#i have never watched any mp100
bubblymochicat · 2 years
A fun thought I just had
The adults of the mp100 universe are playing Fuck, Marry, Kill and when it gets to Serizawa he just gets down on one knee and proposes to Reigen
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drbtinglecannon · 5 months
I largely use youtube just to listen to music, and I watch AMVs sometimes, and fuck it I'm strong enough to admit sometimes a song sounds better when it's used for a really good AMV
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yeethanol · 2 years
love rbing content from fandoms im not even a part of, theyre my osmosis babygirls
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candyskiez · 2 months
The thing about Mob being autistic is it's like. It doesn't feel like someone wrote a character experiencing symptoms of autism. It feels like that is a person who has autism. It's not even just "he shows signs of autism", it's like the driving force of the plot. The inciting incident behind the story is something so many autistic people can relate to. The whole scene where Mob realized "do other people have goals? Am I the only one who doesn't know what I want?" Resonated with me so hard and I've literally never seen that experience covered. And you can't like Explain how autistic he reads as to someone who isn't autistic yk. Like yeah it's the social cues yeah it's the emotional regulation but it's also Everything Else. Literally everything else. It's the fact he doesn't even know why he was so nostalgic about Tsumobi or why she meant so much to him. It's the fact that even good things add up to explosions. It's the fact he acts like how autistic people who have trauma around ableism and bullying act in real life. It's the fact the trauma of ableism is actually shown to fuck you up. I don't know how to explain to a non autistic person why Mobs so autistic because it's not just any one thing it's literally everything about him. Everything in the story. It's all autistic and I cannot explain it I can only gesture at it and go DO YOU SEE THIS. ARE YOU FUCKINH SEEING THIS. I've literally never related to a character more than Mob it's actually insane. I could not explain to someone who hasn't watched the show. He deserved to win all of those autism polls the plot of mp100 would not happen if he wasn't autistic.
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exilepurify · 2 years
I recently re-watched some of the MP100 anime and it's really got me thinking about how horrifying it must have been for Reigen all those times where he could only sit there and wait to hear if Mob was alright. As the audience, we follow Mob around the story, so he's not often absent to the viewers like he is to those who love him.
I've been thinking about season 1—Mob not showing up to work for the first time ever, not answering his phone, and his GPS pinging at a random spot in the middle of the forest outside the city. How must that taxi ride have felt for Reigen, just staring at the red dot on his phone screen, having no idea what he'd find? Sure, he's a powerful psychic, but he's also 14. He's just a boy.
Or during Mogami arc, when Reigen had to sit there next to Mob's body, empty and cold on the tile floor and completely devoid of life or a soul, with no idea when or if he'd return. After Dimple, who knows very well how possession works, had warned him again and again that Mob was dead and never coming home. The fact that when Mob first wakes up back in his body, Reigen was already bent over him, sweating, eyes wide, telling him, “I actually thought you might’ve died.” That was around 45 minutes or an hour for Reigen.
It took 4-5 hours for Reigen, Ritsu, Teru, and Dimple to just lay eyes on Shigeo after the explosion at the end of season 2. 4-5 hours of searching through the rubble after they all watched a massive explosion consume him first-hand. He was buried completely within the broccoli and they only found him once they got a shovel and started digging. How must it have felt, searching for that long and still not knowing if they were going to find him alive? Or those few moments after finding his face buried in the ground, calling out for him again and again without any response or signs of life? Reigen played it off as a joke—“I thought you were a goner back there Mob. Pretty scary!”—but you can hear the fear in their voices when they’re calling for Mob to wake up, and it’s not really a joke.
Or even before that, when Reigen was sprinting his way up hundreds of stairs, gun heavy in his hands, after Dimple told him that Toichiro was intent on mercilessly killing Mob. Walking in and finding him crumpled and broken, held up by his hair. One very quiet, very weak “Ma…ster…” and then he’s unmoving on the ground. Desperately, “Hey…! You still alive, Mob?”
“I’m a pathetic excuse for a master.” Always left waiting until it’s too late. Until Confession Arc, when he finally runs into the fray to bring Mob home himself, just in time.
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etherealhoneybee777 · 3 months
Okay, the mp100 fandom (and other fandom spaces as well) makes me really hopeful✨
The internet is mostly a cruel and terrible place. It largely exists as an instrument of global capitalism. Governments use social media to push propaganda that either reinforces their fascist, conservative ideals or instills leftists that want to fight back with a sense of hopelessness that paralyzes and scares them. And we’re also getting to a point where much of the content we see online is not only made by AI, but interacted with by AI as well. We’re seeing “art” and ragebait stories that aren’t even made by real humans, but are spread online as if they’re true. Transactions are everywhere, but because everything is a subscription service, we own nothing. Corporations are putting advertisements on even the most sacred corner of the web & encouraging people to constantly consume, to BE consumed with the desire to consume more things, and to fill up the little time we have left with constant, buzzing productivity—because the internet is an instrument of capitalism, and capitalism is about constant expansion, expansion that won’t stop until everything in our lives is quantifiable and our whole being is stretched thin in service of a pointless, unstoppable economic growth.
In the face of that, I think your mp100 art is amazing. I think your fic is amazing. I am glad you decided to share it with us. I am glad you took the time to analyze Mob or Serizawa or Tome. To post screen grabs of Dimple or gifs or animatics or anything else. I’m glad you reblogged my post and added some silly or thoughtful little hashtags. I’m glad you DM’d me or posted a long ramble about Ritsu or Teru or reigen.
People don’t have to do these things. They don’t have to sketch characters or share headcanons or write fic or make watch parties on cute little discord servers. But they do. They do it because it’s a fun thing to do & because they’re talented and passionate. And it makes me happy that on the internet—which is increasingly being used to alienate and control us—still hosts real communities and real people making real art and writing their real thoughts without any kind of profit motive or manipulative agenda. People are literally just posting because they want to share their work and connect with others. It reminds me that no matter what capitalism does, we live in a fundamentally social world & we’re constantly trying to connect with each other about the things we like. MP100 is the thing I like and the people here make me hopeful. I see people post their art/writing/headcanons and I get super happy. I get inspired. I look at people’s bios and all the different countries they’re from and get really happy that the internet can be used as a tool to connect people across the world with the same interest together.
Choosing to create and make friends and be nice and spread positivity over the internet is a uniquely powerful thing. It may not seem like much, (and being on the internet is often framed as “wasting time”) but the Internet is important and the things you do here are actually tangible and real. Making and sharing art—making friends—sharing writing and blurbs and headcanons is a legitimate pushback against the terrible capitalistic machine that the internet has become. I’ve heard a lot of creators say that their art doesn’t get noticed/doesn’t matter because it doesn’t get a lot of attention. But it DOES matter. Because, for every second that someone spends seeing your art, that’s one second that they don’t spend on government propaganda or brain-numbing advertisements or ragebait or AI generated “content”. And even if no one sees your art, YOU spent time making it. You loved it and cared for it and valued it in a way that capitalism can never profit from or understand.
I hope you know that I see your art & love it. I look at it when I’m sad. My gf and I look at mp100 art while we sit outside and feel the world leave our bones. Maybe this is too much, but I’m feeling earnest and joyful tonight & am trying to lean into those feelings.
I’m just thankful. You create and share just because you wanted to create and share. You’re making the world a better place.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 10 months
Summary: "This is a world in which Mob and Reigen’s paths have never crossed, in which 10-year-old Mob found psychic guidance in the form of the aging, retired tv personality Keiji Mogami, in which Reigen followed through on his plans to close the Spirits and Such Agency, in which a cruel twist of Mob’s powers forces him to confront how dangerous he really is. 10 year old Shigeo Kageyama has vanished, his trail instantly cold, and his case gathers dust in police archives as a kidnapping never solved. Four years pass before a chain of events causes his path to cross with that of the despondent, unfulfilled fake-psychic-turned-fake-investigator, Arataka Reigen. Reigen finds himself in over his head caring for an escaped victim of abuse who, for reasons unfathomable, has been taught to believe his very existence is a horrifically dangerous thing…"
Author: @phantomrose96
Notes from submitters:
Literally The most iconic MP100 fic written by the lovely @phantomrose96 (If it makes it into the competition, u should tag her tumblr. She's amazing and I want her to know how much I appreciate her work <3)
Huaghhhh oh my god. Litchrally so good it’s insane. I actually read this before watching ANY of mp100 and it still worked completely. Like it works for someone completely unfamiliar to the source material, but it’s not unrecognizable by any meaning of the word. The characterization is so good, tge way everything slots together, and now that I have seen mp100 it all makes sense for their characters. It’s so good I cannot stress this enough. Read it!
abot my beloved when will it return from the war
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kunstkombi · 5 months
MP100 Fallout AU
I wrote down some headcanons for this AU (& others) in February & well, come April there's suddenly a Fallout TV series? (& there are Magic the Gathering Fallout cards since earlier this year, too??) Well Fallout brainrot is revived, here's long-ass worldbuilding/background ramblings.
Vault Tec & Claw
Claw existed before the Great War as an organization researching psychic abilities; though in this universe powers initially don't nearly reach the levels of MP100 canon
Toichiro & his wife start working with Vault Tec overseas & are assigned Vault 100, that is just being constructed
They are to conduct experiments with FEV-variants on promising psychics to try & enhance their abilities by new means the vaults offer in the future
Mob is born in 2058
Several years later Toichiro starts to "collect" mostly young espers to populate the vault with; of course the plan of direct & experimentation with yet unknown risks is left out
Parents of the kids he's interested in are offered contracts that promise a safe place for them to survive with the downside of being taken away to 'monitor', but the desperation over the worsening state of the world makes it easy to agree
The Kageyamas even beg for them to take both their sons, not only the one with some innate abilities - and succeed
Toichiro's wife leaves him over the increasingly unethical plans for the vault, but to her dismay their own son stays with his father
Vault Occupancy
In 2072 the contracts take effect & Vault 100 is populated and sealed (with mostly kids from JP & USA families)
Toichiro & the Ultimate 5 are in charge and oversee the vault and experiments
For about two years the vault is operated with its young residents living a pretty standard vault life, they have restricted permission to be in contact with their families
As the experiments so far show no effect & the young population is getting harder to control, the decision is made to make them enter cryosleep early & continue with different lines of experimentation while in this state
In 2074 all residents except the six in charge enter cryosleep, including Toichiro's own son
Correspondence with parents of the kids is fabricated from here on
Many of the kids die in the next few years while supplemented with barely tested substances to increase their affinities
In 2077 on the day of the Great War, Toichiro & the Ultimate 5 enter cryosleep themselves, joining their own experiments as subjects now that the fatality rates have reached 0 & brain scans look promising
They set their own systems to awake at a scheduled point in the future
It goes as planned; the 6 of them wake up & find themselves enhanced with never before seen psychic powers, marking their final experiments a success
Vault 100 is unsealed & Toichiro wakes only Sho from the remaining children, to take him with him
Sho is initially too weak to fight back but doesn't take to it kindly; as soon as he is able he goes back
He wakes Ritsu first, of course
Together they start waking the remaining kids - some of them, including Ritsu, don't seem to see any changes in their abilities, several of them are incredibly disoriented
However, Mob's cryopod malfunctions and won't release him - they could break it, but can't guarantee his survival should they forcibly remove him
They can only try to look for someone to help, so even if Ritsu has a hard time leaving he and Sho start their wasteland journey with that mission, while Teru stays back to watch over the others and Mob
Unfortunately Toichirou comes back in search of Sho and they are forced to flee, leaving Mob unattended
Reigen & Mob
Not too long after everyone's gone, Reigen instead finds the vault - it looks newly opened which could promise a fortune (& he isn't so wrong about that)
Despite, or because, not knowing what he's doing, he ends up accidentally releasing the single kid left
Mob is fine but overwhelmed & immediately starts frantically looking for Ritsu
Reigen's words don't get through to Mob - he gets some reaction when he talks to him in Japanese, but ultimate can just follow while Mob scours the whole vault
Soon he gets a showcase of Mob's new powers & in their strongest form, while Mob reaches 100% despair
In the explosion, most of the vault is destroyed
Reigen is shocked but fascinated and he stays with Mob and calms him
His initial plan to bring the kid somewhere safe asap change with the idea of taking him with him to profit from these powers - Reigen himself is not the strongest & survives mainly on charisma & luck out there
Reigen lies to him about knowing more than he does & possibly being able to help him find his brother
Throughout Mob's traumatic awakening into an entirely unknown world alone Reigen is his only company & guidance, so Mob trusts him quickly - & Reigen gets attached quickly
Reigen continues lying but his own gains aside, he soon genuinely tries to help Mob find Ritsu as well as the truth
Somewhere along on their journey they meet Dimple, an intelligent super mutant & he tags along, initially also out of interest in Mob's powers
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grimalkinmessor · 26 days
9 and 14 please?
9: Which antagonist could you never forgive?
Well, I'm actually a notorious villain lover, so this a very difficult question for me to answer lmao. Especially for an anime that usually attempts to forgive every antagonist and show them the error of their ways. There are antagonists I don't particularly like but still see the reasoning and the attempt at redemption of, like Toichiro.
I think the antagonist I like but could never forgive is Mogami. The dude is hella interesting, he's OP, he's a great foil for Mob—but his reasoning for being evil is trash. My dude literally did not have to kill all those people 😐 And then BLAME it on the people who paid him to do it. Like bestie you made the choice to take that route allll by yourself, even if other people made it easier for you to take than others. He doesn't acknowledge his own failures and acts like Mob is the stupid one for wanting to be kind and help people. And to show him how "terrible" other people are, Mogami,,,,warps the world by removing every one that's ever been kind to Mob. Then removing his powers and telling him THAT'S the reason people treat him badly?? Make it make sense. He did that shit for fun or because he's legit insane or both. AND HE'S NOT EVEN SORRY. MY DUDE JUST CAME BACK, SPOUTED SOME MORE BULLSHIT ABOUT HOW MERCY CAN'T BE THE ANSWER AND THEN FUCKED OFF INTO THE ETHER.
So, while Mogami is my scrunkly and I adore him, if I ever catch that bitch in my neighborhood irl he's catching these hands 😌🙏
14: Are there any MP 100 fanfics you HAVE to rec?
First up, the fic that roped my into this fucking fandom against my will—
Sunflower by Copyspaghetti (Mobreirit, unfinished)
Seeing the world from the lens of a powerless child brought novelty. There was a point to doing things that didn’t boil down to the fate of humanity.
This simple interaction left something alive in his chest that would only grow.
In which a hyperactive middle schooler forces his way into Mob’s heart, allowing him to start life anew after giving his youth to extremism. Juggling therapy, a brother, a kid, and the remnants of Claw is a lot.. his past haunts him. And befriends him.
Terryh and Sasha posted a flurry of screenshots of this fic on twitter a while back, and I remembered them when I was looking for a new piece of media to get into, and this fic was the reason I watched MP100 at all—because I wanted to read it with all the context lmao. And it did not disappoint; Sunflower is an Age Swap fic that really digs into the hows and whys of the MP100 world, and while I adore all of Copy's fics, this one is number two on my list of all time favorites. Tiny Arataka and his struggles, Shigeo and Ritsu and their attempts to get better while also wading through their own struggles, the soft fluffiness of their time together contrasted with the world around them, just,,,,,,💋🤌✨ fuckin' SUPERB.
Between Acolytes and Sanctities by Copyspaghetti (Mobrei, unfinished)
The book burnt Arataka's fingers through the leather gloves. As an acolyte of his father's church he got the worst jobs with a front row view of how little it all mattered. Saltville was starving but the Gods did nothing. That's why he stood there now, alone in the woods at the foot of the shadow mountain with a spell book hotter than the bonfire itself. – In which Arataka's village, Saltville, is famined and he asks a forgotten God of the shadow mountains for help. Instead of feeding his village, he lends some of his divine power to the boy to solve his own problems. What could a human become to a God?
My FAVORITE, number ONE Copy fic if you MUST know—because it's about ✨✨ the INTRIGUE ✨✨✨✨🤌🙏✨💕✨ Really super old super powerful Mob tired of everything?? Convinced he's nothing but a plague, only capable of causing devastation?? And little stubborn Arataka demanding that he pay attention to the ants humans again, staring with Arataka, of course. Obviously. The imagery in this one has me by the balls. I'm feral about it, feening for it, I wanna print out this fic's vibes and make it into a snowglobe that I can eat.
but it does no damn good by quiveringpalm (Reimob, finished)
"We can’t have this sort of conversation," Reigen says softly.
Mob is blinking slowly at him, his eyes searching all over his face as if to find a real chink in his proverbial armor, except that Reigen hasn’t ever felt more naked than he does now in the dark on this fucking bed in this fucking hotel in this godforsaken fucking town, he really never should have taken Mob here but it’s too little too late, too late and too little, god, Mob is so little.
His voice is even littler, barely above a whisper. "... Even if I want to?"
The oneshot that one-shots my whole heart ong. I can't even explain how much I love this fic, it just gives me all the warm fuzzies 🥰 Also the tire swing. The tire swing. Read it and you'll know what I mean 🙏
Ironic Process Theory by tragakes (Reirit, unfinished)
Right now Ritsu was virtuous. He was righteous. He was doing what lesser people could not; he was carrying Reigen back to his apartment because Reigen had been beaten within an inch of death, and later he would tell Shigeo that he had saved his boyfriend. Were they boyfriends? They had never referred to each other as such, but Ritsu knew they were fucking, which had to make them boyfriends.
He imagined telling his brother, and he imagined his brother’s expression when he learnt Reigen got hurt, and all of his insides twisted into a hot, tight, knot, and he decided that maybe he wouldn’t tell his brother after all.
That was, in fact, the virtuous and righteous thing to do. One couldn’t go around boasting about their good deeds.
Read this fic RN. 👁️👁️ I love me some ritrei but this? This right here? Takes the cake. Holy shit. It's technically transitive property mobreirit (in that order) but that just makes it better tbh. One of the tags is "Ritsu and his mental gymnastic: extended edition" and that about sums it up. Bitter Anxiety-Ridden Ritsu my beloved 🙏
Piece of Me by allthisandheaventoo (Mob?Rei?, finished)
Mob is a late bloomer. Not enough to be concerning; most kids present at ten or eleven, and Mob is only thirteen. Reigen himself was twelve when it happened, when he had woken up one morning squirming and feverish and horny as all hell before realizing that meant he was an omega. He remembers a kid in his grade who didn’t present until he was sixteen, smelling like pup until halfway through high school. The point being that Mob is completely normal for not having presented yet, and having him around the office has never presented a problem for Reigen before. Until it does.
The A/B/O breastfeeding fic. I think about this fic all the time. It's nested into my brain and it's never leaving. Yes. The ship bit is said to be ambiguous but not TO ME. Fantastic, give me fourteen of 'em rn 🙏
facing three ways by hapful (gen, finished)
The alarm settles as Taka walks out to the fields to join his class lined up. Keiji comes up to him immediately, eyes full of concern. “What happened? You look sick,” he says, and Taka could cry but he doesn’t.
“Hey Keiji,” he says instead, “aren’t you sick of people?”
“Yeah,” Keiji answers, concern still lacing his tone but with a tired, understanding edge.
Taka smiles. It isn’t pleasant. “I have an idea.”
two beaten down kids decide to summon a demon to solve their problems, and everything changes.
AHHHH. AHH. The Age Swap platonic mogarei fic I didn't know I needed until I found it *collapses* BEAUTIFUL.
The Paper Moon by DespiteWhatShouldBeOtherwise (gen, finished)
It wasn't the rain, or the car, or even dying that ruined his day.
The worst was when he woke up, and everything that happened after.
In short, Reigen gets hit by a car and winds up leaving the hospital with a little something extra.
I can't say much about this fic without spoiling it, but please know that the mystery and intrigue kept my eyeballs glued to my phone screen every free moment for three whole days. Thank you.
Where Did You Go? by iamwish (gen, unfinished)
“You know what else is important? Eating. And paying rent. And, hey, we’ve had this conversation, our clients’ lives are important, too. Your life is important. This stopped being a sprint a long time ago, Ritsu. It’s a marathon now. And what do we do during marathons?”
“We pace ourselves,” Ritsu answers rotely.
Is this fic:
1. Technically a rewrite of season 1 with Ritsu as the main character
2. An exploration of the consequences that one change, one absence can have
3. The author torturing Ritsu by giving him something he wanted for a price he never would have willingly paid
4. All of the above
Deshi Ritsu AU. DESHI RITSU AU. Well, kind of not really but dESHI RITSU—
Soft and Wet by UnderWickedSky (Ekurei, finished)
Ekubo offers an explanation, “The spirit is in your guts, twisted around your inner organs. This is exactly the type of curse that makes someone perfectly healthy suddenly drop dead from a heart attack or an aneurysm. The kind that gets reported in all the newspapers because it was just so unlikely."
“At least I’d be famous,” manages Reigen weakly.
[Ekubo helps Reigen with a pesky curse, and eats well in the process.]
There is no smut in this fic. There is NO smut in this fic. It just FEELS like there is. I can't explain it, it's like a fish hook—yoinks you in and leaves you super confused and super intrigued at the same time. My favorite Ekurei fic.
if i start a commotion by carnation (Ritmob, unfinished)
“Can you take back a confession...?”
“I can,” Ritsu says obstinately. “I do. I take it back, I didn’t mean it. I did mean it but I shouldn’t have said it so I take it back, it didn’t happen. Now you can’t talk about it anymore, because it didn’t happen.”
“I think it did,” Mob says, doubtfully. “I still remember it, so... I think it did happen. I think – maybe you can’t take it back. Sorry.”
ANXIETY-RIDDEN RITSU MY BELOVED 💕✨ And Mob just,,,trying to wrap his little brain around the idea of Ritsu loving him romantically, slowing growing to like the idea and giving Ritsu several heart attacks in the process—and Dimple several migraines—I love him your honor.
or at least i pretend by carnation (Ritmob, finished)
He tells Shigeo about a test he did well in and another he did less well in, and about how it is competitive here, like everyone says it is, like everyone at home had warned him it would be every time they learned he was applying to Matcha University, but it’s competitive in a good way, a friendly way, not a damaging way, because everyone here wants to work hard and do their best and they want everyone around them to do well, too – competitive, but supportive; so it’s good, it’s all good, and it’s all new and different but it’s good. Everything is good. All of Ritsu's stories are pleasant and mild and nice because everything about Ritsu's life is pleasant and mild and nice as well, and all his stories have been told so many times they’re polished smooth by repetition: he offers them up to his brother with well-practised ease.
This fic came into my house and personally beat me up with its bare hands. I'm in love with it. Unrequited Love combined with MEGA "It's Complicated", Ritsu pulling off the heist of the century, and Mob just. Mob. Sigh MOB. carnation always nails the exact flavor of ritmob that I enjoy, but the angst of this one combined with happy(?) ending makes it one of my favs 🥰
Better Him by ConnorRK (explicit gen, finished)
“Reigen, are you kidding me? Can’t you keep it in your pants for one minute! This is serious.” Ritsu, outraged, undoubtedly trying to murder Reigen with his eyes. It makes Sato laugh, delighted, and in front of him, Takashi positively grins.
“Sounds like this ain’t the first time, is it, Reigen? You got a thing for stuff like this? You wanna be held down? We can do that for you.”
Hi hello yes may I have this fic printed onto my eyelids please, thanks—rape aftermath/recovery fics are actually some of my favorites, and this one? Reigen discovering just how far he'd go for his kids?? I can't—just take my wallet at this point you've already ripped my heart outta my chest 😭 LOVELY 💕
Zero by SeaSaltFreckles (Mobrei², unfinished)
Joseph still looks apprehensive. He puts a finger up to the earpiece and listens carefully to whoever is on the other end. Then, he sighs and crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back. “Our records say that Reigen Arataka is the one who eventually stopped him. Why?”
Again, Rei’s eyes shift all around, and his expression shifts from realization to sadness in the blink of an eye. “Because that’s how it happened in my world… I also tried to stop him, but I couldn't and– and because of that, Shigeo…” He pauses, swallowing thickly. “Shigeo is the one who wiped out humanity. He's the one who destroyed my universe.”
A story in which Reigen Arataka and his world's Kageyama Shigeo travel across dimensions and bring their fight to the doorstep of Mob and Reigen, but everything is far more complicated than it should be.
YOUR HONOR THE WAY I AM UNHINGED ABOUT THIS FIC 🙏🤌✨😳💕😭❤️‍🔥 GOD. ???-kun is my favorite character forever and always and I'm a slut for characters meeting alternate versions of themselves, so this fic just absolutely fucks its way right up my alley, holy hot damn.
I'll stop there, because otherwise this post will be super long instead of just mildly long, but please be aware that I'm feral about several more fics. Yelling about them forever and ever amen 🙏
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quirkle2 · 6 months
has zombie mob ever bitten someone before? i know that he's pretty chill, but i like to think that the hypothetical situation that would trigger him would be if someone where to hurt ritsu or someone from the gang in general :o
(ALSO HIIII I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO OPEN TUMBLR BUT AAAH I'M SO GLAD YOU DON'T MIND MY ASKS 🫶🏼 i just love mp100 AND zombie films, never thought i'd come across where these two are combined 🥹)
HIII im ALWAYS happy to talk abt the sillies there is never a time where im Not thinking abt the sillies <33 !!!!
to preface this answer, there's little settlements of survivors dotted around the place in this world, and for many people, they're safe havens that are stocked w food and supplies and people who are willing to help you. the people there are typically heavily armed and ready for any zombies that come their way, and they patrol the territory regularly not just to loot the places nearby, but to watch for any zombies that have gotten through defenses
the settlements are full of people who, in general, like to help any outsiders they can—if they see a person trying to survive out in the wild alone, they'll offer shelter and food to them as long as they're not infected
if ur not ritsu, that is.
(warning for guns and some gore btw)
normally, they'd be more than happy to help a kid as young as ritsu. but he's traveling with a zombie. that is obviously an instant red flag for them, bc to them, it's pretty much guaranteed that ritsu is infected at this point. they don't see zombies the same way ritsu does—they don't know that zombies r still human and capable of very human thing
settlements actively Hunt zombies, instead of just kill them when they come around. they go on patrols and Search for zombies to take out, even if the zombies aren't actually endangering anybody atm. it makes sense to them, it's the obvious answer to them, but to ritsu, that's unbelievably cruel. to ritsu, that's no different from attacking humans unprovoked
they will also kill any infected people, even if they're still very much human in behavior. they see it as mercy kills. ritsu is very bitter abt it, but defending those zombies means putting his brother in danger, and his brother matters more to him than anything
to most people, seeing a settlement up ahead is a godsend. to ritsu, it's an oncoming death sentence. they WILL shoot him and shigeo on sight once they figure out shigeo is a zombie and ritsu is traveling with him, so ritsu has to be Extremely careful when around settlements. he generally tries to steer clear of them—the areas around them r usually looted already anyway, so there's no point in getting near
they're hard to avoid, though. and sometimes he runs into people patrolling the area. and sometimes they see ritsu guiding a zombie by the hand, and they're suddenly right on top of them and aiming to kill
shigeo doesn't just bite somebody. the fight evolves from ritsu aiming pitiful shots from his own pistol that all miss, to trying to disarm one of the patrol guys and getting pinned to the ground where the barrel of a gun is inching worryingly close to ritsu's face
shigeo doesn't just bite him, he tears out the guy's throat. ritsu scrambles away and takes the shotgun that he'd barely kept away from his face, and he simply watches in horror as shigeo rips tendons and muscles out from a man's neck. he gets it all entangled in his teeth and it takes everything ritsu has not to vomit immediately—he can't seem to look away from it, from the strings of flesh and blood dangling and trickling from his brother's mouth
when shigeo calms and he's not biting down on muscle anymore, ritsu has to get on his feet and get near his brother, which is admittedly hard to accomplish at the moment. he eases into his field of view and when shigeo sees him he doesn't immediately growl—his angry eyes actually soften, and ritsu gently pulls him up and pointedly ignores the blood covering shigeo's chin
cleaning the blood off his brother's face later makes the experience feel Real to ritsu, and he does his best not to burst into tears. he firmly decides that if (when,,, when.) he Does find the cure, and if shigeo Doesn't remember this, ritsu will never tell him. he's pretty confident that his brother would never be able to live with himself, if he knew what he just did to another human being
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2023himbotournament · 2 years
Round 1 Part 2
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(Look someone in the world considered Reigen a himbo and caused him to end up in my google searching for himbos for the roster I have never watched mp100 and I thought "well if Reigen is considered a himbo then I guess I have to include him 'cus any poll where Reigen can belong must have him" if Reigen is indeed not a himbo like I've been told then help execute him by voting for galo idk-)
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florbe-triz · 2 years
Honestly I tried watching the first episode of chainsaw man but felt disgusted that our "protagonist" only cares about boobies.. like I'm sure he gets better later on but I just couldn't watch another anime that provides us a superficial protagonist, even if he changes as time goes on.. honestly that's why I liked opm, mp100 and dorohedoro so much, it's because you get what you get and it's wholesome. I really wanted to like the show since practically everyone talks about it, any idea how to get past that awful start?
Hi! I'm glad you decided to share your honest thoughts about csm. I know what you are talking about and believe me I understand! I really don't like the kind of shonen protagonists that are just perverts for the sake of comedy and/or fanservice. BUT don't be fooled, and please be patient, because the story would soon prove that Denji is not the case. Denji's motivations are kinda sad, he's been through the worst things in life and he's basically an animal of instinct at one point (always being compared to a dog), looking to satisfy basic needs, as someone who's been denied of them his whole life. These are  fighting, fleeing, feeding aaaand ...*fornicating*. He also claims, many times, that he doesn't have greater goals in life. How I wish his situation gets better as the series progresses (haven't read it all yet), althought  he is probably still a perv all the way through I really feel it's justifiable and I learned to love him so much! Denji likes pretty girls and he's allowed to have his lustful thoughts as any of us might have! However... I know he's very respectful and would never make a move without consent, that's a really good cuality of his. AAHH Denji deserves good things only.
Hope this helps you find enough motivation to give him a chance!
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russenoire · 3 months
Getting to Know You Meme
tagged by @ygodmyy20! thankee kindly.
01) are you currently in a serious relationship? nope. can't say i miss it.
02) what was your dream growing up? i had a new one every month. the one that stuck around the longest was 'astronaut' until i learned that NASA's manned space program hasn't done much since skylab, outside of testing the limits of human endurance in low earth orbit. still cool! but i'll keep my unnaturally dense bones, thanks.
03) what talent do you wish you had? the talent to work any job i wanted without medication.
04) if someone bought you a drink what would it be? a cocktail of some sort. most likely a gin and tonic, a negroni or a mojito.
05) favorite vegetable? too many to count. easier for me to tell you what i don't like: green beans. if they're only palatable tempura-fried, i don't need them in my life.
06) what was the last book you read? currently working through your brain's not broken, by tamara rosier, ph.d.
07) what zodiac sign are you? virgo. and no, i don't wanna hear about how virgos are hyper-organized control freaks. i am neither of these things.
08) any tattoos and/or piercings? five in a single ear, one in the other. two make up an industrial piercing. i have no tattoos but want one of the kageyama brothers from mp100 someday.
09) worst habit? getting too hung up on the 'right time' to do things.
10) what is your favorite sport? to play? dodgeball. to watch? either figure skating or tennis.
11) do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude? recovering pessimist here. i'm optimistic about some things and nihilistic about others.
12) tell me one weird fact about you. i never learned to ride a bicycle.
13) do you have any pets? no. i love cats and regularly-washed dogs though.
14) do you think clowns are cute or scary? i don't have a strong opinion about clowns, tbh.
15) if you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? nothing. anything i can change is changeable.
16) what color eyes do you have? brown.
17) ever been arrested? nope.
18) bottle or can soda? bottle. though i don't soda very often.
19) if you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? pay off my student loans and save the rest.
20) what's your favorite place to hang out at? a vedanta temple in the foothills here, or a park on a hill with a historic frank lloyd-wright-designed home.
21) do you believe in ghosts? maybe. i know people who can see them.
22) favorite thing to do in your spare time? singing. or learning.
23) do you swear a lot? very much so.
24) biggest pet peeve? how long you got? we could be here all week.
25) in one word, how would you describe yourself? iconoclastic.
26) do you believe in/appreciate romance? *shrug* i believe in and appreciate love, wherever it comes from.
27) favourite and least favourite food? does anyone have a single favorite? anyone? i do not. least favorite food is canned vegetables, except for beets and corn.
28) do you believe in god? i believe in the divine, a Self that we are one with and all have access to. whatever you choose to call that is up to you.
29) what makes you happy: soft fluffy things, palpable texture in weaves and knits, sweet or creamy fruits, singing and/or listening to music, my friends, learning something new.
30) currently listening/the last thing you listened to: hiroko suzuki, 'bara wa utsukushiku chiru'.
31) favorite place to spend time: at home.
32) favorite lyric: 'love is like the scabs from sunburn' from the OP to kenda master ken.
33) recommend a film: at random? good morning, by yasujirō ōzu.
34) recommend a book: oranges are not the only fruit, by jeannette winterson; islands, the universe, home, by gretel ehrlich.
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: uchikubi gokumon doukoukai, 'shufu no michi' (way of the house-husband)
36) recommend a TV show: rose of versailles. soapy as hell, but great if you love historical dramas and anime. it's fairly well-researched too.
37) where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? the pacific north american coast; i'm still here. i've lived in texas and georgia, USA.
38) do you have any pets or animals in your life? how did you find/get them? no pets.
39) what's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? bull penis. 0/10 do not recommend. the most unusual thing i've actually enjoyed is probably fried crickets.
40) how did you 'find' fandom? got obsessed with a story and wanted to share that love with other people. didn't happen until my mid-thirties though with steven universe.
41) make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. a heat gun, a soldering iron that i have never used for actual soldering, the laptop i'm typing this on, the laptop connected to my projector, a plastic mask.
42) how do you style your hair? usually a tall bun. my hair is long enough to sit on and this keeps it out of my way.
as always, no pressure: @yaraneechan @eshithepetty @impmansloot @gumy-shark @sukunekatano
@cheese-enjoyer9471 @sulfurousmirrorscapes @creativenicocorner or anyone else who sees this and wants to!
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candyskiez · 4 months
God what really gets me about mp100 is it feels like the story could've started any day. Mob could've had that crisis about wasting his youth and not having any idea what his wants or interests are anytime, we just happened to stumble in on it. Even when Mob does some crazy heroics, it doesn't feel like he's The Chosen One or everything hinges solely on him. The other characters are actively participating in saving shit too. It's never a thing of "only MOB can save the world", it just feels like Mob was the guy there and because he's grown so much he goes "I should do something". It feels like you just randomly started watching some kid grow up. So many stories will go "the protagonist is just like everyone else" but it doesn't really, idk, feel like that. But mp100 commits to "no, seriously, psychic powers do not make you in any way shape or form better than other people and are literally just a characteristic you can have, they are inherently neutral and no different from having freckles or being good at math or having orange hair" SO hard it's actually insane. I'm taking so many notes for when I write my stories.
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thekagepro24 · 1 year
MP100 Divine Tree Arc analysis (yet again): Dimple and Honesty
ok so divine tree arc is my favorite mp100 arc bc of the intricately-written miscommunication and understandable character motivations on both ends, and it's written in a way where i've watched its episodes easily 20-30 times and STILL notice new things!
(long analysis under cut)
So I've noticed that there's a mistranslation in a line in episode 5. Mob asks Teru to "snap out of it" / "come to your senses", but Dimple's response got mistranslated to this:
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When I'd initially watch this, I wouldn't listen to the spoken line closely enough to notice the translation was faulty, and would always think "but...you ARE controlling him with brainwashing. why lie like that?"
What he says would translate more accurately to, "Unfortunately for you, Hanazawa is sane." I'm fairly sure he says it this way in reference to his previous line about how "Their personalities won't be any different". He's telling Mob that Teru's acting in a way he normally would, which is then emphasized by Teru insisting 'this is just another important thing in my life'.
And you might wonder why I'm so particular about this mistranslation! It's because making Dimple say "I'm not controlling him" would be a lie! Even if he's not controlling him as if using a remote control, he is brainwashing him, so that would still count as control! It would be a lie for Dimple to say this!
And that specific distinction made me realize something!!!!!
Throughout the conversation Mob and Dimple have in episode 5, Dimple never flat-out lies. What puts Mob off is that Dimple isn't being entirely honest, but Dimple never lies about things, instead he omits the whole truth.
Despite the 'carried away' conversation in episode 3 ending poorly, Dimple makes the offer again within the broccoli that he and Mob should achieve this godhood goal together, but Mob is so focused on getting Dimple to stop that he doesn't notice that this is Dimple's attempt at working together with him. (Mob himself notes this in ep 6: "You could've achieved it by yourself, but you asked me to join you. You trusted me before i trusted you")
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The problem here is that Dimple is overly prepared for things to turn into a fight. He knows that Mob could easily erase him because of the difference in their powers, so he specifically waits within the broccoli and uses its powers to his advantage in this encounter. Even when talking to him, Mob's upset that they aren't talking face-to-face, unaware that Dimple's hiding specifically because he's scared of Mob's rage. Dimple even ASKS "If you don't agree with me, won't you resort to force in the end?" to test the waters, and when Mob replies that he will, it turns into a fight.
And when Mob realizes this after more of Dimple's hiding behind powers, he asks if Dimple's scared of him only to be met with silence.
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Dimple doesn't lie by saying he's not scared of Mob, he instead just conveniently doesn't talk until he thinks he has the upper hand. Only when Mob finally collapses and notices his powers are being absorbed by the broccoli does Dimple chime in, because now he thinks he's winning this fight.
He brings up Tsubomi and tells the truth about his perception of her, that she seems like the type who wouldn't accept a confession from Mob if he were to try it. It's a genuine observation from him, it's Dimple's honest thoughts, he's not lying. The problem is that he uses this observation to segue into the Psycho Helmet point, and offers a faulty solution to Mob's worries by suggesting he just rely on power. (Similar to how back when Mob ran the marathon with the goal of confessing to Tsubomi if he got at least 10th place, Dimple offered to cheat and possess him when he wounded his leg.)
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This then causes more tension and the two start fighting again. And yet again, Dimple is omitting some of the truth. He thinks to himself about how powerful Mob should be at this point, and how to win a fight against him if things have to come to that. Usually Dimple will give his thoughts on a risky situation out loud, but here he keeps it to himself.
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Just like earlier when Mob asked if Dimple was scared of him, Dimple conveniently stays silent here instead of being upfront about his apprehension.
Mob is offput by Dimple's insistence on the Psycho Helmet goal, and says that 'this isn't you, it doesn't suit you'. Dimple realizes later on that he doesn't feel fulfilled by this goal, but in the moment he's horribly upset by the way Mob jumps to the extreme of saying 'everything he's doing is fake'. Dimple has wanted this godhood goal this whole time even if it started waning, so to be told something like that feels like an insult to his efforts and ambitions. ("Don't go casually denying the thing I've been wanting this whole time!")
Dimple attacks, but on instinct tries to ask if Mob is ok, but upon seeing Mob's rage flare up again, shrinks back and says that he's been trying to use Mob this whole time.
It reminds me of the conversation Reigen and Dimple had when Mob was in the Mogami mindscape. Reigen was able to identify that Dimple is not the type to openly admit that he's starting to care about Mob's well-being seperate from the ulterior motive of the long-term godhood goal, so he spoke to Dimple on his own terms, by implying that he'd miss out on the chance to selfishly manipulate Mob from the shadows if he left now. Even though Reigen briefly points out that he knows Dimple feels odd about being trusted (a wink and a nod kind of way of saying "I know you care about Mob's safety"), he focuses the main point of his persuasion on this dishonest "yeah sure but you want to manipulate him right?" question.
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Dimple fucking SUCKS at admitting he cares for people. The closest he gets by this part in the story is hyping Mob up, but that's because he can easily hide that behind "Well I'm just thinking of the long-term godhood goal, if I hype him up, he'll want to be a god more!". Even in the Mogami mindscape, Dimple reminds Mob of how much everyone ELSE cares for him! He'll worry for Mob's well-being and advise him against getting into dangerous situations, but will never flat-out say "It's because I care about you as a friend, I genuinely have gotten to the point where I want you to be safe outside of this goal". And so in this scene, he lacks the insight to realize he cares, and falls back into "...Well I've been manipulating him, I know that much.".
And so then we finally have the monkey shirt insults. It can be easy to misunderstand this as the first instance Dimple's 'been honest / stopped lying' since Mob entered the Divine Tree, but that isn't right! Dimple has been honest about his godhood goal and his intent to team up with Mob to achieve it, but he had also been omitting the truth to get to that goal. He stays quiet about how scared he is of Mob's powers, and Mob's realization that Dimple's being dodgy about something makes Mob doubtful of Dimple's true intent in turn.
When Dimple offers to team up with him, the fact that it has this immense power attached to it deters Mob.
When Dimple says that Tsubomi likely wouldn't be interested in him, it's followed by the offer of this immense power as a solution.
But when Dimple insults the monkey shirt, there's nothing attached. He's JUST disgusted by the shirt. Instead of something that can give him some sort of power, he speaks honestly about something mundane. (If anything, it's something that risks him getting hurt due to Mob's bad mood.)
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And THIS is why Mob says this line:
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What's threatened to drive this wedge between them, what's caused Dimple to become dodgy about his thoughts is this potential immense power the Divine Tree can give, as well as Mob's immense power he wields being seen as a threat by Dimple.
Mob entered the broccoli with intent to force Dimple to stop this plan entirely, and so it took him a while to notice that his power and anger had made Dimple feel like he had to prepare for a fight.
Dimple hid behind these new powers and tried to persuade Mob that they're amazing by doing things like showing off his new God form and its powers. But his initial refusal to ask himself why his godhood goal had been feeling empty made it so he tried to insist to Mob that these powers are great (Basically like a sunk-cost fallacy. It's what he wanted this whole time and what he'd put so much effort into, so it has to be worth it, right?).
So it's only when Mob realizes that powers are in the way of the conversation they're trying to have, do they begin to both look inwards and realize how their miscommunication had gotten so extreme.
And so from then on, Dimple is able to speak honestly without any ulterior motives.
(From here I'm tempted to get somewhat side-tracked and mention how the Divine Tree is a perfect symbol for immense power, and how it perfectly represents how Dimple had been trying to persuade Mob to abuse power initially in the series. He kept insisting powers are all-encompassing and can do ANYTHING in the beginning, and then his abuse of the tree's power leads to the Psycho Helmet entities trying to EAT everything and turn EVERYTHING into fuel for its own power. Power for nothing but power's sake. Some translations + the ENG dub somewhat skews their dialogue, but the Psycho Helmet entities speak in a very fragmented way, and don't ever refer to Mob as a person or with any person-related pronouns! They ONLY refer to Mob once and it's as "that." And so there's a horror there that this tree will consume ANYTHING for power. It's the epitome of the flawed ideology Dimple had at the very beginning of the series turned physical, so Dimple has to fight against it, and realizes the error in his ways in the conversation after said fight. So he is then sacrificed in a way to use his new immense power for a GOOD cause, to get rid of this threat. It perfectly puts that flawed ideology Dimple had at the beginning of the series to rest.)
...but this post was meant to be about observing the specific point that Dimple never flat-out lies in episode 5's conversation. A really subtle touch to the character writing in this arc, the fact that he's not just "evil again", but rather feels the need to prepare for a fight with underhanded means. He's not lying, he's omitting more of the truth than he usually does.
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spacepajamas956 · 3 months
For the ask game, 1, 2, 13, and 18 :3
Thank you for the ask!!
1: What is a scene that really got to you?
Hmmmmm, well the scene that got me fixated on the show was when Mob's house burnt down in season 2, but the scene that got me emotionally was Reigen comforting Mob after Tsubomi rejected him. Something about Mob crying and having that parental comfort really hit me hard when I first watched it.
2: Who’s your favorite character out of the cast?
I LOVEEE Mob ofc but Teru is very very special to me ^v^
13: Are there any specific MP 100 artists/writers you admire?
For writers it's DEFINITELY has to be @phantomrose96. ABoT rewired my brain. And as for artists I really love @esper-eclipse's TeruMob art! (But ofc there are SOOOO many fantastic MP100 artists that I LOVE out there!!! <3)
18: What headcanons do you have for (character)?
Let's seeeeee... My brain is kinda always in fanon/fanfiction mode when I think of these characters, so it's honestly kinda hard to remember what headcanons I've come up with for the characters aside from what I put in my fanfic.
But lets go with Teru!
I am a Teru-paints-his-nails truther. I also think he is one of those people who prides himself on "never getting sick" and then is insufferable when he inevitably does. Another one that's fanfic canon is that Teru's overuse of his powers is the reason his hair is blonde (since his aura and hair are kinda the same color).
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