#the way i gleefully went to get my computer the second I heard it. I haven't even finished the episode. happy 420 everybody
0 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
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soft--dragon · 3 years
Teaching Your Brother A Lesson
Based on this prompt here :)
Word Count: 1,259
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
"LET'S GET MY OTHER VLOG GUN!" Tommy yelled, a wide grin on his face as he gleefully waved around the plastic nerf gun.
He viscously tore into the packaging, explaining cheerfully that; "I bought this from an arcade!"
The chat flew past as he raved on. Some were warning Tommy of possibly getting Wilbur evicted, others telling him to keep screaming, and some wondering why Tommy was streaming from Wilbur's computer.
"Wilbur doesn't actually know that I've came in this office" Tommy caught sight of one of the messages asking why he was there. "I don't think…"
A sudden banging noise made him flinch and look up with a startled; "The fuck was- what the-" he realized what was causing the ruckus
"Yeah?" Tommy called out to Wilbur who was mouthing something at him on the other side of the door, jiggling the handle. "Hey hey no it's locked it's- hey hey come in!" Tommy snarked with a grin but nervous eyes. Wilbur looked pissed.
Tommy masked his worry with his usual bravado. "Whadda ya want?! Where's the camera-" Tommy quickly tried to turn the camera to face Wilbur who looked close to breaking down the door.
"Whadda ya want bitch?! I've got a gun!" Tommy warned loudly, streaming persona at its peak chaotic energy. But it quickly disappeared when Wilbur managed to get the door open. "Oh...hey…" Tommy greeted nervously.
Wilbur stormed into the room with a hiss of "What the fuck? What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm gonna shoot you bitch!" Tommy shot back with a grin then noticed Wilbur's dark look making his heart sink. He didn't want to upset Wilbur, he thought it would've been funny… "What- what?" He worriedly asked, making himself a little smaller in the gaming chair.
"How'd you get my wallet?" Wilbur asked, approaching the table. "Are fucking streaming?!"
Tommy laughed, aiming the gun and attempting to shoot Wilbur who disarmed him in a flash. He pushed Tommy's shoulder down to keep him firmly in the chair.
"Tommy there are seventeen thousand people watching this!" Wilbur stared at the amount of viewers while Tommy smiled nervously.
"Well- well it was funny- Wilbur I'm sorry-" Tommy tried to explain but the look Wilbur gave him shut him up.
"I'm sorry everyone" Wilbur turned back to the webcam, voice still a little dark but genuine. "I'm sorry Tommy dragged you out to this, I'm sorry he wasted your time."
Wilbur gave Tommy a side eye, watching the boy grin apprehensively. "C'mon man" Wilbur grumbled.
"Wilbur I'm sorry-" Tommy tried.
"No, shush" Wilbur poked Tommy's stomach to shut him up.
To his surprise, Tommy squeaked and curled in on himself, a wide smile pulling on his lips. Wilbur paused, staring at Tommy before raising an eyebrow. "Oh, what's this?"
Tommy went a bit pink, pressing himself to the chair. "What's what?" He asked nervously, covering his stomach quickly.
Whether it was instinct or to confirm Wilbur's suspicions, Wilbur found it very endearing. He smirked. "Are you ticklish Tommy?"
Tommy giggled a little, shaking his head. "N-Noho, I'm not-"
Wilbur leaned down and smirked. "I think you're lying," he growled lowly.
Tommy giggled again, louder this time. "I'hihim nohohot" he insisted.
Wilbur clicked his tongue. "I don't believe you."
His fingers slipped past Tommy's arms and pressed into the boy's sides, vibrating them aggressively. Tommy squealed loudly in response, twisting in the chair and kicking the heels of his feet against the floor.
"FUHUhuhuck! Wihihilbhuhur!" He yelped, eyes squeezing shut against the sensations.
Wilbur chuckled, rubbing his thumbs into the ticklish skin. "Hmm, yeah, pretty sure you lied to me Tommy, and you know what liars get?"
"Wihihihihil plehehease-" Tommy giggled hysterically.
Wilbur smirked, his voice dropping darkly. "They get punished."
He blew a raspberry into Tommy's neck, massaging fast circles into Tommy's hips and poking the divots of the bones quickly.
"Quite giggly there Toms," Wilbur grinned, the nickname slipping out without him realizing.
Tommy pressed the side of his face into the chair, cheeks glowing pink. "S-SHUHUT UHUP!"
"Are you blushing?" Wilbur's eyes lit up excitedly. "Oh my god you are! Awww Tommy!"
Tommy batted at Wilbur's hands desperately, "STOHOHOP FUHUHUCKING TEHEHEASING!" He yelled, his flush only getting brighter.
Wilbur bet he was going to get a noise complaint for this, but he didn't care. Tommy's laugh was bubbly and undeniably endearing.
Wilbur chuckled again. "Aw why? Is a little teasing making you a little flustered Toms? Little bit more giggly huh? That's adorable~"
Tommy squirmed lower into the chair, trying to escape the ticklish sensations scuttling across his midriff. "WIHIHIL-" His eyes suddenly widened and he tossed his head back. "WIHIHILBHUHUR!"
Wilbur looked down and snickered. His hands had travelled up from Tommy's hips and were close to the boy's navel. He paused in the spidering movements and settled to tracing just around the rim with his nails. Tommy whined, gripping Wilbur's wrists and shaking with the intensity of his hysteric giggles.
Wilbur giggled himself, Tommy's laughter being incredibly infectious. "Got a lil giggle button, aye Toms?"
Tommy shook his head, unable to verbally respond. Wilbur paused for a second, feeling the muscles under his featherlight touch quiver. "Ready Gigglyinnit?" He asked.
Tommy bit his lip in anticipation watching Wilbur's hands with wide eyes. "Ihihi- d-dohohon't-"
"Don't what Tommy?"
"Tihickle me- WAIT FUCK-"
Wilbur hooked one finger into Tommy's bellybutton, wiggling the finger around quickly. Tommy arched his back with a shrill shriek then collapsed back in a mess of hysteric cackles. He babbled complete nonsense, unable to speak through his laughter.
Wilbur let up after a few more seconds, not wanting to actually kill the boy afterall. Tubbo and Phil would never forgive him. He gently rubbed the boy's stomach, soothing the phantom tickles but still making Tommy fall into soft giggles.
"Hohoholy shihihit" he wheezed.
Wilbur softened marginally. "You good?"
Wilbur smiled then glanced up and felt his stomach drop. The stream was still fucking going- he forgot to end it!
The chat was breaking the laws of physics with it's speed, spamming a bunch of messages Wilbur could barely read.
Get his ass Wilbur!
They're brothers your honor
Tommy's so cute awwwww!!!
Wilbur is actually gonna kill him lmao
I've never heard him laugh like this??? It's so adorable! uwu
Don't kill the child Wilbur!!!!!!!
Wilbur laughed a little then hit 'end stream' before Tommy saw. Well, he was probably gonna see the clips circling twitter later, but the longer he could prolong Tommy's revenge the better. Speaking of the boy…
Tommy looked like he was about to pass out in the chair. His eyes were closed, a wide smile on his face, small giggles occasionally slipping out.
He has no right to look this cute after the chaos he had just caused.
Wilbur sighed, ruffling the boy's hair. "Oi Toms, c'mon, we're heading back to my place before Niki and Fundy arrive."
Tommy blinked up at Wilbur, looking at him with the same energy as a young puppy. He lifted his arms, mumbling something like; "Upsies" which made Wilbur's heart explode from the cuteness.
He smiled fondly at his little brother and gently tugged him up, the younger falling into his chest.
"Still mad at you by the way" Wilbur said but hugged the boy to him regardless.
"Sorry" Tommy mumbled. "I didn't mean to make you angry."
Wilbur's brow creased as he ruffled Tommy's hair. "I'm not actually upset with you Toms, it was all a bit, don't worry."
Tommy visibly relaxed at that, dropping his head onto Wilbur's bone. "Okay" he said quietly.
Wilbur smiled then gently tugged Tommy to his side, walking them out of the office. And if Wilbur ended up giving Tommy a piggy back ride for the last few minutes of the walk? Well, that was for the two brothers to know.
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fickle-tiction · 3 years
"You'd think by now I'd know exactly where to find you." Diana commented as she descended the steps to the batcave, the smile clearly evident in her voice.
Bruce was standing hunched over at one of his computers, his chair long forgotten infront of another screen a few feet away. He looked up when he heard Diana's voice, though he heard her coming down the steps a minute ago. He offered her a smile, half his mouth quirking up as he glanced at her before going back to typing furiously at his screen.
"Alfred says dinner will be ready in ten minutes." Diana said, coming up behind Bruce. Bruce very deliberately didn't stiffen as Diana snaked her arms around his waist, and he forced himself to relax as her chin settled on his left shoulder.
"Let me guess," The corner of Bruce's mouth was still quirked up into a smile even as his eyes were glued to the screen where he was saving all of his files. "Clark's trying to set the table." It didn't matter how many times Alfred shooed him away, Clark still tried to help everytime he was invited over for dinner. Bruce liked to point out Alfred's double standard, his butler and friend had no problem saddling him with placement settings or stirring pasta sauce. Alfred liked to point out that helping out in the kitchen would help build Bruce's character.
"You could learn a thing or two from him." Diana teased, easily turning with Bruce as be tried to get a look at her.
"Is that so?" He asked, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of Diana's teasing smile as her face rested against his ear.
The three of them had "officially" been together for a little over a month now, though they'd been friends for much longer, and Bruce was trying very hard to loosen up around them. He wasn't usually one for physical affection outside of the bedroom, and it was becoming clear that Diana was going to take every bit Bruce was willing to give, so he was deliberately not shrugging her off or stiffening up even as she hugged him a little tighter around the waist.
"Mmhhhmm." Diana hummed, lips vibrating against the shell of Bruce's ear. He huffed out air through his nose and tried very hard not to flinch away. "you should volunteer to do the dishes tonight. Really shock the two of them." Diana's smile turned bewildered as Bruce let out a choked out laugh and flinched away from her ever so slightly.
"Bruce?" She asked, her hair now trailing along the shell of his ear as she tried to get a look at his face.
"Mmm." Bruce grunted, torn between fighting down his smile and being open and relaxed like he promised himself he would be. "I'll...do th-ha-that." Diana had moved just so, causing her hair to tickle the shell of his ear. Bruce didn't know it at the time, but that split second was the beginning of the end for him.
"What's up with you?" Diana asked, amusement winning out over concern as Bruce allowed a smile to slip onto his face. It all clicked a second later when Bruce twitched away from her hair again, his shoulder coming up to try and rub at his ear out of reflex.
"Oh." Diana breathed, smile going from amused to lethal in a heartbeat. "oh really?"
Bruce didn't have much experience with this kind of playful teasing, but every fiber of his being was telling him to run for the hills at her tone of voice.
"Clark," Diana didn't raise her voice, but they both knew he could hear her just fine. "You need to come see this."
"Was that really necessary?" Bruce asked, hands coming down to settle over Diana's hands around his waist. He wasn't trying to break away yet, after all, how bad could a little tickling really be? Sure, he didn't like when people got close to his ears, it made him want to crawl out of his skin, but Diana was acting like this was some big revelation or something. Surely his body would adjust to it after a minute or two.
Poor naive little Bruce.
"Oh, you have no idea how necessary it is." Diana smirked just as Clark came flying down the stairs to see what was going on.
Clark flew into the batcave and was met with Bruce, looking like a deer in the headlights, Diana's arms wrapped around his waist and her lips pressed against his left ear.
"Has Bruce finally succumb to the need to cuddle?" Clark asked, a hint of teasing in his voice.
"Yup." Bruce answered, while at the same time Diana replies "Better."
"Di," Bruce probably meant for it to sound like a warning, but it sounded more like pleading to the two heroes.
"What could be better than that?" In all fairness to Clark, it was an innocent question. Unfortunately for Bruce, that was the moment his life changed. (He still won't admit if it's for the better or not, but we all know the answer.)
Diana didn't even let Bruce open his mouth before her right hand reached up and her fingers started gently dancing over the shell of Bruce's ear. Her left arm was still tight around his waist, so he couldn't go anywhere. She was expecting him to hold out for a few minutes, maybe insist that he wasn't ticklish and she was being childish, but to her surprise and delight he broke almost immediately.
"Oh, no way." Clark breathed, eyes lighting up as bubbly laughter started to pour out of Bruce as soon as Diana's fingers started wiggling. He'd never heard Bruce really laugh before, and it took him by surprise how light and carefree his laughter was.
Bruce was in hell, he was sure of it. Right up until he felt a gust of wind and then there was another set of fingers quickly scribbling over his left ear. Now he was in hell.
"No no no no" Bruce protested, even as he heaved with laughter. He tried shaking his head to dislodge their fingers, but that didn't even slow down Clark and Diana. It took Bruce a minute to realize he still had use of his hands, but as soon as he did he threw them up and clamped them over his ears, successfully knocking their hands away and greedily sucking in air as his residual laughter left him.
"It seems someone's been holding out on us." Diana chided, giving Bruce's waist another squeeze as he opened his eyes that he has reflexively shut.
"Where else are you ticklish?" Clark asked.
"Nowhere." Bruce answered promptly, even as four hands started squeezing and wiggling around his torso. He was sandwiched between two literal gods and had no hope of escape, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try.
"Someone's a squirmer." Diana happily noted as her fingers squiggled over the sides of Bruce's stomach. Bruce would have collapsed if he could have, but Clark's chest got in the way of that so he just wound up face planting into a wall of muscle instead.
"Bingo." Clark grinned, taking advantage of the fact that Bruce's hands flew down to latch onto Diana's wrists as she tickled around to the front of his stomach. Clark happily went back to tormenting Bruce's ears, overwhelmingly amused by the way Bruce practically shrieked.
"Okay!" Bruce laughed, squirming between his lovers as he desperately tried to find an escape route. Unfortunately, it seemed that tickling turned his brain into mush, and he couldn't do more than lightly shove at their bodies as he cackled and tried in vein to bat their hands away. "okay, okay, okay!" He repeated as he clamped his hands once more over his ears.
"Okay...tickle here?" Diana asked, quickly scribbling her fingers over Bruce's ribs and making him jolt as nervous giggles started to pour out of his mouth.
"Or do you mean okay, tickle here?" Clark asked as he lightly pinched at the thin skin above Bruce's hips. Bruce snorted, honest to god snorted, at that, thus once again dooming himself.
"Oh my god," Diana said gleefully. "Do that again!"
"Do NOT do that aga-*snort*" Clark rudely cut him off with another well aimed pinch, followed by a series of light squeezes that had Bruce snorting before his laughter turned silent.
"I think he needs to breathe." Clark chuckled, getting in one last good tickle to the bend at Bruce's waist before easing off. Diana followed suit, once more holding Bruce around the waist. She wasn't tickling anymore, just merely holding him up as he sucked in air.
Bruce had his hands held out in front of himself out of instinct, even though it hadn't helped him a drop, as he leaned all of his weight onto Diana. His face neck and ears were bright red, and there were some tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. Diana and Clark would have been worried they'd pushed him too far too soon, if it weren't for the fact that bruce hadn't told them to stop. Hell, he barely tried to get away, save for the squirming that seemed more reflex than anything.
"Are you okay?" Clark asked, bringing a hand up to run it through Bruce's hair. Bruce flinched away, eyes flying open. When he realized Clark wasn't about to tickle him again he relaxed against Diana once more, a soft smile still playing around the corners of his mouth.
"Youre both terrible people."
"Aww, he's adorable when he's trying to act all tough." Diana cooed, kissing Bruce's neck. Her eyes lit up and she shared a meaningful look with Clark when Bruce huffed and flinched away from her. Oh, they'd be exploiting that later.
"I'm not adorable." Bruce grumbled, glaring at the amused smirk Clark was sending his way.
"The cutest." Clark agreed, pinching one of Bruce's cheeks. He raised his hands in front of himself with a soft smile when Bruce smacked his hand away and glared at him, taking that for the signal it was that he was pushing his limits.
"Children." Bruce muttered, trying to scowl as he finally stopped leaning on Diana and stood up straight. He couldn't quite wipe the lopsided smile off his face, since he wasn't trying very hard.
"Did I hear something about you helping with the dishes?" Clark asked, following Bruce as he headed for the stairs.
"After that torment? I deserve compensation, not manual labor."
Diana turned to Clark with a smirk, mouthing "adorable".
"I saw that."
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mooncademia · 4 years
Boys vs. Boys — PART 1.
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PAIRING ~ prohero au! friends to lovers, Bakugou x reader ( x Yo Shindo) 
GENRE ~ fluff, a little bit of angst!, jealously 
WARNINGS ~ language! a tiny ~spicy~ joke inserted 
WORD COUNT ~ 8.1k 
SUMMARY ~ After more than a month being away in the States, you have finally returned to Tokyo...with a party more than one. And when Bakugou realizes who the extra person was, tension grows between him and ‘pretty boy dunce-face’ a.k.a, the one and only: Yo Shindo. 
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[Bakugou] 10:35 a.m :
Text me when you arrive at Narita Airport, okay?
[Y/N] 10:41 a.m:
Of course :)
Bakugou leaned back on his chair in his apartment and read the text that you have sent to him yesterday, over and over again. In less than 30 minutes, you will finally arrive back to Tokyo after spending a month and a half in New York and LA for pro-hero work in the States.
Bakugou was never the type to be constantly checking his social media. He doesn’t even turn on his notifications because his simple rule was: if you had something to tell him, text him through Messages. Or just straight up call him. He doesn’t want to be spending time scrolling through Instagram, liking people’s outfit or food posts, nor did he want to retweet some silly tweet that Kaminari posted, complaining about how his neighbor’s cat hated him on a personal level. Bakugou had his own pro-hero work to do.
But today was different! And he had to be honest to himself, he was a little embarrassed to admit it. But ever since you texted him yesterday, he immediately turned on all his social media apps and now, he has spent way too long scrolling through your friend’s posts--hoping to know if there were any news of your arrival.
Bakugou grunted as he ruffled his blonde hair messily, feeling impatient that he hasn’t received any news about your arrival yet. He leaned over to his desk to grab his water bottle, but right before he unscrewed the cap, his phone vibrates loudly on his desk and he immediately dropped the water bottle and unlock his phone.
Finally! After so many weeks of you being away…you were finally here.
Closer to him.
Bakugou impatiently swiped right to unlock his phone and saw your message.
[Y/N] 7:56 p.m
At Narita, finally 🥴
His lips twitched a smile when he saw the emoji. Yeah, a 14 hour flight isn’t really the most comfortable, huh? He quickly replied back with his thumbs running with speed.
[Bakugou] 7:56 p.m:
How was the flight?
A few minutes past, no response. Bakugou shrugged, a smile still on his face knowing that you were safely here at Tokyo now, and in a few hours, he will be able to see you at the welcome-home party that Yaoyoruzu is preparing at the very moment in her godly-rich mansion.
But, before he rests his phone back on his desk, hundreds of notifications blew up on his phone and he checks his insta story to see what Mina, Uraraka, and Tsuyu posted. After all, they were currently at the airport picking you up.
Bakugou clicked on Mina’s latest insta story, his heart throbbed in excitement to finally see you until—
His face fell.
“I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW YOU TWO WERE DATING!,” Mina squealed in the short clip captioned: “I WAS RIGHT! @yaomomo u owe me $20 bucks 😘😘!” Her phone went flying everywhere which made the video awfully blurry. But Bakugou already caught it and oh, did he feel sour in the mouth.
You looked as beautiful as ever, with your simple yet stylish slightly cropped cream-T and gray sweatpants. Even though your eyes looked a bit dazed as if you had just woken up, you looked so cute to his eyes.
But what made Bakugou’s emotion shift so fast was not of you. Of course not!! How could he ever?!
It was who you were walking with.
He clicked next on Mina’s insta story, hoping in that split millisecond it was not who he think it is. Not the person in his mind that kept bugging him after seeing so many headlines on the news of the two of you working together in New York and LA. It can’t be him, right?
But Bakugou’s guts knew way fucking better. And his eyes grew angry when he saw the pro-hero, Yo Shindo, standing next to you. Wrapping you closely in his arms with a smirk plastered on his face. And you looked just as pleased too as Mina caught you laughing with Shindo so lovingly before running towards Mina with your arms wide open.
“Wow,” Bakugou heard Tsuyu gleefully whisper next to Mina. “He’s even more hot in real life! Why the hell can’t I find men like that?!”
“It’s a rarity.” 
Bakugou heard Tsuyu scoffed playfully. “Tell me about it.” 
Mina continued to wobble the phone, which makes Bakugou want to shout at the device on his hand to stop! moving! But alas, the next clip that was just posted 16 seconds ago, he saw you with your arms wide open, giving all your girlfriends a hug.
“Aw, I miss you guys so much!!” You squealed. Bakugou could no longer see “pretty boy dunce-face ” anymore but he knew he was with you and his stomach drop.
Ah, Yo Shindo. The pro-hero who study abroad in New York after high school for an internship at a country-famous agency, second best from Captain Celebrity (who was #1 hero in the U.S!), becoming a famous pro-hero in America.
And surely enough, when you flew to NY and LA to collaborate with Yo Shindo, news broke out nation wide in America about the two of you working together that even Japan starred the news on television one day. And those past weeks while you were gone, Bakugou had to suffer from all the pictures that the paparazzi took in New York and Los Angeles. And he admits it. He spent way too many nights awake, changing his VPN to U.S.A on his computer (thank you Kaminari for the tip!) to read and watch CNN, New York Times, and any other newsline that starred or mentioned you and Yo Shindo, hoping to grasp any updates about you.
But now you were finally here in Tokyo…with a party more than one. And as Bakugou closed Instagram, he closed his eyes to calm himself down aka, reassuring yourself that you and Yo Shindo were definitely no more than just friends…
Who spent more than a month together in the States…
And flew back to Tokyo together in the same flight…
Yeah…not helping.
Bakugou lifted himself off his chair and threw a towel over his shoulder, heading towards the shower to wash up before the party at Yao-momo’s tonight. But Bakugou’s phone buzzed once more and when he leaned in to check it, his heart did a little flip when he read your text.
[Y/N] 8:14 p.m
Not the very best 😔 a flight attendant and I had this argument because there was a seating error!
Bakugou relaxed a bit. He knew it was a little self-indulgent and selfish to feel this, and maybe it was jealously that was pouring over him, but he felt his nerves relaxed a bit knowing that perhaps you didn’t at all fell for that Yo Shindo boy.
Bakugou began to type back. Not an overly-top-gushy-pick-me-up text that he know that idiot Deku would type, but a nice and cool but sweet text to cheer you up from your bad flight. But before he clicked the sent button, he received another message.
[Y/N] 8:15 p.m
Thankfully Yo Shindo was there to help me out, he’s here in Tokyo too by the way! 
Bakugou felt his stomach drop again. He backspaced his previous text and rewrote a new one.
[Bakugou] 8:16 p.m
Oh, that’s great!
He knew it was far from the truth as jealously crept up behind his back again, but he had to play it cool. He can’t be jumping into conclusions before he knows anything about the two of you!
[Y/N] 8:16 p.m
I’ll see you at Momo’s, right?
Bakugou smiled at the screen. Despite the news of pretty-boy dunce face in town, he still can’t wait to finally see you after so many weeks. Of course you have been keeping him updated through your texts every week, but to see you actually in person after so long…his heart couldn’t stop beating when he typed back.
[Bakugou] 8:17 p.m
Yeah, I’ll be there.
And with that, Bakugou finally rested his phone back on his desk and headed towards the shower, hoping to wash away all silly thoughts flowing in his mind.  Hoping that…when he sees you tonight, he is able to have an opportunity in the near future to tell you about the emotions he has been feeling ever since you left Tokyo last month. 
With no distractions in the way—especially not that  pretty boy idiot!
Okay so his previous plan came to a halt.
“Yo, Yao-Momo!!” Kaminari shouted as he hopped back onto the couch. He pointed behind him excitingly. “I didn’t know you had black custom-made toilets!!”
“Black toilets?” Kirishima asked, setting up the living room table with cups and beverages.
“Yeah! And there’s even a TV mounted on the wall above the bath tub. And OH! There’s “jacuzzi” mode in the tub! And there are speakers so you can listen to music and the mirror above the sink opens up to a—“
“So did you go pee, or did you just take a full-ass bath in my bathroom?” Yaoyorozu asked with her hands on her hips and sneered eyes.
Kaminari widened his eyes like a puppy. “I CAN TAKE A BATH IN YOUR COOL BATHROOM?!”
Yaoyorozu sighed as she placed two finger on her nose bridge, but Kaminari could tell that she was trying not to laugh.
“Food’s here!!” Yaoyorozu’s boyfriend, Yosetsu Awase, announced as he plopped down six pizza boxes on the table.
“Thanks babe for picking it up,” Yaoyorozu said before giving Awase a kiss on the cheek. She smiled happily at her boyfriend and when Bakugou glanced up, the two of them looked so good together that he couldn’t help but feel a sour in his stomach as he reflected back at the news he saw on Mina’s Instagram story.
Bakugou cleared his throat as he helped Kirishima set up all the props. “So…when’s Y/N getting here?”
Kirishima looked at him and when he saw his best friend look so curious and innocent, Kirishima’s eyes immediately lit up and he nudged Bakugou on the ribs even though he knew he may be dead meat from teasing him.
“You still like her, huh!” Kirishima said in a low whisper with a smirk, which almost caused Bakugou to light up his hands and slam Kirishima face down on Momo’s fancy wooden floors. But before he could even act, he heard the entrance door whoosh open with Mina’s voice echoing from the door to the main room.
“YOU OWE ME $20 BUCKS MOMOOOOOOOO!!!!” Mina shouted as she dragged you to the living room. When Bakugou saw you standing a couple feet away from him, he sucked in a breath.
You were still wearing your airport outfit that he saw you last on Mina’s post. But when he thought that you couldn’t look any more beautiful from the small screen on his phone, he was so wrong. As you stood there with a sheepish grin on your face—to Bakugou’s eyes— you were 10 times more prettier in real life. Hell, make that a hundred.
When you locked eyes with Bakugou after giving Kirishima a hug, you blushed before stepping towards him, about to do the same, until—
“Y/N!! YOU’RE FINALLY FUCKING HERE!!! I MISS YOU SO GODDAMN MUCH!!!” Yaoyorozu squealed as she ran over, cutting Bakugou from his hug. Bakugou had to back up before Yaoyorozu jumped over him and he was not happy about that. But when you let out an “oof!” and rested your shoulder on Momo’s shoulder, your eyes were still on Bakugou’s and you gave him a weary smile that said: “sorry!”
Bakugou couldn’t stay furious too long when he saw your apologetic smile as you hugged Momo back. He gave an appreciative nod at you that made you know that he was glad to finally see you back.
When Momo parted away, she blinked her eyes at Mina, who was standing right next to you with her arms crossed and a sly smirk plastered on her face.
Momo perked up. “Wait, I owe you $20 bucks?”
Mina widened her eyes and grabbed your arm, shaking it so excitingly that Bakugou swore she probably loosened all your bones now. “Bitch! You owe me $20 bucks when we bet on Y/N and Yo Shindo being together!”
You shot your head at Mina with eyes widened. “You guys bet WHAT?!” You asked so sternly that it made Mina and Momo tuck their hands sheepishly behind their backs.
“Well…” Mina teased, eyes staring at the ground as she drew circles on the floor with her shoe. “We kinda bet on whether you will get together with Yo Shindo when you were away…”
“We? As in just the two of you, right?”
Momo clamped the back of her neck embarrassingly. “Uh…plus Asui and Ochaco..?”
You gasped, shaking your head in disbelief. “You guys! I cannot believe—“
“That you love us too much for you to get mad at us?” Mina interrupted with such a cute smile that you parted your mouth for a few seconds and darted your eyes from Mina to Momo before dropping your hands and releasing a sigh.
“Fine…” you said, rolling your eyes but your lips lifted up to a smile. You extended your arms to your friends. “Come here you guys…Ya’ll are so lucky I haven’t seen you two for more than a month. Or else you’ll be dead meat!”
Your girlfriends ran in to hug you one more time, continuing their warm comments on how much they have missed you.
Yaoyorozu parted away when a thought came across her mind. “WAIT, Y/N, FOR REAL THO. Are you guys dating? .… Oh my god,” Yaoyorozu cupped her cheeks with her hands and blushed warmly. “Don’t tell me he’s actually here, is he?!”
Bakugou silently pleaded to himself that pretty boy dunce face is not here. Oh god, please let him have mercy!
“He’s here!” Mina squealed turning her head back to Yaoyorozu. “And he’s so cute in real life!”
Yaoyorozu clamped her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god. Yo Shindo. In my house.” She scanned the whole living room, making sure that everything looked fine.
“Uh. Your boyfriend. Also. In your house.”  Awase cleared his throat as he and Kaminari came back with paper plates.
Yaoyorozu walked towards her boyfriend and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Of course you know I love you, babe. But Yo Shindo is here. That’s like…that's like having Brian the Sun come over to perform a song, y’know. We are all just fangirling!”
“We?” Bakugou sputtered out. Kirishima flashed him a smirk which made him roll his eyes and mutter out a “whatever”.
But no one heard him, because right after Bakugou’s comment, Tsuyu and Uraraka entered in with the man that Bakugou never thought he’d ever have to see since his pre-license exam during his first year in U.A.
Yo Shindo came in holding two pack of beers and bowed slightly with a celebrity-level smile that would have all girls swooning after him. He was wearing a Gucci shirt under a blue flannel, paired with ripped vintage denim jeans and a black beanie that made the bangs on his head scoot down just a tiny bit. His face mask was resting right below his lips and his whole aura screamed: “FASHION” in all the right places. But it wasn’t just his looks that demanded attention, it was also his aura of easy confidence that he held. And if he wasn’t a pro-hero, he’s the type of guy that would be easily mistaken as a supermodel.
His yellow Gentle Monster sunglasses were tucked in his shirt and Tsuyu and Uraraka giggled as they sat down the rest of the beers on the table and directed Shindo to do the same.
“Hey,” Shindo greeted everyone as he moved next to where you were standing which made Bakugou’s eyes squint just a bit. You nodded at him with a smile that made Bakugou want to twist his guts. “It’s so nice to meet everyone! Y/N talks a lot about you guys.”
“SO YOU REMEMBER US FROM THE LICENSE EXAM?!” Kaminari asked excitingly, almost jumping out of his seat.
Yo Shindo chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, making you widen your eyes just a bit from his touch, but the look on your face didn’t really show any uncomfortableness—as if you were already used to it.
But oh, if only Bakugou shot lasers out of his eyes!! He would zap away his hand from your waist in a blink of an eye.
“Yeah,” Shindo nodded his head cooly. “You, Kirishima, and Bakugou are awesome!” He said looking at the each of them. Kaminari and Kirishima grinned appreciatively back. But weirdly, when Shindo’s eyes landed on Bakugou his gaze stayed a tiny bit longer than usual.
What? Bakugou mentally questioned to himself when he saw the way Shindo stared at him seriously. It was like he was challenging him, and there was a string of tension that only the two boys could feel and Bakugou already knew from the start that he and him were not going to get along.
Shindo blinked his eyes back to reality and flashed a friendly smile to you—a complete change of face for what he was expressing to Bakugou, but no one else seemed to notice. Shindo pulled you closer. “Well, let’s get this party started shall we?”
You nodded happily back and everyone began handing out plates and popping bottles of beer. Bakugou joined in too, with a grin on his face.
But although he smiled as he listened to you talk about your crazy adventures of that one creepy stalker you encountered in LA or how everyone must order the pastrami egg n’ cheese bagel at Frankel’s Deli in Brooklyn, Bakugou couldn’t help but feel a discomfort itch in the back of his mind as he saw you sitting on the couch with Shindo so closely next to you.
And whenever Shindo glanced at Bakugou, there was always this silent edge that he could feel from the look of his eyes. Unfortunately, in such a social environment, he couldn’t excuse himself with his best friend Kirishima to talk about this. Bakugou knew that people will question him. What’s there to be uncomfortable about in Y/N’s Welcome Home party?
So as Bakugou took another sip of his beer while you talked about your crazy adventures, he mentally crossed his fingers that you and Yo Shindo are merely just friends.
Even if a part of him told him otherwise.
“Wait, you two went on a date?!” Momo asked looking at Shindo as her back sat comfortably on the sofa with her boyfriend’s arm around her. “In New York?!”
Shindo smiled at you and laughed. You mirrored his expression and shook your head at Momo. “Well, it wasn’t really a date actually, it was just a tour around New York.” You said.
“Oh, please tell us!!” Uraraka said to Shindo with excited eyes. Shindo laughed and nodded happily, making all the girls put their full attention on what he had to say.
“Well, I first met Y/N in New York City. And after seeing her and her awesome abilities—“
“Oh please,” you said, waving your hand dismissively from that with an embarrassing smile.
Yo Shindo pouted adorably at you. “It’s true!”
Bakugou saw Uraraka and Tsuyu quietly exchanging each other glances that didn’t need much for him to know what they were thinking. And as much as it hurts his guts and heart to think about this, he couldn’t help it.
You and Shindo looked so good together. It was like those couples on k-drama or whatever the hell people were watching, where the audience knows that they are perfect for each other. And even though you hadn’t mentioned anything about him being your boyfriend and all…well, it was just obvious. Even your girlfriends could see it. And from the look of Kirishima giving him a lopsided smile as if saying “Ouch. Sorry bro.”  Bakugou could basically confirm his hypothesis correct.
But instead of wanting to just punch pretty boy in the face to release his anger (which, he wanted to do so bad) he kept his cool and restrained his emotions as he listened to Shindo explain this “date” that the two of you went on.
“Well, I offered to take Y/N around New York City, since she was new to the place on my motorbike and—“
“ON YOUR MOTORBIKE?!” All the girls (plus Kaminari) squealed. Awase tilted his head back to laugh at everyone’s reaction and Kirishima muttered a phrase that included: “dude, that’s so manly!” causing Bakugou to turn his head at him and shoot him a death dagger.
Kaminari—who by the way— is obsessed with motorcycles and dreams to own a Harley Davidson one so he could be as cool as Keanu Reeves, pumped his hand in the air and excitingly asked, “Yo, Shindo, what type of motorbike do you have?”
“The one I took with Y/N?” Shindo said, which meant that he had more than one. But the way Shindo said it wasn’t in an egotistic kind of way, nor was it annoying (which bugged Bakugou) but rather, he said it in a humble and polite tone.
Shindo glanced at you with a charming smirk on his face, as if remembering that precious time with you in New York. “It was a Harley Davidson Sportster Iron 883! In black.”
“WHAT!” Kaminari slammed his beer down on the table. “C-can I have a ride?”
Ugh, an idiot I swear! Bakugou said to himself as jealously crept up to him once again as he saw everyone—even Kirishima—so engaged on Yo Shindo.
Shindo laughed again and nodded. “Sure! I actually shipped that one to Tokyo since I’ll be staying here for a while.”
Mina lifted her eyebrows at Shindo. “You’re staying in Tokyo?”
Shindo shook his head. “I’m just staying here for a couple of weeks for some pro-hero work. I’ve been away so long and I wanted to come back since I realized I missed Japan so much. And a friend of mine offered me to collab with his agency for now!”
Bakugou let out a puff of air as Uraraka gleefully smiled and said, “Wow, that’s so great to hear!”
And so the conversation continued. After Shindo took you around on his motorbike, he took you to this fancy, romantic restaurant down in Manhattan, and then took you around Central Park when evening came. And during this whole conversation, everyone pitched in their squeals and glees here and there, but Bakugou remained silent the whole time. You laughed at Shindo’s jokes and descriptions and added a story on how clumsy he actually is, despite his cool exterior.  And Bakugou grew slightly more furious—but it wasn’t a challenging kind of anger. It was just that it frustrated him that he couldn’t point out, or find, any particular ”flawed” that Yo Shindo had.
As the conversation moved along from one to the other, Yo Shindo offered to help Awase and Kaminari to clean up the empty pizza boxes. Kirishima and Bakugou offered to help as well, recycling empty bottles away and folding paper plates to the waste bin.
And as Bakugou walked across the living room, picking up the last few empty bottles of beer on the side table of the couch, he heard you and your girlfriends lowly whispering.
“Well?! “ Yaoyorozu questioned curiously, patting your knee. “Did you…you know!?”
“What?” You asked curiously.
“You know…Yo Shindo…vibration quirkkkkk,” Tsuyu moaned as Uraraka and Mina nodded in agreement, eyes clearly swooned away by Shindo.
Tsuyu grabbed your arm and stared at you dead deep into your eyes before glancing to where Shindo and the other boys were at in the kitchen. “Please tell me what happened! You two obviously hit it up, right?!”
Bakugou wanted to throw up right then and there. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear what you were about to say next. And as much as his conscious tells him to “WALK AWAY KATSUKI”!!! Curiosity killed the cat as he watched you in the corner of his eyes while he cleaned up the table slowly to the side.
You covered your face with your hands as embarrassment crept up on you and squeezed your eyes shut.
“I KNEW IT!” Uraraka said in a low whispered as she snapped her fingers.
Bakugou’s stomach dropped and his jaw tightened in grit.
“Guys, no,” You whispered sternly back, but your cheeks still glowed with heat. “Nothing happened between me and Shindo.”
Bakugou eyes widened as he darted his attention back on the table. Wait a minute… there is hope! A wash of relief swept through him when he heard your reply, but his happy thoughts immediately crumpled when he heard Mina’s suspicious tone.
“Sureeeeeeeee,” Mina exhaled a puff of air sharply—not convinced that you were telling the truth. “I can see it in your face that that’s a LIE!”
Bakugou knew it would be wrong for him to continue hearing this (wrong in a sense that if you were just hiding the true secret, he may blow the roof off of Momo’s house, and that wouldn’t be appropriate). Plus, who the hell takes 5 goddamn minutes to clear up some trash?!
So, with all his might, Bakugou bravely walked around the couch, passing you and the girls as he headed towards the kitchen. And when you saw Bakugou walk pass in front of you, you silently let out a gasp with a parted mouth shaped as an ‘o’ on your face.
After the party was over and it was getting pretty late, all the girls decided to finally head home. They offered you to join them but you passed appreciatively by saying how you had to thank and Awase and Momo for everything and Awase was still in the back, cleaning a few things up, while Momo had some errands to run.
“How do you not drink Momo-Yaoo!!” Mina said as she threw one arm around Momo’s shoulder.  
Momo sighed but a smile graced her lips. “Cuz I know I’ll have to take you guys home!” She said sternly but sarcastically.
Mina gave Momo a “thank you” hug and you and the girls laughed
“Since you’re finally here, we all have to go to that tendon place in Shinjuku!” Tsuyu announced happily, giving you one last hug before heading out.
“Tendon Tuesdays are definitely back ya’ll!” You laughed happily and all the girls hovered above the two of you, joining in for one last group hug as they shared “I love yous” and goodbyes.
“You guys are acting like I will be leaving again,” you laughed when you all pulled away and saw your friends getting teary.
Mina smiled softly. “We’re just happy you’re finally back.”
And after Mina said her sweet comment, Uraraka wailed a “You GUYSssssssss!” in a sarcastic tone and everyone bunched up together again for another group hug as they wailed their hearts out.
Bakugou walked in and saw all the girls form into one ball and he couldn’t help but grin at the sight. Yeah, he was so happy that you are actually in Tokyo.
After more “text me!” and goodbyes, the four girls exited out the door and you stood in the living room by yourself, cleaning up the last few trash on the table for Momo.
This is the time. Bakugou said to himself as he began to walk towards you. Nervousness crept on his neck which was unusual for him since you were one of his closest friends. Kirishima and Kaminari headed back to their places and before Kirishima exited, he gave one last talk to Bakugou.
“Dude, you don’t even know if she’s with him yet,” Kirishima said outside the front gate. “Maybe they’re just friends!”
“Just friends?” Bakugou repeated slightly icily—almost like a scoff. He tucked his hands in his pockets and shook his head. “I don’t know, man. You see it too though.”
Kirishima stares at his friend and bit his lip, knowing that from the way Shindo has been treating you and all the stories you two of shared together, it looked like you two were together. Sure! Maybe you two were just friends, but Bakugou felt like it was highly unlikely. Plus, you were exchanging whispers with your friends and from the look on their faces, it was like something exciting was stirring up.
“Yeah,” Kirishima finally said. “But still…we don’t really know. And now that everyone is almost gone, now’s your chance to finally talk to her in peace!”
And with that in mind, Bakugou walked towards you in the main room.
You looked up from the table and widened your eyes. “Bakugou! I thought you already left with the other boys. You’re still here?” You asked. But you immediately blushed and waved your hands quickly when you realized how wrong that sounded out your mouth. “Not that it’s bad that you’re here! I didn’t mean that. I’m happy you’re still here!”
Bakugou laughed, his shoulders relaxing as he looked at you with a smile. You laughed too at your own dumb act and the awkward tension was slowly replaced with a comforting one.
“You really don’t wanna see me, huh?” Bakugou teased with a smirk.  
You rolled your eyes. “You know it’s not like that.”
Bakugou grabbed the back of his neck and locked his eyes with you. You hummed curiously, knowing that he wanted to say something.
“Y/N, I just wanted to say that I’m really glad that—“
“Y/N!!” Shindo’s voice echoed from the back kitchen. He waved his arm excitingly with a bright smile but then paused when he saw you and Bakugou standing in front of each other, alone.
Ugh! Bakugou thought to himself as he saw Shindo’s face grow slightly tensed when he looked at him.
Shindo walked towards you respectfully with a smile. “Hey, I know it’s pretty late. Do you want me to take you home?”
Bakugou parted his mouth opened for just a bit. His anger and jealously was rising high now and he wasn’t sure why.
“Oh!” You said, turning your head to Shindo. “No, it’s fine, really!”
“You sure?”
You smiled at him. “Yeah, thank you though.”
“Well then,” Shindo turned to Bakugou and then back to you. His gaze turned serious. “Can- Can I talk to you in private for a moment?”
You opened your mouth and directed your hand towards Bakugou. “Oh! Bakugou was actually talking—“
“It’s fine, Y/N” Bakugou said in almost a strict tone that your face fell a bit. He nodded his head at Shindo and then smiled at you, telling you that it really was okay. “It’s not important, really. Actually…I think I’m going to head out.”
“Bakugou, wait—“ you said, your eyes staring directly at his.
“Y/N,” Bakugou tried to laugh. But you knew him too well that the laugh was forced. “Seriously, we can chat again later some time. Plus, since you’re back, we can finally hang out like we used too.”
Shindo glared at Bakugou sternly after he said that, but at this point Bakugou couldn’t care anymore.
You paused and stared at him before mumbling out an “okay” as Shindo turned and pulled you away from him.
And after letting Awase know that he was finally heading home, Bakugou exited the door and walked towards the front gate. He tucked his hands in his pockets and felt his heart grow heavier and heavier until—
“Katsuki! Wait!”
Bakugou twirled around to see you extend your arm up high out the front door. You ran towards him and put your hands on your knees to gasp for air.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you so directly.” You said apologetically.
Bakugou shook his head, but his heart skipped a few beats when he heard you call his first name. “It’s fine. You can call me that.”
You widened your eyes and hugged yourself closely. “Oh?” You smiled. “Okay then.”
“Uhm…did you need to tell me something…or..?” Bakugou asked curiously, internally wondering why you suddenly exited out of the house.
“Oh! Right!” You tapped your head dumbly. “Right….I- I actually wanted to say goodbye to you and-”
“Weren’t you just talking to Shindo?” Bakugou pointed out so cold that your face immediately fell when you heard his sudden shift of tone.  
“No! I- I actually need to apologize for that. I should have spoken up more. We haven’t…really chatted during the party.”
Bakugou scoffed and smiled as he tilted his head up towards the night sky in silence. He was so furious just a few seconds ago that any one who dared stopped him will be blasted off to space. But when he heard you call his actual name, he felt more at peace. But sadness lingered in his heart as he darted his gaze behind you at the door, knowing that Shindo was in there. 
From the door entrance to the front gate was a large garden in between, and when you realized how quiet it was, you cleared your throat and looked up at him.
“We’re not together,” you finally said.  “I mean, Shindo and I.”
Bakugou’s eyebrows shot up immediately but quickly replaced his shock look with a calm one.
He blinked his eyes and parted his mouth slowly, carefully thinking about the words before saying them out loud. “But Mina and them—“
“Kept teasing about the two of us being together? Momo kept throwing us questions about our quests? All the girls teasing and the “date”?” You said in air quotes with a smirk. “Shindo is really nice and he’s like that to almost everyone, really. Plus…”
You stopped, glancing up at Bakugo and then turning your head away. Heat crept up to the apples of your cheeks as you continued. “Plus, there’s someone else…”
Bakugou’s mind buzzed with clouds as he felt like a a horde of demons was ready to swallow him up.
There’s someone else.
It can’t be him, right? Bakugou’s shoulders fell and frowned a bit. How could he be so stupid thinking that you actually liked him in the first place? Could it be…Kirishima? Kaminari? Oh fuck, maybe it’s Deku. His mind continued to swarm with possibilities of the “someone else,” casting more and more doubt onto himself until he heard your laughter.
You clenched your arms around your stomach and laughed. A beautiful melody that never ceases to amaze Bakugou. It was like a warm breeze in the summer swooping him away. But Bakugou lowered his gaze with confusion as he stared at you. “What’s so funny?”
You looked up, wiping a small tear on the corner of your eye with a bright but soft smile on your face.
“It’s you, dumbass.”
Under normal circumstances, anyone who called him that will immediately turn into dust, but with you… He couldn’t even get riled up an inch. Because when he heard those words left your mouth, it was like fog clearing up on a raining day, a heavy weight now off his shoulders.
Wait…is this really happening?
A cunning smirk graced his lips as he stepped closer to you.
The cool evening air no longer felt cold and you grabbed his hand pulling him closer. It was dark but he could still see the perfect outlines of your face.
“Really?” Bakugou whispered huskily above you, not sure if he was dreaming or not. Excitement buzzed throughout his body, his focus entirely on you.
You laughed with a happy smile on your face. “Really.”
Bakugou smirked cockily. “Well, then dumbass…I’m glad… because I like you too.” He said slowly in such a cute way that it made you giggled.
“I’m glad then.” You said quietly.
“Do you… want to go grab lunch someday…?” Bakugou asked, the words rolling off his tongue seemed so foreign to him. Everything happened so fast but it felt so nice at the same time.
You nodded your head still smiling. “Yeah…that sounds nice. Though I want your homemade curry, I’ve been craving Japanese food for so long and New York and LA doesn’t even beat the meals that you make!”
Bakugou laughed, his heart feeling so overwhelmingly content. “Well then, I’ll bring you some food tomorrow. You’ll be jet lag and all.”
You groaned cutely. “Oh god, yeah. I’ll probably be sleeping all morning tomorrow. But at least I’ll have something to look forward to when I wake up.” You smiled.
Bakugou nodded, and you pulled him into a hug that surprised him at first but he wrapped his arms around you ever so gently and warmly. The two of you just wrapped in each other’s arms for a few seconds, enjoying the quiet night that Bakugou wished could last forever.
“I’m glad you’re back, Y/N.” He whispered softly in your ear that made you shivered with happiness. “I…I’ve missed you.” He added ever so quietly in a way that it sounded like he was talking to himself. But you still heard those words and it made you hug him a bit tighter.
You tucked your head into his shoulder and whispered out a soft “me too.”  
When the two of you parted away, you both exchanged goodbyes once more, but this time, there was a layer of love and excitement in the air. Bakugou glanced at the door behind you, and the sudden reminder of Shindo who was still in there came to mind. Bakugou has never felt so happy in his whole entire life, knowing that you had the same feelings he had for you. But seeing the shadows on the windows, the sudden flash of Shindo’s disapproving face re-resurfaced. He had a feeling that you didn’t know that Shindo actually liked you. And sure! He only met the guy today but his gut instincts knew better that the faces he gave to Bakugou plus his expression whenever he looked at you, it was something more than just a friendship. But before Bakugou could even dive deeper into this thought as he turned towards the gate, you stopped him.
“Katsuki—! Wait.” You called, causing him to turn his head once more at you. But before he could even ask what’s wrong, you slipped a hand through his and stepped on your tippy toes as you planted a warm kiss on his cheek, holding it there for a few seconds. Bakugou widened his eyes for a quick second, and just like magic, that kiss washed his doubts about you and Shindo down the drain. It was like a message that you were his—as dominating as that sound. But it nevertheless made him less tensed. 
You swallowed a lump on your throat as you parted away. A little embarrassed at your sudden move but when you saw Bakugou’s face glowed, you smiled and nodded. Words didn’t need to be said for the two of you to understand each other.
“Have a goodnight, okay? Drive safe.” You waved before turning your back to return to the house.
“Yeah,” Bakugou smiled as he tucked his hands into his pocket, turning to the front gate once more. “I will.”
And with that, the two of you parted your ways, with bright smiles and warm hearts that continued to simultaneously flow in the air.
“Cuz I know I’ll have to take you guys home!” Shindo heard Momo from the living room said as he carried the trash bags into the kitchen.
“Uhm.., where should I place these?” Shindo asked Awase who was washing a few cups in the sink.
Awase pointed at the corner besides him where all the other bags were laid. “You can leave them here Thanks, man.”
Before Shindo nodded respectfully at him, he heard you and the girls burst out into a loud laughter, making him turn to the direction of the sound coming from the main room. His eyes softened, as if reminiscing precious memories from a time. And in all honestly, his attention was just focused on your laughter. The melody that he can always listen to and never get tired of.
Shindo had never believed “love at first sight.” But when he first saw you in New York, his heart bloomed in a way that he has never felt before and he was so interested in you ever since. Of course, he kept cool about it, but since he was such an open and honest guy, he always slipped in a move here and there, hoping to grab your attention or sneak in hints, to show that what you meant to him was in a way that was more than a friend.
After cleaning up, Awase takes a sip of his beer, glancing at Shindo’s still turned-head for a moment before saying, “You like her, don’t you?”
Shindo looked stunned as he immediately shot his head back at Awase. His heart pounded in his chest when he heard the question. “H-how did you know?”
Awase smirked. “I know that feeling, dude. That’s how I felt when I met Momo,” He said, tilting his head towards the living room where his girlfriend was.
“I don’t want anyone to find out,” Shindo said quietly as he rested his elbows on the kitchen island across Awase.
“Of course. This is just between me and you.” Awase replied respectfully, knowing what Shindo is going thorough, having a similar experience himself.
Shindo smiled at him appreciatively. He cleared his throat. “And uhm, I know that we just met and all…but do…do you you know if Y/N is involved with anyone—like, romantically?”
Awase pondered on that comment seriously for a moment. “I don’t really know, man. I think Kirishima and the others will know since they were all in the same class as her since U.A. But…from what I’ve heard from my girlfriend, I don’t think so.”
“Not even, uhm, Bakugou?” Shindo slid in the question curiously.  
“Y/N and Bakugou!?” Awase laughed. “I’ve never heard of that before! Who gave you the idea?”
Shindo just shrugged, not wanting to say why he asked. Ever since the day he accidentally saw your phone lock screen of you and Bakugou in your days in U.A when your phone dinged on his table, his suspicion arose. Of course it wasn’t much, but the way you talked about him was different compared to the others…
“Hey,” Awase said, interrupting his thoughts. “From what I’ve learned… you can wait to get the answers, or just be honest with her.”
“Be honest with her?”
Awase shrugged. “Yeah. In fact you can even tell her how you feel now, most of her friends are returning home now.”
Shindo nodded appreciatively at him and smiled. “Thanks man, really.”
“You got it, and don’t worry,” Awase reassured when he saw Shindo’s mouth open again. “I’ll keep things low-key.”
Shindo smiled again and walked back towards the main room to find you. Awase was right. After all that you two of been through for the past couple weeks there was a new foundation built upon your friendship—trust. And he trusted you that you can at least understand his feelings. Shindo knew he told everyone that he came back to Tokyo for a change of environment and for hero work…but that wasn’t necessarily the entire truth. Because in all transparency, he came back for you too…and maybe its because he has loved working with you, or maybe it was the way you described Tokyo to him in New York made him really miss home…
Or maybe it’s because he was falling in love with you.
Shindo made his way to the living room and called out your name, but his high emotions toppled over when he saw you standing with Bakugou in the now empty living room, alone.
He doesn’t really hate Bakugou, but ever since he had his suspicion, he couldn’t look at him the same way. And sure, it may be unfair of him to act like that but when he saw the way Bakugou locked eyes with him, he knew something was up that confirmed his suscpisoun. He could feel this unprecedented tension in the air between him and Bakugou—almost like an undeclared challenge.
Shindo mustered up the courage as he walked towards you with a smile. “Hey, I know it’s pretty late. Do you want me to take you home?”
“Oh!” You replied when you noticed Shindo. “No, it’s fine, really!”
“You sure?”
You smiled at him which made Shindo’s stomach flutter with butterflies. “Yeah, thank you though.”
“Well then,” Shindo turned to Bakugou and then back to you, hesitating just a bit about his next act act. His gaze turned serious and he lowered his voice so almost only you could hear him.  “Can… Can I talk to you in private for a moment?”
Shindo saw you opened your mouth slowly. “Oh! Bakugou was actually talking—“
“It’s fine, Y/N” Bakugou cut in, looking at Shindo and then back to you. “It’s not important, really. Actually…I think I’m going to head out.”
“Bakugou, wait—“
“Y/N,” Bakugou continued. “Seriously, we can chat again later some time. Plus, since you’re back, we can finally hang out like we used too.”
Shindo glared at Bakugou. He felt his heart ache when he heard that, knowing that the two of you are pretty close. But finally when you agreed, you and Shindo stepped aside for more space.
You turned your head at Shindo and noticed his serious expression. “Is there something wrong?”
Shindo blinked his eyes and cleared his throat. “N-no! I mean, not anything super important. Actually, Y/N… I just wanted to—“
Before Shindo could continue, your head shot to where the door was just closed and you saw Bakugou’s shadow exit out of the house. Shindo saw you turned your head back towards him as you bit your lip.
“Shindo, I’m so sorry. Can you give me a few minutes really quick?” You said with the kindest smile you had.
Shindo looked at you with a tinge of solemn in his eyes as he smiled. His gut feeling knew what you were about to do, but he didn’t want to force you to listen to him and so he smiled and nodded, earning you a brighter smile on your face that Shindo loved.
“Thank you.” You said as you grabbed his hand and giving it a squeeze.
Shindo saw you run towards the door, not hesitating a bit to open it immediately.
And when you exited, Shindo gave out a sigh. This was a lot harder than he expected. He headed towards the table near the door to pack up some of his things that he laid near, but his mistake was when he glanced up at the window.  His eyes widened and sucked in a breath when he saw you standing near the front gate with Bakugou.
It looked like it was all happening in slow motion.
The way you slipped your hand through his. The cute way you leaned in closer a few inches with the tip of your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
It wasn’t an actual real kiss, but still...Shindo felt a surge of jealously come crashing down on him. He swallowed a lump in his throat as a mixture of anger and sadness stirred in him. And as he saw you wave goodbye to Bakugou, Shindou looked away in sadness as his stomach dropped and his once cool smile now turned into a deep frown.
He felt like he lost you — even though he never really had you in the beginning.
But maybe there’s still a chance for him to confess how he feels.
Because even if you don’t share the same feelings as him...he’ll still find release… that at least the person he loves …. knows.  
Yeah… Shindo thought to himself quietly as he pulled out his sunglasses, getting ready to leave. He knew he couldn’t say it now…not after what he just witnessed. So with a sharp glide of his hand like a professional, he slipped on his sunglasses and beanie ever so smoothly and picked up his bags.
I’ll come back to you Y/N…you’ll see.
A/N ~ oh gosh, yo shindo vs. bakugou. this love triangle just suddenly appeared and i’ll need to figure out how to unravel this mess. But thank you to everyone who read this fic! I know it is longer than my usual works so words cannot express how much it means to me. Thank you 💗 Please do not hesitate to send me a message through my inbox on about this fic (WHOSE TEAM R U ON?!) or about anything! Let’s just say...next chapter will def. be more about the charming Yo Shindo ;) 
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 12 (I'll Be There Through Every Step)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Ámbar runs into her apartment with tears falling on her face. She tries to escape into her bedroom, but Simón catches her before she’s able to. “Ámbar, what happened? Why are you crying?” Simón guides her to the couch and she cries on his shoulder in the comfort of his arms. Tears smearing the mascara all over her face. “Remember when I told you I had a meeting with some students from Law school. Well, the truth is I wasn’t going to meet for any school project, I went to go talk to my biological mom,” Ámbar tells Simón. “Look I didn’t mean to lie; I just didn’t feel like hearing anyone tell me how bad of an idea it was. I felt like I owed that moment to myself, to discover more who I am before I married you.”
“Ámbar I would’ve never stopped you and you know I always support you on every decision and step you make. Us getting married means that we have to trust each other. You have to trust me that I’ll always be here for you no matter what. I know it’s tough, to try to discover more who you are. That happened when Luna was trying to discover from who and where she came from.” Ámbar nods and wipes away her tears from the tissue Simón gave her. “It didn’t even matter anyways since part of me doesn’t believe her but then the other part of me wants to. It made sense everything she said but still hurts, a lot,” Simón holds her tight as she tells him everything Sylvania told her.
“Originally I was considering on meeting Sharon as well to have some questions answered but I don’t want to end up feeling hurt again and in tears like today. Maybe I should just leave everything in the past… I don’t know,” Ámbar says. “I know this can be very hard for you but if that’s what you want, I think it’s a good idea, to speak to Sharon even just a little if you’re ready. Maybe it can tie some loose ends, and you can finally have some of those questions answered. That’s the least you deserve.” Ámbar stares to her lap and thinks about it for a second. Simón gently holds her hand and lets her know, “I will always be here, whether you decide to go talk to Sharon or not. I’ll be here every step of the way.” Ámbar holds out her arms and gives Simón a tight hug. She kisses him on the cheek and lays her gentle face on his shoulders again.
Jam and Roller
It’s the next morning and the whole gang is huddled around Delfi as she prepares their skating video. The nerves crowd the air as she finishes the project on her computer. “Done! It’s ready you guys,” she exclaims. Some are anxiously sipping their shakes while others are tightly holding on to their companions. Pedro stares in awe and shows how proud he is of his soulmate and the whole gang. “You guys this is just the first step into making this dream, the Jam and Roller, stay alive and come true. You all should be proud because we have finally came together, worked hard and did an awesome skating routine. We got this,” Luna announces. “On ready, one, two, three… Jam and Roller!!” the gang all chant.
Delfi presses the button on her computer and it’s official, the video has been sent to the competition’s organization. After sharing a group hug with Juliana, they resume to their posts. “Since today is a special day in which we sent the video, I’m willing to give you guys this day off. Enjoy it, you all truly deserve it after how hard you guys have been working,” Juliana lets the team know at the rink. Gastón heads over to where Matteo is at and says, “hmm well someone seems to be saved by the bell.”
“You’re right, speaking of which I’m so excited to finally sing that song, I’ve been working on for Luna. I spent all night practicing it hoping she forgives me, and everything can get back to normal. I hope this plan works,” Matteo chuckles. “Don’t worry amigo, everything will be fine and lately I’ve been seeing her in a much happier mood. I think she even probably forgot about the arguments and such,” Gastón suggests. “Yeah, I hope so.”
Luna rolls by Matteo and he doesn’t help but stare at her. “So, are you going to talk to her, or should I have to do it for you?” Gastón jokes around. Matteo takes his advice and heads to Luna where she is taking off her skates. “Hey Chica Delivery, are you getting ready for the concert I’m having today,” Matteo asks. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Luna giggles. “Glad you said that cause I may or may not have a surprise all planned out,” Matteo comments. Luna gasps and couldn’t help her excitement cloud the air. “Chico Fresa, I didn’t know you were the mysterious type?” Luna and Matteo begin to laugh in synchronicity. “Well, I guess there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me then.” Matteo’s phone begins to buzz. He picks it up and answers the phone call.
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Once he has hung up, he lets Luna know he has to leave. “I’m sorry but I have to go now to start preparing for the concert. I would love to continue this conversation, but the surprise won’t reveal itself on its own hmm,” Matteo teases. Nina rushes to Luna after seeing him slip away. “Luna, what was all that giggling?” Nina whispers. “A special moment that truly felt like it hasn’t happened in ages,” Luna responds.
Jazmín and Delfi both sit together on the couch as they discuss their plans on how they’ll find out who the secret admirer is. “So, I was thinking we can look at all the comments of your recent video and maybe find some clues as to who the secret admirer is. I feel like they probably must have known you from your videos I’m assuming,” Delfi states. “Of course, they know me from my videos, I am the most popular on the web. Who honestly wouldn’t want to date me?” Jazmín insists.
A delivery man holding a large bouquet of flowers enters the Jam and Roller and hands them to Jazmín. Delfi stares in shock. Jazmín pulls out the card and reads “Mi amor, I chose these flowers because they represent the beautiful tones of your eyes and bring out your inner sparkle. I hope these make you feel the happiness I feel just seeing you.” Jazmín holds the card close to her chest and doesn’t help but cheer. “Oh my Jazmin, this person is head over heels in love with you,” Delfi says. “I know! Whoever this is, he already sounds so charming.” Delfi is beyond excited for Jazmín but can’t help but feel a little worried for her friend since they still don’t know who this person is. Why are they sending them anonymously? She finds this a little fishy.
Sharon’s Apartment
Ámbar knocks on the door, she shakily turns the knob when she hears the door unlock from the other side. “Come in,” Sharon states while her personal caretaker guides Ámbar to the dining room as Simón follows her in. “Don’t be shy and take a seat.” Ámbar and Simón pull two chairs and sit down in response to Sharon. She slowly takes a sip from her tea as the room fills with silence. Ámbar is beginning to have flashbacks of all the lonely nights she would have being with Sharon.
“It is a pleasure getting to see you again Ámbar, you hadn’t visited in 7 months. I was beginning to worry that maybe you have forgotten about me,” Sharon admitted. “No, it wasn’t like that, I have been just so busy with law school and managing the Jam and Roller. That’s all,” Ámbar replies. “You’ve always been busy, that’s never changed. I suppose that you’re here but not only to just meet me or stop by to say hello because you would’ve done that before. I can sense you’re here for something,” Sharon remarked. Ámbar turns her eyes towards Simón as a sign for help. “Ms. Benson, I don’t mean to intrude but Ámbar has decided to come here to ask about her past,” Simón answers. “I was wondering what made you decide to adopt me?” Ámbar asks.
Sharon takes a deep breath. “In the past, I had always wanted a kid, but it never seemed like the right time. When I heard Sylvania was planning to give her child up for adoption but didn’t know who would be fitting to be the parent of her baby, that’s when I saw it as a sign of fate. It was meant for me to be your mom,” Sharon takes another sip of her tea. “I’m a little surprised since you never seemed like the ‘loving children’ type. No offense or disrespect,” Ámbar comments. “You know I was a lot different before the fire, after that everything felt a lot stressful with life in general.” Sharon reaches out to hold Ámbar’s hand and feels the ring on Ámbar’s finger.
“You’re engaged?” Sharon questions. “Yes,” Ámbar responds. “And you never told me?!” Sharon shows her dismay and stays silent. “Well, it was pretty recent, I was planning to tell you I was just not sure when or how. It’s complicated and you know that plus you never liked Simon anyways,” Ámbar said. “I know we’ve never had such a close relationship but just know I’ll forever regret not being that loving caring parent you deserved to have. I know it’s too late, but I still care about you and love you.” Sharon begins to cry and tries to wipe her tears with her fingers. “I know madrina, I know, and I love you too mom.” Ámbar heads out with Simón since she thinks it’s for the best.
Benson Valente Mansion
Monica is seen gathering some tulle and fabric in the living room. She hears the door unlock and it’s Ámbar and Simón. “Oh, hello guys! I’ve already begun preparing some of the table arrangements for the wedding reception,” Monica states gleefully. Ámbar looks a little flushed and just nods trying to avoid crying. “Mija, what’s the matter? Is everything okay?” Monica seems concerned for Ámbar. When she notices Ámbar doesn’t say anything, she does what she knows best, she hugs her. Ámbar hugs her back.
“Well, I think I should leave you two in private,” Simón whispers to Monica. Simón leaves to the kitchen when they head to the couch as Monica gives Ambar the tissue box. “Have you ever felt empty inside? Feeling as if everyone you knew as a child and grew up lied to you. That your own story held in the hands of someone else. I feel like….. me trying to uncover the pieces are as if their edges are shattered and there’s no way on putting the puzzle together. Nevermind, this all might sound very silly to you,” Ámbar sniffed. Monica thinks for a little bit. “It’s not silly at all Ámbar, it’s normal to feel this way not being able to know your own story of how your life began. But just know it doesn’t make you who you are entirely. For example, when I look at you, I don’t see the girl who was manipulated by her madrina. I see a strong-minded, hardworking, caring young girl beside me who does an excellent job managing the Jam and Roller while attending Law school. Not anyone can pull off all those moves at once, and you do it so effortlessly. You may not know the full story and only some parts of it, but you are not your mother’s mistakes. In fact, I’m proud of you. After everything you went through, you still managed to seek the right path in life, and it worked. You gave it a second chance, you had what’s so important to have, and that is hope. So, when you walk down the aisle wondering ‘who am I,’ you’re Ámbar Smith, the one who overcame it all.”
Ámbar turns to Monica sobbing, but this time with a huge smile on her face, even showing her teeth. “How do you do it?” Ámbar asks. Monica looks at Ámbar with a confused expression. “How do you know exactly what to say at the right time?” Monica smiles back giggling alongside Ámbar. They stay wrapped in each other’s arms on the couch. Ámbar starts glancing at all the beautifully tied table arrangements for her wedding, how you can tell the amount of effort that was put in each one of them. That’s when it hits her.
When they break away from each other’s arms, Ámbar faces Monica. “Can you be the one to walk me down the aisle? You have always been there for me whenever I needed you these past couple of years and…. I don’t know how to say this, but you have showed me how it feels like having a mom. Why wouldn’t I want my mom there?” Ámbar starts tearing up again. “It would be an honor to attend it, and it truly warms my heart hearing you say that. Ever since our family reunited with you and Alfredo, it’s felt much bigger and cozier. I’ve got two daughters, Luna and you. I wouldn’t miss your dress fitting or wedding for the world.” They begin to hug again. Near one of the walls close to the living room, there’s Simón who couldn’t help but smile while spying on them. It makes him feel ecstatic knowing that Ámbar does feel like she has a family now and is not alone, not ever again.
Matteo’s Concert
All of Matteo’s fans begin to huddle up near the pit of the stage. Everyone is beyond excited to hear his collaboration with Viviana on stage for the very first time. Luna enters with Nina. Nina stays holding Luna’s arm, trying not to get dragged away by the crowd of people nearby. “So Luna, how have you been feeling about the whole thing?” Luna turns towards Nina and says, “A little conflicted not going to lie, but I’m here to support Matteo. I’m still a little bit upset at what he did calling me jealous and standing me up on our date, but I think I��ve put it past us. Today is a special day for him and I shall be here for that.” Nina nods in response.
Gastón rushes over to Matteo backstage. “Everything okay amigo?” Matteo picks up his guitar and nervously answers, “Yes. Once Viviana and I stop singing, you turn off the lights and have only the spotlight facing me. Just like old times when I had sang to her Alla Voy. I will sing this song I wrote for her, and it shall feel like we’re the only ones in the room. This night shall be perfect for her.” Gastón approaches him and smiles while patting him on the back. “Don’t worry you got this!”
The crowd starts chanting when the lights turn on as Viviana and Matteo approach the stage. They begin singing into their mics, Viviana doesn’t stop staring at him while Matteo’s eyes are fixated on Luna. He is in awe of how beautiful she looks tonight, even though he feels like Luna looks beautiful all the time.
Luna starts dancing along to the song with Nina, they don’t stop giggling and having a great time. Viviana starts noticing who Matteo can’t keep his eyes off of. She grows green with envy. She never liked Luna and was always hoping he would break up with her. She tries to get really close to him, even at times trying to have a sharing mic moment. Viviana throughout the song doesn’t stop making eye contact with Matteo and keeping him close. When she sees that this doesn’t Luna, or him she reacts quickly. Once the song ends, Viviana standing next to Matteo grabs his neck towards her and kisses him. She has her hand caress his cheek. The fans are screaming with excitement.
As for Luna, she’s speechless. It feels like the world has stopped and she has lost track of her surroundings. When Matteo pushes Viviana off him, he turns and sees Luna running out of the venue crying.
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petitelepus · 3 years
His Beloved And More, Part 8
Sometimes the greatest show of love is to let go.
The next day actually came quicker than he could have ever hoped. He was so excited that he didn’t even go for his morning rations at the canteen. Someone could have his portion, he didn’t care! He had many more important things to do! Like strapping you to a chair.
You chirped and chittered, not liking the restrains squeezing around your wrists and ankles or enjoying the feeling of having your ability to move taken away from you. You were a quick one, you liked to move a lot, was it on the floor or the ceiling you weren’t picky. You didn’t even want to nearly come when Brainstorm had called you, but with a rat, as bait, you came running to him. You clearly regretted it now as he adjusted the helmet to your head.
”Now sweet spark, I know you don’t like this, but this must be done so you can get your memories back!” The scientist sang to you in a playful manner as he tightened the strap under your chin. Your chirps turned to hiss when the helmet pressed tightly against your skin, but Brainstorm ignored your discomfort. It was for your best after all.
He walked to his computer and dug out his file filled with memories from your brains. With a grin on his face, the scientist grasped the needles he used to store your memories after your temporary death and plugged the wires into the needle's blunt heads. He turned the power on and carefully moved the needle tips until they touched each other, shooting out small sparks of electricity.
Brainstorm heard a hiss and turned to look at you, only to see you spitting and fighting against the restraints on the chair. The mech smiled, his optics filled with sympathy and he approached you, ignoring how your feral eyes followed the needles in his hand as he reached to scratch your chin.
”It’s alright sweet spark, I won’t stick these into you while they’re on! That would be inhumane!” He giggled gleefully, walking back to the computer to shut off the power and then turned back to you. You whined in fear and Brainstorm felt his spark quiver in sympathy. He took off his mask and leaned down to sweetly kiss your cheek.
”I know this is scary, but I need you to be awake for this so your brains can take in everything bit of information. Then, after that, we can talk again and go outside…! We can show others that you are fine! You can joke in Swerve’s bar again, play with our friends and we can be together forever…!”
Yes, those were the thoughts that encouraged him to throw away the last bits of his sanity and keep going forward. He was making sacrifices for you both so you should be ready to do the same! After all, love was all about hardships you could conquer together, wasn’t it? This was just one last obstacle between your two’s happiness! The goal was so close that he could already touch it…!
So with your best in his mind, he stuffed your mouth with a gag so you wouldn't be able to bite your tongue, took the first needle, and stuck it into your head with inhumane accuracy.
The scream you let out was outright feral and could have probably broken glass if he hadn’t had stuffed your mouth full. The whole chair you were straddled on shook as your body spammed in pain, but without a further wait, he stuck the second to your temple.
This went on for a good while, with you screaming and such. Brainstorm was thankful for gagging you because at this rate you would have actually bitten your tongue off. He got good ten needles into your brains, minding your delicate parts so you wouldn’t lose your ability to move or speak.
When he was finally done, the scientist took a step back to look at you. He took out a small flashlight and flicked it over your eyes to inspect your state. You were shivering but still, your pupils were as big as they could be but they did react to light as he watched your pupils shrink. It was a good sign.
"Almost there, my beloved...! Now we just need to turn on the electricity and the computer will transplant your memories and everything else into your brains and we can be together again, just like we used to be!"
You weren't answering, but Brainstorm didn't expect any words coming from you so he walked up to the computer and looked at you.
"I love you." He said before pressing the button and the electricity shocked your brains and your whole body convulsed as it was being shocked. Brainstorm looked at the computer screen and watched how the little loading bar filled second after another. Finally, the computer peeped and the electricity cut off on its own.
Brainstorm run to you and carefully pulled the needles off one by one before taking off the helmet and the gag from your mouth. Your head rocked from side to side in incoherent fashion until your lover grasped your head and looked at you in the eyes.
"Come on sweet spark...!" He wished out loud, "Talk to me...!"
You blinked slowly until your eyes suddenly focused and you came down from the high pain clouds. He saw you look at him and he could tell that you remembered him by the way your eyes widened.
You were trying to speak! His experiment worked! Brainstorm beamed as he tried to coax the words from your mouth that you hadn't used until then in anything else than hissing and eating. Finally, you choked and coughed before shouting, "Hurts!"
Brainstorm blinked and you cried again. "It hurts!" You screamed as loud as you could and trashed in the chair. The flyer scrambled as he started to undo your restrains but as soon as your hands and legs were free, you fell on the ground and curled around yourself, still in pain.
"Kill me!" You wailed with tears streaming down your face as you looked at your lover, begging him to do the unspeakable. The scientist watched you in horror until he remembered that he had stolen medication for human pain!
"H- Hold on, I have medicine!" Brainstorm said and quickly ran to his closet and took out everything he had before running to you. He quickly took out the syringe, filled it, and pumped you full of the powerful pain medication. After a moment your trashing died down, but you were hugging and shivering over yourself like you were still in pain.
"It hurts...!" You still whimpered and Brainstorm was filled with dread as he watched you holding yourself. He wanted to give you more medicine, but he learned that too much medicine might just kill you when he had done his research on these things.
No, he wouldn't let that happen! Not anymore! This was the closest he got in bringing you back to life, he wouldn't let you go!
"My beloved, I can't give you any more medicine or you die...!" He cried and you rolled to your side so you could look at your... Whatever he was to you anymore.
"Then kill me!" You wailed with tears streaming down your face as you looked at Brainstorm, begging him to do the unspeakable.
"N- No! I- I can't...!" Brainstorm cried, horrified beyond belief. He had gone through all those failures...! He couldn't lose you again! Then it hit him! He should take you to Ratchet! The medic could make you feel better, he can save you if the scientist couldn't!
"H- Hold on! I'll take you to Ratchet and he will fix you!" He tried to pick you up, but no matter how gentle he tried to be you would cry as if he had stabbed you.
"It hurts too much...!"
"Please, just bear with me! Soon you will feel good again!" He tried to pick you again, but you smacked his servos away and he pulled back, giving you space.
"Brainstorm... My love... Please..." You begged and sobbed as you looked at him through tears, "You have to let me go... Please... Release me from these pains...!"
"I-! I can't!" Brainstorm cried back. He was about to try and hold you gently like you were a hurt bird, but like a hurt bird, you cried in agony. He was running out of options... Should he try to get Ratchet or Perceptor to help? But then they would find out what he did and Brainstorm would no doubt get locked up and sent to some sort of facility.
"Brainstorm..." You whimpered and looked at your former lover with your tear-stained eyes. "If you have any love for me... You kill me...!" You begged and he finally understood what you meant. If he loved you, he wouldn't let you suffer like you were right now. He couldn't afford to be selfish. If he kept you like this then you would no doubt grow to despise if not even hate him.
"Very well..." Brainstorm picked the syringe and filled it with the pain medicine. You rolled on your back with great pain and offered your arm to him. Gently, he took a hold of your arm and you cried out briefly as he injected the medicine into your bloodstream. As soon as he pulled the syringe out he took off his mouthguard so he could smile at you for the last time.
"I really love you..." Brainstorm confessed and tears came down your face as you smiled one last time. "I love you too..." You whispered when your eyelids felt too heavy and slowly you closed your eyes and stopped breathing. Brainstorm looked at you before his frame started to shake and tears streamed down his face.
"Sleep well my little sweet spark..."
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kdelarenta · 4 years
trigger warning: death of an animal,blood (nothing too gruesome)...also bobby is in this 😶
summary: 4 detectives, 4 memories, 1 fate - murphy
she always says she doesn't remember him, even though that's only partially true. she remembers big, warm hands and kisses pressed on her head and cheeks. his touch,his presence left an imprint on her soul and became a part of her very existence, he rested in his grave as he rested in her eyes. it's hard to explain the little prickles on her brain,whisps of memories she doesn't know how to connect (how many are there,which ones belong together - she does not know,they're all so warm,so very warm in the cold gutter that is her mind). something between her lungs and head is missing, there's a hole to be filled, a missing piece and she thinks everyone can see it. rebecca, the endless psychologists she made her see just to tell her what she already knew - she was empty.
it was always the same theory,the same diagnosis,the same speech - she was too young, he was dead and she was empty. it took rebecca a couple of years to stop wasting her money, accept the fact that she won't see amelia smile or cry,that she'll always see her porcelain doll face, his eyes but devoid of life and hollow - always hollow.
and even now as amelia closes her eyes, it's like she can remember being in his arms,safe and held tight as he laughs.she swears she can hear him laugh and it's the most beautiful laugh she's ever heard and she wants to smile - now as she's bleeding out,after so many years, she has a reason to smile.
maybe,if she passes on this night,if she dies on this warehouse floor, she'll find him and he'll find her. and they'll be together - finally.
the room is a comfortable quiet except for the sound of the keyboard under her fingertips and whatever podcast bobby's listening to. he's spralled on her bed,impatient as ever, as she's finishing up her paper.
,,are you done yet?" he practically moans and she can't help but chuckle.
,, just twelve more and i've hit the word count"
she's grinning proudly as she turns around to show him the computer.
,,well can you hurry up? i'm all for being fashionably late but i don't want to miss the best part. "
,, don't worry,i'm on it"
smiling still, she turns around to finish typing out the words. she was quite worried about this paper but after sitting down with bobby and thinking it through she ended up with an incredible finished result.
she presses save and gleefully spins around in her chair. bobby gives her a high five and stands up to begin putting on his coat.
,,hey thanks again for this. i don't think i could've done it without you."
,,aww,stop it jo. anything for my best friend."
he loops an arm around her shoulder and kisses the top of her head as she giggles.
she's not exactly sure where this memory came from,it feels almost too nice for the occasion, oversaturated.
she knows she doesn't have long, her legs refuse to work as she slumps against the wall. halfway to freedom, so close but so far. she's too tired, there's no one coming,what's the point?
she doesn't know why it's this memory she sees as she gives up on life.
it's raining as it was that night.
edith was seven. it was raining as she was sitting in the parking lot of the supemarket,waiting. she had half a mind to get out of the rain,back to the supermarket but her mother told her to wait,so she waited. she wasn't sure what or who she was waiting for as she didn't get the chance the ask. the bag of milk she managed to buy before rebecca bolted out of the supermarket stays clutched in her hand as she waits. it was a normal friday night and they were going grocery shopping,they were going to spend the weekend together since rebecca managed to get the weekend free. she was happy to spend time with her parent, seeing as they rarely saw each other,it was a rare moment and something she could look forward to. they were just about to check out as her phone rang. not her regular phone - her other phone. edith couldn't imagine why she would have two but she didn't care enough to question it. it didn't take long for rebecca to raise her voice,face panicked as she posed question after question. she finally hung up and edith saw her mother return to her old,stoic face. her hands were still shaking as she handed edith enough money for the milk,told her she had to go.
they need her, she's sorry, just wait here.
she didn't say anything to the cashier as she payed for the milk and went out the door to find her mother's car gone. it pours for another fifteen minutes until it finally stops. a car soon approaches edith and her nanny opens the door for her to get in. she doesn't speak on the way home, rebecca didn't show up that weekend.
people are like ghosts, edith always thought. they could get stuck in a place and never leave. she's always at that supermarket and if she survives this - she'll always be at this warehouse.
alone. always alone.
she's on her tenth strawberry when she feels someone tap her shoulder. she turns around to give an eye roll but then sees the sheepish expression on marc's face.
,, what? "
,, ...marcy's crying again"
this time she does roll her eyes but gets up to follow him nevertheless. these damn kids. i mean to be fair, they were only 3 years younger. she wishes she had better neighbours but in the end she doesn't mean it. as they get to the backyard marc points to where marcy's standing and then bolts. great. at least he won't make her cry even more.
marcy startles as she sees surina approach. she had indeed been crying, her eyes red and tear filled as they take in surina's face.
,, what is it? did marc tease you again. i swear to god i'm gonna-"
marcy wraps both her arms around her waist and presses her head to her skirt. she's still shaking and crying but she manages to shake her head.
,,it's not marc,it's.....look!"
she points to something on the grass and surina moves away slightly to see what has her in such a distress. a beautiful white dove lays on the grass, both wings bloody and a nearly broken neck. it's still alive. surina opens her mouth and for a second thinks about throwing up those strawberries. pulling herself together she turns to marcy and crouches down to shield her from the bird.
,,don't look" surina's voice is resolute but she herself can't help throwing a quick look at the bird. big mistake.
,,go inside. i'll take care of this"
marcy doesn't need more convincing as she gives a nod and runs to the house. with a sigh surina stands up and brushes her skirt. she turns and stares at the bird,contemplating before picking up a rock and slowly approaching. leaning down to the bird she can see it struggle, still alive but barely. her head moves as much as it can with her neck twisted and her eyes stare at surina's.
she doesn't hesitate as she lifts the rock and hits.
surina barely has the strength to lift her hand to her neck. she can only imagine what it looks like - a waterfall of blood. as she lays in the pool of her own blood she can't help but remember.
she can't help but wonder if right now she looks like that bird,neck ripped.
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linssikeittomies · 3 years
The Place Between Here And There - Chapter 10: ...And Happiness In Private Life(cont'd)
Masterpost AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7  Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9(cont'd)
I've finally updated the status of the fic to ABANDONED, I was going to do that way earlier but I didn't want to admit defeat, and then I just kind of forgot... Time really starts flying by as you get older, it totally doesn't feel like 2 years passed by^^' I'm still writing scenes for later on in the fic, and I've had the general outline of the story planned for a long time, but I haven't been able to write complete chapters for any of my projects for over a year now, it's very annoying. Anyway, this is the rest of chapter 9, not my best work but at least I like the part with Toris. He's noticed Ivan's small efforts of being nicer and wants to encourage them. Thanks for everyone who read this story and sorry for not being able to bring it to conclusion for all of you who were invested!
Ivan sent Fredya home until Wednesday – claiming it was so he could concentrate on work, but he was sure Fredya could tell he was just fretting about the upcoming meeting. Ivan was terrified Katyushka would get carried away, and that was closer to certainty rather than possibility, and then Fredya would walk out of his life. He had known from the start that the time would come sooner or later, but he had much hoped it would fall on the later end of the spectrum. This was a wholly different case from that of his first girlfriend - the one he had been with all of three days before Katyusha started talking about weddings. She had left him the next day, not surprisingly, and he hadn’t really cared one way or the other - she had been far too practical to occupy his thoughts when she wasn’t in sight. But if Fredya left as suddenly, and he was certainly impulsive enough to do so on the spot, then... Obviously it still wouldn’t be the end of the world,of course it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, losing a home for example would be far worse than losing a companion, it really wasn’t that big of an issue when you thought about it – there was no reason to lose what little will to live Ivan had left over something that insignificant. No reason.
So Ivan would not worry about it – he slammed the door on the thought, and worked hard to put all his concentration on his notes. He had not yet studied Rogers enough, his files on the computer had sat abandoned for too long. Opening his folder, going over the routes again, verifying time codes, Ivan fell to a comfortable, familiar routine, cup of tea beside him growing cold. Rogers didn’t have much of a routine, which made observing him a challenge and data collecting a thrill. At least this was an activity that Ivan could still lose himself in despite whatever non-turmoil was boiling in his gut. Comparing coordinates, discovering overlaps, identifying patterns, data was something Ivan was good at. Data had no emotions, so it was easy to handle. Data didn’t mind his extracurriculars, didn’t judge him for his jealousy, didn’t snoop into his past. Though it also didn’t text him at 3 am to tell him about a silly dream it had. Even less it cared about whether he was coming home for the night or not. It not wanting to watch brainless, cliched superhero should have been a positive, but in the dark, the brain gets sentimental. Ivan suddenly wished he had a file on Fredya. Ivan certainly had enough data on him, though so far it was all in his brain and a few lines in his notebooks. One photo on his phone, a selfie Fredya had sent some weeks ago. It was taken with one of those filter things, Ivan wasn’t familiar with the apps so he couldn’t tell if it was instagram or snappychat or whatever others there were. Fredya had cartoon glasses on his nose, on top of his real-life glasses. He was doing a victory sign, and there was a badly drawn pink heart floating in the lower left corner, not anchored into anything. The composition of the photo was bad. A large dead space occupied the top left, a pile of dirty clothes was poking into the frame from the bottom right. The lighting was scarcely better, the only diffuser was the dust inside the light fixture. Fredya’s artistic ability was nil, though he did make for an attractive subject, harsh shadows and all. It would be nice to have proper photo of him, before he got out of reach. With a reference to guide him, it might be possible. Ivan quickly scanned his bedroom for inspiration.
Perhaps it was too much effort for 2 a.m., but Ivan rather liked the end result. The handful of stars drawn on the wall to form a suggestion of a halo – however wrong it looked on Ivan – and hands posed to form a heart on the chest, and some minor lighting adjustments on photoshop, he thought it near perfectly captured how Ivan saw Fredya. Bright, innocent, center of the universe, unashamed of his affections. Fredya wouldn’t put as much effort in to it, even if he did take his own version of the photo as Ivan had requested, but that was also good. It wasn’t in Fredya’s nature to try too hard at something he didn’t feel like understanding - such as art other than of the moving pictures variety. Together, the photos formed a piece – the fantasy and the reality. It was a commentary on expectations. Fredya may or may not look at the photo when he inevitably got up to go the bathroom sometime soon, but he wouldn’t take his own until afternoon if ever, so Ivan finally went to bed. He only had a few hours before his shift started.
Fredya had sent an emoji Ivan didn’t understand the meaning as response to the photo, followed by hearts and something that seemed to be an abbreviation, Ivan didn’t research the meaning. It likely wasn’t important. Ivan got coffees for everyone again, and Amanda gave him a incredulous look. It was getting suspicious, Ivan acting nice. He should dial down on the social interactions for the next few days. It would be good practice for when Fredya left him, anyway. “Oh, thank you for going through the trouble”, Toris commented smiling. Ivan studied the smile, trying to map out proportions and gauge timings, but again he failed to replicate the gesture. It kept coming out as sarcastic. He would prefer if both would just shut up and their coffees without scrutinizing his intentions. Let a man act civil to fellow humans beings in peace. “If everyone is done sitting around, we need someone to go interview Fowler’s parishioners.” Predictably, Amanda volunteered for the task. That left Ivan and Toris at the office, reading through statements, comparing alibis and viewing security footage, the same draining and pointless sinkhole of never-ending choppy black-and-white footage that glared a print of the screen in your soul, so that in the end when you lost everything else to dementia and cataracts, you would still see that stinging bright rectangle staring you in the eye, smirking gleefully, taking pleasure in removing everything one used to take joy in, and replacing itself in place of loved ones. That metaphor ran a little wild at the end, there. In all fairness, it could be intriguing work when results could reasonably be expected, but everyone and their mother knew the only thing learned from these particular ones would be just how much time were wasting on them. Even Toris, being his professional self, couldn’t resist glancing at the clock every few minutes. He would of course try to make it inconspicuous, just letting his eyes dart to his wrist and back again, but it was noticeable enough when one was more concentrated on the coworker than the work. It came to Ivan’s mind that perhaps this was another aspect of Toris he should try to simulate, rather than keep studying, his work ethic was excellent. Surely that was something most people would approve of. And Fredya did often complain Ivan was rather lackadaisical about his work, he would appreciate the effort. “How do stay so focused?” he asked sincerely. It was admirable, really, how Toris could throw himself at something so tedious. Toris blinked at him in confusion, probably surprised to see his colleague who was supposed to working beside him blatantly ignoring said work. “I’ve practiced it for years, there’s really no easy trick for it.” “Ah. Shame.” “I find that meditating regularly helps. And a good diet.” Well, that was already two things Ivan would not be trying out. “I could send you some articles  if you’d like.” “You should spend your free time on yourself. You work too much.” Ivan went idly back to his files, not really feeling like working, but deciding to at least give it a shot, but feeling Toris’ curious eyes still fixed on him was too much of a distraction. After several seconds of silence he couldn’t take it anymore. “Yes?” “Thank you. That was considerate of you.” Ivan didn’t know how to answer that. It had been such a banal thing to say. Not warranting any response, really. Just a stock phrase, however true of some people and situations - such as this particular specimen. Toris must have heard the exact same statement hundreds of times in his life, knowing that he had an actual social circle who cared for him. Ivan was outside that circle, and people rarely care for the things outsiders say in matters like these - surely Toris should feel nothing particular about anything Ivan said. There was no need for him to smile like that, it was just embarrassing for a grown man to get so giddy about faint praise. Ivan scoffed and went back to his work.
U maek a habot of drawning on walls huh Outside of his brief childhood, Ivan had only ever drawn on walls three times - once in a drunk, misguided bout of creative frenzy, once to write his number on an intriguing man’s wall to annoy him, and once in an attempt to save a relic of happier times for the future. Mostly when you are involved, it seems. Perhaps you are my muse for wall-related artistry It had been a while since Ivan had drawn a portrait, but now might be the time to dust off that skill set. Ivan considered himself more of a photographer, but there was also something appealing about creating from scratch. Although... he would need to keep the portrait hidden, it would raise questions and pity later on. Ivan wished he was better at abstraction, that way it wouldn’t look like Fredya to anyone else, but his mind seemed to be too observational for it. It could only make sense of things that connected together in realistic ways, it couldn’t create anything out of feelings alone. Perhaps he simply didn’t have enough of them for that kind of art. The dinner with Fredya and his sisters was a few hours away, but Ivan was already nervously ironing his clothes. He once again pleaded Katyusha to control her romantic impulses, and of course she promised, but Ivan knew that meant little. She had very bad self-control. Tasha’s picking me up, we’ll meet you there Natasha was coming? Nataliya was coming?! Fuck - what was she - this was bad news - why hadn’t she said - oh god, forget about Katyusha ruining everything if Nataliya Grigorova was coming! She never mentioned wanting to come along That sneaky little girl, she told me you said it was okay, haha He would not survive this night sober. He wanted to make a good impression. He did not want to be drunk when the only three people who mattered to him were all in the same room. He wanted to be fully conscious, to enjoy an outing with his family while being fully genuine, not just sedated into calmness. But lord knew he would not survive the night sober.
Remembering the fit Fredya had thrown the last time Ivan had driven not-strictly-drunk-but-also-not-sober, he was glad that they had arranged beforehand for Fredya to pick him up. Because he was observant in the most inconvenient ways, Ivan had been sure Fredya would notice something was off, maybe a smell or the slow movements to counteract the unsteady hand-to-eye-coordination, but fortunately he was too stoked about meeting Ivan’s sisters again, officially, to notice Ivan’s oddly calm demeanor. He babbled excitedly the whole way there, and was halfway across the street before Ivan had even fully exited the car. “Come on you snail! They’re gonna think we ditched them!” “It’s only a few minutes away, you can afford to slow down”, Ivan chuckled. Fredya was so adorably excited, he resembled a puppy on a walk. “Being overeager is as bad as being late.” “Beg to disagree! Pick up the pace slowpoke!” Fredya sped up ahead, Ivan kept his leisurely pace. He missed the re-introductions, but it seemed like he hadn’t been needed for those at all - Fredya and Katyushka already looked like old friends, while Tasha regarded him with a haughty look, but nary a nasty word. She raised an eyebrow at Ivan, as if saying really, you chose this clown over me?, and he simply smiled pleasantly at her. As they waited for their food to arrive, Fredya and Katyushka were unsurprisingly the only ones to hold up conversation. They had found a common ground in Star Trek - in that Katyusha had heard a lot about it, but had never watched an episode and was interested, and Fredya was an expert in all the series and films and liked talking about them. They went through the pacifistic ideas on the original series and how it sometimes contradicted itself on it, analyzing the casting choices for the remakes, some more things that Ivan had no interest in.  When their plates were brought, the were in the midst of trying to speak klingon - the attempts of both of them were saddeningly hilarious. Or perhaps they were both surprisingly accurate. Ivan had no way of knowing, the franchise being something he had never taken an interest in. Of course he liked space, but he was more fact-oriented than a fan of fanciful fiction. “You seem so young, it’s almost like you’re still in college”, Katyusha giggled, and Ivan could not agree more. The youthful energy Fredya exuded was refreshing, at least most of the time. “Never went to college, I went straight to work from high school”, Fredya explained, crumbs flying. That was the one habit that Ivan never found charming in Fredya, it was just plain disgusting. Tasha made a small chortle of contempt that passed Fredya by. “Our brother is a very intelligent man”, Tasha commented sharply, and Ivan knew exactly what she was going for – he had come to the same conclusion, himself. And truthfully, neither of them had been wrong - Fredya really was stupid. “Oh, tell me about it”, the insulted man chuckled, not understanding what was being implied. Ivan would have liked being able to defend Fredya, but the thing was that Fredya was not intelligent – intellectually or socially, and attempting to claim otherwise would have been pointless. He might have been considered smart in some useless areas, such as entertainment trivia, but faint praise is just as damning as admitting faults. Trivia! There was the opening Fredya needed to impress Tasha! “He has a master’s degree in movie trivia and celebrity gossip, if nothing else. Just give an actor’s name and he will tell you every movie they have ever been in.” “And not just that! I can also tell which year each movie came out!” Fredya exclaimed proudly. Ivan started with an easy one - Tom Cruise. Tasha did look reluctantly impressed as the titles and dates kept on coming, but refused to admit defeat. She tried her favorite actor, someone much more obscure. “Ken Foree?” “Hmm… The midnight man, 2017… Rift, dark side of the moon 2016, Cut slash pri- no wait, I think he was in Divine tragedies, 2015, Cut slash print 2012 –“ However, since
Tasha’s obsession with her brother refused to give way to respect for her perceived enemy, she realized that to claim victory she could simply ask about any non-American film star. “Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.” “Anastasia who?” Of course he pronounced the name the American way, but Ivan was still mildly impressed he could tell Анастасия and Anastasia were the same name. “Zavorotnyuk.” Tasha allowed herself a malevolent smirk as Fredya racked his brain for the name in vain. “A true expert wouldn’t limit himself only to Hollywood”, Tasha hmphed in triumphant malice, believing to have proved her superiority over him once and for all, despite not showing an ability to counter his. It seemed the point had only been to prove Fredya was not omniscient. In Ivan’s eyes, it was enough to be merely well-versed. “He does hate subtitles to the point where I thought he might be illiterate”, Ivan joked. “Hey, at least I speak the language of the country I live in!” “Verily, my darling, thou speakest with the most biting of tongues. Shakespeare himself would envy your prowess.” “The guy lived like hundreds of years ago, who gives a shit? Ivan Drago was famous in the 80’s.” “Ivan can sound almost native when he tries”, Katyusha said, trying to diffuse the argument, not knowing the workings of their relationship well enough to tell it was all said in jest. “I haven’t tried in years, I doubt I could anymore”, Ivan thought. He had tried training his accent away in high school, so he would sound less foreign in job interviews. Having a foreign name was bad enough in an application. He had never achieved a smooth, natural accent, he had to concentrate very hard which caused the words to come out very slowly and robotically, and still there was always a hint of foreign phonemes. Combined with his attempts to deepen his voice – an incredibly embarrassing failure on its own – had made him cringe, even back then. Tasha had encouraged him, of course, because in her mind anything and everything her dear brother did was the right decision. Excluding taking romantic interest in someone other than her, of course.
The rest of the evening went by in much the same fashion. Fredya and Katyusha got along swimmingly, Tasha made snide remarks about Fredya, Ivan defended him in mean ways, Fredya played along. It was all very pleasant. Finally the staff started dropping hints that it was time to vacate the table, so they got up and parted ways. Katyusya was enchanted enough to not wait long enough to be out of earshot before starting to gush about her baby brother’s relationship, which made for a perfect opening for eavesdropping. “Don’t you think Vanechka looks so much happier than usual?” Katyusya said, nearly clapping her hands in excitement. “Idiocy might be contagious”, Tashenka grumbled in response. “I never imagined he’d go for that type, but I guess it goes to show opposites really do attract!” Katyushka squeed. “It’s only for the moment. That American moron will start getting on Vanya’s nerves soon”, Tashenka claimed, not sounding too confident herself. Ivan had expected that to happen as well, in the beginning. “I hope he won’t, I think Alfred is good for Vanechka. He’s come out of his shell.” What did she mean by that? As far as Ivan was aware, he had never been shy around his sisters. Or other people, for that matter. “What’re you frowning about?” Fredya asked. “I’m eavesdropping. Katyusha likes you, and Natasha doesn’t despise you.” “Well that’s good news isn’t it?” Fredya smiled, and tried to hear the women. “Man, you got great hearing. I can’t hear them at all.” Yes, it did take some practice to achieve Ivan’s level of spying on other people’s conversations. And by then they had gotten far enough that Ivan couldn’t hear then anymore either, actually. “Your eardrums must be damaged from the all screeching you do.” “You’re walking home, asshole.”
Tasha + Katyushka = affectionate nicknames for Nataliya and Yekaterina. Tashenka + Katyusya = one level more intimate. Ivan is being drunk and sentimental so at the end of the evening, the way he feels about his sisters is something like most people do when seeing tiny kittens. Thanks again for reading! Maybe in like 10 years so I'll add a final "chapter" describing the rest of the plot, but I know myself and won't make any promises. I have some more snippets on the masterpost if anyone wants to frustrate themselves with a story that will never be finished.
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maddie-the-princess · 4 years
If You Love Me, Let Me Go Part 7
Fandom: Sanders Sides
AU: High School 
Pairing(s): LAMP
Summary: Virgil and his family are new to the neighborhood. He starts a new school where he learns to love himself, and maybe, love his new friends. 
Warnings: Cursing 
Thank you to @kuroyurishion for helping me with this chapter. Please enjoy the story. 
Chapter Seven: Dress to Impress
Virgil’s POV
Sunday passed with me not leaving my room unless I had to eat. My parents were out that day with their new co-workers, so I was left alone in the house for the day. Then came Monday. I had woken up before my alarm this time. Groaning, I snuggled further into my comforter, wanting to catch a couple more minutes, but I remembered what Remy said on Saturday. He wanted me to wear a couple of my new clothes, so I got out of bed with a huff. I’ll use this time to prepare a new outfit after going through my normal routine.
I decided to wear my new Twenty One Pilots t-shirt and a new red and black flannel. I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows and put on a couple bracelets to hide my wrists. I wore my new dark blue ripped jeans and black Doc Martens. Moving over to my vanity, I put on my makeup and painted my nails a light blue, like the sky. Taking a deep breath, I looked in the mirror at my new outfit. It was different. I looked different, but in a good way. 
I went downstairs and was surprised to see my dad sitting alone at the table, my mom nowhere to be seen. She did, however, leave French Toast and milk for breakfast. My dad raised an eyebrow at my new outfit.
“I see you're breaking out the new colors.” he joked, hinting at the red and blue as opposed to my purple and black. “Did you buy that?” I nodded in response and sat down to eat breakfast. I was almost afraid of what my mom would say about my new look. My dad seemed ok about it, but my mom was a whole different story. Thankfully, she wasn’t here, but that still seemed suspicious. Glancing over at him, he answered my silent question. “Your mother went to work early. Said something about making a good first impression.”
I hummed as I cleaned up breakfast and went to get my stuff before I raced out the door. As I walked to school, I took deep slow breaths. These were new clothes. New school, a new style of dress, I suppose. Oh god, what are my friends gonna say? What if I looked terrible and they’re all gonna give me a look of sympathy or whatever. I shook my head.
‘I’ve made it this far. Can’t go back and change now.’ I thought and finished my walk to school. ‘Wonder who I’m gonna see first?’ I thought as I waved at Talyn and Joan who was chatting with them. I walked over to my locker in eager anticipation. I caught the sight of a red jacket, and smirked. Guess I didn’t have to wait long. 
*** Roman’s POV
Neither Patton nor Logan were here to greet me when I walked into school. Patton was talking to Mr. Sanders about presumably Virgil and his first week here, and Logan arrived at school early for his club. You know, doing his job as Junior Class President. That means, I get to see Virgil first this morning. I dragged a whining Remus down the hall.
“Roro, chill. You don’t even know if he’s here or not.” Remus whined. I rolled my eyes at my twin. You would think I was the older one.
“If he’s not, then we’ll just wait for him at his locker.” I retorted. Remus groaned goodheartedly. 
“Why do you wanna see him so early anyway?” he asked. 
“I just wanna ask him how his week was.” I answered with huff. Remus rolled his eyes. I was about to say something back to him when I suddenly stopped. Remus crashed into me a second later. 
“What the fuck Ro! What gives?” he said with a scowl, but he looked at what I was looking at and his face morphed into a gleeful smile. 
Virgil stood at his locker, taking his books out dutifully and checking his phone ever once in a while? Was a picture of his schedule on his phone? That didn’t matter at the moment because right now, Virgil had all of my attention. He looked appealing, with his dark colors that seemed to match. His makeup looked awesome too. I didn’t notice I was staring at him until I heard his locker door slam. 
“Close your mouth Ro, or you’ll catch flies.” Virgil said with a slight smirk. “See something you like?” 
Remus cackled but I ignored him as I scanned his outfit. My eyes were drawn to his red flannel and the black choker wrapped around his neck. I saw him waiting with some nervous anticipation. He wanted me to answer? If so, I'll answer honestly. 
“You look stunning Hot Topic.” I complimented with a purr. I saw Virgil falter for a second and a light blush appeared on his cheeks. I smirked when I saw this. 
“Aww you think I’m hot.” he said with a shy smile. Is that how he wanted to do this? Two can play at that game. 
“I don’t think. I know.” I replied cheekily. “You look really good.” Virgil let out a small squeak. 
“RIght back at you.” Virgil stammered. Oh, he’s so cute when he tries. I opened my mouth to say something back, but the warning bell rang. I cursed under my breath. It really has the worst timing.
Virgil sighed. “Well that was fun.” he said. “I’ll see you in class Ro.” He turned and walked away but paused and looked back. “I’ll text you later Re!” he called and walked off. 
Remus waved him a goodbye. “Later shortie!” he called. I turned and looked at him dead in the eye. “Roro? You good? Did Vee break you?” Remus asked gleefully. We both stared at each other for a couple minutes.
“How the hell did you get his number?!” I exploded. 
“Eeek!” Remus squealed and ran down the hallway with me close at his heels. 
*** Virgil’s POV
I can’t fucking believe I flirted with Roman King. When I reached Math class and sat down at my seat, all confidence left me as I slammed my head down into my arms. Dee looked at me curiously with a concerned frown on his face. 
“Nice to see you wearing your new clothes, but are you good over there shortstuff?” he asked. I grumbled a response. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.”
“I flirted with Roman King.” I whispered to him, my face red. Dee hid his laugh with a cough. 
“I’m sorry, please repeat that.” he said. I glared at him, but explained what happened in the hallway. He grinned mischievously. “Who knew that shortstuff could flirt? Remy would be proud.” I groaned at the thought of telling Remy. Dee continued to tease me throughout class while I was trying to concentrate. 
When the bell rang, I raced over to Science class. Logan was already sitting there, looking over his notes. I was curious to see what his reaction was, so I quietly sat down in my seat next to him. 
“Good morning Logan.” I greeted quietly. He looked up at me to return the greeting, but suddenly stopped. I could hear the computer error noises as I laughed at him. Logan regained his composure first before greeting me.
“Good morning to you too, Virgil.” Logan began, placing his notecards down. “And I must say, you look very nice today.” I blushed at his words. 
“You think so? I wanted to try something different. You know, a new school means a new outlook.” I replied weakly. Wow, that was a lame excuse for wanting to impress you, Roman, and Patton. But so far, I think it’s working? 
Logan hummed. “Yes, well, a new, positive outlook can be beneficial to a person. It’ll benefit you most importantly as you are the new student here. Think of it as a way of getting comfortable in your own skin.” he replied. Damn it Logan, stop being a hot nerd for just one second please!
“Alright Lo, I’ll keep that in mind.” I replied. 
“Of course. As the Junior Class President, and as, presumably, one of your friends, it’s important for you to be comfortable here.” Logan said dutifully. A hot nerd who’s also considerate? Just wonderful.
“You’re my friend Lo, don’t worry.” I said as Mr. Williams began the lesson. 
*** Remy caught me walking into the lunch room with a whistle. “Look at you babe!” he called, approaching me with his coffee in hand and slinging his arm over my shoulder. “Don’t you clean up nicely?” I pushed his arm off playfully.
“Yeah yeah.” I muttered with a small smile. We walked to our usual table where Remus and Dee were waiting for us. Remus had this maniac grin on his face that basically spelled trouble. 
“Doesn’t Vee look good in his outfit?” Remy asked the other two whe we got our lunches out. I had another sandwich. Dee nodded in agreement.
“He does. We both agree on that.” Dee said, leaning towards me from the other side of the table. “But we’re not the only one who agrees.” 
Remy peers from above his sunglasses. “Oh? Got something to spill?” he asks curiously, taking a sip of coffee.
Remus giggled when I gave him a glare. “Don’t you dare!” I hissed. Dee hissed back.
“Shortie over here has some game.” Remus said, interrupting us and giving me a teasing wink. “He flirted with my brother.” I buried my head in my hands as Remy gaped at me.
“Shut up.” he exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes. “Vee did?!”
“He did.” Remus confirmed, nodding. “I was there, and I witnessed everything.
“And I missed it?!” 
“Thank god for that.” I mumbled, finally removing my head from my hands. This was embarrassing. “And keep your voice down!”
“No way babe! I can’t believe you flirted with one of the most popular guys in this school! And I missed it!” Remy lamented dramatically. 
‘Roman was one of the most popular boys in school.’ I thought. “Makes sense. I mean, he’s cute, charming, and has a nice personality. He also has a nice- ok Virgil, let’s stop these thoughts right now. Now’s not the right time to have a gay panic because you’re in front of your friends.’ 
I snapped out of my thoughts when Remy placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. “You good there babe?” he asked, and I nodded. “Good. What were you saying Remus?” We turned to our resident trash goblin, who took out his phone.
“I recorded the whole thing.” Remus said gleefully. I looked at him in horror while Remy looked with glee. Dee chuckled at my expression
“Delete that right now!” I hissed again. Dee hissed back.
“Don’t listen to him Re. Send that right now to the group chat.” Remy demanded, and I watched in despair as Remus did just that. 
I saw Roman during English, and I fought down a blush as the two of us sat next to one another. Roman shamelessly flirted and complimented me the entire time.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Roman said when there was about five minutes left of class. “When did Remus give you his number?”
I looked over at him in surprise. “Last week during lunch? He and his friends wanted to hang at the mall on Saturday, so they invited me to come with them. Why?” I answered. A strange expression crossed his face. 
“No reason.” he answered lightly. I wasn’t convinced, but let the subject drop. The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I got up to leave.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Ro, ok?” I said soothingly when he got up. He seemed upset, but smiled when I said goodbye. 
“‘Until then, gatito.” he said and left the room. I followed after.
Art was next. Patton was already inside the room when I walked in. Patton whipped his head up to greet me with a bright smile, but instead his jaw dropped and stared. I blushed when he started squealing and waved his hands over. I walked towards him with a bashful smile and sat down in my seat.
“Eeeee is that outfit new Kiddo?!” he asked excitedly. I nodded with a smile. It looks like all three of them like it. Patton looked over my outfit with an attentive eye, taking in the red and the dark blue. I suppose being an artist will give you that. His eyes landed on the light blue on my nails and gasped, eyes wide and sparkling. 
“Kiddo!” Patton breathed excitedly. He grabbed my hand and inspected my nails. “You’re matching with me!” He wore a light blue jacket today.
I laughed nervously. “What a coincidence, right?” I choked out as the teacher began the lesson. We were practicing shading. Patton and I worked while talking, but I noticed that his eyes wandered over to the light blue of my nails. This continued for the remainder of class. When the bell rang, he followed me to my locker. 
“So kiddo,” Patton started when we got to my locker, “I was wondering if you’re doing ok, especially after your first week of school.” I hummed in response. The first week was different and exciting, as much as I’d like to admit. I made new friends that seem really nice. I told Patton such, and he smiled.
“That’s good! Here, give me your phone for a minute.” he asked kindly. I gave Patton a confused look, but handed it over cautiously. “I’m not gonna do anything! Promise.” Patton tapped the screen a couple times and handed it back to me. 
Patton gave me his number, and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. I stuttered out my thanks and he giggled at me. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. Doesn’t matter what the time is, just send me a text or something if you need help.” he said happily. Oh lord, this boy is too much, too nice. “Bye Cutie Pie!” Patton left me in my state of shock.
“I can’t believe I just witnessed that with my own two eyes.” I snapped out of it and whipped around to see Remy holding his phone up and grinning wickedly at me. “Look at you Vee! Guess our little shopping trip did something to you.” 
“Delete that.” I wheezed. I didn’t even see him walk by! Remy shook his head and started texting on his phone. 
“Oh the others are going to get a kick out of this.” Remy snickered. Oh this was so embarrassing. I flushed red and chased Remy down the hall and out the building, the two of us laughing the whole way out. 
“Remy! Delete that right now!” I huffed. Remy shook his head. 
“Now way babe! This is gold!” Remy yelled back and raised his phone up in the air teasingly. I glared. Why do all my friends have to be taller than me? But I got one of my crush’s numbers, so I guess it makes up for the teasing Remus and Dee are going to put me through later tonight.
Anyone wanna be in my taglist? Let me know!
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Lisa Shepard vs Batarians
Behold, a meta about Lisa I’ve long wanted to write, inspired by this post about Torfan(got kinda long for just a reblog) and motivation provided by @fourthage‘s Mass Effect giveaway. (I’m much better about finishing things when I can give it a deadline, lol)
Lisa is my Colonist/Ruthless Infiltrator Shep, and let me tell you, that background combo made her really interesting to play(through the first two games, at least; my computer crashed before I had a chance to import her to ME3, rip) bc she has this big, glaring problem with batarians. The tl;dr is Mindoir was deeply traumatizing and no batarian ever did enough to counter the extremely negative image she has of their race as a result. (apologies for slight stream-of-consciousness rambling, I tried to rein it in, but I think I was only partially successful >.>)
So we start, obviously, on Mindoir. Lisa’s the oldest of four with three younger brothers; Justin, Finn, and Connor, and had two best friends; Javier and Laura. Life was routine and uneventful and the only thing she cared about the larger galaxy was getting to explore it with Javi and Laura after they all graduated.
And then the batarian raid happened. Lisa didn’t see her parents die, but she did see friends die in the initial attack, as well as Laura’s dad. She had to watch Finn and his best friend(Talitha) get dragged to a shuttle. She, Javi, and Laura hid in a storage shed with their remaining younger siblings(one of Laura’s sisters was gone, too) in hopes of keeping them safe. They spent the next three days in there. They were found by a few batarian patrols, somehow managed to kill them all with bare hands and makeshift weapons(or stolen, Lisa got a pistol off one she killed), even as their own numbers got picked down, younger sibling by younger sibling, and then Laura, and then Javi, until.Lisa was the last one left, memory etched with hearing her best friends and younger brothers, brothers she’d promised her parents she’d look out for, die very terrible deaths. 
She was found by a couple soldiers from the rescuing Alliance patrol, and actually attacked them when they first came in the storage shed. They had to calm her down, and one went so far as to pull off his helmet so she could see they were human and weren’t going to hurt her. He introduced himself as Gabe and guided her out of her personal hell, both literally and figuratively. After everything she’d witnessed and heard and knew had happened to the colony, to her home, at the hands of the batarians, Lisa didn’t feel the least bit guilty for being glad the Alliance killed every last one of the slaving bastard scum they found. She’d lost everyone in the world she cared about to those monsters, she had every right to be glad they paid for it.
The soldier, Gabe, stuck with her until she’d made it back to Earth and escorted her to the foster home that had agreed to take her in. checked up on her a few times, offered to let her live with him and his roommates(another man and a woman, all three of them soldiers) if she wanted to. She took him up on that, and by the end of the third or fourth month, he was big brother and best friend rolled into one. Being on Earth meant she didn’t really have much(if any) direct interaction with batarians, but she was still working through her trauma and every time she heard them mentioned in news reports it was batarian pirates attacking a civilian vessel or batarian slavers raiding another colony--human, turian, whatever, all it did was reinforce her hostile view of them as a race.
She joined the Alliance military when she turned eighteen, feeling it was the best way to act out her gratitude of them saving her. She still missed her family and friends, of course, but she was healing and adjusting and while batarians still get her hackles up, she wouldn’t go out of her way to cause trouble with them. Largely because that would reflect badly on the Alliance, and she doesn’t want that. She proves to be an excellent soldier, tech genius, and near-unparalleled sniper, which is what gets her the rec for N-school(courtesy of Captain Anderson, who was Gabe’s CO. Gabe introduced them the day she enlisted). She excels in N-school(she’s always been the sort to thrive on challenge) and is clearly going to graduate with flying colors, so she and Gabe work it out--he’s coming for the ceremony, they each manage to get leave for the following week, they’re gonna spend time catching up and celebrating and just get to see each other face to face for the first time in... over a year. 
And then, the week before graduation, Gabe is killed rescuing a diplomat’s kid from, you guessed it, batarian pirates(he’s one of only three KIA on that mission, which doesn’t make it sting any less)..That is when they cross the point of no return in her eyes. Two separate groups of batarians are responsible for the deaths of her family twice over. Clearly this was not a “few bad individuals” thing; this is a failing of them as a people(A people who have enslaving others enshrined as part of their culture to the point of calling it discrimination when they’re not allowed to practice it). 
She is a driven, pragmatic, determined individual who wants to represent humanity and the Alliance well and so works just fine alongside every other race in Council space. She’s always willing to help, also always willing to make the hard calls to get a job done bc she learned early that people die. You can’t save everyone every time. You still try your damnedest to do it, but sometimes you can’t. And sometimes people die as a result of your decisions and you have to be able to live with that. She can. 
And then TORFAN. Well, first Elysium, and then Torfan. By this point, she’s N4, risen to Commander, and absolutely willing to push her squad however hard it takes to accomplish their goal. (In any circumstances, these just happen to hit a tad closer to home than usual) The fight through Torfan’s tunnels to the pirate base is brutal, and there are several times her men point out maybe they should turn back. But she pushes on bc their mission is to take out this group of pirates. In her mind, batarians are already a threat, given their culture of slaving, piracy, and utter disregard for life and others in general. If they get away with attempting a full-scale attack like they did on a world like Elysium, they’ll be exponentially more dangerous. So there have to be repercussions and they have to be swift and they have to be brutal and unflinching and if she’s the one who doles that out so be it. 
It costs her 3/4 of her squad, but they do it. They fight the pirates to the point of surrender and then Lisa shoots them anyway. Her mission was to eliminate the enemy, and she’s A) worried the batarians are surrendering as a show, with no intention of actually being prisoners, and B) convinced even if they did surrender, the Hedgemony would demand their return as “political prisoners” or something, with good odds they’d be released after just enough time this  “incident” will have faded from people’s memory, and she doesn’t want to risk either. So the dozen-odd surrendering batarians still.die. And while she didn’t take pleasure or satisfaction in doing it, she doesn’t regret it either. Her thought process is somewhere along the lines of “These are sadistic, murdering, slaving scumbags, who have the audacity to ask for the mercy they would never in a million years show their victims. The galaxy is better off without them.”) She doesn’t care it gets her labelled “The Butcher of Torfan” and that people look askance at her when they know her record. She got the job done, the galaxy is just that much safer, and she’s not going to lose any sleep over batarians.
She makes N7 and gets the Spectre nomination bc she pushes herself just as hard as anyone under her command, always gets the job done, and--aside from batarians--has no issue working with other races. When it comes to anyone else; turians, asari, hanar, whoever, she’s all too happy to follow Kaidan’s “jerks and saint, just like us” philosophy and judge them on an individual basis, but--and I’ve actually had her say this in fic--”If you ever find a saintly batarian, let me know and I’ll pin a medal on their chest my-damn-self”. Between what’s known of batarians as a race and culture and her own first or second hand experience, there is nothing redeeming about them in her eyes. (And it’s a very good thing she didn’t run into any during that... week after the Talitha encounter in ME1, bc she probably would have ripped them to shreds with just her bare hands and her omnitool after hearing what that poor girl went through.) She’s not going to go out of her way to gleefully/vindictively slaughter them, but she’s not feeling too charitable or sympathetic toward them, either. If I may make a cross-franchise reference, Lisa’s feeling on batarians are very similar to how Fenris feels about mages in DA2, only unlike him, she hasn’t gotten any examples they’re not all Like That(TM).
As of the end of ME2, she has not seen any evidence to counter her view of batarians, so it’s a view she’s gonna go into ME3 holding(whenever I get around to completely redoing her game), and I don’t see her changing it much at this point. It’s a flaw, and it’s one that’s going to persist probably her entire life, but it made playing her so much fun. (especially since my two previous Shepards were 98% Paragon ANGELS who are best described as bleeding hearts. xD) 
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 5 years
Impromptu Office Meeting
Summary: You and Arthur work for the same company. On the side, you two maintain a relationship that remains a secret around your other coworkers. You find Arthur’s been stressed and coax him into taking a relaxing lunch break.
Warnings: Oral sex, light swearing
12 pm, lunchtime.
As soon as the clock recorded your punch out for lunch, you stood up from your office chair and stretched out, letting out a soft groan. After four hours of answering phones and scheduling appointments, you definitely needed a quick walk to wake yourself up.
“Enjoy your lunch, Y/N!” Your coworker, Tilly, called over the the other end of the desk.
You shot a smile at her. “Wish I was going home instead.” You joked, walking from the receptionist desk and toward the doorway that led deeper into the building. Hell, you were only half joking. Being a receptionist wasn’t the most glamorous of jobs, but it paid the bills decently enough.
It also helped that your coworkers were bearable. More than bearable; they were much like a second family to you from the way they treated you, the bosses always making sure you didn’t stay too late or had help on days when it seemed busier than most.
From what you understood, most of the employees knew one another before the company started, and had been working for them for years. You were a newer hire, settling yourself for reception after being let go from your previous position. Having to take angry calls and answer dumb questions for even dumber people was enough to make your head spin, however you forged through each day with a forced smile on your face.
You had to wonder why Tilly remained so chipper despite having to deal with this on a daily basis. You asked her one day, and she had a simple answer: it was only temporary. And she was right, it was. Still, you could only wish to have the amount of happiness she did to not hang up halfway through a phone call.
On your way toward the break room, some chatter piqued your interest. Familiar voices conversing and laughing with one another. Upon coming to the partially closed door, you were able to pick out each distinctive voice, one in particular that made your heart leap.
Pushing the door open to reveal the small break room, you set your eyes on its inhabitants. Karen, a lazy office assistant who spent more time gossiping than working, but she had a great sense of humor and showed progress when pushed. Charles, a usually quiet but hardworking man who oversaw warehouse inventory. And last but not least, Arthur, one of the higher ups that were often favored by the bosses for all the right reasons. Always performing his hardest and never demeaning those that would be considered beneath his position, even stepping in to help if others became overwhelmed.
It was one of the reasons why you fell in love with him.
He and Charles leaned against the tiny kitchen counter, smiles on their faces as Karen shared the tail end of a joke that you seemed to have missed. When you stepped in completely, all eyes turned to you.
“Hey, Y/N,” Charles greeted. “How’s your day going?”
“Pretty good, Charles. Thanks for asking.” You said politely, offering him a smile as you walked toward the fridge.
“Y/N!” Karen gleefully exclaimed. “I just heard this joke, it’s pretty funny!”
Arthur gave you a smile, a small one that reflected something more in his eyes. You shot him a quick smile back before digging into the fridge for your lunch, having only paid partial attention to Karen repeating her joke. The coffee maker was on, evident that the two men were probably waiting for it to roast before returning to their respective spots.
By the time you sat down, Charles and Arthur had left. You and Karen spoke for a few minutes while you munched on your lunch, yet eventually you found yourself alone. The quiet that surrounded you was nice, your head finally stopped buzzing from the incessant phone rings. There was however 45 minutes left for your break, and normally you would be reading a book or passing the time by playing a game on your phone.
Your mind was drifting around Arthur. You were in a relationship with him, a secret one at that. You two started to date a few months after you were hired, and opted to keep it in hushed tones in concern of judgement and unprofessionalism. You also knew some of the office ladies had crushes on him, the way they giggled and fawned over him while he wasn’t looking. It were as if you were in high school again.
It still sometimes shocked you to think out of everyone else, he picked you. A simple receptionist with no other attributes other than your ability to multitask. But he looked at you as if you were a Goddess, and treated you as such when away from prying eyes.
And so you wondered what he was up to at this moment.
You got up from the table, leaving the break room and made your way toward his office. You were careful to keep watch, making sure no one could see what you were up to. Luckily no one else was wandering the halls, and you soon found yourself standing in front of a closed door with his name in large print.
You knocked, and once you heard him speak, you opened the door.
His office wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small either. He had a decent sized desk that faced the entrance with a large computer monitor tilted to the side. He kept his workspace neat; a few framed pictures here and there. There was minimal décor elsewhere, a plant sitting in the windowsill, a few professional photos on the walls of places out West, where he was from.
He looked up at you in faint surprise, quickly melting into a smile. “Hey, Y/N. Need somethin’?”
You closed the door behind you, shaking your head. “Nah, just wanted to see what you were doing.”
The smile faded from his face, his eyes shifting toward the computer screen. “Eh…too much,” he sighed. “Lots o’ paperwork to review. Think I’m gonna end up workin’ through my lunch if I wanna get outta here on time. Past few nights I’ve been leavin’ late, and Dutch won’t have that.”
Your frown matched his, and you walked forward, rounding the desk and placing your hands on his broad shoulders. His muscles were hard underneath, and you began to massage him. “Ooh, my poor baby. You’re so tense.” You cooed.
Arthur let out a groan, relaxing immediately from your touch. He leaned back in his chair, tilting his head to look up at you. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
You smiled down at him, leaning to plant a light kiss on his lips. “Wish I could help you if I could. How about dinner tonight?”
“If I get out in time,” he sighed. “Don’t cook tonight, wouldn’t be fair if I showed up dead on my feet.”
Your fingers hit a knot, further confirming its presence when he flinched. You rubbed your thumb over it, easing the tension out with precision. “Sounds like you need a break.” You mused.
“Ah, can’t take one. Been behind on this stuff for the past two days. Gotta get it done ‘fore Dutch jumps on my throat again.”
You managed to work the knot out, smiling to yourself in satisfaction before moving to the next. You then scoffed at his response. “You’re less productive if you don’t have a break, Arthur. Overworking yourself will ruin your mind and body. It’s not healthy.”
“Didn’t know you were a doctor too.” He mumbled dryly.
“I’m serious,” you countered, placing a hand on his chin to meet his gaze. “And legally, you have to.”
Arthur stared at you for a long moment, and you waited to see if he’d protest again. Instead he sighed and sat up straight, pulling up the program on his computer to clock on for lunch. “Alright, but I don’t wanna hear it when I come late and pass out tonight.”
You rolled your eyes and lightly smacked his arm, and went back to massaging him. He leaned right into your touch, closing his eyes and letting out a long sigh. As you worked the kinks from his muscles, you couldn’t help but to marvel the sight in front of you.
His outfit was always simple; a button up shirt and a pair of slacks. Today he decided to wear all black, the sleek fabric of his shirt shining faintly underneath the fluorescent tiles above. It accented the curves of his arms, shoulders and chest in every way. The top few buttons were open, showing just a slight amount of his chest. He was sexy, even if he didn’t think so himself. You had to remind him on a daily basis early on in your relationship. You couldn’t help but to secretly drool over him at work every day, but the first time you saw him naked nearly gave you heart palpations.
“You’re too good to me, ya know?” Arthur sighed, bringing you out of your thoughts. His hand reached up to drape over yours, squeezing it slightly.
You smiled at him again. “Just trying time take care of you, since you can’t seem to do it yourself.” You giggled.
He let out a small chuckle. “Appreciate it, darlin’,” the amusement in his face fell, his other hand rubbing his forehead. “Been too much these past few days…”
You smoothed his hair sympathetically, and he leaned into your touch and closed his eyes. Your fingers ran through his fair, scratching your nails lightly along his scalp.
“Been so stressed…” he murmured. “Feels like I can’t relax at all.”
“Hey, it’s only temporary.” You said to him, using Tilly’s words. He hummed in response, saying nothing else. You wished you could help him more, but you’ve only seen a fraction of the type of work he does, and you had to commend him for having to stick through with it. It wasn’t something you’d be able to do without getting confused in the details of it all.
Your mind began to wander, thinking of ways to help him relax for the short hour break. You’d worked out the knots of his shoulders. It would have to be discreet, hoping to not capture the attention of your coworkers.
And then a dirty thought crossed your mind, enough for heat to flare in your face. It shouldn’t even have a second consideration given that you were at work, but you knew how much he enjoyed it. You glanced at his pants, biting your lip and moving from behind him to face him. His eyes opened, a look of curiosity plain on his face. You then knelt down between his legs, and his eyebrows raised.
“Y/N, what’re you doin’?” he asked warily.
You gave him a smile, reaching to place your hand lightly against his crotch. “Helping you relax.”
His breath hitched slightly, tensing around you. “Y/N. We’re at work. This ain’t a good-”
You shushed him gently, sliding your hand to rub a soothing circle on his chest. “Just gonna use my mouth.”
“What if someone walks in?” he asked, worry etched in his eyes.
“More people are out than in at the moment,” you reminded him. But just in case, you scooted backward, resting partially underneath his desk. “Not like anyone’s gonna come in and interrupt.”
“’Cept you.” He murmured, giving you a pointed look.
Your only answer was to smirk at him, quickly shooting a wink while your hand returned to its prize. You pulled the zipper down, reaching in to fish out his semi-hardened cock. Wrapping your hand around his thick girth, you pumped him slowly a few times, watching his head tilt back against the chair. He let out a sigh as his body visibly released the tension in your grip.
It only took half a moment before he was at full mast, you brought your mouth to the tip, sliding your tongue across the slit and underneath, toying with the sensitive pinch of skin. He let out a soft groan, his chest heaving in a deep breath. You traced a path up and down his length, enjoying the heated skin against your tongue. You soon engulfed the tip, sucking him sensually and slowly. He groaned again, slightly louder, his hands gripping the armrests of the chair.
“Sweetheart…” he sighed. “That feels so good…”
His words prompted you to sink down on him, his girth filling your mouth to almost the back of your throat. You began to bob your head, taking him further in your mouth with each pass. He whispered your name, placing his hand on the back of your head, knotting his fingers in your hair. Added pressure was welcoming, inviting you to completely deep throat him.
“Fuck,” he growled, his hips trembling beneath you. “You…you’re gonna make it hard to keep quiet.” He managed to whisper in one breath.
An innocent hum was your response, locking eyes with him as you did it once again. He sucked in air between his teeth, his other hand resting on the opposite side of your head. “Darlin’-” he gasped. “Please-!”
You pulled your mouth almost completely off him, giggling lightly as you returned to his normal pace. You knew with teasing like that was something you’d never been able to get away with, without some sort of revenge from him. You’ll be hearing about it later…or, feeling it.
He gave another sigh as he loosened his grip. “Did ya want me to fuck your face?” He exasperated, trying hard to keep his tone even.
You didn’t answer then, reaching up to cup and massage his balls through the fabric of his slacks. An action which caused him to melt once again. His breath shuddered, his fingers massaging your head. He groaned deeply, the vibration traveling through him.
You kept yourself at an easy speed, occasionally pausing to tease the head before swallowing him again. His entire body was limp like a dummy, only moving to stroke your head or face. His eyes occasionally locked on to yours, half-lidded and glazed with pure lust. He wanted to take you then and there, you could tell.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum soon.” He sighed after a few moments. His hand gripped your hair harder, pressing your head down a little further.
You reached your hand up to this thigh, rubbing it in understanding. He moved his free hand to take yours, squeezing it gently and enjoying the moment of sweet intimacy regardless of the circumstance. Faster and faster you went, attempting to coax him closer to his climax.
A knock on the door caught your attention. Simultaneously, you froze and Arthur sat up straight.
“Arthur? May I come in?” A voice from the other side sounded. You recognized it as Hosea, one of the company owners and one of yours-and Arthur’s-bosses.
“Uh-” Arthur tried to answer, trying to hide the nervousness that plagued his voice. The door however opened, and your stomach lurched.
You still had him in your mouth, still very rock hard and throbbing slightly against your tongue. You dared not to move in case the slightest of sounds would make your presence known, and prayed Arthur wouldn’t make any sudden movements of his own that would have you gagging. You were so thankful Arthur’s desk had a wall between you and the door.
"How are you today, my dear boy?" Hosea asked with a cheerful and caring tone.
“Good. Just, uh, got on my lunch break.” Arthur answered awkwardly. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his free hand move, most likely to gesture toward his computer.
“Excellent. I just needed to ask, have you seen Y/N?”
Your eyes widened. Did Hosea somehow know about your relationship with Arthur? Did he know you were right there?
“No,” Arthur answered immediately. “Why would I know?”
“I was told she’s on lunch, and Karen said to ask you and Charles. Charles only saw her in the break room,” Hosea answered. “I must speak with her about a phone call with one of our clients.”
The thought of Hosea somehow finding about your secret dwindled slightly, and you were able to relax a touch. Your tongue pressed up against the underside of Arthur’s length, a move which caused his hips to twitch just a fraction.
“I-If I see her,” Arthur began, fighting to hide the stammer in his voice. His hand tightened around yours. “I’ll send ‘er your way.”
“Thanks, Arthur.” Hosea spoke before you heard the movement of feet and the door closing.
Blood roared in your ears, neither of you speaking for a moment as you listened to the fading echo of footsteps. Your heart was still hammering against your rib cage.
“Shit…” Arthur murmured, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. “That was too close.”
You looked up at him, sliding your mouth off him. “Way too close,” you agree, glancing behind you. “Glad you have a desk like this.”
Arthur chuckled softly, smoothing his rough hand across your cheek before gripping himself, tugging at the open zipper in attempt to tuck back in. “First n’ last time we-”
You cut him off when your hand curled around his. You smirked up at him, carefully prying his fingers from himself. “Didn’t say I was finished, though.”
He looked at you in surprise. “Y/N, we nearly-”
“But we didn’t,” you added bluntly. “Besides, you were close. I’d hate to edge you and give you blue balls for the rest of the day.”
Arthur appeared as if he wanted to argue, but your mouth taking its place on his length erased the mere thought from his head. His breath shuddered and his head lolled back, uncaring about the previous encounter.
It didn’t take much longer for him to finish. A few short moments of your deep throating had him nearly fucking your face. His entire body vibrated with his groans that were almost wolf-like. His voice breathless, he murmured his pleasure to you, his hands gripping your head as he shoved your mouth down completely. His hips locked, shooting his hot spend down your throat. He hissed out a swear as quietly as possible, pumping his hips shallowly to milk himself dry. Once he released your head, you slowly removed your mouth.  Swallowing the last of his seed, you reached over to tuck him neatly back into his pants. He looked as if he ran a marathon, his chest heaving as he attempted to catch his breath.
His eyes locked with yours, and a dopey smile crossed his face. He beckoned you closer, and you stood up to join your lips to his, eliciting a tender kiss. His hands cupped your face while you ran your fingers through his soft hair. After a long moment, he gently pulled back.
“How do you feel now?” you asked quietly, smiling at him.
“Ten times better,” he rumbled with a small laugh. “Guess I did need that.”
“See? Told you it would help,” You cheekily responded. “Even if we did almost get caught by one of the bosses.”
“Speakin’ o’ which, you should go n’ see what he needed ya for. How much longer you got for your break?”
You glanced at the computer screen, realizing with a jolt that more time passed than you realized. “Fifteen minutes,” you sighed. “Guess I should go before I’m thrown back into the fray.”
Arthur rolled his eyes, although the smile on his face remained. “Go on then, I’ll see ya tonight.”
“You got it, Mr. Morgan.” You said, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on his forehead before heading towards the door. As you reached for the handle, he spoke again.
“By the way, I’m eatin’ you for lunch next time.”
You froze in surprise, wondering if you just heard that correctly. You peered over your shoulder at him. “What happened to first and last time?”
His head tilted down, holding your gaze with a mischievous gleam in his eye. “Just gotta lock the door next time.”
Your eyebrows raised, still in shock by the 180 shift in attitude towards this impromptu meeting. You hadn’t planned to make this a reoccurring event, however the thought of it bloomed deep in your stomach, stirring up a newfound excitement. “Alright,” you said with a sultry tone. “I look forward to it.”
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d-l-dare · 3 years
“Jack in the Box”
Is there a loved one you wish was still with you? Perhaps their presence was the one thing that could turn any bad day around. Maybe they were someone you weren't the best to, but you'd give anything to speak to them one more time and beg for forgiveness. No matter what the case, losing a loved one is one of the hardest things any one person can face. But what if you were so bent on speaking to them again that you unintentionally invite a demon into your life?
I struggled to fight back tears as my parents and I had to work a yard sale to sell my late little brother's belongings. My mom and I weren't for it, but my dad saw the way we would obsess over his things and beg for him to come back to us. He saw it was torturing us to see his room that would never again be slept in by him. Of course, we weren't getting rid of the really important stuff like his drawings or baby pictures. Instead, just the smaller things like his bed spread and some of his clothes.
Of course, thrown into the pile were his toys. My parents kept some of the ones they thought were his favorites. Emphasis on the word 'thought', as one of the toys I saw my little brother, Benji, play with was the jack in the box that a mother was bringing to me a the register, her little girl following close behind her.
I wiped my eye as she handed me the toy. I checked the price, $2. She gave me the money and took the toy. She tilted her head as if to comfort me. "I'm sorry for your loss. He'd be happy to know that his jack in the box is going to a good home." She grabbed her daughter's hand and left.
Why'd she have to say it like that? I know she was right, but it just hurt so bad to know that I'd never hear the music coming from his jack in the box from my room and rolling my eyes to it. Sure, I was never really the best sister in the world, but I cared for him too much to be ripped away the way he was.
As the day faded into night, we sold nearly all of his things we'd put up for sale. It still felt incredibly wrong for us to sell his belongings. But the woman earlier was right, it's all going to a better home. It's better than them rotting away in an untouched room full of memories far too painful to even bring back.
*** The next day at school, I was sitting in the back of the class with my hood up. I had my phone on in my hands, making sure it was hidden from the teacher's view. I was lucky she was reading the book aloud, rather than calling on random students to read. I had no idea what page we were even on.
I was scrolling through social media, trying to distract myself with funny pictures and interesting videos. I paused when I saw a post that said something was haunted. I scrolled back to it and skimmed through. Apparently it was on my feed because my mom had commented on it, but it was from that lady at the yard sale that had bought the jack in the box. She said it was haunted, that it would often play it's music when nobody was near it. My mom commented saying it never did anything like that when we had it, which was true.
I was a believer in the supernatural, so my mind instantly went into believing that it was haunted. Was that why Benji used to play with it so much? Was there a ghost attached to it? I thought back but didn't recall him mention anything about an imaginary friend or some invisible person telling him to do things, so that marks that idea off the list. Then something hit me, something that made me incredibly eager to get out of class and tell someone. What if the jack in the box was haunted by my brother?
*** I'd realized that telling my parents wouldn't exactly be the smartest move, as they would think I was crazy and probably ground me for making something like that up about my dead brother. I mean, it was a twisted way of thinking.
However, the following time we went to the grocery store, I was lucky enough to come across the mother that had bought the jack in the box. I had a dumb idea, but I figured I'd try it.
"Hey Mrs. Foreman," I greeted her. She stopped her cart and looked at me with a smile and a polite wave. "Do you happen to need a babysitter?"
She had to think about it for a second but ultimately said no.
"But you and your husband could have a date night away," I said. "I just miss my brother and your daughter was friends with him." I was unsure if that last part was true, but I needed something to guilt her into saying yes.
She looked down at me for a second before nodding. "I suppose I can talk my husband into going somewhere for the night. We don't have a lot of money right now though, so it's not going to be much."
"Oh, it's okay ma'am," I said gleefully. "You don't need to pay me, I'll happily do it for free."
*** It was a little before the sun went down that I arrived at their house to babysit. They were all dressed up and ready to take on the night. They laid down all the ground rules for me, like when her bedtime is and what to feed her for dinner, etc. I had no plan of deviating from their rules, I just wanted to play with the jack in the box a little, so that I might find a way to communicate with my little brother again.
I lead little Sara into the living room and turned on some cartoons. I scrolled through until I found a show she enjoyed watching. I then made my way to her room. I scoured through the mess of toys and clothes scattered about her floor until I found it, the little yellow jack in the box.
I was about to wind the handle when I heard a knock at the door. I sat up and hurried over to see who it was.
I opened the door to find a bulky man dressed in a black suit and a pair of sunglasses.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm from the FBI," the man said, reaching for his badge and presenting it to me. "I'm here to collect the haunted toy from the premises."
"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about," I said. There was no way I was going to let him take it.
"I'm sorry as well, ma'am, but the jack in the box must be destroyed. The demon attached to it can only do harm to the people closest to it."
"What are you talking about?" I demanded. "The box is possessed by my little brother."
"That's what the Goji wants you to think," the man said. "It latches into it's host and can mimic their actions in order to survive."
"Well, how do you know it's possessed by a Goji?" I asked.
"Because spirits only have the power to lift and move objects. They can't turn a crank and force an object to make noise."
It was unfortunate, but I believed him. I went and grabbed the jack in the box and handed it to him. But not without a deal. He had to bring me with him to show me what he was doing with it, incase he was lying. He agreed and we made our way out into a wide clearing a quarter mile from the house.
"What are we doing here?" I asked. He sat down the box and stepped back.
He opened up his bulky briefcase I'd just realized he was holding against the darkness of the night. The briefcase opened up to be a bulky laptop.
"We are going to try and lure it out with a host that looks even more tempting," he replied. "The thing I have in mind is a werewolf. But I have a remote in my pocket to trap it and bring it back to the office with me for further research."
I rolled my eyes. "A werewolf? Seriously? How are you going to get one?"
He smiled at me and sat his laptop on the ground. He pulled a remote out of his pocket and I stared in awe as the computer transformed into a werewolf.
I glanced over in time to see the jack in the box shaking violently. The werewolf crept closer to it and a stream of green goop floated from the box and into the wolf. The wolf began to shake violently as well before calming down.
There was this green mist radiating from the wolf as it turned to us. "You think you can trap me in this body?" it growled in a menacing, inhuman voice. 
The man pressed a button on his remote and the wolf began to howl in pain as it folded back into the shape of a briefcase. The man went to go pick it up carefully.
*** After we made our way back to the house I was supposed to be babysitting at, he and I sat on the couch, watching some television with little Sara. Or at least that's what we thought. We looked all over the couch and couldn't find her. He and I called for her. We heard a giggle in response. We followed it to her room. Sitting before her was the man's briefcase, open before her and radiating a green mist.
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ikenbar · 3 years
Mr. Love: Ike's Choice CH5 PT6
Hehehe some Kiro angst is here!! And some fluff and resolution as well!! This'll be a good part so stay tuned!! :D
Warnings: One curse word but other then that its literally just angst, fluff, and resolution. Unless you got a problem with cliffhangers. Then you got another thing coming...
(Chapter Five (Kiro and Youran) Prologue and part one, two, three, four and five can be found here~)
((Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D))
Chapter Five:
Part six:
After that day, we had rescheduled the shooting for a couple days later that week. When the day came, I didn’t attend. Leaving Bart to take care of the field work as usual as I returned to behind my desk. Where I was meant to be.
It had taken some time but I was finally able to convince Victor to let me drive a car alone. Granted, It had GPS tracking so I was never really alone but it was nice to finally have control of my driving again. The drive to and from work where I was alone and lost in my thoughts that I dreaded being lost in. Being in control of the driving stopped me from going mad.
 I had sent my phone to be fixed and it returned to me as good as new. I was told that there had been a virus in it. Even though I didn’t believe them, it was nice to have my phone back. But with my newly fixed phone, I had gotten phone call after phone call from people. I only answered a select few, ignoring the ones from Gavin and Kiro. Youran would call too. No matter how badly I wanted to be left alone, I couldn’t just leave her hanging.
Youran was really understanding and, though she didn’t know what had happened, she was willing to help me feel better. Offering coffee dates in the morning just to talk or to even jog with me on the weekends. I tried telling her no. I tried pushing her away to be left alone. I wanted space to think… but the moment I saw her smiling eyes in my mind, I swayed into agreeing to anything she asked.
Youran had posted an interview with the Key. Clearing his name and posing the fact that he was really framed and someone else had been using his name. After it was posted, the hacking had stopped and our websites were back to normal. I had tried listening to the interview but couldn’t make it all the way through without the memories from under the studio sending me into a migraine. 
I had spent most of my time working but it was just to keep out of my mind. When I wasn’t working, I was working on the board I had put together in my apartment. It had all the information that I had about Montu and, now, Black Swan. Though there wasn’t much, it was something. Gavin often knocked at my door to check on me. But after a week of no answer, he stopped coming by.
Two weeks had passed and I was in my office working on my biweekly report for Victor when a soft knocking came from the door. I looked up and saw Minor standing there, smiling kindly and holding a mug in his hands. “Yes?” I asked, returning my attention to my computer.
“You’ve been working so hard this past week,” Minor walked into the room and placed the drink down in front of me, “I figured you could use a break! Stretch your legs, brighten the mind...” I glanced at the drink. Minor noticed and said, “It’s hot chocolate! It’s supposed to be comforting!”
“I’m fine.” I said impassively, returning my focus to the computer. Minor drummed his fingers on the mug.
“...You know,” He sighed, “Everyone is worried about you. No one can remember the last time you’ve eaten. Or… left the office in general. You’re here before anyone else is and are still here when everyone has left… Gavin even told me you’ve been ignoring him… Miss. Ike, you need to re-”
“I appreciate your concern,” I spoke impassively, “But I’m fine. It’s just work. And, with everything that happened a couple of weeks ago-” I stopped for a second as images flashed into my mind from that day, “... we are running behind schedule.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, steaming the pain that rose in my temples. Minor reached out to me but was cut off by the sound of an alarm going off on my phone. I picked it up and stood from my chair. “I’ve got to pick up my brother. I’ll be back in ten minutes. When I come back, I want this drink off my desk.”
Minor sighed, “Yes mam.”
I was sitting at the steering wheel reading my emails as I waited for Sam to come out of class. The passenger side door opened and Sam popped into the car excitedly. “Hey, Ike!” He sung, “How are you?”
“Fine.” The word had lost its meaning at this point, “How was school?”
“Not bad, but I heard something today!” Sam spoke quickly as I turned the car on, “Someone said the Carnival was in town! Can we go??” I froze.
“Did you hear!?” Kiro spoke excitedly over the phone, “The carnival is coming to town! We should go together!”
“Kiro, don’t you realize how dangerous this could be?” I sighed, “If word got out that you were at the carnival-”
“I’ll be safe! I promise!!” Kiro pleaded, “Come on, Super Stranger! I want to hang out with you!” My face grew hot as I stayed speechless. Superstar Kiro wanted to hangout with me! Of all people! “What? You don’t seriously think this my first time in public, do you?” Kiro teased, “I’ll wear a disguise! We’ll be fine! Trust me!”
I grimised and shook my head. “No.” I answered resoundly, shifting the car out of park.
“Aw come on!” Sam whined, “But it’s friday! And they’ll be gone by this weekend”
“No, Sam.”
“But I feel like I haven’t seen you all week!” Sam pouted, “You haven’t been over for dinner and we rarely talk when you pick me up... You’ve been so distant.” I paused, tapping on the steering wheel. Feeling Sam's eyes on me, I flashed a glance at him. His eyes were pleading. A pain shot through my chest.  “I… I know something happened to you last week.” Sam started playing with his backpack. “And even though you won’t tell me what happened exactly, I miss you… Please, Ike?” I tightened my grip on the wheel and glared at the road. Unable to help myself, I looked over to Sam. He was wearing the puppy eyes that he had used countless times before. I quickly looked back at the road.
Not again. I will not let those damn eyes get to me again…. No… no!... damn it.
I sighed deeply and, after stopping at a stop light, pulled out my phone. I dialed a number then held my phone up to my ear.
“Hello! This is Ikamara Bikira’s office!” Minor chimed, “She is currently out right now but I can leave a message!”
“Minor, it’s me.” I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose, “I’m not coming back to the office. I’m… taking that break.” Sam cheered from next to me.
“Really?!” Minor excitedly asked, “What made you change your mind? Was it my speech?!”
“No. It was my power hungry brother." I playfully glared at Sam, "Tell the office that if they need anything they should go to Bart before calling me… and not a word of this is to be repeated to Gavin, understand?!”
“Where should we go first!?” Asked a very all over the place Sam. We were standing at the front gate of the carnival. Screams and music played with our ears as the smell of fried goods and sweet treats did our noses. “We could go on the rides! Or play the games! I thought I saw a shooting game!! Ike, are you still a good shot?!”
“Of course I am.” I said as I looked around, “Just remember, we are only here for a little bit. I still have work I need to get back to”
“Don’t you always?” Sighed Sam, “Just enjoy the time spent with your favorite foster brother!! So, where do you want to go first??” 
“The ticket desk.” I arched an eyebrow, “Before we go anywhere, we need to pay for-” I was cut short as a bear approached us. Or more, a man in a bear costume.
“Ho ho ho!” He laughed, doing a little jig, “Welcome to the carnival! I’m Chuckles the Bear!” Chuckles chuckled, further extenuating his point, “Would you folks like to win some free tickets?!”
“Boy, would we!” Sam jumped excitedly. I hesitated. Something about this bear seemed familiar.
“Alright, little boy!” Chuckles patted Sam’s head, “All you gotta do is answer one question! Ready?” Sam nodded seriously, bracing himself.
“What color…” Chuckles paused for dramatic effect, “... is the sky?!” Sam threw his head up in the air.
“Well, today it’s looking pretty blue.” He said, pursing his lips slightly.
“Ding ding ding! We have a winner!!” Chuckles reached into his pocket and pulled out a large batch of tickets. He handed them out to Sam, “Here you go little boy!”
“Yay!!” Sam cheered and took the tickets. He held them out victoriously to me, “Now we don’t have to pay for tickets!” 
“Yeah...” I said slowly, looking up at the bear, “Thanks.”
“No problem!” Chuckles chuckled, “Just a little nice deed from your good ol friend Chuckles! I’ll see you folks around the park!” Chuckles turned and waved goodbye to us. Sam waved enthusiastically back.
“Bye!” He called, “And thank you!!” I narrowed my eyes. 
“Something about that bear was fishy.” I murmured.
“Who cares?!” Sam grabbed my hand again, “Let’s go!”
With that, Sam and I explored the park. We went on rides, played games, ate food. I was quick to notice that Chuckles was never too far from us. He was either selling balloons close by, playing a game a couple of stalls away, he even manned the cotton candy stand when we bought some. Though, the term 'bought' was used lightly as he wouldn’t let us pay for it.
Eventually, I had had enough.
I approached Chuckles from behind as he was handing a balloon to a little girl. “Here you are!” He said gleefully, “Thank you for the candy!!”
“What kind of employee trades a balloon for a piece of candy?” I asked, making Chuckles jump, “It’s a terrible way to run a carnival if you ask me.”
“Though, no one is complaining!” Sam spoke up from next to me, pulling his nearly full cart of prizes with him, “You can keep giving away free stuff if you feel like it! Especially to us!” I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms.
“What’s your deal?” I growled, “You’ve been following us all day.” 
“What are you talking about, Miss. Lady?!” Chuckles shrugged and rocked back and forth, feigning childlike innocence, “I’m just a kind and harmless bear!”
“I want answers, bear.” I snapped, startling the bear once again, “Don’t think I’m above beheading you in front of all these children.”
“Ok! Ok!” The bear’s voice had changed dramatically, “I’ll tell you just don’t take off my head! You’ll only end up making a scene.” I froze. I knew that voice all too well. Though it had been a long time since I had heard it.
“Kiro?” I asked in a harsh whisper. Chuckles looked around then lifted his head. A bright blue eyed Kiro smiled at me nervously.
“Hey, Super Stranger.” He laughed weakly, “Long time no see!” Sam gasped dramatically from next to me.
“KI-” He started. I threw my hand over his mouth.
“Shh!!” Kiro and I said quickly. Kiro dropped his bear head and looked around again.
“Can we talk somewhere a bit more private?” He asked through the mask.
“Coast is clear.” I let down the flap to the cleaning tent and walked back to the boys. Kiro took off his bear costume and sighed.
“Thank goodness.” He breathed, “That costume was so hot.”
“It’s Kiro!” Sam whispered excitedly as he jumped in place, “Ike! Ike, look! It’s Kiro!!”
“I know.” I scowled, folding my arms across my chest, “What are you doing here, Kiro?"
“I wanted to see the carnival!” Kiro smiled weakly at me. I deepened my glare, “And…. I also wanted to see you.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Sam stared at the both of us, awestruck.
“Ike!!” Said Sam, exasperatedly, “Kiro just said he wanted to see you?!?! What haven’t you been telling me!?”
“Remember when I got trapped under the studio and came out a mess?”
“He is the reason that happened.”
Sam gasped dramatically and scooted closer to me. Kiro sighed, “I thought I told you it wasn’t me! Didn’t you see Youran’s interview?”
“Yeah, I’m still not convinced.” I growled.
“Well, what can I do to convince you??" Kiro took a step closer to me, "Would you like more tickets? How bout a ride on the ferris wheel! I can get you the best seats! You can overlook all of Loveland from there!”
“Pass.” I turned around to the tent opening, “Goodbye, Key.”
“Ike, please.” Kiro grabbed my arm, “Please let me make this up to you. I hate the idea that you hate me. Just, let me do something! Or, better yet, you do something! Yell at me! Beat me if you want!” I stayed where I was, fighting with the anger in my chest. This man just treated me the same as everyone else did in my life, and he expects me just to let it go?! “W-wait!” Kiro turned me around and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a little white handkerchief. “Don’t you want this back?” He asked, handing it to me. I didn’t take it. I just stared at it as memories of all the times he got hurt poured into my mind. It was all because of me! Why was he fighting so hard to come back to me? It seemed wrong. What was he trying to prove?!
Kiro sighed and dropped his hand to his side. “i know I hurt you.” His voice cracked. , “I know there are things I need to make up for and I understand it can take some time… I-I just… want to be your sidekick again.” Kiro’s last words were enough to obliterate whatever anger had. I fought to bring it back. He lied to you! He broke your heart! I repeated that in my head as I finally looked up at  him. Kiro’s eyes were sparkling. But it wasn’t the regular sparkle that made fans weak. It was the kind of sparkle that came from the water that pooled under his eyes. 
My heart shattered. 
I made Kiro cry.
 I was probably the only person on earth to make Kiro cry. That was a badge I never wanted to bear. 
I relaxed my body as I looked at him. Time seemed to pass slowly as we held our breaths, struggling to keep the silence. Eventually, Sam tugged at my shirt. “I know I’m supposed to hate him right now,” Sam said with a strain in his voice, “but even I can’t be angry at that face.” Kiro shifted his eyes to Sam.
“Sorry.” He said, struggling to maintain his smile through a forced chuckle, “I-” I walked up to Kiro, cutting him off. I took the handkerchief and brushed it under his eye, stopping a tear from rolling down his cheek. Kiro’s eyes flashed a look of surprise. I examined his face a little longer. Then sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.
“... Why did you have to pull the sidekick card?” I said, punching him weakly on the arm. Kiro’s body tensed. I shook my head and pulled him into an hug. Kiro stalled a moment, but it didn’t take him long to reciprocate. He held me tightly as we stood together in silence. I tightened my grip on him. I was afraid that, if we separated, something would happen to make me lose him. To lose myself. He brought me so much light. How could I have just let that go?
After a long moment, I felt something hit my side. I looked down. Sam had invited himself in on the hug. I smiled and patted his head. Kiro looked down at Sam, wiping his face as he laughed. “Hey, kid.” Kiro rubbed Sam’s head, “If you wanted a hug, just say so!”
“Really?!” Sam beamed. 
“Why don’t we get out of this tent first?” I pushed away from the boys’ embrace and pocketed my handkerchief. Kiro looked at me hopefully. 
“Can... I join you?” He asked, anticipation dripping from his tongue.
“It’s to be expected.” I arched an eyebrow and folded my arms, “I do believe I promised a certain someone a day at the carnival.” I smirked. Kiro smiled brightly, sending the long missed feeling of butterflies in my stomach. That smile didn’t last long though as Kiro suddenly frowned.
“Wait, does this mean I have to put back on the bear suit?”
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buddyhollyscurls · 4 years
“Romance and Coffee” - Story Excerpt
So about two weeks ago I mentioned that I had been reading a webtoon called Crumbs (It’s super cute and such a wholesome story y’all should definitely check it out). It has some magical elements and a big part of the story is the coffee shop where the products have magic spells - there’s a pastry called Romance and teas that provide Focus - and it inspired me to come up with a lil something something.The story I have in mind isn’t really a coffee shop romance kinda story but I have an excerpt that I hope y’all will enjoy!
In a building high above the sky, a fair, red head was watching over Martha. She grinned when she saw Martha enter the coffee shop.
She clapped her hands gleefully, “She made it,” Áine cheered, “Oh, and she looks so cute!”
Áine could barely contain her excitement, she was the goddess of love after all. Getting couples together was part of her life’s work.
All that was left was for the other part of the couple to get here and she could make the love commence. She tapped her foot impatiently - where was Greg?
She kept a close eye on Martha.  The longer she saw her sitting there, the more worried she got. Finally, after Martha had checked her phone again for the third time with no news from Greg, Áine decided to move into action.
She marched down to her partners office at the end of the hall.
“What the hell, Enero?” She said as she barged in.
“Knock much?”
“Where the hell is your boy? He better not be standing up Martha.”
He nodded to his computer, “Relax, hippie. I’ve been keeping an eye on him. He’s on his way,” He rolled his eyes with a sigh, “Come on, I’ll show you on the Monitor.”
He motioned for her to follow him.
They walked back to the giant monitor Áine had been on.
“I was already watching on here. All I see is Martha sitting there. Waiting.”
Enero simply put his hand in front of her in a motion that meant to hold on.
“Oh, see, there he is,” He pointed to Greg as he appeared outside the shop, “Satisfied now?”
He started walking away without waiting for an answer.
“Hold on a second,” Áine said, “I need to see him go in first.”
Enero rolled his eyes and groaned, “Fine.”
He stood next to Áine and they both watched.
“He’s not going inside,” Áine said with her hands on her hips.
“He will, he will.”
Enero sounded confident but he was beginning to get nervous - not that he’d let Áine know, of course. But what was taking Greg so long? He was just standing there.
Come on, Greg, Enero thought silently to himself, you can do this. Just open the door and -
It was then they saw Greg taking out his phone to type a message. Maybe he was letting Martha know he was there? But suddenly he was walking away.
“What is he doing, what is he doing?” Áine said walking up and getting as close as she could to the Monitor. It looked like she was about to grab Greg and drag him back to the shop herself.
Suddenly she turned on Enero, “He left her!”
Enero put his hands up in surrender, “There has to be an explanation.”
“He ditched her! Come on, we have to check it out.”
Without a word she grabbed his hand and lead them back to the office.
Just my luck, Enero thought to himself. a soul mate project and I have to be stuck with the most annoying, bossy, intense, passionate -
His thoughts were interrupted when Áine looked up at him from her computer, “He - he changed their fate. We’ll have to take it up with... the SCALES.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, “God. Damn it, “ He let out a deep, long sigh, “Alright, fine. Come on, hippie. Let’s get this over with.”
They walked across the main lawn to another building. They looked up and saw the giant banner: SCALES
They looked at each other and rolled their eyes in unison. Every ethereal being hated having to go to the SCALES. Gods and goddess could live for millennia and none of it would go any slower than when they had to so inside this building. Some beings even believed they could FEEL their age on their body when they stepped inside.
“Let’s just hope its quick,” Enero said.
Áine scoffed, “Quick? In the SCALES? Your better off wishing for peace on Earth.”
Enero chuckled in spite of himself, “Come on, Red. Let’s get going.”
They walked up the steps when Enero turned to her, “At least we know what humans feel like when they have to go to the DMV,” He said with a grin and a shrug.
Áine laughed, “Look at you trying to be funny.”
They stepped inside and were greeted by a young dark haired fairy.
“Welcome to the Station for Celestial and Angelic Liege Equilibrium Satisfaction or SCALES for short. What can we do for you and your liege today?” The fairy spoke in such a monotone voice it was clear she lost her desire for customer satisfaction long ago.
“Yeah we need to talk to someone about our lieges,” Áine spoke up, “They changed their fates.”
“Ok, no problem. Just fill out this form and someone will get back to you.”
Enero asked, “And how long will that take?”
The fair replied, “It could take anywhere from 10 to 100 years. Maybe more. Depends on how many orders we gotta go through.”
“100 YEARS,” Áine said incredulously, “We don’t have that time!”
The fairy simply shrugged, “Sorry. Lot’s of channels to go through. Gotta file out the paperwork, wait for it to be processed, and then you get called for an appointment. But that’s only if the workers okay your paperwork.”
“Look,” Áine said in as level a voice as she could muster, “Is there ANY way you can help us out? I mean this is pretty important. Anyone you can talk to? Who’s in charge here?”
The fairy looked at her, “I can’t just let ANYONE walk into the manager’s office. She’s usually pretty busy. You need an appointment. My hands are tied.”
Áine started to protest, “But -”
The fairy looked at her and Enero could tell she was getting annoyed with Áine’s pushiness.
He put a hand on her shoulder, “Will you calm down? You’re not going to get anywhere by being overbearing.”
Áine opened her mouth in shock, “Well then you say something!”
“I will,” he winked at her, “Watch this, hippie.”
He sauntered up to the fairy and Áine rolled her eyes.
“Hey, listen,” he said with his elbows on her desk and leaning forward, “I’m sorry about my partner. She can be a bit much.”
The fairy seemed unaffected, “Happens all the time.”
“I’m sure. This job can’t be easy. The thing is though, we were paired up for a soul mate project. And it seems to have gone sour. We’d really appreciate it if you could help us get some answers.”
“Look like I told your partner there’s channels to go through.”
“I know, I know. And I respect that. Truly, how do you think I feel? Working with a temperamental goddess like her?” He said glancing back at Áine, who was able to hear the entire conversation
“Real nice,” she said aloud.
Enero pretended not to hear her and continued, “She’s got no respect for rules and procedures, always barging in, being loud and abrasive. She’s nothing like... you. Calm, collected... pretty.”
It was then the fairy looked up, “Oh, I don’t know,” she said shyly, “She’s pretty, too.”
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong she is, but I’d much rather work with someone like you. What’s your name, anyway?”
She smiled at him, “Fay.”
“Fay,” he grinned, “Nice to meet you. I’m Enero,” he sighed, ran a hand through his hair, and turned to Áine, “Well, flower-child, you heard the little lady. Nothing we can do. It’s best we just fill out the paperwork and wait.”
He reached over and grabbed the files. Slowly, he grabbed a pen.
Before he began writing Fay said softly, “Well, maybe I can help you out. This one time. Just because your working on a soul mate project and all that.”
“We’d really appreciate it,” he smiled at her, “Thank you, Fay.”
She looked away shyly, “I’ll ask my manager if she can squeeze you in.”
She hurried off and Enero smirked at Áine, “And that, hippie, is how you get it done.”
“Smooth,”  Áine said dryly, “Real smooth.”
“What’s gotten your crops in a dry spell?”
She folded her arms, “I am the goddess of love. I don’t like seeing you toy with someone’s feelings like that.”
“Oh, come on. Just a little harmless flirting. It got us what we wanted. Or could it be a little jealousy I’m seeing?”
“Yeah, right.”
“Is that what it is, Red? Sad because I never throw some of that sweet stuff your way?”
Áine scoffed, “Please, again, I’m the goddess of love. I have no problem finding a man to give me a little sweetness.”
She returned his smirk. Enero blinked at her. He had only been teasing her. He didn’t think she was actually jealous. And he wasn’t blind. Áine was a beautiful goddess. Of course she’d have no problem getting affection from anyone. But her actually admitting it gave him a sour feeling in his stomach. He decided it was only because their relationship was supposed to be strictly professional. So he didn’t need to know details like that. Or so he told himself.
He cleared his throat and they stood in silence until Fay returned.
“My manager said she can squeeze you in for a few minutes.”
“Great,” Enero said, “Thanks a lot, Fay. You really helped us here.”
They followed Fay to a nearby office. The walls were bare and beige, the seats and carpet were a matching gray color. It was in a word: dull. Just what they’d expect inside the SCALES.
They spotted a plump fairy with graying blonde hair sitting at her (dull) brown desk.
“Hi,” Enero greeted her, “Thank you so much for your time.”
“Welcome,” she smiled politely at them, “I’m Hada. Please, have a seat. What seems to be the emergency?”
“Well, it’s like this,” Áine began as they sat down, “We’re working on a soul mate project, only something went wrong, and we they changed their fates.”
Hada nodded, “I see. And what exactly went wrong?”
“One of the lieges,” Enero started slowly, “Didn’t follow through.”
Hada considered this thoughtfully, “Oh, my. And which of you did the pairing?”
Áine raised her hand, “I did. It’s sort of my specialty.”
Hada turned to Enero, “And that means you weighed their fates?”
He nodded, “I did.”
“And you left no room for error?”
“Absolutely none,” Enero said firmly.
“You’re absolutely sure?”
“Positive. I - I used both my heads. I saw their beginnings and endings.”
Enero could feel Áine’s eyes on him. They hadn’t worked together before but Enero knew he was well-known around the building for being... delicate about his abilities. Everyone knew he refused to use both heads unless the situation was absolutely crucial to him. He mustered the courage to glance at Áine. She was watching him with an expression he couldn’t read. They locked eyes for a moment and she gave him a soft smile.
Hada glanced between the two of them, observing them with a curious look of her own.
She cleared her throat to make her presence known again, “Yes,” she said bringing their attention back to her, “Well, it could be maybe they weren’t compatible in other underlying aspects.”
Áine asked, “How can that be?”
Hada shrugged, “Humans can be fickle. Uncertainty scares them. They have trouble trusting their own hearts and intuition. Most only trust what they can see, or what has proven facts. They can’t fathom our realms, or the inexplicable things that take place in the universe. They can be calculating to a fault and it makes it harder for them to believe in what what we do. They can’t see it themselves so it doesn’t exist, even if the universe lays it out in front of them. Humans are blind in that sense.”
“Maybe Martha just wasn’t Greg’s type,” Enero said nonchalantly.
“Well, not necessarily -” Hada began.
Áine interrupted her “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she said with a hand up to Enero, “What’s wrong with my Martha? Your boy is the one who ditched her.”
“Maybe it’s like what she said. They weren’t compatible. Maybe he wasn’t that into her.”
“But that wasn’t what I -” Hada tried explaining, but it seemed they were no longer aware of her presence in her own office.
“He wasn’t into her?! Please, Greg should’ve considered himself lucky that Martha noticed him!”
“You have something against my liege?”
“Do you have something against mine?”
“No! Martha’s a lovely girl. Just... maybe a better choice could have been available, that’s all.”
“Oh! So somehow this is all MY fault!” Áine got up then, “Listen, you arrogant, conceited, over-glorified... prick! You think you can make a better pairing? I’d like to see you try!”
Enero stood up, “You know what, hippie? I think that’s a great idea.”
Áine narrowed her eyes on him. Enero stared at the dark amber color of her eyes and couldn’t help thinking he’d never seen them so intense before. He felt there was a fire burning behind them that excited him - or at least it would have if he wasn’t royally pissed himself.
“You really want to try to make a match against a goddess of love,”  Áine said moving towards him, stopping when they were only inches apart, her voice was dark, calm, even, and ready to challenge him, “Then bring it on, January.”
Drawing out his name in mock emphasis - he was well aware she knew he hated any other variation of his name - he glared her down.
Enero scoffed, “Fine. From now on, we work on this project separately. We’ll find our own matches for our own lieges and see who they choose.”
“Fine by me.”
Enero stuck out his hand, “May the best god win.”
Áine shook his hand roughly and stormed out of the office. Enero followed with equal force. Hada, who had been silent and completely forgotten about, blinked to herself and shook her head in amusement. She had been watching them closely since they arrived and it made her realize that sometimes gods and goddesses could be just as blind as humans to what was in front of them.
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
The chemicals between us ~ Chapter 11
Mei stood nervously outside Commander Morrisons office, her hand hanging in the air hesitant to knock. She had worked on her report for at least four hours and was fuelled by Junkrats encouragement. Now the moment had come to actually give her Commander the information she had found and the fear of rejection blocked her path. Should she even bring up the desire to go or trust Morrison to give her the task himself? What if she came across as desperate? All these questions spiked her anxiety as she stared at the door, hand in the air. A sudden knocking noise made her jump as Snowball took the initiative and tapped itself lightly against the door. ‘ Snowball !’ Mei mouthed as Morrison gave permission to enter from the otherside. She scowled at her droid and took a deep breath before entering.
Jack looked up as she entered, ‘Ah Mei, you have the report? Im impressed. I was expecting it by tomorrow at least.’
‘Y-Yes Sir.’ Mei entered and shut the door on Snowball. ‘ Serves you right .’ She thought as she approached the Commanders desk and handed him her report. ‘I've actually discovered a pattern of disappearances Sir, recently too, one of them is a rather famous Omnic.’
Jack nodded his acknowledgement as he studied her report leaving mei to anxiously bite her nails. ‘ He’s going to hate it, this is all a waste of time, why did I listen to that damn Junker!’ It felt like an eternity was passing before he finally gave an encouraging nod. ‘Er Mei? You can sit down you know..’
‘Oh!’ She hastily sat herself down and smoothed out her jumper and leggings absentmindedly as Jack waited patiently for her to get more settled. ‘You’ve done good work here Mei, and I agree. I think you have definitely found a lead here. If Null sector are nearby this can't be good. I’ll get Athena to get as much from the arrest report as she can and will assemble a surveillance team to head to Calais-’
‘I'll go!’ She blurted out.
‘Excuse me?’
‘Sorry! Sorry Sir, its just..I did the research and compiled a report. I volunteered myself, I think it's only fair I also go on the mission.’
Morrison sighed.. ‘Mei i'm not sure this is the best time to-’
‘No! Im- Im being assertive! And I’m putting my foot down! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't be allowed to go on a recon mission sir! You can't expect me to be cooped up here all the time doing nothing! I mean..You let the Junkers go and they're not even Overwatch!’
Jack held a hand up ‘Mei you've made some valid points but might i suggest you take a small breather whilst i explain some things?’
Mei chewed the inside of her lip and nodded.
‘Winston took you and Lena to Paris after reports of Omnic attacks yes? I heard it was quite the reunion..however you got injured, It could have been more serious if Dr Zeigler were not present. You're not a soldier Mei, you're not trained in any forms of combat. I have a team to look after and that involves making sure everyone here is as safe as possible. I understand you're frustrated, it must be hard feeling like you can't help but I've been speaking to Winston and-
‘Sir do you know I spent 2 weeks alone on an ecopoint with hardly any power?’ She said cooly.
‘I am aware-’
‘Do you know I spent over a week in the Antarctic with nothing but a tent and a weapon I made from scratch to get to the nearest point of civilization?’
‘Mei Im trying to-’
‘Why does everyone here think i'm some kind of doll?! I've proven I'm resourceful, that I can handle a gun that creates Ice for goodness sake and I'm not a bad shot either!’
‘Mei Im sending you to Calais.’ Morrisons voice spoke over hers.
‘As I was trying to explain...We can't play to our strengths if we don't use all of the team. I've spoken to Winston and he agrees, you were critical in the success in Paris and rather formidable with that gun and droid of yours. We do however have one concern..’
‘Which is..?’ She asked, but Mei already knew the question. She was waiting for it ever since she first arrived.
‘How are you Mei? Really? After what happened to your team?’
‘I..’ Mei hesitated and considered her answer. ‘It..It was hard to adjust. I've been gone for ten years, It's been hard but honestly I'm doing so much better now..’ She tried to sound optimistic. She could barely convince herself that was true.
Morrison seemed unconvinced himself. ‘Have you seen anyone professionally? To talk to I mean?’
‘I did see a therapist a few times..and I felt a lot better.’ That was only half true. She had seen someone but she had struggled to talk about the loss she felt, the guilt, the anger, the sadness when she desperately tried not to feel those things. She stopped going eventually, she threw herself into her work and it helped keep the dark away.
Morrison looked doubtful..'it was a terrible thing that happened Mei, have you spoken to anyone here? Winston? Angela?'
Mei almost scoffed. Winston had tried to talk to her but as usual she closed up, something about having no idea they were in trouble and everything appeared to be running smoothly at the ecopoint. She had made her excuses and left before he could explain further, not wanting to hear how he had thought all was well when her team were dead around her. After that he had given her her space leaving her to come to him if she needed to talk about what happened, but she never did.
'I don't need to talk to anyone sir, I'm fine.' She said firmly.
'You don't seem yourself Mei..'
'With all due respect Sir we are up against a well funded terrorist organisation who outnumber us 100 to 1. I'm sure I can be forgiven for 'not being myself' sometimes.'
'Hmm good point. Very well Mei if you think you are up to this then I see no reason why you can’t go for recon. It will be good for you to get more experience in the field, I'll make sure a senior member will be on the mission with you.’
Her eyes lit up ‘Really? You mean it!’ She couldn't help but beam.
Morrison chuckled lightly ‘I wish more of you was this enthusiastic. I’ll discuss your report with Ana and Winston. Keep an ear out, Athena will call you to a mission briefing by tomorrow.’
Mei Jumped from her seat. ‘Xie xie! Thank you! Thank you Commander Morrison! I can't wait for the briefing! Opps, I mean..I know it's serious but you know what I mean?’
‘You're dismissed Mei.’ Jack said patiently.
‘Oh! Yes Sir! Thank you! Thank you again!’ She closed the door behind her, waiting those few seconds for her brain to catch up on what had just happened. ‘I did it Snowball!’ She grabbed her droid from the air and spun him around gleefully.  
Jack smiled briefly at the sound of Mei celebrating but it was short lived, his expression darkened as he accessed his computer, once again bringing up the secret communications with the stranger.
: So….guess you're still pretty mad about Bryansk?
  :You gave away our position and could have lost us everything.’
  :And I heard it was handled well enough. Talon now has a lot less weapons.
  :What's the reason you’re contacting me?
  :I think I'm being watched. More than usual.
  :What do you mean?’
  :They are getting suspicious here, and I think i'm in danger. Im sorry..i need to give them what they want sometimes, Im just warning you need to lay low for awhile but ill still be working my magic one way or another.’
  :Understood, A little warning next time.’
  :Sometimes we don't have that luxury friend. Adios.’
The screen went black leaving Jack staring at his expression etched with trepidation.
The next Morning Mei hovered at the entrance to the large meeting room, she was early by about twenty minutes and now anxious that she would appear too eager. She started to bite her nails when she heard the click of heels approaching, turning to the sound she was greeted by the sight of Angela, her blonde hair up in a messy ponytail and holding two mugs in her hands, a small folder of paper under one arm. ‘Ah good you’re here. I was hoping you would be early, unless you like cold coffee.’ The blonde woman said brightly.
Mei felt more at ease and was thankful someone expected her to be early. ‘Are you on the Calais mission Angela?’ She asked, taking one of the mugs with a smile of thanks and holding the door open.
‘Ja, would be good to stretch my legs as i'm sure you can appreciate, and as this is a surveillance mission Jack felt a less inconspicuous look would be more suitable.’ Angela replied. The two women sat beside each other at the large round table. Angela began rifling through the papers, Mei took a drink from her mug and glanced over, realizing it was her report. ‘Is it.Is it ok?’ She asked.
‘Hmm?’ Angela looked up at her. ‘Ah yes! You’ve done a fine report, and you found a good lead too. With Athena's assistance we may be able to locate the addresses of those who have reported missing Omnics.’ She took a quick sip from her mug. ‘Oh and well done on noticing the Activist artist had vanished.’
Mei pursed her lips. ‘Yes well, that might not have been so much me..but I did most of the work!’
Angela raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her and waited for her to continue. Mei tapped her fingers on the table in irritation before blurting out her grievances. ‘That damn Junker walks in with that smug attitude like he owns the place and starts poking fun like he always does and - and he set a fire somewhere! Did you know that? I should tell the Commander.. Anyway, I might have been feeling at a loss trying to find some leads and he just takes over and-!’ Mei waved one of her hands at the report and took a rather angry slurp of her coffee. Angela tried not to laugh at her friend. ‘I see.’ She said, suppressing a smile and occupying herself with tidying the papers in front of her.
‘Is that all? Do I need to mention he found some information on the report or not?
‘No, but did you thank him?’
‘Maybe start with that.’
‘But he’s a jerk.’
‘And it was only a few days ago he was in my office complaining about you..honestly, you are as bad as each other.
Mei looked shocked at the accusation ‘Angela! We are nothing alike! For starters he’s an international criminal! He’s grown up completely feral! He’s-What did he say about me?!’ She didnt get her answer as they both looked up as everyone else entered. ‘We’ll discuss this another time.’ Said Angela, still trying not to laugh. Mei huffed, folded her arms and scowled sideways at her friend.
‘Good morning ladies.’ Ana said cheerfully as she joined them at the table followed by Commander Morrison and Winston. They were each carrying a copy of Mei’s report.
‘So..’ Ana began. ‘Thanks to Dr Zhou we have a promising lead in Calais. We try to keep such missions of intelligence gathering to as small a number as possible to avoid detection but as this is not your field Mei we will send Angela along with you. I think you both can keep a low profile as sightseers.’
‘It's a simple enough mission.’ Said Morrison. ‘Gather as much intelligence as possible regarding missing Omnics and Null sector. Don't mention Overwatch or Talon to anyone to avoid suspicion. We will arrange a hotel and car hire under false names and identification, you’ll have 24 hours in the city before pick up.’
‘ I have gained access to the addresses of the Omnics who have filed missing reports for your convenience .’ Offered Athena.
‘Angela will be going with a concealed weapon but that will be the only one available. It would be too risky for Mei to have her weapon with her, and to be on the safe side maybe it's best to leave your droid behind Mei so you are less recognizable’
‘Oh..’ Mei sounded unsure. Snowball was her near constant companion, it would be odd to have him so far away from her. ‘If it's ok Commander, can he come along but remain at the hotel?’ Morrison thought for a moment before grunting and nodding his head in agreement. Mei let out a small sigh of relief.
‘When do we depart?’ Asked Angela.
‘Athena has discovered that an Omnics right rally is due to happen in 3 days time. Maybe you can get more information there.’ Offered Winston.
‘Good idea.’ Agreed Ana. ‘Lena will take you there the night before, make sure you’re both ready for departure.’
‘Yes Captain.’ Mei replied.
‘Keep your wits about you and be careful.’ Warned Morrison. ‘Omnic rallys can potentially become heated and France has had its fair share of violence lately as you both know. Watch each other's backs out there.’
Angela nodded in agreement, ‘You can count on us Commander.’
Snowball glided along the corridor towards the common room followed closely by Mei and Angela. ‘...And you may want to learn a couple phrases of french if you don't already. Oh and I will need to stop by the City of lace and fashion.’ Angela was saying as she walked in step with Mei who looked up at her in puzzlement. ‘It's a museum, oh and we best see the museum of fine arts too.’
‘Erm..don't you think we should be working on the mission?’
Angela chuckled. ‘Ah Mei, we’re undercover. We should play the part, and if we have souvenirs and shopping bags we will look much less suspicious.’
‘Shopping bags huh?’
‘Well..I would like some new shoes at least.’ Angela shrugged as they walked into the common room together. There was evidence of early breakfasts having been made, a near empty jar of peanut butter on the side. Hana, Jamison and Lucio were heard laughing on the decking outside enjoying the morning sun.
‘Now's your Chance Mei.’ Said Angela who had begun washing their mugs in the sink.
Angela nodded towards the glass doors that lead to the outside seating area. ‘To thank him.’
‘Right now?’
Angela did not answer, she dried her hands on a nearby tea towel and raised her eyebrows at Mei as she strode past her and opened the door to the decking. Mei’s eyes widened in alarm as her so-called friend brazenly greeted the group and informed Jamison that she wished to speak to him inside. Jamison had surely said something because Hana and Lucio were now laughing, she overheard Hana jokingly say ‘ Ding ding  round fifty!’
‘What was that!’ She hissed at Angela as soon as the blonde turned back around. She had no time for an answer as Jamison was quick to follow Angela, looking grumpy at what he assumed was going to be a telling off. The scowl on Mei’s face was not helpful.
‘Fucks sake, whatever it is I didn't do alright? Well..might of? Look just have your moan woman and get it over with!’
‘Well I suppose since you brought it up maybe you could explain why i found a service droid with most of its mechanics taken out..?’
‘Hey my experiments are none of your business!’
‘Oh so it was you!’
At that point Angela made a rather dramatic show of clearing her throat, Mei rolled her eyes and sighed deeply to compose herself. ‘Okay..okay look. I didn't want to fight..’
‘Really? You've made a fine job of that.’
‘For goodness sake! I'm trying to say thanks!’
Junkrat stared at her, the confusion visible on his face as he processed what Mei had said. ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ He said eventually.
Mei started to lace her fingers together, suddenly feeling shy and looking to her feet. ‘You erm..you actually did help me. With the missing Omnics I mean, and I took your advice, I did see the Commander and I'm going on the mission to Calais for recon. I ..I guess I wouldn't have had such success without your help, so honestly, thank you Jamison.’
She expected him to scoff or make fun or to laugh at her, but instead what he did gave her a strange sudden warmth in her stomach. He smiled, not one of his manic grins when he set something on fire or blew up one of his explosives and neither was it the kind of smile when he joked around with Hana and Lucio or had a few too many drinks with McCree and Torbjorn. He was genuinely smiling at her and she felt like she was truly seeing his face for the first time.
‘That's Brilliant Mei! See I told you didnt I! You just gotta puff yourself up and make yourself heard! Honestly, made up for ya! When are you going?’
Mei gave a small smile. ‘Erm..two days' time, it will give me a chance to prepare at least.’
‘Ah you’ll be fine. Show the old man what you’re made of.’
She smiled and suppressed a small chuckle. ‘Maybe I will..thank you.’
‘No worries.’ He said, still smiling at her. Mei suddenly felt unsure of what to say next and they both seemed to remember their mutual dislike of each other. They stood there both of them not knowing what to say or do now and Jamison was never good at being quiet when feeling uncomfortable. ‘So er..what now? Do we shake hands? Hug it out? Go back to annoying each other?’
‘Erm..I mean we could try to..Oh I don't know! You are very annoying.’
‘Annnd she's back in the room!’ Jamison laughed and winked at her ‘Take a chill pill Frosty.’ He said back to her as he went back outside. Mei continued to stand in place and took a few seconds to process whatever had just happened. He genuinely seemed happy for her didn't he?
‘Wow.’ She heard Angela say.
‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Mei asked, narrowing her eyes at the Doctor.
‘Oh nothing..I didn't see anything or notice anything, and at least you won't have to worry about thanking him now. Sometimes you just need a little push. Rip that bandaid off as it were’
‘You are not funny and you are a terrible friend.’
‘You're welcome.’ Angela smiled warmly at her.
‘What's your problem?’ Roadhog grunted from his bed. Junkrat looked up from maintaining his peg, ‘Huh?’ Roadhog wheezed as he pulled himself up into a sitting position and reached over to his oxygen tank, clipping the nozzle of the hose to his mask and inhaling deeply. ‘You're too quiet.’
‘Damned if I do damned If I don't..’ Junkrat muttered. ‘Im fine.’
‘If you say so.’ The huge Junker replied and remained silent. A few seconds passed and predictably Junkrat spoke. ‘Mei’s got herself a mission.’
‘Mei now is it?’
‘Well..it was weird. She was her usual frosty self and then she's thanking me.’
‘Uh huh.’
‘I dunno mate, felt weird.’
‘You think any positive interaction is weird, Rat.’
‘Cos it is mate and I don't get it, If i don't get it I don't like it. I don't like being confused and everyone one here is fucking confusing. Especially her.’ He swore to himself and went back to work, a deep frown etched on his face. Roadhog watched him for a moment and sighed to himself.
It was approaching midnight and Mei was still wide awake. Time had gotten away from her and she had spent hours preparing for her mission right down to what clothes she would wear and how long Angela could spend shopping. She had gone over everything with a fine tooth comb but still could not shake the nervousness and doubt gnawing at her. What if she screwed up, what if she blew hers and Angela's cover? What if they didn't find anything and it turns out to be a huge waste of time and resources and it would be her fault for pushing the Commander to let her go?
‘ He genuinely seemed happy for me.’  The sudden thought jolted her from her anxieties, but she didn't want to think about Jamison and she was annoyed at herself for doing so. ‘Snowball have I forgotten anything?’ She asked her droid but he was far away on her desk charging silently in sleep mode. Mei sighed and decided to go through her preparations again tomorrow with Angelas help. She settled into bed hoping she’d have no claustrophobic nightmares and tried to relax her thoughts with deep breathing, she concentrated on her chest rising and lowering and soon began to feel the weight of sleep slowly creeping on her. Her mind flashed with the image of  how Jamison smiled at her and her eyes snapped open, the strange warmth blossomed in her stomach again. She grumbled, ignored it and rolled over, pulling the blanket closer around herself, annoyed that he was even bothering her in her thoughts.
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queenjunoking · 4 years
Wolf Taming Pt 29
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay - Drugs - Kidnapping  - Manipulation
Nothing felt real.
Maybe it wasn’t.
Eos wouldn’t have taken Sasha away from me. The Society wouldn’t have let her take Sasha, I had done nothing wrong. I gave her a good home. There was no way she would rename her. Sasha was her name, it was meant for her. 
She wouldn’t have sent a retrieval team after me. That couldn’t have been her. It didn’t make any sense.
None of this could be real. But I looked into the empty cage, the door hanging open, it cleared my head a little. Even if it didn’t feel real it had to be. The door felt real. The sound it made when I opened and shut it was real.
I walked back into the toy room and grabbed the old shock collar and it’s remote. I wrapped it around my neck and walked back in front of the cage. I pressed the button and felt the electricity wash over me as the seconds slowly passed. 
The pain felt real.
But the cage was empty.
So what could I do now? I took off the collar and dropped it onto the floor before I took out my phone. It was noon. I had lost hours of time just sitting here. But it didn’t feel like any time had passed. It felt like just seconds ago Eos had walked out. That Sasha had been sitting in her cage.
I scrolled through my phone. I didn't have a lot of contacts. Satori had to have given me up. How else would Eos know anything? Every contact in my phone was someone in Eos's social circle. None of them were safe to talk too.
Except for one. Briar.
I hadn’t really talked to her in over a year. Briar was a strange person who made me feel very uncomfortable while being one of the few people who treated me like a normal person when I joined the Society. Sometimes it was easy to forget what I had been doing when I was talking to her, everyone else was always caught up in their work and it was hard to escape from it.
We talked a bit after I left my breaker work for the Auction House, but I ended up shutting almost everyone out after I got Penny. Everyone but Eos because she just wouldn’t stop coming around when I wouldn’t answer the phone. She had encouraged me to spend all my time with Penny. I had loved Penny so much. Until I didn’t. Until one day she was no longer the person I had felt something for that I hadn’t in such a long time. Maybe something I had never felt before.
Who knew if this was even Briar’s number anymore, for all I knew she had changed it several times over. I doubted she worked for the Auction House anymore. She always had some vague plans she was working towards that she never elaborated on.
I had no one else I could turn to. No clue what I could do to get Sasha back. Trust is hard in the Society. Why would you trust such gleefully evil people? Even if Briar was nicer than most of the other people I’ve met here, she was still a member and who knows what she might be like now. Vulnerability was dangerous. But I had to try and give my trust blindly. I pressed call and waited.
It kept ringing.
Her number had probably changed.
Or maybe she didn’t want to talk to me anymore after I had ignored her for so long.
I was about to hang up when I heard a voice on the other end. “Z? Everything ok?”
I didn’t really know what to say. Do I just tell her what happened? What if she doesn’t care? Or worse, what if she’s friends with Eos now? I did the only thing I could think of now that I had gone through the trouble to call her.
She hung up on me. 
It had been over a year since I had last gotten to talk to her. She was a difficult person to work with. A conversation with her could be like navigating a maze, one wrong turn and you’d hit one of the walls she put up. I worked with her for over six months and barely made it past the surface level with her. I was desperate to learn more.
But then she left. I managed to stay in contact with her for a little while, but once she got ahold of Penny it became impossible to get her attention. The last time I had heard from Z was hearing Penny was sold. Then there were the rumors about what had happened last night that were spreading.
I knew Eos was always hanging around her. I knew she was untrustable. But I knew Z well enough, she went along with Eos because it was easier than rebuking her. Outside of the occasional violent outburst Z was a fairly passive person. I never did figure out what set those off.
I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. No answer. I dialed again. I was starting to get worried. What if something was wrong? After the fourth call I sent a red notification. I’d wait the entire day if I needed too. If she wasn’t going to pick up I’d just go over as soon as I could.
Ten minutes passed as the phone kept ringing. Who could even know what that meant? For all I knew she had just shoved her phone in a drawer so she didn’t have to listen to it. But what if she was hurt and couldn’t answer the phone?
“Hello?” Her voice broke through my thoughts.
“Oh thank god you answered. Are you ok? What’s going on?” I waited for her to tell me what was happening and was just met with silence. “Z, I can’t help you if you won’t tell me what happened.”
“Sasha.” She finally said something. She sounded like she was in a daze.
“What about Sasha?” I had been filled in on who Sasha was when I saw the report this morning. She had apparently picked up a new canine recently.
“Eos took Sasha. I don’t know what to do. Is there anything I can do?” I felt my heart break. Z wasn’t an emotional person but she sounded devastated.
“Are you at home right now?”
“I’m going to kill her.” The emotion in her voice was gone again.
“Z, please.” Alarm bells began to sound in my head. Z was in a bad place right now. I absolutely believed she would do it. “That’s not going to accomplish anything. That’s just going to guarantee you’ll never get her back.” I heard some snapping and looked up across the desk. Satori was trying to get my attention. He slid a note across the desk.
Tell her to stay in the basement. I haven’t cut the feed yet.
I waved him away. “Z, please promise me you aren’t going to do anything until I get there.” Last I checked Z couldn’t drive, but I didn’t want to have to go search for her if she decided to walk off. A few seconds past in silence. “Z.”
“Fine. I’ll stay here.”
“Thank you.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she was lying, but it was something.  “I will be there as soon as I can. We’ll figure this out, I promise.” I hung up the phone.
“I should be done cutting the feeds in a few minutes.” Satori was still just at his computer typing away.
I had turned to Satori when I first heard the rumors, he was one of the few people Z talked too. If anyone knew what was happening he would. Not only did he know, I was upset to learn he had taken an emblem from her last night. No one in Eos’s social circle was trustworthy and Satori was no exception. Some help moving a slave might be worth a favor, but it was hardly worth an emblem.
I turned my attention back to Satori. “I don’t know why it's taking you so long.”
“This is security for a member of the Society, the most basic stuff we use is better than most of the market options. It takes a while.” He kept typing away at his computer as he talked. 
“I don’t care. That bitch has access to them and they need to be cut ASAP. When you finish with that Satori.” I walked behind him and leaned down, whispering into his ear. “You’re going to tell me why you don’t have Z’s emblem anymore and it better be a really good fucking answer.”
I wasn’t sure what I should do while I waited. Calling Briar was stupid. I’m not sure why I did that. There probably wasn’t anything I could do.
You should just kill Eos. That little voice chirped up again.
Maybe it was right. It made sense. If she was gone they’d have to give her back to me. What else would they do with her? If Eos was gone there was no one to take care of her. She’d have to be returned to me.
But Briar edged back into my thoughts. I think she was right. That wouldn’t solve my problems. Even if I succeeded I wouldn’t get to see Sasha ever again. She’d go up for auction or someone else would take over the farm.
I wandered around the Wolf’s Den and wondered what I could have done differently. Would she have behaved on the call had I not lost my temper in the gym? Should I just have given her nice food from the start? She didn’t enjoy the tricks, but dogs were supposed to know tricks. I guess I could have turned down the shock collar, but it was helping her understand her place. She never would have given an inch without it.
I was just trying to help her.
I walked into her cage and looked at all the things I gave her. The soft pet bed. The pillow and blanket. The litter box. The toys. The teddy bear. Was it not enough for her? Did she want more? I had spent so much money on everything in here. Did she want more toys? She didn’t seem to like these ones, I never saw her playing with them. Was the bear too small? Maybe her bed wasn’t soft enough? Did I not give her enough attention?
I heard the doorbell ring and checked my phone. I had been standing there for over an hour. It didn’t feel like it though, it felt like just a few seconds past.
I tried to open up the security feed and was met with nothing. My heart jumped into my throat. No video. No sound. Nothing on any of my cameras. Was it Briar? 
A darker thought slipped into my head. Could it be someone else? What if the people who came with Eos were coming back? What could they want? Did they cut the feed? What else could they want from me? Why did they come back? What else did I have that they could take away from me? 
My pulse shot up as I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. I never locked the entrances after Eos left. I looked over at the box of things I had grabbed earlier and saw the cattleprod. I grabbed it and quietly slipped into the toy room, leaving it cracked open.
"Z? Are you in here?" A woman I didn't recognize called out my name. She was dressed casually, long black hair. She was tall, maybe around six foot. I couldn't think of anyone who matches this description. 
"Z? Please come out." She called my name out again as she walked over to the cage. She was looking at all the gifts I had gotten for Sasha. She was looking at Sasha’s bear. Was she here to take that away from me as well?
I wasn’t going to let her take it.
I quietly left the toy room and approached her from behind. I pressed the button on the cattleprod and lunged at her.
I heard the crackle of electricity and barely managed to move out of the way before the cattle prod hit me. I tried to grab it and pull it out of her hands. I almost didn’t recognize her, she looked wild and angry. She was trying to rip the cattle prod out of my hand with more force than I thought she should be able to muster. Then for a second our eyes connected and she calmed down slightly.
"Oh. Briar?" She blinked a few times and let go of the cattleprod. It looked like she was surfacing from a fog, the frenzied look on her face from just a few seconds ago was gone. I tossed the cattle prod aside and examined her to make sure she was ok. It seemed to take her a few seconds to register what I was doing and pull away from me. “What are you doing here?”
“Z.” I started cautiously. I’d never seen her like this. “You called me here.”
“Oh. Right.” She blinked a few more times before turning to the cage. “They took Sasha.” I saw her lip quiver slightly but like always any sign of emotion was quickly gone.
“Z, look at me.” To my surprise she actually turned to look at me. “We’ll get her back. I’ll do everything I can to help, I promise.” She just nodded slightly. “Have you had anything to eat today?”
“I ate yesterday.” 
I suppressed a sigh. I couldn’t help but wonder how far into old habits she had fallen since she started living alone. I’d need more hands to count the number of times I was told she had collapsed because she hadn’t been eating. “That’s not today. Let’s make something to eat and then we can plan on how we’ll get back at that bitch.”
I ushered Z upstairs without too much complaint. She was still in a bit of a fog. Now was going to be the easiest time to work with her. She’d be the most receptive to suggestions, maybe I could talk her out of the more violent options she was considering.
 I’d call in a few favors to figure out what was happening and what our options were. I had a lot of favors stockpiled at this point, a benefit of my line of work. Some obscure law or maybe someone of a high enough rank we could convince to overturn the ruling.
Maybe, after all this effort, my little Z will finally appreciate everything I’m doing to help her.
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