#the witcher iii masterpost
spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
Geraskier Lovechild Masterpost
Once again: This became more than I anticipated... [Backstory] [The beginning] [Traveling with Geralt] [Jaskier is a good Dad] [Jaskier is a good Dad II] [Jaskier has stretch marks] [Milek is ill - meeting Visenna] [Yennefer finds out] [Milek loves horses] [Jaskier is teaching Milek to write] [Adventures make tired..] [Little Baby has a flower name] [Milek wants a pet] [the reality of being a witcher is more gritty] [Milek is anxious] [How old is Milek?] [Jaskier is herding goats] [Milek bumps into Eskel] [Milek bumps into Eskel - II] [Eskel and Milek playing] [Reading a story] [Eskel makes Jaskier eat] [Eskel and Jaskier talk] [Jaskiers jobs through the years] [Jaskier and Milek through the years] [The Baby loves animals] [The Baby loves animals - III] [Milek puts Jaskier to bed] [Milek is ill and Geralt feels helpless] [meeting Valdo and riding a horse] [Jaskier carrying baby Milek] [giggles] - [chonky bebe] [everything changes] [Milek and Jaskier talking about his time in the brothel] [Jaskier is a tired dad] [Jaskier giving birth] [Jaskier and Radovid in this AU] [What led Milek to run away] [Jaskier and Milek travelled to Kaer Morhen] [Spending time at Kaer Morhen] [Milek drew Geralt a picture] [Geralt sees a picture of the Baby] [How it should have been] [Geralt is a dad too!] [Milek talks with Ciri]
[Milek meeting all the other AUs]
Fanfiction: Sweet Little Lies (by Omission) by @alaskanbby Small Mercies by @alaskanbby If Only It were so Easy by @alaskanbby Just a Pinch of Salt in the Wound, You'll Be Fine by @oldandkinky All that counts now by @kell-be-belle I have my reasons why by @magdelanesingerin Unfair by @magdelanesingerin
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astaldis · 1 year
Rarepair Bingo Masterpost II
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@cake-shop-rarepair-bingo​ (Thank yo so much again for running this event, it’s so much fun!!!)
Apocalypse; First kiss: Flood and Fire 
It approaches with a booming roar. The apocalypse. It is almost upon them. Out of nowhere. From one second to the next. A torrential deluge coming right at them. Merciless, with no way of escape. Gods, is this the end?
On their way from Toussaint to Stygga the Hansa get separated from each other in a natural disaster. Milva and Cahir end up stranded together, not knowing what happened to their comrades. Having been best friends for months already, their dire situation now brings them together closer, so much closer.
Gardening: A Lesson in Gardening
Regis tries to teach Angoulême how to grow mandrakes. Cahir helps.
Please, just let me go: Was it worth it?
While being on his mission with the Scoia'tael, Cahir is haunted by a horrible nightmare. (Spoilers for The Witcher Season 3 Episodes 3 and 4!)
Spin the bottle / Party games; Ready for our dance; First kiss: A Night to Remember
It's Litha, the longest day of the year, and Geralt is throwing a garden party at his newly acquired estate, Corvo Bianco, the old vineyard in the Sansretour Valley. Milva cannot dance, but Cahir is a good teacher. The delicious wine and Jaskier's newest song also help. And then there are Angoulême's Hansa Games and Regis's hot hooch ...
Drunk Shenanigans: Hangover
After a night of celebrating his unexpected reunion with Fringilla, Cahir wakes up with a bad hangover and with no memory of the events of the night. (Spoilers for The Witcher Season 3 Episodes 3 and 4!)
Abduction / Kidnapping: Cat-Napping
Unexpectedly and totally against his will, Rience ends up with a fluffy tabby cat napping in his lap.
Is this romantic enough for you?: Romantic enough?!
During their prolonged stay in Toussaint, Geralt and Fringilla have a hot afternoon in an extraordinary location.
Here my Rarepair Bingo Masterpost I
and Rarepair Bingo Masterpost III
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turtlerabbit590 · 5 years
Witcher 3 (MP)
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Here is the masterpost for Witcher III. As a lot of people know, The Witcher series is massive. However, The Witcher III not only has two expansion packs(Hearts of Stone; Blood and Wine),but also 16 DLCS. Over time, more links will appear here, so stay tuned for when things appear.
DLC info- all info I have on DLCs listed here
Blood and Wine-
Hearts of Stone-
To view all games on my list, check out the full masterpost!
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blooodymoon · 3 years
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School of the Viper
Viper Witchers (General) [Cards] [Voicelines] Viper Witchers (Named) [Cards] [Voicelines] • Ivar Evil-Eye • Kolgrim Viper Witchers (Kingslayers) [Cards] [Voicelines] • Letho of Gulet
Gwent Borders from trendygwentleman My Edit
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The Witcher School of the Viper made their home in the stronghold of Gorthur Gvaed. Guarded by a remarkable tower adorned by a frighteningly ominous spiral coiled around its contours. Yet it held not a candle to the terrifying moat that surrounded it—deep by several hundred feet and truly… breathtaking. No one could tell if what was filling it should still be called water. The smells above the moat were, to put it mildly, hard to forget. Viper witchers, who survived the fall of the stronghold, later joked that it was the stench that led the Usurper’s army to find Gorthur Gvaed. Countless soldiers died in this gutter. According to legends, so many perished that one could have made their way to the other side of the moat on a bridge composed entirely of their corpses. And the odour grew even worse.
It is oft said that witchers took on the characteristics of their schools' namesake creatures. Without a doubt, this was true of the Viper School. They were agile, quick, and frequently made use of deadly poisons.
As with the other witcher schools – the Wolves' Kaer Morhen as sole exception – none were aware of the Viper School's location. Only one detail ever became widely known... That it stood somewhere south of the Yaruga. In Nilfgaard.
Perhaps it's no wonder then that Vipers were less inclined to neutrality than other witchers. The Empire would never recognize such a stance. There is only obedient servant... Or mortal enemy.
For this reason, few in the North were surprised to learn that the assassin of King Demavend III of Aedirn and King Foltest of Temeria wore a viper-shaped medallion – and that soon thereafter Nilfgaard readied itself for war.
The School of the Viper no longer exists, yet what exactly led to its demise is not precisely known. Most likely, it was closed by Emhyr var Emreis when he no longer found value in it. Knowing the emperor and his favored methods, one could reasonably suspect that the school's closure spelled a death sentence for every one of its members.
Today, weapons and armor from the Viper School are collectors' items for Vedyminaica enthusiasts – those who occupy themselves with the literature and history of the witcher profession. The owner of the largest collection of such relics was the Countess Mignole of Oxenfurt. Yet what compelled a highborn lady to take such a keen interest in monster hunters? She alone holds the answer.
Although witchers are hired to protect people from monsters, they are often repaid with distrust – even outright hostility. Kolgrim, a witcher from the Viper School, experienced such suspicion firsthand. While working on a contract in White Orchard, a local boy went missing. The villagers unanimously accused the witcher of abducting the child, and – ignoring his pleas of innocence – brought the witcher's life to a gruesome end. The townsfolk learned later that the boy had been killed by a drowner. Alas, it was too late for their judgment to be undone...
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artistsfuneral · 4 years
Agape - Part One III
[one] [two] [three] [four] - [masterpost]
[or here on ao3]
The old Witcher arrives at the end of spring.
The old witcher arrives at the end of spring.
Julek is at Magdalena's cottage, both of them watching the twins while they do the laundry. Her husband, the baker, comes to them right from the shop, telling Julek about the witcher that has arrived at the alderman's house, contract in hand.
Julek excuses himself and hurries away. He doesn't even believe that it is Geralt, since said witcher never traveled to this part of Redania before, still he pulls the hood of his cloak deep into his face as he spurts Pegasus on. The gray gelding his annoyed with him, but seems to sense his unease and complies.
Julek spends the next two days in the wilderness. He misses his meeting with the merpeople.
The old witcher arrives at the end of spring.
The many years are making themselves obvious by now, he's not that strong anymore and leaves the more dangerous contracts for the younger ones. Although, everything is dangerous, when you're fighting monsters.
He stays in Kaedwen and Redania for the most part and while he usually follows the river Buina, this year destiny brings him to Drakenborg in the Kestrel Mountains, where he follows the river Duppa to Roggeven.
Someone younger must have already come through, because when he arrives in the city there's only a few contracts left. One jumps into his eyes anyways. He can read the paper even from afar, it is written with the tidy handwriting of a scholar that is used to copy long texts out of books and make it readable. They are a good month worth of travel away from Oxenfurt, so it is not that uncommon, what intrigues the old witcher is that the contract has every information he needs to know.
The small town of Fischerskutter has found a drowner nest by one of the smaller river-forks, a day ride from the town itself. There will be pay and accommodations for the witcher, if needed. That alone is unusual, but what makes the witcher frown is the use of the word “drowner”. It even says “drowner nest”. The contract is clearly written by someone who has encountered witchers before and was left with a positive outcome.
Now, he is an old man, but that doesn't mean that he isn't curious. It is nearly too good to be true, he thinks as he mounts his horse and sets out for Fischerskutter.
The alderman greets the old witcher in the town center in front of his house. He seems suspicious, but is not unkind to the witcher. He can leave his horse at the stables if he wants to and if it should him take longer than a day, he can even sleep in the hayloft (they don't have an inn). To his surprise the alderman even asks for his name.
“Vesemir,” he says dryly.
“Vizimir? Like the king? A very good name, for a monster hunter. Speaks for power and righteousness, honor.” The alderman nods his head as he talks, the constant motion irritates the witcher. He doesn't show it.
“No. Vesemir, is my name.”
There is an awkward pause from the man and the head nodding stops. When Vesemir asks who has written the note he found, the alderman's face lights up again. “Oh, huntsman Julek did. He's the one who found the monsters.” A hunter with the handwriting of a scholar, that knows enough about witchers and monsters to set up a contract. The witcher grunts at the information. The other man doesn't seem to notice, far too delighted to gossip. “Weird guy, but a good man. Very good man indeed, helped our baker's wife to birth her brood.” A scholar, probably from Oxenfurt, that knows enough to help deliver a child. Medical knowledge.
The alderman doesn't stop talking. “Came here in autumn on a white horse and hasn't left since, we've grown quite fond of him. He's weird though... as weird as a witcher if I may say.”
Vesemir raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Is he now?” The alderman is slowly getting on his nerves, at least he gets the information he needs.
“Yes, yes! Weird man indeed. Especially when you think about how he helped us with the sea-maiden problem we had.”
A shadow washes over the witcher's face. “He helped. How so?” Until now, the hunter had seemed quite smart, but if he had been stupid enough to fight sirens... Then pray tell what else the man had done wrong.
The alderman barks out a laugh. “Oh, you will like that, witcher,” he leans in closer and holds up a hand as if to tell a secret, “He sings for them. Can you believe it? Bloody things haven't disturbed our fishermen since.”
In fact, he can't believe it. Not sirens, but merpeople. On the shores of the North Sea. And for some reason said hunter had not only known the difference between the two species, but also had enough respect not to attack them. Instead he had... bargained. A singing huntsman from Oxenfurt that had witcher knowledge.
Vesemir's curiosity gets the best of him. He quietly decides to stay until he has met said huntsman Julek.
TAG @jaskiers-sweetkiss @squirrelartz @terrenis @rubyqueen819 @watchthewolvesfall @daelwen @seralyra @storm-cloud-dancer @flippinfricks @digililly
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Fanfic recs - Week 10 (july 31) [series special]
Hey there! How’s everyone been?
 i’m oficially done with end of the semester exams, I can go back to procrastinating again yay! anyways, since this is the 10th week of recommendations, I’ll do a ‘special’ of just series instead of the usual one or two shots, with that said, here’s 3 of my favorite series here on tumblr!
(if you want to check previous recommendations, here my (sort of) masterpost )
The Incapable Bard’s Contract - Jaskier x Reader by @easy-and-steady
Summary: Geralt of Rivia isn’t always there to watch over Jaskier, his best, yet incapable bard friend. Sometimes, when the Witcher knows that there is bad blood between the bard and someone else, he writes a contract and offers a job - silently watching over Jaskier traveling the roads.
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
My Oh My - Ransom Drysdale x Reader by @shotsbyshae
Summary*: Ransom is depicted the same way by everyone that knows him, but like his late grandfather, he shares a liking to books and suspense. When an unknown woman arrives in town looking for someone, Ransom takes the opportunity to finally make use of his capacities.
I - II - III - IV - V - VI
Convinced - Loki x Plus Size!Reader by @myattemptatfanfic
Summary: Reader meets Loki who’s immediately attracted to her and more than everything else, adamant on convincing her to go on a date with him.
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII 
That’s it for this week, hope you all enjoy and please, please, please, please, if you end up reading any of these recommendations and like it as much as I do, give the writer some love, even if is just a like or a reblog.
Sending lots of love to all of you ♥
*(this piece does not have an official summary)
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seanfalco · 4 years
Punk!AU Master List & Time Line
A collaborative Modern Witcher AU written by @ficsandcatsandficsandcats and myself, in which Jaskier, Geralt, & Yennefer are members of the punk band Vicious Mockery and the reader is a fan who ends up coming along with them on tour and begins dating Jaskier. Also features a couple of original characters and rival Valdo Marx.
*denotes smut
Drabbles/One Shots
Shut Up and Dance ( Valdryn )
A Good Look on You ( Valdryn )
*Choice Accomidations ( Valdryn )
Prequel 1 ( Jaskier x Indie!Reader )
Blonde ( Valdo x terrible decisions )
*Prequel 2 ( Jaskier x Indie!Reader )
Main Storyline
*Fingered in the Bus ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Mosh Pit ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Hugs ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*Backstage ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*Wearing his Shirt ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Piercings ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*Mistakes Were Made ( Valdryn )
Twister ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Stay Away from Aevryn ft. Valdo ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
*More Mistakes Were Made ( Valdryn )
-> Road Trip takes place approx. here <-
*Distractions ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Too Drunk to be Driving ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
A Favour ( Valdryn )
Proposal ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Tattoos ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
D&D ( The Whole Gang )
Tour Bus Snuggles ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
A Puppy ( Valdryn / Platonic!Valdo x Reader )
Stupid Handsome Face ( Valdryn )
A Perfect Proposal ( Valdryn )
Fetch ( Valdryn )
Swift-Marx Wedding ( Valdryn )
*A Very Valdryn Honeymoon ( Valdryn )
Breakfast in Bed ( Valdryn )
Not Good Enough ( Valdryn )
Can’t Sleep ( Valdryn )
Disaster Wedding ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Staycation Honeymoon ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Double Date ( Jaskier x f!Reader / Valdryn )
First Fight ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Just Good Like That ( Valdryn )
Washing Hair ( Valdryn )
Cabin in the Woods ( The Whole Gang )
Movie Night ( The Whole Gang )
*In the Cemetary ( Valdryn )
Don’t What Me ( Valdryn )
Future [ft. Sam, Ciri, & Nic]
Tea & Nursery ft. Valdo ( Jaskier x f!Reader / Platonic!Jaskier & Valdo )
Girl’s Night ( The Punk!Girls )
Giving Birth ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
I found you in crying in the bathroom at the Grammys ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Sam’s First Birthday ( The Whole Gang )
First Word ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
The Kiss Monster ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
First Anniversary ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Future ft. Sam ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
Brunch ( The Whole Gang )
Introducing Ciri ( Geralt x Yennefer )
Ciri’s Room ( The Whole Gang )
Uncle Valdo ft. Sam ( Jaskier x f!Reader / Valdryn )
Twinsies ft. Sam & Ciri [ Jaskier x f!Reader / Valdryn )
Pre-teen Sam ( Jaskier x f!Reader )
It Was Always Him, Wasn’t It ( Valdryn )
Sweets ft. Pre-teen Sam & Nic ( Valdryn )
First Date ft. the Uncle Squad ( Sam x Nic )
Jealous ( Sam x Nic )
Promposal ( Sam x Nic )
Road Trip (takes place after More Mistakes Were Made) - Completed
Part 1 — Coming Out of My Cage
Part 2 — Out Here in the Field
*Part 3 — It’s All Over Baby, But I’m Still Yours
Part 4 — But Where’s Your Heart
Part 5 — If You Need Anyone
Part 6 — Your Shockwave Whisper has Sealed Your Fate
Part 7 — It Was Not Your Fault, But Mine
Part 8 — Hold Out Your Hand
Part 9 — And We’ll All Float On Okay
Famous Last Words [ Valdryn / Platonic!Jaskier & Aevryn ] (Prequel) - Hiatus
Part I — I Can't Do Everything but I'd Do Anything For You
Part II — All I Do is Kiss You Through the Bars of a Rhyme
Part III — I Can't Do Anything Except Be in Love With You
Punk!Aevryn (oc)
Picrew: Gang + 2nd Gen
Valdryn Commission - Varrix
Valdryn Commission - Soddingcloudgazer
Aev & Valdo Portrait Commission - witchesconstellation
General Punk!AU HCs
Punk!Jaskier & social media HC
Punk!Valdo HCs
Punk!Aevryn HCs
Aevryn Faceclaim
Aevryn n//sfw alphabet
Favourite down time activities
Vicious Mockery’s reaction to fanart/fic
Tour bus HCs
Does the gang smoke?
Keystone moments (to write)
Drinking HCs
Ultimate Ship Meme: Valdryn
updated: 8/29/2021
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turtlerabbit590 · 5 years
The Big Masterpost
Masterpost of games-
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If the game has a masterpost, it will be linked! Also! If the game is a long series and I have played multiple games, their masterpost will merge, so there won’t be hundreds of masterposts for the same series. You’re welcome. 
How is this post organized? Well, to be quite honest- it could be better. Basically, it’s separated by series, and will continue to remain that way. Keep in mind that this post is constantly being changed and updated, so please understand that. Thank you for being patient.
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed II
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
{Assassin’s Creed Masterpost linked Here}
Dragon’s Dogma
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Spiderman PS4
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Detroit Become Human
{currently playing}
Dragon Age Inquisition
Elder Scrolls Online
Assassin’s Creed: Rogue
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India
Fable III
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Complete Edition
{Witcher Masterpost Linked Here}
{To be played}
Fallout 2
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout: New California
Fallout 76
Mass Effect (obtained)
Mass Effect 2 (obtained)
Mass Effect 3 (obtained)
Mass Effect Andromeda 
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption 2
Far Cry
Far Cry Insticts
Far Cry Vengeance
Far Cry Primal
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 5
Far Cry New Dawn
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (obtained)
Assassin’s Creed III (obtained)
Assassin’s Creed III Liberation (obtained)
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia(obtained)
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China(obtained)
Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry
Tomb Raider(obtained)
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Sleeping Dogs (obtained)
Watchdogs 2
Watchdogs Legion
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Fable II
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age II
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Coded
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts X
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Kingdom Hearts III
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
The Last Of Us
Shadow of the Colossus 
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Until Dawn
Borderlands The Pre Sequel
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 3
The Last Guardian
Super Mario Odyssey
Styx: Shards of Darkness (obtained)
{will be continually added to over time}
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turtlerabbit590 · 5 years
Witcher III DLC info
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The Witcher III: Wild Hunt has a massive amount of quests, things to do, and people to talk to. But it also has 16 DLCS available to download, or, if you get The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Complete Edition, it comes with all the DLCs already installed. But what do they do? Well, let's discuss.
The first DLC the game offers is the Temerian Armor Set. The armor set can be bought from a merchant in White Orchard, and even comes with matching horse equipment.
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The second DLC offers new beards and hairstyles. The Beard And Hairstyle Set adds some new looks to Geralt's arsenal. You can obtain these premium cuts in a major city, and can pick and choose between six hairstyles, and five different beard styles. Sounds like a win.
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The third DLC offers you a contract quest, called Contract: Missing Miners. This quest is as suggested, an investigation into where the Miners are. The quest can be found in Blandare, on Ard Skellig. The suggested level for the quest is level 27, so if you're just getting started, watch yourself.
DLC #4 offers an Alternative Look For Yennefer. This look definitely has some changes from the original(left), but I think we can all agree that it's still great.
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DLC #5 offers another armor set, known as the Nilfgaardian Armor Set. It can be purchased at the Crow's Perch in Velen, and offers another set of horse armor as well!
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DLC #6 offers you 3 new crossbows with some pretty decent performance. The set is referred to as the Elite Crossbow Set.
Just so I don't spoil anything, I'm not going to go into details about the quest DLC #7 offers. It's called Fool's Gold. The suggested level is 10, and it can be picked up near Lurtch, from a peasant crying over a roasted pig.
DLC #8 contains skins for Neutral Gwent Cards, simply giving them alternative skins, which are known as Ballad Heroes.
DLC #9 is a scavenger hunt quest that allows you to receive pieces of a Witcher gear set and it's upgrades. This set requires you to be level 14 to use it, and it's referred to as Wolf School Gear.
DLC 10
Just like DLC #4, DLC #10 offers an alternative look to a character- Triss Merigold. This outfit is much more revealing then her original outfit(left), going from a yellow and green leather jacket to a plunging gown.
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DLC 11
DLC #11 is yet another armor set, which also includes horse equipment. It's the Skellige Undvik Armor Set, and provides really good protection.
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DLC 12
DLC #12 is a contract quest- Skellige's Most Wanted. What does it entail? An investigation of attacks on merchants in Fyresdal. Certainly enough to keep you busy when included with the rest of the game.
DLC 13
DLC 13 is a Quest; Where The Cat And Wolf Play. It involves a Witcher from the Cat School, and can be picked up in a note in Oreton called "The Beast Of Honorton"
DLC 14
DLC 14 is another alternative look- this time for Ciri. Whether the Alternative(right) is better than the original(left), however, is up for debate.
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DLC 15
DLC #15 offers something great to players who are bored of the same, simple, repetitive finishing moves. How? Simple- they added New Finisher Animations.
DLC 16
The final DLC is a new game mode. This game mode is called New Game Plus. It allows players to start the game over, while keeping their gear and character build, while still getter tougher enemies and better loot.
Wanna see other Witcher Posts? Check out the Witcher Masterpost.
Wanna view my whole list? Check out my masterpost of games.
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