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Creepshow 2 - 1987 
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@forevermuses continued from here
James’ expression shifted, as if triggered by that last sentence. Once again, his mouth moved to shape words all on its own. This time, however, the words didn’t feel so alien. They felt like his own, returned to him after a very very long time.
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“And you were so proud of it too, to see the Commodore humiliated as he scrubbed your vessel with what was left of his wig. You truly do have no shame, do you? After all I-”
With a startled blink, James slammed a hand over his mouth looking shocked over his own rudeness. He rose to his feet, ready to flee out of embarrassment. “I-I’m sorry, I…” he stammered behind his fingers. “I-I don’t know what came over me.”
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This was new. It was one thing for this man to be descended of Norrington, but to be — what? What had that even been? Ancestral ghosts speaking through him?
As quickly as the turn had taken James, however, he was back to himself. Spooked as he was, Jack didn't want him to leave yet if he could help it. There was something comforting about getting to know a Norrington in this era. Where he wasn't on the run. Where men could be with men on at least some of these islands. The rest made him quietly glad he was under protection.
"You're all right, mate," he said, forcing a calm facade. "Sometimes these tales have a way of telling themselves out in these waters. You were in the moment. Maybe someone even told you the story, eh? Pirate making an ex commodore wash 'is boots with his own wig."
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wetpapert0wel · 5 months
theres this one streamer. who i desperately want to support. but they are so bland and so slow w/ their gameplay it's incredibly, unbearably frustrating 💀
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gamerdude7777 · 6 months
Raft №5 With @nymphs1.3
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codeopod · 1 month
Ep 96 Imodna explored (TW angst/SI)
“Well…I’ll miss our little cottage.” Imogen whispered. She could’ve screamed, could’ve begged, could’ve fought harder for their little dream; their little cabin in the woods, with horses and a babbling creek. It was the best dream she ever had, her most precious, but she couldn’t fight for it. Not like this. It was impossible. She always knew it, but she was born stubborn as a foul and twice as hopeful.
Looking at Laudna, though, seeing her resolve harden, seeing Delilah behind her eyes; Imogen felt her dream begin to slip away.
Laudna broke, she cried harder then she ever had before. It hurt worse then dying. Seeing her finally realize the weight of her words. She had been insisting she was a dead end, all the while Imogen dreamed of hiding away in each little village they passed through. Growing old together. She wanted it more then anything. Still. Even with the force of grief pressing down on her chest, she stayed resolute as Laudna crumpled at her feet and clung to her skirts. Imogen had made a promise, and she would stand by it.
Laudna had the right to decide her future for herself.
To make her own decisions in a world that had stripped her of so many. When she had been resurrected, Imogen had let her choose to come back, and she would stand by her with each choice therafter. Even if it felt like killing herself in the process. Laudna would choose, and, if she didn’t chose their little cabin, well, the world might just end either way.
She wanted to wield Delilah like a cursed blade, and it would kill them both.
Imogen felt a new hope growing. With tears streaming down her face, and love at her feet, she let herself hope that she might at least die before seeing Laudna lost entirely.
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fitsofgloom · 7 months
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A Midnight Cowboy In The Dream Factory: Robert La Tourneaux from "The Boys In The Band" on the cover of Mandate, May, 1978. In key respects he was the real-life Joe Buck, the filmic role of the urban hustler in Western duds cloaking his entire life therafter.
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pb-dot · 3 months
WIP Anouncement: Thereafter
As I'm putting the final touch on the first draft of His Impossible Brushstrokes, I've come to realize something important about myself. I like writing, I like it a lot. Ok, not exactly a deep dark secret, that, but it has some implications as to how I'm going to do this one so I figured I should mention that up top.
The thing I came to realize is that the way things are going, I'm going to make what is hopefully one final pass on The Clockwork Boy to shine up the dialog a bit, and while editing is a fine and indeed neccesary part of writing, I have a need to keep writing-writing these days. Speaking from a purely practical standpoint, I also need some way to pace myself, as losing my mind in writing frenzies isn't doing my brain any favors.
So, with that in mind, I have decided to write and release my newest project, Thereafter, myself in the style of serial fiction. I'm going to set up a newsletter service to send my subscribers individual chapers of the series and host the backlogs on some apropriate site, looking like Cohost at the moment. After a period of outlining and writing up character bios, I plan to start at a slow but hopefully manageable clip, releasing two chapters per month, possibly ramping up to three if I find the workflow suiting me.
I don't really plan on earning any money from Thereafter at the time of writing, but considering hosting costs for the newsletter side of things, I may set up a patreon or other crowdfunding page if I ever start getting close to the 100 subscriber limit of the free plan I have my eyes on. It would be nice to get paid for this thing even if it's just the hosting costs, but honestly I just want to get the project out there and get some eyeballs on it, and if it catches on it catches on.
Thereafter is a bit of a appraising look, perhaps even deconstruction of the Portal Fantasy type of narrative, think your Narnias, your Warriors of Virtue, Your Pagemasters and what have you. In it, we meet 4 souls in their thirties who saved a secret magical land from a great evil as children, and have been struggling to make everything work in the aftermath of that. Now solidly among the ranks of the adult, these ex-heroes of legend find themselves, each in their own way, long for the magic, freedom and purpose of their adventures. When the strange wind that once whisked them away to their magical lands finally comes for them again, our heroes learn that they should have been careful about what they wish for.
The magical lands which our protagonists saved are all gone, shattered into fragments by something so vast and terrible not even the survivors could describe it, leaving the magical realms as floating pieces of flotsam and jetsam in the void between worlds. In this void, what scant few survivors there were from the calamity band together to build a refuge out of the broken pieces of their old worlds. It is to this refuge, a town called Thereafter, that our heroes arrive, learning that not only are these worlds they bled and suffered for destroyed, but they were destroyed centuries after their departure, their exploits turned into legends.
It is this legendary status that their summoners, the de facto ruling council of Thereafter, wishes to exploit. Plagued by a scarcity of resources and a truly wild variety of cultures, species and levels of magical ability, the desperate masses of Thereafter seem poised on the brink of panic and/or revolt. The council of Therafter prop up our heroes as having returned to save the world once again, hoping that their utter failure to do so will take long enough that someone will be able to come up with a better plan in the meantime. Our heroes, on their side, are ambivalent about pretending to be these larger-than-life personas that their legends have been turned into, but recognizes that their only way home is through the good will of the council, and so play along, at least until it becomes clear that Therafter's problems are far from over, and that it is impossible to rule the unwilling with clean hands and a clean conscience.
I'm pretty excited about this one. The idea of not getting to go back once I'm finished to make the style uniform is terrifying to me, and I'll have to get used to a kinda different way to pace the story, but I have decided that this is a good way to keep myself writing while leaving enough room in my schedule to keep the editing more or less consistent. Also, I can make it every bit as queer and political as I want to, so that's nice. Worst case scenario, it'll be a fun distraction while I work on getting The Clockwork Boy published.
A more detailed plot synopsis and some talk about the characters will follow at a later date.
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 24/03/2024
Aphex Twin Snakes
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume L [Side A]
Ripped by Snowva
I suppose we'll round off this streak covering rips with sources I'm far too unfamiliar with, with yet one more that I, like Poké Village, discovered on my own. Yes, I admit it: I am uncultured, I am weak, and I am not yet properly educated on the world of Aphex Twin. Now, that's not to say that the artist hasn't had an impact on me all the same - it wasn't that long ago that I wrote about just how much the Season 1 rip Aphex affected me way back in 2016. So I do have a tenuous attachment of sorts to their music, yet its an attachment I only get reminded of through rips and other remixes. Aphex Twin Snakes is one of those reminder-rips, one I found on a whim just browsing the archives of the Volume L album - and it's an absolute banger.
I may not have actual investment into the Metal Gear franchise yet either, but its at this point impossible not to know of the most legendary music of the Solid series. There's of course the beautiful credits theme to Metal Gear Solid 2, Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday - as performed by Bob Dylan (yes, by the REAL Bob Dylan!), and the long-overdue-for-coverage main theme for the series' third game, Snake Eater - but the main theme of Metal Gear Solid 2 has always felt like THE Metal Gear theme in my head. You can immediately tell something is changed in Aphex Twin Snakes - before the elements of Aphex Twin are even implemented, sound effects from the Metal Gear Solid series are sampled to create a far more prominent "beat" for the track, sort of in the vein of Banjostruck or the various Hideki Naganuma-inspired rips a la September. It's a fantastic way to transition the rip into the more jungle-y style of the Aphex Twin track used, which is Carn Marth if I'm to trust the Wiki - but attachment or not, its novelty as a jungle remix of such a proudly-orchestral piece is appealing all on its own.
The rip sells you in just the first 15 seconds alone as a distinctly different-feeling take to the legendary theme, but continues to impress throughout. I'm always caught off guard by how hard the intentional stutter in the track at little over 30 seconds in hits, and not long therafter the sound of Snake's iconic death sound from the series is used to amazing effect to punctuate the rip's change in tone. Midway through, we're even treated to a little bit of a "dialogue" in a codec call seemingly between Snake and Aphex Twin itself, only communicating through a change in music to the track Windowlicker. This is obviously not really the same thing as something like the canon-to-the-channel dialogue in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, but it is a really fun surprise althesame - when Aphex Twin Snakes was uploaded, we already knew that Snake was to reappear as a character in the King for Another Day Tournament, and so this little moment of interaction from the character (or the Figment, if we're to be lore accurate) feels all too fitting, its as if he himself was shocked to encounter another source in "his" own track.
After this little interlude, Body & Blood by clipping. is added to the mix, giving the rip a vocal performance quite different in tone from the rip's first half. It was the first half that sold me, and though this shift in direction is certainly a form of escalation, it is maybe a bit too drastic for me - whenever I come back to Aphex Twin Snakes, it is the Aphex Twin part of the first half that I'm most drawn to. But I'm of course althesame thankful that we even get rips with such variety and risks taken in them (sort of like Metal Gear Solid 2 itself, hm?), and that the rip knows not to overstay its welcome. Each of these three sections of the rip get just enough time to land, and all three feel polished to a sheen. This is the first rip by Snowva I've covered on here, but if Aphex Twin Snakes is anything to go by they have an absolute knack for quality - and have helped remind me of yet another incredible artist that I need to start actually listening to.
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spn-ish · 6 months
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... And then she deleted the post shortly therafter.
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primus-why · 4 months
A librarian/fellow archivist who once worked with Orion back in the day, having a friendly work relationship. Recalls how fondly Orion would speak of his friend, the gladiator, and how he eagerly sought recommendations from this OC coworker on various works said friend might enjoy...
Fast forward to present day. The librarian never formerly joined a faction-- Primus, they had barely held it together back then, there was no way they could throw themselves into a war. But, by some miracle, they stumble upon Earth and Team Prime. Seeing Optimus after all this time brings up old memories; the Prime is different in many ways-- obviously the conflict has reshaped them all-- but in many ways he's still the same.
They soon fall into an easy, friendly conversation. OC can't remember the last time they've felt this close to normal. They lightly joke that Orion still has overdue datapads in his name, and the Prime wordlessly fishes the very same pads out of his subspace. Any further conversation dies shortly therafter-- all they can do is stare at the lost literary works.
OC wonders, in awe, how these could have survived so long. What if they've become corrupted? Are they even charged? No, Orion-- the Prime-- would know how to maintain them. It's just a wonder that he even bothered. The Archives are gone, razed long ago, leaving only a pile of debris scattered with broken, unrecoverable works. No one had cared enough to protect the building or what was inside, it was too late for that, they simply ran for their lives. It was only after the dust had settled and OC found themself on a shuttle packed with NAILs did the profound loss sink in.
Never again would they walk those grand halls. They would no longer help visitors discover new works that might interest them, much like solving a personalized puzzle. Gone are the days when they could even hold a datapad other than the one they had brought in from home on the day they left.
It was a stark reminder that they could not go home-- there was no home to even return to, and one of the mechs responsible for their situation was right here in front of them. And yet, somehow, seeing the delinquent datapads, the tiniest bit of hope sparked for a fleeting moment.
'We are still here,' OC realized, 'cracked and scuffed and worn around the edges, but we are still here...'
OC didn't know when they had started to tear up, but swiftly they recomposed themself and apologized. "It's nothing, I was simply... startled." The Prime apologized too, though for what specifically was left up to interpretation.
After a beat, OC smirks and gathers the guts to ask, "... Did he at least like my suggestions?"
Optimus lets out a soft, sad laugh, "I didn't get a chance to show him."
"Mm... what a shame."
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cornerofhell · 6 months
Tiffany's doll in Bride of Chucky is the most perfect representation of her being our Goth Trailer Trash queen 🙌
Seed of Chucky and the dolls therafter made her far too elegant in my opinion!
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Tonights movie... The legendary “Creepshow 2″. They don’t make them like they used too. 
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cutesharkstudios · 5 months
Cold Sweat Chapter 1
Blight Manor: 11:17 pm
Luz and Amity are snuggled in bed after enjoying a wonderful date. After her kingcenera, Luz made sure she had some ample time with her beloved girlfriend. On their way back from their usual date spot, they met someone who brought up a cheating incident in a witches duel that just got resolved. They left therafter, with Luz doing everything in her power to make sure Amity's mind left that comment.
They arived at their home, the Blight manor. They lived there with Amity's siblings and father, in order to be closer, save money, and use up all the space they could. They all respected eachother's privacy and were all getting along well now that O-stinky-a was out of their lives.
After going to bed, Luz thought nothing of the conversation, until she started to hear wimpering from her partner. She started to open her eyes to see if her sweet potato was cold.
Said eyes shot open when out of the freaking ether, Amity sat up with tears pouring from her eyes, screaming "I'M SORRY" at the top of her lungs. Luz immediatly started to console her.
Luz: Amity, Amity, it's ok, it's just a nightmare, I'm here.
Amity then embraced Luz with the consrictiveness of a snake, saying something the human never thought she would hear her say.
Amity: Please don't leave me. I'll never do it again. Luz…..
Luz: It's okay, I'm here.
At that moment, Alador kicked open the door, his eyes wide as spell circles and filled with fear for his daughter. Following him was his twins, Ed and Em, who heard the cry as well.
Alador: Amity, Luz, are you ok!?
Luz: I am, but Amity isn't. She just just had a nightmare, and we all need to make sure she is ok.
Edric and Emira: Amity, what's wrong?
Alador: Is it about the conversation you overheard? Luz told me to make sure I didn't waltz over an open wound.
Amity: It is. Here's how it went.
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Here’s the Cartoon Network schedule for Monday, January 24 to Sunday, January 30, 2011.
First thing, 9PM was gone. This was when people thought that Adult Swim didn’t really need 9PM, as they were only using it to air episodes of King of the Hill. I remember when I first saw KOTH (around this time, or a little bit before or after), I thought it was weird, given the theme was instrumental and the intro just had stone-faced Hank Hill drinking in front of that fence with Bill, Dale and Boomhauer. Grew to like the show, though.
Anyways, SCHEDULE CHANGES! The mid-morning lineup (after 9am and before 12pm) has a mix of the Canadian toons (Johnny Test, Total Drama Island) and retro CN classics (Dexter’s Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls [the original 1998 series]). Definitely a great mix for any Teletoon/CN fan.
And also, in the early-evening, at 6pm, a Great combo came to exist. 6teen and Total Drama World Tour. I’m pretty sure a lot of people know why it’s a great mix (Fresh TV produced both shows, a lot of the voices worked on both shows, both feel like the early-mid 2000s, etc.). Too bad CN replaced the 6pm half-hour slot with more KND the next month, this week was also one of the last times 6teen aired on United States cable television. (it still airs on Teletoon [now Cartoon Network Canada]).
Also, this was around the time when Pokemon Black and White was about to come out in the states, so the Diamond and Pearl anime was about to end, this week was when the second-to-last episode of the DP anime aired. The next episode was the one where Piplup was crying that he is leaving his best friend, Pikachu (he cried as well). No, really, here’s the clip.
Speaking of sad news, Robotomy was ending this week. That sucks, given the show was really great, I could have seen that show as CN’s third wheel, if MAD never was really successful and CN trusted Thrasher and Blastus for a second season. Good thing they got Gumball shortly therafter.
Friday Action block was just new Young Justice (a show that lasted through a cancellation and ended up on streaming) and Star Wars: the Clone Wars (another show that lasted through a cancellation and ended up on streaming). the Ben 10: Alien Force hour-long episodes were airing as time-filler between the two shows. Ultimate Alien and Generator Rex would return the next week.
Flicks movie was a rerun of Underdog. Aired Saturday at 7pm and again 23 hours later.
Anyways, the schedules after this one were more notable, only because Johnny Test was shrunk from its 52 reruns on the channel. Remember back when the most aired show was only on for 12% of the channel’s runtime? Nowadays, CN’s most aired show is about 31% of the airtime. Still better than Nick’s airtime of SpongeBob and Paw Patrol nowadays.
Here’s what was new that week:
Adventure Time - Monday at 8p
Regular Show - Monday at 8:15p
Robotomy - SERIES FINALE - Monday at 8:45p
Young Justice - Friday at 7p
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Friday at 8:30p
The Super Hero Squad Show - Saturday at 6:30a
Beyblade: Metal Fusion - Saturday at 7:30a
Pokemon DP: Sinnoh League Victors - Saturday at 8a
Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: Fused - Saturday at 10:30a
Run it Back (NBA Recap show) - Sunday at 8a
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metalsiren-a · 1 year
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𝙵𝙵𝙰:  wage  war,  dayseeker,  sleep  token,  periphery
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋  𝐄𝐍𝐃  is  a  progressive  metalcore  band  hailing  from  new  york.  founded  by  vocalist  sawyer  bardot  and  guitarist  atticus quinn in  2019,  they  were  joined  by  bassist  connor  opilio  and  drummer  rowan  arrington  soon  therafter.  with  powerful  yet  atmospheric  guitars,  able  to  create  dynamics  that  lure  you  into  a  false  sense  of  whimsy  before  they  drop  into  the  abyss  of  breakdowns,  as  well  as  a  clean,  powerful  rhythm  section  that  never  strays  from  the  pocket,  ethereal  end's  sound  can  only  be  described  as  it's  namesake  —  ethereal.  that  comes  even  more  into  play  the  moment  sawyer's  vocals  come  seem  to  float  over  the  instrumental,  allowing  her  breathy  cleans  sing  you  to  sleep  before  the  banshee's  unleashed  with  vicious  screams  placed  tastefully  throughout  the  arrangement.   with  their  debut  album  'a  broken,  violent  end'  released  early  2021,  they've  taken  the  metal  (and  mainstream  music)  scene  by  storm,  their first single 'heliophobia' hitting  #46  on  the  billboard  hot  one  hundred  for  three  weeks  in  a  row  and  steadily  climbing.  
[  𝙻𝙴𝙵𝚃  𝚃𝙾  𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃.  ]
𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐘𝐄𝐑  𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐎𝐓 :  vocals,  keys,  synths  |  DOVE CAMERON 𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐀𝐍  𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍 :  drums  |  ALEX TERRIBLE 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐔𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐍 :  guitar,  backing vocals,  production  |  NOAH SEBASTIAN 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐑  𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐎 :  bass,  backing vocals  |  WILL RAMOS
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moonstruckme · 2 months
congrats on 5k!!!!! so happy for you mamacita!!
stargaze- my favorite song is “kiss her you fool” by kids that fly or “brazil” by declan mckenna
marauders, male
James!!! James. Immediately James. Kiss her you fool has always given me James vibes and I think brazil suits him better than the other marauders too. I hope y'all have a very beautiful summer (and life therafter) together <3
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