on the market?
He tried imagining himself with the exact same outfit and cringed. He’d look like a disheveled shut-in who needed a social life.
Half of the other clothes would be too embarrassing to actually wear or were out of his budget. In fact, Hajime was certain he already saw someone on campus wearing one of these outfits. 
“I’ll just look like everyone else who decided to copy from these magazines.” Hajime said as he looked away from Natsumi and the models on the covers. It felt like they were mocking him with how charismatic they were. 
“Well, nothing’s gonna change if you keep moping like this.”
It might have been Hajime’s imagination but Natsumi’s words sounded softer now. But, Hajime just wanted to stop thinking about it. His eyes roamed around the large eatery they were in. Most of the tables were filled with people grabbing a quick bite before their next class. However, one table stood out because it was only occupied by one person.
A white-haired boy with a frame that reminded Hajime of death. The black leather jacket he was wearing only makes his skin look paler. He was like a specter, alone in a corner as if no one could even see him.
However, despite always being alone, everyone in this school knew about Komaeda. Whispers between periods talked about how he said the most confusing and frustrating things. Girls would stay away because of how uncomfortable he made them feel. Guys kept saying how pointless it was to fight him since he always laughed in the face of misery and pain.
That being said, this was the first time Hajime actually saw Komaeda in the flesh. 
“Yeah, maybe I should do something about it.” Hajime muttered, unable to take his eyes off that enigmatic boy.
Natsumi followed Hajime’s gaze before turning back to him with a sharp hiss, “Komaeda? I thought you wanted to stand out, not be a fucking weirdo.”
“I’m just gonna talk to the guy.”
With that, Hajime stood up from his seat. The loud squeak from the chair’s sudden movements drew the attention of countless eyes in the room. Hajime felt their eyes on him but he did his best to ease his drumming heart. That jolt of anxious adrenaline got him in front of Komaeda’s barren table.
“Mind if I sit here?”
Komaeda looked up from his book, seemingly unaware of the attention on them right now. He smiled and said, “Of course. Most people tend to go elsewhere. It makes sense, no one would want to risk associating themselves with someone like me.”
Yeah. Weird and confusing. Komaeda was just like what the rumors said.
“Ok…” Hajime warily sat down on the table. He quickly noticed that people had stopped paying attention to them. He pushed the thought away and focused on making a good impression, “My name is Hinata Hajime.”
“Nice to meet you, Hinata-kun. I’m Komaeda Nagito.” Komaeda introduced himself without putting the book down. In fact, his eyes went back to reading it the moment introductions were over.
Was this guy serious?
A few minutes of painstaking silence answered that question. Hajime decided to take the initiative, “What’re you reading about?”
“Oh, nothing special, just a book about urban legends.”
Hajime knew Komaeda was unusual. After all, rumors about him that circulated him weren’t always kind. But, Hajime wasn’t expecting an answer like that. Komaeda said it in such a carefree way like it wasn’t a big deal at all.
“Really? You believe that stuff?”
Komaeda let out a thoughtful hum, “Well, I don’t think half of these legends are true. Otherwise, we’d see ghosts everywhere we looked. But I do believe there is a natural order to the world.”
“A natural order? Like the strong devour the weak or something like that?”
An airy laugh came from his thin lips as Komaeda finally put the book down, “You have a pretty cutthroat viewpoint, Hinata-kun.”
“H-Hang on! I didn’t say that was my viewpoint!” Hajime quickly argued, pink blotches appearing on his tan cheeks. “I was just asking since you’re the one who mentioned it.”
“Fair enough. After all, what right does someone like me have to question your beliefs?”
Komaeda’s response pretty much shut down the conversation. However, unlike before, he didn’t pick up his book again. Instead, his full attention was now on Hajime. Hajime fought the urge to squirm under his gaze.
Hajime rarely had someone who was so interested in him. He was so ordinary that anything he said wouldn’t add to a conversation, nor did he have any special niche to show off. Even Natsumi was fed up with him and his complaining, he was actually surprised she didn’t follow through on her many threats.
“So… are there any urban legends in there you like?”
Komaeda opened the book and lazily flipped through the pages, “Most of these are more like ghost stories than actual legends, though my personal favorite is about the Curse of the Colonel.”
“Colonel? Was he some big shot from a war?”
“Nope, it’s about a life-size statue of Colonel Sanders. Ever wondered why Hanshin Tigers had such bad luck?”
The answer was so absurd that Hajime started laughing in disbelief. It likely drew some attention but he didn’t care. Hajime didn’t know what was weirder, the fact that people believed that a statue for a fried chicken brand could curse a baseball team or that Komaeda actually liked something like that. He didn’t even know such a thing existed.
How would one respond after being told something like that?
Before Hajime could come up with an answer, a soft beeping melody came from Komaeda and stopped Hajime’s laughter. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and turned the alarm off.
“My class will be starting soon. Hinata-kun is so very kind to spend time with a worthless worm like me. I apologize for rudely cutting our conversation short.”
Komaeda cleared the table he was using and stood up. Hajime also felt that the perpetual smile he noticed on Komaeda’s face looked a little sadder now.
“It’s fine, we can always talk again later.”
Hajime’s words got Komaeda to perk up. His eyes widened ever so slightly. Was Komaeda that surprised?
“If that’s what Hinata-kun wants, I’ll happily oblige.” Nagito chuckled airily before asking, “Could you lend me your phone?”
The whiplash left Hajime speechless as he passed his phone to Komaeda. After Komaeda handed his phone back, he walked away until he finally disappeared from Hajime’s view.
Hajime looked at the number displayed on his phone. How did this happen? Was this really a good idea? The conversation was a whirlwind of emotions that he couldn’t keep up with, but Hajiime never felt so excited.
Maybe this was exactly what he was looking for.
“I still can’t believe you’re doing this.”
Hajime fought the urge to sigh at those words. How many times had he heard Natsumi say that after he first told her about this?
He turned away from the other passengers on the train before responding, “You told me to do something about it, and this is me taking action.”
“There’s standing out and committing social suicide.” There was a pause from the other side. Hajime wondered if the connection was lost before she asked, “You sure this is a good idea?”
The question was asked so quietly that Hajime almost didn’t hear it over the rumbling of the train. No matter how her words may sound, they always carried her truest intentions.
“You’re overthinking it. If this doesn’t work out, we just don’t talk to each other again. Not like we spoke much anyways.”
Although Hajime said that with an air of indifference, his heart twinged a little at the thought of not talking to Nagito again. Ever since they exchanged phone numbers, there were brief greetings in the halls and random texts throughout the week. Sometimes, one of them would ask a question that would turn into an hour-long conversation about something else entirely.
Hajime couldn’t explain it, but talking with Nagito was so comforting.
“Your funeral, then.”
Natsumi’s words still lingered in his mind as he got off the train. Nagito had asked him to meet him in Shibuya this evening, and Hajime was intrigued to see what Nagito had in mind. Once he made it to the surface and faced the noise of the city, he pulled out his phone.
Just as he was about to text Nagito, he spotted the green jacket and white hair standing out in the crowd. Nagito must have noticed him as well and met him halfway,  “Hinata-kun, you made it.”
“Well, yeah. I said I would.”
“Hinata-kun is too kind.” Nagito’s smile felt like there was more beneath it, but Hajime decided now was not the time to pry.
“So, what are we doing here?”
“A friend of mine suggested something we could do.” Komaeda said as he and Hajime walked away from the station.
“Something that needed a driver’s license?” Hajime asked with a raised brow.
Nagito said nothing more about his surprise, changing to another topic. How their classes were going, how the rain had been a nuisance when running between buildings, and how the professors seemed to be relentless with their assignments. Nagito proposed that the professors were conspiring with each other to have their coursework align as closely as possible.
Nagito played it off as a joke but Hajime wondered how true it was since he had 4 assignments due in the coming 2 weeks.
Eventually, they came across a storefront with go-karts parked on the side of the road. There were people dressed up in costumes inside the store, making Hajime feel weirdly underdressed. He awkwardly tugged the sleeves on his hoodie and followed Nagito to the counter.
“What is this place?”
“Nanami-san told me about this, we get to dress up as Mario characters and drive around Shibuya. It sounded interesting, so I wanted to surprise you with it.”
Well… this wasn’t what he expected when Nagito asked him to meet up in Shibuya at night. Hajime was expecting something… weirder?
Like a cafe with yokai statues all over the place, or a mystic wishing pond. 
Something that wasn’t this.
“Hinata-kun, do you not like it?” Nagito muttered as he wrapped his arms around himself, “Ah, I should’ve known better than to be so presumptuous. Driving at night in the middle of the city isn’t very fun. Our first date, and I am already ruined-”
“Woah, calm down.” Hajime quickly shook his head and hands, trying to get through to him, “I never said I didn’t like it. We came all the way to Shibuya for this, so we might as well try it out.”
The smile on Nagito’s face made it a little easier when he walked over to the costume rack and accepted the costume bag Nagito was holding.
That warm feeling went away immediately when he saw the orange dress inside of it.
Hajime walked out of the dressing room with a scowl, while Nagito was obviously holding back his laughter. Why did he have to be Daisy when Nagito got a Luigi costume?!
“You look good in orange, Hinata-kun.”
“Did you book this?”
“Costumes can’t be booked ahead of time, Hinata-kun. I just picked two off the rack that matched our sizes.”
Hajime didn’t fully believe him but there was no point in making a scene when all the other drivers were in costume too. After the kart instructor gave them instructions about the go-kart and the route they’d be taking, they each hopped into their own karts and drove off into the night.
For the first time in a long time, Hajime was entranced by the nightlife around him. In a world where everyone was competing to outshine the other, he never really took the time to actually look around at the people he competed with.
The glowing lights from the giant screens and signs, the chatter of people on the sidewalk, and the sound of traffic whizzing alongside the karts.
Hajime felt grounded in a way he didn’t remember feeling before.
Nagito’s kart drove up next to his, and the city lights made Nagito shine like nothing Hajime had seen before. The lights gave Nagito’s pale skin a glow of color. His fluffy hair looked ethereal as strands of it fluttered with the passing sights. His eyes had a sense of wonder in them as he took in everything around him.
He turned to Hajime and smiled.
Even in that ridiculous green costume, Hajime was charmed.
Eventually, they made it back to the starting point. Hajime got out of the kart with a new perspective of the city. He only came to Shibuya when Natsumi dragged him along on her shopping binges, so he never really thought much of it until now.
He had Nagito to thank for that.
Hajime quickly took the costume off in the dressing room and placed it back into the bag it came in. Nagito was waiting for him with his Luigi costume in hand, “Did you enjoy it?”
“More than I thought, actually.”
“Hinata-kun’s expectations were already so low, I see. I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you.” The smile on Nagito’s face as he said that made Hajime’s heartache and Hajime was ready to argue against that.
“Are you kidding me? If anything, I’m surprised you’re not disappointed by me.”
“Hinata-kun could never disappoint me.” Nagito’s sudden declaration surprised him into silence. Hajime saw the sincerity in his expression and heard no hesitation in those words.
Were those Nagito’s true feelings?
As they left the building, Hajime glanced at where the train station was. However…
He wasn’t ready for this to end yet.
Instead, he turned towards Nagito, “Come on, a date isn’t over until we have dinner. How are you feeling?”
Nagito’s shoulders slumped a little as he answered, “A little peckish.”
Was Nagito worried Hajime would leave? Maybe Nagito didn’t want this to end yet either.
With a burst of confidence, Hajime took Nagito’s hand and started walking, “How about some ramen? I know a good place.”
Nagito’s eyes brightened as he let Hajime lead the way. He felt Nagito intertwining their fingers together, embracing the warmth from their hands. To anyone else, they were another couple on the bustling streets of Shibuya. But to Hajime, no one else existed at this moment but him and the boy who he grew to care so much about.
Hajime usually felt like another face in the crowd, just another ordinary person that would never stand out. But tonight he realized it didn’t bother him at all. Not once did he feel that pressure on his chest or the anxiety gnawing away at his sanity. Nagito snapped Hajime out of his dull boring world and gave him a taste of what he had neglected. 
How did Hajime miss so much? And Nagito… Hajime had already seen enough to know the rumors didn’t show the real Komaeda Nagito. The real Nagito was earnest, spontaneous, and very optimistic. How many more layers would Hajime uncover as they spent more time together?
With Nagito, Hajime felt special. Nagito looked at him like he was worth admiring, like he was more than enough. Hajime supposed that he was fine being who he was. After all, he finally felt seen by someone who mattered to him.
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in jack's perfect reality, what would his relationship with ed be like?
I think it depends on when and what's going on with Jack. Like young 20 something Jack on Hornigold's ship is gonna desire different things from a relationship or lack there of than the more world weary older Jack we see in the show, and there's a question of if he even wants to be with Ed at that point (he certainly wants to fuck him in all situations and universes but most people are not on my he's in love with Ed bandwagon) But I love to chew on, analyze, and crawl inside of the brain of our favoriate Herpes Cowboy so I'll give you a few scenarios. But I'll start out with the consistencies I think there are across all three of these situations.
First of all the similarities. I'm on the he's in love with Ed train through and through, because I like the concept not because I have a lot of evidence to back it up. That being said I feel like Mr. "We're all just in various stages of fucking each other over" is commitment averse shall we say. He and Ed are fuck buddies with an emphasis on buddies and I don't think he wants that to change. Even if they're boyfriends Jack's gonna want to fuck other people and he's gonna want Ed to be able to fuck other people if he so chooses. Second of all Jack's a pirate. One of the pirates ever even. He's gonna want to be doing piracy. If they're not making out during shoot outs with the law it's gonna get too boring. Third he's a party girl, and he wants Ed to party with him.
So I'll start with back when Jack and Ed were young dumb and full of cum. This I think here he and Ed were weathering the storm together and this is before the world chewed them up and spit them out so this is the softest they're gonna get. I do think Jack wants to be softer than he was allowed to be here. He's gross and derranged in all timeframes but I don't think the toxic pirate culture has quite taken root yet. In this time frame his ideal relationship with Ed is straight up boyfriends. He never got it because Ed was too afraid to admit it and he was too afraid to admit it and they were both being taught the hard way to trust no bitch. In reality they are cuddling but only after sex and Jack has to make some fucked up comment about how Ed's such a pansy for wanting to cuddle in order to deflect and seem more macho, but in Jack's mind they're holding hands and going on dates where they skin a rich guy alive together but in a romantic way. And in Ed's mind they're holding hands and going on dates where nobody gets skinned and they do boy best friend activities but while holding hands.
Now what do I think Jack's ideal scenario was when he suggested republic of pirates at the end of episode 8 for his and Ed's relationship? Depends on whether He actually has been mutinied or not but I think either way he does want to take this opportunity to keep Ed around because he likes him. If he's smart he'll decide against it because Ed is potentially a rival pirate captain but we're talking about his perfect world, and I think in his perfect world he and Ed go get a ship together and continue doing piracy and being buddies. However here I don't think he's necessarily looking for the boyfriend angle anymore. He wants to fuck, drink, and hang out. Guys being dudes.
Now. I do want to talk about the dynamic of Jack and Ed if he didn't get mutinied vs if he did. I made this post yesterday in which I considered a new angle to the whole "Whose with me" thing that Jack did to Stede and joked about Jack imagining him and Ed running off with Stede's boat and crew to do Bonnie and Clyde shit. I've been rotating the scenario in my brain ever since (would be out of character for Ed but Jack doesn't know that) Because I've been rotating this post mutiny Jack scenario I think there's two different dynamics for Ed and Jack being boy best friends on the same boat but this time they're in charge. If he didn't get mutinied I think he would want to be the captain and keeping Ed around is an unrealistic fantasy because motherfucker that's Blackbeard, he will have your crew answering to him instead of you in seconds. but we're looking at unrealistic fantasies so, Jack's in charge Ed's on the ship. However if he did indeed get mutinied three times... Well. Izzy's just betrayed Ed so he's out of the picture. And Ed is a very charismatic captain, and can definitely keep a crew on his side, something that thrice mutinied Jack has failed at. I think he's looking to slot himself in as Ed's second in command and use his shiny new "guy who's fucking blackbeard" card to get away with causing as many problems as he wants and partying all day and doing absolutely no work.
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rosaj1890 · 2 years
First of all , let's just accept the fact that there are days , in which, we all feel a tad bit extra sensitive to bullshit than normal .
So here I am .. I wasted an entire day today . Today I was in a low mood . I went out ,I bathed and worked out . That helped a little but not much . I called my friends and hubby .. surprisingly I felt a little better . Nontheless ,my energy levels were quite low .
So I decided to dig a little deep . And the cause is kinda simple . I felt left out by a family member of mine . And I really kinda did like her . But she ignores me most of the time . She is my cousin sister. We used to be such good buddies but now there is beef between our families . And that kinda wrecked my mental health a bit coz I am majorly an anxious person . So the FOMO hit hard . And here is the root cause of my mental shittiness . I didn't acknowledge the fact that I was hurt , I tried to tough it out and that gave me immense mental fatigue .
That being said , I have to accept that there is nothing I can do to change her . Only I can change myself . Not her or her family and the nasty shit they say about me behind my back . Haters gonna hate . And that's a fact . So accept it .
I have to let it out like what am doing now . Understand that stupid and toxic family members exist and that is so not MY fucking problem and I should just learn to face the fact and accept that those bitches, don't give a damn about me . And I should work harder . I won't be under the mercy of any moddafukkazz and I will study and be better than the people I hate.
If you have made it this far , then this is your sign to :
--start Journaling and letting it out
-- taking self care seriously so that you will have that mileage to keep going
--keep a good timetable that would help you stay consistent .
You got this !!
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pinkrabit · 7 months
ATLA LA Episode 3 Omashu
"We have our anger. We have our grief.. We have hope." It's good to see a message mildly consistent with the LA and the OG.
Yessss let's kill Ozai
This boys gonna die, huh.
Ambush kinda sucks though. God, ozai is such an arrogant bitch. He's perfect.
I love the aspect of fire nation citizens being shone to hate the leadership of the firenation early on.
Little Azula
Jesus Azula just watching with a mild smirk and her arrogance. She is a mad king. Just like her father. Just like the OG.
Her anger at hearing her brother succeeding in a wild goose chase, if only a little <3
I like Katara being self-taught. It shows her dedication, her appreciation to her (nearly lost) culture, and her accepting help from a master of another element *aang)
"Tap into your feelings" shows trauma of watching her mother die. Her mother is still a major drive. Like the OG
"The monks said I never listened. At least I think that's what they said. I never listened."
Sokka being a road trip dad is in 2/3 avatar universes.
Katara teasing Sokka aboit Suki is beautiful
Zhao has already snitched baby boy Zuko
Zuko just being a mild angsty teen instead of extremely angsty is fine but I need more.
Even if Zuko doesn't like Zhao there are rules he has to follow.
"We're fire nation. Even out here." He told himself that his entire banishment in every universe. We HAVE TO KNOW THAT.
"What makes you think we're outsiders??" Aang, my sweet boy, you're not wearing the typical fantasy wear. Your clothes are orange. Not green. Don't you know the nation's base shit off of colors??? Silly goose.
Katara taking the lead to connect feels on brand.
Sokka scoffing at people flirting with his sister!!!!
"STRUCK MUTE AT BIRTH" you just know sokka hates that in every universe
Aang running off like the 12 year old he is.
I like them blending Omashu with the Inventor's story and Teo, actually. I wonder if Bumi knows Sai is giving plans to the firenation.
"There spies are everywhere in the city." ... like you're father..??
Aang once again being u comfortable with the description of violence.
I don't appreciate "Sai" allegedly creating the mail system.
Sokka is acting like a kid in a candy store with all the tinkering stuff. He's such a need.
The bombing! (The G)Aangs reaction!! Aang is having another "I can't be a kid, I'm the Avatar" moment.
Azula raving!!! TY LEE!!! MAI!!
Ty Lee seems quirky enough. Mai is still so sullen. My precious girls.
Azula feeling entitled to the throne for helping Ozai fits so well with the end of the OG.
Sokka volunteering to help the mechanist!!!
Kataras mistakes in her bending 🥺🥺
His outfit is so good
I like turning Jet into a more calculated loose canon.
Teo and Aang laughing together 🥹🥹 Aang is acting like a boy !
The Duke! Longshot! SMELLERBEE! Pipsqueak!
"We're the good guys." The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Jet.
Sokka gushing about his dad to the Mechanist 🥹🥹
"If not us, then who?"
Jet get that fucking weed out of your mouth
Anarchist!Jet supremacy
"If not us, then who"
Of course, it's not the fire nation.
I like that the show seems to be keeping up with, to a certain degree, that the "good side" can be bad
Katara and Jet sharing stories about their mothers.
"Lately, [my mother's death] been coming back to me." Because now you're ready to begin healing. You're ready for the memories your mind suppressed. You are ready to feel the anger and injustice. You are now "safe" to do so.
The "Fight with everything you have" message/motif has not been lost in this show. At least with Jet
Her mom <333
Now. I am a kataang shipper. I love their endless devotion and trust in one another. I love how their feelings for each other were so gradual you could hardly see it. They are each others hope and home
BUT.. I really like this katara/jet moment
Zuko, love, you're such a Hater.
I love the charcoal pencil Azula's using. Pretty accurate, historically, if I remember correctly.
Sokka, you brilliant nerd. You're so proud of the bird.
Katara, both Sai and Jet can be traitors. They are not mutually exclusive.
Katara, did I just hear your voice crack??? Sounds like emotional anger, I've been waiting for you to rise.
"I don't need proof for that" yes, Sokka, we know you're an ass and we love you anyway.
Jet, you're so unhinged, and true to the OG
Thank you, "sacrifice the few to save the many"
Jet's character is perfect.
"This guy?? Again??" Yes, Sokka. Love the dry humor.
"This is my fight." No, Aangs. This is an adult's fight.
Zuko I understand you're a highly capable boy. You've worked hard to master bending and fighting, but you're ruining the marketplace atmosphere.
Zuko getting hit by an older woman like a thug is missing. No notes. This wasn't in the OG!
Aang is so done with Zuko already, haha
Aang having Zuko’s diary, omg
I like to think bending is similar to adrenaline. Where a fear response becomes strong enough to force your body to do something it otherwise couldn't do. Like with Katara's bending.
Zuko looks so lost and guilty, after watching an adult sacrifice themselves for him.
Don't worry, my sweet misguided boy, Iroh has friends even if you can't make any.
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seasideretreat · 2 years
Things are not things
We do not know what is there and what is not there. Everything is doubtful. What we see in life is that general things are located in the variety of things that we know. But things are not things. When we see the essence of things happen, we do not realize the thing that is utilized by the essence of the things. Everything is uncertain. What we see in the vast expanse of the universe is that things are totally strange and abstract in the totality of happy existence: we do not realize what is going on.
I am crazy. I do way too much labour for what I get for it. I work too hard. Always have. I do not understand the art of taking it easy. I do not understand the art of not giving a damn. I always have to be the best, always have to be in control. I am working so hard right now, and I enjoy it, but I know it is a dispicable situation; but this is what knowledge does, it makes us make the best of a dispicable situation, although I don't know if that is very eloquently put. Today I was working and I thought: I am gonna stop. But then I thought of something my mother said: sometimes you just have to man up. And then I did this and I got through the whole thing, but then the troubles came and I still had a really hard time. Manning up can help you get over you psychological weaknesses, but not over your psychical weaknesses.
Hard work is not good for writing, I think. But the thing is, everything is all right when you have the knowledge. The thing about hard work is that you don't notice you're doing it until it is too late. So with the knowledge, that you know that you're working hard, you won't keep it going on until it is too late, perhaps. You will work hard for variety. Or maybe you will just work hard to get results. The thing is, taking it easy will not usually lead to productivity, although skill will bring success as Ecclesiastes says. But this is the thing: people work hard for results, but they end up dying that way, whereas those of us who take it easy will be better off in the long run - that's also a topic in Ecclesiastes. It's not like we're naturally predisposed towards hard work or taking it easy: most people just go about randomly, as Socrates said, and do not examine their lives for why. We can always do something - the hard work yields an infinity of results, but it doesn't make us happy, whereas taking it easy will make us happy, but it has to be cultivated moderately, which is also what Ecclesiastes meant to say, I believe. This is the thing: when we're writing we're hard at work, but when we're not writing we can ALSO be very hard at work, thinking, preparing, labouring et cetera. It's all terrible, but this is how life is. As they say: life is a bitch and then you die. I don't know. I guess we'll just have to accept that it's really hard to write consistently, but this is why it drives me crazy, because I know I can write whenever I want, but I just can't think of anything to write when I really need to, or something - and this is what proves that thinking is a job, a hard job maybe even, although I am not sure about that. They say the best job is being an actuary, which is odd, but it has to do with the amount of satisfaction we get from doing stimulating work that also requires your head, and an actuary has to do a lot of calculations, so he has a challenging job but not back-breaking labour et cetera, its rewarding I don't know what the word is, point is he just likes his job and we all hate ours. I know that generally speaking jobs in academia are highly regarded, because you get to think about big topics and yet you're expected to hold lectures and so on and so forth, and it's not anonymous or mechanical work, its not repetative et cetera, but who cares right? Do we really know anything? Maybe working in academia is just horrible because of all the meetings or because you never get to speak your mind or express yourself, or because you always have to suck up to the higher placed academicians. Why am I even writing? It's because I am in despair, existentially, but I know now that there's a chance for gayety when we are like this; likewise, I might go into taking it easy mode and I'd have to write much more densely and yet it wouldn't mean anything, at least now I can pretend I am an Englishman. And the best thing is: I don't feel I have to write endlessly! I can stop and collect myself and then just continue writing. But for the past few days I have been writing about writing and I don't really know why, but I just roll with it because it results in such long paragraphs and I always feel very satisfied when I vomit out a long paragraph. But I have really already said virtually everything I was gonna say anyway and now it's just a matter of tying off the text somehow I suppose.
I spoke about knowledge, and that's a good thing, but I am really not knowledgeable. I want to be knowledgeable but I just can't become it. The only thing I know how to do is write, but it is just tiring somehow - after about a day of writing I am done with it for the whole month. We all know that super-influential works of philosophy are always written fast, like in the spur of the moment, but we also see that if we write a lot every day we become crazy. I don't know. I just can't keep up the hard labour, because I am not a hard worker I suppose, I prefer to do it easily and not worry too much, but there ain't no way forward. Of course, like anyone, I like my madness, so I don't strive too hard to eliminate it, but I should because it ruins my life. I once read someone's tweet on Twitter that said: "I don't know how to relax and it's ruining my life." I felt the same way, but I am always relaxing, my life is an endless vacation, were it not that I have a job right now and everybody thinks it is great, it's really quite astounding how having a job can improve your life, but now I don't want to write anymore because I have a job - I mean, I could still write tiny pieces every day, and I love that, but it is not enough for the world, maybe, we don't want it, or I dunno, maybe it doesn't matter. I will just try to stick to 200 words per day for the most part then, because what does it matter? My writing is not that good, I dunno, I have written really good things in a really short amount of time, but in the grand scheme of things, you really don't need to write fast, slow but steady wins the race and all that; I mean, nobody is waiting for my book, I just need to write it slowly, then I will be happier; but maybe I can write in the meantime, I mean, THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING: You got to do something. This is the horror of writing. It's really exhausting, but I can't think of anything better to do, and so I will write in my free time and then I cannot recover in time for my job, I mean, if anything, writing is ruining my life, as a kind of bad habit, I mean, it is a seated activity after all and this is also Ecclesiastes "Much study wearies the body."
You have to understand, writing gives me so much, but it cannot solve all my problems. That's why I don't want to write all the time. But I've been typing away at this post for way too long already, but it's typing which is less labour-intensive than hand-writing, less liable to damage your body, but that doesn't really matter because psychologically it is supposedly really bad, but as I said in my last post I feel so badass when I write and I just really need it, I want to write, I just don't know when to stop.
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4dtk · 3 years
a sweet bet (jaehyun)
anon: “Hey can I request innocent school boy Jaehyun with freaky bad girl y/n smut?:)” thx for requesting anon! both jae and y/n are the same age, although are around university ages. you can take it in a way that y/n takes up the dom (altho… she’s not so mean) role in this!
fem pronouns. thank u for the challenge! i don’t write fem doms that often so this was interesting to try out :)
content warnings: a bit of fem dom, sub!jaehyun, vaginal penetration, breeding (I'll never let this damn kink go), implications of pegging/strap-on, praise, like one mention of "brat"
“aw, aren’t you such a darling?” you cooed, backing jaehyun up against the door of the classroom as his head covers most of the window on the door. you peak just over his locks to look at the dwindling number of students, most of them heading to class.
“(y/n)-ssi, i-i don’t think we should be doing this-“ jaehyun gasps when you invade his space, nose an inch from the other as his eyes struggle to focus on something.
“so now you’re backing down?” you tilt your head, challenging him. “not when your friends were betting on whether you could even get within a metre of me?”
“y’know… i don’t mind being used for bets or anything, but when someone accepts it like a champ, i expect them to carry it out like one.”
jaehyun sucks in a breath when your arm snakes around his waist, pulling his hips off the comfort of the door. you can tell he’s enjoying it even if his words say otherwise, hips pushing up to get any form of friction for his growing erection.
“proximity wasn’t your bet, right? you just wanted a piece of this pussy, huh?” jaehyun reacts strongly to your use of such a lewd word, swallowing on nothing and making the mistake of dropping his eyes to your lower half.
he timidly nods, breaths coming out short that all he can focus on is your body heat and the words of his friends resonating in his mind. he was happy to take a chance with the popular chick he shared the english literature major with, already envisioning good money that one of his richer friends promised.
why’d they pick you of all people? he wondered why he even said yes when you so clearly had no problem pinning him down. at least the other chick would take her time and beg to be fucked, presenting him with no problem since he’s had a bit of… knowledge from porn.
now, all jaehyun could compare himself to was prey caught in an unfortunate position by its predator. hell, forget about fucking anyone dumb, if anything, he was the one at your mercy.
“you want this, jeong jaehyun?” you ask nonchalantly, eyes already filled with lust at how easily he obeyed to your movements. a widen of his eyes, a bite of his underlip and a curt nod.
you smiled, “good.”
the next minutes were blurry, clouded by hot breaths and wandering hands. your lips moved against jaehyun’s like a sin, tongue slipping into the others’ mouth while he deepens the kiss as much as he can. you can feel his dick on your thighs; he’s rutting against it like a bitch, hesitant hands travelling over your body as it settles over your breasts.
“you’re a good boy, aren’t you? you don’t need to ask for permission.”
with your arms, you’re flipping the two of you over so you’re concealed from the prying eyes of curious students while jaehyun adapts to the new position. he wastes no time to draw your shirt up and bra down, latching his mouth onto your nipples and swirls them around his tongue.
you hum, palming his hardening cock that has his efforts interrupted by the needy moans he lets out. you struggle to hold your own too, his tongue sucking effortlessly while bucking into your hand. it makes you wet, soaking your underwear that you have such a cute boy at your disposal.
you waste no time to push him down to his knees once he’s done, his big doe eyes staring up at you as his hands linger at the waistband of your pants.
“go on,” you mumble breathlessly, sighing in relief when your underwear separates itself from your leaking cunt in a string of arousal, not missing the surprised noise that the other makes. it’s adorable, the way he experimentally places a finger against your slit, rubbing at it like it’s his first time. you shiver when he slips a finger in, holding onto his shoulders while you lean forward at the immense pleasure.
he could call it his first time, although i’ve definitely done it before, god! i’ve practiced making love to my pillow before finding out who was in it for the bet, he thinks. the ‘done it before’ in question only involved pillows and fleshlights, however, but god, nothing compares to the real thing. nothing compares when he can feel you react to his ministrations, thighs shaking at the way your pussy sucks in his slender finger.
“such a g..good boy- ah! can you go faster for me, jaehyun?” you cover your mouth as fast as you can to muffle your moans, grinding down on a single finger that has your face scrunched up in pleasure. he obeys immediately with a flush to his cheeks, pumping his digit at a speed even you couldn’t go at yourself. you let out a gasp when he inserts a second one without warning.
“shit- fuck!” you mewl when his fingers brush up against your clit, observing that his fingers disappearing and reappearing into you makes for an extremely appealing sight. it seems that jaehyun has the same thought, using his free hand to rub his cock that’s forming a tent in his pants. it’s painful, you can tell by the furrow of his brows, but it only fuels the knot in your stomach further.
it’s so appealing that you cum on the spot in a silent scream. your hips have a mind of their own, riding out the orgasm with quickness as your mouth spews profanities and murmurs of jaehyun’s name.
your head hits the wall in a loud thunk, breath heavy from the satisfying climax.
“you did so well, baby. need my help?”
the other’s frantic nods only makes your smile widen, gesturing for him to stand up before your hands reach forward to peel off his pants and soaked briefs. you turn him around, back against your chest when your hand reaches round to wrap around his shaft.
the immediate obscene sounds fill the room, cock hard and wet with pre-cum that jaehyun quivers at the cold air on his dick and your hasty hand that’s stroking him.
jaehyun is thrashing around in your arms, tears threatening to leak from his eyes when you swipe your thumb over his tip. his cries fill your ears like music and you can feel the crystal clear sensation of his hair digging into neck as well as the juices seeping from your pussy.
“(y/n)-ssi- hah… faster please! faster, faster!” he whimpers, head thrown back onto your shoulder. he’s moving against your hand, desperate to chase his high with mouth parted open and eyes closed, he’s there, he’s there, he feels it.
and then you stop. he whines, hips moving on their own accord to feel everything, anything.
“ah, ah, no- stop that.”
you’re turning jaehyun over again, revelling in his full length that you don’t notice his crimson cheeks and messy hair. his forehead is dotted with sweat and he manages out a cute little plea that has you humming.
“are you gonna fuck me good, now, baby?” you pout, drawing a finger down his neck, to his torso and finally resting on his cock.
the shaky breath that jaehyun releases makes you smirk, twitching from the minimal pressure you’ve used. he nods a second later, licking his lips at the dryness that’s taken over them.
“hah… t-that’s it, baby. oh my god, you’re so big…” you moan when he enters you slowly, relishing in the way your soaked cunt provides some lube as the other groans into your shoulder. your bodies are pressed up together with no space in between, the heat of your pussy already causing him to move his hips needily.
“fuck me with all you got, brat,” you spit out, prompting a particularly harsh thrust that has you jerking forward with eyes shut tight.
for someone so shy, jaehyun’s thrusts hit the spot just right, reaching so deep inside of you that you’re hunched over his person. the groans he’s making out only increases your arousal, and combined with the rush of getting caught, it was almost divine how good he’s fucking you.
it’s so divine that you forget that jaehyun was freezing up under your touch earlier, that you forget you’re supposed to be edging him with your words and hands.
“am i doing good, (y/n)-ssi?” the innocence laced within his voice ignites something inside of you, nodding incoherently that you have to give a few seconds before getting your words out.
“mhm- hm- you’re fucking me so good that i can’t even talk, baby. i think that’s- f..fuck- enough proof for you- ah!”
jaehyun basically preens at the praise, burying his face into your neck with the gentleness of a feather while his hips piston in and out of you contrastingly. the squelching noises fill the room like no other, echoing in the classroom that stretches at least two stories, and you’re so tempted to let your whimpers break free, wanting to hear it in the same space that jaehyun’s fucking you in.
“(y/n)-ssi! (y/n)-ssi, oh fuck, baby-“ the pet name slips from his mouth, his movements consisted more of chasing his orgasm rather than pleasing you, but you don’t mind with the way his breaths hit your neck and your sweat mingles with his. you’re grasping onto his shoulders you hard you’re convinced you’re going to dislocate them.
“more, more, more- i want more, (y/n)-ssi,” jaehyun choked out, fisting at your nipples in between his index and thumb. you tremble at the contact, but your hands don’t show it when you brush away the hair that’s stuck to his forehead. his eyes and nose are red, drool falling from the corners of his mouth.
“you’re doing so good, angel.” he moans with the compliment, tears now fully falling as his eyes screw shut at the way you’re clenching around his cock and the way that his balls slap against your cunt lewdly.
“‘m close, (y/n)! mmhhn-!” he doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before he’s cumming deep in you, filling you up with his seed. you don’t miss the way his cock throbs inside of you as his cum continues to leak from his cock. in a second, jaehyun fucks the cum back into you, knowing you haven’t came for the second time.
“make me cum like a good boy, jaehyun,” you pant out, playing with your clit as his thrusts become sloppy yet again. he’s cumming again?
you get your answer when you feel another rush of white hot cum stuffed deep into your pussy, filling you to the brim while you reach your own orgasm. your lips let out little pants, while your eyes are fixated on the way jaehyun’s pupils dilate. it’s not long before he pulls out, your juices mixing with his seed which spills out like a bottle without a lid.
it flows down your thighs uncomfortably, but you swipe it up with a finger lingering at the edge of his lips. the other takes your digit with compliance, making a mess and slurping and slobbering all over. it sparks endless ideas in your mind.
“mhm… maybe next time i’ll let you suck on my cock, huh? then i’d fuck you dumb like what you just did to me. whatd’ya say?” the sheepish smile jaehyun gives is all the confirmation you need, even more determined to ruin him silly when he takes two more fingers into his mouth.
he would just have to collect that bet money a hundred times over, because you’d definitely fuck him that many times.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Second Chance
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff, lil angst
note / request - “hi! can we get a carl x reader during like season 10. they were together in the past and they broke up, but hang out everyday. but carl still likes her so he tries getting her back.” this is so trash lmao, but enjoy!
summary - you and carl dated a while back, but now are just friends. he spends the day with you, hoping to win you back
warnings - language, underage drinking, suggestive content but no real smut
*gif isnt mine* 
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“Hey, C-Bear!” You called out.
“‘Sup, Y/n/n!” Carl smiled at you. You ran up the stairs of his porch and gave him a tight hug.
“How was Florida?” Carl asked once you pulled back.
“Hot as shit, but fun. How was Chicago?” You asked a giggle.
“Same old,” he shrugged.
You looked at your best friend and smiled. “So, what’re we gonna do today? It is the last day of summer.”
“I was thinking of just hanging out here. It’s too hot to do anything,” Carl shrugged.
You nodded, “Sounds good.”
You two walked into Carl’s house. You saw Franny on the couch with Debbie.
“Hey, Debs. Hi, Fran-Fran!” You squealed and went over to Franny.
“Y/n!” Franny exclaimed.
“How have you been, squirt?” You asked the little girl, picking her up in your arms.
“Good,” she smiled widely. “Good,” you smiled.
Carl looked at you while talking to Franny, absolutely mesmerized.
You and Carl had dated the previous summer. You two had a good run. You lasted for 6 months before Carl had met a girl named Anne at his job. You noticed him slipping away slowly everyday. It broke your heart and you knew that you had to end it. Carl obviously didn’t realize he was falling in love with someone else, so you sat him down and told him you were breaking up with him. It hurt like a bitch for you, but you knew it was for the best so you wouldn’t end up getting more hurt in the end. You handled it maturely, telling him that you two could still be friends no matter what. You two were friends way before you dated, anyways. 
Carl handled it differently, though. He was angry at you for accusing him for falling in love with another girl. He cursed at you, stormed out of your car, and didn’t talk to you for 2 weeks. You missed him, but you were kind of thankful he left you alone. 
In those 2 weeks, you were able to rediscover your self worth. You managed to convince yourself that Carl was just like every other guy at your age; stupid. You knew you were hot shit and if he didn’t want you, then that was his loss. 
Even though you said this to yourself everyday, the hurt feelings didn’t stop. It took you a good 2 months to stop thinking about Carl and Anne together, him possibly cheating on you while he was on the job. You finally got over all the anxious thoughts and were happier now. You’d never admit it, but you were still in love with Carl, and you knew that he was the one, but the one that got away. 
Those 2 weeks for Carl were absolute hell. He missed you so much and started to pull away from Anne. Pulling away from Anne made him realize that you were right. That he was slowly falling in love with another woman, but he also realized that he loved you more. He took those 2 weeks to straighten himself up. He did pep-talks with himself, had his brothers help him out in what to do. They gave him hell for letting you go. Even they knew you were the one for him and reminded him of it everyday.  
Carl called you up after those two weeks and you agreed to try and be friends. It was hard for the first month, for both of you. You two were quiet and awkward when you hung out. You wouldn’t even hug him goodbye when you left his house, much less a high-five. But, it gradually got easier. You two saw each other more and fell into a comfortable rhythm, which consisted of you ignoring your feelings of love for him, and Carl acknowledging his feelings for you, always thinking of ways to get you back, but none of them working out. 
Now it was a year later and you two were back to being best friends like you were before you started dating. You had pushed the feelings you had for Carl away so much, it was barely there anymore. It was the opposite for Carl, he was still so deeply in love with you. So now that it was the last day of summer, he had planned to spend the whole day with you, try and woo you and get you back. 
“Are you hungry?” Carl asked, grabbing back your attention. 
You nodded. “Starving.”
“I think we have some cookies we can bake, right Debs?” Carl asked his sister. 
“I think so. We also have decorating icing, too,” Debbie said. 
“Great! What kind of cookies do you guys have?” You asked, going over to the kitchen.  “Just chocolate chip, I think. Maybe sugar cookies?” Debbie said. 
You hummed and looked in their fridge and found two rolls of chocolate chip and sugar cookies. 
“Found ‘em!” You exclaimed excitedly. 
Carl went into the kitchen with you, smiling at the happy expression you had on your face.
“Help me put them on a tray?” You asked. 
Carl nodded and went next to you. He took the sugar cookie roll and broke it into pieces. Debbie walked over to the kitchen, taking a seat, wanting to catch up with you.
“So, why did you guys do in Florida?” Debbie asked. 
“Went swimming, went to Universal Studios. We went to a lot of nice restaurants. I met a few cute guys there, too,” you smiled. 
“Ooh, really?” Debbie smirked. “Any that stuck?”
“This one kid named Josh. We played volleyball on the beach for a while. He told me he liked my swim suit,” you smirked. 
“Did you two hook up,” Debbie asked.  
Carl tensed at her words. He hoped you would say no. You weren’t like someone to jump into things like that so fast. Sure, you had a few boyfriends before Carl, but he knew that you took time in getting to know him. Plus, your first time was with him. 
“Nah. I’m pretty sure he had a girlfriend. There was a girl on the beach that kept glaring at me and hanging onto his arm. I even saw them kiss a few times,” you snorted. 
“Wow, he sounds like an ass,” Debbie said. 
“Yep. That’s why I rejected his kind offer to fuck,” you laughed.
“Atta girl,” Debbie gave you a high-five. 
“Yeah, I didn’t really feel like becoming the talk of the town or whoever those people lived,” you chuckled. 
"It’s good you said no,” Carl chimed in. 
“Oh, yeah, why? Besides the obvious,” you raised a brow. 
“Because it’s not you to hook up randomly,” Carl said. 
“Are you implying I’m a prude,” you chuckled. 
“No, no. I just... you waited until we dated to fuck, I-”
“Yeah, yeah,” you cut Carl off. You moved to put the cookies in the oven. Carl couldn't see it, but you were very flustered.
Him mentioning your romantic past brought up memories. These memories were the ones you didn’t mind remembering. They just made your legs weak heart swell. 
Carl was right, you did wait until you two were dating to have sex. You wanted it to be special and even though you two were just friends at the time, before you two were dating, you knew that sex with him would be special. And to your delight, it was. He was gentle, sweet, loving. He payed attention to you the whole time. It was one of the things you knew would live in your memory forever. 
“You waited?” Debbie asked. “Yeah,” you stood back up and shrugged. 
“Wow, I wish I had your self control,” Debbie snorted.
“It wasn't about self control. It was just knowing who was right for me,” you said. Your gaze fell on Carl as you said those words. 
He had a small on his face, to which you returned. Your heart fluttered at the sight, which made you avert your gaze immediately. Even though you didn’t mind the memories, you did mind the feelings they and him brought. As much as you hated to admit it, a part of you was still attracted to him. 
That part of you was the one you constantly had to push away. You had to remind yourself what he did. How he fell in love with another girl. How he let go someone good, kind, so loving and supportive. You knew if you let that other part of you invade your mind and feelings, you would be in his bed making out with him and possibly getting hurt, which was something you didn’t want. 
“How long do these have to bake?” Carl asked. 
“Like 15-20 minutes,” you said. He nodded and put his tray in the oven. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” Carl asked. 
“Sure,” you nodded. 
“I’m gonna go and meet Claudia. Watch Franny for me?” Debbie asked. 
“I’d love to!” You smiled. You loved Franny. She was such an easy and good kid to watch. She took care of herself, too, so all you had to do was make her food whenever she was hungry.
“Great, thank you. I’ll see you guys later!” Debbie smiled and left the house. 
“Franny, do you wanna watch a movie with us?” You asked the little girl. 
“Yeah!” She smiled. 
“Great! What movie do you want to watch?” You asked. 
Carl smiled at you as you talked to Franny. Seeing you play with Franny was one of the things that made him fall in love with you. Seeing a girl good with kids was attractive as hell. 
“She wants to watch Sleeping Beauty,” you said and walked over with Franny to the couch. 
“Alright. I’ll put in the DVD,” Carl said. 
“Thanks,” you smiled.
He smiled back at you and nodded. You sat on the couch, Franny sitting next to you. Carl walked back to the couch and groaned internally. He was planning on sitting next to you so you could lay your head on his shoulders whenever you go tired, which was something you did during every movie you two watched together. But now you couldn’t do that because Franny was sitting in the middle. 
“What’s wrong, C-Dog?” You noticed his annoyance. 
“Nothing. I’ve just watched this movie a billion times,” he sighed. 
“That's what you get for having a little child in the house,” you chuckled and turned your attention over to the movie. 
About 20 minutes in the movie, the oven beeped, singling that the cookies were done. 
“Franny, do you want to decorate cookies or watch the movie?” You asked while getting up. 
“I wanna watch the movie,” she said. 
“Alright, kid. Don’t cause any trouble in here. Aunt Y/n and Uncle Carl will be in the kitchen,” you said and patted her head. 
She giggled and you left to go to the kitchen with Carl. 
“You’re really good with her,” Carl complimented you. 
“Thank you. I have two little brothers, so I’ve learned a thing or two about kids. You just gotta treat them like adults, but also make sure they know they’re boundaries. Franny is such a good kid, though, she doesn’t need a lot of boundaries or rules,” you explained. 
Carl nodded. “Oh, yeah. How are Lucas and Lyle?”
“Trouble,” you chuckled. Carl laughed with you. “I bet not as much trouble as I was when I was little.”
“Hm, true,” you giggled, recalling memories of when you two were in elementary school. 
“You’ve shaped up good, though. Military school helped with that,” you complimented. 
“Thank you. You’ve always been good. Even when we broke up,” Carl remarked. 
You met his eyes. A frown was plastered on your lips. “Thank you. I try not to be sour and shit. I know it gets me nowhere.”
“Yeah, I learned that the hard way,” Carl sighed, referring two his 2-week temper tantrum. 
You gave him a kind smile. “It’s alright. I’m glad we stayed friends, though.”
Yeah, friends, Carl thought in dismay.
He put on a fake smile though. “Me, too.”
You went over to the cupboard and got out some decorative icing that you found. You put them on the kitchen counter and picked up a sugar cookie. 
“What’re you gonna put on yours?” You asked. 
“A penis,” Carl said. 
You rolled your eyes, but laughed. “I take back what I said about you shaping up.”
Carl laughed with you,  “Hey! Not fair. You asked me and I responded honestly.”
“True,” you giggled. You squirted some icing on Carl’s face, irrupting into a fit of laughter when it got all over the left side of his face. 
“And I take back what I said about you always being mature!” Carl exclaimed, squirting some icing on you. It landed on your collar bone. Carl eyed the bare skin, licking his lips, wishing he could lick it up. 
You noticed his stare. Your heart couldn’t help but race. You felt yourself start to get sweaty under your armpits. You averted your gaze and got a towel to wipe the icing off. Carl grabbed the towel out of your hands. 
“Here, let me,” Carl offered. “I was the one to make the mess.” You rolled his eyes. You knew this was one of his ways of trying to flatter you and kiss you. You let him, though. You would never admit it to anyone, but you liked when he did these things. Not so much because he was still pining over you, but it reminded you of how much of a caring boyfriend he was. 
You leaned against the counter while Carl wetted the towel. He gently wiped the icing of your collar bone. Your heart skipped a beat as his fingertips brushed lightly over your skin. His face was abnormally close to yours, too. He was crouched down and looked up to you every so often. It made your stomach flip. It reminded you of when he ate you out, looking up at you with his lips glistening. You averted your gaze, feeling warmth spread between your legs. 
Carl was taking an annoyingly long time. You sighed heavy, hoping he would be done soon because if not, you would just end up kissing him. To your releif, he backed away from you, throwing the towel in the sink. He got another towel to wipe his face off.  
Even though you looked relieved on the outside, your heart was begging for him to comeback and be close to again, to tease you. 
“Did you like that?” Carl asked, smirking at you. 
“No, you were very slow,” you lied. Carl frowned at you and looked away. You felt bad, but you didn’t say anything.
“Let’s finish the cookies so Franny can eat some,” you said. 
Carl nodded. You two decorate the cookies in silence. You put them on plates, bringing them into the living room. 
“Here, Franny,” you said and put one of the plates on the table. You sat back down, Carl following slowly after you. 
You took a few cookies, giving Franny two and keeping two for yourself. 
“Thank you,” Franny said. 
You gave her a sweet smile. “You are very welcome.”
Carl took a couple cookies and slumped back on the couch. The tension between you two was thick. It hadn't been like this for a while, but you knew to just let it subside until you felt ready to talk again. Luckily, the movie was still going, so you had an excuse to not converse. By the end of the movie, Franny had fallen asleep. Her head was on your lap and the rest of her body was on Carl’s. When the movie was done, Carl helped you carry Franny back up to Debbie’s room. You two tucked her in and went back downstairs. 
You went back into the kitchen, grabbing two beer bottles for Carl and you. 
“Thanks,” Carl said when you handed him a bottle. 
You hummed in reply and sat back down on the couch. You turned on the TV, switching to re-runs. Carl sat next to you, leaving lots of space in-between you two.  
“How is everyone else doing?” You asked. 
“Good. Lip and Tami have Freddy and Ian has Mickey,” Carl said. 
“Wow, everyone is shacked up, huh?” You asked. 
“Yeah, even Debbie. She gets mad money, too,” Carl chuckled. 
“It’s weird the way the world works,” you remarked, half paying attention to Golden Girls. “Have you met any girls this summer?” You asked, your stomach flipping thinking about his answer.
“A few, but I’m not really interesting in dating,” Carl shrugged. 
You turned to him, fully surprised. “Carl Gallagher, not interested in dating? I think the world is ending.”
Carl chuckled, “I’m just not interesting in dating the girls I met.” Carl scooted closer to you while saying those words, putting a hand on your thigh. 
Your heart pounded against your ribcage. Carl was getting closer and closer to you. You didn’t move, though. You liked his touch and being in his vicinity. 
“Who are you interested in dating?” You whispered. 
Carl’s eyes burned into yours. They drifted down to your lips and back up to your eyes. Your body shivered and butterflies shot down your whole body. You found yourself moving closer to him, putting your hand over his. 
“You,” Carl spoke. 
You looked into his eyes deeply. You could tell he meant what he said. The look on his face was almost enough for you to kiss him, but you pulled away. His hand slipped off your thigh. You stood up off the couch, putting on your shoes. 
“I should go. It’s late and my parents are probably wondering where I am,” you said, avoiding eye contact. 
“No, stay. Your parents know where you are and probably aren’t worried. You always stay over,” Carl protested. 
“I’m tired, anyways. Plus, Lucas and Lyle probably miss me,” you made up more excuses and went  to the front door. 
Carl ran to you and put his hand on your arm. 
“Stay, Y/n. I’m not letting you go this time,” Carl said. 
You turned to him, tears in your eyes. “I don’t love you anymore, Carl, not like that.”
“I know you’re lying. I’m not as dumb as people think, okay? I see it in your eyes. I notice you breathing heavily when I come close to you. I know you still love me. I still love you. I’m still in love with you,” he confessed. 
“Listen, Carl,” you sighed. “I know you want to make it up to me, I appreciate it, but I’m not letting myself get hurt again.”
“I know I hurt you, Y/n. I’m so sorry for what I did. I’m stupid as shit. It hurts me every fucking time I see you. It hurt me so much to see you cry because of me. I do want to make it up to you, but I also want you back. I need you, Y/n. Please, give me a chance. I need you so fucking bad,” Carl pleaded. His voice broke and tears shined in his eyes. 
You shook your head. “I said I don’t love you anymore! Let me go!” You shouted. You wanted so desperately to get out of the house because you knew if you stayed, you would end up kissing him. 
“No,” Carl said. With that, he pulled you into his arms and crashed his lips on yours. 
With Carl’s arms wrapped around you, holding you tight, and his soft lips on yours, you could’t help but finally give in. You melted into the kiss, putting your hands on the nape of his neck, playing with his hair. Carl slammed you against the wall, his fingertips digging into your sides. The kiss was fast, rough, passionate. 
You were so glad that you gave in. You missed this feeling more than you would ever admit.
Carl pulled away, putting his hand on your cheek. His thumb ran across your bottom lip. His eyes stared into yours. 
“Give me another chance. I promise I won’t hurt you again,” Carl promised. 
You sighed and nodded. You knew he had good intentions, and that he was the one for you. “You better not. Or I will beat you up.”
Carl smiled, pulling you into another deep kiss. 
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
Ok so my dumb ass is acutally imagining right now how I would chat with ateez on universe and manage to have one of them (because they're all gorgeous and I can't choose just one yet) fall in love with me. Then we would exchange numbers and talk everyday, he'll come visit me and then I'm moving to Korea and getting married.
Life would be perfect if it happened like that:))))))
what... the fuck ?
first of all, you shouldn't be talking about this delusional fantasy to someone you don't know because frankly it makes me VERY uncomfortable. talk about this with your friends or something and have them help you navigate your idealistic scenario with reality because my god you, a 23 year old (i'm also 23 btw) sound like me when i was 11. i'm not saying you can't be delusional or have fantasies (bc that's literally what i do here), but maybe don't share this to people you don't know ??? share this with your closest confidant (who you know would be objective) and see how they react because that's the best outcome of reaction you could get as opposed to telling someone who don't know you and is notoriously a bitch (me)
second, you won't be "chatting" with the idols you subscribe to, it's just gonna feel like you're chatting them when in reality, you're just gonna see them talk and be there for them. they might or might not read your message, it's always a gamble. so there's NO WAY you can somehow "exchange" phone numbers with them and frankly this sounds very sasaeng-ish.
third , that's not how universe works. they're never going to take notice on you specifically and interact with only you when on the idol's screen, they receive thousands of replies all at once and they're never gonna remember your id. and universe don't allow you to share your phone number, address, and name, their system detects that and won't let you send the message. heck, they won't even let you send messages that consist of words that might hurt the idols. and even if you manage to cheat the system and send your name and phone number, believe me when i say the idols won't do anything about it.
four, touch grass before you hate them (ateez) for not making your delusional fantasy a reality. seriously. for your own good before people in the fandom can't take you seriously or even label you as dangerous because believe me, some sasaengs started out having thoughts like this and they either be super into making their fantasy a reality and do anything and everything to get their way, or they'll resent the idols, start stalking them so that they could tell said idols how dissatisfied they are at them.
i'm not saying you might become or is a sasaeng, but those thoughts are dangerous. it's a rabbit hole if you keep holding onto those thoughts. and if you keep sharing them. because the more you say it, the more you're convincing yourself that it's gonna happen one day and it's just gonna eat your time, emotion, and energy away.
call me mean or out of line or whatever, but i really don't like this. for a lack of better words, it triggers me (not traumatically), like it triggers this kind of reaction. and frankly it's making me wanna psychoanalyze you because there's something that's making you think this way and the science bitch in me is curious.
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emilyblame · 3 years
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overall impression: obviously a masterpiece, didn't expect anything less from Set It Off tbh. i mean, not to wave off their talent, but we all know they’re underappreciated as fuck and they deserve more recognition because they’re so fucking good.
before i jump into the song by song i wanna say that i love how this is the minimalistic era. song-wise. like, i feel like as far as sound goes, they really left a lot of silent spaces so that the instruments could breathe throughout the whole song, you know what i mean?
another thing that i really love (not just about this album but about SIO in general) is that the verses are just as catchy as the choruses. like, typically, in songs you have that one hook that you can't stop singing (which is usually either the pre-chorus or the chorus.) and i don't know if Cody sets out to write vocal melodies like this, or it just happens, but it feels like the verses are just as out to get your attention as the choruses are. and i find myself humming verses just as much as choruses.
i love that i don't feel any particular pull towards either the first half of the album or the second. like, it feels pretty consistent throughout. love that for the boys.
favorite song (so far— after only 3 listens): Why Not Me. close call Loose Cannon. closer call Playing With Bad Luck. do not judge me. i can't choose.
i've said this before but: the last chorus goes so hard! and that bass (beware, i'm gonna say this a lot). please. also, Cody’s vocals. also also the drummsssssss… i (still) need a playthrough of this.
this bridge is my favorite thing in the entire universe. Cody's vocals in this song are out of the chart. also the guitar riffs. hi Zach, i see you.
Cut Off
not one of my favorites. but i do really like the bridge, how they overlapped it with the chorus and that build-up is awesome. also, love the whistling.
Loose Cannon
this is a good example of what i was saying earlier about the verses being just as catchy as the choruses/pre-choruses. also the good use of silence. that bridge boi. please. the belt panned left. YES. also the ending guitar riff— i’m looking at you, Zach —, very Santana (if you know you know i’m not talking about Glee btw.) Cody’s manic laugh too.
Why Do I
lyrics are sad af, but this song sounds so Summer at the beach i can't help but dance. lowkey kinda hate the try-ah-ah-ay (but that’s a personal thing.) that acapella bit with the clapping. yes. love Cody belting himself out of the song.
As Good As It Gets
guys... the bass in this song. also, that chorus did not go as expected. i mean, it never goes as expected because i didn't write it so but it feels like the song does a 180º turn there, you know what i mean? in the best of ways, obviously. i love how it’s mostly bass and drums (go Maxx!)
Who's In Control?
when it first came out, this was my least favorite of the three. but bitch this pre-chorus is so good. also the strings. also the goddamned brass section in the bridge. Cody, thank you so much. also x2, harmonies. i love love love that they use the pre-chorus as an ending to the bridge the same way they do in Projector.
Taste Of The Good Life
again with the strings. there are so many layers of harmonies. i mean, there always are, but in this particular song i feel like they're more spread out, so it's more noticeable. or maybe it's just me idk. the strings at the end!!!
Why Not Me
i said this before about N.M.E., and coming from me is the highest of praises, trust me: this song sounds like it could be a Backstreet Boys song ('Black & Blue' era.) and let me tell you: i fucking LOVE that. i mean, obviously not the lyrics, i’m talking about the music and the vocal melodies. like, if they ever decide to call it quits with Set It Off, Cody can write songs for boy bands and it’s gonna be amazing, just saying. and i’m living for the abrupt ending.
this song is goooood. i love that when Cody sings My hand out the window just riding the wave / My cares in the mirror just fading away, it literally feels like being in a car, warm sun on your skin, wind in your hair, hand out the window. and i fucking love that. i love that. also love the kiss, that was a nice touch. and i’m living for the abrupt ending, part 2.
one word: theatrical. this song screams Cinematics so loud. but like, with the guidance of Midnight as an older sibling. like, it’s angry but controlled. like, you having a meltdown in the middle of work but having to keep a straight face because you can’t just lose your shit in front of everyone.
The Magic 8
Cody and his fucking harmonies. i mean, i shouldn't be surprise at this point, but... he's such a fucking good singer. creepy ending. creepy all of it, actually. i'm into it tho.
Playing With Bad Luck
again with the damn bass. also the guitars on the chorus. hi Zach. the drum fills too. i see you too, Maxx. that whole section from when in the bridge they bring back the pre-chorus on top, and then how it hits the chorus. the harmonies at the end... !!!
i found the 'peekaboo's kinda adorable. and the whispered Hide, you can hide / You can run, but you can't hide... chills. the acapella 'nah's are everything.
Catch A Break
i love how the guitar riff complements the drums in the verses. clapping. love that.
Better Than This
such a sweet song to end the album with. i was sorta expecting the first chorus to explode but i'm glad they held back. again, strings, weakness. please stop. but not really. don't.
this has nothing to do with the album but— i’m lowkey… i would't say disappointed, exactly, but i feel like it’s a pity they didn’t use the website (welcome2elsewhere) more. i feel like they did the big reveal with Skeleton, which was fun. then the whole thing changed with Projector’s release which was pretty cool too. but then it just stuck like that. i mean, we got the artwork for Who’s In Control? later on but it pretty much stayed the same. like, they could’ve explained more of the lore. i’m not talking twenty one pilots Trench era level because that was insane. but i feel like we still don’t know anything about the whole story around 'Elsewhere'. maybe it’s just me but i thought that by the time the album was released, most things in the music videos would make sense, but i feel like they still don’t? which is not a bad thing necessarily, i’m just pointing it out.
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literate-simp · 3 years
BEING BESTIES W/ SOME JJK CHARACTERS; Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojou and Sukuna.
Notes: Look. I know we all simp terribly for our husbandos/waifus but I just wanted to write a simple hc about what it's like to be their besties
Warning(s): slight cursing. I indulged too much on Sukuna.
Includes: gn! reader, fluff, chaotic energy, mentions of romance (just light)
Itadori Yuji
He's friends with everyone, says hi to strangers and probably would be besties with every old lady he meets so it wasn't hard to be friends with him.
But the second he becomes besties with you, shit's gonna get borderline chaotic.
3AM and y'all can't sleep? McDonald's parking lot with an abandoned shopping car would sound damned fine. You both remember the moment as 'Chicken Nuggies and the Wind' since he t-posed on the moving cart whilst eating nuggies (you both almost scratched a Ferari).
If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer in training, he'd still try to sneak you in his room to watch some movies. You with the snacks, leaving Yuji in charge of the movie picking (you can't decide to save your life)
Cuddles! Nothing wrong with besties cuddling. He's extremely respectful to your s/o (if you have one) and are probably good friends with them too!
Though the second you come to him crying, they were already being patched up in the hospital. Won't hit a woman, against his morals, but he will make sure she never speaks to you again.
Understanding, chaotic besties! An arm around your shoulder when someone's obviously making you uncomfortable, he's the one barking when he sees someone slip something into your drink.
The friend to help you find your way out of a frat house. Makes sure you're getting touched with your consent and sober. All you need to do is give him a sign that you're alright and he'll give you a thumbs up before leaving.
Definitely the friend you'd open up to (about anything) and not be treated differently after so.
You told him about your problems a few minutes prior. It was quiet, a bit too quiet. And you were worried he might leave you for it.
"Ey, Y/N. Wanna go to McDonald's again? I think they have that burger you like," He blurts, catching you off guard. You raise your eyebrows before smiling gratefully.
"Sounds great, Itadori."
You guys talk about women with butts all the time. Not out of thirst or anything, it would just be a random thought that comes up and one of you would contribute to the other. You once mentioned something about Jennifer Lawrence and he would not stop talkinf about her. It was hilarious how much he was drooling.
You wear his hoodies and he's fine with it. Thinks you look good in them. Sukuna teases you both about your relationship and Yuji slaps his mouth shut before he says anything more.
"You look great in them, Y/N," Itadori grins, rummaging through his closet to find more hoodies.
"Thank you. They're pretty comfy," You mention the fabric and the fluffiness. He listens to you intently before Sukuna pops out from his cheek.
"Ehhh? This is the one you think about everyday--," Itadori has never slapped his cheek so hard before in his life.
Megumi Fushiguro
Honestly, pretty chill dude.
He has a small group of people he trusts, and a smaller one to which he considers to be his good friends.
So to be his best friend, you must've gained a huge amount of respect from him; saved him, maybe even overheard something you shouldn't have and kept quiet about it on your own accord.
You would have a 'you aren't comfortable with it, so I'm not forcing anything' vibe to which he would be relieved to know. Though even so, you are the more hyper one in the platonic relationship.
Outings would consist of trips to libraries or quiet nights on the couch with your legs entangled together with lo-fi music playing in the background.
Not much talking, Megumi likes to keep to himself and you have no problem with the comfortable silence you both bring together.
Though sometimes it gets too quiet so you annoy the hell out of him to get his attention; cheek poking, soft arm punches, slight pushing.
Megumi ignores this, finding your actions a bit cute. If it gets too annoying, he will get up and leave, having you trail behind him, whining like a child wanting candy.
Yuji would join in. Definitely. Nobara too if she was bored enough.
"Megumi~ I want your attention~," You whine, running after the raven-haired man.
"Yeah! Yeah! Pay attention to Y/N!" Yuji supports you. You clap your hands together, only to be hit with a shoe by Megumi.
He would never do anything outside of your comfort zone. If you had an s/o, they both would be neutral with each other.
If you were to get hurt from said s/o, they would leave your house with a bloody knuckle. He wouldn't hit a girl, but he definitely will destroy whatever life she has outside of your relationship with her.
Parties are a no-go for him, unless his friends force him to. He's the designated driver with three other drunk children (Hint; Yuuji, Nobara and you). He wouldn't carry anyone else but you back to your room.
"Jeez, Y/N. You should know how to handle your alcohol," Megumi sighs, laying you on top of your bed gently and pulling the covers up.
"Nngh. Didn't know it was alcohol," You groaned. He smiles, patting your cheek before getting up to leave.
"I'll get you some painkillers in the morning, alright?"
You can wear his sweatshirts if you annoy him about it (he secretly likes how comfortable you are around him). He thinks you look charming in them, Yuji never shuts up about your friendship. It's the few times he's seen Megumi genuinely smile.
Nobara Kugisaki
Radiates bad bitch energy.
It isn't easy in the first stages since she has standards with friends but the second you both find something similar about each other, it's an immediate ride-or-die friendship.
You would need a major backbone, 'I'm too hot for this bs' kinda vibe (it's canon that the reader is a bad bitch, periodt). You would have arguments with her but it's pretty basic stuff like the perfect colour for nailpolish or whether Maki deserves the Earth or the universe (you both agree it's the universe).
Outings consists of shopping malls and popular cafes. You take selfies everytime you see something relatively new.
Talk about anything under the sun -- newest trends, new food to try out, Maki -- but her favourites are hearing you talk about your day. If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer, she'd visit your apartment, give you a hug and sit on the couch to listen to you blabber away about something that isn't related to curses or death. She needs time to rewind and you never mention how vulnerable she looks when she's tired.
"Uh-huh and what happens next?" Nobara asked, carressing your hair as you lay on her lap.
"He wouldn't stop following us! It was so creepy! No means no right? Like why would you waste your energy following a group of friends who aren't interested?" You ranted on. Nobara simply nods in agreement, smiling at your annoyed face.
She doesn't mind your s/o, probably would just say hi before leaving you two alone. She doesn't have a problem about her friends having a relationship, she does, however, gets pissed that she isn't in one.
If you come to her crying about them, she would slither in some 'fuckin told you they were gonna do it' or 'I told you so'. Though it makes you upset, you know she's gonna trash their house the second you leave the room.
Your (now) ex would suddenly be cancelled beyond belief, you wouldn't know what happened to them.
Despite the bad bitch personality, you are the more patient one.
Parties is a yes. She comes in as a self-confident woman and will leave self-confident and drunk. She's the life of the party and pulls you into conversations to keep you company. Even if you don't contribute much to the conversation, she makes sure you aren't out of her sight. She's not the type to bring a friend to a party and leave them the second after. She cares about you even if her way of showing was a bit too pushy.
You share clothes with her and she'll give you comments about it.
"The shirt doesn't fit. No, no. The other one. Yeah, that one."
"Who cares if people say you aren't supposed to wear skirts? Your ass rocks better in those than mine. Just take them."
Personally likes dressing you up, doesn't like dressing you up for dates though. Still doesn't know why.
Gojou Satoru
God, the willpower you have to even tolerate this man is immense.
It's not hard to be his friend, all you have to do is do something that amuses him and he'll keep teasing you about it.
In this platonic relationship, you're the more calm one. People call you to take care of Gojou constantly, and you're the only one he allows to scold him.
He goes for missions half the time so it's rare to see you both go for outings. The most you've been together outside of Jujustu Tech and work hours was in a bar with Nanami (you both bond over the fact that Gojou is terrible to work with). He got too drunk and started slurring his words.
"Y/N~ stohp flirting with Nanamin and talk to meee," He whines, pinching your cheeks as you sigh.
"We are simply talking about your bad work habits, Satoru," Nanami answers whilst shaking his head, downing another drink before he gets up to leave. "I'll take him home, rest well Y/N."
"Noooo, I want Y/N!"
A needy best friend. Constantly asks for attention. If you ignored him, he would only make the situation slightly more annoying -- similar to Megumi's Y/N, the basic cheek poking and whining.
Your s/o would probably hate him, he's a bit too flirty and likes to hug you in public. People mistake you both for a couple rather than the s/o at hand. Don't be surprised if it's the main reason your relationships don't end well.
If you come to him upset because of them, he wouldn't waste a second to zoom to your shared apartment and 'deal' with the person. Would come back with a smile and some takoyaki. No blood on him since he used his infinity.
Parties are alright with him. He's the cool flirty dude everyone seems to fawn over. Would accompany you for half an hour, only to leave with another chick to a nearby bedroom. You never end up partying with him after opening the God forsaken door and he's never stopped trying to make it up to you.
Other than the traumatic event, he'd a bit of a douche but still tries to look for you in the crowd. He waves once he sees you and flashes a reassuring smile before continuing his talk with the others.
You don't share clothes with him simply because it's Gojou. Who knows when the last time he washed his clothes.
Though he's willing to share. You're just more reluctant, really. Finds it cute when his shirts are slightly bigger than you. If you're built bigger than he is, he would like how tight it looks on your body.
"Starting to think you look better in my clothes than I am. And that's a pretty good compliment." He grins.
Hates the fact you never take his compliments seriously. Says it from the bottom of his heart, he really thinks you're charming.
Ryomen Sukuna
God, was it hard trying to befriend this curse of a man. An asshole, he stuck his feet out to trip you over multiple times before cackling like a damned demon (which he is).
Though you're always genuine with him. You liked having conversations with him and listen to him boast about himself for hours. Guess that's when he saw you as a close acquaintance.
Would never tell you you're his best friend. Never. Not once. Him simply acknowledging you was enough for everyone to know he favored one person.
Being friends with Sukuna meant being friends Yuji. Itadori always apologizes on his behalf and you would always laugh, telling him it's alright. Sukuna gets annoyed by this though.
"Stupid human. Who do you think you are being all mush with this useless vessel of mine?" He sneered the second he could pop out. You shrugged, taking some popcorn to feed him.
"He's a pretty good guy. You should cut him some slack," You answered, stuffing some popcorn to your face as well
Will constantly threaten to kill you but you never paid heed. You know you're his only friend. You don't agree with his actions but you find the curse interesting.
Literally the only person who's allowed to tease him. You get away with things most curses would get killed from. You once hand him super hot sauce for his pancakes and he glared at you for the remainder of his time being conscious in Yuji's body. You found the plate broken with a fork stabbed through it.
You aren't allowed to go on outings with Sukuna (obviously) so you both spend your time within Yuji's room. Not allowed to go out since everyone'll freak out seeing Yuji with tattoos resembling the King of Curses.
"Humans are so boring," Sukuna groaned, his head on the bedstand. "All they do is just sit around doing nothing but scroll through their stupid boxes." You smiled at him.
"Not my fault you commit mass genocide for fun. I'd say we're pretty passive."
He would literally never care about your love life. Still has the old man mentality that romance meant sex and that was about it. If they were to meet, the curse would just roll his eyes and turn the other way.
Getting hurt by your s/o results to hurtful teasing and bloodshed. No in-between, no nothing. He wouldn't know how to comfort you properly so he'd send Yuji in his place. Would sit at the back of Yuji's mind getting pissed that he was hugging and rubbing your back gently as if he couldn't have done it himself (literally sent Yuji only to judge him).
Not allowed to go out so parties is also a no-go BUT since this is just a headcanon, let's imagine it's college AU.
College AU Sukuna would love parties -- he throws them, orders his friends to invite hot girls and frat guys. And invites you himself. No one would know you were friends since he never mentions it but will literally choke anyone who looks at you like you're a piece of candy.
Gets way too drunk and probably have railed 3 people to cloud 9 in a matter of 2 hours but still go out just to check up on you. He doesn't necessarily care but he hates having the sick feeling that you were in possible danger somewhere he wouldn't be able to see you.
Stare at you for a good 3 seconds before leaving you alone. You'd never know he was there.
Clothes! His clothes are Yuji's and he barely even keeps his shirts in tact. Does he care whether you wear it or not? No.
Is he pissed? Slightly.
This took me two days, I'm not sure if it sounds canon anymore. Anyways, thank you for reading!
♡︎ literate-simp
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von-frappe · 2 years
what are some overrated characters in your opinion, can be from any show/movie etc.
I'm mostly just gonna do glee because that's what my blogs mostly about, but I'll complain about other characters at the end for funsies.
also I think the term "overrated" is weird but these are basically just the popular characters that I personally don't fuck with as much
Sam Evans
he is fine, but when I see the excessive praise he gets for literally anything and how people sweep over some pretty bad character moments, I'm left thinking "he really not that good"
he can be lovable, I like some of his relationships and he has some interesting storylines but I'm just not on the sam dick riding train really.
Quinn fabray
For my taste, Quinn just lacked that special something that would have compelled me to want to see more of her because by the end of s3 I was completely fine with her leaving for good, and I wish she hadn't returned in s4 because the way she acted was borderline the same way she did at the beginning of s1 which made her whole story seem like a waste of time.
idk I get the appeal in some ways but she doesn't appeal to me, and I feel like they just kept on rehashing the same three points with her which just got annoying and exhausting to watch after a certain point
Mike Chang
the unproblematic king. Call me old fashioned but a character having flaws is what actually makes them interesting to watch, or even idk... if the character does literally anything. sure he doesn't do "problematic" things... but he literally does nothing to all which isn't fun to watch
that being said I like harry shum jr. and think he's really talented and it would have been nice if he got more, but he didn't.
Sebastian Smythe
this little rat man is awful truth be told, he's a mediocre villain at best who's whole "redemption" consists of him realising that maybe calling someone a fat unlovable bastard is actually not very nice, not that it matters because the next time we see him his personality reverts to what it was like when we first saw him.
Brittany Pierce
are we surprised?? I get that there's a healthy dose of brittany slander on Tumblr, but not liking brittany on tiktok is like kicking a puppy, there's plenty of "what?? how could anyone not like brittany??" and it's so weird to me that brittany get's viewed as so universally loved and nice, when she's really a massive cunt to everyone half the time
now I don't mind so much that she's cunt, I just find it annoying that both the show and the fans are doing some next level gaslighting to convince me she isn't one.
now I'm going to quickly complain about other non glee characters
lola pacini (degrassi): 80% of the time she just reads like a manic pixie dream girl bc she mostly just supports other but doesn't have much depth with her own character, has literally one singular enjoyable storyline
Simon lewis (the mortal instruments): I read these books a while ago and I hadn't thought about them much since but I was recently reminded that this incel, pick me, 'nice guys finish last 🤓" bitch is my enemy
s2 & 3 cat valentine (victorious): she's basically like brittany pierce, which is an insult, s1 cat my beloved tho x
rose Tyler (doctor who): loved her season one but the way she progressed in season two made her really grating to me, and I wasn't a fan of her with 10,, rose with 9>>>>
Paige Micalchuck (degrassi): I loved her in the first three seasons but after that it was an aggressive decline of character
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
#1 Victory Royale
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
✧ pairing: college student!spinner x student!afab!reader
✧ word count: 4.4k
✧ warnings: college au/no quirks, light angst, mostly soft/fluff, smut, could be hate fucking if you squint, afab reader but no pronouns, this is pretty tame, by like my standards, I wrote this at work, not really a warning, but it felt like you needed to know that
✧ summary: relationships suck and Spinner is starting to think maybe he does too
✧ ao3 mirror
✧ a/n: Hey y'all, welcome back to more college au bs from me. This is set in the same universe once again as all my other college pieces. A very sweet anon asked if we'd ever get to see more of Spinner, so here he is! Also with another cameo from shiggy's bitch (endearing) cause I can't help myself.
Spinner’s groaning echoed through the tiny apartment, the heavy sound of creaking couch cushions under his weight following.
“What?” his long-suffering roommate shouted out their bedroom door, rapidly shoving clothing and a toothbrush into an overnight bag.
He let out with another, louder dying animal wail. He’d been like this since they woke up—wallowing in some strange concoction of self pity and Red Bull on the kitchen floor when they walked in for water two hours ago.
“Motherfucker,” they mumbled, tossing their bag to the floor and marching, more than a little disgruntled, into the hall. “What do you want?”
Spinner was sitting upside down on the couch now, feet up against the wall tapestry and cotton candy hair splayed out on the floor. He stared blankly as his friend came into view—arms crossed, frowning at him from the end of the hall—and opened his mouth once more, letting out another garbled grunt that had one of the neighbors pounding twice on the wall to shut his dramatic ass up.
“Dude seriously, are you gonna tell me who pissed in your cereal or are you just gonna scream until the guys next door kick a hole through our wall?”
They almost felt bad as he looked away, sniffing and letting himself slump farther off the sofa until he was sprawled completely on the hardwood and staring, glassy eyed, up at the ceiling.
When he finally spoke a full sentence, his gaze was locked on the water stain above him from a year ago when the upstairs neighbors flooded their apartment trying to make jungle juice in the bathtub.
“I don’t know, I’m just in my feels as the kids say,” he sounded so dejected—strange for someone who was perpetually energized to a frustrating degree—that their shoulders immediately slumped from a hardass square to a softer, more sympathetic angle
They padded over to join him on the floor.
“Care to elaborate, oh roomie of mine?”
There was a pause and Spinner tapped his nails against the hardwood idly before responding.
“I guess I’m just feeling, like, fucking I don’t know,” he sighed, knocking his head against the dusty boards, “left out I guess? That’s not quite right, but it’s just Magne mentioned last time she came to The League meeting that Jin was seeing somebody and it just got me all introspective and weird…”
“Hm,” his roommate hummed thoughtfully and studied the way the textured white ceiling gave way to the rings of brown water damage, like a dead and dying flower, “I thought you and Jin weren’t ever that serious?”
“We weren’t,” Spinner groaned again and rubbed his eyes. “We went on like, one date a year ago and I haven’t thought about it really at all since then. I’m not sure why hearing he’s got someone else now made me so fucking...jealous I guess.”
“I mean, maybe you just never really gave yourself the time to process it?” they asked and received only an annoyed huff and accompanying groan. “Sorry, should have asked if you were looking for advice or just wanting to rant. My bad.”
“No, it’s fine. I think it’s just…”
Spinner trailed off and they shifted as the hard floor bit at their back and made it ache. The muscles were sore already as it was, and Tomura blowing their fucking back a few times a week wasn’t really helping. They’d created some kind of perpetually horny monster, but something told them cracking a joke about it wasn’t really going to help the situation much. Thankfully, Spinner found his way to filling the silence a minute later.
“I don’t think it has anything specifically to do with Jin. Yeah I liked him, we’re still really good friends and I don’t feel like I need him to be more than that. It’s just that—and this is gonna make me sound like a massive asshole—but with you and your new fucking boyfie and now even Jin finding someone to date I just keep seeing reminders everywhere of how motherfucking isolated I am.”
“Oh,” they felt their face burn a bit, guilt frothing as they were forced to acknowledge the fact that in all the time they’ve spent holed up with Tomura, Spinner had been discarded like an old Steam game, bought impulsively on sale and never played again. “I’m sorry I haven’t been prioritizing you—”
“No, no, no shut the fuck with that,” he waved his hand to cut them off and pushed himself up on his palms. “I know I’m not being fair about it, and I really am happy for you guys, but idk man….I just feel like I’m never gonna find that you know?”
Beside him, his roommate remained sprawled out on the floor like a homicide tape outline and was just as deadly quiet.
“I just,” he continued, running an angry hand through his hair, “I know I could be such a good partner. Like I’m funny and I’m not a fucking creep, which is actually a plus to most people.”
He shot a side glance down and they rolled their eyes, sitting up and knocking his shoulder roughly till he toppled back to the dirty floor and they stood above him.
“Fuck off,” they chuckled.
His roommate watched as the laughter seemed to infect him like a bad cold, creeping down the back of his throat and shaking in his chest.
“No I’m serious, I would be such a fucking great boyfriend. I give goddamn top quality cuddles and I actually know how to do laundry, what more does one need truly?”
“Damn bro, you’ve known how to fold your own clothes this whole time?”
The giggling spread into the quiet space, rocking through both their shoulders and leaving the air feeling light—fresh like the first nights of Spring. When it finally petered out into friendly silence, they were both far lighter.
“I just like the way you fold my t-shirts, the sleeves don’t get those weird creases when you do it,” he muttered and stood, doing his best to fix the wild pink locks that stood on end from his fidgeting.
“Yeah I’m sure,” his roommate rolled their eyes and turned back down the hall.
When they left for the night to stay over with their boyfriend, Spinner tried not to acknowledge the way he subconsciously glared at their back as they walked out the door, skipping yet another League meeting to swap spit with that guy from their English class.
He tried even harder not to think of how their bed would be warm and their legs would have legs to tangle with, their chest have a chest to lay against, while he heated up instant noodles in the microwave and fell asleep alone on their living room couch.
Not to mention that tonight was the big tournament with that new group on campus. He was really banking on his bff (best fucking friend as they were always sure to clarify) and him teaming up to crush those assholes from The Commission or whatever they called themselves.
Fucking lame as shit name in his opinion.
In any case, he’d have to settle for Magne again, and she was such a loose cannon they were sure to get their asses handed to them. She was a great fucking tank, he’d be the first to admit, but strategy was not a strong point of hers and they desperately needed that tonight.
He could feel the sinking weight of failure rolling in the pit of his stomach already even as he dragged himself into his room to tug on an old pair of jeans.
It bothered him way more than it should, the idea of losing some gaming tournament that, by all means held little to no actual significance.
Spinner knew the stock he’d started placing in games was growing to an unhealthy degree.
He knew that.
But self awareness rarely did anything to alleviate the irrational fear of failing at one of the only remaining consistencies in his life.
It stung worse when the tournament kicked off and by the third round, Spinner was the only remaining League member in the brackets.
“Fucking shit…” he muttered to himself, the small basement room alight with the blue glow of the monitor and the sound of frantically smashing controllers.
Behind him on the couch—stolen long ago from the theater building—Magne held him by the shoulders as he grit his teeth and leaned into the movement of his avatar on screen.
“You got this babe,” she shouted, cheek pressed up to his ear. “Make ‘em eat shit for me!”
“I would if you stopped distracting me,” Spinner hissed back.
Really it wasn’t Magne’s aggressive and somewhat bloodthirsty style of encouragement that shook his focus so badly.
It was his opponent.
The fucking president of The Commission sat, thighs spread and pressed to his, resting your weight on your elbows and snarling beside him in the couch.
Your face was split in this heart stopping grin as you quite deftly dodged all his attempts to get a hit in and managed to land a few of your own in the process.
And you looked really hot doing it.
Which was definitely just a side effect of the punch he (didn’t) drink and the body heat fueled temperature of the room—sweaty skin against sweaty skin making his mind wander against his will.
The shifting in his seat was absolutely just to illogically make him move faster and had nothing to do with how tight his pants now seemed.
So much for not being a fucking creep.
Your teammates were gathered in a circle behind you, enraptured and exuding the kind of smug confidence that said quite clearly The League was fucked from the second they walked in.
Not even two minutes later your hands were thrown up, punching the air and your team piling over the back of the couch to drown you in a sea of celebratory limbs.
Spinner felt himself deflating even as he was toppled off the couch by your screaming members and The League collectively cursed in the background.
Truthfully he’d known the chances of winning were slim.
Ever since his roommate started getting busy with classes and clubs that ‘looked good on their resume,’ The League had gone downhill rapidly. It was a problem since long before that Shigaraki guy swooped in and stole them away, but Spinner couldn’t stop himself from lowkey holding that against him.
The League had consumed so much of his life in college, functioning as a haven where he was finally respected and belonged to an extent he’d never experienced before.
The stink of failure and loss, not of the game but the only space he’d ever really occupied without complaint, burned his face and made the room feel more suffocating than usual.
Magne looked as though she wanted to give him one of her signature—and admittedly very comforting—hugs, but the deadly look of disappointment on Spinner’s face must have made her think twice.
The rest of his team seemed to read this sudden downward shift in the room as they began to filter out, climbing the steps onto street level and away from the suddenly stuffy, uncomfortable meeting spot. Normally everyone would stay and finish off the drinks snuck past the janitorial staff, eating Doritos until well past midnight. This time they couldn’t wait to be rid of him.
He couldn’t really blame them.
The multimedia building was a strange place after hours. Once Spinner might have called it something rare and liminal, now it felt more like a prison.
He stood, packing up the consoles a bit more roughly than necessary when someone cleared their throat behind him.
He turned to see you, standing alone with hands on your hips and scowling like you were the one who just got their gaming reputation ruined.
“Dude what the fuck was that?”
Spinner bristled at the knife sharp point of your tone.
“Really?” he asked incredulously. “You seriously waited around to rub your win in my face?”
You rolled your eyes and took a step closer around the couch. “I’m not talking about the fucking game dumbass. Why the hell are you pouting like I stole your fucking candy or some shit? You ruined the vibes man.”
“If anyone was ruining the vibes, it was you and your cocky ass team.”
Spinner felt himself stepping closer too, pulled in by the celestial weight that accompanied any kindling argument.
“Me?” you pointed to your chest and scoffed, “Wow, I was really hoping you’d actually possess a bit of emotional maturity, but if this is how you get after a loss I’m not shocked your fucking club is bleeding members.”
At some point the two of you had gravitated close enough that he felt the puff of your last breath on his cheeks. Two comets, ready and willing to collide.
“I’m not being the asshole in this situation, you know that right?” Spinner glared down his nose at you, heart pounding in his ears. “Maybe you shouldn’t make fucking unfounded assumptions about people you don’t know.”
“So then why are your panties in a twist over a fucking game?” you retorted.
He was peripherally aware that your eyes had taken on the same laser focused quality as they had during the last round. Determined and locked onto him without sparing a glance to anything else.
It was this same undivided attention that he’d envied in you as you played, and as Spinner felt it trained on him, his pants once again felt uncomfortably restrictive.
“It’s not about the fucking game okay!?” his voice came out hoarse and far more petulant than he’s been aiming for.
Though he quickly felt the embarrassment give rise to a secondary heat as you both breathed each other’s air and searched the face across from you.
“Then what is it about?”
That strange, unexplainable, inexplicable rush of potential filled the small gap that remained between your bodies—the kind of tension Spinner was beginning to think he’d never feel again.
He’d kissed plenty of people. Almost more than he’d like to admit, or that they’d like to admit more accurately.
But when his flickering eyes found your hard stare still and unwavering from his, it felt incredibly natural to lean in and press his lips against your fading frown.
It was slow going, the few centimeters that separated you seemed like miles as he moved slowly, never breaking eye contact until his mouth was finally slotted over yours and you weren’t pushing him away.
There was still a bit of lingering confusion, as this was decidedly not what either of you appeared to be expecting from the prior conversation. That coupled with the fact that Spinner wasn’t entirely sure he remembered your first name made the feeling of your tongue prodding at the seam of his lips all the more startling.
When he gasped, you slid your hands up his chest and licked into his mouth. Tongue tangling between breaths, Spinner felt himself getting lost in the familiar and coveted taste of another mouth, another body, another hand that grasped, that desired, that wanted him.
Your knees dug into the cushions on either side of Spinner’s thighs as you bounced in his lap. He fought to keep his eyes open against the pleasure of his cock sinking into you over and over again, so he could watch the way your head was thrown back and your chest heaved with the exertion.
He dug his hands into your hips and let his head hit the back of the couch, feet planted on the floor to help his hips thrust up into you, earning him some of the prettiest, stifled moans he’d ever heard.
Truthfully, he had not expected to fuck you. He figured you might be down to just make out for a bit until the cleaning staff came and booted you from the building, but both your pants had quite quickly and naturally found their way to the floor.
Neither of you spoke much, which he was thankful for. That would have been far too complicated of a conversation, especially considering you really didn’t know each other all that well.
Spinner usually liked to do a bit of ‘getting to know you’ type activities before he hooked up with people, which he did with surprising frequency for somebody so starved for a long term thing. Sex just fucking felt good and it was this eagerness that was his downfall. Most people he’d fucked around with seemed to read the urge to get into their pants as a diminished interest or emotional attraction and Spinner ended up with more friends with benefits than actual friends...or benefits.
Regardless, it was fine by him that the only form of communication passing between you for now were scattered groans of pleasure and the wet slap of your ass against his thighs.
He’d nearly forgotten how fucking amazing pussy felt.
For no particular reason, Spinner had always found himself fooling around with bodies more similar to his own. Not that he had any real preference, though the lack of experience often made him a bit nervous in the whole ‘pleasing your partner’ department, despite many helpful lessons from his roommate.
That was all to say that Spinner was incredibly thankful you reached down to guide his hand that had clumsily begun rubbing circles on your clit. That is until you simply knocked it away and went back to riding his dick like a fucking champ.
Then he did speak.
“Wanna make you cum,” he mumbled and really did sound like he was pouting this time.
You peered down at him, slowing your pace so you sat flush in his lap, grinding his cock deep against your walls. Spinner keened as you clenched around him, pussy so deliciously warm he felt himself near to drowning in the feel of you.
“Mm fuck,” you panted, leaning in to steal a few more messy kisses from him before lifting up and enveloping him in the slick heat all over again. “Don’t worry about it.”
“No,” he nipped at the column or your throat, careful not to leave any lasting marks just in case. “If I’m finishing, you’re fucking finishing.”
You pulled back and stared at him for a moment. He felt you purposefully tightening around him just so he would squirm under your curious gaze. After a moment you smirked and rolled your eyes again, taking his hand and guiding his fingers back to that little nub just above where his thick length was seated inside you.
Spinner was proud of his dick, it was hefty but not so long that it was a hassle to fit—just enough to reach all the important bits. He was sensitive as hell too most of the time, so just about any pressure felt amazing. But the best part of it was watching whoever he was fucking fall apart on his goddamn perfect cock.
So when you whispered, “Like this,” and showed him the rhythm and motion you liked, he pulled himself back from the brink to pay attention, speeding up until that look of cooled control slid right off your face.
“Ahh, yes fuck...” the words tumbled from you freely now. “Shit, yeah just like that—”
Spinner could get fucking drunk off the low groan that left you as he planted his feet more firmly and bucked his hips up. He must have hit something good by the way you choked and moaned boarding on too loud, though he had neither the heart nor self control to stop you.
“Feel good?” he grunted, picking up the pace and force he thrust into you, so that you had to loop your arms around his neck and hold tightly as he speared you on his cock.
“Fuck...yes..” you whimpered into his shoulder which did wonders for his ego.
Spinner kept up his rubbing frantic patterns on your clit and feeling the gradual constriction of your walls around him—the coil growing tight and ready to snap. He nudged your cheek with his until you pulled back a bit to face him.
“I want to see you,” he murmured, sucking your tongue into his mouth for a moment and tearing himself away so he could watch as you came undone around him.
You gave him a strange, soft look and pressed your forehead to his, eyes zoned in on only him.
The rest of the room, the whole fucking basement and campus melted away under that stare.
Your nipples peaked through your shirt, brushing against his as you were jostled into him by the movement of your hips. As you reached your peak, words devolved into increasingly breathy gasps. It took Spinner an incredible amount of concentration not to fucking paint your insides then and there.
Your pussy was so goddamn tight and warm and milking him just right, it was a fucking impressive feat to remain staunchly at the edge of his peak as your mouth fell open and your fingernails scratched at his back when you finally came—the telltale spasms around his cock and the near sobs coming from you more than enough indication.
He lost himself well and truly then.
Lost in the false sense of intimacy that came with being allowed to see you fall apart, this person he barely knew yet made him feel immensely important in that moment. Your breath and spit was in his mouth, the smell and feel of you soaking his length pushed him beyond the realm of conscious thought.
There was only a deep and burning need to be closer to you. So, so much closer.
His hands moved of their own accord, hooking under your thighs and flipping your bodies so your back hit the cushions and he hovered above you. The angle allowed him to slide deeper, pulling out and thrusting his hips in fast, hard strokes that hurtled him towards release.
Spinner couldn’t keep himself quite now either, panting and moaning and gasping unashamedly with his eyes screwed shut as you took his cock so unbelievably well.
It wasn’t until your hands, softer than he’d imagined, cupped his jaw and pulled him down to meet you that he was brought back down from whatever higher plane of existence his impending orgasm whisked him too.
Your lips weren’t nearly as frantic as the rocking of his thighs, the slap of his balls against your ass. The sweetness was an odd but welcome contrast.
“I’m gonna—fucking mm...” he tried so hard to get his tongue to form the words but he could feel himself slipping further as you started clamping around his length again.
“I know,” you breathed against his lips, faces pressed together and unmoving eyes steady on his own. “Ahh, inside if you want.”
He did want.
Oh fuck did he want nothing more in that moment to stay sunk in your warmth and pump you so full, but the last few remaining logical braincells reminded him that was not a great idea. Not without a more in-depth conversation neither of you was in a state to have.
“Shouldn’t...” he groaned and moved to pull out but your ankles locked around his ass and forced him back down.
“It’s okay,” you huffed and rocked into him, squeezing around the sensitive head of his dick just once, just right and that did him in.
It was something in the way you looked at him, so that he could feel nothing but secure—nothing but safe wrapped up in you. Something about the way you pressed him closer, in the movement of your thumb on his cheek.
It scratched some deep seated, lonely itch in Spinner.
Made it feel like this meant a hell of a lot more than it probably did.
In seconds he was blowing his fucking load right into you, milking himself in your heat until he was spent and overstimulated. You were kind enough to pull him to you, turning your bodies so you laid side by side on the coach, his softening cock slipping from you in a gush of release.
For a minute or so, neither of you spoke, just stared, long and comfortable at the stranger you’d just fucked on the gaming club couch.
Fucked wasn’t really the word he’d use at that point to describe what you’d just done, but anything more than that felt presumptuous.
You broke the silence as he nuzzled into your palm.
“You really needed that didn’t you?”
Spinner couldn’t help the familiar, infectious laugh that rattled in his chest. He liked the smile it earned him, far more genuine than any others you’d worn that night.
“Uh, yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
You hummed, nodding in response. “Mm, me too.”
And somehow, for no real logical reason, Spinner knew you understood. That you felt the same isolation, the same starvation for love, for holding weight in someone else’s world.
That the games were just a placeholder, a way to fill the space, to get lost in other lives, in other stories where he did matter. Where his actions had foreseeable and measurable worth. That’s why it hurt to lose. Not for the glory, but for the destruction of the only remaining diversion from how empty his reality felt.
Even if it wasn’t really.
Even if there were friends and benefits and friends who offered both. His roommate could let him rest his head in their lap on movie nights or sleep in his bed on occasion when the heat went out and he got cold too quickly. But none of that quite filled the hole like you now, holding his face and knowing the struggle without him having to explain it.
Nothing like you pulling him in and kissing him too familiarly for someone he’d only known a day.
Magne used to say something about shit like this. Something like how people bond in train cars when there’s a rat eating a slice of pizza and you all watch it happen. Some weird camaraderie forged in the shared experience of life being a little fucking freaky a lot of the time.
That was how it felt when you slipped your leg between his and brushed your lips together again. Content to lay, half naked in the media building basement, making out with some guy you beat at Smash and fucked right after.
Reveling in the brief but meaningful feeling of mattering in some small, strange way to someone else.
Of holding weight.
Of being held.
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