#there are no aliens in naruto i will not accept that
neutralbrick · 1 year
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redesigning this fool cause i liked him pre reveal lmao
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neonscandal · 8 months
some questions about jujutsu I would appreciate it if you could answer me. 1. do you think megumi and itadori are a comparison to geto and gojo? 2. What do you find most tragic about geto and gojo's relationship? 3.if geto didn't exist, who would you ship gojo with? ps; I would ship toji and gojo.
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Answering these out of order to hide spoilers!
3. If Geto didn't exist, I would ship Gojo with Nanami. Nanami would be bothered 600% of the time.
2.Most tragic is the fact that, while Gojo always looked at Geto's soul and accepted him unconditionally, Geto thought their relationship was over the moment he chose to leave Jujutsu High and they never reconciled this disparity while living. If you want an exhaustive list of the things that rot my brain and prevent me from remembering basic things like my childhood and the Pythagorean theorem, please, feel free to read this recently updated and ongoing list. 😭
Lastly, yes, I think ItaFushi are meant to be a parallel to SatoSugu. See below for why!
⚠️ Spoiler Warning through JJK chapter 247.
The comparison isn't perfect but I don't know that it's meant to be.
I feel like I reference Naruto a lot for having not seen it but I'm pretty sure it's a solid example of the generational failures of the Uchiha clans and the Hidden Leaf Village as overcome by Sasuke and Naruto, respectively.
I think that JJK could be a circular story (check out the Rick & Morty progression, in particular) and that SatoSugu and ItaFushi seem to run as parallels. To simplify, we'll break it up by the OG for parallels:
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and Megumi (he got blue eyes when he's supposed to have green.. 💎👄💎)
Born of Jujutsu royalty with a familial technique
Familial technique damns them to a burden of responsibility. Gojo became the head of the Gojo clan, Megumi is bought and sold but effectively abdicates his place with the Zenin
When given the chance, relents to leverage the value of his cursed technique to protect others that they deem deserving. Gojo protects Megumi, Yuta and Yuji; Megumi protects Tsumiki and later, Yuji.
In spite of the above, will execute their responsibilities of a sorcerer but will also pick and choose if they will do something outside of that obligation. Think back to Megumi's moral judgement when it came to those in the detention center and Gojo's willingness to act outside of direct orders because... he could.
Just leaving the visual evidence of these little weirdos
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and Yuji
The Sun characters but not without shadow.
Blessed births, even though Yuji's was... untraditional, it forged him as a powerful vessel with inhuman strength without a heavenly restriction.
Anomalous strength. Gojo for Six Eyes and Limitless which haven't been seen together in one user in over 100 years. Yuji is able to produce Black Flashes at will and at a rate which is canonically uncommon.
Experienced death and rebirth which brought about change in them. Gojo found enlightenment; Yuji, while in hiding, experienced loss, the tragedy of which marked him noticeably.
They both know the alienation of greatness. Both undergo power ups shattering the ceiling of their previously understood power thresholds and go beyond the comprehension or without the knowledge of their counterparts. Gojo, I think, knew that it would foundationally upset something between he and Geto. Yuji probably just thinks he is getting acclimated to the new world he finds himself within and doesn't realize how insane his glow up has been.
Guilt for not being able to save someone "close to them". Gojo, obviously, with Geto and Yuji with Junpei, initially, but that list has grown. Exponentially.
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and Megumi
The Moon characters but they have something worth fighting for that gives them an air of light.
Both believe in and will act on behalf of the weak. Geto believes the strong should protect the weak and keep the strong in check. Megumi believes that if someone cannot observe the basic tenet of don't kill me, I won't kill you, he should exact punishment whether the person infringed on this basic law with him or not.
Despite their code, they still develop or have a discerning application of their morals.
But what happens when that morality is tested? Geto realizes the weak are capable of harm when he discovers the abuse of Nanako and Himiko. Megumi, if he hasn't already, will eventually come to understand that saving Yuji came at the cost of countless lives, including that of Tsumiki, in a way, even if she died by his own hand.
Know intimately the loss of someone they were close with only to find that person returned to them.. but different.
Feeling left behind by the power ups of their counterparts, they are left to their own devices. Notably, Geto spirals into depression and PTSD, Megumi, citing the difference, asks Gojo for additional lessons so he doesn't fall behind.
Doomed by the narrative? or at least by their power. Kenjaku covets Geto's body for the hold it has over Gojo and, possibly, the cursed technique that enabled him to espouse Mahito and Tengen's techniques. Sukuna covets Megumi for Ten Shadows.
Subsequently, both are possessed by something that easily outclasses them but they still are able to rebel when fighting against their counterparts. Geto's corpse strangles Kenjaku in Shibuya; Megumi manipulates how much cursed energy is output when Sukuna fights against Yuji.
Both of them recognize that, despite their counterpart's strength, they are still deserving of concern and worry. This is likely informed by the knowledge of their own weakness and inability to protect.
and Yuji
Outsiders to jujutsu society
Get their power/strength from ingesting something unholy; curses or cursed relics. Either way, both seem to beg the question of how long one can you these things before it poisons something within you?
Earnestly want to help people with a martyr mentality. The idea being, if I am the only one with this power then it's my responsibility to do something; Geto with his role as a sorcerer and Yuji as the only person who can consume Sukuna
Subsequently damned by this noble desire. Geto finds that the sacrifice is no longer palatable after the sacrifices of Riko and Haibara and the abuse of Nanako and Himiko. Yuji experiences survivors' guilt for every slight Sukuna is able to inflict while he continues to live.
A pattern of failure to protect (Riko and Junpei) followed by the loss of a companion (Haibara and Nanami, and what a way for their deaths to mirror one another...) as an impetus for great change in their characters.
The wealth of their goodness has the potential to cause just as big a vacuum of negativity when they break. Arguably this is what pushes the invisible hand that guides the events that radicalizes Geto and informs Mahito's insistence to break Yuji's soul.
Speaking of souls - this idea of their soul's in particularly. Gojo seeing and recognizing Geto's. Mahito feeling the edge of Yuji/Sukuna's soul. We see that Sukuna can aim attacks at Megumi's soul but... why did the goodness in Geto's persist for Gojo to love him unconditionally? How did Yuji's soul withstand external attacks from Mahito and internal attacks from Sukuna?
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Where SatoSugu's fatal flaw was hubris, we don't see that with ItaFushi and that, perhaps, is the biggest indication that they're correcting the faults of their forebears while also suffering the repercussions of their failure.
Gege Akutami could absolutely have the whole story end in flames, don't get me wrong. I would 10,000% be invested to the very last page. There's no guarantee that this is a circular story, that any of these characters find peace or that any of them even survive but I can't help but see the similarities, at least as far these four are concerned.
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obitoslover · 6 months
Mutuals, I must confess
I like Boruto now, both the anime and manga (esp blue vortex/"Boruto shippuden (XD)", I already accepted Kaguya and Kurozetsu's plot anyway
At least in Boruto they never gave me hope of the story being political, it's about kids and aliens since the beginning 🔥🔥🔥 /hj
The only way I can like it tho is treating it like a somewhat different Naruto timeline and not heavily compare it to Naruto (which is miles better but Boruto is fun to watch)
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undertoweyes · 2 years
Rewatching Naruto as an adult and noticing:
1. That Konoha, and the other shinobi villages, when you think about it are pretty much military dictatorships.
2. As much the Itachi plot twist is good as fuck, sasuke is still a mentally unstable person who actually needed psychological support and not a marriage, especially with an equally emotional wreak of a wife. The same goes for Naruto.
3. Speaking of the Uchiha, they weren’t exactly marginalized as they say, I mean, they were the military police force of Konoha
4. Is no one gonna address the Uzumaki genocide/diaspora??
5. Is actually very comprehensive Naruto being a disaster of a father, he never had a consistent father figure in his life. Iruka may have tried, but he couldn’t be all the time for him.
6. I still fail to see why the story needed the aliens
7. Kaguya is a pretty lame final boss. Madara was the perfect flawed villain the story needed.
8. Of all of the main Uchihas, Obito has the most interesting arc (i’m sorry Itachi, but since the revealing of the plot twist his arc only became about this)
9. There’s no way Suna accepted Gaara as the Kazekage in a 3 year gap after passing the last 11 years witnessing a psychotic rampage throughout the village. The only logical explanation I have for this is that deep down the Kazekage is a hereditary position.
10. Naruto was just ideological blinded as Sasuke, to the point he was willing to risk other people’s life, but since he was (mostly) on Konoha’s side the story doesn’t show him like that. Of course, that doesn’t excuse the terrorist acts Sasuke made.
11. I still cannot accept the fact that the it was never explained who took care of Naruto when he was born.
12. It’s also pretty sad that we never got to see what a child between an Uchiha and a Hyuuga would look like
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saschuv · 1 year
Some more thoughts on Naruto and also looking at the fandom, especially Tobirama:
Tobirama is an interesting character. All of the founders are. I definitely wish we got to learn more about them but we still got quite a bit and I wanted to look a bit into Tobirama and how he treated the Uchiha as that seems a common debate amongst fans.
I’ve always found it ironic when Tobirama speaks of the Uchiha’s apparent “curse of hatred” when he was literally the angriest and most hateful. He took one look at Sasuke and started spewing bigotry at the kid and he doesn’t even know him.
An odd thing I’ve noticed is fans denying Tobirama as racist against the Uchiha. It was established within the series that as a clan, the Uchiha had their own culture and religion and who felt stronger than others. Tobirama knows these things - his clan fought the uchiha for years and he studied them well to know how to defeat them. He’s well aware that the Uchiha feel stronger than others and can easily be led into hatred and despair just as how they love stronger than others and he exploited that multiple times, and then acted surprised and disgusted about how they reacted to his actions… His paranoia and prejudice meant he alienated the uchiha in a village THEY helped found.
I also see Tobirama fans use his brothers’ deaths as the reason he hates the Uchiha and that that justifies it. This lacks logic. Yes, tobirama would hate the Uchiha for what they did to his brothers and be upset, that’s inevitable. BUT, the Senju killed hundreds of Uchiha too, including Madara’s other brothers (and later Izuna). Neither side were innocent and yet the Uchiha so desperately wanted peace they accepted the peace treaty and tried to be allies eith the Senju, whilst still trying to keep their culture alive. Like the two clans were at WAR with each other, the Senju sent children out and said children died. Yes, it’s tragic and cruel and so unfair but what do you expect the uchiha to do? They’re also paranoid and fearful and likely looking at a strategic pov by trying to stop them before they become too powerful. Now this doesn’t justify it but I’m just trying to say neither side were purely innocent or ‘evil’ like fans try to make this out as.
Now back to the Uchiha trying to keep their culture alive in Konoha. This ended up with them being alienated from the village and being looked upon as “other”, whilst the Senju dispersed throughout the village. The different cultures should have been celebrated but instead it’s just increased the suspicion as the Uchiha tried to hold onto their traditions and others didn’t so much. Madara signed that peace treaty also to receive equal and fair treatment but instead the Uchiha got the opposite and Jon noticing this would just continue, Madara grew fearful for the clans fate but when warning them, the clan were so desperate for peace in this village they decided against him. Madara knew what he was singing so it’s clear that konoha had turned against what they agreed upon.
It’s a tragic fact that Izuna was right in his wanting to Madara in his death that they Senju couldn’t be truested and it’s a pity that Tobirama’s paranoia blinded him and narrowed his mind, turning to anger and racism.
There’s something bittersweet that sasuke looks like Izuna as he tries to stop konoha’s oppressive rule that his ancestor once predicted,
Disclaimer: I do find Tobirama interesting and enjoy reading about him, as I’ve just stated here I just disagree with a lot of his actions and morals. Sadly there are inconsistencies in the writing and a lack of information that makes his character difficult to fully understand.
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maoam · 2 years
I hope you're alright.
U know how the fandom view kakashi right? The guy with the most tragic past in the whole show, one of the best senseis in anime history and is extremely wise and and wins every battle. yeah?
But not everything they claim him to be is true right? Like he's called wise but to me I never really saw that, the times he was meant to be wise like when he told twelve year old sasuke to give up on revenge... yea, wasn't the best advice to give since their pasts are different? As for them claiming he is op, didn't he have to be saved from Zabuza, which was like the first serious battle of the arc and part 1 of naruto?
Him having a tragic past yea I agree w that, but it never made him think of the system and how it was wrong? He's just content to follow with whatever.
And him being one of the best senseis in anime history, like I'm sorry but he didn't understand any of his three students, was blind to sakura's faults, didn't help sasuke with anything ( apart from teaching him chidori), projected on sasuke waayy too much, knew the truth about the massacre and did nothing w that information? ( unless I missed a bit where he did).
Idk this is just my opinion. What do you think of him? Thanks.
Him as a teacher is whatever for me, I mean he teaches Sasuke some things in part 1, and teaches Naruto couple things in part 2, but he is admittedly lacking in that department. The sannins take over his role in part 1 already.
As for why he is popular, one reason is because he is superficially a cool character, he is hyped up a lot, he has "1000 jutsus", he has sharingan, he has a tragic backstory, he also hides his face so even that is a mystery about him. Him reading erotica books is something people find funny, because it seemingly contradicts with his outer appearance. He is also a mentor character and those tend to become popular since young people find mentors reliable figures they would want in their own lives.
But yeah he doesn't really fight much despite all the hype, some fanboys also point out that his track record during the story is small compared to what one would expect.
What I dislike about his character is that he's a passive victim who never questions their system. His father killed himself because his community was brainwashed by Konoha's mentality, one of his teammates died as a child soldier, and another seemingly died as well. And that's not all, one of his students was a victim of a decades long alienating policy and a genocide and another of his students was a human container for monster that were seen as tools used for war so that the villages could profit from it. Yet he accepted it and submitted to it. And of course the fandom glorify this because what they care about is drawing flower crowns on their favorite characters and pretending the story is about kittens and puppies and not oppression. They don't like to see characters negatively and uncomfortably affected by injustice, unless it lasts like one arc and they are back to cracking jokes.
What makes it worse is that he does see it, he sees why Sasuke is the way he is, because of their world, yet his solution is to get rid of Sasuke instead of the system.
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Generally, I don't think there is anything admirable about letting oppressors walk over you and putting up with it. It's sad if anything.
He is also hypocritical. When Sasuke's revenge was only consisting of killing Itachi, Kakashi was already against it, despite the fact Itachi killed not only Sasuke's family but his whole clan. And yet when Team 10 wanted to avenge Asuma, he was all for it, he even went to help. Is it because Asuma is someone Kakashi personally cared for? Because that's not a good look.
I also hate how he handles Sakura with kid gloves. I understand a character was needed to do this, because despite the fact Sakura is supposed to be an unlikeable person she is still part of the main cast and can't be outrightly condemned. There needs to be someone justifying her nonsense. But it doesn't change the fact it's annoying and doesn't make me favor Kakashi's character. A good example is when he tries to speak for Sakura, and he says to Sasuke that Sakura wants to save him eventhough he tried to kill her. He is of course conveniently omitting the fact Sakura came there to kill Sasuke herself. Lol.
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Sakura isn't the type to brag or hurt others?
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First arc.
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Last arc. Yeah, no bragging to be found...
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I don't think I need to add every single scene where Sakura has beaten Naruto up or berated him.
And to add to Kakashi's passiveness, he became a Hokage to warm the seat for Naruto because Obito wanted him to, like come on.
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mademoiselle-red · 4 months
1.What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? / 7. Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand? / 10. Any fandom you’re ashamed of being in?
1.What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
The Blood of Youth: Xiao Se has chemistry with everyone except his canon love interest. WHY???????????????
7. Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand?
IP franchises that have outlived their initial artistic vision and are now just milking their audiences via sequels and loveless adaptations.
I loved Naruto, Inuyasha, the first two story arcs of Bleach, the first 15 years of Detective Conan, and original Yugioh. These works started with fresh and compelling artistic visions and/or stories. They brought something new to the scene and have compelling stories and character arcs. However, when the stories and characters reached their natural ending, the creators tried to drag out the cash cow with more filler, meaningless sequels, boring spinoffs that 1) reconned emotionally significant character development 2) gave us children / next gen characters who seem to exist only to continue to franchise rather than having a compelling story tell.
Naruto’s story ended when he finally got the family, the friends, and the respect from the village he dreamt of having as a lonely ostracized child. I like to pretend that the Boruto series and it’s reinterpretation of certain characters and their dynamics doesn’t exist.
Kagome and Inuyasha’s story ended once they finally out an end to the curse of the jewel shards and chose each other across time and space. I do not care about the sequel featuring their children and I refuse to accept Seshoumaru/Rin.
Bleach should have ended long ago, after Ichigo defeated Aizen. The plot became a meandering mess after the conclusion of the Aizen story. This manga truly died a slow, undignified death. Frankly speaking, you could feel the author Kubo’s disdain for this series in the final few chapters: poorly throughout storyboards, lack of finishing details in the art, the completely nonsensical plot.
Detective Conan should have long been wrapped up when the creative team ran out of interesting ideas for murder cases (the quality of the episodic crime solving has steadily declined over time). The cases are unwatchable these days.
Yugioh is called Yugioh because Yugi Moto’s grandpa brought him a cursed artifact from the grave of a nameless Egyptian pharaoh. His story ended once the pharaoh found his name and finally entered the afterlife. I do not give a damn about anyone else who happens to also play the same card game decades or hundreds of years later.
There are franchises that do sequels and spin-offs well. Two that come to mind are Gundam and Macross. But this is because each new spinoff / sequel actually has compelling characters, stories, and themes of its own that tie into the overarching themes of the franchise (technology and its impact on human relationships, mankind’s loneliness in the vast universe, alienation, corporate power and influence in politics)
10. Any fandom you’re ashamed of being in?
Nope! I respect of all the fandoms I’m in!
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primnroses · 2 years
So I'm guessing both sasuke retsuden and boruto were flops during sales. But I don't understand why boruto fans are happy about selling more than retsuden. Selling roughly about 34,000 isn't a good thing. Especially when it comes to the naruto franchise. That's actually pretty bad all things considered. One thing I notice ,that the hate they have for retsuden isn't because of the story or sasuke, it's because of sakura. Sakura contributed a lot to the plot, had a new sensory jutsu and figured out the main conflict . On top of that, sasuke gave her a ring and was loving and caring and supportive. From what I've noticed, Naruto fans expected Sakura to be miserable in her marriage to sasuke, because she rejected the " nIcE gUy " naruto. According to that philosophy, the woman needs to be miserable because she didn't choose right, but instead, it's blowing up in their faces. Sakura isn't miserable. She isn't a failure. She isn't regretting her marriage. She's happy and content with her marriage and job.
So I'm guessing both Sasuke Retsuden and Boruto were flops during sales.
I don't think you should compare them much. Boruto is a established sequel of Naruto made by some of Masashi Kishimoto's assistants and with years of serialization and an anime; Sasuke Retsuden is a spin-off of Naruto written and illustrated by a different people unrelated to Masashi Kishimoto, and the setting of the novel doesn't fit the timeline of Boruto. They're very different.
I've seen Boruto's sales and they have dropped dramatically since it began, but I've also seen that Sasuke Retsuden printed less copies and they didn't reach every store. I don't have a say in that, but I don't think that Sasuke Retsuden should be considered a flop.
I don't understand why Boruto fans are happy about selling more than Retsuden.
They're gonna compare it to Sasuke Retsuden because they can't compare it to other shounens. Boruto isn't half as successful as Chainsaw Man, Dragon Ball Super, Jujutsu Kaisen, etc.
They're comparing the sales because it's the only thing they managed to surpass, because in online platforms Sasuke Retsuden has been ahead since the beginning despite being roughly 3 months old while Boruto started in 2017.
The hate they have for Retsuden isn't because of the story or Sasuke, it's because of Sakura. [...]
Sakura slander is very easy and that's why it would be directed that way, especially coming from Boruto's fanbase who are defending their manga from hate daily.
Although I've seen reactions to the dinosaurs more than to Sakura's role in the manga. People complain about dinosaurs but refuse to read why there are dinosaurs in the first place, and they think it's the weirdest thing in the world when Naruto and Boruto deal with aliens, cyborgs and deities.
Sakura does take a great role in this novel, from creating her own sensing technique, to showing off Fire Release and expanding her jutsu arsenal with her own barrier-type ninjutsu; she demonstrated to be the same book smart intelligent kunoichi she always was and se was putting it to use to develop in success. I guess some people might be mad that they can't say Sakura was doing nothing or whatever.
She was doing a mission with her husband in a place that made him open his eyes about the nature of his marriage, so completing such a task with your partner has romantic moments. It also helps clarify one last time (for those viewers that refuse to accept it) that Sasuke and Sakura love each other despite working different jobs in different places.
Other than that, if Boruto is getting hate isn't because of Sasuke Retsuden, it's because it's bad. They think that after a whole year of fillers, long periods of time with episodes of random filler characters dying week after week for some new generation character development "Land of the Waves retcon" that the manga is unable to do, tea parties, school adventures that contributed to nothing in plot and a Squid Game copypasta arc; all that mixed with bottom tier animation, isn't the reason for the hate but Sasuke Retsuden is.
And I can't help but laugh because Sasuke is one of the most popular character in Boruto and having him around guarantees views.
Sasuke Retsuden is getting the anime some attention after the fillers, but if it gets bad reactions it's because of the bad animation. The hate is directed towards the animation like it has always happened, not to dinosaurs or shipping exclusively.
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rorinasenpai · 1 year
I don't care if they were OVAs or movies or seasons of ideas or whatever but instead of B*ruto we could have gotten:
- A highschool AU spin-off like in that ending where Naruto is a delinquent and Sasuke just excels at everything and it pisses Naruto off and Sasuke just doesn't want the pressure anymore and Naruto wants decent grades to pass so they teach each other beautiful aspects of their life and everyone else has screen time and they all become this one big group of friends accidentally and they are young and have fun AND THEY DON'T FIGHT WARS
- A samurai spin-off like in that other ending where they just run into each other always and they piss each other off and there's a lot of angst because naruto has a chaotic way of fighting with his sword (that involves punches more than the sword because he likes getting close and personal) and Sasuke is calculated and elegant (because of course he is) - basically a Samurai Champloo AU with Naruto as Mugen and Sasuke as Jin (but ANGRIER), and Sakura as Fuu but her entire character does not revolve around unrequited love and she's given some sort of external motivation of finding something important in her life (like a purpose or smth)
- Scenes from their childhood like I would sell my soul for Kishimoto to draw both Naruto and Sasuke meeting their younger selves (like in the time-slippity-flippity thingy in B*ruto) but instead of fighting aliens they just have these long in-depth discussions about who struggled the most with groceries and cleaning and loneliness and they would just watch themselves failing at stuff because of the whole 'no family' aspect like I would read/watch that shit for the rest of my life every day
- Naruto going on adventures with Sasuke (I don't wanna call them missions because I just want them to catch a WELL DESERVED BREAK) so they just sometimes travel together and take in the ninja world and corrupt systems and they talk about what they promised themselves they would do to change it (I'm looking at you Naruto when you made Nagato trust you with your speech about changing the world and then doing nothing about it) (and you Sasuke when you wanted to start a revolution because you used to care about people's suffering in the world) and so they would meet somewhere in between and change things for the better because, you know, they are literally the most powerful people on the planet at the end of Shippuden so they actually have the power to change things if they put their mind to it (I'm rambling I know) and maybe in this version of the 'what would happen if things were different' maybe Naruto wouldn't have accepted that fake hand and would borrow Sasuke's in battle for his clones or whatever (or use one hand signs AS THEY EXIST AND WORK JUST AS WELL) and realise that being Hokage maybe isn't what he truly wanted or just change the role of the Hokage altogether or just tell everyone about the truth of the Uchiha massacre, I'm just sayingggg (I hope I wake up tomorrow to find out I imagined B*ruto because I refuse to accept it is real)
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sasukesun · 2 years
Do you think then that Naruto doesn’t realize his feelings are romantic in nature? Or wait for everything to click because he doesn’t know if Sasuke recipocrates?
damn this is kinda complex to explain but gladly i’ve discussed about it already, you are gonna find a lot of links here but it has to do with this whole discussion
but i also think that deep down naruto knows it in some level, the problem is that he is repressed, he has internalised homophobia, and honestly it seems that they live in a society where the word “gay” doesn’t even exists. when he says it’s hard to explain what he feels it’s exactly it, there isn’t much words he could use to describe it, that could come off as obliviousness, it’s alienating. and there is the fact that since this society doesn’t even have words to describe homosexual relationships, it doesn’t seem to be welcoming to those relationships either. and we are talking about naruto, the person who is afraid of being rejected again after going through it for his whole life, so this is an issue naruto would have to overcome. i obviously think if he realised he could be with sasuke, he would choose that option because he knows how much happier sasuke makes him, while he also knows that the acceptance he gets from other people isn’t genuine, and after he got people’s acknowledgement he still didn’t give up on sasuke, so we can see who comes first here… but that’s a very complex issue to overcome. the clicking has to do with him realising he can be happy and have this life with sasuke
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cherryxxmoon · 2 years
– 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠
Rating: T Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke With the Uchiha, Sakura had grown up. After the bloody battle in which her grandfather and father had lost their lives and the Haruno clan had met its end, what at the time was only a little girl of not even six years old was welcomed within the castle walls as a guest, as a hostage.
Initially it had been necessary to prevent those still loyal to the Haruno from taking her into custody and thus claiming rights to the territories which had once belonged to the clan and that, following defeat, had been annexed by the Uchiha.
Then, as the years passed whatever semblance of influence her name might still have had had waned, largely due to the swift and steep rise of the Uchiha clan, which could now boast control of ten of the largest provinces in the entire country, the only ones able to rival against the current ruling family.
She was no longer a valuable hostage, but despite this she had continued to live in the castle, actively participating in everything related to the clan but never really being a part of it. Ostracized and estranged, Sakura had longed to be able to feel that she belonged to something, that she was not a single particle of something which now no longer existed, floating in nothingness, with no ties, no identity.
The possibility of being welcomed and accepted, rather than simply tolerated, had manifested itself when she had shown marked skills in combat and, with them, a desire to be able to learn, the latter ignited initially by the futile and childish motivations of a little girl eager not to lose her playmate once she reached the age when their gender difference would inevitably lead them to entertain themselves with distinctly opposite activities.
When one is a child, clans, territories, politics and power do not matter. She and Sasuke were not members of what had once been enemy clans. Sakura was not his prisoner. Sasuke did not see her as a means to be used. They were just kids, peers who lived in the same castle and therefore had naturally sought each other out and united, in the most spontaneous way possible.
"Why did you summon me?" The dark-haired was behind her back, thus purposefully choosing not to show her his figure, his face. Sakura was gracefully seated on the floor, knees bent and sitting composedly on her heels. Her gaze was turned before her.
"I heard about the request you made," Sasuke explained, although those words contained no real elucidation.
It was only natural the news would quickly reach his ears. The choice to train as a warrior naturally had implications, namely that those skills of hers would sooner or later be made available to the clan. Not that Sakura had anything against this. To fight and die for something would have meant being a part of it, feeling finally integrated, respected.
And she had done so by demonstrating great prowess in her exploits, distinguishing herself on more than one occasion on the battlefield, proving herself several times essential to achieving victory. This had secured her a certain fame, as well as the favor of Madara Uchiha, the current head of the clan. Probably having grown up in the castle had been essential to that last point, for the man's policy had roots precisely in the importance of relying on what was near and known, distrusting instead the rest. Sakura was not an Uchiha by name or blood, but alienated from what was outside the clan she had grown up with those precepts, so harpooned by the only reality she knew that she became loyal to the core. The affection accrued for certain family members, Sasuke especially, had only fostered the entrenchment of what would arose in any case, something which obviously those who ruled the clan could take advantage of.
"That doesn't answer my question, though," Sakura retorted, clenching her fists against her knees. The past few months had not been particularly easy. Not only were they in the midst of a siege which, if successfully ended, would guarantee them a crushing and essential victory, the annexation of new territory, and a new step toward total supremacy, but the dark-haired's behavior was proving unpleasant and confused.
It seemed almost as if the closer Sakura came to what she had been craving since childhood, the chance to have her own identity, the more Sasuke decided to distance himself from her, perhaps even unknowingly. That was why she had requested of Madara Uchiha that her position be changed, that she could leave the siege to join the army to the west, assembled for battle. And that was why being summoned by the dark-haired had taken her by surprise.
"You cannot make these kinds of decisions without consulting with me." At his words, Sakura barely tilted her head sideways, not sufficient to make out even part of his figure, but enough to show she was listening to him and that what she was hearing did not please her at all. "I'm in charge of this army. Not you."
"I never questioned this." She could not understand what the animosity shown by Sasuke stemmed from, when in the past they had been so close. It was a painful detachment but probably only for her. She had been extremely happy when with her small contingent she had been chosen to add to the troops under the dark-haired's command. The intimacy they had would have made the collaboration smooth and flowing. Or at least that was what she had believed and hoped. The reality of things was turning out to be quite different.
"You did that, bypassing me to address your foolish request directly to Madara." This was not a choice he could make without confronting the clan leader, so why would she let Sasuke intercede when she herself could have presented her proposal to the man? "He refused," the dark-haired then concluded, with what seemed to her to be a hint of satisfaction.
"Why?" Wasn't it more essential for the bulk of the forces to move into the open field, with a battle coming, than to stay there and take part in a siege whose outcome was now a foregone conclusion? Sakura was a skilled warrior, not to mention that her contingent could boast just under three thousand men; no small addition which could have sealed the fate of the battle.
"Because I told him it’s necessary for you to remain here," Sasuke explained, with the naturalness and resolve of one who was convinced of his words, of one who was certain he was acting in the right.
"Why, Sasuke?" asked Sakura again, unable to appear indifferent and composed, unable to prevent perplexity and annoyance from oozing through her words, from imbuing her tone of voice. "The siege is now in its last throes. You have already won, you don't need me here."
"That is not for you to decide. You are not here to strategize, to determine how and where to deploy warriors. You are here to fight." It almost seemed as if Sasuke was deliberately trying to provoke her, to make her lose her temper to the point of exploding.
"There is nothing to fight here," she pointed out to him, still keeping her fists clenched. It was not easy to remain completely still when her mood was altered. She longed to move, to give vent to her frustration with gestures rather than flaunt stiffness and composure.
"I don't care about your opinion. The decision is made and irreversible," Sasuke sanctioned, as lapidary as he was detached, really like a general intent on giving orders to one of his subordinates and not even one of valor, one to be preserved, but as if she were a soldier of the lowest possible rank.
"Why are you doing this, Sasuke? What have I done to you?" As was to be expected, Sakura was unable to maintain the detachment which with gestures the dark-haired himself had demanded, almost as if their bond was worthless, as if it had never existed. It was impossible for her, just as it was inconceivable to let him speak to her like that without asking for an explanation, to allow their relationship to slip away without confronting him before giving up.
"You overestimate yourself if you think there is something personal behind my decision. It's pure military strategy." At that point, not blurting out completely for the pink-haired was unimaginable. In fact, heedless of manners, composure and etiquette, Sakura got to her feet, turning to face the man standing behind her.
"Is that why you won't even look me in the face while talking to me?" Some of her anger and resentment faded as she found herself mirrored in those familiar dark eyes. Only for a few moments, however, as her anguish easily regained the upper hand when Sakura discerned anything but indifference in them, as if he felt nothing at all.
"I don't need to look at your face to give you orders. We are not equals. I ask and you obey." It seemed to her that she was looking and listening to a complete stranger, someone she was unable to recognize. That was not the Sasuke with whom she had grown up, with whom she had shared childhood and youth, joys and sorrows, frivolities and ideologies. That was not the Sasuke who would sneak into her room on stormy nights to hold the hand of the little girl terrified of painful memories resurfacing. He was not the Sasuke who had planted a cherry tree for her in the castle gardens so the pink of the petals might no longer make her feel so unique as to be an outsider. He was not the Sasuke who, on the evening before their first battle, had given Sakura her naginata as a gift together with her first kiss, with the promise that the next day they would see each other and find each other again, unharmed and safe. The Sasuke with whom she had been madly in love seemed to have vanished. In those cold, detached eyes there was not even a hint of him.
"What happened to you?" A question addressed more to herself than to the dark-haired and one she certainly did not expect him to answer. In fact, Sakura merely lowered her gaze, her fists still clenched in anger, but this time employing all her strength to keep the tears from streaking her face.
"I just understood the way of our world. It's time you began to do so too, Sakura," he pronounced her name in a way too familiar, too intimate; a mistake he evidently realized himself. The young pink-haired lifted her gaze abruptly, managing to catch just in time the slight lapse Sasuke had unintentionally fallen victim to and was quickly recovering from.
"What is this supposed to mean?" She decided that perhaps pressing the issue might lead him to surrender completely, to return to expressing himself to her as he had once done, intimately and naturally, aware that no one would be able to understand him, and perhaps hearten him, more than Sakura.
"I have finished with you. You can go," Sasuke sanctioned, again shrugging off the indifference he had displayed up to that moment, quickly leaving behind that semblance of humanity he had demonstrated, as if it had never happened.
"You may force me to stay, Sasuke, but you cannot impose me to stay away from you, to stop asking you for explanations. If you won't talk to me, if you won't even look at me, if you no longer have an ounce of respect for me, why don't you just let me go? Free yourself of my tedious presence and free me of what you have become." So that she could at least treasure what had been, keep that precious memory in her heart, without being corrupted by coldness, indifference and a resentment which she never thought could ever arise between them.
"I can't," the dark-haired concluded, frowning and curving his lips downward, evidently as vexed with himself as he was with her. "So stop making things harder and grow up."
"Am I the one who needs to grow up, between us? Or perhaps is the one who doesn't even have the courage to speak plainly to me, preferring to hide behind his rank, making a shield of his name and position to treat me as just another servant, as if that could erase—"
"What do you know about courage, Sakura?" he asked her, approaching her with a gesture so quick that she could barely feel the air shift, cupping her face between the fingers of his right hand, voluntarily trapping her jade irises with his own. "It is so much easier to be the one standing there judging and criticizing, heedless of what is going on around. It’s the other who has the hard choice. It’s the other who must have the courage to act for the best of both."
Sakura was taken aback not only by the swiftness with which he had reached her or the sudden closeness of their bodies, but also and especially by his words, which were as enigmatic in meaning as they were explicit. Grow up, he had just told her. And for Sasuke, growing up meant accepting the reality of the world in which they lived, where rules and precepts trumped instincts and feelings, where the continual pursuit of power, where honoring one's clan, was all that required their efforts, all that they had to vow their existence to.
Sakura had always been convinced she was ready for it, that it was all she wanted, that she needed nothing more than to feel she could belong to something, that her own efforts could prove useful to someone, that her worthiness, her existence as an individual, would be recognized.
"That is not courage," she whispered to him, bringing her hands to his chest, tightening her fingers around the fine fabric of his dark kosode. "It's resignation."
Almost as if moved by some unknown force which guided his gestures more than reason did, the dark-haired leaned forward a few inches, close enough to brush her face with his warm breath. Sakura closed her eyes, begging her body and soul not to delude itself with shivers of anticipation of something the man before her, the Sasuke he had become, could not and wouldnot grant.
"Resign yourself, too, then." And immediately after uttering those words, that sentence, Sasuke turned away from her, again sanctioning distance, condemning her to that sense of emptiness, to the coldness which his reticence inflicted on her entire figure, almost as if without the warmth the dark-haired could offer her, her blood refused to circulate.
Abandoned and alone, Sakura watched him walk away, distancing himself with body and heart, determined to continue according to what he had stubbornly imposed on himself and what he was selfishly forcing on her, pretending it was a last act of love and not simply the cowardice of a man unable to demand what he most viscerally desired.
"I will," the pink-haired assured him, whose little newfound resolve could not at all overpower and conceal her being hurt, upset, and anguished not only for herself, for the pain she was the one to feel, but also for the torment Sasuke was inflicting on himself, shouldering the burden he believed he had to bear and do so alone, without her. "If you will let me leave."
Sasuke suddenly stopped, yet continued to have his back to her. He was willing to distance himself from Sakura, to treat her with detachment and sufficiency, but he was equally not ready to deprive himself of her completely. Keeping her there within his grasp, yet without really seeking her out. To satisfy at least part of his innermost needs, even at the cost of inflicting on her the pain which having him there without really having him was causing her. And if Sasuke had chosen that path, Sakura would force him to walk it all the way, without shortcuts, without loopholes, without even the slightest smear.
"Do as you wish," the dark-haired granted her, after moments of silence, long instants of hesitation and doubt. She had naively hoped he would retrace his steps, that the clean and final cut was too much even for him, and that he would therefore choose to end the bosh. Instead, Sasuke had not wavered, sanctioning his decision by walking away and leaving her alone in that room, just as she would be from then on.
Sakura never imagined that, sooner or later, she would find herself seated at a war council, as a silent but welcome guest of a feudal lord. Not that she did not possess the merits, but whatever others might say, Sakura was not a fool and was not completely unaware of what an unpleasant reality the world she lived in was.
She was a woman. She was a skilled warrior, sure, a convenient and useful addition to one's army, but that was not enough to make her in the eyes of the men who daily surrounded her an equal to them. In fact, seated at the same table, they looked at her with suspicion, some even outraged at having to share that space with her, almost as if their lord was mocking them.
Seated at the head of the table, Madara Uchiha seemed to be untouched, as if the constant stares directed at him did not bother him in the least. Knowing him, that must really have been the case. He had never allowed the judgment of others to affect the way he ruled, following his own line, placing his decisions above those of anyone else. Whether others agreed or disagreed was irrelevant when it was his word which was absolute.
It was different for Sakura. She was unable to pretend the looks she received did not upset her. She felt tremendously out of place there and even found herself wishing the Uchiha clan leader had never summoned her.
They had been back in Otogakure no Sato for a little over a month, after their success against the combined forces of Senju and Uzumaki at the Battle of Amegakure no Sato, which had allowed the Uchiha to annex the area into their domains. The latter's power continued to grow by leaps and bounds, so it was not implausible to assume they would soon be able to oust the current ruling family, thus sanctioning the end of that war with the beginning of a new era.
"I propose the next move is to move directly on Hi no Kuni. After the resounding defeat, the Senju will have no way to defend themselves."
"I think we should first reorganize our forces. Now that we are certain we have the upper hand, we should not act rashly. The slightest mistake could be fatal to us."
"What mistake? Victory is now in our grasp! We must strike fast and hard, showing no mercy to the enemy! Only in this way will we ensure in the future no one will dare to face us."
Sakura naturally remained silent, listening to the exchange between the senior officers of the Uchiha army. Although she had been invited to participate, she was certain her own opinion should not be expressed and that certainly no one would be willing to listen.
Even Madara had chosen to tacitly assimilate the words of the other men present, expressionless and motionless, almost as if to give the idea he was not even present in the room. Yet the aura of authority emanating was impossible to ignore. It exuded from every fiber of his imposing and menacing figure, reaching out without fail to all present, and even the most massive men were intimidated by it, and no one dared to seek his gaze, even to seek approval.
"The Senju are not to be underestimated. How do you think they came to be the ruling family, despite all the insurrections of the last century?"
"Even they cannot hope to hold out any longer, not after—"
"I plan to seal a truce with the Senju." Everyone fell silent, hushed by the rumbling voice of the man seated at the head of the table. They appeared like frightened children, but that was before the implications of Madara's statement hit them, fostering astonishment and surprise.
"A truce— my lord?" Only one of them had the courage to ask, uncertain and hesitant. Perhaps he thought he had guessed wrongly, for there was nothing more unexpected than such a decision. It had been about four years since the conflict with the Senju had been going on, with occasional moments of respite, but with tempers always flaring. And the Uchiha had never been able to claim such a clear and overwhelming advantage as they did at that moment. An armistice was indeed unthinkable.
"I have already established contact with Hashirama. One of their representatives will be here in a few weeks," the clan leader continued, untouched by the looks of sheer bewilderment the men present ventured to reserve for him, as if their lord had been replaced by a mythological creature.
"But with the successful siege of Tetsu no Kuni there will be twelve provinces under our control. By now it can be said that the nation is ours—"
Sakura barely flinched from her position, fortunately without attracting anyone's gaze, without the witnesses being able to catch her discomfort, too caught up in the astonishment caused by that new twist. The end of the siege not only sanctioned a victory on the part of the Uchiha but also the imminent return of the troops stationed up to that moment near Tetsu no Kuni, that is, the contingent of the army that was led by Sasuke.
Their last discussion had been final and had sanctioned a definitive and irreversible parting of ways. They had never spoken again, and Sakura had left the siege to join the rest of the army and take part in the battle of Amegakure no Sato. A void which not even the time passed had been able to fill. Having now the knowledge what had been would never return, she had mistakenly believed that resigning herself would be easier. Instead, just evoking even the slightest memory of him was capable of inflicting a stabbing pain in her chest, more agonizing than any wound suffered on the battlefield.
Sakura was certain, however, that this would even be amplified once she and Sasuke found themselves in the same castle again. In those months apart, the dark-haired had been a constant thought, but not having him constantly nearby could be considered something of a palliative. With his presence everything would have been more complicated. Close and yet distant, Sakura would have to suppress the desire and need to make up for that imposed distance and still seek him out.
"It is," conceded Madara, still motionless and inscrutable, his arms joined to his chest. "That is why Hashirama has sought a truce, an agreement which will turn almost entirely in our favor."
If the right terms for a peace had been reached, Sakura was of the opinion it was right to pursue it, rather than to continue in a bloody conflict, suffering more loss of precious lives, only out of pride and desire to establish a hegemony based on terror.
"The Senju have never compromised so far and have never needed to seek alliances. It has always been others who have begged them for protection. What would be different this time? They may be in trouble, but they remain the ruling family. They have their honor. To grant peace without anything in return would undermine their dignity. It would be preferable to losing on the battlefield to this." Fugaku Uchiha was a man of few words, just like his son, so that he had expressed his thoughts with such minuteness and in such detail was unusual. So was the look, so quick as to appear unnoticed by anyone, which he reserved for her, before refocusing his attention on what was not only his lord but also his brother-in-law.
"An extremely correct analysis, Fugaku. However, not flawless. It just so happened in the past it was the Senju themselves who sought an alliance, and to this day the Uzumaki are the only ones who enjoy every privilege that being considered equal to the ruling family grants them."
"That was a single case. The only way the Senju use to establish that kind of bond is—"
"Marriage," Madara finished, interrupting one of the generals who had intervened in the speech. "With Hashirama's heir, his brother," he resumed, fostering the amazement of those present, whose eyes were now widened.
"We do not have enough valuable brides to warrant the respect of the Senju. They are just using this pretext to buy time with a false truce and attack us as soon as they are ready."
Madara Uchiha had never taken a wife and fathered neither sons nor daughters. Having no siblings, his direct heir was therefore his brother-in-law, the husband of his sister. Mikoto Uchiha was rumored to have been the clan's most coveted bride, and Sakura had no difficulty believing it, not only because of her beauty but also because of the position the man designated would hold. Two children had been born of that union, both boys, so there was no woman who could represent a marriage desirable and valuable enough to enshrine a peace with her existence alone. Those whose kinship was closer to the main branch of the clan were not enough for such a pledge.
"We have the most precious bride one could wish for instead. The Delight of Spring, the most beautiful flower which blooms on the battlefields." The realization of those words did not immediately strike her, but when it did it had the same impact as a bucket of icy water.
It was only natural that in the course of time Sakura had begun to acquire a certain fame among the armies and therefore was given epithets of all kinds, flattering and otherwise. A woman warrior was not, however, something recurrent in battle, so her presence was often easily recognized, thanks in part to her very distinctive features.
She understood, therefore, that Madara Uchiha was talking about her and imagined that was the only reason he had decided to allow her to attend the war council, along with the senior officers.
"She is not even an Uchiha, so why should he represent our clan with the Senju?" Words Sakura had heard directly or whispered behind her back which always managed to make her feel estranged and alone, never really part of anything.
"She grew up with us, fought with us. My sister loves her like a daughter, so it's time for her to act like one, with all the burdens which come with that. Sakura is part of the family, and if I have turned down every marriage proposal received for her, from those present included, it is precisely in anticipation of the arrival of a suitor suited to her value. I could never have wasted such beauty and strength on anyone who was not worthy of it."
Sakura lowered her gaze to her closed fists pressed against her knees. She had never really felt part of the Uchiha, so the clan leader's words should only have brought her joy. However, denting her happiness, her fulfillment at having succeeded at least in part in finding a place to belong, was the knowledge she would have to separate herself from the family she did not believe would ever consider her as such, that she would have to devolve her future to another person, to a man foreign to that core to which the pink-haired had vowed herself since childhood.
In her heart, then, there was only room for one name, one face, one individual. And it was only by his side that she would have wished to embrace the role of wife. Sakura had never considered such a chance feasible, so she had always ruled out the possibility of being able to marry in the future. It was not what she wanted, but now it was not what she could oppose. The role she had sought all her life had been established. If in order to consider herself part of something, an Uchiha, she had to sacrifice all of herself for the good of the clan, she would do it.
She was in her rooms, wrapped in a veil of sadness whose nature she knew but which she was trying to ignore, not to allow anything negative to poison her mind and risk dulling her judgment. Her wedding was to take place the next morning, thus marking the end of the conflict between Senju and Uchiha, along with the beginning of what was hoped would be a long and fruitful alliance, that the two clans could coexist as equals, sharing the power they had over the years mutually tried to wrest from each other's hands.
It was a night not freezing but cold enough to make her shiver on the porch. Still, she did not want to go back inside, did not want to slip between her sheets, did not want to allow sleep to take over, for the moment her eyes opened, she would be a new person, a protagonist of power intrigue. Before her would be a new road to travel. Behind her would be everything to which she would no longer belong.
She clutched herself in her night robe, letting a lonely tear line her face. The only relenting she could allow herself and only in the privacy of her own rooms, there where she would be for the last time, as dawn would bring with it a new home, a new name, a new life.
Whether she wanted to or not, her viridian eyes could not budge from the towering cherry tree which towered in the castle's inner gardens, among those avenues that held every memory of her childhood, every precious moment etched in her mind, in her heart, along with a face and a name.
"Sakura—" It almost seemed to her she could even hear his voice, as if her mind was playing a sadistic trick on her, reminding of all that had been and all that could never be again, just when those memories should have remained locked away in the deepest corners of her memory, sealed never to see the light again. "Sakura." When the pink-haired turned around, she could swear she was going crazy. She was not only fantasizing about his voice but even about his presence there.
Standing between her room and the veranda was Sasuke, his face distraught and his clothes unkempt, his raven hair tousled and his breath short. He had been running, indeed he looked as if he had just dismounted from his horse, as if getting to Otogakure no Sato rapidly was essential. Was this how her mind had decided to show him? She would have imagined the best way to torment her would be to mold him into a perfect form, ethereal and unreachable in all his usual glory. Instead, in that instant she found by projecting him in that way her mind had chosen the cruelest to torture her, wanting to instill in Sakura the idea that Sasuke would be ready to rush to her with desperate urgency in order to get there in time.
After a few moments of painful contemplation, Sakura closed her eyes, hoping once she opened them again that figure would no longer be there to haunt her, wishing instead that face would never leave her mind, that it would continue to obsess her to madness.
"Sakura— I came as soon as I could—"
"Don't. Please go away," she uttered in a barely audible whisper, a plea addressed to herself and to the sanity she was desperately trying to cling to but which seemed to slip away more and more every moment. "I know you are not here, that this is not you. The Sasuke you are now would not dare so much. He knows how to make the hard choice. He has already done so. Sasuke has grown up, he said I should too." Sakura opened her eyes, only to be greeted again by the vision of the one man who should not have been there and the one whose presence was her most burning desire. "I did."
"Don't do this to me now, as if I didn't feel miserable enough already." His tone was unrecognizable, but at the same time tinged with some shades of familiarity, such that it gave her the impression all those last years had been just one long dream and that both of them were still the children they used to be.
"This is you," she conceded to him, performing a bitter smile. "Bold enough to talk to me as if nothing had happened, as if you had done nothing, as if I were the cause of your sorrow and not vice versa."
"This—" began the dark-haired with unusual uncertainty, venturing a step toward her. "It’s not my fault. It's not my choice, it's not something I would ever consider." Now that he was completely on the veranda, Sakura could admire his face illuminated by the moonlight. Though tired and broken, Sasuke never lost the ability to take her breath and leave her speechless. "This is not what I want." At those words, the pink-haired turned completely toward him.
It had probably been years since Sasuke truly expressed what he wanted, that he did let his personal yearn corrode him, that he did not prioritize what concerned his clan, his honor, his duties.
"If we talked with Madara together, perhaps we could—"
"No," Sakura simply sanctioned, lapidary enough to leave the dark-haired speechless and perplexed. "It's my turn to do what's right, to make the hard choice." It was a fine line between what was necessary to bring that conflict to a peaceful end and what her heart fervently craved for. Sasuke must have known this. He had already been there and had acted according to his judgment. Now it was her turn. "I promised you if you let me go I would resign myself. And that's what I did. I could tell you that you left me no choice then, lay the whole blame on you and feed your desolation, but it’s not, Sasuke. This is now my decision."
Belonging to Sasuke had been natural, uncontrollable, and at the same time bothersome, painful, frightening, and unpredictable, for it lacked stability, the assurance that over time nothing would ever change. Pleasant and additive, dangerous and swinging. His mere presence managed to offer her a place to exist, not physical, not tangible, but the sensation her whole essence was real only because it was connected to another person's, to Sasuke's. However, it was a feeling as intense as it was fallible, capable of instilling an unparalleled wholeness except to fail in the blink of an eye. No one like him could lift her up and tear her down with such ease, and as much as belonging to anything other than him was a palliative, a consolation, it was something solid, with a foundation to cling to in the event of a disastrous collapse, so as to take away the unpleasant feeling she was floating in the unknown, aimless and nameless, with no identity.
"I choose to renounce you for the sake of my clan. And I have no regrets—" A break in her voice betrayed her, attempting to her resolve, her confidence, the firmness she was trying to express. "Despite everything, for nothing in the world would I deny what has been, even if it embitters what will be instead."
For several moments, what the two exchanged was only silence and a stare full of regret, of that affection they had never been able to get rid of mingling inexorably with the knowledge they would never be capable to express it, that it would remain there, unuttered and pulsing, a constant reminder of what they could have had if only they had led different lives, if they had been born in a more benevolent age.
Then, Sasuke advanced one step toward her and then one more, until he was so close to her he enveloped her with his warmth, with his mere presence, real and tangible, proof he was there, that Sasuke, her Sasuke still existed somewhere in that man's soul and in that circumstance he had taken over, pushing him up to her, mad and senseless to the point of riding like a madman to get there in time.
"If only you could be mine—" He brushed her face with unusual gentleness, almost as if between the two of them it was he who feared Sakura might vanish at any moment, slip from his hands if only he dared too much impetuosity.
"I was." I am, she was risking saying, in a mad rush of irrationality. Half lie half truth. She would never be anyone else's as she was Sasuke's, and she would no longer be his as she had been willing to be.
"You can still be—" It was sadistic and masochistic to inflict her and inflict himself that stab in the chest, to instill a false glimmer of hope which they both knew would never be fulfilled. Closer and closer, the dark-haired leaned toward her, so near he inebriated her with his scent, so overwhelming he ignited every fiber of her being with his breath alone. "Just for tonight?" An invitation so tempting tasting, so sweet sounding, that the next morning it would turn into her worst regret. Not for what was about to happen, but for what would never be again.
Part 2 here ( rating M )
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The girls once said:
- Indeed everyone is using Blood prison Naruto for the bondage kink haha
- I'll blame this conversation if I turn out having a kink about bondage hahahahahahah
- I mean, she is a direct descendant of the Otsutsukis so she kinda is [an alien] hahaha
Otsutsuki Goddess
On his way to save the world, Menma meets the guardian of the Moon's entrance.
Three girls on discord talk about their favourite characters #4
Guilty pleasure #1
1k words very loosely based on the two t-shirts "I come in peace" "I'm peace"
Tumblr media Tumblr media
When the Hokage decided to send Menma to the Moon to prevent the civil war from happening, he stayed collected and focused on the task at hand.
Strange things were happening on the Moon, no big deal for the genius he was.
Seventy-two hours later, he realised he was wrong.
Being held still to a chair, naked and with his chakra sealed, was a big deal.
Especially when some kind of alien was curiously palming him with her feather-like touch.
From his toes to his head, she traced the shape of his feet, legs and stomach. Spent too much time poking at his hardening cock or his aching nipples instead of stroking them in bold circles. Stared with keen pupiless eyes as she followed his collarbones, jawline and the whiskers on his cheeks, only to brush the pads of her fingers against his lips.
The shy little kiss she gave him a few seconds after had him hiss through gritted teeth as clear drops of precum oozed out of his slit.
They lip lock didn’t even involve tongue for fuck’s sake. So why were his ears ringing?
Pulling back, she blushed crimson, tugging on her plump lip with her thumb while moaning, and his balls tightened at the sight. 
His groin hurt and he squirmed until the fire release, neatly tied around his wrists and neck, down his chest to his waist and ankles, started to burn his sweaty skin every time he tried to match the inexperienced rolls of her hips.
At first, he thought she must have given him something for his body to be so sensitive and receptive to the rubbing of her clit against his veiny underside.
Then he realised his chakra was responding to hers and vice versa. 
It only frustrated him more because the only thing he could do was groaning, facial features twisted and flushed, chest heaving, and eyes glued to Otsutsuki Hinata straddling him in all her divine glory. 
He got her name when he cursed the old Sage under his breath and he still remembered it, even though it was hard to think, mind cloudy with a mixture of consuming lust, blissful pain and desperate irritation.
How could he keep his pent up frustration under control when she was using him to get off? 
With her long nails digging into his scalp and shoulder, she had been edging him for what felt like hours with the heat of her pussy positioned on top of his cock now sticking to his tensing stomach.
The pace of her rocking increasing as soon as she cum, red lips parted as cute, little, high-pitched cries rose from the back of her throat. 
Once she was done riding her new release and was coming down from the high, she would stop and look all surprised, her eyebrows disappearing behind her fringe while staring at the thick threads of wet mess they created snap and run down his length when she changed the angle and started everything anew.
Menma couldn’t believe he was going to die under a virgin goddess, but he had to accept it given how his thighs were quivering due to the overstimulation now that Hinata got the hang of it.
And not only that: she was fucking drenched, juices dripping all over Menma’s pelvis at each smoother slide of her purplish-pink lips against his engorged cock, and shit, the things he would do to be able to open his tenketsu again and activate his kyuubi mode.
To burn those annoying ties and catch her hips to force her down, flat on her stomach, and impale her with his angry dick.
To wrap his nine chakra tails around her and hold her still as he sank his pointy fangs in the curve of her neck and pound into her.
To watch her long, dark hair fall down her shoulders with the impact of his hips slamming against her ass. Watch those big innocent eyes widened in ecstasy as he grabbed her horns and made her look at him spanking her pale cheeks red for teasing him like that.
“Ooh fuuuuuck!” he whimpered while his muscles tensed and fought against their restraints, but his skin only felt more raw than before. “Just- Just like that, ughhh.”
Unfortunately, she was the one in control with her body undulating at free will on top of him.
Keeping her arms around his neck, she closed the space between them, her huge boobs pressing against his pecs, and then tongues finally got involved in the kiss. 
Menma didn’t waste a second to suck on the pillowy flesh he was craving a proper taste of. It made her gasp so prettily and it mingled with his growl when the steady humping of her fluttering hole turned sharper.  
He was now slotted in between her inner folds that his girth was spreading apart for him to see her swollen clit catch where his balls were heavily hanging. 
At that, the extra slick of her orgasm coming out from the apex of Hinata’s legs squirted on his navel. 
Her trembling cunt weighing down the bulgy head of his cock quickened his panting, but it refused to fucking let go.
“Fuckin’- Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.” he chocked out, in agony and out of breath, “P-Please, please...”
Her breathless, confused tone winded coils of tension at his base and his eyes crossed, head swimming. 
“Yeah…please…put it in. Inside you,” he begged, trying to sound as intelligible as possible despite arousal ravaging through his body. “Fuck me, I-I swear it’ll be good.”
She didn’t say anything more, but something shifted behind her eyes. Her pupils suddenly became more distinct and veins near her temples bulged as she looked down to his twitching member.
Violent tingles ran down his spine as Hinata lifted her fat thighs and lined herself with his length, her hand ridiculously tiny at the bottom of his long slope.
That’s all he got to see, though. 
No sooner had her velvety walls greedily sucked in the edges of his tip than Menma helplessly mewled in relief, sputtering out his loads of semen as a peace offering.
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dbfandom · 2 years
Last year, in my country (Argentina) there was a statement sent to Cartoon Network (the company in charge of distributing the series on tv, essentially a channel meant for children) by the Women, Gender and Diversity Ministry complaining about some of Master Roshi's scenes in DB and Z. The statement demanded that they had to be cut bc they were inappropriate and normalized problematic behaviors like sexual harassment. It is my understanding the company actually agreed and said they would cut those, but I don't know whether they carried through with it.
Anyways, the situation caused quite an enthusiastic debate on the "adult" side of the fandom: lots of people agreed with CN's decision whereas some said that this was a mistake, for it took away the show's authenticity and that the matter wasn't that serious anyways.
I guess my question is, has some discussion like this ever happened in the japanese community/fandom? I know the "perv" character archetype is very common in anime, so I am curious about whether there are different takes/opinions on this matter.
And thank you for this blog!! It is really interesting :)
Ouah that letter took its sweet time arriving to CN!! XD
The Ministry is not wrong I believe, but gotta give it some context: DB Roshi (anime version) dates from 1986 and the "old teacher is very skilled in his craft but is also a pervert that we have to deal with" trope is so important and ubiquitous...
I might go on a tangent but systemic issues require systemic explanations :') My apologies in advance for the length!
If anything, Roshi (Kame Sennin; old turtle hermit) gets punished for his misdeeds (shot, punched, bullied by blonde Lauch, Bulma and Chichi)... Happosai (Ranma 1/2) is another example of punishing such behaviors (while Jiraiya and Kakashi in Naruto aren't really called out on their different instances of lewdness, for instance, and neither is Tsunade's focus on keeping a youthful appearance).
Nudity in DB is usually played for laughs and gag (the invisible man fight, the kids fighting Goku in the bath, Goku removing Bulma's panties and being traumatized by the absence of balls and her believing he's talking about the dragon balls...). Since nudity in and out of itself isn't really a problem in Japanese culture either.
The old man's perversity is also present in other characters in DB and Z. Bulma's father's hidden sexy magazine (she took the wrong capsule and both her parents request of Bulma to wish them each a nice young lady/young manr (canon swinger couple lmao)), Elder Kaioshin who won't help Goku unless he gets a cute girl to kiss him (and volunteers Bulma when Gohan refuses Videl, while arguing with Vegeta that "Chichi is not cute/not to his taste". ...), and Grandpa Gohan who doesn't want to come back to life because "Heaven is full of babes"...
There are, however, problematic elements concerning Roshi that aren't addressed: how Roshi asks Krillin and Goku to bring him a girl, and they just.. do it, and then (blue) Launch just.. accepts staying there?? Also no police is involved and Roshi groping around people that aren't named isn't addressed much either.
Hell over time it’s become “worse” in a sense that now girls just scream instead of beating the hell out of Roshi?
Chichi going from a fighter and martial artist to housewife and mom (and the anime really really hurts her into tiger mom trope), Videl going mom too, the situation with Ranfan in the tournament is played for laughs but if you scratch the surface, there's no girls in any of the tournaments (and when they do, they get wrecked :(.. apart from 18 and Pan at the very end). Bulma also gets mommified and goes from badass (and shallow when the world isn't in danger) to using the DBs for cosmetic wishes when the world is in danger :-/
There's a societal problem about the role of (married) women in Japan for sure, and I could write a whole sociological essay, but if anything in the 80s, Bulma was an alien: Non Love Interest to the MC, badass and having her own personality, had a lot of agency.
And she's the one who refused marriage!
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I think deciding if the censorship was a good idea or not really depends on a lot of factors; I'd personally say DB shows Roshi's pervert side as a character flaw that's being criticized (and in DBS Roshi actually fights that part of himself and becomes stronger by renouncing that side of him, somehow!).
I also personally think it sparks a discussion about it and could be good content to bounce off and talk to children about appropriate behavior (and afaik DB goes to great lengths to show it as a bad thing, but I also recognize some kids will completely miss the point <_<).
Japan has very strict views on gender roles and on what's allowed and accepted in terms of societal expectations (the country is very conservative too...); younger generations are more vocal about it, but considering the median age of those in charge of making decisions (including what gets serialized in magazines and what gets an anime adaptation), change is slow. Very slow :(
I've talked to a few people and they've told me something in these lines in terms of the role of women (because basically Roshi's behavior is also linked to that...) :
The "mommification" of Chichi, Videl, 18 (arguably) and Bulma is also Toei/Shueisha taking control over "what we want to portray, politically". As an IP, Dragon Ball "now" needs to fit a certain role model and represent society in a certain way to reinforce such roles. The IP isn't just an artistic creation anymore, it's a brand that has "societal obligations" (in a way; there's still a few subversive moments here and there but...).
In DBGT, Pan had to be the damsel in distress, this was her role in the whole series... Toriyama (when he said he didn't know how to design a female saiyan) and Toei staff couldn't even figure out how to SSJ her at the time. This was thankfully changed in DBS through Caulifla and Kale, as well as Kefla, but they still lose (differently in the manga and in the anime but still noteworthy).
Bulma is now a supporting wife to her husband (so they did end up getting married). Chichi remains the tiger-mom archetype, if anything. Videl was more or less fridged for Gohan's benefit in the Buu saga, and didn't even show up in the latest movie (!); they say she's a martial arts teacher but she has almost no agency or involvement (how cool would it have been for Pan to have been saved by the Great Saiyaman duo?). Videl just so happens to be a womb for the next generation? As in, literally for the SSJG transformation.
(Adult) Pan is often "Nadeshiko'd" in doujinshis because people rely on tropes to know what they're buying and what to expect. Mai became this too; a proper stern polite formal beauty with bangs and a princess (hime) haircut.
And then there's Bra and the long forgotten Marron.
So yeah. A lot of "Mondays suck" approach to this issue (Modays suck = it is what it is and we must endure it), but DB (at least the 42 initial volumes) wasn't outrageously glorifying the perversion and doesn't feel like like the message is "this is ok behavior". I don't think anyone reading/watching any DB considers Roshi to be a good role model or even someone to look up to or was ever described as "cool" (except by Goku who honestly doesn't know any better), including in DBS.
But then again, deep down, I believe the problem is how people aren't educated to have some media analysis minds anymore (re: people who completely miss the point of Fight Club and American History X, for instance).
I will do another check in with my pals (especially those who are less involved with the Western fandom/ideas) ^^
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snepdragon · 10 months
10 fandoms 10 characters
tagged by @grave-cleric (sending you death beams for making me choose) get ready for the most random assortment of characters
Vash the Stampede from Trigun. starting strong with mr Love and Peace. i love a guy who has suffered more than jesus so jot that down. what more do you need me to say? hes a pacifist with a gun(three of them even)
Cole from Ninjago. now with a full 180 its the lego ninja show. cringe is dead and he has been here since 2011. idk man i just like him
Trafalgar Law from One Piece. another old fave. tragic backstory, kinda op powers, one of his oldest friends is a bear, edgy and hes a doctor(i dont think he has a medical licence)
Boris Habit from Smile for Me. 37 year old 7'4" gay trans dentist who likes flowers and has a hand puppet of himself (play the game btw)
Jester/Sarmenti from Darkest Dungeon. tormented jester who chose violence. theres not much else to say i support him in his killings
Genji Shimada from Overwatch. first of all, ive never played the game and i never will. second.. cmon hes a cyborg ninja with dragon powers how am i not supposed to like him. also his journey to self acceptance and forgiveness is peak
Greed the Avaricious from Fullmetal Alchemist. hot. next. jk jk i love his whole character arc so much i cant put it to words. im trying to write something here but i actually cant hes perfect. also sexy
Luchino Diruse from Identity V. professor studying lizards became a big lizard man himself but is actually pretty excited about it since its interesting and above regular humans. also probably tormented by an eldritch god but who isnt
Yuki Sanada from Tsuritama. my boy who has terrible social anxiety.... but thru friends learns to open up and smile. theres also fishing(and aliens). lives with his cool grandma(watch tsuritama im no longer asking)
Mister Mistoffelees from Cats the Musical. gay little cat who does magic and sparkles what do you want from me
Sissel(Ghost Trick), Tendou Satori(Haikyuu!!), Hobie Brown/Spiderpunk(Spiderverse), Niko(One Shot), Hypnos(Hades), Hidan(Naruto) and about 50 others but ill be here whole week
tagging uhhh @tendous-satoris @vadelmat @just-complete-trash
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sizhui · 1 year
Naruto politics ramble sorry
The thing is naruto never wanted to become hokage because he craved political power - he wanted to become hokage because to him the third hokage was the farthest thing away from himself, the opposite of a child rejected by everybody. Becoming hokage to naruto wasnt becoming a leader, it just meant... being accepted into society. Early naruto is a highly politically charged drama, and it only really turned lukewarm midway thru shippuden. To me, the turning point was naruto repressing his visceral resentment towards the village by that fucking waterfall bc he was so blinded by the fact that hes suddenly a hero, hes suddenly a hokages son, a reincarnation of a great hero.. to understand that all this was still true yet irrelevant when he was a hungry child. Naruto had predispositions to be a respected figure from his fathers lineage but his mother and himself being a part of an universally oppressed class overruled that and the village would never, ever acknowledge him if they didnt realize only he can defeat the fucking aliens or watever the fuck. ...but i really think that not even late shippuden naruto is consistent with boruto naruto. Even late shippuden naruto valued human connection over code of honor - most relevantly his deep love for sasuke (whether interpreted as platonic or romantic it stands true). Its very plain to see that naruto was prepared to be rejected by all 'correct' world if it meant standing by sasuke!!! So my main complaint isnt even that they married other people and that they became estranged, bc i can honestly see both of those as realistic outcomes, but that naruto failed to seek justice for sasukes clan and hushed up the uchiha massacre. I see that as the most drastic betrayal of narutos character ever. I could respect it if it were framed as a tragic ending and a tragic betrayal of self, in which case id love to see naruto betrayed by sasuke and rotting in military jail. But it being framed as just a drama moment for sarada makes me sad. Naruto is just stranded as a character now.
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kagumo-zine · 2 years
Kagumo Zine Info, Guidelines, FAQs
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Before we dive in…
What is Kagumo?
It's a long story.
But in short: Kagumo is short for the ship of Kaguya and Sakumo, borne mostly out of trying to think of who would be the funniest canon character choice for Kakashi’s mom. What started as a discord joke has swiftly become a genuine love for this ship, and its potential for fun, angst, humor, canon implications, and overall alien weirdness.
What type of zine is this?
This zine will be a digital, free zine. If the number of participants allows it, digital merch will also be available along with the digital zine. In the interest of having the Kagumo zine equally accessible globally, there will not be an option for a print zine.
What content is allowed in the zine?
This is a safe-for-work Kagumo zine, exploring Sakumo and Kaguya’s relationship in canon-adjacent or completely AU settings (such as Sci-Fi, University, Mythology, etc.). The focus of the zine is Kagumo. No other overt ship depictions will be permitted in the interest of thematic focus and respect to participants/readers with differing ship preferences. Canon-typical violence is acceptable, and along the guidelines of a Teen-rated piece for any suggestive themes. This zine is trans inclusive. There will be zero tolerance in the promotion of bigoted or hateful content (Racism, Sexism, Homphobia, Transphobia, etc) in any zine creations.
Who are the organizers?
✨ sloaners - “I’m the head moderator for the Kagumo Zine! I have experience both in modding for print/digital zines, as well as experience as a zine artist. I’ve run several discord events, co-hosted event weeks on tumblr, and I am an ambassador to all things Kagumo! I’m so excited to share this free and communal zine experience with fellow Kagumo fans, and can’t wait for us to create a love letter to one of the most exciting and silly ships in Naruto fandom. 💕”
✨ Uintuva - “I was there when Kagumo was brainstormed and it has remained one of my favorite ships to this day! I have taken part as a contributor in numerous zines of wide variety and am delighted to help moderate this project!”
✨ Keepyourpantsongohan - “I was very thrilled to be part of building the lore of the Kagumo ship, and I am excited to help moderate this zine! I have experience in moderating event weeks on tumblr, as well as in planning and copyediting for a non-profit magazine resource. I look forward to all of the creations that this whimsical, wonderful fandom will bring together!”
✨ KiroSveta - “I was also there at the inception of Kagumo, and I love this ship dearly and am a big supporter and fan of it! This will be my first time moderating for and participating in a zine, but I have helped moderate a few discord servers and participated in several fandom events, and I'm very excited to help moderate for this zine! And I'm very excited to see what we all create for this ship that we all love so much!”
Who can apply?
Anyone 16+ can apply, all levels of prior zine experience welcome. We strongly encourage those who want to participate in a zine, but haven’t yet had the opportunity, to send in an application. Be sure to read all guidelines below before submitting. Applications run December 9th to January 5th.
What kind of creator positions can I apply for?
Page Artist: You will be responsible for a full color page.
Comic Artist: You will be responsible for 1-4 pages, full color or black/white/greyscale
Merch Artist: You will be responsible for an included digital merch item. Prints, Wallpapers, Bookmarks, etc.
Writer: You will be responsible for 1000-3000 words; count can be potentially split across more than one piece (ex. Drabbles, Poems).
Full spec guidelines and templates will be available in the discord server for participants. Your application will include a tentative proposal for the piece you would like to create, which can be modified later upon acceptance to the zine.
You can apply to more than one position but you will be initially selected for only one position.
(During zine creation you may have an opportunity to create additional works if interested. At that time we will also be open to off-the-cuff additional creative proposals, like coloring pages, madlibs, sketches, inspired recipes, etc.)
We are asking for 2 to 3 examples to show you can create a finished and coherent piece; a Naruto piece is preferred but certainly not required. There are no negative judgments on art or writing style. We are not curating for “high-gloss professional” work, but instead seeking passionate people who love to create.
Do not be intimidated to apply! We are looking for those who are enthusiastic about Kagumo, committed to meeting check-in and final deadlines, and able to receive communication updates via discord. We are happy to include those who are newcomers to zines. 
Artists: Please provide a link to a VIEWABLE google drive folder of 2-3 art pieces that represent your work, with at least one finished full color piece or comic page. JPG, PNG, TIF format preferable. Those interested in Merch Artist can also include one sample of a digital or physical merch item. Please do not include any NSFW examples. Those interested in Merch Artist positions are encouraged to also apply to Page Artist if there is a high number of Merch Artist applications.
Writers: Please provide a link to a VIEWABLE google drive folder with labeled links (ao3, tumblr, etc) or documents of 2 short stories that represent your work, each under approximately 3000 words if possible. A document containing a short section from a longer work is also fine. Please do not include any links that are NSFW. A sample section can be from a NSFW work as long as the sample itself is SFW.
BEFORE YOU APPLY: This zine will not tolerate harassment of any chosen participants. We expect all participants to behave in a civil and respectful manner towards each other. Any instances of harassment, bullying or bigoted behavior instigated by a participant will result in their swift and decisive removal from the zine.
FAQ/User Questions:
Q: Can I be anonymous?
A: You can certainly be credited as anonymous in the zine, but at minimum you will have to be able to be reliably contacted by sloaners for check-ins and any important updates. A participant’s online identity would be required during application, but otherwise can be kept discreet during the creation period and publication.
Q: Will you have merch like stickers or prints?
A: It depends on what artists are the most interested in creating, but also keep in mind that all potential merch would be digitally provided. Stickers could be possible, but those interested in physical versions would have to source materials and print stickers themselves (for strictly personal use only). Digital ‘stickers’ or emoji for Discord use could be a compromise!
(More to be added as questions are asked)
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