#the village detective
pacingmusings · 2 years
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Seen in 2023:
The Village Detective: A Song Cycle (Bill Morrison), 2021
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angelbellelc2 · 8 months
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These are the hd port versions of the recaps from all three games. I like how each one is of Luke just welcoming you back to the game with a friendly wave and smile. Like he's happy to see the player again at the beginning of the story recap and each one is just Luke riding in the respective mode of transportation.
I sure hope that this kind of recap returns for Nwos. It's a very charming way to welcome the player back and catch them up with story events. If they continue with the transportation idea I would love to see the hot-air balloon used from one of the promotional art.
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circus-teddie · 4 days
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chris x krauser... ive read too many fanfics of these two
full vers (cw 🔞)
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theemptyspacehelmet · 5 months
Because it’s starting to feel like another Henry Selick/Tim Burton Nightmare Before Christmas snub, please keep in mind that while Neil Gaiman is an executive producer for DBD, he isn’t as directly involved as a source or writer as he was with GO or the Sandman so make sure to give proper credit to the other writers and show runners like Steve Yockey and Beth Schwartz and the other people who worked hard to bring us this show.
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overthattwilight · 10 months
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Look how Luke grew up
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blueiscoool · 9 months
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Roman Coin Hoard Found in England Sells at Auction
A hoard of Roman coins discovered by a metal detectorist scouring farmland has fetched more than £15,000 after going under the hammer.
More than 430 coins were found buried in the village of Colkirk, near Fakenham, Norfolk.
A collection of 73 pieces, including an extremely rare coin featuring a phoenix on a globe, was auctioned in London.
The anonymous finder had shown "perseverance", said coin specialist Nigel Mills, from Noonans auctioneers.
"Some of the people I've spoken to recently, who have found some amazing finds, are spending a lot of time detecting - hours and hours - and they don't give up," he said.
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"They keep going and that's the secret in so many things - don't give up, keep looking."
The Colkirk hoard, believed to date back to the early 5th Century, was spread out across a third of an acre on arable farmland, although the majority of finds were discovered in a 1.5m (59in) radius.
It was a lucky find for the detectorist, who had no idea the soil held such treasures.
They were out searching a field in January 2020 when they spotted a silver coin, which they recognised as a siliqua - a small, thin Roman coin.
It sparked a haul of 40 coins that day, with a further 40 found on the following one.
Covid lockdowns meant searches became more sporadic, but each discovery was logged with a portable GPS unit to accurately pinpoint the hoard's distribution.
In all, 315 coins were found in 2020, 114 in 2021 and three in 2022.
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Some of the coins had been damaged, while others were fragmented due to farming processes.
A commemorative Third Miliarensis coin issued by Emperor Theodosius, decorated with a phoenix on one side, was only the fifth one of its type known to exist, with all the others in museums.
It reached £3,400 at the sale in Mayfair.
Mr Mills said: "The hoard had [been] spread out over a third of an acre through disturbance by ploughing and has been recorded under the Treasure Act.
"The hoard is likely to have been deposited at the beginning of the 5th Century AD, with the latest coin of Honorius dating no later than 402 AD.
"Other Roman treasure finds of gold and silver also from East Anglia, such as the Hoxne and Thetford hoards, reflect the wealth and importance of the area."
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
Part Six of the Catboy in the Village AU
Parts: 1|2|3|4|5
There's something in the castle, and it's weird.
It's silent save for its footsteps. It follows Cellbit and his forcibly-assigned guard wherever he goes, but it doesn't follow Roier and his guard. It isn't the queen, because she has been there several times when the Something has been hiding in Cellbit's shadow.
It isn't doing anything. Maybe it's just spying on Cellbit, but that's a given. He's been watched for a long time, probably, based off of how much the queen seems to know about him, but the Something just... doesn't feel like a spy? Its presence feels too small to be a threat, and yet it's been following Cellbit for at least an hour every day since his forced stay in the healer's quarters. Why? And, more importantly, what?
Since his stay in the healer's quarters, and since Roier was finally given permission to make himself and Cellbit their own (non-poisoned) meals, Cellbit has slowly, but steadily, begun his investigation of Castelo do Gato. He's been accompanied by his guard the whole time, but his guard also doesn't give a shit about what he's doing so long as he isn't escaping or trying to kill the queen, so Cellbit really doesn't think that he needs to be concerned about any information leaking to the queen.
His information as of day four of his investigation, and as of his eighth day of being kidnapped, is as follows:
The queen has only been queen for a couple of months now, and her first directive was a global search for her long-lost twin brother. Her name is Bagi, and she is very annoying, and Cellbit kind of hates her a lot.
There aren't as many staff in the castle as there should be. This makes sense; the previous king and queen were famously secretive, especially after their son's disappearance and the outbreak of the war. More staff is being hired, but there's a thorough screening process involved that the queen herself oversees.
The castle's healer's name is Niki. She's very nice, and she's better at potion making than Cellbit is. She's one of the queen's closer friends, and she's been with the castle since the previous king and queen were in charge.
The castle's mage's name is Mouse. She claims to be a demon, but not the demon, and she thinks that the demon haunting the castle needs to go to therapy because earthquakes and flames are not healthy forms of self expression. She draws her sigils with blood, and Cellbit really likes her.
The demon shows up once a week and shakes the castle and tears through the halls screaming. This only started when the queen took the throne (go figure.)
The missing brother went missing at 11 years old, and his name... was Cellbit, but he's a different Cellbit. There are no portraits of him in most of the castle upon the orders of the previous king, who was with the prince the day he vanished.
Everybody keeps talking about empanadas for some fucking reason, especially Niki and Mouse. The queen goes silent every time.
The investigation would probably be easier if Cellbit could force the queen to, like, act normally and tell him the truth, but she's a lost cause. She nearly threw her bowl of soup at Cellbit at dinner when he casually mentioned to Roier wanting to get a new pair of goggles to pin his ears back with, she's crazy.
But Cellbit isn't an idiot. He may have been a serial killer in his previous life, but he also spent a few years doing odd jobs and investigations around his and Roier's hometown. It's how they met, and it's how Cellbit is going to get them back home and to their kids.
So Cellbit investigates. He gets himself a notebook from the queen, who seemed relieved that he was doing something other than trying to murder her for once. He snoops around the castle, claiming that he's trying to get to know the building and the staff now that he's been "brought back home." (Saying that is enough to make him gag, but it's what works.) He goes to the library. He takes a nap in the courtyard on Roier's chest.
He steals Niki's spare pair of potion-making goggles, and he puts them on. He ignores the pain; he's used to it, after all.
And he's followed by the Something in the shadows.
Roier thinks that it's the queen stalking him, but Cellbit really doesn't. He's been in the same room with the queen and the Something, and stalking isn't the queen's style. She's bold with her moves, something that Cellbit almost admires about her. Almost.
(It's just nice to see a queen talk to both her staff and her citizens. That's all.)
But Cellbit goes to the library even with his little stalker, and that's where he is now. Researching. Looking into the royal genealogy records for any depiction of the prince- a painting, a sketch, anything.
There's a Something under the table by his knee. He can feel it breathing on him even through his trousers; its breaths are short and warm and almost panicked, hm. Maybe it shouldn't be creeping around if it can't handle the psychology of being a creep.
Cellbit's guard is almost asleep on a nearby sofa. Cellbit lets him sleep, he doesn't give a shit.
He flips through Volume Seven of Família De Gato. He's at the old king and queen's grandparents, so he's getting close. He can practically taste the prince: bitter, and dead.
So dead.
Absently, Cellbit adjusts his legs under the table. He crosses them, accidentally kicking the Something in the head as he does so.
And then he hears it: a near-silent little, "Ouch!"
"Desculpe," Cellbit tells it, because he isn't that much of a monster.
There's a gasp, tiny, and then the chair across from Cellbit shoves itself back from the table in a clear panic. The pages of Cellbit's book fly as a running breeze hits them as the Something takes off.
Cellbit glances at his guard. Asleep, wow, great!
With a grin, he licks his lips. And then he's out of his chair and running after the invisible Something with his pen clutched in his hand like a knife and his notebook held in his other hand.
The Something screeches as Cellbit swipes at it with his notebook hand. He whiffs, but his fingers brush against what is clearly hair. Human hair, he knows what human hair feels like, he's brushed his teeth with it plenty of times!
The Something blows through the library's door, Cellbit close behind. He can hear his guard shouting somewhere behind him, but fuck him. He fell asleep, this is clearly his fault!
Sometimes in the war, the Enemy would cast a spell that sent a dark fog over the battlefield. Cellbit had to rely on his hearing to survive.
He doesn't need to see the Something to know where it is. He can even guess how tall it is based off of how loud its footsteps are. It's... small. Light. Very fast, but still slower than a grown man.
Cellbit blinks as the air in front of him flickers. Something appears before him briefly before fading out again: something, indeed, small. Pink. Yellow.
Cellbit knows a fading invisibility potion when he sees it, he's tested them on himself enough times.
It's enough to give him the confidence to lunge and scoop the Something up and into his arms. He holds it against his chest and can't help but let out a brief, triumphant laugh.
"Finally!" he cheers.
And then a foot is driven backwards and right into his junk.
Cellbit groans and drops the Something, and then he drops himself right onto the floor and watches as the Something becomes a Someone in front of him. Their potion wears off fully, revealing a red-faced and exhausted little girl standing above him with her hands on her hips.
"Don't touch me!" she shouts.
Cellbit nods. Fair enough. "Yeah, okay. Hello."
The girl takes a step backwards. Her dress, pink, is made of fine silk. Her skin, dark, has little golden stars painted onto her cheeks like freckles. Her hair, wavy, falls into her face. Her hat looks like pancakes, clearly custom-made. It sits right on top of her head between two twitching, nervous, fuzzy little cat ears.
Only members of the royal family, and Cellbit, have cat features. So does this make this girl...?
Slowly, Cellbit sits himself up. He looks down at his notebook, flips to a clean page. Puts his pen to paper. Looks back up at the girl.
She looks... upset. Mildly so. More uncomfortable than anything, she keeps patting her dress down and wiping at her abdomen with the palms of her hands.
"I'm sorry I grabbed you," Cellbit tells her.
She glances up at him with a small frown. "It's okay. I probably scared you."
Cellbit shrugs. "Eh, only a little. I've been followed by worse things than children."
Her eyes widen. "Really?"
"Mhmm. One time, I was followed around town by a half-man, half-spider for months."
She gasps. Cellbit nods. (He's sure Roier wouldn't mind being called a Spider-Man. He'd probably take it as a compliment, knowing him.)
"I'm just curious, really," Cellbit continues. "You live in a castle, what are you doing following a weird guy like me around?"
Immediately, the girl shakes her head and sticks her chin out. "I can't tell you. It's a secret."
Cellbit nods again. "That makes sense. You were invisible and everything. I didn't know you were there until a few minutes ago."
"Yes! You just need to work on your timing. Even if I didn't chase you out of the library, I would've found you because your potion would have run out right next to me."
The girl's face falls. "Oh."
"Don't worry, I'll write down some information on invisibility potions for you for later," Cellbit assures her. "Here..."
He scribbles out a simple potion schedule for a potion of average strength. Potions last for fifteen minutes, no potions for six hours after you take three potions in a row unless you want your skin to vanish but your insides to remain visible.
And then he tears the page out of his notebook and holds it out for the girl to take.
The girl stares at it.
"You... aren't angry that I'm following you around?" she quietly asks.
"Nope. You seem like a nice girl, even if your mom is kind of a weirdo. Just don't follow me into my cell with Roier, and you can keep following me around."
Her nose wrinkles. "Don't you mean your bedroom?"
Cellbit opens his mouth to argue, but he's stopped by his guard turning the corner and running towards them shouting vague assertive noises.
Cellbit rolls his eyes and puts his pen and notebook away. So much for today's research...
The guard's eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him.
"Your highness!" he gasps.
He drops to his knee and bows his head, his fist to his chest in a salute.
Cellbit huffs, but the girl just smiles and skips forward to pat the guard's helmet and tell him to stand.
"Yes, Princess Empanada," he says. "Whatever you say!"
...Princess Empanada.
Well. This explains a lot of confusion.
But... if the queen is sure that Cellbit is her brother, why hasn't she introduced him to her daughter? Unless... she isn't sure.
Unless she isn't sure.
Bingo. Maybe she can see reason, after all.
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existingingrey · 8 days
No one will help you even if you are dying.
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What happened?
If it wasn't for that detective, I'd have gotten rid of Jeong Woo.
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imakitastrophe · 1 month
finally able to post this!! i hope u enjoy :D
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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princess-pacman · 7 months
Spotify Playlists
Imma just dump some playlists here. I have soooo many for various fandoms, characters, ship, situations, etc. I want to share them with y'all cause I put a lot of time into them. They're always being worked on, so if the one you like isn't very long, come back later. I might have added more songs to it. Thanks!
PSI Cops: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6uS1aHIqbYogzDHHGo1n2e?si=esm-1aUmQjOpBjqhVcoWRw&pi=u-zIo8KeAPSXO2
Psychonauts: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1nkehg5YISpO1qYkxhnLZZ?si=sl7uuypmQfK4cQS_32UgUA&pi=u-TWIJmpQmS0aV
Sam & Max: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2adb6ApHr1JYmvDzchAKXr?si=f61upDB5SZKmM-ODZ0rdig&pi=u-Qkh03HitS1WP
Truman Burbank (Truman Show): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jq1eErhkDMG3A3RM5wnh8?si=Rp1ksB2DRJ6bLyDecXyZZQ&pi=u-A3HGuZ4hSDqZ
Agent Stone (Sonic movie): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/73Wrk6bjx8dPMIw1tkjB2R?si=Xxth_JFyTrmWaZNjfpyYKw&pi=u-lSWEBUUmQ_6T
Robotnik (Sonic movie): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4KqwVZksuo5Jbg11R9H2tc?si=bhWNkr5eQdCGHsBOAo6DPQ&pi=u-3Kkn30knQCKp
Astarian (BG3): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7B6kq8grBZkRhTTeT9Lufg?si=CsnhwAiLRPGDU15rXkJWog&pi=u-USKc-hHMQJGn
Bakugo (MHA/BNHA): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2P0ACCJNERmxukIuH9wX3m?si=SjBxeI9GSMqCZfDPv9qZKw&pi=u-NRvDkh9YR-aY
Eraserhead (MHA/BNHA): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5wAf2SEcuQ5T4ZaP8f9rYO?si=UJ_CcVX3Sue13SKexga4xA&pi=u-AGS-CSsORaOw
Present Mic (MHA/BNHA): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2T2QA1sM1itqkBzcjbPc4R?si=kCUMS4PNRlOjgUXR6m9Cbw&pi=u-OgTgCkevQAyX
Eri (MHA/BNHA): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6GnQob96ZUnDPHAA28xBOk?si=jZj3mjYlQfeb76rj-KS_1A&pi=u-Bh_OQBCOS6O-
Shigaraki (MHA/BNHA): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1AMGAg4JwsAmWWhyyFIdcR?si=v2mECZsxQc-Xf6z-NrerTw&pi=u-yQQsLzEIQPmH
Bart (Dirk Gently): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7kHVgbUsiM3kx1fcPMUyVu?si=sj-YrGuFRfWcRVTROv3OVg&pi=u-xjT7pcwDSjCl
Dirk (Dirk Gently): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EBq9icmGQyeaeNi9W0J92?si=zfs6hResQU23b7tI_GwrQA&pi=u-yo2zEfFuTVSE
Todd (Dirk Gently): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JJeJw3484cw4Kbryy95I5?si=9jUX9XXPTkq7YD-6tMB7YA&pi=u-I_hBQTRzQgGV
Donna (RE8): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/76wOTZFnX8wOsounXQSOx8?si=hEBAQIcjR0WQaeqq-R-TNQ&pi=u-2FR5rPk0TkKf
Ethan (RE8): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2mYMCORlT2BnRYBPtR0TMs?si=RBoj_ObmRpu8Z-03oacZaA&pi=u-xwd3_iQERCCv
Heisenberg (RE8): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0o0wk0a8hEs6xuHEQ3r0NT?si=1VXPgOZqTimrX61jbPG1cQ&pi=u-xuoMUMDyTtue
Hugh Bliss (Sam & Max): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Vy1N6CNj213vdMlZC8ONC?si=yH_oFA66S8GTDy0UfgLOqw
Jurgen (Sam & Max): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2d2R12aPYvmaSiF5FCOLqv?si=xjNlKi_nS7af54nCvSSG2g&pi=u-2OrlLE5WR4K3
Papierwaite & Yog-sogoth (Sam & Max): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1up7qnpsSGcpyGsLrxWZg8?si=ALQAcJSbTvOKl45u9VSBGQ&pi=u-fgPuq3ctRU2E
Sybil (Sam & Max): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ToP2NpJrXF2VK4kJyBEwE?si=6pLiPtaXQuy0JauItos6vw&pi=u-rkSrCzt3Roa9
Eraserhead x Present Mic: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7balV6dixSnjG1aaSmdAWN?si=QShOMUglS5CHGzskMI7Rzw&pi=u-MqUrfWiiTcSA
Panto x Silas: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kl6Z0luA07gFTTzqzeStp?si=FDdNuI9FR82WKqyiR6rZ7Q&pi=u-523YOGM-Sm-b
Robotnik x Stone: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4312aEcYUXRRZuAvGO9OTr?si=i7wBeJd2SC2NiYRdi3ftfw&pi=u-onKZaPyMRUe6
Venomous x Boxman: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5GXPEblqQnYUDyoI4nL1ga?si=crJAJA1iQ3KyXbIRw2ptxA&pi=u-qKpV_UL1SyGe
Kydd x Felixx: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/74T6X53RYW4ReRFfDxsU97?si=1ZYNTKerSySVjEkbl8l6dg&pi=u-15deJ-lSSbGl
Then a combined version of my Stone, Robotnik, and Stobotnik playlists: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/68r3CzGRJVbnYr4TlQwT2T?si=RmwJU8ghSaGde5nC7_eWSw&pi=u-ExzCNZ3CRSSn
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detco-hell · 1 year
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[episode 1 - Roller Coaster Murder Case]
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angelbellelc2 · 7 months
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This collection of Luke art is from the ds manual and it's surprising that Level5 included this in the hd port. They didn't have to include these but, it's amazing that they are here anyway.
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
love the idea of transhet laios
#random thoughts#dungeon meshi#chilchuck watches in horror as laios slowly animorphs into his second wife#'he didn't have a second wife?' not yet babeyyy#i am neutral verging on negative on trans chilchuck (negative being mainly because i see it everywhere)#i don't like it when people take the male character who looks the youngest and make him trans like 'well duh'#so he's cis to meee. and bisexual but quiet about it in the same way he's quiet about literally everything else about him#he knows what being trans is because one of his daughters is trans :] flertom#the way she treated her transition was throwing herself headfirst into gender roles like wanting to get married and worrying about her look#which laios definitely won't do (she was horrified when she saw how she would have stayed in the village and had a family in the au viewer)#but it'd be interesting to see chilchuck try to be supportive by encouraging her to try traditionally feminine things#which laios wouldn't be very interested in and probably wouldn't be able to connect the dots on her own that he's trying to be supportive#so she'd just be like. questioning why chilchuck keeps getting her weird gifts#pink and frilly and aaaaaaa#probably use some of the gifts for weird things. uses a sewing kit for taxidermy.#appreciates the new baking supplies probably#he gets her a journal which she genuinely uses#chilchuck seeing how she reacts to his gifts and knowing she doesn't get what he's doing but he's not gonna open up about it#so here have some more stuff until you get the point#btw this is unrelated but does anyone else think it's weird it's marcille who was able to put herself into the shoes of chilchuck's wife?#like she literally viewed him as a child for the longest time but now she's miss empathy???#honestly i think it'd've made more sense if laios did it? like how he put together the cannibalism thing#like i know he's not good with social cues but it could have been a chance to demonstrate how well he knows chilchuck#laios in another life would be the world's greatest detective
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gabbynyssa · 3 months
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So I've been playing ACNH again, trying to complete my personal goal of getting all wolves on my island, and I finally got 6, but I didn't think I'd like Dobie, as his outfit in New Horizons is kinda meh and he's one of the only male wolves without eyeliner, but then I went into his house and it turns out he's got it set up as a noir detective office with a murder board and everything! And then he opened his eyes and they've got black sclera and white pupils?!
He's like someone's edgy middle school wolf OC got to grow old and I love that for him.
(New Leaf render and NH mug I used for reference)
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blueiscoool · 1 month
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The Largest Medieval Coin Hoard Found in Decades Discovered in Germany
Archaeologists have unearthed one of the largest medieval coin hoards, consisting of approximately 1,600 coins, in recent years in the village of Glottertal in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald region of Germany.
This remarkable discovery provides a unique window into the economic activities of Europe in the fourteenth century and illuminates the minting industry, silver trade, and wider circulation of money in Breisgau.
According to a press statement issued by the State Office for Monument Preservation in the Stuttgart Regional Council, the hoard was unearthed during construction works while excavating a trench.
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The treasure was discovered by Claus Völker, a local citizen who was assisting with the laying of a pipeline near the village swimming pool in early May 2024, records a press release.
Völker caught sight of what he initially described as “small metal plates” within the excavation. He reported the discovery to the Stuttgart Regional Council’s State Office for Monument Preservation (LAD) as soon as he realized the objects’ possible significance. The same day, Völker and LAD archaeologists visited the site the same day to recover the coins and discovered a whopping 1000 coins.
At the same time, three detectors certified by the LAD were assigned to search for the loot. The interior of the trench became a knee-deep quagmire due to bad weather, but the determined researchers managed to find an additional 600 coins in the small window that was open to them.
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Initial examination and cleaning of the coins indicated where they came from. The bulk of the coins, according to LAD archaeologist Andreas Haasis-Berner, were struck circa 1320 and originated from a number of well-known mints, including Breisach, Zofingen, and Freiburg. There were also coins from Colmar, Laufenburg, Zurich, Basel, and St. Gallen.
Commenting on the significance of the find, Haasis-Berner explained: ‘Analysing this coin hoard will provide information about the circulation of coins in Breisgau, the minting activity in the mints, the silver trade and also mining in the Glottertal valley.’ When asked whether the treasure was very valuable at the time, the archaeologist said: ‘You could have bought around 150 sheep with the coins.’
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This wide variety of coins bears witness to the wide-ranging commerce networks and currency exchange that existed in the area in the early 14th century. Because of the wealth and power of the cities that produced them, every coin tells a tale about the political and economic environments of medieval Europe.
Officials described the artifacts as one of the largest coin treasures found in recent decades. Of course, this description is a small number compared to the more than 100,000,000 coins in Japan on 4 November 2023, some of which are more than 2000 thousand years old.
By Oguz Kayra.
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