#nick j fury
pandagirl45drawing · 10 months
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Avengers at the zoom meeting
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Fury: Can I ask a dumb question?
Carol: Better than anyone I know.
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mightymarvelmemes · 5 months
Mighty Marvel Movie Poll! Round 2!
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uluthrek · 6 months
on a scale of jaime lannister to ethan winters, how horribly life changing was your amputation?
on a scale from nicholas j. fury to volumnia gaul, how much did losing your eye impact your general sanity?
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makeminebronze · 1 year
Nick Fury pt 3
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lehoodcollector · 11 months
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Classic Marvel Toys from the 90's! Toybiz Deadpool, Cloak & Dagger, Mary Jane & Peter Parker, J. Jonah Jameson & The Original Nick Fury!
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braveclementine · 2 months
Chapter 17
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You were up the next day, going downstairs so that you could make pancakes, waffles, and french toast. Minerva liked Eggos- just like her mother- so you popped two of those into the toaster.
It was very rare that you cooked a breakfast like this. For one thing, you simply didn't have the eyes and hands to watch all of the burners and make sure you flipped all of the food at the right time. It was something that you would have done with Elizabeth. Or really, Elizabeth could've managed it at the same time.
But with Wanda and Bucky helping you out in the kitchen today, it seemed like a good time to make everyone's favorite delicacies.
"How was the carnival?" You asked Wanda, as she had never been to something like it before. "Did the boys like it?"
"Oh yeah! It was a lot of fun." Wanda said with a smile. "They enjoyed it, a lot. Billy even won a couple of stuffed animals from one of the games. Tommy just wanted to eat though."
She flipped the pancakes with her magic while rummaging in the refrigerator and bringing out one of the jars of blueberries that was labelled to be used in the next three days before they went bad. "I saw that Minerva was hanging out a lot with Vision last night."
"Yes, I think she likes him a lot." You said slowly. "I haven't seen her this morning yet though. The kids like to sleep in late."
"Steve said he'll eventually break them of that habit. But he wants to wait till their older." Bucky said with a grin.
"Well as long as they aren't like Tony and Stephen with their sleep schedules, I don't mind one single bit." You admitted. "Those two need a lot more sleep than they're getting."
The Eggos popped out of the toaster and you quickly put them on a plate, lathering one of them up with whip cream, and the other you slathered with cream cheese. You quickly took them out to the kitchen.
Most of the kids were up now and waiting in their places like good kids. The table had been set, although their cups weren't full of any drink, probably because they knew they'd be getting something different on pancake morning.
"Here you go Minnie." You said, setting the plate in front of her. "What do you want to drink? It's between apple, orange, and grape today. Or milk or water."
"Milk." She said with a smile. "Thank you Auntie."
"No problem sweetheart. Oi! Buck!" You called for Bucky so that he could get the rest of the kids drinks. He took the short cut, putting the three juices, the carton of milk, and the large gallon of spring water on the table.
"Don't let them spill anything on the tablecloth at least." You warned Bucky, threateningly pointing the spatula in his face.
He grinned, backtracking to the kitchen, muttering about how sexy it was when you were dominant.
You rolled your eyes, turning back to the stove.
The French toast and waffles were done before the pancakes and from that point, it was just a lot of filling up plates with food and bringing them out.
You didn't do sugar, because you guys didn't grow a lot of it. Just some white sugar from sugar cane in the greenhouse. You didn't have powdered sugar or brown sugar though to put on the french toast. However, you did have maple syrup and so you set that out along with fruit for the meal.
There was also bacon.
Bacon was made every single day in the house to everyone but T'Challa's insistence.
Everyone was finally downstairs and all the plates were dishes out before you finally sat down with your own plate of (Breakfast Food), putting (fruit) on the side of the dish, and then did/didn't put maple syrup all over it.
You poured yourself a glass of F/D, before settling in and starting to eat. Everything smelled wonderful and the atmosphere was pleasant.
Most of the kids scarfed down their food and scampered outside before F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted breakfast and said. "I would recommend turning on the TV. Channel for the Daily Bugle."
"Why would we want to watch that garbage?" Tony asked. "No one believes anything that's on that channel."
"Well, I would beg to differ." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said and if you didn't know better, you'd think she actually sounded worried.
You got up from the table, moving into the living room to turn the TV on. You flipped through the channels before finding the Daily Bugle.
J. Jameson was sitting in his chair, leaning forward, and speaking. A picture of Bucky as the winter soldier was up on the TV screen.
"What the hell?" Sam asked as the others came into the living room. You glanced over nervously at Bucky's face and saw that he was frowning.
"Last night at a carnival for Memorial Day, it seems that the Winter Soldier is back." Jameson said.
"What?" Steve scoffed.
"Though details are unknown, the Winter Soldier was seen chasing his victim, a young girl, through the carnival. Not even bothering to hide his face, it has been confirmed that he managed to catch his target and neither have been seen again."
"This is satire, right?" You asked, gaping at the TV screen.
This couldn't possibly be real, could it? Surely they had to know you were Bucky's mate. And Bucky didn't have his trigger words anymore. Shuri had taken care of those.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. I need to get in contact with the Daily Bugle and sue them for libel." Tony snapped. "And turn off the damn TV."
F.R.I.D.A.Y. said that she would get into contact immediately with J. Jameson's secretary and the TV flipped off.
You caught another glimpse of Bucky's face, which was both hardened against emotions and sad as well.
Tony was moving through the living room now, grabbing things and shoving them into other people's arms.
"What are you doing Tony?" Clint asked, looking a little worried. Neither Sam or Steve had reacted yet, nor had Bucky, and the fact that Tony was the only one reacting was a little weird.
"Bucky and Y/N are the only ones that need to stay here." Tony said, swiping his fingers across a tablet. "Everyone else needs to retreat. You're going to take the kids to a secure safe house far from here in case things get worse. They don't need to be dragged through this. Bucky and Y/N can't leave the state though. If Bucky leaves, then they'll think he's actually guilty of something. And Y/N will need to clear his name. Now that I'm thinking about it, Steve and Stephen should stay as well as you're both witnesses."
Tony had really thought this through.
"Whoa, wait, why are we moving the kids?" T'Challa asked, though Tony's speech had gotten Fury and Pietro moving. Everyone else was just trying to understand why Tony was saying what he was saying.
"Anyone looking for Bucky is going to come here first." Tony said. "The police, the Feds, enemies. We have to get the kids to safety first. But Bucky has to stay here. He'll be under investigation soon enough."
"Weren't you just saying no one believed anything on the Daily Bugle?" Wanda asked. "How do we know anyone's going to come after Bucky."
"Because." You said softly. You were looking at social media and you now turned your phone to show the pictures escalating on the pages. "HYDRA is behind it."
They looked at the photo of Bucky chasing you through the carnival. It was very slight, so slight no one else was going to see it, but in the corner was a man taking an opposite picture of the two of you. The inside of his wrist had the HYDRA mark tattooed there.
"Bucky can't stay here." Steve protested. "Now with HYDRA being the cause behind this. Neither can Y/N."
"We can't go on the run again." Clint said, rubbing the back of his head. "But the kids definitely need to be taken to a safe house."
"I've got the kids upstairs now." Fury said, slinging a bag over his shoulder. You had no idea how he had packed so quickly. He shoved his gun into his holster. "We need to get them out of here immediately."
"I don't think all of us should leave." Loki protested. "There has to be some protection here as well for Y/N."
"What do you think we are?" Stephen asked, gesturing between himself and Steve.
"Not Gods, that's for sure." Loki snapped.
"Okay, wait, calm down." You protested, trying not to let them get mad at each other. "I really think the kids need more protection than I do."
"Thor and I will stay behind as well. Everyone else besides Stark, Roger, Strange, and Barnes will go with the kids." Loki decided.
You actually really liked that, except you also really wanted Thor to go with the kids.
"I don't like this splitting up." Sam protested, "Can't I stay here too?"
Pietro was back and the kids were trooping down the stairs.
"We don't have time." Tony snapped, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. picked up that we have cars heading our way already. Ten minutes out at the shortest."
"What about Buster?" Lucy asked, looking up at Tony with puppy eyes as she made her way into the living room. The other kids were filing behind her. "We can't leave him behind!"
"Daddy Stephen is going to take all of the pets to the Sanctorum." Tony said, kissing the top of her head. I could hear a vehicle pulling up and peeking out the window, I saw Happy and Pepper driving separate, large vehicles that looked like they could've been busses but were more car shaped and not as long.
It was sudden chaos, getting the kids on the bus. Ginny and Buster jumped into the car anyways and Minerva had scooped up the two rabbits. Most of the pets were with them now and you watched as they drove away.
Sam had stayed behind as well, refusing to go if Steve and Bucky were staying behind.
You could hear the sounds of screeching tires as cars started to pull up. Bucky seemed nervous and Steve held him in his arms.
"Buck, it's okay." You said, hugging him from the front. "We'll get everything fixed in no time."
"Everyone's in danger again because of me." He whispered.
"No. Don't think like that." You scolded him, running a hand through his hair. "Everything and everyone is going to be just fine."
The door bell rang and you stalked forward, extremely angry with the people who were going to be there. You wrenched open the door and came face to face with General Ross.
"Oh bloody hell." You cursed. "What do you want?"
General Ross squinted his eyes at you. "And who are you?"
"Y/N Marvel." You said. "Soulmate to the Avengers. Which, by the way, includes Bucky Barnes. And, just in case you're blind, I'm the girl he was chasing through the carnival. And he was chasing me, because I was teasing him. And he was being himself and having fun, which I do believe we're allowed to do at the carnival."
"Can anyone verify that Bucky Barnes wasn't the Winter Soldier?" General Ross asked skeptically.
You scoffed, "Steve Rogers, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, and myself. I would also say Shuri, Princess of Wakanda, as she worked on his brain, took his trigger words out of his head. They can't be used anymore, you can ask King T'Challa's royal guard Okoye."
General Ross looked a little intimidated at the thought of confronting T'Challa and his guard. "I just need to confirm-"
"Confirm what exactly?" You hissed. "You're tearing our life apart here."
"If you don't want problems, don't cause them." He retorted.
"We didn't cause any problems. We were having fun at a carnival." You were seething. How dare he! How dare all of them! They just picked on Bucky because they could. It was disgusting.
"When you say you were teasing him, what were you teasing him about? Was it anything that could possibly trigger the Winter Soldier?" General Ross questioned.
You laughed in disbelief. "Are you serious? I just told you that he can't become the Winter Soldier anymore. He isn't the Winter Soldier. He hasn't been the Winter Soldier for over ten years now! Stop picking on him! And about the teasing? Do you really want me to give you descriptive details about our love life? Oh! And why didn't the news cover the fact that Rogers, Strange, and Stark were all chasing me too? We were playing a bloody game. Get a stick out of your ass and leave the Avengers alone."
You slammed the door in his face, breathing heavily. You seemed to have a red rage washing over you and you stormed away from the door, furious.
"Who was it?" Stephen asked. He was sitting down calmly in the living room, one leg crossed over the other.
"General Ross." You grumbled.
The doorbell rang again and you stopped short, spinning around to go back. Steve got up, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Just go sit down Y/N. Don't work yourself up so much."
You went ahead, crawling into Bucky's lap to hug him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. Sam sat next to him, holding onto both of you in a comforting way.
Steve came back very soon with General Ross, who glanced over at you guys and then away.
"I'm suing Jameson for libel." Tony said calmly. "And be careful what you say now or I'll sue you as well."
"Is that blackmail Mr. Stark?" General Ross questioned evenly and Stephen started to bristle as the General went after Tony.
"No. It's a promise." Tony said with a cocky smirk. "I'm pretty sure Y/N already told you everything you needed to know."
General Ross sighed, glancing over at you again. "For the most part. But I still need to take Mr. Barnes in and get an official statement from him."
You clutched Bucky tighter, feeling Sam's hands tighten on you.
"Then we'll meet you there." Sam said evenly. "I'm sure you can give us the address."
General Ross narrowed his eyes. "It's classified."
"Then we're not going." You said simply. "We know what happens when we get separated. It never ends well for either party."
"We're not Hydra Miss. . ."
"Mrs." You growled possessively. "And my last name can go on any of theirs. They're all my soulmates."
"Right. I forgot." He replied sardonically. It was a complete lie. You doubted he could forget it when you said you were soulmated to all the Avengers. "As I was saying, we're not HYDRA."
"No, but someone is." You said, before the picture was pulled up on the TV and the picture was enlargened to show him what you had found. "Someone is after Bucky and we're not going to let them get him. So if you don't mind, we'd like that address."
General Ross glanced around the room. Tony was perched on the edge of Stephen's armchair. Steve, Thor, and Loki looked almost identical in their wide stance, arms crossed over their chests. Sam was still sitting beside Bucky and you. You were still snuggled into Bucky's lap and he was still holding you tightly.
"I can't give you the address." The General sighed. "However, I can fit most of you into the van. The others can pile into another van."
That still meant we were splitting up. You glanced nervously between the others.
"Rogers, Barnes, Wilson, and Thor can go in one." Loki said slowly. "Stark, Strange, Y/N, and I will be in the second."
"That sounds good to me." Steve said.
"Very well." Tony said.
Ross nodded, and you got up so that you could follow him out of the house. You kissed Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Thor before you climbed into one of the vans, sitting between Stephen and Loki.
You settled in for a long ride as the vans quickly peeled away from the house. You wondered just what was going to happen, and if Bucky was going to be okay.
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avengersacademytalks · 5 months
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Nick Fury! (July 4, 1950)
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hjbirthdaywishes · 9 months
December 21, 2023
Happy 75 Birthday to Samuel L. Jackson.
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Fury: Now look, we're gonna have fun today, and that's an order.
Tony: You can't really order people to have fun.
Fury: Well, I just did.
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mightymarvelmemes · 5 months
Mighty Marvel Movie Poll! Round 2!
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samasmith23 · 6 months
So in Linkara's Ultimate Power reviews, this was an example of Greg Land tracing that got Lewis especially irritated! Tell me... what does this secret room of Nick Fury’s remind you of?
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From Ultimate Power #4 by J. Michael Straczynski & Greg Land (unfortunately…).
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Creatures on the Loose #36 (Kraft/Perez, July 1975). Kraven’s employer is sort of revealed, and John gets a pardon if he embarks on a dangerous orbital mission.
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sunnysideprincess · 2 years
Teen!Nick Fury with babyvengers:
Natasha put the knife down. I said put it down not stick it—
Barton, Barton. That's a clock not a dart board!
Banner stop putting weird sh—things in the curry!
Thor, that's a hammer not a rocket. It won't make you go zoom!
Barnes, stop calling that bird Wilson and throwing rocks at it!
Rogers! Put. The. Goddamn. Plate. Down.
Stark, don't you dare—do. NOT—motherfcc!
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pandagirl45 · 2 years
Fury: *arguing with tony*
Tony: *starts chuckling getting a smirk*
Bucky: *stands* *signs out code red to the others*
Rhodey: *finger guns fury walking out backwards*
Natasha: *leaves a pamphlet for aids for burns*
Clint: *sets down aloe vera*
Thor: *gone with bruce*
Steve: r.i.p *shuffles out*
Sam: *closes the door*
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