#the writing is SO GOOD
koobird · 19 days
Me before yesterday: I’m really excited for the TTYD remake, I’ve always wanted to play it, but I’m honestly worried all of these people hyping it up as the greatest game ever are really overrating it. I mean, it’s just a Mario game, how good can it really be?
Me last night after having such a good time I played the game for nine hours straight:
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 13 days
Been relistening to TMA again and wanted to highlight some of my favorite lines
"meat is me"
"Sleep no more"
“there’s no feeling, but the no feeling hurts,”
“The maze is sharp on my mind. The angles cut me when I try to think.”
“Life is a current which cannot be fought. It is a march with one destination. You cannot cease your step, nor move your course, to one that skirts the journey’s termination.”
“Not enough space to move. Never enough to breathe.”
"She dabbed a napkin at her mouth and asked me where her son was. I asked her what his name had been. She didn’t know."
“The blanket never did anything.”
"The only thing in those eyes was violence. Carnage... Blood"
"Such things are not to be dwelt on, but serve to illustrate my proposition that violence, inflicted, received or even just witnessed, can not only deal injury to the body or the mind, but to the soul itself."
"What is my metaphorical pit?"
“Pray the Sandman only brings you sleep.”
“Long pig. Short pig. Wide pig. Narrow pig.”
"I knew what it was to find your meaning buried in the earth, to claw your sense from under the sand and mud and soil, to dig."
“Your perfect body is here. Become all you can be.”
“Come, meat. Be my guest. And let thy gifts to me be blessed.”
"Transmitting nothing. Powering nothing. Connected to nothing."
“We’ve got one down here. Come on, I’ll show you.”
"After all, whatever all that other stuff was, they weren’t laundering money."
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atomicradiogirl · 3 months
here are my favorite quotes from dune messiah cause frank herbert cooked so hard
“save your praise for those who can be swayed by it”
“beloved,” she whispered. “have i troubled you?” her arms enclosed his future as they enclosed him. “not you,” he said. “oh… not you.”
“paul saw the moon become an elongated sphere. it rolled and twisted, hissing — the terrible hissing of a star being quenched in an infinite sea. it was gone. no moon. the earth quaked like an animal shaking its skin.”
“the flesh surrenders itself. eternity takes back its own.”
“they’ve blinded my body, but not my vision”
“awakening, she’d found paul sitting beside her, his eyeless sockets aimed at some formless place beyond. chani stilled a fit of trembling when he aimed those eyeless sockets at her.”
“i was baptized in sand and it cost me the knack of believing. who trades in faiths anymore? who’ll buy? who’ll sell?”
“we have eternity, beloved.” “you may have eternity. i only have now.” “but this is eternity.”
“he felt his body through her touch: dead flesh carried by time eddies. he reeked of memories that had glimpsed eternity. Past and Future became simultaneous.”
“you cannot see!” “i don’t need eyes to see you.”
“if you need something to worship, then worship life—all life, every last crawling bit of it! we’re all in this beauty together!”
“this myth he’d made out of intricate movements and imagination, out of moonlight and love, out of prayers older than Adam, and gray cliffs and crimson shadows, laments and rivers of martyrs—what had it come to at last? when the waves receded, the shores of Time would spread out there clean, empty, shining with infinite grains of memory and little else. was this the golden genesis of man?”
“there are problems in this universe for which there are no answers.”
“people are subordinate to government, but the ruled influence the rulers.”
“he is the fool saint, the golden stranger living forever on the edge of reason.”
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swaglesswatcher · 12 days
the fandom is being too hard on Sam for his reaction to the bonzo stuff tbh. if someone was having a serious conversation with me and just hit me with "barney the dinosaur is an eldritch being that murders people for the government" I would probably react the same way
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lary-the-lizard · 1 year
Something that I love so much about Damen and Laurent’s love story is what Damen finds attractive about Laurent. SPOILER!!! So Laurent was abused sexually when he was 13-15ish and what men found attractive about him was his effeminate appearance. He also says that people had been interested him sexually for as long as he can remember which could go back to when he was 6 which is disgusting! When Damen first pursues Laurent, Laurent asks/says that Damen is pursuing him as man after a boy. But even in Damen’s head he is attracted to the masculine maturity of Laurent’s body. He likes Laurent’s muscles, pubic hair, the tendons of Laurent’s neck, and his voice. He likes Laurent’s self control, his intelligence, his self sufficiency, and protectiveness. These are all traits of maturity, of adulthood. Damen can’t even imagine Laurent as a child when he first starts to be interested in Laurent. He for sure notices the “effeminate” traits of Laurent’s physical appearance but he doesn’t trace them back to boyhood or childlike innocence or even really think of them as weaknesses because he doesn’t think of Laurent as a sexual exploit or fetish or even someone to conquer. Which is so fucking beautiful and healing for Laurent!! Like! Damen didn’t even tell Laurent that he was attractive until Laurent could be sure that Damen was attracted to Laurent as an equal adult peer. And Laurent had every reason to fear that Damen was looking at him as his junior as Damen is 6 years older than him but instead Damen RESPECTS Laurent and is IMPRESSED by Laurent and SHOWS THIS by giving Laurent the space to not only make his own decisions but handle difficult tasks. Damen doesn’t take over or try to guide Laurent unless Laurent asks him to or Damen KNOWS Laurent NEEDS his help. Like!! Laurent is inexperienced in some areas but instead of it being turned into some innocent, purity, and childlike thing DAMEN ALSO feels the anxiety of the moment and he doesn’t guide Laurent through it, they go through it together AS EQUALS! Laurent is a man who happens to be pretty but Pacat didn’t turn it into something that takes away from Laurent’s maturity or masculinity. In the books you can tell that Laurent has fears about people perceiving him as innocent, young, or womanly but the books never turn him into something that any of that while also showing us why those anxieties are there.
All that said, Laurent is pale, golden blond, and blue eyed and just twenty in the books but he’s not boyish, fragile, petite, or having a feminine build. He’s a man.
Okay thanks
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grapedemon · 4 months
Made a really rough sketch of a scene from this amazing story (Silly writing with silly guys, which I think everyone should read)
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Scene that I sketched
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detectivemiku · 4 months
I've never read a fanfic before (somehow) so I dipped my toes in yesterday and read A Study in Scarlette and oh my GOSH it has consumed my soul if you're a conan fan (especially kaishin) it is a MUST READ
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smytherines · 2 months
the coldest goodbye
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nierielfaegir · 2 years
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Characters I didn’t expect to care about as much as I do, and yet here we are.
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dr-milfi · 10 months
There are some beautiful quotes in the Sopranos, but what really moves me is when Uncle Junior says, “It’s complicated. Because they think if you’ll suck pussy, you’ll suck anything… ”
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 1 year
reading skip to loafer is a cycle of: *read a scene that articulates the exact emotion of human condition*, *close laptop*, *stare at bare walls and contemplate life*, *open laptop and continue reading*
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the parallel between Jack introducing Keeley to her uni friend as her friend not girlfriend and later Jade and Nate calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend broke me
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I am rewatching the first episode of wandee gooddday, bc that's how much I love it. And it's drive me crazy the very first time Dee and Yak interact, Yak ignore Dee, didn't respond in at his call, which annoy him. And then in episode 3, he says he wants Yak as his fake boyfriend bc he never ignore him and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
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If you are a monster fucker I’m begging you to read the duskwalker brides series by Opal Rene (A soul to touch/heal/etc) on kindle PLEASE it’s so good i could explode
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ecargmura · 7 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 9 Review - Three Heroes, Three Demons, Three Fights
Three heroes, three demons, three fights. 3+3+3 = 9. This is episode 9. It all makes sense now. Math jokes aside, this episode is seriously action-packed and it’s amazing. It’s well-animated and well-written and I can’t wait to talk about it for this review!
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It’s rather unfortunate that the fight between Frieren and Aura has to be pushed onto the next episode, but it was nice to see what sort of magic she has. Aura is a terrifying demon nonetheless. Her Scales of Obedience makes it so that those with weaker mana have to obey her until death. Because she is so powerful, this means that her mana will always be the dominant one. However, it does have its weaknesses; anyone with a strong will can temporarily repel its effects, but those with a stronger mana than hers will cause the magic to backfire. Since Frieren is a mage who has lived for over a millennia, I’m sure Frieren has some way to counterattack this—she’s a powerful mage, after all.
The battles of Fern vs Lugner and Stark vs Linie were the highlights of this episode. If this were a typical battle shounen manga, the opponents would’ve switched with Fern battling Linie and Stark battling Lugner; this is not a typical battle shounen manga, however. The opponents Fern and Stark face are those that match their fighting style and I love that the writers did this. I love the sheer difference in battles between mages and warriors.
In Fern’s case, she was COLD and I loved it so much. One would expect mages would just be backup support for warriors in a fantasy setting story, but not for this one. Fern is a badass. She can conjure up magic so fast that it looks as if she’s sniping Lugner. I love that she’s actually using nothing too fancy and she’s just spamming the same spell over and over again. I just love that her expression never changed from start to finish. Even when Lugner impaled her, she was still expressionless as if it was just a typical day for her. I just love how mages are written in this show and as someone who loves mages, this made me so happy.
For Stark, he was mainly caught off-guard with how Linie’s attacks were just like Eisen’s. Linie’s ability allows her to mimic the fighting style of anyone she observes; since she had seen Eisen in the past, she is able to replicate his moves. However, the reason why Stark kept losing was because he was scared; he got cold feet and because he wasn’t too confident in beating his master. However, Eisen gives the best advice I’ve seen in an action show by far: you won’t lose if you keep standing up. That’s the wisest thing I’ve heard anyone say and it is the whole-hearted truth. Victory always comes for those who are most persistent. Stark showed that is the case. Linie may imitate Eisen’s moves, but the brevity of her attacks don’t match. This was why Stark was able to finish her off with one hit; remember that Eisen said that Stark is so strong that he can easily surpass him one day to the point that it scared him into attacking him and leaving his forehead scarred.
One last detail I want to point out that is one of the floating armor puppets has the same pendant as Granat’s. If you also look closely, the soldier that temporarily resisted Aura’s spell had that exact pendant and the sword that the graf used against Lugner in the previous episode. That soldier was Granat’s son. I love that little detail! Animation-wise, I think the detail with Stark putting on his coat and Fern taking off her coat and throwing it away were seriously well-animated as well.
Anyways, I can’t wait to see what sort of fight Frieren vs Aura will be like and how it will play out. I hope it will be as action packed as this one. What was your favorite part about this episode?
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spagheddiediaz · 9 months
there is
there is something about buck and eddie fake dating and making out in this fic that has me so weak in the knees i can’t even walk myself to the fridge to get water WOW
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