#then when i reacted negatively he pushed me on the bed no reason and got on top of me and i started fightinf back and
calisources · 6 months
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All sentences here are taken from different medias about exes with complicated feelings, exes that are still lovers, jealousy, complicated feelings and the game of chase and catch. You can change names, pronouns, locations and more as you see fit. Some of these are suggestive and others are a little foul, so beware.
Every time I thought to, I wrote about you.
Actually, I hadn’t thought of her for a long time.
Are you waiting for your lover? Do you know that's the only reason anyone comes to a place like this in the middle of the night?
Is that why you're here?
You can go pick another spot. I found this one first.
If you hadn't stolen my bride away in the night, I would not have been forced to take such drastic measures to get her back.
What do you want? An apology? For me to crawl back into your bed and play nice, little wife?
Why should I want spoiled goods returned to me?
You're gone and you left me. My heart has dissipated. The only thing I can feel is the blood rushing through my veins and the strings that hold my fragile heart together.
When you truly love someone, it doesn't go away.
I don't want to forget what we had.
Everything is moving so fast. Before long everyone we know will be scattered across the country, the world even. 
Have I lost you love?
Why would she wear a dress like that? Is she doing it just to torture me?
You need to change clothes now. Everyone is looking at you.
You don’t control what I wear or who I wear it to.
For someone who looks after hearts, you can be careless. You know you broke mine, don't you?
You can't hold on to things just because of the memories.
Yes, I made the mistake of falling in love with a man without any feelings.
You're with him?
You’ve always enjoyed people fighting for you.
The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
I will never blame Barry for falling in love with you but I will blame him for considering himself eligible.
Don’t torture me any more, I can’t stand it.
Whatever there is between you two I don’t want to know about it.
Just shut up. I need to not to think and you need to think less. We need this.
He is in love with you. I read the fucking letters.
Where the hell have you been?
I don’t need your permission.
Oh, but I do care and you do need my permission. You’ve become very forgetful, my sweet—I’m your husband, remember? Take off your clothes.
I’m jealous, and I find the feeling not only novel, but singularly unpleasant.
Do you love her?
You pushed me away.
Do you want me then, to deceive and entrap you?
It often gives a lady a pleasure to giver her lover a pang.
You're jealous because I actually go after what I want, and I get it.
I'm afraid my jealousy is a beast I find difficult to tame.
I’m not obsessed with her.
It is possible to care about a woman without wanting to bed her.
If girls could spit venom, it'd be through their eyes.
She's a fucking rat trying to humiliate a queen...She's nothing.
That's none of your concern.
I'd like to know who's been giving rings to my council.
But just out of curiosity, how do you feel about getting my name tattooed on your forehead?
You don’t need to worry about Reece.
You are doing all of this on purpose. To get a rise out of me.
Perhaps it bothers you that I am not longer yours to keep and play with.
I chose not to follow your advice. Ned is a very nice person. Handsome, personable—a perfect escort.
Fuckin' my man in my bed. You got some goddamn nerve, girl.
I know you'd react negatively if I approached a make. You're... possessive.
Sugar, I'm way past possessive.
You like jealousy. You like knowing people want you.
I don't get jealous, I get even.
I am not yours. I stopped being yours, you have no right to keep me away from others.
It has been years since you seen me and you still behave like this.
She is my girlfriend, I can do whatever I want to her. 
You know my heart, It’s yours. But I’m done.
I want you to be in my arms again. I don’t think I can live without you.
Every day is hard and the nights are so cold without you here. 
Don’t look away. Look me in the eyes and tell me you no longer feel anything for me. That you don’t think of me. 
This is the reason I need to go away. I can’t be around someone I can never have. 
I am over you, but my heart is still under the spell of the relationship that was. I miss you.
You’re still my person, even if I’m not yours.
I have seen you give him looks and smiles this very night, such as you never give to—me.
I don’t mind you think of someone else, soon I will be the only one in your mind.
Do not worry, I will make you forget everything and everyone. 
This is your punishment, for your little trick tonight. 
You have to stop doing this. Bring me to your bed, making me want you. 
Does it bother you, the thought I will be wed soon? That a man will share my bed every night?
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ancha-aus · 5 months
Double Trouble... switched?
A tiny little thing for a lovely artist who's comics and art brings me much joy and inspiration.
Inspired by the lovely: @somegrumpynerd
And specifically this post, and this comic :3
Have fun :D
Warning, Very unedited and just me having fun ;P
(also most work was actually finding the posts to make the links work now enjoy this fanfic of which I will admit it took a few hours but I will not tell you how many words as I got no idea. Because I wrote the whole thing on tumblr and got no word counter here. Enjoy :D)
Dream knew something was wrong the moment he woke up.
His magic... it was being prickled by something. Over and over and over. It felt a bit like the sting of negativity but different.
That can't be right.
Drema struggled to full awareness as his mind tried to think of the reason why he felt the way he did.
Normally he only felt these type of prinkles and pain when he was near a lot of negativity but it had to be a lot a lot. As in, Nightmare using his own aura to fight him a lot.
But as he used his own magic of empathy he only felt a soft contentment and easy happiness in the air.
Had... Had the fight with Nightmare have afteraffects after all?!
They last fight, the one of the day before, had left Dream drained and tired. Nightmare and him had been fighting and Dream had tried to use his aura to get Nightmare to stay still and listen to him. Dream hadn't expected Nightmare to use his own magic aura. More surprising had been the fact that Nightmare's aura didn't clash with his own but instead reached him. It had burned and as Dream had said, he felt drained afterwards.
Dream hadn't thought too much off it. Especially as Nightmare had seemed exhausted and confused by it as well and he had quickly retreated afterwards.
But maybe Dream had been wrong.
Why else would he still feel this discomfort when there was nothing but positivity around him?
Dream groans as he finally manages to sit up in the very soft bed with many many pillows. Weird, Dream didn't have this many pillows on his bed and neither does Blue. Maybe Ink painted some more for them? Thoguth Ink rarely joined in on their sleepovers and Dream can't remember seeing Ink the day before.
Worse is that he feels disbalanced. Nothing feels right at the moment and the discomfort is making him cranky. He should just find Blue. Blue always makes everything better and has great ideas on what to try.
Yes, his best friend will help.
Dream opens his sockets only to stare in shock.
This... is not his room.
It isn't any room he recognizes.
It is a large beautiful place with a large, very large, bed with way too many pillows and soft blankets. There is a large bookcase just filled with books. The curtains are dark and shut. Next to him is a tiny alarm clock which reads that it is still very early in the morning.
Something else about his vision is off but Dream can't quite place it. Something that should be obvious but he can't make sense of it. He turns to the side and reaches for the bed only to freeze.
That is corruption. On his hand. And arm.
Dream feels himself start to panic as his soul pulses fast. Oh no. Oh no. What happened?! Calm down. Calm down-
Then he sees one of those corruption tentacles nad Dream flinches away, only to completely loose his balance and fall over sideways with a quiet yelp.
He lays frozen but can't feel any curiosity or hear anyone react.
He is starting to have an idea where he is and he isn't sure how to feel about this.
He slowly crawls to the side of the bed, only to keep misjudging the distance and he thinks he lost his depth perception which isn't good news.
He manages to get out of bed and only slightly panics at the sight of his own legs covered in corruption. Are it his own legs even?!
Dream pushes himself upright only almost fall over and he has to grab one of the poles of the large four poster bed to catch himself. He looks over his shoulder and is confronted with the sight of four tentacles shifting and idling behind him, all seemingly coming from his own back.
Dream takes a few unsteady steps and softly curses the way this feels. How does Nightmare DEAL with his tentacles?! How does he deal with the extra weight of it on his spine?! Dream already feels uncomfortable.
Dream manages to get to one of the two doors and opens it. He lets out a sigh of relieve when sees the bathroom. He flicks on the ligth in the room and manages to get to the mirror.
There in the mirror stands Nightmare. Staring at him in absolute shock.
Dream... Is in Nightmare's body.
Which means.
He is not at home.
Dream is in Nightmare's home.
Nightmare tries to walk wiht confidence but it still takes effort to not overbalance for his lacking extra limbs.
When he woke up feeling comfortable and energised he had immediantly panic. He normally only felt that after they managed to make an universe fall fully into negativity and shift the balance.
Feeling that at home meant his boys felt unhappy and miserable and he would not have that.
Imagion his surprise when he sat up only to be in a completely different room and after a glance outside to realise he was in the Omega Timeline.
The one place he never had managed to get somekind of access too.
Nightmare wanted out right now because it didn't take a genius to figure out what happened.
Dream's and his magic had interacted strangly and connected with each other. Both had felt drained. Now Nightmare was in Dream's body.
Meaning, Dream was most likely in Nightmare's body. Meaning Dream was in Nightmare's hideout with his boys.
Nightmare didn't have time to panic or to have a crisis. He needed to somehow get to his own body and make them switch back. His minions needed constant supervision and management. Nightmare only just got Dust to agree to set an alarm clock and Horror had been improving with overeating.
He needed to get to them.
Which meant.
Be the perfect Dream so no one would think something was wrong and enable him to sneak out and search for himself.
This is starting to get annoying.
Nightmare had gotten dressed in Dream's clothes and got ready to leave.
Only for Blue to have shown up.
Which is what brought Nightmare to were he was now. Trying and struggling to maintain a facade he hadn't had time to prepare.
"You sure you are okay Dream?" Blue keeps staring at him as if he expects Nightmare to just spill the beans.
Wait. Does Dream do that? Does Dream just tell Blue everything? Probably right? But what do they normally talk about?
Nightmare is honestly unsure what it is that is between his brother and Blue. Nightmare knows that Blue and Dream are always together and Dream seems rather protective about Blue.
Nightmare realises he is taking too long to answer and puffs up his chest and speaks, being thankful for the small amount of luck there is for him in this multiverse that the voice he speaks with still sounds like Dream "Of course I am alright! It is a wonderful day and I want to spend it heloing others!" Dream and his ever need to please people and be liked.
Blue continues to grin at him, one brow slightly raised "Wowie! you are in a good mood today! Happy to hear you seem alright after the fight from yesterday."
Nightmare nods "But of course! Now! Lets get to work." and he starts walking. Only slightly falling fore over as he tries to balance for soemthign that isn't there.
"Dream!" Blue is by his side and tries to help him upright. The worry around him is slightly surprising.
Nightmare holds up a hand as he tries, and succeeds to steady himself. Old memories return of how to walk without his tendrils. He got this. "I am fine. Just a slight misstep... shall we?" Wait, how does Dream speak anyone? All the interactions Nightmare can remember were from them in battle. Which Ngihtmare knows is not a good reference for when you speak casually with others. The last interactions that Nightmare had with Dream wihtout fighting were... were from back at the tree... when both had been 6 and before their magical growth.
Ngihtmare doubts Dream still acts as his six year old self, even if he sometimes seems just as naiev to the world.
Blue frowns at him "If you are sure. You sure you want to go out already?"
Nightmare nods "But of course!"
Blue gives him another grin "Well. If you are sure. Let's go!"
Dream doesn't know what to do or say.
What do you say to your enemies when you are suddenly in their boss's body, who happens to be your twin. like. How do you decide what to say?
Dream tries to remain quiet and just watch. That is probabyl what Ngihtmare does right? Just watch and glare and tell them to not bother him?
Their happiness is burning him. That he has realised.
Dream had wanted to tell them he is going to take a moment for himself but then second guessed himself. How much would Nightmare tell them? Would he tell them that their happiness burns him? Would he be honest? Would he even tell them? Or would he just stand up and leave? Were those four expecting him to give them orders? To tell them what to do? Or would a simple 'go do your work' do?
Drema had never realised that positivity burned his brother this badly.
Did... did that mean that being around Dream burned him as well? That going near him at all in battle was as if he was being burned?
Dream knows his aura can get... a lot. but... He never considered... He never thought...
Only extreme negativity hurt Dream and all positivity energised and powered him...
If low levels of positivity already hurt his brother... would only extreme levels of negativity energise him? Would only extreme levels feed him?
Was... was Nightmare attacking AUs not as much an attack on the multiverse but more of a way to feed himself? To keep himself alive?
Dream just... didn't know.
"Boss! boss! what do you think? Awesome right!"
Dream eneds a moment to realise Killer is talking to him. Dream looks over and freezes at the knife Killer is tapping between his phalanges with a concerning speed.
Dream sits there frozen before panic overtakes his soul "What do you think you are doing?! Stop that right now before you hurt yourself!" only to realise that he spoke form panic and worry. Oh no he totally messed up! Dream wasn't thinking and-
Killer pouts but lays the knife down. Horror snorts "Told you boss would be unimpressed and mad at you for practising that."
Killer mutters something about it being cool and Nightmare just being a worrywart.
Dream blinks. Excuse but Nightmare is a what now?
Cross looks at him "What is the schedule for today boss?"
Killer snorts and copies the sentence at a softer volume but in a sillier voice.
Dream can't imagine that would be allowed but before he can even think of a fitting reaction or answer one of Nightmare's tentacles moves over to Killer's skull and gives him a soft tap.
Dream feels mortified. What do you mean those tendrils just... do that?! Dream hadn't even thought or considered that! Wait... Was... Was the corruption still negativity and so technically Nightmare... Was it like a muscle memory and so instinct for his body to do that? That implies that Nightmare has done that a lot.
Killer pouts more and crosses his arms befroe he mumbles "Fine fine. I get it. I get it. Sorry Crossy."
Crossy beams and the happiness stings Dream as Cross answers "Apology accepted!" then Cross looks at him with bright sockets "But what will we do today boss?"
Dream glances around the room as he tries to think of something that would fit. He has no idea what Nightmare does when he isn't out fighting him. Dream remembers the books in Ngihtmare's bedroom but Dream doesn't want to lock himself in there. He will go insane and just not know what to do. He needs an excuse to search around the castle. Something that will fit with their vision of Nightmare.
"I... need to... research a few things for our next... raid." Dream tries to desperately remember what Nightmare sounded like and which words he used. Dream thinks his lucky stars that Nightmare's body still sounds like Nightmare.
Cross nods "okay! Need our help with anything?"
Dream slowly shakes his skull as he tries to follow their emotions to see if he is managing to sell this. "No. I should have what I need." Okay, good so far, now how to say he will get them if he needs help. euh... "If I have need... of you. I know where to find you." That should work... right?
Killer nods as he is already out of the room and gone with a shout "Going to the cats!"
What does he mean CATS?!
Cross nods "Okay! in your office?"
office? office! An office will no doubt have information that will hopefully help Dream. Dream nods as anwer and Cross seems to accept it before he goes around grabbing the plates.
Horror asks him if he wants lunch together or brought up and Dream can feel the stress rise. damnit why are these four so focussed on Nightmare? They turn to him for everything! It makes Dream miss Blue. Blue knows what to do when and helps him more than anything.
Dream ends up saying together. Seeing as they straight up called and pulled him over for breakfast that is probably the go to. Horror seems pleased by this and nods as he starts cleaning the food in a careful manner.
Dust has just been staring at him with a frown on his face.
Dream stares back and feels the need to look away but Nightmare wouldn't look away. Dream waits and waits.
Dust huffs before leaving wihtout much of a word. Dream will take that as a win.
Dream leaves the kitchen and sees Dust disappear into another room, Dream can hear the sounds of a tv coming from there and will assume Killer is in there.
Okay... Now...
Where the hell is everything? He has no idea what the layout is of this place and it was pure luck he even found the staircase that morning to begin with.
He makes his way back to the staircase and follows it up. He makes sure he isn't watched or followed before starting to silently open doors to check what is behind each one.
Why did his brother have to be dramatic and get a castle?!
Nightmare hates this.
His cheeks are starting to hurt from the constant smiling. It is emotionally and mentally exhausting to be happy all the time. No one leaves him alone and everyone seems to have something they very pressingly need Dream's help for.
Which. Meant you. Are not important things!!
Dream needs a better work/home balance and learn to say no.
Nightmare can't even just return to the house that is, probably, Dream's and just hide for a moment because Blue has been by his side the whole time.
Nightmare will admit he is starting to get why Dream likes Blue so much adn seems so protective of him. Blue is a beacon of positive energy and motivation. Blue also seems happy to help Dream with anything and everything.
Honestly at this point Blue is the only reason why Ngihtmare hasn't started losing his mind at Dream just yet.
Everyone around him. the whole time. noise or people and their emotions. the pressure of everyone looking at him and trying to get his help. The amount of people trying to just stand next to him and soak up some of that positive aura is disgusting.
Nightmare has half the mind to kidnape his twin just to make sure that he knows he can actually say 'No' and tell people to piss off because it is starting to get concerning.
Nightmare hasn't had the impulse to throw this many people through windows in a while.
One more person from somekind of universe runs up to him "Dream Dream! I need your help!"
Nightmare has to take a very deep breath as he tries to control his temper. easy and calm. easy and calm. He manages to pull the smile back full force and turns to them "But of course! Happy to help. What do you need help with?"
The person smiles "Well! I wanted to do my grocerries but I ended up not going because I was watching this movie and it was jsut so good! Anyway. Would you mind doing my grocerries for me?"
Deep breaths Nightmare. Deep breaths.
The person continues on "The next part just started and I also really want to see that but by the time that one finishes the store will be closed!"
Deep. Breaths.
They continue the smile "And obviously I will pay you back later but-"
they blink. Nightmare stares back.
They frown "Waht? Why not?"
Nightmare honestly tries to keep it in but why would he? This is an idiot and they deserve to know "Because this is a result of your own neglect of your responsibilities and I don't see why it would then be up to me to fix this. Especially as you yourself still have the chance to do it yourself. But instead you are trying to use me and get an easy out. Not only that but you are also asking me to pay for this?"
The slowly cross their arms "You enver minded before..."
Anger. Rage. Nightmare manages to just stare "Well I mind now. Do it yourself. If you are adult enough to live on your own wihtout supervision you should be able to take care of yourself." Nightmare turns and walks away.
The person is enraged at him and Nightmare feels very smug about it. The person shouts after him "You are being a real asshole there Dream! And very selfish!"
Ngihtmare just keeps walking. don't commit murder in Dream's body. that is a very sure way to get others to notice you are not him.
Blue still walks with him and Nightmare glares "What?"
Blue blinks and tilts his skull "I am just happy you are finally starting to take my advice to not help everyone with everything. You gotta limit yourself or get burned out." Blue stops him and stares at him worried "Are you finally ready to tell me what is wrong Dream? I am worried about you..."
Nightmare considers what to say before sighing "I need a break." weak. Nightmare just, can't handle this. The constant demands and people asking him to do things. It is different with his boys. the real happiness they feel for him may sting slightly but it is real. The happiness of these people. It just isn't truly on that same level. There is no actual affection or care or even understanding behind it. It is about possession and demand and feeling like they earned it.
While they earned nothing.
How does Dream deal with them?
Blue nods "Yeah. Lets go to my place. People are less likely to bother you there. and If anyone asks I will just tell them you are sick."
Nightmare stares at Blue "I don't get sick. I can't get sick."
Blue snorts "Dream. The only three people in the whole multiverse that know that are, you, your twin, and me. If anyone asks we tell them you are sick." and he grins.
Ngihtmare stares at Blue for a moment "You are the only being in the multiverse with a functioning brain."
Blue snorts and laughs "Nightmare will be happy to hear you say that Dream." and he grins widely.
Nightmare snorts himself, a little inside joke just for him, "I know what I said."
They manage to find Core for a ride. Ngihtmare is relieved by that as he hasn't quite figured out how Dream makes portals just yet. Luckily Blue had decided for him that they would catch a ride instead of trying one themselves.
Dream reads through another report on the changes and shifts in the balance between positivity and negativity. another one that Dream had thought had been an attack agaisnt the multiverse but instead this report spoke about the high positivity levels making the universe unstable and them having to shift it.
The report speaks of a mild success and mentions a message to Error that this universe could be skipped for destruction for a while as they had managed to make it stable enough to last it a bit longer.
So many reports. So many universe which had been unbalanced.
Compared to all the reports Drema had read until now only about 10% spoke about getting higher negativity levels for Nightmare or getting supplies in a raid.
Everything else? All about universes that needed rebalancing and a shift in the right direction to keep them stable.
Dream leans back in the chair and yelps as the tendrils ache. He looks up adn groans as he sees the tentacles once again completely braided together. He doesn't want to have to try to undo it again and-
"Sup Boss!"
Oh are you kidding him?!
Dream had thought the people in the Omega timeline could be pushy or clingy. But it is nothing on these four. They just. Keep showing up!
It is like they are taking shifts! Dream manages to get one out and a new one will show up within 15 minutes.
Dream sighs and looks up "Waht do you want this time you. you..." you... you... Dream doesn't want to be mean. But Ngihtmare probably insults them... right? "Worms."
Cross's whole face turns sad and worried "Worms?" Oh Dream feels so bad about this. Oh no he looks so sad and hurt and why did Dream say that?
Killer however grins widely "worms! new nickname lets go!" he grins widely
Horror just looks at him with a raised brow "You okay boss?"
Dream feels himself get anxious as he tries to channel some stern face but he is unsure how well he is managing "what is it?"
Cross just keeps looking down at the floor with a sad expression as he mutters the word 'worms' to himself.
Horror looks back "Oh Killer pushed Dust down the stairs."
Drema blinks before looking at Killer "You did what?!"
Killer grins widely as he throws out his arms "I would never!"
A second later a very angry Dust shows up "He so did! The asshole pushed me!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not times infinity! Hah! I win!"
Dust glares and tries to tackle Killer but Dream, or lets be real Nightmare's tentacles, stop him and catch Dust mid air.
Dream takes a few breaths but he gives up "No pushing each other down the stairs! I can't even believe i need to say this!"
Horror speaks up "Again."
Dream feels himself stand up straighter "Again?!" luckily all of them seem to not hear the question in his outraged cry as Killer nods with a pout and Dust just huffs.
It is slightly concerning how unbother Dust looks by being up in onf of those tentacles.
Dream rubs his face as he tries to keep his spinning thoughts calm "I am going to be quick about it. I want all four of you to behave for ten minutes so I can look through my reports and figure out where to go to next!"
His brother had so many reports. If Dream could find some positive universe and spread a tiny bit of negativity then Nightmare, in Dream's own body, would feel that and come to Dream and then Dream can try to get them to switch back.
Silence answers him and he looks up to see all four of the gang look at him and nod. Dream waits for a moment before nodding himself "Good!" He has to focus on the tentacle and imagines it putting Dust down before it actually listens. The tendril seems unwilling to let Dust go.
Dream takes a deep sigh and sits back at Nightmare's desk as he starts reading through reports. He looks back up only to see all four of the gang relaxing around him and Nightmare's desk.
Dream rubs his face. considers going against it before just going wiht the flow. Fine! if they want to watch him read reports so be it! Dream turns back to the many reports as he tries to figure out which place would be best. By the stars Nightmare has so much information and he straight up has a whole catagory on different universes and what key differences are and how to spot these when first entering an universe.
There is just so much knowledge and understanding about all of these universe. Nightmare even took time ot learn which universes are most likely to interact. to cross over. or to even be able to hold a stable connection to serve as trading route.
Dream looks up and spots that those stupid tentacles had moves again! Each of them holds one of the four gang members and Dream is trying to think on how to put them back down.
Then he sees all four of them... asleep. peacefully asleep as they lay either rolled up in the tentacle or seem to hug them in their sleep.
Dream stares for a moment and wonders just how often this happens for that to be the natural reaction before he turns back to the reports. the answer has to be in these.
Nightmare feels the spike of negativity as soon as it happens. It si fear from somewhere in the multiverse and he sits up straight.
Blue looks over worried "Dream?"
Nightmare knows it within a second with absolute certainty "My brother." it is dream. Dream has entered an universe and is... causing fear?
Maybe a trap. Or... a beacon.
Blue frowns at him "Are you sure you are ready for this Dream? I don't think you are... fully rested yet."
Nightmare is already up and nods "I am sure." Now the hard part. He focusses on the magic so much like his own but different. the only thing that is avaiable to him is Dream's magic and it will have to do. He focusses on the positivity and wills it to open a connection to where he feels the spike of negativity.
A portal opens before them.
Blue nods as he grabs his hammer "Let's go."
They step through together and Nightmare looks around. He is quick to spot himself.
Nightmare glares as he crouches low before he is off like a bullet right at his own body. The shock on his own face is satisfying.
More satisfying is tackling himself as he and Dream tumble down the sloop into the overgrowth behind it.
Dream yelps and tries to retaliate but Nightmare knows his own body and his own limits. Nightmare is quick to get Dream in a headlock and hisses "Give me back my body."
Dream groans "I am trying! Let go so we can figure this out before they find us!"
Nightmare frowns and waits for just a moment to see if they are followed. He feels some slight confusion and worry from everyone else but there seems to be a bit of a standoff.
Nightmare sighs and lets go of Dream "Quickly then."
Dream huffs as he gets up only to stagger as Ngihtmare sees his tendrils flex. Nightmare snorts "Haven't figured out how to keep them still yet?"
Dream glares at Ngihtmare wiht his own face "Shut up. Just tell me you have na idea how to switch us back."
Nightmare sighs "Obviously we tried to recreate what happened in our last fight." Nightmare focusses and calls forth his, Dream's? this is getting confusing, aura.
Dream hisses slightly, no doubt feeling the burn, before nodding and quickly doing the same.
Both hold out a hand and inch their aura's around each's other's aura and towards the other twin.
Nightmare feels his own magic reach him and it feels like a blast of cool air on a summer day. He lets himself follow it and-
His body burns by the positivity right before him and he jumps back. His tendrils helping Ngihtmare move back and away from Dream.
Dream lets out a loud sigh of relieve as he lets himself sink to his knees "Oh that feels so much better..."
Nightmare nods as he flexes a tendril "I agree."
A moment of silence and peace between the two as neither makes the move to attack first.
Dream speaks up first "I... I never realised how... how much just tiny bits of positivity hurt..."
Nightmare shurgs "You get used to it. and sometimes it is better to feel the sting than the alternative."
Dream nods as he shoots Nightmare a smile.
Nightmare frowns "You can say no."
Dream blinks "Excuse me?"
Nightmare sighs "You should say no sometimes. It is unhealthy to keep giving everything you have to everyone. especially if they don't actually need help or are even thankful or grateful for it." Nightmare shoots his brother an unimpressed look "Learn to manage your work/home life."
Dream blinks before laughing and shooting him a grin "You sound like Blue."
Nightmare nods "You should listen to him more then."
Another moment of peace before both their groups get to them. Neither feel much for fighting and both call for a retreat very quickly.
Both have a lot to think about anyways.
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zhongliswify · 2 years
Zhongli When
Here is how I think Zhongli would react during emotional scenarios. In my extremely delusional mind these scenarios are canon. Tell me which scenario do you agree with the most! My personal fave is tired Zhongli. He’s too cute…Let’s start off the year with something fun~
(angry, sad, jealous, happy, tired & horny)
cw: slight nsfw! gen!reader
find all my little imagines using the # zhongliswify
enjoy! <3
Zhongli when he’s angry with you:
Zhongli is usually straightforward about what he likes or dislikes. However, when it comes to you, he can’t help but conceal those feelings. At first, you wouldn’t notice a thing. Zhongli has a habit of speaking a bit coldly to everyone. Some would even say that he can be quite rude. It’s only when he opens his mouth to speak with you that you notice the change in his tone. He’d speak to you as if he were speaking to a colleague at work. No pet names, no words of affirmation, the usual kindness in his voice would simply be nonexistent. It’ll take for you to actually reach out and ask if it’s alright for him to let it all out. He wouldn’t scream, on the contrary, he’d be rather calm. So calm that it’s a bit scary. But once he lets it all out, he’ll pull you into his arms and get right back to using pet names. He might be petty, but he can never stay mad at you for too long. If for some reason you still don’t notice after a while or you’re angry at each other, he’d be the one to approach you first. He just doesn’t like being angry with you, even less when you’re the angry one.
Zhongli when he’s sad:
Zhongli isn’t one to voice his negative emotions to you. Even during his most emotional moments, his first concern has always been you. When it comes to you, Zhongli doesn’t care about himself one bit. When Zhongli is sad, he zones out more often. He tunes everything out and simply loses himself in his head. You have to call out to him about thirty times for him to finally answer you. Over the years, you’ve learned that simply saying “Are you okay?” doesn’t work with that stubborn husband of yours. Instead, you wait until he’s sitting on the couch, laying in bed or simply sitting on your patio and hug him. You wrap your hands around his torso while laying your head on his chest as you listen to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. You two simply stay in that position in complete silence until he’s ready to talk to you. Not once has he ever rejected that kind of approach. After some time, he whispers a small “Thank you.” When he does, you let him know that you’re always ready to listen and that he can always lean on you. Sometimes he tells you everything and sometimes he doesn’t and the story ends there. You don’t push any further.
Zhongli when he’s jealous:
Zhongli doesn’t get jealous often. Not because he thinks you can’t attract others, on the contrary, he’s very aware that you’re a sight for sore eyes. He just knows that you like him just as much as he likes you. Your love language might not be as vocal as his, but you’ve never made him feel unloved. However, there are very rare times when Zhongli does get jealous. Whenever you meet with people that are not only successful but super extroverted, he can’t help but feel annoyed. When he’s jealous, he becomes passive-aggressive toward the person he’s jealous of. From rude comments hidden as questions to compliments meant to be hurtful. He knows that this kind of approach was childish, but he doesn’t care. Holding your hand, giving you not-so-subtle kisses and wrapping his arms tightly around you. This way, the entire room will know that you belong to him just as much as he belongs to you. You find it cute when he’s jealous, but you’ve never told him this. There was only one time when his jealousy got over his head. Even after reassuring him a million times that it was okay, Zhongli still ended up punching some guy right in the face. After that, you didn’t speak to him for 3 days. The man he had punched was someone that could help boost your career tremendously. Not only that, he was an openly married man. Zhongli had to beg you for forgiveness for a week. Don’t worry, the man was still willing to help you.
Zhongli when he’s happy:
When Zhongli’s happy, the phrases “I love you,” and “Give me a kiss…” will be floating around the house for a while. From hugs to random kiss attacks, he’ll give them to you all. Although it might not seem like it, Zhongli loves physical affection and words of affirmation. Just being in your arms brings him great joy. Every moment he spends with you makes him feel like a kid in love. He’ll shower you with compliments until you have to physically put your hand over his mouth to shut him up. He hopes to share many more happy moments with you. It seems that he always finds comfort in your arms.
Zhongli when he’s tired:
Zhongli doesn’t get tired often. Even with such a tiring job, he knows how to balance his work and personal life. There are days, however, when he feels like a deflated balloon living off the little amount of air left. The moment he comes home, he drops his things to the floor and plops down onto you. He doesn’t care if he’s heavy. He wants to be selfish just for a little while. He waits patiently until you shower him with your recharging kisses. In Zhongli’s head, your touches bring him back to life. He feels like he could work for a hundred more hours. You, on the other hand, are very strict about your husband's free time and work hours. When he’s home, you don’t even let him near his laptop. So when he comes home, looking absolutely defeated, you pamper him. Like a cat, he lays his head on your thighs and lets you stroke his soft brown hair until he fails to keep his golden eyes open.
Zhongli when he’s horny:
When Zhongli gets horny, he tries his best to hide it. He doesn’t let you kiss him, hug him or even get near him. He can only hold your hand and even then, his grip is tighter and firm. You didn’t understand why he did this. You were his spouse. If he needed someone to help him relieve himself you were right there. His stubborn attitude never lasts long though. Whether you’re relaxing, standing next to him while fixing yourself a snack or simply laying in bed, his hands will somehow find themselves on your chest. The moment his lips begin to pepper your neck with kisses, which is the spot he attacks first when he’s in the mood, you already know that it’s going to be an eventful night. Unlike when he’s at work, where his image is kept clean and professional, at home he’s unrecognizable. Unless he’s feeling extra romantic or expects to go for multiple rounds with his beast-like stamina, you two will be doing it right where you are at that moment. His usually sharp and clear eyes will be clouded with lust, whilst his voice will go down at least three octaves. His skin doesn’t flush easily, but his ears become bright red. Whenever you mention the colour change of his ears while gently brushing them with your thumb, he sinks his teeth into your skin. You’ve always assumed that it was his way of shutting you up, but according to him, it’s because every word that comes out of your mouth at that moment sounds lewd to him. Especially if you’re teasing him. Eventually, he did tell you the reason why he doesn’t let you touch him when he feels like doing it. It’s because knowing himself, he’d do it in a not-so-subtle place. He wants to at least wait until you’re both inside your home, even if it means the front door, to start devouring you.
also..thank u hoyoverse… 🤍💕💕🧖‍♀️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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andvys · 5 months
omg im back!! this is super long so im sorry for taking up your whole inbox but if you can't already tell im a huge fan of dwoht!! honey anon ❤️
He watches you for a moment, eyes tracing the spots that aren’t hidden by the covers. His fingers itch as he stares at your soft skin. He notices the scar on your shoulder, the one that a bat left, the one that you ripped off of him, saving him from a wound it would have left on his abdomen if you hadn’t saved him – you took the scar that was meant for him. 
waittt that's so romantic 🤭
All that you do is turn around in your sleep, holding onto the sheets as you stay deeply asleep. 
oh she's me
What will you think when you wake up to an empty bed? 
knowing Andy it will probably be a prelude to angst, Steve... should've known it by now 😁
He puts on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black shirt, taking his time styling his hair while his mind is still all over the place. He puts on his favorite cologne, hoping that it will drive you crazy just the way your perfume drives him crazy. 
gray sweatpants?? pics or didn't happen
“You are not a stray, but you are a cat, girl,” Argyle says to you as he steps inside, patting Steve on the shoulder, “always got her claws out, right man?” 
i fucking love Argyle 😭 hongyle or argoney is our ship name now
“Maybe you’re the one who doesn’t know how to fuck.” You murmur, narrowing your eyes at him.
oooh that hurt him
He brings his hand forward, letting go of your head so he can cup your cheek, before you can even finish your sentence or react to his touch, he leans forward and smashes his lips against yours, finally kissing you with his eyes closed and his body now pressed against yours. 
He could just slip inside of you with ease, you’re wet enough to take him but he still wants to stretch you open with his fingers first. 
oh okay ! good for them.... good for them.... 😭
“Like hell that was a one time thing,” he mumbles against your lips as he grabs your waist with both hands and picks you up without a struggle. 
“Y-You came inside of me…” You mumble, dropping your arms to your sides. 
“I’m not on the pill, Steve!” You frown at him, pushing him away from you so you can brush past him. 
He didn’t put much thought into how awkward it would be to ask for a Plan B, but the moment he asked the old lady behind the counter, and she looked at him disapprovingly, he suddenly wished for the ground to swallow him WHOLE
“You should go to church and pray, boy.”
“Well, we fucked.” 
this is so funny to me because of the chaos and awkwardness 😭 imagine fucking you lifelong nemesis almost getting pregnant with him 😭
“Well, there isn’t,” he shrugs, “I see whoever I want and you do… the same.” He almost chokes on his own words. 
How many girls have occupied this space before? 
:(( poor blondie
You shut out your negative thoughts, letting your curiosity in. You tiptoe across his room and stop in front of his bookshelf – that’s filled with more comics and movies than books. A polaroid camera sitting on the shelf, next to a fake plant. Of course, he got himself a fake plant. 
not his ugly ass grandpa straight man alpha room 😭
He cracks a smile at your words, eyes flashing with amusement, “didn’t know Eddie was my girlfriend.” 
Neither of you called. 
nooooo 😭
You could’ve called too, he even told you to, but for some reason, you thought that it was just another way to tease you, you heard the mocking tone in his voice, you saw the smirk he looked at you with. 
no girly don't let him use you !!!
But your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull and you almost choke on the sip you just took when Eddie’s eyes grow comically wide as he takes a look at Steve’s back. Your best friend’s jaw drops before a gasp falls from his lips. 
GOODBYE THIS WHOLE THING IS SO AMUSING TO ME 😭😭 i can see the drink squirting out of eddie's nose
“I know we haven’t talked much, but um… I was wondering– cause… I love Robin, seriously but– okay um…” she stutters, closing her eyes for a moment as she shakes her head before she opens her eyes again and looks back up, “I was gonna ask if you would like to go shopping with me?” 
Suddenly, Steve lunges forward, using the hand that just hid his eye to grab yours, he opens both eyes and greets you with a smirk before he pulls you into the water. 
omg they're cute when they're not idiots 😭
“I’m just saying, I’m not even speaking out of experience, dude,” Argyle slurs, holding his hands up in surrender, “I think you can’t have sex with just one person and be happy with it – how can you even know what’s good when you’ve only been with one person!?” 
thats literally such a man thing to say. we're OVER argyle
With a sigh, you lean back in your chair, and look at your best friend, “fine… eight.” 
And, Steve… Oh, Steve is really not having the best time tonight. He knows exactly who you mean, Jacob Leeney. 
he sounds like a douchebag
No matter how fast his lips move against yours, he isn’t the one in control today, and he knows it, he can feel it… and to his surprise, he doesn’t mind it. 
YEAH you know your place boy
But just as he’s about to break the kiss to start begging for you to touch him, you roughly pull away and take a step back from him, leaving him without the warmth you just provided him with. 
“You’re basically the older version of Max,” he grins, “you’re both stubborn and act all cold even though you’re the biggest softies at heart.” 
AAA that's so cute i love max
Jennifer Mitchell stands in front of Steve in all her glory, clad in a short sundress, her boobs are nearly on full display, her dark waves falling down her tanned back as she twirls the front strand around her finger, she glances back at you when the bell above the door goes off, her plump lips are the first thing you look at – god, you can’t even lie to yourself and think that she isn't gorgeous, because she is, you’re not blind. 
But you aren’t, you aren’t the only one, you aren’t the special one, you aren’t enough for him. 
oh i have an idea! kick steve in the balls 😁
He licks his lips as he eyes the top you’re wearing, low cut and stopping just below your belly button, showing off your cleavage and your soft skin. You replaced your skirt with shorts that are even shorter than what you wore before, but they look much more comfortable, soft and perfect to… sleep in. He can’t wait to rip them off of you and dive his face into your pussy.
“Mmm, can’t remember it that well,” he shrugs, sipping his beer, “so maybe I should refresh my memory a bit.”
shove that beer up his a-
“Did Jennifer do this to you, Steve?” You murmur against his skin as you press another soft kiss to his scar, “or did she just lay there, making you do all the work?” 
“Ah,” you nod as a smirk reappears on your lips, “that confirms that no one ever rode you before.”
omg you basically took his virginity 😁
“Steve is gay.” 
Nancy has been nothing but kind and sweet to you, and you can’t help but feel guilt and regret growing inside of you for the way you once felt about her. 
she's actually the cutest ever
“You’re the prettiest girl at this party.” 
jacob is giving where the hell have you been loca
“You plan on fucking him tonight, Blondie?” He sneers, unable to hide the bitterness in his voice. 
GOODBYE i thought it was blondie talking to steve 😭
“New rule then, Blondie,” he mumbles, not stopping with the kisses on your neck, “we leave with each other when we are at the same place. So, meaning today it’s me.” 
ummm... just say you're exclusive you DUMBASS 😭
“Stevie, Stevie, Stevie!” 
AWWW CUTIES (says while ignoring this being screamed during rough sex)
“I know, baby, I know.” 
STOP THIS IS GENUINELY CUTE (and very hot i got butterflies)
“Well, did you think I’d let him steal you away from me…?” He asks, clearing his throat as he adds, “tonight?” 
go hit your head against the wall steve 😁
You turn around when your name is being called again, to find Jacob walking towards you. Oh. 
HAHAHA FUCK YOU JACOB (oh except she didn't 🤭)
“Get out.” He demands, not nicely. 
now blondie should do the thing they do in gta when they pull someone out of the car and steal it
“Would you prefer a wheelchair?” He laughs, not noticing the stunned look on your face, as you open and close your mouth a few times. “I’ll be right back, Blondie,” he shoots you a smile before he opens the door, letting light seep into the room from the bright hallway, he takes another glance at you over his shoulder before he steps out and makes his way into the bathroom. 
You are so devastatingly beautiful.
and you're still not making a damn MOVE. men 😫
“Oh wait, you probably don’t want to get it wet again,” Steve mumbles, as he looks around the room, knowing that you left your hair clip here after your shower last night. He finds it on the counter and reaches for it. 
that's what she said
You crane your neck, looking at the plate before him, excitement flashes in your eyes, “I love waffles.”
“I know you do,” he says, smiling. “What do you want with them, berries and syrup?” 
now steve needs to make me waffles too 😞
“Oh my god, Steve.” You hold your hand in front of your mouth after swallowing the first bite, looking at him in awe.
that's what she said
“That’s how you sounded last night,” he wiggles his eyebrows. 
“You eat your waffles with nutella?” 
i haven't had nutella in years and now im so hungry
The sweetness of the waffle, the chocolate and the freshness of the berry, burst in your mouth, creating the perfect combination. Your eyes widen, and you sit back as you hold your hand in front of your mouth after releasing the fork from your lips. You moan at the taste and take your time savoring the flavors.
reading this at night wasn't the best idea i think . . .
“Last time I checked, I didn’t have a vagina. I think you know that fact pretty well.”  
you have a mental one 😁
“Oh?” You tilt your head, “and where’d you learn how to cook?” 
i read this as "where'd you learn how to cock"
“You’re italian?” 
“And my cooking skills,” he smiles, nodding. “I’m gonna knock you off your feet, the next time you stay over, I’ll cook you the best pasta you ever had.” 
He stepped into an empty house after fighting against evil. 
this is so heartbreaking nooo 💔💔
He had no one to come home to. 
i can adopt you steve if you make pasta for me
“We don’t have to fuck, Blondie. You can let me eat your pussy though, it’ll help her recover.” 
is this a safe space to admit it's kinda hot when he refers to it as her lmao 😭
You pout as you turn around to face him, looking down at yourself, “wow, this is the real walk of shame.” 
You reach for the seatbelt, buckling it in as you take a deep breath, though instead of exhaling again, you freeze and your eyes widen. The smell of sex still lingers deeply in the car. 
ew you both 😭
“Couldn’t you have taken five minutes to clean up a bit?” 
“Good, I’m glad,” she nods, “we decided to do a barbecue instead of movie night, so I hope you’re hungry.” 
IM STARVING READING THIS CHAPTER. stevie do you wanna make me a burger
“Yeah, Argyle is attempting to make cocktails.”
i can think of something else involving argyle and coc—
He nods, scoffing slightly as he starts to take it out, letting his hair fall loose around his face, “well you see, I didn’t steal it, rather, I found it. Right–” He pauses as he walks over further into Steve’s room, turning away from the both of you, he slams the scrunchie on the dresser and turns back, the smile now missing, “--Here.”
“Dating?” Steve scoffs, chuckling a little as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Fuck no, it’s just sex.”
FUCK NO? oh im gonna show you fuck no you little bitch
“It’s just sex, Munson,” he says, with an unsure tone in his voice, and a bitter taste on his tongue, that he swallows harshly. “Nothing more.” 
You have no experience with babies at all, you have given her the bottle, you even changed her diaper, but your sister was around, and you didn’t spend the whole day alone with her. 
you're stronger than me girl cause i would not agree 😭
This is surely one of his dreams, he is convinced of it, why else would he wake up beside you, and a baby who looks like you?
NO ESCAPE FROM THIS ONE STEVE. but also imagine if you wake up after having sex with a girl to a sight of her holding a baby that looks like her 😭 i would have a heart attack
You look at him, as you pull your niece closer, holding her up, you press her against your chest, “can you believe that we made a baby overnight?” 
“Oh fuck,” he mumbles before his eyes widen further at the curse word that just left his lips, “I shouldn’t have said that, shit– I mean, I’m sorry, please forget what I just said,” he rambles, as though she understood a single thing that he said. 
Realization replaces the look in your eyes – he is entering a baby fever trance, with your niece nonetheless. It makes your smile reappear, that’s how you feel too, every time you get to spend time with her. 
couldn't be me but good for you steve!!
“Just a little bit,” you slur, and raise your hand to show him as you furrow your brows and hold your thumb and pointer finger into an L shape, “so much.” 
GIRL 😭😭 if you do something embarrassing now i SWEAR
“Yeah, I think so too, honey,” he murmurs, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily, almost normal, “you don’t feel sick, do you?” 
“Billy did,” you shrug. 
Your eyes crinkle as you beam at him, stealing his breath away with simple reactions like these. 
Steve Harrington is down bad. 
“You’re feeling okay though, right?” He whispers as he slowly brings his hand up to the side of your face and he cups your cheek. 
and then she just vomits on him— im sorry
“But nothing could take me away from you, he’d just have to suck it up,” you whisper as you peck his lips again, shutting down the worries in his head. 
And then, you finally pull him into a longer kiss. 
“Can I be with you tonight?”
“You really think I’m that disgusting?” Steve asks, not bothering to hide the hurt in his voice. 
“Eat at least half of that.” He commands and you just grumble something, cutely so, underneath your breath as you take a bite. He knew you probably didn’t eat anything at the fair, a possible reason for your drunkenness.
if she doesn't want it i can eat!!
He doesn’t notice that you had turned your head to look at him again, and a wolf whistle is heard in the room, making him turn to look at you. You have a cheeky smile on your face and he feels himself blushing slightly as he laughs, taking his pants off next, leaving him in boxers only. 
“Can’t believe I fell for you, Blondie.”
I love how you went from giving yourself and argyle a ship name to saying its over LMAO
No one should ever sit in the backseat again, I agree with you 🤭
and honey, you know this is always a safe space 😌
I love all your comments 😭 THANK YOU AGAIN 🩷 I think you're gonna like the next chapter A LOT 😌
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drspencerweed · 4 years
Dreams Do Come True
Summary/Request: from anon: CONGRATS ON HITTING 500 ILYSM!!! random request,, having a wet dream about spencer while sharing a room on a case (i know, super original) and him getting all hot and bothered hearing you moan 🙈😁
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
W/C: 3484
Content: smut, fluff, friends to lovers, oral sex (both receiving), premature ejaculation, wet dream, sub!spencer
A/N: Hi! So this probably isn’t exactly what you asked for, but I started writing it and it kind of took on a mind of it’s own. I banged this out in two days, it practically wrote itself. I hope you enjoy! 
read on ao3
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Sharing a hotel room with her was normal. It was. Sure, they had never done it before, but that was just because Hotch had never randomly assigned the two of them before. So okay, it wasn’t normal by definition. But he wasn’t going to make it weird. Just because he had a small crush on her did not mean that he would let it be weird. They were colleagues, and they even spent time together outside of work too! She would come to his apartment to watch old movies, and he would go to hers so she could cook for him. So he knew he could spend time with her alone, that wasn’t the problem. 
It was the sleeping that was potentially the issue. 
His little crush had been invading his subconscious almost constantly nowadays, and he was known to talk in his sleep. He was so scared he would say something wrong in his sleep. If she overheard something like that, he knew their friendship would never recover. How can you act normal around someone who said your name in their sleep? 
He had been avoiding going to sleep before her, so he had taken Derek up on his offer for a drink in his room to talk about anything but the case they were working. 
“So when are you going to tell [Y/N] that you’re into her?” Derek asked out of nowhere. 
Spencer stuttered around the sip of his drink. “W-Who says I’m interested in her?” 
Derek just laughed and clapped Spencer on the shoulder. His cheeks were burning, a sure sign of his embarrassment at being called out. “Pretty boy, you give her heart eyes every time she walks in a room.” 
His blush deepened. “Even if I was interested, there’s a very low probability that she is also interested. So the answer to your question would be never, obviously.” Derek stopped his giggling and gave Spencer an incredulous look. 
“All that genius and you don’t see how she looks at you?” Derek asked. 
“How she looks at me?” 
“She looks at you like you hung the stars, man.” 
Spencer scoffed, brushing off the comment. “No she doesn’t.” 
Derek started laughing again, “Yes she does! Oh my god, the genius can’t read basic body language?” 
“Even if, occasionally, her body language reflected an attraction to me, it was probably because she was thinking of someone she actually was attracted to.  Statistically, most women find me awkward and-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, none of this negative self talk. You’re a catch!” 
Spencer just waved his hand at the comment, taking a long sip of his whiskey and coughing a bit as he swallowed. Derek eyed him curiously. 
“I’m telling you, you’re never gonna get anywhere if you never shoot your shot. The worst thing that could happen is she says no.” Derek advised. He shook his head and finished his drink . 
“The worst that could happen is she thinks I’m an absolute weirdo and never wants to talk to me again.” Spencer explained.
“That’s not going to happen.” Spencer rolled his eyes and shook his head. 
“I can’t risk losing her.” He insisted. Derek sighed and accepted that he was a lost cause, leaning back in his seat and changing the subject. 
Spencer made his way back to the room a few hours later, saying a silent prayer to a God he didn’t believe in that she was already asleep. The light was off, so he clicked on the bathroom light so he could see but hopefully not wake her. 
“[Y/N]?” He called quietly into the dark. All he got in response was a small whimper. He thanked his lucky stars and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 
Once he was all cleaned up and in a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt, he made his way to climb into bed. Just as he swung the sheets off, he heard a low moan from the bed next to him. It stopped him in his tracks. He turned towards her bed, looking at her face for any signs of distress. Nightmares could be debilitating; he knew from experience. But her face was peaceful, beautifully restful. He stopped again for a different reason, taking in the way her face looked as she slept. 
Then it scrunched up as she let out another moan. His eyebrows furrowed, wanting to wake her in case she was having a bad dream, but not wanting to disturb her. He swallowed thickly. 
Another moan. This one was followed quickly by a quick, “Spencer!” He reeled, unsure where his name had come up. Was she dreaming about him? Was she having a nightmare about him? Or was she calling out for his help?
She let a long, drawn out, “Oh,” and rolled from her side onto her back. He took a step forward, planning to shake her awake from what was clearly a nightmare at this point. But suddenly, “Go on, lick me.” 
Spencer stopped with his hands out above her shoulders, inches from waking her. Lick me? He mouthed to himself. What could she possibly be dreaming about? 
“Fuck, Spencer, I’m gonna cum!” She exclaimed, rolling back on her side. And-oh my gosh. Spencer took three quick steps back, realizing far too late exactly what was happening. He was entirely unsure how to react. [Y/N]? Having a sex dream about him? It was unbelievable. On his third step back, he ran right into his bed, and lost his balance. 
He fell to the floor with a crash. 
Her eyes blinked open, and he didn’t have any time to get up or move at all, so her eyes met his immediately upon waking. “Spencer? What happened?” Her voice was tired from sleep.
Spencer blinked, and immediately panicked. He was never good at lying under pressure. “I-uh. You were having a, uhm, dream. And I thought, thought it was a nightmare so-” As he spoke, [Y/N]’s face got redder and redder, and she sat up in bed and placed her face in her hands. 
“Oh no, you didn’t hear anything, did you?” She asked cautiously, barely chancing a glance up at him. He swallowed tightly and nodded. “Fuck me!” She said, throwing her head back on the pillow. Her voice sent something through him, and all he wanted was to say Okay and kiss her. But Spencer knew one didn’t control their own subconscious. Just because she had a dream about him didn’t means she actually wanted it to happen. He scrambled to his feet and cleared his throat. 
Before he could say something, anything really, she was sitting up again with a groan, rubbing her hand over her face. “Well I guess now you know about my stupid crush.” 
“Your crush?” He asked. She looked at him incredulously. 
“You heard me moan your name in my sleep. Yes, obviously, my crush. On you.” She explained matter of factly. He stuttered, trying to allow his brain to process the amount of information he had just been given. It didn’t make sense to him. [Y/N] was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, not to mention one of the most confident. She carried herself with such authority he never thought she’d look twice in his direction. Clearly, she’d want some confident alpha male who could match her energy, not his insecure nervous self. But here she was, telling him point blank that she had a crush on him. 
He didn’t know what to do. While he was standing there, stuttering, trying to gather his thoughts, [Y/N] made her way out of her bed to stand in front of him. She was only wearing a tank top and a pair of small shorts, and he could barely keep himself from staring at her body. “I had no idea.” He finally settled on saying, and she let out a loud laugh. 
“Really? Profiler extraordinaire? No idea? Why do you think I cooked for you so many times?” She smiled at him while she said it, like she couldn’t quite believe he didn’t see it. 
“I thought you just wanted to be friends!” He exclaimed, running a hand through his hair. She seemed to deflate at this, her face falling and wringing her hands together. 
“I did! I do! But I was always open to...more. I just wanted to spend time with you.” She explained, sitting back on the edge of her bed and staring down at her hands. “But you clearly have no interest in that-” 
“No! No.” He corrected quickly, and then realized with a sudden clarity that since her confession he’d done nothing to imply he felt the same. She stared up at him at his exclamation, unsure what he meant. 
“No, you’re wrong, I do have interest in that. In more.” He explained, sitting next to her. He awkwardly reached for her hand, which she offered with a small smile. Lacing their fingers together, he looked her in the eye with purpose. “I also have a crush on you. I stayed out of the room tonight because I was trying to avoid, uhm. What happened to you. I thought that might happen to me.” 
She stared at their entwined hands, and then looked back at him. “Really?” 
“Yes, really.” He smiled at her, and her face brightened immediately. She turned completely towards him and pulled him in by the neck, pressing their foreheads together. Spencer let their noses rub together, both of them still beaming. 
“I’m going to kiss you now.” She whispered, her breath fanning over his lips as she said it. Before he could even nod, her lips pressed to his. It was magic. Her lips were soft and urgent, catching his bottom lip between them. Her hands pulled him closer to her by the neck, and he let his hands find her waist, urging her closer. She climbed into his lap with his guidance, and he let his tongue slip into her mouth as she did it. Her hands roamed into his hair, pushing it off his head and carding her fingers through it, causing him to moan. She giggled into his mouth. 
“You like having your hair played with, baby?” She asked, pulling away to watch his reaction as she tugged on his roots. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he let his hands drop to her ass. He squeezed and pulled her down onto him, letting his lips find her neck. She let out a loud groan as he sucked a mark into her pulse point, but she pushed him away with both hands on his cheeks. 
“Not above the collar,” She reminded. He smirked at the idea of everyone on the team knowing what they were doing. At everyone on the team knowing that she wanted to do this with him. 
“But what if I want people to know you’re mine.” He asked, pressing a quick kiss to her lips as he said it. She smiled at him. 
“I think you’ve got this whole thing wrong then.” 
He furrowed his brow at her, unsure what he could have possibly misunderstood. 
“You, Dr. Reid, are mine.” She said, and then pushed him down onto the bed. He stared up at her perched on his lap, and let his hands roam her body. Now that he had free reign to touch, he never wanted to stop. She sighed and ran her hands down his chest, going to the bottom of his shirt and pulling it off of him. Her hands lit fires under his skin, as he gripped her by the hips and rolled his hardness into her. She chuckled at him. 
“Hard already, baby?” She teased. He moaned and threw his head back as she rotated her hips on him. “Use your words.” She ordered, gripping his face to make him look at her. 
“Yes, miss.” He answered on instinct. He immediately froze up, trying to take back the honorific when they had never discussed anything like that. It just slipped out, his little experience with being a submissive taking over because of [Y/N]’s naturally dominant role. But her eyes lit up, and she simply smirked at him. 
“Good boy.” She whispered, and pressed down hard with her hips. 
He came in his pants. 
With a loud groan and a thrust upward, he shot into his sweatpants. She chuckled as he shuddered through his orgasm, and leaned down to kiss him. As soon as he came down from the high, embarrassment overtook him. He had a chance with his dream girl, and he literally blew it not five minutes in. Because she called him a Good boy. He brought his hands up to cover his face, but she caught his wrists before he could reach. He closed his eyes and turned his face away, not ready for the ridicule that was sure to follow.
“Awh, did I make you cum?” She rolled her hips a few times, and he hissed at the oversensitivity.  “That’s so hot.” 
“W-What?” He asked, turning back towards her slowly. She was beaming at him. 
“You were so overwhelmed with me that you came so quick, what’s not hot about that?” She said, stroking his cheek. “The cutest boy, all worked up, just for me.” 
He blushed again, and swallowed as he smiled back at her. “But what about you?” 
“What about me?” She asked. His hands danced along her sides, cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples through her shirt. 
“Wanna make you feel good.” He said while she gasped. 
“What’s stopping you?” She asked with a smirk. He surged upwards and began kissing her again, only stopping to finally rip her shirt off of her and get his hands on her bare breasts. Her hands found his hair again and tugged on the strands, causing their mouths to break apart as he panted. 
“Wanna taste you.” He requested. She moaned and pulled him into another kiss, guiding his hands to touch her under her shorts. His fingers trailed through her wetness, and she moaned against his lips. Then he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them, while her eyes watched through hooded lids. He moaned around his fingers, the taste of her so intoxicating he wanted more of it.  
“You’re so fucking hot. Such a good, good boy.” She whispered, stroking his hair. Then she crawled off his lap and laid out on the bed next to him. He turned to watch her as she shimmied off her shorts. Her eyes fell to where he was still sucking on his fingers. She gestured him over to her, and he quickly crawled between her legs. She nodded towards him. “Go on then, taste me.” 
He dove in tongue first, with broad licks up and down her pussy. Her hands immediately laced through his hair, pulling him closer to her. His tongue traced from her hole to her clit. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her in, letting his lips latch onto her clit and sucking. Flicking the tip of it with his tongue, she moaned and threw her head back on the pillows. 
“Oh!” She cried, and it sounded just like when she was having the dream earlier. Spencer had a quick thought about making her dreams come true,  but brushed it to the side as idealized thinking. Then she lifted his head off of her and looked straight into his eyes. “Go on, lick me.” 
Whether she remembered her dream or not, she was clearly living out her fantasy. He lolled his tongue out of his mouth and leisurely licked over her pussy, his tongue flat and wide. She canted her hips up towards him, and he let his tongue form rapid circles around her clit. Her moans fueled his motions, and he moved one of his hands down to pressed two fingers into her. 
She whined as he entered her, and let out a quick “Spencer!” He curled his fingers while sucking on her clit again, and her thighs began to clench around his head. He found the right spot inside her by listening to her moans, and then focused all his attention there while flicking his tongue against her clit. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” She cried, tugging on his hair. He kept doing everything exactly the same, pushing her over the edge with a loud shout. He kept up his ministrations until she pushed him off from the oversensitivity. She let out a loud sigh as he pulled off, and her hands went up to clutch at her own hair for a change. Staring up at the ceiling, she let a grin cross her face as a few aftershocks rolled through her. He admired her as she came down from her high, and then moved to the bathroom to wash his hands and get a rag to clean her up. 
When he came back he went to wipe her down, but she took the rag from him. “Sit. I get to take care of you, now.” She wiped herself down and then kneeled in front of him. She pulled down his sweatpants, which stuck a little to his cock which was hard again. Smirking up at him, she began wiping him down while he hissed, the gentle touches not enough for him. Suddenly her hot mouth wrapped around his head, and he groaned out. She made quick work of him, throwing her all into the blowjob from the start, taking him as deep as possible over and over. His hands clenched in the sheets as he came for a second time, this time down her throat. 
She swallowed as he watched in awe, and then wiped down his softening cock and stood up. Silently, she made her way to the bathroom and got rid of the dirty towel. 
When she came back Spencer was still sitting on the edge of the bed. He smiled up at her and reached out a hand, which she took gladly letting him pull her in for a hug, with her standing between his knees. 
“I really like you, you know.” He said, his chin resting between her breasts as he stared up at her. 
“I know. I really like you too.” 
“Would you like to get dinner with me, when the case is over?” 
“As long as we can keep doing what we just did before then, absolutely.” She said with raised eyebrows. He let out a laugh which made her smile, and he pressed a kiss to her chest. 
“Of course.” 
“You can make my other dreams come true.” She smirked. 
“I’d love to.” 
When they walked into the precinct the next morning, [Y/N] was wearing a scarf, despite the hot Texas heat. She hadn’t quite caught Spencer in time, and he had in fact left a mark. Of course the whole team noticed.
“Oi, Pretty Boy, was [Y/N] in your room last night?” Derek asked at the coffee station. Luckily Spencer was facing away from him, so Derek didn’t see how his immediate reaction was to blanche at the memories from the night before. He gathered himself quickly.
“Yes, of course, why?” He asked as he turned around, stirring his coffee. Derek’s attention was on [Y/N], who was talking to an officer on the other side of the precinct.
“That scarf is only there to hide something, I think our lovely lady might’ve got some last night.” Derek said with a smirk. “Don’t let it break your heart, you still have a chance!” He turned to Spencer and clapped him on the shoulder, who was blushing intensely at the tease. [Y/N] had, in fact, ‘got some’, and he was the some she got with. Derek noticed he was off. 
“C’mon, I’m just teasing. She probably didn’t get a chance to-” While he was talking, Spencer caught [Y/N]’s eye from across the room. She smirked at him and waved, and he smiled and waved back. Derek cut himself off when he saw Spencer’s wave, turning to see just as [Y/N]’s face turned back to the officer she was talking to. “Oh my god. You crazy man, you actually did it!” Derek exclaimed, shaking Spencer. 
Spencer spluttered, shaking his head. “N-No, it’s not like that, I-” 
“I don’t need all the details, I just need to know it happened. Because it did happen, didn’t it?” He asked, trying to look Spencer in the eye, but the latter was aggressively avoiding eye contact. Spencer pursed his lips to try and contain his smile as he nodded. “My man!” Derek exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. 
Spencer caught [Y/N]’s eye again over Derek’s shoulder, and the smile she gave him made him smile right back. 
They had dreams to realize tonight.
Final A/N: thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! 
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fantasies ~ ewan mcgregor
word count: 2168
request?: yes!
@victoriaharkness​ “smut with ewan mcgregor when reader doesn't know how to tell him about her sexual fantasies(light bdsm,sir kink type thing) ?”
description: in which her reputation as the innocent one makes it hard for her to tell him all her sexual fantasies
pairing: ewan mcgregor x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
masterlist (one, two)
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One of the best and worst things about having a reputation of being “innocent” was the reactions you got when you told your partners about your kinks.
They weren’t even intense kinks or anything, but the fact that you were into something besides just plain vanilla sex often shocked whoever you were with at the time. You even had one ex tell you he thought you were a virgin before him, which made you laugh in his face. It was safe to say that relationship didn’t last much longer after that.
You had plenty of practice telling your partners about what you were into sexually, and you had definitely gotten used to the wide variety of reaction you got from telling them. However, for some reason, you were still finding it hard to try and tell Ewan about your kinks.
You had never worried about a negative reaction from any of your exes, but with Ewan it was different. Even in the short amount of time that you were together, you knew that he was someone you wanted to be with for the rest of your life. You were sure he wouldn’t judge you for your kinks, but there was still that small part of your brain that was convinced that maybe he would. Maybe he wouldn’t be into them, or maybe he wouldn’t like that you weren’t as innocent as he thought you were. You were terrified of ruining the relationship even though you kept mentally reminding yourself that it wouldn’t be your fault if Ewan wasn’t into the things you liked.
You had been trying to tell him for days, but every time you would build up the courage to ask him you would immediately chicken out again. The longer it took for you to get the words out, the more nervous you became. The anticipation of finally doing it was starting to grow and you were terrified to finally get it out.
When you did finally manage to tell him...well, it wasn’t exactly the best time.
You were both watching a movie at his place. Your nervousness was starting to bubble over, and when a sex scene started in the movie you knew you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“I’m into BDSM.”
Ewan looked at you with confusion and you could feel your face heating up with embarrassment. Good timing, (Y/N).
You sighed and looked down at your lap. You couldn’t face him, but you also couldn’t take back what you said. It was out there now, no turning back.
“I’ve been trying to tell you for a while,” you started. “But I kept chickening out, and...I guess I couldn’t keep it in for any longer.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone thinks I’m so innocent in the bedroom because I’m so innocent in public, but the truth is...I’m into BDSM. Like...light BDSM. I like being tied up, sometimes blindfolded and gagged, and choked and spanked, and I like to be called pet or princess, and I like calling my partner sir on certain occasions. I know it doesn’t really seem like much, but it always shocks people when I tell them and I didn’t want to keep it a secret from you for much longer.”
“And you decided now, while we’re watching a movie on the couch, was a good time to tell me?”
You cringed at this. God, you ruined the mood!
“I...I guess having it on my mind plus the sex scene just made keeping the secret too unbearable. I wanted to get it out there and to finally have it off my chest because I’ve been dreading your reaction for days now. Not that I think you’d react badly, but you can never really know how people will take learning that type of thing, and if it’s not something you’re into personally I understand, and - ”
You were cut off by Ewan’s lips roughly pressing against yours. His hands roughly grabbed your body, pulling you onto his lap and holding you tightly against him. You were shocked at first, but found it easy to melt into this kiss. Shivers were running up and down your spine as his hands explored your body.
You tried to deepen the kiss by attempting to slip your tongue into his mouth, but he grabbed your throat and pushed you away. You gasped as his grip around your throat tightened slightly, just enough to make you feel lightheaded.
“Listen to me,” he said, “you will not do anything unless I tell you to, and you will do absolutely everything I say. Do you understand?” You nodded and your eyes widened as his hold tightened slightly again. “Use your words, pet.”
“Yes what?”
Fuck! You could feel your panties becoming more and more damp with every word he said. “Yes sir.”
“Good girl.”
He kissed you again before picking you up in his arms and heading towards his bedroom, your movie abandoned all together.
He threw you down onto the bed and hovered over you. You wanted nothing more than to lean up and kiss him, or to pull him down on top of you, but you weren’t sure of what type of punishment that would inflict on you.
After a moment, he kissed your forehead and stood. You watched him approach his closet and rummage in it for a moment before coming back with a tie in his hand. He looked down at you as he approached the bed, cupping your cheek with one hand and running his thumb across your lip. Almost instinctively, you took his thumb in your mouth and began to suck on it. He groaned at the action and you could see the bulge in his pants becoming bigger.
Ewan took his hand away from your face and took hold of your shirt, roughly pulling it off and throwing it onto the floor. He then shoved you down onto the bed and took hold of your wrists in his hands. He held them above your head and straddled your body so that you couldn’t move. He began tying your wrists to the headboard, making sure there was no way you’d be able to escape your restraints.
With you officially under his mercy, he knelt between your legs and ran his hands over your exposed upper half. You shivered as his hands ran up from your stomach, specifically coming to stop on your breasts. You let out a whimper as he pinched your nipples between his fingers. He leaned forward, purposely pressing himself between your legs to tease you further.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as his lips pressed against your neck, kissing and sucking there until he was sure he had left a hickey on you. He started to move down then, kissing painfully slowly down your body. He kissed and nipped at your boobs, taking each of your nipples in his mouth and sucking on them for a while. Your breathing started to increase as he got closer and closer to the place where you wanted him most.
He stopped just above the waistband of your pants, his hands reaching up to grab them but not making any motions to remove them.
“Do you want these gone, princess?” he asked.
“Y-Yes sir,” you stuttered out.
He pulled your pants down your legs, leaving you in just your panties. Ewan kissed your thighs and around your panties, making sure not to kiss you in the one spot that you wanted more than anything. Your head pressed against your pillow as you let out little whimpers. You had to stop yourself from bucking your hips up desperately, knowing that would definitely earn you a punishment.
“Do you want these gone, too?” he asked, pulling your panties aside enough that he could rub your swollen clit. You gasped as you tried to respond, but every time you opened your mouth he would rub a little faster. “Come on, pet, tell me exactly what you want.”
“I-I want you,” you finally managed.
“Where do you want me?”
You moaned as he slipped a finger into your wet pussy, pumping it in and out at a painfully slow pace.
“I want you inside me,” you said. “Fuck, please put your cock so deep inside of me.”
Ewan smirked at this. “Beg some more, princess, and maybe I’ll put my cock in you.”
You almost sighed with frustration. You loved the teasing, but you were becoming so unbearably horny. All you wanted was for Ewan to fuck you until you couldn’t walk properly.
You looked up at him with innocent eyes, knowing that would drive him absolutely insane. “Pretty please, sir, put your cock so deep inside of me and make me cum all over it.”
You tried not to let your satisfaction show when your words got you exactly what you wanted. Ewan’s eyes widened and he wasted no time in pulling your panties off. You moaned as he kissed your wet core once before sitting back on his legs and starting to take his clothes off.
You watched him with anticipation, taking in every inch of the body that you loved to look at. You could feel your arousal growing as he pulled his hard member out. He pulled your legs apart and teased your entrance with his tip.
Your wrists pulled against your restraints as he slowly pushed into you, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and feel his body pressing against yours. He took your legs and wrapped them around his waist, helping him to get as deep inside of you as you wanted.
Luckily, he decided he was finished with the teasing. The moment he was deep inside of you, he started moving slowly just to let you adjust to his size inside of you, before his hips started to speed up. His thrusting became rough and the sound of his skin slapping against yours mixed with your moans and screams of pleasure.
You could feel yourself building up to your orgasm already. Your legs were starting to tremble and you could feel the familiar pressure building in your stomach, threatening to be let go at any moment.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered through moans.
“Not yet, princess,” Ewan said. “You better hold that until I give you permission.”
This just drove you even more wild. You weren’t sure how you were going to keep yourself from just letting go right at that moment. You wondered what Ewan would have in mind as punishment if you disobeyed him.
Part of you wanted to be naughty just to see what he would do. This was a whole new side that you were only just getting to see, you could only imagine what he would have in mind to punish you. But you decided not to explore that part of him just yet. You wanted to savior every moment of this very dominant Ewan.
His thrusts were becoming quicker and you could feel him twitching inside of you. His hand found your throat and he squeezed slightly on it again, bringing back that lightheaded feeling from earlier. You were trying to hold out on your orgasm as much as you could, but it was starting to get too difficult.
“I-I can’t h-hold it,” you told him. “Please, sir, can I cum?”
“You can cum now, princess.”
The words were barley out of his mouth when a warming sensation filled your body. Your walls tightened around Ewan’s length as you came so hard you were sure you were seeing stars. Feeling your orgasm was enough to push him over the edge as well, and you felt him filling you up shortly after.
You whimpered as he pulled out of you, immediately missing his contact. He untied your wrists and laid next to you on the bed. You rolled over and cuddled into his side, your body still shaking from your orgasm.
“Was that what you meant when you were telling me about your kinks?” he asked, a slight smile on his face.
You giggled. “It definitely was. I’m glad you had a positive reaction to it, though.”
“Why would you think I wouldn’t? Out of all the things you could tell me, being into BDSM was definitely the least serious of it all.”
You shrugged. “It usually shocks people when I say it because everyone thinks I’m so innocent. I’ve had past boyfriends leave me for it for one reason or another.”
Ewan shook his head. “Leaving someone because of a mild sexual preference is very silly. I’d never leave you because of that. I’ll just have to hope I live up to whatever fantasies you have.”
You giggled and kissed his cheek. “You live up to every fantasy I’ve ever had, whether you’re into the same stuff that I am or not.”
Ewan smiled back at you. You both settled into the bed and found yourselves drifting off to sleep within moments.
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cinnamonrusts · 4 years
sparda twins -- reactions
The Sparda twins reactions that you're pregnant with not just one, but two of their children.
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You paced the bathroom several times as you gnawed on your thumbnail. Your eyes did not leave the plastic stick that was sitting on the edge of the sink near the toilet. The packaging read that results would be ready in five minutes, but the wait had it feeling like five hours.
Dante had left on a run for some take out and you knew that it was all the way across town, so it left you some free time to figure out your "little" situation. You hadn't told him anything. How could you? The two of you were not in an exactly "family friendly" business. Last thing Dante would need to worry about was a mini Sparda.
You had enough of waiting and snatched the test from the counter. Your eyes narrowed as they fixated on the single horizontal pink line, but widened when it turned into a plus. The blood in your body ran cold and your throat grew dry. It was as if the + sign mocked you and your stomach felt sick. You knew it would happen, Dante called himself the pull out king. Yeah - fucking - right, and this proved him to be very wrong.
The evidence needed to be disposed of, so you wrapped it several times in some toilet paper and shoved it in the trash can. Dante hardly took the trash out and it would be unlikely that he would decide to scour the garbage, so you felt safe. Now all you would have to do is just keep it a secret until you decided how to approach it.
It didn't last long and soon Nico was on the other end of the phone. She let out a happy, "'Eller!" but was greeted by a loud sob along with unintelligible babble. "Woah! Woah! [Y/N], you gotta repeat yourself. I couldn't make out a damn thing! You okay?" the brunette asked, concerned. "I'M PREGNANT!" your sobs now made sense. "Oh, shit," she replied. "Yeah, oh shit is right."
"Did you tell Dante yet?"
You scoffed, "No. I don't think I can," as you spoke on the phone in the kitchen, your eyes fixed on a photo on the fridge of you and your devil hunter boyfriend. The two of you looked so happy and Dante's smile was so bright, the vibes that radiated from the picture kind of gave you some assurance. Maybe Dante would react well to the news and maybe he'd give the same smile of glee at the idea of being a father.
"But you're going to have to at some point. How you goin' to explain a giant belly here in a few months?" Nico was right, there was no way around it. You pinched the bridge of your nose and closed your eyes tight, "Could you maybe -- I dunno, take me to the doctor?" Nico replied, "I'll be there in a jiff!"
Just as you hung up, Dante walked in with two large bags that smelled of Chinese food. "Food is here and beer is in the fridge!" he waddled into the kitchen and his happy expression turned to one of concern when he noticed you looked upset. "Hey, darlin', you alright?" he set the bags down on the floor and slid to your side, his arms around your waist. His musk along with the heavy smell of greasy Chinese food almost threw you over the edge and caused you to gag. You placed your hand on his chest to prevent him from getting closer. His brows furrowed as he tried to understand what was wrong but the loud horn of Nico's van interrupted. "I'm going out with Nico. I'll be back," you brushed past him, grabbed your coat, and dashed out the door.
You were able to take a breath once you jumped into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. Your head rested on the back of the seat and your eyes closed, "Thanks for the ride." Nico placed a hand on your thigh and nodded, "No problem, girlfriend."
Several hours passed and you weren't home yet. Dante's mind raced with different things he could've done to make you so upset. Was it because he hadn't taken the trash out? He would do that soon. Was it because he hadn't shown his appreciation for you relationship lately? He would go tonight to get you some flowers. So, the man did just that. Dante took the overflowed trash out. Then he made sure to hurry, so, that he would be home before you. Dante chose a bouquet of white roses and a goofy card. The card had two hot dogs on the front who held hands with smiles on their faces. It read, "Hot dog! You make me happy!" Dante got a kick out of it and figured you would too. The devil hunter wrote a quick, cheesy blurb in a scribbled mess and signed with his name plus a heart.
He opened the door and was surprised to see you in a chair near the entrance. You seemed to be in a trance and were startled by Dante’s sudden appearance. “I got you these!” he handed his gifts over but his happiness was dropped when you didn’t seem very happy to receive them.
“Dante, I have something I need to tell you.” you found it hard to keep your eyes on his. “Well, here it goes---,” your nose inhaled, then exhaled deeply, “I’m pregnant.”
Dante’s face was void of emotion before he burst into laughter. You grew angry and your facial expressions matched it. “That’s a good one, babe. Whew!,” he clapped his hands and winced a bit with his hand on his side, “Ow! That laugh made me pull a muscle.”
“I’m serious, Dante. I’m pregnant.” you reiterated. “With --- emotion?” he asked as his eyes shifted side to side.
“What? No! With a baby!”
Once Dante heard it for the third time, he realized it all. He was going to be a father and you were going to be the one who would usher in another lineage of the Sparda bloodline. Dante rushed to your side and took a knee as he kneeled beside you. His palm immediately made its way to your stomach as he pictured the life that was within. “Hey there, little buddy.” You cleared your throat into a closed fist which drew his attention to your face. Your right hand raised slowly and you twiddled your two first fingers in the air with a small smile.
That same grin that shined in the photo on your fridge grew across his lips. Both of his hands grabbed either side of your lower torso and he stared at your stomach. “You mean, there’s two of me in there?!” His expressions were warm and overjoyed, relief crashed over you as this situation turned out better than you thought. 
“I’m gonna really need to get outta debt.”
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Your body spoke to you and told you that something was going on. Every morning you felt ill and you could devour anything in sight until nausea overtook you. Lady asked if there was any possibility that you could be pregnant. A snort left your nostrils, “Impossible. Vergil and I don’t have sex enough for that to happen.” your mate was normally not home, you often slept in an empty bed more than one occupied by his strong body. But anytime he was, the act of intimacy could tear the walls down of his brother’s building. He was a focused and controlled man, he knew what he needed to do to prevent another child in his life. You were okay with that, your job was not one that was prime for being a parent. So, there was no doubt in your mind that this was nothing but a simple stomach bug.
“I don’t know, all your symptoms point to it, [Y/N]. Maybe you should take a test,” she attempted to reason with you and you eventually gave in.
The entire time you played it off as just something you did for Lady so that she would get off your back about it. You sat on the closed toilet lid and held the test loosely in between your fingers. The box read that it would take about ten minutes for a result, so you avoided looking at it until roughly around that. But your heart dropped into your stomach when the test did not read negative, but positive. “Shit --- Lady was right.” your cursed and your head dropped between your knees as your mind raced.
Vergil just found out that he had a son, Nero, and now you would throw him the information that he would have now an infant on the way. It was a conversation that you did not want to have. Vergil was a reserved man who did not show you his emotions often or expressed them publicly. You knew he loved you but it took quite sometime for him to open up to you about the fact. He put back his one track set mind toward power and made you a priority in his life. However, he had issues with being around his brother, son, and the other’s -- so he often went off on his own. You learned that this was something he wanted and you did not want to force yourself to go with him always. 
So, this news would not be easy to break to him when he would return in about a week. With the test clenched in your hand, you opened the door to leave the bathroom to only be greeted by Lady who was leaned against the walls with arms crossed. “So, what’s the prognosis?” she pushed herself from the wall and followed you as you pushed past her. You tossed the test into the air with your fingers and she caught it, “What do you think?” you answered before she was able to see for herself. The female was shocked to see that she was correct but didn’t want to say that she told you so.
You were about to slam your room door shut but her boot stopped it, “What’re you going to tell Vergil?” Your back was turned toward her and you faced the window as you observed the rain that pattered against the window. “Fuck if I know. How do you tell someone like him that he’s going to be a father... again.” Lady was silent, you turned on your heels to face her, “Exactly.”
Lady took your hand in hers and gave you a comforting smile, “Hey, he won’t be home for like what-- another week? Let’s get you to the doctor, we’ll figure something out.” You smiled faintly in return, “You’re a hell of a lady, Lady,” she batted her eyelashes, “Oh, I know.~”
A Week Later --
Lady was in your room with you and the door was closed, the two of you spoke of your plan of how you would drop the bomb on your half demon boyfriend.
“Do you really think Vergil will accept it?” you asked just as the white haired man opened the door, “Accept what?” he asked coolly. Lady closed her mouth and first looked at Vergil, then to you, “I’ll just let you guys have some alone time,” she slinked past the Sparda man and closed the door behind her. His gaze never left you and his strong features were unmoved.
You attempted to embrace him as you wrapped your arms around his neck but he gave you a slight push away before you could place a kiss on his cheek. “Will you tell me what you were talking about?” You bit your lower lip and hesitated to confess to him. Vergil took hold of your chin with his fingertips, “Speak.”
You swallowed hard, his blue eyes did not waver and they were just so beautiful that you couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’m --- pregnant,” you whispered. It was like time moved to slow motion, Vergil observed each syllable that came from your lips. Pregnant? Pregnant. Pregnant.
 A twitch in Vergil’s furrowed brows caught your attention, it proceeded to twitch several times before he closed his eyes and released his grip on your chin. “How?” You shrugged, “I thought we were careful every time, even with our more adventurous hookups.” He didn’t speak and just listened, “Why?”
“Why?” you repeated, “That’s what happens, Vergil. I can’t really make it anymore clear.” As per usual, you couldn’t read him and his thoughts were a mystery to you.
“So, I’ll be a father once again. At least I’m currently aware of this one.” he sighed.
“Two,” you interjected. It was as if you could see his ears perk up when you mentioned a number higher than he assumed. “Two? Another set of Sparda twins...” he was quiet before you could see a small smile on his lips. Vergil called for you to come to him, which you obeyed.
He wrapped his right arm around your upper half. His left hand rested on your stomach with a loved filled touch. His chin rested on top of your head as he imagined what they looked like and what life would be like in several months.
He thought to himself, maybe -- just maybe -- he truly deserved a happy life, despite all the things he had done. He now felt a stronger urge to want to be around you, the babies, and even Dante more. 
“Do I deserve this happiness, [Y/N]?” 
Your hand rested on his that was still on your stomach, “Of course. You always have.”
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spyrothesquish-0006 · 3 years
Can I ask about the brothers visiting an MC in a coma, assumedly sometime after they left their 1 year school year at Devildom? Also would it be bad to ask for a platonic/familial relationship instead of romantic?
How the brothers react to visiting GN!MC in a coma (platonic)
Warnings: None besides hospital and coma mentions, also if you're uncomfy with platonic kisses I'm sorry 😢 I see Asmo as very touchy-feely so even if it's a strictly platonic/familial relationship, it would not be rare for him to kiss your cheeks. And platonic requests are always fine! I hope you enjoy!😊
• surprisingly was not the first to find out, but once he did, he was quick to be at your side
• depending on how you got to be in a coma changes his reaction
• if it's because someone hurt you, Lucifer will be on a war path to make whoever did it pay dearly for hurting someone in his family
• if it's because of an accident, his worry over you will increase, never wanting to see you in such a state again
• will take whatever measures necessary to make sure you stay safe once you wake up
• if the coma is due to an illness, Lucifer will do everything in his power to get you the best treatment possible
• only the best doctors and nurses are fit to care for his family
• if allowed, he will move you to a devildom hospital to be treated
• will not be leaving your side any time soon
• if you thought this demon didn't sleep before, it's even worse now
• he will stay by your side and hold your hand until he sees your eyes open again
• the paperwork in his office might pile up, but honestly he couldn't care less
• you become his #1 priority
• would often pet his hand over your hair and talk to you at night
• even if you can't hear him, he still tells you how important you are to him and his brothers
• "We're all worried about you, MC. You need to wake up. Please.."
• the minute he knows you're in the hospital he takes off, not even stopping long enough to learn why or that you're in a coma
• completely loses it when he sees you in the hospital bed
• it's a mix between fear of losing you, and anger at whatever it is that put you in that coma
• even if it was in no way his fault, he still blames himself for not being there to protect you
• still feels a bit guilty even if it's something completely out of his control, like an illness
• will be by your side any chance he gets
• definitely tries to curl up in the hospital bed with you
• if he isn't allowed to/there isn't enough space, he will curse until the entire hospital knows infernal curse words
• nothing gets between him and MC, that's his family!
• if for some reason he has to leave your side, his crows are stationed outside your window until he gets back to watch over you
• would call in any favors he has to if it means paying for the best medical care, or finding healing potions
• he remembers Satan once saying how if someone is in a coma, that they can still hear
• he often talks to you as if you're awake and responding, late night conversations lessening his worry about you, but sometimes these end in tears if he gets too carried away, knowing you're not responding and might not any time soon
• "Be a good human and wake up, won't ya? You got us all so worried, and it ain't fair."
• once he hears the words "MC" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, he has the worst panic attack imaginable
• accidentally summons Lotan and destroys part of the HoL in his panic
• races to the hospital, not caring who he has to talk to or push past to get to you
• all he cares about is his Henry being okay!
• hospitals aren't really his favorite place, being filled with people and germs, but he will stay by your side until you wake up, no exceptions
• he basically moves into your hospital room
• brings his and yours favorite handheld games and plays them all hours of the day and night
• doesn't want to fall asleep in case you wake up
• even though it makes him a blushy mess, he sits on the edge of your hospital bed and keeps his tail firmly wrapped around your hand to "hold" it while he plays video games
• even if you aren't awake, he still watches your favorite animes with you, hoping that maybe the sound of it will make you want to open your eyes
• "Hey, MC, this is your favorite episode right? Do you think maybe you could open your eyes and watch it with me?"
• once he knows you're in a coma he rushes to the hospital and immediately sets to work questioning every doctor and nurse that's treating you
• wants to know everything, why you're in a coma, for how long, what can he or any of his brothers do to help you?
• if the doctors treating you are not to his standards, he will throw a temper tantrum until better ones are brought in for you
• refuses to even entertain the idea that you might not wake up
• he gets very irratible with everyone and everything, but it's only because of how worried he is about you
• he may be pissy and quick to let his temper flare, but he's nothing but gentle with you
• he always holds your hand, sitting by your bedside and reading to you to calm his wrath and worry
• he picks only your favorite books, eyes flicking expectantly between the pages and you when he gets to your favorite parts, hoping that just maybe they'd excite you enough to wake up
• "MC, I brought your favorite again. We left off on chapter 6 right? I know your favorite part is coming up, so give my hand a little squeeze once we get to it, okay?"
• nearly faints when he hears you're in a coma
• once he's at the hospital, he demands to know everything
• Who, what, where, when, he accepts nothing but the most thorough answers possible
• is so wracked with worry that he actually forgets his own routines while he takes care of you, not bothering with his lengthy skincare routine or his beauty sleep, instead focusing on yours
• even if you're out cold, you still should be looking your best and be taken care of!
• after all, he would never leave his family helpless to take care of themselves
• he often talks to you while he brushes your hair or does your skincare for you, never wanting to let you fall behind on the gossip
• talking to you also keeps his nerves in check, often falling asleep while he fills you in on what everyone has been up to
• if he doesn't fall asleep while talking to you, he most likely ends up sleeping while scrolling through devilgram posts, curled up in your bed with you so he can still cuddle you until you wake up
• while he holds you he often peppers your face in gentle kisses, murmuring his affections for you and saying how much all of his brothers care about you
• he'd often call you sleeping beauty at night, but now that nickname leaves a bitter taste in his mouth
• "Do me a favor darling and wake up, hmm? It's so boring without you to talk to. If you wake up soon, I'll take you on a shopping spree, alright?"
• worried sick once he knows you're in a coma, rushing to the hospital and refusing to leave your side
• he doesn't even feel hungry as he watches over you, far too worried about you being okay to think about eating for once
• seeing you so fragile looking in the hospital bed reminds him too much of losing Lilith
• plants himself by your bed and is incredible gentle while he holds your hand
• he knows how strong he is, and seeing you in a hospital bed makes him even more wary about accidentally hurting you
• he does have to eat eventually, almost snacking on things in the hospital room before a worried nurse got him some food from the cafeteria
• it may not be the best quality, but he honestly doesn't care that much
• if it means he can stay by your side, he'd eat dirt
• despite how worried he is about you, he keeps a brave face and is always smiling and laughing as he talks to you, telling you about all the things him and his brothers have done after your year at RAD ended
• he always brings your favorite snacks when he sits with you, hoping that maybe you'll be hungry enough to wake up and eat with him again
• "MC, I brought your favorite snacks again, I'm sorry I ate them last time...if you wake up before I get hungry they're all yours though! I can get you more if you're still hungry after."
• to everyone's surprise, he was the first to know you were in a coma
• he often visited you in your dreams after you left RAD, making sure you didn't have any nightmares and to just chat with you
• so when he went to visit you in your latest dream, you told him how you were in the hospital and couldn't wake up just yet while your body healed
• he promised to relay the information to his brothers and was quick to be at your side
• he's less worried about your condition than his brothers, only because he can still visit you while you "sleep"
• just because it's not as bad doesn't mean he has no worries though
• part of him is scared that one day he'll try to visit you and you just won't be there dreaming anymore
• because of this fear, he sleeps as often as he can
• self care isn't exactly his strong hold, so he figures his brothers will take better care of you than he can
• instead of helping you physically, Belphie helps you mentally
• he makes sure you never feel lonely in your coma
• he keeps any bad dreams or negative thoughts away, and he never lets you lose hope about waking up, no matter how long your coma lasts
• to make things more fun, he often alters your dreams so you two can go on adventures
• if you feel like flying? He's got you. Wanna be pirates for the day? There's a sword an eyepatch waiting for you
• even though he can still spend time with you in your coma, he still insists on being at your side physically too
• would bring your favorite blankets and pillows and plushies to put in bed with you so you stay comfortable
• is another brother who would curl up in the hospital bed with you, even letting you use his pillow until you wake up
• snuggles you like a koala 25/8 and sleepy mumbles into your ear are common
• "mm, MC? I know it's fun and all, but you gotta wake up at some point dummy. Don't make me go in there and drag you out."
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eliemo · 4 years
Love Our Way
Summary: Virgil knew he should have said something right there. But he didn’t, because he knew that would be the end.
Notes: Ace Virgil fic with romantic LAMP
TWs: Mentions of sex but no details. A little bit of internalized acephobia but barely, Virgil just has negative self esteem.
They’d been together a few months now and it had been, without a doubt, the best few months of Virgil’s life. 
It’d been a bit nerve wracking in the beginning, those first couple of weeks, as excited and thrilled as he was, Virgil had been extra paranoid about doing something wrong, about giving them any reason to lose feelings for him. 
He honestly hadn’t thought it could work at first. Relationships rarely worked out with two people, let alone four. Eventually they would fight, or lose feelings, or decide it was all too complicated. And things would get awkward and they could all end up hating each other and who knew what it would do to Thomas if they could no longer stand to be in the same room—
But they didn’t. By some miracle, that never happened.
Things were...things were perfect, as scared as Virgil had been to use the word. They’d been amazing ever since the anxious side was allowed to join their family, the love and warmth a wonderful kind of overwhelming he’d never felt before, but actually dating the people he loved more than anything, no longer needing to be afraid to express his feelings…
It was more than he’d ever thought he would get. More than he ever thought could be possible. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it was real. 
They fit together like puzzle pieces, making each other stronger, pushing each other to be better, gentle and encouraging, coexisting in peaceful harmony. 
Virgil had never felt so welcomed, so surrounded by unconditional support and affection. They showed him just how much he had to offer. For the first time he’d actually felt like he wasn’t just a burden. 
It was hard, especially when it took a while to convince himself that he wasn’t invited into the relationship out of convenience, but because they actually wanted him. 
But they loved him. He knew that now. They all loved each other, flaws and all. 
And, well...Virgil should have known it wouldn't last forever. 
Not for him. Because...because that was just the way things were, wasn’t it? He’d made progress, he wasn’t the bad guy anymore, but he was still Anxiety. Things were just destined to go wrong. 
He really hadn’t given a single thought. It never crossed his mind as something that could ever be a problem, even when they had initially gotten together. No one else seemed intent on bringing it up, so Virgil had figured they never would. 
But then it had. Logan had brought the topic up about a week ago, somewhat awkward but still painfully casual, the conversation simply to discuss everyone’s level of comfort when it came to intimacy. 
Which...yeah, Virgil guessed it made sense. They were dating, the four of them happy and comfortable with their relationship, and had been for months now. So obviously sex was going to get brought up eventually. Boundaries needed to be set before...anything actually happened. It was routine for a healthy relationship. 
Except Virgil hadn’t actually thought they would ever talk about it. Because he’d known for a long time that he was asexual and he’d just...kind of assumed the others were too.
Which in retrospect, was a stupid conclusion to jump to. 
Virgil had known for years now, long before befriending the others. It had taken him a while to be sure, lots of research and panic and overthinking, but he’d eventually grown comfortable with the label. It was just another part of who he was. 
But he’d also never really understood why. Thomas wasn’t asexual so it didn’t make any sense for Virgil to have a separate identity. 
Unless it was just something all the sides experienced, none of them able to feel that kind of attraction.
But he’d never actually gotten around to asking. No one brought it up, and before the...development in their relationship it never seemed like something that would be an issue. So he’d just assumed, and ran with it. 
But clearly that wasn’t the case. Not when Roman and Patton were responding to Logan’s question with varying levels of eagerness and approval, comfortable and willing to take the next step when they were all ready.  
And Virgil knew he should have said something right there. They had given him the perfect opportunity to come out, quick and easy, and avoid anything uncomfortable in the future. 
But he didn’t. Because...because that would be the end, wouldn’t it? 
They would be sweet about it, of course. Thank him for being honest. But if he was the only one who didn’t want that...well, what was the point of him being a part of things? 
It was a cruel thing to assume, he knew that. None of them were shallow enough to see sex as something necessary, and he knew they would never force him into anything. 
But...but he already offered so little. They already had to jump through so many hoops to accommodate his anxiety, and it wasn’t like he was particularly loving or good at romance, as hard as he tried. As loving and amazing as they were, this could simply be the final straw. 
He wanted to be with them. He wanted them in every other way. He loved them more than anything. But he wouldn’t fight it when they ended up distancing themselves from him. 
Virgil just wasn’t ready for that heartbreak yet. So he plastered on a fake smile, and nodded along with the others.
 He’d tell them tomorrow. The longer he waited, the worse it would be. 
“Movie night!” Patton declared, skipping into the living room where Virgil was scrolling aimlessly on his phone. “And don’t think you’re getting out of it this time, Virge!”
Virgil tried to ignore the way his stomach twisted at the phrasing, swallowing against rising panic and sending Patton a smile. It was just movie night, same as every Friday. 
It had been two weeks now, and he still hadn’t told them. He’d managed to avoid last week’s movie night with the excuse of an upset stomach, desperately trying not to think about what they could be doing without him. 
And now...now he’d have to tell. They’d already be upset he waited this long, he couldn’t put it off any longer. 
Besides, they’d all be in the same bed all night, as they often were, relaxed and happy and enjoying each other’s company. They wouldn’t ever force him into something he wasn’t comfortable with, even if they wanted nothing to do with him after he came out. 
He’d lied, after all. He should have told them right away. 
“I'll be right there,” he said, forcing a smile as Patton made his way upstairs to his bedroom where the others were likely waiting. “Just...give me a second.” 
This was it, then. Hopefully afterwards, it wouldn’t be too awkward. Hopefully they would still be willing to keep him around as a friend. 
They were all waiting for him by the time he made it to Roman’s room, the three of them sprawled out on the bed in a pile of laughs and smiles, and Virgil’s heart felt like it was trying to break through his chest. 
He loved them so much. He wanted nothing more than to forget all of this and be held in their arms, content and warm until the sun came up. 
But putting it off wasn’t fair to them. And it wasn’t fair to him either. 
“Virgil!” Roman exclaimed, and Virgil felt lightheaded at the fond, excited looks he was being given. “Come help us choose a movie!” 
He almost chickened out again, just for a second. But he couldn’t panic. Not until it was out in the open and he could deal with the consequences. 
After tonight, he could very well end up alone again. Isolated like a villain. 
Why did he have to keep turning out to be different? Why was he always meant to end up alone? 
“In a second,” he said, stopping just inside the doorway. “I...I need to say something first, if that’s ok.”
Their smiles dropped slightly, but their gentle, welcoming expressions never wavered. The three of them sat up in bed, scooting forward as Patton nodded. 
“Of course, honey,” he said. “What’s on your mind?” 
He was actually doing this. He just...had to figure out how to start. 
Virgil took a breath and stuffed his hands in his pockets to hide how they’d begun to shake. “Just to- just to get it out there to make it easier for you guys...I- I get it if you want to break up with me after this.”  
That got their attention, their heads snapping up with wide, wary eyes. Virgil couldn’t quite bring himself to look at them anymore. 
“I’m just saying,” he muttered, and god he was shaking so bad. “I’ll understand.” 
The silence only stretched on another few seconds before Logan cleared his throat. “We’re listening, Virgil.” 
Ok. Ok he could do this. He...really should have planned out what he was going to say first. 
“I should have told you right away,” he started. “I know I should have. It’s not fair to you guys and I’m...I’m really sorry that I didn’t. I wasn’t trying to...to lie or- or lead you on or anything, I just...love you guys. A lot. I’ve loved being with you and I wasn’t ready to...you know...ruin that.” 
“Virge? What...what did you do, darling?” 
It was passed off as a joke, the Prince forcing a small smile, but there was serious concern behind it. 
Virgil quickly shook his head. “It’s not...I didn’t realize that it would be, you know, an issue. But you guys want...you want someone who’s not...me. Because- because I’m…” 
Say it, just say it. 
“I’m asexual. And you guys...I shouldn’t have kept that from you. I’m sorry. I’m just...sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” 
And that was...it. That was it. They knew now. 
They knew, and they could react how they wanted. If they were angry, Virgil wouldn’t blame him. If they were disgusted and demanded he leave...Virgil wouldn’t fight it, no matter how badly it hurt. 
He knew them better than to truly assume that would be the case, but the thought was still there. 
Furious or not, there was no way they’d trust him enough to keep him in the relationship. 
But he had to hold it together until the end of the conversation. He’d escape as soon as they let him, and then...and then he’d readjust to being alone. 
Unfortunately, none of them seemed particularly inclined to answer, the silence stretching on a moment too long. He risked a glance up from the floor, hunching his shoulders when he caught Logan’s eye. 
“Virgil,” the logical side said. “Come sit down, please.”
He quickly shook his head, taking a step back. He didn’t need a long, drawn out ending to this. He wouldn’t be able to hold it together that long. 
“You...you guys don’t have to--” 
“Virgil,” Patton cut him off, scooting aside to make room. “Come over here and talk to us.” 
And he’d never be able to deny Patton anything, would he? Not when he sounded so desperate. 
Virgil moved forward on shaky legs, focusing solely on his breathing to keep himself from crying, ending up seated in between Patton and Logan, Roman pressed up against the moral side. 
“This doesn’t need to be a conversation,” he said, just wanting to get out. “I...I said I would understand.” 
Virgil jumped when there was a hand against his cheek, Logan suddenly cupping his jaw and turning his head until they were face to face, the logical side’s eyes piercing behind his glasses. 
“Virgil,” Logan started, sounding almost breathless. “How...on earth could you think this would end in a break up?” 
Virgil blinked, wondering if this was some kind of trick question. “What? I don’t--” 
“Darling,” Roman said, and the Prince was suddenly scooting over to sit in front of Virgil, the three of them surrounding him. “You thought we would leave if you came out as Ace?” 
Virgil shook his head because no, that...that wasn’t the problem. Not entirely, anyway. “It’s not...guys I lied. You asked me to be in a relationship with you and I didn’t say anything.” 
“You did not lie,” Logan said, never dropping his hand from Virgil’s face. “You just were not ready to come out yet. You and I both know there is a substantial difference.” 
There was a hand suddenly slipping into his own, and Virgil startled when he realized it was Patton’s, the moral side’s free hand now running fingers through his hair. 
“You weren’t comfortable sharing that part of yourself,” he said. “That’s totally ok, sweetheart. No one’s mad at you. I’m just glad you said something before something...happened.” 
Logan’s hand suddenly dropped, his eyes big and painfully worried, and Virgil had to force himself not to look away. 
“Virgil,” he said slowly. “You do not...owe us anything. Especially not something like sex. If we made you feel like--” 
“What? Jesus- no.” Virgil moved his hand away from Patton, pulling his knees up to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut to try to get a hold of himself. “It wasn’t...I just thought...it would be too...t-too much to deal with, you know?” 
They weren’t breaking up with him. They weren’t. He’d been stupid to think that. There was no reason he should still be so upset. 
He couldn’t make them feel guilty. He couldn’t make them think they’d been the ones to do something wrong when they’d been nothing but perfect. He couldn’t--
“Oh Virgil.” 
Too late he realized the tears had started to spill over, his face burning as he pressed a hand against his mouth to try and muffle any treacherous sobs. 
There was a pair of arms around him, warm and grounding, and it took Virgil a moment to realize it was Roman, gently guiding him into the embrace. He didn’t fight it, falling limp against the Prince’s chest with a pathetic choking noise. 
“S-sorry,” he managed in between sobs. “I’m sorry, I- I don’t know why I’m...I sh-should have told you, I- I thought you’d...I thought you’d run out of reasons to- to want me.” 
“We could never,” Roman whispered, holding him tight. Patton moved forward to rub circles along his back, Logan reaching out to squeeze his hand. “You’re beautiful, Virgil. And this doesn’t change a thing.”
It didn’t make sense. None of it made any sense. If one of them had come out, it would be different. But with him...there was already so much to deal with, so much they were forced to handle. 
Eventually, it had to get to be too much, right? He’d already figured they’d get fed up with the extra steps they had to take to respect his boundaries, Virgil always a little more wary when it came to being vulnerable. 
But they all sounded so...genuine. Princey hadn’t once loosened his hold, still whispering quiet reassurances, Patton was back to running his fingers through Virgil’s hair, pressing kisses to his free hand. 
And Logan still held on tight, counting out familiar breathing exercises just loud enough for Virgil to hear, always knowing how to calm him down. 
When he finally managed to calm down, taking in deep, shuddering breaths, he reluctantly pulled away from Roman, wiping at his eyes as he stared down at his lap. 
“Sorry,” he muttered. “I never thought...I wouldn’t have let you guys do anything. I was always gonna tell you eventually I just...kept putting it off.” 
“That is quite alright,” Logan said, sounding oddly hesitant. “But I...don’t think I could forgive myself if we had taken the next step without realizing you would not enjoy it.” 
Virgil nodded, forcefully pushing down the sickening panic at the thought. “I know. I wouldn’t have let that happen. I promise.” 
Patton and Logan both squeezed his hands, Patton tilting forward to press a kiss to his temple before leaning his forehead on Virgil’s shoulder. He allowed himself to lean into the touch, taking another shaky breath before continuing. 
“I’m...I am sorry though. If this complicates things.” 
Roman cocked his head slightly, frowning. “Complicates things?” 
“Yeah,” Virgil said, hoping he wasn’t about to refute every wonderful thing that had just been said. “We’re...in a relationship. And you all want...I mean, Roman you’re pretty much all romance, so I know you want--” 
He cut himself off, caught completely off guard when Roman started laughing. 
“Sorry,” the Prince said quickly, smiling at the exasperated looks Virgil realized the others were giving him. “Sorry, I just...gosh, Virgil can I kiss you?” 
Virgil blinked, mind suddenly completely blank. “I...uh, sure?” 
True to his word, Roman was suddenly cupping Virgil’s face in both his hands, gently pressing their lips together, and just like always Virgil melted against the touch, completely safe for just a single, blissful moment. 
When Roman pulled back, he met Virgil’s gaze, brimming with nothing but adoration and love. “Virgil, darling, you really think I see something as trivial as sex romantic?”
“I mean...yeah?” 
“Virgil, I love you. You, not...not what you have to offer. I love seeing you in the mornings, and holding you...I love hearing your voice. I want to cook you dinners and pick you flowers and sing for you. That’s romantic, Virge. Not...not something as small as sex. That’s not what’s important. Not to me.” 
“I, for once, am in agreement with Roman,” Logan said. “Sexual intimacy has never been of importance to me. It certainly does not hold enough power to damage our relationship in any way if you do not desire it. And it certainly has no power over my feelings for you.” 
Virgil was suddenly dangerously close to crying again. “I--” 
“Besides, there is no logical reason for us to engage in sexual intercourse. We are not human, so the need to reproduce does not--” 
Roman thankfully cut him off with a kiss, Logan making a noise somewhere between surprise and annoyance, but reciprocated without further complaint. 
Patton was suddenly taking both of Virgil’s hands, their fingers laced together, and Virgil suddenly wasn't quite so scared to meet the moral side’s eyes. 
“I don’t care about something silly like that,” Patton said. “I just care about you, honey. The four of us being safe and happy and together. If we all just cuddle and tell each other how much we love each other...nothing else could ever make me that happy. So don’t you worry about a thing, ok?” 
Virgil wasn’t sure whether he laughed or sobbed, but he was smiling back at Patton, at the people who surrounded him with unconditional love, and he nodded. 
“Ok,” he agreed, feeling lighter than he thought he ever had. “Thank you. All of you. I...I love you all. So much.” 
Within moments they were all tangled up in each other, the television playing an old comfort movie, Virgil wrapped up in Logan’s arms with his head against Roman’s chest, Patton leaned against his legs. 
It was still perfect, and Virgil had a funny feeling it always would be. He loved them, more than anything in the entire world, and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind they felt the same way.
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Angry sex with Skz
Probably be quiet the whole time.
No praising or sweet talk like usual.
Would avoid looking into your eyes for as long as possible because he knows that if you look at him like that he'd fall right into your arms.
You'd be fighting or in the middle of an argument when he decides he's had enough of the negativity and grabs your thigh to pull you to him.
That's when he'd stop talk too. Eyebrows knit together and eyes trained on you he'd push you against whatever and get to work on your bottoms.
Would look into your eyes while getting you naked almost teasingly. But if you were to go soft on him, maybe wrapping your arm around his neck or touch his face or something he would look away from you so fast.
Wouldn't kiss you either. But once you get desperate almost on the verge of your release, he'd let you hold him if you wanted to. And he loves seeing your lose yourself because of him and that would make him forget his anger atleast momentarily. Reaching out to touch your face he'd finally whisper sweet nothings as you came back down.
And when he was done too, he would pull out and give you the silent treatment again. But he'd turn you over and spoon you.
It'd be very angsty but also kinda cute.
'Hey, I love you.'
You'd whisper gently.
You'd know him too well by this point that when you don't immediately get a reply, you wouldn't be mad.
A gentle squeeze to your waist and a kiss pressed to your shoulder would be enough for you but right before you dozed off, he'd whisper an I love you.
He would be talking to you through it.
'What, can't stay mad now?'
'You're always so serious about everything, God!'
'I can't joke around with you when you get annoyed so easily'
He'd list off all the things that ticks him off about you all the while having the most amazing missionary session.
And when you wouldn't reply with anything other than gasps and moans he'd laugh partly because he was in disbelief at how you could take all the comments so easily now with zero resistance and partly because he found your uncaring demeanor cute.
'Ah! So annoying!' He'd scream out because he was getting frustrated that he couldn't stay mad at you. Especially when you were reacting so well to him.
He'd go super fast just to make you lose yourself further. He'd do this as a way of saying Yea that's right, that's what I can do to you.
Not the type to go rough because he does that anyway. So it would be more like trying to get you to unravel under him while he acts unbothered by the steaming hot sex. He'd be so sure about your submissiveness that he'd start laughing when you start to shake as you climax.
Once you get your release however, all that he said would finally register in your head as you push him down on the bed sitting on his lower belly, trying to get some time to prevent overstimulation before you wrecked him.
You'd push your palms down on his chest as you ask him, voice low
'Stuck up? Too sensitive? Do you want to repeat all that again?'
And he would be speechless. Never in a million years would he have thought that you could recover from that orgasm but here you were with a look in your eye that screamed dom.
Blinking up twice at you he'd get no time to react before you tug on his nipples as you sink yourself on him.
Throwing his head back he'd avoid trying to fight back for dominance as he was way too close to waste time trying to get the power back that slipped away from him the second you came.
He'd be very grabby. Usually very respectful, mad changbin would be groping your breasts, your ass, heck, even your clit.
Would gradually increase the pressure of his pinches as he observed how much was too much. And he'd pinch you right at that threshold.
Twisting your nipple as he watched the way your face twists in pain and pleasure, he'd thrust into you. Even if you'd be riding him you'd have zero control of the situation as he fucks up into you making you grab onto his shoulders for support. Wouldn't let you hide your face during any of it and would yank your chin to face him.
'Where do you think you're looking? Hmm? Your eyes stay on me, got it?'
Would leave one too many hickies and bite marks. Even if you whined that people would see and he'd get scolded for it he would still keep going adding one more for everytime you said no.
When you guys were done, he'd be laughing about it.
'Did we really need to argue over that? I'm glad it did anyway. You look like you were in a fight and that's hot.' He'd say laughing inbetween as he traces the bites and purple marks littering your entire body.
Would be a little selfish. The type to not let you come as punishment. But that wouldn't be the case always. Another boy who would go soft if you went soft. If you were angry, the anger would just bounce around and he'd want to get off on that angst.
Would be turned on seeing you all angry and bothered but he'd pretend to be mad and put up the facade that he's fucking now just to show you how he can shut you up. But he gets so hot and bothered seeing you get mad at him. He wants a lot of adventure when it comes to sex so he would come faster and wouldn't be shy about it either. Two bird with a stone for him since he'd have a reason for releasing so fast. He's showing you up.
Wouldn't mind if you got aggressive though. He'd be hoping for it secretly. Grabbing after him if he left you hanging, taking things into your own hands getting rough with him. Would love getting roughened up by his little sweet princess. You'd have to figure that out by yourself though.
Would turn submissive real fast if you switched though.
Moaning and whining in your ear, he'd bring up the argument again.
Mostly just trying to get you mad again he'd make zero sense with his sentences. Would love if you talk filthy or down to him.
'Maybe I should go and fuck around with someone who wouldn't be such a brat? Hmm?'
'You want me to beg now do you? Why would I when I can just get on top of you like this?'
'You're enjoying this aren't you? Not having to do the work?'
He'd moan at your antics, not replying but definitely listening.
If you stop talking, he'd whine and try to annoy you more so as to coax more out. Dig your nails into him and he's a goner.
Jerking up into you he'd almost come but wouldn't, this time being considerate waiting for you.
He might get a little too mean with his anger.
Going a little overboard he might hit you right in your insecurities prompting you to tear up. If he couldn't see you crying and if you wouldn't tell him that it hurt he wouldn't stop because he wouldn't know. He tests the waters with you for everything and believes in the whole trial and error side of things.
But the first and last time it happened, he'd stop so fast when he heard you let out a quiet sob. He would turn the light on so fast and you'd be met with him still on top of you wide eyed with an arm covering his mouth.
Seeing the tears flowing down your cheeks would cause the waterfall to form in him too, him crying silently as he freezes up.
If you got up to leave after pushing him off he would just sit there in disbelief, head empty as his heart starts beating a little too hard. He'd need a lot of time to collect himself before deciding to check up on you.
But you'd know this already and would instead opt to reach out to his arm asking him to lie down with you.
Now full on sobbing next to you he would be shaking a little, lips trembling with his fingers gently, shyly holding your side.
'Stop crying.'
You'd say.
Nodding he'd try his best but his shoulders would still shake as he tried to hold back the sobs. The situation now turned around you'd bring your fingers up to his face and have a heart to heart with him. Nodding and apologising whenever you finished a sentence he'd be sniffing still but gently calming down, knowing that you weren't going to hate him.
Once he was sure that you were okay and that you weren't mad at him, he'd get closer nuzzling into your neck. Running his arm up your body he'd trace his way up your spine before cradling your neck. Whispering into your neck, he'd hug you gently
'Wanna love you.'
And when you let out a shy nod, he'd start kissing your neck slowly letting him get hard again.
This wouldn't be for him though. He was determined to make you feel as loved as possible and show you just how precious you are to him. Not the best at assuring you with words, he'd try his best to make you feel his love.
It would be so intense with him holding your face the whole time, sometimes intertwining your fingers if you brought your arms up to grab anything when it got too much for you. He'd ground you with his kisses and fingers when you edge closer and closer to your orgasm.
When you moan out as you climax, whispering I love you to him, he'd tighten his grip on you subconsciously while same time feeling the tears build up again.
He'd bite down on his lips hard enough to make them bleed almost but would relax if you peck them seeing his abuse on his pretty lips.
Would probably decide to stop once you climax and would refuse to continue saying he's fine but pull a little switcheroo and ask him if he's not turned on and he'd start chanting no no that's not it and slowly start up again, making sure you weren't in any discomfort.
And next time you were about to have angry sex, he would make sure to show you that he loves you more than anything.
Face pressed into your neck, his back against the table he'd have your leg thrown over his waist as he slowly brings you down on him same time thrusting in. Your torsos would be glued together and the most aggression that would come out are small whispers of why you shouldn't do what it was that made him mad in the first place.
'Ugh.. don't.. act sexy in front.. of others like that. Im not.. the only one who.. gets a boner. Oh..kay??'
When you tangle your fingers in his locks and press a kiss to his ear while moaning out a small yes, he'd praise you.
'Mmm. Good. You're mine, right?'
Ofcourse you were but he'd always want to hear it from your mouth. And when you assure him, he'd shift his focus to making you both climax feeling happy with the confirmation.
This would be a way for him to make sure that you guys were still perfect together. Both of you angry, maybe even screaming at each other he would let it go on for as long as he could take it before getting worried and slamming his lips into yours. Would be scared if you push him back but he'd keep trying mostly to ensure that this was just a normal fight among healthy couples.
If you fell weak against his lips, he'd go full dom. Slamming your body into his he would waste zero time in getting you naked. Not a single piece of clothing would be left on either of you and wouldn't bother with the lights purposely leaving them on wanting to see you so vulnerable in front of him.
Wouldn't make it to the bed. Desperate to want to feel your love for him he'd get impatient and push you down on the floor even. Another boy who'd snap if they got their I love you.
Now sure that everything was fine, he'd go back to lover mode and start making you more comfortable lifting you off the cold floor and planting his butt on it instead. Would hug you close when you came and same with him. Chances are, the cuddling session would start off right where you guys did the dirty be it the floor , the counter, the couch. Whatever.
Once you voiced how uncomfortable it is he'd drag you over to the bed so he could cuddle with you again.
He would go doggy style on you.
He has a dark side to him that never makes it's appearance unless extremely provoked. It's not that he doesn't want to be rough and purely lustful with you but he'd want to be so respectful with you that he'd never show that side.
Pounding into you, he'd have his hands on your ass. He'd spread your cheeks a bit too far, ogling the new sight as he groans behind you, going rougher.
Would land a few spanks too.
If you wanted to continue the argument during the session, he'd have no problem telling you to shut up.
'Oh my God, QUIET!' He'd shout at you causing you to let out a small whimper while simultaneously convulsing around him.
The stimulation would make him falter a bit as he brings his palm back down on your ass a bit harder this time.
Would edge you so bad. He'd pull out the second he knew you were about to come, letting his length barely graze your folds.
Definitely going to push you forward and onto the bed with you butt in the air to watch your opening contract at the loss of contact.
Angry sex would be the time for him to explore everything about your body that he's always been curious about but never had the courage to explicitly go in to.
And boy, does he explore. He'd be so dirty, treating you like an artifact that has secrets hidden at every crevice. You whining would have zero effect on him.
Only way for him to snap out would be if he felt that you're uncomfortable. He'd apologise profusely for the mean things said during sex but not for the argument itself.
But if you're nothing but horny, you can bet on the fact that he would make you pass out when you came.
Not writing for the baby B-A-B-I-E
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yeojaa · 4 years
GIRL we need a devil in a new suit drabble where jungkook gets jealous pls bless us😭😭❤️
[ read devil in a new suit ]
pairing.  jjk x f!reader.  rating.  explicit.  tags.  kook being hilarious and naive, reader being a little frustrated but head over heels, smut in the form of:  titty sucking (kook is a big boob guy in this), cunnilingus, kook wanting to love you forever.  wc.  2.1k.  author note.  i am... so in love with this couple so what was meant to be a “kook gets jealous and breaks reader’s back” turned into... this.
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Jeon Jungkook doesn’t get jealous.  Not because he doesn’t care, or he’s unaffected, or any other negative connotation under the sun.  He doesn’t because he’s him, too soft and sweet and silly to believe the worst in people.  (This, coming from the man who’d steered clear of dating apps and blind dates because he was worried he’d be hurt.)
Once, you’d been waiting for him to pick you - he’d been running late, dinner with his parents and younger sister - and he’d found you chatting politely to an old fling of yours.  Well, maybe not so old.  A recent fling, a friend of sorts.  Someone who’d swanned into your life during your college years and had remained there ever since, popping his head in from time to time. 
You’d always been on good terms, caught up for lunch every six months or so when he’d return home from his overseas job.  In the past, you’d found familiarity in the shape of his hands, the neon outline of his almond eyes and pouting lips.  He was good in bed, as charming between the sheets as he was on the street.
But your heart belonged to Jungkook now - had, before you’d even realised it - and Taewoo was just another guy.  Another face in a crowd.
Still, you’d thought your beloved boyfriend would have some sort of reaction.  Maybe a quirk of his perfectly groomed brows, a certain tightness belying his displeasure in the softly peaked bow of his mouth.  You’d spied neither after extracting yourself from the hug and waving goodbye.  Jungkook had been sunshine and sweetness, opening your door for you and stamping a kiss to your cheek.  
That night, he’d loved you how he always had, with you crying his name and making a mess of his sheets.
Another time, you’d been at a work function.  One of those ridiculous galas you loved, full of women in their highest heels and men in their swankiest watches.  (You’d worn Aquazzura that night, Jungkook with an Audemars Piguet loose around his wrist.)  
He’d stuck close to your side, far more interested in the way your dress hugged your figure, cut intimidatingly high over your thigh and revealed the swell of your ass at juuuust the right angle.  Yejin had been the only one to tear him away, insisting on shots that you knew she couldn’t handle.  Anything went if free booze was involved.
Thirty minutes later - give or take, since you hadn’t had a watch of your own on - your boyfriend had returned, flushed and adorable.  There’d been a garden of colour creeping over the expanse of his chest, peeking around the collar of his shirt and disappearing into his neatly tousled strands.  He’d giggled his way back to you, somehow completely oblivious to the man that’d found you at your table and settled himself into the spot labelled Jeon Jungkook.
The imposter had been affronted, gaze narrowed at the younger man who was a little too loose, a little too smiley.  Wholly out of place at an event like this, where people spent too much time up their own asses, noses held aloft and business cards exchanged.  
(One of the reasons you loved Jungkook so much.  He was a breath of fresh air in a world you thrived in - found humour in, at the very least - carrying you high above the clouds with the sound of his laughter.)
“Hi, baby.”  Your darling boy smothered you in kisses, traced them up and over the exposed expanse of your shoulder, nosing against your skin, utterly unbothered by the man shooting him daggers, wishing him ill from the spot he’d wrongly claimed.  
Of course, he’d thought Jungkook was making a point - claiming what was his - but that was so far from the truth you’d almost laughed when he’d spoken, voice carrying above the slightly laboured breaths of your lover.  “I guess that’s my cue to leave, huh?”
You’d smiled, nodded with a hand threaded into cornsilk curling over Jungkook’s nape.  “Looks like it.”
(Then your idiot love - your big-hearted moron, your doe-eyed baby - had come up for air, cheek resting in the palm of his hand.  “Where’s your friend?”  He’d asked, eyes so wide you couldn’t doubt the sincerity of his question.)
Such was the kind of person Jungkook was, with an unwavering belief in the goodness of others, a silver thread outlining everyone’s silhouette.  You sometimes wondered what it would take to drive him to any sort of displeasure, any sort of emotion beyond quiet melancholy (seldom seen but heavily felt, when the rare occasions rose) or easygoing amicability (his default setting).  Not that you’d ever push to see that, of course.
You were happy.  Hopelessly in love.  You wouldn’t have traded him for the world - couldn’t even fathom doing anything to hurt him.  
And yet, you discover albeit by accident - it’s really not that hard.  All it takes is a pretty girl.
“This looks incredible,”  she says, standing close, long dark hair falling in a fluid curtain down the line of her back.  It’s the loveliest shade, cool-toned beneath the boutique lights, and reflects colour like a waterfall.  You’d complimented her on it when you’d stepped into the fitting area, a handful of hangers set across the rolling rack.
Fingers smooth over embroidery, revelling in the feeling of it over your skin.  It’s a beautiful thing, black tulle that hangs to your fingertips.  Not Jungkook’s preferred style - he much prefers harnesses and so many straps it might as well be a cat’s cradle - but you think he loves it nonetheless. 
(You’d confirm, but he’s been stoically silent, seated in the plush chair tucked beside the privacy partition, normally soft gaze hard and trained on his phone.  He doesn’t seem very much in the mood to talk, hardly reacting with each outfit change.  A nod here, a smile there.  Not even the most scandalous of the options - a black corset decorated in Leavers lace - had elicited his usual enthusiasm.)  
“You think so?”  You’re not insecure about your body - know what it looks best in, which assets to play up.  Still, it’s nice to hear from someone other than your doting boyfriend, the people caught in your orbit.  
The sales associate nods, beams at you in the multiple mirrors.  A hand of her own drifts over the thin strap of the slip - an innocent gesture that dislodges wayward strands of hair from beneath.  “Of course— and I’m not just saying that because I’m trying to sell it.” 
You nod, satisfied.  Even if Jungkook doesn’t seem ecstatic, your own joy makes up for it, buyer’s delight spilling over.  “I’ll take the satin robe, the blush silk set, and this in the violet.”  
“Great choices,”  she hums, pulling back the curtain to the adjoining change room to allow you privacy.  Silence follows as you slip the delicate number off, returning it to its hanger.  You don’t expect when the brunette continues speaking - presumably to your surprisingly surly boyfriend.  “Don’t you agree?” 
“Yep.”  He’s never been a man of few words, usually so full of excitement that he rambles when he doesn’t mean to.  
It’s a dead giveaway - a confirmation that something’s wrong.
Unfortunately for you, you don’t have time to broach the subject, your purchases already paid for and a firm hand on the small of your back the moment you’ve stepped out of the dressing stall.  “Jungkookie?”  You mean it quietly, just for the two of you, but falter when he slots his fingers between yours and all but tugs you out of the boutique.  You hardly even have a chance to toss the helpful girl an apologetic smile, imposing glass swinging shut behind you.
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“Men—men are fine.  I don’t have to worry about them.”  There’s a confidence you’re so proud to see, turning his words as solid as the weight that rests against your hip, sears burning heat into your bared skin.  “No other man is going to love you better than me.  But women?”  A shudder runs the length of his imposing frame, tugs his shoulders up to his ears and tingles the small of his back.  “Women are scary.”  (It’s a sentiment he’s echoed in the past.  In particular, months ago when you’d insisted he dive into the dating scene.)
Hands thread through his too-soft strands, twirl the ends around your fingers as he speaks, nearly muffled into the crook of your shoulder.  He’s being so tender, giving you all the love he has to offer as he writes his insecurities into your skin, offers them with the wet of his tongue.
“A woman might sweep you off your feet and steal you away.”
You laugh then - sound snapping past your teeth before you can tuck it away.  It filters loudly into the baies scented candle you’d lit when you’d gotten into his apartment.  
Jungkook whines in response - a terribly endearing sound that makes you roll your eyes but only with affection (always with that) - and buries his face into your tits, sucking your nipple into his mouth with complete disregard for the tulle that acts as a barrier.  Saliva stains the material, makes it stick to your hardened bud as he laves over it with his tongue - bites surprisingly gently - and tugs it just hard enough to have you keening.
“S-s’not funny,”  he huffs, palming your other breast in his broad tattooed palm.  When he continues, he bites into you like he’s got a personal vendetta against whatever lies beneath your flesh.  “She was flirting with you.”  
It’s less of a sigh of annoyance - more sensual, drowning in need.  “She was not.”
He nips at the delicate flesh again, spreads crimson marks all across the sensitive skin until it’s a mosaic beneath the fabric, his finest work painted by his second favourite brush.  “That’s what you think but she was.”  The hand previously kneading your skin drops, flat of his palm sliding easily over your bare pussy.  
There’s zero hesitation when he slots his fingers on either side of your clit, catches the delicate pearl against the webbing of his hand and applies pressure that has you bucking beneath him.  It’s not nearly as aggressive as he normally is but it’s just as good, paired with the sinful motions of his tongue and teeth. 
“She wants to be the one doing this,”  he continues, saliva pooling across your chest, slipping into the valley of your breasts only to be licked up by the flat of his tongue.  He continues even once you’re clean, skin sticky and a little gross but so erotic it makes you quiver.  Then he descends, pushes the hem of your new slip higher, and licks another stripe from the joint of your thigh up to your belly button.  Repeats it again, moving lower with each pass until he’s sucking your clit into his mouth.  “She wants to be the one tasting this pretty, pretty pussy.”
You reach for his hand - the one somewhere near your ribs, side of his wrist soothing against the ladder of bones - and tangle your fingers together as he drives you mad, tip of his tongue switching between sweet kitten licks and tantalising figure eights.
“Baby,”  you coax, reprimand almost.  Jungkook’s never this lenient, never this sweet on you (not inside the bedroom, at least).  It brings you to a different high, his love folded into lovely origami cranes you tuck into your pockets and the spot you’ve carved out for him within your chest.
“Sing for me, sweetheart.”
He doesn’t mean literally - refers instead to the sound of your voice when it leaps three octaves, bounces between sultry and singed, burnt at the edges by the fire he brings to life. 
“Tell me you’ll never leave me.”  Despite how the words muffle, come broken between the glide of his tongue within your fluttering walls, you can hear the sincerity in them.  The earnestness that begs you to promise him this simple thing.  “Not for her.  Not for anyone.”  
“I won’t leave you,”  you answer, threading the vow between your fingers as if they’re the thread binding your love story together.  “Not for her - not for anyone.”
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mypimpademia · 4 years
hey girly !! i have no clue if your request are open are not but can you do the “hey shawty your man around” tik tok trend with bakugou,shinso,mirio or whoever you want
Bakugo x reader, Shinso x reader, Mirio x reader
TW: Swearing
Notes: my requests are open as long as my bio says so
Lmfao ummm.... ngl I had a request before this but my ideas for this one have been sittin in my head since I got this and my brain is this close || to straight curb stomping me if I dont write it💀
On Mirios part, he still has his quirk
@myhoodacademia @bnhainthewoo @iiminibattlehero @ecao @v-vpluto @cheerfulpeople1234 @strawberry-ice @mixxfi @renzai @liltodo @deepsleepysheep @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @soy-diablito @myfandemons
Chile... do you have a death wish?
If so, then continue reading❤
Katsuki actually doesn't know about this trend... because he's a nerd and stays on pro hero fan tiktok
And really only hears about trends like theses from Denki and Sero
So yall are probably chillin, and you just decide to do it
Sitting next to each other on the couch, youre using Katsukis legs as a footrest, and you pull up the audio
You were scared for your life, but you wanted to see what happened
Plus, if you do shit like this and you date Katsuki at the same time, you just prepared to see God when you feel like bein on yo bs💀
And when you hit that play button, you completely accepted that fact
Hearing the ring tone, Katsuki perked up, and side eyed you, wondering who it was
"Yo whats good shawty, yo man still around?"
As soon as he heard a male voice that he didn't recognize he snatched your phone out of your hand
This man defined 0 to 100 on the spot and did it flawlessly, award winning type shit
When he cools down after yelling his lungs out for 10 more seconds, he finally looks at the screen
Your phone got turned to ash before you could blink
"This is your own fault."
"And I didn't make you do what you just did."
Hes highkey petty about the whole thing too
"Katsu, can I use your phone?"
"Where's yours? Oh wait, you decided to make a stupid decision and don't have one anymore."
But he eventually buys you a new one when he feels like he tortured you enough (a month later btw)
Now this man...
You can never tell what he's thinking
So you really didn't know what to expect
You're probably in his dorm, chillin on Hitoshi's bed while he's in the bathroom taming his unruly ass hair
At first, you were just scrolling through TikTok (sound low for plot purposes, he can't know whats going on) and suddenly you came across one with the audio
You scrolled through some of the ones using the audio, and found them pretty funny, and decided to try it out yourself
So you turn up your volume, and opened up the sound
You reposition yourself so that your camera would be pointed towards where he comes out of the bathroom
And you started recording
"Yo whats good shawty, yo man still around?"
There was a second of silence before you faked a reply
But as if on command, right when you uttered a single syllable, Hitoshi stepped out of the bathroom and just stood there and just looked at you
Again, you can never tell what he was thinking, so you didn't know if his reaction was good or bad or somewhere in between
But regardless of what it was, it cracked you up
You started laughing hysterically and got up from his bed and walked up to him and held the camera up to his face and then stopped the video
And then a second later you feel his palm hit your forehead, and when you blink yourself back into reality you follow him back into his bathroom
"What kind of reaction is that??"
"It wasn't a reaction, I already knew about the trend."
"So you just hit my forehead for no reason?"
"I didn't hit you."
"Then what did you do, Hitoshi?"
"It was a love tap."
Usually, he doesn't ever have negatively reactions to anything
So you weren't scared going into this, especially since it was just for a tiktok
Youre lying down on his couch, and just scrolling through your tiktok
When you came across a TikTok using the audio
The video was light hearted, and all the boyfriend did was laugh and play fight with the person behind the camera
It honestly made you think of your own boyfriend, and you wondered how he'd react if you did it
Hearing distant footsteps, you made a split second decision to do it then and there
You quickly opened up the audio, and when the footsteps were close enough, you pushed the record button
"Yo whats good shawty, yo man still around?"
A second later, Mirios upsidedown face was in front of yours
"Who are ya' talkin' to Sunshine?"
Tilting his head back up, he saw that you were just on TikTok
"Oh! Haha, gave me a real scare for a second babe."
Mirio gives you a long kiss to your cheek, wrapping his arms around you
Then looks up at the camera and winks, sticking his tongue out
When you post it, the entire comment section just calls him adorable and says you're both so cute together
If youre looking for the most wholesome reaction you could get, Mirio is the way to go
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skywalkerstyles · 4 years
Kissing Lesson pt9
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, mild smut
Minors DNI
A/N: last part for a bit. Eat it up y’all!💕
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He doesn’t give me an answer, But he does press his lips back to mine, pushing me back into the bathroom. I sigh as he shuts the door with his foot, his hands sliding up under my shirt, I rest my hands on his forearms.
“I don’t want my first time to be in the shower,” I laugh nervously. He kisses my nose.
“It won’t be….But we are gonna take a shower together….If that’s okay with you?” I raise my arms so he can pull my shirt up over my head.
“Want me nice and wet?” I ask with a flirty wink, he shakes his head, kissing my collarbone.
“No. Not gonna fuck you yet...Want it to be special.” I sigh, feeling my toes curl as he kisses up my collar bone towards my shoulder, it feels so nice, his lips are soft and light against my skin. He reaches behind me, his hands sliding expertly over my skin, to unclasp my bra. He stops, hovering over it. “Can I?”
“Please.” He unsnapped my bra, letting it fall down my shoulders. I reach up, trying to cover myself, he holds my arms down at my sides.
“No….I want to see you. All of you,” he lets me go, reaching up to touch my breasts, his hands trail over them, cupping them in his hands and rolling my nipples around with his thumb. It does things to me, sends vibrations through my body. I shiver under his ministrations.
“You’re turn.” he lifts his arms and I pull his shirt up, I’ve seen his chest before, a million times, but he looks different to me now. Like a man and not just my best friend. I drag my hand down his chest, following his happy trail to the waistband of his jeans, I run my finger over it, he moans softly, reaching out to place his hand over mine.
“Start the shower.” I turn around, pushing back the curtain and turning on the water, I adjust it to the perfect temperature and turn around, only to have my heart leap into my throat.
He’s completely naked now. His dick is half hard, but I can already tell he’s got girth. It isn’t extremely long or big, but it’s enough to make me nervous. He keeps his eyes on me as he takes himself in hand and strokes. Once. Twice. I untie the waistband of my pajamas and let them slide down my legs, I don’t wear underwear to bed, so I blush as I straighten up and he takes me in.
“I should have shaved.” I say self consciously. I have never had sex before so had no reason to do so, plus I didn’t mind it, hair grows down there, it’s supposed to. He shakes his head, stepping towards me and taking me back into his arms.
“It’s okay Y/N. It’s normal.” his words help me relax, his hands fall to my ass, cupping my cheeks. He brings his mouth to mine, the kiss is exciting as his naked form molds to mine, I can feel him growing harder against my thigh. “Get in the shower,” he says, pulling away. He slaps my ass teasingly as I jump in, he follows suit.
“What are you staring at?” I ask. He’s watching me under the water, it feels so good. He comes to me,wrapping his arms around me and pressing our bodies together again.
“You’re so beautiful….Do you have any idea? You are stunning.” He kisses me, I close my eyes and it feels like rain, water sliding into our mouths as we make out heatedly under the water. He reaches down between my legs to cup my sex in his hand. I moan, gripping his shoulders tightly.
We wash each other, it’s playful and silly, our bodies soapy and wet. He makes a mohawk with the soap, I laugh and pile my hair ontop of my head. We stay in the shower until the water begins to run cold.
I grab a towel, wrapping it around myself. We’re dripping wet. He picks me up into his arms and carries me out of the bathroom, down the hall towards his room. He tosses me on his bed, not worried about getting it wet.
“I have to put clothes on,” I giggle as he climbs up beside me. He leans over me and brushes my hair out of my face.
“Not yet baby.” I like that. It makes me feel warm. He notices. “You like when I call you that?” he kisses me lightly, “Baby?”
“I love it.” He brings our lips together, propped up on one hand, he lets the other trail down my body until he’s got my wet heat in his hand again. I love that he isn’t worried about the hair, he doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable in the least as he touches and strokes me.
“I love the way you react to me,” he mumbles against my lips. My body twitches and jerks as streaks of pleasure flare in me. Everytime he strokes my clit with his hand, it makes me feel so good. My fingers knot into the sheets, I’m holding them so hard it hurts.
“Did Hana not react like this?” I manage to pant, I can’t think clearly, all I know is I want more of him. He shakes his head.
“No Hana was never this needy.” He leans down, sucking my nipple into his mouth. The sound I make is unholy and I almost don’t believe it came from me. “God you’re fucking perfect you know that?” I smile, reaching out to touch his wet hair, I press my palm to his cheek and he kisses it, before sitting up and moving to sit between my legs.
“I want to be your first. I do.” He rubs my thighs gently, “But there’s so much I can show you, teach you. I want you to feel it all. I want to know it all. I want to be the only one who can make you come undone.” He presses his thumbs into my hip bones, pressing gently, I never knew that could feel good. “You’ve been through so much...I want to take care of you Y/N….so I wanna take things slow….is that okay?” I can feel myself getting close to tears, I’m aroused and touched by his words, it’s overwhelming, all I can do is nod, and take a shaky breath.
“Yes.” he smiles before spreading my thighs and bringing his hands to my wet folds.
He inserts one finger into me. He does this slowly, trying to get a feel for me I think. It doesn’t feel good, but it doesn’t feel bad either. Just a bit weird. He begins to thrust it in and out slowly, watching my face. I don’t know what to do, but he doesn’t say anything negative. “I’m gonna put another in.” I nod, eyes flickering down to his cock. It’s rock hard, the tip is red and white, creamy substance drips from the tip of it. He pushes another finger into me. I hiss, not used to it and he stills, letting me get comfortable. When I nod he begins to move. This feels different. He makes a scissoring motion, i like that, I moan softly, twisting my hands in the sheets. He begins to pick up the pace, crooking his fingers upward and pressing his palm against my clit. I grind my hips down against him, I can feel a pressure building inside of me. Very much like the one before.
“K….Katsuki?” I whimper, he grins at me.
“It’s okay...I wanna hear you….What are you feeling?” I don’t know how to describe it. My body feels tight, I’m on edge, I want to jump.
“Good.” it’s all I can think to say. He pulls his fingers out of me. I wince, it hurts a bit, but he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them.
“You taste good,” he growls. I don’t know what to say and he doesn’t make any sign he wants me to answer. Instead, His hands slide up my legs to lock under my thighs. He grips them tight, pulling them apart.
“You okay?” He asks, looking up at me. I nod, unable to say anything at this point, my tongue is thick my mouth is dry and my body is tense with desire. He smiles and begins to kiss his way up my thighs. I run my fingers through his hair.
“Katsuki... please….” I finally manage. I hear him chuckle and feel his breath close to my center, it makes me squirm.
“Be still. Or I’ll stop.” I bite my lip, throwing my hand over my face and fisting the other hand in his hair. He finally brings himself to my hot, wet core. He kisses and sucks gently, frenching kissing me in a way I never thought could feel so good. My body arches against my will as grips my thighs tightly, pulling me closer to his face. I yank on his hair, causing him to groan.The vibration is almost too much on my clit. I can feel the knot in my belly getting tighter. My body stiffens.
“K...Katsuki....” I cry out, I yank on his hair hard. He grunts, shoving his tongue into me and sucking hard on my clit. I feel my orgasm take me, sweeping me up into a river of pleasure. My hips jerk, I push myself to his mouth, grinding against his face as I ride out my orgasm.
He’s sweet as he lets go of me, pulling the blanket up around us. I cuddle into his arms, my body feels relaxed, the tension in my muscles completely gone. He kisses my forehead. I can’t help but to feel his dick pressing against me. I reach down between our bodies to grab it, but he takes my hand, stopping me.
“No.” I look at him in confusion.
“Why not?”
“Because this was about you….” he leans over me and kisses me sweetly. My fingers curl in the hairs on the back of his neck. He looks into my eyes as he pulls away. “Do you know what you do to me?” he says absently, he traces my lips with his finger, gazing at me with affection. “I’d do anything for you Y/N.”
“You sure you’re okay with this?” I ask him, I feel guilty, like maybe he’s pitying me for what happened with Ash. I don’t want that. He shakes his head, his hand falling down to the base of my neck.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Even if we have to lie?” he kisses me reassuringly, his finger beneath my chin now.
“I don’t want to deny what I feel anymore. I’m giving my feelings full reign. I’ll yield to them, to you,” he lays back down beside me, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. “I think I’ve always liked you. I just never realized that’s what it was.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I’ve always looked out for you and took care of you. I’ve watched you my whole life, held your hand….” He takes my hand in his now, resting it on his chest, our fingers laced together. “I love you….I really do.” I smile.
“I love you too.” He looks at me, turning his head to grin, it melts my heart.
“This stays between us for now….Everything is normal when we’re around people.” I nod, satisfied.
“As long as I’m with you I don’t care.” He opens his mouth to say something else when we both hear the front door open. “Shit!” I jump up, flinging the blanket off of myself and grabbing the towel. Katsuki scrambles around to pull some boxers on, I don’t stick around, I dart out the door towards my bedroom I share with Mei.
I’m brushing my hair when Mei opens the door, she’s in Kai’s clothes, a sly smile on her face. “How ya doin’ killer?” she asks. I smile at her joke.
“I’m good. Thank you for last night,” I say again, I really am grateful to her. She comes over to my bed and wraps her arms around me. She hugs me tight.
“Hm?” she pulls away, looking at me seriously.
“Why do you smell like my brother?” the blood instantly drains from my face.
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otome-crow · 3 years
I was reading Obey Me headcanons about how the boys react after a fight, and it got me thinking about how the A3 boys would react after a fight.
And I realized that a good chunk of them probably wouldn’t have a fight in the first place, let alone a dramatic one that led to radio silence. I’ve never written A3 before, so this is more just a thought Drabble than a fic or real set of headcanons.
Spring Troupe - 1/5 likely to fight.
Sakuya - how could you fight with this innocent bean? Like seriously, I can’t picture anything that would lead to actual yelling or storming out of a room. He’s just not that type. Any argument is going to be resolved before anyone leaves the room, and it probably won’t get past “tense discussion” anyway.
Masumi - Izumi once said something vaguely negative to him and he basically went catatonic. It’s not healthy, but he has no boundaries and I doubt he’d ever fight with you. About you, over you, sure, but never WITH you. The only thing I can see happening is you getting mad because he threatened someone you were talking to. Or maybe he’s just way too into your space. But just ask him nicely to stop and he would.
Tsuzuru - grew up in chaos. You think fighting is his first response? Reason and rationality is his first response. If he can keep his cool when one brother is screaming, two are fighting, one is trying to jump off the roof to see if he can fly, another seems to have gone completely AWOL, and dinner is half-cooked and literally on the stove there is NO WAY he’s going to let a simple disagreement derail him. If there’s a fight, you either caught him at the ABSOLUTE wrong time, you did something awful, or you wanted to pick a fight. Or you want him to go to bed on time and take care of himself - but he’d probably appreciate that you cared, all while ignoring the advice. It’s more likely it’s a serious disagreement, and you both need a few days to think before you talk again.
Itaru - yeah, no. There’s gonna be massive fights here. Go nuts. Maybe he forgot you had a date because he was streaming. Maybe you accidentally tripped on the power cord to his console and cost him a game. If you cut into his gaming time, or, heaven forbid, wreck his kill streak or keep him from ranking, there WILL be shouting. There may be silent treatment (or maybe he just got caught up in his games and didn’t realize it’s been 36 hours since you walked out of the room). Whether or not he reaches out to you first is anyone’s guess.
Citron - you have to spend your energy figuring out his idioms and that takes away from fighting energy. He can talk circles around you, so good luck having any kind of argument. Any problem you have with him isn’t REALLY a problem because it’s what they do where he comes from! He didn’t understand the customs! It’s almost impossible to be mad at someone so determined to be cheerful.
Summer Troupe - 3/5 likely to fight
Tenma - There’s gonna be fights, and it’s probably gonna be because the tsundere can’t get his emotional act together. But he’d be just as quick to apologize and/or send flowers as he is to take offense, because he’s not willing to be without the person who sees him as HIM. Fights are like gunpowder in this relationship - explosive, but over quickly. How much damage they cause is anyone’s guess.
Yuki - Oh boy. Oh no. This boy goes from “sass king” to “cut you to the bone with words” in a quarter of a second. Push his buttons wrong, and he will completely destroy your soul. He’ll feel bad about it later, but his words cut so deep they go beyond drawing blood. It’ll take a couple of fights for him to start reigning himself in, once he realizes the damage he’s doing to you and the relationship. He’d be the first to reach out, but not with an apology. Just a request to meet and talk. Apologies would happen in person.
Muku - how could you fight with this innocent bean, part 2. No fight would ever leave the room because the moment you got angry with him, he’d start hating on himself and blaming himself. Again, very unhealthy, but you’d have to be REALLY mad to just walk away and leave him like that - and if you were that type of person, you wouldn’t date him in the first place. Once you’ve calmed him down, you REALLY need to have a discussion with him about self-esteem and maybe finding a therapist.
Misumi - Okay, what are you going to argue about? Whether or not a particular item is triangular? Maybe you got mad at his lack of self-preservation. Again, I don’t see anything with Misumi actually becoming an argument. He tends to be too laid-back and strangely reasonable to fight.
Kazunari - He’s got an artistic temperament, so fighting is a possibility. But I don’t see any fight lasting too long, or devolving into the silent treatment for two reasons: 1 - he’s really impulsive and 2 - he can’t stand being ignored. I would say if things got heated and you stormed out, you’d be bombarded by texts within the hour, no matter who was at fault. If that didn’t work, he’d start vague-posting about you on Instablam, sad-face selfies and all. Anything to get you to talk to him.
Autumn Troupe - 3/5 likely to fight
Banri - “Well, fine! Fuck you too!” Banri is easily the most volatile member of Mankai, so a relationship with him runs the risk of any disagreement escalating into a full-blown fight. Just ask Juza. The kind of fight where one person storms out, slamming the door as hard as they can. Banri is also petty af, so if you’re not talking to him, well, then he’s not talking to you! For awhile. Like Kazunari, he cannot stand to be ignored. I assume the best way to get him to talk to you again is to provoke him into it. Chat up everyone in the troupe while politely ignoring him. Politely talking to him if necessary. Basically, play him like a fiddle. He’d hate it at the time and respect you for it later.
Juza - Another one I can’t see fighting, really. He’s spent his life trying to AVOID fights. He also assumes everyone finds him scary, so finding someone who really likes him? You fighting with him would devastate him, especially if you followed it up with silence. I can’t decide if he would go radio silent in the depressive “well, guess they broke up with me” way, or if he’d text you every hour or so to see if you’re talking to him again yet. Whatever it was he did wrong (and he’s pretty sure it’s his fault, even if he doesn’t understand it), he’d rather fix it than finish breaking it.
Taichi - he doesn’t want to fight, doesn’t set out to fight, but it’s really hard for him to have a calm discussion when he’s riled up. He doesn’t ever stop to think before he jumps into something, so he says rash and stupid things without thinking about the consequences. Then he blows up your phone trying to get you take him back. So he’ll fight, but he’ll regret it three seconds after you walk out of the room.
Omi - He’s worked long and hard to make sure he’s got control over himself. He’s got a violent, angry past and he’ll be damned if he lets who he was into his current relationship. There is no fighting. There is calm, if tense, discussion. If you’re mad and want to yell, he’ll wait calmly until you’re done. But he’s also team “how could you fight with this bean (part 3)” because he’s just so nurturing and easygoing.
Sakyo - Oh boy. Oh no. (Part 2). You have shaken the wrong hornet’s nest if you want to fight with Sakyo. He doesn’t WANT to fight. He’s too old for these adolescent displays. If we can’t talk like adults, then let’s wait until we can. At least 95% of the time. But pushing the wrong button or getting him at the wrong time is a mistake you wouldn’t repeat. He’s always remorseful when that happens, and his trouble with emotional situations makes his apologies come out sounding stilted and fake, but if you meet him halfway things will be fine.
Winter Troupe - 1/5 likely to fight
Troupe note - this entire troupe is Psychological Damage, The Troupe.
Tsumugi - How could you fight with this innocent bean, part 4. Definition of cinnamon roll. Any walking away after an argument is a cool down period, not a silent treatment. He’s just so mild and inoffensive; I can’t see him getting angry unless something was so serious it was legitimately relationship-breaking.
Tasuku - The only one of this troupe I see willing to fight in a relationship, and I kinda feel like very little matters to him enough to get INTO a fight. But if something did, he would absolutely have a hot-tempered argument about it. You would definitely have to approach him first to fix anything - while he claims he wants to do better after what happened with Tsumugi, his first instinct is to just cut out anyone who causes him that kind of emotional pain. I can see him drowning himself in his work to avoid having to think or feel and if he’s too busy to contact you, well, he will when he has the time. Except he never has the time.
Hisoka - This man could never summon up enough energy to bother arguing with you, let alone sustaining resentment afterwards. Fights take two people, and he’s just not interested. You want to talk? Find him later.
Homare - Any fights with Homare would likely come from him saying something completely insensitive. You can address it on the spot, but if it hurts too much and you need to walk away to regain your emotional balance, he’s another one who would be devastated. He’s already had one beloved walk out of his life because of this; he can’t take another. You would probably find handwritten notes and poems slipped under your door the next morning - snippets of poems, apologies, requests to meet. He’s got too much pride to beg, and he can’t give a specific apology because he doesn’t really understand what said wrong, and what he really wants is a chance to talk calmly so he can both apologize for hurting your feelings, and so you can explain what went wrong so he can UNDERSTAND. The confusion about what goes wrong is like a kind of blindness, and he can’t stand it.
Azuma - Another one that’s impossible to ruffle or rile up. An argument might happen, and it might even end with “let’s take a day or two to calm down and think and meet up on Wednesday to talk” but even then there’s daily texts. Checking in, good morning, good night, hey let’s try this crepes place. He refuses to allow silence, because he knows what silence from loved ones is like, and he absolutely won’t stand for it. So the texts might be small and surface, but he will not relinquish contact with you. Not for anything.
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writingsweetroll · 3 years
**Summary: Louis has worries for his one year old, and Clementine soothes them by opening up about her own issues.**
Louis tried his best to not toss and turn, he really hated these beds. They were so springy, you do anything on it, so much as lay a hand on the mattress and it would make a springy noise. The noise wouldn’t annoy him as much if Clementine wasn’t laying beside him, he quickly found out she was a very light sleeper. It broke his heart that she wasn’t born a light sleeper, she just adapted to being one due to all of the trauma she faced. He wanted to make sure she got as much sleep as she could- so tossing and turning would definitely awaken her and that was the last thing he wanted.
So, he lay stiff as a board. Looking above to the mattress above him. He anxiously counted the number of bars holding the bed above him, distracting his mind to the best of his abilities. Because every time he couldn’t sleep at night, his mind went to dark places. *You have no idea what you’re doing.* He would think. That main thought spiraled out of control to other thoughts. But, that one main thought started from the time he was child, to now. It adapted to whatever situation he was in. As a child, ‘You have no idea what you’re doing’ related to the spelling bee, now, it is related to parenting his one year old daughter.
He grabbed the chair next to the desk, and placed it near the bed. He sat on it and watched her sleep soundly. A warm feeling was felt in his chest, unknowingly smiling ear to ear. He examined her features, and the midnight moon shone upon her face. She mainly had Louis’ features, his freckles, skin color, and eye shape. But, her lashes were full and her eyes were as golden as Clementines, her hair was also kinky just like Clementines. She was a perfect mix between the two.
*You don’t know what you’re doing, do you?*
Louis furrowed his brows as the thought entered his mind. No matter how many baby books he read, or conversations with Clementine he had about how to raise a baby into childhood, his mind was never satisfied with himself.
*To put your girlfriend through so much pain during her pregnancy, so selfish to bring a kid into this world, you’re a monster.*
That wasn’t true. Louis knew it. It wasn’t a mindless decision or an accident, it was multiple conversations and respectful debates about when or if they should start a family. After weeks, they decided together that they wanted a family, and they had enough resources to do so. And the pregnancy went better than expected, minor pain here and there, and the delivery had no scares. Thankfully, whenever Louis would remember this, it seemed as if thoughts grew quieter, and instead he imagined a world where the apocalypse wasn’t here. He wondered what her parents would think of him, or Lee, even Kenny. He didn’t know much about them, but he knew enough to know she cared deeply for them.
Suddenly, his daughter sniffled, causing him to go into panic mode. He calmed himself down once she went back to her normal state. It was spring, and it was just allergies but he was still terrified of her getting sick. Louis sighed, slouching against the chair now.
Although Louis truly thought he didn’t know what he was doing, he knew one thing. He’ll never be like his parents. His father, manipulative and a gas-lighter. His mother ignored it and was just focused on her public image instead.
*“Chin up, baby.” His mother whispered down to him. “Play your little piano and smile.”*
*His mother’s tone was sweet, and caring. But Louis wasn’t stupid. He knew his family milked his skills during fancy business parties like these ones. But, he played the piano nonetheless, because this was the only time he could truly feel like he had an audience that enjoyed his talent, his dream.*
*“My son! Ladies and gentlemen!” Louis’ father widened his arms towards Louis playing the piano. Families of prestigious wealth clapped for him. In this moment it was bitter sweet, should he feel happy that people enjoyed his music, or should he feel angry that his parents only supported him if it benefited them? Louis brushed off the confusing feelings and instead put his emotions into his music, making it authentic and oddly charming.*
*“Beautiful, Mandisa.” A woman patted his mothers shoulder. “You’ve raised a wonderful son.”*
Louis slightly groaned in irritation. ‘*They raised a horrible kid.’* Louis thought to himself. Now that he was older, he realized that he shouldn’t have beat himself up as much as he did when he was 17. Guilt had always occupied his mind when he thought about what he did, how he broke up his parents. But in reality, they raised him like that. They raised him to think of yourself first, not others. Survival of the fittest.
*“Please, I have a family William!”*
*Louis sat on the couch with his mother, they were just chatting when they heard the commotion coming from the office room. His father opened the door and held his hand out. “You’re not needed anymore, Mark.”*
*“I-I’m not needed?! Are you serious!? I helped you start this business, what the fuck man?!”*
*“But- Mark. You seem to forget. People like me. People like my beautiful ‘exotic’ wife, people love my son. What do you have Mark? A regular housewife, who’s pregnant and unattractive? A son who doesn’t excel in school? He doesn’t even have a talent to show off. You’re dragging me down. You understand, don’t you?”*
*“Excuse me?! The fuck did you-” Mark gulped as a security guard walked up behind him. “Fine.” Mark muttered.*
*The guard escorted the man out. Louis’ father looked at Louis with a smile, as if he didn’t just ruin someone’s life. “See son,” he started. “-sometimes, we have to make the hard decisions to get what we desire. It’s just business. Nothing personal.”*
Business came first, passion and feelings came last. That way of life ruined his childhood. He believed from a young age hurting others to get what he wanted was ok.
He gently stroked Willows head, *‘I’ll never teach you that.’* He thought to himself. No matter what, he’ll always make sure she knew it was ok to express herself, to talk about her feelings. He wanted her to know that no matter the situation, she was loved and *accepted.*
“I promise.” He whispered. “I promise I’ll give you a better life than mine.”
Suddenly, he felt slender arms wrap around his neck, a semi-heavy weight on his shoulders. He smiled, hearing Clementine mumble something out of exhaustion.
“What was that, darling?” Louis asked, holding her forearm.
“You’re doing great.” She yawned. “You don’t have to keep worrying Louis. You love her and that’s—“
“The bare minimum, Clem.” Louis cut her off.
“-not really. Not anymore.” Clementine said sadly. “Even back then, dads used to run out on their kids, unable to either provide a stable life or love. You could’ve ran out so many times, so many opportunities and you didn’t.”
“Why would I ever do that?” Louis replied, almost offended.
“I’ve seen it happen before. Of course I knew you wouldn’t but…there’s always that lingering exit you can take, and the urge is probably there for you-“
“Clementine.” Louis said sternly, waking her up a little. “I would *never* do that. Do you really think that?”
Clementine stayed quiet. In reality, no. Of course she knew Louis would never leave. It was just her inner insecurities popping out, she’d hidden it for years but it came out eventually. The *constant* fear that she would be alone again lingered in her mind. Louis noticed her silence and sighed. He got off his chair, and then hugged her tightly.
“Isn’t it crazy?” Louis chuckled.
“How we only started dating a month into knowing each other.” Louis started, caressing her arm a bit. “Now, we’re in a family together. Clementine, I didn’t fight a war with you, fell for you in the middle of it, wrote songs about you, spent literally almost every second with you for the past 4 years to just leave.” Louis reassured.
“But now we have a kid.”
“Even more of a reason to stay. I mean *who* can actually say they have a kid with the most beautiful, bad-ass woman of the apocalypse world? Only me! I’d be a fool to run from that.” Louis joked.
She shook her head, a big smile on her face. Louis kissed the top of her head, pushing her slightly towards the bed, there he dropped her on it. She got into a comfortable position, and Louis lay next to her.
“I was serious.” Clementine broke the silence. “When I said you’re doing great. It’s not only the love you have for her Louis. You don’t even go to sleep before she does. Even though I tell you I got it. You care deeply for her and that *is* enough.”
Louis sighed, twiddling his fingers with one another, only staring at the bars above him. “I know. Thanks. Sometimes it just feels like I’m not enough, even before Willow.”
“Louis…” Clementine muttered sadly. The thought of him degrading himself saddened her. She sat up, grabbing his curious glance. Clementine took off her oversized sweater, a tank-top underneath. There was enough moon-light to see the faint, pink branded mark on her arm. She slid her fingers over it slightly, a grimace appearing on her face.
“You finally gonna reveal the meaning behind that?” Louis chuckled, over the years, she’d always refuse. ‘*The past doesn’t matter.’* She’d say.
Although he was joking, she wasn’t.
“I got this when I was 13.” Clementine started.
Louis shifted himself upwards, a frown shown on his face as he eyed the scar.
“I only did it to make sure AJ was safe. But, then he got ripped apart from me in the same group. After that, I had nothing more to lose. And when you have nothing to lose…you do scary, stupid things. I was horrible, Louis. I wasn’t the same person you know today.”
Louis nodded, taking in her words to the best of his ability. Trying not to react negatively in anyway.
“After I got AJ back—I only had *him.* If anyone ever—and I mean, *anyone* tried anything to hurt or kill him, I wouldn’t hold back. Yes I love AJ. I really do, but that feeling of hopelessness for your own self is so damaging.” Clementine opened up. After a brief moment of silence she continued. “I didn’t have hope for my own life, only for his. I didn’t mind if I got bit, as long as he was safe, I didn’t care. Not because I was sad or anything but because I just felt like this world wasn't for me. When I was a kid, I loved to be social, playful even. I've changed so much, I was forced to. I used to be innocent. Now, I'm finally getting some sort of my old self back."
Clementine grabbed Louis’ hand and squeezed it slightly. “You saved me.” She said, her tone hoarse. Louis squeezed back on her hand.
"I'm glad to be of service." He smiled at her. “I love you.”
She smiled, and kissed his cheek. “I love you too, Louis.”
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mar-iiposa · 4 years
"You're What?"
prompt: How would the Bayverse boys react to their s/o finding out that she is pregnant, and she is afraid/scared to tell them? The pregnancy was not planned. Hope you're having a great day/night <3
a/n: this was requested by an anonymous user as a bit of a long story, meant for all four turtles, but I'm deciding on separating it so it looks better on my masterlist later on. hope that enjoy, and make sure to read the tags I have included down below, just in case !
warnings: slight mention of abortion but that's it, mention of needles drawing blood (not too graphic of course), unplanned pregnancy, mentions of unprotected sex.
word count: 2.6k
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"Y/N, are you okay?"
Your roommate, April's, voice rang out when she saw you hurry towards the bathroom in such a rush, for the third time today, and it was just barely 2 pm. She was concerned that you weren't doing so good, never having seen you in a peculiar state like this before. As late of this past week, you've started to show signs of illness and restlessness, constantly moody, which we knew was odd for you at times. "Do you need anything?" She gently knocked on the bathroom door, hearing the faucet run on the other side before it was turned off. "I'm good, thanks," You murmur, loud enough for her to at least comprehend what you're saying. Outside of the restroom, April looked down for a moment, hesitant on whether to truly believe you or not. However, she didn't bother to really question it. "I'll be out, text if you need me."
After getting up a little too fast, you feel a small, sharp pain in your breasts, causing you to wince and cup them lightly out of instinct. Over the last few days, you've been noticing some changes. Weird ones too. For starters, you missed your period, it was supposed to roll around about, what, three/four days ago. You kept it tracked monthly on your phone, and by now, it would seem to probably come later than usually expected. Never did you have an irregular menstrual cycle, sometimes periods tend to come a little bit late but this was still odd enough. Not to forget, you had been vomiting like crazy at times, especially in the mornings and early afternoons of the day, sometimes at night if you're "lucky" enough. Topping those off, you felt fatigued, you were bloated, strangely moody, and you really needed to pee way more. A lot more, actually.
You had turned off the faucet in the bathroom, hunching over the sink, still with little droplets of water sliding down and into the drain. You look into the mirror, bags under your eyes have started to form from lack of sleep after literally vomiting your guts out in the middle of the night, having to hold your own hair back yourself if April would be completely knocked out from work. It wasn't a rare occurrence for her to be passed out on her bed or the couch, after a long day of working. You were employed, too, it was just that you took a day off to find out what the hell these symptoms were. Who knows, maybe you were falling sick?
You do your hair and style it just a little, unbothered by if you looked like crap or not, you could care less. You were throwing up and felt almost sick, why wouldn't you look unappealing at the very least? Grabbing your keys and things, you make your way towards the subway almost downtown, avoiding eye contact with almost anyone and everyone, not feeling at your best. It felt like your self-esteem had taken a downwards decline in the last couple of days prior. Not that you never got irritated or anything, but it was peculiar to you that all of a sudden, you had mood swings that changed from one mood to another like a bolt of lightning. Hell, even your boyfriend, Leo, noticed fairly quickly, but he decided not to press on you too much about it.
Getting off of the subway train, you head to your physician's office, opening the door of the building, the cooled atmosphere of the room hitting you within seconds of your entrance of the room.
"Hello, Ms. L/N, are you here for your appointment today?" The female receptionist gazed up at you from her glasses, frames pink, wearing a light shawl over her arms and shoulders. "I am," You give her a nod, her gaze traveling back to the computer screen as she typed away, the sound of her dark red acrylics hitting the smooth black keys. "Sure does get cold in here," She chuckled, a small short in the middle of her laugh, "take a seat, miss."
Doing so, you sit near the TV of the waiting room, the magazines on the table ahead stared back at you, the words 'VOGUE' written on the modernistic cover. The television was of bland taste, just going over the weather expected for today and the rest of the week and into the weekend. You cradle yourself slightly, your e/c eyes flickering down to your fingers and nails. About fifteen minutes or so later, the door to the back of the office opened, a nurse appearing in her scrub, "Y/N L/N?" Perking up at the mention of your name, you both make eye contact and she steps aside for you to walk in, giving a nod before directing you to a nearby room. Taking a seat, you wait until the doctor comes into view, greeting you with a friendly smile. "Ms. L/N, hi," She shook your hand, holding a clipboard under her left arm as she entered, "how are you? Is there a reason as to why you made an appointment for today?" Seconds after listing off your symptoms, she eyed you a bit suspiciously, writing down with her pen. "I'll send one of the nurses in for a blood test, I'm sure you'll be free to go then," The doctor pursed her lips in a tight smile, looking as though she had something on her mind as to what you could've had.
You sit there, for what feels like hours upon hours of silence, and you don't even notice the nurse coming in through the door at some point. "Alright, just relax for me." A pinching at your skin came from the needle, and the nurse draws some blood from your arm. Closing your eyes and glancing away from the view, the needle is drawn away from your arm after a while, patching the spot up with a band-aid. "You should get your answers shortly," 'Angela Bardot' (the nurse) states with a small, friendly smile as you give her a nod for a reply in return.
The receptionist sends you a wave goodbye as you approach the door on the way out, nodding your head and giving a wave back. Traveling home among the streets of New York, your mind is constantly filling up to the absolute brim of what the results would be. What if you were terrible sick? Had an illness that was incurable or deadly? How would you tell the ones you loved? Always tending to think of negative outcomes was a habit of yours, for as long as you can remember. You're so deep into your thoughts as you don't realize your boyfriend had called you a couple of times already. You unlock your phone after typing in the digits of your password, tapping onto his contact. "Hey," His voice rings from the other side, "I was trying to call you, is everything alright?" You can hear the worried tone through his end.
You run a hand through your hair as you neared the corner, coming closer to your New York apartment. "Yeah," you breathe out into the air of the apartment building, taking the provided elevator, "yeah, I'm okay." You could almost see the look of relief in those blue sapphire eyes of his, he responds, "Sorry, I almost panicked when you didn't pick up." You chuckle a little at that, knowing you almost always picked up on phone calls, holding onto your keys as you pushed your front entrance door open, "Nah, you know I can handle myself, Leo." You grin hearing his voice, chuckling at that. "I know, I know." 
"I'll see you tonight?" He asks on his end, you immediately smile. "I give you my word." You can feel him smiling from 'ear to-ear' at your response, "Okay, I'll see you later then. Love you, princess." Your smile growing warm, heart fluttering at the words coming from your boyfriend, you speak back into the phone, "Love you too."
He was the first to hang up on the cell phone call, before you fall back onto your grey couch with a heavy sigh, soon leaning forward with your head in your hands, elbows firmly sitting on top of your knees. The TV is turned on from the remote in your hand, head leaning back into the couch, but only enough to still keep your eyes on the screen. Your phone rings again, and you assume it might be Leo again, calling to tell you something he might have forgotten or who knows what. Turning the phone over from it's front facing the cushions, and you recognize the contact number. "Hello?" You pick up, a recognizable voice rang through. "Hi, this is Dr. Rullston, I'm calling you to discuss your blood test results, yes?" Sitting straight up quickly, you feel yourself nod almost frantically, "Yes, it's not anything, right?" A long pause resonates between the two of you, and you can slightly hear the intake of a breath from her.
"Ms. L/N, you're pregnant."
Your heart completely drops as soon as you heard that, standing up from your seat within milliseconds. "What? I- I can't belie- !" She continues, "About almost two weeks pregnant is what I'm seeing. Congratulations miss." No, no, I didn't want a baby! I didn't know this would happen! 
You look down at the floor as your breathing is nearly stressed, "Tha- Thank you, Dr. Rullston." Quick to hang up first, you almost drop your phone onto the apartment's hard wooden floor. How was this possible? Well, you knew how pregnancy and sex worked, but this was something completely shocking, at least to you! You think you at least had intercourse with a condom on! You and Leonar- Oh God, Leo! How would he react to this? He would be disappointed, he could leave you! Who would want to raise a child with you? Who would even want a knocked up lady if he did leave the relationship you had been building for practically a year?! You could get an abortion, that's it! No, no, no, you couldn't see yourself going through with that. Seeing others get abortions was something you were supportive of, but you had no absolute idea what in the hell to do! Do you want to keep it? That was something you didn't know the answer to. 
Two hours roll by until you're dressed a little more properly now, on your path to the turtles' lair in the sewers. As of now, you're (somewhat) rocking some jeans, with an old t-shirt, your commonly-worn shoes, and your hair combed through. Sticking your head through the lair, Mikey spots you straightaway, quickly riding on his skateboard towards you, guarding your own stomach, afraid for impact. Luckily for you (and maybe your fetus), there is no impact. "Yo, Y/N!" He gave you his regular fist pump, "how's it hangin'?" He notices you guarding your stomach, emitting a laugh as he points at you, "What's with the stomach guarding?" You realize your arms protecting your stomach, pulling them away fairly quickly. "Just, uh- Just hungry is all!" Michelangelo eyed you for a second or two before shrugging, picking up his board with a swift kick at its tail, "M'kay! Leo's in his room by the way. Catch you later!" He rode off again, presumably to bother either Raph or Donnie with his "dazzling personality."
Nearing Leonardo's room, you were undecided on the option of telling him about the growing baby inside of you or not. You didn't know. You didn't know what he'd think, what he'd say, how he would react, or if his perspective of you would shift entirely. Every fiber of your being grew anxious, scared to share the news with him. Or not. Leaning against the doorway of his room, he looked up from his katana, a smile gracing his features. "Hey," He stood up from his spot on the bed as you approach him, "Hi." Leonardo glanced down at your shorter human self, grabbing your hands to hold into his abnormally larger ones. "Took you a while to get here." Yeah, it did because you couldn't stop vomiting into the toilet until you got the strength to eventually walk all the way down here. "Sorry, busy," You threw an excuse at him, the leader of the clan nods. "Uh-huh," He takes your hand and leads you to his bed, "you're not overwhelming yourself, are you?" Knowing how concerned he can tend to be, you shakily exhale a little, giving a closed-mouth smile. "No, not really."
"You know ho-" You bit your lower lip, feeling the need to interrupt, "Leo, there's-- there's something I need to tell you." He paused for a little, knowing there was something up, a feeling in his gut. "Well what is it?" You can feel that pit of anxiety start to blossom within you once again, your palms nearly growing sweaty as you try to gather your words. Carefully wanting to break it to him was something you wanted to do, and correctly too. "Y/N?" He sends you a fervent glance, "is something wro-?" 
"I'm pregnant."
He's taken aback by the sentence you had just formed, staring at you, with almost little to no emotion being expressed. He's speechless. Out of words, completely. "You're what?! With- With my ba-?" Giving the leader a small, slow nod, it finally makes sense to him. "That's why you missed my call? Y/N, you sh-" You feel tears swell up in your e/c eyes, a hot droplet starting to slide down your left cheek, "I know it's all my fault. I should have asked for an abortion before I left that doctor's office. And you don't want a kid, I can see perfectly see that, and just know that I'm sor-" A warm green hand cups the side of your face, endearing blue eyes look at you and hold your stare as a thumb comes to wipe your new, built-up tears. Tender lips come to kiss your forehead. "I want this. Y/N, please listen to me when I say it'll be alright. I won't let you and the baby down, okay?" Leo's words are kind, softly spoken as he offers you a pursed smile while holding your face in his hand, "You'll be fine."
Your breathing is starting to calm down as you meet his eyes, your hand coming touch his on your cheek. "How far? How far are you, I mean?" Feeling at ease, your eyes are still watery with tears, a smile growing on your lips, "Two weeks." He grows soft at your reply, eyes flickering down towards your stomach. The stomach that held his kid inside of it. "How big are they?" You hold your hand up and leave a little gap between your index finger and your thumb, "Like a little seed." A smile of joy lights up his face before he carefully runs the bottom of your t-shirt up to expose your stomach to him. He pursed his lips together once more, fighting off tears as he gives a breathy laugh. "I love them already." You grin to your significant other, kissing his cheek.
"And we love you too."
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