#there is arguably one white man on their team and he's been to jail
One of my favorite Young Avengers headcanons is that, individually and even more as a collective, they do not take orders from white men particularly well.
This is particularly hilarious when taken with the fact that Rhodey and Fury outrank every single member of the Avengers because this means that not only are they more likely to take orders from Rhodey and Fury, they are absolutely willing to stir up shit using this information in order to get out of doing something they don't want to do or think is stupid.
Like Tony is laying out a plan or something and Billy raises his hand "Uh yeah sorry what does Colonel Rhodes think about this? (Is it lieutenant Colonel sir I'm sorry I don't know the difference)" because the entire YA thinks Tony's plan is dumb and noticed Rhodey getting more and more Frozen Military Posture
And somebody has ASKED so now everyone HAS to listen to Rhodey who informs them of all the tactical holes in this plan in front of the entire team.
Or Cap asks them to do something and they don't want to so Kate and Eli casually go up to him all "Rhodey what if we went to do this thing? That would be a good idea right?" "Absolutely the fuck not."
They go back to Cap saying sorry we can't do that D': Rhodey told us we weren't allowed :'(
Every time Rhodey tries to rip them a new one about it, they get all teary eyed and they just respect you so much sir you have so much more experience and you outrank them anyway and he KNOWS he is being played but the results are good so like????
And they are really effective and intelligent so if they say "well the second in command of the ENTIRE US AIR FORCE told us we could do it" while using theee loosest definition of Rhodey "telling them something" in order to get out of trouble once or twice, well, is it really worse than anything he had to help Tony cover for? And Tony didn't ever get him on the holiday card list of the Original First Captain America so he'll let Eli's team slide JUST THIS ONCE
Fury thinks this is the funniest thing ever. Enjoy your gaggle of gremlin ducklings, Rhodes. Godspeed and all that. Fury in no way directed their attention to the fact that Rhodes is so high ranking.
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heisthq · 4 years
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you all certainly didn’t make this easy on me — it was an incredibly tough decision for many of the roles. there were THIRTY-EIGHT applications for only ELEVEN roles, which is insane, and please know that every single one was incredible. i’m only one person on the internet, and this decision is in no way a reflection of the quality of your writing ( seriously, i know i just said it, but i’m kind of shocked by how good every single app was ). i’m so grateful for all the love heist has gotten, and i couldn’t be happier with the beautiful submissions i received ! from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
for those of you who were accepted, please follow the checklist, familiarize yourself with your fellow members, & review the triggers list. once your blog is set up, please send it in to the main within 24 hours so i can send you a link to the discord server. 
but enough talking — the newest members of HEISTHQ can be found under the cut !
welcome, DEDE ! you have been accepted as THE BLEEDING HEART, otherwise known as JUDY FAULKNER PRYCE ( ELIZABETH OLSEN ).
good god. what a way to start off acceptances — judy reached into my heart and took it for herself, and i’m not upset about it in the slightest. her gruff outer shell, still with that instinctive need to help, to do something, is so bleeding heart, and i ached at every step of the way through her journey. i knew i was really in for it when i dedicated a skeleton to loss itself, but you spun that concept into a living, breathing person and shot her back at me. i’ll happily let her knock me down any day, and i know she certainly will as soon as she makes her way onto the dash.
welcome, CHERRY ! you have been accepted as THE CAREER CRIMINAL, otherwise known as MISCHA DOSTOYEVSKY ( NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO ).
though you made my decision very difficult with that eleventh hour app, i couldn’t stop coming back to mischa. from the beginning of her childhood crimes to her current position as the head of the motherfucking bratva, she pulled me in and got me hook, line, and sinker. you painted such a brilliant picture of her that i felt she was going to jump off the page at any moment — and that last line of her bio ? chills. literal chills. finally, i have now decided their next heist is going to be stealing lip gloss from claire’s, shoutout to mischa for that hot idea. all in all, she’s an absolute delight, and i cannot wait to have her here. 
welcome, REED ! you have been accepted as THE EYE IN THE SKY, otherwise known as INDIANA “INDIE” ASCENCIO ( ANA DE ARMAS, BUT ONLY WITH PINK HAIR ).
okay, first of all, are you kidding me with that bio structure ? that was the coolest shit i’ve ever seen. what a way to kick it off for the eye in the sky — i said break the stereotype and you said bet. indie is an absolute gem of a character, as stunning as she is valuable, and damn if she doesn’t know it. she’s so vibrant that i could practically hear her voice when i read your answers to the prompts; i’m still howling at thirty five pages of criminal offenses. the eye in the sky needed to take me by the throat to show me who they are; you broke down the door and said here she is. i couldn’t be more honored to have her.
welcome, NOAH ! you have been accepted as THE GETAWAY DRIVER, otherwise known as CARLISLE “JACE” JACOBI HARRISON-SHEA ( CYRUS AMINI ).
the getaway driver was, arguably, the toughest choice i had to make — but i couldn’t help myself. jace drew me back in every single time like a moth to a flame, and i know he’d read that fact with that same, secret little smirk. every moment of reading your app is exciting, like i’m white-knuckled in jace’s passenger seat, along for whatever twists and turns his psyche brings, which was exactly what i was looking for. there are too many incredible quotes to put in one acceptance post, but one such example is stunningly simple: you weren’t just running. you were chasing. i posed a question in the getaway driver’s skeleton, and with one quick pivot, you took my breath away. just... wow. that’s all.
welcome, MARS ! you have been accepted as THE HIRED GUN, otherwise known as ASLAN “MAZZIE” YILMAZ ( ALPEREN DUYMAZ ).
mars, i’m gonna be honest, i hate you a little bit ( but not really. i love you ). i’m pretty sure forcing me to choose between two stunning apps should count as some sort of personal attack, but after much agonizing, i’m delighted to settle with the absolute tragedy that is my newest son mazzie. there’s a quiet power, a quiet ( but no less imposing ) threat threaded throughout his story, and somehow you managed to weave my own heartstrings into the picture alongside it all. you sent me tumbling head over heels for this man who, in his own words, is death himself. you gave me my hired gun, and he’s everything i dreamed. thank you.
welcome, LUCY ! you have been accepted as THE INSIDE MAN, otherwise known as IVY WANG ( GEMMA CHAN ).
lucy. lucy !!! you didn’t make it easy on me, but man, i couldn’t be more wrapped around ivy’s finger, which is probably just how she’d like it. the structure of your app was so interesting & unique ( that arrest report ?? HOT ). she encapsulates the inside man so perfectly — from her mannerisms to her motivations, everything was so spot on that i’m pretty sure you reached inside my brain to pull out my exact vision. she feels so real, so human and so powerful all at once, and i would personally let her arrest me and write her a thank you note for putting me in jail. i’m obsessed. obsessed !
welcome, BEE ! you have been accepted as THE MASTERMIND, otherwise known as BISHOP LEE ( CHOI MINHO ).
my beautiful mastermind is no longer mine — he’s yours, bee, every inch, and i couldn’t be happier about it. from his recruitment log ( which was !!! you wove his voice into it so perfectly ) to his reasoning for creating the group in the first place, bishop is someone i didn’t expect, but i adore him, shaping his little family & leaving behind a legacy he can be proud of ( “so bishop acts like they’re immortal, because he truly believes they are. it’s just his version of immortality is in the history books rather than an eternally beating heart.” are you KIDDING ??? ). please don’t take him from me — i don’t want to let him go. 
welcome, MIA ! you have been accepted as THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK, otherwise known as MARTY CHOI ( KANG MINA ).
listen, i’m pretty relieved i didn’t get another app for this character, because i didn’t need one — marty is the new kid, through and through. she has that hunger that is so quintessential for this role, the drive and ambition for something more in this grand universe of ours. it’s so perfectly exemplified by marty’s own words: let me be excellent at something again. let me be proud of my own capabilities again. let me be part of something so i'll stop feeling so alone. this !! this is so perfect i almost jumped out of my skin reading it. thank you for bringing me our perfectly imperfect new kid — i can’t wait to see her in action.
welcome, LEXI ! you have been accepted as THE SECOND IN COMMAND, otherwise known as PERCY BANKS ( BRENTON THWAITES ).
holy shit, lexi. holy shit !! from the moment i saw “STATUS: deceased” at the beginning of your app, i knew i was in for a wild ride — but i had no idea what truly awaited me. from percy’s humble beginnings through his ambitious rise to hotshot fbi agent ( speaking of, can you say hot fucking take to have him as ex-fbi ? i’m floored ), i was hooked into the twists and turns of his story, my jaw dropping when i realized who jupiter was after all. the highs and lows of his first foray into the world of heists had me on the edge of my seat, and i truly cannot wait to see what percy does next — because at this rate, who knows where he’ll end up ? i’m excited to find out !
welcome, HANNAH ! you have been accepted as THE STAR OF THE SHOW, otherwise known as STRIKER KIM ( CHARLES MELTON ).
god, hannah — break my heart, why don’t you ? as each tidbit of striker’s past fell into place, that’s what you did, and i’m aching for this boy who’s just trying to stay alive ( and live as much as he can while he still is ). though the star could be played in so many different ways, you took this role an entirely different direction, and suffice to say it blew me away. literally, your mind. exhibit a — you didn’t go running to high society for fame or fortune, no. it was your insurance policy — god, striker !! he’s such a complex, heartbreaking character, and i can’t wait to see him on the dash. he may have a hand in two different worlds of crime, but he’s also got a place in my heart, and god knows he could use the love. also, making me crack a code just to understand your bio headings ? touché. i deserved that.
welcome, ELLIE ! you have been accepted as THE WATCHDOG, otherwise known as THEA JAIN ( NAOMI SCOTT ).
the watchdog requires a delicate balance: soft edges bathed in steel, a gentle person capable of terrible things. it can be a tough image to capture, but i shouldn’t have worried. your entire app painted a picture of this exact person, tugging at my heartstrings until the very end: remember that you are thea jain, and that you are a good person. you are kind. you are loved. and you are in control. that was it — just like thea’s fifth rule to round out the reminders of her morality, you completely sealed the deal. the way she cares for the team, baking for them and occasionally mothering them, exposes that soft underbelly guarded by her quiet yet surprising strength and power. you’ve made a beautiful character, ellie. i can’t thank you enough for bringing her to me.
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clintashaotp · 5 years
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Author’s note/summary: Flashback to 2012 fics. Clintasha! :) it’s a little long, but ya know, it happens. Enjoy!
Just a Game
2935 Words
Friday, 5:43 PM
“Say you yield,” Natasha growls against Clint’s ear, her gun pressed against his ribs. “Yield and I won’t shoot you.”
“Nice try, Nat,” Clint manages, but before Natasha can register what he means she feels something sting and her arm twitches with an electric shock. She jerks away from his hand taser and almost drops her gun.
“Cheater!” Natasha shouts, her normally neat hair in a wild braid. Clint just cackles evilly, but when Natasha raises her gun and turns off the safety, Clint freezes.
“You wouldn’t actually shoot me, Natasha,” Clint says nervously, and Natasha shrugs, walking towards him menacingly.
“I don’t know,” she smiles, “maybe, maybe not.”
“It was just a stupid game, Nat.” Clint frowns, but the fear for his own life is too imminent for him to just ignore the weapon pointed at his face. “Natasha?”
“Was it a game when you painted my room pink?” Natasha is still smiling, but her voice is dripping with poison. “Was it a game when you traded in my guns for water pistols? Oh, and I’m assuming it was all fun and games when you decided to filled my SHIELD office with packing peanuts?”
“Nat, I’m so sorry,” Clint winces, and she just glares.
“Goodbye, Clint.”
She raises the gun and fires without hesitation.
Monday, 2:38 PM
“Fury said it’s a team bonding activity?” Tony shrugs, not looking up from the screen. “So, being me, I went above and beyond.”
“With capture the flag?” Natasha scoffs, and Tony shoots her a look.
“Red, you should know by now--I can make anything awesome.”
Clint and Natasha exchange a look, but Banner looks nervous.
“I don’t know if this is a great idea for me, Tony,” he winces. “I think I might...what’s the word? Oh yeah, murder you all?”
“Don’t worry, Bruce,” Tony grins, “you’ll be playing in the Hulkbuster, so there’s no way you’ll hulk out.”
“I don’t think the Hulk listens to those rules.”
“We’ll figure it out.” Tony shrugs, then gestures everyone to crowd around the hologram table. “Alright, capture the flag players, here are your boundries. I’ve managed to turn the entire Avengers Facility and the surrounding areas into an equally divided field of play. JARVIS?”
“Yes, sir?”
“Can you please put the grid boundaries in effect, real time?”
The team turns around to watch a golden light appear, shining from floor to ceiling in a solid laser pointer beam. The line extends outside of the control room and out of sight, where it presumably marks the halfway point across the whole territory.
‘Woah…” Clint gasps, and Natasha just sighs.
“You live in the same building as arguably one of the most advanced mechanics out there, and he makes our house into a laser tag room and it impresses you?” She smirks at him, and Clint shrugs.
“I like the pretty lights, what can I say?”
“Since it’s fun and not a mission, I’m not going to let Cap bore us all by talking two hours to pick times.” Tony smirks at the group and Steve sighs.
“You don’t need a pros and cons list every time, Rogers,” Tony throws up his hands, on the edge of a rant, but he takes a deep breath. “But that’s not what this is about.”
“Well, I think basing teams off of strengths—” Steve tries, but Tony cuts him off with a long sigh.
“The teams are Natasha, me, and Thor, and then Steve, Clint and the doctor.” Tony says firmly. Natasha and Clint exchange a look, and apparently Tony picks up on it because he grins. “Yeah, I gotta split up the master assassins over here. Sorry, lovebirds, but you gotta break it up for just a while.”
“Fine,” Natasha shrugs nonchalantly, and Clint just nods indifferently. “Not a problem. I’ll still kick all your asses.”
“You know, expect for the people in our team,” Tony grins nervously, and Thor laughs.
“You only put the Widow on your team because you didn’t want her to attack you!” Thor points out, and Natasha raises an eyebrow while the rest of the team chuckles.
“That’s totally not true,” Tony glares, and Natasha just shakes her head.
“When do we start?” She asks.
“Well, I’ve designed each team a different colored uniform. Our team will wear these awesome red uniforms, and you guys get...purple.” Tony grins, apparently thinking that purple was a punishment.
“What’s wrong with purple?” Clint frowns, but before Clint can launch into his defensive rant about purple, Tony hands out the uniforms. They are essentially normal workout clothes in the color of the team, except Steve’s purple workout clothes are embossed with purple Stars and Stripes of various shades.
“Each team member gets a holographic communication device, or an HCD of my creation. You can communicate with your team members and see a holographic image of the playing field and your location on the field at any time. you know, unless I disable it.”
Tony hands out the watches, and Steve groans when Tony hands him a red white and blue wristwatch.
“Tony…” Steve sighs, but Tony just grins, not even bothering to address it.
“All teams may now convene on their sides to discuss. My team stays here, and Clint, your team can take a hike, my man.” Tony smirks. “The flags are literally flags, and it’s near your jail. You have five minutes to hide it, and when JARVIS announces the beginning of game play, you can go.”
“Sounds good,” Clint shrugs, and Banner and Steve follow him past the laser grid and out of sight down the hallway.
“Alright team,” Tony grind wickedly. “What are you thinking for strategy?”
“Tasers are always good,” Natasha muses, “Maybe stun guns. Anything to knock them out of commission.”
“Um, it’s a game,” Tony raises an eyebrow at her, but Thor cuts Tony off.
“I agree with Natasha, we need weapons if we are going to best the other team.” The god rumbles, and Tony suddenly feels very small next to the giant god and the deadly assassin.
“Uh, okay.” Tony shrugs. “JARVIS, please make an announcement that non lethal weapons are allowed in gameplay.”
“Non lethal?” Natasha groans. “Boring.”
“It’s a game!” Tony gapes at her, and JARVIS relays his message over the loudspeakers.
“Three minutes till gameplay,” the AI adds and Tony jumps.
“We gotta hide the flag!” He scrambles for the piece of cloth only to see Thor grinding at him in amusement. “Where’s the flag? Where’s Natasha?”
“She chose to hide our flag while you were conversing with your JARVIS.” Thor chuckles, and Tony just groans.
“She’s going to kill me in my sleep one day.”
On the other side of the laser grid, Clint and Steve gather as many weapons as they can in a barricade.
“I’m not sure how much help I’ll be,” Banner says nervously, and Steve shrugs.
“Every soldier counts.”
“I’m not a soldier, Steve. I’m literally a murderous monster, so...”
“So you’re even more helpful!” Clint grins from where he’s strapping grenades to his arms.
“Oh god.” Banner sighs. “Alright, what’s our strategy?”
“I’ll crawl up through the vents, and Steve will guard the border. Bruce, you stay close to the flag with a stun gun and shoot without mercy.” Clint says with finality and Steve nods.
“Good plan. But won’t they expect you to come from the vents?”
“I’m counting on it,” Clint nods. “Natasha will try to taser me but if I get her early on and get her out, she won’t bother us for the rest of the game.”
“Smart,” Bruce nods in approval.
“One minus till game play,” JARVIS says over the speakers.
“Bruce, you hide the flag.” Steve instructs, strapping his shield to his back. “Clint, lets move out.”
“Wait, where do I hide it?” Bruce tries, but Steve and Clint have already started jogging towards the borderline and Bruce just sighs. “This is going to be a long game.”
“The game will begin in twenty seconds,” says the voice room the ceiling. On both sides of the border, players tense, checking guns and making sure knives are strapped tight. “Ten seconds.” Natasha brushes her hair back from her face and twirls her butterfly knife between her fingers expertly. “Five seconds.” Clint adjusts his quiver and straps his bow tightly against his back. “Four. Three. Two. One. Let the first annual Stark Hunger Games begin!” JARVIS says loudly over the speakers, and everyone but Tony groans.
Without hesitation, Clint scrambles into the vents and begins the crawl as quietly as he can through the metal pipes.
“Thor,” Natasha whispers through her com. “Get to the vent exit in the kitchen. Clint’s going to drop down there. Get him and bring him to jail.”
“Message received,” Thor’s whisper is far from quiet but Natasha elects to ignore it. She listens for a moment and can hear the telling scrape of metal on metal above her to let her know that Clint’s making his way to the kitchen.
“Gotcha,” she grind to herself, then sprints towards the border.
Clint drags himself forward on his forearms as he comes up on the first vent exit. Leaning down, he sees Thor sitting on the kitchen counter with a glass of orange juice, and it takes all the self control he has not to snort as the god chugs the glass and burps loudly. Clint shakes his head. Natasha must have figured he’d come through here, but the jokes on her.
He pulls out an electrocution arrow from his quiver as quietly as he can in the cramped space, and pulls his bow off his back. In one swift movement Clint kicks the vent open, notches the arrow and shoots Thor straight in the chest. The electricity sparks and the god falls to the ground, twitching. Clint grins, pulling the grate backup and strapping his bow back on. Silently, he continues his crawl through the vents with a triumphant smile on his face.
Steve softens his footsteps nears the border, shield raises. If Clint hasn’t already been ambushed, Steve’s the next best option to getting the flag.
Steve passes through the laser grid silently and surveys the territory. The room appears empty, so Steve walks cautiously towards the door on the far side, walking carefully to avoid creaky floor boards.
“Steve!” Clint’s voice echoes from his watch and Steve curses under his breath, ducking behind one of the couches in the living room.
“What?” Steve hisses, “I literally just crossed the line.”
“Natasha got past me,” Clint whispers. “I think I got Thor, but she’s still in play and she’s close to the border.”
“Yes she is,” a cheery voice says from behind him, and Steve raises his shield just in time to block a gunshot. He curses, rolling behind the couch and assessing his options.
“Language,” Natasha laughs and Steve just groans.
“Tony said only non lethal weapons,” Steve sighs and he hears Natasha chuckle.
“I heard him.” She laughs. “C’mon, Cap. Worst things worst, I tag you and you go to jail.”
“No, worst case scenarios is you shot me!” Steve scoffs indignantly, and he turns his head to see where she is only to come face to face with the assassin, who had snuck up on him while he was looking around for her. Steve freezes, and Natasha grins widely. She reaches out a long manicured fingernail and bops him on the nose.
“You’re out.” She smiles sweetly, and Steve groans. “Have fun in jail, soldier.”
Steve walks towards the hall that leads to the jail as Natasha reaches for her com.
“Tony, we got our first prisoner. Watch Steve, make sure he doesn’t get out.”
Tony answer affirmatively and Natasha disappears behind a doorway and out of sight.
Thor wakes up with a headache and an empty bottle of orange juice in his hand.
The memory comes flooding back to him and he groans. The god of thunder, bested by electricity.
He sighs and sits up, fumbling for his hammer. It sits on the counter, and Thor flips it casually in his hand. Time to cross into enemy territory.
Thor slips through the laser barrier quietly, but as soon as he gets into the living room he trips over a table and the lamp in the table falls to the floor and shatters. Thor guiltily tried to put the pieces back on the table, but its shattered. Thor sighs, then adjusts his grip on his hammer and continues through the room. After combing through the living room and the home theatre, Thor walks into the back porch to see the golden flag sparkling on top of the outdoor fire place.
“Found you,” the god laughs triumphantly, and he grabs his watch. “Natasha and Stark, I have found the—”
A powerful fist cuts him off and Thor goes flying into the glass doors, which shatter. Thor looks up to see the Hulk standing in front of him, looking very annoyed.
“Go to jail, tiny human.” Hulk rumbles, and Thor sighs.
“What, you’re not going to apologize?”
At Hulk’s angry growl, Thor backs away slowly.
“Alright, alright. I’ll go to jail.”
“Jail right here.” Hulk points to the laser bars that Thor hadn’t noticed sitting next to the flag.
“Oh, super.” Thor sighs. “We get to spend some quality time together.”
“Don’t be mean.” Hulk pounds his fist into his palm and Thor scrambles into the jail before Hulk decides to express his annoyance.
After about twenty minutes of waiting, Steve grows impatient. Tony’s annoying, and science jokes get old after the first few. Steve reaches for his watch to com Clint again, but a loud, resounding crash echoes from the main room of the house, and Tony and Steve both freeze.
“What was that?” Steve asks slowly and Tony frowns.
“Damned if I know,” Tony shrugs, but both his and Steve’s coms go off at the same time.
“Spider lady and hawk man are fighting.” Hulk‘s low, gravelly voice cuts through the silence.
At the same time, Thor’s booming voice overlaps with Hulk’s, “Uh, Tony, I think Clint and Natasha are trying to kill each other.”
“Uh oh,” Tony mutters, then presses a few buttons on his watch and his voice comes through all three cons. “Alright guys, lets pause the gameplay and go break up the fight, huh?”
A chorus of affirmative answers cracked through the com and Steve and Tony sprint down the hall to see Clint and Natasha wrestling on the floor. Clint has Natasha’s head pulled back, a gun against her head, and Natasha’s butterfly knife is pressed against Clint’s windpipe, hard enough to draw beads of blood.
“I tagged you first,” Natasha huffs, struggling to get out of his grasp, but Clint just tightens his bicep around her neck.
“I tagged you first and you know it,” he hisses and Natasha growls at him dangerously.
“Alright, I’m going to intervene,” Tony laughs nervously, and both assassins glare at him, not relaxing their grip on their weapons.
“What?” Natasha snaps and Tony winces, slightly terrified.
“Um, this was just supposed to be a fun game...and I think it got a bit out of hand, so...”
“Back out if you want, Stark,” Clint laughs, “but Tasha and I have some scores to settle.”
“I’ll just check the security cam, okay?” Tony says, slowly grabbing his iPad that he set on the counter. “Alright? Lets look...just...let go of each other.”
Clint reluctantly drops the gun and releases his hold on Natasha, who lifts her knife from his neck and closes it hesitantly.
Tony pulls up the security cam on his iPad and flips through the frames quickly.
“Okay, I found it.” Tony waves them over, and the whole team crowds around the iPad to watch.
Tony flicks through the footage frame by frame to see Natasha’s hand snag the back of Clint’s shoulder a fraction of a second before his hand hit her hair, and Natasha shrieks in triumph.
“This isn’t over.” Clint growls at her, and she smirks.
“Oh please, Clinton, you lost. What are you going to do now?”
“I’m going to get you back if it’s the last thing I do.” Clint says menacingly, and he turns to dramatically exit the room when he rubs face first into the last person he expected to see at the compound.
“And here I was taking team bonding would work out,” Fury sighs, shaking his head, and Clint just sighs.
“You ruined my exit,” Clint huffs under his break and Fury raises his eyebrows.
“Did I now?” Fury scoffs. “You and Romanoff are assigned to paperwork duty for a month thanks to you.”
Natasha groans behind him and scurries out of the room before she can throw her knife at him.
The reckoning came for Natasha, however, and even though she found Clint’s variety of pranks extremely annoying, she had to admit he did a pretty good revenge job.
But when she arrived to do her paperwork, and her office was filled with packing peanuts, she decided she had reached her limit. Clint Barton needed to know he had messed with the wrong assassin.
Friday, 5:43 PM
The stun gun hits him straight in the chest and Clint falls to the floor, twitching as electrical currents bounce through his muscles. Natasha brushes her hands together with finality.
“I tagged you first,” she nods at his unconscious body.
“Agent Romanoff?” The familiar voice rings behind her, and Natasha doesn’t have to turn around to know who it is.
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The Smuggler- James Gillies
Request: Hi! Are requests still open? If so, could I request a James Gillies one-shot where the reader(f) is just as cunning as he is. He's escaped from custody again and they team up. He thinks he's found his match, but she's actually working with Murdoch. Is this okay?
A/N: I rewrote the conclusion a couple of times but I am pleased with the end result. It’s somewhat a predictable ending but that comes with following the request. It was specified that Gillies was to see the reader as his equal but this seems out of character, ego seemed to be a great vice of his character.
Finding the correct tracks was surprisingly easier than expected, it still took several hours as the prey made the attempt to cover their path. Woodland creatures were always more preferable to hunt than other humans. The latter was arguably more intelligent than the former the fact you got so far without detection for so long would say otherwise.
The unset path became more vague as you continued along it. It was already days old but out in the forest there were few areas of value that differed from trees and foliage. Another hour had passed before a sign of human life was found, peaking from around a tree glimpses of a makeshift camp could be seen. A white sheet pretending to be a tent silhouetted the dissipating daylight. You freed the shotguns strap from your shoulder and aimed both barrels in the camps direction. A generous gift from a constable who left it unguarded on the chair next to him while he slept.
From a distance it appeared to be abandoned, a look closer confirmed this. A used fire place and sleeping cot now visible. It mirrored campsites if your own from the past months, perhaps with a worse tent and lacking a woman’s touch. Now standing in the center with the gun by your side, there seemed to be no thing of value or any sign the camps owner would return if they were still in the area. A shuffling brought you out of your surveying and the shotgun back to your attention. Turning both barrels towards a man emerging; even dirty and wrapped with makeshift bandages bushels of brown hair still glistened in the limited light. It would become less of a spectacle when you realized that shine was the result of sweat and grease; at least you managed to remain relatively clean out on the run. In his arms a bundle of sticks and scavenged logs for the fire, too bulky to be used as an effective weapon against a modern firearm. “Why hello there.”
That oddly cheerful line started the discussion that bleed long into the night, spiced with canned meat, forged plants and the remaining contents of rum in your flask. After enough coaxing you managed to get his story out of him, the only promise to unload the gun and tell your own. Both situations were remarkably similar: convicts in the run from the law, main difference being you crossed the boarder into Canada while he was already in Ontario.
“What did you do before this?” James politely asked. Regardless of his tone your guard remained up constantly, not ready to be played or manipulated with. “Smuggler, if you needed something questionable across a boarder we would get it. No hesitation.” You take a drink from your canteen before continuing, studying James as much as he’s studying you. “Mostly from the Philippines and Europe.”
“Sounds exciting.” You shook your head slowly.
“It had its moments but I don’t miss it. The pay was good but rarely worth the risk. One police raid tipped off by the competition and two dead cops leaves the whole operation up in the air.”
There was a moment of silence as James nodded along, nefarious thoughts no doubt lingering below the surface. He told you his story after, leaving out details for the sake of brevity. A former student turned criminal with a failed plot of revenge under his belt, much less a killer for profit but rather twisted glory.
“And I thought I was dangerous.” You muttered when he finished, earning a laugh and smile highlighted by the campfires glow. Another silence came over the pair of outlaws soon after. It was broken by you after it became overwhelming.
“What’s your plan then? Another attempt at revenge?”
You shifted in your seat, unsure if your next course of action would objectively be the best. This pondering did not go unnoticed by your dinner guest. “I have a proposal James.”
“Go on.” You leaned in closer despite not another soul being present within the range of a kilometer.
“We had contacts that would, cooperate, with us in the past. Ones a boat Captain up in Ottawa, worked to get equipment across the Atlantic. He owns me a favour and can get us passage far away from here.”
“You want me to go with you?” He phrased it as a statement rather than a question.
“It’s easier to travel long distances in a group, you can hold your own in a fight if the need arises.” You had to force yourself from not letting out a chuckle at the last part of the sentence. “And with all due respect, whatever half baked revenge plan will get you killed.”
He pulled back from you, his face almost returning to the darkness of the night away from the fire. You knew you tempted him, mutually beneficial with the prospect of escape; you were still the one in possession of the only gun however. “Where would we end up? Europe?”
“Balkans, Morocco possibly. No where past the Ottomans, not any more anyways. But no where we could easily be followed.”
James hesitated for another second before sticking out his hand, “Deal.” You shook it without delay. The skin was rough and calloused from his escape. Such scaly skin did give off the impersonation that you shook hands more so with a beast rather than a man. Only time could tell James Gillies would live up to his reputation.
“Over there.” You gestured over your shoulder to a well rounded man exciting a pub, “That’s our Captain.” Gillies discreetly looked but remained still as to not draw attention. In the past two months you managed to teach the fellow convict tricks of yours to blend in to a crowd, along with how to bath in the wilderness so you could tolerate his presence.
You pulled your cap down further despite having your back to the street, a habit maintained when operating in public or a big city. James would openly mock this trait, citing it as nervousness and in turn a weakness. The boldness increased the closer you traveled to Ottawa. Even with the shotgun still in your presence he was emboldened; likely due to his own side arm borrowed from a farm house back south. You were unsure if this was a gesture of friendship or a side effect of ego. Such examples were responded to with an eye role before moving on.
“We should meet him at the ship. Hard to imagine we’re almost out of here.” Readjusting the guns shoulder strap you turned into the streets with Gillies close behind. “Happy to get out of here too?”
“I just hope where ever Captain Roberts takes us will be far from the British and Yanks.” You weaved through the crowd of the harbour, by passing vendors pushing wears and men moving cargo without any taking notice of you or your companion. Just another pair of hands passing through. You could catch glimpses of Roberts through the crowd ahead of you, meeting up being an irrelevant aspect if you both had the same destination.
“I’m surprised you’ve stuck with me this long y/n.” James spoke up. You turned to face him briefly. “Despite the profession I held I’m a woman of my word.”
“You’ve got me this far without stabbing me in the back,” he taunted. “I’m starting to believe your being genuine y/n.”
“I could say the same thing about you James.” You retorted.
Not long would pass before you stood beside the ship promising safe passage; receiving a friendly embrace from Captain Roberts that only had a hint of ale on it. He wasted no time checking to see if you were alright, well feed, uninjured; perhaps in disbelief you were standing in front of him
“I heard your crew got caught up down south in New York.” He loudly whispered while bending down to your height. No one around would care to hear regardless, Gillies located himself on the lid of a wooden crate in earshot of the conversation.
“We did, if they’re not dead they’re in jail; likely be swinging by the end of the year.”
The discussion soon switched to business. Despite the simplicity of the request and recalling every previous good interaction between you two it was a tough order for Captain Roberts. “You still owe me for the Turks Roberts.” At that he sighed in defeat and agreed to the terms of passage. All the while Gillies hummed to himself, always planning his next step. The tune was interrupted by you.
“No guns.” He slowly looked up from his box seat. “Pardon?” “That’s the deal, you don’t like it don’t take it.”
You outstretched your hand to request the satchel containing his dangerous toy. Instead he used your appendage to pull himself up like a maiden. “I’m a reasonable man y/n. No need to worry.”
He walked past you and onto the ship deck to meet the captain. Now your turn to take up the rear for once in the journey. Gillies’ introduced himself to the captain was respectfully with a false name and full smile. Roberts coldly cut to the business without the bear hug you were provided. “Just hand it over son.”
Gillies relented, taking off his satchel for Roberts to forcefully part it from him, not that he was in a position to complain. The Captain rummaged through the mostly empty bag and retrieved the revolver still in quintessential condition. He held it up inspecting the chambers for loaded bullets to which he found six. James could barely register the barrel being pointed back at him before a blow struck the back of his head.
You smashed the butt of the gun into Gillies skull with all the strength you could muster in the brief window of opportunity. He fell limp almost instantly but you allowed yourself another strike on him before relenting. The heart beat that had been racing for the past hour had began to finally slow down. In no less than five seconds of action you had already spent all of your breath and began panting. Sucking in cold ocean air as James Gillies laid motionless on the ships wooden deck was one of the few pleasant feelings you’ve had the past several weeks.
“The deed is done!” You called out, despite Roberts being the only visible soul you knew others were lurking in the shadows. Then wondering over to the side to lean overlooking the other boats on the water. Constables emerged from hidden areas and placed chains on the unconscious Gillies bleeding slightly from his scalp.
“I thought we agreed to not risk injuring him.” You recognized Detective Murdoch instantly from voice alone. Still possessing a disdainful tone he had when he told you the plan. Likely debating if he should go back on his word and place you back in handcuffs.
“He’s not dead don’t worry. Besides I’d be doing you a favour if I offed that mad man for you.” He stood behind you, his eyes burning into the back of your head like a lit fag pressed against the skin. You disarmed yourself and leaneded the gun against the railing. Murdoch unsurprisingly took the weapon without hesitation. “I don’t doubt you think like that y/l/n.”
He was about to walk away but paused, forcing himself to show some form of gratitude. “Thank you for what you’ve done. I mean it.” Slowly you turned around to face him, shrugging with the response. Over Murdoch’s shoulder you saw the infamous killer being hauled away.
“I told you Detective, I keep my word.”
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newstfionline · 3 years
Thursday, July 22, 2021
U.S. and E.U. security officials wary of NSO links to Israeli intelligence (Washington Post) The Israeli company NSO Group has earned a reputation among national security experts around the world as a best-in-class manufacturer of surveillance technology capable of secretly gathering information from a target’s phone. But U.S. and European security officials regard the company with a degree of suspicion despite the ability of its technology to help combat terrorists and violent criminals. In interviews, several current and former officials said they presumed that the company, which was founded by former Israeli intelligence officers, provides at least some information to the government in Jerusalem about who is using its spying products and what information they’re collecting. “It’s crazy to think that NSO wouldn’t share sensitive national security information with the government of Israel,” said one former senior U.S. national security official who has worked closely with the Israeli security services and, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly describe intelligence operations. The founders of NSO are former members of Israel’s elite Unit 8200, which conducts electronic surveillance and is analogous to the U.S. National Security Agency. The company’s Pegasus surveillance tool can penetrate cellphones and steal emails, call records, social media posts, user passwords, contact information, pictures, videos, sound recordings and browsing histories. All of this can happen without a user even touching her phone or knowing that she has received a mysterious message from an unfamiliar person.
Schools confront more polarization with mask rules for fall (AP) Students in Wichita, Kansas, public schools can ditch the masks when classes begin. Detroit public schools will probably require them unless everyone in a room is vaccinated. In Pittsburgh, masks will likely be required regardless of vaccination status. And in some states, schools cannot mandate face coverings under any circumstances. With COVID-19 cases soaring nationwide, school districts across the U.S. are yet again confronting the realities of a polarized country and the lingering pandemic as they navigate mask requirements, vaccine rules and social distancing requirements for the fast-approaching new school year. The spread of the delta variant and the deep political divisions over the outbreak have complicated decisions in districts from coast to coast. Schools are weighing a variety of plans to manage junior high and middle school classrooms filled with both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.
US life expectancy in 2020 saw biggest drop since WWII (AP) U.S. life expectancy fell by a year and a half in 2020, the largest one-year decline since World War II, public health officials said Wednesday. The decrease for both Black Americans and Hispanic Americans was even worse: three years. The drop spelled out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is due mainly to the COVID-19 pandemic, which health officials said is responsible for close to 74% of the overall life expectancy decline. More than 3.3 million Americans died last year, far more than any other year in U.S. history, with COVID-19 accounting for about 11% of those deaths. Black life expectancy has not fallen so much in one year since the mid-1930s, during the Great Depression. Health officials have not tracked Hispanic life expectancy for nearly as long, but the 2020 decline was the largest recorded one-year drop. Killers other than COVID-19 played a role. Drug overdoses pushed life expectancy down, particularly for whites. And rising homicides were a small but significant reason for the decline for Black Americans, said Elizabeth Arias, the report’s lead author.
Massive wildfires in US West bring haze to East Coast (AP) Wildfires in the American West, including one burning in Oregon that’s currently the largest in the U.S., are creating hazy skies as far away as New York as the massive infernos spew smoke and ash into the air in columns up to six miles high. Skies over New York City were hazy Tuesday as strong winds blew smoke east from California, Oregon, Montana and other states. Oregon’s Bootleg Fire grew to 606 square miles (1,569 square kilometers)—half the size of Rhode Island. Fires also grew on both sides of California’s Sierra Nevada. In Alpine County, the so-called California Alps, the Tamarack Fire caused evacuations of several communities and grew to 61 square miles (158 square kilometers) with no containment. The Dixie Fire, near the site of 2018′s deadly Paradise Fire, was more than 90 square miles (163 square kilometers) and threatened tiny communities in the Feather River Valley region.
In Peru, a rural schoolteacher rises from obscurity to the presidency (Washington Post) The rise of Pedro Castillo, a previously obscure leader of a rural teachers union, to Peru’s highest office is the most glaring example yet of the power of the pandemic to upend politics in Latin America. The ravages of the coronavirus, and the surges in poverty and inequality it has caused, have provoked nearly 1 million people to protest in Colombia and saw a communist elected mayor of Santiago, the capital of Chile, the region’s free-market model. Here in Peru, a what-more-have-we-got-to-lose mentality helped propel one of the most unusual candidates ever to win a Latin American presidency. A 51-year-old, straw-hat-wearing schoolteacher and farmer who reported an income last year of $16,600, Castillo has never held public office. After finally being declared the winner of the June 6 runoff election on Monday evening, he will now trade his adobe abode in the Andean highlands for the grandeur of the Presidential Palace, going from nurturing poor children in a multi-grade classroom to handling the weightiest matters of state. In a race that pitted Peru’s elites against a man they derided as a country bumpkin unfit to rule, Castillo edged out the right-wing political veteran Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of jailed former president Alberto Fujimori. After losing a six-week effort to challenge the results, the Peruvian right is now gnashing its collective teeth.
UK’s swan-uppers take to the Thames to check on queen’s birds (Reuters) Royal officials took to the River Thames on Tuesday to count the swans that belong to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth at the start of the “Swan Upping” ceremony which dates back to the 12th Century. “Swans were a very, very important food, and they were served up at banquets and feasts,” David Barber, the queen’s Swan Marker, said. “Of course today swan upping is all about conservation and education.” The ceremony dates back 800 years to when the English crown first claimed ownership of all mute swans, which have long curved necks, orange beaks and white feathers. Barber and his team lift up the swans—which can weigh as much as 15 kg—to check for any injuries, typically caused by fishing tackle. Young cygnets are taken ashore to be weighed and measured.
Pegasus Highlights New World of Espionage (Foreign Policy) French authorities have vowed to investigate after it emerged that President Emmanuel Macron’s phone was recorded on a list of possible targets of government-led phone hacking using software, called Pegasus, licensed by a private Israeli spyware firm. According to an investigation by a global media consortium which includes the Washington Post, Le Monde, and the Guardian, ten prime ministers, three presidents, and Morocco’s King Mohammed VI were all potential targets. It’s not the first time world leaders have been targeted by spy agencies—the U.S. National Security Agency’s targeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel is one high profile instance—but the Pegasus revelations highlight how sophisticated espionage programs are no longer limited to wealthy states, and can be purchased on the open market. In India, the investigation has caused a political scandal. The Indian National Congress—the largest opposition party—has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of spying on its leader Rahul Gandhi after his number appeared on NSO’s list. It would not be the Modi government’s first alleged offense: It was accused of using NSO software to hack 1,400 phones before India’s 2019 elections.
US and Germany compromise on natural gas pipeline (WSJ) The U.S. and Germany have reached an agreement allowing the completion of a controversial Russian natural-gas pipeline, according to officials from Berlin and Washington, who expect to announce the deal as soon as Wednesday, bringing an end to years of tension between the two allies. The Biden administration will effectively waive Washington’s longstanding opposition to the pipeline, Nord Stream 2, a change in the U.S. stance, ending years of speculation over the fate of the project, which has come to dominate European energy-sector forecasts. Germany under the agreement will agree to assist Ukraine in energy-related projects and diplomacy.
India’s true COVID-19 death toll has likely surpassed 3 million, study finds (The Week) Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, official death tolls in many places have likely fallen short of the true figures, but a new study from the Center for Global Development suggests that the undercount in India may be particularly drastic, The New York Times reports. The Indian government’s official fatality count currently sits at more than 400,000, a grim figure in its own right. However, researchers estimate that between 3.4 million and 4.7 million more people than would normally be expected died between January 2020 and June 2021 in India. While the precise number of excess deaths that can be attributed to COVID-19 may never be known, the authors of the study believe it’s higher than 3 million. “True deaths are likely to be in the several millions not hundreds of thousands, making this arguably India’s worst human tragedy,” the authors said.
Severe floods inundate parts of central China (Washington Post/Foreign Policy) Powerful floods in central China’s Henan province have submerged streets and prompted harrowing rescues amid what Chinese media called the region’s heaviest rainfall in decades. Precipitation in Zhengzhou, a city in the province, reached a high of roughly eight inches per hour Tuesday, breaking a 1975 record. At least 25 people have died and the number is likely to grow, and more than 100,000 people have been relocated.      Clips shared widely on social media show cars floating on the surface of a street that resembles a river. In another, rescuers pull a woman from a torrent of water rushing down what looks like a staircase. Other videos show inundated subway stations and commuters on a Zhengzhou subway car who were up to their shoulders in water. Flights and trains have been cancelled throughout cities in the region.      Damage from the floods is likely to run into the billions of dollars. Power is out in much of the city, and key components of supply chains, including Apple and Nissan factories, have been wrecked. Tens of thousands of cars were washed away by the flooding. Local dams are threatened by the waters: At least one has been deliberately breached as part of flood control, while others are in danger of collapse.
North Korea food shortage (Nikkei Asian Review) North Korea’s food shortages have reached crisis levels, and inequalities have sharply widened ever since the Covid-19 pandemic forced the country to close its borders in January last year. The reclusive nation will be short by about 860,000 tons of food this year, or about two months of normal demand, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimated in a recent report. The government has been trying to get the population to supply their own food but with little success. News agencies with sources inside the country are reporting starvation deaths as well as an increase in the number of children and elderly who have resorted to begging. Jiro Ishimaru of AsiaPress said North Korea’s current food shortage is quickly shaping up to be the worst humanitarian crisis in Asia.
Police in Nigeria secure release of 100 kidnapping victims (Reuters) Police and government authorities have secured the release of 100 people, including women, children and nursing mothers, who were kidnapped from their village in northwestern Nigeria over a month ago, a local police spokesperson said. Nigeria is battling an increase in armed robberies and kidnappings for ransom, mainly in northwestern states, where thinly deployed security forces have struggled to contain the rise of armed gangs, commonly referred to as bandits. While northeastern Nigeria has faced a decade of insecurity, including attacks by Islamist militants including Islamic State-allied Boko Haram, the current wave of kidnappings is primarily financially motivated.
Teens around the world are lonelier than a decade ago (Washington Post) Loneliness among adolescents around the globe has skyrocketed since a decade ago—and it may be tied to smartphone use, a new study finds. In 36 out of 37 countries, feelings of loneliness among teenagers rose sharply between 2012 and 2018, with higher increases among girls, according to a report released Tuesday in the Journal of Adolescence. Researchers used data from the Programme for International Student Assessment, a survey of over 1 million 15- and 16-year-old students. In the worldwide study, school loneliness was not correlated with factors such as income inequality, gross domestic product and family size, but it did correlate with increases in smartphone and Internet use. By 2012, most of the countries in the study had reached a point where at least half of teens had access to smartphones, and that is when teen loneliness levels began to rise, said Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University and the study’s lead author. Social media can create an exclusionary environment that increases school loneliness, especially for girls, the paper said; it can also enable cyberbullying. And even if an adolescent does not personally use social media and smartphones, they are so ubiquitous that they can have a negative effect regardless.
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talknow · 4 years
At Walmart Harassment Followed by A MPD Officer in Public Police Vehicle, StreetNOW by InDaCarSeat Strikes BACKKKKKKK!
By the victim, the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Displaced, Terry Dwayne Ashford
Click Here for DaTGuY Broadcast for April 13th, 2020
Click here for the YouTube video
Let me start with showing YOU yourself in a whitttttteeee lady this morning. Click here for the Syck’Em from house 5707 3rd Place NW, Washington DC. And that shows you how dangerous YOU are- in all of your smiley faces. This is in your homes with you. Whatever not with me and WONT be under no circumstances.
The InDaCarSeat Anticipation of the Retaliation
We anticipate retaliation from the officers that may include tire slashing (flatless tire) break-ins (phone), even minor vehicle or biker crashing. We even anticipate the pulling of an old out-dated fraud judge issue - and that would be the reasoning for the outright riffing nature of issuing a fraud warrant - all ceased and we are WAITING. We still have the documentation and we still prepared to handle a dying shit eating ass judge. We know “You are Mad!” Well be MAD H9NKY just like everyone else in such case and stay in your H9NKY ass LANE. You stepped OUT of your LANE based on your whiteness and that has been PUT in check in front of the WORLD on your own H9NKY’s turf. And we have bragging rights. Now back your shit UP. You ain’t bad and no one decent wants you. I will bet you they chased after OJ the same way, and forced OJ with one of them. When OJ got tired of the loose butt cakes- he killed. And the get him back was jail OJ on his OWN shit. And jailed the man on taking his own shit ass trophies back. And you- have not seen the man again. Guess what OJ was the WINNER of the case. And you wouldn’t have even known it. If it does not fit- you MUST acquit. And the jury did on Cochran’s statement. Then came the H9NKY get back revenge. Whatever - we see you before you even SEE yourself. You and the N8GGER plus we are COCKY about it.
InDaCarSeat Reports “We Know You Mad!”
So YEAH you mad. So the HELL what a H9NKY got mad. Get the fuck over it ALLEY-HOE! See what it means to be certified? We know HOW to HOE a BITCH repeatedly over and over and OVER again. Until the BITCH understands being bitched in HIS goddamn language! Signed InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford for Wilma Greenwood Ashford.
Back to April 12:
Just as the tennis player named “DUCK” at the tennis court that has been squashed, this gang of men are Black and from the international realm that tried today.
The same gang of GAY black men who participated April 12 are also the exact same gang of GAY men that tried at the Rock Creek Park morning at 17th and Missouri Avenue. International men all ganged UP to attack yet another Ashford.
The InDaCarSeat ICLOUD Invasion AGAIN
As we locked down the iPhone equipment watching the deceit sneak in and tried to snap ICloud In ON position- we saw that.
Timed and timely after setting up the frame that THOUGHT it was setting UP innocent people- on April 12th we went into the iPhone equipment belonging to InDaCarSeat terry dwayne Ashford-found and documented the iCloud had been turned ON and flipped the switch on the ICLOUD. That was done by InDaCarSeat Terry Dwayne Ashford timely to catch the criminal.
An InDaCarSeat Illustration
Thus, Our illustration for April 12 takes us all back to another location identified at 17th and Missouri, where the innocent person parked in a remote area away from anyone And there was followed by the attacking men.
The illustration shows the following of an innocent person who may even have been trying to avoid the men. Bad they thought and squashed they were by The InDaCarSeat DaTGuY victim, patiently waited to prove the crime and the criminals were following their victims in a hunting style of a rural hunter by a gang of men to carry out deceit of badgering. The 4-part illustration is included in this article.
The InDaCarSeat Ignorance, Anger, and Arrogance Rule
We have also stated that Ignorance mixed with arrogance of black men is the disaster that leads to violations of individual’s rights citing “ohhhhhhh we didn’t know.”
Arguably, yeah you knew as it is as clear as day that these humans you stalked and followed are not the animals you hunted in the woods.
To prove that you know THAT- smarty LIAR 🤥- take a look. Does this specimen walk on two leg or four? Answer the question. Ok, now is a person the same as a rabbit, raccoon, or even a squirrel 🐿? Yes or No would suffice. BANG.
We have our deceitful killings that the men knew and had planned to KILL anyways. And we have our verdict.
The InDaCarSeat REPORTED formation
On April 12th, the exact same formation was delivered that included the police officer in vehicle 5022, another African black man which was the one that came to sit directly beside in order to harass and badger then pretend under instruction.
For this particular illustration which followed the Walmart attack, that followed the InDaCarSeat to places where he patronizes, we have one more illustrious person that thought she went unseen. But instead this person was the one signaled that the others were coming in the following illustration.
The InDaCarSeat Reporting definitions
Let me remind you-the definitions legal definitions of harassment and of badgering, then look at the officers carrying badges carrying out these crimes.
If the InDaCarSeat were not a journalist, he would NOT have been able to maintain himself or his own life. And that is the reasoning given for the attacks. So- it is apparent that the intent was “for the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford to have NOT sustained himself.
Upon the clenturing of this article-this particular “streetNOW reporting” segment of InDaCarSeat DaTGuY shows you all, there waiting at the cornerstone apartments, was a group of black Muslim men and another black security officer sitting on street divider in front of the officer in vehicle 5022, who was watching the black Muslim furniture loading men accept and ready for the solicitations of the whiter men at cornerstone. This location was at the corner of 7th and Lawrence being watched by the Officer in vehicle 5022 stashed at 7th and Monroe one block away.
The InDaCarSeat Reporting Rick Ross Scam
There in position to prostitute, you have the Muslim black men involved in this crime too. And we mention Muslim Black men as representing the recipients of thunderous properties that would give a thief an alleged Rick Ross steal that they would have trying to become stars. There in position to watch after appearing to have arranged a distraction In the African male who followed Terry Dwayne Ashford innocently doing his own business, was the MPD black international male officer.
The Walmart on April 12 and on YouTube Video
All this drama immediately followed the attempt at Walmart by the security team there, which was in itself a continuous conspiracy with THE Black and Red security team.
And once again - who was there-PLUCKING from the criminals eyebrows? What innocence were the “criminals ahhhhhhhhhh we so scared of you” following?The InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford and DaTGuY Radio.
As you will noticed-we have a black male who had intended to take the properties of the victims once the illegal stalked arrest of innocent victims succeeded. And we HAVE that one too.
The stalker, who had already been identified as an aggressive stalker and had staked in trying to become the recipient of the InDaCarSeat stolen properties; was also a stalker who signed his involvement in the April 12th staging of the April 12th attack.
That stalker was one who had began weeks prior and may now use the alibi that he participated in revenge but as we have him aggressive stalking weeks before.
Just as the “Duck” had done in rallying with a thought-to-be-closer more-disguised associate (Eric Seymour) of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, this particular man that have been seen actual following the InDaCarSeat; was also visible in the April 12th 2020 event. And we have HIM!
The InDaCarSeat Reporting on Public Taxes
As if all of that is not enough - DC Tax Office May have used the alibi that they were waiting on tax filing by InDaCarSeat when they TOO are aware that no filing is even due. No domicile in the District of Columbia and that was even stated in receiving any food subsidies funding. The application shows “no domain no domiciled” which means no home in DC. SEE yourself YET. See YET who is superior?
No permanent home in DC, no address, and no Taxes to file. A tax professional already know that. Don’t ask a taxpayer to do your jobs. Illiteracy.
By the way, the scheme of waiting for April 15th to create a DC tax office falsification or a LIE that InDaCarSeat DaTGuY did not file DC taxes- well whores, LoLing he was not supposed to file any taxes. And he waited ON YOU to show the BITCHES who is the real goddamn BITCH!
The InDaCarSeat and Burden to Prove Swapping
Swapping the burden of proof in the legal realm, when tax experts are experts because tax office personnel are responsible for their knowledge and training and the tax laws. It is NOT the burden of proof for a taxpayer to prove that nothing is to be filed in order to alert even an illiterate corrupt DC tax office of that fact.
While It may an option exercised by the INDACARSEAT guy in a CIVIL act or good help to the dumb low class N8GGERS, swapping whose duty is what in this case failed the fuckers once again.
Any filing just like that of MD would have been done ONLY as an informational piece but NOT InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford’s Duty. See how smarty-pants the scheming N8ggers and H9NKYs are?
In a court of law if burden of proof is swapped from the defendants to the plaintiffs-then the victims would have to prove the case instead of the criminals defending a case. The criminals would not have to do anything. But sit. Burden of Proof fluctuations altered and that was known by the criminals until the handled.
InDaCarSeat and Fit NOT MUST Acquit and Did
Just as in OJ case, burden of proof is the responsibility of the prosecuting team in a criminal case. But in a civil case, that burden of proof is lessened and is the opposite in cases that may be civil, about money or punitive damages. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh you are so smart. So much smarter than everyone else. Lawd have mercy. They were smart enough to say in their actions “prove to us YOU are innocent”. And we gave them the BITCHBOY response - NAW HOE you prove to the world that we are guilty. And who wins? Law. Go to hell dumb ass N8GGERS and H9NKYs. As the tax office personnel you should know already. We waited for that scam. You know your laws. We don’t have to send a marked-through tax form in to inform you of anything. We don’t have to prove shit. You have no W2 from any employer stating otherwise. Total n8gger deceit squashed.
The April 12 Attacks
Pluck IT. On your eyebrow. There is the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford.
Already have them under raps. Taxpayers are supposed to have done the tax office’s job for them to inform the tax office (as in md) that no tax form would be coming. OMGOODNESS, the proof that the ignorance plus arrogance is outright deceitful killings with properties in mind.
The Muslim Black male movers were representing the desire of DaTGuY Radio also represented the desire to steal and recreate a Rick Ross scandal.
InDaCarSeat and EGO
For me EGO is in question but it doesn’t have to be. Because InDaCarSeat can confirm the question. I have as much GODDAMN ego as a N8GGER and gonna keep it. And yes, ego stops me from FUCKING a dumb illiterate ass N8GGER.
Why- to sex like that-one has to succumb in an inferior position- and Terry Dwayne Ashford is NOT willing to be inferior to no N8GGER who has sucked up a whiter man’s ass based on the white man’s race.
EGO is confirmed. and that is exactly what it is going to BE. The same ego of the whiter men that tried to use N8GGERS to get two better blacks in check.
LoLing y’all all the nets from the tennis courts are gone. LoLing see why?
“So you gonna use black men to show the black journalist who is better than whiter men, that whiter men are better than HIM on whiteness; the same done to black women by black men using he same group of whiter people AHHHHHHHHH? And that is why we squashed the shit like flies flaming a shit turd.
That is also why we proudly state “EGO” bitch and that is what it IS GOING to BE. Just like the H9NKY using security, black men, sex, bribery and even cops👮. EGO HOE.
That guild took essentially whiter male harassment and turned BITCHASS harassment into a N8GGER journalist’s pattie-cake please-bake-me-a-man and beat criminals on their own shit. Just cuz we are smarter and superior. Now accept the N8GGER journalist EGO and stoop based in our superiority! HOE.
InDaCarSeat and The Arrogant Force away Constitutional Rights using Terror Tactics
What you don’t get is - whether the InDaCarSeat fucked one of you one night he may have gotten bored- does NOT mean YOUR dumb illiterate GANG can extort HIS LIFE. InDaCarSeat do not WANT no N8GGER not even for NO H9NKY. Not even for H9NKY defense or deceit- H9NKYs fucks in alleys as a WAY of life not InDaCarSeat. If InDaCarSeat strategically sucked up a gallon of booze 🥃 one night to try out the H9NKY way of drunken fuck partying in a dingy dark quiet 3 am in the morning - NO H9NKY or NO N8GGER is going to make that spring break once in a lifetime event the InDaCarSeat Terry Dwayne Ashford’s life.
InDaCarSeat’s final Response
Fuck YOU, and we would say that IN world court while destroying your shitboat. Fuck yourselves! InDaCarSeat DaTGuY do not fuck everything he sees attractive. He doesn’t even fuck everything he wants and attainable. Like eating the whole pot vs a bowl of soup: like eating the whole cake vs a slice of cake - while you may have made a life out of overeating, oversizing, blubbering - HOES, Class just don’t do that. Just DON’T. You followed; you start the fights; you waited for defense hit back; you then expected to win the fight that you started; you dared anyone to fight you. And you expected to be able to jail anyone on even a falsified warrant of a participant judge. And you aren’t a fool! Now we see why you MAY call people like me and my mom bitches. And you see what it means to be certified. We have the certification’ proof and know how to beat hoes asses repeatedly as in a professional CMMI standard process over and over and OVER again destroying HOEs that tried true bitches as certified bitch and BITCHBOY killers. Certified. Then brag about the shit. The four-part Illustration for April 12th is below.
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politicoscope · 5 years
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/adama-barrow-biography-and-profile/
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
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Adama Barrow, businessman and a successful property developer who owns an estate agency, never held public office, has defied the odds to score a shock victory in The Gambia’s elections. Although he became treasurer of the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) party in 2013, Mr Barrow was not a household name in The Gambia. He was described as “little-known” even by one of the local media outlets supporting him. In an interview with a local media, Mai Ceesay, a former female UDP youth leader, describes Mr Barrow as industrious and humble, calling him the perfect candidate:
“He is humble, kind and industrious man who breaks the deal. He is down to the earth,” she said.
He was previously employed at The Gambia’s largest property rental firm. A former economic migrant, he lived in Britain – The Gambia’s former colonial ruler – for three and a half years in the early 2000s. His time in the UK saw him work as a security guard in a North London branch of the catalogue retailer Argos, where he developed a love for the English football team, Arsenal.
Mr Barrow’s opponent Yahya Jammeh, has ruled the country for more than two decades, but said if God willed it, his presidency could go on for “a billion years”. Adama Barrow victory in Gambia’s presidential eelction was arguably an even bigger shock than that of fellow property mogul in the US, Donald Trump.
Throughout his campaign, Barrow pledged support for an independent judiciary, as well as increased freedom for the media and civil society. He described his opponent as a “soulless dictator” and promised to undo some of Mr Jammeh’s more controversial moves.
“We will take the country back to the Commonwealth and the International Criminal Court (ICC),” he said.
Who is Adama Barrow?
Adama Barrow, born 16 February 1965 to an ethnic Fula family from rural eastern Gambia, Barrow earned a scholarship to attend high school in Banjul in 1985. In the early 2000s, he lived in the UK for several years, where he reportedly worked as a security guard at the Argos catalogue store in north London, while studying for his real estate qualifications.
British media have even reported that while guarding the shop on Holloway Road, he made a citizen’s arrest on a shoplifter, which resulted in a six-month jail term. It was also during that period that Mr Barrow chose to support Arsenal FC, at that time his local club.
After several years in the United Kingdom, he returned to Gambia in 2006 and started his own property company. A longtime member of the opposition United Democratic Party, Barrow ran unsuccessfully for National Assembly in 2007 and became the party’s treasurer in 2013.
But his ascension to party leader was mostly incidental: In July 2016, the UDP’s leader, Ousainou Darboe, was sentenced to three years in prison for organizing a protest, leaving the party without a standard-bearer months before the presidential election.
Barrow never threw his hat in the ring to replace Darboe, and he reportedly only discovered that he had been nominated when he saw his name on the ballot. “No drama Adama,” as he came to be known, seemed in many ways like the polar opposite of the egomaniac he unseated. He was especially popular among young voters who have been badly hit by the country’s struggling economy.
His victory, and his triumphant return to the country on Jan. 26, was hailed as a new beginning for Gambia. But the task before him was immense: Jammeh had left the country broke, divided, and internationally isolated. Nearly a year into his presidency, Barrow has begun to make progress. Over the course of 2017, he freed hundreds of political prisoners and canceled his predecessor’s plan to withdraw from the International Criminal Court. He has also mended relations with the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the British Commonwealth. In February, Brussels committed to unfreezing $36 million in aid funding.
A devout Muslim, he also criticised the lack of a two-term limit on the presidency and condemned the jailing of political opposition figures. Speaking to the BBC three days before the election, Mr Barrow said that Gambians “had been suffering for 22 years” and were ready for change. He scorned the achievements of his opponent, who boasted of having brought The Gambia out of the stone age with his education and health programmes. The hospitals President Jammeh had built had “no drugs… or quality doctors”, the schools “no teachers, no chairs… no good educational materials”, he said.
They were “white elephant projects”.
Adama Barrow, who promised on the campaign trail to introduce presidential term limits, has established a commission to draft a new constitution. He is also working to revitalize the ineffective and corrupt civil service by raising salaries and decentralizing power. Under Jammeh, “key decisions were all decided at the presidency,” says Alex Vines, the head of Chatham House’s Africa program, so devolving decision-making authority to the executive agencies represents a “completely new departure.”
Such reforms are bound to take time, and already the slow pace of change has caused disappointment in some quarters. Frequent power outages and water shortages around the country have led to demonstrations, and there are worrying signs — such as the government’s decision to deploy police and military units to deter protests in November — that Barrow’s Interior Ministry is falling back on its iron-fisted habits for dealing with them. Such fears have been heightened by the fact that many Jammeh loyalists remain ensconced in the bureaucracy.
“Patience has been forthcoming, but … a dilapidated infrastructure, and the continued employment of many former Jammeh associates, is undermining the atmosphere,” says Amadou Scattred Janneh, a former minister of information jailed under the Jammeh regime.
To reassure voters, Barrow must make concrete improvements, and fast, says Abdoulaye Saine, a professor of international and comparative politics at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. To this end, Saine says, the “ongoing trial of nine former National Intelligence Agency personnel, including its chief, bode[s] well.”
Indeed, despite the frustrations, Barrow has already delivered democratic freedoms that were unthinkable less than a year ago. “Before, most of these values of freedom and human rights, we dreamed about them,” says Gambian journalist and blogger Sanna Camara. “But now we are living that dream in this new Gambia.”
Adama Barrow Quick Facts
Member of the Fula ethnic group, born in 1965, the year of Gambian independence
Reportedly worked as a security guard at Argos in the early 2000s while studying in UK
Returned home in 2006 to set up property business
Supports English Premier League football team Arsenal
Nominated as the candidate for coalition of seven opposition parties, promising greater respect for human rights
A devout Muslim who is reportedly married with two wives and five children
Mr Barrow missed his son’s funeral as he was advised to remain in Senegal for his safety ahead of his inauguration – held in his country’s embassy in Dakar, Senegal, on 19 January
Family A husband to two wives and father of five until 15 January 2017, Adama Barrow eight-year-old son Habibu Barrow died reportedly after being bitten by a dog. Barrow is known to be a devout Muslim and a self-confessed workaholic.
“If you are a religious man it always influences you,” Adama Barrow said.
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
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emilyj1028-blog · 7 years
In today’s world...
...the national media has become the 4th branch of the American government. We need it and we need the truth, but at times the “truth” can be skewed to promote a real and raw racial divide of the United States. While we rely heavily on mass media to provide us with factual stories from around the country, we also often fall victim of the mass media’s hidden agendas...
Unsurprisingly, many news outlets are funded by certain organizations that have their own agendas that they insist on subtly pushing. These agendas in turn cause White Americans to believe that they have the proof they need to back up their claims of Blacks being inferior to Whites. Although we’re all human and worthy of being treated as such, this notion is not always reflected for Black Americans on network news shows.  
The stories that are televised on network news, shape ideological messages for us viewers and create distinct interpretations of these messages. One of the most important flaws in the display of news stories, is that Blacks are consistently underrepresented. When they are represented, it is often for entertainment news, sports news or in situations of discrimination. Though some news bits may be positive, the bulk of the stories televised that include Black Americans, are situations where they are accused of a crime. If the story fits the network news narrative of Blacks being dangerous criminals, the story will air, even when a worse crime was committed by a White person.
There were stark differences in the representation of Brock Turner’s rape charges versus the brutality that a police officer caused on Eric Garner. Turner was described as being the star of the swim team at Stanford University. His rape charges were stated, but the subtle theme behind the accusation was that he was a good student who came from a good school. The picture that became synonymous with articles on his case was one of him smiling in a jacket and button down shirt, looking cheerful and proper. Nevertheless, he inhumanely committed sexual assault against a young female and spent the summer in jail. His inherent White privilege gave media the benefit of the doubt, and allowed viewers to feel unwanted sympathy for the rapist - unwanted sympathy for the rapist. In contrast, Eric Garner was choked to death by police in Staten Island. The minute this story came to light, news outlets fired back by stating he had a criminal record. His criminal offense was selling cigarettes on the boardwalk and there is no clear evidence of his supposed previous record. Regardless of his illegal selling of the cigarettes, this crime was not directly harming anyone and should never be used as an excuse to choke a man in public as if his life is not worthy of respect and concern. But all lives matter right...?
The two of these cases are not unique. This happens all the time in the media without us even realizing it. White Americans see it as prototypical for a White man to be inherently good, to possess good intentions and to be human. On the flip side, they see it as prototypical for a Black man to be more likely to resist authority, to commit dangerous crimes and to be lower on the totem pole of society. Brock Turner’s case and Eric Garner’s case succeeded in perpetuating these misinformed prototypes.
We all have our own implicit biases, but if they are indeed individual biases, there is opportunity to change them. However, the way that Whites and Blacks are portrayed in network news leaves minimal room for a changed mindset. The implicit bias manifests into everyday mental shortcuts that lead us to make snap judgments that appear to be reasonable and natural – although they are in fact deeply problematic. While there are educated White and Black men and women who possess the intellect to see past the inaccurate prototypes we see portrayed in the news, there are arguably a greater amount of Americans who will use these prototypes to further their racist agenda. If you were to watch the same thing over and over for your entire existence, you would not be able to admit that your thinking is problematic and systematically harmful to the union of our nation. Sounds an awful lot like brainwashing, eh?
By network news media pushing this hidden agenda of Blacks being criminal disruptors, the White mind is lead to believe that society would be more safe and peaceful without Blacks in it. Why is it that, when Black Americans unite to speak up about the discrimination they feel from the police, they are compared to the KKK and called a terrorist organization? The very existence of Blacks in America creates a threat to Whites, that they will one day be outnumbered and not be deemed the majority. The media repeatedly paints Blacks as a danger to society, so that Whites can justify their fear. The case that birthed the Black Lives Matter movement, was arguably the Trayvon Martin shooting. He was an unarmed 17-year-old high school student. But in the White mind, he was a black kid walking alone at night wearing a hoodie – an obvious threat. He was depicted in the media as having the stereotypical criminal look. One can question the idea that maybe they would have used a more relatable picture of him had he been a White teenager. The way he was inaccurately portrayed photographically only added to Whites anger against Blacks causing their own uprising of Black Lives Matter. Perhaps they would have been slightly less angry about the public outcry after his death, had Martin been portrayed as a smiling student.
Nonetheless, there are cases that perpetuate the implicit racial bias every day, but White Americans merely see them as news stories of the “typical” Black person in America. My personal critique of these Americans stems from something that I questioned from a Spike Lee film. In “Do the Right Thing,” the pizza owner, Sal, has pictures on the wall of famous Black men of that time with Jackie Robinson being one of them in particular. However, he himself is an obvious racist, along with his son, Vito. There are White men and women like this today in our society, that have their favorite Black singers, athletes or celebrities, but who will simultaneously belittle the everyday Black American who passes through their cookie-cutter town. It seems that as long as they are silent to social injustice, they can be tolerated.
Maybe the network news anchors don’t intend to further the prototypes of Whites and Blacks in America, but the network behind it does and their adherence to the network makes them just as guilty. The unfortunate reality is that we need the news because although some stories are skewed, the stories that aren’t, provide us with necessary information of what is going on around the world. The underlying positive takeaway is that aside from one’s upbringing and childhood, network news shapes the way we view Whites and Blacks in our everyday lives. The constant flow of information is like a faucet that won’t stop leaking water. The stories keep airing and repeatedly portray the same divisive themes. Maybe this will never cease to exist, but I choose to believe that people are not born racist; the influences from society and most importantly the media, is what makes them this way.
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roundaboutfilms · 8 years
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Here are my 12 favourite movies seen for the first time in 2016.
As you will see, the movies on this list are not restricted to movies made in 2015/2016. Rather, it is a list of films I watched for the first time in 2016, whether they were actually made in 2016 or 1951.
Here they are in chronological order:
1. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) - Elia Kazan
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IMDB: Disturbed Blanche DuBois moves in with her sister in New Orleans and is tormented by her brutish brother-in-law while her reality crumbles around her.
This is a true classic. A masterpiece of drama and directing. This movie showcases why Marlon Brando is considered to be one of, if not the greatest, actors of all time.
2.  Planet Of The Apes (1968) - Franklin J. Schaffner
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IMDB: An astronaut crew crash-lands on a planet in the distant future where intelligent talking apes are the dominant species, and humans are the oppressed and enslaved.
The original (and arguably the best) Planet Of The Apes movie. Even though it is now quite dated, at the time the ape prosthetics were of the best the world had seen. A great film of adventure, with a strong social commentary. As read on IMDB: “Times were rough, and the Vietnam War was growing in intensity by the time Planet of the Apes was made. Because of this, we see many references to the current dilemma. The film willy-nilly debates issues like hunting, violence, animal rights, evolution vs creationism, class structure, and nuclear war.”
3. Solaris (1972) - Andrei Tarkovsky
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IMDB: A psychologist is sent to a station orbiting a distant planet in order to discover what has caused the crew to go insane.
This movie instantly became one of my very favourite films. It is long and slow and Russian, but there is something about it that has stuck with me since watching it. I was left in awe when the film ended. Not everyone will like this movie. Don’t expect a quick easy film to watch casually with friends. This is the type of film that you need to preferably watch alone and in silence. Give it the time and concentration that is deserves. Allow yourself to reflect while watching and it should affect you very deeply in a way that few films have the power to do. It is poetry in film form.
4. Paris, Texas (1984) - Wim Wenders
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IMDB: Travis Henderson, an aimless drifter who has been missing for four years, wanders out of the desert and must reconnect with society, himself, his life, and his family.
This is a quirky film with deep, interesting characters. A beautiful story. The chat room scene is one of the most touching scenes I have seen, with incredible performances by both actors.
5. Gerry (2002) - Gus van Sant
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IMDB: A friendship between two young men is tested when they go for a hike in a desert and forget to bring any water or food with them.
A simple movie, layered with meaning. Even though there is not much happening other than two friends walking through the desert and talking, this film kept me captivated to the shocking end. The stark landscapes are beautiful. The drama is in their conversations and in the way their friendship subtly changes over the course of the film.
6. There Will Be Blood (2007) - Paul Thomas Anderson
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IMDB: A story of family, religion, hatred, oil and madness, focusing on a turn-of-the-century prospector in the early days of the business.
This is a truly epic film. I can’t believe it took me so long to finally watch it. Daniel Day-Lewis delivers an Oscar winning performance of what must be one of the most riveting, intense, unpredictable and terrifying characters on screen. He commands almost every shot. It’s an acting, directing and cinematic masterclass and a film that will keep you riveted for the entire 158 minutes.
7. The Assassin (2015) - Hsiao-Hsien Hou
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IMDB: A female assassin receives a dangerous mission to kill a political leader in eighth-century China.
This film is beautifully shot. The scenes are like classic paintings, starting with stark black and white and then later very vivid colours. The story line is a bit confusing at times, but that adds to the intrigue, mood and tone of this mysterious film.  
8. Room (2015) - Lenny Abrahamson
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IMDB: A young boy is raised within the confines of a small shed.
Brilliant, human and touching. We see the world from the innocent eyes of a child who has been confined in a small shed for his entire life. Jacob Tremblay, only 9 years old at the time, delivers one of the best acting performances I have seen from a young actor. He sees only goodness, even though his environment is cruel, because of his mother’s love and protection. The descriptions of his first encounters with the outside world and how it appears to work, is very fascinating. He sees things as they are or should be, without understanding the seemingly petty issues of the adults around him. A message I got from this was how adults over complicate their lives and society.
9. The Revenant (2015) - Alejandro G. Iñárritu
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IMDB: A frontiersman on a fur trading expedition in the 1820s fights for survival after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by members of his own hunting team.
This is quite an obvious one. Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar and director Iñárritu, won the Best Directing award for two years in a row (after Birdman in 2015), making him one of only three directors to win the award back to back. It is gritty and intense, with impressive long takes, alike to Birdman, that won Emmanuel Lubezki his third consecutive Oscar for Best Cinematography (Gravity in 2014, Birdman in 2015, The Revenant in 2016).
10. The Hateful Eight (2015) - Quentin Tarantino
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IMDB: In the dead of a Wyoming winter, a bounty hunter and his prisoner find shelter in a cabin currently inhabited by a collection of nefarious characters.
I have read mixed reviews about this film. Some found the slow start boring and lost interest. On the contrary, I found this captivating and suspenseful, as the story rises steadily towards its explosive climax. The opening foreboding score by Ennio Morricone sets the tone nicely and I was happy to see him win the Oscar for this. And as usual, the long conversations are highly entertaining. In the end, I think it might even be one of Tarantino’s most violent films. And that is saying a lot. Tarantino again displays his encyclopedic knowledge of cinema and its structures and styles and therefore uses this knowledge to toy with us. He incorporates old school mystery film conventions, with western, suspense, thriller, crime, drama and comedy all in one. In his eighth film, Tarantino again shows why he is the iconic director of our time and one that will live on long after he is gone.
11. Listen to Me Marlon (2015) - Stevan Riley
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IMDB: A documentary that utilizes hundreds of hours of audio that Marlon Brando recorded over the course of his life to tell the screen legend's story.
As a fan of Marlon Brando, I loved this very personal documentary and the way it was put together. It is cleverly narrated by Marlon Brando himself, even after his death. This is because Marlon Brando kept an extensive audio diary, as a means of self meditation and reflection. Sometimes he speaks of things that will calm him down, often starting with the phrase “listen to me Marlon”. Other times he reflects on childhood memories, or experiences on set and in his highly public and private life. You start to see the man behind the icon and this makes it a fascinating watch, especially if you are a fan.
12. Noem My Skollie: Call Me Thief (2016) - Daryne Joshua
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IMDB: A film based on the true life story of a young man who becomes a storyteller in jail.
This is South Africa’s official entry to the 2017 Oscars. When I went to go watch this film, I was not expecting much. I hadn’t heard of it yet (it was before all the Oscars hype). One of the only reasons why I watched it, was because none of the other films showing at the time really stood out, so we decided to support South African cinema. I was pleasantly surprised by a brilliant South African story, based on true events. The screenplay was written by John W. Fredericks, and it is his dramatic life story. The performances and production design are top class. It is filled with drama, real life cruelty and brutality, scandals, romance and humour. The ending left me shocked by the reality of it all, but it closes with a positive message. South Africa can be very proud of this one, whether it achieves anything at the Oscars or not.
THE END. Thank you for reading and happy movie watching in 2017!
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A Glimpse into the Enchanted Land of New Mexico
There’s this guy I know who is a collosal dreamer. There’s really nothing wrong with associating yourself with people like that; unless perhaps you’re intent on surrounding yourself with only the more well-grounded, mundane types. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t recommend engaging this guy in anything more than casual conversation. I let my guard down just once around him and he had me nearly convinced he knew the whereabouts of some hidden treasure chest worth millions. Had I possessed anything less than the most superb rational mind, I would’ve packed my suitcase that very moment, grabbed my fedora and compass, and booked the very first flight to New Mexico.
Well, the last I spoke to this adventurous fellow, he had descrambled a bunch of secret passages in some old man’s book, purchased a flight to Albuquerque, and turned an entire wilderness area north of Santa Fe completely upside down. Unfortunately, the treasure had eluded him just like the thousands of others before. Suprisingly though, his failed expedition left him completely undaunted. He actually seemed assured that he was closer now to finding it than ever before. He told me he had simply strayed off course due to a matter of simple semantics and was planning to pick up the trail again in the coming months. I told him he should quit chasing waterfalls and come back down to level ground. He just sort of smirked at me and walked away. That’s how this guy is. He’s quite the character!
Anyway, not long after that peculiar encounter, I happened to visit the Land of Enchantment myself. Now don’t go spreading any rumors here. I wasn’t there trying to find any 11th century treasure chest full of precious gems and golden nuggets.  I was simply there to get some tasty New Mexican cuisine. I heard the green and red chili toppings were to die for. Since my wife, my son, and my friend were also feeling hungry, they came along for the ride. We had quite the adventure and before departing our 47th state, the beauty of New Mexico had us all a bit entranced.
Big John and team follow the old cattle trails to a mesa top with a view.
  My son, Jonah, on a dusty trail west of Cimarron.
  It was in a charred forest not too far from here where Smokey the Bear was rescued as a cub.
  Big John and Mr. Ford taking in the crisp mountain air while admiring God’s handiwork.
Not only does New Mexico possess a diverse and magnificent landscape, the state has some of the most colorful history in in all of our country. From Spanish Conquistadors, Apache Indians, outlaw gangs, to rough-and-tumble mountaineers on the Old Santa Fe Trail, this place is teeming with its legends and lore.
A plaque adorns the wall of this old Santa Fe jail cell that allegedly housed Billy the Kidd.
Famous rustlers and outlaws such as the Dalton Gang, Butch Cassidy, and Billy the Kidd once called New Mexico their home.
  The San Miguel Mission in Santa Fe, built in 1610, is the oldest surviving church in the United States.
    Jonah, Big John, and the lovely Miss Rebecca all pose in front of this grand old church.
  With centuries of worshipers, could you imagine the stories told if these walls could talk?
    Reminds me of a famous book entitled “For Whom the Bell Tolls”.
  I can easily count two of my blessings inside the confines of these church walls.
Just outside the doors of the oldest church in America rests the oldest house in the country as well. The De Vargas Street House began as the foundation of an ancient Indian pueblo built around 1200 A.D.
The De Vargas Street House is the oldest house in Santa Fe and America.
  The original builders of this adobe style hearth probably had to wait just a little while before the invention of microwave popcorn came around.
  Jonah seemed quite surprised when I informed him that the house was even older than me.
  The Pueblo architecture found throughout Santa Fe and the rest of New Mexico offers some insight into the state’s earliest inhabitants.
    La Fonda on the Plaza is just one of Santa Fe’s luxury hotels offering an authentic Southwestern experience.
  Built in 1931, the Lensic Theater is still operational, adding to Santa Fe’s old-style charm.
  This beautiful church, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, is another much celebrated landmark of Santa Fe.
    One can’t help but admire the artistry in these beautifully crafted cathedral doors.
  The Palace of the Governors has been a vital part of Santa Fe’s history since around 1610.
  Since the time of its construction, the Palace of the Governors has flown three different flags: The Spanish, the Mexican, and finally the American.
  The palace is now a great place to find local artisans peddling their wares through the Native American Vendor Program.
With over 240 amazing art galleries in town, visitors easily discover why Santa Fe is the art mecca of the Southwest.
    New Mexico is the home of numerous Native American tribes, to include the Navaho, Tewa, Ute, Pueblo, Pecos, Apache, and many more.
  Many of these galleries offer not only the amazing opportunity to appreciate creative expression; they also allow visitors to witness real pieces of history and culture on display.
  Eagle and Indian sculpture outside of Mountain Trails Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
  Chili Peppers are the flavor of the day when at the plaza in Santa Fe.
  New Mexico’s big game species include deer, elk, bear, cougar, pronghorn antelope, Barbary sheep, bighorn sheep, and more.
  The Palisades Sill is a popular natural landmark located on the Cimarron River canyon between Eagle Nest and Cimarron in the northern part of the state. It can be seen in the eastern part of Cimarron Canyon State Park.
  One of the best places to eat in all of New Mexico can be found in Taos. Bella’s Mexican Grill provides a beautiful, comfortable  venue with a patio serving modern spins on traditional Mexican cuisine. The fish tacos & tortilla soup comes highly recommended! 
  New Mexico is arguably the best state in the country to embark on a road trip through one of nature’s most diverse landscapes.
  Constructed in 1793, the San Felipe de Neri Parish is the oldest church in Albuquerque.
  I didn’t dare make any eye contact. These Abuquerque desperados were just itchin’ for a fight!
  There’s always something festive happening in Old Town, Albuquerque!
  Literally every place in New Mexico is like visiting a fountain of youth. These places won’t actually make you any younger, but many are so old that you will just naturally feel much younger by comparison. This restaurant, La Placita, has been serving up dishes since 1788. Yeah, they must be doing something right!
  Did I mention that Albuquerque was named the low-rider capital of the world?
    Where’s Waldo?
  The Kimo Theater, another historic Albuquerque landmark, rests just a stone’s throw away from that historic Route 66.
  After touring Santa Fe, Taos, and Albuquerque, we decided to break from the hustle and bustle and get back into the wonders of God’s creation.
  Rebecca and Jonah briefly halt for a snapshot before disappearing in the slot canyons of Kashu-Katuwe.
    Kasha-Katuwe, meaning “white cliffs” is  a national park near Santa Fe famous for its tent-rock formations and slot canyons.
Over the span of time, weathering and erosion has created these magnificent canyons and tent rocks. The tent rocks themselves are cones formed of soft  pumice and tuff buried beneath harder caprocks. They vary in height from a few feet and upwards of ninety feet.
    Jonah tries to find a bit of shade under the exposed trunk of this tree. Man, is it starting to get hot!
  There she is! My one and only!
  These layers of rock show evidence of weathering throughout the years.
    What’s that pretty girl looking at? 
  She must be up to something!
  I think I’ll follow her!
    She’s always one step ahead of me.
    I tried stalking her from above but I’m almost certain she’s spotted me!
  I love all of the cacti and other desert plant life. Just keep those rattlers away!
  It’s becoming a tight squeeze through these canyon walls. Even Jonah is walking sideways!
      Jonah is able to capture some fantastic photos to share on his Facebook page!
  Squeezing through these cramped passages, I could only hope that all of these rocks had already fallen.
  My wife and son lead the way as we hike through the canyon and up to the top.
    …and that, folks, is why they are are called “tent-rocks”!
      Sometimes my smartphone camera just doesn’t do the scenery any justice.
        It’s almost hard to believe these formations weren’t man-made.
I wonder if anybody’s ever pulled out their swiss-army knife and set about carving themselves a home? I imagine, if there’s a Walmart nearby, that a guy could live fairly well in one of these pointy rocks. Although, I would recommend picking up a few other essentials like an air mattress, water, and lots of trail mix and beef jerky.
    I don’t know why this cacti plant fascinated me so much. It just sort of looked like some alien lifeform. Yeah, I think the heat was getting to me.
      This reminds me of the desert scene from Young Guns. (For all you too young to know anything, that was a hit movie in 1988 starring Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez).
    With our very lovely guide leading the way, Jonah and I made it all the way to the top!
          What can I say? She likes to live dangerously.
    She was playing hard to get, but now she’s letting me get the gain on her.
  Later on, I tried to get her to explore this cave with me. She didn’t really go for that idea.
  As you can see, we had an amazing time in New Mexico. Thank you for visiting my page and I hope this site inspires you to pack those suitcases and make some of your own adventures.
Please feel free to explore other areas of Big John’s Adventures in Travel and show me a little love on social media. Come back soon.
Happy travels,
Big John
0 notes
Complicit Duality: The Story of Allen Iverson
Despite all of his accomplishments, these words will always be synonymous with Allen Iverson…. “I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last like it's my last but we're talking about practice man.” Allen Iverson’s life has been one wrought by twists and turns. As a high school student, he was jailed for a bowling alley incident that still divides his community. As a college athlete, he fought his past, made strides toward becoming a better man. As a professional basketball player, his heart, determination, passion, and selfishness made him the Harvey Dent of the NBA; a complicit duality. High School Years Before he was “The Answer,” Allen Iverson was a stand-out basketball and football player at Bethel High School in Hampton, VA. After leading the Bethel football team to the state championship, Iverson vowed he would lead the school’s basketball team to the same honor. Iverson was on top of the world; the most popular, and arguably, the best athlete to come out of Hampton, VA. On Valentine’s Day 1993, Iverson’s world would change forever. While out with friends at a local bowling alley, Iverson was allegedly involved in a racial confrontation with a white teenager. No one knows exactly who said the first word or what was said, but a riot ensued. Chairs, fists, and other objects were thrown between the white and black people at the alley. Witnesses claim Iverson threw a chair that hit a white woman, Iverson refuted that statement. Despite the violence, no one was seriously, physically, injured in the brawl, but the mental scars left on the city of Hampton, VA still exist to this day. The struggle between black and white in Hampton had come to a head. The only people arrested after the brawl were Iverson and 3 of his friends, none of the white teens were detained. The four young men were charged with ‘maiming by mob,’ a decree placed in Virginia law to protect blacks from lynching after the Civil War. The statute did not require proof of participation. To the surprise of the community, its star pupil, Allen Iverson was found guilty of ‘maiming by mob,’ a felony, and sentenced to 15 years in prison, with 10 years suspend, for his role in the melee. During the trial period, the Iverson led Bethel High School to the state basketball championship, bringing his prophecy to fruition. Iverson served 4 months in prison before being pardoned by Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder. In 1995, the Virginia Court of Appeals overturned Iverson’s conviction for lack of evidence. College Years During the spring of 1994, Iverson was visited by Georgetown University head basketball coach John Thompson. Thompson agreed to help the incarcerated star after being visited by his mother, Ann Iverson, while her son was in prison. The visits led to a scholarship offer, which Iverson accepted. During his two seasons with the Hoyas, Iverson was a different type of star than the school was used to having. In the 80s, the Hoyas were led by center Patrick Ewing. In the early 90s, centers Alonzo Mourning and Dikembe Mutombo led the prestigious program. All 3 players were in the mold of their coach, a former NBA center on 2 championship Celtics teams of the 60s and an All-American at Providence College. Iverson could not have contrasted more from his coach, physically. The point guard stood only 6 feet tall and 150 pounds when he arrived at Georgetown. However, Thompson’s aggressive offense on the court and aggressive defense off-court helped mold Iverson into a national sensation. John Thompson made it a point to keep his players away from the media. This was key when it came to the controversy that surrounded Allen Iverson. At Georgetown, Iverson had three things to do: go to class, play basketball, and learn to become a better man. With his personal situations kept private, Iverson flourished on the court. In his 2 seasons, Iverson averaged 23 points per game, 4.6 assists, 3.2 steals, set the single-season Big East steals record, twice, was named Big East Defensive Player of the Year, twice, and was named an All-American after his sophomore season. Allen Iverson was now a superstar. Under the tutelage of John Thompson, Iverson grew as a man, got past his high school troubles, and was moving on to life as a professional basketball player. In doing so, Iverson became the first player to leave Georgetown, early, and declare for the NBA Draft. NBA Years (The Beginning) In 1996, Allen Iverson became the number one overall draft pick of the Philadelphia 76ers and the first point guard taken with the number one overall pick since the Los Angeles Lakers selected Magic Johnson in 1979. Iverson made an immediate mark on the NBA. On his way to winning the 1996-1997 NBA Rookie of the Year award, Iverson averaged 23.5 points, 7.5 assists, and 2.1 steals per game. During a 5 game stretch, Iverson scored 40-plus points and averaged 7.4 assists. However, no 5 game stretch or trophy could equal what the Hampton, VA native did on March 12, 1997. With the crowd rising to their feet, Iverson had the ball in his hands; he was one on one with Michael Jordan. Iverson checks Jordan’s commitment with a small crossover. He bites. After Jordan gets his feet settled, another crossover. He bites harder. Iverson rises from the elbow and knocks down a jumper. Allen Iverson made Michael Jordan part of his highlight reel. In Iverson’s 2nd season, after only winning 22 games during his rookie year, the 76ers named Larry Brown head coach. It was a mixture of Coca-Cola and Pop Rocks that was waiting to explode. On multiple occasions, Brown would publicly accuse Iverson of being lazy and selfish. Iverson would respond by calling Brown disrespectful for saying such things in public. The situation almost bubbled over after 1999-2000 season when the Sixers had a deal in place to send Iverson to Detroit, the deal was never finalized. NBA Years (Becoming ‘The Answer’) When Allen Iverson entered the NBA, the league was going through a personality change. The young talent was different from the previous generations. They were into the hip hop culture and they were extremely young. During the mid-90 to late-90s, hip hop culture was bleeding into the mainstream at a tremendously rapid pace. More often, you would see athletes arriving to game wearing baggy jeans, expensive jewelry, head bands, bandanas, ball caps, and driving expensive, custom cars. Iverson was at the forefront of this movement. Out of college, the 21-year old signed a shoe deal with Reebok. The company took Iverson’s personality, his connection to the hip hop community, and made him the centerpiece of their campaign to regain a foothold on the shoe business from Nike. In 2000, under the name Jewelz, Iverson planned on releasing a hip hop album titled Misunderstood. The album was never released due to homophobic lyrics and harsh language, specifically from the track 40 Bars. However, Reebok did use a portion of 40 Bars in their ad campaign. The age of “The Answer” had begun. NBA Years (From The Top To The Bottom) The 2000-2001 season was, possibly, Allen Iverson’s best. That year he won the NBA’s Most Valuable Player award while averaging 31.1 points, 4.6 assists, and 2.5 steals and led the Philadelphia 76ers to the NBA Finals against the Los Angeles Lakers. Iverson saved is best performances for the playoffs. In 22 playoff games, Iverson scored 40-plus points six times, stringing together three 40-plus point performances during games 5 (46) & 6 (44) of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Milwaukee Bucks, and game 1 (48) of the NBA Finals against the Lakers. Philadelphia won games 6 & 1 during that streak. Twice during the Eastern Conference Semifinals against the Toronto Raptors, Iverson scored over 50 points (Game 2, 54 – Game 5, 52). “The Answer” was at the top of his game, but started to head downhill from there. On May 10, 2002, Iverson attended a press conference where inquiries about his work ethic and relationship with Larry Brown were made; this is how Iverson responded to some of those questions: Reporter: "Are you on the same page with Brown?" Iverson: "Yeah we're one the same page. I don't have a problem with coach. I love Larry Brown. You people may not believe it or feel me when I say it but I do. He's helped me do so much in my career, helped me be the player that I am. If there's no Larry Brown, then there's no MVP, Allen Iverson. He's done a lot for me as far as helping me on and off the court but I mean when you lose, this is the type of [expletive] that happens. This is what goes on when you lose, you know. When you win everything is everything. But when you lose, it's all about Allen Iverson and Larry Brown. When we win, I know that I get the praise and Larry Brown gets the praise but when we lose it's on me and Larry Brown. That's something that I have to learn to accept and deal with. Y'all wonder why I don't say that I'm the franchise player...I don't feel like I'm the franchise player because look as this press conference. I mean look at what we're talking about. That's why I say I'm not the franchise player. I feel like I'm the best player out here...the best player in the world. Franchise players don't go through this. Franchise player's daughters don't have to go to school and hear "is your daddy coming back?" What's going on with your daddy and Coach Brown and yadayada? She's seven years old and that's what she has to deal with. It hurts because I know that I'm better than that. I do all I can for this city, this team, this franchise, and my teammates. I don't think nobody in the world plays harder than me. For me, going through this is tough. I'm tired you know, everybody in Philadelphia know, all y'all know that I want to be here. Ain't no secret. Everybody knows that I want to be a Sixer for the rest of my career. But I'm tired and I'm hurt too. Reporter: "Could you clear about your practicing habits since we can't see you practice?" Iverson: "If Coach tells you that I missed practice, then that's that. I may have missed one practice this year but if somebody says he missed one practice of all the practices this year, then that's enough to get a whole lot started. I told Coach Brown that you don't have to give the people of Philadelphia a reason to think about trading me or anything like that. If you trade somebody, you trade them to make the team better...simple as that. I'm cool with that. I'm all about that. The people in Philadelphia deserve to have a winner. It's simple as that. It goes further than that. Reporter: "So you and coach Brown got caught up on Saturday about practice?" Iverson: "If I can't practice, I can't practice. It is as simple as that. It ain't about that at all. It's easy to sum it up if you're just talking about practice. We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we're talking about practice. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that? Now I know that I'm supposed to lead by example and all that but I'm not shoving that aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I honestly do but we're talking about practice. We're talking about practice man. (laughter from the media crowd) We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We're not talking about the game. We're talking about practice. When you come to the arena, and you see me play, you've seen me play right, you've seen me give everything I've got, but we're talking about practice right now. (more laughter) Reporter: "But it's an issue that your coach continues to raise?" Iverson: "Hey I hear you, it's funny to me to, hey it's strange to me too but we're talking about practice man, we're not even talking about the game, when it actually matters, we're talking about practice." Reporter: "You said that you and coach are on the same page but it does not sound like it?" Iverson: "We are on the same page. We are. I'm upset because of one reason...we are in here. I lost my best friend, I lost this year (in the playoffs), I feel that everything is going downhill for me as far as my life. I don't want to deal with this man, I don't want to go through this [expletive] man. This is where I want to be. I love this place, I love my teammates, I don't have any problems with Coach Brown at all. Coach Brown has problems with me as far as lifting...I do not know about this thing with practice because I have not been missing any practices. I don't have any problems with Larry Brown, this organization at all. I just don't want to go through this. That's my only problem. I don't want to go through this. I don't want to lose and all summer have to go through this right here. Why? I don't feel that it's right. I lost. I lost. I mean me, my coaching staff, my teammates, this organization lost. You don't hear about any one of my teammates going through this. It's me. It's just me. I have to deal with it. And now it ain't about me and Coach Brown. It's about him. It's about Allen Iverson. The ball is in his corner. I read the article and my friends and people tell me things but it's all on me. I accept it but the [expletive] hurts. But it's not just about me. Yeah I got some [expletive] I need to get better in but everybody does. But you don't talk about everyone else, you just talk about me. And why because I make money? Larry Brown resigned as the Sixers head coach following the 2002-2003 season. In the months following the press conference, Iverson allegedly threw his wife out their suburban Philadelphia home, in the nude, after a domestic dispute. The high school sweethearts were just married the year before. After the altercation, it’s alleged that Iverson threatened two Philadelphia men with a gun while searching for his wife. Philadelphia police charged Iverson with 12 felony counts, 14 charges in total. All of the charges were dropped when the accusers’ testimony did not hold up in court. NBA Years (No More Brotherly Love) Iverson’s years in Philadelphia came to a close during the 2006-2007 season when he was traded to the Denver Nuggets along with Ivan McFarlin for Andre Miller, Joe Smith and 2 draft picks. In the 135 games, covering parts of 3 seasons, in Denver, Iverson averaged 25.6 points, 7.1 assists, and 1.9 steals per game. However, the Nuggets never got out of the 1st round of the playoffs. 3 games into the 2008-2009 season, Iverson was traded to the Detroit Pistons for Chauncey Billups, Antonio McDyess and Cheikh Samb. Iverson’s time in Detroit was tumultuous. Allegations of selfishness arose, once again, this time it wasn’t just coming from the head coach, but also from his teammates. Iverson left the team for a month with what he called a back injury. Before his departure, the former MVP was told he would be coming off the bench, playing as the 6th man. At first, Iverson welcomed the challenge, but soon, his attitude changed. Iverson was quoted in the Detroit Free Press: “This is a bad time for me mentally," Iverson said. "I'm just trying to get through it without starting a bunch of nonsense. ... I'm just trying to laugh as much as I can man to stop from crying." When his contract expired after the 2008-2009 season, Iverson signed a 1-year deal with the Memphis Grizzlies on September 10, 2009. All appeared well until 3 games into the season. Iverson was granted a leave of absence from the team and allowed to return to his home in Atlanta. The, then, 34-year old Iverson claimed there was a lack of communication between himself and Grizzlies head coach Lionel Hollins, in terms of playing time and his role on the team. Memphis waived Iverson, making him a free agent on November 17, 2009, just over 3 months since they signed him. Less than 30 days later, with tears in his eyes, Iverson returned to the 76ers. His stay with the 76ers would be short-lived. In February 2010, Iverson left the team to tend to his ill daughter at his home in Atlanta, one month later; he was released by the Sixers. The same day the Sixers announced his release, Iverson’s wife of 8 and half years filed for divorce stating her marriage was “irretrievably broken.” Allen Iverson has always found a home on the basketball court. Like most athletes, the playing field is a safe-haven, a place where they can escape from the rigors of the real world. At 35 years old, this eventual Hall of Famer is trying to fight his way back to the place where he’s always been the happiest…. Many people believe Iverson’s life will end in tragedy. Let’s hope they are wrong…. This story was originally published in 2010
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politicoscope · 5 years
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/adama-barrow-biography-and-profile/
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
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Adama Barrow, businessman and a successful property developer who owns an estate agency, never held public office, has defied the odds to score a shock victory in The Gambia’s elections. Although he became treasurer of the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) party in 2013, Mr Barrow was not a household name in The Gambia. He was described as “little-known” even by one of the local media outlets supporting him. In an interview with a local media, Mai Ceesay, a former female UDP youth leader, describes Mr Barrow as industrious and humble, calling him the perfect candidate:
“He is humble, kind and industrious man who breaks the deal. He is down to the earth,” she said.
He was previously employed at The Gambia’s largest property rental firm. A former economic migrant, he lived in Britain – The Gambia’s former colonial ruler – for three and a half years in the early 2000s. His time in the UK saw him work as a security guard in a North London branch of the catalogue retailer Argos, where he developed a love for the English football team, Arsenal.
Mr Barrow’s opponent Yahya Jammeh, has ruled the country for more than two decades, but said if God willed it, his presidency could go on for “a billion years”. Adama Barrow victory in Gambia’s presidential eelction was arguably an even bigger shock than that of fellow property mogul in the US, Donald Trump.
Throughout his campaign, Barrow pledged support for an independent judiciary, as well as increased freedom for the media and civil society. He described his opponent as a “soulless dictator” and promised to undo some of Mr Jammeh’s more controversial moves.
“We will take the country back to the Commonwealth and the International Criminal Court (ICC),” he said.
Who is Adama Barrow?
Adama Barrow, born 16 February 1965 to an ethnic Fula family from rural eastern Gambia, Barrow earned a scholarship to attend high school in Banjul in 1985. In the early 2000s, he lived in the UK for several years, where he reportedly worked as a security guard at the Argos catalogue store in north London, while studying for his real estate qualifications.
British media have even reported that while guarding the shop on Holloway Road, he made a citizen’s arrest on a shoplifter, which resulted in a six-month jail term. It was also during that period that Mr Barrow chose to support Arsenal FC, at that time his local club.
After several years in the United Kingdom, he returned to Gambia in 2006 and started his own property company. A longtime member of the opposition United Democratic Party, Barrow ran unsuccessfully for National Assembly in 2007 and became the party’s treasurer in 2013.
But his ascension to party leader was mostly incidental: In July 2016, the UDP’s leader, Ousainou Darboe, was sentenced to three years in prison for organizing a protest, leaving the party without a standard-bearer months before the presidential election.
Barrow never threw his hat in the ring to replace Darboe, and he reportedly only discovered that he had been nominated when he saw his name on the ballot. “No drama Adama,” as he came to be known, seemed in many ways like the polar opposite of the egomaniac he unseated. He was especially popular among young voters who have been badly hit by the country’s struggling economy.
His victory, and his triumphant return to the country on Jan. 26, was hailed as a new beginning for Gambia. But the task before him was immense: Jammeh had left the country broke, divided, and internationally isolated. Nearly a year into his presidency, Barrow has begun to make progress. Over the course of 2017, he freed hundreds of political prisoners and canceled his predecessor’s plan to withdraw from the International Criminal Court. He has also mended relations with the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the British Commonwealth. In February, Brussels committed to unfreezing $36 million in aid funding.
A devout Muslim, he also criticised the lack of a two-term limit on the presidency and condemned the jailing of political opposition figures. Speaking to the BBC three days before the election, Mr Barrow said that Gambians “had been suffering for 22 years” and were ready for change. He scorned the achievements of his opponent, who boasted of having brought The Gambia out of the stone age with his education and health programmes. The hospitals President Jammeh had built had “no drugs… or quality doctors”, the schools “no teachers, no chairs… no good educational materials”, he said.
They were “white elephant projects”.
Adama Barrow, who promised on the campaign trail to introduce presidential term limits, has established a commission to draft a new constitution. He is also working to revitalize the ineffective and corrupt civil service by raising salaries and decentralizing power. Under Jammeh, “key decisions were all decided at the presidency,” says Alex Vines, the head of Chatham House’s Africa program, so devolving decision-making authority to the executive agencies represents a “completely new departure.”
Such reforms are bound to take time, and already the slow pace of change has caused disappointment in some quarters. Frequent power outages and water shortages around the country have led to demonstrations, and there are worrying signs — such as the government’s decision to deploy police and military units to deter protests in November — that Barrow’s Interior Ministry is falling back on its iron-fisted habits for dealing with them. Such fears have been heightened by the fact that many Jammeh loyalists remain ensconced in the bureaucracy.
“Patience has been forthcoming, but … a dilapidated infrastructure, and the continued employment of many former Jammeh associates, is undermining the atmosphere,” says Amadou Scattred Janneh, a former minister of information jailed under the Jammeh regime.
To reassure voters, Barrow must make concrete improvements, and fast, says Abdoulaye Saine, a professor of international and comparative politics at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. To this end, Saine says, the “ongoing trial of nine former National Intelligence Agency personnel, including its chief, bode[s] well.”
Indeed, despite the frustrations, Barrow has already delivered democratic freedoms that were unthinkable less than a year ago. “Before, most of these values of freedom and human rights, we dreamed about them,” says Gambian journalist and blogger Sanna Camara. “But now we are living that dream in this new Gambia.”
Adama Barrow Quick Facts
Member of the Fula ethnic group, born in 1965, the year of Gambian independence
Reportedly worked as a security guard at Argos in the early 2000s while studying in UK
Returned home in 2006 to set up property business
Supports English Premier League football team Arsenal
Nominated as the candidate for coalition of seven opposition parties, promising greater respect for human rights
A devout Muslim who is reportedly married with two wives and five children
Mr Barrow missed his son’s funeral as he was advised to remain in Senegal for his safety ahead of his inauguration – held in his country’s embassy in Dakar, Senegal, on 19 January
Family A husband to two wives and father of five until 15 January 2017, Adama Barrow eight-year-old son Habibu Barrow died reportedly after being bitten by a dog. Barrow is known to be a devout Muslim and a self-confessed workaholic.
“If you are a religious man it always influences you,” Adama Barrow said.
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
0 notes
politicoscope · 5 years
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/adama-barrow-biography-and-profile/
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
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Adama Barrow, businessman and a successful property developer who owns an estate agency, never held public office, has defied the odds to score a shock victory in The Gambia’s elections. Although he became treasurer of the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) party in 2013, Mr Barrow was not a household name in The Gambia. He was described as “little-known” even by one of the local media outlets supporting him. In an interview with a local media, Mai Ceesay, a former female UDP youth leader, describes Mr Barrow as industrious and humble, calling him the perfect candidate:
“He is humble, kind and industrious man who breaks the deal. He is down to the earth,” she said.
He was previously employed at The Gambia’s largest property rental firm. A former economic migrant, he lived in Britain – The Gambia’s former colonial ruler – for three and a half years in the early 2000s. His time in the UK saw him work as a security guard in a North London branch of the catalogue retailer Argos, where he developed a love for the English football team, Arsenal.
Mr Barrow’s opponent Yahya Jammeh, has ruled the country for more than two decades, but said if God willed it, his presidency could go on for “a billion years”. Adama Barrow victory in Gambia’s presidential eelction was arguably an even bigger shock than that of fellow property mogul in the US, Donald Trump.
Throughout his campaign, Barrow pledged support for an independent judiciary, as well as increased freedom for the media and civil society. He described his opponent as a “soulless dictator” and promised to undo some of Mr Jammeh’s more controversial moves.
“We will take the country back to the Commonwealth and the International Criminal Court (ICC),” he said.
Who is Adama Barrow?
Adama Barrow, born 16 February 1965 to an ethnic Fula family from rural eastern Gambia, Barrow earned a scholarship to attend high school in Banjul in 1985. In the early 2000s, he lived in the UK for several years, where he reportedly worked as a security guard at the Argos catalogue store in north London, while studying for his real estate qualifications.
British media have even reported that while guarding the shop on Holloway Road, he made a citizen’s arrest on a shoplifter, which resulted in a six-month jail term. It was also during that period that Mr Barrow chose to support Arsenal FC, at that time his local club.
After several years in the United Kingdom, he returned to Gambia in 2006 and started his own property company. A longtime member of the opposition United Democratic Party, Barrow ran unsuccessfully for National Assembly in 2007 and became the party’s treasurer in 2013.
But his ascension to party leader was mostly incidental: In July 2016, the UDP’s leader, Ousainou Darboe, was sentenced to three years in prison for organizing a protest, leaving the party without a standard-bearer months before the presidential election.
Barrow never threw his hat in the ring to replace Darboe, and he reportedly only discovered that he had been nominated when he saw his name on the ballot. “No drama Adama,” as he came to be known, seemed in many ways like the polar opposite of the egomaniac he unseated. He was especially popular among young voters who have been badly hit by the country’s struggling economy.
His victory, and his triumphant return to the country on Jan. 26, was hailed as a new beginning for Gambia. But the task before him was immense: Jammeh had left the country broke, divided, and internationally isolated. Nearly a year into his presidency, Barrow has begun to make progress. Over the course of 2017, he freed hundreds of political prisoners and canceled his predecessor’s plan to withdraw from the International Criminal Court. He has also mended relations with the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the British Commonwealth. In February, Brussels committed to unfreezing $36 million in aid funding.
A devout Muslim, he also criticised the lack of a two-term limit on the presidency and condemned the jailing of political opposition figures. Speaking to the BBC three days before the election, Mr Barrow said that Gambians “had been suffering for 22 years” and were ready for change. He scorned the achievements of his opponent, who boasted of having brought The Gambia out of the stone age with his education and health programmes. The hospitals President Jammeh had built had “no drugs… or quality doctors”, the schools “no teachers, no chairs… no good educational materials”, he said.
They were “white elephant projects”.
Adama Barrow, who promised on the campaign trail to introduce presidential term limits, has established a commission to draft a new constitution. He is also working to revitalize the ineffective and corrupt civil service by raising salaries and decentralizing power. Under Jammeh, “key decisions were all decided at the presidency,” says Alex Vines, the head of Chatham House’s Africa program, so devolving decision-making authority to the executive agencies represents a “completely new departure.”
Such reforms are bound to take time, and already the slow pace of change has caused disappointment in some quarters. Frequent power outages and water shortages around the country have led to demonstrations, and there are worrying signs — such as the government’s decision to deploy police and military units to deter protests in November — that Barrow’s Interior Ministry is falling back on its iron-fisted habits for dealing with them. Such fears have been heightened by the fact that many Jammeh loyalists remain ensconced in the bureaucracy.
“Patience has been forthcoming, but … a dilapidated infrastructure, and the continued employment of many former Jammeh associates, is undermining the atmosphere,” says Amadou Scattred Janneh, a former minister of information jailed under the Jammeh regime.
To reassure voters, Barrow must make concrete improvements, and fast, says Abdoulaye Saine, a professor of international and comparative politics at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. To this end, Saine says, the “ongoing trial of nine former National Intelligence Agency personnel, including its chief, bode[s] well.”
Indeed, despite the frustrations, Barrow has already delivered democratic freedoms that were unthinkable less than a year ago. “Before, most of these values of freedom and human rights, we dreamed about them,” says Gambian journalist and blogger Sanna Camara. “But now we are living that dream in this new Gambia.”
Adama Barrow Quick Facts
Member of the Fula ethnic group, born in 1965, the year of Gambian independence
Reportedly worked as a security guard at Argos in the early 2000s while studying in UK
Returned home in 2006 to set up property business
Supports English Premier League football team Arsenal
Nominated as the candidate for coalition of seven opposition parties, promising greater respect for human rights
A devout Muslim who is reportedly married with two wives and five children
Mr Barrow missed his son’s funeral as he was advised to remain in Senegal for his safety ahead of his inauguration – held in his country’s embassy in Dakar, Senegal, on 19 January
Family A husband to two wives and father of five until 15 January 2017, Adama Barrow eight-year-old son Habibu Barrow died reportedly after being bitten by a dog. Barrow is known to be a devout Muslim and a self-confessed workaholic.
“If you are a religious man it always influences you,” Adama Barrow said.
Adama Barrow Biography and Profile
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