#then we will find out if confetti can cry
eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
and i wouldn’t marry me either, pt. 1
have u guys seen that movie plus one on hulu with jack quaid and maya erskine? ok well here’s this thing. also, tw for steve puking.
Steve is drunk. Like, really, embarrassingly drunk.
And that would be fine, really, if he wasn’t at someone’s actual, real-life wedding.
Somewhere between the ceremony and the cocktail hour, the father-of-the-bride speech that had made him cry and the cutting of the cake, he’d started thinking about Nancy Wheeler and thinking about Nancy Wheeler had led to him practically funding the open bar with the spare change he’d been sure to bring in his pockets for tips.
And the thing about it is, Steve normally loves weddings. He loves the flowers and the vows and watching the bride walk down the aisle. He loves the DJ announcing the new couple, loves throwing confetti outside the church, loves the look on the groom’s face when he sees his almost-wife in her dress for the first time. But—
“Harrington!” Tommy Hagan yells from across the room, gesturing for Steve to make his way over. Steve racks his brain for an explanation as to why Tommy H would be at this wedding; he doesn’t remember Gareth and Tommy being particularly close back in their college days. Steve stumbles his way over to Tommy’s table, keeping a secure hand around his gin & tonic, trying his best not to spill.
“Stevie!” Tommy’s fiancée, Carol, practically crows as she leans over Tommy’s lap. “Where’s Nancy?”
“Yeah, man, kinda thought you’d be the first one marching down the aisle,” Tommy laughs and Carol swats him on the arm.
Steve downs his practically full drink before slamming the heavy glass back down on the table.
“We broke up actually,” Steve grimaces. “Last week.”
Carol gives him an exaggerated pout while Tommy cringes. “Aw, baby, I’m so sorry,” Carol slurs. Steve has to hold himself back from rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, well.” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “We wanted different things.”
They offer him a few more words of sympathy before Steve finally flees, making excuses about finding the bathroom. He’s too drunk for this.
He leaves the table in search of another drink.
Eddie’s just outside the reception hall, out on the venue’s terrace, sparkling with fairy lights. He’s got a stack of index cards in his hands, trying to make out his own scrawled handwriting, when someone stumbles directly into his back. He feels something wet through the fabric of his dress shirt.
“Fuck, shit, sorry, fuck,” someone says, their hands patting at the wetness.
Eddie finally turns to see a disheveled Steve Harrington, a half-empty glass clutched in his fist. His hair’s a mess, his tie’s undone, and he’s clearly drunk. Eddie had seen him stumbling around the dance floor earlier.
“Dude, you good?” Eddie asks, genuinely concerned. He can’t remember the last time he’d seen Harrington drunk. It had to be way back in college, when he’d only known Steve as that annoying frat dude that Gareth and Dustin always brought around. He’d spent a full year trying to figure out what those two saw in him and doing everything in his power to avoid group hang outs.
They’d gotten closer over the years, once they’d graduated and become, like, real, fully-formed human beings. Harrington was actually a pretty chill dude, funny and sweet and able to give as good as he got whenever Eddie was in a particularly teasing mood. Eddie’s ego wasn’t so big that he couldn’t admit he’d been wrong about Harrington, at least in the privacy of his own head.
“Yeah, man, all good,” Steve slurs, barely coherent. He raises his empty hand limply in an attempt at a thumbs up.
“Man, you don’t look so good.” Steve’s eyes are practically vacant and Eddie is feeling genuinely concerned. And he’s proven right when Steve stumbles over to one of the concrete planters lining the terrace and pukes his guts out. It’s loud and disgusting and Eddie can feel the grimace on his own face. But Steve is his friend, so he reaches his hand out to rub Steve’s back, even as he keeps his distance.
“Hey, Eddie,” he hears Jeff call from the French doors that lead into the reception hall.
“Yeah?” Eddie spares a quick glance over his shoulder before returning his attention to where Steve is groaning into the dirt of some exotic-looking tree.
“‘Bout ready to cut the cake,” Jeff tells him. “Need you in a few.”
Right. Eddie’s best man speech. The reason he was out here in the first place. He’s not nervous or anything. He’s a natural showman and entertainer, loves being in front of a crowd. And he loves Gareth and Chrissy. He has plenty of good things to say about them, plenty of embarrassing stories from when he and Gareth were kids, and plenty of sweet ones from when they’d finally met Chrissy in college. Nah, Eddie’s pretty much got this in the bag. He’s just not used to the idea of his friends being actually, real-life married. They’re only 27; Chrissy’s practically a child bride for god’s sake!
Eddie glances down at Steve, whose face is red and sweaty. Eddie’s not blind or stupid; he knows Steve’s an attractive dude. He’s a little too preppy and heterosexual (even though Eddie knows on a theoretical level that Steve does sometimes sleep with other guys) for Eddie’s tastes, but the man is hot. Except for right now. He actually looks pretty bad, possibly the worst Eddie’s ever seen him. And that’s really saying something, considering Steve had actually had his stomach pumped during Greek Week their senior year. At least Steve seems to have cleared the contents of his stomach, at this point.
“Hey, man, you good?” Eddie asks him, his hand still rubbing slow circles on Steve’s back.
Steve groans before looking up at him. “Eddie?” Steve squint. “You’re pretty. Like Nancy.” And Steve sounds so sad when he says it that even Eddie’s heart gives a little squeeze.
“Uh, thank you,” Eddie glances toward the open doors again. The cake is being wheeled out into the middle of the dance floor. “Listen, I don’t wanna leave you out here, but I gotta go give a speech. Can you, uh, stand up for me?”
“Yeah, man, totally,” Steve slurs out, barely comprehensible. He drags the back of his hand over his lips and chin, which should be kind of disgusting, but Eddie just feels sorry for him. Steve makes it one step before he’s slouching into Eddie’s shoulder, all his weight falling into Eddie’s chest. Eddie grunts and fits his hands around Steve’s waist.
“Fuck, dude, how much do you weigh?” Eddie’s voice comes out a little breathless.
“175, baby. Pure muscle,” Steve slurs back.
“Yeah, I believe it,” Eddie mutters, fingertips digging hard into the firmness of Steve’s lower back. “Okay, come on, let’s get you a chair.”
It takes some maneuvering but Eddie finally gets Steve inside and seats him at the closest table. It’s empty, since most people had been dancing and are currently crowded around the cake. Chrissy’s sister, the maid of honor, is holding a microphone, finishing her speech.
“We love you, Chrissy,” she’s saying, looking at the bride with tears in her eyes. “We know that Gareth will do everything in his power to make you happy. To Gareth and Chrissy!” She raises her glass of champagne, smiling, and everyone around her does the same, echoing her toast. “Okay, now where’s the best man?” She says, scanning the crowd.
Eddie smiles and makes his way over, taking the microphone from her.
“When I met Gareth, we were five years old. We’ve been through a lot together, from Gareth’s bug eating phase, to his wetting the bed phase, to that phase he had where he used to Naruto run to class in middle school, to his Hitchcock phase where he tried to talk in that transatlantic accent for literal months, to his bleach blonde phase, to his—”
“Alright, alright, we get it,” Gareth cuts in, rolling his eyes with an easy smile. The crowd laughs.
“Okay, okay. All I’m saying is I’ve seen a lot of versions of my best friend. But the best Gareth by far is the one he is with Chrissy. I remember when Gareth first met her, in their art history seminar. He came back to the dorm after that first week and told me he’d met an angel. ‘I’m in love, dude,’ he told me. ‘I’m marrying this girl.’ I, of course, was skeptical, especially when he pointed her out later that month in the dining hall. ‘Sorry, man, but no way. She’s way outta your league,’ I told him. But to my surprise, Chrissy Cunningham came marching up to us right then and there and asked Gareth if he’d started studying for their midterm. Gareth stumbled through that whole interaction making an absolute fool of himself. I’m pretty sure he put his elbow in my mashed potatoes,” Gareth and Chrissy laugh, “but that didn’t stop Chrissy from asking him to study that weekend. And the rest is, as they say, history.” Eddie raises his own glass of champagne in the direction of the happy couple. “When Gareth told me he was marrying Chrissy, all I could say was ‘it’s about fucking time.’ Chrissy is the smartest, sweetest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet and she somehow makes my best friend an even better dude. So thank you, Chrissy, and congratulations to you both.” Everyone raises their glasses. Over the sounds of the room toasting, Eddie can hear Steve at his table in the back corner drunkenly cheering.
“Woo-hoo!” Steve claps. “Yeah!” Thankfully, no else really seems to notice and Eddie watches over Chrissy’s shoulder as Steve tries to stand from his seat but falls back into it on his ass, looking dazed.
“Thanks, Eddie,” Chrissy whispers as they pull away from their hug. “I love you.”
“Love you, too, babe,” Eddie tells her, squeezing her hands in his. He glances back over at Steve. “I’m gonna take Harrington up to my room, let him sleep some of the alcohol off.”
Chrissy’s eyes widen. “Oh, good idea. I was a little worried about him when I saw him stumbling around the dance floor before.” Eddie gives her hands one final squeeze before wandering off to collect Steve.
Getting Steve into the elevator is a struggle. He doesn’t want to leave, keeps saying he didn’t even get to eat a piece of cake yet. He only lets Eddie shove him through the metal doors when Eddie promises to bring him a piece when he comes back up later.
They make it to Eddie’s room without further incident and once they’re safely inside, Steve starts ripping off his suit without a care in the world. His hands and arms are flying everywhere. He almost takes Eddie out with an elbow to the temple.
“Dude, calm down,” Eddie tells him, hands on Steve’s arms. “Let me help you.” He unbuttons what’s left of Steve’s shirt and hangs it over the closet doorknob before reaching for Steve’s waistband and undoing his fly. His suit pants fall around his ankles. “Okay, step out.”
Steve braces his hands on Eddie’s shoulders and lifts one leg and then the other, until he’s standing there in only his briefs and his dress socks.
“Thought about this a lot in college,” Steve mutters, still slurring his words.
And that—huh? What? Thought about what a lot? Eddie undressing him?
Eddie does his best not to react. Steve’s drunk. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.
Eddie brings his own hands up to curl around Steve’s wrists and pull his hands away from his shoulders. He bends down and picks up Steve’s pants, folding them and placing them on the dresser. He folds back the bed’s comforter.
“Okay, big boy, in ya go.” He gestures toward the bed, encouraging Steve to lay down. Steve suddenly looks exhausted as he slides under the covers.
His eyes are half-closed before his head even hits the pillow.
Before Eddie shuts off the light and leaves to head back downstairs, he hears Steve call out softly, “sorry if I ruined it.” He shifts sleepily on the bed. “I always ruin it.”
Eddie feels like he’s swallowed glass as he slowly shuts the door behind him.
Steve wakes up to sunshine streaming in through the curtains of an unfamiliar bedroom. His head is killing him and his mouth feels like he’s swallowed 87 cotton balls. He groans, rolling away from the window, only to be met with the image of Eddie Munson’s shirtless, sleeping form.
Fuck. How drunk had he been last night? He vaguely remembers puking outside somewhere and Eddie rubbing his back, but he definitely doesn’t remember leaving the wedding. He doesn’t remember leaving the wedding with Eddie.
Steve spares a quick glance under the covers and is relieved to see that he’s still wearing his underwear and Eddie’s got on a pair of pajama pants. Surely he wouldn’t have sex and then put his underwear back on; that seems like something only a serial killer would do.
It’s not like he hasn’t thought about it. There was that one year, just after they’d graduated, that Steve had thought maybe there was something between them, something a little more than friendship.
But then he’d met Nancy Wheeler at his new job and she’d asked him out and he’d started imagining their lives together and thoughts of anyone else had just floated away.
So, yeah, Steve’s thought about it. Eddie’s gorgeous and funny and smart. It’s not like Steve would regret it. He could certainly do a lot worse.
But if he’s gonna sleep with one of his closest friends, he’d like to actually remember it.
In between Steve’s spiraling thoughts, Eddie must have woken up, because when Steve spares another glance toward his face, Eddie’s staring right back at him, making him jump slightly.
“Fuck, dude, make a noise,” Steve breathes out before running a hand through his sleep-tousled hair. “We didn’t—uh, nothing like… happened or whatever, right? We didn’t, like… you know… did we?”
Eddie stares at him for a long moment before putting Steve out of his misery. “No offense, Stevie, but I’m not really into guys that can barely string together a coherent thought.”
“Oh, thank god,” Steve sighs with relief, body sagging against the mattress. He sees Eddie’s mouth twitch. “Not that I… you know, you’re hot or whatever, but like…”
“Dude, relax,” Eddie laughs, moving to sit on the edge of the mattress. “You were black out drunk. I just brought you up here so you didn’t hurt yourself.”
Steve winces. “I didn’t, like, embarrass myself, did I? Or, like, ruin the wedding?”
Eddie looks at him with something like pity and Steve has to swallow nervously.
“No, Steve, you were fine. I just found you throwing up outside and though you’d had enough.”
Steve stares down at his hands. “Thanks, man,” he says softly.
“No worries, you’d do the same for me.” He sounds so totally sure that Steve would. “Weddings are tough. Can you believe I have, like, four more to go to, just this summer? I’ll probably black out at at least one of them. Anyway, I’m gonna take a shower and then you should probably also shower. You stink.” Eddie stands from the bed and claps his hands together. “And then we’re taking full advantage of the free hotel breakfast bar.”
After they’ve showered and Eddie’s gone back to the breakfast buffet for seconds and thirds, he offers to drive Steve home and Steve gratefully accepts. He’s really not in the mood for an Uber or, even worse, the subway.
Steve keeps thinking about what Eddie had said back in the hotel room. That he had four more weddings to go to this summer alone. Steve has five of his own and the thought of going through all that alone makes his stomach clench and his throat tighten. He knows he’s going to see Nancy at at least one of them and that thought alone has Steve desperate.
“Hey, you know how you said you have four more weddings to go to this summer?” Steve asks from the passengers seat. Eddie hums an affirmative response. “I have five.”
“No shit, that sucks, man. I actually fuckin’ hate weddings, to tell you the truth.” Eddie doesn’t take his eyes off the road.
“I used to love them, actually. But, I don’t know. They’ve kind of lost their charm,” Steve doesn’t mean to sound super mega fucking depressed about it, but he knows he does.
“Fuck, dude. Sorry,” Eddie glances at him, a worried look in his eye.
“But, uh, I was thinking,” Steve powers on. “Maybe we should, like, help each other out?”
Eddie’s brow furrows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Like, you know.” Steve gestures vaguely with his hand. “Make it less unbearable. Like, we could go together or something.”
“You want to be each other’s plus ones?” Eddie asks incredulously.
“Yeah, man, think about it. You’d always have someone to chill with, even if the party’s fucking lame. We could make fun of the bridesmaids’ dresses together and shit. It wouldn’t be as god fucking awful if we were together.”
They’re stopped at a red light and Eddie has turned to stare directly at him.
“You do realize that would mean we’d be going to ten weddings, like, collectively, right? Why would I want to go to more weddings then I actually have to?”
“Well, nine, since Chrissy and Gareth’s is over,” Steve tells him, matter-of-factly. “Come on, Eddie, this summer is fucking torture for me. You know Nancy, like, crushed me or whatever. It would really help me out, to have you there. Just think about it.”
And, Steve thinks, that’s kind of what does it. Eddie has a savior complex about a mile wide and Steve has never been above using that to his advantage.
Eddie sighs and shifts his gaze back to the road as the light turns green.
“Fine, Harrington,” he finally says. “But you are paying for all my suit rentals and buying all the gifts.”
Steve smiles. “Deal.”
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fanficsformyfaves · 7 months
I Tolerate It, So Don't Blame Me
Loki Laufeyson x Fem Ex!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Hickeys, Marking Kink (R Receiving), Oral Sex (R Receiving), P in V Sex, Exhibitionism, Rough Sex, Body Worship (R Receiving), No Protection (This is fictional, you are not, WRAP IT UP) Mentions of Break Ups, Turbulent Relationship, Confrontations, Insecurities
PREFACE: You were not only the God of Mischief's ex and the mother of his child, you were also the love of his life. So, it should've come as no surprise to you when his new girlfriend showed up to your apartment building, angry after finding out he was still in love with you
A/N: Flashbacks In Italics!
Loki was recruited into the Avengers and Sylvie is his new girlfriend in this A/U!
Sylvie deserves better :,(
And yes, this is combining 2 Taylor Swift songs cause it goes so well…all too well
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I had just put my son to bed, when his tired little voice asks me something.
"Mama, is daddy coming this weekend?"
I look up from tucking him in with surprise.
"Um, I'm not sure"
I was...or I thought I was. Loki and I were together for over a decade and had our son four years ago.
Our relationship wasn't perfect, but we made it work. In spite of the long nights that consisted of screaming matches and the other going to bed angry, we would eventually talk it out and get right back to normal. Was it easy? No, but we knew that we made each other better people. Nothing in life that's worth keeping was gonna be easy.
Our main issue was him not making enough time for me and our child. I understood splitting his time between working with the Avengers and going back and forth from Asgard would take up a lot of his days, but we always got through the rough patches together.
You miss a couple dinners and forget some errands, sure, I could forgive that...but the final straw was when he'd forgotten our son's birthday.
Long after the party was over and everyone had gone home, I still sat in the living room in tears, after having had to put my own crying child to bed.
"He forgot. He really forgot", I thought to myself.
Just then, I hear the front door open and in walks Loki, making his way towards me on the couch.
"Hi, darling", he kisses my cheek.
That's when he noticed the popped balloons and confetti scattered all across the floor.
"What did I miss?"
"What did you miss?", I repeated,
Standing up.
"Loki, do you know what day it is today?"
I close my eyes, sighing before wiping my eyes.
"October twenty-third"
He takes a moment to think, when the realization hits him.
"Shit", he whispers to himself,
"He was so excited to blow out the candles with his dad", my voice shakes.
"I know-"
"Do you?"
Not having anything else to say for himself, he simply muttered.
"I'm sorry"
"It's not me you should be apologizing to", I say,
About to walk off, when he takes my arm.
"I'll make it up to him-"
"You always say that, but you never stick to your word. Look, I'm tired of being second place to your job, we both are. Do you even remember the last time we had dinner together? Or even tucking him in for bed?"
I could see the tears beginning to pool in his eyes. I shake my head, before pulling my arm away from him.
"Time got away from me, the team-"
"I don't care about the team! I care about us! Our family!", I yell,
Catching him off guard.
"I've stood behind you on everything and this was the one thing that I needed you to show up for. I've put up with your shit for too fucking long and I can't do it anymore. All we do nowadays is fight and I can't tolerate being taken for granted over and over again. I won't"
"What are you saying?", he whispered,
"I'm saying I'm done", I shrugged.
His gaze softened and his shoulders dropped.
"You need to go", I sob,
"Please, don't do this. We can talk about it, we can work things out, I promise, I will do better-", he tries pulling me into an embrace,
Only to be pushed away.
"We tried and nothing's worked, even if we go to bed now, I'll still feel the same way in the morning-"
"I don't want to leave-", he says,
Wrapping his arms around me, as I kept trying to push him off.
"Loki, go"
"I can't"
"Please, go, I can't do this again"
"I can't!", he cried,
"I CAN'T!", he shouts,
Slowly falling to his knees, as he held onto my legs and hid his face in my stomach.
"I can't", he wept.
My hand goes over my mouth to muffle the sounds of my sobs. I eventually pull away from him and walked back towards our once shared bedroom. It was the hardest walk of my life. Knowing I was walking away from him.
"When I wake up", I say over my shoulder,
"Don't be here"
It's been almost a year since then and it still hurts to think about. It didn't help that our anniversary was coming up either.
I often fall back into wondering if I'd done the right thing. Did I? Would I ever know?
"But, I promise I'll ask"
"Does daddy not love me anymore?"
It shattered my heart to hear him say that.
"No! Baby", I say,
Softly cupping his cheek.
"Your father loves you so so much. It's just his job that keeps him busy"
He sticks his pinky out, making me chuckle. I intertwine mine around his, after wiping away a stray tear.
"Never think for one second that we don't love you"
Just as I placed a kiss atop my son's head, I hear someone yelling outside my apartment building.
I recognized that voice. It was Sylvie. What was she doing here in the middle of the night?
"Shhh, go to bed, baby, I'll be right back", I shushed,
Leaving the apartment and locking the door behind me. The elevator takes me all the way down to the lobby and I made my way outside.
"What did you tell him?!"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Don't play stupid with me, what did you tell Loki?"
"Nothing! I haven't spoken to him for weeks!"
"Horse shit"
"I haven't!"
She sighs, holding her forehead.
"Why? What happened?"
She sniffles and using her sleeve to wipe away her tears.
"Sylvie, I know we aren't friends, but you can tell me"
She scoffs, looking back at me.
"You can", I reassured.
She shakes her head, taking a seat on the curb. I let out a deep exhale, before joining her.
It was tense. I could tell she was holding something back and it only added to the anxiety that was making my stomach turn. After a few deep breaths, she finally breaks the uncomfortable silence.
"He said your name in his sleep"
I'd never felt my heart drop so fast. My eyes widen, as I turn back to her.
"Last night. I heard him", she nodded,
"Sylvie", I exhaled,
Shutting my eyes, whilst shaking my head.
"So either that means he's been sneaking behind my back with you or-"
"He hasn't, I swear"
"...Then what I'd been suspecting is true", she muttered her breath.
My eyebrows meet in confusion, wondering what she meant by that. She finally turns to meet my gaze and in the street lamp's glow, I could make out her defeated tired eyes looking back at me.
I knew that look. I had that look not too long ago, which meant what she had to say was nothing short of painful.
"He still loves you", she wept,
Causing me to shake my head.
"Then why?", she shrugs.
How was I possibly meant to respond to that?
"You know...whenever he tells me that he loves me, I would be so overjoyed...but for some reason, in the back of mind, I never truly believed him", she confessed,
"And then I thought to myself 'Well, why would I? She was his first love and the mother of his child. How could I ever compete with that? She's beautiful and smart and strong'. Deep down, I always knew that what we had wasn't real, as I am still fighting the ghost of you that will forever live in his memories"
I was speechless. To hear her say all of this was gut-wrenching. She didn't deserve this and I knew that.
"I am so sorry"
"You have nothing to apologize for", she says,
Getting back on her feet, as I did the same.
"Sylvie, I assure you that whatever we had was over the moment we broke up"
"Maybe...but not for him", she smiled sadly,
Giving me a tight embrace, before walking away.
I couldn't just go to bed after that. I had to talk to Loki myself. Whatever he did to us was one thing, but Sylvie didn't deserve this. I went back up stairs to get my son, not bothering to get dressed and dropped him off at my parent's house on the way to the Avengers Tower.
I submitted my personalized key pass, which allowed me inside and took the elevator all the way up to Loki's quarters. I pushed past the double doors and find him standing at the floor to ceiling windows.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?", I spit,
Walking up to him.
"I'm assuming you heard", he says,
Without looking away from the city.
"Sylvie didn't deserve that. She loved you!"
I was met with nothing but silence. All I could do was sigh in frustration.
"Why?! Why did you have to ruin another good thing for yourself?! She was perfect-"
"But she wasn't you!", he snapped,
Turning to face me.
"You of all people should know that no matter what happens, I would always choose you"
I could feel the tears gather in my eyes.
"I tried to let go, but I couldn't", his voice goes quiet,
"Despite my best efforts and even while being with someone else, all I found myself doing was wishing it was you"
I shake my head, as a lone tear made its why down my cheek.
"You should've thought about that before you took me for granted"
He cups my face, resting his forehead against mine.
"That was my greatest mistake...and I will never forgive myself for it"
I couldn't stop myself from growing weak at his touch.
"I love you. This has always been true"
"I never knew what I had until I'd lost it", he added,
"You hurt me...and you hurt our son", I wept,
"And for that, I am so sorry. I will never stop regretting the things I'd done to you both and if given the chance, I'd change before it was too late, but I am begging you now. I will never forsake your hearts again, please", he pleaded.
There were so many emotions coming at me from all directions. Anger, sadness, confusion...but also a sense of solace. Solace in knowing that he had finally recognized his mistakes.
"If you'll have me...I will never hurt you or our son ever again"
"How can I be sure you mean it this time?", I questioned.
In that moment, the God of Mischief pulled away and kneeled before me, placing a hand on his heart. I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of Deja Vu.
"I meant every word", he reassured,
Taking my hand into his.
"I've lost you once. I will not make that same mistake again"
I searched deeply into his eyes and all I could find was sincerity. For the first time in a long time, I was finally sure.
I pulled him back onto his feet and cupped his cold face.
"I love you too...I don't think I ever stopped"
He chuckles slightly in relief.
"That's all I've ever wanted to hear", he says,
Before pulling me in by the waist and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss started off mellow and soft, but it quickly grew heated. He picks me up by my thighs and effortlessly wrapped them around his waist. He ended up
My fingers sneak into his black locks, grasping at the roots and causing a delicious groan to escape him.
Using his godly strength, he lifts me up higher into the air, now throwing my legs over his shoulders. With a flash of his magic, I was now completely naked up against the glass.
"People will see", I say out breath,
"Let them", he grinned,
"Let them envy the way I ravish your beautiful body, knowing they will never get the chance"
I could feel myself grow wetter at his comment.
"By the looks of it, you don't seem to mind either", he teases,
Before kissing the inside of my thighs, slowly making his way towards where I needed him most. He wrapped his soft lips around my bundle of nerves, making me gasp at the sensation. I was being tasted like I'd be the last thing he'd ever have. A man on death row, savoring his final meal.
"It has been to long", he mumbled against me.
"It has", I whined,
As his skilled tongue drew circles over my clit again and again, till the knot in my stomach began to tense. I missed how easily he made me melt.
My fingers snuck into his hair once more, holding on for dear life. His own rubbing up and down my slit, before slipping themselves inside and pressing against my sweet spot. I could feel him grin at the wanton cries and moans that spilled out of me.
It was more the obvious that I was already about hit my peak.
"Close already?", he teased,
Continuing his ministrations.
"I must taste your release at once. Come for me, sweet girl", he demanded.
That was all I needed to hear.
I came with a moan so loud, I was thanking my lucky stars the walls were sound-proof.
Still, coming down from the euphoric high, he lets me down gently. Firmly holding my weak frame to steady me. Once he realized it was going to take a while for my legs to calm from there incessant shaking, he picked me up and laid me down on the sofa.
"Tonight, I will make up for lost time", he mumbled against my lips.
"I will show you just how deep my everlasting devotion for you lies"
With the help of his magic once again, he causes his trousers to disappear, along with his boxers.
His hard cock aching for attention.
"Do you see what you do to me? How desperate and needy I am for you?", he growls in my ear,
Causing my skin to raise in goosebumps. He takes the tip and rubs it up my already throbbing entrance.
"I've missed this so much", he confesses,
Before thrusting into me and ripping a cry from the depth of my chest. Without giving a moment to adjust, he began pounding into me at a merciless pace.
By this time, the sun had already began to peak from the horizon and the room smelt of sex and sweat. It was now his turn to yank at the roots of my hair, exposing my bare neck for his hungry teeth.
"I will mark you and claim you as mine once more", he mumbled against my warm skin,
As he repeatedly slammed into my g-spot. It didn't take long for my next orgasm to build, as my legs were already threatening to snap close and all I could do was scream out his name again and again like a fallen prayer.
I could tell by the rhythm of his hips faltering that he wasn't far behind either.
"Meet me there, darling. Come for me", he groaned,
As we both were thrusted over the edge. He spills himself inside my clenching walls, letting his head fall back at the overwhelming pleasure. Out of breath and well-spent, he collapses on top of me and wraps his arms around my waist.
We lay in the comforting silence for a moment, till he found the strength to pull out of me and lay me atop his chest.
I look up at him, as he brushed away a hair stuck to my forehead.
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lintubintu · 2 months
Kot Kot Review
I like Kot Kot a lot.
Despite the almost harsh difference between the intro and how the song progresses, it´s not too out there.
The music seems chaotic and structured, is melodic, nostalgic and two-faced more out of necessity than provocation, and it´s ongoing. It spirals.
There is a lovely moodiness to it that seems mature and balanced, deliberately using the intro as a bridge again and repurposing the funky "kot kot" into something that softens into the lighter part of the song. The change of pace is noticeable but not alarming and almost hopeful.
Kot Kot is not a big song nor does it exist to troll. It enjoys being silly with the chicken theme and builds a narrative that can be purposely misunderstood by people who don´t like him.
During my first listen I was a little confused but intrigued by the seemingly contradicting parts that adapt well by the second listen. Pop and Rap evolve from clashing into shaking hands.
It feels a bit like a song nobody would put on an album anymore because it is deemed barely good enough to keep up with its fellow, more popular tunes. It stands on its own where others see a filler track.
Overall, it makes me have more hope for the album now; for it to be an album and not just a compilation of Singles.
I wouldn´t be surprised if this song was the opening number, nor would I be shocked to not find an Intro at all – Kot Kot is an introduction in itself.
From what I understand of the lyrics, it also is the first song of his that makes me want to know more about him as a lyricist.
To start the song of with MAYDAY is a deliberate choice because the song is not what it seems.
It´s soft spoken and not a shrill cry for help but knows of something that already affects the narrator enough that reaching out soon is imminent. It´s a literal stress signal.
The teaser made me think the protagonist in this song was simply sick of being treated like someone doomed to continue staging a party for others.
Relying on translations and interpretations of this song, the protagonist seems to realise that their lifestyle will rather leave them with very little time spent having fun with friends – because even the party-goers have gone to bed earlier than them.
Those that tried to keep up with them may have lost their step and had to give in to their own different schedules, or are worse off for keeping them company. So their company diminishes further.
There might be little life beyond the lifestyle, the sobering thought that solitude is too close within reach for comfort – the time left after work cannot always be shared nor of quality due to their schedule.
A double blow. Real life and bonding has to be spent in time confetti. Throughout it all, the silliness persists.
Rather laughable is the Explicit rating of this song. Was it the Perhana!?
The ending is a jumpscare, them finally being silly, breaking the cycle. But at the same time, it´s a rooster greeting the morning – the protagonist worked the night away.
For a moment, you are relieved the song is over. And then you play it again.
I would love for the upcoming album to be a concept album.
This song seems to divide people in a different way than songs before it did.
Some of you seem puzzled, others more neutral than hateful, none of the dislike so far is really loud.
The timing might be a bit unfortunate – song releases at this hour have the same problems as the protagonist in Kot Kot.
And even if you really don´t like this song, I fell that there will be something on the album that you will like.
It´s ok to not like things and it doesn´t have to be justified.
Still, I am interested to hear what you don´t like about this song because I think it makes for a worthwhile conversation and I like interacting with you.
Let´s do that while we have the time.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Hi can I request Sabo , Ace and Luffy bonus if you want to include Shanks or Kid hcs where finding the reader who’s got her/their arm stuck in a vending machine?
Reader called them up for help because they got their arm stuck while reaching for their candy that was RIGHT on the edge and about to fall but wouldn’t. Basically “I paid for the damn candy, I’m going to get my damn candy!”
Please 💗
a/n - um. I did the same thing today 🧍how did you know 😭
Warnings - g/n reader, crack as usual
I’m getting what I paid for
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- he’s afraid of vending machines specifically for this reason- he once paid for a fucking OVERPRICED water ($6.00) and it got stuck in the window
- poor guy was devastated, face on the glass and all as he stared at his overpriced Dasani water that seemed to be taunting him from inside the machine.
- came home and almost cried about it to you 😭 but he’s an big man so he held it in. you could tell he cried about it right outside the door before he came home tho.
- but guess what? You gotta conquer your fears right?? 💪🔥
- so, you two were walking around in the city, and damn you were thirsty, so you found a vending machine and took your wallet out. I imagine that Sabo immediately knew what was happening, he sensed the vending machine on his radar of fear
- he stared ominously as you took your wallet out, and as you took a five dollar bill out, you fed it into the machine, pressing the buttons. WHY WAS THE BEEPING SO LOUD ?? Was he sweating? Was it hot there? sabo honey it’s winter
- the machine slowly made the water come out, and it fell as usual, PHEW! Nothing bad happened… Maybe that vending machine was just weird before right?
- you reached into the machine and oh no. it wasn’t there
- “Damn it..”
- cue the dramatic lighting on Sabo- WHAT? IS IT STUCK?
- “These machines are so 50/50-“ -you
- “Is… is it- stuck?” -him
- “Yeah, just gimme a sec.”
- He’s now crying inside. Dead. Wasted.
- “Aw- I’m sorry y/n.. How much was it? We can go get coffee instead!”
- he was so sweet, literally offering anything in the world as if you just lost your dog or something 😭
- you put your hand in his face as you slammed your arm farther into the machine until only your shoulder was visible, and you were literally about to break the machine 😂😂
- mans was shocked- wtf were you doing?! “Y/N- IS YOUR ARM OK?!”
- “Babe- we can get something else!” -sabo
- you were his hero, his deity, his idol. How were you so brave to stick your hand in the machine? The thing of his nightmares? God he fell in love with you all over again
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- he has spoken to the manager about losing 5 dollars to a vending machine (shanks don’t be a Karen)
- will not hesitate to fight the machine if needed 💀 he would put his hands up and shift his dad sandals into sport mode
- why is water so damn expensive? I mean it’s not like he’s poor or anything but DAMN Dasani 😭
- when you two were peacefully trying to get a soda from the vending machine nearby, OF COURSE. IT GETS STUCK.
- shanks tried punching the window, and shaking the whole ass machine and it just would not budge at all. He couldn’t fit his hands far enough inside the machine, so he asked if you could
- after about a solid 10 minutes of you fighting with this machine, he tried to tell you that he could just buy you a soda elsewhere but no. This machine better give you your fucking soda
- “I’m getting what we paid for shanks.”
- man was laughing, wheezing as you tried so many things to grab the soda can. Sticking your whole arm inside, your foot, hell- you even tried fitting your head in there at some point 💀
- finally… YOU GOT IT!
- if shanks had confetti right now he would be dumping it on your head- and you were so proud of yourself (you should be proud)
- “watch out vending machines, Y/N will not hesitate to fight you 💅”
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- ace loved getting donuts… donuts, from the vending machines. (Please come and punch me for this joke) and you did too! Especially the little mini ones that just hit the spot :)
- it was your routinely night out with the amazing and wonderful Ace, and you two stopped by your usual vending machine. You fed the machine a 5 dollar bill and just waited for the machine to dump out the donuts
- you saw it fall, but… Why wasn’t it where the little door was? You reached in farther, feeling around for it, but it still wasn’t there…
- Ace just kept watching you struggle (bitch) and the little greasy shit had a grin on his face.
- “Ace it’s stuck!”
- “Yeah i noticed.”
- “Can you help me?”
- “I dunno it seems like you’ve got it! 👍🤭”
- “bitch.”
- after a couple minutes, you finally got it, and you triumphantly opened the pack of donuts. Ace reached out for one but hell nah. The unhelpful bitch wasn’t gonna get any 💀
- “Y/n please I’m sorry-“
- “No.”
- “…no. Bitch.”
- “why are you so mean?” -ace
- “I know you could’ve just broken open the machine and saved me that trouble.”
- “But it’s funny seeing you frustrated with a vending machine!”
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- Surprised you haven’t gone broke because this man raids vending machines. Will not leave ANY snack alive. (RIP snacks)
- “Ooo! Y/n that machine has cookies!”
- Your poor wallet was suffering but it’s ok, Luffy’s happiness was all you needed :) so you bought the cookies, and waited for the machine to drop the pack into the dispenser
- “Thanks y/n! You’re the best :D”
- “You’re welcome Lu, but next time please bring your wallet too.”
- The cookies got stuck in the window, DAMN IT! You shook the machine a bit, and it didn’t do much. Luffy reached into the machine with you, trying to grab the snack.
- “Luffy i got it! Take- your arm out!”
- “I’m getting what I paid for though! I want the cookies!” -Luffy
- “Excuse me what YOU paid for?! I paid for it dumbass!”
- you pushed his arm out before you shoved your arm all the way inside, painfully. Bro was shocked, the effort you were putting into getting his snack! He knew you were the best person in the world but this was yet another reminder of that :)
- you finally grabbed it, pulling it out before giving the machine a punch and a glare, “Stupid ass- machine.”
- “I love you y/n!”
- “Yeah Mhm..”
- “Here you can have… one. >:)” -Luffy
- “dumbass you better give me more than one 💀”
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a/n - ace is such a bitch but I feel bad about the joke
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madelynraemunson · 5 months
Bonus scene 𓆩♡𓆪
from the CALL ME WHAT YOU WANT universe (18+)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
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timeline: 015, THIS SCENE, 016** | ** = smut
Eddie has an important question to ask you on your birthday.
contains: fluff, physical touch, flirting, loverboy!eddie, romantic eddie, implied history of abuse from billy
wc: 1k words
*play this while you read to really be immersed in st nostalgia* 🥹 (if you want)
“Oh no,” you breathe.
Everything starts to make more sense when you see Steve waiting for you at Hellfire’s doors. He’s got the smuggest look on his face. You quickly try to turn and run the other way, already embarrassed. But the former Star Athlete is faster, immediately lunging at you to drag you into the club.
“Nope!” Harrington protests.
“Steve-” you begin.
“No no no no,” he shakes his head. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
They’re all gonna see you like this. You hate to admit it, but you had just spent your entire commute crying — evident by your raccoon eyes — because you thought everyone (except for Billy) had forgotten your birthday.
Robin and Vicky were already out of the house by the time you woke up. Max, you assumed, got a ride from Steve to their new barista job. Chrissy turned down a pre-shift ‘Hot Girl Walk’, and Eddie never called. It was starting to feel like the most Adult birthday ever, but by a long shot not the worst.
“Put me down!” you persist.
Birthdays suck. Especially when you share one with your abuser. But you’re in a new era now. An era where you are loved, celebrated, and protected.
You’re bombarded by obnoxious kazoos and party hats, streamers and confetti in all shapes and colors, and what looks like a homemade birthday cake in Jane (Mike’s girlfriend)’s hands, decorated with funky, florescent candles, and crafty red hearts that overpowered every inch of the thick white fondant.
“Oh my god,” you beam.
Max, Robin and Vicky. Chrissy, Argyle, Nancy, Jonathan, and Henry. Will, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Jane, and Erica who also just had a birthday (she turned 18 last week). Steve. Gareth, Jeff, and Grant. All the faces you’ve grown to know and love since moving to Hawkins, all together in one room to celebrate YOU.
“We were trying so hard to keep this a secret,” Steve explains as he gives you a hug. “I’d say we did a pretty good job.”
“Yeah sorry we couldn’t get a better location,” Mike adds. “Chuck E Cheese was fully booked so Hellfire was the next best thing.”
“You guyssss,” you begin to sob. “This is oddly perfect. Thank you.”
“Well,” Jane says. She holds the cake up to your face. “There's no sense in waiting any longer. Make a wish!”
You close your eyes. I wish for life to always be this peaceful.
And when you open your eyes, you see Eddie in front of you, with a beautiful rose bouquet and a bag in his hands.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
His eyes are twinkling like a kid who woke up early on Christmas morning. You greet him with a warm hug to which he uses that opportunity to affectionately rub your back. You hear some soft “aww”s in the background, but you’re too infatuated with the man in front of you to jokingly scorn at whoever said it.
“How’d you know it was my birthday?” you ask him.
“You can find out lot of stuff from paperwork,” Eddie winks at you. “Specifically your resume. Which, might I say, is very impressive.”
“Why, thank you, sir,” you giggle.
You can tell the sir made Eddie’s stomach do somersaults. Completely blushing now, he hands you your gift in the form of a bag, ushering you to open it — right here — in front of everybody.
"You didn't have to..." you mutter quietly.
You take the bag from him.
"Yet… I did," Eddie spews confidently. He watches as you unwrap your gift. “I’d get you strippers but then it’d feel like work. And your bday should never feel like work.”
You nudge him as you roll your eyes. Such a fucking cornball.
But then you become the cornball. A tear begins to form in your eyes when you look at all your gifts. The roses. A custom metalhead Build-A-Bear with a leather jacket and jeans whose certificate reads “Eddie Bear”, and a gold plated charm bracelet from Everlasting Memories with your name engraved on it. But just when you think you had everything, Eddie scoops up the last one from the bottom. It’s a small wooden sign with a message on it.
“Oh my god…” is all you can say.
His voice is as gentle as the fingers he uses to patiently graze your arm. "So can I?"
The tear that formed in your eye finally trickles its way down your rosy red cheeks. "Of course you can."
Then you two share a kiss, eliciting an even louder swarm of “aww”s than the ones before, and generating a reaction from nearby, a very curious dancers.
“I hope you know how special you are to each and every one of us,” Eddie says to you. “Especially me, haha.”
You wipe the happy tears away from your eyes.
“It sure feels like it.”
Eddie gives you the day off and you use it to stuff your face and play board games with all your friends. Eventually after the short festivities you stay behind to chill with everyone for a bit. Then you go your own way to start making dinner, which you insisted on, at home.
When you get home, you’re surprised with another text message from Billy.
Billy Hargrove
I’d say the move has helped us a lot. I have room to miss you 🤣
You smile as you answer back.
To be better days ❤️ Happy birthday, brother. I miss you tons.
Billy Hargrove loved “To better days ❤️ Happy birthday, brother. I miss you tons.”
After your convo with Billy, you make your way over to the freezer to grab and defrost the chicken. Tonight’s menu consists of chicken, greens, and potatoes for dinner, followed by some birthday muffins Bob Newby had his bakers make at his coffee shop (courtesy of Max and Steve) for dessert.
Next, you begin to set the table, making sure to make seven settings for tonight: you, Max, Robin, Vicky, one for Eddie, and one for Wayne.
And when you’re finally done, you take a look around your house that you have made a home with your sister and best friends. You’re finally home. Hawkins is home. And for the first time in a really long time, you can truly say you’ve had… a happy birthday.
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @hideoutside , @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay
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Obey me! x short! Reader
How do they react to short! MC picking them up?
Sorry in advance, if any of them I actually got it wrong of who created it
Bold is reader (Reader is like dominant)
Characters: Diavolo, solomon, simeon
Part 2
Pictures; all from obey me beside 1...
Has a tiny bit of genshin
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Well this was awkward. You just got called to Diavolo and you just come in to see this. Diavolo holding a plushie of you/sheep [LOL]
"....so what did you call me for?"
He cleared his throat as a distraction from his red face.
"Well, uhm. I am here about your great progress in the exchange program."
As he held the sheep, he talked about your great impression of the other demons and etc. But you were annoyed, why? Because some tall-ass demon called you weak! Oh how you gonna prove then wrong.
"Hey Dia, can you stand up real quick?"
He was surprised by the nickname you gave him but did oblige to your request.
. . .
He doesn't feel his feet on the ground...wait— is [name] carrying him right now?! Huh??? He was like 5x taller than you? How, just how? The confusion was quickly replaced with laughter and amusement.
"Why spend time with that when you can spend time with the real one?"
It did makes sense though. The real one is better, and wayyyy stronger.
Now I just imagine MC just carrying him like;
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HoYoLAB artist: Ndeye
(This is the only carry I could find that made sense for our little short MC)
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You were cooking with solomon....wait....solomon...OH SHI—
now you think back, you should not have said yes. Solomon was chopping onions and the classic thing was the onions made him cry. You were about to give him a tissue or something but he was using his hands that touched the garlic! Oh shoot! It was too late....
"That was damn dumb of you to do that."
"I know but can you help me now?? At least take me to the hospital to see if I didn't go blind!"
"....we can't...."
"You frickin broke the car."
"Oh, yeah ouch! Well then just bring me to Simeon, he'll patch me up." Solomon washed his hands and rubbed his eyes.
"I didn't know you knew how to use flying magic." (Solomon's eyes are still closed)
"I don't."
"What?...then why do I feel like I'm not on the ground."
"Because im carrying you."
"Oh, ok."
. . .
"Stop screaming or Simeon will have another person to patch up. My ears."
"Hey, why is Solomon zoning out?" Luke said as he waved his hand in front of Solomon on his tippy toes
"Apparently onions affected him and [name] carried him here....and [name] is quite short too,," Simeon said as he brews some tea.
He hadn't recovered from what happened for multiple weeks. At least you don't need to taste his cooking
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You and Luke were planning a surprise picnic for Simeon. Why? Because thanks to him, we didn't have to eat Solomon's cooking!
Luke told you to hurry and get Simeon. And well, you did.
"Oh, hey [name] what brings you here— EEK-!"
...well that was awkward, he covered his face in embarrassment that he made that noise. But anyways he was very surprised that you were carrying him!
Before he could speak you ran towards the picnic and put him down. You went behind the tree and threw some confetti. Well, you used flower petals as confetti.
"You weren't supposed to bring him like this!" Luke argued, and also questioned how did you carry Simeon? He may not or may so ask you later to teach him your ways.
Simeon in the background chuckled at you two. Life was truly great.
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ilikemicrowaves · 6 months
Summary: Jax won't admit it, but he misses his friend Kaufmo, and the most healthy way to cope? Crying in Kaufmo's room away from everyone!
Notes: Yeah...longer than expected because of ✨️family drama✨️ and I needed to focus on my grades lol enjoy
@tadssstrange <- not the one I was working on, but I did finish this one
Slowly creaking open the entrance to the Kaufmo's room, he flicked the lights, stepping into the clowns bedroom.  Paints, mini confetti bombs, fake daisys, all of his old stuff.
     The once clean floors and walls where still covered with his sloppy but still legible handwriting. Nobody had bothered to come to his room, yet until now. Jax couldn't bare to go.
     Steadily, the purple rabbit stepped his way to the old friends unmade bed. He hopped onto it and curled his legs up to his chess as he leaned against the wall, mourning his friends absents.
     Jax still remembered his silly little grins from just a week before, one of the only thinks that was nice in this digital hell. His favorite memories where their pranks on the others, hiding Zoobles parts, scaring Ragatha with centipedes, and even crashing an adventure if it wasn't much fun.
     Jax smiled at the thought, of Kaufmo and him making jokes or just hanging out in general. He actually enjoyed his presents, and found his startled honks and squeaks silly. He shivered thinking of the day of his abstraction. Why hadn't he put the thought on checking on him? Could he have fixed him before it was too late? It didn't matter now, he was gone; deep in the cellar with the other lost ones.
     Shakey breath, he layed his head on a pillow and stared at the ceiling. Nothing but "Exit, Exit, Exit." Endlessly repeating itself until someone would be drove mad. He turned his head away from it, and faced the desk next to the bed.
     A pot with some daisys, a lamp, and a peice of crumbled paper..
Jax lifted his arm enough to reach out and grab it, unfolding it until he could see the rest of the page. It was a note, or rather, letter. His pupils scanned the writing.
     I know I will be gone soon, I can feel it. Just yesterday I started hacking up thick black goo. I can't leave without proving them I'm right. Caine is a LIAR. I seen it, large and red. I probably couldn't even reach the handle if I got to it. I've seen it twice, outside and in the tent. I'm not having digital hallucinations, I've been here long enough. Once I show everyone that Exit, we can all leave together. I don't know what's on the other side, or even if our family's are still out, if we had any. I just cant leave them all behind, especially Jax's. But maybe then, I can find Jax afterwards, and we can be best buds outside of this hell  and be free.
     Those last few sentences... It made him tear. So many emotions filled his head and heart all at once. Breaking down, he held onto the paper fiercely and began to slowly but surely, break into a sob. Thankfully these rooms where all soundproof, he couldn't have any of the others seeing him so weak and cowardly.
     He couldn't stop the tears from flowing down his face leaving wet spots on the pillow and blanket. Soon enough, he started to whimper. Embarrassing squeaks and whines croaked from his throat that he couldn't control.
     Being in this room didn't help. Kaufmo wasn't coming back but he still felt there.
     He buried his face into the pillow to try and quiet his sobs even though no one but him could hear it. He couldn't bare his sobs, he wasn't supposed to cry. He's the tough guy, that listens to nobody and has no soft spots.
     His heart rate began to slow and his sobs and whines softened after about a good 5 minutes. He grabbed the blanket and curled himself into it, tucking each corner in to trap the heat and let his tense muscles relax. His breathing calmed and he was able to stop shaking from his cries. Finally, he let his mind drift to some place else, and with a few sighs he muttered, "I miss you, Kauffy," and fell into a deep, calming sleep.
Notes: the fluff one should be done within next month, I've been bussier than expected.
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Two Halves of a Whole
(Part 1)
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Pairing: Sirius Black × Potter!reader
Summary : Y/N Euphemia Potter is the younger child to Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. James introduces Y/N to his gang on the very first day of her school. As years pass , Sirius Black , James' best mate starts falling hard for his best mate's sister. Will she feel the same or will it be a one-sided love story ? Read more to find out.
A/N: PS: I am gonna publish this in 10 or so parts spanning over the 7 years of their Hogwarts education. I will post the link to the next part in this part when I publish it. So do check it out.
Warning : mostly fluff , James being protective , and a little angst between James and Sirius , Remus being a brotherly figure to the reader.
Navigation / Part 1 / Part 2
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The Potters'
The name was embedded in red and gold on the wooden plate which was hung on the front door of the house.
Inside , lived two children , James and Y/N with their parents , Fleamont and Euphemia.
Fleamont and Euphemia were proud parents to both their kids. James being the elder one of the two , Y/N being the younger one.
Fleamont and Euphemia were way more protective towards Y/N as she was a premature baby and fragile at birth. She had been in the New-born care unit in St. Mungo's for a total of two months before her mother and father had brought her home. Back then , Euphemia had cried onto Fleamont's shoulder everytime she saw her little one in a little glass box , her body inserted with tubes.
Once , James had seen this and since that very moment , he had made a mental note to himself , always protecting his sister and being her guardian angel.
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"Mum ! Dad ! Jamie ! Where are you all ?" She asked around the house.
Upon no response , she entered the living room only to get startled by the sudden burst of confetti on her.
"Happy birthday Niff !" James ruffled her hair and brought her into a bear hug.
"Happiest birthday , Little one !" Her mother and father wished her at the same time.
She freed herself from James and thanked him as she went to her parents to give them their fair share of hugs.
"Thanks mum ! Thanks dad !" She exclaimed.
Fleamont and Euphemia started peppering kisses all over her face as she giggled.
~time skip~
"Niff , you have to walk straight through the barrier and you will find yourself on the platform. Look at me and James , how we do it , then you can follow us with your mother. Alright ?"
"Yes dad. " She looked at her mother who , in turn , gestured her to look at her brother and father.
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Y/N walked through the barrier with her mother as she stood on the Platform 9¾ with her trunk in the trolley and her owl Ozwald hooting happily in the cage.
Her head snapped at the voice of the sound of a trunk getting loaded onto the train , when she saw James and Fleamont load James' trunk onto the train.
She picked her trunk and started walking towards the train , trying to not fall flat on her face. Her mother wasn't very happy with Y/N dragging her trunk on her own because apparently , according to Euphemia , 'The Trunk is too big for Y/N. '
"Let us help you , dear. " Fleamont requested her as James scuttled over the the other side , to help her.
"I can - help myself - dad !" She dropped her trunk onto the train and heaved a sigh of relief.
Y/N heard the train horn as other students gradually boarded the train.
"Now come and give your old mum-dad a hug !" James and Y/N ran towards their parents as she said ," you aren't old mum-dad. "
Fleamont and Euphemia both took Y/N to the side as they crouched down to her eye level.
"Mum ! Dad ! Don't cry now. Else I will cry and then Jamie will never let me live through it !"
"My baby is finally going to Hogwarts !" Euphemie wiped away her tears.
Y/N gave both of them a kiss on their cheeks and went off towards the train.
Euphemia and Fleamont turned to James.
"James , take care of your sister. Never leave her alone and most importantly write to us twice a week. "
"Don't you worry , mum and dad. I will always be there for her. " James smiled at them as both of them hugged the boy and he ran towards the train.
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"Niff , stick to me. No loitering around. "
"Why ?" She whined.
"Because I say so. "
"But you are going to find your friends and have fun with them. So let me find kids of my age. "
"I am going to include you in all the fun I do. Besides my friends are gonna be just an year elder than you. So do as I say. "
James pulled his trunk down the corridor and entered the 2nd compartment.
Y/N followed him as she saw her brother and 3 other boys hugging each other.
"Come in , Niff ! These are my friends. Remus Lupin , Peter Pettigrew and -"
"Sirius Black. " A boy with jet black hair stretched his hand forward for Y/N to shake but James glared at him , causing him to pull his hand back.
"I am -"
"Y/N Euphemia Potter. " The three boys spoke together.
"You know about me ?"
"Ofcourse. We know everything about you. That - that how - dear -"
"How much of a pain you are - for me to handle !" James said just to tease her.
"Jamie !"
"Oh no ! Absolutely not ! He loves you so much that he can write a bloody Encyclopedia on you." Sirius said.
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"Can you really turn a matchstick into a needle ?"
"Oh yes I can. " Remus said to her as her jaw dropped literally on the floor.
"Can you perhaps show me how to do it ?"
"Yeah sure !" Remus pulled out a matchstick out of his pocket as he did a fair bit of wand work and turned it into a needle.
"Jamie !! Did you see it ?"
"Calm Niff. It is about few months that you can do it too. "
She looked at the four of them with a very excited expression , her and Sirius's gaze lingering for a bit longer.
As she wanted to do it on her own , she insisted Remus to teach her.
"No ! It doesnt work for me !" She whined.
"You're doing it a bit more aggressively , Niff !" Remus said.
"What did you say , Lupin ?" James said turning at Remus.
"What ?" Remus deadpanned.
"Only I get to call her Niff !"
"Stop entering your overprotective brother mode , Jamie !"
They quarelled for a few more minutes as Sirius looked at her with a grin on his face. Peter noticed that and said ," Stop smiling Sirius. They're fighting. "
Sirius snapped out of his trance as he looked between both of them and said ,"I wasnt smiling , Peter. "
~time skip~
"James , I think it is about time you should change into school uniform. "
"There still is half an hour. " James said.
"James , mate she is right. Even I have changed. "
James thought about it for a moment before standing up ," if you say so. " He fetched his clothes and headed out of the door.
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"This is not going to end well. Think about it again. "
"Remus , don't be a spoilsport. This is just a prank. " Sirius spoke.
The prank they were going to play was a silly little one - as per Sirius and Y/N. Sirius was going to have his arm around Y/N's shoulder and mutter something in her ear as she was supposed to giggle and look at him.
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"Sorry mate , got late -" James stood shaken as he saw Sirius and Y/N sitting in such close proximity , his arm flung over Y/N's shoulder as she giggled looking at him.
James took two steps towards Sirius and grabbed him by the collar.
"I-told-you-not-to-go-near-her -"
"Stop it , James ! Leave him and first look at your sister. "
James turned around as soon as he heard Remus only to find Y/N standing between Remus and Petter and hyperventilating due to crying.
"Niff ! Don't cry. I am here and I am not angry on you ! " He stepped towards her as her figure grew smaller , holding onto Remus out of fear.
"James , sit down. Sirius , you too - Y/N sit and have this. " She looked up , at him and accepted the piece of chocolate he gave her.
Y/N looked at Sirius and mouthed him a 'I'm sorry' and he returned it with an assuring nod , mouthing her 'are you okay ?'. She in-turn mouthed him a Yes.
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When the train came to a halt on the Hogmeade station , their trunks unloaded , James turned to her and said ," I'm sorry , Niff. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way. But you know how I am when it comes to you. I'm so so so sorry. "
"It's okay , Jamie. Talk to Sirius. Okay ?"
She gave him a smile and followed Hagrid as she was waiting for the Hogwarts doors to open for her , waiting for a whole new world which was filled with fun , excitement and ofcourse - studies.
The banners and dividers aren't mine. The credits go to @cafekitsune. Thanks a lot for these banners. They helped me a lot.
Taglist :
@gaminggirlsstuff @turvi @dramaisthelifebloodofgoodstories
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Fan Fic Humble Brag Tag
Sometimes we love something we wrote so much we want to knock on every door spreading the good word of our little story. But sometimes we fear being seen as rude or too self promoting. Here is your chance to do a bit of self promo and bragging without fear because some asked you too.
Answer the questions and then tag five writers who you think deserve to brag about their work. Tagged by the lovely @ginnyw-potter
1.) the funniest bit of dialogue you wrote
This is from Chapter 37 of Evolution. Ron is not here for Hermione's wedding planning To-Do list!
“I don’t think it’s that bad,” cajoled Harry, as he read the list again. “If we head straight to Diagon Alley now, we can get measured for the suits, pick up the invitations from the engravers, collect the confetti samples, get the travel brochures for the honeymoon, enquire about the prices for trained doves…” Harry paused and looked confused. “Trained to do what, exactly?” Ron shook his head. “God knows. Coo the wedding march? Crap out our initials in formation? As long as I get the price list for Hermione, I really couldn’t care less.”
2.) A story you wrote that made you cry
Chapter 10 of Into The Hinnyverse, my Ginniversary Bingo collection. It's called That Next Great Flighty Temptress, and I absolutely sobbed while I was writing it.
3.) A story that still makes you laugh every time you reread it or think about it
Miss, one of my Hinny Microfics, always makes me snigger. I loved writing it so much!
4.) Best moment of canon compliant characterization
From But A Shadow, chapter 8 of Into The Hinnyverse:
During the day, what haunts him the most are Ron’s words to him, just before he left. “We thought you knew what you were doing!”   Harry remembers defending himself against the accusation, but Ron, he knows, was right. He wonders, for the thousandth time, when that thought will also occur to Hermione, because when it does, she is sure to leave him too. In his darkest moments, he imagines doing this alone. It nearly breaks him.  “We thought you had a real plan!” Ron had him bang to rights with that one too. ‘Find the horcruxes and destroy them’ really wasn’t ever any sort of credible plan, was it? It torments Harry. If he had the first clue what he was doing, then he and Hermione wouldn’t be aimlessly wandering the country, bouncing from one godforsaken spot to the next. Constantly cold. Always hungry. Perpetually damp. It is pointless, it is hopeless, and it is soul destroying. 
5.) Something you wrote in a fic you secretly (or not so secretly) think as canon
Oh, it's such a tiny thing, and this is a tiny microfic, but I really do think Ginny spent most of her 6th year wearing Harry's scarf right under the Carrow's noses.
6.) The most romantic bit you’ve written
There are a couple of chapters of Evolution that (I think) are super romantic - Chapter 29 (The Things We Do For Love) and Chapter 47 (Always) in particular, but I can't say why because: spoilers.
So, special shout out to my Hinny Microfic Rose, which is a Muggle third party perspective, and is bittersweet romantic throughout.
7.) A fic you wrote that everyone sleeps on, but you know, is excellent
I am super proud of Enigma, my entry for the Ladies of HP Fest Monthly Mini in honour of Hermione. If you've read it, you are (unfortunately!) part of a very select bunch haha.
8.) Wow us with an excellent excerpt
OK, this is from Hunted, no part of which has yet been posted - and it won't be, until it's finished, at least up until final edit stage. So there is a good change that this will be the only bit of this fic ever published, depending on how writing the rest of it goes!
“I brought you coffee, Harry, and one for you too, Dr Granger.” “Oh! Thank you Jenny. That’s very kind.” “It’s no trouble,” smiled Jenny. “I was making one for myself anyway.” Jenny put the tray on the table and gave Potter a beaming smile before heading back to her desk. Potter watched her go, admiring her shiny, brunette hair, the way her pencil skirt curved over her backside, and the lilting sway of her hips as she walked. It wasn’t until he wrenched his eyes back to Hermione that he realised that she was watching him, watching Jenny, and smirking at him knowingly. Sometimes it really irritated him how well Hermione knew him. “Oh, shut up,” he muttered. He reached for his coffee to cover his embarrassment and succeeded only in burning his tongue. “Fuck! That’s hot.” “You’re referring to the coffee?” asked Hermione, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
9.) Five words to describe your writing
Romantic, self-indulgent, angsty, fluffy, affectionate
10.) The fic you are most proud of
Evolution. It isn't perfect, but I bloody well wrote a novel. So yeah, I'm proud of it.
Tagging: @deadwoodpecker @gryffindorhealer @starlingflight (because of the Hunted snippet!), @nena-96 @wearingaberetinparis
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dec-jay13 · 2 months
How to Build an Ocean: Instructions Thoughts
I finally had time to sit down at devote the time to this album. it is their best work yet IMO. these were the very stream-of-conscious notes I wrote.
Your Favorite Coat
Iain sounds different but in a good way
the “ooo”s in the background
the production is so cool
Things that look like Mistakes
“my body is a student house” hit me in this listen-through
it’s fucked that we have to pay to die
“embrace the imperfect unfolding of nature” Mr. Peters and/or Mx. Gillespie you are coming for my throat
Injured Crow
before listening, this is my most anticipated track
more upbeat than I was expecting
BiT loves entropy, I’m still not sure I understand what it is
“the truth don’t break me the way it used to” real
catchy chorus
“I keep saying I want to feel free again but I don’t know when I free” first tear-up of the album
the build to isolated vocals, I’m not okay
I Can’t See Anything I Don’t Like About You
I need a rundown of these references, “Great Scott!” and Scott Pilgrim are all I get
another theme in their music, sleeping on sofas
I just want to pick their brains
Trumpet Joe, is that you?
All You Get is Confetti
this is a very different sound for them, very Jack Johnson
fuck, I’m crying
“I’ll/you can be everything to someone”
I may actually vomit, this is a masterpiece
What does Mary have to do with vampires?
Tai Chi With My Dad
I’m not sure I get this song
Love a Poe Reference tho
Sike, I love this song
I can’t really form some thoughts on it
I Wanna Feel Calm
I love the concept of cherishing the small things
“been overwhelmed for like a year now” is the realest thing
Another sleeping on a sofa mention?
Henry Says
Fun keys moment
when there’s a moment where the artist sounds like/actually didn’t know they were recording is one of my favorite music things
this song is such a vibe
OMG, it’s about childhood memories? this may be my favorite
Hot Chocolate
I already know I love this song
I was breaking my own heart when this song came out so the chorus hit extra special
Nothing Cure Melonchy Like Looking at Maps
I don’t really have thoughts on this song
I wanna dance
“We all sing the same old songs we just sing them different now” hurt for some reason
the distortion?? I feel it in my throat
We Don’t Speak Anymore
this is the crying song on the album
I miss my friends
I truly love this song
That Transition!!
I Don’t Wanna be Angry
I fear this one may be for me
“didn’t want to be emotional, does that make me a coward?” ouch
“I’ll have to find peace of mind in feeling all of this” double ouch
“Love ain’t just a feeling, love’s an action” will stick with me forever
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sugar-omi · 10 months
hear me out: you and derek get eloped IMMEDIATELY after step 4. why wait? you've spent 10 years pining for him, and him for you. you move into his place/him into your place with him carrying you over the threshhold. calls you his spouse/husband/wife even if you aren't 100% married yet (damn paper work). you even keep it a secret from his family if only to have each other to yourselves for a bit.
I was hoping at the end he'd be like "so... do I pass the trial run?" AND WE COULD GET MARRIED AFTER BUT NOOO
ion wanna date him I wanna marry him rn, he's so sweet I need him now
the only reason you hide it from the family is bc you know everyone will wanna come up for a celebration and well... yall want just a bit of peace before things get crazy
it only lasts like a weekend before they find out but as long as you have a family dinner or if you want the whole wedding stuff after, they're happy bc they just wanna celebrate w you
also I love the idea of making nico the flower boy (or even the ring bearer, I can see that) and just imagine nico in formal wear but there's still pops of color everywhere and he has your signature wedding flower in his hair among his many hair clips n he's just throwing these flower petals and colorful confetti everywhere
I think he'd be so touched if you had him as the ring bearer tho, like he'd actually cry bc you trust him w smth so important??? he loves you guys sm
jorge and nico can't help crying honestly, they're crying more than both your parents and cove n Terry (well... that might be debatable, cove n terry combined sound like quite a feat to beat but we'll see)
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volaenii · 11 months
| Trigun Stampede Episode 6 Ramble
Before writing this whole thing I’m about to go on, I just want to say that i will be talking about major trimax spoilers, specifically for volume 10 as well as spoilers for tristamp (obviously)! so if you haven’t read trimax, maybe skip this post! Anyways, onto the ramble!
I’ve had this thought for a while now — since I’ve first watch stampede — but I’m dumb and don’t know how to out my thoughts into words. Along with this, I’m sure there are others who have made posts talking about this exact thing but I don’t care, I just want to brainrot and cry over this.
So, episode 6 of tristamp — “Once Upon a Time in Hopeland” — is the episode in which we as the audience are finally given a glimpse into Wolfwood and Livio’s childhood at the orphanage. And immediately, something stands out about this entire scene — the artstyle changes.
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Instead of the typical CG/3D models that we the audience are used to, we are given this sketchy, simplistic, 2D animation style instead — almost similar to that of which you’d find in a children’s book. This of course, is completely different in comparison to what Tristamp had shown us previously. All the other flashbacks we had been shown thus far had still been rendered in CG. But this. This scene in particular is the only one with this art style. With that being said, it’s safe to assume that Studio Orange did this with the specific purpose of making this scene feel special and distinct. To make it stand out and to signal it’s importance.
Now, with that being said, why would studio orange go out of there way to make a distinct artistic style just for this moment? Not to mention, why make it only geared towards Wolfwood and Livio? Well… I think studio orange is going to use it in relation to Wolfwoods death.
Like, okay hear me out, I’ve seen some people say that there worried wolfwood won’t die next season (for whatever reason) but like THE DEATH FLAGS ARE ALREADY THERE!
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But anyways, back on topic. I think they’ll use this 2D artstyle in a way to make wolfwoods death hit like a fucking train. Like… after rewatching tristamp for the second time, I couldn’t help but feeling like this whole artstyle choice is going to bite us in the ass later.
Like…y’all… I can see the fucking confetti falling in this artstyle…
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Now, this last segment of this ramble is just gonna be me speaking in “what if’s” and just spewing out made up scenes based on this idea since obviously we have no clue what studio orange plans on doing. But anyways, here it goes.
So like…imagine studio orange finally adapting the couch scene, with Vash and Wolfwood having their last drink. Now obviously, the scene would prolly go similarly to the manga, with Wolfwood saying that he’s sorry for saying his smiles were empty and vash telling him to not say stupid things. Cue in the confetti beginning to fall, and in Wolfwoods perspective it shifts art style. And to make it even more fucked up, they could do the thing were it flashes between this and then back to the normal CG models; between Wolfwoods contentment of his death and being at peace with it — depicted like a children book — versus the CG — the true reality of it… the one vash is experiencing as he begs god for just one thing.
On a side note, I’m so so so fucking scared and excited for what Orange has in store, considering the fact that they’ve already paralleled the one fucking confetti frame from the manga (which I will not show cuz I cant look at those panels but if you know, you know) and like, I don’t know, I think I’m just gonna be a mess when that arc gets adapted.
Take these screenshots as a gift! 💕
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Thanks for reading my dumb thoughts!
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Not Really Cap
Word Count:  736
Warnings:  making a four year old inadvertently cry
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Chris looked down at his daughter, his laptop becoming unimportant as her brilliant blue eyes looked at him and mirrored his own; the slightest green flecks seeming like confetti in her crystalline pools.  He instantly found himself lost as she smiled at him. 
“Yes baby girl?”
“Mommy said you’re old.”
Chris looked away from his daughter, the biggest grin being hidden by his wife behind her hand as she tried to maintain a straight face from the kitchen.  His brows furrowed as he shot her another glance and playfully asked his daughter, “Oh…mommy said that?”
“Well, she said Captain America is over a hundred….” the four year old reminded him.  Chris sighed, knowing where the conversation was going, “and that’s really old.”
“Baby, daddy just played Captain America…” he tried to remind his daughter, “remember…we talked about this last week.”
“But Aunt Scarlet said that is your secret idennidy,” she reminded him, batting her lashes at her father, “just like she’s the spider lady.”
“Aunt Scarlet played black widow.  Her and mommy are being tricky again,” Chris reminded his daughter, “daddy does acting…remember?  He’s not really a superhero.”
Mommy wouldn’t lie to me daddy…she said you’re a superhero,” his daughter argued, “and mommy said cap’s birthday is today.  It’s why I made a card for you!”
Chris looked at his wife, who was continuing to stifle his giggles.  Only now, he noticed the phone that she’d propped up on the counter.  He raised his brow at her, “is that why you have a card?”
His daughter lit up, remembering the card that was in her hands.  She began waving it excitedly in front of her father’s face, “YEAH!”
“Is it for me?”
“Well, you say you’re not a superhero and you’re not cap…” his daughter trailed off, “so if you’re not him I can’t give you the card.  Because it’s for him…on his birthday…I asked mommy where her card was, and she said she’s giving you an extra special gift later.”
Chris perked up as he shot his wife yet another look.  She gave him a playful wink her he felt himself becoming needy at the idea of putting his children down early so he and his wife could have fireworks show of their own after dark.
“Fine…” he sighed knowing that he would only get his ‘special gift’ if he played along with his daughter.  He bit his lip, leaning his elbows on his knees and tucking his hands under his chin, “I’m Steve Rogers…Captain America…but I’m supposed to be retired for Mr. Falcon because he’s the next Captain America, so you can not tell anyone.”
She giggled, excited at the prospect of being part of a secret, “really daddy?”
“But why’s last name Evans then, daddy?”
Chris sighed, “it’s a code name baby…so the bad guys don’t find us.”
“Bad guys?”
Chris knew then that he had fucked up.  His daughter’s eyes went wide and she looked nervously to her mother.  
“Baby…daddy’s just playing there’s no bad guys.”
He saw his daughter’s anxiety rise quickly, and he knew that there was about to be a monumental freak out if he didn’t calm her down.  But all hopes of him calming her down ended.  Especially when there was a loud knock on the door.  His daughter’s eyes went wide, and she screamed, dropping the card and running to Chris’ wife, “MOMMY, MOMMY! THE BAD GUYS FOUND US!”
Dodger started barking wildly and ran to the door, happy to greet whatever guests were showing up at the Evans household. 
His daughter started crying, begging her mother to run and hide. 
“Shit…it’s not the bad guys!” Chris said nervously, “I mean.  The bad guys don’t exist-i-“
“It’s the party, sweetie,” Chris’ wife said quickly, trying to calm her crying daughter down, “daddy was being silly.  There are no bad guys, baby girl.  Mommy beat them all.”
“Baby I’m sorry-I-“
“Daddy make the bad guys go away!” The four-year-old cried, clinging to her mother.
“PARTY!” their six-year-old son yelled as he ran to get the door. 
“CHRIS, stop Jacob while I clean Brittany up!” his wife begged, “you know he’ll run down the street if you let him.
“Jacob Christopher Evans!” Chris called as he raced after his son, “don’t you dare answer the-where are your pants?”
“PARTY TIME!” The six year old doppelgänger of his father screamed as he answered the door.
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lackablazeical · 11 months
Apologies for the repeat ask, I just think mine got lost in all the others and now that you're answering asks I just wanted to try again so please ignore the first one if you manage to find it (again, really sorry if this bothers you and thanks for taking the time to read all of this). First off, I absolutely adore this AU!!!! I love how dark and angst-filled it is and the toxic relationships and the characterizations as a whole are so brilliantly well-done. You manage to draw me deeper and deeper into this twisted fiction with you and your co-writters masterful ideas and art. Not to mention how refreshing and relieving it is to be able to enjoy all of this angst without having to worry about if the individual(s) behind this truly feel that those kinds of relationships work that way (ie. romanticises/normalises it). All in all, thank you so much for all the time and effort you and your co-writors have put into this, it's greatly appreciated and I can't wait to see more!!!
P.S. I feel like Hateful Ever After by Ellise as well as a bunch of her other songs plus Paparazzi by Lady Gaga work really well in encompassing the vibes Addams Leosagi gives off. Maybe some of Upsahl, Will Wood and Confetti (especially Rob a Bank) songs for Addams Mikey too?
Thank you gain for taking the time to read this huge text dump and I hope you have a wonderful day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s) because you deserve it and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!!
No worries!!!!! I see every ask I get, I just have like. The lowest social battery ever, and for some reason asks are included in that (yeah, idk either) so I don't answer often. Your words are so, completely, absolutely screamed and fawned over.
We love dark themes and it's nice to see that you agree!!!!! All the dynamics and stuff are always so fun to work on and flesh out, how toxic relationships manifest in loads of different ways and how to portray that correctly. Labor of love, for sure!!!! Sad that some people do romanticize or normalize it, but all there is to do is be better then they are, yk?
Thank you for your kind words!!!!!! They are so so appreciated, you don't even know!!! We have lots of stuff in the works, which is so exciting (and nerve-racking, lol).
Now, song reccs!!!! Hell yeah >:]]]]]
For Hateful Ever After, I think the tone is really Leo, but the lyrics hit me over the head with Usagi. Like, Spot on!!!
Don't tell my brother, please // I know he worries about me // Seen I've been losing sleep 
The ones who told me all I need to know // But, I can't go back even if I want
Four eyes to watch each other cry // Three lies, you whispered to me that night // Two arms to hold my broken trust // One heart for the both of us
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me
But I won't stop until that boy is mine // Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
Look at the past blast, I'ma make you fall on your ass // Suck it up and pacify, but it's irrelevant
As for Mikey, I do love those!!!! ESPECIALLY Rob A Bank (hell, I put it on my OWN playlist, it fucking slaps). I also really like Ghost by Confetti for him too!!!! Confetti just seems to be really good overall LOL
I didn't listen to too many songs by each artist, just some of the first that popped up, but I really loved both Drugs and People I Don't Like by UPSAHL for him too! That's really how Mikey approaches his fame and the people he has to interact with because of it. He's there for the drugs and the party, not for the people. And he's aware they aren't there for HIM, but the connections he can give them.
As for Will Wood, Main Character is SOOOO Mikey. Bro really would call people NPCs LMAOOOO. I loved the line "God forbid I'm seen just as an average human being." That alone definitely made it an insta-add to his playlist :]
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bambimargera · 1 year
Hell or Helsinki (Bam x Ville)
Bam finds out his girlfriend has been cheating on him and decides he needs to get away to clear his head.
prt. 1 of ?
contains: crying, drinking, slight smut
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“I know dude, I’m so sorry..” Novak tried as hard as he could to keep Bam from exploding, having learned from past experiences that the rowdy skateboarder doesn’t typically handle bad news with grace. “I thought it would be best if you heard it from a friend, and not some stupid tabloid..” The blondes concern continued, watching with caution as Bam paced around his room frantically throwing a few things in his bag. “You could do way better than her any-“
“I fucking know i can, that’s why i can’t believe she would cheat!” Bam interrupted and threw a shirt at Novak, taking little effort to knock him down onto the bed. “I’m leaving, don’t follow me.” He warned, slamming the door of the bedroom behind him. His stomps echoed through the castle, alerting everyone that something was wrong. “Bam! Bam where are you going in such a hurry?!” April yelled as she ran towards the front door, hoping to block his path before he would inevitably do something stupid. Bam stomped down the stairs to stand in front of her, his eyes glossy and bloodshot. “Hell or Helsinki, I’ll figure it out.” He grabbed April by the shoulders and moved her out of the way to fling open the door, leaving without so much of goodbye. “Bam take your jacket! Please call when you get to where you’re going! We love you!” April yelled into the snowy sunrise, watching as Bam wasted no time in zooming off in his Lamborghini.
The snow against his face felt like an attack from a million frozen little bees. Bam was warned by many flight attendants to be careful once they landed, Helsinki had just been hit with the worst snow storm of the season. The street lights illuminated the blowing snow like billions of frozen confetti pieces under a spotlight. Bam didn’t care, he needed to be in the arms of someone who understood about him better than anyone else. He trudged though the snow in his frozen sneakers, sinking deeper into self hatred as he thought about the parka he had basically thrown back in April’s face before leaving. Bam stopped and attempted to read the street signs; wishing he would’ve brushed up on his Finnish, he trekked on. His grey blazer was throughly soaked and caked with snow, ‘just make it to the hotel’ he thought.
Bam walked for what felt like hours in the storm, all of his exposed skin turning a bright shade of purplish red. How much further could it possibly be? He asked himself as he sat down on the stairs of a beautiful antique stone building to collect his thoughts. Bam knew he couldn’t sit for long, he was cold and only getting colder- he needed to get to that hotel. If only he had remembered his phone, he could’ve called Ville. If only he hadn’t of turned down the coat from his mom, he’d probably be further away from hypothermia. Maybe he did deserve to get cheated on, he was the worst boyfriend ever. Just like that, the all consuming negative thoughts came crashing down. Thoughts of giving up completely and retreating into a snow bank for a long nap crossed his mind. Bam didn’t even try to hold it back anymore, and let himself sob as the snow blasted all around him. The tears stung his cheeks, freezing before they could even complete their journey of rolling off of his chin.
“Bam? Bam is that you?!” Bam Instantly recognized the voice, and his swollen doe eyes squinted around to get a glimpse through the snow; nobody there. He put his head back into his hands and began to cry even harder, was he so crazy he was just hearing voices now?? Bam was a mess.
“Get up dummy! You’re gonna die out here!” Ville shouted out the window of a black Audi that had been hidden through the thick sheets of falling snow, and motioned for the crying skater to join him. Bam’s head shot up like a deer in head lights, and he slowly got up and waddled his way to the passenger side door. Ville studied the smaller mans movements with concern as he settled himself in the seat, his face was nearly blue and stained with frozen tears. The pair didn’t say a word to each other as Ville began to drive down the road, and the pent up negative energy in Bam was begging to be unleashed. Ville had been furious with Bam, searching and calling for hours with no answer had made every fibre in his body anxious. He didn’t expect to find his friend in this state, and really didn’t want to set him off any further.
Bam had locked his gaze out the side window, attempting to hide his pathetic break down from Ville. He softly wiped his cheek and sniffled quietly, the emotions working their way back up the poor mans throat. “Do.. do you wanna talk about what happened? You know you can tell me anything buddy.” Ville’s soft voice was nearly a whisper, hoping to chip away at the obvious walls Bam had put up around himself. “No!” The skater barked, “I just got off a 10 hour fucking flight, my fucking girlfriend is cheating on me, and i forgot my phone!” The hot tears began streaming down his face and he collapsed into his hands. Ville screeched the car to a stop and pulled to the side of the empty road, instinctively placing a hand on Bam’s knee to comfort him. “Am I a bad person? I.. I don’t know anymore.. Is this karma for being a bad person? Ville I’ve never been in so much pain in my life..” Ville’s eyes widened in shock, completely gobsmacked to discover these dark thoughts that Bam was having, it was so unlike him. “I need a drink. Take me to the drinks.” Bam’s voice was strangely monotone as he attempted to compose himself, his face almost fully thawed. Ville smiled softly and pulled back onto the road towards the hotel.
“Something strong that doesn’t taste like ass!” Bam yelled towards the bar as he trudged his way to the back, taking off and tossing his jacket deep into a booth. The waitresses all stopped and stared at Ville as he sheepishly walked up towards the bar, hoping he would clarify what his grumpy friend had shouted at them.
“Luckily, they were out of ass juice. I got us double vodka pineapples.” Ville smiled as he slid into the open end of the booth, sliding the glass over to the sulking skater. Bam grunted, meaning ‘thanks’, and chugged the entire glass and threw it across the bar sending broken glass shards everywhere. The entire bar got quiet, shattered glass littering the floor. “What?! Mind your own business you fucks!” Bam screamed at no in in particular, attempting to shimmy out of the booth. Panicked, Ville grabbed Bam’s hand and held him at the table. “Bam please, relax. We can drink as much as you want, as long as you don’t get us kicked out!” He chuckled as he looked Bam over with a mixture of worry and pity, and began softly rubbing his hand with his thumb.
A waitress brought over another round of drinks and shots, hoping that liquoring up the pair would calm the smaller one down. Bam instantly downed his drink and the shot like water, and slammed the glasses down on the table. He sighed for a moment and looked down at the contrast between his small hand in the large Finnish mitt. “Fuck me.” Bam declared, locking eyes with Ville. “What?!” The taller man choked, completely caught off guard. “I want you, to fuck me. Rail me into the headboard, break my fucking back- use me... please, i want to feel desirable to someone that cares about me..” The drunken desperation became more evident in every word, Ville sipped his drink and thought of how he could politely let his already hurt friend down gently. Bam didn’t appreciate this silence, and leaned over the table to get closer to Villes face. “Y’know..” He stuttered, “I’ve always wanted to know what it feels like to be came in..” Bam whispered just centimetres from Villes face, obnoxiously breathing in his scent.
Ville audibly swallowed his anxiety. “Bam you’re drunk, and you’re in pain.. We should just get you up to bed and safe.” Ville’s deep voice rattled as he worked up the courage to meet the pained blue eyes, still batting their eyelashes only inches from his face. “I think you’re just scared you’d fall in love with me..” Bam smirked and he threw himself back down in the booth. Ville was almost relived that the drunken flirting had ceased, he knew he would give in eventually if it was kept up. He took a few gulps of his drink until he felt fingers delicately walking up his thigh; and looked down to see Bam under the table eagerly looking up at him. Ville grabbed Bam’s hand and pulled him up to sit on his lap, deeply embarrassed of how Bam was behaving in such a nice place. “You don’t have to beg me baby, be careful what you wish for.. Now, get your ass upstairs.” Ville whispered into the crook of Bam’s neck, feeling him shiver with every word. Bam smiled and drunkenly hopped out of the booth and hobbled towards the door, “Charge 210 babe!” Ville followed the wobbly skater on his quest to the elevator and tried his hardest to contain a laugh; they were in room 417.
To be continued~
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xelinezeddiorsstuff · 7 months
Ch 2: New beginnings...?
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"Nice to meet you."
It's been 5 hours now, my eyes are puffy as hell. I've been crying for two hours, at first I yelled at shit then I watched a show which turned out to be a bad idea since now I'm crying because of a breakup scene. The Ice cream is finished and thrown away now, the wine I haven't opened just yet. I stopped for a minute, I didn't completely stop since I was still sniffling and tears were still falling.
I stood up and finally grabbed the box that Mark had given me. It was small, I was hoping that it wasn't jewelry because knowing my Serena nature I would not be able to control my urge to value it like treasure when it came from the hands of a man whose feelings were about his future and not mine. I open the box only to see that it had inside that said "I'm sorry." I immediately crumpled it and threw it in my trash can. There was confetti but I froze when I finally revealed that the gift was the bracelet I made for him when we started dating.
I started sobbing again since the meaning of that was when I made him that bracelet and gave it to him, he would only give it back to me when he finds someone much better. Young me believed him when he said that I will never be replaced but now I cry thinking that the promise that he promised 16 year old me was now broken. I spent so much time on that bracelet but now I wanted to destroy every way you can but my Serena nature kicked in, I just held it tightly clutching near my chest since that meant so much to me. I pull out the one you had when you taught him how to make said bracelet and put them both on the table sobbing while looking at the both of them. 
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I stopped crying after a while, my eyes hurt so much. Even with my eyes hurting I decided to be stupid and open my phone. Bad idea because I forgot to unfollow and I saw his latest tweet. Shit. 
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I can't fucking believe it. The famous supermodel Ysa? He was dating her and got her knocked up. I thought he knew how to have safe sex especially when we talked about it when it came to my boundaries for that topic since we were still preparing for it. But now I know that he's been sleeping with someone, that someone being the person I found an inspiration for my clothes and style with. I was so frustrated, I didn't know what to do, even being a psychology major you still have instances of not knowing what to do in different scenarios like this. I knew it ever since they both were in the same commercial, I had a strong gut feeling but I guess Ysa’s gut is feeling something now huh. 
In the heat of it all, I was impulsive. I took the bottle of wine and took a huge gulp from it. Another, another, and another gulp. Then I called my boss, and told him that I was quitting my job and started to rant to him about what happened that day. The next thing I remember was that I was on the goddamn floor with the wine from last night. 
I remember waking up in a wavy room? Shit it’s the hangover, I tried standing up despite my arms and legs feeling loopy. My head was spinning and my mind was just waking holy shit. Once my brain was semi awake, someone was banging at my door. 
"Isla! Tanghaling tapat na! Di ka pa nagigising?!" (Isla! It's Twelve noon already! Aren't you going to wake up?!") My auntie yelled as today was one of her free days. "Gising na po!" (Awake already!) I yelled groggily, everything is still spinning, the pain in my head just got worse, and worst of all I feel like I'm about to hurl everywhere.
*Slam*  My door barges open, my auntie goes towards me and looks at me up and down and gives me a disappointed look. "Jusko Lord Isla. Di ka naawa sa sarili mo ha? Nagtretrending ang boyfriend si Mark sa TV na ipapakasal na siya. Kabet ka lang pala?" (For christ sake Isla, Don't you feel sorry for yourself? Your boyfriends have been trending on TV with news of him getting married. Are you a side chick now?) My auntie questions so invasively while I am still trying to control my hangover. I wished she didn't have to know but Mark was dating a famous model. I took a deep breath in and just shook my head. I didn't want to answer her now because my priority was to get out of my hangover and start my day officially. 
"Ano? Di ka sasagot?" (What? Are you not going to answer?) My aunt asked, crossing her arms. I took a deep but shaky breath "Siya ang nanloko, hindi ako kabit. Nabuntis niya yung babae na yan." (He's the one who cheated, I never became a side chick of his. He got the model pregnant.) I said groggily and angrily and stood up to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 
"Yan kasi, lagi ka nalang nandito eh. Yan tuloy na loko ka. Sayang pa naman ang pogi ba rin naman ni Mark '' (That's because, you're always here stuck at home. And now there you go you got cheated on. Such a waste as well, Mark was very good looking.) I put the toothbrush down and put it down on my sink and turned to look my auntie in the eye. I was mad, not only did she just invalidate how I got cheated on but she was taking HIS side on that just because of my job in which she forced me to take inside of the house only. That’s it I’m not taking anymore of this, I’m gonna push this a quarter towards speaking about this situation and most of it 
 "I got cheated on because it was his choice. He had no right to cheat on me when he has always told and promised me that he will be patient towards me and my career matters no matter what. and maybe you may have forgotten but I'm a cumlaude of B.S Psychology I study these types of issues within a human mind. If he was that easily tempted by some girl who struts on a catwalk wearing pieces of clothing that are considered by the privileged as art then he was not the one for me at all. And second of all, don't use my job as the reason because you were the person who forced me to work from home. You know what? I'm not gonna work from home anymore since I'm going to be taking that job that Kuya showed me." I yelled each and every single one. I know that my actions weren't controlled during that time but I couldn't think straight as well since I was really in a bad hangover and she was getting on my nerves. 
Next thing I know after I said that Slap! My aunt slapped me in the face. I held on to the cheek that she slapped as soon as it was done, tears were forming, and I was scared.
"Abah sumasagot ka na. Sino ba nag sabi saiyo na papayagan ka mag work ka outside of the house ha? Akala mo maka survive ka na wala ako? Ha! Tignan mo lang Isla." (Wow you're talking back now. Who told you that you could work outside of the house? You think you can survive without me? Ha! You'll see, Isla.) My auntie yelled before going away and slamming the door. 
"Tangina naman, ang ganda ng buhay sobra."(For fucks sake, life is beautiful really beautiful.) I sarcastically yelled. 
'Oh I'll show you, I'll show all of you'  I thought to myself before drinking my pain killers and trying to get out of my hangover.. 
The anger was still there, no matter what, it was there. I knew my Auntie loved Mark, even though she tried to put me in an arranged marriage beforehand when she knew I had a boyfriend but once she met him, you could just tell that she already making wedding plans. My aunt would involve him in everything after that, making him feel like family. I get that she's mad, but that anger shouldn't be directed at me, I'm not the one who fucking cheated.
Once I did, the first thing I did was eat breakfast and drink plenty of water then I transferred my clients files since well I impulsively quit my job because of my stupid drunk self. Then delete them all after I have transferred all. Some of my patients reached out and thanked me for treating them well and giving them hope for themselves in which for me made the job worthwhile.
 And then started to work on my interview, I did research on the school, on what interview questions they would ask, on what kinds of interview questions I can have. This job feels like its calling me, meaning I really have to do well on this interview. I even learned about the staff, the principal, the PE teacher, The Werewolf sex education teacher, The Botany teacher, and many more.
This is my chance to prove to Tita that I have a chance. So that's all I did all day before the interview. It was the same routine: wake up early, swim in the ocean, argue with my auntie, eat breakfast, then the whole day I prepared for my interview. 
Sure it's unhealthy of me to overwork myself to do well in this interview but, I'm not going to let Mark win by just sulking and missing him. No, he gave me this opportunity to make a name for myself and now I'm doing it. And this was also a way to prove to my auntie that I could be on my own now, I could go out and meet people like me. And never ever go back to being isolated. Which is why I’m treating this like it was my bar exam.
The day of the interview 
The alarm I set was two hours before the interview. For the first time in a while, I made myself breakfast, the classic egg and longganissa breakfast, brushed my teeth, took a warm and peaceful shower, and did some house chores so that Kuya won't have to worry much later.
I picked out what to wear and then settled on my favourite but not frequently used pink suit.
I was preparing for the interview when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in, I'm done changing." I answered while putting a pink blazer on for my interview. My cousin came in with something in his hand. "Ayyy, she's getting ready na, how are you feeling?" He asked while looking around me to see if I had any flaws with the formal wear I was wearing. "I'm a bit nervous, but at the same time, I'm excited because this whole thing is gonna be so new to me." I said while straightening my jacket. 
He looked at his watch, and it was almost time for him to go, also nearing the time when my interview was going to start. "Aalis na ako ha? Good luck sayo, Isla." (I'll get going already, Goodluck Isla) He hugged me tightly. "HOY KUYA YUNG BLAZER GUGUSOT YAN." (HEY KUYA, MY BLAZER IS GONNA GET CRUMPLED)  I shouted while playfully slapping him. He laughed, then let down before saying his final goodbye. I straightened my blazer once again and checked the time it was almost my interview. 
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My tita walked and saw me before I was going to sit down on my desk. She gave me a glare then walked up to me. “Kahit kelan eh noh, lagi nalang ako mali, lagi na lang ikaw ang tama. Sana di ka papasa dito, sinasabi ko na sayo na di safe sa labas pero gagawin mo parin toh” (Everytime everywhere, I’m the one who's always wrong. You’re the one who’s always right. I hope you don’t pass this interview, I already told you it's not safe out there and yet you still do this.) My aunt then left. ‘Wala naman goodluck diyan putangina?’ (Not even goodluck there fuck this)
I slammed my palm against the wall when I heard my auntie go out of the house. I was frustrated.
Ever since my mom died, she has been this asshole, from making me transfer to a public school where I got bullied just from coming from a private school to nearly forcing me to date a guy when she knew I was dating Mark until she saw him. I don't know what she thinks that was going to do when she did all of those, but I finally rebelled when I chose to choose psychology instead of modelling like Mark.
That was the first time I rebelled, normally I would have felt bad like when I was in highschool and I would extend just a little bit to get a taste of street food due to how hungry I was at that time but when I did so, I would always apologize and get grounded.
I collected myself and started doing breathing exercises. This made me calm down for a while, but it was obvious that I was pissed but not to worry since I'm able to control my emotions when it came to serious settings, or so I hope.
I sat on my desk and clicked on the zoom link they sent me. While I was waiting the nerves kept going up to me while I waited for the call. I really want this to work or else I'm letting my tita control which I do not want anymore. 
All those thoughts stopped when someone entered the Zoom call. She had wavy medium red hair, wearing a brown cardigan, those thick framed glasses. I was stunned for some reason. She looked to be older than and definitely not the principal I saw on the website. It was.. 
"Good morning there in the Philippines. I'm Marilyn Thornhill, the botany teacher of Nevermore and I'm here to be your interviewer. I’m sorry for the sudden change of interviewer, Miss Weems had to take care of something and I was here already so.., Miss Isla are you ready?”
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