#the way ava looks at her though???? like excuse me?????
die-schwanenkoenigin · 4 months
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"I got it. I got--I got Late Night."
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Just Sex
Summary: Melissa is hooking up with the chief at the firehouse, so you decide that you can have your own fun.
WC: ~2.1k
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After the failed relationship and proposal with Gary, Melissa has been going out to bars and staying out late at night. She finds herself in bed with quite a few men and women, and while she’s not thrilled that she’s back to this lifestyle, she’s impressed that she still has what it takes. Getting older did not make it any easier to attract people.
But then one night she sees the fire chief out at the bar, one thing leads to the other, and they’re in a friends with benefits sort of situationship.
Of course, all of this comes out when you’re renewing your CPR training certificate with the Abbott clan, and Barbara has made it quite clear that she’s upset Melissa didn’t tell her of this relationship before.
You had been busy trying to pass your test, but now it’s your partner’s turn to go, and you tune back into the world around you.
“But if I were gonna label it, I would say it’s just sex,” you hear Melissa tell her work wife in a low voice.
You don’t really know what she’s talking about, but you shrug it off. That is, until Janine comes back into the room and asks for the gossip. Barbara of course goes off, claiming that her friend of over fifteen years trusts her no more than a common street stranger. It becomes apparent to you that whatever hookup situation they’re talking about has been going on for a bit of time now. You feel a nasty pit settle in your stomach at that.
That pit only grows when you go out with the crew after the CPR course to celebrate the fact that you all passed. Of course, conversation leads back to Melissa and Jacob both having sexual relations with people from the firehouse.
“Well, I think I blew that one,” Jacob groans as he finishes off his aperol spritz. “But let’s talk about you, Mel Mel.”
“There ain’t nothin’ to talk about,” the redhead waves him off. “It’s just casual sex.”
“Casual sex that’s been going on for how long?” Barbara asks with a raised brow.
Melissa purses her lips as she thinks. “Couple weeks now?”
“A month,” Jacob cuts in. “C’mon, Melissa. When are you just going to admit that you like him?”
“I do not,” she states very clearly. “I just need something to take the edge off for me, and… he does that.”
“How kinky is it?” Ava asks, a smirk on her face.
Jacob opens his mouth, and Melissa very quickly shoves her hand over his mouth. “You say a word, and you’re out on the curb faster than you were out with Zach.”
The man’s eyes widen, and he nods quickly. She pulls her hand away from his mouth, and he breathes a deep sigh in relief. 
“I’m not looking for a relationship or nothing… not unless the right person comes along,” the second grade teacher says as she finishes off her beer.
Barb turns to look at her work wife with a curious face. She knows of the little crush that her best friend has on you. Melissa just nods at the kindergarten teacher’s silent question.
But you don’t take it that way, because you have no idea that Melissa has had her eye on you since before she broke it off with Gary. You see it that you have no chance with your favorite coworker at all.
Feeling as though you could burst into tears at any given moment, you quietly excuse yourself from the rest of the outing and head for your apartment.
“What was that?” Melissa furrows a brow and purses her lips as she gazes in the direction that you left.
“I’m sure it was just a long day for her is all,” Janine tries to come up with some sort of logistical reason as to why you would leave early. “I did have a meeting with her before school even started today, so she’s been up for quite some time.”
Everybody seems to accept that reasoning, and they continue on with their night.
The next day, you march yourself into Ava’s office bright and early.
“Girl, what are you doin? I’m tryna get this knot out of my back,” your principal groans as she shuts off her personal back massager.
“I need your help,” you tell her, not even bothering to acknowledge that she isn’t doing her job at all.
“With?” She leans forward just slightly in her chair.
You smile at her. “I know you know a bunch of people… set me up with someone?”
“Oh, girl,” she laughs. “What’s gotten into you? Every other time I’ve asked if you want someone, you decline!”
“Just… thinking I should get myself out there,” you shrug. “You know? If Melissa can do it, so can I.”
Ava’s jaw drops. “So this is about Melissa.”
“I knew you had the hots for her!” the principal grins. 
“What? Not! I- I just figured, if everyone else can have at it, so can I?”
“Oh, girl,” she laughs in your face. “This ain’t you at all, but I am in full support of it. Give me til the end of the day, and I’ll have someone for you.”
You end up going out with a woman that night that Ava set you with, and you do end up actually liking her… and she’s pretty damn good in bed.
The next morning, you’re practically glowing while you drink your morning coffee in the break room. Julie, the woman that you ended up in bed with last night, is texting you about maybe meeting up again later this week.
And if you weren’t still in love with the redhead that comes in a few seconds later, you would say yes. Instead, you send her a text that says, Maybe. Kinda busy the next couple weeks.
She texts you back a picture… a rather scandalous picture. And you blush when you see it.
“What’s got you all giddy today?” the redhead asks as she leans over. She sees the picture before you can close out of it, and her eyebrows creep up her head.
“Who’s that?”
You shrug. “Just someone Ava set me up with.”
“Ava?” Melissa asks in disbelief. “How long have you been seeing her?”
“Not long,” you tell her. “It’s just sex, really.”
The redhead folds her arms over her chest. “I didn’t think you were like that.”
“I’m not, but I figured I might as well give it a shot,” you say. “Now, I have to head to my room to finish up some of my grading, but I’ll see you later.”
You don’t have any intention to see her later. And you don’t. You pull back from her and her group- although most of them still find their ways to you. It’s mostly just the redheaded second grade teacher that you avoid. And it happens that way for a few more days.
You’re in the break room heating up your lunch when Ava comes in. “Girl! Are you gonna text Julie back or not?”
Melissa makes her way in, and you sigh. “It’s just sex. I’m not looking for a relationship or nothing… not unless the right person comes along,” you unintentionally repeat what the second grade teacher had said out at the bar. The microwave indicates that your food is finished, and you pull it out before heading back down to your classroom for lunch.
You miss the scowl on Melissa’s face, but Ava sure as hell doesn’t.
“Girl, you jealous or something?” the principal leans in with a smirk.
“What would I be jealous of?”
“That someone else is hitting that hot piece of ass,” Ava says like it’s obvious. The second grade teacher rolls her eyes, but Ava continues. “I see the way you look at her. Practically undressing her with your eyes every time she walks into the room.”
Melissa crosses her arms again. “I can’t believe you set her up with someone if you knew I like her.”
“I was hoping it would give you a swift kick in the ass that she was gonna start hoeing it up,” Ava shrugs. “Now admit that you’re jealous before everyone else comes in here.”
“Okay, I’m jealous,” the redhead relents. “But it don’t matter anyway. She isn’t lookin’ for anyone- she just said that.”
“She said, and I quote, ‘I’m not looking for a relationship or nothing… not unless the right person comes along. And girl, you’re that person for her!”
Everyone else starts filing in, and Ava makes it so that she looks impossibly bored, although she is actually quite the opposite. “Okay, I’m leaving this snooze fest.” She heads out, but not before giving Melissa a subtle wink and tap on the wrist. “Get it, girl.”
That day, Melissa sits thoughtfully during her lunch period about what Ava said… maybe she’s right? But she can’t be sure, so after dismissal duty, the fiery second grade teacher heads down to the front office and bursts into the principal’s office.
“Schemmenti,” Ava grins. “You do it yet?”
“I ain’t doin’ nothin’ until I’m positive Y/N has a thing for me too,” Melissa sits down across from the woman. “So tell me what you know.”
Ava spends a long time telling the redhead about the various times she’s caught you checking Melissa and only Melissa out, how you always seem to linger around her during events, how the two of you are almost always partners for things now and how you being around always makes her soft and you absolutely bask in her warmth. She even confesses that you went down to her office to ask her to set you up because of Melissa.
“You convinced yet?” the principal asks after ten minutes.
Melissa bites her lip. “Yeah. Okay.”
“I’d make a move quick though. She said something about potentially seeing Julie today.”
“Isn’t that going to piss off your friend that Y/N might leave her for me?”
“She ain’t my friend,” Ava says as she files her nails. “I made a dating profile for Y/N and picked the first mildly attractive woman I saw.”
“You’re unbelievable sometimes,” the redhead pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Maybe, but ain’t you gonna go get your girl?”
Melissa stands from her chair and thanks the principal before rushing out and down your hallway. She hopes to catch you before you head out for the night. And of course, because you’re a dedicated teacher, you’re still there prepping for tomorrow. She knocks on your doorframe and leans against it.
“Just a sec!” you reply cheerily, not turning around yet. You’re hands deep in soil for the gardening project that your students will be participating in tomorrow.
“I don’t got a second,” Melissa says. You whip around at her voice.
“Hey,” you sigh, all joy in your voice gone.
“Don’t go out with Julie tonight,” the redhead tells you.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because I want you to go out with me instead,” she tells you seriously.
“You’re dating the fire chief,” you deadpan.
“I ain’t dating nobody because the only person I want to date is you,” the redhead admits.
That gets you to drop the dirt that is currently in your hands. “What?”
“I told everyone I was just having casual sex and wasn’t looking for a relationship unless the right person came around because… because the only person I would want to be in a relationship is you, and I didn’t think I had a chance.”
“Melissa, are you an idiot?” You ask her. “I’ve shamelessly flirted with you since you broke it off with Gary and practically thrown myself at you in hopes that you would pick me instead of some random hookup.”
She crosses the room, and she’s kissing you before you even know what’s happening. You instinctively kiss her back, and… wow. When you pull away, you quickly wipe the dirt off of your hands before pulling her in close again.
“Don’t go out with Julie tonight,” she pleads again.
“Don’t go out with the fire chief anymore,” you mumble against her lips.
She nods and mutters, “I already called it off. You cancel on Julie, and meet me at my place?”
You end up at Melissa’s house within the hour, and she wines and dines you. And then you end up in her bed seeing stars. Your legs tremble for what feels like forever before she makes her way back up to you.
“And just so you know,” she husks into your ear. “There ain’t nothin’ casual about this. This ain’t just sex.”
Tags: (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22
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Kiss It Better Pt. I
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Summary: Melissa engages in a game of kickball with her students and takes a nasty tumble. With the help of her colleagues, she makes her way to you, the school nurse.
Word Count: 4.6k
CW/TW: Mentions of hospitals and injuries
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Although Melissa was a seasoned teacher, sometimes it was challenging to get into the swing of things after a nice vacation. While she was used to instructing two classes, the job still came with its fair share of tough days. The holiday break was much needed, considering it gave her time to recuperate from the first semester.
Originally, she hadn’t planned on going anywhere, and was fully content with spending two weeks at home with her feet kicked up. That was until she heard you complaining about the brutal winter weather. You weren't native to the north, and though you'd lived there for some time, you hadn't adjusted to the seasonal changes.
The more you mentioned it, the more she realized the feeling was mutual. She decided it wouldn't hurt to ring in the New Year differently, so the two of you brainstormed destinations and settled on a spur-of-the-moment trip to Florida. She had a guy who could get her discounted plane tickets and a hotel room for little to nothing. Before she knew it, she was getting sunkissed on Palm Beach. She’d be making a ton of ziti to return the favor, but the bottomless margaritas and adrenaline-filled nights at the casino were more than worth it.
It was now a week later and with her mind still on island time, she hoped for a relaxed first day back. The class was rowdy when they arrived, but that was to be expected. They were excited to be with each other after a couple of weeks away, but luckily they could themselves down without much of her guidance. So far the day was going well, and she was teaching her last morning lesson before recess.
The class was reading silently, making it the perfect time to catch up on some emails. Most of them were from parents, but she had one from Ava with the schedule of upcoming meetings for the remainder of the year. The first one was tomorrow morning meaning she had to wake up extra early.
She rolled her eyes, and the expression only intensified as she skimmed through the rest of the message. According to the principal, breakfast would be provided. However, the last time Ava promised to provide food, the “breakfast” in question was fun-sized boxes of cereal from the cafeteria. She would definitely need her extra-large Stanley Tucci mug to get through tomorrow morning.
She had one last email to read and was delighted to see your name attached to it. The message was marked as a priority, declaring the content to be urgent. It was a reminder for all teachers, asking them to collect and return the forms the students received before the break. As the school nurse, part of your job was ensuring that the kids had updated health records on file.
As for Melissa's class, just about everyone remembered to have their guardians fill out your forms, and she planned to give them to you later today. That prompted her to text you so she could see what your schedule looked like.
M: Hey, I’ll bring those forms to you during my planning period
↪ You sure? I don't mind stopping by your class later
You knew someone was bound to forget to deliver the forms, so you’d have to snag them at the end of the day.
M: I’ll bring them, hon. One less trip you’ll have to make.
Truthfully, the redhead wanted an excuse to see you, and her planning period conveniently took place when your day came to a lull.
↪ Thanks! You’re amazing!! 
Melissa’s lips curled upward at your compliment.
M: I might sit with you for a few when I come down. Is that okay?
She was considerate of your job, and no matter how much she wanted to see you during the day, she never wanted to interfere with your work.
↪ Of course that’s okay. You’re always welcome. Just let me know when you’re headed down
For the most part, your relationship was under wraps. Everyone who needed to know was informed, and everyone else was left to assume. And assume they did, because your affinity for each other was a hot topic around the school. Abbott loved to talk, but Melissa had eyes and ears all over–literally.
She’d become acquaintances with a couple members of the camera crew, and their knowledge combined with Barb’s allowed her to obtain information from virtually every square inch of the building. Just about everything that was said made its way back to the source. However, it didn’t bother either of you. If anything, it was amusing, and you found fun in keeping everyone guessing.
Engaged in her reverie, Melissa didn't notice the child standing directly beside her until the small voice spoke. “Ms. Schemmenti.”
Startled by their presence, she nearly jumped out of her seat. A hand clutched at her chest causing the young girl to laugh. “Jeez, Mya!” 
“Sorry.” She motioned toward the clock on the opposite side of the room. “Isn't it time for recess?
Melissa looked to where her student was pointing and saw it was 11:20 AM. Crap. They were supposed to be gone five minutes ago. She thanked the girl for telling her, then stood up to alert everyone else.
"Alright, my little eagles, it’s time for recess! We’re a little late because I got distracted, but you guys aren’t surprised, right?” A unison of “no” echoed around the room. “That was a rhetorical question, but thank you for the enthusiastic responses.”
She answered queries about the meaning of ‘rhetorical’, while everyone got their coats on. It was considerably cold, but not cold enough for the school to cancel outside activities. Melissa didn’t mind since this was her kid’s way of getting their energy out and she always made sure everyone had enough clothing on to protect them from the chill.
Once everyone was ready, they walked down the hall in formation. Melissa’s class was large, and while it could be hard to wrangle them all, they did a pretty good job at keeping each other in check. 
“I can’t believe we lost a whole 5 minutes,” Daniel whined from the back of the line. It was quiet, but Melissa still heard, so she slowed her steps to meet him once he strolled by.
She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, buddy. I’ll make it up to you, okay?” When he didn’t respond she spoke again. “How about this? I’ll do a class vote, and then youse can decide what I owe you.”
Even though the boy accepted her apology, he still hung his head low. Melissa squeezed his shoulder for good measure, then let him free as they approached the doors that led outside.
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“Melissa!” Janine shouted, waving the redhead over to her. “I was looking for you guys. What happened?”
“Hey, kid. I was reading emails and lost track of time.” Melissa explained as she walked over to the second grade teacher.
“I had a lot of those too! Did you see Ava sent that one email, like, three times? It was so weird,” she laughed and Melissa agreed. “I bet your kids were sad about being late, huh?”
“You shoulda seen their faces when I told them they lost some time,” Melissa shared. “I might as well have told them Santa wasn’t real.”
Janine stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, knowing the exact look Melissa was referring to. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m still getting used to the flow of things too. The first day back is always a little rocky for me.”
“I’m usually okay, but I don’t know what happened today.” Melissa shrugged, looking off into the distance (Except she knew exactly what happened, and it was you).
“Well, they seem pretty happy now that they’re out here, so that’s good,” Janine noted.
“Yeah, but I’m sure I’ll be making it up to them for the next few weeks.” Melissa sighed and Janine nodded in agreement, knowing how relentless kids could be.
“Oh, one of your students is coming over here. I spoke too soon, it looks like he has a bone to pick with you.” She nudged the woman in her side.
Melissa narrowed her eyes before turning toward the student. “Hey, Daniel. What’s up?”
“Can you please play with us?” The little boy asked politely.
She looked across the playground and saw a group of students eyeing her expectantly. She couldn’t deny that it tugged at her heartstrings to see them so eager. However, playing with them wasn’t exactly on the agenda today.
“Oh, I don’t know, hon. There isn't much time left, and I’m sure you don’t want me slowing your game down.”
“Please, we really want you to play. And you said you’d make it up to us, remember?” He reminded her. 
This wasn’t her ideal way of making it up, but when Melissa looked down at the boy’s big, hopeful eyes, she couldn’t say no. She looked toward Janine and of course, she was looking at her with just as much expectation as the kids. The next thing Melissa knew, she was involved in a lively kickball game.
“Ms. Schemmenti, Ivy’s cheating!” Tyler yelled as soon as Melissa stepped up to the makeshift base. “I caught the ball, so that means she’s out!”
“I’m not cheating! The ball slipped out of your hands, so I’m still in the game!” Ivy yelled back at him.
“Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!” He teased. “You’re out!”
Melissa knew that it wouldn’t be an elementary school game if there wasn’t a little drama, but she had to hold her laughter back as she listened to their banter. “Okay, that’s enough, guys. Now, Tyler, tell me what happened again.”
“Ivy kicked the ball and I caught it, so that means she’s out.” He explained to her.
Instead of handling the situation herself, she decided to play the mediator. “Okay, How many people saw Tyler catch the ball?” Almost everyone raised their hand, so she turned to the girl to give her a sad smile. “Sorry, hon. You gotta follow the rules.”
“No fair!” The girl crossed her arms over her chest and began to stomp away.
Before she got far, Melissa gave the child a proposition. “Hey, how about I let you run the bases for me? That way you can stay in the game.” Quite frankly, she wasn’t in the running mood, and due to the cold, her joints were stiff. She also didn’t want the child to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This way, everyone got what they wanted.
“Deal!” Her mood instantly changed, and Melissa received a wide grin and a high five.
“All right, Ivy’s gonna run for me.” She announced to the group.
“I think that’s against the rules.” Someone piped up from behind her.
“Well, I’ve got a bad knee, so I ain’t running anywhere.” The teacher emphasized her point by wagging her index finger from side to side.
“Well, Ms. Schemmenti, you did say we have to follow the rules.” Ivy recited the woman's recent words.
Melissa closed her eyes and released a sigh at the girl's remark, now regretting using that exact phrase. “Alright, Alright.” The teacher relented. As much as she wanted to disagree with the girl, she was right, and it would be unfair to go against her word. “I’ll run, but go easy on me.” 
“Okay, everyone get into position!” Tyler yelled, alerting his classmates that the game was about to start. He rolled the ball down to the teacher, and the woman gave her best kick without using her full power. They were undoubtedly faster than her, but she was certainly stronger, and everyone needed a fair shot. 
She then ran to first base and was pleased with herself at how quickly she got there. She hadn’t played a game like this in a while, so it was gratifying to see that she still could. The confidence boost allowed her to make it past the next two bases. Tyler hurled the ball in an attempt to get her out, and she dodged it.
Melissa soon realized that was a mistake once she tripped. The heel of her boot got caught on an uneven patch of grass and she failed to regain balance. Her ankle rolled inward and she collapsed with a thud. A series of gasps filled the air, and within seconds she was surrounded by concerned children. They were too scared to touch her, but that didn’t stop them from getting help.
“Teacher down! Teacher down!” A shrill voice shouted at the top of their lungs.
While Melissa was thankful for the effort, she was unhappy about the attention she now received. Embarrassment was an emotion she rarely felt, but today it was warranted. Listening to her students' frantic chatter gave her something to focus on other than the blush burning her face. 
“Okay, let’s back up! Give Ms. Schemmenti some space, please!” Janine's voice of reason rang through all the chatter.
The kids inched away, but only far enough so Janine could have access. It was clear they were protective of their teacher, as they wouldn't take their eyes away for a second in case something were to happen.
Janine held her hand over her mouth as she kneeled in front of the woman. “Oh my God, Melissa! What happened? Are you okay? Can you get up?”
Once the crowd dissipated some, the woman felt she could move freely. She sat up, dusted her hands off, then brushed the debris from her clothes.
“M’fine,” she muttered in response to Janine’s frantic questioning.
“Are you sure? You fell pretty hard.” Janine noted her flushed cheeks and she could only imagine how she felt. Being that she’d embarrassed herself countless times, she had an idea, though she’d never been in this exact situation.
Melissa smoothed her hair back into place, ignoring the sympathetic look on the younger woman’s face. The expression made her want to crawl into a hole and never return. “Thank you for that riveting statement.” 
She reached out for Janine’s hand, a silent invitation for her assistance, and felt herself being tugged into an upright position. She hadn't felt it at first, but once she planted her right foot on the ground, a searing pain shot through it. Reflexively, her arm slung across the shorter woman’s shoulder to keep herself steady. She hissed, then hung her head low in an attempt to conceal the pain on her face. 
“What’s wrong?” Anxiety laced the junior teacher’s voice, but Melissa just ignored her, unable to simultaneously be in pain and answer questions. She took another step, thinking she could walk it off, but she was sorely mistaken. A groan slipped from her mouth and the sound shocked her as much as it did Janine. 
The latter's steps halted, almost causing the injured woman to topple over. “Okay, you’re obviously hurt. I think you should go see Y/N.”
At the mention of your name, the redhead straightened her posture. There was no way in hell she would go to your office and interrupt your day for something minor like this. She wasn't bleeding or dying, so she wouldn't have you fussing over her when you had students to care for. “I'll be okay. I just need to make it to my classroom.”
Janine bit the inside of her cheek, a telltale sign that her worry was increasing. “I don’t know, Melissa. I think you should let them take a look at it.” 
She tried to stand on her own to prove a point, but she simply couldn’t do it. The pain only grew with her efforts, and tears began to prick at her eyes. “Just let me sit down for a bit, okay? I’ll go see Y/N after lunch if it still hurts.”
Janine settled for the compromise and recruited a teacher to watch their kids while she got Melissa inside. It was a challenging effort, but miraculously, they made it back safely. They received a few strange looks from other staff members, but Janine warded their concerns away with a smile. Once they arrived, she helped Melissa get settled at her desk.
“Don’t worry about your class, I’ll bring them back,” Janine assured her. “Do you need anything while I’m here? I could get Barbara if she’s–”
Melissa immediately shook her head. The very last thing she needed was for Barb to find out. “That's okay.” 
Janine gave a wary look in return, as she wasn’t expecting her coworker to deny that offer. “Are you sure?”
She huffed, sick of the questions, and took a beat before answering. “Just bring my kids back, please. That’s all I need right now.”
She wasn’t in any position to argue with that, so she accepted the task. “Okay, I’ll have them back in no time.”
“Thanks, pipsqueak,” Melissa said, causing the woman to take on a disgruntled look. Though she wasn't happy about the circumstances, she switched her tone to show her true appreciation. “Really, Janine, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” She smiled, happy that she could complete a good deed for the day.
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Moments later, Melissa was reunited with her rambunctious class. They came pouring in, not even bothering to take their coats off as they filled the empty space around her desk. Despite the considerable change in climate, they were too invested in her situation to care. 
“We heard you fell.”
“Are the second graders in trouble?”
“Did you break your leg?!”
“Are you going to the hospital?”
“Who’s gonna take us to lunch?”
She broke her silence to address the last comment. “Really, Elijah? That’s what’s on your mind?” 
“I’m sorry, Ms. S, but I’m starving.” He rubbed his belly in broad strokes.
“Don’t worry, you’re gonna get to lunch on time.” While that was great news, it only answered one of their burning questions. They continued to stare her down and she caved at the sincerity. “I know I probably scared some of you, but I’m okay. My leg is not broken, and no, I will not be going to the hospital. Most importantly, no one is in trouble, capisce?”
When she received answers of understanding, she moved on to the next order of business. “Now, let me see who’s gonna walk youse to lunch.”
“Ms. Teagues can take us, or Mrs. Howard!” A student announced excitedly, waving in the direction of the door where both teachers were standing. However, Melissa was so focused on consoling her class and making sure they got fed, that she didn’t notice their presence.
She tried to roll toward the class phone, but it was on the opposite side of the desk. The feat was too large, so she grabbed her cell instead. She scrolled to Janine’s contact, internally swearing that this would be the last favor she asked of her. “Mrs. Howard might be busy, hon, so I think Ms. Teagues is our best bet.”
Elijah grabbed the woman’s attention again. “No, she's not. Mrs. Howard is right there.” He nodded toward the outskirts of the crowd. 
Barbara’s deep eyes shone with concern as they met Melissa’s, but the redhead could only scrunch her face in confusion. What the hell? she thought, but it all made sense once she saw Janine sporting a guilt-ridden expression.
Her lips thinned into a smile as she tried to keep her composure. “Ms. Teagues, do you mind taking them to lunch? I’d appreciate it so much.”
Janine knew what that look meant, so she was quick to speak. “Not at all! Come on guys, grab your lunches if you brought one today.” Once everyone was ready, they made a swift exit because she didn't want to face Melissa’s wrath.
As the last footsteps trickled out, quiet fell over the teachers. Barbara’s eyes never left her best friend, inspecting her from head to toe, watching as Melissa twiddled her thumbs. It irked Barb that she wasn’t paying the slightest attention and she would not tolerate being blatantly ignored. “Melissa Schemmenti! Are you going to tell me what's going on?”
Melissa proceeded to avoid eye contact. She picked up a pen along with a stack of papers as if she were about to grade them. Her petulance sent Barb over the edge. If she didn’t want to tell her, that was fine, but she was tired of this little game.
“You know, I was trying to give you a chance to tell me yourself, but it seems you would rather act like a child.” The woman smirked, knowing her next words would get a reaction. “Janine already told me what happened.”
“I told her to keep her mouth shut!” Melissa curled her hands into fists and banged them against the wood. “I’m gonna kill that girl!”
“Not with one working ankle, you won’t,” Barbara quipped.
“I'll find someone to do it for me.” She shot back, not in the mood for jokes.
Barbara just rolled her eyes, disregarding her friend's dramatic nature. “So what’s your plan? Are you going to roll around in this chair all day?”
“Just leave it alone, will you?” Melissa was getting tired of the third degree from everyone. If she wanted to sit in her room all day, why did it matter to them? It was her injury, not theirs.
“I will not leave it alone! Not until you go see Y/N.”
She looked the older woman directly in her eyes for the first time today. “I’m not goin’, Barb.”
“You will, or I’ll tell them to come to you. Better yet, I'll drag you to an urgent care.” Barbara crossed her arms and gave Melissa a daring look.
“Oh, now you’re out of your mind,” Melissa scoffed. Even though they were in her classroom, if she could get up and walk away, she’d leave Barb right there with her delusions.
The woman gasped audibly at the insinuation that she was crazy. “Trust me, you haven’t seen me out of my mind.”
“You sure? 'Cause that sounds pretty insane to me.” She twisted her pen in a circle near her head, showcasing how absurd the idea sounded.
“No, Melissa, what's insane is you sitting here with an injury, making no attempts to seek medical attention, when there's a perfectly capable nurse in the building!” Her hands moved fervently as she spoke, the pearls around her neck rattling from the action. “Since you won't go on your own, I’ll get someone to take you.” With that, she marched out of the room, having had enough of her obstinacy.
“Barb, don’t you dare!” She yelled, but there was no use as the woman was halfway down the hall due to the speed she was walking.
She groaned in frustration, not faring well with having one working foot. The dull ache was a constant reminder of what occurred, and though she knew it was in her best interest to see you, she wasn't in enough pain to seek your help. But leave it to her colleagues to put their noses into her business.
She reached for her purse and rifled through it before pulling out a compact mirror. If she was going to be seen in this state, she wanted to make sure she looked presentable. As she met her reflection, she frowned. Her hair was out of place, her eyelashes were wonky, and there were a few spots where her makeup had smudged. She fixed what she could, applying lip gloss to finish her look. As she ran a brush through her strands, footsteps approached her room.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” She threw her head back as Gregory came through her door. “Why are you here?”
Gregory almost looked as confused as her, and as he prepared to speak, Barb cut him off.
“To escort you to Y/N's office.” She smiled kindly, directing her pearly whites in Gregory's direction.
Melissa side-eyed the man, adding a mean mug to show her dismay. “But Barb, I don't need—”
“Ah, ah, no buts." She held a hand up to silence her. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go teach, but I expect you to have your injuries mended when you return.” She didn't walk away until she received final confirmation from Gregory.
“Oh, yeah, I'll make sure of it,” he promised. Though he was content with minding his business, he'd only agreed to this because Barb wouldn't take no for an answer.
Melissa sighed as the man moved to stand behind her, in preparation to wheel her out. She turned around so he could understand the grave meaning behind her words. “Just take me there. Don't ask any questions and don't tell anyone what you saw.”
“Oh, I already know how you roll.” After receiving another dirty look from the redhead, he noticed his poor choice of words. He tucked his lips into his mouth, then bowed his head before saying, “I'm sorry.”
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You didn’t expect the first day back to be so crazy, but it had been jam-packed with injuries. Nose bleeds, headaches, fevers, stomach aches, you name it. You didn’t mind though because it made the day go faster. You had one more student to tend to before your break, so you decided to clean your office before their arrival. You disinfected the cots and countertops, as well as your little waiting area, and then you took inventory of your supplies and stocked up on whatever you’d need for the last half of the day.
“Hey, nurse Y/N!” Melissa’s student, Daniel, waved excitedly as he entered your office. He gave you a quick hug before retreating to his original spot.
“Hey, buddy! How was your break?” You loved hearing about what the kids did during their time off. He told you about the trip he took to visit family in New York, and how he got to spend the holidays with his grandmother who he hadn’t seen since he was a baby. He also mentioned all the good food he ate and the presents he received. “That’s awesome! It sounds like you had a great time.”
“Yeah, it was pretty great. What did you do?” The curious boy asked.
“I went to Florida,” you said casually, hoping to get a reaction out of him. When he gasped in shock, you flashed a grin in his direction.
“No way! That’s so much cooler than New York.” Daniel was infatuated with Florida, on the account of Disney World, and he made it known that he would save every penny ever given to him in hopes of being able to afford a ticket to the attraction.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t go see Mickey Mouse without you.” You knew the question was on the tip of his tongue. “But it was a pretty cool trip.”
“Ms. Schemmenti went to Florida too!” He informed you, still looking at you with stars in his eyes. 
You smiled as he told you the bits and pieces that Melissa shared with his class, minus the details of her gambling adventures. However, you weren’t sure she left out 100% of the details, because Daniel recalled her saying that she would incorporate some new card games into their math lessons to “teach them some new strategies”. Leave it to Melissa to teach her students how to outsmart each other.
“It sounds like she had a lot of fun!” You exclaimed, taking in the events as if you weren’t there to experience them firsthand. Her students were ridiculously smart, so you were ready for him to catch on to the similarities in your story, but he didn’t. 
You busied yourself with preparing his medication so he could make his way to the cafeteria. Daniel had cystic fibrosis, so he took pancreatic enzymes to aid his absorption of nutrients. He took them before every meal and snack, so he was a frequent flyer in your office. “Alright, dude, I got your pills ready. You just need to get some water.” He gladly accepted the paper cup from your hand and walked toward the water fountain. 
You looked around the room as he took his meds, and the absence of another child caught your attention. Normally, Melissa utilized the buddy system to ensure that her students made it to their destination safely. “Did you walk here by yourself?” 
“No, Ms. Teagues walked us to lunch today.”
You scrunched your eyebrows in pure confusion. “Why was Ms. Teagues taking you to lunch?”
“Ms. Schemmenti hurt herself so she couldn't take us,” he explained.
Hearing Melissa’s name in the same breath as the word ‘hurt’ made your heart rate pick up, but you kept a poker face. “Really? How’d that happen?”
A guilty expression crossed his face, and he released a deep breath before speaking. “Well, we were playing kickball during recess and she fell. It was kind of scary, but then she got up and everything was okay. At least I think she’s okay.”
“What makes you say that?” You tried to get as much information as you could before the bell rang, signaling that it was time for the younger kids’ lunch. 
“She told us she wasn’t in pain, but I don’t think that’s true.”
You hadn’t assessed the woman yet, but you agreed with his statement because you knew how Melissa was. She worked hard to keep up her tough persona, but even the students could see past it sometimes. “You guys really roughed her up out there, huh?”
The boy shrugged sheepishly. “We didn’t mean for her to get hurt. She’s one of our favorite teachers, and we just wanted to have some fun.”
You could see he truly felt bad, so you attempted to cheer him up. “It was very nice of you guys to include her. I’m sure she appreciated that.” You smiled. “Don’t feel too bad, okay?”
He nodded, and with that, the bell rang. You walked him to the exit and sent him on his way, but now without a hug goodbye. “Have a good lunch. I’ll see you later for a snack.” 
Once he made it down the hallway, you focused on the sight directly to your left: Melissa sitting in her desk chair with Gregory at her side, standing against the wall, as if he were her bodyguard (though that would be a pointless duty because everyone knew Melissa didn’t need a guard).
You motioned them into your office so they'd be out of the crossfire of hungry kids. The pair looked at you with blank faces, and you stared at them with your hands on your hips. “Well, what do we have here?”
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A/N: Hey, how are ya? It’s been a while and I’ve missed writing immensely. I'm a little nervous about posting again, but I hope this was worth the wait. Let me know what you think, and thank you for reading! P.S. Special thanks to everyone who voted on the poll <3
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cosmichahn · 5 months
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader —☆
about: they always said what happens at PECSA, stays at PECSA...but not this one.
warning/s: mild cursing
word count: 2.6k
note/s: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, whoops! but anw, hope you guys enjoy it :)
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“Philadelphia 76ers tickets?” You whisper-ask whilst looking at Ava who had just announced it to everyone. “Yeah, I’ll pass.”
It’s teacher appreciation week, and to be fair, you just want to see the band club perform for tomorrow’s assembly. It’s a little piece that you helped them prepare for all of the teachers to watch. This one was kept as a little secret from Janine; no offense to her, but you thought she might twist the crooks and nooks a little with the performance if she found out.
“We have a strong contender, everyone.” Ava grins with malice after what you said which left everyone confused.
“Why are you passing on this opportunity?” Janine gasped, sounding as though she had just got offended.
“If it were a concert from an artist I liked, I wouldn’t pass.” You shrug. “It isn’t, and I might just get confused with everything.”
“I know who to give the two tickets now to, oh, yes.” The principal says which then catches everyone’s attention away from you.
Gregory then asks suspiciously. “What do you mean, two?”
“We only have two tickets and I was gonna give them two to only one teacher.” Ava explained, hearing groans from everyone while you decided to silently excuse yourself and head to your classroom which is on the second floor.
Some of the morning classes have passed, and thus, the first break of the day before lunch. Set in the teachers’ lounge, chaos was something not to be avoided, until Ava asked for everyone to go to the library for an emergency meeting, as well as ask for a Sprite.
As you were about to go on by yourself, Ava proceeded to send you a message that asked for said Sprite. With a silent groan, but a small feel of relief, you just went ahead quickly. Thankfully, the fast food place with Sprite was near the school anyway.
At first, you were a bit lazy to drive off, but on second thought, the meeting was gonna be about the tickets anyway; so it didn’t really bother you as much. You wouldn’t want to spend half an hour listening to others bickering about tickets, although it would be a funny sight to see them arguing and bantering over who gets the tickets, likewise what Ava would feel if she saw that scene herself.
You were then soon on your way to the library after about 15 minutes of driving there and back where you got yourself something while also including Ava’s Sprite. And as you entered the library, “Sorry for being late, Ava. Here’s your Spri-”
“Here is our winner, the owner of the two tickets!” She announced proudly, presenting you similarly to some kind of prize.
Your eyes widened, and your eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, Ava, no! You know what happened the last time you gave something similar to someone who didn’t want it.” Everyone’s stare then transferred to Daryl and his eyelashes. “And why me? Why not Mr. Johnson?”
“Yeah, she’s damn right. I deserve it!” Mr. Johnson preaches from behind with a broom in his hand, like a staff from some Dungeons & Dragons game.
“Because you don’t have anyone to go with and I can be the perfect match to accompany you to this game.” Ava says with a huge smile plastered on her face. “Unless you’re gonna bring your secret girlfriend to the game. Betrayal.” She then looks at Melissa who catches up on what she just said.
“Oh, she’s not- '' You try to explain, placing the fast food bag on one of the tables. “No, no, Ava, you got it wrong.” You add, chuckling nervously.
“Yeah, that’s not what my ears found out when I heard all the flirting in each other’s classrooms, huh?” Ava teased.
“I think this is a little more interesting than basketball right now.” Janine whispers to Jacob and Gregory with a little laugh that escapes her mouth.
“Didn’t we bet on this?” Jacob replies.
With Gregory saying, “Yes, you guys did.”
It started around when the school year started and you and Melissa began to grow closer to each other after a debacle about different cuisines. She mostly stuck with Italian, and you, on the other hand, explored different dishes from different cultures. It was a mutual love for food; that could perhaps have also turned into a mutual liking and interest for each other.
“It’s just a little flirting, Ava.” Melissa shrugs her shoulders, with you agreeing.
“A little friendly banter.” You add.
“PECSA Weekend.” Jacob says and coughs in between words that earned various curious looks from the other teachers and Janine’s eyes widening with her mouth trying to cover a stifled laugh.
You feel a little awkward while mouthing, ‘What the fuck?’ You shake your head at Jacob, with eyebrows furrowed.
‘For the sake of the tickets.’ He mouths back, giving you an apologetic and yet competitive smile.
After nodding your head at him with a ‘What the living Christ, dude?’ expression, you announce that you will be withdrawing from this ridiculous somewhat of a scam that the district offered to the teachers.
“Yeah, let me just slide out of this room. Settle this yourselves.” You purse your lip, before waving goodbye.
Jacob’s gaze transfers to Melissa’s who looks at him with threat as he gulps in an invisible lump in his throat, making his palms extra sweatier than usual.
Meanwhile, just as everyone left the library, Janine and Jacob huddled while walking to their classrooms; with Gregory following them from behind. “I knew it. Something did happen at PECSA.” Jacob says, looking behind him to see if Melissa was behind them or so. “You could say that I am a good guesser.”
“As intriguing as this is, we should just let them be.” Gregory interrupts, before getting laughter as a reply.
“And pass this opportunity for destined love to not intertwine?” Janine raises an eyebrow with a cheeky smile. “Not gonna happen.”
“I’m just thinking of those Basketball tickets.” He says in defense as the two agree.
While that conversation continued on to be about Philadelphia 76ers and board game night, Melissa and Barbara were having a little talk while also heading to their respective classrooms.
“Now how did Jacob know about it?” Melissa wondered with suspicion. She’s fine with people finding out, sure, but she’s thinking of your friendship with her and how some people can be a little extra nosy, which she isn’t a fan of.
“Well, you know Jacob and Janine. Almost always up for schemes and so on.” Barbara says before waving goodbye as she then arrives at her classroom.
Melissa thinks to herself quietly while beginning her class. She enjoyed each and every second with you that night. Intoxicated by alcohol or not, she likes listening to every word you say because it just keeps her ears up. She’s known you for only about a couple of months given that you were only a new teacher at Abbott.
You’ve melted her under your grasp, and though she may be older, you never once made her feel as though she is. You make her feel young and more alive, while at the same time keeping her on her toes. She likes that you reciprocate to her talking about firefighters and different Italian dishes, as well as her family. Melissa isn’t one to trust people too quickly, but she slowly found herself warming up to you.
This has been a constant thought in her head, as well as it’s yours. Just a constant loop. A game of tag. The type of unrequited love that’s obviously mutual love that everyone can see, but manages to not be for both you and Melissa.
After that small inconvenience, or say, exposing secrets in the library, you’re now behind your desk with your laptop in front of you while your class is writing an essay.
The laptop is opened just so you can occupy yourself with something. Just some numbers you’re crunching and a few tests that you’re checking up that you’ll return to your students soon.
Your thoughts then wander to that said PECSA weekend. Alcohol was involved, a bunch of Math-a-ritas later and you’re caught up making out with the hot redhead teacher who just so happens to be Melissa. No feelings were confessed that night, but surely those actions meant something. Hopefully. As you would think.
It remained in your head how it felt the way her hands lingered all over your body, the small groans, her lips against yours. It wasn’t a hookup or a one night stand that happened, as all of it was simply just kissing the whole night until who knows what time it was.
You brought it upon yourself to get drunk with Melissa and invite her to your room; it didn’t take her a second to say yes to you before feeling your back against the cold door with her hand trickling over to the door knob to lock it. She kissed you well, and touched you in places she left cold when she sneaked out the following morning.
‘Didn’t want suspicions to linger. Sorry.’  That was the message she sent when you woke up with your clothes disarray and your lipstick smudges, with her trailing on your neck.
That was about a month ago. Surely, some things changed over the course of a month. Exchanging text messages over those couple of weeks changed, you weren’t that close to each other anymore, and the constant ‘What are we?’ lingered in your mind for more than you want it to.
That night changed what you and Melissa had. For the worse or for the better? You didn’t know.
You sigh in your chair, waiting for the bell to ring as this calls for your next lesson, Music. This one is with Janine’s class.
“Deep in thought, Miss?” Amanda asks. She’s one of the students sitting near your desk. Not with worried intent, but with curiosity.
“Go back to your essay, kid.” You look at her as if denying something in mind.
“Ok, Mrs. Schemmenti.” She blurts out before everyone in the room echoed with ‘Oooh.’s Amanda laughs at your embarrassed demeanor before she apologizes that that might have ended up being a little too personal.
As it turns out word got out about Jacob mentioning PECSA weekend, and not only that, but it was heard by one of the students from Jacob and Gregory’s podcast club, This Abbott Life.
Music class went by like a quick second as it was just a little jamming session with the second graders from Janine’s class.
It’s the end of morning class which means that lunch is on its arrival. Lunch which meant that you have to face Melissa after what seemed like only a small incident that happened a while ago. And so upon pondering over what to do or where to go just to avoid an upcoming awkward situation, you exit the music room after dismissing the class and decide to go to your own classroom upstairs to eat lunch.
Walking from down the stairs was Jacob who saw you then gulped from nervousness with the awareness of what he did, but surprisingly, you didn’t notice it. Although behind you exiting a classroom was someone Jacob was a little more terrified of. Melissa. She then catches his eyes, making him rush towards the teachers’ lounge.
As you sit quietly in your classroom, on your desk is the lunch you brought and a book you’ve been reading lately. A couple moments pass and you’re indulged in the story you’re reading. It’s a nice book you’ve been wanting to read in a while, something Melissa recommended to you some time ago. You do miss the closeness you two had before PECSA.
Well, most people say that what happens in PECSA stays in PECSA, but in your case, it probably isn’t.
“I see you’re finally reading it.” Her familiar voice dances in between the words printed in the book, which catches your attention. She greets you with a smile.
“Oh! Hello, Melissa.” You greet with half a smile, inserting the bookmark into the book and carefully closing it so as for it not to crease, before welcoming her to come inside.
“How’s it so far?” Melissa leans on one of the windowsills. She seemed really intrigued as to what your thoughts were, but that wasn’t exactly the reason why she came up here to you.
“It’s so far so good.” You fidget with the printed cover of it. “It’s a very intriguing book with well written characters.”
Melissa grabs one of the chairs and places it beside you, ready to listen to your thoughts on the book, but instead, she was met by the silence of obvious thoughts that lingered through your mind.
“Are you alright, hon?” She worries.
You feel as though this is the perfect opportunity to talk about it after acting as though you were cool about it, about everything that happened. That nothing worried and haunted you.
“We should talk about, you know.” You say it as straightforward. “While we have time for lunch.”
“What about it?” She asks, her voice as gentle as the way she held you that night.
Your fingers begin to fiddle with each other out of habit. “Were there some feelings involved?” You went in straight to the flame. “Did you kiss me because I wanted to kiss you, or did you kiss me because you wanted to kiss me?”
“What do you think happened that night?” A question with curiosity that overflowed.
“Well, we got drunk, went to my room, started making out, then the next morning, you left.” Instead of receiving a proper response, you instead get a chuckle out of her. “What’s funny?”
In between soft chuckling, she says, “You’re missing a few details, sweetheart.”
“Is that so?” You ask anxiously before feeling her hand take yours, circling her thumb on your palm.
“You know, when we got on your bed you suddenly ran away.” She recalls. “You ran away to the bathroom and all I heard was vomit and gagging.”
You felt shivers behind your back, feeling embarrassed over something so blurry in your mind and barely there.
“After that, you just kept on crying.” Her gaze softens as she catches your eyes. “You were scared that me hearing you vomiting over the toilet made you lose your chances with me and so you didn’t want to kiss me again.” She purses and licks her lips. “You said stuff about how you feel as though I deserve someone better.”
“I would have helped you clean up, but you refused and just left me hanging there for a good half an hour.” Melissa placed her glasses on top of her head. “We ended up just hugging each other the whole night. I was gonna say something but you fell asleep.”
“You can say it to me now.”  You smile a little.
With hesitance, Melissa starts talking. “Look, I wanted to tell you the next day, but you know, I’m not the best at opening up.” Your hand creeps up onto the side of her neck as she takes this and places it on her cheek. “I have feelings for you too. I like you, and there isn’t a day where your chances of having me lessen.”
A smile of relief grows on your face, laughing out of embarrassment with Melissa soon following your laughter. “God, we are so naive.” You say, rolling your eyes playfully out of the ridiculousness of the situation.
You pull your chair closer to hers, getting a little closer to her. Your eyes trail to her lips and she notices this, letting go of your hand and holding your face to meet her lips with yours. The kiss felt more passionate, with the taste of morning coffee surprisingly still within her lips.
“We shouldn’t be doing this on school grounds.” You whisper in between kisses that Melissa continued to give you.
And so midway she stops. “Are you telling me that I should bring you home?” She looks at you with intent and need.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
Carmy as Your Baby Daddy | Social Media AU & Headcanon Series | part one
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masterlist | part two now that i've finished my top gun: maverick series, it's me i'm back and gearing up for season two. after a bout of food poisoning, i finally cracked and am writing this pregnancy headcanon that i said i wouldn't bc my ovaries would explode (looking at you @allthefandomstogether). anyways, a huge thank you to @carmensberzattos who pinged many an ideas back and forth about carmy as your baby daddy and screamed into the abyss about this on a friday night. i'm writing this with my main character from the make your heart surrender-verse, but can absolutely read as a standalone piece. posting now because i'm so damn excited but i may go back and add some more things later.
oh and this a headcanon series now so. that part.
carmy as your baby daddy:
sometime after the wedding, you and carmy decide that you're ready to start a family. you're not trying but you're not not trying, meaning you've gone off of birth control but you're not carefully monitoring your ovulation cycle either. you both figure that it'll happen when it happens and if it doesn't, there are many other ways to make a family.
carmy never really thought about having kids until the two of you got together. after adopting your kitty together, carmy got to see a your more nurturing side and taking care of something together as a team made him think about how much he wants a family with you. after sugar has her baby it really ups the ante. seeing carmy become an uncle is what starts the conversation about seriously starting a family, and every time carmy sees you holding the baby, it's 'when our kids this, and when our kids that' for days after.
you swear it's food poisoning. after a somewhat questionable late night meal, you spend half the night vomiting while carmy works a later night at the restaurant. you text him to bring ginger ale and tums home. of course he comes through because are you kidding this man is a caretaker?!
you insist that you're fine and much better, even though you're absolutely exhausted. things are so busy at work for you (and have i mentioned the pregnancy fatigue) that you don't think much of it when a few nights later, you find yourself kneeling on the bathroom floor once again.
there are always little kids running around at the extended family gatherings and which led to your realization (when you first met everyone) that carmy is surprisingly good with kids.
it's not till a week or two later (after your little bout of 'food poisoning') that you're at cicero's place for a family birthday party that it hits you. one of carmy's cousins (not richie kind of cousin teehee) has just had a new baby with his wife. you've been catching up with ava, richie's daughter because you've become an auntie of sorts to her. you find some time to steal away for a some girl-time but when you return, carmy is holding his new niece/nephew in his arms.
the sight of him holding the baby not only takes your goddamn breath away as he stares long and hard your way, his blue eyes piercing right through your heart, but it's then that you realize that you're a few weeks late. it's like time stops as you look at him, seeing him coo at the baby with the softest look on his face. the realization hits you, clear as day.
"holy shit." is all you say, earning a few funny looks from the berzatto extended family and friends. "carm, can i borrow you for a second?" you and carmy find a quiet place to talk inside. "you okay, babe?" "carmy i think i'm-. what if i-. i'm late." "what do you-? like.. late late?" "now that i think about it, a few weeks late, honey." "yeah?" he asks you, totally in shock and eyes wide. "yeah."
the two of you make an excuse to leave the party as soon as possible, and hurry to the nearest drugstore to pick up a pregnancy test. you wait till you're home to take it. "do you want me to come in, sweetheart?" "no, carmy! i don't want you to watch me pee, you weirdo!" you answer, even though you know he's just excited.
the two of you are pacing back and forth, practically making dents in the floor with your footsteps for what feels like the longest two minutes of your lives. when your timer goes off, you're both simultaneously freaking out about the fact that you're lives are about to change forever, while also really, really hoping for a positive result. and as the fates would have it, the test is positive.
"holy shit. holy fucking shit. we're- you're-, we're gonna-!" carmy is ecstatic as searches for words. "we're having a baby, baby!" you squeal jumping into his arms." "god, i love you so much," he says, grinning at you as wrap your legs around his waist. "i love you too, carm. so, so much."
you literally get the biggest kick out of calling him your baby daddy: to friends and family, coworkers, random strangers, in restaurants, at the gas station. you'll take photos of him at the farmers market and post on your ig story referring to him as your baby daddy because you find it hilarious. carmy doesn't find it as funny (even though he secretly loves it) and he's cherry-tomato red when you tell the checkout clerk at the bodega across the street from your place that your baby daddy is going to pick up the tab.
everyone at the restaurant is so excited for you! even richie cries a little when you tell him the news. you hadn't really gotten close to richie until ava grew super attached to you, which opened up a whole new avenue and understanding for your friendship with richie.
ever since you found out you were pregnant, carmy always has bread and ginger ale on hand for your morning sickness. he started making you your favorite soft scrambled eggs with toast, but the chives have been way too strong of a flavor for a sensitive tummy. it's slowly become eggs & toast and then just... toast, which you promptly apologize for stripping away any kind of artistic freedom he may have previously had.
you get near compulsive cravings for certain foods, and carmy is always ready to throw on a jacket and run across the street when you get midnight cravings.
carmy hates seeing how tumultuous pregnancy has been during your first trimester. he's always ready with a hair tie or a glass of water for when you're done throwing up. okay hear me out: but carmy starting to wear hair ties because he wants to always have one ready for you. he'll even take off a morning with you or call your workplace if you need a sick day just so that he can take care of you. even if you don't need care, he just wants to spend time with you and be there for you while you go through it.
we already know that carmy is an acts of service king. he is the tenderest, most gentle partner and wants to be as helpful as possible. if you're sick, he wants to make you feel better. if the pregnancy hormones are raging against the machine, he's more than happy to let you be upset, or get you off by any means if the hormones go that way too. he'll sit on the bathroom floor with you and rub your back until you need to vomit again. he'll give you the best morning head of your life. he'll run a bath for you when you need one. he checks in every hour on the hour in your first trimester, which you appreciate, but eventually have to ask him to chill the fuck out.
speaking of physical changes, the pregnancy boobs are ELITE. carmy is always there to make you feel beautiful despite your rapidly changing body, esp when your clothes start fitting differently.
the first time your bump starts showing and you point it out to him, carmy cries. or maybe he notices it first and he's just like... weeping and you're like: babe r u ok? and then you realize that you're showing and carmy is kneeling and admiring your baby bump and now you're crying. sorry, but i don't make the rules it's just a fact that this is how it would go down.
carmy is so emotional about this because he realizes that he finally gets to build the family he didn't have and he gets to build it with you.
well this just hijacked my writing plans oops. part two will be more 'you & carmy pregnancy things' and part three will be birth & post-birth.
tagging my carmy taglist in the comments below!
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kendrene · 2 years
"Can you ask me if it hurt when I fell from heaven?"
When Ava says it, half-leant out of her seat and tilted toward Beatrice, what she’s aiming for is smooth. What actually happens is that her elbow, precariously planted on the table in front of them, skids across a patch of unidentifiable liquid (it’s probably beer) and she tumbles straight out of the chair. Right at Beatrice’s feet.
“Uhm.” How is it possible for Beatrice to be this pretty from any and all angles? Is it a skill? Does it come naturally? Ava doesn’t know, but it shouldn’t be allowed. It shouldn’t even be legal. “Did it hurt now?”
“Oh my fucking God, do not encourage her.” A strong set of hands slides under her armpits and Ava is hoisted back onto her seat. “Worst. Pick. Up. Line. Ever.” Mary jabs a finger into her sternum as punctuation for each word. “Like, seriously. Do better.”
“Excuse me, that was a very good pick up line. The best pick up line that ever was.”
“Only if you want your audience’s ears to bleed.”
“Well, clearly, you’re not the target audience, are you?” Ava reaches for the bottle she’d been drinking from, but it’s already empty. She could up her game if Mary gave her pointers. She’s seen old videos of her with Shannon — how easily Mary could make her laugh. Their chemistry was off the fucking charts.
As for her and Beatrice — Ava has no clue where they stand. Sometimes it feels that they’re a spark away from deflagration in the best possible way, but then she’ll say or do something stupid and end up like a character in one of those old cartoons she and Diego were sometimes allowed to watch on VHS on Sunday mornings; lab coat burned to kingdom come and eyebrows singed right off.
“Did you say pick up line?” Beatrice interjects, and there’s an odd lilt to the words, as if something far too big to be contained got stuck inside her throat.
“Christ.” Mary rolls her eyes. “I can’t do this sober.”
“Do? Do what?”
“This— whatever you two have going on, that you’ve not been talking about.” Mary waves a hand in the empty space between them, but her eyes are scanning the bottles strewn all over the table for more booze. There’s probably some rule against drinking in a convent, and Ava is pretty certain Mother Superion would enforce it if she knew how the six of them have been spending their evening, but Mother Superion has been called away to help elect another Pope (do they ever run out of those?), and Camila — the only person with a lick of sense left in the group — forgot to bring any.
“What—” No mistake, this time. Beatrice is trying and failing to swallow. “What do you think we have going on?”
“Don’t ask me — ah!” Mary holds up an unopened bottle of vodka, triumphant. “Ask her.”
“Oh.” Lilith crows from the shadows. “This is going to be good.”
“This is going to be private.” A small riot breaks out at the announcement, but Mary rounds the others up with quick efficiency and herds them for the door. “Come on all of you. No, Camila, you can’t stay and watch. I don’t care about posterity.” Camila argues back something. “Ava can write her own damn warrior nun journal. Yasmine, quit staring or I’ll—”
The rest of the threat is lost down the hallway and it doesn’t take long for their steps to recede.
Everything is quiet. The late evening fills with unspoken undercurrents. There’s a thickness to the air that is not due to the lingering heat of summer. It presses down on them with the beloved weight of a favorite blanket wrapped around the body a bit too tight.
All of a sudden, Ava is stone cold sober. She really really really wishes Mary had left the bottle behind.
Sounds are supposed to break a prolonged silence, but Bea’s voice, small against the vastness of the night, only enhances it. When Ava dares look, Bea is leaning forward, her cheeks suffused a lovely red as though she’s just sat down after a run. Only one of the overhead lights is still on, and they exist in its tight circle, the darkness beyond alive with the things Ava knows that she already should have said. “Ava, what did Mary mean? What — what does she think is between us?”
Bea wets her lips, and Ava’s gaze is instantly drawn to the motion. Something molten pulses outward from the halo, pooling in her gut. Lower, like the glimpse she inadvertently got of Bea’s tongue somehow directly interlaced with her nerve endings — open flame to tinder — and set everything alight.
She’s faced dozens of demons, held her own against a fallen angel hell bent on world dominion — she’s been to a whole different realm, goddammit — but she doesn’t have the guts to simply bridge the gap and kiss Beatrice again.  
With difficulty, Ava drops her eyes to where Bea’s hands are resting. They’re so familiar now. The callouses from training. The array of small scars across the knuckles where flesh has been torn and healed so many times it is pale, almost translucent, against the darker canvas of Beatrice’s sun-kissed skin. Reaching out, Ava takes Bea’s right hand in both of her own, traces from scar to scar with the tip of a finger as if drawing constellations. Under her touch, Beatrice is shaking badly, or maybe it is her.
She doesn’t think it matters.
“Ava?” Beatrice says her name the way she’s said it hundreds of other times. Sweetly, a bit uncertain. More than a little scared. Expectant.
Ava takes one big breath and —
— she wants to kick herself.
First because she’s never meant to say it now. Second because she’s never meant to rush it out in such a way. Barebones. No preamble. She had given a much better speech when she’d said what she’d supposed where her goodbyes inside of Adriel’s inverted church. That moving line about the warrior nun duty, and Beatrice living her life, all tied neatly together with that final in the next that Ava had managed to force out despite the well of tears inside her. It was all very romantic in a tragic sort of way.
Shit. What if she can be romantic only when she’s dying? That would fucking suck.
But she can’t take it back now. The sentence just burst out of her in a single breath, the same way power blasts from her when she overexerts the halo. And Ava may have made a grab for Beatrice’s hand to have something to hold on to, but now Bea, too, is gripping her fingers tight, and they’re two ships caught in the same storm, fighting not to let the other slip away from sight.
“I love you.” Ava repeats, slower this time. “And I’ve loved you since the Vatican. I’ve loved you since before that, actually. Since I got my stupid foot stuck inside the stupid wall in Mother Superion’s stupid office and you talked me out of it.”
“And that’s why I’m always acting like a fool. Otherwise I’d have to stop and self-analyze, you know? And then, I’d have to talk to you about it, and what if you don’t love me back? I mean, I know you do, friend-like, but if you didn’t love me love me I think I would be really sad and—” Her shoulders sag. “But I guess the cat is on the table now, uh? It’s okay if you don’t love me, by the way. Like I said, I’m just going to mope for a while but I’ll--”
“Ava, stop.”
“—  be okay, you don’t have to worry — oh.” Did Beatrice say stop? “Did you say, stop?”
Crap. Beatrice doesn’t want to hear more of her hastily crafted (held together by a hail mary, a safety pin and hope) love confession. Double crap. Beatrice is smiling, so bright and wide that it reaches all the way to her eyes, crinkling them at the edges.
“You’re smiling.” Ava points out, utterly invested in her role as captain obvious.
“Is it a good thing?”
“I’d say.”
“Oh.” Beatrice gives her hand a gentle squeeze. “So this means—”
“That I feel the way you feel. And I guess I didn’t say where you could hear for pretty much the same reasons.”
“But you said it? Before, I mean?”
“Yes.” A cloud settles over Beatrice’s face, and Ava regrets asking. “After you went through the portal. It took a while for the others to get to me so I sat there and I said it, over and over.” Beatrice draws in a steadying breath that seems to go on forever. “I was hoping you could hear me.” Her smile returns, but tempered. “So, you see, you’re not the only fool around here.”
“I can hear it now.” Ava’s heart is thumping so hard and fast against her ribcage she wonders whether the halo will have to heal a bruise. “You know, if you wanted to say it.”
Beatrice closes her eyes. Opens them, and an army of Tarasks could march through the refectory this second, Ava would not give them the time of day.
“Ava Silva,” Beatrice begins, incredibly steady. “I’m in love with you, too.”
“So,” Beatrice asks her later, in what Ava is sure is the best interest of open and healthy communication. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
“No.” Ava nuzzles into Bea’s naked shoulder, arm draped loosely around her waist. “Because you were already there to catch me.”
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multimilfs · 2 years
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader: Stairway to Heaven
Summary: Anon requested Melissa Schemmenti + 132 -- "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
List of prompts found here!
A/N: Happy ficmas everyone!! I have been working really hard to get ready for kickoff today and I hope you'll all enjoy what I have in store! Enjoy!
Special thank you to the amazing @arewecoolio for reading this over for any errors!! You're the best 💖
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @multifandomfix @greenawayprentiss @escapetodreamworld @ghostsunderstoodmysoul
Warning(s): None
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Gary is cool. He's even funny on occasion, when he remembers the punchline. He treats Melissa like a Queen—though she deserves nothing less—and worships the ground she walks on. But you’re not convinced he’s good enough for her. 
You’re watching the two interact across the lunchroom with simmering jealousy. It’s an ugly emotion you’re not fond of feeling, but one you can’t seem to shake these days. The grip on your grading pen tightens as Melissa laughs at some joke of Gary’s. 
“Girl, you’ve got to do something about all… that.” Ava says, motioning to your expression, “Channel that anger into something productive. Like packing orders. Or sex.” 
“I’m not participating in your pyramid scheme.” You answer. 
“Oh, so you’re going to get some? Finally. It’s hard having to entertain you with my stories when I’m not getting anything back.” 
“To be fair, I never asked to hear about your sex life,” You point out. Ava shrugs and you continue, “If you tell me about Tyrone one more time I might lose it.” 
“Tyrone? He’s old news. I’m onto Jamal now, keep up.” 
“Jamal? What about his sister?” 
“She was into some weird stuff. I’m freaky too, but even I draw the line at dolls.” 
Ava shivers and you decide not to ask. It’s better for your sanity that way, though you’re morbidly curious. Ava never tells a bad story. 
Another presence joins the table as Janine sidles up, looking far too awake and positive for 9 am on a Tuesday. She smiles obliviously. 
“Dolls? I loved dolls as a kid.”
Ava scoffs, “Yeah, I bet you made them kiss each other and all that nonsense.”
“Of course I did. It was like directing my own little show!” 
“Is that where the control issues started?” You ask. 
Janine’s oblivious smile drops and she levels you with a look. It’s closer to matching Barbara’s with every day that passes, it’s almost impressive; but unless Barbara herself levels one at you, you’re going to remain unphased. 
“Don’t shame my childhood development just because you’re jealous over Melissa and the vending machine guy.” 
You turn red, “I am not jealous!” 
“Right. And I wasn’t named tastiest doomsday prepper in Philly.” Ava says, rolling her eyes. 
You and Janine lock eyes, wearing matching expressions of bewilderment. Everytime you talk to Ava you learn more about her; that isn’t always a good thing. When Janine opens her mouth, you give her a subtle shake of your head. Once the two get started it’s impossible to get them to stop. 
Unfortunately, Janine is too stubborn, and has to do things her way; she engages the Principal in a battle of wits she can’t win. You tune it out the second she starts in on how doomsday prepping is futile and the kind of neurotic spending reaction it induces only benefits the government. That isn’t a can of worms you feel like glancing inside. 
You decide to torture yourself emotionally instead. 
It should be easy to watch Melissa laugh and grin in that smug, bright-eyed way she pulls off so well, but it turns your stomach to know Gary is the cause of it. He’s nice enough—that’s the excuse you try to use everytime, to no avail—but he isn’t you. And against the slim odds of someone like Melissa ever wanting you romantically, you wish it was you. 
Does he know her favorite restaurants, her favorite soap operas? Does he know about the years Melissa dedicated to caring for her Nana? Does he know how incredibly fucking lucky he is to have Melissa Ann Schemmenti wrapped around his finger? 
The likelihood of him knowing anything important is slim-to-none. The redhead is too private to share information so soon, but the little green-eyed monster in your head prods you, asking what if he does? Your fists clench in your lap. You’ve been climbing the stairway to heaven this whole time and Gary’s probably on the highway. 
“Hey, hon,” You’re surprised from your thoughts to see the object of them in front of you, leaning on the table, smiling. 
You smile back, “Hey, Mel.” 
“What are you doing tonight?” 
Hope claws up your throat. You shove it down violently, leaning back in your chair, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Depends. Why?” 
“Gary was asking about you, he wants to meet ya. I was thinking you could bring your secret lover on a double-date tonight. You meet my guy, I meet yours.” 
You tilt your head, brows scrunching, “Secret lover?” 
“Oh come on,” Melissa rolls her eyes. She levels you with a look that says don’t give me that bullshit, “I’m not blind. You suddenly go silent on all things romance and think I wouldn’t figure out what that meant?” 
Nerves and mortification make you nod, smiling sheepishly. Your chest hurts. Of course she’d notice; after several years of friendship and teaching together, how could she not? The two of you were practically glued at the hip before Gary came along. No topic had been too much and then for you to go silent… you can see how that’d come across. You’re glad she didn’t suss out the real reason. 
“I’m not sure. Things are still pretty new…” 
“I’ll buy your drinks.” 
That makes you pause. 
Then you see how she’s looking at you. She’s leaning down into your space, grinning like she knows she's won. You can’t deny her anything, not when you know how much it’ll mean to her for you to really meet Gary as her romantic interest rather than a passing acquaintance. It’ll kill you. Watching her laugh with him will undo your feeble grip on sanity. 
It’ll kill you, but you’ll do it for her anyway. 
“When and where?” 
— — 
This is a terrible idea. 
The place Gary chose is a total dive, and not the good kind; every surface is covered in a fine layer of grime and ash, ninety percent of the men and women at the bar smoking like chimneys, and the beer you ordered tastes like if someone decided to waft alcohol in the direction of their drink. All of this you could forgive. 
What you can’t forgive is the absence of a proper pool table. 
Every table in the place is falling apart at the seams. There’s maybe two cues per table and some of the nets have holes large enough to send grown men chasing after solid and striped balls alike. 
The worst part? Melissa stands in the center of it all, smiling like none of it bothers her. You know better. Her smile is strained at the edges, her eyes slightly pained. If only she’d say the word, you’d sweep her out of here. She just maintains that strained smile when you walk up to her. 
“Where’s the secret lover I was promised?” Melissa asks. 
You smile, though your heart isn’t in it. It’d taken endless promises to get her to agree, but eventually—
“Sorry I’m late y'all. There’s a guy selling mixtapes outside and I had to hear it before I bought anything. Can’t be too careful, you know?” 
Melissa’s smile melts from her face. Her eyes bore hard into you, dark with emotion. As she looks between you and Ava—who leans against the table next to you, either totally oblivious or uncaring—her jaw tenses. 
Gary chooses that moment to speak, a jovial smile on his face, “Now I did not see this coming! I never would’ve guessed you two would be seeing each other.” 
“Neither did I.” Melissa says. 
You want to disappear into the floor. Despite the fact that Melissa is openly seeing Gary, you feel you’ve done something wrong. 
It doesn’t help that Ava drapes herself against your side. She makes deliberate, intense eye contact with Melissa, and takes a slow sip of a drink you failed to notice. The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife. You’re grateful for the absence of anything sharp. 
“What can I say, I lucked out. Anyone would be lucky to get a piece of her.” Ava says. Her tone is startlingly sincere. 
You give her a hard look. She just shrugs. 
“No drink for me?” You ask, anything to distract from the way you can’t look at Melissa. 
Ava raises a brow, “If you want something, you just gotta ask.”
“I’d kill for a gin and tonic.” 
“Got it.” 
“I’ve got it, you two sit.” Melissa interjects. 
She extracts herself from Gary and stands at the same time Ava does. On another night, you’d take Melissa's offer as the kind act it is, but tonight it feels strangely like a threat. 
The two are caught in a strange staring contest. You want to reach out and tug Ava down into her seat, but you’re frozen, wondering what the hell is going on.
“I’ll get it.” Ava says.
“She’s my friend.” Melissa crosses her arms over her chest. 
“She’s my date.” 
Melissa’s body tenses at the word. 
You’re too busy watching Ava, trying to decipher where she’s been hiding this acting talent. She had been reluctant to join your ruse and now it seems like she couldn’t be anywhere else. For a moment it feels authentic enough to make your stomach turn.
Gary cuts in before Melissa can back down, “I could use another beer if you’re going towards the bar.” 
“Sure. You got it, Gar.” 
The two walk away in tense silence. Melissa keeps looking at Ava from the corner of her eyes, while the principal pretends she isn’t there. 
It leaves you with Gary and you smile. Trying to pretend there’s no tension is easier with the women across the bar. 
“It’s good to meet you,” He says, friendly enough, “Melissa talks about you enough I feel like I already know you, but I’m glad she got you to come out tonight.” 
“Yeah. It’s good to meet you officially. Besides the occasional run-ins during lunch, I mean.” 
He nods and drinks the last swig of his beer. You take a few seconds to glance through the haze of smoke towards the bar. Melissa leans one arm on it, waiting while the bartender runs around helping out rough-looking men and women. She looks perfectly placed and yet stands out; she’s probably the most beautiful woman to ever set foot in this place. 
Ava’s chatting up a woman at the bar like Melissa isn’t even there. So much for her putting on a good act. 
Even if she’s not looking at Ava directly, you know Melissa’s listening, cataloging everything. You’ll get an earful about having self-respect when choosing partners later. 
“There’s another reason I had her ask you here tonight.” Gary says.
His face is serious. You’ve never seen the man without a smile and it unnerves you. Trying not to let that show, you raise an eyebrow. 
“I wanted to meet the woman Melissa’s in love with.” 
You blanch. 
“Gary, that’s—she’s not—“ 
A hand settles on top of yours and his smile makes an appearance. It’s kind, kinder than you deserve after all the things you’ve thought about him. 
“I knew there were three of us in this relationship when I went out with her the first time. But I’m giving you the chance to make it two again,” He says, “She’s crazy about you and I can see you feel the same way. She’s all yours.” 
You should be overjoyed. Melissa feels the same way about you, you have a shot? Instead, you feel angry. 
“You’re going to give her up just like that?” You snap. 
Gary startles you by laughing. 
“I can’t exactly give up what isn’t mine.” 
“She chose you.” 
“Sometimes people make mistakes.” When you seem unconvinced, he shakes his head, “Melissa’s a good woman, she deserves someone who makes her happy. That just happens to be you and not me. I’m not mad about it.”
You’re reeling. The room feels like it's spinning and you don’t have time to regain your focus before the women return. Ava sets down your gin and tonic with a nod. 
Melissa starts up an animated conversation with Gary, who nods along, adding in his own comments. He keeps glancing over at you when Melissa won’t. The whole thing makes your stomach turn; you have no clue what you’re doing. 
You grab Ava’s hand, flashing a strained smile at the pair, “Excuse us for a moment,” and drag the principal off to the bathrooms. 
 Once you’ve shoved Ava in the ladies room and locked the door behind you, you spin on your heel towards the other woman. 
“I know you want this to bother her, but dragging me into the bathroom for a quickie is a bit much, even by my standards.” Ava says. 
“That’s not what this is.” 
“Right, why else am I here then?” 
“When you and Melissa went to grab drinks, Gary told me Melissa’s in love with me.” 
Ava stares at you. 
“That’s it? I could have told you that months ago.” 
You blink, “What?” 
“Yeah, neither of you are subtle. You practically have it written on your billboard sized forehead.” 
Suddenly self-conscious, you reach a hand up to your forehead, before reminding yourself to focus on the task at hand. Ava knew Melissa returned your feelings the whole time. You wonder who else knows and has let you stew in jealousy for weeks. 
Melissa’s reaction to Ava makes a lot more sense. It’s almost comforting to know that you’re not the only one who has been fighting with jealousy. You feel very, very blind.
“Who else knows?” You ask. Your friend gives you a blank stare, “Seriously? Everyone knows?”
“Yes. Do me a favor though and play dumb a few more weeks? I’ve got good money on this.”
“You bet on me?”
“I bet on Melissa, actually, which is why I need you to keep quiet.”
“Ava, I’m not going to ignore this because you want to win a bet. Come on.” 
Ava rolls her eyes, “Fine, I’ll cut you in on the bet.” 
“Ava!” You glare.
“This could be your chance to support a young, black entrepreneur. It’s hard out here.” 
“Try that on Jacob.” 
She lets out an ugh and throws her hands up. You want to be upset that she’s asking you to keep quiet, to lose more valuable time with Melissa, but you can’t be; even if she did leave you oblivious for weeks. If you’re going to be upset with her, you have to be upset with everyone. 
It comes from a place of letting you make your own decisions; you know that and admire it just a little. But you were oblivious. Melissa seems like she is too, if Gary’s talk told you anything. Would they have let the two of you circle each other the whole time? 
You would be miserable if Gary—Gary, who you’d been unfair towards this whole time—hadn’t spoken up. He’s sacrificing his chances with Melissa so you can have your own. Mentally, you make a note to get the man some kind of ‘thank-you’ gift. 
Ava snaps in front of your face and you jerk back. 
“What are you going to do?” She asks. 
“Uh… talk to her?” 
“Not the energy I was looking for, but good enough. Let’s go.” 
Ava grabs your arm, not unkindly, and drags you to the door. You drag your feet. 
She doesn’t even dignify your question with a response. The bathroom door is opened and you’re nudged through it. You walk, but throw a glare over your shoulder, annoyed at her sudden silence. Ava doesn’t acknowledge it. 
Gary is the only one left at the table and you panic, eyes searching the room. The heart in your chest settles when you catch a glimpse of familiar red hair. 
Melissa’s across the bar at one of the more put together pool tables, surrounded by women in a shocking amount of leather. Her eyes are focused right on you. They move briefly to Ava, though she doesn’t seem to find anything damning. The focus of her gaze moves away when one of the other players nudges her and she leans over the table to line up a shot. 
You’re caught for a second in watching her. Her eyes narrow before she settles in to take the shot and when she pulls back the cue, she makes direct eye contact, and sinks a solid ball in one of the pockets. 
Cheers go up from the woman you assume she’s playing with. You don’t bother to look at her. Instead, you make a direct beeline for Melissa; her eyes following you every step of the way. 
“Can I talk to you?” You ask when you reach her. 
You’re well aware of the glances her fellow players are throwing in your direction, but you don’t care. Melissa seems curious, but she gives nothing else away. 
“I’m in the middle of a game, hon.” 
Laying your hand on her arm, “Please, Mel.” 
Like magic, you watch her soften. She nods and hands off her cue to the nearest person without looking. You lead the way outside, wanting away from the noise and smoke for a few minutes, if only to clear your head. 
The silence is too tense for your liking, but neither of you are doing anything to break it. You breathe deeply. You’re at a loss on what to say; how do you tell someone you’re in love with them? 
Instead of anything rational coming from your mouth, you ask, “How do you feel about Gary?” 
Melissa jerks in surprise, “That’s what you pulled me out here for?” 
“He seems to think your feelings, your heart, lie elsewhere,” You barrel forward, hoping it works in your favor, “Namely, with me.” 
Her eyes widen slightly before she schools her expression. It’s all you need to feel more secure in blindly following Gary’s word. 
“I’m not sure where he got that idea.” Melissa says. 
“But you’re not denying it.” 
“Does it matter? You seem to have things pretty easy with Ava.” 
A note of bitterness slips into her voice. You soften, recognizing the underlying jealousy you’d been feeling only this morning. 
“It matters to me,” You say, “because I’m crazy about you, Mel, and I need to know you feel the same way.” 
Melissa doesn’t bother to hide her surprise this time. You smile, but fidget under all of her attention. You want to reveal every thought and feeling to this woman in a way that’s overwhelming. She seems so shocked, you can’t help but want to assure her of how real your feelings are. 
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much,” You admit. It feels odd to say it out loud, “But you make a lot of impossible things feel possible.” 
She looks at you like she’s never seen you before. It’s daunting. 
“You really mean that?” Melissa asks. 
“And what about Ava?” 
You chuckle, “I bribed her into playing the part. She’s a surprisingly good actress.” 
Melissa leans forward and kisses you. 
It isn’t the kind of kiss you expect, but it’s the kind you always daydreamed about; the soft, almost hesitant way she claims your lips, while her hands dig into your hips. You’ve never felt so awkward and so pleasant in your life. You have no idea what to do with your hands. 
The other kisses in your life never felt so strange. You wonder how much they really meant to you, if this is what a real, loving kiss feels like; unsure and yet, eager. 
Throwing your nerves out the window, you give in to all of it. You sink into the whirlwind of emotions and wrap yourself around Melissa. Her kiss grows more insistent and you match it, pulling where she pushes, moving with every forceful press of her lips. 
You’re on your last shred of oxygen when she pushes you back. Only an inch of space separates the two of you taking in furious gulps of breath, cheeks flushed pink and wearing matching smiles. It hardly feels real. 
“You’ve been holding out on me.” Melissa says. 
“Hardly. I’d have kissed you in a second if you asked.” You say sincerely. 
“Me? Why would I be the one to ask you?” 
You raise a brow, “Well, you were the one seeing someone else.” 
“I wouldn’t have gone out with him if you said something.” 
A laugh leaves your lips unbidden. Your eyes sparkle when you look up at Melissa, wondering how you managed to get so lucky. You’re not sure you’ll ever be able to answer that question. She’s wonderful and kind and beautiful and all the things you feel you don’t deserve. She’s yours anyway. 
Her eyes shine as she stares back. Wishing you could jump into her mind, you get lost in them. Then you do as she wants and capture her lips in another kiss. It’s shorter than the first and more comfortable, but the feeling of newness still lingers. 
Not for the first time, you wonder how much time you’ve lost being jealous. But you try not to dwell too much; it’s difficult when the most beautiful woman in the world is staring into your eyes. The lost time doesn’t matter when you have it now—when you have her now. 
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enjoyerofsoup · 5 months
listening to ep 100 of riptide and thinking about the parallels of the encounters with jay’s dad
in their first encounter, at the block, jayson ferin (grizzly, man, i’m sorry but why does it have to be spelled that way) knows exactly what to say to intimidate jay. he ridicules her choice to become a pirate, insults her friends. but he also shames her for having left featherbrook island. for “leaving her mother all by her lonesome.” jay’s response is that her mother can handle herself, though her father continues on, speaking at her rather than to her.
the majority of the conversation, jay pleads more than argues. she doesn’t need to prove him wrong. she just needs to convince him to let her friends live. she doesn’t move to attack or defend, just walks up to her dad, head down, and puts her fist on his chest. she immediately surrenders. says she’ll return home, do what he says, begging him to let the others go.
this doesn’t pan out of course. gillion acts, fights against jayson for the sake of his friend, for her freedom. but jay’s internal conflict, the secret she’s spent all this time lying about, her genuine care for her friends but her want to somehow appease her father, to find out what happened to ava. there’s uncertainty. and jayson sees this, and uses it to punish them. by forcing her to punish them. there’s nothing else she can do.
she shoots gillion in the chest.
in episode 100, as the crew has just left zero, they’re ambushed by the navy. as jay’s father lands on their ship to arrest them, something is different. jay has committed to her choice, to her co-captains and her crew. jay speaks against him.
“you shouldn’t be here.”
jayson ferin doesn’t know his wife is sick, that her magic is leaving her. jay herself has only just found out, but it makes sense that she hasn’t been able to return home as a wanted pirate. jayson doesn’t have that same excuse, yet he’s been absent for years. he doesn’t visit home often, not even before jay left to be a pirate.
when her father asks why, jay says “of course you wouldn’t know. always blind to everything around you, especially your family.”
he speaks as if he’s looking past her, trying to separate the person he sees from the daughter he raised. trying not to think about how much she looks like ava.
“my family would never forsake their duty on some immature whim of emotion. i see no family-“
jay interrupts him. “yeah? and what about mom? you ever once think to look over her? check in on her maybe?”
and jayson’s response is what really stands out to me.
“my wife can take care of herself. how dare you use her to provoke me. is this how far you have fallen?”
he’s contradicting his words in the block. not that he really meant what he said, as he didn’t truly care about jay leaving her mother. he cared about controlling the situation, and his wife was an easy card to play to make jay feel guilty.
as jay challenges her father, he assumes she’s trying to play the same game. weaponize their remaining family to gain control. she isn’t.
“when was the last time you saw her?”
jayson ferin is silent.
“i saw her a week ago. she’s very sick, dad.”
he doesn’t seem to even consider that she’s telling the truth. skirting around the subject to insult jay’s character before addressing it.
“try to trick me all you want. but it will not be me who dies a fool. and do not dare use my wife to bargain.”
“that’s just like you, dad. just like you to think i’d use mom as a bargaining chip and not tell you out of pure concern for her. i would’ve stayed and helped. but, y’know, you have so much navy on the island no i couldn’t even do that for mom.”
there’s such a contrast in how jay holds her self during the block and now. her father never allowed her to be her own person, wouldn’t have acknowledged it even if she’d tried to do so. and she knew that in the block, knew it long before she left featherbrook. it may have been easier had she gone back home with jayson after the block, but it would have been a betrayal. not just to her crew, but herself. she knows better now. knows what she wants and what she’s worth.
“so you know what? you continue to do your thing. be a bad husband, be a bad father, i don’t care. right now? i’m gonna get you off my ship.”
and she shoots at him.
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writingwhimsey · 1 month
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 57
Chapter 57
Yukimura sighed as he exited the training hall. Lord Kenshin had pulled him in for yet another rigorous round of training. Lord Kenshin had been restless and irritable in the worst ways since Lord Shingen, Sasuke, and Ava had left to the modern day. And it only seemed to get worse the longer they were gone. 
Of course, Lord Kenshin’s foul mood was only getting worse now. Tomorrow evening the Oda would be coming for another banquet and alliance meeting. Of course, they seemed to be growing suspicious and restless at Lord Shingen and Ava’s continued absence. Saki was doing her best to placate them, but he wasn’t sure how much longer they were gonna buy the excuse that they were on an extended honeymoon.
“You look incredibly stressed.”
Yukimura looked up at the sound of Saki’s voice. She was walking in the hall with Yoshimoto and Kanetsugu. The three of them had taken over preparations for the banquet while Yukimura was stuck with Lord Kenshin.
“Lord Kenshin beat you again?” Kanetsugu asked.
“Yes, I barely escaped that round of training with my life!” Yukimura answered. “Of course, I’m also worried that Lord Kenshin won’t be the only one after my head if Ava isn’t back here soon.”
“Yeah, Lord Hideyoshi is getting especially testy and suspicious.” Saki agreed. “And Lord Masamune is pretty much always ready for a fight.”
Yukimura sighed. “And they’re both coming this time right?” 
Saki nodded. “Yeah. But the biggest worry is that Lord Mitsuhide is coming, too.”
“Ugh…the kitsune, seriously?” Yukimura asked. “As if I didn’t have enough problems.”
“I’m just worried because Ieyasu is coming.” Yoshimoto said. While Yoshimoto admired the other man, he knew Ieyasu had every right to hate him.
“Are…are all of them coming or something?” Yukimura asked.
Saki nodded. “I’m afraid so.” Even though she had worked for the Oda for years, she knew they were likely all worried about Lady Ava. And she knew they were all likely coming because they were wanting answers.
“Dammit.” Yukimura muttered. He was happy that Lord Shingen was being saved…or at least he hoped he was. But he was going to crack under all of this stress if he didn’t come back soon.
Just then a messenger was running in from the front of the castle. “Lord Yukimura!”
“What is it?” Yukimura asked, recognizing the messenger as one of the spies Lord Shingen had had stationed at the entrance to town.
“Lord Shingen….Lady Ava…Sasuke…they…they’ve returned!” The messenger answered, breathless. He must have run all the way there. “They…just…entered the…town.”
“You’re sure?” Yukimura asked.
The messenger nodded. “Yes.”
Yukimura and Saki were both taking off running and exited the front of the castle, heading for the gate. The others weren’t too far behind them. All of them were waiting at the gate just in time to see three horses approaching.
“Looks like we have a welcoming party.” Shingen said as the horses came to a stop.
Yukimura looked up at his lord. Shingen was sitting on his horse, Ava riding side-saddle in front of him. Though he had been stressed about everything…above all he had been worried about his lord. He could tell Lord Shingen didn’t look as tired as he had been looking for some time now.
Shingen dismounted and then turned to help Ava get down. “My love.” He said, placing his hands on her hips.
Ava was smiling at him as she put her hands on his shoulders and allowed him to gently pull her down and into his arms. “Thank you, my love.” She said to Shingen. She then turned to the others. “Did you guys miss us?” She asked, a teasing tone to her voice.
Sasuke was getting down from his horse and going to the third horse, which had an elderly woman on the back none of the others recognized. “Here, let me help you down before Lord Kenshin realizes I’m back.” He said.
“Thanks, Sasuke.” The old woman replied.
Yukimura looked at Shingen. “You…You’re back. Does…does that mean…”
Shingen gave Yukimura a warm smile and placed a comforting hand on the young man’s shoulder. “Yes. I’m cured.”
Yukimura could feel the tears stinging his eyes, but he held them back. “That’s great.” He said. He was then looking at Ava. “Thanks, Ava.”
Ava smiled. “All I did was talk him into going. The doctors are the ones who did the work.” She replied.
“If it hadn’t been you, I don’t think I would have gone, my angel.” Shingen spoke up.
Saki was then pushing Yukimura and even Shingen away. “Alright, all of you out of my way.” She declared as she pulled Ava into a tight hug.
Ava laughed and returned the hug. “I didn’t know you’d miss me this much.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve had no one to share girl talk with.” Saki replied, pulling back slightly. That was when she noticed the gentle swell to Ava’s belly. “It appears we have even more to catch up on than I initially thought.”
Ava giggled. “Yes we do.”
Yukimura looked at the two women. His cheeks were red, as he thought that this girl talk might now include Saki talking about him. But he too noticed Ava’s belly now. “What do you two have to talk about?” He asked. “The food in this future you’re from is so abundant that you gained weight?”
A look of pure anger and offense came to Ava’s face. Saki’s face mirrored it. Yukimura received a flick to the forehead from Shingen. Then Saki was grabbing his ear and twisting it. “You’re such an idiot.”
“I really thought I raised you better than this, Yuki.” Shingen sighed in disappointment.
“Ow!” Yukimura said. “What? We’re all just gonna ignore it?”
“She’s with child, you dummy!” Saki corrected her lover. She then released his ear. “Ugh, I swear you’re lucky you’re cute.”
Yukimura blinked as he rubbed his ear. “Wait…really?”
Shingen nodded. “Yes and she is the cutest.” He said, wrapping his arms around Ava and pulling her closer to pepper her face in kisses.
The angry, offended look Ava had at Yukimura’s comment melted away under Shingen’s affection and gave way to a smile. “Well, as long as you think so.” She said, leaning into him. “Especially since it’s your fault.”
“I’ll happily take the blame.” Shingen replied, giving her one last peck.
“Wonderful news all around.” Yoshimoto declared. “It is good seeing you so well and happy. So full of life, cousin.”
Shingen smiled at his cousin. “It feels wonderful.”
Sasuke was placing a hand on Yukimura’s shoulder. “You’re lucky Lord Shingen is able to reset Ava’s mood so easily.”
“Yeah…but I have a feeling Saki is gonna be pissed at me for a while over that.” He said. “And we’d been doing so well.”
“You’re just really good at the open mouth and insert foot technique.” Sasuke replied, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but who is that?” Kanetsugu asked, calling everyone’s attention to the old woman.
“Oh, that’s right.” Ava spoke. “Guys, this is my grandmother. Oba-san, this is Kanetsugu, Yoshimoto, Yukimura, and my best friend Saki.”
“It’s nice to meet all of you.” Ava’s grandmother said. “Ava has told me so much about all of you. I feel like I know you all already.” She was then walking towards Saki. “She has especially told me much about you, Saki. I want to thank you for being such a good friend to her when she needed one the most.” She was then pulling Saki into a hug.
Saki smiled as she returned the hug. “It is an honor to meet you and it has been an honor to be Lady Ava’s friend.” She replied.
Just then, there was the sound of running steps. “SASUKE!”
“I feared this would happen.” Sasuke said with a resigned sigh. He was quickly drawing his sword and blocking the incoming attack from Kenshin, who seemed to leap out of nowhere.
“You were gone for too long.” Kenshin told him. 
“You know, a simple welcome home would be wonderful.” Sasuke replied.
“I have to test your reflexes and your skills. I need to be sure they didn’t dull while you were in your peaceful future.” Kenshin replied.
“Is…is this normal?” Ava’s grandmother asked.
“For Kenshin, sadly yes.” Shingen answered.
Kenshin’s attention was drawn to Shingen then. He pulled away from his greeting with Sasuke and turned his sword to Shingen. “You are cured now?”
“Yes.” Shingen answered.
“Then draw your blade and fight me. So that I can kill you honorably.” Kenshin replied.
“I didn’t get cured just to come back and let you kill me.” Shingen replied.
“Besides, you’re not going to make me a widow and raise this child by myself.” Ava added.
Kenshin’s heterochromatic eyes turned to Ava next. She was standing beside Shingen…very close actually. And he could see the swell of her belly. He frowned. “If it’s a boy, he had better grow into a strong opponent for me one day. Maybe he won’t bore me as his father does.”
“That’s rude.” Ava’s grandmother said.
“That was Kenshin speak for congratulations.” Ava replied.
Shingen chuckled. “So, you do understand him.”
“Yeah…is it weird that I think I missed all of this craziness?” She asked with a laugh.
“Maybe.” Shingen replied. “But it makes me happy to know you still feel at home here.”
“Just wait until tomorrow.” Saki said. 
“What;s tomorrow?” Ava asked.
“The Oda are coming.” Saki answered. “I believe all of them are. They’ve been kind of antsy these last few months.”
“Yeah, you guys really got back just in time.” Yukimura said, relief in his eyes. “NOt sure how much longer they were gonna buy the honeymoon story.”
“So, who all is coming then?” Ava asked.
“All of them.” Saki answered. “Lord Hideyoshi has been especially anxious.”
“He would be.” Ava replied with a sigh. She was already starting to look tired.
“We can talk more about all of this later.” Shingen said. He then scooped Ava up into his arms. “We’ve been traveling for the last few days. Let’s get inside and get cleaned up and get you rested.”
“I’ll go get a bath prepared.” Saki said. “And fresh clothes laid out. And while you’re getting cleaned up, I’ll get some tea and food prepared for you as well.”
Ava smiled. “Thanks. All of that does sound nice.”
“Yuki, please show Oba-san where she can stay.” Shingen told his vassal.
“Right.” Yukimura agreed.
Everyone began to head inside the castle. Kenshin looked at Sasuke. “You’re coming to the training hall with me.”
Sasuke sighed. “It appears I have no choice in this.” He muttered as he followed Kenshin inside. A bath and food sounded nice…but it wouldn’t really be a welcome home without training from Kenshin. Though…it really did feel like he was home now.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @oda-princess @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
@bjorkshire-pudding @eventinelysplayground
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cherry-bomb-ships · 8 months
Earthly Encounter
Pairing: Q x Counselor Ruby (s/i)
Word Count: 2,797
Warnings: Very light spoilers for Star Trek: TNG S4 E20, none otherwise
AO3 Link
Author's Notes: Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? It feels very nice to be posting a fic again, to be honest. This is just a cute fluffy story that I started like 3 years ago and abandoned because I didn't like the way it came out. I came back to it recently and kinda wondered what the heck I was thinking. Maybe my self esteem is just better! Either way, this was very fun and very cute to write and to perfect, and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Tag list below the cut. Click here or DM me to be added or removed. Reblogs are all seen and very appreciated!! ❤️
@ava-ships, @bee-ships, @beetleboyfriend, @canongf, @clawfull, @cloudyvoid, @discountwives, @dissonantyote, @edencantstopfallininlove, @final-catboy, @gible-love-nibles, @halsdaisy, @hoppinkiss, @hotrodharts, @hyperionshipping, @iyamifucker, @lex-n-weegie, @little-miss-selfships, @little-shiny-sharpies, @loogi-selfships, @lovebugexe, @mintpecks, @mrs-kelly, @nameless-self-ships, @nerdstreak, @paper-carnation, @patches-and-her-selfships, @reds-self-ships, @rexscanonwife, @ship-trek, @spacestationstorybook, @squips-ship, @tiny-cloud-of-flowers, @toogayforthistoday, @p-i-t-s, @winterworlds, @scroldie
Speckles of dust danced in the beams of light shining through the window of the bookstore that Counselor Ruby Ramirez had found herself in on that peaceful afternoon. She fondly ran her fingers across the spines of the books atop the store’s shelf, remembering all of the journeys she’d been on with those stories as a child. It was no wonder this section was labeled as “classics;” even though the shelf stretched to the ceiling and was filled to the brim with books, she hadn’t seen a single title that she didn’t recognize. She spotted a favorite novel of hers, and she was quick to pull it off the shelf and flip to the first chapter. She remembered it all so fondly: the prison and the rose bush, the first piece of literary symbolism that had truly taught her to analyze…
“Oh, what have you got there? Something actually worthwhile, I hope.” The sudden voice in her ear made Ruby snap out of focus with a startled jolt, but even as she whipped her head around to look behind her, she already knew exactly whose smug face she was going to see staring down at her.
“Q! I’ve told you a hundred times not to sneak up on me like that,” Ruby exclaimed as she playfully tapped his chest with the book.
“Hmph, you've hardly said that more than fifty times, actually," Q said with an exasperated eye-roll. "Besides, you can't really call it 'sneaking up' if I’ve been standing right beside you this entire time, my dear.”
Ruby let out a sigh and turned her back to her partner, putting her attention on the book she'd picked out as she leaned her weight back against him. “Well, then, that’s a problem, isn't it? The point of coming here was so you could explore some of the culture that humanity has to offer,” she explained, gesturing to the shelves of books surrounding them. “That meant exploring the selection here by yourself, sweetheart, not just staying glued to me the whole time.”
Q knew this already, of course; this was the second of a four-day vacation that the couple had agreed on taking together, albeit one more reluctantly than the other. He still remembered when Ruby excitedly came up with the idea months ago, the way she had been beaming about how much she could show Q about what it's like to be human. Although he had protested to the trip's merit, the reality was that Q would have taken any excuse to be with his beloved in a way that wasn't disturbing her duties, so he hadn't needed too much persuading.
When Ruby had brought the request for shore leave to Captain Picard, she had described it as "less of a vacation, and more of an experiment.” She had explained, “We've seen already that Q has a sliver of humanity, a seed of compassion nestled deep within him. Perhaps all that it needs to blossom is the right kind of earth?"
While the captain didn't quite agree with the scientific basis of the proposal - or appreciate the wordplay - the Enterprise would already be making a rare orbit of Earth for a routine crew exchange. Many aboard the Enterprise would be taking a few days to visit their families, so there was no reason to deny the counselor the same privilege.
Back in the bookstore, Q was still doing his best to convince Ruby that their time would be better spent, well, anywhere. He placed both his hands on her shoulders to hold her steady against him as he dramatically nuzzled his face into her hair. “But darling, you’re the only thing worth any of my attention on this entire dreadful planet,” he whined.
He suddenly dipped her backwards, making Ruby balance on her heels as he leaned down a great deal to place his face right next to her own and speak in a provocative whisper, “What do you say we just forget about all this and head back home now instead? I'll even indulge you with that ‘cuddling’ nonsense that you enjoy so very much.”
Ruby could already feel her cheeks getting warmer as she failed to fight back a flustered grin; even after all the time she’d been with Q, she had to admit that she was far from being immune to his charms. It wasn’t only what he was saying, but also the eloquent cadences of his voice and the way he was able to stare her down with that alluring gaze that made her fall so hard for him in the first place. Luckily, by now she was at least able to save his suggestion for later rather than give in right away, and she leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before replying with a simple, “Very tempting, but no.”
She chose to ignore the way Q rolled his eyes in annoyance for a second time as he pushed her forward again to stand up straight, and instead she showed him the cover of the book in her hands in an attempt to catch his interest. He glanced over the title: The Scarlet Letter. "Look at this, hunny," Ruby said with fondness in her tone, "this was one of the first books I read as a child that sparked my analytical side. I remember the way it made me think about why the author chose to include certain details that might seem pointless, and why the characters would make the choices that they do." She turned her head back up to him and nudged her shoulder against his chest. "It was also the first book that really invested me in romance," she purred with a wink.
Q was not impressed. "It really does sound like a joy, starlight," he huffed sarcastically, "but you have no idea how difficult it is for an omnipotent being like myself to force his imagination to be confined to words on a page."
Ruby had already turned her attention back to the novel at hand. She knew that Q was fond of the sound of his own voice, so allowing him to rant on about the pettiest of inconveniences was the only way he ever felt better about the situation he was in.
Unaware - or just uncaring - that Ruby had turned her attention away, he continued, "Truly, think about it from my perspective. Why would I bother to 'visualize' the events of a novel in my mind, like you lesser beings have to do, when I could simply rewrite reality to bring these events to life? Or better yet, I could probably imagine my own story with a more gripping narrative and satisfying conclusion. In fact, if I may speak honestly, it seems to me that-"
Q's holier-than-thou speech was cut short as he felt a gentle tug on the leg of his trousers, just below the knee. He looked down to see a small child, a boy likely no older than five, staring back up at him with wide hazel eyes. Q grimaced and immediately recoiled his leg, the sudden shift in weight catching Ruby's attention as well. For a moment, there was an intense staredown between the disgusted immortal and the innocent toddler, until at last Q broke the silence and sneered, "Can I help you?"
The child pointed to the top shelf high above his own head. "Can yew get the Robin Hood book for me, mister?" he said politely, a slight lisp to his words as he spoke.
"If I do, will you leave?" Q asked bitterly. The boy's only reply was a thoughtful stare to the side, followed by a smile and enthusiastic nod of his head.
Q hastily located the book on the shelf of the bookcase in front of him, and he didn't hesitate to yank it from the shelving, pinching the very corner of the book between two fingers as he dangled it over the child's head with an outstretched arm, trying to distance himself from the boy as much as possible. "There you are, now please, begone with you."
The boy reached up and took the book into his small hands with a quiet "thank you" as he marveled at the green hardcover and golden cursive lettering. He then looked back up at Q, who had already turned his attention away, hoping for the interaction to be over.
Despite those hopes, the boy suddenly spoke up again. "I like Robin Hood," he lisped.
Q glanced back down with an eyebrow quirked, not even bothering to turn his head as he dryly replied, "Yes, I'm sure you do. Now don't you have somewhere to be?"
The boy shook his head with the same earnest smile on his face, clearly not taking the hint. Before the conversation could continue, though, Ruby - who had been watching this interaction unfold and barely stifling a laugh - stepped forward in front of Q and kneeled down to meet the child's eye level. "You're a fan of Robin Hood, you said?" She asked him with a gentle smile.
The boy gave her another enthusiastic nod and said, “Yeah, my dad tells me the story a lot for bedtime, but he has to go away on a starship, so my mommy said I should read the or… the orange-inal book while he's gone.”
Ruby smiled at his story and adorable mispronunciation. “That's a very good choice. You know, young man,” she said as she reached up behind her to hold onto Q's hand, “my partner Q here is a big fan of Robin Hood too. One time not too long ago, he even made all his friends dress up to act out the story!"
The boy's eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked back up at Q. "Wow, really? Did yew get to be Robin Hood, mister?"
Ruby smiled widely, both because of the boy's reaction and because behind her, she could hear Q faintly saying, "Starlight, what do you think you're doing?" as he recoiled his hand from hers.
But his Starlight wasn't listening; her mischievous side had quickly taken over, and she placed both hands back on her knees as she said with her bottom lip pushed out in an exaggerated pout, "Actually, Q decided to be the big bad Sheriff of Nottingham that taxes all the poor people and makes everyone sad.
"But… that's the guy who Robin Hood fights with," the boy said, staring up at Q curiously. "Why did you wanna be the bad guy, mister Q?"
Ruby turned her head around to meet her partner's eyes. "Yes, why did you want to be the bad guy, Mr. Q?" she parroted the question to him with a cheeky smile.
If all-powerful beings could blush, Q would have been bright red. "Very amusing, Counselor," he huffed, crossing his arms, "but I'm above engaging with this little mindgame of yours. Especially not with this," he gave the small boy a stern glare, "… creature involved."
The boy let out a giggle, making Q arch his eyebrows in shock. It has the audacity to laugh at me?, the immortal brooded in his expansive mind. What could it possibly find so amusing?
"Yew talk funny, mister Q," the child laughed. "I think yew'd be a really funny bad guy."
Ruby chuckled along with him. "Oh, you have no idea, young man."
From around the corner, a soft voice was heard calling out. "Lance? Did you find the book you wanted?" A woman not much older than Ruby stepped forward from behind another aisle of books, and the boy ran to her with his selection brandished above his head.
"Yes, momma! I picked out this Robin Hood book! Mister Q here got it off the shelf for me."
The mother reached down to pick up her child. "Not even gone five minutes and you're already making new friends?"
Q sneered under his breath, "Not quite the word I would use, but-" "That's right!" Ruby addressed the mother, thankful that she hadn't overheard Q's snide remarks. "He's a very sweet boy, he told us all about how he's a big fan of Robin Hood."
"Yep!" The boy beamed proudly. "And, and she said that her partner mister Q played Robin Hood with his friends and, uh, he got to be the Sheriff of Naughty-ham."
"That's Notting-ham," Q enunciated spitefully as he gleaned down at the child. Even if he desperately wanted the interaction to be over, he still would never miss an opportunity to be right about something.
Ruby paid him no mind, in the hopes that the woman would do the same, as she gave both the mother and child a kind grin. "Well, it was lovely to meet you, Lance. I hope you enjoy your book." She took on a tone akin to an ancient English knight as she thumped her a closed hand to her chest theatrically. "Never stop protecting those who can't protect themselves, and fight for justice and truth, just like your Robin Hood."
And unlike Q, she had wanted to say, but she decided that Q had had enough teasing for one day.
Little Lance beamed proudly and copied her motion as he put his own small fist over his chest, clearly taking the words to heart. His mom wore a similar warm grin as she and her son bade the couple farewell and headed toward the checkout counter.
Ruby turned back around to face Q, grinning cheekily up at him as he firmly kept his arms crossed and refused to meet her eye. "That was absolute torture," he groaned, "you know that, right? I'm not sure why I ever agreed to this trip." His partner let out a small laugh at how easy his disposition was to sour, and upon hearing that delightful little giggle of hers that he so dearly adored, he couldn't stop a smile from tugging at the corner of his mouth as he looked back down at her.
She chirped, "I'm sorry, my darling, but you know I can't resist teasing you.” A smirk overtook her face. “Besides, I believe I remember someone very intelligent once saying that one creature's torment is another's delight."
Q's eyebrows shot up in surprise before lowering in satisfaction, a grin snaking its way across his face as he pulled Ruby in close by her hips. If he had to make a list of all of his favorite things about her, the way that she was able to match his wit so effortlessly would easily clear the top three. Q was more than used to looking down on mortals, feeling superior to them, and he was somewhat justified in feeling so; even when encountering creatures cognitive enough to communicate, it was hardly ever that he came across one that didn't immediately bore him. Even with humans, as fascinating as the species itself was, the individuals were hardly worth stopping for. But there were always exceptions, and no exception has seized his attention, gained his respect, and retained his adoration more wholly than his Ruby.
Indifferent to who around may be watching, Q leaned forward and pressed his lips to Ruby's, allowing her to reach up and hold his face as he kissed her slowly and deliberately.
He just barely pulled away to groan against her lips, "I hope you appreciate my generous patience with you in situations like this." Ruby felt a shudder go through her body; as much as she saw and treated Q as an equal, she couldn't deny that, on occasion, she was exhilarated by the power he always had the capability of holding over her. She brushed any growing stimulation aside as she slyly retorted, "Only if you can appreciate me holding back in situations like this."
That comment earned her another kiss, this one much more brief but still holding just as much admiration, before Q stood up fully again. “Well then,” he sighed, “are we done here?”
Ruby chuckled. “Okay, you’ve been very good today. I’ll check out this book, and we can head back home.”
Q watched his partner as she headed toward the counter, an odd - but not unfamiliar - feeling washing over him as he replayed her words in his mind. He’d been very good today. It was still strange to him that such words of affirmation had any effect on him, even if. He’d never needed anyone else’s approval, or encouragement, or affection before meeting Ruby. He still didn’t need it, he supposed; he already knew that he was the most intelligent and powerful being in the universe. But something about hearing those things from her, the confirmation that there was one person who genuinely thought good of him, cared for him, loved him…
It was quite a wonderful feeling.
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sunsafewriting · 2 years
Do a Flip - part 3
No Halo / Modern AU. After leaving St Michael’s, Ava does everything she can to support Diego, including taking him to extracurriculars. Beatrice is his aikido instructor, and it changes everything.
She's so used to seeing Ava help Beatrice pack up after a class that it takes her nearly a full minute to realise that it's Thursday. Diego isn't in the Thursday class, which means Ava has zero fucking excuse to be in Lilith's dojo. 
Lilith glares at Ava from where she's doing her paperwork at the front desk. Ava doesn't even notice. In fact, she’s pretty sure that neither of them have even realised she’s still here.  
"— and I heard from one of the guys at the bar that they're doing this lantern thing down by the pier tonight, so I thought we could do that after, if you're down? No pressure, obviously. I know you've got an early lecture tomorrow."
Someone should tell Ava that memorising another person's class schedule by osmosis is desperately tragic. Maybe Lilith will take the time to be that person. As a public service. 
"Of course, if you want to," Beatrice says. Which is also a bit tragic, but Beatrice was socialised in a conservative fishbowl, so she gets a pass for her lack of game.
Not for her lack of taste, though. 
"Speaking of things I want," Ava continues, and Lilith rolls her eyes into infinity. But also starts filling in her paperwork a little faster, just in case, God forbid, Ava has actually worked up the courage to discuss her ridiculous crush. "You said we couldn't do aikido at my place because I don't have safety mats."
"That was months ago." 
"Yep. And how convenient of me to remember while we’re surrounded by safety mats."
"You'd like me to teach you how to do a throw? Now ?"
"Or you could throw me," Ava shrugs. "I don't mind. I just want to try it."
Lilith isn't about to comprise on the quality of her record-keeping. She's meticulous. She is. 
But the idea of Beatrice and Ava sparring as a way to get close without it having to mean anything is somehow worse than them talking about their fucking feelings, and Lilith does not want to be around for it. 
She lets herself write a tiny bit faster. 
"Alright," Beatrice agrees. 
Lilith remembers when Beatrice wouldn't get within a square mile of a girl she might even theoretically, eventually, possibly like. Is this progress, then? Or has Beatrice just completed the requisite mental gymnastics necessary to convince herself that she isn't attracted to Ava?
She can hear Beatrice explaining the throw to Ava. Her window for escape is closing. Lilith speeds through the next form. 
"So, I put my hands here?"
"Yes. And I put mine here, like this, see?"
"Oh. I mean, yep. Seems — um. Solid."
Lilith wants to smack her face into the desk. 
Okay, she wants to smack Ava's face against the desk. She won't; she owes too many favours to Beatrice. 
Lilith hears the familiar sound of a body hitting the mat. She looks up instinctively, and regrets it. 
Beatrice has got Ava pinned to the floor. 
There's a beat of silence. 
It drags on and fucking on. 
"I really see why people are into this," Ava says at last, disgustingly breathless. "I mean, like, why they like it. Sports."
"I told you that Lilith teaches adult classes."
Lilith should leave quietly. She should. She's just signed her last form, and slipping out the door unnoticed is now officially an option. 
But she can't resist the opportunity that’s been so neatly laid before her. 
"I don’t think Ava would enjoy that nearly as much," Lilith says loudly, and they both startle. 
Beatrice leaps to her feet, not quite as graceful as usual. 
Ava just drops both her hands onto her face and holds them there, blocking out the world, exhibiting absolutely no interest in getting up. "Hi, Lilith," she calls out, her voice still slightly strangled. 
"What’s that supposed to mean?" Beatrice demands, the muscles in her jaw cinching tight. "She wanted a demonstration. I demonstrated."
Sometimes, Lilith wonders if there's truly no upper limit to what Beatrice can successfully repress. Or if one of these days, Ava is going to manage to hit the right button in the right way, and all of Beatrice's carefully constructed internal architecture is going to collapse irreparably. 
Probably the latter. 
Lilith just hopes that when that day comes, she's too far away to see or hear anything. 
"Just don't demonstrate in front of me," she says. 
She makes something of a show of filing her paperwork and gathering her things.
Ava and Beatrice just watch her. Ava doesn't even have the decency to stay embarrassed. If anything, she looks kind of annoyed with Lilith, and maybe not just because she interrupted her full body contact with Beatrice. 
And. Well. Ava's an idiot, and no one's arguing that, but maybe Lilith should've been a bit less direct. While Beatrice seems to be settling into herself more as of late, she’s still liable to spook easily. And as much as she's inclined to cause trouble for Ava — and she's very inclined — she doesn't want to set Beatrice back. Not after everything. Not when it would take so little to undo so much. 
"Enjoy your night," she grumbles, nodding at them before heading out the door. 
And please remember that the dojo’s windows face the street , Lilith would add, if she weren't convinced that they're going to be standing a minimum of six feet away from each other for the next hour or so. 
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marvels-baudelaire · 5 months
Confessions of the Heart
I finally posted!! The FIRST chapter of my story is now uploadeddd on both ao3 and wattpad.
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Here is a preview, i hope you enjoy:
It was the first week back from Spring Break, a week after Janine ran into Gregory into the bar. Well... ran is a stretch. More like, minded her business then was heard a loud yell from Gregory who then asked several questions about his observations and then left.
Either way, it left Janine feeling confused.
And a little proud.
On the one hand, why was Gregory acting so weird? Even if she were on a date, Gregory didn't want a relationship with her. She spent a lot of the break alone contemplating this because she knew she wasn't crazy.
He didn't want her.
Or at least she thought he didn't. But why was it such a problem that she went out with Manny. And what was wrong with what she was wearing? And why did he have to look at her like that knowing she cannot have him. Why did have to be on a date with someone else? That quietly stung Janine's heart a little bit. Not because he was on a date, but because it wasn't with her. She would have loved to be there with Gregory instead of Manny and talk to him about how excited she is to be back teaching and how she has been taking care of the plant he gave her and how she has learned so much about herself and gotten closer with her mom. But alas, Gregory was on a date with another girl, talking about whatever. She wanted to be the one sitting next to Gregory gazing into his eyes and feeling the warmth of his presence that she normally gets whenever he was around. And it was the worst not speaking to Gregory for those months at the district. Everything was just a little harder, not being able to talk to him and hear his voice.
Janine was currently at a staff Easter Party where Barbara and Melissa were holding court about something, Jacob was putting in his input, Ava disputing everything being said, and Mr. Johnson was just... Mr. Johnson. Gregory was there but they hadn't spoken much. He hadn't been acting weird but different. Like he was standing in certainty. About what? She didn't know, though she was curious.
Gregory was sitting at a table by himself drinking a cup of water in his thoughts until he spotted Janine, and instantly smiled. Janine loved when he looked at her with that smile that reached his ears.
"Hey Janine" he said as she sat down, watching her very closely, giving Janine butterflies.
"Hi Gregory, I see you shaved your beard". Oh yes, the beard Gregory had made a point about Manny having that Janine didn't get and found... odd? Not even that, it was just random, what does a beard have to do with anything.
They sat there making light conversation about the flowers Janine had previously picked from his garden and how to take care of them as they grow, and Janine couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to know so badly, but this wasn't the time nor place, so she excused herself from the table. "I'm going to go for a walk" she said slowly beginning to get up.
As she reached the door, she realized she really needed clarity, because this was crazy. It was eating her up inside and she could just talk to him about it. So, she shortly pulled out her phone from the purse and searched for Gregory's contact.
"Can you follow me please?" She sent.
He instantly read the message and Janine watched as bubbles popped up onto her screen,
"Of Course."
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delucadarling · 6 months
Hi! From the prompts, 'reaching out with their hand without saying anything, wanting the other one to grab it' for Barbie and Ava? If it works better for a different pairing, that's fine too, of course. I hope you'll have fun writing
(also, I am *thinking* about the ask you sent! It's such a good one)
Oho okay this is actually very very fun for me, because I love playing Barbie as having no goddamn clue she's attracted to women AND men. She doesn't recognize her attraction to women as attraction, she just assumes she wants to be Very Good Friends with women she's interested in.
Meanwhile, Ava gets hit by that love at first sight shit and doesn't know how to deal with the woman she's in love with...being entirely fucking oblivious. It should make things easier. Should :3b
(book 3 spoilers ahoy)
The sun is barely peering through the trees as the SUV pulls back in front of the warehouse. Everyone is dead silent, whether lost in thought or just tired from a night of hard work, Barbie can't be sure. She's not sure where she falls on that spectrum either. Morgan's out the door first, dragging Kira along after her.
"Wait!" Kira laughs. Morgan does not, so Kira turns back and says, "Good night, Babs!"
"I think we know who's going to have the best night out of all of us," Farah says wryly. The burst of levity brings a smile to Barbie's face, despite her fatigue.
"I'm just grateful my room is on the opposite end of the hallway to Kira's," Barbie says with a shake of her head. Nate groans, sinking into the passenger seat.
"I share a wall," he says, already defeated. With the sigh of a man facing a firing squad, he unfolds himself from the vehicle to head inside, Farah rabbiting off after him.
Ava has still yet to say a word or so much as move her hands off the steering wheel. For a long moment the only sound is the tick tick tick of the engine cooling down. Her broad shoulders are rigid, tight. Worse than they were during the odd conversation they had before the auction.
"Ava?" Barbie asks. Ava's shoulders inch up. "Are you-"
"I'm fine," Ava interrupts with a bark. She inhales, chest expanding, then lets out a slow breath. "You should get some rest. It has been a very long night."
"Yes," Barbie agrees, sliding across the seat to step out of the SUV. Ava follows suit, falling into step as Barbie picks her way across the path. Kicking off her broken heels had seemed prudent during the auction, but her tender feet are telling her she should have, perhaps, found replacement shoes. Her dress is barely holding together either. Oh well, it's not like Unit Bravo will mind her ragged appearance.
Though, now that she's thinking about that, Ava won't look at her. Barbie doesn't mind a lack of eye contact, but it's very unlike Ava, who seems to find reasons to stare at Barbie every time they're in a room together. She's not being ignored though, that much is clear as Ava stays at Barbie's side when they enter the inviting arms of the warehouse.
Her silent escort doesn't pause when they reach Barbie's room, catching the door and following her in. Barbie can't help a laugh.
"I'm going to take a shower now," Barbie says. Ava blanches. For all her bluster and stoicism, Ava has proven remarkably prudish. It's cute, and Barbie can't help poking at her for it. "You're welcome to join me."
"Excuse me?" Ava sputters. Barbie laughs again.
"No, no, I'm sorry. I meant you could wait in the bathroom while I shower, if you'd like." When Ava doesn't manage another word, Barbie tilts her head. "I assume you wanted to talk? Or chastise me. Either can be done just as well while I clean myself up."
"I suppose that would be the efficient thing," Ava says, sounding impatient. "But no, I would rather...No."
"Alright, then whatever you have to say will have to wait," Barbie says, turning away on the spot, a pang of disappointment hitting her behind the ribs for some reason.
"Wait!" Ava calls. When she turns back, Ava's hand is hovering in midair, half limp, uncertain. Barbie doesn't know why, but she reaches out and takes it, swallowing hard. Ava's hands are wide and strong, but remarkably soft. Almost as much as Barbie's.
For a moment Ava sways on the spot, her piercing green eyes shining with something like agony as she looks at Barbie. It's the same look she'd given her when she begged Barbie not to go to the auction.
"Are you...are you alright?" Barbie asks, barely managing a hoarse whisper as her pulse rushes in her ears. She doesn't love to be touched, with few exceptions, but this isn't disgust or discomfort, no matter how tight the vice around her heart is.
Taking a ragged breath, Ava nods. Then, she does the oddest thing. She lifts Barbie's hand and brushes her lips over the knuckles, split from her adventure in the auctioneer's dungeon.
"Forgive me," Ava says, a bare whisper blowing over her lightly moistened skin. She drops Barbie's hand with care and backs away. "I should go."
"You could stay," Barbie offers, aching for Ava to accept. Ava's jaw, strong and defined, works hard.
Then she leaves, closing the door behind her.
Confusion knits itself with Barbie's brows, her mouth twisting as she tries to figure out what just happened. What's wrong with Ava?
What's wrong with her chest?
A long hot shower soothes the odd palpitations, even if Barbie's mind remains in a whirl.
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comic-book-jawns · 2 years
Ava kisses her for the first time on a Tuesday morning, their 12th day in Switzerland.
“C’mon, Bea. You’re gonna give yourself a hernia.”
Beatrice, naturally, had opened her mouth to explain why Ava’s assertion was not remotely plausible… but then her diaphragm hadn’t given her the chance to, just as Ava intended.
“Pardon me.”
Beatrice wasn’t sure if her blush was the more the result of her loss of dignity or Ava’s smirk.
“Nope.” Definitely the smirk. Dammit. “You’re allowed to have the hiccups!”
The laughter was clear (and enticing) in Ava’s voice, but Beatrice refused to let herself be goaded into conversation a second time. Perhaps, she could admit to herself, though, that Ava had a point.
“I literally peed my pants yesterday, and you don’t see me apologizing for it.”
They’d been halfway to Bar LaVasseur for their first night shift, Ava babbling away about the wild time Beatrice prayed was not in store for them until she stopped abruptly and confessed she’d forgotten to use the restroom.
Beatrice had asked if she could wait to go at the bar; and Ava, looking only moderately sheepish, had replied that waiting wasn’t the issue. So, in fact, it was Beatrice who’d ended up apologizing, following her prolonged period of silent confusion.
When they’d set off again from their flat twenty minutes later, Ava indeed had not apologized. She’d thanked Beatrice for accompanying her.
“Fine.” Beatrice at least managed not to hiccup mid-word, but Ava still giggled. “Slap me.”
Until her giggles turned into a cough.
“Excuse me?”
It was Beatrice’s turn to smirk, and Ava stopped in her tracks, face flushed — which wasn’t surprising given the burn she’d acquired last week in pursuit of a “base tan.”
“Bea, I’m not gonna slap you.” Even less surprising was her roommate grinning well before she got to the punchline. “That’s way too boring.”
Ava, naturally, had spent the rest of their walk back to the flat trying out increasingly absurd scare tactics: jumping in front of her, phasing in front of her, phasing in front of her and screaming, declaring that she’d left the stove on.
Admittedly, that one could possibly have worked last week… before Ava decided to make “experimental tea” and Beatrice returned from the library to a kettle of boiling orange juice, alongside Ava, who’d spotted a stray cat on the street from their third-floor window.
Just as it seemed Ava had run out ideas, she suddenly sprinted ahead, straight for the lake. And while Beatrice already knew Ava would complain about her wet clothes for the next two hours, she also recognized that Ava was an adult, free to make her own choices — as long as they didn’t involve the stove.
“I can’t swim, by the way!”
Her roommate called over her shoulder gleefully, as she splashed through the water’s edge.
The warning only encouraged her, of course… until she reached the drop-off. The one Beatrice had known was awaiting her, having gone for a morning swim on Sunday, their “day off” from training.
Beatrice was still getting used to the nickname, despite Camila having used it first. Ava’s tone, though, was one Beatrice absolutely did not want to get used to.
“I’m here.”
If she did, it would mean she’d failed her mission… failed Ava.
“I’ve got you.”
She hadn’t this time, though, carrying her out of the water — Ava uncharacteristically quiet as she clung to her neck.
Beatrice wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, only that she felt her blush return — as Ava pulled back and promptly looked over Beatrice’s shoulder at the ground below — along with her hiccups.
She was too drained to fight a smile when Ava giggled again, but it was short-lived.
“Thanks, Bea.”
Beatrice set Ava down with a tingling right cheek.
She didn’t hiccup again.
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finnofamerica · 1 year
The Week Of - Bucky Barnes X Reader || Part 2 || Angst / Fluff
Summary: As a bridesmaid in your best friend’s wedding, you are invited to stay with her during the week of the wedding as everything gets prepared for the big day. Things don’t quite go as planned when you discover that you will be bunking with one of the groomsmen.
Word Count: 1,180
Date Posted: 05.30.23
TW: strong language.
Note: This may not actually be that angsty again...
|| Masterlist || Request Here || Ask Me Stuff || Part 3 || Requested
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“Are you ready for that hug now?” You asked, wandering into the kitchen, baggy sweats cuffed around your ankles so you wouldn’t accidentally trip over them. Ava’s face broke out into a grin. 
“Yes, of course!” She squealed, pulling you into her arms. “God, I missed you! It’s been too long.” 
“I missed you too.” You relaxed into the physical touch, no longer feeling overstimulated from the airport. The quiet was interrupted by the growling of your stomach.
“Do you want to go get shitty fast Mexican food and hang out in Bessie and talk?” She asked, needing to get in a good chat before the events of the wedding kicked off. You nodded, smiling sheepishly. 
One hill that you would die on is that what makes Filiberto’s so great is the fact that it is so shitty and greasy. The last time you’d visited Ava, the two of you had Filiberto’s three times in the one week. Something about it made it so delicious and addicting, and within days of your return home, you were already fantasizing about when you would get your next taste. 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t ask you to be my maid of honor,” Ava interrupted the content silence of your meal in the front seat of her VW Bus. The sunset over the park you had pulled into casted golden rays over her face. “I just needed someone who would be here to help me with the planning and the bridal shower.” 
“I understand,” You smiled, “I kinda assumed that’s why you didn’t pick me. I’m glad you and Greyson are finally tying the knot, though.” 
“I heard that you and Bucky had quite the rough start.” 
You sighed, regret sitting heavy in your chest, “I was overstimulated and not handling my emotions well. I shouldn’t have taken it out on him, but he also shouldn’t have kept me trapped in that tiny space while he let everyone else get off the plane first.”  
“I know,” Ava assured, “But Bucky doesn’t know that. I think you two would really get along if you apologized. Maybe if you explained to him what was happening in your big beautiful brain.” 
“You’re right.” 
“Are you ready to head home?”
“Yeah, let’s head home.” 
Bucky was laid shirtless in the king-sized bed when you entered your shared room, book in hand. For a long moment, you were frozen in place. His entire left arm was made of metal, but it looked like an arm. It wasn’t like the vast majority of prosthetics that you had seen. Most impressive was that it was functional. There were many prosthetics you’d seen that were for show or had very limited functionality. 
“Are you gonna keep staring, or are you gonna say something?” His voice knocked you out of your stupor. 
“I uh,” you let out a long breath, trying to calm your racing heartbeat. Each word halted, making your sentence come out slow and staggered. You were never one for confrontation; every syllable felt like a nail in your coffin. “We got off on the wrong foot today, and I just wanted to clear the air.” 
Bucky set his book to the side, giving you his full attention. Momentarily distract you with how his muscles shifted and the puffy scars that crept down his left pec. 
“I am sorry that I snapped at you.” You started, looking anywhere but at his face, “I was really overstimulated by the whole air travel process, and I genuinely wanted to claw off my own skin, and airports have entirely too many people and noises and things. Not that that excuses the fact that I was rude to you, but I’m just trying to let you know where I am coming from and why I acted the way that I did, and-” 
“Stop.” He said firmly, causing your words to fizz out like air being released from a balloon. “I was being a dick too. Obviously, you weren’t enjoying that situation when we were unloading, and I deliberately sat there to make you suffer. Wanna start over?” 
You sighed, a smile growing on your face. You stuck your hand out for him to shake, “Hi, I’m Y/n.” 
“I’m Bucky.” He shook your hand.  “Your arm is fascinating. Is that the latest from Stark Technologies? I heard after some horrible incident overseas, Tony stopped producing weapons of mass destruction and instead started to produce prosthetics and fund resources to help veterans with PTSD.” You sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to get a better look at the slated metal in front of you. “It’s fully functional? Like you never lost your arm?”  “It took a while to adjust to its sensitivities, but yes, it’s fully functional.”  “Can I touch it?”  “I guess,” He chuckled. He was used to children asking to examine his arm, but most grown adults just adverted their eyes and pretended it didn’t exist as it that was supposed to help normalize someone having an arm made entirely of metal. You examined it with care, only using feather light touches as you traced the slats in the metal. You followed the pattern all the way up his shoulder to his chest, where the scars spiderwebbed across his pec.  Bucky sucked in a breath as you traced one of his scars, shifting slightly. You pulled your hand back abruptly as if he’d electrocuted you.  “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” You asked.  “No…. It’s just been a long time.”  You waited for him to finish his sentence for a moment until you realized that he wasn’t going to.  “I guess it’s getting pretty late.” You scratched the back of your neck. "I can sleep in the armchair.”  “Absolutely not. I would not be much of a gentleman if I let you do that. Besides, both my mom and Ava would kick my ass. I will sleep in the chair tonight.”  You chuckled at the image of Ava’s tiny, curvy frame landing a kick square between his cheeks.  “You sure?”  “I’m sure.”  “Okay.”  He swung his legs over the side of the bed, letting out a groan as he stretched. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his shirtless back, admiring the functional definition in his muscles. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander down his spine. His boxers fit tightly to his ass and thighs. There was no way this man skipped out on his squats.  Bucky pulled the little footstool over to the chair, sitting down to measure out the distance. You had to advert your eyes, or you’d not-so-subtly be staring at what he was packing. Your face heated uncontrollably as you began to make your nest in the large bed.  You could hear him move around to the armoire, digging out an extra blanket from the bedding stored there. As he headed back to the chair, he flicked off the light, cursing slightly to himself as he blindly worked his way to his “bed.”  “Night, Y/n.”  “Good night, Bucky.” You whispered back in the darkness.
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Tags: @1deadpool26 @vicmc624 @fortisfilia
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writingwhimsey · 2 months
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 45
Chapter 45
The weekend of the beach trip soon arrived. I was triple checking to make sure we had everything we needed in our bags. “Sunscreen, clothes, swimwear, pajamas, shoes, bugs spray, some extra snacks…”
“You’ve gone over this a dozen times, my love.” Shingen said as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and then kissing my cheek. “I think we have everything.”
“I know…I just want to make sure your first beach trip in the modern day is special.” I replied.
“It already is because I am going with you, my angel.” 
“Well…when you put it like that…” I said, my cheeks blushing furiously. 
“I am very much looking forward to this trip.” Shingen said, kissing the side of my neck. “And all of the surprises you have planned for me.” He whispered this last part in my ear before playfully nipping at my lobe, causing me to let out a little squeak.
“You’re terrible.” I replied, giggling. “You better not get that started or we’ll miss our bus.”
Shingen gave my waist a squeeze and a peck on my cheek before releasing me. “Then let us get going.”
Shingen insisted on carrying our bags as we left the apartment and headed for the bus stop. Since the trip was only for the weekend, it wasn’t like we needed much. So he had them both slung over his shoulder. Though I still felt bad, him carrying everything.
“You know I can carry my bag. It’s not that heavy.” I told him.
“I would never dream of making my princess carry her own bag. Especially once we get on the bus.” Shingen replied. His free hand was holding mine as we walked, so he brought our joined hands to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of my hand.
I smiled at him and shook my head. “You’re too sweet.”
“There’s no such thing.” Shingen replied.
When we hopped on the bus, it was once again crowded and standing room only. Shingen moved to have his free arm around my waist, pulling me flush against his side. Having a big teddy bear of a husband to keep you safe on the bus like this was very nice. I recalled that perverts tended to use the crowded buses and trains as an excuse to grope unsuspecting people. So it was nice having my own personal body guard…also just being close to Shingen was always nice.
When the bus reached our stop, we got off along with a few other people. I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket, it had the address written on it. “Alright, looks like we just need to head this way.” I said.
“Lead the way, my angel.” Shingen said.
We walked hand-in-hand along the sidewalk until we reached our destination. The beach houses along this stretch were spread out just a bit farther apart than the others and each included a more private section of beach. We made our way up to the door and knocked.
After a few moments, the door was opening and Shoko was opening it up, a bright smile on her face. “Ava! Shingen! Welcome!” She was then pulling me into a hug. “I’m so glad you guys could make it.”
I smiled as I returned her hug. “Thank you for inviting us.”
“Yes, thank you.” Shingen added.
Shoko smiled as she pulled away. “Alright, come in and I’ll show you around.”
We stepped inside the beach house. It was spacious and filled with natural light from the windows that surrounded it. “Here we have the living room, where we can all gather and hang out. Though I am sure we’ll do more of that outside to enjoy the beach and the sun.” Shoko said. “Kitchen is over there. Your room is this way.”
We followed her up a set of stairs and down a hallway. “Mine and Kenji’s bedroom is down that way. Your guys’ bedroom is here.” She said, opening a door to a fairly large bedroom. “Fresh bed sheets and everything for you guys. You’re free to use the dressers and closet as you need. And it does have an en suite bathroom there and then you have a nice view of the beach out your window there.”
“Don’t tell me you gave us the master?” I asked.
“Oh no, Kenji and I have that. This house has four bedrooms and three bathrooms.” She answered. “Two bedrooms have an en suite, which is nice for having guests like you guys over.”
Shingen set our bags down in the room and then Shoko continued the tour for us. We ended the tour on the back deck, where Shoko’s husband and sons were. The boys were playing in the sand just off the back deck, while Kenji sat in a chair watching them.
“Hey, honey our guests have arrived.” Shoko said as she walked up to peck her husband on the cheek. 
Kenji smiled at his wife before getting up and turning to me and Shingen. Kenji was just as I remembered him. We had all gone to school together. He was tall and lanky, with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore black-rimmed glasses. 
“Kenji, you remember Ava and this is her husband, Shingen.” Shoko introduced.
“Hey Ava, good to see you again.” He greeted. “And it’s nice to meet you, Shingen.” He was then extending his hand.
Shingen recognized the gesture as he had before and clasped Kenji’s hand. “Nice to meet you, too. Thank you for inviting us to stay.”
“No problem. It’s the least we could do after I heard about what my brother-in-law did.” Kenji replied.
Shoko was then calling out to her sons. “Kaito! Ren! Come up here and say hi to our guests!”
The boys turned and jumped up, coming running as their mother called them. Kaito was nine and the boy version of his mother, while Ren was seven and looked just like Kenji. “Ava!” They called as they ran to hug me.
I smiled as I hugged them back. “Goodness boys! You have grown!” The Kaito was already up to my shoulders…granted it’s not like it really took that much to be as tall as me, but still. These kids were catching up fast!
“I’m one of the tallest in my class.” Kaito declared.
“Me, too!” Ren exclaimed.
“Well, you two come by it honestly.” I said, smiling at them.
“Yeah, but at least no one is looking at them weird like they did me.” Shoko said.
“No one looked at you weird, dear.” Kenji told her.
“You certainly did.” Shoko teased him.
“Oh that’s just because he was in love with you from the get go.” I told her.
Shoko looked over at her husband and he smiled. “She’s right.” He said with blushing cheeks.
Shoko’s own cheeks reddened. “Well… that’s nice to know.”
The boys released me from their hugs and turned to look at Shingen, now. “Wow, mister, you’re really tall and you look super strong.” Ren said, looking up at Shingen with wide eyes.
“How do you even get muscles that big?” Kaito asked.
Shingen chuckled. “With lots of exercise.” He answered.
Exercise…fighting, swinging around a great sword, martial arts…it was all the same right?
“I am also willing to bet he eats his vegetables and listened to what his mother and father told him while growing up.” Shoko added.
Shingen nodded. “Exactly.” He agreed.
Though I had to fight off a giggle. Shingen eating all of his veggies? Maybe only if they bribed him into it by offering sweets if he finished the veggies.
“Alright, then we’d definitely better eat all of our veggies at dinner tonight.” Kaito declared.
“Yeah.” Ren agreed.
“Alright, why don’t you boys go back to playing?” Shoko said. “We’ll all get started on making dinner.”
“Okay, Mom.” The boys were then running back to the sand.
Shingen hugged me from behind once the boys were out of earshot. “You look like you didn’t believe that I ate all of my vegetables and listened to my mother growing up, my love.” He teased.
“Listening to your mother, maybe.” I replied. “But eating all your vegetables? With your sweet tooth?”
“You may have a point.” Shingen replied.
“As long as you play along in front of the boys, you can have all the cookies and sweet snacks you want.” Shoko spoke up with a grin. “The cupboards are full of them.”
“Seems like a fair deal.” Shingen replied.
“So, how can we help with dinner?” I asked.
“You’re our guests, you don’t have to help.” Shoko answered.
“We’d like to, though.” Shingen replied.
“Well, in that case, Shingen, how about you help me man the grill here?” Kenji suggested gesturing to a grill off to the side of the deck.
“Sure.” Shingen replied.
“Alright, then Ava you can come help me with the rest of the dinner.” Shoko said.
“Sounds like a plan.” I replied smiling.
Shoko and I headed inside to the kitchen while Shingen went with Kenji to the grill. “You know you wanted to be alone so you could ask me more questions.” I teased Shoko as I bumped her with my shoulder.
Shoko laughed. “I definitely do.” She replied, grinning at me as we made our way to the kitchen. “Some girl talk is always welcome.”
We set to work, getting out all of the ingredients we would need and then cutting, chopping, seasoning, etc. “I’m glad to see you and Kenji still doing so good and looking so happy together.” I told Shoko. “I’ve always thought you two looked so cute together.”
Shoko smiled. “Thanks.” She replied. “You and Shingen look really cute together, too, you know.” 
I felt myself flushing pleasantly. “Thanks.”
“And seriously, thank you for taking me up on the invite.” Shoko said. “I really wanted to make it up to you for the other night with my idiot brother.”
“It’s fine.” I replied, waving my hand dismissively.
“I’m also glad to see it doesn’t look like the incident had any negative impact on your marriage. Jealousy can be ugly.” Shoko said.
“Definitely not negative.” I replied, my cheeks heating up.
“Oh?” Shoko asked. “What happened once you guys got home that night?”
“Let’s just say….the next day when you called, I still couldn’t walk because I had jelly legs.” I answered.
“Damn.” Shoko replied. “So, it actually went really great for you, huh?”
“VERY.” I answered. “I think…for that night, what upset me was learning Touji had never really been a friend.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Shoko replied. “I should have told you a long time ago. But I just… I never thought he would take it that far. Especially if he ever saw you truly happy with someone the way you are with Shingen.”
“You can tell I’m happy with Shingen?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah. You are glowing with love when you’re with him.” Shoko replied. “And it’s not just the new love glow that everyone gets at the beginning of a relationship. I can tell it’s honest to goodness, love and happiness.”
“And you and Kenji still have that glow.” I told her.
Shoko smiled. “I’m glad. Because I really do love my life with my family.” She said. “Speaking of, what are you and Shingen planning?”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Oh, you know, kids.” Shoko replied. 
“Oh…we haven’t really talked about it.” I answered. “Though…I think he would be a good dad… and a little boy who looked just like him would be so cute…but also the idea of him with a little girl, doting on her would be adorable too.”
Shoko smiled. “There really is nothing like seeing the man you love as a father.” She said. “It’s this whole new level of love. Seeing how much they love this little person you guys made together…”
Thinking about it, I am sure Shingen would want kids. Being a warlord, he would definitely need an heir to carry on the name and all of that. But also…he did say he’d always wanted a wife and family…and now he wanted those things with me…now he COULD have those things which he had denied himself. But there was also no rush as we still had the time to enjoy ourselves. Maybe, someday it would happen.
Outside with the guys…
“Shoko tells me you’re a property manager?” Kenji asked Shingen as he started up the grill.
“Yeah. It’s been passed down in my family for a while.” Shingen answered, hoping that Kenji would accept his vague answer.
“Sounds like a sweet deal.” Kenji replied. “What brought you guys out this way anyways? Was it just coming to meet Ava’s family?”
“That and my health.” Shingen answered. “I spent some time in the hospital when we first got here.”
“Oh? Well, whatever they did must have worked well. You look like the picture of health now.” Kenji replied.
“Yes. I’m feeling better than I have in years.” Shingen replied. Thanks to my angel. He thought.
“What kind of hobbies do you have?” Kenji asked. “I’m into collecting and some painting myself.”
“I dabble in carpentry.” Shingen answered. “Furniture, carvings, that kind of thing.”
“That’s pretty neat.” Kenji replied. “So, how did you and Ava meet?”
“We were set up by some friends.” Shingen echoed Ava’s answer from the night at her grandmother’s. It still struck him as funny to say. That was one way to explain an arranged political marriage. Especially considering most people involved, Shingen wouldn’t consider friends. Though Ava considered all of them friends, so he supposed the term applied in that case.
“That’s some good friends you have.” Kenji replied. “Honestly if Ava hadn’t have helped me work up the courage, I don’t know if I ever would have confessed my feelings to Shoko.”
“Ava encouraged you?” Shingen asked.
“Yeah. We all used to hang out together.” Kenji answered. “Most of us were the kids the others made fun of for one reason or another. So we all stuck close together. I always thought Shoko was the coolest and most beautiful girl. Ava could tell and she always told me I should go for it because she thought Shoko would feel the same way as me…and she was right.”
Shingen smiled. He loved that Ava had always been such a caring person… though he didn’t like hearing that she had been made fun of by other kids. That part broke his heart.
“She even helped me plan the best and most romantic way to ask her.” Touji added. 
“Oh?” Shingen asked.
“Yeah, she helped me find Shoko’s favorite flowers and let me practice what I was going to say.” Kenji went on. 
“So, she was a little match-maker.” Shingen said, thinking it was so cute.
“Yeah, but she really struggled to find romance herself.” Kenji said. “So, when we all learned she’d come back married to you…we were surprised. Happy, but surprised.”
“What do you mean by struggled?” Shingen asked.
“She just…she could see it for other people, but had a hard time finding it for herself.” Kenji answered. “She always liked the wrong guys or she’d meet someone and things would be going great until they weren’t.”
“I see.” Shingen replied, stroking his chin in thought. He didn’t like that his love had had so much trouble in the past…but then again had she not, she might never have married him.
“Don’t tell her I told you, though.” Kenji said, realizing that there may have been a reason Ava had never said anything to Shingen before. “She might just hurt me…and by that I mean sick my wife on me.”
Shingen chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“So how long have you guys been married anyway?” Kenji asked. “You definitely still seem like newlyweds.”
“A few months.” Shingen answered. “The best few months of my life in fact.”
Kenji smiled. “I knew it.” He said with a knowing smile. “Of course, it only gets better from here. The more time you spend together, the more that love grows.”
Shingen smiled. He could only imagine and look forward to that.
“It can be challenging at times, but it’s still so worth it.” Kenji went on. “Some of the best and most challenging times come after you have kids, but even the challenging times are worth it.”
“Life is always full of challenges.” Shingen agreed. “But I can’t think of anything better than facing all of those challenges by the side of the woman you love.”
“You definitely said it there.” Kenji agreed. “So, you think you and Ava will have kids?”
“I hope so.” Shingen replied. He’d always wanted a family…and now that he had Ava, he wanted that with her. He couldn’t help but to picture a cute little girl who looked just like Ava. Whatever their future held, he was looking forward to it. All of it. All the ups and downs with his angel at his side.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @oda-princess @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic @eventinelysplayground @bjorkshire-pudding
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