#3 almost 4 am thoughts k bye
debbiechanclub · 2 years
After I've been fixating on someone new for a bit I always get curious about their sign and they almost always end up being a scorpio or a fellow earth sign
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diffuserlover · 3 years
High School Rivalry
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-fem!reader x ot7 x Hybe Japan
-genre: angst, supernatural, friendships??
-TW: mentions of blood, kidnapping, killing, death, and teeth
-Description: You have been best friends with Jay, Sunghoon, and Jake since elementary school now you guys are in your last year of high school. But over the past year your friends have been acting different, keeping things from you, sneaking around at night, and hanging out with 4 other guys from your school. Soon after you confronted the guys of their behavior the other 4 took you in their friend group. Now in the present, the biggest football game of the school year was coming up. Bats vs Wolves. School rivals BigHit East and BigHit West. A school tradition is that a week before the game the football teams would prank each other. But this year the prank became personal when the wolves kidnapped one of the only things they cared about…you
You walk through the halls of your dark school, streamers of red, white, and black hanging from the ceiling to show school spirit. Posters posted on the walls saying “Friday the 13th come to the big game Bats vs Wolves” This is all you have been hearing about, one because every talks about it, and two because your friends are on the team. Speaking of your friends you spot them standing in probably the darkest part of the school. 
“It still shocks me that they decided to paint a whole wall black, it makes the school seem so dark and gloomy” you say as you walk up to the guys. 
“You say that everyday” Heeseung says. 
“I saw it in hopes that a teacher will hear me and do something about it” you say. 
“Anyways, are you going to the game?” Jay says. 
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” you say.  
“When it comes to the big game you get kinda weird” Sunghoon says. 
“Weird? What no?” you say. Jungwon raises his eyebrow at you. 
“Last year you ripped all the posters off the wall and got detention for 3 days” Jungwon says. 
“They were poorly made posters” you say shrugging. 
“She’s in denial” Riki laughs. You roll your eyes as the warning bell goes off. 
“See you guys later” you say walking off to class with Jay. 
School went by in a flash, you start to walk out to your space grey SUV to leave school. All of the other guys claimed they had somewhere to go. Even though your close with them you still feel like they are keeping something from you. As you unlock the car you hear someone say your name. You turn to see a guy you have never seen before. 
“Hi” a tall brown hair guy says to you. 
“Hi?” you question. 
“You are friends with Jake right?” He asks. you nod. 
“Can you give this to him, he left it at my house, I couldn’t find him” He says. 
“Yeah, what’s your name so I can tell him who it’s from” you say. 
“K” he says. You nod, what a strange name. You look down for a second to look at the book he gave you but when you look up he’s gone. You look around confused before getting in your car and leaving. You decide to call Jake to tell him. It took him 6 rings to answer. 
“What’s up?” He asks. 
“Some guy named K told me to bring you a book you left at his house, can I drop it by your place?” you ask. You look over at the book, it looked old, and was about vampires? You know Jake is like a major nerd but you didn’t kow h was into that stuff. 
“K? he’s from the Wolves, you can drop it off” Jake says sighing. 
“Are you home? or should I just leave it on the doorstep?” you ask. 
“I’ll be home in a minute” Jake says. 
“See you there” you say before he hangs up. It took you about 10 minutes for you to get to Jake’s house. When you pull up you can see him standing on his porch. You get out of the car with the book. 
“Here, I didn’t know you were into that kinda stuff, I like how the author made the book look old” you say handing it to him. There was panic in Jake’s eyes as he sees the book you handed him. 
“You didn’t open it right” Jake asks nervous. 
“No?” you say confused on his sudden change of behavior. 
“You should go home” Jake says. 
“Oh okay, I’ll see you at school tomorrow” you say walking back to your car, you stare at Jake through your window, there is something wrong, something worrying him. 
Now it’s the day before the big football game. 
“I’ll meet you guys at Jay’s tonight” you say as they walk you to your car. 
“I’ll pick up some snacks on the way there, anything you guys want” you say.
“No, were good and you don’t need to bring snacks, Jay has some” Sunghoon says. You nod. You swear they say the same thing every time. Now that you think about it, you really haven’t seen them eat much the past year. Always drinking out of their water bottles. 
“Be careful driving home, it’s going to rain” Jake says as it starts to rain. You laugh slightly. 
“I will, my house is only right down the street, now get in your cars before you get soaked and get a cold” you say signalling them away. You get into your car and start to drive off. As you were about to pull out of the school parking lot a hand goes over your mouth. You almost serve out of the lane. 
“Keep driving straight” a man says. You start to follow his direction scared of he is going to do if you don’t listen. Soon enough you pull up to BigHit West. Another tall black haired guy walks up to my car and opens my door. 
“Get out” He says. you nod and get up. You then see K get out from your back seat. 
“What is this about” you ask confused. 
“Revenge” K shrugs before hitting you in the back of the head and making you pass out. 
“Drag her in” K says to Ta-ki. 
“Why are we kidnapping her? Isn’t this illegal?” Ta-ki says before throwing you over his shoulder. 
“To get those bats over here, so we can finally win” K says smirking. 
“What do you mean finally win?” Ej asks. 
“Over the decades it’s always been vampires verses werewolves, the vampires always win now it’s time for us to win” K says. They take you into the school and tie you up to a chair placing you in the middle of the gym. You start to wake up. 
“Hello?” you say trying to get loose. 
“There is no way your going to escape” K says. You see 3 other black haired guys behind him. 
“Who are you guys?” you ask. 
“Sorry where are my manners, boys” K says signaling back to them. 
“I’m Nicholas” the tall one I remember who opened my door. 
“I’m Ej” the even taller one says. 
“I’m Ta-ki” the shorter one says. 
“You know who I am pretty girl” K says. Your face curls up with disgust.  
“What’s with the pet name” you say disgusted. 
“Where are your friends” K asks me. 
“I don’t know” you say truthfully. You observe the others. They stood back and never talked unless told to, what kind of friendship is this when there is clearly a leader. 
“You really have no idea” K asks.
“If I knew I would tell you” you lie. 
“Don’t lie to me” K says getting closer to me. you wondered how he knew that you were lying to him. You stay quiet as he stares into your eyes. You give him a cold look. 
“Get her phone, call her friends to get her” K says turning around and walking away from you. Ej comes up to you and grabs your phone from your jacket pocket. 
“Who should I call” Ej asks.
“Jungwon, their leader” K says. Leader? Jungwon? You wonder what are they talking about. Ej holds the phone close to your face, 
“Act normal and tell them to come to the BigHit West’s gym to help you set up a prank” Ej says before pressing call. After a few rings Jungwon picks up the phone. 
“Hey y/n what’s up” Jungwon says sounding happy. 
“Can you guys come to the gym, at the West school, I have a great idea for a prank” You say. 
“Are you already there?” Jungwon asks concern laced in his voice. 
“Yeah, I have all the supplies we need, just hurry up” you say. 
“Okay, uh are you alone” Jungwon asks. you pause staring at them. 
“No” you say staring at K. They look at you mad. You saw K’s eye light up yellow. You blink and they were gone. You were so confused on how that happened. 
“The janitors are here” you say. 
“We will be there quick” Jungwon says. They hang up as you were about to say goodbye. 
“You could have at least let me say bye” you say sighing. 
“Shut up” K says. He signals at Nicholas. He gets up with a roll of tape. 
“Hey no, can’t we just talk? There is no need for you to tape my mouth” you say rambling before Nicolas puts the tap on your mouth. You try kicking at him but your feet are tied to the chair. 
“I never thought she would shut up” K says. 
“I don’t think this is a very good thing to do” Ej says. 
“Yeah, she’s just some silly human how is she going to help us take down the bats” Ta-ki says. As you sit not able to talk your thoughts take over. Silly human? your also a silly human for kidnapping me! What is wrong with these guys. Why do they talk like this. 
“We have been over this before Ta-ki” K groans. 
“She is our leverage, so they can give up the game tomorrow and then the rest of the pack will kill them on the field tomorrow, just like their ancestors did to ours” K says. You think, What in the hell are they talking about? Murders? Leverage? A pack? All of the sudden the gym doors fly open. 
“Let go of her” Jungwon says. 
“I will, if you give me what I want” K says standing up his friends follow behind him. 
“Just give her to us and we will leave you alone, she doesn’t know about us, and we want it that way” Heeseung says. 
“Oh she doesn’t know” K laughs. 
“Oops” he says. 
“This is going to be fun for her” K smirks before howling? Your eyes go wide. He turns into this giant furry wolf looking thing. The others turn into wolves as well. You try to escape the chair wiggling around. 
“I could eat her whole” K says as he turns towards you, his eyes piercing  yellow, his voice lowered now more creepy. K then growls in Jungwon’s face. you see Jungwon’s eyes turn red, his teeth grow into fangs, and he floats off of the ground. You look around at the other guys to see they were exactly the same. You scream through the tape wiggling around trying to escape. You’re friends are monsters. You fall backwards breaking the chair. You shake the ties off you and rip off the tape. Everyone stares at you. 
“y/n-” Jake says. 
“Get away from me” you say running off. 
“Go get her” you hear K say. You look behind you to see Ej and Ta-ki running after you on all four legs. All of the sudden Jake pops up in front of you and grabs you and next thing you know your in the gym behind all your friends with Jake holding onto your arm. 
“Let go of me” you say freaking out. 
“Are you hurt anywhere?” Jay says to you turning around. You look into his dead red eyes. This wasn’t your best friend. 
“What are you people” you say struggling to get out of Jake’s grasp. 
“We will explain everything in the car just calm down” Jake says.
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you” you say. They all looked hurt. You look to see Sunoo, Jungwon, Ni-ki, and Heeseung walk back with blood on them. 
“We should go quickly, we were able to hold them off but K, I don’t know where he is, you know how strong an alpha is” Jungwon says. They try to leave but the door were locked. 
“We can’t get out” Sunoo says pulling on the door. 
“Move aside” Jungwon says. He pulls on the handles and rips them off. 
“Look what you did, how are we supposed to get out now” Jake says freaking out. 
“There are other doors” you say. 
“Your not going anywhere” you guys hear K say. you all turn around and see the other wolves. They look wounded. 
“Throw the game tomorrow and nobody gets hurt” K says. 
“What are you going to to us? Bark at us? we just beat your best wolves” Jay says. Your head is spinning at the fact that this is real. 
“I have more, our whole school is packed with wolves” K says. 
“One call and they are here to kill you” K says. Jungwon sighs. 
“Why do you want us to throw the game? What do you get out of it” Jungwon asks. 
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you” K says. 
“They are going to kill you all on the field tomorrow if they win” you say. They all look at me. K sighs. 
“I should have taped you ears too” K sighs.
“Get her” K says. Ej and Nicholas turn into werewolves again and then come running at you and the guys. Jake pushes you behind him and Sunghoon comes and stands on the other side of you. They were taller and bigger than all of the guys. They start to fight around you. 
“We have got you, don’t worry” Jake says. You watch as Sunoo gets hit in the side and go down. Your head told you that he’s a monster, he isn’t the same person as before, he’s not the Sunoo you know. But your heart, your heart is telling you to help him, risk yourself to help your friend. And that’s what you did. You run to Sunoo and pick him up a little so his head rests on your lap. 
“Sunoo, are you okay?” you ask lifting his shirt a little to see a deep cut. 
“I’m fine, it will heal” He winches as you touch the wound to stop the bleeding. 
“y/n, i’m going to be fine it just takes a few minutes” he says, as he said that you see the wound start to heal. Your eyes widen at the wound healing. 
“I-” you say before you feel yourself being picked up. Nicholas had you and took you over by K throwing you to the ground. They transform back to humans. K grabs your hair and makes you stand up. He transforms and brings his huge, nasty claws to your neck. 
“Throw the game, let my pack kill a few people and she won’t die” K says. 
“We can’t let you kill innocent people” Jay says. 
“We CaN’t LeT yOu KiLl InNoCeNt PeOpLe, stop acting all high and mighty, you drink from people’s neck killing them” K mocks Jay. K looks at you and laughs at your scared expression. 
“Go on, tell y/n how many people you kill so you all can have a meal” K says. You look at the guys. 
“7 people, so each of us can have one whole person to last us a week”  says. They all look down. 
“7 people, wow” K says. 
“But we haven’t done that for months, we drink from blood bags now, that we steal from the hospital” Jungwon says. You sigh. 
“How many people have you killed in total” K says. They all look around. You see Ni-ki counting on his fingers. 
“35″ Ni-ki says. K laughs. 
“You hear that pretty girl, your so called friends killed 35 people, 35 innocent people” K says laughing, the other wolves start laughing too. 
“They weren’t important people, they were homeless and criminals” Jungwon says trying to make you feel better. 
“You really are monsters, you all are” you say. 
“I know I am” K says before slicing your throat with his claws. You go down trying to breathe and you start to bleed out. 
“You had your chance” K shrugs before leaving with his pack. You look over at your friends, you could see veins pop out from under there eyes. You gasp tying to tell them to help. You hold your neck to try to stop the bleeding. He didn’t cut you deep enough for you to die right away but if you didn’t get to a doctor soon you would die.
“Her blood smells so good” Heeseung says. 
“I know” Sunghoon says as his eyes darken. They all slowly walk over to you. 
“We should share” Jungwon says. 
“Of course” Jake says. 
“I was starving anyways” Sunoo says. Jay sits right next to you smelling your neck. You try to wack them away, your body getting weaker from the blood loss. 
“It’s even better up close” Ni-ki says. You use the last bit of your strength to scream as their fangs sink into your skin in different places. 
“Local student from BigHit East was found dead in the rival schools gym all blood drained from her body. Her seven friends that were with her that night have now been reported missing. What went down that night at BigHit West? Is this really a prank gone wrong or is there foul play involved? We will keep you updated here on Hybe News thank you, back to the weather With Mr. Choi”
I hope you guys liked it!! If you want to see more stories like this and my Taehyun one you can always ask!! :)
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justkending · 4 years
The Number One Rule. Chapter 17.
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Summary: Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left, but don’t worry the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N Rogers (Steve’s little sister)
Word Count: 4700+
A/N: Ah yes... It’s time to trap an angry brother...
Chapter Seventeen:
“Steven Rogers, you are not canceling on me again. I’ve seen you a total of 3 times in the past two week,” Sarah scolded into the phone. 
There was a pause as Steve talked on the other line. Y/N watching from the side. Her teeth nervously biting her thumb nail waiting to see if their plan would work. 
“No, your sister has something planned. Something about going up to see Wanda and helping her with nursery decorating,” Sarah lied effortlessly. She really had planned this all out. Turning to her daughter she saw her nervous nail biting, and swiped at her hand, giving her an eye. 
Y/N frowned at the movement and moved to cross her arms tightly around her. 
“Ok, good. I’ll be seeing you at six tonight then. Don’t be late,” the older blonde nodded. “Hm mm, I love you too, sweetheart… Ok, bye.” Pressing the red button, ending the call, she turned to her daughter. “He’s not getting out of this one. We’re fixing this mess.”
“I hope so…” Y/N sighed. 
A wave of relief came over at finally being able to talk this out with Steve, but with it a wave of anxiety hit too. As much as she was upset with Steve for acting the way he was, she understood that in the end, they had hurt his feelings. He was upset and disheartened that two of the closest people in his life, hid such a big thing from him and didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell him first hand. 
“Hey, don’t overthink it. You two are family. Family that has been through thick and thin. If he isn’t ok with you being happy, then I’ll give him a nice smack on the back of the head to knock some sense into him,” Sarah reassured, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “I raised him better than to act like this.”
“I know… It’s just,” she paused. 
“You feel bad,” Sarah finished for her. “And in a sense you should.”
“Hey, I never said I was picking sides. The way I see it, you both didn’t handle this situation well,” she shrugged, moving to the kitchen to make some tea. Y/N following slowly behind her. “You and Bucky should have just talked with Steve about things to begin with.”
“I wasn’t done,” she stopped raising a finger. Y/N sighing and nodded her on as she sat at the kitchen table. “But, I understand where both of you were coming from. You were worried about his reaction, and from what I heard how it did end up playing out, I understand why you were worried. However,” she continued, pouring the water from the kettle into two ceramic mugs with tea bags. “I think if you brought it up and had an actual sit down conversation, things wouldn’t have escalated how they did.”
“We were worried that if things didn’t work out with us, then Steve would have that weird gap to work between us and it would just make things more awkward in the future. We thought it better to leave him out of it until we were further into the relationship ourselves,” Y/N defended. 
“And I see your reasoning there. Which is what you need to tell Steve. He needs to realize what you thought you guys were doing, was to keep him safe and not that you didn’t trust him,” Sarah nodded, bringing the two mugs over to the table and giving Y/N one. “But you know Steve. He has a big heart just like your father. One that holds a lot of love for those around him, and given what’s happened, that heart that sits on his sleeve was wounded.”
“I know, Ma. I’m not happy with myself either. Bucky and I both feel shitty,” she sighed stirring some honey into the tea, but never actually taking a sip. 
“Have you told Bucky about our little plan?”
“Um, to an extent. I just let him know that I was going to talk to him. Bucky asked if I wanted him to join because he wanted to talk to Steve too, but I think I need to talk to him first as his sister.”
“Probably a good idea,” Sarah nodded. 
They stayed in silence for a second. Y/N never stopped stirring her tea as she looked off in the distance, no doubt playing the night out in her head. Sarah knew that her daughter just needed to have a second to think. 
“I should probably start cooking dinner though. He said he’ll be here at 6 and it’s already 4,” her mom noted looking at the clock. “What are you going to do?”
“Uh, I was just going to hang out in my room and do some work until he got here, but I actually need to run an errand. I’ll try and get back before he gets here so I don’t scare him off,” Y/N sighed standing and wrapping her arms back around herself. 
“Ok,” Sarah nodded going to the fridge to start on the meal. “Park your car in the garage when you get back.”
“Got it,” Y/N nodded, grabbing her keys and  heading out. 
Y/N went about her errands, running to the pharmacy for a prescription, a quick run to work to grab some books she forgot, and a quick stop at the grocery store to get one last special thing…
But as the fates would have it, she pulled around the corner just as Steve was parking. He was a whole 30 minutes early. 
And the attempt to drive away, in hopes he didn’t notice and circle back around, was pointless. Because they made awkward eye contact and Steve became stiff immediately. 
“Shit,” Y/N groaned, stopping her car right in front of the driveway. 
They had a quick stare off. For a second just blank faces and the next Steve looked full on infuriated and started marching back to his car. 
Not letting it be that easy for him to have a clean getaway, and being the petty little sister she was, she quickly went to park behind him. She stepped out of the driver side immediately. 
“Move your car, Y/N,” he groaned, sending her a glare. 
“No,” she said stubbornly. 
“Y/N, I’m not messing around. Move your car or else I will,” he said straightening his pose and walking to her car. But she matched his step. Was he forgetting that she had learned all her stubbornness from him. The two were two stubborn mules going head to head, and these jackasses weren't letting up on the other. 
“I’m bigger and stronger than you,” he countered.
“Oh, wow. Great point there Captain obvious,” she jeered. “But not going to happen. We need to talk,” she said, standing her ground and crossing her arms with a straight face. 
“I don’t want to talk,” Steve said, moving closer to her. 
The two were now mere inches from being chest to chest, Y/N staring straight up at him and Steve looking down. If it had been anyone else under each of their stares, the person would have melted to the floor or ran the opposite direction and never stopped. 
These two had been doing this since the dawn of time though, and neither was even close to relenting. 
“Sucks because we’re going to,” she shrugged. 
“Key’s Y/N. Now,” he commanded. Almost as if he was a Captain and she was a soldier beneath him. 
“It’s funny you think that voice works on me. You should know I’ve become immune to it over the years by now,” she said with a smirk only making him more angry. 
“Give me the-,” he resorted to grabbing her arms and trying to pry the keys out of her hands. 
“No!” she shouted fighting back and turning her back to him to keep him from grabbing anything from her. 
“Y/N, I swear to God,” he groaned as she elbowed him in the stomach and he started to pull her arms back in an attempt to pin them behind her and snag the keys. But she folded over, burrowing her hands toward her stomach and making it harder to get to them. 
“You’re not supposed to swear to God! That’s bad juju, Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes,” she mocked. 
The two were in a full on wrestling match that was somehow moving to the lawn as Y/N kept trying to run off, and Steve followed eventually grabbing her around the waist and picking her off the ground.
“I’m not playing Y/N! This isn’t a joke!” he groaned just as she started kicking wildly to get him to release her.
“I’m not laughing, am I?” she screamed as he became close to winning. “No!” Y/N shouted. Her arms now pinned to her side, but the death grip she had on the keys in her hand was all she was worried about. 
“Y/N Josephine Rogers! Steven Grant Rogers! Stop it right now!” 
The two froze in their fight. Steve was holding Y/N around her middle about 2 feet off the ground. Y/N knees still trying to tuck into her chest to form herself into a ball and keep the treasure away. She was completely engulfed by him still as she turned to the sound of her name. 
“I will not have you making a scene on my lawn. You two are not children anymore. Get your grown adult asses inside! Now.” 
If Sarah Roger’s was cussing, you know you’re in deep shit. And the tone she had, matched with the deadly stare she wore, was terrifying enough to make a thief go back and apologize for robbing a bank. 
“Yes ma’am,” they both said quietly. 
Their mom gave them one last hard stare before stomping back inside in complete frustration and disappointment. 
“Look what you did,” Y/N groaned when Steve finally put her down. “If she still has the wooden spoon from back in the day, we aren’t going to be able to sit down for the next week,” she said, brushing herself off. 
Steve looked down at her not amused and rolled his eyes before he stomped up the porch himself. 
“Geez, you try to lighten the mood a little,” she scoffed before following slowly after. 
Once the two were inside, Steve refused to get within a 6 foot radius of Y/N. The brooding stare he had plastered on him was only furthering his intentions of showing how unhappy he was. 
“Mom, he won’t stop staring at me like I kicked a puppy,” Y/N said in an irritated tone as she stayed by the threshold of the kitchen and Steve leaned back on the sink across the room. 
“Y/N, sit down,” Sarah instructed, pointing the wooden spoon in hand toward the table. The ire in her voice was very clear and very scary. 
Y/N didn’t hesitate to follow instructions. That wooden spoon meant business. 
When she sat and looked back at Steve, he had a cocky grin on his lips at her being scolded like a child. But before he could get too comfortable, Sarah turned to him.
“You too. Don’t think for a second you’re in the clear, mister.”
Y/N choked back a laugh at the terror in his eyes as he watched the spoon carefully like the weapon it was when being wielded in her hands. He sent her a quick glare before begrudgingly sitting in the seat in front of her. 
“Now, I’m going to make a plate and we’re going to sit down and have a nice family dinner. Understand?” she asked without looking back. 
“Yes ma’am,” they both sighed. 
“Good,” she nodded, grabbing plates. 
“Uh, ma?”
“I have some things in the car I need to get or…” Y/N paused looking at Steve who had switched to avoiding eye-contact with her. “Well, it can’t sit out in the car.”
“You’re excused,” Sarah nodded. “But don’t piddle around.”
“Ok,” Y/N nodded before quickly going back to her car and putting the things she needed into the fridge out in the garage. 
“You set me up,” Steve said once she was out of the room and he heard the front door shut.
“Yes. And?” 
“Really, Ma? Why’d you lie and tell me she wasn’t going to be here?” he groaned with an irked attitude. 
“Watch your tone,” she warned. “And I lied because apparently you don’t remember what I taught you about having an adult discussion when you’re upset instead of pouting. Especially with your family.”
Steve caught on quickly seeing his mother knew more of the situation than he figured. “You know?”
“I’m not blind, Steven.”
“And you’re not upset?” he asked, confused. 
Sarah stopped placing the food on her plate and turned to him. She saw the pain in his eyes. The hurt from the whole situation. She let out a sigh and dropped the hard act just a tad. 
“Steven, I haven’t seen your sister this kind of happy since her junior year,” she answered, looking around the corner to make sure Y/N wasn’t back in yet. “I know she had a great time overseas and with college, but this is a different kind of happiness. One that I’m not going to question.”
“Did she tell you?” he asked, wanting to know if he was just the odd one out. 
“No, I just have a mother’s intuition,” she smiled, walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. “But we have talked and I’ve heard her reasoning. All I’m asking for tonight is that you do that same. You can’t be mad at someone or judge another if you don’t know their side of the story. I’ve taught you better than that,” she said with a raised eyebrow. “Am I wrong?”
He didn’t answer immediately. He was slipping from angry back to upset and defeated. Eventually he nodded and relaxed more in his chair. 
Y/N came back in and the two looked up at her. She slowly walked back to her chair, but paused before sitting down. 
“Need help with anything mom?” she asked in the weird silence.
“No, dear. I’m ok. I’ll actually take my plate to the study, you guys stay here,” she instructed, grabbing utensils for herself and a napkin with her plate.
“Wait-” Y/N said, all of a sudden nervous being left alone with her brother. 
“This is not my conversation to be had. This is between you two,” she pointed before walking out of the room. “I will say this,” she turned back. “No one’s leaving until this is resolved. I’m not going to have my children hate each other or act like their still in middle school, you hear me?” she pointed to them both. 
They looked at each other for a second, silently communicating before turning back to their mom.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good. I’ll be in the other room if you need me,” she smiled softly before finally disappearing. 
Awkward tension almost instantly filled the atmosphere. No one was making eye contact with the other, Steve’s shoulders were rigid, and Y/N was gripping the back of the chair she was standing behind so hard that her knuckles were turning white. 
Eventually, she spoke up. 
“So, I have some explaining to do,” she said softly. 
Steve finally looked up, but she couldn't read his emotions. After a second, he stood up and walked over to the plates their mom had set out and started placing his own meal on it. 
“Right. I have a feeling I’ll be doing a good chunk of the talking then…” she caught on watching him move around the stove with his back toward her. “Steve, I don’t know where to start, ok? I don’t know what to tell you other than we thought we were protecting you.”
“Protecting me?” he said in a harsh laugh as he turned around. 
“Yes.” Her answer was solid and showed no doubt behind it. 
“Please, explain to me then how you and my best friend hiding such a big secret behind my back was protecting me,” he scoffed, grabbing a fork and walking back to the table. Slightly aggressively he moved the vegetables around on his plate before stabbing a piece of broccoli and biting into it without looking away from her. 
“I will,” she said matter of factly sitting across from him, forgetting the food and interlacing her fingers in front of her as she leaned forward. Her eye contact was strong so he could see just how much she meant what she was about to say. 
“Once we figured out there were feelings between us,” she paused seeing how weird this conversation was to have now. Steve even tensed more at the mention as well. “We sat down and talked. First, Bucky said he wasn’t going to follow through with it.” Steve’s eyes furrowed at that. “He wasn’t willing to lose your friendship and jeopardize ruining a life long relationship.” 
Steve eased up some at the news. Bucky never said that… 
“And at first, I was upset,” Y/N continued. “I was angry that he was going to let you depict how we went about life. So we walked away from the discussion and acted as if anything that had happened between us was pushed to the side and forgotten.”
“What changed?” Steve spoke up quietly, now lightly picking at the food on his plate. 
“Well…” she thought back. “I had gone ahead and accepted that fact. I figured it would be awkward for a little, but if he didn’t want to do anything about it, then I wasn’t going to push. But then, later the day of my interview, I went to Becca’s for a wine night. When I showed up, Becca wasn’t alone. Bucky had come over and wanted to talk again.”
Steve was listening intently, but played with his food not wanting to show his interest since he was angry. 
“He, uh… I guess he came to the conclusion that he didn’t want to regret not seeing where it went. And at that moment, I saw his perspective from the beginning. I didn’t want to be the reason you two had a falling out. I wasn’t going to be the person who took away your best friend if things didn’t work the way we wanted,” she said sadly, looking down at her hands as she picked at her nails. 
Steve looked up and his face softened. No one had told him that both had tried pushing their feelings aside just to preserve him. They didn’t want to hurt him in the end, and they had been trying to prevent that from the beginning. 
“But Bucky made a good point. We as well have been friends for a while and hopefully, if things didn’t work out between us, we could be civil. Hell, we even made a pact that if we did start a relationship and it ended up falling apart, we would stay civil and stay friends no matter what. We didn’t want it to be awkward for anyone else or ourselves. We’ve been a part of each other's lives too long to let that hurt us, hopefully.”
“So what made you guys decide to…” This was weird coming out of his mouth. “Start dating?”
Y/N chuckled softly at how awkward Steve looked saying that. 
“We realized that what we felt for each other wasn’t something that could be ignored. We enjoyed each other's company, we clearly had romantic feelings for each other, and we’ve had a past that made us almost just as close friends as you guys are. I mean, Becca will always be my own Bucky, but he was there just as much in my life. He’s always looked out for me, and I’ve always tried to do the same for him…” She hadn’t realized she was smiling thinking back on it and when she finally came out of her thoughts, she looked up at Steve who was staring at her. “I don’t know how to explain it, Stevie. There’s a pull. A connection that’s just there. It just… It just made sense.” 
Steve was no longer as tight in his body language as he was earlier. If anything, he looked deep in thought as if realization had hit him. She let him sit there and sift through all the new information. She knew he needed time to process, so she gave it to him. 
Eventually he spoke up in just barely a whisper. 
“How long have you guys-?” He didn’t finish the sentence as if he was still trying to find where it was going. 
Y/N figured he knew what he was trying to say, so she answered. 
“We’ve been dating for almost two months.”
“No,” he shook his head as he stared, unblinking at the table in front of him. “How long have you loved him?”
Shocked by the comment, Y/N widened her eyes when she turned to him.
He finally broke his gaze from the table and looked at her. She could have swore she saw the slightest hint of a smile on his face. Vague and barely visible, but she could see something. 
“Come on, Y/N. How long?” he pushed.
She had to think. She hadn’t really put into words that she loved him yet. Had she felt it? Now that she thought about it, yeah… She had always felt love for Bucky. It had changed in the last few months, but after her conversation with her mom the night before, she had realized maybe she was just as blind as Bucky was back in the day. 
“I don’t think I could put a set date to it,” she answered. “I think it’s almost always been there and it took me growing up to know what that feeling was.”
Practically the same answer that Bucky had told him, just worded slightly different. 
“Are you happy?” he asked, leaning forward some. The question and look he was giving her begging for an honest answer. 
She didn’t hold back the smile that came to her lips. A genuine, pure, and blissful smile. 
“Very. I’m very happy, Steve.”
He watched her for a second longer as if waiting for any tell that she was lying, but there was nothing. Nothing apprehensive about it. 
“Ok,” he nodded sitting back in his chair.
“Ok?” she asked, shocked and confused. 
“Yes. Ok,” he repeated, and that small hint of a smile from earlier grew some. 
“Is that an, ‘Ok, whatever,’ or an ‘Ok, good,’ because those are two very different types of okays, believe it or not,” she asked, leaning forward with a raised eyebrow. 
He let out a short, but real laugh. “Ok, as in I’m glad you’re happy. End of the day, that’s all I want for you… And Buck.”
“You’re not mad anymore?” 
“Should I be? Cause I can flip the switch back it you wa-” 
“No! No! We’re happy! We like that answer,” she was quick to cut him off. 
“Ok then,” he laughed, going back to pick at his food. Y/N smiled with him and finally had an appetite to go and grab her own plate. “Almost two months?” he asked eventually. 
Turning from the stove she looked back at him. 
“Yeah, two months in like a week I’m pretty sure,” she calculated as she went back to making her plate and coming back to sit down. 
“So that means, you’re the girl he’s been dating and not telling me anything about?”
“Classical Mythology; A-Z encyclopedia? I should have noticed right then and there,” Steve laughed fully now. 
“Oh God. I almost forgot about that,” Y/N laughed, running a hand through her hair. “That was an interesting night…”
“Ew, I don’t want the details,” Steve said, getting grossed out. “I’m trying to eat.”
“Oh, shut up. Nothing like that’s happened, and even if it did, I wouldn’t be telling you. That was just the night of our real first date,” she said, throwing a carrot at him that he deflected. “A night you were supposed to be at home and he could come pick me up without issues, but you had us thinking on our feet.”
He shook his head realizing just how oblivious he had been. Well, not fully oblivious. 
“You know, thinking about it, he’s been a lot more peppy the last couple months,” Steve nodded more seriously now. “At first I thought it was just a change in pace, then he was sneaking out for dates with this mystery girl who I just assumed was someone he wanted to keep a secret because he wasn’t ready to share. Now, I’m starting to realize that I’m just a bad detective…” The last comment was a joke to himself. 
“You’re not a bad detective. You didn’t even know you were supposed to be investigating us. We’re good like that,” she winked and he shook his head at her with a smile. “But in all realness, we were trying to look out for you. Like I said, if things didn’t go our way and we didn’t work out, we didn’t want everyone around us to have to endure that weird process with us.”
“I understand now,” he nodded. “I mean I wish you guys would have just talked to me, but I understand where you’re coming from.”
“I’m glad you get it. We really didn’t want to hurt you Stevie,” she said reaching across and grabbing his hand. “We love you too much to bring you down with us.”
“I love you guys too,” he said squeezing her hand. 
A sweet sibling's silent conversation was had with their eyes before they went back to eating and laughing as they caught up.
“Is it safe to come back into the war zone again?” Their mom asked, coming back into the room. Her plate halfway done, but still pretty full.
“Yes, we’re brother and sister again,” Y/N joked. 
“Good. I was getting bored in the study. The TV’s cable box isn’t working,” she said sitting down with them and going back to eating. “Speaking of. Steve can you-?”
“I’ll look at it for ya, Mom,” he laughed. 
“Thank you sweetheart,” she said pinching his cheek. “Ok, so family movie night since we all love each other again?”
“Only if I get to pick,” Y/N interjected. 
“You’re going to pick another murder mystery and I’m pretty sure we’ve already watched all the one’s Netflix has to offer,” Steve deadpanned. 
“Ok, and? We have Hulu too,” she said, making a ‘psh’ sound as she stabbed a piece of food on her plate and filled her cheeks in a very unlady-like way.
“No. No more murder shows,” Sarah spoke up. 
“I agree. I already see enough crime scenes at my job as it is,” Steve added pointing his fork at her. 
“Fine, one of you guys can pick,” she relented. “Oh! That reminds me!” They both looked at her as she didn’t finish her sentence. 
“Reminds you of…?”
“I got ice cream and Root Beer,” she smiled. “That’s what I had to get out of my car earlier.”
“Root beer floats?” Steve asked excitedly. “God, I don’t remember the last time I’ve had one of those. Those were dad’s favorite…” he smiled, but in fondness. 
“I know. And anytime we had an argument, he would make us sit down and talk,” Y/N said with knowing eyes to their mom. “Then after we would make root beer floats.”
“He said it made everything better after a bad day,” Steve said in reminiscence. 
“Joseph always knew how to fix a bad day with something so simple,” Sarah smiled with a sentimental grin. 
“He sure did,” Y/N agreed, and they all shared a moment leading them to stories here and there about their memories as a family. The topic of their father was one that could tend to be touchy, but this time all it did was bring joy and that sense of nostalgia they needed.
(Tags for this series will be closing soon as it is getting pretty full, please send an ask if you want to be added:)
I’ll post on whatever chapter I decided to close it down here.
The Number One Rule (TNOR) Taglist:
@shadowolf993 @hello-i-am-daydreaming @jessyballet  @emmabarnes @kmuir1  @beautifulrare4leafclover @thefallenbibliophilequote @l0ve-0f-my-life  @shawnie--jo  @asoftie4bucky @katiaw2 @sheeple @sznri @bxtchboy69 @taliarosej00 @bakugouswh0r3 @stopjustlovethemcu @babemendesxz @jenniereiji @taliarosej00 @loveyou5everr @natdrunk @im-a-light-child @stucky-my-ship
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in-superbloom · 3 years
did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? (a.i.)
right where you left me: prologue
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pairing: ashton irwin x olivia jones (oc)
warnings: uhh a kinda grieving theme i guess? but no deaths. it has a sad tone overall, but nothing major (in this chapter hehe). foul language because i can't help myself. the tiniest mention of alcohol, but as a memory. think i should probably warn you that this contains a very sad ash. also not much dialogues. this is mainly for explanation and introduction, but very important for the story. if you find anything else that might be triggering, please let me know so i can add it here !!
author's note: oof okay. so. this is the prologue of a series very very dear to my heart that i've been working on for what it feels like my whole life but really it's been just a few months. but i'm in love with the story (which rarely happens with my own writing) so i hope you can enjoy it too !! this is also my very first time posting a fic since 2013 so pls keep that in mind <3 no i am not shaking as type this ofc not also: although i have the full story ready in my head, this is the only chapter that's written. i wanted to wait until i had at least a few ready before posting this but i'm too anxious for that lmao just saying this bc it will take a good while until i have any more chapters, so <3 (p.s.: i went over this thing a million times since may so if you find any errors pls look away, i'm not fixing this thing anymore. thanks <3)
another note: anna from the future here to say that i completely forgot about the playlist i made for the story lmao here it is in case you're interested k thanks bye <3
credits: title is from taylor swift's song right where you left me. model in the picture: paola locatelli. banner by me.
i also wanted to take a minute to thank some really nice friends that i've made here over these past few months & that i'm extremely grateful for @wastelandcth @suchalonelysunflower @littledrummerangie i cannot thank you babes enough for inspiring me the way that you do & for letting me yell about this to you && for encouraging me so much 🥺 i'll never be able to explain just how much this means to me, so i'll have to settle for saying thank you at any change that i can get <3 i love you all 💜 also gem my baby, thank you for the inspo with the banner 💚
@bluesdelis look babe i did it 😌 you know how grateful i am for you & for you letting me have a breakdown every week about my writing for the past 8 years so let's not dive into that or else i will write something bigger than this prologue jsjsjdjd love you 🖤
i hope you all have a good reading and a nice day ♡
let me know what are your thoughts about the fic ! ♡
word count: 4.1k
Cold. That was the first thing that Olivia’s brain processed.
Still with her eyes closed, she buried herself more into the duvet, while her arm blindly reached for the furnace in human form that she calls boyfriend. However, as soon as her arm was only met with cold sheets, her eyes shot open.
Blinking the sleep away, she sat up on the bed, searching for the infamous red clock resting on Ashton’s bedside table that was supposed to look like a vintage alarm clock. Olivia had ordered it online at an auction website a couple of years back, as a gift for his 23rd birthday, since it was something he had mentioned multiple times prior that he was looking for, but still hadn't found. But when it finally came in (two weeks after the due date), it looked nothing like the picture she saw on the website. Feeling beyond frustrated, she wanted to send it back immediately and ask for a refund and maybe leave a not so polite review on the seller's page. But Ashton stopped her right away, laughing like the situation was absolutely hilarious to him, while saying, 'I like it, it’s quirky'. So, the clock stayed and found a home right next to him in their room.
Some days, however, she would wake up at some ungodly hour because of the blaring noise of the only ringtone the clock had. But whatever annoyance she could feel towards the object, it always vanished as soon as she felt Ashton's lips gently touching her face in a good morning kiss before he would get up to start his day, leaving her to catch some more hours of well deserved sleep.
As the furthest from a morning person as a touring musician could possibly be, Olivia had always feared that living under the same roof as Ashton would turn her into an early bird like him, but she's thankful that it never happened (not that he needs to know about that).
When she sees the red clock, she smiles at the sudden but welcome memories of them flooding her foggy brain, but frowns slightly when she realizes it reads 12:13 pm. Ashton rarely lets her sleep past 10 am.
Gathering all her strength and will, she rises up from the bed, smoothly picking up a grey wool sweatshirt from the chair (way too baggy on her slim body, but it smells like him), pulling it over her head and relishing on the soft material warming up her body. Making her way to the door and calmly going down the stairs, she can’t help but stop for a minute to admire the picture frames on their walls, one in particular catches her attention – probably one of the most prized pictures and memories they had. It felt older than it actually is, but it was around 4 years ago, she's sure – a little while after the two of them met. The picture was of their group of friends that still remains the same: Ashton and his best friend, Luke; Olivia, her best friend, Calum and their old hometown friend, turned into Calum’s new friend at college, turned into everyone’s friend, Michael; and her then newly band members, Suki, Eli and Ravi. Together, their group was the life of the party through all their college years, and it showed by the big smiles and drinks in hands they all had in the picture. It was a very special night, the first time Olivia’s little band played for the public – for a small audience sure, but it was a wonderful night nonetheless. What a long road it had been since that night.
Her nostalgic thoughts were interrupted by a shiver that went through her whole body, and it made her realize how oddly cold the whole house was, not only their bedroom. Which, granted, it was November in New York and the weather was just getting colder, but that’s exactly why Ashton always made sure to keep the house warm enough. As much as she loved the chilly season, the warm weather always reminded him of his hometown, and who was she to deny him that?
The smell of fresh made coffee could be sensed even before she reached the kitchen. Arriving there, the curly haired woman still found no signs of her boyfriend, so she went straight after the coffee maker pot sitting on the far left corner of the cream marble counter. Smiling softly at the tons of memories of Ashton's sleepy figure making their favorite beverage, she reached for a coffee mug on the cupboard on top of the counter and poured the remainder of the hot liquid on it (it's her favorite mug, if she must choose – it was a gift from a fan, and it had printed on it a collage of the pictures of her and Ashton that were posted on social media through their first year of relationship).
Moving to the glass doors that lead to the mini garden they cultivate, she didn't have to open them to spot the 6-feet-tall man sitting on a bench outside, looking oddly small in his oversized clothes, coffee mug tightly held between strong hands. Something about his figure made Olivia frown, however: he was staring with an unwavering look at her small but eye-catching pot of yellow daffodils that were almost as much of a pet to them as Stitch at this point. Sensing that there’s something definitely off about his semblance, she made a mental note to talk to him and find out what’s wrong later. So she goes back to the kitchen, knowing that he might need this quiet and private moment for himself.
She lost count of the minutes that went by (couldn't have been more than five) before she hears the garden's door opening and closing, and then his bare feet are dragging his brawny body to her. Except, he goes over to the sink, walking right through her, not showing any sign that he even saw her hunched figure over the counter table in the middle of the room.
Alright, someone's in a mood.
Olivia tries to swallow the annoyance already bubbling inside her – he knows how much she hates to be ignored, no matter how mad he might be – by trying to think of what she can say that won't piss him off. This is always a hard feat to accomplish when Ashton gets in these moods, but there’s a reason for them to work so well together.
“I missed my favorite body heater when I woke up,” she says in her best sweet voice, knowing how quickly his resolve crumbles when he hears that voice.
Still, no reaction.
That settles a worry at the pit of her stomach, because Ashton is never like this. Even when he's not in the mood to talk, he always gives some kind of reaction to her words; it doesn't matter how small, just enough to make her feel acknowledged.
When he's finished washing his mug and the few scattered dishes across the sink – she noticed that he already had lunch, if the lone plate in the drying rack is anything to go by –, he dries his hand in a towel, turns around and throws it on top of the same counter Olivia was leaning up against. Once again, he walks away not even sparing her a look.
Indignant, she leaves the now empty coffee mug on top of the table and follows him as he walks up the stairs, any determination to not aggravate his mood now well gone.
“Hey! In case you didn't notice, I'm right here. Whatever got you in this sour mood, I'm certainly not to blame, so can you stop being a child now and talk to me?!”
Ashton just keeps walking – more like sluggishly dragging his body – until he reaches their bedroom and suddenly stops just merely two feet inside the room, looking around with vacant eyes; like he was expecting to see something that wasn't there.
“Okay, that's really mature of you. Are you planning on ignoring me all day then?” Olivia questions exasperated, staring angrily at the back of his neck, where the condor tattoo lives – her favorite of his, but that sight doesn't bring her any peace today like it usually does.
Her glare only breaks when she hears the familiar sound of dog tags swaying on her right side. Shifting her gaze to the direction of the sound, Olivia notices Stitch, their small, black & white French bulldog – who she thought was outside in the garden – slowly trudging his way from around the bed until he stops at Ashton's feet, looking up at one of his humans with sad eyes. That realization only makes the worry in her stomach grow uncomfortably.
“Hi buddy,” Ashton's voice cracks a bit from the lack of use, but he smiles softly at the sweet dog, and crouches down to pet him.
Olivia can't help but gasp as she notices three things all at once that leave her overwhelmed: first, how she didn't even notice Stitch was in the room when she woke up – which never ever happens, in fact, most days he wakes her up whenever he deems her bedtime as finished and can't ever contain his excitement when she finally gets up; second, how the windows blinds are closed, which, again, rarely occurs under their roof, not if Ashton can help it. And third, how sad and melancholic the whole scene in front of her is – how sad and melancholic Ashton is. Pointless to say by now – that's also a very rare occasion.
A chill creeps up Olivia's spine, putting her body into high alert and also serving as a reminder of how everything looks out of place today. Trying to keep her head from spiraling down way too soon, she wraps her arms around herself and crouches down beside her two favorite boys, trying once more.
“Ash? Can you hear me?” even with her throat closing, she softly asks, purposefully putting her face in Ashton's point of view. Her only answer is the low whispers he's letting out to Stitch, while cradling the tiny dog in his arms, spreading gentle kisses on his head.
“I know, bud, I know. I miss her too,” is the only whisper she could understand and immediately wishes she hadn't. The weak wail that comes from Stitch's throat seems to fit perfectly with how the three of them feel.
Ashton then looks up and for a couple of seconds, and Olivia can swear he’s staring right into her eyes. But when he shows no reaction, she knows he’s just staring ahead and not at her, with that look that says there’s too much going on inside his head. She feels the urge to embrace him and get him to talk about whatever is on his mind, so they can share that weight like they always do, but when Ashton gets up from the ground and settles on the bed with Stitch, Olivia can physically feel the crack in her heart caused by the feeling she’s left with.
While Ashton is pulling the duvet over him and the dog, with clearly no intentions of getting up anytime soon, Olivia stands up on her feet with a new-found determination – she needs to figure out what the hell is going on.
This nightmare had to be just that, right? Nothing but a very vivid dream – she's had those before. Scary sure, but they always go away, and soon enough she's back into Ashton's arms, with Stitch jumping on the bed ready to lick their faces off. She just needs to wake herself up from whatever fucked up dream this is – right?
She's running down the stairs this time, frantically in search of something, of what exactly, she doesn’t know – but she knows she needs an answer. The more she looks for something, the more desperate she gets, not knowing what to look for. Then suddenly, something catches her eyes.
The white and blue calendar that's held up by magnets on the side of the fridge. She knows their calendar is red and yellow. They got it from their favorite flower market. Slowly, as if scared of what it might be there – “It's just a calendar, for fucks sake” – she approaches the damn thing. Upon inspection, she deems it as a normal calendar – she really doesn't know what she was expecting – until.
She knows what's wrong with it now.
It's November. She knows it, because the Asian and last leg of her first world tour is about to begin November 21st, eleven days from today. Right after Mike's birthday, she knows this.
Then why does the calendar say today is January 14th?
☆ ☆ ☆
Ashton woke up with a jolt. He quickly sat up, frightening the little Frenchie that was asleep right next to him on the bed. Trying to make sense of his surroundings, he roughly rubbed his face to get some sleep off of it and soon reached for the dog that was staring at him with sleepy but sad eyes. Ashton is sure Stitch understands far more than a dog is supposed to understand about their current situation.
The room is covered in shadows, almost pitch black, but he can see the sunlight even through the thick dark grey blinds covering up the windows. Ashton knows he won't be able to sleep again at that moment, so he gets up from the bed – much slower than he used to. His heartbeat is still out of control because of the nightmare that woke him up, but he can't bother to pay attention to it when Stitch is softly wailing beside him. Ashton lets out a ghost of a smile when the dog rests his head on his right upper thigh, looking up at him with an expression Ashton knows all too well.
“C'mon you little ravenous creature, let's feed you,” the bulldog excitedly jumps to the ground, already running his way down the stairs, not even waiting for Ashton to get up.
That gets a real smile out of him, but it vanishes as soon as he glances at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It reads 5:13 am, nothing out of the ordinary for him. But that small and inoffensive clock, with its red paint peeling off, holds a lot of memories for him. Memories that two months ago would bring joy to his heart, but now he almost wants to throw the object across the room.
It was a stupid thing, really. He had been wanting a vintage alarm clock and Olivia got one for his birthday. But the product they received was definitely not the one she bought, and if he's being honest, he didn't like it as much as he made out to. But seeing her so excited in the weeks before it arrived, and how disappointed she was when it did, he couldn't help but try his best to make her smile that luminous smile again. It's part of his nature by now.
That's also the reason why he lets her think that he doesn't notice when she wakes up at some ungodly hour (her words, not his) along with him, because of the annoying and only sound the alarm clock is able to produce. He always leaves soft kisses in every inch of bare skin he can find on her sleeping figure, so she goes back to the dream land and doesn't wake up before 10 am. No one wants to deal with that kind of bad humor, not even him.
As much as he likes being a morning person and absolutely enjoys her company in the mornings, he knows she'll take any and every extra hour of sleep she can get before starting the day. And that's why he loves that she's so stubborn that his early bird tendencies never got to her – he knows she feared that this would happen when they moved in together, but he met her like this, fell for her like this. He wouldn't change a single thing about her.
Ashton drags himself out of the bed, wincing slightly at how cold the wooden floors are under his bare feet. He doesn't bother putting some socks on, or a sweater – the cold weather in the house is uncharacteristically comforting to him. Nothing feels warm without her anyway.
While descending the stairs, he mentally curses himself for not being strong enough to look past the picture frames on the wall. One in particular catches his eyes – a picture from the night of Olivia's first concert with her band. The memories of that night are still painfully vivid in his mind: the laughter among their group that eventually infected everyone at the pub, Suki and Luke's first kiss and the silly smile that didn't leave his best friend's face all night, the standing ovation Olivia got after her three-songs set, and her captivating and breathtaking smile that made him realize right then and there, while watching her sway to the music, that he was definitely falling in love with her and there was nothing he could do to stop it – not that he wanted to.
So many memories held up on that wall, in the relatively short time since they met, that he can't help but wonder if that's all they'll get in this lifetime.
Ashton is abruptly taken out of his thoughts by Stitch's barks coming from the bottom of the stairs. He quickly jogs down the few steps left and goes straight after the dog's food in the kitchen's cabinet. After Stitch starts to happily devour his breakfast, Ashton goes to make his coffee, doing enough for two people like he always does, since Calum drops by most days for a chat or to drop Duke before going to work. Although all three of them know he just can't bother to make food for himself in the morning, while Ashton is the group's elected chef. Ashton always says he just needs a boyfriend – Olivia says Calum already has one who makes him breakfast every day.
He grabs an apple from the fridge and makes his way outside to their garden. Even though a lot of their memories took place there, the garden is the only space in the house where he doesn't feel like suffocating all the time. At least here, he can breathe some fresh air and look at the sky when he's feeling overwhelmed – which is basically all he's been doing for about a month now.
Yet, a lot of the garden has Olivia's name written all over.
He remembers vividly the day she came home after spending two weeks in LA doing some pocket shows, with a pack of daffodil seeds and the largest smile. She excitedly told him that a friend gifted it to her when she mentioned the little garden they were planning to build together at their new house. The friend told Olivia that daffodils symbolize rebirth and new beginnings, so as the good lover of symbolism that she is, Olivia loved the idea of having those flowers to symbolize their new beginning.
Ashton, on the other hand, wasn't a fan of the flowers at first – he just didn't see the appeal to them. But nonetheless, he indulged her, letting Olivia plant the seeds near the bench they used to sit during the quiet and unrushed afternoons, so they could admire the sunset, and she could happily look at the daffodils.
Pointless to say – the damn flowers grew on him.
Now, however, looking at them without Olivia and her contagious joy next to him, they were back to be as dull as they were before, if not more so.
Still lost inside his head without any sense of how much time went by since he sat down, Ashton doesn't hear the front door closing, and doesn't notice that he's no longer the only person inside the house until someone sits next to him on the bench. Yet, he doesn't show any sign of acknowledgement to them.
A few minutes go by before either of them speaks up.
“Luke said you didn't go to see her yesterday,” Calum starts softly, not wanting to disturb the calmness of the morning.
Ashton takes a few seconds to respond, “No point in doing that.” The black haired man licks his lips while thinking carefully about his next words.
“You know staying inside this house all day by yourself won't help either,” Calum turns his head to his left and takes a good look at Ashton's uncharacteristically hunched over figure, and immediately thinks that anyone can tell this man is not himself anymore. His second thought is that Olivia would hate seeing him like this.
“And what exactly do you expect me to do? Move on with my life like nothing happened? Like I'm not slowly and painfully losing the love of my life? Just because it’s easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for me.”
Calum closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He knows Ashton doesn't mean it, it's the anger and frustration talking. He knows it. Doesn't make it sting any less.
“I'm not telling you to move on with your life, because that's far from what I'm doing, and I certainly don't expect you to do it. I'm just saying you need to occupy your mind or else–”
“I'll go insane? Think it's a bit too late for that,” Ashton interrupts with a bitter tone that doesn't belong to his usual chirpy voice.
“You know it's not,” Calum sighs and drinks the rest of his coffee, moving his body slightly, so he's facing the blonde man, “I got a job interview for you at that school you talked about so much last summer, the principal said you can go any day this week. I went ahead and sent her your resume as well as explained everything that she needs to know about Olivia, so you don't have to. You just gotta put on some decent clothes and show up.” he sees Ashton's face softening a little and takes it as a victory. A few beats go by and then, “Maybe take a shower too. That's gonna make you feel better.” Calum leans in closer to his friend's personal space and takes a sniff, causing Ashton to deflect from him slightly, but not to push him away – another small win.
“Definitely take a shower, you stink. When was the last time your hair saw shampoo?”
“Fuck off,” is Ashton's only reply to the younger man's inquest. But Calum can see a smile creeping up on the blonde's face, which brings out a smile of his own.
“I'll send you all the details later today,” he checks the hour on the watch on his wrist and gets up, “Just please, Ash, go. I can't lose you too.”
Calum gently lays a hand on Ashton's shoulder and squeezes a little. The man doesn't look up, but gives a curt nod to his friend, who's satisfied enough. Calum stops on the threshold of the garden glass doors to give some kisses to Stitch – who came to make Ashton company as soon as he finished his food –, and then he puts the coffee mug on the dishwater. And soon enough, he's on his way out of the door. But not before snatching a tangerine from the fridge.
Ashton is left by himself once again. As he hears the sound of the front door closing, he thinks that this might be his life from now on. Just him and Stitch, trying their hardest to make it through another miserable day without the love of their lives. While everyone else comes by just to make sure he's still breathing. Breathing, maybe, but alive?
Swallowing the tears, he looks up at the sky. It's a deep, beautiful mix of orange, pink and blue, but he knows that it won't last long and soon the rain will be pouring down. He thinks about how much Olivia loves the rain.
God, he needs to pull himself together. She would hate to see him like this. Maybe he should take Calum's offer after all, he really needs to occupy his mind.
Making a mental note to thank Calum later, and also to apologize for how rude he was to him this morning, Ashton slowly gets up from the bench to put his mug on the sink and makes his way to the living room, with the small dog loyally following his every step. He puts on some cartoon that for once doesn't remind him of her (she always lovingly made fun of him for still watching those) and cuddles with Stitch on the couch. He can take a shower later.
Not half an hour goes by, he falls asleep and has a good dream for a change. He dreams of the days he spent with Olivia in the Philippines last February, right before her first world tour started. Some of the most magical days of their lives – surrounded by delicious food, a whole new culture to learn about and the warmth of the sun. Infinite counted days full of love and passion, where they were the only people in the world.
Even his subconscious knows to hold on to that brief moment of happiness, because he might never live that again.
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
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Character: Kenma K. Header creds: @leekn6w​ Song: I’m loving your vibe by Xavier Goodman !!WARNINGS!!: College/University AU, Smoking/Drug Usage, Male! Reader Title: Cute Party boy
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You had been sitting in the corner of someone's house deciding to finally give up on finding your friends knowing that they had probably already found some random guy to hook up with. Looking around and watching the drunk young adults grind, sing, dance, scream and drink the night away you finally had enough of sitting there, you stood up from your seat walking into the kitchen and looking at the several different arrangements of drinks noticing they had fireball, whiskey, tequila, gin, brandy, and several other things in one section then having the beer in another.
Not wanting anything to hard and hating beer you went for the fruit punch pouring your cup 3/4 of the way and walking up the stairs making the decision not to open any closed doors knowing that one or several of your friends could be in that room doing things you didn't want to vision your friends doing right now. Noticing a slightly open door, seeing smoke continuously flowing out of the room as people go in and out some alone some with friends or partners.
Finally concluding that you didn't have anything to do and you were tired of being so sober you walked into the room the aroma of weed and what you think is vanilla and strawberry flavored juul pods. Sitting down on the couch near a window, trying to stay your farthest from the two men you were on the couch next to.
Pulling out your pod and taking a longer hit then you would usually and exhaling taking note to the pudding head and black haired male next to him who had been taking glances and staring on and off for about 20 minutes now. Taking your phone out trying to figure out why your phone had been vibrating in your back pocket continuously for a few minutes now. Rolling your eye seeing that your mother had been calling you and texting you nonstop making sure you were studying for your tests that weren't happening till like 3 months.
Texting your mother and telling her that you've been studying all week and its 10pm on a Saturday and you had been cramming for the past week and a half with barely any breaks. Turning your phone off whilst rolling your eyes. Noticing that the two boys across from you were still continuing to stare at you, you stared back at the two hoping that it would make them stop.
Them finally stopping you go on your phone texting your friends once more as an attempt to check on them even though you knew that at least two of them were together. "Hey..." the bed head said. "Uhm- hi." you said not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now. "I know we've been staring at you for a while now and sorry for that, but my friend said your beautiful/handsome and he would love it if you gave him his number." he said with a slight smirk on his face. "Well I mean sure but only if he comes over and asks himself." you say looking at the bi haired colored boy.
"Okay- wait sorry hold on." hurriedly getting up from the old beaten up couch with a smile on his face walking back over the his friend and whispering in his ear while pointing at you, the shorter boy blushes with a smile on his face getting up from his chair and awkwardly shuffling over to you. Sitting next to you and smiling the blush on his cheeks becoming more prominent.
"Hey... sorry about my friend. I told him to leave you alone, but he didn't listen." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine... so what's your name." you said as you took a hit from your juul "My names Kenma. What's yours?" he said finally starting to seem a little bit comfortable with you. "(M/N)" you said holding your hand out to shake his hand a warm smile coming across your face as you feel his skin contact yours.
"Your pretty to by the way." you say moving your phone out of your back pocket not liking the feeling of your mother blowing up your phone against your butt cheek. "What-?" Kenma said look up at you with wide eyes. "Your friend told me you thought I was pretty/handsome, so I said your pretty." You said smiling. "Oh ah- thanks." he said with a slight chuckle tucking some stray strands of hair behind his ear frowning slightly.
"You going to ask for my number or do I have to." you said smirking slightly in a more teasing/sensual tone, the smirk becoming wider and more prominent when that heavy blush that dusted his cheeks earlier dusted them once again. "You look like a strawberry again Kenma." you state teasing him once again and making his blush deeper. "So- uhm can I have your number... then." he says pointing at the phone on your thigh.
"Yeah sure give me your phone right quick" he says giggling a bit at how shy he was. "Yeah sure- here..." he says practically glowing and shaking a little from excitement. "Uh I called my number so your number should be in my phone now, and my contact name is my name. I didn't know what you wanted it as, so I put it as that." you said handing him his phone back and half way making sure he noticed. "Okay thanks I'll call you tonight to make sure you get home- if that's okay with you."
"Yeah it's fine with me. And I'll do the same if I leave before you." you said your voice lowering slightly as you start to become calmer and more comfortable around him. "Okay cool. You want a drink-" he says not knowing what to do now his mind creating an awkward atmosphere that wasn't even there. "Yeah sure. They didn't have anything good though which is why I got juice before." you said warning him that nothing good would be in the downstairs kitchen.
"Yeah I got mostly juice too. My friend wanted me to get a little tipsy so he wasn't drunk alone." he said you both walking down stairs as Kenma texts Kuroo letting him know where he was going so he would leave without him, it happened once and he'll never allow it to happen ever again. "Kool-Aid or Hawaiian punch?" you said as you chose something from the fridge. "Kool-Aid... duh." Kenma said laughing a bit.
"Which flavor?" you say. "Purple and red." answered checking his phone. "You like purple! I love purple too everyone I meet hates purple." you say a childlike grin on your face. (Yes, ur getting excited over Kool-Aid. The purple flavor deserves more hype!!) "Kenma!" the boy from earlier said hurriedly walking over to you both. "Yes kuroo." he said drinking out of his cup, you laughing a bit noticing he drinks like a 1st grader after they just got done playing outside.
"It's almost 3 we got to go. You have class at like 8 and my class is an hour before yours so let's go." Kuroo said ready to drag him away. "Well I have to go I have a pretty early class tomorrow, but I'll be sure to call you." he said making sure he had everything he originally came with in his pockets. "Yeah sure bye Kenma and..." pausing waiting for Kuroo to tell you his name again. "Oh! Kuroo my names Kuroo."
"And Kuroo. We'll talk later 'mkay?" you said smiling at Kuroo then going to look back at Kenma. "Yeah sure I'll probably text you first by the way." he said him and Kuroo grabbing each other's hands and saying bye. Checking the time, the realization finally settling in that your friends were still missing, and it was almost 3 in the morning.
'Jesus fucking christ where the hell are these fuckers' you think to yourself storming back up the steps your patients being thin to none. 'On my mommy if these hoes fucking somebody I'm leaving' putting your ear up to at least 4 different doors before you finally found them, seeing one friend passed out in the bathroom and the others scattered around the room.
"My god what did you guys get yourselves into" you said finally feeling the exhaustion that you were suppressing throughout the past two weeks. "Ty's sick and vomiting it's guts out in the bathroom, Isaiah's knocked he's been like that for about an hour now, and Alex was crying but ink's now under the desk over there... and I didn't drink a lot so I'm fine." your friend said you trying to find Alex.
"Ok well its... 5 minutes away from being 4 am.", "Okay..."
After taking everyone home and making sure they got in bed safely you and your friend Malik both shared an uber back to both of your houses. Finally reaching the comfort of your room you go to your connected bathroom and start getting ready for the night. Taking a shower, doing your skin care, getting a snack while putting on your show starting to finally calm down.
Finally finishing your food getting up to brush your teeth and going back to your room pressing play to your show again. Turing on your night light and finally laying down. Jumping slightly when you hear you phone go off completely forgetting about it. Turning over to your nightstand to get your phone. Confused when an unknown number shows up on your phone.
In your messages
Unknown: Hey this (M/N) right?
You: Who's this .-.
Unknown: It's Kenma we met at the party... remember?
You: Oh yeah, it's (M/N)
You: Hey Kenma
Cute party boy: Hey (M/N)
Cute party boy: hru?
You: I'm doing good hbu?
Cute party boy: I'm doing good :)
Cute party boy: srry for texting u so late btw I just wanted to do it now, so I didn't forget lol.
You: No worries you're fine :)
Cute party boy: Alr good.
Cute party boy: did you make it home ok or are you still at the party?
You: no I ended up finding my friends after you left so I'm home now.
You: hbu?
Cute party boy: yeah I made it home fine lol
Cute party boy: Did you want to hang out again?
You: yh sure when
Cute party boy: are you busy on Sundays?
You: no Sundays are usually free for me
Cute party boy: you wanna hang out tomorrow
You: yh tht works lol
Cute party boy: mk well i gtg im tired so goodnight :D
You: yh same goodnight sweet dreams and sleep well
Cute party boy: you too sweet dreams and sleep well
After saying your goodbyes to Kenma you put your phone back on the dresser watching a few episodes of your show, finally slipping off into peaceful sleep.
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tobesensation-9 · 3 years
Earlier, I was cramming for bio and could just imagine how much Youngbin and Inseong would nag me for leaving it to the last minute, with Taeyang making some coffee and Chanhee out like a light, asleep the minute he opened the textbook because we had a physics exam last week. How do you think cramming/pulling an all-nighter with each member of SF9 as your study buddy would be like - individually - can you lease make this light a scenario for each member? ik ur busy, k ily bye.
Why do I see that too. Especially Chanhee 😂. And I love the requests you guys send, it gives me an escape from my hectic college and work life. (This also late but I thought it was timely with my finals around the corner 💀)
“You have to make sure your careful about this stuff.” He’d come over to you at the table where you sat, handing you some healthy snacks to help you stay focused.
“Yeah I know. I had a lot on my plate.”
He takes his hand and reaches across your shoulder and caresses it.
“Don’t stress yourself too much. But make sure you get enough studying in okay?”
You’d ask him to help you study for the test and he’d oblige. Only to find out that you were cramming. He’d be peeved from you not telling him about cramming on such short notice.
“I can explain.”
“How do you expect me to help you study when the test is tomorrow?”
“I’m sorry h should’ve told you that.”
“Okay, it’s a good thing I’m good at this I think you’ll be alright.”
He tries to comfort you as he sees you trying to cram for your test. He feels helpless wishing he could do more to help you.
He approaches you at the table and hovers hoping you’d notice him and ask him to help you with something.
“Hmm?” He looks down at you realizing he was noticed.
“Do you wanna help me with something?”
“Yeah...I mean I can if you want me to.”
“I need a hug, I’m stressing out.” You turn around in your chair and hug him. He smiles and caresses your back seeing how stressed you were. “You got it, don’t stress out,” he says.
Dawon (Sanghyuk)
Why do I see him trying to help you with the subject as he knew what he was doing 💀. Not saying Dawon isn’t smart. But he’d read certain concepts as if he knew but in actuality knew nothing about them 💀.
“Oh biology? I nailed that back in school this is nothing.” He closes the book and puts its down as if he’s ready to school you on something.
“Okay?” You look at him confused. Him being confident scared you more than excite you.
“I let’s go over the concepts”
“Do you not know wh
You look at the flash cards and
Zuho (Juho)
So get ready to try to calm this guy down. Although it’s YOUR test, he panics at not being able to help you. Think of “Taeyang-shii” energy but x10 with him yelling your name instead.
“What? Why are you yelling at me?!”
“What happened to preparing for your tests by giving yourself enough time to study?”
“I’m cramming bc I forgot. I don’t like cramming but that’s what I have to do. Are you gonna help me or not?”
“I’ll try my best 🥲🥺. But I may not be of any help I’m such short notice.”
Rowoon (Seokwoo)
When I say he would annoy you so much 😂. Yes Youngbin and Inseong wound nag, but that wouldn’t be nagging compared to this guy.
“So how long did you know about this?”
“A while. But I got sidetracked from all of my other classes so I forgot.”
“Ah. So you were being careless.”
“Where are you getting this from? I wasn’t careless it just slipped my mind.”
“Get a planner. Put it in your calendar. Make a reminder.”
“I did. That’s why I’m cramming now.”
He’d make you some food and a drink as if he didn’t just annoy you and try to help you study. From the good food he made you, you almost forgot about him being a jackass prior. Almost. He’d run your head or back and caress it as his way of cheering you on in your studies.
Yes like you said I see Taeyang just not being in your way and making you or getting you coffee. He would try to help you any way he could, without distracting you.
It would be 12 am when he saw you yawning and stretching backing away from your textbook and notebook. You’d get to stretch too and yawn three more times before you noticed him looking at you with a small smile.
“You yawned like four times in the last 30 seconds.”
“I did?” You’d sheepishly scratch your hair while he got up and left the small private study room you guys were in. He’d come back a few minutes with your coffee made just the way you like it.
Hwiyoung (Youngkyun)
No but why do I see him having to cram for a test with you 😅😂.
You’d text him telling him to meet you at your favorite study spot so he can help you cram for a test. Then he’d text you back saying he was gonna text you asking the same thing 😂.
“Which lessons did we have to know for chapter 3?”
“I don’t think he went over chapter 3.”
“What? We didn’t?”
“Yeah we’re only getting tested on chapters 1, 2 & 4.”
“Where have I been?”
Chani (Chanhee)
Oh he’d be out for sure 😂. That or he’d be confused like Hwiyoung but x10. Like he wouldn’t even know what the test was on, let alone have some idea of what to go over (like Hwiyoung). But he’d still end up finessing the test and passing without trying (without cheating) 💀.
“Chanhee c’mon the test is at noon tomorrow.”
“No I thought it was next Tuesday.”
“Yeah, professor said that last week.”
“I don’t remember that are you sure?”
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pascalscenarios · 4 years
THE ONE (Frankie Morales x Reader)
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Frankie Morales x Reader  
Summary: After the ordeal with Frankie, You spend your time alone. In the mean time, Lilah plans on talking to you. 
Warning: Mild Swearing
Words: 2,909
Authors Note: Hello! I hope you all are well! This chapter has me in my feels... I’m debating how long I should make this fic... I think I’m going up to 10, but we’ll see... Enjoy  :) - K 
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 5.5 | CH 6 |
Chapter 6
You were locked up in your bedroom. You didn’t dare to come out and face Alex. They were sweet, giving you space for a couple of hours to deal with your feelings after the whole Frankie ordeal. You were curled up in your bed, your eyes puffy from balling your eyes out. You staring out the window watching the rainfall.
He told you he loved you. Frankie told you he loved you. You knew he loved you, but after all these years he still wanted to be with you? He had a whole decade to make things right with you, but he decided to swoop in last minute a week before your wedding to fuck things.
He also had no right to tell you how to feel about him. How did you feel?
You heard a knock on the door.
“Babe?” Alex says softly opening the door. They watch you lie there on the bed.
They walk over sitting at the foot of the bed.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered.
“Hun, you have nothing to be sorry about.” They rub your back comforting you.
You turn to face Alex, sitting up in bed, resting your back against the wall. You pulled the blanket up more, grabbing a pillow to clutch in your arms.
“I know you have a lot of questions.” your voice trembled.
Alex stays silent waiting for you to talk.
“When I went out with the girls clubbing, I got lost, I thought I called you, but I accidentally called Frankie. He came picked up, I crashed at his place, nothing happened, but I was hanging out with him today”
Alex looked relieved.
“But I haven’t been completely honest with you about Frankie…” You couldn’t look Alex in the eyes.  
“The day we went cake testing, I told you Frankie was an old friend...he is an old friend. I’ve known him since I was a kid, but at one point we used to date...he’s my ex-boyfriend.” You confessed.
You kept spilling everything.
“I’ve never talked about him with you because I didn’t think I would need to. I didn’t think I would ever see him again. I found out why he left me, he has a daughter. I’m not mad at him at that, not one bit, but it just hurts that he didn’t tell me... and then he told me he still loved me. I know I shouldn’t care, because I’m not with him- I’m with you, but part of me does care-”
You scrunch your face, your lips trembling as you try to stop yourself from shedding tears, but they still manage to fall.
“Ever since he came back- I don’t know how I’m feeling and its suffocating, I’m so confused my head is just-”
“I think I should go,” Alex says.
“W-what?” Your eyes widen
“I think we need time apart” Your chest heaved as you heard them say that. Everything was crashing down on you. You bared your feelings and now he wants to leave you? The feeling you were getting felt exactly like the night Frankie left you.
“B-but the wedding is next week-”
“I know…” They move closer to the bed, grabbing a hold of your hands.
“I think you and I need to think things over alone. We need a couple of days to wrap our head around things, figure out what we want-”
“But I want you…Please don’t go, I’m sorry- ” You cried.
“Don’t be sorry. Look, it’ll only be a couple of days...After we thought about things, well come back and talk about us. We’ll figure things out, I promise, but right now, we need to think about if this is truly what we want, what you want.”
“No matter what, I love you” They kiss you on the forehead, then leave the bedroom.
“My uncle Santiago who told me everything Rehma! The photos of the person in the shoebox was my dad’s childhood sweetheart. They’re Uncle Santi’s cousin. They called them Smiles” Lilah was laying on her bed, staring at a photo of you, Frankie.
“That’s crazy! What happened between them?” Rehma, Lilah’s best friend, was over their phone call.
“Me…” Lilah signs placing the photo down, rolling on to her back.
“What, what do you mean you?”
“You know how I didn’t meet my dad until I was five...Well, he was with Smiles at the time.”
“Right, your mom didn’t tell him about you…”
“...Because he was with Smiles…”
“What? That’s why your mom didn’t tell him?”
“I mean I guess, my parents weren’t serious. They didn’t last long, they thought it was best to remain friends. Obviously, my mom should have told my Dad about me, but I don’t think she wanted to ruin what he and smiles had, but ultimately he was the one that ended up doing that.”
“What do you mean?
“He left smiles and went after me… for a whole decade they had no idea about me.”
“What a mess!” Rehma gasped.
“Tell me about it! but I just feel bad he left Smiles in the dust like that. This is the love of his life!”
“What about you? How are you feeling about all this?” Rehma asked.  
“I have him. He’s forever in my life now. He loves me, I do not doubt that ever. He’s always put me and my needs first, I mean obviously, he’s a dad, that's the job, but it’s time he puts himself first. I’m fifteen, I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m growing older, being more independent…I’ve never seen him be with anyone since the day he brought me home. I just want him to be happy you know.”
“Wow, that's-”
“That's why I'm going to talk to Smiles!” Lilah sits up in bed.
“Are you crazy?! What are you gonna do, pull a parent trap???”
“Some things like that…'' Lilah grabs the photo of you and Frankie, pulling out the shoebox that was hidden underneath your bed.
“I mean I think it’s cute you wanna set your dad up again with his childhood sweetheart, but what if this goes wrong?”
“Act now, think later, fuck it right?!” Lilah squeezes the phone between her shoulder and cheek, as she grabs her backpack, stuffing the boxes in.
“Moon!” Frankie shouted from the hallway.
“I gotta go!”
“Text me how it goes! If you need backup, call me!”
“Okay bye!”
“Moon?” Lilah quickly slips up the bag and hangs up the phone.
Frankie walks into Lilah’s room, finding her on the floor with her bag.
“Yeah, Dad?” She smiles.
“What are you up to?”
“Nothing..” She stands up, slinging the bag over her shoulder.
“Where are you going?” He asks to lean against the doorframe.
“Is it okay if I go to Rehma’s? We have homework and a project to do…” Lilah lied.
“You just go home from school…”
“I know, but she's freaking out about everything. Mrs. Pike is kicking our ass lately with everything.
“Yeah, just be home before-”
“Thanks, dad!” Lilah quickly walks up to Frankie kissing him on the cheek and bolts out the door.
“Got it! Bye love you!” She called out. Lilah was standing outside her house. She pulls out her phone, looking in her notes for your address she took down in her notes.
“Alright, Smiles… Where do you live?”
You spent Valentine's day alone, curled up on the couch, a pile of junk food around you, watching your favorite romantic comedies. You were doing the same thing three days later. You were wearing pajamas, your hair disheveled, your eyes still puffy from crying. It has been a terrible week so far.
You avoid thinking about everything, just wanting to take time to do absolutely nothing and veg out.
You were eating ice cream from the carton when you heard your doorbell ring. You didn’t bother to get up and answer it. You just wanted to be left alone. The ringing became persistent. You groaned, setting the carton down on the couch and getting up to answer the door.
You open the door to find a letter on the ground with your name on it. You pick up the letter opening it.
Frontier Park @ 5:00 pm
You look up, scanning the neighborhood, there was no one around. Who could this be from? Alex? Maybe Santiago...Frankie?
You went back inside your house, checking the time. It was 3:45, almost noon. You looked at our messy living room. Maybe you should get out. You’ve been cooped up in the house for too long. You needed some fresh air and gained back a clear and unclouded mind.
You got changed and headed to the park. It was a nice day, with a slight cool breeze. You sat on the bench and overlooked the pond. You sat there admiring the beautiful flowers and the cute ducks that swam on the pond.
From the corner of your eye, you see someone walking towards you. It was a young girl. As she gets closer to you, you realize who she was. You stand up as she approaches you.
“H-hi…” she stutters, stopping in front of you. “I’m-”
“Lilah” you gasp. You couldn't help but smile. She looked just like Frankie. You couldn’t believe she was standing in front of you.
You extend your hand out, introducing yourself. You both sat down on the bench.
“I can’t believe I’m meeting you right now…” Lilah says in a bit of shock.
“I can’t believe I’m meeting you either...I’m guessing you’re the one who left the letter at my doorstep. Are you alright? Did something happen? Is Frankie okay?” You were concerned for her, Frankie even. You had no idea why you were meeting her, but if she needed anything, you were willing to help her.
Lilah smiled. You were just like Santiago in her eyes. You were concerned and caring just like him. “Yes, I am. Everythings fine, I’m fine...Dad’s... Sorta okay I guess…” she says awkwardly.
“I’m sorry ambush you like this-”
“No! It’s alright... I - Just- How did you find me? How do you even know who I am?” Had Frankie told her about you?
“Uncle Santiago…”
“Of course” you rolled your eyes, chuckling.
“I went to Uncle Santi’s house, he answered questions I had…I found your address in the junk drawer in his kitchen...I wanted to talk to you about you and my dad... Uncle Santiago to me everything…”
You stiffen. Why the hell would your cousin air out all your dirty laundry with Frankie out on his Daughter?
“My dad has an old Shoebox filled with old photos of the two of you hidden in the back of the hallway closet.” She pulled the shoebox out of her bag, handing it to you.
You take the lid off staring down at a stack of photos.
“I would catch him staring at them from time to time. I used to look through these photos without him knowing. I always wondered who you were. I knew you must have been someone important to him. My best was that you two dated, Uncle Santi, confirmed that, but I found Dad bringing it back out for the first time in a long time, about a month ago. He’s been different lately. He’s sad. He tries to hide it from me, acting like he’s fine, but I can see right through him.”
You shuffle through the photos, a sad smile on your face at the memories they brought back to you.
“I just wanted to apologize, I know what happened between you and my dad… I know I’m the cause-”
“No no no.” You shake your head, setting the photos down in the box between you, placing your hand on her back.
“Lilah, that wasn’t your fault. What happened between Frankie and I is between us. Your Dad needed to go after you, and I don’t blame him one bit for doing that, that would be selfish of me.”
“I wish he would have told you about me. I think it’s terrible that he left without saying anything. And all those years without knowing-”
“I wish he would have told me too, but what’s most important is that he has you. You’re all he needs”
“Yeah he does have me, but what he needs is you. You’re his missing piece to his puzzle. He could never love someone as much as he loves you and me.”
“Lilah…” You turn away from her, tears starting to form in your eyes at what she said.
“Look, I know you’re getting married a-and I know my dad hurt you, but I think you should be with him. You’re the love of his life...You’re the one that got aw-”
“Lilah!” You hear a man shout.
You see Frankie walking towards you both.
“Oh, shit” Lilah murmurs quickly standing, grabbing the shoe box, she had no time to hide away in her bag as well as you.
“Lilah!” He was angry. You quickly stand up
“Lilah what-” He stops talking, taken back by you standing beside his daughter.
“Smiles?” He furrowed his eyebrows at you confused. He turns his focus back on his daughter.
“Lilah, what the HELL are you doing?!”
“Dad, I-”
“You lied to me about where you were going?! You left your books at the house, I went over to Rehma’s, only for her parents to tell me you weren’t over there!”
“Dammit, I forgot to tell her the plan..” Lilah mumbled, closing her eyes.
“Lilah, what are you even doing?! And why are you here with my daughter?” He pointed at you. His eyes catch the box “Where did you get that?” he looks up at Lilah
“The hallways closet…I-I know about you and smiles…”
His chest heaves. “What is this?” He turns his attention towards you, staring at you tensely. “You are trying to get back at me for all the shit I did?! You really gotta drag my kid into this?!” he yelled.
“Frankie-” you tried to explain, but he wouldn’t let you speak
“I know I fuck up, but this is low! You don’t go meeting up with my kid and talk about our business! Why would you even-”
“I’m the one that asked them to meet me here!” Lilah spoke up.
“Lilah, how do you even know-”
“Uncle Santiago told me. He told me everything. Valentine's day when I told you I was a Rehma, I was at Uncle Santi’s house. I’ve known about the shoebox for years, Dad…”
He scoffs. “Of course he fucking did...Why are you here with smiles?”
“...I was…” Lilah looks down at the ground.
“You were what, Lilah?”
She sighed. “..I was trying to get them to take you back…”
“Oh god…” Frankie groans, rubbing his face.
“Dad, I’m-”
“Lilah! You can’t be serious right now!!!” he began to yell again.
“Dad, you're sad! I can see past the fake smiles and the facade you put up! I’ve seen the way you look at those photos! I thought I could-”
“You have absolutely NO right doing what you did!!! Lying to me, going behind my back, and getting involved in things you don’t understand and that are none of your business!!! You need to apologize to Smiles right now.”
Lilah turns to face you. “I’m sorry…” She whispers, you see the tears forming in her eyes.
“Go wait for me in the truck-”
“Dad-” she croaks.
“I said go wait in the truck. We’ll finish this conversation at home.” He says strictly.
Lilah listened to her father, quickly walking in the direction of the parking lot.
Frankie felt embarrassed and humiliated. He was angry with his daughter that she would put him in a situation like this.
“Don’t, Smiles...Just don’t.” He played his hands on his hips, his head hung low. He turns around, his back towards you. He stares off at the forest a few yards away.
“She meant well, Frankie…”
“Yeah, but nothing she does or planned on is going to change anything…” he chuckles.
“You’re still going to get married.” He turned to face you. He was crying.
It was the first time in a long while since you saw him cry. He bottled up his feelings, but he finally found his breaking point.
“I thought it was gonna be us you know. You were it for me. You were the one, but I fucked things up. I fucked things up so bad.” He cried, his eyes growing red. “I should have told you about Lilah. I should have never left you like that, the way that I did. I’ve regretted it every day. We’d probably still be together. A-and now you’re about to get hitched to someone that isn’t me in a couple of days.That should me! I should be the one waiting to see you walk down that aisle, that should be me you’re walking towards, not Alex…”
You hadn’t realized you were crying.
“I’m gonna have to live with that for the rest of my life.”
“Frankie..” you breathed. He walked up towards you, grabbing your side of your face, passionately kissing you. The kiss was desperate, he pulled you closer to him. He needed to kiss you one last time. You both pull away breathless, but he sneaks a few more short kisses before you both rest your foreheads against each other.
“I love you so much, Smiles... I’m sorry for everything.” With that, he pulls away from your grasp, walking away.
He leaves you standing alone.
Tags // @icanbeyourjedi  @im-an-adult-ish  @sara-alonso @lydiascottage @eternalkara​
107 notes · View notes
queenk00k · 4 years
red wine lips part 4 // rafe cameron
warnings: you know the drill, it’s smut baby.
word count: 1.6k
author’s note: this is the final part of the red wine lips series! thank you so much to everyone who has read, supported and loved this series with me. look out for plenty more rafe content to come.
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For two months now, you and Rafe have been enjoying each other’s company in more ways than one. Never one to waste any time, but certainly one to avoid discussing anything remotely serious, you were quick to fall into a rhythm with your best friend/fuck buddy/whatever else he may be. After the incidents at the winery and the tennis club, there was an unspoken agreement between you and the self-professed Kook King that you’ll continue to hang out as friends and sneak off whenever possible to let out that pent up sexual frustration you knew too well.
And, since Rafe seemed to constantly want to get his dick wet, there was rarely an outing or event that went without a sneaky quickie in a hidden corner or locked bathroom.
You recall sneaking up to Topper’s roof during one of his parties, Rafe bending you over the railing that looked over the backyard, answering Rafe’s “wanna fuck u now” texts with a coy smile and raised eyebrow and, more recently, the memory of Rafe pressing you up against the wall in a changing room as you decided on your dress for Midsummers.
What you can’t seem to remember, however, is when your feelings for Rafe extended beyond how much you liked the feeling of his body flush against yours, lips attached to your neck.
Maybe it was when you started talking with one another for longer after having sex instead of just leaving, or maybe that one time when he lifted up your chin with his index finger to kiss you (the cool metal of his ring a stark contrast against your flushed skin), or when seeing him flirting with a Touron made your blood boil.
You’ve found yourself completely and hopelessly falling for Rafe Cameron.
It’s a few hours before the start of Midsummers, a night you’ve been looking forward to for the last few weeks, and yet you can’t seem to get yourself out of bed. You’ve mostly got a handle on your anxiety but on days like this you’re brought right back to square one. It’s a tough job to keep up with Rafe and your extended group of friends and show your face at every event on the Figure 8 social calendar, and right now you can’t think of anything worse than spending hours around other people.
Your stomach twisting in knots, you look at your pale pink tulle gown hanging on your bedroom door (something different, at Rafe’s request) and sigh. Rafe was going to disappointed but there was no way you were going to force yourself to do something you’re completely uncomfortable with.
You roll onto your side and pick up your phone, choosing to ignore the dozen or so text messages from Claire (“where are you? I thought we were pre-gaming? This champagne won’t drink itself!”) and scroll until you find Rafe’s number.
He answers on the second ring. “Y/N, hey! Are you on your way to Topper’s? I don’t want to start without you,” he says.
You gulp before answering him. “Hey Rafe, look, I’m really sorry but I’m not coming to Midsummers-”
“Why not? What’s wrong?”
“I just feel like garbage, I really don’t feel up to partying tonight,” you say.
“Do you need me to come over?” Rafe asks, sounding concerned.
You brush him off. “No, no, it’s okay. You guys go and have fun, I’ll see you later.”
There’s a long pause before Rafe replies. “Okay, if you’re sure.”
“Yeah Rafe, it’s fine. Bye!”
“Bye. Feel better.”
He hangs up and you’re left to stare at your ceiling, feeling deflated, before closing your eyes and falling back asleep.
Not long after, a soft knock on your bedroom door wakes you up. Assuming it’s your mum coming to convince you to come, you don’t bother to raise your head off your plush pillow as you begrudgingly say “come in.”
Rafe Cameron was the last person you expected to walk through your door, much less dressed in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt instead of his baby blue suit and bowtie.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” he says, smiling fondly. “Feeling a bit better?”
“What are you doing here Rafe?”
He walks across your room and takes a seat gingerly on the edge of your bed, placing his hand on your leg.
“You felt like shit and I wanted to make you feel better. Here I am.”
You’re touched by his sweetness and find yourself at a loss for words.
“Can I get in?”
You nod and Rafe pulls off his t-shirt, before getting into your bed and wrapping his muscled arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“C’mere,” he says and you snuggle into him, feeling both content and confused.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble against Rafe’s chest.
“For what?”
“I know you wanted to show me off tonight, and we had that plan to sneak off to the locker room-”
Rafe chuckles. “I don’t care about that. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You’re my best friend first and foremost, Y/N. I gotta look out for you.”
You breathe in shakily. “I know but….you’re not my boyfriend, Rafe. I would have understood if you went to Midsummers and got with Olivia or whoever.”
There’s a painfully long silence and you’re terrified of Rafe’s response.
“I’d like to be,” he finally says quietly.
You lift your head up, heart racing, not entirely sure what you just heard.
Rafe looks down at you. “I’d like to be your boyfriend, if you’d let me.”
You grin.
“Of course, Rafe. Of course I’ll ‘let you be my boyfriend.’”
Rafe smiles sweetly and kisses you on the forehead, then the tip of your nose, before finally brushing his lips against yours.
You hum with contentment and shift your position so you’re facing him, your elbows braced on either side of his head as you continue to kiss, his tongue slipping in your mouth as you move together.
Rafe’s hand rests on your waist as the other sneaks up your t-shirt, cupping your right breast and running his thumb over your quickly hardened nipple.
The pace is slow and languid, syrupy sweet and completely different to what you’re used to. There’s no hasty pushing clothes aside or feverish kisses, the two of you are almost lazy, taking your time and taking it all in.
Soon enough, you’re lifting your arms above your head as Rafe slowly pulls your t-shirt over your head and he’s blinking up at you like you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, his eyes glazed over with complete adoration.
You’re suddenly acutely aware of the fact that this is the first time Rafe has actually seen you naked like this, and you cross your arms over your stomach instinctively. Rafe shakes his head and pulls your arms down, kissing you passionately.
“You’re beautiful,” he says and you smile into the kiss.
Rafe plays with your nipple with one hand as he finds your clit with the other, pressing gently into your heat as you whimper, the rolling pleasure almost becoming too much as he slips his finger inside.
You whimper, rocking against him, asking him for more and moaning louder as he adds another finger, and then another, before he’s slowly pumping three fingers inside your hot centre and you’re cumming around his fingers with a shudder.
There’s a pause as you catch your breath, and you smirk as you feel how hard he is beneath you.  
“Feel good babe?” Rafe asks you.
You nod.
“You’re severely overdressed,” you say, rolling off Rafe to give him the space to pull off his sweatpants, his underwear coming with it and his hard cock springing out, a bead of pre-cum glimmering at the tip.
You move to get into position on the bed, lifting your ass up, before Rafe tuts and moves you onto your back.
“I want to look at your pretty face,” he says, pumping his cock with some lube he found in your bedside table.
You nod, almost nervous, as Rafe lines up the head of his cock with your entrance. He pushes into you slowly and you feel your walls tighten around his length.
As if he feels your slight nervousness, Rafe kisses you on the forehead once more and asks “are you okay? We can stop.”
“I’m more than okay,” you reply and you grab his ass with both of your hands, pulling him deeper inside you.
Rafe groans and rocks into you, picking up his pace as you both move together, enjoying this new closeness you’d not experienced with one another before. You make sure to pull your new boyfriend in for a deep kiss intermittently, and he makes a point of staring deeply into your eyes as he whimpers.
After some minutes of him pumping his cock inside you, Rafe’s movements start to sputter and become irregular and you can tell he’s close to finishing.
“Baby, I’m going to cum,” he says and you simply wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace as he moans one final time, pushing his cock into you and spilling his cum inside you.
You can’t quite put your finger on why but this time feels so unbelievably different, and better, than all of the other times.
Rafe stays inside you for a few moments, and then presses his slightly sweaty forehead to yours, his eyes fluttering closed.
“You’re incredible,” he says, and you feel happier in that moment than any other time in your life.
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rose-lord-of-simps · 4 years
5 Times Mammon Interupted Levy. 1 Time She Didn’t.
Levy x reader! GN reader! Fem Levi! Hi! Uh- NSFW. Also cursing is included! I wanted to write something funny though and this popped in my brain! Enjoy!
Note: normally my stuff doesn’t have many NSFW themes and typically I prefer to keep it more romantic and fluffy but not this time. However this is not smut and is a comedy piece. Enjoy!
Dialogue is colored this time around! Levy Mammon Asmo italics is the person on the phone.
1. When Levy told Mammon to shut up.
“So close!”
“Almost- almost there!”
“Keep going!”
“Come on, come on!”
Mammon heard Levy through the walls. That’s how loud she was. Mammon didn’t like to be a cock block or anything, especially not to Levy who- wait when was the last time she got laid? Wait... did she ever-? No they’ve been alive for centuries she’s had to! Wait never mind back to the problem at hand.
Mammon normally didn’t care if Levy was loud or not. She usually had her headphones to block out the noise. However, a certain sister was using them without permission and broke them. Stupid Satan, Mammon definetly didn’t steal your headphones.
Without her headphones she was left unprotected to Levy’s loud gaming nights until she got a knew pair. As much as Mammon loves her sister, the noise is getting annoying.
So here Mammon was, bathing into Levy’s room to embarrass her for being so loud then-
Of course the only logical thing when you find your sister in the middle of a game is to leave as she throws various empty soda cans at you.
2. When Levy was on a phone call.
Mammon didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Again. Honest!
But when she hears her shut in sister say the words “I love you” and then another VOICE respond “I love you too” she’s gotta know what’s going on.
“I miss you so much darling, I can’t until I can see you again.”
“I miss you too my star, so much.”
Levy missed someone? Since when!?
“Remember last summer when all we did was go on picnics and have tea? You always found the perfect spot for us to sit.”
“Under the willow trees. Anything for you my star.”
When did Levy leave her room- Wait last summer!? Does Lucy know?
“And next time we see eachother I promise there will be absolutely no interruptions what so ev-“
Mammon just couldn’t take not knowing any longer. She had to know who-
Oh she should have expected this.
It was a game. It was a texting game. Of course it was.
3. When there was almost a first K word.
It was an average day.
Well I mean, they sisters’ new average.
It’s been a few months since the start of the exchange program and you finally managed to worm your way into Levy’s circle of trust.
You two were just in her bedroom binging a new sports anime called “that time sports all changed my life and I had a giant crush on half my team but the one who I ended up loving was my rival the whole time.” Or something.
It was nice. The anime had you two clinging to eachother in excitement.
The emotions each character displayed had the both of you tearing up at points.
Levy was so distracted, it wasn’t u til after the season finale she realized just how close you two were.
Oh boy.
Here we go.
Levy’s brain has been fried, once again, by how cute you are.
She started to move but when you held your grip on her she couldn’t bare to move away from you.
She looked you in your eyes that she always thought were just the perfect color. Not too light or too dark but always the eyes she adores.
She didn’t notice herself lean in. She didn’t notice pulling you closer.
Her hands were cold against your skin, they always were, they always left a chill on you.
One that made you lean into her more and somehow managed to light your soul aflame with want for her.
Levy’s face was closer to you than she’d ever had the courage to keep it before.
And then a pounding on the door.
“MC are you in there! I need your help with something!”
And there the mood went.
Levy realized how close she was to you and backed away immediately, leaving you truly cold.
4. When Levy was having a conversation with Asmo.
“Asmo! This time I have a power point presentation about why you should-... what is going on here?”
Mammon had walked in on a blushing Levy and an elated Asmo.
“Am I... inturupting something?”
“Not at all!”
“Asmoooo! No we can’t tell her we absolutely can not.”
“But Levy Mammon knows how to do this too and honestly with the me there is no way you could go wrong but a little extra help isn’t a bad thing. Mammon is good at this too!”
“Good at what?”
“Oh no Asmo’s right I can help what’s up?”
“No it’s nothing go away you stupid older sister!”
“Levy and MC are getting kinda serious so Levy wanted to talk about how to be more confident initiating intimacy so she came to her dear expert little sister!”
“Awww Levy I’m hurt you didn’t come to me for advice first!”
5. When Levy was kinda in the middle of something here.
Levy doesn’t know how she managed this.
She doesn’t even think it’s real.
Here was this gorgeous human kissing her of all demons when there are plenty of others who are a much better choice. Here you were, crawling on top of her and asking her if she wants to go further.
Here you were, asking her if she wanted more.
Clothes were forgotten on the floor.
Hands were desperately feeling for the other’s touch.
This was something new.
And no amount of anxiety or over thinking could of made her pull away.
She adores you with everything she is.
Her confidence was just starting to come to her when-
Thankfully pants were still on.
However Mammon’s head was about to be off.
+1. When Mammon finally learned.
Since then nothing but snuggles and cuddles has happened between you and Levy.
And to be honest?
You were fed up.
Every time you two would even so much as kiss something would interrupt you.
Levy was going insane.
Everytime she got comfortable and let her guard down, something spooked her.
And you could tell.
But not today.
No to-fucking-day Mammon!
Levy had been out for hours to get a new game she had been wanting forever that was only available in one store.
You stayed home this time, feigning sick. You were fine, obviously, and just told her you are too much.
You got her room ready.
Anime to binge - check.
Fluffy blankets - check.
Nerdy playlist because you’re both in love with anime dorks - check.
No interruptions - working on it.
This is the part where you bursted into Mammon’s room. Blackmail in hand.
Here we go.
“Mammon! I am going to have a nice evening with my girlfriend, Levy, ALONE. And if you so much as think about trying to get to either of us, I will personally hand this folder of evidence to Lucy.”
“Woah human, what evidence and for what crime? You got no proof I did anything.”
“Oh really? Tell me, what was the one prank Lucy never caught you on?”
“The cups in her office. Why?”
“So you admit you were the one who put all those cups in her office and made her lose hours of work time, ultimately making her sleep less and be extra cranky the next day?”
“Yes and it was hilarious! I wish I could’ve seen her face!”
You pull the recording pen out of your pocket. Yes. Yes you did just pull a Judy Hopps.
Mammon’s face looked pail as a ghost.
“Now you’re going to stay out of my room and out of Levy’s room and I will see you tomorrow at breakfast, or this pen will be hand delivered to Lucy.”
“O-Oi you don’t have to go that far! You could of just told me ta leave you alone!”
“Good.” And with that you left.
Mammon was bored. Very bored. There had been multiple times she almost got up to go look for you but then she remembered the pen.
And she sat her ass back down.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 45 - Walking from Kishibojin, Haunted staircase.
00:00 J: Ah, this, this! Akamaru Bakery.
00:20 K: So, as to why we are here..it will be a mystery to everyone I think.
J: Haha
K: Joe just really wanted to eat this bread.
J: Thats right.
K: So, we came here.
J: Yes.
K: Akamaru Bakery.
J: Yep, Akamaru Bakery.
K: Where is this?
J: Its Zōshigaya. Well, Zōshigaya is just up there, but this place probably only locals know about. Its on Tsurumaki Street. This is a very small shopping street, but Akamaru Bakery is here. I found this place by chance before, and it was really good.
T: What did you get?
J: Kaoru?
K: Chicken Nanban
T: I got a hot dog.
J: I got this tuna and egg mix.
K: I wanted to get that, but I thought I shouldn't if you are getting it.
J: Haha, no, no, no, that makes me look bad.
K: Hahah.
J: This is ¥190, right?
T: Its cheap, isn't it?
J: It is cheap!  Ok, lets stand and eat.
T: Yep.
J: Ok, lets go for it. Apologies to the locals, we are not trying to be rude. Its a food report. This kind of bakery is quite rare these days, isn't it? They're all like new, stylish ones now.
K: *eats* Mm.
J: *eats* Mm, tastes good.
K: Yeah, its good.
J: The bread is really soft too.
T: Yeah.
J: I didn't eat before this.
K: If this was in my neighborhood, I would come every day.
J: Absolutely. Ah, delicious. So, this is like an 8 min walk from Zōshigaya station, right? Its a bit of a walk, but you'll be able to find it online if you search for it.
T: Ths is good. Its delicious.
2:25 J: (*At station*) Well now..
K: Where is this?
J: So this is the tram on the Toden-Arakawa line.
T: Its Kishibojinmae station.
K: Ahh, so ??? (*Facing away from camera with mask on...couldn't clearly make out what he said*)
J: Thats it. So, we are gonna move to a different spot from here.
T: Yep, its been all funfunfun before now, but this time we are gonna go looking for some Tokyo mysteries. So, we'll get on this train and go to a certain place.
J: Tokyo Sports is all about mysteries, monsters, and UFOs, right? (*Couldn't really follow the rest of this exchange*)
*They get on, then off the train at the next spot*
3:29 T: The mystery spot that I am gonna introduce is this bridge. Omokage bridge (Omokage=face/visage).
J: It just looks like a regular bridge.
T: Its a really short bridge. Its almost not a bridge. This explains the name (*points to info board*). So, actually, on the otherside of the bridge there used to be the criminal execution center for Zōshigaya.
J: Ahh, so this is not exactly the river Styx, but..
T: Yeh, and they would part from thier family on this side of the bridge, and be taken over to the other side.
J: I see.
T: Its just a theory, but its thought that its called 'Omokage/visage brige', because they left the memory thier faces here. But there is also a history to this brigde. You know the story of 'Yotsuya Kaidan'/The Ghost of Yotsuya?
J: Yep, yep.
T: With Oiwa san..
J: Like 'I curse youuuu'
T: Yeh, yeh, yeh. Do you know the story of Oiwa san?
J: Yeh, I do. Like 'One plate, two plates..'
T: No, thats Sarayashiki, thats a different one. So, what happened was, there was a man, and his wife called Oiwa. The man became annoyed with her, and she was made to drink a poison which scarred her face. Then he forced her to seperate from him. The woman cursed him, saying she would come back as a ghost. This woman Oiwa was nailed to a door post, and thrown in the river to be washed away, there's a scene like that, right?  Its thought that this is the spot she was thrown in the river. So, this story, Yotsuya Kaidan, came about as a Kabuki play after its writer, Tsuruya Nanboku had gathered up a lot of these kind of local  rumors during the Edo era. We don't know if Oiwa san really was washed away here, but we know this kind of thing did happen. Its only a short bridge, but its got this kind of history going back to the Edo era.
J: ???*1
T: Actually, I used to live around here.
J: Ehh? Why in such a frightful place?
T: It was cheap.
J: Is this in Shinjuku ward?
T: No, its in Toshima ward.
J: Oh, Toshima?
T: Just on the verge of Shinjuku.
K: It says Shinjuku here.
T: Yes, but..Oh, the other side is Toshima.
J: Where we are stood now is Shinjuku. Its next to Waseda, right?
T: Should we cross the bridge?
K: Yeah, lets cross it.
6:50 J: The river is pretty, isn't it?
(*Next is short exchange about the sakura leaning into the river, and execution spot over on the other side, which I can't make out clealy due to them all facing away from the mic, and very loud traffic passing simultaneously*)
T: So you see, this place is very historic.
J: It makes a shiver run down your spine when you think of it.....*shudders*. Sorry, its just being in this place.
K: Ok, should we head to the next spot?
J: Yeh, should we go?
K: Its a different place next.
*In the suburbs*
7:46 K: Where is this?
J: Here in Bunkyō Ward, they call this place Nezucchi (*The name of a comedian who is good at tellIng riddles*)
T: Nezucchi?
J: Haha
K: He lost it. haha
J: Sorry, Im embarrassed now, haha. Well, actually, they call this area Yanasen/谷根千, which is the neighborhoods of Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi together, and we are in Nezu today. Its a very quiet surburban area, but this place was voted for by a listener, or rather a user, as a good mystery spot. We recieved this email, so Kaoru could you read it out?
K: (*reading*) Its from 'Yasubeniisann'. It says, 'This is quite famous, but in Nezu there is a haunted staircase. When you go up the stairs there are 40 steps, but going down, there are only 39'....Um..did..
J: We already spilled the mystery.
T: Yeah.
J: Well, we already spilled the mystery , but yes, this is what we are going to see. A mysterious set of stairs. Lets go.
8:49 K: (*approaching the stairs*) Right up to the top, yeah? Not half way?
J: Yeah, I think right up to the top.
K: Both sides are the same, right?
J: Seems like it. Which side is the way up?
K: Eh? You could go up either side, right?
T: You mean like on an escalator where one side is up and one side is down.
J: Should we try counting the steps?
K: You're too eager, haha.
T: Which side should we do, the right side?
J: No, lets go with the left side.
T: Like in Kantō.
J: Yep, Kantō style.
K: Ok, Im gonna start.
J: Ok...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....
9:57 K: (*reaching the top of the staircase*) 39 steps.
J: 39? Yep I got 39 too. And next, if we go down..
T: On that side?
K: Will it be 39?
(*They walk downstairs *)
K: (*Reaching the bottom*) Eh?
T: Wasn't that 40?
K: I got 39.
T: Huh?
J: Huh?! I got 39. You got 40?
T: Yeah, I got 40.
J: Eh?! Hang on, whats going on?
10:55 K: (*Re-reading the email*) It says there are 40 steps going up.
J: 40 going up?
K: Are they including this? (*points to first concrete step on level with the ground*)
J: Oh, is that it?
K: If they are including this..
J: Yeah, if thats included, then..
T: I see.
K: I'll try starting from this. (*starts going up*)
J: Maybe you're supposed to go up the other side.. I can hear you.
T: Im out of breath..
J: Oh, you're carrying the bag..
T: Its embarrassing, im out of breath.
J: Its this step, this one.
11:36 K: (*Gets to top of stairs*) Ah, I see.
J: (*Getting to top*) 40!
T: (*Starting from the bottom*) This is the first step, yeh? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....
J: Haha
T: Then across?
J: No, no, diagonally.
T:...38, 39, 40.
K: You included the very first step at the bottom, right?
T: Yes...huh?
K: Huh? Really? How come only I'm different?
12:30 T: (*Going down*) This is the first one. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....... ....... 37, 38, 39, and this is 40.
K: You're not counting this one, are you? (*To J*) This one is ???*2
J: Ahh, thats the difference.
13:08 J: Do we count this one? Thats the problem. According to the email, there are 40 steps going up, and 39 going down.
K: Its like can you count this as 1..?
J: Yeah, thats it.
K: Im not sure.
T: Its raised by about 5cm.
K: Well, I mean...we'll digest that bread easily.
J: Haha, yeah, we can definitely say we exercised today.
T: Its been quite tough for the staff doing the filming.
J: Yeah, haha. While we were going up one by one, they were going up and down each time. But what is our verdict about this?
K: Was is right? If this is the first step?
J: Im pretty intrigued about this.
T: Well, let's give our answer here. To conclude.
J: As a last word?
T: Yeah.
J: Well, it depends on whether or not you count this as the first step. If you do count it, then there is 40 steps going up. But if you look over here, this side is barely elevated from the ground at all. So you end up taking the second level as the first step.
K: Yeah.
J: Thats it right? And back over here, the first step is more elevated, so you would make that number 1.(*Starts climbing*).1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
K: (*To T*) Ok, shall we go?
T: Yep, lets go. Bye Joe.... ... ... That was fun.
K: Yeh, it was. (*Too windy to make out what they are saying*)
T: I wonder if Joe is still doing it.
15:00 J: (*Coming downstairs*) They're not here? They left me. Hello? You two? What? There's no one here.
Takabayashi: That was 39.
J: Was it 39? So, yes, that means going up is 40 steps, and coming down is 39 steps. The  others have already left, so if you'd like to try this, its in Nezu...the haunted staircase. Please come and have a go, get some exercise.
15:31 T: He didn't call out for us to wait, right? haha....... ... ... Haha, here he is.
J: ??? (*No idea what he means here*)
T: You didn't realise we'd gone?
J: No, I didn't. When I came down there was no-one there, so it was a bit lonely. I closed the segment by myself.
T, K: Hahaha
T: How about this haunted staircase?
J: What do you think, Kaoru?
K: There was no ghost.
J: There wasn't, was there.
K: Its more like a mistaken staircase.
J: Yeah.
T: Ah, I see. Haha. To be accurate, the mistaken first step.
J: Yeah. When you go up, the fist step on one side looks as if its slightly elevated, so..
T: Yeah. We could go looking for other mysteries like this.
J: Yeah, lets solve them all!
K: So it seems as if we can use this one then.
J: Ah, thats good! We didnt waste our effort. So, if anyone knows any other mysteries that we could solve..?
K: Yeh, anything is ok, just let us know.
J: We'll solve them.
K: Ok, well, we can finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much. 
*1,2 Couldn't catch.
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grandtheftaristotle · 3 years
K I’ve watched the first 6 episodes of FMAB and here are my thoughts:
The world building in this show is INSANE
How Edward Elric somehow manages to be both hilarious and incredibly tragic is beyond me. Short king <3
Also like. Sibling culture. They are so immensely protective of each other but their immediate response to the other almost getting themselves killed is to punch them and call them a dumbass. Their fight in ep 5 CRACKED ME UP
Their mom was hot and I’m sad she died
Apparently their dad shows up later and he’d better have a damn good excuse or it is ON SIGHT. As of right now he has permanent residence on my shit list til the end of time
Speaking of my shit list, Roy Mustang is a little bitch
Thank god Riza is here I genuinely think she has the sole braincell in this team
Speaking of episode 4 HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT.
I knew something happened to that little girl and her dog and I had a feeling it would be transmutation after her dad said they could ‘play together’ (BITCH), but that did not even BEGIN to mentally prepare me for that scene
Like I was crying, but also there was this weight in my chest that would not go away
‘Can we play now’ ‘can we play now’ ‘can we play now’ SWEETIE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
And Ed’s reaction to it good GOD. He finally got to be a kid again for one day, but at what cost? In his mind she was just one more sibling he couldn’t save from alchemy
Okay I can’t talk about this anymore it genuinely hurts too much
OH YEAH ONE MORE THING ABOUT EP 4: I KNOW SCAR IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE BAD GUY BUT I KINDA LOVE HIM FOR KILLING THE BUTTFACE DAD (and I’m glad he killed the chimera too for the sole purpose of putting her out of her misery; I genuinely think that was the best decision for her)
Idk I’m neutral on him
In conclusion
This is an excellent show
I am Invested
My friend has great taste
I’m excited to meet her favourite character
But ep 4 has me on edge for the rest of this show
K bye
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summertime sadness .4.
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: You settle into your new job but can’t get too comfortable.
Note: Okey, dokey. Here’s the fun part (for me at least). Still tryna figure out how exactly this one will pan out by part 6 but we’re all having a ride together, eh. Thanks everyone for their support and I love you all! 💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
It had only been a few weeks since your last visit to the university but it felt longer as you walked onto campus. Just as planned, you were due to meet Bucky in his office. He texted you as you rode the subway. He was eager to start his ‘marking’. You smirked and wondered how long he’d last at that.
You entered the English Building, the elevator back in service and empty. Not many instructors were in their offices on a Saturday and most students were hungover or readying for another party. You knocked on Bucky’s door before you entered. He had a stack of essays on his desk as he sat behind them listlessly.
“Finally,” He said.
“I slept in.” You replied. “For the first time in a week.”
“Then you’ll have lots of energy,” He reached below his desk, the sound of his zipper discernible beneath it. “I’ve got about forty papers here.”
“Forty? And how many do you think you’ll get to?”
“Knowing that mouth, maybe one.” He snickered. “Come on, baby, I’m rock hard over here.”
He rolled his chair back as you neared and set your purse down behind his desk. He slapped your ass and you got to your knees. You grinned up at him as you ducked under his desk and gripped his thighs as he pushed closer. You pulled down his briefs and his cock sprung out. He groaned and grabbed his pen.
“Fuck,” He swore under his breath. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this, baby.”
“You’ve got marking to do,” You reprimanded and stroked him. “Now get to work.”
You stretched your lips over his tip and he groaned. He slid closer and you could hear the clumsy scratching of his pen on paper. As he reached the back of your throat, his leg twitched. You pushed past your gag reflex and he nearly choked. You pulled back and felt the shiver in him.
“Mmm,” He hummed and flipped a page. “Just like that.”
The sloppy sounds of your mouth added to the flutter above, the scribbles of ink. You bobbed your head steadily, every now and then forcing him to your limit and holding him there. And then you stopped as a knock came at the door. You both froze.
“Shit,” He pushed himself against the desk entirely and trapped you underneath it. The front shielded you from view on the other side. “Keep going.”
“Slowly, quietly.” He grabbed his dick and slapped it against your lips. “Now.” He cleared his throat and shoved your head down as he glided into your mouth again. “Come in.” He called and the door opened.
Your eyes widened as he pulled his hand away. You carefully dragged your tongue along his length.
“Hey,” He greeted in a smooth tone. “Tanya.”
“Sorry to disturb,” His visitor replied. “I was just grabbing some stuff from my office and I just remembered I still had this.”
A thump sounded on the top of the desk as you slobbered down his cock.
“Thanks,” He said and squeezed his legs around you. “I almost forgot myself if I’m being honest.”
“I owe you one,” She said. You recognized her voice. She taught the other section of journalism, though you had her for a social movements class in your first year. “Maybe a drink. I could hang around til you finish with those.”
“Ah, you know, I wish I could,” He lamented. “But I promised a buddy I’d swing around to watch the game.”
You kept from gagging and held your breath, afraid to give yourself away.
“You don’t seem like the sports type,” She countered.
“Not really but a few beers and I am,” He dismissed her easily.
“You sure you’re not avoiding me?” Her toe tapped impatiently just on the other side of the desk.
“Avoiding you?” He chuckled. A slight quaver in his voice as you swirled your tongue around his tip. “Why would I be doing that?”
“Well… Ever since our little… you know…” She hesitated to say it aloud.
“I thought we agreed that it was just a little fun.” He said and you stopped suddenly. He nudged you with his toe and you wrapped your lips around him once more. “A drunken bit of fun.”
“Hmmm…” She sounded disappointed. “You free tomorrow?”
“Sorry, maybe next weekend,” He said. “But I really gotta finish here.”
“Okay, okay,” She accepted with a trill. “We’ll sort out a time then.”
“Sure,” He confirmed unconvincingly. “Next weekend. See ya.”
“Bye,” Her voice was cheerier as her heels clicked back across the floor and the door opened and closed once more.
You tried to pull away but he caught your head and held you down as he emptied himself down your throat. You choked and smacked at his thigh as he cupped his sac with his other hand. He left your mouth salty and sore as he slipped out and rolled back with a sigh.
You spit his cum into your hand and crawled out from under the desk. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry, I had to-- fuck, I almost came with her right there.” He grabbed a tissue and handed it to you.
“You could’ve warned me,” You wiped your hand off with a grimace. “What was that anyway? Did you fuck her?”
“Why? You jealous?” He cleaned himself up and zipped up his pants.
“No,” You rolled your eyes. “But I did just suck you off within two feet of her as she obviously wanted to do the same.”
He laughed and pushed his shoulders back. “It was months ago. Before… us. There was a conference, there was wine, and I regret it.” He sighed. “And she looks back on it fondly but… lots of teeth and she was stiff as a fucking board.”
“Wow,” You said dryly and wiped your mouth. “You know, I’m barely surprised.”
“This… thing between you and I, it’s not--”
“It’s just a bit of fun. Trust me, I get it. I haven’t got time for anything but.” You tossed the kleenex in the small bin beside his desk. “Right? That’s what it is?”
“So much fun,” He assured you. “You wanna hang around till I’m finished?”
“Thought you already were,” You jibed. His brow furrowed and you grinned. “Sure,” You pulled up a chair. “I got nothing better to do.”
“Well, don’t sound so excited,” He said. “Besides, I might need some more help sooner than later.”
You scribbled along the margin of your agenda and dropped the pen. The keys clacked beneath your fingers as you typed up a manic sentence. Your screen glowed back at you as the seconds ticked by with each letter. So enthralled by your task that the speck in your peripheral gave you a start.
You leaned back and turned your chair to face the man watching you. Loki’s lithe fingers swept up your golden pen and he admired the engraved letters beneath the fluorescent light. You watched him nervously as you pushed yourself away from your keyboard.
“Mr. Laufeyson.” You greeted him meekly. “I am just finishing the blurb you wanted.”
“Hard at work, as always,” He mused as he carefully set the pen back on your desk. “A beautiful pen…”
“A gift,” You smiled awkwardly.
“Well, I hate to interrupt you so I will let you finished,” His fingers brushed along your desk and he leaned on it as he casually cross his right leg in front of the other. “But when you have, I would like a moment in my office before you leave for the day.”
“Of course,” You affirmed. “It shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.”
“As you will,” He stood straight and smoothed his jacket and buttoned it. “Then you are free to enjoy your weekend.”
“Okay,” You nodded and he turned away. 
You watched him go, his strides long but lingering as he retreated to his office. The usual crowd had thinned out and Stacey was readying for her own departure. You spun back to your computer and resumed your work. Your second week down and not a stumble yet. You dared to be proud of yourself. Even, to be happy.
Another weekend ahead of you and you weren’t entirely excited. You liked being in the office; liked working with the other journalists, writers, and editors. Enjoyed your chance to shadow one of the most powerful men in New York publishing. And he had achieved it all at such a young age. You could only hope to achieve as much in the next fifteen years. 
It was more than a bullet point for your resume, it was your own paradise.
So you finished up your blurb and attached it to an email. You logged out and packed up your agenda and pen beside your laptop. You pushed your chair in as you hooked your bag over your shoulder and trod tentatively to Loki’s office. You knocked on the open door and he looked away from his screen.
“Ah, there you are,” He beckoned you in with a wave. “Close the door behind you, please.”
You glanced back into the main office and did as he said. You stepped inside and sat across from him, your bag set down against the leg of the chair. His green eyes focused on you and he tilted his head as he absently traced his fingers over his phone. You fidgeted as you struggled not to shy away.
“I just wanted to check in,” He said. “And I was recently reviewing your references.”
“My references?” You wondered.
“Mmm,” He hummed. “Your professors speak highly of you. One of the reasons I even considered a second year, let alone one who had so suddenly changed majors, was a certain word on your behalf.”
“Okay?” You were confused and gripped the arms of the chair as you blinked at him dumbly.
“James Barnes has earned his tenure at the university and on occasion, he has written pieces for my own magazine. A respectable writer, admirable in his work both in teaching and otherwise. And when he proposed this workshop, the tours, I thought it was a charming idea. He proved me right so I had no doubt when he spoke to me of you.”
You gulped but said nothing. Your stomach churned and you brought your hands together and wrung them.
“You see,” He lifted his phone and blindly unlocked it. “You have lived up to his reference and your work is commendable…” He smirked as he flicked a finger across the screen. “But I still questions the veracity of his endorsement as I find his integrity has come into doubt.”
He set his phone down and slid it across the desk. He nodded for you to pick it up. You slid forward on your chair and took it. Your lips parted in horror as you stared at the screen. It was you and Bucky in the bookshop, your lips locked and his arms wrapped around you. You looked up, mortified, as the phone shook in your grasp.
“I…” The breath went out of you and you put the phone back on the desk before it could fall. “How did you--”
“It’s a quaint little shop.” He purred. “I venture in every now and then.”
You chewed your lip as your cheeks burned.
“You do realize that this could be… damaging. To you more than him.” He stood slowly and came around the desk to stand before you. “He has tenure, he is established. You, my dear, you’re barely getting started.”
You gaped up at him. The pet name unsettled you and you wiped your sweaty hands on your thighs.
“And aside from the ethical dilemma, I do wonder what a girl your age sees in a man his age. Especially when your work speak so boldly on its own.”
You shook your head, speechless.
“Surely there are boys your own age who would be delighted to offer you… companionship.”
“I never… I would never use him like that.” You insisted. “It’s all… my work. My own work.”
“Oh, I know it, dear,” He said as his lips curled. “But to risk that work on him? On an affair better fit to a dime store erotica?”
“Are you-- Are you going to report him? Me?” You asked. “Am I fired?”
“Well,” He leaned on the desk, his long fingers gripped it’s edge as he leered down at you. “That depends on you, my dear.”
“Me?” You squeaked.
“Oh yes, this is a very powerful secret, don’t you think?” He slithered. “And in our business, well, it would sell.”
“What do you want?” You asked.
He pushed himself away from the desk and reached to tickle your cheek. His fingers crawled along your chin and he brushed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“I haven’t yet made up my mind,” He bent so that his face was only inches from yours. “But when I do, my dear, you will appease me, won’t you?”
You shuddered but didn’t pull away. You were too frightened. A lock of his dark hair fell forward as his pale skin shone sinister in the lamp light. His green eyes bore into yours and you wanted desperately too look away.
“Y-yes,” You stammered weakly. “I--I will.”
“Very good,” He drew away slowly. “Now, darling, go enjoy your weekend.” He scooped up his phone and tucked it in his pocket. “And give the professor my regards.”
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makeupbychio · 5 years
goodnight n go // C.H
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pairing : Calum Hood x Reader.
summary : you are a famous pop singer and one normal night in your life Calum literally came to change everything.
words : 8.5k
warnings : fluff, angst and swearing.
a/n : hi babies, so I tried to do this gender neutral because I’m trying to write things for everyone without specifying gender, sexuality, physical appearance, etc. Feedback is more than welcome. Credits to the owner of the photo, and the Instagram posts.
italics means song lyrics.
bold means posts on social media.
inspired by : that one second laugh Ariana Grande does in ‘everytime’ studio version and ‘goodnight n go’ live version. And these videos (links down below in the blurb)
You are a pop star, already part of the pop culture, on tons of playlists made by platforms. So your life is always on the public eye even when you don’t post in your social media the paparazzis and social accounts always doing that for you. It wasn’t like that at the beginning, the world barely knew your name, your shows were for 50 in the room, then 100, then 1000, now a whole arena and with two dates in some cities. You have learned how to deal with the dizzy things of being famous thanks to your fans, family, friends and your own power so at the end of the day you would not change leaving your heart on stage singing and dancing every night at all even when you know that it is crazy, yeah, it is crazy there outside. How people that you don’t know tells you how you changed their lives with your music, how you saved them, tattoos in their bodies inspired by your lyrics and style.
It is been crazier lately. You write your songs inspired by your own experiences or your loved ones experiences. You just finished a tour and after a good break for a whole season you are back writing and planning a new album. You were writing a song based on a reckless love but the song couldn’t make it to the previous album because you never finish it and you didn’t want it as an interlude. But you restart it because life slapped you in the face because 3 months ago you broke up with your partner. You are laying on bed looking at some pictures of you two together walking on the streets taken by paps. The light of the screen lighting your face. And god, how you didn’t realize tons of things?, in every picture you are looking at your ex like a fool completely in love but people could not say the same coming from the other person. You were in love, your ex really loved you at first but the last months of the relationship barely paid attention to you. That is when you remembered one of your fights.
“I waited for you for almost two hours! You could at least answered my messages or you could call me! So I would leave the restaurant and don’t waste my time on you” you said loudly pointing at its face when you came back home and acting like nothing happened. You were furious.
“I know, sorry I’m tired I spend the whole day with my friend I didn’t see him in a while” your ex sighed laying on your bed. “Don’t wanna argue”.
“I don’t care about your friend! You could tell him to hang out another day. It was a special day for us you asshole” you said giving an angry look and leaving the room.
It was supposed to be a special day that day. You were back from your South America leg of the tour and you received the notice of awards nominations so you decided to celebrate by having dinner and then go to the movies together. But your ex didn’t show up, and it wasn’t the first time. You just asked for simple things like going to the beach or just receive love. So even you were angry, you came back to their arms every time.
You thought that then a good fuck or a pretty face would fixed everything, but no. Your naive head at that moment thought that things were going to change, or that your lover was the love of your life.
Now you are looking at the last picture of you two that was seen together walking out a store and even bugs can notice how disillusioned your expression and body language are in that photo. You are hanging by their arms but looking at the floor with your head down. The other person also was trying to hide it with a cap and focused on the road.
‘Oh God’ you sigh at the picture knowing how ridiculous you looked. You lock your phone and throw it to your side of the huge bed now empty the other side. You are sitting with your legs crossed in your bed looking outside your window. It is late in the night so the city lights are your view and it reminds you that night when you called your best friend to tell her about you were thinking to end your relationship. She is always been supportive with you and every time you were going to make your decision you postpone it till finally it happened. You remembered that you cried a lot that night you saw them leaving your apartment and hours later you were still crying listening to sad music with your best friend looking at the roof. 
Now you decide to restart the song you left half done. Your dog joined you in bed, you went for a cup of hot chocolate and you start writing it.
The next day early in the morning you are in your way to the studio once you are ready with your makeup trying to hide your tiredness that you wrote till 3 am and put your studio outfit which consists on a big hoodie so big that the sleeves are always covering your hands but comfiness is first.
Your band and crew arrived and you have your coffee. Even when it is a sad song coming from your experience you want to put energy in this one like one of those nights you fought, how your blood was running in your veins and how deeply you knew that your relation was pointless but you were going to fall every time. The energy being aware of that but at the same time an energy by saying I’m done, I get over you but I know that I was a fool for you but not anymore. 
You explain that to everyone when all of you are thinking about the melody and beats. Most of the people in the room insist and show you a sad melody and you are starting to get frustrated because they are not listening to you and your idea you are looking for. 
You decided to move on on another two songs that you have complete. During breaks to eat something, drink water, go to the next studio and say hi to people that you know and fooling around with your own crew now it is dark outside and you are thinking to call it a wrap for today but the urge to at least figure it out the musicality of the song you wrote last night it is bigger.
But all of you are tired and ran out of ideas and your manager enters the soundproof box to tell you that the room is reserved for another artist from midnight till dawn. So you have 3 hours left to record this song or try again another day.
When you are talking to your favorite producer, who also is your friend, a tall man enters the room with headphones and the music too loud for not noticing the room full of people. When he saw the big group of people he freezes and apologies already leaving when you stop him recognizing him.
“Calum?” you said getting up from your seat in front of all the buttons of the huge synthesizer.
“Y/N?” he asks checking if this is real.
You nod at him and hug him because it is been a while, almost 2 years without seeing him. He is so happy to see you, the last time you were together was in an awards after party and you know him since 4 years ago when you met him and his band on an awards show that you presented his band and their performance and you saw it from the corners of the stage and waited to congratulated them because you are respectful with others musicians work, they asked for a picture and after that you have been friends but your busy life didn’t let you hang out with them but always exchanging likes, comments or messages on the dms on social media. 
“Omg how are you?” he asks you while he hugs you with his strong arms the height difference is notorious so he lays his right cheek on top of your head. He knows about your love situation, but to be honest he was not sad about that. Not at all. But he is not going to take advantage of that.
“Fine and you? Omg I miss you so much, what are you doing here alone?” you say to him confused not seeing all the 5sos boys.
“We are recording our new album and the guys should be here” he says checking the hour on his watch and then quickly his phone if there is a message.
“Finally new 5sos music!” you say and laugh.
“Yeah, we don’t have the ability like you to drop music every year.” he teases you.
“Hey!” you punch him softly on his ribs. “First things first, you can do that too if you want to drop music and second, actually right now I’m struggling with a song” you explain to him all of your situation when his phone rings. Ashton is on the other side of the line.
“Cal, we said at midnight!” Ashton said.
“Oh crap, I don’t know why I understood it was at 9 pm...K’...Bye, see ya’” Calum answers to his friend before hanging out the call.
He explains to you the situation even when you listened to what Ashton said. Calum tells you that it was nice to see you but he should be back at midnight but you stop him letting him know if he wants he can stay.
“Are you sure?” he asks knowing that maybe that could bother your crew.
“Of course Cal!” you say. And even when his house it is like 20 minutes away by driving he could come back when it is his band’s turn to use the studio but to be honest again he would really love to hang out a while with you. He always finds you attractive and your voice is one of the most angelical for him.
After he greeted the rest of the group he sits close to you listening your conversation with your producer.
“What if you add little adlibs and drums?” Calum suggests but he regrets if the producer would get angry. “Sorry man, I know it is your work and I am just a guest and-” 
“It is okay! Actually that is a good idea dude” your producer say asking Calum to show him what he said.
Calum and you enters the box and he sits to play the drums.
“Ashton is teaching me a little bit now that we are roommates” he jokes about it while taking the drumsticks.
“I saw that joke you did to Ashton! It was hilarious and his response” you point at him.
So you and Calum organized that he would play something in the drums first and then you start singing or reading the lyrics to catch the rhythm. He shows you a freestyle moment with the drums since he’s been doing that in his house to practice. The producer in the other side of the glass tells you from the speaker that there is a beat that maybe could fit. So once back again listening to beats ideas ordering to make that beat faster or slower, louder or pronounced then your band is working with the guitar, bass, keyboard and your drummer continues what Calum started and last but not least you are thinking where to sing it with high notes that it is your biggest characteristic.
All the people in the room are tired, your manager and part of your crew left early because they have meetings for some upcoming festivals to schedule. You let your band know that is the last effort of this week then you’ll be back again the next one rehearsing for an awards performance.
Calum now is in the other side of the glass next to the producer watching and listening all of this process of making this record. He is having fun and he realizes he could hear to your voice all night. It takes a lot of takes, to the final result of a song and Calum knows that perfectly.
You want to achieve the highest note of the song in the last chorus of the song in the last line. You should have record that first because it is getting hard for you to reach with a tired vocal cords after doing the rest of the song and the ad libs. You sigh frustrated at another failure of that last chorus.
“Y/N, should we call it a wrap for today?” your producer asks you softly. To be honest, you don’t want it after all of the work behind to finally get this song built.
“Excuse me” Calum says confident to the producer to take control of the speaker. “Y/N, listen to me, this is the last effort I know that ya’ can do this… You got this” he says looking at you directly in the eye. You nod and take a deep breath to try again and ‘he was right’ you thought to yourself when you freaking nailed it not just one high note, you reached it also the lines of the outro of the song.
Once you open your eyes when you keep singing with not that much power the last line. You laugh hiding your smile with the sleeve of your hoodie because the first thing you see is Calum stunned with his arms crossed on his chest and one hand full of rings lifted to cover his mouth. You start clapping to your band and say through your microphone ‘thank you’ to the rest of the people.
“Girl, you fuckin’ blew my mind” he says so excited mimicking what he said once you left the recording side of the room.
Minutes later everyone is saying goodbye to you and once again you thanked everyone for their job and energy as always and telling your producer to call you to edit the song other day. 
Now you are alone with Calum while you start packing your things. “Magic” you say looking at the clock with 15 minutes in your favor.
You use that time catching up on general things, like music, family, next awards, and a little bit of gossiping and of course asking about the rest of the boys.
“So happy for you guys, I can see that you are happy with this new era” you say after listening to Calum talking so passionate about what he and his band are doing. “I want to wait for the guys because I miss them. Do you think Michael is still in love with me?” you joke about it in a friendly way since Michael told you you were his crush, so he always reacts so excited and weird with you.
“No, he can’t react like he used to”. Calum laughs and you understood because you congratulated Michael on his engagement.
Minutes later, the boys and the rest of the crew arrived making noise with a lot of energy as always ready for a recording night but at the end they are always laying on the floor waiting for the team to call it a wrap.
“You gotta be kidding me!” Luke says running to hug you by lifting you because he is so tall and he missed you so much. You laugh and hold him tight. You say hi to the rest of the boys and you look at Calum next to you when you both noticed Michael is trying to act serious and cool around you when later he is going to ask Calum "Did Y/N said something about me?".
After a couple of minutes talking to the boys catching up about life, their crew called them to start the session so you have to say goodbye.
"Thanks again Cal, you saved my life today" you say goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek and then the same with the rest. "K' guys bye, hope you have a good night".
You are stepping into your car when Calum calls you running behind you. "Y/N! before you leave, I lost all of my contacts when Ashton threw my phone into a pool…" you laugh at how they always been like that. "So if you can give me your number again if one day you want to hang out with me- with us".
You both exchange numbers and say goodbye.
Your producer laughs hearing that take where you stop singing and take a second to laugh at Calum’s face. “You want to put the laugh in the song too?”
You don’t know if it was a joke or a serious question. You think for a minute at how frustrated you were that night with your team trying to build this song and thankfully Calum was there to help and give his opinion, also that laugh confirms how this song is not sad at all even when people were saying to you that it should be because of your breakup.
“Yeah” you answer and think about that little good time hanging out with Calum. You record a short video of that laugh that is going to be in the song, letting know your fans that you are in the studio pointing with your phone at the computer. 
Your stories on Instagram are always like a puzzle to your fans, like what does this means? what is this? when? where? new song? album? tour? collab? video?. Most of the times you add emojis, letters, or numbers that are meaningful to decipher the message and also to tease.
“Hello?... Calum? Can you hear me?” you say through the phone.
“Y/N? Hi! Yes, I can…” he answers leaving the room. “Sorry, I was so into playing my bass, we are writing a new song”.
“Oh sorry, if you are busy I can call you later-” you say softly and gentle.
“No no no. Ehmm, how are you? Tell me” he say surprised that you actually call him. He is giving you all of his attention listening to you.
“I’m fine and you? I’m calling you because we finished the song and I would like to know if you want to appear in the track info, cause’ ya’ know… you helped with the drums and other stuff” you wait for his answer, you are nervous of his response. Why? You have done this all the time with other collabs, ‘maybe because he is so intimidating but at the same time the cutest’ you think to yourself.
In the other side of the call, he is surprised and also he finds this so cute from you because he thinks that he barely contributed. “Ehhm, yes- I mean if you are okay with this I’m okay too”.
@MTV: Biggest return of Y/N!, who just announced a new single and a new collaboration TONIGHT!, a new album, and a performance for the VMAS. *internal screams*.
@MTV: Don’t forget to watch the VMAS this Sunday at 8 pm, amazing performances by Y/N, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Halsey, Rosalía, Bad Bunny, Doja Cat, Cashmere Cat and Missy Elliott winner of the Vanguard Award and more! with surprises of course, as always.
@y/n.updates: Genius.com has revealed the lyrics of the new singles! “everytime” and “quit”, the last one is from the dj Cashmere Cat’s album. We are so excited for our baby's return.
@bbcradio1: A friendship you didn’t know you needed until now… Calum Hood from 5sos appears in the track info of Y/N’s new single. Is Y/N going to appear in the upcoming 5sos album too? let’s pray to the universe.
“Of course last but not least to arrive the red carpet is the royalty in person, Y/N” the interviewer comments watching you posing to all of the cameras. “I am loving this moment. Y/N is here to slay the red carpet and taking pictures with every artist throwing kisses to friends like to 5sos, ugh lucky boys, now saying hi to Normani, we love that”.
“Yeah, I’m smelling big succes coming this year and Y/N totally deserves it” the other interviewer says. “Oh. My. Goddess… Can we take a moment to appreciate this outfit?!”. You arrive and say hi to everyone. After a couple of questions and compliments you are walking with your team to go backstage to change for your performance.
Once the Teen Wolf cast introduced your performance, everything went dark and silence and you appear in a large lavender satin dress, perfect to build up your figure and Cashmere Cat appears on a platform with his dj set and lights pointing at you and him.
“And you say that I'm the devil you know
And I don't disagree, no, I don't see the harm
They say, "You crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you"
But I wanna be in your arms
They say, "No, don't pick up the phone, let him think there's nobody home"
But I'm under your spell
'Cause when you call, my heart starts to roll
I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell…”
Then two contemporary dancers are next to you dancing at what the lyrics means to you when you recorded this with Cashmere Cat in the studio after your breakup. At the chorus a fake rain starts in the stage and you have your moment feeling amazing and feeling the beat that your dj friend was playing behind you. You participate too in the choreo while you sing the last part of the song. Singing to both dancers faces like if you are watching from outside when you decided to step out your relation. So each dancer goes to their own way representing the metaphor.
Then a new different beat went off for a little moment and you start singing a snippet of one of your new songs of your upcoming album hoping to make everyone clear how you are after your breakup because you still hear some comments about it.
“I got a bad idea, How 'bout we take a little bit of time away?
I got a bad idea
Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah”.
The next thing you see is everyone standing up and clapping at you. You hug Cashmere Cat. “Thank you, please give it up for my friend Cashmere Cat!”
You stay not that much to the after party because tomorrow you have to get up early for a photoshoot.
You post videos behind the scenes and the photos of the photoshoot. You are in the front page and you did something original playing with makeup, hairstyles and clothes. Everyone is living for this new era.
“Ugh, are you going to do that call or should I do it for you?” Ashton interrupts Calum and his daydreaming watching your latest posts.
“What?” Calum answers confused wrinkling his nose and expressions.
“You heard me”. Ashton says letting know his friend that he is not stupid. “I noticed how you look at Y/N that night performing and then at the after party...And don’t excuse yourself because of the angelic voice because I know I was mesmerized too but you were on another level”.
Calum doesn’t add anything else and stands up to continue writing the new song but not without leaving a comment on one of your posts ‘gorg!’.
“Hello beautiful human, it is Y/N back in the studio!” Zach says through his microphone. Everyone clap and he greets you. Even the promo you have to do for your singles, albums and all that stuff you are so picky with the interviews you want to do because in the past you had a lot of uncomfortable ones with disrespectful questions and interviewers. It is not the case with Zach, you feel at home and he is your friend.
As always you talked about your new music, upcoming things, opinions about something, your personal life and you are so honest talking on Zach’s show because he always asks you about how are you doing because he knows that everyone struggles.
“So the whole tracklist it is on genius.com and I think that it is safe to say that I’m not the only one surprised with the collabs and people who helped you.” Zach says reading a paper checking the new revelation. “I would like to know details how it is to work with such talented artists and producers”.
You told him the details and including how Calum ended in your studio session that night.
“Thank God I recognized him because my bodyguard was ready to punch him” you make Zach laughs.
Calum saw your interview and after that he called you. He didn’t know what kind of confidence took him to invite you to hang out tomorrow.
That day you went with him and Ashton and Luke to the Star Wars theme park. The guys insisted that Calum must have gone alone that day but he was too nervous. Other day you and the guys went to bowling, Michael was losing all the fun because his new life as fiancé planning the wedding.
That’s how you got the chance to know more about them every single time you hang out. Paparazzis always were there and people talking about this cool friendship. But then Calum had the balls to ask you on a date. For your surprise he invited you to a The 1975 concert, then you invited him to a Post Malone concert, you went to the movies, then late nights stops at diners. And as the bond between you two was growing with so much love, affection, confidence, honesty and how safe you feel next to him you didn’t realize that you were holding his hand or arm so natural like it was a thing you two always do. That little thing was enough for people to start rumors. Calum likes you so much but he wanted to take things slow because of you and him after you told him everything about your ex and he did the same. His ex used him just for fame and to be in the public eye so with little details when you noticed he was doubting about his own self or anything else, you let him know that everything is okay.
One and a half month later, you are with him at your place in your home studio after you order vegan pizza for dinner that Calum was right that it is delicious. You were helping each other, mostly him with ideas of sets to perform Want You Back and Youngblood on tv shows. Then you showed him the final version of ‘everytime’ and he loves that you included the laugh in the song which reminds him of something. 
“I want to show you something” Calum says searching something on his phone gallery. 
“Found it” he says getting his chair closer to yours. It is a video that he secretly recorded of that day in the studio, when you finally hit the high notes of the song. In the video you can hear how he says ‘wow” multiple times and your producer is not surprised but still in awe. Then there is your laugh when you saw Calum’s face and when the song ends you can hear his ‘what the fu-” and the video ended.
“Why you didn’t show me this before?” you say with giggles at how incredible you have the two sides of that moment.
“First, don’t worry because I’m never going to show this to anyone I know that I should ask you before and-” he is explaining himself.
“Can I kiss you?” you interrupts looking at him noticing a sparkly surprise on his eyes.
He leans so fast to kiss you, you take your moment to taste his lips after all this time you can confirm what you think about his lips. You break the kiss needing air. “You didn’t answer my question”. 
He laughs at your teasing while you bit your lip. “You’re right, I didn’t”. He holds your face within his hands and start kissing every part of your face while he says “Yes” in every little kiss.
Things got hot and heavy so you move the make out session to your room. Both of you don’t want that the other person feel pressure to do things but with you Calum forgot his “love is scam” thing. So he carries you and takes his time to make every moment, kiss, thrust and this night to last. He thinks that he is the only one that kinda feels strange at this amount with affection and intimacy but the truth is that you were feeling the same way, because with him you don’t feel a clingy or a needy person as you were in your last relationship. With Calum is different in a good way.
“So you didn’t come home last night” Ashton says to Calum when he arrived for lunch time, because he had breakfast twice today with you.
“Ew! I didn’t want to know that Cal” Ashton says while cutting vegetables for lunch. “Thank God you are together, it took you forever. To be honest, I thought Y/N was going to get bored of waiting”. 
Another night at your place when Calum surprised you with a romantic dinner and also apologizing for the other night when at his place Ashton interrupts you two.
In the middle of the night you woke up with an idea stuck in your head, you took your underwear and Calum’s baggy shirt he was wearing and before you stood up you melted at the sight of your dog sleeping closely to Calum, who at first hated him but now they look like besties.
After an hour in your studio with this new idea, you had the lyrics and already recording with a beat which two of your best friends made once in a party just fooling. The studio is soundproof and in another level of your house so the music is not going to wake up Calum, but the coldness he felt next to him makes him wonder the reason that woke you up.
And when he found where you are and what are you doing he reminds to himself that in this exact moment he feels so much love for you.
“That sounds beautiful babe” he said getting closer to you to kiss your cheek.
You are editing all focused this song to send it to your producer to do the final touches. “I didn’t want to wake you up” you lift your head to look at him with a pout and noticing he is shirtless and he looks tired from what you did hours earlier. He asked you details about this song called ‘goodnight n go’, he listened to it and once again all of his feelings manifest in a studio. “I love you” he confessed when the song ends. The feeling is mutual and the idea of this song came up all based in your relation you have with him.
@Y/N: new album. valentine’s day. love y’all xoxo. 
You posted with the cover of your new album.
“There is a lot of people downstairs” your manager said arriving the room, you were waiting for your manager for the first toast of the night. It is your album’s launch party and you want to celebrate with your team, your band and their loved ones. Your family, your friends, artists of the industry, and other famous people.
You made a speech about how grateful you are for everyone in the room for their patience, for the love and support for you and this new project. Before you start to get emotional, you said to everyone to have fun tonight and you thanked again. 
You rented a whole club for the night. After eating, cut the cake and having a few glasses of champagne you are ready to take pictures in the photo booth with everyone.
Your close loved ones of course know about you and Cal, but the other half of the people in the room just know the rumors and the pictures from paparazzis and fans. When you were taking funny pictures with other musicians, it is iconic that in the photo is going to appear artist from different genres of music that are your friends. Calum really wants a picture with you and just you even when he loved the ones with the boys and your friends.
“I’m ready” Calum said to you when you are pointing at the printed photo because Luke’s gold eyeshadow looks freaking amazing.
“Ready for what?” you looked at him confused.
“Ready to announce the world that we are together” he said biting his lower lip waiting for your reaction. He told you a few weeks before that he was afraid and he didn’t know how to handle at that moment if you said you were together, so you told him that it is okay and understood him.
“Like now?! What you have in mind?” you asked him nervous because you both know what comes next with this kind of announcements. 
Calum just took your hand and enter just with you inside the photo booth and when the countdown started he looks at you with a smirk and sparkly eyes. “This is my plan” and he kissed you on the lips at the same time the machine announced the picture was taken.
“We have two more! What do we do?” he asked you, but now that you are here you use right the last two pictures. One kissing him in the cheek and hugging him around his neck that Calum did that thing with his eyes and the biggest smile on his face because he is so happy and also the alcohol. And the last one looks a little bit blurry and funny.
You took the opportunity to take another three but this time, now that everyone is going to know about your relation, the pictures are sexier but not vulgar. Of course your photographer took film pictures during the night so you will have several memories of the night.
You and Calum posted the three first ones on your social media.
@Y/N: my love💖.
@calumhood: happiest man in the universe. february 14th is not bad at all anymore with you by my side💛.
That night before you arrived home with Calum, he told you about a new 5sos music video called Valentine that was going to be on Youtube in 30 minutes, he told you that he wrote almost the entire song and you can’t wait to hear and see him singing this song, especially his verse.
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
The success of your new album was immediately. And that means a lot of interviews, invitations to tv shows, radio stations, youtube channels, etc. Calum went and waited for you backstage to the ones that were in US. But the international ones he couldn’t come with you because their new album is going to release soon and new music videos by 5sos.
“I’m so happy to be back!” you said. Today is BBC radio 1 turn. They told you they were happy to have you in the radio.
After you sang a song from the new album, you have to do a cover. In the past you did ‘Them Changes’ by Thundercat and ‘After The Storm’ by Kali Uchis taking advantage of your voice and the high notes you can reach, it is the same this time.
“Hi, this is Get You by my friends Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis” you said. The last part is your favorite.
This feels like summer
Boy you make me feel so alive
Just be my lover
Boy you'll lead me to paradise
Youngblood is out and the release party wasn’t bigger like yours but the fun was the same. You appeared on the Cocktail Chats they did when it was Valentine’s turn. Now after two months your relation went public, the euphoria coming from the people decreased.
@Y/N: something huge in two hours with a special guest.
You posted on your stories with a sneak peek.
@ctrlnow: Y/N’s world tour with Kehlani as special guest. Next week tickets on sale. Are you excited? because this is going to be 🔥. It is the first time Y/N is going to perform in all the continents in almost two years.
@5sos: US, Canada and Mexico get ready for this tour. Special guest our buddy Dominic Fike. Tickets on sale in 6 days.
After 4 months of rehearsals and planning visuals, outfits, makeup, sets, tracklist, etc. You are on the road with the first leg of the tour in US for the whole summer in arenas and festivals. You are synchronized with Calum so you have no problem to hang out together and enjoy to the fullest your days off. 
Both of you don’t get tired of each other concerts. Watching Calum leaving his heart on stage singing and playing his bass, also looking so freaking handsome every single show. For him is the same watching your amazing show with your dancers and different outfits, he said it before and in the present day that he can listen to you singing the whole day and he envies you how charming you are with your fans and noticing every person in the huge arena.
You have a main stage, then a circular runway and a B stage. Calum is always in the first row in front of the B stage. The first show you were so nervous. The beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started and the crowd went crazy. 
“It seems that you really like this one” you said teasing even more. You started dancing and walking next to where Calum is. Your dancers interact with the audience while you are reaching the high notes. 
We'll have drinks and talk about things
And any excuse to stay awake with you
And you'd sleep here, I'd sleep there
But then the heating may be down again
(At my convenience)
We'd be good, we'd be great together
When you looked down, there is your boyfriend looking at you like nobody else did before. You laughed at his reaction because it was priceless and before you keep moving you blow him a kiss. So as the same his reaction was that first time in the studio with ‘everytime’ that made you laugh, now it is with the song that he inspired. He does that in every show he goes, every time you sing ‘goodnight n go’. It is now your amulet that he makes you laugh in the same part with his faces and reactions. But not everything is perfect.
The different time zones, the distance and the stress is clouding Calum’s mind. In two weeks you have barely spoken ten minutes. And new things keep coming to you like singing to fashion shows, summer festivals in other continents, hosting tv shows, etc. His friends told him that he will get used to and things will be okay within you two. But he misses you so much and he is doubting about himself again in this thing called love.
“I think it is the best Y/N” he said through his phone. He called you that night, he is so overwhelmed and tired. “I don’t want to be an obstacle, this is your career’s biggest time” he tries not to cry while he passed his hand through his hair all nervous.
“Calum please tell me you are not joking” he can hear your sobs in the other side of the line. You are in France and he is in Canada.
“Y/N just look at what time you are calling me! It is 4 am here where I am!” he said frustrated, it is not the first fight but it is the first time he yells at you that loud.
“Okay I’m sorry! It is late here too Calum in New Zealand- my point is that we will be okay Calum. After this I’m going to be home like you” you tried to calm him.
“And then what? Run to film a tv show for a whole week? Just seeing you at nights? We should take a break while we figured it out” he said and you are frozen trying to check if what he said is real.
“You are the only one who needs to figured it out, because I’m sure about us and… How could you even wonder and said that you are an obstacle?”. Now it is the opposite because the last thing you said was “Okay, if it is what you want. Go to sleep n’ goodnight”.
You don’t know how people could know. But rumors of your relationship are in every social media and it is just been a day. You want to throw your phone but you have to get ready for your show in Australia, what an ironic thing.
It is not the same hype when the beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started. When you are singing the bridge that you were used to laugh thanks to Calum’s reactions. Now your voice breaks and hide your face with your hand and the other one holding your microphone so the public keep singing because you can’t. Your dancers changed the choreo to get close to you and let you know that they are there for you but still you start singing again in the next chorus but with a shaky voice. With this people confirms the rumors.
@enews: Our favorite couple is not longer a thing. With this we don’t believe in love. Y/N and Calum Hood are taking a break. Days before the couple had some troubles in tour. Y/N broke in tears and Calum didn’t go to any interview. Link of the video of Y/N last show in the bio.
“I supposed that you already saw this” Luke said giving his phone to Calum to show a video someone posted on Instagram. It is from your last night show.
“Yeah, I saw it” he said without making eye contact with his friend. Calum doesn’t want to talk about it. He is trying to convince himself that what he did is the best. It breaks his heart watching the video that now it is everywhere and his bandmates noticed how irritated he is with everything.
For a whole week Calum barely sleep two hours at nights. He looked off in the shows. He cries during his part in ‘Ghost Of You’, he sings spiritless in ‘Valentine’ and he asked to take off ‘Babylon’ from the tracklist. 
5sos have new dates in another continents after December holidays.
“You should talk to Y/N, the Asia leg is going to be over in ten days and after the holidays the South America leg starts” Michael gave his advice to Calum but once again he didn’t give any answer.
You took ‘goodnight n go’ and ‘everytime’ off from the tracklist and changed it for another song because you tried a couple of shows after but you couldn’t do it like it used to be singing that song. Your fans were sad because it is their favorite song but you don’t want to cry every single show. 
You have been in touch with Calum but not much. Just good morning and good night messages and that you are safe in the city you two are in that moment.
“Hello Mexico City!” Luke said on stage. “Welcome to the Meet You There tour, thanks for having us tonight, let’s have some fun!”
The whole night Calum were late and off key with his voice and bass that multiple times Ashton tried to follow him with the drums. Calum is thinking and worried about you when he saw earlier that you cancelled your shows in Korea because you got a cold that you have to rest your voice. He just wants to talk to you.
When the show ended, Calum throws his bass hard against the floor without caring a thing. After that he went directly to bed, without taking a shower, or eat something. It is been like this for weeks and everyone knows that what he decided was so stupid, but with hope that he learns the lesson.
“Can you explain us what was that?” Ashton said taking off Calum’s hands his phone. “Dude this is getting out of control, and we gave you your space and everything but now you are going to admit that what you did was wrong and the only thing you want is your relationship back”.
“Go away” Calum said.
“No, Hood. You are barely sleeping, eating, focused, happy. This is how relationships work, and we know that it is crazy as fuck when you are famous”.
“Yeah man, it wasn’t easy for me and my girlfriend” Michael said. “And now we are going to get married...Look, if it is meant to be and if you really love Y/N, you should fix this”.
You are back in LA for holidays and tonight you have the last show of the year because the second date of LA you had to cancel it because an allergy you had so you reschedule the show.
You are in the car on your way to the arena when your manager told you to stop by the studio because the new visual that you asked for is ready. It is a recap of this year, so your fans are going to see a couple of unreleased videos and pictures of behind the scenes of this whole year including everything and every person in your life.
In the studio you saw the new visual and you noticed that they didn’t put Calum on it. You love him and even when you are on a break, you wanted him in the visual too.
“Hmm I can explain it” your crew member said when another video randomly start in the screen of the computer.
“A mini film by Andy Deluca” you read in the title. The video shows the different reactions of Calum in every ‘goodnight n go’ performance. not just the tour, it also shows the reactions from his house listening to the song, or watching you performing the song on a show. It is a funny video but at the same time so cute and emotional because his reactions are different in every take. Calum screamed “YAAAAS!” or “I LOVE YOU BABY!”, surprised faces, funny faces, lip-synching, etc. And when Andy pointed the camera at you and you hid your laugh with your hand or sleeve, depends on the outfit. Calum says directly to the camera “Y/N should stop doing that, I’m going to say it later because Y/N’s laugh and smile are gorgeous… Okay this is my favorite song, enjoy it”. And the video ends.
“Wow, this is freaking cool but how did you-?” you asked your team when Calum appears from nowhere that scares you.
“I send it to your manager” he said. “I asked Andy to do this video because as always since the start of our relation I wanted to keep these memories”. When you didn’t say anything, he continues. “Y/N I know that I fucked up everything and-” he is interrupted by your manager telling your team to leave you two alone. Once alone with Calum in the room he continues again. “I got scared, I had never had a real relationship, this connection and what I feel for you before...I’m sorry”.
After a couple of minutes talking and giving your point of view that he didn’t let you give months earlier, you said “I love you, but please talk to me because the solution is not running every time things get complicated” and you hug him. He tried to kiss you but you said that he has to win your heart again.
“Hello LA! Hope you enjoy this surprise, happy holidays” and the new visuals and videos start playing in the big screen and everyone is laughing, getting emotional, while you drink water backstage you can hear the “awww cute”. And last but not least Calum’s video is playing and you are ready for the next song. Everyone screamed and are happy for you to be with him again. So when in the video Calum says ‘Okay this is my favorite song, enjoy it’, the beginning of ‘goodnight n go’ started.
Tell me why you gotta look at me that way
You know what it does to me
So baby, what you tryna say? Ayy
Lately, all I want is you on top of me
You know where your hands should be
So baby, won't you come show me? Mmm
“For this next song I would like to call Mister Calum Thomas Hood” you said looking at him. He didn’t know about this. You sat him in a chair and say on his ear “A little tease never hurt nobody babe”. Now talking to the audience, “Let’s go!” and the beat of ‘break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored’ went off. Calum is fighting and struggling when you are dancing in front and on top of him.
It’s been 3 years since Calum entered your room. He is so glad that he interrupted your studio session. And here he is now, watching you performing ‘goodnight n go’ like if it was the first time he heard you that night in your home studio, the feeling and the amount of love to you is the same and even bigger he would say, it just changes the place where you are singing this song. Now you don’t hide your laugh with your sleeve, and Calum always says how he feels and trusts in your relationship.
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jimimn · 4 years
FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME!!!!!!! ITS OKAY!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!!!!! AND YAYYYYY CONGRATS I HOPE THE FIRST LEG OF EXAMS WENT WELL <333333 AND OH MY GOD you’re gonna make me cry with the together baam goddddddd same one of my fave moments and jimin’s giggles after that 😭😭😭😭 my babies <3 :((((
that..... black suit selca....... that opened button...... like open one more dear sir who’s stopping you... just do it <33333 YEAH he totally needs to shut up with his i know im hot side it just kills me every single time 😭😭😭😭😭
YOU KNWO WHAT I THINK JIMIN WON’T GIVE US A HINT BEFORE DROPPING PJM1. HE’LL JUST DROP IT ONE FINE DAY OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE HE DROPPED PROMISE AND CHRISTMAS LOVE (i wasn’t here when he dropped promise but i read that on twitter sdfghjkl) AND NO PLS NO I DO N O T WANT TO SLEEP THROUGH JJK1 OR KTH1 OR PJM1 OR KSJ1 OR NAMGI MIXTAPE 3 OR HOBI MIXTAPE 2 OR ANYTHING BASICALLY YOU GET IT i had slept through dynamite cb because i had NO CLUE that they were gonna drop it at 1pm kst rather than 12 am kst. i was under the impression that since they dropped all the teaser pictures and the teaser itself as 12 am kst, the mv will drop at 12 am kst too. and I woke up like two hours after the mv dropped (which was almost noon my time) and i felt like A FUCKING FOOL AND I JUST 😭😭😭😭 NEVER WANT TO FEEL LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN 😭😭😭 
AND YES BABIE NEEDS TO COME LIVE SOON PLS I MISS HIM SO FUCKING MUCH :((((( AND HIS O...M.....G HAD MADE ME FUCKING SOBBBBBBBBBBB his yt live god he looked sooooooo fluffy with his hair and his tiny hands and his puppy eyes and soft voice im just so 😭😭😭😭😭😭
NO NONNONONONO PLEASE IM NO LEGEND DON’T SAY THAT IM EMBARRASSED im just a normal fangirl who makes okayish gifs 😭😭 and ok yes so i started giffing LONNNGGGGGG time back on a different public fan forum from my country but i never knew the right process and stuff so obviously the gifs were shitty lmao BUT ANYWAY i got into gifmaking PROPERLY this in july last year and obviously struggled a lot in the beginning because i didn’t know shit about colouring and stuff lmao but i kept practicing and even though im not perfect rn i do think that i got better. i love giffing tho. its such a nice creative outlet and whenever i gif the boys it brings me so much happiness :( <33
AND YES THE CANADA RUN EPIS ARE LOOOVVVEEEE and that vmin moment plsssssss i cry everytime 😭😭😭😭😭 it is just so soft and innocent and tae’s little smile after jimin just turns around and hugs him 😔😔😔😔 i love soulmates 😔😔😔😔 AND MIRI YES OMG EVERYONE WAS SO IMPRESSED BY THE LITTLE CUTIE AND THE WAY JUNGKOOK JUST KEPT ADORING HER THROUGHOUT MADE ME SO SO SOFTTTT and bro adam is me. i am like that. lazy and un-motivated AF. although if i were a dog and jin were to be my owner i would listen to him so well and jump on him every chance i’d get 😌😌😌
GOD YES RED HAIR DOPE ERA JIMIN 💀 BABIE BUT MAKE IT SEXY 🥵🥵 AND OMG YESDGFHG MY FAVE ERA IS HYYH. ORANGE HAIRED JIMIN. PLS. HE’S EVERYTHING. I WISH I HAD GOTTEN INTO THEM DURING THAT. LIKE THAT ERA IS ..... SOMEHOW SO FUCKING WILD AND STILL SO ASSURING AND CALMING ????? KEEPS ME ROOTED LIKE IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN DFGHJKL AND WINGS TOO DAMN I WISH I WAS HERE TO LIVE ALL THOSE AMAZING ERAS. but even though i wish i had gotten into them earlier... i think i found them when i needed them the most. I was going through a very difficult time last year and they somehow they made me feel so fucking safe and at home that the connection was instant. honestly i’ve never stanned or felt a connection with any celebrity as strong as the one i feel with bangtan. its like... they don’t know i exist but they still know EXACTLY what im feeling and what to say or do at that time to make me feel comforted. Its weird god but its true :((( SORRY I GOT EMO I JUST LOVE THEM A LOT SDFGHJKL
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 3,4 k
Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [extra]
You've been looking at the screen for an hour rereading the message from Jungkook over and over again.
'Your "everything okay " it's:
a) everything okay, because nothing to happen
b) everything okay, because I want repeat that night
c) everything okay, because I don't want talk to you anymore '
You must have visual hallucinations, you still couldn't believe it was really true. Is he drunk again? What goes wrong? You reread the message again, maybe you misunderstood the second answer. His phrase 'It wasn't an accident' came to your mind. No, it's definitely crazy for this kid, and that's why he's trying to drive you crazy. There is no other explanation! You wrote the answer 'a)' and sent it. I hope it's going to be like this. I don't want to be awkward between us.
The sound of the notification sounded almost immediately, and you wondered if he was still awake. By unlocking the phone you calmed down to see a message from Yoongi. You asked him why they didn't sleep so late, and he said he only drinks with Jin, and everyone else went to bed before midnight. You wrote that you'd go to bed too and say good night to them. You was looking at correspondence with Yoongi. Despite the fact that he can write vulgar messages like today 'Do you want me to come and undress you? I can even rub the your back in the shower😊' there was never anything between you. Even a hint of some kind of intimacy or desire. You knew all his girlfriends, and he knew about your guys. You often had coffee together and discussed things you couldn't discuss with Jin. So why does a man who has always behaved calmly and once again did not look in your direction suddenly kisses you, says that it was not an accident and then also asks if I want to repeat? 'So don't think about it,' you stopped thinking afterwards.
You got up and took a shower. After the shower, you put on your new pajamas and went to bed. You lit the scented candles by the bed, their pleasant smell filled your bedroom, and the warm light from the fire complemented the pleasant atmesphere. When you felt that you were already falling asleep you put out the candles, and turning on the other side immediately fell asleep.
You were lying on the bed with your feet and your hands tied with a rope. You didn't see anything because of the blindfold. You felt the bed bent under someone's weight. You couldn't remember how you got here. You couldn't move. Out of fear, even the ability to speak was lost. The body was overlooking you and the hot lips left a slight kiss on your lips. "It wasn't an accident" a low whisper of a familiar voice whispered into your ear. You almost screamed and stood up sharply.
"Sleep... it was just a dream..." You whispered. All your clothes and hair were sweaty. The sensations were too real... You got up and went to wash, changing the pijalus you went back to bed ... Although the desire to close his eyes again was not, even in spite of the sleepiness. Every time your brain was overloaded with thoughts you had dreams you couldn't move. It's like the weight of those thoughts was so heavy that until you get rid of them, you can't move. When you calmed down, you closed your eyes again, leaving a small nightlight that filled the room with a pleasant purple light. This time she fell asleep and no dreams visited you until the morning.
The sound of an alarm clock ripped you out of your sleep. You reached out on the bed before you got up, stretching all the muscles. You got up and went to the bathroom, you followed into the kitchen and then came back from the bedroom with a cup of fragrant coffee. An hour later, you were ready to go. You put on your sportswear and took a case of clothes to change after the gym. You didn't have any urgent work today, and you agreed to help a friend take pictures, her makeup artist was on vacation and it would take her ages to find a new one. You put everything you needed and left the house. After the gym, you took a shower, put on your make-up and came out of the dressing room. You looked at yourself from head to toe in the mirror, today you chose a white blouse with high neck and red wide-leg pants with high waist, and white stilettos. Whoever's in the photoshoot, you have to make a good impression. You fix your lace braid ponytail hairstyle and went outside.
When you got in the car, you rode to the studio. There was a phone call. Looking at the screen, you never doubted it was Jin.
"Good morning. Why are you calling?" you said when answering the phone
"Yes, I'm glad to hear you too, ________! Judging by your voice, you're fine. Wait, are you in the car? Didn't you have a day off today?" replied Jin. Screams and laughter could be heard in the background, and you realized that they were probably all in the car together, too.
"It should be. But I was bored and agreed to help a friend. I'll call you back later, I've already arrived."
"Have a good work. Bye"
"Bye" you answered and hung up.
You went into the studio and saw a group of flower boys sitting on the couch. You looked at your watch, are you too late. No, you still had time to spare. As soon as they saw you together they got up and bowed, greeting loudly. You said hello back. When you found your friend, you asked "Am I late?" looking back at a group of guys.
"Ooh... You came. Your place is there. And these kids came an hour early. I almost got a heart attack, I thought my watch was broken. So don't worry. They are a young group that is preparing for the debut, theydon't have schedule yet, they were so excited that they asked the manager to come early. We have already asked a million questions how everything will be and what they will have to do. Too excited. You can look at them suddenly someone should make a mask while we had a time. First there will be individual shooting you can paint them one at a time right before you start. I left a sketch book on your desk with the order and the theme of the photoshoot" after listening it you went to the dressing room. Having decomposed all the brushes and cosmetics, you carefully studied all the notes. Right, you need to look at the boys.
You went back and went up to the guys looking at them. "Everyone has good skin, well done you take good care of it. I'll apply makeup in the order of individual shooting" they nodded.
"They don't need masks there and your skin is very good. Will your staff prepare everything soon?" you asked a friend.
"We finished earlier than we thought. Oh, can I take some backstage photos while you put on your makeup?"
"No problem" you replied. "Guys go to the dressing room, we'll start soon."
The photo shoot went quite quickly. You got the notification. Going into the shared chat you saw your photo, which Jimin sent. You were standing full-length and made makeup for one of the guys. Or rather, not even a photo, it was a screen with photos of the backstage. Your face was too close, 'ohh that's why he always blushed', you thought. You read the caption and practically laughed 'my friend hubae wrote that he fell in love with the nunu make-up artist because she's very beautiful, and he said you stretched your wrist when you helped carry the box with the equipment'. These kids talk too much... You didn't even have time to start typing the answer as your phone rang. You picked up the phone.
"You have nothing to do? What the fuck are you carrying boxes? There's no staff?" Jin shouted into the tube.
"Jin, it's a slight stretch. I put a bandage on my arm. So i'll be fine in a couple of days. Nothing bad happened. Stop acting like my mom."
"Go to the hospital and have your wrist examined by a specialist. Not forcing me to repeat twice!"
"OK, ok... As soon as I'm done, I'll go to the hospital. Don't you have a schedule for today, why do you have time to lecture me about health?"
"I'm very busy, so stop me worrying about you. I can't focus on my job. Ok bye" he hung up. 'Crazy' you thought to yourself looking at the screen.
After the hospital, you went to the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner. When you came home, you dialed Jin while you were walking toward the house.
"I'm fine. I was at the doctor's, like I said, a slight sprain in a couple of days. I can't strain my hand for a couple of days. So I’m going to stay at home sorting out the accumulated cases."
"Excellent. Should I come to see you? Can I help with something?"
"Don't you have a schedule anymore?"
"Yes the last meeting was canceled so we are free. We decided to roll up a hyung party while the maknaes are busy with their own business"
"Where have you already sent the younger ones?"
"We don't kick them out. Jimin and Taehyung went to the spa, Jungkook arranged to meet with friends. So if you're bored, come to us."
"I think I'll stay home. And I wish you a good rest. I'm already on my floor. I'm hanging up," you said as you exited the elevator. Raising your head you froze on the spot
"You're to have good rest, too. Bye" said Jin and hung up.
You were standing there holding your phone by your ear. In front of you stood Jungkook who was leaned on your door. When he saw you, he smiled and came up to you picking up a bag with groceries. "I heard you hurt your wrist. So I'm here to help you make dinner," he said. "I hear you're dating friends, so why are you here?"
"I couldn't tell the others I was going to you because I wanted to see you," he said as if you were discussing the weather.
"Jungkook you can not lie to your friends just because you want to see someone there"
"You're not "someone"..."
"Jungkook what if I wasn't alone? What if I was with Jin? Did you even think about it?" you said.
"Nuna I hear you're dating some idole, is that true?"
What this child is talking about.
"What the... First of all, I didn't date with the idole, we're just friends, secondly it's none of your business with who and what I do... Although no, not so... First of all, it's none of your business with who and what I do, and secondly, I haven't met the idole, we're just friends."
"Are you acting with all your friends like that?"
"Jungkook doesn't think you're crossing the line"
"Don't draw a line so I don't have to cross it. Why don't we go to the apartment or do you want your neighbors to keep listening to our conversation?"
A deep breath, you walked past him and opened the door. You went inside.
"I seem to have given my answer. So why are you acting like this? Let's just pretend there wasn't anything, and that night wasn't there at all."
"Don't want" lifting a bag of groceries, he went into the kitchen. You were standing by the door who couldn't move. What did this kid just say, 'Don't want', has he gone crazy at all?
You heard the noise of water in the kitchen. You're direction towards the kitchen. He had already taken off his jacket and was in t-shirts. After washing his hands, he spread the food in the fridge. "Oh you have soju. Let's cook kimci-jjigae, you love it right. I'm so hungry. Let's also have some meat" he said it so calmly and just took out the right ingredients on the countertop. You were in complete shock, the only thing you could do was just watch what was going on in your kitchen. "Go change, or you'll get dirty. You look very beautiful, by the way. Don't wear more short dresses like the last date."
You just walked out of the kitchen in silence and went into the bedroom. You went to the bed and sat down. What's going on? Is this some kind of parallel universe? Your brain refused to accept information about what was happening. You were just sitting there staring at the wall. Why there's no thought in your collusion? What do you do? How do you even must react to his behavior. Does he like me? Did he want to see me because he missed me? That's crazy. Can call Jin, although no he will arrange a tantrum. Maybe call Yoongi and ask what you should do. Why don't you call the emergency services? You fool, what a rescue service, completely crazy. You fell on the bed unable to return to the kitchen. It's just dinner you can handle. Talk to him after. You got up and went back to the kitchen.
He's already cut everything and set the table. "I don't cook very well. But I've prepared all the right ingredients for the recipe I've found." he said, pointing to the table near the stove and smiling broadly.
"I need a drink," you said, looking at him. He went to the fridge, took out a can of beer opened it and handed it to you. "It will be a long evening" you whispered under your nose while taking a sip of beer.
You came over and started cooking while he told me how his day went. Half an hour later the dinner was ready and you sat down at the table. You sat silently, wondering how to talk to him.
"I like you" he said it in such a calm voice as if he asked to pass the salt. You looked up at him, "I said I liked you. A long time. I want to be with you. I want to hug and kiss you. So fall in love with me, I'm not going to back down" from the shock, your spoon falling from your hand falling to the floor.
"Jungkook what you... How can you say that to me? I'm already silent about the age difference or the fact that I'm Jin's best friend. How do you imagine that? Can you meet with anyone at all under the contract? Can you then behave calmly when we broke up, spending time in one company?"
"Why are you thinking about the end if the beginning hasn't even happened yet"
"Because I understand where this will lead, and I know who will be hurts, it not will be me. Why are you so careless?"
"Because I like you. I don't care if I get hurt."
"Do you want to sleep with me? So let's do this and forget about it. What? You like me? Relationship? Love? What are you even talking about?"
"If I needed just sex, I wouldn't stop that night and you know it. I know this might sound silly to you. But why can't you give me a chance? Let's try, we not to tell anyone. Let's just try it if you don't like it and i'll forget it. I'll pretend it never happened."
"How do you imagine that? Do you want to go on dates? You? On a date? With a girl? When will everyone recognize you, should you only appear on the street?"
He got up from the table and went to the table near the sofa. Taking one of the candles he lit it and put it on your table in the middle.
"Why can't it be a date? Delicious food and pleasant company. I'm sorry, next time I'll get some flowers."
Your head was about to explode.
"Ok. No jealousy, no commitment and no demands. The others act like there's nothing. And no one owes anyone anything. As soon as one of us gets bored we are forgetting about everything that was. Do you agree?"
"Agreed," he said broadly smiling. "So today is our first day?"
"What another first day, this is a demo version. We're not dating!" why did you even agree to it?
"Okay, good... let this be the first day of our demo version," he said, and all you had to do was roll your eyes.
He reached out and took you by the hand of the binding fingers. "Do you often correspond with Yoongi?"
"No jealousy, no commitment and no demands," you reminded him.
"I'm not jealous, I'm just curious"
"Just as often as with Jin"
The rest of the dinner was held in silence. After you cleaning the table and washed the dishes, you went to the living room turn on the TV. He quickly put the dishes in it place.
"Do you want more beer?" he asked pulling two cans out of the fridge.
"Yes, I will. I thought you didn't want to drink today."
"I didn't drink because you'd could say I got drunk and that's why I'm saying, I like you," he said sitting next to you. Before handing you the beer, he left a light kiss on your lips.
"What are you..." you stopped yourself in the middle of the phrase.
"I can't kiss you?"
You didn't answer and just kept watching TV.
"Can I kiss you? I want to hear the answer" he turned to you completely and asked again.
Turning your head you kissed him drowning out the stream of his speech. This time the kiss was long. He was gentle. He hugged you with one hand pulling closer. Your skin is covered with goosebumps. A few minutes later he pulled away from you smiling "Let's watch the movie" he just turned to the TV completely hugging you.
What? Watch movie? What's he talking about? Okay, you don't have to give in to his provocations. You kept watching the movie laughing. When it was over, he looked at the watch "I have to go back to the dorm" he said rising from the couch. "I hope I get wishes from you for a quiet night?"
"I'll look at your behavior," you said as you climbed off the couch.
"Did I behave badly today?" he hugged you, "I helped you cook dinner, set the table, and helped you wash the dishes. I'm a 'dream', not a boyfriend."
You looked at him raising an eyebrow. Yey 'dream'... Of course... On your head appeared not  one gray hair because of his behavior ... "You seem to be go to leave, 'dream'?" you said, but he just smiled and kissed you on the cheek.
"Mmm... I'm leaving. Unfortunately, it's too early to get up tomorrow. So I'd cann't stay longer." You followed him. He turned and pressed you against the wall. This time the kiss was imbued with lust, creating a desire within you. He clung tightly to you with his body. He lifted you up by getting you to grip his waist with your feet. He was squeezing your ass with his hands while he rubbed his hard dick on your crotch by touching the clit. The movement made you moan in his mouth. You definitely wanted him. But before you knew what happened, he put you on the floor and took a step back. You stood leaning on the walls looking at him wide open his eyes. He quickly adjusted his clothes, leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. "See you tomorrow, " he said with a broad smile. He turned and left the apartment. You slid down the wall and sat on the floor.
A what? He's gone? He got me excited and left? How could he leave me like this? Breathing was heavy, heat in the crotch and wet with the excitement of panties. And he just left? You were sitting on the floor and still didn't believe it. He decided to play with you. Usually you were the one who left the guys in this state after to turn around and leave.
"Well, let's play..."
 Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [extra]
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Debuff Zane Build
i am tired of not seeing this build in all the zane build videos i watch so im sharing it here because its stupid fun bc u run fast and kill faster. it’s not meta, but its fun as fuck and u have a lot of damage and survivability with it. I’ve completed M4 Slaughter Shaft with it- haven’t tried on M10 yet but i have faith. p.s its 4 am pls have mercy if there’s spelling mistakes.
what ur gonna need is a band of sitorak, zheitseiv’s eruption, a seein’ dead, and the piss grenade. everything else is fair game, whatever u want. try to get it to have the sntl cryo anoint bc good. but u must have the 4 main items for this to work perfectly (it also somewhat works with a low level Frozen Heart bc best shield in the game but you will die a lot more)
also i need a fucking name for this build help
oh god oh fuck i forgot i was playing through the handsome jackpot dlc again
oki im ready to party
this is my current loadout
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sometimes i switch the reg Q-System for a kaoson or a nighthawkin if i need ammo (OP QSystem is... OP but not as fun as a tracking grenade QSystem so i don’t care for it) and maybe the brainstormer for a reflux if many shielded enemies (i prefer the brainstormer over the reflux atm. so try for a brainstormer!!)
3rd slot, that’s a monarch which used to be a dictator b4 it got a straight upgrade. I actually don’t use the bipod unless im in a boss fight and don’t need to move fast. usually violent momentum and violent violence cover the dps loss
ur first 3 gun slots honestly don’t matter much. I have my reasons for using them, but you can use whatever u want i think, so long as its a strong weapon (bc unfortunately a lot of weapons are not scaled for m10). u dont HAVE to use the monarch or the Q system or the brainstormer. I recommend them, cuz theyre fun, but u don’t gotta if u wanna swap em out for a a kaoson or a yellowcake or a sandhawk or smth
the last gun is my zheitsev’s eruption. This bad boy, when u reload, shoots out homing balls of debuffery. So every enemy that gets hit with these gets a debuff. I have tried this with the needler but I prefer Zheitsev’s bc it can hit more enemies and once and takes less time. this gun only goes to Blane (ur clone). 
for the skill trees we have no points in under cover even tho brainfreeze is the best skill in the gaaaaame
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really the hitman tree is p self explanatory, u wanna go fast as fuck boiii. My band of sitorak does not have the +15 movespeed while zoomer is active anoint (it has the break shield amp anoint, which is p okay. want movespeed, but a nice human from the reddit gave me this sitorak so i didn’t have to farm). u want drone delivery bc Blane will NOT be throwing grenades. If you try to make him throw grenades with the seein’ dead he will ONLY throw grenades and never fire his gun, meaning he’ll never reload. it’s a nightmare. anyway. u want the piss grenade (ideally with the +25% damage on thrown anoint). im not looking forward to regrinding this when they finally mayhem buff grenades.
we put one point into playing dirty because we want those extra shots and honestly with the amount of times seein’ dead can proc ur kill skills you’ll have it more often than not
we also have points in good misfortune for that sweet sweet uptime (which btw can be infinite using the brainstormer/reflux bc it is essentially a redistributor without the need for ur barrier) the monarch/dictator also does it justice
for Blane u DON’T WANT praemuntis. we want blane reloading as often as gotdamn possible. now unfortunately my seein’ dead gave me a +weapon mag size roll (im actually not sure if this affects blane, but im assuming it does) but it does have the amazing +5 donnybrook so I’m taking it anyway. I am so not looking forward to regrinding a good class mod when they finally release action skill buffs for them. i cri. i actually hear 3 points in donnybrook and 2 in violent violence is p good (or 1 in violent violence 1 in playin dirty) so maybe grinding won’t be so bad. maybe i’ll finally get a +weapon damage roll
u can grab 1 point in ducttape mod and put 4 points into borrowed time if you want. it doesn’t really matter. i current have 5 in borrowed time and 3 in pocket full of grenades (for some reason??? usually i only put 2 in.). U can do that and use those extra points for either ducttape mod or more points in playing dirty. 
u NEED quick breather. This skill has a STUPID interaction with the band of sitorak shield because of how quickly it recharges. I’m talking, the instant you swap with Blane, you have full shields and so does he. It’s dumb, I love it. Use it to get out of trouble.
so im probably gonna need to explain why i have 3 points in trick of the light: im a cryo slut. That’s it. put those wherever you want, just make sure you can get Double Barrel. i’ve seen builds where people actually go for brainfreeze, i might try that next time i respec.
Double barrel will make it so blane can use the zheitsev’s eruption and debuff your enemies for you. it’s worth it.
so the augments u want are these:
SCHADENFREUDE. because band of sitorak has such a tiny capacity, ur shield is constantly up. If its not, it’s constantly breaking from full capacity. this does have a fun effect with the amp shield break anoint, but mainly i like it for the 25% damage buff whenever it breaks. its a tradeoff for damage, ur constantly swapping between max shields and more damage, so its actually p constant survivability and damage over the long run.
i grab doppelbanger bc blane sometimes gets stuck in the floor and/or i don’t feel like running all the way back. i wouldn’t recommend getting which one’s real or digital distribution only bc u want him alive as much as possible. u can also get binary system instead of doppelbanger, its up to you
for Zoomer u want bad dose for the movement speed and (sometimes) static field (only if the enemies have shields). this is so if blane goes down or he isn’t taking damage, zoomer can refill ur shields. if the enemies won’t have shields usually i grab winter’s drone or boomsday depending on how i feel.
im actually gonna try to see if i can’t grab brain freeze. hang on. i know trick of the light is frowned upon for most people so lemme just respec. (im sorry i just love the vibes it gives me it’s like HAHA you thought that was me? no!!! boop. and then they’re ice sculptures and man i love h2o i wish emma had frozen more people the only people she really freezes are Greg and Miriam and honestly she doesn’t even kill Greg smh. (Greg is dr denman’s assistant. greg is highkey god.) I do like what she did to Mirami, the fucking implications that YES these teenage girls ARE powerful enough to instakill people, they just don’t out of the kindness of their hearts. Rikki was badass that episode too. actually i love the episode where rikki almost boils a dude alive for making a fool of her with ILLEGAL F I S H and burns people using steam from a pipe. rikki is my favorite mermaid- she knew what was u p. I wish mako mermaids was as badass as h2o was. and the cartoon. god imagine the cartoon violence. sigh. let them use their op superpowers to be SUPERHEROES. like in h2o au i have baron flynt puppeteer people to their deaths from Thor bc he has cleo’s powers like why couldn’t she do that to someone. Like dr denman “lmao bye bitch” or even charlotte (who imho wasn’t bad until cleo started being rude to her. cleo was 100% at fault that season). it wouldn’t have killed her!!! ... instantly. probably. ive never seen avatar in full but i did watch the blood bending episode as a child and as i understand it that’s frowned upon but hey. CAN BELLA TURN PEOPLE INTO JELLY?? harry potter 🅱oneless arms... my god.)
anyway, respeccing. 
there goes all my money. rip.
so i think im gonna have to live with the slower reload speed (sob) but yes u can in fact get brain freeze with this build. lemme show...
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so ye in the event u just can’t live without freezing people (i know the feeling) feel free to do this. imma play with this for a bit and see if i can live with slower reload. I actually depend on the 100% cryo with zoomer active for all my cryo damage. i also use an ice breaker so they freeze fairly easy (but only on mobs. on bosses u want the snowdrift or something else)
this build isn’t really meta and u might have trouble doing a solo run of true takedown on m10... bc its true takedown on m10, but honestly it’s fun as F U C K. you CAN do it, but it’s not no thoughts head empty like barrier-redistrubutor/yellowcake zane can be so u gotta be on TOP of ur SHIT. i love it. running around killing stuff. it’s fun. i also love teleporting. it’s my FAVORITE THING. I STILL GET GIDDY OVER IT BECAUSE IT’S SO FUN. ask my friends, they will tell you, sometimes i’ll just start gushing over how much fun it is to teleport even though i’ve played zane since release. just. GFDGHKJGDFK so much fun. i just... b o o p. god i love this game. i took a break to play assassin’s creed odyssey (fun sneaky beaky game, pretty awful dialogue) so DAMN i missed this. 
here’s a link to a video I took on athenas (my favorite area to run. it’s this game’s bloodshot stronghold!) this is the playlist i listen to while playing Zane. i keep swapping songs during play bc sometimes they don’t fit my vibe or i get tired of them lol (spotify control is hooked to my 4th and 5th mouse buttons so i don’t have to stop playing) i forgot where my shock sandhawk was in my inventory, is what i use to demolish traunt. i was so scared i threw it in my bank earlier on sanc-iii lol (also yes i still slap blane’s ass. it’s to encourage him to kill)
and here’s a link to the save + everything I had on me at the moment (including the stuff i picked up in the vid in case u want it lol) cuz im lazy and don’t feel like clearing out my inventory. some of these are only m4-9. which ones? it is a mystery. you’ll know when the new update releases ;) (no but actually im so hype for mayhem level on the item cards. finally. FINALLY!!!)
why is this video taking so long to upload. hynnnggggg
oh god is that the sun
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