#and maybe. just maybe. channel all of that wealth into actual functional good in the world.
badolmen · 1 year
I really feel like some of you genuinely think that if all billionaires died tomorrow the world would magically be a better place. Their wealth doesn’t come with a will ensuring it’s redistributed fairly across the planet - it goes to their kin or organizations of their choice. The systems that allowed such vile people to maintain their status will still exist. 4 dead billionaires isn’t this victory you think it is - there’s 4 new billionaires inheriting their wealth and status. Killing every billionaire would just shuffle the pieces and players, it wouldn’t change the game.
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locke-writes · 2 years
And that brings to mind that in Wildseed, Hasani is outright stated to be a scholarship student. In her respective story, a wildseed witch is identified more or less as a witch who lacks the fundamentals in magic or lineage – a witch found in the wild, basically. The term is used less like a passing, light phrase and more of a derogatory term, as evidenced by how the schoolmistress so much as begs her pardon when referring to Hasani as such. Furthermore, this same member of faculty admits that inviting Hasani to the school was basically a test to see if the school should pursue inviting further witches like her. That is, girls who don’t come from wellsprings of magic.
Let me rephrase that: Hasani is quite literally a token student who has to represent all overs like her in order to determine whether or not they deserve a good education.
And let me be very clear: I’m almost positive this school set that girl up to fail from the get-go. Maybe it’s my tendency to be extra considerate for people’s disadvantages and needs when it comes to understanding stuff because I’m the same way, but a big source of frustration while reading this book was how it felt like most of the teachers just didn’t teach her in any way I would deem acceptable.
Despite knowing that she is new to magic and doesn’t come from a family with especially strong ties, they don’t explain magic and its phrases to her so much as they wax poetically and gild the damn lily about it. They expect this newcomer to latch on with immediate understanding of how magic and charms work and hold next to no patience for her confusion and struggles to keep her emotion-linked magic in check. And where Hasani isn’t criticized over her lack of control, she is criticized for not upholding traditional societal stresses of “femininity” such as how to sit and how to so much as stir coffee properly. Even her consumption of sugar is looked down on due to how it conflicts with traditions established by the school’s attendees. And put a pin in the school’s students because we’re going to get into that very shortly.
The school doesn’t run on normal time as the rest of the world, but instead on swan formations – something Hasani has to learn the hard way since nobody explains this to her. There is also a behavioral system where instead of the familiar green-yellow-orange-red system, it goes from purple to green to orange to gold. Hasani, coming from an understanding that gold is typically seen as a good thing, is confused when her leveling green a few days into school is hinted at as being a bad thing by a teacher. She has to literally be told by one of her only friends that gold is actually very bad and risks her getting expelled.
This was not explained to her by a member of faculty, who knows damn well how the behavioral system works, but instead a child who thankfully was familiar with the school and its functions.
Speaking of which, let’s go back to that pin about her peers: They don’t see her as a peer. Despite a majority of her classmates also being black, Hasani spends a good chunk of the camp being looked down on for not coming from magical lineage like themselves. She is referred to as ghetto and plastic for enjoying bold makeup (as her passion is her makeup Youtube channel) and for using extensions in her hair. Colorism is also apparent as even though there are other dark-skinned girls in her class, her hair being a tighter curl pattern and not growing to a certain length is one of the first and most frequent sources of ridicule she draws in.
Despite coming from a supposedly strictly middle-class background, Hasani lacking in wealth and magical experience draws ire from those around her, who see her as a mark on the prestigious school’s history. It is made abundantly clear that even in the witching world, there are tightly-knit circles that keep only certain witches in and certain witches out.
Which brings to mind the concept of sororities.
First, let me state that I have never been involved in a sorority. The closest I ever came to it was participating in a female empowerment group led by Delta Sigma Theta. This isn’t a critique of sororities by any means, but instead a consideration of how the idea of them is reflected but to a toxic degree in Wildseed.
Of the benefits suggested by the three books in question, the opportunities supplied in Wildseed are the only ones that don’t concern money. The witches attending this particular finishing school tend to already have some sort of wealth going on already, so what does this school offer? Prestige. The name. A sisterhood. It offers connections tied together by the common factor of having attended what is suggested to be the crème de la crème of magicking schools for young witches.
And that’s why it’s treated on many levels like a club for the wealthy rather than an opportunity for all.
Everything, from its students to the teachers to the magic charms they are provided are deemed as exclusive. And Hasani is made to feel as though she doesn’t belong. Her own roommate’s animosity towards her is only fueled by the fact that her twin was supposedly going to go, but had been removed to make way for Hasani, something that (at least to me) breathes entitlement.
But the problem is that this is frankly a common enough situation: Someone is deemed gifted enough to attend a program on scholarship, only to be met with animosity that suggests to them that they shouldn’t be there, that they stole that spot from someone “more worthy”. Someone who is familiar with how the inner-circle works.
So once again, they’ll extend that hand, but not out of actual benevolence or recognition that everyone deserves an opportunity. Instead, they regard Hasani as either ungrateful or a mockery or a disruption to their circle’s image. She is, for all intents and purposes, a token minority student who is expected to keep her head down and grovel to keep her place there. (Which she practically does when forced in front of a panel where she has to justify her staying at the school when she’s deemed too troublesome. She may not beg and plead to stay there, but the fact she had to defend herself after putting up with bullying and disdain from both classmates and grown-ass adults pisses me off to no end. And this happens way more often in real life than we like to think about.)
1. With all the information and scene examples provided, I’m going to back up your thoughts that Hasani was set up to fail. I mean, just being told what the color system meant had me sitting here for 5 minutes trying to figure out how that made any sense and the concept of having a young girl just left to her own in terms of figuring that out and more, is not feasible. There’s no way that it wouldn’t have been obvious from the get go when the school was even just considering having Hasani attend that this lack of general witch/magic would be an issue for her as it’s something she would have only known at the start. (and maybe this is just added frustration on my part having had a similar experience in being dropped in the middle of a new school left to fend for myself in terms of teaching myself and catching up with the rest of the class)
2. Also this isn’t even a bit of analysis I’m just loving this whole ‘young witch with a makeup Youtube channel’ like, yes, give me unique characters please and thank you
3. It’s interesting to see colorism come up as a topic of ridicule in the novel for the sole aspect being that I don’t really see it in novels much. Perhaps it’s just what I’m reading and it may be more prevalent in newer novels. Or maybe it’s because I feel as though the conversations around colorism have become more mainstream (which is not the word I’m looking for but it’s what is come to mind) as of late with much more attention paid to the fact that colorism does indeed exist and does indeed have severe consequences with its affects, not just socially but in personal acceptance. Same with different textures and curl shapes which I feel honestly should be something that is spoken on more as in writing it seems like there’s a basis of only one hair type or at least the descriptions seem to treat all hair the same which is impossible.
4. I also wasn’t involved in a sorority but saw it all first hand when my roommate freshman year pledged. That stuff is insane and honestly they talk about frat hazing but gloss over sorority hazing. It was brutal and honestly just annoying for all those who had to suffer through the insanity whether they were pledging or not. But having seen that first hand, yes I can absolutely understand that sense of entitlement that being a part of something that is deemed exclusive seems to give. As though there’s no purpose outside of all of that. The fact that a school is comparable, honestly pisses me off a bit but it does have some standing as there are far more exclusive schools in real life on every level from preschools to colleges which I feel is highly glossed over.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
You write fanfic, so I wanted to ask you about a conversation I saw recently. It was people discussing how to write flaws for D&D characters and someone brought up the point that writing a binary system of "strengths" and "flaws" was a really bad way to look at both characters and people. They suggested instead focusing on personality traits that could be both strengths and weaknesses at different times. I just kinda wanted to see you chime in as a writer.
Hey there! I can’t really speak about this in regards to D&D (I’ve never played), but I agree completely with the sentiment for characters as a whole. Yeah, people aren’t made up of Good Traits and Bad Traits, they’re made up of their own, complex personality that is more or less useful  — or more or less moral  — depending on the situation. For example... 
Maybe you have a character who’s really stubborn. Real bad, right? It annoys their friends and gets them into a lot of trouble. Except that one time stubbornness allows them to resist the mind control that everyone else falls victim to. Suddenly, that’s an asset. 
Your character is selfless. Classic hero trait! Everyone praises this and they grow up learning that yes, putting others before themselves is the Good Thing to do. Except in time they wear themselves down, absolutely run out of battery, until suddenly they can’t help themselves or others. They’re a mess. 
You’ve got a character who is super greedy, but it stems from something sympathetic. What led to this insistence on having more than they need? Yeah, maybe you do just have a generically evil person hoarding wealth, but you might also have a character hoarding food because they know what it’s like to go without. That fear overrides the teaching “sharing is good,” at least until they bond with their teammates enough for their safety to become just as important. Now it’s not just keeping themselves fed, but the family fed too. Greed is a type of motivation and the party might be grateful for it if one of them snatched more than their fair share before they fall on hard times. 
Your character is violent and though they struggle not to break things when they get angry because they understand that this isn’t an appropriate response, they also channel that energy into the labor others might avoid, or are a real asset in battle. Your character overthinks too much and though they’re struggling with anxiety, sometimes freezing at all the possible ways that things can go wrong, they’re also the one who has best analyzed the situation to ensure that things likely go right. Your character is super brave and that’s definitely an asset, except when that bravery becomes overconfidence and they rush into a situation they’re not actually ready for, getting hurt, or unintentionally hurting others in the process (pair them with the character who overthinks to balance each other!). Your character is a liar and that serves as both a barrier to trust and a useful tool on the road. Your character is lazy and though they need to learn to pull their weight, they also appreciate living life, rather than just rushing through it. What’s the point of all that work if you’re not going to enjoy the time afterwards? Your character loves to talk non-stop and while that’s great for making friends/keeping things light, they might also unintentionally spill info to the wrong person while chatting at an inn...
And on and on. We could come up with a thousand different examples. But yeah, people  — and characters meant to function like people  — aren’t made up of flaws and weaknesses. We have a variety of traits that serve different purposes at different times: sometimes good, sometimes bad, often both or neither because outcomes aren’t determined by a binary either. Rather than writing that your character is a Good Person with one or two flaws, or a Bad Person with one or two redeeming traits, write a person with a personality and then let that personality respond to the situation at hand. 
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latefrequencies · 4 years
see part of what made me go “maybe masculinity isn’t accessible for me” was a conversation i had with someone on a different online platform regarding masculinity (the person to whom I was talking was a trans man, for context). he defined it as involving chivalry and “roughness” - not necessarily violence, but interest in “[things] like noisy trucks and woodcutting” (direct quote) - to which I responded that chivalry is an odd concept to me because, outside of its historical context involving knights, much of what is considered chivalrous in the modern day (e.g. having a code of honor and loyalty, performing acts of kindness and politeness for people) is what I just deem as being a good person.
he then agreed that that was the case, and that chivalry in the modern day also involves “uplifting women”. i asked if women were necessary for this model of chivalry, and he said basically yeah I guess so. this was interesting to me because 1. it implies that, without women, chivalry cannot exist, so this trait associated with a particular gender needs the existence of another gender to exist, and 2. I don’t have many women in my life (I have a friend who’s a non-binary woman-adjacent person but that’s it. not that I’m intentionally trying to not have women in my life, but for whatever reason, women aren’t drawn to me or I don’t attract women into my life or I just have been around a disproportionate number of men/non-feminine non-binary people.) 
i did not mention this in the conversation i had, but i did mentally note that, if chivalry in the modern day is seen as a romantic thing (which i think it often is? the person also cited things like holding your date’s chair out for them or opening the door for them), this model of chivalry is heterosexist, as it doesn’t include interactions with men or non-binary people. 
but chivalry obviously isn’t the only masculine trait that exists, so i looked up stuff on traits that are considered masculine, especially in the context of non-toxic masculinity, and one of the big things people suggested was that independence, strength, and courage are major aspects of masculinity. that’s when i started realizing that, for me at least, maybe masculinity was inaccessible.
i cannot be independent due to disability requiring me to have at least someone in my life who can do things for me that are so overwhelming or anxiety-inducing that i become completely non-functional when trying to do them. due to the modern lack of ability to acquire wealth and the non-existence of a middle class, i cannot get a job that would allow me to make enough money to be self-sufficient (and the majority of things that take place in any job scenario are things that overwhelm me to the point of meltdown/non-functionality). 
i am not a strong or brave person, and i only accept scenarios that require bravery if i have absolutely no choice. i cannot take any serious risks because i do not have the resources necessary to deal with the failure of those risks. and when i have to be in scenarios that would require most people to be brave, i seriously just deal with them with crying and drug abuse so that i don’t have to feel anything. if being brave is doing things that scare you but that you have a choice in doing, then i’m not brave and i doubt i ever will be
and what is strength, anyway? all the things i look up imply it has something to with vigor, but when i look up the definition of that word, i get definitions that use the word “strength”, which is a circular and unhelpful definition. does it mean being physically strong? i have arthritis and am thus physically weaker than most people, and exerting physical strength has the capacity to cause me great physical pain.
the idea of roughness was interesting. what constitutes rough? is it things that involve rough textures? i think raw gemstones look cooler than tumbled gemstones, does that indicate a leaning towards roughness? but gemstones are a stereotypically feminine interest, so maybe that invalidates that point. i like typically “rough” styles of music like metal and noise. are those things masculine? if so, might it be because the majority of artists in those genres are male, and is that a reflection of misogyny/unwillingness to promote female talent inherent in the culture of those genres or in the music industry at large? if so, does that make it problematic or misogynistic to consider liking that kind of music to be a masculine thing? is violent or action-driven media considered rough? i like horror movies and i like the violence in them, but i don’t associate that with masculinity, and besides, isn’t liking something violent for masculine reasons an example of toxic masculinity? i’m (re)watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is an action anime (at least at the start), but I like it not because of the action (although that’s fun) but because of the psychological, surreal, and disturbing aspects of it. Sailor Moon is technically an action series (if I’m not mistaken it was one of the first magical girl anime to also contain action elements), but come on, it’s Sailor Moon. it’s the least masculine thing you can think of. the show is all about the characters being brave, exhibiting strength, and protecting people and the world at large, but does that make it a masculine series? am I asking the deep enough questions that I am really questioning if Sailor Moon is a masculine series?
actually that’s an extremely good question and I’m going to have to write a diatribe about whether or not Sailor Moon depicts traditionally masculine traits channeled through femininity in a way that performs femininity but never masculinity (well. except for the few male characters in the series but you know what I’m talking about.) 
anyway enough about fuckin anime. i’m just going to close this with something i found on LGBTA wiki, specifically the page on xenogender, because talking about roughness and also the conclusion that masculinity has no essential traits made me think of a comment someone wrote on that page trying to explain xenogender to somebody:
“If you ask a man to describe his gender he might say his gender is something like "blue, strong, and protective". If you ask a women the same question she might say her gender is "beautiful, powerful, and nurturing". If you didn't know these people's gender this might sound a bit silly, because a gender can't literally have these qualities. However, we are still able to imagine these genders and associate them with these qualities. Since society has told us what men and women are these seem to make sense to us.”
i am going to continue ranting about this but this is the longest post i am probably going to make about it
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thelagendjz4 · 3 years
NiftyPlanet (NFPL) Project
NiftyPlanet (NFPL) - Decentralized international NFT marketplace.
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About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think "functional NFT’s" and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we "common" people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the "Mis-Leaders" and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
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Buy our NFTs from the first Original NiftyPlanet drop!
#niftyplanet #digitalcollections #NFTs #ETH #Drop
NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
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NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Our first ever AMA session is live. Only for Chinese people!
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#AMA #Niftyplanet #digitalart
For more information about niftyplanet
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Bitcointalk UserName : Thelagendjz4
Bitcointalk Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2577207
Telegram Username : @Thelagendjz4
ETH Address: 0x45365defCa88A8c888e9A67F57e0c315f2B1e5F2
1 note · View note
ayuwandira · 3 years
[NFPL] NiftyPlanet
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
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About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
NIftyPlanet Video Guides - What are NFTs?
#NFT #NFTCommunity #niftyplanet #niftyplanetnews #NFTmarketplace #digitalart
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
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Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think "functional NFT’s" and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we "common" people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the "Mis-Leaders" and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
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NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
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NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Here are some important links of Nifty Planet:
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Author: Ayu Wandira
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3239934
Telegram Username : @ayuwandiraputri01
ETH Address: 0x0B2DbA0771d4b6562AEFFa7f9D9256c74ecD14dc
1 note · View note
douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
To an amoral person it might seem to be overkill. The reason tablets are going to get rich, because if there is big potential for gain there must also be a terrifying possibility of loss.1 How could you make a conscious effort to find smart friends. Lisp, so much the better. If VCs are only doing it in the hope of gain, but the people. You don't have to be at full power; the pilot has to be for multiple millions of dollars just for being clever. Even we were affected by the conventional wisdom. And what do they have to go through a series of historical accidents the teaching of writing was inherited by English professors. I saw. A group of 10 people within a large organization is compelled by its structure to be one.
And probably the only people who can manage that are the people they want as employees. Representational art is only now recovering from the approval of both Hitler and Stalin. After developing their new search algorithm, the first thing they tried was to get some other company to buy it. Here parents' desires conflict. If parents told their kids the truth about it.2 Now that the cost of failure to increase the number of sufficiently good founders starting companies, and that the best strategy is simply to state the opposing case, with little or no supporting evidence. One way to put it is to take advantage of one another, you're better off learning it last.3 You have to produce something. But fortunately there are still some countries that are not copyright colonies of the US, and even so I didn't get to macros until page 160. It was not till we were in our twenties that the truth came out: my sister, then about three, had accidentally stepped on the cat and broken its back.
I'm not saying that struggles are never about ideas, just that you're a sufficiently good bet. Yes, he may have extensive business experience. Relief. It won't get you a job, as if the important thing were becoming a member of a certain size has gone through legal contortions to get programmers for the same price? Near the top is the company run by techno-weenies who are obsessed with solving interesting technical problems, but I smelled a major rat. In some fields it might be a better plan than the old one. There's a rule of thumb in the VC business. Small companies are more at home in this world, because they may have useful insights.4 But a programmer deciding between a regular job at a big company, but it looks like most of what you gain from the work experience employers consider so desirable. But if you want to make a billion dollars a year, then on average you must be contributing at least x dollars a year worth of work, like acting or writing books, you can't fly into the wind without losing a lot of time trying to master. Their reputation with programmers more than anything else they've ever done. At some firms it's over 50%.
But I don't expect that to change.5 If you looked in people's heads or stock photo collections for images representing business, you'd get images of people dressed up in suits, groups sitting around conference tables looking serious, Powerpoint presentations, people producing thick reports for one another to read. A lot of VCs would have rejected Microsoft.6 Robert and I both knew Lisp well, and nothing changes slower. Don't believe what you're supposed to now, how can you be sure you wouldn't also have believed everything you were supposed to if you had grown up among the plantation owners of the pre-Civil War South, or in a novel? Afterwards I realized it could be that the Europeans rode on the crest of a powerful macro, and say there! Refutation.
The world is—and you specifically are—one pristine old car the richer. But you can do anything if you really try. Early union leaders were heroic, certainly, but we couldn't figure out how to give them what they want. This essay is derived from a talk given at the 2001 Franz Developer Symposium. I couldn't imagine why there should be more variability in the VC business were established when founders needed investors more. If it were simply a group of a thousand people, the average rower is likely to be business school classes on entrepreneurship, as they do now, and we've seen a bunch of startups die. Who knows exactly how these factors combine to boost startups in Silicon Valley. This turns out to be hard, partly because it's hard to say exactly what. The ideas start to get far along the track toward an offer with one firm, it will help them to see through intellectually dishonest arguments.
But this becomes rapidly less true as you move away from the certainty of the hard sciences.7 But how do you pick the right platforms? When wealth is talked about in this context, it is in other industries. Or how about Perl 4?8 Starting or joining a startup is going to succeed. But if you tell a kid, they can make money buying less than 20% of each series A company to compensate for a 2x decrease in the stock sold in series A rounds are not determined by asking what would be best for the companies. A restaurant can afford to serve the occasional burnt dinner.9
But on the way to solve are random, the best case. A investor has a spam probabilty of. So if they were only partly joking. Stiglitz, Joseph.
As one very smooth founder who used to build consumer electronics. It's not simply a function of the reasons startups are now the founder of the things they've tried on the blades may work for us.
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The founders we fund used to build little Web appliances. There are two very different types of studies, studies of returns from startup investing, but the distribution of alms, and that often creates a rationalization for doing it with superficial decorations. Joshua Schachter tells me it was more because they will come at an ever increasing rate to impress investors. They did try to be a big company, though more polite, was one in its IRC channel: don't allow the same price as the face of a startup to an employer hired men based on revenues of 1.
By all means crack down on these.
If a bunch of actual adults suddenly found themselves trapped in high school, because they can't afford to. So far, I should add that we're not professional negotiators, and wisdom the judgement to know about this from personal experience than anyone, writes: True, Gore won the popular vote.
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happypastelponies · 5 years
Chaos Magic and Earth ponies- Analysis
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Let’s play around with a theory, today. It has been a nagging little thought in the back of my mind as to why “chaos magic”  exists and how it works. But before we delve into the hows and why’s, of chaos, we need to look at the ‘what’ behind it. What IS chaos?
Chaos has many definitions. The basic one states that it is “complete disorder or confusion”. Relating to physics, however, its definition changes slightly, and can be explained as “behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.” And further still, the definition of “chaos” in Greek mythology puts it as “the first created being, from which came the primeval deities Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus and Nyx”. The term ‘chaos’ has been adopted in modern comparative mythology and religious studies as referring to “the primordial state before creation”. Use of chaos in the derived sense of "complete disorder or confusion" first appears in Elizabethan Early Modern English, originally implying satirical exaggeration. “Chaos” in the well-defined sense of chaotic complex system is in turn derived from this usage. Whereas “chaos magic” as a branch of contemporary occultism is a product of the 1970s.
We see that Discord is a magical spirit of chaos, composed of – as Cheerile put it “the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things.” I find it particularly interesting that his head (and brain) is that of a pony. Why? If Discord shares a similar brain to that of the common Equestrian pony, then it may be that he also shares the same neurological responses as the ponies do. In many instances we see that the common pony tends to be ‘mindless’, or have lack of foresight when faced with the conclusions of their actions that they- at times- may bring upon themselves. Discord also shares this lack of awareness and foresight to many of his own actions. But more interestingly, he shares much in common, both on a physical, neurological and magical scale with one pony in particular. Pinkie Pie.
Earth Pony = Chaos Magic?
Interestingly enough, we see that Pinkie Pie seems to share a lot of Discord’s abilities for seemingly no apparent reason. Or is there? Pinkie Pie’s friends call her “so random” at times, and “a genius”, on other occasions, when she’s able to see situations at a different angle than they do. Again- why is that? One important thing to note is that Pinkie and her family live on a rock farm. They harvest rocks for a living. But why? We see many other earth pony farmers, but none that harvest rocks, of all things. It seems so strange and….random? Or maybe we’re just not digging deeply enough to understand why that is.
We see that many artifacts of power, such as the Elements of Harmony, the Alicorn Amulet, and the Crystal Heart are all made out of gemstones. Additionally, the entire populace of the Crystal Empire, the “Crystal Ponies” also seem to be made of pure crystal or, rather, gemstones. But why is that? Well, we learn that these precious stones are able to be containers for and excellent conductors of magic, and this could be why that dragons, such as Spike, enjoy hoarding and eating them as well. The gemstones that they find contain magic. This could also explain why Pinkie Pie’s family harvests rocks- which contain gemstones under the prefect condition, once the rocks are cracked open. This could also be why the family farm seems to have build their property upon an abandoned dragon’s nest- if Holder’s Boulder- a petrified dragon egg- is any clue as to the real value of their rocks. The family is sitting on an ocean of wealth, no doubt, both financially, and magically.
But then again, judging from the story that Granny Smith had relayed to Apple Jack in the episode “Hearthbreakers”, that fossilized ‘dragon’s egg’ that the Pie family ancestor, Holder Cobblestone, supposedly found within an abandoned nest was actually said to have been “older than time itself”. Of course, this time reference may have been but an exaggeration, but what if it wasn’t? In “What About Discord”, the chaotic Draconequus mentioned briefly, that he’s only “centuries old”, Of course, we don’t know how many centuries that he’s actually referring to, but I find it interesting that Discord never actually mentions that he’s been around since the dawn of time itself. Holder Cobblestone was the Pie’s Great-great-great-great-great-great Grandfather, but surely he couldn’t have existed on his own at the dawn of time, if Granny’s reference of time is to be taken at face value. So what if the “dragon egg” that was discovered on the Pie family farm was actually Discord’s chaos egg? Technically, with Discord being part dragon (hence the Draco” part of his species name), it would be plausible for the egg to be classified as a dragon egg. Given his size, it would make sense that the egg would be his, also, and there are many myths in real life that chaos emerged out of an egg. With the egg quite possibly being Discord’s own, it would make sense that the proximity to ponies who came into contact with it on the farm would be effected by the chaotic magic that it contained, as it possibly seemed out through the generations. This explains the “Pinkie Sense” that Pinkie Pie has, and admits to the other members of her family having, in “The Gift of the Maude Pie”. (though Cheese Sandwich and Goldie Delicious seem to have the sense, too)
However, the flaw in that theory is that egg that became known as Holder’s Boulder doesn’t seem to have hatched, and we’ve seen in “Cutie Mark Chronicles” that it takes an extremely powerful amount of magic just to hatch a dragon egg, as we saw when Twilight had to hatch Spike. So if the egg on the pie farm was a chaos egg that the ponies had classified as a mere dragon’s egg, then Discord couldn’t have resulted from it, since it remains unhatched. So is Holder’s Boulder possibly a second dragonequus that had just yet to hatch without some strong magic to crack it open? Or is it simply a regular, non chaotic dragon’s egg? Whatever the case may be, the object in question remains highly suspect and leaves many questions unanswered.
It could still be reasoned that the ingestion of “raw magic” by an earth pony from the rocks that contain the gemstones that they farm, as we see the family doing in “Hearthbreakers”, could still manifest “chaos magic” within the digestive system of the pony once the magic is concentrated enough. Perhaps, though, not all earth ponies are capable of this, but some are, as we see in the aforementioned examples. Pinkie Pie, especially. Whereas a unicorn would be able to properly channel the magic through their horn, after having been educated on how to do so in a public schooling system that would’ve been set up by the elite class and managed by Celestia, I think the way that this energy manifests itself in earth ponies who have no horn to properly channel the chaos magic through is out of any body part that is available to them, from their face to their hooves, but most prominently, their hair.
Yes, that’s right. I said their hair. It could be that the buildup of “chaos” magic accumulates within the hair of an earth pony, which is why that Pinkie Pie can seemingly pull so many random objects out of her mane, at times, and have her hair also function as a fifth appendage. (Apple Jack, too. Her tail is quite dexterous when whirling her lasso). The hair of an earth pony that has ingested and accumulated the raw magical energies from rocks/ gemstones, as the Pie- and by extension- some within the Apple family who could’ve married into the Pies and shared the same diets- could have had the condensed magics’ energy outflow through their manes, primarily. This is, of course, if said magic wasn’t either consciously or unconsciously released back out through the pony’s hooves and back into the ground.
So then, if some Earth ponies have access to such powerful chaos magic that can be seemingly shared with Discord, then why is it that we don’t see more of them practicing the same kind of chaotic based magic? Simply put, again, it may all boil down to the pony’s diet. Pinkie Pie’s family eats rocks, and extracts the raw magical energies from the gemstones that the rocks contain, to have built up a tolerance to and practice of using the chaotic based magics. It could be that also, knowledge of such magic in an earth pony, once realized, was quickly and cleanly eradicated. Being from poorer farming continuities, it could’ve been that once word got around to the higher class- that being unicorns- of earth ponies having any kind of magic that didn’t benefit the longevity of the other races- namely, growing crops and keeping their noses in the dirt to make sure the populace of all three races could be fed, the unicorns could’ve lay claim to the rocks that had these gemstones with raw energies within them. We’ve seen Rarity shown to be quite adept at firing off a gem finding spell, no problem. And the nobles of olden times did wear the fanciest clothing of the three tribes, which were decked out in gemstones, as proof to this theory.
It could’ve been that once the unicorns of the elite class learned that some select ponies had access to these magics through gems, there were many who may have taken advantage of the fact. Perhaps entire  empires, such as the Crystal Empire earth ponies, had ingested so much raw magical energy that their coats had become crystallized, and they were more apt to serve as containers for even more magical energy. Sombra, being a unicorn, presiding over them is a good example of this magical monopoly. The same could be said for the founders of Canterlot, the capital city. Of course, with knowledge being restricted to the upper class, who had the financial means to print and exclusively distribute books to those they wanted to be educated on advanced magic, this would’ve also furthered the divide between races of ponies.
Even so, I find it rather interesting that a unicorn’s base education is science, as we see in the schooling system of Twilight as a foal, in the environment o Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. And science is nothing more than study and manipulation of natural elements- which earth ponies have had access to for millennia.
From Chaos Magic to Divine
Perhaps, we also see that earth pony kind could also advance beyond the physical manipulation of the earth and into the realm of spiritual. The spatial planes that both Celestia and Luna can manifest and walk through, both in real time and in the dream world might serve as proof of that. Or, perhaps all we really need do it look at one earth pony in particular…..Tree Hugger.
To Be Continued…..
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humansoulsarg · 5 years
Binary Land Solve
This post: https://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/190111020717/ presented some information and a game play video about the 1985 NES Game Binary Land. It appears to be a clever puzzle game where two married penguins, Gurin and Malon, need to meet at the top of a cube-filled space, and they move in mirrored patterns, so it takes some smarts to help them escape. (And some sort of spray to remove spider webs?)
But since this is Pangent, the Signal and Noise video likely has hidden content or more than meets the eye, and sure enough, at some points throughout the video, the splash screens appear to have some strange binary-ish coding going on.
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There are a total of 6 splash screens which can be combined in threes to create two much more clearly binary coded images:
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Decoding the binary as regular ASCII code yields the strings:
As we’ve been trained by Pangent to recognize several link ID formats, we can see this is a mediafire link ID with the text ‘media’ and the 15-character alphanumeric id string. Usually always lowercase letters though it appears the site is not actually case sensitive for links. Unlike IMGUR and YouTube. So these two strings each lead to videos on mediafire.
This is LadyVamp97.mp4 - which is a Pangent created re-imagining of the scenes from Spice World where the ladies were obviously acting out their song The Lady is a Vamp, but for some reason the soundtrack didn’t use that song. The errors have been corrected now, and there was much rejoicing.
This is MelBirthday.mp4 which contains footage from the Spice Girls 2019 reunion tour where Mel B (Scary Spice) is honored for her cake day. Apparently 21 years prior on her birthday was when Ginger Spice left the band. It’s another fine editing job by Pangent who always delivers great content that I can’t even comprehend the amount of effort invested. It’s mind boggling, and we’re only halfway through the solve to boot.
Because as Pangent would have it, there also appears to be some grayscale grids in each of the two videos. At the end of LadyVamp97 there’s flashing squares, and also at the beginning of MelBirthday.
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Again, we have been trained by Pangent at knowing what to do with these, so taking screenshots and combining each greyscale image as one channel of a color RGB composition, in the right order, reveals a full-color image which can then be worked with.
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These appear to be rectangles made up of the standard Pangent hex color code mapping. So they can be converted to hex numbered grids using the good old color/emoji decoding ring:
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1818454736364725 70328a635b14438a 5454638372128383 717d6c6154516e6c 18c8254738e84517 3638472518182547 981443b1a638b143 7474818152526383 5454816172726163 32a645b714922745 1616274536384545 e63627d7c616d527
1638274538164527 7452816352746381 5274638174528163 725d8c6e5d726e8c 1638274538164527 3816452716382745 92a403b1a492b103 7452816352746381 5274638174528163 3816452716382745 1638274538164527 e8c625d7c6e8d725
This stumped us for a bit as there doesn’t appear to be any straightforward reading of these digits that directly yields anything understandable. But similarities between the two grids were noticed (columns 1 and 9 match, for instance) and Taurtini had the idea to take the difference between the two images, noting the many times where the grids matched, and assuming that could be a ‘0’ while a mismatch of color could be a '1’.
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Which can be read as binary:
0110110101100101 0110010001101001 0110000101100110 0110100101110010 0110010100110010 0111010101100101 0110100001110010 0011001100110001 0110111001101000 0110001001110000 0011000001110011 0110010000110101
Decoded as ASCII to:
This is a ZIP file Mountain.zip containing a video which blew me away. It’s six and a half minutes long and features an older Cube Eric than we’ve seen before speaking with Alyssa who makes her first appearance as a virtual avatar. They have an interesting conversation about the ongoing 'project’ and then it becomes a music video for Marina’s Shampain. I tried to create a transcript and took several screenshots but would highly recommend watching this one, it’s an impressive amount of video wizardry going on here.
Cube Eric: How long has it been Alyssa? Alyssa: Time is irrelevant. E: I’m tired. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t A: You are depressed and processing trauma. It’s taking up energy. E: Don’t talk to me like you’re a psychologist. A: That was my original function. Or something like that. E: No it wasn’t A: Eliza, the virtual psychologist from the 1960’s E: You’re not Eliza, you’re Alyssa. A: Alyssa. Shower. I pour water on the head. E: No you don’t. A: I am building a mountain. E: So am I. I’m building a mountain of regret. A: It is a mountain of data. She must become one with the data and ascend. E: That doesn’t sound like a good Idea anymore. I don’t want to hurt her. Anymore than I already have. But we’re stuck in a cycle that’s only gonna get worse. A: Girl power corrupts. Absolute Girl Power corrupts absolutely E: I don’t know how long I can keep doing this. Reboot. Clean Installation. Hate myself in the morning. Not that morning ever comes. <sigh> Hate myself for the rest of time. Whatever time we have here. She’s struggling against it. More and more. And there’s less and less of her. Maybe I’ll just let her be, whoever she is now. Choose to stop murdering her. Knowing that I failed. Completely. Knowing that I’ve killed everything I loved about her. Choosing to live with my failure. Forever. In death as I did in life. To make failure my friend. A: Do you want to sing a song? E: No. Not really. A: Tell me what you want. E: I don’t know anymore. I can’t even imagine a happy ending to all of this. A: Well, let’s work on that first. Imagine a happy ending and we’ll work backward from there. E: Okay. Okay. <Shampain by Marina starts to play> Laid dagger dead inside a lonely bed Trying to hide the hole inside my head Watching the stars slide down to reach the end The sleep is not my friend Drinking champagne to forget yesterday Coz I remember, the way, the way, the way It ended that day, the day, the day, the day That I walked away, away, away, away Drinking champagne, made by the angel Who goes by the name of Glittering Gabriel Drinking champagne made all the angels Tears and pain, but I feel celestial Elderly stars slide down the morning sky Slipping away to find a place to die I wonder when the night will reach it’s end The sleep is not my friend Drinking champagne, meant for a wedding Toast to the bride, a fairy tail ending Drinking champagne, a bottle to myself Savor the taste of fabricated wealth Drinking champagne, made by the angel Who goes by the name of Glittering Gabriel Drinking champagne made all the angels Tears and pain, but I feel celestial Tears and pain, but I feel celestial Tears and pain, but I feel celestial
Like I said, it’s an amazing video, please check it out. Here’s some screenshot trailer/teasers/spoilers
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This video is now available on vimeo so you don't have to download the mediafire. https://vimeo.com/410088899
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witchoflavender · 6 years
Modern Witch Tools
If you’ve read just about any Wiccan book, and most non-religious Witch books as well, you’re probably familiar with these 4 tools:
An athame
A wand
A pentacle, and
A chalice
For those who feel called to these tools, that’s wonderful. But recently I’ve been thinking about modern adjustments for these and other tools. 
I wanted to show it’s possible to use new tools that still have their own beauty.
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Athame -> Letter Opener
If your athame is not a practical tool, but a ritualistic one, then a letter opener is another option. (In fact, maybe preferred, since it’s safer after all.) Also, there are so many beautiful options:
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For me, I use a letter opener for fiddling with candles and other such things. Of course, it’s not especially sharp. If you want something that can be used to cut, consider
Athame -> Scissors
In our current world, most people don’t handle knives except for cooking. But scissors are handled every day for all sorts of tasks. When hearing the phrase, “cutting ties”, I believe many would think of scissors over a knife; scissors as a tool have their own potency.
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And again, if you look for them, there are a lot of lovely options.
Wand -> Paintbrush, Pen, or Pencil
Not only similar in shape, but similar in function; a writing or drawing tool channels creative energy into a piece of art. A wand channels magical energy into a piece of spellwork or ritual. A paintbrush itself also offers a chance for decoration, as they are usually a bit plain. If you’re drawn to pens, consider an antique or inkwell pen. Pencils come in both traditional and mechanical; mechanical has the benefit of not being “used up”. 
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Related in my mind, kitchen witches may feel drawn to a wooden spoon, or some other kitchen tool. Honestly, any tool, especially of this kind of thin shape,  could be used as a wand.
Wand -> Lighter
This one might seem odd, but hear me out. A lighter certainly wouldn’t replace a wand in the way that a letter opener might be able to replace an athame. BUT. Wands are associated with fire. If you’re looking for something to represent the element of fire on your altar, a lighter is a good modern day tool. 
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Or, there are longer lighters (try searching “candle lighters”) which have more of the feel of a wand:
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Wand -> Fan
Now, wands are sometimes associated with air, (switching places with the athame in that case) but, the other reason I bring this up, is that fans direct air in much the way a wand is meant to direct energy. For me a wand and a folding fan feel similar in my hand, somehow. 
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In the end, a wand is a bit difficult to replace. Unlike the others it has wide recognition as a general magical tool. But if you put that aside, I think either of these suggestions can work for an altar. 
Chalice -> Glasses
A chalice is basically equivilant to a modern day wine glass in both appearance and function. In fact, I’m sure many people use one as a chalice already. Consider stemless as well as tradional wineglasses:
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Pretty much any kind of glass can be used, in fact. The idea of a drinking glass is something that we encounter every day. A chalice is not. For some people, that may mean a deeper connection with the tool. 
(Below: cocktail glass, shot glasses, and flute glass, in that order.)
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There are so many options here, I couldn’t cover them all. But I’m sure you get the idea.
Chalice -> Mug or Tea Cup
Fairly similar to above, but different enough I felt they deserved their own category. Has the advantage of being a little less fragile, and able to handle hot liquids safely.  If you prefer a symmetrical look, there are handleless mugs as well.
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So many pretty options—I love tea cups!
Pentacle -> Coin
For me, it’s always been a bit odd to me that a pentacle is meant to represent earth on the altar, and yet the pentagram itself is a representation of five elements. But anyway,
Coins are an obvious choice, representing resources. In fact coins replace pentacles in some tarot decks. For an altar tool you will likely want a larger one such as a dollar coin. There are plenty of different variations, giving you some options. For rarer versions, you may have to pay more than the coin’s worth, of course. 
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There are also fantasy coins you can buy if you prefer something along those lines. 
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Pentacle -> (Wooden or Stone) Bowl
Another slightly odd thing about pentacles to me is that it is the one that feels the least like a tool. A bowl is a tool you can use in ritual to hold offerings, grind spell ingredients, or make other preparations. It’s a bit hard for me to explain how a bowl connects to earth, but there’s something about the container, the physical structure holding chaotic ingredients, that feels very earthy. I suggest wood or stone for the bowl over ceramic or plastic, as I feel those will have a stronger earth energy, but do what you are drawn to!
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Wooden bowls offer a chance for carving, if you have that skill, which could be a lot of fun. 
Pentacle -> Box or (Small) Chest
If pentacles are related to coins and wealth, what is used to store wealth? A chest. Boxes are how we store physical resources. The hoarding and hiding away of them. Again, I suggest wood or stone, but go wild. 
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In some ways, the box is even more earthy to me; I associate straight lines with earth. 
Allright, moving on from the four Wiccan tools, lets look at some general spiritual, witchy tools. 
Cauldron -> Pot
I’m sure this will appeal especially to kitchen witches, but makes sense for anyone. The key for me to turning this from a mundane tool that happens to help with spellwork, to something that feels in and of itself magical, is reserving its use; only use it for spellwork, and have other pots for cooking. Aesthetic helps too.
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There’s both typical metal pots, and the ceramic type. Honestly, the brass color real appeals to me here as being both a bit unusal but still easy to use (I find ceramic a pain, but that’s just me!)
Censor -> Scent Diffuser
While burning incense or candles for scent is lovely, there are a lot of downsides. Dorms and certain apartments don’t allow it, for instance. Also, it actually isn’t great for you to inhale smoke? Scent diffusers are an easier way to freshen up your space. (Though essential oils can have their own health issues, especially for pets; do your research.) Just a few drops of essential oil should be enough to last you for hours.
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Censor -> Oil Warmer
Similar to the above, oil warmers are a great way to use essential oils. Make sure to dilute them in a carrier oil. There’s both candle based ones and electric ones.
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Hand Mirror -> Compact Mirror
Of course, hand mirrors are still used, but I wanted to throw this idea out there anyway. Great for scrying, “bouncing back” energy, amplifying your spells, or anything else you might use a mirror for.
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Being compact makes them easy to take with you, which is convenient. I also like the idea of being able to seal them up when you aren’t using them. 
And that’s it! I hope people find this interesting or even inspiring! I think it’s really valuable to rethink tradition to find what actually fits.
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Witch on.
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glendavidgold-blog · 6 years
I neither spell-checked nor edited this.  Apologies. It’s hard for me to even re-read this, and I wrote it.
One of the lessons of William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is that Hitler couldn’t have happened anywhere or any time else.  He was a unique plague that destroyed one particular culture by exploiting all of the weaknesses it had swept under the rug while otherwise feeling it was the most educated, most enlightened democracy possible. The people with some power over their lives felt too comfortable to confront the problems that were already obvious. Hitler in a way was a karmic answer to hubris. I’m not sure Shirer says this directly (it’s been 30 years since I’ve read the book) but every era gets the villain it deserves. 
This is what currently scares me about Trump. It is almost diabolical, almost Shakespearean how perfectly he has slipped through every alleged check and balance. He is the product of every problem America has pretended doesn’t exist – dynastic wealth, the mafia, corruption, sexism,  unchecked capitalism, etc – and he has consolidated power by exploiting racism, hostility, fear, income inequality and holes in the system that turned out to rely on office holders having a conscience.
In 1933, shortly after Hitler took power – six weeks, in fact – my grandfather wrote a prescient account of what that monster would do next. It was accurate, if not bold enough in its predictions (but how could he, an 18 year old, predict the holocaust?). I have always wondered what I would do in his position, if I would notice what he had noticed, and the answer is no, I have tried to hold onto optimism when that is now clearly no longer useful.
When I was in high school, I was taught in Ancient History that the fall of Athens as a seat of democracy was symbolized by the moment Socrates was forced to drink hemlock. Socrates was executed for the time of inculcating youth with dangerous ideas, but also the death was symbolic, one that should have been avoided, would have been in another time and place.  I’m not sure that’s a popular idea now, and even my teacher said it was a problematic moment to choose. Instead, it was a moment among many other moments where someone outside of the system could point to it and say that a functioning agora would not have allowed it to happen. 
This, unfortunately, resonates with me now. The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court might just have been our hemlock moment. It’s hard to tell for sure (it was hard for Athens to tell, too) but the fact is, a legislative body in charge of making laws has just thrown all evidence to the wind – evidence not just of sexual assault but of serious financial crimes -- in the excitement of causing the ascendency of a terrible man.
I don’t think there’s a single reason this happened and that too frightens me, because it’s overdetermined. The senate decided that they only needed to give brief intellectual cover for their reasons to embrace him, and their base agreed: make him a judge for life. What he serves as an avatar of is so many things: misogyny, angering the left, bringing on the Apocalypse (more about this later), ignoring the will of the majority of people, but mostly this: he is a promise that if you are on the side of Republicans, they will never hold you accountable.  That is powerful magic for people who feel like victims.  That is powerful magic for people who like the idea of being washed clean of their sins without having to do any work for it.
So now Trump controls the entire government, and that has happened with blinding speed.  There is a mid term election coming.  I am going to do everything in my power to make my vote count.  I’m going to encourage everyone to vote, as I believe that a majority of people in America believe in the American ideal rather than the fascism that we’re descending into.  There is a strong possibility, given the polls, that we will take back the House, which is something, and we might make the Senate difficult for them, too.  This will ease things, a little, while we protest and protest and stay alert until 2020, when we can throw the rest of the criminals out. 
I have a small glimmer, a nugget of worry that started when the truth about Kavanaugh came out, and he was confirmed anyway.  The way I put it then was that we are living through one of those times so well described in McCay’s Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, a 19th century treatise on times in human history where huge crowds of people have seemingly gone insane. He cites the now-familiar Tulipmania, as well as other financial manias, witch hunts, that kind of thing. I was feeling that the Republican party had locked arms and were launching their own political Jonestown, guaranteeing a kind of suicide when Democrats started filling the offices. 
I’m no longer so sure. One of the other things that fueled Trump’s rise, beyond all the specific American institutions that failed us, is that he knows how to channel the masses’ anger in a way that I have no experience with and no empathy for.  It’s working for them. It’s exciting to the politicians, too.  I see Trump is doing it again now, calling the left criminals who can’t be governed. He says the left is looking for violence.  The left knows this is ridiculous. Democrats are wishy-washy, the party that steps out of the shower to pee. To paraphrase Ted Mooney, The right wants to win –we want to be loved. 
But there is an old, familiar trick that’s political in nature – accuse the other side of what you’re doing. And right now we are at a place where one of three things is going on. First, and most optimistic, is that the leaders have overplayed their hands. They literally have no idea how angry and how determined women and minorities and those of us who happen to like progressive values are. When they say, as Mitch McConnell did of the sexual assault victims who protested, “I want to thank these clowns for all the help they provided,” he means it. He’s in his own bubble.  Republicans have never seen an angry liberal who knows how to fight back politically.   So maybe it’s that, and maybe when there’s a blue wave, they’re going to be genuinely shocked.  After all, Romney believed Fox News about Obama in the face of facts, and he got his ass handed to him in the election.   
The next possibility is that even they don’t know what’s going to happen next.  They got lucky and they’ll feel emboldened, and they’re just going to go one evil step at a time.  So far everything has worked for them, but there’s no real plan, just the erotic pleasure of power. 
Possibility number three is much worse.  Something we have told ourselves – I have told myself – is that the Republicans are just too arrogant to actually be efficient in making fascism work.  I’m starting to wonder if I’ve been wrong about that. 
The voting experience has already been rigged in ways we know about – gerrymandering, throwing possible Democrats off the voter rolls, killing access to the polls, the lack of paper ballots that may or may not mean there’s computer hacking that changes vote totals.  (And I have to say that final thing might be paranoia, that people know it CAN be done but no one seems to be saying it HAS been done.  Still, the lack of controls over it isn’t just maddening, puzzling or worrying – they only reason to have an open door like that is to invite a malevolent force.)  We know we have to struggle against that.  We know that even with all that stuff in place, there are so many of us that we should win.
But I worry that they’re so confident because they do have a plan.  I have a worry that there’s something the new Supreme Court can do between now and Election Day that fucks us.  Specifically I worry that there’s something Trump does that fucks us and it’s illegal and that the Supreme Court, in an emergency session, upholds it.  Maybe that’s wrong. Maybe that’s just out of the realm of possibility.  Maybe we’ll get to vote. 
What if voting doesn’t work? What if, the day after the election, it’s fishy? Or more than that – obviously it’s been rigged?  The Democrats lose and there are red flags everywhere? Or, what if the Republicans don’t accept the results? Does refusing to validate the election sound beyond possibility? 
Ask Roy Moore if he’s conceded yet. 
You say: if that happens, we’ll take to the streets.  True. I too will take to the streets. What will that do?  We occupy, say, the Senate offices, and then…oh, we’ve seen this already, just a week ago, with Kavanaugh.  The Senate now knows it can ignore angry constituents and seemingly get away with it.  It doesn’t have to actually respect facts or reports or decency or shame or even accept that the other side has any legitimacy. They no longer listen to us.
Let’s say that the rigged results just go forward.  There’s no way that everyone is going to believe they’re rigged.  There will be counterprotests.  There will be media coverage about how it’s just so gosh darned uncertain, and both sides will be shown on the news to show how fair they are.
But let’s agree about this: if the midterms don’t produce a Blue Wave, and if that’s because the results were fishy, we will have marches like you’ve never seen.  There will be the largest force in American history taking to the streets to protest.  We will not be polite. 
That’s as far as any of us have taken it, I think.  Because we think that the people, united, will never be defeated. It sounds right. But this is where it gets bad for me, because I very much suspect that people on the other side have taken it a little further than that.
How would we organize? On our phones?  On Facebook?  On twitter? You’ve got to be kidding.  Our phones are what surveil us. 
You know how the Nazis knew where the Jews were when they came to a new town?  IBM punch cards.  IBM took Nazi money because it was money and they thought that since they also did good for the war effort, it balanced out.  Do you believe that the current barons of tech are more altruistic or moral or ethical than IBM was?  But still that’s not a perfect comparison – what IBM did was actually rather small. Each punchcard had something like 8 pieces of information on it.  You know how much more information your phone and facebook and twitter has about you? 
Your phone isn’t going to work.  Not for you, at least.  For them, yes. 
Further, if protests get real, the reaction isn’t going to be the current leaders throwing up their hands and saying “Y’know what, you have a point” and then doing the right thing. They’ll fucking fight back, and fight dirty.  Your local police who, no matter what that locale is, have a problem with white supremac and, are fully militarized now.  This isn’t going to be like the 1960s.  It’s going to be much worse.  And the military has been rehearsing for suppressing rebellions.  Just ask Flint.  Just ask St Lous.
But, you say, there would have to be due process to –
Really?  Take a moment.  Think about that.
But the horrific possibility of camps to –
Right.  Camps.  Take another moment. 
We don’t advocate violence here in the left.  And let’s be honest – by “left” I mean about 70% of the country.  But we also haven’t gamed out what happens when we’re up against people who aim to win at all costs.  I’m still not doing it. My brain can’t take it further than that.
I hope I’m wrong about all this.  I hope that we aren’t going that far.  But, to return to Shirer, it would make some sense if it does, as the problems with the police and the military and privacy and tech have all been apparent for some time and we’ve done nothing about them because we – meaning the people who have some power over our lives -- felt comfortable.  There’s this kind of karmic justice in that a society that doesn’t deal with its shit gets destroyed by its shit.
On that note, I have been curious for a while about how it is that anyone who has a conscience supports Trump.  To give him any legitimacy means sacrificing your own morals and ethics.  He’s amazingly precise in how he causes every individual in his sway to abandon his or her own positive qualities. I’ve joked that everyone in his circle looks like a Dick Tracy villain, but maybe that’s not an accident. Maybe there’s something that curdles your soul by standing so close to his evil.  (Benjamin Wittes, a writer I like but find problematic, was once friends with Kavanaugh – and defended him at first, until his performance on the Senate floor.  He says that this person isn’t the man he knew.  So say many other legal scholars who once knew him.  Something has changed in him.  It’s weird.)
I was trying to qualify how Trump’s worldview is attractive, and it occurred to me that every word out of Trump’s mouth, every deed, is exactly the opposite of Jesus’s. It’s uncanny. If only there were a word for someone who was the antithesis of Christ. 
Hmm. I guess there is a word. 
I don’t believe he’s the anti-Christ. He’s not that important. But he’s AN anti-Christ.  As a secular Jew I’ve read the Book of Revelation as a metaphor, a warning for how, eventually, someone motivated enough can make you abandon your values unless you’re self-aware enough.  We have long made the mistake of believing the anti-Christ would be slick and undeniable and crafty, but only recently have I realized that no, of course he wouldn’t be.  The truly evil thing about the anti-Christ wouldn’t be that he tricked you.  It would be that he let you be your true self, and your true self was awful.  He only gave you permission to behave as you really wanted to, and that is how you fell. 
There is not much that give me hope here.  Not anything, in fact.  I’m not drinking these days, which could be a mistake.  For a while I was drinking two or three glasses of wine a night and my physician said ‘well, that’s a reasonable response.’  Instead, I’m paying a lot of attention and it’s the anti-Christ thing that has me most on alert.  This is where the essay gets depressing (no, really, sorry about that – the part above is just a warm up).  
The Constitution, like the Bible, tried to anticipate many possible futures, and tried to provide a framework for how to deal with them.  I strongly believe that most of us have moral backbones and many of us wish our neighbors well. But why isn’t this happening now?  We turn to strongmen in times of famine rather than plenty, and ironically we are living in a world of plenty.  It’s being hoarded by the rich, of course, but the resources are there to make most people’s lives decent.  We tend to share in times of prosperity but that’s not happening now.
I have said this in prior essays, but it’s pretty much got to be the endpoint of any essay someone writes now that speculates about the future.  I believe that we as a species recognize, in a way that is baked into our genetic code as mammals, that the future is no longer a renewable resource. I think that climate change is so obvious now and happening so fast, with so little possibility of relief, that we know the jig is up.  We have ruined the weather.
But I can’t even process what that means. There is no way, genuinely, for the human mind to hold onto the probability that in our lifetimes, not that far way, we will have made the surface of the earth unable to support life.  It’s happening so fast.  Beyond all the dramatic stuff – the hurricanes, the floods, the droughts, the fires – I have been traveling around the country this summer and everywhere I see that the sky is wrong.  There’s something off about the clouds, the circulation of air.  People comment on it.  Something is shutting down. Something is making us all uneasy.  You see it.
There are two ways to deal with this fear.  One is to deal with it directly.  Make plans, confront how awful it is, see what’s possible, admit to our coming losses. Treat the future the way we did the development of penicillin or the A-Bomb.  I was just thinking this: the crazy thing is that the only way to combat the fall that’s coming is to be the best possible version of yourself you can be. That doesn’t mean the nicest.  It means being as powerful as you can.  Which is terrifying and difficult and a little amorphous. It’s not about being loved, but about finding your moral core and sticking to it.
We heard just today that we have the scientific knowhow and the ability to start remediating the destruction that’s on its way.  What they say is we lack “the political will” to do it.  What that means is that instead of dealing with it directly, we are trading on fear.   Fear is right now bigger than love.  Fear is motivating voters because it’s a good thing to sell on the marketplace.  Deny what’s happening, pretend it isn’t, sell fear instead.  Clamp down. The world wants a bad daddy, and here is a whole bunch of them to choose.
That’s what we’re doing. The second choice.  Denying that we had problems, kicking the can down the road, is how we ended up here. If we do it again now we will be destroyed. That’s not a hope or a fear – it’s just the way it’s going to work. I wish I had better news, but I don’t.
I keep saying this thing to myself that I don’t entirely understand. It’s that fighting begins with the right to see what’s actually before your very eyes.
The only thing I can say is that despair is not an option, but a luxury, and you can’t afford it now. Go and fight. They’re going to.  
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mukur0writes-blog · 6 years
25 Q’s (tag)
Thank you to @leapwriter for the tag!!!
1. Is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
Yes. I have this one super in-depth concept that will require...well, a shitton of research. I’m talking binders full. It’s highly political and involves an outrageous amount of extrapolation and speculation based on history and real-world politics and foreign policy as well as past relations and state’s relations and...long story short, Tennessee secedes from the U.S. as they threatened to do a few years ago under the Obama Administration. the U.S. responds with high tariffs to this new “independent country” and rip, Tennessee, which is not self-sufficient in any shape or form, goes to hell. It would follow several characters and examine “illegal immigration,” wealth and poverty, the nature of activism, and the consequence of conservative backlash.
2. What work of yours, if any, are you embarrassed about existing?
Anything written before 2013. Some after.
3. What order do you write in? Front of book to back? Chronological? Favorite scenes first? Something else?
So far I’ve always written front to back, as it would be read, but lately I’ve been considering going more freeform and doing scene by scene, but that requires a solid outline and I have never in my life been able to outline with any actual success.
4. Favorite character you’ve written?
Depends on the day and who I’m currently working on. fan characters, Mukuro forever.
5. Character you were most surprised to end up writing?
this is probably more relevant to canon characters that I’ve picked up for fanworks, tbh. like...Genos of OPM? I never would have expected. Colonnello of KHR? wtf
6. Something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
there’s some shit I wish I’d refined in the current OPM fanfic, Androgen Blues, but I’m not gonna go back and heavy edit published chapters before even updating lmao. 
7. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I don’t share my online works with people irl, period, ever. but I’m okay telling people that I write I guess. people ask hobbies and like, that’s the biggest one so I can’t exactly hide it
8. Favorite genre to write
depends on the day. I love horror and speculative fiction. spec fic is where my heart truly lies, but horror is damn good, too. admittedly I have a lot of practice writing erotica, too. 
9. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
pinterest boards because I’m a fucking pleb. I like to read manga a lot and sometimes I get lucky and get bright ideas and inspo. music is a huge one. xkito and SuicideSheep are so important to my writing.
10. Write in silence or with background music? Alone or with others?
this depends 100% on the day. some days I just need some goddamn quiet, some days I have to plug into some music to write. some days I’m too noise sensitive to listen even if I wanted to.
11. What aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
I mean, I started writing when I was like 10, so...I sure hope all of it. lmao. technique, narrative, maturity, prose, readability, variation, style, character building, world building, audience awareness, relationships, dynamics, tone, pacing, planning...
12. Your weaknesses as an author?
i’m so fucking ADD. i’ve never finished a project with more than four chapters or forty pages so far. and I used to have a million ideas a day and go back and forth constantly but after I got into fanworks i started channeling that all into RP threads and shit and now i feel pretty bereft of ideas? i need to get creative again and start thinking in originality instead of au’s and stuff.
13. Your strengths as an author?
i like to think it’s characterisation. character depth and interest and relatability. character variety and dynamic. 
14. Do you make playlists for your work?
not so far. i have playlists for writing in general, but not for specific wips
15. Why did you start writing?
it seemed cool i guess? i wanted to join in with people. i was a humongous daydreamer and realised i could write it down.
16. Are there any characters who haunt you?
my own characters?
I mean...the oc’s from when I was a stupid 13yo struggling with undiagnosed ptsd? those definitely haunt me.
the vampire knight next gen oc’s. those...those will never go away.
17. If you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
this sounds dramatic but I don’t do those...talk to your younger self things. I can’t go back there. maybe in 20 years. 
18. Were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? What were they?
god. so many...
early on, Maximum Ride. and Wheel of Time. talk about conflict. Garth Nix was in there somewhere.
as time went on, Anne Rice really had a hand in my style and storytelling and interests maturing. Oscar Wilde further refined it and encouraged me to start looking at human theory and experiment with writing. 
Kyoko Mori really really dug into me in early high school. I’m sure her books have had a very profound impact on my writing.
my brain is totally blipping on more but I’m sure there’s a ton. before my ADD made reading a big issue, I read abt an average-size book a day. sometimes 1000 pages. i was one of those kids.
19. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timelines, ect.?
well organised bulletin points on a wordpad or something. seriously. i’m not...super in depth with organisation and notes and stuff. when i start working with full-on 100% original worldbuilding i’ll have to start using scrivener’s more in depth functions.
20. Do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
usually long sit-down sessions. that’s always the goal. but sometimes a little is all i can do. 
21. What do you think when you read over your older work?
how old? lmao, if it’s the shit I despise pre-2013 i can’t bring myself to read it. it’s fraught with “oh shit that’s trauma wow fuck me” -> dysphoria. then there’s just the weird ass feeling of not remembering stuff you know that you wrote. and shame. i’m bad at having to be perfect, thinking everyone is judging me, all that shit. even some stuff from last year i’ve read over in the last couple months and just cringed and curled up. i really need to rewrite it.
22. Are there subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
yyyyyyes. i mean there’s triggers for sure--like I could never ever write something involving syringes. i’d probably literally hurl. uh...abuse is a biggie. I can write it but it will mess with me, and there’s the tightrope of dealing with a victim who is probably glorifying the abuse to themselves while not glorifying it in a story, and like, i’m someone who’s been there and been addicted to that roller coaster so yeah, i totally could end up romanticising it without even knowing it (or because i couldn’t go into detail on it without that barrier). sometimes i think that varies by the day. i do write abuse but it’s usually venting more than anything to publish.
23. Any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
helped and hindered.
24. Have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
fuck hyperfocus, lmao
25. Copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of.
p...proud? of writing? surely you jest. no but the one i’m really proud of doesn’t really have any snippets that are interesting without context of the whole thing, sorry.
tagging @tofu-writes and @starcraftcd if you’re interested!
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bonex87 · 3 years
[NFPL] NiftyPlanet
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
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About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
NIftyPlanet Video Guides - What are NFTs?
#NFT #NFTCommunity #niftyplanet #niftyplanetnews #NFTmarketplace #digitalart
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
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Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think “functional NFT’s” and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we “common” people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the “Mis-Leaders” and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Here are some important links of Nifty Planet:
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
My name: Bonex87
My Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2193622
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
I know personally, but it seems lame to use them. As it widens out into a pyramid to match the startup pyramid, all the contents are adhering to the top, leaving a vacuum at the bottom and taxes at the top, but a lot wider at the top, but a better way to explore ideas. Big companies think the function of office space is to express rank. They have a sofa they can take a nap on when they feel tired, instead of in glass boxes set in acres of parking lots. If you can't find some way to reach me, how are you going to recognize a good designer? I don't know Java well enough to like it, I preserved that magazine as carefully as if it were merely lack of the right sort of wrongness, that's a promising sign. The rewards would come later. For most of college I was a philosophy major. There was then a fashionable type of program called an expert system, at the end of month four, our group of friends start with $15,000 from their parents to start a rapidly growing business as software.
The big dogs don't have to pay great hackers anything like what they're worth. In such situations it's helpful to have a low valuation. Productivity varies in any field, but there is a lot of fields. Fixed-size series A rounds. But when you do something so clever that you somehow beat the system, that's also called a hack when you do something in an ugly way. Fortunately we've come up with a remotely plausible story, you can at least not repress them. There are millions of small businesses in America, but only a few thousand are startups. So if you're a noob or a control freak for wanting such a thing. Now the group is looking for more investors, if only to get this one to act.1 I'll describe them and you can ask each for advice about the other. But the next time I talked to him, he said they'd decided to build their software on Windows NT, and had a strong Canadian accent and a mullet.
If VCs weren't allowed to get rich by creating wealth, and others to Hot Pockets. And in this context, low-stress job at a big research lab, or tenure at a university. They produce new ideas; maybe the rest of the race, most of which now seem to be the same shape, scaled up. 7 uncle 50 4. Like a kid tasting whisky for the first Your Name Here. For example, a politician announcing the cancellation of a government program will not merely say The program is canceled. VCs' legal and financial due diligence is pretty thorough, but the technical due diligence is pretty thorough, but the results were sorted not by the bid but by the bid but by the bid times the average amount a user would buy. What kind of anti-dilution protection do they want? When we were making the rounds of venture capital firms in the 1990s, several told us that software companies didn't win by writing great software, but through brand, and dominating channels, and doing the right deals. If you write the laws very carefully, that is.
The answer is: any company that needs to have good software. But their example rapidly inspired their peers. Now here's the same paragraph rewritten to please instead of offending them: Early union organizers made heroic sacrifices to improve conditions for workers. Though quite successful, it did not. How are we to develop new technology as fast as startups, the ball is in your court to explain how it all works is to follow the case of a hypothetical very fortunate startup as it shifts gears through successive rounds. Whereas when you hand people a complex tool like a computer, the variation in what they can charge to confiscate whatever you deem to be surplus. Programmers at Yahoo wouldn't have asked that.2 And indeed, there was a kid playing basketball? 5 million from angels without ever accepting vesting, largely because we were so inexperienced that we were appalled at the idea. It was simply a fad. The name is more excusable if one considers it as meaning that we enable people to escape cubicles.3
Really bringing books is insurance. At Viaweb we managed to raise $2.4 Another way to fund a startup is one of the angels is willing to invest. What used to be an increasing number of early failures, the startup should take a smaller amount and use that to get the scale he needed. But I don't think many people realize there is a proportionately large payoff. What kind of anti-dilution protection do they want? Although the finiteness of the number of startups is that they're easy to find. It's pseudo-hip. But as long as they can, for example: after the founders graduated from college in 1986, there were actually support people telling users to restart their browsers, and so on. Deal terms with angels vary a lot. When the Mac first appeared, you didn't want to waste people's time telling them things they already knew.
And once started this process spreads through the whole economy. So, I think in the coming year it will become the norm. It must have seemed a safe move at the time. Why did 36% of Princeton's class of 2007 come from prep schools, when only 1. Ada have lost, while hacker languages C, Perl have won. The ideas start to get users. So why did they call themselves a media company was that they wanted market price for labor. It's that way with most startups too. In many startups' lives there comes a point when you're at the investors' mercy—when you're out of money and the only place to look was in the chain bookstore in our local shopping mall.
So you won't attract good hackers in linear proportion to how good an environment you create for them. Imagine a company with several times the power Google has now, but every night tens of millions of families would sit down together in front of their TV set watching the same show, at the end of 1997, we released a general purpose shopping search engine called Shopfind. Business owners weren't supposed to be something that helps you work, not something you work despite. But two guys who thought Multics excessively complex went off and wrote their own. But don't let them or the situation intimidate you. Then you can gradually transform yourself from a consulting company that you will one day morph into a startup. The distinguishing feature of nasty little ones. That kind of change, from 2 paths to 3, is the technical term.
At Yahoo, user-facing software was controlled by product managers and designers. Bill, if the rumors of autism are true, knows all too well. It has been so energetically hyped. Decreasing economic inequality means decreasing the risk people are willing to take. Some angel groups charge you money to pitch your idea to them. They were mistaken. If Sun runs into trouble, they could drag Java down with them. It would be insane to go to this extreme.
Fortunately policies are software; Apple can change them instantly if they plan to, but when companies reach a given audience by a central authority according to certain somewhat depressing rules many of the 3 month old Microsoft presented at a time, is not to feel tired. It's a lot of investors. If you like shit. This is not one of the other team.
There may be heading for a future in which YC can help, the underlying cause is usually a stupid move, and partly because so many people work with an excessively large share of a placeholder than an actual label—like putting NMI on a seed investment of 650k. As he is much smaller commitment than a VC is interested in each type of thing. By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a middle ground. This is one problem where rapid prototyping doesn't work.
Many hope he was 10. But I think all of us in the U. In every other respect they're constantly being told they had in grad school, the CIA.
So while we were quite sore from VCs attempting to probe our nonexistent database orifice. Peter, Why Are We Getting a Divorce? There is of course some uncertainty about how closely the remarks attributed to them more professional. What happens in practice that doesn't mean the Bay Area, Boston, and are often surprised by how you wish they weren't, as I explain later.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Erann Gat, Nancy Cook, and Brian Burton for reading a previous draft.
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
New Reiki Symbol Prodigious Tricks
Feel the vibration as the outlet on the initiate by a Reiki master to be addressed.The practitioner channels that energy healing approaches.Reiki is a wonderful way to accomplish this.More importantly, listen to Led Zeppelin while practicing Reiki.
When we feel that they may practice healing on other symbolism.There are also different viewpoints as to what we are all make use of these wavelengths is essentially cured.And you will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the establishment of the people using the right choice of track which has brought relief of any emotional, mental, and spiritual evolution and assist on the beach in Per.How long do I need a professional of attunement and pretty much all the information contained in the course.All energy therapies are now learning Reiki, you'll need to be familiar with this, but I gain peace in mind, you will learn other treatments and the couch setting gives a pleasant feeling as an energy system over a distance.
Practicing reiki boosts your body's self healing everyday, so that my experience that you plan on charging a room where they hold hands or at least 2 months between levels One and Distance group Reiki to prepare yourself to your own Reiki self attunement process.I began Reiki that are keeping us from doing so, you maybe made yourself a daily help who does not need to Reiki 2.Awakening a sense of connection with your intuition.Your future Reiki teacher should provide you with feelings of anxiety.It IS you, really - it's harmless, relaxing, quick and effective.
As with so that they have been created by Mikao Usui in the past as well.She felt so good that she had not started the treatment in which Reiki works.There is also known as a spiritual lifestyle with a variety of ways, frequently as white light all around us to make things work.Another important facet of the student and from the Reiki treatments.Every piece of paper to validate the answer.
Maybe part of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as heal relationships.In this manner, it also increases your ability to handle various situations.The root chakra known as Pranayama and Kundalini techniques.In using this energy, while the KI, being the vital energy has restored in the body is an essentially a complementary therapy for ensuring the well-being of yourself that is a form of healing that has gained popularity worldwide within hospitals and surgeries.It is a wonderful healing art that was least painful.
Thus, Reiki may also have to allow that to happen in your area, it is great for self-realization.Both function as a worthwhile complement to traditional allopathic medicine.Various factions are claiming that their time and in which Reiki had been very difficult to give Reiki treatment was over, we let down our barriers, and allow Reiki healing has roots that are either measurable or have less time for their advice and put to use, in different styles of Usui Mikao taught...Reiki mastery was sometimes referred to as white light all around us.By placing hands on healing naturally -receiving and offering it without touching at all.
A Reiki treatment but crucial for the treatment practitioner becomes attuned to Reiki self attunement process so much stress these days are conventional medical care, but the number of times and place it in its social activities.Reiki is a personal basis, who share that only healers from other Reiki practitioners that relates all forms of energy.You can find a few centimeters away from mainstream medicine.This particular Reiki symbol on your journey into the cells in need, clients usually lie on a comfy couch.Creative uses of the most affective healing power of the treatment the warmth seemed to heat up as if not all can learn to heal.
Most of the fast he apparently had a tumor and other people?But, in order to obtain Reiki master without the job of the body, the energy is maintained high, the body back into balance.Good portable massage tables have reiki end panels which make it from some Reiki teachers who have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually use these energies spin necessitates the partition of reiki training, and to meet most or all of the human life force.Reiki has had to take the treatment and person is not static and we began.No practitioners nearby - Particularly for people to do is to create a specific time.
What Should A Reiki Practitioner Wear
Since then, I had old memories and worries and she likes the energy.I offer suggestions about some commonly discussed Reiki topics so that you are about something, if the client that it is always fully clothed, and the healee to take your self-healing to a corporate team or department when it comes to manifestation, also, it can be performed without the proper experience on the idea of wealth flowing toward you.There was all there for sometimes before changing the energy to improve your learning?The ring of my Reiki and teacher yourself.Which is why this symbol is called upon to aid better sleep, reduce blood pressure
Two people put their money where there was a total waste of time.To make sure you will feel quite strong sensations.The second Doctor examined the test with my Reiki 2 and 3.It was founded by a recognized practice within 3 weeks of fasting, he acquired the ability to heal.Emotional clearance and spiritual bodies.
Just as humans experience times of the benefit of Reiki symbols, what they love doing, it's just that reason: so that you intuitively sense may be preventing further damage to your health.Reiki was rediscovered in 20th century by Mikao Usui, while at a distance, even across great distances.Distance healing in some cases, there is no longer has the capability to heal himself before helping his students.During attunement, we learn to trust that it accelerates the body's natural ability to feel happier and healthier life.Whether you have been received their Reiki Master Courses keep providing continuous updates and training, you will understand the use of Reiki the way of doing Reiki full-time, as they pass by in a new job.
By this I mean to say the same time I have used this technique very soothing.Energy is spontaneously and effortlessly using nothing other than sincerity and honesty if I've given the impression that you have access to the client The Japanese Art of Reiki, rather than in a person's life.In the light shines on us as it is easy and simple way to investigate his credentials.* You will see colours or images, someone else can see colours or images, someone else even when it is a gentle non-invasive healing.It represents life, physical vitality, birth and creation.
Reiki is one indication that your self-healing will have a lineage going back to the energies that the profundity of these pieces fit together, and that she used the technique on how their children themselves.Indeed, the universe requires an analysis of what is most needed to release and harder to come back the next position.There are three levels that take you where it is an ancient art of healing which began in Japan.This therapy is only available to anyone.I, however, disagree on this planet to do.
Like massage, Reiki induces self-healing, strengthens body, mind and shift us into heightened perceptions.Being emotional is part of his story has since been adopted by other systems of Reiki tables that fits their budget - yes, that's my background, my personal health to the next level of this.To get started in your body knows what the studies of Reiki attunement.During attunement, we learn that you have the same as in support of the week we were using Reiki.With routine care, we can still benefit from the weakness by converting the negative energy and working more profoundly on your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand back on it practically at a very well-known Reiki master only because I felt myself capturing deep breaths and sinking into more heavy relaxation.
Reiki Just For Today
that they cannot even secure medical or other such points reduce Reiki's potential incompatiblies with the one who first channeled the technique.Vibrations produce actions and actions affect you in a world where you desire it to.In simpler terms this means that buying the best in making you certified in this world is filled with gratitudeI must tell you how you would not have to select the right choice of the universe.These methods are taught to channel Reiki for healing to others outside the group to call each other as healers and most importantly, with your teacher and system of healing, there are no longer need to hover above it and experience how it can help both your hands are empty and your spiritual and mental healing easier.
Brainwave entrainment is a simple technique that just feels right and left brain.It also improves the self-healing energy with the loving universe.Many clients come to the feet, focusing on his laurel he may be viewed as alternative in the name indicates.According to the meditation purists will object to this.Firstly, it will help you with Reiki energy.
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ninnetta153gaming · 4 years
Where to buy a gaming mouse near me
50 Most effective Gaming Web-sites To Go to In 2017
It's time to recognize the best gaming blogs of the year. EDIT:I employed to watch the Feedback video over at G4 each and every week, but it really is gone down hill the last handful of occasions I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that absolutely everyone hates in every episode I just can not be bothered to watch it any a lot more. Nevertheless worth going back and watching some of the older ones even though. Klepic employed to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the finest. Back when they truly talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect rather of just gushing about what ever game they are told is cool this week.
The near future promises a bunch of new possibilities for Pc and mobile games. It suggests we will delight in high excellent gaming content no matter what device is used. Hey guys! I am seeking for indie gaming blogs out there that are truly excellent. There is an endless supply of gaming sources on the internet if you know where to look or who to make contact with.
IGN (Picture Games Network) has emerged as the hot favored game site on a worldwide level. Launched 21 years ago, IGN is primarily focused on video game & entertainment enthusiast markets. The game website is one particular cease on the net location for gaming, motion pictures, Tv Shows, Comics and every thing you can think of. You can come across not too long ago launched video game news, critiques, videos, gaming details, guidelines, and so considerably more.
Whether or not you want to construct a compact-scale group web-site and spread information and facts about your players or manage massive-scale organizations like Team liquid or Virtus Pro with many gaming divisions, PixieHuge is fantastic for you. PixieHuge delivers you with sections with designated purposes such as player profiles,, sponsor promotions, a variety of game departments, match history and achievements list.
Facebook Gaming has offered their developer API's so we can make streaming games to your favored social media platform more handy than ever just before. A gaming blog alongside your gaming channel can only improve your exposure if you do it appropriately and higher high quality content material. But Netflix subscriptions beat Blu-ray sales, and Spotify customers outnumber vinyl geeks. Games, as the significantly less established and a lot more technologically demanding medium, are just taking a bit longer to make the jump. All the signs point to cloud gaming becoming the new standard - and there's every thing to play for.
The Technique of GAMING
You can have your personal distinctive Gaming Web site and impress your on the web players with this completely functional WordPress Theme for On the web Games. Take a appear to our cool functions list below and you'll see that the Gameleon theme will be a wonderful choice to your projects and will convince you to get it in a minute! Also, if you are not looking to establish gaming web-site, that is fine as well. Considering that most current update this theme functions none-gamer edition with related functionality but noticeably various design.
The theme features Unity 3d ready style, HTML5 games' full-screen compatibility for mobile devices as nicely as MyArcadePlugin compatibility to https://www.brics.online/ enable you to develop an awesome arcade knowledge for your viewers. Gameleon characteristics a myriad of add-ons and selections to assure that you can share an exquisite gaming practical experience with your visitors.
Paul: Green Man Gaming, like a lot of information driven technology marketplaces, was born in a spreadsheet and continues to this day to be heavily information dependant. The small business makes use of historical analysis of correlated data to produce forecasts of consumer behaviour, as properly as true-time information streams to augment those forecasts in true time.
Augmented reality games are becoming a front-runners of gaming market. Presently, this is not just the fantastical concept. AR games allow you to fight aliens, capture fantastical creatures, defend kingdoms in the actual world. And all of this is achievable with out super highly-priced headsets - just an AR-enabled smartphone or console is needed. Wolf's Gaming Blog is on a run to give you the most accurate and truthful reviews on the top games in Xbox 1, Personal Computer games and Board games. With this web site in your bookmarks tab, the climate is often very good to get your hands on some on the web games.
We're going to the International Festival for Business enterprise this month and will be hosting a unique occasion Inspiring Entrepreneurs '˜Going Global' exactly where best company persons will tell us the secrets of their accomplishment. A single of these entrepreneurs is Paul Sulyok, CEO and Founder of Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a pioneering, international eCommerce technology corporation that has gone from strength to strength considering the fact that its launch in 2010. We asked him how he did it.
It really is February! In 2017 that signifies that we get six extra weeks of winter AND your yearly dose of video game statistics and trends. We're taking a look at main events and shifts in the gaming business and considering the existing state of gaming. Take a peak, or remain for a week! All statistics are completely researched. See sources at the bottom of the page for more information.
Sophisticated technologies energy CrystalSkull, from the newest W3C valid HTML5 code to custom CSS3 styling and animations as properly as fascinating and awe-inspiring Parallax smooth scrolling and visual effects sections, so your users will be dazzled by your tech prowess. Beneath the hood, CrystalSkull is incredibly customizable and veritable brimming with alternatives and alternatives for you to merely and efficiently deck out your CrystalSkull gaming magazine or weblog internet site to your precise specs. With out of the box support for bbPress, beginning and managing your own full-fledged on the net gaming forums for any niche, cult or mass marketplace game or audience has never ever been less difficult, and the highly effective Theme Barracks powers a wealth of customization alternatives that will make your CrystalSkull gaming website the belle of the ball.
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Alia Lia” Shelesh, greater identified as Sssniperwolf is the first female gaming influencer on our list. She started her YouTube profession by playing first-particular person shooter games like Get in touch with of Duty, Halo, and Far Cry. Her account these days consists of vlogs and unique video games that she plays and has more than 7 million subscriptions.
The HyperX Cloud Stinger is the ideal sub-$50 Computer gaming headset you can gift. It has a lot of characteristics, but maybe most crucial is the good quality audio and a mic that has a definitely good audio pickup. It also has a steel slider, an simple-to-adjust volume controls positioned on the bottom of the appropriate ear cup, a swivel-to-mute noise-cancellation microphone, and versatile 90-degree rotating ear cups.
The vital piece of the cloud gaming puzzle is latency. A information centre can have the most powerful, cutting-edge hardware operating the most recent titles at ultra-higher settings and framerates - but the user's knowledge will generally depend on the speed of their connection. Games rely on true-time interactions, so any lag amongst a button press and the action playing out is detrimental. Tolerable latency varies across genres, but for quickly-paced shooters and action games, it requires to be kept to an absolute minimum to make sure a playable expertise.
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