#the usual inventory japan/goods
dorarakei · 1 year
cw: major shibuya arc spoiler / jjk s2 spoiler. nanami kento angst drabble. first time writing, and it's not checked. my interpretation might be wrong, so sorry if it's ooc or not align with the anime!
i was rewatching the hidden inventory arc when i realized something.
not "realized", actually, more like i remembered something. a teeny tiny detail of the jjk universe.
i've just remembered that all of the characters actually has parents (lol yea i know silly me i just remembered it after i reach that part where geto apparently slaughtered his parents)
but... then i was thinking. about nanami.
his maternal grandfather is danish, yes? now imagine this:
ever since nanami kento reaches his teenager years and got enrolled in jujutsu tech which makes him technically a sorcerer, his family especially his mother has already make plans to relocate them back to denmark. for a... better, and peaceful life, she says.
a life far from the dangers of curses lurking on nanami, and a life far from the constant fear that one day, nanami won't go back in one piece.
just a life where he can be... normal. a normal teenager, doing normal things like what teenage boys usually do. maybe he could have a silly crush, or perhaps he can experience having a girlfriend... maybe even take the girl he has interest at to the prom. having difficulties with his homeworks and exams, being confused as heck choosing what major will he take for college...
well, the last possibility might not count. he's still confused when he wants to continue his uni life when he's in jujutsu tech. but then, at that point, he already has so many worries and traumas other than what major he should choose. worries and trauma that no teenager should be experiencing.
...or maybe, just maybe, nanami can experience a more normal future, too. perhaps nanami can land on a normal occupation in a corporate and climb on the ranks, or he can even make a bakery, since he loves to eat and bake various baked goods (especially breads). get married with the woman he loves, have children. he wouldn't have to worry much about curses in denmark just like he did now in japan, right?
but it seems that nanami is not that willing to leave jujutsu tech and the sorcery world behind.
from every argument that raises whenever she asks nanami about to possibility to move to denmark, his mother realizes something about nanami's understanding towards sorcery and his life:
he sees sorcery as something that... isn't ideal, for sure, but like it or not he must compromise with it if he still wants to live his life fully.
it's like what some people say about having exceptional intelligence or much higher sensitivity towards emotion: it could be a blessing for some, but curse for another. only those who have it could fully understand about it and... only they could bear with such "burden". they can't really ask everyone to understand and bear it...
and with that, his parents just.. dropped the idea of going back to denmark.
like it or not, it's still nanami's life. he has every right to choose what he wants.
his parents can only hope and pray that whenever the doorbell rings, it's nanami that's ringing it, alive, well, and breathing, and not some bunch of people who wore that distinct dark uniforms with such gloomy face... itching to break the bad news.
so just imagine how his parents would be so, so devastated when they heard that nanami has met his end during the shibuya mission.
his deceased body- god, they can't even call it a body... all that remains were just the lower part of his body they can't even lift the white sheet and take a proper look at it-
...if only he did agree to move to denmark, lay low and continue his life... in a more normal manner.
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oppaihun · 10 months
Ghost Mutuals Tag Game 🦇 Send this to the last ten Ghesties in your notifications, then reply here with ten facts about yourself! Let's get to know each other!
I love you Jesus
I’m not used to talking about myself so here we go
scorpio sun libra moon Pisces rising (emo hoe) ever zodiac reading is an mtv roast
I’m trying to learn guitar when my hands decide to participate in things
I have what my brother cause the Uber instincts of the Uber autism which basically means I’ll just straight up turn into Google with unfun fun facts
I’m a hoe for a good to do list
The adhd in my audhd acts up all the time like I full blown forget what month it is, let alone where something in the house is where I put it specifically so I dont forget it
On my Appalachian bullshit I’m trying to ease Sunshine into it bcs yeah some of its cute but then you walk into the woods where folks love here and see some Blair Witch lookin shit to protect them from the haints and hollers in the holler.
I also attempted to learn tarot, I have a very basic understanding of the cards and honestly mostly go off vibes. But I also just mostly collect decks. My favorite is my cryptid deck and it’s spookiest from all around the world!
I also have a small collection of Gacha items from Japan that all sit on a shelf on my desk that I got from a subscription service. One of my favorites is a combo of world of tanks and cats, so you open the hatch and there’s a kitty!
I’m a big enamel pin collector, with frames and ita bags. My current daily bag is a coffin shaped backpack.
When it comes to gaming I’m what my team calls the loot goblin. I’ll shove anything into my inventory. In FPS this usually manifests as a “pocket full of rockets.” It’s not uncommon for me to run in one sector of the game and just cause a bunch of explosions in whilst I hide from other teams.
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I was a bit bummed out by Engage but with all your post on it I tried the older FE games, and it's really great so far! Do you have any recommendations or favorite characters? :D
Nice! I'm loving Engage, but that's very related to (1) nostalgia, and (2) liking a game more battle-focused after Three Houses' story-focus. (It's nice to have best of both worlds on one system!) What have you started playing?
If you're just looking to learn the ropes of FE gameplay, both FE7 (just "Fire Emblem" outside of Japan, the first released elsewhere) and Awakening are decent starting points for the general structure. Both also have really solid characters and simple-but-fun plots (which are handled without the over-the-top dramatics of Engage). FE7 outside of Japan has added intro chapters to help players get used to the genre (where your "lord" is Lyn, before Eliwood and Hector are introduced as the lords for the original game). The translation is a little uneven sometimes (and sloppy at others), but it's a very solid introduction if you have access to a GBA/DS/DSLite (or want to emulate).
Awakening is easier to get access to (since it's more recent and on 3DS), and is also a nice, solid intro to FE gameplay. It also has more bonus maps/DLC that extend gameplay and let you nab extra characters (both from older games and from Awakening itself). Honestly, Awakening seems likely to remain my favorite game in the series: it's just all-around fun. Good plot (if not a complex one), great characters (and DLC to flesh them out more), fun gameplay, multiple difficulty options, and some DLC that lets you obtain ways to boost levels/supports/money/weapons/classes, if you're into that. I've put in close to 1,000 hours in Awakening - due to the support system, there are all sorts of ways to mess around with how you play the game and use certain characters.
Sacred Stones (FE8, the second released outside of Japan for GBA) is a lot of fun, and has a brief route split if you like to play more than once, but if you want to try a GBA game, FE7 is probably the better starting point, for the Lyn chapters. (Especially because managing the convoy and items is clunky in the GBA games compared to later ones, so the intro chapters help before you have to figure out inventory management and gameplay!)
Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (on Gamecube and Wii, respectively) had the most complex plot since Genealogy of the Holy War (which was not released outside of Japan). The problem with them is that they are all but impossible to track down for a reasonable price - both bombed spectacularly at release, so copies are scarce. Emulation is usually the way newcomers to the series go if they want to tackle the Radiant games.
Shadow Dragon is a remake of the very first game, but it hardly added anything beyond updated portraits and battlefield grids so you don't accidentally wander somewhere where you'll get your butt kicked if you mathed wrong. 😅 It's on DS, and I'm honestly not sure how easy it is to find now. It sold so poorly that FE12 (a remake of FE3, Mystery of the Emblem) once again was Japan-only. Which sucks, because FE12 actually beefed up characters and plot! Shadow Dragon would be a good place to get the hang of gameplay, but its story is more Final Fantasy 1 than Final Fantasy 6. 🤷‍♀️
If you can't find (or emulate) FE7, Awakening is a solid place to start. It eases you into gameplay, lets you grind (either for free, especially if you play on Normal, or with paid DLC), lets you choose Casual (no permadeath - characters come back next chapter if "killed") or Classic (permadeath - pick a god and pray) and has, in purely mathematical terms, an epic buttload of characters to choose from if some *cough*Vaike*cough* aren't to your liking. Just, uh... listen to Severa. Trust me. Listen. To. Severa. You can thank me later.
Fates has fuuuuuun battles and some really amusing joke weapons (it's Azura with the broom! But wait - wait! She's out, she's out, Jakob came in from the side with pebbles! Victory! Victory to the angry butler!!! 😱), but the plot and some other stuff is... well. The monkeys with typewriters were going to manage Shakespeare, but then they ate too many pot brownies and we got Fates instead. Have fun killing goo daddy with your flaming chainsaw sword! Fates also has three different routes, which can be a bit confusing if you don't know how they differ. (Birthright is the "easy" route, Conquest will kick your ass six ways from Sunday and add a seventh kick at chapter 10, and Revelation was written frantically after the monkeys demanded a union and walked out of the job.)
Shadows of Valentia is the last of the 3DS games, and a remake of the second game (Gaiden, never released outside of Japan). It's... weird. Fully voiced, which is very cool (especially since the cast is solid), and has some interesting twists on the FE formula (like dungeons and Mila's Turnwheel, which lets you go back a number of turns without having to restart the whole map), but the plot remains pretty early-90s-JRPG, and they opted to keep in a fuckton of water maps and desert maps that are insanely tedious. Reclassing also feels a bit clunky after the relative freedom of Awakening and Fates. It's definitely well done, but I wouldn't recommend it as an intro to the series.
Same goes for Three Houses: except for the way the battlefield functions, it is very different from the other games. It is darker, attempts more complexity than it should have (at the expense of some plotpoints left dangling in all routes), and has four different routes that, with one exception, force you to choose the route after a single battle and barebones intro to the characters. It also has a loooooot of stuff you can micromanage and/or waste time on and a weird (by FE standards) recruitment system. Great game, all four routes, but a little more than Intelligent Systems could juggle. (This is especially obvious if you pick the Black Eagles.) It's also quite easy, by FE standards, outside of some paralogues (side battles) and the DLC (which was very, very simple compared to Awakening, Fates, and Shadows of Valentia, though a lot of fun if you like a challenge!).
Awakening, Fates, Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses (like Engage) all give you a choice of male or female avatar, and Casual or Classic mode. (Fates also has Phoenix mode, but ew. No. Bad.) All also have DLC. With DLC in mind, remember that the 3DS eShop goes down for new purchases as of the end of March of this year. If you get Awakening, Fates, or Shadows of Valentia, buy the DLC now if you think you'll want it! (It adds new characters, new weapons, some additional lore and/or character development, and some silly stuff like beach chapters. 🤣)
Honestly, if Engage is all you've tried, I'd say go with Awakening (the game Lucina is from) or FE7 (where, as mentioned above, Lyn is from). Your call! Both are good intros without so much management and bloat they get overwhelming. And none of the choices you make will drastically alter the rest of the game! Awakening should also still be easy to find, compared to what came before.
Favorite characters? Pegasus knight has been my favorite class since I started playing, and my all-time favorite character is Cordelia. I also love Ninian, Rebecca, Lyn, Serra (all from FE7), Eirika, Seth, L'arachel, Lute (all from FE7), the Whitewings (Palla, Catria, and Est, who are in FE1, 2, 3, 11, 12, and 15), Caeda (FE1, 3, 11, and 12), Nephenee (FE9, 10) Olivia, Inigo, Severa, Lucina (FE13), Laslow, Selena, Soleil, Reina, Flora, Jakob (FE14), Mathilda, Clair, Mae, Boey (FE15), Edelgard, Dimitri, Hapi, Lysithea, Constance, Ingrid, Seteth, FERDINAND VON AEGIR (FE16), and I'm still deciding on the new game, but Chloé and Etie are great thus far in what I've played. If I had to pick top three of all time, I'd probably go with Cordelia, Inigo/Laslow, and Edelgard.
There are a handful of spin-off games (Fire Emblem Heroes, two Warriors games, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE), but they're all very different from the core of Fire Emblem proper. Fun, but not a good intro to the series (and like Engage, they rely on knowledge of past games/characters).
Longest answer ever, but I hope it helps you figure out which way you'd like to go next! You may enjoy Engage more when you know the Emblems better. 😁
Happy strategizing!
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pitchkart · 1 year
Fire Emblem Blazing Sword Primer
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword is about to drop on NSO for Switch! Known simply as Fire Emblem here, this was the first game to be localized outside of Japan. Twenty years later, the series’s popularity has skyrocketed to heights I could not have ever dreamed of and it’s beautiful.
With all the new blood introduced by Awakening, Three Houses, and even Engage, you might be curious about this entry and want to check it out. This post will serve as a quick guide for getting started.
#1: The tutorial is LONG
I’m not kidding. It’s not like new games where it’s a blip on the screen and then it’s gone. Lyn’s going to be talking the most basic of basics. Remember this was the first game in the series to be released to a western audience, so the training wheels are going to be on for a while. Like, the next 10 chapters. It will drag if you know your shit, but for newbies, I would argue this is the one of the best ways to get acquainted with the series. It will beat the basics into you and help you establish good habits for executing your strategy. Bear with it for the time being, I promise it gets better! In future playthroughs you can disable the tutorial messaging.
#2: Permadeath is on, but NSO rewind is your Turnwheel, so it’s going to be okay.
This was made before Casual Mode or Mila’s Turnwheel Divine Pulse Draconic Time Crystal was a thing, so back in the day if you made an error, you’d either have to live with it or restart the chapter from the beginning. Fuck that, though, it’s 2023 and we have the technology. If you want to relive those days as a challenge, by all means go off, but I won’t be wagging my finger at you if you decide you don’t have time for that shit anymore. Do what you gotta to enjoy this game.
#3 Experience is limited in this game, so make sure you distribute it evenly among your team*
I mean it. For the love of God, don’t funnel it all into Rath. For all the characters you’ll be able to recruit, you’ll only be able to deploy 10-15 per map. Build a strong core, and you’ll be ready for anything the game throws at you.
#4 Pursuant to the above, Marcus is a great unit, but don’t rely on him too heavily.
Newer players might assume Marcus to be a trap unit like Vander at first blush, but he’s a surprisingly decent unit throughout. The issue is that he starts out promoted, meaning he won’t get nearly as much experience on killing an enemy unit as another unit lower in levels will. Efficiency is the word of the day, dear readers. Use Marcus when you need him, but not at the expense of your other characters’ growth. Give him a weaker weapon, bait out the enemies, soften ‘em up, then let the units you want to level finish ‘em off and you’ll have your army up and running like a well-oiled machine.
#5 Double-check enemy ranges
This was sadly before there was a handy dandy button you could push to see the Danger Zone, so be extra mindful when you play. Also, keep in mind that even though the range might display it, only a handful of bosses actually move from where they’re parked.
#6 Get in formation, soldier!
God dammit, stick together. You don’t have Emblem superpowers anymore and enemy reinforcements aren’t as loudly telegraphed in older games as they are now. Building a solid defensive line and being aware of how many enemies can approach a unit at any given time might save your life. Always have at least one buddy!
#7 Always have at least one unit guard Merlinus’s tent
Merlinus is your convoy in this game. If you want to be able to put items into an inventory during a map, you’ll have to deploy him. The caveat is he’s a stationary unit who can’t fight, and while it’s usually not a problem, sometimes IS is cheeky and puts reinforcements by him. This will become less of an issue as the game persists and he promotes, but until then, hang in there.
#8 When you play fog-of-war maps, have your thieves use torches
Thieves have the best vision in night/fog maps, and torches further enhance this, so this is the best bang for your buck.
#9 Weapon weight is tested against CON, similar to Build in Engage
The difference is a unit’s build isn’t something that can grow like in Engage. The only way for a character to get more build is to either promote or use a Body Ring, and those are pretty rare.
#10 As a result of the above, you’re going to be using Iron weapons most of the time.
It’s okay. Most of the time Iron will do the trick.
#11 Conserve Rapier/Wolf Beil/Mani Katti charges when you can, but don’t wait till it’s fucking Christmas to use them
Lyn will get her Mani Katti charges reset after chapter 10 and I think there’s one more of Eliwood’s Rapier or Hector’s Wolf Beil depending on which story you do. You can also get the Hammerne staff that repairs weapons, but it only has three charges.
#12 If possible, wait for a unit to hit level 20 before you promote them.
Since the levels you can get are finite, you’ll need to make the most of your units’ growth rates.
#13 Effective damage is only x2 in this game, not x3 like other games.
It’s still gonna hurt if you make a mistake, but it’s going to make your life harder half the time.
#14 The support system in this game is rough
If you think gathering supports in Engage was painful, you’re in for a rude awakening. The only way to gather support points in Blazing Sword is to have two units end their turn next to each other, and some of them take a lot of turns to trigger. What’s more, each unit can have five support conversations per playthrough (for example, an A support with one character and a B support with another character, or an A or two Cs). This means if you want to collect all the supports, you will need to replay the game several times. As always, hit up Serenes Forest if you want more information on the particulars.
Bonus* #15: Okay, I lied, there is a way to get more experience.
There are arenas on certain maps where units can fight for money, but it’s a risky proposition, considering they can die in there. NSO rewind/save states will mitigate this somewhat, however, and starting on chapter 20E/21H, Ninian will trivialize this.
Her ring, Ninis’ Grace, grants a defense buff for one turn when she dances for a unit. This buff does not go away if a unit is rescued before enemy phase starts. See where I’m going with this?
1) Buff unit with Ninis’ Grace
2) Have them fight in the arena
3) Rescue them once they’re done fighting
4) End turn
5) Have rescuer #2 take/drop unit
6) Heal as necessary
7) Have Ninian do a regular dance
8) Repeat steps 2-7
And there you have it. Blazing Sword is a lovely game and holds a special place in my heart. It’s very much a product of its time, but I still hope y’all enjoy—
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Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.
You had one job, Nintendo.
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erpinformation · 2 hours
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autoversemobility · 3 months
Understand the Purpose to Order Car Parts Online
Using this tactic increases the probability that your car will be serviced by experts who know how to get it back on the road. You will, nevertheless, have to pay extra if you encounter firms that mislead clients and make them order car parts online.
Because these sites often discover companies ready to drop ship things to them, car parts are cheaper online. Drop-shipping is the practice of a website without keeping inventory; instead, when a customer orders parts online from a particular business, the order is delivered straight to the distributor, who usually distributes the goods. Consequently, the corporation does not pay salespeople, store, or transport these items, so they are available online for free. Everything will be handled by the distributor.
Because of this, there are instances where it is better to take control of the situation by becoming familiar with the specifications of the necessary component and buying it yourself from the store. We'll be sharing some advice from seasoned buyers searching to order car parts online in this post.
Purchase Original Parts
Among the most frequent questions asked by owners of automobiles is whether it makes sense to pay extra for original parts or if you can trust manufacturers of uncertified equivalents. It is crucial to keep in mind that selling auto spare parts by anybody other than approved vendors has a number of serious risks. Therefore, it's advised to find out which businesses have an exhaustive Suzuki Japan parts catalog or a vehicle brand certificate, and then concentrate on their offerings. It is particularly if you're looking for a specific part, like a rear fender or a Mustang coil over.
These kinds of details provide a number of benefits
Superior quality combined with compatibility, the parts satisfy the fundamental standards and specifications verified by the manufacturer.
A wide range that essentially addresses every need for machine maintenance and repairs.
By using a unique number for both the search and purchase of spare parts, the likelihood of receiving the incorrect item is decreased.
Examine the Store's Standing
Your favorite online store's reputation should make you feel like one of the dissatisfied customers. Examine the evaluations for this chain store more closely to discover which components of their operations cause customers to react differently. Only buy vehicle parts from businesses and websites that provide warranties. If the product has a defect or breaks down soon, it can be exchanged or returned.
Get the exact replacement component
Give as much information as you can about the component's features to ensure that it works with your car. Therefore, get as much information as you can from management and service personnel regarding whether this component is appropriate for you and, if not, what other options are available. The VIN of a certain car is the most straightforward and trustworthy method for accurately selecting a part for an automobile.
Therefore, choosing spare parts needs to be done carefully, taking into account a number of factors such as price, manufacturer, and quality. After examining these three factors, you must choose the specifics. You might have to deal with the unpleasant consequences of installing the wrong spare parts if you disregard their suggestion.
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charcoalhaircolor · 5 months
Exploring Beauty Instruments Manufacturers in the USA: A Comprehensive Overview
In the meaning of beauty and cosmetics, the primacy of the leading machine is unquestionable. They are the tweezers, and scissors that are necessary for achieving flawless makeovers.  Similarly, the use of brushes for makeup and nails is also essential for achieving desired results. As far as an American is concerned, there are a number of clever manufacturers whose main goal is to make quality beauty tools for every person to have the best chance of having the flawless look. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive insight into the industry of Beauty Instruments as it is cultivated in the United States.  We will dwell on the main manufacturers, the most popular tools, the manufacturing processes, and we will answer most of the usual questions so that you can understand the beauty instrument industry even better. 
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The Priority of Good Buy Beauty Tools
Top-notch beauty instruments are actual profession assets for the beauty professionals, namely for makeup artists, estheticians, hairstylists and nail technicians. Nail set, brush, or other side tool might be great and good, nevertheless tool clarification gets everything.Leading market players in the US Beauty Instrument business may include
large multinational corporations, domestic private labels, and small or medium 
enterprises that cater to niche markets or offer specialized products. 
Some of the key players in this industry include
Jimyusbeauty: Long durability from the day it was founded in 1980,Jimyusbeauty is a menstrual name in a beauty business and it is known for its tweezers, manicure, and grooming tools. Had durability, ease of use and outstanding performance been a trademark of their equipment, the popularity of the company would have been nothing to cheer about. 
Revlon: The Revlon brand, which is globally renowned, builds up an inventory of beauty supplies, stating eyelash curlers, cosmetic brushes, and nail care tools. The products are build to be affordable and yet of good quality, a pair of qualities they are known for among wide range of industries. 
Rubis: Established in Switzerland in 1954, Rubis is a manufacturer highly appreciated for its creativity in ingenious precision tweezers and scissors of unmatched quality. Rubis instruments are renowned for the precision of engineering and meticulous handwork, being well known among professional makeup artists worldwide. 
Mehaz: Mehaz can be found in beauty salons operating in the United States to cover various needs of nail technicians, skin care specialists, and cosmetologists. We are pleased to offer an array of instrument kits, ranging from nail-clippers to pedicure tools, which are made of great material and built to last. 
Kai Beauty: Kai is a leader in the production of grooming and beauty instruments not only in offer but also in the diversity, as the company products range from razors to beauty accessories. Japan-like design is that they put more emphasis on function, performance and the presentation aspect. 
Popular Beauty Instruments Manufactured in the USA
The plethora of beauty items made in the USA includes numerous models that were developed for professionals as well as consumers matching the needs of different beauty fields. Some popular beauty instruments include:Some popular beauty instruments include:
Tweezers: Tweezers with high precision is the most indispensable tool for eyebrow shaping, removing stray hairs, applying artificial eyelashes with precision.  It is an essential tool in the field cosmetology. Variety of tweezers is available in the manufacturing field; among them, slant-tip, pointed-tip, and precision-tip are the most common classes you will see frequently. 
Manicure Tools: Roll up your sleeves, ladies, and get ready to flaunt your flawless manicure look.  While nail tools may be your starting point, nail clippers, cuticle nippers, and nail files are the must-haves for achieving and maintaining healthy nails. Good quality manicure tools are durable, sharp, and fit-to-purpose, which makes them an ideal choice for the manicurist who wants to be comfortable when using them and get good results at the end. 
Makeup Brushes: Brushes are what make the difference between correct and incorrect makeup application.  For example, use them to blend your foundation, contour, or apply your eyeshadow. Makers of makeup brushes, in turn, design the brushes by choosing a number of shapes, sizes and materials that could address the various procedures of makeup and different tastes. 
Scissors: What could be rudimentary than precision scissors!? They play an extremely important role in the cutting and trimming haircuts, beards as well as nails. As for the scissor line, manufacturers provide various choices, such as, hair-cutting shears, thinning scissors, and cuticle scissors, which are custom made for different purposes. 
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Manufacturing Operations of Natural Instruments
The manufacturing process may consist of a few steps, such as designing, selecting the material, creating, and ensuring a perfect quality control. Here's an overview of the typical manufacturing process:Here's an overview of the typical manufacturing process:
Design: Designers and engineers in beauty instrument industry work together in creating and implementing new products that are meant beauty. A design phase necessitates defining exact specifications, illustrations, and prototypes to make sure that the device works well enough, is ergonomic enough, and yields the best look. 
Material Selection: The kind and quality of materials applied is the same imperative feature for beauty instruments staying efficient and long-lasting. Factories use high quality materials manufactured from stainless steel, titanium and synthetic fibers, which do not corrode, guarantee sustainability and are perfectly suitable for the intended use. 
Fabrication: After respective designs and materials are chosen, the fabrication process takes place. Besides, this process involves cutting, stamping, forging, grinding, and so on to give the raw materials the required shape. Machines that precisely are built, and skilled workers performing precision machining are used to guarantee the predetermined specifications and dimensions. 
Assembly: Following production of individual parts, technicians with appropriate skills will use special tools and methodologies for assembly of parts into a spacecraft. Assembly may take place and the parts of it can be joined via a soldering, welding, adhesive bonding or mechanical fastening techniques. 
Quality Control: Quality control is the main part of the Beauty products making process, once the quality assurance is certain the result should meet the highest quality standards and give the best performance. The manufacturers exert quality control of the product by employing stricter testing protocols such as visual inspections, measurements, and functional tests in the process of looking for any defects before the products come to a market. 
The American beauty grooming industry can be characterized as a rapidly developing and a diversified part of the manufacturing industry that is focused on innovation, quality craftsmanship and customer care. From tweezers and scissors to cosmetic applicators and nail art tools, we are makeup artists and we use those instruments in creating flawless faces or beautiful nails. 
Is the beauty  instruments´ production in the USA better quality than in other regions?
 The USA has many famous beauty tool manufacturers who have gained the respect in this industry; nevertheless, one needs to be aware that design and quality in this category differ depending on the brand and manufacturing process. 
Are American cosmetic devices pre-disapproved to be eco-friendly?
 Over recent years, the import of beauty tools in the US tends to come from companies involved in more sustainable and environmentally conscious manufacturing approaches. They could, for instance, implement eco-design using materials that do not harm nature, and produce as little waste as possible.
Can I purchase beauty instruments directly from manufacturers in the USA?
An American beauty equipment supplier has started to sell these products directly to consumers online or at stores authorized by them. Besides, the takes of beauty supply stores, specialty boutiques, and online marketplaces may give consumers an enormous variety of beauty tools from different manufacturers in the world.
How can I ensure that the beauty instruments I purchase are authentic? 
For making sure that you are getting real and impressive beauty instruments, it is important to buy from reputed manufacturers or sellers who have valid licenses. Research top brands that have considerable experience and reputation for providing quality and dependable units to avoid the risk of being scammed by fake or low quality products. 
Are there regulations governing the manufacturing of beauty instruments in the USA?
 USA manufacturing of beauty equipment involves as many regulations as possible for product safety, quality by following industry standards, and conforming to industry’s best practices.  
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koistocrat · 5 months
Jacksepticeye Vtuber AU - Marvin the Magnificent
look it only make sense we start with him first okay :p
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"Welcome, entitled guests! I hope you get to enjoy the show as I, Marvin Magnificent, make you laugh at the face of science by serving magic!"
i. About Me
Name/Nickname: Marvin Magic (Marv) Age: 26 Height: 1.7m Species/Race: Part-cat human Job/Affiliation/Role: Magician | mentalist | wizard | penlight dancer Oshi Mark: 🔮🐈‍⬛ or 🃏🐈‍⬛️ Birthday: August 11th, 1998 Languages: English | Latin | Japanese A small bio/description: Panromantic catboy with ADHD who uses magic to rizz my friends. Also STAN MIKU!
ii. Lore
Marvin is a magician-in-disguise residing in a town near London, doing his wizardry business like usual. His major goal at this moment was to solve the mystery of ALTR 114209 that breached from the facility of IRIS. One day, he got robbed by a stranger in a hoodie, stealing his lunch for the day. He was trying to catch the thief from going scot-free by making a portal that teleports to their location. However, instead of teleporting to the suspect, he got... Isekai'd?
Marvin found himself lost in a bustling city of Shibuya, where locals and tourists go for all things gacha and anime. Considering he is a long-time fan of Vocaloids, he even finds this moment a dream. "I never thought I can just go here, I'm still a newbie at magic!" He exclaimed ecstatically, even jumping in excitement.
However, doing so made him notice the weight behind his back. He turned around and saw... "WHAT? I HAVE A TAIL? WHAT IS THIS?!" Panicking in confusion, he went to check his body to see what went missing from his inventory. Thankfully, none got taken away from him, apart from his food. He tries to take the hood on but noticed somethings on his head. He massages it and immediately feel ticklish from the sensation. "Ow! What the... CAT EARS??!"
He looks around to see what else is wrong in "Japan", and noticed that some people are otherkins, some look like part-monsters, and saw some letters in the neon lights to be not Japanese, but rather a script he is very familiar of; Elvish. Turns out, the place he warped to is not human. From how strange the place is, with him becoming a cat-human hybrid upon arrival, he realized he is sent in an alternate version of Earth.
iii. Likes & Dislikes
Parallel universes
Tea (not drama)
Eldritch abominations
and MIKU
Art scent/smell
Coffee with no cream
Magic things not working
Lewd shit
Clearing cat poop
Making weird "potions"
Petting and adopting cats
Doing magic things in public
Going to dnd/japanese cons
iv. Favorites
Miku (does she count?)
harry potter HP Lovecraft
Dr. Stone
Sailor Moon
Medieval bgm
Cinematic movements
Some rock
Potion Craft
Cooking Mama
My Talking Tom (SHUT UP OKAY?)
v. Mascot
Mascot name: Higgins Fluffington
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Mascot personality:
Doesn't like wearing anything, not even cones
Scratches my sofa
Z O O M -
vi. HashTags
General: #marvinmajikku Fanwork: #marvwitchcraft Outfit reference: #marvfit Lore: ??? Head empty
FanName: Marvgicians
vii. Main Model Showcase
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viii. Types of content
Experimenting with magic
Talking about miku
Gaming streams
Magician roleplay asmr (to cure my missing childhood T^T)
Voice overs of books i read
Some vods when traveling
ix. Future Goals
Going back to MY Earth!
Get my lunch back
Learn more magic and be good at it
Go to Miku Expos
Win a drag contest
Pulling good gachas under $1000
Solve what is Iris' intention with Anti (and if they're actually nice)
Vtuber template by toorufrappe Applications:
Gacha Life 2
Pony Town
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hitsvzen · 10 months
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trigger warnings ! alcohol
name ! [ redacted ]
nicknames ! ichihara yuuko
titles ! witch of dimensions / spacetime witch / far eastern witch
description ! a witch who can only be found when her services are required . her shop that is located in modern day tokyo, too, operates in the same manner - that is to say, they must have a wish for her to grant .
birthday ! unknown
age ! unknown, currently frozen in time
region ! tokyo, japan (?)
gender ! feminine
pronouns ! she/her
romantic orientation ! demi
sexual orientation ! pan
hobbies ! teasing others / visiting (and annoying) a certain species of birb
likes ! alcohol / snacks that go well with alcohol
dislikes ! running out of alcohol (and snacks)
fears ! sincere bonds with others / losing those she cares about again
faceclaim (fc) ! n/a
height ! 5'11" (180 cm)
mma weight class ! flyweight
eye colour ! fluctuates according to her whims
hair colour ! black
hairstyle ! straight, length also dependent on her whims
usual attire ! elaborate and over-the-top clothing
notable features ! butterfly and eye motif
personal affects ! kiseru pipe with interchangeable metal bits
gifts ! sake bottle from hiroto (unopened)
alignment ! lawful good
allegiance ! the order of the universe
profession ! shop owner / wish dealer
ancestry ! unknown
same generation ! unknown
progeniture ! -
romantic ! mm falkner / hiroto (presumed unrequited on his side) / cf falkner (???)
platonic ! obaa-chan / watanuki kunihiro (former employee/ex-minion) / bird man, lth falkner
antagonistic ! fei wang reed
other ! clow reed (complicated) / marudashi and morodashi (created to assist with the shop) / soel and larg (created with clow reed, based on an old mutual friend) / sassy peacock, pp falkner (oops she's using a mask yet again)
bird man / (lth) falkner (ancient-pokehistorian) ! her oldest friend, and one she regrets she cannot simply steal away from his world . short of death itself finally taking her, she will be there for him to the very ends of his world . / "hey, little bird . up for another trip ? i promise there won't be clotheslines involved where we're going ! nooo promises on the jam, though ."
(mm) falkner (ancient-pokehistorian) ! chanced upon in the woods one day, and she has not left his irritated self ever since . she has also yet to stop annoying him to this day, come what may of their doomed future . / "aaaam i really annoying you, hmm ~? awww, you're embarrassed ~ c'mere, c'mere, i just want to see that cute face of yours !"
hiroto / (ss) falkner (ancient-pokehistorian) ! she had been a former "client" of his in the brothel he worked at until they formed a contract, and now he was working for her in the shop . a bit distant from him due to a certain incident, but she has been getting over it and now he has to watch out for her little pranks like everyone else (a shame she couldn't just make him do the groceries since he's new to the world, and he's surprisingly more overdressed than her) . / "if you open that, it will turn you orange ! waaah, if you know i'm just joking, you don't have to level me with that look ; insubordination, insubordination, i tell you !"
(cf) falkner (ancient-pokehistorian) ! what started as a curiosity became an actual business venture as well as whatever she has going on with the son of her new textile merchant business partner . she will still tease him about that one time with his dad at work . / "the rumors are still getting to you ? why don't we give them something to actually talk about ? waaaaait, come back ! i was just teasing you ~"
magic ! the exact scope and nature of her magic is unknown . as her titles suggest, she can travel across different worlds . her magic circle is also uniquely complex, implying that her capabilities are extensive and perhaps beyond the understanding of fellow practioners of magic ; alternatively, it could be said that her magic was lost to time .
wish granting ! with but a few exceptions, she can grant the wishes of others . however, it always comes at a price (that is not necessarily paid by the beneficiary of the wish) of equal magnitude or value .
clamp ! default verse, open to crossovers . the witch is said to be an eccentric character running a specialty shop in the heart of tokyo .
pokemon au (sort of) ! yuuko is an entrepeneur of sorts who travels across space and time to do her job . often found in the presence of a certain bird man whether or not he is actually a bird in that specific world . pay no mind to her ruffling his feathers in some manner or another .
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rankertopgoogle · 2 years
Suzuki and Mazda spare parts
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Our affiliation is composed in Toyama (Japan). We have some prevalence being created of extra pieces of a wide level of stuff. Stand-isolated extra things for Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Suzuki, Isuzu, Yamaha, Kawasaki and different others Picked spare parts for PITWORK, EXEDY, AISIN, KOYO, JTEKT and others
All during that time starting around 2008, in Japan we have huge strong regions for made with makers and providers of extra parts. This permitted us to diminish the expenses of good, solidify improvement season of things to our appropriation normal natural components, and treatment of endlessly requests.
We endeavor to introduce the most up on date spare parts inventories and handle requests.
By integrity of Russian talking talented and experienced staff, we open up wide access of Japanese thing to business areas.
 Our benefits:
Supply novel extra parts from creator's stockrooms in Japan,
Our parts stockroom in Japan and rapid treatment of things (2-4 work days),
Low parts costs because of region to makers and urgent systems,
House to house progression - for the most part vehicle of things to the clients entrance with the capacity to follow the shipment especially far,
Various strategies for mail headway, as a rule,
Positive progression of thing for wholesalers and mass things through Ocean to Vladivostok, then, transport relationship in Russia,
Astonishing bundling of things, at the degree of «packaging for yourself»,
Trust from clients, open audits without changing on our side.
Our association guarantees that you will get the thing from the producer's spread neighborhood you request, without replacements and cunning (* there is the choice of dislodging report numbers),
PayPal - while moving assets through PayPal, you usually fall under the purchaser's security program. On the off chance that there ought to be an event of a difficulty, you can begin a conversation and return of assets. We ask you to meticulously dissect our Terms of bearing and the data on the PayPal site prior to moving assets through PayPal,
in the event of loss of the social event at the hour of as a rule, we present an application for look at and after that an application for pay for hurt (obligated to the strong get-together). More arranged data is in the Terms of heading and in the Duties and Dates on our site,
Open appraisals in the Web.
We are client pleasing. We are looking for you!
On our site are introduced a wide level of extra parts records for vehicles, cruisers, bikes, snowmobiles from various originators. We particularly need to focus in on spare parts for vehicles from Japan. We convey spare parts from creators' scattering typical natural components in a brief timeframe, and you should have sureness that you request the first from Japan at low costs.
Quality assertion all parts pass genuine quality control going before leaving the vehicle. Japan regards the leftover of its things and is committed for it. While alluding to streak affiliations, wall, driving post belts, oil seals or sets of turning conjunctures, you shouldn't pressure - the extra parts will keep on going a unimaginably long time period and bring you sureness.
Spare parts are conveyed from Japan by mail beginning with one side of the planet then, at that point, by and large, onto the following and ocean transport to Vladivostok. E-Parcel - valuable for light bundles up to 2 kg EMS is for speed, SAL is for setting aside cash.
Segment - you can pay for the thing with a Mastercard rapidly. All attempts are performed on the piece structure - we don't see your information. Among the part structures we truly need to merge PayPal, PayAnyWay - second piece.
 Quality Guarantee
All SUZUKI spare parts are conveyed from creators' dispersal networks in one of kind get-togethers, boxes, with uncommon stickers. We truly need to focus in on the way that different extra parts are given in heaps of 10/100 pieces. For instance: a maker made 10,000 screws with the number 01547-0640A, stuffed them in stores of 10 pieces, appropriated them in stockrooms by and large through the nation and sent them to different nations. While you alluding to one screw 01547-0640A, the stockroom pro is obliged to discard it from the social gathering and put it in a substitute one. From around 2014-2017, makers started to get a fair game plan on different things, which is the clarification laborers a colossal piece of the time put little parts in free packs and sign part number 01547-0640A the most probable maddening way or on a printed structure. We ensure that these extra parts are conveyed unequivocally from the maker's plan place and at the vital number.
We convey parts picked in the Suzuki records by e-pack, EMS, SAL, Ocean to Vladivostok and starting with one side of the world then onto the next. E-bunch is a general mail for apparently immaterial subtleties with the capacity to follow shipments to the beneficiary. All of the more pitiable data is on our site in the vehicle.
Significance of picking genuine parts in the blueprint
You should utilize the parts records definitively to coordinate the right parts.
You can purchase an extra part for your model of stuff basically by name, this isn't actually self-evident. Might be the insurance for breakdown and further harm to the hardware we demand that you ask with respect to whether you are confused with a decision.
 Spare parts for YAMAHA outboards
For what reason is it principal to coordinate true parts? Wonderful extra parts are an approval of diligence, quality from the stuff maker. Extra parts are all endeavored prior to leaving the vehicle and moved to the client. The maker has a quality help, mechanical information for each extra part. While alluding to the major Yamaha, you should have sureness that these parts will use for quite a while.
Yamaha parts stock relies on the standard of looking for parts utilizing motor power, model code or creation date. For instance, 2004/4 cycles/Yamaha 50M - then, look for a party of extra parts and summary numbers.
Our association YUMBO is a dispatch in different bits of alluding to, overseeing additional parts from Japan. We ensure low sensible costs for spare parts from Japanese market, the opportunity of extra parts, overseeing rate and progression. Parts are overseen in Japan at the stockrooms of creators, providers and in our assignment place. We endeavored to sort out the arranged work to not feel every one of the adaptable bits of worked with factors.
You can diligently find on our site spare parts for stock numbers, in records or through demand through mail. Stickers, oil seals, channels, gaskets, chains, valves are exceptional. MADE IN JAPAN - 90% of extra parts are displayed at labeol of parts, the extra 10% are the USA, China, Korea, Mexico, European nations. Expecting that you experience any hardships with the choice of extra parts, we will give you reply by email or telephone.
 More Information: - https://yumbo-jp.com/
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petitprincekiryu · 2 years
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...how long the days without you have felt.
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crescentsteel · 4 years
When in Brazil - Sunshine
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pairing: Hinata x f!reader genre: SMUT wc: 6.6k warnings: fingering, oral, body worship, praise kink, hinata with big dik
I said to myself, lets make this quick and short. lol yea sure
No beta. This is Spartaaaaa 
My brain went bzzt bzzt after this. 
Let me know if you want to be part of the taglist for this mini series
Beach || masterlist
  “Are there any more deliveries for me, y/n?” The ginger asks while beaming at you like he hasn’t been delivering orders under the heat of the sun across Rio the whole afternoon. 
“We’re all good, Shoyo.” You smile back. He’s such an earnest part-timer that your mood just lifts up whenever you see him. You rarely find anyone like him. Even though he’s just delivering orders for the diner, he’s so dedicated to it. He’s not like one of your previous delivery guys who grumbles before and after work as if they’re not getting paid. Shoyo is different. His eyes are full of life, full of purpose.
You like seeing him around because his sincerity and politeness makes you feel like you’re not just some dumb waitress in some small diner. Aside from pleasing to talk to, he’s also pleasing to look at. He’s like a cute boy-next-door kind of guy.
“I’ll be going ahead then!”
“Wait!” He turns around with an inquisitive look on his face. You want to keep him around longer for tonight. It’s been a rough day for you and you could use some sunshine. “Actually, I’d appreciate some help closing up. I’ll serve you something for dinner in return.” His face brightens up at your request. There it is. Mr. Sunshine, indeed. 
“Sure, y/n! Just tell me what to do.” 
He’s an efficient help to have. What you usually do in 40 minutes or so was done in just 20. 
“Wow, I should ask you to help out more often,” you say jokingly. “No problem, y/n! I can help out after deliveries.” 
You wave your hand frantically. “Oh no no no. I was just kidding, Shoyo. I can’t always give you dinner. The owner would notice when we do inventory.” You laugh apprehensively.
“You don’t have to! I don’t mind staying for a few minutes to help out after deliveries.”
You stare at him with an appreciative smile on your face. Bless his pure heart. Boys in Brazil could learn from him. “Alright. I’ll be in the kitchen to prepare your food real quick.”
He seats himself in one of the vacant lounges, grinning at you as you enter the kitchen. Since it was just him, you get it done in ten minutes or less. When you get out of the tiny room, he’s like a puppy salivating at the tray you’re holding. 
“Here you go, sir.” You jokingly say.
He doesn’t respond as his eyes twinkle at the food you laid out in front of him. Poor Shoyo. He must have been starving or maybe he’s just glad for the free food.
You decide to clean up the kitchen and the counter while you wait for him to finish, but he ate so fast that he’s done before you are. 
When he sees you still occupied, he takes it upon himself to get his used cutleries and wash it. He easily finds where to put them and he even wipes the table he sat on. If ever he asks you for another job, you’d instantly recommend him to the owner to replace one of the staff who’s basically a sloth. 
You two almost finish at the same time. 
“Thank you so much for the dinner, y/n.” He bows. You’re thrown off at first, but you remember that he’s from Japan. 
“Thank you, Shoyo. Seriously. The help is nothing compared to the food.” You get out of the cashier and get your bag. You remove your apron and shove it there before leading him out of the diner as you lock it up. 
“I’ll walk you home, y/n.” 
You wave your hand dismissively. He’s done so much already. “No, it’s fine. You must be tired.” 
He shakes his head in disagreement. “Not really! I wanna walk a bit too, but if you’re uncomfortable with it, I-”
“It’s okay!” You interrupt him. You do appreciate it if he’d accompany you home. You just thought he’s doing it to be kind and polite. “It’d be nice to chat with someone on the way home.” You tell him. He keeps his bicycle at his right while you’re at his left. 
Even as the night is fully settled in, Shoyo’s energy is still soaring as he narrates why he’s here in Rio. No wonder his eyes are always gleaming vividly. He wants to accomplish something badly that he traveled halfway across the world in a foreign country. And as you get sucked in his story, you don’t notice you’re at your apartment already. 
“I live right here. Do you wanna come in for tea or beer or whatever?” You invite him, wanting to hear more of his Volleyball journey. He seems glad from your invitation. Maybe he wanted someone to talk about it too.
“I’m okay with just water.”
You open your door and hold it out open for him. “You sure?”
He nods sprightly which makes you smile at the pure innocence he exudes. He eyes your whole place when he gets inside. “Wow. You live all alone, y/n?”
“Uh huh. I don’t like having roommates.”
“I think I’d get more homesick if I lived all alone,” he remarks.
From being awed, you begin to feel bad for him. It must be really tough to be so far away. “Well, you can always come here if you feel like talking or stuff,” you offer earnestly. You don’t mind him visiting every now and then. He’s such a positive energy amongst the dread of your everyday routine that’s constantly draining you. Also, You can’t imagine him being one of those guys who just hang out to get a slice of action. 
Since then, he frequently came over. 
On the days when he had deliveries for your diner, he’d help you close up. Instead of getting him dinner from the small diner, you two would get something on the way to your apartment or you’d fix him a quick meal when you get there.
He’s a comfortable company. Because he’s quite the talker, he never runs out of things to say. He not only talks about his life in Japan, but also here in Rio. You practically know all his friends here just from his stories.
“Didn’t they say anything when you wanted to leave?” You prod when he opened up missing his family. “They did, but they still pushed me to do it. They know what’s it for, and they know I’ll be back.”
“What about your girlfriend?”
A soft blush surfaces on his cheeks as he chuckles nervously. “I don’t have one.”
“Oh? Who’s the cute girl in your wallpaper then?” You’ve seen it several times when he looks at the time with his phone.
“She’s our Volleyball manager and a really good friend,” he explains as he gets his phone to show you something. “She’s been with the team since I was a first year.” He shows you a photo of him, a black-haired guy who’s probably Kageyama, and the cute blonde girl. 
Your attention all goes to him, his innocent beam at the camera while his arms are sprawled in the air. “Oh my God,” you exclaim while staring at the photo.
“You were so skinny!”
You look back and forth from the screen of his phone to him, comparing how he looked like then and how he looks like now. You pull your chair closer to him so you can scrutinize him more. He looked so young and pure back then. Literally, just a kid.  
You gape at him, marveling at how his features have changed so much. Even if he still has that baby face, his face has definitely gained structure. And the scrawny boy in the photo? You can’t find that anymore with the Shoyo in front of you right now. He even has a nice tan going on that suits him so well. 
Without thinking, your hands fly to his shoulders to grasp the muscle he’s built after high school, squeezing them firmly before trailing down to his well-defined chest. Damn, he really put some nice work to achieve this. You drag your hands down to see how his abs are and holy crap, he’s fucking lean. 
Your gaze drops further just below where your hands are and see a faint outline of what he’s hiding beneath his shorts. 
You immediately remove your hands off of him and raise your palms in mid air. “I’m so sorry! That was so perv- I mean rude of me to do that all of a sudden.” You apologize in a panicked tone, hoping that he didn’t think you were being handsy, even if you really were. 
“I was just amazed because you looked so different from the photo and uh..” you laugh to make up for the missing excuses you were supposed to say. 
He laughs with you, a timid smile gracing his face.
“It’s okay, y/n. You can continue touching me if you want.”
You squirm as you put your hands to your lap, clutching your shorts from the sudden thick air that engulfs the room. He sounded harmless. Even his face is his usual good-natured facade. But those words meant something else to you, an invitation to touch him more.
You let out a tense tither before turning to him. “No no! Haha. I’m fine. It was just on impulse.”
In an attempt to hide the awkwardness, you gather his used dishes and cutleries. “Let me get these washed up.” You stand up and hurriedly get to the sink. 
What was that weird sexual tension? That over there in your dining table is just your nice delivery boy, Shoyo. You’re nothing but co-workers who are just friendly to each other.
You let the cold water run on your fingers and wrists while you wash the dishes. You need to get back to him composed and cooled off. You want your relationship as it is now. You don’t want to feel awkward and bothered.
So what if you just realized that he’s hot and nice and completely alone with you?
“Do you need help with anything, y/n?
You yelp at the sound of his voice so close behind you. You can feel his warm breath fanning your neck and his body hovering at your back. He’s barely pressing against your back but you can already feel the ends of your hairs prickling your skin. 
“Wah! Why are you having goosebumps, y/n? Are you cold??”
“Yeah. It is a bit windy tonight.” You lie with a tense chuckle as you hasten your task so you could escape the situation. To worsen things for you, he places both hands on your bare shoulders and caresses them up and down to create heat. 
“I hope this is warm enough,” he says concernedly. 
It’s more than just warm. He’s supposed to create friction by rubbing your shoulders, but he’s skimming so gently on your skin that it’s fueling a different kind of heat stemming from your core from the supposed friendly gesture he’s doing to you. You fight off the urge to clench your thighs together for he might notice it since he’s just a hair away behind you. 
You saw him as a nice guy but his hands are making you feel otherwise. You had to bite your lower lip to suppress a whimper that was at the tip of your tongue. You can pass it off as a groan of relief, but with your current state, it might sound sexual. Since when were you this sensitive?
“Do you want me to prepare your green tea?” he kindly offers. 
“Yes, please,” you answer weakly. 
He takes his hands off you and gets you your green tea as he suggested to. You breathe a sigh of relief when he leaves. You feel like you’re about to break from how heavy his sexual pull is on you. Is he even aware? 
You dry your hands and saunter back to your dining table to take a seat and give your legs a break. Shoyo places the cup of tea in front of you and sits beside you. 
“Why do you always drink that, y/n? It doesn’t taste good.” 
“It’s to help me lose weight.” You draw the cup to your lips and take a sip. 
“Ehh? But you already look hot as you are.”
You almost choked on your tea from what he just said. You weren’t expecting such an adjective from him. With trembling fingers, you return the cup to the table. “You okay, y/n?” He asks worriedly. 
You clear your throat. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
He can’t help but notice that you’ve been on the edge since you felt him up. He believes that you did it with no malicious intent, so he really didn’t mind. He knows that all you think of him is a good help to the diner. That’s why you comfortably invited him to your home, but he can see right now that he’s made you uncomfortable for some reason.
Maybe you’re really embarrassed with what just happened even if he did say it was fine. He really was okay with you touching him, even if it was something more than just touching. But it’s not like you see him like that.
He likes you a lot, so he should just go so he doesn’t make you any more uneasy. “It’s getting late, so I’ll go now, y/n.” 
When he stands up, you immediately follow. “Oh? Already?” You ask with a hint of disappointment in your voice, which makes him a bit confused. Did you not want him to? 
“Do you want me to stay for a bit longer?”
You look at him hesitantly before shaking your head. He smiles amicably at you for the usual hospitality you’ve given him. “Thanks for the dinner, y/n.” He looks at the time and heads for the door. 
He shifts his body to your direction while he waits for what you’re going to say “I- uhhh. Sorry about a while ago.”
He strides back to where you are and grabs your hand, slowly leading it to his chest with a faint grin playing on the corners of his lips. “It really is okay, y/n.” When your palm lands on his pecs, you just let it stay in one spot as you look at him differently than usual. You regard him with doe eyes gleaming with baffled curiosity.
With his grip still on your wrist, he does the work for you and guides your hand down to where you touched him just a while ago. Your line of sight follows your hand while his is completely focused on you, anticipating your reaction if you’re satisfied with just this.
He lets go of your wrist, allowing you to do as you please. You raise your gaze to meet his, your eyes asking him for permission.
“I really don’t mind, y/n.” 
Your other hand goes to his bicep, firmly grasping it before you take one step closer to him. Both 
your hands travel to his midsection, the feel of your delicate caress making his thoughts not as friendly as it used to be. Especially with how impressed you look with your hands all over him.
“Can I touch you too?” He blurts out without thinking. 
He instantly regrets it when he sees the surprised look on your face as you pull your hands away.
“No! I didn’t mean t-“
You silence him instantly by putting a hand over his mouth. “I didn’t say anything,” you mutter as you usher his one hand to your waist.
You remove your hand from his mouth and use it to lead his other hand on your neck. You don’t know what you’re doing. You keep your eyes on his neck while he languidly roams his left hand on the small of your back until his arm is wrapped around you. He doesn’t move his right hand away from your neck. He only strokes it tenderly with his thumb. 
You swallow the lump in your throat as you raise your gaze to him. “Can we do more than just touching?”
Instead of answering him, you yield to the heavy sensual pull that you’ve been trying to ignore earlier. You slowly reach for his lips, wanting to gradually settle yourself in the present situation.
But when your lips touched his, he didn’t share the same idea you had as he wastes no time exploring your mouth with his. All the hesitation he had is gone with his hand dropping down to your ass to give it a firm squeeze which draws you even closer to him, letting you feel his erection against your core. 
He doesn’t take his mouth off of yours as he leads you to the dining table, taking both of your ass cheeks in his hands and carrying your weight as he guides you to sit at the edge of the table. 
When you’re comfortably seated, he tugs the flank of your shirt and hurriedly takes it off you. You want to look at him to see what he looks like when he’s not being the nice Shoyo you used to see him as. But he gets back to your mouth in just a second, sticking his tongue out to let it wander inside your warm cavern. 
His hands immediately find the clasp of your bra and unhooks it with ease. That’s when he pulled away. His eyes are glued to your body as he removes the undergarment slowly, as if he’s unwrapping his gift with the slow reveal of your breasts.
His eyes glimmer with delight when he completely slides the clothing off your arms. It kinda makes you conscious with the way he’s staring at you, like his eyes are burning through your skin. You use one arm to cover your boobs, but he instantly sees through your plan. 
As soon as you lift your arm, soft panic sets off in his eyes. He immediately grips your wrist and slams your hand against the table.
“But you were staring too much.”
His gaze drops down again to your unclad breasts with reverence. “Cause you’re pretty.” He leans down on you again, his plush lips just within an easy reach from yours. “So pretty that I can’t stop staring.” 
You expect him to kiss you again, but his mouth latches on your jaw instead, nipping the sensitive skin beneath it. A soft sigh comes out of your already parted lips while his palms trace the length of both your arms up to your shoulders. He kisses his way down to your collar bones, savoring any skin that his lips graze upon until he reaches one soft mound. 
His hands follow the trails of his lips, one finding its way on the curve of your hip while the other stops on your breast where his mouth isn’t latched onto.
He delivers sloppy kisses, sucking on your perk nipple and swirling his tongue on it like it was a treat. The other bud isn’t left out as he plays with it, tweaking it between his thumb and index finger. 
Your breathing starts to become shallow from the surge of desire spreading throughout your body. 
He cups both sides of your boobs and pushes them together before he continues on, letting his tongue toy with your nipples almost simultaneously. He’s so into it that his teeth accidentally scrape one bud.
He immediately stops and looks at you apologetically, misunderstanding the moan that came from you.
“No. It felt good,” you feebly tell him.
His eyes brighten up and gets back to what he’s doing. He takes the hard bud in between his teeth, tugging it lightly as he looks up to you, his orbs eager for your approval. It spurs you on even more. You give him one nod as you feel your cunt throbbing from how your arousal is heightening by the minute. 
“Shoyo,” you call him weakly which he didn’t seem to hear. 
He lets go of your breasts and licks his way down right on top of your shorts, leaving a trail of saliva on your skin. He unbuttons your shorts, the sound of your zipper being rolled down letting you know what he’s planning. 
“Shoyo.” You call out louder this time, causing his hand to rest on your groin. “Let’s go to my room already.” You expect him to be glad, but he frowns. “But I want to taste you already. Please, y/n? I want to eat you out here.”
Your legs quiver from how much he wants you, his eagerness affecting you as you yourself get impatient and wonder how his tongue would feel on your pussy. 
“Do it.” He smiles at your approval as you lift your ass off the table to help him get your shorts off. You aren’t surprised that he tugs your underwear together with it as he peels it off you. You’re starting to get an idea how he is at bed - impatient, excitable, and eager to please.
A subtly smirk tugs up your lips when you realize you’re in for a fun night. 
He doesn’t notice it though. He takes a step back to relish the vision that you are. His eyes are completely focused on your bare body with keen hunger as he traces every curve in sight. You indulge him a bit by spreading your legs apart for him to see.
His eyes don’t leave your cunt while he drags the chair he’s previously sitting on. He spreads your legs even further as he sits down. He places his thumbs on your inner thighs, gently caressing them before he stripes one thumb on your slit.
“You’re so wet, y/n,” he says right before dipping down and tracing his tongue where his thumb just did earlier. He continues doing so, licking up and down the length of your opening as you lean your head back to enjoy what he’s giving you. He eagerly slurps on your juices, lapping on your slit with his hot tongue.
He uses his thumbs to spread your folds that surround your clit, exposing the swollen bud for him to taste. When he gives it a delicate, languid lick, your one hand frantically grips his hair. He takes it up a notch and inserts his middle finger inside .
“Haaa,” you moan out loud which urges him on even more. He pumps his finger inside you, gradually picking up the pace when you start squirming within his hold. 
“Another,” you tell him breathlessly.
“Another what?” He asks cluelessly while his mouth continues ravaging your clit. “Add another finger,” you answer to which he complies immediately. He stretches you even more with the addition of one thick, calloused finger inside.
He looks up at you, parting his mouth away from your pussy to show you his two digits that are half inside you. “Like this?” 
You nod. “Yeah. Like,” He suddenly shoves the two fingers knuckles deep into you. “thathnnnnggg.” You clutch his hair tighter while your mouth gapes at the instant fullness you feel down in your center. His eyes don't leave your face anymore as he latches his mouth back on your hardened clit. 
You’re whining while grinding on his face, getting wetter even as he relentlessly drinks your lewd essence. He loves the look on your face, blissed out and completely lost in the moment. He loves how you keep trying to close your legs together even with his arm not allowing you to do so. He loves the desire glimmering clearly in your eyes as you meet his gaze while he feasts on your pussy. 
He already got aroused the first time you touched him. Seeing you unravel before him gets his cock throbbing painfully within his shorts. He’s so tempted to remove his arm and let you crush him between your thighs so he can palm his cock.
He doesn’t even know if you’d let him go any further than this. What if after you cum you change your mind and ask him to go home? There wouldn’t be anything wrong with that. He’ll just replay the scene before him as he jacks off in his own room. 
His one hand goes inside his shorts and takes out his cock, causing your thigh to waver without his support. He grasps the base of his dick, squeezing it firmly, easily distracting himself with his own pleasure as he moans in your cunt. 
You immediately notice. You see him firmly gripping his member, pumping it steadily up and down with eyes closed as he slows down his ministrations with you. You cup his face, forcing him to open his eyes and look at you again. “Stop fucking yourself. I’ll do it with my mouth after you make me cum.”
He stops like you asked him to. “Really?” His eyes pleading with lust to uphold your erotic promise. “Yeah. So make cum already,” you brazenly order him. He tucks his cock back in his shorts right away, using his arm once again to spread you wide. His mouth, lips, and fingers pick up the pace, thrusting swiftly in and out of your while flicking and sucking at your clit.
“Ooohhh fuck.” You claw on your wooden table from the rapid build up of pleasure. You can feel the heat in your groin, spreading quickly through your body. “Yes, yesss. Don’t stop,” you mindlessly whine. Everything he’s doing is pushing you further to your release - the friction and fullness provided by his fingers and the wild strokes of his tongue on your clit. He suddenly curves his fingers, hitting just the right spot that blurred your vision from how good it feels. 
“Cumming... am cumming, Shoyo!!” You trash helplessly on his face as the pleasure floods your senses, but he doesn’t stop. He only slows down, matching your post-orgasm state as you come down from your high. 
You tug his hair up while panting to catch your breath. “Come here.” He stands up and you reach for the back of his head to cover his mouth with yours, tasting your own fluids in his lips. “Help me get down,” you whisper to him. 
He effortlessly grabs the back of your thighs to get you to stand again. Once your feet reach the floor, you release his lips and drag him to your room. 
Once inside, you lock lips with him again as you scurry towards your bed. You get him to lie down as you straddle him, your wetness rubbing on the bulge of his shorts. You hurriedly remove his clothes, itching to see the delicious muscles you touched only with his shirt on. He helps you as he tugs down his shorts and underwear, his last piece of clothing thrown somewhere on the floor. 
You bite your lower lip as your eyes roam on his body. He should thank beach volleyball for the tan and the jaw-dropping build. Your gaze falls on his naked bulge that you saw a glimpse of earlier. Damn. You weren’t seeing things earlier. He really is packing down there. 
“Is something wrong?” He asks with a worried look, returning your gaze back at him. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s,” Your eyes get distracted with how he gulps, your gaze lingering down again on his gorgeous chest. “..fine.”  
You return the favor, starting on his neck. You plant your arms on his shoulder as you move your hips up, resting your cunt on his toned abs. You deliver soft kisses on the delicate skin of his neck, letting your tongue sneak a few licks as you go down on him until his cock is within the reach of your mouth. 
You position yourself in between his legs as you grip his shaft. His hips lift up from the contact. You watch his reactions as you start to drag your palm around his member up and down. He’s already heaving with lips parted as he takes the pleasure you’re giving him with eyes closed. You find it cute - how he’s this sensitive when you’re barely done anything yet. 
You gather your spit and let it drool at his cock, the translucent liquid glazing the tip down to the base. You trace his length with your index finger, from the tiny slit of his tip down to his balls. You go back up to the head of his cock, but you do it with your tongue instead of your finger. 
You peek at him again. He’s semi sitting up with his elbows on the cushion as he glues his eyes on your tongue on his dick. You grip him again, tighter this time before pressing one digit firmly on his tip. He throws his head back from the pressure and you use that chance to take his thick girth in your mouth
His thighs tremble as he lets out a euphoric moan while you sink lower and lower on his dick. “Your mouth -aahhh so gooood.” 
He really likes you and thinks you’re fun to talk to, but sometimes he’d catch himself fantasizing about you when he gets home and ends up masturbating at the thought of you sucking him off. But his right hand doesn’t even compare to the actual warmth of your lips wrapped around his dick at present.
He keeps his eyes on you, which is a bad idea for him since it’s only quickening the pleasure that was boiling at the pit of his stomach. But he can’t help but stare at you. You look so good, so pretty, with your ass up as you suck him even faster.
He can feel his cum threatening to explode already. He feels so lame, but your mouth just feels so magnificent that he can’t hold it in any further. “Stop, y/n. Please~ aah ahhh gonna cum already.” He doesn’t want you to be disappointed with him, but it’s as if you didn’t hear him. You even go deeper while quickening your pace.
He gives in to it, gripping your hair as the peak of his pleasure takes over. He expects you to pull away, but you continue sucking, letting him shoot his load at the back of your throat. 
You take all of it, swallowing every drop he let out in your mouth. You did hear him say stop, but the lascivious delight on his face contradicted his words. You had to let him finish even if that meant you won’t get to feel how his cock feels inside your already sopping pussy. 
You sit up as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. As for Shoyo, he covers his eyes with his forearm while he pants. You start to get up and head for your drawers when you feel him grab your wrist before you can even leave the bed
“Where are you going?” He asks. 
“To get dressed.”
“But we’re not done yet?”
You appreciate the thought. He really is such a generous guy, but.. “It’s fine, Shoyo. You don’t have to force it. You’re already soft??” Your statement becomes a question when you see his arousal still erect. 
You don’t know whether to be amused or amazed at that, so you end up staring dumbfounded at him who’s still lying on his back.
He grins at you as he sits up straight and goes for your lips. It wasn’t soft and gentle like you expect from someone who just came. He seems even hungrier, more eager for you. 
He guides your hand to his shaft, confirming that he’s hard and ready to continue with what you have in mind. You smile into the kiss, curious and excited as to how he feels inside your pussy. Horny as you are, you throw yourself at him which causes him to lie back down again with you on top of him. 
As your tongues clash against one another, you rub your moist slit against his erection, teasing both yourself and him while doing so. He’s groaning in your mouth while he keeps one hand on the back of your head and the other firmly gripping your waist. “Y/n, can I put in already?” He asks with hazy eyes even though his hand on your waist goes down to his cock and aligns it on your folds.
“Mmm, wait.” You lift yourself off of him and reach for your purse that was hanging on one of the metal bed frames. You quickly get a condom and throw your purse somewhere. You tear the packet and remove his hand from his shaft to unroll the rubber on it while he watches. You take over his previous attempt and position the tip on your entrance. You place a palm on his stomach to anchor yourself as you lower yourself on him. 
He stares at you mesmerized while you wince from how his cock is spreading you open. You ball your fist that was still on his abdomen, trying to get used to the discomfort even if he’s still not fully inside you. He recovers first and glances back on how you’re doing. 
“Shoyo, you’re-ughhh-big,” you tell him with a pained expression. “I- I am?” He asks with pink streak surfacing on his cheeks, flattered from what you said. You nod while sinking lower until you finally cover the last inch, taking him entirely inside you.
He whips his head back on to the pillow with his cock completely sheathed inside the tight warmth of your pussy. He thought your mouth was already marvelous, but the way your walls deliciously envelop his cock is way beyond his wet dreams. 
Your hand joins the other, supporting yourself as you slowly lift your hips up and descend back down with the same agonizing tempo. While you adjust to his size, he keeps his eyes on his cock disappearing each bob of your hip. 
From your pussy, he rakes his eyes up to your naked body glimmering with sweat. You look so beautiful with your eyes shut, gaping lips, and tits bouncing altogether as you speed up. “You look so fucking pretty, y/n.” Your eyes flutter open from the unexpected vulgarity he uttered. It wasn’t like him, but it wasn’t forced either. He regards you with lust swimming in his orbs, the courteous friendship you two have totally erased as of this moment. 
You still for a second before you remove your hands off him and place them on his thighs as you lean back. You spread your thighs and plant the soles of your feet on your bed. You see his eyes widen because of the view. Rather bouncing up and down, you gyrate on his cock. It’s supposed to be a show for him, but with his size, you feel his cock gloriously scrape your insides with the circular movement of your hips. 
“Shit!” You curse before you close your eyes again as you start grinding on him. You don’t start slow this time. You impatiently roll your hips against his, driving his cock deep inside you each plunge. You didn’t think it would get any better than this until you feel his thumb on your neglected cit.
“Oh ffffuuuck.” You can’t even open your eyes anymore while his two fingers replace his thumb and rub the sensitive bud frantically. You could feel the pleasure escalating faster and faster with every salacious thrust of your hip and his every flick of your clit..
“Are you gonna cum, y/n?” You hear him ask. 
“Yesss. Am gonna cuuuuuummmm.” You clutched his legs tighter when your orgasm hits, your vision blurry when you open your eyes as you ride it out. He pulls your panting self to his chest and tenderly caresses your back.
He sweeps your hair behind your ear and whispers. “Did that feel nice?” 
You nod weakly. “Did you cum?” You ask in return. You were so occupied in your own pleasure that you lost awareness of his. He chuckles lowly. “No.”
“Oh..” You lift yourself up a bit to meet his gaze and apologize. 
“Why are you saying sorry? We aren’t done yet.”
What he said as a question earlier became a statement. Something changed in his eyes, a spark of determination that isn’t there earlier.
“Let’s just continue next time, Shoyo. I’m kind of tired,” you explain.
“There’s a next time?!” His eyes shine with enthusiasm which makes you laugh softly.
“Sure. Why not?” You lift your hips up but his hands quickly go down your ass and crash you back down, shoving his dick back in you hard and deep.
“Thanks, y/n. But don’t worry about being tired. I’ll move instead,” he hums on your ear as he spreads your ass cheeks and pummels his cock wildly into your sensitive pussy.
You moan on his neck at the savage pace he starts with. “Shoyo, pleaseee. Sloweer mmmmm.”
“But why?” He whines. You can’t answer with how ferociously he’s rutting against you, his dick consistent with its swift thrusts. “Shit, your pussy feels amazing. So good, fuck.” His crude words of praise fan your pleasure that was rapidly filling your senses again. 
He rams your hips down to meet one sharp thrust. You gasp from how deep his cock went inside you. “Aaah!” 
“Do I make you feel good, y/n?”
You nod weakly as you grind slowly on his cock, desperate to chase your pleasure but too tired from your earlier stunt.
“Please, move,” you whisper with exhaustion.
“Tell me first. I want to hear it,” he demands.
“Too good, Shoyo. Your cock feels too good. So please, fuck me again already,” you shamelessly beg as his cock throbs inside you. 
Instead of granting your plea, he takes his cock out and pulls you to lie underneath him. He parts your legs apart for him and jams his dick right back inside. That’s when he indulges you, thrusting his size in and out of you at an unforgiving pace. 
He leans down on you, intertwining his fingers with yours as he pins both your hands on the bed. “Do you like this, y/n?” 
“I love it. Please please pleaaaaseee. Don’t stop mmmmmm,” you babble messily as your impending orgasm overwhelms you.
He clumsily kisses you, his teeth grazing your lips as slips his tongue in before covering his mouth with yours. He’s groaning relentlessly on your mouth while drilling his dick in your cunt. “You gonna cum?” 
“Yeaass haaa.” Your moans become louder and louder each thrust. “Gonna cum like this? With-ugh-my cock inside you?”
His obscene words make you writhe beneath him. You arch your back from the intense pleasure. He dips down on one nipple and fervidly sucks it. “Gonna c-aahhhhhhh.” You thrash violently beneath him as your hands clench his to ground yourself from the explosive orgasm that he caused.
“Fuck, yes. Cum on my cock, uhhh. Like that. Shit.”
His thrusts become erratic as he goes after his own orgasm while he milks yours. You hazily open your eyes and watch him chase his high with eyes shut and parted lips, animalistic pleasure taking over his features. He delivers one swift thrust and stays completely still, his dick twitching inside you as he cums.
You both pant heavily with him on top of you.
You open the door for him and bid him goodnight. Your legs feel like crap but you don’t want to just drive him away on his own.
“Thanks for tonight, Shoyo.”
You’re not sure what you’re thanking him for, the company or the sex. Maybe both. 
“Um, y/n?” 
“Will there really be a next time?” He asks apprehensively, totally different from his demeanor from your last moments in bed. It’s kinda amusing. You didn’t think he had that in him.
“You’ll still help me close up the diner, right?” You ask meaningfully.
He beams at you. “Of course.”
Beach || masterlist
taglist (those crossed out can’t be tagged)
@ameliaxo @suikrem​ @akaashisslavee @tsumurai  @celestialarchiveshq​ @loving-unicorns106 @flairlust @crescenttooru @yashuaaa @liberhoe​
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: I spent 2 hours trying to catch a betta fish in Animal Crossing and I regret everything
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Date video was published: 05/14/2020 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 414
The last of the Animal Crossing videos, after the initial character-creation one and the follow-up. This one has a more specific topic (and a very long title, haha).
0:00 - it is so weird to see him with different colored eyes. also his hair is so long at this point!
0:09 - that sounds like it would have been a painful video for Phil having to change contacts a bunch
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0:31 - "I don’t know..why” Phil doesn’t even know why he says the things he says but I do enjoy when he laughs at himself after realizing
0:54 - actually early in the day for Phil to film. I’m sure he had planned to do it at his more usual filming time in the evening the day before
1:04 - ah, his character in a space coat! 🥺
1:25 - he’s so excited! I hope they have a flower area in the garden of the forever home
1:32 - “Phil from 2013 would be proud” aww
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1:57 - I cannot get over how differently British people say “urinal” from Americans. what
2:05 - more great comedy annotations
2:13 - love that he played this with his friends outside of filming videos too
2:35 - all the things he has in his house are so very Phil
3:07 - I have never actually played an Animal Crossing game so any game mechanics/things you have to do are a mystery to me
3:30 - imagine just coming up to someone and starting a conversation like that...bit creepy, lol
3:53 - that chicken looks extremely anxious
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4:18 - well that doesn’t help the horror movie factor
4:41 - and Phil with the editing additions to go along with it
5:02 - “where are my other dragons” what even
5:08 - extreme understatement there, lol
5:19 - I really like Phil’s editing for this video
5:40 - so happy to spot any fish
6:02 - intense montage. and the music build up too. Phil apparently spent a lot of time editing this and it’s great
6:23 -  a very unamused Phil
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6:30 - he really did put a ton of effort into this editing!
6:46 - he’s going through the full spectrum of emotions here
7:11 - and landed on nervous and resigned
7:43 - he’s so excited! ...and then. to be fair that fish does look very much like Norman
7:56 - he just made the quiff even higher
8:03 - that is a long time for him to be filming...and then he has to do more because he didn’t get what he had planned for this video
8:29 - he looks dead behind the eyes at this point
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8:55 - sells things and then immediately starts spending what he just got 😂 
9:14 - already spent everything he just earned from the fish and more
9:21 - editing out of order? all the fish are back in his inventory there
10:01 - he’s got a very specific voice for each animal
10:06 - “make rhino babies with me” um
10:31 - love how excited he is about decorating. they were probably supposed to be decorating the forever home at this point before it got delayed more
10:40 - “a disco toilet” very specific
10:54 - good clarification there haha
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11:24 - “that is horrible” not sure anything can really clash with the other random assortment he has
11:44 - Dan mention! not super common at the start of 2020 although there was a general uptick as the year progressed
11:49 - love Phil’s amusement at Dan’s island name
11:56 - of course he’s most excited about the one that reminds him of Japan
12:04 - although that was taken over by excitement about the robot 😂
12:09 - more Japan memories apparently 😭
12:30 - he does make some decisions spontaneously without thinking them through
12:48 - he 
13:19 - Phil easily amused by the pun
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13:24 - golden pig mention!
13:57 - the museum looks much improved since his last video
14:12 - lol at the ‘boing’ sound effect every time he mentions ‘pickle’
14:27 - very important. he showed it on insta stories since he didn’t in this video
15:14 - drawing with the Switch controllers seems very complicated
15:29 - okay I love it
16:15 - he ended up having fun with it after the fishing sadness
Another cute video. The editing on this one is intense! I wonder how long he kept playing the game for after this last video of it.
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
Harry Potter Golden Era MC Profile
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Name: Mariko Krei
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (year 6)
Birth Date: April 2nd, 1980
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half Blood
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ethnicity: Japanese/Caucasian mix
Nationality: Japanese, American, British
Residence: Cambridge, England
The Mage
Wand: Beech wood, Phoenix feather core
“The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Such wizards and witches, having obtained a beech wand without having been suitably matched (yet coveting this most desirable, richly hued and highly prized wand wood), have often presented themselves at the homes of learned wandmakers such as myself, demanding to know the reason for their handsome wand’s lack of power. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation.”
Animagus: None
Misc Magical Abilities: Talented in wandless magic
Boggart Form: Being all alone without a family
Riddikulus Form: All her family and friends suddenly jumping out from hiding places and yelling surprise
Amortentia: Tea, parchment, rain, cherry blossoms, a perfume that seems familiar that she can’t place
Patronus: Red Crowned Crane
Patronus Memory: Walking down a street in Japan as a child with her father as cherry blossom petals fall all around her, with vague blurry shapes of two other people nearby
Mirror of Erised: A hazy silhouette of what looks like a woman and a teenage boy who she doesn’t recognize
Specialized/Favourite Spells: She loves practicing wandless magic in combination with her martial arts skills. Specifically using wingardium leviosa to make leaves and flowers float in the air. She does it as a sort of meditation
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Faceclaim: Sakura Heffron
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 5’9”
Physique: Tall, athletic, graceful
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: She has freckles mainly on her nose and a few on her cheeks.
Scarring: N/A
Inventory: Some Japanese ink brushes she uses instead of quills, her wand, keys to her 1966 Arcadian Blue Mustang (when old enough), a tiny cherry blossom branch encased in resin she can’t remember when she got, biker jacket
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Mahoutokoro House (if she went): Shunrai
Dumbledore’s Army
Professions: unsure yet
Hogwarts Information
Quidditch: Keeper
Extra Curricular: Chess club, Frog choir, Martial Arts
Favourite Professors: Flitwick, Mcgonagall
Least Favourite Professors: Snape obv
Father: Dorian Aloysius Krei
Fc: Robert Downey Junior
-Half Blood wizard
-Works as a Chemistry professor at various Muggle Universities
-Has taught in Japan, San Francisco, England
-A huge nerd
-Kind and goofy
-Supportive of his daughter
Mother: Ume Nakai
Fc: -
-House: Seiran
-Works as a Samurai/Hit Witch for the Japan Ministry
-Uses magic and martial arts to track down and handle dangerous dark arts users
-Upholds the Japan Ministries Codes: Don’t use dark arts, don’t break the statute of secrecy
-Very skilled in martial arts
-Protective of her family
Brother: Jomei Nakai
Fc: -
-House: Yosamu
-Older than Mariko by 10 years
-Decides to join his mother as a Samurai/Hit Wizard when he graduates Mahoutokoro
-Gentle and intelligent
-Good at reading others emotions
-Looks after his mother because he knows she misses her husband and daughter
-Good magic dueler
Love Interest: Luna Lovegood
Dormmates: Padma Patil, Sue Li, Cho Chang
Pets: A bowtruckle she found in a tree by the lake. She named it Kijin meaning tree spirit
Closest Canon Friends: Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Neville, Fred & George
Closest MC Friends: Lara Fairbourne, Mal Ridley, Aimee Alice
Dorian Krei got a job as a Chemistry professor at Tohoku University after graduating from Ilvermorny. He was interested in alchemy but wanted more knowledge so he decided to get a Muggle job and education. Living in Japan he eventually met Ume Nakai and after a few years they got married and had Jomei. Ume was the Japanese equivalent of a Hit Witch. Her job was dangerous and their family was usually at risk from vengeful dark wizards. They decided it was best to not have any more kids. However, 10 years later they accidentally had Mariko.
Disaster struck when Mariko was 6. In the middle of the night a Dark Wizard that Ume had arrested broke out of prison and into their house. He tried to kill the family but Ume and Jomei fought him off, being forced to kill him in front of Mariko and Dorian. Afraid it would happen again, Ume tells Dorian to take Mariko and move away to protect them as Dorian isn’t a fighter and Mariko is too young. Jomei refuses to leave his mom all alone and decides to become a Hit Wizard as he had just graduated from Mahoutokoro and was a very good fighter.
Mariko was too young to understand and was very upset when told she had to leave with her dad so Ume obliviated her memories of herself and her brother. Dorian was against this and tried to argue but Ume said it would help protect her. Dorian moved back to his hometown San Francisco and transferred to the University there. He raised his daughter as if her mom had died when she was a baby. He despised lying to her but knew she was happy and healthy. Before Mariko turned 11, Dorian got a job offer at Cambridge and they moved to England. Mariko started school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991, the same year as Harry Potter.
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-She’s very kind and warm to people
-Curious of the world around her
-Intelligent and seeks to learn new things but doesn’t like to show her intelligence off
-Helps others
-Will fight for her freedom to choose and have control of her own life
-Admires her father but doesn’t want to take over his business
-Won’t be told how to be or what to like
-Loves excitement and adventure which can get her in trouble
-Feels like she needs to keep her dad happy because he’s sometimes quiet and sad
-Active and trains her body as well as her mind
-Mariko means “truth”
-Mariko names her bowtruckle Kijin. Ki means “tree” and Jin means “spirit”
-She’s born in April when cherry blossoms bloom
-She was brought up bilingual and knows both English and Japanese
-Mariko can see thestrals and it scares and intrigues her because it means she has seen death she doesn’t remember
-She doesn’t know that Dorian and Ume keep in contact with letters
-She will eventually run into her mom and brother during the Battle of Hogwarts and have her memory restored
-Dorian and Mariko use Dorians last name while Ume and Jomei use Umes last name
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jubesy · 4 years
3 for Midotaka and 46 for MatchaBlossom for the drabble prompts please? (I've recently gotten into sk8 too and I haven't seen much content about them yet) thank you! 💕
Thank you for the asks! Sk8 is so good. I’m really enjoying it so far~
I managed to keep the MidoTaka short, but the Matcha Blossom ran long, haha. I hope you like them!! And thanks again~
MidoTaka #3 “Make me.”
“Kazu, unhand my lucky item,” Midorima said, arms crossed over his chest and a frown on his lips. “I have to sit in on a surgery today.” They had already graduated and Midorima was well into his residency at Todai hospital, but he still insisted on following Oha-Asa daily.
Not that Takao minded. In fact, he fully supported his boyfriend’s weird obsessions. All of them.
Still, he was so fun to tease. 
Takao grinned. “Make me.” 
Midorima’s eyes widened behind his glasses. Then he glared. “Kazu…” 
“Listen, I’m about twenty centimeters too short to play keep-away,” Takao offered. “So, let’s just end this quickly, Shin-chan.”
A long exasperated sigh. “What do you want, Kazu?” 
Takao bit his lip, holding his boyfriend’s lucky item behind his back and blinking up at him through his bangs. “A kiss?”
Midorima raised an eyebrow. “Just a kiss?” 
“Mhm.” Takao closed his eyes and puckered his lips, waiting. However, instead of the chaste peck he was expecting, Midorima roughly pressed their lips together, pulling Takao against him and deepening the kiss.
When they broke apart, Takao found himself dazed and empty-handed.
“Thank you, Kazu,” Midorima said, holding up the small fan. “I’ll see you tonight after work.”
Takao nodded dumbly and waved as Midorima left their apartment. He’d lost, in a way. Since his boyfriend had gotten one over on him. But in many other ways, he’d won.
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Matcha Blossom #46 “I’m in love...shit.” | Ao3 mirror
It was a late night. They’d been extremely busy, which was good. But that meant that no one was able to do their side work until after hours, which slowed down closing, which kept Joe from finishing his inventory and getting to input his order until nearly one in the morning.
He did not have his usual visitor tonight. He’d sent Cherry a text earlier, letting him know they were swamped. And even though he hadn’t replied, Joe knew he’d at least seen it. He was so tired that he didn’t have the energy to be offended at being left on ‘read.’ He just typed a quick, ‘Finally done,’ before walking toward his bike.
However, just as Joe was about to head home, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw that Cherry had messaged.
‘Come over.’
That was rare. Joe usually played host to his childhood friend at his own restaurant and then the two parted ways. Sometimes, he’d crash at Cherry’s after ‘S’ races, just because he was bored and it was fun trying to come up with recipes with the few things the other had on hand -- honestly, did he even go grocery shopping? -- But never just randomly like this. Well, not since high school, probably.
‘Miss me?’ He typed back, adding a winking emoji before sending.
Kaoru is typing… ‘Die.’ 
Joe chuckled and started to respond, but Cherry sent another message.
‘I want pizza.’ 
Oh, was that so? That sounded pretty good actually. Well, not take-out pizza. Joe had grown up with his Italian grandfather and no one in his family could stand the chain store stuff. He didn’t feel like typing anymore, so he called. Cherry picked up on the second ring. “Did you order it already?” Joe asked.
Cherry was quick to reply. ‘Are you an idiot?’ Joe snorted at that. ‘Like I’d order something you hate.’
Joe laughed. “It’s kind of hard to eat pizza without ordering it,” he supplied.
A scoff came over the line. ‘Obviously, you’re going to make it.’ 
Ooh, Cherry was being feisty tonight. Cute. “I’ve already locked up and even if I hadn’t, the truck doesn’t come until the day after tomorr--”
‘I have the ingredients already,’ Cherry interrupted. ‘Just get your overly-muscled ass over here.’ A pause. ‘I’m hungry.’
Cherry had gotten the ingredients? Cherry had gone shopping? He’d gone shopping with Joe in mind, knowing that he couldn’t stomach Japan’s poor excuse for pizza? Something warm blossomed in his chest. “Okay.” 
‘I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.’ The call ended.
Joe stood there, dumbfounded, the heat from his chest spreading up his neck to his face. He swallowed. “I’m in love…” Then, realizing what he said, that this was Cherry he was talking about, he cursed. “Shit.” Then he got on his bike and rode off toward Cherry’s house, his body still pleasantly warm.
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Volleyball Actually: Scene 2
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It was a cold, dreary day outside, which meant for you it was a perfect day to eat a freshly-made warm onigiri from Miya’s Onigiri. But really, everyday was a perfect day to eat at Miya’s Onigiri. And it seemed like the rest of Japan had the same idea as you, seeing the long line of customers when you walked in.
You made your way up the front of the line soon enough with the queue moving fairly quickly. When you reached the register, the girl recognized you as you took your mask off to order. And before you could even speak, she asked if you wanted your usual, to which you nodded happily. It wasn’t the first time this happened, although it was with a different worker. But with how much you visited the restaurant, you weren’t surprised the employees remembered your face. 
Holding onto your receipt with the order number, you walked over to sit down in an empty corner of the store to wait for your food. Sitting down on one of the stools, you checked your phone to see multiple text notifications. There was one from Kiyoko, wanting to make sure you were coming to the big match next week, one from Kageyama confirming your visit his team again later in the week, and some from your manager about an upcoming schedule.
A tap on your shoulder made you jump up from your seat.
“How’s my favorite customer doing?”
“’Samu!” You greeted him with a hug, surprised by his sudden appearance. 
Your friendship with Osamu had started out as a purely business relationship- customer and restaurant owner relationship to be exact. You had just moved into the city and went to the newly opened Miya Onigiri’s flagship restaurant for lunch, after seeing all the good reviews. After noticing you coming in frequently, he stroked up a conversation with you while waiting for your food one day, and the rest was history. 
“What are you doing here? You said you’d be busy this week with finalizing the opening of your new restaurant in Miyagi.”
He took a seat in the empty stool next to you. “I had to stop by today to check on the store’s inventory. And I heard you visited the team yesterday. How’d it go?”
“Great! Your onigiris were a hit with the team by the way. Thanks for the suggestion.” You shot him a thankful smile, before remembering what Hinata had texted you shortly after your visit. “Why didn’t you tell me your twin brother was also on the team?”
Osamu burst out laughing at your accusing question, putting his arms up in mock surrender when you frowned at his reaction. “‘Tsumu always needs to be knocked down a peg or two, and having a pretty girl not know who he is would have crushed his ego.”
You had thought it was a strange that there was someone with the Miya surname on the team, when looking up how many players were in the MSBY Black Jackals team. But when you had brainstormed ideas with Osamu on what food to to bring on your visit, and he didn’t mention anything, you thought it had just been a coincidence. 
“Also, last week that bastard said my onigiri was salty, so he deserved it.”
“Have either of you matured at all from high school?” You deadpanned. 
“I have, but he dumbs me down.” Osamu shrugged.
You shook your head with a sigh, not being able to imagine what it would be like to put up with two Miyas, when one was already draining your energy. Bless the Miya matriarch. 
“You know you could have just looked it up on the internet to find out.” he added.
“I wasn’t really that curious to investigate. And unlucky for you, he wasn’t even there when I went to visit anyways.” You looked to the front thinking you had heard your order number being called out.
“Well, let me know if you go visit them again. I’ll make him pay for the food next time. But you know, I am surprised you and the shorty are so close after all these years.” Osamu changed the subject, referring to your relationship with Hinata. “You weren’t even in the same year.”
You breathed a happy sigh, thinking back to your time at Karasuno. “The team, when I was in my third year, was really special. With everything we went through that year, it felt like we were one big tight-knit family. So I try to keep in touch with everybody and visit them whenever I can. And it helps that we have a big group chat with everyone that was on the team, making it a bit easier.” You smiled, thinking back to the last time you all got together- it being the Tanakas’ wedding. But even then, not everyone was able to make it due to their busy lives. “But I guess I do dote more on the first-years though. Even more so with Shoyo as of late, since he had gone to Brazil right after graduation.”
Having heard one of his workers call him over, Osamu got up as soon as you finished talking, heading over to the counter. You watched as he grabbed the bag handed to him, walking back over to you before placing the said bag in your hands.
“I told them to add an extra onigiri in there.” He informed you, sitting back down.
“Is this what it feels like to be a valued customer?” you asked, placing your hand over your heart in a dramatic fashion. “Did you know I didn’t even have to tell them my order up at the front? She knew what my usual was as soon as she saw my face.”
He smirked in response. “I think that’s rather a testament to how much you come here.”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”
“With how often you come here and the amount you order when you do, I can’t help but be worried about the health of my favorite customer. I want you to live a long life ordering my onigiri, not have it be the cause of your death.”
You shrugged, brushing off his comment. “It’s healthier than other fast food options, since it doesn’t have any msg- which is good enough for me.” You looked over at the crowd of customers that had just walked in, seeing the restaurant having become even more busier than when you first came in. “I should let you get back to work.”
You got up from your seat, collecting your things after putting back on your face mask. Osamu watched you get ready to leave from his seat, when a sudden thought occurred to him.
“Oh yeah. I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” You paused your movement, waiting for him to continue. “How would you feel being the face of Miya’s Onigiri?”
“Eh?!” You reacted like he had just told you Atsumu was actually just him in a blonde wig. “Me?”
“I told you about the new location we were opening in Miyagi, yeah?” Seeing you nod, he continued explaining. “Well, I’ve been thinking about doing a celebrity endorsement, and I thought of you since you’re from the prefecture.”
You still weren’t understanding why he would ask you of all people. “Why me though?”
“Didn’t you say you were a singer?” 
“Singer? Sure. Celebrity? Not really.”
“C’mon. It’s not like we’re a super famous company either. Think of it as beneficial opportunity for the both of us.”
“I feel like it’s more beneficial on my end than yours, though.” You frowned. 
Osamu brushed off your worry. “I’d much rather work with someone who I know and trust than a random person anyways.”
Knowing it was a good opportunity for publicity, you sighed, relenting. “Well, If you’re okay with it, then I guess I am too. But,” you raised your finger, “I’ll only accept onigiri as payment. I’ll feel bad if the advertisement doesn’t help bring in any customers.” Osamu tried to argue, but you just ignored him. “I’ll give my manager your number so that y’all can work out the scheduling.”
And without giving him a chance to negotiate the deal, you waved him goodbye, scurrying out the door.
Director’s Cut: Scene 2 Part 1
“Hey, Tobio!”
“Hai, Hoshiumi-san.” Kageyama looked at his teammate, in the middle of changing into his practice clothes.
“Did you see this?” Hoshiumi showed the Adler’s setter Hinata’s picture posted the night before. “We have to be careful, Tobio. These guys might steal (Y/N) away from us! That’ll mean no more visits, no more delicious bentos, or sitting on our side of the court during matches. And worst of all, no more good luck hugs!” 
Hoshiumi started to pace back and forth around the locker room.
“Senpai said she will come visit us the day after tomorrow.” Kageyama replied with a straight face, resuming his changing.
“Who’s coming tomorrow?” The Schweiden Adler’s captain, Hirugami Fukuro, asked the two younger players, walking into the locker room.
“Captain!” Seeing his captain brought an idea to the Little Giant. “Can you convince Sachiro to come tomorrow with his dog? She likes dogs, right?” 
Kageyama nodded in response.
“(Y/N)-senpai said she’ll visit on Thursday.” Kageyama answered the confused Hirugami.
“Oh, Sachiro will definitely want to come then. He wasn’t able to come because of a midterm last time she came to visit.” Hirugami replied. 
“Who’s coming to visit?” Ushijima asked, having come back from the bathroom. He wiped his wet hands with a handkerchief, folding the wet part inwards before putting it away in his pocket. 
“I see.” The wing spiker nodded in understanding. “I will bring some of my tomatoes tomorrow. She mentioned she wanted to try some of them last time we talked.”
“Tomatoes? The Black Jackals can give her tomatoes too! We need something that’ll convince her to stay with us.”
“My tomatoes are of high quality. The MSBY Black Jackals will not be able to find fruit with similar quality and grade easily.” Ushijima responded in confidence.
“That’s true. (Y/N)-senpai seemed very interested when Ushijima-san mentioned his gardening to her.” Kageyama confirmed, agreeing with the ace.
“Maybe I should bring some seeds for her as well?” Ushijima asked. “You should ask her if she has fertile soil to support good seedlings.”
Hoshiumi had already left the locker room, realizing the conversation was going nowhere.
The Karasuno alumni gave him a nod, making a mental note to text his senpai after practice.
Director’s Cut: Scene 2 Part 2
You had a busy schedule the following morning, so you prepared to sleep a bit earlier than usual. Right as you were about to fall asleep, your phone pinged loudly, waking you up. Drowsily, you grabbed your phone to check who had texted you. 
Reading the text, you blinked in confusion, rubbing your eyes to see if you had read the message correctly.
Received 9:10 p.m.
From: Karasuno #9
Message: Senpai, do you have good dirt?
(A/N): Hoped you like Part 2! Leave a like, comment, or do whatever ^^
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