#the windenburg chronicles
moochipeachey · 10 months
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Eric: I can't believe you've been sleeping with my girlfriend?! How fucking dare you?! How could you?!
Naomi: Eric, I know it looks crazy, but I can explain.
Eric: *jabs finger in face* "I don't want to hear shit from you. Ya know, I knew you were a slut when you let me fuck after knowing me for one day, but I thought you at least had an ounce of self-respect."
Matthew: "Watch your mouth! I know you're angry but that doesn't give you an excuse to be disrespectful. Act like your mother raised you better than that, or I'll give you the ass whooping you rightfully deserve."
Eric: "And I know daddy wasn't around to teach you the bro code, but let me tell you something Matthew, it damn sure doesn't involve sticking your dick or nose into other people's relationship. Bros over hoes!"
Matthew: "Call her a name one more time and I'll-"
Eric: "You'll do what?! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send you up to meet your father."
Matthew: "That's it, I'm gonna fucking kill you!".
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Naomi: "That's enough, both of you! *intense silence* Naomi: "Eric, you're upset, and rightfully so, but that's no excuse for you to talk to Matthew like that." Eric: "Of course, the whore takes his side." Matthew: "Dude, you must really want your ass beat." Naomi: "Stop! It's not about taking sides. Look, lines have been crossed on both sides and at the end of the day, we are all in the wrong. Let's just call it a night and we can talk about this later." Matthew: "Oh I have nothing to say to him. He knows we're sleeping together and now I know how he really feels about me. I'm done!" Eric: "I actually agree with the asshole, I never want to see the two of you again. I hope you have the night you deserve."
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Eric: *mumbles* "Fucking piece of shit losers." Eric: *mumbles* "I swear I can never have anything to myself. First it was football, now it's my girlfriend. What's next, my father?" Lena: *sighs* "I swear, if it's not one thing, it's another." Nadine: "Uh oh. I see that look on your face, what is it now?" Lena: "I don't know, and I don't think I want to find out either. On the bright side, at least it's not Zackery this time."
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Adrian: "Sooo, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Scott and Isaac-" Zack: *groans* "Et tu, Brute?" Adrian: *chuckles* "C'mon Zack, you know it's not like that at all, I fuck with you. It's just... I've been under a lot of pressure lately and I could use a little something to help me... destress. You feel me?" Zack: "I, uhh, I might still have a guy." Adrian: "Oh really? Because word on the street is you are the guy."
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Adrian: "And you're sure it's practically impossible to overdose on this stuff?" Zack: "Dude, it's just molly. I thought you said you did your research and read the trip reports?" Adrian: "I mean, yeah, but there wasn't much information on overdoses." Zack: *scoffs* "Exactly. Look, molly is like the safest drug ever, a drug addict could take it with no issue. See, watch this." Zack: "Easy as pie." Adrian: "If you say so." Zack: "Come on, hurry up, let's get back before anyone notices we're gone."
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Nadine: "I would do anything to see the look on Andre's face right now. I have no doubt he's rolling his eyes at whatever outlandish thing Bruce is saying." Lena: "Oh. My. God." Nadine: "What? What is - Oh."
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Lena: "I think it goes without saying, but that meeting with my husband? You can kiss it goodbye.
Introduction | Meet the Characters | Previous | Next |
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cottonchronicles · 1 year
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i started the game in the villareal house, which i used as the “royal castle”. in my game they were not royalty, but just rich aristocratic people living in today’s world i think. as soon as her father died, snow could tangibly feel the gloom sinking over the house. her stepmother immediately started to treat her much more harshly. as soon as the "queen” saw clearly in the mirror that her beauty was no match for that of snow, she fell in a jealousy pit and threw snow out of home.
luckily she found a little cottage in the woods (rustic residence in windenburg’s windslar neighborhood), and right on the first day a fawn named bambi and a raccoon named flower moved in with her ♡ (shoutout to bambi and his friend ofc). i downloaded those two from the gallery~
at first she was quite upset with the loss of her father, but gradually she started to enjoy her quaint new life with her lovely friends ♡
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papiermaker · 2 years
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An entrant for @simussy​’s bachelor challenge - musician Owen Merchant, former member of The Cowplant Chronicles. 
Biography under the cut.
Owen Merchant
Traits: creative, self absorbed, music lover
Owen was the guitarist and songwriter in a neo-psychedelia band called The Cowplant Chronicles. He had an intense creative and romantic relationship with the band's singer and co-songwriter. The relationship soured at the height of the band's (niche) success, and Owen left the group.
Since then, he has struggled to find a sense of direction musically and emotionally, dwelling on bitter thoughts about the past and his former partner.
Owen has recently moved to Windenburg, hoping that the area's mix of natural beauty and cosmopolitan buzz will respark his creativity. His manager has entered him into this bachelor challenge, in the hope that Tobias can help Owen to move on from his wounded pride and find joy again. 
Archetypes: jaded ex-rebel, fragile ego, haunted by the past
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tartosaroyals · 2 years
Luv this blog ❤️❤️❤️ literally spent half of yesterday getting wrapped up in their story
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theroyalchronicles · 6 days
The Crowned Royal
A Story of Legacy and Redemption
The Crowned Royal is a riveting drama series set in the year 2030, chronicling the tumultuous journey of Alexander Charlemagne Crestwell as he ascends to the throne of South Doxbury, a country within the Republic of Windenburg. Following the tragic and untimely death of his brother, King Sebastian Julien Crestwell I, Alexander finds himself thrust into a role he never prepared for, burdened by the weight of his family's legacy and the doubts of a skeptical nation.
Set against the backdrop of modern-day Windenburg, the series delves into the intricate dynamics of the Crestwell family, exploring themes of duty, loss, and redemption. Alexander, known for his hedonistic past, must navigate the treacherous waters of royal politics and public expectation, all while dealing with his own insecurities and grief. His wife, Raiyah Salma Al-Yassim, a former crown princess of the Kingdom of Selvadorada, stands by his side, offering strength and wisdom as they confront the challenges ahead.
Through powerful flashbacks, we witness the intense pressure Alexander faced growing up in the shadow of his responsible older brother and the stern guidance of their father, King Marquis II. As Alexander strives to honor his brother's memory and prove his worthiness as king, he must also reconcile with his past and forge a new path for the future of his kingdom and family.
The Crowned Royal offers a compelling blend of personal drama and royal intrigue, painting a vivid portrait of a man torn between his past and his destiny, and a family grappling with the profound impact of loss and change.
Start Here (Chronological Order)
Current Episode: The Royal Tea (6.8.24)
Crestwell History
Snapshots in Time
About the Characters (wip)
Content Warning
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enkisstories · 6 months
Sophie Phillips recap
Sophie is a reoccuring character in my Detroitverse. I was surprised myself in how many chronicles she appeared when I wrote this post.
Species: Android, sometimes human Occult: None Occupation: Housekeeper, Landlord Relations: Phillips family, Gavin Reed Personality traits: Definitely entrepreneurial, often also pragmatic and unfazed, sometimes creative
Favorite quote (when Tina tried to win her as werewolf ally):
“How long do we know each other now, Chen? Ten yers? Eleven? I’ve never seen you and your friends do anything other than rampaging through first Brindleton Bay and then Sulani in various ways long before you became werewolves, and still rent my house to you. We’re good.”
The Underground Airline (story)
Sophie belonged to a vacation home in Brindleton Bay, where Gavin, Daniel and Tina stayed during an investigation. Her and that house's owner were not mentioned by name. Sophie was supportive, but also very limited in her understanding, basically comic relief.
Rotational Save (gameplay)
Same as before, but the vacation home’s owners are now Caroline’s parents. After androids gained full rights, Sophie purchased a vacation home of her own in Sulani. I rotate vacationer sims in and out there a lot. This Sophie enjoys socializing with the vacationers and introduces them to dishes they’d never considered trying otherwise. She took Caroline’s maiden name, Mitchell, as her surname.
System Reset (gameplay) and Hospital Story (story)
Sophie was owned by Gavin, who treated her like a tool. She died in the recall (either that or she only left Gavin in this belief, not wanting to meet him ever again).
Phillips Family Life (gameplay)
When Caroline bought Daniel, she gave Sophie to her parents in Brindleton Bay. After the android revolution Sophie didn't want to have to do anything with the Phillips anymore and warned Daniel about them. Daniel and Gavin later bought the vacation home as their first house.
Detroit Heist (story/gameplay)
Sophie was owned by Jeffrey Fowler and managed a safe house on Windenburg Island for his mob. Gavin and Tina stayed there after a failed heist. This Sophie was similar to her Underground Airline incarnation.
Desiderata Valley (gameplay)
Sophie and her twin sister Zoe are born to John and Caroline as Emma’s little sisters. Sophie is the favorite twin.
Detroit 1760 (gameplay)
Caroline currently is pregnant with Zoe. If she has girl twins, Sophie will get born alongside Zoe.
Another Junkyardchallenge (gameplay)
Sophie this time got thrown away by the Phillips. For a long time she blamed Daniel, her successor, for that.
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roaringdandelions · 6 years
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-Von-Windenburg Estate, Wedding Day-
Morning dawned bright and blue over the Von-Windenburg estate grounds. Well before any of the bridal party and guests arrived, the photographer moved stealthily around the grounds, capturing the old, majestic manor and grounds in all of their heritage-filled glory. The bride and groom had specifically requested that they have photos of the place where they got married, so as to remember the little details that went into making their day special. She captured the ceremony site and all of the meticulous detail Sabrina’s team had worked tirelessly through the night to complete, and added  a shot or two of the gazebo and poolside cocktail hour location to her memory card. She made a mental note to capture the bride and groom near the gazebo for some dramatic poolside photography.
No one was even on site yet, and she already knew that this would be a beautiful wedding.
Click the cut below for a sneak peek at the ceremony site in all of its glory! Otherwise, check it out today at 2PM EST with the rest of the guests!
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justkeeponsimming · 4 years
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The weather is getting worse as the meet and greet continues in full swing. Desiree is getting tired of socialising. Her cheeks hurt from keeping a smile on her face. She loves all of the attention but there’s only so much of a positive front that she can put on before it becomes draining.
Plus, deep down, she’s missing her new romantic flame, Opal. She has fallen hard and fast for the butler and does not know why, but she is no longer denying how attracted to her she is.
Random journalist: “Desiree, may I have a moment of your time?”
Forcing one last smile onto her face, Desiree turns and props a hand on her hip, trying to appear confident and not exhausted. The sim has a camera around their neck and notepad, but no badge showing that they are a journalist. She needs to be careful with what she says on this one.
Desiree: “Of course. And you are?”
Sam: “My name is Sam. I work for the Windenburg Chronicle. I wanted your comment of rumours circling about a hate account posting secret messages and images of you on Simstagram?”
Desiree: “Wait…what? What are you talking about?”
Sam: “Oh…is this new news to you? May I quote you on that?”
Desiree: “No! Of course not! What are you -“
Desiree is interrupted as a fan taps her on the shoulder, not noticing that she is mid conversation. She spins around and tries to get rid of the sim pestering her but they do not give in. The journalist, San, gets lost in the crowd and Desiree loses sight of them…
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simnostalgia · 5 years
Fun Fact: After so many people responded “The Sims has CANON?” I decided to compile a list to show you that not only does it have canon but it has its own fanfics about premade characters, ships, and Crossovers with other fandoms. Not only that, but because of The Sims being what it is, much of popular fics are illustrated with screenshots.
Strangetown, Here We Come by Strangetomato | Three friends growing up in a strange desert town take on the supernatural, murder, and family obligation. Through all of it the three of them forge a friendship... and maybe something more. What will they do when fate threatens to tear them apart? (40 Chapters) (Illustrated) 
Fortune & Romance by Skellington7D | ‘Yes, and your cold metal body. Make love to me, robotman!’ (16 Chapters) (Illustrated)
Alice And Kev by RoBurky | A homeless young woman and her abusive father are living in the small midwestern town of Riverview. Her attempts to escape him and make a new life for herself are chronicled in this popular drama. (60 Chapters) (Some Original Characters) (Illustrated)
Pleasantries by Genlisae | In an ideal world everyone would be who they say they are. Everything would be what it seems to be. Everyone would know their purpose. This isn't an ideal world. Someone plans to make it that way. (6 Chapters) (Abandoned) (Illustrated - but issues w/ photobucket) (Some Original Characters)
Sims Kink Meme by Anon Posters | A collection of one shots with characters depicted in sexual situations. (Ongoing)
SimTopi by SimTopi | A young witch trying to get through college despite the fact that there are supernatural forces at work doing their best to make life difficult for her and her friends. (52 Chapters) (Some Original Characters) (Illustrated)
Criminal Love by Ecofinisher  |  Before his first robbery with the gang, Nick introduced him to the youngest member Ayesha, with who he can't really work clear with her. While the days keep passing Xander learns more about Ayesha's past and eventually finds much more in this relationship... (One Shot)
Perform Grand Romantic Gesture +3000 Aspiration by elsandry |  Mortimer Goth's grand romantic guesture. (One Shot)
Misguided Intrigue by boredroguewriter | Bella's family was perfect, except it wasn't. Her husband paid little attention to her and her children kept to themselves. She tried to contend herself with what she had, but then Don showed up. (One Shot)           
Here We Come, A-Failing  by  PennedMar |  A little festive flight of fancy, featuring the residents of Willow Creek and Oasis Springs once more. (One Shot) (TS4!Universe)    
Clanbuilding for Dummies by RowanandKatrina  |  Windenburg and Forgotten Hollow have it so easy with all their premade houses and established families. But in a desperate world of empty lots, one man tries to put Newcrest on the map.  (One Shot) (TS4!Universe)                    
Good Kind of Hurt by wilddragonflying | After college, Stiles and Derek move to Moonlight Falls, where the supernatural run rampant, and it's not quite so easy to ignore hidden feelings... (One Shot) (Crossover)                
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tony-veis · 4 years
Chronicles Strange Russian gameplay №39
Хроники странного русского геймплея №39
Это Хроники, это все еще я и марафон “6 безумств” с Пугалом на проклятой ферме продолжается! Сейчас идет четвертая неделя и безумство данной недели -  Проклят трижды! Но сначала нужно проведать тестовую игру в связи с выходом каталога про вязание и с тем что Becks тоже делала вязание.
This is the Chronicles, this is still me and the “6 follies” marathon with the Scarecrow on the cursed farm continues! It is now the fourth week and the madness of this week is thrice Cursed! But first you need to check out the test game in connection with the release of the catalog about knitting and the fact that Becks also did knitting.
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Мммм запах подмых...
Mmmm the smell of armpits...
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Сосредоточенное вязание
Focused knitting
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Также я узнал что Becks придумала как сделать двигающегося НПС БЕЗ НПС!!! Эта летучая мышь которая летает по кругу на самом деле игрушечный паровоз из Увлечений!!!! АААА
I also found out that Becks came up with a way to make a moving NPC WITHOUT a NPC!!! This bat that flies around in a circle is actually a toy locomotive from Free time!!! АААА
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Возвращаемся на ферму. Вот и первая гостья, которой приходится отдавать все деньги..
Back to the farm. Here is the first guest who has to give all the money..
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- Здравствуйте вы из Винденбурга?
 - Нет, я из Вероны.
- Hello are you from Windenburg? 
- No, I'm from  Veronaville.
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Пришла взорвать эту игру!
Come to blow up this game!
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Не пугай Джульетту!!!
Don't frighten Juliet!!!
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Их становится все больше!!!
There are more and more of them!!!
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Для того чтобы раздаривать подарки Пугало целую неделю занималось шитьем.
In order to give away gifts  Scarecrow for a whole week engaged in sewing.
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Еще и собака теперь ест мой знак о проклятии фермы...
Also the dog is now eating my sign of the farm's curse...
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Правильно, собака, прогоняй их, кусай, лай.
That's right, dog, chase them away, bite, bark.
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Нет собака ты должна была быть на стороне добра!!!!
No, you were supposed to be on the side of good!!!!
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Отдаю последние крохи!
I give the last crumbs!
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Раздели до нитки. Хотя казалось бы, что там раздевать?
Stripped to the skin. Although it would seem that there is nothing to undress?
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В связи с последним днем этой недели и окончанием зимнего сезона (или весеннего) было решено устроить вечеринку по случаю Нового года.
In connection with the last day of this week and the end of the winter season (or spring), it was decided to organize a party on the occasion of the New year.
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Уж не знаю что это за традиция барабанить по кастрюлям, но им видимо нравится.
I don't know what kind of tradition it is to drum on pans, but they probably like it.
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Вот и старый год пришел.
The old year has come.
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Начинаем шабаш!
Start the Sabbath!
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Пугало тоже включилось в это безумие.
The Scarecrow joined in the frenzy.
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И это сработало! Вот и Новый год
And it worked! Here is the New year
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В итоге вечеринка провалилась. Интересно придет ли сюда кто-нибудь в следующий раз? НАДЕЮСЬ ЧТО НЕТ!
In the end, the party failed. I wonder if anyone will come here next time. I HOPE NOT!
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moochipeachey · 10 months
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Lena: "Oh Nadine, you grossly overestimate just how much my husband listens to me. I want to put in a good word for you, truly I do, but I just don't think now is a good time. It's the middle of election season, after all, we wouldn't want to do anything too brash." Nadine: "In my opinion, that's even more reason to consider Andre's proposal." Lena: "Excuse me?" Nadine: "Damon plays it safe every election, the same old routine to appease the same old conservative voters. There's so much support to be gained if only you weren't scared to try something new." Lena: "Those same old conservative voters keep us in office year after year. I really don't see a reason to try anything new when we're basically guaranteed wins." Nadine: "I can give you one; your voter base is dying off. The younger generation don't hold the same values as you, and sooner or later, you'll need their votes."
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Lana: "I hate to cut our conversation short, Nadine, but I've just spotted my son talking to some unsavory characters." Nadine: *chuckles* "If I didn't know better I would think you're trying to run away from me, Lena." Lena: "Cute. I admire your persistence, we could use someone like you on our campaign team." Nadine: "Now that is cute. Go ahead, handle your son. I need to find Naomi anyway, Lord knows what she's up to." Lena: "Hmmm, if you get Naomi to keep an eye on Eric for me, I could see about getting Andre a meeting with Damon."
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Naomi: "I know benefits are boring but dude, you are killing my vibe. It's honestly not that bad." Zack: "Naomi...you don't understand the day I've had. I'll be out of here as soon as everyone is too drunk to notice." Naomi: "Speaking of drinks, my friend Noemie is at the bar so if you're going to pout, follow me there." Zack: *silence* Zack: "You realize I'm in recovery, right?" Naomi: "Yeah but Eric said you had a problem with pills and coke, not alcohol. Just think of it as a test." Zack: "That's not how that... nevermind, let's go." *15 minutes later* Naomi: "The only reason Mrs. Parrish assigned Matthew as my partner is because she knows we hate each other. I'm telling you she's a messy bitch, Noemie." Noemie: *laughs* "Speaking of Matthew, he was just looking for you before you walked over here. It seemed urgent." Naomi: "And you're just now telling me? Well, where'd he go?" Noemie: "He went towards the east wing, I'd check there first." Naomi: "Alrighty then. Are you gonna be okay, Zack?" Zack: *zoned out* "Yeah, yeah."
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Bartender: "Another Coke and Rum, as requested." Zack: "Yeah, yeah, you don't have to be so loud." Eric: *walking towards him* "It's not like the whole world can't see you. I mean seriously Zackery, do you want mom to lose her shit." Zack: *slurring* "Ace! I should've known you'd come poking your nose into my business sooner or later. Relax. It's not like everyone in the world could fit in here anyway." Eric: "That's all you have to say for yourself? All it takes is the wrong person to catch you and it's a media frenzy all over again." Zack: "Don't you have better things to worry about? If I were you I'd be more concerned with what your best friend and girlfriend are up to right now." Eric: "W-what are you talking about?" Zack: "Oh, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. I know you've seen the way he looks at her. Or the way her face lights up at the mention of his name. You can't be that stupid." Eric: "Shut up. Go home, you're drunk. I'll call you an Uber and we can keep this between us, but you owe me. Big time." Zack: "I just exposed you to the truth, isn't that good enough?"
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Naomi: "Seriously, Matthew? This is what you call me in here for? I can't believe you would choose to do this here, of all places." Matthew: "Don't try to flip this on me, Naomi, I gave you weeks to tell him about us." Naomi: "Us?! Last time I checked I was in a relationship with Eric." Matthew: *scoffs* "Forgive me, it's kind of hard to remember when you spend most nights in my bed." Naomi: "Jesus Christ, Matthew, it's just sex. If you can't handle this just let me know now."
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Matthew: "It's more than just sex Naomi, and you know it! I wrote you a fucking song for crying out loud. Don't sit here and reduce me to just sex." Naomi: "Look, this isn't the time or place to discuss this. And I don't appreciate you putting me under pressure like this. This is not what we agreed to. At all!" Matthew: *shrugs* "That's life for you, sunshine, it doesn't always go according to plan. I need more from you, Naomi." Naomi: "We can talk about this some other time, maybe when there aren't fifty million people around that could overhear us. Honestly, Matthew, what were you thinking?" Matthew: "That's the problem, you've got my mind so fucked up I can't even think straight anymore. I mean really, what dumbass falls for his best friend's girlfriend?" Naomi: "And I must be an even bigger dumbass for continuously sleeping with a jerk like you. But you know what? I am so not doing this with you. Have a good night, Matthew." Matthew: *reaches out for her* "Not so fast." Matthew: "Aren't you forgetting something?"
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Eric: "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
Introduction | Meet the Characters | Previous | Next |
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thewalkingplumbob · 4 years
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Previously / Legacy Tag
Like she had planned at the beginning of the semester, Jessica had joined a Reading & Writing Circle club at Britechester. The club met once a week and mainly consisted of language and literature majors. They would discuss writing techniques, give tips for improving writing skills, and discuss the Book of the Week that all club members were required to read. Through those meetings, she had met Ricky Kibo.
Ricky Kibo was a year ahead of Jessica. He lived in Windenburg too, a few blocks away from her. They had hit it off the minute they were introduced and grew closer every time they saw each other. Their friendship was evolving and Ricky admitted he was starting to feel something more for Jessica, but she had been hesitant. After all that had happened with Nico in the past, she was unsure if she was ready for another relationship. But she couldn’t deny that she was starting to feel something too.
One evening, after their club meeting had ended, Jessica invited Ricky over to continue their discussion about The Chronicles of Rodiek. She expected to feel nervous, since it was her first time inviting a man other than Nico to her house. But surprisingly, she didn’t feel any anxiety. In fact, sitting on the couch with Ricky, smiling and laughing and sharing their thoughts, she felt completely at ease. Being around him had become completely natural to her. And that’s when she knew she could no longer deny what she was feeling.
After a few hours, Ricky stood up and got ready to head home. He had an exam the next day and needed to do some last minute studying. Jessica walked him out, secretly wishing he could stay just a bit longer.
Ricky, smiling: I had a great time tonight. I hope we can hang out again. I’ve probably said it a hundred times by now, but I really enjoy spending time with you.
Jessica, blushing: I... I enjoy spending time with you too. Tonight was amazing. I can’t even remember the last time I was able to just talk with someone like I can with you. I haven’t...felt this way in a long time.
Ricky: Feel what way?
Jessica: Happy? Excited? Like everything is glowing so bright around me. I don’t think I know the word for what it is I’m feeling right now.
Ricky stepped closer, his hand finding Jessica’s and their fingers locking together. What she was feeling, he felt it too, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. But he held himself back, not wanting to overstep her boundaries.
Ricky: Jessica, I--
Jessica, softly: I like you. A lot.
This time it was Jessica who stepped forward, her body so close to his that he could feel her heart pounding fast in her chest. Ricky knew by the look in her gaze that what he wanted to do was okay, and in seconds his mouth was on hers. It was a gentle but passionate kiss, one that left both of them breathless and wanting more.
There was no denying it now. Jessica was falling in love with Ricky Kibo.
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thesimpireblr · 5 years
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Hi everyone and welcome to Simpire, the chronicles of the Imperial Family of Windenburg and San Myshuno.
Being a long time royal sims lover, and really inspired by so many wonderful Royal Simblrs ( @batsfromwesteros, @theroyalsims, @threesimsroyal, @royaltysimblr , @royaltysim, among others), I decided to start my own Royal Family Legacy chronicles sharing the life of the most recent generation of my long existing Imperial Simnov Dynasty, inspired on the extravagance and luxury of the Last Russian Imperial Dynasty, the Romanovs (as you probably have already figured out :D).
 While I’m preparing everything hope you like some Simpire teasers :)
Hope you like it!
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saltyllamacorn · 5 years
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Journalist Seb decided it was time to share the some of the books he’d been working on since he was a teen, including a sequel to his Great-Grandpa Sebastian’s fantasy series, The Solorian Chronicles.
[back to the beginning] [the windenburg boys]
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sulaniyafinds · 2 years
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After months of searching, Julie & Tomás finally found their dream house in Windslar, a lovely little neighborhood in Windenburg. 
On their first day after moving in, a couple of neighbors came by and stayed for coffee. 
In the evening Julie had the most exciting news - she is pregnant! It looks like nothing stands in the way of perfect family happiness.
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roaringdandelions · 6 years
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After a few minutes of finding seats, ordering food and drinks, and finally receiving their orders, Echo and Aleks dug in. As they finished their drinks and waited for more, they chatted about general topics, like their jobs and living in San Myshuno. Echo asked about his musical training; Aleks asked her about her degree in Communications from Newcrest University. They traded school war stories.
As they finished their food and their second round of drinks, they talked about the apartment and living as roommates. Aleks told a really funny story about walking in on Charlie dancing in his flame-covered boxers singing terrible karaoke to a popular classic pop song, which Echo had conveniently missed due to being at work. They laughed together and she promised to keep it between them.
As they finished their third and fourth rounds, Echo asked about Aleks’ family and how they had come to own the apartment building. Aleks told her about growing up with older, immigrant parents who made their way to landlords of a full building by the time he was ten years old. He spoke of his father’s passing, and his mother’s resilient strength and brilliant wit. He asked where she had lived before coming to San Myshuno. “Willow Creek,” she replied quietly, pursing her lips together. He nodded. Nothing else was said on that subject.
Eventually it got crowded enough that they decided to move to the bar to continue drinking. The bartender cheerfully refilled their glasses and the conversation continued.
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