#the witcher: 208
cptrs · 2 years
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rubysunnday · 9 months
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THE WITCHER 208: Family
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon Part III
Otherwise known as...
Witcher facts that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up, but that are, in fact, book canon.
People have told me they're interested in this series, so I've made another! (full list of posts at the end)
For this post I'm discussing:
A popular headcanon/fanon that involves Geralt traveling with Jaskier for years before learning his birth name. The fanon scene where he learns Jaskier's birth name usually involves someone addressing Jaskier as “Julian Alfred Pankratz” and Geralt going “Excuse me Julian what? Pankratz Who?” 
In this headcanon, (which is usually a funny scene) Jaskier has kept his family origins/noble birth a secret, and there is more to him than Geralt realized. 
Jaskier having two separate names has inspired a lot of creativity in the fandom. People play with the concept of how Jaskier feels about his name, why he would try to separate himself from his family, etc etc. Queer fans especially may relate to alienation from family, fighting to establish your own identity, and changing your name. It is *throws glitter* transformative fandom.
Now, in TWN, Jaskier introduces himself as Julian Alfred Pankratz multiple times in Geralt’s vicinity. So, if you’ve only watched TWN, the headcanon that Jaskier has hidden his family name/nobility from Geralt for years might seem like pure fanon.
Well folks. In case you didn’t know...
It’s canon.
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(sorry I may never stop using my Beyond Belief Jonathan Frakes gifs for this)
Now, I am going to share that passage with you with my analysis.
But first I want to set the stage for what the passage tells us about Geralt and Dandelion’s relationship. Then I’ll theorize why Dandelion has hidden his true name from Geralt. 
As always, minor book spoilers. I try to extract only the quotes I need to analyze, without spoiling the plot.
So, Geralt thinks that he knows everything there is to know about Dandelion. After all, he does know quite a bit. He knows that Dandelion had literacy beat into him at a temple school. He knows how and when he fell in love with poetry. His knowledge about Dandelion does imply many nights of aimless conversation. And Geralt has been listening!
Also, Geralt sees Dandelion as a motormouth who can’t keep secrets to save his life! Geralt laments his lack of discretion and tact on many occasions. He calls him a “prattler”. Which, tough but fair.
Combine those two things and you have a witcher who believes there is nothing new to learn about his simple friend. In Sword of Destiny, they have an argument and Geralt says as much. 
So in this scene, Geralt is upset at Dandelion for flirting with girls at a party. They are back in their shared room and arguing. (I’m going to do an analysis about that in my ‘Geralt and Dandelion share beds’ post, but I won’t go into detail here) But for the purposes of this post, at the end of this argument, Geralt insists that he knows Dandelion well. Dandelion responds:
“You only think you know me. Don’t forget: I'm complicated by nature.”
“Dandelion,” the Witcher sighed, now genuinely tired. “You’re a cynic, a lecher, a womanizer, and a liar. And there’s nothing, believe me, nothing complicated about that. Good night.”
Dandelion only replies:
“Goodnight, Geralt.” 
Sword of Destiny page 208
But does Geralt know him as well as he thinks he does? Two books later, Geralt is in the forest with his friends. They are searching for some potential informants who might help them find Ciri. They come upon some druid pilgrims being slaughtered by bandits and Nilfgaardians. Geralt and Milva (his archer friend and love of my life) jump in and start defending them, killing the bandits bloody and violent.
Once they’ve killed them all, some knights appear out of nowhere. Geralt doesn’t want to be skewered by their lances, and Milva thinks they’ll be arrested for killing Nilfgaardians, so they hide under a wagon. By the way, whenever knights appear in the story, you know it is going to be hilarious and ridiculous. They are always very competent but also very very pompous and the way they interact with Geralt is always gold. And if the witcher books are good at one thing, it’s effectively weaving horrors with humor.
So anyway, the knights approach and one of them calls out:
“Get out!...Drop your weapons and get out!” 
The knights make various threats, thinking Geralt and co. are in league with the bandits.
Geralt and Milva emerge, and one of the knights recognizes Geralt. 
So the knight he helped says:
“Free them with all haste!” he called. “They are not bandits, but upright and honest folk!...And that fellow is a goodly knight!”
A bit earlier on in the forest, Geralt saved this knight from bandits. The man mistook Geralt for a knight, and Geralt didn’t correct him. He basically said ‘oh let’s not talk heraldry there’s no time’ (LMAO) and ran off to find and help his friends. 
The other knights are incredulous. They look at Geralt and don’t believe that he is a knight. The man assures them. 
...”I give you my word! This doughty fellow saved my life when I was in need, after I was flung to the ground by the ne’er-do-wells. He is called Geralt of Rivia.”
So the other knight turns to Geralt and asks...
Well, Geralt has no arms or heraldry because he isn’t a knight. But his response is hilarious.
“I’m forbidden from revealing them,” the Witcher grunted. “I can share neither my true name nor my arms. I have taken knightly vows. I am the errant Geralt.”
I’m dying laughing at that point. Geralt has such a complicated relationship with knights. He resents them a bit. They are often very religious, which is usually associated with believing witchers are abominations. So. Not good. But he wanted to be one, and would love to be seen as heroic, whether he admits it or not. He also admires their skill and competence. However, he finds their pretentiousness totally absurd. It’s complicated! Geralt automatically reverts to his driest most wilting sarcasm whenever he’s around them. I think it’s partly a defense mechanism. (that’s just me editorializing)
But ok, anyway, Dandelion appears with his ‘lute and his ever present tube of scrolls’. praising Geralt for rescuing them not a moment too soon. 
And then one of the knights, the one that doubted Geralt’s bona fides as a knight:
“...leaned over in his saddle, and his eyes shone. Viscount Julian?”
Hm, a wrinkle! Dandelion recognizes him and replies:
“Baron de Peyrac-Peyran?”
Geralt doesn’t seem to notice. He’s preoccupied with something else (finding the informants) and he tries to talk to the Baron. But, the baron ignores him because he:
...only had eyes, it seemed, for Dandelion. “Pon my word,” he drawled. “My eyes do not deceive me! It’s Viscount Julian in person. Ha! The Duchess will be pleased!”
At this point it registers with Geralt and he asks:
“Who is Viscount Julian?” the Witcher asked curiously.
He has no clue whatsoever. Five books in.
“That would be me,” Dandelion muttered. “Don’t interfere, Geralt.”
Dandelion is like...you’ve saved all of us from bandits but these people are barons and this is the part where I deal with things. It kind of reminds me of Stede telling Ed he can deal with all the asshole nobles in OFMD. Like. These are my people, this is what I do.
The knights are adamant that they must take “Viscount Julian” at once to Beauclaire Castle to the local Duchess, who would want to see him. Geralt says he can’t. He has unfinished business with these informants that he must carry out. Dandelion insists on going with Geralt.
“Me too,” Dandelion muttered, “I’m with you too...”
So, Dandelion turns down the opportunity to go to a luxurious castle with people who adore him, which is very very suspect. Geralt doesn’t need him on this mini-mission. The knights are a little offended, saying that they insist on taking Dandelion, that he doesn’t have a choice, and that the rest of them would be welcome too.
“As the companions of Viscount Julian, Her Grace, Lady Henarietta, would have gladly received you with all due respect and invited you to stay at the castle, but why, if you scorn her hospitality...”
So, their association with Dandelion would get them all kinds of special treatment. Geralt insists he does not scorn her hospitality and will catch up to them. He will meet them at Beauclair Castle. Then Geralt gets in a little joke. He says...
“We shall unfailingly go there. If only,” he added knowingly and with emphasis, “to ensure that no disgrace or dishonor befalls our comrade, Dandelion. I meant, Julian, by thunder.”
He is letting them know that if anything happens to Dandelion, they will answer for it. But he also gets in a little dig at Dandelion for having sprung this on him, and also the knights, who keep saying “Pon my word” and “By thunder” which Geralt thinks is pretentious as hell. (He makes fun of them a few times for it but they never notice.) The baron misses his sarcasm.
“Pon my word!” the baron suddenly laughed. “No disgrace nor dishonor will befall Viscount Julian. I’m prepared to give my word on it! For I omitted to tell you, viscount, that Duke Raymund died of apoplexy two years past.”
That is when we find out why Dandelion didn’t want to go with them. Not surprisingly, it was because the husband wanted him dead. We also get a taste of Dandelion’s utter lack of filter and signature lack of tact.
“Ha, ha!” Dandelion shouted, beaming all over. “The Duke kicked the bucket! These truly are marvelous and joyous tidings!”
You can just picture everyone looking at him like....excuse me? Because he quickly catches himself and changes course.
“I mean, I meant to say, sorrow and grief, a great loss. May the earth lay lightly on him. Lol very meaningful and sincere Dandelion. And then he agrees to go with them. If that is the case, let’s ride with all haste to Beauclair noble knights!” 
After Geralt rides away with Milva and Angoulême (another member of his party, a teenager I adore) Angoulême says:
“Dandelion claims that Duchess Henarietta is madly in love with him.”
Geralt is dismissive.
“Dandelion always claims that.”
The Tower of the Swallow, pages 250-260
(This is a bit off topic but Angoulême’s first reference to Dandelion in the books was to call him a ‘comely fellow’ which I thought was cute.)
Ok, so that was the time Geralt found out Dandelion’s family name and title, and learned that maybe he didn’t know everything there was to know about his best friend. It has a remarkable resemblance to all the fanon, at least some of which was written without knowledge of book canon. It just fits!
Your bonus...Ciri Finds Out The Same Way goes like this...
In the final book, Lady of the Lake, Geralt and Ciri return to Beauclair. They come upon some, shall we say, legal proceedings, where Dandelion is being charged with (among other things) debauchery and harlotry: (honestly, it does sound like him)
“Good gentlemen and burghers of Beauclair and the surroundings!” he read thunderously and funereally from an unrolled parchment. “It is known that Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, alias Dandelion--
“Pancratts what?” Ciri whispered a question.
Lady of the Lake page 470
Now remember, Ciri knows Dandelion. Dandelion was even responsible for watching her when Geralt and Yen went to the Thanedd ball. But his family name is still news to her.
It is a funny running joke. And it makes his character a bit intriguing. There is always more to him than meets the eye. Why does Dandelion do this? Why does he hide his identity, and for so long?
It isn’t to hide from vengeful husbands, because he has committed just as many indiscretions as Dandelion. So there is no protection in that name. It isn’t that he has left his family entirely behind or that he refuses to be called Julian. In Season of Storms, his cousin Ferrant de Lettenhove calls him Julian, and he doesn’t seem to mind at all.*
I’ve seen one fan theorize that the “Viscount” title is more of a scam on Dandelion’s part. But Geralt does meet his cousin in Season of Storms, as mentioned above, so there is that proof of who his family is. Also, his cousin has a very respectable government position.
Dandelion does makes an offhand remark in Baptism of Fire that I think is pretty revealing. Geralt and his friends (including Dandelion) are all spending the evening talking shit and getting wasted on moonshine in Regis’s summer shack. (one of the best scenes in all the books) And Dandelion, drunk as hell, says:
“Ah, well.” Dandelion looked around the shack with a slightly vacant stare. If the Countess de Lettenhove could see me like this.”
The only person listening to him at this point is Milva who asks:
“Never mind. Bloody hell, this moonshine really does loosen the tongue...Geralt? Should I pour you another one Geralt?”
“Leave him be,” Milva said, “Let him sleep.”
Baptism of Fire, page 138
Now, I could be wrong, and am happy to hear other theories, but that sounds like his family would disapprove of his lifestyle. It is the only time I can remember him letting anything slip, and he immediately curses the moonshine for making him slip.
There are also moments that imply how odd, even bizarre it is to see a poet out in a war zone wading through corpses in harm's way instead of (as Milva says) “writing rhymes in a quiet spot somewhere.” He’s always seen as out of place, and unsuitable for the dangerous mission. What he is doing isn't normal or typical for a poet. So it's reasonable to think his family probably disapproves, and hiding his connection is his way of either keeping them off his back for soiling the family name, or just as a way to escape whatever weight his family exerts on his life and decisions. 
But why wouldn’t he tell Geralt? It isn’t like Geralt is going to tell people. Maybe there is something deeper or more traumatic there that even he (the prattler) doesn't want to discuss.
I haven’t finished my reread, so I may think differently after I do. I do notice so many more things the second time around, and I may come up with more ideas or relevant passages. So if anyone else has any thoughts about anything obvious I’ve missed, let me know.
So yeah, that’s my take on Jaskier’s name, and Geralt finding out about it!
Alright, the other I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon posts and I've linked the ones I've finished. I'll come back and add links as I go:
A shape shifter reads Geralt's mind, then turns into Jaskier because he knows that’s the best way to protect himself. 
Geralt and Jaskier share beds.
Geralt and Jaskier share clothes.
Geralt may play it cool to his face, but he thinks Jaskier has a gorgeous voice.
Jaskier has a voice so beautiful, it can calm a monster.
Geralt drops everything to protect Jaskier, every time, even in the middle of battles when there are other people around to protect.
Geralt can smell lust
Bad guys kidnap Jaskier in order to get to get to Geralt. Geralt slaughters every single one of them.
They also share a kiss in a few of the translations, but not all. It's a very "y yo también" situation.
*There are all kinds of continuity issues with that novel. It was the last one in publication order, but ostensibly it takes place chronologically between The Last Wish and Season of Storms. So then, Geralt would have already known when he ‘found’ out in The Tower of Swallows.
But Sapko really doesn’t seem to care about things like continuity or timelines or maps or a medieval setting that is consistent with a real life historical setting. He just writes the stories and lets us nerds fight about the details.
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sprog-writes · 8 months
I have finished @writersmonth !!!! One fic a day wow that's a lot 😰
word: blossom | setting/AU: on an island (Danny Phantom| Dan&Danny| 1.3k)
word: perfume | setting/AU: 1.camping AU (Spider-Man| Peter/MJ| 208)
word: seashell | setting/AU: at a festival (Danny Phantom| Danny&Valerie| 882)
word: momories | setting/AU: underwater AU (Moon Knight| Steven| 522)
word: sun | setting/AU: poolside (DC| Bruce/Clark| 494)
word: surf | setting/AU: backpacking AU (X-Men movieverse| Kurt&Peter| 430)
word: vacation | setting/AU: in the mountains (Marvel| Peter/Wade| 407)
word: watermelon | setting/AU: fishing AU (Miraculous Ladybug| Ladugug/Chat Noir| 1.3k)
word: warmth | setting/AU: home for the summer (Daredevil| Matt/Foggy| 100)
word: sandcastle | setting/AU: lifeguard AU (Spider-Man| Flash/Peter| 1.1k)
word: sweat | setting/AU: on a road trip (Daredevil| Matt&Foggy| 987)
word: lemonade | setting/AU: band AU (Batman| Damian&Dick| 100)
word: fan | setting/AU: cruise ship (Danny Phantom| Danny&Dash| 371)
word: bonfire | setting/AU: vacation fling (Camp Camp| David&Max| 494)
word: blue | setting/AU: neighborhood barbecue (DC| Freddy Freeman&Captain Marvel&Superman| 1.4k)
word: energy | setting/AU: tourist AU (Marvel/DC| Peter Parker&Clark Kent| 1.7k)
word: blossom | setting/AU: at a wedding (DC| Bruce&Dick, One -sided Superbat| 375)
word: free | setting/AU: restaurant au (Captain Marvel| Freddy&Billy| 968)
word: cloud | setting/AU: at a party (Spider-Man| Peter&Flash| 238)
word: fireworks | setting/AU:1. different first meeting (Miraculous Ladybug| Ladybug&Chat Noir| 252)
word: hammock | setting/AU: at a bar (Marvel| Peter Parker/Jack Hammer-Weasel| 872)
word: sunscreen | setting/AU: non-human au (The Witcher| Geralt&Eskel| 329)
word: storm | setting/AU: in the woods (NSFW| The Witcher| Geralt/Jaskier| 611)
word: summer | setting/AU: different powers au (Miraculous Ladybug| Ladybug/Chat Noir| 100)
word: relax | setting/AU: at a concert (Danny Phantom| Danny&Sam&Tucker&Ember| 292)
word: found | setting/AU: online dating au (Daredevil| Matt&Foggy| 447)
word: blossom | setting/AU: at the beach (The X-Men movieverse| Erik&Peter| 284)
word: bright | setting/AU: mythological au (Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II| Soap/Ghost| 1k)
word: fireflies | setting/AU: at a cabin (Animaniacs| Yakko&Wakko&Dot| 100)
word: happy | setting/AU: kid story/children AU (DC| Captain Marvel&Justice League| 1.1k)
word: fall | setting/AU: at a hotel (DC| Bruce/Clark| 445)
Oh great heavens I'm done. This post too so long...
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Tier 3 Recap
192. 68. Jacopo Bearzatti from The House in Fata Morgana
191. 117. Pugsley Guttman from From the animated series Dead End: Paranormal Park
190. 57. Maglor from the Silmarillion
189. 203. Al-An from Subnautica: Below Zero
188. 112. Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie-verse (???)
187. 122. Rampage from Beast Wars
186. 284. Callie Cuttlefish from Splatoon 1-3
185. 61. Ranpo Edogawa from Bungou Stray Dogs
184. 123. Emil from Nier series
183. 157. vriska from homestuck
182. 213. Brainy Smurf from The Smurfs
181. 36. Doppo Kannonzaka from Hypnosis Mic
180. 38. Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman
179. 32. Serial Designation N from Murder Drones
178. 29. Morgrem from Pokemon
177. 17. Joy Wang/Jobu Tupaki from Everything Everywhere All at Once
176. 54. Rex Salazar from Generator Rex
175. 161. Huan from The Silmarillion
174. 225. meg from megahex comic series
173. 136. [redacted] / trivia murder party host from jackbox; trivia murder party
172. 42. Toshiko Sato from Torchwood
171. 106. Veeva Dash from Stampy's Lovely World
170. 39. gaheris from arthuriana
169. 287. waylon smithers jr from the simpsons
168. 77. Nathaniel Kurtzberg from Miraculous Ladybug
167. 89. Pit from Kid Icarus
166. 82. Tsurugi Kyousuke / Victor Blade from Inazuma Eleven GO
165. 171. Danhausen from Professional wrestling
164. 3. Maia Drahzar/Edrehasivar VII from The Goblin Emperor
163. 165. Taranee Cook from W.i.t.c.h.
162. 207. Ardyn "Izunia" Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV
161. 132. Invader Zim from Invader Zim
160. 94. Mumbo Jumbo from Real Life/Mcyt
159. 208. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost Cities
158. 78. Aya Burnstein from Dancing In The Devils Auditorium, by xxangelxbl00dxx(the OP) on ao3
157. 230. Nintendo EShop Bag from Nintendo EShop
156. 234. Logan(Logic) from Sanders Sides
155. 261. Eridan Ampora from Homestuck
154. 235. Markiplier from Real Life
153. 138. Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
152. 264. Bao-Dur from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
151. 71. Fabian Seacaster from Fantasy High (Dimension 20)
150. 283. Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
149. 13. The Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who
148. 155. Tegan Jovanka from Doctor Who
147. 273. Lynne from Ghost Trick
146. 130. Hoshina Hikaru (Cure Star) from Star Twinkle Pretty Cure
145. 81. Damon of Gallifrey from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
144. 239. "Phoenix" from iiRitW, the OP's ORIGINAL (sob) wip videogame
143. 115. Sound Saran from My School President
142. 149. data from star trek the next generation
141. 2. Iruma-kun from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun
140. 256. Akane Kurashiki from Zero Escape
139. 104. Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon
138. 91. Kuromi from Sanrio
137. 158. Corazón de Ballena from Oxventure
136. 192. Milo Murphy from Milo Murphy's Law
135. 105. Alice Price Healy from Incryptid
134. 48. Raven Scofflaw from the submitter's OC from a wip that currently has the filler title 'Family'
133. 187. Vash the Stampede from Trigun
132. 206. Ben from the submitter's OC with almost zero information about lmao (this will change once I update artfight?)
131. 66. Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero
130. 126. Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher
129. 255. Kevin from Ghost Host Ghost House
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rocknrollpanda · 1 year
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#i think the armor looks like someone in the wardrobe department on set was hit in the head and came up with it in a fever dream
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My #1 post of 2022
Sense and Sensibility 'what if?'
@bethanydelleman I hope you don't mind me tagging you in this post.
I wanted to have a bit of 'what if' conversation about S&S, mostly because this idea rooted itself in my brain and won't leave.
What if love interests were in fact a little different in this book? To be precise what if Colonel Brandon found himself interested in Mrs. Dashwood? Maybe it was her he heard playing the piano (let's be honest Mrs Jenkins is more than capable of talking her into performing music), or maybe they connected talking about less than ideal life circumstances. Colonel is about 36 in the book and Mrs. Dashwood is 40. He is much closer to her age than to Marianne's, and I think it would be a good thing. She would be his partner and his equal in everything. I think she is just as disillusioned with life as he is, even if at first glance it would seem she shares Marianne's love for romance and light-heartedness. She had to live through loosing her home, house and status, because her husband's son (a man she most likely raised when he was a boy, on who's wedding she was sitting along with his father) proved he didn't care about his family even a fraction as much as he cared about money and pleasing his greedy wife. I feel like these two would be able to find love, balance, understanding and unwavering support in each other. And maybe even a firy romance, because why not.
And what if at that point Eliza haven't yet made her disastrous escape with Willoughby? By marrying Colonel Brandon and Mrs Dashwood would be able to provide a stable and safe home for FOUR girls. Eliza is Brandon's ward but at no point was she living with him. I think there are a lot of reasons at play here one being obviously the fact she is an illegitimate child born to a disgraced mother, two there never was a woman able to care and bring up a girl child in Delaford. Since Eliza's heritage isn't widely know (all people have are indistinct rumors) I think Colonel could bring her home, claim she was a daughter of his cousin and more importantly under his protection. She is an educated young woman, beautiful (why do you think Willoughby secuced her), with a dowary (if Colonel provides it, which I think he could for all 4 of them) and society is willing to forgive a lot if you posses those atributes. Maybe she would have a chance of a better life, one her mother never had for herself.
I also think Marianne and Eliza would get on like a house on fire.
Plus can you imagine the face of Mrs Henry Dashwood when she hears the news? I think she might genuinely have an anurism.
31 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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#show!geralt's inability to consider consequences is a major character flaw and also consistent enough that it seems like something intentio
My Top Posts in 2021
Call me with Geralt and Jaskier please?
Leave a “Call Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble about one character asking for another.
Sorry not sorry lmao
"Is-- is Geralt here?" Jaskier asks, squinting up into the blurry dimness -- must be a storm coming. Strange. He hadn't seen one on the horizon.
In the distance, there's someone shouting -- "he was a noncombatant, he doesn't even have a dagger on him, I should have you all hanged for being a danger to your own damned people--" before it's drowned out by a chorus of raised voices.
"Geralt," Jaskier says again, blurrily, and tries to push himself up to sitting so he can see what the fuck's going on. There's a rough-gentle hand on his shoulder, though, holding him down, and he glances over to see a stricken face, bled out pale to match his armor -- red and white, Redania's colors.
"Your wolf."
Jaskier nods, squinting into the dimming sky. It doesn't feel like a storm coming, this slow loss of sight. Maybe sunset? There's a cold spot in his chest, slowly spreading.
"He's-- he's not here. Yet," says the soldier, and Jaskier frowns, or tries to frown. The coldness has spread up to his face, his lips, his throat, and though he tries to ask why, he can't respond.
"I'm sorry," the soldier blurts out, "we-- we didn't know, we thought that there was a Nilfgaardian patrol in the area, they didn't tell us anything about civilians--"
The shouting in the background falls silent with a chorus of "oh shit"s, and there's the clean sound of a sword into it's sheath.
So Geralt is here, then. That's good. He can't see anything, anymore, and all of him is so, so cold, but Geralt's here.
208 notes • Posted 2021-09-29 00:20:40 GMT
Death and Destiny, Heroics and Heartbreak
(It’s onion)
This fic took over my life for about a week and it’s been all I’ve been working on. It was originally intended to be pwp and then it ended up being about 13k words long, so uh, that went out the window. I’ll post installments either every day or every other day, depending on my general life, and will be posted on AO3 as soon as all tumblr installments are up. Enjoy!
Read on AO3!
The whole thing starts out rather unassumingly, and rather more embarrassingly than Jaskier would have cared for -- a single wobbly stepping-stone and Jaskier is flat on his back in a freezing stream, soaked to the skin in an instant and having to be hauled out by an irritable Geralt.
“Sorry, ah, sorry about that, bit of an-- unsteady path -- these stepping stones can be really slippery, oof” he says, and Geralt grunts and remounts Roach and rides off without saying another word.
Jaskier squishes along in soggy boots and ignores the way the wind seems determined to strip every bit of heat from his skin, resolved to not complaining anymore in case Geralt decides to abandon him in the middle of nowhere, finally fed up with one too many times Jaskier needed rescuing, but it really is very cold, and he’s very wet, and he’s not dressed in nice thick leather armor the way Geralt is but in summer cottons that don’t even hold in warmth the way a nice wool jerkin might, and--
“We’re stopping here for the night,” Geralt says, and Jaskier lurches to a stop. His teeth are chattering and he can feel the beginnings of a truly nasty case of the shivers working his way up through his body because he is genuinely absolutely freezing here--
He flops down on a bit of dry ground and focuses on not making pathetic noises (as much as he would like to, he has a feeling that Geralt would rather kick him out than coddle him, and he’d rather not risk that after only a year of knowing the man) while Geralt builds the fire and gets water boiling for the dried-meat-and-potatoes stew that seems to be the only thing he makes whenever they can’t hunt. It’s… filling, and that’s about the only good thing Jaskier can say about it. At least it’ll be warm.
Gods, this is miserable. Life on the road is rarely pleasant, but he likes to think he’s gotten used to it, become inured to cold and wind and weather but he is-- he is absolutely going to die of hypothermia out here, and Geralt won’t even act like he cares--
There’s a warm onion-smelling weight dumped on his head.
He squawks and struggles his way out of miles and miles of heavy wool and discovers that Geralt’s given him his cloak, of all things. It stinks of onion, and other… less-pleasant things than onion that he’d really rather not think about, thank you very much, and it’s made to cover Geralt in his armor, which means that it’s big enough to cover Jaskier three times over, but it’s thick black wool and warm.
Brilliantly, blessedly warm.
“Oh, gods, thank you, I could have sworn I was going to freeze to death out here--”
“Your whimpering was getting annoying,” Geralt says, and tosses another log on the fire, and Jaskier is too busy huddling down inside the layers of wool to block out the biting wind to think of a comeback.
The stew is ready soon enough, and Jaskier eats it still curled up in Geralt’s cloak, face tucked into the collar because this is-- probably the greatest show of kindness Geralt’s ever given him, and isn’t that pathetic, that he’d spend two years following around a witcher who can only barely be bothered to loan him a cloak when he’s frozen half to death, but he can’t even be bothered to care, really, because Geralt actually cares--
Geralt, who is currently staring at him with that slightly constipated expression that Jaskier still hasn’t deciphered yet.
Geralt huffs and looks away, sharply. Honestly, the man can be insufferable at times.
“Geralt, it’s considered a common decency to talk to your traveling companions, you know.”
“I never asked for a traveling companion.”
Jaskier huffs. “Well, then, it’s polite to not just-- stare at people without saying something to them.”
Geralt has the ingratitude to snort, and doesn’t even deign to follow it up with a reply, just eats his bland and watery and somehow-horribly-salty stew with the single-minded determination that Jaskier’s only ever seen from Oxenfurt students who haven’t eaten a thing since yesterday morning and are debating skipping this meal as well to study. Clearly, he’s not going to get anything else out of him, so Jaskier turns back to his own meal. Even still, he catches Geralt looking at him oddly, huffing in a breath through his nose every so often like he’s about to speak but never actually does.
When the stew is all gone and Roach untacked and the fire fed and banked for the night, Geralt moves to lay out the bedrolls, side by side this time instead of across the fire from each other. Which is...unusual, to say the least, but Jaskier’s certainly not complaining. He’s loath to offer the cloak back to Geralt though, warmed through by his own body heat as it is, and he’s even begun to get used to the smell, onion and old blood and strange herbs. It smells like Geralt does.
“Keep it.”
Geralt still isn’t looking at him, but he makes that strange inwards-huffing sound again. “The cloak. I don’t need it.”
Jaskier blinks. “I, ah. Thank you, Geralt.” It comes out more like a question than he intends, but he shrugs it off and drapes the cloak over the top of his bedroll like an extra blanket, shucking out of his damp clothes and wriggling underneath.
Geralt makes an odd sound.
“...Good night?”
“Go to sleep, bard,” and Jaskier, for some reason deeply touched by nothing more than what would be considered common human decency -- it’s a cloak, for Melitele’s sake, it’s not some grand romantic gesture -- smiles in the darkness and drags the edge of it closer around himself.
The thing is, being a relatively-unknown (for now, anyways) bard traveling with a witcher isn’t exactly the most… profitable of lifestyles. Oh, Jaskier gets by well enough, but most of his money goes towards food and lodgings and actual clothes (he is not going to spend his life rotating through the same three shirts until they’re worn to muddy shreds the way Geralt does, thank you)  rather than things like, say, expensive cloaks. His old university cloak is good enough for now, and it’s not like he’ll need it much, after all -- if it’s raining, he can just stay indoors.
Which is to say, it’s raining and he’s rather deeply regretting the decision not to buy a proper wool cloak last time he had the chance, because he is absolutely soaked through and getting wetter by the minute, while Geralt in his big, warm, and most importantly waterproof cloak is trudging along through the mud seemingly ignorant to the fact that it is absolutely pissing down.
He trudges along, idly composing a verse or two about the trials of life on the road and uncaring witchers and the horrors of sucking road mud that must be more than half made of whatever little presents the cart horses left behind-- it’s pathetic, yes, but it’s something to occupy his brain while he’s too tired to talk and he can’t bring his lute out of the case for fear of the damp, so sarcastic limericks it is.
“This way, bard,” Geralt says, and he drags his head up from his contemplation of his boots -- he’s going to need new boots after this or otherwise they’re going to reek of mud and rain and horseshit for ages -- to follow him into the shelter of a few pine trees, clustered together like old women huddled around the well and just as bent and aged.
Their branches are a high tangle above their head, though, and they catch the rain and roll it down between them until it gathers into fat, freezing drops -- unpleasant to have fall on you, yes, but less so than the constant drenching downpour out in the open of the road.
Jaskier huddles miserably close to the trunk of the largest and oldest tree, tucked among sheltering roots and trying to ignore the weight of his sodden clothes while Geralt unsaddles Roach and unbuckles his armor and tucks all of their things underneath the big alchemically-treated blanket he uses to carry monsters around -- which is disgusting but if it keeps his things at all dry he’ll take it. It’s still too damp to get a fire going, so instead Geralt tugs out dry rations -- bread and nuts and that horrid dry jerky that takes an age to chew, and-- sits down beside Jaskier in the damp earth.
“What-- what are you doing, what is this--”
“Here,” Geralt says, and holds out a handful of bread and jerky like some kind of offering.
Geralt hums, deep in his chest, and tugs Jaskier away from leaning against the trunk of the tree. “The water runs down the trunk when it’s raining this hard. You’ll get wet.” Pause. “Wetter.”
“Oh thanks, it’s not like I hadn’t noticed.”
Geralt hums again, and then grabs him by the shoulder again and-- moves him.
Jaskier ends up leaning with his back up against Geralt’s shoulder, one fold of that lovely, lovely cloak draped over him, gasping and trying very hard to hide exactly what that kind of manhandling does to him.
“I, ah, not that I don’t appreciate this, Geralt, but what, exactly, are you doing?”
“It’s warmer like this,” Geralt says, and adjusts Jaskier so he’s more fully underneath the shelter of his cloak, tucked into the warm hollow of his shoulder. Jaskier very nearly chokes on his own spit.
“Right. Yeah. Good. Warmer. You, uh, you’re sure you want to-- I mean not that I’m complaining but this really isn’t… entirely like you…”
“Shut up.”
Jaskier shuts up. Over the course of two years traveling with Geralt every time he’s been this close to the man has been an incident he would rather not think about right now, thank you -- blood and guts and being told to sew him up like he’s some kind of… of doublet rather than an actual human person are not exactly pleasant things to think about when the man he’s been desperately pining after since they met has him wrapped up in his cloak with him in it.
Oh, he’s going to die, he is really, truly, going to die right here--
“Jaskier,” Geralt says again, and Jaskier very nearly melts at the sound of his voice.
“You should eat,” and is he… amused? He sounds amused. Jaskier huddles down into the warmth of Geralt’s cloak to try to hide the way his face is undoubtedly bright red and focuses on gnawing away at the dried meat until his jaw aches with the effort it takes to eat it.
And Geralt is still fucking holding him.
Fuck, he really is just going to die.
213 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 03:25:36 GMT
A Musing on Names
Geralt is an older name already, when Vesemir finds the boy -- it's the name of old men in taverns, smoking pipes and reminiscing about their glory days. To anyone born sometime in the past thirty years, it evokes images of greybeards with crooked canes and wavering voices. it's a common name, and a commoner's name -- no lord in his right mind would name his son Geralt of anywhere. It's not the name of a child with curly auburn hair and freckles, unless you're so old that the passage of human time's lost all meaning.
Vesemir is, of course, old enough that human time's lost all meaning.
When he was a boy, scrabbling in the village dirt, Geralt was the name of half the children in the village, and their fathers besides. Never the name of a hero, but the name of many a hardworking man. It's a good, steady name, for a child too young to really know his own -- something serviceable, unremarkable. It will serve him well.
[]At the keep of the witchers, the boys are all too young to know that Geralt isn't a name for a child, but they do know that it's a lonely sort of name, with no home or father or title to it. Geralt of nowhere, no place, no parentage -- a plain name for a plain boy with nothing but a training sword and a woolen jerkin to his name.
Geralt Roger Eric du Haute-Bellegard, in the meantime, is a name befitting a Toussaintois dandy, someone who smells of rosewater and fancy soaps instead of sweat and guts and onion, who drinks fine wine and feasts on peacock and had never held so much as a bejeweled rapier in his life. It's no name for a witcher. Geralt of Rivia serves just as well.
At least there's a place to it, anyways.
Even if it's somewhere he's never been.
In the wider world, beyond the glittering peaks and impossible valleys of the mountains and the glittering waters of the lake that hides the skulls of a hundred boys unlucky enough to be consigned to its depths, Geralt is still a name for an old man. Even with a young man's body and a youth's face, the white hair lends him a gravitas, that people think the witcher fresh on the path is an older one, long-traveled and hard-bitten. It makes things easier, for a while, until Geralt-the-name falls into rusty disuse, people remembering a parent of a parent of a parent, long dead, who also bore that name. It's a lonely existence, to walk and know that no one else carries it anymore, that even as a child he was pulled out of time, untouched by its waters as the rest of the world.
There is a body in the dirt.
There is a body in the dirt and Geralt is no longer a name for old men, a name for commoners, but a name for beasts, for the monsters that hide in the shadows, that carry bloodied swords and slaughter you quick as blinking -- a name whispered only in hidden corners, in frightened taverns -- Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken.
It is a name to curse by.
A name to curse by, much loathed, much feared -- until a bard, young and reckless and far too horny for his own good scoffs at the stories and follows the witcher in the corner and takes a will and a quill and a song to the records of the world -- no more Butcher, no more Blaviken, only a sword and a Wolf and a hero of legend.
Geralt is a name for warriors -- an ancient name, unused. It's a lonely name with none to call it their own save one -- a rare name for a rare man with a world's worth of glory at his feet and a dozen sagas to praise him.
Geralt of Rivia, White Wolf -- may his name live on forever.
288 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 23:30:51 GMT
'Cause We're One and the Same
This fic was inspired by this art from @itsrapsodia​ -- I got this scene of the two of them together stuck in my head and ended up writing it! (As a... general sort of trigger warning, Jaskier opens the fic by making a joke about not having a penis; my intention was that he experiences little-to-no bottom dysphoria and being both slightly drunk and around trusted friends, he’s comfy stating that.)
"--and that fucking Valdo Marx," Jaskier says, gesticulating wildly with his thankfully mostly-empty mug, "always sauntering around like he's so much better than everyone else just because he managed to get a court position straight out of Oxenfurt instead of slumming it like the rest of us, and all the rest of-- them," with a peculiar emphasis on the word that Geralt has no clue what it means but Priscilla and Essi clearly do, "acting like they're so much better than us."
Priscilla makes a sharp noise of agreement and sets her glass down on the table with a thunk. "It's like it's all just a contest to them, who can get the most popular song or the biggest royal patronage or--"
"It's a dick-measuring contest, is what it is," Jaskier says with finality, thumping his hands on the table, and Geralt snorts.
"Which you're exempt from?"
"Geralt, darling, I think by virtue of not having a dick--"and his mouth snaps shut, eyes going wide and startled. “Shit.”
Geralt blinks.
"Um," says Priscilla, and then leans over and says in a furious whisper "you haven't told him?!"
"No, I haven't," Jaskier mutters, seeming almost-- shocked, "it never came up, and he can hear you."
Geralt hums to indicate that he can, in fact, hear them both, and turns his gaze on Jaskier. The bard is growing paler by the moment, all the blood draining from his face, and for the first time since they met Geralt can smell-- fear? Just the barest traces of it, overlaid with alcohol and nerves, but it's the first time it's been really, truly, directed at him.
Jaskier's fingers are rattling on the tabletop, off-beat and out of rhythm, and then he shoves himself up and away with far more force than necessary. "I'm-- getting some air. Don't wait up."
"Jaskier--" Geralt says, half-reaching out to him, but Essi puts her hand on his wrist and pushes it back down, firmly, and Priscilla gives him a glare that could curdle milk as Jaskier ducks through the growing crowd inside Three Little Bells. He's had worse glares from Lambert, but there's something about seeing Jaskier so shaken from what seemed to be nothing more than a slip of the tongue that leaves him... unsettled.
He shakes off Essi's arm and rises to go after him, to make sure the bard's okay, but Priscilla catches him by the fabric of his sleeve. "Leave him." He blinks at her, and she levels him with that glare again. "He doesn't need you barging in after he's already said too much," and Geralt looks at her, really looks at her and how much she cares, and dips his head.
"If he comes back, tell him I'll be in the room." She keeps glaring at him, fierce and protective, but very deliberately lets go of his sleeve, and he walks away before he can start to think about-- whatever it was that just happened
He's carefully cleaning his steel sword when Jaskier comes stumbling back into the room, still pale-faced but with the scent of alcohol no longer quite so pungent from him. He's sobered up a bit, then, and Geralt very carefully sets the sword to the side, folds his hands in his lap and tries to look as unintimidating as possible. It's late enough that the tavern is quiet now, and he's had plenty of time to think about what he wants to say to the bard. There’s a lot of secrets he hasn’t wanted, or even had the chance to tell, but he’s beginning to think--
Better to see what the bard says first, though.
"Hello, Geralt."
He hums in response, not quite sure how to start... whatever this is. Jaskier closes the door behind him with exaggerated care, and then doesn't move from the middle of the room, scratching at his lute calluses in the familiar nervous gesture, the tension radiating off of him in a cloud. Literally; Geralt can smell it.
"I should probably. Um. Explain."
Geralt nods, and then seeing how Jaskier goes that much paler, huffs and clambers to his feet to haul out the room's single chair. "Sit down before you fall down."
"Ah. Thanks?" It's almost more a question than anything else, but Geralt nods in what he hopes is a reassuring manner and retreats back to the bed.
"Right. So. I should... probably tell you. What I meant by-- by that." Jaskier flounders, hands fluttering wildly through the air, and settles on "I-- I wasn't born a-- a man."
It's only one of the answers Geralt had been prepared to hear, but it settles something reassuring in his gut, that there's more common ground between them than only a few years of shared adventures. "Neither was I."
"I know it's not exactly-- talked about, but I promise you it's very real and I really am a man and if you don’t think that’s true we are going to have-- hang on, what?"
"I wasn't born a man."
Jaskier gapes.
"But you're--" and he flaps his hands in Geralt's general direction, "I mean, you-- I've never seen you-- really?"
"And you're not just saying that to make me feel better, in some twisted... I'm-an-outcast-from-society-and-I-don't-understand-basic-etiquette-like-not-telling-bards-they're-pitchy-to-their-face kind of way?"
Geralt lifts an eyebrow, carefully not commenting on the fact that he had been pitchy, and Jaskier lets out a sound that might be a laugh and might be a sob. "Right, yeah, when do you ever care enough about my feelings to do something like that. Fuck, Geralt, you can't just-- spring that on a fellow. I mean-- gods, here I was worried that you'd be... weird about it, and instead you're--"
"As dickless as you are?"
"Oh, fuck off," but the fear-scent is gone, the color slowly coming back into his cheeks, and he slouches back into his chair in a boneless heap. "Gods. I-- thanks, by the way."
"For what?"
"For... for trusting me, I guess? I mean it can't exactly be the kind of knowledge you want getting out there, what with witchering being... witchering."
Geralt shrugs. His brothers all know, of course, and so did most of the Wolf School before the pogrom -- hard to keep secrets like that with communal bathing, and there were always a few of his kind -- their kind, now -- in every school. "Most people just... assume."
"Right, yes, what with the whole... big grumpy manly... man look you've got going on there. How did you do that, by the way, some kind of potion? Transformation spell?"
"The Trials," Geralt says, trying to hide the flinch that comes with the memory, even after all these years. "They made us all like this."
"Ah," says Jaskier, and falls silent, not quite looking at him, or at anything in particular.
"Are you--" Geralt starts, the dim memory of before the Trials and the horrible sense of not fitting into his own skin surfacing unbidden, and Jaskier must read something in the look on his face because he nearly lunges forward out of his own chair.
"No! No, I'm-- I'm happy, really, Geralt, I promise. Just, uh, teensy bit jealous, you've got the whole--" and he makes another of those flailing gestures that only really manages to indicate where Geralt is in the room rather than anything in particular about him, "muscles and jawline and stubble thing really going for you."
"You can grow a beard too," because he can, he saw it when Jaskier's razor broke in the middle of Kaedwen and he couldn't get a replacement for a week and a half.
"I can!" and Jaskier grins, impossibly wide. "There's a-- a potion, there's a mage in Novigrad that makes it, it's why I'm here, actually, and it's what makes me, well--" and he gestures proudly to himself, to the long trim line of his torso and the shadow of dark stubble on his jaw and Geralt can't stop the half-smile that grows across his face because even though it's been sixty years and more he still remembers the impossible joy of finding a skin that fit.
Jaskier grins back at him, bright and brilliant and throws himself forward to wrap his arms around Geralt's shoulders in an abrupt embrace. Geralt can smell the happiness rising off of him and for once he doesn't stop himself from holding the bard back, because-- There were others like him, at Kaer Morhen, but they all died in the pogrom a long, long time ago and it's been... lonely, since.
"Thanks," Jaskier says, softly.
"For what?"
"For being here," and Geralt only hums and holds him tighter.
622 notes • Posted 2021-10-13 21:11:41 GMT
One of the... I guess challenges I’ve faced in getting people to take ADHD seriously is that the prevailing idea (in my experience, anyways) about dopamine is that it’s the “drug neurotransmitter”. It’s the fun one, that’s bad for you! Like all drugs! You shouldn’t be looking for more dopamine, that just means you’re looking for a high!
The things is, it’s not like that. It’s really, really not.
Dopamine’s a little bit like glucose (sugar, required for your body to generate energy); a substance that is 100% genuinely essential to having a fully-functioning properly working brain and body, to the point that it feels good when you get more of it because you’re filling a need, to the point that yeah, you can get addicted to it.
But if you’re glucose deficient, that’s hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), where your cells don’t have the energy to keep running because there’s no fuel.  AKA a major issue.
If you’re dopamine deficient... well, just go look up the symptoms of ADHD. All of them, not just the inattentiveness ones. ADHD can and does fuck up your life severely, on multiple levels, because ADHD brains are chronically lacking in a compound necessary for basic function.
Yeah, like anything, you can have too much dopamine. But that’s literally the opposite of the problem here.
Dopamine’s not the “evil drug neurotransmitter”, but the number of people I’ve tried to explain ADHD and ADHD medications that think that has really impacted my ability to even be understood, much less given the accommodations I need.
1260 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 05:35:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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dykeredhood · 2 years
I posted 19,672 times in 2021
829 posts created (4%)
18843 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 22.7 posts.
I added 4,139 tags in 2021
#personal - 1027 posts
#video - 648 posts
#tag yourself - 438 posts
#supernatural - 435 posts
#selfie fiesta - 307 posts
#self rb - 282 posts
#my ocs - 257 posts
#geralt of rivia - 254 posts
#tagged for me - 248 posts
#the witcher - 243 posts
Longest Tag: 146 characters
#> beautiful as a knife > calling yaev ‘beloved’ > siegfried’s whole air of honor and dignity and yearning 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
My Top Posts in 2021
My turn!!!
DNI if: you’ve never been thrown in a lake, you refuse to recognize Crocs as an important contribution to fashion, you’ve ever shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch, your middle name is Marie or Ann, you play a double reed instrument, you’ve hit yourself on the bony part of your ankle with a razor scooter, you crochet, you’ve ever participated in a nerf war, you consider yourself a geek but NOT a nerd, you’ve never tasted whiskey, you have a relative named Pawpaw, you own fewer than three knives, or if you actually enjoy cottage cheese
206 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 04:35:39 GMT
call me napkin because I’m always so sleepy
208 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 04:18:29 GMT
reblog this post to give the person you reblogged it from a gentle kiss on the back of the hand
387 notes • Posted 2021-10-27 05:16:10 GMT
One bad gloop and she eeby my deeby
1162 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 01:24:50 GMT
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Why are catholics even on here if they’re clearly not having any fun
73128 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 00:34:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sapphireth · 3 years
I finished the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt a couple of days ago. Main game, two expansions, 208 hours. I didn't want it to end. So I decided to go back to the secondary quests of Hearts of Stone since I had completed almost only the main quest there. I visited a couple of note boards, picked some notes, and this happened...
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It's insane. See all that new question marks? Literally dozens. I guess I'm in for another 200 hours more. Not complaining.
16 notes · View notes
35. How many people do you follow? 36. How many drafts do you have? 41. Favourite TV show?
HEY, BB GIRL! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! You’ve given more questions for me to answer---ILY SO MUCH 💖💖💖
35. How many people do you follow? 
-208 people bb. I’ve had a habit before of following people who follows me too but it always lead to people only wanting to follow me because they know I follow back lmao (I don’t do it now tho. Hehehehhe. nor will I do it again. Hehehe.) 
36. How many drafts do you have? 
-Including Witcher of the Night’s future chapters? I still have 20+ or less chapters for it. *cries* But, my mind works like a bitch and I have Henry drabbles/oneshots which have 30+ WIP’s (maybe I won’t get to write the other drabbles/oneshots tho lmao)  and the fics...Damn. 😅 If we add the Sebby drafts, I’ll prolly reach at around 80 WIP’s. If I were a fast writer, I would’ve be posting one drabble/oneshot everyday. LMAO. But, I’m a slow potato, so...Hehehhehe!
41. Favorite TV show?
-Considering the last series I watched is the Witcher, my answer is The Witcher. I don’t watch TV anymore. LMAO. Hehehhehe. 
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prowlingthunder · 4 years
WIP Meme 10/20/2020
Tagged by: @mandakatt
Look at what you've done. How dare you. I'm not even sure this is all of them. I think some are hidden in gdocs yet. Argh.
Tagging: @egodominustuus @thelostknee @linwyrms-lair @gracethescribbler @skywalking-across-the-galaxy @khantoelessar @zpansven
Read the list under the cut.
1: A Child of Blood
2: Eileen - Birds of a Feather
3: BtVS - Lupercalia - Xander - Wolfthreat - WIP
4: BtVS - PT Alexander Harris Auroresbrother - Denguards - LUPERCALIA - WIP
5: Buffy the Witcher
6: SynthSil - Ascendent Ab Inferis (Lux Aeterna AU)
7: Boys in Blue
8: Butterfingers the Deathclaw
9: Piper - (Lupercalia)
10: Sil/Jack
11: CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red
12: CM - Lupercalia WIP -
13: AC/FFXV - Des and Noct swap places - ffxv Halloween bang
14: Trigun x Outlaw Star
15: Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors
16: Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors
17: Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star
18: Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho
19: Dragons Breath -- DAO&RW
20: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Eddie
21: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Jake
22: Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP
23: GW Pacific Rim
24: GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely
25: Hobbit/RW - Bilbo -
26: House Ronin Warriors
27: RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth
28: RW-PJ
29: RWSG1
30: SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom
31: ST/RW
32: SW/GW - Brothers and Sisters [clonefic]
33: Thor-x-Ronin Warriors
34: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting [Noctis in AoT]
35: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars [Prowls adopts Fire Demon baby]
36: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family [Assassins in FFXV]
37: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor [Kuwabara unfucks SW]
38: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love [Kuwabara adopts a Red Lantern Cat]
39: Voltron/Escaflowne
40: When the Night Comes/Arcana crossover
41: YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids
42: CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP -
43: Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP
44: Every Warden Ever - WIP -
45: Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens
46: Salazar - Crowbar Fic
47: Carslile/Sil - Highschool
48: Joan rambles
49: Junior - (Best laid plans)
50: Junior - Outsider
51: Junior - The G.O.A.T.
52: Junior rambles
53: MacCready - Big Town Blues
54: MacCready - Radstorm
55: Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia)
56: Pandora -
57: Pandora - Lupercalia Fic - [Inside Pandora's Box]
58: Pandora rambles
59: Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic
60: Sil/X6 rambles
61: Silas - Demon Summoner AU - A Leaf in the Wind
62: Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald)
63: Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic)
64: Silas rambles
65: Winter Animals (papa!Artem)
66: Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say
67: Ambulo
68: Contritum Coronam
69: to abstain from doing harm
70: A General Gift
71: ABO nicias&caleb/nicola
72: An Army - Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water
73: Andali misc
74: Ardyn - (Triplets verse)
75: Cathedral of You fanfiction
76: Cor -
77: Cor - Dawnfire - WIP
78: Dave - [Scourgeverse]
79: FFXV Glaive Lupercalia
80: FFXV Prompto Lupercalia
81: Galahdian Noctis au
82: give a brother wings
83: Halloween '19 d2
84: Halloween '19 d3
85: Halloween '19 d4
86: Halloween '19 d5
87: Halloween '19 d7
88: Noct raises Ardyn
89: Nyx -
90: Prompto - Terrible Things
91: Sealions - Cor - The Dance
92: snowchild (Lupercalia wolfProm fic)
93: The Feral Coeurl of Galahd (Galahdian!Cor fic)
94: Transplant Fic Box
95: Vipers Victim
96: what fire burns
97: IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP
98: IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP
99: David and kids
100: David and Bridget, Combat Skills
101: David vs Simon Fight
102: Bridget tending David
103: Music *http://youtu.be/G2ZKKXCuaYc?t=9m46s
104: Seduction
105: Wish
106: Destiny
107: xerxes
108: Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia)
109: LotRO - Aegliraan - Caran Dagra - WIP
110: Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright
111: ME - OC - Blood And Water
112: Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Chapter 5
113: Itachi - Step Two
114: The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone
115: 100+ Words list
116: Bioshock - Big Daddy - ABO verse
117: Character Roulette 2
118: Life of Redemption
119: A lover's homecoming
120: The Dreaming Cord
121: Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP
122: Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth)
123: SPCH - drabble
124: Thor - All The Little Children [Lupercalia]
125: Thor - Lupercalia WIP - Frigga -
126: WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart
127: Haruko - Genji lives path
128: McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans
129: Overwatch - Yuuma - Nest of Vipers - Big Bang
130: Stan/Haruko
131: Stanfic
132: Taijo Aitai tinyfic
133: Yuuma Op
134: Mia - Lupercalia fic - The Chosen Ones ch2
135: RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP
136: Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP
137: Seiji - Kagome, Kagome
138: Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP
139: Yulie WIP
140: Dinner
141: Bamboo
142: Travel
143: Sting
144: City
145: Noise
146: Titan
147: Oddyseus
148: Hera
149: Archangel
150: Centaur
151: Gorgon
152: Rainforest
153: Music
154: Groot
155: Plagues
156: Courage
157: Rage
158: Belief
159: Joy
160: Horoscope
161: Family
162: Obligation
163: Friend
164: Loneliness
165: Anakin - - timetravel fic tcw/ep7
166: Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic)
167: Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark
168: Eurynome - Supernova?
169: Jeeri -
170: Shmi Skywalker - Son of Sands [Aniwolf]
171: Snowdrops
172: Star Wars AU Fics
173: StarWars - WIP
174: Trials and Shenanigans (Bits and Pieces)
175: We Shouldn't Be Friends
176: SG1 - Sam - - WIP
177: SG1 - Sam&Jack - - WIP
178: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band
179: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For
180: SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP
181: Series: Bad Plan
182: Arrow&RW - Oliver - - WIP
183: Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse)
184: Papa!Cye
185: little shadows far reaching
186: Untitled document
187: Voltron - Keith -
188: Geralt - Witchwolves [Lupercalia]
189: Hell Hath No Fury
190: Chapter 3
191: Adventures of Maiwen Tanet
192: Art of Living
193: Asclepius
194: Bloodlines
195: Bondsiblings
196: Cats Cradle
197: Smoke Song
198: Darkness Watching
199: Desert Sands
200: Dragon's Cross
201: Dragonkin
202: Fractured
203: Hydra
204: Lyric Book
205: Poetry Book
206: Red Moon Kisses
207: Rupert's Drop
208: Feyborn
209: Superheros
210: Wonderland
211: A Mother's Love
212: Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
213: Minor Troubles
214: Roses In Stained Glass
215: Even God Can't Save You Now
216: Mirrors Edge -
217: Our Secrets
218: Mica Sands
219: SG1/RW
220: They Call Them Ghosts
221: We All Bleed
222: In A House Of Brittle Bones
223: With A Crash of Thunder
224: Digital Shards [YGO/Digimon]
225: God Save The Queen
226: Fractured Light
227: AtlA/RW
228: NatM/YGO
229: SG1/StS
230: Van Helsing/Helsing
231: GW/Avatar
232: GW/JOH
233: Saving You
234: Firefly/Outlaw Star
235: GW/RW Reincarnation Is A Bitch
236: Escaflowne/RW
237: Mending Of Hearts Hope/Noel
238: The engines of iron Cindy/MTProm
239: Weaver's Undoing
240: A Nomad's surprise
241: A Soldier For Sale
242: Heir of Spring
243: The Ghosts of Haven
244: Master's Vengence gladio/prom d/s bdsm
245: The Unfortunate Ice Cream
246: The Perfect Hustle
247: The Adventure of Odie, the One Eyed Sock Puppet
248: Angels in the Attic
249: Mending the Sun
250: Numb to the Stars
251: Traitor of Heaven - ffx/ffvii
252: Isle of Iron
253: Irreverence
254: the empty tower
255: Bravery In Eternity
256: Changeling's Duel
257: Gilded Dispair
258: Wolfwan return of shark
259: Clonewolf O66
260: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia AU
261: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia snippets
262: Going Down (Cpt. America lupercalia)
263: wake up cpt+girls
264: Lokison
265: Uncle of Mine
266: The Things Wolfsisters Do
267: Howling
268: Shield Sisters
269: starhunter lupercalia
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geekcavepodcast · 4 years
“The Witcher” Adds to Cast for Season 2
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Netflix is expanding the cast of The Witcher for season 2. Yasen Atour will portray Coen, Agnes Bjorn will portray Vereena, Paul Bullion will portray Lambert, Thue Ersted Rasmussen will portray Eskel, Aisha Fabienne Ross will portray Lydia, Kristofer Hivju will portray Nivellen, and Mecia Simson will portray Francesca.
Directors for The Witcher season 2 are Stephen Surjik for episodes 201 and 202, Sarah O’Gorman for episodes 203 and 204, Ed Bazalgette for episodes 205 and 208, and Geeta Patel for episodes 206 and 207.
(Image from 2019′s The Witcher)
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avengers-rule103 · 4 years
208 pages into The Last Wish and Toss A Coin To Your Witcher makes a bit more sense to me now 👍
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fallenrazziel · 5 years
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The Witcher 3 #208
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➤ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt edits [ 208/∞ ] - Toussaint scenery  
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