#the virtue signaling is crazy
ellsss · 4 months
i am all for a free palestine and i want a ceasefire but the guilt tripping from westerners especially for enjoying things, and by this i mean im literally seeing tiktoks and videos of people (white americans) shaming people saying "this isn't where your focus should be" for dancing, going to concerts, listening to music, taking part in a hobby.
and like??? bro we should talk about palestine but it's also okay to talk about palestine and share AND enjoy your life. if you only focused on the bad the entirety of your life you'd literally be depressed. it's okay to find a fucking balance.
to be like "im not okay and you shouldnt be either" is absolute bullshit and it's only coming from white westerners its pissing me off😭
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sleep-deprived-lesbian · 10 months
did shane and/or ryan ever apologize for the julie daubigny video or address it in any way?? im only just now watching it but like HALF the comments are about how uncomfortable and misogynistic it felt i would think they would kinda have to address it at that point at least for the sake of pr if not for morals but i cant find anything and it was weeks ago :/
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pookiethebloodsucker · 4 months
seeing that those people who were gonna make a billboard for ofmd fucked off with the money like, woah! people crowdfunding a ludicrous fandom project have never been grifters before! whoda seen that coming!
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lunar-years · 2 years
So, it’s not like they deleted the whole scene of Taylor on the scale. All they deleted was the actual shot of the word “fat.” The scene where she steps onto the scale and Taylor #2 shakes her head in disapproval is still very much there. My point being, the meaning of this imagery remains exactly the same!! The scene is still “Taylor steps on the scale and feels, yes, ‘fat’ and therefore not good enough because of her insecurities” (in this case an actual eating disorder which she has openly discussed in the past). What do people think those with eating disorders see when they step on the scale? Because it’s pretty dang easy for me to fill in the blank. If you think the original video was offensive because you think it suggested Fat=Ugly etc., does this edited scene not read in exactly same way to you? But I guess it’s only using the actual word “fat” (notably, again, in the context of her OWN personal body dysmorphia and not as a commentary on anyone else) that’s offensive and problematic, while implying it is perfectly okay!
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justaholeinmysoul · 3 months
Evil very problematic me: this pro Palestine fake woke activism is becoming the new blm
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jinouchibhue · 4 months
Full offense but y'all should just leave it with investigators and shut the fuck up.
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angelicherubs · 10 months
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artist-issues · 10 months
I Hate How She Talks About Snow White
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"People are making these jokes about ours being the PC Snow White, where it's like, yeah, it is − because it needed that. It's an 85-year-old cartoon, and our version is a refreshing story about a young woman who has a function beyond 'Someday My Prince Will Come. "
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Let me tell you a little something's about that "85-year-old cartoon," miss Zegler.
It was the first-ever cel-animated feature-length full-color film. Ever. Ever. EVER. I'm worried that you're not hearing me. This movie was Disney inventing the modern animated film. Spirited Away, Into the Spider-Verse, Tangled, you don't get to have any of these without Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937.)
Speaking of what you wouldn't get without this movie, it includes anime as a genre. Not just in technique (because again, nobody animated more than shorts before this movie) but in style and story. Anime, as it is now, wouldn't exist without Osamu Tezuka, "The God of Manga," who wouldn't have pioneered anime storytelling in the 1940s without having watched and learned from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the 1930s. No "weeb" culture, no Princess Mononoke, no DragonBall Z, no My Hero Academia, no Demonslayer, and no Naruto without this "85-year-old cartoon."
It was praised, not just for its technical marvels, not just for its synchronized craft of sound and action, but primarily and enduringly because people felt like the characters were real. They felt more like they were watching something true to life than they did watching silent, live-action films with real actors and actresses. They couldn't believe that an animated character could make kids wet their pants as she flees, frightened, through the forest, or grown adults cry with grieving Dwarves. Consistently.
Walt Disney Studios was built on this movie. No no; you're not understanding me. Literally, the studio in Burbank, out of which has come legends of this craft of animated filmmaking, was literally built on the incredible, odds-defying, record-breaking profits of just Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, specifically.
Speaking of record-breaking profits, this movie is the highest-grossing animated film in history. Still. TO THIS DAY. And it was made during the Great Depression.
In fact, it made four times as much money than any other film, in any other genre, released during that time period. It was actually THE highest-grossing film of all time, in any genre, until nothing less than Gone With the Wind, herself, came along to take the throne.
It was the first-ever animated movie to be selected for the National Film Registry. Actually, it was one of the first movies, period, to ever go into the registry at all. You know what else is in the NFR? The original West Side Story, the remake of which is responsible for Rachel Ziegler's widespread fame.
Walt Disney sacrificed for this movie to be invented. Literally, he took out a mortgage on his house and screened the movie to banks for loans to finish paying for it, because everyone from the media to his own wife and brother told him he was crazy to make this movie. And you want to tell me it's just an 85-year-old cartoon that needs the most meaningless of updates, with your tender 8 years in the business?
Speaking of sacrifice, this movie employed over 750 people, and they worked immeasurable hours of overtime, and invented--literally invented--so many new techniques that are still used in filmmaking today, that Walt Disney, in a move that NO OTHER STUDIO IN HOLLYWOOD was doing in the 30's, put this in the opening credits: "My sincere appreciation to the members of my staff whose loyalty and creative endeavor made possible this production." Not the end credits, like movies love to do today as a virtue-signal. The opening credits.
It's legacy endures. Your little "85-year-old cartoon" sold more than 1 million DVD copies upon re-release. Just on its first day. The Beatles quoted Snow White in one of their songs. Legacy directors call it "the greatest film ever made." Everything from Rolling Stones to the American Film Institute call this move one of the most influential masterpieces of our culture. This movie doesn't need anything from anybody. This movie is a cultural juggernaut for America. It's a staple in the art of filmmaking--and art, in general. It is the foundation of the Walt Disney Company, of modern children's media in the West, and of modern adaptations of classical fairy tales in the West. When you think only in the base, low, mean terms of "race" and "progressivism" you start taking things that are actually worlds-away from being in your league to judge, and you relegate them to silly ignorant phrases like "85-year-old cartoon" to explain why what you're doing is somehow better.
Sit down and be humble. Who the heck are you?
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
The most disturbing things portrayed in ACOTAR
Victim-blaming: Lucien tries to help Feyre and gets physically abused by Tamlin as a result. Feyre then proceeds to call him a dog despite Lucien doing everything he could in a difficult situation. And we're supposed to...support Feyre on this? And Rhysand throws around words like "can never forgive" man stfu you prick.
Sexual Assault: The most disturbing thing is not that Rhysand sexually assaulted Feyre. It's that he's never held accountable for this and never even apologizes at ANY point in the series. There are so many examples but this is the one that is the most disturbing.
Double Standards: We have Tamlin locking Feyre up for her own good being vilified, yet Rhysand is championed for locking Lucien and Nesta up in houses for their own good. Huh? WTF.
War Crimes: What Feyre did to the Spring Court, manipulating the sentries with the whole Ianthe thing and basically getting them killed, then weakening the Spring Court rulership which resulted in all those villagers in the Spring Court getting killed, then laying the Summer Court bare to Hybern as well, are nothing short of war crimes. And...instead of feeling regret, we have the main characters saying "Hybern's actions are their own." Like bitch what? Hybern wouldn't have been able to do shit if it wasn't for you! Have some damn accountability! And the fact that Tamlin and Tarquin are vilified for this never ceases to irk me.
Grooming: Rhysand groomed Feyre. He made excuses for everything he did with trauma, then sent Feyre out to do tasks for him like she's some kind of weapon he can use. WITHOUT giving her proper information, there is no choice. And everything he does is constantly explained away, until eventually Feyre becomes his trophy wife. Rhysand basically assigns Cassian to do the same for Nesta. I'm holding out hope that Elain will be saved from the Night Court.
The pregnancy debacle: the whole thing with the baby having wings and Rhysand withholding information from Feyre is just...disturbing. Idc if you're not telling her FoR hEr OwN gOoD, it is HER life at stake and she deserves to know. They didn't even try to shapeshift her to try and save her life? Like why is everybody seemingly more concerned about the baby than the mother? Disgusting. And why is Nesta vilified for being the only one to tell Feyre? She said it to hurt her, blah blah blah. She also wanted to show Feyre that their situations are similar. That they're BOTH being shit on by the Night Court. And when she's close to a breaking point...Nesta is forced to hike a mountain? That is physical abuse. Also, Rhysand being extremely territorial putting a shield over her and barely letting Feyre go anywhere is beyond weird.
Suicide baiting: What Rhysand did to Tamlin in ACOFAS is nothing short of suicide baiting. And...only Lucien seems to really be that concerned about it? Like...are you telling me I'm supposed to be supporting Rhysand after he basically told a depressed male to kill himself?
Segregation: Separating the Hewn City from Velaris IS segregation, no matter what excuse you try to come up with. You can't claim they're all shitty people, since your bestie Mor comes from the CoN. So, there are good people stuck in the CoN unable to get out of their torment because Rhysand decided that only certain individuals are allowed in Velaris.
Performance Feminism: Establishing laws to help women and not doing shit to enforce them is performance feminism. If he's as powerful as he says, he can 100% stop wing-cutting and r*pe. But, he's a goddamn virtue signaler so he doesn't fucking care. The thing is, SJM could've handled these topics in a much better way and it would've been fine. But she completely fucked shit up here and it's crazy that some people don't see it. Part of me is still waiting for the final book where she says, psych rhysand was the villain the whole time. If so, I'll take everything back.
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eightyonekilograms · 1 month
It's odd to me that audience capture hasn't yet entered the general Discourse lexicon the way phrases like "motte-and-bailey", "virtue signaling", etc. have. For my money it's the main dynamic that drives nearly all sufficiently-famous Internet polemicists into crazy wingnuttery; by extension it's one of the most powerful forces on the Internet and mass culture in general, and should probably be more carefully studied.
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whatbigotspost · 11 days
I’m gonna start coining tumblr specific cognitive biases and logical fallacy terms…here’s the first ones I’ve theorized so far. (I’m using “actor” here meaning “the person, acting out the fallacy or bias for us all to see.”)
1. The unique contribution fallacy—reading a post of over 10k notes and the actor thinks of something they surmise is very clever to add. The actor imagines themselves to be the first special unique soul to contribute this add, when OP has actually received this “clever” comment 5000 times of those 10,000 notes driving OP up the wall.
2. The whataboutism bias— reading a post on any given particular topic, and believing that OP should say every single thing that you could possibly say about that topic under said single post. The actor doesn’t know they have a personal agenda on the topic and expects OP would have that same bias to talk about the side of the given topic that correlates to the actor’s personal bias, instead of allowing OP to be somebody who just writes what they wanted to write. This often works in tandem with… 
3. The TLDR bias— seeing a post that is actually extremely long and thoroughly well written, often times with sources, numerous added threads of detail etc. but the actor doesn’t actually read the content of the FULL post. Then, in reblogging it or commenting on it, “adding” something that OP definitely originally said, and revealing oneself as somebody who doesn’t even read the detailed things that they re-blog or add on comments about.
3. The literal URL fallacy— not understanding the total chaos that is the Tumblr URL, in this fallacy the actor thinks that someone’s username is ALWAYS telling you exactly what the content of their blog might be. I’ll illustrate this one in like a totally random example way… Let’s say that you hypothetically made a blog that was all about calling out bigots back in the days of yore, the early twenty teens. And yet somehow, despite the fact that every other user around you seems to not be taken literally by their URLs, the actor decides that everything that you post is therefore bigotry…….even if what you’re posting is your own original content that you’re writing, calling out bigots. Too bad, so sad! Because in this fallacy, the actor is going to see you as what your URL says, literally, always.
4. The missed URL fallacy— this of course is the exact opposite of number three. It is where a blog has a very particular theme and format to it, that is the most important thing you can notice to understand the context of a post. So, again, just a random example here… But let’s just say that the intent of a blog is to always post submitted weird ass dreams people had, but the actor doesn’t realize this in their relogging and thinks that somebody is reporting a real life situation that was definitely, very specifically a wild fever dream.
5. The throw the baby out with the bathwater bias— a fan favorite among left leaning and social justice corners of the site, this bias is when the actor reads a post where somebody doesn’t use the most optimal, virtue signaling language for them personally, so the actor ignores the whole entire point of the post. It could be something as serious as and attention demanding as genocide, but somebody uses a word like “crazy” or “stupid” or “bitch” in it and so the actor’s worldview and general proclaimed values are casually tossed aside because the language that was used to deliver it was not “perfect.”
6. The choose your own reality bias—The actor reads a post and reblogs it, adding commentary that is responding to things that are definitely not said in the original post and definitely not anything in the realm of what OP was talking about. Close cousin to…
7. The this is definitely about me/self-own fallacy— this one is actually one of my favorites to spot out in the wild because it is SUCH a tell. It is like a slightly more specific version of the “choose your own reality bias” but this is when the actor reads a post and blogs it, adding commentary that is responding to things that are definitely not said in the original post as if OP is talking about them personally, and therefore revealing themselves as potentially shady or suspect in someway because why did they make it about them, if it’s not about them, you know?
8. The zombie post fallacy—in this one, the actor most likely does not have time stamps enabled on their dash because that isn’t something that happens here by default, and this site has a higher presence of zombie posts (by the way its designed and how it functions) than any other social media site I know. So when a zombie post from 2011 shambles across their dash in 2024, they react to that content as if it is completely new and relevant information or news or a situation to be dealt with in the modern era.
What needs added?
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
The crazies on twitter got upset that a character named after an actual Shinto goddess (Izanami) spelled backwards reads I'm a nazi. Clown world
Submitted by @mister-christmas
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Americans need to stop, we look bad enough on the world stage already with all the bs our politicians do and the nonsense being shoveled out in our schools, don't need to go into insulting other cultures because we don't like the way their deities are spelled when it's done phonetically in a language that is not terribly compatible with the first one.
Then again.
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It's not like these people care about anything other than virtue signaling.
Why bother with looking anything up if you can just be wrong and get angry instead?
For the record "Ashkenazi" indicates a ethnically Jewish person of European heritage, Think they're the largest group by population might be wrong tho. Sephardic is another branch in Europe, they're mostly in the Iberian Peninsula area, or were I don't know where the populations have gotten off to currently.
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dotthings · 1 month
So the creator of Supernatural is now out there saying everything I've been saying about how the show isn't just Sam and Dean, the show has been about their family too, and why it's disheartening that all those characters were absent from the finale due to covid reg cuts. Because the show isn't just the brothers it's about family.
Eric Kripke just acknowledged the wrongness of dumping found family from the series finale and you're laughing.
Every stan who said we were wrong to care about found family on spn and we were crazy to say spn isn't just about the brothers, every stan who tried to gaslight us about the fact that found family was supposed to be part of the finale, and that they belonged there because it would serve the story, every stan who tries to hide and excuse their hate with "because it's about the brothers," every stan who virtue signals about "platonic bonds uwu" but they obviously only care about the 2 brothers and no one else is important so get over it.
Every last one of them just tripped over the series creator and fell on their face. Not like they'll ever acknowledge it or care. But that's what just happened.
This anti found family narrative from certain stan accounts started before Destiel became a major thing, fyi.
I've loved this part of the series since the very beginning, and if you love found family on spn you do wind up with deeply stupid hateful people attacking you and trying to gaslight you about spn and trolling you just for paying attention to the actual show. The whole "hellers are so delusional" trope in fandom where some stans try to pin the problems on ships and shippers? Complete bs on several levels, more than you might think--because they did it to found family, all along, and still do it.
SPN is about Sam and Dean and their family. It's about love in all forms. Anyone saying otherwise missed the point of SPN.
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37q · 3 months
dense theoryposting but every time someones like "hey i cant read your senseless prose" or "this is incomprehensible can you translate for regular people" or "i dont think this kind of esoteric language is useful" i want so badly to trap them in a virtue signaling spiral with the crazy tranny defense like oh so transgender perspectives on social abstractions and their interdependent materiality is unintelligible ? you think that us trannies need to mediate and self-police our experiences with the oppressive structures of propriety and sanity ? and you chose to demonstrate that you default to a bad faith reading of the hysterical and cognitively erratic pseudo-woman whos one step away from a stint in an institution of your fantasy ? right so trans womens representation of our interiority is out of touch with reality and how we see & live in the world is so alien to you that it egoistically sunders the orderly social semiosis that you hold so dear ? ok
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“I can't get over the shoes. She literally found a 2020s version of Diana's shoes. What in the Single White Female.” Is her obsession “healthy”/ intentional or is she straight up (pardon my language) batshit crazy??
No, this isn't healthy. This isn't healthy in the least.
It's one thing if her outfit was just a white top + white pants + blazer, because that's a very stylish and on-trend look. Which is part of the problem with Diana; she was a) a very stylish lady who created and/or participated in a lot of fashion trends and b) her "era" was the first time there was wall-to-wall coverage of how any member of the royal family wore dressed so her fashion is incredibly well-documented.
And because of both those factors, it's inevitable that Kate and Meghan would eventually wear outfits similar to outfits Diana has worn - for instance:
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This happens because while fashion trends are cyclical, classic styles (white with polka dots) and classic color combinations (red and purple) endure regardless. This is what her blazer + white outfit look had the potential to be: a coincidental fashion trend.
Where Meghan and Kate get into trouble with Diana's fashion is when their outfits are exact copies of Diana's outfits, which makes it look costumey.
Kate has managed to stay out of that "costume" realm by making nods to Diana but still keeping her own sense of style/self:
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But that doesn't mean Kate has totally avoided the costume realm. She does have outfits that make you side-eye her as well, but Kate is largely able to avoid the Diana comparisons by being able to point to these similarities as being part of her Kate's personal style: coat dresses and patterned dresses, which we see her wear regularly and consistently.
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Unlike Meghan. We know this classic, traditional, British look isn't her own personal style or fashion sense because of what we normally see her in: neutrals, virtue-signalling messages, and more laid-back/casual. So when she does pull out a look eerily Diana-like, it becomes more costumey and much harder to forgive. It looks intentional. Obsessive, one might say.
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So getting back to the original point - Meghan's unhealthy obsession with mimicking Diana's wardrobe. What makes her white outfit + blazer choice unhinged is having the same (or similar) loafer-style shoes. If she had literally worn any other kind of shoe - her usual 6in stilettos or flats or sneakers - it wouldn't be an issue.
But that she (or someone close to her) decided to find that specific shoe and wear it with that specific outfit? It's intentional, borderline obsessive. And not in a healthy way. It's not a "oops, we wore the same outfit" like this:
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It's not a "haha Kate gets style inspiration from Diana" goof like this:
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It isn't a "sweet nod to Diana" like all the times Meghan has worn her jewelry either:
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It's "wow, that's a little extreme" because it's shoes. And I'm sorry but when you're copying someone's shoes from a specific outfit, that's not a coincidence.
Meghan thinks she's being clever when she does things like this. We know she likes the SEO boost she gets when she links herself to Diana. We know she likes any/all kinds of attention, good or bad. But honestly when she gets to that level of detail concerning Diana's outfits, it just makes her look certifiable. It also makes a lot of people worry about Archie and Lili and not in the way that Meghan wants us to think of her children.
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eretzyisrael · 29 days
by David Harsanyi
People love to bemoan the fate of dead Jews who were unable to defend themselves. They’re not too crazy about the living ones who do.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel entered Rafa in Gaza to clear out remnants of a modern-day Nazi organization that’s embedded itself among women and children. Joe Biden, who is giving a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance ceremony in Washington today, tried to stop them.
Holocaust remembrances can often be little more than empty virtue signaling. It takes no moral courage to condemn crimes of the past if you’re not willing to stop the crimes of today. Save your sympathy.
Indeed, perhaps the most self-destructive myth within the modern Jewish American community is that the best way to temper hate is to fund more Holocaust education. It probably causes the opposite reaction. If the Holocaust taught us anything, it’s that Jews can’t wait for others — not even the most educated people in the world — to protect them. As Jeff Jacoby notes, “Israel doesn’t exist because there was a Holocaust. There was a Holocaust because Israel didn’t exist.”
And if keffiyeh-wearing Hamas cheerleaders weren’t moved by Oct. 7 videos of Jewish women being sexually tortured and slain, they sure aren’t going to be shocked into decency by 80-year-old grainy black and white pictures of bodies piled in pits. Do we really believe the Hamas apologists on major newspaper editorial boards, in the State Department, on Ivy League campuses, and in Congress don’t know this history? Of course they do. They often appropriate this past Jewish suffering by risibly accusing Israel of Nazi war crimes.
For the left, even minor political setbacks can be likened to Nazi Germany—but don’t you dare point out that cosplay revolutionaries on campus are trying to reenact Kristallnacht. Oh, it’s not about the Jews? Where are the “peace” protesters when Syria deploys chemical warfare against civilians? Or when the Chicoms open internment camps for Uyghurs? Or when the mullahs crack down on Iranian women? On foreign policy, the social justice warrior has an exceptionally narrow focus. It is not happenstance.
Perhaps it’s because Jews are too “white.” Maybe it’s because Jews have been successful and capitalistic and thrive in meritocratic Western nations. Perhaps it’s because the alleged victims of fictitious Jewish “colonialism,” “apartheid,” and “genocide” are brown and poor and Muslims.
Or perhaps it’s because Israel is more powerful than its enemies. This, of course, is due to the Jewish state having to fight and win wars instigated by its foes. Every time Israel repels new aggression, as it has for seven decades, the would-be invaders demand everyone rewind history to a time more convenient to their cause. In this one case, Westerners always seem to oblige.
Whatever drives the hate, it speaks to the violent stupidity and immorality of contemporary identitarian beliefs.
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