#there are only small victories won for by small acts by small people!
badolmen · 1 year
I really feel like some of you genuinely think that if all billionaires died tomorrow the world would magically be a better place. Their wealth doesn’t come with a will ensuring it’s redistributed fairly across the planet - it goes to their kin or organizations of their choice. The systems that allowed such vile people to maintain their status will still exist. 4 dead billionaires isn’t this victory you think it is - there’s 4 new billionaires inheriting their wealth and status. Killing every billionaire would just shuffle the pieces and players, it wouldn’t change the game.
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talkdutchtome · 7 months
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Glitch- chapter three
pairing . . . max verstappen x reader / mason mount x reader )
summary . . . when mason mount finds out that his assistant has been harbouring feelings for him for years, he makes it clear he doesn't feel the same way. but once he sees her become closer with formula 1 world champion max verstappen, he realises he may have underestimated his feelings towards the girl he has now pushed into the arms of another )
genre . . . angst )
song . . . glitch- taylor swift )
warning . . . tbd )
series masterlist . . . available here )
a/n . . . it's been a while but chapter three is here, i'm so sorry for how long it took )
Things between Mason and Y/N only seemed to get worse after he found out that she had given her number to Max; to say she was confused about the whole situation would be putting it lightly. Mason had made it clear that he didn’t feel a thing for her, he was furious that she had feelings for him, so why would he have an issue if something happened between her and Max. His attitude was not simply aimed at Y/N either, he was just pissed off at Max. When Max inevitably qualified on pole and Mason had to present him with the pole award, he did so with a face like thunder and an attitude so bad that even the members of staff that had to deal with him clearly saw that something was wrong. And if Y/N thought his mood was bad during qualifying, it was nothing compared to how he acted during the race. 
The group of four were sat watching the race in the Red Bull garage and whilst Y/N, Ben and Reece tried their best to immerse themselves in the excitement of the race; it was hard to do with Mason sat beside them in a brooding silence. His foul mood had extended beyond his interactions with Y/N too; even Ben and Reece, usually recipients of his lively banter, found themselves met with curt responses and icy glares. It was hard to shake off the tension, especially when Mason's frustration seemed palpable. Every attempt at conversation was met with monosyllabic responses or outright silence. 
As the laps passed and the tension escalated, Reece, who could tell just how uncomfortable Y/N was, decided to break the ice. Leaning over to her, he spoke in a hushed tone, "Hey, Y/N, you alright? Mason seems like he's in a mood today." 
She nodded, a small, forced smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into him. He’s just so angry I don’t know what to do.” 
Reece sighed sympathetically. "He'll come around. Just give him some time." 
But as the race unfolded, tension in the garage reached its peak. When Max secured the victory, the cheers from everyone in the garage were met with a stark contrast from Mason. His jaw clenched, and he rolled his eyes in frustration, clearly annoyed that Max had won, a stark change from usual races where he cheered Red Bull along.  
Y/N exchanged puzzled glances with Ben and Reece, who shared her confusion at Mason's sudden change of allegiance. The atmosphere was palpably strained, and Y/N needed to get away from it all, so she found herself wandering away from the group as they headed towards the podium.  
However, the silence that followed her being away from her friends only spurred her frustration at Masons behavior, and soon she just couldn’t cope without knowing and understanding why he was acting the way he was. So, determined to find some answers, she made her way through the crowded paddock, navigating the sea of people in their vibrant team colors. Spotting Mason engrossed in conversation with Ben and Recce, Y/N hesitated for a moment before steeling herself to confront the issue head-on. 
As she approached, the murmur of their conversation grew more audible, and her heart sank when she overheard Mason's words. "I don't know what Y/N sees in that guy. He's a real prick, and I can't stand him," Mason grumbled to Ben and Recce, his frustration evident. 
Confusion and hurt etched across Y/N's face. She couldn't understand why Mason would harbor such strong feelings towards Max, especially when he had made it abundantly clear that he didn't reciprocate her feelings. Before she could muster the courage to address Mason, Max's voice unexpectedly cut through the tension. 
"Hey, you guys! Great race, huh?" Max approached the group, a wide grin on his face, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents of tension. Y/N glanced at Mason, who had abruptly shifted his expression into a forced smile. The contrast between his earlier resentment and his current attempt at friendliness was jarring.  
Max’s energy was contagious as he approached the group with a wide grin. 
"I'm throwing a little after-party to celebrate the win. You guys should come.” 
Caught off guard, Y/N's eyes flickered to Mason, who wore a scowl and crossed arms. "We can't, man. We got some stuff lined up," Mason interjected, his tone sharp, making it clear he had no interest in joining the celebration. 
Y/N hesitated, torn between Mason's obvious displeasure and Max's expectant gaze. The unspoken tension in the air was as thick as fog. Max, sensing the underlying dynamics, looked directly at Y/N, seeking confirmation. "You in, Y/N?" 
She bit her lip, glancing at Mason before meeting Max's gaze. "Yeah, sure, I'll be there," she replied tentatively, a slight quiver in her voice. The decision was made, but the uncertainty lingered. 
Mason's scowl deepened, and the air became even heavier. Y/N, sensing the disapproval, fidgeted uncomfortably. She didn't want to escalate the tension, but at the same time, she couldn't let Mason dictate her every move; not when he made it abundantly clear he didn’t even seem to like her as a friend anymore. 
As Max walked away to extend the invitation to others, Mason shot Y/N a stern look. "Really? You're going to his party?" 
Y/N sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "Mason, it's just a party. It's not a big deal." Reece and Ben exchanged looks, clearly feeling baffled by the scene playing out in front of them. 
Mason, however, wasn't convinced. "I don't get why you're so eager to hang out with him." 
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Max seems nice, I like him” 
Mason's expression remained hardened, but he didn't press the matter further. Instead choosing to just walk away from her, almost as if he couldn’t even bare to look at her 
In the dimly lit hotel bar, Mason sat slouched on a barstool, nursing a drink between sips. Ben and Reece sat either side of him, exchanging concerned glances as they observed the weight on Mason's shoulders. The earlier anger that had etched lines on his face had given way to a profound sadness, leaving Mason looking like a shadow of his usual self. 
Reece cleared his throat, breaking the heavy silence that hung over the trio. "Mate, you've been quiet all night. Everything alright?" 
Mason took a deep breath, staring into the amber depths of his drink. "I don't know, man. It's just... everything's a mess." 
Ben chimed in, "Is this about Y/N and Max? Look, Mason, it might not be such a bad thing. If they get together, you won't have to worry about her having feelings for you anymore." 
Mason's eyes flickered with a hint of conflict, but he nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's just..." He trailed off, his shoulders slumping. 
Reece leaned in, genuine concern etched on his face. "Spill it, mate. Why are you so bothered that Y/N and Max are getting along? You've made it clear you don't see her that way." 
Mason sighed, his guard momentarily slipping. "It's not about that. I'm worried about Max. He's got a bit of a reputation with women, and I don't want Y/N getting hurt." 
Ben nodded in understanding, but Reece wasn't convinced. "Mate, I've known you for years. Something's not adding up. Are you sure that's all there is to it?" 
Mason hesitated, his eyes betraying a depth of emotion he hadn't intended to reveal. "I just... It's complicated, okay? I don't want to see her get hurt, and I don't want things to get even messier than they already are." 
Ben placed a reassuring hand on Mason's shoulder. "We get it, mate. Just look out for your friend. If you think Max is trouble, it's good that you're keeping an eye out." 
As Mason nodded in agreement, a pang of conflicting emotions welled up within him. In the quiet recesses of his thoughts, he wondered if, perhaps, he wasn't as indifferent to Y/N's feelings as he had convinced himself. 
Meanwhile, the after-party pulsed with vibrant energy as Max and Y/N found themselves in the heart of the celebration. The music thumped in harmony with the beats of their hearts, and the dimly lit venue became a backdrop to a night that seemed to be unfolding like a story. 
The pair, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and a few well-timed drinks, found themselves drawn to each other, their conversation charged with a playful flirtation that danced on the edges of something more. Max's charm and Y/N's quick wit created a dynamic that was both intriguing and infectious. 
As the night progressed, Y/N began to meet more and more of Max’s friends. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and animated chatter as Y/N navigated the introductions, each friend offering a unique glimpse into Max's life beyond the racetrack. The genuine warmth and camaraderie among Max's friends added a layer of connection to the night, making Y/N feel more at home in the bustling celebration. 
Later in the evening, Max and Y/N found a quieter corner of the venue, away from the pulsating beats and the lively crowd. The chemistry between them lingered in the air, and the flirtation that had been bubbling beneath the surface finally came to the forefront. 
Max, his gaze unwavering, leaned in with a playful grin. "You know, you're making it hard to focus on anything but you tonight." 
Y/N chuckled, her cheeks flushed from the mix of excitement and a few drinks. "Is that so? I could say the same about you, Max." 
Their banter continued, creating a bubble of intimacy that shielded them from the surrounding festivities. As the night wore on, Max's friends occasionally joined their conversation, seamlessly weaving Y/N into the fabric of their tight-knit group. 
Amidst the laughter and shared stories, Max's gaze turned more sincere. "You're different, Y/N. I really like being around you. Can I see you again?” 
Y/N, a mix of surprise and contemplation on her face, considered the question. "I'd like that, Max, but I don’t exactly live local, do I?” she said with a chuckle, still slightly taken aback by his forwardness. 
Max nodded, his eyes reflecting determination. "Well, I'm in the UK quite a bit for factory work. It could work out." 
After a moment's pause, Y/N agreed, a smile playing on her lips. "Alright then, yeah. Let me know when you're in town, and we'll take it from there." 
The vibrant energy of the after-party gradually faded as Y/N decided it was time to call it a night. The music softened, and the laughter in the venue became a distant echo as she made her way back to the hotel. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, the events of the night playing out in her head like a movie reel. 
As she entered her hotel room, she noticed a text message from Mason. "Are you back at the hotel?" it read. She sighed, typing a quick "Yes" in response. Truthfully, she couldn’t deal with anymore of Mason’s childish tantrums today, but she just couldn’t find it in herself to ignore him. A few minutes later, there was a knock at her door. Y/N hesitated before opening it, finding Mason standing there, a complicated mix of emotions written across his face. 
She let him in, the tension palpable in the air. Mason's eyes avoided hers as he walked past her and took a seat on her bed, he seemed unable to find the right words. Minutes passed, but Mason remained silent, the awkwardness growing with each passing second. The atmosphere in the room became thick with unspoken words, and Y/N could no longer contain her frustration. 
"What is your problem?" she burst out, her voice a mix of anger and hurt. "First, you completely ice me out, then you get pissed at me for giving my number to Max, and now you've come into my room in the middle of the night and you're just sitting there in silence. What the fuck do you want from me? I'm sorry for how I feel; I know it makes things awkward, but I never expected you to feel the same way or to want me. I just don't understand why it means you have to treat me like shit. You’re supposed to be my best friend." 
Mason, still avoiding eye contact, took a deep breath before finally speaking. "You are my best friend, the person in the world I'm closest to, and I was scared that because of how you feel, we couldn't be friends anymore." 
The raw honesty in his words caught Y/N off guard. She took a step back, studying his face, and saw a vulnerability she hadn't expected. The room fell silent again as they both grappled with the weight of their unspoken feelings. 
Y/N took a deep breath, the intensity of the moment hanging between them. "Mason, you can't just shut me out when things get complicated. We've been through too much for that." 
Mason nodded, the weight of his actions evident in the lines on his face. "I know, and I'm sorry. I should have talked to you instead of pushing you away." 
"Why did you get so upset about Max?" Y/N asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and frustration. 
Mason hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I guess I was worried. Max has a bit of a reputation, and I didn't want to see you get hurt." 
Y/N's expression softened, understanding the concern beneath Mason's actions. "You could have just told me that instead of treating me like I did something wrong." 
Mason nodded again, acknowledging her point. "I messed up, Y/N, and I'm sorry for that." 
The room fell into a heavy silence as Y/N processed Mason's apology. After a moment, she sighed, a mix of emotions playing across her face. "I appreciate the apology, Mason, but you need to trust me. I can handle my own feelings, and I value our friendship too much to let it be ruined by something like this." 
Mason nodded once more, a genuine sense of regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry for acting out. I don't want to lose you as a friend." 
Y/N felt a sense of closure in his words. "Let's just put this behind us. We can figure things out, but you can't shut me out like that again, okay?" 
As the weight of their conversation lifted, Y/N and Mason found themselves in an uncertain but hopeful truce. Y/N, moved by Mason's apology, decided to bridge the lingering gap between them. She reached out for a hug, an unspoken acknowledgment of forgiveness and a desire to move forward. 
Mason hesitated for a moment before reciprocating, his arms enveloping Y/N in a tentative embrace. The hug was warm, a silent reassurance that their friendship could weather the storms that had momentarily shaken its foundation. Y/N could feel the tension dissipating as they held each other, and for a moment, everything seemed to be okay. 
However, as they lingered in the embrace, Mason's mind was in turmoil. A wave of conflicting emotions swept over him, and an unsettling realization settled in the pit of his stomach. He started to question the nature of his feelings for Y/N, wondering if there was more to their connection than just friendship. 
Internally, Mason panicked. This wasn't a revelation he was prepared for, and the timing seemed utterly inconvenient. He tried his best to maintain the facade of casual friendship during the hug, desperately suppressing any hint of the internal storm raging within him. 
Y/N pulled away, smiling warmly. "Thank you for apologizing, Mason. I really appreciate it." 
Mason managed a tight-lipped smile in return, the internal turmoil hidden behind his eyes. "Yeah, of course. Friends, right?" 
"Friends," Y/N affirmed, her expression one of genuine warmth. 
Tag list-
@nightlockcornucopia @jaydensluv @girlytots19 @formula1mount @alwaysclassyeagle @aundercover @sofifiia @dessxoxsworld @lpab @lorarri @thelovehypothesis @torrie421 @ironmaiden1313 @celesteblack08 @glow-ish @urfavouritef1girly @alwaysclassyeagle @barnestatic @simxican @formula1mount @charli123456789 @mac-daddy-210 @lazybot @imguce @azxulaa @mehrmonga @sunny44 @skepvids @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @chimchimjiminie16 @tyna-19 @hoely-maria @stevesworld9 @f1lov3r @elliegrey2803 @heyyhelloohii @landosgirlxoxo @skepvids @aundercover @andydrysdalerogers @illicitverstappen @bbygrlllllll @kageyamama-hinatatata @imagandom @bibissparkles @sofifiia @dark-night-sky-99 @viennakarma
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natailiatulls07 · 27 days
I have to say, your Charles fics where he is/acts like a father are my favorite (the marguerite series and now the recent one) i'd love to keep seeing more ❤
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Jules Bianchi x Daughter!reader
Charles Leclerc x little sister!reader
Summary - It's his home race, his family are there and his win; All through Marguerites eyes
Warning - Mention of Herve Leclerc's death, mention of alcohol
A/n - I'm back oops! Sorry I haven't posted in a month, to cut a long story short alot of shit happened in my life and I took an unexpected break lol. Also @nikfigueiredo thank you babes <333
(The blue bold text is Sky f1 commentary)
The atmosphere in Ferrari hospitality was tense. Well everywhere was tense but espercially in Ferrari. Charles Leclerc was leading the Monaco Grand Prix, leading his home race.
Somewhere special to him and his loved one. He grew up on these streets and to win is something he and his late had grown up dreaming.
"There's his family watching on; Alexandra is partner, Pascale is mother and of course his adopted little sister Y/n, who is the daughter of the late Jules Bianchi."
I could feel the Sky camera panning towards me and the rest of the family but I was too stressed. Alexandra was stood beside me and I didn't need to look away from the large screen to know that she was fiddling nervously with her bracelets, much like how I was fidgeting with long strands of my hair.
I watched as the laps ticked closer to 78, one by one slowly. It was really an out of body experience. Part of me knew there was people around but I couldn't care less for them, keeping focused on Charlie.
"And for the first time in 93 years, this favoured race is won by one of their own. Charles Leclerc wins the Monaco Grand Prix to achieve his dream; Victory in his home race!"
Only then did I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Once again the Sky camera is focused on me and Alexandra, but we don't care.
A soft touch shocks me out of my awe and whipping my head around, I see Alexandra looking at me with a excited smile.
"He did! Oh Marguerite, he did!" Her voice is surprisingly smoothing compared to the rest of hospitality. I just echo that same smile before wrapping my arms around her neck as I let out a shaky breath.
Behind Alexandra stand Pascale who captures my eyes, she has small tears on the edge of her water line. It wasn't hard to understand why she had tears in her eyes. I remember the day that we were told Herve Leclerc passed away, of course I was young but I could vividly remember it.
Pulling away from the hug, I feel a sudden surge of energy and excitement. In completely contrast to during the race, I start bouncing on my feet and laughing eagerly.
Turning to random people on our way out of the Ferrari hospitality. "Charlie won the race! His home race!" In return I would get sweet smile and laughs of joy.
"We can see Y/n Bianchi once again, I think she definitely rivaling Charles Leclerc in excitement right now. Not that long ago, we saw her excitedly talking to Jenson which was a funny thing to watch!"
We make it down to the track in time for the podium. Most of our trip down to the track was spent with Pascale and/or Alexandra pulling me away from restlessly talking to people about his win.
I look up at the podium, I watch as Carlos, Oscar and then Charles all make their ways to their respective steps. We watch as they are handed their trophies and as Prince Albert gives Charlie multiple thrilled hugs.
During the Monegasque national athems, I notice how his eyes floats down to us. Instantly the smiles on both mine and his face widens, finally feeling joy together. After the first athem, I join the Ferrari crew and staff in happily singing the Italian national athems.
"You know we need to get Y/n on to do something with the Sky f1 team because she seems like a sweet young lady and we know that fans her age love her!"
Whilst waiting for the team debriefing to finish; Me, Alexandra, Pascale, Arthur, Lorenzo and his girlfriend, Charlotte, were all given the now empty Ferrari hospitality to relax.
"Can you believe?! Oh I'm so happy for him!" Unlike everyone, I couldn't hold in my excitement and I was frantically bouncing in my spot between Charlotte and Alexandra. It didn't help that I was running on close to no sleep and some random energy drink.
Everyone just laughed shaking their heads softly. "Oh my god! We need to celebrate! Maybe even my first ever drink!?" I look over towards Pascale, she was practically like a grandmother to me.
She just laughs, giving me a knowning look before replying to me. "That's up to Charlie, don't ask me..."
"Up to me? What's up to me?" His voice comes out of no where, we all quickly turn to face the entrance and there he was stood still in racing suit.
I don't wait a second before rushing over to him and jumping into a hug, something we haven't done in a few years. "You did it! You did it!" I can feel the rumble of his laughter as his arms tighten around me. "I'm so proud of you!" I whisper gently.
Unknown to me, everyone in the room is tearing up. All so proud of Charlie but just in awe of the sweet moment between him and the most loving teenage ever.
"Also can I have my first drink tonight whilst we celebrate? Please!" With a pout on my face, I look up to his face but as soon as he shakes his head with a smirk, my pout turns into a frown and everyone around us just laughs knowingly.
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aco1yte · 6 months
hiiiii lev :3 u literally just made a whole page but if u drew any more johanna i will go absolutely insane & hurt myself and others. please.
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Johanna’s victor interview costume concept :333333 I was very excited to post this because I spent an ungodly amount of time designing it so if you don’t wanna see the insane ramblings of a huge nerd just skip the entire next section but here are my original concepts, moodboard, inspiration, and symbolism in the final costume:
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Here is everything I wrote at the moment of conceptualizing my thoughts (apologies if it’s incomprehensible)
“I’ve been thinking About how katniss’ victor interview dress is specifically designed in a certain way to make her look the most innocent and to explain her actions in the arena . And I was like omg. What would Johanna’s stylist do now that she’s totally different than when she entered ?? So.
Ok so basically they explain in catching fire that Johanna’s whole ‘strategy’ was to act really afraid and small until it came down to it and she was actually really strong because of all her time chopping trees or whatever .. But Johanna was only 17 when she won her games and I think more likely she was scared into it, since district 7 is a poor district and she definitely wasn’t a volunteer. But the capitol was OBSESSED with her uncharacteristic brutality in the arena and basically made it her brand, ppl liked it so much that they attempted to do something (probably traffic her) which she refused and they killed her whole family and everyone that mattered to her.
But if I was a rich capitol stylist and I wanted to capitalize on the way she killed the other tributes (which was hacking them with a battle axe) I would use her interview costume the same way cinna used katniss’ to accentuate her innocence, but in the opposite way ? If that makes sense. Like they would want to make her look as intentionally brutal and cruel as possible bc that’s what they sold after her victory (like finnick’s sexual promiscuity or Peeta and katniss’ unconditional love), and in fact it was so successful that before getting to know her katniss says she seems like she genuinely enjoys murdering people. So I wanted her dress to accentuate the way she would have looked in her worst moments, covered in like the parts of the other tributes bc that’s how she’s remembered.
Also I really like those frilly collars on her bc they’re pretty and couture but at the same time it’s so subtly insulting because it somehwat insinuates that she needs to be collared like a violent animal (even though she only did what she was forced to) (…)”
@kozuelovemail this is for you. You sparked me into this insanity
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watcher-servant · 1 year
A Knight's Test
After the dam had bust and the outburst with Ruby, Jaune looked down at the water and the bridge. The screams of the people still echoing in the ears mixing with the sound of the water, as mist would start to rise and the ghostly whine of horse echoes. Jaune stands up, his face twisting in shock and turning to the other 3 before settling on Weiss.
Jaune: "Weiss, take Juniper and go with the others after Ruby."
Weiss: "Wait, what do you mean we should be going together?"
Jaune: "Weiss I'm begging you go with the others and take Juniper with you to find Ruby. She needs you more than me right now."
As he says thus Juniper would get close nuzzling against him
Jaune: *Pets her* I know, girl, but right now they need your speed and nose. I'll catch up when I can."
Weiss: "Jaune, are you -"
Jaune: * turns towards her face in anger* "GO NOW! He only wants me anyway, and there's no chance he'll let you interfere."
Weiss would approach Juniper as a small glyph that appears to shoot out a chain to create makeshift reins. Yang and Blake would hop on Juniper's back as the four of them would ride off. Juniper would call back jaune, wanting to stay at his side, but knows she cannot.
Jaune: *Turns to the mist as he would draw sword getting into a stance as rain droplets start to come down* "Come on....I'm right here."
From the mist, another whine of a horse is heard as walking ethereally across the water appears a knight clad in black armor with a horned helm on horseback. The horse snorts puff of smoke as the knights visor act as it eyes showing that glowing red pupils at Jaune
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???: "Finally done running, Rusted Knight?"
Jaune: "Yes...I am."
???: "Do you know who I am?"
Jaune: *Lowers his stance slightly* "I do...well, I know the legends...the stories, but I didn't want to believe. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks, but I need to accept what I'm looking at."
???: "Then say it. Say my name."
Jaune: "....Spirit of Chivalry!!"
A bright flash of lightening lightens up his form as azure flames would appear casting the spirit's grisly and dark form in the light of a phantom.
S.O.C: "Indeed I am he, and who are you vagrant knight? You who lost his path clinging to the past acting a shield knowing in truth its nothing more than your shackles? Tell me vagrant...WHO ARE YOU?"
Jaune: "I....I'm Jaune Arc, only son of Nick Arc. A family of warriors that served as guradians and knights for generations."
S.O.C: "Ah...a legacy then. However, a knight doesn't stand before me. What I see is nothing more than a coward boy playing fantasy. There is hope, though, for I see a spark no matter how small or how fleeting I shall test you to see if you possess strength."
Jaune: "Strength...what strength? I've trained and pushed myself to improve so I could protect everyone! Yet.....yet when I thought I reached a good spot, it all slipped through my fingers. I wasn't strong enough....I never was."
S.O.C: "Foolish Boy!" *His horse would stomp its hoof as lighting would crash down* "Strength does not come from physical form alone, blind reliance on it shows your weakness. You may be dammed like me, faltering when the crucial moment comes....I've seen countless disappointments like this, and all met their end with my blade."
*As he says this, multiple warriors and knights would appear in the mist looking on the new victim of their lord's trial*
S.O.C: "Be it blade or shield, lance or ax, no matter how grand or well made they are it holds no power if the weilder lacks inner strength to use it. No victory is won with just muscle it must be backed by mettle and focus. Now show me your resolve...show me what lies within your soul. Or else you'll fall here....AS YOUR LIFE BECOMES NOTHING BUT RUST ON MY BLADE!!!"
*A flash of red would appear on his gauntlet as a sword handle would grow from it. Gripping it and unsheate it showing a blade that glows with dark energy. With a loud whine of his horse, spectral spears fly down from the sky, making jaune dodge backward. Jaune would come out a bit unscathed, leaving him no room to breathe between them. The S.O.C would appear before him swinging his blade down, shattering Jaune's shield and gauntlet. Letting out a cry of agony, Jaune would try to counter with a slash only for it to meet the spirits blade, causing a flash of blue light breaking the remains of crocea mors and destroying his other gauntlet. The S.O.C would let out a mirthful chuckle as his horse would knock Jaune back.*
S.O.C: "Yes that's it! Show me your resolve, your will to fight! Show me how hard you're willing to push yourself to achieve even the slightest of victory!" *His horse would let out another whine as it dances back as more spears would rain at Jaune.*
*Jaune would dodge the barrage but would take some hits as the spars would hit his leg armor, destroying them both. With no chance to counter the S.O.C. would come in for another swing of his sword, destroying Jaune's plate mail and with a follow-up slash destroying his helmet.*
*Jaune would be sent tumbling back as his vision would darken with his shallow breathing. He considered laying there and letting his death happen, but then a myriad of voices would come to him as memories would play in his mind. Pyrrha's smiling encouragement, her sacrifice as he was helpess to stop her. Penny's words of reassurance, her sacrifice, he was forced to assist... and despair. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang....Nora, Ren, Oscar, stilling waiting on the other side in Vacuo. They would need him... Winter as well, they need allies. He just needs to stand up and survive.....but should he fall here, what's left? What would happen to a broken team RWBY, would they make it out alive with their sanity intact?. He had to help those in the Ever After....it was his duty as the Rusted Knight.
S.O.C: "Foolish child, you cling to a false prophet. The Rusted Knight is a hollow soul, his armor rusted because he does not possess the strength to stand on his own and take care of himself. He does not trust others, but a true knight does not treat his oath as shackles to hold themselves down. They are treated as reminders to boost himself, perhaps had you not feel sorry for yourself instead of steeling your resolve until no problem couldn't stop you, then maybe you would've succeeded and survived. Now stand up, and face your death like a proper knight."
*Jaune would slowly pull himself up as a spear would come down, piercing his chest. As he coughs up blood, his vision would darken as the voices of more poisonous comments come to mind. His father's words saying knights are no longer needed, no worry to continue the legacy. The derisive words of all the people at Beacon and Qrow's harsh words*
Jaune: *Thoughts* "Then...if they were stronger than him why aren't they here. Why am I the only one standing?"
????: "You know the answer....for those in the dark who's voices aren't heard. For the fiends that would slink back into the shadows thinking they're safe."
*A small light would come through the shaft of the spectral spear making jaune look down. It was small and it flickering, he had to reach it...to strengthen it. Jaune would grab the spear trying to force his aura through it slowly but surely making the light grow.*
*Outside the S.O.C would look down at the man, his body still skewered by the spear. His head looking down as if dead.*
S.O.C: "A true knight isn't strong because of their weapon. The only thing they would need is the balance of strength and will to their mettle. You have failed child of Arc...fall into the shadows and take your spot along with crowd of lost warriors." *Turns away from Jaune's body only to stop as sense a pulse*
*Back with Jaune in his mind, the glowing in the spear shined bright like a star as it would crumble absorbing into his body. The dark landscape would would reel back from the light forming into another figure wearing grey armor as he places his hand on Jaune's chest.*
???: "You are close...don't forget those that trust you why we still fight."
Ren's Voice: "Despite everything, when I look at him, Yang, I see no fear in his heart."
????: "Now come we have test to past!" *The armored figure would force his hand into Jaune's chest, making him scream as light would engulf them both*
*Back in the real world, the spectral spear that held Jaune's body would crumble, absorbing into his body as light sparkles would come from his body*
S.O.C: *Turns back seeing the light coming from Jaune* "Hmmm has he figured it out*
Jaune: *Screams out as energy would cloak his right arm, forming a flickering blade of aura... yet despite the bright color and fragile appearance there's a hint of black keeping it stable* "I'm not done yet...there's still much more for me to do *Points his new blade at the spirit*
S.O.C: "Hmm so you come to me bearing new power...very well let's see if it's enough! *Would pull his arm back blade ready to strike as his horse would kick the ground ready to go*
*Jaune would get into a stance ready for anything as the horse would rear up and speed towards him the S.O.C ready to strike. Both warriors would run to each blades ready to strike as they would even clash with a loud boom.*
*Meanwhile, other parts of the Ever After would shake and rumble as the residents would turn towards a large column of black and white would pierce the sky scattering the rain clouds. With Ruby and little, both would feel the ground shake as they look to the column. With the curious cat, it would hiss at the column feeling a dangerous intruder over there. With WBY, as they rode Juniper, they would stop seeing the column, hoping Jaune is fine.*
*Back at the mist covered area Jaune and S.O.C would have their backs to each other as Jaune would fall down trying to keep himself up*
S.O.C: "Good...very good" *As he says this, one of the horns on his helm would crack and fall down. On his chest, it would bear a gash showing a eerie blue* "Your light has shine strongly, you walk the path of Sigurd, slayer of demons....no I sense darkness in your blade as well. You walk the path Taivas, warrior that overcame a infecting darkness making it hos own. Do you why I say this....what did they have in common?
Jaune: *Gets up and turns to the spirit* "They didn't lose their way...so nothing could hold him"
S.O.C: *Turns his horse towards jaune* "Very good you have passed my trial young arc come close wield your new blade." *Holds his sword out towards Jaune*
Jaune: *Summons his new sword feeling the aura cloak his entire hand as it makes the flickering line of aura and clash it with the knight's own blade*
S.O.C: "Hear me now young arc, fear and doubt only leads to death. One that doesn't acknowledge his faults doesn't deserve to be called a knight...however with you understanding this and making peace with yourself, have shown you have earned it. Do not forget this lesson if you do I will come after you again*
*With his peace said the S.O.C would disappear in a flash of light as the mist would finally clear up*
Jaune: *Turns towards the water, looking at his reflection....then back at his new sword. Grabbing his ponytail, he would hold it enough as he used the new aura sword to cut the pony tail off. Looking down at it showing it still holds the last remnants of Pyrrha's sash, Jaune would let it fall from his hand into the water, making it disperse* "Goodbye Pyrrha....Goodbye Penny."
*Jaune would turn only to be greater by another armored figure. Waiting to see if they would try something, the armored figure only plants his greatsword in salute before disappearing, leaving the blade. Jaune, confused by what he saw, walks up, grabbing the blade as it turns into a hooded button-up grey coat.*
Jaune: *Thinking on it for a bit, he would put on the coat buttoning up near his mouth, making it look like a cape* "Time to make amends....and to catch up." *Starts walking towards the dark Acre sensing Ruby and the others in that direction as he would put the hood up*
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agentem · 7 months
Emily watches "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes"
This is a good adaptation of the book. But it's long. The book is split up into three parts and the movie is as well (there are title cards that tell us so). And there is a palpable sense that, when they get to the third act, it's like "oh fuck we have more movie still?
That's because the actual Games take place in the second act and that is more "cinematic". (Actually then spend longer on the Games than I think they did in the book. At least there is more about what Lucy Gray is actually doing and we see more of the Tributes. Some of the deaths are changed but it hits the emotional beats.)
If you liked the book, I'd recommend it. I'll be interested to see how people who didn't read the book feel about the third part. Because that is the part that is kind of rushed through. Not enough "action."
As I said earlier, I went to a "Panem Party" showing at Alamo Drafthouse. Only one lady dressed up for real and we got swag. A rose, a quill and a Capitol Academy. I thought that last was odd. I know they gave away mockingjay pins for the other movies but who wants a Capitol Academy pin? Does that mean I support the Hunger Games?
Anyway, I continue to be desperate to know what happened in the 11th Hunger Games. Gaul says the President has given her another year, implying that it was still "dying out" despite Snow's advancements during the 10th.
We know (from the Capitol Couture website, which may or may not be canon) that Mags Flannagan won the 11th Hunger Games and she was the first victor to go on a Victory Tour. We only know a little bit about Mags from Catching Fire though. I think the Victory Tour has to be punishment for something. Why do they make the victors go around a look at the families of people they may have killed?
They also say she is "small" in CF so even though she is from a traditionally competitive district (one with well-fed kids), I doubt she was an "odds" on favorite. Her skill is making a fish hook which isn't an advantage if they still compete in the old arena.
I have a headcanon that this is when Gaul starts to manipulate the arena more, and puts creatures hidden about. Possibly in pits--as Mags would only have an advantage in water. The ending of this film did not disuade me from that notion.
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mosswolf · 26 days
In the chaos-depths of Girandole, the Pact of Necessary Venture is shackling a god to an engine, an engine that would become a star, a star that would consume Partizan. A small sacrifice, they believe: necessary venture. Because what it will earn them is clear. A new era for the galaxy, in which they would become its principal hegemons.
But across the system, those few who know the dangers of this plot rally to stop them. A few hundred thousand miles away, on the moon of Partizan, members of Millennial Break ready their attack force, which will be brought up en mass into orbit by the Reflecting Pool, flagship of their dubious ally, The Witch in Glass. Meanwhile, rushing from the now repaired Partizan Portcullis: A Curtain Armada, eager to rendezvous with Mourningbride and finally leash this star system gone feral.
But this climactic clash will not be won by arms alone. Throughout the Principality war is fought not only on the battlefield, but also across an emerging media landscape, one where truth is determined by salvos of propaganda, shaped by onslaughts of distraction, and interpreted by the sweet, whispered sermons of falsified prophets.
And so the question is not simply “Can Millennium Break win?” It is “What does victory look like?” Will they be seen as revolutionary heroes or jealous upstarts? Compromised cynics or naive insurgents?
Can they finally break free from the gravity of the old logics in a way so confident, so stunning, that they inspire people everywhere to see the world differently, to not only raise arms, but lock them in solidarity, too?
partizan 45: operation shackled sun: act one: the fray
guys i think im contemplating the thesis rn
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shwarmii · 6 months
You know the books and like Clarisse and I haven't read the books yet, so maybe you can explain something for me? They say the gods don't always claim their kids especially if they don't have 'glory' yet, and they say (and I see on tumblr) that Ares doesn't like his girls, and he's overly mean and almost abusive to Clarisse, but she's HIS.
Does it ever say when/why he claimed her? Was it a possession thing even though he doesn't at first like her or approve of her? Did she do something special and he went yup that's my kid I guess?
this ask is referencing this post
oooooh, okay, uh... important things to note: (1) i have chronic memory loss, (2) i havent read these books in years, so let's see how i do from what i remember lmao
regardless, thank you for asking me a question! very sweet that you thought id have the answer
the answer will be a bit of a spoiler in terms of world-building, so lemme just
⚠️ pjo world-building + mild plot spoilers below ⚠️
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so, the last book in the first series ("Percy Jackson and the Olympians") reveals most of the unclaimed kids are actually the demigod children of minor gods
these minor gods were implied to have been fearful of what might happen to their kids if their kids were claimed. because then, their kid would need their own cabin, and a minor god getting a set-up right next to the big 12 could cause anyone in said big 12 to percieve that act as a slight, and might take out that fury on either the said minor god in question OR their newly claimed kid. not even Hestia had a cabin for her kids, and she used to be in the main 12 until she stepped down for Dionysus to be amongst the big 12 instead (when the minor gods are allowed cabins, she gets cabin 21). Percy Jackson is the one who makes the demand that every god claims their kid within a time-frame of arriving at Camp Halfblood, which then gives the minor gods a pass to claim their kid without being worried they or their child will be punished for doing so
Riordan makes this a very small reveal, considering how important it is. but Percy isn't friends with any unclaimed kids really, all the people Percy meets who are new to Camp get claimed within the book they are introduced in. so there's no one to really be our emotional throughline for that reveal, nobody for fans to theorize who such-and-such's godly parent might be. it takes up only a few paragraphs, unfortunately, not much; definitely not a full chapter. i dont remember if there were any stragglers from the big 12's kids who had been unclaimed up to that point? i dont think there were many, if any. it sets up and disillusions in one go that the whole "you get claimed if you are worthy" as having been an assumption the kids made to find "logic" (in a self-deprecation way, similar to how divorced kids or kids of a single parent may "logic" their parental situatuon as their own fault) to their unclaiming
however, the toxic notion of "achieve glory = godly parental attention" is still prevelant in the claimed kids too. it is why Clarisse targets Percy; he comes into camp having already fought a minotaur and won? him doing that sets off her insecurities about not being worthy and makes her jealous, which is why she goes after him so often before Percy's first quest. there's very few chances for kids at camp Halfblood to prove themselves, unless they leave; and they only can leave by either sneaking out (and dying, or at least risking death) or going on a quest (which also risks their deaths). so any chance to prove themselves for glory, in friendly or unfriendly ways, is highly covetted
i mention this because Clarisse HAS proven herself to her dad in some way. her electric spear is from Ares. now, because we dont get a lot of gossip about WHY Ares gave her a gift (esp since he isnt the gift-giving sort. he values violence/battle prowress, strategy, and victory (regardless of if that is an "honorable victory" or not)). she likely proved herself in an above-average way from her cabin-mates but not in a legendary way. if it had been legendary, we wouldve heard about how she got her spear when people were warning Percy about Clarisse. and we know Clarisse didn't earn her spear as a reward for a quest (or as "good luck" gift before a quest), because Clarisse's first quest comes in a later book. but yeah, makes it all the harsher in this world where it is so hard to get godly parental attention that Percy broke the one token of it that Clarisse had (and, no, Ares never replaced it. tho Clarisse does get a new spear called "Maimer"; but all the kids, including her cabin-mates, call it "Lamer" behind her back unfortunately), and Percy breaking her spear definitely adds to her hatred of him. so Clarisse HAS proven herself to her dad once. and it is unlikely that she did something so great that he claimed her and gave her a spear in one go. so the two (her being claimed and her getting the spear) are likely unrelated events
now, did she prove herself in order to get claimed? perhaps. the big 12 gods tend to claim their kids as a reward within their first year or less of being there (fucked up that Poseidon chose "good job humilating that Ares girl who misdirected her anger to be at you" for Percy's, but okay). it isnt until Percy Jackson wins the war that he demandingky bargins for all gods to claim their kids. but yeah, out of the big 12 (minus the Big Three, minus Artemis, and minus Hera = 7 gods), they all are decently prompt when it comes to their own kids. they are implied ot have been, at least. again, very few stragglers, if any, that were not the demigods of minor gods within the books
Dionysus especially was prompt (bc he is AT the camp). which, i know this is a tangent, but i gotta talk about Dionysus as a godly parent because the books barely do. but part of his punishment regarding being exiled to Camp Halfblood isnt just about his punishment being no throwing parties and no Olympus. his punishment is his own kids, and not in the way that initially sounds. Camp Halfblood kids dont live long. theyre considered lucky to make it to college-age, and absurdly lucky to get to their 30s. Percy himself never imagines himself getting older. this fucked up lifespan is resolved in many ways thanks to the "Heroes of Olympus" series. but, before then? Dionysus' exile is about being forced to be a present figure in his kids' life and watch them all die tragically young, being forced to help bury them. he's actually very traumatized from it all. he even begs Percy at one point to keep an eye out for any Dionysus kids during the war's final battle; and he even runs up to some of his kids who survived (i think? it was his twin girls?) and hugs them, crying. we dont get to know any of Dionysus' kids through virtue of none of them being friends of Percy, so we don't get to really know how Dionysus is like as a parent, especially as a godly one that is very present in his kids' lives. we get glimpses of him in the background, and for a guy who misdirects all his bitter anger about his exile onto the campers who are not his kid... he sounds lovely to his own kids? idk, thats at least from what i remember. shitty and bitter to other kids at camp, very loving in a quiet and traumatized way to his own. its not an excuse but it does make sense. (its also why he hates Percy; his presence means dangerous things will happen as long as he is alive, which therefore puts his own kids in danger. ...maybe thats why Percy isnt friends with any of Dionysus' kids, maybe he forbade them from getting close to Percy? idk)
but yeah, the big 12 are all p good about claiming their kids in the book, in retrospect once its revealed that the unclaimed children are largely the minor gods' kids. the timeline Percy forces them into does demand they somewhat untangle the "claimed as a reward" aspect too which is nice, they now just have to claim their kids p much as they are (unless their kid doesnt something great FAST), and not during a moment where it is good for the godly parent's image to be associated with this "moment of glory"
that being said, that doesn't mean Ares is a good dad in the books. the one moment we do see Ares and Clarisse together is in a later book, and she is uncomfortable in his presence and one time even flinches around him. i dont think Ares physically abuses his kids, mostly because i dont think he is present enough in any of his kids' lives to find a fucked up "reason" to hit them (i would not be surprised if the flinch and whatnot was from a sparring match gone too rough the last time they met tho). i think it is more so a flinch because Mrs. La Rue likely has gone after similar men to Ares, therefore making visual markers of Ares (eg. a leather jacket, motorcycle, etc) triggers to Clarisse's mind to be on guard as these other men have been unpredictable and/or abusive; and Ares hasnt been around Clarisse enough for her to trust him not to be the same nor does she trust him enough to be comfortable in general around him (as it's an Event when her dad shows up, not just some Tuesday). and that's in the books. thats not accounting for the tv show deciding "Clarisse will never be good enough to Ares because she is not one of his sons" (which i think makes sense in a representation point of view; but i also think it makes less sense sense about Ares specifically. because Athena is also a god of war, and theres even evidence that Aphrodite is/was a god of war when she was initially worshipped, so Ares is aware of women being equal and capable; Ares was also the patron of Sparta, which was the city-state with the most rights for women, one of which was that it was only one that allowed women to protect themselves against their husbands. and you could also argue, due to some of his actions in his legends, that Ares protected mistreated women. however, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" states that Olympus' move to New York meant that the gods changed to better reflect their enviroment, and Ares is the most likely best-fit to represent the Western/American brand of toxic masculinity. so. his depiction in the books works well enough for a man still in an affair with Aphrodite who upholds glory in battle as the pinnacle of human greatness, and his built-up depiction in the show to be more abusive and sexist does and doesnt make sense. i care more about representation and a good story than i do have Ares be academically perfect to how we understand his lore to have made him out to be, personally). but yeah, in both versions, he's been set up as a shitty dad. he's inattentive and lacking self-awareness at best (and, again, is still actively having an on/off affair with Aphrodite, which no doubt complicates his kids' feelings for him the same way any irl dad cheating and/or paying more attention to his girlfriend than to his kids would) in the books. which does then feed into Clarisse's relationship with him. Ares, like many of the gods, sees their kids as extentions or representations of themselves. so its good when things are good and you make them proud, but then anything you do badly then "reflects badly on them too" which can be really damaging to a kid
the only gods we see as exempt from this mindset of extension/representation (other than obviously Hera and Artemis, as neither have any biological demigod children. Artemis does have her mistresses of the hunt tho) is arguably Dionysus as aforementioned, kind of Poseidon as he keeps trying to connect with Percy (also maybe Hades for the same? we don't see him a lot, so it is hard to tell), as well as Apollo kind of? Apollo had his initial personality kind of backtracked and retroactively better-dad-ified, as he got his own POV book series ("The Trials of Apollo"), which includes a very heartfelt scene for when he got reunited with his son, Will Solace. so the gods arent terrible parents with all the same ideaologies, but they are absent more than they are present (with the exception of Dionysus, whose punishment is to be present and get attached 💔 not an encouraging move, guys)
which brings up another important point: that we dont really get other points of view in the first series, Percy is all we get. and though Clarisse is his ally (i love that Riordan did not have her betray the camp for the war in the first series. she just doesnt fucking like Percy lol), she is his most argumentative ally. in order for the reader to know Clarisse's backstory and know if she had to earn her claiming or not (which again: i dont think she had to. she may have been manipulated to think she did tho via the whole "i will claim you as a reward/i will claim you when it makes me look good and i can have some of your spotlight" bit), as well as learn how she earned her electric spear from Ares that Percy broke, Clarisse or someone close to her would have to sit down and tell Percy about it. and Clarisse wouldnt do that because she is not close with Percy; and nobody close to Clarisse would do that because they know Clarisse would feel betrayed if they talked about her private stuff to anybody, Percy or otherwise. all we really know about Clarisse La Rue's backstory is she was born in Phoenix, Arizona; and the satyr who led her to Camp Halfblood was Gleeson Hedge. that's it.
and i have a lot of complaints about how Rick Riordan writes (mostly how he writes women and people of color, especially women of color. but other parts of his writing does suck too). and part of the novel aspects of the new show is it allows "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" have a new re-write with a team of writers (which does still include Riordan), so there are likely things that will be changing. hopefully, unclaimed children will have a spotlight (i would love to have a show-exclusive character be unclaimed, but thats unlikely to happen). again, i havent seen the show yet, but it is possible that they will not follow the books in the aforementioned claiming details and will instead go "no, all claimings happen in a moment of glory", rather than "it was going to happen if you were a kid of the main 12 regardless, and we are just waiting to do it when it most looks good for us to announce you are ours". maybe they will explain the circumstances around Clarisse's claiming and spear, i dunno. the first series of books are all written in First Person POV and limited to just Percy's, and the nature of television is to be more Third-Person Omniscient, so there is a good chance we will learn things outside of what Percy knows this time around
but yeah! that's the climate around claiming and parenthood at Camp Halfblood, which even impacts claimed kids post-claiming; and everything we know about Clarisse past and her relationship with Ares before Percy Jackson arrives (at least in the books, lol) if you read this far, i do apologize that this is very long and that i kind of meander into some tangents. i have a habit of overexplaining. however, i hope that makes sense!✌️
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acetolightning · 8 months
Even victory comes at a price
//Right after the defeat of the Overlord in Crystallized, the beginning of the Dragonic Weapons AU//
Golden light showered the sky above, echoes of power flying through the city and destroying the parasitic crystals of the Overlord. The shockwave lasted mere moments, but even the army of evil and the allies of the ninja realized the defeat of darkness. Cheers started echoing throughout the city as the crystal army, one by one, exploded into golden dust and light. It was a serene sight for the citizens of Ninjago, as the ultimate evil had finally been defeated.
Sensei Wu turned to look upwards toward the golden figures high in the sky, the four-headed golden dragon of creation and his nephew as they landed back upon Borg's Tower. He could feel the creational power breeze past him, almost acting like a hug, a reassurance. A call of we won.
Looking out of the corner of his eye, Wu could see that Nya was also enjoying the feeling, eyes closed and a small sigh escaping her lips. He couldn’t help the serene smile of his own.
“Thissss better be the lassst time we have to come to ssssave the ninja, old man.” Wu turned his body, facing Skales and the rest of the serpentine. The other ex-generals stood around their warriors, tending to any wounded.
“Hopefully, this is the final great battle of good and evil. We thank you for your help in our time of need.” Wu bowed, making Skales pause before sighing and shaking his head. Wu glanced back up, seeing the serpentine move forward.
“I sssay this like we it issss a burden to usss. I sssshould apologize in my hassste to be so sssstraight forward. After all, Ninjago is the home of the ssssserpentine asss well.” Skales went into a bow, tail curling forward in acknowledgement of the sensei.
Both straightened back up, with Wu grabbing his staff that had fallen during the shockwave of pure creation. He looked up to see the golden dragon make its way back towards the ground, where his four students stay frozen and rock-like from their sacrifice.
They should be returning to normal any second.
“I am sure my students would like to give their thanks as well,” he started forward to where the dragon was landing, already with other people gathering close to its destination, “as they haven’t seen you in many moons.”
Nya, fixing to head towards the landing site, nodded her head and made a ‘come on’ motion.
“I know Lloyd would be happy to see you again Skales. And that goes to the rest of the generals as well!” Adding that last bit was perhaps a little manipulative on her part, but it wasn’t something that she felt bad about.
Skales looked behind to the ex-generals, all of whom looked confused but hesitantly nodded anyway. Turning back, Skales started forward, Acidicus, Fangtom, and Skalidor slithering along beside him.
It took only minutes before they made it to the stone-hardened ninja, the dragon having landed moments after their arrival. All four heads bowed forward as Lloyd slid off of it.
“Nya! Sensei Wu,” Lloyd cried. He ran forward, engulfing them both in a hug. Nya laughed and hugged back just as hard, not bothering to slap the green ninja for not being more careful of any injuries. Wu gave a firm hug to his nephew before stepping back and then around. He couldn’t help but stare at the dragon created from his students.
Garmadon and Harumi had been escorted down, both injured and being tended to.
All four heads looked down at him, happiness and peace in their eyes. It was a look Wu could feel at the very moment, with the suffocating darkness now banished.
“S-Sensei Wu? Why a-are they stone?”
Wu turned and saw Lloyd, who’s hands were engulfed in green, touching his four brothers to try and break their assumed imprisonment. Nya was beside him, holding Jay’s face and then Kai’s, trying to speak to them.
“W-Why isn’t it working!?” The green ninja cried out, his hands glowing even brighter with his desperation. Wu quickly ran over, ignoring the dragon that looked at the scene with an unreadable expression.
Using his own element, the sensei put his hands on Cole, feeling for the hum of life and earth. The golden element searched like a parent for its newborn, desperate to find anything.
Nothing was his answer.
Fear trickled into his mind. Giving up the weapons should not have caused this.
Lloyd had tears gathered in his eyes, legs wobbling as Nya kept him upright, her own tears already falling down her face.
“S-Sensei?” Lloyd gasped, choking out the word.
Wu, eyes closing to keep the despair out of sight, shook his head.
Nya gasped, shaking her head and rounding on the golden four-headed dragon.
“What did you do to them!? Give them back right now or I’ll-I-,” she cried. The fire dragon’s head leaned down, a small huff of warm air escaping and blowing her hair back, along with Lloyd’s.
She glared and pointed her finger at its chest, undeterred from the much larger beast. “I said give them back!”
The dragon sighed, the fire head raising back up to its fellow brothers, glancing at one another before the earth head stared at the frozen ninja. The large body moved forward, making its way through the crowd of citizens and allies alike. When it got a few meters away from the four ninja, it’s tail moved forward and raised high before slamming down.
Everyone could only watch in horror as the frozen ninja crumbled to dust from the hit.
Despair, fear, ANGER filled Lloyd’s mind, the call of oni tempting and fighting for revenge of his fallen brothers. He could sense Sensei Wu yell out to the dragon, but the words stayed muffled as he fought back the soft whispers of his heritage.
Was it even this bad when he thought his father was dead? It felt so much worse than that. What he called any ally had just killed his brothers (but were they already dead?), not even the slightest bit hesitant of killing off its masters.
The allies that helped the ninja rushed forward, trying to subdue the golden dragon as Lloyd felt the dizzying feeling of loss wash over him.
After everything they went through, his brothers perished to an ally.
Wait. What?
His brain halted its panicking state. Those weren’t his thoughts.
What the fuck?
Ignoring what Kai would have said if he could hear him cursing, and that sent a pang through his chest, Lloyd glanced around, trying to pinpoint who was talking. But everyone was distracted by the dragon, trying to keep it from taking to the air.
The voices sounded so familiar, like his brothers if their voices got mixed up and blended together.
Was he going insane?
A loud screech came from the lightning head of the dragon as a spear hit it in the jaw. The other heads turned towards their brother, and Lloyd could see….something familiar.
He was hearing the dragon. But how? And why did it sound like his brothers? Something didn’t sit right.
Lloyd moved forward, green energy gathering in his hands. The green ninja maneuvered through the crowd of vengeful allies, the voices in his head never seizing.
As soon as he got to the front, he slammed his hands down, creating a shockwave that, while not hurting anyone, caused everyone to stumble backwards away from the dragon. Wu stood a few meters away, still staring at the dust of what was once his students.
Nya glared at Lloyd, hurt shining in her eyes. “Why did you do that Lloyd? Did you not see what that dragon did to my brother, my friends, MY YIN?”
He tried to let her anger flow around and through him. The voices in his head having stopped briefly. Lloyd looked at the crowd, and Nya, as they were glaring at the dragon behind him. Even Skales and the serpentine generals, who still had a rough relationship with the ninja, had participated in the anger.
How was he supposed to express what he was hearing? It sounded crazy, but-
“I-I think I can hear them!” Lloyd yelled out. He winced as some of the anger on the crowd’s face changed to confusion or pity.
“I think he’s already going crazy.”
“He did just fight the Overlord, he could be injured.”
“He’s already missing his brothers, what do you expect?”
“QUIET!” Nya yelled out, her voice carrying past the questions and comments of the semi-large group. Her voice had even caught the attention of Wu, who turned around.
Her brown eyes searched Lloyd’s green, narrowed in anger and sadness. “Talk.”
The green ninja winced as the voice in his head echoed, the pain in its voice prominent. He wanted to calm the voice, but the crowd in front of him was more important.
“I-I think this dragon is more than just the weapons. I’m hearing them Nya.” He could see that got her attention. Her anger finally started to change to confusion.
“What do you mean you can hear them? Hear who Lloyd?”
Lloyd turned to the golden dragon, all of the heads staring down at him with a look Lloyd could swear was hope.
Gently, he raised a hand to motion for the lightning head to come down. With no hesitation, it lowered itself right into his palm.
Gasps rang out as the fire head lowered itself. Tears prickled at his eyes.
The earth head rumbled as it rubbed the top of his head.
A cool breeze escaped the ice dragon’s mouth as it nudged his arm.
“Yo-You mean?” Nah stuttered, eyes wide.
Wu walked forward, staff making a click click noise against the ruined road. He stopped right in front of the dragon, standing beside his nephew as the lightning dragon moved its head from Lloyd’s palm to Wu’s staff.
“The dragon….the ninja transformed into the dragon, sacrificing their mortal body for Lloyd.” Wu hates the words that he said. His students were never meant to give up their mortality. How could he have not seen this coming?
Had he been too distracted with the promise of the dragon forms creating a chance of success? Perhaps his father merely did not foresee this happening.
Whatever the case, his students had realized before any of them the true sacrifice they had to take to save Ninjago. Them destroying their old, stone encased bodies showed understanding and acceptance.
He watched as Lloyd started petting the ice hea-Zane, as Nya ran forward to hug Kai’s snout. Tears streamed down her and Lloyd’s face, the relief too much to hold in. A sad, low rumble came from Jay as he nuzzled against Wu. Cole set his head against the ground, an answering rumble to Jay.
The knowledge that this dragon was the ninja sent a shockwave through the rest of the crowd, some of whom whispered their sadness and fear of the entire situation. Others shook their head and gathered into small groups, hoping to comfort one another.
“Sssso you sssay thisss dragon here issss the ninja?” Skales slithered forward, red hypno eyes looking at each head. The confusion in his voice was clear as a summer day. Acidicus came up beside him, moving close to Lloyd and staring up at the fire head.
Wu sighed, feeling centuries older than he actually was. “I believe so, yes. My nephew says he can hear them and I have no reason to doubt his claims.”
Glancing up, and really taking a look at the dragon, he could see details of each ninja that corresponded with the appropriate head. The markings on the lightning head that resembled freckles, the scar on the earth head that looked to mimic Cole’s ghostly scar, the ice head’s almost metallic look to it, and the fire head’s scar across the eye; how had he not seen the resemblance before? The dragon resembles them too well to just be the weapons’ ultimate display of power.
Skales narrowed his eyes, moving to touch the lightning dragon head. The head, Jay, rumbled and tilted down so that Skales’ hand touched where horns met scales.
The serpentine looked almost awed by the feel of the hardened scales of the dragon head. It was much tougher than his or any serpentine’s own, and much larger as well.
He looked back at Wu, tongue flicking out briefly before what was on his mind escaped his mouth.
“Isss there a way to change them back? I know they dessstroyed their bodiessss but there must be a way. How about those annoying teassss of yoursss?” Skales continued petting the dragon head, weary but confident in knowing the ninja wouldn’t try to hurt him.
Wu could feel eyes snap to him, all of whom were eager for an answer of yes or I have a scroll that could but the truth was much more devastating.
“I…” He didn’t even want to have to utter the words out loud. Despite him only saying one word, he knew his message got across to everyone in front of him.
Skales’ eyes widened, as did Acidicus’, who had been talking to Nya before listening to Wu. Nya paled considerably more, hands shaking as she continued rubbing her hand against Kai’s snout.
Lloyd however. Wu hated seeing the utter despair in Lloyd’s eyes. The anguish, the fear, it was something that he was familiar seeing but not to this extent.
“N-No! There has to b-be a way!” Lloyd turned back towards the dragon, his brothers, and yelled, fear and hurt and anger mixing into a truly pitiful combo of negative emotions. “Change back! Change back or I’ll-I’ll….”
Tears flowed down, dripping onto the broken pavement of the road as he curled his entire body around Cole’s head. The other three heads looked to their brothers before all moved to surround their little brother.
“You guys saved me. I’m safe.” Lloyd whispered in between tears.
A small hum came from one of the heads. Which one it was, he would never know.
The earth head swung upwards, nearly making Lloyd fall in the process, and roared into the sky. The green ninja winced and had to cover his ears, as did the other bystanders, Nya, and Wu, as the other three heads joined in.
One by one, each head glowed brilliant colors of gold and white, before each landed on their respective colors. A loud ‘Pop’ sounded before the whole area was bathed in white light. Lloyd called out for his brothers through the rough sounds of popping, but nothing came through. Their roars quieted, and just as sudden as it came, the sounds stopped.
It took another minute before the lights suddenly receded, and as it did, Wu, Lloyd, and Nya tentatively made their way towards where the dragon had been. Once the light disappeared, it was a sudden realization that the dragon had disappeared.
No, instead four humanoids stood in its place, wings spread wide with relieved smiles on each face.
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whumpflash · 1 year
Can we see some cerus before his fall?
:) time for actual cringefail overlord?
Umbra: Beginning of the End
cw: war/death mention
Penumbra Masterlist
"The rebels are gaining ground."
The scroll was small; brusque and to the point. In the last year alone, there had been dozens just like it, ill tidings scrawled across each one.
"The dissidents prevailed today."
"The rebellion has spread to the western end of Feyadel."
"The eleventh legion has fallen, sire."
Cerus tossed the small, curling piece of parchment into the fire, watched it smolder and redden and turn to ash. Defeat was closing in, like the sun setting over the course of the day, spreading slow shadow that would soon cloak the world in an all-consuming darkness.
The end was surely coming for him. It had started with his father's death. Sudden, a broken neck at the bottom of a staircase, leaving Cerus gripped more with fear than grief when he looked upon the corpse for the last time.
For what was he to do now?
He'd been the royal high mage, boosting his father's power with magical means. His father, who was supposed to live for many more years, who was supposed to grow old and hand over the throne gradually, giving Cerus time to learn and grow into the role. His father, who was now a body in the ground.
Most of King Hollowthorn's bannermen left before the grave was even filled in; the rest filed out one by one in the coming weeks. They knew the people of Feyadel were unhappy with the crown, only kept in line by the king's schemes and careful pressures. They knew Cerus had none of his father's experience, that he was weak. That the people would see his faults and find within them an opportunity. Cerus knew too, but now he was alone.
He'd gathered some meager support, elevating a handful of knights to generals and battalion leaders in preparation for the war that was sure to come.
 He'd been lenient in his early months as king, conceding to the demands of a few villages for lessened taxes and a lift on the poaching ban. He'd even raised the damned dead in an attempt to cow his subjects into submission. But it wasn't enough.
It never would've been enough.
The first large-scale revolt was in a small town a hundred miles away, on the eve of his coronation, and more acts of rebellion were swift to follow.
No matter how many dead were raised, the spirit of the people outmatched the unfeeling relentlessness of his ghouls.
For six years, he'd sat anxious on the throne, lost sleep over lost loyalty, watched as his hold on his birthright was broken bit by bit.
And with it, his hopes of emerging victorious.
Soon his treacherous subjects would reach the capital city, and then there would be nothing left.
So he'd fortify it. Pull back forces and protect his last true stronghold. If he expended all his energy, he could summon enough undead that it would take all the rebel forces had to oppose them. Even if he was outmatched, his ghoulish soldiers didn't need food, nor rest, nor tending to their wounds, unlike the rebel armies. He'd wait. Let them drain their supplies before launching a counterattack. He still had a chance.
And then when the battle was won, and he stood triumphant over the bodies and the curling smoke, he'd be king of the nothing.
He'd heard some were calling him Shadow King, and whether it was a description or an insult, he didn't know. But if he won, that was all he'd ever be. King of the shadows, of the ruin that would remain of Feyadel.
How had things turned so foul? Hadn't there ever been a time where he thought he could be something more? A better king than his father? A mage that could deal in something other than death and decay?
It mattered little now, if there was ever a chance at all. Could've beens would change nothing. Cerus had to hold on to what he had, what little power remained.
And if he couldn't, he'd die fighting those who dared try and take it from him.
@whumpwillow @rabbitdrabbles @kixngiggles @honeycollectswhump @chiswhumpcorner @whatwhumpcomments , @dont-look-me-in-the-eye , @turn-the-tables-on-them , @pigeonwhumps , @itsmyworld23 , @andromeda-liske , @starlit-hopes-and-dreams , @haro-whumps , @kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpedydump , @mannerofwhump
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bengiyo · 9 months
Hidden Agenda Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Zo went home to take care of some paperwork, and that allowed us insight into the difficult relationship he has with his mom. She's been extremely hard on him since the Puen situation, and it's created a perfectionist streak in Zo that is all too familiar for me as the son of two educators. Joke came to see Zo at his home, but Zo wasn't ready to come out. Still, the two of them are back to rolling around on the couch together. Meanwhile, Jeng has quit his football club, and Pok is worried.
Oh, starting with a dream of winning? I just know Zo isn't gonna win.
Curious why Joke seems to be only close to his grandmother.
I do like the boxes they tap for the debate.
These new juice cans Oishii is pushing are just too much.
I like that their team won, but Nita won the best speaker award. She's not tied to a romance, and it lets us get two levels of drama. So succeeded as president by leading his team to victory with a sound strategy, but he failed to meet the standard for himself.
Hello, Arm! Glad to see you acting and not just presenting.
They got Zo doing a surprise for Nita when he's so disappointed right now.
I feel for Zo. It's difficult to work as hard as you can and it still not feel like enough. But, Zo, baby, you are kenough.
I like the continuity of showing the rain and having the boys' shoulders be wet when they reach the hospital bed.
I like Zo's mom. This is the kind of complicated relationship I have with my family. They would absolutely hide information from me in the middle of a major event so that I could focus and then tell me after.
Joke is a good partner, and Zo's mom is perceptive. I think they would be great in laws someday. My dad's mom loved my mom. They were really close.
Joong and Dunk are huge. They are towering over the actress playing Zo's mom.
I'm not sure what the deal is with Joke's family this episode.
Okay, I liked Joke holding firm on the small argument about Zo's mom. Whatever Zo may be feeling, his mom was trying to encourage him.
I don't like Joke's shirt. It's been bothering me since he changed out of his uniform.
They all just left all this food out in the table? They didn't wrap it or anything? Thailand is humid and hot. I just know there are bugs everywhere.
It's interesting how Zo and Joke feel kinda distant with their families, and are receiving these awkward offerings from them.
Joke's shirt looks like the movie era TOS Star Trek uniforms.
Very impressive that they made Dunk's big ass look small on this bed without Joke.
Sepsis is very scary. Zo's mom is usually so tough that it's really sticking out how worried and shaken she is.
Okay, Joke silencing Zo to tell him he's not leaving this time was kinda hot.
Wow, this final preview doesn't look that dramatic.
This has been such a strange show. I wish I had watched it more like Horiimiya and not as some sort of mystery implied by the hidden agenda stuff. This has been a rather light experience about two people getting closer and their friends.
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pinkcherryblossom18 · 2 years
Summary: The war is over, blood shed and tears fallen, friends lost and Olympus safe but war never comes without unsavory thoughts and bad tastes in the mouth after do they?
Connected to this work
TW: Blood, crying, murder, mentions of murder, thoughts of suicide, Percy gets turned on, mentions of later sexual acts, aftermath of war.
Blood covered her from head to toe, her hair was sticking on her blood-covered cheek, she expected to feel good, they had beaten Kronos and the rest of his army. She didn’t feel—she just didn’t feel anything but hatred for herself as she looked down at Jessica, her sister in not blood but something else. The first person who had supported and didn’t care about who she was and she loved her for that.
Now Jessica’s blood covered her hands and she felt nothing but hatred for herself for what she had done. The flower crown that Jessica had given to her before they had fought each other, before Jessica had lunged at her with everything in her with only one thing in mind, to kill her, before she killed her, was still sitting firmly on her head. She felt like ripping it off, she didn’t deserve something from Jessica, she didn’t deserve anything but to take her spear out of the corpse and ram her spear into herself after what she had just done.
She could feel her mother cheering at her daughter’s victory, cheering that she had won even though Nike had taken away the victory in her blood. That her mother had expected her to perish after she took away the gift of victory and now she could feel that gift return to her. It filled her up and made her feel whole.
She wanted to rip it out.
She wanted to shove that victory down her mother’s throat and denounce herself as her daughter, she wanted someone to take away any blood that made her a demigod. She didn’t want it, she knew that she deserved it and everyone could say that but she didn’t want to feel the small shards of a Goddess inside of her anymore. She didn’t want to be a tiny God anymore, she just wanted to be her now but that wouldn’t happen as long as she still had those small shreds of power in her.
She knew that she could kill herself now, she would just be another war casualty and everyone would move on. No one would miss her, they would mourn to be kind but no one would care she could be with Jessica again but something small inside her was stopping that from happening.
Percy would care, he would care and he would mourn and he, with every ounce of anything inside of him, would try to get her back. He would curse her name and hate her for killing herself but he would still try to get her back. If anything he would even kill her mother, he would know that in the end, her mother was to blame. Her mother and her own mind that he wanted to soothe and talk down but he knew he couldn’t so he would just be there for her.
Percy was always there after the labyrinth exactly like he said that he would be and she didn’t even care anymore that he kissed Rachel. They weren’t even dating but she still felt angry, if anything she would just have to show him how she kissed, show him how people in some type of mutual infatuation actually kissed.
She looked at Jessica one more time, she could feel the dreaded tears starting to roll down her cheeks and she cursed at herself but she kept letting them come out. She deserved to cry after all of those years under someone else’s palm, under her mother’s palm, and under the God’s wretched palms. She waited until a tear hit Jessica’s body before turning around, she was angry that this wasn’t some type of fairy tale and that with a single teardrop, Jessica would come back to her but she could feel those walls coming back up as she walked away from the corpse.
Percy was looking over everyone and everything, he was trying to find her, they had split ways but now it was over and he was praying that she wasn’t dead. A few seconds later his eyes widened at the sight of her, blood-soaked and teary-eyed. From head to toe, she was covered in blood, save for some spots but that was few and far in between. Her face was streaked with tears and her puffy eyes made him realize that something had happened.
He couldn’t help but think that she looked beautifully terrifying; she was victory herself.
Quickly, he moved towards her, ignoring the congratulations and the applause from the rest of the campers. That didn’t matter—they didn’t matter. All that mattered at that moment to him was her, the one person that he wanted at the moment who looked two seconds from collapsing.
Once Percy got close enough, all of her plans of kissing him went out the window as she wrapped her arms around him and started to cry. His very presence broke down those walls that had just been rebuilt only a minute ago. It was like they were made out of sand and the waves of Percy knocked them down.
She could feel herself get weak as she started to fall and he gently led them both to the ground, her still sobbing in his arms. She gripped the back of his shirt in her hands and hoped that the anchors would get her to float in a couple of seconds. “I killed her,” she cried, her sobs barely making them audible but Percy had heard her. “I kill—killed Jessie.” More sobs racked through her body at Jessica’s nickname coming out of her mouth. “I killed my sister.”
Percy’s eyes widened, he didn’t know what he was expecting but the news of Jessica wasn’t what he thought he would hear. He had been there in the labyrinth when he saw the heartbreaking reaction of the girl in his arms when Jessica had tried to kill her. At that time he had expected her to kill Jessica but she didn’t, all she had done was bash her head against the ground, knocking her out. He had learned then about just how much loyalty she held, despite her mother.
Percy didn’t say anything to comfort her, he didn’t know what to say or do in this situation. So they kneeled on the ground until she had stopped possessing the ability to cry and only dry sobs came out. He ran his fingers through her hair, the dry blood making it a bit difficult but he managed until she pulled away.
Her dull green eyes looked even more dull than normal. They looked lifeless and he could see her wanting to give up, he saw her struggle with herself at what she wanted to do. He could feel her hands loosen their grip on his shirt and he could feel the patterns that she was drawing, he shivered as her fingers brushed against certain parts of his back. They sat there for another couple of minutes, staring into each other’s eyes, nothing else existed outside of the small bubble that they had made for themselves.
It wasn’t until Percy leaned in that she woke up from her trance. She remembered the words that she had said to herself and smirked a bit.
Grabbing the back of his head, she slammed their lips together. Percy widened his eyes in surprise before taking both of his hands and gripping the side of her face, trying to pull her impossibly closer. Her fingers threaded through his hair and suddenly she was back to last year, in the dead of night, fighting with Percy before they had kissed just like this. It had felt like, just for once, she had gotten a victory that she truly deserved and actually wanted. She wanted that kiss and she wanted this one, she would take as many of these and others from the boy as much as she could, as he would allow.
How many times had she thought about doing something like this? Even before the labyrinth, she had thoughts about him, thoughts that she had once thought made her pathetically weak. The thousand times she had thought about taking his hand, the thousand times she had stopped herself from doing so. The times during the rest of that summer, during the rest of the year in Tennessee had she thought about this, feelings about the dark-haired boy that rose up in her whenever she thought about him.
How many times had she wanted to tell him that she loved him, the confusion at such a feeling coming from her stopping her from doing so? She was still confused—she wanted to tell him that she loved him but wasn’t sure how. Could she say it to his face, be as honest with him as she had always been? Or she couldn’t, he would figure it out eventually—he wouldn’t but somewhere deep down he would know.
Had he thought about her in the same way? Had he been as confused, as puzzled as she had been? Had he wondered if something was wrong with him for feeling a certain way—for feeling this way at all? Had he thrown those thoughts away and given in, given in to those feelings that perhaps had always surrounded him in some sort of way?
They were both out of breath when they pulled apart, both wanted to continue but they had to do something first, and then they would continue.
Pulling himself from her and standing up, Percy looked down at her who was still kneeling on the ground and he could feel himself growing hard. The blood-soaked girl was on her knees, the girl that he thought that he hated for years was below him and he felt like skipping the talk to the Gods and taking her somewhere else. He shook those thoughts from his head, he would deal with it later but unfortunately what was about to happen was more important.
He stuck his hand towards her and she took it and pulled herself up. She felt itchy at the blood-soaked skin covering her and she just wanted to go ahead and take a shower, maybe a bath instead, and go to sleep. She knew that Percy would have other plans when they got to be alone, that was obvious by the hard-on that he was currently supporting, but he would have to wait for that until after she got the blood off of her.
But that was later, now they needed to get to Olympus and have a talk with the Gods.
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superbeans89 · 10 months
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It’s RWC eve, and with kickoff tomorrow at 8:15 PM UK time, some speculation is in order for the 9 people on tumblr who follow it.
For those who don’t know, rugby union is a sport not far removed from American football, based more on evasion than contact however. There are 15 players on each team, and the ultimate goal is to get the ball grounded in the other team’s try area - comparable to the end zone in NFL. Unlike NFL though, the ball can only be passed backwards in rugby (unless you’re kicking it), turning it into a whole different ball game, so to speak.
Should a team achieve this, they score 5 points, and can attempt a conversion - that’s kicking the ball from a tee between the upright posts - for an extra 2. Penalties can also be kicked for 3 points outside of try scoring situations, making for a strategic and slightly complicated scoring system, though yet again NFL fans won’t be unfamiliar with it. It’s worth noting that games have been won solely on penalty points though, so don’t underestimate them.
Now, for the teams:
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As it’s still a developing sport, not even competing with the likes of soccer or cricket, there are only 20 participating teams in the RWC. There are several countries that have adopted it as their national sport however, including Wales, New Zealand, and many of the pacific islands.
Of the four pools, only two from each will advance to the quarter finals, while third placed in the pool will automatically qualify for the next tournament, giving teams plenty to play for, even if they aren’t going to win every game.
With that said, there are favourites and no hopers among those that have qualified;
The Favourites
🇫🇷 - France. As this year’s hosts, France are currently ranked 3rd in the world, and are notoriously unpredictable. Able to beat - or lose to - just about anyone, France have been the bridesmaids of the Rugby World Cup three times now. With flair, team depth and a home field advantage, they’re expected to go far, and should be guaranteed a place in the semifinals or better.
Which French team shows up may be revealed when they play New Zealand in the opening match.
🇮🇪 - Ireland. Ranked number one in the world, but with a poor record at World Cups, never getting past the quarterfinals, Ireland don’t thrive under the pressure of expectation, preferring to act as the underdog and surprise people instead.
Nevertheless, with a dedicated following, solid recent form, and trailblazing coach Andy Farrell, this could be the year they break that curse, though they’ll have to escape the Pool of Death first.
🇳🇿 - New Zealand. Historically the best rugby nation on the planet, New Zealand were near unmatched in this sport until recently, remaining at the top of the rankings for almost ten consecutive years. Their form has taken a dip recently, particularly after a record breaking loss to South Africa, but only time will tell whether the infamous All Blacks can bounce back, or if they were just hustling.
🇿🇦 - South Africa. As the current champs, alongside terrific form and team depth, the Springboks are expected to go far this year. While they are also stuck in the Pool of Death with Ireland and Scotland, they have a tremendous pedigree in the sport, matching New Zealand’s record three victories, despite featuring in two less World Cups. Thriving under pressure, the Springboks combine esteem and unconventional playstyles - you’ll hear the phrase ‘bomb squad’ used a lot when they’re playing - a lot of fans will see this World Cup as South Africa’s to lose.
The Dark Horses
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - Scotland. Currently ranked 5th in the world, Scotland are in strong form and have surprising team depth for such a small rugby nation. Unpredictable and world beating on a good day (yet still waiting on that historic victory against the All Blacks), Scotland would be expected to do well this year… if they weren’t in the Group of Death alongside Ireland and South Africa. These are both teams Scotland can beat, but will they remain consistent for a full eighty minutes of play? That’s the main concern.
🇦🇷 - Argentina. Often forgotten as a rugby nation due to their soccer pedigree, Argentina are one of this tournament’s secret weapons. With solid form, growing momentum and a lucky placement in the pools however, los Pumas can probably reach the semifinals.
🇦🇺 - Australia. Famous rivals to the All Blacks, Australia’s form has fallen in recent years, but not to the point where they should be counted out. Almost causing a massive upset against New Zealand, leading them for most of the game on their own turf, when the Wallabies get it right they can be deadly, and they’ve won this tournament twice as well, so don’t write them off just yet.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 - England. Having won the RWC in 2003, not to mention inventing the sport, England have a rugby pedigree that can’t be denied. Their recent form has been poor however, recording several record losses, as well as a first ever loss to Fiji. While they should make it out of their pool - though this is largely because it’s the easiest pool by far - England won’t be expected to go much further, maybe scraping past the quarterfinals if they’re lucky.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 - Wales. Between funding issues and player retirement, Wales are a depleted side this World Cup. While inconsistent across previous tournaments, they have notched up some remarkable results in the past, and could do so again under legendary coach Warren Gatland. It’s far more likely that they’ll struggle however, and may not even make it out of the pool this year, with Fiji and Georgia looking strong.
The No Hopers
🇮🇹 - Italy. While their form has been good, and they’ve made great strides in recent years, Italy are grouped in with France and New Zealand, the latter of which they’ve never beaten. Short of a miracle, Italy won’t be making it out of their pool.
🇫🇯 - Fiji. Recording a famous win in Twickenham on their last warmup match, Fiji have form and momentum on their side, and will be aiming for the quarterfinals. They likely won’t get any further, but for a tiny island nation, Fiji punch well above their weight.
🇼🇸 - Samoa. Having upset traditionally stronger nations at previous World Cups, Samoa could surprise a few opponents this year too. Beating either England or Argentina for a qualifying place will be a tough ask, but never say never.
🇹🇴 - Tonga. Also in the Group of Death with Scotland, Ireland and South Africa, Tonga will be gunning for an upset. Their form has been strong, and they perform immensely well for an island of 100,000 people, but escaping the pool will probably be too much of an ask.
🇬🇪 - Georgia. Europe’s ‘other’ rugby nation dominates in the second tier of competitive play, and will hope to upset Wales in this World Cup, just like they did in Cardiff last year. With Fiji also vying for the same spot though, their rough and tumble playstyle may work against them in the long run, as fitness is definitely an issue for bulkier players.
🇯🇵 - Japan. After stunning South Africa 34-32 at RWC2015, and graduating from their pool by beating both Ireland and Scotland at RWC2019, Japan will hope to take advantage of their reputation as the wild card, and escape pools a second time. With England looking vulnerable it’s not impossible, but poor form and and equally hungry Samoa may hold them back.
‘We’re just happy to be here!’
🇺🇾 - Uruguay. South America’s second best rugby nation has grown massively in recent years. Ousting Canada from the qualification rounds, they’ve featured at plenty of World Cups, and even got a surprise win over Fiji last tournament. In a strong pool with France, New Zealand and Italy however, they’ll be fighting with Namibia for what will likely be their sole victory of the tournament.
🇳🇦 - Namibia. Similarly to Uruguay in many ways, Namibia are also the second best in their continent, behind the mighty Springboks. Also in the same group as Uruguay, they’ll be aiming for a single win, with no real hope of graduating from their pool.
🇷🇴 - Romania. A World Cup mainstay, The Oaks have been to all but one tournament, and even that absence was mired in controversy. Between lacklustre recent form and rampant funding issues however, Romania will be lucky to get a win in what’s by far the toughest pool.
🇵🇹 - Portugal. Another nation known more for their soccer, Portugal won’t be expecting much from their pool. If they get a win, they’ll be ecstatic. They qualified by the skin of their teeth, but they made it here. That’s reason enough to celebrate, and it’s only a short plane trip home.
🇨🇱 - Chile. Debuting at RWC2023, Chile qualified with a last gasp victory over the USA, and will likely end up bottom of their pool. Still, qualifying at all is a massive achievement for a nation with such a small following.
…and that’s everything. RWC2023 is considered the most open World Cup in the sport’s history, with as many as six or seven viable contenders. Whoever holds the Webb Ellis Cup aloft in a few weeks is up to debate, but it should be entertaining nonetheless. Game on!
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ilex-opacus · 1 year
Erwin Smith is a cat person AND HERE’S WHY!!
jk i think him being a dog OR cat person is believable but I saw someone say him being a cat person after all would be a funny twist and then I realised how much sense it made.
Most people expect Erwin to be a dog person.You know – dogs are loyal, willing, can be easily trained to do X in promise of Y. They can be trained so well, in fact, that you don’t even need to give them a reward - their faith in you is that innate and complete that they will fetch or roll over or indeed lie down even if all you offer them afterwards is a cursory “well done, good job, smart boy.” And while Erwin admits that dogs would indeed, out of the choice between them and their feline counterparts, make better soldiers, it is foolish to think that what he values in his men is what he values in his personal companionships as well. And while dogs can be used for labour, they are - like cats - primarily for companionship. Erwin has always struggled to be close to his men precisely because they are so loyal, blindly and self-flaggelisingly so. They would do anything he asked, some of them, and these men make the best soldiers and the worst friends, because they fill him with a deep sense of guilt and remorse at having to demand such loyalty from them in the first place.
Cats, he finds, are much nicer creatures when friendship is the game. 
Cats are not like dogs. They are cold, aloof, unfriendly, and smart. They never trust you, merely tolerate you, and they are impossible to trick or fool. They switch their mood as easily as the wind turns, and even if you treat them nicely they are not guaranteed to even pass gas in your undeserving direction. To put it simply, befriending a cat is a challenge, a task, a mission that requires skill, understanding, and patience. Erwin has always been told to know his enemy, and the same is true with cats.
But cats present a worthwhile reward, if you can manage to commit yourself to the time-consuming, intellectual task of taming them. Where dogs are stupid and overbearing in their affection - which, albeit admittedly nice, can feel overwhelming and ill-deserved at times - cats are conservative with such pleasantries. And so, when they finally deign to butt the side of your leg with their furry little heads or mewl endearingly as they trot up to you, it feels like a real victory, it feels like something you unequivocally deserve. And if Erwin needs anything, it is the type of love he feels as if he actually deserves. Not love that is won from simply being the bigger and smarter life form, but love that is won through being good to those below you, from understanding their wants and needs and not needing to have them sit subservient beneath you and awaiting your orders.
Cats are quieter, too. Stiller things. Dogs are loud, always barking like they’ve had to suddenly scream out a battle plan, always moving and jumping in circles like they’re nervous or preparing to flee. But cats move with a slow grace, an unbothered laxness; a cat does not know, care, or act as if they are in a war. A cat is greater than that - supersedes such petty mortal happenings. A cat can’t sniff for bombs or point to alert you to a fallen soldier’s position on the field, because cats represent something greater than conflict. Cats were only ever partially domesticated, never brought fully into the human way of life. They are transient, they are beings of luxury and calmness and independence. Maybe, Erwin thinks, if the world were comprised more of cats - solitary, intelligent, wary - and less of dogs - obedient, unthinking, impulsive - there would be no need for wars to begin with. And yet that is not how things have turned out. The world is a catastrophic mix of cats and dogs, and we get on with each other just as well. In truth, though, the world is made up entirely of humans, and we are the cause of our own pain.
But Erwin likes cats. He likes the small, happy noises they make and the deep, constant, reassuring rumble of them purring contentedly against his chest. He likes how they can be relied upon to find their own food and water, how they do not look up to him as someone who should, and unfailingly will, provide. They are more his equal than some humans are, and he tries very hard (and subsequently fails) not to feel guilty about that. In the meantime, he scratches between their ears and watches those sly, sharp eyes glinting from amidst the small mass of black fur. It reminds him of someone, and he thinks that also plays quite a large part in why he likes them best.
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In 1965, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, a landmark statute designed to dramatically increase Black people’s participation in electoral politics after centuries of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship. Newbern, Alabama, a small town in which two-thirds of 133 residents are Black, has not held a municipal election for some 60 years. What a coincidence!
In place of a democratically elected government, the town, which is located about an hour south of Tuscaloosa, has been ruled by a small group of white people who handpick their mayoral and town council in a form of hand-me-down governance. In recent years, some of Newbern’s residents have sought to change that. In a recent filing in federal court, the residents argue that the town’s failure to hold elections violates residents’ rights under the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution, and ask the court to order the town to hold an election by November 2024.
The case is striking for multiple reasons, including, most obviously, the absurdity of the purported government’s departure from fundamental democratic principles. It is also a stark reminder of the real-world impact of federal courts in a political and legal system dominated by reactionary conservatives. Liberals are asking judges for small victories, launching last-ditch efforts to access basic rights under the Constitution. Conservatives, in contrast, are aiming much higher: For them, courts are a testing ground for novel ways to curtail rights nationwide. In federal trial courts, conservatives are having their cake and eating it too, while liberals are begging for crumbs.
The plaintiff in this case is Patrick Braxton, a Black Newbern resident who, in 2020, filed the actual, long-ignored paperwork to run for mayor. As the only legally qualified candidate, he won by default, and tried to appoint a town council accordingly. The existing town council responded by convening a secret meeting during which it decided to conduct the town’s first-ever special election. Telling no one about the new “election,” the previous mayor, Haywood “Woody” Stokes III, and his council effectively reappointed themselves to their jobs. Stokes and his cronies have since repeatedly changed the locks at town hall as part of a refusal to transfer power to the legitimate officials. They have also denied Braxton access to the town’s bank account, forcing him to run food distribution drives and otherwise carry out his mayoral duties using his own funds.
In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs are asking the court to install Braxton as the town’s rightful mayor. “Allowing the Defendants to continue their hand-me-down governance violates the basic tenets of democracy and state law,” they write. In the meantime, they say, Stokes is ignoring basic requests from his Black constituents: Although their homes occasionally flood with raw sewage, he’s refused to support the installation of a proper sewage system.
The simple request in this case—can we have a local election, please?—is a far cry from the triumphant asks being made by conservative legal movement lawyers in federal courtrooms across the country. Over the past several years, a single Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas has signed off on requests to reverse the Food and Drug Administration’s decades-old approval of drugs used in medication abortion; to force President Joe Biden to reinstate Trump-era immigration policies; and to gut a federal program that provides free contraceptive access to anyone who wants it.
Many of these exercises in judicial policymaking have come in the form of nationwide injunctions, which spiked during the Biden administration as Trump judges began wielding their power to implement the former president’s agenda by judicial fiat. During a Supreme Court oral argument last month, Justice Neil Gorsuch observed that judges issued “exactly zero universal injunctions” during President Franklin Roosevelt’s 12 years in office. “Over the last four years or so, the number is something like 60,” he said. Given that conservative judges in Texas recently declined to adopt rules that would have limited conservative activists’ ability to hand-pick judges, it seems unlikely that this trend reverses anytime soon.
The Newbern case lays bare the impact of the Republican Party’s generations-long effort to capture the judiciary. When the federal bench is this stacked with friendly faces, the conservative legal movement is free to run up the score. Everyone else is just hoping to get on the playing field.
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Did you send the email to Eurovision? I did today, just needed a few days to calm down first.
I did indeed! Here's what I sent:
To whom it might concern,
I'm a long-time fan of Eurovision and in previous years have always voted for my favourites. This year, I wasn't in a financial position to vote, but upon the revelation of the results I was actually relieved: not because my favourite won, but because I realised it would have been a waste of money anyway. While it's always been clear that the public vote doesn't hold the weight it should, it was more apparent than ever this year that the viewers - the ones who truly make Eurovision possible, the ones for whom this contest is supposedly run - are not the ones who determine the outcome.
I understand the original purpose of the juries, however it seems ridiculous to me that such a small number of people - who do not represent the viewers of the contest - have so much power over the results, especially given the juries seem more inclined to vote politically than the public nowadays (as evidenced by juries frequently giving more points to neighbouring countries). Every year I try to support my favourites, and every year I realise the futility of voting when a small elite with a rather homogenous perspective of what accounts for "good" music holds so much sway over the results. I've therefore decided I will not be voting in the Eurovision Song Contest again unless there is some reform, such as reducing the weight of the juries' votes to only 30%. In a time where living costs are so extortionate, I simply cannot justify throwing money at a contest where my vote accounts for nothing anyway.
Whether or not I boycott the show completely remains to be seen. While I want to support the artists who pour their hearts and souls into their performances, supporting a show that clearly does not have its viewers' interests at heart leaves a bitter taste in my mouth every year. Additionally, one of the reasons I watch Eurovision is to discover new artists from all corners of Europe, however I'm concerned the number of new and interesting acts may dwindle in coming years. I fear Loreen's victory without some kind of voting reform will only encourage participating countries to send already-established pop artists that will win the juries over, resulting in Eurovision losing its appeal entirely.
I look forward to hopefully seeing Eurovision become a fairer, more balanced competition in the future.
Kind regards
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