#then she mentions that her coworker asked her out recently... and she rejected him.......
natsumiikan · 1 year
.... 😀
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Am I the Asshole for reporting my coworker a second time? (TW// Sexual Harassment, Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Self Harm)
(🍫💵 so I can find it later.)
I work a job where I (22 F/NB) am a cashier at a local supermarket. I have a few coworkers close to my age, but most are either in their late thirties/early fourties' or are kids who go to the local high schools in the area.
Around the beginning of this year, we'll call him Abe (17~ M) attempted to ask out my coworker who we'll call May (16~ F). They'd hang out semi-regularly along with the other kids still in high school, and while they never caused trouble, they did tend to goof off and joke around a lot.
May refused him, saying she wasn't interested. For WHATEVER reason, he did not accept this rejection and continued to ask. This was an issue, as not only is it sexual harassment, but Abe is a cart-pusher and May is a cashier. He was already a pretty lazy employee (management was always upset at him because he'd get caught playing on his phone instead of working), but now he'd purposefully go through her lane at the supermarket just to ask her out repeatedly and beg to be with her. Every time he found her alone, he'd go right up to her and keep pestering her about it. She felt so uncomfortable and unsafe about it that she told our team lead, who agreed to stay by her side. This was spread to our management, who make sure she isn't alone so that he can't corner her about going out with her.
I have witnessed him doing it many times, enough that I reported it to HR when May refused to do it herself. They told me to get her into contact with them and report it to them, and finally I convinced her to do it.
There was a sort of peace period after that, where they weren't scheduled at the same time. But recently he's taken it a step further and has decided to come in on ANY day she is scheduled (even if he isn't) to keep trying to ask her out. Most of the cashiers are aware of the situation and got upset with him. One of the few who is around my age (and recently pregnant) even cussed his ears off for harassing her so much because it didn't look like management was doing anything. Abe declared that the pregnant coworker broke his heart, and now his behavior had gotten WORSE.
Abe would look at those who he'd "hang out" with at work and either try to guilt them into helping him win over May's heart, complain about her not living him, and talk about how "white people suck"/"white people are so shitty" despite BEING white (to my knowledge, please don't go after me in the notes about this) himself. He'd also stalk her work bestie around and trash-talked the pregnant co-worker, all while NOT DOING HIS JOB, by the way.
One of the habits he has picked up however is miming actions to his fellow minors. The one I heard him use mostly was of him pretending to shoot himself in the head.
But one day I was working as the customer service rep for the night (no one else could do it), and I gave him a polite nod when he walked past. He smiled at me and then mimed cutting himself.
This was not something I had heard of him doing before, but when I talked to my coworkers they said "yeah he was doing this too".
In the moment I had given him a very firm No, because it was not work appropriate. Abe insisted, and pretended to cut his wrists again.
I'm on anon so none of you know me, but I used to severely struggle with suicide and self harm from a young age. However I have gotten better since becoming an adult and have made MASSIVELY impressive strides to a happier life. From this, I understand joking about suicide, because if you joke about it with someone you are not only in a safe place to bring it up BUT are coming around to the idea of telling people that you need help.
Joking about self harm, however? I've never heard of it. It's an entirely different ball park. You don't joke about those things.
In the moment, I was in disbelief, and I felt sick. I even started mentally shutting down, to the point where I couldn't even do my usual tasks properly without being specifically told to start them. Everyone noticed. I even cried once I was in my car while my sister was picking me up and safe, because I was trying so fucking hard not to think about that time in my life when I had moved myself so far past it.
Right at the beginning of shutting down, I did tell a manager. I told the manager who worked the next day as well, just so that I'd be SURE something happened about it. Abe visited that day on his day off because May was working again, and I panicked so much at seeing him that I hid behind customer service until one of my work friends told me he had left- instead of staying at May's side like I usually would. (I put my mental health first- it was a tough lesson that I managed to learn last year to the point that I do it in my day-to-day. She wasn't left alone with him though, don't worry.)
It genuinely sickened me that he has been miming cutting himself to other minors, when I know that if I had been May's age and had seen that amidst recovery, I would have spiraled and started all over again. Abe's lucky none of them are like that (at least openly) and that I was uniquely affected whereas the others were just "creeped out".
I ended up reporting his actions towards me about a week after I convinced May to personally report his harassment, and then I found out that the first manager I talked to (who has a soft spot for him, he does use this to his advantage to get out of trouble at work) asked him what was wrong and his response was "I'm having a bad day".
Considering that he does this every day he comes into work, whether he's actually working or not, on top of everything else (and how it effected me)- I am very hurt and genuinely hate him after all of this when I hadn't hated him before (despite the fact that I have only hated 2 people in my life before that point). However, I don't know if he was joking about how bad he feels about the fact that she does not want him at all or if he's genuinely hurting himself, and I feel sick at the thought of my actions if it's the second scenario.
Even if he's sexually harassing my coworker, no one should ever feel like they deserve to be hurt or that they don't deserve life. That's what I believe. And I'm worried that, should Abe find out I reported him twice over this, that he'll yell at me and say that I'm an asshole for doing that (and I know it would happen, because that was his response with my pregnant coworker). I know I'm doing the right thing by reporting the continuous harassment, but my heart is genuinely conflicted now. He needs to stop, but what if my actions are causing this response? I could never live with myself knowing that I was the reason someone hurt themselves. My anxiety won't let it rest.
And so, Tumblr, I must know...
Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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raikkonens · 2 months
serious situation involving misogyny and possible future violence against women. looking for advice!!!!
there’s this guy at my work (let’s call him gary) around my age that is exhibiting what I would crassly call “school shooter vibes”. my coworker (let’s call her annie) and I just started this year, while he’s been here since 2021 or 2022. while there’s no real hierarchy at my workplace, annie and I both have master’s degrees (sadly that matters in my profession) and therefore have more responsibility than him. we’re leading this new groundbreaking project that will likely take us to conferences around the world. he’s also expressed feeling left out of the work that annie and I are doing, not explicitly but subtly. annie and I went to a business dinner with our boss and another guy whose business we want to partner with on this groundbreaking project. gary heard about this dinner and like….sad walked over to our desk and was like “so you’re going out to dinner tonight? 😞 I’ll probably be eating an entire pizza by myself 😞”. like, trying to make us feel bad for him/possibly angling for an invite?? gary buddy you aren’t involved in this project therefore why the fuck would you be included, you know??
he has also expressed resentment towards others in the workplace, mainly women. I was alone with him recently and he asked if another one of my coworkers (female, but not annie) was being weird/mean towards him. she’s not, btw, she’s just serious about her work and frankly, I don’t think she likes gary that much so she tries to limit interaction with him (not hard as they do separate jobs in separate areas). she’s also on the spectrum so she’s very straightforward. bottom line: he just seems to think everyone has it out for him.
last thing is that gary was talking to annie once about women and mentioned how this girl once wronged him somehow (can’t remember, could’ve just rejected him?) but he called her a cunt. like out loud. which like, I feel like it’s once thing to say something’s cunt on the internet (eg. charles leclerc holding a lil dachshund like a purse) but I would NEVER describe someone as a cunt, especially in the workplace to a colleague. like???? no wonder you’re single!! he’s always very gentlemanly (open doors, carry heavy items) but then he describes women like that. scary.
ok LAST last thing is that gary has, on multiple occasions, mentioned that he owns guns. yeah.
this has become more of a ramble than I wanted but TDLR my male coworker is expressing concerning resentment towards women who are….idk maybe more successful/have more responsibility/are getting more attention from higher-ups than he is. he also holds resentment towards women in general for rejecting him. I’m worried that he’ll act out violently towards us (his female coworkers) - is this justified? am I blowing this out of proportion? what should I do? any advice is welcome, especially if you’ve found yourself in a similar situation. thank youuuuuu <3
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sarahisslytherin · 2 years
flowers on tatooine || obi-wan kenobi
summary: you ask your new coworker out to dinner. he panics.  contains: age gap, coworker romance, mentions of fem!reader. a/n: wtf even is this? i’m just trying to get back into writing mode so excuse this cheesy garbage. first star wars fic so it might be a tad out of character.
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you’d recently moved to a new town and met the lovely obi-wan, though he insisted you call him ben. your meeting, working alongside him harvesting, hadn’t been the most glamorous, to be sure. but seeing him every day, the smile lines that formed at your every joke, was enough to put a skip in your step on your way to work. it was after a couple of months of this that you finally mustered the courage to ask him over for dinner. 
“what?” he’d asked, as if he couldn’t have possibly heard correctly. “you want to have dinner with me?”
you’d mistaken his surprise for rejection, and quickly attempted to back out. “well, yes, i thought you might have wanted that as well but, forgive me, i-”
“i’d love to.” he said with an air of finality and a smirk. “but i’m not making you cook for little old me.” he explained that he was watching leia that night, and after a bit of haggling from his part, you finally caved. dinner at his place.
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leia stifled a laugh as she watched obi-wan pace around his home. dinner was ready but he couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling that something was missing. jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments, really, which is probably why he’d never been in this situation before in his life. 
“leia, help me set the table.” he asked, his panic evident in his voice. she immediately went to help, setting down the utensils, plates and cups. 
“you need to calm down.” she said, a cheeky smile on her face. “the food smells delicious and the place looks great. she’s going to love it.”
“yes, but what if she doesn’t?” obi-wan snapped for a moment, then continued in a calmer tone. “i mean, what if she’s disappointed? i’m quite a few years her senior, i’m not what i once was. and she, she’s just so lovely and funny and i don’t know what i’d do if i ruined my chance with her.”
“you’re not going to ruin it.” leia soothed him, placing a small hand on his. “you won’t let her down, just like you’ve never let me down.”
it was hard not to be moved by the words, and obi-wan’s glassy eyes were proof of it. “thank you for the kind words, leia. truly. i just, i can’t shake the feeling i’m missing something. a detail.”
leia stood back, observing the table. “it’s missing a centerpiece, flowers.”
“flowers.” obi-wan nodded, chuckling softly. “where will i find flowers on tatooine? this place is a desert!”
it was then there was a knock at the door. “well, it’s too late now.” he stood, straightened his robes and walked up to the door. his hand hovered above the knob for a moment, hesitant, before finally pulling the door open to reveal you, a lovestruck grin on your face and a confection of flowers in hand.
“hello, darling.” he greeted you, stepping aside for you to enter. “you look wonderful.”
“thank you, ben.” you smirked. “you clean up nicely, you know.” 
you gingerly offered him the flowers you’d found. “i found these, i think they’re called funnel flowers. they’re supposed to be rare on tatooine, i thought you might like them.”
obi-wan took them, smelling them before looking back at you with those kind, blue eyes. “very rare, indeed.” he sighed, eyes drifting from the flowers to you. “and just as lovely.”
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jareaulover · 1 month
Rejection (Hotchreid)
A/N: I really liked this prompt, I've been wanting to write something with unrequited feelings for a while and I thought this was a good chance. Thank you to @nico5580 for the prompt!! <3 It's pretty short, but that's alright.
Full story below cut, or read on AO3
Word count: 865
“Reid, when you finish your case report Hotch wants to see you in his office.” JJ said as she passed his desk on the way back to her office. Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed. What could Hotch want to talk to him about? His performance had been perfect as of late, and he’d completely kicked his dilaudid habit, and he’d been regularly attending AA meetings. So what else was there?
Spencer finished writing his case report fairly quickly and made his way to his supervisor’s office. He felt his heartbeat speed up as he approached the door, his palms started sweating and he had to remind himself to breathe normally. This wasn’t too atypical, though. He’d developed feelings for the older man quite some time ago. And he liked to think that he hid it pretty well. Growing up in an emotionally unstable environment with no one to really confide in had made it easy for him to keep things in.
But, of course, that was to the untrained eye. And Spencer spent most of his time around extremely well trained eyes…
He knocked on the wooden door twice, and then waited. It only took a moment for Hotch’s voice to come through the door, “Come in.” He said, and Spencer obeyed. He opened the door and entered the man’s office. He quickly took a seat in one of the chairs across from Aaron’s desk. He rested one hand on each knee and looked at Hotch expectantly.
Aaron looked at him for a few seconds, almost like he was studying him. His eyes were narrowed, as they usually were, and trained on Spencer. The younger man felt himself begin to sweat under the gaze of his boss.
“What, um,” Spencer’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, “What did you want to talk about?” He asked, carefully. He inwardly celebrated the fact that he had kept his voice so even. This was Hotch, there was no need for Spencer to be so nervous.
“Recently it has come to my attention that you may be harboring certain feelings for a member of this team.” Hotch started, speaking in that overly professional voice of his. Spencer took in a sharp breath, averting his eyes from the man in front of him. His heartbeat was speeding up again, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t breathe.
“Oh…” He said, lamely. He wasn’t sure how to respond. What had Hotch said again? ‘A certain member of this team’ so maybe… Maybe he didn’t know that it was him. Hotchner continued talking.
“I’ve known for a while, though, Spencer. Even before Derek mentioned it…” His boss admitted, “I’d had my suspicions, but he confirmed it.” Spencer was mentally cursing his coworker/friend. It wasn’t like he had told Derek, but the man was a great profiler and had known Spencer for a long time.
“I-I don’t know what to say…” Spencer said, quietly. He kept his eyes trained down on the carpet, studying the dark material like it would give him all of the answers that he would need.
Things were quiet for a minute, neither man was sure what to say. Aaron broke the silence with a sigh.
“Reid, listen…” He started. Spencer’s heart stung from the rejection that he knew was coming, “I think that its relatively normal to develop certain feelings for someone in a place of authority over you. But it’s just… It’s not something that can work out. Do you understand?” He asked. Spencer bit his lip.
“Um, yes. I-I understand.” Spencer said, barely above a whisper. He didn’t trust his voice, if he spoke any louder he was afraid that he would cry.
“I’m really sorry, Spencer. Is there anything I can do…?” He started to offer, but Spencer shot up from his seat and headed for the door, “Reid-”
“It’s alright, Hotch. Good talk. Um, I’m fine, I’m-” He pursed his lips and pushed through the door, walking out into the bullpen. He quickly gathered his things and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder. It was late, anyway, and he needed to be getting home.
“Reid!” He heard Aaron call from the doorway of his office, but he was already halfway to the elevator by then. He pressed the down button, 5 times in quick succession before the doors finally opened and he stepped in. He could hear Aaron’s footsteps approaching the elevator, but the doors close before he go there. Spencer breathed a sigh of relief as the machine began moving down.
The commute home was normal, and once he was in his apartment, he finally let the tears fall. He had known it was stupid as soon as he realized that the feelings he held for Hotch were more than what he held for the other members of his team. Spencer only wished he had been better at hiding the feelings…
He finally got to sleep around 3 am, but at 3:45 his phone went off.
Spencer lifted the device and stared at the text on his screen.
Hotchner: We’ve got a case.
Spencer sighed and got out of bed. This was going to be a long one…
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rejaytionships · 3 months
archive: first rosemary fic from april 2022
[cw for abuse mentions]
Exhausted. Afraid. Anxiously awaiting for her husband to fall asleep.
These were words used to describe twenty-six year old Valerie Barrett, the small-town girl who could have been. The successful financial career she had was stunted when she was engaged and wed by one of her coworkers, thirty-three year old Roy Barrett. Who seemed once like a charming, charismatic alpha male slowly started to show his true colours. He would belittle Valerie’s work, he would make crude comments on the job about her, he would convince her she wasn’t good enough for the position she spent her whole life to enter.
Things took their biggest dive when Roy demanded Valerie deny a promotion, as it would have meant she would spend more time at work, while Roy was hoping Valerie could cut back work hours to instead raise a future family. When Valerie refused, Roy took the liberty of rejecting the promotion himself, subtly making his wife look less and less competent at the job and definitely in no place to handle any more responsibility. It took her a while to find out why the idea of promotion was suddenly off the table.
They tried for a kid, and tried, and tried. After a year of failure to carry a child to term, or even carry at all, Roy grew from tired to frustrated to belligerent, even going so far as to accuse Valerie of intentionally sabotaging their family for her selfish reasons. He became more controlling, more irritable, more… violent. Valerie told herself it was just grief manifesting in intense manners, that Roy truly loved her no matter what.
Which is why it was so hard to find out Roy had been curating an affair behind Valerie’s back. It was seemingly just her husband being overly friendly with a fellow female co-worker, but that optimistic reality faded away when her husband started going on more frequent “business trips”, or when she had found garments not belonging to her in their shared room. She asked Roy, who blatantly denied what was happening and called her delusional; he even had the gall to accuse her of cheating instead and spinning the blame to get people off of her case. She was met with more anger, more belligerence, more hurt.
Valerie couldn’t take it anymore.
The radio in the kitchen beside her was on low volume, as a radio show host started to describe the recent outbursts of alleged “alternate” encounters. How people were apparently being taken away from their families by horrifying creatures with no humanity to them. Valerie scoffed; it simply sounded like her husband had been getting around.
Part of her wished they would take him next.
She turned the radio off as she finished cleaning her last plate, listening in carefully and praying her husband was finally asleep; the snoring emitting from her bedroom confirmed her hopes. Quietly, she moved to her back porch, sitting on a beautifully carved birch wood chair. Letting out a deep exhale, she gazed up at the sky before closing her eyes.
She began praying under her breath. Someone, anyone, please save her. Save her from this fate, from her husband. The God she stopped believing in, any other God, even the alternates coming upon them. Even if she had to go down as payment, she wanted him to go down with her, too. Whoever would come to help, she would do anything to repay them.
But it was no use. Prayers, never get answered, right?
She opened her eyes, and was mortified to see a pair of eyes staring right back at her. She wanted to scream, cry, anything; but a lump in her throat held her silent.
“Do not be afraid,” the figure in front of her calmly spoke. “I bring you good news.”
Valerie gawked upon the being floating in front of her face; it looked almost angelic, but something seemed… off about it. She couldn’t place quite what, though. It could have just been the feeling of utter shock that this moment was real. “... God?”
The figure let out a low chuckle. “I am the angel Gabriel. I have come to bring you good news.”
“Gabriel…” Valerie murmured. “Have you come to answer my prayer?”
“Your prayer was heard, Valerie. Soon shall you be free again.”
Tears swelled in her eyes. Was this real? She pinched her skin to see if she would wake up.
The angel, Gabriel, took notice. “My sweet child, you are not dreaming. I come to you in the flesh, awake and alive.”
Valerie moved off of her chair and onto her knees, bowing into a prayerful position. “How would I become free, Gabriel?”
“Lay your head to rest. When you awaken, he will be gone. Then you shall rejoice!”
“Where… would he be going?”
The angel’s smile grew wider, almost eerily so. “The Lord works in mysterious ways, o little lamb.”
Valerie took this as her hint to not press on further, despite the chilling sensation running down her back. “Thank you, Gabriel. Thank you and thank the Lord, for taking pity upon a non-believer.”
“Your heart is pure.” Gabriel reached a hand out, hovering it just above Valerie’s head. “Believe once more, and you shall be forgiven in His eyes. Devote yourself to Him. Devote yourself to me.” His voice seemed to permeate Valerie’s head; despite being quieter, it felt loud and clear inside of her head.
Valerie gazed up at the glowing figure. “For your graciousness, Gabriel, I shall do what you please.” She bowed her head once more.
Gabriel’s smile grew greatly, his jaw appearing to extend past what should be possible. His eyes were opened wide, his face growing darker and more ominous. He placed his hand upon Valerie’s head finally, bending down to place his mouth close to her ear. “Devote yourself to me,” he whispered repetitively, as if it was subliminal messaging.
He placed a soft kiss upon Valerie’s forehead before returning to standing position, his facial features back to normal. “Rest now, my lamb. In the morning, you shall see that your prayer has been fulfilled.”
Valerie stood up, taking Gabriel’s hand in her own. She looked into his eyes; angels should have been beings of light and safety, so why was Gabriel’s gaze so eerie? Perhaps the Bible took some creative liberties. It was no matter, she was still allegedly being saved. “I would hope so,” she grinned, lightly shaking the angel’s hand before heading back inside.
She made her way to her bedroom, carefully getting ready and laying down for bed quietly enough as to not wake her husband in his final moments with her. She closed her eyes, hearing only the ambiance of the outside.
And soon also, the static of a presence in Valerie’s house. It inched closer to her by the second, stopping right above where her husband was resting. She cracked her eyes open just enough to see what was happening, but not enough to be noticeably awake. To her horror, a dark creature was hovering above Roy, its long claws scraping against his face. “Roooy,” it called to him, in her voice. “Darling, breakfast is ready,” the beast cooed.
Valerie fully closed her eyes again. She could hear her husband wake up in exhausted grumbling. She could hear him ask what breakfast was doing ready at such an early hour. She could then hear his scream of horror as he processed what was on top of him. She heard it for so long, and then it stopped in a sudden halt. She didn’t bother opening her eyes. Was this truly God’s doing, or were the suspicious feelings from the angel — the entity posing as an angel — starting to show itself as a correct interpretation?
She felt a presence move above her. The ringing in her ears grew louder and louder. “Valerieee,” it called to her in her husband’s voice. “Why aren’t you awake yet? I’m so hungry…”
Somehow, the creature masquerading as her husband seemed less threatening than the real deal. The creature Valerie was certain she should have been afraid of.
A second voice cut in. “Not her,” it simply stated in a low tone; it sounded familiar.
That was the last thing she heard before consciousness was stolen from her.
It wasn’t until the sun had been long in the sky that she had awoken to the same voice. “Wake up, Valerie Desrosiers,” it beamed. “Wake up and rejoice!”
Valerie rubbed her eyes, sitting up slowly. She turned to the source of the voice; Gabriel was in her room, on the side of her bed that her husband once laid upon. “Desrosiers…?” Valerie questioned tiredly.
“Is that not your name, my lamb?” Gabriel seemed to inch closer, although it did not appear like he moved a muscle. “Shall I refer to you as Barrett?”
Valerie felt herself cringe. Barrett. Such a hideous name. “Desrosiers is fine.”
Gabriel grinned. “Then it shall be your name forever more. The man you once feared shall have no control over you. Your devotion has given you freedom.”
Valerie looked around the room; it was as if Roy left without a trace. “Will I see him at work?” she asked, a twinge of fear present in her tone.
“As I shall see to it, he will never grace your presence another day.”
Valerie lit up, but her light died as fast as it was born. “What about my boss? Wouldn’t he worry if my husband was no longer at work?”
Gabriel placed a hand on Valerie’s shoulder. “Fear not, my lamb. You shall tell him your truth. Do you know where Roy Barrett has gone?”
Valerie thought for a second before shaking her head. “I guess not, no.”
“Then that is what you shall tell him.”
“But… didn’t I have something to do with him being gone?” Valerie felt her throat swell up. “What if he knows?”
“Dear child, all will be fine. Return to your daily life and say not a word of your prayer. As long as you are devout to me, I shall see that you never falter.”
Valerie’s chest grew tighter and tighter. Gabriel radiated mal-intent, yet all of his words and actions brought her comfort and safety. He had to be connected to the supposed alternate spikes, right? It would be a wild coincidence for an “angel” to show up and promise that her husband will no longer bother her, only for a creature reminiscent of the alternates of the tales on the radio to snatch him away. Just what was this entity hiding?
Gabriel’s brow furrowed. “Is there any doubt in your heart?” His grip on Valerie’s shoulder grew tighter.
Valerie gulped. “Ah, no, Gabriel!” she spat out. “I simply… need time to process. This is a very big change, holy one.”
“That is… understandable.” Gabriel’s grip loosened, moving slowly down her arm and stopping at her hand; he entwined his fingers with hers. “Miracles are a sight to behold. Nevertheless, you must get on with your day.” He placed a kiss gracefully onto the back of Valerie’s hand. “Shall you ever need me, you may reach out with prayer.” The angel — entity — let go of Valerie’s hand and stood up. “And you shall most certainly need me, always,” he whispered lowly.
Before Valerie could even answer, she blinked, and Gabriel vanished. It was only her now, seemingly alone again… right?
She prepared for her day at work, wondering what will entail now that she has been seen by a powerful force. How long until the being that showed her mercy eventually turns? How long until her blessings become curses?
She prayed, internally, that it would not be for a while.
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bloggirl8842 · 4 months
I really like not having a sense of humor or making cute jokes as often as I used to like try to be funny with me bitch. Now try to be funny with me again. A friend wrote me like “not you silencing notifs in the middle of our convo” I wrote back “they’ve been silenced since 10pm it’s automatic” I will not think of anything humorous to say to you. I hate you. I’ve actually been really bitter against a lot of people recently, many of whom didn’t do anything to me but I just feel like I put my glasses on to look at them and realized they were people and hated them for it, it’s a bit overwhelming. There’s also a subset of these whom I don’t like just because they ignored me when I asked to hang out or whatever and now I see them pursuing things I won’t publicly support bc I KNOW I wouldn’t receive that level of support back. Also I’m put off by one of my coworkers bc he said Drake putting hot sauce on his condom before fucking this woman who’d been trying to baby trap him was “cool” (just don’t have any more fucking sex with her, dude) and he told me that he once punched an ex gf in the stomach bc she’d been hitting him and blocking his way out of the grocery store, I couldn’t tell if he meant play hitting or for real trying to fight him but if it’s the former it’s so gross. And he’s one of those types who dresses like a woman but still IDs as male, which isn’t an issue because a lot of the time I see a light reenter the eyes of people who do this, but he has unresolved issues towards women that I don’t like. I mentioned to my other coworker that I used to talk shit about him and now just have suspicions about him and he told me he’d ask more but didn’t want part in any drama so I should just have fun with my suspicions and THAT made me bitter too even though it’s me who didn’t tell him what my suspicions were! Ugh, I should’ve just told him that I don’t like the way our coworker talks about women so I’d give him a fair chance to respond to something I think has a bit of gravity which isn’t petty gossip shit but I didn’t want to make it weird. I get along well with that guy, he’s not a bad guy so I don’t want to go around telling people how I feel, but I don’t like him much half the time. Each time he’s said something weird I’ve told him it’s weird so at least he knows how I feel. I’m also bitter against men who ask to hang out and I know they want me but they just don’t say it until they’re backed into a corner. It feels so slimy. And I’m bitter that they’re all short, I don’t care, I am. I’m bitter against my old boss, who didn’t pay me for three months instead of looking into things and realizing the system wasn’t getting my timecards, I’m bitter against people who smile in my face but avoid me, I’m bitter against the stained glass place in the Inner Richmond which interviewed me, rejected me, called me back to have me try out working there, getting me to cancel a full day of my usual job to go over to their sad sack of shit place, met another candidate last minute, wasted my day, hired her, and then offered to pay me back for 2 or 3 hours (i was there nearly 3 hours and missed five hours of pay at my other job because I was promised seven hours of work here) instead of the full day. I’m going to go ask for a full day’s pay tomorrow. I’m bitter that I have to work with a former friend who left me because I was too pathetic and didn’t say “thank you” enough on a film set. I’m bitter that my hair is fucking short. I’m bitter that I’d always get happy birthday wishes from my white protestant grandma (important distinction because I have a white protestant grandma, a jewish grandma, and two iranian grandmas) but didn’t realize til after she died that I never sent one back. I’m bitter that I can’t show closeness or care for anyone within my family without feeling like there’s a million eyes on me. I’m really bitter against all the aforementioned people though. And I hate Kathryn Newton’s face.
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thewildwaffle · 4 years
Shiny Rocks
This story idea was suggested by a user on ao3
Everyone in the Planetary Acquisition Requests Office was stumped. It wasn’t completely unheard of to get requests for planetary resource rights from two or three separate groups at a time for the same planet, but the current situation was barring on ridiculous! Planet AL-471 had been discovered fairly recently. Reports of it were made known publicly across the galactic community, as was standard procedure for a newly discovered planetoid. Since then, hundreds - that’s right- hundreds of resource rights requests have flooded in. After the first dozen or so, Liat thought it was some sort of joke. But the requests just kept coming. In almost no time, they were up to their lateral fins in request paperwork. “We just got three more requests for AL-471,” Makeenitee, a small, multi-legged teyer complained in a high squeaky voice from across the office. A choir of low growls, clicks, and groans quickly followed. “That’s it, this is getting ridiculous!” Bryeabar stood up from her workspace. With her long legs, she crossed the office to Makeenitee in no time. “Where are these even coming from?” The small teyer activated the holographic settings on their datapad to let Bryeabar see. “It looks like a third of them, oh wait,” Makeenitee looked at the data, “no another one just came in. About a third of them are from the Solis 26 Sector.” Half the room glanced at each other with a knowing look. Solis 26. One system in that area had a life-supporting star. Nine planetoids orbited that star. The third one being the infamous Earth.
“So humans.” Liat sighed, stating what everyone had already figured out. “Okay. Who else wants access to the planet?” Makeenitee opened up the files of all the previous requests and scanned through the information. “Looks like an engineering and development guild from the chiatoru home-world, as well as a few requests from the Tret 4 System.” Liat nodded, “So the kloxans and a few bookas. That at least makes sense. Anyone else?” “There are a few more scattered around, but it looks like most of them are from human colony worlds or organizations.” Everyone in the office shared a look again. The question on everyone’s mind was ‘why?’ Why were so many humans wanting access? Why this planet? Without having to be asked by anyone, Liat opened up a new holographic screen on the report of the planet in such high demand. Planet AL-471, thus named because no official name had been bestowed by caretakers as of yet, was one of the newly discovered planets on the far end of charted space. It had been explored by a Galactic Confederation ship. Their exploration crew had managed a planet-side of a small team who were able to take samples from the surface and run seismograph tests. According to their findings, the planet’s composition was approximately 86% carbon allotropes, with the other 14% being made up of a long list of different metals and minerals and trace amounts of gases. As such, it was not a likely candidate for colonization, as it was incapable of sustaining life. It was certainly an odd planet, but the galaxy was full of strange things. “Does anyone know much about humans, or why so many want access to the planet?” Liat finally broke the silence. Heads all around the office started swiveling around to see if anyone would have answers. A wispy form near the middle of the room spoke up. “I think humans are supposed to really like shiny things, right? The planet’s mostly made out of diamond. Maybe they just think it’s pretty?” A murmur of voices and quiet chuckles hummed throughout the office. Liat shook his head and took a closer look at the list of resource rights requests. There were a few names and descriptions of groups and companies that sounded like they could be after the diamond for industrial reasons. They weren’t the majority, certainly, but there was quite a collection of them. There were a lot of other names on the list that he was a bit more skeptical of their reasoning. Was that what they were after? Pretty rocks? It couldn’t be something so simple like that, right? Liat sighed. “First things first, we need to get someone in here that understands humans if we’re ever going to get through all these requests.” It took a while, but after a search through the entire bureau headquarters, an expert on humans was found. Human Roy wasn’t overly thrilled to be pulled away from whatever projects he had been working on back in his department, but he stood patiently enough in front of the office. Liat explained the situation to him briefly and showed him an extensive list of requests. "Can you help us make sense of this? Any insights or knowledge about why so many humans would want access to the planet so badly? It would help us make fair decisions as we accept or reject the requests." Human Roy scanned over the information a few more times. Everyone watched silently, not wanting to miss a word the human could help them with. After what felt like partecs, Human Roy scrunched up his face in an amusing expression. “What did you say this planet was made of again? Diamond?” “Among other things, yes.” “Then that’s why,” Human Roy straightened his posture and crossed his arms over his chest. “If that’s all you need, I have a deadline I need to make.” Liat and the others in the office looked at each other and Human Roy with perplexed expressions. “Wait,” Liat stopped Roy from leaving, “that’s it? That can’t be the only thing? Look at this list! There’s got to be something we’re not understanding here!” Human Roy huffed and turned back to the list. “Look,” he pointed at a few names on the list. “There are a few legitimate requests here. Not that I know all the ins and outs of your guy’s job, but I’d figure some of these are actually wanting the diamonds to use for construction or medical or engineering or whatever uses diamonds can be put to these days. The rest of these,” he ran his hand down to gesture at the remaining names, “Likely want access because it’s a freaking planet made out of diamond. They don’t want resources, they want status.” Liat blinked his stalk eyes slowly. “Status?” “Status. Diamonds have been a status symbol of wealth on Earth for, well, I don’t know, a long time. Personally, I never really saw the appeal. When it comes to fancy rocks, I think garnets and opals are pretty. I mean, sure, diamonds have some cool qualities and properties and whatnot. That’s why there are a few legitimate requests on this list,” Roy gestured to the names he had mentioned before, “But honestly, I’d really scrutinize the rest of these. I’d be interested in what the legit requesters would do with that much diamond.” “So, you’re saying that most of these just want…” Liat paused, trying to process all this. “They don’t even need the diamond?” “Mmmm, no. I’d say a lot of them just want to be able to say that they control giant diamonds on some far-flung planet somewhere.” Makeenitee spoke up from her seat, “But I don’t understand. If diamonds are so important to humans, wouldn’t this planet throw off supply and demand systems on Earth and human colony worlds?” “I have no idea. I’m in the communications bureau, not intergalactic economics.” Human Roy shifted his weight and sighed. “All I know is that back on Earth, diamonds have been marketed for - I don’t know, ever- that they are rare and super precious and everyone needs one and blah blah blah. They’re not rare though. Earth and pretty much all of the colony worlds have plenty of diamonds. Granted, none of them are the size of two continents, but hey,” Roy threw his hands up in what looked like a dismissive gesture, “humans like thinking the pretty rocks they’ve been told are super rare are really important.” He looked around at the office of blank alien faces. “Well, if that’s everything, I really do have stuff I need to finish. Good luck with your list.” And before anyone could ask another question, he was gone. Liat looked around at his coworkers then back to the impossibly long list that was still activated in the front of the room. He wished Roy had been able to give them more information that would help them weed through the “legit” requests and those that he said just wanted the diamonds for status. Still, the insight he gave was… interesting. Diamond was certainly a fairly common material across the galaxy, but it was very useful in many applications and often in demand. He hadn’t realized humans also coveted them so highly for purely aesthetic purposes. “Liat,” Makeenitee squeaked, “what do we do now?” Liat sighed and turned his attention back to the impossibly long list. It looked like it had grown a bit longer in all this. Each one of those organizations listed would need to be researched and be given a thorough background check. Then a series of shortlists would be composed and cross-referenced with each other according to resource requests and allocated resources available on the planet. “We’re going to do our jobs,” Liat finally broke the apprehensive silence. “Everyone, break up into teams of three and we’ll work our way down. Start from the top. The humans have made sure we’re going to be at this a while.”
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obxlife · 4 years
Childishness (JJ x Reader)
A/N: And now a JJ fic! I’m so excited about this one. I swear this anon has the best ideas ever (I’m pretty sure it’s the same anon that requested Hotel Madness). I just love this kind of childish and fluffy concepts with JJ.
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Word count: 3,704
Request: Hey! me again — so like an imagine where you're close friends with Kie and work at the Wreck with her and just always having this banter with JJ or something
Summary: You had met JJ because he was a friend of your coworker, Kie. And from the start you both seemed to hit it off. If by hitting it off you meant banters and ridiculous discussions. 
Warnings: A bit of swearing, a bit of angst, a bit of abuse (no fighting but bruises and the aftermath of abuse) and a whole lot of FLUFF
JJ had first heard of you from Kie. He was out on the water with all of the Pogues when she had mentioned you, her new coworker, and how cool you were. 
“So there’s this girl, Y/N, right?” Kie began to say. “She started working my same shifts about a week ago and she’s awesome. But you guys would never guess what she did yesterday!”
The rest of the Pogues weren’t very interested in what Kie was saying (except Pope, who stared at her with loving eyes), so they simply muttered out a small, “What?”
JJ was at the bow, pulling up a net filled with fishes onto the boat as John B was sipping a beer next to the fishing rod he had perched on the side of the HMS Pogue. 
“She kneed Rafe in the balls!” Kie exclaimed. John B spit out his beer out and JJ whipped around to look at Kie. “Holy shit, really?” John asked from his side. JJ was now interested in this girl. If she could kick Rafe with no shame, then she was definitely worthy of the Pogue’s time.
“Yeah! He had been trying to flirt with her all night and then when she finally rejected him, he got all pissy and began to come at her.”
“And then she kicked him?” Pope inquired. Kie nodded her head vigorously. She took a sip from her beer before laying it down next to her and continuing on the bracelet she was making. 
“I think we should hang out with her. She’s really cool.”
The Pogues never agreed to actually hang out with her, but JJ’s curiosity was peaked just enough for him to head over to the Wreck the following afternoon during Kie’s shift. 
Opening the door to the busy restaurant, JJ spotted Kie behind the counter. He sat down in front of the bar and smiled at her. Kie just gave him a knowing look. 
“She’s outside right now, but she’ll be back soon,” she said, turning her back on him to get some drinks for a couple of customers. JJ opened his mouth out wide, offended that she had said that (even if it was true).
“What? I only came here to see you!” he exclaimed. Kie rolled her eyes and noticed you walking back inside. Following Kie’s eyes, JJ spotted you for the first time. His mouth fell open again. This time in shock. 
You were exactly his type. From your hair color to the shape of your face to your lips to everything. You were everything he had ever wanted in a girl. 
“I can’t believe some of these customers!” you told Kie, not even sparing JJ a glance. 
Kie laughed. She knew what you meant. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
Turning towards JJ, you smiled at him. “May I get you a drink, sir?”
JJ knew that you thought he was a customer, so he kept playing along with what you thought. “Yes, please. And also some fries, babygirl.”
At the nickname you rolled your eyes. This was what you had been talking to Kie the past few shifts you had together. Customers were always trying to flirt. 
Kie laughed at your reaction before throwing the rag in her hands at JJ’s face. Shocked you turned to look at her. Noticing your expression she laughed even louder. 
JJ removed the rag from his face and glared at Kie. “Wow, thanks, Kie. That was so nice of you.”
Kie continued to giggle while your questioning eyes darted between the blond boy and the brunette girl. 
“That’s you get for trying to flirt with her, J.”
You were still confused. “Um, excuse me? Do you two know each other?”
Kie simply nodded while JJ continued to glare at her. “Yeah. This is JJ, my best friend.”
“Oh,” you blushed. You had been pretty rude to him before and now it turns out he’s Kie’s friend? “I’m sorry for being rude. I’m Y/N.”
JJ stared at your hand that was outstretched before you. He took it, shaking it up and down before relishing in its softness. He smiled, making you smile in return. Then you let go. 
Before an awkward silence could fall over the three of you, JJ said, “I wasn’t joking about the drink and the fries, Y/N.”
The teasing tone in his voice made you laugh. Instead of heading towards the kitchen, you turned to Kie. “What do you think? Should we get him what he wants?”
Kie pretended to think before shaking his head. Once again JJ pretended to be offended before transforming his facial expression to resemble one of a small puppy. 
“Your puppy eyes won’t get you what you want, JJ,” you said, already comfortable around him. He had an aura that was friendly and sweet, and you liked it. He seemed to be nice and funny and a good friend, which were all traits you cherished in people. 
“You’re the first girls that have ever resisted my pleas,” JJ stated in a breathy voice. You giggled once again as Kie moved past you towards a table that was on her section of the restaurant. 
“Yeah, right. I don’t believe that at all,” you lied. He was attractive, and you could bet that he had spent many nights with many girls. And that he had a line of girls hoping to be his next conquest. 
“Are you kidding? Have you seen me? I’m the definition of hot,” he stated as a fact. Grabbing onto your tray, you began to move away from the counter. 
“I’m working right now. I’m too busy to hear your dirty lies!”
As you walked away JJ checked you out, shaking his head. He was glad that you had taken his joking lightly, and even gladder that you had been able to respond to his banter so smoothly. Not only were you perfect look-wise, but you seemed to be perfect personality-wise as well.
Once you had returned to the counter you found JJ still there, playing around with a lighter. Kie was still not back and you guessed she was probably taking orders from new clients that had entered the Wreck recently. 
“So, are you like an arsonist or something?” you asked him teasingly as you approached him. You had cleaned out most of your side of the restaurant, which meant that you could relax for a little. “You seem to like playing with the fire of that little lighter.”
JJ smirked. “I might be. I guess you’ll never truly know.”
You gasped, pretending to be scared for your life. He looked up at you as his fingers stilled, cocking an eyebrow in your direction. Once a smile broke out onto your face, his smile followed along. 
“You know that the Lake Ness monster would win, right? Like, it’s obvious,” you said before heading to a table to take the family’s plates. You smiled at the small children and their parents before saying, “I’ll be right back to take your orders for dessert.”
JJ had been following you around the Wreck, trying to reply to your conversation. “You’re kidding, right? King Kong would win!”
You spun around to look at him. “How? I bet King Kong can’t swim, and we specifically said that they were in a body of water.”
You continued to make your way to the kitchen, pushing the doors open as JJ followed you right in. Nobody even flinched at his presence. He had been there every time you had been there during that day. He had been visiting the Wreck a lot more frequently since he had met you, always trying to make an excuse to see you. He would mostly steal Kie’s belongings when she was hanging around the Pogues and then take it back to the Wreck the following day. It was the best way to make sure to have an excuse to see you and talk to you. 
JJ would not admit it to his friends, but over the past two weeks he had developed a crush on you. It began with a simple infatuation the first day he had met you, but it had developed to a full-on crush after having bantered with you for the first time. 
Your childishness was something Kie lived for. There was never a boring moment between you two, and hearing your ridiculous arguments always made her day better. She was also happy for her blond friend. Kie could tell that seeing you was JJ’s favorite part of the day. The smile on his face every time he was around you or around someone that mentioned you was enough evidence of this. 
“Have you seen King Kong’s muscles? That boy is ripped!” JJ exclaimed while putting his hands before him as if it was obvious. You still had your back towards him while you left the kitchen, but turned your head to stare at him. God, you thought.
You headed towards the table you had just been at a minute before and took your notepad from the pocket of your apron. “Okay, what may I get you for dessert?”
As the family relayed their order to you, JJ stood at your side waiting. He watched you write, the loopy and smooth letters of your writing covering the page. When he saw you hesitate regarding an order, he said, “Vanilla ice cream.”
You gave him a thankful smile as you wrote the last order down and went back to the kitchen. JJ was still hot on your trail. “So? What are you going to say to defend the Lake Ness monster?”
You laughed as JJ kept pushing. “Or are you ready to admit that I’m right?”
“God, no,” you exclaimed. You pinned the order at the wire that hung over the dessert station in the kitchen. “Look, is King Kong ripped? Yes.”
JJ did motions of victory as you turned towards him. “Are his arms going to be of any use if he can’t swim? No, they won’t.”
JJ froze in the middle of his victory dance. “Huh?”
You giggled for the millionth time around JJ. “I rest my case.”
You pushed past him and exited the kitchen. You stood behind the counter, grabbing a coke can and spilling its contents into two glasses. 
You placed one on the counter for JJ and sipped the drink from the other cup. It was cold, which refreshed your sweaty body. JJ took his usual seat behind the counter and smiled at you before taking a huge gulp from his coke. Your nose scrunched up. 
“How can you drink that so fast? The gas bothers me way too much to be able to do that.”
JJ burped. “I’m just too good at chugging. Years of practice at keggers, you know?”
You swatted your hand in the space between you and JJ, trying to get rid of the smell of coke he had burped out. “I bet you suck at chugging. You’re just saying that to make yourself sound badass or whatever.”
JJ laughed and exclaimed, “I swear it’s true! Just ask Kie about it.”
You giggled and took another sip from your cup. Suddenly a bell chimed from the kitchen. You stood up and headed inside taking the dessert order from the counter where it was perched on. Once outside you headed towards the table of the small family and placed the food down. 
“And the vanilla ice cream,” you stated placing the tall glass on the table along with a spoon. “Is there anything else you would like?”
The mother of the family smiled at you before shaking her head. However, her small daughter said, “You and your boyfriend are really cute!”
You blushed. “My what?”
“Your boyfriend,” she repeated as if it was the most obvious and natural thing in the world. “The blond boy that follows you around!”
You turned to look at JJ. He already had his eyes on you and waved his hand when they connected. You blushed even harder than before and returned your body towards the girl. 
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you explained. She just shrugged and continued to lick her ice cream. 
It was the first time in a month that JJ wasn’t at the Wreck during your shift. You frowned at how bored you were. Everything seemed dimmer when he wasn’t around, and you felt yourself longing for his presence. 
“Cheer up, baby,��� Kie said to you. “He’s just busy. It’s not like he has another girlfriend or something.”
You sighed, rubbing your hands on your face before trying to slick your baby hairs back. “I know that. I just get bored.”
“Ugh, you guys are so in love it makes me nauseous,” she groaned, making you laugh. 
“We aren’t in love. We’re just friends.”
Kie could only scoff. Nobody with eyes would ever believe that. 
“You keep telling yourself that.”
You frowned at this. Did you and JJ really give off that impression?
You were brought out of your thoughts by a customer raising their hand and waving you over. You sighed, missing JJ. 
One day JJ showed up extremely bruised. It was a Thursday, which meant that it was your day closing up. The restaurant was almost empty and you gasped when you caught sight of him.
“JJ!” you sped to where he had collapsed. “Are you okay?”
JJ nodded slowly, but it soon turned into a shake of his head. “I got beat up.”
“Well, I can see that, Captain Obvious. What do I do to help you?”
JJ laughed at your response before simply hugging you. He breathed in and out, calming his heart. It had quite the opposite effect, as his heart began to hammer in his chest from being around you. 
You wrapped your hands around his body for a few moments before pushing him back. “I’m pretty sure there’s a first aid kit somewhere.”
As you began to search for the kit, JJ clenched and unclenched his hands. He wasn’t going to tell you about his father, but he could at least seek comfort in you. 
Placing the kit beside him, you began to clean JJ’s wounds. The ones on his face weren’t very big. The cuts had already begun to bleed less as you passed the cotton swab over them. The bruises were a bit bigger, and as you slowly raised his shirt (after asking for permission from him), you noticed he was completely littered with them. 
You took out a tube of cream from the kit that said it would help get rid of bruising. Taking some of it in your hands, you used the fingers of the other to spread it over his skin as softly as you could. You didn’t want to hurt him more than he already was. 
JJ tried to level his breathing. He hated feeling the way his father made him feel. Luke Maybank made JJ feel weak and sad and unloved. The exact opposite of what you made him feel.
Once you stood up and stared down at JJ you had the urge to hug him. So you did. He wrapped his arms around you. A tear fell down his cheek and onto the skin of your chest. His sniffles filled the silent air of the restaurant, and you were certain you heard the kitchen door close behind the last person leaving. Your hands moved up and down the blond’s back until you could no longer feel him shake. 
He pulled away from you just enough to look up at you. He opened his mouth to speak his gratitude towards you, but you said, “I know, JJ.”
He closed his mouth again and pressed himself as close to your body as possible. His vulnerability shone new light upon him, revealing a side to the boy you had never seen. You wanted to help him and be there for him and just -- you wanted to love him.
Your realization made you freeze for a second, afraid of what it meant. However, not a second later, you realized that if it meant being with JJ than it was fine. He made it fine.
Trying to lighten the mood you said, “Are the other guys worse than you are?”
JJ laughed softly, tracing his fingers over the vertebrae of your back. His fingers circled them through your shirt. “You bet.”
His whisper was soft but he sounded strong. Because that was what he was. Strong. 
You didn’t let go of him until the sun began to rise the following morning. 
John B had noticed that JJ began to stay over at the Chateau less and less. He had decided that the next time he saw his blond best friend, he would ask him about it. 
“Where have you been staying recently, man?” John B inquired the following day on the HMS Pogue. JJ was laying down at the bow of the small boat while Kie was seated on top of her cooler and Pope was resting against the seat behind the wheel. 
“At Y/N’s,” JJ replied, not really thinking much about it. Kie perked up, as well as the two other boys. 
“What do you mean ‘at Y/N’s’?” Kie wondered. Pope and John B weren’t really sure who Y/N even was. 
JJ groaned. “I mean I’ve been staying at Y/N’s.”
“Are you sleeping with my friend, J?” Kie voiced out. That made everything click in John B’s and Pope’s mind. 
“Holy shit, you got a girlfriend?” John B asked. He was surprised and shocked. JJ had always been a ladies’ man and never one to commit. 
“No way,” Pope whispered. 
JJ rubbed his hands over his face before putting his hands in his hair. “No, Kie. I’m not. But thanks for putting that image in my head and making me hard.”
The exasperated tone of his voice was enough to confirm that he was indeed not sleeping around with you. 
Kie gagged at what JJ had said while John B let out a boisterous laugh. 
“So what’s she like?” Pope asked. 
“I’ve told you about her thousands of times already! Did you ever listen?” Kie questioned. 
John B and Pope shared a blank look before muttering, “No, not really.”
It was JJ’s turn to laugh. Then he spoke, “She’s amazing, man. Y/N’s just easy to be with and she’s down to earth and easygoing and -- she’s perfect. Perfect for me at least.”
John B cooed. “Our little J is in love!!!!”
Pope laughed and began to poke at JJ’s side, teasing him about you. Kie joined in as well and noticed how red JJ’s cheeks were. He was blushing. 
When everyone calmed down, Kie asked, “You actually love her, don’t you?”
JJ could only nod. He really did. 
“Oh my God, shut up! You know burritos are better than tacos!” you shrieked at the blond in front of you. 
You were closing up the Wreck, about to head home with JJ. He had arrived in the early afternoon and had been making conversation with you. Obviously you both fell into your normal antics. Childish banter. 
“No way,” JJ laughed. He grabbed onto your hand and began to walk home with you. “I know for a fact that tacos are better. They are way more - I don’t know - fresh than burritos are.”
You looked down at your clasped hands and smiled. The past few weeks had been different compared to the first seven months of your relationship with JJ. He had been holding your hand and hugging you for longer than usual. And you absolutely loved it.
“How about we just agree to disagree for a change,” you offered to him, looking up into his baby blue eyes. 
He smiled back at you and gave in to what you had said. “Okay.”
You walked in silence for a while, turning down a small street on the Cut where your house was. Your hands were swinging between your bodies and you wondered whether he felt the same things you did for him. 
“What are we doing tonight?” he asked you. Normally you would always have a plan: a movie to watch or something to bake. JJ had always just followed along with whatever you wanted. 
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “We can do whatever you want to do.”
JJ smiled at this. All he wanted to do was lay in bed and hug you. So that was exactly what he did. After each of you had taken a shower and changed into something to sleep in, he pulled you into your bed and smiled at you. His arms went around your body and pulled you close to him. 
You felt the sudden urge to kiss him. But you didn’t act upon it. You only stared at him. 
He opened one of his eyes. “What are you doing?”
You sighed. You thought of what Kie had said to you earlier that week. He loves you, her voice rang in your head. I know he does, and I know you love him, too.
“I have a confession,” you began. “I really want to kiss you right now.”
JJ snapped his eyes open. “Oh.”
Silence floated around you only for a second before JJ spoke again. “Why don’t you?”
You stared at him blankly. “What?”
“Why don’t you kiss me?”
“Oh, um, I don’t know. I’m nervous, maybe?”
JJ laughed at the stressed tone of your voice. You were going to begin to rant soon, so JJ decided to prevent that from happening. He leaned forward and connected your lips for a moment. He began to pull back, but you wrapped your hands around his neck, bringing him back towards you. His lips were soft and gentle and sleepy. Your’s were too. 
When you broke apart the both of you smiled. 
“That wasn’t so bad, Maybank.”
JJ laughed and brought you to rest on his chest. “Don’t be so childish.”
You scoffed, offended. “I thought you loved my childishness.”
“I do,” JJ mumbled, drifting off. “I love all of you.”
You smiled softly, pressing one last little peck on JJ’s lips before laying down and dozing off. 
“I love all of you, too.”
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sckyie · 3 years
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word count: 2.5k
genre + warnings: enemies to lovers; coworkers, office love, alcohol mentioned, swearing
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: hi hi here’s my exchange gift for @coophi! happy holidays and stay safe, i hope you like what i wrote for you! [ this was apart of @/haikyuucreations secret santa ]
You put your forehead on the table groaning at the recent news. "You'll get'em next time, Y/n," your coworker rubbed your back. You sighed louder as you heard something being placed on your desk. You shift your face towards the corner of the surface to see a coffee cup with your name scribbled on the side.
You rolled your eyes and looked up to see the new lead, Kuroo, being congratulated by everyone. "That was supposed to be my promotion," You grumbled. You stared at the coffee up and walked over to Kuroo's desk. Leaving the filled cup, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Kuroo watched as you rejected his peace offering before leaving the office. He understood how you felt once you heard that you didn't get the promotion. Your papers were perfect, clients loved you both, but the one thing keeping you from getting the promotion was simple. Kuroo's numbers were much higher than yours and it crushed yours.
The thought of endless nights staying late to catch up became pointless. The effort in surpassing him wasn't necessary anymore. All your work, all your stressful nights, everything didn't matter to the manager and execs.
"Hmph," Kuroo seated himself and stared at your drink on his desk.
"Something wrong, Kuroo?" Your coworker peeked beside him.
"Oh nothing," He responds.
You return to your desk, side-eyeing your now superior. You took a deep breath before returning to your paperwork.
Numbers, numbers, numbers. You spent your shift calculating, writing, and fixing errors. The jumble of text on your screen began to hurt your brain for working so hard.
The day dreaded on as the anger in you fumed. It wasn't that you were mad for not getting the promotion. You were furious that out of all people it'd be Kuroo who got it. You despised his snarky, overly confident facade and his petty ways of trying to show you how great he was.
Finally, your shift comes to an end but so does Kuroo's. You two walk together to the elevators though you tried your hardest avoiding him. "Did I get your order wrong?" Kuroo smirked as he pressed the lobby button.
"I don't want your pity coffee," You muttered.
"It's not a pity coffee," He rebutted. "It was a hot chai latte."
"Haha," You mocked. "I don't even like chai."
"Then what do you like?" Kuroo smiled.
"Not you," You immediately walked out of the elevator, making your way to the parking lot.
"Tsk," He was the tiniest bit irritated by your tone but decided to try again tomorrow.
Papers, papers, papers. Endless papers for you to edit and write at home. It was torture but how else could you succeed in your career. Things were already shit with Kuroo trying to be friends with you. Nevertheless, you finished at least ten pages of reports for tomorrow's agenda.
Early morning, you arrived at the office before everyone like normal. Kuroo arrives with two coffees and a small brown bag. He walked over, placing the snack and cup on your desk without a word. He walks to his desk and begins his work without interacting.
You turn the cup to check what it was. "Café latte," You mouthed. You peeked in the small bag to see a blueberry muffin. Before you could return the drink, people began to file into the room. You rolled your eyes and sipped on the drink.
"Success," Kuroo thought to himself as he watched you snack and sip the offerings.
It became a daily thing for Kuroo to bring you drinks. Never the same one twice, but always a blueberry muffin. You gave in to his gesture and thanked him silently whenever he passed by.
Your favorite interaction however was his failed attempt in talking to you. "You come here often?" He asked as he placed your coffee on your desk.
"Considering I work here, yes," You say sarcastically.
"Wow I'm literally so stupid," Kuroo thought. Kuroo saw many opportunities to talk to you more but fell nervous every time. It was always hard for him to get close to someone new. His past relationships had left him hopeless for his own future. The toxicity from the past girls left him thinking he'd never be happy with someone. These past few years, he'd been focusing on himself.
Then you walked into his life. After being transferred to a new branch, you seemed different than any other girl he's met. Kuroo saw hope in you and believed that you could be the light of his love life. He admired your attention to detail, your determination, and well, your beauty. Kuroo saw all your greatest features yet he could never bring himself to tell you his admiration.
One day, you had already a shitty morning and didn't want to deal with anything at work. From annoying traffic to angry clients to the blisters from your heels, you wanted more than anything for the day to end.
A few upset clients later, your head began to pound and you excused yourself for an early break. Kuroo turned to see you sulk away, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.
"What's with Y/n?" He asks his desk neighbor.
"Oh, two of her clients weren't co-operating and it's getting her frustrated," She responded. "She's been having a bad day."
Kuroo looks at your desk curiously and noticed how you had removed your heels under your desk. "Be right back," Kuroo gets up from his desk and walked over to the shared kitchen area to grab some things.
You returned from your short break to be greeted with a small pile of things. Bandages for your blisters, medicine for your headache, water, and a cut-up apple. "Take it easy," You found a post-it on the water bottle. You looked at your screen to see your client queue cleared with everyone on the list as approved. Confused as ever, you make use of the mystery goods to tend to your needs.
"Attention everyone, tonight Ryu here is throwing a little work party at his apartment," Your manager announced. "It is a small goodbye party for him and congratulations to our new lead, Kuroo." You rolled your eyes at Kuroo's name and continued to snack on the apples.
Later that night, you arrived at Ryu's house, catching Kuroo's attention. "Woah," Your male coworker gasped at the sight of you. "Damn, how is she single."
"Hey calm down, Kuroo-san has a crush on her," Other teased.
"Fuck off and keep my love life out your mouth," Kuroo nudges his shoulder. Though they weren't wrong, you were stunning. Dressed to impress and you even put your hair down from your usual updo. Kuroo was left speechless, thus leaving him too anxious to tell you anything.
After one cheesy speech and a big congratulations, the drinking began. Kuroo began to get too into the moment, having one too many drinks. You, however, stayed sober the whole party. You snickered at the sight of your drunk colleagues.
Kuroo's cheeks were bright red and he walked funny. He made his way towards you and you couldn't help but laugh. This was his chance to confess. "I- I- want-" He hiccuped between words. Kuroo began to get lost in thought, forgetting he was drunk confessing. "I- want my- keys- I- need- need  to go- home."
"I don't think so," You snatch his keys from the key holder before he could. "Do you want me to take you home?" He nodded excessively as you rolled your eyes. You chat with Ryu shortly before taking Kuroo to your car.
"Kamikita Apartments," You say. You had asked Ryu as you saw no hope in getting anything out of Kuroo. He slowly fell asleep in your car as you drove through the lit city. "I hope you know, I'm only doing this because you're drunk. I still don't like you."
"Mhm," Kuroo says in his sleep. You giggled at his expression all the way to his apartment.
Kuroo rests his arm around your shoulder as you two made your way to the apartment. You unlock the door and Kuroo immediately walks to the bedroom. Once he realized you weren't behind him, he turns back. "Where'd you go?" He pouted.
"Nowhere," You followed into his room. "Where are your pajamas- Oh, here. Change while I get you water."
Kuroo obeys your order and seats himself as he waited for his water. To him, he had already confidently talked to you about how he felt. Yet in reality, he was too drunk to even comprehend the front of his shirt.
"Here," You notice the tag in the front of his shirt as he chugged the water. "Your shirt is backward."
"Help me?" He begged. You facepalm at his tone but agreed. It felt like you were taking care of a baby. Your cheeks flushed pink once you helped him take off his shirt. You stopped to admire his face as you adjusted the middle of his sleep shirt. His hands move to rest on your hips. "It's so cold. Thank you for helping me change. Oh, and Y/n?"
"Y-yes?" You stuttered at his large hands.
"I have something to tell you," His voice started to sound sleepy. "I love you." Your eyes widen and you couldn't show him your shy expression.
"Tell me that again when you're sober," You move his hands away from you. Making your way to the light switch, you looked at the sad Kuroo. "I'll sleep in the living room. Just- go to bed."
Thankfully you had a change of clothes in your trunk that you used to sleep in. You got ready for bed, chuckling at the sounds of Kuroo snoring next door to the bathroom.
You laid silently on the couch staring at the ceiling. Those three words, you never thought you'd hear them from him of all people. It'd been years since your last break up, so you'd always been so closed off when it came to men. After getting heartbroken, you didn't think another man could love you. Kuroo was no exception. Sure he was handsome but you were adamant about staying single for the longest.
The thought of Kuroo in your life lingered up until the morning. He had woken up before you and found himself with a pounding headache. He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. As he drank his water, he spit-sprayed the water out of his mouth when he spots you sleeping. He began to cough aggressively before collecting himself. "Wha- what is she doing here?!" He whispered.
You woke up to the sound of your dying colleague, rubbing your eyes to the bright room. Kuroo walked over to you as you sat up, pulling the blanket to your lap. "Good morning," You yawned. "How's the hangover?"
"What are you doing here?" Kuroo panicked.
"You were shit-faced. This was the one thing I could do for repaying you for the coffees," You say.
"Did I do- did I say anything stupid?" He hides his face in his hands.
"You told me something," You began to fiddle with your thumbs. "I don't know if you meant it or not, but you told me you loved me."
"I...did?" Kuroo slowly moves his hands to look at you. Your face was red and you were playing with your sleeves now.
"Well, did you mean it?" You ask. "If you didn't..."
Kuroo reached over and pulled your chin up with his index knuckle and thumb. "I meant it," He says. "I really did."
Your face grew warmer at his words. "Why?" You sighed. "I'm so mean to you."
"Because," Kuroo moves his hand away to stare at his lap. "I love your smile. I love the way you work. I love how determined you are. The way you sign your papers with a tiny heart. The way you laugh at the smallest things. And...I know you might hate my guts but ever since I saw you, I admired you. You make so many people smile and bring happiness to the room. I thought I'd been on your shit list but I'm glad you took care of me- See that's another thing, you put yourself after everyone else. That's why I gave you bandaids, buy you coffee, finished your quotas for you. I just think you deserve better than what you have right now. And I'm so impressed by you-"
You got annoyed by his rambling and decided to grab his cheeks. You interrupted his words by crashing your lips into his. "You literally talk so much," You pulled away. "Can I talk now?"
Kuroo was stunned at the fact that you just kissed him to shut him up. "You just- kissed-" You pressed your lips on his again to keep him quiet. He deepened the kiss before you could pull away. "You can talk." He smiled as he pulled away.
"Okay," You move from his face. "I wanted to say, you weren't on my shit list or whatever. I was upset I didn't get the promotion and I didn't like your attitude. But, getting to know you I learnt how different you really are. Especially when you’re drunk, it's funny. Besides that, I didn't know how you felt, I didn't notice all the things you've done for me."
Kuroo placed his palm on yours, carefully comparing the size of it to yours. "I didn't think I could fall in love with someone who didn't give me the time of day," He says. You moved your fingers to trace his.
"How are you so sure that you love me?" You laced your fingers with Kuroo's.
"That's the thing, I'm not sure," Kuroo looked down at his lap. "I did all those things just to make your days easier. I thought all the small gestures I did, wouldn't matter to you. That they were just tedious things that bothered you. To be honest, I'm afraid of letting someone into my heart. I was drunk when I told you and I meant it but I want to know for sure that I'm in love with you before anything."
"Do you want to find out?" You say softly.
"Only if you'd let me," Kuroo looked up to see you smiling at him. You nodded and leaned in for another kiss. "Man if only your kisses made this hangover go away."
You rolled your eyes and pressed your lips against his once more. The feeling of his hands move to your waist caused the heat in your face to return. Kuroo pulls you to straddle his lap as he deepened the kiss. Your hands rest on his shoulders while he rubbed your sides.
"I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world," He whispered as he pulled away.
"Do I still get morning coffee?" You giggled.
"And your blueberry muffin," Kuroo chuckled. You smiled before pecking his lips. You rest your head on the crook of his neck as he rubbed your back. "I won't disappoint you."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @just-a-siiimp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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themilky-way · 4 years
Connections {s.r}
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gif credit: nobravery on tumblr!
pairing: spencer reid x female! reader
summary: you work at the BAU and are best friends with everybody, except spencer. you think he just doesn’t like you until one day, he proves you wrong. 
warnings: just some minor hints of sadness, reader going through something, nothing major or specific. 
author’s note: ah yes I did miss writing and spencer reid has my heart entirely. stay safe guys! ALSO I’M BARELY ON SEASON 3 SO YA’LL BETTER NOT SPOIL ANYTHING ISTG LMAO
working in the BAU, your job was never boring. five months in had changed your outlook on almost anything and everything in your life, and had your mind now racing at what seemed like a million miles per minute. it was an exhilarating  experience, regardless of how crude the crime scene could be, and it was about time you came to terms with that. 
the BAU team was just as thrilled to have you with them as you were to join. nobody expected-or wanted- a new member, and were ready to reject your application when they finally met you for the interview. however, after you demonstrated to everyone that you could profile a serial killer based on only the amount of blood at the scene and position of the victim, everyone basically wanted to give you the “welcome tour” of the headquarters. 
after you finally got an opportunity to get used to the layout of the job and your training ended, the team always looked forward to your “good morning” notes on their desk. being an early bird, you got there before everyone so you could get ahead on your reports, and always left small notes of encouragement on the person’s desk. it was a small and sweet gesture, and very much needed for the severity of the job. 
“seriously, this girl must be doing some type of hypnosis or something to everybody here. why is it that every time I see her, I just wanna hug her, huh?”
“not hypnosis, morgan. just plain ol’ appreciation,” jj said. they were huddled around his desk as they all read a note that said: “always keep your head up, champ. we appreciate the work you do around here :)”
by then, he was the last of the bunch to read his card. however, he didn't have a gold star attached to it, which meant he wasn’t the “agent of the day” as you liked to phrase it. derek flipped the sticky note over and attempted to find it, but stopped when he realized he wasn’t it. 
“wait, guys, so if I didn’t get a star, who did?” morgan asked, clearly puzzled. garcia shook her head and pouted, jj simply put a thumbs down, and prentiss muttered a “nope.” everyone knew hotch didn’t get it, because they figured he would call you in privately to thank you. everyone turned to look at you work in the conference room through the window. you were scribbling something on the whiteboard and had papers scattered everywhere on the table, unaware of the team’s puzzled expressions. at that moment, spencer walked through the double glass doors of the bureau and headed over to his desk as he normally would. as he did so, he found the team huddled together and looking at something, and when he followed their gaze he knew what this was about.
in truth, spencer never really cared for having a friendship with you. he looked at you as a coworker and just that, and developing a platonic relationship with you just wasn't anywhere in his mind. he did enjoy the words of encouragement and motivation every morning, though, and no matter how many phases of denial he went through, he looked for it as soon as he reached his desk. 
“hey, guys, wanna hear something I discovered about dolphins last night?” spencer teased as he made his way over to morgan’s desk. nobody turned their heads from your direction, and it wasn't until reid mentioned your note that everyone stopped profiling you and turned their attention to him.
“you guys wanna hear-yeah that’s what I thought-wanna hear my note (y/n) left me?” he held up the sticky note and everyone nodded eagerly. he turned the note so he was able to read it, and began. “ ‘the world is smart, but you’re smarter. have a great day, reid!’ how cool is this!” he smiled and at that point so did everyone, when they realized that the note still had more to it. 
“oh my god, reid! you got the gold star! congratulations sunshine,” garcia pointed out as she gave him a light punch on the shoulder. spencer’s mind started bouncing back and forth between thoughts when he looked at the tiny gold sticker below your comment. did this mean anything? should he mention it? 
the answer to that was yes, he should, but was he going to? probably not. pats on the back were given as the team got up from morgan’s desk and headed to their own when hotch came out of his office and told everyone to meet in the conference room in five to look over a new case. reid, as he walked back to his pile of reports, looked at you working on your own. he never really thought of you as a friend, and didn't want to for that matter. but the longer he looked at you he started to realize that maybe befriending you wouldn't be so horrible. as everyone entered the room and gave you a hug or cheery greeting, spencer opted to sit at the other end of you. but one thing was for sure: his smile was the brightest one in the room. 
the next few weeks went by quickly, and included a variety of new “agents’ of the day.” after reid, there was morgan, who practically wanted to kiss you after that. emily followed, who was beginning to turn into one of your closest friends. jj and garcia came next, and soon the four of you founded a girl’s night out every weekend. 
however, them being the best profilers in the entire bureau, they noticed that the notes progressively stopped. the team realized something was off with you, and they noticed that your demeanor was different. you began to come later than you usually did, at one point even later than derek. your hairstyle changed to a messier bun, your desk was worse than reid’s, and no more cute notes were seen for almost two weeks. 
“something’s wrong, you guys. she’s been here for months and she’s never once frowned or even forgot to put the cap back on her pen,” emily said, packing her files in her briefcase. jj nodded her head, “yeah I know, and I want to ask but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I mean, what if we’re reading too much into it?”
“reading into it? jj, we profile murderers who we’ve never even met, I’m pretty sure (y/n)’s going through something,” morgan stated, standing up from his chair and pushing it in adequately.
“we know one thing: when she’s ready to vent, we’ll be here. in the meantime, we should go home and get some rest. we fly out to oregon tomorrow,” hotch said. everyone agreed, and they stood up and gathered their belongings and headed for the exit door. they waved and said their goodbye’s to you, who was seated at the other end of the room. 
you were the only one left at the bureau, and you were more tired than usual due to your lack of sleep recently. you closed your eyes, took a couple of deep breaths, and began to massage your temples with your pointer fingers. it’s been tough for you, taking care of your grandparents ever since they came to live with you. arguments with your mother always lead to the same thing: leaving. you loved them, and you adored having family with you, especially in a job like the one you had. but you had to sacrifice your sleep and wellbeing in order for them to be safe. 
you were so concentrated in your thoughts that you didn’t hear footsteps coming down the stairs, moving towards your direction, and finally coming to a complete stop next to your desk. it wasn't until a soft voice broke you from your thoughts, or more so from your nap at that point. 
you lifted your head rapidly, and looked up to find the source of the voice, and when you did, you managed to slur, “reid, what the hell, I, uh, thought I was the only one left.
“no, I was just catching up on my reports and was about to go home. by the looks of it, you should too.”
“alright, catch you in the morning, spence. I still gotta finish this case file,” you were looking at him now, and as you spoke you gave a tiny nod to your opened manila folder. “wait you’re staying later? do you know how dangerous it is for girls of your type to be out at these hours of the night? I read a study once that determined women who wandered at night suffered the most danger between the hours of 1 a.m. to 4 a.m.. I mean you don't want to put yourself-”
“I'm not gonna be long, dr. reid, I think I’ll be fine,” you cut him off mid fact. you returned to your paperwork and picked up your pen to write some notes on the margin, and when you looked back up a couple minutes later, you found reid staring at you, confusion clearly manifesting over his features. 
‘I suggest offering you a seat, sir. that way you can look at me in distress as long as you like,” you let yourself chuckle a little bit, and even though it made spencer want to laugh too, he restrained himself and asked you what had troubled him for weeks now. 
“(y/n), what’s going on? you’re not the same since garcia got the last morning note from you. seriously, I-I’m here to help you.”
dropping your pen, you swiveled your chair so you were in his direction and looked up at him to answer him. “in all honesty, and by no means full offense, I don’t think you care what’s going on with me.”
in his mind, reid was going nuts, and his silence? not helping very much. all he could do was look down at you with a shocked expression and his mouth opened and closed before he finally rebutted your statement.
“(y/n), I’m sorry I made it seem that way. I really am and the truth is I didn’t really care for your notes at first until I stopped receiving them.” he crouched down now to level with your height on the chair, a hand laying on his knee and the other on the ground for balance. 
“I didn’t really care for a friend, until I realized I wanted your friendship. I never even thanked you for giving me the privilege of being ‘agent of the day.’”
you realized he meant it, and it wasn’t some cheesy reponse you were so used to getting. he felt it, and you began to realize you could also trust him even a little.
“thanks, reid. sorry for lashing out too, it’s just things haven’t been so easy back home. do you mind?” 
“of course not. I’m all ears, (y/n).” you nodded and thanked him, standing up from your chair and kneeling down to ultimately sit down criss cross on the ground. he did the same as you, and his attention was fully yours.
you told him everything that had happened; the fights with your mom, your grandparents moving in, your lack of sleep and how you felt. you vented to him about almost everything in your life and he listened like his life depended on it. at the end, you were crying a little no matter how hard you tried not to. amidst everything, he had pulled you into an awkward sort of hug, considering your position and the fact he doesn't give much physical affection to people. nonetheless, he gave you the comfort you needed and you valued it. 
he pulled away suddenly, and lifted himself off the ground a little to get his phone from his pocket. he asked you to get yours, and you did so by reaching over to the top of your desk. the both of you exchanged phones and he wrote his rather rapidly, you still trying to think about your own area code by the time he was finished. 
you exchanged phones again, and when you grabbed yours from his hand, he held on to it as well. before he let go, he looked down at the ground and then landed on your hand on the phone. 
“you can call me whenever you want. even if you don’t have a reason too.”
his eyes flicked up to your semi-red eyes, and he smiled softly. you did as well, and he felt small butterflies forming in his tummy when you did. spencer reid didn’t care for affection, nor for personal connections with anyone. but perhaps you were beginning to turn into the only exception. 
and he didn't really mind it at all. 
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 16: Sit Rep
Characters: Captain Logan “Sy” Syverson, various other original supporting/secondary characters (This includes Sy’s Army Buddies of varying rank as follows: Kevin Kaufmann, Nate Banning, Chad Randall, Matt Styles, Jake Ryburn, and Travis Hodges. I apologize if I’ve mixed up their names anywhere. I just gave them last names and sometimes rank so they could be called something other than their first names for sake of variety! lol!)
Summary: Sy meets up with his Army buddies and they are eager to help.
Romance and Smut Abound HERE!
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Language, firearms, implication of abuse and violence
Author’s Note: Guys, we are getting closer! Our couple will be back together soon! I can’t wait and I know most of you feel the same! I hope the strike team members aren’t too muddled and confusing. If they are, I’m very open to your feedback and suggestions on how to clarify and improve! Thank you to everyone, long time readers, and new fans picked up along the way! I cherish you all, and would never have gotten this far in the story if it wasn’t for each and every one of you! I hope you enjoy the 16th chapter (18th installment…remember when I thought this would just be a few chapters of fluff with a smutty conclusion? Lol!) of The treatment of Captain Syverson.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. This is an original work by me, Hannah. Please reblog if you wish to share. Please do not repost either in whole or part, as the work of anyone but myself. Thanks so much for reading!
@onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee @bloodyinspiredfuck @agniavateira @oddsnendsfanfics @omgkatinka @thisismysecretthirstblog @speakerforthedead0 @tumblnewby  @suavechops @radkesgirl83 @wheretheriversrunintothesea @heartfelt-pen @auds24  @geekycanuck @lunarstarknight @wilma-g  @coldmuffinbanditshoe @feralrunaway  @sugarpenchant @bichibibi @mzchievous-blog
If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Sy sat in his truck in the parking lot of Cade's. He couldn't help but think about the last time he was here. The altercations with Elliott, both inside the bar and outside, the friendships he'd started to build with the other fellas in Shane's work group, the simple way Shane pulled off the elegance of minimalism with her wardrobe and makeup, the ride home…and the night of lovemaking that followed. He had made a mistake. He shouldn't have agreed to come tonight. He was gonna leave. His right hand reached for the keys in the ignition, a firm grip ready to set the engine roaring again, when he was startled by a rap at his window.
Tap-tappa-tap-tap his friend Kevin had just rhythmically knocked with one knuckle on the window. He was smiling and waving exuberantly, like a puppy whose master had just come home.
Sy's scowl softened into a sheepish grin and he knocked back tap-tap.  
Kevin waited near Sy's front fender while he got out of his truck.
"How ya doin' Kevin?" he greeted his old friend warmly.
"Alright, I s'pose! You?"
"Oh…I'm makin' it, I guess. What are you up to these days? Still workin' at the plant?" Kevin had worked for the 3M factory over in Lebanon, Missouri since his last tour. Sy knew if he just got him talking about his life, Sy wouldn't have to give him details about his own, which he was going to avoid like the plague, if he could tonight.
"Yup, I actually just got a promotion. I'm a line manager now." And Sy could barely congratulate him before he started delving into the details as the two men walked into Cade's.
It was already busy, even for a Friday night. But the rest of the guys had already claimed a table between the dart boards and the pool tables, and were working on a couple of pitchers of beer. The two were welcomed warmly and only slightly teased about walking in together.
With the group finally assembled, they began taking turns giving report on their lives. It began with Kevin, who, having already begun with Sy, continued with a brief recap for the others. Sy exhaled with relief when Matt, who was seated on the other side of Kevin piped up to speak next, having recently proposed to his long time girlfriend. They were going to get to him last, if at all. He listened as well as he could as he battled the troubled thoughts in his head by bombarding them with beer. Unbeknownst to him, his friend Nate, who'd organized the gathering, had been observing his behavior with curiosity, and a measure of concern. He didn't let Jake finish talking about his latest dalliance into what they were all sure was a pyramid scheme disguised as direct sales. Even though Jake insisted it was not.
"Well, I'm curious as to why Sy's been so tight-lipped all evening. What's on your mind, Captain?"
"Nothin' Nate. Just enjoying a few beers with old friends." Sy lied, not convincing anyone at the table, least of all Nate, who had been one of his closest friends while they were stationed together.
"If I wanted to hear bullshit, I'd have let Jake keep talking about the Duraplex scam."
"It's not a scam, guys, it's real supplements for busy people!" Jake defended.
"Can it, Hodges. We aren't buying it, and we aren't signing up to sell it, either." Nate focused again on Sy. "Come on, man. You told me on the phone you had a lot going on. What is it? Female troubles?" He snickered, as did the other guys.
Sy looked into his glass, through the foam and into the honey liquid below it with a rueful grin. "In a sense."
He took a huge drink of the beer, five gulps, nearly emptying it, fortifying himself to speak.
"My girlfriend is missing." Everyone froze in position as they processed this.
Half a dozen questions hit his ears at once. Which he could have handled if he hadn't had almost a full pitcher by himself.
He shut them down, and began to tell them the story of how he met Shane and their sort of whirlwind romance. He paused for a moment to pour himself another beer.
"Never heard you talk about a woman like that, Sy." His friend Chad piped up.
"Never felt this way before, man. She's…she's the one."
"You said she was missing, though?" Nate asked, brow furrowed in concern.
Sy continued, talking about their argument, reconciliation, and then his leaving for training, ending his briefing with the phone call he got from Shane's boss.
"That's fucked up, man." Matt said. "What are you gonna do about it?" His worry seemed genuine, as well, as if he was putting himself in Sy's shoes. Sy assumed because he had been in love with Tonya, his now fiancé since they were in high school, even though she didn't come around on him until he came home on leave one holiday weekend.
"I've already gone to the police with my statement and an idea for a prime suspect."
"You think she was kidnapped?" Brad Randall, who was a Sergeant for the Rolla Police Department, inquired.
"I personally have no doubts that she was kidnapped, and I am a hun'ert percent certain it was her shithead ex."
"And you don't think she's just…ghosted you?" Brad prompted. The thought put a painful tightness in Sy's chest, but it passed quickly. He knew she wouldn't do that. And not just to him.
"No way, man. She left her phone. She didn't tell work. She didn't even tell her parents. Shane takes her phone with her from room to room. She's glued to it. She'd never do that to her coworkers, who are practically family, and she'd certainly tell her parents if she was going to leave town for any amount of time. It's just…not her. I know her."
"And who's this ex? What's his deal? Why is he on the short list of suspects?"
"He IS the list, Brad. He was abusive when they were together. And a cheater. And a liar. And he tried to jump me right outside just a few weeks back. Ask Candace. She was behind the bar when he started getting in Shane's face up there. And I'd bet she saw what happened out in the parking lot, too." He gestured to the sporty blonde bartender with a high ponytail and a Cardinal's jersey when he mentioned her, and then pointed toward the windows looking out onto the dozen or more vehicles parked outside.
"Can we do anything?" Kevin asked, clamping a hand on Sy's shoulder.
"Nothin'. But I appreciate the offer, brother." And he returned the contact with a clap to the other man's shoulder.
Nate and Brad exchanged pointed looks, and Nate countered Sy's rejection.
"I wouldn't say THAT, Sy."
"What do you mean?" Sy looked at Nate as if he was pedaling snake oil…or Jake's supplements.
"I think…that we CAN do something. To help you find Shane."
"We all have military experience, and some of us have connections that could be very useful." Added Brad. "I'm on the Force. I can handle getting intel on the guy."
"I'm in to help with transpo." Matt Styles raised his hand to offer up the vehicles in his transportation service, Rydes with Styles. Sy hated when words were misspelled for the sake of gimmicks…but he had to give Matt credit for that one.
"And Travis and I still work at the base. We can arrange gear." Jake added as Travis nodded.
"And whatever else you need, I'm in too." Kevin concluded.
"No way, guys. You can't stick your necks out for me like that. I won't have it."
"Sy…You know I talked to Lopez after that last mission the two of you were on?" Travis met Sy's eye as he spoke. "He said you had your team carry out Kominski's body. And that you took on most of, and then all of his bodyweight, just so Freeman could cover everyone. Said you were hurt, yourself, but helped him, carried him, to your extraction point. Up several flights of stairs."
Sy had no response other than a blank stare. It seemed to say all it needed to, because Travis continued.
"Lopez is alive and the Kominski girls got to say a proper goodbye to David. Plus, that mission WAS a success because you got the target. I know it's still classified, but…I think we all know the significance of what you did by leading that mission. You didn't leave a man, living or dead, behind."
"And we aren't gonna let your girl get left behind, either. We're gonna take that sonofabitch out. Because what do we do?" Nate declared, ending with the call Sy had always used at the end of his mission briefs.
The whole table, including a reluctant Sy, recited “We embrace the darkness and the suffering.”
“And why do we do it?” Nate continued.
“So that our fellow man is free to live in peace." Sy looked around the table at all of these men he had served with, fought with, watched comrades fall with, and fought against tyranny with. He thought most of them could have come up with their own story about his role in their military time, but the mission Travis was talking about outlined what he figured was the most significant sacrifice he had ever made for a teammate.
"Well…I guess we need to come up with a plan, then." Sy smiled and finished off the beer in his glass before laying it out for the others.
Sy had given them all missions tailored to their own strengths and connections. Brad would gather all the info he could on Elliott. Matt would reserve vehicles. Jake and Travis would procure tactical gear for the team, and Nate…Nate would provide weapons. Pistols and blades. Ammo. Holsters. Even flash grenades and smoke bombs.
Cade's was too public to talk about their plans, so Sy told everyone to rendezvous at his house the very next afternoon. They sat around the patio table on his back deck while they waited for everyone to arrive. Jake was late.
"Well, I guess 'direct sales' waits for no man, and we can't wait for Ryburn anymore. Styles, report?" Sy commenced the meeting.
"I have three Suburbans that are only a couple years old. They're black, discreet, and all glass is tinted within an inch of it's life. Even the license plate covers. I'll make sure they're fueled and ready." Matt stated.
"Aces. Richardson?" Travis spoke up next.
"Yeah, Jake had to go in for a late shift last night after we met, but I talked to him. He's gonna get vests for everyone, eyewear, comms, the whole works. All rated for Black Ops. He told me a bit ago he was following up on a lead and was hoping it would pan out. Said he had a hunch." Travis shrugged, not certain what his friend was up to, but not that concerned.
"Sounds good. Randall?"
"I made up some dossiers for everyone that includes everything I could find on Thomas. He doesn't have a ton of priors. Mostly drunk and disorderly's that were thrown out, because he got the right representation and the wrong judge. He must have someone backing him, because I have no job on file for him. No employer has run a background on him in ten years. Last known address is from six years ago, when he filed a change of address from an apartment in the Cottage Hills complex to…407 Oak Street."
"That's Shane's address." Sy interjected. "He must not have changed it since she kicked him out."
"It seems so. But it's so weird. I don't see any credit cards, online orders, not even a Netflix account on the guy. He's totally fallen off the grid since Shane. I did get into some social media accounts, but he hasn't posted to anything in the last 18 months."
"Yeah, he was posting hot and heavy about this girl, Kara Hutch. 37. Lives over in Waynesville. But his last Facebook status just says, 'What a waste.' and 'feeling betrayed' and that was in February of last year."
"Hmm, do you think--" Sy was interrupted by the unexpectedly loud and abrupt sound of his front door flying open and Aika, with them on the deck, barking like they were about to be murdered. She was ready to kill whatever came through next. The men, all of them battle hardened veterans sporting conceal and carry permits, were out of their seats and in defensive stances in a fraction of a second. Aiming at an unseen enemy. A figure approached in the shadow of Sy's kitchen, arms raised and slowing as it saw several barrels aimed for its head and chest.
"Woah, woah, woah, guys it's me! It's Jake! Stand down!"
"Are you FUCKING INSANE, Corporal!?" Sy asked, reverting to Captain mode. "You just snuck up on and burst in on a group of soldiers. Do you comprehend how close you came to looking more like Swiss Cheese than a man, Ryburn?!" Sy scolded, fire in him rising, but more out of an angry concern for the friend they nearly shot.
"Sorry, sir, err, Sy. I was focused on getting here for my report." Jake said, out of breath.
"Travis already told us about the gear, Ryburn. You didn't need to bust in like that." Nate berated.
"Oh, guys. What I've got is way better than night vision devices. I might have an address for our guy."
"How in seven hells did YOU get an address?" Brad exclaimed, pride wounded as intel was his task.
"I know, dude, that was on you, but…I overheard a conversation when I was doing some work on equipment in the Air Traffic Control tower."
"What could you have possibly overheard in ATC?" Sy was incredulous.
"Do you want me to tell you, or would you like to keep screaming at me?"
Sy called Aika off and let Jake onto the deck, but the German Shepherd was still eyeing the corporal with marked skepticism.
"So I kept hearing this controller talking to the other girl at her station. She kept talking about her boyfriend…whose name was Elliott." Eyebrows went up all around the table. "Yeah, and he fit the description in every way. Physical appearance, textbook narcissism, the works. I went to the personnel office when I got done with the service call and told the attendant that the girl had helped me with my gear and I wanted to send her an email to thank her. She gave me a contact sheet on Sasha King. I looked her up on my lunchbreak, and found some photos of her with a guy I think might be Elliott." Jake showed Sy an image he'd saved to his phone. "Is this him?"
"Yup, that's the guy." Sy's blood was boiling again at the smiles on the couple's faces. He didn't deserve happiness. He didn't deserve a pretty girlfriend. He should die alone, starving for the love he deprived others. "You say you got an address?"
"Yeah, the gal in personnel printed me a full demo sheet. The only thing we don't have is a social." Sy noted the redacted 9-digit code in one corner of the document Jake had handed him. He read out loud. 3502 Highway D. St. Robert, MO.
"You boys feel up to a little recon tonight?" They all nodded, excitedly, patting Jake on the back, and high fiving him in congratulations on the invaluable find. Even Brad commended him on his detective skills and told him he'd have a job on the Force with him if he ever wanted a change. The corporal almost blushed.
The men went back into the house and through the front door to the driveway where they were all parked.
"Jake, you brought all the gear, too?"
"Sure did, Sy. There's vests, belts, NVDs and helmets to mount. There's plenty for everyone." Jake opened the back of his Jeep as if it were a buffet of delicious tactical equipment. Sy found among the gear a large case and opened it out of curiosity. A sound amplifier with headphones. That was going with him, as it appeared there was only one.
"I'll outfit everyone with guns and ammo later. But here are some tac knives, and three of each diversionary devices for each member of the team." Nate passed out packs with the blades, smoke grenades, and flash bombs.
"Okay, rendezvous at Matt's shop at 1800. We'll go over some procedures for the evening and get set up with the rest of our weaponry then. Okay?" General nods of ascent and "mmhmms" in confirmation of the plan came from the men. Sy continued, "Maybe get some rest between now and then. I don't know how long this is going to take."
Sy got to Matt's a little early. 1730. Nate showed up about ten minutes later and pulled in next to Sy, leaving the rear doors accessible to arm the team. The men got out of their vehicles and began double checking Nate's inventory.
"Nervous?" Nate said after exchanging the usual pleasantries.
"I didn't think I was. But just now, I got to thinking about what that…monster is doing to the love of my life. What he's putting her through, if he's even let her live. What are we going to come across when we get to this place?"
"You can't think like that. She's not Schrödinger's cat. You have to be positive here. This mission depends on your strength as a leader. You're gonna do great. And Shane is gonna be fine. We all will. Have a little faith, man." Nate patted Sy on the back in encouragement. Sy appreciated it. But he thought he might have to compartmentalize, instead. Think of this as just another mission. Forget that Shane was involved. Even if it wasn't healthy, it might at least be helpful.
Matt arrived soon after and waved at the two men as he pulled in on the other side of Nate. He got out and greeted his friends, all of them shooting the breeze and enfolding the others into the conversation as they got there. Kevin was the last to arrive, just before 1800, when the briefing commenced.
"So," Sy began, more timidly than was his usual way. "First, guys, I wanna say, I appreciate y'all so much for doing this. For putting in the time and the resources to help me and Shane. I owe y'all more than I can repay, but that doesn't mean I won't try. Within reason." He grinned and his friends chuckled.
"Now, we've got the comms set up. We'll be in each other's ears, so we can report in real time. I've looked up an aerial view of the farm on Google Earth, and there should be good cover for surveillance with the sound equipment and NVDs. I'll take point, Nate, you and Matt are with me. Kevin, you and Brad will flank the property on the left, Travis and Jake are going right. I'm hoping this will just be recon, but if I get wind of something I don't like, I may call for the strike. You guys will report anything you think looks fishy, and I will make that call with the intel I'm given. Now. When and if I make that call, we're gonna aim for disorientation and soft incapacitation. If you don't have to kill, don't. I don't know how much help this bastard has, but I know it would have taken several to take down Shane. It's not that I think any of them deserve to be spared, but…I don't want us to break up any families. We don't need the weight on our already heavy souls." War had changed them all, and Sy didn't want to make any more widows. "We good?"
Nods of approval from the men made Sy think he was looking at a military bobble head collection. He stifled a smile.
"Alright, lets get armed and ready, then Matt can take us to our chariots."
They were all mostly suited up, black or dark colors were the general uniform. They were ready for whatever might happen. As Nate handed out guns and ammo, the men examined their clips, loaded their guns, and put them in their holsters until needed…they hoped they wouldn't be.
When they were all set, they followed Matt to the huge garage he kept his fleet in.
Although, "garage" didn't quite do the building justice. It was actually an airplane hangar that Matt got for a good price when the local airline went under. He'd made a loft in it with a ramp so there was extra room for smaller vehicles like his town cars. The limos, SUVs, and the stretch Hummer were on the lower level. He had a separate space outside for the two party busses and the RV, protected from the elements by large carports.
Matt went to grab keys from the lock box as the men gathered near the Suburbans. Sy was getting angsty. Moment of truth was here.
"Okay," Matt jingled two sets of keys in his hands. "Who's driving?"
Kevin deferred to Brad without contest, but Jake and Travis were bickering over the question between them.
"Grow up or get married already." Sy chided. "Jake, you got the good intel for us yesterday. You drive."
Travis was mildly crestfallen, but Jake was stoked and he caught the keyring Matt tossed him.
"You wanna drive, Captain?" Matt offered Sy the last set of keys.
"No, Matt. You're driving our group. I'll take shotgun though."
And the seven men got into the vehicles as if they were mounting horses, headed into the sunset.
Over the comms on the way, Sy addressed the team. "Okay, there's a large outbuilding near the road, guys. Pull off the driveway and park behind that structure. Hopefully they'll hide the vehicles from the main house. Bravo and Charlie teams, you let Alpha team get in place before you take your positions."
"Roger that, Captain." Kevin said in the headset.
"We copy." Travis answered for himself and Jake.
The first phase of the mission went perfectly. Sy, Nate, and Matt were in position, and Sy had set up the sound amplifier, aiming it at the house, headphones on. When the other teams were in position, Matt reported to Sy, since he was getting feedback using the earpiece and the headphones for the amp at the same time.
"Bravo and Charlie teams are in place, Captain."
"Great. Sit Rep?"
"All's quiet so far. Wait. Headlights coming up the drive." Each team tried to make themselves as small and low as possible so as not to draw attention to their presence. Sy had been getting nothing but crime show drivel from the TV in the house since he got here.
A petite but curvy brunette got out of the white Honda Civic and stomped into the house.
"Hey babe." Elliott's unmistakable voice rang in Sy's ear. And he was filled to bursting with rage all over again.
"What the fuck, Elliott? I've been trying to call you for hours! What the hell have you been doing?"
"Oh, I was charging my phone in the bedroom. What's going on?"
"That Captain Syverson your little pet was banging? I found out today that he's back in town. Has been for a few days."
"Shit. Shit!!! SHIT!!!"
"Yeah, so…if he isn't already, it won't be long before he starts trying to find her."
"But…how could he? Even if he thought it was me, I have no official ties to this place, or even you!"
"You know what I mean."
"Whatever, but I'd get rid of her ASAP. This guy is NOT someone you wanna piss off, Elliott."
"I'll bring the guys in. We'll take care of it. Tonight."
Sy cussed in a loud whisper. He wanted to rip Elliott apart with his bare hands. Nate asked him what was wrong, but Sy held up a hand for him to remain quiet because he heard the scumbag inside on the phone.
"Yeah, it's me. Listen, change of plans, we need to do this tonight. Get everyone out here. Yes, immediately. There's a…potential complication. We need to take care of her before it becomes more. Yeah, she's weak, but I'm still gonna wait until you guys get here. She's still got some fight in her. She about took Jackson's eye out yesterday when he was  down there. He's got some wicked scratches on his face. I think he made her regret it, though." Elliott laughed with evil mirth. Sy was furious. He reckoned God Himself might have a time pulling him off that degenerate before he made him unrecognizable as a human man. Once he started punching him, he might not be able to stop.
When Elliott signed off, Sy pulled the earphones down onto his neck. He looked at Matt and Nate.
"He's planning something with Shane and has called in reinforcements. It sounds like he means to take her somewhere else, and it didn't sound like it was gonna be pretty. I think we need to go in now."
"Shit. Okay." Matt responded. Sy put his earpiece in and called on the rest of the team.
"Bravo and Charlie, do you copy?"
"Bravo copies." Kevin reported back.
"Charlie copies. Go ahead, Alpha." Travis cleared.
"Listen, boys. We need to go in, and we need to make it quick. Here’s the situation. We have one male and one female assailant inside the domicile, and an undetermined number of additional combatants en route to reinforce the enemy's line. We have one target. A female prisoner, presumably in the basement, given verbiage used in the communication I intercepted. Alpha team will make our priority extraction. Bravo, you will subdue the male assailant and then maintain sentry position on the lookout for more unfriendlies. Charlie team, you will clear the second level of the house and subdue the female combatant. She is a soldier, so proceed with extreme caution. Once the area is secure, drivers, go and retrieve the vehicles. We are gonna need to get out of here quick, or else things might go tits up. I'm concerned we'll lose the advantage of numbers if we wait too long. Are we clear?"
"Copy that, Alpha leader."
"Roger. On your count, cap."
Sy took a deep breath. Thought to himself "Shane. I'm on my way, baby!" He saw red, then. And called for the charge, out of the darkness, and into the farmhouse. To an uncertain outcome.
Up Next: Chapter 17-Gait Training
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akimagies · 4 years
Double Dates are Fun, Right?: Luke Alvez
Luke Alvez x F!Reader
WARNINGS: cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of driving while under the influence (i do not condone this! and even if you had only one drink please uber home or have a sober friend drive you home do not get behind the wheel)
SUMMERY: Kristy Simmons younger sister has had the worst love life know to man. So why not set her up with her husband’s best friend to see if the two hit it off.
A/N: so i had this idea pop into my head while i was stuck at work and now it’s almost 5 a.m. and i’m posting this! but please let me know if you want a part two cause i love this one so much!
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The team had recently just returned from a case in New York which had involved an unsub who was kidnapping middle aged men and keeping them for about three days at a time, playing out a scenario with the middle aged men as if they were their father, and killing them at the end of it. All Matt wanted to do when he got back was lay down in his bed with his wife and get some rest before having to go back to work in the morning to finish up some reports. What he had expected when he came home was rowdy children running all around the house, while Kristy chased after them, trying to get them ready for bed. Yet, when he walked into the house, he was met with silence and the faint laughing coming from the kitchen. Matt took off his boots and left them by the front door before heading into the kitchen to see who was in the kitchen with his wife. To his surprise, he was met to the sight of Kristy and her younger sister, Y/N, and Kristy sitting at the kitchen table, with a bottle of wine opened. “Well, isn’t this is a pleasant surprise.” Matt said smiling as he took a seat next to his wife at the kitchen table. “So, why are you two drinking wine this time?” he asked, knowing that the two sisters only broke open a bottle of rosé when they wanted to gossip or rant to one another. 
“One of the other teachers set Y/N up on a blind date, and it didn’t go as well as the woman told her it would.” Kristy said as she took a sip of her wine. 
“My coworker told me that this guy was supposed to be ‘such a nice guy’ and that he had ‘a great sense of humor and was great to talk to’.” Y/N said before taking a large sip of her wine shaking her head. Watching her take the large gulp was a sign that this date definitely did not go well. “He was a complete asshole, with a stick up his ass. Oh, and that sense of humor was definitely not there tonight, he was probably one of the worst human beings on this earth to even try to have a conversation with.” she said to her brother-in-law shaking his head. 
“I told her that it was just one bad date and there were other guys out there that are better for her.” Kristy told her husband before shaking her head. “But she keeps telling me that she’s done with it all.” 
“So, what, you're done with blind dates that your coworkers set you on?” Matt asked the younger woman before standing up and walking towards the fridge to grab a beer for himself.      
“Not just the blind dates, the dating apps, and maybe even dating in general. Maybe I was just meant to be the young, hip, single aunt that I am now. Then, later in life, a lonely spinstress, who’s only kid is her dog.” Y/N said smiling as she looked over at the two.        
“Come on, I told you from the start it wasn’t a good idea, none of them actually know you that well to actually set you up on date with someone compatible with you.” Kristy said to her younger sister. An idea popped into her head as she looked at her sister smiling. “What if Matt set you up with one his friends at work? And instead of just going on some one on one blonde date, why don’t we go on a double date? We could get a babysitter to watch the kids, and I mean Matt and I do need a night away from the kids, so it could be fun!” Kristy suggested as Y/N gave her a skeptical look. “Come on, it is definitely not going to be as bad as this past one. Plus, if you can’t find something to talk about with the guy, at least you will have Matt or I to start a conversation to make it less awkward.” Kristy told her sister as she watched the gears start turn in her head.      
“Fine, but this is the last and only time I allow anyone to put their hands on my love life again.” Y/N said before checking the time to see what time it was, and finally realizing how late it actually was. “Alright, it’s getting late, and I should probably go home before Molly chews through the door to get outside.” As she stood up, Y/N looked over at Matt. “And Matt, you better choose a nice guy.” She said before she started to head to the front door.      
“Alright, I’ll try to pick some good for you. Do you want me to call you a cab to get you back home?” Matt asked Y/N as he watched her walk away.      
“No, I should be good. I only had one glass of wine.” She said before hearing her sister correct her saying that she had two glasses of wine. “Hey! I don’t need a fed knowing that I had two glasses of wine.” Y/N called back laughing before opening the door. “Goodnight you two!” Y/N called out before shutting the front door behind her.      
Once Matt heard the door close, he turned back to his wife shaking his head as he looked at her. “Who the hell do you expect me to set her up with?” Matt asked his wife laughing.      
“I thought, maybe you could set her up with Luke.” Kristy said as she looked at her husband smiling, yet her husband didn’t share the same smile as her. “Come on. You know Luke the best out of your team, so it’s not going to take a lot of convincing for him to agree. We could even just go to the bar and have a few drinks.” Kristy suggested to her husband.     
“Fine, I’ll ask Luke when I go into work tomorrow if he would be up for it. But, don’t get your hopes up in case he says no.” Matt said before standing up. “Alright, let’s go to bed before the kids decide to wake back up.” He told his wife chuckling.
  ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾ 
 Matt had walked into the office hoping that Luke would say yes to his proposal. He didn’t want to upset either of the sisters, knowing that Y/N would interpret if he rejected her before even meeting her as she should definitely take that as a sign that she was meant to be alone for the rest of her life. Once Matt walked through the glass doors of the bullpen, he saw Luke sitting at his desk, working on some paperwork. Matt took a deep breath before walking over to Luke’s desk smiling at the man. “Hey, so do you have any plans this weekend?” Matt asked his friend as he leaned against his desk. 
Luke looked up at his friend, before leaning back in his chair. “I was probably going to go on a hike with Roxy this weekend, but that was it, why? Do you want to school me in another round of basketball?” Luke asked him, laughing as he shook his head. The last time Luke had played Matt in basketball, Matt had destroyed him, and he definitely did not want to be embarrassed again by the man defeating him again. 
“No, I thought you would maybe want to go out for a few rounds of drinks on Friday after work.” Matt told him. 
“Oh, is the whole team going? Cause I really do not want to have deal with a drunk Garcia again after she drinks too many margaritas.” Luke told the man laughing. 
“Oh no, it wouldn’t be with the team.” Matt said before watching Luke’s face turn confused at the man’s words. Matt was really trying to put off the question of asking Luke to go on a double date with him. 
“You want to go out drinking when you could be home with Kristy and the kids?” It wasn’t really like Matt to go out and drink when he could be spending time with his wife and kids. Especially, since it was never guaranteed that they would have the weekend off. 
“Well, Kristy would be coming with us.” Matt said, which made Luke even more confused. 
“So, you want me to third wheel and Kristy and your date to the bar. I think I’ll pass dude.” Luke said laughing as he turned back to his computer shaking his head. He had no idea why Matt would think that Luke would just want to tag along with him and his wife to a bar on a Friday night. 
“Well, you wouldn’t be third wheeling.” Matt said before letting out a sigh as he shook his head. “Kristy thought it would be a good idea to set you up with her younger sister. It would be a double date type of situation.” Matt said to his friend as he watched his friends face unwind from the confusion that was once on it. “Listen, even if you two don’t it off, you aren’t going to be sitting at home, bored on a Friday night. I’ll even pick up the tab, so all the drinks will be free.” He was really trying now to butter Luke up to say yes to coming to the bar. 
The laugh that erupted out of Luke, which concerned Matt thinking that Luke thought this whole thing was a joke. “Dude, you didn’t have to go that far. I was going to say okay after you suggested the idea. I thought that I should start putting myself out there again after the break-up between Lisa and I.” Luke told his friend laughing as he shook his head. “But I’m definitely going to keep you up on the offer of still paying for those drinks.”  Luke told his friend laughing before he turned back around to work on his paperwork. 
Matt just shook his head as he let out a low laugh before sitting down at his desk. Matt knew that he was in for it Friday night, and just hoped that the tab wasn’t going to be ungodly high. 
When Friday came around, Luke had met Matt at the bar a little earlier than the time they all decided to meet at, just so they could garb a table before it got packed at O’Keefe’s. “So, Kristy really thinks her sister and I are gonna hit it off?” Luke asked Matt as he took a sip of his beer as he looked over at his friend. 
Matt shrugged his shoulders in response. “I have to sat, her friends that she has set up on dates all are still with the guys, so we’ll see how this goes.” Matt said to his friend smiling.
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 Y/N laughed as she drove both herself and her sister to the bar that the four were meeting at. “So, you really think that this guy from Matt’s work is going to be a good match for me?” Y/N asked her sister as she pulled into the parking lot of O’Keefe’s. 
“Yes, you’ve seen my match making skills in action. If you didn’t see the post on Facebook last week, Mike and Sandra just got engaged and they were my first couple I set up. So, I feel good about this Y/N.” Kristy told her sister as they exited the car and started to walk towards the entrance of O’Keefe’s. The bar was packed when the two of them entered, and Kristy soon started to scan the bar for her husband and his friend, soon finding the two talking at the table already. “See, there they are.” Kristy pointed out the two men sitting at one of the high-top tables. 
Y/N had not felt this nervous since high school when she first went on a date with the guy, she was talking to for a couple weeks. She was surprised that her sister still knew her type, since it never really changed over the years. “How the hell do you expect me to talk to that man without stuttering like a crazy person?” Y/N asked her sister, which only caused Kristy to just start laughing as they approached the table. 
Luke was looking down at his phone, checking his text to see that the dog sitter said that Roxy was doing fine when Matt hit his friends’ arm. “There’s Kristy and her sister.” Matt said nodding his head over in their direction. Luke had to admit that Kristy’s sister was definitely attractive in his eyes but looks didn’t really matter. He needed to get to know her first before he made any decision. 
“Y/N this is Luke, Luke this is Kristy’s younger sister Y/N.” Matt said introducing the two. The two shook hands saying that it was nice to meet each other as the women got settled in at the table. “What so funny that has you laughing?” Matt asked his wife as the two girls sat down at the table. 
“Oh, Y/N just told me a funny story. Y/N, why don’t you tell the guys what you just told me?” Kristy said, suggesting that her sister tell the two men one of her stories that she had. Y/N smiled over at her sister, already knowing the story that she was going to say. 
“Oh, I will, just promise you won’t spoil the end?” Y/N asked her sister as she watched her nod her head in approval. “So, I thought today when I walked into my classroom that it was going to be a smooth day.” She said before getting interrupted by Luke. 
“So, you’re a teacher, what grade do you teach?” Luke asked the woman that sat next to him. 
“Yeah, I teach kindergarten, and usually since it’s a Friday. The kids are calm since they finally are back in their swing of going to school. Yet, for some reason today I swear it was a full moon.” Y/N said laughing as she shook her head. “I have this one kid in my class that thinks it’s fun to bite the other kids. Well, there was this little girl that thought today after he bit her, that she should stand up to him.” She told the group. 
“Let me guess, she yelled at the little boy to tell him to stop?” Luke asked, thinking that the story was going to end that way. 
“Oh no. The little girl punched him in the nose, and I then had to deal with the little boy having bloody nose.” She said, which caused Luke and Matt to start bursting out laughing. “When I asked the little girl why she punched him, she told me that her dad taught her that if she was ever hurt to fight back. That then lead me to having to teach her that hands aren’t made for hitting. So now on Monday, I have to deal with a meeting with the parents of the little girl and the little boy.” Y/N said shaking her head. “So, my next question is, Matt what time are you available on Monday to discuss Chloe’s actions.” She said smiling as she took a sip of her beer, which only made Luke laugh harder as Matt’s face dropped. 
“She did not punch a kid.” Matt said sighing as he dropped his head shaking it at the thought of one of his twins punching another classmate because he bit her. 
“Oh yes she did.” Kristy sighed as she took a sip of her wine as she looked at her husband. 
Y/N’s phone soon buzzed as she pulled it out of her purse. “Sorry, my neighbor just wanted to let me know that she just stopped in to check on Molly.” Y/N said before putting her phone in her purse again. 
“Is Molly your daughter?” Luke asked as Y/N let out a laugh while shaking her head. 
“No, unless you count her as a fur baby.” She said smiling as she looked at Luke. “Molly is my dog, specifically a German Shorthaired Pointer.” Y/N told him as she sat back in her seat. “Do you have any pets?” she asked Luke, genuinely wanting to know.
“Yeah, I have a Belgian Malinois named Roxy, she’s my girl.” Luke told her smiling. “Every morning before I have to go in to work, I usually go on a run with her. She’s is definitely a ball of energy.” Luke told the girl chuckling. 
“I usually take Molly out after I get off of work. Usually on some of the trails that are near my apartment. But on the weekends, I usually go on some hiking trails with her.” Y/N told Luke smiling. 
The two soon forgot about the other couple even being there as they started to talk about their lives to each other and shared hobbies that the two of them had. Y/N laughed at the fact that Luke would burn almost any meal that he tried to make, and Luke couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that Y/N had in a hangover mess, wore two different shoes to work, and had a kid point it out before she even realized. Matt and Kristy had snuck out about an hour ago, since their sitter wasn’t going to stay all night watching the four kids just for them. 
Luke and Y/N soon left the bar once they heard the bartender say that it would be the last call for drinks. The two of them soon walked outside together. “I had a lot of fun tonight.” Luke told the woman who stood in front of him smiling. 
“So did I.” Y/N said as she looked up at the caramel skin man. “You know, I planned on taking Molly for a hike at Harpers Ferry national Historical Park tomorrow. Do you think Roxy and you would want to join us?” Y/N asked the man smiling. 
“We would love to join you guys.” Luke said smiling before grabbing her phone and texting his number, so the phone number was stored in her phone. “And now you have my number so we can text about what time to meet.” Luke said to her smiling as he handed her back her phone. 
“Well, I guess we’ll see you tomorrow than.” Y/N said smiling before she started to walk backwards to her car. “Goodnight Luke.” She said as a bright smile lit up her face. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” Luke said before turning around and waking back to his vehicle, and in that moment, Luke knew he was head over heels for her.
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
quick disclaimer before fic: this is not meant to excuse or absolve melanie and georgie of outing jon; what they did was wrong and they should not have done it. instead it is an... examination of a character who is Maybe working some things out but, due to Internalized Issues, is harshly rejecting it both for herself and other people. (i’m aware i wrote something with the exact same FUCKING premise back when i was in the sh*rl*ck fandom dear god don’t read that linked fic it is from a deeply shameful time of fandom i only linked it as proof i did the same thing before. almost like i’m still working through the same stuff via writing fanfiction. hm.) (further discussion on THAT in post-fic notes; i wanted to keep it under the cut for personal reasons.)
furthermore: warning for discussion of sex (but not explicit depictions of sex), characters experiencing aphobia both internalized and not, mention of sexism wrt jobs, characters outing other characters without their consent (more than once, and more than just jon), and mention of consensual but unwanted sex (as in, consent was given, but the consenter did not enjoy it, and consented due to expectations).
- - -
It starts with: “I don’t, I, I usually can’t—Lately. I mean. Lately I can’t.” Melanie shuts her eyes so she won’t have to see Georgie, her hand on the sheets, judgment questions in her eyes. “Since I got—shot. It’s more difficult, is all.”
“You can still try,” she says, the words falling too fast, too panicked. “If you want, sometimes other people—and it’s fine! I’m always, it’s fine to try. Sometimes I do. I just might not. You know.”
“You might not orgasm,” Georgie finishes for her. It’s hard to tell how she’s feeling about it—until her fingers brush Melanie’s chin, turning her face up.
Reluctantly, Melanie opens her eyes, and then she’s glad she did. Because Georgie’s smiling, not a mocking smile, gentle. And they said this was just, just casual, just between friends (there’s too much going on with ghosts and the Institute and Georgie’s ex sleeping on her couch when he isn’t being kidnapped for it to be more than that), but Melanie’s glad Georgie is smiling.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Georgie says. She’s sitting up now, not lying almost-not-quite between Melanie’s legs anymore. She looks gorgeous, naked and cross-legged on that horrible mattress with a microfiber sheet wrapped around her shoulders, and Melanie wants to curl up in the sheet with her and eat the leftover pizza from earlier and fall asleep together with grease on their hands.
No. Focus. “It’s okay,” Georgie says again, gentler. “If you can’t right now. If you don’t want to. You certainly gave me a lovely orgasm—”
“—or three—”
“—yes, thank you, and if you’d rather just call it there, I’m not pushing it. As long as you enjoyed yourself.” She frowns, suddenly, glancing down at Melanie’s hands. “You… did enjoy yourself? I hope we didn’t—”
“I did!” She always does, when it’s other people coming, when she gets to be touching warm skin and watching someone fall apart. It’s… nice. “It’s just, you know. I got shot.”
(And isn’t that a convenient excuse, she sneers in her own head, and it sounds like Toni refusing to come back to the team, it sounds like the most sarcastic videos about her breakdown, it sounds like Elias. Isn’t it convenient that now you can blame your little problem on blood flow, or nerve endings, or stress. Never mind that you didn’t have those excuses a year ago. Or two years. Or back when you had a real girlfriend, and you always said yes but she got tired before—)
Georgie tucks a strand of hair behind Melanie’s ear. “Okay, good. If we, you know, try this again sometime? If you’re feeling better? Then I can try.” She stops, licks her lips, watches Melanie’s expression. “Or I can… not try, if you’d still prefer that. Later. You know. If.”
“I’m not—” And she’s rushing again, always rushing, she doesn’t even know if she and Georgie will ever—
“No, I know! It’s fine! But like—Look, this isn’t exactly new for me, you know? If that’s something you want. Something you don’t want. Or I, I’m saying it’s not a problem, if you do or don’t want me to make you come in the future, or even if you don’t want to have sex at all, I mean, when we were dating Jon didn’t—”
That’s where Georgie stops, as if talking about Jon is too much, as if she hasn’t been speaking Melanie’s secret insecurities out loud in bed like it’s something they can talk about, as if all of this hasn’t already been too much and too terrifying already.
Melanie stands up, grabs the comforter as a makeshift cloak (because Georgie has the sheet, and suddenly she isn’t sure she wants to share the sheet with her). “Right.”
“I’m just—I have a friend. Who you might talk to, if you wanted to talk about this.”
She steps away from the bed, towards the door. “Sure. Pizza? I’m hungry.”
The problem is, Melanie doesn’t much like Jon. He was such a dick about the Youtube thing, and about her statement, and about Sasha. And even though she knows (sort of) that part of it hadn’t been his fault, she still isn’t going to talk over her disinterest in sex with him. It’s mortifying. Even if he wasn’t her boss. And Georgie’s ex. And currently out of the Archives, anyway.
But she wants to talk to somebody, about Georgie’s words running around and around and around her head, about the sheer panic mixing with almost-relief and then the visceral no no no churning low in her stomach that had made it a struggle just to choke down her pizza. She wants to ask someone is this normal, am I allowed, is it even enough to be halfway to ‘not at all’ or should I just suck it up. She wants to talk that out desperately.
It’s just… she doesn’t have many friends left, after her whole fall from Youtube ghost hunter grace. She’s not going to ask Georgie about it, any more than Jon, although for pretty much the opposite reason. Who’s left? Her shiny new coworkers? Tim, who seethes and hates everything and everyone in the Archives? Martin, who’s still upset that Jon so much as spoke to her while he was on the run? Basira?
When Melanie met Sasha—the real Sasha, the one apparently no one but her even remembers—she’d been the only woman in the Archives. And Melanie had chatted with her about haunted pubs, and maximizing SEO, and how to talk to people who’d seen a white dog while they were drunk and thought it was a ghost. And about their jobs, of course, which led to both of them scoffing about the sexist bullshit of academia and how someone like Sasha could be just an assistant and the only woman on her team.
And then Elias hired Melanie to replace… the thing that replaced Sasha. Hired another woman to replace the only woman. You learn to see patterns from the kind of person who might say diversity the same way as toilet plunger: something necessary, but distasteful. Melanie was filling a role he needed filled, and she could live with that.
And then Basira.
Who wasn’t there because she wanted to be, of course, but was still there. Was still another woman in the boy’s club of terror they’d apparently signed on for. Could maybe, maybe, be someone Melanie could connect with. Someone she could talk to.
“Do you know if he and Jon ever…?”
“No clue, and not interested!” She’s laughing, about to just dismiss it out of hand, but… maybe. She can feel the questions she never asked Georgie, the words sharpening their claws on the edges of her mind. The no, not me, not allowed sinking in her gut.
“Although…” Make it light. Make it interesting. Make it about someone else. How to hook an audience without having a public breakdown and becoming a— “According to Georgie, Jon… doesn’t.”
It feels wrong as soon as she says it. Like she’s dirty. Like she’s lying. Like a thousand eyes are looking at her, watching her, waiting for more. Make it a story. Engage your audience. Like it’s 2013 in a convention hotel room and Pete just told everyone Don’t worry, Mel likes girls actually, and even though they were all fine about it that moment of sharpshock terror in her throat as they all looked—
“Like, at all?”
The one thing she never learned was how to stop talking. “Yeah.”
“Yeah, that does explain some stuff.”
And that’s… it, really. That does explain some stuff. Jon is a dick, has always been a dick, overfocused on work and not on other people, and that does explain some stuff. Right. Yes. Like her last girlfriend had told her, about all you do is work, I can’t even get you off. An explanation, just like she always knew it would be.
It doesn’t really matter. She has a boss to go kill.
“I think,” she says, slow, like every word is being dragged out of her, “that I might not like. Sex. As much as, you know, people do.”
“You’re a person,” her therapist says, firm, and she has to bite back a sarcastic laugh.
“Right. ‘Course.”
- - -
post-fic notes: i myself personally have previously identified as: heteroromantic gray-ace, heteroromantic ace, aroace, aro gray-ace, aro bi, bi, arospec bi, aro bi again, and aro bi but sex ambivalent. part of that has been natural progression and change; part of that was bcos some people i considered friends got very into aphobic discourse, and i internalized a lot of what they said. in recent months i have been examining my sex ambivalence (sometimes repulsion) and considering what that means about whether or not i am on the ace spectrum. i’m still thinking about these things. i’m still, deep down inside, afraid of the aphobic people i respected and cared about hearing about this.
in part i wrote this to work through some of My Own Shit regarding this. in part i wrote this bcos i will get my grubby little aspec hands (bcos regardless of anything else, i am aspec, whether that’s ace or aro) on every character i can. yes, even the ones who did an objectively shitty thing to jon, the one canonical ace character. bcos sometimes people (like me) internalize things and make mistakes.
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bi-bard · 3 years
Do You Ever Stop to Think About Me?- Emily Prentiss Imagine (Criminal Minds)
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Title: Do You Ever Stop to Think About Me?
Pairing: Emily Prentiss X Reader
Song Drawn: Dorothea
Word Count: 1,687 words
Warning(s): Mentions of feeling abandoned, broken promises
Summary: Memories were strange things. Some feel like they’re forgotten in seconds, others seem to last a lifetime. When the source of (Y/n)’s longest lasting memories rolls back into their small town, how will they react?
Author’s Note: I got halfway through this and realized that I basically wrote some very weird version of the first season of You... oh well. Please consider supporting my Ko-fi account. It would mean a lot to me. If I know there are people interested in it, I’ll get the monthly donation part set up. 
Buy me a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/khoward0
If you want to know more about my Taylor Swift writing challenge, click here!
“It appears that the FBI has just arrived on the scene of the latest crime-”
I popped my head into the living room when I heard the news. I had been trying to keep up with the latest string of murders in my town. Not only had they been a strange occurrence in a town as small as ours, but they were also incredibly graphic... at least that’s what the news was saying.
My heart felt like it stopped when I saw who got out of the car. Emily Prentiss. I’d be damned. I hadn’t seen her in years. Some of us moved from city to city... or country to country while others stayed in the same town their whole life. She threw a quick “no comment” at the reporter’s question and walked into the house with some of her coworkers.
“Wow,” I mumbled before checking the time. “Oh, shit.”
I had work that day. A librarian in a small town wasn’t the best gig in the world but it paid fine and I got to be surrounded by things I loved. 
I was sitting at the front desk, checking on which books were overdue and which ones had just been checked back in.
“Excuse me,” I looked up to see Emily and two men standing there.
“Emily,” I said, furrowing my eyebrows. “Emily Prentiss... I don’t know if you remember me. I’m (Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
“(Y/n),” she repeated, smiling at me. “I remember you, I promise.”
I stood up, walking around the desk and hugging her. 
“This is Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid,” she introduced. I shook Morgan’s hand and waved back at Dr. Reid. 
“What can I help you guys with,” I asked. 
“We were wondering if you’d seen anything odd here recently,” Agent Morgan explained. “Maybe a man coming here a lot suddenly. Maybe you’ve talked to him. Probably close to your age, awkward, most likely white.”
“I can’t think of anything,” I said, biting my lip as I tried to think. “We don’t have many regulars and when we do they tend to stick to themselves.”
“Did you know any of the victims,” Dr. Reid asked. 
I shook my head, “Not personally. Some of them would come in here every now and then but I tend to be a bit of a fly on the wall when no one needs my help.”
“Here,” Emily handed me a card with her number on it. “Keep your eyes open, call me- I mean- us if you see anything.”
“Do you have security cameras,” I looked back over at Reid and nodded. “Can we take a look at them?”
I nodded, stepping back behind my desk so I could hand him a key, “This will get you into the room. It’s in the back right corner. Door says ‘Security,’ you can’t miss it. We have backlogs for a week so I don’t know how much you can get off of it.”
“Thank you,” Reid and Morgan walked off. 
“Emily,” I said, touching her arm. “Am I in danger?”
“I... I don’t know.”
“The other victims look like you, the library is the center of the hunting ground. Yes, I’m worried about you. Keep your eyes open. Don’t go somewhere private with someone you don’t know. Just... please be safe.”
“I’ll try,” I nodded. Emily was about to walk away. “Hey... I don’t know how long you’re going to be in town after this but... if you’re able... do you want to go out for drinks? Catch up?”
She grinned at me, “That sounds really nice.”
“Okay,” I chuckled awkwardly before grabbing a spare piece of paper, quickly scribbling my number down before handing it to her. “If I can help you guys anymore, let me know.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “I’ll see you later.”
I nodded. She walked back towards where her coworkers had gone earlier. I sat down at my desk, trying to stop blushing before going back to work. I spent about twenty more minutes working before I saw Dr. Reid walk out quickly while talking on the phone. 
Agent Morgan walked over and handed me the key, “Thank you for your help.”
“You’re welcome,” I replied. Emily waved at me as she and Agent Morgan left. 
I had stood up to go put some books on the desks. It was slower today than usual but it gave me more time to get my work done. I only left the desk because the library was empty. I popped my head out from behind a shelf when I heard the door open and close. I saw a man standing by the desk.
“Can I help you,” I asked, walking over to the desk. 
“Hey,” he said, waving at me. 
“Hi,” I chuckled. “Can I help you?”
I was caught off guard by the man jumping at me and holding a knife to my neck. I stuttered over some words, scared out of my mind.
“Come on,” he pulled me closer. “We have a date tonight.”
--Time Skip--
“Listen, just let me go, and we can talk about this,” I said, trying to not cry in front of him. 
“This is the only way,” he replied as he finished tying me to the chair. “This is the only way for us to be together. All those girls. The ones who wanted to take your place.”
“Don’t you remember,” he asked. “You always were so kind to me. Whenever I came in, Mondays and Fridays-”
“The Fantasy section,” I mumbled.
Agent Morgan said that he would awkward but this man was as casual and confident as a man his age. I saw him each week. I gave him a wave as I did with everyone. How did that turn into him think I loved him?
“I’m so happy that you remember,” he cupped the side of my face. I noticed the knife in his other hand. “I love you.”
I knew very well that it would’ve been very bad for me to reject him. Knives were scary.
“I love you too,” I replied shakily. He smiled, tilting his head at me. 
I was terrified. I didn’t know how long I was going to have to do this or if I was going to be able to. I tried to force a smile at him.
I shouted when the door was kicked open. Agent Morgan and Emily walked in with their guns drawn. The man stood behind me, knife by my throat. 
“Hey, hey, put the knife,” Emily said. “You love (Y/n), right?”
“Yes and you won’t come between us,” he shouted. 
“But killing them would,” she reasoned. 
“Please,” I begged quietly. “If you love me, you’ll listen to them.”
“I’ll never get to see you again if I’m dead,” I continued. “Please. For me.”
I let out a sigh as he moved the knife away from me. Agent Morgan stepped forward, handcuffing him after the knife clattered on the ground. The man watched me with a smile as he was led out. Emily walked over and started untying me.
“So... how about that drink,” I tried to joke.
“You’re being funny,” she asked. “You just had a knife to your throat.”
“I must be trying to avoid it by using humor as a coping mechanism,” I said, rubbing, now untied, wrists. “That’s a thing, right?”
“I don’t know about immediately after,” she replied, finishing untying my ankle. “Can you stand up?”
“Yeah,” I nodded, standing up. Emily supported me even though I was standing. “So... that drink?”
“My god,” she laughed as we walked. “Get cleared by the medics and I’ll go for that drink tonight... if I can clear it with my boss.”
“Deal,” I said. 
Emily passed me over to the medics with a grin before walking over to talk to some man in a suit and scowl that looked like it hadn’t moved in years. The medics checked on me quickly. I wasn’t too concerned. I hadn’t actually been hit but I could see why they needed to check on me. Emily walked back over just as they were wrapping up. 
“Good news,” she said. “My boss has encouraged me to go. Is (Y/n) going to be alright to go?”
“Should be alright, everything looks normal and they aren’t describing any pain,” the EMT nodded. I stood up and thanked them. 
“I know this lovely restaurant,” I started rambling. Emily just smiled and nodded.
--Time Skip--
We both thanked the waitress as we handed back the menus. I looked at her and grinned.
“I should thank you for saving me,” I said, trying to break the awkward silence between us. 
“It’s my job,” she shrugged. I raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re welcome.”
I chuckled at her, shaking my head for a moment. Another moment of silence took over the conversation. I looked down at the table.
“Can I ask you something,” I tilted my head at her. She nodded. “Did you ever think about me after you left?”
“Of course I did,” she replied. “You were one of my best friends ever. You made yourself very hard to forget.”
“Oh,” I chuckled. “I never forgot you either... you were... gosh... a little more than a best friend.”
“Emily, we made out, you were my first kiss, you took me out on a date,” I said. “You don’t remember?”
“I do but I didn’t think about how much you’d hold onto that... we never really talked about it.”
“I haven’t left this town in years, not much else to think about,” I chuckled. “I guess I was scared that you had gone off, found cooler friends, forgotten about me... and I was just here. Stuck. Waiting for someone to make me feel the same way you did.”
“I didn’t forget about you,” she replied. “You have my number now... maybe we could keep in touch when I leave. I’d love to show you around D.C.”
“I’d like that,” I grinned, blushing a bit. 
Emily waltzing back into my life may have been one of the best things to ever happen to me.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
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folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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aizawaorkuroo · 4 years
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on the house (chapter 4) - black coffee
Ship: Yagi Toshinori x reader
Rated: Explicit [18+]
Word Count: 6.5k
Summary: After weeks of dancing around it, Toshinori asks you out.
Warnings: Language, smut, overstimulation, oral sex (both M and F receiving) Size kink (kinda), some nasty hard cold brew, Reader has a vagina
AN: Once again, this blog is 18+!! also, this is the longest chapter i’ve written and uhh over half of it is smut so im nervous grewfwsd 
OTH Masterlist
Clear, blue skies hang above Musutafu, a promise of the approaching summer. The birds chirp pleasantly, and the sun weaves its way through leaves that hang onto branches. Normally, you would’ve been happy to update the chalkboard sign that sits outside Sweet Bean. But today the warmth and the people wondering blissfully about appear to be mocking you.
You hadn’t seen Toshinori since he had walked you home from the police station. Since you had invited him to go upstairs to your apartment with you. A painful heat overtakes your blood, and you wince. Had you been too forward? And while he may have chosen to go home, you still thought he was at least interested. Or that he would at least stop by the cafe.
Aiko wisely doesn’t mention the broken piece of chalk your holding when you walk behind the counter. She does send Suga a knowing look, one that you pretend to not see. You spend the next hour fumbling through orders and dropping stirring spoons and espresso cups. It’s only after you burn yourself on the espresso maker that Aiko pulls you into the back, and glares at you with her hands on her hips.
“Y/N. What’s up with you?” You flush under her gaze, looking anywhere but her eyes. It’s embarrassing - no, mortifying - that you got rejected by someone you both knew. And he still plagues your mind. If you didn’t tell Aiko, at least a shred of dignity would remain.
“And don’t you dare tell me nothing’s wrong,” she chimes. “I know something’s up.” Her gaze softens, and she reaches out to gently grab your arm. “You can tell me anything, y’know?”
Your resolve crumbles immediately. The words tumble out of your mouth; the entire time your stomach feels like it’s doing flips. You’re expecting a laugh or a sympathetic pat, but when you glance up, Aiko’s giving you an incredulous look. Her mouth opens, before closing. You squirm as she makes up her mind about what to say. You’re not really sure when Aiko’s opinion became so important, but it feels like her next words will decide your future.
“You are an idiot.”
You freeze. That was not what you had been expecting. Not even in the slightest. But what did she mean? Should you have not invited him up? Was it wrong to get a crush on a customer? One who knew a lot of regulars? Aiko lifts a finger, stopping your brain from falling off the deep end.
“He clearly likes you,” her voice rings out. “It was obvious when I met him, and based on what you said, there’s no way he doesn’t. You’re just overthinking.” You blink at her dumbly, trying to process. Of course it makes sense that you had spent too much time thinking about it. But how could you not?
“And if you’re worried about him not coming in recently. Well, people get busy. And he’s not a regular. Yet.” She offers you a wink, and you smile softly. Your friend’s words did little to ease the tumultuous waves in your stomach, but they were enough for now. Enough for you to focus.
When you return behind the bar, Suga gives you an uncomfortable nod and a thumbs up. You change your mind. This is still mortifying. Being friends with your coworkers is horrible. But by the time the bell rings, and you see a familiar face you feel lighter.
“Sato! Welcome back! How are you?” you call out. He smiles largely and waves excitedly at you.
“I’m pretty good! How’ve ya been?” You chuckle at his enthusiasm but wave for him to come browse the cakes Suga’s displayed. The two of you awe over the selection when the sound of someone clearing their throat brings you back to reality. Behind Sato are a group of girls that look like they’re from his class. You grin, feeling the weight disappearing from your shoulders.
“Sato, are you going to introduce me to your friends?” He flushes lightly at your question before rubbing the back of his neck.
“Right, these are some of my friends from school. Yaoyorozu, Asui, Uraraka, and Hagakure.” He gestures to each one, and an easy warmth settles over you as they offer polite waves. “I let them try some of the last cake I got from here, and they wanted to come.” You can’t stop the giggle that builds in your chest, before nodding your head.
“Of course, of course. Suga’s baked goods are legendary,” you say loudly enough for Suga to hear from the back. “We’ve also got plenty of drinks on and off the menu. Aiko, will you take their orders?” Aiko skips to the register before chattering away about specials, iced vs. hot, and different sizes. You wink at the girls before turning your attention back to Sato. “What are we thinking today?”
He sheepishly shifts on his feet, avoiding your eyes.
“I’m actually gonna have to wait until next time to get the full cake.” You purse your lips before holding your hand out. He flounders for a second before handing you his rewards card. Ah. He’s an item behind. You stamp his card twice, nod, and hand it back.
“Get whatever you want for you and your friends.” He looks at you blankly, before a large grin spreads across his face.
“Aw yeah! Thanks Ms. Y/N! You’re the best!” you shake your head, nose crinkling at his praise.
“I’m really not. Go grab a table, and I’ll bring your order to you.” He grins up at you before gesturing for his friends to follow him. Aiko turns to you, a small smirk gracing her face.
“That was sweet Y/N, but look alive. There are a few surprisingly complicated orders,” she muses. You nod before jumping into action. With your stress gone, the work is easy and familiar. When you drop off their drinks, they thank you excitedly, and you float back behind the counter.
After that, you’re in the zone. All your bumbling ends, and you’re so focused, that you don’t notice when another familiar face enters the Sweet Bean. You don’t notice as Aiko takes his order. It’s only when you turn around and he hunches down to smile at you that you notice.
You blink stupidly at Toshinori, a warmth rushing through you before you take a step back. The weight that had just been absolved doubles down on you. You stutter out a greeting before crossing your arms in mortification.
“Hi,” you murmur, trying to silence the chaotic butterflies within you. A sharp grin pulls at his features.
“I’ve been meaning to come by, but uh, I got a bit busy,” he says rather sheepishly. You can feel Aiko’s aggressive ‘I told you so’ stare on your back. You keep in a groan, knowing that she’ll hold this over you forever.
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassure him. “I uh, missed seeing you.” You squeeze your arms, the admission making you feel dizzy. Toshinori’s blushes deeply, and warmth pools within you.
“Oh, well.” He rubs the back of his head looking awkwardly at the counter before sheepishly making eye contact. “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner with me.” His gaze is soft, sending shivers up and down your spine. He looks down again. “If you want? Whenever you’re free?” You take a breath trying to center your thoughts.
“Well, I have work tomorrow night,” you respond. You furrow your brows, trying to think of a time you’re free, but Aiko buts in before you can.
“Oh, don’t worry. Suga and I will cover for you. You’re good tomorrow night.” Her smile is almost cruel, but you flush at her help. Suga’s head pokes out of the kitchen, and he nods in confirmation.
“Thanks guys. Aiko, aren’t you supposed to be getting to your night classes soon.” Her eyes widen, and she sets down Toshinori’s coffee before speeding off. You turn back to Toshinori, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Then, tomorrow night? Do you remember where I live? It’s unit 506.” He nods, a smirk tugging on his face.
“I can pick you up, at 7? Is that all right?”
You nod stupidly, unable to contain yourself any longer, a grin blossoming on your face. He backs up, heading towards the door while nodding at you, his face mirroring yours.
You press your lips together in a line to contain a giggle before you hold up his coffee, and a look of realization crosses his face. He steps forward to grab the cup, and you try not to flush too much as his fingers brush against yours.
“What’d you get?” you ask. You don’t mean to sound teasing, but sometimes, these things are out of your control. He flushes and avoids your gaze.
“A black coffee.” You nod and make a noise of approval.
“Sometimes, you wanna get straight to the point. I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turns bright red at your words, and you grin.
“Right. Tomorrow, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he mumbles.
He waves at you and backs up again, giving you one last nod before turning around. He passes by the group of students who are all watching with large eyes. They smile as he waves at them. He gives you one last lazy smile before the door closes behind him. Suga slings an arm around your shoulder letting out a small sigh.
“So are Aiko and I gonna get paid overtime?” You groan and lightly punch his stomach.
You flutter around your apartment, cleaning up mindlessly as you distract yourself. You still had thirty minutes to kill until Toshinori was supposed to get here. The butterflies that had started their flight in your stomach floated up and into your veins. You had been ready for an hour already. The night before, you had been so nervous that you picked out an outfit already. Which left you with too much free time now.
You had wanted to stay at Sweet Bean for a little while longer, but Aiko had refused, forcing you to leave. After making sure she knew Present Mic’s order, and that Suga was really okay with staying late, you went home. And now you’re counting down the minutes until it’s 7:00 PM.
You pace around your apartment, before landing in front of the mirror. You eye your reflection and clutch your phone tightly. In an instant, you nervously hit Aiko’s contact.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” Aiko cautiously asks.
“Aiko,” you hiss. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I can’t do this.” You scrutinize your skin, every flaw standing out.
“Y/N. I told you this already. He likes you!” she chirps. You sigh uncommittedly. “Remember, he asked you out. Not the other way around.” You hum at her words, her voice making you feel calmer. “Don’t worry! Enjoy your date. Suga and I have everything under control,” she says confidently. You hear a crash in the background and Aiko says her goodbyes and hangs up too fast for you to say anything. You stare blankly at your phone before shaking your head. Nothing you could do about that now.
When a soft knock finally resounds through the living room of your apartment, the butterflies you had just corralled take flight again. You jump to open the door, revealing a flustered Toshinori. He looks good, you think to yourself, letting your eyes trail up and down his form. He’s holding his suit jacket over his shoulder, a tie loosely hangs around his neck. His slacks match the dark color of his jacket.
His eyes run appreciatively up and down your figure, making the butterflies slip into your blood. He grins down at you, handing you a small bouquet of flowers that he’s holding with his other hand.
“You look beautiful. Got these for you.” You flush at the gesture and accept them, biting your lip.
“Thanks. You don’t look half bad yourself,” you say softly. “I’ll put these in water, and then we’ll be good to go.”
He patiently waits for you, and it’s not until you’re walking outside with him that you realize you don’t know where you’re going. Looking down at his hand, in a moment of bravery, you reach down and grab it. He smiles at you softly before lightly squeezing.
“Where are we going, Toshinori?” His grin sharpens, and he eyes you gently.
“Just a place I like going. Wanted to share it with you.” You flush but lean into his arm.
He ends up taking you to a small restaurant that’s tucked away in the corner of Musutafu. You’re seated in a booth across from him, and it all just feels fake. Toshinori is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful in ways that make your stomach flip.
When you ask him about the students you saw yesterday, he flushes and is clearly embarrassed, but it's obvious that he cares about them. He gets a soft faraway look in his eyes, one that melts your heart. He asks about Aiko and Suga, and your nose scrunches up at the thought of Aiko messing up Yamada’s weekly order.
You pick at your food, taking a few bites here and there. In all honesty, you’re too nervous to eat. All you can think about is how Toshinori’s hand is resting against yours on the table.
Everything is absolutely perfect. It feels too good to be true like at any second the air around you will collapse and you’ll wake up from this perfect dream.
When the bill comes, you make an attempt to pay, but the look he sends you has you backing down. There’s the promise of something more, something that sets your blood on fire, and makes your thoughts syrupy.
The walk back to your apartment is heavy. You know what you want. You’ve wanted it for a while. It’s just a matter of what he wants. So you end up back where you were, standing on the steps that lead up to your building. You lightly tug at his hair, and a smile forms on his face.
“Do you want to come up? For some coffee?” you murmur. He licks his lips, sending jolts to your core. He nods slowly, letting you pull him into your building. You fumble with your keys, trying to open the door, but all you can think about is how close Toshinori is. When you finally get the door open, you let him in and head straight for the fridge.
“I’ve got some uh, hard cold brew here. If you’re okay trying that. Make yourself at home,” you call over your shoulder. He nods before settling into the couch. You bring over the glasses, trying to ignore the way your hands are shaking. He accepts it graciously, taking a small sip. His face screws up, and you feel laughter bubble up in your chest.
“Yea, it kind of an acquired taste. Got it at a coffee convention. Sorry about that,” you apologize. He shakes his head, and sets his glass on the coffee table in front of him.
“It’s fine. A coffee convention?” he asks, his words dripping in humor. You flush and look away.
“Yes, a coffee convention. It’s a thing. But uh, maybe hard cold brew shouldn’t be a thing,” you reflect. He makes a noise in agreement, but his eyes soften.
“I didn’t mind it. I just think you mentioned something about getting straight to the point yesterday,” he murmurs. You still under his gaze, warmth sweeping through you. He slowly leans forward, head dipping down. His lips are centimeters from yours, but he stops, letting them ghost against yours. His breath fans against you, and you push forward, meeting his lips.
They’re warm and a bit chapped. But you don’t mind, not when his large hands are traveling up and down the planes of your body. They rest on your hips, softly kneading the flesh that’s there. You moan against him, and his tongue slips into your mouth.
In a moment of bravery, you swing a leg to straddle his lap. He grunts, and you pull away from his lips.
“Are you okay?” you ask, getting ready to get up. His hands hold your hips down, and he nods his head.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just an old accident.” You nod and caress the side of his face. He nuzzles into your hand and your thumb strokes his sharp cheekbone.
“Okay, just..let me know if I hurt you.” He grins before leaning to kiss you again. He wraps his arms around you and it’s like he’s everywhere, surrounding you on every side. Your hips stutter against him, and you try to stop the movement, not wanting to hurt him. He groans, and you come to the conclusion maybe you should get off him.
Right before you slide off of him, his large hands drag your core against him. Oh. Oh. Your face heats up as you realize the last noise he made wasn’t out of pain. You let him grind your hips down into him, and you move to pepper kisses all over his face.
He starts to harden under you, and you hide your face against him. A second wave of confidence has you upping the pace and grinding down into him. Another groan rumbles through his chest and into you.
Your movements slow, and he makes a pained noise. You pull away from him and rise on shaking legs. He looks at you, cocking his head to the side in confusion. You roll your eyes before grabbing his wrist and pulling at him.
“C’mon. There’s not a lotta space on the couch,” you complain. He laughs at that and follows you to your bedroom. The two of you are pulling at each other's clothes, creating a trail from the doorframe to your bed. You’re down to your underwear when you fall on the bed. Toshinori’s left in his boxers and his shirt, and he looks away from you, nervously grabbing onto the hem of the shirt. You can see bits of his scar peeking out from under his shirt, and your gaze softens.
“It’s okay,” you murmur. “You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to.” His intense eyes return to you, and they trail up and down your figure. You flush, embarrassed by his attention. While you meant it when you said he didn’t have to take off his shirt, a large part of you wishes he would. As if hearing his thoughts, he pulls his shirt off over his head, revealing his long torso.
You hold in the gasp that’s threatening to leave your lips. Long, angry lines radiate from a central point on his abdomen. They spiral out and mar a large portion of his skin. Your heart lurches, and he looks so tried/ You see the creases on his face deepen, the shadows increase, and the distance in his eyes. He carries a weight, that much you can see.
“If you don’t want to keep going that’s fine,” he mutters. You scoff at his words, reaching up to tug on the long strands that hang next to his face. He bends down at the motion, and you kiss him deeply, trying to pour all of your feelings into the action. When you pull away, his face is dusted with lovely red, and you can now see that it dips down onto the planes of his chest.
You pull him onto the bed, and he unceremoniously falls next to you. You kiss him again before pushing him on his back, letting his legs hand off the bed. You crawl onto the floor, placing yourself in between his legs. Propping himself up on his elbows, he scoots himself forward as you pull at his legs.
Once he’s at the edge of the bed, you reach up to pull off his boxers. His hips rise, letting you pull them down, and his cock spring free. You flush as it stands proudly in front of you. Toshinori’s beet red, but his mouth is open, letting out little pants. You smirk at him before spitting in your hand and tentatively wrapping it around his dick.
He makes the softest, smallest noise, and it goes right to your aching cunt. Your thumb swipes over the leaking head of his cock, and his hips buck ever so slightly. You grin, leaning up to press a chaste kiss to the underside of his length. He groans, and you start to pump him with your hands, letting your head nuzzle against his thigh.
When he looks down at you, he swears, the sight alone could make him cum: your face flushed against his thigh, looking at him so sweetly, while you jack him off. And then something in your eyes shifts and you lick his cock, from the bottom to the head. He lets out a choked moan, and you do it again before you try to take as much of him as you can in your mouth.
His hips barely thrust up again, but you get the message. Your head bobs delicately around his cock, while your hand pumps around the base. Part of you wonders if he’ll fit inside you, but you’ll think about that later. Right now, saliva and precum fall from your mouth to coat his dick. Normally you would’ve been grossed out, but seeing the blissful look on Toshinori’s face distracted you from the lewdness of the situation.
“You feel so good, sweet girl,” he keens. His praise goes straight to your throbbing core, and you squeeze your thighs together in a lame attempt to relieve some of the pressure.
His hips continue to buck underneath you, and you're positive he’s going to cum soon based on the way his abdomen is tense. To your surprise, his hands pull you away from his dick. You lean into his touch, thighs still squeezing together.
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask while trying to catch your breath. He lets out a small laugh and shakes his head.
“No, it felt too good.” He pulls you back on the bed, pressing a searing kiss to your lips. He pulls away, letting his large thumb stroke over your lips. You open your lips ever so slightly, letting him push it in. When you suck around it, he groans and drops his forehead to rest against yours.
“It felt too good, and I don’t wanna cum yet,” he mumbles. Your tongue swirls against his thumb, and you hum. He shakes his head in disbelief before pulling his thumb out of your mouth and pushing you against the bed. He peppers your neck with kisses while warm hands trail up and down your body before landing on your breasts. He squeezes them before lightly pinching your nipples.
“I really like your hands,” you murmur, feeling stupid after saying it. But a warm laugh resounds through the room.
“Well, I really like touching you.” As if to emphasize his point, he pulls at your nipples harshly.
Squirming against his touch, you run your fingers through his hair. His mouth trails down your body, pressing wet kisses everywhere he can. He licks a stripe between the valley of your breasts, making you flush. He tentatively runs his tongue over a nipple, and you stifle a moan. As if sensing your hesitation, he nips at the hardening bud, while a calloused hand continues to pinch and pluck at your other nipple.
Your grip tightens in his hair, and you lightly tug and you arch against him. You murmur his name, and his eyes delight in your flushed state. He switches to suck and nip at your other nipple, letting his fingers pinch the other one. Once he’s satisfied with how flustered you look, he continues on his path. When he reaches the edge of your underwear, you bite your lip nervously.
He kisses your hip reassuringly before he slides the fabric down your legs. His large hands lightly push apart your thighs, and he lets out a groan at your wet, exposed pussy. Embarrassed, your hands leave his hair to hide your face.
“Please don’t be shy.” He kisses the inside of your thigh, his large thumb reassuringly rubbing the skin there. “I’m honored to be here. It’s a privilege I don’t take lightly.”
You peek out behind your hands, thoughts feeling slow and sticky at his words. His gaze is soft and full of affection as he watches you pry your hands away from your face. Something warm and heavy settles deep in the hollow of your chest. Oh. Fuck. You would deal with that later.
You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him. When you let your legs widen, he grins and kisses your thigh again. Tentatively, he runs a calloused finger up and down your slit.
“So wet,” he whispers, hit breath fanning against you. You squeeze your eyes shut as he continues his gentle exploration.
His finger doesn’t stop, but his face nuzzles into the soft flesh of your thigh. “Please open your eyes. I want you to watch.” Your face heats up at his words, but you comply, forcing your eyes to open. A sharp grin graces his face, and he slides his finger up to your clit. You bite your lip in an effort to contain your moan, and he shakes his head again.
“I wanna hear those pretty sounds you make,” he murmurs into your skin. His finger traces delicate patterns on your clit, and a choked moan claws its way out of your throat. He hums in satisfaction, and your hands weave into his hair again.
His fingers trail down away from your clit to tease your dripping hole, and you groan. He presses in his finger slowly, marveling at the way your mouth falls open. He slowly pumps his finger into you, letting his thumb occasionally brush over your clit.
You gently buck your hips into his hand, small sighs leaving your mouth. It’s not nearly enough, but it ignites the need for more.
“Faster,” you moan. He smirks but compiles, pumping his finger faster, letting it curl inside you. You thrust your hips in time, trying to increase the delicious friction.
“Toshinori, more. Please.” You tug lightly at his hair, and he presses another kiss into your thigh. A second, thick finger joins the first, and you groan. His thumb lands on your clit with certainty now, and his fingers pump into you, opening you up. You grind into his hand, a terrifying ledge now in view.
“Do you think you can handle another one?” His question makes your pussy tighten around his fingers, and he grins as you nod in overeagerness. “Use your words,” he says. But your mind is slow like honey, so you just mumble the word ‘please’ until he slips a third, large finger in.
You groan at how full you are with just his fingers. They’re heavy and red hot inside you. His eyes flicker between your blissed-out face and your sopping pussy. His fingers hit just the right spot inside you, and your eyes widen in shock. He hits it again, and again, and again, and then you are catapulted over the edge that was apparently much closer than you thought.
You writhe against his hand, thighs shaking and trying to squeeze together. You tug harshly at his hair, but he doesn't stop. No, he doesn't stop until the white-hot coil is ready to snap again. You try to buck away from him, your cunt feeling oversensitive, but he is relentless. His thumb digs harshly into your clit, and you see white spots in your vision.
Your entire body tenses as you cum again. Your eyes screw shut, as your hips writhe violently, a loud moan leaving your throat against your will. You repeat his name like a chant, unable to say anything else. This would’ve been embarrassing except you felt so good you didn’t care.
He crawls up next to you, propping himself up on an arm. There’s an adoring look on his face as you try to catch your breath. A sense of exhaustion falls over you, but you frown when you realize he hasn’t cum yet.
One of his hands reaches out to caress the side of your face, and you lean into it. When you realize this was the hand that was just inside you, you flush before turning your head to suck at his fingers. He groans, watching as you suck away.
“Are you good to keep going? If you’re tired we can stop,” he mumbles, eyes entranced by your mouth. You release his fingers with a pop before kissing his palm.
“I want to keep going.” He grins at your words before sitting up. Your body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat already, but you mimic his action. His cock looks painfully erect, the head an angry red. He was big. You knew that when you had him in your mouth. Even after stretching you out with his fingers, you knew it would be tight. You reach out to stroke his cock tentatively, and he groans.
“It may be…” you start.
“It may be what?”
“It may be easier if I’m on top, at least for now. You’re really big.” Blush sweeps over his cheeks and dips down across his collar bones. You grin as his brow creases in thought.
“Maybe we shouldn’t-” his concerns are cut off by you rising to your knees and swinging a leg over, letting your pussy rest right against the tip of his dick. You lean forward to press a kiss to his red cheek, and you hold his face between your hands.
“Make no mistake, Toshinori. I want you inside me.” A deeper red blooms on his skin at your words, but his eyes are blown out, and he nods, letting his hands fall to your waist. Your hands leave his face to clutch at your shoulders, and you tentatively drop down.
The stretch of his cock makes your mouth open stupidly. Slowly, you rise up again and sink further down. Toshinori moans loudly, the vibrations traveling through you. He buries his face into your neck as you continue to spear yourself on his cock.
When he’s fully sheathed inside you, you still. He peppers kisses against your neck, your jaw, your face. You feel so blissfully full you almost don’t notice them. He’s everywhere, surrounding you on all sides, inside and out. He’s trembling, you can feel his muscles quaking underneath your fingers. Ever so slowly, you rise on your knees, keening at the way his cockhead drags against you. When you fall back down, his moan sets your blood on fire.
The pace you set isn’t terribly fast, but it feels good. Toshinori’s hands grip your waist tightly, and he looks at you in pure awe. You bounce on his dick, taking in every sound and expression he makes. He gently thrusts up to meet you, making you whine. Having him inside you was almost too much. The air is warm and thick, and so is your blood. Your movements start to feel clumsy, and you try to keep it up as long as you can, but your thighs are starting to burn, and your pace falters.
You tug at his hair and whine. His hands run up the sides of your body before reluctantly forcing you to still.
“Do you think you’re okay with me on top?” You nod at his question, too full and fucked to answer with words. Toshinori gently twists, letting your body hit the bed. Caging you in with his arms, he tentatively rocks into you.
You clench around him and whine. He litters your face with kisses again as he thrusts into you, increasing the pace once you settle. Your arms hang lazily around his neck, and you lift your hips to try and meet his thrusts. You’re so full, so content.
Toshinori shifts to let an arm slide in between you two. Two fingers gently tease your tired clit. He continues thrusting into you as the teasing becomes aggressive, his fingers rolling the sensitive nub.
“Toshinori, I’m close,” you whine. He nods, increasing his pace, trying to push you off the ledge again. When he pinches your poor clit, you tighten around him. Your body locks up, and you scream.
When you cum, you pull him down into you, trying to merge your souls. Everything’s golden and warm. He’s trembling against you as you writhe, and he barely pulls out in time to paint your stomach with his thick cum. Your pussy clenches around air, and it’s only then that you realize your quirk is making you literally glow.
You breathe deeply, trying to regain control, and your head falls against the pillow. Toshinori falls next to you, and he strokes your cheek adoringly. You’re overcome with a tsunami of different emotions. A warmth pricks at the back of your eyes, and to your horror, you can’t stop the tears that force their way out. A large thumb sweeps out to softly brush away the salty drops.
“Oh god, don’t tell me I’m so bad I made you cry.” You let out a laugh and shake your head.
“I just came so hard I almost blacked out. I just…” you wince uncomfortably, but nonetheless continue. “This is so stupid.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, but force yourself to keep talking. “I just don’t want you to break my heart,” you manage to choke out. You take a breath, wanting to say more, but the words stick in your throat.
He kisses along your jaw before pausing, indicating for you to continue. Once you do, he slowly leaves sleepy wet kisses along your neck.
“Well, I mean I barely know you, really, but I want you to have the world instead of having to carry its weight. I don’t know why you’re carrying that type of weight. I truly don’t.“ He freezes against you, pulling away from your neck.
“And I get that me being an absolute moron and talking about it after we just fucked isn’t gonna change that. Especially now that I’m crying like an idiot. I get it, but fuck, I want to be there for you. I mean it when I say I’d give you the world if I could. Fuck, I’d carry it so you could have a moment of peace.”
When you glance at him, he’s looking at you so softly, so tenderly, that your heart swells. He kisses you sweetly, trying to convey a thousand emotions with a single gesture. When he pulls away, you run your fingers through his thick hair.
He shifts to kiss your collarbones, before moving lower. He peppers your body with small, affectionate kisses, stopping when he reaches your stomach. His fingers swipe at his sticky cum before he looks up at you.
“I don’t deserve you,” he murmurs. You flush before tangling your hands with one of his. He continues his exploration of your body, avoiding his cum, but leaving sweet kisses against your skin. When his face ends up between your legs, your stomach flips. You squeeze your thighs together, embarrassed at having him so close to your abused pussy.
“Open up sweet girl. Don’t be shy. I was just down here.” His voice rumbles against you, and your face heats up, but your body reacts to his words.
“Hmmm. Positively soaked.” He squeezes your hand in affection while you take shaky breaths. He trails a finger down your oversensitive slit, and you squirm, trying to either escape or get closer. You can’t tell the difference at this point.
When his finger brushes against your achy clit, your entire body tenses. His finger gently teases your clit, and you rock your hips against him, your overworked cunt already tense. He lowers his mouth against you, letting his tongue replace his finger, and you writhe. He gently unlaces your fingers, guiding your hand to tangle in his hair. Your fingers tense on his scalp, as he moves to grip your waist, holding you down.
His tongue flicks against your bundle of nerves, making you buck against his face. The warmth of his mouth almost burns you. It’s too much, but it feels so good.
“Toshi,” you moan. A laugh rumbles through his chest, the vibrations going straight to your clit. He slides a large finger into your exhausted cunt and you writhe. A calloused pad lightly curls up into a soft spongy spot deep in you, and your thighs quake, a white-hot wave of pleasure flows through you. He works you through your orgasm, tongue never letting up on your clit. When your orgasm passes he doesn’t stop.
In fact, his ministrations intensify as he slips in a second finger to join the first. You tug his hair away from you, trying to pry his torturous mouth away from you.
“Toshi, I can’t. It’s too much,” you whine. He chuckles again before pressing a kiss to your trembling thigh.
“One more. Let me give you one more,” he murmurs into your skin. Your grip on his hair loosens and he leans back in to kiss your clit. His lips form a seal around your clit, and he lightly sucks. His clever fingers pump into you, unrelenting. Your hips buck, and you whine loudly. You’re so close again. When his teeth lightly nip at your poor, abused clit, it’s over. The white-hot feeling in the pit of your stomach explodes. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, and you writhe uncontrollably against Toshinori’s face. He laps dutifully at your pussy, despite your pawing at his face.
When he finally lets your hips go, you're shaking. You weakly tug at him, urging him to crawl back up to you. He relents, and you kiss him deeply, flushing at tasting yourself on his lips. When he pushes himself out of your bed, you lean up, a questioning look in your eyes.
“Bathroom?” he asks.
“Through that door.” You gesture with your head before flopping back down against the bed. When he returns, he’s got a damp cloth and a glass of water. He hands you the cup, which you graciously chug. Your heart flutters lightly as he kneels to wipe your exhausted pussy and clean his cum off you. You breathe deeply, trying to catch your breath. The bed dips next to you as he curls around you.
Your head nestles into his chest, and you play with his hair gently. You twirl one of the long strands that frame his face around your finger, the other palm pressed gently against his chest.
“Hey,” you whisper. He smiles at you kindly.
“Hi,” he whispers back. You bite your lip, overcome with affection.
“Toshinori?” you gently ask. He hums in response, eyes shut as he enjoys your soft touches. You think of the warm, heavy feeling that’s deep in your chest. “I really like you.” One of his eyes opens and blinks at you.
“I really like you too,” he murmurs before pulling you close to him. In his warm embrace, you let your eyes shut, and sleep overtakes your exhausted body.
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