#then we see mallory get fired from there and it's like. huh.
applebunch · 2 years
i just really love the trope where this very “joyful and bright and flashy” place is considered a place of great conflict. like wonderland in greater boston. it’s this big, beautiful theme park which is mainly associated in gb as, like, a place to escape to in the event of a tragedy.
what with nica taking leon there to help him “cope with his breakup,” or charlotte going there to take her mind of off her lack of direction, or the evicted residents of red line heading there for refuge after they’re torn out of their homes, and less notably, phil needing to use wonderland as a bargaining chip to get himself out of jail...
the place is typically associated with disaster and grief as well, since it’s leon’s death place, after all, and the history of tragedies it’s had (the burning robots...) just failure after failure after failure. it was renovated after leon’s death, and even AFTER that, the whole place becomes completely abandoned, once oliver, the current owner, “dies” after his wife divorces him.
wonderland’s place in the story is defined by escapism, grief, and disaster, and most of the time, when you go to wonderland, you don’t get what you’re looking for (nica took leon there to cheer him up, but he actually got so distressed that he died, charlotte went there and rode all of the rides and it didn’t do anything for her, and who knows what it might become for the new residents...)
with all of this in mind, it begs the question: what exactly does it mean, that ethan wants wonderland back so badly...?
#greater boston#greater boston spoilers#i yell into the abyss#love the way that wonderland puts a sour taste in your mouth over the course of the story#like. firstly. leon died there. oh no!#but. uh. it's not like he died because the roller coaster crashed or anything. he died because he was scared he only *might* die on it#and then you get charlotte trying to escape there. but still. not much of anything#then we see mallory get fired from there and it's like. huh.#then we find out that emily and ethan own it The Kind Of Person Ethan Is and it's like ''Oh?''#and then hear about the fires. and the degrading of emily and ethan's marriage and then oliver loses his family#and then wonderland is just dead. in an instant it's drained of all it's horrible energy moments before it was supposed to make a comeback#so many bad things in the story are associated with it that it makes one wonder if it ever really brought joy to anyone#and the evicted red liners flock there because it's a large mass of unowned property and yet there is still a sense of danger in it#like. ethan is dying to have it back. and if he does he'll eagerly raise it from the dead and watch as it bites at their ankles.#it's... really something.#wonderland is not a normal theme park.#in episode 1 it sure may LOOK like it is. but it isn't. and it's not even abnormal in a supernatural way.#the story doesn't go through special aches or pains to emphasize all of the misery it's seeped in#the characters don't have anything interesting to say about it (except ethan. obvs)#but you can still see it...#hopefully all of these tags stay on this post. one too many times i added too many and a bunch got deleted
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goldenholi · 1 year
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Chapter 8: Celastrina
This is a really long one! I enjoyed it, even though rounding it out was a wholeeeeee process. Enjoy!
Here's the a03 link
Far from camp, Mallory set eyes on jungle fowl. The bird was plump, with a bronze breast and a bright red crest that tapered off into gentle curls. He readied a spell but before he could sling it, the bird lurched against the earth. An arrow of white glimmered, then fizzled into pale sparkles.
“It’s good to see you, Mallory.”
False. A lie. Mallory knew his mother and her tone was one of judgement.
“I could have gotten it,” Mallory said. “For the record.”
“I’m aware,” she said. Mallory reached for the bird but she got it before him. With a practiced ease, she sank her hands into its skin and small cracks of light began spreading. The cracks pulsed, and then the skin dissipated, tender pink flesh in its wake. She offered it to him and he took it, though he wasn’t pleased in the least.
“Why are you here?” Mallory asked. At that her expression flattened, and Mallory knew she would say something he hated.
“I thought a visit was in order. I’m concerned.”
She touched a tree absentmindedly. Small patches of green sprouted from the bark, like a stain.
“Wyn has been observing you.”
“I know,” she said. “Mind my own. It’s difficult to do that.”
“You should try.”
“Why are you dragging an unwilling girl through the forest?”
“Why do you spy on me every time I’m out here??” Mallory asked. “Huh? What about that?”
“I worry for you, Mallory.”
“Well don’t worry,” he shot. “I’m doing perfectly fine for myself.”.
“Ida told me the girl barely dodged a group of magbi, then buried herself underground.”
“What’s going on is none of your concern.”
“Forgive me,” she said. “You went to serve Raaian and now I know nothing. I don’t know why you’re out here or what it is you’re doing, and you grit your teeth in my presence and I bite my tongue in yours. I suppose if you want me gone, there’s no sense in delay.”
Without a sound, she slipped into shadow and disappeared. Her absence lifted a weight from his shoulders but he knew she was out there. Somewhere. The forest belonged to druids. It certainly belonged to ever so important Mahog. She was present as the air in a persons lungs. She was going to keep an eye on them now.
Mallory returned to camp with a sour face. He waited for Skipper to make some quip about not getting dinner and a show but she was solemn. Naivara looked downright morose. Huxley had a moderately sullen expression just as well. That was to be expected, wasn’t it? An assignment like this wasn’t exactly fun. Who was he to expect anything of anyone?
With a flick of the hand, he summoned a small stone mesa to lay the bird upon. He created two stone steps on either side of the fire, then a thin, long pole of stone. He skewered the bird from end to end, then used his thumb to carve out two divots on each stone. Then he laid the skewer over open flames. The forest began to stir, crickets and small beasts chittering, leaves rattling, branches shaking. The whole time he felt Naivara’s eyes on him.
“What?” Mallory asked.
“I want to go home,” she said.
“Tough luck,” Mallory said. “We aren’t going home. Not today.”
The cave grew hot. Mallory felt the back of his neck grow damp. He finally looked at her and was stunned at the pure, concentrated hatred of her expression. He felt damn near ashamed. Then she stood and he pushed to his feet.
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business.”
“You can’t just leave,” he said, strafing toward the cave entrance.
“Watch me.” She ducked under his arm and stormed out. The forest wasn’t green anymore. A lilac hue overtook the area, blips of rose the only indicator of sunset.
“Don’t be an idiot!” Mallory shot, giving chase. “Get back here!”
“I want ONE MINUTE!” She shot, descending the hill. “ONE MINUTE by myself, one minute to breathe.” She swiped at her eyes, hot tears making her vision a wobbly smear of colors.
“Get back here or I’ll drag you back in myself.”
Deep in her chest, a chord snapped. It resonated through her entire being. She felt a singular impulse: run. Not out panic. Not because of a need to survive. For a shot at her own comfort, however slight it was.
Mallory gave chase, but not before Naivara whipped around a corner and dove behind thick, large bushes that intersected with a creek. There was no room for mindfulness, she threw her weight against the stepping stones and scrambled down a hill, then ran with the curves of the land until she tripped, colliding with soft moss. She pushed to her feet and squinted into the dark, trying to discern where trees ended and began.
Near her ankle, she heard a faint hiss. She scrambled away, hopping onto a rocky outcropping, watching the faintest indication of a snake slither by. She breathed deeply, her figure hot against the cold air of the forest. She watched it go, her eyes drawn to the pale, glowing mushrooms against the forest floor. Treasure had those at Sistine’s. The thin, pale white ones that looked like little arrows. Back when she still visited Sistine’s, Treasure told her not to touch anything behind the bar. Because they were drugs. Because they were expensive. Because she was too young. Naivara always thought those silver arrows looked pretty. She watched folks trade silver for silver, then melt against the sofas. She envied them. Envied the easy, happy, euphoric lightness that seemed to overtake them.
Fuck all the stupid little rules that didn’t matter in the end. Naivara plucked the silvery mushroom from the earth and chewed it. It didn’t even taste good but that wasn’t the point. The point was fuck it. Fuck Mallory and fuck Treasure and fuck Atlas. She would cause a scene and they would choke on it. She swiped at her cheeks, the pigments on her cheek staining her arm. Protection. What bullshit.
She tip-toed off the outcropping. The canopy sounded like a broom against wood, all the leaves scraping against one another. Faint splatters of lichen colored the night pink and purple. A mosquito bit her arm. A frog croaked in the distance. This was better than a silent cave. Better than fighting the confusion and hate. She picked up loose sticks and snapped them, one by one.
Atlas sending her out here.
Kallisto feeding her tainted food.
Her father getting hurt.
“Are you there?” Naivara asked, touching at the flower. It glimmered faintly.
“Well fuck you too then,” she spat, shoving the flower into a pocket. “Nobody is ever there when you need them,” she muttered. “I’m an idiot for thinking you’d be there for me. Nobody ever is.” She stormed through the forest, crushing branches under her feet or snapping them with her bare hands. What little light made it down to the forest floor was silvery blue. She stopped caring about danger. About what could get her. About what could hear her. All she could think about was everything that ever gone wrong.
Her father dumping her on strangers.
Her mother dropping dead.
Atlas cheating on her.
Female hysteria.
No crack. No snap. She felt the coarse wood but only in the most gentle sense. Her grip slackened against her will and the stick slipped from her grasp. Prickles of silver lined her vision. Her knees crumpled under her weight and collided with soft moss.
Like a star cutting through the dark, Naivara remembered how Treasure sold shrooms. She would break off pieces and divvy them to customers. Not once that anyone popped a whole mushroom into their mouths. Oh. Oh no. She fell forward, cheek against the earth. Moss squirmed against her skin, seeping into her pores. She swore she felt tiny, cold heartbeats against her skin. Birds chirped and crickets sang. The canopy rattled, beasties screeching and grappling at vines. And in the far, far distance, a howl.
Pinpricks of silver overwhelmed her vision. She would die out here. All of her fathers efforts would be for nothing. Her mother would have died for nothing. Her father would die alone.
What would he do then? Would he return Eastward, searching for a semblance of familiarity? Would he pretend he never had a daughter? Walk right back where he belonged, as if he never left? Who would welcome him? Who would he talk to? Were ghosts real? Could she visit him as one? Or would that just be salt in the wound?
A cold needle drove through her lungs. She understood why chickens thrashed before they were killed. It didn’t do anything but she had to move, had to affirm that she was present, fight the black creeping into her vision-
A butterfly landed on her cheek. It crept across her face, unperturbed by her thrashing. It settled upon her forehead. How trivial. The last moments of her life would be witnessed by a butterfly. It would carry her memory for a week, maybe two, then die. Her final moments would be temporal as a breeze. She wished she could tell her father something. Anything. Thank you. Sorry. I love you.
A shadow darkened the moss. Her eyes were too heavy to so much as glance at who owned it. Her eyelids fell shut. Her mind quieted.
I’m so sorry. Are you there?
Naivara. Naivara? Please say something. I’m sorry I couldn’t talk earlier. I’m here.
The butterfly kissed her. A dark and endless quiet cradled her mind.
Then the world erupted into color and sound. A teapot screamed, a bed croaked loudly, her breathing was so loud she thought it may well have been a storm. The world shifted from side to side. Two hands dug into her shoulders and her heart beat against her ribs, loud enough strangers could dance to it.
“She’s awake!”
“Calm her, calm her-”
“Nothing to fear miss,” a voice said. “Nothing to fear.”
The hands pulled away and Naivara tried to move but couldn’t. She felt like a too-fat cat. As though moving were an art, not an instinct. Her vision was slurry of oranges and brown, with faint black figures crowding around her.
“I suspect we’re overwhelming her-”
“Noooo,” a voice drawled, dripping with sarcasm. The tone was familiar but Naivara couldn’t place it. One smear of black shoved another it, until only one leaned over her. Naivara squirmed. Her face was hot. She could twitch her hands. How strange for something so instinctive to feel novel.
“Miss,” a voice said. “You devoured bliss and it overwhelmed your system. You’ll be fine but it will take time before you’re normal. Can you tap your fingers?” Naivara lifted her wrist up, then touched her fingers against something soft. A bed? Was she in bed?
“Wonderful. Let’s say one tap means yes and two means no, alright?”
Naivara’s vision began to sharpen. The woman was dark and fine, with inky long hair streaked with grey. She was older, faint lines etched into a warm yet stern face. A girl popped up behind her shoulder, scarcely older than Naivara. She was olive skinned, with light brown hair that fell in loose ringlets. Naivara recognized her instantly: Lillimae.
Lillimae. Her neighbor, from before the Grove became her home. Her friend, up until the Brickson’s decided she was ‘too much.’ Naivara wanted to say ‘I missed you’ but her mouth fell open in shock and Lillimae shuffled off without a word, her face red.
“Now what’s that expression?” The woman asked. Naivara couldn’t make her mouth form the words but she thought them, thought them like she was the earth and her mind was the sky, and every drop of rain was some version of I thought you died.
“We were friends,” Lillimae said, and Naivara knew exactly where they stood with each other. Naivara closed her mouth and picked a spot to stare at, unable to process the fact that Lillimae was here. Alive. Last Naivara heard, Lillimae scaled up and down the perimeter, started walking and never looked back. When Naivara heard the news she was already living with Atlas. Lillimae leaving saddened her, but as Lilly said: they were friends. Thus the loss of not-friend was dwarfed by Mrs. Brickson, then Atlas, then pacci.
“Ooooh,” a new voice said. It was flute-like. Not quiet enough. “Do you wanna...”
Lilliemae’s footfalls were answer enough. The woman tending to her crept back into Naivara’s line of sight. She mustered up a small smile and took Naivara’s hand.
“You’ll be better soon, miss. We got you.”
Dead. He was dead. Absolutely completely utterly dead.
“You lost her?” Skipper asked. “How do you lose her?”
“She’s fast! She’s fucking fast, Skipper-”
“Can’t you do some magic and find her out there, isn’t that an option?”
Before Mallory could open his mouth, Huxley stood, readying his weapon.
“No no no-”
“Mallory dear,” Mahog spoke. “That’s meant for me. Not you.”
“Did you do this?” Mallory asked. Mahog frowned, stooping into the cave. Skipper gave a mocking curtsy and Huxley remained silent, his crossbow ready.
“I had to step in,” Mahog said. “She could have died, Mallory.”
“You had to cover her tracks?” Mallory asked. “Huh?”
“I didn’t have time to fight you and make sure she lived.”
“We are taking her back tomorrow. Bring her back!”
“She’s too ill. You can’t tend to her foraging in the forest. I will return her to Raaian myself.”
“Then take us to her!” Mallory begged. “Mother, this wasn’t meant to last more than a day. We can’t go back to Raaian without her.”
“Shouldn’t have brought her out here in the first place. I can’t take you to her. I’ve taken her to Celastrina.”
“YOU…” Mallory clenched his fists. “Mother. Why have you given my ward to the fae.”
“Calm yourself. It’s a catch and release, Mallory.”
“Have any of the other women at Celastrina’s been released?” Mallory asked. “Huh? Because I seem to remember you taking a woman there and her getting trapped.”
“She chose to stay.”
“It’s a fae.”
“Celastrina isn’t from the faewild,” Mahog spoke. “She is an outlier. She doesn’t subscribe to their games, Mallory.”
“What happened?” Huxley spoke.
“The girl ate an entire shroom of bliss,” Mahog said. “Likely in a fit of spite. I took her to Celastrina’s and her condition is stable.”
“I could have fixed that,” Mallory said.
“Sure,” Mahog said. “If you had the skill to craft an antidote before her lungs relaxed.”
“Mahog,” Skipper said. “Atlas will kill us if we come back empty handed. Please take us to Naivara.”
“I will not,” Mahog said. “You will remain in the forest or go home. I will bring Naivara wherever you are, when she is ready.”
“Or when you are ready. When this isn’t a game with a prize to be won.”
“Oh you-” Mallory stomped, the earth around his feet roiling like an ocean. “Have been sifting through our minds?” His mother turned. The air in the cave began to roil, blowing hair every which way. “I told you I hate that shit.”
“I shouldn’t have,” Mahog said. “But how else will I learn the truth, Mallory?”
“There’s no learn without earn,” Mallory shot. “And you, you’re piss poor at earning anything. You expect people to just fall into your lap because you say so, well I got news for you. We’ll find Naivara and we’ll bring her back, we will! And we’ll do it without your tricks and bullshit and-”
Mahog disappeared, her figure dissipating into a breeze.
“Did your mom just sell Naivara to the fae?” Skipper asked.
“I can say without a shadow of a doubt: maybe.”
“How comforting,” Skipper said.
“Maybe,” Huxley echoed softly. “Will we be forced to fight a fae?”
The group spent their night debating the logistics of fighting a fae, too unsettled to eat or sleep.
Mason had pushed through his nerves with a drink. Then two drinks. Then the third hit the spot, and he got his guitar and ignored the eager faces, playing the tunes he knew he couldn’t botch. Even when she insulted him, he pushed through the pang of hurt. The Grove was filled to the brim, the only open a space a swath of floor for dancing. There were children and parents and eager eyed girls, and older folks with knowing smiles, expectantly awaiting for him to play and play and play.
I’m an idiot for thinking you’d be there for me. Nobody ever is.
Her dismay had him in a chokehold. Still, he played until his fingers were raw, then braced for pure, unbridled glee. People were happy. Everyone was happy. The Grove was full of men, woman and children who hadn’t a clue about what a guitar was, who thought the gentle chords sounded radiant, religious, clean. Mason saw it in their faces. Any other day he would have been proud of himself.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, scurrying into the backyard. “Are you there?” Silence. It unnerved him. “Naivara. Naivara? Please say something. I’m sorry I couldn’t talk earlier. I’m here.” Nothing. A cold hand began to squeeze at his heart.
He glanced up, at Atlas’ window. A light was on. Mason couldn’t make out much else. His eyes fell upon the basement. Without much fuss, he lifted the door and hurried down, summoning a small orb to light his path. He gasped at the raised beds coated in bones, sighing in relief when he realized they were of the animal persuasion. Bare shelves lined a wall. He had no evidence for it, but he thought Naivara had been down here the night before. Stuck. The thought made his stomach flip. It was cold and sad, and apart from one rigid little chair there was nowhere to rest. He walked up and down the space, trying to shake the thought that not a day ago, Naivara had been here. Someway or another. He felt something push against his boot and glanced down. There was a small, delicate green charm on the floor. He picked it up and tucked it in his pocket, then gravitated toward the table. Pencils and loose papers, a ledger, and one sad, sad candle greeted him. Nothing that would work for what he had in mind. His hand fell on the chair and he felt leather against his palm. A jacket. That would do. Yes it would.
He hurried upstairs and shut the door behind him. It irked him that the jacket smelled like Atlas. It was Naivara’s. She didn’t even own her scent. The thought infuriated him. He felt an odd weight and tugged out a key from her pocket. He examined it only a moment before stuffing it in his pocket. He stuffed the jacket under the bed and hurried to the door, only to come face to face with a spindly man in too big robes with bags under his eyes.
“Can I help you?” Mason asked.
“I saw that,” he said. “I saw you creep down into the basement. That’s not proper behavior. One might even call it socially unacceptable. I’m inclined to tell Atlas about your snooping.”
“Who are you?” Mason asked.
“Call me Killian. I am here to guide those who need a push in the right direction. The proper direction.”
“What are you, a priest? Piss off.”
“First you’re with Naivara in secret,” Killian said. “Now you’re snooping in her room. One could very easily regard you as a problem. I’m sure Atlas would have a few things to say about you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“What do I have to do to keep this between us?” Mason asked. Killian smiled.
“Oh,” he said. “Nothing much. Just attend a sermon of mine. Shake my hand.”
“That’s it?”
“Or I tell Atlas all about your snooping.”
Mason shook his hand. It was cold and clammy. It reminded Mason of how skin clung to icy metal. When Killian pulled his hand away, Mason felt his skin simmering.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Killian said. “My sermons are at dawn. We meet in the Western Corner. If I don’t see you, I’ll find Atlas. That’s a promise.” Killian gave him a cold smile and left. Mason watched him go, then glanced at his hand to see small spindles of white creeping across his palm. He decided that there was too much on his mind to even begin figuring Killian out, and decided to focus on the one thing he could feasible accomplish: getting a mirror.
Kallisto had lied about it the night before. All to get him out of the yard. In the morning she had the gall to greet him, then drag him around town on the most underwhelming tour of his life. There were only so many butterflies to cover up an ugly, worn town. When he caught a moment alone, he hunted down a pawn shop. There, the shop keep had shaken his head and told him, “If you want a mirror, your best bet is Treasure.” The name rang a bell. When Mason asked where to find her, the shop keep gave him clear and concise instructions: find the white house.
There was one white house the whole town. It was tall and regal, even without the butterflies. It had a porch around the front brimming with sweet smelling flowers, and a large fence that hid what Mason could only imagine was a courtyard. Hard to believe it was a brothel. He always imagined places like that looking seedy and dark, hidden behind glamor and glitz. He stood dumbly in its shadow until he got the stink eye, then retreated to the Grove. But now he was done with the Grove. It was night. And he was going to find that mirror if it killed him.
The building had curtains. During the day it made the building look gloomy but at night, the windows had a warm glow. He approached with intention, ignoring the guard-type who had given him the stink eye earlier in the day. Inside, the building had three areas he could discern. A bar, a seating area, and a curtained off area that Mason made a sincere effort to ignore. He felt those remnants of religion beginning to lap at the edges of his mind, a faint shame creeping into his chest. Back home, this would never happen. Sex work happened on an individual basis behind closed doors. He knew about nobles who had mistresses and men with money who damn-near bought women, but sex work in his town? It either didn’t exist, or it was a well-kept secret. He thought it was the latter, given he once stumbled across Señor Amaya tangled up with a woman who was very much not Señora Amaya at a hotel during Saints Day. The woman in question left wearing some uniquely fine jewelry. Mason never said a word.
It was tricky to ignore the sounds of sex. He wanted to focus on anything else but a desire for touch began nagging at him. He wondered if the women here were pretty. Then he struck the idea from his mind and approached the bar, where a pale elven woman with deep red hair stood, glowering at him pointedly.
“You’re the bard,” she said, her tone hateful.
“Are you Treasure?”
“Bold of you to come here,” she said. “What do you want?”
“Did I do something?”
“Look around,” she said, gesturing to the room. “Notice anything?”
“Exactly. Nobody is here. Atlas got you, which means he’s got the whole fucking town going to the Grove now.”
“Oh. I really didn’t mean to do that.”
“So I repeat,” she said. “What. Do. You. Want?”
“I came to buy a mirror from you,” Mason said. Treasure raised an eyebrow.
“Whatever for?”
“I just need one.”
“Right,” she said. “Answer is no.”
“Miss Treasure,” Mason said. “I really need a mirror. I have a friend and she’s missing. I think something is wrong.”
“A friend?” Her tone was dubious.
“Yes. Her name is Naivara-”
“Naivara?” Treasure asked, all the hate disappearing at once. “How? How could that be?”
“Well Atlas says she’s sick,” Mason said. “I don’t believe him. It’s too quiet upstairs.”
Treasure flicked a bell nailed down against the table. One of the curtains along the wall pulled away and a woman stepped out. Mason tried not to ogle but it was hard. Tan skin, dark hair, with had bright colors around her eyes and lips that were a radiant shade of pink, and...the dress was lovely. Very lovely. For the briefest moment, he imagined Naivara in it before killing the thought.
“Olive,” Treasure said. “Do you know where Clarice is?”
“She’s at the Grove,” Olive said, twirling a lock of hair. “Why?” His eyes fell to her wrist. She wore a bracelet with small, delicate charms. Several of them were green. Mason reached into his pocket, touching the charm he found in the basement. How could that be?
“All I needed to know,” Treasure said, waving her off. Olive frowned, glancing at Mason. The glance lasted just long enough that Mason felt a prickle of attraction before she turned away, retreating back to her station. The charm felt very cold.
“I’ll let you use the mirror as long as I supervise,” Treasure said. She rang another bell, this one nailed against the wall. There was a door behind the bar, the kind made of metal with a key. There was a dark, gloomy little stairwell behind it. A woman with bright orange curls hurried down, visibly distressed.
“I’m not supposed to work today,” she muttered, opening the door for Treasure. Mason ducked under the bar and followed Treasure upstairs, the curly-haired woman manning the bar in her absence. Treasure hurried up and Mason followed close behind. They turned a corner and Mason paused, his mouth dropping at the sight.
The floor was covered in fine rugs. Beautiful, richly colored rugs. There were plush couches and a low, deeply colored table. Drawings were nailed to the walls, some big, others small. One drawing had several small, enthusiastic handprints. The Grove may have had a pretty ceiling but this felt like a proper home.
Mason heard crying coming from behind a door. Treasure’s face soured.
“Stay here for a second,” she muttered, entering the room. Mason peered in and saw a child curled up in bed. He was small, younger than his own brother, Casey. Maybe eight. He was snotty and coughing. “Felix,” Treasure said. “Felix, breath. Who was watching you?”
“I dunno,” he cried. “I woke up and mama was gone, and, and-”
“And it hurts.” Treasure crouched down at his bedside, like a cat. Mason thought it a bit cold. Children needed touch at moments like this. “Felix, I’m here. Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something?”
“I might be able to help,” Mason said. “I can heal.”
“But can you cure disease?” Treasure asked. Her expression was terse.
“I can try.”
“Who’re you?” Felix asked. Mason approached slowly, standing opposite of Treasure.
“My name is Mason,” he said. “I’m new.” Felix squinted up at him. “I can do magic,” Mason offered. He extended a palm and a small star twinkled into existence. Felix gave a squeal that spiraled into a cough, and Mason crushed the star immediately, grimacing as Treasure glared daggers at him. “Sorry, so sorry, didn’t mean to excite you like that-”
“Do it again!” Felix ordered. “Do you know my Dad? He can do stuff like that too but he does things like fire-”
“Hurry up and ease his pain,” Treasure said pointedly.
“Alright,” Mason said. “Shake my hand.” Felix reached out. It always stunned him how small kids were. They made him feel like a giant. His marveling was cut short when he realized asking to hold a snotty child’s hand was a recipe for disgust, but he kept a smile on and tried to ignore it. Treasure’s decision to keep distance made a lot more sense. He shook Felix’s palm and Felix gasped, shivering as light crept from his hand, up to his chest. It settled there, light coiling against the base of his throat.
“You’ll have to avoid talking,” Mason said. “But that should help. Can you do that?”
Felix nodded. His face was pinker now. He sank into his pillows, marveling up at Mason with big eyes.
“Does that...fix it?” Treasure asked.
“It relieves it,” Mason said. “Long as he keeps still and doesn’t talk, he’ll have a better time. I don’t know for how long though. It’s relief, not remedy.”
Treasure nodded.
“Watch him for me,” Treasure said. She disappeared for a short while, then returned with a jar. It glimmered a deep, rich purple. Felix shook his head and Treasure gave him a firm look. She scooped him a spoonful and he drank it, pouting the whole while.
“What’s that?” Mason asked.
“Medicine,” she said. He recalled Naivara telling him about how she made medicine for Atlas. About how they wanted to stop relying on imports from underground and make it themselves. About how there was little to go around.
“Pacci?” He asked. “Yes,” she said. “Pacci. Any other astute observations?”
We got robbed.
“No,” he said. “No. None at all.”
Within a minute, Felix slumped against his pillows. He breathed deeply. Treasure tugged a blanket over him, then motioned for Mason to follow. It was getting harder to hide his sense of wrongness. She could read him, he knew it, but still they walked into one more room. It had a large bed, and shelves brimming with books. She could read.
She had a vanity. There was a mirror with a neck, but she motioned for him to take a seat.
“Work your magic,” she said. Mason set his palms against the vanity. The key burned a hole in his pocket. He shut his eyes and searched for the tiny, invisible link between all things, following it from the key to Naivara. Treasure watched the reflection distort, glimmering like water on a sunny day. Sweat pooled at the base of Mason’s neck, his figure tensing as he hit a block. The thread went through something thick and gnarled. Something with twists and turns and circles. He began to breathe with his whole body. The line tightened. His mind began to burn.
“That’s not Naivara,” Treasure whispered.
Mason opened his eyes. The line slackened.
A pale figure stared back at them. Each eye was framed by a butterfly, one wing against each lash-line. Her skin was white but glimmered like a hummingbirds. She smiled, shaking her head.
Another time, he heard.
The line snapped. A dizziness overwhelmed him.
“Fae,” he said. “A fae got her.”
They sat in disbelief for a long while. It wasn’t until several knocks pounded at the door that Treasure opened it, staring dumbly at the curly-haired girl from before.
“I want to close up,” she said. “But he’s still here. Is he staying the night or…”
“No,” Treasure said. “Get out. Go.”
Mason hurried out and walked himself back to the Grove.
Another day, the fae had said.
Another day, he agreed.
:) if you enjoyed, reblog + leave a comment <3 they make my day.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"In retrospective, I can see you gave me very little and I tried to build an entire future with it. You must understand, I had never been remembered like that, before. With purpose. Without begging for it. I took what I was offered and I ran away."
Malec being so fricking cheesy and in love in this trying times is superior 😎 They are idiots in love 😂😂
Magnus saying all the Super Babes have cool powers and shit as if this man isn't one of the most powerful and amazing of all times, owns a hell dimension, and ffs, he created the portal!!!
Maybe love was Alec’s superpower. Who taught you to love like that, Alec Lightwood?
I can confirm we are attracted to him anyway😌
No, no, no. Catarina is literally the most precious babe ever!! Leave her out of this😭
Keep an eye on your family!! Fuck! Also I love how this time, he feels rage. In lbaf he felt grief and pain and fear, but now he is feeling rage. And that is something else!
Yeah Magnus, call her bullshit out!! But omg both Alec and Magnus have suicidal wishes?
He can fucking teleport!!!! How fucking cooler can this man get???
I should make a list of all the things that are going wrong at this point 😂
“We should just kill them both,” Lexi shrugged. “Actually, let’s kill all the Devlins.” I don't know why no one is listening to her, she seems the most rational one
Ben and Lexi jshdididi THE SASS OF MY QUEER KIDS 😎
Izzy is so Iconic for this tbh
“And because you look like you make questionable life choices.” this is literally my friends asking for something they wouldn't ask someone else
Although I do agree Raziel is an idiot, their interactions always make me laugh so much😂😂
They have the wrong Max?? Jfc, Max is getting popular now
Luci, man, can you come back a few centuries from now on? We are kinda in the middle of something
His power is cool af!!! Wait, so if Raziel had smitten Ben with heavenly fire, what would have happened?
The warlock smiled. “Do you know the secret to defeating a monster, Lexi?”
“What is it?”
“You find a bigger one."
So we get the Prince of Darkness or Lucifer? No big deal at all :))
Max is really Maryse's favorite grandchild, huh?
Sometimes getting back something you lost hurt more than losing it. I didn't expect Maryse and Max Trueblood angst rn😭
Everyone being a little annoyed by Magnus' power and Alec being a little turned on is the most Alec thing ever kdhdkdjdkdn
They were gone for .5 seconds. Mavid are unhinged!! If Magnus was already cursed on walking in on every couple, this will get worse!!
If they don't get to zip zap our way out of this, I am suing!!!
Hunter saying some of the most cryptic shit ever and Mallory thinking how Max will look like 🙂🔪
Look, I fucking hate them all, but that was peak manipulation by Hunter. I say we should all go with Lexi's plan and kill them all
.... And I thought this family couldn't get any creepier?!?!? Now Zombi-Marcus-searching-for-Camilla is out there 🙂 FUCK
This family is unbelievable!!! Claire was practically asking for it, but...bitch wtf???
This quote kinda had me 🥹
Also this is literally Alec/Max about their SO I can’t 🤭
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simpingfortheages · 3 years
A/N : she be looong as fuck sorry nat sorry 😂
Eyes are the gateways to the soul, words and feelings can be exchanged by a simple act of making eye contact.
Cordelia is busy and seems to no longer have time for the reader . All the reader wanted to do was help.
Cordelia knew that being Supreme was tiresome, but she never thought that it would be to this extent. She hasn't slept in almost a week and she is pretty sure that there is coffee coarsing her veins instead of blood. Cordelia has been up, keeping track of all the suspicious activities happening around the world in hopes the cause is a witch. That's just Cordelia for you. She is always looking out for others before herself. Putting the needs of others before her own. Staying up all day and night so that she can grow and teach those in her coven. She really is deserving of Supreme. Cordelia has been trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes for the past while. Her head bobbing while filling out documents and having to shake her head ever so often to keep on track of whatever file she was reading. Cordelia's new project has been her trying to track down this other witch, however her attempts have been futile. Everytime she thinks she has a lead on the witch she seems to change location and vanish . The witch is powerful and would be a great addition to the Coven. This took a toll on her, She was snappish and everyone knew it, but no one blamed her because she was stressed, even Madison didn't annoy Cordelia or made any snarky comments. After internally debating with herself, the choice of sleep won. She shifted the stack of paper that she was currently working on to the side of the mahogany desk. She laid her arm on the desk and laid her head between the crook of the elbow while her other hand tried to massage away the 3rd on coming migraine. Her migraine for the past days were seemingly becoming worse, as though her body was begging her to stop and reset herself. She didn't have a choice at this point, she needed to rest otherwise she would have crashed and gotten less time to get work done.
I am fairly new to Ms Robichaux's academy, I was "enrolled" 3 months ago, not by choice but by force. I set my mother's boyfriend on fire out of accident. YES BY ACCIDENT.... Well maybe not all the way an accident. I got angry and let my temper get the best of me. Surprisingly I didn't get in trouble from my mother, she said something about a witch bloodline. I didn't really pay much attention to her words or have much time to react to what i did,because my mother was quick to call some witch lady whose hair was firey red and the way she spoke was regal. I later learned on the ride to the academy, that her name was Myrtle Snow. I have learnt the names of my fellow sisters Madison, Zoey, Queenie, Coco and Mallory. So far they have been fairly nice to me but I don't really interact with them much. Most of the times I keep to myself and listen to Fleetwood Mac in my room all by myself. Apparently everyone has someone to room with but me,not that I am complaining. But i must say, out of everyone in the Coven whom I've met so far, my favourite is the Surpeme. The first time we met I was taken aback by her beauty. The way her blonde hair rested delicately on her squared shoulders , the way her makeup was done in such a way that it highlighted all of her best features, which by the looks of it. It was her whole body. Her eyes were captivating , she smiled at me through them. I couldn't help but stare right back into her dark brown eyes, they held power and safety. The eye contact wasn't uncomfortable, it was an unspoken exchange.
Cordelia took it upon herself to show me around my new home. It was majestic, I took note of every detail ,from the paint brush strokes done on the painting that hung on the walls to the crack on the 4th step going up the twin staircases. My favourite place however was the Greenhouse. Well, her greenhouse. She told me that it was her place of relaxation,her get away from it all. The walls were covered with vines, the sunroof allowed the golden rays of the sun to filter into the room and paint all that it touches. The walls variety of plant species and herbs that she has collected over the years was quite impressive. It was beautiful. Overtime this became our habit. After dinner or lunch we would both make our way to the Greenhouse to create new concoctions. Whether it would be sleeping potions, manipulation potions or simply love potions. We never used on each other , it was just done merely for the fun of it. I felt happy for the first time in many. The little hugs ,inside jokes and nicknames we would share. It was all innocent fun at the time until, one time I was making a potion and Cordelia stood right behind me watching my every moves. I don't know what came over me, I dont know if it was the closeness of our proximity ,the warm breathe of her breathing that brushed my neck whenever she exhaled or the fact that she kissed my cheek right after telling me how good of a job I was at following orders. After that day I can't help but blush whenever we locked eyes. Light brown on dark brown. Neither of us looked away. Her eyes felt like home, a place that i longed to be. These few months I've developed quite an attachment to the Supreme,one might even say a crush on her.
However these past days I noticed that she was quite distant. She wouldn't catch on to the jokes I made, like she normally would. The amount of times she paced up and down the walkway in the Greenhouse, the layer of dirt and colour of orange on the brick floor started to fade. Cordelia kept ranting and complaining about finding a certain witch. Of course I didn't mind her talking to me. I always liked to know what new projects she was up too. But It was evident that this one occupied her mind. When she was with me, she wasn't with me mentally just her physical appearance. She would sometimes forget about our daily meet up, some days turned into few days and eventually a few days turned into none. I didn't hold anything against her. She was busy. I took it upon myself to help her find who this witch was. So you know she can spend more time with me,it wasn't a selfish act. Just killing two birds with one stone. Cordelia would be able to finally relax and I would get to spend time with her more often. It's a Win/ Win.
Cordelia just went into her office so that meant I had basically the whole evening until dinner to find out who this witch was. As I sauntered my way to my room. I began to recollect all what Cordelia told me. It was a little witch on the run, maybe she didn't what to join a Coven like me. Cordelia knew every thing about the little witch. She was a slippery one, evading the hands of the Surpeme. I remember her saying that the witch was a little younger than I was, with black hair and green eyes. Her speciality is Cloaking, she could cover her tracks very well. A rare skill some witches possess.I laid out my pens and my leather bound notebook on the bed and started to make notes of what i knew so far. After I was done, I realised it wasn't much information. I needed more if i was going to help Cordelia. I needed to see from another set of eyes. I shifted my notes aside and laid flat on the bed. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. No one knew but i was Clairvoyant. I could make myself hear and see what someone was thinking.
******time skip*******
THAT'S IT !!. I found the witch. She was running from something or someone. The little witch was seeking safety,maybe she did need to be in a Coven. Without any time to waste. I quickly wrote down all that I gathered into my note book. I couldn't contain my excitement, Cordelia and I will finally get to hang out like old times. I scrambled off my bed and made a beeline towards her office. *knock knock* "Dee I found out how to get the witc-" I began,but she wasn't in her office. Huh where is she then? . After a few minutes of futile searching in the upstairs I decided to check the kitchen. As I walked downstairs, the kitchen came into my view. There she was. My supreme making her possible 7th cup of coffee. I couldn't help my heart from fluttering at the sight of her. We haven't spoken in so long. " Hey Dee, do you remember when we used to hang out in the Greenhouse, i miss those times but thats not the point, anyways you always used to speak about this witch you couldn't find??Apparently I never told you but i am Clairvoyant which is really handy beca-" I rambled but was quickly cut off by Corldeia," Y/N! Be quiet . Stop talking Oh my God shut up. Please can't you see that I am busy and tired??"
Immediately I felt small, wishing the ground would just swallow me whole. Her eyes were locked on mine, the once safety and calm that I loved were replaced with anger and annoyance ....at me. I could feel my chest tighten, so tight that it began to squeeze my heart till it slowly cracked. I bit my tongue to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. It was evident that Cordelia's expressions changed based on my now small demeanour. I forcefully swallowed the lump that built in my throath. Out of hurt I threw my notebook on the marble counter where she rested her half way made coffee. The only words i spat out were "There's how to get your witch to join this shithole Coven Miss Goode". Her mouth was now slightly ajar at my words. No longer wanting to stay in her presence, I turned my heels and made my way back up to my room as Cordelia struggled to find her words.
*******TIME SKIP PT 2********
Thanks to me Cordelia managed to get in contact with the witch who will be joining the Coven in 2 weeks time. For these past few days I have suscessfully managed to avoid Cordelia. Of course I didn't avoid her presence. I had more dignity than that. I just made sure that I was never alone with her. That way she couldn't "apologise"or ask me the questions she really wanted too. I was mad at her. She didn't have to yell at me,I know i am talkative to people when i get comfortable with them, but still out of everyone to yell at me I would never suspect that it would be her. I no longer joined her in the Greenhouse to help her with her potions. Having breakfast and lunch with everyone was the worst. I no longer sat next to her at the table, instead I sat next to Madison,but that didn't stop her from trying to talk to me. As everyone else engaged in mini conversations at the table, Cordelia silently spoke to me from the head of the table " Y/N how have you been?". I lifted my head and focused my gaze from my tea cup to the silver in her bracelet, dismissing the hopeful look in her eyes. "I've been better Ms .Goode" I replied with extra emphasis on her last name. You know for an extra punch of guilt. Cordelia has noticed my lack of eye contact over the past days and she couldn't help but feel hurt at the act.
********time skip pt3**********
It was probably about 7 pm when i heard the clattering on heels on the floor. Shifting my attention from the crackling of the fireplace I looked over my shoulder to see that all the girls were dressed up and ready to head out somewhere. "Hey? Where are you guys going?" I questioned. "Out." Said Madison. I couldn't help but scoff at her reply. "Okayy???And you didn't ask me because??". Madison abruptly turned around "You and Cordy need to fix whatever is going on between you too. Don't think we haven't seen the change" she commented as she roughly pressed her index finger into my chest. Before I could even find my words. The door was slammed in my face. If Madison and the girls think that I am staying alone in the academy with Cordelia alone they are wrong. In another situation I would have taken that chance in a heartbeat. Lost and confused at the exchange that just happened, this gave Cordelia time to enter the living room. " Y/N?" She spoken almost in a whisper. I swear to the ex Supreme herself my eyes almost jumped out my eye sockets . My movements were stiffened as i tried to turn around. I took a deep breathe and attempted to make the situation fall into the better of my hands. " Yes Ms Goode? How are you?" I asked, while facing the floor. " I am sorry y/n I didn't mean to yell at you, you helped me a lot on my project and I cannot repay you enough" Cordelia spoke. I genuinely smiled at her gratitude "you're so very welcome Ms Goode" . Suddenly I felt her hands wrap around my form pulling me in a strong hug. I was stunned for a while and didn't know how to react. Sobs and small apologises fell from her lips as she buried her head into the crook of my neck. I reciprocated her hug but this caused her to cry even more. " Ms Goode please don't cry" I tried to comfort her, but all that left her mouth was a small, muffled "no". As she calmed herself she pulled away and wiped her tears away as she tried to look presentable. "Don't call me that. Call me by my nickname" she demaded. I chuckled at her command " okay dee." She cupped my face into her soft palms. I could smell her vanilla lotion that she regularly applies on her hands. She lifted my face to hers, but my eyes still didnt need hers. " y/n look at me" she whimpered. " Dee I am looking at you" I said smiling nervously as my eyes darted over the beautiful features of her face, never settling on her eyes. " baby..." she whispered. My heart constricted . Cordelia repeated the statement to look at her once more. This time I complied. Did she really mean that? does she like me back?. Her eyes were watering, her gorgeous brown eyes even when they hold the emotion of hurt. I still cannot help but stare in awe. Her eyes were filled with longing and hope. I don't know who closed the gap but our lips met in the middle. Kissing Cordelia was pure ecstasy, the kiss was one of tender and love. It felt as though part of me was finally completed. After a while we both pulled away, she delicately laced her slender fingers together with mine, interlocking our hands. Both of us trying to catch our breathe , Cordelia slowly leaned forward and gently rested her forehead against mine. Ever so quietly whispering to me the sweet words," and I do feel the same..."
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7-wonders · 4 years
All You Have Is Your Fire
Summary: Reconnections and realizations abound.
Word Count: 1223
A/N: You asked, and here it is: Mad Love! So, I’m thinking this is the end of the first “act,” so to speak. Then I can start the chapters over again from one, and it will be fresh and brand new. Let me know your thoughts, my inbox is always open, and if you enjoyed I hope you’ll like, comment and reblog!
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
Things were supposed to be better. You had been rescued, your kidnappers killed, feelings had been confessed and reciprocated, and you finally were where you belonged. The end, case closed...right?
If only things were so simple. For weeks, the kidnapping has rested heavy on your heart. More specifically, the person who had a hand in orchestrating it. You had wanted to forgive Mallory almost since the moment you saw her with Michael, but common sense held you back. You needed to play it cool, but life has a funny way of putting people back into your path. When the stars aligned and Mallory asked to see you, it had happened mere days after you realized the only person you could turn to for your troubles was Mallory.
“Thank you...for meeting me, I mean.” You sit across the small table from the doe-eyed brunette who was once, what seems like a million years ago, your best friend. Mallory fidgets nervously, smiling to try and diffuse the tension.
“Once I figured out that this wasn’t another trap, it seemed like a good opportunity to air out some grievances.” The smile on Mallory’s face freezes at your words before slowly sliding off her face. 
“I really am sorry, (Y/N). I’ve said it before, but I’ll continue to say it until I’m old and gray if that’s what it will take for you to believe me.”
“I know that you’re sorry. I just don’t know that we’ll ever have the relationship that we once did.”
“However weird it sounds, you forgave Michael and fell in love with him after he kidnapped you. I’m holding out hope that you’ll forgive me too.”
You bite back a smile, knowing that she’s right. Already, just sitting across from her for a couple of minutes has shown just how much you’ve missed her. Mallory, for better or for worse, is something like a platonic soulmate. Besides, at least you weren’t forced to marry her too. “Just be glad that Michael doesn’t know, then there’d be a lot more trouble.”
“How’s that going? Your relationship.”
“Not that it’s any of your concern, but it’s good. Never been better.” You’re not lying. In all honesty, things were better. Now that your relationship with Michael was “official,” or as official as a relationship can be when you married months before even dating, any of the petty fights you previously had seemed to have disappeared. Domestic life with your Antichrist was everything you had dreamed it would be, and yet…
“There’s something nagging at you.”
You shoot her a look, but nod anyways. “Not related to Michael, per se.”
“But Michael-adjacent?”
“Yeah. Specifically, the Cooperative.”
Mallory’s coven was well aware of the Cooperative, even before you were. The Satanists were just the first layer of Michael’s followers. These were the people that would follow Michael to the ends of the Earth and do anything that he asked of them. The Cooperative held all of the funds, making sure that Michael could carry out this apocalypse in the first place. Actors, artists, politicians, world leaders: all have earned a seat at the table that Michael sat at the head of.
After your Snow White moment, as you’ve so lovingly dubbed the poison apple incident, the Cooperative had become less of a priority. The good thing to come out of that was Michael taking a step back from his apocalypse-related shenanigans, even more so when you were kidnapped. Up until last week, you had thought the Illuminati-but-not-really was on the back burner for good.
Michael had approached you from where you were sitting on the couch, reading a book. You smiled at him, reaching a hand out and pulling him down next to you. It was a peaceful, sweet moment until Michael had to go and ruin it.
“I have a meeting on Saturday,” he said.
“Why do you have a meeting on a weekend?”
Michael grimaced, and you knew it could only mean bad news. “Well, people with a lot of influence typically can’t make their way to a classified location for a meeting during the week.”
“You’re meeting with the Cooperative?” you groaned.
“I have to, (Y/N). I technically own them, and they’re the ones funding my father’s plan.”
Your blood ran cold in your veins. “Wait, you’re still doing the whole end of the world thing?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I just--it seemed like that was sort of...forgotten about.”
“I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been quite distracted lately--”
“Are you calling me a distraction?” you said with a fake pout before Michael had given you a quick kiss.
“A very cute distraction, of course. But now that life has settled down a little bit, it’s time for me to get back to business.”
You continued to sit there with Michael in what he had thought was a quiet peacefulness. Meanwhile, your mind had begun to race; was the fate of the world really in your hands?
“The answer’s pretty simple, isn’t it?” Mallory asks.
“Enlighten me.”
“You have to convince Michael that the world is better the way that it is and that he shouldn’t unleash a nuclear firestorm to ‘cleanse’ it.”
You snort. “Nice and easy, huh?”
“You could always get pregnant, that would definitely put ending the world on hold.”
“Mallory!” Laughing, you reach across the table and swat at her arm. “I’m not going to hinge saving the world on having a baby.”
“You’re right, but that can definitely be part of the five year plan.” Mallory winks conspiratorially. “I think you need to subtly undermine him. Not in a malicious way, but in a way that starts to show him that the Cooperative isn’t right.”
“So, should I go to those stupid meetings with him?”
“It wouldn’t hurt. Make him think you’re on his side, as well as the Cooperative’s side, but then make him second guess his choices. You’re so smart, you could come up with a million logical reasons as to why Michael shouldn’t go down this path.”
Groaning, you put your head in your hands. “Why is this so complicated?”
“Don’t ask me, I’m not the one in love with the Antichrist.” Mallory glances at her phone. “I should probably go. I have to meet with the council so we can elect new members, considering half of our previous council was killed.”
“Don’t look at me, I’m not the one who kidnapped the Antichrist’s wife,” you retort.
“I’ve missed you, (Y/N).”
“I’ve missed you too,” you reply sincerely. “I wish things hadn’t happened the way that they did.”
“Trust me, I do too. I was so stupid for being under Cordelia’s influence like that, and letting her warped idea of sisterhood guide me.”
“We all do stupid things. And you were the one who helped to rescue me.” Mallory beams, knowing that she’s made her way back into your good graces.
On your way home, you can’t help but to think about all that’s at stake, as well as how cruel fate is. You and Michael are complete and total opposites, yet were brought together by circumstance. The dark to your light, the yin to your yang. Two sides of the same coin. Michael’s meant to destroy the world…
And apparently, you’re meant to save it.
Tag list: @betweenthesepaiges @gemini-el @90sroger @nsainmoonchild @brattylovee @dark-mei-rose @ladyrindt @yoheyyosup @zivooshka @michaellangdon @trelaney @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @ultragibbycentralworld @xavierplympton @ajokeformur-ray @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @dandycandy75 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @everything-is-awesomesauce @jimmlangdon @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @hplotrfan @1-800-bitchcraft @coloursunlimited @kahhlo @storminmytwistedmind @langdonslove @cuddletothecake @born-on-stgeorges-day @tcc-gizmachine @gold-dragon-slayer @atombombastic @blakewaterxx @wroteclassicaly @forever1313 @kaetastic @loilko @riotsouls666 @lustminaj @hecohansen31 @accio-rogers @holylangdon @sojournmichael @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @diaryofalandlockedmermaid​
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WHG 16 - Day 6
Day 6 and there are still 19 tributes to go. Huh.
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Make that 18! Sorry, Aille, but it the Flighting Fancy strikes again! This thief is out to steal people’s blood vessels, looks like.
Meanwhile, Selet commits a suspiciously good deed, someone needs to tell Gatsby that swimming could be bad for his health, and...What do you get when the King of the Underworld, a trope incarnate, a Master of Elements, and a policeman rob your camp? Scientifically speaking, you get nothing.
One cannon goes off in the evening in honor of Aille of District 6.
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Red repeats Mary Sue’s mistake. Next time, do not use the Force, Red. Use your hands.
Selet is rewarded for her good behavior, the aforementioned Master of Elements cannot start a fire, and Chess again avoids such fires, but considering the only one we know who successfully made camp is Hades, I think that’s a good call on Chess’s part. Nikolai mourns his losses.
It’s still anyone’s game! Well, there are 6 people out of the running, but the remaining ones are doing pretty well for themselves! (Yeah, no, I’m betting Nik is next.)
District 1 (Luxury Goods)
Conor (he/him), @pen-of-roses
Olivia Jensky (she/her), @spacebrick3
District 2 (Masonry)
Selet (she/her), @owlsofstarlight
Charles Vega (he/him), @wrenlaw
District 3 (Technology)
Chess (she/her), @concealeddarkness13
Nikolai Vukovic (he/him), @spacebrick3
District 4 (Fishing)
Tas Suk XVII (he/him), @owlsofstarlight
Jay Gatsby (he/him)
District 5 (Power)
Vesper Ilios (she/her), @concealeddarkness13
Lewison, “Louie”, “The Flighting Fancy” (he/him), @sparkles-and-hens
District 6 (Transportation)
Aille (she/her) @owlsofstarlight
William Li, Sr. (he/him), @ratracechronicler
District 7 (Lumber)
Reverie (she/her), @concealeddarkness13
Hades (he/him)
District 8 (Textiles)
Owen McGrath (he/him), @onmywaytobe
Caeser Flickerman (he/him)
District 9 (Grain)
Seth “Rattler” Kane (he/him), @knmartinshouldbewriting
Jaredd Liy Madava “Red” (he/him), @starlightswitch
District 10 (Livestock)
Logan Mallory (he/him), @onmywaytobe
Princess Peach (she/her)
District 11 (Agriculture)
Warren Grade (they/them), @maple-writes
Mary Sue (she/her)
District 12 (Mining)
Samuel Collingwood (he/him), @ratracechronicler
Inventia Notreal (she/her)
Day 6
Rattler searches for firewood.
Gatsby discovers a river.
Caesar Flickerman sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Red and Vesper Ilios work together for the day.
Selet tends to Peach's wounds.
Olivia Jensky and Chess hunt for other tributes.
William receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Louie severely injures Aille, but puts her out of her misery.
Tas Suk XVII searches for firewood.
Hades, Mary Sue, Logan Mallory, and Sam raid Nikolai Vukovic's camp while he is hunting.
Charles Vega thinks about home.
Night 6
Gatsby attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Olivia Jensky tries to sing herself to sleep.
Selet receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Caesar Flickerman climbs a tree to rest.
William is awoken by nightmares.
Chess sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Logan Mallory attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Hades sets up camp for the night.
Red receives a tent from an unknown sponsor but fails to set it up correctly and accidentally lights it on fire.
Peach, Charles Vega, Sam, Mary Sue, and Rattler sleep in shifts.
Vesper Ilios, Louie, and Tas Suk XVII sleep in shifts.
Nikolai Vukovic cries himself to sleep.
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Miss New York
I. Miss tribeca
This is the first part in a series cowritten by @https-luna and I.
When Sarah's cousin visits for the summer from New York City will she find friends in the kooks or pogues. Mallory Lexington has to find out how to convince the Cameron's to let her stay whilst also figuring out what she likes or, who she likes.
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Sarah huffed sitting down next to John B, who had been tinkering with a Rubik's cube for the last ten minutes. Everyone was just outside the chateau; John B on the porch, JJ working on the Twinkie, and then Pope and Kie were having a side conversation about global warming. Sarah's arms were crossed over her chest and her face was screwed up in slight anger.
John B raised a brow at her. "Everything alright?” Sarah didn't answer at first, but had begun gnawing on her bottom lip.
Upon turning her head to face John B, she sighed and relaxed her tense shoulders. "My cousin is coming from New York City and staying with us for the summer."
John B furrowed his brows in confusion. "And that's a problem because..." Sarah turned to give John B a sharp glare.
Turning back to continue watching JJ work on the Twinkie, she sighed again. "Because she's from Rose's side of the family and I've never met her before. And if she's from New York City, then it's safe to say she's a stuck up bitch."
John B sniggered a little, and JJ's head pops out from behind the hood of the Twinkie at the mention of Sarah's cousin. "When you say cousin, do mean like, ten year old cousin or like our age cousin?" Sarah gives JJ a 'are you serious look' and rolls her eyes.
"Yes JJ, she's our age. Turns seventeen soon too apparently." JJ nods his head a little and looks back down at the Twinkie.
Looking back up at Sarah, he licks his lips and there's a certain twinkle in his eyes. "Is she hot?" Sarah groans rolling her head back.
Pope and Kiara are tuning into the conversation now, interested in the mysterious cousin Sarah's talking about.
Pope turns his head towards JJ when he hears the question. "Are you serious, JJ?" Pope sends JJ a look of disbelief and shakes his head.
JJ shrugs his shoulders, "Its a valid question, Pope." Kie rolls her eyes, mumbling something about being friends with a bunch of children.
"But it's really not a valid question," Pope fires back.
"Well, of course it is!"
"No, it's not."
"Why isn't -"
Sarah let's out a loud groan, cutting JJ off. "Well, whether it's a valid question or not, I don't know what she looks like; what part of 'never met her before' did you not catch." Sarah shoots, annoyed with the conversation in front of her.
JJ shrugs again, now pouting at the fact that Sarah was right when she said she didn't know what the mysterious girl looked like.
John B, now done messing with the the Rubik's cube, speaks up. "So when is she gonna be here?"
Sarah purses her lips in concentration. "Uhhh, I think Rose said by sometime tonight. Like dinner time, I'm pretty sure." Everybody nods their heads at the girl's words.
It's quiet for a few moments before Kie speaks up. "So what do you guys say we go surfing awhile nothing better to do."
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Mallory was sat in the backseat of the Cameron car. Ward in the drivers seat and Rose in the passengers seat. Her pink acrylic nails filled the silence as she typed a quick text to her mom saying they should be at the house soon. After sending the text, she shut her phone off and sat it in between her jean clad legs.
Taking a look out the car window, she saw a view of the ocean. The setting sun reflecting brightly off the water. "The sunsets nice," Mallory spoke up, the silence becoming too much.
Rose tilts her head a little at the sound of her niece's voice. "Oh, yeah. It usually is on clear days."
"I guess you aren't too used to sunsets, huh." Ward pipes up, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.
Mallory quietly laughed a the comment, "No. Not when you're from 'The City That Never Sleeps'." Ward chuckles at the joke.
It didn't take much longer to reach the house. Pulling up into the driveway leading to the Cameron residence, Mallory takes the time to take in the house. Her lips pull into a frown at the sight, a certain distaste for it residing within her.
Parking and shutting off the car, Ward and Rose both hop out. Rounding the other side of the car, Ward opened up the door for Mallory. "You like it?" Rose asked.
Mallory plastered on a fake, tight-lipped smile and nodded her head at her overly enthusiastic aunt.
"Why don't you show her to her room, Rose. I'll start bringing in some of her bags. And if you see Rafe, tell him to come out and help." Ward grunts, lifting one of Mallory's pink Louis Vuitton suitcases out of the trunk.
Rose sends a quick smile towards him, then turned her attention back to Mallory. "You ready?" Rose asks.
Mallory nods her head in response, "Yeah, but I'm just gonna grab my bag real quick. I'll follow." She sends Rose another forced smile and grabs the bag she had with her in the car, and turns back around to see Rose waiting for her just by the front door. Groaning quietly to herself, she rolls her eyes before following suit to meet Rose.
Rose opens up the front door, and steps inside onto the polished wooden floor. Mallory follows, her black strappy heels clicking against the floor. She looks around, taking the house in, and her resentment for the house only seemed to grow.
But before she had too much time to think about it, Rose spoke up. "Your room is just up these steps." And she started walking up the steps she spoke of previously, Mallory tailing close behind.
The sound of music was easily recognizable as Mallory marched up the steps. Rose seemed to think so too, letting out a sigh. "That's probably Rafe. God only knows what he's doing." When they made it up the stairs, Rose walked a little further ahead to knock on who you assumed was Rafe's door. The door remained closed, even after Rose's persistent knocking. When Rose opened up the door, Mallory was met with the smell of weed and the booming sound of music.
Rose stood in the doorway of Rafe's room, and spotted Rafe, Kelce, and Topper scattered around. Seeing Rose, Rafe turned off the music, and all three boys casted their attention to her.
Sending Rafe a look of disapproval and disgust, she spoke up. "Really Rafe?" Rafe didn't say anything and Rose just sighed. "Your cousin is here. Your father wants you to go down and help bring her bags up to her room." Rafe doesn't go to move from his spot on the bed; instead opting to give Rose an overdramatic eye roll. "Rafe," Rose says in a warning tone. Mallory moves closer to her aunt's spot in the doorway and peeks her head to get a quick view of the room. Still not seeing anybody moving, she narrows her eyes and gets ready to say something before Rose speaks again. "Now, Rafe."
Rafe shifts in his spot and sits up. "Why can't you and her do it?" He nods his head in Mallory's direction. "I'm busy."
"Because Rose is showing me to my room, and you were the one asked to do it." Mallory steps in. Arms crossed, and eyes expectant, she glares at Rafe. Rafe glares back at her and brings his 6'2 frame off his bed and stops short in front of Mallory.
Mallory moves out of the way to let him through and sends him a grin. Rafe's eyes narrow even more and his jaw clenches. Moving out of his room, he knocks his shoulder against Mallory's smaller 5'7 form. She can hear his thundering footsteps going down the stairs as she turns back to face Rose.
Rose sighs, and sends Mallory a thankful smile. "You boys staying for dinner tonight?" Rose asks, looking back at the two boys still in the room. Her eyes flicker between the two, awaiting their response. But neither answer, too busy ogling Mallory.
Mallory catches the eye of Topper and sends him a questioning look. Topper looks away and back to Rose. "Yeah, I'll stay."
Rose nods her head and smiles at him before turning her attention to Kelce. "You staying, Kelce?"
Kelce shakes his head. "Nah, I'm busy tonight." He stands up, Topper following suit, and they both make their way down the staircase.
Rose let's out a tired sigh, "Well lemme show you to your room." Mallory nods and let's out a small yawn, which Rose catches. She chuckles, "Tired?" Mallory smiles a little and nods again. "Well dinner hasn't been started yet. You can catch some sleep if you want. And I'll have someone come and wake you a few minutes before dinner is ready if you'd like."
"Yeah. That sounds really nice." Opening up the door to Mallory's bedroom for the summer, Rose steps in first, Mallory following close after her.
Walking forward, Mallory runs her fingers lightly against the pink bedding covering the king size bed. "You like it?" Mallory turns her head at the question. "I went and got some stuff to make you feel more comfortable. I wasn't a hundred percent sure what your favorite color was so I asked your mother."
Mallory appreciated the extra step Rose took to make her feel as comfortable as possible, knowing she's never been there before. "I appreciate it, Aunt Rose. Really"
Rose sends Mallory a bright smile, her shoulders relaxing and Mallory sends a genuine smile back. "Well, I better go get started on dinner. I'll leave you to settle in, and Rafe and Ward should be up with your bags soon." Rose finishes, sending Mallory one last smile before leaving and closing the door softly behind her.
Sighing, Mallory took off her shoes and left them beside the door. She grabbed the bag she carried up with her from the car and pulled out her phone charger. Plugging it into the outlet beside the bed, she connected it to her phone. Mallory let out a huff laying down, and pulled the covers of the bed over her body.
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Sometime later, Mallory found herself being woken up but loud knocks on the door. She groaned and opened her eyes. Blinking a few times to rid whatever sleep was still present in her eyes, she sat up and stretched her stiff limbs. Another knock sounded at the door, and she let out another groan, pulling herself out of the cloud-like bed.
Opening the door, she was met with an irritated Rafe. He looks at her, "Dinner's ready." He pulled himself from her doorway and marched back down the stairs, leaving her alone once again.
She rolled her green eyes and turning to grab her phone of the nightstand, she spotted her bags Ward and Rafe had brought up. Trudging her tired body over to the bags, she opened one and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of leggings to swap out with her tight, high-waisted jeans and her baby blue tube top.
Her bare feet patted against the hardwood floor as she made her way down the steps and too the dining room. Stopping short in the doorway, she spotted the one seat open was next to Topper. Rose was the first one to notice her. "Mallory! Come have a seat." She pats the seat next to Topper and Mallory purses her lips as she sits next to him.
Dinner had all around been quiet; save for a few questions from Ward and Rose about life in New York, and what she plans on doing after she graduates from school.
After everyone was done eating, Ward had excused himself back to his office, Rose was out in the kitchen starting the dishes, Sarah and Wheezie had retreated back to their rooms, and Rafe had cleared a few things from the table before claiming he had to use the bathroom, which left Mallory and Topper cleaning the rest.
There was noticeable awkward silence between the pair, the only sounds being the clanking of the dishes as they cleaned. Topper was the one to break the silence. "I'm uh - I'm Topper. Thornton." Mallory turns her head and takes a quick glance at him upon hearing him.
She looks back down at the plate in front of her before speaking. "Yeah I kinda gathered that from earlier."
Topper blushes and nods. "Right, right. Sorry."
Mallory grins at his flustered state. "I'm Mallory Lexington. Its nice to meet you."
He nods his head and let's out an awkward laugh. "Um, so any plans for tomorrow?" He asks.
Mallory shakes her head. "No. Not really. I thought about heading to the beach just to hang out for a little. But other than that, no."
Topper nods his head and furrows his brow, deep in thought. Its silent for few moments before he speaks again. "Well me and the boys were thinking about going out on my boat tomorrow if you wanted to come."
Mallory takes in his words and sends him a nod and a dimpled smile. "Sure! That sounds great. Just um - just let Rafe or I know what time tomorrow, yeah?" Mallory finishes, walking away with a stack of plates in her hands.
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She'd planned on staying in for the night. Maybe listen to a bit of music and unpack. A kegger on the beach definitely wasn't planned but Mallory wasn't the type to turn down a party or free booze.
Sarah had invited her. Rose encouraged her to go, saying it'd be nice for her to make some friends whilst she stayed her. Rafe had told her about the pogues before about how she should stay away from them and they were good for nothing. Mallory just raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes.
Sarah handed you a red cup full of bad smelling liquid and dragged you over to her friends. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before the blond one spoke up "this your hot cousin?".
Sarah glared at him, "this is-"
"Mallory Lexington, Sarah's cousin."
Sarah grimaced and sent John B a pointed look, remembering the conversation from earlier. Sarah turns to Mallory "this is John B, Pope Heyward, jj maybank and kiara carrera" they all murmur half-hearted greetings as their names are called out.
Mallory took a sip from her cup and scrunched up her face "what is this stuff it's gross"
She brings the cup away from her face and narrows her eyes when she hears kie scoff at her. "Not what you're used to, is it barbie?" jj snorts and Pope sends him a quick jab to the ribs.
Mallory nods and chuckles at the name and the joke thrown in with it. "Yeah, no no, that's funny. You're pretty funny carrera," she pauses and a dark grin works its way onto her lips. "Wanna know something?"
"hmm?" Kie responds with a head tilt.
What happens next, no one sees coming. Mallory pulls the hand holding the drink closer to her body and throws the contents on Kie. "I can be pretty funny too." and with that, she tosses her now empty cup on the ground just inches away from Kie's feet. Kie's face is dripping with beer now, and her shirt is soaked through and sticking to her skin.
Mallory turns with a satisfied look on her face and has every intention of getting as far away from them as possible. She doesn't know where she's going but her feet still propel her further away from the group standing in shock.
"You could at least throw your cup away!" Mallory pauses mid step when she hears Kie shout after her.
Turning back to face Kie; she licks her lips and sends the girl a grin. "if you're so fucking horny for the environment, why don't you pick up the goddamn thing yourself?" as she turns on her heels and marches away.
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After a couple of minutes of walking Mallory found herself at the car park. She'd forgotten Sarah had driven her and her pride was too big to turn around and ask for a lift.
She heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see Topper breathlessly running after her. "I saw you leave the beach" he calls, slowing down to a walk.
"I thought the pogues were supposed to be nice and welcoming"
Topper finally reaches Mallory "you don't want to get mixed up with them, do you need a ride?"
Mallory nods and Topper leads the way to his car.
Mallory fiddles with the radio to break the silence in the car. Topper stays concentrated on the road. "this isn't the route I took with Sarah" Mallory says questioningly.
"Oh yeah, I thought we could pick up ice cream or something on the way, figured you'd need it after the drama at the beach"
Mallory laughs lightly "thank you, how many people saw that?"
Topper hesitates "everyone at the party"
Mallory groans and leans her head on the window "great first impression, how am I supposed to make friends here"
"wow I'm just not good enough" he sighs jokingly, faking a hurt expression.
Topper pulls drives through the drive through to get ice cream. He insists that she wait till they are out of the car because 'Mallory you are not fucking up my car with some ice cream stain'. Once he gets to the Cameron's estate, where he's been so many times, they both sit on the front step eating ice creams in silence.
Mallory finishes first and makes a move to go inside. Topper stands up as well, they awkwardly stare at each other for a few minutes until Mallory nods slightly "thanks for the ride, and the ice cream"
Topper smiles and nods, he moves towards the front door to open it for her "Topper, I can open a door myself"
He raises his hands up in a joking surrender and steps away. He leaves Mallory to go inside by herself as he walks back to his car and slides into the drivers seat.
Mallory pushes open the door, expecting to be able to make it upstairs without any interruption. She didn't expect both Ward and Rose to be behind the door waiting with disapproving looks on their faces.
some friends:
@rae131415 @ilovejjmaybank @outerbankslut​ @diverdcwn​ @spideymyluv @midnightmagicmusings @sguymon21 @outerbongs @laneybobeczko-g @starlightstarkey
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Electric Love
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(Playing It Cool) Me x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language Summary: Your fellow writer is not telling this summary. I am. Me. The girl I love works along with my friends and I can’t get her out of my damn head. My friends told so many stories about love and I call bullshit on everything. That weird photo above is my heart. Can be a pain in the ass sometimes but I’ll get to the story of how I met Her.
This is all in his head as he tells you the story.
I’m hoping this is just my conscience. If not then...
You’re hearing one of the most embarrassing or great things I’ve done that got me to say this. I’m Me. And this is a story when I met Her. This could go back a while because she’s been in my friend group for a while. Talented script writer, she had been writing since she was a kid.
Her first book was a comic book. Never read it but she claimed it was about a soldier on steroids who saves the world from Nazis. I’m certain that’s what she said.
But this is where it takes a turn.
She’s my friend’s sister, Scott.
Hopefully you know the backstory.
Do you? If not let me rephrase it in a small dialogue. The day we met, he left a package and I chased him around. That sound good? Good. Anyway, I don’t feel love like anyone should do.
I’m not even sure I’m capable of it. Those three words, I just repeat the same thing I always say before I get a cupcake to the face. 
“I just don’t see myself ever to feel the same way about you.”
Yeah. Messed up in your opinion. You see a girl, she falls in love and then it’s like a truck rams you into a pile of needles. I never get rejected. I’m the one to reject others.
But not her.
“Hey!” I flinched in my chair as she waved her hand, snapping her fingers. “You have to get this script done. You know how Bryan is,” She says. Shit. Got lost in thought about her.
Oh, crap. I forgot to mention her name.
“Hey, Y/N!”
There it is.
Scott comes over and spun the chair around to sit, “So, what’s going on?” He sighs. Y/N looks up to me like I was the one to tell. She was working with me on this like it was some essay for me. But her damn gaze just shuts me up.
“Um... So, the guy character has multiple personalities, he meets the girl character who has multiple personalities and one of his personalities falls in love with one of her personalities,” I said, Scott looks over to Y/N before chuckling softly.
“That sounds pretty good.”
Pretty good?
“It’s terrible,” I say. “It does not sound terrible,” Y/N says. I look over, “But it’s full of cliches. It had a gay best friend personality, it has a bitch girlfriend personality. It has a feisty Hispanic personality,” I rip of my glasses as the two laughed.
God, I loved how I make her smile. “She has a Black detective personality.” Y/N grins up at me, “You also have a scene where the actor runs through an airport,” She adds. I nod, “Yes, I forgot about that.”
Scott raises his brows, amazed, “I love running through the airport scenes.”
“I can’t do this. It’s not a good rom-com. I just want to write something as it is. I don’t want anything that’s comedy or romance. Just you know, play it out.” Y/N and Scott both sat there silently.
Great. I broke both of them.
Y/N looks over to her brother, “If I gave you 20 dollars, could you buy us lattes across the street?” She asked. God, she always knew how to cheer people up with a simple coffee.
Scott nods, “Yeah. Sure.” I looked over my shoulder and spotted my heart chilling in the corner. His lighter flicking in under his thumb as he watched me. I’m starting to think I’m going crazy.
“Hey,” Y/N spoke softly, I turned to look at her, “Let’s go over it. Okay? This is a rom-com correct?” I sighed softly and nodded. She reached across and grabbed my journal.
A journal filled luckily with no personal thoughts. Not a diary. Even if I did have one, it wouldn’t have anything to do with women or her. Maybe. She took a pencil from my book and held it in her hand.
“Have you heard about ‘10 things I hate about you’?” She asked. My brows furrow. Yeah, that Shakespeare movie about a boy who takes on a bet to take a girl out to prom just for someone else to take out the girl’s sister? 
“Well, in my thoughts. If these characters have multiple personalities there will be some conflict between their personalities,” She spoke. The way she speaks when she tries to collaborate. It’s soothing. Tantalizing.
“It can be similar to Step Brothers-Which is not a rom-com film but it’s something to put down as a thought. Some of these personalities can fight for hours, but it some times...that one personality from each of them, they build some sense and they try to work their ways through love but they know it’s not gonna be easy.”
“So... What’s the ending?” I ask. The pencil reaches up to her lips. Right now? She had to do it now in a library? Her thinking pose has me shifting my seat. She noticed.
“I’m sorry,” She pulled the pencil away from her lips, “I’m probably ruining your ideas, I shouldn’t have spoken about it. It’s your thing not mine-”
“No, no,” I cut her off, “It’s fine. I’ll think about it.” Y/N slips the journal back and she grins up at me. “If you need anything else, I’m open for some ideas.” I nod at her, “You might expect calls in the middle of the night, probably.”
She laughs lightly at that. A few seconds later, Scott walks with three cups of coffee. “All right. Here you go,” Scott hands us our drinks, returning him with a thanks.
Y/N reaches for her phone and she gasps slightly. “Shit, I got to go. I have a meet up with a friend, Derek. I’ll see you guys.” I watch her shoot up from her chair and grabbed her bag, rushing out of the library.
I turn to Scott, “Who’s Derek?” Great. That’s one way to sound like a jealous guy. Scott looks over and laughs, “You crushing on my sister?” I shake me head immediately, “No. No, I was just asking ‘cause...” I cut myself off. Why did I?
“Look, I don’t care that you like my sister. But if you’re boning her at this moment, you got to tell me now.” I close my eyes, “I’m not boning your sister, Scott. This is all some... stupid-”
“You’re falling in love with her? Why don’t you tell her? Do you want me to?” Scott asks. I shake my head, “No! Don’t tell her! Don’t tell her anything, I’m not capable of doing that... sort of thing...”
Scott raises a brow, “You mean not capable of accepting your feelings towards her? That’s the problem. If you keep this up, you’re gonna shut her out because of it. You set boundaries and then you start to push them.”
I close my book and slipped it in my bag. “I’m going.” Scott furrows his brows, “What? So, you’re just gonna ignore this whole thing? Not even gonna tell her?”
“I’ll see you at the bar,” Was all I said before leaving him there. Not knowing that my heart in that corner had lit the romance category sign on fire.
Fuck Romance.
“You really fallen for her?” Mallory asks, the boys around smiled. “Well, one day he’s gonna be moving into Scott’s house and he’ll have to listen to them screaming,” Samson says.
I dropped my head on the counter. Fifth drink in hand, I felt a bit tipsy. “I thought Y/N was coming, what going on?” Lyle asks. Scott sighed, “Well, I heard her and Derek were really working on a screenplay at her apartment so we’re going on without her.”
That Derek might get a punch to the face. The thought of her and him in bed. It rotted into my mind and I caved. Lifting up my head, I downed my drink. “Another, please,” I demanded.
After that, I took many more. I was on the edge of throwing up. My friends offered to take me home due to my tipsy stance and slurred words. I just walked away and I had to tell Y/N.
Stumbling up the stairs to her complex, I ended up at the gate. I’ve been to her apartment many times. Not what you think, though. Not yet. I reached for the rocks in the plant box and shouted, “Y/N!”
I then threw the rock. It missed her window but it met it with a loud bang. The lights were on and a shadow appears behind the curtains before Y/N opens her window and spotted me.
God, she was beautiful.
“What are you doing? It’s late?” She asked, I grabbed the bar and leaned in between the two bars. “Where’s that Derek douche? Huh?” Y/N furrows her brows, “What? Are you drunk?” She asked.
Leaning back, holding the bar with one hand, I pointed up at her, “I love you, Y/N.” I swung to the side and slammed into the wall. “Who is that, Y/N? Who are you talking to?” A man asks.
“A friend, he’s drunk and-” I peered up at the man I assumed was Derek and pointed at him. “You! You don’t deserve her! You don’t love her! Sex is better with me!”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Derek asks. Y/N sighs, turning back to me, “It’s not what you think, he’s just-”
“Oh, no!” I cut her off, I began to climb the fence, “I love you! You’re amazing! One of the best people I could ever have,” I belched, “Derek doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t love you.”
My feet shake and slipped. Y/N gasps as I slam to the ground with a thud. “He’s just a friend! He’s gay, see?” She calls. I stumble onto my feet and panted, “He’s crazy? I’ll beat his ass for whatever he’s done.”
“I’m calling the cops,” Derek says, Y/N grabs his arm, “Don’t. He’s my friend,” She looks down, “I’m coming down! Wait there!” I swiped my hands down my chest as I peered up at Derek.
“Cops... fuck the cops... I...” I felt my head spin and I began to sway. Stumbling at the slightest I felt someone grab my shoulders. My hands instantly grab their forearms and I slowly opened my eyes.
There she stood.
“Hey...” I slurred, she cracks a grin, “Hey.” My hand cups her cheek in an instant, having her to look in my eyes. “I love you... too much...” I slurred. She smiles and placed her hand over mine. “You’re not in the right state,” She says.
I shook my head, “But I’m in the right place... and that’s with you...” Y/N uses her other hand and cups my cheek. This was a sign to give her a kiss. Leaning in, I was intoxicated. Though in my mind, I needed this.
The butterflies were going off in my stomach.
Wait. Shit. Not the right ones. I gagged. Y/N pulls away and takes a step back but her hand goes for my back as I leaned over to the side and got rid of those contents I took down at the bar.
Y/N cringed but she rubbed my back softly. After I finished and spat, she lifts me up gently. “Let me get you cleaned up and you can sleep in my bed.” I didn’t have the chance to say anything, I felt like I couldn’t.
I blew it once I gagged.
Derek was nicely removed from her apartment and she gave me the chance to take a shower. Use a toothbrush under the sink to get the alcohol taste in my mouth that’s been burning inside.
After that, I nodded off.
The next morning, I woke up to the light shining through the window. I noticed the familiar place and realized I was in Y/N’s apartment. I sat up from her bed and stood up.
Walking through her place, I found her in the kitchen. Her head turns to me and she grins, “Morning. I have a pill for you there. I was thinking you should lay off the coffee today so...”
I walked over and reached for the pill and water. “Thank you. And good morning to you.” She looks over and leans on the counter to face me. “You okay?” She asked. I peered up at her, furrowing my brows. For some reason, I just realized how sore my body was.
Oh, yeah. Fell down the fence. “I’m fine... just...” Shit. I zoned out again. Her grin never left her face as she gazed at me. It’s like I lost my hearing to everything around me.
Everything was gone except her. I look over her head to see my heart. Full on suit with a cigarette in his mouth. Smoke emitting from him, he nodded at me. What was he nodding at me for?
Something warm and gentle lands on my side and I look down to see Y/N. Her arm out, touching my waist as she steps closer to me. I felt frozen in time with her. This wasn’t no story or dream I was being told. This was happening.
I placed the glass down and watched her as she raised her other hand to cup my cheek. This is the opportunity. Don’t blow it up with another gag. My hands go to her waist and cheek.
Cupping them gently, her lips part to collide with mine. Fuck, it’s happening. Her lips crash onto mine and I froze. This was something different. It wasn’t wrong. It didn’t feel like the other girls I’ve called and asked for sex.
This gave me the good butterflies. As if we were perfect, our lips just seem to be a perfect fit. It felt so right. I felt love. 
The loss of her lips pull away from mine so I opened my eyes. She grinned as she looks up at me. She lightly laughs, “You look sad.” I felt like I needed to hear that again because I didn’t catch it when I got lost in her eyes. But then it came back to me.
“Maybe because you pulled away,” I said.
She laughs, “Well, you almost could’ve thrown up in my face last night if I hadn’t.” I mentally felt embarrassed with that but when she smiled I guess it wasn’t bad. “I’m sorry,” I said.
Y/N shakes her head, “No. I’m glad you came up to say that. But you could’ve said it when you were sober. Would make you less of an idiot,” She says. My eyebrows perk up, “Well, either way I’d make a fool out of myself. I guess I fallen hard for you and got to upset I couldn’t tell you so I did that.”
She smiled, still chest-to-chest with her as she rubbed my side. “I’ve fallen for you, too.” I smiled at her and cupped her cheeks again, pulling her up for a kiss once again.
And that’s how I met the woman. You probably know this story already because...
You were the woman.
Woah... It’s so weird to break the fourth wall
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lindseyhoranstan · 4 years
Sky Blue v. Washington Spirit
Buckle your seatbelts, folks, cause we’re about to kickstart the NWSL fall series and it’s going to be a wild ride. I was hiking this morning during the game (15 miles, baby), but I haunted the CBS site until they put up the replay. 
I’ve got to say, this game was amazingly well matched. Both teams had pretty good accuracy and the possession wasn’t swayed super far in either direction. I think both teams showed a pretty good match, but Sky Blue created more opportunities and took better advantage of the opportunities they were given. 
Speaking of which, Onumanu’s goal in the 18′ was an absolute miracle. Everything set up perfectly and she ran it through and finished it like a total boss. On a completely unrelated note, Onumanu is absolutely gorgeous and she was so cool and collected during her halftime interview. She deserves way more credit than she gets. 
 I liked to hear our pal Lisa explain some of the shit storm with Utah during the half as well. 
And a moment of deep appreciation.... for this haircut. 
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Never have I ever seen something that I loved so much as this haircut. Every time she touched the ball, I got distracted by that slanted lightning bolt thing down the side. 
Also, let’s have a moment of silent appreciation for two, *TWO*, female commentators. 
And they clearly know what the people want. Is it more universal access to Women’s sports on US tv? Is it prime time ESPN coverage of the NWSL? Is it equal pay for the women’s national team? Is it the news that women’s soccer will be the first offical “sport of the gays”? 
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it’s a freaking playground. Well, we’ll take what we can get. 
Then we had this interesting little interaction that still has me scratching my head. Starting with an innocent pass from Sheridan to Lewandowski....
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Who is then pushed around a bit by Meghan McCool. As someone rooting for Sky Blue, you may think this would irritate me, but I’ll allow it seeing as her last name is McCool. 
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Then the world descends into chaos as Ashley Hatch joins the fun. Kailen Sheridan is on the ground, people are shouting, whistles are not blowing, and the commentators are going full nuts because they, like the rest of us, have no clue what’s going on. And Kailen Sheridan is on the ground!
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And then a whistle breaks through the chaos to call a ........ off sides? 
You know, I’m just going to forget this and move on to the rest of the game. 
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Kailen Sheridan and her huge-haired glory is back on her feet and the world is going to be okay. 
And also Ashley Sanchez struggled big time with her heart rate monitor at 39′. She tried to put it on while walking, but eventually had to stop and still took a good 20 seconds to strap that thing back on. It’s okay honey, take your time. We all struggle with seemingly simple tasks sometimes. Your braided ponytail is cool enough to make up for it. 
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And then Kailen Sheridan got wiped out, knowing that once she got up, she was going to have to defend a penalty kick. Here are two blurry screenshots of her getting taken out by Meghan McCool. (Okay, so the name thing only goes so far)
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 Luckily, she was sitting up pretty quick, only to lose a penalty kick
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BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER! Because who do we have to save the day but this dream team..... Mallory Diane Pugh and Margaret Melinda Purce. Mal literally JETS down the field in the 90′ and hits the post, but it doesn’t matter because mere seconds later, she fires this ball to Midge Purce who sends it in for the game-winner. 
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And that sums up my recap of the game. My very gay gal of the match is a tie between Kailen Sheridan (who always wins simply because I’ve watched her since she played for Clemson) and a new winner, Midge Purce. 
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Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, my dudes, dudettes, and non binary dude people. 
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darling--michael · 4 years
Made For Him - Chapter 10
Plot:  She was made for the Antichrist. How will she change Michael’s fate?
Author’s Note: Thank you for all the love lately! I originally was going to end this story around chapter 14 but I think I have a few more ideas I want to play around with. Let me know if you want me to continue this!
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Halloween was an interesting time at the Academy.
The girls were preparing the shortest of skirts and tightest tops for the parties they would sneak off too. The boys fixed their hair and conjured spells to make them look buffer. But before they could strut around town, they had to prepare for Cordelia’s celebration.
Since this was the first time the boys and girls were together for the holiday, Cordelia was planning a small get together at the Academy. She filled a punch bowl with rich red juice, turning a blind eye to the girls and boys who snuck alcohol in it. They’d start the party by watching the spirit world open.
Violet was siting before Coco as she did the girl’s hair and makeup. Violet watched as the neighborhood carved pumpkins and hung bats in their windows. Coco had dragged her to her room, going through her closet for the perfect costume. Violet wore a thin white dress with an aluminum halo strapped to her head.
“Is all this necessary?” Violet sat still as Coco caked her face in makeup. Violet couldn’t ignore the beauty it added to her face but she hated to think of how long it would take to wipe off at the end of the day.
Coco smiled at her. She wore a flowy black dress and pointed hat she found in the attic. “Don’t you want to have the boys eating you up?” Mallory was brushing her hair, her own costume making her look like she fell from the heavens. She looked like a goddess with gold dusted cheeks and hair.
Violet thought of Michael at the mention of boys. Her cheeks burned when she thought of what he would think.
Michael and Violet had taking regular outings from the Academy whenever they could. Violet was able to grow her powers, which seemed to come from the very earth. She could make flowers pop from between concrete. She even watched a weed wither and turn to ash in her palm.
When they gave up on training her, they spent time simply roaming New Orleans. They roamed the graveyards, watching funerals from a distance. Or Michael would wave his hand, causing chaos to release from the people. They’re inner most thoughts blurted from their lips. The two of them laughed as they watched it all unfold.
When she mentioned it to the other girls, they made faces. “Wasn’t that a bit cruel?” They’d asked. “Shouldn’t we use our powers to make everything better?”
Violet stopped telling the girls about her outings.
Sometimes, Michael would wander off to see a friend of his. Violet wanted to follow him, to see who this friend was but sensed Michael needed this alone time. He always came back reenergized, coming up with a new plan to have some fun in the neighborhood.
When Coco and Mallory let her go, Violet wandered the halls as the girls ran around and giggled. The sun was low in the sky, waiting for the night to begin. As they gathered in the decorated dining room, Violet looked around for Michael. Many of the boys were dressed up as macho superheroes, trying to get the attention of the girls across the room. Then there were a group of boys flirting with each other in the corner as a group of girls let their hands roam each other. You could feel the hormones in the air.
“Looking for someone?” Violet jumped as she spun around. Michael stood before her in his costume. A long red cloak draped across the floor as a red devil’s mask covered half his face. His beautiful blue eyes broke through the mask.
Suddenly she could sense everyone’s eyes on them. Girls and boy’s eyes took in Michael, eating up every inch of him. She felt their eyes watching her too as she tried to pull her short dress down.
Michael tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, pulling white feather back. “Seems like you did fall from heaven.”
You blushed as Cordelia got everyone’s attention. Misty stood beside her in her usual gypsy attire. John Henry Moore stood on her other side, his eyes staring Michael down. Violet could feel the anger coursing across the room. She let her hands brush Michael’s letting him know she was there.
“Let’s begin the festivities.” Cordelia waved a hand as mist began to fill the room. The sun had finally set outside. When Violet squinted her eyes, she could see figures moving through the mist, leaving the house for their yearly haunting.
She felt a hand clasp her elbow. Michael leaned down, his lips lingering on her ears. “Let’s get out of here.”
Violet nodded, following Michael out of the room. She laughed as they ran down the streets, far from the witchy doings at the Academy. They blended into the crowds that filled the streets. Children ran around waiting for their sugar rush to run out. Teens sauntered down the streets, looking for trouble to get into.
Michael stopped in front of a house that was booming with music. Flashing multicolored lights filled each window. College kids fell out of every door, stumbling drunk despite how early it was.
Michael turned to Violet, an evil smirk playing on his lips. “Want to have some fun?”
The house was crowded and reeked of alcohol. Drinking games and drugs seemed to fill every room. Someone put two red solo cups in her hands. “Chug!” The drunk frat boy yelled, forcing the cup to her lips. Violet drank them both, letting the warm drink fill her stomach. Michael disappeared somewhere, leaving Violet to wander the house. Someone refilled her drink every time it emptied. Couples made out in one room, people snorted something white in another, and some kid was dancing on the roof.
As the alcohol began to fill her blood, the room began to spin. Violet found herself in a room with people dancing. She moved through the crowd, letting her body take over. Her hips swayed to the music as she let her arms float through the air. She was sure she looked ridiculous but the alcohol made her care less and less. She felt a body press against her back. Some guy in a Scream mask as thrusting his hips against Violet’s. She pushed away stumbling into a familiar red cloak.
Michael glared at the man, a strange gray look crossing his face. The boy ran off, and Violet swore she heard him vomit in the next room. The music filled her ears. Feeling brave, Violet threw her hands around Michael’s neck and began to dance to it.
Michael simply watched as Violet danced with him. He was awkward at first, barely moving to the beat. But as Violet coaxed him to loosen up, he let his hands rest on her hips. Violet let her hands tangle in Michael’s hair as she rested her head on his chest. His heart beat was rabid. She breathed in his scent. He smelled of fire and brimstone.
“Can you keep a secret?” Despite the loud music, Violet heard him clear as day.
Violet looked Michael in the eye. Her body felt warm and her fingers tingled. “I can.”
Michael leaned close. His breath tickled her cheeks. All she wanted was to close her eyes and lean into him.
“I’m the son of Satan.”
Violet stared into Michael’s eyes. Nothing in them held any humor. His serious demeanor made her heart race even faster. She let her mind wander to all that had happened. What did it mean if she were made for the Song of Satan?
Her arms tightened around his neck. “I know.” She whispered back.
Michael’s lips pressed against hers. They were soft and barely grazed hers. All the world disappeared as Violet pulled him closer. She took control, letting her emotions fill her whole being. Michael’s hands ran up and down her back as he felt her pull closer.
Michael pulled back, his eyes focused close to hers. “Follow me.”
Michael led her upstairs. They found their way to the roof, where they could see all of New Orleans. Michael sat on the edge of the roof, his legs dangling off the edge. Violet sat next to him, her feet pulled under her to fight the chill. She let her fingers graze Michael’s, an electric shock filling her whole body.
“So,” Violet looked out to the town. The lights of the houses making it look like stars on earth. “Son of Satan huh?”
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fictionfromgames · 4 years
2019 (Buffy/Angel Eden studios)
Lawrence Myers (January)
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The cameras never stopped, but years at the firm led to an impeccable public persona. It was a large part of how a two term representative got picked out as VP, but then again, a little help from the Senior Partners goes a long way. He gave a picture perfect smile to the judge, bigger than the tight control he normally displayed, but still just as false.
It would be a while before he got to a place of privacy, something that made him begin to clench his jaw after a while. The American people were desperately pathetic, constantly delaying anything worthwhile, and he needed to get out.
Lawrence smoothed his salt and pepper hair, the only gesture he allowed himself, and largely as a joke for the press. His assistant was hovering in the periphery, and there was nothing he’d rather be doing than delegating long-awaited tasks.
He gestured to Mallory; an hour in and it was far past time to get the hell out of there. No more shmoozing, no more firing up the very amenable base. It was time.
“Sir, we’ve got a meet-and-greet in Virginia next--” Mallory began.
“Stop and listen,” President Myers said, his genial mask slipping into the authoritative annoyance he’d honed so well, “Call my guys at Homeland Security and ICE. I want all funding to IDRS halted and deferred to them.”
“Of course,” his assistant knew better than to respond with hesitation or confusion, “We’ll work up a press release too.”
“America solves its own problems, we don’t need INTERPOL junior here doing whatever the fuck they want,” he declared, “I don’t care who it needs to go through, we’ll start with an executive order if I have to.” “Absolutely,” Mallory complied, writing everything down, “And about the rally--”
“Fucking rallies,” his brow creased, conjuring up the lines in his brow that should have been deeper at 50, “That horseshit needs to be cut in half if we’re gonna get anything done this year.”
“Of course.”
A New, Confused Hope (March)
The tones of the aggravating electric chime rang again. Probably some lookie-loo or new witch seeking locally grown sage. Luckily, it does well enough in pots, so Logan always had a supply for the newly witchy.
He sniffed. Among the incenses and minty goodness of the growing sage, he caught a distinct eau de troll, and... “Hey, Aszea, try not to get vamp dust everywhere,” he called out without looking to the front of the shop.
“Logan, is Janis in? We have a kind of a situation,” the giant woman responded.
The way Aszea said situation made his ears perk, and probably would have without extra sensitive hearing. He placed his book down and made his way to the front, and was a little surprised that there were two people, and that the young woman with the troll was actually the one who smelled of dead vampires.
“Wwwwwwwhat?” Logan looked confused.
“So this is Emily.” Aszea put a hand softly on the girl’s shoulders, “She’s a sophomore at the catholic school, and she just killed like, three vampires.”
“Wait, really?” Logan moved around the counter, “That sounds like Slayer stuff, but--” “Right, she had a little assistance,” Aszea looked indignant, “But I told her about the Augury, and that we may be able to help her learn about what’s going on, and that, while it’s weird to have adult friends...”
“Having adult employers would be a good cover for a new Potential,” Logan knew immediately. He realized he’d carried a crystal ball out from stock, and set it down on an empty stand. “Twenty hours a week of magical supervision, little to no suspicion.”
“Twenty paid hours,” Aszea pointed out.
“Can you help me?” the girl’s eyes finally flickered up from her thousand yard stare. She was still in shock over what had happened, and Logan felt all the deeply bittersweet memories of watching someone learn some truth about the world lean a little more bitter when they locked eyes.
“Of course,” he said as softly as he could, “Just let me text the boss lady.”
Bad Actors (September)
“Well, shit!” Janis cursed, double-checking her phone.
“More amateur mages mucking up the mojo?” Logan asked, leaning over the counter.
“No, this was a test,” Janis held a finger in the air, “Someone is doing this on purpose, poisoning the well, and Iiiiiiiiii...”
Her face fell as she knew she’d have to admit something.
“Don’t know what to do about it?” Logan cut into her thought break.
“Yes, thanks, I was going to say that,” Janis twisted her mouth up, “Did you find the sleep daught?”
“Yeah, but I gotta skip it, Asz said there’s an inordinate amount of undead lately so I’ll be off the leash,” he said without looking at her.
“Any better at it? Can’t have you biting our only Slayer ally,” Janis crossed her arms, partly to glower and mostly to stop staring into her phone.
“I’ll tell you when you figure out what’s going on with the Tumblr coven.”
It was often tempting to throw annoying hexes at Logan, but ever since Myers ascended to the presidency, everything had been looking worse for the magical community, and she couldn’t afford to piss off any allies, even her werewolf store clerk.
“Who’d have thought I’d be curious as to where Phil went since January, huh?” she brushed a lock of hair out of her face, a small act of control in her increasingly chaotic life.
All Saints’ Order (November)
Brian raised his hands in victory. The molotov had crashed through the heathen storefront, and a small fire began taking hold inside. The Augury would be cleansed from his city.
Around him, his brothers cheered, hoisting their various weapons into the air, yells of “Hail Myers!” amongst the more enthusiastic wordlessness. They’d save their country, he knew, they’d start the next crusade, they’d burn--
Janis ended the spell.
“What’s happening?” Emily spoke up.
“We’re minus one shop and plus one openly fascistic anti-magic movement,” Janis responded flatly.
“Fuck,” was Aszea’s whole contribution the conversation.
So the last post was a couple years ago, and I’ve been watching a lot of Buffy, so here’s some setting update.
Lawrence Myers, 46th president of the United States, was a lawyer at a little firm known as Wolfram & Hart, and spent two terms as a representative for the state of Nevada before being courted, seemingly at random, as VP. When a very unexpected death opened up a vacancy in the White House, his administration fed on the zeitgeist of right wing American concerns and interests: a desire for law and order, fed by a covert program that produced chaos in the form of systematically sired mobs of vampires; fear and revulsion at the statistics of religion, that “witch” was now outpacing the growth of more “traditional” religious tendencies (see: christian denominations); and retaliation, essentially encouraged by the White House with its failure to criticize vigilante actions against apparently “satanic” sorts, such as middle class store owners or their working class superpowered/strange employees. Meanwhile, already prestigious or successful warlocks and demonic allies remained untouched by the ignorant sycophants.
Janis Morad, witch, demonologist, former entrepreneur. “Technopagan” is a term of the past, largely discarded in favor just plain ole witch, and Janis made her first sales online when Certain Social Websites started making witchcraft aesthetic. Using mundane practitioners to fund her own actual magickal ventures, she was largely able to fly under the radar until the All Saints’ executive order, which was supposed to fund governmental policing of Weird Stuff, but also just kind of invigorated an irate and clueless portion of the populace.
Logan Benson, werewolf. He was bit shortly before going to work with Janis, and has been pacified in his wolf phases by Janis’ alchemical experimentations. He’s been more and more eager to help out Aszea on nights as she seems immune to lycanthropy and is both tough and regenerative enough to survive the more mundane mauling that happened when he and the troll first met.
Emily Szymanski, Slayer. She’s mostly around because I had an idea that I liked-- that the Slayer Potential awakening spell was for extant Slayer Potentials when it was cast, not every one of them since. That being the case (how generous of me to myself), beginning in 2018 or later is the perfect time-- as Potentials come into age fifteen years later, we could be seeing one brand new Slayer for every one that has died since s7 of Buffy. This opens things up to a classic high school Slayer experience that we’re familiar with, while also still seeing a few “grizzled” vets in their mid to late twenties. I tend to assume “The life of a Slayer is brutally short,” but you don’t have to.
Generally speaking, she’s timid, I envisioned her as a nerdy Slayer, which will be fleshed out and statted when I get to it.
Aszea, troll. She was transformed from her assigned gender at birth through a wish-- one that she did not word carefully enough despite assuming she’d been quite particular. She wished to be a woman, but not specifically a human woman, and whoops. Now she mostly patrols and is the big muscle of the group.
Beyond this post, it’ll be set concurrent to whenever I’m writing, which is why I wanted to jump past all the time I didn’t include since the first two posts. Characters will have character sheets whenever they get their own story.
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gayregis · 5 years
OK first episode reactions
OHHH that was THE KIKIMORE............... im glad we get to see the fight because i mean. i would want some money for doing that crazy shit too. also you noticed how he killed the deer because he was probably starving. 
the moment of hesitation before he enters the tavern......... OK... [jaskier or yennefer voice] dont you just wanna stroke his gross dirty white hair
wait the uhhhh... “tavern scene” occurs in the witcher right, so i dont have to be scared bc this is the lesser evil, right, right, maybe not, idk what theyre switching around
the fucking cease of noise as geralt walks in.... the MOOD
cavill is like way too fine to be playing geralt rn i mean this shot where he says point me to the aldermans house is really showing off his profile. i feel sympathetic for this pretty pretty man
oh im regretting not rereading the lesser evil right now. i cant remember WHAT the fuck happens in that story. he goes to stregobor first though right??? right? he meets with the alderman and the dude’s like nah you cant get shit for that kikimore head, but maybe this wizard will give ya smth
my lesbianisms thinking renfri is pretty VS my morality knowing what shes like VS my witcher fan knowing what the hell happens in this story.... fight
WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE RENFRI SO PRETTY!!!!!!! shes SO pretty and cute..... yall are making me like her fuck you fuck you SO hard.
the voice acting is sending me kind of... this is actually a good geralt voice imo if you dont mind me saying that. i still prefer polish tw3 dub but this is actually better than fuckin delvin mallory in the audiobooks. no disrespect, peter kenny, you did dandelion and yennefer and the hansa well, but geralt..... hm....
okay jk actually i need more geralt lines in order to develop my thoughts on his voice. ill wait until edge of the world where he SHOULD be more talkative
are we really going to stregobor’s fucking tower where a naked woman illusion waits on him and he offers to give geralt a go at this basically fuck doll illusion
“where are you from, geralt?” “rivia.” SURE.... YOU LIAR...... liar .... just WAIT until baptism of fire oooohhh just you wait
also this girl marilka is so sweet, also makes me think because milva said she was called that by some. but thats why she changed her name to milva
“because girls cant be witchers right” OK you reminded me 50% of ciri but now youre literally just proto-ciri
oh.... no foolery with the magic door knocker?
wow this exactly what i pictured the inside of stregobor’s tower to be like lmaooo
oh its so weird to see ciri like. like old at cintra you know what im saying . like im like wait wait how is she alive if geralt hasnt been there as ravix yet. not BAD just weird for me
“speak normally” this reminds me of in bounds of reason dandelions like should i give the account in verse or in prose and then he starts speaking with the most flowery prose and geralts like PROSE prose please
“if you had been alive during falkas rebellion” please dont mention falka already we’re moving too fast soon enough leo fucking bonhart will be at our heels!
“and she possesses the power to destroy us all” “i dont believe anyone has that power.” WAIT UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR DAUGHTER DUDE LOL
wow he’s really full body dressed in black leather. huh . and people say hes heterosexual fml
okay i thought them calling the girls “girl” was kinda tender in the series but now its even more tender when heard aloud.
eist is like really present here and i like him enough its just that calanthe was like way more important than him in the series though right
“it needs to rhyme” and “pretty ballads hide bastard truths” so are we really just stealing every clever word that jaskier can say before he even comes into it
me: is a regis fan / also me: GERALT IS A SHITTY OLD BITCH LMAOO
uh oh spaghettios! its nilfgaard and one of their fun funky officers, son of ceallach! i havent seen him yet but im terrified anyways!
okay see this is how you do a  PROPER adaptation. calanthe in the books committed suicide so she wouldnt be r*ped right as she sat in a stupid castle but this calanthe is on the fucking battlefield. this is why we stan middle aged women
eist: [dies] me: AAAAAA cahir: [is there Waiting] (i think its him maybe) me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
ah fuck ah fuck fuck
ciri: why [is nilfgaard attacking] ? calanthe knowing DAMN WELL stupid fucking duny is her dad: uhHHhhHhH idk lol
“you will rule this land someday” nope again! [thinks about lady of the lake] nope and nope!
ciri’s “are you dying?” to calanthe on her deathbed is the new “was he human” yennefer asking if regis (as a giant fucking bat) was human
i love how looongggg these episodes areee omgg
but also i always thought of the fall of cintra as something you know like. it happened in two shakes, cahir kinda just took ciri up by her underarms (like longcat) and left
renfri: who were you talking to? geralt: .. my horse.......... all of the fans: [dialing 1-800-TROUBADOUR immediately]
ugh i really thought they were gonna adapt the sex between renfri and geralt out. ugh ugh . too much heterosexuality
ciri you are gonna regret stalling so hard when mr. ceallach marches in. just saying. RUN.
uh.... ok...................... hm not what happened in the books.... where ciri is shot off in the midst of battle and crawls up next to a dead man and acts dead ........ lol cahir is even more evil now how is this possible i didnt think he could get MORE evil
[cahir voice] he deflected the arrow with his sword! ive never seen anything like it!
also have i said already that the cinematography is amazing. like the room where calanthe was on her deathbed.... that renfri dream was pretty cool too... just a lot of things are very pleasing to the eye
due to a injury in the carotid artery blood would be gushing everywhere. also is she prophecizing ciri? stop this there are already so many women in the witcher universe that give prophecy. theres like the girl in baptism of fire, ciri, everyone in ciri’s bloodline, and now renfri?
cahir: nice, GG guys, im gonna go get that cool promotion now, this will be epic, my mom will be SO proud of me-- ciri: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cahir: OH FUUUUCKKK
well that’s MUCH MORE of a report to file with your superior officers! “yeah so the girl fucking opened up a hole in the earth” instead of “ahh idk i fell asleep and when i woke up she wasnt there :/” .... cahir really is not getting that promotion now, huh
okay yall can say whatever you want about cavill as geralt but when he said “do not touch her” and moved his mouth like that? oh geraltisms.
this is a really nice episode i like how it just went into the action i wasnt convinced at first but ah this is quite nice. i like how it has JUST geralt and ciri in it and later yennefer will come in as her mom. renfri prophecizing was actually pretty ok, at first i thought i wouldnt like the change, but it makes it easier to digest for television. i like how they really emphasize that geralt is hated to all hell, and that ciri is powerful yet still babie. this is a good portrayal of both of them in these stages of their lives you know what im saying. also is cahir gonna chase ciri now for those Good Boy Black Rider points? bc there were shots of him in a forest. ah well whatever lets move to the next episode
0 notes
Magnus Chase and the Obligatory Hogwarts Au Ch20
The Yule Ball! Wooo! You don't know how excited I was for this chapter! Anyway, without further ado, enjoy!
After the Christmas Feast, students rushed out of the Hall of the Slain to get ready for the Yule Ball and the teachers started decorating the Hall for the dance. Magnus could feel his nervousness rise as he tried to tie his fucking bowtie. Who the fuck thought this thing was a good idea? Like, really, who? Because Magnus had a few choice words to say to them.
He let out an exasperated sigh and run his hand through his hair out of habit before remembering he had slicked his hair back and he had just now ruined. His hair, that he had fought to tame, was now sticking up in odd angles. Magnus had half a thought that he looked like some bad Sonic the Hedgehog OC before he tried wrestling with his hair once more.
Once his hair was slicked back with so much gel it looked as hard as rock and his bowtie was on (even if it was hanging a bit too much on the left) Magnus made his way to the Hall of the Slain. Students were waiting by the big heavy doors for their date or their friends to arrive, all dressed in their best clothes. You didn’t get the chance to attend a Yule Ball often – in fact, since the Tournament was every five years, you might never get to.
Magnus’s friends were waiting by the door as well. T.J was the first to spot him and waved him over. His suit looked like Magnus’s but it was black instead of white and his shirt underneath his jacket was a deep blue. Despite his dislike for the color, Magnus had to admit his friend looked nice.
“Hey, guys,” Magnus greeted them as he came closer. Sam and Amir were standing by T.J, close enough to be touching but not quite, their hands a breath away. Sam’s dress was deep emerald, so dark it was almost black. Her hijab was the same color and Magnus could see little details in lace on the hem. Amir’s suit was the exact same color, which made Magnus think they had agreed to wear matching clothes and he had to suppress his urge to coo at them because aww.
“Hi, Amir.”
“Hi, Magnus,” the other boy responded with a smile. Magnus hadn’t been able to see him since the first Task. “You did great at the first Task. I’ve given some falafel for you to the –what did you call them, house elves?” Sam nodded. “I gave your falafel to the house elves, they said they’ll give it to you later.”
Magnus pumped his fist into the air. “Hell yeah!”
Amir smiled at his enthusiasm as he and T.J went back to their conversation about the magical world – apparently Amir still had many questions and T.J was glad to answer all of them. Sam went into full mum mode when she saw that Magnus’s bowtie wasn’t straight and was about to go and fix it for him when Mallory and Halfborn appeared.
“Magnus, buddy! How are you?” Halfborn roared as he gave Magnus the biggest bear hug of his life.
“Halfborn, I can’t breathe,” Magnus wheezed as his sides got crushed between his friends hands.
“Oops, sorry,” Halfborn let him go, clearly not sorry. “Man, you were amazing at the first Task. You got my Howler, right?”
“Yeah, I did. Miss Eir kicked them out of the infirmary after I opened it.”
Halfborn laughed a loud, hearty laugh and Magnus smiled, glad to see his friend again. Mallory rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, amusement clear in her eyes. Her fiery hair spilled over her shoulders like liquid fire, its color even more bright against her navy dress. It ruffled above the ground like waves, the color becoming deeper and deeper the closest it got to the hem. Next to Halfborn in his sharp black suit they looked so good Magnus could imagine them walking on a red carpet or something like that easily.
They kept making small talk until Halfborn elbowed Magnus with a smug grin. “Seems like your date is here.”
Magnus turned around with a questioning look and he gasped at the sight beyond him, his heart faltering in its beat for a moment before it picked up again, faster than ever.
Alex looked amazing, to say the least. It seemed as if the student body was splitting to letting her pass, like the sea dividing before Moses. Or maybe no one moved at all and Magnus was just too focused on her. He suddenly knew what it felt like to be a moth or a fly in front of a bright light, attracted so powerfully to something that would probably kill you.
Alex’s dress was dark like shadows, spilling to the floor in numerous ruffles that made her look like an upside-down rose. White lace adorned her neckline, her waist and the hem of her skirt like snow in the night sky. Her green locks seemed curlier than before, pulled out of her face by a delicate white flower crown. Light make-up made her eyes look bigger and shinier, her cheeks redder, her lips plusher, though Magnus knew he’d die to kiss her with or without the lip-gloss.
“Fuck me,” Magnus mumbled without realizing it.
“I think she’d like that,” T.J said with a grin. For the ace of the group he made the most innuendos out of all of them.
“Hey, guys,” Alex greeted them when she got closer. She smelt good. Did she always smell that good? Probably. Why didn’t Magnus notice before?
“H-hi,” Magnus managed to get out. His heart beat so loud he was sure everybody in a hundred meters radius could hear it. It made him feel like his words had to go through quicksand to get out of his throat.
“Hi, Magnus,” Alex smiled at him and did she know what her smile did to him? He felt like he was having a heart attack every time she so much as grinned in his general directions. He was too young to die of a heart attack, dammit!
Mallory was saying something to Alex, probably about how good she looked or something along those lines and Magnus was left staring there speechless. What Alex and her roommates were saying didn’t register in his brain, but every small way Alex moved did. He felt as if he was looking at a spinning top, completely hypnotized by its movements.
Magnus was awoken from his hypnotization when Halfborn put an arm around his shoulders. “Seems like you finally managed to ask Alex out, huh? It was about time, too. I’m happy for you mate, even if I owe Mallory two galleons now.”
“W-what?” Magnus stuttered out, face flushing. Did they bet on my non-existent love-life? “No, I didn’t ask Alex out, I-I mean I did, but we’re here as friends. And did you honestly bet on that?”
The smile on Halfborn’s face turned into a frown. “Yeah, we did, and we bet a lot of money too. T.J bet the most.”
T.J shrugged. “That’s true.” Magnus glared at him, though he was wondering exactly how much money T.J had bet on them.
“And what do you mean you’re here as friends?” Halfborn went on incredulous. “How did you ask Alex to the Yule Ball as friends? Pretty much everybody here has come with a date!”
“Well, I came with Alex as friends,” Magnus protested, his face redder than Mallory’s hair. “We’re just friends.” It sounded unconvincing even to his own ears.
Halfborn looked at him with an “are you shitting me look” before he turned to T.J. “Please tell me I wasn’t that bad.”
“You weren’t, actually. Magnus is worse.” Magnus glared at his friend. T.J ignored him. “Magnus, remember when we talked about this in the library last year?” Magnus nodded. “I know you said you would do things at your own time, and I respect that, but if you want my opinion, you should really talk to Alex for real about it. You two have a connection, you work together. I can’t tell you if Alex feels the same way, but this is our last year here. Who knows what will happen in our lives afterwards?”
Magnus nodded along absentmindedly, their conversation about the future from the Hogwarts Express coming back to him. The fact that after this year was over he wouldn’t see his friends every single day still hadn’t full sank in.
“Last year you said you didn’t think it was a good idea to ask Alex out so soon after she had broke up with Conall,” T.J went on, his voice stern, like he was scolding a child. With how laid-back his friends could be he forgot how serious he can get sometimes. “You probably used the fact they were together as an excuse to avoid your feeling before that. What’s holding you back now?”
Magnus didn’t answer, didn’t know how to. What was holding him back?
“What are we doing here?” he heard Mallory say suddenly. “Let’s go party!”  Mallory took her boyfriend by the arm and run inside the Hall of the Slain faster than it should have been possible for someone in a dress and (presumably) heels. (Though Mallory could have killed a man in heels and looked fabulous while doing it.) (She would probably kill him with the heels.)
Amir and Sam headed inside the Hall as well, with T.J running straight for the buffet table (as any sane person would). Magnus was about to get inside too when Alex stopped him by his shoulder. He gave her a quizzical look but she just gestured him closer and said, “Come here.”
Magnus did, unsure of what Alex wanted to do. She came closer to him, standing just a step apart and reached her arms up to his neck. For a moment Magnus could imagine her wrapping them around his neck and pulling him closer, his body pressed flush against her as she kissed him.
But that didn’t happen. Instead she untied his bowtie and tied it again with graceful fingers. “We can’t have the Hogwarts champion show up with a crooked bowtie,” she said with a smirk and Merlin did Magnus love her smirk. She started explaining how you’re supposed to tie a bowtie, saying it was weird but you learnt after some time, and Magnus knew he should have been paying attention but he couldn’t. He was too busy paying attention to her.
She was beautiful. He knew she was a metamorphmagus, he knew she could look anyway she wanted, and he had no doubt he would think she was beautiful however she chose to change her appearance. She was gorgeous, inside and out, and his conversation with Halfborn and T.J made him even more aware of just how much he liked her, of all the small things she did that made her who she was.
She could draw amazingly well and she’d make a lot of pots at summer when they had more free time. She even knew how to tie a bowtie! Who knows how to do that in this day and age? She could probably kill him with that bowtie too if she wanted and Magnus found that strangely hot.
Then he thought of why she knew how to do those things, why she knew how to dance waltz and he remembered all the absentminded comments she’d made about her parents and how badly they treated her, even when they thought she was their son, their precious heir. He couldn’t help being mad at people who had hurt such a wonderful person.
“What are you thinking about?” Alex asked him, amusement clear in her voice – she said that he had a funny expression on his face when he was thinking hard about something and she’d compare it to his brain frying because he worked it harder than he should. She had finished tying his bowtie but her hands still rested at either side of his neck. She was a good inch or two taller than him and it would be so easy to pull her down and kiss her.
What’s holding you back now? T.J’s words rang in his ears and Magnus found himself saying something he would have dared to say before without wanting to crawl into a hole afterwards.
“Just how great you are,” he said simply, like it was the truest thing he’s ever said.
Alex’s eyes widened. She obviously wasn’t expecting him to say something like that, though he didn’t expect to say it either. Her cheeks grew pinker and Magnus got a strange sense of satisfaction at being able to make her blush. The corners of her lips turned up in a teasing smile and she hooked their arms together.
“Now,” she said, her cheeks still red, “don’t start flirting when we’re not even at the Ball yet, lover-boy.”
Magnus smiled back despite the warmth climbing his neck towards his cheeks. “Does that mean I can flirt if we’re inside the Hall of the Slain?” he asked in a joking tone.
“Sure,” Alex shrugged as they walked inside the Hall of the Slain. “As long as it’s with me. You wouldn’t want to make your date jealous, right?” She was smiling widely, her eyes alight by their joking around.
“Of course not. Plus, my date’s the prettiest person here so why would I flirt with someone else?” As much as Magnus was enjoying their fooling around, there was still a part of him that was getting very embarrassed by it.
And he probably wasn’t the only one because Alex’s cheeks darkened again. “Well, aren’t you smooth,” she said with a small smile. Her eyes fell on the buffet table - where T.J was currently stuffing breatsticks inside his pocket and hoping no one would notice - and she smiled wider. “Care for a snack, handsome?”
“Sure, beautiful,” Magnus shot back, cheeks aflame.
They stood by the buffet table, eating some of the snacks that had been put there as the rest of the students spilled inside the large room. The longer the stood there the more overdramatically they flirted and it was after Alex winked at him and called him cute that Magnus had a heart attack realized his random comment had led to them aggressively flirting with each other as a competition.
It was when Magnus was about to say that Alex looked marvelous in her dress (because the more over-the-top the better) that he heard a loud, French-accented voice call out to him.
“Magnus, mon ami, how are you?” Raphael asked as he came closer, dragging Louis behind him by the arm. The blonde boy had the face of someone who really regretted his actions while Raphael looked like he would start bouncing off the walls any minute now.
“Oh, I’m fine,” Magnus responded. He didn’t know whether he should be relieved or not that he wouldn’t joke-flirt with Alex anymore. “How are you?”
“About to go crazy because I told you not to eat those éclairs and you did anyway,” Louis cut in before Raphael could say anything. “He gets really hyperactive when he eats a lot of sugar,” he explained to Magnus and Alex.
“Which is why you’ve been trying to come up with tasty sugar-free recipes like the great boyfriend you are,” Raphael said as he kissed Louis cheeks, trying to make his boyfriend stop being angry at him. “Besides, you can’t blame me for eating them. Your éclairs are tres incroyable!”
Louis blushed a little by the compliment but he still glared at the other boy. The two of them had come to the Yule Ball in matching suits in their school’s colors.
“Why were you making éclairs anyway?” Alex asked confused though very amused (and kinda hungry for éclairs).
“I bake when I’m bored,” Louis answered simply.
“And when he’s stressed and when he can’t sleep and when he’s really happy…” Raphael counted on his fingers.
“I bake a lot.”
They made small talk for a little bit before Magnus remembered something. “Oh, the cake you gave me was really good by the way.”
“Thanks,” Louis said at the same time Alex asked, “What cake?”
Magnus’s face paled as he remembered that he had never told Alex, or any of his friends, about the cake. “Oh, Louis gave me a cake as thank you for the first task and, um…”
“You didn’t give any to us?” Alex sounded offended and Magnus took a cautious step to the side without realizing it.
“I was going to!” he tried to excuse himself, making wide gestures with his hands. “But then I took a slice and it was good and… I ate all of it on my own.” He knew he should have kept a bit for his friends, he would have kept some of them since he could eat a whole cake on his own, but… it was just really good!
“I am breaking up with you,” Alex said simply. Louis and Raphael watched the whole scene unfold amused.
“Magnus,” Raphael started to stop the (albeit joke) fight between the two British, “won’t you introduce us to ta bien-aimee?”
Alex’s dramatic frown immediately left her face as she blushed redder than a tomato. Magnus was confused as to why she reacted like that before she remembered Alex knew both Spanish and French so she understood what Raphael had just called her. Magnus would have reacted in the same way (if not way worse) if he had understood too, but he had limited (to non-existent) knowledge in French so he thought that Raph had simply called Alex his best friend.
“Oh, um, this is Alex,” Magnus introduced his crush awkwardly.
“So you are the Alex he’s told us about,” Louis said, looking Alex in the eye. Magnus flushed and just barely kept himself from groaning. The way he phrased it made it sound as if he had been fawning to them about her! “I’m Luis Dupain.”
Alex smiled at the blonde French boy. “Alex Fierro.”
“And I suppose you know my name already from the Goblet, but I’m Raphael Beaumont,” the Beauxbatons Champion piped in, smile wider than that of a five-year-old. Magnus could see what sugar had done to him. “Nice to finally meet Magnus’s girlfriend.”
Magnus’s face went red faster than the speed of light. Alex wasn’t far behind.
“I- I am not-“she spluttered.
“S-she’s not-“ he tried.
Raphael and Louis sent each other a nervous glance as the two teens in front of them were nearly having an aneurism.
“I’m sorry for assuming then,” Raphael said, hoping it would stop Magnus and Alex from fainting on the spot. Then, because he couldn’t hold himself back and he honestly didn’t see what would be the problem since they were just friends, he said, “Though you’d make a really cute couple.”
Magnus choked on air again and Alex glared a Raphael (something that would have been much more threatening if she wasn’t blushing redder than the Gryffindor banner).
“So, um, how’s the clue coming along?” Magnus changed the subject. He didn’t think his heart could take any more comments about his relationship with Alex. “Have you solved it yet?”
For some reason that simple question made both boys’ faces to flush bright red.
“Yeah, we have,” Raphael muttered.
“‘We?’” Alex asked, one eyebrow perfectly raised.
“Yeah, we were at the kitchens and I was trying to make a Quiche Lorraine-“ Louis started explaining.
“-and I was messing around with some potions because I was bored and he wouldn’t let me lick the spoon-“ Raphael cut in.
“-it’s unhygienic!-“
“-so I tried to have some fun-“
“-you started kissing me while I was mixing the ingredients-“
“-and we kind of dropped the potion I was working on onto the parchment.” Raphael was obviously flustered, fidgeting with the fabric of his suit. Then he seemed to remember something and his blush was instantly replaced by a scared look. “Oh shit, tell me you had solved it too.”
Magnus nodded. “Yeah, I have, it’s alright.”
Raphael was probably about to ask him how he had solved it when Professor Sif gestured them over. It was time for the Champion’s Waltz.  
The students cleared the dancing floor quickly, eager to see the Champion’s Waltz. The three Champions and their dates took their places like they had been told. Helga, Magnus and Raphael stood on one side of the dance floor while their dates stood opposite them. Helga was dressed in a blood red dress, since it was the school’s color, and her date, Agatha, wore a matching dress as well.
The music started playing and all three couples took slow steps towards each other. Once close, Magnus bowed and offered a hand to Alex, as per the choreography. Alex took it and they started circling around each other with their joint hands acting like the axis of their circle.
Around them, the other two couples were doing the same thing. Magnus paid close attention to the music and when he heard their cue he pulled Alex closer, bringing his hand to her waist.
“Careful not to step on my toes,” Alex whispered to him and Magnus smiled at her.
They circled around the dance floor the way their Headmasters had showed them, dresses and suit jackets swaying in time with the music. From above they would have looked like leafs being moved along by the wind and the students watched their performance enrapt. They knew the dance was choreographed but there was still something amazingly intimate in the way the three couples held and looked at each other, like they were each other’s treasure.
Magnus led Alex across the dance floor, his partner’s dress flaring out in a wide circle. He had to fight everything in him not to start staring at his feet but he knew it’d look bad if he did the entire dance with his hand bowed down. That didn’t stop him from glancing down at his feet, even if he couldn’t see them sometimes under Alex’s dress.
He was doing just that when Alex squeezed a bit too hard on his shoulder. He looked up and it was a wonder his step didn’t falter because wow. He hadn’t realized exactly how close they were, especially since he had made it a habit to stare at a place over Alex’s shoulder when they danced so as to avoid death at his young age.  
“Look at me,” his beautiful partner whispered and he heard even over the music still playing around them.
Magnus complied, half-thinking that someone would have to force him to force him to ever stop looking at Alex. The lights around the room had lowered when their dance started and a spotlight fell on each of them as they walked closer. When their hands had met and the couples started dancing together the colors had shifted into each school’s colors. Magnus and Alex danced under red, green, blue and yellow lights that made Alex look like something supernatural, a beautiful creature out of a fairy tale. With those captivating eyes and green hair it wouldn’t be hard to believe.
As the dance went on Magnus felt magnetized by Alex, his thoughts and worries slipping away as they performed the rest of the dance. The music would sound like trickling water and Magnus would spin Alex under his arm, then it would swell and they’d hold hands as Alex twirled outwards, dress blowing out like a flower in bloom.
They danced in circles again, bodies close, and Magnus noticed the slight shift in tempo as the song drew close to its end. Alex noticed it too and smiled at him, eager for the big finale of their number.
The three couples danced closer and closer until they were dancing in a small, tight circle in the middle of the dance floor. A red skirt – Magnus didn’t know if it belonged to Helga or Agatha – swept by his legs and he could see Louis and Raphael over Alex’s shoulder looking at each other like a couple on their wedding day. Then, as the violin in the song became more prominent, they danced outwards in wide, open arcs.
Once they reached their place at the very edge of the dance floor Magnus took Alex by the hand for the final spin. Alex’s body twirled outwards elegantly, face almost glowing with a wide, happy smile and Magnus wanted to make sure that smile would always be there. Heart thumping in his chest, Magnus pulled Alex back in, smiling just as brightly as his partner. Magnus positioned his hands in the right places and as the last notes of the song played he dipped Alex down.
The music ended and the clapping from the students started, loud and excited. It was louder than a thunderstorm, some students cat-whistling, others shouting compliments in English, French, Spanish, Russian and a handful of other languages Magnus didn’t recognize. His eyes, however, didn’t lift up to the crowd of applauding students, nor to his friends that were being the loudest of them all.
No, his eyes stayed at Alex, panting in his arms, cheeks flushed, with a smile that could put the sun, the stars and the fucking moon at shame. His heart seemed to sync up with the loud clapping of the student body and more than ever – more than the day at the Room of Requirement, more than when they hovered together in the air, more than all the dozens of times he wanted to do it – he wanted to lean down and kiss Alex.
What’s holding you back now?
But before he could do it, before he could close the distance between their lips, Alex was standing up. The other two couples had broken their stances as well, Magnus saw, and the students of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were spilling into the dance floor.
“Come on,” Alex said and tugged on his arm. Magnus didn’t get to look at his partner’s eyes for long before he was being dragged to the side of the room but he could have sworn he could see a disappointed gleam in them, like Alex wouldn’t have minded at all if Magnus listened to T.J’s advice and finally acted on his feelings.
They were back at the buffet table and Alex was pouring both of them glasses of water. She held one out to Magnus- no, wait –
“Have your pronouns changed?” Magnus asked as he took the glass.
Alex raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. He and him. How did you know?”
Magnus shrugged. He really wasn’t sure what possessed him to ask. “I don’t know. Lucky guess?”
Alex smiled at him and drank his water. Magnus was drinking his too when he noticed Alex’s shoulder being a bit too tense, his arms hanging by his sides a bit too unnaturally, fumbling with his skirt a bit too weirdly.
“Do you… feel weird in that dress?” he asked carefully.
Alex sighed. “A bit? I don’t know why, I’m funny with the school skirt even on male days. Maybe it’s too long?”
“Do you want to get changed?”
Alex shrugged. “Yes, but I don’t have anything else that’s formal and I don’t want to have to go all the way to the Slytherin dorms and miss the party.”
Magnus grabbed his hand, already having an idea. “Come with me.”
Alex didn’t say anything else as Magnus took her to where Professor Blitzen was talking with Professor Hearthstone, the two of them standing a little bit too close. Magnus filed it away as evidence for the Blitzstone rumor that has being going around among the students since last year.
They took a step away from each other and Magnus noted that too, but he wasn’t here to speculate about his teachers’ love lives so he got straight to the point. “Professor Blitzen, do you happen to have a spare suit? Alex doesn’t feel comfortable and he wants to change.”
The short teacher realized what was happening quickly and told the two students to follow him. About ten minutes later Alex was walking out of a stall in the boys’ bathroom in a suit that matched Magnus’s. Why Professor Blitzen had one just lying around he didn’t know but he didn’t question it.
Back at the Ball, the party was going on strong. The music had switched from the instrumental that played during the Champions’ dance to a more upbeat modern wizarding song which lyrics Magnus’s didn’t bother paying attention to. He and his friends spent the night raiding the buffet and doing the most ridiculous dance moves in a circle at the dance floor. Apparently Alex had picked up some break-dancing moves while on the streets and damn where those moves impressive. T.J could do a really good wave too, he said Percy had showed him how, and Magnus danced like he was having a seizure now that nobody was telling him how to move his limbs. Raphael and Luis did a way over-the-to tango that made it obvious neither of them knew what they were doing, but at least they were passionate about it.
The party ended a bit after the obligatory conga line and the students started heading back to their rooms, though Magnus was pretty sure some of the couples were going somewhere else.
“Magnus,” Alex said as he took his hand. There was a lot of hand-holding tonight, not that Magnus was complaining. “Wanna go to the Astronomy tower?”
“Yes,” he said, because he couldn’t say no, he could never say not to Alex.
So they went to the Astronomy tower, hand in hand, even when they didn’t need to hold hands so as not to lose each other in the crowd of students anymore. They went through corridors Magnus had walked hundreds of times before and through halls he didn’t even know existed. Alex was in the lead, Magnus’s hand held tightly in his own as they hid behind a large suit of armor to avoid the teacher that was coming down the hall.
When they finally made it to the tower they were immediately met with the strong, cold breeze of the winter night. Magnus was about to say that maybe they should go somewhere else because they would probably freeze to death on top of one of Hogwarts’ tallest towers in the middle of December but Alex took his wand from under his pant and cast a warming spell on them.
They dragged one of the benches left there from the Astronomy lessons closer to the edge and sat down. The night was beautiful, if not cold, though he couldn’t feel it that much now thanks to Alex’s spell. The sky was full with stars and you could see them much easier here than anywhere in London.
Their wands lay between them, the Lumos they had both cast before letting them down being the only light in the top of the tower besides the stars and the moon. Alex was still holding his hand but he said nothing. He’d love it if he never had to let go of his hand. (Plus, his hand was warm and it was really nice.)
“The stars are beautiful tonight,” he finally said, laughing a bit on the inside because, you know, memes.
“You know what else is beautiful?” Alex responded.
Without thinking, Magnus said, “You?”
If Alex blushed, he couldn’t tell. “You know it!” he said with a cheeky smile.
There was a moment of comfortable silence, the only sound around them the wind and the occasional louder sounds from the Forbidden Forest. Magnus looked at the trees of the forest, the thick foliage looking almost black in the light of the moon. He couldn’t help but think back to the first task – the pixies hitting him from every angle, zipping across the tightwire while clinging onto the rope, having to balance on the swings while firing spells at the Thestrals and facing a goddamn chimera. He didn’t think he could ever see the forest again and not be reminded of the task.
When he was in second year he remembered being jealous of the older students for going to Beauxbatons to see the Tournament, and while he wanted to watch it, he definitely never thought he’d have to take part in it. He could understand now, better than an observer could, why people said the tournament was dangerous. He couldn’t blame his friends, couldn’t blame Alex for being worrying about him.
What’s holding you back?
He heard T.J’s words in his head again and seriously, did his friend learn how to get in people’s minds? Still, even if T.J knew Legilimency and Magnus didn’t know, the question still remained. What was holding him back? He’s taking part in the Triwizard Tournament, he fought with a fucking chimera, what was scaring him so much that he couldn’t talk to Alex and tell him he wanted to be more than just friends?
“You know you’re still holding my hand, right?” Alex asked. Ironic considering he had been tracing circles with his thumb over Magnus’s knuckles for the last few minutes.
“Yeah.” Magnus nodded. He didn’t let go. “Do you want me to let go?”
“No, I don’t.” Alex smiled at him before turning his eyes back at the sky. He gave Magnus’s hand a squeeze. “I just wanted to see if you had noticed.”
Do it, something in him told him. Just do it. This is your last year - your last shot. Take it.
And, unlike every other time his mind had pushed him to do this, Magnus didn’t shoot back with half-backed excuses. Unconsciously, he squeezed Alex’s hand before he spoke. His voice sounded soft among the wind that was whipping against the tower.
“At the infirmary, after the first task…” Come on, you can do it. Just ask. Yet as much as he tried to calm himself down his heart still beat ridiculously loud, louder than the chimera’s roar.  “Why did you kiss me on the cheek?”
Alex didn’t respond. For one slow, excruciating the only sound around them was the howling of the wind and the sloshing of the waves at the Big Lake below them. Magnus’s hand was sweating inside Alex’s and he was sure he had noticed. Every bit of confidence that had possessed him to speak was leaving him by the second and he would have taken what he said back if Alex hadn’t spoken, voice carefree and nervous at the same time.
“I was glad you were alright and I wanted to kiss you on the cheek so I did.”
Maybe it was how anxious he had gotten over asking something so simple but Magnus couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Yeah, that seems like you. Has there ever been something you wanted to do that you didn’t do?”
Alex smiled at him, the kind of ‘if only you knew’ smile his mother would give him whenever he asked her if she loved him. “Some things. You?”
Come on, this is it. Do it!
The moon made Alex’s hair look silvery green, his eyes twinkled under the light of their wands and Magnus was drowning in them. His suit jacket was laying somewhere behind them on the floor and his tie hand loosely around his neck. He looked beautiful. Magnus wanted to kiss him.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you but I haven’t done it yet.”
Alex’s smile was wide, brighter than the moon and the stars. His hand on Magnus’s was warm as he traced designs on his skin. “I’ve wanted to do that too. Do you still want to?”
They leaned in slowly, as if pulled by a magnet. Their lips met in the middle over their joint hands, slow and hesitant. Alex moved his lips against Magnus’s and they were soft yet chapped from the cold, tasting like the food they ate at the buffet table and strawberry. Magnus tried to follow his movements, the part of him that feared he would mess this up being drowned out by then part of him that wanted to kiss Alex till he didn’t know how to do anything else.
Alex reached a hand up and put it behind his neck, pulling him closer. Magnus brought his own hand up to Alex’s shoulder, his other hand still holding Alex’s tightly. He felt more at ease now and he kissed Alex easier, with more confidence. Alex smiled against him lips and pushed back, not about to be outdone by Magnus. His teeth grazed Magnus’s bottom lip lightly before sucking on it a bit. Magnus’s hand tightened around the fabric of Alex’s shirt, feeling lightheaded and deliriously happy.
They pulled apart slowly but didn’t go back to their original places. They stayed close, their faces centimeters apart, their panting breath mingling. Magnus was smiling like an idiot and so was Alex.              
“Merlin, I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” Alex said as he smiled, sighing deeply as he tried to catch his breath.
“How long?” Magnus asked quietly. He felt like he would break whatever spell was over them if he spoke louder.
Alex traced circles over Magnus’s knuckles and Magnus saw a bit of a blush on his face thanks to the light from their wands. “Since before Christmas last year. At least that’s when I realized it. You?”
Magnus was blushing as he answered but he didn’t care. “Since the start of sixth year, I think. Probably since before that, too.”
The smile from Alex’s face was replaced with a stunned expression for a moment before he burst out laughing. “Wow. So we’ve liked each other all this time-“
“- but we said nothing,” Magnus continued, smiling over their own stupidity.
“We’re idiots,” Alex said.
“Yeah, we are,” Magnus chuckled.
Alex scooted closer to him and wiggled his eyebrows at him. “Want to make up for lost time?”
Eh? Eh? You didn't think this would finally happen, did ya?
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hockeyandhorses · 7 years
Heartland rewatch 1x01 - Coming Home
• Wow, Amy is a baby! • I wish Lisa Langlois could’ve been featured in more flashbacks in Season 1 like she was in the flashback when Amy was trying to join-up with Spartan. • perfect example would be when Lou tells the story at the cemetery about her Mom wanting to go for a ride with Amy and Lou in the freezing temperatures. • I wonder if they used Calgary as a stand-in for NYC. • Hate hospitals, man • Our first look at Heartland…who knew we’d still be getting stories from that ranch 10 years later! • Mallory!! • Jeez, Lou, just let the man wash the dishes by hand! • Ah, the good ol’ days of instant messaging on the computer! • Jen, the only episode we see her in and then she just vanishes. • They’re wearing riding helmets! • Here comes Ty! • First meeting between Amy and Ty = memorable! • The Pilot house looks so different than the one used for the rest of the show! • “You’ll keep ten feet away at all times. Any part of you that crosses that line will be removed.” - Jack to Ty • I miss Amy’s hair from the early seasons. • Oh, look, Amy went through teenage angst just like Georgie, yet the majority loves Amy but hates Georgie? • Amber Marshall was born for this part. • I need a Grandpa Jack. • “What I don’t understand? We’re in the middle of cow country, and you can’t get a decent latte anywhere.” - Lou • Still can’t believe Jesse is a Stanton! • Aaaand cue Ashley! The time when we all couldn’t stand her! • I just live for Jack/Ty scenes! • “See, that’s the beauty about farm work…you’re never done.” - Jack to Ty • Sorry, Val, buying your kids/grandkids off doesn’t create a good relationship with them. Case in point: Ashley. • Val is totally in love with Jack. • I wish Ty would’ve kept up playing guitar throughout the seasons. • Our first glimpse of Amy’s abilities. • Such an emotional join-up! • Aww, Jack is so proud! • Well, your business plan kinda back-fired on your plans, huh, Lou? • The only thing nice Jesse did was get Amy a cellphone. • Lou and Scott were my first ship in this show. • Remembering how mature Ty is now and then I go back to season 1 and see him BEATING UP ON PEOPLE. You’ve come a long way, Mr. Borden. • Kind of annoyed at Amy’s reaction. You’re boyfriend is drunk and wanted to drive you home and then started getting hands-y, but then you get mad at the guy who’s trying to defend you even though he probably shouldn’t have beaten up said boyfriend? You’re welcome for not getting into another car accident. • So glad Ty went after her though. • And he apologized. • Amy: Got a heater in there? Ty: Last time I checked. (Amy gets in truck) Ty: Doesn’t work though. • Sometimes I forget that Lou’s full name is Samantha Louise • Way to give Ty a second chance! • Dreamer! • I love how the cemetery is in the middle of nowhere. • Great end shot, beautiful Alberta scenery!
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People of Untherlass - Truffle
Every week some of the players will pitch the Dungeon Master their NPC ideas and he will HAVE to pick one of them to DUN DUN DUUNNNNN... make canon. So let us know if you have any recommendations for us, OR if you would like to submit art, OR if you have your own NPC ideas for us to consider!   
This week's art was submitted by artist Mischi. You can find them on Twitter on @MischiArt
So, without further ado, let us introduce Truffle!
Truffle is a Drow wizard who was adopted by Svirfneblin at the age of 6 (Deep Gnome) parents from an orphanage in Untherlass. She has limited memories of her life in drow civilization or how she arrived in Untherlass. Her early memories are of cave mushrooms, a spider crown, and violent event that is painful and difficult to remember. Her parents are called Feldspar and Bellis Seamfinder.
Truffle sat in the Red Banner & Fern, a modest establishment near the wizard university that served her free coffee every day (thanks to the manager is a good friend of her fathers). Which was good, because she definitely needed the coffee to keep up with all the work she had to do for professor Mallory at the university and definitely couldn't afford to drink at a place like this every day. Though today she was just relaxing before meeting the person she would be escorting as part of her latest contract underground.
She took in the atmosphere, listening to the sounds of the city, the beauty of the ferns mingling with thing red ribbons, the sun coming in through the windows. She stretched out and closed her eyes.
She drifted off into another world, one largely devoid of light, a world before she could remember fully but one she knew she had lived in. It was dark, cold, wet, and warm all at the same time. It swaddled her in silk, kept her fed, kept her family fed. Then the world shook. She opened her eyes in surprise to see a dwarf opposite her, grinning, having just thumped himself down.
He was young, with long blond hair and beard with ornate bronze caps at the end of his many braids. "So I hear yer Truffle Seamfinder, the university's resident spelunker".
She crossed her arms and tersely replied: "You could say that." She hated being surprised.
"Excellent! I'm Rurik". He held out his hand to shake and she took it. He smiled and there was an awkward silence for a moment.
"...so, Seamfinder, that your last name, or a title?" Rurik said.
"I was adopted, its the last name of my parents." She replied.
"So what about Truffle, whats the story about that name, then?"
She smiled. "My parents gave it to me because they say I'm a rare treasure that grew on the earth" she then changed the subject.
"Let's get down to business. I have read your itinerary. You want to go down into the Lubberk mine north of the city and so you need a guide, may I ask why you want to go there".
"Uh, well. I'm interested in heading down into an old mine... for personal reasons. I want to stretch my legs and see them tunnels for myself, to get close to my roots..." He trailed off, perhaps realising how silly it sounded.
"So... like a holiday for a dwarf? "
"You could say that I have a map and I have supplies. I'm actually ready to go right now but I suppose I can wait, oh!" He put a large pouch on the table. "Lots of silver for you, too, of course."
"It is likely to be inhabited by unsavory creatures, you do know that, right?".
"I figured so, hence the hefty sum!" He replied, beaming. "And a hefty sum it is, well then - lets head off then, shall we?"
Time passed and they arrived at Lubberk mine. They went in. It was dark, but neither of them needed light to see. The walls were flat, hewn by Dwarves long ago. Dwarven engravings and runes could occasionally be seen, but as they got deeper into the mine any such decorations became rarer and gave way to rougher earth. And webs. Big webs
"I should scout ahead" Truffle announced producing a shield from her cloak.
Rurik Laughed "Ha! A wizard with a shield, that's a first, what are you so worried about?"
"Gaint Spiders. I carry a shield because you never know when something will jump out at you in places like this"
"Hmm, sounds wise. Alright, never been a fan of spiders myself, I'll wait here."
She carried on for some time, listening closely, becoming one with the darkness. She felt good. Better than she had in ages. Better than she had since that failed expedition with Lyle, the Botanist. He never did find the mushrooms he was looking for, but he did find a few new types of exploding mushroom...
She heard the faintest rasp from above, like air brushing silk.
She spun around the spider as it came down, dodging its fangs and the net of web it swung with its front legs to grapple her. She whipped out with a fire imbued chop of her wand, sending keening fire ahead and leaving one of its legs smoking on the floor.
The spider reeled, spluttered, then threw its web. It hit her directly, pinning her to the wall. She struggled at first, then spoke a word and embers burst around her and consumed the web and just in time, too.
Deadly clawed legs scythed the air in front of her and she dodged one, blocked another two with her shield but took a hit on her shoulder in return for rolling underneath and away from the monstrosity. Around came the spider and up came Truffle, arm wreathed in flames as she released a blast of blue fire into its head and blowing it away.
She drank a potion of healing and continued into the darkness. She could hear more moving ahead...
When she returned to Rurik he was asleep. When he awoke he was naturally surprised to find her bedecked in bones and other... trophies.
"Huh. To each there own, I guess." He clapped his hands together. "Well! Need any help tending you your uh, wounds?"
"No, I'll be fine, but thank-you." She fished out three more healing potions and drank them.
"By Moridin, how many spiders did you kill?"
"About eighty" truffle replied, then laughed at the surprise on his face "Go see for yourself. The mine is entirely cleared!"
"Oh, good..." He eyed the spider fangs that neatly adorned her head like a crown and then turned. As he walked away she heard him mumble under his breath "Looks like the only spider anyone has to worry about down here is her, Bloody Flaming Queen of the Spiders, she is...".
She took off her makeshift spider crown and looked at it as she prestidigitated and combed her ashen hair. "Bloody Flaming Queen of the Spiders..." she mused "I suppose that suits me well, in a way".
She smiled into the darkness. - JACK
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Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber
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