#then rock climbing
avesblues2 · 9 months
You live in LA? You have my thoughts and prayers 🙏🙇🏼‍♀️
I live nearish in a little bubble that I love. Outside of LA and San Fran California is really nice.
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bob-artist · 3 months
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I had THE most impeccable dream last night.
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
...what is the "sex is just rock climbing" category
It was kind of a joke between me and a friend ("you wouldn't judge someone for having gone rock climbing with a bunch of different people") but honestly the more I thought about it the more I bought into it unironically because:
It is a physical activity done with one or more partners
You should only go rock climbing with people you trust to not let you fall
You should not go rock climbing with someone who is drunk or currently incapable of rational decision-making
Some people get super super super into rock climbing and do not shut up about all the places they have climbed and how many are left on their bucket list and these people are usually men between the ages of 20 and 35 and like it's fine dude I'm glad you're happy but I don't know what most of those mountains even are
While many consider it a fun activity, pressuring someone into climbing when they don't want to (or ignoring their feelings and just dangling them off a cliff,) could cause both psychological and physical trauma
There is no moral value to it whatsoever. Who you have gone rock climbing with (or whether you have rock climbed at all) has no bearing on who you are as a person. Imagine telling someone "it's not that heights make you nauseous, it's just that you haven't found the right person to belay you!" or "you need to save your first time rock climbing for someone special." That would be absurd.
For some people it is a deep and moving personal experience.
historically I have not asked myself "will this aggravate my hip flexor injury" before participating when perhaps I should have 😔
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hinamie · 28 days
u should think of tiny megu. To keep the stress at bay. You should draw him actually. Ooooo you wanna draw tiny megu getting the love he deserves so bad /j
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he's with his 2 best friends
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389 · 2 months
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femalepentimento a portal for you to enter and absolve yourself of all guilt and uncertainty
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hyunpic · 1 month
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omg this diva…
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sonic06apologist · 2 years
Girls on dating sites always wanna be doing something like where are the girls that wanna do nothing I wanna do nothing I wanna lay there and do nothing where are my nothing girls at
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mactiir · 9 months
The other day my girlfriend and I got to talking about our strategies for self talk especially re: hobbies and sports.
She was talking about how she has read study after study about the effects of positive talk. if you have a group engaging in negative self talk, one engaging in neutral or solutions-focused ralk, and one engaging in flatly positive self talk, and set them to complete a challenging task -- say, a climbing problem -- the positive talkers will come out leaps and bounds ahead. As a result she has adapted the Bob the Builder theme song into her rock climbing anthem, and she softly sings it to herself on difficult or frightening problems.
Meanwhile, I've been getting into fantasy lit again. As you might know, fantasy heroes occasionally encounter awful mind-warping psychic baddies, who always have some brain attack in their arsenal that tells the hero to give up! you're worthless! you could never win anyway! with the motivation behind the psychic attack being that actually, the heroes are a HUGE threat to the bad guys and will probably thwart all their plans, and that if they could shrug off the mind assault they would absolutely body the bad guy in a fair, non-psychic fight. So whenever I start to beat myself up I internally pretend I'm a Force for Good or like, an anime protagonist so I grit my teeth and go "No... you will not Corrupt me, Demon! I am destined to become the one to defeat you!!" and imagine the unkind words burning away and shrieking like, AIEEEE NOOO.
Anyway, all this to say that the end result of us both having Succeeded at Therapy is that when we run into a really difficult climbing problem she ends up breathy-singing Bob the Builder while I sit broodily on the mat with my brow furrowed doing my best impression of an anime protagonist with beads of sweat dripping down his temples from the psychic exhaustion. Yes, it works. No, we haven't made many friends at the climbing gym.
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jacky93sims · 4 months
Vertical Challenge Rock Wall Functional for The Sims 2
I made functional this 3to2 conversion of the Vertical Challenge Rock Wall by Neko Sayuri (7k poly) using the Climbing Wall by Solfal. I made it two tile wide so there are 2 slots to be used to climb, on the left and on the right of the wall. Children to Elders can use this object but they will all use the children animations (not a big deal in my opinion). It's also autonomous and increases fun and body skill. Found in Hobby - Exercise.
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michaelnordeman · 1 year
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In the garden, part two. Värmland, Sweden (August 11, 2019).
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artofalassa · 4 months
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Canyon Pit Stop
Photos by @squeemu Edits by @lesoldatmort Vashu is yours truly
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hellspawnmotel · 2 months
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chronicpaingirlie · 2 months
a hug for all the disabled people grieving dreams & hobbies & loves that they’ve lost due to their disability. for all the disabled people who imagined life so differently and who lost the chance for things to ever turn out the way they’d hoped.
we’ll find new dreams & new loves & new things to bring us joy even through the difficulty of living as a disabled person. but that doesn’t really make it easier deal with losing the rest. i hope that life will gentle to all of you & that you will find something you love that your disability won’t take from you. 🫂❤️‍🩹
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vampyr3wife · 1 year
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kittykatninja321 · 7 months
It’s probably just a coincidence but one thing I enjoy/find fascinating about post ressurection pre-flashpoint Jason is his complete and utter lack of healthy relationships with men. The only people he gets along with are like 3 women, Donna, who tolerates him, Talia, and Scarlet
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vintagecamping · 2 months
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John "The Vermin" Sherman enjoys a stout while rock climbing in Arapiles.
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