#the way i gasped when i found this book at my uni's library
anthropoetics · 1 year
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little celebration of me finally reading something, even though it's so busy lately i can barely enjoy my own company.
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2jaeh · 4 years
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genre: drabble, daddy fic
warnings: mature theme with no smut,
Dilf! Kun, Uni! Reader, bff! Chenle
Words: 1,6k
Chenle invites you to do your internship project at his dads publishing house. But with the bad weather and no one but you showing up to his office, Kun decides to get your advice on his...erotic literature novel.
“Do you have an internship set up yet for the final project ?” You asked while you watched Chenle annihilate yet another player on pubg. The two of you being the anti-social best friends that you were, snuck up to his dorm in order to avoid the career day market that was being held at your university.
“Nah” Chenle simply replied as his face neared his phone screen setting up his next kill, “I think I’m just gonna intern at my dad.���
All you knew about Chenle’s dad was that he was always busy and never home whenever the two of you decided to hang out at Chenle’s place during vacations. You watched as Chenle took yet another victory, finally feeling satisfied enough to set aside his phone and give you his full attention. “Why don’t you come with me to my dads place?” He shrugged.
“I don’t even know what your Dad does Chenle”
“Well he’s not a drug dealer or something”
You flung a pillow at him as Chenle giggled erratically, avoiding the pillow and surrendered by putting his arms above his head.
“Sorry...okay well my dad is an author but he also runs a publishing company” Chenle explained and pulled out a few pictures to give you a better idea of how much really went on at his dads office.
You stretched your arms behind you. “Well I am majoring in journalism this would probably look good on my resume”
“Exactly so are you in ?”
“I’m in! I hope your dad likes me.”
You finally found the publishing house and rung the doorbell, praying to God that you weren’t too early and no one was in yet.
After about two minutes the door finally creaked open and there stood a very dashing man, dressed in shades of brown and pair of spectacles that rested on his sculpted face.
After about two minutes the door finally creaked open and there stood a very dashing man, dressed in shades of brown and pair of spectacles that rested on his sculpted face.
“Y/n right ? Come in come in” the man said quickly shielding you from the droplets of your umbrella and offered to hang up your coat.
“Thank you” you smiled shyly, finally warming up in the cozy hallway that seemed homier than you expected.
The man smiled back, pushing back his blonde hair as he held out his hand to you, “I’m Qian Kun, Chenle’s dad.”
“Oh h-hi sir ...uh Mr Qian” you stumbled over your words.
Kun chuckled and waved his hand in front of him, “please please just call me Kun”
You nodded and pressed your lips together as he gestured you to enter the next room and you expected to see one other person but it was surprisingly empty.
“I guess everyone decided against coming into work today” Kun scratched the back of his head, “the weather is extremely bad I told Chenle to also stay back, I’m surprised you’re even here.”
“Well I thought that he would be here...don’t you guys live together or something ?” You were taken aback by your own bluntness, forgetting you were conversing with someone much older than you.
Kun bit down on his lip and nervously adjusted his turtle neck as this was the first time he met any of Chenle’s friends.
“Well I actually live here, Chenle’s mom and I are separated, he lives with her” Kun carefully explained and you wanted to punch yourself for putting the both of you in this uncomfortable atmosphere.
“Oh....okay well are you closed then ? Do I need to like leave ?” You mumbled as your eyes drifted to the mountains of books that lay around.
“No it’s okay you can stay, it’s way too dangerous to be walking out in weather like this, I’ll find something for you to do y/n” Kun smiled sweetly and you felt yourself blush. He was incredibly handsome and so poised. He looked much younger than you expected, and the way he dressed only accentuated his perfect body. We’re you checking out your best friends dad ?
Kun snapped you out of your daydream and handed you a warm cup of tea as the two of you sat in a mini library. Soft indie music filled the room, harmonizing with the droplets that hit against the window from the outside.
Kun made you do a bit of record keeping for one of the latest books that was about to be published by his company. It seemed all too natural to talk to him and because of your common interests in novels, Kun was quickly impressed with how well you held conversations despite being quite young.
“You have more knowledge on Stephen King than any of my employees here you know that ?” Kun quirked his eyebrow at you.
“I love horror novels, I’m not sure why but the adrenaline it gives me....”
“I appreciate his writing but I can’t stand creepy stuff” Kun shook his head, typing away at his desk.
“Well I don’t only read horror I also prefer romance novels but not the sappy kind” you shrugged as your eyes were still stuck on the book keeping sheet, completely unaware that Kun had stopped typing and was looking over at you.
“Oh? Then what kind of romance ?” He quizzed, resting his elbows on his desk and bit down on his thumb.
You were still in your own bubble unaware that the atmosphere had shifted. You had been talking to Kun for almost 6 hours now and it felt like the most natural thing in the world - as long as you weren’t looking directly at him.
“I like forbidden romance, also I know there’s a stigma around them but erotic novels are actually pretty well written”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah I think it’s pretty amazing how writers can capture passion and...lust like that” you swallowed hard as you now felt the tension in the room.
You turned back to see Kun staring directly back at you, his eyes were narrowed as if he were deep in thought.
“Is...is everything okay?” You asked in a small voice. The way he stared gave you butterflies in your stomach, you had to keep reminding yourself that this was your best friends father.
Kun stood up from his seat and rolled his sleeves up as he began rummaging through a box that sat on a counter top near the foyer. He returned and handed you a small booklet, taking a seat on the couch next to you.
“This is a draft for a novel I was planning on writing but ended up scrapping because the...lewd scenes...were too uncomfortable for me to write” he coughed as he watched your eyes scan the paper.
You cocked your head to the side and nodded as you took in word for word before handing back the script, “it’s not bad it’s just not alluring enough.”
“Alluring ?”
“Yeah” you responded and turned your body to face him, “I think when starting off with a passionate kiss, there needs to be more impact”
You took his warm hand in yours and felt your heart do a somersault but you kept your composure.
“May I demonstrate ?” You bit down on your lip and looked up at him.
“As long as it’s okay with you, by all means please teach me y/n” Kun agreed while his eyes fell down to your plump lips.
You neared his face and kissed him softly, nothing too intense even though it felt like you were on fire. The kiss was simple but the way Kun kissed you made you aware of his experience and it was so goddamn attractive.
“That’s practically how you wrote their passionate kiss, it’s good but it can be a lot better” you explained and before you could let go of his hand Kun tugged you a bit closer,
“Well then y/n, show me” he said lowly as he licked his lips.
You responded by straddling his lap and allowed him to shift a bit lower, enough for your eyes to meet his. Kun raised his eyebrow, waiting for your next instruction like a model student.
“Grab my thighs” you whispered into his ear and he listened, immediately squeezing your thighs as you unconsciously let out a moan. Kun smirked up at you as you composed yourself and wrapped an arm around his neck and the other tangled with his hair.
You pressed your lips to his, this time harsher than before and without any instruction Kun took the lead in the kiss and the lesson became the real thing. Kun pulled you closer to his body and when his hand found your ass your gasp allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth, completely dominating you.
It seemed like hours you two were in that position, completely lost in the kiss and each other. Kun felt almost brand new. He was a very reserved person and he would never do something like this but he was enamored by your presence. All he wanted was more.
You finally broke the kiss as you needed to catch your breath. You still sat in Kuns lap, legs on either side of him as you ran your hands down his toned body and bit your lip.
“You know I could teach you more about erotic literature if you want Mr Qian” you purred.
“Well there’s so much I clearly need to learn from you y/n lets get to work.”
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hillnerd · 4 years
Au headcanon where Ron is a squib and Hermione is a muggle?
so had a couple thoughts about it- here are the random bits- i definitely could have explored so much of this deeper- but eh- anyways! Here we are! :D Sorry this is like, months and months later.
Ron had never quite known where he fit in the world. 
One by one he watched his brothers get their letters and go to Hogwarts. He waited with anticipation for the year he’d get his own letter. Each year he got closer to being eleven, the hope and anticipation grew thinner. His brothers had grabbed wands and performed spells when they weren’t supposed to, and when Ron grabbed a wand nothing happened. It just sat in his hand like a stick. He’d had some awful scares, and no magic had come from that either. Everyone else could see the fairies in the yard, and only if he tried his hardest could he even catch a glimmer of them.
He turned eleven in March, and when it was time for Hogwarts letters that summer he waited. And he waited. And the final day of July came and his father came home with a grim look on his face.
‘Ron… Your mother and I need to talk with you,’ he said with a careful deliberation, in a careful tone he’d never used around Ron before.
‘Is… Is it about my Hogwarts letter?’
Tight mouthed his father nodded.
His mother was smiling at him in comfort, but there were tears in her eyes. 
They went to his parents room, where they sat him on the bed and told him.
The Hogwarts letters had gone out two weeks ago. They contacted the school to be sure.Ron wasn’t magical. He was a squib.
‘You have a little bit of magic, darling,“ his mother assured him. “That’s how you can see bits of fairies and ride alright on a broom, but it’s not the kind of magic that can do spells and everything else.’
'I’m… I’m not good enough,’ Ron had managed to say before tears clouded his vision that he fiercely scrubbed away.
'It’s not about being good or bad, Ron,’ his father told him, almost fiercely. 'You know how much I love Muggle things? Well, I can’t use a lot of them or my magic interferes. You can! You can do all sorts of things we can’t.’
Ron nodded, but bit his lip to hold back the fierce horrible things he wanted to scream.
He didn’t give a whiff about Muggle things. He wanted to got to Hogwarts like all his brothers! He wanted to do spells, and play REAL quidditch… but he wasn’t good enough! He knew he wasn’t.
He knew he was a disappointment long before the news of being a squib.
His mother had wanted a girl, but instead she got Ron.
His siblings wanted someone cool, but instead they got Ron- the brother they were always trying to get rid of.
His parents had wanted all their kids to be magical, but then they got Ron.
'Tell you what,’ his father said. 'I’m going to take you to some Muggle parts of London and we’ll get a good look at it, and you can see all the great things you’ll get to do.’
Ron didn’t want to go. Honestly, in that moment, he didn’t even know if he wanted to breathe. His dad and Mum were looking at him like he might break, and the thought made him immediately jump to his feet.
'Yeah… Yeah let’s do it…’
'Excellent!’ said his Dad. 
And they were off to London.
He’d never been in the Muggle spots of London, and found the straight grey lines of all the buildings off-putting, but then they went to the cinema, and tasted the sweets, and went to an electronics store. It was when they took static photos in a photobooth that Ron realized he was spending more time with his dad than he’d ever gotten to before, just the two of them.
When they got home, he put the photo strip next to his Canons poster, and went to bed with a smile on his face.
Hermione had never quite known where she fit in the world.
Every year she’d go to school hoping this would be it; this would be the year she’d get a friend. 
She’d shine her shoes, straighten her clothes, have extra pencils, pens and paper for them to borrow should they need it– and she’d come home at the end of the school with plenty of school supplies and no friends. 
She finished her secondary schooling with some acquaintances, and straight teeth after years of braces, but no real friends. She went to University, and as she packed her bag for the first day of classes she agonized over whether to bring extra pens and pencils. 
Her first language arts class was good. They didn’t bother doing introductions and immediately were learning, when she felt a tap at her elbow. She turned around in her seat to see the most handsome boy she’d ever seen. Alright, well, technically she’d seen people who were more handsome, but this one… there was something entrancing about him. Everything from his bright red hair, to his bright cerulean blue eyes, to that little wry grin he had, and the freckles and– oh no he’d asked her something!
'Pardon?’ she whispered.
'Do you have a pen or pencil I can borrow?’
'Yes!’ she excitedly whispered back, smiling to herself as she rifled through her bag. She wanted to chastise him for not seeking a writing implement earlier. Class was half over! But he’d wanted one of her school supplies! As he took the pencil from her their fingers barely brushed, and she could barely keep her eyes facing forward the rest of class. She could barely take notes. It was ridiculous. She knew she was ridiculous to be so flustered. At the end of class she didn’t dare look back at him, but after a moment she felt him tap her shoulder.
'Yes?’ she asked, trying to comport herself. 
'Wanted to return your pencil,’ he said. He stood up and towered over her. 
'Oh no! No, you keep it! You’ll need it later, won’t you?’
'Yeah, I guess so, thanks,’ he replied, putting it behind his ear. 'What direction are you headed after this?’
She nearly shouted 'new friend!’ at him, but very skillfully didn’t.
'I’m going to the library. I don’t have class for another hour, so I figured I could get started on the paper the lecturer described.’
'The one that’s due in November?’ he asked with a quizzical lift to his brow.
Oh drat! Well, there went that opportunity. Dammit, Hermione! She knew she should have known better than to look like such a lame swot. 
‘Well… I mean it was just to pass the time…’ she lied. ‘I don’t know anyone here yet so…’
‘Well, you can know me. I’m Ron,’ he said offering his hand to her. ‘Ron Weasley.’
‘I’m Hermione Granger.’
They walked to one of the green commons amicably chatting when she spotted the library and felt it pulling her. It really was lovely, with beautiful gothic windows and pointed arches.
‘You want to head to the library, don’t you?’ he asked with a discerning look.
‘Only a bit…’ she said looking at the building with longing. ‘We don’t have to study or anything!’
He let out a sigh, but then he smiled at her. How could he be so tall, but still be looking up through his fringe in that charming way?
‘Well, let’s get in before they sell out of books.’
‘That’s not how libraries work.’
‘I was joking, Hermione.’
Oh. Jokes. She wasn’t very good at those. But she could try!
And she did try. For months she worked at it. Over time she found Ron could make her laugh, gasp, be horrified and exhilarated all at once at the things he’d dare to even think let alone say!
There was something special and perfect about Ron Weasley. 
Ron had never felt special much in his life. He could count it on his fingers.
The day he’d found out he was a squib, and his dad took him to Muggle London.
The day he’d gotten new school supplies, for the first time in his life, because he needed Muggle supplies.
The day he became Keeper for his football team.
The day he became Head Boy at his school and his mum had cried from happiness. 
The day they’d won the cup.
The day he’d gotten his acceptance letter to uni and his siblings had all cheered him on.
The day he’d met Hermione Granger and she’d smiled at him and blushed, like he was someone to blush about.
Hermione had always been told she was special. She couldn’t count how many times she’d been told.
She was told she was special by her parents.
She was told she was smart by her teachers.
She was told she was gifted by her school.
She was told she was a brain by peers (sometimes derisively.)
She was told how very special and perfect her mind was.
It used to make her feel special, but soon that soured and turned into pressure. Oh, so she’d proven to them she was special and smart NOW… but what if she had just been working harder than everyone to make those good grades? What if they realized she wasn’t special? What would be her worth THEN.
Then she went to Uni and a boy borrowed her pen. He might have said she was brilliant all the time, but half the time it had nothing to do with her brains. He’d laugh with her. He’d look at her and she’d feel warmed all over and special in a way she never had before.
A boy and a girl had never quite known where they fit in the world. They found they fit together.
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kiss me in the d-a-r-k .epilogue ii.
the weekend
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Warnings: dub con sex (oral, intercourse)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: The reader meets Steve again.
Note: Okay, I kept going and here is the next part. I’m sorry if the following one doesn’t post as soon but I dunno. I’m feeling it. You’re feeling it. I’m the fic daddy over here giving you what your need so here you go! I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply!
Steve drove you home. It was past midnight and you were exhausted. He offered for you to stay the night but that seemed too much. You were glad you lived alone in the cramped bachelor. Your summer of work paid off your rent in advance. It was meagre but affordable and close to campus.
He kissed you goodbye. Hungrily. You imagined that if you spent the night in his suite, he'd not have let you sleep long. His stamina was surprising. You thought older men were supposed to be tamer. You bid him a quick goodbye and he idled outside your building until the door closed behind you.
You laid awake for an hour. You could feel him still. When you finally closed your eyes, you saw him in your dreams. It felt almost as good as the real thing. You woke in a sweat and the autumn clouds set grey shadows across your apartment. The kitchen, bedroom, and living all shared the same open space. It looked so dreary in the dim chill and after your evening in Steve’s lux suite.
You dragged yourself to the shower. You let the hot water wash away the filth and shame. Steve was in your head again. You thought of the summer. The night he’d removed your bathing suit and touched you; the first time he’d tasted you; the last night when he’d taken it all. Your fingers were between your legs as you snapped back to reality and the steam blurred your vision.
You stepped out onto the tile and sat for a moment as you gathered yourself. You had a long day of studying ahead of you. The scent of old paper and stale coffee in the uni library would help you focus. A typical weekend bent over a table full of textbooks and notes as Kylie pestered you to come over.
You stopped by the campus cafe on your way to the library and headed to the top floor where the tables were often empty. You parked yourself at one in the furthest corner and strategically set out your laptop, phone, and books. You rubbed your eyes and sipped from your latte as you started your weekly readings.
An hour, maybe two before you drew your eyes from the cramped text. You yawned and grabbed your phone as your stomach growled. Your half-toasted bagel had barely been enough. Your screen showed the usual texts from Kylie and the school emails piled up in your inbox. Another name flashed across the screen; well, a single letter as his moniker: ‘S’. Keying in Steve’s full name had seemed more sinful than your little tryst.
‘Meet me at the Beer Garden. 6pm.’ As always, to the point and more than just a request.
‘I’m studying for midterms.’ You replied.
‘All day? I know you’re probably nose deep in those books already, sweetie.’
‘7’ You replied.
‘That works.’ He accepted and you replaced your phone on the desk.
You were hoping he’d forget about you for the rest of the week. He said he had business and a friend he wanted to see. For a moment, you’d wondered if this friend was another woman but the worry quickly faded. You didn’t care if he had another woman, this was just sex. Easier to keep it that way considering. With another to keep his attention, you’d not be the centre of it. Maybe this thing would die quick enough that you’d both forget and you’d have nothing to hide from Kylie.
You stepped off the subway and rushed through the tunnels. You hated the underground. It was eerie and claustrophobic. Above ground, you checked your phone and stared at the map as it pointed you in the opposite direction. You didn’t travel far from the university and catching the right train had been enough of a chore to have you overwhelmed.
The Beer Garden was upscale and above your pay rate, which at the moment consisted of scholarship money and inconsistent cheques for amateur online articles. You entered the tinted glass doors and looked around the bar with dread. You checked your phone, you were right on time.
Your heart froze as you spotted Steve across the bar. You smiled at him as he looked up and saw you. As you stood dumbly in place, another ambled into you as they emerged from the hallway marked ‘restrooms’. You looked over at the man and gasped. Your heart sank as you stared up at him.
“Hello,” He steadied you with a hand on your arm. “Funny to bump into your here. Quite literally it seems.”
“I, uh, yeah,” You stuttered like an idiot. “I was just...meeting a friend here.”
“Oh, me too,” He smiled. “What are the odds?”
“Yeah, well, I don’t see my friend,” You said. “So I guess I’ll just wait outside.”
“Outside? Why don’t you join us for a drink while you wait?” He asked.
“Us?” You frowned. “Who are you--?”
“My friend,” He supplied, “Don’t worry, you’ll like him. And we don’t bite. We’re too old for that.”
“I dunno,” You wrung your hands and glanced over at Steve who watched you curiously. “Okay. One drink.”
“Great.” He turned and waved you along. “Just over here.” He led you across the bar and your nerves began to storm as you got closer and closer to Steve. When Professor Barnes stopped you at the same table, your head swelled in panic. “This is my friend, Steve. Steve this is Y/N. She’s one of my students.”
“Oh, nice to meet you,” Steve reached out cordially and offered his hand. You shook it and he smirked. “I can’t imagine having this know-it-all as my professor. You’re a brave one.”
“I couldn’t handle you as a student,” Barnes replied shortly.
“Heh, yeah,” You climbed up on a stool, “Professor Barnes isn’t too bad. I’ve had worse.”
“You can call me Bucky here,” He corrected you, “This isn’t a seminar.”
“Okay,” You smiled nervously as he waved over your head and a waiter appeared at the table. 
“We’ll take a pitcher for the table. And another glass.” He ordered and the server went quickly to retrieve it.
“I...I’m not of age yet,” You said shyly.
“They won’t card you here, don’t worry.” Bucky flicked away your complaint. “You good for another round, Steve?”
“More than,” Steve assured him and his eyes peeked over at you. “So, are you failing or is he actually being reasonable these days?”
“She’s one of my best students,” Bucky retorted. “Don’t listen to him. He does this. He thinks he’s more successful than me because he lives out in the suburbs.”
“I know I’m better than you,” Steve returned and the waiter came back to set the pitcher and extra glass on the table. “Your stuffy little office and dozen degrees don’t mean anything.”
You laughed awkwardly as Bucky filled each glass and shook his head. “I don’t mind his class. Even if it is on Friday.”
“Ah, yes, I forgot the uni girls all love their weekends.” He pushed the third glass towards you. “And yet here you are with us geezers on your Saturday night.”
“There is wisdom in years,” You jibed, “As questionable as the source may be.”
Bucky chortled and took a drink. Steve chuckled under his breath and tilted his head as he considered you. You could see the thoughts behind his blue eyes as he glanced between the two of you. You stifled your nerves with a mouthful of beer. It was going to be a long night. If not disastrous.
You were done your drink. In fact, you were on your second. The night had worn on and you checked your phone. Two hours! You glanced over at Steve but he was distracted by whatever Bucky was saying. You found it hard to keep track as you tried to balance the two of them. Tried to keep boundaries with your professor and hide your secret crush from the man you were fucking.
“So what about that friend of yours?” You were startled by the question. You blinked and looked at your phone again.
“I...It looks like they’re not gonna make it,” You gave an exaggerated sigh. “It’s happened before. It’s whatever.”
“Aw, damn,” He frowned. His laugh lines showed beneath his thick beard and you couldn’t help but admire the way his blue eyes sparkled. “Well, at least you got to waste your time with us.”
“Uh, yeah, well,” You tapped your half-empty glass with your fingernail. “I think maybe I should just call it a night. I’ll have it out with my flaky friend tomorrow.”
“Finish your drink first.” Bucky said. “Might as well. Oh, you need a ride?”
“Oh, it’s cool. I don’t live too far and pass is subsidized through tuition.” You shrugged. “Really, I’m fine.”
“Alright, just be safe.” He warned. “Oh and don’t forget about Monday.”
“I won’t.” You promised as you drain the last dregs of your beer. You stood and pulled your jacket on. “Looking forward to it actually.”
“Monday?” Steve wondered.
“Writing workshop,” He explained. “A little extra experience for the students and some useful knowledge on how publishing actually works.”
“Oh, that nerd stuff,” Steve kidded and turned to you. “Well, it was nice meeting you. Good luck with this one.”
“Yeah, thanks,” You gulped. “Have a good night.”
“You sure you don’t need a ride?” Bucky asked.
“You sure you don’t? You’ve had your fair share.” You returned.
“Cab fare then?”
“I’m good,” You assured him one last time. “See ya Monday.”
You skirted away before they could suck you back in. They both seemed all too eager to keep you out all night. Steve didn’t surprise you but Bucky did. Rather, Professor Barnes. Always a laidback professor but you didn’t think him that friendly. You wondered how the odds had stacked up against you. The two of them; friends. Fate surely favoured you.
As you stepped out into the brisk evening, your bag vibrated and you stopped to check it. ‘Hotel. Lobby. Twenty minutes.’ You glanced back at the bar doors and texted your acquiescence. It’d take at least that to get over there on the subway. You wondered if Steve could beat you there.
He did. When you arrived he was in the lobby on a long leather chaise. He sat patiently. His eyes found you as you walked in and he stood to greet you. He held his jacket over his arm and held out his other hand for you to take. He pulled you to him and kissed you. His arm wrapped around you and you struggled to part from him.
“Steve…” You looked around. “Not here.”
“How many people do you know in the city, hmm? No one even cares.” He lowered his arm and squeezed your ass. “Let’s go before I lose all my self-control.”
He guided you to the elevator. His hand never left your ass despite your wriggling. He was warm against you and the beer made him irresistible. You leaned into him and your bag hung heavily from your arm. He led you down the hall and swiped his card at his door. He nudged you ahead of him and the door shut with a snap behind him.
“That whole time we were sitting there, I couldn’t stop thinking about your ass. About everything I wanna do to you.” He snarled. “Sweetie, you’re driving me wild.” He rubbed the front of his pants. “I need you naked. Now.” 
You complied almost instantaneously. You wanted him too. Wanted to feel the same electricity as before. You were tired of denying yourself. Of burying that urge that grew so overwhelming as you fingered yourself in your bed. Your jacket was thrown over a chair, your shirt, pants, and underwear followed. Your shoes and socks littered the floor beneath and you stood before him expectantly. 
“Jesus,” He inhaled deeply and unbuckled his pants. “Will you treat me nice, sweetie?”
You neared him as he undid his fly and ran you hand over his crotch. He groaned and let his pants fall open. You rubbed him through his briefs and he shuddered. He played with your hair and caressed your arm as he watched you. You dragged you fingers tantalizingly along his cock and relished the noises it drew from him.
You pushed his briefs down past his cock and got to your knees. You had only done it that one time. You were almost intimidated as you knelt down before him and he gripped the base of his cock. He bent his knees as you wrapped your fingers around his shaft just above his own. He let go and you flicked his tip with your tongue.
“Do you remember what I taught you, sweetie?” He purred and tickled along your cheek. “Just relax. Take it slow.”
You swirled your tongue around his tip and he twitched. You repeated the motion and he hissed. You stretched your lips around him and tasted his salty precum. His hands went to the side of your head and rested there lightly. He groaned as you took him deeper and pressed your tongue along his length.
You did your best not to gag as you pushed past your reflex. You still couldn’t take all of him and pulled back slowly so that your saliva coated his cock. Your hand followed your mouth and you did it again; again; again. Faster each time; hungrier. You’d never expected to like it so much and each stroke had you wanting more.
His thick breaths floated in your ears and you looked up at him. He was watching you intently, his blue eyes intent; hot. His fingers spread along the back of your head and he pulled you off him. He smiled at the small pop as his cock fell out of your mouth.
“Sweetie, you keep that up and I’m gonna cum already,” He purred. “Stand up.” 
He tugged on your hand until you were on your feet. You were almost dizzy; the mixture of lust and beer had you wild.
“On the bed.” He directed. “Tell me how you want it.”
You blinked at him and pouted. “I don’t...I don’t know.”
“Go on. Show me what you want.”
You clamped your lips shut and turned to look at the bed. As you edged away from him you heard the rustle of his clothing. You peeked back at him as he unbuttoned his shirt. He nodded for you to continue.
You stepped up to the bed and touched the mattress. The first night you were together, you’d mostly been on your back. He used his mouth more than his cock. There was so much left undone. Perhaps that was why you were here now. 
You climbed up on all fours and glanced back over your shoulder. His eyes sparked as he freed himself from his pants. You wiggled your ass and he grinned. You turned back as he stepped towards you and the city winked at you through the tall windows. The distant traffic and street lights so far away.
His hands surprised you as they gripped your hips and crawled down the back of your thighs. His hot breath was even more surprising and you looked back again. He was on his knees as he grabbed your ass. He leaned in and his cool tongue dipped between your warm folds. You gasped and your head spun back around. You closed your eyes and pushed your head back.
You moaned, a long relieved moan as he licked you. He played with your clit and sucked at it. His teeth tenderly grazed you and he drank you in. You grasped at the blankets and arched your back.
“S-S-Steve,” You came with a sultry stammer and he carried you through it with his mouth. “Oh, oh, oh god.”
“Yea, sweetie,” He parted and stood. “You want me to fuck you like this?” He slapped your ass.
“Yes, yes,” You were surprised by your desperate plea. You needed it more than ever. “Please.”
His hands were on your hips again. He held you steady and his cock poked your folds as he lined himself up. He plunged into you in a single motion. You squeaked at the sudden intrusion. It sent an overwhelming wave through you. His fingers kneaded your flesh as he started to thrust.
“Mmm, you’re so good, sweetie.” He brought his pelvis flush against you and you whimpered. You were so full. “Can you feel that? How tight you are. How good you feel around me.”
“Yesss,” You said breathily and dropped down to your elbows. You hung your head as he pulled back and kept his pace steady. You could hear how your walls longed for him; how they tried to cling to him. 
“Tell me what you want, sweetie? How do you want it?”
“Faster,” You said without thinking. “Harder.” 
You leaned into him and he impaled you. He sped up and you let out a delighted cry. His cock hit all the right spots as it filled you over and over. Your muscles tensed as you were drawn to the edge and you plummeted down to your orgasm with a roar.
“Yes, sweetie, that’s it.” He kept his hips moving just as quick. “Tell me where to cum.”
“On my ass. It’s...fine.” You gulped as your breathing turned erratic. “Oh. oh, oh, oh…”
Your chant continued as another orgasm followed. You’d never cum so easily. He pulled out suddenly and a warmth spilled down your ass and thigh. Your thighs quivered as he stroked himself to his peak and you slowly pushed your legs out from beneath you to lay flat.
He fell down beside you as the cum dripped down the side of your leg. He stretched his arm across your back and nestled closed. You turned your head to face him and gave a dopey smile. He smiled back but it was more than the afterglow.
“You wanna fuck him, don’t you?” He asked.
You blinked and shook your head against the mattress. “What?”
“Bucky.” He ran his fingers up your spine. “I can tell you want to. You should. If that’s what you want.”
“He’s my professor.” You stiffened and turned onto your side. You grabbed his arm so that his hand stilled. 
“And? He wants to fuck you too. I know him well enough.” He chuckled. “He doesn’t socialize with students. Not like tonight. And the way he perked up when he ran into you.” He tutted. “He’s a dirty professor. Not that blame him.”
“I’m not going to fuck him,” You insisted and sat up, the cum sticky on your leg.
“Alright,” He said coolly. “Just...if you change your mind, don’t worry about me. I want you to explore yourself. Even if it’s not with me.”
“Please,” You laughed off his suggestion and bent to kiss him, if only to shut him up. “I’ve got enough to worry and not enough time to worry about it.”
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malifikook · 5 years
College Fiasca (II)
First off, i am SO sorry for the delay of this part. I promised this AGES ago but tumblr never posted it and .. now i feel terrible. but here we go, the second part to the college fiasca series!
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Sex was great. Something you learnt last night was something that you had, in fact, been missing out on now. But a problem comes with sleeping with someone who’s known for one night stands. And there’s a problem when you find yourself in the room of that someone 3 AM in the morning.
It was a sharp prodding in you stomach that roused you, making you grumble and roll around, nudging your nose deeper into the soft soft pillow that oddly felt so luxurious and -
Nothing like the used pillow that you owned.
Shooting up onto your splayed hand on the pillow, you gazed through the hair that had fallen infront of your face at the jerk, glancing around to see an apartment you had never seen before, and when your eyes dropped down at the sight of movement, you gaped in horror when you saw a very handsome face lying right next to you, his eyes closed, soft lips parted as his brows pinched slightly.
‘Oh my god’ you mouthed, shivering suddenly at the cold air and you gasped when you realized you were naked, and the sheet was slipping off your shivering body.
Now settling back onto the sheets, you gazed up at the ceiling, thoughts flying through your head as you fisted the sheets being held tight against your chest. You could slip away right now, avoid confrontation with Jeongguk in the morning, and hide yourself from him when you see him in college.
Smothering a groan, you pressed a palm to your face. This was exactly what you were trying to avoid - you weren’t ready to play hide and seek with anyone, and you knew from previous knowledge how it’d end.
Sparing one last glance at the beautiful boy curling beside you, you slipped out of the warmth of the bed, very very reluctantly might you add, and with burning cheeks picked up your fallen clothes, every so often throwing a glance behind your shoulder to check if the boy had rouse.
When you had all your things in your hand and was fully clothed, you hesitated at the door, staring at the apartment and unable to smother the guilt you felt, you ripped out a piece of paper from your notebook and scribbled an apology letter.
Cheeks burning, you placed it on the counter and was gone from the apartment as fast as your legs could take you.
When you arrived back at your dorm after a cab ride from a suspiciously drunk driver, you tossed your belongings onto the floor and immediately fell face forward onto your bed.
You could hear your room-mate stir and mumble out a “Where were you?” but you gave a non committal shrug, glancing at the wall beside you. And ever so slowly, a smile came onto your face when you remembered how Jeongguk’s fingers felt on your chin before shaking yourself and digging your face into the pillow, still smiling.
Jeongguk woke, oddly, to an empty bed.
Eyes blearily blinking as he rolled onto his back, he brought his hands up to dig away the sleepiness away, yawning, and when he came to senses, last night’s events flashed through his head and he shot up, looking around for the girl he had brought home.
But as he stared at the wrinkled sheets, he felt the lingering warmth and registered that you had must left only a while back.
Falling back onto his back, Jeongguk gazed up at the ceiling, frowning as he felt a tug at his heart. What was he thinking? Of course you’d be gone. It was just a fling, that’s it.
But as he swung his legs over the bed and pushed to his feet, Jeongguk couldn’t help but think the way you gazed at him all night was something he hadn’t experienced in a while.
Shuffling into the kitchen while pulling a sweater over himself, Jeongguk glared at the chair he knocked into, grumbling to himself as he blindly patted at the counter for the switch, flinching when his hand met with the smooth feel of paper.
Finally switching the light on and dousing the room with bright yellow light, Jeongguk’s eyes squeezed at the brightness but nonetheless, he lifted the paper to read:
Dear Jeongguk,
I don’t know if this is one-night stand protocol but I found it mean to leave without writing a letter. :(
Ah, thank you I guess for last night. It was enjoyable great. Thanks?
I’ll see you around
Lowering the paper, Jeongguk couldn’t help the confused grin that found it’s place on his face. You were … definitely different from the other girl’s he had met before.
Leaning his hip back against the counter, Jeongguk gazed at the apartment, arms crossed, as he thought.
“Y/N,” he tested the words out into the cold, absent air and found himself liking the way the name rolled off his tongue. Still grinning, Jeongguk pocketed the letter before jumping onto the couch with a cry, sinking into the leather before flicking on the tv.
The following week proved to you just how amazing of a creeper you were. And no, not the stalker type of way. No you were stealthy, careful with how you treaded the university hallways, constantly poking your head around the corners and ducking your head down to your chest whenever caught in a flood of kids in the hallways.
All because you fucked Jungkook.
God, why had you written that letter? The day after you slept with Jungkook, the realization of what you did had sunk in and you had screamed long and hard into your pillow, stared blankly at the wall when you stood under the shower, and paid half attention to the lecture you attended, half of your mind focused on what if Jungkook is in uni today?
You’re so called friends questioned your behavior. Many a times they looked over their shoulders when you all walked to the nearest diner to grab dinner, mouths asking the same words, “You okay Y/N?”
You’d always give the same “Of course” reply with a smile, but you always had your hands fiddling with your phone, chewing on your lips whenever you entered the college premises, eyes anxiously searching that one alluring dark haired boy.
And for the most part, you had gotten away from Jungkook. 
Albeit, only for a week. 
Precisely one week after you two had spent the night together, you had pushed open the doors to the common library of your university, intentions set on finishing up some revision for your upcoming tests and maybe if you were lucky even finishing a few assignments.
But, to your surprise, you made eye contact with Lau, your colleague in class who you had grown close to over the weeks. The boy was pretty handsome, you had to admit, with shocking grey hair swept off his head and brown roiled eyes that were quite warm.
Not like the brown intense ones you were used to.
Smile broad on your face, you walked up to him, arms full of books and greeted him with, “I feel like today’s a pretty auspicious day to see Lau Beck in the library.”
Said boy looked down in embarrassment, hand coming up to rub at his nape, bag low on his shoulders. “Ahh Y/N, c’mon, I love the library!”
You gave him a suspicious look to which he mocked puppy eyes back at you. The air broke into laughter and you two dissolved into talk, shifting from foot to foot as the pair of you bickered about the assignments and students.
You had just calmed down from a hilarious story Lau was moaning about when  your eyes happened to skim over the hallway. Your eyes kept moving, smile still on your face as Lau huffed when his group of friends barged into your conversation, moving and moving until -
Oh good god
Eyes flicking back to Lau instantly, you swallowed and readjusted the books in your all of a sudden sweaty hands. Because down and right across the hallway among all the group of friends that stood underneath the grand chandelier of the library’s hallway, stood wretched Jeon Jungkook with his friends.
Obnoxious laughter and rioting came from their area, and you swallowed again, on edge and senses alert. Your thoughts turned to panic. How were you supposed to get into the actual library? Jungkook stood right next to the entrance of the doors and you closed your eyes fitfully before opening them, a sigh escaping your mouth. What were you going to do?
Lau and his friends were still fighting, shoving each other into the walls and laughing quite loudly, and with a startling thought you realized that they weren’t that different to Jungkook and his gang. Gazing at Lau, you realized that maybe, to some other girls, he was a Jungkook to them.
Back straightening, you risked a glance down the hallway and you felt your heart leap. 
Jungkook, with his arms crossed over his chest, stood sideways to you with his bag hanging low, and his eyes trained on you, sparkling with amusement.
Your lips parted in a silent, very silent, gasp as you cleared your throat and turned your gaze to the floor to collect yourself. Your heartbeat was starting to pick up. Clearing your throat again, you looked up to find Lau anxiously staring at you. “You alright, Y/N?”
The four other boys around him turned their gazes to you and you took a step back reflexively, smile ready on your face to assure: “Oh yeah yeah! I just have to get going, I have to finish doing some revision, you know?”
“Alright.” Lau gave you a smile back before clasping the strap of his bag and turning to leave with his friends. “See you around.” You gave him a smile, nodding. “You too.”
And just like that, you were alone and Jungkook’s gaze on you was too hard to ignore. But you had to get into that stupid library. Debating for a split second, you considered going back to the dorm and studying there. But the girls would be getting ready for their night out, and if Jungkook had been looking at you talking to Lau, then he must’ve seen you entering the building as well.
Inhaling in till you stood straight, you steeled yourself. This wasn’t about Jungkook. No, this was about your education. You have to go in there and study.
So keeping your eyes trained on every foot step you took, you were careful to walk as far across from Jungkook and his friends as possible. Your hands grew sweaty as you neared the doors and your ears picked up on their loud laughter, bits of their conversations of “..no oh god she was horrible in bed,” to “..yeah the whole thing in my mouth!” reached your ears.
Wrinkling your nose, you ducked your head as your neck grew redder at the intensity of Jungkook’s gaze on you. Your pace quickened and you knew you would look a sight, head ducked and feet moving like you were being chased, but Jungkook’s gaze was hard enough to make you run.
And when you slipped into the sanctuary of the library, you breathed out a huge sigh of relief, sweat lining the back of your neck.
Completely unaware of the Jungkook on the opposite side of the wall, lips upturned into a quirking smile.
You had found yourself near the farthest table, head bent over a book, eyes aimlessly reading the same paragraph, thoughts in another world. It had been well over an hour since you entered and sought refuge in the library and found a seat. The words on the paper shifted, blurred into the very familiar scenario of you and the tall ebony haired boy you had seen not too long ago falling onto the bed. Your lips started to sting at the memory, remembrances of the way he kissed still lingering on your lips, eyes replaying the visual of how Jungkook had leaned down and breathed you in, inches before the memory shattered.
Eyes freezing onto the words that looked back at you tauntingly, as if to say that’s what you get for not paying attention, you seem to recognize the voice quite distinctly. Inhaling harshly, you flick your eyes to the side with your body still facing forwards, hands firmly flat against the book to keep it open to gaze at the sound.
And lo behold stood Jeon Jungkook in all his glory, large, white sweater hiding his very well toned boy ( you remembered with a gulp ) and his hair parted in a way that showed how fluffy he could look.
And honestly, how fair was that? The boy had a drop dead gorgeous body but with a flip of a switch he could look like a soft plushy with wide, bambi eyes that could make you melt. The thought alone made you want to grit your teeth in frustration. What kind of devious creature was he?
“Y/N,” Jungkook said again, this time a bit slowly, drawing out the end of your name, a slight lilt to his voice and with a quick jerk of your head you caught the mirth in his eyes. Lips rugged up in a smile, the boy seemed to look too smug for his own good, and your own eyes narrowed at that.
“Yes, Jungkook, that happens to be my name, can I help you?”
“Can you?” He pondered aloud, feet striding across the carpeted floor to plop down in the seat infront of you with a loud sigh that drew stares from the other kids in the library. “Well because you’re insisting so much - ”
“I really am not - ”
“Can you tell me why you’re ignoring me?”
The question did catch you off guard. Eyes going wide and snapping your attention from stuffing your books back into your bag to gaze at the boy, you fought to gulp. Because the boy was tilting his chair back, eyes surveying the width of the library as he raised both hands to comb through his hair - and drat a tiny peek of the boy’s golden tanned skin was shown.
You felt a circuit in your brain short wire and you blinked, shaking yourself to duck your head away, furiously trying to will away the warmth that was creeping up your neck to mumble, “I’m not ignoring you.”
“Why lie when you can come straight out with it?”
The edges of your vision flickered with annoyance and you raised your gaze back up to Jungkook to see him now leaning forward, bored eyes taking you in as he propped his elbows on the table and rested his chin on them. 
“I’m not lying,” you spat out, feeling slightly hypocritical because you knew you were trying to hide from him, but he didn’t need to know that. Pushing to your feet, you slipped the books into your arms to bring your glasses back onto your nose and glare at Jungkook through them. “Goodnight Jungkook.”
As you walked away you heard a calling out “Oooo” from him but you gritted your teeth to yourself, flattening your eyes as you shoved open the doors to the hallway of the library, eyes focused on the entrance ahead.
Why on earth was that boy so fucking irritating, yet arrogantly good looking? Like good god, you felt so conflicted whenever you looked him, half of your brain begging you to yank his head down to bite his lips and the other half aching to take a book and whack him on the back of his head.
Damn fucking idiot, why can’t he just use his mouth to kiss you instead of -
Catching yourself before you could complete the thought, you shook yourself harshly, taking a turn to reach the doors of the library, weaving through the students. 
The last thing you need is Jeon fucking Jungkook to be on your mind in that way.
A firm grip on your elbow spinned you around and suddenly Jungkook was all you saw as you flicked your eyes up, his body crowding you forward till you reached the wall, his chest inches away from yours.
You gaped up at him for a second, the grip on your books slackening as Jungkook’s eyes flickered around your face to land on your lips.
“Do you know that I meant what I said that night?” Jungkook murmured, one hand creeping up your side to cup your cheek, brushing at the hair that escaped there, making you shiver slightly.
“You said a lot of things that night,” you shot back quickly, cheeks erupting in flames when Jungkook’s cheeks picked up in a smile before they moved back down to form the words as he leaned towards your ears, “About us still seeing each other after that night. Don’t you want that?”
You stared at Jungkook’s shoulder that was inches away from you, ears thudding with your rapid heartbeat and heat, fingertips digging into the hardcover of your textbooks. 
Why on earth was he asking you this now, here, out of all the places? You could feel everyone’s gazes on you, girls throwing you judging glances as they walked by and boys raising their eyebrows at you two.
Ducking your head to rest at Jungkook’s shoulder, you could both hear and feel him freeze up slightly. Breathing out slowly, you closed your eyes as you felt Jungkook’s hand cupped the back of your neck and massaged at there.
“Jungkook,” you breathed out, holding tight onto your books. This was so dangerous, this whole back and forth game, like running on top of a tight rope.
You tilted your head sideways, lips barely grazing at his sun kissed skin, inhaling his perfume. Your mind came to a halting decision.  “I want it.”
Jungkook let out a slight exhale at that, hand slipping from your neck to your free hand, gripping it tightly before swinging around. Deftly, he made his way to the doors of the library, tugging you behind him till you two met the parking lot where his gigantic car stood, big and bold among all the cars and a swoop of excitement filled your stomach.
What would it be like to be with Jungkook again? Would it be like the first time? Or would he be different?
Too caught up in your thoughts, you hadn’t realized you had reached his car until Jungkook was holding you by the waist, pushing you up to the car. The cool metallic surface jerked you out of your reverie, eyes instantly flicking up to Jungkook’s. 
His brown eyes were lightly dark, still the same usual brown, but a hint of interest and lust thickening the clouds in them. His lips were parted to poke his tongue out, hands rubbing circles into your skin.
“You with me?” he whispered out, stepping a bit closer to mouth at the skin of your neck.
“Y-Yeah,” you garbled out, your own voice sounding wrecked to yourself, eyes squeezing shut at the embarrassing sound, still holding onto your books tightly. “Oh, Kook.”
“Fuck you’re so responsive.” He breathed out, nuzzling into your neck, the action making you stumble your eyes open, his tongue coming out to lick and suck at your skin so suddenly. Dropping your head back, your mouth parted widely in a silent groan, feeling the way his lips latched onto the skin and made quick work, marking you up with purple blossoms that would most likely stay for a while.
“God Jungkook,” you whimpered, tilting your head back down when his lips worked up to your ear. He chuckled, the vibrations in his chest thrumming against you and making you feel light headed. 
His hand slid around your waist and you whimpered again, feeling the wide breadth of his hand slide warningly against you, clouding up your thoughts as he hummed into your ear. Everything was moving too fast, inside of you you felt your temperature rising up, you felt a pit of want starting to build up inside and fuck you needed something -
The sound of a handle opening made your eyes shoot out wide and Jungkook laughed, pulling away slightly to smile at you. “Stop looking like a lost deer all the time. Get in.”
And just like that, he slid his hands off, brushing your hair back off your cheeks before rounding around the front of the car to pick himself up into the car with a grin.
Standing breathlessly against the car, you sought to catch your breath, gulping down and hearing a laugh from behind you. Turning, you saw Jungkook bent over the car, arms pillowed atop of the roof of the car and chin resting on them, eyes studying you.
You kept your gaze on him, cheeks sinfully red, and felt your chest heave with reprieve. God this boy was going to be the death of you.
“You’re so innocent,” he murmured softly, as if amazed that such a thing could exist, eyes trained on your red lips before moving up to your eyes. “I’m going to wreck you.”
The building you arrived to this time was not an apartment, but in fact a hotel. Your questioning gaze tried to ask Jungkook the question you were trying to convey as you got out of the car, but the boy simply dropped the keys into the awaiting attendant’s hands and motioned for you to follow him.
Inside, it was quite luxurious, a fountain sprinkling water out as a live band played jazz on the side, orange, dim lights that graced your skin and made you shift. 
Taking in everyone’s look, you understood that this was a high end hotel. Looking down at your clothes, you swallowed and tugged the books closer to your chest. You looked like a fucking high school kid running off with her boyfriend during school to mess around.
He’s not your boyfriend you chastised yourself with a flush to your cheeks, yanking the strap of your bag higher up your shoulder. Don’t go having these ideas, missy.
“Hey!” Jungkook called out and you turned.
He was waiting at the elevators, hand out against the door and holding the door open with his foot wedged in the corner lest the doors decide to close. “You coming?” 
Taking one look at the mischief in his eyes, you decided to play your own game. His playful mood was contagious, and you found yourself smiling back at him. 
Crossing over to him, you moved to enter the elevator befooe a black object caught your sight.
“Oh my god! Kook, there’s a spider on your shoe!”
Alarm quickly overtook Jungkook’s expression and he yanked his foot backwards, stumbling behind to glance down at his shoe. But when he saw nothing there except the expensive leather, he glanced up, mouth parted and ready to ask Y/N what the fuck?
But with wide eyes through his bangs, he took in you standing inside the elevator with a devious smile on your own face. As you raised your hand up to bid him a farewell, the doors slid shut and the last thing you saw was confusion before understanding washed in Jungkook’s eyes.
With the doors closed shut, you launched yourself into a fit of laughter, replaying  the image of Jungkook’s parting lips and eyebrows kneading down and giggles filled the tiny compartment.
Through teary eyes you saw the glowing 12 button that symbolized the top most floor, and you realize that Jungkook must’ve pressed it before holding the door open for you. The thought did send your stomach into turns, and guilt started to creep its way inside of you.
But before you could dwell on it, the doors slid open and you stepped out into thin corridor. Fine carpet silk met your shoes and you could smell the scent of vanilla from somewhere down the hallway, but you decided it would be better if you stood here in front of the elevators and wait for Jungkook.
Smiling to yourself as you leaned onto the wall, you hummed and traced the floor with your foot. Your thoughts spun up scenarios at how Jungkook would react to your prank: maybe he’d laugh and tell you it was good, or maybe he’d purse his lips at you and not admit it. Either way, you smiled and waited.
The doors in front of you slide open.
“How did you like my - ”  You started, looking up.
But your words died because Jungkook was standing in the middle of the elevator with his arms crossed and one foot tapping against the floor. His expression was closed, hard and unreadable, just like the first day you met him. Suddenly you were standing up straighter with your hands curling in behind you.
His eyes were so intense boring into yours, dark under those thick brows before he let out a disappointed sigh that tugged at your heart. Unfolding his arms, he strolled out the elevator to cross the space. “Were you going to ask if I liked your funny little prank you did downstairs?”
He spoke with a condescending tone and your eyes sharpened slightly, lips parting to reply, “Why was it not good?”
Jungkook’s eyes flashed briefly before it faded and he was smiling, as if in disbelief, before stepping way too close to be considered reasonable. 
Your breath hitched, foolishly, eyes lowered as you stared. Jungkook’s hands shot out to grip your hips and shove you against the wall and you gasped, eyes flicking up to Jungkook’s angry ones, books slipping slightly from your hands.
“Not so cocky when you’re pressed against a wall huh?” 
“O-Of course not.” You snapped back, refusing to back down. “You’re cornering me!”
“Isn’t that what you did to me downstairs?” he replied smoothly, tilting his head to the side and leaning down. “Got all up in my space like this,” his breath was hovering over yours, “smiled with those pretty lips,” his eyes traced the outline of them, “and whispered my name so sinfully,Y/N.” 
And god you nearly whimpered out loud at the way he breathed your name out against your ear. 
“Oh,” you whispered, one of your hands leaving your books to grip Jungkook’s shoulder, tilting your head away as he traced down your neck. 
“You thought that was fun?” he asked, rubbing a thumb across your hip, mouth latching onto a piece of skin, sucking and lightly digging his teeth into it, drawing purple and blue colors to the skin. Laving his tongue over the bruise, he felt you shiver and he flicked his eyes up to yours. “Want to play my favorite game?”
As you felt him pull away and gave you the space to open your own eyes and gaze at him through blurry gaze, chest slightly hitching, you realized with the look in his eyes that you didn’t need to say anything. 
“Where’s,” you spoke through a croaky breath, “your flat?”
Just like that Jungkook was smirking, eyes turning up. Turning around to walk down to the right, he kept walking, assured with the sounds from behind that you were following him, to the last room in the hall.
Reaching back to fetch a card from his back pocket, he slid the pin card against the scanner on the door and it clicked open. 
You stood behind, swallowing, feeling it dry and your legs wobbly. But you followed him easily when he opened the door, eyes craning up to take in the sight of the room. 
It was very, very, big for a hotel room. It was no doubt one huge suite with a full living room and kitchen first in your sight. 
“Leave your bag and books on the couch.” Jungkook called out, dropping his own on the floor near the dining table and walking into the kitchen. “I’ll get you some water.”
Stomach flipping, you tried to ignore it and crossed the room to slip your bag onto the long couch, placing the hard cover books onto the coffee table in front of it. Plopping down on the leather, you let out a sigh and tilted your head into your hands.
Your head was spinning. What were you doing here in this hotel suite? That too with Jungkook? Was this what you seriously wanted, or were you just doing this cause of lust?
You never had thought of yourself as one to fall into your desires, especially this one, considering you had never spent the night with a guy before. But after Jungkook, you felt yourself wanting more. 
And a bit of you hated yourself for that.
“Your water.” A click made you look up and you saw Jungkook had placed the cup in front of you on the table before settling next to you.
A sudden rush of déjà vu flitted across your mind and you glanced up at him before reaching over for it.
You threw him a grateful smile before picking the cup up to gulp the whole thing down, placing it down quickly. You felt Jungkook gazing at you, and though you wanted to look back and ask what he wanted, you felt yourself grow shy. 
After all that, now you’re shy?
Your eyes caught a certain book on the shelves that lined the mantle against the wall and you perked up. “Oh, is that The Bluest Eye?”
You rose to your feet before you could wait for a response, crossing the room to the shelves and slip the book out and into your palm. Turning you looked to Jungkook and found him blinking up at you, hand clasping the drink tightly. “Yeah, that is. Have you read it before?”
You smiled and tilted your head down. “No I haven’t. But Lau did suggest it to me so I’m so glad I saw it.”
You looked up to see Jungkook raising up from his spot and placing his drink down, hands slipping into his pants. He rounded around the table and walked a few steps before leaning against the edge of the couch.
“Yeah he’s my colleague.” You smiled, toying with the book. “He’s the guy - ”
“Who was hovering all over you today huh.” Jungkook completed for you. He was staring down at his feet, soft hair flopping over his forehead. 
You frowned. “No, I was gonna say that he attends all my classes but - wait, what?”
But Jungkook had quite answering, just pushed off the couch and crossed the distance between you two, eyes trained on your lips and licking his own.
“Have you ever been edged before?”
You blinked up at him, ignoring the hard beating of your heart, attempting at playing it cool. “I’ve never had sex before you, Jungkook, of course not.”
A wicked grin graced Jungkook’s face and suddenly he was leaning towards you, lashes fluttering. His hands slid out to slip into your hair, holding you in place. “Damn right,” he murmured under his breath.
The way he kissed you this time was different, it was slow. It was easy going, lazy even as he tilted his head and deepened it, tongue coming out to tease at the entrance of your lips.
You let out a whimper, arms sliding around his neck, pulling him close and with you against the mantle. It was uncomfortable, digging in your back, but Jungkook’s fingers gripping your jaw to hold you in place steeled you. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered when the two of you parted for a second. His eyebrows quirked in a yeah? way, eyes half lid staring at your red, now plump lips. “Jungkook,” you whispered again, a bit louder to get his attention, and when he looked up at you, you pulled him close till his nose bumped into yours and you giggled. Can we, you know....?” You smiled cheekily.
Jungkook was staring at you, deciphering your words, before a smile broke out on his own face, inches away from you, handsome and shining. “So that’s the game you want to play?”
When you gave him a laughing nod, he laughed. He pulled you back in for a kiss, as if he couldn’t get enough, and tugged you with him. “I’m taking you on the bed, no way I’m gonna fuck you on the couch.”
With a deflated pout, you let him pull you to his room that sat at the end of a tiny hall. The room he slept in was clean and well kept, and you noted with a hint of sadness that no photo frames or home belongings hung to make it homey. 
Jungkook sat at the edge of the bed, legs slightly spread, and he held his hands out to beckon you. Pursing your lips in pseudo thought, you smiled when he chuckled and placed your hands in his.
A yelp escaped you when he tugged you close, wide, large hands settling on your hips as his nose trailed across your stomach.
The action was strangely . . . intimate.
You raised your hands up to tangle into Jungkook’s hair. Noticing the way he leaned into your grasp unlike freezing like last time, you tugged slightly to expose his neck. Taking the opportunity, you leaned down to try your hand at sucking bruises onto his neck.
Licking up a stripe up his neck, you purred when he vibrated underneath you, nuzzling into the area below his ear before taking a risk to capture his lobe in between your teeth.
Jungkook’s groan startled you, raising a blush to your cheeks, one hand dropping to his shoulder to stabilize yourself. His hands were guiding you to straddle him, and you obeyed quickly, carrying on your mission on marking him up as much as he would on you.
When your lips reached the base of his neck and bordered his sweater neckline, you gazed up at him to see he had his head tilted back, eyes closed. A fraction of his lips were parted, as if lost to the pleasure.
A bit satisfied with yourself, you hooked a finger on the neckline to tug it low so you had more skin to work with. The more bruises you licked at, the more Jungkook seemed to vibrate. You had everything under control til the hand you had in his hair dropped to slip in the back of his sweater to dig into his back.
You had done it absentmindedly, something to ground yourself. But it triggered Jungkook, enough to send him moving. He flipped the two of you onto the duvet, eyes darkened and neck bobbing as he swallowed.
“Where,” he croaked out, “Did you learn to kiss like that?”
You smiled up at him, half conscious. “Why, was it okay?”
“Fuck,” he swore softly, hand cupping your neck, “It was great.”
You beamed up at him, full of pride, and suddenly a slight pink raised in Jungkook’s cheeks. Ducking his head, he let it lay on your shoulder as his hands slyly moved your shirt an inch up.
“Wanna be good for me and take this off?” 
The complete switch that flicked all of a sudden threw you off for a second, but at the desperation in Jungkook’s eyes, you swallowed and nodded, helping him slip yourself out of it.
The minute the shirt hit the floor your arms were wrapped around your chest, chin tilted to the side. The blush on your cheeks were dangerously hot.
But Jungkook paid you no attention, diving down to place soft sweet kisses onto your skin, as if slight whispers telling your body that you’re beautiful, and though you still felt conscious, you felt Jungkook’s sincerity as he kissed across your chest.
That is till he caught one of your nipples in between his teeth and sucked at it, leaving you arching dangerously up and gasping into thin air.
“Jungkook,” you panted, glancing down to see him wickedly smiling, flicking his tongue across the pebbled nipple before moving down, eyes set on another treat.
“Spread your legs love.” Jungkook commanded, and though you did it slowly, he was patient, rubbing soothingly into your ankles to say that you were doing fine.
You complied, albeit a bit shyly, fingers twisting into the fabric underneath you, refusing to look away from Jungkook even though your cheeks burned. You chewed on your lip as Jungkook slinked down, kissing softly as he went, finally stopping an inch above the fabric of your underwear.
Fingers coming up to yank the offending fabric off, Jungkook finally sighed at the sight of you dripping, eyes transfixed on you as he pushed your thighs apart, leaning down to lick a broad stripe against you.
Muffling a groan, you arched your back and tilted your head to the side, hips jerking up against Jungkook.
“Be good.” Jungkook warned, eyes flattening, before leaning back down to lick at your folds, one long finger easing its way into you, and you saw stars, flashing lights as you squeezed your eyes tight and whimpered. You felt so full.
“Jungkook,” you sighed out, propping yourself up on your elbows and watching as the boy in question ate you out like a mad man, arms looped over your thighs to pin them down and eyes closed - as if taking in the moment, enjoying it.
A flash of pleasure made your thighs twitch and you muffled a groan, slipping a finger in your mouth to bite on in attempts to quiet yourself. Jungkook was doing everything in his power, though, to do quite the opposite, opening his eyes to leave them lidded, heavy with lust, staring you down as he licked up your wetness with a passion that left you blushing.
“You-” you hiccuped, feeling desperation sink into your blood when your stomach coiled, showing how easily you were to get riled up. The single hand that was holding you up quivered in exertion as Jungkook doubled his efforts, leaning back to spit into his messy work, delving back down with a wicked grin as he glanced up at you.
You felt the tightness in your stomach, the pangs of arousal that egged you on to slip your hands into the boy’s locks to get him to look at you.
“Please,” you said when he finally met gaze with you, your body quivering with the intensity, “please no more teasing, I want you.”
Jungkook’s eyes darkened in a way that left you gushing, his snake like tongue poking out and hiding as fast, his voice throaty and filled with arousal as he spoke: “How do you want it?”
No commands, no bending to his well. It was something you were consistently noting: Jungkook never forced you into doing anything, he always let you take the lead.
Was it because you had been a virgin not more than a few weeks ago?
Your cheeks burned with the knowledge as you pushed Jungkook over and the boy fell onto his back with a yelp, eyes watching you as you moved to straddle him.
He let out a breathy ‘fuck’, shifting himself upward so he could lay on the pillows, caressing eyes watching the way you followed him, molded into him, folding over him to press kisses over his chest.
One of his hands came up into your hair to twirl a lock, the other broad, veiny hand grasping the flesh of your thigh, his hums like symphony as he craned his neck back, eyes shut with pleasure. You kept your ministrations up, licking and pressing soft, sweet kisses all over his skin -
“Jesus fuck, Y/N, you’ll be the death of me if you don’t sit on my cock.”
You halted, closing your eyes and stalling because your cheeks were on fucking fire. How could he speak with such candor, so shamelessly? It left your stomach coiling in knots and thighs rubbing against each other.
Tilting your chin up so your lips brushed against the shell of his ear, you repeated those same words he had told you: “Beg.”
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mingiswow · 5 years
Soulmate!au Series | Changkyun
Pairing: Changkyun x reader
Summary: Not everyone had the same soulmate mark and that made even harder for you to find yours, especially when there was no visible mark on your body. But a boring class could change things.
Genre: fluff - loads of it
Words: +1.5 k
a/n: So, it’s finally over! The last part of the Soulmate Series is finally up and I’m so proud I finished. Thank you all who read it. Hope you guys enjoy Kyun’s and love you 💖
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You had seen everyone around you to fall in love, meet their soulmates, have names or words tattooed on their body, drawings adorning their skin, having a missing sense, so many ways to meet their soulmate, but yours wasn’t there. At least not visible.
The class was boring as you could think, your eyes barely kept open, the battery of your phone died and your friend missed the class. You had absolutely nothing to do and the video your teacher insisted on putting was even as boring as the man’s voice.
You grabbed the pen by your side and started to doodle on your notebook, but some freckles in your arm grabbed your attention, making you start drawing onto the skin, making little smiley faces, constellations, and doodles.
You kept doing that until the signal played, warning you and your classmates that the class was over. “Thank God” you thought when leaving the classroom, going straight to the small cafe-library near the uni so you could focus on your actual study, not that bullshit you were never going to use anyway.
The tables were empty due to the time, it was midday, but you weren’t hungry to get an actual lunch. You asked for your classic black coffee and sat on the table, spreading your books, notebooks, and pens, getting ready to study the effects of “screens” on kids' behavior.
When you stretched your arm to grab a pink pen that rolled away, you noticed that the drawings from before in your arms were gone and a simple phrase was marked in black.
Hey, soulmate
Your eyes blinked a few times before touching the skin, the color fading until was gone. You grabbed the pink pen in your hand and wrote.
Who are you?
You watched the words being sucked by your skin and couldn’t help but let a gasp out of your mouth. What was going on? You noticed letters starting to appear in your skin again. 
 I’m your soulmate. Everything we put on our skin appears on the other.
The words faded again but soon other ones appeared.
You should thank me for not doing the tattoo I wanted
You couldn’t help but chuckle and, somehow, you could feel them smiling to their arm. A feeling of warmth took your body, the idea of actually having a soulmate made your day happier and more exciting. How does this person looked like? Were they pretty? Tall? Short? Where they come from? You spent minutes thinking about it, not realizing when new words appeared in your forearm.
How’s my soulmate's name?
You smiled, liking the idea of the person calling you their soulmate, it was recomforting.
Y/N. How’s yours?
Changkyun. And I like the pink pen you’re using.
How do you know I’m using a pink pen?
The words faded and some green ones started to appear, the line thicker, almost like it was written with kids’ markers
Because the words appear in pink on my skin.
That’s so crazy and cool.
I know. I thought that I’d never meet you.
You blushed at his words. The idea of talking to him through your arms almost felt like talking through phone messages, the difference was you didn’t know how he looked like.
Me too. Why we never drew on our skins before? I never thought of that.
The laugh that left your mouth was loud and almost exaggerated but you were nervous, anxious with the whole situation.
My mom never allowed me because the ink was bad for the skin.
And you behaved?
Yes ???? And why didn't you draw on yours?
Never felt the need I guess, never thought of that
Fair enough
You two spent the whole afternoon speaking to each other, your study plans long gone with the first words that faded from your skin. Talking to Changkyun was comforting, warm and fun, he was a funny person and you guys clicked right away - which made you really happy because you always wondered what would happen if you and your soulmate didn’t match and actually hated each other. 
Wanna meet sometime soon?
The words appeared after you stopped talking about your favorite foods. The thump in your heart could be heard by the people in the tables by your side, which now were filled with mostly students and couples.
Yes. Tell me when and where
Are you free friday night? I know a Thai restaurant that is delicious and I think you’d love.
Ok. Friday night.
See you there at 8.
See you too, Kyunnie
Can’t wait to meet you for real
You giggled like a little girl and nodded, even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
Me too
Bye, soulmate
Bye, soulmate
You hugged your arm, almost feeling like you could hug him. Nothing in the world could describe the feeling you were having right then. The smile so big it couldn’t fit your face.
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The days couldn’t pass slower, even with you constantly talking with Changkyun. You guys even joked about not having anything to talk about when you meet, but you two couldn’t help, the first thing that you’d do was give him good morning and the last one give him good night. It was like you two met each other for ages, even if it was for a couple of days.
When friday finally arrived, your stomach was aching from anxiety, your head dizzy from nervousness, legs shaking. You felt like you were about to have a meltdown.
It took you almost three hours to get ready, your mind spacing out too often thinking about Kyun and all the things you two talked about, how well you two got along. You were so happy your soulmate was someone like him, funny, smart, kind, sweet and so many things. But to say you were also very nervous to finally meet him face to face was almost a joke.
A tingling sensation appeared in your arm and you looked down just to see a cute smiley face drawn on it and soon disappear a few seconds after.
I’m at your door, babe.
Your heart skipped several beats when you read the sentence. 
You didn’t even reply to him, getting your purse and, literally, ran out of your apartment. There was no time for the elevator either, practically jumping down the stairs to get as faster as possible to the front door.
When your eyes met the man in front of you, nothing could describe the smile that grew on your lips and the heartwarming feeling that took over your body.
“Hi” his voice danced its way to your ears and you just wished you could hear him talk forever. His voice was deep, velvety, soothing, felt like a warm day of summer in the park.
Changkyun had the brightest smile on his lips, his teeth showing, his eyes shut close. His heart was pounding on his chest, nothing could describe what he was feeling, you were much more he expected.
“Hi” you finally spoke, taking him out of his daydream, and running to him, jumping into his arms, wrapping the man into a tight hug. “You don’t know long I’ve waited to do this” your voice sounded muffled by the skin of his neck, your face hidden in the crook of it, scenting his smell and keeping it in your memory.
“Me too, babe” his voice so close to your ears and the hot breath leaving his mouth and gently touching your neck made shivers ran down your whole body. “I couldn’t wait to meet you, to meet my soulmate” you finally left his neck and looked to his eyes, they were like constellations shining in his beautiful brown orbs. “I brought you something” Changkyun smiled and took a little red box out of his jacket, handing it to you.
“You didn’t have to” the rush of blood tinting your cheeks pink. “Thank you, Kyun” the man could swear he’d die when you called him by the nickname and he decided that his name leaving your lips was his favorite thing in the world.
You opened the box and found two little red rings, thin as a thread and shiny as stars. On top of them there was a smiley face.
“It means the red string of destiny with the first doodle you did in your arm” he explained to you, his hands nervously fidgeting behind his back. “I hope you like it” you looked back to the man. 
“I… I loved, Kyun. They’re gorgeous” you both smiled, genuine happiness. “Can you… Can you put it to me?” you shyly asked and he nodded, taking the ring from the box and gently slipping to your finger. Changkyun left a little kiss on top of it, making you giggle. You did the same to his one.
“You are mine now, forever” he said as he held your hand.
“And always” you smiled to him and did what you had been dreaming of doing, kissed him. The first of so many.
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Shownu | Wonho | Minhyuk | Kihyun | Hyungwon | Jooheon | I.M
Requests are open
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lunar-writings-love · 5 years
College!AU - Seonghwa (ateez)
I’ll be doing a college!au series of every ateez member and I thought I’d start off with Seonghwa because ,, yes 
Author’s note: it’s a bullet fic 
warnings: SUPER SOFT HOURS and also cussing i guess?
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okay so ,, seonghwa i love him but that’s beside the point 
seonghwa’s majoring in biology
he’s a third year so he’ll be declaring his major soon and he’s thinking about narrowing his field of study a bit 
he doesn’t know to what exactly yet (anything but molecular biology 
he just ,, can’t with molecular biology that shit’s wack) 
seonghwa’s also minoring in nutrition
which makes sense,,,
i mean the boy carries around those organic, all natural, fun-free snacks; expecting for the members to eat them, not understanding WHY they all run away screaming when he pulls out his kale chips with non-dairy cheese
he’s super into fitness and keeping his own body healthy, so he’s always trying new recipes, keeping watch of his calorie and sugar intake,
he tried the keto diet, but then realized it did virtually nothing for him so now he just chose to increase his protein intake and work out more in the hopes of developing muscle (he can’t have jongho bullying him forever)
he regularly works out too and doesn’t understand why there always seems to be so many people taking breaks at the water-fountains near the treadmills where he runs whenever he works out 
at the university he shares his dorm room with hongjoong 
they bicker a lot and since seonghwa is always cleaning and cooking for the other boys, he’s earned himself the nickname mom
he doesn’t like it, but oh well
anything for his babies
seonghwa is also involved in a lot of different activities: he’s part of the school’s hip-hop dance team, is the treasurer for the university’s speech and debate club, etc.
he always takes part in the annual dorm cook-off (he never wins because he doesn’t understand that college kids want greasy food, not his fucking zucchini noodles zoodles)
he also show’s up to every member’s event/recital/performance etc. and cheers louder than any other person for his boys 
jongho: oh my god, stop it mom
now, you were close friends with some of the other first years at the university 
you and jongho were neighbors growing up and when you found out the two of you would be going to the same uni you were ecstatic!
so naturally, since jongho was your closest friend in college, he often invited you to hang out with his other friends 
you had met seonghwa a couple of times before and found him to be absolutely drop-dead gorgeous 
you may have even developed a small crush on him after he offered to walk you to your dorm one night after hanging out with the boys but oh well you would never dare to say that out loud 
he was so nice, and strong, and hot, and nice, and funny, and kind, and nice, and you were ,,,, hopeless
but you figured an amazing and wonderful guy like him would never go for an awkward first year like you, so you just bottled those feelings up and shelved it 
you were a linguistics major, focusing on social linguistics 
you could rave for hours and hours about phonetics or the development of language
once the boys invited you and jongho over for late night snacks and after asking you about your major you went on a 13 minute spiel on the development of romantic languages and while the boys all started to ignore you after the first 2 minutes, seonghwa listened and thought it was cute 
so yeah ,,, you were so, so smart 
but when it came to anything science related , you were lost 
STEM subjects were really not your forte
you barely scraped through calculus and chemistry throughout high school, but biology, holy shit where do you even begin on that 
you couldn’t memorize cell functions or neuron transmitters to save your life and as your professor delved deeper and deeper into cellular biology, your grade sunk deeper and deeper 
you were desperate 
you pulled all-nighters at the library just to barely get passing grades on tests
you were getting seriously stressed and anxious, your mental health plummeting as the year progressed 
jongho found you for the hundredth time at the university library at four in the morning attempting to memorize evolutionary pathways  
he would never say it out loud because he’S a MaN, but he was worried about you and your mental health 
he coaxed you back into your room, and instantly had an idea 
whY NoT HavE SeoNgHwA tEacH YoU bIoloGy :O !!
when he told you a few hours later you screeched 
no way 
seonghwa must already think you’re weird, but stupid on top of that ??
no, sorry but not even you deserved that type of embarrassment 
jongho ignored you though and the very next day you were in seonghwa’s dorm room sitting near his desk as he opened up your biology book 
you wanted to die 
if possible, you wanted the ground to swallow you up whole and spit you out again years later as a successful and well-known linguist
please lord this is unfair the love of your life seonghwa teaching you biology was not okay please send you back to your dorm please please 
alas, life was never kind to you 
“so what are you struggling with?”
seonghwa was so patient with you though 
he meticulously went through the textbook and really made sure you understood the subjects before moving onto the next one 
you don’t even know how, but he made learning about macromolecules sexy mmmm
you were finally beginning to understand biology 
this arrangement had been going on for a few weeks now and your midterm for the class was soon approaching  
you were scared shitless 
yes, seonghwa was helping you, and yes, you were doing better on your tests and projects, but a midterm grade meant a lot and you could not afford to have to retake this class or have your final grade depend on the final test 
you were s t r e s s e d
and seonghwa caught on pretty quickly 
you had dark circles under your eyes 
you lost some weight 
you had breakdowns every day and seonghwa’s heart ached everytime he saw you like that 
he promised you he’d help you get a B on your midterm 
you didn’t think it’d be possible, but he swore on it and he was cute so you just went along with it 
the last chapter that would be covered on the midterm was ,, you guessed it ,,, molecular biology :’))))
it’s not that seonghwa was bad at the subject, he actually found genomics super interesting 
it’s just, it was way too much information to handle and trying to memorize all of that was a pain in the ass 
but when you guys had your next study session, seonghwa brushed up on his dna forensics and sat you right down
he was going to make you understand 
to be honest, as he explained chromosomes, gene therapy, and the likes to you ,,, you were lost as fuck 
what in the shit was cell division 
but you put up with it and paid close attention ,, your grade depended on you to understand this mess 
you guys had two weeks until your test, and after one week of teaching you molecular biology, that left you and seonghwa a week for you to review 
your review for the test took place at his dorm in case you had any questions and had to ask him anything
he’d go to the kitchen hall and make you some healthy snacks to get your brain juice flowing as you sat on his bed reviewing meiosis and dna replication 
to be honest, over the past couple of months seonghwa had been teaching you biology, you guys grew super close 
you were constantly over at his dorm
you two were always talking to each other 
when you and the boys met up, instead of sitting next to jongho you gradually moved to sit next to seonghwa much to hongjoong and jongho’s disapproval 
they missed their best friends :(((
but all the boys thought you two were super cute and watched from at the sidelines as your guys’ romance progressed  
if possible, these months with seonghwa made you fall even more for him 
it got way past of just being a crush, you were pretty sure you loved him 
you even grew to enjoy his weird avocado brownies and zoodles, and if that isn’t true love then i don’t know what is
it finally got around to being the day before your test and you were a n x i o u s as fuck 
even seonghwa was nervous for you ,, the week prior he had been talking hongjoong’s ear off about you and this damn test 
hongjoong couldn’t handle it anymore for the love of God someone please get these two together just make-out or something he didn’t want to hear about you anymore
you were at your dorm studying polymers, when you heard a knock at your door 
it was seonghwa gasp who would’ve known :)))
in his hand was take-out 
“sorry i’m a fake health fanatic i eat hella junk food when i’m nervous so i brought us burgers and fries and milkshakes and let me inside your dorm i need to sit down this is so nerve wracking”
you couldn’t help but laugh as you moved out of the way to let him inside 
“thanks seonghwa”
you two ate your burgers in silence before it got too awkward and you tried to make things better 
“i’m studying polymers right now, it’s not as bad as i thought it would be”
“See!! i’m glad you’re understanding biology. it’s a really cool subject when you understand the mechanics behind it”
“i guess so”
he stayed at your dorm room a few more hours reviewing subjects with you 
before you knew it, it was 10 at night and it was past seonghwa’s bed time (hA oLd man)
he told you to quickly take a shower and go to bed because you had to be well rested for your test tomorrow 
you agreed 
it was silent for a while, an unfamiliar awkward tension filled the air before seonghwa hugged you “byegoodlucktomorrowtextmewhenyou’redoneyou’lldogreatbye”
he then zoomed out your room 
you were a blushing mess as you closed your dorm room and got your bathroom supplies ready 
fuck you were in love with park seonghwa
the next morning, you took your midterm and were surprised that you actually knew what the fuck was going on 
dna replication? check 
evolutionary pathways? check 
lipids and cell functions? check 
you handed in your midterm and walked outside the lecture hall, you felt good about the test but you would only know your grade a week later 
as you left the hall someone grabbed onto your shoulders 
it was seonghwa
he hugged you super hard and you two excitedly talked about the midterm 
he even took you out to ice cream to treat you 
“shouldn’t I be treating you for helping me so much?”
“hush and just let it happen”
“okay mOm”
it was at times like these you really, really wanted to kiss him 
but alas, he wasn’t yours to kiss 
and it was also at times like these, seonghwa really, really wanted to kiss you 
so the moral of the story is that both of you were idiots
a week later, it was time for the boys’ weekly friday night movie time and you were running a bit late 
they were all gathered in hongjoong and seonghwa’s room since it was the biggest (ahh the perks of being upperclassmen) when suddenly you opened the door and hurled in, your eyes wide and crazed
he ran over to you and picked you up spinning you around as you both laughed in disbelief 
you don’t know how you pulled that off you were a dumbass how did you get an A on your biology midterm??
then as soon as he put you down and you looked up at him, bam he kissed you 
you were :OOO
jongho was :OOO
all the boys were :OOO
except for hongjoong who was like ;)))
and then as soon as y’all were done, seonghwa realized what he did 
and in front of the Kids TOO 
“oh shit i’m so sorry i don’t know why i did th-”
you cut him off with another kiss uwu
all the boys cheered and catcalled you guys 
you guys were both blushing but you didn’t care because 
1) you and park seonghwa kissed
2) you got an a on your biology midterm
you guys held hands and did cute shit as you sat down next to seonghwa to watched the horror movie jongho picked for this week 
wooyoung was shitting his pants 
as the movie played on tho, jongho slowly looked backwards towards seonghwa and said 
“seonghwa i don’t care if you’re older than me if you break y/n’s heart i swear to Jesus i’ll castrate you”
and seonghwa believed him ashjgjasha have you seen that boy’s arms ??!
seonghwa assured jongho that he would never do that to you
things lightened up again and jongho smugly said you guys should treat him to dinner since he was the mastermind behind your love 
you flipped him off
anyways, that’s the story of how you and seonghwa became the university’s cutest couple 
the cute linguistics major and the hot biology major 
you guys had cute food dates, and you even agreed to go to the gym with seonghwa
surprisingly, people stopped coming to the water fountain a few days after you started working out with him
you scared them off after telling them to stop ogling at your boyfriend HA 
seonghwa also finally decided he wanted to major specifically in cellular biology
and you supported him all the way 
you mans was going places, doing things, getting his deGrEE
then one night as you two were up as you ranted about the social impacts of language and the human conditioning of language to seonghwa he pulled you closer and kissed you because honestly he loved hearing you talk about linguistics but he couldn’t handle it anymore please it’s 3 in the morning 
you cuddled into him 
he was almost dozing off when suddenly you spoke up from the crook of his neck 
“my biology final is in three weeks”
at that moment, he was alert and awake again 
all he did was sigh as he kissed the top of your head
here you guys went again 
i think the next member i’ll write about is Hongjoong so wait for that because it’ll be out soon!
thanks and love you guys!
- luna 
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captainmarvels · 7 years
wicked games [12]
Summary: Valentine’s Day has always been the last thing on Tom’s mind. Is there anyway you can change that?
Pairing: CEO!Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: dry humping, [minor] daddy kink
Word Count: 4,100
A/N: this fic’s timeline is set in 2018 but is ahead of current time lmao, so enjoy this as an early v-day gift from me to you! see you next week, xx
series masterlist
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Nothing good ever happens on a Monday.
Well, usually.
But this Monday in particular, you were excited. The new interns Harrison and Tom’s brothers had picked out for this semester would be having their first day, and Tom had, of course, put you in charge of showing them the ropes.
“Don’t abuse them, okay?” You nearly choked on your cereal as you met Tom’s gaze from across the table.
“Abuse them? You make it sound like I’m some monster, Jesus,” you scoffed, shaking your head as you took in another spoonful. He rolled his eyes as he set his phone down.
“You know that’s not what I meant, baby. I just need you to not scare them is all. I’ve heard more than enough of what’s been running through the rumor mill about the internship, so I want everything to go smoothly. That’s why I left them in your ever so capable hands,” He made an emphasis on that by taking your free hand in his, flashing you a grin. You raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh.
“Fine. Are you staying for lunch today or will I be on my own?” You asked as you finished the last of your breakfast.
“I have a meeting in Queens at that time, but Harrison will be there. The two of you have hit it off quite well, might I add,” You laughed lightly, shaking your head as you got up and took your bowl to the sink.
“Sounds like someone’s jealous,” You teased, giggling when Tom looked at you with wide eyes.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about. Last time I checked,” He rose from the table and made his way over, pulling you into his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. “... you were mine.”
You bit your lip at his words, slowly nodding as he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“Believe me darling, I couldn’t be more thrilled that the two of you are getting along so well. I need someone to keep that annoying bug entertained,” He smiled as he stroked your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“Oh my god, are you just using me?” You gasped, playfully pushing him back, only for him to chuckle and tighten his grip on your waist.
“I could never, love. Now let’s go, we’re going to be late,” He pulled away and guided you towards the door. After he opened it, he followed you out and slapped your ass.
You glanced back and stuck your tongue out at him. He laughed, shaking his head. “Don’t tease; I’ll put that mouth to work, princess.”
The interns were mildly pleasing; they didn’t ask too many questions, and they seemed to have a good amount of self-confidence. You gave them an impersonal tour of the office floors, showing them their area and the location of the break rooms.
Just as you were wrapping up your final mini-presentation, Tom walked into the conference room. You flashed him a small smile, stepping to the side so he could stand at the head of the table. He shook his head and motioned for you to stand next to him as he addressed the group.
“I thought I’d introduce myself, considering you’ll all be working for me, more or less. Welcome to the office, ladies and gentlemen.” He smiled, slyly resting his hand on the small of your back as he spoke. “I hope Y/N was helpful with any questions you may have had,”
The group seemed to be awestruck, slowly nodding as they stared at him. You had to stifle a giggle when you noticed a few of the girls in the back growing flustered. Tom seemed to have followed your gaze because a low chuckle escaped him before he cleared his throat.
“Well, I’m Mr. Holland, clearly. You’re all here because you’ve demonstrated you’re more than capable of handling whatever life may throw at you, and that’s the kind of people I need working here. I need to steal Y/N for a moment, but she’ll back with your first assignments soon.”
Everyone answered in a chorus of ‘yes, sir,’ as the two of you walked out together, Tom dropping his hand the second he moved away from the table. Once you were in his office, he shut the door and locked it.
“So, how did it go?” He met your gaze from across the room; you were sitting at his desk, leaning back in his chair.
“Fine; a lot more girls than I was expecting to see, if I’m being honest,” You smiled as he walked over, his hand reaching out for you. You took it once he stood before you, standing up as he took a step back.
“Am I sensing a bit of jealousy, darling?” He smirked, quirking an eyebrow as he looked at you.
“What? No,” You scoffed, rolling your eyes as he let go of your hand and rested his on your waist. He chuckled at your response, shaking his head.
“That was very convincing,” He whispered, grinning as he leaned in and kissed your forehead.
“Care to tell me why you brought me in here?” You cupped his jaw as he gently pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes fluttering closed.
“I was going to suggest a bit more kissing, but I did promise I’d return you to your faithful interns,”
“Thought they were yours, boss?” You giggled when Tom opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Funny. One kiss and then I’m kicking you out - you distract me too much, love.”
“That sounds like a personal problem,” You quipped, resting a hand on the back of his neck while the other moved into his hair. He grunted when you gave his curls a quick tug, his grip on your hips tightening before he finally captured your lips with his.
His tongue swiped over your bottom lip, seeking entrance that you readily gave as you whined into the kiss. One of his hands dropped to your ass, gently squeezing it as your mouths moved in sync, his tongue dancing with yours.
You pulled on his hair the second his teeth sank into your bottom lip, gently tugging it before pulling away and slipping his tongue back in your mouth. He groaned quietly when you scratched the back of his neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer.
When you felt something slightly hard pressing against your hip as he pushed you against his chest, you smiled into the kiss. Tom reluctantly pulled away, chest heaving slightly as he dropped his head to your shoulder.
“Got a little excited there, didn’t we?” You asked as you stroked his back, still smiling with shameless pride. His lips were resting against your neck, his breath hot on your skin.
“I would blame you, but it really is my fault, I suppose,” He muttered. His hand squeezed your ass once more before he stood up straight, moving them back to your waist.
“You’re such a boy, my God,” You rolled your eyes when he laughed, shrugging.
“You drive me crazy, darling. Now go boss around those interns before I end up keeping you here for the rest of the day,”
“What about that meeting you have later?” You kissed his jaw when he didn’t make a move to step away.
“I’ll skip it, if you want. Just say the word, princess,” He cooed, cupping your cheek as he winked.
“You wish, Holland. I’ll see you later, darling.” You left a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth before moving out of his grasp, making it to the door before he’d rounded the edge of his desk.
He smirked as he watched you leave, catching your eye one last time before the door shut behind you.
Nothing good ever happens on a Monday.
You had just finished organizing the interns’ files when you spotted Harrison popping out of the hallway from the corner of your eye.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days, I swear,” you said, waving your hand as he finally came up to your desk.
“You’re starting to sound like Tom, and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing, Y/N! How’s the day been so far?” He set down a cup of coffee in front of you.
“Not too bad; I had to deal with the new interns this morning, but they’re not terrible like Tom had thought,”
“He thinks anything involving mine or the twins’ decisions is terrible, apparently. I’m glad to hear they didn’t traumatize you, at least. Where are we going today, then?” He leaned against the wall opposite you, downing the rest of his own drink.
“Pizzeria down the street? I need something greasy after eating vegetables for the last few days,” Harrison laughed, nodding as he smiled.
“He’s already got you eating clean? God, he’s a mess,”
“I’m so glad he’s not here, otherwise I might commit upon seeing another plate of green anything!” You both laughed together as you finally got up from your desk, grabbing your coat from the stand behind you.
“Just be sure to have some gum afterwards; he’s got a terrifyingly superb sense of smell.”
The walk from the office to the restaurant wasn’t terrible, even if it was snowing and freezing cold.
Harrison indulged your immense craving for everything greasy, and agreed to share a pizza and a whole group of appetizers with you. The conversation flowed easily; the two of you had quite a lot of things in common, and you were honestly a little shocked that Harrison had somehow found Tom to be a compatible friend.
“I always forget to ask you this, but not today. How did the two of you meet?” You posed the question after taking the last bite of your pizza. Harrison leaned back in his seat and took a sip of his drink before clearing his throat.
“Freshman year of uni. Surprisingly, we met in the library, of all places. I’d seen him around campus, and he stuck out like a sore thumb, considering almost everyone knew who he was.”
“Already?” Harrison nodded, chuckling lightly.
“Yeah; the bastard’s name is known pretty much everywhere, thanks to his dad. I always tell him this just to shrink his ego, but sometimes I feel that’s the actual reason why he got into Stanford at all. Tom’s academics weren’t the best when he was in school; at least, from what he told me. Anyways, we met in the library because he was holding the book I needed for a research paper, and it turned out we were in the same class, just different times.”
“That has to be the most boring first meeting story ever!” You giggled when Harrison flashed you his middle finger for a moment, eyebrows furrowed in mock anger.
“Ask him to tell you the story, and he’ll probably include the ‘fact’ I sold him weed in the stacks,”
“He’s very dramatic, isn’t he?” You both laughed and tried to settle down when you saw a few people looking.
“Y/N, I don’t think you know just how dramatic Tom can get.”
“Tell me!” He shook his head.
“It’s better to learn from experience - just ask him, and you’ll see!”
The rest of the week went by in a flash; you were beyond busy with the interns and their nerves getting the best of them as they started taking on the ropes alone. Tom was either rarely or constantly cooped up in his office. Harrison stayed late with him every night, just so you wouldn’t feel obligated to stick around instead.
Yet, it never seemed like an obligation in your mind; you would have gladly stayed with him. What really seemed to worry you was that Tom asked Harrison to stay just so you wouldn’t.
The feeling seemed to nag you in the back of your mind; the only time you’d really spent together in the past week had been in the mornings before you both left - separately - for work. He always had meetings scheduled during lunch, so Harrison would be there to accompany you.
And he always stayed late, telling you he’d rather finish it at work than risk getting… distracted while at home. That part really irked you.
Not the idea that he was referring to you as a distraction; you did the same to him countless times. It was the fact that he was referring to a possible distraction when you knew very well nothing would even happen if he came back to the apartment with you.
Since the gala, nothing had happened between the two of you. Nothing overtly intimate or sexual; besides hand holding or kissing, it never went beyond that.
You didn’t want to ask why; it would only increase your anxiety thinking that you’d done something wrong. Or maybe something had gone wrong and he no longer… wanted that.
You didn’t want to overthink it, but it was difficult not to. When the foundation of your relationship is built on sex, it makes it hard to avoid thoughts like this when that main component is missing.
The only reason you were really freaking out about this now was because of the fact that Valentine’s Day was two days away, and you had no idea what the hell was going to happen.
This whole relationship was based on something physical; you hadn’t even considered something like this in the beginning, and now it terrified you.
What was more scary was the fact that you didn’t know what Tom was going to do. You were worried he would disappear or drink too much, all while clearly avoiding you.
There was only one way to find out for sure.
You didn’t see him for the rest of Monday and Tuesday. Come Wednesday morning, you learned he’d stayed at Harrison’s apartment.
I’ll make sure he goes home tonight. He’s gonna drive himself insane if he works late one more time. Don’t worry.
You didn’t get your hopes up on the idea of the promise; it wouldn’t be the first time Tom managed to force Harrison to do what he wanted.
When you came into the office, you were surprised to find a large bouquet of roses sitting on your desk with a small gift bag tied to the vase. The card attached to both gifts were signed with Tom’s name, a row of x’s following his handwriting.
Inside, you found three velvet boxes tied with red ribbons. Checking the hall to make sure no one would walk by, you sat down and opened each one.
The smallest box contained a pair of small diamond earrings encased in white gold. The second box was home to a Cartier bracelet, your initials engraved on the inside of the yellow gold band. You almost had a heart attack at the thought of how much money he must’ve spent on these.
The third and largest box revealed your worst fear - a rose gold necklace, interlaced with a simple row of diamonds. You bit back your tongue as you set the box down on the table, covering your mouth with your hand as you admired it.
This is all so much. Holy shit.
When you heard a few voices drift towards you, you quickly put away the gifts and hid the bag in the nearest drawer. A group of interns appeared, a few girls gasping as they took in the sight of the flowers.
“Who are those from?” They practically shouted in unison. You smiled and waved your hand, shaking your head.
“A friend - they’re a little extra when it comes to Valentine’s Day, that’s all. Did you need something?”
The interns ended up providing a perfect distraction from your insistent thoughts. You stayed with them for most of the day, helping them with filing and an assortment of other unimportant tasks.
You didn’t even realize how quickly the time had passed until you saw a text from Harrison on your phone.
I can’t make lunch today, but I know Tom should be there. Have fun, kids xx
He had sent it over an hour ago, so you knew it was time to wrap things up.
“If you need anything else, bug Johnny about it. He likes to think he’s in charge of the interns, so make his day, yeah?” You waved goodbye before they could answer, quickly making it back to your desk. Just as you were about to pull out the gift bag from your desk, your phone lit up with another text - this time from Tom.
Won’t be back till late. Hope you enjoyed the gifts - happy valentine’s xxx
Of course.
You ignored the uncomfortable drop of your stomach as you reread his words a few times. Once you decided you’d rather call it day, you grabbed the bag from your drawer, tidied up your desk, and slipped on your coat.
For some reason - one laced with just a bit of guilt - the gift bag seemed to weigh a bit more heavier in your hand than it had before.
After you got back to the apartment, you ditched the bag in your room, covering it with a pillow so you could deal with it at a later time.
Martha greeted you when you walked into the kitchen.
“You’re back early - want something for lunch?”
“I don’t know if I can even stomach something right now, Martha.” She cocked an eyebrow, resting her hand on her hip.
“And why is that?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day - well, obviously you knew that - but anyways… I’ve got this bad feeling and I’m scared,”
“Hold on - scared about what?” She came around the counter and joined you at the table. You sighed as you avoided her gaze.
“He got me a few… expensive gifts, and then told me, again, that he wouldn’t be back until late. He’s been avoiding me since the gala, and I just don’t know what to make of all this, you know?” She nodded, resting her hand over yours.
“I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but at least he’s trying for once.”
“You did what?” Harrison stared at Tom in disbelief.
“What? Am I not allowed to buy her stuff now?”
“No, no. Of course you are. But mate… it’s Valentine’s Day today. You don’t think she’s gonna get the wrong idea here?” Tom’s eyes widened, mouth slightly open.
“What… what wrong idea could she possible get?”
“You’re not that stupid, mate. Gifting her jewelry - pricey jewelry, at that - is more romantic, and definitely not your style.”
“And what the fuck constitutes as my style, Haz?” Tom crossed his arms, glaring at him.
“This is the first… thing you’ve let go on this far. Don’t you usually end things before February?”
“Fuck you, twat. This is different!” Harrison raised an eyebrow and leaned forward in his chair.
“Don’t tell me you have feelings for her.”
“Of course not. But I’m done treating her like she’s nothing, because she’s not.” Harrison eyes widened in surprise, a small smirk replacing the frown on his lips.
“If she’s not nothing, then what exactly is she to you?”
After a nice dinner with Martha and Nick, you spent the rest of your night watching cheesy rom-coms on Netflix.
You were starting to doze off when you heard a soft rap at your door. Sitting up, you spotted Tom slipping into your room, another bouquet of roses in his hands. You could tell he was holding something behind his back as he stood at the foot of your bed, his teeth digging into his lip.
“Hi,” You sounded out of breath as you met his soft gaze. He smiled, and even in the dim lighting you could make out a rosy shade of pink tainting his cheeks.
“I’m sorry for being absolutely terrible to you.”
“Well, that’s one way to say hi back,” You laughed lightly when he tilted his head, shaking it slightly as he held out the flowers.
“You know what I’m trying to say. I know this doesn’t make up for me being an idiot, but I promise I’m trying,”
“I know. It’s okay, I promise,”
“It’s really not.” You looked at him as confusion sparked across your face.
“What are you talking about, then?” He sighed deeply, moving to sit next to you. Setting the roses down on your nightstand, he handed you what he had been holding behind his back - a teddy bear holding a red heart.
You took the stuffed animal from him, genuine surprise replacing your confusion as you clutched the toy to your chest.
He met your gaze as you looked at him with a bit more than just admiration.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, princess,” He smiled sweetly, his hand coming to rest on your knee.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Tom,” you whispered as you sat up on your knees, pulling him to you. He made no move to stop you as you cupped his jaw, gazing into his eyes for a moment.
He smiled again before giving in first, pulling you down to him. You sighed contentedly as soon as his lips met yours, his tongue slipping in at the first chance.
His hands moved to your waist and pulled you onto his lap swiftly, his lips never leaving yours.
As your mouths moved in sync, you began to slowly rock your hips over his thigh. He grunted into your mouth at the feeling, his grip on your hips tightening as you kept moving.
It was then that Tom realized you were only wearing a shirt and panties, and he was glad he’d chosen the perfect time to come home.
You pulled him back into the moment when you tugged on his curls, your mouth leaving his as you tried to catch your breath.
“You look beautiful like this, darling,” His voice was low in your ear as you rutted your hips against him, quietly keening at the delicious friction his slacks were building up against your core.
You whimpered the second you felt his lips on your neck, sucking and nipping at your hot skin as you held him close to you, but nothing could’ve prepared either one of you for the strangled moan that left your lips when Tom bounced his leg.
“Oh fuck,” was all you could manage to get out as your head dropped down onto his shoulder, your hands clutching the back of his dress shirt as you grinded on his thigh.
You felt his lips pull away, his breath heavy against your skin as he gripped your hips tighter, pushing you down onto him.
“C’mon, baby,” he growled, bouncing his leg up for more friction. You set a steady pace, your hips moving back and forth against him as one of his hands moved to cradle the back of your head, bringing you in for a kiss, his moans mixing with yours.
The knot in your stomach was starting to grow more and more, the friction and quickening pace pushing you closer and closer to bliss. You whined into the kiss when you felt one hand eagerly grab your ass, the other still holding you down against him.
His lips left yours, trailing your jaw with wet, open-mouthed kisses before he moved to your sweet spot.
All it took was a soft ‘come for daddy,’  for your orgasm to finally wash over you, Tom’s lips coming back to eagerly swallow your guttural moans. Your hips faltered against his thigh as you slowly came down from your high. Tom laid back on your bed, letting you rest on top of him as your breathing returned to normal.
You smiled when you felt him playing with your hair while his other hand rested on your hip, his thumb tracing lazy circles on your skin.
“That was a better gift than the jewelry,” you mumbled, embarrassed the second the words left your tongue. Tom’s chest rumbled in response with an amused chuckle.
“What matters is that you’re happy, princess. Whatever it takes,” His voice was soft, his words making your heart swell with happiness.
“Stay with me tonight,” was all that came to mind, and you couldn’t stop the words from slipping out. The silence that followed made your stomach drop, only to be replaced with a feeling of hope as you felt his hand under your chin, making you look at him.
The small glimmer of something more in his eyes made your heart flutter, but nothing could’ve readied you for what he said next.
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andavs · 7 years
Any chance for a outside POV of Sterek? Maybe from the POV of Stiles new uni friends? I just really love your writing and outside POV stories
She wasn’t going to ask.
They had a silent understanding, she and Stiles, and years of her dad quoting old westerns had taught her that you do not break a silent understanding, nor do you address it before your deathbed. Or if her mom was anything to go by, after your death, in a handwritten letter, shoved in a drawer behind three earmarked romance novels and a sandwich bag of weed. Either way, death was the deciding factor.
She and Stiles were both still alive, so she wasn’t going to get involved.
It was kind of their thing, not getting involved. They both valued their privacy, which was why they worked so well as roommates, why they decided to move in together for sophomore year and junior year after that. It wasn’t that they’d become particularly close in their Intro to Psych class freshman year, it was that they had both been assigned horrendously nosy and obtrusive roommates and they both happened to end up in the library at odd hours to get away from them.
A month of not acknowledging each other avoiding their respective roommates in the same place had eventually become studying together for psychology, and then silent company while doing work for their other classes. They worked well together, studying their individual subjects across from each other in the library. Stiles would mutter to himself as he worked, tapping his pen or the keys of his laptop absently while he thought and fidgeted, and Emma couldn’t hear any of it over her headphones.
So, working from a friendship built on a shared appreciation for Battlestar Galactica and leaving each other alone, it was odd and also frustrating that Emma now found herself wanting to ask, because while Stiles had always been a little shifty, harmlessly so, he was taking it to a whole new level.
He researched for hours on end from ancient library books that looked mostly stolen on subjects that certainly weren’t for his criminal psychology classes, and then bolted from the apartment at three in the morning, unheard from until he fell back through the door three days later. He had vague and slightly threatening phone calls at all hours, he was sleeping even less than he usually did, and Emma had found a dagger of all things jammed under the couch cushion where he’d taken a “nap” (passed out from exhaustion).
Not that she really paid attention to all that, or anything.
The point was that Stiles had become seriously sketchy recently, and Emma wanted to know why. She wasn’t proud of it; she didn’t actually want to admit it to herself because silent understanding, but Kyle of all people had even noticed the difference and Kyle used TV Tropes to classify real people in real life. When Kyle picked up on odd human behavior, something was up, and it was getting impossible to ignore.
But again, silent understanding. She was conflicted, and the list of things she wasn’t asking about was getting longer and longer as the semester dragged on.
Like the bloodstained shirt she found wadded up in the bathroom.
Or the jars of herbs that didn’t do anything if they were hypothetically rolled up and smoked.
Or Tall, Dark, and Leather who sometimes appeared from Stiles’ room when he definitely hadn’t come in through the front door to begin with, but that was a whole different set of questions.
Whatever Stiles was doing, it was escalating, that much she knew. He slept less, ate less, came out of his room less, and if Emma remembered the symptoms correctly, he was abusing his Adderall like there was no tomorrow.
She was curious, okay, and that silent understanding was getting harder and harder to honor.
At least until she got something of an answer one very early Monday morning while writing a paper. Stiles had been gone over the weekend, leaving Thursday immediately after his last lecture without so much as a bye Emma, see in you three days if I’m not dead or in jail.
She’d been writing a paper due the next day (or just later that same day if she was being honest with herself) and not getting very far between listening to music and the internet in general. So, the usual writing process.
The song came to an end and in the moment of silence before the next, she heard the front door open. Her eyes flicked to the clock on her laptop instinctively; after 4am. Just as the next song was fading in, a set of metallic keys hit the wooden floor and hushed whispering floated in through her open bedroom door.
“Dude, be careful, Emma’s studying.”
“Would you rather I dropped you?”
Emma’s finger dragged along the touchpad of her computer, turning the volume in her headphones down to nothing, curiosity getting the better of her. She thought she’d met most of Stiles’ friends by now, but she didn’t recognize the other voice. There was shuffling and some swearing, and she just managed to keep herself from getting up to see what the hell was going on.
“Ow, fuck, fuck, not there—oh my god not there.”
“Stiles, there isn’t anywhere else to hold you, so deal with it or do this on your own.”
In the reflection on her laptop screen, Emma could just make out a mass of two silhouettes slowly moving through the dark room past her open door, illuminated from behind by the streetlamps outside. They hobbled together awkwardly out of view, pausing to swear again when something else fell. This time they left it on the floor.
“Could you maybe try to be little nicer? I did just save your ungrateful hide—literally.”
They finally made it to Stiles’ room and the whump of body falling onto bed, followed by Stiles’ drawn out groan of fuuuuuuuuck, made Emma wince.
“Don’t look at me like that, I told you to stay at the loft tonight,” the other person growled to what must have been one of Stiles’ loaded glares.
“I have class at 8:30.”
“You’re not going to class.”
“Uh, yeah actually, I am going to class. I have to, because thanks to you and Scott, I’ve missed the last two discussions and my GSI is getting pissy.”
This was news; it seemed like Stiles was always back in time for his classes and was, miraculously, staying on top of his schoolwork through a combination of Adderall and sheer determination. In fact, one of his favorite pastimes was kicking people out of the apartment while threatening that if he lost his scholarship because they wouldn’t let him study, his tuition would be coming out of their allowances.
“We told you to stay out of it.”
“And if I had you would be doing a fantastic impression of Lady Cassandra right now, you’re welcome.”
She got the reference, or she thought she did, but then Stiles always seemed to be speaking in double entendres. He had developed an entire foreign language in plain English solely to avoid telling anyone anything. Most of the time she just let it and let him have his secrets, but she was starting to regret that now that it seemed like his secrets had gotten him hurt.
“Stiles…” the other man started through a sigh, only to be interrupted by Stiles in that tone he used in class when he knew he’d just won an argument.
“Just go to sleep.”
“Kind of hard to with your eyebrows looming over me, dude.”
Derek’s reply was instant, habit. “Don’t call me dude.”
“Seriously,” Stiles continued after a pause, “sit down or something, you’re freaking me out.”
There was a labored sigh and the door clicked shut, the continuing conversation muffled to murmurs. Emma sagged in disappointment and frustration and turned back to the glowing laptop screen staring back at her. There was no way she was going to be able to focus on her paper now.
It was creeping into 6am when Emma gave in and admitted to herself that she wasn’t going to get any more of her paper written in her current state. Stiles’ distracting entrance had completely derailed her train of thought and it wasn’t getting back on track any time soon; the last hour and a half of writing rambling sentences and then deleting them over and over had proven that far too many times. She looked at the clock, realized she had to leave for class in two hours, and let out a quiet dry sob as she accepted that she wasn’t going to be sleeping even a little bit tonight.
She gathered up her collection of dirty coffee mugs and bowls and made her way out to the kitchen, bowls stacked and mugs hanging precariously from her fingers. She paused at the dining table to flip the light switch with her knee, a skill she had been honing and was actually really proud of, and sucked in a terrified gasp (along with half a scream and probably her tongue) when the light revealed the most intimidating man she had ever seen sitting a foot away from her at the table, staring up at her from the book in his hands.
She didn’t realize she’d dropped a coffee mug until he was holding it up for her to take, the cold remaining coffee splashed up his forearm.
Emma staggered past Stiles’ now-open door into the kitchen, adrenaline rushing and her pounding heart leaping up into her lungs to meet her tongue that she must’ve swallowed because what just happened?
Still clutching three bowls to her chest, now-empty mug swinging from her pinky, she turned to see who she really hoped was Derek holding out the other mug and being far too calm about all this. A serial killer would probably be calm about this, some detached part of her brain threw out casually, and her chest clenched again.
“Please don’t freak out,” he stated quietly, and Emma let out a strangled whimper instead of the scream that it had started as.
Hopefully-Derek paused, eyes flicking to the side and head turning towards the wall the kitchen shared with Stiles’ room as if listening. Emma didn’t know what he was expecting to hear; she was pretty sure her heart was beating loud enough to drown out any noise Stiles might be making. The guy slept like the dead anyway, when he actually slept. The one time she’d forgotten her keys, he’d slept through her calling his phone, banging on the door, and throwing rocks at his window trying to get his attention.
She put the bowls and mugs on the counter while she organized the rush of thoughts she wanted to voice; everything from who are you to please don’t kill me. She settled on what she categorized as the most important as she turned back to face slightly worried eyebrows staring back at her. Her sock was soaking up cold coffee from the linoleum.
“What the—” she started to demand, cut off at Maybe-Derek’s pointed look, then started again in a violent whisper, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I’m a friend of Stiles.” The way he said it made it sound like it should be all the explanation necessary, and he was so sure of himself that it actually took Emma a moment to realize that no, that was not a sufficient answer at all.
“Okaaay, why are you sitting at our table, in the dark, at six in the morning?” He glanced away, then back again, like she was the one acting strange and he was looking for someone to back him up. “That’s not something that a friend of Stiles generally does,” she elaborated.
“I was reading.”
“In the dark?”
“It’s more than bright enough with the streetlights.”
“Why didn’t you just turn on a light?”
“Why are you asking so many questions?”
“Why are you here?”
Something metal hit the floor from Stiles’ room and they stilled; Derek instinctively took a step towards the kitchen door and paused while Emma just stared, wondering what the fuck was going on. Sheets rustled and Stiles groaned something like nngh, fuck before going quiet again.
Derek stepped out and closed the bedroom door softly, then returned to his seat at the dining table like their conversation had ended and everyone was satisfied with the outcome.
The whole thing was just ridiculous enough for Emma to push it aside and realize that even for a friend loitering in their apartment for two solid hours in the dark, Derek was acting weird; like he was standing guard outside of Stiles’ closed door.
“Seriously, why are you still here?” Emma pulled out the chair opposite and parked herself in it, wanting answers. “Is something wrong with Stiles?”
“He’s fine,” Derek answered shortly after an incredibly suspicious pause.
“What’s wrong with him.”
“He’s fine.”
“He didn’t sound fine when you guys came in.”
Derek huffed out a frustrated breath through his nose. “It’s nothing serious. You can go to bed, I’m taking care of him.”
Coming from a guy with his glare, that sounded more like a threat than a reassurance. Time to get serious.
“What happened to him?” she asked, and Derek immediately countered with,
“We got jumped.”
“That intersection doesn’t exist.”
“Not in this city.”
Emma glared and sat back in her chair. She hoped her glare conveyed touché well enough that she wouldn’t have to actually say it.
“He’ll be okay?”
“He’ll be fine.”
“You’re qualified to decide that?”
“And I’ll take care of him if he’s not.”
Again, ominous coming from this guy.
“That sounds like you're going to kill him.” Derek frowned, looking genuinely hurt by that. “No offense, but you just have that vibe.”
“Thanks,” he deadpanned, and Emma could only think to awkwardly repeat,
“No offense.”
Instead of the expected, none taken, Derek just turned back towards Stiles’ bedroom door. Like a very stubbly and glare-y guard dog. Who was worried about making too much noise and waking Stiles up. And appeared to have driven the almost three hours to Berkeley from Beacon Hills because Stiles wanted to get to class in the morning.
Right. So looking at all the facts, probably more likely a boyfriend than a murderer.
“Okay, so,” she started sidestepping towards the bathroom, “I should shower. Because I’ve been up all night writing a paper. Listening.”
Derek nodded.
“If you hear me drowning myself, just let it happen.”
He nodded again.
“Keep an eye on Stiles.”
No nod that time, just a raised eyebrow, like she was an idiot for thinking he could possibly do otherwise.
“Alright, goodnight.” She was fully in the bathroom now, but weirdly reluctant to close the door completely yet.
Derek just went back to his book, because it really didn’t matter to him what she did, and then she felt weird for being so aggressive about it.
She shut the door and pressed her ear against the wood, listening. It was dead silent out there, not even the sound of the old wood floor creaking with someone walking. It seemed that Derek really was just going to sit there and read in silence.
Emma started the shower, waited another few minutes, and then wrenched the door open as fast as she could.
Derek slowly looked up with raised eyebrows, still in the exact same position he’d been in before, right down to his finger tucked between pages to mark a spot.
“Just checking,” Emma informed him, and closed the door again.
When she finished and came back out in her robe, Derek was gone, the room silent, the book was laying on the table. But his leather jacket was hanging on the back of the chair, and his shoes were kicked off neatly against the baseboards next to Stiles’ closed bedroom door.
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shestillhasherquill · 7 years
All’s Fair in Love and War (4/?)
At the time of a brewing battle, there are tough decisions to be made, alliances to be forged. The Princess of Misthaven has no choice but to comply with the demands of the Council and wed the Prince of Camelot. But what happens when she falls for his half-brother, Killian? A war like never before.
A Reign-esque twist to an Enchanted Forest AU that no one asked for.
We finally get a glimpse at Regina’s backstory and I’m tagging @ussjellyfish​ for all the Regina angst! I really enjoyed the challenge of writing from Regina’s POV, which was harder than I thought it would be, and hopefully did justice to her character! We will meet a familiar face at the end as well, yay!
A big thanks to @welllpthisishappening​ for correcting all my silly errors and just being the best in general. @accio-ambition​ I have a feeling this one is gonna get you right in the feels!
ALSO ALSO I am starting Uni on the 18th AND I AM MOVING TO THE UK YAY. But that means I won’t be updating this fic until the 23rd, i.e., the saturday after next.
Read on AO3/FF.net
One week later
“William, let’s go,” Killian stated, patting his half-brother on his back as he walked past him, startling the man from his thoughts. William stared up at the window to his father’s chambers once more, their conversation from last week still fresh in his mind.
King Brennan found William quite easily after his outburst in the throne room. His late wife used to come here all the time, it was only natural for his son to seek out this place. He approached William tentatively, knowing that he was aware of his presence, the quiet of the library not doing much to mask the sound of his footsteps. The only acknowledgement that William gave to his father’s presence was his body going rigid, his hands clenching tight on the book he was holding.
“William,” he greeted, his tone as polite as possible, wanting the conversation to go as smoothly as possible.
“Father,” came the detached response.
“Son, can we talk?” Brennan tried again, his brows furrowed in worry as William seemed to ignore his request.
“Of course,” he answered finally, closing his book and standing up, offering a seat to his father. “What is it that you want to talk about?” he asked once both men were settled.
Brennan sighed, having expected William to be difficult. He had made mistakes as a father, especially since his wife passed away. Just when William needed him the most did he push him away. “William, I want us to talk about what you said.”
“I’m not going to apologise for that, father.”
“I never expected you to. But the way you did it, it was out of line, William. You cannot question my authority in front of anyone, not the way you did.”
“I was just-” he huffed, looking down at his lap before he met his father’s gaze. “I was very angry.”
“I understand that, but-”
“With all due respect, father, no. No, you do not understand. You don’t understand what it feels like to be brushed aside, when my half-siblings are favoured much more. You’ve always treated me differently, and I have never questioned you. But you didn’t even bother to ask me if I wanted to marry Princess Emma.”
“Well, why not her? She’s a lovely girl,” Brennan tried to reason, despite knowing how utterly weak the argument was.
William scoffed, “Be that as it may, the fact remains that you didn’t ask me what I wanted. Or if I have someone in my life. You didn’t even tell me yourself; Killian did. You have to know how that would have made me feel, that you trust Killian much more than you do the heir to your throne.”
“That was never my intention, William. Everything I do, that I keep from you, I only do it to protect you. I just lost sight of what is more important.”
“It’s been five years since mother passed, father. I’m not a nineteen-year-old green lad anymore. I’ve grown up.”
“And it seems that I have missed it,” the king finished.
William hesitated, not wanting to hurt his father, but not wanting to lie either. But he was saved from answering when his father simply nodded, his silence more than enough for him. “I am sorry, son.”
“I am, too, father. Maybe one day we can move forward.”
Brennan smiled at him, his eyes crinkling at the corners, laugh lines deepening. “I hope so, William. Now, would you like to go over anything, about Misthaven?”
After their conversation, he’d half expected his father to be there to send them off, but maybe he was just too optimistic. William shook his head, turning away and heading towards the carriage  waiting for him when he heard a voice call him. He turned, eyes widening in surprise as he saw his father walk towards him.
“Father. I expected you to be busy,” he said in greeting, making the king chuckle lightly.
“Well, if things go well, the next time we see each other, it will be during your betrothal,” he patted his son on his shoulder. “I wanted to give you something before you leave,” he pulled out a velvet box from his robes, handing it over to William.
When he opened it, he had to stifle a gasp. It was his mother’s engagement ring, and his father was giving it to him. “This is – this is mother’s ring,” he whispered brokenly.
“For your future bride, even if it isn’t Emma. It’s yours now, to give to whoever you wish.”
William smiled at his father’s words, his words meant more to him than any gesture ever could. His vision blurry from tears, he choked out “Thank you, father. This means- It means a lot,” allowing as his father pulled him into his arms for a short embrace.
Once William got into the carriage, Killian approached his father, a slight smirk on his face. “Seems like things worked out for you and William,” he said smugly.
Brennan shook his head at his son, his expression growing sober as he observed his daughter from afar. Killian, curious about the change in his father’s expression, followed his gaze, his own resolve hardening as he saw his sister stand by her lonesome, obviously feeling left out.
“Take care of her. She’s-she’s been through enough,” Brennan exchanged a meaningful glance with Killian, who simply nodded, understanding his father’s worry for Regina.
“Have you spoken to her, about what happened?”
“No. She didn’t want to talk about it. You know well how she had been when she’d returned. We just got her back, I didn’t want to-” he cut himself off, sucking in a deep breath. “You understand what I mean, lad.”
“Of course, father. We should be on our way.”
“You did what?!” Emma cried incredulously.
“It wasn’t my decision!” Her father snapped back. They had been dancing on eggshells around each other for the past week, their fight still a wall between them, both of them too stubborn to apologise first.
“Well, you gave your approval, father, so yes, it is!” Emma shouted back, pacing in front of him.
“Emma, all I said was that I would consider it. The council twisted my words and sent an invitation to Camelot in my stead,” David tried to reason, even as he realised how feeble it was.
“That meeting was pointless. They had already sent the invitation by then; they never intended to even hear me out,” she realised, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Do you see what I mean? We have no authority in this kingdom! I told you I wanted some time to think about my decision to marry, and now the Prince of Camelot in on his way here!” Emma started pacing, wringing her hands together in anger. ”What should I do now - go along with this charade for the rest of my life?” she demanded, eyes blazing with fury.
“Only until we find a loophole, something that would allow you to rule the kingdom,” David replied placatingly.
“I say we go ahead and dissolve the council all together. The people love you, and Elizabeth. You are fair rulers.”
David sighed, shaking his head. “They still think that the presence of the council gives them security, Emma, and it will be hard to change their minds.”
“But we can try,” Emma implored, but her father was unwilling to listen.
“Let’s handle one problem at a time. Until any of us can find something, we need to host the people of Camelot. Besides, Brennan is a good friend of mine, and we cannot afford to lose his friendship at this crucial time of war.” David paused, trying to see if his next words would be accepted. “Maybe you might even like William.”
“Not enough to marry him, I assure you, father.”
Ever since Lily’s unwanted advances last week, Regina could not stop reliving her memories with the Princess Aurora – a time where she did not know the harsh reality of the world as she did now. While she might have had some semblance of a good time with Aurora, all of that has been buried under layer after layer of the pain that followed - both physical and emotional. She’d spent such a long time blinded by her own love for the woman, she’d failed to notice that her feelings were not reciprocated as intensely, and that had led to her downfall. The physical pain she’d endured would have been worth it, if only Aurora hadn’t betrayed her so. Just thinking about it made the rage swirl in her heart, her grip on the reins tightening. This was precisely the reason she never wanted to even think about her time in King Stefan’s kingdom. The moment she had stepped foot in that place was where all her misery escalated.
Regina was brought out her musings when she heard Killian yell for their group to stop for the day. She was surprised to see how dark it had become, so lost in her thought she had been. She dismounted from her steed, landing with a soft thud and stretched her stiff muscles, still coming down from the daze she’d been in. How was she going to be of any use if she was lost in her own thoughts to notice her surroundings? She took a deep breath, the fresh air soothing her turmoil addled mind.
“Regina!” She turned to see Killian approaching her, and tried to rein in her urge to sigh. She recognised the look on his face, one that seemed to appear with greater frequency lately.
“Killian,” she called back, a frown in place.
“How are you?” he asked, brows furrowed in concern. For some reason, his constant worry only seemed to enrage her, causing her frown to deepen.
“Why do you ask?” she gritted out through clenched teeth, as quick to anger as ever.
Killian raised his hands in surrender, not wishing to push boundaries any more than he has with her of late. “It’s only been a few months since the incident with Princess Aurora, and this is the first time you have been outside of Camelot since then. As the man in-charge of Prince William’s safety, I need to know if you are fully invested. I cannot have you distracted, lest something happens to the Crown Prince,” he responded, almost mechanically.
Regina posture straightened at that, wanting to show him her strength. “I am capable of performing my duties, I assure you,” she snapped back, before adding. “Do not underestimate me, brother. What happened with Aurora will never happen again. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to scout the area.”
Killian watched, jaw clenching, as his sister stomped away from him as fast as she could. He could feel the guilt fester; never once had he ever doubted her strength before, not when their mother passed, not when Liam did either. She had always faced adversity with her own unique boldness. But she’d also never been as betrayed as she had been by Princess Aurora. He could remember with startling clarity the look on her face right before he’d stopped her execution – the look of someone so defeated and broken beyond repair. He had wanted to tear everyone that way limb to limb for making his sister go through that anguish, but the only reason he had been able to rescue her was because of the last bit of “diplomacy” he held on to with King Stefan.
“Please, Your Majesty. You cannot punish my sister any further, especially for something she did not do!” Killian implored, unable to look at his sister for even a moment longer, chained and bloody and broken as she was. “You’ve already done enough.” His voice cracked at the end, his heart strings pulled taut, imagining the pain she must have endured.
“Ser Killian, you sister has been accused of assaulting the Crown Princess, forcing her to engage in nonconsensual sexual activity. Do you realise how big a treason that is?” the prime minister retorted, as King Stefan glared down at Killian.
Killian’s head snapped up at that, his disbelief evident in his next words, “That is preposterous! My sister would never do that. I cannot allow you to tarnish her honour with such fabrication!”
“Be careful of your words, boy!” King Stefan spoke finally, his words echoing through the throne room. “Let me remind you that your alliance with our kingdom has been tenuous enough even before your sister’s actions.”
Killian clenched his fist, resisting the urge to lash out at the man. He fell to his knee, head bowed in obeisance, “Then punish me, Your Majesty. Please do not punish Camelot, or my sister. I take responsibility, completely.”
Regina’s eyes widened at that, her breath catching in her throat at her brother’s acquiesce. Her only crime had been to love that deceitful Princess, and as much as the scars seared pain through her body, Aurora’s betrayal seared her heart. “Killian, no,” she protested weakly, her voice worn and rough, stumbling forward in her chains.
Killian flinched, but held his position, even as every part of him protested against it, wanting to get to his sister. His fists tightened further, the nails biting into the skin of his palm centring him. He looked up at King Stefan from his position, “We are in a time of war, You Majesty. We need to stand united against King George and his troops. Camelot needs you just as much as you need us. Let us move past this-” he paused, unwilling to admit, even for the sake of his kingdom, that his sister was guilty of treason. “-this offence,” he choked out. He could feel Regina’s eyes on him, and he could very well imagine how betrayed she must feel, with him practically agreeing that she committed the crime. But he had to do this, not just for Camelot, but for her.
King Stefan regarded him with a cautious gaze, before shifting to Regina, the look of contempt clear on his face. Regina had never been one to back down from a fight, always ready to face her opponent in the eye without flinching. But the moment she saw the King’s expression, she averted her gaze, the shame apparent in the slump of her shoulders. She longed to believe that Killian’s words were just to appease King Stefan, but she was already burned because she believed in someone she loved; she would not make the same mistake twice.
When King Stefan drew his sword, both Killian and Regina’s eyes snapped up at that, eyes wide with fear. Killian’s hand went to the hilt of his own sword as he swiftly got to his feet. But before he could do much else, the King’s guards surrounded him, grabbing his arm and preventing him from any movement, even as he struggled to get to his sister. King Stefan approached Regina, his hand clutching the sword with a white-knuckled grip and his gaze trained on her as she tried to stumble away from him.
“NO!” Killian shouted, pushing at the men who held me at bay, watching with his heart in his throat as King Stefan brought his sword down, resting the blade against Regina’s throat. She looked up at him expressionlessly, even as her heart pounded in her chest. “I should kill you,” he spat in disgust.
“Go ahead,” she challenged, eyes hard and cold as ice.
“Regina, stop it,” Killian growled out. “King Stefan, you do not want to do this. If you lay another hand on her, you will regret it,” he warned.
“You think your father is going to wage a war against our kingdom for his bastards,” the King laughed cruelly, his sword pressing harder against Regina’s throat, making her swallow hard. He drew back, however, snarling at the siblings. “Get this wretch out of my sight, and you do well to tell your father that Camelot will not have our support in this war.”
Killian did not have time to think of the consequences of losing his support, not when Regina was released from her shackles, and thrust into his arms.
He rushed to catch her, her body too weak to hold herself up anymore, even as her face crumpled in pain. “Killian, I’m so sorry,” she rasped out, her hands clenched tightly on his arm. “I’m so sorry.”
Every part of him hurt seeing his little sister in such a vulnerable state, her tunic barely held together, saving the last bit of her dignity. He shrugged out his coat, draping it over her trembling form. “I’ve got you, sister. It’s okay,” he assured her, allowing her to rest against him.
Swallowing against the bile that raised in his throat, he glanced up at King Stefan. “Thank you, King Stefan, for your kindness,” he gritted out, before he led his sister out of the throne room. How was he going to face their father now?
Regina grumbled to herself, cursing her idiot brother for bringing up Aurora yet again. They had been on road to Misthaven for almost five days now, and it was the most free she’d felt ever since returning to Camelot after King Stefan had released her. She let out a harsh breath, running her hands through her cropped hair, eyes sliding closed. Ever since she’d returned to Camelot, King Brennan had barely said a word to her, and when he did, it was only for her to call on Killian. After King Stefan’s declaration about withdrawing support, every step had been made to mend bridges – which definitely meant nothing good for Regina. She had been the kingdom’s ambassador, sent as an official to King Stefan’s kingdom; she had been someone, meant something. And when she had returned, she’d been dismissed from her duties, sent to the training grounds to assist the trainers.
For all the pain she’d endured at the hand of King Stefan, for all the heartbreak Aurora’s betrayal had caused, she’d never felt more devastated by anything than by her father’s actions. He refused to talk to her for a solid month since her return, Killian being the only one to visit her in the infirmary as she recovered from her wounds. She’d floated in and out of consciousness the first few days, and she’d been certain that she’d seen William, even. But not her father, never her father. She’d never felt more like a disappointment, more alone than she did then – and every part of her yearned for her mother, for Liam, for anyone really, to simply hold her and soothe her broken, bruised and burnt heart.
Even thinking about that time made it hard for her to breath, her chest constricting painfully with repressed tears. She squeezed her eyes shut, pressing the heels of her hands to them and rubbing hard, when she heard a twig snap, alerting her to the presence of another person. Her eyes snapped open, teeth clenching as she fingered the dagger at her side, having an idea on who could be lurking. Her brother never really was good at being stealthy.
“You should trust me more, brother,” she growled out, her dagger flying through the shrubbery and towards the intruder. Regina’s triumphant smirk fell as she heard a feminine gasp, realising that whoever had been spying on her was not her brother. Ever so alert, she grabbed her spare dagger from her boot, walking towards the sound, trudging through the greenery in her way.
“I’m not your brother,” sassed the voice as Regina stumbled through to the other side.
Regina regarded the brunette with a curious gaze, eyeing the dagger that pierced through the woman’s cloak and held it against the tree trunk. “Who are you?” she demanded, holding up her spare dagger against the woman’s throat.
“Your manner really need work.” The brunette rolled her eyes, before introducing herself, “Belle French. I’m on my way to Misthaven, so if you would be kind enough to let me go, I’ll be on my way, and you yours.”
“What a coincidence. I’m headed to Misthaven as well.” Regina narrowed her eyes, “First, I find you spying on me, and then, you tell me you’re headed in the same direction. Who are you, really?” She pressed the dagger harder, unable to understand how this Belle didn’t even flinch a little at her underlying threat.
“Listen, huntress,” Belle sneered. “I was well on my way to Misthaven before I stumbled across you. You seemed like you were having a moment, and I didn’t want to be rude,” she smiled humourlessly. “It’s called being considerate, something I’m guessing you wouldn’t understand.”
“I’m not a huntress, and you know nothing about me, woman. So, you’d do well to shut up. You’re coming with me.” She pried her dagger from where it was wedged, before she grabbed the woman’s arm, pulling her along with her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Belle cried, squirming in Regina’s grip. “And who the hell are you?”
Regina resisted the urge to scream, whirling back to face the infuriating woman. “Listen, Belle, was it? Now, I’ve been instructed to bring in anyone who seemed suspicious. And you, milady, all alone in the woods, travelling to the same place we are, lurking in the bushes – you don’t seem as innocent as you claim you are.”
Belle rolled her eyes, following Regina, knowing well enough not to argue with her obstinate captor. “At least, tell me who you are,” she tried, but Regina simple dragged her towards the clearing the travelling party had made camp.
Killian was just starting to worry about Regina, preparing to go in search of her when he heard the sound of footsteps and feminine voices, getting louder by the second. He turned towards the sound, spying Regina and another woman walking into the camp. He frowned, looking closely at the woman. While she looked like no forest dweller, her worn travel cloak and dirty boots spoke of long days on the road.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Killian questioned, walking up to his sister and her companion.
“I found her in hiding in the woods, and she claimed be heading towards Misthaven.”
“What do you mean, “and?” She was clearly spying on me, to get to our camp. She probably knows that William is with us,” Regina reasoned, shrugging her shoulders and glaring at the woman beside her, distrust barely concealed.
Belle shook her head, pushing Regina aside in favour of trying to reason with Killian, who seemed to her as the man in-charge. “I was not spying on her – I don’t even know who she is. I was walking and I saw her having a breakdown-”
“I was not having a breakdown!” Regina cut her off with a protest.
Belle growled, continuing, “-and I wanted to give her the moment she very clearly needed. And the next thing I know, a dagger was flying at my head, and very nearly missed.”
“Oh, trust me. I don’t miss,” Regina sneered.
By that time, Killian had had enough, raising his hands to stop both woman from bickering further. “Regina, maybe you should leave. I will handle it from here.”
Regina turned to him, taken aback by his words. But unwilling to question his authority in front of a stranger, she gritted her teeth and stalked off, leaving Killian alone with the woman.
“Forgive my sister; she doesn’t take kindly to strangers.” He scratched behind his ear in embarrassment. “Ser Killian Jones of Camelot. And you are?”
“Belle French. I’m from Misthaven, originally. I was visiting...erm, my aunt, a few towns over,” Belle explained, smiling softly. “It is nice to make your acquaintance, Ser Jones.”
Killian was not fool enough to believe that this Belle was truly visiting her aunt, but she wasn’t dangerous, either. Of that he was sure. “Well, Lady Belle, we are on our way to Misthaven as well. You are welcome to join us, if you would like,” he offered.
“I-I’m not a Lady,” she corrected. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I would not mind joining you. Thank you,” she curtsied.
“It would be no trouble at all, Miss Belle. It’s just a day’s journey, if I’m not wrong.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what is a travelling party doing hereabouts all the way from Camelot.”
Killian hesitated, before smiling at her. “We are accompanying Prince William; he is to court Princess Emma.”
That made Belle stop short, bewildered at his claim before she schooled her expression. “Courting her, you say?”
“Aye. Is that a problem?” he asked, brows pulling together.
“No, no. I wasn’t aware that Princess Emma agreed to court anyone…” she trailed off, making Killian’s frown deepen. How does it concern a peasant woman, the life of a princess? he wondered.
Belle shook her head, smile replacing the confusion. “I’m sorry. I work at the castle, and I know Princess Emma quiet well, so this news is still new to me.”
“Well, we received an invitation from King David, himself.” He glanced around, suddenly uncomfortable around the woman. “If you would excuse me, I should make sure my sister is alright.”
Belle watched, her thoughts a mess in her head. Had this been why Emma had wanted her back? To help her get out of this betrothal? she wondered. Oh, Emma. What has happened now?
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wendy-sunbae · 7 years
Jung Jaehyun | Uni!au
Pairing: jaehyun x reader (you) Summary: just a uni!au with jung jaehyun<3 Notes: hii! So this is my first scenario since a long time, i’ll mainly be doing nct fluff scenarios tho haha hope you enjoy it! I’ll be doing them i the list format, but if you prefer it in a fic format i can work on them for my next ones (please tell me ^^) enjoy!
so like i absolutely love jaehyun that's why i decided to make one first (the next one might be a boyfriend jaehyun even hehe :> )  
i was going to write a coffee shop au but there's many out there already so why not a uni au right never outdated ahhahaha
let's go  
i can imagine jaehyun being the type to be well known, not like the most popular but still pretty well known by the teachers and the people from his major
he always gets good grades (because he is a hardworking puppy!) and hands in his assigments on time
he’s also never late to class
he enjoys hanging with his friends and laughing and just being happy in general (so cute!! everyone always sees his dimples because he’s always smiling)
grabbing a drink after classes are a must for him, be it an iced tea or americano, or even juice
he enjoys taking walks around the campus when he doesn’t have classes or after lunch
sometimes to find a good place to read his books or just take a walk to clean his mind
he only goes to the library to borrow books or to study for a test, although he also studies at home or at his friends’ places
but yeah, the library is the place for when he needs to study for real because the test is going to be extremely hard and he can’t have distractions (aka johnten’s jokes plus their never ending bad pick up lines)
so one day he has a test on the very next day, a really important one where he needs a good grade to pass the subject
he goes to the library and finds it packed with students studying their brains out
contemplating going home to study or finding a seat somewhere, he decides on the latter or else he won’t get any studying done 
so he looks around and at the back of the library he finds a table apparently empty 
when he gets near he notices that there are a few open books on it - guess someone was here first 
with sagged shoulders he makes an U turn and is ready to go away when you pass by him, taking a seat and flipping the open book’s pages
“sorry, but can i use this table with you?” he asks cautiously, to which you nod and motion for him to use the avaliable space across you
he quietly puts down his things and gets his books, relieved for having found somewhere to study
you’re currently studying for an upcoming test that will happen by the end of the week
you’re used to studying in the library, because at home you get distracted easily with your phone (your idols social media updates and youtube videos!! plus your group chat with ur friends ofc haha)
a coffee cup is a must since you need to review all these notes you took and read a few more books, without falling asleep (you sneak in with ur cup, hiding it with a sweater or smth)
so you both study quietly, enjoying the silence to focus solely on work
that is, until you accidentaly knock down your coffee cup by the table after receiving a phone call and forgetting to silence your phone
“om g im so sorry let me- i’ll- urgh” you end up wetting a few of jaehyun’s papers by the tables, so you try to wipe them and clean it with your sweater
only to tear some of his papers 
jaehyun actually wants to cry because my notes!!! my test is tomorrow!!! o m g!!
but he just says that “it’s okay, calm down before the librarian asks us to leave” followed by a light laugh from him and a worried look from you
after everything you calm down and offers to rewrite his notes that you wet, as his scribbling can still be seen thankfully
he accepts the help because he really needs the notes, so while he reads his book you quietly copy the notes 
he keeps on stealing glances at you from time to time, worried for having made (although you’re the one who offered) you rewrite his notes 
he ends up getting pretty much distracted from his book because wow, you look really studious and hardworking and jaehyun would really like someone like that - like him, problably
and he found you pretty cute too
you hand jaehyun the 7 pages you did and he thanks you followed by a smile, and you apologize to him before excusing yourself and exiting the library, slapping your own face for embarrassing yourself in front of that cute dimple boy
jaehyun checks all the notes you rewrote 
“wow she has a very neat and pretty handwritting too”
at the end of the notes you wrote an “i’m so sorry! ‘>< if you ever need help with something you can ask me anytime!” and jaehyun chuckles because you didn’t even write down your name or phone so how would he ask for you
so on the next week, you’re quietly studying by the same table and he sits in front of you, taking his books out from his backpack to study
you look up at him and gasp “omg you are the one i ruined the notes”
jaehyun quietly laughs and says “yeah, that’s me”
“i swear i don’t have coffee with me this time” you say while he sits across you, still laughing
you’re still kind of embarrassed but just continues looking down at your own book and pretending you’re actually reading
why would this handsome boy be sitting with you again if there’s plenty of tables available today, you wonder (unless he wants you to wet his notes again because he liked your handwriting) but pushes the thought aside
jaehyun keeps stealing some glances at you, noticing your hair falling out from behind your ear and getting in the way, how your eyebrows furrow when you don’t understand something from the book, the way you keep playing with your pen on your hand
and when you look up and meet gazes with him, he quickly looks down at his own book, embarrassed for having stared for too long (cute embarassed jaehyun!!!) because you’re too cute
it’s now your time to look at him and notice his bangs falling on his eyes, his cute dimples and pretty fingers
when he looks up tho you’re kind of frozen so you two end up just staring at each other for a while before letting out a muffled laugh
“what’s your name?” jaehyun asks after the laughter subsides
“y/n, and yours?” 
“jaehyun!” he says with a smile and you can’t help but look at those adorable dimples of his
you two end up just chatting for like one entire hour and get to know each other’s hobbies, majors, favorite books and things
when the subject of talk ends, jaehyun decides to put his things back inside his backpack
you feel sad knowing that he’s already leaving, since you guys talked and you liked having someone to talk about books (since your friends are more of the “movie over books” types)
but when he gets up and looks at you with a grin, instead of a goodbye you hear him saying “i actually need help with something,” you look at him curiously and he continues “i can’t seem to choose which beverage to buy, so i think i’ll need that help you promised me before”
you feel your cheeks heat up and a grin form itself on your lips as you gather your things and gets up, looking at the cute and handsome boy in front of you
“i think i can help you with that” you say as you both exit the library, heart thumping against your chest as jaehyun smiles at you “just definitely not coffee”
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