ravkasqueen · 7 years
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"Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was." - Lily Evans
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ravkasqueen · 7 years
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- Ginevra Weasley
“It’s for some stupid, noble reason - isn’t it?’ 
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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@harrypotternetwork creation event The Golden Trio
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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Happy birthday James Potter!
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
Better with you
Regulus Black x Reader - imagine
Request/Summary: Anonymous requested - Can you do a imagine with Regulus Black where he and Lily’s younger sister are dating for some time in secret and one day when Snape or some other slytherin says something to her, instead of Lily or some of the marauders, he defends her before he could stop himself and then he kinda realizes he is in love with her?
Word Count: 2220
Warnings: Fluff :) 
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The cool breeze swirled in the air, spiralling out of control in tangled shapes all around as the hot summer sun blazed from high above. You laid down on the grass, hair tumbling out behind you as you kept your eyes closed and relaxed with a contented smile placed firmly on your dainty mouth as you allowed the warmth to soak into every inch of skin.
Vaguely, you could hear the chatter of your friends from around you; Lily’s voice piercing through the deeper tones of your male friends. You had been so jealous when Lily’s letter had arrived, some many years ago now. Not having been able to understand Petunia’s disgust with what their sister was, you kept in close correspondence with your sister throughout her time at Hogwarts in her first year, never allowing even a week to pass without a letter being sent.
You had soaked in every single detail of the castle in a dreamy state of pure wishing for two entire years, only half believing that you could possibly share the same wonderful fate. The day your letter arrived, Petunia had cried and screamed for a week as the rest of the family, including you, had celebrated. Only now, five years later, did it occur to you that there was a possibility that she was, in fact, jealous rather than spoilt.
By the time you took to boarding the Hogwarts Express for the first time, you felt as though you already knew all the people you were being introduced to.
The smoke from the train billowed in puffy clouds all around you. Everything already looked so magical and you were hardly there yet. All around, people passed wearing robes of the finest quality, reminding you of something out of a fairy-tale and you couldn’t help but wonder if Hogwarts itself would be like a story.
“Lily!” A voice called and your sister’s attention was divided. You turned around enthusiastically to find a boy standing there with a grin on his face.
Lily turned, dropping your hand before taking you by the sleeve over towards where the boy stood with a grin on her face. “Remus!” She laughed, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into an excited hug. “How have you been?”
Remus shrugged and the pair talked for a moment about the things they had done, though you thought in the back of your mind that your sister was making your holidays sound far more exciting than they were. All you did was stay at home and watch movies, after all.
“And, who’s this?” Remus asked after a little while, smiling as he gestured to you.
Lily smiled and pulled you closer to her side. “This is my little sister, Y/N.” She said proudly. “She got her letter the other month; our parents are so happy!”
“Hello,” you smiled shyly.
Remus smiled back but before he could say anything the whistle sounded. “Come on,” he said. “We should probably get on the train now.”
You gave one last wave goodbye to your family and tried not to feel too sad as you boarded the train which would change your life forever.
“Where are James and the others?” Lily asked when you had found a compartment and settled in a little. “They’re our friends.” She said to you as a way of explanation.
You rolled your eyes as you took off your scarf. “I know.” You said. “You talk about James all the time.”
Remus burst out laughing as Lily’s face grew steadily more and more red. “I do not.” She defended weakly.
“You do!” You yelled.
By then, a masculine laugh rang out from the door of the compartment. “What does Lily do?” A boy with shaggy hair and glasses asked before sitting down, another two boys, both with longer black hair, following him.
You opened your mouth to reply but frowned as Lily cut across you. “Nothing.” She muttered as the three boys to join your compartment sat around you so that another person couldn’t possibly fit in. “Doesn’t matter.”
The youngest of the boys with longer, dark hair took the last remaining seat on your right and smiled nervously at you as he did so, sending a flutter through your stomach.
“Hi,” he whispered.
“Oh yeah!” The older boy yelled, turning to the boy on your right as if he had forgotten he was there. “Guys, Lily, this is my younger brother, Regulus.” He said, plopping down next to Remus with a simple wave of his hand to explain Regulus’ presence.
Lily smiled at Regulus from your other side. “Don’t worry,” she smiled reassuringly and inclined her head towards you. “It’s Y/N’s first year too.”
“Hello, Y/N.” The boy with shaggy hair and glasses said before introducing himself as James. “Lily’s told us lots about you.”
Your eyes shifted nervously towards Lily before settling back on the boy next to you as the rest of the compartment began to laugh and joke with one another. You extended your hand towards him and chewed the inside of your cheek, nervous with the amount of excitement you contained. “It’s nice to meet you, Regulus.” You said.
He slowly smiled and took your hand within his own, causing you to grin. “It’s nice to meet you too.” 
You were shaken from your thoughts as you heard Lily giggling at something James said to her in her ear. You were happy that she had finally stopped denying her feelings and had agreed to go on a date with him. Although you weren’t nearly as close to the Marauders as Lily had become, you knew them well and understood that James was a nice guy, whom you were certain would never place Lily into harm’s way. You could only hope that Lily would be just as considerate of your choices.
Sitting up and resting back on your arms, you faced the lake and grinned as you saw Regulus sat by the side reading a book. At the feeling of eyes on him, he looked up and smiled when he caught you looking at him.
Glancing back to check the others you inclined your head over to the castle and after catching his nod muttered something to the group about getting some work done, getting up without properly registering their responses.
You forced your feet to slow and walk calmly towards the castle, knowing Regulus would be somewhere behind you. When you finally reached the entrance, you stopped and waited for him to arrive anxiously, rushing forwards to and wrapping your arms around him with a wide smile as he came towards you.
Regulus laughed as he wrapped his arms around you, book still in hand as he moved the hair from out of your eyes and kissed you on the mouth happily, warm breath fanning your face as you breathed deeply and placed your head into the crook of his neck, nuzzling further into his warmth.
“Hi.” You whispered with a smile.
Regulus chuckled and held you closer to him. “Hi,” he said with a low, throaty chuckle. “How has your day been?”
You smiled, not truly focusing on anything besides the way it felt as he traced his fingers over your skin. “It’s better now.” You eventually murmured.
  The chatter of everyone around you didn’t bother you as much as it usually did that evening at dinner in the Great Hall. Since you had begun seeing Regulus, little had bothered you, as a matter of fact. You still had to repress a grin every time you thought of him, there was so much to him which nobody knew or even bothered to try and get to know. It upset you to think that so many people who meant so much to you, Lily, Sirius, didn’t care enough to give the sweet and caring boy whom you cared just as much about, a chance. No matter how much Regulus protested the case, you were certain that he missed his older brother and that it hurt him to know that Sirius had left – just as you were sure that Sirius felt the same. Both were too ‘manly’ to own up to the assumption, however, and nothing was to be done about the brother’s steady separation.
As you caught the eye of the Slytherin from across the hall, you had to bite your lip to repress a large smile and continued speaking with Lily while your heart strained to move closer to the shaggy-haired, care-free boy. Recently, your feelings for him had increased and you knew that it could only mean one thing. Whenever he was near, you felt yourself light up and when he went away you wanted to follow. He was like the light to your dark blanket of the night sky, each lovely in their own rights but only when placed together; radiant. It was love, to be sure.
When you had finished with your meal you left with your friends, as usual, and hung back to linger around for Regulus, to see him one last time before bed. Soon enough, he was there, having only left you waiting for about a minute. He walked up to you calmly and you prepared to make a move for a more shadowy area of the castle when you caught sight of Lily leaving the hall with the rest of the Marauders. This would have not usually been a problem in the slightest but you couldn’t help noticing a few boys from Slytherin in the year above you jeering as they passed your sister.
Taking your attention off Regulus, you watched as the boys shoved Lily so that she stumbled into James’ side, his hands catching her readily enough.
“Hey!” You called angrily as you took your sister’s other side, catching her thankful grin at seeing you. You smiled at her and took her arm to stabilise her as Remus prevented Sirius from doing something ridiculous like cursing the lot of them. “Jerks.” You muttered beneath your breath. “Probably too dumb to realise that going up two against five wasn’t the brightest of ideas, anyway.”
One of the boys recoiled. “Filthy Mudblood!” He hissed and a foot caught yours, causing you to collapse face first to the floor.
Arms too slow to realise the problem and catch you, your nose took the brunt of the weight and blood gushed from it almost immediately after contact. Before anyone could react, a jet of light was being thrown at the boys.
“You vile, horrible-” Regulus was shaking, his wand held out before him as he stood protectively in front of you. Lily gasped and you could hear James muttering quickly under his breath to Sirius in a confused tone.
You scrambled quickly to your feet and with one hand clutching your bleeding nose you took hold of Regulus’ arm and moved to stand in front of him, back to the two boys who were then fleeing down the hall like the cowards they were. “Reg,” you said quietly, your voice muted by the blood which was trying to move down your throat as you pinched your nose shut. “Shh, it’s okay – just look at me.” You said, moving your hand to caress his face.
His attention snapped onto you and he swiftly moved your hand to stop pinching your nose and caught the blood on his sleeve. “You need to allow it to come out of your nose, love.” He explained softly as you winced and scrunched up your nose at the sight of him wiping away your blood.
“Sorry,” you muttered knowing that he would understand what for.
He shook his head and repressed the small smile which was overtaking his mouth as he kissed you lightly on the top of your forehead. “As much as I wish you would be more careful with who you torment, I understand why you did it.”
You grinned at him and shrugged. “Worth it.” You said, smiling triumphantly as he laughed. “You didn’t have to attack them for me, though.” You said, leaning in closer to him.
Regulus just shook his head at you, solemnly. “Of course I had to. When it comes to you I can hardly think, I-” he faltered. “Y/N, I love you.” He said sincerely, looking into your sparkling eyes with the ghost-like fear of rejection hiding behind his shimmering ones.
Instead of answering him, you lifted yourself onto the tips of your toes and buried your face into the side of his neck, pecking the skin there once and enjoying the way it made him shiver.
“Uh,” a voice said from behind you and your eyes, which had since fluttered shut, snapped open to see your confused friends behind you. Sirius was looking between the two of you in confusion. However, when you looked a little closer you could have sworn her looked hurt or regretful.
“So,” Lily said, the only one out of the five who looked happy, rather than confused. “How long has this been going on?”
You tried to laughed but then winced at the pain, drawing Regulus’ attention back onto you. His hands fluttered about your face, smoothing your hair back carefully. “There’ll be time to explain later. But, for now, I think we had better get this checked out and healed.”
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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“They were not moving as the portraits at Hogwarts moved, but there was a certain magic about them all the same: Harry thought they breathed. “
Luna Lovegood
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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‘Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;’ 3/4
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
Everything was perfect
Harry x reader
A lovely anon requested: Imagine with Harry meeting a pureblood son of a Death Eater first instead of Ron and they becoming best friends? And even though he’s Slytherin he is like really cute and sweet and awkward and rather protective of Harry when Draco’s bullying him? And then like when Harry starts liking somebody he gets really jealous and he’s like really confused why? And then one night at astronomy tower he admits his feelings to Harry and they kiss.. idk, so much fluff- can he also have blue eyes and dark hair?
Note: This was written, intended, for male readers but in all honesty, I feel this can be enjoyed by everyone no matter your gender :) also - please note that I did not make the reader have dark hair etc. as I leave these blanks for each individual reader to fill in <3
Word count: 2759
Forever tagging: @crownofdaisies @drxgonflyblue
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As the rain splattered against the window of the compartment you sat in, legs drawn together and book in hand, a grin overtook your face. The typical English weather was nothing to be happy about but the memories it conjured always gave you a reason to smile. It wasn’t all that long ago that you sat in this compartment, in this train, met a strange boy with a lightning scar and green eyes which shone like emeralds.
How different everything would have turned out, had you gotten to the train on time and found a compartment for yourself, as opposed to reality where you had to search for somewhere which wasn’t already full. One thing was certain; the infamous Harry Potter would have never become your best friend.
The second he mentioned his name and your eyes turned wide you knew that he didn’t have a clue just how widely known he was. Coming from a pureblood family had meant that you knew exactly who he was. Having a father who was a Death Eater meant that you knew exactly why the mere mention of his name in your house was a taboo of sorts.
Growing up, you had been told stories of the Potter boy the same as any other child of magic. However, when you were told the story Harry became the villain rather than the saviour. Only as you grew older did you begin to realise that this may not be the case but instead of arguing about it with your parents, you simply chose to keep quiet.
The day that you met the boy, you saw that he could never possibly be all that he was said to. His clothes were drowning him, his hair looked as though it had never been combed and his smile was too carefree as you told him more about yourself. He certainly didn’t look like someone who wanted to take away magic and destroy its purity. And, the more you thought about this, the easier it became to realise that everything your family had told you had been a load of rubbish. Who cares about the purity of blood when the half-blood who sat opposite you made you feel as happy as you were in that moment?
Those were the ideals you kept with you until today. You were sorted into Slytherin, which was no surprise but the only reason you wished you never were, was the fact Harry was sorted into Gryffindor. This didn’t mean that you couldn’t be friends, though, and you were determined to make Harry yours. Now, six years later, you could say that you succeeded in doing not only this but also in keeping the fact away from your family. The last thing you needed was to be bombarded with constant questions regarding your best friend’s status, which was something you were certain would happen. Putting Harry in any sort of danger just wasn’t an option for you to consider. The mere thought of doing so made your insides curl and churn uncomfortably.
Recently, however, things had become a lot more tense. Nearly two years ago, You Know Who returned and killed Cedric Diggory in a graveyard, making the battle once again very, very real for everyone. Last year, you and a group of others were caught in a fight at the Ministry, which resulted in the death of Harry’s godfather; his last remaining member of remaining family.
The decision between your family and the side you wanted to be on had been an easier one to make than you would have originally thought after you saw your father leading the chase that night in the Ministry. Though, a small part of you suspected that the choice had been made all along since you and the boy with messed up hair had shared an entire trolley of sweets together.
Over the years, your feelings for Harry had become a lot more complex and now, whenever you looked at him you could barely refrain from grinning. The mere spectacle of him set your chest alight with the burning of unanswered questions and his grin could flip your stomach upside down, causing the butterflies could escape their jail. Whenever he was near, your fingers twitched with the impulse to touch him and when he went away your smile grew cold
Though, you knew it was pointless. These feelings you kept chained up in your heart could never be shared. There was no way Harry could ever possibly feel the same; he certainly never made it seem like he could. Besides, what would people say? The Chosen One…with you. Poor, plain, always in the wrong place at the wrong time throughout the years, you.
A loud noise which came from your left went off with a bang and you jumped out of your reverie. Eyes wild and head-turning you searched for the source but relaxed when you almost immediately found a group of Slytherin guys messing around with a couple of the Weasley’s products. You rolled your eyes and turned away to face the Common Room fire which shone an eerie green colour. ‘So much for “never buying them and supporting their joke of a shop,”’ you thought to yourself as memories of these very words came to your head.
Biting your lip nervously, you checked the time on your watch and decided that it was close enough to dinner to begin walking up towards the Great Hall. You sighed as you reached forwards for your forgotten book, closing it with a snap and intending to take it with you on your way as you stood up from your chair.
“Hey! Y/N!” A voice called and your eyes closed involuntarily for a couple of seconds as you breathed a small sigh.
The main thing you hated about your house where the people you shared it with. You could now see how you had been brainwashed to think a certain way while growing up but it was clear no one else in your house had either come to the same realisation or felt brave enough to say it out loud. Even you kept quiet about how you disregarded everything your parents had taught you – with all except Harry, that is.
Turning on your foot, you found yourself coming face to face with Draco. “Y/N!” He cried, smiling falsely. “Running off to see the 'wittle Potter?” He asked scathingly.
Despite you loving and understanding your close relationship with Harry, not many others from Slytherin house did. Draco constantly droned on about how proud and vain Harry supposedly was and whenever you corrected him on his opinions and accusations the complaints turned against you.
“Yes, Draco.” You sighed once more. “I’m going to the Great Hall where everyone else, including Harry, will be so I’m sure I’ll see him.”
Draco faltered for a moment before contorting his face in irritation. “No need to become sarcastic.” He bit out. “I was only asking a question after all.
You huffed. “Well, you were asking a stupid question, weren’t you?”
“Potter’s a twat.” He said. “I don’t know how you, or anyone else for that matter, can stand him.”
“Well,” you said while moving past Draco and towards the door without another look in his direction. “I don’t know how anyone could ever possibly stand to be in the same room as you for more than a couple of minutes. You don’t ever shut up and your voice is grating.”
You had almost gotten to the Common Room door when you felt a hand grab around your bicep and halt you in your tracks. Swinging around, you saw that Draco was there, preventing you from moving away.
“What did you just say to me?” He asked in a tone which suggested you likely shouldn’t anger him or else he may tell his father about you.
“The truth.” Was all you replied with before pulling your arm out of his grip and walking through the portrait hole.
You forced yourself to walk all the way to the Great Hall without checking over your shoulder, thinking that it would likely take Draco a while to understand your insult of him, anyway.
Once you got to the Great Hall, however, you were more than ready to see your friend once more. It had been one of the rare days where your timetables just didn’t match up and you ended up not seeing one another much at all. It always saddened you to reach the morning of this day and took great effort to drag yourself up and out of bed when the knowledge that you wouldn’t be seeing Harry until Dinner, after breakfast, hit.
You strolled through the large doors and spotted the boy with messy hair almost immediately and on impulse, you smiled and made a move to walk towards him where he sat at the Gryffindor table. Although, you stopped short of the bench the moment you saw whom he was with.
Laughing and joking by Harry’s side was Ginny Weasley.
Your heart clenched painfully within your chest and the guilt that you knew that you had no right to be hurt – Harry was not yours after all – made the experience more devastating. Swallowing nervously, you bowed your head and without your customary greeting to Harry, you headed to your own table and joined the other Slytherin students.
You partially felt as though you were being overly dramatic but when you turned and saw the longing expression on Ginny’s face; you knew you had been right all along. Ginny Weasley, after all these years, indeed still liked Harry Potter.
The thought alone was enough to make your stomach twist itself into knots and your appetite to leave completely. The truth behind the thought made you want to curl yourself into a small ball and hide away forever.
“You alright?”
Startled by the sudden words, you jumped and looked up to see Blaise Zabini looking at you with concern flickering in the crevices between his eyebrows.
Eyes widening and cheeks reddening, you nodded quickly and hastily poured yourself a goblet before raising it to your lips delicately as if you hadn’t a care in the world when the reality was quite the opposite. You were being too obvious if Zabini of all people could tell there was something bothering you. If he could tell, then that meant Harry would be able to tell in a heartbeat.
Sighing once more you allowed yourself a final look at the pair tables behind you, barely able to prevent your eyes from straying in that direction any longer. You winced as you saw Ginny laughing and grinning widely at something Harry had said. When she leant forwards and playfully slapped his shoulder, however, you couldn’t stand it any longer and you were soon pushing away from the table and heading back towards the Slytherin Common Room for the day. You weren’t hungry anyway.
 It had been two days and you had barely ventured outside of your dorm, feigning illness whenever someone asked and pretending not to think it serious enough for Madam Pomfrey to attend to when someone offered to fetch her.
You thought yourself dramatic but your sorrow kept you from feeling utterly pathetic. Doubt had crept into your mind and reality had struck. How on earth had you ever even entertained the possibility that Potter could ever like you back? The knowledge that he likely never would knock the wind out of you and prevented you from feeling much of anything other than the despairing numbness which had spread from your mind, your heart and into your fingers and toes. 
However, everyone has to pick themselves up and get on with life eventually. Everybody was at the Great Hall and you were alone for it was dinner time and the silence helped you to collect your thoughts. You knew you couldn’t allow yourself the time to grieve over a petty trouble any longer so you were trying to come up with a plan to distance yourself from Harry but the idea alone was crushing to tend to.
You were sat on the edge of your bed, head on your hands when a small scuffling sound caught your attention. Your head snapped up but when you looked, there was no one there to see but instead of turning away your eyes narrowed and continued to look around the room. It wasn’t unlike your fellow Slytherin members to leave a few…surprises behind. Grabbing your wand, you stood up and held it out in front of you defensively, ready for even the slightest move.
“Hey, Y/N!” Harry said, making you jump and shoot red sparks from your wand without thinking as he revealed himself from the invisibility cloak he had obviously been wearing.
Your jaw dropped as you stared at him dumbfounded. “What are you doing here?” You demanded after a moment’s hesitation.
Harry grinned cheerfully and dropped himself down onto the edge of your bed. “Visiting my best mate, what else would I be doing?” He asked with a cocky tilt of the head as he bundled the cloak into his arms and patted the place next to him as if he owned the place.
You fumbled for a minute before asking; “But, how did you get in?”
“It was simple,” he said in a bored tone with a non-committal wave of the hand. “Now, how are you feeling?” He asked. “I was told you were sick but you seem rather fine to me.” 
Scowling, you stalked forwards and dropped back into the space where you had been, next to Harry. “I am ill.” You defended weakly.
“Really?” Harry asked. “Must be some new illness which has no side effects at all.” He said sarcastically. “Now what’s really up?” You opened your mouth but he cut you off. “And, I want the truth.”
You frowned and shut your mouth before opening it once more. “I just have a lot on my mind at the moment, alright?”
Harry nodded to himself. “Alright. And, this isn’t something you feel able to share with your best friend, right?”
You bowed your head, guilt flooding you as you realised you had never before kept anything from Harry and nor he, you. “I-”
“No, I get it,” Harry said. “It would just be nice to know so I don’t have to worry about you.”
The thought of Harry worrying about you made the butterflies flutter once again but you restrained their emotion. “Do you like Ginny?” You questioned after a moment without thinking before opening your mouth. After hearing the words you had spoken, your eyes widened and your heart started to beat rapidly. You couldn’t believe that you had been so blunt and obvious.
Harry’s eyes widened to and he blinked to himself for a while and swallowed nervously. “What?” He asked after a moment. 
You closed your eyes and turned away, trying to shrug and feign nonchalance – as if it were no big deal to ask your friend about their romantic status with a random girl. “I don’t know.” You said hastily, wishing there was a way to take back what you had said. “It doesn’t matter, I don’t-”
“Nah, I don’t.” He said. “She’s not really my type in all honesty.”
You blinked and blushed. “Oh.”
“Why’d you ask?” Harry questioned with a hint of amusement in his tone.
He laughed nervously and scratched the back of your neck. “Oh nothing, I was just-”
“Yes.” You nodded without thinking before your eyes shot out of your head and you began to shake it frantically from side to side. “No!” You shouted. “No that’s not what I meant! I don’t, I-” 
When you turned back to face Harry, your words got caught up in your throat due to how close he was and you froze for a moment as your eyes stared directly into his. “Do you like me?” He asked.
“W-what?” Your voice trembled as your eyes betrayed you and strayed towards his lips. 
“Do you like me?” He repeated with a glint in his eye.
You sighed and bowed your head. “Yes,” You never got to finish your sentence as, as soon as the one word you had been dreading saying left your lips; a grin the size of the world sprung into place on Harry’s mouth and before you knew it his hand was caressing your cheek and he was lifting your head and pressing his lips against yours.
And, in that moment, everything was absolutely perfect.
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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“The girl beside the window looked up. She had straggly, waist-length, dirty blonde hair, very pale eyebrows and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look. Harry knew at once why Neville had chosen to pass this compartment by. The girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness." 
- Luna Lovegood
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
Let’s stay here (Valentine’s Day)
So here’s one for Valentine’s Day. You guys voted for a Weasley imagine and a couple of you specifically said Fred - so here you go! If you think the day is as sucky as I do, then this is a little simple imagine for you. My Valentines gift to each of my lovely followers :)  Description: The reader x Fred pure fluff 
Word count: 1411
Warnings: mild swearing at the end
Forever tagging: @crownofdaisies
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The warm morning sunlight drifted in through the crack in the curtains of Fred’s four-poster bed, the scarlet making the glow seem like fire as it danced across your eyes. You rolled over onto your side and stifled a laugh as you came face to face with Fred, his nose touching your own, eyes still closed. For a moment, you froze, not moving a muscle as you admired the way the light lit his hair to a blaze and before you could take control your hand had reached up to tangle in his vibrant locks without permission.
You smoothed the hair gently out of the way of his face and began to delicately trace his features with the tip of your finger, imagining it to be a paintbrush and you the artist of the masterpiece which was right before you. A masterpiece that you had no hand in creating, it was already, miraculously there and waiting. And, he wanted you.
As you traced over his lips, he sucked them in from the sensation of being tickled and you giggled quietly as he cracked an eye open and smirked at you.
“What are you doing, love?” He grinned, briefly closing his eyes once more as he shifted slightly away and stretched, exposing more of his exposed torso and causing you to bite your lip, blush and turn the other way.
You smiled sweetly and answered in your most angelic voice; “Absolutely nothing, of course!”
He snickered and before you knew it he was on top of you. “Is that so?” He asked, pretending to ponder your answer.
You nodded and giggled as he leant down to kiss your cheek. “Yep,” you teased with a smile set in place.
He shook his head in mock seriousness as he planted another kiss on the tip of your nose, whispering as he did so; “It felt more like this to me.” And, with that, he reached his arm down to your side and began to tickle the surface of your skin there. A shrill giggle bubbled up and out of your throat as you screwed up your face and attempted to wriggle out of his grip.
“Fred!” You yelled as you squirmed. “St-stop!”
Fred simply laughed and carried on. “If you want me to stop, then all you have to do is-”
“What?!” You interrupted with a large chuckle.
He grinned widely and pinned you down further as you tried to move from out of his arms. “Just say that I’m the greatest, funniest, sexiest-”
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake!” A voice shouted from somewhere else in the dorm and you were reminded of how you had fallen asleep in Fred’s bed the night before. “Would you shut up? It’s too early for this!”
Fred snickered and opened the curtains by a crack and poked his head out with a smile still in place as you breathed a sigh of relief for the relent of tickling. “Good morning, dearest Georgie-pie!” Before a reply could be heard, the curtain was once again being closed and something solid was hitting it. “Someone’s grumpy in the mornings,” Fred muttered with a smirk.
You giggled and rolled over as you listened to the sounds of George getting up and moving out of the dormitory. “And, then there were two.” You smiled. The corners of Fred’s mouth twitched as he looked at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes as he leant down to kiss you gently on the mouth once more, lingering slightly and taking his time. When he finally pulled away you were left slightly breathless and keeping your eyes closed you placed your hand against his cheek and kept him close. “Can’t we just stay in bed all day? Stay here and relax together and never move again?”
Fred chuckled and pulled you closer to his chest. “We have plans to go into Hogsmeade, remember?” His voice was teasing and you could feel his smile against your temple as his breath hit the back of your neck and made the hair there stand on end.
You screwed up your face jokingly and pretended to think about it. “Well,” you finally sighed, suppressing a grin as you did so. “I suppose we can’t miss that.” You said teasingly but made no move to get up from where you were.
After a while of settling into the silence, you felt Fred press his mouth into the back of your head. “By the way,” he said. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
You paused for a moment, confusion washing over you momentarily as you tried to figure out how Fred knew what Valentine’s was. “I forgot I told you about that.” You muttered, more to yourself than to him. “You know what,” you said. “Just forget about it.”
Fred chuckled and the feeling of his chest vibrating against your back made you want to burst out laughing once again. “I’m glad that you told me.” He said after a moment of laughter.
Rolling your eyes, you pushed his shoulder gently. “I think you must be the only guy who would ever enjoy being told that love has been commercialised.” You laughed to yourself as you teased him. “Most guys would be gutted to know that muggles force themselves to fork out money for a day retail thrives on.”
From behind you, you could feel Fred shaking his head in amusement. “I don’t like the sound of it because of the… ‘commercialism’,” he stumbled out, trying to get his head around the foreign word. “I just like the sound of having a day where it’s acceptable to spoil you.”
“But,” you said, thinking back to what he said as you bit your lip. “I don’t want you to spoil me.”
Scoffing, Fred grabbed your waist and flipped you around so that your front was now up against his and he could see your face. “Well, I want to treat you like a princess.” He said in a tone which indicated that the conversation was closed, just for now. “Because in my mind, that’s how you should always be treated.”
You giggled at his statement. It sounded ludicrous to you; to be likened to a princess – something you most definitely were not. “Me?” You asked incredulously. “You really think that I of all people am like a princess?”
Fred nodded and laughed. “That’s exactly what I think!” He practically cheered.
“Well,” you began. “I think that you’re full of shit.” Wrinkling up your nose, you squealed as Fred wrapped his arms around you again and spun you back around so that your front now pressed against his as he held you above him. “I forgot,” he murmured as your hair splashed into his face. “That you cannot possibly be a princess.”
You gasped and hit his arm, not as lightly as you would have people believing you did. “You take that back!” You laughed.
Fred continued as if you hadn’t spoken. “Princesses are meant to be sweet, gentle and-”
You broke him off with a kiss on the lips, allowing your hair to create a type of veil around the two of you as you pressed yourself further into him, enjoying the smile you felt against your mouth. In that moment, you couldn’t think of anywhere else in which you would rather be. His hands moved to wrap tightly around your waist as he held you close and your legs entangled with his beneath the sheets.
When you finally broke away, instead of breaking into pieces, the moment stayed with you both as if it had been there always. “I love you,” Fred said as he smoothed any wild strands of hair away from your face.
Your eyes widened slightly but you weren’t afraid as you always believed you would be. Closing your eyes, you bent your head down to gently kiss the skin of his neck. “I love you too.”
Fred smiled and stroked your head. If anyone else could have seen him then, there would be no doubt of his love for you. The smile on his face told of his happiness and the knowledge that you had caused it made his entire world light up. “We need to get up,” he reminded you with a grin.
“Let’s stay here.” You said, too peaceful to want to move. “Please.”
Fred smiled and relented, the power you had over him proving too much. “Okay,” he said. “We’ll stay here, together, forever.”
You snorted, “Sounds nice.”
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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‘Ginny, listen …’ he said very quietly, as the buzz of conversation grew louder around them and people began to get to their feet. ‘I can’t be involved with you anymore. We’ve got to stop seeing each other. We can’t be together.’
 She said, with an oddly twisted smile, ‘It’s for some stupid, noble reason, isn’t it?’ 
‘It’s been like … like something out of someone else’s life, these last few weeks with you,’ said Harry. ‘But I can’t … we can’t … I’ve got things to do alone now.’ 
She did not cry, she simply looked at him.
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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“‘You show spirit, and bravery, and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom.’
‘I’ll join you when hell freezes over,’ said Neville. ‘Dumbledore’s Army!’ he shouted, and there was an answering cheer from the crowd, whom Voldemort’s silencing charms seemed unable to hold.”
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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“‘S – P – E – W!’ said Hermione hotly. ‘I was going to put Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status – but it wouldn’t fit. So that’s the heading of our manifesto.’
She brandished the sheaf of parchment at them.”
- Hermione Granger
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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‘You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;’ 1/4
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
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“Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.” 4/4
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ravkasqueen · 8 years
Don’t get used to it
Draco x Reader
Summary - The (Slytherin) reader has a cold and her boyfriend Draco makes her stay in bed instead of going to lessons.
Word count  - 1249
Warnings - none :) 
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  Yet another sneeze tore through the quiet of the morning peace as you turned away from Madam Pomfrey with a grimace. Your soft footfalls echoed lightly as each step hit the marble floor but even the quiet noise made your head pound.
The day outside was beautiful, to everyone else that is. To you, the hot, bright sun was too blinding and hurt your head and every time another person laughed excitedly, you wanted to wince.
You weren’t usually so bitter, truly, but illness had wracked your body for an entire week now and no matter how hard you tried, Madam Pomfrey still refused to give you the Pepperup potion as “your cold really wasn’t that bad”.
Pushing open the doors to the Infirmary, holding your tissue in the opposite hand with a queasy look on your face, you saw your boyfriend Draco stood waiting for you and his smile had the corners of your mouth turning upwards in response.
“How’d it go?” He asked when you reached his side, being careful not to touch him in an effort to prevent him becoming ill, too.
You rolled your eyes as you began to head down the corridor towards the Slytherin Common Room together. “Still no luck,” you muttered. “I’m positive it’s because the old hag holds a grudge against me still.” Draco laughed and pulled you gently to his side so your face pressed against the side of his arm. “Ugh!” You groaned, trying to push away lightly. “You’ll get all sick, too.”
Shrugging, he rubbed your arm soothingly and held you tighter. With a grin, he said to you; “Well, what did you expect?” He chuckled. “The last time you were sent to the Infirmary and she tried to help you, you snuck out the moment her back was turned and called her a ‘stupid badger’ when she questioned you about it the very next day.”
You made a sound if contempt in the back of your throat and rolled your eyes once more, unable to help the small, ruthless smile which sprung into place as you reminisced. “I actually didn’t mean for it to sound so derogatory…” you trailed with a laugh and Draco snickered like a boy.
“I know, you claim that you had meant that she was badgering you.” He winked.
“Hey!” You whined, wincing as your voice came out highly strained and sounding like you were pinching your nose. You coughed once before continuing. “I really did, you know I wouldn’t be so cr-”
“Of course I do, love.” He said with a reassuring smile, before squinting his eyes as he scrutinised your face. He came to a standstill and took your face within his hands as he stared into your eyes with the same, serious expression. After a couple seconds of pure silence stretching between the two of you, he said; “You’re not going to your lessons today.”
You sighed in exasperation and shimmied out of his grip, dancing lightly just out of his reach. “Of course I am,” you said to him with a wave of your hand, confident in the knowledge that he always gave you what you wanted, never having lost against him before.
“No, you’re really not, love.” He snorted, taking your hand within his own as he began to lead you towards the Great Hall. “After breakfast, you’re going to bed.”
“Really, Draco?” You asked as you allowed yourself be guided through the large doors of the Great Hall. “I’m not even tired.” You coughed as you slid into a seat beside him, scowling at those around you who shot you dirty looks.
Draco poured you a glass of orange juice and pushed it towards you. “Drink it,” he said pointedly. “It’ll help.”
“Draco,” you whined, looking at him pointedly which caused him to sigh.
“Listen, you won’t get better if you go to class today.” He pleaded, looking at you with his big, blue eyes which had you wanting to melt into a puddle at his feet. “Please, sweetheart, I can’t stand you feeling like this. It hurts me to know that you’re in pain.”
You relented slightly and bowed your head into his chest, not allowing yourself to look him in the eyes as he placed a hand on the back of your head to stroke your hair, lovingly. Nodding slightly, you felt more than you heard him sigh.
“Thank you.” He said, and when you looked up he was positively beaming at you.
Lightly shoving his shoulder, you turned and picked up your juice. “Don’t get used to winning.” You told him with a wry smile before taking a sip, watching him over the rim as he smirked at you.
Once you had finished, you reluctantly headed off to the Common Room rather than going to Transfiguration with Draco in tow.
“I don’t understand why you are not going to your own lessons.” You said with a sigh, heading through the doors, trying to hide how secretly happy you were that he was staying with you, no matter how selfish it was.
“Because,” he said and you felt his arms wrap around you from behind as he placed a delicate kiss on the skin where your neck met your shoulder causing you to arch your back. “How could I ever leave you?”
You laughed and turned yourself around to face him, your nose scrunched up as you gently moved to the tips of your toes and kissed the end of his. “You’re so cheesy.” You told him before relaxing into his hold.
He scowled at you playfully before taking you gently by the arm and beginning to lead you towards his dormitory. “Come on,” he said. “You need to rest.”
“You’re so overprotective.” You muttered but didn’t bother fighting against him. The truth was; you would follow him anywhere.
“Humour me.” Was his only response as you plopped down onto his bed with a smirk, laughing a little as the springs caused you to jump a little into the air. He shook his head at you in amusement with his back still turned away from you as he rummaged through a pile of his things. Finally, he turned around with a triumphant look as he held out the book he had evidently been searching for.
“What’s that?” You asked curiously, narrowing your eyes to better see the title.
Draco smiled and came to sit beside you. “Just some of the stories I used to love listening to as a child.”
You shuffled backwards to lie down on the bed and Draco moved to lie beside you. “Your parents read to you?” You asked curiously, not quite able to imagine either Lucius or Narcissa reading to their only son.
Draco laughed once, humourlessly. “Of course not.” He said, shaking his head ever so slightly. “But, the witches who came to watch me; they were always happy to.”
You frowned slightly and traced his tensed eyebrow, closing your eyes in contentment as you felt him relax under your caress. You sniffled, trying to breathe through a blocked nose and shuffled closer as he began to read. His voice soothed you like no one else could and almost immediately you could feel yourself beginning to nod off. No one could help you to forget about everything bad which occurred during your life more than the amazing man beside you and you loved him for it.
Just before you fell asleep for good, you whispered against him; “I love you.”
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