#the upheaval hasn't happened yet
sunset-peril · 5 months
Social Relationships - Link Imperial Hyrule (HFS, TotK)
Key -
❤️ - Immediate Family 🩷 - Extended Family 🧡 - Friends 💛 - Working/Business 💙 - True Neutral 💚 - It's Awkward 🩶 - Dislike/Avoid 🖤 - Get out of my life by any means possible (may be willing to kill or severely harm)
Relationships -
Check the Hateno Village Social Makeup for a Who's Who
Zelda (Esmerelda) Hyrule - ❤️ (wife, "queen" of pack)
Zelda Ivee Hyrule - ❤️ (daughter)
Reede Imperial - 🩷 (great-grand-nephew)
Clavia Imperial - 🩷 (great-grand-niece, by marriage)
Karin Imperial - 🩷 (great-great-grand-niece)
Sophie - 🧡
Cece - 🖤
Ivee (East Wind) - 💛
Pruce - 💛
Amira - 🩶
Tamana - 💙
Teebo - 💛 (mentee)
Medda - 🧡 (neighbor)
Aster - 🧡 (neighbor)
Dantz - 💛
Koyin - 🧡
Sayge - 💛
Senna - 💙 (nice lady but kind of scary-looking)
Sefaro - 🧡
Prima - 💙
Warten - 💙
Uma - 🧡
Riju - 🧡
Buliara - 💛
Sidon - 🧡
Yona - 💛
Yunobo - 🧡
Teba - 🧡
Tulin - 🧡 (has a family-like relationship, but are not related)
Kass - 🩷 (great-grand-nephew)
Impa - 🧡
Purah - 🧡
Robbie - 🧡
Paya - 💚💛 (relationship was awkward for some time, then became a stable working relationship)
Hudson - 🧡
Rhondson - 💛
Kohga - 🖤
Rhoam - 🩷💚
Urbosa - 🩷🧡
Mipha - 🧡
Revali - 🧡💛 (Link's still not sure if they were friends or not)
Daruk - 🧡
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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avelera · 2 years
Hob Gadling - the absolute maddest of immortal lads
One of the things I love most about Hob Gadling as a character (and as a result, do my best to capture in fic) is how unique his reactions are to immortality and to Dream, and how he so often does the opposite of what one would expect from the genre of "humans granted immortality" but also what the average person and most of the audience expects that they would do with immortality, lending well to the concept that Hob is, genuinely, unhinged and a truly supernatural creature in his own right, which is often lost when the character we see him most often juxtaposed against is Dream, who is even more odd and unhinged if in very different ways
(I've decided to be systematic about this and go through meeting by meeting so strap in, folks it got long, as usual!)
1389 - First of all, Hob simply bragging at all that he doesn't plan to die. OG hipster right there, loving life before it was cool. But also, ok, loving life after being born less than a decade after the Black Plague ended. And in the midst of a great many Black Plague aftershocks! The latter half of the 1300s was a truly abysmal time to be alive, with huge social upheaval, war, plagues, "two bloody Popes fightin'" and in the midst of all this is Hob motherfuckin' Gadling, cheerfully announcing that death is for suckers and he doesn't intend to ever do it.
The man is a soldier! You'd think he'd be more accepting and philosophical about his inevitable death given the time he lives in, the profession he has chosen, the fact that most young men his age were wiped out at age 9 by the second wave of the Black Death, and just, in general, doing all of this while having the misfortune to live in England at the time.
And then when Dream comes up to him, like a complete weirdo, and challenges him on this, Hob is actually pretty nice to him! He gives him a side eye but he also goes along with the question, tells him to ignore his friend's jibes, and cheerfully accepts the wager! I cannot express to you how many turns in the road there are between what a normal person would do and what Hob Gadling does in that moment.
1489 - This one bugs me because the most unexpected thing Hob does is seemingly regress in maturity despite now being 100+ years old.
Now, I'm a huge fan of the theory that he's conning Dream right now and putting on the innocent chucklehead routine to put Dream off from kidnapping him to Faerie Land in exchange for his immortality. HOWEVER, since that's just a headcanon, let's take Hob as he is on the page!
Hob has a job. A Freaking Job. He used to be a bandit and a soldier, things that kind of make sense to do as an immortal (like The Old Guard) when you can't die! You could theoretically make BANK there just by taking dangerous jobs. But Hob doesn't?? He gets a normal-ass job, though in that day's equivalent of getting a job at Microsoft or Apple before they became big, Caxton is like one of the first modern startups in essence, a new technology that made TONS of money once it was imported, and Hob was on the ground floor. Still. HE GOT A JOB as an IMMORTAL. He doesn't seem to have this immortality thing figured out yet? And he doesn't ask Dream hardly any questions about it either! You'd think he'd be frothing at the mouth to better understand wtf happened to him, but once Dream clarifies that he's not the Devil and Hob's soul isn't in danger, that's it! No further questions, your honor! WHAT??
Also, just when you WOULD expect him to beg for death (that IS the genre savvy thing to do, Dream's not wrong!) he DOESN'T. He's more in awe than ever, he seems to be experiencing a second childhood over the fact. He's just vibing and living life. That's so, so unusual in this genre.
Hob also hasn't done any of the savvy things an immortal might do after 100 years! He doesn't actually seem all that angsty about why is he immortal, beyond a bit of fear he might need to pay the piper (Dream) now for this gift. Most vampires in an Anne Rice novel would have gone through about 20 stages of grief after they dealt with the first 100 years of everyone they know and love dying but Hob seems to not only be unbothered but actively gearing up for the next century. It's so bizarre. IT'S SO BIZARRE and I love it because I LOVE characters who DON'T do what you'd expect!
1589 - Hob has a family. HOB HAS A FAMILY. Who in their right MIND would start a family, knowing you'd have to bury your spouse and your children? HOB MOTHERFUCKING GADLING that's who! It's incomprehensible! He does it anyway! It's why I headcanon that he planned to support and nurture his family throughout time, like it was all very deliberate to found a dynasty, but it need not be! Knowing him, he just saw a pretty girl and married her! He didn't even CONSIDER his own wife and children getting angry and jealous with him for having immortality he can't share with them? He didn't even CONSIDER the heartbreak?? WHAT?! Who knows! He just did!
Now, this Hob HAS begun to do SOME of the things one would expect of an immortal - like build up generational wealth, BUT he has a KNIGHTHOOD. What immortal in their right MIND would draw that sort of attention to themselves?? HOB, THAT'S WHO. What are you ON, man, that's INSANE! No wonder he got drowned as a witch the man had ZERO CAUTION AT ALL.
1689 - the man is destitute. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN IF YOU'RE AN IMMORTAL? This is AS puzzling as anything else. Theoretically, Hob could just take a dangerous job with a high fatality rate for quick cash and rebuild his fortune pretty quickly, but he DOESN'T. What went wrong? The possibilities are tantalizing and painfully human that maybe he did do that and failed anyway, or hit even WORSE strings of truly abysmal bad luck.
But somehow, at 300 YEARS OLD it's not until 1789 that we hear Hob has begun socking money away for a rainy day! How does it TAKE YOU that long, sir?? How is that NOT something you figure out in your first century? I've seen a lot of fan writers ascribe a certain amount of immortal savvy to Hob but it's REALLY not there on the page! The guy is NOT genre savvy about immortality AT ALL he doesn't do ANY of the things one would expect, it's absolutely WILD that he falls this low after 300 years after completely failing to, theoretically, CONSIDER this possibility! And then, AND THEN, the guy STILL wants to live. I mean, this one hardly needs saying, that's nuts after what he went through, it's on the page that he's NUTS for this. But the guy is literally in the gutter dreaming of the stars, he is unstoppable I love him so fucking much what a force of nature.
1789 - OK, we've already mentioned that it took until 1789 for Hob to start saving money for a rainy day but let's talk about the fact HE'S NOT ACTUALLY CAREFUL ABOUT BEING CAPTURED?? Again, least genre savvy immortal EVER. You can't die so you'd THINK that being captured or imprisoned or god forbid, thrown down a mine shaft would be the SCARIEST possible fates when you don't have death as an escape, but the guy doesn't even blink at the thought of getting captured by an occultist like Johanna Constantine, dude's totally unbothered! DREAM has to tell him after 400 YEARS that maybe he should be worried about this? THE GUY GOT DROWNED AS A WITCH, picked himself up, dusted himself off, got into some crimes against humanity, and MOVED ON apparently without learning a single goddamn lesson he hasn't had since 1389 which is how to kick ass and look good doing it BUT HE'S NOT EVEN A PROFESSIONAL FIGHTER AS A CAREER, he's just a gentleman of means!
He just... lives a normal human life and seems to expect weird things like being kidnapped by occultists to not happen so long as he stays within those boundaries and you know what? IT SEEMS TO HAVE WORKED! Because to be fair, how many of us outside the bounds of fiction would ever expect the wild stuff like kidnapping to really happen? It's statistically quite vanishingly rare! And that's been all Hob has needed, presumably, to not need to stress since the damn witch trials about his immortality! So yeah, I read fic where Hob is like this very savvy immortal but by 400 YEARS he's BARELY learned to have a savings account under a different name and he STILL doesn't seem too bothered by the possibility of getting hurt or captured! Like, AT ALL?! Absolutely class act right here, top lad, unbelievable, no notes. HOW do you SURVIVE like this as an anomaly, Hob?
1889 - By now, it SEEMS like Hob has bought a clue. He's pretty understated, he's made some amends, SEEMS to have resolved to be less of a shithead, and he's got this immortality thing figured out. It only took him 500 FUCKING YEARS. But again, Hob ISN'T fabulously wealthy as far as we can tell. He's not a megalomaniac and he STILL seems to be vibin' as just a dude doing Just A Dude things like HAVING A JOB and if we borrow from Hob's Leviathan a bit, he's STILL just jumping between industries, just living life down at the normal human level. He hasn't detached from humanity, he lives in the day to day on a level that's just INCONCEIVABLE for a being that's 500 years old.
1989 - Ok, moving on a bit from Hob being an immortal, because getting excited about technology like his brick phone is absolutely so charming I want to squish his cheeks, but he's hardly the only immortal to get excited about that. What I want to talk about is how HOB FORGIVES DREAM for 1889. Because, look, Dream is a prick there. Hob could have been more diplomatic but Dream could have waited for the apology and he didn't.
I have seen SO MANY TAKES where Hob would be MAD after 1889 and RIGHTFULLY SO. But he's NOT. He's not! There are so many fics where he has lingering hurt over it but that's just NOT what the character does! He blames himself! Guy did pretty much nothing wrong except maybe choose his words poorly, but he's blaming HIMSELF for making Dream uncomfortable. Absolute legend. Saints have nothing on this man, that is saint-like behavior. I'd be furious. Hob just misses his friend and BLAMES HIMSELF that Dream isn't there. Not an a single, microscopic trace of anger in sight.
2022 - And then, AND THEN, when he has EVERY REASON to flip out when Dream shows up, finally, after 133 YEARS, after Hob has APPARENTLY stuck around the area just in case, WAITING for him, what does this fucking legend say? "You're late."
THAT'S IT! He's not mad, he totally has a right to be! He doesn't jump out of his chair in shock, that would be a totally expected reaction to! He glances up! He acts like Dream is 5 minutes late instead of over a century WHAT IS THAT?? WHAT IS THAT?! HOW?!! They just settle back with a pint after that like it's nothing. That's not what I would do. I don't think that's what almost any human would do after a shock like that. I still can't wrap my head around it.
So anyway, Hob Gadling, absolutely FASCINATING character from the perspective of just not doing a single fucking thing you'd expect an immortal Just A Dude to do. Goddamn legend right there. Worth remembering for those like me who are obsessed enough to write this guy in fic. He is just so... opposite of everything you'd expect and that is so fucking sexy of him wow
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themotherlobehq · 2 months
An important detail to remember about the Aquatos for characterization:
It's been several days since Raz ran away to the Psychonauts. That is enough time for feelings to boil up from terror.
When the Aquatos arrive at the Motherlobe, finding Razputin safe and sound begins the decompression of that pressure. And the entire main game of Psychonauts 2 happens across only one day (daytime + night), has Maligula Round #2, and the post game / aftermath in the following day.
You're seeing the family calm down from some of the worst days of their life within less than 48 hours in-universe. The game is a snapshot of a very short time.
Of course you see some of them - like Dion or Donatella - only at one of their worst times. There hasn't been time for them to grow much yet from the upheaval of their world and their mistakes.
Other characters showed more change in the same timeframe only because Razputin helped them directly in their mind.
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goattypegirl · 1 year
Strictly speaking, the Vahi should have never existed. While drafting safeguards for the Great Spirit Robot, a small group of Great Beings proposed a ridiculous idea. At this point, manipulating physical space was trivial. Why not try their hands at altering time? A conditional, localized chronal knot, a way to turn back the clock, for the absolute worst case scenarios.
Just ridiculous, really. Crafting the mask for the Ignition failsafe already pushed the boundaries of the Great Being's abilities, and resulted in the loss of one of their own. The actual forging of the mask could theoretically- theoretically- be done by a construct within the GSR, but it would still require a metatemporal intelligence which could detect critical threats to the GSR, and then somehow bring about its own creation and subsequent non-creation. "Metatemporal intelligence". Ridiculous. How could they even create one? The plan was doomed from the start.
Unless, they found one that already existed.
Unless, they found one that always existed.
They said it was Destiny. Though, the more apt term would be Predestination.
Within the Matoran universe, great importance was placed on the study and recording of history. Matoran long term memories only extend a few hundred years back, and stress or trauma can induce amnesia. Ways of recording history were vital to communities, such as archives, libraries, and of course, Chroniclers. History was even considered sacred; Destiny was said to be history that hasn't happened yet. It is no wonder that Time was named a legendary element.
The Mask of Time was a common myth amongst mask makers, a white whale. Ambitious upstarts and experienced masters have all tried their hand at it, though few ever go further than a few sketched drafts. But, everyone seemed to know a guy who knew a guy who got really really close, they promise.
Chroniclers have noted that stories about the Mask of Time and attempts to make it seem to coincide with periods of upheaval, such as the conquest of the Six Kingdoms, or the Metru Civil War and Great Disruption. An interesting coincidence. Some point to political and socioeconomic factors, others to Destiny.
Though, the more apt term would be Predestination.
It is unknown, unknowable, how many times the Vahi has been forged, how many times it had been weilded, how many times the clock has turned back. It is unknown, unknowable, how many times Vakama has forged the Vahi, how many times he weilded it, and how many times he turned back the clock.
What is known is that, strictly speaking, the Vahi should not exist. The Great Cataclysm should have never happened. The Vahi should have prevented it, and its own creation. However, the fact that the GSR did not burn in Aqua Magna's atmosphere, nor destroy the planetoid itself, nor lead to a total extinction event within the GSR, points to the Vahi working as intended.
The team who initially proposed the Vahi are... unavailable to be consulted. The remaining Great Beings on post-reformstion Spherus Magna are left wondering. Why did the GSR still crash? Why has the timeline not been rewritten? Why is the Vahi still physically on the planet?
What do you mean the Vahi is still physically on the planet?
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
What would happen if Alicent agreed to marry Jace and Helaena?
Alright so there are a few posts that'll be useful to check out before reading my answer! The first is a post here about how Rhaenyra is actually smarter and more politically savvy than most people give her credit for, which will explain why I treat her in this response as fully aware of the implications of what she's doing. The second is a post here about what would happen if the Greens let Rhaenyra take the throne, which builds on historical precedent from the time period GRRM based HotD off of to explain why Alicent is convinced that her children would be killed if Rhaenyra assumed the throne. Okay, so with all of this information in mind, let's get into why this was a win-win scenario for Rhaenyra, and a lose-lose scenario for Alicent!
From a political standpoint, if Helaena married Jace, she would be used against the Greens. It would bring Dreamfyre over to the Blacks' side, leaving the Greens with only Sunfyre and Tessarion, who are both young dragons. Remember, Laena and Laenor are still alive in this episode, so Vhagar is still on Team Black, as is Seasmoke. And Helaena would also immediately become a political hostage the second war broke out, because the Blacks would imprison her in case she tried to escape and help her family.
And conflict between the Blacks and the Greens would still be inevitable, because Helaena marrying does nothing to erase the facts that (1) Westeros is highly misogynistic and (2) Viserys still has three sons who are alternatives to Rhaenyra in many lords' eyes. So as in the post I linked above, the Greens would still become figureheads of a movement against Rhaenyra, either willingly or unwillingly. If war broke out, the Greens would lose, and Alicent's sons would all be put to death; even if it didn't, they would still pose a threat to Rhaenyra's claim and would likely be killed by one of her supporters (cough cough Daemon) to stabilize her rule.
From a personal standpoint, Alicent also has reason to believe this arrangement would be detrimental to Helaena's happiness. First, we know that Helaena is close with her family, and Aemond in particular. Remember that in canon, Helaena killed herself right after Aemond died, and since the show has explicitly made her a dragon dreamer this is in no way a coincidence. Even if she wasn't entirely suicidal and remained alive after her siblings died, she'd 100% be mad with grief the way she was in canon.
Second, Alicent has no reason to believe Jace would be a better/safer husband than Aegon. Remember, Alicent doesn't know Jace; she doesn't know he's a good person the way we as the audience do. Someone pointed out in the reblogs that the only data point she has on Jace is that he was involved in bullying Aemond, which doesn't make a great impression. She also hasn't been shown evidence of Aegon being a rapist yet. And honestly, in canon Aegon is far from an abusive husband to Helaena considering the circumstances. The only evidence we have of their relationship shows that he leaves her alone, except for when he's forced to conceive children with her, and brings her gifts (the beetle she's playing with at the dinner is from him). There are no hints of him physically or verbally abusing her. And Helaena seems very content with this situation, being left to her own devices. Alicent has no way of hoping that Jace would be as understanding of Helaena's eccentricities as she can ensure Aegon will be. In fact, because of the above point about bullying Aemond, she has reason to believe Jace might be unkind about Helaena being different.
Third, Helaena is also very heavily coded as autistic, and I can tell you that being forced to leave behind everyone and everything she's ever known to go with Jace to Dragonstone is absolutely her worst nightmare, regardless of how much she might like Jace. Like, autism and complete upheavals of routines and familiar environments do NOT mix, at ALL.
Fourth, Alicent wants to save Helaena from the trauma she herself went through, as much as she has the power to. Remember, Alicent went through all of the trauma of rape and forced pregnancy/childbirth completely alone. She didn't have her best friend, and she also didn't have her mother, and she absolutely doesn't want Helaena to go through the same things without her mother's support. Alicent maintains the most control over Helaena's safety and happiness by keeping her close to home; who would send their child into an unknown situation with an unknown spouse who may or may not make them miserable, knowing that they're different in a way that practically everyone refuses to understand or accommodate?
Oh also, a lot of people say that by marrying Helaena to Aegon, Alicent was forcing her to be a SA victim. But that ignores that there is no real possibility, in Alicent's mind, that Helaena would ever have a husband she's attracted to and wants to sleep with. It's never even been a possibility for Alicent herself, nor for like 99% of noble women in Westeros who have to marry for purely political reasons rather than true love. Besides, Alicent has no reason to think Helaena would be magically attracted to Jace since she doesn't know him. In Alicent's mind, Jace doesn't present a possibility of consensual sex for Helaena; no potential husband does. In this, Aegon is no worse than any other option for her.
Meanwhile, though this arrangement would come at political and personal cost to Helaena and the Greens as a whole, it only serves to benefit Rhaenyra. Securing a Valyrian bride for Jace- and babies that will most likely look Valyrian- only helps to strengthen Jace's claim, which in turn strengthens Rhaenyra's. As mentioned above, it also disarms Rhaenyra's enemies of their biggest, oldest dragon at the time. So while Alicent would risk everything by agreeing to this arrangement, Rhaenyra risks nothing and in fact only stands to gain from it.
So of course Alicent says no. Her children's chance of survival, including Helaena's, is best if they remain united and fight together. Helaena's chance of happiness, in Alicent's mind, is most certain if she stays close to home, and Alicent is honestly probably right for all of the reasons stated above.
The kicker is that Rhaenyra has proposed this whole thing KNOWING Alicent cannot accept. She probably suspects that Alicent's trying to maneuver towards the throne even if she doesn't fully appreciate why, and she and Alicent both demonstrate a ton of empathy for each other as mothers, so she absolutely understands why Alicent wants to keep Helaena close. She's not proposing this because she thinks Alicent will accept. She WANTS Alicent to reject her offer.
Why? Because it makes Rhaenyra look good, and it makes Alicent look bad. Remember, this is right after Joffrey was born, with the whole deal over the bastard situation. When the people in that room are wondering why Alicent turned Rhaenyra down, their minds won't go where Rhaenyra's went. They'll assume Alicent only turned Rhaenyra down because of the rumors. This will make them think Rhaenyra was extending an olive branch and being the better person, while Alicent was refusing it and being bitter and hostile.
This is what I mean when I say this is a win-win scenario for Rhaenyra, and a lose-lose scenario for Alicent. If Alicent accepts, Rhaenyra secures a Valyrian bride for her son and strengthens her claim, while Alicent's kids will be in equal danger but less equipped to protect themselves and Helaena will likely be miserable. If Alicent refuses, Rhaenyra comes off as the empathetic hero, while Alicent is painted as the paranoid, crazy villain.
Again, this is some pretty next-level political maneuvering from Rhaenyra here. Remember, the more irrational and mean Alicent seems, the easier it is to rope everyone else, especially Viserys, into gaslighting Alicent. And with the rejection of this offer, Rhaenyra can lean into being more hostile with the justification that she tried to be the good guy, but Alicent forced her hand.
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totkdaily · 7 months
Day 51: Hateno Elections, and Geoglyphs
As the sun rises over Hateno, I have a look at Bolson's houses on the hill. Medda and his daughter Aster have moved into one of them. I give Medda a mushroom for Cece. 
There's a girl called Tamana guarding the gate now - though she seems timid. She gives me an egg, and I give her a mushroom. Is that all the mushrooms now? One left. 
Manny doesn't need a mushroom, but I do hand over his frogs. He gives me some rushrooms in return. He hasn't found any of the other ninety frogs he thinks he needs yet, so I don't think he'll be bothering Ivee anytime soon. 
An old guy called Tokk is hanging out outside the farm - I must have passed him three or four times and not noticed. I give him a mushroom. 
I report back to Cece and Sophie, and we head to the mayoral election.
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The debate does not go well - and Sophie's had enough. Good for her! 
She calls Cece out in front of everyone - and then Clavia calls Reede out! They agree that Hateno needs both new and old - so they're working together? No election after all. 
I meet Cece at the clothing shop - and she gives me that bold hat! I'll… probably wear it…
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She plans on stocking clothing from our forebears from now on. It's clothing from my time, 100 years ago. It's strange to remember that I was born before most of these people's grandparents. Just me and Zelda - and Impa, Purah and Robbie, of course. 
The first person I run into outside is Seldon - Cece's dad! He compliments my hat. 
I also chat to Meeshy. She tells me about that stone statue cave as a location for Misko's clothing, but I've already found that one. 
Before I leave, I head up the hill behind my - Zelda's - house. I haul a korok up halfway to meet a friend, then go the rest of the way myself. 
There's a Satori blossom tree up here.
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I offer the Satori a tomato, and mark the banners. I've already found the closest caves. I'll get to the others someday. Right now, I think I want to head for Tarrey Town. I want to check the town is alright since the Upheaval.
I teleport to the Eldin Tower and intend to glide towards Akkala - but then I see a geoglyph that looks like the Purah Pad, and dive down. 
A vision. I see...
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Raura takes Zelda to meet Mineru - another Zonai! Mineru seems of a kind with Zelda - knowledgeable, curious. She knows of these secret stones, and what she says supports my theory - Zelda's stone only amplifies her time power, the same power that Sonia's stone amplifies. Almost as if they're the same stone. 
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But they don't know how Zelda can get back to her time. Back to me. The only way they know is the long way round - immortality, and not even Purah's way. Immortality as a dragon, losing yourself in the process. Zelda, don't. Trust me. Let me find a way to reach you. I remember her resolve at the altar, and beg her to wait for me, knowing that whatever she's decided has already happened.
These visions always leave me at a loss. I have to keep going. I was aiming for Akkala. I spend the rest of the night cutting across country to Foothill Stable. 
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Everyone here is… in their pants? Bougan tells me it's on Princess Zelda's orders. 
"We will only find our future if we chart a new course, leaving the safety of indoor study for exploration in the wild. So, prepare your mind and body, and then explore in underpants."
The first bit sounds like my Zelda, but… is this another trick from the imposter somehow? What would be the point of getting researchers to strip? 
I feel like this will make more sense in the light of day. In the meantime, I climb up to the shrine.
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lutawolf · 1 year
TharnType Ep 6
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I know this is a long time coming, guys! I'm sorry. Things came up and Tharntype is not an easy series. It involves really thinking and looking below the surface. There are many layers to the book and the show. And for a while there, I just didn't have the energy.
Onto episode 6. Let's bring the pain episode. To recap, Type is making the change from victim to survivor. But with that change comes triggers and emotional upheaval. Which sadly but naturally has Type trying to get back to what he deemed normal.
We see Type smiling as he communicates back and forth with Fai. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, lie so strongly that even we believe. Yes, I'm back to normal! Yes, I'm happy! At least until something happens to show that we've been lying to ourselves.
We see Tharn telling Type that he knows what type of food he likes. Not because Type has told him, but because Tharn pays attention. This makes Type uncomfortable because it means something to him, and he doesn't want it to. You can see the struggle in the way he asks Tharn what he likes, but then tells him that he only asked one question. Type is struggling to put his walls back up.
What I love is that Tharn can see the small things and take them for the huge growths that they actually are. It's not easy to change guys, especially if it's changing your trauma protection techniques, even if they aren't good for you. Example: women think that they should be nice and friendly to men, that this will protect them. It's actually the opposite, being nice and friendly can often put us in dangerous situations. Things we know better than to do, but we don't want to appear rude and unfriendly or cause upset. But going into a hallway void of anyone but one man and few exits is stupid and dangerous. It should go against our survival instincts, but we've been conditioned to not hurt feelings. What other animal do you know that pretends to like their opposite sex when they feel threatened?
Now, for someone who has learned this lesson the hard way. Defenses are tight, high, and strong. Few people actually understand why, but I would argue that it's actually more naturally than how we are conditioned to behave. I get it, we're humans and social structure dictates friendliness, but at what cost? There has to be a middle ground, and it can be a struggle to find it.
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Tharn pays a lot of attention to Type. He knows what he normally behaves like, so he knows that Type is acting out of character. It makes him suspicious. Which he should be concerned, as we find out. Techno lets it slip. There is a huge blow up. Tharn tells Type that he is his, and Type hits him. Now what we have to figure out is if this is a trigger or not. You trigger someone with PTSD and it's dangerous. But Luta, he didn't hit those other people who triggered him! No, he didn't, he said nasty things but didn't hit. But Tharn is becoming Type's safe space and his constant. Those people can be in the most danger when someone with PTSD hasn't yet gotten the help they need. PTSD is emotional confusion with the past and the present. A stranger is easier to differentiate than someone close to you. I'm not saying this is right, I'm just explaining how the snap to violence can happen. It doesn't mean someone who loves us should accept it, it means we need help.
What we see from Tharn is actually pretty common of PTSD partners. More hurt than harm.
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Let's talk about the 10 rules for casual relationship: 1) Never get jealous. 2) No emotional involvement. 3) Don't cross the line. 4) Can become exclusive, but not necessarily. 5) Don't share partner with friends. 6) If a partner wants a real relationship but not with you, then don't cause a ruckus. 7) Don't be overly attentive. 8) Both partners can have many lovers. 9) BF/GF is priority. 10) If caught. Game over.
This screams the need for control. Type is feeling out of control right now, and that's something he needs badly. It also says that he doesn't really want a gf, he just wants control back. You see this especially in his talk with Techno because the last thing he wants is for Tharn to get over him.
Tharn really knows Type. He's calling his bluff. Then Type says he isn't coming to his gig, so he thinks he has lost.
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I truly love this series, and it's for the raw moments like this. I've talked before about the fact that there are couples who burn bright. Who need the drama because drama has been such a large part of them that they don't know how to live without it. That's this couple. In a normal relationship, Tharn would smoother his partner and Type would constantly be fighting with an outside source. That would traumatize that partner, but together, they are balanced and happy. Maybe they aren't healthy, but relationships are made up of behaviors, and all behaviors can be characterized as healthy, unhealthy, or abusive. However, the behaviors may look different for different people, and what is unhealthy for one person may be abusive or healthy for another.
Type is telling Tharn what happened, and he says, "The slap was nothing compared to what I did to her." I've said it a million times, but Type is actually a very good person. He just isn't perfect. He doesn't fit the moral standards that everyone thinks he should, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He is a person still on the road to growth. As Tharn says, "Type has some self awareness."
A shy Type is adorable. And they are now official.
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This moment is everything. It's Type pushing his way out of his comfort zone. Showing Tharn that he is trying.
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Giving a protected piece of himself to Tharn. Letting him know that he trusts him. From the way Tharn gulps and says Type's name, it's everything he has ever wanted from Type.
They are far from a perfect couple, but they are perfect for each other.
That's it for episode 6. Drop me some likes and comments to let me know that you want me to keep going! 💜💜💜
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bugcatcherwill · 7 months
Hey Will I haven’t finished the chapter yet due to spring cleaning over the weekend but I have to ask, are you planning on doing a timeskip or are we going to cover the whole 8 year period between BOTW and TOTK?
It’s something that really struck me since that’s the only chance you are gonna get to characterize Zelda in RATC as she’s absent for all of BOTW and then in TOTK she’s again absent outside of getting the Master Sword and making Dragondorf explode like a fucking nuke.
Also episode of AverageChickenEnjoyer Breaks Down The Most Recent RATC Chapter soon later today
Oh, I'm giving Zelda a bunch, don't worry. I love her whole character in BoTW/ToTK. I wanna try fitting in a flashback with her or two sometime. It'd definitely work and she hasn't really made an actual appearance this whole fic despite this whole plot hinging on.....saving her hjkladsfljhk
And idk how many years I'm gonna make the "timeskip" because to me it can be anywhere from 5-8 years since we don't know the "official" amount of years right? Really, I'll play that by ear but I have a WHOLE ass arc about post BoTW and how the events of ToTK even kickoff - albeit slightly differently.
Especially cuz like........I need a reason for the Upheaval to happen (I can guarantee you it won't happen how you think it will. Honestly if you can predict what I'm planning to do with ToTK's beginning from here congratulations for picking up like the single seed of foreshadowing I put in lmao)
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
I honestly just want more of your headcanons for mha if you have them? :3
note: I have this note on my phone with all my random mha headcanons that's like, a mess of characters and plots, so it might be a bit all over the place, but here we go! tw: canon typical violence, scarring, burns etc for Dabi
Shoto is totally the type to sign his texts like "friendly regards, Shoto Todoroki", and uses super appropriate punctuation and stuff, but he also uses all the overly expressive smileys ( :3 xD UwU :c ^u^ etc) because Izuku does it, and Izuku is the first friend Shoto texted, so he thinks this is normal
and nobody has the heart to tell him otherwise
Denki having adhd is one of my favorites, I've already mentioned this, but it's kinda important to me, lol
I also love to think that Denki is a super supportive friend, and that he genuinely cares for everyone in his class, and knows them all really well, he's just a person that's so genuine and caring, it makes it very easy to open up to him!
okay Shinso and Denki are gamer boyfriends, they can sit together in the dark on their gaming computers and talk to each other on discord for hours and call it quality time
I think the burns under Dabi’s eyes were on purpose, or, at first he tried to wipe his tears when he was upset, much like what happened with Kirishima, but when he realized he couldn't cry from that eye after, he did it again to the other one so he wouldn’t cry in front of his dad and show weakness
I 100% think Hawks molts every now and then, and it makes Dabi sneeze like a motherfugger
When they were kids, Izuku worried that Bakugo's explosions would make him lose his hearing, and while it hasn't yet, he still worries about it and keeps up with the basic stuff, just in case
Bakugo realizes it one day when he catches Izuku practicing, and seeing his childhood friend sitting there trying to perfect this thing for him, just in case, with his weary and crooked hands, something just... hits him
He asks Izuku to teach him too, and once, when he's working as a pro years later, he once uses it to help a deaf child in a hostage situation, and he calls Izuku the second he has the chance to tell him all about it
Izuku cries and Bakugo pretends he doesn't hear it lmao
I think Eri loves Momo and Jirou, she thinks they’re sooo cool!
They become a safe place for her as she grows up, some older girls to ask about all sort of different stuff Aizawa and Mic might not be able to understand or relate to
oh, and Deku and Eri stays tight forever, to the point where she starts to refer to him as her brother
He gives her away at her wedding BYE I'M GONNA CRY -
If we're in the upheaval verse or any other scenario where Dabi and Shoto reconnect, I think they would realize they're more similar than they ever knew
Esp Dabi, who had Shoto built up as this perfect, glossy Endeavour 2.0 in his head for so long, only for him to realize Shoto is just the most socially awkward kid who also hates Endeavour
Shoto thinks any time they spend together is great quality time, and Dabi is just so taken aback by it lmao
Dabi loses his mind a little at Shoto's fashion sense tho, Dabi loves to be extra, as we already know, and Shoto's little cardigans and polo's and mom-fashion makes him wanna shake some edge into him
Okay, but imagine the same with Hawks and Tokoyami, but kinda the other way around
Hawks isn't exactly a fashion icon, but after he's released escapes from the commission (leave me alone it happens in my version of things), he starts to realize he enjoys expressing himself with clothes
He asks Tokoyami for ideas and stuff since he likes how edgy and personal Tokoyami looks
Tokoyami literally just wears black tho, so he's not much help, but he's willing to try
Hawks ends up wearing shit that looks like the pastel grunge/goth tag from Tumblr in 2012 lmao
But he's happy so who cares, right?
(Dabi cares, but he tries really heard not to say anything)
I also just think Hawks wanna be friendly with Tokoyami so badly, like, bond outside of work? Talk about school and friends and stuff?
And Tokoyami doesn't understand that's what he's doing because Hawks is so bad at candid social stuff because that's not really something you can train for, yanno?
So he thinks Hawks just wants information, like when they first met, and Hawks is like... so lost lmao
I know they're not friends in canon, but I looove Mirko and Hawks as besties
I just think she'd be great at taking care of Hawks and teaching him social skills and stuff without being condescending
Dabi would do it, but he's just as bad as Hawks and doesn't wanna learn anyway lmao
Okay and finally, Shoto totally used to have a crush on Hawks
Just a distant school boy crush, and it ended years ago, but he still thinks it's a little weird when Hawks and Dabi starts dating at first lol
Shoto would totally tell him in front of both Dabi and Izuku (Shoto's boyfriend) lmao
"You know Hawks, it is a little funny that we are here now, as you were my first crush, and sort of made me realize I was gay, and now here we are and you are dating my brother who we used to think was dead haha :-)"
And Hawks is just like... ʘ‿ʘ
Izuku is blushing so hard he almost passes out lmao
Dabi finds it all fucking hilarious of course
bnha requests are open <3
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
week of may 15th, 2022
aries: if there was ever a week to avoid spending too much or taking out a new line of credit it's this one, with this lunar eclipse. simultaneously mars hanging around neptune makes everything strange and probably confusing. no need to understand at this time, just take notes on what happens to review later.
taurus: the lunar eclipse is in scorpio with the sun in your sign. so this is about your relationships, especially the committed partnerships even if they are not romantic ones. classically that includes your enemies! regardless of which specific relationship(s) it means, expect some serious upheaval throughout the week if it hasn't begun already.
gemini: if you want to work *with* the eclipse instead of struggling against it as many will do, it may benefit you to consider your 6th-12th house axis and how it centers on service. make the mundane sacred and do something nice for other people, and then you may be kicking off gemini season more smoothly.
cancerians: eclipses will always affect you. be prepared to be quite emotional, if you are not already feeling that way. and as you deal with that, keep in your mind that this is not a bad way to feel, even if it is inconvenient somehow (feelings often are, aren't they?). remain kind and compassionate towards yourself, and try to extend some grace to others.
leo: lunar eclipses can always have you thrown off kilter and this one is likely in a tense aspect with some of your natal planets/points. fortunately the start of gemini season will take the edge off. talk out your feelings with a kind friend.
virgo: mars on neptune makes relationships almost impossible to navigate right now. better to hold still for a moment and let the mists settle. with the eclipse also occurring, this is like being lost in a swamp during an earthquake. but it is temporary, and behind the scenes there are forces working in your favor.
libra: the big eclipse advice for you is to be careful with money, your own money and also loans, credit, gambling, taxes, etc. but with that taken care of, the shift to gemini energy this week is good for you as an air sign and you can already feel your mind freeing up.
scorpio: this eclipse season wraps up with the full moon in your sign and, of course, a great deal of upheaval. you have some adjusting yet to do which will be ironed out later in the year for the next eclipse season. meanwhile, take your specialty depth-approach to emotions and relationships, in hiding/private if you must, but be sure not to stuff anything down, lest it volcanically emerge later.
sagittarius: unavoidable as the lunar eclipse is, affecting your day-to-day life and the subconscious realm for you, it is also the start of gemini season this week. this brings your relationships/partnerships into play. these things are inextricably linked; your subconscious affects the way you act day to day which affects the quality of your partnerships.
capricorn: sandwiched between the big scorpio eclipse and the ingress of the sun into gemini there is a trine by the sun to pluto, who of course is in your sign. and this acts as a bridge from the eclipse, which is naturally fairly plutonic, to that ingress, which is much lighter. and while you may be sick to death of pluto, note that this bridge is better than the shock of going from intense diamond-making pressure out to the rarefied air of the high atmosphere. the obstacles you face now are, believe it or not, helpful.
aquarius: this very fixed-energy eclipse gives a fixed-vibe to the whole week. sure, the advent of gemini season suits you as an air sign, but it is somewhat stifled by the steady stillness of all the taurus-scorpio energy. on the other hand, no eclipse is truly stagnant, especially with uranus in taurus. hold an ear to the ground; what tremors beneath the earth do you hear? they are your omens.
pisces: this is not a calm time. but, oceanic creature that you are, you are no stranger to storms at sea. you feel them, crash some waves about, raise some sea monsters if necessary, and return to the placid blue-green you are famed for. of course, you also know that deep below the surface, even in the greatest tempest, there is a still, calm safety.
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megurodivision · 2 years
Alternative Rap Battle (DOG STREET CLUB Ver.)
Bring the Beat!
Day in, day out, steadily fighting for control. Whether on the stage or in the ring, victory is the goal.
Many scars mark me, but I'm far from ashamed. They're trophies; they show all how I made my claim.
A lonely soul on a lonely road seeking an end. It hasn't found me yet: Death is far from a friend.
But until that day comes, I'll stand tall on my feet. I'm Saji Buranka, leader of DOG STREET!
Mayhem and upheaval, Hypnosis Mic! A rivalry of champions, Alternative Battle!
Throw us some ill beats, DJ Sparks fly off the desperation! We cram into these rhymes!
This is no exhibition, it’s a historic battle! The format is ruthless, this otherworldly magic!
We’re greedy, east, west, south, north! Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults!
Take or get taken, there’s no time to hold a grudge.
Are you game for more? Do you want more?
As they say, 'life lives to imitate art'. This world is a canvas, a blank slate, one without any heart.
A breathe of fresh air is needed to create something new. So I'll keep striving until I make a breakthrough.
My oath is unassailable; it has a firm grip on me. And as long as I can breathe, I'll hold it to the highest degree.
We're far from being mean, but don't dare oppose us. If you do, you'll see why we are Meguro's 'Cerberus'!"
Run and gun, Hypnosis Mic! Violently valorous rhyme power, alternative rap!
Connect these dope beats, DJ! Quickly snatching it up for real, and stuffing it full!
One for the treble, two for the bass! Painful brats may die but the flow never will!
This battle of rhymes is karmic retribution! Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults!
Take or get taken, there’s no time to hold a grudge.
Are you game for more? Do you want more?
Why stress about things you have no control over? You look foolish, standing there losing all your composure.
Just chillax; things happen for a reason. No need to stress, everybody has their day and their season.
I live these words said by a wise man everyday. That's why I don't need to frown; everything's going my way!
Say what you want, but don't dare call us 'cubs'. We're the hounds of the war. A.K.A. The DOG STREET CLUB!
Mayhem and upheaval, Hypnosis Mic! A rivalry of champions, Alternative Battle! Throw us some ill beats, DJ Sparks fly off the desperation!
We cram into these rhymes! This is no exhibition, it’s a historic battle! The format is ruthless, this otherworldly magic!
We’re greedy, east, west, south, north. Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults. Run and gun, Hypnosis Mic! Violently valorous rhyme power, alternative rap. Connect these dope beats, DJ Quickly snatching it up for real, and stuffing it full!
One for the treble, two for the bass. Painful brats may die but the flow never will. This battle of rhymes is karmic retribution. Till we take it all, we’ll throw these insults.
Take or get taken, there’s no time to hold a grudge.
Are you game for more? Do you want more?
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totkdaily · 8 months
Day 21: The Forgotten Temple
I'm not the first one to arrive at the Forgotten Temple. I see Impa's Donkey, then her balloon, then Cado.
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Cado says Lady Impa's inside. I can see why he's concerned for her - there are monsters camped in here - but it's nothing like as bad as it was when I was last here, full of guardians. Impa's set herself up next to a shrine. She says hasn't found what she's looking for yet - I wonder if it's through this open doorway?
Through the doorway is the massive goddess statue I remember - but she's toppled on her face. The very sight is wrong. The space feels somehow corrupted. Something bad has happened here.
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Behind where she stood, another doorway. I enter cautiously. There's a ring of seven megaliths surrounding a device. In the corner some strange plants are growing - sundelions, which apparently grow in sun at high altitudes - this is the opposite of that. Strange. They're growing around another stone which I realise now looks like a grave marker. Who would be buried in this strange place?
Yet another doorway beyond. There's a chamber below, with a map of Hyrule. Strange symbols are scattered across it.
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I jump down for a closer look. 
Impa and Cado come in behind me. She identifies the wall murals as geoglyphs - and as she points it out I recognise a couple I've seen already, painted across the landscape. Impa says the geoglyphs appeared during the Upheaval - but this room, buried behind the goddess statue, is surely much older. She says the clues in the visions might lead us to the Princess. I can only hope. 
It's the first time I've had the chance to see the geoglyph I just came from with perspective. It's the Demon King at the moment of his ascension. The other two here I've visited are next to each other on the walls, suggesting that's the order of chronology. The sequence following, then, would go something like:
Hyrule Castle
Purah Pad
Curved fish
Kneeling figure
Standing figure (Sonia?)
Curved blade
Demon King
Secret stone
Grave with three sundelions (Sonia's?)
Master sword
I mark approximate locations for the ones I haven't found yet. It's only then that I notice a plaque at the head of the relief. It reads: "a tear with a tear." What could that mean?
I've been three weeks finding three of these geoglyphs, and there's eight more to go. If these are the key to finding the Princess, I can't solve this quickly. But... it's in time that she's lost, not space. If I find a way to bring her back, maybe it won't matter how much time it takes - as long as she's safe with me again. I just need to find my way to her,
I ascend through the ceiling and find myself at the head of the canyon - sadly too far from my horse to make fetching him worthwhile. Mere metres from where I came out, I bump into the artist Pikango. He's interested in painting the sky islands. Nice to have a goal with no time stress.
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And down the slope, Addison! It does lift my spirits to see how much busier Hyrule has become since the Calamity. 
I head for the next geoglyph in the pattern, which looks to be just beyond Woodland Stable, fortunately my next stop anyway. 
Just off the path, to the right, I see a patch of Gloom surrounding a well.
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I hop down to take a look - and find myself in the Depths. Damn. I didn't even register the nearby shrine before I jumped.
This might take a while.
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some-sick-deja-vu · 3 years
Impure AU thoughts with large age gaps: Will is Hannibal's student in some university, and seduces Hannibal for better grades.
Oh, a fave scenario! 😈🔥 Thanks for blessing my Friday morning with such a lovely, inspirational thought. I did a little something...might expand it into a fic when I get a chance... [cw: Age gap, NSFW] Pretty 18 year old Will sitting in the very front row for every one of 45 year old Hannibal's lectures...batting those long, dark lashes, showing off those big, innocent blue eyes.
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Swaying his hips and wriggling his gorgeous ass every time he leaves. Staying after class to ask questions, genuinely enamored by Professor Lecter's wit and dazzled by his sophisticated handsomeness, his sexy mystique intoxicating as that spicy, manly cologne.    More after the cut...
Will leaning way too far into the professor's personal space and feeling a naughty little jolt of pleasure seeing how Hannibal’s big, strong hands tremble slightly and his breath catches. This effortlessly cool older man who is never usually caught off guard or made nervous. Yet the formidable professor blushes whenever Will comes near, tries not to meet his eyes throughout every lecture and doesn't always succeed; one time, Will licked his lips and Prof. Lecter stammered, losing the thread of his ongoing philosophical review. Had to start over again from the beginning, but then Will started nibbling on the pad of his thumb, barely sliding it, slowly, in and out of his plush lips. Lecter went on lecturing successfully, but a burning intent with an overtly scolding blaze in his teacher’s molten-gold eyes told Will he would eventually be punished for the inappropriate conduct in class. 
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Will could only wait with bated breath for that day to come, meanwhile accumulating several failed tests in the course and forgetting to complete his homework. Will was usually such a very good student, and such a very good boy for that matter. What was happening to him? Professor Lecter is right in the palm of Will's hand, and Will's not sure he hasn't been just as entangled, the snare in his heart feeling -- even in his youthful confusion -- far more like love than a prelude to a later-regretted affair. But the lust is there, alright, heady and buzzing, making him dizzy.  Soon, it’s nearly impossible for Will to think of anything else but his obsessive, embarrassing, irresistible fantasies of what the professor might murmur into his ear to flirt with him, what grunted, growled obscenities Will might be able to pull from him with unskilled, novice but desperately sincere acts of reckless lust. He needs help; he's going to fail the class because he's been so busy staring at Prof. Lecter and fantasizing about being fucked over the desk that he hasn't learned one damn thing since the semester began, except for how to barely hide being excessively horny and hard. Finally, one hot summer evening when Will's thin white t-shirt is sticking to his chest and arms like glue and his heart hammers outrageously out of control, Professor Lecter looks up from the desk in his elegantly decorated, tenure-level office and his mouth drops open.   The philosophy instructor’s usually stiffly buttoned shirt collar is loose, sleeves rolled up showing off powerful arms as the fan sputters insubstantially to break the wicked heat wave that’s made the whole campus sultry and sticky. Professor Lecter drops his pen on the floor with an awkward clatter, still forgetting how to form words, and Will’s never seen him clumsy or flustered except for when he’s around.  It’s so...flattering.  Forbidden and new.  Perfect. Of course, the professor has an open policy on drop-in consultations during his regular office hours.  But for all the fierce temptation sizzling between them, this is the very first day after several months of harsh longing that feels like entire upheaval.  The first time Will’s gotten up the nerve to show up here, and now he’s gone too far to run away. Will has a plan for how he might be able to pass Prof. Lecter's Philosophy 101 after all...so he closes the door quietly behind him.
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rosered2018 · 3 years
St. Kilda - Determination and Curiosity
Apologies for skipping a week. I've been struggling with writer's block, and I am hoping that this may help me break it. Also, last week's episode felt like setup for what was to come.
So. The past two weeks, we've had more than a few developments.
First of all, we've gotten some information as to why Andromeda is so determined to have Lockie in her life. Her family's curse is killing her, and she thinks he can heal her. More to the point, she thinks Dubrach himself led Lockie to the island to do that.
Which brings us to this week, where we find out that Lockie's con artistry extended to being a bogus faith healer. And not only has his past come back to bite him in the ass, he's been put in the position where he's going to have to prove he can do what he claimed he could.
I do have to agree with Lockie on the subject of the journals. It seems odd that Cormac, who had been fairly verbose on paper, would suddenly clam up at a point, and that he wouldn't say a word in his journals about his little daughter Andromeda. There was some kind of major change in there, and Andromeda was probably too little to notice it or to know what happened. And, for my money, if there were journals missing, they've probably been destroyed.
I noticed that the fallout from that first ritual and the aftermath is still coming. The immediate political fallout has yet to hit, I think, but it's going to cause a lot upheaval when it does.
It's kind of heartbreaking that Angelique wouldn't even sell Wee Mary any cat foot because she decided to side with Mathias. Poor Toast was an absolute innocent in the whole mess and did not deserve that.
And on the subject of our favorite red-haired disaster area, does Mathias actually have any relationships that he hasn't screwed up in some way, shape, or form?
He alienated probably both of the Torrence brothers, and I can't see Wee Mary wanting anything to do with him. And given what happened after the attempted ritual, I can't see him being too popular with the community in general.
Whatever relationship he's got with Andromeda is probably gone after his attempted coup (whether that was what he actually intended or not) and trying to throw Lockie into a bottomless pit.
His relationship with Niyathi is probably shaky at best, considering she's his ex-wife and that they should probably have never gotten together to begin with. He's been carrying a torch for Andromeda since he was kid, and I don't think he was her first choice, either. The fact she's quite definitely moved on from their relationship and is getting involved with Lockie is not going to help things any. At this point, I'd say that the only thing they have in common at this point is Hari.
Hari, of course, is still an adorable little kid, and I know people guessed that Mathias was his father just from the way they interacted in the first episode. I've gotten the impression that Mathias loves him dearly, but has no idea how the hell to relate to him. The only time that child showed any interest in being in his father's presence was when Mathias was going to get him ice cream and then make the phone call that probably brought Preston to the island looking for Lockie.
The backbone, however, I don't think is as literal a thing as Niyathi and Lockie seem to think it is. For my money, it's probably a person, though at this point, I don't know who, and I can't see Andromeda being happy with the idea of them poking around her family crypt while chasing a metaphor.
Personally, I suspect it might be Mathias, but I don't know if that's just because I have a minor crush on Ben Meredith (I like his voice!) or because he's the only other character with the potential for a major story arc. Mathias certainly sees himself as the backbone of the community, even though everyone else seems to see him as a pain in the ass. Plus, I like the idea of Mathias and Lockie becoming reluctant allies and even more reluctant friends while they deal with whatever's coming.
UPDATE: Just went back and realized that I had a paragraph out of order, and went back and fixed it. I have no idea how I managed to miss it the first time. Sorry about that.
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer: tarot is speculative and to be taken with a grain of salt.
Let's begin. The long awaited Koo reading.
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To start, koos energy is a really rich, solid purple that is kinda pearlescent? It hard to explain but it kinda looks like this
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So thats pretty neat. Most of the time the way I see energy it isn't ever really opaque so that was new for me. Another thing that was new for me was when I went to, essentially, connect to koos energy there was this like glass door looking thing and, it sounds nuts I know, but I left an offering of energy at the glass thing? Kinda like leaving flowers outside the door and then he removed the glass thing and connected his energy with me.
Now its even weirder because his soulmates energy was already with him so I didn't even need to connect with his energy in order to connect with the soulmate. His soulmates energy was just this white sparkly blob standing by him (I tend to see the boys when connecting with the energy because I already know what they look like) and immediately his soulmate was "chatting" with me. I was surprised so I was like, "do you have any messages that you want to say?"
The messages I got were
You'll see
Open your arms to love
Carry the burdens as a badge
Afraid to lose you
Cool cool cool. I think his soulmate is aware of all the upheaval that he's been doing on a soul level recently. I talked some about it in this reading x and kinda this one x I think his soulmate is being very encouraging. (Also, I think his whole upheaval really had to do with him not feeling like a person? Idk thats just the vibe in getting. Its like he needed to learn how to feel again and learn that he can have true and authentic love)
Now the open your arms to love thing is cute because I also wrote down, "He's suffered enough" and "Love is hard for him" (I swear to God I heard a tiny little "hey!" From jk in the background lol)
His soulmate is very aware of the struggles he's been through and is going through and is very understanding that he needs patience. So cute.
Keep in mind the reading hasn't even started yet. We still hanging on his little energy platform chatting and his Soulmate is like, "I don't know him" ... I didn’t even ask that yet but oki. So they don't know eachother. And again, out of nowhere his soulmate wanted me to know that their hair is blonde. Awesome. This could mean that their hair is blonde when they meet or that's just the natural color.
I was like, dude, I haven't pulled cards yet. And his soulmate was like, "no shit"... soulbae has jokes. I was like, "You're funny" and they were like, "You can write that one down too"
His soulmate and him definitely have witty banter and they tease eachother a lot.
Now, some freaky shit. I was like cool I'm gonna do the reading now, its awesome that you're connecting with me personally and it'd be great if you could just continue to help me through the reading. And they were like, "yeah no prob" and then dissolved into my energy? Idk. Wtf. His soulmate was like cool I'll help out for sure and gave me a massive direct link. That hasn't happened before. Neat.
On to the actual cards finally! So, for the cards that represent Soulbae are, kid you the fuck not, The Lovers and knight of wands rev. So. This person is very passionate and driven. A little scattered and impulsive but with the lovers card they are very sure of the choices they make. Very honest and open in communication. Also the fucking lovers card. Soulmate shit.
Now. For personality I drew 2 of swords rev. Death, hermit and knight of pentacles rev. Now. I think this person is elusive. A wrote down "no one quite knows" so I think this is the type of person that has never ending depth. They are ever changing yet always the same? They are kinda blocked off and hard to get to know. You have to earn their trust for sure. Also definitely a perfectionist. Can get bored easily too. I also got slave, knight rev and bully. This person is very strong willed and might have some past trauma that they've yet to let go of. Has probably been in some shit relationships because they tend to have "delusions" about romance (more so i get the feeling that they had high expectations that would never be able to be fulfilled? Like they have a tendency to plan everything out in their head and if it doesn't go exactly to plan then its not good enough.) This person might also be stuck, not moving forward because they have too much faith that everything is just gonna magically work out. Probably spiritual.
Onto the relationship now. We have THE LOVERS AGAIN, 9 of cups, wheel of fortune and king of wands. So much contentment. Its fucking destiny. Its the most beautiful, strong, loving and influential relationship. It is what you dream of as a kid. Theres so much honest and open communication in this relationship. UGH its so fucking good. They are in love and its fucking destiny thats divinely guided. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
We have the pillar of light, sisterhood of the rose and the age of light. They are going to accidently make eachother fucking woke im cackling. They help eachother become more intune with ~spiritual shit~
Now for this person's sign. Air sign with some fire. I think there might be gemini in there somewhere.
Now for career. I'm confused as fuck. Maybe a life coach? Could also be a personal trainer? This person is really successful and does whatever they feel called to do? I'm not really sure?
Now for where they're from. Oki oki oki. This person has probably moved a lot as a kid and probably enjoys travel a lot. They value the knowledge that the wold has to offer!
Message from his soulmate to him: simplify your life, you think someone is lying (they are) and time to let go. Theres something that he is holding onto (some fake friends perhaps?) That he needs to let go of. Theres also a message of slowing down and resting. Life has been busy for him and he needs to... simplify...
Now we have, balance masculine and feminine energies. Koo needs balance in his life. Him and his soulmate balance pretty well in terms of energy!
For the little homemade cards we have, serendipity and focus. This is his soulmate saying, "hey, focus on the now. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll meet when the time is right" I also made a note that they could possibly meet at a concert (I don’t think it would be a bts concert.)
For descriptors we have: older, masculine, outgoing, long hair, light hair (remember when I said blonde earlier), outgoing again. So this person has masculine features. I also made a note of dark eyes that are like, dark brown grey? And a fit and built body. Also dresses like Koo but a bit more professional or classy. Like classy emo.
Now I also pulled a fortune from my bowl of fortunes and got, "you don't get in life what you want; you get in life what you are." He needs to focus on bettering himself.
Cool cool cool. Now we have Defend to the end , the worth while. This card talks about seeing things for what they really are. Not being swayed by gilded things. Its about learning to love and choose love. Not being afraid of fear. Living your truth. To fight for love and honor and ditch the shit that isn't genuine or doesn't come from a place of love. Its about standing your ground even when its hard. Not compromising yourself.
Overall koo and his soulmate have such a cute and loving relationship. Koo has worked really hard on a soul level and physical level. He's betting himself and he's learning about genuine love. His soulmate couldn't give less shits about whether or not he's famous. His soulmate sees him for who he is, who he really truly is at his core. He doesn't need to protect or keep his walls up. He's open and honest with his soulmate and they are both focused on growing and becoming better people.
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bugcatcherwill · 9 months
hmmm imagine if wren goes to the depths and starts to explore them and finds some of the totk monsters down there and gloom or the gloom in the depths is a result of ganon/demise as a way to corrupt monsters that are down there mining and in botw time frame there isnt really any gloom down there yet
Yeah basically I hinted that there's no Malice/Gloom in most of the depths during BOTW since the Upheaval hasn't happened yet.
I'm definitely planning on showcasing the Yiga exploring it all pre-TOTK, to kinda show how they managed to build such a strong presence there, but I don't think I'll throw Wren down there since he's going through his whole defecting arc far away from the main base. At least not now lol
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