wanna-be-bookish · 5 years
Tag game
I was tagged by @ancientscholar thanks babes :D
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 21 blogs
Nickname: I don’t really have one, people just call me Paula (every once in a while i get called Pau)
Star sign: Libra
Height: 1′60
Last film I watched: The first Paddington... I was held hostage by my nephew
Favourite musicians: BTS ya yeet
Song stuck in my head: none rn
Other blogs: i used to have a meme blog but i deactivated it... i even forgot the name of the blog now oops
Do I get asks: nope, I did just come back to tumblr tho after about a year
Blogs following: currently 309
What am I wearing: my work pants and my favourite crop top
Dream job: I don’t have a dream job honestly... potentially history professor or like involved in the entertainment industry (but like either managing someone with real talent or overall just being behind the scenes)... yeah im  in my twenties... which is synonymous with the realisation that none of us in fact have their sh*t together
Dream trip: too many places, Florence, Paris, road trip throughout mainland Europe, California to visit family, South Korea to satisfy my kpop loving ass, Tokyo to satisfy the ex-weeb in my heart etc...
Play any instruments?: I tried playing the guitar about 10 years ago... i stopped ages ago but I’d be willing to try playing an instrument again
Languages: Maltese, English, Italian and very little French. Open to learning many more languages
Favourite food: Chocolate and spaghetti
Favourite song: Just One Day by BTS it’s an underrated masterpiece! Also Persona and ok literally anything Bolbbalgan4
Random fact: I have a tab opened on a website that can potentially teach me Dutch because I want to move to the netherlands due to peer pressure
Tag people: @thequeen-of-hell, @momochizoey, @historicalemily, @h-studieskorean, @studyspisces, @jennystudy, @thecampusghost, @schoollifeandstuff, @einstetic, @studyblr, @intellectys, @historyandmemes and whoever else is down to do it!
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anesdesk · 7 years
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some colorful (and helpful) chemistry notes 🎒
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b0nie-studies · 7 years
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listening to: day 6’s when you love someone
weeks ago, i was challenged to a bujo challenge by @ttstudys to use some of the pictures she printed me to make a bujo spread !! i thought this was the coolest thing ever for studyblr friends to do !!
also thank u for 2k 💗💗💗 i’m sorry that i didnt prepare any milestone celebration because i have my a levels in a month !! postings maybe a little irregular but i have many post planned so please continue to support me !! once again, thank you so much ❣️❣️
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sirenestudies-blog · 7 years
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september 11 ☼ last week’s bujo spread which i’m posting now bc i’m totally procrastinating my math hw... but lmao look at the difference between the first page and the second, aka when i didn’t have school and once school started.. Mood 
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sofvtley · 7 years
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211017 | 🎧 : Where you at - Nu'est W Not too long ago I had decided to collaborate with bestself Co to promote their product the SELF Scholar, which is a journal designed specifically for busy students with jammed packed schedules, like you and I. Some features which I like include their: Daily habit tracker for each week, unnumbered monthly pages, a class schedule for you to fill out, pages for assignments and test and pages to plan out how you're going to tackle that assignment.
If you’re interested in buying yourself one check them out here!
ig: ttstudys
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lotta-studies · 7 years
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✨ 28.08.2017 more korean notes from this week! i also study for math a lot these days, so i’m happy with my productivity level + i still had time to visit an exhibition and read a lot. hope everyone had a good week as well!
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stuhde · 6 years
Congrats on your milestone!! These are my goals for the next school year: I hope to make a lot of new friends, improve my korean, and try new things :-) (my studyblr: @thecampusghost)
hi there, thank you so much! haha, goal setting is super important! gives you a little more purpose, so that’s a good goal!
url: meh | okay | good | YAAAS | perfect | um… may i have it pls?icon: meh | okay | good | YAAAS | amazing | GIVE IT TO ME !!theme: needs work | okay | good | YAAAS | send me the code?original content: meh | okay | good | SLAYS | can i be you?overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8.5 | 9 | 10 | following: no sorry, but you are still super cute! | i am now | yES. | uh… DUH? FOREVER AND ALWAYS
omg the title of your blog moves on your theme, i love it!
celebrating 25k with blog rates!!!
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stvdybuddies · 7 years
🦄 CONGRATS ON YOUR MILESTONE!!! Hmmmm... a little something about myaself... I can't wait for spring semester to start :) (also my studyblr is @thecampusghost) Thanks in advance!
Hi there
url: we don’t get it | nice | wow :O | awEsoMe | CAN WE TRADE :3
icon: who/what? | cute! | love it gorgeous | WE ARE STEALING IT!
desktop theme: yay | pretty | yaassss | PeRFeCt | Code? PLEASE?
original content: cute| good job! | aesthetic | #goals | so pretty we gonna cry :’)
overall : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
following: not right now, sorry | now we are!! | of course, forever and ever!
comment: Omg your original contents are SO PRETTY?!?! Your bujos are so aesthetically pleasing, and your notes are so organized!
Sorry, no more please ):
We’re tagging our blogrates #kcblgrts40k so you can blacklist (:
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studymite · 7 years
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Hello there! My name is Lauren and this is my brand new studyblr!!!!
~ I’m Australian (the ‘mite’ in my username is from Vegemite and I’m not sorry)
~ I adore Harry Potter and constantly find myself imagining being a part of the wizarding world.
~ I love music; I play the piano, ukulele, guitar, bass and a bit of the guzheng (Chinese harp)
~ I love milk
~ I play the sims 3 too much for it to be considered healthy
I’m a mess. In my mind, procrastination is an Olympic sport. I have no sense of style, no organisation skills and I’m generally unmotivated to do anything. I was fine with this.
Until I found @studyquill on YouTube (thanks Jasmine!!). Now I was exposed to a kind and friendly community; a rare gem on a website like tumblr. I soaked in motivation from every post I saw and decided that… I’m not going to be a mess anymore. I am going to graduate with a good result and I’m not going to let myself down.
I would like to thank these studyblrs for motivating and inspiring me to make my own!!!
@studyquill @tbhstudying @emmastudies @erasign @thecampusghost
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evergrace · 7 years
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college advice part 3/7 : overcoming jetlag
→ these are just tips based on what i’ve learned at uni!!
drink loTS of water. and i mean LOTS. drinking water keeps you awake. it boosts you energy. dehydration leads to fatigue so preventing that by drinking water will help you fight jet lag and sleepiness. a good way to help yourself to drink more water is to get a water bottle that you really like! another great way to spice up drinking water is to add some fruit to it for some really natural and good flavor. i personally like to add strawberries, lemons, + mint :)
try to go outside and do something active!! you might think that being in the sun will make you tired, but our circadian rhythm is affected by light and dark. here’s some more in-depth science about why the sun keeps you awake and why it’s harder to sleep when there’s lights on or the television is on. also, it’s good for you to get outside and do something active, even if it’s just walking around the block. 
make yourself stay up until you can sleep again. if you know you’re going to get to your destination in the evening, don’t sleep on the plane. when i lived overseas, i would make myself stay up when we got back to america until the evening so that i could get back on schedule easier. drinking lots of water and getting some sun can really help with this!
go!! to!! class!! even though you won’t feel like it, please go!! the first few days set the tone for the entire semester, so don’t start off wrong. i took calculus in high school and then when i got to uni there was only so much i was able to use my AP score for. so i had to take a calc class in which half of it was what i’d learned the year previous. so i didn’t go to the first lecture because it was syllabus week bUT then i never went and i regret it because i barely passed the class lmao. so GO TO CLASS even if you don’t want to!! you’ll think you’ll go the next time, but it just morphs into a habit of not going at all.
bring some work on the plane with you; you don’t wanna just got to class and sleep – you wanna be as productive as you can. getting just a little bit done before you get there can help you set the mood for the semester. just like going to class, your productivity at the beginning can also carry through the rest of the year.
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cloudcremes · 7 years
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hello friends! i believe i haven’t done any kind of milestone celebration recently, but i hit 5k followers really recently! thank you all so much for your support i love all of you :”) to celebrate i decided to host a lettering game! 
how it works:
during the time this game will be running (check below for more details) i will be taking lettering requests! also, if you would like to run a lettering game of your own, feel free to do so too! (i know this is very similar to just taking requests but please don’t come at me for calling it a ‘game’ and i’m sorry if the name of it is misleading! i really couldn’t think of anything else)
reblog this post (likes count as bookmarks)
must be following me (this is for my followers, of course!)
if you’re interested, here is my studygram and youtube 
anyone is welcome to send in a request! please send them in my ask box here, and please use the ‘✨’ emoji so i know it’s for this game!
this ends on the 27th of august
blacklist #5kletteringgame if you don’t want to receive spam from this!
feel free to send in requests for:
quotes/sayings/phrases (nothing too long)
lyrics (2 sentences/phrases max.)
words (no more than 4 please)
keep in mind these have to be in english (you can translate from another language) and any inappropriate requests will be deleted!
please specify the colour/s you would like me to letter with (2 colours max, black is readily available (i would prefer to letter in black tbh))
examples of my most recent lettering are here and here
i will be posting a photo of what you requested (in the best lighting available)
thank you for reading this far if you did and i hope you consider requesting something! again, thank you for 5k and i hope you all have a lovely day ♡
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pythonstudies · 7 years
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[34/100 • 100 Days of Productivity] 7.25.17 Added a touch of color to my spread
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b0nie-studies · 7 years
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18.08.17 📖✨ im a really bad news reader but other day i read this article that was really relatable so i picked out and categorise the main points, which is a lot more straightforward and time efficient when i need points in essay writing !! ♪ song reco: vineyard , oohyo
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sirenestudies-blog · 7 years
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september 9 ☼ school started this week and i’ve already got so much work it’s ridiculous, but i went to my bookstore and took some notes on readings that are due so at least i have some free time left lmao. i think i was in a grey mood this week bc these notes are grey and black and white, and then my bujo spread for this week was also grey themed... first week of school vibes? 
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sofvtley · 7 years
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《01092017 • Chemistry notes • 🎧 : Just U - Jeong Sewoon》 In honour of spring. 
taken from my studygram: ttstudys
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lotta-studies · 7 years
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✨20.08.2017 i’ve spend my saturday looking through the first unit on howtostudykorean and writing down everything we haven’t learned in class. most of the stuff is reallyy easy, but it’s good to have an in-depth explanation nevertheless. 
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