thenewworldartist 1 year
馃 time for crab 馃
i summoned some new orange friends 馃
today i summoned 351 crabs! caught 350 馃挵 of them. i became friends with 20 馃尲 of them.
group picture!!!
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lizzie-gains 5 years
Hi guys, Chris and I are poor at the moment and so he's having a sale on his Etsy store! If you're interested in wire sculptures or story/tarot cards, check it out :)
20% off with code POOR2019
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thenewworldartist 1 year
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2022 Art Recap Thank you to everyone who made this year awesome! Looking forward to next year and all the art we'll make together #Art #DigitalArt #TheNewWorldArtist #TheNewWorldArt #YearinReview #2022 #2022recap #2022Art #Art2022 #ArtRecap #ArtRecap2022 #ArtvArtist #ArtvsArtist #ArtvsArtist2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtsGIfBZ5V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Threads of Fate This card depicts a cluster of intertwining paths or coloured threads The card when drawn symbolises the influence and shift of interconnected fates. No one is an island. We exist in constant motion with others and our spaces. As we move and make decisions so too do those around us. Each of these actions ripples through reality affecting each of us in turn. Your path is never just yours alone and as you walk it you shift the path for others towards new connections. In some readings this card shows the paths of your fates, every possible choice and decision and how they interconnect, influencing one another twisting and crossing. In other readings it reminds the reader of the interconnectedness of the cosmos and everything in it. The bleeding lines between spirits merging at each passing as a small bit of each joins with the other. This card is often read as describing a series of choices or influence on choices. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #ThreadsofFate #Influence #Interconnected #Spirit #Fate #Options #Paths #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr-VeNDy-0/?igshid=1ojklromnzw87
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Rose in the Cracks This card depicts a single blue rose growing up from the cracks in a building The card when drawn symbolises overcoming adversity and being stifled. Many times in life there are situations that stifle who we truly are. The environment, the rules and the will of people around us can smother our spirit and stop us from reaching our true potential. Whether this is from persecution, dogma, control, strict morals or misunderstanding, we can be forced into a box that disconnects us from our spirit. The card seeks to remind the reader that breaking free of these constricting influences can lead to a sudden blossoming of our spirit and a more fulfilling version of ourselves and our lives. In some readings the card is a marker of positive outcomes from changing behaviour and environment or embracing personal freedom. In other readings the card asks the reader to find beauty in unexpected mundane places. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Rose #RoseintheCracks #Freedom #Blossoming #TrueSelf #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr9GD1jeyu/?igshid=al7ywdezn9v8
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The City Fog This card depicts a city cloaked in grey fog. Only the silhouetted tops of buildings can be discerned The card when drawn symbolises mundane distractions. The grey fog that obscures sight not only hides what is physically there but any connection with nature, magic and spirits. In some readings the card warns against the numbing and distracting nature of city life. The every day grind of work, technology and urban spaces clouding the mind and spirit, disconnecting you from nature. In other readings it warns of the dangers of ruts and routine. How comfort zones and habits can bring your growth and development to a stand still without you even realising. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Fog #Disconnect #Obscured #Habit #Rut #RatRace #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpWH7RgIvT/?igshid=om38aaqff3cb
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Sky God's Mask This card depicts a mask bathed in magical energies. The card when drawn symbolises the manifestation of a deity, spirit or spell. Rather than the physical aftermath of magical intervention this card shows the beginnings or potential for a spell or deific intervention. In some readings this card acts as a sign of the manifestation of a god like entity or magic power. This may be too show that a spell or blessing is working without yet showing physical effects or where the intended affect is not physical in nature. In other readings the card is a marker of the intention or will of a spirit, god or magical force. The card shows that the magical entity is actively calling to the reader and to be aware of other signs around. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Signs #Magic #Deity #Spell #Manifestation #Mask #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpUsTqgA0F/?igshid=1iv1ll8boh33f
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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Happy Little Clouds This card depicts a series of white serene clouds drifting across a blue sky. The card when drawn symbolises peace and tranquility. Moments of true inner peace, rare though they are, fleeting like clouds, drifting through our lives. The card reminds us to acknowledge and enjoy them as they come and to seek places in which they are more common. In some readings the card suggests times of peace in the future or to be sought out. In other readings it warns of turbulent times ahead. As the calm comes before the storm, small gentle clouds come together to form storm fronts. For those with air based or aligned deities this is a marker of their god's approval. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Cloud #Sky #Peace #Tranquility #CalmBeforetheStorm #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxmymYYDZud/?igshid=v2vedey35hbp
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Last Casting This card depicts a spell caster performing blood magic at the expense of themselves and their body. The card when drawn symbolises a difficult final attempt or last resort. When praying for a miracle has failed and drastic measures need to be applied. The card shows someone willing to sacrifice their very being to achieve a goal. Beyond obsession or ambition, this act is the struggle for or against the fates. In some readings the card suggests a goal or outcome that can only be achieved through personal sacrifice. In others it suggests that powerful magic beyond the limits of a single individual should, will or has been used. This card is special in the set as being one of a few that incorporate an aspect of the artist in the work. An acknowledgement to the seriousness of this card a sacrifice was made in it's creation. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Sacrifice #LastResort #BloodMagic #Magic #SpellCasting #WhenAllElseFails #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxmxOgzDHIa/?igshid=oyahrrdds5y5
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Worker Bee This card depicts a bee, a flying communal insect that pollinates plants and creates honey and wax. The card when drawn symbolises natural efforts and a communal effort towards a goal. The worker bee is a single hard working unit that fits as part of a long chain of natural effort. Within it's own hive many individuals work towards a unified goal. Outside the hive various entities work together for the continued growth of all involved, flowers, insects, animals, even the universe and cosmos itself. In some readings the card calls the reader to be a part of a greater whole. Taking on a task bigger than the individual can see or achieve, that through communal effort can be completed. The card extolls the virtues of social cohesion and communal effort. In other readings the card represents the work of hands and natural efforts. Plant tending, earth works and metal work etc. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Bee #WorkerBee #CommunalEffort #WorkofHands #BigPicture #HoneyBee #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkPZIPgvnL/?igshid=16s4cu8bk5hwh
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Trimmed Roses This card depicts a vase of various flowers in a minimalist aesthetic The card when drawn symbolises the pleasures of the mundane. Small instances of fulfillment from everyday items or experiences through which the quotidian is elevated to a higher status. Whether that is appreciating the beauty and art of regular things, basking in the warmth and energy of simple actions or exploring the spirit of inanimate things and spaces. The card calls the reader to connect with the banal and give it life through new appreciation. Stop and smell the roses. In some readings the card notes the necessity for small pleasures in life and the fulfillment they bring. In other readings the card represents the comforts and spaces of home. Comfort zones and sticking to the known and regular whether for good or bad. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Everyday #Quotidian #BeautyinBanality #StopandSmelltheRoses #LittlePleasures #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkN3Z8gzg6/?igshid=1w10qduqegdop
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Palm This card depicts a palm tree The card when drawn symbolises growth and development from trauma or pain. The Palm tree grows by sprouting fronds from the crown of it's trunk as they grow larger and age they break off. For many types of palm this leaves marred scars, broken frond bases and marks. The card reminds the reader that following from death, trauma, pain or hardship growth is slow and difficult but overtime possible. This however opens wounds or leaves scars. These are not to be shunned or hidden but to be embraced, understood and managed. Each mark on the Palm shows another day, month, year etc that it has survived, pushed forward and grown. Its trunk is part of what it is and its scars make up the outer layer of this trunk, not hidden but accepted and used as protection from other harm. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Palm #Survival #Scars #Growth #Development #MovingForward #Acceptance #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxholKugI4Q/?igshid=1cycc0drr0tk8
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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Spirits This card depicts a bottle of fine spirits and two shot glasses. The card when drawn symbolises celebration, commiseration or compacts. Spirits are a staple of three major social events. The celebration of an achievement or rite of passage. The commiseration of important things lost. The finalisation of an agreement, formalised with a handshake and a drink. In some readings this card notes a significant event past or future upon which choices hinge. This event will act as a lever to shift other parts of one's life. In other readings the spirit is read for its inebriating properties as shaman and mystics of old would ply themselves with strong alcohol to greater connect with the inner and outer spirits. In these readings the card seeks to request a state of openness to the greater spaces and connection with the Divine/nature/spirits/ether. Whether this is done via alcohol, drugs, meditation or other means is up to the reader. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Spirits #Shaman #Compact #Toast #Alcohol #Celebration #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhnBmkgw9m/?igshid=99g0ls7hmlop
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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Death's Curtain The card depicts a scythe made of bones standing in front of a blood red billowing curtain. The card when drawn symbolises the veil and theatrics of death. Death is feared for what it is rather than what she does. The card reminds the reader that death's job is merely to lift the veil of mortality and allow the spirit to move to whatever afterlife is relevant. The theatrics of death as the end of life, often violently so, is to misunderstand her purpose so that those not ready, prepared or convicted will not prematurely pass. Death is not painful, it is the absence of pain. Death is not cruel, it is the release of the bondage of flesh and bone. Death is not the end, death is the hand that guides you to rebirth. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Death #TheVeil #Rebirth #End #NottheEnd #OnlytheBeginning #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxe-y2lgd53/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yzi4zpcyc06s
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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The Manyfold Path This card depicts a branching pathway that extends outwards above an empty abyss. Above a grey cloud filled sky hangs motionless. The paths split like tree branches with some suddenly ending or deteriorating and falling down into the abyss. The card when drawn symbolises the paths of life. There are many paths and many options, leading all to different spaces but the path, the goal and the purpose are all the same. If you could see your path would you choose to walk it. The card suggests a paradox, knowing what option to choose will bring you clarity but knowing what options you have missed or will have to make will drive you insane. In the end you can only pick a path and hold conviction that it is true for you. In some readings this card represents the Divine path, the method by which mortals achieve godhood, enlightenment or ascension. In others it shows the path towards a mundane mortal end. Laying out the options that lead to it. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchcraft #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Fate #Enlightenment #Options #Paths #Ascension #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxe9YwjgnLc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ir5c8xjdnc1z
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thenewworldartist 5 years
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Two Minutes to Midnight This card depicts a pocket watch counting towards the twelfth hour. The card when drawn symbolises the running out of time or impending doom. The clock counts down to the end of it's cycle, this metaphorical clock tracks the cycle of birth, growth and death. As the clock reaches midnight the cycle reaches it's end ready to begin a new. For some readings this card foretells of the end of an age or situation, whether for better or worse change is coming. In other readings it stands in for the doomsday clock and foretells destruction. Pick up a deck at my Etsy store or feel free to message me about a paid private reading. Https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/TheNewWorldArt #Divination #Oracle #Tarot #Witchy #Ritual #Offering #Cards #Oraclecards #Tarotcards #Clock #PocketWatch #Doomsdayclock #Change #Cycles #Endtimes #TheNewWorld #TheNewWorldArt #TheNewWorldArtist #Journeys #Pagan #SaleonEtsy #Art #Artwork #Artworks #Magic #Etsy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxcf_XSAMFz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5hb3onofjapl
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