#then i met jean and couldn't stand him and didn't speak to him through the game <3
vorakh · 9 months
still believe that the funniest most incorrect thing i got wrong about disco elysium before playing it was thinking that jean was the union leader. that he was evrart claire (or edgar claire). or alternatively that he worked in the post office or something.
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mortemtheraven · 2 years
“The Ghost”
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Pairing: Xavier Thorne x Addams! Reader
Summary: Y/n Addams has been keeping secrets to herself lately, emotional ones. When she was asked by a werewolf to a date, a certain artistic outcast found himself burning in jealousy.
Warning(s): Angst, insecurity, jealousy, curses, mention of death (reader's pronouns is she/her)
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"Well, isn't this place cheery?" You looked up at the sound of a slightly familiar voice. It belongs to a guy, the werewolf who you helped find the book he sought in the library yesterday. He has strawberry blond hair, slicked back and soft obsidian eyes.
You were writing in your journal about your usual deep dark thoughts, adding some doodles or sketches here and there to add more vivid gore alongside your choice of words. Other than that, you were hanging out at the back of the school, where the woods of Nevermore extends to a seemingly endless range.
You snapped the black book shut, startling the blonde guy. "Is there a valid reason for me not to leave you here and seek another solitary place?"
"My name's Mason, do you remember? The guy–"
"–who was finding the encyclopedia about Moon Phases, yes." You interrupted him.
Mason smiled in amusement. "Uh, good then. I just wanna ask you if. . . you're free this weekend? I wanted to return the favor of helping me yesterday by treating you out, maybe through a coffee date at Weathervane tomorrow?"
You went dead silent at his bold words, making him anxious whilst you stare at him with emotionless (e/c) eyes. The silence was deafening and he was just standing awkwardly in front of you, stuffing his fidgeting hands into his jean pockets.
After another minute of silence, you spoke. "Alright,"
Mason grinned brightly almost immediately, jumping on the soles of his boots. "Great! I'll see you there tomorrow. Is 9 AM, a good time for you?"
You merely nodded once before walking away and leaving him there alone.
While walking to your next class, you couldn't help but ponder about a certain artist in your mind. Things would be better if he was the one that asked you, not Mason. The werewolf is a nice guy, but you've been into Xavier since you and your twin sister Wednesday were ten years old. The first time you met him, he looked completely different. But his endearing personality and artistic skills made him your friend instead of someone you'd want to murder.
"Y/n! Where are you off to?" Speaking of the devil, Xavier jogged towards you as you passed by the quad.
"My next class." You didn't even stop to look at him, you kept a straight cold face and a quick pace.
"Something wrong?" You mentioned you weren't feeling murderous about him, well now you're taking it back. His constant obliviousness is irritating you to death. "Y/n?"
You suddenly stopped walking and faced him with an unreadable expression. "A boy just asked me out."
Xavier chuckled in disbelief. "Oh, I'm sorry for him."
"Why are you sorry?"
"Well I assumed you turned him down," When you kept silent, Xavier's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, you said yes?"
You nodded stiffly. "Indeed, I did."
Xavier scoffed. "Why?"
"What do you mean ‘why’?"
"Because you're not that type of girl who would date anyone."
"What do you know about what I want?" You muttered quietly.
Xavier nodded in disbelief, his jaw clenching. "So who's the lucky guy?"
Xavier groaned, not him. "That stuck-up werewolf? Why?"
"He asked nicely despite being clearly intimidated by my mere presence."
"Y/n, believe me, Mason is a stuck-up jerk. He's probably up to no good."
"You're saying he asked me out with dark intentions? Hypothetically?"
Xavier rolled his eyes. "Yes, hypothetically speaking. But I'm almost a hundred percent sure that this date would end up badly in his hands."
"Who said he's in control?" You smirked coldly. "And if you know me that well, Xavier Thorpe, is that I'm into dark intentions. Whatever Mason's up to, I intend to find out."
You turned around and left him dumbstruck. Well, at least you have something to look forward to in this date. You're going to need a dress.
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Enid squealed, making both you and Wednesday wince unpleasantly. The moment the word "dress" slipped out of your mouth, the colorful roomie of your twin sister was ecstatic.
"I have a lot of ideas! Since you and Wednesday basically have the same taste of color palette, we're gonna go badass goth on you!" Enid immediately went through her wardrobe, finding anything black she could get her hands on. You doubt it though, considering that Enid's taste of colors basically resembles a rainbow.
"I can hardly believe you're going to this date." Wednesday clicked her tongue in distaste while you sat beside her on her bed.
"I'd like to call it an experimental game, besides, I heard that Mason is up to no good. Who doesn't wanna investigate dark intentions?" Wednesday smirked at your similarities, both curious Addams sisters. Except for the facial descriptions since you two are fraternal twins.
"Found it!" Enid held up a mid-thigh length dress, with leather skirt and a fitting top. Then she pulled out a pair of black leggings, matching black leather jacket and black combat boots. Why she owns such clothes, you don't know, but at least you found yourself satisfied with the style.
Minutes later, you were looking at the mirror with your sister and Enid standing beside you. Last minute doubt washed over you, maybe you just stay here in Ophelia Hall and not go on this stupid date. But you look really well-prepared, with your (h/c) hair tied into a fishtail braid.
"You look purr-fect! Totally ready for your first ever date."
"I suppose I should express my gratitude for lending a hand, Enid. So thank you." You said, turning the face the blonde girl.
"Don't mention it. Just have fun!" You just nodded at her.
"If he turns out to be a disappointment, I'm always up for grave-digging." Wednesday said, the edge of your lips turned slightly upward and you hugged her before leaving their dorm.
You went straight to Weathervane and ordered a cappuccino for yourself, sitting on the booth at the corner of the cafe. Turns out Mason is running late.
Your phone suddenly vibrated, so you dug it out from your black purse. It was Ciara, your witch roommate.
"Any particular reason for calling me?" You greeted.
"Y/n! You won't believe what I saw!" You immediately recognized Ciara's gossiping tone.
"If it's about another affair of two students you witnessed again, I will haunt you in your sleep."
"Worse! It's Mason, I saw him with another werewolf chic. And guess what?"
You exhaled and rolled your eyes. "Does it involve eating each other's faces?"
"Yes!" Ciara squeaked.
"Hmm," You sipped on your coffee calmly, feeling a blizzard of rage form inside your chest. "That explains why I'm finishing my cappuccino alone. Thank you for informing me, Ciara."
The line ended as you hit the red button. Mason Lee, you're gonna regret wasting my time.
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Xavier got bored scrolling through his phone in his room, so he decided to go to his shed where he usually paints and keeps his artworks. Up until now, he still couldn't believe Y/n went with that asshole. But why is he so infuriated? Why is he so bothered by the fact that she's going out with someone who's not him?
Passing by the quad, he suddenly stopped his tracks when he saw a familiar pestilent face. It was that ass Mason, making out with another girl that's definitely not Y/n. Xavier couldn't help it, the immediately bubbling anger drove him to lunge at Mason and hit his face multiple times.
Everyone present at the quad gasped in surprise, and Ajax along with some other gorgons hauled Xavier away from the badly bruised Mason.
"What the actual fuck, Thorpe?!" Mason yelled, wiping the blood from his bottom lip.
"Why the fuck are you eating another girl's face here when you should be with Y/n right now?!" Xavier attempted to lunge at him again.
"Chill out, man!" Ajax hissed, pulling Xavier's arms alongside his friends.
"Why do you care if I don't show up?" Mason asked, his tone cocky and challenging.
"Because Y/n doesn't deserve to be stood up by a worthless asshole like you!"
Mason laughed. "Why don't you just admit it, Thorpe? You're head over heels for her, but she can't even look at you that way."
"Say another word and I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you!"
"Oh yeah? She's just a weirdo, Thorpe, just like her twin. They're both freaks, even in this school for outcasts—" Mason's insults were interrupted by a bunch of squawking sounds.
Everyone looked as the painting of ravens from a wall in a hallway near the quad, peeled off and transformed into actual ravens. They immediately flew and swarmed Mason, nipping and clawing at him. Meanwhile, Xavier just stood nearby, his arms now completely free from Ajax.
"Xavier stop!" Ajax yelled, gripping Xavier's raised hand.
"Now what would my sister say?" With that familiar emotionless voice, Xavier snapped out of his raging thoughts and turned to see Wednesday standing with a look of faint amusement in her eyes. The ravens finally stopped tormenting Mason and went back to the wall, becoming only paintings again.
"Wednesday," Xavier said in shock whilst Mason kept groaning on the ground. Ajax and the others pulled him up, carrying him to the infirmary (probably).
"I must say, Thorpe, you got here first to punish that pompous pest before I could even finish digging a hole." Wednesday simply stated before turning her heels and walking away, leaving Xavier breathing heavily in shock for what he just did.
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You found yourself in Xavier's shed, calmly scrolling through his artworks. When you accidentally spotted a sketch of your face, you resorted to look for other drawings of yourself. Surprisingly, you found a lot.
The door suddenly slammed open and it took three seconds before someone asked. "What are you doing here?"
"Just sulking in self-pity and plotting my next move," You stood up from sitting on a stool and walked towards him. You spotted a little scratch on his cheek and raised an eyebrow, finally observing his frantic state. "What happened? You look like you've seen death flash before your eyes."
Xavier sighed in frustration. "Nothing! Just get out of my shed."
You crossed your arms and watched him take out a clean canvas. "Not until you tell me."
Xavier looked up in exasperation. "Fine, I got into a fight."
"With whom?"
It was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Mason,"
"Why?" You asked, though you have already have your suspicions.
"Because," Xavier turned to face you with a face of anger. "He stood you up for some random girl!"
"And why does that concern you?" he couldn't believe what you're saying.
"Seriously? I was out there defending you—"
You cut him off. "I didn't ask for your help."
"You don't have to! That's what friends do, Y/n! But I suppose you never saw me as that, did you? You're always so persistent to be alone, you couldn't care less for people who actually wants you to be their friend."
You were silent for a bit before nodding and approaching a table full of his art materials. "You're right. And no, I never really saw you as a friend, Xavier."
You heard him scoff, then exhale as if he's so done. Done with you and everything about you.
"I could not. . . not when I want more than that petty title in your life." Xavier's head snapped up as he heard those words come out of your mouth.
"What. . ." Xavier ran a hand across his face in frustration and confusion. "Stop speaking in riddles, Y/n. What do you mean by that?"
You chuckled coldly. "After all these years, you still haven't figured it out. Back since we were ten years old in your godmother's funeral."
Xavier's chest started beating faster, his breath hitching at the suspense. It couldn't be.
"My whole life I've been the Ghost of the Addams Family, though not as literal as I would've preferred. I'm always so. . . not seen. My sister is exceptional at everything, my mother just as same, and I'm–" You sighed.
"I care too much than I should, care too much than I show. Xavier, I have a. . . certain fondness for you." It was the first time Xavier saw your pale (s/c) face blushing. He swore his heart would just rip itself from his chest by the way its beating erratically.
"So no, Xavier Thorpe, I don't exactly see you as a friend. "
Xavier heaved. "Shit, are you serious?"
You felt a lump in your throat. Maybe this was a bad idea. "If it makes you feel better, rejecting me—"
You were completely taken by surprise when you felt his slender hands cup your cheeks and his tender lips on yours. "—is not gonna happen," He murmured against your mouth, his warm breath mixing with yours.
"Ew, what are you doing?" You asked with curiosity in your eyes, pulling slightly away.
Xavier laughed, his eyes sparkling. "I'm kissing you. Haven't you kissed anyone before?"
"What do you think?" You raised your brow.
Xavier grinned widely. "Then I'm happy to be your first."
You tilted your chin up, eyes still cold and proud. "Do it again."
Xavier just shook his head with a chuckle and pecked your maroon lips multiple times.
"By the way," You said, pulling away. "I've seen your paintings of me, never really wanted to pry into your things but curiosity got the best of me."
Xavier turned red, coughing awkwardly. "Oh, um, yeah. . . I like you, Y/n. Way too much that I couldn't get you out of my head so. . . you became my muse."
"Hmm, creepy," You said nonchalantly. "I like that."
"Look, I can stop if you wa—" Xavier's words were cut short by your lips.
"If I find out you're playing with me, Thorpe," You said, breathing heavily with a threat laced on your voice. "I will personally make sure you die an agonizing death."
Xavier grinned and bit your bottom lip. "Wouldn't even dream of it, Addams."
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user2772636 · 4 months
Douzième Fille
12th girl
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Looking back at the day you first met, you realise how far you've gone. You appreciate the little things in life and some little people, too.
Joseph Descamps x Reader
Warnings: This is literally just plain fluff, LAST CHAPTER OF DOUZIÈME FILLE!!!
Chapter ten: I love you
You had six best days of your life.
Paris, France. 1973.
The wedding was one of the best days of your life. You had a beautiful gown, a beautiful cathedral, a beautiful ceremony, and a beautiful husband.
Everything was perdect from the venue, to the food, to the gifts, and to the guests.
You saw old friends. Callum, of course, came and was pronounced man of honour by Joseph. Simone and Jean Pierre had gotten locked in about two years ago, right after they finished college. Michèle and Laubrac came back after profuse apologies of leaving. They haven't married each other yet, but you have a feeling it's soon. Also because Joseph told you that Laubrac told him that he'll propose soon.
Europe Trip, 1973
The second best day of your life was your honeymoon. You and your now husband went around Europe. Going to places you've already been and places you haven't gone to.
A side note, you left that celebrity profile ages ago. It was too toxic anyway, with all the drama you didn't want to get into. Callum did the opposite of this. You're happy for him. And his fiancé, or as he likes to call him, his husband.
Bordeux, 1974
Moving was hard, but it was the third best day of your life. And carrying Briseis was a part of it.
Briseis, your first born. She was named after a character from the Iliad, the same Iliad you had presented in that project with Joseph back in high school.
She was as bright as her father, always laughing and wanting to have fun. Joseph loves her so much to the point that he will always be the one to put her back to sleep when she wakes in the early morning. He does that because he loves you, too.
Bordeux, 1976
The fourth best day of your life was when you gave birth to George.
George was named after your late cat you had in high school. He was taken care of both you and Joseph, which held a special place in your heart. Truly, George, your cat was your first child. But, let's not forget Briseis.
Briseis was two now, gaining the ability to speak, walk, run, whatever drained her unsifting energy. You were most proud, as well as your loving husband.
One of these nights, you'd catch him talking to both of them, talking about whatever they wanted to talk about, telling them stories, showing them fun. They fall sound asleep after, and you, for one, are grateful for him.
Also, you adopted two cats. One Achilles, one Patroclus. What? You couldn't help it.
Bordeux, 1980
Only a few months ago, your beautiful Callum was born. He was obviously named after your best friend. Callum cried when he found out. That was the fifth best day of your life.
He flew all the way to where you lived, seeing as now he lived with his lover in Sicily. He gave him countless amounts of gifts, even the ones month old babies couldn't use.
The house was fully packed. Your three children, two pets, and a mother and a father. Their very beautiful father.
You were in your 30s now, and you're so glad you're in this age with him by your side.
You sit in your husbands office, reading a book in the corner of the room. He was finishing up some papers, cigarettes between his lips, and sometime later blowing out the smoke.
You were halfway through a stanza when you heard a record break. Music started playing, the volume going up slowly. You look up from your hardcover to Joseph standing there, hands in his pockets and an eye on you. You raise your eyebrows. He does so, too.
"Dance with me, honey." He says, walking towards you slowly after he butted his cigarette out. You roll your eyes, putting your book down.
"You'll wake the kids up with that music." Even after saying that, you get up anyways, grabbing the hands he offered you a while ago.
He shrugs simply, sliding a hand on your hip and raising his other. "We'll take them back to sleep then. Dance with me." He presses his forehead to yours, kissing the tip of your nose.
You can't help but close your eyes, relaxation hitting your body like a truck. It's been a while since you felt like this. You both had been so busy with work or with the kids. You needed this. He did, too.
He starts to hum along the song. "I can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before."
Your mind flashes back to your high school days. The weeks of ignoring each other was wasting time that could've been used for loving instead.
"And though it's just a line to you, for me, it's true and never seemed so right before."
You look back at the first day of school. You thought you hated him. You thought he hated you. But in trutg it was the opposite, he confessed. He loved you the second he laid eyes on you, and you had been too blind to see, trying to distract yourself from the fact you did actually love him, too.
"I practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true. But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late and I'm alone with you."
Seven years you were away from each other. He told you how much he missed you that night after the gala. He told you he prepared, he practised, because he didn't want to mess anything up. You told him nothing could because even after convincing yourself in high school that you didn't love him, you still did.
"The time is right. Your perfume fills my head. The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue." He turns you to spin, and you get back to your place in front of him, swaying with a hand on his chest.
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like, "I love you. "" He looks deep into your eyes, now staying still. He takes your lifted hand to his lips, pressing his pretty pink lips on it.
"I love you." He says, the instruments in the background adding to the moment. You smile, and he mirrors you. You place a kiss on those lips, tilting your head a bit. You part away.
"I love you." You say, caressing his cheeks. You're so glad you ended up here. With him. This was your sixth favourite day of your life.
"Mommy? Daddy?" A tiny voice asks. You both turn your head to Briseis, eyes droopy and hair a mess. She walks closer to the two of you, and Joseph does the task of lifting her up to your level.
"Yes, sweetheart? Why aren't you asleep?" Joseph said gently, and you can't help but show a smile.
"I can't. I wanna hear a story." You two nod at each other before carrying on to turn the record player off and heading to Briseis' room.
Once you tuck her in well, leaving the bedside lamp on, you question. "Alright, which story do you want for tonight." Joseph sits on the other side, brushing your daughter's hair with his fingers.
"How did you two meet?" She asks, fluffing her blanket up. You and Joseph look at each other, smiling knowingly, before you continue.
"Well, this is where it started. It was 1963. They mixed boys and girls in the same school. I was the twelfth girl."
End - Chapter ten: I love you/Douzième Fille Series
The series has officially ended. I'm so sad and so happy at the same time. I can't believe it. It's been so long with this series, and it's over. Our babies have grown up and have their own babies.
To all the people who read this, thank you so much for keeping up with it. This was my first ever series, and its amazing how many people have come and followed the journey.
This is a memory that'll be embedded in me for the rest of my fuckign life, no matter how cringe that sounds, but it's true. I made a lot of memories with an online fanfic series. it's crazy
I love you all so much and want to thank you guys for the support. I will continue writing for joseph it just depends on my mood. I will now start to write for other ppl, like u guys saw me post abt hamzah.
ANWWW, it's been a journey. Thank you again, and I hope you all enjoyed it.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Fratboy Harry - Part 5
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Summary: Harry Styles was a boy with a reputation, one that you couldn’t care less about. Yet one night at a frat party changed everything.
Warnings: Smut, drinking, angst, a very cocky Harry. 18+ ONLY!!
Part 5 Word Count: 2119
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Being with a guy like Harry Styles was not something you took lightly. Even before you'd met, you'd been aware of him. And regardless of your contempt, you had to admit that any girl who had the opportunity to be in his presence was considered lucky. You'd just never thought you'd be one of those girls.
So lying naked on his bed, your senses were reeling, and you were suddenly completely aware of your surroundings and the aura that Harry gave off. You hadn't moved an inch, and neither had he except to lightly brush his fingers across your bare shoulder and down your arm.
You cleared your throat, feeling like you should say something.
"I..." you opened your mouth. But you couldn't seem to form any other words.
Harry raised a brow in question, silently urging you to speak. Realizing that looking at his face made it hard to complete a sentence, you sat up and searched the ground for your clothes.
"I should probably go," you announced.
"No, you shouldn't," you heard him say.
You turned your head to see him still lying in the same position, his head resting in the palm of his hand. His eyes danced though he wasn't smiling.
"I think you should stay," he added, beckoning you with his finger. "Come."
You weren't entirely sure why you didn't fight him, but you felt his pull as you laid back down beside him. Harry reached around to turn off the lamp that had been glowing on the bedside table. The only light now came from a streetlamp outside that shone through the curtains, still giving you ample opportunity to see his face. The way he looked at you now sent a whole new fire blazing throughout your body as he pulled you closer to him.
When his lips met yours you could taste yourself. It was erotic and taboo, an utter turn-on. You involuntarily reached your hands up to the back of his neck, tangling your fingers in his curls. A low groan sounded in his throat as he rolled on top of you, situating himself between your legs.
You must have kissed for a good ten minutes in that position. Harry's lips were soft and full, though he kissed you with fervor. You wrapped your legs around him, the friction from his jeans as he pushed against you gently causing you to get wet all over again. You could tell he was hard, and you were dying to feel him inside you.
Harry growled softly before he lifted his body slightly to hover over you. As he stared into your eyes, his swollen lips still close enough to touch, his chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, his necklace tapping against your skin. You watched as he sat up, reaching behind him to grab the back of his t-shirt and pull it over his head. You reached out to him, desperate for the reconnection. Giving you a grin, he began to unbutton his jeans, but you stopped him by sitting up yourself, shifting onto your knees and crashing into his mouth.
Harry chuckled again like he had at the party when you'd kissed him so eagerly. Only this time it didn't seem like he was mocking you. He grabbed your hand that was pressed against his chest and slid it down his stomach, guiding you to his waistband. Happy to oblige, you unfastened his jeans, slipping your hand inside. Harry's mouth opened with a slightly audible breath when you took his erection in your hand.
"Mmmm," he moaned, his eyelids heavy, "Jesus, baby. I want you so bad."
"Yes," you nodded, breathlessly.
"You can feel how hard I am, yeah?"
You stroked him in his pants, the restraint from his jeans offering no comfort. He pulled them down further before finally standing and removing them completely.
"Just a minute," he requested, his voice now dropped a couple decibels as he made his way to the nightstand and opened a drawer. Producing a condom, he opened the package and slid it on, returning to the bed.
Still on your knees, you reached for him. He grabbed your waist, guiding you to his lap. Straddling him, you slid down on his hard cock easily. You let out a gasp as you felt yourself stretch around him. Harry cupped your bottom, his fingers spreading over your skin. Your mouth found his again as you began to ride him, slowly at first, then picking up speed.
You bit your lip after coming up for air, feeling the pressure and intensity heighten. Grabbing his shoulders, you used them for leverage as you began to bounce. Harry let out a moan and some expletives, his own breaths short and fast.
"Harry..." you cried, nearing your peak.
"Yeah, baby, you feel so fucking good," he groaned, biting your jaw.
"Right there."
"Yeah," he licked his lips. "Jesus, I'm gonna come."
You threw your head back as you reached orgasm, Harry's lips landing in the crook of your neck while he trembled from his own. His hands gripped your hips so tightly you knew they would leave marks. You slowed your bounces until you came down, your arms wrapping around Harry's neck. You felt his breath against your ear, his hair damp from perspiration. You stayed in place while you tried your best to slow down your own breaths and your heartbeat. You were surprised when Harry pulled you even closer, flush against his chest, his arms gripped tighter around your waist.
As you began to hear Harry's breaths even out, you felt his hands spread across your back. You pulled back a bit to look at his face. His eyes were shut and his lips were slightly parted. He was beautiful. Without hesitation, you placed a soft kiss on his cheekbone. His eyelids fluttered open and he gave you a slow smile before lifting his hand to your face, sliding under your ear.
No words were spoken as you continued to kiss him, first his nose, then his lips and his jaw. You gave a muffled sound of contentment and satisfaction before climbing off him. Harry didn't break his gaze from you as you scooted back to sit against the headboard. You had the suspicion that he was about to say something, but instead he blinked and stood from the bed, then exited the room toward the bathroom.
When he returned, you were already dressed. His look of disappointment did not go unnoticed.
"Damn," he muttered, grabbing his boxers from the floor. "I was hoping you hadn't done that yet."
You giggled. "Why?"
Harry smirked, stepping into his jeans. Then he sat back on the bed, sliding up so that his face was inches from yours.
"Because I wanted to touch you some more. You have such amazingly soft skin."
You beamed at him. "Sorry. It's pretty late. I really should go now."
Harry rested his forehead against yours. "You could just stay the night," he murmured. "Or morning I should say."
You felt your heart skip a beat. He was seriously asking you to stay? You shook your head.
"No," you said, gently grazing his cheek with your fingertips. "I don't think that's a good idea."
Harry sighed, giving you a quick kiss before sitting back. You bit your lip and swung your legs over the side of the bed. Harry walked with you to the front door, opening it for you.
"Goodnight, Harry," you whispered. Despite the intimacy you'd just shared, your nerves were full blown on edge.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
Harry stepped closer, pushing you against the wall. He planted a kiss on your mouth, sliding his tongue inside. You immediately responded, kissing him back. When his lips traveled to your ear, you gently pushed his chest with your palms.
"I gotta go," you insisted. You heard a siren outside, the noise sounding close with the door open.
"Be careful."
You blinked at his words. It was a simple statement, but you found it to be sweet and kind, a little out of character. You silently cursed yourself. Even after Harry's apology and everything else that had happened, you still thought his intentions were less than compassionate. That wasn't really fair, and you knew it.
"Okay," you nodded.
Harry threaded his fingers through yours as you turned for the door. You chuckled when he didn't let go, making him smile.
He gave you one last kiss before you left. He remained in the doorway as you walked to your car and climbed in. You waved at him as you drove away, an overwhelming feeling growing in your stomach.
"Dammit," you shook your head.
You hadn't wanted to do this. But here you were starting to fall for a frat boy. Okay, not a frat boy, but still. He might as well be. What had you gotten yourself into?
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The next day was Sunday. You usually reserved that day for studying and laundry, as well as catching up on sleep if you and Mandy had stayed up late partying. She had been fast asleep when you'd left to pick up Harry and was still asleep when you'd gotten back, so she was awake long before you got up. And fortunately for you, she was visiting her family, so you had the place to yourself all day.
You were still on a high from the night before, both physically and mentally, but you tried your best to focus on your studies. You told yourself you weren't expecting to hear from Harry, but when he texted you halfway through your math homework, you couldn't help but internally cheer.
Hi Beautiful
Hi :)
What are you doing?
How much do you have?
I've got a couple pages of Algebra. Then I have to read a chapter for English.
Oh. I was hoping you could come keep me company.
You bit your lip, happy that he couldn't see you blushing. You decided to keep it lighthearted.
Haha. Sorry.
Oh you're begging now?
Will that make you say yes?
You realized now that he was dead serious.
Please Y/N, will you come over? I'd really like to see you.
You just saw me.
Ok fine I can take a hint.
A hint?
You don't wanna see me. I get it.
I didn't say that.
You waited for Harry's next text, but after a minute when nothing came, not even the three dots indicating he was typing, you got worried and decided to call him.
"Hey," he answered after the first ring.
"I didn't mean to upset you," you said hurriedly.
You heard a low chuckle. "You didn't upset me, baby. I was playing."
"You were?"
"Yes. You should get your studies done. But I would like to see you."
"Um..." you hesitated. "I could probably do the reading tonight before bed. Can you give me an hour to get this Math finished?"
"Sure, love," he replied with a smile in his voice.
When you hung up the phone, you gave your best effort to get through your Algebra, though you mind kept veering to Harry. Your skin literally tingled thinking about him, his eyes, his lips, his touch.
Almost an hour later you'd finished your homework and were in your car headed to Harry's apartment. When you pulled into the parking lot, you had to park a few more spaces down than you had the night before. As you walked up the sidewalk towards the door, you could hear voices. Or at least a voice. It sounded as though someone was yelling, though you couldn't make out a second voice in the argument. Getting closer to the door, you realized the noise was coming from Harry's apartment. You stopped before knocking, listening to the one-ended shouting match.
"That's not what I said, bloody hell!"
Although you'd never heard Harry yell that loudly before, you knew it was him.
"No! I won't calm down! You need to leave me the fuck alone!"
Frozen in your spot behind the door, you slowly lowered your hand to your side. You felt yourself tremble with fear as you silently debated whether or not to leave. He was apparently angry at someone, and you didn't want to get in the middle of it.
"Stop fucking calling me, I mean it! Stop coming over here! The next time you do, I'm calling the police!"
Feeling immense amounts of nervous knots in your stomach, you slowly backed away, ready to head back to your car. This was clearly not a good time. You blinked when you suddenly saw the door fly open. Harry stood before you, just as shocked as you were.
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fullsunfilm · 4 months
fix | l.dh
haechan x gn!reader
slightly suggestive, angst
found this buried in the drafts, not proofread soooo yeah :)
wc: ~1.2k
you wonder if you could have fixed donghyuck. the thought plagues your mind with each waking moment. it knocks at your self-esteem and draws an abundance of salty tears from your pretty eyes he once said he loved oh so much.
all your friends tell you that no, you couldn't have fixed him. you couldn't mend the scars that marred his heart no matter how hard you tried. in spite of the soft touches between silk bedsheets, warm kisses in the morning sunbeams, and the loving exchanges of glances and giggles, you couldn't fix him and his issues.
because lee donghyuck is beyond repair.
that's what you tell yourself when you lock gazes with him from across a busy house party. in an instant, your conversation with jisung and chenle seems to fade into the background as the bass radiating from the speakers is drowned out by the pace of your heart. it's been six months since you last laid eyes on him, but he still has a dizzying effect on you.
the black jean jacket he's wearing makes your brain short-circuit. you recognize it as the one you got him for his birthday last year. the tan peaks of his collarbones look more alluring than ever in his familiar white tank top, the one that you used to tear off him each night. his hair is longer, coming down and creating messy frills at the base of his neck, just the way you liked it. for someone who ghosted you when you needed him most, he seems to keep up well with your preferences.
the world stops for a second when he meets your gaze. even with bumping music and the obnoxious laughter of wasted seniors, you swear you can hear a pin drop. because nothing matters in that moment.
because it's just you and donghyuck. that's how he makes you feel. when you're with him, the worries of the world fry away and become muffled static.
he's always made you feel like this. ever since the day you met him at one of jaehyun's themed christmas parties, you'd been completely enthralled in his carefree nature, honey-dripped voice, and witty tongue. it all came crashing down the moment you brought up your messy relationship status after months of being trapped in friends-with-benefits limbo and found yourself blocked on all social media platforms.
"you okay?"
a soft nudge from jeno brings you back to reality. you force yourself to tear your eyes away from your ex.
"yeah," you hum, opting to focus on the sickening red liquid in your cup. "i'm alright."
you can tell jeno's concerned, but he doesn't pry. instead, he offers you a comforting smile and a pat on the shoulder. "let's find nana, he's probably waiting for us to get back with the drinks."
the two of you collect an array of beer cans, oversized soda bottles, and a few cups of whatever was left in the punch bowl before heading towards a quiet corner of the house. the only noise emanating from jeno's bedroom door is the hushed chatter of the television.
"you're back. i got the tv working." jaemin helps you with the drinks, setting them carefully on the bedside drawer while he sneaks a glance at your troubled expression. "what happened to you? you look like you've seen a ghost."
you can only give him a strained smile. "nothing... i just.. donghyuck's here."
jeno's face contorts for a few uneasy seconds of silence before he speaks.
"i invited him, i'm sorry," he sighs. he looks apologetic as he runs a hand through his messy black hair. "he wouldn't quit bugging me about it, so i just told him he could come.. as long as he stayed away from you and didn't try anything."
jaemin scoffs. "he's donghyuck. of course he's going to try something." he stands to shut the door to jeno's room and plops himself right onto the bed. "but let's forget about it for now, okay? he can't do anything if we're up here watching movies like losers."
that makes you laugh. you nod your head in approval, this time flashing a genuine smile to jaemin and a small nod to jeno, who takes it as a sign of forgiveness and settles in his seat next to you on the scratchy old rug he's had since freshman year.
the hours fly by as the three of you get through movie after movie, making snarky comments and gasping at unexpected twists and turns. by the time the third movie ends, jaemin's snoozing upright on the floor, an empty beer bottle still in his hand. jeno's eyes are wide open and focused on netflix's overwhelming catalog of rom-coms when your bladder decides it's time.
"bathroom break," you say as you stand and dust your sweater off.
"want me to wait?"
"no, i'll be quick." you yawn and slip out of the secluded bedroom.
by this time, the party has died down and the house is quiet save for some soft whispers. you can see the lights on in renjun's room as you pass and hear a few voices discussing inside on your way to the bathroom.
you jump when the door opens. you nearly have a heart attack when you notice who's coming out.
your blood runs cold. you could recognize his voice anywhere.
you're quick to compose yourself before you turn to greet him, your brain forcibly tugging the corners of your mouth up into a fake smile. "hey, donghyuck. didn't know you'd be here."
his lips twitch a bit in amusement as he examines you. you can feel his sultry eyes wandering along your frame as he takes in the familiar sight of you, one that he vividly remembers waking up to on a regular basis.
"damn, full name? what happened to 'hyuck'?" he banters. his slight smirk widens a bit as he sees through your obvious act. "jeno didn't tell you i was coming?" he seems entertained, a small chuckle leaving his plush lips.
you shake your head and avert your gaze to the floor. you're afraid if you stare at him any longer the last of your emotional resolve will crumble and you'll end up crying. you can already feel your eyes welling up, and if this goes on you know you'll burst into tears.
"n-no, he didn't. but i actually have to go now so i'll just.." you shakily gesture towards the end of the hallway.
donghyuck stops you before you can make your mad dash, closing in on your figure. his footsteps are light against the carpeted floor. he stops just in front of you and reaches a hand up, gently lifting your chin.
"so soon?" he asks. his voice is seductive and feathery.
it's alarming how fast your brain short-circuits when you finally meet his gaze. he's always known how to bother you, annoy you, seduce you. you have the hots for him, and he knows it well. he plays the game of love like he owns it, like he owns you.
in an attempt to escape, you push his hand away and take a step back. "yeah. jaemin and jeno are asleep anyways so i-i was just gonna head out."
he pauses for a bit before responding. his response nearly puts you into cardiac arrest.
"alone? it's two a.m." he hums. "maybe i should drive you home."
"i-i don't think that's necessary, donghyuck. i can walk or call an uber or something. and you've been drinking right? so it's just not a great idea—"
"i haven't been drinking." you feel small under his gaze. "and it's dangerous. just let me take you home."
his tone is more demanding this time, like he knows that's all it takes to get you to give in. he's spot-on.
the car ride to your apartment is quiet, with only the soft chatter from the late-night radio filling the space. you sit stiffly in a seat you once owned as donghyuck's passenger princess, spotting a few remnants of previous affairs in this cupholders and floor mats. bobbie pins, scrunchies, and even a few pieces of jewelry are scattered on the outskirts of his car.
when you finally arrive, you sense him turning towards you. he stops you as you move to unbuckle your seat belt.
"i miss you." he says softly.
it's incredible how he draws tears from you with just three words. the affirmation is all it takes for your walls to crumble completely. it's the last crack that demolishes the dam keeping your watery eyes and emotions in check.
"hyuck.." the first few tears flow down your cheeks. "stop."
"stop what?"
"this. you ghosted me after i told you i loved you. i don't need to be reminded of that."
he sighs, a twinge of annoyance present. "that's in the past. you're still mad about that? it's not even that big of a deal. i mean, come on, you knew we were never that serious, it was less than two years so—"
you cut him off before he can even begin speaking. "hyuck, you really haven't changed at all. you're just like back then. you don't miss me, you miss feeling like you're in control. i'm not there anymore to boost your shitty ego or be your go-to every time you need a quick fuck. i'm not begging you to stay and crying every time i hear you're out with a new girl. i bet you miss making me cry. you're probably really enjoying this now, you fucking monster."
if there's one good thing this interaction is bringing, it's the truth.
there's a sense of catharsis that bellows from your core as you ream him in his own car. for months, you'd been wanting to tell him how much you resented him for leaving you without any answers, but he'd made it clear he had no intention of seeking you out or hearing your inquiries. not until today, at least. even with your answers now, you're not satisfied.
"are you done?" he asks. it feels incredibly condescending, but there's a familiarity to it that makes you whimper internally.
donghyuck always made you feel like it was just you and him. because he made you feel special. because he called you love and swatted off anxious texts regarding your whereabouts from friends and family. because he completely isolated you from the world and made you incredibly reliant on him. he blamed you for anything and everything. that was just who he was. and you learned the hard way that there was no fixing him, no matter how much you thought you could.
regardless, you gave in then.
and you give in again now, pulling him into your apartment he knows like the back of his hand while feverishly pressing your lips against his.
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m-n-m-s · 1 year
Hobie X reader who doesn’t admit they’re punk. They diy everything, only listen to hardcore punk, and have the political beliefs but just don’t admit it.
i love this idea omg 🫶🏻
Hobie Brown x StubbornPunk!Gn!Reader
Warnings: fluff!!, a lil cursing
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"That's li'erally the basis of what being punk is, love."
You sighed heavily and turned to look at Hobie. He looked back at you with a smirk, sitting cross-legged on the edge of your bed. You had just finished ranting to him about something that you saw the day before, walking around in front of him because you couldn't sit still, and pinning the problems on the (in your words) 'shitty problem solvers in the government'.
After explaining the very simple solutions that those people refused to acknowledge, you stopped to take a breath, allowing Hobie to drop that sentence into the break.
It wasn't that you had a problem with being a punk—if anything, you were far from that. You just didn't think that you qualified as a punk; a fact that Hobie made sure to challenge every chance he got.
You stood there in silence, looking at Hobie, who sat with a smug little expression on his face. "Seriously?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"I'm just sayin'," he said innocently. You weren't fooled.
"What's with you always trying to prove to me that I'm punk?" you asked exasperatedly, crossing your arms. "Aren't you the one who always says he 'hates labels'?"
There's silence for a moment. Then, you hear a light chuckle from behind you and the slight creak of your bed as Hobie stood. "I suppose I did say that," he said, slightly amused. You watched as he slowly walked past you, to your closet in the corner. "But even I admit that I fall somewhere under that ca'egory." You raise an eyebrow as he opens the closet door with a slight flourish. He peeks back behind the door at you, raising an eyebrow as he glanced into the small, but cluttered closet. You nodded, showing that you were fine if he looked in there.
You heard him faintly mutter something under his breath as he pushed some stuff around in there before a soft ha! met your ears. Hobie turned back to face you, holding up your favorite jacket, the one that had all the little patches you made sewn on. You could still see where you painted a few designs onto it, creeping behind the fabric. You raised your eyebrows. "You made this yourself," he said simply, gently laying it down on your bed. It was phrased as a question, but he spoke it like a fact, which it was.
You sighed, knowing what was coming. He slowly pulled out every article of clothing you had ever added your own touch to, laying them on top of each other. "An' this," he said, pulling out another pair of jeans.
You looked at the slowly growing pile on your bed and sighed again. "Please tell me you're putting that back yourself," you mumbled. Hobie paused slightly in his little quest.
"Only if you admit it," he said cheekily, pulling out more things from the closet. If you were being entirely honest with yourself, you had forgotten half of those even existed. You sighed once more, watching as he finished going through your closet. "These," he says, waving a hand at the pile on your bed, "were all somewhat made by you, even in a small way. Correct?"
You nodded hesitantly, confused as to where he was going with this. Hobie closed your closet door. "What was the last music genre you lis'ened to?" he asked. Before you could even open your mouth to respond, he spoke again. "Punk. Punk rock, specifically."
"What does that have anything to do with—"
Hobie held up a finger as he interrupted your sentence. "You've got the politics"—his face wrinkled slightly at that word, making you crack a little smile—"an' the style," he says, vaguely gesturing at you and the pile of clothes on your bed. "All you're missin' is a big ol' neon sign that just says punk on it." You rolled your eyes, and just as you opened your mouth to speak, Hobie cut in again. "Just admit it," he teased, standing in front of you.
"Why are you so adamant in getting me to 'admit it'?" you huffed, crossing your arms. Hobie chuckled, tilting his head the slightest bit.
"Because you're so stubborn, swee'heart," he said, leaning slightly closer to you. You narrowed your eyes playfully, not really able to combat that statement since it was a fact. Hobie mirrored you, locking you into a stare-down of sorts. Due to the fact that your eyes were beginning to water (and Hobie didn't look like he was going to blink any time soon), you stepped away from him with an eye roll.
You walked back to the pile of clothes, carefully starting to put them back where they were. "Still not a punk," you muttered, folding a pair of jeans that were adorned with little patches. You saw Hobie raise an eyebrow at the irony, but he (for once) didn't say anything. Instead, when you turned around to grab another thing to put back, he was already there, holding out another jacket. You sighed, bringing a smirk to his face, and took it back to where it was supposed to be.
"Are you trying to bribe me into admitting it?" you asked, turning around to grab another hanger.
"Depends," Hobie teased, "is it workin'?" You shot him a deadpan look, turning back to the closet.
Just as you hung it up, a pair of arms made their way around your torso and pulled you backward onto your bed. You stumbled slightly before landing on your back, glaring at Hobie, who now stood above you. He gave you a little grin before promptly landing on you. You raised an eyebrow as he lifted his head slightly to look at you. "'M not gettin' up until you admit it, darlin'" he mumbled, smirking slightly.
You sighed, knowing damn well that he meant every word. "Okay, that's just cheating," you complained, glaring playfully at him. Hobie just shrugged, showing no signs of moving any time soon. You two lay there in silence until you closed your eyes and sighed once more. You saw a smile slowly creep onto Hobie's lips as he raised his head, just a little.
"Fine," you grumbled, exasperated. "Maybe I do qualify as punk."
You felt Hobie shift slightly, before lifting himself partially off of you. "There, was that so difficult?" he said lightly, grinning. You rolled your eyes as he helped you up. Just as you were about to go back to putting your clothes back into your closet, he tugged you back gently, a hand on your arm. You felt him gently kiss your head before moving his hand from your arm. "Stubborn," he mumbled affectionately, letting you go back. He sat on your bed, handing you clothes as you put them back.
"Since you admitted it, finally, I'm stickin' to my word and helping you," he said, running his fingers along the edges of a patch on my shorts.
You hide a smile. "That's a new one," you teased softly, turning your head to look at him. He mock-gasped, the edges of his lips turning into a smile.
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sorry this took so long guys 🥲
it ended up longer than i expected but wtv
if the formatting is being wacky w the photos just ignore it I'll try n fix it later 😾
i'll proofread later, but for now enjoy 🫶🏻
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silversnakes-yan · 4 months
✲𝓝𝓸𝓪𝓱 𝔀/ 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓼 𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓼✲
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Noah had always loved the quiet of the night. The way the world seemed to slow down, how the moonlight cast long, soft shadows across the streets, and the way the stars twinkled like scattered diamonds above. One particularly clear night, feeling restless and unable to sleep, he decided to take a walk through his neighborhood. If smoking didn’t help him sleep maybe a walk would.
The streets were nearly empty, save for a few parked cars and the occasional house with a glowing porch light. As he walked, he listened to the sounds of crickets chirping and the distant hum of traffic. It was peaceful, and he felt a sense of calm wash over him.
Turning down a quiet, tree-lined street he rarely ventured, Noah saw something that caught his eye. Just ahead, under the soft glow of a streetlamp, was definitely the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. They were crouched on the sidewalk, surrounded by a small group of cats. Noah watched as they carefully placed small bowls of food and water in front of the cats, speaking to them in a gentle, soothing voice.
Curious, Noah approached slowly, not wanting to startle either them or the cats. As he got closer, one of the cats, a sleek black one, looked up and meowed softly. They looked up too, and their eyes met his. They had the most captivating eyes, the color of them seemed to reflect in the moonlight.
"Hiya," Noah said, offering a lopsided smile.
"Hi," they replied, standing up and brushing their hands on their jeans. "I didn't hear you coming."
"My bad. Didn’t mean to sneak up on you," Noah said. "Was just out for a walk and saw you with the cats. You do this often?"
"Yeah, every night," they said, smiling warmly. "I'm ___, by the way."
"Noah," he replied, he walks up beside them and takes a seat at the curb. "Why come out here? You know it’s pretty dangerous at night. Aliens might come down and snatch you."
They look at him incredulously. "I think there’s more concerning things than aliens.” They look back at the cats. “These cats don’t have homes, so I try to take care of them as best as I can. They’ve become like family to me."
Noah turned his head to the cats, who were now happily eating, and felt a surge of admiration for ___. "That's nice of you. They seem to trust you a lot." Their willingness to help others in need reminded him of his brothers. Yet he kept that to himself.
"They do," They said, their smile widening as they take a seat next to him. "It took some time, but now they know I'm here to help."
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, watching the cats. Noah felt a connection with them, a sense of understanding and shared appreciation for the quiet beauty of the night.
"Would you like to join me?" They asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Join you?" Noah echoed, a bit surprised.
"Yeah," they said, their eyes twinkling with excitement. "There's another spot a few blocks away where I feed another group of cats. It’s a bit of a walk, but I’d love the company."
Noah felt a rush of excitement. "Yeah sure. I. Hold protect ya."
“Of course from the aliens, right?” They laugh shaking their head.
As they walked together, talking and laughing softly, Noah felt a warmth in his chest. It was as if the night had conspired to bring them together. And as he listened to them talk about their love for the cats and their dreams for the future, he couldn't help but feel that something good finally came into his life.
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 23 days
↖ navigation: nct masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: friend to lover! doyoung x gn! reader
↬ tags: not a regular listener of little light but whenever i hear it my soul ascends out of my body into the galaxies (warning: not a universal experience), friends to lovers, mentions of doyoung being a performer), open-ending because again idk, pulled this out of the depths of wattpad drafts uhh
summary: doyoung has only got this chance to confess his love to the one person who means everything to him
word count: 719 words
a/n: in light of what has been happening, i will also be working to remove any past post in the coming week that i have written of nct’s taeil,, as for my stance, i do believe the rest of the nct members shouldn’t be dragged down until more information has been given! till then i will keep supporting nct and the units
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doyoung's heart beat in trepidation against his chest as he dials your handphone number for the third time that night. he was still coming from from his high, adrenaline pumping through his veins.
"where are you now?" he weaves through backstage, pressing the phone to his ear.
"i left."
he clicks his tongue, mumbling apologies before speaking to you, "i know you did. i had my eyes on you the entire time i was on stage." he paused to push the exit door, "are you nearby? i wanna see you, please."
the cool breeze of the night kissed his sweat-soaked skin as he awaited your response. he did know, however that your resolve was breaking with every passing beat of silence.
"i'm...sat at the nearby park. i'll wait for you." you hung up.
without a moment's hesitation, doyoung starts sprinting ahead, feet moving faster than his mind can even comprehend where you actually were. running like his life depended on it, he hangs onto the hope that he could officially tell you his feelings.
as soon as he spots you sitting by the curb of the playground, doyoung speeds up till he stands before you, huffing and puffing away.
"i wasn't...going anywhere. you didn't need to run here." you averted your gaze, and under the artificial street lights, doyoung think you couldn't look any better than this moment.
"i...know. i just wanted...to see you..." he catches his breath, slowly sitting down beside you. this curb you two were sat on has seen more memories than he could count: from the very first time he met you as a child in this park, to when you two skipped classes to chill here in the lazy afternoon sun, to the heart-to-heart talks shared in the late of the night.
"you left as soon as i ended." doyoung begins after a while, gathering his thoughts as he wiped his sweaty palms against his jeans, "did i...was i not impressive?" he felt small under your gentle gaze and you shook your head, "you were every bit of the performer you dreamt to be."
"then why did you go? i was..." he held back. he wanted to dedicate his own composed song to you, but the moment he saw you leave, his vision got crowded with the fans asking for an encore. he decides to continue, "i was hoping to catch you to tell you thanks for coming."
he rests his weight towards his right palm, leaning closer to you.
"i'm sorry." you blurted out and doyoung jerks his head towards you, eyebrows furrowing, "what are you sorry for?"
"you've gotten quite famous even with you own gigs and everything. look at you, you belong out there on the stage with the fans cheering your name. not with some...person like me."
"i don't care about that! tell me, did i capture your attention on stage?" doyoung reached over to grasp your hand, forcing you to look at him. the dim lights made your eyes sparkle and doyoung wishes he could read your mind this instant.
"of course." you replied with certainty and he pulled you into his embrace, "then that's all i wanna hear. screw those fans because...i was performing for you and you alone."
doyoung pulls away, not breaking eye contact with you, "that song? that was meant for you. it was meant to be a confession song for your ears to here, which was why i invited you to come today."
"i wanted to tell you that i love you."
the second the words left his lips, he almost immediately feels that thread snap in him. "i have loved you from the day we first met, and i've never stopped loving you ever since." he remembers the day he finally accepted his feelings for you, growing stronger with each passing day he spent with you. he remembers that worn-out notebook with heart doodles and some lyrics he penned down, definitely not forgetting the multiple voice recordings he saved to create the very song he played just for you today.
he hears you inhale audibly and he spots that uncertainty in your eyes, "don't say that. not when you're gaining popularity. i'm just gonna be a hindrance."
"i'm willing to do anything it takes to be with you. so, will you be mine?"
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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magma-frog0 · 2 years
Perv! Sodapop x Fem! Reader
TW- NSFW! Smut, Minors DNI, Pervert behavior, CNC, overstimulation. (This is my first smut fic so give me suggestions. This will also be in 2nd person.)
Word Count-834 words.
Sodapop can't help but love your body. He just can't resist you; he can't help but want to touch you. Whenever you show off your new skirts, jeans, shirts, or anything that shows off your body. He can't help but to want to do things to you. Your image is burned into his mind, and he gets off just thinking about your body. He's obsessed with you.
So, when you came to his house with a new shirt on that fit your figure perfectly. He was already hard; he could already feel himself getting excited when he saw you. "Hey babe! What are you doing here?" He asked opening the door to let you in.
"I just wanted to know if you were home. Are you busy? I just wanted to see if I could hang out for a bit," you say walking into the house. Noticing that no one was home. "Where is everyone Soda?" You asked sitting down on the couch.
"Everyone left to go to the movies with Ponyboy. I just got home from work, you can stay here with me," he explained, sitting down next to you. You could feel his eyes on you, especially near your chest. You had known that he'd like the new shirt you got but you didn't know he'd act like this. He has always been a bit pervy towards you when you wore certain clothes that showed off your body. You honestly started to wear certain clothes around him that would get his reaction.
"Oh okay! I want to stay with you!" You exclaimed. You got closer to him and put your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Your actions brought a smile to his face. His hand met your thigh and started rubbing it. You didn't say a word just let him touch you. He took this as a sign that you liked it and wanted more.
He started to rub circles on your inner thigh. You were extremely sensitive, and you couldn't help but let out a small moan. "God damnit Y/N," Soda groaned, standing up in front of you.
"What?" You asked. He grabbed your face and kissed you. He kneeled down in front of you.
"You know exactly what. You come over when nobody is here. You're wearing the clothes you know I like. Don't even get me started on the fact that you've been teasing me since you got here," he said getting closer to your neck. He started to kiss your neck; you could feel his cock on your inner thigh. You moaned loud; you couldn't help it with the friction coming from him.
"I haven't been teasing you," you let out a breathy moan trying to speak to him. He pushed you down on the couch and got on top of you. He put his knee in between your legs you and kept kissing your neck. "Shit- Soda," you moaned to him. He sat up and took off his shirt, revealing his slightly toned body. He put his hands under your shirt and took it off.
"Sit up and take off your bra," he demanded. You listened and took it off. He started leaving hickeys on your chest down to your stomach. "Shit baby you're so pretty," he groaned. His lips still against your skin. His hands started to tug down your pants down to your ankles. He started to rub your clit through your underwear. "Shit babe, you're really wet," he groaned. He put his head between your thighs pushing your underwear aside and started sucking your clit.
He rolls his tongue around your clit; you buck your hips to gain more friction from his tongue. "Oh-Fuck, Soda I can't-" you whimpered to him. You can feel him smirk on your clit, still licking he pushes his finger into you. "Shit, Soda. I'm so close," you moan to him. Your legs starting to shake.
"Fuck, I know darling. I can feel you tightening around me," he groaned still overstimulating your clit. His finger grinding on your G-spot.
"Soda! I can't take it!" You moaned loudly. Feeling the orgasm flood over you, you could feel Sodapop licking up the arousal. Making sure there wasn't a drop left.
"You did so good baby," he whispered in your ear. Putting his tee shirt back on. He picked you up and put you on the bathroom sink. Starting you a nice hot bath. Once he got it at the right temperature, he put you in. Leaving you to soak and clean yourself. He came back with new clothes for you to wear. He helped you out and helped you put on a fresh new tee shirt and his boxers.
Once you finished getting dressed you laid in his bed and got comfortable. "Thank you, Soda," you whispered to him. His head was on your chest, fast asleep. Your fingers running through his hair. Making you tired from all the excitement, to relaxing with your boyfriend in bed. You fell asleep.
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The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known (part 5)
Hello friends- I know it's been a minute since I updated this puppy. If you need a refresher, you can read the whole thing here on AO3
Draco was losing his entire mind.
He didn't know what the fuck Potter had been thinking when he'd held Draco's hands in his to warm them or let his lips brush over the tips of his fingers. He didn't know what he'd been thinking when he'd said yes.
The only thing he'd been able to think in that moment was that he wanted whatever Harry had wanted to give him. It was a stupid, pathetic crush and Draco was just sinking further and further into it with seemingly no way to get back out.
He was doomed.
To make matters even worse, Draco had agreed to go out dancing with Pansy, thinking the distraction might do him some good, only to realize that Harry had been invited along as well. Draco could scarcely stand the sight of him in his tight jeans that clung to his shapely arse and muscular thighs, or the strip of flesh between his tshirt and jeans that appeared when he put his arms over his head, or that tempting trail of dark hair that trailed down into his trousers.
How was he supposed to function?
Tearing himself away from the dance floor when the lure of touching the other man became too great to bear was the only option. He made his way over to the bar and ordered another drink.
"Hey," came a warm voice just to his right and behind him and he inwardly groaned. This had to be karma.
He turned to look over his shoulder, "Hey yourself," he said, eyes raking over Harry's body, taking in the heat of his bronze skin glistening with sweat, the way his body was loose and easy.
When his eyes met Harry's, he found that the other man was watching him intently, eyes bright. "Hi," he said again, voice a little breathless.
He felt his mouth curling up without his permission, "you've said that already," he said.
Harry laughed as he reached across the bar to accept a club soda. "Perhaps it bore repeating."
"Oh?" he asked, leaning back against the bar, his shirt parting and putting his collarbones on display.
Harry's eyes were drawn to the skin now on display and Draco wondered if it was possible that the other man found him as attractive as he found Harry.
"Are you day dreaming tonight?" he murmured, his voice dropping low without his permission.
His attention snapped back up and his eyes searched Draco's face, for what Draco wasn't entirely sure, before he took a deep breath and nodded slowly.
"Anything in particular?" he asked, licking his lower lip in anticipation.
Bringing his drink to his lips, Harry took a long swallow before taking a step closer.
Draco could feel the heat radiating off of the other man's body and his own pulse roared in his ears. It took every solitary ounce of restraint that he possessed not to lean forward and bring their bodies into sharp relief.
Leaning his head in, Harry put his mouth against Draco's ear, "Are you sure you want to know?"
He shuddered at the feeling of his hot breath ghosting over his ear and neck, and nodded vigorously, barely stopping himself from pressing into him.
Harry hummed and the sound ripped through Draco, all the way through the pit of his stomach to his toes and fingers. "Tonight," Harry murmured, lips now brushing over Draco's ear, "I keep imagining a body pressed against mine."
A strangled whimper rose up Draco's throat, it was an image he'd imagined many times himself.
"I can't quite decide if I want his body in front of mine, arms around my neck while we grind on the dance floor, my thigh between his legs," he continued. "Or if I'd prefer to be behind him, his arse pressed against me, my hands gripping his hips while he writhes and dances."
He nodded, not trusting himself to speak, and closed his eyes, body swaying toward Harry's.
"If he's facing me, I keep imagining my hands dropping to his arse, cupping those generous globes in my palms," he let out a little groan like he couldn't quite help it. "If he's got his back to me, I keep imagining letting my hands slide up his body, maybe even under his shirt so I can play with his nipples while we dance."
Draco's entire body felt like it was consumed by fire, his fingers reached out without his permission and he clenched them in Harry's shirt, knuckles bumping against Harry's side through the thin fabric of his tshirt. "What happens next?" he asked.
Harry's cheek brushed against his as he brought his mouth even closer to Draco's ear, "I take him home," he rumbled. "Strip him bare," he added. "Lay him out on my bed and take him apart with my mouth and my hands."
He shuddered and his body came into contact with Harry's as a result of how close they'd gotten. "Fuck," he whispered.
"That is the general idea," Harry replied.
"Harry-" he started, heart pounding wildly as he fought the desire to turn his head and connect their lips. Before he could do anything, he was very rudely interrupted.
"Harry!" a voice shouted from across the bar.
Growling low in his throat, Harry drew back from Draco and Draco nearly pulled him right back against him.
"Hey!" Neville called, as he made his way over. He clapped Harry on the back before he seemed to notice that Draco was standing there. "Oh!" he said, surprised, "Sorry! Am I interrupting-"
"No," Draco said quickly, untangling his fingers from Harry's shirt as reality slipped back in.
At the same time as Draco spoke, Harry bit out, "Yes."
"Err-" Neville replied but neither of them were paying him any mind.
They were both looking at the other, trying to parse out what they were thinking and feeling.
"I should go," Draco said, slipping out past Harry and heading toward the door, toward fresh air and space. Toward his bloody sanity.
He'd only made it a few steps outside when the door to the club swung open and a warm hand found his shoulder. "Wait," Harry said.
Draco closed his eyes and let his head fall forward, resting his chin on his chest, trying to push the ridiculous desires out of his mind. "What?" he asked, voice tense.
"Hey," Harry said, tugging lightly at his shoulder to get him to turn around.
He turned and he wasn't sure what his face said, but Harry took a step back.
"Sorry," he said softly.
Draco raised an eyebrow.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, "If I made you uncomfortable-"
A laugh, hard and just a little bitter forced its way from Draco's mouth. "You haven't made me uncomfortable."
"Then why are you running?"
"Because I don't fancy making a fool out of myself," he replied.
"What?" Harry asked, tilting his head like a lost crup at Draco.
He shook his head, desiring nothing more than to just slam it against the brick wall. "You should go find someone to dance with," he said, nodding back at the club.
"Oh," Harry said, brow furrowing.
"Go make your daydream a reality," he said, taking another step back, inching toward the apparation point before he lost his composure and his self-preservation instincts.
Rubbing the back of his neck he replied, "That might be difficult."
"Why?" he asked, "You're a very handsome bloke, Potter, no one's going to turn you down."
He cleared his throat, "Might be difficult to make my daydream a reality if you're not in there," he said, like that clarified anything. When Draco just stood there, as confused as ever, Harry swallowed, "Because you've been the object of my daydreams since last weekend at Luna's," he clarified. "Maybe longer, if I'm being honest."
"Me?!" he asked.
Harry shrugged, "It's okay if you don't feel the same," he said, tongue running along his bottom lip, "only you seemed to be into it in the club-"
"You don't actually want me," he said, cutting Harry off. "You can't possibly."
"Why?" Harry asked, brow furrowing in confusion once more.
He blinked, "Because you're-" he gestured broadly at Harry, "And I'm-" he finished, gesturing at himself.
"I mean, sure," Harry said, "You are significantly better looking than I am-"
"What?" he wheezed. "That was your take away?"
Harry scrubbed a hand through his hair, "Look, Draco. Can I be honest?" Without giving Draco a chance to reply he plowed on, "I like you. I like you as a person, I like your wit, your sharp sense of humor, I think you're bloody gorgeous," he added. "And I really like the way that I feel when I'm with you," he said. "Like I'm not too much, like I'm just a person who gets to feel what they feel." He looked down at his shoes for a minute, "I've given you a lot of pieces of me that I don't give to everyone and I trust you. I'd like to see where this can go. If that's something you might be interested in?"
Draco spluttered, "Yes," he managed finally. "Merlin, Harry, yes."
"Yeah?" he asked, perking up and grinning at Draco.
"Yes," he said, grinning back at the other man, sure that his smile was just as wide and ridiculous as the other man's.
"Maybe coffee or dinner first?" Harry offered.
His heart expanded in his chest, knowing this was serious for Harry, not just a one-night stand. "I'd like that."
The other man grinned and held out his arm, letting Draco loop his fingers through his elbow before he started strolling down the sidewalk, "Great," he said, "Because I have this great daydream about going on a date at a diner a few blocks from here-"
Draco smiled and settled into Harry's side, more than content to listen to all of the sweet dreams he had for his life, delighted by the idea of being able to fulfill some of them.
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
Time Travel Hero PART ONE
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You were in the fight with him. You were severely injured and would have been about to die. You were the last standing. You coughed as you got on your knees trying to get up. He stepped closer to you. He bent down and raised an eyebrow.
"It's best you were to surrounder now. This new world you want needs me. Not some hero girl." He got ready to send a blast of magic that would end you.
You gasped as you awoke from your dream. But you were in a bed. You were on a porch. There was a crowd of girls around you. You couldn't remember what happened. You blinked and looked at everyone. They had different clothing styles but you didn't notice.
You sat up and groaned holding your head.
"Where am I?' You asked. One girl with orange-reddish hair smiled.
"You just appeared on this porch." She replied and held out a hand and help you stand. You had trouble and almost fell. You had no scars from moments before not that you could remember. You looked around. You realized that it was your house.
"This is my house." You said and looked in. The blonde hair girl raised an eyebrow with her hands on her hips.
"This house has been abandoned for years," Stella said. You were even more confused. "Where did you get your clothes?" She asked. You looked down at your cropped long sleeve pink shirt and high-rise jeans.
"I am Bloom." The orange hair said. and Each girl introduced themselves. You couldn't help to notice Bloom looked like someone and you nodded along.
"Y/N, Y/N Maintlands." The girls were confused but didn't say anything. They showed you around the area. It was almost the same. You were on the porch when something started to attack Bloom. You through something which made it turn to you and start to go after you.
You ran to the door and unlocked it with your key before locking the door and hiding behind the door with wide eyes. You were shaking from confusion. The girls told you it was safe to come out. You came back out.
"We should take you to Alfea to meet our headmaster. She might be able to help you." Bloom said and you nodded and went with them. You arrived and looked around. It looked like you had been here by how you walked to the right area and opened the door.
The headmaster looked up and had wide eyes at the sight of you. She rose and the other girls came in. It took you a minute before you realized who she was. You didn't understand. She looked older while you didn't.
"You're alive?" Faragonda said. She walked over and hugged you tightly. "I thought you were killed... that's what he tells." That confused you anymore.
"Who is saying that? What is going on? Why was my house left abandoned?" You asked. Faragonda led you to sit down. The girls listened in the back.
"I see you met the Winx, our top students. But, you will not be able to stay here." Faragonda spoke. "It won't be safe because he is coming to visit the school to make sure nothing is out of place." She continued.
"Who Faragonda? Just tell me." You said.
"Valtor. He is King now." She said. You froze. your enemy was king but how. "He claimed to of getting rid of you but that didn't work. It seemed you ended up in the future... I am guessing your magic healed you before you landed here." She said. Everything was a lot to take in.
"So he... took a role because I was gone and unable to complete the plan I had." You replied.
Stella raised an eyebrow before speaking up.
"What plan? Are you evil?" She asked. You laughed and shook your head.
"Opposite. I was bringing kingdoms together and I was close. I was going to rule as a helping hand and hero. Valtor knew that and didn't like the idea of peace." You sighed.
Suddenly the magic barrier was coming down. Faragonda looked nervous.
"Teleport away now." She said. "He is here." You nodded and used your magic to get back to your house. You noticed everything was dust free. Did he put magic over everything? But why. You just sat on your bed looking at everything. You went to your closet and pulled out a hood and placed it over your head.
You made some food and sipped some water trying to remember everything. You stayed away from windows. You wrote everything you started to remember which was only almost dead.
A few Days Later
The girls were visiting you. You kept your hood on as you spoke. While you were talking on the porch the same creature came again. It stared right at you and started to go after your new friends. You sighed and knew it was Valtors's minion.
"Valtors minion right?" You spoke up standing in front of the girls protective.
"Yes, I am miss. These girls should not be out of school grounds today." He said. You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms.
"That's pretty stupid," you replied. "Don't worry they are leaving. I was just talking to them for a minute." You said. The minion was more confused.
"Now why are you here? This place is blocked off." He said. "You are trespassing." He said.
"I am not trespassing!" you said defensively. he suddenly grinned.
"I need you to come with me Miss Maintlands or your friends will not be going anywhere," he spoke. You sighed and nodded.
"Fine." you went over and he pulled out a magic seat and you sat in it. The girls didn't look too pleased for you doing this. Faragonda would have your head. He walked as you were pushed by magic on the chair. He called Valtor.
"My King. You will be very pleased with who I found." He said and chuckled. Soon you felt something. Magic. The magic made you fall asleep in the chair.
You knew you were in trouble now.
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deerabigailhobbs · 9 months
Ok, I know this is a blog solely dedicated to Abigail, but I have to merge my love for her and my recent Saw obsession.
After Abigail dies, taking in the scene in front of her, realising that she's still on this earth, but as a ghost now covered in blood, some not her own, she walks. She's not sure what else to do, where exactly she's going, but she can't stay here, in this kitchen, watching a man she barely even knew cradling her dead body.
So she walks, through wind and heavy rain, though she can't feel any of it, the world around her only feels like a light breeze.
She walks through days and nights, not getting tired, but getting frustrated, knowing that this is her eternity now, though thinking she does deserve it, for killing all those girls.
Then after a long while of walking (she doesn't know how long), she spots a house. It's nothing special, in fact it's far from special. It's dirty, the walls are covered in filth and look like they'll cave in at any moment. The place is boarded up, must have not been used in a while. And yet, as unremarkable as this house is, something is pulling her towards it, like a silent plea for help. And so, with that having been the only new thing in her (after)life, she passes through the walls, into the disgusting house, past the trap door with a decaying body she tries to ignore, and is then met with a door.
For the first time in a while, she's feeling an emotion other than... Well nothing at all. She's nervous, if she were still alive she was sure her hands would be sweaty and her heart racing. She has no idea what's behind that door, but whatever it is, it couldn't harm her. She didn't have to worry about dying a third time.
And so, she passes through the door and is met with a bathroom. It's dark, but she can make out some things, such as the rusty chains, the cracked mirrors, the tiled floors, and the dead bodies across the place.
However, she's then greeted by a "Hello", which startles her. Her eyes wander into the corner, and there stands a man, or what once was a man, looking at her with a soft smile and wide eyes. The first thing she notices about him is the large bullet wound in his shoulder, blood pouring out of it, and then the chain that's wrapped around his leg. He's a little older than Abigail, with short, messy black hair, wearing a dirty white T-shirt and baggy jeans.
They both take each other in, she's not sure what to say. In fact she hasn't spoken since that night. She mutters a small "hello" back, adverting her eyes to anywhere that wasn't the ghost in front of her.
The man's voice is even softer now, not wanting to scare her away as if she were a lone deer he had just stumbled across.
"My name is Adam."
There's a long pause before Abigail speaks for the first time in ages.
Adam looks at her, inspecting the blood and wound around her neck and on her hands.
"My throat was cut. Bled to death." She says simply. She knew he was going to ask, so she thought she'd just get it over and done with. "You?"
Adam looks at her, taken aback by her forwardness.
"Well, first I was shot, then left to starve to death, before finally being suffocated by a plastic bag of all things" he lets out a small, empty laugh. "Guess the big guy wanted me to die 3 times, huh?"
"I know that feeling." Abigail said, smiling slightly. It was nice to have someone to talk to. Someone that didn't have ulterior motives, who had seemingly gone through similar life and death experiences that she did.
He looks at her again, smiling, but his eyes don't show it. "Fuck, you're just a kid."
Abigail's brows furrow with slight annoyance. "I'm 19, actually. Or was, I don't know how long it's been. This was coming though" Her voice becomes slightly quieter as she gestures towards her neck.
Adam lets out a breathless sigh, before looking up at her again, a small smirk appeared on his face. "Like I said, just a kid."
Abigail looks around the bathroom again, taking in the grimy tiles and the 2 other dead bodies. This was getting awkward already. Still, she'd take this over walking through another state again.
"How come you're here?" Adam asks, breaking the silence once more.
"I could ask you the same thing." Abigail replies, looking directly at Adam now.
"I can't- I can't leave. Believe me, I've tried. But I can't." Adam said, his sad face turning towards the door, making Abigail spot the faded blood handprint on his cheek. "You think I want to stay in this shit hole?"
She looks down at the bodies once more. The decaying skeleton with the chain around his foot must be Adam.
"So those two could leave and you couldn't?"
Adam scoffs lightheartedly, looking towards her oncemore. "Yeah yeah, no need to rub it in."
Abigail smiles at that, the man seems to be taking this whole "death" thing easily. She wonders how long he's been down here.
That line of thought is cut short by Adam's voice. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question."
Abigail bites her lip. "I'm not sure. Something was pulling me here, and I figured it was better to see what all the fuss was about than walking aimlessly again."
Adam smiles at her, though there's a hint of pity in his eyes which she hates. If only he knew what she had done, his face would be one of disgust instead.
He sits down on the dirty tiles, arms over his knees, and looks up at her. "Well, Abigail, got time for a chat? Cause just wait till you hear about the day I've had..." He smiles like he just thought of the greatest joke ever. Abigail lets out a small laugh anyway, sitting beside him.
"All the time in the world."
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asterifish · 8 months
You, Clouds, Rain // Minchan fanfic
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Synopsis: Minho and Chan have been dating for a while now, and everytime they meet up or spend time with each other, it always rains
Genre: Fluff
Type: One shot (Words: 4.035k )
Warnings: N/A
The first scenario
It was raining when they first met. It had been a gloomy Thursday afternoon and Minho had been walking home from school. He had been feeling pretty sidetracked so he took a wrong turn. He only realized when he felt something tug on his shirt. Looking down, Minho noticed a wolf-like dog tugging on his shirt. He had no choice but to let the dog pull him, finally realizing that he’d taken a wrong turn. As the dog led him away from the alley, Minho looked around, taking in his environment.
After a few minutes, The dog stopped and let go of Minho’s shirt. Immediately checking to see if there were any holes in his shirt (there were none), Minho looked down at the dog. It seemed to be looking at him with a frown, as if he’d disappointed it. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Minho grumbled, before picking up his umbrella and starting to walk home again.
Making sure to mind where he was going, Minho found himself at home after only a few minutes. Just as he was about to lock his front door, he heard a bark and a low growl. Opening the door again, Minho jumped back in shock as the dog pushed its way inside. “You followed me home? What the hell?” Minho frowned, but didn’t make any effort to push the dog out. If it could drag him three blocks while running, he didn’t want to take his chances.
Minho slowly backed away from his door, watching the dog as it tilted its head at him curiously. Finally giving in, Minho sighed and retrieved a towel from the bathroom so he could dry off the dog.
The second scenario
It was a cold morning when Minho got up, and he slipped out of bed. Going about his usual morning routine, Minho jumped when he heard a scratch at his front door. Walking over to the front door, Minho seemed confused. Standing at his door was a man about 5’6. He had a hoodie and ripped jeans on, but he also had this look about him. Like Minho had met him before.
“Can I help you?” Minho asked, crossing his legs and standing in the doorway. The man seemed to be drenched from the rain, and after looking him up and down, Minho let him in. “Stand here, I'll get you a towel.” Minho pointed to the mat, and then walked to the bathroom. Coming back, the man was standing exactly where Minho had left him. He stood there while Minho dried his hair and then let Minho drag him to sit on the couch.
Studying the male, Minho wouldn't shake the feeling he's met this mystery guy before. After asking a few questions and not getting a response, Minho decided that the man either couldn't speak, or didn't want to answer. Since it was the weekend, Minho told his friends he couldn't hang out that day.
After a half hour of silence, the man spoke. “Are you.. okay?”
The question snapped Minho out of his thoughts as he looked at the other. “You can talk?” He asked, while thinking that the man's accent was pretty cute. It was a mix between a type of English accent, and thick korean. He smiled as the man nodded.
The third scenario
Stepping through the door of his house, Minho smiled as his roommate greeted him. He'd let the man stay with him after he asked the questions he wanted to ask. Finding out that the man's name was Chan, Minho was relieved. But still, he couldn't shake the feeling that he'd met Chan before. He'd tried to give Chan space since it was obvious he couldn't speak very well, but the curiosity got to him.
After Chan had wrapped Minho in a tight hug, he rested his head on Minho’s shoulder. “I… haven't been honest with you, Min.” He sounded sad as he said this, which made Minho concerned. “Are you okay, Channie? Come, let's sit on the couch.”
Without hesitation, Minho guided them both to the couch. Sitting down, Minho took Chan's hands in his own. As the storm got worse, Chan told Minho that he was the wolfdog.
The fourth scenario
Waking up in the middle for the night was the usual for Chan. Rolling over to face Minho, he felt himself smiling. It had been around three months since he told Minho everything, and last month, they started dating. They would spoend a lot of time together, wherever it was cuddling on the couch or going shopping together.
As Chan watched the raindrops hit and fall down the window, he felt minho rest his head on his shoulder. “Rain wake you up?” Minho held Chan's hand as he asked this, a soft smile on his face. Nodding silently, Chan turned away from the window and kissed Minho's forehead.
“You don't mind if I lie in your lap, do you?” Chan suddenly asked, turning to face Minho completely. Minho smiled and nodded, watching as Chan stretched before turning back into his animal form. Turning in a circle three times, he finally settled and rested his head on Minho's lap.
The two sat like that for the rest of the morning, just watching the rain and enjoying each other's company.
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Hello! Author here! This is 3/4 of the fanfics I'm writing using @solastalgiart's work!! Again, thank you so much for letting me use your art in my fics!! After I finish his this, I'm thinking of writing my own fics, and even taking requests!
Help me out by liking and reblogging my works!!
© | @asterifish 2024
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et6rnalsun · 9 months
HATEFUCK / Chris Sturniolo
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౨ৎ pairing / chris sturniolo x fem! reader
౨ৎ summary / smoking with the guy you just can’t stand
౨ৎ cw / smoking weed, mention of getting drunk / alcohol, messy makeout sesh, NOT EDITED
A/N ⁑ not feeling smut today, but stilllll ☺️☺️ this is so ugly sorry
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there's nothing worse than hating someone you're forced to spend most of your time with.
even worse when everything bothers you, like when he’s just breathing your air like any other person.
even worse if it’s chris sturniolo doing it. hating him is so easy for you that you haven't even tried to like him. his character that’s so damn annoying, overconfident, always ready with a small comment to ruin your whole mood. you just don’t like him, and it’s pretty reciprocated.
sometimes you hate being friend with his two brothers, since one of the consequences is finding him everywhere all the time.
and, being in your car with him as your passenger princess, is close to your point of no return.
after a rather messy and chaotic party which ended almost at dawn, you found yourself having to drive him home since the only brother with a driving licence, matt, was completely gone. you were the only option not drunk or high as hell.
at that moment the only word that could fully describe you was "stressed", and with yet another huff, you ran a hand through your hair while the other rested on the steering wheel.
you could clearly feel his gaze on you, slowly sliding over your soft curves that were hugged by the dress you had chosen for the occasion. his eyes felt like they were undressing you, doing what his hands couldn't.
you didn't like the sensations that gesture caused you.
“that dress looks good on you, really good” it was his hoarse voice that broke the silence that had been created, making you tense in your seat. there was a hint of tease in his tone, like always.
“you’re not allowed to talk in my car” the way you punctuated each word showed no emotion as you continued to focus on the road. that elicited a laugh from him, making you roll your eyes. "oh, is that so?"
hearing your silence as answer, he sighed with mock drama. "shame."
you stopped yourself from sighing in relief when he didn't open his mouth again after those words, making you relax in your seat for a moment. at a red light you took the opportunity to take the phone, quickly clicking on the nick contact.
ring. ring. ring. “he’s not gonna use his phone till tomorrow, trust me” chris said nonchalantly, his temple resting on the car window as he looked at you with attentive eyes.
"why the fuck didn't you stop the only two sane people from getting drunk?" you asked rhetorically, finally turning your head to look at him. his smirk returned to his lips as soon as your eyes met his, and he licked his lips as he shrugged. "i'm not their babysitter, am i?"
"if you put it that way, i'm not your babysitter either. so i don't have to take you home.”
"i never asked you to do it, beautiful" chris said sarcastically, shifting in his seat briefly to reach the pocket of his jeans. your attention was back on the road as the light turned green, preventing you from seeing what he was looking for. "i should have left you on the street, you're right"
“oh, you just like me so much that you never would” he gave your thigh a little pat, his fingers lingering there for a few seconds before they landed on what looked like a lighter. the mere touch sent shivers down your spine. fuck off. “chris, you’re not fucking smoking weed in my car” you briefly looked at what he was doing before even speaking, only to find out that you were right. his tongue was already tracing the end of the rolling paper so he could seal the weed in.
your mind was already wandering to some unsuitable thoughts that had as their protagonist that fucking tongue that you knew perfectly well was capable of making you see paradise, creating one if you thought it didn't exist. how wasted that tongue was there and not on you.
chris noticed that you were looking at him, and as he lit the joint and a bit of smoke came out of his lips, his gaze was on you. "when you scold me, at least try not to look at me that much" he paused, enjoying the sensation for a moment. "not that i don't appreciate it, of course"
“shut up” your fingers tightened slightly on the steering wheel, huffing in irritation as the strong smell of weed tickled your nose. "throw that fucking joint out the window before i throw you"
"and waste some good shit?" he raised an eyebrow, as if you had just said something more than crazy. "never, doll” he let the smoke out of his nose slowly, tilting his head slightly as if he was thinking about something. "do you want some? it’ll help to calm your nerves" his tone was serious, but the last part uttered with undeniable teasing.
not even time to respond that you were parked in front of his house, looking at him. "no. you can go now" chris huffed, rolling his eyes. “come with me” he said in a way that made clear he didn't accept a negative answer. "it’s late, and i’m home alone. i really want some company"
“don’t even think about it” you shook your head, crossing your arms. "come on, chris, don't make a fuss like a fucking kid. i'm tired and i want to go home."
“you have a house right in front of you” that was his response, and combined with his stupid face made you want to scream. you don't know what really convinced you, whether it was the hope of shutting him up, or the fact that you could really give yourself a few minutes before starting to drive again. the fact is that soon after you found yourself inside his house, your car keys dangling in your hand as you both made your way to the couch. a small sigh escaped your lips as the heat of the house fell on your body more than exposed by the dress.
"it didn't take me long to convince you"
“i was hoping not to hear your voice for another few good seconds” you sat on the couch, crossing your legs over each other as you looked up at him straight in the eyes from your position. it didn't take long before he fell right next to you, your shoulders almost touching.
he had seriously thrown away the joint he was smoking in the car earlier, so he was already rolling another one. "my offer is still valid" with a nod he made clear he was referring to the weed.
“mhm” your gaze was fixed on his long fingers working with precision as you spoke, absentmindedly biting your lower lip as you swayed your legs slightly, letting your knee brush against his briefly.
you could hear a sigh escape his lips at the contact, and as he ran his tongue over the rolling paper to seal it, he looked up to meet your eyes, making you want to disappear. once he did, he leaned even closer to place the joint between your lips, while holding the lighter in his other hand. "you already did this, right?" and after a brief nod from you, he lit it for you. "here you go" from this closeness, his voice was lower and much more hoarse, and it reached your ears like a caress that barely touched the skin.
as you exhaled the smoke, his gaze didn't move from you for a moment. how your lips parted on the joint, how the smoke came out slowly and how your sweet scent was mixed with the definitely strong smell of the weed. you two continued to pass the joint for a few minutes, and the desired effect was definitely on both of you.
at a certain point chris placed the joint in the ashtray, and a small chuckle escaped your lips as you looked at him. “i wasn’t done yet” your voice was much more relaxed than before, and your body language too. like you were not talking to the motherfucker you hate the most.
he shrugged, a lazy smirk on his lips. “well, you are now” his hands tingled with the desire to touch you, to feel your exposed skin under his fingers. having you so close was becoming torture, and the heat under his pants too.
“i think its really late and i should go, let me see what time is it” your phone was on the other side of the couch, next to him, so you bent down slightly so you could reach it — causing his hand to rest on the small of your back automatically. when you looked up, your faces were inches apart, and you could clearly see his gaze fall to your lips. “don’t.” he whispered, returning to look into your eyes. “stay a bit more”
the uncertainty was clear on your face, but the temptation was stronger. “just a few minutes” you murmured in response, making him smile slightly as he rested his other hand on your cheek. “make it hours” and with that, he closed the distance between the two of you by kissing you. the kiss immediately became heated as your fingers gripped his shirt tightly, pulling him closer. his hand had trailed down to your ass, holding it in a firm grip that made you want him even more. it had become a dance of tongues and teeth that didn't seem to want to stop, tireless. he bit your bottom lip softly, successfully forcing a small moan of pleasure from your lips — the pain didn’t even seemed to exist in that moment.
his hands then gripped your thighs, making you straddle him as he explored your body with his fingers, the skin still covered in that paltry layer of fabric.
his lips broke away from yours, tracing your cheek with mouth-opened kisses that soon reached your neck, not even leaving a patch of skin unexplored.
pops, little moans and labored breathing had echoed within the four walls of the living room, and you couldn’t stop wanting more. your dress was now almost completely removed with his hands that were under it, and his shirt was already on the floor.
“i swear to god, i’m going to fuck the hate out of you”
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lightmylyla · 1 year
my wake up. part 2.
this part takes place almost 7 years later, i was now 21.
I taped the final box closed and stared around at my empty room. It echoed when I sighed. Showing how I really felt about leaving. Standing there, I tried to be excited. But all I was filled with was dread. Thick dread.
I had lived in Avignon for 7 years. I had a job, friends, and a boyfriend, and I was almost completely fluent in French. Just messing up on feminine and masculine words. But, I just never wanted to actually be there. Since my first night there, I had been counting down the days until I could finally go somewhere I wanted to stay. And ever since I was a girl, it had always been London.
21 years old and scared like a child. I suppose I had never been in a situation like this. Completely alone and forced to be mature. I mentioned before that we moved here because of my grandfather. He was 91 when we got here. And he passed at 94. He was lucky to live as long as he did. And I made sure to take care of him with my whole family.
After he passed away I suppose there wasn't much reason for us to continue to stay, although we had already been here for 3 years, and we were settled, so we all agreed that France was fine for us.
My mother and father will stay here. They love it here. And my older brother moved away a year before me. He lives in central Paris now, working in an old-fashioned movie theater. He gets me tickets for my favorite classics, and I get the train to go and watch them with him most weekends. I'm glad we kept the bond we did.
Reminiscing on my family life here, I felt myself start to lose control of my emotions, and shed a tear. As I was wiping my face to prevent any more, Jean walked through the door with a coffee for me. He planted a kiss on my cheek. Then he left.
Jean was one of the first people I met when I moved here. And because of the language barrier at first, he and I didn't communicate with words. Although I could perfectly speak to him in French eventually, we were just too used to silently voicing things. Normally we read each other's faces and knew.
We'd been together for just over 2 years. We were friends for a while before. I was used to him. He wasn't home to me though. He was just France.
I shook the racing thoughts away as I moved the final box to the front door. Jean stood and watched. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
Jean was quite short but not shorter than me. He was half Jamaican and half white French, and the most prominent thing about him was his massive blue eyes. They stuck out like a sore thumb. He was broad and had muscle, he'd go to the gym almost every day, and he was a very respectful man.
He wasn't coming to London with me, but he would most likely visit often, he had too much going on in Avignon, and after a series of arguments, we decided to just go long distance.
The van picked up my boxes and I set off to board the train to London after saying goodbye to Jean.
It was mid July, so I decided to wear a dark purple sundress, which ended at mid calf. I wore a pair of black platform sandals to go with it, and a pair of small black sunglasses. I had my hair, which I had dyed black the previous day, up in a bun, and a small patterned bag for my essentials for the train and the day before my stuff got back to me.
I had got back in contact with Amelia about a year before I moved to London. I learned that a while after I moved to France, her family moved to England, specifically to send her and her brother to a boarding school.
Amelia stayed in London because it was 'what she always wanted.' It made me think, all kids from small towns long for the city.
She had lived with her parents for long enough and wanted to get her own place, but she couldn't afford it. So she asked me to be her roommate, and I said yes straight away. Not only because I missed her, but also because this would be me living my dream of inhabiting London. I was so excited to see her. The last time I saw her we were barely adults.
The train slowly came to a stop at its destination. And I stepped out into a slightly chilly London. Because at this point it was 7 o'clock, and the sun had just started slowly going down. I pulled out my phone and checked the address Amelia had sent me, and directions to get there. I wasn't far from where I was, so I started walking.
After I had gotten past the busy evening turning to the night life of the city, the busses and car sounds started to drift away. voices got quieter and more scattered, and the pavement went from wide and smooth to narrow and cobbly as I turned into an alleyway not far from the tower of London. Walking about 5 more minutes down, I reached a more suburban area. With unique townhouses.
Flower boxes hung from windows, and bikes with baskets were locked onto fences. There was an absence of cars, which told me it was mostly students living down this road and not families. The houses were a range of colors, and it looked like they were from all different eras. 60s, 70s, 2000s, it was mesmerizing. And so different to downtown Michigan.
Taking in my sights, I realized I actually had to be looking for number 7, which I had gone past 20 houses ago.
Walking about 2 minutes back down the road, I found the house I was going to live in. Admiring its features, I noticed that it was a white-painted house, but the paint was chipping, exposing the red brick underneath. The house had large windows with Tudor designs, and the door was to the left of the front room window. It had a stained glass design on it, a singular rose. And before me, there was a large '7.' Which revealed I was at the right place.
Smiling largely, I reached my hand out to knock on the door, ready to see my old friend. But to my surprise, my phone started to ring.
'Jean is calling...'
I rolled my eyes at his disturbance and picked up the phone, immediately bombarded with multiple curses in French. He was asking me why I wasn't answering the phone, did I get to London safely, and that he was worried about me. I calmed him down and apologized for not picking up, and told him about what I had seen and how I was liking London. Eventually, he left me be and I put my phone back into my handbag.
I raised my arm to knock again, but the door swung open in front of me. Suddenly I was pulled into a warm embrace, Amelia's embrace.
She must have heard me speaking to Jean on the phone and decided to save me from knocking. She breathed into me and rocked me and her back and forth. I giggled.
-I have missed you so much, Amie.-
Something I enjoyed about French was that my nickname for her, Amie, translated to 'friend'. So every time I said that word, I had a reminder of her, a bittersweet one.
-Oh, I missed you more than life Lyla.-
Her accent had a slight British twinge, and it was strange, but I know my accent wasn't the same as it was either because there weren't many Americans to speak to in France, and if I did come across an English-speaking person, they were most likely British.
After our long embrace, she guided me inside the small townhouse. It was kind of like a condominium, because there was one room downstairs, and the rest were up a small set of stairs. Walking in I was greeted with dark green walls and a set of brown stairs. To the left of me was the door to what looked like a living room.
-Living room is here, sorry about the mess, I only just got here for the first time yesterday!-
Amelia had a kind of nervous look on her, I think she remembers how much of a neat freak I am.
-It's okay I totally understand!-
-The Kitchen, bedrooms, and bathroom are all upstairs. weird I know!-
She said and giggled.
-I think it adds personality.-
I nodded and laughed to myself.
It was like we had never stopped being friends. It also felt like this was my 800th time here. This house just felt like home straight away. I skimmed the empty walls and ran my fingers along the metal banisters going up the brown stairs as I followed Amelia up there.
Coming straight up the stairs we were met with an open-plan kitchen. The door to my room was to the left of the balcony, and the door to her room was to the right of the balcony. The balcony itself was situated at the opposite end of the kitchen area. There was a large space in the middle for a dining table.
-Wow this is beautiful Amie! A balcony! That's amazing.-
I said, in awe of my surroundings.
-It's a beauty I know. The balcony looks over a small garden which we don't have access to for some reason, but whoever owns it does a good job at gardening, look at those plants!-
I walked over and saw that Amelia and I both had separate doors to the balcony from our rooms. I also saw the tremendous red rose bush that grew in the mysterious garden.
Just as I was about to open my mouth, my phone rang once again.
-Sorry. It's my boyfriend.-
I answered the phone to Jean, annoyed once again. This time blaming me for taking his good towel with me. I didn't take any towels with me. I was so embarrassed in front of Amelia, so I told him I had to speak later, and ended the phone call when he was halfway through accusing me of always taking his things.
I think me and Jean constantly having to actually communicate with words was proving to be hard with him. He liked silence, and so did I, so having to speak to him on the phone instead of just being in his presence was hard for us. I had never heard him speak more than 5 sentences a day, and boy was he speaking more than five now. I had only been in London for an hour.
Amelia decided to ignore that little spat we just had, I appreciated it. She showed me to my room. I had cream-coloured walls and a large window, I could see more of the mystery garden, revealing a child-sized apple tree.
-Here's your room, you can take mine if you don't like this one, although I'm pretty sure they're about the same size.-
She smiled as she waited for me to reply. I looked around once more, grinning.
-It's perfect.-
I nodded at her as her smile grew bigger, and she ran over to me to hug me once more.
-I'm so glad you love it.-
she said into the crook of my neck.
A phone started ringing again, but it wasn't mine this time, it was hers from the kitchen.
She excused herself and swiftly walked out of my room. I heard her answer the phone. There was some indistinct mumbling, and then I heard,
-What? That's awesome! Yeah sure! Oh wait, it's my new roommate's first day here though, Lyla, remember her?-
There was more indistinct rambling, then I heard Lyla approach my room.
-Hey Lyla...- Her hand was covering the speaker of the phone. -My brother is in town with his band, they're playing a few shows in some pubs around, and he asked if he could crash here, are you fine with that? I know it's your first night and everything so I'd underst--
I cut her off because she was overthinking.
-oh my god! Danny? I would be thrilled Amie, I have missed your brother so much honestly! It's fine!-
She smiled and did a small jump, then took her hand off the speaker. She mouthed the words 'thank you' to me as she walked out.
I was nervous to see her brother again, I had always had a small crush on him. Only small though.
A couple of hours went by and I decided to unpack what I had on my person.
I had a small suitcase filled with some essentials. Including a few sets of outfits, pajamas, some blankets and a pillow for my bed. There was already a double bed in the room. It must have been left over from a previous tenant or something.
I made up my bed and decided to change into my pajamas. I kept them modest, as I knew Danny would be around soon, but I didn't mind being in pajamas at all, because I was comfortable with him before, and knew I'd be comfortable with him again.
I lied on my bed texting Jean, nothing special, I just told him I didn't have his towels. I had to send him proof they were not in my suitcase and then said goodnight to him as it was reaching 10 o'clock. He never replied.
As I was drifting off I was awoken by the door, I didn't move from my spot as I knew Amelia would answer. I heard her greet her brother,
but then I heard another male voice.
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aetheternity · 2 years
Why you stood them up ft the Aot men
Characters in this work: Eren, Armin, Jean.
Disclaimer: Finally having enough of their shenanigans you stand them up when the two of you were supposed to have a date. Technically speaking this isn't labeled as fem reader but Eren's heavily implies that reader is female at least for his section.
A/N: Its been a minute since I wrote something non sexual and angsty for y'all. Plus I'm a little burnt out with all the smut hopefully this helps me.
☆ It was hard to deny that you'd been on the fence from the start when Eren had first asked you out.
☆ The first time, the second time and especially the third.
☆ But in your defense you'd seen the way girls looked at him even some of the guys. The way everyone talked about him and even worse the way his best friend, Mikasa had always been constantly on top of him. Even his friend Jean had warned you about the kind of person he was.
☆ So you'd stayed on the fence and you wouldn't have eventually said yes at all if it weren't for one of the days you'd met him outside of class. He'd stopped all the little text messages he used to send throughout the day stopped giving you little gifts and stopped showing up to your dorm unannounced with food. (Though that last one you couldn't help but enjoy a little.)
☆ It'd been drizzling all day and even now when it'd stopped the smell still lingered and the dark grey cast across the sky. You'd noticed that Eren hadn't shown up for class so you opted to take him your notes so he wouldn't fall behind.
☆ On your way to his dorm however you spotted him seated on a bench, phone in hand aimlessly scrolling through what was probably his messages. Despite the bench dripping in the lasts of the warm rain that'd passed he didn't seem even slightly phased by it. Hoodie snug against his head, covering long untied strands of brown hair.
☆ "Waiting for someone?" You ask as you approach.
☆ He snaps his head in your direction. The ghost of a smile forming and dying on his lips before he's back to staring down at his phone. "Just trying to buy time." He responds
☆ "And to do that means not heading to class." You place your textbook flat on the soaked bench, seating yourself uncomfortably on top of it.
☆ He shook his head, "Didn't really feel like going today."
☆ You sensed a stiffness in his tone and you almost let yourself leave it alone but.. "Why?" It falls off your lips before your brain can catch up.
☆ He lets a sigh leave his nose, shifting so that he could turn his body in your direction. The sudden movement making you squeeze your knees, flinching as those hard sapphire irises land on you. "I know what you think of me."
☆ "Oh."
☆ "I know the girls and guys talk." He promptly continues "I'm not going to tell you to go out with me because I'm not that guy. I am that guy. I just wish there was something I could do to get you to not worry about that stuff but you're allowed to feel however you want so I'm not going to keep pushing it."
☆ "Are you suggesting this is you giving up? Like genuinely?"
☆ He huffs, cracking his knuckles with one hand. "You've made me look so desperate over these past couple weeks." He lightly chuckles
☆ "That's cause you're not used to being told no." You poke at his shoulder.
☆ "But I do.. I really like you.. genuinely."
☆ When you don't speak he falls silent too. A long break in the conversation soon forming as a soft drizzle began to set around you. Pleasant winds sweeping damp leaves into disorganized piles and you watched them for a minute a little aware of how under dressed you were for this weather by the shiver that set in the tail of your spine.
☆ "It doesn't have to be a date but.." You can practically see his metaphorical tail wag as you mumble out a sentence. "Let's go out somewhere nice and we can just spend time together, like friends.. if it goes well.. then who knows."
☆ You must have been shivering a lot because Eren with zero hesitation slipped his hoodie off and wrapped it around your shoulders. Pulling the sides snuggly around you before placing the damp hood atop your head. It was incredibly hard to deny that his hoodie was comforting, filled with his body heat and a scent so perfectly Eren that nicely paired with the rain water.
☆ "I'll text you tonight." He said as he slipped off the bench, he quickly leaned forward giving your forehead a gentle peck walking away faster than you'd ever seen him go.
☆ A bit of flirtatious bickering over text lead the two of you to planning a friend date for a couple weeks after your tests would be over. A nice sort of celebration dinner and then a meet up with all your other friends that same evening for drinks and the sharing of everyone's perceptions of how well they did.
☆ Even though it wasn't a real date a part of you did begin to feel a sense of enthusiasm over the whole ordeal. Girls across campus had always flocked to Eren, even now they still bothered him constantly. But he for once seemed uninterested even walked away immediately, spending almost all of his free time in your dorm room until curfew.
☆ On one of the nights he'd come over the heat had gone out and the two of you opted to share a blanket. It'd been so comforting resting in the heat of his chest and the lull of his heartbeat. So much so that when he leaned in to kiss you, you couldn't refuse. Hand to his cheek, chasing his lips because they tasted of spearmint.
☆ After his departure that night you pondered over the situation. Encasing yourself in his hoodie with the blankets tugged over your head and your face buried in your pillow. Just until you'd worked up enough vulnerability to text him that a normal date might be fine and if he still wanted to consider it. Surprised by his lack of response the rest of the night seeing as he'd always text you goodnight at least.
☆ A day before the date you'd headed over to Jean's room for a little company. Puzzled by a lack of Connie especially at this hour.
☆ "Ah, him and Armin hit up a mixer." Your eyes must have given you away because he nodded before saying, "I'm just as shocked as you are." He handed you a cup of juice and you happily took it cupping the cold glass with both hands.
☆ "So, you and Eren still going on that friend date thing tomorrow?"
☆ Eren had never specified during any of your more recent talks that he'd prefer an actual date like you'd stated in your text the night of your kiss. So it seemed it was going to be a friend date. You'd thought about having a conversation about it with him in person but the idea of prying this further made you uneasy.
☆ "Yeah did he talk with you about it?"
☆ "Not much." Jean replied "I think he talked to Armin about it more than me. Said he had to get that girl he's been showing around campus as of recent after and that he planned on bringing her to the party Sasha planned for our last day of testing."
☆ Your jaw tensed, "Girl? What girl? He never told me about that."
☆ Jean gulps his drink. "How have you not seen her? She's been with him all week, apparently she was thinking of transferring here next year. She's some friend of Armin's. I think her name's Annie?" Jean scrolled through his phone for a couple seconds before flipping it around for you to see the screen. Lo and behold a picture of a girl shorter than Eren, blond hair and blue eyes walking by his side was positioned for you to see. Two backpacks in his grasp. The two of them clearly conversing happily.
☆ "I.. I'm gonna head out. Thanks for the juice, Jean."
☆ His hand snagged yours just as you tugged your belongings up and into your bag. "Hey, you ok?" He asked
☆ "Yup, can you tell Sasha I'm not going to attend the party tomorrow? Thanks." Before he could answer you walked out the door quickly heading back to your dorm building.
☆ The entire next day you stayed locked in your dorm room. Not even bothering to go to class. Your pillow stuffed between your thighs as you stared up at the ceiling.
☆ When you'd finally bothered to flip your phone on at around one pm you were greeted with six missed calls all from Eren. Twelve texts, eight from Eren, three from Jean and one from Sasha. All of which you ignored.
☆ Everyone that wanted you was probably going to try to come knocking on your door anyway.
☆ Armin had always been the guy you wanted but could never have. You'd always assumed he'd never want you back.
☆ It wasn't like he had a high social standing though. Average height, ignored a bit by the girls, hung out with mostly guys if not he was off by himself reading a book or making little doodles in his binder. On certain occasions he'd even have a stubby eraser and a stick of charcoal.
☆ Which should've been good for you seeing as you had plenty of time to walk up to him and say Hi or any other introduction but getting past a hi had overcomplicated your brain and you always decided against it.
☆ Fortunately for you fate had found its way to your side and you and him were randomly paired for a group project. (What kind of project?? Well who knows seeing as you'd stopped paying attention after you were paired with Armin.)
☆ After a while of texting the two of you began to find your rhythm. You'd meet for an hour on weekends, Saturday and Sunday seeing as Armin worked Saturdays and studied as much as possible on both days. It started with drafting out plans in the library together, to finishing a pretty solid draft in the coffee house on campus and eventually it became red bull and caffeine in his dorm room till morning.
☆ "Hey, uh I have something to show you." He explained, flipping his book open
☆ You watched as he sifted through page after page seemingly nervous and jittery but he soon stumbled upon it. He shook the loose page in his book out with one hand before presenting it to you. Your pupils nearly blew out as you stared at what had to be the most beautiful drawing you'd ever seen. And it was of you. Each line of your hair and eyes even the shape of your jaw perfectly accentuated. All polished so brilliantly that to the untrained eye it would seem that you didn't have a single flaw. You weren't quite sure when he could've possibly drawn this but judging by your slack expression and hand holding your face it must have been during the class you shared.
☆ "Um." He caught your attention and you realized just how long you'd been staring at it. "I'm sorry, it's kind of creepy.." He lifted his hand to take the piece but you pushed it away.
☆ "This is beautiful, Armin." You said "I love it."
☆ "Really?" His blue irises sparkled with contempt. And it was now that you got a proper look at his hands. The prominent stains from pencil and most likely the charcoal he sometimes carried clear on his wrist and fingertips.
☆ "How long did this take?"
☆ "A few weeks give or take. I knew I wanted to draw you but I didn't know how to ask and what started as a small doodle became.." He pointed to the portrait still in your possession.
☆ "But why me?"
☆ He quickly cleared his throat shuffling with his binder. He flipped it close awkwardly tapping the pages sticking out before admitting, "I kinda like you, Name. And uh.. I haven't liked anyone in a really long time."
☆ Your breath stuck in your throat and before you'd even acknowledged the action you leaned in, gentle lips brushing over his soft cheek. "I like you too." Your whispered tone replied
☆ The tinge of his breath against the top of your head made you skin tingle and he sifted his fingers through yours laying his cheek upon your scalp. "What do we do now?" He questioned after a while. "I haven't confessed to someone in a long time.."
☆ "I'd like to go on a date with you."
☆ "Really?"
☆ You giggle shifting so that you can look into his eyes. Even though you're getting increasingly close to his face he doesn't flinch or back away. "Let's go soon ok."
☆ "Y-yeah."
☆ The weight of his face in your palms makes your skin that much warmer and when you lean into his lips he kisses you back like he's worried you'll break. Or maybe he just can't wrap his brain around you and him yet.
☆ "I'll schedule sometime soon, wait for me a bit." He acknowledges sliding his thumb back and forth against the back of your hand.
☆ After a couple of weeks your group project had been completed and the two of you had time to set a proper time for your date. Or well you'd assumed but you often ended up suggesting a time to him only for him to admit that he already had prior duties in that place.
☆ It took an almost frustrating amount of time but finally, finally an entire month and a half later a spot opened in his schedule for you and the two of you had a proper date set. Well it wasn't as though the two of you hadn't hung out aside from the date you'd been planning it just never seemed to be just the two of you. But now the two of you had completely weathered the storm and the night before the date you'd been so giddy that you'd spent an entire two hours on the phone with him color coordinating so you'd match up until nearly three am.
☆ It was a pretty simple date idea that he'd came up with. Breakfast at the café on campus right before your class started since he didn't have a class till much later. Simple but you couldn't begin to complain.
☆ That morning you'd woken up two ours before the two of you were supposed to meet. Even before your alarm went off and spent an hour and thirty minutes just trying prissing yourself up even though you genuinely did need that much time. After that it took a lot of your restraint to take your time walking but you'd managed to whittle it down to about ten minutes before you'd both agreed on.
☆ The café was warm and inviting mildly crowded so you'd taken a spot by the window, in the perfect view for Armin to see you when he walked up. You tried not staring at your phone wanting to give him you full attention the second he walked in the door but after ten minutes it was near impossible not to check. After thirty minutes worry had struck you hard enough to make a couple calls and by an hour you'd simply left the café with an angry pit forming in your stomach.
☆ That night you received a melody of texts and calls from Armin who briefly explained that he'd overslept and as much as you retained anger you ultimately sought to brush it aside and choose forgiveness.
☆ Glad to know you're not dead at least, You'd texted
☆ Please let me make it up to you please I want to
☆ Same date spot this Saturday You'd told him, you could feel his hesitation through the amount of times the typing sign disappeared on your phone.
☆ One pm good for you? He finally replied
☆ This time you gave him a solid forty minutes counting the time down as you sipped at your straw. Rolling your eyes when not even a text came up on your phone and when he called you that night you were the exact opposite of friendly.
☆ "I really can't properly express how sorry I am. It's just that I had-" And you could practically see his big blue eyes through the receiver.
☆ "I don't want anymore excuses, Armin. Do you even want to go out with me?"
☆ "Yes! Yes of course I do. I'm going to make proper time for you and we will have our date I swear."
☆ The two of you keep up a conversation even though you're in less of a mood and Armin once again promises that the two of you will get together. He plans a date a week later for the two of you to have a library date and as much as you don't want to think it the novelty has completely worn off. You feel past the line of done spending the night before with the frustrating nag just toying with whether or not this would be another situation where you'd end up looking like an idiot.
☆ The morning of, you'd woken up only a couple seconds before the alarm went off and the notification signaling your date with Armin lit up your screen. A grim reminder of what's to come. You knew you didn't have class that morning so your date was the only thing taking up your schedule.
☆ At first you'd tugged your body up from the warm coziness of your bed instantly being assaulted by the nipping morning air. Another minute of genuine thought passed on whether or not leaving your bed could possibly be worth it and you held your head with a tiny groan. Soon after turning your body back to the other side of the bed immediately enjoying the comfort you felt.
☆ If you're being completely honest you hadn't been super invested in Jean from the get go.
☆ Don't get you wrong. He was very intelligent, treated you well, great dresser, very funny and well mannered. It was just that even when he'd asked you out you'd felt nothing being around him. And when you'd explained this issue to your friends they'd simply suggested that it was too early to tell seeing as the two of you had only been on one date.
☆ So when he'd texted you (The same night he'd dropped you off which only made you feel worse) to tell you he'd had fun and hoped the two of you could possibly plan another date in the future you'd begrudgingly agreed.
☆ Around a week later Jean had taken you to a farmers market. A very simple date idea but the twist was that he had wanted to enjoy a picnic with you while also being slightly spontaneous so he allowed you to pick out any and everything from the farmers market that you desired. His treat before walking with you through the park, setting up the blanket he'd kept in his car, a picnic basket with a couple other food items, a small rose between the two of you and all the food you'd brought scattered between.
☆ "What'd you think? Not bad for a thrown together date."
☆ You smiled, "It's lovely, don't be so hard on yourself."
☆ He sighed folding his legs, reaching out for the apple cider to pour it into the two glasses he'd packed. "I hope it didn't get too flat." He muttered handing it over before taking his own. "It's such an amazing day today, though.. it's not nearly as amazing as you."
☆ A genuine smile crested over your lips at the soft pink dappling his cheeks. Your eyes absent mindedly trailing over his body. The loose beige shirt he was wearing perfectly accenting his biceps and his overall lean form. The dark green of his belt fitting nicely with the rest of his aesthetic. He was gorgeous so dammed perfect and yet-
☆ "Like what you see?" He grinned, inching closer to you to slink an arm over your shoulders.
☆ "This is really nice, Jean."
☆ "You promise you're enjoying this?" He asked "Because I was thinking about that movie you'd been telling me you never had time to go and see with your friends so I was thinking we could go soon. I mean, I already bought the tickets so hopefully this weekend is good for you. Probably should've made sure you could though-"
☆ "Let's do it." You cut his rambling off. His breath fluttered over your lip as he pressed the quickest peck to your lips, handing you some blueberries he'd purchased for you at the market.
☆ That night you'd facetimed Hange while Levi and Erwin were in the background and at first the mild complaints from Levi and the deep laughter from Erwin made you feel a little bit better but after a while-
☆ "Why don't I like him?" You grumbled as you held your phone above your head. "I mean he's everything you said he'd be Hange! And yet I can't feel a thing."
☆ "It is still technically early." Hange replied
☆ "They've had two dates by this point I'm sure things are only going to get worse. After a while it'll just be Name leading Jean on." Levi interjected
☆ "You can't be sure that'll be the case." Erwin butted in
☆ "Well no.. Name, if you're sure you really don't like Jean it might be time to tell him." Hange said empathically
☆ "But I don't want to break his heart."
☆ "Better now than at the wedding." Levi joked lifting his mug up to his lips in the background.
☆ "Levi." Erwin started
☆ "Don't worry Erwin, In Levi's own twisted mind that was helpful." Hange retorted earning a glare from Levi that made you snicker. "Do it as soon as possible before things stray too out of hand."
☆ On the Saturday you'd agreed to hanging out with Jean on it'd rained. You'd stared at your phone all morning scrolling through the texts Jean had sent you telling you about the seating arrangements in the theater, the snacks he'd brought you in advance (all your favorites) even the time of the showing. The longer you'd pictured that look of sheer disappointment he'd wear when you finally admitted how you felt the worse your stomach pains became.
☆ So you didn't leave the house that day. Just curled up into a ball on the couch allowing the rain pattering over your window to be the only noise you'd listen to for a while.
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