productionslezartis · 6 years
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PROMOCODE VALID ONLY TOMORROW APRIL 11th ONLY = DPINK27 for #thepeptides#danceparty on April 27th! We are offering a $5 dollar discount on all tickets purchased online on April 11th for LIVE AND DANCE with The Peptides. Get your tickets here: http://gotix.tunestub.com/event.cfm?cart&showTimingID=273347 ​@queering613 @ottawalgbtqevents @ottawaqueerevents @prideottawa @ottawaest @ottawa_instaphoto​ #lgbtqottawaevents#peptidespride#liveanddance#loveislove #gayottawa#genderqueer #lgbtcommunity#ottawalife#gayallies #gayrefuges#ottawagatineau #gayott #ottqueer #genderqueer #ottmusic #ottcity #lgbtottawa #ottfun #ottawalife #lgbtottawa #transottawa #gayottawa #lesbianottawa #lesbianott #ottparty #partyottawa #ottlive #🏳️‍🌈
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Slack Bridges (SB) has been making waves in the capital, having played many of the major and up-and-coming festivals in the region in their (relatively) short lifespan. In advance of their debut LP release show at the Rainbow Bistro, we caught up with bassist Garrett Bass for an in-depth conversation on influences, guests in their live show and maintaining their serious momentum moving into 2018.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slackbridges/
Web: http://www.slackbridges.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slackbridges/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/slackbridges
Upcoming Release: Joy of Joys (LP, Nov 2017)
Upcoming shows: Saturday, November 11 - Slack Bridges LP Release, with Mushy Gushy & Zattar. The Rainbow, Ottawa, ON. 9PM.
SA: How did Slack Bridges come to be? SB: In 2014, Chris (guitar) and myself had just started rehearsing with a local soul group and we realized we’d rather just work with each other. We started meeting up semi-regularly and putting some song skeletons together, but a combination of us having trouble finding a singer and both pretty busy meant that the songs just sat there for about a year and a half. In late 2015, I heard an album by an old pal Matt Gilmour under his alias “Gold Bonds” and really loved the sound of his voice. I showed Chris and we decided to reach out and see if Matt liked any of the tracks. The rest happened pretty quickly - Matt joined, he recommended our drummer Paul, I tracked down our keyboardist Marcus and things started coming together. Now as we release our first full length (we put out an EP last May), we have Zac Sedlar on alto sax and a few musicians who play off and on with us.
SA: What bands, musicians or artists would you cite as the biggest influences on your sound? SB: As a group of people, our tastes in soulful and funky music are pretty diverse, but we all speak the same language. So, half of the time we’re referencing the vintage stuff, from Chicago style soul like Curtis Mayfield, southern soul like Don Bryant, Anne Peebles, etc. and jazz fusion pioneers like Herbie Hancock… and then the other half of the time we’re referencing classic hip-hop and modern R&B guys like Anderson .Paak, Kendrick, etc.  I think it’s pretty cool that you can be so varied but still under the same umbrella. When we’re writing we’re referencing across the map.. “hey can you try some Chicago soul strings at that part?” “Can we get some of that Saturday Night Live sax ripping in the background here?” “How can we get a big Kendrick-style Moog bass on this one?” It’s cool! This type of diversity really shows through on our new record. We really do yield influence from the history of soulful music throughout the ages.
SA: Thus far in the band’s lifetime, what has been your biggest success? SB: We played Bluesfest this summer, which was pretty great. We also played Ottawa’s first soul music fest this year which some of us played a big role in putting on. It was really cool to see this kind of music as a community-builder, and a way of bringing people together. I’d say the biggest success has been getting a grant from the Ontario Arts Council though. It was really cool to have a big agency like that believe in what we’re up to! Plus it allowed us to take the album we’d been picking away at and get some guest musicians on it, get it professionally mixed, mastered, pressed on vinyl… we would be dropping a very different product right now without that cash. It's safe to say that we are proud of our record and earning that grant.
SA: On the other hand, what is the biggest challenge you have faced, and how have you dealt with it? SB:  We’re mainly 9-5ers and being in a band can be a big time management piece compared to how it used to be when we were kids. We’ve got 6 schedules to work around and we’re always trying to find a fine balance between being fun, efficient and reducing burn-out. For example, I’m a teacher and Matt is a grad student, so we work hard all year and then have summer off. Right at that point, Chris starts working 10-12 hour days at all the festivals. It’s a lot of juggling to get people together and gett’er done. Fortunately, when we all get in the jam space and play music together it’s a blast and definitely cathartic.   
SA: How do you approach the song-writing process? SB: I actually had a friend read the back of the album and say “oh come on, you guys don’t actually all write the songs together. Who brings in the song?” To which my response was… yeah, actually, we do, and it’s crazy. Haha! Usually someone busts out an idea and we just jam the hell out of until we have a song. I’ll record what we have and dump it onto the net, Matt will brainstorm and revise some lyrics for the following week and we’ll keep at it for about 4-5 weeks until it’s a done deal. Sometimes, we improvise or revise for fun, but crafting a song is one of the funnest parts of being in a band for all of us, and we compose democratically. I think that our new record is definitely a reflection of this democratic and diverse approach too.
SA: What are your thoughts on the Ottawa music scene? SB:  I’ve been here for about 12 years and it’s better now that it ever was. There’s a ton of variety! I feel like you could see  a wide array of music any night of the week if you’re not too picky about genre. I can name a few artists worth watching in just about any portion of the scene… soul/funk, jazz, punk, rock n’ roll, garage, reggae/ska, indie, songwriter, folk, celtic, gypsy. We feel lucky to be part of Ottawa's music infrastructure, and are excited to grow with it as it becomes more accessible to others. It's always sweet to see new people come out, new bands, labels, venues, and organizations dedicated to improving our creative community.  
SA: You are set to release your debut full length album, Joy of Joys, at the Rainbow Bistro on November 11. Social media tells us that you've been rehearsing with Olexandra from the Peptides. Can you tell us how that rehearsals have been going, and what can fans expect from your upcoming release show? SB: Our set is feeling great! After festival season it’s nice to be able to add some new material. We have some really fantastic people joining us on the 11th. Olexandra has been a huge supporter of this band and does such a great job with the Peptides, so it’s awesome to have her come up for a bunch of songs. We’ll also have Nick Dyson crushing it on trumpet and a couple other surprises up our sleeves. Expect a fun, intense, energetic, dynamic, and powerful set. We will be be playing songs off of our new record, as well as some brand new material. There will be lots of opportunities to dance and wild out. Our friends DJ Zattar and Mushy Gushy will also be playing some killer tunes as well. It's going to be a really great party.
SA: Given each band members' history with bands of a variety of genres, what made you want to follow this style with this band, and how has your song-writing approach compared or contrasted with past projects? SB:  For most of us, we’ve just really always wanted to play in this kind of group but it wasn’t a possibility a few years ago. In terms of songwriting, half of us come from a punk rock background where you jam out a song until it sounds good, and the other come from a jazz or blues background where you improvise and really explore an arrangement. Put the two together and it makes for some really fun songwriting. That being said, we all have a fascination with complex, impressive, and tastefully executed music from the heart. That remains consistent in our songwriting, but our new record shows an honesty and maturity in how we have evolved as people and songwriters alike. That growth is something we all go through.
SA: Ottawa Jazz Festival, Ottawa Bluesfest, House of Paint, and the list goes on. You guys have hit a lot of the major festivals coming through Ottawa thus far. Though this is quite the enviable position, how do you keep this kind of momentum building, given all the tremendous successes that 2017 had for the band? SB: We managed to do a lot without an official LP out, which was pretty amazing! A lot of what got us into those festivals was word-of-mouth, which we’re super grateful for, but we’re really excited to be able to push a unique record that we put a lot of work into and give new listeners a clearer idea of what we do. I think now the goal is to keep building momentum, enjoy writing and releasing even more material, and see if we can take our momentum to some of the bigger festivals in Montreal, Toronto and Halifax, etc. 
SA: What comes next for Slack Bridges post album release, and moving into 2018? We wish you guys the best, and good luck! SB: We’ll just be trying to get the record out there for the next little bit, hopefully collaborating with some more great Ottawa talent in the process. Otherwise, we’re just going to keep experimenting and writing soulful music and try to represent Ottawa one funky track at a time! 
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biov8 · 3 years
7 Promising Little-known Peptides To Watch Out For In The Future
As science in the pharmaceutical field continues to advance, peptides have become the new cutting edge solution to anti-aging and regenerative medicine. They’re the modern solution to longevity in biotechnology, proving more effective, and more precise than any other solution on the market.
With peptides quickly rising in popularity among modern pharmaceuticals, These little gems have gained considerable traction from positive clinical outcomes and should be carefully considered.
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Here’s our list of the top emerging peptides making waves in biotechnology.
1. Tesofensine Peptide Technically a serotonin-noradrenaline-dopamine reuptake inhibitor,Tesofensine peptide is one of thebest peptides for weight loss. Tesofensine works with the brain to suppress appetite and increase resting energy expenditure (basal metabolic rate).
Some say that when combined with an effective, healthy diet, the use of Tesofensine is comparable to the results of certain gastric surgeries. Proven to be a safe and effective long-term treatment for weight management,Tesofensine peptide can help individuals struggling with weight-related issues to minimise their body fat.
2. SS-31 SS-31 comes from the synthetic tetrapeptides family that work with theinner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) to promote electron transfer and ATP production. The SS-31 peptide helps bind the IMM and promote electron flux in the Electron Transport Chain (ETC).
In this process, SS-31 increases oxygen consumption and can aid the recovery of traumatic brain injuries, improve cognitive functioning, aid pulmonary hypertension, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases including heart failure.
3. ARA 290 ARA 290 is an 11-amino acid nonhematopoietic peptide that is designed to interact selectively with the innate repair receptor that mediates tissue protection. With proven efficacy in metabolic control, neuropathy, and blood sugar and cholesterol management, ARA 290 presents as a potential new treatment for type 2 diabetes.
Proven benefits of this peptide have shown to aid diet-induced insulin resistance, diabetic autonomic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, chronic heart failure, shock-induced multi-organ failure and more. In addition, the results of many studies show that ARA 290 acts as amuscle repair peptide, helping to prevent tissue injury, reduce inflammation and activate muscle healing.
4. Larazotide Acetate (LA) Larazotide acetate (LA) is a single-chain peptide made of eight amino acids that facilitates tight junction regulation to restore intestinal barrier and prevent a leaky gut. In people with Celiac disease, the consumption of gluten causes these tight junctions to break down, allowing gliadin (a component of gluten) to enter the space between and underneath the intestinal cells. Larazotide acetate acts to secure these junctions and keep out the gliadin.
Larazotide acetate is the first potential Celiac disease treatment to proceed to phase 3 of clinical trials where its effectiveness in large study groups will be tested. For people suffering Celiac disease, Larazotide is proving to be an effective treatment to help reduce the symptoms of gluten consumption and reverse any gut dysfunction.
5. PTD-DBM PTD-DBM is one of manypeptides for hair loss, specifically formulated to target factors that are fast-tracked in balding individuals.PTD-DBM is a topical hair product that helps activate the Wnt-β-catenin pathway via inhibition of zinc finger protein 5 (CXXC5).
In targeting this particular pathway, PTD-DBM acts to rescue hair follicle miniaturisation. Studies have shown that PTD-DBM has more effective results at promoting hair neogenesis when it is combined with valproic acid. Thepeptide for hair loss also stimulates long term hair growth.
6. TCAP-1 TCAP-1 is anothermuscle repair peptide that focuses on the metabolism of skeletal muscle. The muscle-focused peptide works to improve glucose uptake, increase aerobic metabolism, and increase enhanced muscle function. Clinical analysis on the function of TCAP-1 shows that it can increase oxidative capacity and modulate calcium cycling to increase mitochondrial depolarisation, increase mitochondrial activation, and thus increasemuscle energy for better performance.
7.ALRN-5281 ALRN-5281 is the newest addition togrowth hormone releasing peptides, a 29-amino acid analog of human growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) that is proven to be clinically beneficial for patients with growth hormone deficiency syndromes.
ALRN-5281 is a proprietary, long-acting agonist for treating orphan endocrine disorders and HIV lipodystrophy, as well as a variety of metabolic/endocrine disorders."
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/9-promising-little-known-peptides-to-watch-out-for-in-the-future
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yowcitystyle · 7 years
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The most delicious and colourful avo toast with a side of the latest issue of @ottawalifemag featuring Ottawa's most delicious and colourful band @thepeptides on the cover... 🌈🌈🌈 I had the pleasure of co-styling this cover with help thanks to @lechateau and MJ from @rentfrockrepeat. Yay team! 🙌 #yowcitystyle #ottawafashion #ottawamusic #canada150 #ottawa2017 #avocadotoast #avotoast http://ift.tt/2p0oZYY
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industryupdates · 4 years
ThePeptide Synthesis Marketreport examines the market situation and prospects and represents the size of the Peptide Synthesis market (value and volume) and the share by company, type, application, and region. via Pocket
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yogismeatlocker · 7 years
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Amazing show/killer turnout for our good friends @thekentsband @oldmangrantmusic @huttchedup last night - big thanks to everyone who checked out these amazing bands - look for their return in the near future!! TARG #missioncontrol is cleaned and ready to rock starting at 5pm today for #familyfriendly dinner and games - doors@9pm for tonight’s show featuring the greatly anticipated return of @thepeptides w/very special guest @malak.sound - join us!! #ottawa #pinball #perogies #arcade #party #fun #handmade #food #vegan #love #shows #events #bands #music #community #nevergiveup TONIGHT #disco #funk #party https://www.facebook.com/events/342727552860023/?ti=icl SATURDAY #ukrainian #NYE https://www.facebook.com/events/521237228225989/?ti=icl SUNDAY #brunch #freeplay http://www.houseoftarg.com/concert-listings-events/toughen-up-with-dj-kjmaxx-freeplay-pinball-vids-jan-14-2018 (at House of TARG)
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wtl · 8 years
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The always awesome @thePepTides http://ift.tt/2kij8vP
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biov8 · 3 years
Know About The Newly Approved Semaglutide For Weight Loss
2021 saw monumental progression for the universal treatment for obesity. The main shift being thepeptides for fat loss advancements with the recent approval of a new medication.
Just seven months ago, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Semaglutide[i] (brand name Wegovy), a weight loss drug initially developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The decision by the FDA makes Semaglutide the first approved drug treatment for weight management since 2014.
What is Semaglutide, exactly?
Sold by multinational pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, Semaglutide is a once-weekly injection that helps manage weight in individuals struggling with overweight tendencies and weight-related conditions such as high blood pressure, as well as those suffering obesity.
The drug does not increaselean muscle mass or help torestore gut health, but works solely to reduce fat within the body by helping with the production of insulin.
The FDA says that the drug is to be used only in patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or greater who also have at least one weight-related condition, or in patients with a BMI of 30 or greater.
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How does it work?
The injection medication works to moderate human hunger hormones by mimicking a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 targets the area of the human brain that regulates appetite and food consumption. Semaglutide suppresses this area by increasing the production of insulin, and thus helping to regulate blood sugar.
Wegovy conducted a safety and efficacy study of the drug for weight loss over four 68-week trials. The trial saw more than 2,600 patients receive Semaglutide for up to 68 weeks, compared with more than 1,500 patients who received placebo in the same period.
The research found that patients taking Semaglutide lost 15-20% of their overall body weight in the 68-week period. Those taking placebo during the same period were found to have lost only 2.4% of their body weight.
Why the Hype?
In the last year, Semaglutide has made a racket in the healthcare industry, causing a massive disruption to the way both experts and the public think about solutions for weight loss.
The positive results on weight loss gathered from the study were the initial catalyst for traction to the new treatment for obesity. But the hype grew even further when American entrepreneur and software engineer, Marc Andreessen gave the drug a PR lift. In an episode of “Lindy Talk” podcast, Andreessen titled the drug the “silver bullet”[iv] of appetite suppression.
“It just completely changes your relationship with food. You’re just not hungry,” he said.
Since the release of the podcast, growing media attention and public interest has seen shortages in supply of Semaglutide, with demand for the drug exceeding supply within months of it hitting the market.
What’s the catch?
Semaglutide is considered a safe injectable substance with obvious results, however, even this new “miracle drug”[ii] for weight loss has its list of minor and temporary side effects.
The most common side effects of the Wegovy product according to the FDA include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal (stomach) pain, headache, fatigue, dyspepsia (indigestion), dizziness, abdominal distension, eructation (belching), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in patients with type 2 diabetes, flatulence (gas buildup), gastroenteritis (an intestinal infection) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (a type of digestive disorder).
Beyond this, it has been proven in multiple studies that in order for patients to keep the weight off, they need to continue taking Semaglutide long term. One study[iii] showed that patients using the drug over a 20-week period regained nearly all of the weight they had lost upon ceasing the treatment.
With all of this information at hand, some experts are still concerned about the long term effects of the treatment.
Rachael Hartley, a registered dietician and specialist in intuitive eating, says the Semaglutide hype fits into a pattern of healthcare providers pathologizing people with larger bodies, rather than prioritizing people’s health regardless of size.
“I get really concerned about a medication in which the method of action is putting the pancreas into overdrive,” she says.
While Semaglutide remains safe to use for the purpose of weight loss, the lack of data as to the long-term effects remain in question.
Reference Link: https://biov8.com.au/blogs/news/semaglutide
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productionslezartis · 6 years
PROMOCODE VALID ONLY TOMORROW APRIL 11th ONLY = DPINK27 for #thepeptides#danceparty on April 27th! We are offering a $5 dollar discount on all tickets purchased online on April 11th for LIVE AND DANCE with The Peptides. Get your tickets here: http://gotix.tunestub.com/event.cfm?cart&showTimingID=273347 ​@queering613@ottawalgbtqevents @ottawaqueerevents @prideottawa@ottawaest @ottawa_instaphoto​ #lgbtqottawaevents#peptidespride#liveanddance#loveislove #gayottawa#genderqueer #lgbtcommunity#ottawalife#gayallies #gayrefuges#ottawagatineau #gayott #ottqueer#genderqueer #ottmusic #ottcity #lgbtottawa #ottfun#ottawalife #lgbtottawa #transottawa #gayottawa#lesbianottawa #lesbianott #ottparty #partyottawa#ottlive #🏳️‍🌈
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wtl · 8 years
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Church of Trees opening for the @thepeptides. http://ift.tt/2jGy0Ro
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wtl · 8 years
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Time for some pho before seeing the @ThePepTides at the Gladstone tonight #HalymaBirthdayWeekend http://ift.tt/2jOgb4T
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