#therapy!!! the thing you just experienced was therapy!!!
thebibliosphere · 2 days
Calling you out for excellent self-talk strategies.
I’ve noticed in your posts about ongoing health that you often finish up with something along the lines of “I am experiencing Situations and Limitations, and this is ok. It is unpleasant, but still ok”
(Ok as in morally neutral, not as in everything is fine and normal and should be ignored)
And like… I can’t articulate how much I appreciate seeing that. It’s helpful as an outsider to see things put into context like that, and it’s also excellent modeling. Because I try so hard to talk to myself the same way, but sometimes it’s… just… really hard. And seeing other people using the same words makes it feel a tiny bit easier, for me, like it’s a little more real. And maybe it is actually ok.
Thank you for noticing, and I’m glad it’s something you find validating.
It’s actually something I’ve learned from radical acceptance therapy.
Too many people think that acceptance means either giving up or that you’ve found a way to be positive about something, when in reality it is a neutral stance.
I work daily to accept the curve balls my complex health needs throw at me. I am not happy about them, and nor do I need to be.
I refuse to embrace toxic positivity and say I am thankful for the challenges I overcome because I am not. No one needs to be thankful for surviving suffering. You are not obligated to find meaning in your pain.
It can just be something that is.
But nor should I view myself as negative.
I can acknowledge that I have negative feelings toward it, but I refuse to assign moral value to my situation because health is morally neutral. I will not berate myself with shoulda, coulda, woulda. That’s the path to madness and one I’ve been down many times before.
It’s far more healthful for me to say, “wow, this sucks. What can I do in this moment to care for myself that is realistic and mindful of my limitations?” and move on from there.
Sometimes the answer is “nothing” in which case I accept that all I can do is rest and be kind to myself over it.
It’s hard. But it’s a skill worth learning.
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cokoweee · 2 days
Heavens to Betsy I’ve been meaning to go on this rant forever but I keep forgetting for some reason
Quick disclaimer- I’m not analyzing your comic at all, I just notice little accuracies that make me happy.
Ok coming from a psychology major student, your description of PTSD and mental health issues is actually pretty dang good. Idk if it was intentionally researched or not but there’s like a ton of stuff that’s consistent with real life trauma and it’s quite frankly impressive
Again not sure if this was intentional or not but the thing on his back reminds me so much of old school electroshock therapy which I adore bc
A: it causes confusion and memory loss which you’ve shown and
B: kinda implies that maybe he did his own research when deciding how to deal with everything or
C: again is incredibly accurate in the fact that most trauma patients continuously seek pain out, and in turn report feelings of extreme boredom and numbness when not actively experiencing pain or reliving trauma. In his case going borderline catatonic when he’s not freaking out.
On the topic of “freaking out” a lack or decrease in serotonin leads to a more reactive and intense episodes in PTSD. Or, because the little guy is like mega depressed coz of the whole situation, he gets way more intense and violent episodes that someone who was on like Prozac. And would tend to be more on edge and sensitive to triggers.
Then there’s his family. For some background, there’s a part of your brain called the amygdala. It typically works to control basic emotions, but responds very well to fear. In traumatic experiences, it pairs with the hippocampus (the memory center of the brain) to store vivid and occasionally sensory memories.
When a memory trigger is provoked and brought back into consciousness, it actually changes slightly depending on the context of which it recalled. Those memories are changed to fit how we make sense of them. So if he feels guilty for his brothers death, then his memories will reflect it whether or not it’s actually true.
Essentially, him having his brothers showing up all the time (looking the way they do) is really bad for him on multiple levels, and not just because they’re triggering visually. They’re like actually impeding his ability to recover by keeping him in an aggressive form of already intense fight or flight that comes from trauma.
On a happier note, one of the best ways to improve is to establish and nurture caring relationships. Awww
Aight ima stop here so I don’t bore you to death with random psych facts, but like kudos to you my dude because I could go on forever about some of the stuff in there
Uh yeah
-writing anon 🤡
Bein real I dont do much research on shit even tho I should. I just go off what I’ve seen/ learned throughout the years. It’s always good to hear I’m doin ahit right tho!
Lowkey right with the shock tho. Or high key lol. Seeking pain there’s other ways people do it but mmm somehow this seemed the tamest way. Oh writing anon u silly lil saltine cracker
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zombiejette · 4 months
Cis men will still literally do anything but go to therapy. Even perform therapy on stage to themselves while a captive audience watches their one-man mental breakdown. But real therapy? Never heard of her.
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bugmistake · 5 months
been getting really into sitting in the dark with my headphones on. this is a nothing post. mutuals come over and sit in the dark with me
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while i'm on the topic of my weird 19th century style childhood. when i got chicken pox as a kid, my sores became really badly infected, much more so than my siblings. i was scolded for picking them too much - even though i wasn't picking much at all because i was too weak to itch the pox sores most of the time.
for several weeks i was in a cycle of being made to take oatmeal bath after oatmeal bath, scolded for picking my sores and"faking sick to get out of going to church", and still somehow getting sicker every day. a mystery.
my bellybutton eventually turned into a black boil with a cracked and oozing center, and after 3 days of that and me refusing to wear any clothing but a very worn old navy T-shirt dress, my mom finally took me to a real doctor. i was around 8, i think? i vividly remember laying in that final oatmeal bath and thinking that if i turned my head to the left and took a deep breath i wouldn't have to hurt anymore. not even in a depressed or suicidal way! that was just the most practical solution my childbrain could come up with lol.
i told my mom about those thoughts on the drive to the hospital, and (sing along if you know this one) she told me to stop being so dramatic.
anyhow, it turns out my pox sores had become a staph infection. i was on an IV drip for, idk, maybe a day? time is fuzzy. one of the nurses told my mom if she'd waited even one more day, there wouldn't have been anything they could have done. i know that shit had that bitch feeling guilty because i got a milkshake on the drive home. a SONIC milkshake, so the whole thing was worth it tbh
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thethingything · 6 months
local man discovers he's gotten into the habit of using DBT techniques without actually being taught them because at some point he realised that the things we get the urge to do when we have strong emotions often aren't healthy and that he doesn't like how he feels afterwards so he started noticing when that was happening and going "fuck that shit" and doing the opposite instead
#personal#thoughts#Lucy post#talking to 🍬 about various stuff we do because of our social anxiety and what are probably undiagnosed BPD symptoms#and we realised he's gotten himself into the habit of paying attention to how his emotions affect his judgement#and trying to take a step back when he's experiencing an emotion that he knows gives us the urge to do stuff that's not healthy for us#and he said he felt bad about having those emotions and urges to do unhealthy stuff#at which point I was like ''okay but you're choosing not to act on that and to take a step back and do something healthier instead#which is what actually matters here and is also something that takes a hell of a lot of self-awareness and self-control''#this is shit they teach you in therapy that's difficult specifically because you're going against your brain's instincts for a situation#and we were never taught how to do it so you've just fucking taught yourself to do it instead#without actually knowing it's a specific technique that has a name#I was aware of it but had never actually looked at the instructions properly because when I stumbled across it#it was at a point where being told to go against what my emotions made me want to do felt invalidating and upsetting#I've literally just pieced together that ''oh right that's what that is and how it's supposed to work#and how it's meant to feel when you do it right''#anyway all this is to say that I keep being impressed with the amount of progress 🍬's made on learning healthy coping mechanisms#including things I could never seem to get the hang of when I was fronting more and handling more stuff#and I'm really proud of him and 🦋 and everyone else who's been handling stuff within the system and keeping things running#but also nobody in here seems to realise how much progress they've made with anything until someone else points it out#I just realised I should tag this as#happy posting#because I'm talking about stuff that's going well and where we've actually made a lot of progress
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seventeendeer · 2 years
just played sonic frontiers for the first time for a couple hours and in my professional Sonic Expert(tm) opinion, we need to crowdfund therapy for whoever directed this game. or, if I ever manage to locate the willpower to finish this fucking game, for me
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lokh · 1 year
being aware of your own shortcomings but not knowing how to fix it. sooooo frustrating lol <3
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Both my brother and father are frequent GMs for the ttrpgers in our social circle. They also each play in the other’s game.
This leads to fun situations like a week or two ago when my brother brought up giant undersea scorpions being a thing that exists in casual conversation.
Dad: That’s coming up in a game.
Bro: (His girlfriend, who plays in Bro’s) already forbade them.
Mom: *laughing* I love that you both went straight there. You and she just knew he’d do that.
Me: Who do you think he learned from? And who plays in his games and therefore KNOWS exactly what he’d do?
Bro is, I believe, the one who suggested to Dad back when we were still kids the phrase “carnivorous crickets,” before realizing he was giving the GM ideas. Horrifying arthropods are in fact part of his GMing style.
So anyway, Dad’s the GM tonight, Bro’s visiting his girlfriend, so I just heard the alarm go off and Dad go “time to go kill some adventurers.”
I told him to have fun.
#family shenanigans#ttrpg#arthropods#insects#carnivorous insects#just feels like something I should tag for#with the virtual campaigns it's very amusing because you can hear one of them say something from one room#and then the other respond not-infrequently#at least if you're on the main level (as one is upstairs and the other downstairs) or if you are me and can hear through floors#... usually not distinctly but I can occasionally make things out if respective doors are still open#walls as a given though I have to wear headphones whenever someone's in therapy#as a total bystander in BOTH games (and any others one or both of them may be running) who relies on them for transport#it's not at all uncommon for me to hear their plans for one or the other's game and/or help pick choices for a dungeon design or the like#(because yes of course my game designer little brother has both a massive homebrew setting and often designs dungeons off his own ideas)#he also does magical items himself he has fun with that#winner has to be the Sack O' Daggers - an unassuming porch containing infinitely respawning magic daggers#(capable of having whatever property you as GM would like added to them by making the sack a sack o' +whatever daggers; magical by default)#you cannot sell them; only one is active at a time; but if you're going to be checked before entering somewhere hey!#You just have an unassuming empty pouch. Totally empty. SURPRISE! Daggers.#(and of course my dad who has been involved in this hobby since the 70s when he was a teenager is pretty experienced as a GM)#the real monster of mythic proportions in the household is actually frogs that nearly wrecked his party in like the 70s/80s#leading them all to ask 'what? do they have vorpal tongues or something?'#the vorpal frogs have come up at least once since with INTENTIONAL death in their eyes#but yeah of course I gleefully enable them both in trying to kill each other's characters this is bonding time for them#and all their friends. Hey there's a third GM in that group don't feel TOO sorry for everyone.
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
um. I think that there should be mandatory therapy for everyone at med. they’re all a little bit fucked if I’m honest
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dxxtruction · 3 days
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dancerfelix · 2 months
Guy who got so much new trauma it actually might have given me a personality shift again
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princesssarcastia · 4 months
the problem with repression is that it's like carrying tension in your jaw. i would know, i do both. the problem is that even once you realize you're doing it, you can't stop doing it. you can only jolt to awareness a few minutes or hours or even days into the process and try to consciously will yourself to stop. and you have to do that every single time, because somehow, without you noticing, your body trained itself to do these things in good and bad times both.
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Thinking abt my dupes some more, and it's such a joy imagining them working together to try and invent new stuff for their needs with their limited resources, especially when it comes to the guys anywhere but the main colony where the only actual scientist lives lol
#rat rambles#oni posting#tbf there is a doctor on one of the other colonies so its a good thing mi-ma has her at least#just the crew all learning to genuinely create for the first time and being estatic as someone makes a toaster or smth for the first time#and then they realize they can fuck around with food too and chefs have to swat everyone away from the stove to hog the creative joys#meanwhile the diggers are just staring with big sad eyes at the engineers and burt begging them to upgrade their mining guns#they wanna have fun with new things too!!! please somehow invent a neutronium blaster that the poor sad diggers can have fun with#meanwhile burt is just sitting there experiencing The Horrors (digging through olivia's database)#well ok several dupes are going through their own personal horrors since theyve yet to reinvent therapy 😔#a good chunk of them are going through the horrors of their primary food source being raw lettus lol#hey this is future them I can imagine theyve been sent duskcaps and pufts and have managed to enjoy a wider diet#and that the main colony have been getting to leech off of the stuffed berries from their teleporter neighbors#the fourth colony I forgot abt when drawing the last drawing have been thriving off of grubberry pie for ages tho theyre living lavish#yes colonizing that planet was an ordeal since its the flipped asteroid but its ok because they survived#and by they I mostly mean quinn they were rly the only one who ever was at risk#just another near death experience to add to their list (most of them were radiation related lol)#that's what happens when you adamantly refuse to use athmo suits and proper radiation shielding while doing space travel#oh also lets imagine that they all eventually got propper spoms set up and cleaned up the hydrogen floating around literally everywhere#and that I fixed my power problems by using the natural gas vents that were very easily available to me#and lets also imagine they managed to set up proper cooling systems and disenfecting systems as well#anyways I need to go shower while I continue to think abt my lovely dupes
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spirithaus · 6 months
trying to find a therapist but like half the ones near me who take my insurance publicly base their practice on pseudo science. can i just die
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volinare · 7 months
It's kinda like before anti-psycotics I experienced my innerworld, my subconscious, the observable world, and other people innerworlds all on top of each other. They mixed together and when information was missing it was hard to tell as it was all so messy.
All those realities still exist, and they still exist all at the same time. Now, they are all the same world, instead of layered realities. Delusions no longer exist in bubbles that I get stuck in but as a part of the world that contradicts or doesn't contradict other parts.
The world is like nothing else. I'm still depressed, suicidal, and delusional. But now I can like sorta feed my self and keep my body clean. I had all the tools before to do so, but my entire life I couldn't keep up and I never knew why. I thought maybe trauma and autism, those still play a part but like literally my life is just. Exactly the same but I shower and pick up things I don't want to step on off the floor.
My self awareness too. It's always been a struggle for me to understand how I'm perceived. I'm constantly, as I think most people do, reflecting, making changes, and grieving. But now progress is more satisfying. I can make plans that have more moving parts and understand situations without that sliding reality feeling. Even if my actual follow through is the same.
I dissociate a lot still
I tend to react well to medications and antipsychotics are nothing to mess around with. But I but a lot of thought (I was lucky to be able to) into starting them and the results just. They weren't what I was expecting. Like, I expected them to work, but like. like look at this I wrote this long silly post that stays on topic and moves between subtopics. I didn't even plan that. My thoughts are just. Literally organized. And I was able to write in an organic way before my delusions got worse last year, but it still wasn't like this and I wasn't always able to.
#mania and alters make the whole thing hard to work out#also have WAY less intrusive thoughts now and im able to walk my self away from 'evil' thoughts#amd comunication is better with my system!!!#well some parts other are like woosh#theres a few alters who came out of dormancy too because I guess the delusions got too intense when i was 20 or so.#POV: u can now make long posts like all your fav DID blogs because you can write in a straight line now.#im gonna read this to my therapist and im going to make him clap at the end because therapy makes me go mad with power#im going everyother week now o-o#i think i could actually have a routine now. omg does this mean i get to ax murder all the doctors that didnt believe m#me when i said i couldn't keep a routine?#what about the ones that didnt believe that i was experiencing delusions? idk why. I guess I was too articulate still?#i had one therapist tell me i was in the arly stages of schitzoaffective#tried some antipsycotic for a week and they made my corner of the eye halusinations worse! so I stopped them#then everything got worse a little over a year ago and i was like#Its just so funny I feel like Im staring at everyone on tumblr with big huge eyes now like 0_0 -_- 0_0#i dont even know how that is related but that how i feel#i thought my inability to write was because i was embarrassed from the truman show!! literally#and im still embarrassed sometimes but#and im sure this is a little difficult to read but its stream of consciousness and like#duuuuude like you know
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