#there is no way this man doesn't listen to sad girl music
advent-march · 7 months
Gorgug is the type of man to say he listens to all kind of music except I wholeheartedly believe he means it. This mans liked songs playlist is a whiplash of genres
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ddejavvu · 8 months
can I request one with Spencer Reid based on the season 4 club scene??? He's there with Morgan and stares at the reader and Morgan shows him how to approach her but the reader doesn't fall for Morgan's approach, then Reid gives it a try and she turns into a giggly blushing mess at how cute he is and his weird facts!! Idk something fluffy??
reader is slightly mean to morgan in this one and i'm so sorry to have dissed the love of my life </333
"Don't bother," Morgan catches Spencer's shoulder when the man looks like he's about to give you their 'have you seen this man?' spiel. "I tried to tell her about the unsub, but she's not very impressed by men cornering her in the club. We don't have to worry about her, she won't fall for his bullshit."
"She should know, though." Spencer frowns, watching as you stare lazily at your drink, watching condensation drip down the glass, "I'll tell her."
"Reid, I'm telling you, she's not a potential victim," Morgan squeezes his shoulder, "Listen, if I couldn't get her to talk to me, there's no way the creep we're looking for could win her over. And he's not gonna waste his time on someone who says no to him."
The expression on your face changes from a dark scowl when a man stands a few inches too close to you while ordering a drink, to a soft, disinterested pout when he leaves again and you're able to relax. You don't look resistant, you look hesitant. You don't look like you're refusing to talk to anyone, you look like you're waiting for the right person to talk to you, and Derek Morgan was wrong.
"I'll just be a minute," Spencer slips out from beneath Derek's heavy hand and ignores the agent's groan as he approaches you. He knows Morgan's eyes are heavy on his back while he steps up to your barstool, but he pushes away the pressure of an audience to smile kindly at you.
"Hello," He offers, his voice barely audible over the music. His fingers latch tight around the strap of his messenger bag and the flyer he's holding wrinkles in his firm grip, "I'm Doctor Spencer Reid, with the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit, I'm here to warn you about a potential threat."
Maybe it's not the strongest way to start off a conversation with a pretty girl at a bar, but it's the information you need to know. Stuttered flirting and watered-down drinks can come later, if they happen at all; Spencer's priority is your safety.
Your brows raise and you look past Spencer's shoulder hesitantly, "Is it him? He tried trapping me earlier."
Spencer's chest relaxes slightly where it had been tensed, and he lets out a mild laugh, "Well, he's not the main threat I'm worried about. Did he- did he do the thing where he called you sugar?"
"Mm-mm," You shake your head, taking a sip of the sad remains of your drink and speaking after you swallow, "Sweet cheeks."
Even Spencer winces. Where Morgan's strategy is charm first, then the ugly stuff, Spencer thinks it's only fair to let you know why he's there before letting himself get distracted.
"He thinks that's some sort of magic spell," He laments, "Uh- I'm sorry if he made you uncomfortable. Technically, he was just trying to warn you about the same guy I'm warning you about, but we have a very different way of going about business."
"I can tell," You nod, eyes widening slightly for emphasis. Then you glance at the stool beside your own, "Sit down, Doctor. Tell me about this creep. Well- the one on the flyer."
Morgan watches with something ugly rearing in his chest as Spencer takes the seat you've offered him, but he wrestles it down to replace it with pride. Perhaps he'll have to reevaluate his strategy when it comes to disinterested patrons, but as he watches Spencer magically find his business card behind your ear, he's not sure he'll ever have what the young doctor does.
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coco-hun · 2 months
Miles 42 Headcannons ( We got a man yall 🤭🤭
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Miles 42x Black Reader
Like he not broke broke but, hell shadow box for $5 and win ts. To me I feel he got a little money saved form how his dad taught his savings, and he got a back account because remember he's like a hitman he gets paid, but he's not like rich enough to the point he buys you like Rolex watches, Catier, Dior vintage bags from the 70's spring collection.
Next, I feel like to me evry says hes like some bad boy to me i just think hes troubled but, hes a good kid. In the first movie Miles acted the same way and in the second movie he's more mature I feel like Miles-42 matured faster since his dad died; he could never play with action figures when no action was taken to save his dad
It very sad how they describe him in fics as like a drug dealer bad kid when really, I think he's just a matured yet still goofy version of Miles like imagine Hobie attitude with miles it practically the same!
Also, more on the dating side of things Miles-42 I believe would not trust his s/o til 3 months later or even more. Miles-42 is a hitman, and he may have been taught people are going to burn your bridge when they have the chance so, Miles stays clear of really revealing his inner turmoil's til he can fully trust you.
But, when Miles does open up he's like a little flower all nice and smells good yet can still have you in the bed sick and tired if tried hard enough, I feel like his emotions would turn more gentler like he wasn't neglecting you but he kind of was condescending when you show a lot of affection and until you prove your real, hell just make the relationship picture worthy and not living worthy.
But an opinion I know people would say is true is that Miles both of them cannot flirt. Remember than most likely Miles-42 dad and Miles-1160 uncle died at or around the same time which means they both experienced the same ' I almost messed up my chances with this cool girl because my uncle/dad didn't teach me how to be a smooth criminal' but to me with how he put his hand on Miles-1160 shoulder..that man had one girlfriend in the 5th grade and he's been feelin himself since then.
Now before you two started dating you have crushes, Miles didn't have many crushes to my idea. I feel like he didn't see it like he thought of kids as friends and if he did like smb it would be like quick and over with simply because he would try to be friends more.
Like imagine you tryna shoot your shot with him and he just asks you what your favorite power ranger...that what I mage would happen but he's 15/16 so instead it him saying ' cool but, not interested' like he's not rude about it but, you would feel he not messin with you,
Buttt if he does have like a real crush on you, I feel like he would try to get to know you by socials than irl, like asking Ganke can he ask for your socials and then following you and from there trying bag you by cheesy but smooth texts. He would ask about your day, what was the homework, what clubs you do ask a conversation starter but, if you feelin him hell asking about music because I feel like Miles-42 and Miles-1160 both have a music bone in them, and you know Miles-42 listens to good music (won't ever catch him listening to mf Lil Pump ass) I also feel like Miles would ask about pop culture opinions to see how you are as a person like do you watch any popular tv shows? Ohhhh your favorite is Greys Anatomy... so you have nothing to do in your time? That what hell thinks.
My last little head cannon is more of what he would do if Ms. Rio liked you, which because he respectful baddies she likes us quickly, so What would miles do if Rio likes us 🧐
First, Miles wouldn't tell but shell know simply because Miles never smiles at a text, it doesn't matter if he won $128302 million, he not smiling until he met our lovely baddie reader now, he is giggling and kicking his feet. To Ms. Rio that's not normal, it gives her a sense of his old self and she doesn't pry into his social like a helicopter parent but, she doesn't take a peek over his shoulder and when Miles does get the courage to tell her she just smiling acting like she aint know.
Miles seeing his mom like would take a big relief off his shoulders because he thought about the reddit stories where the mom is crazy and now, he thinks his momma gonna run us over with a truck and blame it on the next-door neighbor (true miles fashion)
His mom liking you also lets him know he picked the right one, mothers know best when it comes to fake people for some odd reason and if Rio didn't side-eye you when she met you then your good and he's inviting you to his house more often. I'm not going to talking about Uncle Aaron because I feel like they not as close like that but that a head cannon for a sad day.
But, at the end of the day Miles wants us bad 🤭🤭
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gremlingottoosilly · 6 months
what if König has a wifey that’s just obsessed with a specific artist!! she gets hyped when new albums are released, cries listening to their sad songs, can ramble for hours about their whole career progression and make in depth lyric analysis.
And who would do ANYTHING to see their favourite artist performing live. Literally anything. Like, 100% willing to take part in könig’s deepest, darkest fantasies just as long as he gets her tickets to the latest tour (and maybe some tour merch lol)
Would he be jealous of wifey being so invested in someone else or would he take advantage of her obsession to endear her to him?
This can go two ways!! If the wifey is obsessed with a band/a solo singer who is a female, Konig wouldn't really mind too much. He will buy you those expensive tickets if they are touring in Europe(he doesn't want you to go too far away from him, and the cross-continental flights are too much trouble even with his money and citizenship), will give you his card to buy some merch and honestly wouldn't mind you blasting the songs in the house. He has Opinions about the music he likes - mostly German hard rock, obvi, he was raised on this stuff, at first as a rebellion, and later came to really embrace it, but he won't mind you and your music tastes. Even if it's something basic like Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey or Mitski, etc, he wouldn't honestly mind. Would like you to listen to his music, but if anything, your obsession with some girlie pop female singer only fuels his adoration for you. You're so cute and obsessive, he can't have enough!! If you like a band or a solo singer that is a man...oh boy. Konig googles the easiest way to kill a celebrity, preferably blasting the whole stage altogether. He knows that his being jealous of some singer is ridiculous...he also doesn't care. He tries to see the comparison between him and the guy you're obsessed with. 90% chance that they don't look alike at all - and it makes him worried, because what if you were to pursue someone like your favorite band boy?? he won't allow you to go to the concert, oh no, these places are too dangerous!! Too many people and too much possibility of mass attack or targeted assassination, you need to stay home! He won't falter even with your puppy eyes, his desire to keep you with him is too much( You'd have to promise you're definitely not leaving Konig, you just like the music and want to support your favorite artist...he will be so obnoxious and rude, not even realizing it - he is blasting your music tastes and probably leaving you crying after( your tears are the only thing that will kinda make him reconsider - but still, no concerts. Maybe a few posters and special edition disks, but please don't forget about your husband, he needs you to tell him how in love you are with him!! If that would mean sucking his cock like a good girl and stopping whining when he asks for cockwarming while he is playing or watching TV...you want those special merch thingies, right? And maybe, if you're good enough and play with your ass a little, he might consider buying a ticket...
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mins-fins · 5 months
all flights are delayed !
"i like to call myself a pretty man connoisseur.."
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synopsis: your sad to say it, but you don't have much going on in your life. you have a very time consuming major, just a few friends, barely any time to go out, and spend most of your free time either a: working, or b: sleeping. so for once, when you finally have the friday off, and your dragged off to go watch a football game between a rival school of yours, you really do wish you were anywhere else. somehow though, it turns out to be one of the best things to happen to you, because a charming oreo–haired musical theater major from your rival school just happens to saunter his way into your life, you didn't expect to fall in love in your junior year, but your also not complaining!
pairing: xiao dejun x male!reader
genre: college au, strangers to friends to lovers, musical theater major!xiaojun x health science major!reader, fluff, like the lightest of angst, lowkey fast burn 😖
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, kissing(?), gay people, a little miscommunication, reader having a crisis over oreo xiaojun, probably a lot of repetitive phrases, huang guanheng is EVERYWHERE
word count: 12.8k
notes: OKAAAAAAAY hello! now in the beginning i really did enjoy writing this but after like the fourth scene its all so disgusting and jumbled up but i am also very proud of myself because this is the longest ever fic i have ever written (it is all xiao dejuns fault), actually it is ALL of nct's fault because why do i have a bunch of 8k word fics of so many nct members..😢 anyway if this seems any rushed or makes absolutely no sense at times its because im tired and i worked extra today but it doesn't really matter because constructive criticism is good (i shouldn't even publish this tbh) but there is a first for everything! enjoy!
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YOU'VE NEVER BEEN A FOOTBALL FAN. now you know that might be a little of a sour opinion, especially to the men in your family, but it's just never been a sport you enjoy. it is just a little fun to watch, especially when drunk, because the sight of men in tight ass clothes running around a field chasing a ball is possibly one of the funniest things you think your drunk mind has ever seen. which is why now— in the stands, listening to the loud shouts and screams from your schoolmates, and rival scholars, you feel as if your ears have just been popped.
after all the days of working, and doing nothing but schoolwork, you were glad to have the rest of the friday off. there was nothing else you wanted to do but put on an oversized sweater, make a bowl of ramen and rewatch gossip girl for the seventy fifth time already (yes, you keep count), but no— guanheng decided he was going to drag you out of the dorm to watch stupid football game, one about "school spirit" or whatever, you weren't paying attention to him when he decided to go on his ramble, and now he's abandoned you once again! probably off to go talk to one of his 1000 other friends or something.
you almost consider leaving, but then you witness the amount of people you'd have to maneuver through, the amount of excuse me's you'd have to utter, the amount of pushing you'd endure as you tried to make your way through the crowded stands, besides, you can't leave without guanheng, your pretty much the only person responsible for keeping him alive at this point.
so you somehow suck it up and manage to stick around. your ears are practically on fire right now, and you desperately want to take off your shoes because of how they are poking you at the moment. you almost feel like your being pressed together by all the people in the stands, as if walls are slowly pushing in and crushing every single bone in your body.
"that team is doing horribly.." you mutter to yourself in an attempt to calm your crazy mind.
"i know, we suck".
at first you think you've made up the voice, because in the past hour and a half all you've heard is shouting, cheering, and loud music blasting on your ears, no one has made any attempt to talk to you since guanheng up and left you alone in the stands, so the response almost seems like muddled up words created by your brain as a response—
but it's not.
someone actually did respond to you, and in a split second there is a completely new person standing beside you, also observing the game but not looking as pleased to be there. when you do glance to your left, you come across possibly the most beautiful boy— no, person, you come across the most beautiful person you think you've ever seen in your twenty years of living, for once it feels like everything stops.
you are not the kind of person that just.. does that. now you've met tons of pretty people, you've met so many people that you could definitely say are so beautiful they could be displayed in a museum as an art exhibit, but never in your twenty years of living have you ever seen yourself go silent at the sight of a beautiful person— your brain feels like it's malfunctioning, you're not exactly sure what to say, you open your mouth but no words come out, and you almost consider punching yourself because you probably look like a complete idiot right now.
"oh? you don't go here?"
that's what you decided to say? of all things you could've said, of course he doesn't go to your school, he just implied that the other team belonged to his school, why would that be the best thing to say out of everything else?
the stranger looks up, then he laughs, and your not sure how you keep your composure. "oh no, i go to vixsith" he replies, using his thumb to point backward, though he's not pointing at anything in specific, just pointing to point. you're not sure why you pick up on that, or why you're even watching where his hands are going anyway.
"your insulting your own team?" you inquire, and he laughs even harder at your question, covering his mouth with his hand. "this is about school spirit, have faith in them" you joke, and all he does is continue laughing, crossing his arms as he tries his best to calm himself down.
"i'm being honest, the only person on that team who knows how to play is mark, he deserves better" he remarks, eyes focused on the player he just named. he then seems to have a random realization and turns to you once again. "i'm dejun by the way" he holds out his hand for you to take, and you just blink at it like an idiot, before coming back to your senses and quickly shaking his head.
at the sound of your name, he seems to have yet another realization. he points at you and narrows his eyes. "we have a mutual friend don't we?"
at the question, you narrow your eyes, cogs turn in your brain as you think about who he could possibly be referring to, then it comes to you—
the two of you say his name in unison, and the two of you both try to stifle your laughs as the realization dawns on you. "he knows everyone i swear" you mutter, and dejun snorts, looking away from you to laugh. "even from other schools.."
"oh we go way back" dejun responds, moving his hair out of his face. "middle school actually" he adds, and your eyes widen, as if your shocked, of course guanheng has friends from way back when, why are you surprised?
you don't feel as surprised as you do lucky..
"was he still as inhumanely flexible as he is now?"
dejun laughs again, he does that a lot. "yes, yes he was".
"he talks about you a lot.. you know" dejun comments out of the blue, tucking his hair behind his ear. "he basically lives with us, and if he's not sleeping over we always assume he's with you".
"oh so that's why he always just.. appears and disappears.."
"yeah that's kind of his thing" dejun scrunches his face, looking bored by the lack of action happening on the field. "i can never find him unless he directly comes to me first" he doesn't look at you as he says those words, but you're very much staring at him the whole time.
you almost feel like a creep in a way, you want to punch yourself in the face again for continuing to stare at him. you blink a couple times before turning your face away, trying to correctly articulate your thoughts.
"both teams suck".
you only say those words because you want him to continue talking, you want to hear him talk, it's nothing that crazy, having a conversation with him is just so intriguing to you for some reason..
"well yeah— but you guys get more training so you have an advantage" he comments, narrowing his eyes at the field, arms crossed over his chest. "the guys on our team have no idea what their doing".
"do you like football?" you ask, not sure why your so interested in his answer, you just are, you have no explanation for your sudden intrigue of this charming oreo–haired boy that goes to your rival school.
your much too distracted by how gorgeous he is to worry about giving yourself an explanation.
dejun laughs again, shaking his head. "not really, my dad does, so i just know things because of all his screaming and shouting" he replies, arms still crossed over his chest. "i'm not really a sports person, i do musical theater for pete's sake".
"oh so you sing?" you don't mean to ask another question, you're worried that you might be bothering dejun with your constant inquiries, but he actually seems glad, excited that someone is asking him about his major.
"well yeah" he responds, his smile growing. "all things theater, i write the songs, i act the parts, i play instruments, sometimes i even take offstage roles instead of my usual onstage ones".
he fiddles with his fingers, picking his nails. you assume, from his mannerisms, that he doesn't know what to say because most people don't really ask him about his major, or what he does, it's like he's elated that you even asked him.
"what about you?" dejun instead asks, veering away from the topic of his major and instead making yours the main topic of discussion. "what do you do?"
"health science" you say the words as if it pains you to, like it's the single most uninteresting thing you've said this whole interaction. "i know, it's boring".
dejun laughs again; "no no! i didn't say that!" he waves his hands in a disagreeing manner as he chuckles at your words. "i just don't meet a lot of people interested in pursuing science.."
"it's more of the health aspect than science actually" you mutter, and dejun just looks even more interested in what you have to say now. "but science is a big part of it so.."
"you must be very smart then" dejun remarks, smiling as the two of you make eye contact.
"i'm alright" you just say, finally pulling down your formerly rolled up sweater sleeves now that the air outside has begun cooling down. you only lightly shiver, and you glance back at dejun one more time..
"where do you think guanheng is?" he asks, clearing his throat as he scours the still full and lively bleachers, searching for your friend. "off doing whatever he does.."
you're currently very distracted, and you don't even realize what's going on when you snap out of whatever daze you were having and everyone is suddenly standing up and cheering like there's no tomorrow.
dejun looks over at you, and he can clearly see how confused you are because he laughs for one last time. "you guys won!" he somehow manages his voice over the roar of the crowd. "congrats!"
he's yelling, but he's not exactly loud, he still manages to sound so gentle whilst yelling at you.
"thanks!" you blurt out as a reply, and you feel like a complete idiot for that, but dejun smiles, so you don't feel all that embarrassed.
the game is over, and people are going to start to leave soon. dejun looks back, spotting a group he recognizes, then he looks over at you, a smile on his face. "i've gotta go now" he says, almost disappointed in a sense. "it was nice meeting you y/n!"
you nod, not knowing what to say. "yeah! you too!"
you too? you too?? is that what you say y/n!?
dejun gives one more beautiful smile before heading off, and you blink, having absolutely no idea what just transpired in those few minutes.
holy shit i forgot to ask—
but you couldn't— because he was gone, gone in such a flash you couldn't even spot his oreo hair in the crowd.
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YOU FORGOT TO ASK FOR HIS NUMBER. YOU FEEL SO STUPID, your not even sure why you wanted to ask him that, but in the back of your mind that was the question you were preparing yourself to ask from the moment he told you his name, that he was friends with guanheng, the moment the two of you began laughing about your majors and stuff like that. the whole interaction with a pretty oreo–haired musical theater major at a football game is all that you were thinking about last night, as you tried to find pretty much anything else to think about as you struggled to sleep.
how did you forget to ask him for his number? you want to smash your face into your computer screen because of how stupid you are. you said "you too!" like a fucking idiot, but maybe you were just too distracted, he was smiling at you with that beautiful smile and staring at you with his absolutely gorgeous fucking eyes, how could you even think coherently whilst a beautiful man (from a whole other school but who cares?) was staring at you with his pretty brown eyes like you were the only person in the world?
okay your pushing it now..
but there is just something, something about him that drew you in, your not sure why you were so adamant on getting to know him, but he was just so— you can't explain it right now! you are currently very sleep deprived and also moody because of your disappearing roommate that always decides to appear at the worst times.
you don't remember the last time you ever got an actual eight hours of sleep, these days that seems like a dream more than a reality, but guangheng is just never tired. he's somehow always up, doing something, hanging out with people, he never sits down in once place and just stays still.
when he walks into the room, hands on his hips and gaze immediately focused on you, you barely bat an eye at him, just spare him a quick glance, noticing how pissed off he looks. you scour your mind for an explanation as to why he must be mad now, probably something someone said, or he got into yet another argument with one of his classmates, your not even sure anymore, you don't know where he is half the time.
"could you do me a favor?"
you almost laugh out loud, not at him, but at the idea that he wanted you to do him a favor. at this point, he probably owes you thousands of favors considering how many you do for him, but he seems upset, and you don't have any of that pettiness leftover to ignore him, so you move your eyes to look over at him.
"why should i?"
okay— you lied, your still just a little petty, but you totally have every right to be! guanheng deserves just some sass from you after disappearing each and every time he decides to take you out somewhere.
guanheng blinks, then he pulls out the signature guanheng frown, a sad stupid frown he always makes when he wants to persuade you into doing something. you're not sure how you've even ever fallen for that signature frown, maybe it's because he's just so great at looking sad, at looking upset, he somehow always manages to make you feel bad for him, and therefore, end up doing the favor for him.
"because i'm your best friend, your roommate, and you love me so much" guanheng smiles wide, like he just found out he won the lottery, and clasps his hands together as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
"i don't know.." you mumble, looking back at your computer screen. it's a saturday, you have no classes saturday, you can just sit down, relax, be the absolute lazy motherfucker you were put on this earth to be. "i don't feel like going out today".
guanheng huffs, crossing his arms. "one last favor! just one! then i'll get off your back!"
"your horrible at following your promises, heng" you comment absentmindedly, your tone is much meaner than you intended, and guanheng's gasp is enough to tell you that he indeed takes offense to those words. "what? i'm not lying".
"y/n!" oh great, he's whining now. "i will get you anything i can, anything! just this one favor! please?"
your about to say no again— but then it's like a lightbulb goes off in your head, and you get a spectacular idea. anything? he did say anything, and he can give you something you want.
the number of a pretty boy preferably!
you let out a sigh, and guanheng knows what that sigh means, it means you agree. "fine, i'll do you this favor, but this is the last one".
guanheng's smile brightens, and he cheers like a kid that just got the best christmas present one can receive. "thank you! thank you! thank you! i love you!" he kisses your cheek, and skips off to another room.
"get your jacket!" he shouts, already rooms away from you, so he has to shout.
"get your jacket! were leaving!"
you furrow your eyebrows at his words, but you don't say anymore, because you did agree to do this favor for him after all.
so, without questioning it more, you get up and go grab your jacket.
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"SO WHEN YOU SAID A FAVOR..?" you don't continue on with your sentence, pausing to let out a breath as you shove your hands into the pockets of your jackets. guanheng looks over at you, and he just chuckles at the unreadable expression on your face. when you agreed to do this favor for him, you didn't know it included leaving your dorm and having to be dragged out to yet another unfamiliar place. "did you forget to mention the fact that we'd have to leave the school?" you finally finish, eyes focused and narrowed on your friend, who again, smiles at you with that signature guanheng smile.
"it's a saturday, most of us don't have classes anyway, they won't question it".
"is that supposed to make me feel better?" you ask to yourself more than to guanheng, but he hears you anyway, and that results in a snicker from him. despite that, he doesn't respond to your silent question, making you frown just the slightest.
"stop pouting".
"i'm not pouting" your quick to rebut, rolling your eyes at his words. you almost bump into him when he suddenly stops, and your about to yell at him again for being stupid when he places a finger on your mouth.
he knocks on the door in front of him, not paying attention to the burning glare your currently sending him.
"i'll bite off your finger" you threaten, moving forward and pretending your about to do that. guanheng squeaks and quickly moves his fingers away from your lips, a flash of true fear in his eyes. all you do is give him a menacing and totally not threatening smile.
"psycho.." he whispers, he looks like he's about to say more, but the door opens, so he closes his mouth and turns around.
"come on!"
he grabs your wrist and drags you into the dorm, and you felt your heart rate increase. maybe he knew these people, but you sure didn't! what if they thought you were weird? you want to pull him back and tell him that he shouldn't just drag you into some strangers dorm, but he is much too distracted to even notice your uneasiness.
"i've returned!" guanheng yells, letting go of your hand to place his hands on his hips, as if he was proud of himself.
"can you slam the door on him!?"
"ten! come to me!"
before you can ask him what the hell is going on, he sprints down the hallway, you assume to go after this ten person, you just blink, shoving your hands into your pockets as you begin to rock back and forth on your heels.
"hello stranger!" an unfamiliar voice exclaims, you look up and come face to face with a pink–haired boy with a bright smile.
"hello" you reply politely. "i like your hair" you immediately remark, pointing at his hair like an idiot because you don't want to touch it and make him uncomfortable.
his face lights up, as if you were a millionaire that just gifted him a life changing amount of money. it was as if no one ever told him that his hair was pretty before, or that they liked it. he jumps up and squeals, excited. "thank you! ten said it was stupid!"
you furrow your eyebrows, then chuckle. "what? no it's very pretty, pink suits you!"
"hah! i told you guanheng! pink does suit me!" he yells down the hall, and you can hear the small shout of rebuttal that guanheng responds with from all the way down the hall. "thanks! only a few people actually noticed that i dyed my hair".
you laugh again, okay he is very funny, you like him!
"oh! i'm yangyang! the nicest person who lives here!" he introduces himself in the same fashion a reality tv star would, and quickly grabs your hand to shake it. you don't complain, just laugh again as he vigorously shakes your hand.
"y/n, it's nice to meet you".
he gasps, recognizing your name. "oh you're the famous y/n! guanheng always talks about you, for a long time i was convinced he was in love with you!"
"why are you tarnishing my brand!?" guanheng shouts again, sounding even more pissed off than he did before. "huh!? liu yangyang!?"
yangyang shakes his head, ignoring guanheng's loud shouts and flapping his hand, mocking him. you laugh as you watch him mock the other, who has absolutely no idea what he's doing right now.
"you have a project to do!" another unfamiliar voice shouts.
yangyang gasps again, suddenly looking stressed. "fuck yeah— um!" he turns around and reaches over to grab his laptop, then he turns back to you and gives you a smile.
"yeah, my apologies" you just wave it off, urging him to keep going. "um i'm doing a project where i have to interview people on their majors.. trust me i don't know either, but! i've interviewed like the whole school already, and i need one more person.."
"and that person is me?" you ask, but you already know the answer to that question, yangyang nods, much more quickly than he seemed to intend to.
"yes!" he exclaims, but then he clears his throat. "but only if you want to, i don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do—"
"no no no it's fine!" you cut into his sentence, shaking your head. yangyang, again, looks elated that you agreed.
okay so this was the favor guanheng wanted you to for him! (not for him necessarily— but his friend). he could've just told you about this straight up instead of being vague about it, it wasn't even that burdening of a favor, not like the other ones you've done for him.
"guanheng! why don't you bring him around more often? he's better than you are!" yangyang yells again, probably for the nth time that hour.
guanheng doesn't answer, but you knows he's pouting, you can just sense it at this point, you call it your "roommate instincts".
"oh hi y/n".
now that's a voice you recognize, and you almost don't believe your eyes when the one person that kept you up all night walks into the room and smiles as he sees your figure. "dejun, hi" you smile back at him, hoping you don't sound as awkward as you feel.
dejun looks so so pretty, as he always does. he fiddles with the necklace hanging around his neck, his eyes lingering on you for an unspecified amount of time.
"ten hit me with his shoe" guanheng suddenly storms into the room, arms crossed over his chest. "asshole.." he mutters under his breath, huffing like some sort of baby.
dejun then laughs, covering his mouth with his hand, and that causes you to laugh, turning your head to the side as to not make it obvious.
guanheng exchanges glances between the both of you, a prominent glare in his eyes, but then the look in his eyes changes, and he points at the two of you. "you two have met?" he asks.
dejun pauses, still humored by the previous words said by guanheng, and your brain almost malfunctions once again. "i— um" great, you just sound so natural and not awkward.
"we met at the game" dejun immediately says, saving you the awkwardness of having to collect your words in your brain. you thank whatever god or deity up there for dejun's quick response, and he just flashes you that familiar pretty smile. "yesterday, you know, while you were off doing who knows what.."
guanheng gasps, looking at dejun like he'd just cursed his entire bloodline. "you— your just such a bitch! you know!?"
"ow! don't punch me! i'm fragile!"
guanheng lands one more punch on his shoulder, and it gets one more squeak out of dejun, who jumps once again. "i don't care, your horrible".
yangyang blinks, probably already used to their little quarrels. he then turns to you, just shaking his head as they continue to whisper–argue. "so, what do you major in?"
it's almost like you totally forgot, his project, the thing that guanheng dragged you here to help him with. "health sciences, i take courses in everything related to healthcare and like— half actual science courses?"
"so your looking to work in healthcare?"
"yeah basically, i've already taken courses in emergency service's, becoming a paramedic is my top option!"
yangyang gasps at your words, he looks over at guanheng, then quickly back at you. "are you single?" he asks, again with the same quickness.
dejun snorts, hitting guanheng as begins laughing hard. guanheng scrunches his nose, staring at yangyang like he's crazy. "what kind of question is that!?"
"what? that is a totally valid question to ask!" he exclaims, crossing his arms. "it's for my project! clearly!" he lies.
"your— oh my god, unbelievable".
"so are you?" yangyang asks again, looking at you with suspenseful eyes. he is very much interested in your answer it seems.
your finally finished with your laughing fit, and nod, still very amused. "yes i am, i'm single".
"good, this is very important information".
yangyang gives you a giddy look, and dejun just continues to laugh.
you're not sure why your so focused on him though..
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YOU AGAIN, HAVE NO LUCK SLEEPING that night, and after the first hour and a half of tossing and turning, you gave up on trying to chase slumber you knew you wouldn't be able to catch. you assumed that the longer you stared at your computer screen, the quicker you'd get tired and the quicker your eyes would become heavier, but no! it's now almost two in the morning and you still aren't sleepy in the tiniest bit, you didn't know insomnia got this bad, if you knew this prior to coming back to school this year, you would've bought more of those sleeping pills. you lean your chin onto your hand as your computer continues playing audio from a random episode of brooklyn nine–nine.
the millions of thoughts rampant in your mind were probably distracting you, rendering it impossible to sleep, and also rendering it impossible to focus, seeing as your just looking around your room, which is pretty much boring you considering all you've been doing for the past thirty minutes is looking around your own room.
you think your gonna bore yourself to death, you pretty much prepare to stay up for the next five hours until your alarm rings and startles you out of your daze (which has happened way too many times for your comfort), but then your phone rings.
it's almost two in the morning, who exactly is calling you at this time? who knows that you're awake at 1:56 in the morning and decided to call you? they probably knew you'd pick up..
and you know who it is— it's so obvious.
you don't mean to pick up your ringing phone as fast as you do, you want to punch yourself in the face for how desperate you seem, and you almost don't answer the phone because you feel so embarrassed. "hello?"
"hi!" dejun sounds way too joyous for someone who is sleep deprived, and up at 1:57 am. "sorry? was that too loud?"
"no no your fine" you reply, even though the speaker is on, guanheng can quite literally sleep through anything, there was one time the fire alarm was going off for a good ten minutes and he didn't even budge. "guanheng is a pretty heavy sleeper".
"he's lucky, i can't sleep" the sound of shuffling on the other line resonates in your ears, and dejun huffs, sounding frustrated. "you were the only person i assumed would be awake".
you snicker. "why is that?" you inquire, he was right, of course, but you just wanted to hear his reasoning, and also wanted him to keep talking.
you really like dejun's voice for some reason, it just scratches the right part of your brain. in these past two days you realized that you like a lot of things about dejun, many more things than you thought you might.
"your major has the word 'science' in it so i just assumed the amount of sleep you get is slim to none".
now that gets another laugh out of you, you laugh much more than you intend to, but also— it's dejun, and you can't resist the loud laugh that escapes your lips.
oh your such a desperate little bitch—
"well you'd be correct" you respond, humming as you pick at your nails. "at this point sleeping is beginning to make me tired".
there's a long pause, and your worried you made everything more awkward, because you don't hear anything from the other line. for a moment, you're almost convinced dejun hung up on you, but before you can speak he beats you to it.
"i can keep you company until you get tired" he immediately suggests, and you almost choke on your spit when he says that. "i don't mind".
you go silent, feeling as if all logical thoughts in your mind have suddenly disappeared into the air. you might sound like a complete loser right now but that was just so sweet of him to suggest, you smile much too wide for your own comfort, but you don't even think about that, because your just so charmed by the words.
"you are.." you pause, clasping your hands together as you think about what words to say next. "yeah yeah, that's fine" you finally continue, your new words having no connection to the previous ones you previously said, you just hope dejun doesn't notice.
"good! it would've been awkward if you said no" dejun giggles, and you just can't get over how cute he sounds. "plus, i wouldn't want you to be tired in the morning, lord knows how much you do in a day.."
you feel an unfamiliar fluttering feeling in your stomach, because he is so considerate? he wants to help you, he's just being so nice to you at.. two! two in the morning! you bite down on your bottom lip, hoping it doesn't bleed from how hard your tooth drives into it.
"aww, you care about me that much?" you ask, just wanting to hear him talk again. you feel like a teenage girl giggling and kicking her feet over a high school crush, except you can't kick your feet and giggle because then dejun would know.
"okay, be quiet, don't make me hang up".
"okay okay don't do that!" you say, totally meaning to sound as desperate as possible this time. "if your not here i won't ever fall asleep".
you hear something similar to a squeal on the other line, as if dejun had heard your words and just freaked out.
the realization honestly boosted your ego.
"you— you suck!"
"you offered to help me jun, don't get like this now!"
you're not sure how long it goes on for, but you swear you two laugh all night while on the phone.
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"SO WHOSE THE GUY?" the question is asked so abruptly that at first, you assume you heard your friend wrong. when you look up, he stares at you with that deadpanned gaze, and that's when you realize he's completely serious. you chuckle at the realization that your friend is sure that your in love with someone (well you are— your just surprised that he figured out so quickly). "what guy? there's a guy?" you tilt your head, acting as if you have no idea what he could possibly be talking about. you giggle as you watch him slowly get even more irritated by your answer.
"you always come in here looking a little less miserable each day" chenle observes, leaning forward as he narrows his eyes at you. "someone is making you excited to live life?"
"do i always come in here looking miserable?" you ask, completely diverting your attention from chenle's previously asked question, which makes him pout.
"yep!" renjun exclaims, sitting beside you, he crosses his legs in his chair and presses his lips into a thin line. "so! who is he?"
the two seem way too excited to know about your never talked about before crush on dejun. now— you didn't know it was so obvious that you were now smitten for this new guy, you're usually the friend that's known from straying the furthest away from love, you don't remember any people you've legitimately liked that weren't elementary school crushes..
so yeah, your friends totally had every right to be surprised, because your absolutely smitten for a man and they just want to know who this man that is making you so happy is!
you hate that you give in so easily. "he's one of guanheng's friends.." you mutter, picking at your nails, looking down to make sure you don't witness renjun and chenle's reactions with your own two eyes.
renjun gasps, sounding like those ladies at the hair salons that just heard the juiciest gossip. "ooh! who? does he go here? do we know him? is he pretty?"
chenle looks over at renjun like he's crazy, that familiar judging stare in his eyes as he watches renjun lean closer to you with a totally not creepy smile on his face. "don't you think your acting a little too interested in this?"
"i just want to know!" renjun shouts, playfully glaring at the younger. he then turns back to you, and you assume his cheeks must be hurting from how hard he seems to be smiling. "tell me please?"
"he's— he's just your run of the mill pretty guy who is nice, and smart, and absolutely adorable who tells horrible jokes that still end up being funny in some way and he has a pretty laugh and i just love his voice, and talking to him, and, i can't even explain it because it'll sound stupid!"
"you sound like a psycho" chenle immediately says, laughing at you like you just confessed to an atrocious crime against humanity. you sink into your chair, slumping towards the side.
"aww! the pessimistic y/n is in love!" renjun squeals, again, like those women at the hair salon who just heard the juiciest gossip. he grabs your arm and shakes you vigorously, causing you to get dizzy in the slightest bit. "i can't believe i've lived to see this day!" he shouts, continuing to shake you as you can't properly get out your cries for help.
"renjun you're gonna kill him" chenle pinches the older in the arm, making him yelp and jump, he giggles as he witnesses the glare the older male sends him, his crushing grip remains around your arm, but you don't even mention at this point, because at least he's not shaking you anymore.
"sorry" he remarks, definitely not sorry as he squeezes your arm once again, beginning to get overly excited. "it's just.. exciting you know?"
"it's exciting that i'm in love with someone?" you raise an eyebrow, and though you expect renjun to respond, chenle quickly does.
"yep! you'll finally be gone!"
his cheer results in a gasp of offense from you, and all chenle does is giggle in victory.
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THE ONE THING YOU'VE LEARNED FROM THE now excessive amounts of times you've hung around guanheng's other friends is that they're loud, they are all really loud (even sicheng! who, for a good majority of the time, is always quietly staring at his friends with clear concern in his eyes), even if they don't mean to, they're somehow always either yelling, shouting, or making some sort of scene. they're all just naturally hilarious, like comedians that don't realize they're comedians because they're just being themselves. in the past few weeks, it's like you spend more time with these people that don't go to your school in comparison to people that actually go to your school and that you can see easily.
but if you're being honest, you don't really mind that your spending all your free time with them, because they are indeed very fun to be around (and you get to see dejun much more regularly, which is something you rather enjoy), and because life would be insanely boring if guanheng didn't decide to drag you out of the dorm every other day to go do stupid things with his friends that go to a whole other school.
"you are such a cheater! i won fair and square!"
"you did not! your the cheater! sicheng is my witness!"
sicheng, who was not listening to anything either ten or yangyang had to say, looked over at the younger with a look of concern washed over his features. he blinks as he's suddenly put on the spot, smiling nervously as the youngest stares intensely at him, waiting for his answer. "uh.. i— i don't know".
his delivery makes you burst out laughing, and you cover your mouth with your hand as to not make yourself look like an absolute fool. you don't even realize that you picked up on one of dejun's habits, you might be spending too much time around him..
actually, forget that! there is no such thing as spending too much time around dejun, and that might make you sound like a "simp" but you don't care.
you've fallen, and you've fallen hard.
"okay.." guanheng presses his lips into a thin line, ignoring the way ten and yangyang now begin discussing the logistics of cheating in card games, unfortunately dragging poor sicheng into their argument. he turns to dejun and scoots closer to him. "can you do me a favor?"
dejun groans, playfully rolling his eyes. you assume he's done as much favors for guanheng as you have, and you barely stifle the snicker that dares to escape your lips.
dejun hears the sound, and smacks your arm hard, making you jump. he only gives you a teasing smile before turning to guanheng, having to give him a response.
"at what lengths do i have to go for this favor?"
guanheng scoffs, crossing his arms. "it's nothing insane or anything, i just want you to get me something.."
"and you can't get it yourself because..?"
"i have no money on me" and there goes that signature guanheng frown, dejun opens his mouth to argue but then he shuts it so quickly it seems like he just got out in some sort of trance.
"fine fine" dejun rolls his eyes once again, surrendering much too quickly. "you owe me though—"
"take y/n with you".
there's a pause, both you and dejun go very silent for a moment. whilst dejun is just confused, you absolutely know what guanheng is doing, and you have to use every bit of patience in your body to restrain yourself instead of jumping over the table and tackling him right then and there.
dejun is clearly clueless, though, because he just raises an eyebrow. "why?" he inquires, somehow sounding so sweet even though his question is asked with so much confusion.
"y/n knows what i want".
what a smooth lie, dejun glances over at you, and you just shrug, having no idea what more to say. "he needs to take a walk anyway" guanheng lies again, wow, two in a row! he's on a roll.
so that's how you find yourself on a walk with the person that you are very much in love with, a somehow comfortable silence spread between the two of you as dejun hums an unfamiliar tune to himself, hands in his pockets, eyes closed as he slowly sways back and forth.
he looks very peaceful, just doing what he does, being effortlessly pretty as he does so, and you observe his behavior, almost entranced by it in a sense.
you only stop when he speaks up—
"do you think they're still arguing?" he suddenly asks, and you snap out of whatever daze you were having, praying that he totally didn't notice you admiring him like a creep. "or are they just.. conversing calmly now?"
you don't want to seem like even much more of a weirdo, but you feel like he asked that question just as an excuse to talk to you, and maybe your thinking too much into it, but you've definitely done that before, so you know what it looks like.
"i hope they aren't still arguing" you answer, and dejun looks up at you, smiling. "that'd be a long ass time to argue".
"well they like arguing just to argue" dejun replies, fiddling with his necklace. "but they're harmless.. for the most part".
his delivery makes you laugh, and you look down at your shoes. "you're a very calm person, you know, the opposite of guanheng".
the sudden statement from dejun makes you look up at him once again, and this time, he's staring directly at you, as if he had been waiting to make eye contact with you the whole time. "calm?"
"well compared to my roommates you are" he giggles, and maybe he doesn't mean to, but he stares at so intensely that your legs feel shaky.
"who knows? maybe i'm a fraud" you tease, purposefully leaning closer to him so your words have an effect. dejun's eyes widen, and he lightly leans away from you, looking speechless. "you'd never know, though".
you don't know how you suddenly got so bold, or why you were so amused at the sight of dejun freaking out, you feel like some sort of genius for what you just did, and you snicker at yourself before leaning back.
dejun takes in a deep breath, looking like he's trying to fix himself. he clears his throat and stumbles through his next words. "i— uh.. you're such an idiot!" he decides to say, crossing his arms over his chest.
your not sure how the two of you became so casual in this amount of time, a few weeks ago, dejun wasn't such a regular figure in your life, and you were just any other college student doing their best to get by, not thinking about falling in love with a gorgeous oreo–haired man—
but you're also not complaining.
you aren't sure how you got so lucky, how it just happened that you could continue to spend time with the cute boy you met at a stupid football game simply because the two of you shared mutual friends, it's one of times guanheng's actually done you a favor, without even realizing it too!
"okay i'm sorry" you giggle, shoving your hands into your pockets, you once again begin taking from dejun's habits and sway back and forth. "seriously!"
"you're unbelievable" dejun exaggerates, rolling his eyes, but it wasn't serious, and you knew it wasn't serious. "but i meant what i said, your calm".
you raise an eyebrow at him, wanting to know more about the observations he has about you. "could you elaborate on that?" you don't mean to laugh, but you do, and it causes dejun to laugh too.
"you just.. seem content with what you have" he explains, but he doesn't explain it enough, so he continues. "like someone could get you a piece of paper as a birthday gift and you'd be pleased".
you laugh, hard, because he somehow managed to get you spot on. you almost feel like he is reading your mind, because he nailed you down with each word. "really? i guess i am like that".
"ah, so my prediction was right then!"
you laugh at how glad he is. "yeah, i am truly not that hard to please, gifts are gifts and if someone gets one for me, there's no use in being mad if the gift isn't something i like, at least they remembered to get me something!"
dejun stares at you for a specifically long time, looking you up and down. he stares at you with warm eyes, a gaze that seems so near and dear to his heart, a gaze so loving that it looked like he was about to get down on one knee and propose to you.
"i like any and all gifts" you continue.
"are there any specific kinds of gifts you like?"
dejun asks that question in a tone that makes it seem like he's totally not trying to sound suspicious, but he is totally asking you that question for a very specific reason.
guanheng must've told him something..
at least, that's what you assume, but dejun is patiently waiting for your answer, and you can't daydream the whole time about the true meaning of his words.
"i like books, plushies, music tapes, vinyl's, you know.. regular gifts that people like receiving".
dejun hums, as if he's noting down the information you're telling him in his mind, still, you don't say anything about his mannerisms, just keep it to yourself.
"are you noting down my reply?"
"i'm just keeping it in mind!" he says, smiling brightly at you. "just in case your special occasion comes up and i don't know what to get you".
oh! so guanheng definitely did tell him something..
"i mean— were friends! any gift from you will be a good gift".
at the word friends, dejun seems to pause, cogs in his brains turning as he tries to process your words. you don't understand why he would be trying to understand your words, because the two of you were clearly friends, did he think you two were something else?
you see the flash of disappointment on his face, but it quickly reverts back to a smile and he simply acts like nothing happened. "sorry, the word 'friends' just caught me off guard".
a lie..
how interesting.
"seriously though, i just want to get you a gift you'll appreciate forever".
but you're already enough for me— do you know how much you've changed my life?
your own thoughts manage to surprise you, because the words that you just told yourself in your own mind startle you enough that you make a judging face at yourself. luckily, dejun is turned away from you, so he doesn't notice.
"well that's thoughtful of you".
"i try my best.." he responds, finally looking back at you with that same loving stare, one that wants to lure you in and make you trip on your own feet.
for some reason, the two of you stop. there's an uncharacteristically long pause, like the world just decided to cease for a moment, and you both are completely stuck in place, just there, staring at each other.
dejun's eyes move, as if scanning your face like a camera, and they (of course) stop at your lips. he stares at them for what seems like forever, and it almost looks like he's restraining himself, but by the way he bites his bottom lip, it's clear—
he wants to kiss you.
and maybe there's a small voice at the back of his head that tells him to cut it out, because he almost immediately snaps out of whatever daze he was having, and clears his throat, his cheeks going a bright red.
"uh— sorry, yeah, um, we should get going" he says, shaking his head as he pulls his sleeves down.
"guanheng will yell at us if we're late".
okay, so he just decides to not talk about it? you want to ask him why he didn't just do it, because he clearly wanted to, but before you can even open your mouth, or get any words out, he grabs your hand and the two of you continue walking back to the group.
he doesn't say anything more, doesn't try to make anymore small talk, and while you do want to bring up what just happened there, you don't.
you just bask in the feeling of dejun's hands intertwined with your own.
it's a good feeling, you decide.
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THAT MOMENT IS STUCK ON YOUR MIND for what seems like years. you can't get over it! how he was looking at you, how he clearly wanted to kiss you, but for some reason, decided to stop himself from doing so. you're not sure why you didn't just tell him that it was okay, that you would be completely fine with him kissing you, but you guess that you're just a complete idiot as well, because you just stayed silent throughout the whole thing, the two of you equally deciding in silence to not bring it up, just sitting next to each other in awkwardly for the rest of the night.
and yeah, it's become normal for dejun to constantly run through your mind these days, it's like he has his own subsection in your mind, dedicated to thoughts about him and him only, but it's like he's just become rampant in there ever since that.. thing he did (or should you say, didn't do, considering he decided to not kiss you when the opportunity was right there), maybe you should've pulled him in, maybe you should've (for once) been impulsive and done the first thing put to your mind.
and this crawls through your mind for days, then those days become a good week and a half. now— you and dejun aren't not talking or anything, it was just sort of difficult to look at him without thinking about that.
you're so into your thoughts these days, that you are much more spacey during your classes, at home, and somehow, guanheng picks up on your weird turn, which is crazy, because guanheng was the last person you expected to notice something like that, he usually never notices most things in front of him anyway.
"okay, what the fuck happened?" he decides to randomly drop it on you when he seems to have had enough, which is funny, because he's technically the person that started the whole thing.
you look up from your phone, blinking at him like he just said something out of this world. "hm?" he scoffs at your lack of a response, shoving your shoulder, which results in a glare from you.
"what happened?" he asks again, this time without the extra swear word, he makes himself comfortable on the other side of the couch. "you are acting weird" he points at you accusingly, like you'd just been accused of a crime and he was trying to figure out if you were truly suspicious.
"i don't know what your talking about.."
"stop stalling!" he complains, grabbing your arm and beginning to shake you back and forth. "tell me! you can't keep acting weird and just not tell me what's wrong".
now you want to tell him, but in your mind it sounds so stupid that you feel like guanheng would laugh at you the moment you uttered the first few words of your sentence. "you're going to laugh".
guanheng gasps, offended by your response, though it is true, he just wants to be dramatic. "i won't! i'm concerned! i'm being a good roommate and asking you what's wrong!"
so, you roll your eyes, taking a deep breath. "okay so hypothetically.." you begin, because you have no other idea how to start your sentence.
hypothetically just means = it was indeed not hypothetical!
"hypothetically, uh huh.." guanheng hums, understanding the true meaning your words have. "okay sorry, continue".
"let's just say that, hypothetically, i am totally in love with one of your best friends, and that friend totally wanted to kiss me but then chickened out last minute and like an idiot i didn't say anything and i have no idea how to go about it".
guanheng's eyes widen at your words, and his jaw almost drops. "hypothetically though" you add to the end of your sentence after a long pause.
"right right! hypothetically.." he nods, though he can't contain his look of excitement at the words. "and you didn't kiss him back!?"
you're almost knocked off the chair from how intense his yell is. you groan and cover your face with your hands, embarrassed and ashamed. "i didn't know how to bring it up and not be awkward!"
"just say 'hey dejun you could totally kiss me and it'd be fine because we are both mortifyingly in love with each other'!" guanheng shouts, louder than his previous words. he's always so straight up, and you almost wish you didn't tell him anything. "it's that easy!"
"it is not!" you shout in rebuttal, crossing your arms and frowning. your acting like guanheng at this point, but that's not what you're noticing at this very moment. "it's easy for you! you date people and you kiss people all the time! i don't do that!"
"excuses excuses!"
you're at a loss for words at his lackluster words, you once again, frown and turn away from him. "i'm sorry! i have never been hardcore in love with someone like this before! i don't know how to talk about it!"
guanheng looks like he's about to yell again, but he takes a deep breath and relaxes himself, leaning back in the couch. "okay, i'm sorry for yelling.."
"y/n, you really just need to tell him how you feel straight up, because if you keep stalling than none of you will end up confessing in the end and you'll both just be going through a loop of 'should we or should we not?'"
you blink, staring at guanheng for a good few minutes, honestly surprised. this is probably the best advice he's ever given you, usually, you’re the one that has to give him advice because he always ends up doing something stupid and has someone that wants to murder him because of that stupid thing he did.
"that was actually.. good advice" you reply, laughing at guanheng's eye roll. he just shoves you, making sure he does extra hard this time to get his point across.
"shut up! i always give good advice!"
"you usually don't give any advice at all.." you mutter, running a hand through your hair as you look away from your roommate, who just glares at you like you just committed a federal offense.
"say something again and i'm gatekeeping dejun from you!"
"your what!?"
at the sound of your shout, guanheng giggles as he scurries away, proud of himself for the words that escape his lips.
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YOU'RE NOT SURE HOW YOU SOMEHOW LET guanheng drag you off to a party on a friday night where all you wanted to do is relax. parties have never truly been your thing, but that's because being surrounded by a bunch of drunk and high adults just isn't your idea of fun, you're also just not a big drinker, so the only reason you usually even end up at parties is to take guanheng home when he gets too drunk and can't fully articulate his thoughts. so, the fact that guanheng was somehow able to convince you to get out of the house and go to a party when you truly should've been at home, watching horrible sitcoms.
but no, you're here! and you can't leave without guanheng because if you did, he'd probably find a way to end up killing himself, or he'd say the wrong thing to the wrong person and would end up getting punched in the face.
so you find yourself in a familiar spot, your back against a wall as you stare at your phone, somehow able to ignore the hundreds of screaming drunk people that surround you, it's become a skill of yours, and you're not sure how exactly it developed, you've just become such a natural when it comes to ignoring others.
guanheng, of course, has already walked off to do his own thing, but not before reminding you of the advice he'd given you a few days prior, yelling at you to 'just tell the boy you like him!'
maybe his advice is burned into your brain, because now all you wish is that you were with dejun, talking about something stupid, or just talking.
and there must've been somebody listening in on your thoughts, because he suddenly walks around the corner, head whipping around like he's searching for someone.
your not trying to look at him, but he catches your gaze immediately, and he skips towards you like a kid in a candy store.
"hi" he greets, a little giggle to his words. his face is a shade of bright red as he giggles once again, though nothing's funny. "pretty".
he whispers the last word, with the intention of you not hearing it, but his mind must be too clouded for him to realize that he said it much louder than he thought he did, but you don't say anything, just hum.
"hello" you greet back, and he laughs once again, covering his hand with his mouth. "are you okay?"
a loud snicker leaves his lips, and he moves closer to you to link his arm with yours. he rests his head onto your arm, a content smile spreading across his face. "i'm drunk".
his honest answer makes you question his state for a moment, since when do drunk people admit that they're drunk? or maybe he's only just tipsy.. your not sure, but he's not acting like a totally sober person right now.
"are you sure?" you raise an eyebrow, dejun just responds with a small 'hmph', and he keeps your arm linked with his. "dejun".
"yes! i am!" he yells as rebuttal, shaking your arm a few times. "do you wanna smell my breath?"
"oh no no no" you reply, covering his mouth with your hand. he laughs at you, his cheeks as pink as yangyang's hair, he grabs your hands, and whilst yours are cold, his are burning hot. "okay you have energy".
"i'm sorry" he suddenly blurts, another snort escaping his lips as he leans his head against your chest. you give him a look, confused as to why he felt the need to apologize.
"for what?"
"for doing that thing" dejun responds, closing his eyes as he sways back and forth. "i probably made everything awkward, i didn't mean to".
that's what he thinks? he thinks that he made everything awkward? you feel your heart break at the realization, but all dejun does is laugh sadly.
"you didn't— you didn't make everything awkward, it's okay".
dejun laughs again, clearing his throat. "just tell the truth, y/n.."
you chuckle, not at dejun, just at his words. he wants you to tell the truth? fine.. you will!
"dejun" you begin, using your pointer finger to tilt his chin up so the two of you make eye contact, you watch as his eyes widen, but he doesn't move, just lets you do your thing. "you can kiss me, it's okay".
he blinks, as if trying to figure out if you were lying or not. he opens his mouth, but no words come out, so he closes it again. "it is?" he asks again, just wanting reassurance, you hear his voice crack, but he's getting impatient, he wants your answer.
"yeah it's fine".
that's all the conformation dejun seems to need, because he finally presses his lips to yours after what seems like years of waiting. your arms naturally rest on his waist, and there's just something, something about this that makes you smile.
there's an urgency in the way he kisses you, and his hand comes up to hold your face. he is just so desperate, and it would be a lie to say that you weren't just as desperate as he is. you'd been wanting this for so long, you don't even know how many times you thought about what it would be like to kiss dejun.
his fingers caress your cheek, and the contact feels like your skin was set ablaze. maybe this is what you needed, and you assume it's exactly what dejun needed to, because he pushes on your shoulder with a seemingly inhumane amount of force, which makes you gasp a little.
while your one arm is around his waist, the other one goes up to run your fingers through his hair, somehow causing the two of you to both smile, barely stifling your laughs.
after what seems like forever, dejun pulls away, and while you're standing there, breathless, he just smiles, relaxing as you play with his hair. "you like my hair?"
you aren't sure why out of all things, that's what he decides to ask, but you laugh, completely enamored by the boy in front of you. "yep, it's soft" you reply, biting your inner cheek. "the color suits you".
dejun tilts his head, looking up at you with his insanely pretty eyes. you just want to squish his cheeks, or wrap him in a blanket and hold him forever, you aren't sure why you just have this surge of loving emotions for absolutely no reason, maybe it's the way he's staring at you, or that he just left you breathless and did it so flawlessly.
he hums, not knowing how to respond to your compliment. he just suddenly gets shy, his ears turning red at your words.
"you're so stupid.."
that's probably his favorite phrase to say to you by now, but you don't mind, you just smile as he hides his face away from you. 
"dejun" you call out despite him being right in front of you, and he looks up at you again, gaze warm as he gives you a small smile.
"i love you" you immediately spout, not even surprised by how high your voice has gotten. "like— in the i'm in love with you kinda way and not in a i just want you to kiss you but not call you my boyfriend kinda way".
dejun pauses, snickering at your words, he looks at you like you're the only person in the world.
what other way could there possibly be?
but you don't get any response, at least, not from him, because all he does is lean forward and press his lips to yours.
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YOU'VE NEVER REALLY BEEN A FAN OF YOUR BIRTHDAY, and you aren't sure why. it used to be a fun thing up until you turned twelve and it suddenly felt like a switch had flipped, as if your birthday was making you miserable. now it's not like you always feel depressed on your birthday, it's just that sometimes you don't want to have a huge birthday celebration. most of the time— you only request for huge birthday bashes on specific days, like when you turned ten (you were very excited about becoming a double–figured age), or when you turned eighteen (you became an adult, not that exciting but it was definitely something, you could finally legally drink), but it's truly only specific days that you don't mind having large, people–filled birthday parties.
and not only were you not exactly anticipating your birthday, you already had something even bigger on your mind the whole time.
like dejun ghosting you! that's definitely one!
okay so you tell the guy you love him, you make out with him at a party (in the opposite order but oh well), he doesn't give you a response and then he decides to just ignore you?
maybe he just didn't know what to say, and that also lead to him just not picking up his phone for a good two weeks as he completely ignored your calls and texts and voicemails!
and with this being the only thing on your mind, your birthday seemed to be the least important event at the moment.
you didn't really want to think about it, and the campus was starting to make you feel sick, so this year you planned on visiting your parents after the day was over, considering your special day fell on a friday—
but guanheng, guanheng had other plans.
he practically begged you to let him throw the party for you, he wanted to do it so bad that he vowed to never ask you for a favor ever again (which is a lie! he never keeps his promises!), he was acting so desperate, it was like you'd just saved his life or something.
you're not sure what made guanheng so eager to throw a party for you, especially because you just didn't know what you would do with a bunch of people in your dorm.
but he insisted, he would throw you the best party in the world.
and after what seemed like forever, you two finally agreed on something—
you go visit your parents friday evening, and guanheng throws your party on saturday, easy!
"what do you mean strawberry isn't a good flavor!?"
you scoff at his question, nodding your head, as if confirming your words. "i don't like strawberry flavored things, you get me a strawberry cake and i'm making you sleep outside".
your threat results in a gasp from your roommate, who looks genuinely hurt by your words as he places a hand on his chest, horrified. "you are such a horrible roommate! threatening me when i'm throwing a party for you".
"it'll be a horrible party if you get me a horribly flavored cake".
you totally mean what you say as well— you truly dislike strawberry cake.
and when guanheng said party, you didn't exactly anticipate how many people he would decide to let into your dorm.
now you know a good chunk of these people, but most of these people probably decided to come just because they knew guanheng, all they did was utter some happy birthday's and then they ran off to do their own thing.
guanheng got most things right, he just invited a bunch of people that really didn't care for your birthday, just wanted to be around him.
so it's no surprise that you felt just a little disappointed about the people at your party that just didn't give two shits about your actual birthday.
and guanheng was off doing something else, though you could actually see him this time, he was telling people where to put the gifts they brought for you.
your beginning to feel suffocated in your own dorm, which is ironic to you, because this is quite literally the place you go to get away from a bunch of people, it's the only place of yours that isn't full of people.
so, you clear your throat, and push through people to get to the door, not wanting to stay inside with all these people, you'll probably end up throwing up everywhere if you stay inside even longer.
when you exit the dorm, you take a deep breath the moment you close the door, letting your back fall against it. you immediately jump as you see a person behind the door—
okay so dejun (who you confessed your love to by the way!), is pacing back and forth in front of your door, totally stressing. you blink, a look of confusion spreading across your face. "um.."
"are you okay?"
you aren't even sure why you opened your mouth, but if you didn't, this would just go on for a good twenty more minutes.
dejun jumps, clearing his throat as he smiles awkwardly. "you— scared the shit out of me".
he's acting so casually? after not talking to you for a good two weeks!?
"i'm sorry!"
dejun immediately yells, covering his face with his hands. "i'm so sorry for not texting you! or calling you! or giving you a response! it was so stupid of me to not consider your feelings and instead of just telling you straight up how i felt i decided to ignore you but i was scared that i wouldn't be able to tell you without making it awkward and it—"
"dejun" you place your hands on his shoulders, turning him around to face you. "your rambling".
he sighs, eyes darting away from your face, he frowns. "but it's not okay, i didn't talk to you, i probably came off as such an asshole! you were probably so confused, and i just.. said nothing!"
you observe his features, and he looks even more anxious at your silence. his face goes red, and his leg begins bouncing up and down, whilst his hands look for something to hold.
"okay, calm down.." you mutter, reaching for his left hand and lacing it together with yours. "it's okay, there's no need to be worried".
"i'm sorry" he says again, finally looking up at you. "i get it if you don't forgive me—"
"dejun" you cut into his sentence, squeezing his left hand. "i forgive you.. i love you".
you repeat your confession once more, and dejun blinks, processing your words.
"i love you too".
and finally, after what seems like forever, after what was so long, he gave you a response.
before you could say anything more, dejun pulls you in for a hug, his arms circling around your waist. you're a bit taken aback by the sudden display of affection, but you also don't mind, because he squeezes you tighter.
"happy birthday" he mumbles, a small smile coming to his face as he feels your hand comb through his hair. "i'm sorry".
"stop apologizing" you say, lifting his chin up so you could look him in the eyes. "i forgive you, it's okay".
and it is, you're being completely honest, but dejun doesn't say more, immediately pulling you back into a warm hug
but suddenly, the door to your dorm swings open and guanheng peaks his head out, eyes widening as he witnesses the current thing. he has absolutely no context to anything which was happening at the moment, he just opened the door to witness a totally unaware dejun hugging you.
"uh.." he blinks, glancing between you two, but not asking anything, just clearing his throat. "it's time to cut the cake?" he laughs awkwardly, and you just smile, giving him a i'll be right there look.
"o...kay" he doesn't say anything more, just goes back inside and closes the door.
dejun giggles as guanheng closes the door, pulling away again to look up at you. "oh he is totally tired of us".
"we didn't do anything, though".
dejun snickers, lightly hitting your arm. "okay okay, you need to stop, it's your birthday, you have to go cut your cake".
"and.." he pauses, pulling a box out of nowhere and handing it over to you. "open your gifts".
you raise an eyebrow, confused. "where were you even hiding that?"
"that's irrelevant! it's your birthday, come on!"
and you let him drag you back into your dorm, smiling at him the whole time.
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YOU ALMOST CONSIDER THE WAY YOU are acting to be absurd, and it's funny how much of another side dejun can just bring out of you. now you would never consider yourself to be a grumpy person, but people usually do describe you as having a 'natural frown'. you never really thought of yourself as being like that, but you guess that people don't see you look so happy much, because they continue to point out how it's like some glitch in the matrix to see you just a little less miserable as each day passes. chenle especially makes comments, talking about how you need to "put your smile away" because not seeing your resting face constantly freaks him out, renjun on the other hand, is elated, or maybe he's just glad he can finally be rid of you, you don't know.
but all that put aside, you are happy, and you have a cute oreo–haired man to thank for that.
and maybe this is all you really need, just dejun, the two of you don't even have to do anything, he can just lay his head down onto your shoulder and you'd be having a good time.
you like it when he sits down and paints your nails for you, or when he watches you bake over your shoulder, not knowing what to do but happy to watch you do your thing, or when he coerces you to win prizes from carnival games for him with his absolutely adorable eyes (he doesn't even need to try to coerce you, you'd do it either way).
"i'm pretty sure this is illegal".
"it's not!" you reply, though you mean to reassure dejun, your words seem to worry him more than anything. you take his hand, squeezing it. "dejun, i'm not getting you into any illegal activity".
"i can never tell with you" he retorts suspiciously, keeping your hand in his as you lead him up, he would have tripped if not for you holding your hand and guiding you up.
you clear your throat, patting the spot beside you as dejun immediately sits, so close to you that your legs are touching. "if i ever wanted to do something illegal, i'd know better than to bring you along".
he gasps, and you can't resist the urge to laugh at how offended he sounds. "what is that supposed to mean!?"
"you" your pointer finger touches his nose, and he doesn't even try to move. "are a snitch, you would be horrible to commit a crime with".
dejun slaps your hand away, and you laugh at the way he crosses his arms, a familiar pout gracing his absolutely beautiful features. "you— i.. take that back!"
"it's true! even yangyang would be a better option than you!"
dejun is even more offended by the words, and he slowly scoots away from you, arms still crossed as he pouts. you giggle as he remains scooted away from you, still angry about the words you said.
"uh— jun, i was just joking!"
"you suck".
dejun glares, but his glare is anything but serious, as you can see the way he slowly starts to break under your gaze, resisting the urge to burst into laughter. "i hate you".
"you love me".
he does, and he can't pretend he doesn't, because he almost immediately snickers, looking away from you as to not laugh more.
oh he is just so adorable.
you scoot closer to him and wrap your arms around his waist, making him yelp. "you're so cute" you mutter into his shoulder, and at this point, dejun doesn't even try to pretend anymore.
"you're so corny" he says, patting your arms that currently circle around his waist. you lean your head down onto his shoulder, making yourself comfortable, and he just lets you, because at this point he can't really push you off him.
"don't fall asleep, i'm not going to carry you back to your place".
"you would be too weak to carry me anyway— ow!"
you yell loudly as dejun nudges you in the stomach with his elbow, and while he looks absolutely proud of himself, you just glare, absolutely done with him.
but you don't say anything, just lets your fingers run through his hair, probably your favorite thing to do with him. he just cups your face, and he just smiles at your face, giggling. "your just as cute as when we first met".
the statement makes you snicker, because you did not expect for him to say that out of all things he could've said. you get why he says it though, because you are at the place where it all began, the bleachers, the same bleachers where you two were standing when you shared your first interaction.
you tilt your head, wanting to tease him more. "so there were moments where i wasn't cute, then?"
dejun scoffs, turning away from you. he lightly pinches your arm, and you yelp once again, inching away from him. "why do you enjoy hurting me?"
he smiles innocently. "i don't, i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!"
your face drops, and all dejun does is laugh, squeezing your cheeks. "don't be mad, babe, you know i love you".
and you do, you do know, he never fails to remind you of how much he does.
"i love you too.."
with your eye rolls, and tiny mutters, dejun knows, he knows that you're telling the truth.
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number-onekidqueen · 3 months
Could you please do Luke x Goth!fem!reader where they are dating secretly, and Luke finds out she’s getting bullied for how she dresses he decides to confront the bullies and put them in their place 
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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Luke Castellan x goth!Hades!reader
apologies for the awkward spacing, my laptop is going through some glitch 😭
angsty fluff
warnings: bullying, verbal abuse ig, a few swear words, Stacey is a cliche warning, mentions sexual themes
"You don’t like it, do you?”
He shook his head insistently. You laughed.
“No, I think it’s cool, I just don’t listen to this kind of stuff. It’s new to me.”
You and Luke were sat on your bed in Hades cabin, listening to a cassette you had snuck in this summer.
It was actually how your mum had bonded with Hades. She always told the story of how she had been walking home from a shift, listening to her favourite album on her Walkman, completely lost in the bass and cacophony of drums, unaware of her surroundings. Too late she had noticed a drunk driver swerving towards her. And then a man had come out of the gloom, drawing her safely away by clutching her cassette tape and headphone wires. She’d been at a loss for words, and he’d simply walked away.
He’d met her the next night, returning her Walkman with praise for her music choice. And every night later he’d appear somewhere along their journey, and they’d converse about music and fall in love.
That very album was what you were listening to at the moment. And from the look in his face, it certainly wouldn’t be making its way onto Luke's playlist very soon.
“I know it’s loud, I get it,” you reassured, “I guess I just love the…. Passion.” You didn’t see while you were rambling, but the look Luke gave you then could only be described as adoring. He loved when you ranted like this. “These artists, they’re pouring their heart and soul into everything. Every word they scream, and string they play, they’re giving their best performance to do so. I find it so amazing.”
The sad thing was, not many people shared your view on that, which led to the predicament you were in.
Well, it wasn’t just the music. It was probably the way you dressed too.
Regardless of your explanations, people were always going to stare at your black shorts, choker and smoky eyes. They would always whisper ‘goth girl’ as if it was a swear word.
But you never thought they would be quite so mean. Come on, you were one of them, right?
Wrong, apparently.
"Hey, emo, anyone die lately, or just your style sense?"
This particular jab came from Stacey, an Aphrodite girl who just seemed to loathe you, and was your polar opposite with her glowy make up, tight camp tee and cropped shorts.
Usually you ignored them. Sure, some of their comments were mean, and sometimes you could hear them when you looked in the mirror, when you applied your mascara, when you lay in bed in the darkness. But today, you were done. You were so sick of Stacey sniping and sneering at you. You were going to bite back.
"I didn't realise dressing for men was considered style, but if so, then sure."
There was silence as she gasped at your comment, looking at her friends in shock and for support. She scowled then, and chewed her gum obnoxiously in what you guessed to be an excuse to think of a comeback.
"I'm sorry I get a reaction from men. Kinda sad that black and death doesn't turn anyone on, huh y/n? But I'm sure you don't care. Probably have some relationship with a dead body, right?"
There were muffled giggles as all the Aphrodite girls covered their mouths at her retort. She began to smirk at you as you blinked at her in shock, genuinely hurt.
"I don't get you, Stacey. Why would my style have anything to do with that? How do smoky eyes have anything to do with-with necrophilia or whatever you're suggesting? What the fuck?" You spat, and you walked away from her, hating that you had been defeated, that that stupid girl's words made your eyes feel heavy with tears.
Because to her, you'd always be weird. That one goth girl who always wore black no matter the occasion. Who barely got a first glance from boys.
It was then you wanted to scream to them how much you knew Luke cared about you. You wondered how much their opinions would change, if they knew camp's golden boy was sweet about you. But you never did, because you knew they wouldn't believe you, and so it led to tears and frustration, locking yourself inside your cabin and crying until your face was a runny, smudged mess.
You'd settled yourself against the wall for around half an hour, your hands in your hair as you bathed in misery and insecurity when you heard the first round of insistent knocks and urgent calling of your name. It was him.
Sniffling and wiping your eyes, you got to your feet and let him in, praying you looked better than you felt. His face fell as the door opened and he spotted your saddened features, so you guessed you didn't. Luke stepped in, shutting the door behind him, and immediately brushing the tears from your face with his thumbs, his eyes sad.
"Who did this to you?" he demanded, as he drew you into a hug.
"It was just some-some girls, don't worry, they always do it, I'm just-y'know, being dramatic," you let out a broken laugh into his shoulder and more tears fell, "I guess I should expect it."
"No you shouldn't. They shouldn't torment you regularly just because you dress different to them." He pulled away, his eyes furious now, the cocoa centres dangerously dark, "What the hell is wrong with them?! Tell me their names, y/n, their names."
"No, it's fine, you-you don't need to talk to them, it's-"
"Well, I'm going to either way, so you can tell me, or I'll just find it out."
"I-I-" you stuttered, your body shuddering as a wave of tears swept through you once again, "it was that group of Aphrodite girls, with like Stacey and-"
You buried yourself in his arms, and he squeezed you tight, fingers brushing gently through your hair. "You know you're so much better than them, right?" he murmured warmly, "you're smarter, you're prettier-"
"No, I'm not-"
"Yes, you are, and you should know it, because you are, y/n. You're worth a million of them." Luke's words were firm, and the way he looked at you then, resolute and as if he believed his phrase with every particle of his being made you soften. Made you almost believe him.
"I'm gonna come back with some soda, and we can chill out and listen to your tape, yeah? How's that sound?"
"Amazing," you said, with a watery smile.
"Great, well I'll go now, so I can be back soon," and he sent you a faint-inducing grin as he inched out of your arms that made you lose track of a few sentences.
"Luke," you protested, when you finally got your tongue under control, "no, you-you don't have to this, right? You realise you don't have to do this? It's ok, it's-"
"Yeah, of course," he responded calmly, that same grin on his face as he reached for the door, "I don't know where you think I'm going. I'm just off to get some soda."
And do some other things along the way.
He stormed over to the Aphrodite cabin, knocking rapidly before throwing the door open. Stacey was there, sat on the bed humming a pop song and fixing her hair in her hand mirror, frozen in place as she watched him barge in and shut the door. Her surprise smoothly transitioned into seduction, as was typical with a lot of Aphrodite girls.
"Someone wanted to see me," she cooed, sending him a flirty smile.
Oh yes he did indeed.
"So, I heard about some things with you and y/n,"
"Oh, yeah, that," Stacey waved the words away as if they were a pesky fly, resting on her elbows as she looked up at him with doe eyes, "she looked like a horror movie, Luke. Like, you know how much I care about the kids! They might get scared."
"Yeah, yeah sure, Stacey, I'm sure those were your intentions."
She frowned at that, her glossy lips and thin brows crinkled.
"Why are you even standing up for her anyway? It's not like she's nice, and she's so weird, like she's probably not even straight, like I've heard she has relationships with bats and graves and shit."
"And where did you hear that, Stacey?" He asked coldly, anger rising through him.
She quickly noted the negative emotions surfacing in his tone, and cocked her head. "I don't know, like just around the place. Look, I don't know why you care about this so much? I doubt she has a soul."
"Oh, she does, Stacey. And her soul is much more beautiful and amazing than yours will ever be," he sucked a breath in, trying to restrain his utter rage, "and I want you to never talk to my girlfriend like that again."
"Y-your-your girlfriend?" She spluttered, absolutely shell-shocked.
"Yeah, my girlfriend."
"She's the best girl at camp, so I don't know why you say all that stupid stuff about her. Anyway, I need to go now, Stacey, but I think you got the message, yeah?"
She nodded dumbly, her eyes still wide, and Luke smirked as he left the suffocatingly rose-smelling cabin and went into the open air.
With that done, he needed two ice-cold cans of soda.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Hazband 2: Band AU
Buckle Up, Buttercups. This is gonna be looooooooooong.
-"Insider Bands" playing on VH666 streaming services on a computer monitor / TV screen sitting on the desk against the far wall-
Charlie: (laying on her belly on her bed and chewing her nails like a cartoon goat chews through a field of grass as she watches the TV)
Riff Rascal: Alright, dudes, dudettes, non-duders, and rock-aholics! That was Simple Plain's newest single "Why Are We Kids?!". Coming up next, our guy, our big shredder, our big bad-
????: Dammit, Riff!!!! Just get on with it!!!
Riff Rascal: Yo, sorry, boss lady! Coming up next, we have our expert in all things metal and shredding, Axel Steelgrave, conducting a super secret, super exclusive interview with one of Hell's latest and greatest! Stay tuned!
Charlie: (whines and plasters her face into the comforter) Fuck! I really messed up! I shouldn't have released that album, guys! What if Vaggie doesn't like girls outside of the metal scene?! Then I'm just the creepy, stalker, pop diva who messages her on Sinstagram every once and a while! And likes all of her posts! And comments on each picture! And-
Razzle: (trying to finish polishing Charlie's hooves after a full pedicure and hoof care) Baap?
Charlie: So? It was only ever mentioned once in a tabloid that she was once in a poly ship with a man and woman before. Nothing set in stone. Who listens to tabloids anyway? She said she was a lesbian in her last interview with Angel Metal Monthly.
Dazzle: (brings up a wide array of nail polishes) BaaaAaaAp?
Charlie: Yes! She messages me back almost immediately after every message I send her, but that doesn't mean the's interested in me. She hasn't been online in a week! (rolls over and flops onto her back, covering her eyes with her arm) Not since Katie Killjoy did that whole news segment on my new single music video and album.
Dazzle: (painting Charlie's hooves in a deep red hue called "Wicked Sinister") Baaaaaaap. BaaaAAaaap. Baap. (clicks his hoof in a way that's supposed to look like a sassy finger snap and blows heated air over the paint)
Razzle: Baap! (scowls) Baaap. Baaa. Baap!
Charlie: Thanks, Razzle. No, Dazzle. I really don't think this is some kind of rebound. I really started liking her during the Battle of the Bands gig over at the Jackpot Hotel and Casino. She was the first person who didn't openly laugh at me being there even though I was the only pop singer there.
-VH666 blares back with a heavy metal guitar riff-
Axel Steelgrave: Hey, good evening, everyone. How's it going? Tonight, we have a very special guest. (camera pans out to show Vaggie sitting next to Axel in an interview chair) Lead singer, guitarist, and rocking girl, Vaggie the Steel Vagina from Fallen Angels.
Charlie: WHAT?!?!?!?!?! (crocodile death rolls around in her excitement and falls out of bed, completely wrapped in a burrito, and worm crawls over to the TV) RAZZLE!!! DAZZLE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
Razzle: (salutes) Baap! (grabs the remote and turns up the volume)
Dazzle: (sad bleats as he looks at the mess of nail polish everywhere) baaaaaap.....
Vaggie: (trying not to snarl at the name) It's just Vaggie, Axel.
Axel Steelgrave: Oh, sure. Sure. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to come and see us. Not gonna lie. We were shocked to hear that you were coming out with a new single so quickly.
Charlie: (plasters her face to the screen) New Single?!?!?!?!?!
Vaggie: (blushes slightly) Well, I figured after hearing the Princess's new album and call-out, I should work on a reply.
Angel: (from behind the camera man) You wouldn't have had ta write and record a whole new song and music video if you just sent 'er a video of you jacking it all week! I've never heard dat vibrator work so hard in its life! I swear I smelled smoke last night!
Charlie: (squeals, gasps, and shrieks all at once and falls backwards)
Vaggie: (jumps up from her seat) Angel! What the Fuck?!
Axel Steelgrave: Well, well, well, I guess that answers my next question. I take it this new single is going to be good news for the Princess?
Vaggie: (still steaming as she sits back down and tries to compose herself) I know you have the video on hand. Why not play it and let the fans see for themselves?
Axel Steelgrave: I couldn't have said it better myself. (to the camera) With that being said, let's take a look at a sneak peek of Fallen Angel's new single: "Dear, Charlie - For Somewhere Better".
-Video cuts to some random point in the music video where Vaggie is standing in black leather skirt that has the leather ripped into strips in a hoola-skirt style, black halter tank top, thigh high leather heeled boots, and black fingerless gloves, holding and shredding a guitar. Angel is a pink, fabulous gay disaster on drums while one set of hands works a keyboard.-
Vaggie: (singing) We'll ignite. Still dreaming wide awake. On the hunt for "Somewhen brighter". Pull me close now, and I'll dream until my dying day. Till we create a new "Somewhere better". The promise of a life. Like a thousand suns inside my broken heart. I can see through your eyes. And embrace the flame that guides me through the night.
-Video Cuts back to the interview-
Axel Steelgrave: (freaking out excitedly) Wow! That's quite the statement! Good on you, Steel Vagina!
Vaggie: Vaggie.
Axel Steelgrave: Before we end this exclusive, is there anything you want to say to the Princess in case she's watching?
Vaggie: (Face falls briefly as her eye widens and a blush colors her face) Oh.... (shakes her head to compose herself, looks into the camera, and makes a telephone gesture) Call me~
Axel Steelgrave: (laughing) Alright! You heard it here first, folks. "Dear, Charlie" will be available on HellTunes tonight at midnight. Thank you all so much for tuning in. And, as always, stay rocking.
Charlie: (finally managing to unravel the blanket and sitting on the floor with a bright red blush) C-Call.... Her.... She wants me to call her... (jumps up and down like a teenager in a bad "not another teen movie" while holding Razzle and Dazzle's hooves) SHE WANTS ME TO CALL HER!!!! (pauses) How?! I don't have her number!
Charlie: (dives for her phone on the floor and opens a new Sinstagram message)
FallenAngelVaggie: Hope you got a chance to watch "Insider Bands" tonight. Talk to you later? Maybe over coffee? XXX-XXX-XXXX
Charlie: (takes a deep breath) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Vaggie: (leaning against the wall of the VH666 studio, holding her phone against her chest, and taking a long drag of a cigarette)
Angel: Hey! I thought you were quitting! (yoinks the cigarette and plops it between his lips)
Vaggie: Dammit, Angel! I said I'd be done once my case is empty! (digs in her pocket and pulls out an angelic steel cigarette case) It still has four left! I haven't even lit up in nearly six months!
Angel: I know! Proud of you for that. That interview rile you up that much that you gotta wreck six months of hard work?
Vaggie: Ugh! (slams her back into the wall) You think Charlie got the message?
Angel: (looks up at the sky towards the Morningstar Mansion where it looks like fireworks are going off on one of the balconies) Oh, I think she got it~
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hazashiovo · 2 months
Father!figure Joel random headcanons with fem!reader?
(now that I'm reading my request again it sounds pretty vague :/ I'm gonna try to tell some ideas or details. So, would be cool to see how joel cares about reader's hobbies like bringing her new things, what does he do when reader gets sad, or when someone in town is messing with her, how does he reacts when reader shows him affection like making him a gift or hugs him or kisses his cheek, or how does he teases her when she's shy of some subject, etc)
I love this! Especially since I see Joel more in a platonic way.
Joel Miller father headcanons
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Joel would be TERRIFIED to be a father again.
After losing Sara he kept living with the feeling that something bad is going to happen to you too.
Even so, nothing is going to harm you while Joel's there ,and he's always there for you.
He had a hard time accepting you as his newly adopted daughter,but once he made peace with himself? Best dad ever.
You like drawing? He left a box with a ton of art supplies.
He found them a while ago but didn't know at that time that you like art.
You enjoy music? He got you your own guitar,which also comes with music lessons only from him.
He knows how much you like listening to him singing,so it became a habit for him to sing to you,and once you gain more experience you'll be able to sing with him.
Maybe you like reading, Joel makes sure to bring you to this huge library,a bit far from Jackson but it's totally worth it.
You returned home with toons of books to occupy your time.
It doesn't matter which hobby you have, he will always be there to support it.
One thing I learned from the show,is that Joel likes hiking.
He used to do that with Sara when things were still okay, so when he started this with you it felt like a part of him healed.
When exploring a new place,he found an old shop full of video cameras and photo camera,and so he started collecting photos of you two. He even made an album where he keeps the photos with you.
If there was a fire that would be the main thing he would save.
When you got older he became more protective. He knew those Jackson boys barely wait for a new girl to get with. Well not this girl,not his little girl.
If you're queer,he would be completely oblivious. My man doesn't have a gaydar,not in the slightest.
If you would hang out with a girl pretty often he would just assume you're best friends or something along the lines.
Now if he accidentally saw you kiss with said girl? S-H-O-C-K.
Joel's not homophobic,don't get him wrong,but he just never expected it. And never actually saw it coming.
But if he saw you and a boy kiss,he's all protective father mode on.
Of course he's not a meat head, he'll understand that you have the right to a relationship just as much as anyone,but that doesn't mean he's also fond of the idea of a boy around you.
He'll only accept it for your happiness,but if that guy ever hurts you? Oh well, it's not his fault for what's about to happen.
Fortunately he trusts you can pick the right person, whether they're a girl or a boy.
At times when you're sick he can't help but remember Sara, he'd also remember how worried he would be for his daughter,the same worry that he feels for you.
He makes sure you stay inside and makes you drink and take the pills the doctor prescribed for you,even if you don't like it.
If you ever return from outside hurt, expect to never hear the end of it. For some time he wouldn't let you leave Jackson, mostly because of his fear of anything happening to you again.
But he's not that kind of Father,so after a while he will reluctantly give you permission to go outside Jackson again.
Movie nights.
Joel finds those old DVDs with movies he used to watch before the apocalypse,and he just loves rewatching them with you.
You'll be all snuggled up in his chest,head right where his heart beat, everything reminding him of his movie nights with Sara after a long shift at work.
Joel feels really happy and fulfilled that you trust him enough to be this vulnerable around him. Especially since this world is cruel and full of dangers.
He's dead set to never let anything or anyone lay a finger on you,even if it costs him his life.
My daddy issues are sueing me.
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
toby rogers being a loser (himself)
A/N: my boy !!!
CW: nothing much tbh??? murder??? a little angst.
-gets nervous around women. like yeah on the outside he's all numb and secretive and scary or whatever but lock him in a small room with like nina or kate or something and he's just,,,
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-toby wants to be in a relationship sooooo bad but refuses to let himself admit it. tries to focus on his work or go out on a walk when he starts getting all sad and mopey.
-i feel like he's really tall and lanky and has huge feet. constantly walking into stuff and stepping on things. doesn't help when his motor tics swing his arms around either.
-stepped on one of sally's crayons and broke it once. bad things ensued.
-he just looks so DORKY doing ANYTHING. like yeah he's a fucked up deranged serial killer. but also look at him brush his teeth or tie his shoes. dork.
-speaking of tying shoes, toby constantly has to redo his laces. he can't tie shoes correctly. he resorts to just tucking them inside of the shoe most of the time at this point.
-listens to midwest emo..,,,,,, 😧😧😧
-midwest emo or any 'loser music' in general tbh. car seat headrest, modern baseball, the front bottoms, lincoln, american football, pet symmetry, microwave, michael cera palin, merchant ships, tigers jaw, list goes on.
-trips going up staircases too fast
-can't make popcorn cause the kernels popping gives him anxiety. not in a sad traumatic way more like a time traveling cave man way.
-is friendlier to animals than he is to humans.
-will immediately go from heavy breathing, covered in blood hacking someone up to going "psst psst" to the nearest raccoon.
-thinks about lyra a lot. sees her in the sun, the wildflowers. hears her in running streams and girls laughing. toby misses his sister.
-has a lopsided smile!!!!
-has a chipped front tooth from getting the shit beat out of him a while ago. it's not really noticeable but he's self conscious about it.
-when toby yells his voice cracks. i think about this every time i see @crushedsweets drawing of toby and tim arguing and toby yells "get the fuck off me". that. one. piece. specifically.
-gets crushes way too easily. 100% has thought that he's had a shot with every girl his age in the manor. also gets easily obsessed with girls he sees/meets on his missions.
-nothing ever works out though (unless you count the shit show that was his relationship w/ natalie) (im a natalie lover i just feel like it went bad lol)
-and the funniest thing is toby thinks that its top secret that he has no game. everyone knows he's a loser. they all just feel too bad to say it (except jeff).
hrbtngmrjhwahdnrn i am So Normal About Him (lie)
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woncon · 10 months
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➳ a stubborn heart
➶ bts x fem!reader 。˚ °
-ˏ` ✎﹏ you need to choose a future-husband at today's ball. Even if you love seven princes equally. Little do you know, the princes have a plan.
➴ genre: royalty au, fantasy, prince!bts, princess!reader, forbidden love, poly, fluff
: ̗̀➛ warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, but reader has some independence
⌨ :: 2.2K words ♡ ︵ . .
⁀➷ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely °♡̷•.
➳ bts masterlist | main masterlist
➴ a/n: i recommend listening to mdp's boy with luv orchestral cover while reading. i wrote this fic when i listened to it and it's such a masterpiece !
The princess and her father are descending a marble staircase covered with white carpets trimmed with gold. The participants of the ball all look up at and bow to the host. The man smiles and waves, while squeezing his child's properly held hand and whispering:
"Today you have to choose a prince for yourself. If you don't, I'll give your hand to Leopold."
You grit your teeth, trying not to grimace, still smiling softly. King Leopold is sixty-eight years old, he has had two wives. So far, has no successor, but rules a very rich empire not so far from your homeland. To keep peaceful relations, it would be a great deal if your dad made you marry him. But you would never be able to love that figure.
You were saved from this marriage - desired by your father only - by your mother, who convinced her husband to give you a chance of finding a man worthy of you, with whom you can spend your life happily.
This is your last opportunity to do so. Now, when all the possible princes have shown up, when they are waiting for you to give permission to propose.
"Do you understand me?"
You nod, yet you know you won't succeed, no matter how hard you try.
You already gave your heart away.
At the end of the stairs, the prince of the southern kingdom, Namjoon, whom you first met at the January ball, is waiting for you. The man is suave, wise, and has a library of magic in his mind and a seductive cavalcade of emotions in his heart.
He extends his hand and flashes a polite smile. He is donning an ice-blue coat and snow-white gloves. The king happily nods and hands you over to the young gentleman.
Namjoon leads you to the dance floor and doesn't say anything until you start dancing.
"Is this your last ball as an unmarried girl?" he asks in a whisper, probing.
"Yes, I'm afraid..." You let out a sad sigh. Namjoon turns you around and holds you in his arms again. As long as you look into his eyes, the thought of tomorrow is not so painful.
"Have you decided yet?" 
"You know I can't."
Ever since you had met him, you had a turn on the dance floor together at every ball. You're titled as friends officially. This way, you can share your doubts and fears, the truth with the man.
That you're in love. Into seven princes at once, and it breaks your heart to choose between them, because you know they all would love you back.
Namjoon nods in understanding and your heart pounds in your throat, waiting for what advice he has to give. Although your companion's lips tremble, they do not form words. He breathes a gentle kiss on your silk-covered palm, then leaves you with your own company.
And you find yourself trapped not only by confusion, but also by another prince. You had met the man in the golden clothes at a ball organized by your family, and you danced almost all night. Pans are very good at music and entertainment.
"Hoseok!" you gently caress his shoulder as you continue from where you and Namjoon left off.
"Did you miss me?" The man smiles playfully, his face already flushed. Warmth spreads in your chest. You try to mentally separate from the strangeness of saying goodbye to your previous partner.
"Of course."
"And would you like to marry me, so that you will never suffer from my absence again?"
"I wish it was that easy." Your upper bodies touch as you take a step closer, hand in hand, as required by the choreography.
"It is that easy," he nods encouragingly. "Didn't Namjoon tell you?"
"Tell me what?" You take the prince's outstretched arm and walk around him.
"If he didn't say anything, I won't, either. Taehyung will fill you in."
"Did you organize something?" A spark of hope flares up in you. "Hoseok, please, ‘fess up!"
But your partner only shakes his head with a sweetly insolent smile, and the dance is over. You bow to each other, Hoseok kisses your hand and leaves.
You look around frantically, wanting to find the aforementioned prince, so that you can get the answer from him. You don't see him, and you don't move, therefore you're asked for a dance again.
"May I?" This time the hand is covered by a green satin glove. The color of nature, charm, elves. And Seokjin is their prince-to-be-married. A beautiful, humorous gentleman who is perfectly worthy of your heart.
You’d be a fool to reject the attractive Seokjin's request, but at the same time, you still don't give up your search for Taehyung with a troubled gaze.
"Have you seen Taehyung?" You ask as you stand on your tiptoes to look over his shoulder. Seokjin furrows his expertly arched eyebrows.
"You wouldn’t just accept his ring instead of my emerald, would you?"
"According to Hoseok, he supposedly has something to say to me."
"Oh," he smiles alluringly. "He has something, indeed."
"If you know, please don't torment me anymore. Tell me!"
"I can tell you, but it comes at a price." He leans to your ear, whispering. "Marry me."
"I wish I could." Your eyelashes flutter longingly. You two link your fingers, go around each other, and Seokjin spins you elegantly around your axis.
When the song is over and Seokjin has said his proper goodbye, you start your journey and break through the crowd. There is no way that the prince of the sirens is not here.
Then you see him - the handsome man dressed in gray, but suddenly another individual grabs your waist, and turns you towards him.
"Princess, you're magnificent." Even the voice of King Leopold is wrinkled as he pronounces these words, glancing at his prospective bridge in appreciation.
Finally, the prince of the mermaids enters the scene, who showed you glowing stones in the depths of the water for the first time, and gave you one, so that you would never forget him. You love him so much that you wouldn’t be able to do that.
"Excuse me, are you free for a dance, princess?" Jimin puts on his most charming smile as he bows and offers a helping hand.
Leopold frowns, reluctantly pulling you closer to him.
"She is dancing with me."
"Did you ask her?"
"Forgive me, Your Majesty." Your heart calms as soon as the king lets you go, and your palm slips between the warm fingers belonging to Jimin. Mermaids don't wear gloves, only bracelets made of small shells that wrap around their middle fingers.
"You could thank me by accepting our offer. You would never have to worry about this man again."
"What offer, Jimin? So far none of you have said anything, you've only hinted at things. If you don't fill me in, I'm afraid I'll pass out from excitement."
"Taehyung wants to tell you." Jimin holds your hips tightly as your back bends towards the ground.
"Then why didn't he come to me yet?"
"As much as we'd all dance the night away with you, there are other princesses and countesses besides you, and they have good taste, just like you."
"Was that a compliment?"
"I tried."
You notice that you're not dancing in unison. Although all of Jimin's movements are impeccable, everything is done to the rhythm, you evade couples in the process, getting closer to Taehyung. 
Leopold - determined, in terms of his intentions - is getting closer and closer to you. The next dance form in the evening will be the first waltz. He certainly feels entitled to own your first waltz.
After distancing yourself from Jimin, you hustle in the opposite direction of where Leopold is. Yet a gentle touch lands on your covered wrist. You prepare to shake off the pushy, old king.
"Found you." It's not Leopold, but the prince of the wolves. Even though they have little dancing tradition, he waltzes perfectly and your first waltz at every single ball is his. His moves are dazzling. "May I have this dance?"
"You know it's always yours." You smile with relief as Jungkook pulls you close, and as you get lost in his brown eyes, the surrounding world and everyone in it falls apart. 
He is donning a well-tailored red shirt, his jet-black hair hanging slightly in his eyes, and his smile is sweet. He is the same age as you.
"Are you excited?"
"I can't wait to find out what this is all about."
"You don't know yet?" You shake your head. "Then I'll be watching closely to see your reaction. Maybe it’ll be a bit of an unsettling experience, but even sweeter."
"You are all sly, the way you keep secrets from me." 
Jungkook laughs. You step in front of and next to each other, in sync and harmony, as you fight the battle of words. 
When the song is over, Taehyung can finally take your hand in his. At first you're so excited that you can hardly speak.
"Tell me!" The prince tilts his head. "The plan. Please."
The siren smiles. He can move his lips very charmingly. Near his home, on the beach, he had kissed you. You had almost lost your mind from the beauty, from feeling as if you were the most beautiful woman in the whole world for Taehyung.
"This is your last ball," declares the prince, then he leans closer to murmur the tingly continuation "Because we're running away tonight."
"What?" You step aside, luckily not onto your partner's feet. 
But you can't pry for any more explanations at the moment, a short exchange of couples takes place, the male member of the couple dancing next to you grabbing you by the arm, making a circle before you could talk to Taehyung again.
"All you need to do is go out to the balcony with Yoongi. He will fly you to his own land, where we will all gather, and from the moment you run away, you'll already be ours."
You'll be theirs. Your body goes numb at the thought that this is indeed possible: you don't have to choose, because you can have them all without your father inflicting a terrible fate on you.
"Hold me tight!" As if all the air had been squeezed out of your lungs. The surprise weighs heavily on your whole being. Euphoria and terror mingle in it - betrayal is being prepared, but for the sake of love.
"That is all I want." Taehyung hugs you, leads you and whispers sweet nothings about the future, begging you to agree. He doesn't know yet, that as soon as you heard the news, you were already in it. You just can't communicate this yet.
The dance is over.
"We’ll see each other again soon, right?" You smile, adjusting the silver seaweed crown on your partner's head, for whom this sparkling look and the hidden hint of the words are enough answers for his question. "Take me anywhere you want, because I am yours. And thank you for being mine."
"Forever." The boy leaves.
You close your eyes, sighing. You want to calm down, you don't want to seem suspicious. You can't screw up your only chance at actual happiness. You are beginning to like the fact that you found out the result of beating around the bush only now. If you had been aware of it before, it's not certain that you would have reached this part of the evening in such a peaceful state of being.
Finally, the prince of dragons, the seventh of your loves, approach you to dance at your last ball, but he notices something about your body.
"You're trembling..." He gently hugs your waist, stopping with you during the movement so that you move a little further on the floor.
Before your first dragon ball, you were afraid of the majestic but terrifying creatures. Until the prince led you into the flower maze and showed you his body covered in night gray scales.
His horns are still twisted towards the sky, but you don't feel even a slight bit of fear around him anymore. 
"Did something happen?"
"I think I need some air." Then you lean a little closer, clinging to the other's shoulder with a pleading look. "Take me out of here, please."
Yoongi flashes a satisfied, proud grin, which beautifully paints his often gloomy face. He grabs your waist, holding hands with you, spinning and turning to reach the balcony door. 
He opens it for you. The cool summer breeze caresses your bare upper arms, the liberating idea of ​​distance. Yoongi takes your hand again and guides you to the railing, where he stands up himself and helps you - his beloved - up. 
The depth is repulsive and attractive at the same time. Your legs are shaking.
"We're going to jump," he murmurs, then reassuringly adds: "Don't be afraid, I'll catch you."
"I trust you," you answer with a nod. 
Then you jump, shutting your eyes, without screaming, and in the next moment, you're on a strong dragon's back between the two wings. You cling to the horns. 
And you fly in the starlit night towards the land of dragons, freedom and love.
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Hi! I've read your fanfics with male reader and I swear they keep me well fed 🙏🏻 what about one hurt/comfort plus fluff at the end? Like, that interview where the interviewer was only commenting that Bill looks like a girl and that he wears so much makeup? Bill comes home sad and stuff and starts taking off any makeup and undones his hair and reader tries to stop him? Then the hurt/comfort starts where Bill expresses his feelings, that moments like these take away any confidence he has and that he's tired of all that etc. And reader to make all these thoughts go away sits with him and starts doing his makeup and nails all over again and then let's Bill do the same to him. And doesn't stop reminding him how pretty he is because Bill deserves all the love 😭 I hope you like this idea, thank you !
(this is actually so cute and I love this genuinely. I'm so happy you like my male readers, so I hope you enjoy this!!)
Nothing Wrong With Love
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You walked into the house with Bill, for once, he wasn't holding your hand. Instead walking with them in his jacket as he stood silently.
You watched him with a frown, the same one that seemed to be on your face all night ever since that man opened his mouth.
You followed Bill as he walked to the bathroom, watching as he wet his hands and ran them through his hair, effectively ruining the mohawk you guys worked hard to put together
"Babe. Stop." You mumbled, grabbing his arm to stop him as he gently pulled away, not lifting his head up as he reached for the makeup wipes with his wet hair.
"This is so fucking stupid." Bill finally spoke, his voice sad and like it was on the verge of tears but he wiped them away.
"Who cares about what he thinks?"
"I care! Because that makes me feel like shit. I was so happy. The only time I feel confident is wearing this crap, or doing my hair and for what? So people can make fun of me for it?" Bill ranted on, his voice almost cracking and small.
You frowned, finally making your way over to him as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind.
"I get called a girl. Our music gets called trash. Just because I like eyeshadow or my clothes?" Bill kept on, intertwining his hands with yours on his waist.
"It makes you happy. I love you like this. I like the hair and I like the makeup. Just because some guy doesn't, doesn't mean that nobody else does." You reassured, keeping your hands firm as you put your head on his shoulder.
"I worked so hard and he shit all over all of it." Bill muttered, not even looking at you in the mirror as he wiped away the remnants of what made him happy off his face.
"I can't dress how I want, I can't paint my nails or do my makeup. They never liked it." Bill stated, finally looking over his shoulder to you.
You frowned, gently turning him around to face you as you held his arms.
"You love it. I love it. They're just mad because they think it's only for girls, it's not. Just because you wear it doesn't make you one." You tried, Bill shaking his head as he looked down.
"That's the point…I'm a guy. They don't think a guy should be wearing makeup, or the hair…" Bil mumbled off, eyes tired and almost glossed over as he kept his eyes down.
You frowned even more, tapping his chin for him to look up at you.
"But you love it, right?" You asked, putting on the smallest smile you could muster. "I shouldn't though." Bill said back, his heart saddened that all his work got crushed because of what he loved.
"So? Why not? Because some old fuck thinks you shouldn't?" You asked, looking into Bill's eyes as you held his hand.
"It makes you happy. Who cares? Certainly not me. I'm happy you like it." You reassured, running your thumb over his hand as Bill listened.
He finally nodded, feeling the tiniest bit better.
"Now look, you're all sad and your makeup ruined." You tried to make light, but failed when no smile came up.
You sighed, using your thumb to wipe away the makeup tracks he missed.
An idea slowly formed in your mind. Looking to the counter of the bathroom sink, you saw the makeup Bill spent the early morning applying.
You grabbed the makeup brush and the pallet, Bill finally looking at you in curiosity before his sights set on the makeup.
You dipped it in the eyeshadow, bringing it to his face as one hand held his chin. Bill tried turning away, but at your shushing, finally stayed still as he closed his eyes.
It felt calming, listening to you moving around with the makeup, his hands sneaking to sit up on your waist as he felt the soft strokes of the brush.
You did his eyeshadow once more, putting back in the mask he loves to wear. You did one eye, taking a moment to smile with your hand on his cheek.
Bill noticed your stare, his lips somehow managing to curl into a small smile.
"What?" Bill chuckled softly, his eyes scanning your face. "Y'know how pretty you are, right?" You smiled, Bill's face blushing as he laughed.
"Shut." Bill laughed under his breath, feeling your hands raking through his hair to "fix it" or at the very least make it look okay.
"Hey, we can match." You shrugged, offering Bill the makeup brush for once as he raised a brow at you.
"You can do mine."
"You never let me do yours." Bill stated, a smile tugging even bigger into his lips as he watched you roll your eyes and reach for the nail polish.
"Take it as a treat." You glanced at him, smiling at yourself as he returned it and held your face softly, intending to take you up on your offer.
The night was sad and peaceful, a combination you hoped Bill wouldn't feel once more, especially because of what he liked.
The night was filled with hushed whispers and declarations of love, matching nail polish and small kisses as makeup was applied.
A combination Bill loved instead of the other.
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife @nyxwritesshit
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witloph-art · 2 years
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Hi everyone!! So I'm a huge ass simp for this guy! I'd love to treat you all with some of my ideas of him! I hope you all will enjoy them! ᰔᩚ
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♡ Bob 100% owns the boys and grills restaurant. You can't change my mind.
♡ I also believe that he doesn't just eat people, he may eat people, or regular ol' burgers, but I believe he also eats deer, bear, beaver, and raccoon(lmao yeah I'm a country girl--).
♡ I swear this man listens to country and southern music. He also plays it in his restaurant.
♡ He also dances with you to them. Especially the romantic country songs.
♡ More than likely you met Bob at his restaurant, or when he's out for his nightly walks.
♡ If you also like eating forest animals, he's definitely making you some special meals just for you when you visit his restaurant.
♡ You're definitely his favorite customer. He hates that you don't come visit him much.
♡ Unless you start visiting more often then he's a very happy little butcher man. (🤭)
♡ He does have a sweet tooth. 🍬🍭
♡ He's more soft than he is flirty, but he does get some confident boosts at times to say you look good one day or something he likes about you randomly.
♡ A few times after talking to you he's in love with you. Wants to know more about you, as much as he can.
♡ Be warned, he gets obsessive over time, especially if you two grow into a relationship. If he catches another person even staring at you in any way he doesn't like, consider them missing.
♡ Don't worry he ain't gonna eat them. He doesn't eat trash. He's got more morales than that.
♡ I honestly think Bob didn't have a good childhood growing up, so I like to think he may have some mental health issues or illnesses. Ya'know?
♡ Bob actually gets really excited when he hears you're voice on the phone or when you two are out together. He can't get enough of you.
♡ Man will literally stop in mid killing someone to just answer your call I stg.
♡ Constantly wants your affection and attention.
♡ Bob is definitely a yandere, but not to the point he'd ever harm you, or your friends and family.
♡ Don't bring family drama or friend Dramamine to him, he'll probably go and kill them. Actually he will.
♡ Bob is definitely a cuddler. Soft as hell. 10/10 best man to get a hug from.
♡ He's also very strong too. S don't think he can't lift you up. (All you chubby cuties out there. 😉)
♡ If you ever feel sad, and he see's it. Immediately by your side, asking you wants wrong or just staying listen and holding you.
♡ If you were hurt by someone, oh lawd they ain't never gonna live to see day light again.
♡ He loves to get kisses from you. Especially on his face. Prep his face with love plz! 💕
𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳 𓏳
Welp, that's all I have for now. I hope you all enjoyed these as much as I did!
Edit: Y'all why tf didn't you tell me I had spelling errors in here! 😭 I add some more little points in this tho for y'all. 😳
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‼️I'm posting my yes man fnv headcanons cause my mooties seem to really like them!‼️ : 3
-yes man is unlabeled, but the closest thing he can see himself as is nonbinary though. He prefers he/they/it, but doesn't really care about what you use on him. He's also Demisexual and bisexual!
- he absolutely loves gifts. Seriously. You could get him even the smallest thing and he'd be soooo happy! He'll also become a lot closer and more defensive over you if you did.
- Since he's not really used to being treated like a person, if you asked him about his thoughts and feelings, he would be so grateful, and his heart would melt. Before his assertiveness upgrade, he wouldn't be able to exactly say no. He can be passive-aggressive enough to get the point across.
-he likes to listen to old pre war holotapes and music, his favorite song is Johnny guitar by Peggy Lee.
- his favorite color is blue! But he also loves green since it's not really a common color to see in the Mojave.
-he loves learning about the flora on the Mojave! If your character has a high science/survival skill, he would love for you to tell him everything! (His circuit board would BURN UP if you made him something out of flowers/gave him a flower)
-since being freed from the Tops casino, he gets very uncomfortable going back or thinking about it.
-his favorite animal is birds! He thinks they're very neat and likes watching them and learning about the different species. He wants to try feeding them, but they always fly away 💔
- likes printing out little images/notes for you. He'll leave them places and loves when you get happy/excited about it. He always worries about you too, sending messages on your pipboy very often when you travel without him.
- if you tell him to divide 0 by 0, he will stare at you and then proceed to shut down.
- he likes fighting quite a bit, it helps him feel so free from his old programming. Throwing general Oliver off the hoover dam awakened this!
-kind of like one of those girl best friends in high school. If someone is causing problems for you, he's gonna get rid of it (so sometimes you have to kinda talk him outta things cause he definitely doesn't mind getting violent over you ahem cough cough)
-sucker for romance movies. Seriously. If he could physically cry he would cry at those sappy old romance movies.
-if you have autism, adhd, etc. Yes man would do his very best to research those things to understand You better! Always asks for your advice too. He also tries to tone down his passive aggressiveness after he learns your autistic.
-after he has his upgrade, he has a lot of new expressions. Surprised, angry, sad, confused, etc.
-he also loves jewelry. If you made him a freindship bracelet, he would never take it off.
-PETRIFIED of insects. Especially cazadors, they freak him out. You have to kill them for him. The only way he'll fight them is from a distance. If he sees a radroach/other insect in the lucky 38, he will SCREAM and beg you to kill it.
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
this might not make sense but I absolutely love your billy and Stu playlist. Could you maybe write a couple headcannons on which songs they like and why? You could include the reader or not it's up to you thanks Maddy!❤️‍🔥
I think I get what you're asking. I hope you like it!💕
Billy's playlist
Stu's playlist
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1.) 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins
This is Billy's favorite song I don't make the rules. Smashing Pumpkins is one of his favorite bands. The song reminds him of a time he was happy. He listens to music like it'd play in a movie about his life. This would play while a montage of him and Stu flickered on the silver screen.
2.) The Killing Moon by Echo & the Bunny Men
This song always finds its way onto his mixtapes. It makes him think of how love can happen to anyone even if they pray it doesn't. He equates love with death just because you have no control over when and where it happens.
3.) A Day In The Life by The Beatles
A Beatles song amidst alternative rock is definitely a little jarring. Billy actually enjoys the Beatles. It was his mother's favorite band. He grew up listening to the Sgt Peppers album on repeat. She'd sing song after song to him trying to get him to sleep. This song reminds him of simpler times.
4.) How Soon Is Now? by The Smiths
Billy's a Smiths fan. He puts music on just to brood over his life. The man thinks he has better music taste than everyone else he knows. Stu likes to make fun of Billy's music taste. "Damn does that shit come with razor blades?"
5.) Mama I'm Coming Home by Ozzy Osbourne
Mommy issues. Likes to play music he knows that'll make him cry. He thinks if he makes himself cry in private he'll be less likely to accidentally cry around anyone.
6.) It's The End Of The World As We Know It by R.E.M
Stu knows all the words to We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel. Billy thinks he's a dork because of this. Yet in the privacy of his car, he will sing every single word of this song.
7.) Every Breath You Take by The Police
Told a girl he related to this song on a first date. He's still not sure why she stopped talking to him. Billy still thinks it's a romantic song.
8.) Goodbye Horses by Q Lazzarus
Only knows the song because of Silence of the Lambs. Will start dancing to this song if he's been drinking.
9.) Flesh For Fantasy by Billy Idol
Remember how I said he thinks about where a song would fit in a movie about his life? This would play while he's kissing down your chest. His movie wouldn't have a full sex scene he's not a sellout. More like a montage of kissing and soft moans. It would be frustrating to watch for people like me and you.
10.) A Girl Like You by Edwyn Collins
Without wasting words he'd play you this song hoping you'd understand how he felt about you. Billy was odd like that. He obsessed over lyrics and a song's meaning. When he realized he had a crush on you he immediately started making a list of songs that reminded him of you. They could put his emotions into words when he couldn't.
1.) In The Meantime by Spacehog
Stu loves music. He doesn't care about lyrics although they can make a song better. If he likes instruments he'll buy the album. Will buy a whole album for one song. This is one example. Stu doesn't like what he calls "sad bastard music." You will rarely catch him listening to music he knows will bum him out.
2.) Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega
This song itches his brain every time he listens to it. Stu is odd. He likes rock but if there's too much going on it freaks him out. Not one for screamo makes him feel like he's being yelled at. This song is on his sex playlist do what you will with that information.
3.) Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Nirvana fan first human second. He has a crush on Kurt Cobain. Hates Cortney Love like she's Yoko Ono. Stu likes to learn about bands and artists' personal lives. He's nosey. "Can you believe that shit? I'd treat them so much better." Stu would rant to his friend about a random celebrity making Billy want to drink Draino.
4.) Paradise By the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf
He thinks the song is hilarious. Will perform the 8-minute-long song at karaoke. There will be an empty room once he's done. He doesn't regret his actions.
5.) A.D.I.D.A.S by Korn
It was your fault. You picked out the movie Say Anything and made him watch it. You woke up at 3 in the morning to Stu loudly blasting this song outside of your house. Not only was it funny it was romantic to him. Cops were called.
6.) I Was Made For Lovin' You by KISS
This is one of Stu's favorite songs. When he was little he was obsessed with KISS. He'd put on a full face of face paint and he'd stain his tongue and hands with red food coloring. The boy would run around the house singing and dancing. To his parents, however, Stu's unserious habit of playing with makeup wasn't something they were proud of. His music taste is all over the place because he constantly went through different phases trying to figure out what he could do to please his parents. Nothing ever did.
7.) Peaches by The Presidents of the United States
If you write a song that sounds good and had some goofy ass lyrics Stu's sold. Stu will sing this every time the school lunch consists of peaches. Billy has thrown several trying to get his friend to shut up.
8.) Iron Man by Black Sabbath
Stu loves to stir up shit and have arguments. He was actually on the debate team for his freshman and sophomore years of high school. Billy thinks Ozzy Osbourne is better alone than with Black Sabbath. Every time this is brought up Stu acts like a little piece of him dies. Plus when this song comes on the radio Stu likes to cover his mouth imitating the voice at the beginning. It's where they got the whole ghostface voice idea from.
9.) Fight For Your Right by Bestie Boys
Stu is a huge fan of The Beastie Boys. Their first record is a go-to when there's a party at his is. Of course, this is his favorite song of theirs. The amount of times that man has bounced around an empty house blasting that band is almost worrying.
10.) Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads.
Best for last. If Stu had a theme song this would be it. In his movie, it'd play as he's running around as Ghostface. He has a lot of energy so he loves to chase people. Randy called him an "evil golden retriever" once and Stu likes the comparison.
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oatmilk-vampire · 5 months
Canon things I've learned about Eddie thanks to Flight of Icarus.
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Spoilers under cut. 👇
He's not a virgin. He's had sex with at least three different girls, and had a girlfriend---Paige Warner. Hawkins High, class of '82.
He had a best friend named Ronnie (Veronica Ecker) since he was eight. She's always been taller than him and they have a Steve/Robin dynamic. She might be aro/ace, she stated she didn't think she'd ever have a crush on anybody when he kissed her at age thirteen.
Eddie is eighteen as of 1984.
The van is his father's, or was.
His dad, Alan, is the reason he got into selling.
His father is also the reason why no one in Hawkins likes him. They look at him as Junior, that he'll be a "fuckup" just like his father. Plus Hellfire Club adds on to the trouble of it all.
Eddie didn't fail high school the first time, he dropped out. He was being blackmailed by Principal Higgins that he would get Ronnie's full-ride NYU scholarship pulled.
He got into music because of his mother, Elizabeth Franklin, who was from Memphis and got sick and died when he was only six. Only then did he understand sad lyrics and why people would want to write and listen to songs like that.
He's always stood up for the little guy, even if it gets him hurt or in trouble.
Gareth and him have a Dustin/Steve dynamic.
He stood up for Will when bullies were calling him Zombie Boy. He invited him to join Hellfire Club when he gets to high school.
He doesn't feed himself, or so Wayne believes. When he was still living alone, Uncle Wayne dropped him off groceries every two weeks.
Eddie flirts with everybody. Woman or man. It's the Munson magic that he's learned from his father. Big smiles and winks and "big boy" comments. He does it when he's scared as a defense mechanism. It's how he intimidates.
He used to work as a barback at the Hideout.
He recorded a demo with Corroded Coffin and got offered an audition in Hollywood for a record deal--only for himself, not the band. Which he missed because of the mess his father got them involved in. Thats also why he started working with Reefer Rick.
There's probably way more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
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noacfapologyst · 2 months
birthday sleepover — matty healy
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(the birthday party: day three)
summary: matty loses something very important in his first moments of officially coming of age. but, he discovers that sometimes losing means winning and he does, he gains something better and something more good for him.
warnings: suggestion of a fight, being drunk in the streets. touches in general. physical contact (anguished, affectionate and raised in tone). disappointment, anger, anguish.
wordcounter: 5,2k
a/n: I don't know if this counts as a sleepover because most of it happens before. but still, i hope you enjoy it!
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"Ross!" You scream in the crowd hanging from his arm. "That's so bold!"
"I'm not lying, I'm sorry." He laughs rolling his eyes subtly. "It's more logical to say that you would spend your last day looting a food store on your own."
The dilemma they have while waiting for their drinks is simple. If it was the last day of your life or if you had all the time in the world, who you would be with, what you would do and where. Then his answer hesitates until he finds a girl who attracted him when he was younger, but she was older than him. Today everyone knows that she has a family and that in fact she holds a high office in the city council.
"Do you know what's wrong with that idiot of Matty?" He then inquires, returning to the serious tone of the conversation and looking at how the guy at the bar takes years to prepare five glasses.
"I don't know, he's just being a jerk." You shrug your shoulders and sigh. "I'm not going to withdraw my position because he knows I'm right, he's fooled by her and he knows it's wrong for him. But if he is happy…fine."
"Deceived or not, he is sad at the birthday celebration that he wanted to have and to which he invited us. Hit me if I ever turn into him." Ross comments quite harshly. Then they divide the glasses among the five and walk to the table in a silence of complicity.
You sit in front of him, although you keep your expression with some distance and caution. They argued before, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy the night either with him doing it or not. Inevitably you know that they will make peace and everything will return to its cycle.
On your wrist dance a glass of Gin Tonic, drink that you have discovered recently but has really dazzled you.
"Look at you, a little girl drinking alcohol on a saturday at this time. You should be playing dolls." Hiss George, sitting on the tip. He smiles at you with expression of comical cruelty, you swallow.
"Courtesy of Matty, my dear." You answer with the same tone on your smile. The two then laugh.
In the meantime, you kick Matty to look up and look at you. His state is static, he is leaning on the palm of one of his hands with a tired and depressed expression. He gets sad, and all he does is change the position of his hand before he drinks his beer.
"This bar sucks. This birthday sucks. We should have stayed home." He says finally, after a while. His tone is heavy, controlled by blood alcohol but quite truthful in the firmness of his words.
"Slow down, dummy." You play with your hands when your glass is halfway. You don't want to beg him to just drop his posture and enjoy her birthday. Until you listen to Britney Spears through the speakers and jump into your little boots. "Oh god, let's go to dance!"
Everybody nods and gets up, it seems the part of good music has begun. Everybody but Matty.
"I pass, I don't want." He answers, and leans against the back of the sofa. You nod angry but you don't bow your head for him, you know that later he'll regret being away and isolated.
"Can you get your damn ass out of the chair and come? It's your birthday, man." Adam shows up from somewhere that nobody notices after moving away from the girl he's been talking to. He has the most marked expression with severity and punctuates the sentence to make it more direct.
In a bad way, but at least he's up.
"But if she comes, what?" It whispers almost inaudible, but chance or not, you hear it.
"For God's sake, Matty! Cathe it's not going to come, understand it for once!" You can't stand it anymore, because you can't stand to see him suffer for waiting for someone who really doesn't deserve to have your best friend. It pains you to see that he doesn't understand it, and he keeps waiting for her so much that it's agonizing and worrying how far apart he is from everyone and how embedded he is in running away with her to places. "And if it takes her breaking your heart for you to understand it, I hope she does. I don't mind."
Adam, Ross and George listen to the cheers of the conversation but don't get into it, because they know they'll make it worse. In that sense, you and Matty have defined characters, and you have opposing personalities, leading to frequent clashes.
You leave him with the words in his mouth, without the slightest attempt to let him speak, you have no interest in hearing reproaches and cheap excuses. You also run away from your friends' arms but they don't complain, they just don't let you out of their sight for anything.
You walk to the center of the track when the song hits the chorus getting a lot of glances in the middle, but you don't care about them at all. You need to disconnect for a while from the last few hours, you need to feel something else running through your body other than anger.
When you're completely lost, you lose track of who you're dancing with. There are hands running through your body, coming and going, but you don't pay attention to them because that's when the alcohol starts to short-circuit your head. He's a boy who's about your height, has brown hair, and you can't tell the color of his eyes. He seems friendly. You don't stop dancing there because you really need to get too much dopamine out of your body because of how loaded you feel. You really don't stop dancing because you feel good, but even when this guy tries to take you away for something else, remember that it would be embarrassing for you tomorrow in front of your friends. And you don't want to give that memory to Matty when he's having such a hard time.
So you don't, you just give him your number and try to get back to your desk.
At that moment Matty does something he's never done before: he looks at you for the first time. He looks at you beyond his friendship. There's a feeling he has running through his veins the moment he finds you receiving someone else's hands inside of you that makes him want to blow up and take him off of you. He doesn't understand it, for him it's inexplicable. But then when you show up back with him, he understands.
Sure, he's known you since you wore loose shirts and sweatpants when you went to your sports classes. You grew up with them sharing their jokes and their way of life, so she considers you a sister in that sense. But he hasn't seen, so far, how much you've grown.
Genetics have had an effect on you, given you incredible proportions, and you've obviously grown in every way. When he sees you arrive on something as simple as a low shot and a muscular black, he feels like he could die the second he sees the skin reaction translucent from your stomach.
No, Matty can't be stuck with you. There's no way he fell for you. He can't, you're his best friend. He can't have feelings for the person that it would hurt him most to lose in your life. It must be the booze, it has to be. But Matty needs a change of air.
The change of air doesn't get him the best way. At the front door he sees the girl he's supposed to be celebrating her birthday with. In a fluffy leopard cover and a denim miniskirt is like Cathe walks into the bar, but without the slightest face of looking for Matty. She's there for something else, or someone else.
"Mattttttttty." You sit next to him with agility after a while. Alcohol has gone to your head after the completely psychedelic time you've been through, and now you're not angry. You just want to apologize for being so hard on me before the five of you go back to sleep at Matty's.
Exit to the disco and then sleepovers. It was amazing to you, you always had very funny pictures of your newly awakened friends leaving for a hangover. And even though you weren't left behind, you made sure everyone always had a cup of tea before sharing whatever happened last night.
"I just..i apologize for the fight." The tone of your voice takes him out of his trance of confusion. You're too drunk, and even if he's in a mess, he'll just take care of you until he knows you're safe. He always will, but more so when you're in this state. "Listen, I got you. No but...i really do. It's okay if you're sad because she didn't come, it's not the last birthday you'll have to celebrate." You drag the words from the tip of your tongue. You talk too fast and Matty laughs. "Hey! Don't you make fun of me, i'm apologizing." You push him a little with your hands.
"We weren't going to fight about this. You don't have to apologize." He pulls you forward when your body threatens to fall off the chair. Your colony floods their nostrils when the head of you is almost under his nose. You don't stop laughing even if you try. "Cathe is there."
Matty regrets talking almost instantly because he sees your face get serious, and you stop talking with that spark you had until just now. You don't keep laughing and just frown at the first expression your face may proceed.
Shit, he shouldn't have said that.
You focus it in the crowd and suppress a sigh of pure envy. You've never turned down the looks and you've never needed them, but you don't mind receiving them anyway. You know you're pretty, but when Cathe comes in, that whole mechanism falls at your feet.
Her legs so fine, her stature so perfect, her physiognomy and her whole body seems to be in the right place all the time. It's really impressive the figure he has and what he generates when he goes into places. You see how the miniskirt fits in her and you want to run to take off your pants and put on your pajamas. Well, you really understand why Matty's so after her and why he can't stop thinking about her. She's hypnotic, her waist, her hips, her breasts, her legs. And then there's you, arms crossed about to cry because the adrenaline rush just went down and you feel like you're thirteen and you're in front of a mirror for the first time.
You really wish she had a different way of showing herself, not because of the exhibition or anything like that, but you just wish her personality wasn't so sour and didn't generate so much rejection. Maybe in another universe she would fit in well with your group and they could be friends. But she just lets Matty down over and over and calls him when he gets bored and needs something else. Maybe that's what bothers you the most, knowing that he deserves something beyond her. She deserves better, maybe something like you.
No, you have to get that out of your head. Either way he'll end up marking his jaw on her in the nearest bathroom he finds to the round. Who could resist good legs and a short skirt?
"Say hello to her for me when you leave with her. Or not, better not do it." You laugh again, but now you do it with irony. "Come back to the table at four for when we leave, that's all. Go with her." You pat him on the back and swallow telling him that leaving with her is practically deadly, because it's a vice that Matty accepts to stay connected to the world. Maybe you just have to accept it.
"I won't go with her."
"Yeah, definitely not Matty."
Snort in a classic silence, which becomes awkward. Matty feels at an understand because now he can't figure out what's going on in his heart, let alone what he should do. Either option has its impact, and both are double-edged.
As a miracle or as punishment, the boys reappear in your field of vision with a bottle of champagne and a smile between their lips.
"They look perfect for each other, both damn broke." He ironizes George by moving his curly blonde hair in the air. His cheeks are hollowed out. "You know, classic." Aim at the bottle with your eyes.
"This is yours." Ross appears from your free side and stretches a vodka and coke into a small glass. His expression reflects something like, "Get drunk so you can't stand Matty, and thank him with a smile."
"How thoughtful, thanks Ross. You are so sweet." You throw him a kiss as a joke. In fact, you've always been like that with them because they usually make those kinds of jokes, but when you see Matty, he twists awkwardly, and you look at him with little understanding.
"However, you're officially eighteen Matty. I hope the next champagne we open is in a caravan going to play in some cheap pub in questionable condition." Breaks the silence Adam, uncorking the drink. "For what is coming."
Each makes a shot of the drink repeating the legend of what Adam previously said. You, even if you're away from the band, can't wish your lifelong friends the best. You expect them to succeed, and you expect them to go far. They all have enough personality to be a leading rock band, only that leap is missing, but it will inevitably come.
"When you become famous, please don't forget me." You mock but behind it there is a stop of sadness in your voice. You just know that they could be caught at any time and they'll have to leave, but maybe you'll have to stay.
"Hey, don't you dare say that." Matty automatically breaks your thoughts because he knows what you're getting into. His hand glides over yours, and without hesitation squeezes. "You are literally our little girl, we couldn't forget you."
So now vodka feels like tears. And then they get worse when the four of them are hugging you with you sitting in a chair. Their company is the most honest thing you've ever had, their friendship is the best thing that's ever happened to you.
When they split up and you're about to tell them how much you appreciate they, they all see the same scene from the same angle.
"Is that..?" Adam whispers to you from underneath. You look at it quickly and nod.
"Yes, is she."
Cathe, with the coat half-falling over her shoulders and a sweeping red top, kissing someone else who isn't exactly your best friend.
You focus the situation right next to you, not knowing if you want to test whether or not Matty is aware of the image in front of you, and then you discover that the person you're kissing is exactly the man you've been dancing before. It's definitely your lucky day.
"For God's sake." When Matty talks, the four of them turn to see him. No one can deny the widespread expression of concern. You're the one who's got Matty next to you after the hug, but he's got the look lost in betrayal.
You see everything on camera a little more scattered, but your head works more clearly when you see Matty staring at his knuckles, squeezing them until his skin turns white.
"Matty, don't." With a cold, worried look at your friends, you make them stand on the other side. Just for prevention. "Go back home."
"Yes, but not now." He speaks, completely possessed by the tone of anger and fury in him. "I might say only a word to this man." He defies when a sadistic smile appears on him.
Your head doesn't work fast enough or clear enough again, so you have to look for some quick fix before it all ends up in a bloodstain you don't want to have to heal. You just slide your right hand over it and with a kick you make it sit on the red chair. You have the solution, or so you think, and even if you'd rather not resort to punishment, maybe it'll placate this.
You look over and you don't actually see either of them around. It's the perfect time to leave.
"Do you really want me to have to see you dripping blood on your birthday?" Questions with the most influential tone you've ever used. You feel it's too condescending and you hate having to resort to the power of swaying such a marked outcome, but there's so much more at stake than that. "She is a stupid, let her go."
Your hand finds his again. The difference in temperature between the two causes the friction to generate sparks. Matty, with completely warm hands and you with your moderately cold ones. That shock makes him reconnect in a sense when he sighs.
George's murmur upsets everyone a bit, but, as Matty's best friend, he knows Matty probably doesn't expect everyone to hear him lament and feel he's being dragged. Anyway, he'll have this conversation with the four of them, but behind closed doors and when he's better. "We'll give you a moment, but please don't delay. It's four o'clock anyway, time to go."
You nod and give the three of them your best confident look, as they disappear into the crowd. Adam kisses your head as a sign of support.
"Matty, honey, breathe." You ask, speaking quietly. A tone that gives him inner peace. "It's a shit, I know. But doesn't worth it. I don't want to see you suffer anymore because of her."
The look you see below shatters you to the depths of your soul. Next time you see her, you'll kick her head in a toilet. "I'm tired of this. She just keeps hurting me over and over again even though she promises she won't do it again." His eyes made of glass are something you think you won't forget and will in fact be the cause of nightmares. You can't protect him from everything, but you hate to see him this bad.
"So maybe there's no point in continuing to fight for her." You lift the body off the seat and kiss its head with your eyes closed. "Do you want to home? We have a sleepover yet."
"You're coming with me?" He asks a moment later, putting on his blended jacket.
"Of course. I am your heavy weight." He smiles reluctantly but nods with gratitude.
They go outside and the breeze that draws the night makes them shiver. They find the boys without too much inconvenience. They look at Matty's face and then at you, but as you turn your head they understand that all is well and tranquility radiates through the bodies of the five in the cold London dawn.
"Well, it will be the most unbearably cold ten minutes." Murmurs George when he lights a cigarette. The golden chain he has around his neck rings every time he moves for how heavy it is. "I ask for the mattress on the wall."
"No way, George." Ross shoots when he hears the most comfortable mattress being stolen. "Not again."
"First-come, first-served." Adam punctuates the words making a play on them. "And if not I'll have to give everyone a pillow."
"In my own house?" Matty raises his voice pretending to hold his hand to his chest with an expression of pain. "That's not friendly."
"I'm so tired of all of you." Roll your eyes waving a smile as you look for a cigarette in your wallet. Your hands glide quickly on the bag and lighter.
They haven't started walking yet, they're just pretending to fight in the driveway while you're sitting on the street curb with the cigarette between your black nails. In a puddle of water you see your reflection and you're scared how much the black shadow has run out of your eyelid.
"Hey, can we share?" Matty's hand extends almost to your neck to help you get up once they stop arguing about who gets the best bed.
"You are incredibly insufferable, friend of mine." You take their hand and the rubbing of both of them leaves you goosebumps but for the moment you don't separate your hand, so there you are, clutching your best friend's hand. "You owe me a lot of cigarettes."
"Guys, when is the kiss?" George approaches you and you both look at him with a fixed, uncomfortable expression. "Yes, of course." He seems to come to a conclusion by the click he makes. "We're leaving. It's starting to get more cold."
"Tell it to me" For the first time, everyone realizes that you haven't worn any coats and notices how your skin stiffens on contact with the air. No, it really has nothing to do with the black hair next to you.
"On the way, guys. That bed won't win itself." George gives the order to leave somehow, and everybody starts walking.
You and Matty don't let go, and that makes eyes fly to you every once in a while.
"Do you want the jacket?" Matty whispers as he stretches out his free hand and takes the cigarette out of your mouth.
"Dude!" You complain by sharpening your voice. "No, i'm fine, really." You answer the question and even though he doesn't agree, he doesn't ask any more.
There's a time when the street gets narrower and you have to be closer together. It's also the moment when sleep leaves Matty down and ends up leaning on the curve of your neck almost without even being able to control it. Follow the impulse of needing to close his eyes.
When he realizes it, he looks at you like you're a little kid caught in a prank. "Lie down, I'll let you know when we arrive."
He nods and returns to that space again. The hands are loosened for convenience, but your right hand then meets the other hand and hooks again.
Then George looks at you and raises his eyebrows with too much interest in you. You look at him with a confused expression and do not stop moving your head to deny any sentence that applies to you.
The next five blocks are not silent, because the jokes decorate the atmosphere and now the discussion lies on which is the best drink for each occasion. They always have these kinds of debates when they leave the clubs. You feel Matty's heart rate drop to a completely different one, you know he's falling asleep, and as much as you hate having to wake him up, you do when they get home.
Leaning on the porch of the house of the lowest of the four, they all begin to yawn one after the other as they wait for the door to open. The moment the lock clicks, there is a tumult and bustle followed by the sound of footsteps running from the door to the living room.
When you find yourself the only one left outside, you go in and lock it. The cozy home envelops you and little by little the cold begins to cease. You're home in many ways.
"George! I thought you want the one at the end!" When you step foot in the living room, George is on top of Matty fighting for the biggest mattress, which is actually the only one placed horizontally unlike the others, placed vertically.
"I changed my taste." Matty has his head literally buried in the mattress, and George has half of his body suspended in the air as his shoes gravitationally swing. The best part is that both hairs are so similar that the only thing that distinguishes them is color, but now they seem to be joined.
You take advantage then that no one sees you to portray the moment with a quick photo on your phone.
"Do you want this? "I'm going to the couch." Adam looks at you and silently points to the sofa, and then to the mattress he's on.
"No, I like the sofa." You sneak out while the other two keep fighting, and you get close to Adam and Ross, who are actually already asleep. "Oh, he's a sweetie."
Ross's body goes up and down quietly when he's fully asleep, and it's really fast how soon it takes to get there. You sit at the feet of that mattress and watch the fight laughing with Adam, until he is overcome by sleep with a final yawn.
"Good night." You smile at him tenderly as he repeats the action.
"Hey, guys. Can you make less noise if you will continue fighting? These two have fallen asleep." You ask in a soft murmur. Both stop automatically, but neither gives way off the mattress.
"I'll go take off my makeup, when I get back I want to sleep in peace. Stop fighting over a bed, God." You get up gently trying not to wake Ross and walk out the door.
Obviously you don't have enough to remove make-up, but soapy water always saves you in cases like this. So you're ready when you see Matty's black glasses on the bathroom shelf. He's stopped using them lately because they make him insecure, but you think they look great.
When you come back, they both play "rock, paper or scissors" to define who will go to the free mattress, next to the sofa. Unfortunately for Matty's ego, he's the loser.
"Good night, George." You greet him from the door frame and he returns it with a smile. Even though he's the best at being annoying and making a joke out of everything, they both love each other and it's not something you need to prove to know it's true.
"Bye honey." While he's taking off his shoes, you do the same with your shoes and then you fall right on the couch. You've slept there a thousand times.
"You, here. Me, sofa." Verbalizes Matty as he can when he sits next to you, only with the difference in height between the two resting methods.
"Stop talking Matty. Sleep, there." Your head touches the pillow and the whole day falls on you. Your voice is completely tamed by sleep.
There's a few minutes of total silence where everybody seems to be asleep, but neither Matty or you are really doing it. Maybe you two need to talk about everything that happened in this night, but you don't know if it matters that much.
"Are you awake?" Whispers Matty, turning half a body to you.
"I am." You answer without moving. "Do you need something?"
"Can we talk about the night? I feel i got a lot to say." Your eyes open and you want to hold a sigh before time. "Come here."
You slide down, wrapped in your blanket so you don't lose heat, and sit in the free space you get.
"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with me when i get dumb like this." The hair falls off his forehead and there are strands hanging on him, it's a complete mess. "It was a bucket of cold water, but I guess I should have seen it coming."
"Are you okay? I know i was being rude all the night but i guess this is hurting you." You drag your body until your hips are level with their face, and they can look at each other while they have this conversation.
"It does, it's a awful feeling." You smile sadly and he trivializes it. "It would happen anyways, My fatal flaw is falling in love with people who will break my heart. But it's okay, it always comes back to be."
"Matty, that's really sad." He nods, but back, it makes it less important. "What?"
"It's just that even when it's this bad, you're always there. So it could never be wrong." His fingers slide down to take your wrist and wrap it around. "Thanks for taking care of myself. You know i appreciate you a lot, right?"
"I know. I do it too." The yolk of his thumb caresses your skin. "It's nothing, I'm here for that. Can I sleep here? I'm literally frozen."
"Yes yes, of course." He moves his body back a few inches until he considers your body to fit in well. "It's enough space?"
"Yes, sweetie." You slide your knees down on the mattress and your head bounces off the mattress. "Oh, I didn't tell you. The boy she was kissing tried to kiss me before."
"What, really?" Matty asks restless but in his eyes you can see that he is outraged. "He's a fool too for letting you go."
"Lately the people is being really dumb, but not us." Now you don't control your words because your thoughts open up ahead of him. Then you don't stop talking when a completely erratic idea crosses your mind. "If we are both single and reach forty, we should get into a couple. It would be funny."
Matty is getting a little closer to leaving the astral plane every minute. And that offer gives him a minimal hope to hold on to as he continues to discover that maybe if he omits his public crush on you he can enjoy you just as much. He can't lie to himself and he knows it, but in fact now that he has you closer than ever he has all the impulses running through his head. The urge to plant you a kiss, or to just lure you to it and make you sleep hugged by it, but it's content to have your forehead on his chest.
"Do you think it would work?" He asks repressing hope in him. Everything has now been painted a new color.
"Yeah, it's about us." You arrange the blanket in the best way so that it will shelter both of you and you close your eyes. "We'll be alright.
- - -
When Matty wakes up a few hours later, it's the lack of you against him that makes him rise abruptly to look for you for fear that something's happened and you've had to leave.
He calms down when he sees you sitting on the step to the yard, which continues past the kitchen and lets the smell of freshly brewed coffee flood her nostrils. He admires you from afar, as he always has, hoping one day to have coffee with you and hug you whenever you're cold. And then he just realizes something that maybe he should have known a long time ago. He looks at you with the purest love possible, and he knows he's never loved anyone like that. He knows it's true and it's healthy.
He goes back to the living room when he finds George awake. He looks at him without saying anything, but knowing that Matty has something to tell him. With them it's always that, words aren't always necessary.
"I think I'm in love with her."
"Yes, you sure are." George waved a smile that looked more like a sigh. "Go back to sleep, hysterical."
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george could be me when he wants a comfortable mattress.
oh, i had a lot of fun writing these three parts of matty's birthday. def i would do it again.
let me know what you think about it, see you soon <333
my taglist is open so if you wanna be add just let me know!!
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