#then dash and continue doing it
foxstens · 2 years
i did hitless oro and mato on attuned
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honeybyte · 2 months
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hellhound // crazy
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Can I say one thing?
Why do people have to comment on other people’s way of conducting themselves in a fandom? If there’s an aspect of a fandom that’s you’d rather not see/interact with, then appropriately blacklist, block or do whatever so you don’t see that content.
But DO NOT go to other people’s blogs, comment on their works or their art, or do anything that might ruin their day, undermine their confidence and hard work, or overall make them feel bad.
Yes. This is about oc x canon. Fuck, it’s even about self inserts.
If that’s how someone wishes to spend their time in a fandom because it brings them joy, LET THEM DO IT.
It does not hurt you.
It does not attack you.
You can do something really responsible and NOT INTERACT.
It really is that simple of a concept and I have never been more baffled that this is what fandoms have become like.
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cordycepsbian · 1 year
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toasted marshmallow and grilled salmon
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gallawitchxx · 1 month
thank you so much to the @gallavich-fic-club, & all who attended, for reading exception to the rule. that fic is so special to me & it holds so much of my own magic inside of it ✨🖤 to know that one’s work is being read & discussed is a fucking dream come true for any writer & i’m so grateful 🙏🏼🥹
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the-ave · 4 months
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Here’s the whole set lol (story is below if you want to read it. Made up the whole story on a whim 😅)
Basically, the story is that Celestia and Luna investigated something for themselves and came back looking pretty ill, but they insisted that they were fine. They both disappeared, panic ensues, then the royal guards and a few other ponies had black legs with white splotches, hollow eyes, distorted smiling faces and oozing glowing white liquid. Pinkie ran around to warn everybody, and Ponyville has been on high lockdown since.
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thenixkat · 1 year
Anyway, if you aren’t Black don’t use any variation of woke. I don’t care what conservatives are calling fuckers/using as the new sjw/political correctness/what have you.
If you know what fuckers mean use what they mean, and if you don’t why are you copying what people are saying?
Woke ain’t for you. If the discussion isn’t about Black people being aware of and/or educating other Black people about racism/antiblackness/structural inequality/all the other bullshit then it doesn’t need to be used in the discussion.
#nix meows#aave#woke#aave misuse#apparently that one post i made where i directly mentioned how i don't wanna see boogleech no more showed up in his tags#which is generally how tumblr's search function works; if a word in there it shows up#anyway i do wish a motherfucker would learn to take a hint that i do not wish to continue a conversation#cause all i'm getting is excuses about how he's just paraphrasing so its fine#that other people don't have an issue and not 'to shoot the messenger#my wigga i was forced to see the word 'wokeist' (yall know i can't spell) on a post from someone i know is white#who's posts show up everyfucking where in the corner of tumblr i generally operate in#why would i give a damn what the rest of the post was about when a wigga shouldn't be using words like that period#aint no fucking changing my mind#ya ruined my night and i don't wanna see ya#i aint ask nobody to block you or some shit like that#i personally don't wanna get microaggressed on my own damn dash cause my white mutuals (who mean well but dont all ways catch shit)#decided to reblog it untagged#like yeah its pretty easy to drop a bitch i only occasionally interacted with over the course of a few years over#it just on the innitial 'it's not an issue' dismissal#told me everything i needed to know#bogleech#may as well actually tag them cause I've been feeling a lot less charitible given how they handled shit and kept trying to shut me up#plus they're a vote blue no matter who fucker like genocide joe is harm reduction
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months
With ascana being briefly resurrected by them posting shorts on their yt channel
I gotta ask what happened to the story of the original heroine ikusei keikaku mv? Was hiyori having a crush on asuka just erased? God the anime and hoenyworks universe is so confusing sometimes
Hope you're having a good day tysm always for your tls
Sincerely from a fan who misses ascana and dolce content
unfortunately, yeah, ascana’s role in hiyori’s story seems to have been completely retconned (and handed off to nagisa). unless they’re somehow gonna keep asuka’s story in and take the route of nagisa being hiyori’s second love or something. which i think could theoretically be possible in the mv-verse? the [redacted] anime simply doesn’t exist to me, so i’m not even gonna give it even a single modicum of thought
but yeah, agreed on the series being really confusing lolll. the timeline jumps around a lot, even within the same mv sometimes, and sometimes there are plotlines that lead to nowhere… but hey, maybe the true hw-verse story was all of the confusion we shared along the way~~~
may we get more dolce in the future though~~~ their story actually had continuity, for one—
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1punch · 12 days
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What are these kids going on about.
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a lot of fanwork ‏‏shares the idea that while cloudwalking spells are non-permanent you could hypothetically get an item enchanted to allow for permanent cloudwalking so i do think A Lot about‏‏‎ ‎dash‏‏‎ ‎gifting‏‏‎ ‎astral a little locket with a feather of hers inside it that has the cloudwalking enchantment on it.‏‏‎ ‎pegasi‏‏‎ ‎gifting feathers to their s/o is also a headcanon i adore and i feel like it signifies a significant level of commitment so this would be after some time in the relationship maybe even a proposal gift??
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mancfmystery · 8 days
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"Y'see that wasp nest over there? I can't even sit out here an' enjoy a soda anymore. It's really disturbing the peace, y'know? I'd get my nephew to deal with it but I haven't seen the kid all day."
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phoenixnull11 · 5 months
Listen Formula E, you cannot promise me a new unplugged season then upload one tiny episode for ants/elves/borrowers today and the rest scattered about somewhere.... I've been looking forward to bingeing on the electric gremlins all day. The thought got me through work today and I get home to 15 minutes of Jake Dennis propaganda?
This is bullshit, I'm opening the wine.
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paramnesias · 3 months
just a post to make my presence known to the few of you that remain……. i will be back….. hopefully sooner than later….
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themyscirah · 3 months
Thinking about current continuity Vanessa and just getting pissed off again
Like one, LET HER REST oh my god dc you ruin her FUCKING life like an asshole only to bring her back as a villain after she finally got out oh my god-
But also like its just so bad. This is a whole other woman with her name like why are we doing this. Like first you kill her mom (JULIA NOOO) and erase her YEARS of history growing up around diana (the thing that actually made her villain turn [if you can call it that w the level of manipulation involved] interesting and fucking heartbreaking) for some shitty "oh I saved you we were friends" run of the mill whatever. Then to use that and say Nessie had a crush on her OWN SISTER (Diana, so like informally adopted, but still 😡) now????
And then they took away her curls and made her a redhead but not even the realistic kind. DC SHE DOESNT LOOK LIKE THAT
It just makes me so mad. Freaking guys. They could have used another name like oh my god. She's not even the first silver swan why the fuck would they do that if they're not going to explore her history w diana (which she no longer has!!!!) or how intensely fucked up everything got for her. What is even the fucking point of this then other to drag a main character of the ww supporting cast through the mud again for genuinely no reason. They could have easily had her be Valerie Beaudry (sorry Val) instead or just MADE UP ANOTHER NAME because it's obvious that no one actually cared about her as a character they just wanted the wondy villain back so like !!!!!!!!!! Why even bother
#her entire treatment just makes me so angry#like in general it makes me mad and sad and a million other emotions#but the fucking robinson version just makes me enraged. beyond pissed off. because theres no fucking reason for it its bullshit and its the#one in current continuity right now. so i get to see tom king ww panels put on my dash that have this stupid fake vanessa and its so#infuriating. like thats NOT her!!!!!!! oh my freaking god people#her hair is BROWN and CURLY and shes dianas BABY SISTER who she lived with for YEARS like she was a MAJOR supporting ww character for the#longest time. like shes got about 100 appearances (just checked) preboot this is not a minor character#so freaking frustrating#blah#ALSO. FUCKING ALSO. THE FACT THAT THE WHOLE CURRENT VANESSA TURNED EVIL BC SHE REALIZED SHE WASNT SPECIAL TO DIANA BS. FUCK YOU THERE LIKE#OH MY GODDDDD “isnt special to diana” im going to fucking kill you. what do you mean she doesnt care about her specially. thats her FUCKING#BABY SISTER. not to sound like vanessa herself a la silver swan but those clowns at dc would never say that shit about cassie oh my god#not special my FUCKING ass. nessie and her mom were literally the first people invited to themyscira in post coie continuity#like yes diana trevor and steve trevor and even baby julia kapetelis washing ashore but like the kapetelises (and you could even say just#nessie bc again her mom had been there before) were the FIRST ones invited there like you cannot say diana didnt care about them more than#the average joe dc i fucking despise you.#this girl has been through so much why is dc incapable of throwing her a bone ever. nessie i am so sorry they did that to you sweetie.#gonna tag it bc her tag deserves the traffic#vanessa kapatelis#just makes me so mad#doing all that to the normal teen girl character in a wonder woman comic is so fucked actually like dc comics i should not have to explain#that to you. what message do you think you are sending here be serious
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tomwambsgays · 1 year
Have you heard about the news with Nicholas Braun?
yup. it was all over twitter and i was so disappointed of him and i hate him for that. i hope everyone who was affected by his disgusting actions, especially those who are brave enough to come out and speak up, are doing better now.
personally though i will still continue watching succession because this is one of my favorite shows for years and i can't let one horrid man ruin that for me. it's going to be a weird couple of weeks and consuming this show wouldn't be as fun as before, especially as someone enjoys making art of greg and tomgreg in extension. but we move
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Ford pines for headcanons?
A (Realisitic): lovessssss doodling on paper. has an affinity for eyes (;]), swirlies, scribbles, and creatures. whatever he can get his damned hands on he will doodle on it and he will do it happily. my boy's an artist ❤️❤️
B (Not Realistic But Funny): honestly in canon ford's probably into music too much but i can see him being an period music fan. abba, queen (teehee), freetwood mac, david bowie, etc. that's just his VIBE to me, not in the crowley way but in his own strong inks and cigarette smoke way. i associate thoss things with him as well as anythinf existing before 1982 with him alot if u didnt know. i still see something and go "ford missed this 😔" or "ford didn't miss this! 😁" in a sad or happy tone at least once a day /srs. oh i love this guy
C (Heart-Crushing): this kinda collides with D but im keeping it in that category. soul crushing? ford never knowing what to hope for in regards to stan on the other side. whenever he has time to think about it, he isnt sure whether to imagine him in his house or dead in a ditch, and the mystyer honestly scares him more than he'd like to admit. ford kinda treats it like schrodinger's cat in a way--as long as he never confirms, it could really be anything, and that absolves him of any potential guilt. so. (also: that he celebrates holidays out in the multiverse too, when possible. makeshift menoras, pastries in substitute of bday cakes, lighting sticks during new years. just for the sense of grounding. ALSO alsohe's spent at least 3 birthdays in a prison cell or very hurt. so. yeah)
D (Unrealistic but FUCK CANON): has always stuggled with addiction, especially with antidepressants or alcohol. thus sort of snowballs into a whole "if this makes me feel good i cannot have for more than needed" but still ends upgrappling with it anyway. he suffered MAJORRRR withdrawlel when portal stranded and since then swore off it bc he drank the most under bill's influence. it's very important to me and i need more fics about it sooooooo bad, bc while i HAVE written my own, i think someone else is needed to do it justice. now that im remembering this i HAVE read some with this hc and they were beautiful and i need to reread them again and i need to REWATCH THIS DAMN SHOW SO I CAN READ AND WRITE SOME FIC AGAI .... also there IS some evidence as extracted by @/callipraxia (need to find that meta again) but i DOUBT that would ever be canon bc of the kid show rating. (watch the book of bill canonize this seven fucking months from now. i swear to god..../j)
TY FOR THE ASK!!!!!! 💖💖
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