#the worms have taken over my brain. but that's nothing we didn't already know
roryka · 5 months
i Cannot and Will not keep my questions to just one i am Too Curious chief, i'm almost wretched with how badly i want to ask about actualization report adljsfahsdjlfahsjlfsdhajlhasdlh im not sure i want to spoil it for myself though, i might just have to explode violently the moment you finish and post it :p
sfw teenybedo pleeeeease and 8, the cynonari one, for sure, and nsfw DRAGONFUCKER KOKOLUMI YES GIRL GET IT
you might be waiting a while for the next report haha, it's um. turning out Obscenely long. but it will definitely be worth the wait :)
teenybedo: this one actually started out as a commission from a friend, which then fell through when i realised that the moment i'm getting paid to write something is the moment my brain decides it does not want to write it :D sjdfjdjhj though now that i'm not under any pressure to finish, i've been working on it again sporadically.
Albedo lifted the bottom of his coat up and to the side, displaying the remains of the potion that had dripped down his back. “I was wondering what sort of potion I was hit with. It appears as though it may be a shrinking solution of some kind— indeed, something of that nature would make it very easy to abduct a group of knights on patrol, wouldn’t it?” “Shrinking potion…?” Aether’s eyes widened. “Then… the knights who went missing…” “They’re likely still alive, at any rate. I also think you’re correct about the treasure hoarders being based in these woods. Though it’s too late to try and follow the one who escaped, we could—” “Albedo,” Aether interrupted urgently. “How… How fast are you shrinking?” Albedo blinked, his train of thought derailed. “I’m not sure. Anyway, the rate is potentially subject to change. Why?” “‘Why’?!” squeaked Paimon. “Because before long you’re gonna be even smaller than Paimon! We’ve gotta do something!”
cynonari but it's unhinged and unethical: okay so. hear me out. i love cynonari, big fan, but in canon (currently) they are Very Normal. an impressively well-adjusted and emotionally secure couple. so my thought was... what if they weren't always?
Cautiously, Tighnari stepped out of the narrow passage, on the alert for the sound of anyone approaching. The space was dimly lit, but he could clearly see that it was a research laboratory, just the same as some of the classrooms above. "Why would the Akademiya have a hidden laboratory...?" he murmured, wandering through the rows of messy desks and equipment. At the back of the room was a glass wall, seemingly looking into some kind of containment chamber. As he drew close, ears twitching with nerves, he noticed a figure laying on the floor of the tiny chamber, dressed in rags. Their bone-white hair was tangled and unwashed, and they looked terribly underfed. His eyes widened as the person straightened up, crimson eyes narrowing at the sight of him. "Who are you?"
kokolumi but lumine is a dragonfucker: h. hear. hear me out. okay. i (like a lot of people who have been playing since 2.4) was really confused and disappointed at the out-of-nowhere reveal that after all of hoyo's hinting at kokomi being the reincarnation of the hydro dragon (her constellation being "slumbering dragoness," the vishap research notes mentioning that the hydro dragon was supposed to be born in enkanomiya as one of the vishaps, kokomi supposedly being born already possessing her vision, among other things) it turned out be. some guy in fontaine. neuvillette i love you and this isn't your fault but you did not earn your dragon title and once hoyo remembers that kokomi exists at all-- okay well no that's not going to happen so i guess you're in the clear.
anyway, once i got over my initial frustration and started snorting kopium (that's kokomi-specific copium) again, i looked at neuvillette's lines and thought: "oh... he says the hydro dragon couldn't be born among the vishaps of enkanomiya because their evolution corrupted them... what if... what if kokomi was supposed to be the hydro dragon sovereign, but is instead more like a... failed, corrupted version?" and, well. we all know how i feel about corrupted dragon characters.
The great sea dragon, magnificent even injured, was dragging itself up the surf with a slow determination. Its gaze was locked on the cannon, glittering with intent. It had eyes like twin pools, Lumine thought, mirror-like and deeper than dark. She watched it approach without a single thought of running. When it drew close enough to rear its glimmering purple head over the outcropping, Lumine simply looked up at it, awe occupying her senses and drowning the tingling fear. It looked down at her as well, eyes reflecting so much that it looked like nothing. She had seen so many things since arriving in Teyvat, both beautiful and terrible, awe-inspiring and spine-chilling. To her, this dragon was almost like a culmination of it all. A fitting end, if an end it must be. Lumine didn’t want it to end. Not even like this. But her limbs were too heavy to raise a sword.  The dragon rumbled softly in its throat, plaintively, almost… familiar. Lumine's breath caught in her throat. “Kokomi…?”
feel free to send more asks if you have more questions, i have a terminal case of Can't Shut Up About Wips disease
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n0tamused · 26 days
dottore having to dispose of a faulty clone (maybe bc they were threatening reader) and then handfeeding reader parts of it like cannibalism as a metaphor for love…. do we see the vision or is this a little too 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 💔💔
A/n: pookie you're all good, thank you for feeding my brain worms with this idea I'm sending you smooches. I do hope I executed this well. I had a lot in my head that I wanted to write for this but I didn't want this to turn into a word scramble so here's this. Enjoy <3
Content: Dottore x GN reader, dark content(?), a bit yandere, implied unhealthy relationship, implied cannibalism, cannibalism as a metaphor for love, idk what else to tag as I never posted something like this so if anything else needs tagging feel free to lemme know
Words: 735
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Several candles lined the polished oak table, its surface smooth and almost sticky, the light rippling over the dark lines of the carvings on top like little light bugs chasing one another. The golden hues danced over the plates as well, but the dim light scarcely allowed for a good look at the dishes.
The fork extending forward to your lips was the only thing that held your attention long enough to be observed, taken in fully, lips closing around the bit of meat and vegetables. The juice and oil fills your mouth, sinking past your teeth and around your gums, the taste is rich yet stale all at once. You couldn’t comment on it, you didn't know what to say about it. Not with the Doctor sitting at your side and being the one to feed you so, so gently.
It's hard to remember when was the last time he looked so gentle, kind even, perhaps when he was lighting up the candles with such care, as if his own breath would blow the flames into a blaze, allowing you to see your plate in full.
The meat was well done, seasoned to your liking, and something told you it was Dottore’s own hand who prepared it, gave it his all to make it so perfect for consumption. Parts of him were laced through every sensation, every smell and every bite. Your own plate is set before him and he's cutting all your bites, spearing pieces of meat and salad onto the fork before feeding it to you, making sure you ate well.
The dull ache in your arms is brought back into memory as you languidly chew on a bite, and your fingers absentmindedly touch over your sleeves over where the bruises lay, feeling the ache grow.
“Do they still hurt you?” His voice called out amidst smoky smells and brown fog, calling you to the present. “Have you gotten any rest at all, my dear?” He added, his head tilting in your direction, his bird-like mask not allowing you for a glimpse of his ruby eyes, but from underneath you can see glimpses of the scars peeking through, teasing your eyes. For some reason he chose to wear it here, now, only puzzling you further. 
“No.. no.. they're fine… I’ll get some rest later tonight, sir..” you reply as you swallow and watch how he grimaced at the title, and you nearly cough from how big this bite was, but you would have taken a bigger bite had Dottore allowed you to feast yourself. Perhaps not, but you told yourself you would. Be it the rich taste or some other factor, you yearned to take up each bone from the meat and lick it clean, sucking out the marrow from within and letting it melt into your guts.
Would he be satisfied then?
Would you be?
The candles flicker. He's still looking at you
“Are you still afraid? I've already told you so, and explained it many times. You have nothing to fear here. This was just an error in the system which will not ever happen again.. and you shouldn't have been around to witness it, anyhow..”. You have to wonder how he can say all this with so little fear. Then again, the clone was his creation. He knew it inside and out, every crevice and every wire.
“I understand.. it's just that.. I'd rather not face the others now..not after that..” 
Truth be told, having him around was also slightly unnerving, as he wore nearly an identical face as the one that harmed you. They were the same, but also not. He was gentle, but he was not.
The one that hurt you was long disposed of and would never harm you again, but Dottore was once the one that hurt you, and now he has poured himself out before you, all for your pleasure and the sweet poison of safety and love.
He hopes to convey it to you through each meticulously put bite, every sip he graces your lips with. He had cut himself open for you and would do so again, just as he hurt you through that error. It came as easy as drinking and breathing. 
“That’s understandable. I assure you are safe, and however dark the night may get - I'll be there with you… But for now, you must eat, not fear. Open wide..”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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crmsnmth · 6 months
The All-American Dream (A Typical Night in 2012)
The All-American Dreams are sitting on the couch, Far past stoned, with Xbox controllers in both of our hands The world's going to end at the end of the year, And I started a countdown on Facebook that went from irony, To a compelling habit up until it was just forgotten the joke had run it's course anyway
There's an ashtray with a fountain of butts sitting on the coffee table We'll finish this mission before we load up another glass spoon with local herbs Grown right here in the community gardens
The air conditioner is turned up all the outside, the summer night is humid and wet so we listen to the humming and clicks until it just becomes ignored background noise and it's so very easy to become selectively deaf
The room smells of cardboard and weed a future girlfriend would say it smelled a hamster cage and I guess that's as good as a description can get the weed was obvious, and the cardboard came from the ten boxes I was living in I slept on a floor in jeans for three and a half months
We're laughing and playing stoned philospher thinking we knew everything, but knowing we knew nothing We just didn't know we knew just yet We were fearless, horny, and stupid and that couch quickly became another home
It's strange how any single moment can somehow latch on to you, and make another fraction of you another part added to the personality of you Every moment you breath shouldn't be taken for granted
We are the All-American dreams We're the future off this world, and that should scare you It sure as hell scares me the role models of the future are the criminals of today it's so confusing I can feel my brain throb in my skull
It's funny how not even two months ago we weren't even friends that's why it shocked me when you offered up your home to share I guess you just have a bigger heart then I I know, everybody we know already knows that
I still get homesick for the months that I spent sleeping on a hard carpet floor I think about how tragically short that time was why are the good things alwasy so short in time? I can feel the hard floor digging into my side
Every night it isn't raining, we walk to the gas station Red Bull, gummy worms, and overcooked gas station hot dogs What can I say? That's just my kind of party The night calls to us, and we wander over the same cracks in the sidewalk
We feared nothing and said nothing Even though all we did was talk Life was simple, the only rule was to survive and I think we're far past that now at thirty=five but some things will always stay the same
We the All-American Dreams, sitting stoned on the couch laughing because, for now, we've got it figured out.
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this is so funny because it poses it like a fully conscious choice, rather than amity not being aware that karlach had non-platonic feelings for her -- and was really horny and touch-starved, sure, but amity didn't think that had all that much to do with her, personally, until the exchange that went like --
karlach: i know i had designs on you, but i'm glad you found a little happiness with someone who could actually give it to you amity: aw, thanks! you're sweet :) karlach: yeah, yeah, i'm an angel, giving away my one true love to a bloodthirsty toff amity: yeah -- HUH???? ONE TRUE LOVE?? HUH??????
it FULLY blindsides her and leaves her reeling -- even more than she's already been! and she was already blindsided, just in terms of astarion. like, the way things have been going with him have been a nice surprise, but a surprise nonetheless! amity set out with the intention of making friends out of as many of the companions as possible, and nothing more than that. she certainly didn't anticipate any romantic overtures from anyone, let alone more than one person.
ever since the first time astarion propositioned her, she's gone on thinking 'alright, allies -- maybe friends? -- who have sex. people do this all the time. i can do this. just don't make something out of nothing and don't start getting feelings where there shouldn't be any. he doesn't want that, and you already know the unrequited thing doesn't feel great, don't do that again. you're on different paths anyway -- maybe after we all kill cazador and get rid of the brain worms, we can meet for tea sometimes, but he probably won't want much more to do with you than that, so don't read into this and it'll be fine!'
so the recent conversation with astarion means that she's only now allowing herself to think that she can read into this At Least A Little, and she hasn't even taken the time to figure out what exactly her own feelings are yet. she's wrapped up in unwrapping that line of thought when she talks to karlach, and afterwards she's a bit too stunned to think about anything, so instead of the confident, 'haha yeah i broke up with her, i'm very certain about you' vibe i think it'd be more like
astarion: so you really ended things with karlach -- amity: DID YOU KNOW KARLACH IS IN LOVE WITH ME astarion: ...did you... not? amity: NO!!!!
the rest of the conversation can continue pretty much as scripted, but first she has to spend a few moments despairing with her head in her hands over having inadvertently broken someone's heart -- in an obvious enough way that apparently the whole camp knows it, too
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Fickle Love (Akaashi x Reader x Bokuto)
A/N: So this was supposed to be for Akaashi's birthday...whoops. But its here now lmao ngl I just kinda wrote with no idea in mind and this is what ended happening so yeah. Hope you enjoy and happy late birthday to Akaashi 💞
Details: 7.8 pages 2,758 words
Date: December 8th, 2020
Warnings: Mentions of poly relationships I guess, angst if you squint, Gn! Reader not really a warning but I didn't know where else to put it
Theme: Akaashi wasn't the best when it came to love. Having a habit of ignoring you and burying himself in work. Leading you to turn to Bokuto which leads to some revelations and a question for Akaashi.
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Love was a fickle thing Akaashi knew. People fell in and out of love all the time so he never trusted love. He didn't want love he wanted to avoid it. Avoid the heartbreak he was positive would follow. But instead he met you a bright-eyed student in his class. It took almost nothing for you to mesh yourself into his life completely and making yourself comfortable like you belonged there.
It took even less time for you to weasel your way into his heart and make yourself comfortable. Only a year after you'd met and he asked you out deciding that love may not have been as fickle as he thought.
Four years later and he knew he had been wrong love was indeed fickle and his proof was in the sight across the street from him. There you stood hands clasped around Bokuto's as he kissed your cheek. He waved before running off and Akaashi rushed home preparing for the worst.
A few hours later you slipped through the door "Keiji? I'm home!" You called hearing the soft pads of feet come up to you. Love was fickle he knew you were going to lie when he asked his next question "Hey Y/n. What did you do today?" You suprised him though. Only after you'd gotten over the shock of being called Y/n and not darling.
"I went to lunch with Bokuto today," You said happily slipping off your coat and hanging it up. He certainly didn't expect you to be honest about what you did today. He loosened up a tad bit in response "Oh? Why?" You laughed at his question "Bo needs contact with us you know that. But you haven't been answering his calls so we went shopping and I filled him in on how you were. Afterwards I treated him to lunch as a thank you," You smiled up at him eyes bright with nothing hidden.
"Yeah? Did you guys hold hands so he wouldn't lose you?" He joked and you shook your head "He grabbed my hands at the end of lunch because I promised him I'd bring you next time," you had laughed remembering the incident. Relief flooded him then no of course you weren't cheating on him that'd be insane. You were as loyal as Bokuto was plus he couldn't keep a secret to save his life and neither could you. He relaxed as he realized how wrong he was to assume something.
"Im sorry," He said suddenly while you tilted your head in confusion. "What for?" You had asked before Akaashi leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I forgot to give you your welcome home kiss," He rolled off casually hiding the fear he'd felt earlier. This fear had only continued to grow as the days went on but it was his fault anyway.
"Keiji are you free today?" "No I'm busy," "Oh...Okay," 
"Keiji we haven't gone on a date in weeks!" "Im not stopping you from going out somewhere," "I want to go out with you though,"
"Keiji-" "Im busy Y/n,"
Two weeks this cycle continued as you walked to Akaashi's at home office. Two taps against the door and you opened it "Kei-" His eyes snapped up frustration was on his face but he took a breath before it faded. "What?" You sighed turning to leave again "...Im going out to lunch with Kotaro again. He says hi by the way," You left the room quickly and Akaashi blinked 'Kotaro?' Surely you meant Bokuto but there was no way you two were on a first name basis it'd only been a few days since the last lunch.
His eyes landed on the calender and he froze what had only been a few days to him was actually two weeks but still too short for a first name basis. You'd only know Bokuto for a few months and he'd known the male for years and still never used his first name.
He sighed returning to his work. He'd question you when you got back from lunch he didn't have the time to right now. Nor did he know your location so going to find you was like a needle in a haystack. A very big bustling city of a haystack and the needle being you with a slightly bigger needle in the shape of a volleyball player next to you.
He continued work for a few hours before his office door was thrown open. He expected many things when he looked up but he didn't expect Bokuto. But what got him was the fact that Bokuto was furious it was a look he'd never seen before on him. The glare he had on his face was enough to make Akaashi freeze. 
He knew Bokuto was typically happy like a dog but right now he felt fearful since now he staring down an angry German Shepard who was defending their owner. It was silent for a long moment before Bokuto spoke. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Akaashi felt his blood turn to ice at the tone Bokuto used.
"W-what?" He cursed silently at his own stutter Bokuto would latch onto the weakness he showed. "Whats today Akaashi?" Bokuto had asked in that same icy tone. It was so razor sharp and cold that Akaashi was convinced the room cooled and ten degrees.
"...Its December 1st Bokuto-san," He elected to answer the question instead of ask why Bokuto didn't call him Keiji. Based on the mood Bokuto was displaying he didn't expect to be called Keiji. However supplying the date only seemed to rile him up more as his glare sharpened.
Akaashi shivered involuntarily at it "Are you forgetting something?" He barked out and it was then that Akaashi realized Bokuto hadn't blinked yet. "No," he was confident in the answer. Your birthday wasn't until b/d and his was in four days. Bokutos had already passed but said male wouldn't have been mad at him. Sad maybe but not mad.
"Oh really? Then tell me why Y/n is at my place crying because you forgot that today is your anniversary," Bokuto had stepped towards him in anger and Akaashi took in involuntarily step back in fear. "They're at your place?" Akaashi asked and Bokutos jaw clenched.
"Yeah. And they are going to stay there until you sort yourself out," Bokuto growled turning and slamming the door closed with enough force to crack it. Akaashi stood frozen for a few extra moments trying to regain his composure after being afraid. He shook his head as he processed Bokuto's last sentence.
No you'd always come back to him, even if a fight had broken out between him and you, you would always come back. You had to come back he was your fiancé and the wedding was going to be in the upcoming w/f/s/s so he continued to work shaking off his encounter with Bokuto that had manage to worm a tiny bit of fear back into his heart.
Akaashi didn't fully leave his office again until December 5th. He'd left it plenty of times before then but only for something quick eat or the bathroom or something to drink. In these moments he never bothered to look around the place but now on his birthday he did.
He expected to be greeted by your sparkling voice like you had done for the past four years but instead the house was silent. "Y/n?" He called out walking around the house was still perfectly clean. The last time he could recall hearing you was on the first with the vacuum running and the patter of your feet running around.
Since then he realizes the house had been silent except for his movements. As he walked into the dining room something glinted on the table in the early morning light. When he turned to look he froze there was your engagement ring. The thin band of silver sat there almost mockingly on a yellow sticky note.
He picked up the note and written on it were a few simple words. 'They aren't coming home - Bokuto' his brain filled in the missing words Bokuto had told him a few days ago "Not until I fix myself," he mumbled thumbing at the sticky in his hands. He knew what Bokuto meant he'd been borderline ignoring you for weeks to work.
Thoughts of your anniversary had left his mind but he didn't think it was that bad until right now. Forgetting had been the final nail in the coffin for you but he still had a chance. You weren't gone forever just temporarily misplaced. He rushed to shower and go buy flowers his brain running a mile a minute trying to figure out how to get you back and apologize.
He felt nervous and he was unsure of why until he remembered where you had taken up residence. Bokuto had never been scary to him, just a bright ball of happiness but the fear Bokuto had instilled in him a few days ago had lingered, and he was about to walk right into the lion's den.
He couldn't see you as he approached the door. Maybe you were tucked away upstairs or in a place the windows didn't show but he'd seen Bokuto. The male was pacing clearly on edge and definitely dangerous but Akaashi would have to face him sooner or later so with a shaking hand he knocked.
Only half a second later the door swung open and Bokuto stood there mouth set in a hard line. Akaashi fought to supress the shiver that wanted to trail up his spine. "Is Y/n here?" He asked and once again cursed himself for sounding so meek. It was just Bokuto he wouldn't hurt him the man couldn't even hurt a fly! Although that sentiment didn't hold much when he felt like he was staring down the loaded barrel of a gun.
"Yes," Bokuto answered after a few beats of silence. His eyes raked over Akaashi's form judging him and seeing if he was ready to have Y/n back. "Can I see them? I'd like to talk," He was definitely playing with fire when Bokuto looked back up at his eyes. "About what?" He asked lowly Akaashi noted that Bokuto was staying quiet which meant you had to be downstairs. "I'd like to apologize for ignoring them and forgetting our anniversary," Bokuto nodded once before swinging the door closed.
He blinked in mild suprise "Bo-Bokuto-san?" He questioned wondering where he went wrong that warranted the door being closed. He was about to knock again when the door opened revealing you. Your h/c hair was slightly messy and e/c eyes half lidded in sleep.
What Akaashi didn't like was the MSBY jersey that swallowed you figure. The number 12 emblazoned on the front and long enough to cover your thighs. He couldn't tell if you were wearing pants but he hoped you did. You never walked around his house like this unless it was after a fun night but he couldn't assume things. Not now and he especially couldn't accuse you of cheating when Bokuto was on the staircase right behind you.
He could see that the golden eyed male was poised to attack when the conversation would start heading south. You tilted your head in confusion "Hello Akaashi," You had mumbled and he did flinch then. No pet names or his first name no, you had decided on formal. "Hi darling," He whispered the pet name but you merely shook your head.
"Why are you here?" The genuine confusion on your face made Akaashi feel a lot worse about everything. "Im here to apologize and seeing as its my birthday id like my present from you to be going on one date with me," He said slowly "Please," was tacked on as an afterthought. You turned your head eyes meeting Bokuto's and Akaashi hated the jealousy that crawled up his spine when his eyes softened.
"Um actually Akaashi I wanted to talk to you about something," Your hands had balled into fists tightly gripping the hem of the shirt you wore. A nervous habit you had whenever something scared you. He felt his heart drop in response to those words and you shook your head. "No no! It's nothing bad- well I guess that depends on how you feel about it," You were quick to try and sooth him and Akaashis heart swelled at the fact that right now even if you weren't getting along you still worried about him.
He didn't even realize you had led him inside until he was on the couch. His eyes trailed over you figure as you sat across from him. The shirt rode up enough exposing part of your thigh and Akaashi could see the hem of a pair of shorts. They followed their path until his eyes rested on the new gold band around your ring finger. It was decorated in a series of small gems that were the same blue as his eyes and he took a deep breath.
"What is it?" He lightly questioned when the silence began suffocating him. Bokuto was behind him somewhere he felt the stare being burned into his back. The second this conversation possibly turned south Bokuto was ready to jump in. "Well...I was wondering how you felt about the two of us becoming um...three of us?" You looked down afterwards hands nervously ringing together.
"...three of us?" He wanted more clarification were you implying a kid or something else? You hummed meeting his eyes before they flickered to the male that was behind him 'oh' it pieced itself together then. You were implying a poly relationship with him and Bokuto. He must have been quiet for too long since your hands began rubbing at your sides.
He scrambled for an answer he knew he was unbothered by it but this was...The two of you were only a few months away from getting married and you wanted to add Bokuto into the mix? Now of all times? He took a shuttering breath as he thought.
"Well...I guess I have to call the restaurant and tell them to change the reservation for three people then," he offered a small smile and your head whipped up. "Really?" You whispered and he could only supply a nod. 
"Yeah now when I'm busy with work the both of you can harass me into taking a break," it was a poor attempt at a joke but you had laughed anyway. He heard a chuckle from behind him as well and he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Keiji are you sure? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything...," you trailed off and he smiled "im sure but are you sure about Bokuto? Hes a little chaotic," He asked "Hey!" Bokuto had an immediate reaction to the accusation.
You laughed reaching out and taking his hand "So is it a fancy dinner place?" You asked as Bokuto came over to take your free hand. He watched your thumb move back and forth across Bokutos hand a comforting gesture and he noticed the minute shake of Bokuto's hand. Unconsciously he reached out with his free hand and took Bokuto's which seemed to startle him slightly as wide gold eyes met his.
Akaashi gave a light squeeze and Bokuto settled with a sigh. "Its the restaurant I originally proposed at so yeah I'd go with fancy," he answered after a second. "You're making me get dressed up for your birthday dinner? Despicable really," you dramatically sighed and he found himself laughing. "Well I suppose we don't have to go since you've already given me the best present I could ask for today," He smiled tilting his head to the side and looking at Bokuto who was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a look of concern on his face.
"You alright Bo?" He looked up at the unfamiliar nickname eyes meeting Akaashi's once again. "M'fine just...I don't own a suit," He said quietly. The silence that stretched afterwards for a long moment before you broke it. "Kotaro what do you mean you don't own a suit you're a professional athlete!" "It wasn't an issue until now!" He shouted back love was fickle yes but as he watched you and Bokuto interact he knew
It was fickle but he wouldn't trade it in for anything.
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guillotinedangel · 6 years
Day 01. RESET
Based on the January 2019 prompt list published by @downwithwritersblock
The future is now.
Author: @blackpaladintshirogane
Ship: Klance
Characters: Keith, Lance, Acxa, Zethrid, Ezor.
Warning: S8 spoilers, offensive language.
Summary: During a BOM benefic delivery, Keith encounters a rebel resistance Galra group that attacks him an puts his life in jeopardy. Fearing he may die anytime even thought the war is over, he flies to Altea to find Lance and confess his feelings.
"Keith, do you copy?"
Acxa's voice sounded, worried, on the other side of the comms. She had been trying for a while now to reach her captain, but there was no sign of him since he had gone down to the planet they were currently in, looking for signs of life they could help.
Now that the war was over, the Blade of Marmora had been renewed. They were still incredible skilled warriors but now their duties had been changed to deliver help to the places in the Universe that had been affected by the battles and the destruction. They usually did not have any trouble but today it had been different and Keith, who always took the responsibility of patrolling the area before landing, was not answering his team's call.
"Maybe we should go down ourselves, just in case" Ezor suggested, also worried by the lack of answer.
"Give the little one a bit more time. He's tough" Zethrid added.
"This is weird"
Acxa worked on the ship's panel of control, trying to look for anything she could possibly do, but she got jack.
Meanwhile, on the ground , Keith was running for his life.
Panting, with his lungs already aching every time he gasped for air, the boy was trying to escape his persecutors, who he could hear, yelling to each other, only a few steps behind him.
The attack had taken him by surprise, but, still, he was punishing himself for being so careless. If he hadn't been agile enough, his blood would be painting a beautiful canvas on the rocky landscape of the planet.
It had been Garla, nonetheless, the ones who had tried to kill him. Maybe that was the reason why he was running and not fighting back: the shock he had upon seeing the purple skinned soldiers, referring to him as paladin of Voltron, even though it had been years since the lions had abandoned them.
"Acxa!! Ezor!! Zethrid!! Somebody!? Do you copy me!?" he shouted over the comms between gasps, but the plain and cold static answered him.
Tired already, desperately trying to reach his team for help, Keith did not see the rift splitting the ground in two at his feet and he fell right on it, with a cry of pain, hitting his ribs on the ledge and spraining his right ankle on the deep hole. Soon enough, he was able to feel the warm blood running, tickling his skin under his tight suit.
He struggled to get himself out, not caring about injuring himself even more, but in vain. The rift was shallow but too narrow, so he was trapped on it. Little was worth all his screaming and cursing, and then a shadow hovered over him and the click of a gun and an evil laugh reached his ears.
"Look at you. The mighty Red Paladin, trapped like a rat in a hole on the ground. Pathetic"
"Fuck you" Keith growled , angryly, which earned him a kick on the head that made him spit blood out of his mouth.
"Shut it, and try not to keep spilling blood over my new skin trophy. Now. You're gonna be a good boy, and tell us where the rest of your team is"
"What are you even barking about? Haven't you heard the war is over?"
Keith could almost hear how the big warrior gritted his sharp teeth.
"We know, but you worms are still alive. That's insulting to us, to the memory of our great Emperor Zarkon. You destroyed it all!! We want our revenge!!"
"Then get me out of here and I'll show you the blade Zarkon tasted!!"
His words had the effect required and the soldier grabbed Keith by his neck and raised him in the air and out of the rift like a flower out of its soil, to throw him on the ground under his feet with anger. The boy twisted in pain to the impact. He probably had a few ribs broken.
"I'll break every single bone in your tiny body"
"Fuck you" Keith cursed again at him, but before the soldier could even point his gun at him, he was brought down alongside his companions by three figures that appeared out of nowhere.
"Keith!!" Acxa shouted, upon seeing her captain on the floor, the blood starting to shine through the dark fabric of the suit.
The three warriors ran to help him.
"The blade Zarkon tasted?? Do you have a death wish? " Zethrid faced him while Acxa and Ezor inspectioned his wounds.
"Stupid human" Acxa mumbled between her teeth, "It wasn't even you who finished Zarkon. It was Lotor"
"Who cares. I had to win some time and it worked, right? " Keith whispered, feeling how the exhaustion was starting to catch up to his muscles and brain.
"They were going to kill you!"
"No. I can't... I can't die. I have to do something first"
"Yeah? Like what?"
The day had dawned sunny and warm, and Lance was heading for the orchard to take care of his crops, with one of the altean kids that lived alongside him and other alien families on the farm he had retired to after the war was over, seeking peace of mind and relaxation after all the stress and fear that it had brought upon them. What he did not expect to receive were the news of the arrival of a stranger warrior out of the mouth of another of the children that were running around, and even less it being Keith in the flesh.
"Wow, that mullet gets worse with the years" Lance jokingly said as soon as his former partner was close enough to hear him.
Keith laughed to his words, but he merely managed to scoff. His broken ribs pained him too much to actually burst a laughter and, even though he tried to hide it, he was limping. Also, Lance knew him all too well.
"Are you okay?" the Cuban asked, with a worried look on his blue eyes.
"Just a mission that went wrong. Nothing to worry about"
Lance raised an eyebrow.
"A mission? I thought the Blade was doing humanitarian work now?"
"Um, yeah we do..." Keith wondered his eyes away from Lance's, "But I... Found myself with some old glories that recognized me. And they weren't nice to me"
"Okay, you're coming with me now. You need to lay down"
Keith half smiled upon seeing Lance's face, frowning with a troubled look. He would have tried to argue with him over it, but he knew there would be no way to make him desist, so he followed his friend to his home, were Lance made him lay on a very comfortable couch while he made some hot coffee.
"There you go" he said, offering him a cup, "Now would you tell me why you're here? Do you need a place to heal your wounds? You can stay if you want"
The offering took Keith by surprise. He hadn't even thought about that possibility.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah! We have plenty of room here and I could use..." Lance stopped himself before saying what was roaming his mind and blushed to the very thought of even telling Keith what he actually wanted to say, "You'd be welcome"
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The sentence you didn't finish" Keith teased him, accommodating himself on the couch.
"Stay on your back" Lance ordered him in a soft voice, avoiding the question at the same time.
"I'll stay if you make me"
"Wha... What?"
Lance's face lighted up like a lighthouse and Keith smiled softly at him.
"I came here for a reason, Lance. I... I almost died in this mission--"
"You what!?"
"Let me finish! Dammit! Those soldiers almost killed me and the thing is... I could not stop thinking about... About how much I regretted not visiting you more often. Not... Talking to you since months ago. Not being by your side"
"What do you mean with all that, Keith?"
"Fuck! Lance!" Keith snapped, making a pinch of pain flood his chest on the process, "I'm not good with this feelings shit..."
The Cuban boy smiled.
"You mean to tell me you missed me, mullet?" Lance asked with a cheeky grin.
"Yes but, not only that"
Keith's cheeks started to dye red as he spoke. He wanted to shout it at Lance, but what if his friend did not feel the same?
Suddenly Lance raised from his seat and approached him, kneeling by his side, on the floor.
"What else then?" he asked with shiny eyes, placing his hand on Keith's knee. His altean marks seemed to flash for a second.
"I... I was scared, Lance. I thought I'd die and I'd never see you again. I'd never get to tell you that... Fuck... That I love you, dammit. That's it, I said it, now you can reject me or hate me if you want"
Keith stared into the black liquid that filled his mug, trying to ignore the feeling of crying that was crowling its way up his chest. He was regretting his words right now. Lance was still probably mourning Allura. He could see it on his eyes every year when they met before her statue to remember her. There was still love shinning in them.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have--"
But his words died on his throat as Lance leaned forward and pressed his lips against his', catching him by surprise.
"I love you too" the boy answered, breaking the kiss after a few seconds.
Warm tears streamed down Keith's cheeks, releasing all the pressure he had been feeling inside. Lance ran quick to hug him.
"Careful" Keith said between sobs, "My ribs"
"Sorry" Lance tried to pull back, but Keith wrapped him with one arm and pulled him back to his chest.
"I don't care about the pain. I just need you close now"
They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes until Lance broke the silence.
"You think it's too late to join the Blade?"
"Well this calm life... Is driving me nuts. I wanna go back up there. With you"
Keith smiled wide and planted a quick kiss on Lance's lips.
"I guess I can find a suit for my sharpshooter"
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